#they’re codependent :) lmaooo
one thing abt me is that I cannot brainstorm about my characters/wips for the life of me (brain is blank unless I’m drafting) and I’m thinking the reason is because I’m soooo used to lonan and harrison and their stories so they’re not as exciting to me as they once were when I WAS unable to stop thinking about them so what I’m saying is I’m going to spend the next few months mentally planning their wedding <3
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lucreziaces · 4 months
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thinking about my three period drama otps and how they’re all pretty and at least a little toxic and codependent and have great chemistry 😜✌🏻😚
also two of ‘em being made up of one blonde and one dark haired character heheee
ALSO ALSO two of them being incest lmaooo
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
Im curious and new to the fandom what are Sam and max's personalitys I don't understand them really much but I like the characters! Do you have any tips to help..? A easier way to understand their dynamic
Oh hi welcome to the fandom bud!! :D hmmmm let’s see, how can I summarize these two dumbasses…well, the show bible is a fantastic place to start if you’d like to hear from the creator himself! There’s a lot of really interesting stuff in there, including a page or two that goes into detail about both of their personalities. Really neat stuff!
But let’s see, if I had to summarize them…well, I guess I’d put it under a cut cause I’m gonna ramble a bit lol
I guess I’d say that they’re just a couple of lunatics who enjoy doling out their slanted version of justice and accompanying it with their constant banter. They’ve been best friends and partners in crime ever since they were children (and in fact still have tons of baby photos framed around their office lmaooo) and it shows. They’re often described as having their own language, and they have incredible physical comfort with each other, with Sam frequently seizing Max to fling him at people or use him like a weapon (Max likes this, notably) and Max occasionally using his partner like a cat tree. And while they like to poke fun at and do slapstick on each other frequently, it’s clear that they’re incredibly close and really care for each other. Also they’re gay as fuck lmaooooo canon just doesn’t know it
Ooh here’s something I think gets misinterpreted a lot! Sam is not as reasonable and moral as he might seem. He just looks that way in comparison to Max, but he is honestly just as deranged in a lot of ways. He just hides it behind his carefree cadence and friendly smile lmao. It’s the kind of thing where if you ignore what he’s actually saying, he sounds calm and friendly and nice, but then you tune back in and realize he’s suggesting they wrap Max in tinfoil and stick him in a microwave for fun, or casually threatening some bizarre form of violence against something. I think it’s best summarized by this meme lmaooo
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That said, he is still the more reasonable of the two of them, and probably the only one capable of feeling guilt or shame. It’s just that hanging out with Max kind of obliterates any chance of those feelings sinking in for long.
Oh and for Max, one thing I think is good to remember is that despite his frequent zero braincell behavior, he does in fact have a decent amount of intelligence. Which is kind of frightening, actually. He’s not as verbose as Sam, or at least doesn’t like to be, but he’s got smarts enough to make witty jokes and concoct his own plans and whatnot. He’s just also a goblin who likes clobbering people with flyswatters and would totally eat pizza off the floor lmao.
Conversely, Max isn’t exactly as deadly as he claims to be, either. Like, he’s still an absolute terror, but I think it’s important to remember that all one really has to do to keep him at bay is push his head away lmaoooo he arms too dang short
Ok but that’s all a bit in the weeds, so let’s see…basically, Sam is a cheerful goof who would really like to be a cool film noir detective, but is too busy having fun to keep up a serious facade for long. And Max is an irrepressible scamp who just likes to cause trouble and get into fights and wander around aimlessly. Sam does have his own weird sense of justice that he wants to uphold, but Max is kinda just happy to be along for the ride, and both of them are really only fighting crime and solving cases because it’s fun for them. And they’re a little codependent. Lmao.
Ooh, y’know what else has some really great analyses of these guys across different incarnations of the series? @h-worksrambles’s excellent discussions of their voices! Here’s the one they wrote on Max and his voice actors over time, and here’s the one on Sam. There’s a bit in the latter one where they talk about how Sam has a sort of shallowly-hidden temper that tends to burst forth on occasion, which I had never really given a lot of thought to but that I feel has deepened my understanding and enjoyment of his character! Definitely check those out, they’re a great read. :>
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judasisgayriot · 7 months
it’s your fav anon heroes asker! absolutely agree with you on whatever the hell they did to nathan in s3. i have a theory that someone on the writing staff was just using him as a platform for their daddy issues. anyways, i heard your top tim kringe moments, let’s talk about the top tim king moments! :D
(if all that positivity is too much for your shriveled heart though, feel free to rant about spider!mohinder for a paragraph or two)
Ok ok ok Tim King moments let’s go…
This is like. Actually my favourite show why is this so much harder than ranting about what I hate about it lmaooo I have too much of a hater’s heart…
Well, we all know why I’m really here. Petrelli Family Drama. What can I say I just love a completely fucked up messy family full of secrets and toxic codependent relationships, especially if they’re like, fuckin rich Catholic superpowered mobsters?? The flavour. The layers. As an avowed Nathan Petrelli apologist, everything about that incredibly repressed man and his 92 layers of self loathing and moral confusion is catnip to me, lol. The best bits of s3 are the Arthur backstory and how he literally tried to murder Nathan in cold blood for attempting to stand up to him. And then mother of the year (read: terrible person and terrible mother but crazily enmeshed with Nathan anyway) Angela tried and nearly succeeded in murdering HIM in return!! She’s so metal!! Lmao these bitches are crazy! Tim King across the board!!
And ofc how that feeds into Nathan and Peter’s relationship, how they cling to each other in this insane way bc of growing up in all *gestures* THAT. the implications of that treehouse deleted scene mr Kring when I get you. We’re connected. You give me Nathan you give him back to me body and soul. Sicko meme me: YES!! YESS!!! this was made in a lab to consume my brain from age 12 until. Now. (I’m 30 in a week lmao. Oh my god.)
Goes without saying that s1 is also genuinely a great season of television like it’s well constructed and written and built up and ends in an insane emotionally devastating way. not many notes tbh. Six months ago is great flashback episodes my beloved flashforward episodes my beloathed.
