#they're pink besties the pink trio
beanghostprincess · 8 months
Since Pudding joining Buggy's crew was already discussed, and Uta joining it as well is a popular headcanon, I present to you: Uta and Pudding being mentally instable chaotic besties.
Imagine all of the possibilities. Them talking shit about Shanks and Sanji togheter (even tho Uta still semi respects Shanks and Pudding is madly in love with Sanji) or having girl nights togheter, doing eachother's makeup or dressing up in the most fashionable matching outfits. All while being completely unhinged and with homicidal tendencies.
YOU'RE SO REAL!!! This is so true. They'd get along so well. Uta actually joins the crew first! Then Pudding appears and she seems like a sweet girl only at first, but then she demands to stay and says she can be useful as she can read Poneglyphs. So what I said in one of my posts about them, she joins them and becomes their princess. Except that now she has a diva to share the place with! They're both so adored by everyone. They also get along so so so well! Uta keeps talking shit about Shanks leaving her and Pudding feels bad for her, explaining her experience with her mom and Uta going insanely angry and protective at that. She even makes a song inspired by Pudding's beauty!! They're besties!! They love each other so so much!! Pudding keeps saying she hates Sanji but Uta knows she likes him, of course, she always asks her to sing love songs for her, but she won't admit it. They do each other's hair right after having probably almost murdered a bunch of marines that were saying they were weak (don't mess with them. Really. Uta's power is fucked up). I think, to add a bit of angst, that Uta would ask Pudding to erase her memories of Shanks because they hurt too much even if she turns that into strength. They hurt. But Pudding refuses and says that memories can also be beautiful even if they hurt, and she tells her about what happened with Sanji and everything her mom made her do and that she wouldn't erase her memories because they're part of her. Thinking also about Perona coming to visit Mihawk and meeting these two and yelling to Mihawk like "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU HAD TWO CUTE GIRLS IN THE CREW?! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS?!" and she befriends them right away. Everybody is scared of them, not because they're protected by Cross Guild, but because they're actually creepy. Nobody approaches Pudding when she's angry and even less hurt her because she will manipulate you and she will break your heart. Nobody makes Uta remember her past or mentions something that could trigger her because that sends her into a breakdown and that's never good. And Perona is a bit scared of them, ngl, she's way calmer than them but she has fun seeing them torment people while she sits in a corner looking pretty and sending her ghosts to haunt the ones that bother them. They have such a strong bond! Alvida joins their girl nights quite a lot too <3
Buggy, Mihawk and Crocodile absolutely love them because they're tiny but menacing and scary. If somebody stronger than them tries to fight them, these three will probably end him in no time. But if somebody these three girls can manipulate and torture says something about them? The three men just stare at them and let them do their thing. It's like having a Barbie and two Monster High dolls rule the world.
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dedenneblogs · 6 months
HEARTBREAK HIGH S2 ANALYSIS PART 1 (buckle up this is going to be a doozy)
so... it's out (the trailer).
my excitement cannot be expressed...
BUTT! today, i will be doing my iconic mouse analysis of this trailer (this is actually the first time im doing something like this so it's not rlly iconic BUTT it will be soon) with the most comprehensive inspection i can using under 2 minutes of video as a basis....
with that said lets
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the heartbreak highers are back for another "cursed" term....
so glad to see the trio back in action. like. actually so happy. MIGHT explode from excitement... as always, their outfits slaylay.
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the boyfriends... friends? boys? BUGS??? found out on hh s2!
these goons are back... gayer then ever,,, seriously. when will these two have an episode long make out 'sesh? unlikely, to much dismay....spoiler alert...you'll see....
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MISSY!!!!! and sasha, i guess
SPOILER ALERT AGAINNNN missy looks like she'll be more prominent in this season so...WIN!!!!
also why is she mewing who is rizzing up
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and new on the the chopping block-- Rowan Callaghan!
we'll get to rowan when we get to rowan
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in other (more important) news-- SHE'S HEALING! HARPER IS HEALING!!!
i... *sobs* i she's growing her hair out oh my GAW...... she's getting better...she... there's a lower chance she'll cock-block amerie (oh but she'll get cock [spoiler-- again!])
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butt let's not celebrate just yet-- it's still "everyone hates amerie" up in this joint, smellas
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may as well... shot them. huh. well. pop off, i suppose... (amerie asserts her right to bear arms-- truly patriotic coming from an aussie!)
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...touché coming from the (still) most hated student in heartly who only adds salt to the wound by... using the pink 'ildo from s1 as a mic... chat... she's lost it.
(unrelated but in the background-- MISSY AND MALAKAI!!! they were building up a relationship between them in s1 and how she and her brother (i think? 'memory's fuzzy) helped him heal from the shit he had to go through in s1 and even better connect him with his aboriginal roots. i hope to see more of these two interact come april 11th and i binge the whole season)
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ALSO also ANOTHER new character-- Zoe Clarke!
we will ALSo get to zoe when we get to zoe
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anywho-- cue: AMERIE'S ONLINE HARASSMENT ARC! becuz every show needs one...unfortunately. Give a cold welcome to Bird Psycho, heartbreak highers (we will get to bird psycho when we get to bird psycho)
(who ever is doing this shit is a bitch but either way: "you dont get to be the hero" shut your goofy ass up)
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oh that's gore. that's core of my comfort character.
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ok so maybe this bird psycho cuck isnt fucking around because clearly he's gotten to our girl ams :(
(dw they uh...take her out for ice cream. after this. proabably.)
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yeah anyways with this in mind she'd totally try and crack the fnaf lore wouldn't she. wouldn't she.
she's slay she's girlboss but at the end of the day she's a weirdo
anywho nuff of my rambling there--
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ominous of you to say zoe
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ca$h omg eshay eshay eshay pspspspsp,,,
i am so happy to see him (spoiler alert for 2 secs throughout the whole trailer) but anywho remeber? remeber right he's in prison. but seems to be doing okay... (maybe for the best heartly drama is really coming to a boiling point)
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and-- oh. uh... chicken dumbell... okay... pop off, missy...
when i said i wanted more missy i didnt expect this
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spider seems to be into tho maybe what ??1/1/111.1/?!??!/1/1/1
missy x spider was NOT on my bingo card
BUUTTTttttt-- i. am. down. for. it... somehow. frankly, spider needs someone to put him in his place and low and behold, missy seems to be the student to do so..........
hey. if they're both happy with their...chicken dumbells, i am too.
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amerie dont be alarmed but there's a white boy to your right
in other news this love triangle scares the diarrhea out of me
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look at them. they're the perfect couple (malakai x amerie 4life) and rowan is--
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well he's a nice boy but cmon
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LOOK AGAIN IM DOWN FOR THEM TO BE HAPPY BUTT when it comes in between THE BEST SHIP IN THE SHOW (looks at amerie x spider shippers with affectionate disdain) i draw the line.
but who knows? rowan seems nice enough, and if he's able to make amerie happy, let them have each other! <3
also knowing malakai's track record i wouldn't put it past him to get freaky with rowan too (threesome attempt 2??? actually no wait thats a horrible idea NEVERMIND [gets s1 ep4 flashbacks])
also also "classic love triangle" scene gives major "erm...well this is akward!" vibes from ams (we stan cringey amerie in this household tho)
and well. shart. max limit of 30 photos. oh well-- ill make a second part! tune in for the update heartbreak highers :3
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elerriellee · 8 months
A tentative and not-so-short rundown of The Reunion 24/01/18 opening night. Ramin & Hadley centric.
Act 1
There's scripted talking in between the first few songs to introduce everyone. I say scripted because there are Chinese subtitles on the side screens.
Man of La Mancha: Ramin+Earl
Earl did the squeaky Sancho voice he was hilarious
I've Decided to Marry You: Hadley+Natalie+Holly
Holly is so sweet I'm officially a fan
Hard to Speak My Heart: Hadley's solo
This is Hadley's only solo, honestly, I'm a bit disappointed BUT he nailed it as always, what can I say the man is perfect. Also, talk about aging like fine wine. He was in full suit & tie in Act 1, I was looking through binoculars & shaking he's so handsome.
