#they're towing it aside now but that's gonna take some time
theflyingfeeling · 1 year
fuck trains lmao
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ginsengkitten · 1 month
Nightfall: Chapter 2
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The troubadour venue was jam packed with its typical brand of outcasts and trouble makers. You'd been to a show there once before with Vickey but never for journalism purposes.
Vickey escorted you through a seedy back parking lot. "Okay just remember- these guys are uh- well- they're a bunch of jackasses. You're probably gonna get few words out of most of em but as long as you rope in Axl, he can talk about himself for hours which should mean plenty of content for your little story. "
"Right." You murmur in reply as you fiddled through your messenger bag to ensure your trusty notebook was there. "Hey." Vickey halts you with a grip on your denim jacket and grabs your attention. Your notebook drops out of your hand on accident. "Don't.Fuck.Anyone." She commands slightly joking and out of genuine concern for you as you were not as familiar with this scene. You brush her hand off and blush red. "Vickey!" You scoff. Vickey gives you a devious but endearing smile and skips onward, not realizing she had knocked your notebook out of your hand. As Vickey skipped towards a circle of her friends surrounding the door, you bent down to grab your notebook. "Vickey one sec!" You call out- clearly not loud enough as she jots inside excitedly with a sea of others. You grumble frustrated to yourself when a loud noise permeates the air. A loud sort of clank from the darkened alleyway aside the venue. The loud noise shocked you. You look around yourself, checking to see if anyone else caught it as well but the crowd had abandoned the parking lot by this time, leaving you alone. A part of you curiously desired to investigate the sound, as it sounded unusual.
You gather your notebook and shove it in your bag and begin inching towards the dark alley. Another sudden clank ruptured out, and you jolt. The additional noise now inspiring a slower and more cautious approach and your heart beat rose. You corner the alley and find a large dumpster. More clanging and banging echoed out, clearly from the dumpster. Maybe a raccoon or a cat was stuck? You had always been an animal lover at heart. Still, nerves rippled within you as you approach the dumpster that continued to rumble and shake louder now, more violently. You draw your hand towards the lid and begin lifting it. Suddenly the large lid flips completely open and off the hinges of the dumpster, flying right past you and nearly smacking your head. A large black bat flaps out loudly as you let out a scream of fright and alarm. You jump backwards and hit your back into a wall. No, not a wall, but a person who grips your arm tightly.
"What are you doing back here?" They said, adding to your startle. You turn to see Vickey. A wave of relief. "Was that a fucking BAT?! That thing was huge!!" She exclaims. "Dude what the fuck are you doing come on!" She laughs and tugs you along before you fully process what happened. You followed, confused.
Vickey tugs your hand through a sea of people in the packed venue. It was dark and loud. Filing through the sea of sweaty bodies, you try to take a full visual of all that passes, dotting glances with strangers until you meet eyes across the room with a man. You watch him go to break the causal gaze but he suddenly double takes, and locks his eyes on you. For just a simple second, you swear the eyes you meet are red but you blink and the illusion disappears immediately. He is now staring at you with such an intense expression that you can't solve for some reason, but it strikes an immediate nervousness into you. His face curtains with large dark curls. He looks at you as if your head has caught fire, and the room feels as though only the two of you occupy it in that moment.
His laser locked gaze burns you and you hesitate to break away as you skip through the crowd. Something about his gaze, is beautiful and terrifying- almost paralyzing you. You feel like his prey for a moment somehow. Vickeys tow of you through the bustle of bodies forces you to break contact and continue onward, but you steal one backwards glance to see that his eyes are still piercing you. "Come on Y/N!" Vickey chirps happily, tugging you along.
Vickey escorts you backstage into a hidden sort of living room tucked away. A crew of gruff, shaggy haired, men litter the room and they all snap their necks immediately at your entrance. Insighting a similar uneasy feeling as the one guy from just minutes earlier. The room is heavy with smoke and a sweet, deep musk. "Hey guys! I want you to meet my friend! Y/N!" She introduces with a smile. The entire group of men circle you and greet you curiously. As if they'd never seen a girl before. Surrounding you as they investigate you rapidly. One strokes your hair ever so slightly, causing you to wince slightly. "Oh Vickey, this one's so cute." A very tall blonde man coos as he eyes you. Another man with long auburn hair also eyes you "Yeah Vick, where'd you find such a sweet thing?" He smiled. They all greeted you kindly, jovially, but closely. Clearly enamored by you for some reason.
"Back off she's no plaything-she's a LIVING, BREATHING, JOURNALIST!" Vickey announces proudly. "A music...journalist." You correct, quietly and boldly.  The men step away, giving you space, and smile. "She's here for that interview thing I told ya about. Got a sec?" Vickey asked. A man with blonde fluffy hair bows jokingly. "Guns n roses, ever at your service miss." A scruffy black haired man rolls his eyes at him and puffs his cigarette, reaching out his hand to you. "Izzy." He greets. You shake his rough hand. "Alright- and that's, Duff, Steven and Axl." Vickey points accordingly. You greet them with a shy wave. "Where's Slash?" Vickey looks around curiously before catching him behind you. "Oop! There you are stranger! Slash, meet Y/N! She's a MUSIC journalist!"Vickey gushes. "Y/N, this is Slash!" You turn around to meet the same pair of curious eyes the had preyed on you in the crowd earlier. Your heart skips a beat. It seems like his does too because his expression hardens again like it had and he stone faces you intently. After a second too long of his eyes on you, Vickey interrupts. "Jesus, slash, take a picture of her it'll last longer" she half jokes. The room is slightly tense as the rest of them take notice of his bold extended gaze as well. He didn't seem to care that everyone took notice, only breaking when he decided to, not the room. You grin awkwardly. "H-Hi." You say. "Alright let's get down to business!" Axl claps his hands together, breaking the tension and you and him sat down in the seating area.
"I wouldn't say it's satanic music, by any means- rather maybe some sort of artistic expression of - mature themes" Axl recites his answers with confidence and full absorption of the attention.  However between question and answers, you can't help but notice Slash, who stood tuning his guitar just beyond Axl. You caught him staring at you continuously through the interview. You took the opportunity of axls depth of answers to examine Slash longer. To notice his long hair, draped across his broad shoulders, to watch him place a cigarette between his full, pouted lips and exhale clouds of smoke. His dark eyes, peeking at you through a screen of grey plumes. Your heart beat felt stalled within you. He was so blunt with his attention on you. Taking no shame to his blatant ongoing examinations of you. The attention made you blur between blushing and nausea. Something about him was different. His expressions switch back and forth between somewhat of a sensual examination and something almost angry? Was he staring at you because you had pissed him off? Was that it? It had to be. He must not like media or journalists and that type. Most musicians didn't. That's fine. He doesn't need to like you, you assured yourself.
"- are you getting this sweetheart?" Axl snapped you into reality with his question. "Oh yes, every word." You grin and he returns the smile, pleased to have your attention again.
The interview came to a close and you began to pack up your things. "Aren't you staying for the show?" Axl asked. "Nah, this little rockstar has to get her beauty sleep for tomorrow's interview!" Vickey spoke for you and gave you a loving pat on the back proudly. "Wow, you really are attacking this story huh? Who's your next prey then?" Duff joked sweetly. You obliged to brag further. "I'm actually heading a little bit north up to see a band called LA Guns." You announce proudly. The air in the room seemed to disappear as the entire band halted to look at you. Duff suddenly had a look of  concern on his face. "Oh-" duff gave low glances at the rest of the band, ushering them to stop staring. "Well, you don't need to travel all the way up there for that old band. We know some good folks down here you can talk to." Duff said with a kind of nervousness in his voice. You shook your head. "Thanks but- I want to try and broaden my scope - oh have you heard of them?" You pause. "We're....familiar with them, yes." Izzy stepped in to answer, duff nodded in agreement and folded his arms. "Oh, hah, small world then!" Vickey chuckled, inserting warmth into the frigid, tense air. "We need to practice, you two should go now." Slash interrupted, the same stone cold look across his face and in his tone. He hardly glanced up at you this time. "Oh...yes sorry right-we'll be off then..."Vickey responds. "Ignore slash, he's nervous about the show." Izzy smiled kindly to you both to mend the jab from slash.
