#they're so in love ughh. it's disgusting!!
rurukatt · 8 months
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[ febhyurary day 14: date ]
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bigification · 3 months
Hiking Clothes
"Fuck, that guy was weird." You say under your breath as you walk back to your car.
What else did you expect, responding to an ad for free clothes on Facebook marketplace. He was an older guy with a big gut that was too big for his clothes. He never made eye contact, just looking down at my body. And he spoke in an emotionless monotone voice.
You don't think much of it, just glad you're on your way home now. The man doesn't live far, so you arrive home in just a few minutes. As you walk up to your apartment, you see a familiar face getting into the elevator. He is looking away from you, so it's hard to tell but he looks kinda like the guy who sold you the clothes.
"I guess he just has one of those faces, huh?" You dismiss it, assuming they just look similar.
You get home and immediately get undressed, ready to try on the new clothes. You throw on the large black shirt, It's a bit loose but if you tuck it in it looks fine. You pull up the shorts and they're also too big, although they come with straps that hold them up. Good enough, given they were free after all.
You stand in front of the mirror, trying to decide whether you like them enough to keep them. They don't look that good, but something about the way it fits you makes you feel confident. But then you notice a dry white stain in the crotch area.
"Ew, what the fuck! That's disgus- aooohh ughh." You try to voice your disgust at the not so subtle stain, but you're quickly interrupted. The stain disappears as the dried liquid siphons up your dick. The euphoric feeling interrupts your train of thought with nothing but pleasure.
"Fuuuuuck that feels good." You say between moans.
You grab your cock as it starts to harden, making it stick straight out in the loose fitting shorts. The tingling feeling in your crotch continues as you can feel your dick growing in your hands. From your underwhelming 4 inches to 5, 6, 7, 8 inches. It folds to the side, trying to find room to comfortably sit in your shorts. The tingling shoots down your thick shaft and into your balls, making them drop further as they grow to the size of tennis balls. The bulge is now unmistakable under your shorts.
"Ooouugh... More." You can barely manage to speak.
Suddenly your small but perky ass starts to fill with fat. Your cheeks expand until they fill all the empty room in your large shorts, creating a large shelf on your backside. Your thighs soon follow suit, growing with fat and muscle and making you spread your legs to make room for them. Your calves and feet double in size to accommodate your growing body.
"What... Ooohh... Is happening... Ugh... To me?" You try to reason, but overwhelming pleasure has already taken over your lower half. You cups your fat ass, making your hips thrust forward as a stain of pre-cum starts to form in your crotch.
The tingling pleasure that has engulfed your legs starts to migrate up into your midsection. You feel a tightness in your stomach, looking down you realize a small mound of fat is now hiding under your large shirt. The small mound grows and grows until your belly would be impossible to hide, even under the loosest shirts. Your posture starts to lean back as you try to balance out your growing belly. Your shirt is now stretched tight over the beach ball sized gut that is hanging over your waist, making your overalls slide to the side of your belly. You even feel the soft fat growing on your sides and pushing your arms outward, leaving you with thick love handles that spill over the waist of your shorts.
"Wait... Nooooouuuggh... This isn't aauuugh... Right." You try to say as your gut starts to block the view of your lower body.
You instinctively try to reach your cock again, the tingling feeling is strongest there and it begs for release. You try to stretch and contort, but no matter what your gut prevents you from reaching it.
"No no no auugh, fuck!"
This isn't the end of it, it will get worse. His flat pecs suddenly burst outward. Soft fat engulfs them as they start to press against his shirt, his rock hard nipples showing through. They start to sag to the sides as they lay on his gut. He let out a loud moan as his fingers shot to his large nipples.
You feel your shoulders fill out your now tiny looking shirt as they grow large and broad. Your arms fill with a mix of strong muscle and soft fat, making you look strong but cuddly. And your hands double in size and fill with callouses, leaving you with massive man hands. Your arms lengthen in the process, finally allowing you to reach your dick. One hand rubbing your belly, and one hand stroking your cock. The stain in your crotch keeps growing and growing as per cum spills out.
"Ooouugh Fuck yeah!"
You barely notice your deep voice and thick southern accent. Similar to that of the man who sold you those clothes. If anything the manliness of your voice turns you on even more. You waddle to a mirror, wanting to see the package of manliness that you now are.
You stand in the mirror, gut proudly pushed forward and hand stick on the crotch. You look at your face and it seems unfamiliar. It's young and almost feminine, the complete opposite of you. But it doesn't last long. Your flowy hair completely falls out, leaving you with a shiny white head. Your eyebrows thicken as your brow bone becomes more prominent and manly. Your clean shaven face rapidly fills with a bushy black beard, covering the thick double chin that covers your jawline.
You confidently stare at your body, finally matching the manly image you have of yourself.
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If only you could spread that to everyone in the world, make them understand the immense pleasure of being a big manly guy such as yourself. The tingling in your cock returns when you think about it. You stare at your gut and start to pump your hand up and down your crotch. Normally a man in his fifties would have trouble getting hard, but a true man like you is hard all the time and ready to spread his seed. Your knees buckle and you let out a loud moan as ropes of cum shoot out into your shorts. You fall to your knees with a loud thump as your cum leaks down the inside of your leg.
"Fuck I'm hungry!" You forget everything you were thinking in favour of the overwhelming need to get bigger. A loud belch erupts from your body as you slowly get up to your feet. The ground rumbles under your feet as you walk to the fridge and pull out some leftover pizza and a beer. You lay your fat ass down on the couch and turn on the tv. You surf through channels, trying to find the sports channel. But you stop on the local news, as something catches your eye. The two anchors look so... Manly. Your dick hardens as you turn up the volume. The two southern hunks are talking about donating clothes for free.
"A drastic increase in donated clothes has been reported in the last few hours. Us two anchors have received a few of these generous donations today. We highly recommend wearing these donated clothes as soon as possible, and donating as many of your clothes as possible to spread the... Ugh... Generosity."
"I should do that!" You tell as you heave yourself off of the couch.
You run to the neighbor and loudly bang on the door. It takes a few moments, but a tall scrawny man answers in his underwear and a small button up.
"What!?" He asks, irritated.
"I want you to have these. For free!" You say as you pull off your stained shorts.
"Uugh okay?" He says confused.
"Here I'll put them on for ya."
You firmly grab his ankle and lift it through the leg of the shorts.
"Hey wait, what the fuck are you doing!?" The man yells.
You grab the other ankle and pull the shorts up his legs as he struggles.
"He sto... Ooouugh ugh." The man stops struggling as soon as you button them up.
The stain you left in the shorts quickly disappears as your seed enters his body. You should feel proud for contributing to the world by spreading your manliness.
The man quickly succumbs to the effects. His belly inflated into a hairy ball gut as it popped all of the buttons in his shirt. His chest turns into two man tits with swollen nipples. His arms and legs expand into thick hairy limbs as his hands and feet double in size. The bulge in his pants grows and so too does the stain of pre cum. Finally his hair falls out and a thick beard grows in its absence. The man is left there staring at you while rubbing his massive cock and his hairy gut.
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He lets out a moan as a new stain forms in his pants. You catch his as he is about to fall. You lean into his ear and whisper "Spread the message," in a deep sultry voice.
"Honey, are you coming back." A man's voice echoed from inside the apartment.
"Go get him." You tap him on the shoulder.
He smiles as he pulls off his shorts and waddles back into his apartment.
"Who are you?" You hear. Though as you walk away, all you can hear is a struggle, followed by loud moans coming from the apartment. And you smile, knowing you helped spread your manliness today.
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thetxtdevil · 2 months
ok this might be a dumb request but ughh please bear with me bc I had this dream of it and oof it was hot ✨️😂 ok so yeonjun being lucifer, the big devil man finds out he has a soul mate, who is yn, and he like commands her to give him all of her and live with him in the underworld and during their sexy time she said yes 😅 it was spicy! But yeah I'd appreciate it in your writing style lol
This gives me Hades and Persephone vibes, love this idea.
also this has some religious themes so be aware!
Yeonjun is a king, an evil barbarian that rules the hells, feeds off people’s fears of one day ending up in his kingdom being his faithful servant. Standing on a porch of his crumbling castle, he looks over the fiery fields finding the screams... boring. Yeonjun needed something, was it blood? revenge? no, it was sex! His blood curdles more than usual thinking about taking time for the devil himself. He had all the supplies and people to please him but he wanted something more.
Thats when he decides to travel up to the mortal world. Amongst the transportation, dark hues of red changes to earthy browns then Yeonjun is hit with the aching brightness of God's creation, the sun. Yeonjun's burgundy skin turns tan, his crisp hair into raven black silk, black eyes turn into softer brown ones, and his usual exposed body was covered by a black suit. It was time, time to find his soulmate.
Walking around the town he was transported to he finds humans entertaining, and weirdly crime increases since he's been there. Yeonjun laughs at the innocent people being controlled by evil something they're not used to so they end up doing a poor job of stealing a car, throwing rocks that miss, being caught in their lies. Yeonjun's attention from the dreadful sight was caught when he sees you. You were dressed in all black just like him standing in front of a church. He watches closely to your expression, it was full of disgust. Yeonjun was surprised, a beautiful angelic women like you in distaste looking at such a holy thing.
Yeonjun glides closer to you, "Disliking the view?" you chuckle at the man's question.
"Uhh yeah, is it that obvious?" you stop to look at the man and fall embarrassed, he was devilishly handsome.
"I was never one for God's good deeds and begging for them." You quirk an eyebrow at the man's comment. "I'm Yeonjun, what brings you to this sickening church?" he asks but already knows why when you shake his hand, he saw your uncle arrive in hell not too long ago.
"My family member died and well, I don't have a good background in the church"
"That makes two of us" Yeonjun's smiles warms your heart, slight flutter fills your stomach when you see a hint of his fangs from the toothy grin.
