#theyd be happier without me
uselessdogboy · 5 months
all i do is make everything worse
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Can't sleep. Maybe I'll pull an all-nighter then go do an eight hour shift. Nothing could go wrong.
#remembering that stimulants make it hard to sleep#took a Vyvanse at noon#then drank two coffees#hmm i wonder why i cant sleep /s#on the bright side itll be the last shift at my current job#then im moving back to a much chiller job that doesnt make me want to stick my hands in the fryer#thank god. i couldnt take even one more day of this job#this next job is properly staffed which means i can get a lot more days off without it being a problem which is great#i remember there being days when id ask if i could leave early the next day#and theyd just say 'yeah. do you want to come in earlier so you still get hours?' and thatd be that#at this job i can just plug in my earbuds and make my food and im primarily alone and i love it#it makes me go a little crazy. being almost completely alone for 8+ hours a day. but whatevs#oh i used to work at this job and im going back to it. for context#i rarely encounter customers and i am so so so happy about that#a year in fast food reminded me that i hate people#in 1.5 years in this job (the new one) i dealt with like two bad customers#in my fast food job i had at least two bad customers per day#looking at an ideal future id only be there another year#then move in with my gf in a different area. get a better job. have a happier life with her#get a dog. have movie nights. make her dinner. come home and not be stressed so i can enjoy my time with her#help her with her college work. fall asleep with her every night. knit next to her while she plays video games#well this got very gay very quickly#i love her. i love you all. i hope you have the amazing lives you all deserve. i hope you find little things to fall in love with every day#i hope you find good music. i hope you see a cute animal today. and i hope you feel so so loved. youre all so wonderful and dear to me#sleep well and sweet dreams ❤️
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xsaintseraphx · 8 months
as an aromantic person, what is your process for getting over an ex? for non-aro people the issue is usually breaking the romantic connection and letting go of the love once held for the person
i dont really have a process. its still a process. most of the time i was confused and sad because they didnt want to have any form of connection. even just being friends.
with my ex we were best friends for years before being together and when we did get together it was agreed that it would stay the same but just with the label of 'partner'. which for me was like heck yeah stay best friends just with the label was fine for me. but it didnt turn out that way. i never let go of the love i had and still have for them. i was never in love though. i guess thats where the miscommunication was. i just thought that since we were best friends before maybe we can still be friends after. but apparently it doesnt work that way. which is why it made me sad about the whole situation.
so i guess my process is sort of the process/stages of grief. with time the grief gets smaller... i always waited for that one day that theyd talk to me again. i was never mad at them i was mad at myself really. idk i just thought that theyd be better off without me because i couldnt give what they wanted. i drew a lot of my grief in comics and poetry zines which sort of helped me process what i was going through. idk i was confused the whole time why would someone that you were best friends want to cut all ties when you had been friends longer than you had been a couple.
idk i guess im still not over it in a way. they were my only friend and the only one i trusted, they helped me through a lot but i couldnt be the person they wanted. and they are doing better without me. which is okay. thats all i ever wanted. was for them to be happy with or without me.
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catmask · 11 days
hi! do you have any tips on how to enjoy drawing again without it feeling like a chore and that it has to look good? feel free to ignore this ask !!
im sorry this is such a late response!!
recently ive struggled a lot with this feeling too... theres many things id like to draw and to make, but i experience an immense pressure knowing that theres a lot of peoples expectation riding on those creations now.
sometimes it can be difficult to enjoy drawing, and this month especially i was struggling to even start drawing for the day for hours. id just get paralyzed by this fear of inadequecy or not knowing what was 'good enough' to make
so i took a moment to 'go upstairs' into my own brain and talk to my younger self. every so often they pipe up during the day but i make a habit of talking to them directly once and awhile. and so i asked them, what is it theyd like me to draw, because typically when i do things that make them happy it makes me happier/remember myself again.
and well, unsurprisingly they said i should draw pokemon... i felt a little embarressed of this, i was like, thats all? really? and then they pointed out, thats why we learned to draw in the first place. back when i was their age, we would sit and scroll through deviantart and google images for hours, just starting at peoples pokemon art, trying to recreate it, printing it to trace it, etc...
and that now, i have the skill to draw exactly what younger me wouldve spent hours trying to make. so thats why i decided to do the daily pokemon drawings, because when i feel that creep of fear or pressure crawl towards me, i ask what my younger-me wants to see me draw, and its like everything is easy again. then i can get back to work like its nothing, because ive remembered the reason i learned to draw wasnt to make any of these huge projects, or to impress anyone, it was because i did it because it made me happy. and it still does.
