#they’re rare for a reason not everybody will like them or see the point to them
mrslaflour · 26 days
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pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ ot5 x fem!reader
genre ⸝⸝⸝ smut, dark (noncon), football player txt, cheerleader reader, reader is under 21 but 18 or over (implied)
warnings ‎⸝⸝⸝ txt are serial r8pists, unprotected sex, noncon, mean dom!txt, language, name calling, anal.., reader is dry (referring to her 😽), really not much prep on certain members, reader does not enjoy this in any way, drinking, smoking, reader is a virgin but she never states that to them, the things they do to her get more and more wild as each person takes their ‘turn’, possible murder allusions, suffocation, choking, oral (both), hair pulling, fingering, nipple play, gagging, riding, tummy bulge,
summary ‎⸝⸝⸝ after every important football game, 5 of some of the star football players at the school pick one cheerleader to “mess with”. the school knows them as the grape team, so clearly people know that they’re r8pists, no? no it’s not true at all! it’s just some stupid rumors girls make up for attention! they’re just jealous they can’t be with them so they want to make them look bad and are just trying to ruin their futures. how wrong of them to do such a thing, right? they’re just pitiful jealous whores…
your school had to be the absolute most stereotypical school from every tv show. dumb blondes, cheerleaders with big tits, football players with big dicks, nobody had a personality of their own. everybody on their knees for the star football team. as much as your school was filled with the stereotypical rich kid who’s daddy thinks that they’re going to be an all star athlete soon to be in the olympics, they kind of had every right to think that. your school had one of the best football teams in your whole city. it was rare that you ever heard that your school lost, it was basically unheard of. but within that big football team consists of a decently sized click. the grape team is what everyone knows them as. for really fucked up reasons too.
everyone knows them as the five sexy football players that every girl would love to get railed by, even just one of them! or you know them as the five football boys who once a year pick a cheerleader, typically the new girl on the block, to invite to their party, get her all fucked up and dizzy, bring her up to their bedroom, and fuck her so hard to the point she’s knocked out and doesn’t even remember waking up to go to school that day. but those are just rumors! come on, nobody would ruin their perfect all star record just to sleep with some bimbo cheerleader who supposedly didn’t want it when they could literally have any girl they wanted with the consent part involved. these girls are just mad that they didn’t want to fuck them or they didn’t want to date them so they go around saying these things just to try to ruin their chances of being a star. jealousy is such an awful disease. either that or these girls got too damn drunk to remember telling them that they could fuck her.
“she’s such a whore. i’d die to even get looked at by them.”
“who cares if they r8ped them or not? at least you’re getting fucked by the five hottest guys in school. any girl would kill for an opportunity like that.”
“if the rumors are true, can they r8p me next? i’ve been dying just to get yeonjun to even talk to me…”
see! it’s really not serious. these are baseless rumors that are just a joke to people. they’re not called the grape team because they actually r8p girls, they’re called the grape team because it’s an inside joke between the school, duh! and plus, they don’t seem to mind it. in fact, whenever anybody calls them that to their face they just laugh and smile. it clearly doesn’t bother them so it’s obviously all rumors.
you’d be lying if you said they weren’t cute. oh they were. but weather or not you thought the rumors were true, you don’t care enough to go after these boys. it’s weird to be accused by multiple people in the first place, you don’t really want tied up in all that. you had basically just joined the cheer team. you had saw them a few times over your cheer camp during practices and even in the hallway before you joined, but never interacted with them. besides staring at them thinking about how big it is, or besides having a project with a few of them! but hey, everybody has thought about it at least once, including the guys in the school.
usually every friday you’d cheer, hype up the audience, you know. and on the big game days, they always threw a huge party to celebrate. they weren’t a frat but shit that’s what it seemed like a lot of the time. practically the whole school goes. there was a rumor once that a teacher went. did she get railed too? you had never been to one because until this year, you hadn’t been that involved with your peers. but everybody goes, and it’d be a nice way to fit in more, no? interact with your cheer team and get even closer and connect with the people you’re cheering for, the football team! plus, all your friends were badgering you to go, so you basically had to.
it was the end of a huge game that the team had just won and you’re chatting it up with your cheer team. people slowly start to leave as time goes on and there’s less and less of you there. it’s silent for a few seconds after all the laughing and excitement until you hear a voice behind you.
“you’re going, right?”
you turn around to see soobin, a member of said grape squad talking to you for the first time ever. you were a little confused so you spoke up.
“uh, going where?”
“the party tomorrow night?”
you mentally slapped yourself in the face. duh it was about the party. but why’s he asking you to your face? anybody can go. but you brush it off. it’s probably because you never go but now since you’re on the team it’s kind of expected.
“yeah, uhm, i planned on being there.”
“great. hope to see you there then.”
he gave you a light smile and then that was it. he just walked away. it felt off to you, something about his demeanor, but whatever. probably just because of how tall he is, yeesh, how does one even get that tall, it was kind of scary, especially considering the ‘rumors’……but you head home and for some reason laying in bed, you couldn’t fall asleep. It’s usually not hard after a long game..but after tossing and turning in your bed for what felt like hours, you finally fell asleep getting ready for a long day tomorrow.
“she’s coming right?”
“she said she would.”
“she’s gotta be the prettiest one we’re ever gonna fuck.”
“she’s a sweet girl on the outside but probably a sick fuck on the inside. shit, by the end, i’m sure she’ll love it. they all end up wet and slutty by the end of it all.”
if we’re being honest, you would have forgotten about the party and skipped it if your friend hadn’t literally came to your house to force you awake and get each other ready.
“what are you wearing?”
your friend asked. she was wearing a crop top with a short ass skirt just barely about to show her panties.
“certainly not what you’re wearing. with that outfit you’ll be the next victim of the grape team.”
you joke with her. she just scoffs before speaking up.
“any girl would be lucky to get fucked by them let alone looked at by them weather they liked it or not. so you can go ahead and sign me up!”
she said some crazy shit sometimes. no way she meant it…
“i’m just gonna wear a tight fitted top and some ripped jeans, i have nobody to impress and i’m not staying long.”
she just rolled her eyes. but hey, baby steps. this was your first party after all. it’d be one to remember.
“you don’t think there’s gonna be another rumor after this party?”
you asked. just curiosity makes you think. plus if you’re going to a party then why wouldn’t you talk about the people throwing it?
“after every big game there’s a new rumor. it’s obviously going to happen again. if only they could make that rumor a reality for me. tch, such a disappointment..”
you roll your eyes, she said dumb things no matter how fucked up they were. you didn’t agree with them but what can you do.
“we’ll see what happens when we get there..”
she winks.
“but we should head out now. we don’t wanna get there super late when everybody’s drunk and you can’t even speak to someone without getting thrown up on.”
walking into the party was loud as fuck. how had this place not gotten a noise complaint yet…? the amount of alcohol on the table and who knows what being smoked and the party quite literally had just started is crazy. drinking wasn’t your thing. you weren’t twenty-one and most of these people weren’t either but who gives a shit it’s a party. your friend immediately ran over to a guy she saw that she thought was good looking and then you didn’t know where to go. sit on the couch? go near the table full of drinks? no clue. you felt so out of place. ew. you spot some of your cheer team so you push through some people to get to them, smoke blowing on your face and you practically coughing your lungs out certainly was not fun. once you finally reached them you say hi and hug a few people and start talking.
“wow, i’m surprised you actually came. have you had a drink yet?”
you roll your eyes.
“no i have not, and no i don’t plan on it. i’m the one who drove here after all…”
“drunk driving is totallyyyyyy the trend now. literally everyone you’ve ever talked to has probably done it at least once. get some hunky firefighter to save you after you crash your car and have to strip you clean to treat your burns. maybe he’ll fuck you just in the right spot and wake you up. who needs cpr anymore when you have a huge dick right in front of your face?”
what a wild take. but that’s what most people at your school had. wild ass takes. but weather you disagree or not the only thing you can do is just laugh it off or be honest and give a disgusted face. after about 10 minutes of talking you feel a big ass hand lay on your shoulder for a second before lifting off. you turn around and it’s kai. it was crazy to think he was wrapped up in this grape squad shit. he seems as sweet as pie, a friendly giant you guess…
“i’m glad to see you decided to come! if i’m being honest i had doubts..”
you rub the back of your neck and do a light laugh.
“i’ve heard that one a lot tonight..”
you see him look back and notice the rest of their little squad standing by a small table with a few other people from the football team and just around school. he turns his head back around to you and smiles.
“hey, sorry we weren’t proper party hosts and welcomed you in. especially me, this is my house after all…but how about you come over there and we’ll talk a little. we know everyone on the cheer team pretty well except for you after all.”
eh, what could the harm be. it was only a few steps from where you were originally at anyways. you say bye to the people you were speaking with for a little and walk over to the rest of his little frat. the conversation the guys over here were having were mainly about girls and drugs. what a topic starter.
“so, what made you decide to join the cheer team?”
someone speaks up. you couldn’t see him too well despite the height until he pokes his head from behind one of his teammates. it was beomgyu. the troublemaker of the school. the class clown. he was probably the one person in the group that people didn’t like as much.
“uh, i don’t know. just needed something to do other than work i guess.”
they give a slight nod before they go back to their random conversation. you contemplate walking away. you were having funner with the people you actually knew after all.
“so, would you like me to grab you a drink? sorry i didn’t ask before. we have vodka shots and a bunch of other alcoholic stuff if you’d like.”
kai spoke up. trying to live up to what he said before and be an amazing party host. but just because it’s a party doesn’t mean you have to do illegal shit. that’s another thing people keep asking you about.
“sorry, i don’t drink. plus i drove here myself so tonight is not the night that i wanna try, aha.”
it’s much easier to mask the taste of a drug in alcohol than in something like water or juice…but you didn’t know that. all you knew was that this party was not fun to you at all and that it sure was a new experience but now that you’ve experienced it for a few minutes, you’re ready to go home. he tried to offer you something else to drink but you just weren’t really down for it right now. you’re sure you would be soon though. all this second hand smoke blowing down into your lungs was making your throat dryer and itchier by the second. but there was one thing you needed, a bathroom. all this water on the table from spilt drinks and all the gulping of water and the faucets turning on were not helping you hold it. you were hoping you wouldn’t have to ask for anything and have as little interaction with people you didn’t know as possible but you certainly weren’t gonna piss your pants in front of basically the whole school. they would probably be too drunk to remember, but still.
“uh kai, where’s your bathroom?”
he smiles. people can be bubbly and happy sure, but man he seemed way too happy to be telling you where the bathroom is.
“upstairs in my room! second room on the right.”
you thank him before heading off. it was going pretty decent so far. no bad interactions, no tripping on your face, the only thing that was bad was that you were bored..but hey! once your friend quits kissing up on guys then you’ll have a little bit more fun…you walk up kais steps and look down the hallway. “second room on the right…” you mumble to yourself damn this hallway was long. he was for sure a rich kid but you could tell that from the outside of his house. then again, he’s blonde, tall, plays football, and every girl wants to fuck him. it’d be a surprise if he wasn’t rich. you finally find the room and surprise surprise, the size of his bed is damn near bigger than your whole bedroom size. you see a door in the corner of the room and assume it leads to the bathroom. you lock it and do your business before washing your hands and then drying them off. you open your phone to check the time. “already twelve? sheesh…” you check your notifications too. a few missed texts but eh, you could check them later. you unlock the bathroom door and there you see the whole grape squad standing in kais room. did they have to use the bathroom too? this rich ass house, they must have at least three bathrooms and you couldn’t have been in there for too long…
“you really don’t drink?”
taehyun speaks up. the quiet charming one that didn’t even have to try to get girls to look at him. one stare and he had them like jelly in the palm of his hand.
“uh, no…not my thing i’m still not twenty-one and once again, i did drive here and i don’t wanna wreck my car. with my college debt i won’t get a new one until i’m at least thirty…”
you mumbled that last part. but uh, you didn’t really see what drinking had to do with any of this but you didn’t wanna just stand and have a silent staring contest so you just kind of scoot by going for the door before a hand grabs your wrist. yeonjun.
“if you would just be bad for once in your life, maybe you’d be able to enjoy this just a little. maybe even forget about it if you were fucked up enough and fucked out enough, but i guess now we’ll never know.”
you stilled, trying to comprehend the words he had just said before he starts pushing you onto the bed. it’s pretty evident on what’s happening so you of course go to scream but he quickly palms your mouth. he finally presses you to the bed and allows everybody to figure out what position they’d like to take. i mean come on, nobody stood a chance against five tall ass guys who play football. you would’ve been doomed even if you were a guy yourself. even if you had just been going against one of them you wouldn’t have escaped this fate. you start trying to kick your legs from underneath him before somebody pushes them down into the bed.
