#i dont know if im phrasing this correctly
player-tag · 11 months
i hate the fact that, for some people, you have to make something beneficial for them to get them to actually believe it. "consent is sexy" & "be kind to people because you'll get good luck" & "[conventionally unattractive thing] is actually super hot" etc etc. like, no, most of that isn't true most of the time. consent can be a bit awkward if you're shy and its your first time. complimenting people most of the time wont get you something grand in life. stretch marks and burns and scars aren't always pretty or pleasing to look at. but thats okay, and it should still be done. you do these things not for your benefit, but for other people. because the only reason we as a species have survived is because we are a community, we work together, we live for each other. and thats the benefit for us all.
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strawberri-syrup · 9 months
there is something about being aroace that makes me so fucking confident in how hot i am
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emlos · 1 year
im beating this dead horse; feeling like shit because i have no reason to feel like shit but i still feel like shit despite that is a new level of being pathetic
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dovedrangeas · 2 years
love it when transphobes show their hand a little by saying one of the bad things trans people do to innocent children is make them "lifelong patients"
you know, not like there are literally countless children who are "lifelong patients" for entirely separate reasons, and being disabled or even just needing medicine at all isn't some divine punishment for the sin of... not being cis
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foxcassius · 11 months
just thought abt furuya sensei for a little too long. god she was infuriating.
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mourninglamby · 3 months
pondering Again. but ur one of the only people i know who actually gaf about this stuff so i thought id say it here: the way the abuse in dsmp is never actually acknowledged for what it is... never said aloud.. is so interesting. like it sucks, its enabling the fandom to continue being abuse apologists and making it seem, correctly, like the creators have no idea what they are Actually writing. Thats obviously bad.
theres that... and then theres looking at it from a story standpoint. it genuinely intrigues me so much. it exemplifies the sort of horrific realism and... obliviousness, i guess, that this story has. of this story naturally and un-purposefully unfolding from some creators just playing around in a server together and then Attempting to form a semi coherent plot. i dont quite know how to explain what i mean. like, this story at its core is about abuse right? primarily about a kid being abused by so many of the adults around him and struggling to find allies. the way he makes sense of what happens to him. with c!drm, the abuse is acknowledged by other characters primarily when it is convenient to Them. it is addressed in vague words like "he hurt him" and such. c!tommy insists to everyone around him that what has been done to him was bad, expressing many times how it made him feel and a few of the specifics, and is brushed off repeatedly. all the while he himself seemingly cant phrase exactly What it was.
and dont get me started on cwilbur, whos NEVER full held accountable or treated as an abuser by the narrative, or even c!tommy. even when other characters insist that what ctommy went through was bad, it seems like hes the only one who Realizes that somethings wrong a lot of the time. desperately looking for someone to agree with him and tell him hes not just loosing it in a world that fails to actually call it what it is. again, its really upsetting!!!
yeah i dont know if im wording this right or whatever but i just think its interesting. i sometimes find myself be unable to hate many of the writing choices within the context of the story unless its in a real world or writing critique way. instead it just makes me sad. hardly any characters have ever felt so real to me. wanting to "save a character from their narrative" has never applied so strongly.
I know I said I wouldn’t post more anons until I finished my essay, but this one is pure peak …. Weaponized incompetence will be the word of this millennia of parasocial online fandom. Nothing else to add to this u just got it in one
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flower-boi16 · 7 months
sorry for the incoming rant.
(cw for: mainly arophobia but also mentions of acephobia and mentions of people shipping an abuser with their victim)
praying for the teens and pre teens who think hazbin is *the* show for queer rep or progressive in any matter. it scares me immensely. not only the blatant fetishism and sex negativity and whatnot, but the fact people are being taught that labels *don't mean anything* and that they can do whatever they want (with a character).
yeah, "i gave my characters labels but fuck those labels ship whatever you want" is SURELY a great sentiment to leave behind. surely nobody would erase or discriminate against labels and identity, right? surely people WOULDN'T repsect labels and identities, right?*COUGH* *COUGH*
seriously the amount of ace- but more aro-phobia in that cult/clusterfuck in that fandom is insane. i hate how the aro tag has been poisoned/infiltrated by red twink no. 45 because of shipping discourse, and these people are being enabled by their "leader", never being lectured correctly. these people will ONLY listen to anyone who either agrees with them or isn't part of said label/identity. im so pissed. aros have little to none rep AT ALL and even then people will erase existing rep or come up with shitty excuses (if i hear the phrase "b-but aros can still date!!" one more time im breaking something. you dont care about the AROMANTIC dating experience, you only care about your stickmen kissing. period.). its more than exhausting.