What Baking Can Do: Samantha solo
Journey to the Past: Samantha's solo
I don't have much commentary for Sam because honestly, I think her brilliance is like. A given fact at this point. Everyone should just acknowledge that she's perfect. End of discussion.
Come What May
For Good
My memory has failed me. I think Come What May was Samantha+Natalie+Holly. Evermore was Ramin+Holly. I'm not sure.
Love Finds You: Ramin+Holly+Natalie+Hadley+Earl
Much better than the meet&greet version. More put together. Although I think the band fucked up a bit at the end.
After this song there's a short POTO entr'acte. They had installed chandeliers on the stage so they were lowered for the next few songs.
Think of Me: Holly+Hadley
Holly is so sweet. Hadley ran up the stage to sing "Can it be Christine". Lots of screaming.
All I Ask of You: Hadley+Holly
I'm aware there are comments online about Hadley!Raoul being a bit mean/harsh/demanding/whatever, BUT this version. THIS VERSION. Hadley's voice was so soft and gentle, he was smiling and gazing at Holly the whole time. At the ending bit when Raoul & Christine were supposed to kiss, Hadley does a little bow and kisses the back of Holly's hand. THEY'RE SO CUTE I CAN'T TAKE IT. Although I'm kinda getting sibling/bestie vibes from them lol.
Music of the Night: Ramin's solo
Classic & perfect.
20 minutes intermission
Act 2
Into the Unknown: Samantha+Holly+Everyone else in the back
Holly did the "voice calling to Elsa" part, everyone else was harmonizing in the background. Such a powerful beginning to the second act. Again, Samantha, QUEEN.
Heart of Stone: Natalie
I was shocked in all the good ways, Natalie's voice was so powerful it was mind-blowing. The band fucked up big time here but she saved it, she's amazing.
Love Me Anyway: Ramin+Natalie+Hadley on guitar
This song is by Pink, I think, and the only song that's not from a musical. Hadley has a few bars of beautiful guitar solo right in the middle and I'm pretty sure Ramin & I were wearing the same expression.
There's a bit of talking at this point from Ramin and Hadley, improv & not scripted. I'm getting FTRR vibes, they're so relaxed and comfortable with each other. Ramin jokes about Hadley's first time singing AIAOY after the 25th anniversary, and Hadley goes: is this your first time singing MOTN? They laugh and Hadley hums that meme sound effect (idek how to describe it), Ramin *singing along*: "No." Oh I love these two.
The Other Side: Hadley+Ramin
Hadley as Barnum and Ramin as Philip, I mean, wait what? But it worked guys it worked. And Hadley's version, the way he lowers his voice... is actually really sexy? (the friend I went with: it's not talking business it's seduction) I'm so confused.
Who I'd Be: Hadley+Ramin+Holly
This trio is gold.
I'm All Alone: Hadley+Ramin+Earl
They made this song hilarious. Ramin and Hadley making funny faces behind Earl and talking quietly while Earl was getting bullied singing "I'm all alone" (Ramley in the back, with an eye roll and a shrug acting all exasperated: "Yeah. He's all alone")
Till I hear you sing: Ramin solo
I Dreamed a Dream: Natalie's solo
Again, Natalie has a resonating, powerful voice, and this song shows it.
Stars: Earl solo
How does he go from laughing and joking to full-on Javert mode in 5 seconds I will never fully understand. Amazed.
Heart full of love: Hadley+Holly
Another dream come true moment of hearing Hadley!Marius. If I'm honest this couldn't beat the 22-year-old Hadley version but again let's talk about aging like fine wine...
On My Own: Samantha
There was a suspended moment after "a world that's full of happiness that I have never known" & I'm pretty sure the entire room was collectively holding their breath. I don't think my words are ever going to be adequate to describe Sam's performance.
Bring Him Home: Ramin solo+Hadley on guitar
Them gazing at each other for 3 minutes. On the last note Ramin messed up a little, he turns to Hadley like "sos I fucked up" and Hadley takes his hand. During the meet&greet Hadley said Ramin was a bit sick so I guess he's not yet at his 100% (Last night Hadley was still coughing a bit as well, at stage door he was wearing two layers of jackets lol), but they're both looking (and sounding) much better.
One Day More: Everyone
Ramin as Enjolras. OMG. I think there's video online guys go see for yourselves.
Aaaand I think that's all.
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emocl0wnpp · 4 months
Because i'm in a fankid frenzy again,time to properly introduce my babies!!(part1)
(Also in the current canon they're all adults-)
Also they're all in the same friendgroup-
So first we have Claws' and Jack's kids,Liam and Lau
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A little about them
He was adopted when he was 7(he died as a human and due to a mistake,ended up in hell where Claws found him as a little ghostie creature-)
The doll he "uses as his body" was made to look like Jack(duh) because he looked up to his father as a child
Though as he grew older he looked up to Claws more and more
The doll is made out of porcelain btw-
He knows how to play the piano :D
He was in his school's sport team(main reason why he's buff as hell)
He's very much..expressionless,and has trouble expressing his emotions in general
He's kind of like a mime
But he's a very sweet guy tho!
He's gay..very gay #manlover
He owns a casino in the underworld and is kind of a maffia leader,but still works under Zalgo
Lost some of his colors :((
Mama's boy(the good kind-)
His best friends are Floss,Jay,Corn,Berry and Alan(they'll be mentioned later)
Absolutely spoils Alan(his bf) even if he can't show affection/love properly
Knows his way around guns
If you need a gun he knows where to get them(from him)
Very much overprotective of Lau
Jill's favourite (and only) nephew
Now Lau!
Same story as Liam,except she was adopted when she was 6(Liam was 12 by that time)
The pretty pink princess of her family
Very much a daddy's girl
Jack spoiled her rotten when she was a kid
But thankfully Claws didn't let her to become a spoiled brat
...she's still a brat though,but a likeable one
She was the pretty cheer captain of her school :D
And she was in the theatre club too
Pretty much a Draculaura, Regina George, and Heather C. kind of gal
She works as a model in the underworld (she rich rich)
Loves having girl's only days with Claws(we love a wholesome mother-daughter duo)
Her besties are Cheryl,Jenna and Floss(will be mentioned later)
Makes Jack carry her stuff when she goes shopping
Actually she makes Jay(her husband),Liam AND Jack carry her shit-
Biggest girl's girl out there.
HUGE Millionares and Britney Spears fan
Despite her "bimbo" persona,she's hella smart
Jill's favourite (and only) niece
Next up are the trouble trio..Vicky and Candy's sons Candy Floss(just Floss or Flossy), Candy Corn(or just Corn) and Jay(the pics are in this order)
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First, Floss:
The oldest twin
Takes a lot of pride in being the oldest twin
He's a loveable jerk
Trans guy!! (Still dresses kind of feminine to break stereotypes)
Has a deep ass voice
His hair is dyed. Non if it was his real hair color(his og hair is the same color as Jay's)
He takes after his dad Candy a lot..like a LOT
But he's a momma's boy like Liam-
He had to do cheerleading instead of being in the sports team bc his coach was an asshole,but during his senior year he was allowed to play in the team :D
Bullies his brothers as a form of love
Ngl he's kind of a jerk to everyone but it's his love language
Pretty boy™️
Does modelling with Lau :D
His best friends are Liam,Alan,Jenna,Cheryl and ofc,his brothers
Has a ferret named Noodles
Despite his jerk personality,he's an absolute loverboy when it comes to his lovely wife Jenna
Next up,Corn!
The middle son of the 3
Pretty much the quiet artsy kid
Who knows how to make bombs
Half of his face is burned,but he covers with it makeup
He has a strange shape-shifting ability that makes his colors change according to the seasons(will post it either here or in a p2 post)
He's probably the closest to Candy from his brothers
But he learned witchcraft from Vicky and very much enjoys it
He has a prostetic leg because of an accident(same as his burn marks)
He usually wears funky clothes
His wife is named Halloween :D (she's not my oc but one of my bff's,and idk if he has tumblr or no so i can't show her-)
Even tho he's quiet,when he snaps it's over. He can be a big bitch let's just say that-
But i swear he's a cool guy
His best friends are his brothers,Berry and Liam
He was also in the sports team alongside Liam
He stores stuff in is hair (his hair genuinely works as a portal-)
And last but not least, Jay and his assistant Opal the snake!