This is the girl, this is his soulmate, now how to make her to go to hell with Yeonjun, he's going to have to figure that one out in his own terms.
The cold air envelopes the town as the sun fades away and the night is in full bloom. After the funeral, you spent the rest of the day doing errands but sulking about not asking out the beautiful man.
You twist and turn in your bed not being able to sleep, but you must have drifted off when you lift your head to see a shadowy figure. The moon's rays in your room usually shine cool blues but right now the room was illuminating red. The color takes over your vision in a haze suddenly feeling hot. Paying no mind at the sleep paralysis demon you start to take off your clothes stopping yourself from getting overheated.
You look over at the shadow once more too comfortable with its presence, "What, are you an incubus or something?"
A dark chuckle escapes the shadow making you shiver, "Oh y/n you know exactly what to say."
Yeonjun gets closer to your area of vision, crawling on the bed to hover over you. You lost all common sense, you felt no reason to ask how he got in your house, you didn't stop his hand from caressing your naked skin, you even failed to care that he was undressed this whole time. His feature were so close to yours, admiring his seductive eyes, the curve of his cheeks, his plump lips that were so close to yours. You try to lean in for a kiss but he backs away.
"Before you can have me, you have to give me all of you and live with me in the underworld for eternity."
Conflicted, you stop for a moment, giving up your whole life for a man you just met? You weighed the pros and cons but the longer you let the devil wait the more you mind begins to fog. His hands explored your body, lightly pinching your nipples, digging into the plush flesh of your thighs, lips turning into bites against your neck. You have forgotten your place on earth, Yeonjun wasn't heaven he was lustful hell that you fully have given into.
Yeonjun relaxes your body down into your sheets kissing you passionately. You open your eyes to look at him again only to find that your weren't in your room anymore, you were in hell. Blackened cobblestone walls surround you, with arched windows that look down to a world like looked like you were inside lava.
Looking back at Yeonjun his tan skin was now red, cheek bones heightened, forehead adorned with long sharp horns. You accepted you fate with your soulmate as you wrap your hand around his big cock lining it along your wet aching hole. "For eternity." The devil smiles pushing into you, deliciously stretching you while biting deep into your collarbone as a sign of claim.
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
OK OK OK, but can we revisit the daughter "sitcom" scenarios?! I loved them sm.
Imagine Engel is out somewhere, like the store or whatever. Their daughter, who is about 12-13 at the time, just got her first period...😦
She just kinda awkwardly walks into the room and is trying to figure out how to tell him...
Konig is totally panicking, probably frantically calling Engels phone to get home ASAP. Poor boy probably didn't even know that you can get your period at that age and thinks some really bad is happening 😭.
But once everything has settled down, he starts to treat her the same way he treats Engel on her period, maybe even letting her stay home from school.
König is 1000 miles away from his comfort zone
I imagine the conversation goes something like this: (D=daughter, K=König, R/E=reader/Engel)
D: “I think my period just started…”
K: “Ja? Just remember to do your homework.”
D: “No, I mean… I think I just got my first period? I’m bleeding–”
K: “Bleeding? Where?? ”
D: “…??? There...?”
*uncomfortable staring and silence”
D: “I just… Do you know where mom keeps her pads?”
K: “...Pads?”
D: “Dad!! You’re just repeating my words!”
She leaves the room to look for the pads herself while König calls her mother: now imagine a colonel, a commanding officer of thousands of soldiers, responsible for important pre-decisions throughout the whole organization, calling his wife and asking what to do in this kind of a situation 🧍‍♂️ König is rubbing the back of his neck while walking anxious circles in the living room, almost bumps into a sofa while Engel calmly explains what's going on and that this is all completely normal.
When she comes back, König has just closed the phone, sighs, then takes a rather stiff stance to indicate he is about to give an important speech.
“Now then, my pretty young fawn. You are not my little girl anymore… Today, you’ve become a woman–”
“Dad, wtf?!? Ughh….”
She storms out of the room again, about to die from cringe: why does his father have to be such an embarrassment and an awkward mess? Why the hell did her mother even want this odd big loser as her man???
She’s sick of his stupid speeches and ridiculous rules and poor attempts at jokes, she's more than sick of listening to her parents’ disgusting cooing all the time. Only the noise canceling headphones can block out his dad’s profuse lovesick confessions before they start to bonk each other, thinking she can’t hear it all upstairs. Meanwhile she's not allowed to have a life of her own because the "world is a dangerous place"...
She can't wait to get out of this household, especially when even more cringeworthy conversations follow once her mother comes home. The only reason she's eavesdropping is because they're finally speaking of her instead of "how beautiful his sweet Engel looks" or "how silly and clumsy her big bear is":
K: “Does this mean she starts to have boyfriends?”
E/R: “She probably has had a few already.”
K: “What?!”
E/R: “Well not really. They’re just kids, fooling around. I wouldn't worry about it yet.”
K: “Should I talk to her about… you know, birds and bees? Just in case?”
E/R: “You? Absolutely not.”
K: “But–”
E/R: “I’ll talk to her at some point. They probably have sex education at school.”
K: “She can’t go to school. She said she was in pain.”
E/R: *sighs*
K: “What...? I already called them and said she's ill.”
E/R: “She's not ill, silly. It's just a period, it comes every month. You of all people should know...”
K: “Ja, I know... The torture days :)”
E/R: “Torture days for who?”
K: “I'm in so much pain every month, you have no idea...”
(Daughter upstairs makes a furious dive for her headphones :|)
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sspextkr · 6 months
Sejanus would absolutely say things like “I want to ruin you until you can’t think of anything else but what I do to you and how I make you feel” or “god you’re so innocent and sweet all for me to make a whore out of you” or “what would your family think of you the Snow’s pure heir on his knees for the district boy” all the while Coryo is blushing with teary wide eyes
he would ughh coryo is so pretty when he cries
yet another session between the two!! coriolanus just can't help himself. he's disgusted with himself for being so enamored with this boy– a district boy of all people.
sejanus knows that, and god, he's having the time of his life with it. the snow boy, heir to a broken throne, dropping to all fours without a second thought. it's a little twisted, and he knows that, taking pleasure in ruining this boy, but he's been so nice for so long. he's allowed some fun.
today, he has coryo back down on his knees in front of him, sucking him off. this isn't as intimidating as the other instances– coriolanus is surprisingly incredible with his mouth, gag reflex near nonexistent.. so, of course, they're taking advantage of that.
keyword, near nonexistent. sejanus was able to break him down and get what he wants– coriolanus vulnerable. it's pathetic the way he's nearly addicted to the act, eyes closed, and cheeks hollowed. he looks like he's about to come from this alone. his tanned hand is tangled in the others blond curls, tugging him around like the plaything he is.
"fuck– look at you go.. dirty little whore. you love this, don't you?" coriolanus moaned around his length. "sucking district cock like it's your last meal.. who could've ever seen this coming?"
coriolanus began to pull off to breathe, but sejanus wouldn't have it, shoving him back down. "nah ah. i make the rules around here, slut." the blond looked up at him with tears in his blue eyes, pleading without words. he had seen that look many, many times..
"you used to be so– mmh– innocent. so small and kind.. now look at you.. fuckin' beautiful. i've turned you into my dirty bitch, huh?" he let go of his blond curls. "say it."
coriolanus pulled off with a small gasp, followed by a tear escaping his eye. ".. 'm your dirty bitch."
"i didn't hear you."
"i.. i said i'm your dirty bitch.."
"attaboy. now get back to work. i'm not done with you yet."
dirty talk is so hard to write help.
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ofallplaceswhythis · 7 months
tcoptp thoughts pt.10
im skipping im skipping im skipping im skipping im-
Chasity..... i am trying so hard and i may be biased but.....
....omg, thats why - its all connecting. holyyyyy fuckk
So nice that tomny and tonya decided to send him his very own guitar for his birthday!! theyre such good friends [delusion :( ]
Sirius and Remus' friendship is so overlooked in this fandom its so sweet there is a reason they are friends to lovers guys
james's hatred towards antlers and remus's face covered in chocolate need to be drawn where is the fanart
LILY TOLD JAMES SHE LOVED HIM?!?!?! gosh the gossip - and they're fictional
Y'know what snape, you are just a coward who hides behind words in order to get his way, and you have no real friends because, guess what, YOU'RE A DISGUSTING PERSON. And literally nobody cares about you and you will die alone with my knife in your stomach regretting every single action in your entire pitiful existence as I watch the life leave your eyes and constantly remind you that the only reason you had survived this long was because you were such a disgusting person that nobody could get near you without projectile vomiting on your head, which may be the reason why your hair is so greasy. You are meaningless like a mosquito and you will perish not only physically but from memory as well because as soon as you are dead literally no one will care about you. You are that boy that rips apart insect limbs from their bodies and you will meet your demise. No matter what your backstory is that does not justify the abuse you caused and thus you will suffer the consequences. You will die by a poison coated blade and be it whoever it is there will always be the sound of laughter and fireworks that will soon follow after your corpse is disposed of. The only way you will be able to survive is if we bury you alive with worms eating your body and your screams reverberating of the cold, concrete walls, knowing that you will never be found again. The world will become a better place as soon as you are gone from it.
aww they're all so cute <3333 ily lily
And with that, the first half of the fanfic comes to a close. [👏👏] [ literally had to pace for a few minutes]
ily wolfstar but i just feel so bad for marlene. Im sorry girl :(
And immediatly starting with angst. fucking amazing [WHY TOM]
Them not picking up the phone when Tonya leaves but picking up the phone after Remus does is just - holy fuck
ughh remus why do you have to say stuff like that
Remus's queer panic is honestly a mood
no wait whats happening. ...did they just break up...?
why get into a car accident when you can just read Tonya's letter?
tell me a story is really starting to sound like tell me a secret and i am not ready to handle that kind of mentality at this time
sirius are you hearing urself 'ill never leave you' typa shit
ok the mutual pining is about to commence and i am not ready
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enjomo-arch · 2 years
#4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
another  thing  I  love  about  rping  is  being  creative.  Writing  is  a  two  ways  street  and  creating  along  someone  is  always  more  fun  than  doing  it  alone.  I  can't  write  fanfics  for  example  bc  they  don't  bring  me  as  much  fun  as  creating  with  other  people.  I'm  a  people's  person  I  love  communication.