i am not the only aro and aro-ace severly pissed off by this but im afraid there's nothing we can do. these people ship a severly traumatized victim and their assaulter together so im not suprised. at all.
all i came to know is that nobody actually fucking cares about representation or labels- they're all hopping around in fanfiction-shipping wonderland and bullying people relentlessly if they DARE to think otherwise. and they're being enabled.
-an exhausted and "done" aromantic. (i'm also on the ace spectrum but that's not as important to me right now- even though striker- the only one that's not horny 24/7 and clearly sex-repulsed or at least disgusted, is played as a big joke, but i believe someone else already said that. but that alone should raise eyebrows.)
Honestly, I don't even know what to add other than...this fandom kinda sucks. Like first bullying someone into killing themselves over shipping stuff and now this? And the fact that Viv doesn't call out ANY of this shit at all makes it worse.
Look, I'm of the opinion that we should not blame a creator for having a shitty fandom, HOWEVER, Viv needs to stop enabling her fans and say SOMETHING about this behavior.....but she isn't. Like, she could just say "hey guys stop doing this pls" buuuuut no. She's too busy whining about people criticizing her shows to actually do that.
Alastor is aroace guys, stop trying to erase that part of him just so you can drool over him. Just do that for LITTERALY ANY OTHER CHARACTER. It's that simple.
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riizewrtr · 7 months
hihi i really like ur work!! and saw that you were taking request so if you dont mind ill leave a couple? (like 2💀)
but do you think i can request riize’s first impressions of you if i phrased that right ik you have meeting their crush for the first time but like a non idol au where like reader is friends with one of their friends and meets them for the first time
riize meeting you for the first time and where/how he met you!~
shotaro would meet you at a dance studio~ he would be absolutely infatuated and in awe of how you moved. he would think your style matched his the most out of any person in the studio. he would love the smile on your face, the way you laughed. i can see him a bit shy to come up to you first, but he would be the type to start off with "you did amazing out there"
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eunseok would meet you through friends! you were in a small friend group, but once it had gotten bigger you would meet eunseok that way. he seemed cold and as a stone, but once you and your friends got closer and started hanging outside of school you would see he's a really cheeky and sweet guy. he would think you're pretty & chill. he would see you as someone who he can rely on!
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sungchan you would meet him through the internet, maybe instagram or tiktok. he would casually always see you show up on his fyp or you commenting on his videos. he would take the time to message you so you can become closer. his first impression is that you are cute, and you seemed very silly and outgoing and he really liked that!
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Wonbin first saw you at the skate park. he was playing his guitar for fun, when he saw you with a group of friends. he would see you as "his type". his type at first sight lol, he saw how you smiled and laughed. he saw how amazing you were at skating, how you laughed whenever you didn't land correctly or fell off the board. he liked that about you. would take him a few times(days) to get the courage to speak to you.
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Seunghan you'd casually meet at the mall or in a store(in the mall). you were working at a store he had walked in. When he didn't know what he wanted, he always asked YOU for your help specifically, just so he can talk to you. i can see it taking him a few weeks before he decided it was time to ask for your number. He would always stop by the store so he can see your sweet smile. his first impression was that you loved helping people and it made him feel some type of butterflies in his stomach.
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Sohee would think you were the most gorgeous girl in the class. his eyes never left your frame whenever you were in class. Only a few seats down from him. Whenever you talked he would think it sounded like a voice hug. You were soft-spoken and sweet. You were never rude, nor did you ever complain. (out loud at least.) he loved the way you hummed softly while working on projects or work.
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Anton would meet you in the train station. You both would always be on the train at the same time almost everyday. Perhaps you were getting off work or out of school, regardless you always ended up in the same train. I don't think he would talk to you first, you'd have to initiate bc his first impression of you is that you were too gorgeous to talk to for someone like him.
