#theyre just so littol… look at them
lakesparkles · 1 year
have you ever heard of the kodkod? theyre a species of wildcat that are very littol but also very mean. reminds me of a certain empath... (look them up, they're adorable)
OH MY, just yesterday I was watching a video with one, but I didn't how they were called. THEY'RE PERFECT!! So so adorable
Since I got this ask I couldn't stop thinking about how Alex would look as one.... and I could make my computer work again, sooooo
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I did it very fast between other drawings, but I ended up liking this design way more than I expected.
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forwantofacalling · 6 months
hsr yanqing for 3, 7, and 14? and perhaps our girl katniss for 20 and 24? :3
:0 omg hi garnet
3) Least favorite canon thing about this character?
I'm going to be honest with you i rarely remember anything canon about a character if i dislike it unless its TRULY abhorrent. but if we're going with LEAST favorite canon thing...probably that we don't get to see him enough :( where is my jing yuan yanqing post-ghosthunter event closure.
7) What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
draw him small and excitable like a puppy. he's truly just a littol guy. im also a HUGE sucker for whenever someone draws him standing/sitting/flying on his swords i just think its so cool and fun. ALSO i think ALL THE TIME about that one comic in which he keeps calling jy General even when they're alone and at home. and the follow-up one in which jy keeps calling him ANY other title except for his son. theyre so cute.
14) Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
oh god are you TRYING to get me killed on tumblr dot com. i mean i think he looks great in wuxia/xianxia style clothes 🥺 i also think it'd be fun to put him in techwear for an au or something. but other than that i have no notes LOL
20) Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
oh i swear i dont remember enough of the hunger games to answer this. wish i could give you a clever answer of "side character #41 and heres why" but personally im very soft for cinna and katniss's friendship,,, i think a lot about the fact that he requested his mockingjay sketchbook only be given to katniss if she decides to take up the mantle herself because he knew seeing his work would compel her to make the decision even if she didn't truly want to...wish we got to see more of them.
24) What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
god i suddenly have never been in any fandom ever in my entire life. uhhhh. god i think i have to say margaret nearl arknights for refusing to win the Major and instead carrying her competition down the path to the champions hall together. she doesn't do a lot of ground work herself in the trenches but she uses her status as a symbol to lead the charge for other resistance groups in kazimierz. because she's a nearl. all eyes are on her when she steps onto the screen and she knows it. the difference between her and katniss though would be that she wields her identity as the Radiant Knight very intentionally and without outside influence. hm. lots to think about.
anyway thanks for the questions :)) this was fun!
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feelo-fick · 1 year
PHIOOOOOOO you should tell me about yor littol shadow guy........I think they r silly....and purrhaps my oc Castaway and him share a few characteristics.....
feelo... first off they use any pronouns! second of all, theyre a very shy type — theyve lived in the woods away from society for very long, until the moomin-crew discovers them
they actually play the flute!! cause im not sure if youve seen the post about my ancient flute alarm but its the only thing that can wake me up, so i decided to include it into his character HAHAHA if castaway plays anything, maybe theyd play together huhu
he doesnt speak much at first (or maybe doesnt speak at all? im unsure), but i have lots of arc ideas for the future if i ever make comics for him!! if you look back at my og post there were a few comic panels showing him lowering the scarf around his neck and her hoodie, with the episode title "Under the Hood" — it signifies a core part of her arc that i have no time to explain JABSHABD
some more fun facts, at some point she sets up shop (well, more like a tiny vendor stall) in the woods where she sells little trinkets and advice for a few cents or a cool rock HAHAHA they store their things in their little bucket for safe keeping and pulls them out when necessary (e.g. they grab a minnow out of it and just start eating it as a snack)
going back to them speaking, if they do end up not speaking, id like to imagine they speak through drawings in a notebook, so its just a game of pictionary whenever theyre around HABSAHHA itd be funny to see people try to piece together what theyre saying as they grow more and more annoyed and the drawings get messier
anyways thats all! id love to hear about your little guy 👀👀 we can ask eachother questions and take turns! (and if you rp... ive been waiting to do a moomins rp for a while huhuhu)
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odysseys-blood · 4 months
3, 19 and 30 for the ask meme :3
3) films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Funny thing actually i barely watch movies (/// ̄  ̄;///)
i just dont like sitting too long to watch smthn so i rarely watch shows (esp now that its so common to see episodes that are 45 mins long like why??? who asked for this???) and movies r even rarer for me unless i have someone to watch it with otherwise it becomes an Akira situation (took me 2 years to watch the whole thing bc i started, paused halfway to break, and then didnt finish until 2 years had passed)
but if you want at least one then maybeeee They Cloned Tyrone? it was such a fun watch so thats one movie i dont think id get tired of watching. also despite me never having finished the actual game i love Tales of Vesperia: First Strike ive watched that a couple times. besides those i do better reading/playing a game (and if u put those together u get visual novels which i ADORE)
19) favourite thing about the day?