"Oh for fucks sake!" Vickey kicked the ground angrily as she found a tow boot, fit snugly on her tire. She had apparently parked in the wrong place and now your ride home was sporting a heavy metal shackle to the ground. Vickey went inside and shortly after came out with the band in tow. "Sorry Vick that sucks. I called the promoter and he said they can waive the tow fee but their guy can't come til morning." Duff said. Vicky sighed. "I don't suppose any of you fucks have cars right?" She grumbled. "Actually- slash has his motorcycle, but he can only take one of you. "Actually- I didn't agree to take either of you." Slash spoke up to duffs offer. Duff and Axl shot him a sour look. Slash sighed and went to retrieve his bike. Vickey turned to you. "You gotta get home more than me, you go, I'll get another ride." She gave your arm a squeeze. You glance at slash as he drove over and back at Vickey. "I-if he doesn't wan-" you start. "Y/N just go don't worry about him. He's just a jerk." She retorted. "You coming or not?" Slash urged from the bike as it roared awake. You accepted the situation, hopping on the back of his Harley. Vickey gave you a wave and thumbs up. "I'll see you later!" She called over the rumble of the bike. A heavy helmet landed halfway on your head suddenly. "Agh what the-" you bark confused. "Put that on." Slash commanded as he faced forward. The helmet was big and bulky. "I don't want to -it's okay" you begin to hand it back to him and he snaps around to you. His eyes, you swear you see the red glimmer through his eyes again for just a second, and then you blink once more and it's gone. "I wasn't asking." He growled back at you and shoved the helmet back into your grasp forcefully. Alright- whatever his deal was- you did not want to push his buttons any further and put the helmet on.
As the wind began coasting through your hair and the bike whipped through the night, you wrap your arms around his torso. His body was rock solid. Not in a rhetorical, or sexual manner, but literally hard to the touch. He felt like a statue under your grasp. The situation felt tense and strange. Slash felt your arms around him. Your touch igniting a strange a rapid sensation throughout his body. A tinge of intense and foreign warmth swirled in his chest, something he had not felt for a long time. This sensation startled him and the bike slightly swerved for a moment. You grip him tighter out of fear and rest your head on his back, caring more for your place steady on the bike than the tension itself. Feeling your tightened embrace only shook him more. Whatever sensation your touch was causing, was expelling a sort of pain like turmoil for slash. He hit the gas harder and drove faster and more rushed. Finally reaching your apartment, he pulled up to a harsh stop with a screech.
"Get off." He commanded. His advanced coldness startled you and you obeyed immediately. You hand him the helmet forcefully. "Here, asshole." You remark. He grips the helmet in a way that yanks you forward to him, without touching you directly, as you had still had a grasp on it as well. "Don't go to see LA Guns tomorrow." He suddenly urges. You're shocked by this demand. You furrow your brows in confusion. "What-" you begin. "Just fucking don't go. Okay?" He ends the conversation abruptly and drives off quickly, leaving you standing, dumb founded by the entire night. What the fuck was his problem? And why does he care if I go to LA Guns tomorrow?
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 5 months
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Climb the Walls
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, scared boys, cursing, threats, back stabbing, pissed boss bitch Kells, Dom trying to be comforting, teasing, guns, drinking (not Kells), breaking things, insults, mentions of people as objects, trying to save their people, lost boys, hurt/comfort, past abuse, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: mature
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
“I have no idea what happened! I just went home for the night and when I came back bright and early they were all gone!” The Doctor was shaking where she had sat on their couch since she arrived about an hour before. The moment the couple realized their friend probably wasn't safe they told her to pack her shit and drive over with her wife. Colson was putting her up in the apartment they'd planned to move Dom and Tom into. He owned the top few floors of the Four Seasons so it was a safe house of sorts. She'd been a mess when she arrived with Dorothy in tow, the female Alpha apprehensive and anxious behind her mate. She and Kells had become friends too over the years but an Alpha was an Alpha, even a good one, and none of them liked to ask for help.
The Doc was fighting back tears every time she spoke. She'd come from a bad home like most omegas but had been able to fight her way through medical school and had been part of Col’s family for almost twenty years. She hated that someone found her place of work, they'd been so careful to hide the makeshift hospital. It was their raison d’être to save as many omegas like themselves as possible and to lose even one was a punch to the gut, but ten?
“It's not your fault Doc. You know that. I don't blame you. I'm just glad you fucking texted us and got out.” Colson tried to keep his voice reassuring but he knew he was almost to his limit on stress. He didn't want to cry in front of anyone but he felt his eyes burn when he thought about his people. Because they were that, every person he saved was his. Some moved on to new lives far away but they always knew they could call him. It broke something inside him that anyone would screw with what was his.
“I should have stayed. What if they just went out for food and now they're waiting for me?” She asked but they all knew it wasn't anything so simple.
“I've got the camera feed love, don't worry. If any of them come back I'll know.” Tom soothed as he brought a tray of tea for the room and set it gently on the coffee table. He passed a cup to each of them even if they didn't want it. He knew the fear the other omegas were probably in and it made him sick. He needed to do whatever he could to help. First he served Dorothy and Doc who each asked for something stronger which the photographer happily complied with. He had a small flask of whiskey he passed around, though Dom, Colson, and Mod said no.
The girls were on one sofa while Dominic shared the other with his mate and their roommates. Collette had joined them long enough to hear the news but her and The Doctor had stepped aside and shared hushed words at one point and she'd disappeared after that. Kells had learned not to ask about his mother. “What about the feed? Does it show anything from last night?” The man asked but Mod just shook his head.
“It's been erased, and it's a damn good job. We're working to fix it but it might take time. Sorry boss.” The beta huffed. They were all pissed about the new turn of events.
“Of fucking course. I mean who the hell would do this? What do they want? What's a few mil they might make off them in exchange for me as a fucking enemy because they have to know what's gonna happen now!” Colson hadn't felt so aggressive in a long time. He hadn't realized how much his mate was helping his temper but he could feel it now. The rage inside him made his stomach turn. “This is scorched earth shit. Drawing a fucking line in the sand. No one would stand for this and I won't either. Do they think I've gone soft or something? I'll fucking-” He had to take a breath, the more upset he grew the more the baby threw a fit inside him. “Not fucking now Punk. I'm working. We don't screw with my work.” He grumbled to his stomach but it did about as much good as when someone told him to calm down.
“Col, babies don't listen. They feel what you do. Chill the fuck out before you go into early labor. Doc's orders.” The Doctor huffed and that was like a bucket of ice water on his head. He couldn't handle that on top of everything else. He would not be the reason something happened to his child.
“Babies probably listen but let's be real, this is Col’s kid.” Mod tried to lighten the mood and they all chuckled softly.
“Fairs. Don't even listen to me.” Dom sighed teasingly as he laid his head on the older man's shoulder. He wanted so badly to soothe his child but he knew he wasn't allowed in front of others. He was amazed the guy even referenced the little one or gave them a nickname of sorts.
“That's because you're the bitch. You listen to me. That's how this whole thing works.” Kells explained before a thought struck him. “Are you sure you finished the last asshole off?”