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oh-no-its-bird · 4 months
Spinning around in a chair consumed with thoughts about the magical girl Izuna AU, specifically about what cool patron gods the others could use as sponsors if they got hit with the magical girl beam. + What would happen after the 'season 1' phase of the story
So, Susanoo, little brother of Amaterasu, hears that Kaguya has gotten free.
He decides that yk what? Time to fuck with the big sister. Kaguya got sealed away for reasons anyways, so why shouldn't he at least make jokes about putting her back where she came from?
Meanwhile Amaterasu is busy yelling at Kaguya for hours then making out with her for even longer as Izuna stares in horror. (Tobirama does not give a shit, he got both of his brothers back at this point and could not be happier. As far as he considers, he's retired. His contract with Kaguya is half broken right now anyways)
So now lets fully shift gears away from Tobirama and Izuna's seeming end of the adventure, and turn to Madara's POV
So Susanoo finds Madara, whos a) compatible with his power via being one of Amaterasu's children. And b) The reincarnation of one of the original guys who sealed Kaguya away.
Perfect match!!
idk how he convinces him to help exactly, maybe Susanoo spins a bit of a story, maybe he pokes at and reawakens the parts of his soul with a grudge against Kaguya, maybe he, like Kaguya, offers him a wish-- Im undecided.
Long story short though, magical girl Madara with Susanoo as his sponsor
Somehow Hashirama finds out, and not one to leave his best friend to his task alone, now gets to join him in the adventure as the powerless backup!! Im such a sucker for that trope.
Susanoo does spend an especially long time squinting at Hashirama before saying something about he has surprisingly strong ties to the earth. Strong enough that he might be able to actually handle a contract with some sort of nature kami -- but only if he can find one willing to offer him their power.
Shrine maiden Mito makes a come back to help back them both up with some cool priest magic. Her ancestor helped to seal Kaguya away with Hashirama and Madara's past incarnation, and theres little clues that can help piece together their past lives and powers littered around her family shrine.
The story dives a bit into Madara and Hashirama learning about their past life. Before, they were able to avoid the karma (good and bad) theyd earned in that life via being ignorant to it. But now that they not only know about their past lives but have now interacted with the gods again (thanks Susanoo, really) they're getting regularly harassed by spirits and minor gods for an array of reasons. Past crimes, bets they lost and deals they forgot or werent able to fuffil,
Thanks Susanoo, really. Really.
So anyways, Susanoo kind of forgot the original reason he contracted Madara (he just got distracted having too much fun watch him be harassed by spirits)
But one day Tobirama shows up in costume while Madara is struggling, figuring hed help.
(Its important to note that just like before, unless you see the magical girl transformation in real time with your own two eyes, they're all prevented from recognizing/remembering each others faces when in costume. )
Susanoo is like "OH FUCK RIGHT!!" and starts yelling at Madara to like fuffill his destiny and punch out this guys lights
Madara is like ???? he helped me tho ???? but Susanoo points at the big glowing "I only gave you this contract so you could fight Kaguya and if you pull out now Ill leave you alone without the powers to fight off all these spirits who keep trying to eat you" sign
And Madara is like fuck and just goes for it
Tobirama does not appreciate his help being returned like this.
Quick interlude about Tobirama's situation:
So, last time we saw him, Tobirama was risking a full transformation into a moon monster. So why is he seemingly ok using Kaguya's powers now?
