#theyve been sitting in the kitchen for DAYS
rabbithaver · 10 months
yesterday i only took 150mg of my 225mg of Effexor because i thought i'd run out of 75mg capsules. i have been lowkey dissociating all fucking day because of it
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vaguely-yandere · 2 years
I am rotating the thought of a very perverted obsessive yandere and their submissive willing darling who loves just how ravenous their yan is for them. Darling deliberately makes themself enticing (maybe bending over on a table and being absolutely sure to present themself) and when they turn around they see their yan behind them looking like they want to just eat them up right there, drooling and growling and all. Not even a werewolf or anything, just a yandere that is THAT feral for their taste at any given moment. Idk, I just noticed that scent played a big part in your sensitive yandere pieces and since I'm simply the way I am I thought this one might be centered around taste. Either way keep it up all this stuff is really nice!!
YESSSSS!!!!!!! love yanderes who are a bit too obsessed with certain senses surrounding you!!!
if you have any sort of insecurities about sitting on someones face, they evaporate the second you get with this yandere. idk what their specific name would be but taste yandere seems to be the best option
imagine youre so nervous about sitting on their face and they just grab your hips, pull you down and force you to sit despite being fairly submissive, something just completely overrides that part of them when theyre close to tasting you, licking inside of you, getting your taste in their mouth and hoping it sticks to their tongue permanently.
you can feel them groaning into you, feel their hips bucking up in pleasure, and then the only thing you know is their hot tongue exploring everywhere. amab, afab, doesnt fucking matter, theyll love eating you out either way. something about tasting you, it just... its indescribable but the only way they can really put it is addicting. tasting you in your most private places, it just.. it does something to them. even when they're making out with you, they adore slipping some tongue in there and luckily they stopped naming what your last meal was a while ago when you gave them a weirded out look.
i can also imagine this yandere being obsessed with cooking and baking and having a fixation on mixing your juices with their food or drinks. cum is the most popular one but theyve also begged you for others.
just like the sensitive yandere was obsessed with recreating your smell, this one will go mad trying to taste you without you being there and hopefully youre around them enough to give them a regular fix before they end up getting a bit... cannibalistic with need. just like the sensitive yandere, they cant control it! they need the taste of you on their tongue like they need air or water! and theyre willing to get their need satisfied anywhere but kitchen is one of their favorites (your bedroom will always be number one though)
in their desperate moments, i imagine them stealing things youve put your mouth on or even touched. utensils, straws, cups, lollipop or popsickle sticks.. theyre ashamed to say theres even more depraved things but we can discuss that later.
theyd definitely be a bit... oral obsessed. kisses, licking, biting, sucking, those are their favorite activities and when theyre with you, its perfect. heavenly. theyve admitted to wanting to eat you a few times and you simply dont have the courage to question all of the meat they use in their cooking.
and luckily for them, your libido is high enough to keep up with them, they just need to coax it out of you. its the end of a long day and youve been sweating? you can barely even get your request for a shower first out before theyre pouncing on you, shoving their face between your thighs, getting drool all over your bottoms.
you get into the habit of wearing skirts after they made a habit of just ripping your jeans or pants open. denim wasnt an issue since they usually had a knife on them for cooking and you were getting tired of 'buying' pants. was it really buying if you were using their money though? but your yandere nearly goes insane every time they see you in a skirt. easy access is all they can think of and soon enough, they get turned on every time they see you in a skirt or dress.
bending over? squatting? laying down? sitting down? doing literally anything? theyre right there, whining and begging you to let them eat you out again. they end up getting TMJ from how often theyre eating you out and you despise the proud look on their face when they tell you. what a dumbass.
and god, i just know they could cum just from tasting you and its one of your favorite things to do. if theyve been bad, you shove them away every single time they even try to lick you, bite you, anything to get the taste of you in their mouth. you purposely bend over more, show off your underwear, purposely spread your legs to present yourself to them and you adore seeing the pained, desperate look on their face. at some point, you have to tie them up to keep them from pouncing on you.
you torture them by touching yourself in front of them, watching them strain to get closer and every single whine, whimper, moan, plea and beg gets you hotter and hotter. at first, its through your underwear until a wet spot appears and then you put your underwear near them so they can smell it but not taste it like they need. theyve got a puddle of drool in their lap by now and seem to be non stop growling. and when you finally untie them? youre both gonna have the night of your lives and they definitely will not have learned their lesson.
theyre a subtype of sensitive yandere which makes them extremely sensitive and perverted and easily humiliated. the first time they cum untouched while eating you out, they can barely look you in the eye. so cute! id add more about just how pervvy they are but im losing steam :( maybe ill add onto this tho! ;D good idea!
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kenny-the-ken · 1 year
Omg imagine a kenny or kyle fic of a pregnancy scare like theyve been together for ages and they both just got into university and they’re like shit oh fuck what are we gonna do
I have a toddler so this one hits close to home considering I ended up pregnant at 18, and at the beginning of the pandemic 🫢 ALL AGED UP CHARACTERS!!
Positive or Negative?
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You were due your dreaded monthly a week ago, and the longer you'd been waiting for it to come, the more and more worried you became. You hadn't told Kenny, even though you both shared an apartment together, you were too scared to tell him, how would he react if he thought you were pregnant?! Would he stay with you or run for the hills? Not to mention, did YOU even want to be pregnant?! You just wanted this nightmare to end! But would it end how you wanted it to?
You couldn't believe you were saying this, but you were praying for your period to come, and Kenny had picked up on your strange mood and behaviour the past few days, and he thought it was something that he had done, and as he rose from your shared bed, the smell of pancakes wafting through your apartment, and the sound of the radio radiating from the kitchen. He decided that you had seemed off for long enough, and he needed to know why, and was he to blame.
"Hey baby." Kenny's voice was groggy, his arms wrapping themselves around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder as you stood over the cooker, flipping the four pancakes in the frying pan, a smile on your face, melting against his touch.