“soobin can’t go first this time. everytime he’s gone first or second his dick is too big and they don’t even feel the slightest bit of pleasure after and it ruins it for everybody….”
you squeeze your eyes shut, this must be a dream right? there’s no way this is real. sure you thought the rumors had to have some truth but even if they were completely true (which now you know, clearly they are) you wouldn’t have ever expected them to go after you. but i guess it makes sense. new cheerleader just trying to fit in and wants more friends, so what does she do? says she’s another victim of the grape squad to gain some popularity and a few new connections. it would make sense. or would you be one of the ones who didn’t tell anybody? eh, didn’t matter right now. all that matters is that they get their dick wet and have a new little image to imagine every time they need to get off.
“just hold her mouth shut and hold her legs down so i can fuck her without having to deal with her kicking me in the dick or making me have to stop right when i’m about to orgasm because somebody heard her.”
from the way he was speaking, you could guess yeonjun was the leader of this shit. soobin was the leader on the football team but this wasn’t football. this was ‘how many girls can we r8p before we graduate??!’ and it was pretty clear that yeonjun led that shit. besides taehyun, the guy was charming as fuck. seemed like prince charming. you feel the bed dip right where your head was. you open your eyes to see a beomgyu laying on his stomach, face right above yours with a sick smile on his face. yeonjun removes his hands from your mouth before beomgyu quickly replaces the empty space with his hands. He places his chin on your forehead and then gives an almost taunting kiss to it. his hands were basically holding your head still, so you couldn’t really turn away from it. yeonjun then sits up on his knees on the side of your hips and puts all his body weight on your stomach while pushing your wrists to your chest.
“this will be fun. we’ve never not drugged a girl out before fucking her for hours like this. i’m curious to see how it’ll go.”
he says all this with a smile on his face while looking you dead in the eyes. you hadn’t noticed but kai had left the room. probably to attend to the party and not seem suspicious. most people were drunk but there’s always a few sober people and it’s been years that they’ve been at this, they don’t wanna blow their cover now. you also notice that taehyun is leaning in a chair against the wall. his pants are unzipped, he was probably gonna beat to this shit, sick bastard. and then obviously by process of elimination, soobin was holding your legs down, and strong as fuck at that. you couldn’t even move it the slightest inch. you feel his chin move on your forehead as he speaks up.
“the fun begins now. are you ready?”
he loosened his hands jussstttt a little so he could let you shake your head no before tightening them back up. you felt yeonjuns finger prodding with the buttons on your jeans and feel your pants slightly loosening as he unzips them. what makes this all the more worse is you can’t even lift your fucking head to see what he’s doing.
“i haven’t even done anything yet and you’re already crying. don’t worry, you’ll be crying a hell of a lot more by the end of the night.”
he hadn’t even bothered to take ur shirt off. hadn’t even bothered to prep you, nothing. you couldn’t lift ur head but u could see him sitting above you and saw that sly ass look on his face as he quickly forced it in. didn’t take his time at all, as if he wanted it to be as painful as possible. you quickly squeeze your eyes shut and start trying to kick your legs as hard as you can, start trying to shake your head free, try your hardest to move your wrists away but nothing works. beomgyus thumb starts wiping at the tears falling onto his hand and you hear a snicker come from him. yeonjun goes down to prep you (a little too late so not really prep..”) starts rubbing your clit in circles and almost is in shock that you or your body isn’t enjoying this at all.
“fuck you’re dry as hell. stubborn, huh? let me tell you a secret,”
he leans in to your ear scarily close,
“i’d suggest you start to enjoy it or you’re in for one hell of a night. seven hours at the minimum sounds terrible if you’re not enjoying it, no?”
he says all this shit while still ramming into you, still trying to get u damp but his efforts are in vain. your friend would notice though. she’d wonder where her ride went and they’d say you were last seen with them. she’d go up the stairs looking for you and find out what was going on. she’d get help, right? or would they easily lie their way out of it. would they let you go to avoid suspicion? no. they’re all cocky fucks who think they’re the hottest best people in the school, they’re not gonna let their ego fold that easily. they won’t get caught that—
“i can usually go longer but you are tight as fuck, you a virgin?”
you realized he finished. you felt his dick getting pulled out as painful and rough as it was forced in you. you felt something wet dripping down your thighs and you knew it wasn’t from you. it was his cum dripping down. your eyes were still squeezed shut, not wanting any of them to see your teary eyes. you were so embarrassed, so violated. and even worse, you didn’t want him to know you were a virgin. that this night was the night you’d always remember as your first time..
“how was it?”
“it was amazing. might need round two later. this is so much better than just drugging them up. so much funner, so much tighter, so much squirmier.”
“you can say that again, she almost bit my hand off..”
it was so eerie to hear them talking like this as if you weren’t even here listening to them.
“here i’m gonna go next. you take her mouth, i’ll take her ass.”
you had never been fucked in general since five fucking seconds ago, but in your ass? fuck no. and when you heard him say “take her mouth” you knew exactly what he meant and you just wanted out of this room. beomgyu was always the sly one. the funny one. the one half of the school loved and half of the school was annoyed as fuck by and hated. clearly he liked jokes but taking your ass was a pretty fucking sick one. they tell soobin to let go of your legs and you immediately start kicking. yeonjun flips you on your stomach while beomgyu lets go of your mouth. you hadn’t even gotten the chance to scream, your face immediately getting slammed into the sweaty mattress. beomgyu swiftly grabs your wrists, now uncomfortably forced behind your back in one hand and yeonjun is sitting up in front of your face on his knees with his dick still out of his pants. he forces your head up by grabbing a fist full of your hair. you wanted to scream immediately but the threatening look on his face made you not wanna test him. but also you knew as soon as you opened your mouth what would happen. he’d shove it in there without a care in the world just like he did your pussy. he stares into your eyes for a good second before speaking up.
“oh look at all those tears. you’ll be crying a lot more when ur choking on my dick. open up.”
you tried forcing your head to look the other way but he only squeezed your hair even tighter. he holds his dick in one hand and starts trying to force it through your tightly squeezed lips. as if almost on cue beomgyu forces his dick in you pretty little ass. slower than when yeonjun fucked you, but still too fast for your liking. that made you open your mouth to scream in pain, but it was quickly muffled by his dick. beomgyu was showing you some sort of mercy, but only because he needed to get used to how fucking tight you were and how much your ass was pulling him in. you realized that your feet were still free so you start kicking at his back trying to squirm free. ultimately, that made your head move a little further down yeonjuns dick and you gagged so fucking hard, you thought you would throw up. he quickly pulled the air through his teeth on that one holding in a grunt.
“i love to feel a struggle it only makes me even harder. go ahead and bruise up my back with your kicks, i love it so—fuck-much”
so they didn’t just forget to hold your legs down but it was for beomgyus sick pleasure too. it was futile anyways. it only got him off more and even if you had heels on and stuck the heel through his back he’d only keep thrusting even harder into you.
“you better hold your mouth open as wide as you can, if you fucking bite my dick i swear to god it’s over for you”
you never heard of any missing people or dead people at your school from the grape team or just in general but you didn’t know what he meant and you didn’t wanna take any chances. he quickly grips your hair even harder and pushes it as far back as he can. feeling your throat tighten and gag and cough up on his dick, he couldn’t help but groan. it hurt so so bad. feeling your ass being pounded and feeling like you’re about to throw up all over his bed from the amount of gagging you’re doing. you don’t even wanna know what they’d do or say if you threw up. you try to squirm your wrists free, try to kick even harder but beomgyu only squeezes your wrists tighter, you only feel his cock twitch more at the kicking, and when you try to turn your head you only feel your scalp burning more and as if he’s about to rip out a huge chunk of your hair. you feel him shoot his cum down your throat and you immediately start trying to spit it out while his dick is still in your mouth. you can’t even focus on that though because you still have this sadistic fuck ramming into you and grabbing ur ass every few seconds, gripping his nails into it.
“don’t waste it all. you know it’s an honor that we’re even doing this to you. show us some respect.”
respect? an honor? was he joking? he takes his dick out of ur mouth before he slams your face right into the mattress. you couldn’t breathe, couldn’t scream, couldn’t struggle because your hair was still in a tight grip, couldn’t do anything but hope he let you go before you suffocated. you feel beomgyu pause before groaning loudly and finally pulling out. he did it slowly, almost teasingly, but he did it. and when he did yeonjun finally let you breathe. the only thing you could do was gasp for air and let out a few sobs. you couldn’t even scream for help you were so out of breath.
you were about to sob out loud. you were barely even able to get those two words out. tripping over your words. snot running down your nose and tears staining your face. no sense of privacy besides the fact that they still hadn’t taken off your shirt and your jeans were stuck just above your knees. even though nobody was holding your legs down it still made it difficult. you wrists still in beomgyus tight grip.
“does it really matter if she screams? everybody’s probably blackout drunk by now.”
taehyun speaks up. it’s the first thing he’s said since this whole ordeal started. he’s just been sitting in the corner getting off to this fucked up shit. you could hear his small groans and curses every once in a while but it’s hard to focus on so many things at once in a situation like this. but what if he was right? what if you screamed and nobody heard it? what if you screamed and somebody heard but they just didn’t care..
“the party is loud as hell. unless she screams fucking crazy nobody should hear.”
you wanted to scream but you also didn’t want to give them what they wanted. they wanted to hear you scream. you’d just been sobbing and saying small ows under the palm of beomgyus hand earlier. you hadn’t had any moans of pleasure at all. but they didn’t care, they were here for themselves, not you. yeonjun grabbed your chin and forced you to kiss him. you had no hands to push him away and he held your head perfectly still. he finally leaned away after what felt like forever even though it was probably only ten seconds.
“i’m gonna go down with kai, i’ll be back before the fun part.”
the fun part…? you didn’t wanna know. that evil smirk on yeonjuns face and the uncomfortable silence in the room spoke volumes though. you hear the door open and shut. you feel beomgyu let go of your wrists and you immediately sit up. at the end of the bed you just see three faces staring, piercing right into your eyes. you immediately go to pulling up your jeans and your panties before two strong hands grip both of your wrists. you slowly look up only to see taehyun staring intensely at you. as if daring you to move. he quickly pushes your chest down and you start yelling at him to get off of you.
“get off of me you asshole!”
you were pulling his hair and smacking him and you could tell he was getting frustrated. he rolls the front of your shirt up trying to get a view of your chest. finally starting to strip you clean of everything.
“does he have—shitthisfuckingbitch— scissors somewhere?”
he finally got sick of your antics and landed a clean slap on your face and you finally let go of his hair. you go to scream and he only slaps you again. he stared at your now red face and looked at you dead in your face. he was telling you to go ahead and do something else using his eyes. you didn’t wanna know how else he’d hurt you. someone finally hands him scissors and you try to push yourself up before he can cut your shirt. he puts one hand on your waist to hold you in place and one hand presses the tip of the scissors right into your collarbone.
“if you move you’ll get cut and it won’t be my fault, so i’d suggest you quit being so whiney and just be an obedient fucking whore.”
you still quickly. taehyun had to be the scariest to you. he didn’t speak much he just went straight in and tried to avoid as much talking as he could. he just wanted to get what he took you for and go on with his day. he cut your shirt off and then he goes to cut your bra off, but he quickly realizes he can’t because it’s a wired bra and he couldn’t cut through it. he puts the scissors to the side and sits up on top of you.
“take your bra off.”
you’re confused at what he just said and just lay there trying to cover up your chest.
“sit up and take your bra off.”
his stare was going to be the death of you. you slowly sat up but you just looked down at your bare legs with tears streaming down your face. it was humiliating enough for him to cut up your shirt but to make you take your own bra off to get r8ped by him? it would’ve been less embarrassing if he did it himself.
“i said take it off. i’m not going to do it for you. i could always do more than a slap. and the scissors are right here.”
your start sniffling and choking on your sobs from trying not to sob outloud and give them the satisfaction. in the corner of your eyes you can see soobin getting even harder (if that was even possible) and beomgyu standing there about to unzip his pants again and start jacking off right there.
“don’t make me tell you again.”
you start un-clipping your bra as slow as you can. you slowly take the straps off your arms and slowly let the bra drop to your thighs. the only bit of coverage that you had now. he quickly throws it to the floor and pushes you back down. he starts pinching your nipples and swirling his tongue around them. you try pushing his head away but he just bites your nipple causing you to yelp. he moves away and towers over you once again. you see his hand start to move lower and he quickly starts fingering you with two fingers. you quickly go from hugging your chest to pushing against his and yelling at him to stop.
