#theyre there because we are human and we arent ever ever perfect
player-tag · 11 months
i hate the fact that, for some people, you have to make something beneficial for them to get them to actually believe it. "consent is sexy" & "be kind to people because you'll get good luck" & "[conventionally unattractive thing] is actually super hot" etc etc. like, no, most of that isn't true most of the time. consent can be a bit awkward if you're shy and its your first time. complimenting people most of the time wont get you something grand in life. stretch marks and burns and scars aren't always pretty or pleasing to look at. but thats okay, and it should still be done. you do these things not for your benefit, but for other people. because the only reason we as a species have survived is because we are a community, we work together, we live for each other. and thats the benefit for us all.
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spatio-rift · 1 year
oh my god hold on a second. do you think the $quad has met saiko's parents. like they HAVE to have been over at his house before. i'd imagine some of the butlers and bodyguards are familiar with them (especially the ones that accompany him to school) but they're his Guys so i'd imagine they hang our at his house more than the others... so they'd definitely had some encounters w his mom/dad. funniest scenario is at the point of their friendship where they can tease him and he won't mind they'll be acting silly and then one of his parents walks in and they're suddenly perfect well behaved little angels who are just such good company to their dear metori. do you see the vision...
I DOOOO I SEE THE VISION.... theyve definitely visited his house the most out of everyone at pk theyre here every other day. i remember talking about this w a friend years ago and we were saying saiko would always be calling them over when he feels a little bored or lonely under the pretense of needing them to do stuff for him even though hes literally got a dozen people personally attending to his needs at home. constructing elaborate scenarios to just hang out without having to acknowledge any sort of friendship. i think post-friendship acknowledgement they still always gather at saikos house because hes got everything they could possibly want in there and also their houses arent up to his crazy standards so by default.... it can be a little insulting but they like getting picked up from school by a professional chauffeur w a limo too much to ever really complain about it lol
the saiko staff is kind of amused by them when they come over cuz theyre so used to doing that job for saiko at school they start doing it at his house without realizing. mostly though i think theyre happy he has normal friends now (and that its made him less annoying to deal with)
HIS PARENTS. theyve only met them like once or twice bc theyre really not at the house often. i like to think it wasnt even intentional they just keep getting lost in that huge fucking mansion and somehow end up in places they shouldnt be like saikos dads office or his art collection room. its really awkward every time because his dad doesnt really get it so when they blurt out a self introduction and say theyre his sons friends his dads like '...so you work for him, yes?' and arguing with a man that looks like a human-sized star and has enough power to make their entire family disappear with a snap of his fingers is a little scary so theyre just like yes sir we do sir. and he just pats them on the shoulder and tells them to keep up the good work and calls someone to guide them back to his son.
saikos mom is really funny to think about bc for takahashi yokota and murata its like going to their friends house after finally getting thru to him and starting to have a sort of normal relationship with him and meeting their celebrity crush there. when they come to saikos house after meeting her they try to discreetly ask if his mom is gonna be there. you know just to be polite and say hello they should probably bring a gift too... and saikos like shes in brazil rn and im going to kill you.
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mochiwrites · 7 months
Grian and Mumbo didn’t know Tubbo very well, but his death still hits them.
Grian saw his loneliness, his pain. He knows that’s real. 
and here we have grian being the fraying string tying the three tentatively together. thats so grian of him.
It’s only for a second before his knuckles make contact with Scar’s cheek, stinging his hand. 
that was SO satisfying. i know scars going through hell right now and has been for a while but that was SO SATISTFYING. grians anger is so satisfying. everything about their rage and grief and hurt is so real i love it
He latches onto that gut feeling he had earlier, and he knows which side Scar’s truly on now.
grian really embodies the best parts of humanity doesnt he? hes a million times better a man than me. how hes capable of being so.. so grian will never fail to amaze me.
“But I punched you, so I’d call us even for right now.” 
i really doubt thats how it works but sure thing buddy.
“Something’s inside it,”
yk what would be the coolest thing ever? if tubbo's alive and in that box and turns out hes been known about scar's whole fae magic thing and tubbos fine and alive and ALIVE AND ALIVE and scar's changed through his supposed death and TUBBOS ALIVE AND
Tubbo smells of smoke, and he could certainly use a shower, but he’s alive, and Scar weeps tears of joy.
He can only hope. 
OF COURSE HE CAN HES GRIAN!!!!! AHHHHUFHDHNSKFHSJDJSHSHDHDJWHDBD. ok. okokok. my playlist has done some INSANE work here because it played immortal by mitski when scar found the fire and its playing battle cries by the amazing devil and if those arent the perfect songs for those scenes idk what are
you, mochi, are an absolute menace. i dont feel this much, ever. punch my face and call me scar because im feeling so many things right now.
I think I’ve mentioned it before but !!!! getting to write grian punching scar, and him getting angry with scar, was SO cathartic and satisfying. it’s finally out in the open and there and AUGH. grian 100% deserved to express that anger toward scar and I fully intended to let it happen
but then it was also soooo important that he (along with us, the readers) acknowledge the fact that scar is also a victim in this. did he do bad things? absolutely. but his hand was forced. and grian seeing that needed to be there
and :D I’m really pleased with how arc 2 wrapped up hehe. I’m glad it felt satisfying <3
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acaciapines · 5 months
please tell us how dess would approach kris’ species dysphoria & how she would teach him to deal with it. if she doesn’t just laugh awkwardly abt it and try to ignore it
actually!!! this is the one thing dess has going for her lol, i like to joke that in this au by losing their identity issues kris instead gains mommy issues. but basically, the big thing that even LEADS kris to all their identity issues in the first place is that when theyre like ten they find a book on humans in the library and realize them being a monster is a Lie, and around this time azzy is leaving for college, their parents are divorcing, dess has just gone missing, they're cutting themself off from noelle, and its this perfect storm for everything to go to absolute shit for kris. they lose their monster identity, everyone around them is trying to comfort them by saying 'its okay if youre human we still love you' when kris ISNT human and THAT ISNT HELPING, and theyre angry and bitter and a lot of kris's anger comes out as aggression and when cornered/when they feel theyre cornered they tend to lash out, which then bleeds into them realizing that of course they werent ever a monster because monsters are good always and theyre not a good person and coyotes are bad animals and kris isnt good or a monster and they sure as shit arent a human but maybe they can be THIS...etc etc etc. its a shitshow lol, but you know that we've seen how i write kris elsewhere.
