#they're all friends your honor
bisheepart · 9 months
Friendship AU?
I dunno what to call this AU but basically the "Evan/Cassidy/Gregory/Cassie are all friends AU." Anyway, headcanons be upon ye.
Every time Michael pranks Evan, Gregory and Cassidy prank him back but worse.
Like the time Michael woke up with pink hair.
But he can't prove it was them. Especially since neither Cassidy nor Gregory tell Evan when they prank Michael.
This is because Evan is a terrible liar.
Elizabeth joins in too sometimes, since she and Evan are 'partners in crime."
Evan disagrees about that part until Lizzie reminds him of the times he's distracted their dad so she could steal extra cookies for them.
Or when he's helped her beg (blackmail) Michael to play with them.
Cassie and Evan are both pretty sensitive, but while Evan cries as soon as something bad happens, Cassie's builds up until she can't hold it in anymore.
Evan and Gregory let Elizabeth and Cassie do their hair/makeup/nails/etc. Evan does it because he's a good sport, Gregory does it because they both agree to let him ramble about his robotics interests.
Not just for this au, but look at Gregory and tell me he wouldn't love robot fighting competitions like BattleBots.
Both Gregory and Cassidy have beaten people up for bullying Evan and Cassie.
They have movie nights at Cassie's house.
They have a rotation of who gets to pick the movie that week.
When they're teens, Cassie wants to get her ears pierced but she's pretty nervous about it, so the gang (plus Lizzie) go with her in support.
Gregory and Lizzie get their ears pierced in extra support.
One year for Evan's birthday, the gang pooled their money together to get him a giant build a bear frog.
It's bigger than him.
He sleeps on top of it sometimes.
Gregory and Cassidy both agreed that if Michael destroys the frog like he did Evan's Foxy plush, they're going to bury him in a shallow grave (they tell Evan they're joking but they aren't.)
While Gregory holds the high score in most arcade games, there are some he can't win, like claw machines.
Evan's great at claw machines, so he helps his friends win which ever plush they're having trouble getting.
Gregory would be the kid who climbs into the claw machine to get the prize.
Evan had to get William and Henry to unlock the claw machine since Gregory did that once and got stuck. (Cassidy was meanwhile, laughing at Gregory so hard until they couldn't breath)
Cassie is amazing at Roxy Raceway, and other racing games.
Seriously, none of them can beat her at Mario Kart.
Cassidy is the Skee-Ball champ, not even Gregory can take that away.
Evan doesn't really care about high scores; he just likes having fun.
On occasion, they'll pool their tickets together to get a better prize they can share.
Cassidy and Gregory aren't allowed to play Mario Party alone. They almost killed each other a few times.
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forestwhisper3 · 1 year
Welcome back to [Not Quite] Midnight Meditations, although tonight, we are surprisingly more or less on time (as long as the clock still says 12 I'm counting it as on time), where I share segments from the darker corners of my flash drive. As stated before, these are all ideas that held my interest for a bit but were left unfinished for one reason or another. It is very unlikely that they will ever be fully fleshed out, but I figured it would be fun to share them.
Continuing in order from the last post, tonight's segment is Digimon again. This one is based firmly in Gen 2 and is yet another Davis-centric fic, but the concept this time is that he turns evil.
I do remember enjoying the concept of evil Davis when I wrote this (and I will admit the idea still holds some appeal even now), but I also remember being rather put off by the execution of many of the fics I read that pursued this plot. A lot of them had everyone suddenly turn on him because of one small mistake, or he decided he was tired of being "second best" to TK. That always felt sort of lackluster and unrealistic to me, so I tried my own spin on it.
This idea didn't get as much attention as the last one, so it's considerably shorter, but I feel like it sets the mood for what could have been the rest of the story rather well. Anyway, I won't keep you any longer, so here it is.
"I-…I think something's wrong with me."
"…Wrong how?"
"I've been hearing voices."
