#they're magical healing crystals marie
reddpenn · 1 year
What makes a rock a rock and not a crystal?
A mineral is a naturally occurring non-organic solid with a defined chemical composition and an orderly molecular structure. This means the molecules throughout the entire structure will be exactly the same, and be arranged in a symmetrical, geometric, repeating pattern called a crystal lattice.
Quartz is a mineral. Its chemical formula is silicon dioxide, and its crystal lattice forms a repeating tetrahedron.
Ice is also a mineral. Its chemical formula is dihydrogen monoxide, and its crystal lattice forms a repeating hexagon.
Obsidian is not a mineral. It is a mineraloid, a mineral-like substance. Its chemical composition can vary wildly, and instead of a crystal lattice, its molecules are jumbled up in an amorphous solid, meaning there’s no nice repeating pattern to them.
A crystal is any solid material with a crystal lattice.
All minerals, by definition, have a crystal lattice. So all minerals are crystals! Some things that are NOT minerals are also crystals!
Sugar is a crystal. It has a crystal lattice made from molecules of sucrose. But it is not a mineral because it is organic.
Often, these repeating geometric patterns in the crystal lattice cause the substance to naturally form big geometric structures with distinct faces - such as the points formed by quartz. These larger structures are colloquially also called crystals, and their shape (called a crystal habit) is determined by the shape of the crystal lattice. The same crystal lattice can produce multiple different crystal habits, and it’s all very cool and complicated but I won’t go off on a tangent about it right now.
A substance does not have to form big structures like this to be scientifically considered a crystal. It just needs a crystal lattice!
A rock is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals and/or mineraloids. It can be made of a single mineral, or a bunch of different minerals. But when made from a single mineral, it will not be one solid block of that mineral with an unbroken crystal lattice. Because it is an aggregate, it will be a bunch of micro- to macroscopic grains of that mineral all compacted together, each with their own individual crystal lattices.
Granite is a rock. It is made of grains of minerals such as quartz and feldspar.
Limestone is a rock. It is mostly made of grains of calcite.
So rocks can be made of crystals, but rocks are not crystals - in the same way that a house can be made of bricks, but a house is not a brick!
And this is just a very quick overview of these terms, because the scientific definitions can get increasingly pedantic and there are tons of weird exceptions! It is all very fascinating.
But of course, the word rock also has a colloquial definition, which is just… a chunk of that hard stuff the planet is made of! A mineral, a crystal, a fossil or a bio-organic solid… whatever! This is a rock collection and these are my rocks!
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rifari2037 · 14 days
Antis : Zutara shippers mischaracterised Katara by saying that she acts motherly towards Aang.
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Forgive me if I consider it motherly, when two characters have exactly the same gesture as La Pieta (an art of Virgin Mary cradles the body of her son, Jesus).
The writers actually admitted that they were inspired by La Pieta, so I'm not just assuming. And the writers also said, their dynamic like babysitter and a kid she look after
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Out of the 'mischaracterised' thing - because the writers themselves admit that - for some people, such a dynamic doesn't feel romantic, but weird. Very, very weird.
Antis : Katara never has feelings for Zuko. In fact, Katara is like a little sister that Zuko always wanted.
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Oh yeah, a little sister who touches his face and thumb on his lips. Is that a normal thing for siblings to do???
It's also funny to me, because as far as I know Katara never examine someone's wound first when she heal them, she always streams water onto her palm and heal them straight away.
Like what she did to Jet...
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Or to Aang...
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Or even to Zuko in final battle...
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So, what exactly did Katara think of Zuko in the Crystal Catacombs when she touched his scars????
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Antis : Zutara is the worst ship ever! Zuko and Katara can never be together. Their elements are opposites and do not mix well.
Yeah, fire and water are opposite, they can't understand each others and work together. Ever!
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And it's not like there's a movie specifically about the elements of fire and water falling in love and find a way to be together, they touch each other and make steam has ever existed.
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Bonus :
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And they're kissing in the end
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Oh, I'm sure they just forgot to say 'yet'.
Antis : I don't understand Zutara shippers. Zuko and Katara has no chemistry at all!!
Okay, well, this is the meaning of chemistry in relationship 👇🏽
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For example, a story about a man who dies to save a princess he loves.
