#theyre so silly looking and the colors are so pretty......
todayisafridaynight · 6 months
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y2 daigo dinner but make it healthy <- theres seltzer instead of booze <- this does not negate the heart attack in a can right next to it
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wat-zu · 1 year
bada bing bada boom hits you with a broom aka your ocs
thx for letting me borrowing them grabs them in my pocket and gives them back to u
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Pinkie by @mary-games-and-arts
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Avion by @thedancingartist
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Cross by @nzn43
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Emerald blue by @applesaucify
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Dorado by @toon-melody
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Alvia by @flairya
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hoofpeet · 1 month
popping in to say a few kind words about your art because i never viewed your art as cutesy pretty much ever? i never saw your style is just. cute. and p much anyone who says that has a very shallow way of defining art styles
i admire your style of art so much because of the unapologetic saturation and vibrancy in color, the way you utilize them has so clearly been practiced and curated careful even when you might just have been fuckin around. your sense of color has come to a point where im pretty sure its just instinctual, but even then the attention to detail of how light bounces and how they interact with other colors is nothing less of a very talented skill.
this isnt even mentioning your understanding of form makes me want to Gnaw On My Furniture, you make it look so Easy with your linework. its so gestural but also so compact at the same time-- theres this narrow line you tend to do there there is so much clarity in a silhouette but at the same time it doesnt feel like a posed model, its just a photograph taken. the naturalism is so fantastic, i FEEL like im seeing a snapshot into a world that does not involve me and thats good.
honestly its very upsetting that people chalk up your work valuing nothing more than fanart because there is so much MORE youre clearly doing with style study, color and photo study, research into animal behaviors/biology/interpreting realism into stylized shape and form. frankly, it is a Disservice to you that people think you arent... i dont know deserving to express your goddamn feelings????
anyway this is a long way to say i hope people will stop being shitheads to you n you can find those shitheads to block fully and entirely bc they clearly arent the attentive appreciating target audience they think theyre being
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HEEHEE... thank you ...... I love 2 hear detailed thoughts on my silly ocs and such .. glad you're enjoying them 👍
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starfleetshrimps · 1 year
i love star trek bc it's actually a high school theater production most of the time. We focus a lot on the over-acting, theatricality of the actors and the directors, and that's all well and amazing, but /I/ want to focus on the /TECH/ bc ASHAijnjsdnbhgaARREghghhuuagjkshdmhbAHJBSSHJHIEJBnkjsdjhbsdhjBmahbsjshsbHkjnswkjshsn yea.
FIRST THE SETS?!? they're so silly and stupid? i know they get a lot of shit but the amount of work (not to mention styrofoam) that went into building individual sets for each planet they went to? like sure about 50% of the away missions take place in the california desert (the arena, *cough cough*, etc) but the rest of them have individually made sets that look PRETTY GOOD MAN. they get the point across, they're FUN, and innovative, and they really don't reuse planet sets all that often as well.
PLUS they used traditionally /theatrical/ cycloramas with painted backgrounds and classical cyc lighting (reminiscent of mariano fortuny's domed cyc! i WILL talk more about lighting) which look really cool and once again get shit for being unrealistic.
it's not supposed to look realistic it's supposed to look cool as shit. and it does. shut up. <3
if you view the sets as being modern TV sets then yeah, they're weird, and they look sorta bad, but THEYRE NOT modern TV sets: they're THEATRICAL SETS FROM THE 60-70S. AND I LOVE THEM.
while it's true that some shows in the 60s were developing new lighting styles specifically for TV, remember that in the year 1950 less that 10 percent of US homes had a television. this shit was new. COLOR tv was ESPECIALLY new. nobody knew how to light these things! and actually why would you need a new lighting style, we already KNEW how to light dramatic productions, why would we ever need to reinvent the wheel Stanley Mccandles, Mariano Fortuny, and Gene Rosenthall already invented says Gene Roddenberry and Jerry Finnerman (the head lighting designer). and oh my god i am so ridiculously glad. because the lighting. is so good.
i HAVE seen others talking about how good it is in the super early episodes (Charlie X and the conscious of the King, etc.) and i do agree! but i disagree that the quality goes down. i think it just got a tad bit more subtle as the show went on and it gets less in your face, harder to notice. but i noticed. because I'M the WORST (and also a lighting tech)
the impossibility of listing every example of amazing theater lighting choice they made is absolutely horrific and nasty so i'll just lost some my my favorites:
the cyc! i mentioned before but the cyc they used on away missions was only painted when they needed a specific scene in the background, otherwise? that bitch was LIT. and i LOVE IT.
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any of the scenes where they light spock's face have green and half pink? or even just washing the walls behind him? i eat that shit UP. the METAPHOR. the CONFLICT. i will acquiesce that green and pink are (and were) pretty goddamn industry standard gels (color-films) to add to lights, for subtle contrast, but this is not subtle. it is LOUD. was it purposefully done from a storytelling perspective? no idea. is it cool as shit and interpret-able as hell? absolutely. also sometimes they do it with just green when they want to emphasize his vulcan-ness and other him a bit. like they do it a lot when he's in his room in amok time. anyway.
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whenever they shutter a light so they can emphasize a character's (kirk, we're talking abt kirk here. and *sometimes* spock, and also Charlie in Charlie X but yeah mostly kirk) eyes when they say something #Deep, or just pre-commercial break closure worthy line. it's so SHJSDJBFEJNKN. to add onto this, they'll do a striking half-wash over half of their face sometimes in conjunction and it looks So Good
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The GOBOS. sometimes, they'll just throw light through a gobo, or wall screen, or something, for /visual interest/ and it looks so silly i love it sm. does it make sense from a realism pov? nO. but star trek is a theater production actually and they lit everything using mainly naturalistic techniques! amazing!
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honorable mentions: the glowing time donut, and the entirely random colors in the hallway.
there are so many other examples but this post is long enough lmao. notice the lights next time you watch tos!!,! please!!! <3
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uniformbravo · 2 months
since i've spent the past few days essentially staring at nothing but natsuyuu volume covers i thought it'd be so fun and silly to try and redraw them all from memory tee hee. all 30 (thirty) (三十) of them!!! wheee!!!!
i haven't actually looked at them next to the originals yet so guess what time it is!!!! LET'S COMPARE
starting with volume 1. iconic. show stopping. masterpiece. the mona lisa of natsuyuu SURELY i reproduced every single detail perfectly such that it kickstarts my career as a forgery artist RIGHT
well feast ur eyes
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(im using the english volumes for comparison btw they have a good clear view of the art)
all i remembered for this one was GREEN and it's not even the right shade of green ajgosugdjfkdgj i even made the fuckin. what do u call it. i'll just say yukata??? I MADE IT GREEN AND ITS SUPPOSED TO BE RED i stg if u held a gun to my head & asked if there was any red on vol 1 i'd be DEAD
but i remembered the book of friends is like. weirdly purple? ok well in this pic it looks p gray BUT ON OTHER COPIES...... IF U UP THE SATURATION GKSJKDNFKDG
why is nyanko sensei smack dab in the middle HUH i couldve sworn he was bottom left this is so fucked up and scary. haunted manga volume??????? i bought it from a grarage sale idk you guys-
at least natsume's pose is like kind of right but also that's most definitely a complete accident i can ASSURE u (im rereading this the next day and the pose isnt even CLOSE what are u TALKING ABOUT)
anyway can i just fucking point out the kanji on the book of friends bc that is from MEMORY YEEHAW here's what it's Supposed to look like: 友人帳
LIKE even tho i got the last one wrong ITS LIKE STILL PRETTY CLOSE??? i think i deserve 100 points for this objectively
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OK NOT AS BAD AS I THOUGHT SURPRISINGLY im actually like. i thought i bombed this one completely but liKE THE COMPOSITION??? KIND OF ON POINT. KIND OF GENIUS TBH
i remembered Blue and Madara and like what else do u need rly. butterflies are optional in all scenarios imo
also i NEVER have any idea what natsume's wearing in any of these so i always just like default throw him into his school uniform LMAO u will see a pattern
why is the book of friends burgundy in this one btw. it was GRAY i mean purple definitely purple aha
ok volume 3 im actually scared for i know i fucked up SOMETHING
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HGLKFKGLKFKGFN OK!!!!! OK NOT SUPER AWFUL!!!! just noticed i forgor to color the book of friends fukg
main thing i remembered abt this one was the color of natsume's... attire.... and which characters were present. whats sensei doing all the way up in the top corner tho 0/10
return of the school uniform lmaooooo hm. irrelevant who cares plus didnt ask. all things considered this wasn't as bad as i thought. THE NEXT ONE HOWEVER,
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hsngjfgnfjn okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
sensei's way cuter in this one than i realized wait wtf this cover's cute af how did i never notice. underrated cover -10 @ me. look at his lil BLEP >:O!!!!!!!
i knew there was some fuckshit going on w the yukata in this one ourhg i was just like hehe greeennnn also sensei's there. my work here is done
what is natsume's pose even hgnkg i was straight up making shit up at this point LIKE the first 6 or so covers are SO hard for me to distinguish in my head i should get a free pass for the poses in all of them like i can do whatever i want IM the artist now
oh god whats next vol 5
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OK!!!! like a straight 5/10 TBH i literally forgot i was planning on rating these LMAO
i remembered the like white v-neck shirt thing and his pose kind of??? i had NO idea what to do for the yukata tho i just made it orange and u know what?? close enough. my rule of thumb is just like pick a color and then throw flowers all over it u cant go wrong
taki looks so much more mysterious on the original and also wearing a skirt. i gave her a big stick bc i thought i remembered her having one in general but i think i made that up tbh wouldn't put it past me. got her hat right tho hee haw
cant believe i didn't get natsume's beautiful artwork tho look at that little shit sensei up there god hes so ROUMD literally moma material
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PROBABLY my best one yet uhhhh but i maybe cheated JUST a little for this one ITS LIKE BARELY CHEATING STOP BOOING ME
as i was toying w the idea of doing this redraw thing i was still working on collecting my Images and Pictures so i kinda started taking note of a few small things here & there and one of them was just. the general gist of this cover SO LIKE that's why it's so good LOL
forgor the flowers tho. i literally forget everything that isn't a character like immediately BUT OK CUT ME SOME SLACK like after a point the covers start being whole ass scenes which are SO much easier to remember shit abt than the fuckin Green Void (p sure this is the last green void cover tho)
8/10 composition is gr8 but details like the shirt & the yellow flowers are wrong, also the stick is backwards. i literally looked up what that thing is called and forgot already tee hee
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fuck dude. fuck. i rly thought vol 6 was the last one LOL not to spoil but as i was grabbing these images i saw a Preview of what's to come and the green void lasts until fuckign volume TEN LOL collapses onto the ground and dies
so erhermrm this is vol 7 lolllll i remembered the bg flowers this time can u believe hahaha distracts u from the fact that LITERALLY everything else is wrong auhghg
u know what the green void turned into bushes and i think that's beautiful.... like points for creativity on my part tbh. like to be completely honest. 3/10 i got the characters right
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YO????? GATE CONFIRMED LET'S GO?????? it's definitely the school gate but i choose to believe natsume & tanuma r in jail for crimes and u should too
actually this is shockingly accurate for how much i goddamn struggled w this one gkjsldkg the CHARACTERS are right the OUTFITS are right SENSEI'S THERE urgh i knew one of these covers had tanuma holding sensei like that but i couldn't remember Which
i can't believe i actually got tanuma's pose that close i rly thought i was bullshitting w that one wtf. +5 points instantly
do u like how i just scribbled sensei wherever lmaoooo i drew natsume & tanuma & went like. i think sensei's in this one. PLOP
6/10 honestly closer than i thought
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OK........ I SEE........ literally dies
this one i was getting MASSIVELY confused w vol 4 bc i could remember nothing distinct abt either of them except Green and natsume w Big Doggie
i remembered the BARE essentials of the composition but not much else... since i thought the green void was gone i put the green i remembered into natsume's yukata (and then put him in the school uniform again LOL) and went WELP. GUESS I'LL DIE NOW
2/10 honestly one of the worst fucking ones lskdjflsdkg
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OK THIS ONE.... i almost died irl trying to remember this shit, even before i started and i was still viewing the covers i was like there is no way in HELL im remembering this shit for vol 10. and i was right
like. Purple. White Mask. Antlers. WILD layered clothing. at first i drew the mask as an actual deer skull but later had a straight up epiphany and redrew it like that which... still not correct but I MEAN.... IT'S PRETTY GOOD
i cant believe most of the purple is the bg oughgh his clothes are WHITE..... this is fucked up. i DID remember the stick tho, bells and everything!! actually bells and nothing else!!!
