#they've got HISTORY they've got MUTUAL PINING
utterlyazriel · 4 months
whom the shadows sing for — (and the thief's echoing hymn)
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a/n: annnd we've made it to velaris ! yippee !! now it's time for all the introductions >:D i hope you enjoy pls let me know what you think angels <3 ok mwah bye
word count: 3.5k
synopsis: You wake up somewhere entirely new, a long, long way from your home.
The air all around you is sickly sweet.
Maybe... sweet is the wrong word. The air is clean; perfumed with an allure of scents you've never smelt before, heady and swirling, sweet and sterile all in one.
But more importantly, it is utterly foreign.
You're in unknown territory. Age old instinct has you shifting the moment you wake, surging up in a rush before your memory can catch up and remind you why that's an terribly bad idea.
The sheets rustle as you push yourself up into a sitting position, a heavy dose of panic already poisoning your system. It doesn't take long for the pain to follow.
You falter in your movement as an aching agony ricochets through your body, forcing out a wince. Your eyes screw up in pain. Your entire body feels like a bruise, punishing you with every movement.
You allow yourself only a moment of pause before you force them back open to take on the new threat, every sense filtering in unknown information as they sluggishly come to life. You have to blink rapidly to clear your vision, light coming in from all angles.
Why does it feel as though you've been asleep for years?
Where are you?
A room. You're not outside which is where you memory places you last. The extent of the memory drifts back as you search the room, your eyes climbing the walls, ravenous for details. They're made of some kind of warm coloured stone that covers the whole ceiling, you realise, as you follow the line of it up.
You screw your eyes up again and blink hard when you open them again. Every sense keeps pinging for your attention, a thousand things unfamiliar. The bed beneath is too soft, the sound of the wind outside isn't a whistle, the clothes on your back...
You startle, stumbling off the bed you've awoken on as you peer down at yourself, eyes moving about wildly. You're wearing... something completely new.
Frowning down at your arm, you raise one of your hands and pinch at the new fabric that covers the expanse of your arms. It's soft. So soft.
You tentatively smooth your hands down the tunic you're clothed in, all the way down to your pants. Each thing is finely made, with details far smaller that you would ever consider, and soft. Warm but sturdy.
What the fuck? Your chest starts to heave as panic truly sets in, your breath just out of reach before you can catch it. You gasp, grasping at your chest tightly, the new clothes scrunching up beneath your fingers. Memories begin to trickle back in as your mind scours for any information about how you ended up here.
You had been... cold. It was raining.
And your wings had been—your wings—your brain trips over the thoughts as every detail bleeds back in, sudden and frightening.
Stakes driven through the flesh of them, your wings pulled taut, stretched out for lashings and prepped for removal. Your terror climbs, its cloying grip tightening around your sternum like a fist.
Eyes screwed closed, you pray to every deity you can imagine, begging the Mother for this one thing.
You twitch the familiar muscle and feel the weight of your wings as they respond. There's no describing the relief that bursts within you, overwhelming your panic in an instant, your knees nearly buckling beneath you. They're still moving, still stretching out as you command them, still yours.
You stand there and peer over your shoulder, stretching your wings out as far as you can—cringing when they stop before full extension, buckling and bunching up at the violent spike of pain that ripples through them. It echoes through your body, making you hunch forward and grit your teeth. Your left eardrum wails extra loud.
What had happened? What had changed?
You could recall the finality of being down on your knees in the pouring rain, your hands are bound as your fate. Endless agony. The secret you couldn't keep, despite all you had tried.
You had been resigned to it—to dying there amongst in the dirt from where you had come from.
So, what changed?
Behind you, there's an abrupt noise from behind a door in the room, a rustling that makes your head snap around to face it.
Someone’s coming.
You stumble back a couple steps, dread mounting in your chest and your panic returns in full-force. You don't know where you are, you don't know how you got here, you don't know who is coming through that door.
You know that you have a lot more foes than you do friends.
Eyes darting around the room frantically, you spot a balcony down a small hallway and don't waste a single second.
As you begin to stride, you realise faintly that you're without shoes, feet bare on the cool marble floor. It turns to carpet beneath you as your fast strides transforms to a run, hearing the door open somewhere behind you.
It feels like a trap. Not the nice clothes or the fancy room would be enough to fool you. You're caught in a sickly sweet trap of honey and the net is being reined in, the ropes closing up on every side of you. It feels like you're being chased.
Heart in your throat and pulse rabbiting wildly, you burst through the doors of the balcony, daring a glance behind you without thought—
—and you nearly plunge off the edge of a mountain.
The gasp that escapes your throat is entirely involuntary, your fingers gripping the edge of the stone railing the adorns the balcony.
Your balance tips momentarily, the momentum of your dash nearly pulling you over. Terror freezes you. You're fairly certain with the state of your wings, it would be a short flight and an almost guaranteed casualty.
But a wind blows gently against your face, as though helping push you back to safety.
When you're sure you're not going to topple over the edge, some of your crippling panic eases. Your breaths, short and fast, begin to slow.
Your eyes travel up from the daunting height of the mountain side and widen, all the air in your lungs stolen in pure surprise.
Because before you, stretching out across the land that meets the sea, is something you've never seen before.
It's... a city.
A city that sits amongst the rolling, steep hills of the terrain and curls around a meandering river that leads out to the ocean. Tall, jagged mountains surround it from all sides, their hills steep up the top until they give way to gentler slopes, eventually becoming paved roads and streets for magnificent buildings.
The structures gleam, even from afar, made with precision and beauty in mind. Some are white marble or warm sandstone, others the same red stone of the mountains beside the one you're standing on. Small, quaint houses with green copper roofs, their white chimneys smoking softly.
Your breath stutters out in an exhale and you don't dare blink.
A city—a sprawling, wondrous city that was bursting with people, with colour, with life. So utterly unlike the chilled gray-scale of the Illyrian Mountains.
In fact, you wonder briefly if this was even the Night Court at all. This— this incredible sight felt like something you'd imagined of Summer or Spring, imbued with warmth, a place where things could grow and thrive.
The Night Court was... foul. It was the biting frigid cold of the wintry mountains or the shudder-inducing darkness of the court that lay beneath the mountain. This... where is this?
As though you've spoken your thoughts aloud, a voice answers from behind you.
You start, whipping around fast enough to reawaken all your wounds, forcing you to stifle a pained noise that leaps up your throat. Your heart thunders as your eyes lay upon an unfamiliar figure, stepping out from the empty hallway—a form cut from the very night itself.
Your hands grip the stone railing behind you and you're unsure whether it's to keep your knees from buckling in fear or from bolting off the edge, into uncertain skies.
He's unfamiliar to you, yes, but you have a feeling you know exactly who he is.
"You asked where this—" The male waves a casual hand to the city beyond the balcony before pocketing it, either unaware of your panic or uncaring. "—is. You're in Velaris."
He surveys you, his violet eyes glancing down at the strained way you clutch at the railing.
"I know you must have a thousand questions. We haven't been introduced. My name is Rhysand and I am—"
"I know who you are." You interrupt. There's a lilt of fear in your voice but you couldn't keep it out even if you tried. He's the fucking Highlord of the Night Court.
Which means—Azriel.
His name slams into you like a shooting star, glowing hotly and dripping through your ribcage with a fire warmer than you've ever known.
Azriel must be— he was the one- he's the reason you're still alive. It feels like you relive the relief of his appearance during the storm all over again, remembering that he came back for you.
You have no idea the cacophony of emotion you're giving off, shouting all your unguarded thoughts across the balcony.
Rhysand's cool expression doesn't falter at your disruption. He looks at ease, both hands in his pockets, like he's merely having a conversation with a friend.
"Then it's important for you to know," He continues. "that I mean you no harm."
Lying, lying, liar, LIAR—the thought festers from within you instinctively, only growing in its urgency. You and everyone else where you come from are well aware of the origins of your Highlord.
And while he's your ruler, he's first and foremost, an Illyrian male.
"Only half," Rhysand corrects.
You startle, sickly surprise at the fact he seems to be able to read your very thoughts.
Then he confirms it, by saying, "And I can."
"You can read my thoughts?" You echo, voice sounding so much meeker than you intend. You sound like a child—and you feel like one, feel like the same eight-year-old staring down at the scorched brown earth in Exordor. Old blood. The same dirt you had been forced to kneel upon that now makes you shudder at the fresh memory.
Rhysand's expression falters momentarily at your train of thought, a flash of hurt on his handsome face.
His eyebrows draw together, forming a sympathetic, troubled look. "I can teach you how to shield them, if you so wish."
You don't make a noise. You don't even dare to take a breath, your fingers still crushed around the railing.
Within you, some part of you knows what he's offering. What the very nature of his words implies. He voices it anyway.
"You're no prisoner here. You're free to—”
"Where's Azriel?" The question falls from your lips before you can even think to stop it. Fear hammers through your chest—Fae that make a habit of interrupting Highlord's often find their lives cut short.
But Rhysand gives no impression that he minds. All he does is step to the side, revealing the empty hallway out to the balcony.
Except it's not empty anymore.
There, standing back to hide in the shadows as he did best, is your Shadowsinger.
Reserved and holding back, clearly waiting for you to remember him, to make your call before he made himself known. Making sure you wanted to see him at all.
Azriel, all 6ft something of shadow and muscle, with his wings tucked politely behind him, takes one step out on to the balcony and towards you.
His hands stay at his sides and his hazel eyes watch you with a familiar intensity. Something deep within you unfurls at the sight of him.
It feels like the collision of a thousand stars rain down on you, their jagged, burning fragments pelting into your body.
It's as though the world had been falling out from underneath and then, seeing him before you—when Cauldron knows how long ago you had been resolutely convinced you were never ever going to see him again— suddenly your feet were grounded and the world was still.
You breathe out his name. Azriel sways forward, almost imperceptibly, as though the sound of his name on your lips was a siren call he was helpless to fight.
You don't know that you say it sweeter than he's ever heard it in all his centuries.
Like following an invisible tug, you don't even realise when you start moving, only that you're rushing towards him with an urgency you can't begin to comprehend. It's like he's calling to you and you can't bear to be this close to him and not press in closer.
His beautiful face, usually guarded, reveals a glimpse into his storm of emotions. Concern, care, and something that looks suspiciously like... longing.
Your brain catches up and your feet falter, bringing you to a stand still before him, chest heaving.