This might not be the intended interpretation but I love watching the sky at dusk and watching the moon at night when its clear (with a few clouds tho i love to see the stars but u gotta admit clouds make the sky look v nice at all times)
if u want a different answer i love that even if theres routine or monotony theres always a little smthn in each day thats different to make it feel like time is actually passing. like a few weeks back we found a turtle near our front door laying eggs! (theres a pond on this complex not far from where we are) it was a v pretty little thing with a funny name (river cooter)
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30) what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
either a littol treat (ik i cant have sweets 24/7 and i dont but like...theyre so good) or seeing or getting a new plushie! i rly want anoyher puffpals one bc theyre so cute but them being a small business means theyre more expensive than most and its so sad bc like. look at this theyre so cute 🥺
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ask meme
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c3rnunnos · 2 years
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some portraits of morrigan and nemo. some info on them under the cut
Morrigan Ite Cohen is my Choir scholar oc. they’re... something. i usually refer to them as pathetic, slimy, generally unpleasant, and they can usually be found doing really neat stuff like munching on pieces of ebrietas, delving deep into nightmares and dreams in the hopes of talking (read: eating) whatever great one hides in there, and their goal in life is to consume and ascend. they think of themselves as a chrysalis, and they want to bloom into something beautiful like the god of the sea they saw so long ago. they are... awfully close to their goal too. they are someone that had no setbacks in life ever (aside from maybe being distant from their family on an emotional level), and proceeded to make everything worse for the people around them. from taking parasites from the hunter’s nightmare and using corpses, living patients and even themselves as a breeding ground for the horrid vermin, to eating the corpses of hunters who stopped dreaming, they truly aimed for the stars and became unbearable to their coworkers. fun fact: the scars on their face are not scars. they can open up and show the eyes on the inside. they tend to bleed the black substance that now makes up a majority of morrigan’s insides. fun fact 2: their hair is a mess of tangles cause they tend to braid sections of it when thinking. the only way to salvage it would be to cut it real short. fun fact 3: they used to be the shortest of my ocs. now theyre in the medium section exclusively cause a tall lanky bastard fit the vibe more than a littol creacher. as i made them worse and more evil, they got taller.
Nemo Heliwr is my White Church Hunter/Good Hunter oc. they were a church foundling, even if they were older than usual when the church finally managed to get them. they underwent a childhood as the object of admiration of a cult, and were made so that one day they may birth the child of a great one; their own mother didnt give them a name, for they were but a passing conduit. they instead told them to hold onto a name, so that they may give it to their child. eventually, as the cult started to get hunted down for their heretical actions, their mother abandoned them with nothing but the clothes on their back, a lifetime of terror regarding the church and the hunters, and a promise to fulfill their purpose. unfortunately for those lunatics, they spent a childhood and adolescence braving the streets of yharnam and scrapping with dogs, beasts and huntsmen, up until they got picked up by a rather concerned Holy Blade. after that, after being offered kindness for the first time in many years, after being offered a place to sleep and good food to eat, education, and a good way to get those violent urges of theirs out... they did their best to keep Yharnam clean. then, everything went to hell, and they traded that secret old name for oblivion; they were awoken on the night of the hunt, the city in a frenzy and beasts running free, old friends dead and gone, and they got to work. Nemo cannot escape their past - they cannot escape the dream, the hunt, and what they were made to do. they may not have conceived the child of a great one, but in the end they did ascend and take that old name for themselves. fun fact: Heliwr is simply welsh for hunter, and Nemo means no one. since they had no name or surname, they were given something rather ironic by ludwig. fun fact 2: the scars on their face are nothing compared to the scars hidden by their bandana and hood. they were mauled by a dog when they were a child, and survived by miracle. fun fact 3: their eyes are just like that. kinda weird to look at.
i like drawing them together cause they are kind of opposites in my mind, ya know? morrigan, so openly pathetic and disgusting, with no regard for their appearance or the feelings of others as they desperately try to become something more VS nemo, always guarded and hiding their fear and anger under a facade of coldness, unblinking and violent, trying desperately to avoid the destiny lain before them. i have a small confrontation between them written down, and it’s always a pleasure to break down nemo in front of that depravity. plus, since they knew each other (morrigan taught them how to read and write and anything required for them to be a functional member of society)... ah, pain.