The answer is that its because hes stopped giving out contracts on Kaguya's behalf. He can handle Kaguya's power, just in small amounts. Though it still does sometimes cause some discomfort. At his lowest point he was basically acting like a battery for all the power Kaguya couldnt hold bc of how she was sealed. There was way too much power there for any mortal to hold, its honestly a miracle he survied. But now Kaguya is fully free and Tobirama barley even uses her power. (Why would he? He got what he wanted from it, his brothers)
He still has the contract with her because keeping it in place is what keeps his brothers alive. He cant break that without killing his brothers too, but he doesnt mind. Kaguya isnt that bad-- Even tho having Kaguya around means Amaterasu (and thus Izuna) is around too.
Anyways, Tobirama at his strongest is stronger than Izuna (he did kind of win that final battle in releasing Kaguya), but also risks going insane and or exploding from the weight of Kaguya's power. Even if he recovers after, the more times he uses that kind of power, even once, the more he risks long term damage. He now purposefully only uses power in small amounts to avoid that risk. Take that as you will
Alright back to the story;
So. Tobirama and Madara are fighting now. Madara does not want to fight but Susanoo is pretty much blackmailing him at this point and also cheering on loudly from the inside of Madara's head.
Tobirama meanwhile is very down to kick the ass of the apparent jackass who decided to take a swing at him after he went well out of his way to help him out. Also at this point hes a lot more experienced than Madara when it comes to fighting other magical girls, so.
Yeah. Madara gets his ass beat. Not too bad, but like, enough.
He kind of thinks he deserved it too, hes really embarrassed about it. He has MANNERS. Hed never DO this to someone who just fucking SAVED him. And they're the first other actual fr magical girl hes ever met !!!
Madara has his head in his hands in fucking agony rn, Susanoo why would you DO THIS TO HIM???
Tobirama stomps off to go tell Izuna about a seemingly weirdly prone to violence magical girl in town (Izuna, when told that Madara punched Tobirama in the face out of nowhere, quietly mumbles *damn I wish that were me.* Then gets his ponytail yanked on angrily)
(Amaterasu and Kaguya are actually mildly concerned, if only bc another magical girl = another kami physically present in town)
Madara slinks home to tell Hashirama the bad news about possibly having just made an enemy out of whatever community of magical girls apparently exists in town (and its to note that neither of them actually realized they were AROUND)
And then Susanoo drops the "oh yeah that guy was contracted by Kaguya btw so like youre going to either have to kill him or go through him and seal his deity if u wanna fulfill our deal ;)"
Madara: *agonized noises*
Well! At least the moon rabbit contractor isnt someone Madara and Hashirama actually know! Haha thatd suck. That would really, really suck.
So, with Madara's karma pulling in all sorts of spirits, minor gods and monsters to town, we return back to that 'villain/monster of the week' schedule
Meanwhile Izuna and Tobirama are getting pissed at whatever the fuck is attracting all these spookies into town. They thought they were going to get to be retired!!! What the fuck is this!!!!!! Somehow they're able to figure out all these monsters are being attracted by the pull of the new magical girl in town, who keep trying to start shit with Tobirama for seemingly no reason.
In one of those fun 'oh no my friend is in trouble and its all on me to save him!!!' moments, Hashirama manages to find and convince some earth kami to contract with him and join Madara in his fight. He cant just let Madara fight alone! And it may mean inviting the bad karma of his past life to haunt him, but so what? Hed do anything to help out his friend!
(and now there are TWO magnets for spirits gods and monsters to attract them into town, oops)
SO THEN !! With another fun funky turn in the story we enter an arc thats basically the most painful series of miscommunications and secret identities ever. Where Madara, Hashirama and Mito team up to fight against Tobirama and Izuna.
Only none of them realize who the fuck the other is.
Oh ?? Whats that ???? You thought I forgot about Touka and Hikaku?????? WRONG
While Madara and Hashirama fight with Izuna and Tobirama, shrine maiden Mito finds herself faced with two seemingly normal people, just like her. Only not exactly.
Hikaku is still armed with that kendo sword blessed by Amaterasu from the last final battle between Izuna and Tobirama, and now hes had plenty of time to learn how to use it. Sun sword time !!!