It took the Alpha a moment to process what his mate was asking because the first time it filtered through his ADHD riddled brain it sounded somehow naughty but when he did finally connect the dots he glanced around the room. Two people didn't know who he was. Could he trust them? “Yeah. Believe me luv, he weren't walking outta ‘ere or taking anover breaf. Let alone kidnapping multiple omegas.” When he let his darkness out to play and had time to savor it, he started with the ankle tendons and worked his way up. He nervously played with his hair as he watched the women in the room. They didn't seem to care what they were talking about.
“What about friends? Could he have other people out for revenge? Did you back check the bitch?” Kells wasn't trying to blame his mate but he felt wild with worry and he was terrified it was somehow all his fault.
“I vet them Colson, you know my work better than that. There was no one that cared enough to come after the boy. I think we all know who this probably is.” Tom muttered the last so low that Col barely caught it but he saw the way Mod tapped the other man's leg.
“What? Who? What the fuck are you two not saying? Because believe me, I'll take any answers right now. This won't fucking stand.” His voice broke and his lover held him tighter. He would not fucking break in front of anyone. He was still their leader, pregnant or not, he had to hold it together.
The odd couple shared a few whispered words but finally Tom rolled his eyes and sat forward to meet the other omega's gaze. “Megan. She has to be the one stealing from you. It's the only thing that makes sense. She's been stealing from you and trying to build her own empire for years. She wasn't trying to date you, she wants to replace you. I'm sorry brother but she's trying to destroy all you've built.”
Kells blinked slowly and dropped his palm to his belly protectively. All he built could fall to ruins but he wouldn't give up his mate or child. Not even ‘without a fight’, he just flat out fucking refused. After finding out she hurt him all those years ago he'd already mostly known their friendship had never truly existed but this was on another level. “Guys, she's not smart enough for this shit.” Normally he'd feel bad saying something so catty but it felt true. She was a manipulative bitch but scheming at this level?
“It's not about brains really. Yes, she'd need to hire someone tech savvy to disable the cameras but just to decide to break in somewhere she knows would hurt you most and take the people you save? It's evil but not genius level. Causing someone pain when you know them isn't that hard.” Mod explained softly and it hit Colson like a bullet to the heart. His friend wasn't wrong. Megan had been around since he was a teenager and she'd been part of his inner circle since he came up. She knew all his buttons better than most.
“Bucket?” Dom whispered when he noticed the color of his mate go from rage pink to sickly pale. It frightened him that he couldn't protect his lover from all that pain. He wanted to introduce the bint Alpha to his blades.
“No. I'm good. Not gonna barf. Might shoot someone though. We have to find them, Dom. Some of them are so fucking young. If she sells them-”
“I know. We'll find ‘em. Believe me, I know.” The pleading stare his omega gave him was breaking the boy's heart. It was so strange because he didn't used to believe he even had one but now he knew it was there. It was made up of the man in front of him and their babe and the family they were building together. “I can go looking?” He offered though the thought of leaving them alone made him ache.
“Fuck that.”
“No point until we reverse the camera hack.” Colson, Tom, and Mod all spoke at once but at least the beta supplied a reason. The killer just hated sitting around instead of fixing the problem at hand.
“Collette! Couldn't she ask her friend? Maybe the man who Megan thinks is on her side could know something or at least find it out.” Tom offered and Kells shrugged, it was something to do at least. Something to occupy his mind for a moment instead of stressing, though the text to his mother only took a few seconds to send.
“I could kill ‘er. End of. Ain't no more problem wiv ‘er gone.” The Alpha was itching for the chance, he had been since the night he saw her lips lock on his omega's. She deserved to meet his most precious tools. Slowly.
“And then the kids are just gone? Absolutely not. It may not even be her and then you've killed someone for no reason!” The boss knew logically she was already on his lover's list but still a part of his soul begged that she not be that awful. What did that say about his judgment? Could he trust anyone?
“Don't even luv, she been on me list for a long time. I'll give yas tha’ I can't do it now cause she got collateral but she on it. Full stop.” They weren't fighting, not really, but it was hard for the boy. He needed Colson to understand how truly dark she was. He didn't need permission exactly, he'd take out who was needed but he didn't want the man looking at him differently. They'd worked through so much already.
“Mod, call Pete. Tell him to keep an eye out. Ask him if anyone has been hired off the street.” Megan would need extra grunts to pull off something so big, she'd need guards just to keep the omegas in check. He knew most people wouldn't touch the job with a ten foot pole but if she found guys who weren't working for anyone yet they might fold. A lot of people needed money. A good portion of them were already on his payroll, even if just as dealers, but there was always a chance.
“Good thinking. But boss, you know there's a chance she's saying it's for you and getting away with it. No one below our pay grade- not even Pete knows what we actually do. They wouldn't know that's your hospital. If she said this was your stolen shipment and you were just getting them back…” The beta trailed off. It was sneaky but again, not out of the realm of possibility for her to think up.
The man cursed and nodded, a lot of the fight going out of him in a long sigh. “Call him. If she said it was for me he might be so desperate he would do it for her himself. He knows he fucked up last time. Shit!” The teacup he'd been trying to sip went flying across the room to shatter against the wall. He had been doing good controlling his anger but this was too much. At least he hadn't hit anyone. Yet. He hoped the go between would check in with him first but he knew how manipulative Megan could be. There was a chance if he had helped though that Pete would know exactly where everyone was. “Give it.” He snapped when he heard the ringing start.
Dom watched as his mate took the phone from Mod and tried to stand up to pace. He gave his man a gentle push so Col wouldn't feel self conscious and got a playful knee slap in return. “Fuck off.” The omega huffed to him and he stuck his tongue out. He didn't mean to make Kells feel like he couldn't do it, he was just used to helping by now. The other started moving, walking from one side of the room to the other. It didn't take long before an answer came but it was obviously long enough for him to crack. “You fucking asshole! How bad do you want on my shit list?”
Pete was silent on the other end of the line before clearing his throat. “H-hey boss! What's up?”
“What's up? What's up? Oh I dunno. Did you help jack some omegas from a hospital last night?” He tried so hard to stay level and he probably should have asked a different way. Now he couldn't work up to his questioning and he didn't know how to progress if the fucker-
“For you! She said it was for you. Why aren't you happy dude? We got them back!” The other man's voice was tiny on the phone but obviously terrified. Good.
“Oh, it was for me? Was I fucking there? Did I ask you? If you did it for me, why don't I have them?” He tried not to shout, every time he did the baby kicked something else he really needed. “You're all idiots.”
“She said it was a gift boss! Maybe it's a surprise and she's selling them to give you the cash?” Colson clenched his fists so hard he thought he heard something in the phone crack and he vowed mentally to get his friend a new one. He had to be honest, if this conversation kept up how it was he knew it was going across the room with the teacup.
“I don't want that. Listen to me dumbass, I did not ask for this. You and your boys better find them ALL before tomorrow or I'm coming down there.” There, that was calm enough. “I should rip your dick off and feed it to you if you think with it so god damn hard.” Oops. He couldn't say it wasn't for him, he couldn't give away that he lost control of his people, but he knew it was already implied and it scared him. He didn't know how to keep control of everyone and it put him on edge.
“Y-yes Sir. Soon as I can. I mean she had us hand them off to other guys but I'll try-”
“Find them or I'll let my pet psycho off his leash and he'll turn all you bitches into a new batch of omegas.” He didn't mean it of course, it wasn't like they'd be omegas worth saving or selling for that matter. But if Dom wanted revenge…
“What's that even supposed to mean?” Pete asked.
“Believe me, you don't want to find out. Tick fucking tock. Keep me updated.” He hung up by smashing the phone into the wall before walking over to his safe calmly and opening it, taking out a small box, and walking over to hand his best friend a new phone.