7/10 ok it might seem high but CONSIDERING this design..... i think i did shockingly well TBH
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NOT...... the worst...... one....... i could've sworn he was sitting on a pile of books this is so sad that woulda been so cute 😭
for a second when i saw the real cover again i thought he was sitting ON the bookshelf and i was about to RIOT but its okay it's a step stool. still physically possible
my version of natsume here is so much more like Proper gksld he looks like a school boy... studying in the academy's library... hardworking student.... but no the real one is just sitting there like a wet puppy orz he's not even READING i rly thought he was reading. this is such a huge L
cannot fucking believe i was right abt the window tho. like wrong shape but the fact that it's even there.... giving myself a whole ass point for that one
5/10 i rly thought i nailed this one gksgndfkj
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ah shit ok. well one of them was in the school uniform at least fjgugjdkf
why is my natsume lying there like hes abt to start a therapy session, boy would NEVER-
also the plushie hmnmhnmhngnf i dont KNOW i knew there was some kind of prop there but like gun to my head i woulda died again. main colors that stood out to me for this were green and that bluish purple so i got those into mine but i mean. well u can see
once again a random window in the bg i got correct let's gooooo 5/10
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this is so fucking bad im choking im gurgling LOLLLL i was SO sure natsume's paper had an eye on it i was POSITIVE this is so fucked up. i mean obvs i picked that up from sensei but like i didn't even KNOW sensei was there. or that there were bg characters at all uuuuuououohghh (matoba ignored +5)
i was like. black yukata red flowers CHECK piece of paper w eye CHECK horns CHECK i even went back and edited the horns to be more accurate i was so proud of myself sobs
ok but i knew it was shit trasjh when those were the ONLY details i could remember bc obviously there was gonna be more going on I JUST DIDN'T REALIZE HOW MUCH MORE.....
straight up dookie/10 no jk fr like 3/10 @ me u need to use ur EYES
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OK..... I WAS VERY CONFIDENT ABT THIS ONE..... except for his outfit i knew i was bullshitting that BUT I THOUGHT I NAILED THIS ONE....... the one fucking time i didn't just default to his uniform LMFAO
even remembered the pink flower ball smh and for WHAT. i knew he was sitting in a pile of plushies & blankets or smth but no way in HELL was i even gonna attempt to draw them with a speck of detail. but HEY the plushie i drew for vol 12!!! i knew he existed Somewhere. he doesn't even have a horn tho thats so fucked up i thought he did
obviously the most striking thing abt this cover is the bg w that deep burgundy & the circular window so that was the main thing i nailed down right away (my palette was more muted tho). also natsume sitting there w paper in his mouth but i thought he was mid return when rly hes playing like keep-the-balloon-off-the-floor or whatever the fuck he's doing. i love u natsume
(if i thought he was in the middle of returning a name WHY didn't i include the actual book of friends flksglkd automatic fake fan/10)
8/10 this was like my ace in the hole i was like if i got nothing else i got U volume 14!!! and then
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man idk shit just end me. whats even going on in this cover im gonna deck u natori. dont ask why this makes me want to commit violence hes just so. URHGHGHnH
i dont know whats happening to me rn looking at this im losing my fucking grip dude who let this happen im gonna hurl this volume into the sun??? i think???
why did i add the other two youkai i just thought they should be included but i played myself i had to draw them from memory and for WHAT. pls tell me i got them at least a little bit right i stg
it's the crossed legts dude if he was just sitting there like a board the way i drew him id be like ah shit it was just natori sitting not natsume too but he just HAS to cross his legs and the fucing elbow propped up holding the glasses im S MAD IM SO MADdestroy him
it's 1am i gotta go. i have to go. right now my mom is calling me i have to fukcng. 4/10 i got the couch colorr right. bye
tumglr...... only allows 30 pictures per post..... bc im not on desktop? or is that a site-wide thing now. in any case this is getting long so i think im gonna split it right down the middle into 2 posts so there u go, first 15 volumes. so far my score is ermmm
well i didn't rate the first few volumes.
vol 1: 6/10 decent
vol 2: 6/10 also decent
vol 3: 5/10 composition is Scramboled
vol 4: 2/10 it's SO BAD
so now my overall score is 74/150 fjggudjofjdkgjk doing gr8!!!!!!!!!
ok bye for real ✌️
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kingspacebar · 2 months
Is there any particular artist, show, game, or movie that inspired ur art style? It’s so pretty ^^
I have so many!!! I definitely can't name every single one but heres a few that have been extremely influential to me!! This took me 2 hours to write i am SO sorry lmao
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Puyo Puyo (Specifially Fever, Quest, and Tetris)
CUTESY BRIGHT BRIGHT COLORS!!!!!! Thats everything I love!!!!!! I'm pretty sure I talked about this when I first got into puyo puyo but I for SURE instantly decided that yep Im steering my style in this direction sorryyyyyy!!! I just think its so fun and silly and cute and rahhh it makes me so happy.
Especially for the work I do most often, which is character portraits without backgrounds, I will often look at puyo puyo posing just to get ideas!! (I've drawn Arle's dumbfounded pose 100000000 times becus I love it so much). The puyo puyo anatomy has very noodly arms and legs but with big ass shoes and accessories which is probably my favorite design thing in the world....
I seriously recommend just looking through the Puyo Puyo Nexus wiki for pose ideas (if you want something cute/silly of course) because every single one is just perfect. I am trying to get out of some dumb art habits of my own right now, but hopefully in the future you'll be able to see more goofy poses with sillier effects :3
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Muse Dash Again I want you to look at the COLORS. Its so bright and this time you can really tell where I took my shading style from. I dont want my shadows to be dark I want them to be PINK or PURPLE. thank you. For my own art, I really try to make it so the darkest "black" is actually a deep purple or blue, and as I keep making art that dark color keeps getting just a bit lighter haha...
This is also the reason I color my lineart the way I do. I just really want to add as many colors as possible into the image. And if the image looks a bit more pink after that then thats just an extra perk!!
I also need to bring up the animation because they're just so bouncy and alive!!! This is like an instant stunlock for me, I have to look at them, theyre so BOUNCYYY!!!!!! I don't do much animation but every other week I get the sudden urge to try tweening again just to eventually get to the point I can make something similar to these for my own ocs lol
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Great Pretender This show has some of the most gorgeous art ive ever seen. All the backgrounds are so bright and colorful. I dont usually draw art with backgrounds anymore sadly, but when I used to I really tried to study these for them. And I hope in the future I can make more art and show how far I've come.
Though I;ve changed to a more chibi style in recent times (thanks puyo puyo), this was still one of the first times I had ever watched a show and said "Oh my god I love this artstyle I need to get better at art" and Its always in my mind for that reason.
Ive definitely stolen lots of elements from the style. Though they've gotten more subtle over the years. I dont really know how to describe it any further but I hope you understand what I mean by looking at these screenshots,,,
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aresontherun · 23 days
TANA fanart thingy
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Caught my eyes ever since I saw her, and gotta be my fav from TANA design-wise!!? So out of all characters that have been posted in @tanalogyosc she ended up being the first who I try to draw as a human.
i feel like the roots of her hair should be more yellowish uh
literally my reaction the first time I saw her:
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oh just some thoughts but hell, I openned like 5 tabs just to decide silly little things. (Im 97% sure Tanalogy guy you'll probably be the only one who'll read this till end)
I know I couldve just ask where she'd be from if she's on earth but at the end I just looked for the origins of her name. The name "Yasmin" is Persian (first names doesnt usually matter, at least), her last name is possibly English, but the flower jasmine itself is originated in mostly South Asia?? At first I just made her design based on English people, though, I find that instead of pale-ish western skintone (someone said about Brits barely see any sunshine even on summertime), a rather Asian one fits her most! Her hair was also dark brown in the beginning, till I decided on light blond. Eyes are the last one I colored, and I colored it green almost instantly because I just thought that it fits lol (and theyre the only place I can color as green that's not her clothes/ accessories) the thing on the middle of the flower (pistil?) is also green if that makes any sense.
I'd make a full personality analysis if it werent for the fact that I dont know her very much😔
Jasmine's probably a Se dom (ESxP) based on her intro, "Now in the present, she's as dandy and happy as she can be" its pretty clear that she receives happiness in playing music for people, and it looks like she doesnt really yearn the fame and/or money, but more for the sensation? Idk might be wrong. That might also means Fe so most possible mbti for her is ESTP (she does give me Ti vibes) 3w4
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dogtoling · 4 months
how would you go about designing a sona-adjacent character for splatoon? I know I’m going with octoling bc I play as them exclusively and this is more a character made from my ingame avatar, but everything else has me indecisive.. sorry I know this is a vague question but I’m interested in hearing your thoughts
this is a cool question! I struggled with this for a really long time and have had MANY sona designs (which either got trashed or became separate characters over time). Really i think how you approach a sona is different for every person. sorry if this is incoherent as i'm typing at 6am from bed
So basically first thing is what are you planning on using the character for? For example in my case when I used to try making splatoon sonas I made them *too much* like me to the point where i didn't like them and they didn't really fit in the world or were interesting at all. But that's just talking personality-wise. I could make an extremely bland octopus guy who doesnt play Turf War or ever go anywhere but it's also like, what is even the point of having a Splatoon sona at that point. What you want to use your sona for kind of affects how they would ideally be in my opinion.
So the way I ended up designing my sona (Koira) was to have us share traits but not have them specifically BE me, which is an approach that I find works really well in creating a connection to a character while still letting them be a character of their own. I would refer to it as more like making a self-insert character to control in a setting rather than physically being there and feeling confined to being yourself if that makes sense? it probably doesnt. But the self-insert player character is kinda what you already do in Splatoon anyway.
I find it a good approach to go with a mix of aspects that are accurate to you but combined with things that are kind of out there. Then you can have a character that's still interesting and appealing to you and might seem similar enough at face value to be relatable, while not being like, super boring. I don't remember my exact design process with Koira, I wanted the design to be silly and stand out and be relatable to how I play the game and approach the series, while at the same time not being confined to what I would realistically do or be like. Like I do not own a labcoat in real life, or mismatched boots, or round shades.