#6. OTP for your muse?
UGHH  ugly  bites  my  hands  but  Ace  /  Sanji.  Do  you  understand  how  gay  it  is  to  light  a  man's  cigarette  ?Maybe  you  two  should  like  kiss  already??  Sanji  not  only  was  one  of  my  muses  but  I  love  Ace  being  a  tease  around  him  to  pull  out  reactions  of  the  cook  he  never  dreamed  of.  Making  sanji  bi  panic  is  funny  and  I  like  their  sexual  tension.
Another  one  is  Ace  /  Law  it  all  started  with  a  single  art  of  them. This  was  my  downfall  I  rotate  them  in  my  head  like  it's  a  microwave.
Ace  /  Smoker  for  obvious  reasons  silabus  sending  me  comics  and  reblogging  art  of  them  and  I'm  like  god  Smoker  you  have  to  take  care  of  one  feral  flame  guy  I  cheer  for  you  man.
Ace  /  Isuka  but  that's  more  of  a  guilty  pleasure  ship  for  me  after  reading  Ace's  novel  she's  just  so  angry  with  him  like  I  get  his  ugly  charm  and  annoying  attitude  captivated  her  I  been  here  Isuka,  I  been  here.
Ace  /  Hiyori  and  here  comes  vega  again  with  miss  swordswoman  who  can  beat  Ace  up  and  he'd  thank  her  on  his  knees.  I  had  so  much  fun  writing  them,  having  with  vega  the  plot  of  their  arranged  marriage.  It  was  such  a  great  idea  and  they  grew  on  me  so  much.
#7. NOTP for your muse?
Any  and  I  say  ANY  attempt  to  romantically  ship  ASL  brothers  in  any  fucking  way.  I  can't  stand  proshipping,  they're  brothers,  they're  family  even  if  they  aren't  related  by  blood  excusing  a  way  around  their  sworn  brothers  oath  is  disgusting  and  I  can't  fucking  stand  it  I  need  to  spill  battery  acid  into  my  eyeballs  if  I  see  any  romantic  content  including  ASL  I  just  cannot.
I  will  also  never  ship  Marco  and  Ace.  Same  thing,  they're  a  family  on  Whitebeard's  ship.  They're  Edward's  SONS  and  it  makes  them  SIBLINGS  in  the  crew.  I  will  never  look  at  Marco  and  Ace  other  than  brothers  and  this  is  how  it  is  or  any  other  ships  with  Ace  and  whitebeard  crew  like  the  fuck.
I  don't  get  Ace  and  Yamato  too.  I  mean  it's  hanging  on  a  string.  I  can't  say  if  it's  a  thing  I'd  ship  or  not  I  always  seen  them  as  bros  /  drinking  buddies.  I  guess  I'd  have  to  write  it  or  try  it  out  with  someone  trusted,  talk  about  the  dynamics  but  for  now  I'd  say  I  don't  see  them  more  as  guys  having  fun.
#24. What about your muse are you most proud of?
I'm  so  proud  of  Ace  that  despite  everything  he  decided  to  live  and  try  to  find  his  answer.  I  know  he  was  going  through  so  much,  he  feels  worthless  and  he  never  felt  good  enough.  He  felt  like  a  monster  and  was  seen  as  one  for  the  longest  time.  I'm  just  so  proud  of  him  pushing  forward  despite  what  happened  to  him.  He's  insanely  strong  for  that  and  I'll  always  respect  him  for  this.
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@erraticoptimism : 4, 6, 7, 24! ( prompt. )
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a-erea · 2 years
I rly like to vent on the internet. Specially because no one knows me here. Everything I say is real, I only tell the truth. There is no other side.
That being said, I feel so so so lonely. I recently found out I have BPD and it's so cool to now know that what i go through is real. But it hasn't made anything easier. I feel so tainted. Everything is tainted with this thing. Everything about me. How can I be different or be better when it's everything I am? How can I feel safe? How do I know who to trust? I hate myself so much. I hate myself because I can't get a hold of me. Sometimes things that are supposed to make me feel good actually make me feel like shit. Like compliments. Like... actually beautiful gestures. I feel unworthy, undeserving, I'm just a walking void that's sucks everything into it. And oh god there she goes again that ungrateful bitch who doesn't like her family, why can't you see they're doing their best? Why are u crying oh my god you're impossible I can't talk to you like that. Why can't you let it go? U should go to therapy, u need God. What do you need? I can help u I'm here for u WHY CANT U LEAVE ME ALONEEE PLEASEE all I ever ask for is time and space and even that I have to fight for i don't want ur money I don't want even want your love anymore I am broken forever because of u and it is soooo fucking shitty that I am the only one that "has" to change,that "has" to be more patient, more open, more understanding. I FEEL NOTHING BUT HATE. I WANT TO LOVE U BUT I CANT STAND YALL ANYMORE AND I CANT MAKE U UNDERSTAND U ALWAYS DRIVE ME TO THE EDGE I HAVE TO HURT U FOR U TO LISTEN AND THEN U TREAT ME LIKE I'M INSANE YES I AM INSANE I USED TO BE SO HAPPY BUT YALL TOOK ME FOR GRANTED SO MANY YEARS SO MUCH PRESSURE ON ME I HAD TO BE QUIET I HAD TO BE UR SHOULDER I HAD TO PLEASE U I COULDN'T COMPLAIN HOW WOULD U FEEL WHEN SOMEONE CLAIMS TO LOVE U BUT ONLY IF UR WHAT THEY WANT U TO BE IM A MESS I KNOW IM A MESS I CANT STAND U LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT IT HURTS I DONT WANNA HURT U BACK
Great part of my youth is lost forever to the silliest stupidest illusion of what I was led to be. I am now here fighting to the nail everyday to be myself. I am so scorned. The cherry on top of this disgusting cake is working for a wage that's barely decent to sustain myself. I just wanna leave this city. I wish someone would just fuck me damn not even that haha I am such a fucking naive aspie bitch and people still feel so threatened by me jesus I sucked this guy's dick and he wouldn't fuck me if I begged him ewww I'm unhinged I'm so empty it feels like my happiness is never mine, i can't enjoy anything good. Ughh so bored so bored so lonely so disgusting unworthy so tainted so beautiful so magical I wish I was just a pretty art hoe that goes to art school and has friends and people think they're cute it's so easy being kind and dumb and happy when u feel supported. I am a burden. Why do u exñect so much of me. I wish I was nobody.
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teddyisback · 3 years
Ughh.. Hello! This is my first post on Tumblr. Unfortunately, It's not exactly a good post.
I'm watching the Castlevania series for about 3 years, I have watched it many times, so many times that i can figure some things out, about Hector, Lenore, and Carmilla. It's just my opinion, don't judge me badly. I'm not saying my opinion is entirely correct, but it's my point of view and I feel the need to talk about it.
Before all, if you're a Lenore/Carmilla fan, you'd better stop reading, because you may not like what you read, and I don't want you throwing insults at me. Everyone has the right to their own opinion.
Firstly, I know it sounds silly, but Hector is my favorite character from Castlevania. I'm in love with him for almost two years, from the Christmas period of 2019, after a whole story from which I realized that I really love him. Though, I am aware that he doesn't really exist.
I think that Hector didn't deserved what happened to him because he assumed all he did and all of his decisions. He thought that Carmilla's plan was better than Dracula's and that's why he trusted her. He was a bit naive, that's true, especially when he trusted Lenore, but somehow he knew that Dracula lied to him. The series let us interpretate what happened. Honestly, to me it looked like he was more naive when he followed Lenore than he followed Carmilla because he made the same mistake before and because of that, he could be more cautious. But he fell in love with Lenore just because he was never loved by someone, even by his parents and he needed someone to be by his side. He was confused, scared, he didn't know what was going to happen around him, but Lenore was the only one who speaked better to him, and Hector trusted her, because he thought it will be better for him and that he will be loved. I wasn't expected Lenore to be such a b***h to Hector, and this is why I hate her so much. I hate both, her and Carmilla. But we need to know that Hector assumed all of this, as I said earlier and it's not his fault for the way Carmilla and Lenore treated him. The most disgusting thing was at the end, when Lenore told Hector that she didn't want to stay with him, in a cage. As if she didn't keep Hector in a cage in this whole time. And she is the one who choosed her end, just because she was a weak person. Absolutely awful.
I don't understand why some fans like Carmilla and Lenore and say that they didn't deserved to die in this way. In my opinion, Lenore was a r*pist, a traitor and she never loved Hector, but she was using him for her pleasures and to do Carmilla's needs. Yes, it's okay to like Carmilla and Lenore, but it's not okay to be unfair with Hector just because they like those characters. I'm not on Hector's side just because I like him, I just say and believe what I see and what I understand. And yes, many fans are unfair with Hector just because they like Carmilla/Lenore. Ughh.. there are some fans that say Hector and Lenore look good together. Well, no. They're both are beautiful, but the relationship was a toxic one from the beginning and to me looks an awful one. Why they need to be together? Just for Lenore to treat Hector as her pet? Really????? Hector is a human. And if you believe that he is an animal, believe what you want. It's just your problem, not mine.
I think that it was horrific what they have done to him: beat the sh*t out of him, they treated him like a dog, and made him their slave. Hector is a strong man, who managed to pass through a lot of phisical and mental pain, from when he was little, but he had control over the situations and after all, he realized all of his mistakes, this is why he cut off his finger, just to get rid of the ring. He wanted to repair the mistake, he wanted to repair all of his mistakes. And after that, it went all good for him. Now, he is free to have a calm and beautiful life alone, maybe with Isaac around him sometimes.