“damn you’re still barely wet? at least it’s getting there. i really don’t even need to do this. yeonjun already fucked you here so it’s ready for me but i’m choosing to be nice. do you think i’m nice?”
you quickly shake your head no and he just scoffs with a smirk. you finally decide to scream for help and all he does is take the fingers that were fucking you and forces them in your mouth and down your throat. he starts moving them around and it causes you to gag over and over.
“should i make you throw up? make you clean up the mess with your tongue while i fuck your ass?”
you only gag more around his fingers with tears spewing out your eyes before he finally pulls them out and you have a coughing fit. too busy coughing and wiping your face, you failed to notice that he already had his dick out and was rubbing the tip against your entrance. finally slightly wet, but still not wet enough where it would go in smoothly.
“wait wait wait! please don’t..!”
he just laughs.
“what? you don’t want me to?”
you mumble some no’s just barely audible to him.
“ok then, you can do it.”
confused, he grabs your hips with both hands and drags your body all the way onto his dick. you quickly wince at the feeling of being so full and once again go to trying to push him off of you. the only thing he does is grab your neck with his hand and start putting pressure and squeezing, successfully blocking your air flow. you start scratching at his arms and he just throws his head back while still thrusting into you. the sweat causing his hair to stick to his face. you go to kick at him but realize that when you flail your legs more into different positions that the feeling of him only gets worse so you just keep your legs still. however, you were still scratching at his arms, afraid you were gonna pass out and then they’d do who knows what else to you. he started to squeeze tighter and you finally started fearing for your life. trying to open your mouth to beg him to stop but no words came out.
“quit —shit-fighting me and i’ll let u-fuck!—i’ll let you breathe.”
not even having a second thought you let your hands drop to your sides and he finally lets go. you just turn your head to the side, trying to force it into the pillow to silently cry as he finishes up. he grabs your chin, and you flinch thinking he’s about to choke you again, but he just turns your chin to face him and he speaks up.
“i want you to look me in the eyes as i finish or i’m gonna make sure this whole thing for you lasts way longer than planned.”
of course he was probably lying but you didn’t want to take the chance. you hear the door open while he continues to look you in the eyes and thrust into you but you can’t even check to see who came in because you didn’t want to look away. you didn’t wanna take any chances. but once you see his eyes squeeze shut and him throw his face forward and feel the same dripping sensation out of your pussy that you’ve felt the whole night, you know he’s done. he slowly pulls out just to tease you before shaking a bit of his cum onto your legs and on your stomach before moving over. it was kai who had come back to the room, staring at you in awe.
“she’s still awake? and i missed all the fun?”
taehyun scoffs at him.
“the no drugs is so much better than what we’ve ever done before. come get a taste for yourself.”
he was speaking as if you were some meal waiting to get eaten. it was gross. it was sickening that nobody there probably even saw you as a human. kai always was and seemed to be the nicest out of them all. he was the most approachable, the most helpful, the easiest one to talk to and do projects with besides soobin. it was weird to see him staring over you with this hungered look on his eyes but he still had this oh so soft smile on his face. it made you conflicted and made you genuinely upset. hurting kai, although he was never close to you, just seemed so much more terrible than if you were to hurt taehyun. he slowly starts to crawl on top of you, one hand on his pant zipper and the other caging you in.
“you look stunning right now. even with your tears. i would love to see your pretty smile, i’ve seen it at school. oh to see you smile in this state. i think i’d die..”
he takes his thumb and wipes your tears. you grab his wrist with one hand and looked him in the eyes, begging him with your eyes to stop. but he only smiled and pulled your hand to his face, closing his eyes. it was as if he was trying to make this situation seem like a consensual thing between the two of you. he pushed you down to your back and layed completely on top of you while still holding your one wrist to the side. he was ten folds heavier than you so it made it kind of difficult to breathe. he pressed his face into the crook of your neck and just laid there for a little, just letting you hear him breathing down your neck. you finally feel his arm move to mess with his pant zipper and you start to try to move away from him but he just glides the back of his hand across your face with one hand, now looking you in the eyes, and taking his dick out his pants with the other. you could feel his tip align to your entrance and you finally gather the strength to speak. although it’s hard considering all his weight is pressing down on you.
“kai, please don—”
he just presses down even more on you and he kisses you. but not just for a second, he keeps kissing you to keep your mouth shut. whenever you moved your head to the side he moved his head with you. he was not breaking from the kiss anytime soon. as he was doing this you felt his dick finally push in. your eyes widened and your mouth opened with a gasp which he quickly took advantage of by pushing his tongue in your mouth. no matter how many times you’d experienced getting fucked tonight, it got no easier. no less painful. you finally had gotten a little ‘slicker’ down there too. the way kai was handling this just made your body feel so conflicted. but don’t get it confused, you still wanted him off of you. still wanted him out of you. he’s making slow movements in you, not really thrusting, but he’s still getting into it, just slowly. you start trying to hit his back and trying to push his face away but he only moved his other arm and grabbed your arms one at a time and forced them to stay locked around his neck. if anybody were to walk in and see you in this position, they wouldn’t even know that you didn’t want it. they would never know that he was r8ping you. it would just look like a loving couple having sex. every so often he’d let go of the kiss to breathe for 5 seconds before going back in. he uses one of his legs to move one of your legs so that he could feel you better. this was the only time tonight you felt good and you hated it. it was only his leg holding your leg down and you still could barely move it away and kick. you start trying to squirm even more as it feels better and better. he pulls away from the kiss again and pushes his forehead against yours breathing heavily.
“does it feel good finally? i can tell. yeonjun said you were dry but look how wet you are right now. did you just need a little more love? were they mean?”
you just started tearing up and crying more, your arms stuck around his neck and him drawing out these slow movements in you.
“please i just wanna —ow —go home, nobody will believe me anyways just—agh- let me go.”
you were pleading with him. he was probably the most sane person here, the safest person here to try to reason with.
“but i just—aghshitshit— love this, love you so much..i love how you feel, i love how you look,”
he leans in close to your ear and whispers to you.
“after tonight, we should keep talking, yeah? maybe date, maybe just let me keep fucking you like this. i’ve never enjoyed one of these nights more than this..”
more? of this? even if it was just him fuck no. you just shake your head no but he just presses a kiss into you again. your legs start to shake a little and you can feel him smile against your lips. he speeds up a little more and you hear him groan. you feel the vibration of his groan spread through your chest and through your lips before the same warm feeling in your pussy comes back. the same substance coming out. you felt disgusting. you felt like some prostitute cum dump off of the street. this was absolutely humiliating. he just lays their still for a few more seconds, leaving his dick in you, holding the kiss between the two of you before he finally allows you to breathe and finally pulls out. how long has it been? how much longer would they keep going? how much longer until they got bored of you and let you go home? you didn’t know. you wanted nothing more than to hug your blanket and just go to sleep and forget this all happened. but this was a night to remember for all of them and for you. he finally climbs off of you and sits at the edge of the bed swaying his feet a little like a giggly child.
“one more until we get to the fun part. soobin!”
beomgyu yelled that across the room. he sounded so happy and you hated it. you had forgotten there were five of them, and now you knew even after soobin would go, there was apparently more to go on. you just wanted to close your eyes and think about anything else, imagine anything else, but you knew they wouldn’t let you. kai stands up and comes to the side of the bed and stands you up onto the floor. good thing he was holding you up because if he wasn’t you probably would have collapsed to the ground. soobin, dick already out crawls onto the bed and lays on his back and kai sets you right in front of his dick. hard as a rock sticking straight up in the air.
“you’re gonna ride him.”
you pause and just sit there. no you weren’t. you—no. just no! but kai lifts you up by your shoulders and hovers your pussy right over soobins dick and slowly lowers you onto it. how do you even get out of this one? they’re not gonna let you lift yourself off of him, hitting him will do nothing, and you literally can’t kick your legs. even if you could, it wouldn’t do anything. you just squeeze your eyes shut before kai quickly lets go and you quickly put both of your arms on soobins chest but it’s too late and he’s already balls deep in you. you swear you can feel his imprint in your stomach and he clearly sees it too because he reaches his hand out to touch your stomach and feel. soobin was quiet. he didn’t say much in class but he always came across nice. helped when he could, smiled almost always, very calm, just overall not bad to be around. in a situation like this you almost wish he’d say something.
“have you ever rode before? or is it just mine you stay still for..”
he mumbled the last part, but you still heard him. you refused to answer, you didn’t want to give any of them a hint that this was your first time.
“i’ll help you, help me.”
you didn’t know what he meant but he grabbed both sides of your hip and easily lifts you up and down on his dick. it was as if you were his own personal alive little flesh light. it was easy for him too, didn’t give him any added difficulty. his chest just gets wetter and wetter, your tears falling like a waterfall onto it. his abs glistening despite the dark room. you tried to push his hands away and lift yourself up off of him but you were only helping him more and his hands only dug into your hips even more. he wasn’t going to let you just pull yourself off him so you easily.
“you’re taking me so—shit—so so so well.”
“you feel so—so good-ahh—so good around me baby—ah fuck-”
he was clearly hungry because even after you felt him cum, he still kept going, his balls smacking against your ass, him going from fast to slow. he finally stops completely, now just letting you sit there and squirm on his dick, getting him off more and more. you started doing it unintentionally, it was just so uncomfortable but clearly not for him, you could hear his soft groans. he moves one hand from your hip to your ass and squeezes which causes you to jump up on his dick and you could feel it pulse in you. he just starts to rub it more before he slowly moves towards your clit. he grabs some slick from it which causes you to shiver, making him curse under you. his fingers now coated, he moves to your pretty pink asshole. he circles his finger around it a little before pushing a finger inside abruptly which caused you to leans forward and jump up before sliding back down onto his dick. you could feel his dick twitch so much in you and it just made your body even more uncomfortable that it caused it to jump up again. you started shaking a little so your body naturally starts riding his dick a little, no matter how much you tried to hold yourself down. soobin starts spewing nonsense before he finally cums again in you. somebody, kai you soon see, lifts you up off of soobin and pulls you into his lap as he holds onto your tummy.
“i saw all that. you couldn’t have been that wet when it was my turn?”
you only just now noticed that yeonjun was in the room. guess over the tears, adrenaline and pain, you hadn’t noticed he came in.
“you all got your turn, all got what you wanted-”
you pause to sniffle and choke on a sob,
“just let me go now please.”
they were silently laughing at you, you could tell. there was nothing funny about any of this. why keep you here any longer if they all got a piece? to torture you?
“it’s only two in the morning sweetheart, we still have until at least seven in the morning. so at least four more hours.”
kai presses his chin in the crook of your neck. you felt sick to your stomach. at least four more hours…maybe letting yourself throw up on their dicks wouldn’t have been such a bad idea.
“and you know what’s next?”
you didn’t look up, but you knew it was yeonjun speaking by the cocky ass tone. you could almost hear the smirk he definitely had on his face through his voice.
“an actual gangbang. all five of us on you, in you, touching you, at the same time.”
now you wish you had taken the alcohol. you wish you would’ve just broken the law for once. risked getting in a wreck and getting a dui, risked waking up delirious and sick. you wished every time they suffocated, every time that they choked you that you would’ve just passed out, but they weren’t going to let you take the easy way out. five hours of every hole getting stretched, your dignity, every sliver of confidence that you ever had removed in a single night.
“you’re just gonna be just another jealous little whore trying to ruin all of our careers with a stupid rumor. how mean of you, we’d never do such a terrible thing, right? it’s impossible, crazy even.”
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silverpiwon · 3 months
How I see p1eces based on their piwon bias:
(I don’t actually see every person who like a specific member in any specific way. This is just for fun and showing some associations I have with p1eces. Also I didn’t talk about their skills because I think every p1ece is obsessed with the members abilities so there’s so need to talk about them)
☆ Theo stans - very funny (especially the Korean fans), super chill but secretely pining over him. Act like they’re not delulu but they are. They would be the people who try being mysterious and fail. They’re not the loudest in the fandom but are very stable (idk why but it made me thing of a pillar that keeps the fandom up). Might skew a bit older than other p1eces? The kind of people who have a job and taxes to pay.
☆ Keeho stans - funny and loud but can be a little annoying. Strongly opinionated but in a positive way where they’re not afraid to speak up and take up space. They might have a good eye for fashion and aesthetics. Don’t always want to date Keeho and see him as a bestie a lot of times. They help the fandom grow with their loudness and passion/engagement.
☆ Jiung stans - very dedicated and supportive. They don’t play about Jiung to the point where it’s a little too much sometimes. Most likely introverted. Possibly good at organising stuff if they have to. Can be a bit intense but rarely have reasons to be. Value authenticity even if the reality pushes others away and prefer it more than perfection.
☆ Intak stans - very passionate and the kind of people who go all in into something. I imagine Intak stans as the people who would giggle and kick their feet with their friends when he does anything cool or attractive. Maybe a little boy-crazy? They’re generally not too jealous and want to share their Intak joy with others.