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Meanwhile the princess tries her best to save him, regardless of the dangers ahead.
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Despite being badly injured and very weak, the man tries to reach the princess, knowing that she is in danger.
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When there's a chance, the princess grabs the man she loves who dying of his injury. She looks very sad, worried, and afraid of losing him.
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The princess has the ability to heal, usually she uses her magic hair, but this time she heals the man using her tears (which means water). Miraculously, the water healed the man.
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After he recovers, the man slowly opens his eyes, he looks at the princess and smile at her.
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And the princess smile back in happiness.
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This love story only beautiful if there is chemistry between the characters, right? Now, I wonder, which ATLA characters have the same story narrative???
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merlinfic · 22 days
group ask for lost fics #45
Hi y’all! Below are a few lost fics that us mods just can’t seem to find. That being said, we’re hoping that you lovely followers are able to help! If anyone knows any of the fics below please reply below if you know of a fic!
Note: previous group asks and all lost fics!
Anon 1 asked:
I’ve looked for this particular fic for a long time now, but it was a modern day Christmas fic in which Merlin and Arthur are together and Uther disapproves <<>> I can’t quite remember specifics other then Arthur being jelly of Merlin dating someone else? Or something to that effect anyway long story short they wind up together in the end and Uther gets past his bias X’D I’m sad to see you guys go, but I’m so grateful for all the fic recs that have been left <33333
Anon 2 asked:
hi! thank you so much for all your hard work over the years and helping to keep this fandom alive, ive got a lost fic. i dont remember much but there was a noble of some kind who was mistreating servants and he tried to mistreat gwen and merlin stepped in for her and then arthur came to save the day. thank you !! <3
miraniel asked:
Combed all the tags I could think of & still can't find this fic, worried it's deleted: Merlin, Gwen & Gwaine r captured by bandits/minions looking for Emrys. Merlin casts a protection spell on Gwen before they're caught. Evil sorcerer tries to take Emrys's power by absorbing it into a (staff? crystal?) but absorbs Merlin's soul too. Rest of fic is about getting M's soul back in his body. At one point, he & Arthur share a body. I think Kilgarrah fixes them in the end. Ty SO much! Love this blog!
Anon 3 asked:
hello! do you perhaps know what fic those quotes are from? do you know how much i love you? do you know that i would do anything for you, anything at all? crown and kingdom and anything ever promised to me, i’d give it up, i’d give it all up—tell me, do you know? / and arthur loves him, he loves him so much that he fears his chest will splinter open and spill all of it into the space between them.
Anon 4 asked:
there was this fic i read some while back where merlin was a royal, and arthur and merlin were like bffs. i think arthur was the head knight?? there was a particular scene were merlin got a dragon tattoo on his back. i wonder if you might know which fic this is? thank u so much
the-tortoise-lady asked:
Hi :D I adore you people!! I'm looking for a fic set in Camelot, where Merlin is hurt (I think it was something with his leg? Not sure tho) and then Arthur spends a lot of time with Merlin, caring for him a bit? And there's one moment I remember when he's reading to Merlin and they're all cuddled up on some sort of sofa and there's a lot of emotions and feels? And fire in the fireplace? It's definitely Merlin/Arthur I think, I guess there also were some love confessions? I just sadly can't seem to find it.. I know that I read it on ao3 I hope you can find it (no pressure tho please!!) Lots of love and appreciation and a big thank u from me :)
Anon 5 asked:
Hi, I hope you have a nice day :) I've scoured the internet and also your page for this specific fanfic that I read a while back. Essentially Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic and holds him at swordpoint. They stand right next to a cliff and Merlin startles which makes him fall off. Merlin then discovers his own immortality, when he wakes up at the bottom of the cliff. But him being kept alive does not mean he is healed of his injuries. He puts himself back together for months down there if I remember correctly. The druids show up to help at a certain point I think. Please help me, I loved that fic so much :(
thelady-mary asked:
Hello, I just wanted to say that I'll miss this blog DEARLY and everything you guys did here, it means a lot to me, truly. Ok, so I've ADHD and I can't describe things for shit so I'll put the fanfic I'm looking for as a list. 1- it was some sort of 5+1 type, with multiple chapters, I remember that includes some jealousy and he knows about the magic. It was like Arthur was learning little things about Merlin that he started to love. 2- the things that he learn (and what I remember) was: Merlin's body hair grows really fast and he said that Gaius believe it was an outlet for his magic, they're traveling and M forgot his blade (the thingy that shaves beard) and he has this beautiful beard and long wavy hair by the end of the week, when they come back A is occupied with stuff and didn't saw M all day, but at the end he's back with short hair again saying that Gwen and George helped him with his chores so he could get a hair cut and shave; also A talks about how he recently learn that dyes are expensive and wants to know how M have such a colourful wardrobe and he says he only have two tunics because his mom helped a merchant out once and he gave her two pieces of fabric with she made the tunics and his neckerchiefs; Merlin knows how to write beautifully, calligraphy and all, M gets sick in this part and they communicate via little notes send it via George who told A that he was hesitaning into giving him M's note on the beginning because he thought it was improper, A keeps one that says "I believe in you" because he needs it emotionally; Merlin can compose music and he did compose and wrote an entire play (or just one song, I don't remember much), he dedicated one song to Arthur. 3- Arthur makes an announcement talking about love and union, looking directly at Merlin, hoping that he would understand that it was more or less about his feelings for him. 4- the song dedicated to Arthur it was about a Knight falling in love with his servant (and I believe running away with him, but don't quote me on that) 5- Arthur believes that the song is about Lance and Merlin's relationship, since is about a knight and not a King, and decided to go after him thinking his heart belongs to another. 6- Merlin confess that he wrote the song dedicated to him and ask what he thought about it, but Arthur is still under the wrong assumption and says that he liked the "song about the boat" better. 7- Merlin is devastated and I remember Arthur seeing him with Lancelot, with him giving him comfort 8- I don't remember how, but they confess to one another and have a little fight over the song part. And this is all I remember, I'm sorry if is really big or even impossible, but I'm desperate.
Anon 6 asked:
Hello! First of all, thank you for the years you've spent helping so many of us with finding fics, it really is very appreciated. Now, I've been wondering whether to ask or not for help with finding this fic for a while, but knowing you're going to soon close it up made me get over my shyness and just ask. The fic has Gwaine, Merlin and Arthur out doing... Something, and Merlin is forced to use his magic. Gwaine takes the fall, and Arthur banishes him to the nearby kingdom. I specifically remember Gwaine hugging Merlin and making him notice thar Arthur only drew out his sword after thinking it wasn't Merlin the sorcerer. The next part (I can't remember if it was a new chapter or a new part, sorry) has Arthur needing a sorcerer's help to decurse a land, I think, so the the knights of the round table all go to retrieve Gwaine. He and Merlin try to keep the lie up a bit, but then the truth comes out. That's all I remember, I hope it's enough. Thank you a
As always, this post will be updated if/when any fics are found!
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simpalert · 1 year
i have 2 new sams aus that correlate into one, they're inspired by @triocat and the song bloody mary
tw for:blood,slight body horror mention, and possession
so i have a new virus oc for this au,their name is spirt, they're a genderless entity that is manipulative and only craves power, they seems like the embodiment of light but acts like the embodiment of darkness when they wants to.
he encounters eclipse in the forest and makes a deal with him to get revenge on sun and moon, eclipse agreed and got possessed. [lol that wasn't in the deal]
his arms get like crystals on them [white and red] same with his legs he gets these big projection like angel wings, and his eyes turn black with a big red pupil.
moon, sun and lunar [yes lunar happend its a whole other story cus he and eclipse were ais that were made for the daycare, sun and moon just didn't like how eclipse acted, and lunar and eclipse relationship is good]
sun gets a nasty eye scar from a encounter, there are a few fights, and then they realize that eclipse isn't in control, and once lunar finds out he leaps into action [oh and he knows magic] he jumps up to eclipse, hugs him and sends a shock wave of healing magic through eclipses body, getting rid of spirit, they get sent to a pocket dimension/imprisoned in that dimension they sent him to.