In conclusion, Hector is human, and I repeat, HUMAN, NOT A DOG, he is a good, mighty and a brave man, and I love him sooooo muchhhh and I consider that he deserves only good things in his life.🥺😭
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theangryjikooker · 3 years
Hello again! I posted an ask to you before and earned myself a DA tag <3 which made me stupidly happy btw hehe.
Anywho, soft hour is open. I want to know your top 3 “uWu snatching/just hits you in the feels” jikook moments. The ones off the top of my head that never fails to make me ☺️🥺😭 (and not in that order but a disgusting mix of all those emotions at the same time) are (also, in no particular order):
1) gimbap Vlive, that moment where jimin nudges his head against jungkook’s, asking again “how do you want your eggs?” and jungkook’s SOFT giggle (gosh, I love when they are being such dorks messing with eachother 🥺)
2) that one concert where jungkook turns around only to cry harder and jimin wiping his tears for him (ughh. What more do I have to say? 🤧)
3) that one bday message to jimin. the one with ‘sorry’ after every line (yeah idk that one just gets me. Just undeniable sweetness overload)
So…looking forward to your list of ONLY 3! Okay? Just. Three. :P
And p.s. I am loving all the positive engagements and discussions happening here. I’m impressed by all the different kinds of asks you are getting, with some being much more thought provoking (well, thought provoking for a nincompoop like me). I wouldn’t even know where to begin answering those asks! But you are so good at articulating how you feel in your replies, and it’s been really interesting lurking around your blog and seeing what kind of ask you get hit with. Anyway, keep it up! Hope you have a good week <3
Hello, anon! Darling anon is just a catch-all tag for all my sweetheart anons that I don't know if I should tag as a supporter or in the anti-jkkr jikook club (all of which are based on my own arbitrary assessments lol). If you want a specific tag so I know which anon you are, just let me know and I'm happy to give you one! You can pick one or I can make one up based on previous posts you've submitted. 💜
I love soft hours 😭 thank you for letting me participate because it's not always soft up in here lmao. But three? ONLY THREE?!
1. Same as you, when Jimin gets all up in Jungkook's face for not being more specific. 💔 Literally a what the hell, not while I'm eating! moment. This moment and D3 Jikook are on the same level of suspicious for me.
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2. In the Japanese interview where Jungkook speaks for Jimin in a question addressed to Jimin, and he says that Jungkook is the one that makes him happy? I AM SO SOFT. He doesn't often do stuff like this (and this is pretty relevant to an upcoming ask that I'd received), which explains why I LOST MY MIND when it happened.
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3. My last moment is kind of the odd one out because I think it was a fan cam that caught it, but it's when they're done with the choreography, and before moving off-stage, Jungkook clearly waits for Jimin to take his hand before taking off. I don't know if there was any context behind it (e.g., was it too dark for Jimin? Though this seems unlikely), but it looked like an extremely tender gesture for an environment that they would be comfortable in and know how to navigate well enough. Admittedly, I project a lot when I watch this because it reminds me of my partner who will do this when we're in a crowd, for example, and when I tell you THE WAY my heart flips when he does this. It's so alpha energy (and I don't mean in an ABO way, please keep that away from me lmfao), and I die every time it happens.
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Again, thank you so much for your lovely ask and also for your kind words. I WILL CRY. Also, I know I said you can pick your own tag, but I've decided that you're soft anon anyway. 😭😋
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trex98dreams · 4 years
Chapter 12: “The Casanova”
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Kim Taehyung: The Casanova.
Y/N was waiting for Youngji at the canteen. Recently, Youngji has been very busy with her class since this new history teacher of her's came around. Y/N never complain anyways since she got to see Jungkook during recess.
A few minutes after, Youngji finally arrives. "Hey! Sorry i'm late, she's holding our class again.. Oouu, i see you're having your own fun here aren't ya?" Youngji winked while looking at Y/N’s direction which is directly towards Jungkook's table.
Y/N grins. "Oh come on, it's not that much of a sin right?? He's too handsome and cute to not to be look at, I mean look at him! It'll be such a waste," she jokes and Youngji shook her head. She sat down beside her and begin to open her box of home cooked meal.
"Okay, okay. I get it. I totally support your love for him. You know, sometimes i wonder why did that Irene broke up with him, I mean look at him, literally, even my classmates is head over heels for him," Youngji stated.
"Yeah. His lips are so kissable and plump and-"
"Aish! Yah i'm eating! Can we not talk about him for one moment?" Youngji yells making Y/N laugh. She quickly surrenders and ate her food while eyeing Jungkook.
After recess had ended, Youngji and Y/N decided to walk to class together.
"And then, she told me about this guy-" Youngji stops her latest gossip about her classmates to Y/N; when they spot a couple making out like thirsty animals in the open hall.
"Jeez.. don't they have other place to do it? That is so disgusting," Y/N told her. Youngji makes a 'yuck' face and nods.
The boy seems to notice their presence so he pulls away from sucking the girl's face to catch his own breath. The girl giggles while wiping her lipstick, then rustle the boy's hair. The boy look at Y/N and smirk before pulling the girl's waist for a heated make out session again.
"Ughh... come on Y/N, there's not much to look at here," Youngji said pulling Y/N to walk pass them. Y/N quickly agrees. As they walk pass them, the boy, still kissing the girl, look at Y/N in a seductive gaze and wink. He freaking WINKED.
"Did you see that?" Y/N asks Youngji. "See what?" Her friend replied. "He winked at me. Why would he wink at me if he's kissing another girl?"
Youngji shook her head. "No, no, no, Y/N. Don't get fooled. I know that guy. He's a classmate of mine, Kim Taehyung. Though i didn't know much about him, he flirts with girls all the time, it's his hobby. Some say his reputation is known as the school's biggest Casanova. He even ask for my number before i tell him to fuck-off. Stay away from him understand? focus on Jungkook."
Y/N chuckled lightly. "Hey don't worry, there's no way i'm letting myself fall for a guy like that."
"Aish..where is she? It's going to rain soon and her class should have ended 15 minutes ago..." Y/N mumbles to herself. Youngji seems to be held back in her class again. She look at her watch and decided to go to the toilet first.
"Where is this girl? I think next ti-"
"Urm.. Taehyung.. not too rough," a voice pleads. Y/N, who was walking down the hall to the toilet stops.
"I can't baby, you're too pretty.." another voice said and this time it was a guy's voice. Y/N hides behind one of the janitor's closet.
Are they having..? Oh god, can't they do it someplace else?? This is mere disgusting, Y/N said to herself while peeking at the owner of the sharp breath intakes.
Finally she get to see who it is and to her relief, no, they're not doing what she thinks they are.
It was them again. Taehyung and that girl he kissed the other day. She was from the class next to her's named Sujeong. Y/N peek at them, Taehyung kissing and biting her bottom lips harshly with both hand on her waist, while the girl itself pulls his hair, making it into a hot mess. Y/N covers her eyes, not knowing how the hell is she going to get out of here without them knowing her presence.
Youngji had informed, although Taehyung is a massive flirt, he had been in a relationship with Sujeong for a year. Rumor has it that even though Sujeong knew what he did behind her back, she didn't broke up with him as she loves him too much. Taehyung himself didn't initiate any broke up news. Who wonders why they've been in such relationship right?
Y/N quietly try to slip away from the room, not wanting to witness the scene any longer when,
"Are you watching us?"
Y/N stops. God knows how she wish she was a stone that time. She took a deep breath and turn around, looking at them with nervous eyes.
Taehyung, one arm around his girl while another in his pocket stares at Y/N with a sexy smirk while Sujeong, both arms had fall beside her waist, looks very bashful, probably because someone had caught them making out.
"Urm.. No? I was just on my way to the toilet," Y/N replied with a calm voice. "Really? Then why didn't you go then? The toilet's over there," Taehyung said pointing at the toilet behind them.
Y/N scoff. "Do you think i wanna go after seeing what you guys are doing?" Taehyung chuckled, amused by Y/N’s answer. Sujeong, seems shy of the whole situation was about to speak when Taehyung cuts her.
"Baby, look at her, she obviously wants to see us," he told her to which Sujeong giggles softly. Y/N look at him annoyingly when Taehyung scanned her face.
"Hey... you're the girl i heard is Jungkook's no.1 fan right? I heard you're bad shit crazy about him darling," He said with a sultry voice. Sujeong laugh softly, she seems innocent yet she still laugh when her boyfriend make fun of other's.
Great, Even they knew about that stupid old rumor. Why is it such a hot issue anyways?? That is so last year, Y/N said to herself.
Y/N didn't say anything, instead, she turn around and leave. There's no point in talking to these useless people just so they can laugh at her anyways. She was about to leave, until he stops her again.
"Come on, we're just joking, right babe? You're so serious, if it's a rumor, why should you care what i just said right?" Taehyung stated making Sujeong nods quietly.
"Well, i don't like jokes, especially if it's about me." Y/N replied ignoring him. Taehyung look at her straight in the eyes, making Y/N shivers.
"Ok. Let me rephrase everything. We're sorry for that uncool joke. Are we cool now?" He asks.
Y/N shrugs, nodding along the way. She walk away when Taehyung said something that confuses her.
"Nice meeting you by the way. We'll meet again, Lee Y/N." he told her.
He had already walk away with his girlfriend the moment Y/N turns to look at him. Weird. How does he even knew her name huh?
Apgujeong Mall.
Youngji and Y/N went to the movies today. It's a great way to spend their summer after weeks of studying. Youngji was the one getting all pumped up because her so-called boyfriend, Song Joong Ki, is the main lead in the new movie they'll be watching.
"I can't believe they didn't even kiss! Come on! Where's the fun in that?! There has to be a sequel or something to the movie!" Youngji yells, frustrated as they exited the theater.