☆ Soul stans - people who want to emulate his alien swag so badly. They don’t even get amused (or confused) by what he does because they simply understand him. Would move mountains if it meant keeping him happy but also would cry if you told them one mean word. Might be idealistic and the kind of people who look at the big picture.
☆ Jongseob stans - either adults who think he’s super smart and talented and cool and cute and he deserves everything good in this world, or teenagers who have their whole future planned with him. Very down to earth and full of true appreciation for him. Old pictures and videos of jongseob might make them cry. On a mission to let everybody know how talented he is.
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bananaactivity · 2 months
Im not finished with Carlos fully but he looks good enough for right now ( he’s 22 in this picture here)
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I changed Carlos and Evie up, so now Evie is a vain witch like her mother who is fashionable but she doesn’t sew her own stuff. ( which is for the better cse wtf was that ugly ass dress she made for Mal in D2???)
Carlos considers himself to be a very expensive person and can be pretty big germaphobe. He hates getting anything on his clothes and he refuses to wear the school uniforms at Auradon Uni because they’re ugly. He wears lots of black white grey and red, with gold accents usually. He does theme around dog associated items like gold bone cutlets, paw print lapel chains, and a tennis ball brooch. He often wears red gloves and his favorite shoes are his collection of red bottom dress shoes. He likes hiding red on the interlining of his clothes too, such as his jackets and hats and vests.
A lot of his own person style is derived from 1990s London fashion ( as the artist that means I get my references from the 1996 101 Dalmatians live action movie, the styling of Cruela in that movie is ICONIC AND IMACULATE, and I MUST reference her for Carlos.
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Of course he wears REAL animal print. And he’s not a weak touch me not prick like some think. He’s still tech savvy and does Anyalitics and specs for the core four. He also loves GUNS 😄. Think of him like a sharp shooter who stays in the back of turf wars and snipes people. The isle doesn’t have many marks men ( they all really like swords for some reason) so he’s pretty dangerous. He builds his own weapons too.
His passion started out as a way for him to collect his own furs but Harry gets him most of what he needs plus he always needs Carlos to redo his wardrobe ( he gets… messy… after a couple days work) Carlos hates that Harry ruins his creations so fast but he pays him well and gifts him rare fabrics and samples from Auradon.
Because Carlos has no magic Mal always underestimates him. She sees him as only a stylist and ranged weapon specialist. Even tho she acknowledges him for his wit and tech skills she still doesn’t listen to him. Sometimes he wishes he could stay with Harry but then he’d have to do more work up front. Harry understood what Carlos was capable of and respected him a lot. What Harry doesn’t understand is that not everybody likes to be covered head to toe in hot sticky blood 24/7. Harry had also promised him a suite on his boat that nobody else was allowed to occupy, but even if Harry’s crew feared HARRY they wouldn’t mind having an attitude with CARLOS for preferential treatment, even if it is what he deserves 🙄
Harry and Carlos’s relationship is the definition of there are two wolves inside you. Carlos smokes and drinks but he’s more of a Marlboro and Merlot type of guy and Harry’s a Rum and Cigar kinda lad. ( I’m using cartoon logic and say that those habits are purely aesthetic based of iconography from the original Disney moves, Cruella smokes and Capt. Hook smokes two cigars at once)
Carols isn’t really scared of dogs anymore but when he arrives at Auradon he “befriends” his roommate Chad ( now an animal lover like his mother) who has pet rats and a entourage of wild animals constantly in their dorm, and threatens to shoot and skin them all every single day to make a new line of coats ( when Chad rebuttals that his rats are too small to make coats, Carlos says they’d make the perfect fuzzy gloves 💀) He also uses Chad as a living mannequin for his designs. They have a goofy relationship with each other, Carlos does make Chad do all the dirty work of skinning and draining the animals he hunts but despite how traumatic that is Carlos is a fun sweet guy so it’s okay 💀💀💀.
Jay is jelly of Carlos due to his closeness with Harry. ( I guess the way to Jays heart and respect is by holding him at sword point and threatening to gut him and hang him by those very guts over shark infested waters and watch them nibble away at him 💀)
Next I’ll find up Carlos and do some fit designs then I’ll redesign Jay and tell that gutting story 😛
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stewykablooey · 1 year
why are tomshiv and kenstewy parallels to each other? tomshiv is awful and so is tom
*insert ‘theyre all awful’ statement for legal reasons*
tomshiv/kenstewy parallels is really the parallel of tom and stewy being outsiders who fell in love with a roy sibling and got caught into the roy family sickness because of it. its also the parallel of them having to choose between that sibling and money, which is a priority to both of them.
but they’re also opposites; stewy befriended kendall and remains in his life Despite his being a roy while tom, even if he genuinely loved her, got with shiv in part Because she was a roy. stewy gets himself involved with the roys and involved with waystar because he wants to get kendall out, or because he wants to get in to be there with kendall, while tom gets himself involved with the family and with waystar because he wants to climb its ranks, and even if he wants good things for shiv, he sees her as a competitor or a challenge in that ladder-climbing.
they’re also comparable in their positions within waystar and their positions within the family. they both hold major positions in the company, stewy as major shareholder and tom as head of atn (and again, they both got there for opposing reasons. stewy became a major shareholder out of a favor to kendall which really turned out to be a hidden ploy to get kendall out via sandy’s takeover, while tom became head of atn because of shiv’s pulling strings for him) and because of those position they both have work relationships with logan, but while stewy uses his major position in the company to oppose logan (debate his ideas, urge for the company to go in a different direction, point out the companys flaws), which in its own way is in favor of kendall (pointing out the same flaws kendall had noticed, and it being stewy that suggested the austerlitz family therapy in the first place (how long do u think hes been waiting to do That)) tom uses it to suck up to logan and leverage for a larger role in waystar.
both of them are in the very rare position of being outsiders with an in into, and an intimate knowledge of, the family because of their ties to one of the siblings. tom is quite literally logan’s son-in-law, he becomes actually related to the roys when he marries shiv, and stewy has not just known but has been very close friends with kendall, and in turn the rest of the family,for 30 years. but at the end of the day tom is seen and treated like a stranger and stewy is treated with casual, sometimes even fond, familiarity because you just cant buy that kind of access. stewy was there, and tom came in too little too late. stewy can tell logan ‘everybody fucking hates you’ and suggest family therapy, yes because hes stewy and he doesnt give a fuck, but also because they’re, in their own way, close enough that thats allowed. stewy, in his own way, takes the place of son-in-law that tom should, of being someone who’s intimately close with the family, almost seen as family himself, because of his intimate relationship to one of the siblings. stewy was in the room with the familys closest relations to discuss the will while tom had to wait outside with everyone else, even tho he is literally shivs husband and head of atn.
other parallels include things like: tom thinking he can come in and be the pseudo child that logans always wanted, when really thats stewy (comes from money but started his own thing to become independently wealthy, killer instinct etc) + the contrast of logan thinking less of shiv because she married tom who he sees as fathoms beneath her vs logan thinking less of stewy for getting involved with kendall who he sees as a fuck up + logan seeing stewy as a threat because stewy wants kendall out vs. logan seeing tom as a parasite because tom used shiv to get in
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archaeren · 3 months
just an informal list of reasons to love Tanakamigi Chui
this is not my full essay but it's a quick list of reasons off the top of my head from someone who asked me on reddit
canonically the most “honest and straightforward” character in the game (Neji’s words, and they do hold true) I can’t stand being lied to, even about small things, and I don’t want Kisa to be lied to either. Chui does never and will never lie to her. He’ll straight up tell Kisa things that he’s definitely supposed to be keeping secret. He’s so honest, it’s actively uncomfortable for other people. He’s not trying to be mean, he’s not trying to be ‘brutally honest’, he’s just awkwardly honest and it’s cute and good and I love him for it. Man who doesn’t lie? So hot.
this is a man who will admit when he’s wrong. UNPROMPTED. do you all realize how rare this actually is? Nobody is expecting him to do this. It doesn't benefit him to do it. He just does it because he thinks it's the right thing to do. I feel like everybody expects him to be such a huge egotistical douche (especially after his little speech about how he feels nothing from Quartz's performances--and then it turns out that wasn't him being a dick, he apparently just sincerely feels that way) and then he will repeatedly UNPROMPTED come up to the members of Quartz to be like, “hey so I was wrong about x thing and I really learned a lot from watching you guys” and honestly this is so rare and not a thing guys tend to do in real life that this alone was enough to capture my heart. Seriously, first time I saw his reaction after the fall performance, I was like, "oh no it's over for me" A man who admits when he’s wrong!! Oh my god, he and Kisa would have such a healthy relationship between that and the not-lying thing. No mind games from this guy. Fuckin love to see it.
comes out swinging when it comes to defending Kisa There aren’t many scenes in the game where we have the opportunity to see how he reacts when he feels like Kisa is being insulted because it just doesn’t happen in front of him that often, but WHEN IT DOES oh man, he employs a few well-chosen words of COMPLETE AND UTTER OBLITERATION. You ain’t gonna insult the transparent vessel like that in front of Tanakamigi Chui, hell no! Even when it’s only that he feels like Amber’s win against Quartz wasn’t justified (try getting second place in the fall performance sometime lol, it's EXTREMELY worth it imo), he completely eviscerates his underclassmen over it. That's how you know he really cares about making sure the record is kept straight, because apparently there are only two things that matter to Tanakamigi Chui: Art, and Truth.
drinks his respect Kisa juice (post-winter play spoilers) it’s a consistent behavior for him across routes that he pursues Kisa pretty doggedly and seems like he won’t take ‘no’ for an answer—until you realize that he’ll only take Kisa’s ‘no’ for an answer. Anyone else tells him to back off, he’ll be like, “mmm nah, you don’t know what you’re talking about” but the moment Kisa tells him no or that he sees evidence that she’s not interested, he immediately backs off. He also continues to show respect for her after this, as a performer and rival, his respect is not conditional on her potential as a stage partner. (He also knows her secret after a certain point, but instead of using it against her to strong-arm her into getting his way like you might expect an antagonist to do, he’s basically like, “wow you really risked it all for the stage, that’s SO FUCKING BADASS and exactly what I’m looking for in a stage partner, please team up with me”) It’s really telling that his way of asking her to be his partner is always to offer her his hand, which is a recurring theme with them.
Chui and Kisa are straight-up soulmate-coded (Kisa route spoilers) this might be unintentional, but for some reason the game REALLY goes out of its way to drive home the point that they’re the only true equals for each other, that they’re the only ones who can fully bring out each other’s talent, that they’re so talent-compatible that it’s a little spooky, that Chui is desperately lonely without Kisa, that they can sense each other’s presence, that they’re both willing to give everything for the stage, and that they’re both hiding who they really are. (Chui is, in fact, the only one at Univeil who could actually personally understand Kisa's dilemma of hiding her identity to prevent expulsion--he's in a similar position for political reasons.) How else are we supposed to interpret all of that except that they’re meant to be together? (So why CAN’T they be??)
Chui would do more for Kisa than Chuza will (Kisa route spoilers) This is getting very much into Kisa route spoiler territory but Chui directly states that he doesn’t give a damn about Kisa’s gender, he just wants to perform with her. We can extrapolate from his behavior in Fumi’s route that he’s willing to go pretty far to ensure that can happen. In the power struggle between Chui and Chuza, I think it’s safe to assume that Chui would actually be WAY more ready to embrace relaxing the boys-only rule than Chuza is, just because all Chui actually cares about is getting the best talent, not in traditions or playing power games. Honestly I haven't the fainest idea why the game thinks we should support Chuza over Chui, and that's not even my Chui bias talking--in my experience, that's a pretty common sentiment in the fandom. XD
lbr, he’s damn fine that VOICE. those HANDS. his huge pretty eyes and long eyelashes. he’s so TALL and BENDY and AWKWARD and a DORK and I love it. he’s so GREY and his haircut is so STUPID and I just want to allow him to snuggle a soft pink creature (aka Kisa)
ahem. anyway.