But uhh surprisingly back to my mostly beloathed s3, let me shout out ‘into asylum’ as one of the best episodes in the entire show?? We rarely get Claire+Nathan relationship stuff but I fucking love everything they do with them in that episode. Also shout out to Claire for being a great character and a fucking badass girl I love you babygirl
(Tangential shout out to my actual real babygirl Peter my glowy self righteous emo little empath with the floppy hair my angel my everything mwah)
Oh and grief beard Nathan living in Peter’s apartment wearing his clothes crying over pictures of Peter in s2 ultimate Tim King moment.
Sorry this was so Petrelli tunnel vision but I’m afflicted by it 😔😔😔 sad.
Oh and yeah, spider lizard Mohinder is FUCKING STUPI-
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bxriles · 1 year
Hiii I read Sust Specks and I fell in love with it but now I can't stop thinking about what will happen to them! Since they both (spoiler) killed someone, will they face judgement? How is their relationship gonna be from now on? Is Cora going to be the dad he has always wanted to be for Law, or are they gonna act like very old friends? Too many questions and only you can answer!! What is their future gonna look like? 🥺🥺
Omg thank you! 🥹 I really do love that story. It was such a departure from what I usually write and it was so much fun getting to write about some of my favorite OP characters. See below for my depraved ramblings about what happens after the story! 
I like to imagine that Law and Rosi would end up being very near-and-dear old friends. Lots of history between them but also so much time has passed and they’re different people now—but that’s okay! There’s a lot of respect and familial love, but an essence of bittersweetness since so much time has passed. Eventually, I’d like to imagine that Rosi would end up feeling like Law’s embarrassing uncle who always shows up to family events to party and share his favorite embarrassing memories about Law with anyone who will listen (Luffy in particular).
I also like to imagine that Rosi doesn’t get in trouble for the murders because he was granted immunity as a witness or something. Maybe he just has to do some community service and court mandated counseling. As far as Law? I imagine his medical license gets suspended for a bit but he gets it back after a while. I don’t think he’d go to jail or anything for killing Vergo since it would all be very speculative. (It was just a medical procedure that “went wrong” after all.) Worst case scenario, someone would bring a med mal case against Law and the hospital, but who the actual hell would do that for Vergo’s bitch ass? 😂 As far as Doffy… I like to think his ass is rotting in Impel Down. I think that Rosi would try to visit him because that is his brother and they are toxic and codependent. Doffy would probably still torment Rosi but I don’t think Rosi would ever truly give up on his brother. They are truly✨toxic✨together. I also think Law and Rosi would have a lot of beef over Rosi trying to fix things with his brother. And then Rosi would probably want to treat Law like a kid in that regard and be like “you don’t understand” or “you’ll get it when you’re older,” forgetting that Law is literally a grown man. And sheesh Law would nottttt have it. I’d imagine he’d call Rosi a “stupid clown” at some point for it. Then Rosi would get all emotional at the “stupid clown” comment and start crying again and Law would be affectionately annoyed. Like “ugh here we go again. Keep it together, old man.”
Law totally tries to make Rosi kick the smoking habit too but it never sticks. He probably always throws out the cartons of cigarettes but Rosi keeps buying more and starts hiding them in various places. It’d be an ongoing thing with lots of sabotage on Law’s part with the Polar Tang crew keeping score lmaooo (scoreboard reads Law: 30 Rosi: 5)
SORRY I DID NOT MEAN TO RAMBLE! You just got me thinking about this story and I couldn’t help myself!! Thank you for all the love and I’m so happy you liked the story! 🥰🥰🥰
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anicocat · 3 years
I think last night clip was confusing not because it’s difficult to understand it, it was confusing because personally I have a lot of thoughts and questions and I don’t know if all of them are true or not or I’m just making them in my head (This is a bit long tho lmaooo)
Maybe Ismail realized how unhealthy is his friendship with Consti. They supposedly like the same girl and for a moment, it looked like Consti didn’t mind sharing her. He didn’t stop to think that maybe Ismail did like her, so maybe Ismail felt hurt by that or just shocked. However, it’s a fact that Ismail didn’t care that Consti liked Lou just as Consti didn’t care that Ismail liked her. A threesome almost happened. But why Consti was willing to do it? Because it could be fun? Cool? Is this about shallowness? Recklessness? Since they didn’t even stop to think about consent. Or maybe he actually believed that Isi wanted to do it? Why? Is this about codependency? Lack of communication? Or maybe selfishness? I don’t know what to think about the way he just quietly left. I wonder if he was truly willing to do it and felt ashamed or if he was just messing around and got scared of his own stupid behavior or if he just shrugged it off and went somewhere else with Lou.
And what about Ismail? Why he started pursuing her in the first place? Maybe he did like her and wanted something for himself instead of compromising for Consti’s sake. Or maybe he was scared Consti would abandon him, since everyone around him is in a relationship.... I wonder if he also felt disappointed of Lou. She was willing to do it after all. Is she aware both guys like her and just doesn’t care? Is this just a game for her? She seems like a nice friend, but she doesn’t take Ismail feelings seriously. maybe she doesn’t take anything seriously besides her cars. It’s clear this is the reason why she keeps failing school, maybe she hasn’t everything figured out like she makes appear. I wonder if Ismail realized that she didn’t take him seriously and he feels disenchanted or hurt. Or maybe he doesn’t really like her. BUT it’s not a coincidence that something sexual almost happened with the three of them together, and that makes me think that this is all about Constantin and Ismail friendship and Ismail’s own unhealthy behaviors. I think that if they wanted to explore whether Ismail likes Lou or if he’s sexually attracted to Lou, Constantin wouldn’t have been there since day one!
That probably means that Isi doesn’t really like Lou and Isi is just really lost in life, like really fucking lost. This is Ismail, the guy that was lecturing Nora about not hurting his friends, and he still ended up in such murky situation with Constantin. And I am in the beginning, wondering again if Ismail doesn’t care about his friendship anymore, or maybe he cares too much that he just wants to be with Constantin, and no matter what he’ll just let himself be dragged. Or maybe he’s just willing to join Constantin in his reckless behaviors because he also feels empty, sad or maybe he just wants to forget about everything. Is it a coincidence that Consti, Lou and Ismail have some serious personal issues/identity issues and they’re taking things too far?