Ken rushed through the forest, the others hot on his heels, adrenaline pushing them past their normal limits. Inwardly, he was berating himself. He and Davis had both considered this possibility, no matter how reluctantly on his part, but Ken thought they might have had more time- that it might not happen because it was so unlikely…
Ken stiffened slightly while Davis grinned weakly. "Yeah, that's what I've been thinking too."
"…How long?"
"About a month now. It wasn't so bad at first- I thought it might have just been the late hours mixed with my imagination…but now…" Davis gave a deep, exhausted sigh. "I'm worried, Ken."
So he had ignored the warnings. He brushed off Davis's increasing weariness, his growing paranoia and jumpiness at the slightest things, and his increasingly frequent concerns that something serious was at work.
"We can't be sure that it's something to worry about yet," he countered a bit fearfully. "Maybe you just watched too many horror-"
"Ken. That's not it and you know it."
Davis's smile was so full of sadness and understanding that it made Ken tear up even while filling him with fury.
He had ignored it when Davis had started growing easily irritated and distant as well, although that wasn't the case with the others, who had finally caught on that something was happening. Not that they could have done anything by that point- the confrontation between TK and Davis was still a painful subject for all of them.
There was no ignoring it anymore.
"You're wrong! The dark spores were destroyed! There's no way for them to be affecting you!"
"Don't! I don't want to hear it!"
Tai was the one who had found the letter.
It was as if Davis had known all along that Ken would never find the strength to admit that he was slowly losing his friend. Perhaps, in a moment of clarity, Davis had realized that it was something that they wouldn't be able to fix in time and wished to explain. Whatever the reason, he had somehow managed to sneak the letter into Tai's home and hid it away in Kari's scrapbook.
Davis went missing the very next day.
A long, tense silence fell. It was the sort of silence they hadn't felt between them since the early days of their friendship. After what felt like forever, Davis sighed and stood up.
"I need to head home. I'll see you tomorrow?"
He nodded and went toward the door, pausing once it opened. "…Just promise me you'll think about it."
Davis was gone before he could answer. Then again, he doubted he would have been able to.
Now, they had finally gotten a reading on their leader's digivice…but he was afraid of what they would find.
Every day, the digital world seemed to grow just a little bit darker. Any digimon that weren't at Ultimate level or higher would stay hidden, and there were whispers…
The tentative voice brought him out of his thoughts. The others were looking at him in concern, but he couldn't bring himself to even pretend to be all right.
"It'll be okay, Ken," Kari tried to assure him, although the way her brows were furrowed betrayed her worry. "We'll get him back."
"Yeah," TK agreed. "Davis is tough. I'm sure he's fighting whatever's possessing him with everything he's got."
"You don't understand," he whispered, not caring at how his voice cracked. "He'd been fighting it for almost a year before he disappeared. The thing about darkness is its subtlety. It waits for the best times to strike, and it always goes for your weak spots. It's amazing that he's lasted this long, but even Davis isn't invincible. One slip is all the darkness needs, and then you're overwhelmed…"
"I hate to say this, but Ken's right," Matt cut in, expression solemn. "We've all encountered darkness in some way, and we all gave into it eventually. It's a testament to Davis that he held it off as long as he did, but we have to face the fact that when we see him, he won't be himself."
"You saw the changes," Tai added grimly. "The Davis we know would never act that way. All we can do is fight and hope we can reach him like he reached Ken."
Hesitantly, they nodded.
Still, they weren't prepared for how much their friend had changed.