Y/N laugh at Youngji's funny fuming face. "No. I googled it. That's it, no sequel or epilogue. The werewolf didn't get to be with the girl. kekeke," She laugh.
Youngji squints her eyes. "Great. Thanks for ruining the mood Y/N. Ahh~ such a waste, if i were Park Bo Young, i will definitely kiss him. I don't care if there's no scene related. I'll just kiss him."
Y/N giggles at her comment while sitting down at one of the stool in a fast food restaurant they walked in. After ordering their food, Youngji begin to review the unsatisfying movie again to which Y/N was forced to listen.
While sipping some of her drink, Y/N’s eyes caught 2 familiar figure outside the restaurant.
Their fingers were intertwined when suddenly, the girl pouts and crossed her arm over her chest making the guy turn her around to face him. He pulls her waist rewarding her with a deep kiss. The girl giggles and reach for the guy's arm, showing him the dress on sale in front of them.
Y/N was so caught up she didn't even notice Youngji had already finished her review.
"Yah! Are you're daydreaming while i talk again? Aish! Lee Y/N!" Youngji yells and Y/N snapped back to reality.
"Sorry, sorry, aish.. I was just looking at the couple over there, wonder what will me and Jungkook be when we become one.. hehe," she confessed.
Youngji laugh, looking at the couple outside. She too felt familiar of their back view, like she've seen them somewhere before. As they turned, Y/N and Youngji's confirmation came true.
Yup, they definitely knew them.
Who else was if it wasn't for
Kim Taehyung.
But the girl wasn't Sujeong, it was somebody else.
It was Kei, the school's beloved teacher's pet.
Y/N wasn't shocked anymore. She already knew what Taehyung is like. Kei is probably another one collection of his toys. When they're over, he'll get back with Sujeong again. He was known as the school's Casanova. So, this girl is no different.
"Wow. That's sonic fast. He broke up a one year relationship with Sujeong just to be with that. I still vote Sujeong, she's the prettiest and the most loyal among girls he dated, though that doesn't mean she's nice," Youngji states, biting her newly arrived fries.
Y/N gives her a glare. "What do you mean broke up? They, Taehyung and Sujeong, never broke up. She always knew what he's like. What are you talking about? And why haven't i know about this?" Y/N asks.
Youngji slurps her drinks while laughing at her friend. "That's because Miss Lee, you're always so busy with your sweetheart Jungkook you didn't have time for these juicy gossips." Y/N pouts.
"Oh come on, why the sudden break up? I really wanna know," Y/N adds. "Well, if you insist." She laugh.
Youngji gulps her drink. "On the last day of school before summer break starts, I heard Sujeong had left him for good. The news was, Sujeong can't stand him touching and flirting other girls anymore because she always get hurts in the end,"
"She wanted to do the same to him, I mean, to make him jealous, but it doesn't work because she loves him too much to hurt him that way. So she broke up with him even that she still loves him with all her heart."
"The worst part was, when ask for a break up, Taehyung just shrugs and said 'Ok.' He didn't even plead her like the guys in movies where they stopped the girl from breaking up with them and that crushed Sujeong even more. But if you ask me, their relationship is already unstable and it's good that she left him before it gets too serious." She ends the story.
Y/N’s shook her head. "What do you expect from him? To get her back? I doubt that if i was her. I've seen they was he flirt and kiss other girls. If i was Sujeong, i would dump him long time ago. And Kei? She's only one of god knows how many girls he's seeing."
Youngji agrees. "Yeah, well, enough with the gossip, let's eat, they both have settled it and i don't want to mingle with that Taehyung anytime soon," she told her. Y/N pick up her fries and put it in her mouth.
"Yeah, me neither."
"I know right?! Can't believe she was getting all freaked out because of that one tiny cockroach. Maybe i should bring the bug so she won't come to school, EVER!" They giggled along the way home.
"I ride the bike today? You?" Y/N ask her friend. "Really? Me too! Let's go get ice cream first! Then we'll go home!" Youngji yells excited. They exited the school's building and went to the bicycle lot. Y/N’s mind was once again caught in dreamland as she saw Jungkook and his friends laughing while walking to the bus stop.
"Ok. Stop it missy. Come on, we can watch him tomorrow," Youngji said pulling her red bike out.
Y/N smiles widely, pulling her blue bike also. Y/N was checking her tires when a black car suddenly pull over in front of them, leaving the two girls coughing because of the car's excessive carbon monoxide.
"What The F-?"
"Baby!!" A girls shrieks loudly behind them.
It was none other than Sinb, the English teacher's daughter. She cheered loudly, Purpose? to make other girls heard her. She ran pushing past Y/N and Youngji toward the black car.
When the car stops, once again, it was Taehyung. He came out from the car with a devilish sexy looks and embraced her in a hug, hands traveled down to her waist. He pulled her into a hug and kisses her in front of them, making her enjoyed it so much.
Just then, Sinb asked him, "Baby, where are we going today? Look at you, picking me up even that your class ended two hours ago, you're such an amazing boyfriend," she said, pecking his cheeks.
"I don't want my baby girl to walk alone don't I? I'm going to take you to a special place, just the two of us," He said and pulled the door so she can stepped in.
Once she stepped in, he closes the door, turn around and look at Y/N and Youngji's direction.
He wink while blewing them a kiss. They were lost in shocked. How could he? When one second ago, he just kiss his new girlfriend, and now, he's flirting with other girls. He laugh softly, getting into the driver's seat and drove away.
"I'm going to kill him one day, when will he stops those fuckboy tactics huh?" Youngji exclaimed angrily.
Y/N shrugs. "Honestly, I don't know."
It was finally the end of the year before the start of 2013. Sitting at the school's field, Y/N and Youngji felt calm and relaxed, chattering about things to do on new year's eve. Y/N scribble Jungkook's name on the back of her notebook while Youngji was looking at the sky.
"You know, sometimes i wonder when will both of us ever going to have a boyfriend," Youngji said. "Well, i'm getting one, and his name, is Jeon Jungkook," Y/N replied.
"Then i suppose, i have to find a boyfriend with the initial of 'J' to match you as well, Oh! Joongki!" She clapped happily and Y/N laugh at her silliness.
When she was about to say something, she heard two girls arguing and when they look at it, it was Kei and Sinb.
Kei & Sinb.
"You tramp! You're such a homewrecker! Why can't you just have other guy?! Are you that desperate?!" Sinb yells while pushing Kei's shoulder. The other girl go backwards.
She scoffed, "ME?? You're the cheap slut! Haven't you know i dated him first?! And then you suddenly wants him to be your boyfriend as well! You're the real homewrecker here!!" Kei yelled back.
Just then, a group of crowd begin to gather at the field, watching the scene in front of them. While the girls record the whole thing with their phone, the boys shouts, encouraging them to fight. Y/N and Youngji stand up to see what's happening between the girls.
"You slut!! He's mine first!! Gosh! How are we siblings anyways! I wish we were never anything!! I'm telling Dad about this!" Kei yelled while pulling Sinb's hair.
Sinb, known for her temper, didn't back up. "Telling Dad?! Hah! If he listens, because i know he'll listen to me, his favorite daughter!" She pulled Kei's hair back and push her down to the grass harshly. From the looks of it, both girls won't back up from the fight, adding fuel to the fire.
Kei smirks, even that she looks soft and feminine, she stood back, this time pulling Sinb's shirt, ripping them until her cleavage was exposed.
Y/N and Youngji ran to the situation before it gets worse. They hope they can stop them before Sinb's Mom arrives not to mention, the principal. They can be expelled for such behavior at this school.
"Stop it! Stop it!" They both push the crowds, Y/N pulling Kei while Youngji pulled Sinb from clawing her face.
"You stay out! This is between me and her!" Sinb yelled at them but Youngji replied sternly, "And what? So your Mom will come here and drag both you and her to the principal, getting both of you expelled?" She said. Sinb didn't say anything. She yanked her shoulder, pointing her index finger at Kei.
"You can have him. You're a slut anyways and i'm sure before he even finishes with you, he's banging other girl behind your back!" She shouts, storming away with fire in her eye. Kei yelled back, body still embraced in Y/N’s back hug.
"Yeah well! You're the whore! I think he prefers someone who can please him like me and not you! Don't bother calling me after this!" She said and huffs her hair, arms yanking before giving Y/N and Youngji a death glare before storming off as well.
The crowds begin to disappear, leaving them both shocked about what just happened. Y/N quickly pull one of her classmate that happens to be there. Youngji stare at her, curious about what she's about to do.
"Hey Seungkwan, what the heck just happened? We're sitting over there and suddenly we heard them fighting, do you know why?" Y/N look at the short guy. Seungkwan, known for being the school's top paparazzi chuckled.
"What? You girls don't know? Then why do you interrupt such interesting scene, i could put it in my blog," he said making Youngji pinch his arms.
"Focus dude, what's up?"
He rolled his eyes. "You guys do know that Kei and Sinb are half sisters right? The same Dad but different Mom?" He asks. Y/N and Youngji closed their mouth. "What? Really? Wow, no wonder they always looks a bit similar," Y/N exclaimed.
Seungkwan chuckled. "Wow, you girls must really be living under a rock to not know that old fact," he adds before continuing. "Well, but that's not the big deal, the big deal is, not only do they look a bit similar, apparently, they share the same guy too," he said laughing softly in the end.
"What? Share the same guy?" Youngji said. Seungkwan nods once again. "Yup, Kei and Sinb were like real sisters but three days ago, Sinb found out that Kei was kissing her boyfriend, wait, wait, their boyfriend. It was that playboy, Kim Taehyung who wreck their sisterly bond,"
"After Sinb had gone out of Kei's house, finding them kissing each other, she went crazy. She cuts all ties with Kei and trash the stuff she bough for her. Kei on the other hand, was angry because she claimed Taehyung was only dating her and stated that maybe she misinterpreted Taehyung's kindness for love. Sinb went crazy and said she was the one dating Taehyung all along. So that's how this happened today."