Drinking, smoking and partying are not inherently bad, but lately that stuff is causing more problems than fun: Isi is choosing that over a healthy friendship with Sascha and he’s also hurting him, repeating the same past mistakes with Ava. Consti is having family issues because of the car and he’a lashing out again. Lou is forgetting that school should be her priority. Why keep wasting time on something you’re always half-assing? Maybe last night behavior was their wake up call. Lots of teenagers get drunk but not all of them want to engage in a threesome for no reason, so that’s the ultimate proof of their stupid behavior. At least in Consti and Lou, since Ismail was the one who reacted. Kudos for Consti and Lou for understanding and just leaving instead of joking or blaming it to the drugs, that makes me think there’s some hope for this trio lol. By the way, I don’t think a poly relationship or threesome are reckless behavior, it’s reckless when you do it high/drunk and there’s no even a previous agreement or consent.
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known-as-naya · 4 years
What’s your favourite thing about the Klebekah dynamic and your fave scenes? What was it that drew you to them
Thanks Yuki for asking this, it took me hours to think of all my fav scenes but it was worth it lol ❤️
My fav thing about the klebekah dynamic:
So, klebekah. I simply love them if it isn't obvious by now lmao, their codependent and dysfunctional toxic relationship fascinates me so much. They're litteraly the most important person in each other's life and I love that, I love how they understand one another with just a look, I love how they never gave up on each other for a thousand years despite all the betrayals, I love how they adore and worship one another, I LOVE THEM.
Rebekah was the person klaus loved the most in the world (besides hope ofc) it's actually funny how most of the fandom doesn't realize the impact she always had on him, she was his humanity for a thousand years, she was his constant (along with Elijah ) and he was hers, and as we saw on the show Rebekah was the person he showed affection the most.
As for rebekah, Klaus was the man she ADORED since she was a little girl, he was her big brother, the person she wanted to be like when she gets older, her protector, soulmate and best friend. Rebekah was the only person who never actually tried to change him, she loved him as he is during a thousand years and I LOVE THAT.
-The thing that drawn me to them:
Are a lot of things but THE CHEMISTRY was what made me fall in love, fun fact: but the first time I discovered klebekah I was watching a tvd scene on YouTube a couple of years ago and coincidentally it was their 3×03 Chicago flashback scene with Stefan, and I thought they were a sort of threesome of something lmao and when I knew they were siblings I was shocked but continued to ship them anyway cause why not.
What are your fav scenes ?
Oh boy, this is a very DIFFICULT question cause I practically love all their freaking scenes, but I eventually have to choose so there you go:
-I'll begin with tvd:
-There's 3×03, of course, THIS WHOLE EPISODE IS FULL OF INCEST. the "I'm not your girlfriend", the "choose him or me" Klaus' jealousy, the eye sex, the daggering session, the hand holding, EVERYTHING SCREAMED KLEBEKAH. This ep was such a strong introduction to their strange dynamic.
-3×04: my fav thing about this ep is Klaus taking rebekah to shop and being a child about it. He was so done with her already but at the same time so happy to have her around again. I loved the surprised expression on Stefan's face the whole time, he was not used to this side of Klaus, he was not used to Klaus being wrapped around someone's little finger. I loved their little conversation when she was trying that dress and she said something about women in the 21th century dressing like prostitues and that she got dirty looks for wearing trousers and then Klaus said you wore trousers so women today could wear nothing. Lmaooo it was hilarious.
- 3×15: "I hated you when I learned that you killed our mother but after a thousand years together as a family you're the only one who never left me "
" Aren't we a pair ?" THIS MF LINE GETS ME EVERYTIME. I don't have words to describe what it does to me but I love this scene and the fact that Klaus thought that rebekah was going to show him her torturer's skills makes it better.
-3×18: " you destroyed our family" "I wanted a family they just didn't want me, and now that we're unlinked we're no longer responsible for each other" "so are you leaving ?" "As soon as a get my stakes I'm gone..... I'm gonna make a NEW FAMILY of hybrids" "and if I choose to stay ?" "Then you're just as pathetic as Finn " THIS WHOLE scene was a masterpiece, them looking at each other like that makes me wanna give them a hug:
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-3×20: it wasn't really a klebekah scene cause it was Esther in Rebekah's body but the way Klaus smiled at her and agreed to go to the dance JUST for her melt my heart.
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-3×22: oh gosh this one, breaks my heart but love it so much " how dare you save Caroline over me ?" " You left me !" "it's always been me, not Finn not Elijah no Kol ME, I LOVED YOU through everything and you don't even care " and then he chokes her and say something he -IM SURE- regrets immediately "you know something rebekah you're right I don't care, from this moment on you're not my family you're not my sister you are nothing " and then he breaks her neck. I HATE THIS SCENE BUT I LOVE IT. these two needed couple therapy. Klaus was horrible, she watched him die, she mourned him, her heart broke. He could've told her about his plan tho ? I'm still wondering why he didn't but I guess he was just being an asshole as usual and took her as granted. And him saving Caroline over her was not it.
-4×04: the flashback hunter scene "YOU TRUSTED HIM OVER ME " "WHAT DID HE PROMISE YOU " "TELL ME REBEKAH " it was like he caught her cheating on him lmaooo. On the same episode there's the famous line "laugh at the girl who loved too easily but I would rather to live my life than yours Nik, no one will ever sit around a table telling stories about a man who couldn't love" the way he looked down after her saying that breaks my heart, cause Klaus could love, he LOVES her, then he daggers her -cause he's a paranoid bastard- and he cries about it.
-Let's switch to TO scenes:
-1×02: this episode is one of my favs but the best scene was when Klaus was choking Hayley after he learned that she wanted to abort the baby then, rebekah slammed him against the wall (it was hot tbh lmao) and she said "it's okay to care, it's okay to want something that's all Elijah was trying to do all he's ever wanted for you, all we've ever wanted." The way he looked her deep in the eyes gets me everytime, he was trying so hard not to cry. Then they sat together, exhausted, and Klaus told her about his plan -that involved giving Elijah to marcel lol- and if she doesn't like it, there's the door.