The youngest of the twins
And probably the oddball-
The sweetest guy alive
Literally THE husband material
But his heart already belongs to Lau :3
Matching west and bowtie with Liam!!
The patches on his shirt represent his brothers and friends
He owns many snakes,but Opal is his baby
Again,best husband out there,also spoiled Lau rotten
Got bullied by his brothers but loves them regardless
He's has a dad bod!
He has a little portal in his hat
He got Vicky's thick german accent-
Unlike his brothers,he learned a lot from Jason actually
His best friends are his brothers,Liam,Berry and Alan
Lau made him dye a pink strand in his hair-
His dream is to make his own circus and he works HARD to achive that
He's very The Greatest Showman coded
He'd probably love that movie too
Next iiiiis Jenna! The daughter of Jason the toymaker and Jade(i STILL didn't make a post of her-)
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Prettiest doll out there!!
Looks a lot like her mom :3
Her eyes are made from glass
The sweetest girl out there
Daddy's girl,learned a LOT from Jason
Literally just a ray of sunshine
The kindest killer out there if there's a thing like that-
Besties with Lau and Cheryl <33
She did cheerleading too
But she loves all of her friends equally
Also an art kid like Corn-
Even though she's a sweet and well mannered girl,she got her anger from her dad-
She has a slight french accent because of her mom
Her parents did not approve of her relationship with Floss but she didn't care
She's pretty rebellious ngl
But other than that she's just a bundle of joy
Despite all these sweet things i listed for her she's lowkey like Jecka from Class of 09-
Also she's very much a Heather M. and Gretchen girl
Next up,Cheryl and Alan :D
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First Cheryl:
Alan's twin :3(the older half)
She's mute and uses her mask to talk
Modded her mask to sound like Hatsune Miku once
Both of her arms and legs are prostetics(lost them in a fire related accident,along with her voice)
She's a proxy for Slendy
She usually hangs around Clockwork and Kate the Chaser when she's with the other proxies
But her besties are Lau and Jenna of course<33
But she's also friends with BEN and Toby
Both her and Alan are raised by their older sister Natasha
Lesbian women kisser woman lover♡♡♡
Heather D. and Karen kind of gal(she ain't dumb she just loves Karen with all her heart)
Girl failure but it's okay I love her
Did cheerleading with Lau and Jenna as well
Very good around tech and hacking
Her and BEN make a great duo when comes to tech
She learned sign language just to cuss people out
Now Alan:
Cheryl's twin(the younger half)
He gets bullied by Cheryl for being 0.1 second younger
He loves her with every fiber of his body tho
He's dyslexic
He's also a proxy for Slendy
He usually hangs around Masky Hoodie and Toby,they're like the brothers he never had
He looks up to Masky a LOT
But his best friends are Liam,Cheryl,the trouble trio and Berry
And Liam's biggest fan(we love a supporting boyfriend)
He used to be scared of Liam's family,especially Lau since they are in the same friendgroup
He got his burn mark in the same accident as Cheryl
Ngl he's kind of a jock himbo
Unless Liam is around then he's just a simp
Borrowed Hoodie's old,well,hoodie-
Helps Cheryl with tech stuff
Now time for the oddball of the group,Berry
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Zalgo's son
No his full name isn't Berry i just forgot his actual name
Berry is just his nickname
Yes Zalgo got himself a son
Though Berry ain't nothing like him
He's canonically autistic btw and his special interest is humans+human biology!!
Let's not count how many humans Zalgo got killed for Berry
He surprisingly gets along with Lazari
Claws had to babysit him when he was little
Till this day he calls her mom by accident
His bestfriends are everyone in his friendgroup but he's the closest to Liam and Lau
He can be hella scary ngl
When he's mad or just really overwhelmed all hell is unleashed
He's over 5 meters/16 feet tall damn
He's fluffy unlike Zalgo
He made a lot of comments about his dad being all bones AND being bald
Zalgo babies him to death and he hates it a lot
He loves his dad tho
The person in the back holding him is his wife Y(who also belongs to the same friend as Halloween does)
He's a pretty sweet guy who can and will do wrong,but usually he's very friendly to those who are friendly to him
Corn's different season looks along with some other kiddos will be included in another post bc i can't add more pics</3
Hope you enjoyed this tho!!
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my back hurts like hell and i'm stuck inside for the day SO i've just been thinking about the newspaper club and their dynamics with characters outside the club
honestly this is more for me than anything but i thought i'd give em a post anyway :^) these aren't 'finalised' in the sense that they're all going to end up in the fic (especially since i also talk about the s4 trio, who won't even be appearing), but i'd call these 'canonical' to jtta in a broad sense of the term
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^for reference in case anyone's not aware - from left to right, mephisto (pink), astaroth (blue), wiz (purple), alecto (green)
alecto & lucifer
we already see belphie calling alecto in to deal with caim in ch42, so kind of building on that idea: alecto sort of becomes the student council's secret agent in all but name
so lucifer (being the de-facto leader, even if diavolo's technically the president) calls on her more often
at first lucifer just has her dealing with trouble-makers in school; then, seeing as she's so reliable, he has her helping run errands - and eventually he starts asking for favours outside of school, such as helping him track down a cursed record, seeing as she has a nose for magical contraband - in return, he helps alecto source certain artifacts for wiz, who's obsessed with them
then at some point along the line it becomes a less transactional relationship and more just being buds
they'll catch up with each other in the corridor and have a brief chat, occasionally they'll meet up for a coffee. they peak when alecto starts calling him 'bestie' as a joke and lucifer finds that he doesn't actually mind it
though unfortunately lucifer'll never get the opportunity to take advantage of his new friend's talents on the harpsichord, since alecto reserves those nearly exclusively for wiz
if i had to describe their dynamic it'd be: drinking buddies at the pub
one thing that lucifer did not foresee from this though: alecto really wants to fight him. no magic - that's boring and a foregone conclusion - just good old-fashioned hand to hand combat. he's been steadfastly refusing so far, but maybe one day she'll break him down...
alecto has seriously considered offering to play for him (which she's NEVER done for anyone outside the club) in exchange for a fist fight
alecto & raphael
ideal duo: one is goofy and the other has catholic guilt
more seriously, these two really do get on like a house on fire, even though you'd never be able to tell from a glance
whenever they're hanging out it just kinda looks like alecto's doing her own thing with raphael silently following along - but this is just what works for them
basically, raphael normally can't handle hanging out alone with someone who's above a certain energy level. and, while alecto is above that level, somehow she hits a sweet spot where she makes up for raphael's lack of energy in a way that doesn't overwhelm him
it does sometimes seem like alecto's talking to herself, but often raphael's comments are just too quiet for an outsider to hear
alecto regularly begs raphael to use his shower of spears on her to test her dodging skills, and unlike lucifer, raphael usually indulges her
one time she reflexively broke one of the spears and had to apologise profusely while raphael sadly held the shattered remains
(he wasn't that bummed, he just thought it was funny how guilty she was about it)
also alecto's got a talent for embroidery (if you look at her design - she stitched the daisies on her trousers and shoes herself), and raphael enjoys sewing, so they bond over that
wiz & levi
need a super specific prop complete with special effects for a cosplay? wiz is your gal
she's good with arts and crafts, and also knows SO MUCH about magical artifacts and their mechanisms that you could give her anything and she'd be able to reproduce it
and i need to make this clear: levi absolutely does NOT approach wiz first. he's terrified of her! why would he do that!!!!!