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cleaning-n-crew · 2 years
What are your guy's favourite idols?
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Well... I've admired Marina from Off The Hook greatly since I moved to Splatsville, she's one of my biggest inspirations when it comes to my artistic career. But I really enjoy Deep Cut too, both their music and their personalities. I'm specially fond of Shiver, though... Mmmaybe because our musical tastes are the closest?
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WELLLL I like Frye and Callie cuz theyre so fun and energetic omg but I must say that Frye is my favourite of them like. Shes SO badass and her looks and moves are 17290/10 you SLAY girl And man I just like Off The Hook as a whole like Pearl is THE DOPEST littol squid just behind Janny ;) love her vocals (and music before they made the group lmaoo) And Marina...I mean who DOESNT like Marina, shes just a Model (tm) role and not :^P
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Ahh, huhmm, well,..,. My, my favourite idols........,from ,uhm each each group are Marie and, Callie, I like, them bec ause they, hum, were very, very, kind to me and, of the first thing s I, remember is ,,.listening to to Calamari Inkantation Aand uhm,. , Ii dont kno Off The Hook much to be honest,,..,.,but I like Pearl becos sheis like small like me and shes so fierce and cool I dunno I guess I liek seeing such a, a tough inkling that is, like me iiiitgives me comfort someway And, Big Man is ., ....the only stranger I met that that didnt make me feel... anxious And I, like his song the most The rythm, thevoices... I.I,,. really like that song
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tartppola · 2 years
Fine day, if I may leave a message (that I wish shall lift the sides of your lips for today), I would like to say,
YOUR SILVER AND YUULIS COMICS ARE SO!!!! DCRUMPTIOUS I AM SO EMOTIONALLY INVESTED IN IT ESPECIALLY THEM AS KIDS ITS SO ❤️😭 that i wanna go cROOWWOmpCHustomMMRP (I tries making it slubd like the sound im making rn and im not sure if its fallin thru) BUT YEAH I LOVE IT
Especially like,,, lilia and your yuu??? I wanna see more from them honestly the dynamic is so funny like its just the rhing youll take out to get a good laugh on before going on to the rest of your day + your yuu is just so interesting in general that i wanna know more of them and their syory in general and plus,, your art????
Your art is so cute, irs simple, sure but i can see it, the absolute hardwork in it and how it feels so special that when i see it, i know its yours and not anyone else??? Bc its kind of ingrained in a way plus it looks so,, warm? And nice i cant explain it eloquently enough rn mb mb 😭 but i hope the sincerity and genuinity comes through plus how dare you make me so invested in ace + deuce+ yuu so much more like?????? I can't believe youve done this to me and now w how much im invested bc each time i see your artwork of those three (+ grim) its now lowkey ngl my oasis in a scorching desert because i barely see content for them and stuff so now when i see your work i just go !!!!OHHHH!!! Whooooahh!!! Or just :) its them! (Cue me kicking my feet later about it when i think about it)
Oh and if i remember righr??? YOUR KALIM COMIC!! i think its the first one i saw from you the hiwagang ganda(?) Or somrthing where kalim just goes ... wow... while seeing yuu in a crowd and stuff its so cute and everything began falling for me there bc then you began hunting my recommendations feed and im so glad you did thank you, blessed, tskr, and I hope you have a nice day and everytime you finish a drawing you will always smile and feel content
And also i think i recall a post from you making a copypasta(?) Of lyrics and that was so weirdly funny in a way that for the next weeks of it, whenever i think of it i just smile like,,,?? AHHAHA but anyways sleep well and tqke care od youtself and everything and sorry if i gave you a syroke w this 😭 (like the misspells and stuff)
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AHSGSHHFKF omg!! sorry this took so ling to respond i get like super overwhelmed when i see big blocks of text but aaaaa tysm!!!!
i’m so honored that you feel that way about my art hhhabdkf ngl i haven’t been able to do more than doodles as of late cus of college + zines but im so glad you still like my silly littol doodles uhuhuhu
i’m also glad that you’ve taken a liking to my guy yuulis uhuhehdhf theyre just my silly little guy! NOT GONNA LIE.....they don’t have that much lore HAHDHAHHDD ( only like super close oomfs know their lore 👁👁 ) but I do have a separate canon divergent version of ch.7 where I hamfist Yuulis lore into it HAGDHAHAHA but I want to see how ch.7 goes first before finalizing it.
and also aaa i’m so glad you like the Young Silver + Lilia comics! they’ve been such a comfort to draw and think about lately hhgrhg
AND IM ESPECIALLY GLAD IVE INFECTED U WITH THE ADEUYUU BRAINWORMS EHHEHEAAAARGHH Ace and Deuce compared to other characters are already so,, so hard to find individually,,,ITS ALSO EVEN HARDR TO FIND STUFF OF THEM AS A COLLECTIVE UUUHUHUHU,,, i’ll definitely draw them more!