he gets repaird and this leads to the other au
the recovery au, he kinds acts like @artoutoftheblues recovery au for one of their solar but like more sleepy and prob even gained narcolepsy idk. he's very sleepy
anyways thats all i got so far, any questions or ideas are welcome
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whataloadofqueers · 3 years
underrated marauders era friendships i think about way too often :
dorcas & remus : coffee at 3am, discussing the weirdest theories for hours, exchanging books, trying to best each other grades, the only ones in the group who kept astrology
peter & mary : pottery, baking together, herbology partners, bets on their friends' relationships, talking about their crushes, gossip
james & marlene : breakfast together because they're up early, endless discussions about quidditch strategies, push up contests, knowing how to cheer up the other every time
remus & peter : playing chess instead of studying, pulling pranks on james and sirius, shared secret chocolate stash, getting high with hufflepuffs near the greenhouses
lily & mary : muggle magazines and boys bands, sharing every clothes in their closets, unstoppable laughing, makeup and hair advice, each other first kiss
sirius & frank : frank acting like sirius' big brother, gossiping about teachers, quidditch advice, keeping each other's anxiety in check, back claps and ruffling sirius' hair
alice & lily : leading a study group to help you get students, healing lessons with poppy pomfresh, summers spent together because they live in the same town, dated for a while
james & peter : childhood best friends, watching muggle horror movies, stupid dares at any given time, were schooled together before hogwarts, cooking each other comfort foods
lily & sirius : bonding over fucked up siblings relationships, listening to abba and queen, coming out to each other and understanding they're not alone or broken, complaining about james and remus, eyeliner
dorcas & pandora : researching rowena ravenclaw's story in the library, making everyone astrology charts, tasting the weird potion they just made, trying to invent a new spell, lavender essential oil
regulus & barty : talking shit about everyone, consoling each other after getting letters from their parents, going to the library in hogsmeade, skipping history of magic for no reason, so much mutual pinning
regulus & pandora : ennemies to friends, reluctant friendship from regulus, utter enthusiasm from pandora, walks around the lake, giving each other little gifts for no specific reason, love/hate relationship with their parents, crystals
sirius & marlene : faking fights for fun, gay exes, saving each other a dance at balls, sharing a leather jacket, red nail polish, relationship advice, staring contests, stealing food from the kitchen
remus & james : "go to bed" "you're not my mom james", remus being james' number one fan during quidditch matches, fighting for the first place in transfiguration class, talking about the future
regulus & remus : studying in silence, keeping their friendship a secret, talking about sirius, lots and lots of tea, fake death stares when other people are around, comfortable silence
lily & remus : falling asleep in the common room, partners in every class they share, conversations without even saying a word, annotating each other books, falling asleep on each other shoulder
gideon & fabian : class clowns, running in corridors, secret handshake, besties with the house elves, having tea with hagrid, the only ones who dare talk to the bloody baron
james & sirius : invented a secret language, late night secrets, sharing a bed, fighting for the last dessert, end up sharing it, the kind of complicity that makes everyone else feel left out, the two way mirrors
peter & marlene : secret quidditch training sessions so peter could get on the team, history nerds, dad jokes, spending all their money in zonko, share a crush on mrs rosmerta
sirius & regulus : making faces across the diner table, playing hide and seek in grimauld place, sleeping in the same bed after a nightmare, reading to each other in the big big library, meaningful looks during family parties
marlene & remus : pushing each other to make the first move with their respective crushes, motivational speech in the morning, "you're staring at her" "omg shut up lupin", the mean friends but never on purpose, sarcastic af
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suethor · 2 years
SPN OCs....I am wondering I am asking I am listening
omg hey bestie..............saurrrr
ace winchester: sam's (older) twin played by crystal reed (i think? or phoebe tonkin); queer; womanizer.
she and dean are too alike for their own good, but she's a little bit worse at repressing her emotions. she's used to standing up for sam, and when he left to go to stanford, she was devastated, but they kept in touch and she visited him from time to time
spends most of her time reading in the backseat of the impala and listening to britney spears on her mp3 player
has a lot of tattoos, most of them are angel/demon/monster/nancy drew themed
shipped with a lot of people, but i think endgame is probably a fem!castiel (exploring queerness with cas as a vessel (cas is i think played by khadija red thunder)) or a different gq angel
her fic leans WAY more into the y2k early supernatural seasons vibe and isn't as gimmicky as the post s5 narratives
the end of the fic is sam going to law school and her and dean opening up a PI agency near where he settles down, where she occasionally helps sam out once he becomes a defense attorney and hunts monsters on the side
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veronica "vex" vernon: witch; played by adria arjona
academic witch graduate student in demonology who deals potions to regular people on the side (yes like a drug dealer)
joins the winchesters as "field research" and stays for the found family sometime late in season 1
shipped with sam because she's also kind of addicted to magic and they heal each other ... <3
continues to deal drugs when she's on the road with the winchesters in order to supplement her income (her research grant money is used bailing dean out of jail)
kind of like the giles to dean and sam's buffy. but also the willa.