ik is the one who first asks wiz for help when levi's in a prop dilemma - he needs a specific wand
wiz makes it, PLUS adds in a feature where it makes colourful sparks when waved that correlate to the actual magic system of the show it's from
and levi's so blown away that he overcomes his fear to thank her in person, and after realising that overly friendly people aren't the scourges he views them as, slowly gets brave enough to ask her for help on his own
generally he just views wiz as, like, the super cool seasoned warrior that occasionally swoops in to save the main character from danger and deliver a life lesson
meanwhile wiz adopts him a little bit. not in the same way you adopt, like, a little sibling - more the way an older student adopts someone lower down in the school
she'll barter with fabric vendors in his stead to make sure he doesn't get ripped off buying materials and tell the cashier that he doesn't want pickles on his burger for him
wiz & om mephistopheles
i've sort of mentioned these in the s4 post, but i'll re-iterate (and explain) my point a bit here
wiz is really good at adjusting her own mannerisms and lingo to set whoever she's talking to at ease - so she's good at the sort of noble formal-speak that mephistopheles is used to
which is how they initially become sort-of friends; mephistopheles finds it easy to talk to her, and is subsequently a lot less standoffish and haughty than he usually comes off as - so wiz isn't immediately put off by his rich bitch attitude like most are
though mephistopheles does NOT like that wiz is so blase about breaking rules when it comes to magical artifacts, because she's usually disregarding direct reprimands from diavolo to do so
but (because he's got a good first impression of her), he has to begrudgingly respect the audacity
and since diavolo has sort of given up on getting her to listen, mephistopheles has decided he might as well look the other way as well
he enjoys consulting on the various puzzles wiz puts together for the newspaper, though it does sting whenever she gives him one that he genuinely can't solve
alecto cannot STAND him at first, but wiz keeps inviting him around to their house for tea (she feels bad for him because everyone seems to hate him), and she starts finding it really funny how much sugar he gets through
though whenever mephistopheles gets a little bit too royalist, wiz is quick to move the conversation somewhere else
astaroth & belphie
ohoho these guys...... (listen i promise the stargazing boyfriends will be a reality in-fic eventually)
they'll have been dating for months before either will admit it (it pisses asmo off because how is his baby brother going to start dating BEFORE him and not even acknowledge it?!!?!!?!?)
astaroth doesn't like talking about them and belphie's solution to just about everything is to sleep on it, but somehow they've both developed a radar for the other's problems
often belphie will just show up at his house without warning, and it's usually there that they spend time together - because tbh belphie would rather go without his brothers constantly butting in on his quality time
of the two of them, belphie gets the most nervous early on in the relationship - he's used to being able to read those he's close to easily (his twin connection with beel, ik's complete inability to keep her emotions from showing on her face), but astaroth's got a habit of just. forgetting to emote
belphie will be completely overthinking whether or not he's completely messed up this date and astaroth will just be staring blankly into the distance thinking "this is the happiest i've ever been"
he gets better at understanding him over time, though - to the point where he can somehow tell how astaroth's feeling based on the vibe of his silences whenever they're on call with each other
on that topic, they spend quite a lot of nights on the phone to each other when belphie's not over at his, since astaroth feels awkward staying the night at the hol - though most of the time belphie will fall asleep halfway through a conversation
astaroth & thirteen
these two don't seem like they'd get along at all, because astaroth seems way too normal to be interesting to thirteen
but here's the thing. he is not at all. and thirteen realises this as soon as they meet
get him talking and this guy has stories about having done the stupidest things, and somehow he thinks that it's normal behaviour - this is the only reason he can project that image
thirteen can never bring herself to explain to him that, no, astaroth, it isn't normal that your one solution for accidentally burning food is to rip out the entire cooker from the wall to shut off the fire. how are you even strong enough to do that????
astaroth isn't really one to get involved with the making of her traps (though he'll offer suggestions if she needs them) - thirteen doesn't go to him for that sort of thing, she goes to him for vibes
astaroth's visited her cave enough times that she's just installed a secret ramp corridor so that he doesn't have to deal with the security spells every time
they're very in-sync when it comes to making fun of other people - essentially they're that "true friends judge other people.... together" post
they're not super close emotionally, but with astaroth being so into the stars and ~the endless universe~ and thirteen being in close proximity with death, occasionally their conversations take a turn for the intensely philosophical
mephisto & solomon
*slaps head of boys* these bitches have a relationship SO complicated
they're in a weird place after the whole sonno thing, where solomon's finally gotten some closure on having been abandoned, but he really doesn't like it
meanwhile mephisto doesn't think it's a good idea to try to bridge the gap after all this time, so he just kinda withdraws emotionally
which solomon hates even more, because he's just perceiving this as a second abandonment
whether in a romantic way or not, back in that time where they were each other's only company during his studies - solomon might have loved him then. and to be honest he's never really let it go
there's this whole cocktail of resentment, grief, guilt, relief, hope and devotion going on, and neither of them know how to handle it
it gets weirder because eventually they settle in with a new dynamic - of good-natured banter while carefully ignoring what they both know the other is thinking
and it's comfortable, but the thing about these two is their relationship has never been static like this
the one constant has always just been each other; even back then, feelings were mixing and flipping on a dime, which is probably why neither's ever used a label for whatever the hell they were
figuring it out was always going to messy, but mephisto left before they could, and now they're at this motionless stage where both are avoiding moving forward - for fear that the other isn't willing to take the plunge
mephisto & diavolo/barbatos
diavolo and mephisto SEEM like they really don't like each other - which would have been true pre-jtta, but after the whole ordeal with sonno, they've both silently agreed to let bygones be bygones
but they still tend to avoid each other's company, though not necessarily deliberately - it's just that they share a lot of bad memories from that old time, and seeing the other tends to remind them of it
however, they've also both developed an odd, subconscious sense of duty to the other; essentially, they'll go out of their way to assist/defend each other, but only if they don't have to be alone together to do so
neither feels they have much to say in terms of reconciling their pasts, so they don't
meanwhile, mephisto and barbatos don't tend to hold much stock in their shared past - but, unlike with diavolo, they do share some fond memories, so there's still a certain degree of affection to their relationship
similarly, they feel an obligation to each other - if anything, theirs is stronger, since as chronodae they share a sort of mutual connection that's beyond ordinary comprehension
and, while they'd describe each other as 'an old friend', they're not close in the same way that friends are; rather, they're close in the same way that two moths seeking the same light have an instinctive mutual understanding of what drives the other - though neither would be able to put it into words
some more misc ones that i don't have a lot to say about, but i like
astaroth and raphael are pretty chill - they like hanging out together bc neither likes talking a bunch, but enjoys passive company, so their hangouts mostly entail being in the same general area but doing completely different things
lucifer and astaroth share a lot of their tastes in music, so occasionally lucifer will ask astaroth for recommendations. sometimes when belphie's feeling nice and he knows lucifer's been overworking lately, he'll call astaroth over to perform a little concert in the music room
mephisto and levi don't tend to talk, since their history makes it kind of awkward (even though levi's mostly forgiven him at this point), but when they do mephisto's always weirdly nice to him. no ridiculous jokes, no antics - tbh it's kind of unnerving how pleasant he is
wiz and satan don't talk a lot, but when they get started they'll go on for FOREVER, because they're both magic nerds with special interests in curses (wiz used to be a curse-breaker herself) and magical artifacts. a similar thing happens with solomon, except that tend to engage in more scholarly debates rather than just gushing or throwing fun facts back and forth
lucifer respects wiz as a mage, but finds it difficult to talk to her because she has a disconcerting habit of looking very hard at whoever she's talking to, and he doesn't do well with perceived scrutiny
alecto and belphie have a mutual understanding going on where, if one needs assistance from the other, it's given without question - but they don't hang out a lot, since alecto's the type of demon that belphie can't really handle without a buffer
lucifer finds mephisto insufferable but he also thinks he's really funny, so he's constantly having an internal struggle whenever he's around
mammon has wanted to ask astaroth how fast he can go on his wheelchair for a really long time but he's never worked up the nerve to (astaroth's whole monotone stoic deal intimidates him)
simeon gets along super well with the girls and will usually ask them first if he needs someone to babysit luke for whatever reason
astaroth doesn't like sugar, but one time luke offered him a cookie and he felt too awkward to refuse. but now luke KEEPS offering him sweets, and now he's trapped himself
mephisto and thirteen are thick as thieves - but, don't get me wrong, they'd NEVER emotionally confide in each other. what they've got going on is some kind of troublemaking goblin solidarity
wiz's expertise also makes her a perfect consultant when it comes to thirteen's traps, so you'll often see them poring over blueprints together
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also what's your opinion on party/partyvan? if i'm being honest i dont really see it but i'm kinda happy pete doesnt get ignored/ just labeled as ace/aro because its more convenient
ooo good question!