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bwbawa · 10 months
hello, so I'm questioning if I'm autistic so i can reach out for a diagnosis maybe, and i saw another person do this so i wanted to try it out
i wrote a list of some of the things i think that are autistic traits about me and if anyone would like to please read them and tell me if they could be autism or maybe smth else? lol, just as a big favour really. I'll give more context if any is needed, thanks so much!!
also please reblog for reach if you want to, thank you
ts bellow the cut :]
- stimming ( twirling and braiding hair, used to suck on my own hair as a kid, rocking back and forth, doing ??? weird stuff with ny mouth and fingers lol, moving legs a lot)
- echolalia; internal, repeating phrases and songs on my head, but also doing sounds with my mouth
- always feeling like an outsider. This wasn't bad for me as a kid since i was very into creepypastas and media related to being an outcast, i never related it to something bad until adolescence which im still in, and I'm more insecure now about it.
- also, very extroverted as a kid, didn't get social cues and was offensive sometimes
- couldn't and still can't control my strength very well ( sometimes things fall out of my hands or i touch someone harder than i wanted to)
- sensitive skin, to heat cold and pain
- very talkative, as a baby was LITERALLY born babbling
- not good at eye contact, either do way too much or way too little
- terrible at maths (jst not logical to me??? dk how people find them logical )
- kinda restrictive interests but no special interests
- very picky as a child, fav foods were salted noodles with ketchup or by themselves. ( still can't stand some foods and mixing some foods together )
- horrible coordination and balance: didn't learn to tie my shoes correctly, how to ride a bike or how to swim, i bought wheelies and cant use them because my balance is horrible, i run weird (like a baby kind of) and I'm always stumbling on my own feet
- again, didn't learn some stuff until grown: didn't know how to shower correctly or make my bed ( could be due to being very taken care of as a kid, aka my mom didn't let me do stuff by myself )
- terrible spacial awareness: again, stumbling with my own feet, waddling like a penguin when i walk with my friends lol
- bad perception of time
- got upset when things didn't go my way
- ran away when kids were being too loud but didn't mind big performances loud spaces
loud THUDS or sudden noises however startle me, scare me and stress me out: was and still am kind of afraid of balloons, shouting people and loud thuds. As a baby i cried when someone spoke too loudly
- lately I'm much more sensitive to stimuli than i was, could be due to heightened stress in my life: badly done beds make me want to cry, crumbs on the bed feel like hell, heat and sweating are hell, some months ago i cried because my sunglasses and headphones weren't working and there were too many sounds, my head it hurted and everything felt wrong, sent me into a kind of crisis.
- don't think I'm overly empathetic, but i have a strong sense of justice and get very upset and ill about injustices.
related to that, movies and shows that require a lot of stress i don't like, they make me feel ill and i prefer spoilers when it's like that, i get too nervous.
- socially awkward and don't know how to keep conversations going, at least small talk.
- although i used to talk a lot, nowadays i prefer to stay quiet sometimes.
- i get VERY angry and frustrated but it goes away kind of quickly?
-i used to be very loud and I still dont know how to control my tone of voice ( how loud or quiet i am) and i spoke in a very high pitched voice as a child
- i used to read a lot, went to the library in the recess instead of hanging out all the time with kids and used some complicated words that my parents didn't know i knew
- all my life i only had one close friend ( not the same, but always one)
- i think i had a specific routine of morning
- i have a hard time concentrating and being organized
- i make plans for myself in the night and get upset when OTHERS interrupt it but not when i do
- hard time knowing when to pee and when to eat
- again sensory issues, some foods make me want to puke, and wet, sticky or extremely dry hands are disgusting. Also, light touches feel like anger.
- as a kid I repeatedly watched stuff, ended up boring my family because i only wanted to watch that multiple times
- sensory seeker as a kid kind of, slept with my feet up, danced a lot (stimming?)
-i get irritated easily and can hurt people verbally
- don't know if related but i sometimes very anxious, get upset about not saying goodbye correctly to certain people, as a kid i used to cry and didnt want to go to school because of a "bad feeling" that smth bad was gonna happen, could be anxiety.
i absolutely sure there's more, but I don't wanna keep typing
just to finish, most of my circle is neurodivergent. And family wise, my sister is audhd, one cousin and uncle are autistic, my mom has adhd and two of my cousins are suspected autistic.