"Morning, babe, sleep well?" You asked, as Kenny pressed a gentle kiss on your cheek. And Kenny nodded, watching carefully what you were doing.
"Yeah I did, babe. Can I ask though... have I done anything to piss you off or... has something happened you haven't told me about, cause you've seemed off the past few days." Kenny asked, as you turned to look at him, shaking your head no.
"No no, Ken, it's nothing like that it's just... it's silly really, it doesn't matter." You spoke, shaking your head no as you turned back to serve the pancakes, placing two each on the plates sitting on the worktop, you had already sat out a collection of different toppings, and you hoped that Kenny would let the issue go, you really didn't want to talk about this right now.
It was early and both of you had class in a few hours, the first semester of university had only just started, Kenny was studying Physics with an interest in Quantum Physics and mechanics and you were studying Criminal Law with Forensic science. Both of you wanted to get ahead in life, give your children in the future what you both never had. You had both worked your asses off to get a scholarship, and you both got accepted at South Park University, on top of that, working all hours for minimum wage so you could both leave your shitty living conditions and finally have a good life, but if you were pregnant, then what?! You knew Kenny would be worried sick, he'd probably go back to drug dealing to keep you both ticking over and able to afford the rent, since you'd end up out of work for a while, and what about your degrees?!
"Babe, please. Talk to me! We promised no secrets, whatever it is we can get through this together, just please don't shut me out." Kenny pleaded, his eyes soft, almost teary looking, and you couldn't keep it in any longer. A long sign escapes you as you sat opposite him at the kitchen table, your head landing in your hands before rising to look at your boyfriend.
"I'm freaking out because I was supposed to have my period a week ago, and it still isn't here! I think I might be pregnant, Kenny." You spoke, voice quiet, tears in your eyes as you looked up at him, his mouth agape and eyes wide.
"Holy shit! Um... okay. Have you taken a pregnancy test?" Kenny asked, trying to approach the situation calmly.
"No, I'm too scared to!! I just... promise you won't leave me?" You spoke, head back in your hands, wiping the tears that fell from your eyes, and you felt a warm embrace, Kenny held you close, peppering kisses along your face, shushing you before he spoke, his tone soft.
"Babe, we'll get a test, if it's negative, then we're okay, and if it's positive then we'll discuss it further, but I swear to you, baby or no baby, I will always be with you, no matter what, okay?" He reassured you, gently moving a strand of your long h/c hair from your face, smiling at you, and you smiled back, wiping your eyes with the backs of your hands.
"Okay, Kenny. Thank you." You said, returning his hug and taking a deep breath of his scent, he smelt like aftershave, your perfume and weed, and you suddenly felt safe, your mind slightly more at ease.
"I bought a test the other day, I've just been too scared to take it." You spoke, and Kenny took your hand, making you stand from your chair, completely forgetting both of your breakfasts, as he led you to the bathroom.
"I'll come in with you, I'll be there every step of the way baby, okay?" Kenny was taking this far better than you expected him to, and you nodded, taking it from the pharmacy bag you had dumped there the other day, and staring blankly at the box, before opening it, taking the test from its plastic packaging and reading the instructions.
You sat, hovered above your hand that was underneath you, holding the test, as you sat on the toilet, and once you'd peed on the stick you put its cap back on and sat it on the sink, cleaning yourself up and then washing your hands.
"How long till we know?" Kenny questioned, looking more nervous than he was before, a small bead of sweat visible on his forehead.
"Three minutes." You replied, coming to hug your partner, needing some serious moral support in this moment.
Those three minutes felt like the longest three minutes of your life, and you swore time had came to a standstill. You lifted the test when your timer went off on your phone, your eyes closed, before cracking one open slightly to see the words Not Pregnant written on it, and you felt a huge wave of relief crash over you, as you handed it to Kenny, and both of you smiled at each other, Kenny also sighing, wiping his forehead.
"This calls for celebration sex!" Kenny exclaimed, picking you up bridal style as you laughed the whole way to the bedroom, both of your minds now at ease. Sure, you both loved each other, and you both wanted to have a family, but you wanted financial stability first, and to live your lives child free, at least for a few more years till your degrees were finished.
"Yeah, well pull out this time, before we end up in this mess again with a different outcome!" You replied, both of you laughing as Kenny plopped you on the bed, before landing beside you, pulling you down with him.
While happy that you weren't pregnant, you couldn't wait for when you would be, just knowing you both would create the most beautiful little baby ever, but that was for the future, right now in this moment, you were both happy just you two together.
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book-place · 2 years
Your Boys
Warnings: Death Cure spoilers, brief mention of killing, implied ptsd, nightmares, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Gladers x reader platonic
Request: if its okay, ill request a platonic maze runner one! with a reader who is the ”mom” friend of the group but has ptsd from everything theyve been through? just something slightly angsty/comforting/fluffy with the gladers and the reader!! thank you!! 🥰 also hope you have a great day!
Request by: @luminouslywriting
*not my gif*
Summary: You always take care of them, and they think that it’s about time that they take care of you
A/N: I really enjoy writing for Maze Runner; This is as if Chuck and Newt both lived and made it to the Safe Haven with everyone
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Minho, put down that rock and do not throw it at Thomas!” Your voice called sternly from the widow of your hut.
The boy rolled his eyes, dramatically dropping the stone to his side, “Yes, mom.” He called back sarcastically.
Thomas stuck his tongue out at him, “Yeahhh, see? Y/n said you can’t throw the rock at me!”
Mischief sparked in the other boy's eyes, “But I don’t need a rock to kill you.”
His eyes widened, and he didn’t waste a second turning on his heels and sprinting the other way, screaming for you the whole way as Minho tried to tackle him.