Seungkwan's story makes sense after they caught Sinb with Taehyung not a month after he's with Kei. He walk away after the bell rings leaving the girls alone.
"Can't believe he's that evil," Youngji said. Y/N nods, trying to make sense the situation.
"Wow.. just.. wow," was all that was left for her to say.
The start of a new year. Fresh and unchaotic since there's not yet any stupid gossips. Last year's biggest gossip had probably died down after both sisters moved away from the school.
"Hey I can teach you that if you want to learn," Y/N greets the boy next to her. As he looked up from his history book, she smile sincerely at him.
"Thank you so much for the rescue," he said letting Y/N sit next to him in class. Y/N smiled, "I'm Lee Y/N by the way, i love history but i hate math," she adds. The boys grins.
"I'm Park Jimin, it's okay, i can help you with that. It's so weird why girls is good at history while boys are obsessed with Math question." He smiled trying to understand what Y/N is teaching him.
Unknown to them, this is the starting point of their friendship.
Y/N stares at Jungkook who was playing soccer in the field. He look so cute and sexy, covered in sweats after a tournament with his friends. He drink his water bottle and sat down, watching the game played by his friends.
"Boo!" Somebody surprised her. It was none other than Youngji.
"What the heck! don't you dare do that again, i'll probably blurt out i like Jungkook in front of him," she whispers while slapping Youngji's arm. She yelled a small 'Ow!' before sitting next to her under the shady tree.
"Hey wanna know something? I heard that playboy Taehyung is not dating anybody right now, girls are auditioning to be his girlfriend right away." Youngji whispered. Y/N stares at her.
"Well, i won't be lining anytime soon since my soulmate is over there, and wanna know something more interesting? Jimin is friends with that Taehyung, BEST FRIENDS, can you believe it?" Y/N told her.
Youngji covers her mouth.
"Really? Jimin is so sweet, why does he have such a jerky asshole of a best friend?" She ask.
"I don't even know why Youngji," Y/N states, eyes shining as she see Jungkook walking away with a towel and a water bottle. "Well, let's go home now, i'm really tired i just needed some sleep, come on." Youngji said pulling Y/N up.
Who said Kim Taehyung is single? A hot Casanova like that, would never ever be single. Youngji's prediction come to an end today as Y/N spots Taehyung and his new toy, the girl from her old class named Nayeon, sucking each other's faces in class.
Y/N was half an hour early and when she arrives, she saw Nayeon in her class, which happens to be Taehyung's class as well, sitting on his lap, fingers tangled in his hair, stroking it lightly. His arms was wrapping around her waist, securing her from falling off the chair.
Y/N dislikes Nayeon. Why? Oh maybe because Nayeon hates her as well. She just had to trust that liar Yujin's mouth. Y/N felt uncomfortable but she push the feelings away. But the annoying giggle was heard behind her as she sit down to do her unfinished homework last night.
"Babe.. i want more.." Nayeon pleads fingers playing with Taehyung's button. Taehyung eyed Y/N while his hands are on Nayeon's thigh. He smirks.
"Later baby, i'll give you more than that. Right now, they're people in class, she might felt a bit uncomfortable," he says with a husky voice. Y/N didn't look up, instead, she focused on her book alone, headphones in her ears.
Taehyung feel challenged, so he put Nayeon down and make his way to Y/N. He stood beside her, pulling the earphone out of her ears.
"Hey!" She shouts. "What do you want? I'm studying," she adds. Taehyung look at her and lean down to her face, "Are you? Are you really studying?"
Y/N look up at him when he speaks. "Tell me, are you uncomfortable seeing us back there, Huh?" Taehyung said leaning dangerously close. "No. Do whatever you guys want, just don't bother me, sheesh," Y/N scoffs.
He laugh evilly. "Then you won't mind if i kiss my girlfriend in here right?" He asks to which Y/N shook her head, uninterested. He motion for Nayeon to get closer and sit on his lap again, this time, in front of Y/N’s table.
Y/N’s eyes widened, feeling as if he's laughing at her. They kissed each other roughly, shoving tongue into each other's mouth, Right. In front. Of. Her. Y/N let out a huge sigh, close her books and went out. "I'm going for a walk, let me know when you guys are finish okay?"
She rolled her eyes when Nayeon and Taehyung laughs annoyingly. Before she go, Taehyung make sure she hears what he said to Nayeon next, "Jealous."
Weeks after that, the school start gossiping about Taehyung and Nayeon becoming an item. He make sure his relationship with Nayeon known to the public and Nayeon showed how sweet of a girlfriend she is by bringing him home cooked meal by herself everyday for him she almost burn her hand while cooking a muffin for him.
He kissed her in front of other students and mostly, people like seeing their skinship because they match each other. Taehyung was drop dead handsome, who has a beautiful, gorgeous girl like Nayeon wrapped around his fingers.
But changed? To Y/N he isn't. She still sees that devil twinkle in his eyes whenever he smirks.
She saw Nayeon's effort on him. How she is very possessive over him more than Sujeong ever was. So when she stuff her food in Taehyung's mouth, acting like a mother taking care of a baby, Youngji and Y/N laugh at it.
"That is so going to end soon. As far as i know, Taehyung hates clingy girls," Youngji said. Y/N laugh and chomp on her meat.
"Just let them be Youngji, maybe she's the one, Taehyung doesn't seems like he hates it after all," Y/N giggles.
"That's what they say about Sujeong, look at where she is now," Youngji claimed."Well.. He's not that important in my life, it's Jungkook that matters," Y/N said proudly.
"We'll see where it goes." Youngji eyed Nayeon and Taehyung from across the canteen, feeding each other.
Months later.
After a sudden heartbreaking news about Jungkook and Nayeon, Y/N finally learn to let him go. It wasn't easy, wiping those lovable memory of him. Nobody else had made her fall so deeply like how Jungkook did.
"Hey Y/N, you're okay? Don't be too upset please, I'm sure Jungkook is nothing compare to your soulmate," Youngji comforts her. She felt sorry for Y/N and she noticed Y/N had been quite off since the news broke.
"Come on girl, it's been months already, time to forget him. If he doesn't know what he's missing, that's his loss. Right now, you're free from waiting for something that's never gonna happen. I suggest you look for a new love," Youngji cheered her up.
Y/N smiles weakly. "Thanks Youngji, for being there for me, you're a good friend." Y/N compliment her to which she chuckled, "That's what friends are for."
They continue to solve the difficult math equation when Jimin walk up to them. "Hey guys, whattcha guys up to?" He asks. Y/N look up and saw Jimin greeting her brightly.
"Oh nothing, just math stuff," Youngji replied. Jimin sat down and the girls notice, he brings a friend with him, a familiar one.
"Sorry for bringing him here, he insists on coming," Jimin mutters. Youngji squints her eyes at him. "Do anything funny and i'll kill you Kim Taehyung."
He laugh hardly. "Oh come on, why do you guys hate me so much? it's not my fault girls are attracted to me," he said flirting with them. Y/N look up and notice he winked at her. She rolls her eyes and turn to her book.
"It's okay guys, Taehyung has really changed. He's not going all playboy anymore, he told me, he need good grades and he doesn't want to waste time on girls any longer, you guys are safe," Jimin explained making Youngji and Y/N laugh in a mocking way.
"What? What's so funny?" Jimin asks. Taehyung look at them as well. "Kim Taehyung? Changed? Come on, he won't last a week, no a day without checking out girls," Youngji laughs. Y/N giggled softly, a bit intimidated by the way Taehyung was clenching his jaw at Youngji's word.
"Tell me something Taehyung. Why did you broke up with Nayeon, is it because you found another girl, again?" Youngji ask to which Taehyung smirks, not even ashamed of his past lover's mentioned.
"Well, she wanted it. Besides, i can't stand her clinginess, glad that she find her real happiness with that Jungkook now, don't we Y/N?" He said firing Y/N about it. Y/N nods awkwardly but Jimin noticed her change of face.
"You okay Y/N? You look a bit off.."
"I'm fine! Don't worry chimchim, really, i'm good. Just, let's get back to the equation," She assures him. Youngji look at Taehyung with rage, he did it on purpose just to make Y/N more upset. Y/N decided to brush it off.
She continue to do her work when Taehyung interrupted. "I can help you with that if you're struggling," Y/N look up, laughing softly under her breath but Taehyung manage to catch it.
"What? You think just because i'm a playboy i'm dumb as well? Don't look down on me, Jimin and I were the two top scorer in math last year," he told her. Y/N sense a tinge of guilt, so she give him a chance. "Fine. Fine. Solve it, let's see if what you said is true."
Taehyung grabs one pen and a calculator, beginning to solve the equation. Y/N look at his work, but a few minutes later, her focus was on Taehyung himself. Y/N giggles softly in her own mind. Who would have though, this, is Kim Taehyung.
He looks so different. This is the first time, Y/N ever gets a real close-up of him. In this 2 years span of Y/N’s view of him, never did she notice how Taehyung is very confident and good on this subject.
Because the Taehyung she always knew is predictable. The school's top Casanova who flirts with a lot of girls. He's kinda pervert but he's undoubtedly charming plus devilishly sexy. That's why he had a huge fan base of girls lining up whenever he announce his single status. He's smart also, know her way with the girls he went out with.
But this Taehyung? He looks different from that one. His focused on the equation makes all of his bad side disappeared. Up close, he really is handsome.
His big brown eyes looks like a little puppy and his thin lips that always smirks cheekily, when he bites them, it looks even more sexier. His brown hair was perfectly fluffy while his sharp gaze? It makes girls go wild.
Taehyung smiles, displaying a cute square box shape on his lips.
"I know i'm handsome, no need to stare, here, it is done." He said snapping Y/N out of her dreamland. "Don't get ahead of yourself, i'm not staring at you," Y/N lied.