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girl4music · 2 months
“I mean I was lucky enough to get something on the series which is incredibly rare - which is the chance to write an ending. A happy ending. That’s so rare, right? ‘Cause you’re always chasing that renewal. So that was more intimidating than anything to be honest and like what a conundrum to be like ‘well, I kind of already gave them the fairytale ending and now I got to shake it up’. But, you know, once I kind of reckoned with the fact that it had been a couple of years, I was like ‘well, we should tell that story about getting older, maturing and what happens after happily ever after and how there’s different ways to be happy’. It’s not a story that we tell that often so that kind of clicked together. That really helped for all of us with the cast to be like ‘just be who we are now and tell that story’”
“You need conflict in a story, right? You do. People think they want WayHaught sitting on the couch 24/7. Actually, you don’t. All the tough times are going to make the good times sweeter, right? So I did have to kind of push myself to make sure these were conflicts or arguments or fights or obstacles that we hadn’t seen before. But just by virtue of the fact these characters did share such a rich history, knew each other well. but also like maybe been apart for a while now, right? Like maybe the Purgatory that Wynonna and Doc are coming back to is not the Purgatory that she left. WayHaught have kind of been domestic and what does that look like? Is everybody happy at home at where their lives are? There’s lots of very real grown up problems we can talk about and challenges but at the same time - we got sexy demons coming in.”
“I don’t know about shock but we have a very fun villain for the special. They’re phenomenal. They are - first off - they have incredible hair - which Wynonna is very threatened by. But also I think maybe someone that Wynonna doesn’t see coming. Someone that maybe touches a little bit on who she used to be versus who she is now and really challenges, I would say, her idea of how she sees herself now as a hero - which is very fresh. Plus, she’s badass, so look out!”
Okay, Emily Andras is HANDS DOWN my favourite showrunner ever in the history of anything ever.
She just - the things she puts as a priority (cast/crew safety, security and comfort most of all) just floors me being so well versed on a TV art/entertainment industry that never really cares about any of these things if they know that it’s not going to benefit them. Andras is just really adamant about the stories that she wants to tell are always aligning with the wants and needs of not only her audience, but also her team. You know she really cares about other’s visions but not to the point that she’ll sacrifice her own vision. She finds the balance and she uses that balance well. That balance of “This is my story - but wait, no - this is not just MY story - this is a story many more need.” No wonder she’s so good at providing representation.
It’s unprecedented for me to witness in all honesty that there’s actually a major showrunner that exists that puts the focus on and the effort in what’s best for EVERYONE in EVERYTHING. Every situation. Even with the fictional characters - she thinks about what it is they really need to go through and be challenged by and overcome to cultivate their growth as opposed to the easier route of doing the same old same old because it’s not risky. She goes for the risk but she thinks about what that means in terms of how it helps transform and transport the characters into new and interesting places in themselves and their dynamics.
She’s a showrunner that just completely UNDERSTANDS THE ASSIGNMENT and she can laugh in my face at that all she wants. It’s the truth.
I’d give anything to talk to this woman at a convention. Most of the reason I don’t even go to conventions is because the creators are never there for it. Just cast. And the cast are great - don’t get me wrong. But I want to talk to the people behind the ideas, behind the developments. Behind the story of what I’m watching. The people behind the camera and in the writing room that know these characters like the back of their hand. That understand the themes and tones and narratives. I can’t talk to somebody that doesn’t truly know the answers to all of this and can give me them in-depth. At the end of the day I’m passionate about everything the art itself has to offer - as mundane as it may be - and I want to have just as passionate of conversations about it so I have to talk to the creators over the cast.
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lightlycareless · 7 months
I’m not super far into your main story(I think I’m in the early 20s in chapters) but I keep up with spoilers and I read a paragraph or two of new chapters since Naoya isn’t in the parts I’m reading at and I’m desperate for even a little taste of him lol but on to my main point: Since I’m only getting snippets here and there so I’m sorry if you’ve covered this already but since Y/N is close to Mai and Maki, does Naoya’s relationship change with them as well? Canonically, he was horrible to them so I’m curious to how their relationship is in your story.
Hhaha I'm sorry for the lack of Naoya in certain chapters—I tend to isolate him when I need aspects of the story to move forward... or prepare everything for a certain happening hehe. But I promise, he's going to be more present in the future :> ❤️
Now onto your ask... this a good question I've asked myself once or twice in the past actually, and you've now presented me the perfect opportunity to dive a bit more into it!
I believe Naoya wouldn’t really interact much with Mai and Maki because of the age gap.
The only reason he did so in the manga (at least in my perspective lol) is because they represented two of the most controversial matters for the Zen’in estate: daughters of the main branch, and without a cursed technique (or weak on their terms).
Thus, for someone like Naoya, who always seemed to have a bone to pick with literally everybody, how could he not mock them?
But of course, once you came along and everything else happened… he’d find himself rarely interacting with them.
It’s kind of what Gege once said of the type of relationship Ranta had with them:
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Probably when they’re much older they would interact a bit more with Naoya, but it’s mostly to make fun him or so lol. You’re actually the reason they don’t go that crazy on him, solely tolerating him for your sake. And any serious matter is directly dealt with you instead (I gotta say, their mom doesn't like it when they talk to you or Naoya, but she's long stopped trying to correct them—you know, traditional matters of the Zen'in.)
Also, let’s not forget they’re essentially on the “I wouldn’t trust my kid with them” list because of the previous reasons so....
Now, if you want to get into the intricate details:
They think Naoya is straight up weird. As in, a nerd, goofy, makes questionable choices and still acts like a clown. They would make fun of his anime preferences and how intense he can get when discussing it, and his dyed hair, which in their eyes looks really, really bad—like, weren’t any other styles to chose from?
So yeah, we can see that if things had turned completely different, with them being a bit more confident, Mai and Maki would actually have the upper hand when mocking him lol (specially Maki!!!). He just has a lot of things to be picked on 💀 you’re amongst the few (if not the only) person that truly likes him.
And there you have it, what I think their relationship would be like further down the road.
It’s slightly based on my own experiences, like, I had younger cousins (older too) and sure we got along well and whatnot, but I interacted much more with those my age. And it wasn’t until the younger ones were like teenagers/adults that we got along much better. Those older than me didn’t change much lol so it really depends on the person.
I hope this was enough to answer your question :> but as always, if you want me to be a bit more specific, or you have a scenario in mind, just let me know and I’ll do my best to answer ❤️
Thank you for sending in this ask! Take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
You know that gif of vm in their everybody dance now costumes. The group of boys are skating to the group of girls and Scott does a cute finger point thing at Tessa and then twirls her around. What really gets me is she’s standing a bit separately from the other girls. Idk if she felt like being by herself or if it’s not like that at all. But I love how that gave him room to just twirl her all around without having to worry about bumping into anyone. In that moment, there’s everyone else and then there’s vm being so extra 😂 It’s also symbolic in a way… her standing a little bit apart from the other girls, plus him standing out in bright red while all the other boys wore black or white… kinda like VM are in a league of their own, eh? 😌
I totally get what you mean and like you, I’m probably reading into it way to much and not to put my detective hat on but when you consider other exhibition gala moments throughout their career there are lots of examples that have this same vibe of them kinda being in their own world amongst a crowd of people. I think, especially (specifically) on the ice they really do only see each other.. they’re aware of their surroundings for safety reasons of course but in a lot of ways it’s no different to when it’s just the two of them performing. I freakin love when they’re being extra and flirty as hell in public (on the ice in public). And yes as if everyone’s eye wasn’t already focused on them, them standing out visually adds to it!
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(I can’t find the video from the other angle) even from this angle it’s obvious. I always find these competition galas really awkward.. like rarely does much ever go into the choreography and getting skaters from 4 different disciplines to all be in unison/ be into it the same amount is hard. VM always manage to kinda be in on the fact it’s quite awkward so they make it cute and fun (or other times S just doesn’t know what tf he’s doing bc he skipped mandatory practice to go to the hockey game). T did seem to be waiting off to the side for him and he had his eyes on no one but her. Then when he picks her up and cuddles her.. like at least they are doing something bc everyone else kind just looks like a herd of sheep..
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 137/310
2014 Austrian GP
Alright. Round 8 of angst season n°1.
Oh something quite unexpected happened in quali.
Quali report. It's been more than 10 years since they've been here. The circuit is short so it comes down to little things. The Redbulls struggled with their balance. Daniel pushed through and qualified 5th in the grid but Seb didn't even make it out of Q2. Alonso went wide and almost hit a wall but made it into Q3. He's 4th. The Mercedes were 0.6 ahead of everybody on the softs in Q1 but they struggled later on on the supersofts. Lewis ran wide on his first hot lap. His time was erased for exceeding track limits. Nico ran wide somewhere else, which also hurt his time a bit. Guess who was doing better than them? The Williams! After the first series of hot laps, it was Valtteri on pole, but he ran wide himself on his second run, while Lewis locked his brakes and spun, in a rare mistake. So he didn't set a time at all and starts 9th. Ironically, that meant Nico had to slow down because of yellow flags, preventing him from snatching pole from Bottas. But in the end, plot twist, it was his own team-mate Massa who pushed him down. 
Lewis starts P9 then. He says the usual. It's gonna be a tough race but they have a great crowd. There's not a lot of options to overtake but he's sure he'll find places to do so. There's almost 100'000 people there and he says it's great to see so many people. 
Massa has his son with him in the driver parade, so cute! 
There's a segment about RBR being the most successful team in the history of the sport in their 10 years at that point. At the time they had most race wins, most WDCs and most WCCs, and the highest win percentage. It makes me think of all the hate Mercedes got for being dominant after that lol. Some dude (Michael Schmidt from auto motor und sport) says once they became successful they changed. Now they're acting like a manufacturer, they are a manufacturer as far as money and influence go. They're not the easy-going team anymore. "Once they started winning consistently they realised they could use their power to change the sport in a way… in their way." (And clearly it hasn't changed since then has it?) 
Niki got to drive around the track in a '96 Ferrari. He says he got in the car and found all the switches right away. He was amazed how long you remember how to operate these cars. He's very happy that F1 is back in Austria. He says it's gonna be a difficult race for Lewis in particular. Especially the first lap and avoiding collisions. It'll be a bit easier for Nico but the Williams have better straight line speed than them so it's going to be interesting. But nevertheless he thinks Nico has a chance to make the best out of this situation, "and Lewis has to fight."
Reminder : Nico leads the WCC 22 points ahead of Lewis, who's had 2 DNFs so far. 
Alright it's time for the race. 
Formation lap 
And they're racing! 
Rosberg gets a great start and he's immediately ahead of Valtteri. Lewis overtakes Raikkonen. A couple of cars go wide in the first corner. Lewis is absolutely flying! Already in P5, fighting Alonso for P4, it's only been like three corners! Amazing baby! But wait, Valtteri is back in P2, when did that happen? AND LEWIS OVERTAKES ALONSO WOW we even got a "and there goes Lewis Hamilton!" absolutely yelled, Crofty must have hurt his throat yelling like that lol. That's the first lap! Massa, Bottas, Rosberg, Lewis, Alonso, Magnussen, Raikkonen, Hulkenberg, Ricciardo, and Kvyat for the top 10. 
Ohhh and Seb is slowing down… he's lost drive… he's desperate over the radio… damn. For some reason it's always him… he's still going but like I can walk faster than that. We see him trying stuff with the steering wheel and then throw his hands in the air and shake his head.
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I feel so sorry for him. Yellow flags. He's stopped and the others are going past him. Then he goes again?! Normal speed?! But he's just joined back in the middle of the pack it makes no sense lol. Of course he's a lap down. On the radio he says "okay for some reason I got drive again." 
Lewis is only half a second down on Nico, who's only 0.7 behind Bottas, himself only 0.8 behind Massa. Cue the DRS. Daniel can't use whatever boost and can't use it for the rest of the race. Lewis drops back to 0.9 behind for some reason but they're still within DRS range of each other. There's also a 4-way battle for P8 between Hulkenberg, Kvyat, Ricciardo and Perez. Seb is also told not to use the overtake button. It seems they're having electronic problems and that's what caused the earlier issue. Rosberg is now 1.2 seconds down on Valtteri and then out of his DRS range. Lewis 0.7 behind. 0.4. 0.2! Not quite there yet… the supersofts are already graining… and it's lap 10.
Hulkenberg pits for the softs. And now it's Magnussen, Ricciardo, and Kvyat. Nico pits. 2.6 stop, out in P8. Kvyat might be an unsafe release… Lewis doesn't come in. The Williams don't come in. Lewis gained over 1 seconds on Valtteri in the last lap. He's already on his tail. Rosberg overtook Jenson for P7. And there's a car stopped in the pitlane! It's Gutierrez. He's being rolled back to the box. Lewis pits. 3.5?! Seriously… it's always so much slower for him than Nico… and yep. Rosberg stays ahead. Massa is called in. Oh yeah, one of Gutierrez' wheel wasn't on. Massa is in. Mmmmh… he's behind Nico, but ahead of Lewis. BUT HERE HE COMES DOWN THE INSIDE LATE BRAKING AND HE PASSES HIM!!! ROSBERG OVERTAKES RAIKKONEN FOR P3, AND LEWIS OVERTAKES HIM FOR P4! Valtteri pits! EXCELLENT 2.1 STOP! Great job from the Williams' mechanics! Raikkonen pits as well! Valtteri is out AHEAD OF LEWIS! BUT AGAIN, BOTTAS GOES WIDE AND LEWIS TAKES THE INSIDE! Ah it's just a bit too much, he can't make it yet! Gutierrez is under investigation for that unsafe release. Now Rosberg is closing on the lead, currently held by Perez. The top 5 gaps are all under a second. Perez is told to not go too defensive against Rosberg as they're not really racing the lead. Lewis is told the brakes are "over the limit" and to manage. 