“Thanks. You did good Cols. I think you should go rest while you can. No offense but you look like shit.” Mod explained softly and Col nodded. He couldn't even talk anymore he just passed by his lover and grabbed him by the hand to pull him along. He didn't stop until they reached their room and he gently pushed his Alpha to sit. He didn't know whether to crawl into his lap and cry, sleep, or fuck.
“Do you fink he'll be okay?” Dom asked softly. He'd been trying so hard to be a rock for his partner but that small worry slipped out. There had been something special about the boy he saved and he didn't want to see him lost. Not after all he'd already been through.
Kells hurt in his heart as he took a seat next to Dom. He laid down and curled in the boy's lap, soothed when fingers teased through his hair. He craved the other's touch over everything. “I don't know. I'm worried too. If the men they got to were buyers I don't know how we get them back but we will. This is my job baby, trust me.” It didn't even bother him that Dom had taken a liking to the young kid. He was normally selfish with his lover but he could tell it was more of a big brother situation and he'd honestly grown to like the other omega too. “We should have brought him here.” He didn't mean to say it aloud but it just fell from his mouth. He was too overwhelmed for a filter.
“Wouldn't ask ya tha’. We can find a safe place for ‘em. I trust ya Cols, swear. I know you'll save ‘em all. But you do need rest.” Dom soothed back. He couldn't ask for them to take the boy in, it'd be mental. He didn't even know the kid's name yet because he'd been mute since being rescued from his home. They'd get them all back and find a new safe space and he'd take care of Megan before their child was born. Everything would be okay because it had to be. The world owed them both after the way they grew up. “You jus’ rest. I'll watch over yas.” He hummed, one hand petting through his mate's hair and the other over his belly.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
Sorry for the plot dump but we're heading to the end. Don't worry, there's already plans for a part two. I like these boys too much. There should be a little more smut mixed in but it's story time. I hope you're enjoying it! 💣🖤
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channeleven · 2 years
Campfire Stories Review
What makes It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia so good is the chemistry between the actors. This is owed to them having worked on different projects together beforehand. For instance, Rob McElhenney and the lawyer both appeared in a YooHoo commercial, that also featuring the original actress for Dee Reynolds in the pilot, Rob and Charlie Day would appear at separate times in Law and Order, and they would gradually come together in ER, then in 2003, they would get to work on the pilot, as it gradually became what it is now.
However, Rob and Charlie had worked together on something relatively earlier, and this film is credited to how they originally met. So, if there wasn't a Campfire Stories, would there ever have been an It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? Read on below.
Campfire Stories is an anthology film released direct-to-video in 2001. It was based on an independent comic book series put out by Don Oriolo, and if that name is familiar, I literally talked about him in my last review, the guy behind Coconut Fred. The film was put out by Velocity Home Entertainment, who had also put out an early Uwe Boll movie by the name of Blackwoods. The film was divided to three directors, and while this wasn't their only rodeo, there isn't anything notable I can list off of them here.
Aside from Charlie and Rob, apparently Perez Hilton was in this, though this was within his first year of acting. The film was shot in New Jersey and apparently was the start of two actors' careers, that's about it. For a while this movie was tricky to find... for free, but in recent months, I got lucky and someone posted it on YouTube, and after I had finished grad school I figured I'd unwind and check out this movie, as well as another called Out of Bounds, but for another time.
What can you expect? Well sit around the fire and let's find out.
The Movie
One thing that bugged me about the start is that we're treated to a two minute intro involving a talking skull done in ultra cheap CGI, trying to overhype the rest of the movie, but then we finally get to the wraparound sections. Charlie and another guy with a speech impediment I guess, he's weird, get a flat and stranded with a girl. As they attempt to find help, they happen upon a desolate campsite and encounter Ranger Bill.
This would be a time to hedge some bets on what the big ol' conclusion is. Is Ranger Bill a psycho killer? Did the three somehow die on the way? Did they prevent a realtor from meeting a dealine? But let's not jump to assumed conclusions, this is a cheap rental, I'm giving it a shot.
A tow truck is called and Bill decides to tell the three stories while they wait, I mean this is Campfire Stories so at least we didn't lose that out of the gate. Because we didn't have any summaries of the stories available elsewhere, I didn't know what to expect out of what the tales would consist of, so I had low expectations.
The first story details an escaped mental patient who is tortured at his ward. I'd question if this is true, but have you've even been to Turn-About Ranch or Provo Canyon Boarding School? The director is onto something it seems. The guy would take on a job as a school janitor years later, and some jocks, led by someone who would be better suited as a water or towel boy, harass the janitor to justify the scary element of the story to come soon. After the janitor steals the kid's backpack, he decides the best course of action is to murder him.
He and a few others head out to find him, and yeah they're gonna get picked off one by one. Not even a castration can be considered subversive here, lest the janitor hates when people piss on trees. So of course, the kid gets left alone and after trying to make peace, he backs down and now he's going to go through similar torture, and his girlfriend is dead apparently.
Pretty standard revenge tale, I feel some of it is a bit forced such as the conflict, but I guess the other kills make sense as they joined the dogpile. I'll give Bill the benefit of the doubt of this being a warm-up, though I gotta say it would've been more interesting to have the three share their own stories, stuff that would give viewers a firmer idea on their mentalities or whatever, but that's just me.
The next story details some teens, and it's quite obvious they're crooks I mean look at their outfits, we can't be subtle here. The teens see a Native American enter a restaurant, and they feel like killing somebody today, must've objected to him not wanting the change for a fifty. It is here that the bad CG effects return with a vengeance, not for a lack of quality but because there's so much happening without rhyme or reason. It seems like he summons a snake via a ceremony, but he gets strangled and it turns out the teens did that. Was this meant to be a warning? If so why didn't he do something sooner? This would've made more sense as a prediction rather than a representation of what happened.
And look, it's teens in a horror scenario, you know what that means? Getting high. They do some puffs on a staff the guy had and begin to see more of the so-so CG in this, and they trip harder than anyone I've ever seen, so do they die? Actually no, I had expected them to go that route, but there is one tell that I only then realized was there. It began at a diner with multiple old people, one was apparently dead or non-existent because he was completely still. If you haven't guessed, the teens are made old, and their youth goes into the Native American. I dunno, is this a more acceptable fate? I mean they didn't die at the end, but this reminds me of that one episode of Tales from the Darkside that I don't seem to like.
This consists of three stories, and we're already on the third, and this one is where Rob comes in. In this, two couples stay at a house haunted by the ghost of a relative to one of the girls. This one is fairly slow and kinda hard to really keep up with. The girlfriends reveal to have been caught on tape by the guys in their pranks and they want to get payback... eventually. The girls get them to play hide and seek and blindfold the boys, but then a killer enters the fray. Is it the guys? Is it one of the girls? Is it that deputy that randomly showed up?
Well... not necessarily? Everyone gets killed except for the girls, but then the last girl gets killed and... apparently... the one girl was possessed and killed everyone. I liked the transition at the end, but, I dunno. At least the other ones benefited from being more straightforward. This needed a little extra elbow grease, so to speak
And at the end, with the expectancy of Bill turning out to be a psycho killer still out their, the tow truck arrives, and they all leave. Forgot to mention that at the start Charlie and the other guy were on the way to a party, and the one place that has a working phone is where they were trying to go in the first place. But then oh lawd, Bill is the bartender, and everyone in the stories turns out to be real, and we assume Charlie and the other guy get murdered. I didn't know what to expect, but the girl turning out to be evil was admittedly a twist I didn't see coming. The writers actually made this twist seem surprising, at least in my opinion.
The credits role and we get to see pages from Don's comic, and that's about it.
Final Thoughts
Okay, so for a shorter amount of tales, a lack of predictability or heavy-handed socio-political allegories and not being treated like an idiot the entire time, this is automatically better than American Nightmares.