Newt shook his head, sitting down in one of the chairs beside you, handing you a cup of tea as he looked out of the window with you, “I bloody swear that they will never stop acting like children.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, gratefully accepting the warm mug, “Boys will be boys.”
He chuckled in return, taking a sip out of his mug and allowing the two of you to fall into a comfortable silence.
When you all had gotten to the new paradise through the flat trans, everybody had begun setting up new lives, rules, and houses. And you had made sure to get one at the top of the hill where you could watch over everything going on.
Where you could watch over your boys.
Before Teresa, you had been the only girl in the ‘Group A’ maze, and had gotten very close to all of the boys, becoming like the mother that everybody had wanted and needed at the time. And that never changed, although you were the same age as some of the boys.
You took care of all of them, quickly becoming a medjack when you discovered that it was the best way to do it.
You would tend to everybody’s wounds, make sure they’ve all eaten and had water, slept enough, helped Frypan in the kitchen whenever you could, and you were always a shoulder to cry on or an ear to talk to.
No matter what, you were always there for them.
They were your boys and you were never going to let anything happen to them. Not anymore. Not after all that everyone was put through and couldn’t protect them from.
A small smile made its way onto your face as you watched Chuck throw a ball to a younger kid that you had all picked up along the way, playing catch with him.
It had been weird at first, seeing people of so many different ages- some even younger than Chuck- who hadn’t been with you all for a long time, but you had all quickly adjusted and even learned to be friends with one another.
As you took the last sip of your almost cold tea, you glanced up at the sky to see the sun begin to set over the vast sky.
With a sigh you turned to Newt, who was already standing up and beginning to make his way out of the hut.
“Sleep well, Newt.” You called before he could fully step out the door.
He turned his head over his shoulder, offering you a kind smile, “You too, love.”
All around you, people were beginning to retire to their beds for the night- even Thomas and Minho, who had at least five different fights since the one you had tried to break up not even a half an hour ago.
You sat at the seat by the window until the last door had been shut for the night, before allowing yourself to leave that position and get yourself ready for a hopefully good night of rest.
But after all you’ve been through, you should’ve known that something like that was never as simple as it should’ve been.
It was the largest Griever you had ever seen.
You heard the sound of its metallic legs hitting the floor of the maze long before you even saw it round the corner, heading straight towards you.
Through your fright and the darkness, you had made the mistake of taking a left turn instead of a right and ended up in a dead end.
Now, you were no runner but you had spent countless hours in the map room, memorizing every detail of the maze that you had never even been into.
Its ugly face was pointed right in your direction, and it walked towards you slowly and menacingly, as if it knew exactly how to scare you even more.
As it inched closer and closer to you, your head whipped around, looking for a way out. But you knew deep down that there was nowhere to go, and you were alone in the maze with it, and all of its friends.
The Griever was so close now that you could reach out your hand to touch it if you wanted to. But your hands stayed glued to your sides, your body stayed stiff as a board.
A clicking sound was made as it reached its disgusting arm out and your breath caught in your throat.
It was an inch away from touching you.
An inch away from death.
It let out a horrible shriek and-
“Y/n! Y/n!” A voice was shouting from above you.
You shot up in your bed with a gasp.
You were drenched in cold sweat that made you shiver from under your covers. Your breathing was staggered as you tried to gulp air into your mouth, as if you had run through the entire maze and back to the Glade without taking a break.
Thomas had quickly backed away from you, letting go of your shoulders as he visibly let out a small sigh of relief.
Minho was standing a couple feet away with clenched knuckles as he rocked back and forth on his heels, something you knew he did when he got nervous.
Newt was next to him, running a hand through his hair while comfortingly patting Chuck's shoulder with the other. The younger of the two had wide eyes and it looked like he was biting his nails.
Frypan was right next to him, seeming unsure about whether to sigh in relief or call for help.
“W-what happened?” Your voice was sore- for what reason, you had no idea- when you finally broke the silence and spoke up after regaining your breath.
Fry quickly hurried to your side and handed you a glass of water you hadn't even noticed that he was holding.
After gulping the liquid down and allowing it to soothe your throat, everybody was yet to answer and you began to panic.
“What is it? What happened? Is everybody okay?” Your voice was rushed as your eyes darted back and forth between everybody.
“You, umm-“ Thomas cut himself off, rubbing the back of his neck, “You were screaming.”
Your mouth snapped shut as you looked at him, waiting for him to crack a smile and tell you he was joking and this was all a stupid prank that Minho came up with and Chuck got overly enthusiastic about.
But he didn’t, and everybody else seemed to become increasingly more worried.
“Did I wake everybody up?” You whispered out in horror when you realized that he wasn’t kidding.
“Well not everybody…” Chuck piped up, rubbing his left arm up and down with his right hand.
You groaned, throwing your face into your hands as you were sure that your cheeks began to turn red.
“Hey, hey,” Newt said gently, taking a seat beside you on your bed, “It’s okay, nobody’s mad at you.”
“But everybody needed rest and I woke them up because of a stupid-“ You cut yourself off with wide eyes when you realized that you almost told them why you had screamed.
You were the one supposed to be worrying about and taking care of them, not the other way around.
“Nightmare?” Minho finished quietly, it was actually the quietest you had ever seen him in a long time.
The answer wasn’t needed to be vocalized for them to know.
“We all get nightmares.” Newt began rubbing your arm comfortingly as he spoke, “It’s what reminds us that we’re human after everything we’ve been through.”
Slowly, the others had made their way closer to the two of you, ending with them all sitting on one part of your bed, all facing you.
“It’s okay to have nightmares,” Frypan spoke up in a whisper, “It doesn’t make us any less strong than we are.”
“It’s also okay to let us take care of you sometimes, you always worry about us, but let us worry about you for once.” The British boy spoke again.
Tears had begun to fill your eyes as you looked over all of their faces. The faces of your boys.
You let out a watery chuckle, “When did you all become so wise?”