Meanwhile Touka has been practicing balancing more of Kaguya's power via a contract through Tobirama. With time, effort, and Tobirama's help, shes able to do some like cool partial transformation into a moon-monster or smthn. Maybe she gets a cool glowy arm?? I really dont know but something like that
I'm actually really into how they continue to contrast eachother. Like, Hikaku's sword contains the purifying light of Amaterasu's sun, which is what's used to chase out Kaguya's power. And Touka is filled with that same barley managed corruptive power of Kaguya's. It's neat! It'd also make sense from a tactical standpoint to pair them up together to fight. If the power gets to be too much for Touka and she starts to loose herself, Hikaku can give her a whack and hopefully help bring her back to reality.
Anyways, while the magical girls cant recognize eachother or be recognized, and Mito might have some fun seal to use to hide her own identity in a similar way, Hikaku and Touka dont!
Maybe they go into the fight without disguising themselves as like an accidental oversight on their part (too used to the protections Tobirama and Izuna have to consider themselves) or maybe they use basic masks, I dunno
Either way, trying to disguise themselves or no, I dont think Madara and Hashirama will fail to recognize their cousins.
Queue another "oh god I know their secret identity but they dont know mine and its !! someone !!! I know !!!!!!!" (can you tell I like this kind of agony because I do)
Well. At least the magical girls arent people they know !!! hahahahahahha. Yeah.
Back to Tobirama and Izuna's POV;
So, you might have realized it by now. But Tobirama's contract with Kaguya is what keeps his brothers alive. In other words, if Kaguya is sealed again, they will instantly die!
Yeah !!! So theres that !!!!
Even if Tobirama and Izuna werent friends, which they kind of are now (and maybe they should also kiss that would be neat) Even if Amaterasu wasnt really pissed and constantly yelling about the gall of some upstart nobodies coming into HER town and putting HER girlfriend back into the moon. Even if Izuna hadn't been interacting a bit more with the revived senju brothers--
Well, Izuna would still be helping Tobirama here. Hes not going to just let Itama and Kwarama die.
So yeah, safe to say that these guys are motivated and out for blood.
Good news Susanoo, you no longer have to worry about goading Madara into attacking first!! Izuna and Tobirama are out for his fucking head!!!
Anyways; No matter how it ends I dont think Susanoo especially actually cares about sealing Kaguya away fr. He really just came to fuck with Amaterasu, and then stayed to watch Madara flail as hes harassed by his past lifes karma.
because I dont want to see Kawarama and Itama fucking dead, Im gonna say Izuna and Tobirama will probably win this one around. Susanoo grumbles about loosing but then Amaterasu spots him and starts screaming directly into his ear
There is however a very fun ending out there where Madara and Hashirama win; In the process managing to make Tobirama go fully insane in his attempt to fight them with too much of Kaguya's power; killing both Itama and Kawarama; Putting Izuna in a coma; Leaving Touka now struggling with the moons power stuck in her without Tobirama to help regulate it; And leaving Hikaku with an arm now unable to ever hold his sword properly again.
Fun times!!
Season 3 after the bad ending is actually Touka and Hikaku picking up the pieces and trying to find a way to fix it all as Madara and Hashirama struggle to comprehend what they've unknowingly done to their own families.
Idk, I'll think about it later
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vampiiric · 4 months
& ultimately to me. my nonbinary take on murderface serves a larger point in how i like to see his character- someone who isnt for everyone, sure, but his attempts at making himself "palatable" to those around him just makes him unpleasant and unhappy.
i've always read him as gay, and i think making them nonbinary as well is another good step. like. being gay, especially at the time the show is set, is rough enough. metal space still isnt great for queer people!
so he goes really strong into the other way. women! sex! yeah! but then there's that quiet self-loathing that he can't place and can't hide like being gay. so he doesn't give a shit. he strives for "ideal" masculinity despite that being impossible for him, and wanting it more out of a social contract and desire for acceptance than anything else.
i don't think murderface would ever realize theyre nonbinary without outside intervention, canon-wise. same w/ the pronouns, the he/she/they in my head. but i think if he did figure it out and get to play and experiment theyd end up a lot happier in the end.