Reason starts to catch up to you, asking meanly about what exactly you meant to do, running up to him—you weren't raised with physical touch beyond violence. You and Azriel had barely touched beyond sparring and those quiet nights in your shelter, skin brushing as you passed something to the other.
In the end, it's not you that moves, it's Azriel.
He closes the distance between you with one single step and his strong arms sweep around your middle, pulling you into the tightest hug. Night-chilled mist and cedar swirl your senses.
Helpless to do anything else, with no desire to do anything but this, you melt.
Your weight slumps into Azriel and he takes it without question, your arms curling around his neck to hold him back just as tightly. The light around you shifts, his shadows frenzied as they kiss along your neck and arms, all checking for hurt they can ease. Your heart is torn between soaring and stopping altogether.
The world fades away as his head ducks down, pressing his face the crook of your neck. It's more touch than you've ever known. More safety, more kindness than you've ever dreamed of. You and Azriel seem to exist only in a cocoon of shadow and warmth, in each others arms.
"You're alright," Azriel murmurs, his breath against your neck. It sounds more like he's reassuring himself than telling you. He sounds devastatingly sincere when he says, "I'm so fucking glad you're alright."
"Thanks to you," You whisper back, not wanting to break the silence. "You—"
The words get caught in your throat and you know you need to see his face when you say this. Pulling back from the embrace, you clear your throat as Azriel straightens up. You miss the heat of his body almost instantly.
"I-I thought I was never going to see you again."
It looks as though your words pain Azriel, a flash of pain and shame crossing his expression. His voice, low and gravelly, holds a guilty tone you've never heard him use before.
"I never should have left."
You blink. That wasn't what you had expected him to say in the least. It was you who had lied, who had deceived him from the very beginning. He was— he had— this was what you got for letting anyone get close to you, you understood that.
You shake your head, pointedly ignoring how it makes your injuries throb. "I know why you did, Azriel. I can't imagine—"
Azriel's scarred hands clench into fists at his sides, anguish colouring his face.
"No." He shakes his head, his jaw clenched tightly. "You did nothing wrong. Nothing."
"Then why did you leave?" Your questions comes out with an edge this time, a biting fury as your emotions process what he's saying.
He says you did nothing wrong. He says he shouldn't have left you behind. It's a ugly mixture of hurt and anger that paints your insides as realisations churn to the surface.
Azriel steals a glance to the side, serving as a quick reminder that there was, indeed, someone else still out on the balcony with you. You glimpse at the Highlord as your anger begins to bubble but you can't bring yourself to care.
You had... trusted him— you had let him in, let him get closer to you than anyone ever had, and he had left. He left, he left, he left. He did exactly as you had feared and he was wrong for it.
The greatest secret of your life, exposed like a raw nerve, and he hadn't said a word as he deserted you.
Your heart warbles at the betrayal and you can't help but step back, putting distance between the two of you. It's such a far cry from the nearness of a moment ago.
And even though you know he wasn't responsible for the events that followed, in the haze of your upset, it's awfully easy to add it to his betrayal. As if in response, your wings flinch and shudder as a wave of agony passes through them. You wince, gritting your teeth and turning your gaze to the ground.
"I can leave to give you both some privacy," Rhysand cuts into the conversation, evidently answering Azriel's pointed glance in his direction. "However, I don't think it will be overtly helpful. She's shouting every thought so loudly, I think I'll be able to hear it from the other side of the house."
She. It's been so many years since anyone has used that in reference to you that it nearly winds you, your entire body giving a visible flinch.
It feels foreign. You can't quite tell how you feel about it; whether it's some lost part of yourself to reclaim or whether it's something you've outgrown altogether.
You don't get time to consider it further as, bustling as she walks, a fourth Fae steps out onto the balcony. She's an older female in appearance but certainly not in her sprightliness. Her eyes land on you and they lighten up, as though you're the one she's been searching for.
"You are supposed to be resting." She tsks, without much further explanation. Your heart sinks, already feeling as though you're in trouble. Rhysand, reading your abrupt switch from anger, jumps in to explain.
"Madja, here-" He gestures to the female with a polite smile- "is our resident healer. She's been taking care of you over these last couple days, helping to heal your wings."
A severe reminder of the sorry state that had been in not too long ago. Glancing over your shoulder, your eyes glaze over as they take in the dozens of scattered markings that litter your wings. Irreversible. Your glorious love, changed forever.
There's patches over the ends that you hadn't noticed before, covering where you know the stakes had been. You suddenly feel an immense rush of gratitude towards the stranger before you.
"Thank you," You say, your throat thick. You want to say it again, want to repeat it over and over til your lungs bleed because just once doesn't seem enough.
But Madja nods in a grave way, as though she knows your internal turmoil.
"You weren't supposed to be up and moving quite so soon," She says, this time with less disapproval in her voice.
She directs a more withering look towards Rhysand and Azriel, enough to surprise you. Perhaps, healers held a higher rank within the city than they did in the mountains? The whole scene looks like a mother scolding her naughty children, especially with how both males shrink beneath her glare.
"Anyhow, come now," She turns back to you and gives a gentle wave of her weathered hand, ushering you back inside. "You'll need at least a days rest before you should be back on your feet."
You amble in her direction, too fearful to glance back at the Highlord and too conflicted to turn back to Azriel. You had broken his trust with your deceit but... he had broken your trust back.
He had abandoned you when you needed him most. But he had also turned up during your darkest hour and saved your life.
You weren't sure what you wanted to do more; hug him once more or throw a shoe at his head. Probably both would make you feel better.
From behind you, you swear you hear a faint chuckle of amusement.
When it's just the two of them on the balcony, Rhys turns to Azriel, ignoring his brother's unsubtle sullen demeanor.
"So," He grins. "Mates, then?"
Azriel casts a glance across the balcony, still rigid and unmoving from his spot. His shadows perk up at the word but Azriel gives no reaction beyond a twitch in his jaw muscle. Debating whether to respond at all.
Finally, he mutters, "How could you tell?"
Rhys tilts his head back, chuckling quietly, his mind cast back to an old, fond memory. His violet eyes slice back to his Azriel and he gives a little shrug. "A hunch, really. I think I might have enough to start a theory actually."
He wanders over and nudges Azriel with his shoulder, breaking him from his frozen spot and nodding for them to both head indoors. Rather reluctantly, the Shadowsinger falls into step. Side by side, Rhys gives him only a moment of quiet to stew in before he pipes up once more.
"Say— how much do you remember Cassian and Nesta's first meeting? Any flying projectiles?"
tags below!
@strangerstilinski @janebirkln @itsswritten @mischiefmanagers @hnyclover
@waytoomanyteenagefeels @idkitsem @illyrianbitch @jeweline16 @fightmedraco
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@shinyghosteclipse @randombibitch @itsjustwinter @emryb @books-all-the-way13
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walrus150915 · 1 year
Goldenheart headcanons for when they have only started dating and were awkward as hell
(because I am a trans bi teenager who wants to experience mlm love yet can't because I'm afraid to date boys due to my dysphoria)
I noticed you people like when I make long posts like these and I love them too so I think I can share some hcs of mine about this stage of their relationship bc I have a lot honestly :]
- they started dating when they were around 16yo
- none of them actually had feelings for each other before puberty hit and they were like "damn my bestie is kinda fine- WHAT"
- Bal fell first. Ambrosius fell and broke the floor under him bc boyyyy did he fall HARD
- Bal navigated his feelings like "Ugh okay I guess that's what happens when you're friends with a handsome guy everyone has a crush on. That'll pass. That's part of puberty. Stay calm" meanwhile Ambrosius screamed in his pillow and freaked out and cried only to pretend nothing bothered him. It was hard to pretend when you literally study at the same academia/school/whatever and see each other every day bc you're best friends
- during the mutual pining era the PE lessons were DIFFICULT. Especially when they were put up against each other
- they look like friends who had no problem hugging/brushing each other's hair/being close physically in general yet when the feelings appeared, the things which used to be very easy turned torturous
- Ballister was the one to ask if Ambrosius saw that their friendship changed. Ambrosius couldn't hold it in anymore and mumbled through his confession so fast and awkward Ballister has only understood phrases like "I really like you" and "romantically I mean" and "you're very cool and that'd be sick if we became boyfriends"
- Bal turned his face to the side and muttered something like "yeah I think it would"
- and so they became boyfriends!!
- has something changed in the way they behaved around each other? Yeah but also not really. They were still besties and the physical contact became A LITTLE easier now that the sorta relationship they had was clear between them, but they just couldn't help but blush while touching each other
- their first kiss was a mess dude😭😭
- Ambrosius wanted it to go as smoothly as possible so he watched romantic movies and practiced kissing with his hand (embarrassing? Yeah I now) but when it was time to finally show off his skills he panicked and pressed his lips to Ballister's for a few seconds then his nose almost bled out bc of the nerves (not me projecting on Ambrosius but that's literally what happened to me when I had my first kiss)
- Ballister seemed calm about this whole thing but it doesn't mean he was. When they had their first ever date he brushed his teeth extra clear just to make sure he'd smell good during their first kiss. Bro was THRILLED
- basically Ambrosius was overthinking this and Ballister was... Also overthinking I'M SORRY THESE TWO ARE HORRIBLE
Now the headcanons are for the time when they've been dating for like more than a few months and have kinda got used to each other in this new ~romantic~ way
- Bal's way of flirting wasn't really obvious since he doesn't look like a guy who can come up with romantic compliments on the spot, however I think he touched Ambrosius if he wanted to express his feelings for him. Stroke his bleach-damaged hair, make their pinkies intertwine, put his head on his shoulder and nuzzle into him - this or he'd infodump new history/physics/chemistry facts he learnt
Bal: Okay, did you know that [some really complicated science stuff I cannot describe in words because I'm a literature major]
Ambrosius, heart-eyed, no clue what he's talking about: Wow that's really interesting anyways do you want me to change my surname to Boldheart-
- Ambrosius looks like a total theatre kid so I think he often flirted with Bal by quoting some love poems they had in their curriculum. Of course he quoted their analogue of Romeo's monologue under Juliet's balcony why do you think he wouldn't
- Having said that, whenever he quoted something which referred to a woman, he changed pronouns and general words bc he's attentive like that. Sometimes it got absurd tho. "Manservant of the moon" instead of "maid" like dude😭😭😭😭
- Ballister tried his best not to laugh but also not to pass out bcuz of the amount of praise his boyfriend gave him which was actually a lot. My man is as much of a mess as Ambrosius is let's not forget that
- one day Ambrosius quoted something which was not from the curriculum but instead from Bal's favorite book. I think Bal liked adventure books about knights which sometimes included romance and I imagine the dialogue going:
Ambrosius: "And even if I had to turn against the whole world to follow you-
Them together: "-I would do it with no hesitation-"
Ambrosius: "Because you are my world, Sir Redsword"
Them: *staring at each other*
Bal, all blushing: ...that's not from the books our teacher told us to read
Ambrosius, also blushing madly: Yeah but I figured I like some variety
- That's when Bal knew this guy was his forever soulmate
- Bal used to be taller than Ambrosius for a long time of their early years but then Ambrosius got late height boost or idk how it's called. Basically dude went from 5'5 to 6'1 overnight and I know Ballister was PISSED
- these two totally kissed in the janitor's closet when they needed some privacy I'm telling you (not even in a "steamy" way although I think some sort of tension existed - cmon they were late teens bro do you really think puberty is nice to teenagers???).