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silvershiverz · 2 years
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my littol guy, main self insert rn (he is the silver to my shiverz lol)
some random things i didnt feel like adding in the pic
so cuz theres no official look for the ash people that i know of, its a great opportunity to just. make shit up! so i decided theyre a dull color and have spiky tails (somethin about hair turning to nail KERATIN etc etc).
also hes shorter because ash people being small weird little guys is funny (not super small, just a bit noticeable. the mix of metkayina tho makes him appear just short, but average short YKNOW. small for. manhandling purposes wink wink wink wink
hes so bad with spears and bows, he prefers his weird scythe things to anything else. something far range but still controllable is what he needs, and when he gets to it hes just winging them around and its chaotic but also organized, to him at least
his ikran name is isaac because i like it :] isaac is just like. MY IKRAN hes mine so hes THE ikran for any of my na'vi ocs yknow?
he scares children in his village, never on purpose. sometimes he uses his strange looks to his advantage, his hiss is stuttered and the rattle of his tail is enough to freak them out when theyre intentionally bothering him. even if it works, he always feels bitter after, and wishes it wouldnt.
not expressive like. at all. he feels A LOT though, sometimes his emotion cracks through for a second, but hes quick to hide it. he prefers to handle it alone.
likes to collect pretty shells, but he only grabs the best. sometimes he takes them and makes them into a bracelet for himself or someone he cares about
the tooth on his neck belongs to an akula! dont ask any questions (he found it, akula's scare him to death)
honestly doesnt have a preference when it comes to being on land, in the air, or in the water. he feels he sticks out like a sore thumb either way
likes to bite affectionately, its not something he really thinks about. he'll bite himself as a stim of sorts, so if someone is close enough he might just do it to them instead
the scar on his eye actually extends to his forehead, he has an injury that affects his memory, and occasionally has dissociative episodes. he works twice as hard because he wants to make it clear hes still an effective warrior
speaking of, he is an effective warrior!! he cant bring himself to kill anything more than like.. a fish and he only trains alone because his weapon is not a fighting weapon, its a killing weapon if that makes sense. he doesnt wanna seriously hurt anyone
careless when it comes to his own safety. he will throw caution to the wind if someone he loves is being threatened, ESPECIALLY if its isaac (this is true for all of my na'vi, isaac is wholly beloved smh). will do crazy dumb shit (thats why he has a bullet wound 💀)
never lets his enemies know hes afraid, very nonchalant and bored about most things, and honestly hes pretty passive in general.
fidgets with things constantly, his clothes, rings, etc hes fuckin everything up
thats all i can think of so. hi skdfjsf
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ageless-soul-au · 2 years
he got scars on heem littol feets 🥺 (also i am very intrigued about the brand Ravi had,,care to share sum info bout that?)
i fucking looooove drawing the blade trap scars, they r so painful. all over legends calves in hylian form, and theyre just as noticeable when he's bunny, but now without tall boots and socks to hide them.
about ravio!!!! an excerpt from counterpart:
There were scars around his wrists that he hadn't noticed before, thin, silvery, but jagged and running the entire way around. 
Ravio noticed him running his thumb over them and smiled weakly. ".....I'll trade you story for story, i-if you're interested...."
Link nodded. This was fine. He could do this. “Tell me…?”
"I was arrested when I was eleven. Pickpocketing, for someone who paid me with food. When I wasn't cutesy-baby looking anymore, people started to suspect me when their wallets would go missing..... I spent two years in jail. Got my thieves' brand and everything." 
Link felt like he would regret asking, knowing Lorule, but… “Thieves' brand…?”
Ravio murmured an affirmation, and pulled Link's hand around to the back of his neck. He felt raised skin, scar tissue in the shape of the Lorulean character for T, backwards from the Hylian equivalent, just beneath Ravio's hairline. 
".......The scarf.... It wasn't initially a fashion statement."