BUT IN THIS AU, none of that happens!!! kris is 5 when dess dips with them and thus never actually finds out they're biologically human, or at least, not in the way they do in my canon. unlike asriel (who sees kris calling themself a monster and worries), dess is like 'alright cool' and just updates her mental kris file with 'is a monster' and so she treats and sees them as such.
that isnt to say kris doesnt struggle with species dysphoria, because they do, and they do probably eventually find out their body is biologically human (tho i havent really thought much about how that goes lol). but when this does happen they have chara who supports them, dess who supports them, frisk who supports them...and while they still idealize DESS to an unhealthy degree not being the only human in an all-monster town (+ having a human parent and sibling) means they never actually start idolizing ALL monsters in that unhealthy way.
so, the kris of this au isnt human, and very much feels uncomfortable when they're read as such. but their family (dess, chara, frisk) know them to be a monster. and they're able to model their appearance to appear more monster-like. i dont have a FULL design for kris yet (cause character design is my achilles heel lol) but they for sure wear a pair of antlers (akin to the horn headband, but these are Real Bone Antlers they probably got at an antique store that were modified so its like, feasible for them to wear these pretty much constantly), some sort of modified shoes/boots so it sounds like hoofclicks when they walk, probably other things i havent figured out yet...
its to the point that kris tends to be read as monster more-so than they're read as human! which has implications for when noelle first meets them, of course...but thats for another time.
and for those who might be wondering 'wait but isnt your kris a coyote?' they are! this kris is the same kris who goes on to be a coyote, its just kris's coyote-ness does have a very physiological origin lol. takes a few very specific circumstances for them to go coyote and not monster. but no matter what they are never a human <3
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sarcasticorgasms · 1 year
call me crazy but i REALLY enjoyed the ending of good omens s2! (spoilers below the cut)
OKAY crowley points this out when he tells gabriel to jump out the window, but aziraphale didnt actually witness heaven's direct cruelty to him, didnt experience first hand how willing they were to throw him away and kill him the second he disagreed with them. crowley, however, did. we dont know if they ever told each other exactly what happened, or if crowley ever told zira that gabriel had said "just shut your stupid mouth and die already." it clearly lasted with crowley, he remembers the exact words.
the choice neil made for aziraphale to not yet fully understand that "good guys" and "bad guys" arent accurate depictions of heaven and hell makes sense when you realize that he's never received the reality of being punished by them. crowley isn't naive though, he's been through this more than once, has witnessed the cult like mentality of heaven and hell and tried to help aziraphale escape. he's always tried to help zira come to his own conclusions, and usually, he at least comes to an understanding (poor people DO have less opportunities, and you're helping science!). you can feel his desperation when hes asking his angel to leave with him, both in season 1 and season 2. but that resignation in his eyes when he realizes that zira is still stuck in the cult of heaven, still cant really see in shades of grey- he knows that nothing he says or does will change zira's mind; the only thing that will change his mind is seeing first hand the cruelty and lack of compassion from heaven towards aziraphale himself.
there were so many amazing moments where they showed the lack of knowledge from heaven. the rule that they're not to visit earth, not to know too much (or anything, it seems) about humans. because someone in heaven knows that access to knowledge makes you smarter, makes you curious, makes you ask questions. whether or not thats the decision of god, or of metatron remains to be seen. but one person being in charge, who's clearly clueless but pretends to know what god wants, is classic cult leader shit. people who follow along without question, who assume that their will is good- that's what the angels are. its hard to truly hate them when you realize that they're all under the same thumb. that scene when uriel asks the metatron if they've done something wrong was kind of heart breaking, they're just children playing a game they were never told all the rules to.
what makes crowley so fascinating as a character is that he's curious, he asks questions. he's not good, he's not bad, he's just... himself. honestly, he's more human than demon in his choices. what he said about following hell as far as he can, so he can stay on his own side is just perfect- and yeah, lonely. and i cant even imagine how lonely he feels now. im obsessed with how we're shown his attempts at changing aziraphale's mind - something about him being the one to encourage aziraphale to try human food, something about him inviting aziraphale to Edinburgh to show him how poverty forces you to make morally questionable choices, that not everything is black and white - idk. it's subtle, it's allowing him to come to the same conclusion on his own, it makes me want to shovel aquarium gravel into my mouth
aziraphale, when he's away from heaven's influence, is much more morally grey, he's more himself, he's happier. but as soon as his superiors are around, he loses all sense of self. he automatically assumed he was going to fall for lying to the other angels and not killing innocent children. he knows better than to ask questions, he KNOWS that what he's asked to do is sometimes wrong, but he has this cognitive dissonance he cant get past- heaven asks him to do things that are bad, but heaven isnt bad. heaven is always good, so what theyre asking must not be bad. but, killing children is pretty objectively bad. he cant kill children. but its god's will, so he has to, it must be good. but its not. and round and round it goes. he's never actually been punished by heaven firsthand, and i think once he sees close up that heaven's will isn't necessarily god's will, and that god's will is not always benevolent, he'll realize. he'll realize that you cant always change things from the inside, that there's a systematic issue that can only be solved by dismantling the institution. god i hope season 3 is dismantling heaven.
all in all i love this ending i am SUCH a sucker for escaping cult stories (nimona and she-ra, nd stevenson i love u). like your whole life you are so sure that you're doing the right thing, and then someone comes along and turns everything upside down and asks you questions, forces you to ask questions, and you can't help but defend where you came from, surely there has to be some mistake, if you could just talk to someone higher up you're sure you could clear this whole misunderstanding up, and then that higher up tell you point blank that they know what theyre doing, they know that innocent people are getting hurt. you witness their violence firsthand, and its intentional, its directed towards YOU. because you dared to ask if what we're doing is really the right thing. and that's when you finally understand.
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moonspower · 1 year
What I love about your potrayal of Vi is that you never applied "Cruelty made me angry" / "Cruelty made me soft" & instead cruelty made him confused. It seems more realistic from that perspective because theres no moralty behind his trauma like you said. Life hurt him & now he's busy trying to sort it out.
✨ anonymous. meme. still accepting!
because!!!!! most people arent super villains and neither are they angels sent from god that go one way or another. thinking otherwise is some modern media ass thinkin and im sry but my brain isnt wired for that kind of black and white thinking........... we're all so complex and we have our own ways of coping and just living our lives............. to apply those conditions to processing trauma is some goofy goofster shit, idc what anyone says
virote does awful things to people and to some people he's the nicest being theyve ever met. like no shit. he's mentally ill, he cant help what he does sometimes
i think in pushing this ' well!!! traumatized people who r nice all the time r superior ' shit that i see so often just perpetuates the narrative / trope of the perfect victim and that kind of thinking legit hurts people outside of fiction because it was brought over from real life in the first place
vi just became confused, lost, and sick of himself because of cruelty. trauma responses arent just external. theyre internal too and theyre devastating to experience, it leaks into how he interacts w. people. and theres no point in trying to slice it in a way that's easy 2 digest in good vs evil.
people get hurt
and whatever happens after that, happens
and sometimes what happens is that they're driven to evil, committing awful actions, etc etc. but realistically that's such a small amount of folks.......................... people are allowed to be messy and shitty but also kind and good when theyre hurt. all at once. all at the same time. that's range and being in touch with humanity, bih. anyway ty!!!