This is a cheap movie through and through, respectable for its ambition but otherwise having little to show for it. I can respect it for being a little passion project, and of course I've seen much worse. But at the end, perhaps had it not been for this movie, Rob wouldn't have met Charlie and we might not've got It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
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between-two-fandoms · 4 years
Who We Used To Be (Ray/Rose/Trevor)
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As told by myself and @thesevenumbrellas tag teaming the whump in the 18+ JatP discord. Sev I swear we operate on the same braincell levels, we do be clowning. @bobbywilsonsupremacy  let us know what you think of this! I know you and I both hardcore ship Raybse.
Cover was created by @thesevenumbrellas​. Please don’t steal it.
This post got long so fair warning.
We wrote this in a discord server over the time span of hours so there’s some mistakes but i’m too lazy to go back and fix it all. Basically we tag teamed on a Raybse Trevor Wilson-centric whump story and can destroy a fandom with a single touch.
You’ll understand once you click the cut.
Don’t Steal Our Writing (but please reblog this to spread it around).
Trauma Time.
major whump warning
(Ren) Okay so if we're gonna be starting at 90's ot3 my children ray/bobby/Rose know that Ray is a panic bi and loves both of these humans very much with his whole ass heart.
(Ren) He takes pictures of his girlfriend and boyfriend while they’re on dates because he wants to capture the moments he was happy the most. Bobby always shed away from the camera burying his face in Rose's shoulder or leaning in for a kiss. Anyways as time goes by Ray notices Bobby's change in behavior. From being his go-happy-trauma boyf to being caught up in the music scene, often out at all hours to parties and label meetings only to come to to sleep on the couch, not even sharing the bed like he used to. It reminds Ray of the time when Bobby was grieving his boys. Ray hates it, but he loves bobby so he pushes his feelings aside to try and arrange more dates for the three of them to go on together.
(Sev) Ray waking up to only Rose in the bed and not Bobby, and it feels too cold in bed without him. So he'll try to call him, because it's 3am and he's supposed to be home and he's not. And Ray remembers what happened to Bobby's bandmates, and he can't admit it out loud but he's worried. Because what if that happens to Bobby? He knows it was a freak accident! What are the odds of it happening again?? But he can't shake that feeling when Bobby doesn't come home at night and Ray stays up all night worrying. Anyway he tries to call Bobby and Bobby doesn't answer. He'll leave loads of voicemails, trying not to be pushy because he knows Bobby doesn't respond well to that. But he's worried. He'll say "hey please call me when you get this." and then ten minutes later try again "hey just text me that you're safe okay?" He can't sleep because Bobby still isn't home. It's 5am. He has to go to work in two hours. Rose keeps telling him to go to bed but he can't.[2:58 PM]Bobby finally texts back. "I'm okay! Was playing with some friends, the gig went over time and then we went to  party." Ray wants to be angry because seriously? No phone calls because he was at a party? But he knows that'll just push Bobby away more!
(Ren) And so Ray has all of these festering emotions that boil down to worry and concern at the core but he's just so scared hes losing Bobby cause he never really had his own family to begin with and then one day when Ray comes home early from a photoshoot he can hear Bobby and Rose fighting over Bobby signing the contract that says he wrote Luke's songs but Ray just hears yelling before he even opens the door with his name thrown into the mix and then he gets even more scared because what if he loses Rose and Bobby? if he lost both of them he'd be destroyed. So he doesnt knock. He doesnt go home. Instead he walks around the city until he was supposed to go home originally and he opens the door and there's a sort of eerie silence in the air.
(Sev) Trevor’s unable to shake the feeling that something terrible will happen to Rose and Ray because he's with them. His entire family were killed in 1 night because he wasn't there with them. So at first he's clingy as fuck to Rose and Ray because what if something bad happens when he's not there? What if what if what if... But as time goes on the thinking flips. Maybe it's the music industry that's the problem. It's these weird connections in his head of if he's too successful, bad things might happen. But he can't quit music like that, he can't give up on Luke's dream. He owes his boys to become successful. So instead he distances himself from Rose and Ray. That way they won't be caught up in whatever bad thing is going to happen to him. He distances himself and he waits for it all to drop. He waits for the universe to punish him again.
(Ren) And the universe punishes Bobby when the tension between him and Rose tightens so much he knows there's no going back from it but he's not admitting to stealing the songs because he didn't. He helped Luke write all of the songs more than Alex and Reggie ever did, staying up late with Luke after fights with his mom and Bobby didn’t want Luke to be alone so yeah, he wrote the songs. Maybe not as much as he claimed but he sure as hell made sure his brother wasn’t alone so that counted for something right? And it did. Until Rose kicks him out of bed because she's pissed he'd even consider stealing music and he cant tell Ray because of the NDA the label got him to sign at a party when he was drunk and the only reason Rose knows about it is because she was there when he signed the damn thing and so Bobby pulls away from Ray because isnt it going to be easier in the long run? If he doesn’t attach himself to Ray who'll just get angry at him like Rose did?
(Sev) It's the guilt that grows inside of him every passing day. They're my songs too he tells himself over and over again. But during the dark nights, three glasses of whisky in when the world is getting hazy... even he can't believe the lies he tells himself. He fucked up Sunset Curve. He fucked up his friends' memories. And now he fucked up the only good thing he'd ever had. Ray texts him nonstop. He doesn't understand why Rose kicked Bobby out and he doesn't understand why Bobby listened. Bobby can't take Ray away from Rose. He's fucked up and a terrible person, but even he can't do that. He doesn't give Ray his new address. He refuses to meet up even for Ray to give him his stuff back. All Bobby can do is hold onto Ray's sweatshirt he stole away and a bottle of perfume the same brand Rose always wears. He cradles these things in his arms and cries.
(Ren) And that's the last he sees of Ray for all of 5 years, 20yr old puppy-dog eyed loving precious ray who Bobby would run to the second Rose says its okay. But rose never does. And then Bobby meets a cute blonde and six months later the barista shows up on his doorstep shoving Carrie into his arms calling her a bastard child. Carrie is not a bastard child Carrie is his and he loves her the second he sets eyes on her and so Bobby turns into Trevor when the new year rolls around and he starts his own album. It doesn’t do as well as Luke's his first album did but it was his. And then one day Trevor signs Carrie up for dance because Trisha from first grade made fun of her for not being able to do the splits and on the way out of the dance studio Trevor bumps into Ray, a terrified looking girl clutched to his leg. Carrie doesn't miss a beat. "Hi! I'm Carrie let's be friends!" and Carrie drags Ray's daughter off and Trevor shifts awkwardly and is suddenly 17 again but Ray's eyes still twinkle like the did when they were kids and he's still wearing eyeliner so Trevor almost missed it when a flicker of recognition crosses Ray’s face and a smile quirks at the corners of his lips and he says, "hi im Ray, thats my daughter Julie. Wanna go out for a drink?" With that same mischievous glint in his eye that made Bobby fall in love with him in the first place.
(Sev) Trevor almost stops breathing. He should say no. He knows he should say no. He's an awful person. He doesn't deserve someone like Ray. He never deserved either of them. He knows that. But can't force himself to say no. Maybe it's the twinkle in Ray's eyes. Maybe it's the soul crushing loneliness he's felt ever since he left them. Or maybe it's the way Carrie and Julie are giggling in the corner like they've known each other all their lives. He says yes. The drink ends up at a family friendly restaurant with both the girls in tow.
(Ren) Rose shows up because Ray the asshole apparently texted her while he was in the car saying he met one of Julie's friend's parents and wanted to go out on a date (keeping things pg ofc) aklsdf. And when Rose does show up Trevor sees how... sick she looks. How much paler she looked than she did all those years ago how - he still knew he loved her even if she still decided she hated him.