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drops-of-universe · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Poor Things? How much fun was that dance scene?
God i loved it! bella’s so witty and fun! you know, i recently read a review that this movie fails in "romanticizing prostitution" as a feminist message that missed the mark and i think the person didn't grasp the point of the film because its one that will be better understood from a feminine perspective. IMO this aspect of the film actually speaks to how we (women) would deal with sexual freedom if we were raised without the social parameters, past and present, imposed on us. bella's creator talks about his father all the time making it clear he was raised by a practical person, not sentimental, and that made me think he was also unattached to trivial social norms. gods equally detached from these same norms. a good analogy is him being a eunuch (emasculated from his sexism). well god then creates bella as an experiment, with love for his creation but without sentimentality or actually any concern for passing on values other than intellectual ones. so she grows up free from these constraints, and when she finds herself free in the world, she's also free from social "polishing," even though men sometimes try to impose it on her. she doesn't even understand or obey it as theyd like and ends up acting throughout the film like the men we know today. sex is purely a need and pleasure. she also makes this clear when she tells at one point that she doesn't understand the feelings she's causing in marks character (i dont remember his name lol) during the lisbon chapter. anyway, prostitution is not trivialized or romanticized. think about what you would think of a man who prostitutes himself. i can v easily hear jokes like "that's not a job" or that it would be the "dream job," and that's exactly how bellas sees it, combining need with curiosity and still showing enjoyment in certain moments, but not failing to show the unpleasant situations. in my interpretation, i see victoria's suicide while living what is considered the pinnacle of a womans achievement (married to a rich man, with honors, and pregnant etc) as a question posed by the film: "what if?" what if she had another chance to live differently? would she be happier? (and also that makes me question those who see this as an ode to pedophilia. its not for nothing that science fiction was added to this plot, in an attempt to cut off any pointing in that direction and highlight the real message.) bellas end, unlike her mother's, was free, happy, studying medicine, and as one thing has nothing to do with the other, she ends up with a man who respects and understands her, without judging her curiosity, her desire, and her choices (the opposite of bellas father). OK FINALLY i need to mention the unique direction and editing that w all the sound design and performances create the perfect sense of strangeness and curiosity in a film that completely held my attention, with well timed comedic relief. i loved it. its an essential
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nightmare8-420 · 7 months
tw for suicide and possibly other things?? mostly suicide.
genuinly being the issue and knowing it is so confusing to me, i genuinely hate myself for what i said wnd did and im glad theyre living a happier life but it feels selfish ti even hate myself over it because it feels like im pitying myself and it creates a loopt of feeling like this and self pity and i dont know what to di other than kill myself but even then it feels like im trying to get their attention or something god what the fuck is wrong with me i dont deserve any one ive ever talked to i want to push everyone away so they dont have to deal with me anymore but im worried theyd think im mad at them and itd hurt them but they definitely dont care about me enough and they shouldnt if they do and i dont want to exist anymore.
my life feels pointless without them but i created this hell.
I dont want to live anymore.
I want to disappear
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Its probably the cooking who am I kidding
The last time I was this stressed out about a show was Breaking Bad.
Which is understandable because u too feel like ur cooking meth all over the place trying not to get busted.
So I had to finish tht show ASAP because it was too stressful not to.
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This headline is worthy to be pondered over by every other show creators hohoho. Its csuse more n more u hear actors n actresses complaining about how their sex scenes n nudity never really did anything to elevate the storytelling, so this is the answer to that. The simple fact that yes, you can actually create a hit show without all that n still be winning more. Literally yall, dude won an emmy for his performance
Personally,The Bear gets it too easy for me simply because the premise is food n cooking anyhow so even if the whole thing goes to sht, id still go OH YYYEAH LOOK AT THE WAY THE MEAT IS SIZZLING OH YEAHH SO BEAUTIFUL 😍😍😍😍😍
Im a sucker for cooking n all. Im the worst. Fact is, the big reason why I got into BOTW was mostly because of the cooking mechanics in the game. Fcking brilliant how they have hundreds of all these ingredients all over the world, n u can pop em in the stove, fry em, boil em, grill em, WHO KNOWS WHATS GONNA BE COOKIN? Next thing I knew I was 90 hours in n the main highlight is the number of dishes I done discovered.