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arf2004 · 1 year
ok i never really post anything myself but i need to get this OUT!! ill probably do multiple posts atp bc theres so much. so much in my brain. this episode fucked me up it did it did its like every single episode just wrecks me more than the last it makes me feel new emotions and love and hope and sadness and o related and i dont relate and i empathize and i dont empathize and its so fucked up.
anyways. my first thoughts. the beauty of teds scene with his mom is unparalleled to me. its really justa bpiece of a bigger picture in this episode and even the series. i understand him ona level thats not quite the same but similarly shared. he needs to be happy for the other people around him so that theyre ok. hes "the kind friend". he is the one that is a rock and treats everyone eith respect even if you think they might not deserve it.
but he learned that. thats not something you just are. you learn pain and you learn hurt and you internalize it for far longer than you should to turn out like that. to give a story from your childhood and to be told "i cant even imagine you being cruel to people". to be one dimensional. to be the nicest person youve ever met. if you falter, you break the facade of the comfort and warmth you give to the people in your life, it means they leave you. it means they pull back. it means they walk on eggshells and theyre worried about you at every turn.
the fact that they both told eachother "fuck you" and they both knew that it was ok. it hurt because love hurts. it hurt because when you tell people you are upset with them, it hurts both of you. it hurt because they both knew these things to be true and were too scared to admit it to themselves. and they both fucked up. theyre both human. everyone in this show is so utterly, entirely human. even rupert. the fact that they gave him stories and a real life history doesnt mean that he isnt a shitty guy. just because you admit that someone is human doesnt excuse their actions.
ithink, far more than any show ive seen before, our view on the characters in the show that we see as either evil or infallible changes as the characters' views themselves shift. when rebecca realizes that everyone used to be a little kid, that rupert isnt a looming evil, but a man, a man who is not anything to her but an acquaintance and an ex-husband, we start to see him as human too. when teds mom tells him that his boy misses him, and that hes hurting both of them, we see, for not the first time but definitely the most impactful to me, that he is not perfect. he never was. we see that he is making mistakes. of course he is, we all know that right? but truly, deeper than "mistakes", we see that he doesnt know. he is afraid. he has made decisions that hurt him and his son and he doesnt know what to do. he wont always know what to do, and god knows he hasnt in the past.
we hear the mantra of "nobody is perfect" and we know that, we do. but not only is nobody perfect, but nobody can escape the cycle of missteps and mistakes. it isa part of being that someone will miscommunicate. will trip. will fall. hard. but we arent bad people for that. the world isnt as easy as "good" and "bad" people. we are all just existing and finding the ways that we feel right doing it, even if sometimes it hurts others.
fuck you, ted lasso, for making me feel so much love and compassion for everything in existence.
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wardenofthecoast · 9 months
this isnt something i want to debate or talk about with people or mutuals, but its crazy that
- Immediately we blame trans women for things that are not their fault or are not in any way the driving factor. This goes from accusations of trans women liking incest or having "weird" kinks or whatever, pretending as if its the same as murdering puppies or as if theyre somehow behind it all. Also complaiming about egg jokes fits here. No, a trans women making a simple joke om twitter (not to the person, but as a vague that no one would could ever assume it was about them) is not whats stopping men from being feminine. Cis/het people are soing gender reveal explosions but its trans women the real issue??? also saying hey maybe youre not trans ur just a feminine man is not a brave statement. Like if its specifically about u and u dont like that, then u can just say so (tho id ask u consider why being considered a trans women would be so devestating??).
- When anyone in the global south dares to critizice americans (esp trans women), theyre always assumed either white or european. I saw a post made by someone who was trying call out a trans woman where the op emphasized white, tho weirdly not latina (most likely because the idpol wouldnt have been as effective). While it mentioned something that yes she was ultimately in the wrong for, she apologized for it and this is just the classic internet tactic of demanding someone grovel forever for any percieved slight.
- People cant handle the their media doesnt have perfect politics, and when anyone brings that up or analyzes it, they get so fucking mad. Like ur not immune to propoganda! Also intentions mean shit, its the impact that matters. GW can claim the Imperium arent thebgood guys, but by making them the only human option, making them aestheticslly cool and meant to be wanted, its hard to be surprised when fascists and racists make up a portion of the fanbase.
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actualbird · 3 years
Oh god!
I really love the poly headcanons they are so sweet.... (or don't but that's part of it and i think the tot boys+MC deserve all the love the world has to give).
But, liking it or not, our 4 beloved boys are kinda complicated (that's what makes them perfect). Plus I never thought about how people get in poly relationships. So i was thinking, how do you think they all get into a polyrelationship together?
(I really have no idea of how that would happen)
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hi, two anons!! im glad you guys liked my nxx team polycule stuff!! i'll answer these in one go, my "headcanon" (in quotes because i think this kinda turned into a character analysis/minific of sorts HAHA) being what first anon asked, How They Get Together.
heads up, wc of this is 1.9k words long so buckle up for a bit of a read jfsjdfkjbf
because first anon, youre right!!! the boys are stupendously complicated which i love so so much but canon has also shown us clearly that each of the boys' quirks and habits and tendencies causes a lot of (mostly played for laughs) friction. the bickering, the backhanded insults, the "im the best one here" preening contests. theyre all SOOOO RIDICULOUS and it is hilarious but yep! the boys r complex!! and that means this beautiful ship, imo, has a lot of phases to get to the actual romantic relationship bit.
how they get together, in my opinion, starts because of mc.
not in the sense that she matchmakes them all, but like.
phase 1 of the nxx team polycule is this:
through being in love with her (which we all know the boys 100% are), each of the boys come to terms with their own flaws and weaknesses. it's very apparent to me in all the story thus far that these boys are flawed as hell, it's very compelling but even more compelling to me is how all of them also do intense mental gymnastics to Not Confront Those Flaws. like, marius is a dickbag always teasing and toeing the line of insincerity, vyn is a controlling mf who always tries to sway situations to his benefit, artem is so repressed to the point that he has genuine trouble with emotions, luke is a self sacrificial bastard and also a huge hypocrite about how no, actually, hes the only one that should be hiding his pain and being dishonest, no dishonesty from other people!! in the beginning of the story, all the boys have their flaws and seem to have just kinda...not addressed how those flaws are harming them and the people around them.