(Sev) The mood drops quickly. Trevor wants to ask about Rose, but not in front of the kids. Ray wants to ask about their past, but not in front of the kids. Rose... Rose who holds all the answers... doesn't know where to start first. She had never regretted not telling Ray the truth. She never wanted to change Ray's perception of Bobby like that. Ray who looked at their boyfriend as if he'd hung the moon. Ray who stayed up worrying all night until Bobby came home. Ray who held Bobby through countless nightmares... But that makes the truth staring them in the face so much harder. Because she never gave Ray the choice. She realized that a few years too late after she catches Ray staring at old pictures of Bobby in their photo albums. She'd made the choice for him. And then there's Trevor... still beautiful, staring at her with so much concern her heart breaks all over again.
(Ren) The tension doesn't fly over Carrie's head like he hoped it would, she talks to Julie about My Little Pony and Pokemon and High School Musical and their mutual hatred for Trisha from school but Carrie's hand never lets go of his and he finally plucks up the courage and stretches his arm out and says "we're vegetarian for the most part, hope that's okay." And a smile quirks at the corner of her lips and she asks "for the most part?" and Trevor nods and Carrie pipes up from her seat saying "daddy hates hot dogs,” in that blatant fact kind of way kids say things without realizing how problematic it could be. It wasn’t her fault though, Trevor has yet to tell her about her uncles, about how he was in a band, about how they were going to be legends.
(Sev) Rose and Ray both freeze at Carrie's voice. He doesn't know if the girls notice, because he's too busy trying to fight back the panic in his throat. It's been a long time since anyone had brought up ... what happened. It's easy to pretend it didn't happen when his name is Trevor and no one knows him. But these two people know him. They know him more than anyone else ever has. Even the boys. The truth hits him hard at that moment. A truth he'd been avoiding for almost two decades. Ray and Rose know him better than even he knew himself. Maybe that was why Rose had been so furious with him, or why Ray continued to chase after him even months after he moved out. Trevor hides the building panic and sudden realization with a smile. "What an I say," he said as causally as he can. "I'm a picky eater." A few hours later they end up back at the Molina's house. Bobby has no idea how it happened. -No, Trevor has no idea how it happened, he scolds himself. He's Trevor. He has to be Trevor. Trevor got him this far, Trevor made the difficult choices. Bobby was the one who got his friends kill and destroyed the best relationship he ever had. Still, it becomes harder and harder to remind himself of that. To stop himself from slipping into the comfortable shoes of Bobby, boyfriend of Ray and Rose as if the past 17 years had never happened. He finds himself on their sofa, a sofa that brings back memories both good and bad... he finds himself in a familiar home, his old studio just a short walk away, his ex's giggling in the kitchen as they make his coffee the way he's always liked it without asking for a reminder.
(Ren) Trevor can remember the day he stopped drinking the coffee Ray made for him, the morning after his first fight with Rose, when he wakes up cold because Rose basically cocooned herself around Ray's body, keeping her back turned to him and as much as he wanted to reach out to Ray, to hug him and comfort him and tell him it was all going to be okay... everything was too stuffy and too tense and deciding he just had to leave because he was going to suffocate otherwise.
(Sev) He should leave, just like last time. What was he even doing here? He should take Carrie and- Then Ray's in front of him, pushing a hot cup into is hands. "The girls are playing upstairs," he says. His voice is so calm, so understanding. "We don't have to talk if you don't want to." Trevor almost laughs. Because that's so like Ray. Almost a decade without answers and he's giving Trevor the option to ignore it all. To pretend like nothing ever happened. But he can't be that selfish again. So he shakes his head. "I'd... like to talk to you... to both of you."
(Ren) And then suddenly rose is eyeing him sus but he's been putting this off for to long and honestly fuck his label because they screwed him over one too many times for him to still even consider their relationship anything other than employee-client1[4:06 PM]and so Trevor takes a sip of Ray's coffee holy shit how did go so long without it?! and he explains it. he explains everything.
(Sev) Ray doesn't speak as Trevor explains. He never interrupts or even look surprised. His face is completely unreadable. He doesn't move until Trevor's done. And then once he is, he only stands up to start pacing the room. Trevor's oddly reminded of Alex as he does so,  and the memory is enough to make him flinch. "This... this is what you two have been hiding from me for so long?" he asked, voice brittle. "This is... this is what cost us... I mean..." But he can't finish. Ray just shakes his head, back to both Rose and Trevor.
(Ren) Suddenly he's seventeen again. Seventeen and a mess in Ray's arms burying his face into the man's chest finally feeling the weight of the world lift off of his shoulders and suddenly Rose is hugging him from behind, her too-skiny bone arms snaking around his chest and hugging him tightly threatening to never let him go saying "amour," and pressing a kiss to the back of his head, "amour we never stopped loving you."
(Sev)It's like no time has passed by the time he's done crying his eyes out. They're all huddled on a sofa that was always too small for three. Trevor's in the middle, clutching at them both as if they're going to disappear on him. Ray sits with his legs underneath them, his arms pulling the both of them into his chest. And then there's Rose, suddenly so much more delicate than Trevor remembers. She sits half on his lap, curled into them, her fingers knotted in his hair. "I can't believe you two kept this from me," Ray whispers. There's no anger. He doesn't think Ray's ever been capable of being angry. "I'm sorry," Trevor whispers, throat raw from tears. Ray answers with a firm kiss to his temple. "We wasted so much time..."
(Ren) Trevor just lays between them in their bed, nothing sexual and nothing tense it’s just them being together and Rose playing with his now-long hair, braiding it right down the middle despite it being too long for others to braid. Her fingers feel nice as they tug at his roots, familiar and a sense of calm washes over him. He lets ray fop on top of him like they used to, burying his head in his chest just listening to his heart beat, his steady constant breathing because Ray used to be afraid one day he'd wake up and Bobby would be dead too. Rose humming lightly, soft lullabies that chased away dark thoughts and Trevor just finds it so comforting, a feeling of home he hasn't had since the day he left and so he wraps his arms around Rose and Ray tight, promising himself he won't screw up his second time around.
(Sev) It's a few hours later when he speaks again. The girls are asleep in Julie's room (delighted at their surprise sleepover.) Ray's almost nodded off, head resting against Trevor's chest. But Rose is wide awake. She's laid out, tangled between them, eyes focused on something far away. He can see it more clearly now. The tremble in her hands, the way she's so still, the circles around her eyes. He takes her hand in his. "What is it?"
(Ren) And Trevor wants it to be a prank, he wants the sinking feeling in his gut twisting around his heart, the same feeling he had the morning of Sunset Curve's Orpheum performance coiling up his spine to go away. He wants everything to be okay, that he told the truth, that he was forgiven, that the universe was finally on his side for once but of course it's not because when has it ever been.  Rose's fingers run lightly over his knuckles and Ray wraps his arm around him from behind, his hands resting against Trevor's chest, something solid for him to focus on and as a tear starts to roll down Rose's cheek he reaches up to brush it away, running his hand through her hair only to pull out a clump as he pulled away but he couldn't run when his instincts to run kick in like they always used to do when situations turned emotional, bury it in his mind and lock up his worries like he always did but this wasn't going to be something he could run from.