They all grinned, “We’ve been watching you, of course.” Minho said jokingly, easily sliding back into his normal self.
Chuck crawled across the bed and gave you one of his famous hugs, which you gladly returned with a signature strong and safe-feeling one of your own.
“Thank you.” You whispered, making eye contact with each and every one of them as you spoke.
“No need to thank us.” Thomas smiled a little, reaching out and shaking your foot slightly.
Bloody Shanks 🧪- @jvdethirlwall @ineedmorefanfics2
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Skin and bones
Chapter 1 (?)
You wake with a shout. You had promised yourself you weren't gonna go back there. *You lie to yourself. You cant go back there, it would ruin everything! *Nothing will change. You're stuck here forever. You have come to realise that these dreams are much better than being back there. You aren't back there anymore, now is different. *Don't let your efforts become a waste. You've changed. *You can't keep doing this, Y/N. You've grown. You're mature now.
*Sure you are.
The voice had croaked out from beside you, making you flinch. How long had they been there?! They nearly scared you half to death!
Their brown hair falls over their eyes. It does a good job of hiding the soft gaze they give you as you stretch and rub your eye crust away. You do end up catching them staring eventually though, to which they look away, whistling.
They sit up alongside you and you watch as they push themself up and out of your poorly made pillowfort, chortling to themselves as if theyve told the funniest joke known to man-kind.
"Oh har har," you groan, combing your hands through your h/c hair. You can see their eyes filled with amusement along the entrance of the blanket. Either your depressing attempt at sarcasm or your deadpan expression seems to make the ghost crack into a fit of maniacal cackles. They start to choke as you whine that it's only funny to them. In fact, it's so hilarious that you launch yourself further into your fort and promptly pretend to pout sullenly. So funny indeed. You make a grab at your phone a couple of times and finally manage to grab it. Your eyes water as you turn the device on. What the hell are they doing up at-
"FOUR-THIRTY IN THE MORNING, ARE YOU SHITTING ME???"Cue the dramatic witch cackles.
Chara reaches back in the fort to take a cracker from the snack pile you both share and you swat at their hand. They take a hold of you and force you up and into the kitchen to make some food for yourself before you go out to work. They were always looking out for you. You hum, contemplating on what to make, muttering to yourself as you open spotify and choose a random song from your playlist. You stand there for a second, unsure of what to say, you were always awkward in the silence. Chara found it annoying at first but they managed to adapt for you, bringing up ideas such as headphones or movies before bed to keep you focused on that instead of silence.
*Need help with anything yet?
Red eyes peer at you from over the counter, they glaze at the sight of the chocolate brownie box you pull out and begin to read.
"Yeah, actually! Since today is a Thursday we are making some desserts to eat with our movie marathon later. Chara, could you be a doll and help me with grabbing the sugar and flour? I cant find my stool today," you sigh. Chara nods so fast that it becomes a blur of red and brown, which makes you laugh joyously. Grabbing a whisk, milk and a few more ingredients along the way. You add them bit by bit and you get Chara to help with the right measurements to make sure the brownies are perfect for both you and Charas standards. You start to think of the many recipes you could make when you get back home from work and you bring out a notebook and pen from a drawer and start writing.
*Dude, you're making me drool here. Can we please just make the brownies before i eat everything in this damn kitchen?! You have work today, don't you?
Speaking of work, you muse. You do happen to have work in a few hours. You work dayshift in a cafe a few blocks away. It was a place where you were at peace. Most days it was packed with many different types of people and the regulars. The noise was a little bit startling when you walk in at first, yes, but then you don't have to worry about overthinking what that old lady had said to you three weeks ago on the bus as you walked past her. You take the dessert out the oven.
Chara drools as they catch a glimpse of that oh-so-delicious masterpiece. They end up immediately cringing as you crack as many places in your body possible and sigh in relief. You laugh mischievously and they sprint into the livingroom and back into the fort.
"Im away to get dressed, knock if you need anything, god can't save you if i catch you anywhere near those brownies, Chara Dreemur,"
*God is dead, i killed him in his sleep.
*Jesus too.
This is my first time ever trying to write a chaptered fanfic so lemme know what you think of it! I am sorry if i made any grammar errors as i am dyslexic lol. Which skeleton do you wanna meet first? 👀👀
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largepeachicedtea · 4 years
hey kids dont pierce yourself okay, at least get someone with a better viewpoint to do it
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cryptidmullet · 3 years
renga + their families headcanons
- reki Was bad at cooking but then when he starts sharing food from his bento with langa he wants to start learning to make it so him and his mom cook together
- he’s better at cooking than baking bc baking is so precise and he prefers to just go at it rather than follow a strict recipe
- langa loves his food :)
- langa only knows how to make like. Tacos spaghetti omurice grilled cheese pancakes etc things like that until he’s in his like third year reki ropes him into helping make food and he finds that its kinda fun
- (but he mostly likes to see reki cook bc somehow he makes even That seem lively and fun and natural almost like he dances around the kitchen instead of awkwardly fumbling through the chaos like langa himself does)
- so after that langa starts joining reki and masae when they cook :)
- he reki and masae all take turns looking after the twins when the other two are cooking so if masae thinks the two of them are all good she’ll leave them to it but other times she’ll be walking langa through a recipe and reki will be sitting at the table drawing with chihiro and nanaka and other times when its masae and reki langa will stand in the doorway with chihiro on his hip and nanaka sitting on the counter messing with his hair
- reki absolutely loves seeing langa with his sisters bc he’s cute and awkward but he tries so hard because he adores the three of them and they all equally adore him (and yeah he gets better at interacting with them over time, they kinda come to feel like his own siblings at some point)
- anytime reki comes home alone the twins are like :C wheres langa-kun 
- koyomi likes to tell langa about the drama and gossip at school and he always nods along and listens carefully even tho he definitely does not remember “that girl hina who stuck gum in ichikas hair in elementary school”
- he actually does pick up on some of the names and stories and stuff tho and koyomi will be talking to reki about something that happened at school and langas like oh is that the same girl who spilled juice on that guy she liked and rekis like wtf