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 1 year
what's your take on odasaku and dazai's idealization of him?
also any takes you want to share about bsd/bsd in general?
(If you don't mind, I'm also interested in your thoughts about verlaine if thats ok 😭) tyty
who's your fave bsd character and whose the character from bsd you want to have more screen time?
i think its another case of projecting onto someone and it fucking things up. like notably how kouyou projects her own feelings abt light & dark onto kyouka. we just dont often see it that way because what oda does is like. stereotypically good? he uses his dying words to push a friend out of the dark. a death motivating others to act and furthering their character development is classic storytelling. you go into bsd knowing dazai is on the "good guys" side (not that the ada are "bad" but obviously reading bsd as a good guys vs bad guys story is. wrong), so clearly it worked out. so you kind of overlook the surrounding events yk? plus dazais own idolization of oda hammers that in. dazai tells atsushi that "He was a friend of mine (...) He’s the reason I quit the Port Mafia and joined the agency. I’d probably still be killing people for the mafia if it wasn’t for him" in dead apple (the lightnovel. im not going to go through pulling up the movie for this fhfhtndj). and so aside from previous bias people are going to take what dazai says at face value. hes thankful oda showed him the "side that saves people" and of course we're going to agree with that. the thing is. again. projection. now i havent actually finished dark era (i am working through it) but a lot of the time it feels like oda is just shoveling off all his feelings about being "someone meant for the darkness" onto dazai when thats something thats not going to be true for. well. anyone really? and his final conversation with dazai is very influenced by that. he says "You told me if you put yourself in a world of violence and bloodshed, you might be able to find a reason to live... (...) You won’t find it (...) You should know that. Whether you’re on the side that takes lives or the side that saves them, nothing beyond your own expectations will happen. Nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. You will wander the darkness for eternity". now the thing is this is kind of a fucked up thing to say to an 18 year old with suicidal tendencies, but odas view of dazai makes it seem like a well needed wake up call. he obviously had good intentions. hes trying to "step into that solitude" but because of his flawed view of dazai he kind of. stumbles. dazai up to this point has been clinging onto the hope that he'd find a reason to live by observing the entire human experience. now oda comes along and dazai thinks hes found someone who understands him better than anyone, and oda tells him hes not going to find that. ever. so he should become a better person and make the world a good place. and also he's dying. so dazai, as we've seen, takes these words to heart. so hes not going to find a reason to live but he should also make the world a better place. good cool got that. so i think he gets a bit too comfortable being collateral for a good cause. and hes already convinced hes not going to find anything here, so of course hes not going to find anything. does that make sense.
i dont think ive phrased anything correctly here but like anyway i think with all his other friends around he'll be able to sort things out there. i cant see bsd ending without any sort of resolution for him in this regard yk.
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desire-mona · 4 months
dead poets society chars but i assign them random things ive seen happen on the internet / random videos or posts i remember (not based on anything it is genuinely at random):
neil - tony crynight's fnaf animation series which i dont entirely remember the plot of but i'll try to describe. so basically its fake mangle lore to say that mangle is the way they are (all broken and shit) because Mangle kissed Foxy and Chica got jealous so she took a Machete to Mangle to Mangled them. and then the gang tries to save mangle or whatever
todd - fluffle puff, someones pink fluffy mlp oc who was in lesbians with chrysalis (i think thats her name, i never watched mlp). mosy notably known for the animation to pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. also the creator is a pedophile i think
charlie - sorrow tv and his entire existence. sorrow tv was a youtuber who made videos reading out reddit videos in silly voices. there was a whole posse of youtubers who did this, and he was the most popular just bc his voice acting was rly good. i still watch him every couple months even tho he hasnt posted since 2021.
cameron - does bruno mars is gay? i think about cameron man door hand hook car door every day, so i obviously need to point to my third favourite silly trying to be serious sentence. most ppl know this from game grumps but im not linking a game grumps video on here. rumour come out!
knox - venturiantale, the youtube channel usually consisting of 4? siblings playing gmod together usually. the channel itself was ran by this guy named jordan i think? and his siblings has their own channels. i knew them best for their fnaf gmod videos and their fanmail videos. turns out they were all very christian? and the whole family was abusive and way deep into said christianity if i remember correctly, one of the siblings who left first made a video on it. the venturiantale channel hasnt posted in like 2 yrs and the slow death was kinda sad to see bc he (jordan) blamed it all on The Algorithm.