- why would you get a private space where you can explore this side of your relationship safely when you can have a literal closet with racks and mops and buckets, am I right
- Ambrosius tried writing poems for Ballister they SUCKED
- Ballister still saved each and one of them. One day, he'll sort through his things to move to his own place after the wall comes down and find these yellow checkered sheets of paper, full of bad rhymes and silly words. He'd bring all of them to his (and Ambrosius's) new apartment
Okay now the last hcs which I honestly have no idea how to call but umm ✨what people around them thought about their blooming romance✨
- Queen Valerin understood something was up on the spot. Like, for a straight woman, her gaydar worked flawlessly😭 it was enough for her to see them hide the fact that they held hands to go "I know what you are". She was pretty supportive although she did ask Bal on their one-to-one meeting to "use protection" like all moms do🖐
- The Director also knew something was up but her reaction was more like "Sir Ambrosius will grow out of it". As you know, he never did LMAOO
- Todd was hilariously oblivious despite teasing Ambrosius like "HAHA LOLLLL GOLDENLOIN WHY R U ALWAYS WITH THIS COMMONER GUY ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH HIM OR SOMETHING". He did it in a cishetero "haha gotta mock my homie for being gay" yet DID NOT REALIZE his homie was, indeed, gay
- some cadets could pick up on it, some didn't
- anyway I think the general public knew nothing about it bc if they did that'd be a scandal worse than Henry the 8th's when he created a new religion bc his loins were on fire thanks to Anne Boleyn
ALSO GET THIS LITTLE PIECE (which I don't really like bc of the coloring choices) OF THEM :D
I swear Ambrosius isn't yellow irl😭😭 I'm myself asian I now better than that
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That's about it I guess! Lemme know what you think (if you wanna use/adopt these hcs, feel free to do whatever you want with them! Just tag me so I could see it wjsjjajaj!!!!) ;3
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futuresoon · 2 days
Characters/Pairing: Ratio/Aventurine, Original Female Character/Original Female Character Rating: E Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Wordcount: 10,761/? Other Tags: Angst, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Gore, Mutual Pining, Implied/Referenced Suicide, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Top Dr. Ratio/Bottom Aventurine, Not All Tags Apply Yet, Additional Tags May Be Added Summary:
Ratio presses one of the buttons, and the screen lights up. The numbers on it flash for a moment before settling at 0.200.
“In this area alone, the concentration of ambient memoria is 200 millisomni per square inch. Not enough to induce hallucinations, but we may have some interesting dreams while we’re here. And the citizens of Vara-II have been having such dreams likely their entire lives. The effects of nuclear radiation on memoria have not been studied, so I can’t say for sure what effects this has had on their societal development. But I doubt it’s helped them keep a level head.”
(During a negotiation on a planet with a history of IPC-enabled nuclear warfare, Aventurine and Ratio get stuck alone in an old fallout shelter-turned-museum after a bomb drops, with Aventurine severely injured. They've got the supplies to last until an IPC rescue ship can arrive, but the planet's already-unstable memoria has been stirred up, and they're periodically forced to relive the memories of the shelter's original inhabitants. And things didn't go well for the shelter's original inhabitants.)
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Heyyy~ For the ask game: B D E J R X with the choosen ship of yours <3
mwah <3 also this ask game has made me realise that I don't actually know what rarepairs are in my fandoms LOL but this one is for Han and Lando!
B - What's your favorite thing about this ship?
They simply annoy the ever-living fuck out of each other constantly. Like you can absolutely see them arguing with each other as foreplay, My Cousin Vinny style. They're both that 'scoundrel with a heart of gold' sort of type of character and I simpy love that in a ship.
Also they have history! Such history! And I love when you can have an 'old friend' dynamic like Magneto and Prof X. Also I really need Han to know that Lando's full name is *checks notes* Landonis Balthazar Calrissian. Who did that.
Bickering like an old married couple, constantly tricking each other, the custody arguments over the Falcon are legendary, they bring up so many past misbehaviours to one-up each other, but at the end of the day... they're stealing from each others' hotel rooms and leaving a note signed with a "be better next time <3", and I love that for them.
D- Is this ship an OTP or do you also multiship these characters with other people? If the latter, is it your favorite of the multiships? Why or why not?
I don't ship Lando with anyone else. But alas Han/Lando cannot beat Han/Leia... I simply love Leia too much.
E - Do you have any favorite headcanons for this ship?
Whenever they hook up, they steal the Falcon from each other. It's just an expected thing at this point.
Lando is a snacker and keeps getting crumbs in the bed and Han is ready to stab him every time because food! goes! in! the! kitchen!
They have matching tattoos. Yes they were drunk. No neither of them have ever looked into getting it removed. (They're tramp stamps of the Falcon.)
Lando always brings champagne to their hookups even if he doesn't have any notice. It lowkey annoys Han because where does he even get it from???
They always go to the same hotel and never have use the same name or credit card. The desk staff is all well aware of what's happening and think they're funny.
Han showed up with a beard once and Lando reflexively shot at him.
Han likes flipping poker chips in the air when he's bored. It drives Lando nuts because Han uses the metal chips that are shiny and catch Lando's eye and distract him.
Once they accidentally set a hotel room on fire by knocking over a table with candles on it. They both say the other did it on purpose.
They always go halves on dinner/date costs while snarking at each other the whole time about freeloading and handouts and sugar daddies. They've confused so many waiters.
J - What kind of dynamic(s) does this ship have or do you imagine it would have (friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, A fell first B fell harder, etc.)?
Oh this is absolutely enemies to lovers LOL Plus some slow burn, I think... they're snarky and eyefucking but they don't realise it's what they're doing for... a while. Everyone else does, it's fine, and are so deeply annoyed with them. They're both the kind of people who flirt with everyone so it's a while before they realise they're serious about each other and not just angling for a one night stand like they would be with anyone else.
R - Are there any songs you associate with this ship?
Ooh! Yes! For more general vibes, I looove Always Gold by Radical Face. And they said you were the crooked kind / And that you'd never have no worth / But you were always gold to me
Devil's Backbone by The Civil Wars - Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not / He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got
Baby by Bishop Briggs - My baby's misunderstood / How could something so bad look so damn good / Yeah he's still my baby / Yeah he's fuckin' crazy but he's still my baby
After the whole 'sold Han out to Vader' thing, you have the sad love song called Never Love An Anchor. With this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful / There is love that doesn't have a place to rest
Minefields by Faouzia & John Legend - Maybe I'm just a fool / I still belong with you / Anywhere you, anywhere you are / These minefields that I walk through / What I risk to be close to you
Also, while not a song, there's a poem with the line: I do not want to see him go up in flames the way all heroes end up martyrs. And hm. Yeah.
X - What are their primary love languages and how do they prefer to express their love for each other?
Is 'annoying each other' a love language? Acts of disservice, perhaps? Jokes aside I think they share gift-giving and words of affirmation and neither of them will admit it. They have an inordinate amount of trinkets, however. Mutual praise kink, woo!
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nellie-elizabeth · 2 years
The Legend of Vox Machina: Rise of the Chroma Conclave (2x01)
We're back!!!! Since I have three of these to review, I'm going to try (and probably fail) to keep each review quick and snappy.
I think one of the things about this show is that I want more of it? So I might criticize the pacing of a lot of the episodes, and that's because when the characters do get a moment to breathe and check in with each other, I'm enjoying it so much that I just want more. For this particular installment, I could have used a bit more time there at the end in Whitestone. Cassandra and Keeper Yennen being conveniently right by the Sun Tree when everyone emerged felt like such a blatant way to tighten up the pacing, and everything was moving so fast that we didn't even really have a chance for Keyleth to say hi to the Sun Tree, or for us to check in with Percy a bit more about how it felt to be back home. It's good, don't get me wrong, the details they do choose to include are excellent, I just feel that I haven't been given all the things I'd love to see. If every episode were just five minutes longer, I think it'd be more or less perfect.
Uriel's death felt a little... unceremonious? And honestly I think that's okay, I think it makes sense that it happens fast, and amidst chaos, but it feels odd to me that our main characters don't even seem to know that the Sovereign has been killed. They know Emon is in terrible trouble and that the dragons have taken over, but Uriel's death happened so quickly and never got remarked on again. It's a small thing, I'm sure we'll get more focus on the implications of this when we're back in Emon later down the road.
The DRAGONS LOOK SO COOL! I think last season, the animation on Brimscythe was kind of a weak point, something about the mix of the 3-D animation didn't quite gel. I confess I know nothing about how this works, but whatever they've done for the animation of the dragons this time worked wonders. You can really get the sense of the scope; they're huge, and they move so sinisterly, and their voices are so interesting, and they each have their own style and way of dealing damage and personalities already creeping through. Really excited to see more of each of them as we proceed.
The fight and action in this first episode didn't feel like the fun, snappy action in a lot of season one, but I mean that as a good thing; it was very appropriately somber and yet intense all at once. There was no time for big creative fun ideas, no time for a lot of witty banter (although of course Scanlan got in a few quips). The deadliness of this attack is quite apparent from the jump. There are too many moments to highlight here, but a couple favorites would be Allura's bad-ass protection spell (even though it didn't save poor Uriel), Scanlan's horror on learning that the green dragon Raishan has magic as well and can combat his spells, and, of course, because I'm a sucker for these characters protecting each other, I adored Percy throwing Vax out of the way of the acid and getting seriously hurt as a result. Pike heals him as Vax looks on, concerned. That's the good stuff!
