#they're just so *clenches fist*
llamahearted · 4 months
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two people will go through similar things & learn to cope in different ways
print ♥︎ song
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paxopalotls · 19 days
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22-15-8-8-19 26-12-23-11 18-17-8 8-2-8 18-19-8-17
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bragganhyl · 5 months
*clears throat* The Watcher is a really good protagonist character.
Like honestly, when you think about it, it's really astounding that this series has the same blank slate character throughout the series and yet you can flesh them out thoroughly and give them an arc that effectively and dynamically arches over multiple installments. There aren't a lot of game series' out there that manage to pull this off this well
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ridl · 7 months
I love ganqing sm. Keqing the capable, confident and highly ambitious leader of liyue, and her capable, war veteran, gentle general secretary, yet a bit weird qilin wife. And it's so important to me to underline that ganyu is just a bit weird and strange.
>appears for the first time on the roof >weird mullet hairstyle >eats raw wild flowers (her favorite is very bitter) >falls asleep in a haystack (can fall asleep anywhere really) >sensitive horns
Like yeah yeah, she's beautiful, strong and awesome, but do you care about her weirdgirl swag. I think it makes her very charming. Keqing is beautiful, strong and awesome too, but she's also just some guy. It's so fun to think about them because of it hhhh
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slushglow · 10 months
is your usagi taller, shorter, or the same height as leo??
love ur art btw
man i am SO glad u asked HAHAHA IVE BEEN WAITIN FOR THIS ONE ☝️
so he starts off taller than leo (when they're 15-16), and they both grow a little more as they age but leo catches up by the time they're 18. i hc that the mutagen affects the turtles even into adulthood tho which explains why (at least as far as we saw w leo in the future timeline) they have grown a TON. i imagine raph and donnie would have been the same. i think mikey's mystic powers kinda sucked the growth spurt juice outta him tho which is why he stayed the same 💔
anyway usagi still grows a little also just cause (and he's def not short by any means) but by the time they're in their early to mid twenties leo is noticeably taller than him. i just have a scene in my head of usagi and leo like standing next to each other in this totally mundane moment . and usagi is looking at leo and jolts when he realizes that the mfer is like a LOT taller than him but its an incredibly fond moment for him bc he can rmbr when he was tilting his head to look down at leo when they were kids and now he has to tilt his head up and he's just like DAMN (said very tenderly) . ANYWAYS
thank u again for the ask i was so excited to answer this fr it's something i have thought abt . i love when characters noticeably grow in comparison to each other in shows the detail can be so bittersweet and also heartwarming u know bc it rlly encapsulates all their changes and maybe even how their dynamic changes . U GET WHAT I MEAN ?
srry this was so long winded and thank u omg ur so kind 🙏 hoping to have more art soon work is kicking my ass but i will answer asks all day HAHAHA
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theirloveisgross · 8 months
I know it's probably a long shot, but I've been thinking about it a lot, like I'm sure some of you have as well. So I'm just going to ramble.
I see photos of Rachel having a good time with Louis and all, during tour, and it's not like I think they became best friends, but I think they had a good time and stuff. And Louis likes her music and interacts with her stuff. I love that.
And I know that Florence is really good friends with Rachel... And that's been going on for a while actually. I feel like the first time i heard of Rachel was through Florence maybe a year or two ago. Anyway...
I'm like- can you imagine what a Florence-Louis friendship would be like?! Just- I know! I know! It's very unlikely... But weirder things have happened. And just- dude. Their personalities are just so... I think they'd match together so well, it's insane. That capricorn energy. Their work ethic. The loyalty. The no-bullshit approach to life. Just!!!
We were robbed of Florence-Harry. Maybe... Just maybe... We could still have Florence-Louis. If they were both to go to a Rachel show. That show she has in London on March 6 perhaps? Louis should be available. Idk if Florence is set to be filming anything but like- c'mon.
Well, putting all of this down now made me really really really want this so bad. Even more. *siiiigh*
I'll just be manifesting, I guess.
Louis, go follow Florence, c'mon now.
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kattythingz · 6 months
*cracks knuckles* ask and ye shall receive.
🩵 - written scene
It was, perhaps, a testament to just who’d raised her when Nina demanded there be dancing at her sixth birthday party. You need to dance, daddies! It’s my birthday, and I said so! 