Link’s heart hurt. “Shit, Rav… I’m so sorry… That must have been hell…” And, just because he wanted to, and his hand was right there, he let his fingers slide up into his hair below the ridge of his skull. It was coarser and thicker than Link’s, but soft. He liked it.
so ravi grew up in lorule poverty well before hilda's rule, and was caught stealing and was imprisoned and branded.
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for the purposes of asau, lorulean is just backwards hylian, so the letter T is basically the same. if your brain works a certain way, lorulean might not be so hard to read as a hylian that uses the albw/botw lettering system. but he got branded with a T for thief, whereas if, idk say wind were to get caught and charged of piracy and the region had a similar policy, he'd be branded with a P for pirate. brands for crimes can be on the hands, face, shoulders, etc, and this was found out just through some surface googling.
so yeah! rav has done some crimes. legend has probably kissed that brand a lot tbh and wars could too tbh,,,,,
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galarfiend · 2 years
hey so i know its midnight but i think this panel in the comic im working on is super important
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rowan-ashtree · 3 years
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rat-that-writes · 2 years
If you'd like to, hcs for the Mark egos with a s/o that collects plushies?? :0
a/n: this is the cutest idea omg thank you <333 i hope you like it!
tw: one swear word, damien is scared, actor is absolutely insane
this man has genuinely never considered the existence of a plushie
what is the need for it? why is it so soft? why is it so small? why does the little nose make him feel so…. n i c e ?????????
if you have like a HUGE mountain of a collection, he might be a little overwhelmed at first
he’s not into the idea of hundreds of small creatures watching the two of you sleep
one morning you wake up and hes turned them all around so they’re facing away from your bed
you just gotta get him to actually hold one for him to see that they’re not threats theyre just littol guys
he will absolutely buy you plushies all the time
the man wants to spoil you
honestly kinda scared of them
maybe that’s why Dark’s weary of them too
but poor Dames is genuinely quite afraid
especially if you have a big pile of them in a corner or something
he can tolerate them scattered around the bed
but a huge mass of them somewhere in the room makes him really anxious
sorry lol
being the dramatic bitch that he is, he would probably get jealous of them if you liked cuddling them
you would find him cussing at them in the middle of the night
he would have his arms and legs crossed sitting on the bed going “stupid little teddy bear… think you’re better than me? huh? yeah i thought not…”
he looks a little flustered when he sees that you’ve caught him arguing with a stuffed animal
“just come back to sleep, Mark”
“yeah… okay… sorry…”
he cuddles you extra tight that night
while still glaring at your poor little plushie
would absolutely fuel this interest of yours
he carries around a lil horse teddy hes had for years
it’s his good luck charm
he tells you shes called Clover and she sits on his nightstand when he’s not adventuring
whenever you visit some place new, if theres a gift shop hes gonna buy you every plushie in there
he absolutely loves cuddling with you and a million plushies in bed, it’s so cozy
he would call you his teddy bear
he uses that when he wants cuddles and you’re busy
“teddy bearrrr… come back here, it’s coldddd”
yancy didn’t really have many toys as a kid, and none in prison
so when he sees your pile of fluffy cuteness he just gets so dang happy
he loves your plushies
he holds them so so gently as if he could break them
ngl he might steal some to help him sleep better
he wants to have them all over the bed when you two sleep
he likes feeling things around him, having had not much to hold on to in his cell
also you bet that every night hes gonna go to bed holding a plushie and wake up cuddling you instead
whether that’s his fault or yours, he doesn’t care
he just likes to cuddle :3
🚀Engineer Mark🚀
this man has a secret collection of dog plushies hidden under his bed
when you tell him you collect plushies too he gets sososososo excited he wants to show you his so bad
he gathers them all and plops them down on his bed so you can take a look at them
all the while he is nervous and smiling so big because he finally gets to share this with you
he tells you all of their names (yes, all 58 of them are named and have backstories)
then you show him your collection and he is just AMAZED
he wants their names, backstories, relatives backstories, genetic history, driver’s license, medical history, criminal record,
he is just so excited and wants you to know how interested he is in your hobby
because he knows what it’s like for someone to judge you for it and make fun of you
that’s why his is a secret
but now he has someone to share it with!
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Imagine if the cosplay looked eerily like they actually were and Four didn't know until they met the real deal-
Just- a smaller version of one of the Chain looking at them and thinking that they are also all cosplayers- but it's GZFour-
Four absolutely has contacts too n-
theyre probably cosplaying their blorbo so gzfour just. looks like a littol sky.
sky cries bc its too cute
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
(this is gonna be really long, but a lot of buggy things happened and i wanted to share!) im back again and i have good news! bee-atrice and bee-anca came back due to my butterfly bushes finally blooming!