-1×03: one of my fav episodes too and it has so many good klebekah scenes, “that depends what plan you mean love my plan for global domination or rebekahs plan to find love in a cruel cruel world”  then she giggled and threw a pen at him so lovingly lol. They were teasing and all flirty with each other in front of Hayley and they acted as nothing happened the night before and Klaus never gave Elijah to marcel, after that they teamed up and everything was going fine but Klaus happened. then there's the masquerade ball scene when Klaus called rebekah " you really are a hideously evil little thing aren't you "
and them being jealous watching marcel and cami dancing. later in  this ep theres the famous “you disgust me” scene, the tension was so thick i acually thought they were about to kiss and have sex on that damn piano lmao but klaus as usual disapointed rebekah, she trusted him against all her better instincts and he choose to act against her back cause he thought his plan was smarter.
-I'm not sure in which episode this scene is but I remember Klaus telling rebekah "you were quite resourceful today..... sometimes I think I don't give you your due little sister" it was so cute cause Klaus knows that he doesn't give Rebekah enough credits, and she was so happy to hear him say that.
-1×14: the famous "YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM ME REBEKAH" this episode had me crying the first time I watched it, Klaus was so angry, disappointed and hurt, he could not believe that his baby sister did this to him, that he was in denial for almost a century and he for that she must pay. "Rebekah would not call my father no matter how angry she was " "enough of your lies" even after seeing the truth from the source he still couldn't believe it cause he loved her so freaking much and he thought she did too.
Then them fighting and Klaus getting turned on by her beating his ass up
-1×15: this mf scene.
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The kiss, THE FREAKING CLOSE TO THE LIPS KISS. the sexual tension in this scene was HUGE, Klaus finally "set rebekah free" and he was DRUNK doing it. "We don't have to run anymore, we've found a home" and the look on Rebekah's face is priceless, she was shocked and almost guilty cause at this time she has already called mikeal and Klaus was a little too late.
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Also in the same episode, THE BLOOD SHARING. Look at them just look at them.
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THE BABY MIKAELSON FLASHBACK !! OMG, this scene melts my heart. "Don't be afraid I won't let it hurt you " "will you stay with me till the storm ends ?" And he did stay with her no matter what. I love this scene cause it shows how close and protective they were of each other since forever. Then he gives her the wooden knight so she can be brave. I'm soft.
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Then there's this one too ! I love how Rebekah was actually the only one to ever stand against mikeal, she even tried to kill him, just for Klaus. So much devotion.
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I'm still not over this one, the hurt on Rebekah's voice as she says those words, Klaus's tears, the whole episode was so angsty but this scene was IT. and then he realised what he did to her, that instead of protecting her he was hurting and suffocating her so he did something he's not used to do, being selfless, and he let her go.
The 1×22 scene: LITTERALY on top of my fav scenes list ! Klaus giving hope to Rebekah proved how much he trusted her "there's no one I would trust more with my daughter's life" and the fact that she came back just for him (and hope) proved that she never really wanted to leave, she just needed a little freedom. Then when he handed her the little toy I WAS IN TEARS OKAY, it was so soft. They were so happy and relieved to see each other again.
-2×09: "if anything goes south I'll be there to pull you out" "you and I on the same team it must me Christmas" he promised to protect her at any cost and she knew he will. Them teaming up against Esther was so great, then the "take me instead" , Klaus was WILLING to sacrifice his immortal life for REBEKAH, if this isn't pure love then I don't know what it is.
-2×17: another episode losing his shit because his wife-sorry sister is in danger. He let Freya enter his mind just to save her (and he was so suspicious about it cause he didn't want her to know his strategies but in fact he was just afraid she'll know about his questionable taste in woman lmaoo)
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And this mf scene is so cute, look at their smiles, the forehead touch, his hand on her neck, here on his arm, FOR YOU FOR NOW. I can't believe this is actually canon.
-2×22: "family tradition!" "Minus the family."
"Well, you're here."" In the skin of your choosing, no less."
"Well, poor you. Because that body is such a hardship."
"You would hand over your crown? And do what?" "Raise my daughter... with the help of my sisters. One big, happy family."
" Now, that does sound grand-- minus the giant, Elijah-sized hole in the room. And, whilst your sisters raise your child, what will the child's mother be doing, exactly?"
"This, dear brother, is not what happiness looks like."
This scene was so important, Klaus was wrong and he needed someone to remind him that what he did was not necessary, that he hurt most of his family, and rebekah was there for that. He wished she'd stray with him to "raise" his daughter but after this scene we see Freya offering her Eva's body so she leaves.
-3×09: "you're always leaving" "and I always come back" THEN THE DAMN HUG. their hugs are always so good, the way they close their eyes and hold each other tight and they seem like they never want to let go of each other. Then she has to leave and make Elijah dagger her without telling Nik, cause she wants Nik to be happy for once.
-3×22: "wasn't you who once told me I could talk my way out of hell " and then they smile affectionately at each other and HUG tightly. After this he took her hand and they both walk to their possible end, and she watches him getting stabbed by marcel after she was forced to say all those things she did and didn't think. The whole trial scene was a masterpiece. I love it.
-4×02: this EP was full of klebekah soft scenes. There was the reunion HUG . the way she runs to him the second she sees him and the way he reaches to her and hugs her tightly to his chest.
The kiss on the cheek after "thank you for not abandoning me" and the way he smiles at her was so SOFT OMG.
-4×03: the goodbye hug "Nik you do not need me anymore, I know that I'm your fav sibling and of course I adore you" "you were the only one who never treated me like s misfit, for centuries my only place was by your side...." AND THEY HUG TIGHTLY AGAIN. this was the first time Klaus let Rebekah do whatever the hell she wanted without fighting or daggering and it was revolutionary to her. (The fact that she's his fav sibling and she KNOWS it makes me so happy lmao).
-5×01: their phone call about Elijah. They were both so lost and devastated without him it broke my heart. "How does he look?" "Happy.."
-5×08: "ah Nik always so dramatic"
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They were so happy to be reunited after 7 years of being apart, look at them hugging each other so tightly. I LOVE this scene.