does not live out of a backpack like dean and sam do and so dean has to move all his shit out of the trunk to make space for her clothes and books
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natalie chan: stanford student with a dark past; sam's college bestie; played by chase sui wonders
her mom, played by maggie q, was a hunter killed by azazel in the same way mary and jess were; she tags along with sam and dean after discovering jess' body
was a bit of a wild child but in a coping poorly way; she has an ongoing drinking problem that she learns to deal with
shipped with dean in a hookup to besties to lovers dynamic; they start off hooking up drunkenly after a night in a dive bar, but natalie feels SUPER guilty about it because of sam, so she doesn't say anything and they don't hook up again. but there's also a barrier of intimacy that's been broken down by it, and neither of them can bail like they usually do on their one-night stands, so they grow really close and eventually fall for each other.
super protective of other women, especially college students. when they're hunting and they run. into people younger than her, it activates something.
always covered in blood (#finalgirl)
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bonus!!!! hbo!supernatural oc!!!!
jessica "monday" lunes: played either by amber midthunder, fivel stewart, or alexa demie (lol.)
taken in by john after her parents were killed by vampires, a few months before sam left for stanford
grew up with the winchesters from age 16 on; dean and john both call her "monday" or "my monday" because of her last name
the secret reason she was taken in that john doesn't reveal: she's a supernatural magnet. for whatever reason, the dead gravitate towards her—which is why her parents were killed. she also seems to have some sort of immunity, though—they never want to hurt her
suffers from terrible nightmares all the time; doesn't realize they're actually visions from nearby dead
john took her in both to protect her but also because he hoped that she might attract the thing that killed mary
fic condenses the seasons a bit so castiel appears sooner and explains to her that she has divine origins
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snaill-dragon · 3 years
Some godly lore stuff
Helloo peoples. So I went ahead and made a list of important still alive deities for this world I came up with(plus some extra notes on the bottom). I hope you all like these.
(Btw this is just a list with little information, but more is hopefully on the way)
Title: The deity of beginnings Pronouns: it/they
General appearance when doing godly duties and the like: Said to appear as some great smoky figure.
Status: No one quite knows exactly what, outside of a few of the oldest deities, they just kinda helped make the universe, made the first few gods, parented them for like 2 decades, and then mostly vanished. Their presence is still around, but they haven’t been seen or heard from in thousands of years.
First deities(8)-
Title: Maris, the deity of the water, steam, and rain. Pronouns: He/they. Status: Passed away a few thousand years ago.
Title: Bianca, The Great Bringer of Snow Pronouns: she/her Status: officially retired, now just seen as a powerful guardian/being.
Title: Resper, Deity of plants Pronouns: they/them Status: Passed.
Title: Wisp, Deity of air and flight. Pronouns: Any Status: Alive
Title: Crystal, deity of gems and ground Pronouns: She/her Status: passed
Title: Azir, deity of heat. Pronouns: They/he. Status: passed.
Title: Erasa, deity of ash and smoke. Pronouns: She/her Status: Alive.
Title: Sail, deity of immortality. Pronouns: he/him Status: Alive
Deities who were not once mortal but not created by deity of beginning(7) Title: Militum, Deity of war Pronouns: any and all, but often referred to as he/him because tends to appear masculinly.
Title: Renay, deity of the moon Pronouns: he/him
Title: Solurt, deity of the sun Pronouns: he/him
Title: Marin, Deity of magic Pronouns: she/they/it
Title: Raymond, Deity of stars. Pronouns: none/only goes by name and title
Title: Helia, deity of dawn Pronouns: they/them.
Title: Levina, deity of clouds and storms Pronouns: she/it.