(Sev) Life is not the fantasy or a fairy tale. There are no happy endings, only happy moments. He'd like to say they picked up right where they left off, Rose lived until a ripe old age, and they never fought again. But he'd be lying. It was hard to fold their lives back into place again, especially with Carrie and Julie. To just pick up after their seventeen year old selves was an impossible dream. But they could do breakfast. And breakfast became dinner. Dinner became one date which became two which became many. It took trouble and care, but they slotted themselves back into each other's lives again. There were lunch dates, and movie nights. There were late night wine dates and early morning coffee dates. They found their happy moments. A decade of separation had smoothed out the rough edges. If Trevor stormed out after a harsh argument, he'd return the next day with flowers and apologies. If Rose snapped and lost her temper, she'd take herself off for a walk to cool down. If Ray was bothered by something, he'd speak up instead of pushing it all down. They found their happy moments. And when 1 month became 1 year, they celebrated with moving boxes and a new, bigger couch. When 1 year became 2, they celebrated with promise rings and whispers of a better future between light kisses. 3 years became 4, became 5, and so on... They found their happy moments. But life is not a fantasy or a fairy tale. Their story ends in a hospital. Rose dies with both her husbands at her side, with both her daughters and son clutching on her hands. She dies with a smile on her face, knowing she is not leaving them to suffer alone. Ray and Trevor grieve together.
(Ren) And this time the girls are the ones who get into the fight but Trevor and Ray are there for Julie and Carrie no matter what they're fighting over carrie told julie she liked flynn but julie said flynn was hers first and doesnt understand how she can feel squishy love for two people. And this time the girls are the ones who get into the fight but Trevor and Ray are there for Julie and Carrie no matter what they're fighting over carrie told julie she liked flynn but julie said flynn was hers first and doesnt understand how she can feel squishy love for two people. They stick to their daughters through the worst of it but they don’t let the girl’s fighting rip into them too. It’s not what Rose would’ve wanted for them, it’s not what she would’ve wanted for Julie or Carrie either.
(Sev) And when Julie plays with her ghost band, it's much earlier that Trevor recognizes who she's playing with.
(Ren) Luke’s mad at first, ofc he is but after everything is explained and out in the open Trevor finds himself at home in a building that never felt like home despite the fact he grew up in it.
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langdxn · 5 years
hiii! could I request a Cody smut where the reader and him are close friends and one night they're just drinking wine and having deep talks, and things somehow escalate and they end up having sex? ❤️
UNF this has driven me insane ever since you sent it! I tried to make it as tasteful and comedic as possible so I hope this is what you were looking for, anon! Thank you for such an amazing request 💖
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that watching Castaway solves everything.
After an excruciating day at the office, you slumped into the couch and flung a warm blanket over your legs, dunked into the popcorn bucket you bought on your lunch break and grabbed the TV remote.
As soon as you settled into the familiar crease of the cushions, a crude doorbell buzz obliterated the precious silence.
“Oh fuck off,” you snapped, tossing aside the blanket and hurling yourself up from the chair.
“Is that any way to talk to your favourite Australian?” Came a familiar voice from beyond the door.
Your earnest, dinosaur-like stomps toward the front door suggested you were suddenly pleased with your visitor. The door swung open and you both squealed excitedly.
“Babe, why the fuck didn’t you tell me you were in town?” You wailed gleefully.
“Because I’m surprising you, duh,” he remarked dryly, bursting into your apartment as soon as you freed him from your embrace. He made a beeline for your couch den, swiping the popcorn and laying claim to the blanket.
“What are we watching, doll?” He asked with a mouthful of kernels, clearing a space beside him and tapping it eagerly.
“Castaway,” you called from the kitchen island, pouring generous glasses of red wine for you and your visitor. It would appear the occasion called for alcohol.
“Oh I love this one, gets me right in the feels,” he drawled, shovelling another handful of popcorn as you plonked down beside him, passing him a glass. A creature of habit, he curled an arm around your shoulders before realising his productivity error, staring at the wine glass in his free hand.
“Looks like you’ll have to feed me all night, babe,” he chuckled, opening his mouth wide.
“Fine by me,” you laughed. Taking the challenge head-on, you tried trick shots to fire popcorn into his mouth. By some freak accident, one kernel bounced off his cheek and tumbled down your cleavage. Without missing a beat, his hand wrapped around you searched straight down your top and retrieved it, firing it into his mouth and earning a shit-eating grin across his lips.
Two (generous) glasses of red later, Tom Hanks had just arrived on the island as the night’s first intense conversation commenced. Mimicking his slick Australian accent, you leaned into him.
“What would you take on a desert island, Cody?”
“You,” he blurted out without a second’s thought. Clearing his throat, he realised he would need to talk himself out of that one. “You’re the best company a guy could ask for.”
“Don’t make me friendzone you, Fern,” you slapped his chest playfully.
“I’m being serious! You’re the only person I know that can find food in any room you’re in so I know I’d never die with you there!”
His logic was unusual but correct nonetheless.
“Your turn Miss Y/N, what would you take on a desert island?”
“That all depends…”
“On what, miss diva?”
“Whether I know beforehand if I’m due to be stranded on a desert island. Y’know, can I get a trip to Target beforehand so I can stock up on supplies?”
“You love over-complicating things, don’t you?”
“Fuck it, okay, I choose you,” you huffed as he held you closer, planting a kiss on your forehead. “You happy now, Fern?”
“Good choice babe.”
The day came for Chuck’s escape from his island, Wilson in tow. Wilson, however, had other ideas and floated away from Chuck’s raft. Cody cleared his throat and downed the rest of his third glass.
“If I — if I was Wilson,” he stuttered, slightly more tipsy than he expected. “Would you come back for me?”
“Of course I would, doofus,” you dipped your head into his chest. “I’d be lost without you.”
“Aww that’s adorable,” he cooed, tugging you in to nuzzle into your hair. “But you’d be lost with me too so I guess we’re fucked either way!”
“The best part is,” you dithered. “Like Wilson you’re full of air so you’d float easily and you’d save me from drowning!”
“How dare you! Don’t expect me to help you just because you can’t swim…”
Chuck drives off, leaving Kelly behind in the pouring rain.
“Are you sure Ryan Murphy didn’t write this movie?” Cody jibed, his quip falling on deaf ears as you were far too busy choking back tears.
“I’d never drive away from you,” you sobbed as gentle teardrops slid silently down your face.
“I know babe,” Cody whispered. “Especially when you realise I’ve been hogging the popcorn for the last half hour.”
This means war.
Your jaw dropped as you turned to face him in slow motion, showcasing your most dramatic face as he waved the bucket behind his head, far out of your reach.
“That’s it, Mr Fern, you’re gonna get it.”
Flicking up the blanket wrapped around you both, you hooked a leg in the air and landed it across Cody’s legs, hurling yourself up by the back of the couch and landing square on his lap. Straddling him, you leaned in to bump foreheads with him, refusing to break eye contact with his deep blue irises.
“Give,” you jabbed his ribs playfully with each word. “Me,” again. “The,” once more. “Popcorn.”
Regardless of your relentless tickle attempts, he refused to relinquish his hold on the treats, smirking gleefully as he watched your vain attempts to retrieve them.
His eyes flickered for a split second, journeying down to the space between your thighs where his designer dress pants poorly concealed his hardness.
By the time his grin washed from his face, it passed over to yours as you assessed the situation.
You inched your mouth closer to his until a mere millimetre parted you. You waited a second for his response, eyes darting to watch his full lips decide their fate.
Suddenly, Cody crashed his lips against yours, teeth clinking together recklessly. Your hands raked passionately through his hair as you deepened your kiss, frantically breathing through your nose as Cody’s intimate kiss stole your oxygen.
You parted lips and stared at each other for a moment.
“What just happened?” He asked.
“I just kissed you.”
“Hang on, I thought it was me that kissed you,” a puzzled look washed over his face.
“Well what happens now?”
A hollow thud echoed behind the couch as Cody dropped the popcorn to curl his hand around your neck and pull you to his lips again. You melted into his touch as his hands journeyed under your dress, gently scratching his nails down your spine arching with every motion.