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daily-whistlepaw · 1 year
daily whistlepaw until ha becomes PoV day 908
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windclan youth
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thorsonoflesbians · 3 months
happy pride to iceman and his batshit crazy twink that produces undeniable results with extremely questionable methods and flirts with anything that moves while driving/flying something that goes vroom vroom
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abnormallyo-a-k · 1 month
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I'm back pushing my terricky agenda onto you all- what do you know about them? what do you knOW about thEM?? anyway i love them with all my heart and here's my design notes on this -
so this is pre-betrayal. don't ask me the timeline, I may have the timeline but I'm not placing this anywhere First and foremost, on the left- it's not coloured and wont be because I'm lazy but Nicky is wearing Terry's purple sweater, and Terry is wearing a Glenn Close Trio shirt that Nicky has had for years at this point On one of Nicky's many necklaces is a guitar pick, one of the first ones Glenn gave him after he remembered both timelines. He turned it into a necklace to always keep on him, even when they fight and argue. Terry is wearing one of those tight-knit fishnet undershirts with an open chest (saw an image on Pinterest of it and went with it) with one of those sheer mesh cropped shirts over top. His big ass goth ass coat is lacking details again bc lazy but it definitely has a lot more pockets and buckles on it. And yes, Goth Terry is Canon to Me and he absolutely would do some really cool ass punk inspired makeup on Nicky or try out different trad goth makeup ideas on him for fun. Nicky, in turn, paints his nails. Typically they were always black, but occasionally they'd be red or purple or what have you if they felt a lil spicy. Terry also only wears upside down cross jewelry so that normal cross necklaces don't bother Nicky, because you know,,, demon
Also Nicky's tail is wrapped around Terry's leg because he's fruity I stand on the fact that Nicky crushed and fell first and Terry did not realize for a Very Long time because he's a fucking Dumbass and I love him for it
thank you for coming to my Ted (Terricky) Talk, I'll see you again another time when I crawl from the void
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 10 months
thoughts on broppy?
Something something the one person who never gives up on you no matter how hard you try to make yourself untouchable, unlovable. A person who defends you even when you don't deserve it for no other reason than the fact they care.
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They care like its a contagious thing, they care so much you think there must be something wrong with them and no matter how many times you reject that care it's relentless. You think they must be stupid to care so much until you realize they're not. You end up seeing deeper than what is at the surface, the sarcasm that matches yours, the bite along with the everlasting positivity. You see it andyou can't help but love it from a distance and be overwhelmed by it up close. Something about falling in love with the qualities you thought needed a reality check. Something about being vulnerable and showing a part of yourself because that's how you love someone. Something about supporting and caring back and being hurt and being different but wanting it to work anyway. Something about staying by them no matter what, no matter how much closeness hurts sometimes because they're worth it and quickly they become the most important person in the world to you. You know them inside and out and somewhere along the way you realize they know you like that too, even when you don't understand what you're feeling, they seem to know. Something about learning to listen and learning to care and supporting each others happiness no matter how different you are. Being with the person you're most comfortable with in the world, feeling most calm in a storm when you're holding their hand. Loving each other for your differences and complimenting those qualities with your own
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yeah i think they're alright
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Fendra wedding, anyone?
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luccacaca · 3 months
Look me straight in the eyes and tell me everything that sasuke and naruto thought and said in episode 478 was NOT a love confession.
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bonefall · 1 year
Was Squilf happy that her apprentice got with her grandchild? Did she set them up/is it common in BB for older family members and mentors to "recommend" mates? Not like an arranged marriage thing but more like your aunt going "you know my old apprentice Dudeheart, well, he has a son that's such a bright and courteous young man, I really think you two might have a lot to talk about"
It's SUPER common, probably making up a solid percentage of matches-made. That's just how it is in a society that heavily values making connections between its members; everyone's got The Auntie who's trying to introduce you to handsome and responsible suitors.
Rosetail actually paired up her son Redtail with Runningwind. I feel like she was a great matchmaker in her time, but I haven't yet picked any others she paired up. Maybe Lionheart and Frostfur! That could be cute!
But I'm not sure if Squilf did matchmaking for Spark and Holly. They were actually kithood friends and had the seeds of romance long before they blossomed.