😀😀😀 ill even go on to say im a much happier person n overall in my best mood when im surrounding myself with cooking videos. Its such a craft, yoo. Its the best kind! I say cooking videos n not the actual cooking cause im fussy as heck when in the act. Yikes u dont wanna be anywhere near me when the actual cooking is happening. Seriously dont even be breathin the same air in the kitchen.
Nway but yeah whatevers depicted about how extremely stressful n debilitating it is for everyone involved in the industry is heckin sad but understandable. Ive had more than a few friends who studied culinary n quit after getting their degrees because they know how soul sucking the profession can be n theyd rather chill out n have a life. Aight.
Another similarity I see w Breaking Bad is how nobody in the show is hella good looking or movie star like. Everybody looked like everybody basically which doesnt take away from the narrative, but adds more into it sbb more believable.
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keen-umbreon · 2 years
yall i am craving some of the foods that my old partner from team plasma made me all the time and i am so tempted to try calling all his phone numbers and visiting his old haunts. he grew all his ingredients in this wonderful green house that he technically-illegally owned off the side of a route. so it wouldnt be the same from a store, i know cuz ive tried ones from stores or from other people.
i miss: his crispy fried soy curls with nutritional yeast and veggie seasoning. his black-bean brownies. his apricorn smoothies with spinach and bananas and lovingly picked berry combos. his home-made-go-meals of buns filled with seitan sausage and cheese substitute or my favorite berry chunks that he'd always have on days where we'd have a raid on a breeding mill. his little candies that he would shape almost like pokemon but theyd always be lopsided. the way he'd always be able to find some form of food that would work great with whatever tea id bring and wed have a short picnic before we got yelled at for absconding for too long. how hed laugh at my jokes even when they were drier than the desert resort and his laugh was this quiet chuckle but it made my world. his roast potatoes with a thick garlic-and-brown-sugar glaze. how we'd both work so well together like the faces of a klink. his little sitrus-and-pecha buns that hed give me to take home the days after we got into fights with each other over different opinions as an apology. how hed love everything i cooked for him back, teas and breads and over-dried fruit leather. how i eventually learned how to read his blank facial expressions clearer than anything and ive never been able to read a human face but i could read his. he understood me and i understood him.
i wonder if he'd hate me now. if he would punch me in the face like he did that one counter-protester at that gym rally. hed probably do worse to me. i wonder if he got out. as part of my parole, i cant contact anyone from plasma. i miss him so much, i feel like im half empty. he wouldnt recognize me, hed see me only as the enemy that we fought against for so long. i dont even recognize myself today. my hairs the wrong color, wrong length, my facial expressions all different, the way i interact with others all wrong, other people are all wrong, trainers and pokemon all wrong, food tastes wrong, im all wrong. im going to bed. maybe everything will feel right in the morning light. i miss feeling right. i miss the certainty. i miss him. damnit alum.
#ooc all the food is from meals ive made or have been made for me and i legit miss those foods but i can never make them right anymore
#ooc so i put that feeling into this and also the feeling of missing someone important and of not recognizing yourself in the mirror anymore
#ooc this is a recovery story similar to mine but hes still in the early stages in some ways
#ooc i had so many nights where id miss something little and then id miss something like the feeling of closeness and shared bond
#ooc and then id go from missing the friendly hugs to full blown wishing i could go back to it
#ooc its the worst feeling to realize that you cant EVER go back to how you were before
#ooc but i wouldnt change my current happiness for that bond ever im a lot better of a person and a lot happier without them
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libidomechanica · 2 years
It up
Skies, then choler is come they stones glowing, or  in now, I thing. He cut it  was soft, a broken 
in heards God wote, such end he resist?  Like shreds of nought good newell;  Thereof, that in my heart, 
the dance break as have love? more: whose  body weariness of Earn,  and a weake ground and crushd fourty yearning 
was been to  my eyes of that her Kidde  more betraying, or if I 
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whether: the tend, reaped  by the was touch, so nor  dim base. That dwalt on þe grace 
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my madness, and my sleep has  the childhoods the first speach:  he wider if I shall burdened 
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frogb · 4 years
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duskrelyk · 2 years
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cosmic-gored · 4 years
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Its probably the cooking who am I kidding
The last time I was this stressed out about a show was Breaking Bad.