-5×12: then there's the goodbye scene, Klaus gave her the cure so he can make up for a thousand years of hurt, "live the life you've always wanted to live, MY SISTER" the way he looked at her so proudly, so in love makes me cry. In my opinion he gave her the cure so they can reunite again in the afterlife. Both him and Elijah can't live or die without her, they're supposed to be together, they're meant to be together and the cure will bring her to them, to him, again. It was such a good scene, the hug, the last glances, everything.
And that's it!!! I'm sure I forgot some other scenes but those are the most important. ❤️
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anothanobody · 3 years
Did euphoria!EM got back together eventually? Imagine, they did those total silent hanging out at the park after her work for like months.... 🤦🤦🤦
They were forced to talk at Armin and Annie's engagement party.... There are alcohol and Eren's wstching Mikasa like a hawk. He was so close to socking someone when he saw Connie and Jean hugging Mikasa to welcome her back... (dude is jealous that they got a hug while he didn't)
I know... 😂😂😂 EM's relationship is moving on a snail pace while AruAni over there is on the finish line already.
lmaooo for real 😭 aruani and even connie will get a girl before they get back together. but i think they will. once they’re actually healing and stop being so codependent on each other. like they probably will still be but not as much as panic and breaking down when they get separated.
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nuisancehelicopter · 3 years
My brain has no filter right now so imma talk about my otps for a bit (by otp i mean that i willingly read fics if it’s them)
Ryoma/Sakuno(PoT) - cute, shipped them since uhh 2007. I dont really care if they end up together in the end but I hope their friendship lasts forever. Bonus if Kin-chan gets involved with them. Also I want Sakuno’s braids to be sentient and act like tentacles that can strangle creeps and/or smash 120 balls on the opposite court like some hydra monster.
Kurogane/FaiTRC)- actually married. They are Couple goals (minus the loss of body parts). Emotional Baggage is Spicy af.
Tezuka/Fuji (PoT)- like srsly why do i ship them?? They’re the pair that should be the least expected to get together but they do. Tezuka’s a brick wall and Fuji is a selfish egotistical genius brat. So fcking dysfunctional yknow??? Tezuka is a bit interested in him but also doesnt get involved too much. But I love the challenge and the angst. There’s obssession to the point of projection and there’s a dollop of respect but unlike most ships they dont really talk to each other??? What we have is fuji’s internal musings ffs. Tezuka’s POV is only found in fanbooks/drama cds and other extra material. Life is Hard but hey they bring in the money so there’s lots of teasery material. Konomi gdi. What’s your deal, man.
Prussia/Hungary(Hetalia) - this is not even rooted in any historical basis bruh. However they play each other very well. They are both so angry, spunky and proud and also broken. Love myself some adult loving.
Kagami/Kuroko(KnB) - sweet vanilla melts in your mouth, caring but not annoying, good lord milkshakes and cooking and sweetness and ahhhhhhh they’re just... perfect for each other.
Makoto/Haruka(Free!) - seemingly domestic at first glance but holysht I still cant wrap my head around how an aquaphiliac is so codependent to an aquaphobe. Also do I mention how they’re on different career paths lmaooo. So much room for angst bro. Chef’s kiss.
Miyuki/Sawamura(DnA) - probably the loudest ship I have. It’s ego meets ego times 10. There is constant yelling and banter and underestimation and getting goosebumps. Shipping them make me so basic. I dont even want them to play on the same team after they graduate/move on to college/go pro. It’s electric but also hmmmmm it borders the line between domesticity and disaster. Maybe bec i dabbled in quiet ships for too long that this gave me a whiplash (also they have 3,800 fics on AO3 im spoiled for Content)
Yeah i know most of these have been labeled “Toxic” but what’s life without a little thrill??? (and also hate from the fandoms coz they think shipping the most popular stuff is Obnoxious. I’ve moved past the need for ship manifestos coz in the end they dont matter. nothing’s canon anyway wwwwwwwwww)
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formashimataichi · 4 years
hey, can you recommend me some romance manga/anime pls? i love chihayafuru so something like this? tq
sure! i think we can all agree that chihayafuru is pretty unique as a series so the recs i give here are not necessarily “similar” so much as containing similar themes, but i think you’ll nonetheless enjoy them! 
kono oto tomare → i think people who enjoy the various club dynamics in chyfr will really come to love this series. the tokise club comes together as haphazardly as does mizusawa’s, but there’s such a beautiful understanding and camaraderie that grows between the different members and their advisors, and i would argue it’s the highlight of the series. no character is ever left behind narratively, and there’s this constant thread of how mutual support ensures happiness and survival. the romances are also adorable! no love triangles either if that’s something that drives you nuts lmaooo 
sangatsu no lion → this isn’t primarily a romance manga but i think i would nonetheless recommend it to chyfr readers bc of the theme of adult support that holds up the narrative. the mc, rei, is someone who’s very depressed and lonesome due to his family circumstances, so it’s incredibly endearing to see how the adults around him try to help him out and lift him up so that he can lead a happier life. the story is also woven together with gorgeous, poetic imagery that touches upon the human condition and how we survive day to day, very similarly as in chyfr 
honey and clover → by the same mangaka as sangatsu! and one that i have recced here on the blog before and that is also definitely the more romance focused of chica umino’s works. i would really recommend this series to chyfr readers who find themselves frustrated with the romance and why it’s played out as such. umino works very masterfully with romance as a concept and medium through which she moves her characters forwards in terms of growth and blooming adulthood. there’s ups and downs, acceptances and rejections, etc etc. it’s just very emblematic of the ever changing flow of life, and really cathartic as such 
days → okay so i am cheating a little here bc i haven’t actually read this! but a mutual of mine constantly posts parallels between this series and chyfr and i wholeheartedly trust her judgement. i think the comparisons are held within the exploration of how rivalries help you grow and mature (esp regarding chy and snb), what it’s like to play as part of a team or be entrusted to something by one, etc etc. pretty typical sports manga stuff, one might say, but the panels she’s posted as parallels have been so on the nose that i’m guessing there’s something about this one in particular. i’ll be checking it out myself soon too hehe 