if you couldn't tell from my blog i am a huge multishipper and lover of crack ships so i personally really love party and partyvan lol
i totally agree though, peter doesn't have enough ships and it's really frustrating. he gets ignored a lot as a character and barely has any popular ships. i love my peter ships!!
i never thought of peter and rosekiller together in any capacity (like as friends) before reading pink lemonade where peter, barty and regulus are a trio. and after that it just kind of clicked in my brain. they are absolutely besties, if not romantically involved.
i love the chaotic energy of both barty and peter together which is what i like about party. i think peter also mirror's evan's calm but chaotic energy so they're all just perfect together as besties or boyfriends.
personally, my favorite peter ship is prongstail (james x peter) but i'm completely obsessed with jegulus and just seeing peter with anybody makes me happy so!
(the best combo tbh is peter in a qpr with james plus jegulus)
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mossy-rainfrog · 1 year
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[ID: A digital drawing of Ahab, Nathaniel Starbuck, and Mary Starbuck from Moby Dick all embracing. Ahab and Mary are both holding onto Nathaniel and kissing either side of his cheeks. Ahab is holding Nathaniel's chin, and Mary is holding his waist. Starbuck's eyes are closed as he grins bashfully, and has an arm around both of their backs. The background of the art is colored in pink, purple, and blue, reminiscent of the bisexual flag.
Character designs: Ahab is an older, chubby, Persian man with short, curly, dark, greying hair, a pointed beard, and a lightning scar across the side of his face. He wears a long, maroon coat. Starbuck is a lean white man with short red hair, a short mustache, and many freckles. He wears a dark suit and tie over a light shirt. Mary is a white woman with long, curly, graying dark hair. She wears an old-fashioned green dress and has a bow in her hair. End ID.]
designs by the delightful @pocketsizedquasar 🥰🥰🥰🥰 ! NANTUCKET POLYCULE I LOVE YOUUU
im too tired to elaborate on this much but they are poly. i like them. goodnight. also nathaniel is starbuck's first name as assigned by sahar (they're right) and he is the middle of the trio. ahab and mary are not romantic w/ each other but they are besties and they Will unionize <3
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malaierba · 7 months
(if you're coming from the dungeon meshi fandom please click here)
Pinning this post as a tags directory + so you know which tags to block if necessary
About me 💜 Or mayhaps?
Mutuals: Feel free to ask me to tag anything at all, from content to characters/duos/ships
Followers: OK to ask me to use common content tags (ie: unsanitary, scopophobia, knives, etc. Currently only tagging common triggers)
Hazbin Hotel
Dungeon Meshi
Fandom Specific Rambles: DunMesh Rambles / OSOSAN Rambles / Hazbin Rambles
Hazbin Hotel
Hazbin meta
Hazbin vids
Cannibal besties
Eden Four
First humans
Murder besties
Solo tags: Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel, Seth, Aclima, Lilith
Duo tags: Adam and Eve, Adam and Lilith, Cain and Abel, Adam and Lucifer, Eve and Lilith.
... That's it for now
Dungeon Meshi
DunMesh vids
Dunmesh meta
Laburo / Okonomiyaki trio
Dungeon Worwives (Namari and her workwife, Toshiro)
Bug Besties (Falin + Toshiro. Idc what the fandom says they're beautiful mirrors of each other and actual friends. If this fact somehow offends you please block me 🙄)
Parental issues four (Laios + Toshiro + Namari + Kabru)
... That's it for now
Characters tagged individually
Normalmaru + Futsuumaru
Nyaa chan
Nozomi Takahashi (MY BELOVED)
Kinko Inuyama
Ships (most common)
Karabita (same format for any MatsuBita)
OsoToto (same format for any MatsuToto)
TotoNyaa, ChoroNyaa, OsoNyaa
JyushiHomu (same format for any MatsuHomu)
IchiOT3 (Ichimatsu x Xmas couple)
AtsuYana (Atsushi x Yanagita)
AtsuTodo (same format for any AtsuMatsu)
Dobusu (often includes Ugly Flower Fairy x Kara)
Flower Fairy (often includes Flower Fairy x Chibita)
Tougou (can include Tougou + Osomatsu. Obvious warnings apply)
Fashion duo
Fiery duo
Lalaland duo
Magneto duo
Muscle duo
Snark Attack
Strawberry duo
Watermelon duo
Youngest two
Aniki trio
Cherry trio
Cold colors
Bi Flag Trio
Fishing mates
Grape lemonade
Incident trio
Kaijuumatsu (my faves lol)
Otouto trio
Pan flag trio
Pink Lemonade
Primary colores
Reserve trio
Space Pops Trio
Strawberry Lemonade
TryHard trio
Warm colors
AUs (sometimes I don't tag characters/duos/trios and only tag AUs)
Age AU
Akuma riders
Denki Mystery
Gemmatsu (includes fusions)
Full Bokko Heroes
Zombie AU
Others: RPGMatsu, Chundermatsu, Conduitmatsu, Niermatsu, Plantmatsu, corpse matsu au, Mothmatsu, Mutsugo No Watan...
Other tags
Osomatsu-san (for official stuff)
Oden as a love language
Bicon of all time
Karabita heritage post
Karamatsu boys
Karamatsu girls
Some official side-content
Matsuno Family Diary
HachaMecha Shuushoku
Osomatsu-san Light Novel
Non-fandom related tags
Mindset tag
Body horror
LATAM posting
A few aesthetics: Biocore, Caninecore, Divinecore, Knightcore, Machinecore. Monstercore, haunting, it runs in the family, mind palace, haunted house, he was my brother.
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cosmetichorror · 2 years
Snippet of this good Ganon linked universe thing where Wild and Ganon (goes by G) are besties and the chain panics
Being back on the road is a pleasing feeling for the trio, the wind in their hair and the sun shining down on their skin. Much to Links confusion, no animals scamper past them, nor do birds fly over head. Link hums a small song to himself, trying to calm his ever growing nerves.
there’s something strange about this day. A strange feeling in Links chest that puts him on edge. “Is everything alright?” G asks. Link sighs. “I don’t feel well. Something’s wrong.” He says. Zelda frowns deeply “Oh, Link if you were feeling sick you should have said so! It’s not too late to turn back to the stable, let’s go.” She says, already turning Frosting around. “No, no! Not as in sick, but as in something’s wrong out there.” He gestures widely to the wilderness. “Something’s wrong. We haven’t seen any animals all day. Not even a crow!” He points out. “Now that you mention it, it is strangely silent…” Zelda says, peaking around the bushes and trees. “Not even a squirrel.” G frowns. Zelda clutches her hands on the purple reins of her horse. “I feel a strange presence, but I can’t feel where from.”
As if on cue, the sound of chatter fills the strange empty silence. Zelda, Link and G all exchange glances, and silently agree to hop off their horses and investigate. No use bringing them into danger and paying a visit to Malanya. (The first time they had accidentally lost a horse G wouldn’t stop crying. That bokoblin got a lucky hit on Muffin. G was hysterical the whole way there. Muffin and them slept outside the stable together that night.)
Slowly walking through the brush, Link is once again met with concern as not even a bug nor snail wonders about. What scared all the critters away…?