When Sparkpelt explains this to Nightheart someday, she'll describe it as something that was always there, as right as the drops that slumber within a fat cloud. Even before it drizzles, its nature is simply to rain.
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edwardslostalchemy · 6 months
Shouto and Ochako being such close friends that people think they're together is one of my favorite funny tropes because Shouto is over here like "I'm gay but if anyone hurts her, I will murder them", and Ochako is over here not even saying anything, she'll straight up jump someone if they try to hurt Shouto.
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temtamtom · 11 months
there is a cd drama where sweden and spain interact???
Apparently so! I personally can't find a link to the audio itself rn, but there is a translation on Hetarchive
Some of my fave bits:
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justeight · 2 years
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🥺🥺🥺 them
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 1 year
Yes, I'm dropping part 1 of a silly mini fic series at 11 p.m. No one ask. I really dk why.
"Sonic's Weird Napping Places"
Part 1 - Tails
(since it's canon that Sonic naps in weird places :3)
"Hey, Knuckles, have you seen Sonic?" Tails asked over his communicator.
"Why would I have seen him?" Knuckles' tired and grouchy voice questioned back. Tails cringed a little, wondering if he'd accidentally woken the echidna from a nap with his call. "He doesn't typically visit Angel Island without you and the Tornado. He can't even get up here."
"Just a simple question," Tails grumbled. "I can't find him or get ahold of him. Thanks anyway."
Knuckles hung up without saying goodbye.
Rolling his eyes, the two-tailed fox turned off the screen of his communicator and glanced around. He'd just needed to ask Sonic where something was, something that he'd lent him a week ago or so and hadn't yet gotten back. Sonic had said he'd only need the tool for a day or two, but he was pretty spacey, and had probably just forgotten to bring it back.
Except he couldn't find Sonic anywhere. Sure, it was hard to keep track of him when he was constantly travelling around and running literal laps around the entire planet for fun, but this was what communicators were for, right?!
He guessed Sonic's communicator had either died, or Sonic had shut it down.
Tails couldn't continue working on his current project (among at least 50 others that were temporarily set aside) until he got that tool back, so he resorted to checking places that he knew his brother liked to relax at here and there. On the roof of his lab? Nope. At Amy's house? Nada. On one of the sun chairs at the local pool? No.
And Angel Island was already a no as well, according to Knuckles . . .
He was wandering back and forth in the yard in front of his lab, pondering where else Sonic might be, when he suddenly heard the sound of soft snores coming from within the top leafy branches of one of the nearby trees.
No way.
Tails lifted off into the air and flew over to the spot in the tree where the familiar noises were coming from. Sure enough, slumped on one of the branches and almost entirely hidden behind the mass of leaves was Sonic, sound asleep.
"Sonic!" Tails yelled, not bothering to be quiet, and his brother jolted awake so fast he nearly toppled out of the tree.
Upon regaining his senses and realizing what was going on, Sonic blinked a couple times at Tails. "Wassup?" he asked sleepily, closing his eyes again as he yawned and tried to get comfortable again.
"Have you been up here this whole time?" Tails demanded.
Sonic blinked again. "Define 'this whole time'."
"Uh, the past two hours?!"
His brother gave up trying to regain his previous comfortable position and sat up on the tree branch, glancing around as if trying to figure out what time it was. "Maybe. I didn't check the time before. What do you need?"
"That tool I lent you a week ago. I need it back." Tails shook his head in slight disbelief. "How is that even comfortable?"
"You'd be surprised." Sonic grinned. "Anyway, yeah, sorry for forgetting the tool, lil bro. I'll just go grab it for ya." Without another word he hopped off the branch, hit the ground after a solid second of falling, and took off in a blast.
Another second passed before he reappeared, the tool in hand, just as Tails was touching back down. "Here ya go!"
And then he was off again, no doubt searching for another place to continue his afternoon nap.
Tails shook his head with a grin and a sigh. Sonic was weird. But that wasn't really a bad thing.