But I DO own a pair of broken shades i found from a trash can, and in the context of being an avid squid researcher online I felt it would be very fitting to make my in-universe guy an actual squid scientist, and i WISH i had shoes like that because theyre pretty cool. And he has split ends because I DO have split ends (there are so many), but i don't have blonde hair. I picked yellow because it's my favorite color. I would NOT touch turf wars with a ten foot pole if i actually existed in the splatoon world and was the same person there that i am in real life, but like, in the context of Splatoon i might as well have my Splatoon guy represent some aspect of my gameplay experience, hence they own like every weapon but don't really play. Et cetera.
So really again people have different preferences with how to approach making a sona, or sona-adjacent characters like you said, personally the Player Character approach tends to work pretty well for me. I try to reflect my real physical in-the-flesh self less, because that's kind of boring (i literally already exist), and go for the more exaggerated version where some aspects represent me but it's not Literally Me. Like, I'm trying to make What If I Was An Octoling, and not What If An Octoling Looked Like Me The Human. The process of how to get there is a little patchy and again, probably different for everybody, and bear in mind that you might make a sona and not like it and start from scratch. That might happen 5 times. That might happen 10 times. You still learn something more about the process every time.
Here's some questions I can present to help with sona designing...
1. What are some traits that I think reflect myself? How can I include those in the character design?
2. In tandem with the previous question; what species should I pick? (You already picked Octoling, so this one is a bit obsolete - but it's worth thinking about for people who struggle to pick.)
3. If I existed in the Splatoon world, what would I probably, somewhat realistically be doing with my life? What kind of job or hobbies would I have? Can that be reflected in the design?
4. Do I care about any of the above stuff or do I just want to come up with something original? Could I use some of my answers to work with and fill in the blanks with other things that are just cool?
5. How would the ways I play Splatoon be reflected if translated to an in-universe character? (For example, based on how I play, my game-realistic Splatsona would just be a full-time Salmon Runner...)
6. Do I want to use in-game gearsets, or reference the kind of style I prefer in real life, or maybe come up with something unique?
7. Can my main weapon or playstyle be directly equated to my character's personality or appearance? Do I want their personality to be game-accurate, real life accurate or somewhere in between?
8. Finding inspiration through your player character's Badges, Banner and Title that you currently have; what do those say about the player? Or what about the locker?
9. What are some things I love about the setting of Splatoon that I could reflect in a sona or self insert? (For example I made mine an in-universe Inkling researcher to reflect my own obsessiveness about Inkling biology. And squid suckers. I have a dried squid in a minigrip bag on my shelf)
10. The obligatory step in any character design: Can i do something to make it fun or appealing to myself? Adding some flavor.
Aside from all that and I definitely forgot SOMETHING, my general character design tip is do not expect the first draft to be the final perfect result. I watched a video once that said to draw every character design Three Times before 'finalizing' it and it works EXTREMELY well when youre whipping up a character basically from scratch and have an idea in your head, but on paper, you just need some kind of first draft to see if that idea works. The second and third iterations usually help trim out whatever didnt work in the earlier designs and when you keep making more, the parts that DO work are solidified and refined over time.
Rule number 2: if you make a sona design and don't like it, ask yourself why. Then change it! It's not the time to start some kind of self reflecting journey, maybe you just want a more interesting haircut than what you have in real life and you can totally do that if you're bold (my hair is brown, I didn't want the splatoon to have brown hair when like half the point of the game is Neon Color). Maybe you want bright pink eyes. Maybe you want a ridiculous job that you could never do in real life but that would make your character way more interesting. Maybe you want to give them a pet slug because you would LOVE ONE in real life but dont have one, and that would complete the character.
i forgot my point but hopefully this helped and was useful even a little bit? yay
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hairscare · 11 months
i dont know anything ab vivziepoop or whatever her name is and her work but could you give some examples and like. maybe explain how far they are from actual demonology? i love haterisms and i love learning things
kisses you on the mouth id love nothing more than to spread hate and infodump abt demonology. let me preface this by saying ive never watched any of their content so i cant speak on much besides what ive absorbed via osmosis of being on the internet and what i can see in their designs
so my special interest has always been on the 7 Princes of Hell aka the 7 Deadly Sins so thats what I'm gonna focus on. I'm also gonna bring beloved otome game Obey Me into the mix for another example of modern interpretations of them. also keep in mind im not a believer in these figures, though my research comes from both christian and pagan sources, i just like them a lot
so lets start with Mammon, the prince of greed. mammon is always depicted as a very money and power hungry kinda guy. in heaven, he was so obsessed with the golden pavement that they kicked his ass out first. hes super powerful and has 6,660,000 demons under his control that he makes build the capital of hell called Pandemonium. im not making this up demonology is silly as hell. hes associated with wealth, gold, jewels and emperors.
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you may be surprised by this interpretation from the dictionaire infernal, but from my understanding/perspective, i believe this is supposed to be a lure to get more money as a begger? normally hes described as decked out in robes and gold and jewels and all that. but you can see in the illustration the bags of money.
so yeah hes like a super money hungry emperor type- in my mind i always kinda think of trump ngl. power hungry, money hungry, you get it. so if youre like me, for a character design, youre thinking a ceo with lots of expensive clothes and jewelery.
now, lets see what our friend viv has to say-
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... they made him.... a clown? keep in mind, i literally know nothing abt the role he plays in the show, but... why? why is he a clown? if anything, him being a jester is the opposite of the typical emperor depiction. like a king vs a court fool. completely erases the whole idea of his greed for power. part of that greed is that he already has it but he wants more! this jester angle doesnt make sense.
okay, now lets look at obey me. theres a lot of things i dont like abt obey me's interpretations, but theyre so much better than vivs.
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first of all, the white hair and blue eyes are actually accurate! the colored illustration above of begger mammon is actually colored wrong, hes often described as having very light hair and icy blue eyes. this interpretation of mammon, while yassified from the old man and the emperor, is fairly faithful. hes obsessed with money, hes constantly stealing money from other people, he wears the most expensive designer brands, and he has gambling issues. its not perfect, but hes clearly based on the demon mammon.
now Asmodeus. asmodeus has always been my favorite. hes the Prince of Lust, but he himself isnt horny. he teaches people Forbidden Arts and Crafts and also geometry, hes a disabled king (walks w two walking sticks), he likes messing with people and he hates the smell of fish liver. one time he threw someone 400 leagues and stole his identity. what a guy
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asmodeus is particularly monstrous. hes got 3 heads, a bull, a demon, and a ram, hes got a duck bottom, and he has a dragon cat service animal. i think hes beautiful <3 but you can see a lot of potential symbols you can incorporate into a design! all these animals, esp his three heads, are just waiting for a cool design. so vivs, whatd you do?
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... okay. hes... kinda got the heads, but its the cowards route. he has... that weird ass body that vivs loves to give men. theres... some feathers so he kinda has bird symbolism? im pretty sure he owns a casino, which is actually accurate. but like. thats #notmyasmodeus. this guy couldnt throw me 1 league if he tried. hes not monstrous looking at all. his legs are thinner than my patience.
since we couldnt really dissect viv's mammon, ill bring this up here. a big issue i have with these designs is that theyre afraid to make demons ugly on purpose. dont get me wrong theyre all ugly as hell. but not gross. not monstrous. these sanitized tumblr sexymen designs completely betray what makes the original designs so fun. asmodeus doesnt have 3 heads, he has one that looks like an evil sesame street character. the design is simultaneously trying way too hard and so fucking generic. literally if you take out the two tiny head motifs in his... hair? theres no indication that this is based on the demon asmodeus
okay, lets look at obey me.
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again, hes sanitized, hes conventionally attractive, and he doesnt have any of the demon asmodeus' symbolism. hes also super horny. he doesnt do geometry or arts and crafts or even own a casino. not faithful to the source at all.
before you accuse me of being a hypocrite for liking obey me, hold on. let me get through beelzebub.
Beelzebub is known for being "lord of the flies". its literally what his name means. i cannot emphasize enough that he has fly motifs. he is the Prince of Gluttony, aka overindulgence. its typically associated with food. but beelzebub is *extremely* powerful. in Paradise Lost, hes Lucifer/Satans right hand man. all other demons respect him immensely. hes supposed to be so powerful that summoning him is supposed to run a high risk of seizures and death. he also fucking loves architecture. when a ton of demons were called on by solomon to build, the other demons were so appauled that beelzebub was being made to do manual labor, but his crazy ass was giving solomon building advice
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hes a bug! hes big beautiful bug. the crowd cheers. so the motif is kinda obvious here. i mean, its kinda hard to miss it, right-
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what the fuck. what the actual fuck. "but grim shes got a bee motif-" shut the fuck up. this... fox? wolf? furry thing needs to be put down asap. i genuinely think theyre using beelzebub as an bad excuse to introduce their kesha dog character. bro what the fuck thats not a fucking bug. thats not even a goddamn bee. i hate it here
i cant do this anymore show me obey me.
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hes a fucking fly thank god. sure hes conventionally attractive but hes not a dog with the smallest waist ive ever seen and disproportionate birthing hips. he eats all the time bc hes gluttony. okay fine whatever as long as hes a fucking bug im ok
so. lets address why i like obey me and i hate vivziepops interpretations. first of all i just fucking hate vivziepop so jot that down. but more importantly, obey me doesnt pretend to be anything it isnt. its a dating sim. of course the characters are gonna be hot and fit into archetypes. ive made my peace with that. besides, the game actually makes their sins pretty interesting by showing how they affect their personalities, motivations, relationships and lifestyles. its not super faithful, but its not supposed to be.
but helluva boss isnt trying to do that. from my (admittedly limited) understanding of it, its supposed to be a dark comedy gritty adult animation. the characters are supposed to be questionable and unconventional because theyre literally in hell. so i ask the question: why are they so afraid to lean into that with their character designs? why does everyone have to have barbie proportions? why is no one (purposefully) unpleasant to look at or monstrous? its sad to see a creator trying so hard to make something thats supposed to be graphic and brazen in its depiction of hell and demons, and yet is afraid to actually confront the conventionally unappealing aspects of the source material, or even touch the motifs of the demons
i love the 7 princes of hell. if you want to read about the strangest characters with the oddest stories, symbols and trivia, go read some websites about them. none of it makes sense. lucifer and satan are the same person but also not and sometimes the other 5 are also the same guy. belphegor is in love with paris and is the infernal ambassador to france and has a toliet wheelchair. satan is depressed. lucifer is sometimes depicted as an whiny brat child and sometimes as a humongous terrifying beast. leviathan does jack shit and just boils the ocean and eats boats. its literally so much fun. also please feel free to add onto this! demonology is fun in part bc theres so many different interpretations and facts from all over the place that make it a wild ride
tldr: vivziepops designs are lazy and unadventurous when it comes to their source materials
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wewerebornsextuplets · 21 hours
if its okay with you, would you share the brushes you use?
sure thing!! i should note that i mess with the settings of the brushes i use pretty frequently and im always jumping between them, so you might need to tweak the pressure + anti-aliasing of some of these to get the results youre looking for @__@ most recently ive been using this set of free brushes by @/fearoffun, especially the flatbrush and LAUV pens! but theyre all very good :-) aside from that, some other favorites of mine are this G-Pen, as well as this brush set. they're the main two pens i use for my large drawings [i.e the jyushimura pic and the fake manga cover]
also, i don't think i've used it in anything i've posted here, but i really like the intoxicate pencil set as well!
somewhat related, i know in some of my older drawings i use a pen that changes color; this is actually just one of the default csp pens with an extra option turned on! if you click on this little box that i circled, you should be able to adjust the settings to get the same color jitter effect you'll see used there :-) though since the brush itself is just a default one [albeit one ive absolutely Demolished the pressure settings of] i figure it'd be a bit silly to share that😅
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uraniumnm333 · 11 months
FUCK I just saw the new card leaks and HOLY SHIT
my first thought before talking about ANY of the cards is MAFUKASA ???? Ngl I always thought that the devs would just like Never Ever make them interact bc hash tag funny. THEY DO THO THEYRE LITERALLY TOGETHER IN AN UNTRAINED CARD (which I will talk about in a reblog)
anyways starting off
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SHIZUKU 😍😍😍 See at Forst when I saw this one I was like “what everyone else got smth cool happening where’s shii’s paranormal experience” and then I saw the little ghost girl so 🔥also SHES SO PRETTYYYYY and lim hairstyle maybe ??? I honestly can’t tell who the three star is but I’m thinking it’s either shizuku or Tsukasa because. It is definitely not Rui.