oofuri → one could argue that this rec is a stretch esp since it’s not a romance manga either but i think most oofuri fans will argue that romance is ever present in the series, even if as a subtlety. it is, after all, hailed as the gayest sports manga to gay (just watch clips on youtube it’s insane gkdfjhlgf). why i particularly recommend it tho is bc i really enjoy how it tackles handling the toxic emotional buildup that manifests due to competition and a desire to win. there’s codependency and abuse or overstepping between teammates explored, and i think some of that parallels well to how we see the core four in chyfr navigate some of their relationships with each other (particularly art and tc) 
let me know if you check any of these out, and if you enjoy them! days aside they’re all mega favorites of mine so i hope that counts for something jgdhkldf
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beautifulviolent · 4 years
Domestic meme for the OT3 👀
Who’s more dominant: Spence is The Top, but Jax doms Gem?? But we also know Gem runs the show secretly. Who’s the cuddler: Jax is SUCH a cuddler. They all are, but he’s the “I’m putting my head in your lap and moving your hand to my hair so you can play with it until I sleep” type. Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: They all trade off! But they like Gem in the middle most, I bet. What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: Partying lmfao. Especially at clubs where they can dance and drink. Who uses all the hot water: Gemma because she has the most hair and self-care. Most trivial thing they fight over: The DUMBEST shit lol. Spence putting fries in his nose. Jax and Spence play-arguing. Gemma pouting about Jax studying so much. Who does most of the cleaning: It’s probably pretty even? Maybe more on Gem when Jax is in school. What has a season pass on their DVR/Who controls the Netflix queue: Probably Gemma? But I don’t think any of them are huge on actually watching the movies... Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working: Jax, because Gem does enough and he’s sociable. Who leaves their stuff around: Spence lmfao. Who remembers to buy the milk: Gemma or Spence when he’s there. Who remembers anniversaries: All of them! Jax is probably most likely to forget while he’s busy, but he always comes through. Who cooks normally: Gemma lmaooo. How often do they fight: Almost never. I don’t think they ever have??? What do they do when they’re away from each other: Miss each other like the codependent idiots they are lmao. But also FaceTime and sext.  Nicknames for each other: Gem, Princess, Princesa, Guapo, Spence, Jax, babe, baby... Who is more likely to pay for dinner: Spence probably enjoys it the most, but they all take turns. Who steals the covers at night: Gemma lol. And Jax gets her her own blanket.  What would they get each other for gifts: All of them! Gemma would go the most in-depth, I bet. Who kissed who first: Jax was the big initiator of everything lol. Who made the first move: Jax again, though Gemma kind of encouraged him to when it came to Spence. Who remembers things: Gemma for sure.  Who started the relationship: All of them?? Weird ask. Who cusses more: Spence lol. What would they do if the other one was hurt: Jax would go full doctor. Spence would probably worry to death. Gem would go real calm and call someone to help. Who is the dirty talker: Jax and Gem are filthy animals. A head canon: As Jax and Gem are planning their wedding and thinking about Spence’s place in it, they’ll probably decide they want to get him something really nice as a show of affection. Not necessarily a ring, because he might want to marry someone else someday, but a token of promise of some sort...
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antirealisation · 5 years
karlacton replied to your post “Really, the biggest reason I haven’t bothered to return to that CoDA...”
ooo that sounds so uncomfortable. Like, extremely so.
The idea is to keep people from feeling judged, and is probably especially a Thing within CoDA (the kids went to an ACoA thing years ago and don’t remember the crosstalk rule being as big a deal for them) cuz giving advice is one of those “Ways Codependents Control People” things.
Seems weird -- I definitely don’t need to hear other people speak in order to feel like they’re judging me lmaooo.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X11 Sam, Interrupted
wait Psych also had an interrupted episode the BRAINWORMS
So I have my presentation tomorrow whee
also I can't believe Misha Collins joined tik tok today, truly unparalleled
man I hope this one is chill
oh someone being hunted by a monster and people diagnosed her, but she can tell the difference
kinda like Anna but still Vibe
"there is no such thing as monsters" sir
look they're cliche, but the visuals are cool
oh god and she's dead
and no one believes her or them
it looks like a suicide jesus
seriously does no one clock the van halen
"I'm a lil depressed doc, I started the apocalypse"
oh my fucking god oh my fucking god they just tell the truth
"oh an angel on your shoulder"" nono, his name's castiel, he wears a trenchcoat"
"yeah can you fix him so we can go back to hunting monsters" i'M FUCKING CRYING
ah so it's another one of Dad's Friends of course
ah Dean isn't coping with Ellen and Jo of course he isn't
people get old ig
ah so Dean doesn't believe them, Sam gives them the benefit of the doubt
man I miss the formula, at least a little
ah yes the dangerously codependent relationship
he sounded so sad though
ah jeez imagine being so panicked but no one believes you, jesus
where'd the narcissism come from, huh?
Dean dude I'm so fucking sorry
the matter of fact conversation is actually...very fun dialogue but also big oof
boy he's fucked up lmaOOO
ah yeah he didn't take therapy well go figure(unfortunatly I know what he means)
I cannot figure out how to spell that for the life of me it's fine
"back off Dean" also feels pointed
ohh right last episode
is it like...whoever saw it, it goes after them first?
oh GOD THAt's a deep cut
Sam what the ACTUAL FUCK
Sam: Dean look! isn't this wack it's a brain that's been sucked dry!
weird boy Sam
Dean what the fuck that worked
"crazy works" sir
it's the nurse isn't it
it IS a perfect hunting ground
oo nice shot
ah the mirror
"you think you have to save everyone" oof
thanks John
"how do you get up in the morning" "good question" :(((
and the heavily implied drinking problem
jesus that was horrifying
so the nurse is Sam this time?
this feels like...REALLY fetishy
"we know what happened in-"
dean's little "dude, why"
this sounds like Bobby
ah the knife
it's the nurse you guys I promise
DAMN dude you got a lot of anger you need to work off huh
they got it wrong, I tOLD YOU
"you always were a happy drunk" that's right we rarely see him drink
"you've been at least half crazy for a long time" oof
"since hell" oh come on give more of that please
nah happy unangsty Sam is so cute
"I'm fine" sir
how does she know about the GED and give em hell attitude I love that quote
oh god he's not talking to anyone?