"Wow, you got it all right. Nice job." Y/N compliments as she checked his answer on the back of the book. He smirks. "Well, let's say i'm not that stupid okay? So what do i get in return?" He asks. Y/N glares at him. "What do you mean you get back? You volunteer on doing this."
Lucky for him, Youngji and Jimin had already left for curricular activities so they didn't hear his flirty words to her. "Okay, okay, what about this? You teach me history in return? I hate it, and i know you've been teaching Jimin lately, why not add one person more?" He asks.
Y/N fiddle with her finger. Thinking if this is a good idea or not when she finally gives up.
"Urghh.. fine, but you'll have to teach me math in return alright? My rule is simple, no funny flirty tactics during study session, deal?" Taehyung smiles happily.
Over the past few months of countless study sessions with Taehyung, Y/N’s mind was lifted from Jungkook. She happily agrees whenever Taehyung ask for a meet up to help him study.
Little by little, from a small crush, Y/N find herself falling for Taehyung's charm. He didn't hang with other girls, not even once and whenever a girl try to flirt with him, he just focused on his study session with Y/N and Jimin. Though Youngji had warned her about him, Y/N believe Taehyung has change.
Because, Kim Taehyung made her believe in love again.
It is true. Her mind kept thinking about him. When she dream,it consist of him. Taehyung waits for her every morning in class, with that cheeky smile and a cup of coffee. Y/N finds herself thinking about his touch for days whenever their fingers brush accidentally. When she's at home, she was always expecting for Taehyung's text on how she's doing, those small talks that leads to her late night squeaks.
Y/N’s can feel her feelings begins to grow deeper. She knew it's dangerous because of his reputation before, but she believe in him.
Lately, Taehyung made this small gestures for example, wiping a stain on her lips with his thumbs or removing a strand of hair from covering her eyes and leans too close she almost faint. He compliments her on little things, such as Haneul's kindergarten pictures and often uses her lap as a pillow after getting tired of studying.
Y/N had told Youngji and Jimin about it after she accidentally blurt out she was crushing on Taehyung. Jimin was so happy. Youngji on the other hand advice her to be careful, since she didn't trust Taehyung much but Y/N assures her he's okay. Jimin had offered to help but Y/N thanked him and said she wants to wait for the perfect time to confess.
Y/N was definitely in love.
Y/N and Jimin decided to go the mall today. Jimin wants to treat her ice cream since he lost a bet on who had the highest score in history. Y/N was so happy she wish he lost the bet all the time.
"You wait here. I'll go buy the ice cream okay? Here, hold my backpack." He hands his stuff full backpack.
"It's so heavy!" Y/N complains but Jimin pretends he doesn't listen and laugh it off.
Y/N giggled quietly and sit on a bench there. Her eyes wonders around when suddenly, a soft voice greets her. "Lee Y/N? Oh my god, long time no see!" The girl hugs her. When she broke off the hug, Y/N finally recognize who the girl is.
"Sujeong?! Wow! You're looking good!" She yells. Though they're not close friends, Y/N never hate her. She stares at the man holding Sujeong's hand.
"Oh this, my boyfriend, Hoya." She introduce and he smiles politely at her. "You've been doing well, i'm happy for you," Y/N smiles. She smiled back and replied, "Yeah, never been better. You've got yourself a cute guy too over there," she said teasing her.
"What Jimin? No, we're just friends, plus, he's my classmate. We're out here hanging." Y/N adds. Sujeong smiles at her. They sit down and catch up for a while when the topic suddenly change to Taehyung.
"I heard from Youngji that you're into Taehyung, is it true? The whole school talks about how he only had his eyes for you now," Sujeong ask which makes Y/N smiles shyly.
"Urmm.. we're friends now, but can you keep a secret? Yeah.. i.. urm..i kinda like him.. we're in a study session together. He've change a lot you know," Y/N adds to which Sujeong hums.
Hoya excuse himself to the toilet and Sujeong nods. Sujeong turn back to her with a worried face.
"Look, Y/N, I know Taehyung. Don't get me wrong, my feelings for him had vanish and i totally support it if you like him, but i want you to be careful," Sujeong advises. Y/N stares at her. "Be careful? Of what? Don't worry Sujeong, he's not the same Taehyung. He've change, I change him-"
"A person like Taehyung doesn't easily change Y/N. It took him a lot to do that and trust me, I've tried everything for him to change yet he still broke my heart. When i first heard the news about you and him, i can sense it. He's up too something," Sujeong warns her.
"What do you mean?" Y/N focus on her words.
She let out a deep sigh. "Y/N, He hurt me before and i don't want he hurts you too. But i can't control about your feelings can i? so i just want to give you a little piece of advice, be very careful okay? And if you can, don't fall for those charm of his, the last thing i want to know is you getting brokenhearted. He's up too something Y/N. Trust me, i know." She told her and Y/N blink her eyes.
They end the meeting warmly and both went separate ways after that.
Don't worry Y/N, she doesn't know what she's talking about.
After the final exam for the year is over, the students celebrates. It was near Halloween where most students are throwing parties everywhere. Y/N, Youngji and Jimin was invited to one, even though Y/N insist on sticking with the trick or treating.
But she changed her mind when Taehyung was also invited to that party. Y/N and Youngji never been to a party before so, this excites them. Plus, Jimin offers a ride there. Taehyung had insist on bringing Y/N at first but he said he will be waiting for them there. Y/N blushes when Jimin teases her about it.
"How big do you think the party is? Do they serve alcoholic drink? I won't drink it, i'm not yet legal," Youngji stated making them laugh.
"Don't worry, i'll be taking care of you girls if by chance you 'accidentally' get drunk. Your mums did ask me to take care of you two." Jimin told them. Y/N hums but she looks so quiet tonight.
"Y/N? What's wrong?" Jimin held her shoulder.
"Urm nothing. It's just uhh.... I- ImgoingtoconfesstoTaehyung." Y/N spoke fastly. Jimin and Youngji's eyes lighten up.
"Really? Good luck then! I'm sure you and Taehyung would make a great couple! I ship you guys!" Jimin screams but Youngji just smile. She doesn't like the idea, but she support her friend anyways.
Y/N smiles widely, heart thumping on the though of Taehyung and her confession.
After tonight, everything's going to change.
The Party.
The party looks kinda wild since Y/N and Youngji notice how much skin the girls shows compared to them. Y/N and Jimin had agreed to dress up as Mickey and Minnie mouse while Youngji, who refuse the idea of being Goofy, join them by dressing up as Anna of Frozen.
But the girls there? A lot of them only wore skirts that manage to show their panties and corsets that give a full view of their breast, the only thing they hide was their nipple. Even the Disney princess's costume they wear is provoking.
Jimin pulls Y/N and Youngji's hand to the table and get them something to drink. After the first few drinks (coke), Jimin chuckled at them whose eyes are wide, staring at the crowds of boys on the pool outside.
"Don't worry, they won't bother you girls, about the girls in here, don't be too surprised, they wore that to attract boys at parties like this frequently." He told them to which they both nod innocently.
The big pool outside were scattered with girls in bikini's and boys in shorts. Inside, the crowds were drinking and some had gone drunk dancing on the floor. The DJ was playing the music loudly where the crystal chandelier shakes to its sound. Jimin had excuse himself to meet up with some of his friends while Youngji went for the food bar, finding it more interesting than being between those sweaty body.
Y/N scans around, looking for a glimpse of Taehyung but she can't seems to find him anywhere. The house was huge, more like a mansion. She wonder who had thrown such party like this. Everything looks so glamorous yet disgusting in some way.
Y/N fish her phone out of the pocket of her dress.
To: Taehyungie.
She looks around for a second, searching for Taehyung, worried that he might not see her when her phone buzzed.
From: Taehyungie.
Y/N grins. She loves it when Taehyung sends those emoticons. A few minutes of waiting and breathing hardly, Y/N loses her patience. She needs to see Taehyung now or she'll back out from telling him and she doesn't want this to end like Jungkook.
To: Taehyungie.
She waited but Taehyung didn't respond to the text so she decides to find the staircase upstairs and meet him there. She doesn't want to keep her feelings bottled up any longer.
As she walks upstairs she admire the paintings on the wall. She also saw a strangely familiar pink heels and a portrait of a dog she sure she used to see.
"Wow.. so beautiful, who liv-"
Her conscience were interrupted with a loud thud and a creak of something. She turn behind wondering what the sound was.
"What the hel-"
"YES! Ah! Yes! Faster! Ahh fuck!" The girls's voice makes Y/N’s blood run cold.
She convince herself, it's not what she's thinking right?
She approach where the sound comes from and it appears to be from one of the main bedroom in the house. The door was slightly open, so she was able to see what the sound is about. But as she peek at it, she regrets everything at the sigh that will haunt her forever.
There he was, Kim Taehyung, fucking another girl on the bed.
Their bodies were entangled in the sheets passionately. His face was facing the door but he didn't notice Y/N was standing there watching the whole scene.
The girl wrapped her legs around his waist while he thrust into her, sweats forming from his forehead as they both moan at the pleasure hitting them. The bed creaks while Taehyung molded his lips with her's in a rough way, burying his face in the crook of her neck.
"Ah fuck~ Yes Taehyung, Ah! That feels so good, harder baby!" The girl moan as she mess his hair and he smirks shutting her by thrusting more harshly, groping her breast with one hand while the other hold her waist.
Suddenly, while the girl was hugging his neck, Taehyung locked his eyes with Y/N’s. He look at her for 10 seconds.
And then he smirks.
No, he didn't feel ashamed or shocked. By the way he smirk, Y/N had realized, he planned this. Realization hits her when she remembers what Sujeong warn's her about is true. This, is the real Kim Taehyung.
"Yeah, You like that baby? You like it when i fuck you this good? That's because you're so beautiful baby girl, unlike other girls I've known, Yess! Ah!" he moans.