Once mortal deities(9)-
Title: Leala, deity of protection and loyalty Pronouns: she/her
Title: Rey, deity of companionship and healing. Pronouns: they/them.
Title: Ramine Deity of imagination Pronouns: he/they
Title: June, deity of music. Pronouns: any
Title: Lucky, deity of luck and fortune. Pronouns: they/them
Title: Dawn, deity of the afterlife
Pronouns: She/her
Title: Damien, deity dreams. Pronouns: he/him
Title: Ara, deity of fruits and farming Pronouns: he/him
Title: Blue, deity of sand Pronouns: they/them.
Other notable, but dead deities: Cassidy, deity of strategy, passed on in a battle between Militum, Leala, Cassiday, and their allies. The fight ended after Militum killed Cassidy. They were a mortal turned deity,
Marilyn, previous deity of death. Died and somewhat replaced by Dawn recently. __ Some notes! I mentioned all of the original 8 deities, even the dead ones, because they're all super important and looked up to just for their status as being created by the deity of beginnings. Levina is actually kind of an odd one out, because she was created by Wisp as a semi-immortal bird(couldn't age or get sick, but could still die from wounds), and only later became a deity by unrelated events. Sail doesn't control who becomes a deity/gets granted immortality, but without them it would cease to be a thing(or so its commonly believed). People mostly leave him alone because of this. ALSO. if any of these catch your eye(dead or alive) feel free to go to my inbox and put in their name or something and I'll give you a few free fun facts about them. Or if you have a specific question go ahead and ask.
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eileen-crys · 4 years
Eileen-Crys's Queen Halloween!AU (or WitchesxMonsters AU)
An idea that popped up randomly while drawing and scrilling through some Halloween stuff ~☆ I may write some drabbles about this who knows 🤔 These are some of the things I got now, feel free to send me asks to expand this au and write down some lil scenes 💕
Dominique, Veronica and Chrissie are witches that live together in a big house in the forest
Their home is guarded by a mysterious woodsy creature, Jim, who scares travellers and hunters but is actually a big cutie. He's a kind of Man-Thing-esque creature.
Freddie is a witch too and travels with his friends Brian, Roger and John.
Brian is a Vampire, he and Freddie are chased by Mary who's a Vampire as well and is the one who turned Brian into a vampire.
Roger and John are both werewolves. Not the usual kind of scary humanoid werewolves tho, they just turn into big dogs at night.
Roger is born werewolf. He's a golden wolf, usually overexcited and playful, barks and jumps a lot and he likes to annoy Brian.
John has been turned into a werewolf as a kid the night his dad got killed by another werewolf. As a wolf he's brown and grey, very quiet and well behaved but he's also a big ruffian always looking for treats and rubs.
As wolves they can't talk and they're more driven by instinct. They understand humans perfectly.
One night the three witches are out during the full moon and casually meet the weird group of travellers, with John and Roger as wolves. They eventually let them in their house.
Freddie is a witch, very skilled spellcaster and alchemist, also interested in crystals. In this AU male witches are very rare and usually seen as a disgrace even worse than female witches.
Dominique is the most expert witch among the 3 of them: she's a curses expert and poison brewer, with some skills in necromancy. She killed lots of witch hunters and is basically a badass.
Chrissie is an animal charmer, baker and stars/moon witch. She's also a master at hairstyling and disguise.
Veronica is a healing witch, crystal enthusiast as well and herbalist. She takes care of their library and archive. She's mute because a hunter caught her and tried to hang her years before; she's been saved by Dom and Chrissie but her throat was damaged.
Brian is actually an astronomer and he loves to exchange his scientific knowleges with Chrissie's more magical and spiritual ones.
Dominique ends up being the only one who can tame Roger both in wolf and in human form. He adores her, some of the others believe she charmed him with a spell but she didn't-
Since Veronica is silent and very withdrawn compared to the others, John immediately gets interested in her and notices his company helps her a lot with her anxiety, first in his wolf form and later as human.
As you imagined, Freddie falls in love with Jim the woods creature 👀 He tries to teach him how to read and talk and he loves to be carried around on his back!
Also Jim takes all the injured creatures he finds in the woods to the Witches' house so they can heal them.
Feel free to send me suggestions, questions, headcanons, or scenes you'd love to see 💕
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