and then mc rolls around and they all fall in love with her. and she sees those flaws and she doesnt let them slide. she challenges the boys in her own ways to see another side of the situation, to acknowledge what theyre doing. she doesnt want to get rid of flaws, thats impossible and also not cool. she just has this beautiful hope for like, all of humanity, that goodness can prevail with the right work. so when she sees her beloved nxx boys, she believes that for them as well.
which leads to phase 2 of the nxx team polycule:
the boys, more aware of themselves, become more aware of each other.
they werent Unaware of the others of course. it's just that they didnt like...truly connect on a personal level just yet. they saw the other teammembers with their emotional armor and flaws and saw a wall that wasnt worth looking past.
but after mc makes them realize that hey, flaws arent the end of the world actually, it's alright and the person behind them may just be worth it, the boys like. end up understanding the others. A LOT OF THIS BIT IS UNINTENTIONAL, ON THEIR PARTS KJDSBFS. like they stumble into understanding each other by accident, they didnt plan it, but over the course of nxx investigations, it's inevitable that they end up seeing the depths of the others. i delve into this a little bit in my fanfic "filler eps of the lost gold" where the boys are just going thru their actions and then trip over another boy's fears or desires and through that, gain a deeper understanding mutually.
and with understanding, sometimes, comes trust.
phase 3 of the nxx team polycule goes like this:
everybody in this team, whether they like it or not, whether they know it or not, has a heart that wants to give love so desperately.
marius lives in a world full of snakes so he cant have his heart on his sleeve for his own protection. vyn wants to be seen as perfect and the heart is inherently messy so he holds it back. artem for a very very long time was focused on work and success and achievement that he neglected his heart. and luke has been giving love all his life in a sense but in a way thats hidden.
all these tendencies that are brought upon their life circumstances results in this: they want to love honestly but they havent been able to do this
until mc. and all of them want to push back whatever fears or patterns their life has instilled in them because they see her and see somebody so unwaveringly good that all their hearts begin giving love to her to make her happy and to make themselves happy as well.
but heres the thing. the boys dont just see mc. by this point, they have connected and understood and come to trust each other as well, and the consequence of that is that They Can See Each Other Now Too, Truly.
and heres the thing. all of the boys are unwaveringly good as well.
one by one, each of the boys realize that what they feel for the other boys in the team starts to...change. yeah theyre all friends, they pick on each other a lot of the time, but the bedrock of the relationship is solid and strong now. but when marius is with luke, marius sees a light inside of luke so bright that he seems unaware that he gives off. when artem is with vyn, artem sees a goodness inside of vyn that hesitates to make itself obvious and known because vyn is scared of getting hurt thanks to it. all of them see the other and their goodness and, unbidden, their hearts want to give love to each other as well.
and because theyre all a bit stupid in their own way theyre like, huh, weird! wonder why this feeling is so familiar! and yet i cant seem to name it...and then they all independently compare these feeling with the feelings they have for mc, a feeling they do know the name of, and theyre like.
which only means one thing: theyve fallen in love with everybody else
marius: //goes to his studio to Think and sees that a bunch of his recent art actually had little crumbs of these feelings already, etched into the brushstrokes and scenes. has an emotional crisis about it
vyn: //records a 1 hour long entry in his audio diary to examine and gain control of his feelings but by the end of the hour all he knows is that he wants to hold these people and be held by them
artem: //quite literally just bluescreens, artem.exe has stopped working, sits at his study and slowly, slowly, thunks his head down onto his desk, valiantly trying to ignore the fast pulse of his heart
luke: //manically vents about it to peanut who, by virtue of being a bird, doesnt get it. just keeps talking at peanut to get a grasp of it all and then lies down on the floor, overwhelmed
mc, sitting in her apartment watching some netflix: ...why do i inexplicably feel as if something very, very important has just happened?
phase 4 of the nxx team polycule is basically:
pining: extreme difficulty level
because pining is already hard when ur pining for one person. what more for an additional 3 more people. and those additional 3 more people are pining back.
and all these boys are SOOOO OBVIOUS with their romantic feelings, in their own special way. the way they show their affection to mc starts to bleed into their interactions with the others and everybody can CLEARLY SEE WHAT IS GOING ON, LOL, but also all the boys are too chickenshit to confront it, because if they confront it, what will even happen??? being in love with each other, all of them, thats going to be such a complicated fucking relationship, holy shit. it's 2030, yeah, being a polyamorous group relationship isnt completely unheard of, but sue them, theyre scared.
but mc (who i forgot to mention already knows of the boys' romantic feelings for her, shes just hasnt made a move yet on any of them because SHES IN LOVE WITH ALL OF THEM AS WELL and shes been trying to figure out how the hell to make that work, she cant bear to choose just one of them, she'd be heartbroken over leaving the rest of them behind) sees that the nxx investigation team is now all pining for each other FULLY and she kinda wants to laugh when she realizes whats going on because like, what are the chances? that this would happen? that they all found each other and their feelings fell into just the right place for nobody to be left behind?
theyre all scared, she can tell. and she is as well, she wont lie.
but shes always had a belief that goodness can prevail with the right work.
and love is one of the greatest goods out there.
phase 5 of the nxx team polycule:
It's Time For Communication, Baby!!!!!
the exact scenes of how this happens is a bit vague to me. it could go two ways: mc going to each of the boys independently to talk about feelings, hers about everybodys and his about everybodys as well. OR they have a fucking meeting about it all together and artem literally schedules it in his google calendar, or something.
either way, they like, actually talk about this. starts casual, maybe over a chill date, maybe over dinner at a nice restaurant, maybe over a walk in the park as the sun is starting to set. but where ever it happens, the end result is the same: a heart is laid out bare and it is taken in gentle, grateful hands.
vyn, laughing fondly: has anybody ever told you patience is a virtue? we quite literally just talked it all out.
marius: //needy whining noises
artem, embarrassed: ive...never kissed anybody before
luke, embarrassed but trying to play it Cool: ....same here
mc: kissing is great, you two will love it!
marius: awesome, awesome, so is ANYBODY going to give me a go ahead or WHAT????
phase 6 of the nxx team polycule:
i dont want to say it's happily ever after, once they all get together. thats not really realistic.
they all have their quirks and tendencies and habits. and those will inevitable clash against each other. theyll have their arguments, theyll get upset, theyll sulk and be angry, sometimes. but also...
theyll see each other smile and feel like their love shining so brightly. theyll reach out for another's hand and be held in such a way that makes them think that their heart is in a safe place. theyll love each other and theyll put in the work to continue loving each other. because goodness will prevail.
and they all see each other as the most good people in the world.
so whatever happens, theyll get through it together.