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Love him but got damn boy looks a little 🤓 w them glasses on. All in all absolutely no hate tho bc OH MY GODDD !!! Tsukasa cloning himself and holding a leaf normal. Also I love love love the setting sun colors in these bc they make the cards look so pretty !!! Also I thought one of the tsukasas wasn’t casting a shadow for a bit so I’m a goober. I also think they’re at a shrine but I’m to tired to explain (I just woke up)
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I’m sorry but I have got to get this out of the way it looks like they copy and pasted her initial 2* head onto her body 💀 other than that tho IM IN LOVE !!!! I love the fact that she’s lookin so smug eating a candied apple,,,, and the scary moving blob of eyes behind her (which I’m thinking could represent her mom ???),,,,, hee school uniform,,,,,, the torii gates,,,
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HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT !!!!! Ngl if this turns out to be real and not a leak that’s the new pfp. He looks so silly and there’s all the spirits around him and AAAAAA !!!! The skull behind him is whispering into his ear like “it’s me boy I’m the ps5” nah but the amount of DETAIL ????? I’m gonna cry if this is the 3*. Also he kind of looks like akito
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bloodmoons-knife · 2 months
heyo! been reading ur lltk fic and wanna do some silly doodles of ur creatures so i was wondering if u have any references or just descriptions i could use to draw them
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pounding my fist on the floor while wailing over the thought of anyone drawing my beasties gnjfxdf
tragically i dont have any real refs or real descriptions for the cast so far, the best i've got is vibes and a picture of eridanus i posted recently. i will transmit the vibes, however!
nebula: hes got the orbiting star ocourse, and his big fluffy cloak. when i think of what kind of clothes he wears i think like. poet's blouse. black trousers. that kinda thing. maybe a crown? i do not know. hes very sad looking. wet cat of a man
binary: dull colors definitely! also just. librarian core. i really dont have much else for vibes its just "binary :3" in my head
rust: pretty close to bloodmoon v1 tbh, though with more practical clothing? since they go hunting and stuff. the hat stays on at all times however. kinda gives 2-tailed hat vibes tho. can work without. vampire fangies are essential
eridanus: she is BIG she is GLOWY she is DARK she is SPOOKY. she doesnt wear CLOTHES because theyre UNCOMFORTABLE. i refer to the pic ive posted of her for colors and things. orange stripes and underbelly, black scales, red eyes. out of water her fins are floppy and shes cute and i love her. her picture is in her tag if that helps searching for it btw
bird boy lunar: oh man ive got a Vision for him. a Vision. he's more based off of lunar's first proper design, the lil guy ya know? but also still not? idk. anyway most essential things are that hes birdy! bird legs, his arms are wings but on the wrist joint he has lil graspers. think bat for that part. he may or may not have tail feathers dont ask me i dont know things. hes like a species of insect to me.
hope these insane ramblings from a madman help you!!
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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tabibitto · 2 years
Until I Met You | Xiao x GN reader oneshot
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character - xiao
Ship - Gender Neutral Reader x Xiao
Type - Hurt with Comfort, nsfw mentions, memories and mentions of self harm scars, some fluff :)
AN: i was feeling sad today for no reason and decided to share whatever came to mind as i think of my golden boy.
“Bosacious and the others always thought that when the world would be at peace, that they would want to live a mortal life. I think….I was the only one who didn’t think that way..”
Until I met you…
My world, ever since i gained consciousness, it was always cold and bitter. It stunk of dead and rot.
I remember my body shaking like id stepped out the shower, bare and into a cold room.
Truth was, no matter the temperature..the shaking never stopped.
I remember my stomach, how i loathed it and sometimes wished to rip it out with my bare hands and eat it how id devoured so many dreams.
Its emptiness brought down my energy..my head felt fuzzy and i felt a headache so heavy and piercing in my pale forehead it felt unbearably painful to open my eyes.
I remember the cold headaches i recieved during winter. Though i ate dreams, they provided no nourishment. No true nourishment for my body.
Thus, the soft yet bitingly cold snow beneath my shaking form, would fill my blood stained mouth.
The colors mixing into a pale salmon. My brows furrowed as i fought the cold in my body. It had no taste, but since nothing happened, I thought it was fine.
“You can’t eat snow silly! Its on the ground it has bacteria babe you could get sick!”
“Hmph, mortals are truly and pathetically tragic if mere consumption of snow could make one sick.”
That day, his frown towards the white hills that adorned Liyue’s usual sunny weather deepened. His thin lips parted and he jerked back upon feeling warm touch connect with the cheeks he didnt know were cold.
He looked down at your figure with those golden yellow eyes, which you had insisted looked like that of a cat, and only under your gaze were they ones of a small kitten starved of touch, Foreign to love.
He had let out a sigh as your hand snuggly cupped his cheeks, his head melting into your hands.
God were they warm.
So warm and comfy.
So loving and gentle when they traced over the scars on my arm. Those id inflicted long ago.
What was strange however, is that whenever i brushed them in the same way…i could not feel tears of want and desire for comfort and love. But a dull and growing ache, an itch for more. It reminded me of the reason they were there, of why any touch sparked the thought again, and i could merely scratch away to not make new scars.
Yet when you grazed your gentle and slender fingers over my marked skin, the gentle thud of my heart suddenly banged against my ears in shame…and when you dipped your head down from behind me, pressing your ever so soft and sweet lips on each disgusting mark—
“Theyre not gross my darling..” Their voice read his mind, hushing thoughts and demanding silence. It received pure devotion and obedience as a response.
Xiao leaned back and let out a soft whimper as his eyes filled with tears that unfortunately blurred his lover’s pretty figure.
His whimpers got louder and his body shook as the kisses on his wrists and hand got higher, over the gentle curve of his shoulder, into the depths of his neck and the plush of his cheek. Before meeting the soft yet cracked entrance of his lips.
Your lips were so soft too, and warm. So addicting, every time they slid from mine i needed more. I needed it harder, faster. Wetter. I needed all of you. We ended our nights sweaty and sleepy as a result on multiple occasions
But we never fucked…not usually. Though it was arguably more pleasurable to the body. Nothing was more blissful to me then the gentle jerks of my hips meeting yours, the way my hands slid across the thin layer of sweat that coated your body, gently pressing a thumb into your mouth before kissing you sweetly.
Your sweet and hesitant sounds of pleasure, sounds i caused you to make.
You were my drug, and i had no intention on getting sober.
No, i needed more. Nothing was ever enough. A kiss should be made two. Hugs turned into snuggles.
Your pretty moans became strings of whimpers and gasps. A beautiful song only for my ear to hear.
There were many ballads of yours i enjoyed too. Many which i did not know i needed.
Until I met you..
When you sung gentle whispers into my ear, your fingers slipping under my mask and revealing my twisted grin and dull eyes. Bringing to it a lively tenderness and life.
“Your enough.”
“Your all mine.”
“Im yours.”
“Ill always be yours.”
“My pretty baby~”
How enchanting…how…how do i deserve to hear such gentle whispers from a kind soul. For a ragged body, full of hatred and blood that oozed down my hands of both the innocent and the traitors
For such dirtied hands to touch you, feel you, pleasure you and hold your own. It felt sinful
But when I stare into your eyes. A Bloom of Kaleidos. Warm and Carrying a world inside. A world where only me and you exist. A perfect world. Much different from the terrors and unjust one we sit in now.
Never in my 2,000 years of life have I ever desired to give or receive love, physical intimacy, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, gift giving…
Until I met you
I was born with what my master called a gift. But what everyone around me, including myself thought of as a curse.
I could eat dreams, nightmares. I was..different. My difference not only made me an outcast, but it made me a bloodhound for a person who sought to use my body for their advantage, using the things i needed emotionally to manipulate me. Until i needed nothing no more
Strings that held my limbs, that controlled my every thought and move, every word and bite of food. It all needed my masters precise approval. Until i required nothing else
I was a puppet
I was nothing. I came from nothing.
Arguably, i am still, indeed nothing.
My only purpse has been to slaughter, protect through slaughter, defend through slaughter.
Perhaps this reason, which has been imbedded into the minds of every yaksha, is why Brother Bosacious died doing that very thing.
He was kind, playful, strong.
And out of everything he ever desired, a mortal life. A family…in the end,through his insanity….the only thing his lost mind could guide him to was slaughter
I contemplate at times, if being with you truly is okay. If this is truly right as much as it feels like it is. If perhaps one day, through all we have been through. Even my mind will trade the fond and comforting memory of you for something so…pathetic.
If one day you will mean nothing to me, if one day you become an obstacle, one day you become another number in the vast of my dead
For this, is when i fail you. When your soft voice in the wind that calls out my name, my gifted name.
At first with curiosity…concern..before the shake and sadness in your tone is all too clear. Like it was whispered to me.
It hurts…it hurts me to hurt you…but.
As a yaksha. The last living yaksha. I am bound to an end of misery. To insanity. This, even Rex Lapis who saved me from my suffering cannot undo my fate.
Until i met you did my death and life mean little to me. The days were simple. The nights were quiet and empty. The sting of a cut a mere bite of a fly. The thought of my end in madness, the agony of my karmic debt. Things i looked at fearless
Now…i long for a millennia to come. I long for when my quiet nights are filled with your voice, the sweet sounds of your pretty whimpers in pleasure. The calm breathing of your sleeping body as i hold it dear to my chest. Every fight is fought more carefully, as I do not wish to see your brows furrowed in worry. Every agonizing moment of my karma, how i loathe for its end much more. I cannot stand your crying
I wish to eradicate the earth of whats made you so sad. The sound of which annoyed when i was alone me now angers me when in with you, fills me with despair. With want for nothing but to replace your frowns into smiles, in whichever way i can.
The fate i knew more then anything, clearer then a crystalfly, inevitable as the rise of a new day…i fear nothing more.
Until I met you, have i now succumbed to mortal fear and emotion for misery and death.