I saw someone say they didn't like how the animated series "minimized" Vax and Gilmore's connection, and I happen to feel quite differently. There's a slightly different flavor to it, because in the show I think Liam and Matt were discovering at the table how far they were going to push the idea of this romance, or what the history/potential is between them. Here, they've settled on this deep affection overlayed by fond banter. You get the sense that these two haven't hooked up and might never actually be together, honestly, but it's not a deep angsty pining situation, precisely. It's... sweet. It's the mutual knowledge of something between them that might blossom or it might not, but either way it's precious. I loved Gilmore's ridiculous overdramatic flirting when he's lying there injured, and then you've got his hand on Vax's face, you've got Vax's shout of fear as they're all running for the tree: "Gilmore! Where's Gilmore!" And then in Whitestone, Vax is reluctant to give care over to Yennen at first, until she assures him that she sees how important he is to Vax. It's all great stuff!
So, fans of the original stream know what's coming up for the twins this season. I won't get too into it here, but I did love that there was a moment when Vex and Vax were separated by the madness of the dragon attacks, and their relief at finding each other again. Their connection is one of the brightest and most developed of all the relationships in the show, and we're going to see that teased out a lot this season especially.
It was a joy to see Cassandra again, and despite my complaint above about not having much time to breathe, what we did get I thought worked very well. We see Cassandra immediately pivot to care for all these refugees fleeing from Emon, we see how well she's doing as a leader. There's this moment right at the end when Percy's about to head off with the rest of Vox Machina to continue their bigger adventure, and the two siblings share a nod of understanding. She knows why he has to keep leaving, and he knows exactly what he's asking of her by doing so. Great stuff, very subtle and powerful!
Less subtle but I thought still effective was the scene where Vox Machina sees how their actions in Whitestone inspired the people to rise up and rebuild from the ashes of their catastrophe. People don't need all their battles fought for them, necessarily, but they do need someone to stand up and say they're worth fighting for. Scanlan is the most uncertain and reluctant about taking on this task at first, but he's swayed by the proof of what they've achieved in Whitestone. Scanlan's uncertainty about their place in the world as heroes is something to keep an eye on: lots more is going to develop there.
Before I sign off for this episode I want to say, I love how they've managed to wrangle the different seasons of the show into having sort of... rotating focuses of character growth. Broadly speaking, Percy was the main character of season one, and Pike had her own subplot. Season two, if I had to guess based on what I've seen so far and what I know of the trajectory, will have the twins as sort of our "main characters", with Grog the one with a nice juicy subplot. Leaving season three, I think quite appropriately, to be the Scanlan and Keyleth focus season, as there are longer-term developments for both of them that I think will give them center stage at that point. I don't know if they're thinking about it quite like that, and of course it will always be an ensemble-focused show, but I just love the rhythm of what they're achieving so much.
Okay, onwards to Vasselheim we go!
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kkpwnall · 1 year
shuffle song for any spicy six couple🤠
hey howdy!! anything for my em&merson of all time!!
ooo this one’s from my on repeat and for good reason. it is, in my humble opinion, the ultimate comp-het nancy wheeler song.
and if we’re going spicy six it’s gotta be ronance. years of mutual pining all coming to a head the night before nancy’s wedding, when maid-of-honor robin finds nancy breaking down outside the rehearsal dinner, and they run away together.
i had a whole big long thing written in my notes about this... but then the worms got to me…..
it’s not spicy six but stick with me. what if: wheelingham runaway bride au
ace newshound nancy wheeler is stuck doing puff pieces for the society pages of the big city newspaper after a career ruining pausing incident. she went too far, pissed off the wrong people, and now she's relegated to "human interest" stories. well she's a human too and she's most certainly not interested in covering weddings of the rich and famous.
all she wants is to sink her teeth into some real investigative journalism and get her career back on track. she hears about this "runaway bride" who's left three men at the altar already, and would ya look at that, it's someone who lives in her podunk home town, someone she went to school with even.
she's got a pitch, she's got an in, and her editor is more than happy to get nancy out of his remaining hair for a while.
nancy has vague memories of chrissy cunningham, star cheerleader, queen of hawkins high herself. a real sweetheart who always had a huge crowd of friends. someone who had it all figured out, who had her whole life decided at 18. a straight line to a white picket fence and 2.5 kids. all she had to do was say "i do".
chrissy is already engaged to bachelor #4 before nancy comes to town. first there was jason, then derek, travis, and now steve. she's the laughing stock of her friends and family, but this one is going to stick, she's sure of it. they've been planning this wedding for months, and her fiance is well aware of her history. he's convinced that she just needs to visualize a positive outcome and keep her eye on the ball (him) when she's walking down the aisle. swing, and follow through.
and she loved each of these men, she loves men. but she can’t help but think there’s something missing in her life. she’s so sure about each and every one of them, right up until the very last minute. every time she walks down the aisle, all she can see is a door that’s closing forever, and she never got to even look through it.
when chrissy meets nancy wheeler again, almost a decade out of high school, and sees someone so confident, who's achieved all their dreams, and is living the life they always wanted, it terrifies her as much as it annoys and intrigues her.
nancy, who escaped their dead end town, who does what she wants when she wants, and doesn't let anyone tell her she can't. nancy, who's so comfortable with herself... and who she loves.
who has a reputation for being a frigid bitch, but it's just that she knows what she wants and won't let anyone else's expectations of who she is and how she should behave stop her.
they bicker from the minute nancy comes back to town, and chrissy eventually agrees to be the subject of nancy's story to finally set the record straight once and for all. the sooner she's done with her story, the sooner nancy wheeler and all the confusing feelings she brought with her can get out of chrissy's life once and for all. lock the door and throw away the key.
but as nancy gets to know chrissy better, she realizes she's not the ditzy heartbreaker nancy and everyone else thought she was. she sees someone... good and caring, and with so much love to give. how does it always go so wrong right at the finish line?
nancy sees someone who actually doesn't have it all figured out. who in fact never wanted the plan that was set out before her. someone who's just as desperate to escape it as nancy was herself. if only she'd realize she's been holding the key to her own freedom all along.
and chrissy comes to realize that nancy doesn't have it all figured out either. she's determined and driven, and her blind pursuit of the truth at all costs has lost her more than it's won. friends, relationships, even her career.
as they get to know each other better, they realize just what a mess they are... and start to fall in love with all those messy pieces.
it's the night before the wedding when it all comes to a head, when nancy challenges chrissy about all the questions she didn't let herself think about, and chrissy argues with nancy about all the ways she's making her life harder for herself. wouldn't it all be easier just to go along with the plan? to not have to think about it? it can't be that bad, can it?
the argument ends with a fiery kiss, and nancy walking out the door, leaving a stunned chrissy in her wake.
it's their wedding day, and chrissy is more determined than ever to make this one stick. she's going to do it, she's going to go through with it. steve loves her and she loves him.
but she runs. of course she runs. what else can she do when she has nancy's words ringing in her ears and her kiss lingering on her lips?
chrissy runs, and nancy follows. yada yada yada big love confession with chrissy still in her wedding dress.
they don't get married right away. hell they don't get together right away. chrissy's never even lived on her own before. so they take it glacially slow while chrissy takes classes at the city college and moves out of her parent's house and into a small apartment just down the street from nancy's, temping at every different kind of job she can find until she figures out exactly what she wants to do.
and along the way, she figures out who she is too, the kind of person she wants to be when she's not trying to fit herself into the mold of who someone else wants her to be.
eventually, chrissy proposes to nancy. and when they do get married, neither one of them walks down the aisle. they walk towards each other and meet at the altar.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Hi, friend! 💖 I hope things have been looking a little brighter for you, and if not, I'm manifesting it for you!
Now, for the ships ask game... Ikesoren and Raeda? 👀
You're always so sweet ;__; the cats have been really good lately so that's been a positive, thanks for checking in!!!
Ikesoren & Raeda my beloved. They both mean so much to me
1. What made you ship it?
Ok so funny story I actually unknowingly played RD before PoR (one of my older brothers bought it for another older brother so we didn't realize it was a sequel at first), so I had only the sequel's dynamic to go off of, and RD didn't have the in depth support system that PoR does. I did end up going back to play PoR right after beating RD and I think through the process of playing both games in order to do all the bonus shit to get Ike & Soren's secret ending conversation I was ride or die by that point. When I played RD the first time almost every support I paired up was based on aesthetic alone since there weren't actual convos & you could literally pair up anyone -- it was fucking lawless haha. Since I didn't have the previous knowledge of who had what rapports I got a TON of the pairs I made wrong based on what friendships/relationships I ended up liking best after playing PoR hahah! Ikesoren was unfortunately one of them
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Upon first glance you'd think they'd be an 'opposites attract' kinda dynamic but they're actually the same stone-faced smartass. I also love how Ike can't get an ending with a woman, it's either Soren or Ranulf, like the Tellius games really got an unequivocally gay Lord
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't really know what the popular opinions are, but based on fanart & fic I can recall seeing over the last decade or so, I don't like when Soren is portrayed as timid or shy. Like Soren's a bit of a bastard, even to Ike, he's not gonna get all 😳 around him, the neutral look of displeasure is his default expression even with the love of his life haha
1. What made you ship it?
The second we saw Raine and could tell that was the kid Eda had her arms linked with from that S1 photo I was like "👀 ok ok finally learn that history!" Then Eda's smirk as she taunts "how are you supposed to be HeAd BaRd with stage freight?" I was like "omg snark, there's some bitterness but that's such a fond smile on her face" and then when they reunited? I was gone. By the time we saw the duet scene I was ride or die for Raeda. I genuinely believe we'll get a wedding montage at the end of W&D, or at least a kiss. Those two are extremely important to me
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They hit every note! They're childhood friends, they were immediate best friends, they're equally chaotic despite appearances, they're exes, they've been carrying the torch for each other SINCE they broke up like 20yrs ago, they're both blushing messes around each other, the mutual pining, the fact they're older & grayer but still undeniably smitten with each other, they have their own flower that means "deception and graciousness" WHICH PERFECTLY SUITS THEM, Eda's a harpy & Raine's a monsterfucker! They just! Really mean a lot to me, getting to see old gray queer love combined with the chance to repair old relationships
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't really vibe with art that makes Raine look or dress a lot more femme than they present in the show or in Dana's art.