- i just like to think langa actually puts in a lotta effort to have good relationships with all of rekis family partially bc he knows how much family means to reki and also bc he only has his mom and its nice to have sibling dynamics and talk to rekis mom about baby reki stories
- even tho langa could give a rats ass about american football somehow the topic is brought up and he ends up teaching (with his limited knowledge) and playing it with reki and his sisters one day out in their front yard
- and really theyre just running around a lot and doing underhand tosses with a random wiffle ball they found and letting the twins “score” and acting upset that they lost to “those two great athletes” just to make them giggle
- masae gets a video of them all playing together and sends it to reki who saves it and watches it at night to replay the moment langa scoops up chihiro and runs across the yard with her held up in the air and setting her down all grandiose like for a touchdown
- rekis constantly having to yell at koyomi not to just barge into his room
- she comes in one day her finger already pointed accusingly at reki as he sighs in exasperation and peels away from where he was cuddled into langas side and shes like “you took the last blue popsicle.” and rekis like “whaaaat no that was langa” and koyomi rolls her eyes and says “langa doesnt even like the blue ones you jerk” and then jumps on his bed and lays all spread out so reki fusses and pushes her off with his foot and they end up squabbling for a while all while langa sits there watching fondly amused
- reki always closes the door when him and langa are in his room but every time his mom comes in for anything she hovers in the doorway for a second longer and then leaves it open Just a crack which makes reki sigh dramatically as he gets up to toe it shut again
- after they make up in e10 they both get more touchy and clingy and just generally are less worried about their affection being rejected so it kinda becomes normal for them to cuddle
- like they would before but it was always under the guise of falling asleep in bed together and then oh wow we woke up literally glued together what a coincidence? How does this keep happening?
- but now its a little more intentional and even tho neither of them really bring it up reki will lay down on his bed all sprawled out and be like? You gonna lay down man? And then pull him into his side and press his face into langas shoulder
- or when they’re sitting against the wall on the bed reki will sling a leg over langas and rest his head on his shoulder and wrap an arm around his back 
- and langas still not very good at initiating that kind of physical affection but he always reciprocates it and longs for it
- i think theres this moment one day when langas helping his mom cook dinner and he’s chopping onions and she’s stirring something over the stove and he stops for a second and says “hey mom” and she looks at him a little bit hopeful and a little bit nervous like she always does in situations like these and he asks “could i… could i have a hug?”
- and its the first time theyve hugged since oliver’s funeral (aside from a couple side hugs like on the day they moved into their apartment in japan) and nanako tears up a little bit and tries not to get snot all over him and they stay there embracing for a good long while until whatever she’s cooking on the stove starts to boil a little too loudly and they finally pull away and get back to what theyre doing
- and i like to think that was kinda a turning point for them and langa starts to lean on her a little more and she gets less nervous every time he takes a longer than normal breath 
- on the rare occasion reki will curl up on the couch while his mom is watching some rerun of an old show and he’ll lean up against her and she’ll run her fingers through his hair 
- and on even rarer nights she’ll make just the two of them tea or hot chocolate and they’ll sit together talking and catching up while the television runs in the background and its on one of those nights he tells her just how much langa means to him
- and masae tears up just the tiniest bit bc there’s something so beautiful about seeing that kind of unadulterated fondness and love for someone and she’s so happy her son has langa in his life and they end the night cleaning out their mugs together and hugging
- (masae’s hugs are warm, maybe even warmer than joe and reki’s combined) 
- and the next time langa stays the night masae kisses them both on the head to say goodnight and smiles at the way reki laughs and teases langa about turning red because “he’s officially been accepted as part of the family now!” once she’s left the room and closed the door
- and every once in a while she’ll come in on a weekend morning to inform them breakfasts ready but see them curled up together, rekis hand fisted in the front of langas shirt, face buried in his chest, and langas leg and arm thrown haphazardly across reki’s body and their faces both so relaxed and content and she’ll leave them be to sleep a little while longer
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grunklefidds · 3 years
an unfinished stanley-centered same coin fic that has been sitting in my phone since around new year's (i'm happy with what's there of it, it just cuts off abruptly and i don't think i'll be adding to it any time soon). enjoy
1.2k words, only significant warnings are for recurring discussion of self-loathing, some unreality/depersonalization as relevant to the theory, not particularly detailed mentions of violence, and a good sprinkling of cursing
stanley dreams of burning. flames hot enough to burn blue licking around him until theres none of him left.
he thinks the first time he told ford he really was a bad kid they were seven or eight. ford told him that he was wrong. stan gave him a noogie and they laughed it off.
he doesn't remember most of his dreams. still he often wakes up feeling like he's just got away with murder.
lying on his brother's bed with snow eddying outside the window, stanley was distantly aware that if he shifted to lie on his side, the fresh burn on his shoulder would hurt less. he didn't move. a fuck-up like him didn't deserve small comforts.
he burns up into nothing that night.
the phrase 'self-esteem' wasn't really present in stan's vocabulary until well after he'd got settled in to life as mr. mystery. talking about that sort of things with kids was not in style when he and ford were young, and for the first decade or so of adulthood he was too busy surviving to really give it any thought.
dreams are strange things, anyway. sometimes you do awful, awful things in them, as if watching yourself do it, any sense of horror completely absent. surely you'd never really do that! if all the people in your dreams are really you, if the you in your dreams is really you, then you must be some sort of monster, right?
stan tried to get in on the self help game back in '78: it seemed like an easy grift. when he found some junk workbook called SHAME 'N' YOU at a garage sale the first year he was in gravity falls, he dismissed it as more of the same. he still slipped it into his jacket. good for spare toilet paper if nothing else.