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unlimitedhorsepower · 2 years
i dont know if they ever intend to tell us anything about ryans backstory because its not necessarily important to his character and it could be enough for us to know that he used to disobey his parents to go see his girlfriend of the time instead, and that he alludes to karinas parents being nice in a way that makes me think his own parents arent like that
but because hes an amalgamation of kotetsus and barnabys traits in a lot of ways, ive built my own ideal reality. also, this was supposed to be a really short post but its actually unnecessarily long and rambling and actually has little to do with his backstory in the end, and tumblr will cut it off thankfully.
its my blog and i post whatever i want, including my stream of consciousness thoughts. here. have this ryan figurine i think about on a regular basis
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in my mind he would be from a well-off enough family and he wouldve started his career as a child and the hero work wasnt his topmost wish always. nowadays hes obviously rich, but i often think about KOW the rising saying that he likes to study tax plans and is good at buying in bulk...
anyhow, i think it would be fitting if his parents were kinda lacking in the parenting department. why did he become the wandering gravity prince? did he not want to stay with them, he never really talks about them even when its topical, they dont seem important to him. hes looking for a place to not get backstabbed and his first instinct is go to sternbild after a devastating injury and not like, show up at home for a bit at least?
kotetsus mom is still around and we know shes nice and doing the most really, and kotetsu has a brother who supports him too. kotetsu also is a very normal person without particular talents. in contrast, as we know, barnaby lost his parents who were busy but cared about him, and he was then raised by maverick who only wanted to use him and never cared about him.
barnaby is also a virtuoso in so many things, what is he not good at? he can have himself a perfect celebrity persona and do so many things so well. he was smart even as a kid. kotetsu, on the other hand, has no particular talents, however, he scored himself an eventual wife and a best friend for life (antonio!) when he was still in high school.
sure, he does dumb stuff all the time, but hes a decent guy who can make people laugh. hes well-liked enough, and he has a penchant for making genuine human connection even (and because of) his meddlesome nature. barnaby has difficulties making friends, in contrast. and if were absolutely honest, ryan is much more like kotetsu in the sense that underneath all of his ego that gets in the way of everything, hes actually a relatively normal guy with no particular talents beyond being extremely loud and proud about himself. without his ego he pretty much has nothing.
every day he wakes up and pretends to have both the positive traits of barnaby and kotetsu, when actually he kind of has both of their negative traits. his motto, too, is about believing in himself. as long as he believes hes perfect, then he can convince others of it too.
so hes a little bit like barnaby, who has a very likable and nice public image to supplement his shortcomings as a person who has difficulties connecting with people... but he goes beyond and above and makes no distinction between who he really is and what his “public image” is. his ego is Him, because its all he really has, and it gets in the way of genuine human connections.
again, in his schedule he is noted that he “had a pleasant time” at an event with a lot of celebrities, but theyre just his acquantaices. he keeps giving his number out to women, takes a woman home from a date and getting texted that the vibe was off, and he just goes okey-dokey and continues unbothered and arranges an another date
but then his buddy hero partner karina is about to DITCH him for kotetsu just like barnaby did (not that he cares. it was his master plan btw) and hes ready to flee the city immediately and cries.
does that really seem like a man who has a lot of genuine friends, like kotetsu has for example?
no... ryan has a lot of surface-level acquantaices and so on. hes well-liked enough, but the image he projects is absolutely insufferable and doesnt seem genuine (despite it being genuine, because he really just is like that), which also has made people consider him a rival to a degree it seems they arranged for gregory to cause ryan to lose control of his power.
in the scene where he loses control, hes wearing civilian clothes. was he invited to a hangout with the heroes at the monument he was crushed under? it certainly wasnt during his work, but his co-workers are in their hero costumes. it  would also explain ryans preoccupation with being betrayed, which implies to me a more active role than just leaving him to be crushed to death under rubble.
even barnaby, in the rising, suspects ryan of being involved with the villain plot, which ryan catches on and brings up himself and acts unbothered about- he doesnt mind, he gets it a lot, it seems. he would know this, too, because hes good at reading people.
anyhow, attention is what he wants, and attention is what he gets... he doesnt even mind if the attention is a bit negative.
like kotetsu, hes kind of meddlesome with other people, but hes also the type to claim all credit (even for things he didnt do), like when at the end of rising the announces its his idea that barnaby and kotetsu should work together.
anyway, i think this all would perfectly fit in my fantasy of ryans parents not being really explicitly awful but maybe they just didnt care enough so ryan never received an adequate amount of attention and parental guidance, and ended up like this.
barnaby is an only child, and kotetsu has a brother who he is on good terms with...
ryan could be an only child (as he never mentions anything related to a sibling as far as i know, but some information is so hard to get. i wish i could read japanese), but i think it would be interesting if he had a sibling, and for no particular reasons, the sibling was always just a little bit better than ryan. 
maybe they were smarter and had more realistic dreams (ryans wish is being the only number one. thats not even a wish. why did he even become a hero? i would say it was for attention. a guy with no life plans, really), or something, but it doesnt matter. losing in his parents eyes to something boring and cringe like a well-paying office job or a doctor or something. but thats something just for additional comedic purposes for me personally bc i think itd fit for him to be an only child
i also like to entertain the idea his parents wouldve pushed him into the entertainment field and i do love the idea that he was involved in a lot of things (like modeling etc) before ending up becoming a hero, which wouldve been one of his first choices he made for himself
hes not a bad person by all means, but to me at least before rising he more cared about the fame and attention part and people thinking hes an awesome person. theyll appreciate him then.
but then he learned about the power of friendship and now he can better focus on being a good person in the way he knows how to be (extremely meddlesome and getting into your personal business but nonetheless hes doing his best)
he definitely was like that as a kid too, you know how some kids are just so nosy? i also like to think he was the type of kid who just makes up outrageous lies and cant even tell why, which he stopped doing as an older teen and moved into exaggerating his life instead
i think hes always been really outgoing and the class clown-type who causes problems at school but like most kids who act like that, he was trying to get attention because he was going through something
and lets face it, hes kind of weird with how over-the-top he is. his apartment has black marble and leather and gold and he has frescoes of himself on his walls... this sort of eccentricity doesnt just happen overnight, im sure hes always been a little bit like that
but its harder to get bullied when you just tell everyone youre awesome with utmost confidence. kids dont really know how to react to something like that, its pretty easy to convince people youre cool as long as you can just act the part (source: me). you can get all of your weird traits excused if you own them and act like its the most natural thing (even if it wont stop people talking behind your back) anyway i think that deep down he knows that hes nothing special and has known since he was a kid but this lifestyle of his isnt something he can back down from. hes perfect because he says so and if he admitted otherwise it would be equivalent to getting executed.