meeks - that one nagito komaeda kinnie back in Whenever it was cutting off their finger to. i guess prove that they were a nagito kinnie frfr? if u dont know danganronpa lore then nagito gets his hand cut off and replaced with junko enoshima's hand because sheeeee got... executed? i wont lie i dont remember this part of the games story sorry. but essentially that one person was like I Gotta Do That........ anyway im jk the audio was faked and nothing actually happened + the person is fine LAWL
pitts - the key of awesome's parody of tiktok by kesha called glitter puke. theres no lore to this the key of awesome is / was ? a silly little song parody channel. this video was made in 2010 and it kinda shows in some moments but other than that it holds up. just checked and the key of awesome is Not still going, it ended 6 years ago and the last video was actually rly good and genuine
keating - onma island is buried a treasure chest. ok so basically mr beast made a video talking abt a private island and he buried. a treasure chest for a viewer to find. during the video he said "on my island is buried a treasure chest" but it sounded like "onma" which this one youtuber (pinely) found rly funny. it became an inside joke with his friends (one of whom got a tattoo) which then became a lowkey meme. mr beast even tweeted it so. good lord thats a lot of links sorry there isnt a know your meme page or anything
chris - i dont have any links for this one sorry, im just gonna tell the story and u have to believe me when i say i swear it happened (its very a believable fandom story im sure you will). so back when the genshin impact was still in its fairly early days (late 2020-early 2021) the phrase "hear me out" to refer to characters n stuff started becoming popular I THINK at the same time. so people in the genshin fandom were like hear me out with increasingly more heinous shit. started with characters, then npcs, then enemies, then bosses, then weapons, the stamina bar at one point, etc. a lot of these were jokes or straight up bait but back then (maybe now too - i havent been part of the genshin fandom for a LONG time) people took bait far more often than they didnt. so it became a "genshin fandom bad" gotcha to point out That One stamina bar post.
ginny - $300 junko enoshima wig! sorry for double dipping with danganronpa it was just the first fandom i actually started like. on purpose noting fandom happenings with + a lot of shit happens in that fandom. this one cosplayer who at the time was called snowthesaltqueen / badguyincorporated started selling pre-made (and styled) junko enoshima cosplay wigs for $300. which WOULD be fair (i think? idk how cosplay commissions work) if said wig was styled well or quality at all, but what was ACTUALLY provided was a rly basic wig base and few clips with no note or no nothing, and rly flat. like on purpose. like that was "the styling". also you may recognise this cosplayer for 1) getting in trouble when they did a cosplay photoshoot (danganronpa cosplay funnily enough) in a graveyard, posing ON a gravestone. 2) KILLING SOMEONE. they were screwing around with a firearm and fake pointing it at someone and then they accidentally shot them.
i could do this forever like actually. i have SO many internet stories in my brain its actually bad.
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todayisafridaynight · 17 days
I largely keep to myself in fandoms, only picking up the odd friend here-and-there or joining a group chat if I'm feeling brave enough. But all of this Twitter talk is making me want to try engage with folks on the platform too! My only gripe isn't even surrounding the community, since you can curate your space like you said, it's the lack of organisation and the dreaded infinite scroll on pages. I adore Tumblr for how easy you can come back to a particular post you reblogged a long time ago, or venture through the tags on somebody's page... but it feels as though that's not possible on Twitter with how it operates. Are there any ways to get around this? 🤔
tl;dr - if you're trying to find a specific topic on someone's page, type 'topic (from:@Username)'
example: minedai (from:@Snapperoni)
if you're trying to save a post to look at later, you can either use twitter's own bookmark feature, or you can use your browser's bookmark feature
long ass unnecessary winded edition below the cut
twitter's less organized than tumblr since tumblr's meant for proper organizational blogging instead of status-update-type posts like twitter (even if its blog tag search system only decides to work depending on the phase of the moon on tumblr), so fundamentally its going to be a little more awkward with organization. there's some things you can do though, and it's not impossible: it's just a little extra work
in my experience it's a lot easier to just 'run into' new accounts and posts once your algorithm knows what you like and i prefer to use twitter that way for finding art or discussions im interested in. trusting the wind and all and the wind's done me well to show me excellent art.