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the last ones kinda blurry, they were moving around a bunch!
also lookit!!
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look how small they are! when i initially took it, i didnt notice that there were two there! im not entirely sure what type of spider they are, but theyre very smol and cute beans! i nicknamed them artemis and apollo!
and look who i saw buzzing around! (and managed to take a pic of!) i didnt wanna get too close to her cuz i didnt want to scare her off, (that and my dog was nearby and i didnt wanna draw too much attention cuz i know my dog would go after her) but i found ms. frizzle again!
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and i found this little guy when i went to the mountains last week (the other pictures were from the week before, but i forgot to show them to you!) sorry this is so long, i just wanted to show them to you since i didnt get to earlier! (also, i was wondering if you could help me id the spider twins and littol moth friend? both are in california, but the moth is from northern cali.)
Bee-atrice and Bee-anca are perfect angels. I can't tell what the spiders are either other than funnel weavers, I'm afraid the photo is too blurry and the angle wrong to see any markings. But they're roommates! How cute. Hope no one gets eaten. Ms. Frizzle is doing amazing work pollinating those flowers. The moth is a geometer, but beyond that, it's not distinct enough for me to ID confidently without looking through a thousand photos and comparing markings. But I can tell you they are a nice friend :)
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spearxwind · 4 years
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god back in the day i used to be absolutely obsessed with it and like, desperately searched for explanations. back in highschool me and my friend would talk about it like every day 
now REALISTICALLY i know its probably not... some huge monster BUT i still think it would be super interesting to know what caused it (malfunctioning signals/sonars? some kinda electromagnetic fuckery going on with the mics?)
its factual (i believe) that the sound was recorded by three microphones at exactly the same time which is very unlikely bc even though sound travels faster in water due to its density they were still too far apart for that to have been the case so its just a cool littol mystery 
as an additional note, as much as i love Huge Monster, i dont need to believe that there are any at the bottom of the ocean anymore because... i know there are. maybe theyre not huge, but all life down there? alien as hell. nothing we ever come up with for science fiction will EVER come close to the shit we already have down in the ocean and i think thats cool as hell. i am also calling them monsters lovingly, at the end of the day they’re just animals vibing and going about their lives, but looking real funky while they do
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lshshfljk well, we do love a volunteer in this house, i too would love to be released from my flesh prison by getting torn asunder
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oh wow thank you!! i actually didnt notice it broke 1000 notes thats really cool! 
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LJKALHK?? i mean, wish granted this is how you look like now
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jzixuans · 3 years
oh she does have a v good horned mal design i like it
anyways i was listening to some of the songs yesterday and two things from d1 caught my littol brain
in evil like me malificent has a lyric about being an absolute disgrace and like core four are disgraces to their parents cause theyre Good so they really are just the evillest cause they went good against their parents /hj
and then in if only mal has a line about like will ben stay when the magics gone and meanwhile... ben is actively getting the magic washed off lol
yes!!! also i think it’s rlly interesting how, so far, in the less than twenty four hours that the r4 have been in auradon, nothing has really gone wrong with their plan, yet mal still questions her mother “is it wrong, is it right, be a thief in the night? ... tell me what to do” like she’s having doubts about their mission even though the wand is within reach and they don’t know about the force field yet so the only things that are deterring her are:
1) her friends’ newfound happiness in auradon (the way evie’s face lights up when they walk into their dorm, carlos and jay having fun playing video games and eating candy, this is what her friends could look like all the time if they didn’t have their parents and the isle’s atmosphere looming over them)
2) ben (his sincerity when he greets her at the beginning catches her off guard)
3) the realization that. if they don’t go through with this, can their parents really do anything about it? 
but then mal realizes the reward if they do succeed will be her mother’s pride and appreciation, and she decides that that’s enough for her to go all in and dedicate all of their time and effort to Getting The Wand
also tying in “promise me you’ll try to be an absolute disgrace” with the way maleficent is constantly expressing her disappointment in mal?? hmmmm self-fulfilling prophecy
also also i love if only sm sm bc ben IS getting the love spell washed off which means that the entirety of the song, he’s lucid and in control of himself and he harmonizes with her, showing that he agrees with what she’s saying, that if only she chooses good, they could be together and she could be happy because he wants that too!!!! 
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