he made his bed now he has to lie in it. but hey its a nice bed with silk sheets and damn he looks good
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collisiondiscourse · 3 years
BKDK - Highschool Romantics Headcanons
LOVE ME some good old fashioned highschool romance shenanigans so as per my brand, lets make it bkdk!! bc tbh i havent made a hc list in a while
its second year highschool! things have calmed down significantly and for class 1-A this means that its time to celebrate their teenage years like they werent able to before
this means more movie nights--more days they get to spend having fun and being regular kids like they shouldve always been
meanwhile bkdk? after confessions and apologies made on bloody battlefields and quiet hospitals at the dead of night... its almost comical how cheesy they are
deku sneaks up on kacchan during lunchbreaks, dragging him to the training fields where he serenades him with a guitar and laughs as a small crowd of their schoolmates whoop in glee
he sings songs of youthful love and friendship, awkward voice smoothing into something beautiful and charming
in return, katsuki learns new songs. he learns to draw and to play the drums even better--living for that shocked little smile when he draws doodles of deku and dedicates especially sappy songs to him during their monthly school jamming session
they arent together at this point, technically. no one knows what they are. no one can begin to label what they have either.
but its definitely good.
its bright and its beautiful and its loud, so theyll protect it with their eyes wide open but in the meantime class 1A just sits back and watches the twin stars of UA unravel like leaves in the cool mornings of fall
they go everywhere together, always holding hands. bakugou and deku have promise rings, little matching all might insignias glinting in the sun
they won those in an arcade somewhere. no one knows what the promise is, and no one really bothers to ask
katsuki really likes lending izuku his jackets. its nothing he says outright, just the fact that he's always ready—always one arm out of its sleeve—to bundle his sweaters and drop it into the lap of the unsuspecting nerd.
"geez, is it just me or is it really co—" *flop*
sometimes kirishima worries about his best friends allowance at the rate in which he has to replace all his jackets
they brawl in the hallways, rough house on the train station, cuddle when its cold and the common room is filled with people and light
deku often likes to surprise katsuki with little gifts. he sneaks spicy candies into the other boy's backpack between classes, slips giftcards and notes of appreciation between the pages of katsuki's textbooks
in return, as he does with everything, katsuki goes big. sometimes he surprises deku with a giant teddy bear, or soft hoodies that remind him of the other. he'll get the whole bakusquad in on it and fill the hallways in the morning with encouraging yells and loud boisterous laughter
sometimes, obviously, they'll still mess up. They're still teenagers, still human.
Deku will sometimes not say things that he should and Kacchan will sometimes say things he doesn't mean.
they'll fight and yell and unsettle the dorms with how charged the air becomes. sometimes Aizawa's worried they'll go back to ground beta and increase the hero course's already abysmal annual repair budget again like they used to do when they were stressed and repressed and each other obsessed
but then bakugou will sneak into dekus balcony at the dead of night, like some sort of delinquent trying to visit their goody two shoes lover at the risk of running into their shotgun father
(which in this case, bakugou supposes, would be uraraka--the metaphorical shotgun being a very tired todoroki)
and he'll knock on the window gently, trying not to smile as izuku opens the window and rubs the sleep from his eyes.
"ka... cchan?"
katsuki lets himself smirk at last and tells deku theyre sneaking out.
phrases it like a taboo secret, even as aizawa watches from the security footage room exasperated but also kind of relieved because of all things his class has gone through, a little midnight tryst is the least dangerous of them all. its not even close to the biggest secret deku's ever had, and by god he has plenty.
but he stifles his giggles into the palm of his hand and watches as bakugou precariously sits on the metal railing, clothes a mess and leaves still stuck in his hair
"Our little secret, okay?" Kacchan jokes, red eyes glimmering with something raw and perfect. "Don't tell your dad about me."
Izuku rolls his eyes and reminds him that All Might isn't actually his father, god Kacchan! You've met my real dad!
Yet still, he lets it pass.
And then, oh so carefully yet recklessly as if they weren't the most powerful duo of their generation, katsuki reaches out and slips deku's hands in his and takes him away
takes him to a beach (Dagobah, because of course it is) in the middle of the night, the stars brighter than theyve ever been because everything looks different when youre young and in love
they lay in the sand and listen to the waves and some weird beat thats been stuck in Izuku's head. Bakugou turns to watch his eyelashes flutter against freckled cheeks and holds out a pinky.
"I'm sorry. By the way. I didn't mean what I said and I want you to be happy."
Izuku hums and they talk it out. Eventually the other boy holds his pinky out too and they link together like pieces of a puzzle.
Under the stars, the two of them make a million promises. Promises that they know they'll break, promises that they know they won't, promises that leave them uncertain and guessing.
"—but you promise, though. Right? You promise that we'll still be by each other? Us against the world forever and ever even after this. Even when we grow old?"
Their pinkies stay linked together and the two boys know for sure that it's one of those highschool promises that they will keep forever.
Deku stares into pretty red eyes that remind him of juicy apples and warm bonfires beside friends who never run out of stories to tell
Katsuki stares back into clear green eyes that remind him of calming tea and lush grass he lays down on in the familiar heat of a summer afternoon
they just. stare. stare and stare and stare and maybe, they begin to think
maybe in those eyes, i can see our future.
and its good.
its really really good.
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hellbabyfromhell · 3 years
i unfollowed you, not because i dont like you, but rather because you have such trans girl swag that i just followed you for like... years without realizing you're not transfem and we have nothing else in common. i truly wish you the best of course but like... to me you're just some person walking around making posts and stuff.
it honestly bothers me that you followed me for years and you didnt like the content of my character or anything ive done and decided to now send me this saying “im just some person walking around making posts” because i didnt fit your image of who you thought i was. and it was entirely contingent on my gender and not any other thing about me? i am not a transfem, youre right, but 1. you also really dont know my history with gender and 2. its shitty that you went out of your way to tell me you were uninterested in any aspect of my personality other than my gender for years apparently. and you felt the need to inform me that you’re unfollowing me because i don’t fit your mental image of me….