you can help curate your algorithm by going into your Settings -> Privacy And Safety -> Content You See. you cant manually type in topics to add (you CAN save searches though if that's anything: it just means you dont have to type in the thing you want to search when you go to the search bar), but again once you start liking posts it'll start to recommend topics like 'Yakuza' that you can add. you can also remove topics you dont like once they show up in the list under Content You See -> Interests
another way around is to just search your interest (i.e. 'baseball') and just start liking/retweeting a bunch of posts and the algorithm will do the rest for your For You page. following accounts posting the topic you like also helps (obviouslylol)); searching terms on twitter is a fine way to see people post about a thing you like. its like tumblr in that it'll only show you posts that have the tagged word (i.e. 'minedai) in the actual post (i.e. 'if i think about minedai for more than three seconds im going to eat gravel')
at most for coming back to a post you like, you can use the bookmark feature: ive used it. A Lot. and True it gets harder to find older bookmarks as time goes on but for what it is it's been nifty for me. i dont exactly look at bookmarks any older than maybe a month at this point, so it doees its job fine for my needs. if you're on desktop and you really want to save a post without using twitter's bookmark feature, then you can always use your browser's own bookmark feature (i do that with tumblr posts sometimes. it's definitely easier to organize things that way but i also can see how it might appear cumbersome)
trying to find a specific post or type of post from someone's 50/50 though, like tumblr (because i repeat its tagging system is only so reliable sometimes). unless they use tags or you remember a particular phrase they put in the post (you can search specific terms, that including tags) then you just have to scroll i fear. other than that, if you search the term you want and the account youre trying to look through (i.e. minedai (from:@Snapperoni) then it should show up: if anything, twitter's more reliable in actually showing you the post you're looking for so long as you have the term typed correctly
and ermmmm yeah i think thats all i got LOL. best of luck to using twitter
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intertexts · 3 months
i am going 2 leave the actual classification up to you because i dont have the innate sense of them yet like i do for classpects and such and i know im banned from the wiki rn so ill just talk about. base level What I Think He Can Do.
FIRST OF ALL. THE BIG THING. GHOUL. so. technically if i remember correctly. mal isnt a planeswalker like william is so ghoul is technically a separate being? ghoul is his guide, which is what allows him to go between the real world and the spirit world. HOWEVER. ghoul is nothing to me so in nhw world i think he should just be like. a separate form. mal turns into ghoul and its the same consciousness u know? hes the same guy hes just a freak now. worm comparison i am thinking is like. what rachel does to her dogs except hes doing it to himself. with the gross muscles and bones and big mouth and shit.
OTHER THAN THAT i thinkkkkkk. ok. hear me out. i am going 2 base this on a tweet bizly made forever ago (that im SO MAD i cant find a picture of rn) but the basics was like. u remember that nightmare dakota had back in season 1 where he saw william and vyncent kill summer . that was a nightmare that mal gave him in order to split the three of them up. SO WHAT IF. nhw mal has some sort of dream/mind manipulation abilities or something. hes had so many moments where he just like. appears out of the shadows in order to get them to do what he wants im just imagining the horror of that from an outside perspective just seeing one of the heroes mid battle just Fall Asleep for a while. but to them its like nothing happens and they dont realize it until he leaves and theyre waking up. do you see my vision here.
either that or i think his powers should be like. kind of countered to wibby? i know in pd his powers are similar to williams bc hes a ghost and everything but. im thinking we dont do that in nhw. INSTEAD. maybe in ghoul form or whatever he has heightened senses/abilities that allow him to see through things like invisibility and touch things that are intangible. (thinking abt this strategy-wise, it would be their goal to take him down as mal BEFORE he transforms bc then he becomes almost impossible for william to fight) . maybe this seems too targeted against william specifically but im jsut thinking like. ghoul in general just makes him more powerful and those are just a couple specific advantages he gets? uh oh im running out of words in my brain help
MAYBE THIS IS. TOO MUCH IN TOO MANY DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS. so he doesnt have to have all of these at once. i am really just throwing spaghetti noodles at your inbox and seeing what sticks to the wall or whatever the phrase is. hi it took me like an hour to type all of this bc i kept getting distracted and forgetting words!!!!!!!!!!!