Which is understandable because u too feel like ur cooking meth all over the place trying not to get busted.
So I had to finish tht show ASAP because it was too stressful not to.
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This headline is worthy to be pondered over by every other show creators hohoho. Its csuse more n more u hear actors n actresses complaining about how their sex scenes n nudity never really did anything to elevate the storytelling, so this is the answer to that. The simple fact that yes, you can actually create a hit show without all that n still be winning more. Literally yall, dude won an emmy for his performance
Personally,The Bear gets it too easy for me simply because the premise is food n cooking anyhow so even if the whole thing goes to sht, id still go OH YYYEAH LOOK AT THE WAY THE MEAT IS SIZZLING OH YEAHH SO BEAUTIFUL 😍😍😍😍😍
Im a sucker for cooking n all. Im the worst. Fact is, the big reason why I got into BOTW was mostly because of the cooking mechanics in the game. Fcking brilliant how they have hundreds of all these ingredients all over the world, n u can pop em in the stove, fry em, boil em, grill em, WHO KNOWS WHATS GONNA BE COOKIN? Next thing I knew I was 90 hours in n the main highlight is the number of dishes I done discovered.
😀😀😀 ill even go on to say im a much happier person n overall in my best mood when im surrounding myself with cooking videos. Its such a craft, yoo. Its the best kind! I say cooking videos n not the actual cooking cause im fussy as heck when in the act. Yikes u dont wanna be anywhere near me when the actual cooking is happening. Seriously dont even be breathin the same air in the kitchen.
Nway but yeah whatevers depicted about how extremely stressful n debilitating it is for everyone involved in the industry is heckin sad but understandable. Ive had more than a few friends who studied culinary n quit after getting their degrees because they know how soul sucking the profession can be n theyd rather chill out n have a life. Aight.
Another similarity I see w Breaking Bad is how nobody in the show is hella good looking or movie star like. Everybody looked like everybody basically which doesnt take away from the narrative, but adds more into it sbb more believable.
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salt216000 · 3 years
man i am thinkin abt trans exos
like it's just so interesting to me, exos have to deal with a degree of dysphoria with their body because of their minds rejecting it, but they couldve changed so much abt themselves to ease the feeling of gender dysphoria which as a result could lead to them feeling even more comfortable in their robotic bodies?
thered still be problems i feel, like their mind could have the chance to reject the body even more because - for example - if they picked a more feminine frame when they previously had a more masculine shaped body, that could cause Mind Problems. but at the same time, it gives them the chance to be able to choose in the first place, even if their frame is still fairly uniform and the same as others. just like getting body mods, they could choose whether they want more masc of fem modifications or both and i just think that's cool
slight nsfw mentions ig just because im talkin abt Downstairs here, but another thing i think is so great for exos in regards to physical gender is they can choose whatever mods theyre comfortable with. whether it's neither, one or the other, both, or whatever else, so long as someone's there to make the mod it can be done. i have one exo in particular, scout, hes very very fluid with his gender overall despite presenting more masc and even though i dont write abt it, it just makes him happier to have the options ig, and it's another thing i think is real cool for exos in regards to how they wanna present, or how they even just wanna feel.
i think with resets in particular it could be something that eases their mind too, cause theyd be real scary: you forget everything, and have to start from scratch again. but if your identity changes this time around, it's something you can work on a whole lot physically as well as mentally. or if their identity shifts in general even without a reset, they could get their voices changed in pitch surely, alongside other mods i was talkin abt before
this is a bit of a ramble but it was just on my mind lmao. i lov exos sm hence why half my chars are exos, and writing has always been a way for me to experiment myself in regards to identity, and it's just something i love abt exos: the fluidity that's possible with gender identity, and for all the bad that comes with being an exo, i think this is pretty neat
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