you are just some person who treats people on the internet like they arent real, because you only care about a fictionalized image of them. you are like some person who thinks their opinion of someone is so important that they have to decree theyre unfollowing me in their askbox. im sorry you dont like me for who i am, but i guess i prefer that you’ve unfollowed because i dont want to be seen as someone else, someone imagined. (i think in some ways this is why perfect blue is so important to me) i want to be, i AM me, and thats all i can be. i am just some person walking around and liking myself (new development!) and sometimes other people do too, because of who i am as a person. this sort of thing drags me down, especially when i see it first thing in the morning, because it really bothers me when people send me these presumptuous and sometimes rude asks because they don’t think about the feelings of the person that theyre sending it to. so i guess all in all, if you are the kind of person who sends this sort of message, i truly wish you the best of course but i’d rather that people who actually like me for me follow me. i am a person, anon. this is really dehumanizing. in the future, please treat fellow internet denizens as human beings with feelings.
on that note, im sorry im replying to this and not my nice asks. this is kind of an anomaly and i don’t get stuff like this often. the nice asks, i like to keep them and look at them. honestly, sometimes when im at my lowest, i read them, and its like exp or spore food bits in the first stage. i truly appreciate how kind people are to me from the bottom of my heart. ive done a lot of work trying to bring myself back from having a horrible self image, because for so long i couldnt stand myself, and when i get a nice ask, its like adding a plate of armor to my knight-suit. i am feeling stronger than ever, and i appreciate and love every message and reply with all my heart. idk how to reply to replies sometimes but i read them all and they stay in my back pocket. i wish i could Like the replies. i just really appreciate how kindly people treat me and i cannot thank you enough. ive been through really tough shit the last 6 years and the dust is finally settling and everything is looking like itll be okay, and im touched whenever i get a kind message, because im grateful, truly, for people who have seen my highs and lows, failures and triumphs, and are so unrelentingly supportive. i wish i could express genuinely how much it means to me from the bottom of my heart. there are times when people here treated me much kinder than i would ever allow myself to at the time, and i really can’t explain how much it meant and still means to me. so thank you, a million times thank you. i started crying writing this part lol. i am just very beyond appreciative that i so infrequently have negativity on my blog. thank you to all the people who have stuck with me and sent me such kind things. i hope to keep making stuff and doing things and i hope it’ll entertain you and make you happy as much as doing those things makes me happy. lets be happy all together! thank you.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. im pretty sure the exact reason persephone now randomly has long hair in episodes and merch despite the short hair being her one unique trait for so long is because rachel knows even her fans can connect the dots persephone is supposed to be and look exactly like rachel's idealized version of herself and its not very subtle about it. lets play is obvs a self insert fantasy too but even mongie had the good sense to make sure sam didnt look like her.
2. do you think lo is ever going to cover herakles? bc i want to know how rachel will try and hashtag girlboss her way out of hera trying to kill his mom during childbirth, try to murder him as a baby, and then driving him mad so he murders his wife and children. like she already is trying (and failing) to girlboss persephone being a selfish mass murderer, why not hera too
3. I hate that the trial literally mentions NOTHING about the humans Persephone killed. I get that it's centered around clearing her name, but this whole thing barely even mentions them or what happened! It's just the gods airing out each other's dirty laundry. We get little to no input from the mortals side nor do we get anybody advocating for them. Did no one think maybe we should maybe get a relative of one of the mortals she murdered to testify? Get a nymph who lived in the area maybe? No? Why not!? This involves them doesn't it!?!?! I'm not saying that Persephone shouldn't get to share her side of the story, I'm just saying that that's all we've seen. We haven't heard about the damage she did.
4. ok first off the fact we didnt even know if persephone was over 18 when she stumbled nearly naked onto a drunk hades is already bad enough and points clearly why her being so borderline young is a bad idea, but if persephone was 19 when they met ?? how bad is her memory?? she only met him months before but completely forgot by the time of the first few episodes?? is she just playing dumb or is she just stupid? like these retcons only make everything more confusing??
5. i hate how hades and persephone's relationship is justified by lo fans because it's "legal". like legality is not morality, and hades is still a massive creep.....and demeter is right for trying to keep the two apart
6. did you make the post saying "hades and persephone isnt a love story, it's a story about a mother losing her daughter"? it stuck with me and it's something i wish LO fans would acknowledge
From OP: No, I tried to find it but I can’t remember who made it. I’ll reblog if I do find it or if someone else does.
7. the reason the male characters in lo arent as talked about is because theres nothing to them? like hades easily gets critiqued a lot bc wow he sucks, but apollo is nothing? zeus is nothing, poseidon, hermes, ares, hephaestus, thanatos, etc etc are just not characters. they just exist and are boring.
From OP: Exactly! If I could talk about the other male characters, I would but there honestly isn’t much to them.
8. tbh i just cant even buy these characters as gods? like how as goofy or more human as they can be in disney or percy jackson you can still sense theyre otherworldy and powerful, but these lo versions are just weird colored people who get away with murder and think its normal to enslave people and who randomly fly. i dont fear them or view them in awe, they just seem like another gossip girl knock off with simpson coloring.
9. im sorry but demeter is so justified in why she doesnt trust hades or olympus as a whole, but hades especially. shes known him far longer than persephone has and knows what a cruel, entitled prick he is and how hes treated other women, and yet because hades shows bare minimum of "respect" to her persephone thinks hes perfect and demeter doesnt know what shes talking about? take the names off and everyone would call persephone is an entitled brat, but demeter is supposed to be in the wrong here.
10. i feel like at the very least characters like zeus and apollo or w/e need some OP power over hxp and/or a large group of supporters (maybe theyre the muscle instead) bc like?? theyre so unliked and weak compared to hxp that its like what stakes are there? according to rachel persephone could just grow big and murder all of them because shes that OP and got too horny looking at hades' can opener nose and wouldnt get a scratch on her, so what tension is there? what conflict? theres nothing there.
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mourninglamby · 3 years
Do u have any family hcs in the dsmp?
Example: Bad is Sapnaps dad etc
Which “faction” do u like the most and why?