Getting closer, they can see it’s a group of... eight? Sure, people are traveling more often nowadays, but never in groups as large as this. G is immediately suspicious, and places a hand on the hilt of their scimitar. They look over to Link, who nods and draws his shield, just to be safe. “I’ll handle this.” G whispers. He walks out. “Excuse me, travelers.” They step up, eying them all. There’s a brunet, one with what appears to be a wolf pelt (Wolfie wouldn’t like him), the oldest looking one with one eye, a pink haired one, a blue scarfed one (strange, no one wears that vibrant of a blue except for Zelda and Link), one with a white cape thingy, one with a multi colored tunic, and a child with a bright blue tunic (he swears him and Link saw a similar tunic before).
As soon as they speak, all swords are drawn. They step back and draw their scimitar, and Link steps out of the brush with a hand on the hilt of the master sword, not yet pulling it. Deep down G knows, there's almost no way out of this. They're outnumbered, three to eight. But even so, they're not scared. If this is how they die, then this is how they die. They've escaped death many times, and they know Link feels the same. Although leaving behind Zelda would pain them, they know she's strong. She'll be able to handle it. "Who are you?" Zelda demands, also stepping out of the bushes, glaring daggers right at this group. "Is that... Ganondorf?" The youngest one mutters to the pink haired one, who shrugs, but keeps a white knuckled grip on his sword. One thing G is proud of, it's their exceptional hearing, and they heard that. "How do you know my name?" He questions, hoping they don't hear the waver in their voice. The only people who called them that are Link, Zelda and Urbosa. And even that was always when chiding them for doing something stupid! They've always introduced themselves as G, even the yiga call them G! What in the world are these people?
The oldest one of them, although clearly on guard, raises his hands up as a sign of peace. "My apologies, me and my brothers have been rather jumpy as of late." He apologizes, though his sharp eyes that remain on G at all times as if he'll go rabid any second say he's not very sorry at all. "What do you want." Zelda asks through gritted teeth. She was just as on edge as Link and them, then again who wouldn't be? A group of eight heavily armed possible yigas is enough to send most experienced warriors running, and as the seconds grow longer the idea of running  becomes more and more desirable to this ragtag trio. Could they be responsible for the disappearance of the natural wildlife here?
"We're just looking for the hero, we-" G doesn't let him finish that sentence. "What business do you have with the hero?" He demands. The youngest scoffs. "We don't have to tell you anything." He hisses, if looks could kill, G would already be dead. "Actually, I think you do." G responds, bouncing their scimitar in their hands. "I'll ask you one last time. What. Business. Do. You. Have." He asks, putting emphasis on each word. Like hell if he was going to let these weirdos harm his friend! The oldest grits their teeth, clenching and unclenching his fist. "Now now, let's not get too-" the one with the white cape tries to calm them down, but the pink haired one interrupts him with a war cry, charging and swinging his sword down on G.
Although more often then not, he curses his unusually small stature for a gerudo. But it does have one good use: speed. He nimbly dodges the swing, some of his cloak getting cut in the process. But as long as he's not injured, he'll be fine. looking back at Link, they shout out an order. "Take Zelda and go! I'll hold 'em off." They say, ignoring the blonds distressed 'haa!', they gather their wits and charge. "Wait!" Zelda cries out, struggling as Link grabs her wrist and starts to bolt, sending a weary glance back at G that screamed 'get back safely'.
Unbeknownst to them, they just made the whole situation ten times worse. That group of eight doesn't see someone getting the former princess to safety, they see one of Ganondorf's minions taking away the princess. "Don't let them get away!" The one with the blackish grey fur pelt shouts, and the two smallest are on their tails just like that. The yiga are recruiting children now, huh? Maybe they can capture and rehabilitate these kids. The one with the multi colored tunic appears to be the oldest. He looks to be about sixteen, the other in the blue tunic with a white lobster on it can't be older then twelve. But Link can think about that later, for now he must focus on getting Zelda to safety. He speeds up, taking sharp turns and hoping Zel doesn't trip up along the way.
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angeloroki · 3 years
they react to your thirst tiktok with shoto; katsuki; izuku
— character ; 3rdyear!shoto x gn!reader, 3rdyear!katsuki x gn!reader, 3rdyear!izuku x gn!reader
— request ; https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeXMk1hp/
hii !! can i request class 1-a’s big three’s crush going viral with this tiktok and how they react to it 👩🏾‍🦼
— genre ; fluff
— warnings ; y/n being a hottie, slightly suggestive
— a/n ; the boys are aged up here so they're 18 ! and thank you for your request bestie !!
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shoto was sitting quietly in the common room
a pink ball came flying at him
« shoto have you seen the latest y/n tiktok? it went viral in just 3 hours with 2 million likes, omg, you really need to see this »
he didn't even have time to answer when mina stuck her screen in front of him
he took the phone and watched the video carefully
he could see you on the screen, looking tired and normal
they're beautiful, he said with a slight smile on his face
but that was before he saw you the next second, your face made up, your hair fixed, and above all, brimming with confidence
you were RESPLENDENT 😩
a blush came to his cheeks
« so did you see how beautiful they are ???? »
« i- yeah they are... so beautiful »
your beauty had lost him the words, he was far too overwhelmed to admire you
but it's not over !!
he then saw you make transitions between your no-make-up self and your super hottie self
(even tho you're a hottie without makeup!!)
shoto didn't care if you had makeup or not, he thought you looked great in all your facets
but HERE ? you were DIVINE
oh boy, he was this close to activating his quirk without meaning to
BUT you're way too pretty too, it's not his fault!
mina had to take his phone back by force because he wanted to admire your beauty and your video so much
indeed everything was perfect, the music, the leds, your confidence, and you of course
it was in a few seconds that he crossed the whole dormitory to find you
and covered you with kisses, whispering to you that he felt lucky to have you as his s/o
and that you needed to do more tiktok like this
for his sake
katsuki was working with kirishima and denki
obviously he was the only serious one in the trio
the other two were on the phone, on tiktok according to the music that changed every 30 seconds
it pissed the young blond off to no end
but then again, he had already been yelling at the two idiots for over an hour
he'd moved on
« wow, is that y/n ? » denki whispers
kirishima nodded, eyes wide
the young blonde grunted when he heard your name
now he was intrigued
bakugo picked up their phone at once to see why he was talking about his s/o
and nothing could have prepared him to see you so gorgeous
you were singing the music that was playing, and seeing you looking so hot only made your boyfriend blush
which his friends obviously noticed
« you're a lucky man ! » said denki, looking jealous
he turned around to enjoy the video without being disturbed
it was with stars in his eyes that he watched your video
he didn't have the words to describe your beauty
magnificent, stunning, sumptuous
the way your lips were parted ....
made him want to kiss them
but wait ?
what was holding him back ? 😏
he grabbed his things, and left the library
♫ bye losers, i have to go join y/n »
izuku was sitting quietly on his bed,
he wasn't doing much of anything but browsing on social networks
that was before one of your tiktoks fell into his foryou page
and y/n, i think you should have put a warning ! 🥵
indeed the boy was just mouthy
mouths open by your beauty of course!
fortunately nobody was next to him, because his cheeks were tinged with a dark red
it was him : 🤯🤯🤯
« wow, they are so... beautiful »
he saw you making transitions between where you were wearing make up and when you were not
he was really impressed by your transitional skills
but it was mostly the way you smiled at the camera that made him shudder
your eyes full of sexy, and your lips giving him a seductive smile
he had to watch your video at least 10 times to be sure that he would imprint this video of you in his head
and maybe he even saved the video in his phone
but he won't tell anyone
he was madly in love with you
and without waiting he went to join you in your room
to shower you with compliments and kisses
you didn't think he had seen your video
but you quickly understand he did 😌
and you were very happy !