Because now I will bear the responsibility that is you. One i have honored since the day i made you my first promise
Call out my name, Adeptus Xiao. I will be here when you call
No matter what. I will fight my own fate with my two hands. No matter who I have to hurt, how i have to battle, i will always return to you as unharmed as can be. No matter how..in pain i am. I will always be strong for you. Because of you, do i have someone to live for, fight for. Because of you do I fear the debt i cannot escape. Because of you do I crave to feel love. A selfish request. Something undeserving of your gentle hands and soft lips.
Because of our promise, our contract. Will I forever remain yours, no matter how much of my mind is lost to my unchanging fate of madness, the only thing i will know is you. Even if one day i do not remember your name, your touch. I will never be able to forget the person who saved me…not from a master, or a battle, or the smell of approaching death. But the human who saved me from myself.
Even as Adeptus Xiao stares into the dark blue sky, lit from within the faraway lights of Liyue Harbor. Was his night no longer empty. But loud with thoughts of his lover. His past, his future, his present. How this date, upon all the days of the year was the happiest hes been. Happiness…hah…a word that truly does not belong to the Guardian Yaksha.
And yet, he so selfishly took it for himself when he realized how much he loved the person sitting next to them. How the xiao lantern in their hands illuminated the thoughtful face in the dark that wished for better days, for a good meal tomorrow, for wealth. All the common wants of mortals he heard a dozen times over the many Lantern Rites hes lived through.
Every prayer for good health, every desire for the dream guy or girl. Every wish for something so mundane as Mora. He heard it all. It was all background noise at this point since the foundation of the city he was bound to.
Yet, among all the hushed and thrilled voices. The loudest was their calm and shy whisper, as gentle as the breeze. No other wish was more important then this:
‘I wish for many more lantern rites with Alatus, I pray for his health, I pray for his happiness, I wish i could love him as much as hes loved me all these years’
Alatus could see the gentle pink decorating his lovers cheek as they whispered, knowing he could hear their wish before the lantern was released among all the others. Though they never talked about how he could. Instead, they pretended it was a secret for the sake of the festival
He could feel warm liquid pool in his eyes as he stared at them, feeling his tight jaw unclench, his cheeks and face melt into the warm light of the fire in the lantern. How he couldnt stop the movement of the corners of his lips as he gazed.
‘How could I ever deserve you…’
“Done! Your turn my sweetn—”
They stopped, frozen as they stared at the short male across from their spot on the grass.
He was smiling…Xiao never smiled.
The little human’s lips began to tremble in joy as they stared at his happy face, and all before they could break into a sob, did the man lean in to leave a gentle kiss, calming the quiver of their mouth.
“I wish that…no matter happens to me. That i never forget you..until i met you nothing mattered. Now, you are what I fight for, my dear. I daresay…i would break any oath…all for you..”
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prestonmonterey · 5 months
camp here and there thoughts
considered spamming my friend, but instead ill put stuff here.
this is all my thoughts from as im listening to it, btw
sydney and jedidiah are quincent confirmed?!! (not clickbait)
i will literally eat up any character named rowan no questions asked
the first bit with the penguins reminds me of burrows end
one of my favorite silly weird things is time going past the numbers it should (reminds me of everything is fine. i think it was like, the first episode? digital clock goes from 2:59 to 2:60? super cool, love it)
"let us live to die another day" (will you live to see tomorrow or die another dayyy// once a spy always a spy.... sorry, sorry)
i love that theres emojis in the transscripts
i feel so bad for the vegans at camp
mentions of apocalypse? a character called rowan? (you know what time it is folks: obscure lyric references!!!! (my beautiful apocolypse, if i asked you to be mine, would our purposes align?) again, sorry. ill stop. no i wont.)
woo! sydney feelings hour!
i love syndey telling his tape recorder not to tell anyone about his hallucinations
ok random thing i just noticed the titles have like part of the one before them and part of the one after and thats just pretty cool
why is the sky always bad
sydney being very normal about death and jedidiah bein like 'no' is also very quincent
interesting the 'when you die you will rot' is a recurring thing
sydeys laugh is so cute i love himmm
ok so theres like a spider cabin, moth cabin, ladybug cabin and BATTLE CABIN?
children being bribed by sugar is one of the most realistic parts of this
ok but the distinction between reanimation and true necromancy is actually really cool
sydney as much as i love you why the heck did you say thick like that
(when youre a ghost recorder, no one knows your name, but they wont try to stop you if you arent playing the game)
'our bedroom' actually screaming
the voice acting is such yum
again, sydneys noncholance about death related things
omg gay?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
poor jedidiah is so pathetic and bbg
for the record i hate oposite day too
gasp: a navarro (makes sense shes a tyrant) (im refrencing gentlemens guide to love and murder? i think? i dont even know at this point)
i love that all of ep 5 is sydney being too extra and jedidiah being the most exasperated
ok so maybe the implication is that matthew isnt human, but also ppl can have extra color cones, but only afab ppl bc color cones are in the x chromosome (thats also why men are more likely to be color blind) so trans matthew hc now
sydney are your eyes ok??
justice for sydneys fancy soap
if someone does magic and hurts sydney i will cry
ok so now with confirmation that they use analog clocks i really wana know what they look like
also i was thinking about why the music from last ep reminded me of something v specific and i think its yokai watch?
"babe" ok theyve got to be gay right???
sydneys allergic to seeing goo? interesting
father time? a bastard? omg you know what time it is (hehehe time bastard)
sydney and jedidiah are so cute im actually going to die
aww i want lava cake w real lava :( (fun fact by strange definition water is technicaly a form of lava)
ok so the amount of wholesomeness makes me think something bad is going to happen
"theyre penny loafers :("
rowan rowan rowan rowan rowan rowan!!!
the audio design is so yummy idk if i said that already
(uhh i accidentaly skipped most of ep six so back to that)
(the elephant man is just dead ambrose and sydney is vincent if they werre better at communicating)
"worms arent people" uh, YES THEY ARE, rude.
jedidiah whatever your project is it cant be so important that you havent played chess with your bf in A COUPLE OF YEARS wtf
(ok now to regularly scheduled friendship goo)
sydney calling the camper different animals is one of my favorite things
why is the sky always fucked up
"scary things like...men" sir you are men (but also same i am so scared of men and also are men)
jeDIDiah lmao
"your husband" and sydney just goes with it
ok but why is sydney slowly giving more and more louis taopp vibes (plz dont be like him)
i love casual loredrops about chocolate shortages
"friends" sure.. sure.
ok... so sydney did know that jedidiah had pics of him in his office? bc they used to be on the corkboard/?????
poor bb sydney is sad that his husband isnt telling him things
"[Scoffs] Friend. As if we’re not… we’re not… [Sighs] we’re not." noo im gonna actually cry (i am- i was... i'm supposed to be the best/ref)
i wanna see sydneys haunted house and skeleton cat drawings :(
"Put the Silly Putty back. You don’t need more Silly Putty." (my friends @ me when i watch another musical) (myself @ me when i eat another one of rowans fandoms >:3)
"co-nurse" idk if hes actually the assistant or not but i think sydney calls him that bc control? bc he wants power
also jedidiah uses am and pm which is interesting bc i dont think sydney does
ok now i get why sydney doesnt like joshua
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the trivia sections of fan wikis are my favorite thing on this planet. "it is unknown whether or not the color green exists"
btw they actually mention green eggs and ham in ep 1 so i think its at least a concept
i still hc trans matthew. no fan wiki can take that away from me >:(
juniper daddy issues confirmed??
"Well, we can — petition her!" (i will try to petition my father/ref sorry sorry sorry)
Wait, one more: Cunt.  (uuh, fucker /ref. will anyone even get that one? its filled my brain. i dont remember any quotes before or after... it's taopp. uh, the scene with louis and jason in the hallway or something)
we love sydney trauma dumping 2 mins into an ep
i wonder if he sometimes forgets hes broadcasting to a bunch of middle schoolers
i wonder if joshua knows that middle schoolers arent usually 14
i love that sydney doesnt know what oatmeal is
sydney: if only my husband would play 20 dimensional chess w me :(
"Lucille has a flamethrower. You have to listen to what she says." the only lesson ever
natsume def has parent issues
just remembered that the trees produce defensive slick
i want teethh flowers :(
"and I fear that the end is near." (the end is coming, the end is coming! /ref)
"as sweet, and patient, and motherly, and forgiving as she is" so... not at all?
i love the silly old timey music omg its so fun
gasp cannon date. thats crazy. someone better have a timeline theory bout this.
aww no teeth flowers? :(
im concerned about sorens stones
is the ticking clock new? it feels new
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oh huneee :(
just remembered the notes in the description. thats lore, right? prolly im too lazy to check.
Word to the wise: you ever come across that statue, do not look her in the eyes. (the fact that it rhymes too) (someone should make a cover of a word to the wise but with this line) (please?)
matthew appreciation time
sydney mommy issues?
jesus heck how many cabins are there?
is that what the pebbles were for???? im still scared.
sydney's silly drum roll gives me life
im actually so in love with matthew
sacrificial rituals, yay!
D: can they just be gay and happy? please?
they better get happy >:(
the spooky is rly goodd tho
mommy issues: the episode?
again, we love sydney trauma time before minute 3 of the episode
mila is a theater kid confirmed?!
sydney it seems like theres alot to unpack about your mom...
i dont think i want to know what horn sap is
"It’s all very delightful, b-but quite strange" idk the way he says that line is so vincentcore
im v worried for marie ann
"Don’t worry — they aren’t real ants. But it is a real log! " honestly id rather eat ants than a whole tree
"bending over to whisper in my ear." sydney is a short king <3
ohh the centipedes
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i love the contrast of ideas its super spooky.
 “I’ve just got to do better,”  (never let yourself rest, they can try to despise you, but not your success) (also ambrose vibes. idk, but like maybe jedidiah has a similar 'if im perfect then people will finally love me' thing goin on?)
 “Give me a hard time, okay? We both deserve that.” (more ambrose vibes)
i think hes looking for validation from lucille?
i like that the va's voice patterns makes it clear when hes talking quietly even though the audios still at the same volume
"I know I’ve constructed a few effigies in my time. " (effigies of the god appolo, dickweed /ref)
"There is a clear block of resin on my desk with a centipede inside. He wants to swap places with me. Lately, I am tempted to let him." spooky
(last couple eps had, like, news broadcasts at the beginning? idk if its been like that the whole time, but probably lore stuff.)
o no is it rock time? (also soren sounds like such a cartoon character i cannot get over it)
is mother of stones the reanimation lady from the death fields or whatever?
i love that the only actually vegan thing given to the vegans so far is assorted leaves
i have a feeling that normal day might not be normal...
idk why would worshiping a statue of stones to be reborn into a second life in the middle of the forest be illegal?
ohh its bc normal day i already forgot/
" Un-resurrect? Un… resurrect… Were we going to “surrect” the rabbit?" (i prefer 'mercy killing' /ref)
i want juniper and joshua rivals to lovers/rivals to friends content. just putting that out there.
sydney just kill the rabbit
ok the fact that sydney is worried about this death-related thing is really unsettling
aoisfeorgijefmoigjt4ri4tgoirjjitog this is so spooky i love it so much
sydney needs proper therapy
"I know I’m beating a dead horse, but the guy wants something from me, and he does something to me, and I don’t like that he just gets to be around no matter how much I protest!" (grace when max)
and it all comes back to control
poor baby boy
(poor boy, tormented /ref)
why he bri'ish
nevermind i dont want juniper content anymore
"jeddie, m'boy"
why does anyone like him
yes, yes rowan is handsome
himbo juniper, but i still hate him
"it’ll steal all your nutrients until you wither and die!" (its infectious, its deadly, its one to be feared /ref)
"I’ve always wanted to be killed by something that loved me." dont. dont say that sydney.
soren is the dark magic sugar daddy of camp. prove me wrong.