It's lap 20. Lewis is putting Bottas under pressure. He attacks! But it's too early. Aaaaah… aaahhh… Bono says he can have a few tries "but use it wisely, we aren't safe" (understand : as far as fuel goes). He has to make it count. Seb pits. He's dead last of course. Another message. "Okay Lewis, I know the position you're in but if you can do a little bit of lift and coast to help these brakes that would help". Oh and Kvyat is in the gravel. One of his wheel isn't touching the ground anymore, I'd say that looks like a broken suspension but what do I know. Oh there's also a dramatic puncture on the rear right. Brundle confirms the broken suspension. I might actually be learning something watching this. He says he lost the brakes. He's way off track so no yellow flags. And Rosberg overtakes Perez and Bottas follows him through! Here comes Lewis… he can't make it yet… not yet… still not… here you go, that's P3. Lewis sets the fastest lap. 
It's lap 30. Perez pits for another set of softs. BOTTAS ATTACKS NICO! He's just 0.4 behind him and Lewis 0.3 behind Valtteri! Let's go! He attacks again! Massa is told Rosberg looks slow. But Bottas can't make it past him and that just puts him closer to Lewis. But yeah what's happening to Nico? He's lost 0.7 to Valtteri on that last lap. Oh, he went wide in turn 1. He's struggling with grip. Seb lost a bit of his front wing in a contact with Gutierrez. It's not getting better for him. He has to have it changed. The gaps have widened again. Overheating is a real issue there. And now that contact between Seb and Gutierrez is under investigation. No further action. We're halfway through. And Seb is called in to retire the car :( sad, but there's truly no point in continuing. Nico is told to push hard now. Lewis has saved a bit of fuel. AHHHHHHHHH YES HERE IT IS
"Okay Lewis, it's hammertime." 
As far as I know this is the first one. 
Lap 40, he pits first! But it's another slow one, 4 full seconds. Wtf is that about. He's out in P5. Nico is called in. Lewis on a new set of softs, what will they do with Rosberg? He gets softs too and he's still ahead of Lewis, in P4. His stop was 3 seconds… Bottas pits. Lewis sets another incredible fastest lap! They're ahead of Valtteri! Nico asks "so who am I racing, what do I do?" The answer is clear : "you're racing Lewis to the end". I've lost the sound for some reason but Massa pits. Lewis is gaining on Nico. "Brakes are okay, yeah?" Lewis asks. "Yes brakes are under control now, plenty safe at the moment so just keep managing them." Williams tells Valtteri that they're virtually P3 and basically just bring it back home. They wanna score points, not race the Mercedes. Alonso pits from the lead. He's out in P6. That's Rosberg back in the lead with Lewis 1.4 behind.
It's lap 50. Lewis asks if Nico has a brake issue like him. Bono calmly says "you are both in the same position so it will need management." He's now losing on him again. It might be the same issue they had in Canada, Brundle and Crofty think. There's 20 laps to go now. Bono again : "Okay Lewis at the end of the last stint rear tyres were looking a little better for you so we may have an opportunity at the end of this race." He's gaining again. 
It's lap 60 now. The gap has stabilised at 1.8. 10 laps to go. Not much is happening. Perez overtakes Magnussen for P6. 5 laps to go. 1.3 at the front. 4 laps to go. Lewis locks up a bit. He has max power now. 3 laps to go. 1.1. Nico is told to stay in strat6. 2 laps to go. Nico asks if he can use overtake, he's told yes. Lewis is told he can use overtake as well. It's the last lap. And here he goes right under the second. It's not gonna be enough i believe. 0.8, 0.7. Nico goes deep. 0.6. 0.5. Two corners to go, damn that track is truly truly short. 
It's the end of the race! 
Nico wins the Austrian GP, Lewis P2, Valtteri's first podium! 
Lewis shakes his hands and kind of elbows him in the chest. Very reminiscent of that reaction Nico had in Bahrain.
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When he gets to the cool down room though, Lewis goes straight past Nico and shakes Valtteri's hand. "Good job man!" he tells him. They're clearly avoiding each other.
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Okay wow that's the weirdest looking trophies I've seen so far…
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It's Mark Webber doing the post race interviews. He goes straight in and basically asks Lewis if he's happy with his pit stops compared to Nico's, and whether he's in the right position for them. He says he doesn't know and needs to have a look and what the team's feedback is on the positioning. He says as Nico said the guys have done a fantastic job to get another 1-2.
Niki says the race was hard but it was an important result after Canada. They did a great job and it's a good result. Ted asks how sweet it is to get a 1-2 on Redbulls track. He says he enjoyed it but he would have liked for the Redbulls to be more competitive. (It’s funny, he sounds like Lewis, or rather Lewis nowadays sounds like Niki, doesn't he?) He says he has to say it was a very good drive for Nico "but Lewis again, fighting from the back all the way forward, fantastic drive." 
That's it! Next stop : Silverstone. 
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alaffy · 2 years
Vampire Academy, Ep.2 - Earth. Air. Water. Fire
I mentioned last episode that the way this show is shot reminds me of reality shows like the Bachelor. The fact that both of the lead characters in this episode have to face challenges really doesn't help quash that belief. Also, yeah, I'm just going to say it. The story is decent, but the camera work or how they're doing special effects; it needs an absolute upgrade, because it is…It's not great work.
So, in this episode we find a little bit more about how Strigori becomes Strigori.  Any vampire can become Strigori if a Strigori bites them or if they kill (even accidentally) another creature while drinking blood.   Christian wonders if there might be a little bit of a intelligence to the Strigori, but so far there doesn't seem to be.  Well, sort of. But I’ll get back to that at the end.
Meanwhile, we find out that Rose keeps having this dream, seeing the aftermath of the car accident and seeing Lissa go towards a dead body. And then she sees Lissa’s brother telling her to remember. We also find out that, due to the events of the previous episode, Lissa and Rose have been forbidden from contacting each other.
Lissa finds out that, because she has been nominated to be Queen, it has been decided that they are going to push forward her Specialist Test. To explain, all vampires apparently have a form of elemental magic. They either control fire or air or water or earth. Lissa is one of the rare vampires that, as of this moment, has not been able to figure out what what she specializes in. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, except she knows that there was another vampire, Sonia, who didn't specialize or they couldn't specialize. And well, long story short, they did everything from counseling to electroshock therapy.  And Sonia didn't come back…well, no, they said she didn't come back the same. But you know, besides the bird thing, she seems pretty much there.  So, I'm not quite sure what the hell they're talking about.
Rose, meanwhile, finds out that, because of the incident in the previous episode and because she put Lissa in danger, The Academy Is thinking of expelling her; meaning she can't be a Guardian. And it sounds like she's going to be forced to live in what sounds like the vampire version of the slums.  So, she's going to have to go in front of the Headmistress and The Council to plead her case.
Lissa, at this point, has decided that she needs to sneak out and talk to Christian and see if he can help her figure out what her specialist powers are. And yeah, he tries to help her and there's this little bit of flirting between them and blah blah blah.
Anyway, we get to the night of what is both of the challenges.  And, well, Rose seems to be doing a decent job of explaining why she should be kept at the Academy; when she suddenly gets a vision of Lissa who is panicking because she's positive she's going to fail her test.  Rose runs out of the room, telling The Council she has to go help Lissa. Of course, the thing is this doesn't go unnoticed by some of the members of the Council; the fact that, for some reason, Rose seems to know what Lissa is feeling. But at the same time, The Headmaster says if Rose leaves, she'll be expelled. But Rose goes anyway.
Rose meets up with Lissa and we find out that Lissa is, well, she doesn't want to be Queen.  At the same time, she knows that, if she chooses to just run away, all of her brother’s plans to make society a bit more equal won’t happen. So, she doesn't want to do it, but she feels like she has to. Rose gives her a pep talk and Lissa starts her test.  At first, it doesn't look like it's doing going well. It looks like she's not going to be able to pick an element when, all of a sudden, she seems to choose fire and everybody's happy. Well, Lissa is happy until she sees Christian in the wings, and it's very clear that he has faked the test to make it look like her specialty is fire.  Of course, this is probably going to have bigger consequences later on.  This leads up to this moment where she, you know, calls him out on it and they end up sharing a passion kiss. But while they're sharing a moment, Rose, who is at a bar drinking because she figures she's about to be kicked out, feels the passion between Lissa and Christian's kiss and end up fainting. And she faints right into Demetri's arms because, of course. And he carries her back to the bunker.
I should also point out that, just before the moment between Lissa and Christian, Dimitri did tell Lissa about Rose’s issue and. Lissa, being the possible future queen, is able to convince the headmistress that Rose should stay on.
Anyway, Rose wakes up the next day and finds Lissa in the bunker.  What Lissa can't figure out is how much Rose must have drunk to pass out, and Rose tells her, how she passed out after she felt the kiss. And then Rose also mentioned how she’s been getting these dreams of Lissa after the crash and we find out that that's not Rose’s dream, that's Lissa. So clearly somehow there is this connection between the two and they need to figure out how and why.  
Before I finish, just some other things that happened in the episode that might become important later on. We have a character who is named Mia. She was the fiancé of Andre and, now that she's not going to be Queen, she is kind of in the process of helping Lissa learn her role. But she meets a guardian that has been in the past couple episodes called Meredith, and they seem to be hitting it off. We have, and I'm not sure what the guy’s name is. He's been in the first two episodes. I'm gonna call him douche boy Mouri, and he clearly is skirting the lines of becoming a Strigori. But the most important part is that we have a guardian whose name I don't know yet. This Guardian seems to be an expert on all things Stragori, and he seems to have noticed that there have been some odd occurrences going on with this them recently; which everybody has been ignoring him about. He also seems to have a crush on Sonia. But the thing is, is that Sonia is very much in tune with the world; more so than people think she is. And she shows this guardian that she has been studying all the Strigori attacks recently and what she's noticing is that they seem to be attacking weak points at the Academy. In other words, the idea that the Strigori are mindless creatures may not be correct. It seems like that they are trying to figure out a way to break in or break past the magical barriers protecting the Academy, and at the end of the episode, it looks like that they have succeeded. And that's kind of where the episode leads off. 
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studiomkm · 1 year
Divine Modernity: Hercules
Hercules, son of Zeus and one of the few Greek legends who had sided with humanity during the God Wars, hesitated in front of the simple wooden door. He had wrestled the Nemean lion, battled the Hydra, confronted the Amazons and survived the wrath of Hera herself. Opening an office door should not have felt like another labor and yet as he turned the knob, he felt his legendary courage and strength bleed away.
“Ah, Mister Heracles. Welcome. I was worried you weren’t going to make this appointment.” said the beautiful woman he had come to see.
She had long, brown hair with sublime natural curl, eyes that sparkled with the color of healthy soil behind a thin pair of spectacles and the lightest bit of red lipstick that was the only makeup on her face. The sight of her made him both nervous and soothed all at the same time, though he’d never tell her that. She sat on a plush armchair as she silently gestured to the chaise longue set up against the wall.
“It’s Hercules actually, doctor.” he gently corrected her as he laid back on the offered furniture, “I had it legally changed almost as soon as legal name changes for gods were invented.”
“I see. Well I apologize if I offended and I’ll make sure that all the paperwork is under your correct name from now on.” the therapist said softly as she scribbled something down on her notepad.
Hercules stared up at the ceiling as his therapist performed whatever paperwork she had to deal with before they began the session. His dreams had been growing worse lately and Morpheus was far too imprisoned these days to be able to help him sleep an entire night through. Mortal medicines didn’t work and he hadn’t been able to get drunk since he turned 300. He was desperate to find a little peace outside of a battlefield after all these years.
“Now you wrote that the reason you sought out therapy with me was because of a lack of sleep. Is there a reason you chose therapy specifically to deal with this issue?” she began.
“My lack of sleep is caused by nightmares. I cannot kill the monsters of my mind doctor, even with my strength. I used to seek the aid of the god Morpheus but he’s been imprisoned indefinitely for his actions during the God Wars. I… cannot overcome this myself so I have come to you.” he explained.
“There is no shame or weakness in seeking help when you need it, even for a god.” she told him sternly, “I can and will do everything in my power to aid you, so that you can overcome those things in your mind which hold so much power over you.”