Ed goes along with Nina’s whim, deliberately dancing wrong just to see the precious, frustrated pinch of her eyebrows as she huffs and chides, “Daddy, you’re doing it wrong! Do it like this!”
Ed can barely keep a straight face as it is—and he really can’t help it. She’s too much. He lets out a laugh as he half-heartedly shifts to obey, and she pouts harder at him.
“It’s not funny! This is serious!”
So wronged as she is, she doesn’t notice Ling coming up suddenly from behind and lifting her in a spin. Nina shrieks with surprised laughter as Ling cheers, “Now, now! It’s not Daddy’s fault you’re so cute!”
“AHHH, I’m not cute! I wanna be cool, like you and Daddy!”
“Well, you’re already halfway to that goal,” Ed says as he steps into Ling’s side, his eyes sparkling. “It’s not that hard to be cooler than your papa.” 
Ling theatricizes a loud gasp. “What was that? My own husband?!”
“You know it’s true,” Ed shoots back smugly. “You practically begged me to marry you.”
“And you said yes, did you not? What does that say about you?”
“That I’m the coolest for putting up with you this long?”
Nina giggles at that, and Ling can’t even pretend to be offended, between his husband’s and daughter’s smiles.
“Really?” Ling says mischievously. “Would you consider it ‘cool’ when you cried over Nina’s essay last week?”
Ed splutters, “You cried too, dumbass!”
“Yes, and I owned it,” Ling says with a preening smile. “You, however, insisted—”
“I still have our wedding certificate, don’t test me, Yao—”
“That’s Elric-Yao to you,” Ling turns his nose and sniffs.
Ed finally caves to his own laughter at that. Ling’s cheeks ache with the growing strain of his grin.
“You’re impossible,” Ed says when he’s back on Earth, laughter still warm in his voice. “The uncoolest man I’ve ever known.”
Ling’s arms lower of their own accord, shifting Nina into the crook of one arm and reaching the other one around Ed’s waist. He buries his nose in golden strands, brushing his lips over that available brow and smiling. “I suspect that might be a compliment from you, by now.”
Ed’s smile is a devastating thing when it softens.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
This is, perhaps, the closest Ling will ever come to being king. Standing with his daughter in one arm, and his husband in the other—and not a rush in the world to challenge them.
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tapedsleeves · 2 years
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[Image description: Jack Eichel hugs Logan Thompson after a win over the Winnipeg Jets on October 20th, 2022./end image ID]
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nyt1ba · 2 months
      It's strange,   the speed with which she would become a vital aspect of his life,   like a piece of himself he can't do without                   almost like an extension to a heart he hadn't known was beating still after all those years.   And he doesn't mind her intrusion into a life of tightly knitted secrets,   albeit unexpected,   he welcomes it wholeheartedly,   allows her to makes her presence known in every corner of his life,   no longer as solitary with her bringing so much soul into it.   He can't help but think how it must've been like,   if their circumstances were kinder to them,   if she hadn't been taken by the cult at such a young age,   if Mother Sphere never rebelled   &.   humanity reached a golden age of prosperity.   It's difficult to dive into that realm of imagination after all that had transpired,   but to picture a better future meant to let go of the small bliss he had found here with Artemis and Elektra,   he can't imagine the idea of having a family with someone besides them,   it's ironic how he'd find a semblance of normalcy with them more than he had back in his old life.   They're sitting together on the worn couch of the camp set in his safehouse,   the crackle of the fire the only thing that filled the silence between them,   it was a quietude born by comfort                  something neither of them had known with their minds always at war against themselves.   For once,   he sat there,   doing nothing,   watching the fire burn away with Artemis leaning on his shoulder,   spent and weary after a long day.   He tends to forget his own limitations,   perhaps he should lighten her load a little more.
      " i can't tell you the last time i actually felt safe. " sobs cries ...