dreams of fire mix with dreams of him trapped in a colorless motionless place. it feels like home.
stan didn't like sleeping much in that first year or two working on the portal. at night he would sit in the kitchen desperately trying to understand the physics books he got at the library, alternating coffee and vodka, rather than sleep. he certainly didn't deserve to rest, not until he could clean up his mess. it only seemed fair.
occasionally among the dreams of fire and stifled screams there's feelings of comfort. some are memories of old hijinks with sixer but out of order with the colors brighter and warmer, and some are pink flashes of a sense of being protected. stan remembers these as little as he remembers the flames.
he found the phrase 'negative self-talk' not in the first book from the garage sale, but a similar one a few years later. stan scoffed at the concept. how could thinking that shit be a problem if it was all true?
his dreams are a bit less remarkable once the little guy starts working around the shack. it's nothing stan notices at the time, nothing abrupt, but dreams about ice cream goats and missing deadlines for high school english papers begin to slip in among the flames. some he even remembers. they leave him less exhausted in the morning.
at some point, despite the years of headache and frustration, it started to feel like stan was making good progress on the portal. it was satisfying, mastering all the nerd junk he picked up from books well enough to get the damned thing rumbling again. he wouldn't let himself feel proud of it, but 'accomplished' might be in reach once his brother was back.
his dreams are all over the place while the little ones are there. vivid memories of glass shard beach, flames a brighter blue than theyve been all his life, and horrifying sequences of him hurting the children in impossible ways. the traces of them leave his heart racing in the first moments after waking up.
having the young twins around the house made things a hell of a lot livelier. between getting general weird feelings from them reminding him of his brother and going out of his mind with worry when they didn't manage to hide whatever magical death trap they'd found that day, stan hadn't worked this hard at keeping a poker face since the 80s, at least.
dreams of happy days on the beach mix with ford looking at him with fear and shoving him onto a scorching stovetop. during the day, watching the kids smack each other with empty paper towel tubes, he recognizes the feeling in his gut as jealousy.
soos got on fantastically with the twins. stan was thrilled to see the three joking together, and tried to quash any fuzzy feelings over it. surely he was glad to have a load off while another adult (the big goober being over twenty still felt strange) could watch out for them. ...he could think more about who exactly he could call his family once he allowed himself to rest.
his dream the afternoon that gideon broke in is strange even for him. his memory of it fades as quickly as most of them do, but during it he's distinctly aware of someones other than him in his mind. some of them feel comfortably familiar- the kid he'd watched grow up and the kids he'd like to- and one feels terrifyingly familiar. he desperately tries to reach them, manages to pat dipper on the back, and is awake in what feels like seconds.
the day that the shack's deed was stolen, stan felt like he hit rock bottom yet again. of course he put on a strong face (out of courtesy) for the kids, and for soos (who probably knew better by now), and for soos' grandmother (who still intimidated him a little), but it was damned hard. thirty years of blood, sweat and tears over that machine, and a flimsy piece of paper with his brother's signature was still all there was keeping him off the street. all that work, added up to nothing. he couldn't help but see it as some kind of confirmation.
his dreams about jail are never pleasant. they're never true to life (though his memories of it are bad enough): something always twists partway through into some vast structure or impossibly tight space. they make him wake up nervous and ashamed.
he wouldn't say it to anyone, but stan loved cooking for other people. part of it was that he only ever ate enough to keep him moving when he was living alone (even well after things had settled in the shack). if it was for someone else, he actually thought about what the food would taste like, and, shockingly, he usually enjoyed it more. stan discovered this a while after soos started working there, but having the kids actually living at the house (not just there after school or whenever soos wanted to come over before his shift started), he was getting a lot more practice. it was nice.
stan dreams of being small and exhausted. he's giddy, he hasn't had an opportunity like this in decades- no, centuries! he runs around banging into every sharp object he can find, gleeful to have a new sucker to discard. the glee barely fades as the blue flames burn him out to wakefulness.
he makes bacon and eggs for breakfast.
later that day, he saw mabel stitching a sock puppet with her own face. he raised an eyebrow, but when she grinned at him he smiled back.
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letthefrogsbe · 3 years
remember when I was gonna write that parkner fic?
cool so I've decided I'm gonna, but because I cannot write for SHIT and I hate my writing every time I see it, ill just share my outline of what I have so far. its not coherent. sorry. 
Section one: aunt may dies. It’ll be like “it's been 3 months. 3 months since May was shot. 2 months and 3 weeks since she died.”
Something like that idc. Basically this section will base around peter living tony, because he’s not doing well, and he is only 17- which is not actually old enough to be on your own after something like this. Setting is established, with cameos from dr strange (who tony is dating and lives with (yeah bite me, this is my fanfiction i can make it what i want.) it will be made obvious that this takes place after endgame, which also means that tony is Not going to die. I’m not that mean lmao. The avengers are like largely together, there was not as much death in this as there was in endgame. Whatever. Everyone is very nice to peter because they know that for him its either this or him becoming a ward of the state so like.