Taehyung looked at Y/N deeply in the eyes while thrusting into the girl, laughing at her pain.
"Hey baby, care to join?"
He ask Y/N suddenly, whose mind was processing everything. The girl noticed so she push him down and turn backwards, and that's when Y/N knew it all, their master plan.
Irene giggles, looking at Y/N who stand at the door like a fool. As if she's laughing at her pain, she turns back to Taehyung, careless of how naked she looked and pull his hair closer so she can give him a deep, rough kiss.
Taehyung smiles devilishly, and drop the final bomb.
"I win." He wink.
Y/N quickly ran downstairs, knees feeling weak and tears threatening to fall in a matter of second. Her eyes burn with salty tears as she ran downstairs, disgusted and embarrassed how she could have fall for this asshole. Now she knew whose party is this. It's Irene's.
Y/N ran downstairs weakly. She almost felt from the staircase when Jimin caught her. He notice her crying and panic almost instantly. Just then, Youngji arrived at the scene.
"Hey! Hey! What happened?! Oh my gosh! tell us please Y/N, you're freaking us out!" Youngji demand. Y/N can't seems to say a word. She was sobbing with her own broken tears.
Jimin and Youngji look up, and out came Taehyung, shirtless with only a boxer on with Irene on his arm, wrap around her white duvet.
"Sorry for not being able to return your text darling, I've been a bit.. 'preoccupied', " Taehyung said with a disgusting voice.
"You motherfu-" Jimin almost curse when Irene cuts him. They. Fucking. Laugh. How evil.
"Y/N.. Y/N.. poor innocent lamb, you are so unbelievably stupid. You just don't get it don't you honey? Him and Jungkook? Wow, You're so full of yourself! How many times do i have to told you, you will never ever be in their league? But you're so stubborn and looks whose getting hurt in the end!" Irene mocks her.
Y/N wipes her tears. Youngji who was already pulling up her sleeves was stopped when Y/N opens her mouth.
"Why.. what did i ever do to you? Why do this... to me?" She ask half sobbingly.
Irene chuckled. "Why? Let's just say this is the end of your sweet punishment for making me look like a bad person 3 years ago. Most people adored you and they didn't believe me when i told them about your obsession, but someone did, and that person is my baby over here," she said, kissing Taehyung's cheek.
"I told him you were easy, you lived in your fantasy about love and blah.. blah.. all that crap about love between an average girl and hot guy. He didn't believe me at first, but well, he took the challenge," Irene smirks.
"What challenge?" Youngji asks angrily. Taehyung smiles staring down at Y/N without any guilt.
"Oh! That small detail?? This, all this has been planned perfectly by us. Let's say... it started as a bet? If he could lure her to fall for him, i would personally give him anything that he wants. But if he loses, he's going to have to transfer to another school. Oh, did i mention he wins?" Y/N look at her with hatred in her eyes.
"-And his request.. let's see.. oh! It's ME. I'm the real prize here, not you, not any girl, but me. So keep in mind Y/N, stop living in that perfect fantasy of yours. Just accept the fact that guys like him will never be with someone like you. Remember, You're not in his league. Thanks for giving us a fun show," She giggles.
Jimin look at Taehyung with so much hatred and dissappointment of their friendship.
"I'm.. i'm a bet? All this time.. the study sessions.. our moments together.. it was all.. a lie?" She sobs. She wants an answer.
Taehyung huffs. "Lie? It's called mutualism, sweetie. I use you for a better grade and a bet, while you use me as a rebound to forget about your broken heart. Fair enough. And for the record, Irene was the one suggesting Nayeon for her to get back to Kookie while I convinced him she still loves him. Aren't we the nicest couple ever? They love each other, what could we do right?" He told her.
Y/N tears begins to fall. She was a bet all this time. She was in a game full of pathetic players. Jimin and Youngji glares at them angrily, face red from finding out their pathetic bet.
"So all this time, you knew about my feelings, you.. you knew i like you?" Y/N voiced out.
Irene laugh hardly as Taehyung chuckled. They look at her as if she sounds like the most idiotic person on earth.
"You're so funny. Of course i knew, That was the plan! Wait, Do you honestly think I like you too? Awww~ You fall for me real hard don't you sweetie? My baby was right, you are stupid."
"It wasn't my fault you fall for me, you've seen me do this to so many girls before but still you open your heart for me, thinking i'm different and that you change me. Really? you think a girl like you can change me?" Y/N look at him with tears in her eyes.
"You should blame yourself in this situation you know. You should have believe your geeky friend when she warn you about me. My baby is right once again, you are easy." He chuckled while Irene hugs his waist.
Y/N was broken. A lot worse than before. This time, the pain doubled. It continues where it had left. Taehyung doesn't realize how he had made a deep cut in her. She can't believe this is Taehyung. He sound so heartless and cruel. This is the man she believe had changed.
"Come on Y/N. We shouldn't have been here in the first place," Youngji claimed angrily, pulling her best friend from those two.
"Don't ever call me your friend anymore, you're sick Tae," Jimin sharply told him.
He just shrugs. "Well, i don't need you anymore, you're just a bridge for me to climb and get through her, So yeah. Thanks for the help." Jimin gritted his teeth but Y/N quickly stop him.
She turns to Taehyung once again.
One last time.
"Have you ever love me?"
Taehyung stares at her with an unreadable expression.
And she was hoping this isn't true.
But she shouldn't have asked that. Because what's next hurts the most.
He scoffs.
"Love? I'm not even closed to liking you. I can get any girls that i want, especially precious one's like Irene, why exactly, would i want you?"
That's it. That's all it takes for Y/N to left the house with a broken, wounded love. Irene pulled Taehyung back into her bedroom, continue doing what they did earlier.
The drive back home was really quiet. They felt sorry for her and angry for not being able to punch those jerks in the face. Youngji and Jimin knew better to not ask her if she's okay or not because she definitely is not okay.
Jimin glance at Youngji carefully.
"Whose Kookie?" He whispers curiously but that question were left hanging in the air since Youngji mouthed a 'Don't Ask' to him. Eventually, Jimin never ask that question anymore.
After the incident, Jimin cuts all ties with Taehyung and his jerk group of friends. Apparently, they knew about the bet involving Y/N and what they did was celebrates their win by pairing as one with Irene's friends. He doesn't want anything to do with those pathetic people anymore.
Half of the school actually knew about the news and some of them laugh at her for being too dense. Some pity her but they didn't dare say anything since Irene is the most influential people in school. She can do anything to them.
Ever since that night, Irene was announced as Taehyung's new girlfriend. No girls in school dared to flirt with him anymore. In school, She would purposely brushes Taehyung's thigh or sit on his lap while Y/N is looking and kiss him when she walk pass them. Taehyung was no better, he became his old self again, shoving his tongue in her mouth wherever he can just to rub it in Y/N’s face.
Y/N looks depressed and she became really quiet. She didn't talk to anybody except for Youngji and Jimin for 2 whole weeks. Youngji had accompanied her home everyday, encourage her that if she can forget Jungkook whom she likes for 3 years, she can easily do it to Taehyung too.
And that's what she do. The memories and mocking still hurts but Y/N remind herself, this is all temporary. It's going to end soon. She's getting used to ignoring their presence and try to get over that stupid crush by smiling and laughing like nothing ever happened. Who knows, after a while, it works. Y/N had heal her wounded heart by herself.
She swore that she would never fall for him again. She would never easily believe in changes. She would never glance or spoke to him for the rest of her life. He said it himself, he would never want to be with somebody like her if he got better options.
Y/N keep learning to accept because it's not easy, being stab twice in the heart in a year, but she read it in her mind everyday,
Sometimes the truth is painful,
But she rather hear the truth that hurts, than the comforting sugar coated lies.
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gumilac · 3 years
first of all I am so so sorry that happened with you, hope you feel okay soon love :(( if u ever wanna talk or just vent about how all men should go the lowest pits of hell, I'm always here!! (also, hint hint I'm actually a mutual and I do send asks off anon too skdjskfj)
something rlly disgusting happened with me involving one of my male classmates just yesterday (I resolved the issue so no worries! but I won't recount what exactly he did bec it just makes me get anxious all over again). So YES I FEEL YOU BESTIE our anger and frustration is so so justified. The way men cross any and every boundary with no sense of remorse UGHH and they fail to see how uncomfortable they're making u even when they're called out like??? 😭 I'M SO DONE WITH THEM, NO MORE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT,, I STRAIGHT UP WANT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE CREEPS TO GO EXTINCT‼️
ANYWAYS on to more important topics, omg I'm so glad u wanted to do a face reveal 🥺 BET YOU LOOKED GORGEOUS 😔💗 hope u feel comfy enough to do it some other time, patiently waiting 😔🙏🏻 also ik these incidents can make u feel soo horrible but let's not let this ruin your day :(( can I do anything to make u feel better?
THANK YOU LOVE 🤧❤ wahh just seing your asks make my day a whole lot better, so thank you :(
i'm also sorry that you had to go through that, men are vile creatures 🖕 but, i'm glad you've resolved the issue and yes i understand, you don't have to tell me in detail,,, it's okay~ i'm here too, alright?? just send in an ask whenever you'd like (if you wanna rant about anything and everything, im here)
also~!! anyway, i'm feeling okay now, i've interacted w/new people today here on tumblr, and it made me happy to know that there are decent and sweet people on here despite yk... pft garbage lmAO but, yes!! i'm okay darling no worries mwuah~❤
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asking-the-death · 7 years
Sooo im a lesbian so I totes love all girls right. I do. Like on the other hand I have a male bestfriend who is like super kind of over protective or let's just say super jealous of other guys being around me. And so I've been crushing really hardcore on a trans girl and he thinks its disgusting and says I shouldn't be with them bc they're trans girls like omg I'm just pissed and frustrated about it bc like ughh trans girls are girls
Love whatever you want, your life, your decision
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