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existentialflirt · 1 year
Some Good Omens Head Canons (because it's more meta and shippy shit. s/o to @v0litioncheck as usual cos when it comes to the shippier things, I don't know who struck the iron first.
��� 6000 years of pining is cute and all and I guess Neil canonized it (as much as he ever will canonize anything) in season two, but idek idek idek, I think it's much more meaningful if they've been together. It even works in the first season and to a lesser degree, book (the question will always be if it was intended to imply a deeper intimacy between them and while I say yes, absolutely, idek, I think I'm a little biased). I'd even argue that it's some of the most normalized queer representation I've seen in recent memory. Because you know, we've seen stories with straight couples where it's just a given they're together and they're intimate in small ways aside from kissing. Touches, looks, the way they talk to each other, tones, pet names, inside jokes, familiarity, which you know, I think are much more organic building blocks to portraying a relationship than y'know kissing and sex scenes (not that I wouldn't have welcomed more explicit intimacy, but the point is that the quieter gestures paint a satisfying tapestry of two characters that are very much in love and have been together for a very long time. Perhaps this internal interpretation of their closeness is why season 2 didn't sit right with me in the end because I feel like it's trying to have it's cake (shippy, romantic fan service that could easily fall in line with the assumption that they're basically married) and eat it too (imply they're actually mutually pining for each other but incapable of communicating that desire which...idek man, that's a pretty hard pill to swallow with how goddamned old they are).
— Demons and angels have a distinctly nonlinear understanding of time and history. I think it's part of the joke of their anachronism in any given time period, but I also think it's serious meta due to an aside in the book about the gift of prophesy and how it interacts with humans. I think it was basically like they were tapping into something but it got scrambled up in their brains most the time. Honestly I think it's the same way for Crowley and Aziraphale, but they're more capable of dealing with it, but maybe not considering Aziraphale's distractable and slightly dotty and Crowley's not that much better. They're both very, very smart, with the wisdom of age on their side but also I mean, they're processing so much information at any given time.
— The reason Aziraphale hasn't fallen despite being in love with a demon, his own hedonistic tendencies, and lying to his boss(es) is because The Fall was a one time thing and part of the Great Plan. After all, you can't have good and evil without the language to express the concepts. God is omniscient but Her ineffability comes in Her silences over certain matters. Let them believe the war was about rebellion and not some cruel twist in testing and toying with her creations. (I also think it's why Az's punishment for conspiring against heaven was death instead of being cast out, although that could lend entirely to Gabriel's temperament than God's will.) Personally, I think God checked out some time after the whole Jesus situation, and is more comparable to an absent, low effort CEO that's taking meetings on Skype or Zoom every few month from their villa in Tahiti.
— So, the point of this impending ramble about supernatural creatures in a body capable of experiencing sensuality, is that I do believe Crowley and Aziraphale are horny for each other. They lust after each other. They fuuuuuuck. Is this natural for either of them? Not really, but I think there are layers to the idea that they've "gone native". It's not just that they drive fast, wear clothing, dress aesthetically, learn slang, learn technology, and eat food/get drunk. They convey emotions, they enjoy frivolities to their kind like sleeping and reading for pleasure. The feeling you get from their kin is that they're driven by purpose rather than any real personal motivation. I do think it took them time (kinda, sorta) to recognize their desires and understand their feelings. They were relatively new beings poured into material forms with hormones and feelings, which I think was probably a lot. Like, yeah if they were incorporeal beings, intimacy would look a lot different, but they're not. They got bodies. (Also I'm a sucker for articulating soulmates with eroticism, so sue me.)
— Honestly, one of my favourite GO thing is the implication that the dichotomy of Good and Evil are less moral compasses and more like rivaling corporations. There are so many interesting components to that idea that just fuels half of my head canons. I like the urban fantasy aspect of it to, but I'm just...I'm just a sucker for the visual language and the anachronistic bits of them talking about licensing, paperwork, invoices, lying in progress reports in the context of miracles and divine/infernal influence on humanity. God, that's so good.
...............................................................as a tangent, that's another thing that frustrates me about season two. Have I mentioned this? Probably, but whatever, we're going to whine about it again anyway. Because I reeeeeaaaaaalllllllly get why they changed the ending of s1 to make it more dynamic. Fine. Great. The book ending I think is more cohesive to the overall story, but I totally get how it would play as anticlimactic in the visual medium. The issue is that s1 ends with this massive, glorious hoodwink, which...is never really addressed like? Did anyone in Heaven or Hell figure out their little trick? If not why don't they treat Aziraphale and Crowley as more dangerous? The grand irony of s2 is that it gels better with the end of the book, which was so much more lowkey. *sighs* Maybe it'll come back up in s3, but honestly, it eats at me. (Generally, my head canon fix is that it got lost in the shuffle of bureaucracy and the chaos of trying to shore things back up in the wake of the apocalypse-that-wasn't.)
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backjustforberena · 2 years
Omg your ideas are so good I highkey need more. Do you think throughout them getting closer they will slip up and have more physically intimate moments?
Awww, thank you so much! In the Persuasion AU? Heck yeah! Full Austen vibes of longing stares, mutual pining and heavy subtext on brief physical contact. All that good stuff.
I don't think it'll be major things. It's set at court, it's full of propriety and as much as both Corlys and Rhaenys are outsiders, they do very much conform to the rules of that as well. So no getting hot and heavy in a hallway just because they've snapped. They don't snap. And it's a slow burn so... slow is key.
Thoughts I have at the moment are like, when they first meet, Corlys doesn't kiss her hand, and Rhaenys doesn't offer it to him. So they're very physically apart, and remain that way for their initial time together. For some events, they are on completely opposite sides of the Throne Room or else there is a table in the way, or people around them or whatever.
BUT then we can have the build-up. The outliers. When formal occasions to merit him to kiss her hand in fealty or whatever. When she puts a hand on his arm to stop him from leaving for some reason. When he offers her his arm as they walk, out of politeness, in a group setting. Or helps her into a wheelhouse. Or they have to dance together because they can't think of a good excuse to get out of it and no one else knows their shared history.
OMG maybe there's something where she's coming back from Meleys and they're friendly again, although there are jealousies and misinterpretations on both sides because it's a Persuasion AU. So she's coming back from Meleys and she has no idea but she's got soot on her cheek and he bumps into her and they engage in usual formalities except he just looks at her and can't take his eyes off of her and they go silent and awkward and he just sort of says that she has something and then HE BRUSHES THE SOOT OFF HER CHEEK.
And that's the most intimacy they've had. And then they have a moment or whatever that's obviously then rudely interrupted and probably interrupted by either Alysanne or Viserys.
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averlym · 3 years
but yes omg lumine paimon found family much beloved. (i actually can't ever bring myself to use the emergency food dialogues because paimon is just. too precious.)
also. yes i have a pair of jeans and ever since i read that pun i have been making the same pun NONSTOP my friends are sick of me now but that was pure comedic genius omg.
aiyaaa no don't say that about your writing >:(( self-deprecation is banned in this household tumblr i am sure it is amazing!!! and either way beauty is in the eye of the beholder. in this scenario i am the beholder and everything you make is amazing. tis facts.
ganqing though.... beloveds.... i am such a multishipper it is a serious problem but BELOVEDS... i have too many fic ideas and no time :c
WATT HADESTOWN AU??? IM INTERESTED ??? that would be SO cool like honestlyyyyy
that reminds me i was toying with the idea of a jeanlisa/beiguang hadestown au once upon a time but extracurriculars got in the way sob
I hope you have a wonderful day!!!!! *more hugs 'cause they make the world go 'round*
-the one and only teanon <3 (i'm on an old pc that is extremely scuffed and has no emojis sob)
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as per usual, most rambles are in the tags,,, but also here are some doodles from the watt hadestown au it all fits in my head somehow so idk how clear these are
more info on the general story under the cut: but also, read the existing tags for this post first!
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sign on the line 'cause you're running out of time
a/n: a scene from watt/hadestown (but i go off on too many tangents in brackets)
riley steps forward. 'she can't go. she signed a contract. she belongs to the team.'
kate stares between eva and riley, and back to eva. "is it true?"
they speak in unison. 
"she does." "i do."
(kate thinks, sometimes, about eva and 'i do's and their wedding song. this is not the 'i do' she wanted. this 'i do' she dreamed of only in her nightmares, on the track to here, this hell.)
"i can't leave the team," says eva, "i signed. 90k, my scholarship, for me to be on the team. climatology, kate! any way the wind blows," she sings bitterly.
"you can't leave- please not you- not you too-" comes kate's response, words spilling, falling from her lips, the same ones she said to chess before she left and never came back and now eva is going too- there isn't even a promise to skype, to keep in touch, to let her follow- "come home with me," she begs, "we can fix it-" 
(she knows they can't. riley is the richest girl in the area. the school can't afford to lose her. 90k scholarship, fancy gym- giles corey would bend over backwards for this girl.)
eva laughs sadly. "you don't know what it's like to be hungry." 
(i have worked so hard for so much less, eva thinks, remembers being unable to study for college because she was always working, how the stress got to her. thinks about how annleigh said kate would make her feel alive- but she can't quite remember how it felt. being a tiger has dulled her inside. riley is rich, and she knows how to use the money and power she has- a world where all the wrong kids keep getting all the nice things, she thinks wildy for a moment, watching kate stare at her brokenly, and she loves kate but sometimes she doesn't get it, lost in her music, lost in her grief.)
from the side, cairo watches. 
(the memory of seeing eva flashes through her head. up on top for spring, above and away from this basement, pouring drinks for everyone in the sunshine. kate had cried, "she will always fill our cups," a praise, a challenge, a reassurance to the girl next to her, staring at this bringer of life with skepticism. cairo had noticed, and looked directly at this girl, hungry and tired, and chimed in with "i will," watching her face grow hopeful. kate grinned, strummed her song and toasted, "and we will always raise them up!")
(growing up, despite appearances, kate never hated cairo. "i'll play my song and you and riley can kiss and make up," she told cairo as a child. cairo looked at this mortal girl, fingers red from holding guitar chords, and scoffed a disbelieving "sure.") there was a frenemy sort of passive-aggressiveness between kate and cairo, and out of all the gods, cairo was one of the rare few she trusted to help. like now.