YEAHHHH YAYUAYAY THIS IS ALL GOOD SPAGHETTI!!!!!!! too much in too many directions is so fun dude i fucking love being the rubber ducky for shit like this!!
i REALLY ENJOY fucked up body horror changer shit... ough. (thats what him physically changing like rachels dogs would b, as opposed 2 breakers who-- oh god it's too late for this. umm. physical change different than energy form etc.)... he should get 2 be a weird terrifying freak thing. with bone & blood n stuff. & there's precedent for changing in a way that alters ur senses & powers etc..... maybe he choose what and how he transforms to respond in a certain way or target a certain scenario. i dont wanna go fishing rn but remind me tmrw n i'll rb this with some screenshots from ward of the guy im thinking of who this reminds me of!!
that being said the idea of him having big mind manipulation stuff is also SO compelling. god. being able to like... create illusions & scenarios that are completely fake. delude people or put them to sleep or mess with their cognition in ways they dont even notice... alter perception of reality.... especially if he has a wide range of effect?? that goes hard!!! how long would it last... how would u snap out of it... could he make u feel stuff that's not real??? ok ok ok getting off track. anyway. i love the idea of a fight with him being timed because he's transforming.... maybe a form that's just. very good at Seeing Things? mal/ghouls original job was like, as a cleaner for clarence, right? making sure everything in the afterlife's in order? so many choices...
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umbreoncomplex · 7 months
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im keeping these screenshots. do not forget this dickwad misgendering predstrogen. she uses she/her only. not they/them, and not it/its. you cannot excuse the first post because, even if he didn't know her pronouns before this, instead of gendering her correctly, he refused to gender her at all until people called him out on it. despite everyone saying she uses she/her
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(also this is so childishly passive aggressive)
and you cannot excuse the second instance as "he was using it/its for the post", dont even try. if matt was using it/its for the post, the phrasing would be more in line with "where it says she hopes i die". and i am not giving motherfucking matt benefit of the doubt in this situation
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lupusmaxima · 3 months
♡ thanks for the reblog! im not scared of kanji at all bc i already know chinese lol B) do you have any tips when it comes to learning japanese?
hi! np! if you know how to read chinese writing, then you're off to a better start than me haha (sorry for the wall of text that follows!)
i've been studying japanese for two years, but super duper casually, so it's been slow, especially since i dont have a background in asian languages. so, advice might be a bit hard, especially since I'm nowhere near N5 but...
a few resources that i like to refer to:
if you prefer traditional textbook learning, i totally recommend the Genki books! the textbook explains grammar reasonably well. they also have a workbook and audio exercises in an app. i go back to it every once and a while.
especially if you find you're picking up the language fast, books like japanese short stories for beginners are pretty cool. i'm sure there's some (cough cough free) resources online to find it!
the youtube channel comprehensible japanese is awesome! it's entirely in japanese and subtitled, where they use visuals/objects/drawings to make connections to words/concepts while speaking. they have tons of videos, from beginner to advanced!
in terms of more personal practices...
once i really got the hiragana and katakana down, and knew some basic kanji, i started watching ghibli movies with japanese subtitles. i didn't understand everything, but having only done a few months of duolingo, i was impressed by how much i actually did retain.
at least for me, i find watching things i've already watched in my native language's sub/dub to watch in japanese helps a lot with oral comprehension because you already have an idea of what's going to happen, so you can really focus on understanding as much as you can. some people find it helpful to pause and write down words/phrases that they don't understand too!
regarding pronunciation, i like shadowing. it can be kinda embarrassing in public, so i tend to do it when i'm home alone, but repeating after the characters when they say something, trying to mimic their intonation and pronunciation can help you get your tongue around the sounds
i bought a copy of one of my favourite manga in japanese and slowly started annotating it with translations, circling things i recognized, noting things that i guessed correctly based on context clues, etc.
language learning can be pretty personalized, so i hope that at least some of these are helpful!
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11queensupreme11 · 10 months
Unpopular opinion of the ROR fandom, I don't like that they pair gods with humans, don't get me wrong, I don't hate people who pair them but I don't really see the point. ☠️
An example is with TetonPosy (my favorite 🥰), I don't like Poseidon x Kojiro, seriously, I don't like it, unfortunately for me the fandom in Spanish (I don't know if the same thing happens in the English one), almost always (if not always) they pair it with Kojiro. And Poseidon never showed interest in Kojiro, instead he detested him, damn it, at which point Poseidon showed that he felt attached to the human that he considered inferior.