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greenteabelle · 8 months
hc that billy is a weird fucking dude ( affectionate ) that's like super possessive , especially over stu . i also hc that stu bruises easily , so billy views that as a way to sorta mark his ownership over stu but like , discreetly . and stu just goes with it because he's like , it's billy . he knows he's weird .
“Holy fuck, Macher. what's that on your hips?”
“Huh?” Stu asks distractedly, following his gaze to where randy is pointing with a horrified expression. belatedly, he realises that his shirt was, in fact, too small and had ridden up to reveal a smattering of purple and yellow bruises all over his hips. “Oh.”
Before Stu can tug his shirt back down, Randy already has his hand on the hem, pulling it further up. It reveals more discoloured spots around his waist. Randy doesn't notice how the marks can line up to form handprints. “Dude, what the fuck? Did you get beat up or something?”
Stu laughs and swats Randy's hand away, tucking his shirt in properly. “Of course not, dipshit. Who the fuck aims for the waist?”
“I don't know! How else could you explain these?”
In any other case, Stu would tease Randy relentlessly, but seeing the genuine concern in his eyes makes him reconsider. Randy looks like he doesn't know where to put his hands, yet he hovers closely, fretting over him like a mom. Instead, Stu just messes up his hair, cackling at the indignant squawks that follow.
“Look, man. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to, if you know what I'm saying.” Stu says, waggling his eyebrows exaggeratedly to further cement the implications. “But if you really want to know…”
As expected, Randy gags and shoves him away, though his touch still remains careful. “Ew, gross dude! I don't wanna hear about your weird sex life, but man. You're into this shit?”
It takes a few moments to consider the alternatives, whether it's worth going along with it, but Stu shrugs with an easy smile. “There's nothing more sexy than a possessive woman, let me tell you that, Meeks. When you finally stop being a loser and get a girl, you'll understand.”
“I-I do get girls, I just,” Randy splutters, his cheeks reddening, “I haven't found the right one yet…”
“Uh huh, good luck with that buddy.” Stu grins wolfishly, pinching the boy's cheek for extra measure. Randy scowls, slapping his hand away. “Maybe if you actually got some practice you'd find your true love by now.”
“Oh yeah?” Randy scoffs, rubbing at his cheek. “And who am I supposed to practise with? You?”
Again, Stu shrugs. He leans in conspiratorially, lowering his voice into a whisper.
“For a good price, I'd do- Jesus fucking Christ, Billy!” Stu jumps at the sensation of a hand snaking around his waist to grip his hip, his back suddenly pressed against another very warm, very familiar body. He instinctively tries to move, only to be pressed firmly in place by the punishing hold at the crook of his waist. “When the fuck did you get here?”
“Just now.” Billy smirks. “Hey, Randy. What were you two talking about?”
That seems to reignite the life in Randy, who looked moments from passing out thanks to the scare. He snaps out of it and points at Stu's waist or, rather, Billy's hand. “Have you seen Stu's bruises? They look crazy, man.”
“What bruises?”
“These ones.” Stu says, immediately tugging his shirt up and angling his body so Billy can have a better view. It's a bit of a bad idea, because Billy doesn't have time to react. So instead of letting go, his fingers end up caressing Stu's skin, the contact both unfamiliar yet electrifying. He barely suppresses a shiver from it, though it probably doesn't escape Billy's notice even as he lets go. “Randy caught a peek because my shirt fucking shrunk, no thanks to my sister.”
Something akin to satisfaction flashes in Billy's eyes, but that could also be Stu hallucinating. “Oh, those bruises?”
“You've known about the sex bruises?”
Billy laughs, his thumb circling the sharp angle of the hip bone discreetly. Stu is honestly surprised that Randy doesn't see it. “Of course I've seen them. We literally change in front of each other.” Billy carefully pulls Stu's shirt down, not before leaving another longing caress to those marks before adjusting the sling of his bag. “Anyway, school's fucking over. If y'all wanna stay here, be my guest.”