Section two: harley gets kicked out. His mom finds out that he’s gay (from gossip sources idk) and kicks harley out. Im not going to write them having a big fight like in the moment, but harley will recount what happened somewhat to tony in this section, and then more to peter later in the story. Gay ppl trauma dump, we know this. Okay anywaysss so harley calls tony literally sobbing and like freezing fucking cold. IM SORRY IM BEING SO MEAN TO THEM I PROMISE THEY'LL GET A HAPPY ENDING. Okay. harley explains how his mom kicked him out. Tony asks why, harley says something like “she didn’t agree with my lifestyle choices” like bitterly. Tony is a good person in this (i know, im really taking some character liberties) and he’s in the mood for collecting strays apparently, so he has happy send over the quinjet. He can’t make it himself bc hes in fucking japan or something for the next few weeks,, but. Yeah! Tony also calls peter, who is presumably in bed and feeling depressed. “Hey pete. How ya feeling? Any better?’ ‘Not really, tony. Sorry.’ ‘you don’t have to be sorry-’ ‘damn tony you sound like my therapist.’ “sorry pete, but i do have something to tell you- you know harley?’ ‘only from what you’ve told me about him, but yea. He was the tennessee garage kid, right?’ ‘i mean. Yes. so- he’s gonna come stay with me for a while too- it might not be permanent but it will probably be a bit. He’s about your age, and he just has no where to go (just like u). He’s not going to stay in your room or anything, but with bruce and thor here, he will be in your apartment area.’ ‘okay tony.. Will i have to talk to him a bunch?’ ‘not if you don’t want to- i already warned him about you, so it should be okay. I wouldn’t worry so much pete- you guys are so similar in a lot of ways that i wanted to introduce you two long before he called me.’ ‘okay tony, i trust you. Thank you again for letting me stay with you :)’ (yeah that kind of got away from me)
Section 3: build up. this is a shorter section. Harley and peter are gonna meet in section 4. This section is harley’s jet ride (with an intuitive happy) and harley’s nerves about how he really isn’t worth this (i mean hes pretty intimidated tony sent a private jet just for him) and happy like reassures him. Hes still insecure though. Peter is also nervous bc what if harley doesn’t like him? What if he doesn’t like harley?? Tony did say they would get along, but peter hasn’t really been himself recently, so who knows? Yeah lots of that. I do want to emphasize though- peter is not completely unhealthily coping. Like he has a therapist and he has been reaching out to ned and mj, but its still an open wound for him. Obviously. He still has a sense of humor though, but its to cover these deep insecurities. Like the first month or so that he was with tony, he was reallllyyyy trying to not get close to him bc he sort of thinks he kills everyone around him. Like logically he knows this isn’t true, but he does really think the that non superheroes that he surrounds himself with are very at risk if they know about his spider-man-ness. The only people who know now are ned and mj (may knew too).
Section 4: the meeting of harley and peter. Keep in mind peter has been living in this apartment/area of stark tower for about 3 months now. He actually moved in while may was in the hospital because he couldn’t stand to be alone in the apartment when he knew why may wasn’t there. And um. Yeah. so peter is like comfortable in this space, basically. Also- the reason theyre in the same apartment is because stark tower was not really created with the idea of housing broken orphans in mind, so it only has a certain amount of residential space. Thor and bruce are currently staying there together (although no one really knows if theyre together, or if theyre just best bros who went through some extreme trauma together and are now inseparable. Hmmm wonder if thats gonna come up later) and theyre using one apartment, and happy lives there with his own apartment, and tony and stephen are currently sharing the penthouse, even though thats not public knowledge. Really only the people close to tony know that he’s dating stephen. So. this leaves just the one other 2 bedroom apartment for peter and harley. It has one bathroom, and the bedrooms are connected by a door but theyre pretty big so like. Theres a kitchen, a living room with a fancy ass tv, and a really pretty view (with a balcony bc <333). May died in march, peter got leave from the school in april, and it is now the middle of june btw. Tony is now peter’s official guardian (he was before may died anyways) and now has sole guardianship over him which he has fully accepted, even though peter and him both know that there are going to be times where he has to go out of town bc he does own a company after all. Times like right now. Harley is pretty nervous that tony isn’t going to be there to greet him and that he is going to have to like introduce himself to peter and everything. Cmon, theres no reason to feel like that, he’s the one intruding after all, he should at least be able to handle himself. (<--- harley’s thoughts). Yeah so theyre insecure super cool. A n y w a y s so peter was stressing about harley as he arrived, and so when harley walked in they were both complete bundles of nerves. Harley walks up but knocks. Peter actually jumps (bc spidey sense okay whatever) and goes to get the door. Oh my god these awkward teenagers i hate them so much (i love them). Peter kinda looks like shit, sorry king. He was a little bit crying earlier, then tony called and he switched into stressed out ball-of-anxiety mode. Distractions are good, its okay. Peter opens the door for harley and they like introduce each other all awkward (again sorry) and peter shows harley where he is staying. Harley doesnt really have muchhhh bc he was kicked out and all. He just has a suitcase full of clothes, his favorite blanket, his favorite stuffed animal (yeah whatever bc ofc he does) and his phone/charger. He sets all his stuff down at once. He thanks peter for letting him stay in his apartment and also said sorry. First thing peter noticed was harley’s accent. Stfu. peter asks why harley’s here- ok. Harleys had a long ass day. Too fucking long. He- he breaks down. He tells peter a lot. About how his mom found out that he was gay, and how she told him never to come back. Yikes. Anyways, this is establishing the beginning of their relationship as friends. Peter is there for him even though he doesn’t know him at all. Peter sees some of himself in harley in this moment, even though he’s not talking about himself yet. Eventually harley does ask about peter, and they really just get to know each other really quick. They have these deep scarring individual traumas, and neither has nearly recovered, but they find comfort in just knowing that theyre not alone in their suffering. At least for now. At least in this moment.