In the blink of an eye, he’d unhooked your bra from beneath your dress and scooped them both above your head, whimpering at the loss of your lips for a second before he latched onto you as soon as you were free of your clothes.
Blazing hot trails remained behind his fingers delicately travelling down to the front of your panties, ghosting over your clit and watching you grind into him with every motion.
Brushing the silk to one side, he gestured down to his dress pants and his zipper bowed to your determined fingers, releasing his length beneath you as you lined him up with your entrance.
Meeting your gaze with lust-blown eyes, Cody smiled warmly.
“Are you sure about this, Cody?”
Raising his hips to slip inside you as his eyes rolled to the ceiling, Cody whispered.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
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rai-knightshade-art · 5 years
Canonverse AU Metas
(Warning: long post)
The counterpart to my last post about Mac Ever After, these are the two main metas of how Brady might join the canonverse. They're mostly the same story with minor differences between them (and one is written way more angstily than the other) but I'm including both for the sake of completeness. Also bonus Macdalton incorrect quote at the end.
Also here have a Lily Story Mac and Jack to match Brady.
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Version 1:
Canon based Macgyver au idea; or, how to bring Brady into the canonverse and a proposed ending to the show itself:
Basically Nikki somehow ends up dead, for realsies this time. This obviously sucks and is super depressing for everyone, but more pressing at the moment is that she apparently had a kid, a son named Brayden (nicknamed Brady). And to Mac's utter confusion, HE is listed as Brady's godfather/next of kin in case anything should happen to her. This confusion is cleared up pretty abruptly when Brady shows up at the Phoenix with Mac's blue eyes, Nikki's hair and nose and a penchant for taking things apart to look at them (aka there's less "godfather" to his role and more just. Straight father). They bond and Mac sets to work caring for his kid, with the assistance of the Phoenix team (Jack is a remarkably adept babysitter... When Brady decides not to escape. Luckily Mac is an escape Master and always knows how and when the kid gets out). Eventually though Mac realizes that juggling Phoenix and Brady... Isn't going to work. He has to pick one of the other, and he knows in his heart that the choice will always be Brady. He tries to announce this to the rest of the team only to find that they'd already realized that this couldn't go on forever and that he'd always choose his son first, and reveal that they all have contingency plans for when he decides to leave. Riley is going to stay with the Phoenix, working with the other computer nerds almost exclusively and helping Leanna with her missions. Bozer is going back into movie making, still dating Leanna and always leaving his door open if the Phoenix needs any prosthetics (he and Leanna get Mac's house). Matty is staying as Director of course, and working on putting together another flagship team (not as good as theirs, but still plenty competent). And Jack? Well, Jack figures now is as good a time as any to retire completely from this life. His new home? Wherever Mac decides to go with Brady, whether that's still LA, Mission City, Boston, etc. Where Mac goes, he's sure to follow. It's at this point that Mac, somewhat sheepishly and probably a little tearfully, admits that he wants to raise Brady on the Dalton Ranch.
And that's how Bozer becomes a well-known effects man with a secret agent wife, Riley becomes the lead hacker at Phoenix, Matty eventually becomes Oversight, and Mac and Jack raise a kid in Texas.
Jack: *steps out of a yellow taxi, Mac by his side, little Brady hidden behind them, to see Mama Dalton waiting for them*
Jack: Mama!
Mama Dalton: Jack Jr! You finally come to your senses and decide you better come home and give me grandchildren?
Jack: *sheepishly* Well Mama, about that...
*Both men step aside to reveal Brady, who shyly hugs his Dad's leg*
Mac: Mama, this is Brayden Macgyver.... My son.
Mama Dalton: *coos over the little boy* Well hello there Brayden, I'm Mary Dalton, and I'm Jack's mama. You can call me Me-ma if you'd like though...
Version 2:
The Canonverse + Brady au:
Ok so basically Nikki got pregnant after that last night with Mac before they busted Thornton, but she didn't tell him because she knew he'd drop everything for the kid and she wanted him to continue his work at Phoenix. She raises Brady on her own for a few years, possibly still with the CIA but maybe not in the field as much, but something goes wrong and she's killed when Brady's 5 (because parallels). Mac and Jack are informed by Matty (because Mac hasn't been in contact with Nikki in years) and Matty has to break the news that Nikki had a son and that she's named Mac the father (possibly using pictures of Brady that Jack sees and immediately recognizes as being spitting images of Mac as a young boy). Brady's brought to Mac at the Phoenix and Mac just kinda,,, breaks? Because Brady asks if he's his Daddy and reveals that Nikki had told him about Mac, shown him pictures, but told him that while Mac loved him he wouldn't get to see him unless she had to leave, and well... It's just a super emotional moment and leads to Mac embracing his son for the first time and promising fervently that he'd never, EVER let him go. It's at this moment that everyone knows that this is the end of the team, cause there's no way in hell Mac's gonna keep putting his life at risk when he's got Brady.
("Why didn't she tell me?!?!" "Because she knew the same thing I know, hoss: as soon as you found out about this kid you'd have quit the team for him." "*Spluttering* I wouldn't-" "Angus, look me in the eyes and tell me truthfully that had you found out Nikki was pregnant that you wouldn't have dropped everything for her and the kid." "....*silence*" "That's what I thought. And that's why she loved you, that's why I love you now, but she and I both know that the world has needed you these past few years, Mac. Now though... Now the world could live without you, if it needed to.")
At some point James sees this and finally realizes that he fucked up, has a bit of a breakdown and Jack talks to him.
("My pop always told me that it's never too late to say you're sorry and mean it. But another wise man once told me that sorry doesn't fix everything, it just starts the conversation. And right now that man needs all the help he can get, especially from a dad who knows how 5-year-old Macgyvers work; I only know how 12-year-old Riley's work, man, I'm not gonna be much help here.")
(This is a lie, Jack is plenty of help, especially when Mac says he wants to retire to the Dalton Ranch, and even more especially when Brady stops calling him Jack and starts calling him Papa. Mama Dalton is Mema from the get go and welcomes the kid with open arms.)
And that's how Mac and Jack retire to the ranch, probably James in tow, with the rest of the crew visiting frequently. Eventually Riley sets up shop in the area (possibly with Billy because him cheating seemed really out of character), and Bozer becomes famous as a filmmaker and sets up his own Skywalker Ranch on some annexed land. Matty visits on occasion, more often when she finally retires. Mac goes on maybe one more mission (like, a world-is-literally-ending-and-ONLY-mac-can-stop-it type of mission) and everyone else helps from the Ranch/takes care of Brady so he can come back to his kid without worrying. Not sure what to do about Murdoc, maybe he stays locked up, maybe he dies (though that would kinda suck for Cassian, maybe he dies and they adopt Cassian too? Ooooo that could be good actually). Later on they might also adopt a little girl, maybe one of Brady's classmates who lost her family and has nowhere else to go (two soldiers with abandonment issues know how THAT feels and could deal with nightmares that she'd have after the trauma). And they just. Create their own happy little life on the Ranch. And it's nice. James learns how to be a proper parent and grandparent, possibly with some help from Mama Dalton. Mac and Jack get married sometime after Brady starts calling Jack Papa (he asked at one point if Mac and Jack were dating, and if so why Jack wasn't Papa or Dad too, which led to a conversation about it and Jack's official elevation to Papa status). Brady was the flower boy and ring bearer combined. All of Jack's Deltas came and adopted Brady on sight. In general everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.
Bonus quote:
Snippet from canonverse:
Mac: *is about to get hella shot*
Jack: *shows up out of the blue right on time* hey babe sorry I'm late *shoots down two goons* traffic was a bitch man you know how it is *shoots three more goons*
Mac: .....I love you,,, so much
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