Randy whips up his wrist to check the time and curses, quickly shrugging on his backpack. “Shit, my mom's gonna kill me! See you tomorrow!”
As soon as Randy disappears out the door, Billy casually steps in front of Stu. Placing both hands on the desk he’s sitting on, Stu is caged in. “So.”
Stu tilts his head, slightly confused. “So?”
“Sex bruises, huh?”
“What else was I gonna say?” Stu laughs, swatting at Billy's wandering hands. “That you're so fucking strong that you leave bruises on me? That's gonna sound even weirder man.”
Randy already thinks that Billy is creepy. If he hears that he also likes leaving bruises and on Stu out of all people? They'll be lucky if he doesn't just bolt to the police for that.
Stu slings on his bag and moves to leave, raising an eyebrow when Billy doesn't budge. “Anyway. We still watching Nightmare on Elm Street or no?”
Billy stares into his eyes for a few more lingering moments, before he huffs a laugh and steps back.
“Of course we are.”
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marlynnofmany · 5 months
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I don't think the artist is on Tumblr, but I've got to share this awesome commission that my D&D group just got.
(It was meant to be a birthday present for me, but someone couldn't wait until then.) (Ahem. @stonetheskald) (Can you blame him? )
I love this because it's both excellent art and extremely accurate to our characters. From left to right:
*Kataryna the mage & airship pilot (who is Better Than You)
*Gu'Yassa the orc butler (who deals out tea and violence)
*Dart the detective ("magic, monocles, and last year's lavender coat")
*Shanty the robot / magician / river pirate / cheerful menace. (She's my character. No one is surprised.)
The ship is Lucy (in the sky, with dragon scales).
The artist is Allyson Vitor, and we are all duly impressed!
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maegalkarven · 6 months
A future fic carcass I'll write when I write (after I finish 9 ungoing fics)
King Viserys dies at the wedding celebration of his daughter, Crown Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen.
No one else does.
I am a firm believer Otto and Viserys are the rot on the face of the House of the Dragon and without these two everything would be fine-ish.
Unfortunately, we need Vissy T for his kids to be born, so Viserys dies soon after Aemond is conceived. Sorry, Daeron, not this time.
Joffrey doesn't die because he doesn't manage to provoke Criston before the king dies.
Rhaenyra overrules his father's decision and marries Harwin Strong.
Their son Jacaerys Targaryen is the heir to the throne, Lucerys Targaryen is the heir to Harrenhal.
Daemon marries Laena and lives at Dragonstone (Rhaenyra grants him that), their firstborn is the heir of Driftmark.
Laenor joins the Queensguard and is sent to Dragonstone to protect Prince Daemon (ha) and his future heirs.
Criston Cole becomes the Commander of City Watch while still retaining his white cloak (what? He did it in canon, can do it here).
Rhaenyra removes Tyland Lannister as the master of ships and appoints Corlys Velaryon (back).
When Baela and Rhaena are born, it is decided to betroth Prince Aegon and Lady Baela, making him future lord-consort of Driftmark (and successfully removing him out of succession of the iron throne).
When Jace is born, his and Helaena's betrothal is announced.
Baelon is born without an issue and the royal family meets at the celebration on Dragonstone, where Aemond claims Cannibal and loses an eye in the process.
(Kinslayer, everyone. It fits).
Afterwards Luke is sent as a ward to Harrenhal with his father. A huge ass scene ensures there Luke clings to Aemond and refuses to go.
Aegon makes a greasy comment and gets punched.
Both Aegon and Baela are sent as wards to Driftmark.
Lucerys still leaves.
Harrenhal doesn't burn bc even if Larys kills Harwin and Luke, there's still Lyonel and Joffrey in the equation. Lyonel keeps serving Queen Rhaenyra as her Hand.