Also the fact that my favorite tenton died at the hands of the Japanese, and that he is old:( (all the other humans, even over 100 years old, look young and Kojiro doesn't, he looks like an old man; and he is (ignoring that the gods are greater than them). I don't like him per se, and Kojiro's appearance doesn't improve overall. For me (fucked personal opinion), seeing a couple where one looks young person with that appearance and being with someone with an elderly appearance is ... strange (sorry if it sounds controversial, but that's how I think
The people pairing Qin and Hades is another example, saying that they are kings of both worlds among other things, yes I admit that Hades recognized Qin but as far as I remember it was because it reminded him of Poseidon. They even dared to steal the phrase quoted by Poseidon and put it to Qin .😡
It's that of: a perfect god, blah blah, I don't remember what else was about the phrase (I forgot it)
They pair Shiva too much with Raiden when it has been shown that they have partners (Shiva) and canonical love interest (Raiden if I remember correctly)
Adam and Zeus, seriously, I have to explain this. (If there are people who match them)
Buddha and Zengoku (was that the boy's name?) I see them as a relationship like brothers in general, I see relationships with Buddha as a friend-brother, not romantically except with Bruhilde although we all know that she doesn't even fight Buddha)
I won't bother getting into incestuous pairings (cough cough HadesPose) because they are Greek, (reference to incest in Greek mythology)
I would talk more but I got tired of typing so much, so I'll leave it here. And another additional thing, it doesn't bother me that it's bl or gl, what bothers me is that I can't find where they come from to match them and the other one is a fighting manga/anime and in their fandom the only thing which pairing is more popular.
Man, it's an anime about fighting to literally survive mass extinction in humans (reminds me of the end of shingeki in the rumble) and the only thing I find when I look for them is two guys fucking or other things (sorry for the vulgarity )
And The same thing happens in another fandom that I was previously in, which was Bungou Stray Dogs, If you have the opportunity I recommend it to you, it's good (you can ignore my stupid suggestion), that happens with two characters Chuuya and Dazai that the fandom ALWAYS pairs them up, literally whenever they have the chance.
And that's annoying, your fandom with the soukoku , and their ships are toxic, if you talk about something bad about soukoku they hate you.
lLiterally, one is a former mafia executive with serious problems that he takes lightly and the other is a gangster, where do you see how tender it is for a A relationship. And then they become stupid (x2 sorry for my criticisms without argument) that they loved each other in the port, blablabla.
lI'm sorry for complaining without solid arguments to support me and adding another fandom to something that has nothing to do with it, but I seriously hate that in fandom the first thing they ask you is: What pairings do you like? (It has happened to me with ror in face groups :( when romance is not the central thing in ror
i don't ship anyone in ror tbh, ror is one of the manga/animes where i dont ship anyone cuz im just so focused on the future fight matchups. but im pretty sure ppl are shipping the gods with their human opponents because they interacted with each other the most, which makes for good shipping material.
but not all characters in a ship need to have interacted with each other in canon.
one thing you gotta know about shipping, is that it doesn't need to make a point. it doesn't need to make sense. people pretty much just ship what they want. it's just a fun lil thing, we're basically little girls playing with our barbie dolls and making them kiss each other 🤷‍♀️ it doesn't matter if character a canonically hates character b's guts and would never romantically like them, or if character c and character d never interacted.
literally one person just needs to take a look at these characters and go "hmmm i think they would go well together" and bam, a ship is born. there doesn't need to be a reason or a point to it
but i get what you mean about how shippers annoy you. lately jjk shippers are starting to annoy me too (they doxx and bully ppl who like over ships they dont personally like, and accuse boy x girl shippers of homophobia because of it 💀 ppl really need to stop acting as if their gay ship is a form of activism, its not). i haven't seen any toxicity in the ror fandom over their ships yet and that's probably because the fans aren't from america (which is where the majority of those crazy toxic shippers are from)
when an anime/manga's fandom gets too toxic for me, i honestly just stay away. i focus more on reading theories and analyses rather than admire fanarts featuring a ship and stuff like that, which helps in twitter cuz my timeline changes
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