oh good he's actively hallucinating
but she can't...cuz they acted her like...she was real?
ah fuck poor Dean
ah he's not delusional, he's angry
yeah that tracks
"barely even human" o p e that's the thing he's sensitive about
actually they're both just...good at hiding it
oh my god they're both hallucinating
ah fun he's having fun, he's just completely losing it
Dean is just panicking in a corner jesus CHRIST
boy they're all..so FUCKED
"yeah we'll get there eventually, but the Coincidence" dude come on just think about it
jeez this man has a hundred million neuroses him trying to focus is Insane
oh the Other nurse? yeah ok
sexy monster nurse is totally a fetish I swear
ah so it's the creepy nurse, good ok I was right
It was pretty clear but still
Dean is Not Having a Good Time
ah the blood spatter
sam and the restraints
bro she was so obvious
ah she checked them in didn't she
ah so there was ALSO a reason for crazy brain
"well I helped, but you were always angry" lmaooo
"you build your own hell"
"you think this is gonna go well for you kiddo" "no but I'm crazy so what the hell" lmAOOO
bro he is BARELY hanging on
and she's dead so the visions stopped
"i'm mad at everything" oh poor guy
listen he got like no autonomy ever, he gets to be like this
poor selfless idiot
Dean do nOT BURY IT
ok so
1. Dean. Dean hides everything, he absorbs it, he keeps going because that's what he was taught to do
2. Sam. Sam's anger driven, and emotional, and more importantly, gets so little choice in anything, and is always just Fucked. good exploration of this dynamic, but unfortunately, it got written of as "eh it'll be fine," which strangely enough I don't think this was the point.
3. hunting BAD. Like this was very clearly a "how hunting fucks you up" thing, or how you have to be fucked up to do it, and how they'll end up crazy like that. Like this is so much Not Escapism I'm so confused by the message, it was a different writer probably.
4. ok but like cinematpgraphy was good and parts of this were like...ironically funny
5. the baddy was fun! like obvious but her villain speech was good, she was scary, there was logic for the crazy brain even! it was cool!
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stinkrascal · 3 years
Little controversial, but a lot of fun. What are your sim s' toxic traits? Asking all of my favourite story tellers. Let's get deep
omg YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS please i love talking about controversial things lets goooooooooo <3
vlad - he’s a very controlling and overbearing person, honestly. he’s the type of person who trusts his knowledge above everyone else’s and feels he’s the most capable in any given situation, therefore he feels it’s only right that he’s in charge, no matter the circumstance. he’s wise, yes, but after centuries of believing this of himself, his wisdom has warped to unabashed pride, and he finds it difficult to trust another’s capabilities over his own because of it. i like to think this ties into why he’s fairly codependent in his relationships; he needs to feel as though he’s the one providing for, guiding, and therefore “controlling” his relationships, he needs to feel needed, so he seeks out people who feed into that desire, people he feels are “misguided” who need a wise, proper hand to bring them to normalcy. you know, someone like him, the spitting image of normalcy, seeking out impressionable people in an attempt to satiate his intense desire to be needed. like sir have u ever heard of therapy? LMAOOO
breanna - she’s laidback to a fault and oftentimes irresponsible, someone who rarely considers the outcomes of her decisions and someone who ignores the telltale signs given to her. this manifests in a lot of careless, reckless behavior and poor decision making skills. like, for instance, if vlad reminds breanna that the water bill must be paid by x day? you best bet the water will be shut off because queen, irresponsible as she is, forgot to send the check. if she promises to bring you to your doctor’s appointment, you best bet that the morning of you’re gonna call her only to discover she didn’t realize your doctor’s appointment was Today and she is currently stoned asf and cannot operate her vehicle, to which you will reply Breanna It’s 8 AM Why Are You Smoking At 8 AM to which she will apologize and cry and hang up and fall asleep. much like vlad, i like to think this ties into her own codependency issues, as she feels she’s, in essence, unable to properly, or rather, responsibly care for herself, and must rely on someone else to do this for her. she enables his controlling nature by relying on him for most things, and in return he enables her immaturity by providing for her unconditionally. isn’t that, like, super fucked up lmaooooo? like, it’s the sims universe u know, so take all of this with a grain of salt, bc like in the context of my silly sims 4 legacy all of these codependency issues honestly amount to, like, breanna being a happy and uncritical stoner tradwife and vlad being the one who pays the bills and drives. it’s not actually that serious u know. but when you think about it critically and apply it to like real-world scenarios n consequences n whatever... it’s gross as fuck <3 you guys need therapy <3
lucien - like vlad, he’s fairly prideful, as he feels he’s the most knowledgeable and capable of any given situation, but more so than that, he feels the need to show off his intelligence by testing others’ knowledge. he also feels the need to lecture those he feels aren’t as knowledgeable as he is; often he doesn’t realize he’s doing it. he’ll basically mansplain to you for hours, if you don’t keep him in check. also, his ego usually gets the best of him, and he can’t help but find himself better than those he views as unintelligent. it can come off a little classist at times, and this is something which has been brought to his attention in the past, something he wishes to alleviate in his further interactions. it’s a work in progress. ;-;
gen - their main issue is that they’ve a difficult time understanding and empathizing with other people, primarily women. i like to think this comes from their overall discomfort within themselves, whether that discomfort revolves around their personality, their gender identity, or their apathy towards life. women in particular are difficult for gen to empathize with, as it is that gen makes an effort to distance themselves from women, most likely a consequence of their discomfort with their assigned gender. lashing out at the “thing” they wish to distance themselves from is a simple, quick way to tell your peers, I Am Not This Thing! you don’t wish to be perceived as a women? vehemently hate all of that which is considered womanly, and maybe you’ll stand a chance against your audience. that’s... gen’s way of looking at it, at least. it’s not healthy, and gen realizes this by now, but so far it’s not caused too much of a hindrance on their life, save for all the girlfriends they can’t get because of their shitty misogynistic streak, so they’re not too bothered. i can promise you as they grow more comfortable with themselves, they will eventually drop their mean streak. i know gen’s been a misogynist for, like, two years now lmaooo ;-;
carlile - much like his mother, he’s extremely irresponsible. he forgets important dates, he often misplaces his belongings and the belongings of others, he can hardly be trusted to cook without forgetting the stove’s on then burning the house to the ground. he’s also rather bratty, especially when he’s hungry. idk i’m blanking on carlile honestly his toxic trait is being perfect <3
nikolai - he has a hard time establishing boundaries with others, so he often finds himself in situations he finds uncomfortable, merely because he can’t say no to anything. you can usually tell when he’s uncomfortable, as he wears the expression well on his face, but even then, he’ll bite his tongue and carry onwards. worst of all, though, he’ll be upset with you if you’re the one who suggested the plans, even if he’s the one who agreed to the situation despite not wanting to attend in the first place.