"Would a child really do that? Just come to Summer Camp and tell lies?" yes. they would.
song? song!!!!
if this isnt on the soundtrack imma be pissed
idk how to explain this, but salems voice is really sharp
i certainly dont want to know what ostrich cream is...
if this makes sydney bottle up his feeling and muck up his relationship with jedidiah more im not gonna be happy
(ok so i was just informed that its going to get worse and,, i dont know how to emotionally prepare myself.) (also its past 10:30 pm so bear with me if my thoughts get a lil incoherent. as if they ever were coherent)
cant remember if this happens with sydney too but theres static when jedidiah says the time. interesting
so sydneys smoke thing is unique to him??
we do love occupying characters with a physical task during conversations
ig marisol prioritizes efficiency and salem prioritizes the wellbeing of the kids
also salem dont badmouth sydnel like that
more confirmation that sydney needs therapy
im v glad marisols on sydneys side
jedidiah is bein kinda silly, marisols like 'he makes me uncomfy' and hes like 'just dont feel uncomfy'
if only sydney and jedidiah were as good at communication as the sapphics
love that sydney is like 'dont swear!!!!' but dumps all of his trauma on the kids
noo im sad :(
"It’s a laaaaaazy day today." <<<(me tomorrow after not sleeping all night)
nothing bad better happen on the speepy day >:(
"Men. Men sure are mysterious." mood
"I can’t describe how it feels to see a blue sky… almost… apocalyptic. " i love subverting expectations and turning something ordinary into something completely paranormal.
also vambrose moment (the apple)
o great thats where the canibalism comes in
i do not want
(and this is why salem is worried about you buddy. dont share stuff like that with kids.)
on the other hand kids arent, like innocent to this type of thing, really. i used to babysit my friends lil sister ( i think she was in 2nd or 3rd grade?) shed make lego skits about people murdering eachother, with like, a lot of detail too. and i dont think she was raised on particularly violent media. she played pokemon go on her parents phone or doodles in kids drawing apps. i think kids just kinda gravitate towards these kinds of things, especially if theyre told theyre not supposed to.
o no sydney being normal about the elephant man is not good
"You get hungry." hungy theme within his dreams?
"I like animals because they never forget to be scared: of starving, of getting eaten, of getting hurt or sick." also reaccuring thing from the bunny
and centipede thing. and ants. (im guessing bc its a dream it s lots of things relating to his current situation, especially thematically) (also i believe ants were brought up at some point when he said something along the lines of 'it felt like ants were eating my stomach lining'
the writing is so good its unfair
"I should never have forgotten to be scared." this is really interesting bc so far hes only been really scared by the elephant man.
"and none of the birds could speak English." ok i think its extremely disturbing to consider the fact that 'its a uniquely human thing to surpress pain' so the birds CAN talk but theyre still animals. they never forget to be scared and they never think to hide their discomfort.
also geez this episode is so dark compared to the others. it makes sense in universe, bc most of this is going on in sydneys head.
noo matthew was affected he better be ok after >:(
also appreciation for the slowing music, i didnt really register at first but thats definitely bc of the weird time happenings. and then the crank and it speeds up? super cool!
this series is so fun!!!
im a bit worried that jedidiahs 'extra special clock' may have something to do with his project? especially considering he has a lot of clocks around his office
more hungy, i think that bc he was hungy but didnt really realize it bc time weirdness, it seeped into his dreams somehow?
appreciation for sydney being able to eat garlic bread
also interesting thing, idk if its relevant in universe or just a writing thing, but no matter what happens with time it seems to always be resolved for sydney to know when 25:25 is.
oh fuck the canibalism is back
i do not want
nope nope nope its getting worse
sorry im blood squeemish
more elephant man lore
kinda spooky. maybe his powers rely on electricity? or theres some greater creature hes afraid of that haas that effect
appreciation for the ending music of ep 16, and also just all the music in that ep.
hive? (the apothiosis is upon us?)
also really different music for the intro. idk if its like a genre or something related to hives, but its style really reminded me of queen b from nightmare time.
i want a waterslide to nowhere
i dont want a bri'ish man talkin bout 'beans on the cob' to be responsible for my safety, like, ever.
more sydney lore! poor bb sounds like he needs a hug. particularly from one Jedidiah A.A. Martin
i love the corporate bg music during harmlessmart its such a nice touch.
matthew matthew matthew matthew
fresh honeycomb sky.. hive theming?
this is exactly the shenanigans that middles schoolers get upto when theyre realeased into the woods
" So it has been, and so it will be; eternal in all directions in time." idk i just like this quote,
more ants
sports crystals = pokey?
bee tsunami
so he is co-nurse... when does jedidiah ever do his job? where is he?
noo sydney not the corner bread
comunicate!!! please!!!
"but he must love me, right?" :(((((((((((((((((
" — my journals." of course jedidiah only cares when it relates to his project. so quincycore, but if quincy didnt care about his bf.
idk if i should keep watching this tonight. on one hand, if i keep watching i might cry bc sad, but if i stop i will definitely cry.
"He would always be the father, and I would always be the mother" (blitzstonecore)
"How he could love something so much… and forget to feed it." (he loves sydney, he just forgets to take care of him. in the way sydney needs, instead of the way jedidiah thinks he needs.)
a grey sky
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reading wikis again, and the warriors thing is just such a mood, and idk if the creators understand dnd stats properly, or if he jus sucks that much at living, but negative stats are not possible. like players usually cant get below a 3. and -4 means he has like -7 con, so he has 1 hit points at first level, which is really pathetic. yes im going to nerd about this. (i think its super funny bc, like sure w a 19 for wisdom he probably wouldnt fail wis saves, but on the off chance that he did, viscious mockery, a bard cantrip, will knock him out no matter what, and if it rolls i think a 3 or 4 it completely kills him. he could be killed by a single insult.)
(ive been informed that this will make more sense once i finish it, and now im v scared)
(also prolly shouldnt be reading the wiki rn bc spoilers, but im doin it anyway.)
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again, the stats are SO EXTREME. not as bad as sydney. he could feasibly weild a weapon (strenghth or dex if finesse i think) he has reasonable con which is good bc wizards have absolutely no health. idk whats up with his wisdom (ive heard it described as 'street smarts' and int as 'book smarts' but i think it kinda goes hand in hand with rizz for interactions, bc its used for like insight, which is kinda important to talk to people.) (thats actually something id say maybe doesnt work well with sydneys high wis. so far it seems like, while he is quite observant, hes not always super great at reading the room, or at least thats what ive gathered)
also idk about the charisma bc so far jedidiah seems a bit more put together in the persuasion/deception/intimidation area of things.
might eep now. that means its a great time for you to drink some water.
do it. stay hydrated. it mustve taken a ton of mental energy to get through this post, so you should take a break. get a glass of water, get a snack, take care of yourself. (sleep if its past midnight or if your name is rowan) then you can come back and finish reading this shitshow :]
ok its morning time to finish this (maybe)
restarted ep 16 bc i forgor
omg wait sydneys usin am and theres static
i love that theres a credit card stealing fish.
no sydney youre doing it again what did salem say
relation to sydneys worms?
"If he didn’t value these creatures when they were alive, why was he so affected by their deaths?" STOP NO IM ALREADY SAD I GET IT
and thats why sydney wont kill the centipede?
w h a t
spooky music
is the hive conected to the elephant man?
excuse me did he just call worms many legged creatures (ig like worms as in maggots and caterpillars and silkworms, not earthworms)
i love that theres always some counselors that dont get to participate in the camp meetings
sydneys impression of jedidiahs voice is so silly
"But I like endings; I like closure. That was the point of this whole exercise." more with sydney being more ok with death perhaps?
“Ha. Abandoning your child in a lake . . . . so that’s what motherhood means for you?” NO NO NO NO NO :(((
"But I am not my mother." so this is why hes so protective of the kids?
rowan hero?
this feels less like a hive and more like an egg
rowan hero!
bad smoke, different smoke?
hive queen
ye i was right, it egg
so they WERE gay at some point???
interesting that jedidiah doesnt mention the elephant man breaking into his office
he frames it as 'im worried about sydney' even though hes been ignoring sydneys concern until it affected himself
ye ye lucille gets it he only cares about himself and his project
hes emotionally attatched to sydney, but he doesnt take care of him, because he doesnt understand what it means to not be taken care of
sydney taught himself how to love, and he makes a conscious effort to try his best, but he prioritizes the kids because he doesnt want to be like his mom
ye ye lucille call out the lil guy
lucille has the same thoughts about the elephant man as jedidiah did before he tried to take the journals
noticed the clock ticking
ohh so spooky bad stuff in the journals?
jedidiahs trying to keep sydney safe, reminds me of the "it was cozy and safe, like a prison" thing
also lucille bein his mom explains why sydney and jedidiah are close?
jedidiah doesnt like death, maybe hes afraid of it. because its closure, like sydney said. bc he doesnt know how to care about something while its alive, so he settles for greiving when its gone.
also the ending 'do not anger it" is a repeat i think?
o no more tree stuff?
am again and static
at least today the vegans get somethig they can maybe eat?
so he is the assisstant nurse? confusion
buddy are you sure thats not a corpse
assuming the things jedidiahs getting shipped in are related to his project, hes making progress?
again with him prioritizes his project above sydney
also minor thing about the lunch b i feel like hes kinda underestimating sydneys intelligence (of course judging by the dnd stats its barely above average) and thats also v quincy of him
also i think he forgot to say the time, but theres static for dinner, prolly bc pm
interesting i dont remember when sydney switched. was it always like that? 19:04 PM implies a 19:04 AM, and thats a lotta hours
sydney appreciating nature
do you even like goo arts? arent you allergic to goo
ok really interesting that they bring this up bc sydney was just talking about how he and jedidiah had a bag of acorns that they took home? and they were fine
plant spooky
related to project?
time static
his lil eep is v cute
not even chess. bro why do you even check on him if youre too tired to play chess
clock tic
physically safe.
sad gay
more clocks tic
no you cant end the ep like that
sydneys still gone :(((((
juniper no one likes you dont laugh at your own jokes
oh but rowan honey is getting juniper to his job worth putting up with his horrible voice and personality
its extremely ironic that jedidiah is responsible for mediating counselor arguements when he doesnt comunicate with his own husband
"how do I explain to you that you need to care about other people?" DONT SAY THAt... it makes me sad...
"I worry about you sometimes, though, y’know?" heres a concrete difference between juniper and jedidiah: juniper actually makes the effort to care about rowans worry, even if he cant empathize with it. honestly i think this episode is included to show jedidiah through a different light, bc so far it seems like him and juniper are very similar.
they both rarely do their actual work, and have someone they care about who has a (maybe) irrational fear of something they cant understand
"You keep saying all this nice shit to him like it means anything and then consistently letting him down with your behavior." showing jedidiah recognises these traits in other people but not himself.