(she thinks to annleigh turning to her, looking haunted, saying that cairo and riley were behind chess's death, and her immediate reaction being to defend cairo- "cairo never hated chess!")
kate turns her head to the side, and cairo, lost in the tumultuous thoughts of an immortal who has lost so many (her mind, right now, is thinking of farrah) looks up. "cai," kate pleads, and cairo steps forward, into the dull glow of riley's basement, so different from sunlight above. riley's voice hums, a calming technique cairo taught her long ago, and cairo can nearly hear the words with the tune. "please forgive me for doing what's best for you," echoes riley's voice in her head, sad and desperate.
"riley," she starts, and her friend looks to her. riley's hands are shaking, something cairo remembers from fourth grade. "make this easier" riley sings softly, voice trembling, and looks at her.
"eva means nothing to me!" says riley, defensive, mind whirling with 'cairo must think i have a crush on eva or something and now she hates me just like i got mad at farrah when cairo started spending so much time with her but farrah was bad for her they kept getting drunk and please forgive me for doing what's best for you i love you i love you i love you please she means nothing to me it's always been you-'
and maybe the two of them know each other too well, maybe they're too in sync, because cairo looks at riley and sees how much riley cares for her, and also thinks of farrah, and the suspicions she has, and her heart breaks because she knows how to fix this and she doesn't want to do it.
"i know," cairo says (reassuring, i care for you too, do this to please me) and then, "but she means everything to her."
riley is beset with phantoms that take cairo's voice and face and rip them off, because suddenly, even though she is looking at her best friend, all she can see are ghosts.
chess floats near her face, and riley can almost feel her nonexistent breath beside her cheek. "damned if you don't", she sings, hauntingly persuasive. let them go. the guilt claws at riley's chest. she can't breathe. 
chess then glares at farrah as her double braids flop onto riley's head. with fake cheer, she somersaults through the air and grins at riley upside down. "damned if you do!" mocking, taunting. you can't win.
clark appears, broods by her side. choruses with the other two before they fade- "whole damn nation's watching you."
even as the apparitions subside, drifting in front of her instead, their song continues around riley- "what you gonna do when the chips are down, now that the chips are down?"
"here's a little tip," farrah hums, sing-song, and a bottle of belladonna wine appears in her hand.
"word to the wise," sighs chess, and suddenly her hair is filled with poppy red, flowers blooming and covering the blood from an inconspicuous stab hidden beneath her jacket.
clark, instead, seems to be spiralling, twisting the ring around his finger until it warps into a bloody knife. "here's a little snippet of advice," he sings.
three fates, always singing in the back of her mind, in front of her vision. here, they mock her. clark places the knife he is twisting before riley, and it hovers there as the spirits disappear. "men are fools, men are frail, give them the rope and they'll hang themselves."
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#hehe thank you for the pun usage! paimon supremacy!!!! so so beloved#ngl i saw the 'aiyaaa' and immediately loved you a little bit more idk why it's so comforting to have reminders of culture but it Is#too many ideas and no time and focus for them what a mood! jiayou bestie#ganqing ganqing ganqing i love them so so very much#when you take the romanisation of the pinyin of ganqing it also is the same as the pinyin of 感情 even though intonations are different and#iTS LITERALLY FEELS hhHHHHh#hugs!!! *sends you hugs back* hugs hugs hugs ily#i was going to explain the watt hadestown au but it's complicated so for now: it's a mix of hadestown and watt storylines#cairo= persephone riley=hades annleigh= hermes and knows events are repeating but can't change the whole thing#chess clark and farrah = the fates after they got killed and haunt about the living#kate= orpheus and eva= eurydice#cheer squad= hadestown; mattie and reese are part of the squad#tried to get a definite timeline and also details and i would write more about the relationships for each character except i can't structure#cairo riley and annleigh are old souls bc parallel of gods and they've got history#cairo and riley are best friends and in mutual pining but along the way cairo also disagrees more and more with what riley is doing#riley however believes she's doing this for the good of the team and thinks it's the way to get cairo to love her (spoiler: no)#riley is a wallflower parallels the chant between hades and persephone after they go to hadestown#annleigh is hermes: messenger and narrator. childhood friends with kate and a bit of an older sister to her.#she knows events repeat but the story always ends the same. happy ending but with people lost. kate saves eva at the end but annleigh#annleigh never manages to save clark and farrah and as fates they haunt her. (which has layers). some shows she denies this knowledge.#and the rest is in the post because#i ran out of tags like four times bsbsjskajdj#this content is very chaotic and reads like a letter with three lift the flaps and pasted papers all over#but if you read everything good job ily and i'm sorry sksjsk#... did you know there was a ten image limit i have found that out for the first time jshdjsks#long post#watt hadestown au#we are the tigers
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iztarshi · 3 years
Agatha/ Gil/ Tarvek for the ship meme, please?
The best, I love them. Not only that, I do sincerely both want them in canon and have hope for it.
All three branches have their own dynamics and all three are compelling.
Agatha and Gil are full of energy and emotion, they crank the joie de Spark up to eleven and even when they're yelling at each other they are, on some level, having a great time. Having someone who can both keep up with them and withstand them is a relief and you can see them both let go in each other's company - from the start Gil has been associated with Agatha reconnecting with her emotions whether it's fun or anger or Spark fugue. They're also the star-crossed pair, but that's kind of my least favourite thing about them, because I like it when they're in one place.
Gil and Tarvek are friends to enemies to friends to (hopefully) lovers. They've got so much history, they have serious ideological differences which make their arguments crackle with characterisation rather than just misunderstandings (although they have those too). They have the world's least resentful love rivalry because both being in love with Agatha actually brings them closer and sniping over her usually means they're actually fine with each other. They have mutual pining and increasingly acknowledged flirting, and Gil is actually less stupid about it because Tarvek doesn't knock him head over heels with infatuation the way Agatha does and he can still say actually witty lines.
Tarvek and Agatha had an intense and disturbing beginning, but more and more Tarvek's just flat out sweet with her. He trusts her absolutely when there's barely anyone else he could say that about. He would put his life in her hands without question because he knows she'd take care of it. And she trusts him, too, something which he values deeply and wouldn’t betray. He's the right person for gentle mornings and pastries in bed.
The three of them together haven't, I think, settled into their final dynamic yet - it's still often Agatha dealing with a thing while the boys either squabble or support her - which is a fun dynamic, but probably not a complete one.
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booasaur · 3 years
hi boocita tis i, I've been watching WOT and oh my god the way Moiraine and Siuan's relationship echoes that of the taboo forbidden love, secret relationship that is so common in sapphic history and media. i mean, the exile scene?? the amount of love and mutual pining held in that finger touch?? I'm going to die. also i am hard crushing on Moiraine's green friend Alanna like please she is having a threesome every night and is constantly snacking and can we talk about the vibes when she was laying on Moiraine's bed 👀
Anonita. So we meet again. =_=
It was all just well done, I can't praise it enough.
Oh! A thing I haven't said yet, but I was discussing it again with my friend this morning (I really wasn't kidding, we've been talking about it non-stop since Thursday), one of the things that's really helped it is that with each of their scenes, the first meeting in the Hall, at night, with Egwene and Nynaeve, the exile announcement, every time we have a mental template for a scene, where even if it'd gone exactly as we thought it would we'd be over the moon, they've gone and added these extra details, these little unexpected bits of specificity that have to do with them and just them, the humor, the touches, the twist on the oath. It just really elevated and helped build their relationship.
I LOVE ALANNA. She's hilarious, hot, and a badass but also that look when she turned away from Moiraine after the exile? Like, she's definitely got a place in my heart for that. :o
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danceworshipper · 4 years
Oliver Adams - HPHM Profile [redone]
(information is as of sixth year - shared universe with @ask-hphm-crew)
Name: Oliver Tyler Adams
Gender: Male (cis)
Age: 16
Birthday: May 28th, 1973 (gemini)
Species: Human/wizard
Blood Status: Halfblood
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Residence: The family farm in the Irish countryside. It's huge, a bit outdated decoration-wise, and homey. His room is on the third floor, looking out over the field and he can see the sunrise if he wakes up early enough. The farm is so old and imbued with magic that Oliver can use underage magic without the Ministry finding out
Personality Type: ESFJ-A (the consul)
Wand: 13 3/4 inches of pliant pine wood encasing a phoenix feather core. The wand is thick and heavy, light in color, and with no defining marks other than Oliver's name carved into it with a knife. Doing this did not damage the wand in any way, but when Ollivander saw it he nearly had a heart attack.
Animagus: A mixed breed cat, Siamese/Ragdoll, similar to the stray cats that lounge around the farm
Misc. Magical Abilities: Legilimency and Occlumency, though he doesn't practice them often
Boggart Form: In earlier years, it was a werewolf, since one could be heard howling somewhere near the farm during full moons. As he got older and met actual werewolves like Chiara, Oliver lost his fear of them and his boggart changed to a mortally wounded vision of himself, having failed to save anyone from the vaults and meeting his own painful end
Riddikulus Form: The vision of himself is instead only afflicted with a concussion, with his Quidditch team mothering him as he insists he's fine
Amortentia (what do they smell like?): Oliver would smell like roast chicken, fresh tomatoes, and bright sunshine
Amortentia (what do they smell?): At the current point, Oliver smells the ocean, cat fur, and wood polish. As he has no strong romantic interest (though that may change very soon) the smells just make him happy and aren't related to any specific person
Patronus: Dolphin
Patronus Memory: His first time seeing the ocean. Nothing went wrong that day, and he got to see dolphins for the first time too. He and his family all had a great time together.
Mirror of Erised: His mother and grandparents standing proudly behind him. It's his graduation day, not an injury to him. Everything turned out okay
Specialized/Favorite Spells:
- Reficere Aspectu - temporarily repairs his vision. The spell he uses for Quidditch matches.