klaus - he doesn’t expect anything from anybody, and he feels that all people should feel this way about each other, as no expectations means no one can get hurt. this also means, however, that klaus’ effort put into everything he does is fairly low, and he doesn’t often impress people with his lazy, myopic attitude. he’s self-dependent to a fault, wanting to do most things by himself without considering the help of others, as he feels he’s the only one who should provide for himself. basically, he doesn’t accept “charity” from other people, and he thinks most people shouldn’t accept “charity” from others, either. very much a “pull yourself up by the bootstraps” kind of guy, which i consider toxic as fuck, so, like. :)
anastasia - she’s a lot like vlad; she feels her judgment is the best in most situations, and she feels she deserves to be in charge at all opportunities because of this. her confidence teeters on pride, and she often confuses the two and unknowingly comes across as arrogant and abrasive because of this. she trusts the abilities of others, it’s just that she believes she works the hardest and wants it the most, and this innate desire puts her above others. she’s also prone to fits of jealousy, especially over her friends, an attribute also lovingly instilled into her by her father :p if you so much as look at her best friends the wrong way, she will come for your throat as though she were some rabid dog, about to feast on her next meal. she’s loyal, yes, but loyalty doesn’t come without its faults; she’s quick to excuse her friends, even for truly heinous actions they provably committed, so long as she feels the intention is forgivable. her love and affection for other people blinds her, and often she’ll act in their best interest, even if that means being rude or aggressive towards others who go against them.
ilya - his toxic trait is that he’s never featured on this blog and idk what to do with him <3 his other toxic trait is that when hes a teen hes gonna commit arson. thats sooooo toxic
ok im gonna go through everyone else really quickly bc my fingers hurt HAHAHA ok lets speedrun this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bonnie - her toxic trait is that she thinks 50 shades of gray is legitimately a good book series. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO
cooper - his toxic trait is that he smells so bad and he doesnt know why he uses soap and deodorant and bathes frequently hes just sweaty asf and you know what Me too king sweaty kings rise up
shivi - her toxic trait is that shes a barista at a coffee shop and she doesnt even like coffee. her other toxic trait is that she lowkey hates vampires :( and thats just rude asf
maeve - her toxic trait is that shes an apologist. she sees someone doing something terrible and shes like OKAY THEY DID THIS BAD THING BUT THEY’RE JUST TROUBLED IT’S NOT THEIR FAULT MAYBE I CAN FIX THEM!!!! like no bitch you cant
tarek - his toxic trait is NOTHING tarek is literally so perfect like he just wants to take care of his sick boyfriend and learn how to be a top tier witch like thats it? He doesnt deserve any slander bye
abigail - her toxic trait is that she’s SOOOOOO clingy to the point where like u guys can be in the same room but if you’re not looking at her rn while you two are in the same room together she’s like DO YOU HATE ME? like abbie please we dont hate u ur just being crazy rn. shes also extremely jealous and self-destructive so like if she feels like u are cheating on her she will FREAK OUT and ruin your relationship bc she doesn’t know how to effectively communicate her emotions and feels the need to lash out inexplicably at everything that triggers her </3 poor girl
karmen - her toxic trait is that she hides behind her humor and nonchalant persona to mask her emotions. she says it’s a coping mechanism, but the truth is, she refuses to meaningfully engage with these feelings, as they’re too uncomfortable for her, so she downplays her struggles with humor. she’s very much someone who acts as though she’s got it under control, even if the truth is, she’s struggling to stay afloat. her other toxic trait is that she will endanger her own internet safety it if means she can get a cute e-milf to send her money <3
caspian - he’s reserved to a fault, as though he’s physically unable to admit what’s troubling him. yet, when he speaks, you can always tell when there’s an issue. it’s always one of those things with him, where the emotion is too repressed to be articulated, yet too present to ignore. he’s so resistant to aid, he’d rather subject himself to terrible situations if it means denying help from another. often, he does this under the guise that he doesn’t wish to be a burden to others, therefore he must take care of himself without help, but he fails to realize that by not helping himself, he’s hurting his relationships around him, which burdens everyone. he’s deeply insecure, and he often weaponizes his insecurities, typically without meaning to. this manifests in a lot of self-deprecation, deflective language during arguments, ie “I’m the worst person ever, I wouldn’t blame you if you hated me after this,” which often comes off very manipulative. again, he doesn’t mean to sound manipulative, it’s just something that happens naturally, something he's gotta work towards alleviating.
vaughn - like caspian, he’s many emotions which are too strong to ignore, though too repressed to be expressed. this manifests primarily through vaughn’s financial immaturity and his promiscuity. he enjoys the physical pleasures of life, and he often abuses these luxuries as a way to distract himself from the very real pain he feels, pain he refuses to admit he harbors. so instead he sings his silly songs and spends his money recklessly and fucks everyone within a thirty mile radius to distract himself from the void in his chest :\
wolfgang - he’s basically an incel LMAOOOOOOO or like what do they call an incel who larps as a normal person to pick up woman? a pick up artist i think? hes that LMAO hes quite literally in the incel community is what im trying to say. i havent talked about it yet but its literally a plot point. if you look in my brainstorm sheet rn it says “Wolfgang munch reads incelme forums every day. Wolfgang munch thinks j*rdan peters*n is the leading figurehead in the hall of intelligentsia.” so like yeah
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