"Your actions are what matter to the people around you, not your words or your intentions or your thoughts or your fucking anything else but your actions, and your actions show Sydney loud and clear that you don’t give a shit about him." aaand he let it slip. he knows hes doing the same, maybe? some part of him gets that.
hopefully after this there will actualy be some kind of positive change?
not sure if this is important, as i havent been reading the other log thingies, but under minor insight into it repeats a bullet point
theory: the elephant man took sydney???
"I promise you kids I will attend dutifully to the nurse’s office in Sydney’s absence. Or, I’ll make sure someone is, at least." more jedidiah avoiding his actual job, similar to juniper
again sydney prioritizes knowledge above all else, maybe a similarity to jedidiah
"One by one, we all stay alive…" cant remember if this was like an endy thing but it sounds familiar.. either way super spooky
yvonne dyslexic not clickbait?
"Of course I can, it’s — plain English." ok interesting def a thing about either yvonne or jedidiah, bc like they dont see the notes the same???
"I wanted her to get angry. I wanted a fight. I wanted consequences. I… I wanted… it to matter." he wants closure. he wants people to care about him
"She was kind then. So was Jedidiah." :(
"really hard to believe that he would just — get up and leave." jedidiahs frustrated by the thought that sydney might not care about him like he thought?
another mention of religion. yvonne also mentioned praying in the last ep, and a while ago sydney talked about jedidiah being a 'good christian boy' or something like that
nvm that was the beginning of the last ep
im very good at life as you can tell
sorry back to 22
this is so strange
nother mention of religion
"My heartbeat has synced up with the ceaseless ticking… " reminds me of a comment i saw relating jedidiahs clocks to his heartbeat? idk i dont remember
this is... really disturbing. i dont know why
"holy day". interesting
this feels manipulative
no no elephant man if you turn sydney against jedidiah i will be very angy
wait isnt this like cult tactics, like asking someone to meet up in a low stakes setting, love bombing, asking them to do something to prove their loyalty. (i vaguely remember this from some yt video i watched about cats)
"Show you a love you have never known." hes preying on sydneys desire to be wanted, to be cared about
this is so unsettling my god.
" Jedidiah’s search party " means lucille aproved it?
"I mean, y’know, live like you’re dying, right? " (exexprincecore)
"What do you mean “that’s one way to put it”? Yvonne, these are blank papers!" enchanted papers?????????
ok sydney dont lie to them'
"Um. Okay. Listen. Sydney… I don’t want to lose you." but he doesnt really care, still
clock ticking
"the tree finds human happiness nauseating." huh.
"violent criminal history in the state of arkansas" thats all i could catch from the news thingy at the start, for some reason its not on the ep transcripts :(,,, but didnt elijah say hes from arkansas??? is that anything?
theres still static with the time
theyre dead?? like straight up?? all of cabin widow spider?
oh ok theyre not fully dead
as, like, the only sane person who cares about the elephant man, i wonder what marisols reaction is?
sports field? what about the musically inclined crystals?
hhehehe forgot that soren sounds like a cartoon villain
he nya like cat
...does the project have some relation to necromancy????????
tap tap tap tap tap tap
so crackers and butter cookies count as bread???
" but without death, it will never live." (to show ya the horror of stayin alive) (sorry sorry sorry sorry)
"Not because we want to, but because we must." ^^^^
wait wait wait i think i remember the one by one thing. but it was "one by one we all survive" and then "one by one we all stay alive" or something lik e that, so its interesting that it changed.
"but I can’t believe any amount of money would convince her to completely ignore the safety of the kids." again thingy with prioritizing the kids
"Seems this strain of mold just turns us into zombies, like… interpersonally?" mood
hahahaha juniper already is like that so the mold didnt have any effect
hun he is definitely deliberately manipulating yp
ok so idk about any of endy bits so far but it keeps bringing up not angering it and they "youve angered it" and im guessing if anything it has something to do with elijah??? or the project?? maybe both idk
"It’s like you don’t even care about the kids here anymore." huh
and it all comes back to control.
"Jedidiah… [Sigh] this mediation session isn’t for you and me." they need to go to couples therapy
" [Whisper] I miss you. .... I’m such a fucking idiot. " :((((
can the gays just be happy? just for a little bit? can elijah go away? can everyone please for the love of god or whatever just be happy for one goddamed moment?
no am, still static
i dont think thats a river
also, 'rapids'? he said like a moment before it was still, which kinda means its just more lake, and the land partially seperating it is an island
"they’re hungry for a sense of intellectual superiority." i love that the creatures in and around camp are half spooky half completely mundane
ye for once i think junipers right its more like a moat
"For today’s breakfast we have an eel’s head stuck upon a 500-year-old sword and slathered with pea mush — a hometown delicacy suggested by Juniper. He says they call it “scrumpledydumps!”" (ugh. british people.)
hc sydneys proficient in animal handling
... he feels like a curse and not in control of his life :(
forgot about the macaronis
uhh wouldnt a bridge make the hunt like destroy cam
(the horse? the divorce? /ref)
"I can’t figure out what this poor fox eats." is this a reference to the fly thing? showing contrast bc sydney actually thinks to take care of it?
still no am or pm but theres static
please let them be happy? (this is why i stil havent finished yellow jacket. i simply cannot handle characters being sad or the undeniable feeling that something terrible is going to happen)
"the tree also finds human fear nauseating." huh.
clocks. are we finally gonna learn more about the project/??
no more river
what the actual f u c k is going on
id let matthew poison me with arsenic
holy fucking shit
i love that sydney raises his voice when he does an imression of joshua
"You know, when I was a kid, a large portion of my daily diet consisted of complimentary condiment packets from the school cafeteria."...sydney are you okay?/?????
at this point the static is kind of comforting. the only thing consistent at camp other than sydneys trauma
more beeping
huh??? i swear hamsters have been mentioned before
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ye ye ye
how does sydney know what hamsters eyes look like if theyve been extinct for millions of years????
" 2:01 AM" WHOA thats new.... is it bc of maintenence? perhaps?
still static
oh fuck no i forgor about the journals
more clocks
(extra thing this kinda reminds me of holloweane a bit just bc of the like not being able to give info, of course ms holloway does WANT to, and does try to tell duke, but anyway)
(and now i gotta go do stuff. why did i agree to do stuff after that episode. damn. anyway. this is your reminder to take a break from my ramblings. get some water, stretch, focus your eyes on something that isnt a screen. and of course, if your name is rowan, you should sleep probably)
hi im back
birds. huh.
and a clock tickin, but it stopped before the click.
what about the second hand???
clocks have knowledge. sydney wants it.
this musics quite the jam
is petrfified wings a thing? it feels farmiliar
" 25-26-100 hour days." hwhat the hell
he wants to be a clock? he wants to be flexible?
is this the extra special clock that fucked up time in that one episode?
wheat feild? related to the death fields? i think sydney mentioned someones wheat allergy in that ep
this is v strange
something.. something train related happened to his dad?
is.. is the next event sydneys death? jedidiahs death?
thats why he doesnt like it? why hes scared of death?
knowledge. thats what they both seek.
FUCK NO elijah go away i dont like you >:(
of course, elijahs using him to get information. also HOW THE FUCK DOES HE KNOW ALL THIS (sydney please get away from that creepy stalker)
"hot tea with honey is good for sore throats." (goddamit emma now i gotta make a tea with honey /rref)
the weird audio thing in the background right after the episode title reminds me of my printer.
poor campers, no salt. nothing better happen to matthew >:(
at least sydney stopped spreading propoganda about the elephant man
oh also hes back to saying the time, am and pm, and our dear friend static
thats a lot of blood
w h a t
static please help me
what do they have against france
" it’s so funny to watch the fumes struggle to conjure anything worse than what I’ve actually been through." >:0
"[HE BUTCHERES THE PRONUNCIATION]" me too buddy, me too
did...did sydney get a clock?
o no are the penguins gonna come back
sydney are you okay???
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all of this better be on the soundtrack
[HE BEGINS TO HYPERVENTILATE AND CRY.] (mee too budy, me too)
" Are you ready? Why did you lie?" w h a t
ok ok ok im definitely gonna finish this today bc if i dont ill stay up thinking about it anyway
more god, sin and death stuff. also mention of adam, possible relation to up and adam? (intro bit still sounds like a hyperventilating printer)
(this is so long i wonder if anyones actually made it this far. wait atcually the fandoms small so prolly.) (i bet rowans reading this. i bet hes not actually sleeping like i told him to, twice.)
NO ELIJAHS BACK (idk if anyone else is here but i am a member of the elijah hate club)
brought up the ceremony thing again. (still seems kinda cultish)
quiet beeps
louder beeps
this "stupid man" sounds a bit like jedidiah...
"He did not understand how to feed it" again the starving thing
or, is it elijah? idk im confused
also wtf is goin on w the accent
so muse is definitely sydney, prophet is elijah, so yeah i think the architect is jedidiah
"I will be the one to crystalize the truth of your perfection" (uh oh is he gonna pull an ambrose)
kinda sounds like hes gonna set sydney on fire
FUCK SYDNEY YOU BETTER TELL JEDIDIAH (pls just make them be okay)
"…I’m going to start sleeping in the room with Jedidiah again." ok ok thats progress good.. maybe hes not so distrusting of jedidiah anymore??? at least hopefully itll help w his pain
(reading comments) i saw some ppl saying sydney died and got revived and that makes sense considerign the story but also WHAT THE FUCK
reason jedidiah wont tell him about the project? or why hes so intent on keeping him physically safe? (how much does he know about elijah, bc elijah seems to know a lot about him)
another mention of god in the news before the title
no more printer sounds? maybe i just wasnt payin attention
"Hey, what’s this co-nurse stuff? Aren’t you Sydney’s assistant?" joshua out here askin the real questions
idk whats goin on but somethng seems really off
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. that is no way to end an episode. again, this is why i cant finish yellow jacket. i do not like the sad.
idk if its just me but elijah sounded a bit different.
shit this is already episode 31.
also um fuck what the hell is that title. the pyre??? sydneys just gonna go with it?! dude hes gonna set you on fire !!!
also side note taking a moment to appreciate the pacing of the series so far, the whole time its felt like just the right amount is happening, it never feels too rushed or boring. also the attention to detail and callbacks and references are amazing
oh fuck he mentioned the penguins. that means jedidiah will knwo he was looking for the journals
wow it s been a while since he talked about the sun or the moon, kinda nice to hear about the sky again. of course now im remembering jedidiah talking abotu the stars and im sad again.
the moon was in the sky all day? is that normal?
oh. she wants control. like how sydney talked to elijah. to prove he has control. to make a choice.
"was that being fed is not always the same as being nourished." back to the starving thing.
the clock is back
he misses jedidiah :(
still dont know whats goin on with the centipede
"I need to prove I’m worth something to you" (ambrosecore)
"My body is whole. My body is eaten.' spooky.
they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy they better get happy
glitchy walky talkies? i think thats that kind of beep. something something something RADIATOR? idk as someone whos bad at listening, i kinda wish they put the beginning bits in the transcript, but i guess thats bc mysteries???
static is back. aw, the moon has returned to her duty.