Years later the royal family meets at the wedding celebration of Baela and Aegon, where Luke and Aemond behave very much like Rhaenyra and Daemon at Rhaenyra's not happened wedding.
Rhaenyra and Alicent clutch at their pearls, Rhaenyra suggests father died because of seeing something like that.
Daemon asks if she implies they killed Viserys, then asks where is Baelon.
Laena replies Baelon is playing knights with Joffrey.
Rhaenyra and Harwin Strong (no) have three more children, Aegon, Viserys and Visenya, all silver-haired like their mother (her uncle).
Laena is fine with it, they have a poly. Laena doesn't have more children because Baelon's birth was a ghasty one.
Baelon claims the Grey Ghost.
Otto is never called back to the capital because (suprise!) Rhaenyra didn't rush to kill her 3 y.o brother or the other one who was born after Viserys' death. Instead she marries Aegon off so he's no threat.
Aemond eventually joins the Queensguard and is appointed to the future lord of Harenhall.
Lucerys refuses to marry and appoints his brother Viserys as his heir, who marries Visenya. They have a very good life in Harrenhal.
The reason Luke skips over Joffrey is because Joffrey is always at the sea (with Baelon), and Aegon the Younger is bethrothed to Baela and Aegon the Elder' firstborn, Laena.
Everyone lives happily ever after, Otto gets to be the head of the house Hightower after he successfully plots against his own kin, since his blood is secured on the throne, if in unconventional for him way.
He once tried to manipulate Aegon, but was cut off sharply by Rhaenys and Corlys, who kind of adopted the boy as theirs.
Aegon enjoys wandering about Essos very much, he, of course, whores around, but he and Baela have an agreement. One of Baela's children is born from Alyn of Hull, but no one is any wiser, since everyone just thinks the child looks like her.
Jacaerys and Helaena have three kids, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera and then Maelor.
Jaehaera is oldest and so is the heir.
Oh, and Rhaena is happily married to Corwyn Cobray. They have a daughter, Rhaenys.
#hotd#hotd au#queen rhaenyra#hotd fanfic#fuck viserys#i will write it one day bc i have such a vivid image of the scenes such as: viserys' death. rhaenyra overruling her father's decision#explaining it and trying to mediate it so Corlys wouldn't start another war#'i thought it was in the tradition for the king or queen to marry their hand's child'#the greens' FACES at that#rhaenyra gathering Laenor and his entire fam and suggesting queensguard#“but then he won't be able to wed a woman. have a family-”#-exactly *Rhaenyra and Laenor lock gases. she nods. he nods.* -i accept#Aemond just fucking WANDERING AWAY TO CLAIM THE SCARIEST ASS DRAGON THAT IS THERE#the total panic then Laenor finds him and brings back with EYE LESS. (he almost got to the castle but fainted mid way)#corlys trying to push for baelon as the heir and laena&rhaenys being: “NO”#the unspoken kinship in the house of whoring around. Harwin being like “i support my wife's wrongs” and loving egg vis and visenya as his#NO ONE KNOWING THEY'RE NOT HIS. LIKE LEGIT THEY COULD BE HIS OR HARWIN'S. EVEN RHARNYRA DOESN'T KNOW#aegon living his best life as a sailor and explorer#Aemond looking at Laenor and being like “i can do that too”#laenor living THE BEST LIFE by his sis and her husband/his friend's side. and Joffrey is ALIVE#criston eventually getting over himself and accepting that Rhaenyra indeed couldn't run away with him#like imagine if they run away and then vissy t died#whoops i guess#also i just realized i accidentally made it so that Harrenhal is eventually ruled not by Strongs but Daemon's kids#lmao i guess#They are Targaryens (tm) your honor#the amount of dragons they're about to have...like harrenhal has 4 just with luke aemond and visx2#Dragonstone has 3 even if all kids scatter about#cobrays have 2 (Rhaena's and her daughters)#driftmark has at least 3 and then Laena is born and its 4
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