Do you A duo or squad in dsmp that’s either Overrated or super underrated?
family: no not rly i dont like blood related family. i am an avid lover of found family, its my favorite media trope. but i am also infact a bigstupidlesbian so thats a given. i think bad being sapnaps dad is canon tho (i want it to b blood related bc i like demon sapnap stuff), as well as puffy being foolish's parent (non blood related).
faction: las nevadas and the syndicate are kinda tied but god. las nevadas is the PERFECT mix of characters and i was so fucking happy to see the entire cast come together. such a colorful cast that i know will deliver in the dialogue department. huge props to quackity for putting his rag tag crew together. it feels so real and easily relatable, they really worked hard to make las nevadas feel alive and get us attached. theres somethin for everyone, its one of the most clever groups of characters ever assembled imo.
overrated duo: idk .. i like all of em T__T i think rivalsduo maybe bc in canon they arent besties the way everyone portrays them as, but i still like how techno is the only one who can like. legitimately annoy dream lol. and not in the way tommy does where its fun because dream knows he has the higher ground, in a way where theyre equals, so it hits closer to home when hes being talked down on by him. funny shit lmao.
underrated: erm honestly .. kinda purpled and slime. i know they only recently got lore and its very little stuff to go off of but for what is is? big stupid non human goop guy and some annoyed lone wolf kid? that is the perfect set up for character development for both slime and purpled. i rly rly rly rly RLY hope we get more of them. idk what their duo name would be but .. maybe spyduo? hmmm
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acaciapines · 10 months
okay so the big thing about luz and mari is that its like. god okay.
so the human world in my fic is basically his dark materials pushed to the extreme--i took all the parts i hated about how daemons are presented (second to their humans, only talk to other daemons, mostly there as a symbol, settle very young) and went yeah :) this is how the world works.
and thus we get luz and mari. luz who was never so great at picking up all these rules because she was a neurodivergent kid and it just--they were so SLIPPERY. she was just doing her best, wasnt she? and mari, who knew they were wrong, they EXISTED wrong, did everything wrong, and had to step up and do everything right but daemons aren't supposed to be the ones leading the way. they are supposed to follow.
but theyre also supposed to protect their humans and lead them down the right path and its this horrible catch-22 where to be a good daemon mari has to be a bad daemon and it just. it eats at her. it eats at her so much, as they go to the boiling isles, where everyone accepts luz and luz fits right in and theyre wrong wrong wrong but luz is having fun and mari is too but no, no she CANT, she cant be a bad daemon, has to be good, and good, and good--
and then comes the choice. blow up the portal to save eda's life. or let eda die so she can go back home to her mom.
the good thing to do is to go back home. the demon realm? its just...a distraction. temporary. besides, theyre settled, arent they? sure, mari hates the form, and her scales are too-tight, and she can't shed them. sure, she drops her tail, and won't ever grow it back, but--shes being good, right? right?
luz wants to save eda.
luz wants to be a Bad Daughter.
luz is trying to be a good daughter. to eda, though.
and mari--
see, theres one thing worse than being a bad daemon. and thats being a daemon who unsettles.
so now theyre trapped in the demon realm. now luz is saying all these things about how maybe its good, actually, and maybe the human realm wasnt so perfect, but doesnt she get it? this isnt a STORY. this is real life, and in real life, you close the book and go home. in real life you swallow down lizard and you sit with it no matter how much your scales itch. in real life bad kids are sent away to become good kids. and youve never, ever been a good kid.
its wrong, to stay here. its wrong, that luz isnt as dedicated to building the portal as mari is. its bad, and its SO BAD, and mari keeps trying her best, and then makes it, halfway, and shes seeing the human realm, seeing home, and look, thats how daemons are supposed to be, and--
was it always so...stifling?
surely, she's just...misremembering. thats home! its where she needs to be! its...
sometimes people call them luz-mari clawthorne and it makes luz grin a bit and mari want to claw her own fur out (but she cant have fur it should be scales why is the fur more her than the scales ever were--)
sometimes mari looks at her own paws and wonders why she even bothers trying to make luz good when all its ever done is get them both hurt.
sometimes mari lies awake at night and thinks only to herself: does belos have a point?
but mari's a Good Daemon. she's doing everything shes supposed to be doing. shes doing it right, and she'll just--settle again, settle BETTER, and even witches settle, even if they're weird as kids, even if nothing is adding up, even if shes learning things in belos's mind, learning HISTORY, and if it's true, if belos is wrong, if witches and humans actually arent so alike at all, if luz is maybe more a witch than she's ever been human, if, if, if--
mari just. has to be good.
why cant luz see that?
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Five: Jujutsu Kaisen
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Even though this anime is rather new, it holds a special place in my heart. I started watching this when I was going through a really rough time and it really helped me get through that time in my life.
I love how serious it is while also having some of the funniest moments. Even when there are characters trying to kill each other, there are just some scenes that makes you laugh.
Not only that, but we actually get to see strong and powerful women in this show whoa re being reduced to fan service or doctors. Dont get me wrong, i love a bit of fan service as well, but the fact that these characters seem to respect themselves so much that even when other characters are talking about their ideal women, it isnt in a shameful way.
Not only that, but each character has a rather interesting backstory and the whole show doesn't focus on one character. Hell Gege knew Yuta had the qualifications of a main character so they made him into one in his own story!
Mappa does such an amazing job animating this, I cannot wait to see what happens with the future season.
Four: Soul Eater
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Soul Eater was the first anime I ever watched knowing it was an anime. This used to be my favorite anime but then I read the manga and realized how much of the actual story was made up.
There is so much more that happens in the manga that I would have loved to see animated, but I get that for its time, it couldn't compete. Especially against big names like Death Note and Naruto.
However, there is something just do nostalgic about this show everytime I watch it. The crazy shenanigans between the boys always makes me smile and the constant harassment from Blair is somewhat adorable when you think about the chemistry she has with other characters.
And dont even get me started on the opening. I have it memorized in English and Japanese. Its just do chaotic and I cant help but burst out into song everytime I hear it.
Three: The Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime
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Another anime on the newer side of the spectrum, but I truly love it. Slime is definitely a comfort anime of mine. I have watched it about three times now and i will never stop.
The dynamic characters is so appealing to me and how comedic it tends to be in the first season.
The second season is much darker and has a lot more serious elements, but Rimuru honestly handles things the way a true protagonist should. I dont want to spoil much, but they arent one to make a lot of friends with their enemies.
Another thing I love is that Rimuru is technically NONBINARY. Why? BECAUSE THEYRE A SLIME THAT CAN TAKE AN APPEARANCE OF A HUMAN!!!
I will not lie. There is a major amount of fan service in this show. I know that, but when you see which characters get the fan service, it really just makes you love those characters more.
Two: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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This show has helped me through almost every major even in my life. I have learned so much through all of these characters (except shou tucker, go rot in fucking hell)
For literally any show, this should be what you hope to achieve. Not the original series... We dont speak of the original series... Ngl, this probably would have been number one if they didnt white wash the Lioreians.
One: Cowboy Bebop
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This show was so fucking amazing that they literally had to create a new genre of anime for it. Every episode had be excited for more. I have such an emotional attachment to all of these characters, especially Spike.
I watched this show for the first time when I was 16. It was right after I had tried to commit suicide no less. I saw myself in a lot of these characters.
I wont spoil it, but if youre going through a rough time in life and you feel like you cant go on, I highly recommend this show. This show was so controversial for its time when the anime community was just watching Inuyasha, Dragon Ball, and Sailor Moon.
And always remember, Whatever happens, happens.
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