"Ahhhhh, to overthrow nature…" reminds me of the natural order thing joshua said during the camp revolt thing
also i was so right about elijah's culty stuff
communication? are they gonna be happy, maybe, at some point???
...i may have read spoilers in the wiki that they get together in 34, so i hope that means theyll be happy.
fuck fuck fuck fuck noo no non on no no elijah stay away
"Am I alone… ? " D:
glad he has a gun. that definitely cant backfire in any possible way...
fuck fuck fuck why is cabin dungbeetle like thhis
sound design is still so fuckin sick
jedidiah describing sydney: he's, uh, fuck, idk hes hot?
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hes so pathetic /affectionate
no no no you can t end on cliffhangers like that (i say as if im not gonna watch the next one in like a minute) (i could never watch shows or podcasts as they come out i would actually die from the cliffhangers)
oh wait its not the end of the ep.
again sound design is immaculate
if sydney dies at the end of this series so will i, just putting that out there. (oh same with jedidiah)
YO OMG HES SO SMART i forgot about the reflection thing. what did he steal?? idk he took something that was like 'the only way i could seee my reflection' or something.. that makes so much sense.
by the way imma be at least a bit upset if we dont get any more rowan content before the end of the series.
(last ep)
FUCK you elijah i hope you BURN in HELL (sorry to any non elijah-haters, but also, not sorry bc hes bad)
"every day is a living fucking nightmare!" i mean this is just a thing thats said and not, like, unique to the show, but jedidiah does say something similar earlier on i think
the whole love vs want think kinda reminds me of linda, and like wiley bein like 'you dont want to be loved you want to be adored' (of course thats more framed as a villain thing so..)
"She keeps him like a prison." callback to the prison thing? the ''it felt comfy and safe, like a prison" i think it was something like that
so elijah is connected to the clocks somehow??
salamander man=elijah?
thats when he died???
second journal entry reminds me of, this is weird, but like dnd memes? and how magic kinda comes naturally to classes like sorcerers and bards, but wizards learn through study?
also im very confused by why the journal entries are so important, and why elijahs voice keeps changing. its really unsettling
so jedidiah was looking into magic to heal him?
"You turn it off and back on again." holy fuck
oh my god so thats why necromancy is such a reaccuring thing? and them being like , dw real necromancy isnt popular
the clock is also an interesting thing, idk what it means tho
aww the statics back :)
why is lucille like this
whats her goal in any of it
"This information… resists being known." (ms holloway vibes)
his, dad, died from that??
" Because I’m nothing without you, Sydney, I really am." (quincent vibes)
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i find this switch really interesting bc up untill this moment sydneys always been the one, kind of, like, comfortable with death? and it makes sense now, i guess, because jedidiah was afraid of it, afraid that sydney might find out, and hed get hurt again
"But there’s something kind of sexy about that, though, right?" (a real stroke of luck, when the one man you can murder is one of the men you--- /ref) (sorrry sorry sorry this is a serious conversation ill try to be more normal)
awww gay (now for the happy? maybe? can they please be happy?) (sorry i said id be normal.. ill do that now < ---lying)
"Uhmm… [Sniff] hey, I, uh, haven’t seen you drink water, yet. I don’t think you’ve been drinking water — here. Drink. " (this is a reminder to all my friends who dont hydrate enough. do it. or you'll end up like sydney, nearly burned on a pyre by a weird russian guy in an elephant mask)
the gays? on their way to being happy? even just for a bit? not clickbait? (dw i know elijahs gonna come back and fuck everyone over in a lil bit. just let me have my moment)
"Also, he’s gone. For good." dude dont fucking jinx it!
"Seems the two of ‘em have gotten quite cozy. " (thats kinda gay dude)
i was so confused then i remembered that it was 20 dimentional chess
still kinda confused about the mirror thing
e32uojkbwqlrhugejbkqfdshoihuqjbkefrbejwkghioujeklfnwmdlskjaipuojlknm, gnwklejfponrdsjlaiojfwejb
im sad now D:
anyway, i am sincerely sorry that you had to read this hot mess. uh, rowan, if youre still here. go to sleep.
ok now im gonna go read fanfic and hope it can heal me from this emotional rollercoaster.
bye <3
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kenphobia · 1 year
Hello!! I saw that you also knew TWST, so I wanted to ask your opinion on what dorms do you think the WH characters would be sorted to, and why? (Do feel free to include your OCs too, just go all out!!)
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oooo i've been thinking abt it for some quite some time, but since there's not a lot of info abt the wh cast (or maybe im just too lazy to research and there's actually sufficient lore), most of these will probably be based on speculations and my personal headcanons!!
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✦ starting with wally, I think he fits pomefiore. I mean— have you SEEN this man? He is beauty, he is grace and he will eat your face if you ever insult his hair. His name is Wally Darling for a reason, gotta look ready and pretty if you're a darling after all.
✦ He could also be in Diasomnia, perhaps? mfer eats with his eyes, i think that's powerful enough.
✦ I feel like Howdy would be in either Scarabia or Heartslabyul. Why Scarabia? Howdy is a shopkeeper so he's probably resourceful and knows the ways in business, he just seems like a pretty reliable and responsible guy.
✦ As for Heartslabyul, you cannot tell this mfer isn't Trey Clover but caterpillar. I may be wrong but he just gives me a lot of Trey Clover vibes so I feel the need to just— throw him into heartslabyul
✦ Poppy would definitely be in Heartslabyul though. She's always worying and ruffling her feather for her friends, and she'd follow any rule if it meant keeping her friends safe. I have a little gut feeling that she can get a bit ... controlling at times due to her anxious mind but she means good.
✦ Sally, my sweet summer child, the one i kinned instantly on the spot... Octavinelle. I have no idea why?? but like, she's dramatic, she'd probably say "I'm only doing this because I'm so kind and benelovent ✨" AND LIKE?? I DON'T KNOW. I just think she'd get along with the leech twins? maybe give Azul a few more wrinkles here and there ...
✦ She could also be pomefiore too! Pomefiore is like a fancy dorm, she'd fit.
✦ Julie is a bit difficult for me hhhh.... i just have a gut feeling that she'd be scarabia. id love to say pomefiore but if wally and sally happened to be there, adding julie would just add the chaos.
✦ I got nothing for Julie except for scarabia. She's a fun little silly but she knows a thing or two about being resourceful. Her and Kalim would get into some trouble and Jamil has to take care both of their asses.
✦ Heartslabyul. I won't explain any further other than this mfer would give Riddle a run for his money. And also because he might a stickler for rules in a way??? Like he wouldn't exactly enforce them on others, he'd follow them if it's convenient enough and if it will save his ass from getting handed to him.
✦ HEARTSLABYUL. This one??? No need for explanation, just— heartslabyul
✦ For some reason, I can see him being in Ignihyde too?? He's just ... emo to me. Like— any colorful top you wear won't fit your vibe, frank, you still havent gotten out of your emo phase.
✦ Legit I have no idea what dorm will fit him other than ramshackle. He's the mc now!!! get off the stage, yuu
✦ tbh i would say heartslabyul again but so many of these btches are possibly heartslabyul and im too dumb to add more variety in the mix!!!
✦ I mean— It is considered to be a neighbor, right??? but anyways, diasomnia because ... idk man, it's a talking house. it doesn't have much personality other than literally being wally's house and speaking fluently in onomatopoeia
✦ octavinelle, babey !!! she's a con artist, yknow??? thats why theyre an antagonist for a reason. they scam ppl into buying their shit and have the "but im so sweet and kind" act
✦ also because howdy in scarabia and june in octavinelle is like, jamil x azul ship trope. yes, i ship my ocs with canon characters and yall have no right to complain when youre on my blog that centered around x readers
✦ Ignihyde. Like??? do I need to explain, bestie? they're good with technology in a way and theyre as anti social as their peers. I based them off Idia, what makes you think they won't be in Ignihyde??
✦ ramshackle because this btch is as plain as white american bread + she isn't exactly as fleshed out rn to be put in a proper dorm so yeah—
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these might change once i get know the characters a bit more better in canon so ... yeah!!! i'm redesigning some of my ocs, especially raine so watch out for that!!
fun fact: i slept two times writing this and i ashamed
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josiedoe · 7 months
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funny weird fursona from ages past hours while i wanna take this opportunity to share my art, i kinda also wanna reach out to everybody who had cringy neon old fursonas and oc's that they're embarrassed of or feel like they need to shittalk every time they mention them bc "theyre totally better at making characters now i swear!" this is my fursona splash. i've changed sonas a few times, but none of them will be as important to me as her. she's not there yet, but next year in february, on my birthday, she will be 9 years old. i made her feb 22nd of 2015, my 9th birthday. i stopped using her eventually, because i thought i'd grown out of her. i used to show her to people and laugh about how stereotypical of a mary sue she was, how she had a demon AND angel form, how i'd ship her with characters from whatever media i was interested in at the time, how she had super secret sparkle powers that could do anything and how she's "not me anymore" then i remembered how crushed i felt when my friends at the time first started calling her one. i was knee deep at that point in thinking mary sues were dumb, and felt really bad about it when a friend said she was a huge mary sue and how i should probably change her. they even got mad when i said i didnt want to and told me i "couldn't take criticism". ive tried so hard over the years to distance myself from her while trying not to be too hard on her, to enjoy her in an "ironic, more experienced way" and regard her as what NOT to do.
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this is the first ever drawing i did of her. another oc of mine turns 9 on my bday, and ill do art of her too, but this is where i made her. she was a drawing of firestar that i got bored drawing and decided to slap some neons on from the ms paint advanced preset colors. as you can see, she hasn't really changed much. her name used to be colordrop, because i had a stuffed bunny around that time with the same name. i think i renamed her to splash because i liked splashkittyartist. is the art good? no. did i really care? not really! i didnt even know it was bad at the time, because it honestly wasn't. i just wasn't as far in my art journey as i am now. im glad i never deleted my deviantart account, and i plan at some point to go through and save the images that are important to me on a google drive of some kind. aslong as im able to remember and keep her, she's an important part of myself. she's still me, just from a different time, and also so much more than that. im not sad about her, not in a nostalgic "i wish i could go back way". im happy, if anything, because i only recently realized we shared a birthday. isn't that cool? to not only have an oc that was made on your birthday, but reaches milestones with you? when she turns 18, i'll be 27. when she's 27, i'll be 36. i think that's pretty neat. i think it's important for every artist, if they struggle with this, to look for their old oc's and fursonas and whatnot from when they were kids and instead of looking at them through a lens of "im better now, do you see how bad i used to be at this whole character making thing though? its funny.", instead be kind to your old creations and go "wow, i had alot of fun with you. i wonder if i can have even more." if you're able to, start using them again. write with them again, even if its small and silly and more out of whimsy and joy than actual plot development. i implore you to be kinder to kid you. even if kid you wasn't very kind themselves. if you would look at another kids drawing and oc and go "wow thats amazing! you're so creative!", then you should regard what you made then with the same enthusiasm. put your own work on the fridge if nobody else did. anyways, ramble over. i'm very passionate about this subject because i lived it, and i deeply enjoy reclaiming what i was made to feel embarrassed of. so moon darkraven, demon wolf with an anime scythe and scene bangs and red eyes and neon colors that don't mix, i think you're doing great. i hope you're doing well, wherever you are now, and that so is the person who made you. happy early birthday to me and my special little gal
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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