because this tiktok was specially addressed to him ;)
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cmivr · 3 years
modern dr cami informationojweojw yes yes YES @joleneswriting @merymikey @r0ck3n1buk11 @fluffy-the-satyr
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♡⠀besties with isabela and mirabel, literally the fashion trio. isabela has the best outfits. mirabel has amazing, colorful funky style, and camilo is literally a pinterest kid
♡⠀WEARS "feminine" CLOTHING TOO!??!!? camcam in a cute fucking skirt i was deceased bro
♡⠀he has a shit ton of diy crafts, im talking like, minecraft swords, and stuffed knitted minecraft bees, also papercrafts of an enderman and a mooshroom that i helped him with a few months back which resulted to many many casualties
♡⠀him and i have matching little minecraft flower bracelets ( cami has a pink tulip, i have a blue tulip )
♡⠀cami owns LED lights and has fake azalea vines framing his mirror and all that gen z shit
♡⠀lots of polaroids, lots of them, very fucking chaotic and blurry ones too. he has one polaroid of him and me at the sunflower field from when we were both 13, we looked swag as fuck
♡⠀he also has some posters of the al-fucking-mighty kaeya from genshin impact
♡⠀uses tone tags ugh i love him
♡⠀can do the wepa what the fuck JNSJANJAS
♡⠀literally worships doja cat
♡⠀has amazing grades in everything except for chemistry bc according to him "the only chemistry i need is between you and me, princesa *wink*" which resulted in a pillow being graciously thrown at his face
♡⠀a gamer, if you couldnt tell, he loves minecraft a lot, and also plays animal crossing new horizons and genshin. he has a cute mousepad of isa from acnh
♡⠀also watches some anime and kdrama here and there. worships ali from squid game. he also claims to kin alois trancy from black butler, which i believe because this bitch keeps spinning around and faking a british accent to be dramatic
♡⠀messily organized??? like his room is clean, but everything is so colorful and wild that it looks messy?? its always so him though, and i love it
♡⠀he can shapeshift into fictional characters!!! welllike, characters that are fictional in our universe. he can shapeshift into them and they basically look like an encanto animated version of the character which is kinda cool
♡⠀is not afraid to bust it down to perfect world by twice
♡⠀me and him both know the full fucking choreography to every single one of blackpinks songs, including the unoffical choreos on youtube
♡⠀has amazing taste in music by the way; chase atlantic, loona, cavetown, tate mcrae, seori, HES ALSO A MUSICAL NERD LIKE ME
♡⠀were both in the schools theater club along with some other extracurricular activities because me and him are active and social and shit in school BAHAHAHA
♡⠀anyways we both like sing our hearts out at like 12am to the be more chill soundtrack, and maybe some mean girls too
♡⠀is the class clown, but like, in a good way. HE'S LIKE, THE "IT" BOY. in a friend group of like, the more popular kids, and though they're not really mean to me or to anyone just really well-known
♡⠀camilo's role is the funny one. he would crack jokes in class, make the atmosphere lighter, but also participates a lot, and is a very smart boy!!! he also charms the teachers a lot, and no not to like get attention or better grades. he genuinely appreciates and wants to reward them for having to deal with these chaotic teens every week, so he brings flowers and snacks to the staff room every other day, and i come with him!!!! the teachers love us
♡⠀he also helps me with my homework, LIKE, NOT CHEATING, HE DOESN'T GIVE ME THE ANSWERS. he actually helps me, like, guides me through it so that in the future, ill be able to handle it on my own :(((
♡⠀uses :))) :((( :3 :> :< :/ :] :[ :D D: <3 and ?!?!?@*!&**!(!!)(!(!*@*)!
♡⠀has great fashion sense, very colorful closet with jeans, skirts, cardigans, jackets, hoodies, is great at mixing and matching up clothing, everytime he walks in a room at school all eyes are on him, the girls and guys are fucking whipped as much as i am
♡⠀calls me mi vida, gatita, muneca, mi luna, mi belleza, princesa
♡⠀he BAKES!!!! amateur at it ngl, but he makes some fucking epic red velvet cookies
♡⠀also,,,, his lounging clothes,,,, like when he comes home,,, he changes out of his day clothes into like a comfy sweater,, its like baggy around the arms but shows off his torso really well,,,, and sweatpants,,,, fucking sweatpants,,,,, ugh
♡⠀GOING BACK TO MY GAMER POINT!! we play minecraft a lot with his friends. is decent at parkour. A FUCKING BOSS AT PVP THOUGH!! this mf sucks at like bridging and strategies in bedwars but hey, he can fucking beat ur ass in like 5 secs
♡⠀our normal strat is like, for me to do the bridging and bed breaking while he distracts them and holds them off by fucking wrecking them as soon as they respawn
♡⠀very aesthetic lil boy, even recreated modern casita in minecraft!!!! also has basic knowledge in coding and stuff, he made a cute pink themed minecraft texture pack for me and him to use, it has strawberry cows!! :O
♡⠀loves self care, literally forces me to join him like meditating, and affirming shit. and we do face masks together HSBJNJDNJS hes basically my personal alarm or sth. always reminds me about my journalling and skincare. also recommends me so many lotions and conditioners and good clothing stores, and all the shit he recommends are so effective and amazing
♡⠀paints his nails sometimes, his favorite colors to do are blue, pink, and white
♡⠀he does!! in fact!!! have a pet chameleon!!! he got him from antonio and fell absolutely in love!!
♡⠀his name is rumba!! he takes such good care of him, and rumba is so gentle and lovable and a sweetheart like his papa jasnjanjdn
♡⠀cami is also rly sensitive despite being like, the it boy, sure, he expects that people will have a lot of opinions on him, but he comes to me in tears when someone calls him weird or sth
♡⠀and of course i pick a fucking fight with them because HELLO!?!?!? how dare you hurt my camis feelings bitchass
♡⠀fortunately, he doesnt bottle up his emotions, he lets them out as soon as he can because he knows its unhealthy to keep it in
♡⠀loves cuddles and praises, whenever i stroke his hair and call him a pretty boy he just PURRS and melts gosh he loves it so much and sometimes even cries
♡⠀one time he cried while i praised him and i panicked and he sniffed like "nono, im just really happy, thank u so much eli, i love u :("
♡⠀btw he believes in crystals and stuff, he bought both of us matching crystal necklaces for good luck and good vibes jsnajsnj
♡⠀bias in blackpink is rose, bias in bts is jin, bias in itzy is yeji, bias in stray kids is lee know, bias in red velvet is seulgi, bias in loona is yves, bias in twice is nayeon, bias in enhypen is sunoo
♡⠀his favorite shows are rick and morty, midnight gospel, south park, modern family, adventure time, and the office
♡⠀also,,, again,,, sweatpants
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edkerberos · 3 years
Can You tell us more about your headcanons about crow and stu?
I never really worded out my headcanons for anything before, so sorry if some of these dont make sense :'))
ALSO disclaimer! some of these can only be applied to their human counterparts (ESPECIALLY stu)
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✦ Stu is demisexual! He's universally loved but he himself doesn't just love whoever.
✦ Most people interpret Stu as a REALLY smug dude but I like to depict him as a very energetic/enthusiastic dumbass. He's stupid.
✦ With that being said he's PRETTY self destructive.. so I thought maybe he'd drink as a habit @ Barley's whenever he feels lonely.
✦ He and Barley are friends :)
✦ Stu is like.. some popular guy but Barley is just like . hi Stu.
✦ THIS IS A BIT RIDICULOUS but WHILE HE'S THE ONLY ONE IN HIS TRIO THIS WOULD MAKE MORE SENSE.. I like to think that he gets reaaally lonely quickly (hence the drinking habit) SINCE there's a difference between people who ADMIRES HIM and people who LIKE HIM.
✦ He ALSO definitely drinks a BUNCH of Max Energy Drinks. He does.
✦ Crow doesn't let him drink it, Stu gets dramatic about it.
✦ ON THE TOPIC OF MAX she and Stu would EXPLODE together they are the definition of SCREAMING. They probably do races together too.
✦ He has like 50 hobbies AND counting because he cant focus on ONE thing and always hyperfixates on something new.
✦ His hobby is roller skating :)
✦ ... if he had legs
✦ Speaking of legs, in my human design I gave him prosthetics!! He probably blew off his real legs in a stunt (Octane kinnie /j /j /j)
✦ He sometimes calls Crow "Captain" and some other niche lovey-dovey pet names as a tease. But mostly captain, because it's Crow's favorite.