- Lumos, Aguamenti, Wingardium Leviosa - extremely useful spells for around the farm
- Arania Exumi - spider repellent is always useful
- Orchideous - he conjures flowers for his mother and grandmother all the time
- Reparo - the first Transfiguration spell he got on the first try
[concept image made using the zepeto app]
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Height: 6'3
Weight: 191 lbs
Physique: Skinny with noticeable muscles from all the Quidditch and farming
Eye Color: Light, slightly greyish blue
Hair Color: Dirty blonde, usually kept in a bowl cut that his mother gives him. Oliver knows it's not fashionable (Andre is constantly nagging him to change it) but he doesn't really care enough to learn hair charms
Skin Tone: Light, no freckles. He burns easily so when he comes back at the start of every year he's a bit pink
Body Modifications: His eyesight is atrocious. He wears round glasses most of the time and uses a temporary vision charm for Quidditch
Scarring: Oliver has a nasty scar on his back from being kicked by a cow as a kid, and some scratches on his arms and legs from the various animals and work around the farm
Fashion: This kid has no fashion. Andre is in hell. Oliver wears shorts whenever he can and t-shirts. If it's cold he'll add a flannel. Around sixth year he starts updating his wardrobe a bit, but keeps his usual clothing for around the farm. No point having decent clothing get all dirty and ripped up
House: Gryffindor
Class Grades:
- Astronomy: E
- Care of Magical Creatures: E
- Charms: A
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
- Divination: E
- Flying: O
- Herbology: O
- History of Magic: A
- Potions: A
- Transfiguration: A
Quidditch: Keeper since year 3
Extracurriculars: Dragon Club, Gobstones Club
Favorite Professor: Professor McGonagall. She's his head of house, and she reminds Oliver a bit of his grandmother with her stern but kind nature. She encourages his love of Transfiguration, even if he isn't the best at it, and she's a huge Quidditch fan
Least Favorite Professor: Professor Dumbledore. Oliver is an easygoing, agreeable guy most of the time. He respects his elders as his grandparents taught him, but only when they deserve it. Dumbledore most certainly does not
Mother: Katie Adams
- Katie is a shy, quiet woman. She was homeschooled for most of her life, receiving at-home tutoring in her later years as her mother Gertrude was unable to properly teach her what she needed to know, and she's only seen the inside of Hogwarts twice: when she sat in for her O.W.L.s and her N.E.W.T.s.
- As a mother, Katie made sure to raise Oliver to be kind and always drink his Respect Women Juice. She had him take on some of the farm duties at a young age to help teach him responsibility
- Oliver got kicked by a cow when she turned her back on him for no more than ten seconds. Katie's boggart is what would have happened had Oliver been standing slightly closer - he would have been paralyzed, as the kick would have hit his neck
Father: Kyle Donovan
- Oliver never knew him. He was a muggle who left Katie shortly after she became pregnant
- He was a decent guy in general, but the idea of being a father at the age of 24 scared him and he ran like a coward. He never knew about the Wizarding world, and even if he wanted to return to try and make amends he'll never be able to find the family farm ever again, thanks to Marvin
Grandfather: Marvin Adams
- Marvin is a cranky, slightly old fashioned kind of guy. He cares a lot about tradition and keeps telling Oliver that one day the farm will be his, and then his kids', and then their kids'. Oliver doesn't have the strength to tell him he's not sure he wants kids at all
- Marvin loves his wife. There were many times in their relationship where it looked like the marriage was about to fall apart, but they were somehow always able to get through them - mostly by him apologizing to Gertrude
- Oliver is able to hold his own in a duel thanks to Marvin. Despite being an old crud, he's got a lot of fight in him
Grandmother: Gertrude Adams
- Gertrude was horrified that Oliver was going to grow up without a male influence, which is why Katie never moved off the family farm with him. The old woman made Oliver learn to cook and sew so that he wouldn't be a useless husband in the future
- She's the type of person who'll say that she still dreams of marrying her teenage sweetheart and moving to an island with him, but she doesn't mean it. She loves her family and her life, but she does one day want to retire on an island
- After Oliver graduates Hogwarts and takes over the farm, Gertrude will finally be able to convince Marvin that they can retire without worrying over the farm, and they'll move to a lovely beach house. Her last ten years will be spent in her own little paradise
Love Interest: Isla Lyall @sapphicsaffir
- Isla is the twin sister of Vera, one of Oliver's closest friends in Gryffindor. Isla is in Ravenclaw, so originally they didn't spend much time together. However, Oliver always found Isla cuter than Vera
- People who didn't know them well thought Oliver and Vera liked each other, but anyone who did know them knew Vera would rather die, and that Oliver preferred the red haired twin over the blonde one
- Vera is the one who keeps pushing to get them together. She told Oliver that she knows Isla likes him, but he refused to believe it. Still, she kept trying, saying that if anyone had to be her brother-in-law she'd rather it be him
- In fourth year, Ravenclaw lost a crucial match and it took them out if running for the House Cup. Isla, a chaser, was disappointed, but went to the final match to support her sister and her crush
- Gryffindor won, and in the excitement, Isla ran up to Oliver and yanked him down so she could kiss him. Oliver understandably short-circuited, while Vera yelled "Finally!"
Best Friend: Andre Egwu
- When Oliver first met Andre, they didn't like each other at all. They were on opposing Quidditch teams, after all. But their mutual friends forced them to spend more time together, and now the two are practically inseparable. It makes little sense to most people.
- They're the kind of best friends who insult the living daylights out of each other to show their love
- They went as friends to the Celestial Ball. A few people got the wrong impression, but they've never considered dating each other. They feel more like brothers than anything else
Rival: Anyone on an opposing Quidditch team. Even if the rivalry doesn't affect them off the pitch, Oliver's instinctive reaction when he sees his opponents is one of distaste (ironic since both his best friend and his girlfriend are his rivals)
Enemy: Every last member of R
- Charlie Weasley
- Ben Copper
- Jae Kim
Pets: a barn owl named Priscilla, and a sheepdog who stays at the farm named Sparky
Closest Canon Friends:
- Charlie Weasley
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Diego Caplan
Closest Noncanon Friends:
- Vera Lyall @sapphicsaffir
- The gang from @ask-hphm-crew
- Unnamed members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team
- Oliver was raised a happy, carefree little boy. His incident with the cow never deterred him from helping his mum and grandparents around the farm, and he even gave the cow an "I'm sorry I provoked you" treat as soon as he could. He didn't ask about his father until he was ten, and Gertrude sat him down and told him what happened. Oliver resents the man that fled his mother. Gertrude knew he'd be angry and didn't tell him his father's name
- During his first couple years at Hogwarts, Oliver made friends and charmed his way into most of the professors' good graces. In year three Oliver joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and after his first match against Ravenclaw, he and Andre started butting heads until their other friends forced them to hang out more
- Oliver gets involved with the Cursed Vaults almost by accident. He has no cursed brother like the game says, but he does have a desire to help people, so when he hears of a group of students trying to save the school from certain doom, he gets involved right away
- His discovered Legilimency throws him for a loop, as no one in his family has that power. He rarely ever uses his mind reading without permission, but when it becomes necessary he's usually able to do it without the target finding out
- After Hogwarts, Oliver will take ownership of the family farm for a few years, but it's not his passion and he hates the idea of being stuck there for the rest of his life. At age twenty two he sells the farm to one of the farmhands with three young kids and uses the money to buy a bakery with an apartment above it. He grows some of his own ingredients and buys the rest at discount from the old farm, and also runs guitar lessons out of his apartment. His grandparents are a little disappointed, but they understand, and his mother reveals that she had a secret boyfriend who she moves in with and later marries. He's a nice man with a kid a little older than Oliver
- Oliver and Isla have a small wedding a little before the Battle of Hogwarts. A few years later, Isla gives birth to twin girls Kenzie and Kleio. Five years after that, their son Caspian is born
Extra Info
- Oliver is a family man through and through. If he had to, he would have stayed on the farm forever to support his family. When he has his own family, he's an extremely devoted father even though he was never sure he wanted children when he was younger
- Despite not moving on to play Quidditch professionally, Oliver does join a recreational team after he sells the farm, as does Andre, who starts up his own fashion line
- Oliver is a total house husband. Isla is a cursebreaker, and Oliver brags about her to whoever will listen. She often comes home to a fresh cooked meal/baked goods
- Oliver's a cat person. He adopts two stray kittens when he moves to the bakery and loves them with all his heart
- He can't be alone for more than a few days or he'll go crazy. He loves spending time with his friends or even meeting new people
- He starts playing the guitar at the age of seven. Marvin is the one to teach him. Later on he learns about the muggle electric guitar and buys one as soon as he can figure out how to get electricity into his apartment
- Oliver visits his grandparents at their beach house at least five times a year. He can't get enough of the ocean, even when it's too cold to go swimming (and he'll usually do it anyway)
- He's the tallest one in his immediate family. Oliver assumes he got his height from his father, but he actually got the height from Gertrude's side of the family
- Oliver will always prefer to cook himself than to go to a restaurant
- He's a fairly good dueler, but Diego could always kick his ass
- Oliver will try to arrange a big meetup with all of his friends at least once a year. Not everyone can make it every time, but he refuses to let their friendships fade into the past
- He loses the bowl cut in year seven, when Andre convinces Tonks and Diego to hold him down so Andre can fix his hair. Oliver ends up liking it and keeps it that way for years to come
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Star, March 8
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: George Clooney vs. Brad Pitt -- the fight that ended their friendship
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Page 1: Scott Disick's mid-life makeover -- some guys buy a convertible but Scott already has a garage full of fancy rides, so what else to do when you're edging close to 40, split from the mom of your three kids and are already dating a 19-year-old model? Well, bleach your hair platinum, of course!