“You speak as though my mind is a battlefield, doctor.”
“In a way, it is. Like you said, you cannot kill the monsters of your mind but that doesn’t mean that you can’t battle them. These kinds of monsters exist in everybody, though they’re very rarely the same kind of monsters. Does that make sense?” she asked.
“The different monsters part but how do you battle something you cannot kill? How can you defeat something that does not die?” Hercules wondered.
“You don’t need to kill an opponent to defeat them, Hercules. Many opponents can be defeated many different ways. Enemies can become allies, opponents can be rendered unconscious and armies can be starved until they vacate an area, can’t they?” Megara pointed out and Hercules had to admit that she was correct, so he nodded.
“Am I to understand that you wish me to starve the enemies of my mind?” he asked her.
“Maybe but first, we need to identify the enemy. If you don’t mind me saying, I’ve actually used the examples of your mythological battles with other patients to help them understand that knowledge is the first key to victory. If the enemy of your mind is like the Hydra, growing back stronger no matter how many times you cut it down, then yes. You need to starve that enemy instead of feeding it your aggression.” she said as she maintained unbroken eye contact.
“I crushed the Hydra with a lot of very large boulders. I did not starve it to death.” he corrected her.
“Not the point.” she said with a very quiet groan.
Hercules couldn’t help but laugh at her frustration, just as he couldn’t help correcting her. So many people had gotten so many details of his life wrong that he simply couldn’t take it anymore. Speaking up had become a reflex.
“My apologies, Doctor. I do get your point though. First, we identify the enemy, then we form a strategy, and finally we defeat the enemy.” he said with a tired smile.
“Yes, that’s very much it.” she acknowledged, “So why don’t we start with something simple? Tell me a little about yourself.”
“Haven’t you ever read Greek Mythology? I’m pretty famous.” Hercules said cheekily.
“I want to hear it from you. Get your personal experience with it and not just what somebody else wrote after the fact.” Megara explained softly.
“Very well,” he agreed with a heavy sigh, “I am technically the product of a sexual assault. My mother was tricked into laying with Zeus when he shape shifted into her husband using divine power. His wife, Hera, was furious that he had once again cheated on her with another woman and did everything in her power to prevent my birth. Thanks to a clever maid, who got turned into a weasel for her trouble, my birth was successful after a very long and agonizing labor. Hera then spent the rest of my mortal life making me miserable and trying to get me killed.”
“I get the sense you aren’t really comfortable talking about your life with me yet.” Megara said as she jotted a few things down on her notepad.
“Which one?” Hercules replied with a scoff.
“Considering you only spoke to me about your mortal life, I can’t really say but please know that this is a safe place to speak your mind.” she told him gently as she regained eye contact with the reluctant god, “Though if I may ask something?”
“Yes, Doctor?”
“I asked you to tell me about yourself. You could have started with anything. Your hobbies, your recent troubles sleeping, your relationships... yet you told me first about the circumstances of your birth. Could you tell me why?” she asked.
Hercules blinked, unable to really answer her. He hadn’t even thought to talk about himself as he was now. He had gone straight to the beginning of a literal eternity of misery and had thought nothing of it. It had been automatic.
“I… I have no idea.” he admittedly slowly.
“Would it be alright if I offered an educated guess as to why I think you did so?” she asked.
“I did come here for aid and insight.” he said with the cocky grin he had become famous for back in ancient Greece.
“Hercules, I feel that you may define yourself by your pain. That while others remember the tales passed down through myth, your memory of those events focus on the pain that surrounded them. Do you feel that I may be wrong?” Megara offered.
Hercules thought slowly and methodically about her words. He recalled every single one of the major events of his life, up to the end of the God Wars and tried to focus on his feelings in every one of them. Megara was correct, but thankfully not entirely. The pain, whether physical or emotional, always crept to the forefront of his mind but it was rarely the only thing there. His heart still shattered whenever he recalled the fate of his first wife and their children but it didn’t completely destroy the joy he had when he first realized he truly loved her or when he had held each of his children for the first time.
“Mister Hercules, are you alright?” Megara asked him back in the present.
His thoughts snapped back and as the modern world came back into focus, he realized that he felt wetness on his cheeks. He wiped his face and realized that he had begun to cry without even realizing it. He took a moment to try and compose himself as he searched for the words he wanted to say.
“I am as alright as I can be, I suppose. I was mulling over your words and realized you are at least partially correct. My pain… is a large part of me. More so than it probably should be, but it is not the only thing inside of me. I can still recall…” he choked up, unable to continue as memories of happiness that had been cruelly ripped away assaulted him.
“It’s okay.” she assured him softly, “there’s no need to try and rush anything. We may only be scheduled for a half hour at a time, but we can have as many sessions as you need until you finally feel like you don’t need me anymore.”
“And if that never comes, Doctor? Am I to be broken forever?” he asked as he wiped away yet more tears.
“You may live forever, Hercules, but that also gives you infinite time to heal. You will not be broken forever unless you choose to be. Especially since you’ve finally decided to confront your problems.” Megara answered confidently.
“So then what precisely is my problem, Doctor?” he wondered.
“What I’m seeing in your body language and what we’ve talked about so far has led me to believe that you might be under the effects of what we call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Now I can’t guarantee that’s what the issue is but it does fit everything I’ve learned so far. I can help, if you’ll let me.” Megara explained, her voice calm despite the fire in her eyes.
He remembered that fire all too well. He had seen it countless times after all, in each and every single one of her lives. He saw it that first night all those centuries ago where she refused to give herself to him until he treated her with respect. She was a gentle soul with the heart of a warrior, just as she was back when she was his first wife.
He smiled softly as he looked at her, at her determination. He had sought her out and looked after her for every single one of her reincarnations once Shiva had explained the concept to him. He would never again make the mistake of openly loving her but he would never allow her to suffer as she had at his hands again. It warmed his heart that she seemed to regard him much the same way, even if she had no idea who she had once been.
“I think I would like that very much, Doctor.”
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yellowsubiesdance · 1 year
i think it’s so strange when people watch media and expect it to have a perfect message, or expect it to sell a specific story, or expect it to resolve in the way they want it to. and it’s so strange when they’re upset when the media they’re watching isn’t sanitized in the way they want it to be, or that the main character of the media isn’t the perfect hero and makes terrible choices.
it’s weird when people watch a movie and say they couldn’t stand being uncomfortable the whole time.
i read a post last week that touched on this, and i just wanted to get my thoughts out about it. i just finished watching the dear evan hansen movie, and was reading up on the reception of the film. and whoever is reading this and feeling like they need to start a debate in my replies, this is not the time or the place. make your own post.
some of the reviews i read were things like, “they turned the villain into the victim,” “this movie makes you cringe the entire time,” “you just want to scream at every mistake that the characters make,” blah blah blah.
you can think what you like about the messaging, and what it says about mental health, and you can consider evan to be the villain. but if you walk into every theater and expect that the media you will consume will be perfectly palatable, you deserve a bit of a rude awakening. especially for these fucking film critics who write these reviews for hundreds and thousands of people to read. you cannot be a film critic and talk about how much you hated being uncomfortable the whole time!
the purpose of media and the arts in general is not to make something that’s easily palatable and cheerful and ends with a happy ending. because in life, very rarely do you have “happy endings.” everybody is struggling with regrets and wrong choices and mistakes and learning how to live with them. dear evan hansen is a perfect example of a character wanting to do right by others, but also seeing what he’s missing out on and craving just a piece of it. people have flaws goddammit! people make mistakes every day! they lie for a multitude of reasons, and this doesn’t change! i’ve been a compulsive liar most of my life purely out of survival, to protect myself. i still lie sometimes! even though i hate to lie! but sometimes, in my mind, it’s because i need to! and that’s not always the case!
i think a lot of people need to learn how to sit with media that isn’t palatable. i think people need to learn how to be uncomfortable. sometimes media is profound not because it’s palatable, but because it’s not. you certainly don’t have to enjoy it, and maybe you don’t want to watch it every again. but i feel like if you watch something that makes you uncomfortable and walk away feeling something, then it did its job!
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Three-eyed cats
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When my parents ran away, they took all their cats with them.
I know barely anything from this story. I wasn’t even three years old when my home became a stranger. Father complained they ought to give away more than half of their savings because the captain denied accepting so many animals on the board. I think he’s been such a strange human. Everybody understands that cats bring good luck to the ship. Probably, he was the outlander and definitely not from Mastar. I see so often, that locals love these animals. Even if they’re afraid of ours.
Cats from Artia have three-eyed faces. In my mum’s fairytales, I learned that in that way easier to see things that are hidden from a human.
After a time our animals mixed with aboriginal ones. Now Mastarian ask if there be an offspring this year. It is said, nobody before had seen such fast legs. In the last kindle, only one kitten was born actually different from the localized one. I named him Nemo in honour of a great skyfarer. Presently he sits with me behind the counter or scares passersby from my shoulder on those rare days when we make a trip to the capital.
Usually, priests take care of the cats of Artia. I think, Nemo somehow knows about this and always stops near temples when we walk by. Maybe he actually appreciates it when I describe to him the history of our ancestors.
He gives attention to other people very rarely. Even when neighbourhood kids try to take a closer look at the crowd, my beloved cat just continues to bask under the sun. The only ones he makes exceptions to are my family and a few friends. And then after more than one request and in case of a good mood.
Artia’s cats have hard fur. It is trimmed with sand, so now I always think, that Nemo doesn’t have enough sunbathes. He usually observes the clouds, especially when the cold comes and his family ought to hide in layers of blankets and clothes. Several times young ladies came to my shop and tried to pet him but said that such harsh hair is too offbeat and even unpleasant to touch. They’d better cosset their petite puppies from the bags. However, something tells me, somebody just has too soft hands that don’t know any work.
In comparison with his brothers and sisters, Nemo is a real giant. It’s only one of the reasons, why old women believe, that a beast has settled in our town. What a shame, they didn’t see books in my native language, where cats were portrayed as bigger than guardian dogs. We have only notes, where grandpa describes his hunt on the cave wolves with the Nemo’s ancestors. I regret so much, there are no more words from my family. Most just didn’t fit in their bags, and others got lost or rotted on the long way.
When I was a kid, people pointed at me with their white fingers. In that days Rumma - Nemo’s mother, hissed at everyone around. Now she is a very old cat, who rarely stands from my parents' bed. I see how hard is walking now for Rumma. Sometimes I bring her to the kitchen when something is being cooked, so she can just sit here with the kids.
During childhood, I dreamed how my skin stopped being so dark and kids started to allow me in their games. With time I’ve understood what it would be like to deprive Nemo his third eye. Would people become less afraid of him? Definitely. But would the similarity to this world make him a real part of it? Everything we would get - ripped part of our own history and personality. So I’d better go comb my harsh, coarse hair and narrate Nemo a new story before bed.
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blue-bird-limos · 2 years
Looking for grand celebration try our limo for parties?
Celebrating bicentennial and parties’ area unit absolutely the joys of life. To start with it’s an opportunity to recollect and rekindle the special atmosphere of your day. Then, if kids’ area unit within the combine, it’s usually one in all solely a few of opportunities to induce out and be simply a handful once more, specializing in your relationship.
Looking for a grand celebration strive our car for parties?
If you would like to upgrade your plans from a straightforward night bent on an evening for the books, think about hiring an auto. Nothing makes a celebration quite like inbound in an exceeding car will. There is a unit for all types of occasions that you would possibly need to limo for rent near me. Speculative concerning a number of the foremost fashionable reasons folks commit to getting a limo? Below, we’ve listed seven of the most effective occasions for a car. Begin designing your occasion to remember!
First Date
Normally, folks don’t deal with a car on the primary date. However, are you able to imagine the impression you’d build if you showed up to choose up your date in an exceeding limo? Your data is dismaying and amazing! If this 1st date is with somebody you care about and need to impress, think about a limo for rent near me for the occasion.
Nothing shows what proportion you care quite alike birth control all the stops for this person on your 1st date with them. It’s going to be simply a primary date, however, your possibilities at another area unit are pretty high once beginning the night by riding stylishly.
Prom Night
Prom night is one of the foremost fashionable times to book limo for parties. Not solely is it a good thanks to beginning the party, but it additionally keeps everybody in your cluster along. Usually, once progressing to the promenade, massive teams of friends all need to arrive along. A car could be excellent thanks to doing that. Many folks will match within and luxuriate in the ride to promenade along. Then, an equivalent massive cluster is transported safely home.
Plus, since it tends to be an oversized cluster, if everybody splits the price, the worth is pretty affordable–even for children. Inbound stylish elevates the complete evening and makes it one to recollect. Rather than having to fret concerning driving, value more highly limo for rent near me for promenade.