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   The admission is quiet,   but loud enough for him to hear.   Adam turns slightly to look at her,   careful not to disturb as he thought she had fallen asleep only to realize she had been so lost in thought as he was.   That's right,   her childhood with the cult could hardly be called as one from the very start,   to be raised as a mere vessel than a human,   born to destroy all that lives either in life or death   ...   every hour of every day was lived in fear,   not only from the cult but herself most of all.   To grow up with fear as one's only companion,   it's difficult to experience everything else with an open heart,   she tried.   However,   it's apparent it was eating at her ever so slowly.        ❛❛   Artemis   ...   ❜❜        Adam frowns,   his heart swelling with sympathy.   He wants nothing more than to shield her from her troubles,   but he knows he can't protect her from everything,   the thought in itself troubles him beyond measure.   He shifts slightly,   moving his arm to wrap around her shoulder in half an embrace,   his hand rubbing at her arm in a soothing motion.        ❛❛   I know earth isn't   ...   an ideal place to be.   However,   you will always have a home here,   you have nothing to fear,   you're safe.   ❜❜
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@sentinalle // screaming !!!! ugly crying !!!!
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teatitty · 2 years
Finally kicked my ass back into Granada rewatch and I simply adore that Resident Patient starts off with Holmes stimming by tapping his fingers rapidly and he only stops when Watson talks to give his full attention. And of course Watson immediately knowing it’s because he’s bored out of his mind after Mrs Hudson kicked them out for spring cleaning
Holmes: How did you deduce that?
Holmes as Watson goes through his explanation:
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avalonianrising · 7 months
LORE ASK. i love the emperor elimination task force. is there any rivalry between members? i also noticed a shadetouched corruption meter on a few dragons. thats so cool! is there protocol if someone becomes completely corrupted?
Okay, so you're going to laugh at the rivalry thing: yes--but it's purely fun rivalries!
Members of the Task Force are embroiled in--get this--epic rap battles. This was purely inspired at one point by Devilman Crybaby because I was enthralled by their use of rapping/beatboxing in the series.
A lot of the members actually have voice claims showcasing some examples if you want to check them out--Seojun's voice claim comes right from that show as stated!
They'll get together in either large or small groups and showcase their talents any chance they get (during downtime of course!). No one has beaten Masato yet, but by god to they try!
And thank you for noticing one of my favorite little things that I've added to some dragons. <3 That's been there for a l o n g time, before there was a whole crap-ton of Shade related lore. (Ergo, I made my own, darn it.)
So, what happens if they become completely corrupted is...not pleasant. As peaceful as Lockwood is, he doesn't fool around with something like the Shade. Nemesis was the closest to total corruption (at one point 95%) and it showed. Think Primal eyes, but way worse. It dripped from his mouth, his eyes, sometimes his nose if he was stressed out or angry enough. He was skinny, sickly looking, but DEADLY strong. It wasn't a pleasant sight! But Grimshaw was the one who perfected a purifying technique and pulled it all out of him--using it to actually fortify Vasilios' grave site! He was almost unable to do it due to the sheer severity, but he managed. Did it take a lot out of him? Definitely. Would he be able to do it with a full corruption? Most likely not. Ergo: a fully Shade corrupted creature or dragon is ended quickly as possible as not to prolong their suffering.
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xbraveheartx · 11 months
Gently considers... Carmeo/Promeo discord server... hmmm...
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dropespeon · 4 months
thinking about it a lot of the reason why sifloop appeals to me so much has a lot to do my own relationship with myself & my sexuality
i'm somewhere on the aroace spectrum & very averse on both ends. i have never and probably will never be interested in a romantic relationship or anything of the sort. but the concept of being desired, of being someone who a person i care about could love in this "special" way is deeply appealing. but the reality of someone loving me in a way i can't return is. so uncomfortable. the thought of being seen in that way makes me feel sick. there's this other person who could have thoughts about me i could never know or understand, and that's terrifying. it's supposed to be something more, but i don't know how i could possibly love a person in a way that is more than this.
and then sifloop presents this idea of someone who understands you more than anyone. someone who you will always know exactly what you want; someone with whom you don't have to wonder about what *they* want. you can be desired & loved, but there's no caveat to it. there's no twist that insists, "it's different, it's more." and it's someone who has all of the things you see as undesirable in yourself, but you can't help but love those parts of them. it's a person who can always hold you accountable--who can see the person you've hidden from everyone else, the person you believe could never be loved if they were known--and love you in spite of it all.
it's a person who could never be real. it's a person who only exists in cautionary tales of wishes and clones. but you have always loved that story. you only wish it were yours.
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gendzl · 4 months
there were a couple of assemblages by Varujan Boghosian at the art museum, and I've completely fallen in love with them. I want to make art like that!
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aintitfierce · 5 months
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