Page 2: Contents, Leighton Meester and Adam Brody celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary with a couple's surf session
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Page 3: Star Shots -- John Legend wore an eye-catching sweater to a photoshoot in West Hollywood, Anya Taylor-Joy stunned in a crimson gown on the set of an untitled David O. Russell-directed period film, Jason Sudeikis grabbed a bite during a break from filming Ted Lasso's second season in London
Page 4: After hosting countless rose ceremonies over nearly two decades of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, Chris Harrison is now in the hot seat himself and facing backlash for defending current Bachelor frontrunner Rachael Kirkconnell who's been accused of racist behavior -- the next day, Chris apologized and said he was stepping aside as host of the dating reality series but the damage was done as Rachel Lindsay who is the first Black lead in the franchise's history revealed she won't renew her Bachelor contract and current Bachelor Matt James supported her -- as for Chris, the fallout continues as Crest are considering pulling down ads featuring him but with critics calling for his ouster Chris wants his job back and no one at ABC wants to see him replaced but those conversations are happening
Page 5: Miley Cyrus has an idea how to help Britney Spears in her legal battle to replace dad Jamie Spears as her conservator -- Miley is hoping she and Britney can record a classic song together like an anthem like Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves or Enough Is Enough and she's hoping to get Britney on board but that may be a challenge with the legal restrictions in place
* Mom-of-eight Kate Gosselin didn't get what she was asking for on her house in Pennsylvania -- it's upsetting that she got less than she paid for it but her hand was forced; it costs a lot to keep up a house like that on 20-plus acres and with years of roughhousing, it needs a lot of work -- with twins Mady and Cara already in college and the sextuplets growing up, Kate hopes to jump-start her career and she's dying to leave Pennsylvania and head to Hollywood
* Paris Hilton's boyfriend of just over a year Carter Reum dropped to one knee on a gorgeous private beach and offered Paris his heart and a sparkler from Cartier and she said yes -- close family was on hand to celebrate the couple who have been friends for 15 years and the party went on well into the evening -- now Paris is already making wedding plans for something simple and elegant with a gorgeous dinner and the couple is ready to start a family sooner rather than later and she's hinted she's already started IVF and if she gets pregnant they'll just push up the wedding
Page 6: Ryan Gosling needed some time off after 2018's moon-landing biopic First Man because he really became Neil Armstrong during the six months of shooting and he was absolutely drained after finishing it and he spent the next two years with wife Eva Mendes being a full-time dad to their two young kids -- now he's back and with three movies lined up, he's looking at a $75 million paycheck this year -- in addition to The Gray Man, he's gearing up for a Wolfman update and another space adventure called Project Hail Mary -- he wants to be a popcorn-movie star and he's going full-blown buff-and-shirtless action hero
* Allen v. Farrow is a new investigation into 1992 allegations about Woody Allen by his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow and her mother Mia Farrow that digs up damning new evidence against the director -- one harrowing home video shows the then-7-year-old Dylan saying her dad touched her privates and later a doorman and a building manager and a maid at Allen's NYC residence raise questions about when Woody began his shocking relationship with Mia's teen daughter Soon-Yi -- Mia also expresses fear in the doc, saying she worries that when the documentary comes out he'll be on the attack again and he'll do whatever he has to do to save himself
* Star Spots the Stars -- Julia Roberts, Joe Jonas, Luann de Lesseps, Christina Aguilera, Kaia Gerber, Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young
Page 8: Star Shots -- With balloons and a box of chocolate in hand lifestyle expert Gretta Monahan arrived at The View, Melissa Gorga snacked on a huge box of sweets between Zoom interviews to promote the 11 season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Vanessa Lachey prepared to host a Galentine's Day celebration with macarons and wine
Page 10: Jenna Dewan making a plant-based meal, Selling Sunset's Christine Quinn and her husband Christian Richard sipped juice bar drinks while running errands in Beverly Hills, Hugh Grant stopped to tend to his laces while out for a walk in Chelsea in West London, Carrie Underwood prepped for her daily workout session in pieces from her Calia fitness apparel line
Page 12: After a stop at the Kidding Around children's store Bradley Cooper had his hands full walking with his daughter Lea in NYC, Sofia Vergara chic in a blowout and patterned top in Beverly Hills, Justin Bieber looked comfy in a message tee and pajama bottoms in L.A.
Page 13: Thandie Newton looked tense while Chris Pine hit the ground running as the two filmed the spy thriller All the Old Knives in London, Jon Bernthal braved the frigid water while Gretchen Mol bundled up on the set of American Gigolo in L.A.
Page 14: Think Pink -- Jennifer Lopez hoisted an oversized customized bubble-gum hued Coach satchel in a promo shot in NYC, Cardi B slipped on neon sneakers from her Reebok collaboration to shop on Rodeo Drive in L.A., Hilary Duff showing off a peek of her growing baby bump on the set of Younger in NYC
Page 16: In town to film The Hills: New Beginnings with their castmates Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag played in the snow with their son Gunner in Lake Tahoe
Page 17: Mandy Moore and husband Taylor Goldsmith celebrated their last Valentine's Day before parenthood with a romantic stroll in Pasadena, Michelle Obama on her new children's show Waffles + Mochi
Page 18: Chris Meloni and Mariska Hargitay in NYC, hiding her locks in a cute newsboy cap Brooke Burke grabbed dinner at Nobu in Malibu, Krysten Ritter brought her son Bruce to meet some farm animals at the Gentle Barn in Santa Clarita
Page 20: Normal or Not? Farrah Abraham suffered a serious wardrobe malfunction while hitting the sand in Malibu -- not normal, Nikki Reed gushing over her therapy chicken -- normal, Property Brothers' Drew Scott booty bumpin' with wife Linda Phan -- not normal, Lucy Hale lovingly held onto her new dog Ethel while fueling up her ride in L.A. -- normal
Page 22: Fashion -- stars in pastel frocks -- Heidi Klum, Sophia Bush, Chrissy Teigen
Page 23: Rihanna, Kirsten Dunst
Page 26: Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are having sexy slumber parties at Kourtney's $8.5 million Calabasas pad and they are spending so much time together and she loves having him sleep over and he'll stay the whole weekend -- Travis who has lived nearby in the gated community for years is already making himself at home and not only has he moved a bunch of stuff into Kourtney's property but she leaves him to chill out and enjoy his space if she has to run errands -- even if it seems the couple is moving and moving in fast, their respective broods are on board with the new arrangement and Kourtney's kids Mason, Penelope and Reign love having Travis around and meanwhile the door is always open for Travis' kids Alabama and Landon, and Travis and Kourtney do a lot of fun stuff with their kids together -- there's already speculation that the move-in will be permanent because Kourtney knows a good thing when she sees it and Travis checks all the boxes
Page 27: Meeting the in-laws might be a little complicated for newly engaged Shailene Woodley and Aaron Rodgers because the Green Bay Packers QB is famously estranged from his Chico, California-based family -- in 2016 Aaron's younger brother Jordan Rodgers exposed the rift while competing on The Bachelorette and at the time, fans blamed Aaron's then-girlfriend Olivia Munn for turning him Hollywood but the trouble continued after their 2017 split -- now that he's with Shailene, Aaron doesn't want to bring her into that toxic atmosphere but Shailene who once called her own folks super f**ked up is not deterred and she is encouraging Aaron to let bygones be bygones but he's not ready
* Melissa and Joe Gorga's marriage troubles will play out on the new season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey but their issues are even worse behind the scenes and they've been butting heads as Melissa's career continues to skyrocket so she's distracted with work and doesn't have time for Joe and he feels neglected and he isn't one to hold back -- it doesn't help that the Envy boutique owner was rumored to be getting close to another man -- the couple is trying to work out their issues for the sake of their three kids but Melissa may be done
Page 28: Cover Story -- George Clooney and Brad Pitt: The Breaking Point -- fights, jealousy and other women -- the former besties had a major falling out and now mutual friend Sandra Bullock is desperate to reunite them -- George and Brad have barely spoken in eight years and they've definitely gone their separate ways and Brad's ex-wife Angelina Jolie played a big part in the demise of their friendship because Angie felt George took Brad away from her and their kids -- Amal Clooney found Angie unbearable and that was kind of the point of no return for Brad and George -- George is struggling to regain his luster as a director while Brad is out there winning Oscars
Page 32: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Interview Shockers -- as they prep for baby number two, Harry and Meghan announce a no-holds-barred interview, leaving the palace on edge
Page 34: Celebs in Wheel Trouble -- don't drink (or drug) and drive; these stars got caught making some very bad decisions -- Bruce Springsteen, mug shots of Justin Bieber
Page 35: Reese Witherspoon, Vince Vaughn, Lindsay Lohan, Michael Phelps, Khloe Kardashian, Henry Thomas, Heather Locklear, Jesse Luken, Mel Gibson
Page 36: Beauty -- curl care -- strengthen every type of wave and coil with cool new miracle workers
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Bill Murray teamed up with NFL player Larry Fitzgerald for the AT&T Every Shot Counts Charity Challenge in Pebble Beach -- despite landing in third place, Bill and Larry made a great pair, earning an impressive $209,000 for local charities
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nettlewildfairy · 3 years
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I posted 8,951 times in 2021
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For every post I created, I reblogged 25.9 posts.
I added 107 tags in 2021
#cr spoilers - 34 posts
#cr 3 liveblog - 14 posts
#wwdits spoilers - 10 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#this toilet was so popular in all the goth groups i’m in on facebook that it got banned because wilt was the only thing anyone posted about
My Top Posts in 2021
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I love Howl and Sophie’s relationship. Neither will tell the other their feelings 50% because they haven’t realized it and 50% because they both are too stubborn and prideful to give the other the satisfaction. Idiots to lovers mutual unrealized pining. Howls out there flirting with Sophie’s sister while Sophie is cutting up his favorite suit with scissors. Their relationship is a completion of mutual one upmanship that turns into begrudging respect. Incredible dynamic, Interpersonal relationship nightmare, I love them so much. Both powerful wizards up to no good who refuse to be honest about literally anything. 1000/10
39 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 21:12:56 GMT
A volcanologist finally answered the burning question on the tip of everybody’s tongues what Would eating lava be like?
89 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 15:40:45 GMT
I’m continuing my reread of howls moving castle and I’d like to add another point for: there’s some gender going on there for the bit when Howl refuses to wear a suit for his sister who demands it of him and instead turning his elaborate fanciful wizard outfit into a dysphoria hoodie for the family visit. Like he can magic his clothes into anything and he chooses getting yelled at and wearing an old hoodie over a nice “gender and formality appropriate” suit or showing up in clothes he likes. Considering “liking fancy expensive whimsical clothes” is one of howls main personality traits defined by both him and the other characters this seems like one hell of a choice. Anyways shoutout to the dysphoria hoodie.
90 notes • Posted 2021-10-30 21:47:38 GMT
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You what now?
Geology as a science typically involves like a lot of trespassing. Rocks and outcrops don't typically follow propperty lines and while i was at university the UK for a while had like a right to wander which means that you can basically walk through any old field or yard you feel like in a lot of the countryside but they've since changed it I think, but it got me and my classmates in the habit of ignoring things like fences. However when you bring a bunch of student geologists and set them loose on a small range of hills in spain they're going to wander around. Most of it was like public lands I think but one area had like a super obviously important rock in it. It like clearly would connect to the others in a way that was important for mapping but you did have to duck under a chain link fence to get to it. and the chain link fence did say no trespassing. Anyways we went in to look at the rock but like the sounds of dogs barking and angry voices in the distance and an instructor finding us from the street and vigorously motioning to get the hell out of there led to us getting out of dodge.
But apparently the professors and this person have a HISTORy.
we did get those good good rock measurements tho.
108 notes • Posted 2021-06-11 18:50:58 GMT
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He stick his leggy out real far
108 notes • Posted 2021-02-04 18:18:42 GMT
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