Nothing shows your domestic partner that you simply care quite like dealing with a car to celebrate a day alone. The fact that you simply have stuck along through thick and skinny over the years is rare and special. It deserves to be celebrated! Once you need to build a day special, think about hiring a car.
No matter if your plans area unit daytime or night-time activities, you’ll be able to limo for rent near me to move you to and from your celebrations. Show your domestic partner or wife what proportion you care about by choosing a car on your day.
Bachelor Parties
Another fashionable reason for book limo for parties could be a bachelor or bachelorette party. These parties will get pretty wild, and a car helps make sure that everybody makes it back safe and secure. Hiring a car to require you around very makes the party feel one in all a sort.
If you don’t rent a car, is it even a bachelorette party? It’s virtually commonplace follow to ride around in an exceeding car on this occasion. That’s however you create absolute to get the party started right.
Date Night
Looking for a way to form an everyday recent date night into a very special evening? Strive at to allot for a car to choose you up. Are you able to imagine the design of surprise on your vital other’s face after they see an auto pull-up for date night? Currently, that’s the way to point out you care!
When you grasp, they’re simply expecting the quality procedure of heading bent on dinner, build it special by hiring a car for the night. They’ll always remember your dear gesture.
When you need to form a birthday special, book limo for parties. whether it’s a twenty-first birthday or a fiftieth, hiring a car to celebrate someone’s birthday is celebrate gesture that may ne’er be forgotten. Nothing offers folks permission to party and feel worshipped and celebrated quite like hiring a car. The fact that they ought to have such a special gesture shows them that their birthday deserves to be celebrated to the easy lay.
Having a car be a part of the birthday plans makes an individual want their royalty. Once you need to ramp up the birthday plans, elect a car to form the occasion special.
Book limo for parties, your occasion is ought to have further attention and deserves to be celebrated to its fullest potential. Having a car could be a very fun means for teams of friends to stay along, let loose, and luxuriate in the occasion while not anyone having to fret concerning transportation or safety. It’s one thing completely different from the norm, and it guarantees everybody can have a decent time.
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hellenhighwater · 3 years
Do you have any tips for negotiating prices? I honestly have no idea how to do it at all not even what to say to imply you want a lower price
Well, you can always flat out ask, but that’s not the best way to go about it. The general script I usually recommend (first made for my brother, who is too nice for confrontation but who was spending WAY too much on secondhand car parts) goes like this. Please keep in mind that it’s only really fair to do this when someone has not already said that the price is firm. (Though, if something is listed weeks ago, I will occasionally ask if they’re still firm on price just to see if that’s changed):
1. Is this item still available? (If it has been for sale for a while, you can probably ask for a lower price--seller may want it gone.) 
2. General question about the item--size, condition, how old it is, etc. Anything not already covered in the description.
3. Appreciation for answer to the question + reason why this may not be perfect for you at the current price. This could be “Oh, it’s way bigger than I thought, I’m not sure if it’ll work for what I have in mind!” (True of the windows I just bought; they’re hella long!) or “Man, I really love this but it’s super far for me to drive!” You are trying to convey some hesitation over buying so that the seller will be motivated to entice you into buying, and to lay groundwork for this:
4. Would you consider...(amount of money). The amount I offer is typically about  half to a third less than asking price, or, if I think I can get away with it, what I would consider the Crazy Good Deal price. (Offering $25 for an item priced at $100 is a Crazy Good Deal; normally I don’t try that low, because it’s almost an insult. In this case, I knew the seller had had them listed for a while, wanted to get rid of them by tomorrow, was flexible on price, and had to admit to some damage to the items.)  Before you get to this point, try to avoid committing to buying or sounding like you Must Have This Thing--you want the seller to know you could still walk away.
Also, don’t put this number on the table right away--you want to get in your explanation and questions (if in person, try to establish a rapport first!) before you put the number down, because from here out it’s just talking money, and that’s all people will pay attention to.
At this point, the seller may say:
Yes, I’d take that. 
No, I’m firm at the listing price
No, but I would take (amount of money).
If it’s 1., congrats! Be appropriately grateful, arrange pickup, and be punctual and polite. If 2., you say either: “Okay, thank you! I can make that work,” or “Okay, thank you for considering that! I can’t make this work at the current price, but please let me know if you change your mind later. I really appreciate your time on this,” or something else like that.  Personally, I rarely even ask on an item if I’m not willing to pay full price; negotiating down is nice, but usually I’ve already decided to get the thing. I don’t like to feel like I’ve wasted the seller’s time.
If they respond with 3., you can either counteroffer with an amount in the middle of your first number and theirs, or you can just take them up on what they said. 
Keep in mind that both of you can walk away from the sale, but that you’re not likely to lose anything by just asking. Be polite, respectful of other people’s time, and read the listing (everybody hates being asked questions they already gave answers to). This, of course, also applies at yard sales or other situations where price is negotiable. My brother really likes the “would you consider...” line because they can always respond with “No, I won’t.” And that’s totally fair! 
Personally, I enjoy doing this from both sides! When I sell stuff secondhand, I always start by listing at what I would consider The Most This Thing Is Worth, and usually I let myself be talked down from that. 
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
How the Brothers Would Try to Corrupt MC w/ Their Sin
I have a headcanon that it's part of demonic nature to try and corrupt humans. Though I think it would be unlikely that the brothers would try to intentionally corrupt MC post-pact, it's still like second nature to them. That means they may try to unintentionally, uh… infect their soul with sin and drag them down into eternal damnation! They don't mean it, but be careful MCs of the world.
One of the hardest things to do can be to make others take pride in themselves… but Lucifer is always ready for a challenge.
The name of the game is praise. The human mind can be easy to manipulate so with enough praise even the most stubborn human will start to believe a drop of their own hype.
Building up pride is a steady thing... He'll usually pick a strength or talent of the MC to give high praise. Perhaps they sing beautifully or they're rather clever, don't worry. He'd let them know.
Light sprinkles of praise steadily increase their self-esteem, which may seem nice and almost healthy at first, but in truth he's laying a trap… He knows how effective his words can be and he's just waiting for them to go to the MC's head.
You think then he would be done right? Oh no. That's not the fun part. What's fun is to then offend that pride he's spent so long building.
He thinks it's cute, really. A small comment here or a little condensation there and they'll get so mad. It's just so amusing!
Of course, he can't take what he dishes, so they'll need to watch out. But don't worry he loves them, even if they're just a little too fun to play with…
Since when does the Avatar of Greed give gifts?
Really, that should be the MC's first red flag. Mammon isn't known for generosity, so when he's spending what little money he can hold onto on them, it's time to raise some eyebrows.
It may seem nice, almost sweet, when he manages to track down a rare vintage of wine for them or take them out to a ritzy restaurant for the night but unfortunately it's all just part of the plan…
Nobody has tastes higher than Mammon. He can't afford them most of the time, which leads to compromises, but given all the Grim in the world he'd be living in the lap of luxury - which is exactly the kind of lifestyle he wants the MC to crave too.
Anyone, no matter how modest, can give into temptation. How easy would it be to taste the sweetest wine or enjoy the most wonderful trip then want to do it again? It may seem innocent at first, but piling on the finer things can soon have the MC craving for them when they pass.
Then all Mammon needs is to make little promises, "If I make it big this time, then we'll go to France!" or, "If I win this next hand then I'll buy ya another glass." 
So how many times will the MC give Mammon a pass, then? Will they stop questioning how he comes up with his cash? Will they let him gamble just that "little bit" longer? Will they even join him...?
If they keep getting that taste of luxury, then maybe it's not so bad… right?
You think the easiest way to get the MC jealous would be to flirt with other people since that's how most people go about it but, uh… 
This is Levi we're talking about. Casual flirting is pretty much out of the question.
So what is a demon to do to get their hapless human jealous? The answer is, be patient.
No one's perfect, humans especially! They'll slip up eventually… 
Maybe someone from back home just got a new car or they're sending out marriage invites. 
Maybe they have a friend who's better than them at school or sports or there's just someone who has something they want: Money, talent, looks, followers, friends, you name it. When they see it, he can feel that envy creeping in…
From there, all he has to do is feed it. Let the world poke at their little insecurities for him while he plays the supportive boyfriend!
"Did Mammon really get the promotion? I thought it would have been you! That's so unfair..."
"Satan beat your scores again? What is this, the third time? Doesn't that suck?"
Small little comments… but all with a goal to fill the MC with toxicity...
"Are Asmo videos still doing better than yours? I think I know how to drop his numbers... if you want."
And soon enough, anyone can be an enemy. Everyone has it better than them… so they push the world away in order to feel better. And they become so toxic, the world rejects them in turn...
Except, of course, for their loving boyfriend, Levi.
If you want to keep someone mad, it's best if you're not the actual one doing it.
I know, it sounds counterintuitive, but turning yourself into the enemy risks the target cutting you out. Satan knows this, so he'll never enrage the MC directly...
But indirectly? There's a start.
Everybody has little pet peevs. Tiny things that aren't important, but dig under the skin nonetheless.
Breadcrumbs in the butter, gum-smacking, toe-tapping, tones of voice, or just little annoying inconveniences that can sour one's day...
Satan is well-versed in these tiny annoyances, he'd dare say they're in his domain. And, perspective that he is, he'll know what frustrates the MC soon enough.
Then it's just a matter of execution.
Maybe he jacks with their toothpaste tube or "conveniently" forgets where they put their books... Or they keep mysteriously finding fingerprints on their game disks or seemingly can't keep their room organized to save their life!
It may just seem like the world hates them... but really it's just their demonic lover.
These tiny details and little mishaps will just build and build like cracks in their foundation until it all breaks and comes crashing down… and he'll be right there egging on every moment of it!
You would think that Asmo would have the easiest time tempting the MC into his sin, but that's not so.
Sure, most traditional definitions of Lust begin and end at carnal desire, but what about those MCs who maybe aren't so drawn to the sins of the flesh? Fear not! Because the keyword for Asmo is desire.
Really, Asmo is happy if the MC's mind is full of nothing but him. He wants them to desire him, to love him obviously, but to the point of obsession. His heated kisses and sensual whispers are only means to that end, which can change whenever he needs.
The MC will have their life bombarded by their beautiful demon. It's not an unwelcome smothering, he's among the best boyfriends they could ever hope to have, which is exactly why he’s so effective!
He wants them to need him at every moment. Soon it will feel weird to go places alone without their demon… Certain things they could do themselves, like their hair or getting dressed, they'll want him to do instead.
Of course, if he's able then he'll certainly seduce them as well and at every chance he gets! From the House to RAD and even in the throne room - he's shameless!... But that's the fun, isn't it?
Oh Beel… He's probably the most dangerous one of them all. Not because he's so demonic, but because he's so sweet!
When Beel makes food for the MC or orders them an extra side, he does so with love. He just wants them to be full! ...or so he thinks.
Beel's demonic instincts creep up on even him, he's just not one to really question what or why he does things sometimes. He'll know he has the urge to see the MC eat or just be indulgent… but he won’t know why.
You could actually say it works to his advantage. Whenever he offers the MC another turkey leg or a few more bites of cake, his tenderhearted insistence is often so sweet that they'll just go along with it and try to keep eating… even if they're already full.
Now, the human body can only take so much food at once, but over time it can adapt to changing habits.
Eventually, the MC will find their appetite expanding to catch up… They'll stop feeling full as easily as they used to and soon the bigger portions that Beel gives them will be all but a necessity!
Of course, the worst case scenario is that this doesn't happen at all and they do serious harm to their health by always pushing past their limits… but there's no guarantee Beel's solution won't just be more food anyway.
Belphie is the only brother who will knowingly (and gleefully) try to make the MC as sinful as he is!
It's all for selfish reasons. If the MC is slothful, then they'll want to go out less and (probably) spend time with him more. Win-win if you're Belphie.
Since he's well aware of what he's doing, he's pretty damn effective at it. No other brother will be as committed to meddling with the MC as he is.
He'll convince them to cancel plans or sabotage their alarms so they oversleep. He'll suddenly be unable to sleep without them while his naps seemingly get longer and longer… And if they have something to do, he'll be the voice in their ear saying it can wait!
Really, at any opportunity he can get Belphie will try to drag them down or slow their progress with the sweet, sweet promise of relaxation or a good time...
Sure, it may sound nice at the time - great even! - but it won't take long for their promises to break or deadlines to pile up… Sure, the MC could try to catch up but wouldn't that be too much work? Wouldn't they rather rest instead? Why even worry about it?
It's a seductive line of thought and Belphie sells it well, it'd take only the most motivated MC to resist his charms but like that'd stop him. If he wants the MC for himself, he'll happily put their life on hold to do so. Just go with it... yeah?
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