✦ Despite his teasy-flirty behavior with Crow, he's actually super rowdy and stuff, but he makes sure not to hurt him.
✦ He does silly little magic tricks. Which includes wiggling his fingers and doing lil sparkles.
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✖ Crow is homosexual! DEFINITELY fully gay he's SO fruity.
✖ He's really shy. Not in a "uwu h-hi" way, but he's definitely shy.
✖ Often compliments close friends/stu a lot because he likes compliments :)
✖ Works at Bull's, not for the money but because they're besties.
✖ Bibi works there too and they're quite mischievous/rowdy, they help give the diner a charm.
✖ He and Bibi have a super good sibling dynamic and they ALWAYS tease each other, they VERY RARELY get mad at each other. They are unstoppable.
✖ Aside from the teasing, they definitely know when the other needs them.
✖ Crow isn't the most open person to make new friends but he's up to chat when he's approached.
✖ He doesn't really say a lot though.
✖ But when opened up, like with Bibi, he's a fun and surprisingly nice guy!
✖ Because Stu is always wrapped up in people, he first found him annoying. That's not the case at one point though ;)
✖ He REALLY likes Stu's voice and feels butterflies in his stomach whenever he laughs.
✖ SUPER touch-starved.
✖ SUPER emotional.
✖ Whatever the hell Stu shoots out of his fingers (i think its called razzle dazzle?? idk if it's not im still calling it that) he's learned to like or tolerate.
✖ Though he finds it cute whenever Stu does his "magic trick"
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pj-was-here · 3 years
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I posted 4,677 times in 2021
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#kingdom hearts - 305 posts
#kairi - 239 posts
#sora - 124 posts
#xion - 98 posts
#riku - 86 posts
#namine - 80 posts
#kh - 70 posts
#super smash bros - 49 posts
#roxas - 39 posts
#aqua - 36 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i forgot to draw the wayfinders on ... the wayfinders....... but theyre all carrying one as their held item and i decided what each one does
My Top Posts in 2021
The Calamity trio is the Destiny trio but their problems have been magnified tenfold and things are so much worse, convince me other wise
22 notes • Posted 2021-11-13 15:39:12 GMT
In Response to Sora FINALLY getting into Smash Bros.
Kairi and Galeem become besties for some reason, Galeem is a happy uncle but Kairi is just plane confused but ain't complaining
Riku and Terra just want Dharkon to leave them the hell alone
Kairi tried to throw hands with Ganondorf, Riku and Sora had to hold her back
All of Sora's friends and the Goal all promptly celebrate after tackling Sora, Kairi was the one who initiated the Glomp Hug Fest
Kairi, Cloud and Riku all straight up murder Sephiroth after he attempts to murk Sora
The princesses in Smash love Kairi
Pit and Palutena love her as well, Dark Pit not so much
Kairi affectionately calls Mewtwo bingus while Xion smothers The Duck Hunt Dog with affection
Donald does not feel safe around the dog though
Kairi and Sora tease Riku for the fact that Incineroar gives off the same vibes as him they say he's that Pokemon personification of him
Aqua and Rosalina bond over the fact that they have to take care of a ridiculous amount of kids
Kairi and Kirby are the gremlin duo everyone is very worried
Meta Knight and Naminé are friends
Lucina and Xion and besties, it's self explanatory
26 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 17:04:09 GMT
Even more self indulgent KH headcanons
Kairi loves all animals and by all I mean ALL, she's friends with several sharks, has attempted to bring home multiple stray dogs home, has a pet pitbull named Monty who she would literally die for (touch and she'll break your legs) and has the summon charm for frankenweenie and wasn't even phased when she saw him she just went "Oh, a zombie dog... Neat! 😀"
Plus Everytime they find a cute animal she ALWAYS tries to attempt to take them home with her in the gummi ship (much to Riku's chagrin)
If Kairi encountered Marluxia or Larxene during the Keyblade War she would've completely maimed them, it would've been a bloody massacre, it's what they deserve after what they done to Naminé
Even after meeting they're somebodies Lauriam and Larxene she STILL doesn't like them she just tolerates them even IF they're Ven's old friends from Daybreak Town (Naminé tries to convince her to let go but that ain't happening anytime soon) she gives them death glares whenever Naminé isn't in the same room
Kairi and Naminé always hug each other or stay in physical contact with one another even when they're outside Kairi's room (I'm a sucker for soft sibling hugs and moments) Kairi gives the best hugs and Naminé is a tad touch starved from her time in Castle Oblivion so who could blame her sometimes when Xion comes to visit with her seasalt fam she'll join the cuddlefest (Everyone melts whenever they have they're soft sister moments)
Kairi is the protective mama bear and one hesitate to maim someone if one of her family members are hurt (she will also not hesitate to tackle said attackers, kick down doors, break through windows or break down walls
I like to think whenever Kairi panics the braincell immediately goes to Riku and she acts on impulse... Those impulses being jumping out the window or yeeting herself in into a corridor of light
If Kairi were to ever have her own rage form it she would've looked like Anti-Sora but with a pink and white color palette and light wisps instead of darkness, she would also act like an overly affectionate cat that would hiss at strangers
However she does have a drive form called Royal Form where she in cases some of her limbs in pure bright light, her eyes glow a fiery blue, she sprouts bright angelic wings and all her clothing turns white, she's also able to use op light magic and she has a finishing called salvation where she gets rid of all the darkness around her but she would instantly turn back to normal luckily it also all gives everyone in the party a temporary mega boost on both they're magic and physical prowess
If some girl or guy were to flirt with Sora they would mysteriously disappear an hour later Kairi says she has no idea what they're talking about Riku believes otherwise, Naminé is very concerned while Xion is just flat out confused
Kairi supports the LGBTQA+ Community
Xion is trans (everyone already knows that) and uses all pronouns but mainly She/They, Kairi loves her for being herself and would literally fight anyone who goes against that (including Axel/Lea and Roxas of course, Saïx/Isa is sorta awkward cause he used to be transphobic)
Kairi is the type of girl who would bite
Kairi used to be the feral nature girl back when she was 14 she still is but not by much
Xion and Kairi are the dog lover duo, Namine tries to stop them but fails
Xion and Kairi have both kicked Seifer's ass on seperate occasions Seifer is just avoiding Namine like the plague cause he ain't gonna risk it
Namine has stupidly strong magic, one time she was trying to cast a simple Fire spell but accidentally casted a Firaza spell the GoL was immensely proud even though a good chunk of them were confused and scared as hell
On an unrealated note Namine can control people's dreams now, and can also now manipulate others memories
Unfortunately the whole dream manipulation thing has a not so unfortunate side effect of making half dream eater (half-chirithy ti be exact)
Kairi and Xion think she looks precious, Riku suffered from a cardiac arrest and is now in the medical wing, Sora thinks she looks neat, Roxas has mixed feelings, Ventus also agrees with Sora, Terra loves her new look, Aqua just loves her daughter and Chirithy just wants to adopt her
31 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 01:41:34 GMT
Random music headcanons
Kairi likes Jazz, Pop, Classical music and Hip Hop best of both worlds I suppose
Riku likes alternative rock, metal, rock, and indie what did you expect...?
Sora like Reggae, Pop, Hip Hop blame Atlantica
Roxas likes alternative rock and Indie rock ah yes teenage trauma and angst
Xion likes Pop, Good Vibe songs and Soul songs She's a good bean ok!
Naminé likes classical and Lo-fi gotta do something to calm the anxiety and ptsd
Aqua likes to listen to Classical and Lo-fi as well PTSD gang unite
Terra likes Country and Country Pop this man gives off country vibes ok he carves wooden figures for crying out load!
Ventus likes Pop, Country, Reggae and Hip-Hop he technically grew up with these
32 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 16:04:10 GMT
Ok and Platonic Sokai is just two idiots causing chaos and war crimes while riku is trying to stop them while drinking his 12th cop of coffee
41 notes • Posted 2021-12-01 18:00:17 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
Have a merry Christmas and happy new year beans!
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