Section 5: the next day. Peter and harley spent that whole night talking about what they were going through. Peter said good night at around 5 am (there were no adults around they can do what they want to) and they both got good sleeps. In peter’s case, one of the first solid nights he’s had in a while. Harley was kept up a little longer after peter left, however, because he just couldn’t shut off his mind. It was really cathartic for him to just lay everything out there and for someone to just accept him. Peter told him he was bi, but he was.. Lucky. He had accepting people in his life. May was accepting. God, harley couldn’t fathom having lost everyone in his life, everyone he ever cared about, and still having the heart to sit and talk with the dumbass anxious gay kid who can’t go home anymore. His problems felt so small compared to peter’s, and all he could do was admire peter’s resilience and how he was seemingly able to bounce back from anything. God, peter was something. He couldn’t wait to get to know him more. With that thought circling in his head, he finally went to sleep at oh shit 6:30 am. Peter woke up around 1. Harley at 2. When harley woke up, peter was watching tv and eating cereal on the couch and he just sat down next to him. No words, just sleepy children being sleepy. They stayed like this for like an hour when someone knocked on their door. Enter stephen strange!!!!!!!!!!! Get excited people. Hes just coming in to check on them bc tony told him to, and he didn’t get the chance last night bc he was _busy_. K so now he’s here and hes awkward and he just wants to make sure these boys r okay bc theyve both been through too much recently, and it would be just the cherry on top if they didn’t get along. Him and harley had never actually met before so he like introduced himself and all that. Offered like if they needed anything he was there, and its only gonna be a few days until tony gets back (did i say a week earlier? Im retconning that bc i cannot find it in my writing so it is now retconned). Peter and harley just have to sort of explain to dr strange that theyre getting along gREAT and there is no need for concern….. And peter was even thinking about showing harley around the city a bit that night (something he had not yet told harley, but wanted to make it seem like he was doing well and not acting too depressed in front of Dr. Strange) so dr strange is like yeah !!!!!! do that, that sounds super fun petey !!!!!! and so now they have evening plans
ok ps I wrote this like 2 weeks ago and completely forgot I posted something on Tumblr about this fic idea, and so this is literally just how I talk to myself. was not gonna ever post this but then I decided to because I'm bored. there are more sections but I'm not gonna post them rn because this post is really fucking long already!!!!
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Bishop cooking dinner and martin sitting on the counter, sneakers swinging, going on and on about his day enthusiastically, with gestures. Bishop glides around the kitchen smoothly and when he needs something from the cabinets martin scoots over. Bishop lets him taste things and his food is fantastic. I love them so much, forever. Theyve been like this for eight years.
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geffenrecords · 4 years
Hello i am here to say that what you wrote abt David doing things in threes means I love you, kind of destroyed me and I genuinely don’t know if I’ll ever be okay again. Do you have any other davenzi Thoughts cause I’d love to be destroyed some more and I miss them a lot. Have a good day!!
aaaaaa im glad u liked tht :'-))) i was so surpirsed a lot of ppl liked my davenzi like im rlly happy bc some of u guys r so nice??? if u rbed any of those asks and put something nice in the tags i am kissing u rn right on the mouth
but anyway yes send asks whenever i love talking abt these two sm pls ask whatever and whenever hehe <3
but anyway hmm yes......matt and dave......those bastards. today i will talk about.... [spins wheel] them having sleepovers :-)
so obvs they sleep at each others very often like.....they're so comfortable with each other and matteos p chill w laura and david gets along with matteos roommates so theyre over at each others so often......good for them......
but the first few times everyone was probably like "omg theyre gonna have sex......wtf........." cos yknow how highschool ppl are and hans was literally that meme where he would burst in and be like AHA YOU TWO ARE HAVING SEX!!!!!!! and matteos like draped across david getting his ass kicked at super smash bros while davids drawing and davids like "matteo wtf u should have told me id make sure u put away the switch" and matteo would just start laughing and hans is like i hate you guys.....[he does not]
i think laura would be cool abt matteo being over like. constantly. hes p funny and they get along and will talk about movies or whatever [matteo cant read rip] and shes like "stay up as late as u want idk just be fucking quiet" but unfortunately matteo and david r like 5 year olds together so that never happens but she forgives it cause they cute or whatever <3
but like literally.....they are so obnoxious. theyd probably like stay up till 5 in the morning watching dr phil or some shit [idk what's the german equivalent of tht or like any german shows so. feel free to suggest smthn else] but they stay up so late and laugh so loud.....like theyd do stupid shit like wrestle w each other and matteo would probably fall off the bed and their both crying laughing and lauras like What The Fuck Was That.... or theyll get stoned [most likely at matteos house] and lay on the floor together and hold hands and have hushed conversations n the only light in the room is probably matteos phone thats off to the side playing some shitty song he likes and then matteos like "u draw me all the time......im gonna draw you......bc.....i love you....." nd then he kisses davids face and david giggles and is like "babe ur drawings r shit but i love u too so i will let you try" and matteo does ad he sits there for so long with an intense look on his face and davids just laughing and he cant stop smiling and finally matteos like "hows THIS?" and it's just TERRIBLE but david loves it hes like oh you did so good.....and he kisses matteo and they kiss as a 15 minute ad plays bc matteo uses youtube to listen to music like a loser <3
another thing i think theyd do is dance in the kitchen....I KNOW I ALREADY SAID THEY WOULD DANCE ON THE PLAYGROUND but them dancing in the most unromantic places is so funny to me and it's so them.....theyve probably danced in that empty pool together........
but theyll dance together in davids kitchen and theyre trying so hard to be quiet but theyre just genuinely so happy and in love <3 annoying ass mfs play the music quietly and laura can hear muffled laughter all night but she never says anything bc davids never been so happy and thats all she wants for him and um. yeah theyre literally just so annoying and in love and idk how anyone stands them
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sootygoggles · 4 years
Parent!Paranoia Sanders Sides AU!
No explanation, but I'll probably give the backstory later. For now: memes of Paranoia being an A-class parent and a chaos gremlin. (okay it started as memes but then just ended up as fleshing the AU out)
Paranoia, worried abt his kids: I'm uhhhh gonna go to my room see ya later light sides
Paranoia, sneaking back into the subconscious to check on his now teenaged children: I'm gonna leave duke a r a t that I found and thought looked cool
Duke, waking up the next morning and yelling for 'Nesty bc "HOLY CRAP NESTY LOOK AT THIS RAT ISN'T SHE ADORABLE I WANNA HANG HER ON THE WALL": !!!!!!!!!!
Paranoia gets a habit of sitting on the fridge because his children were wild as kids and sometimes duke comin at you with a knife warrants jumping onto counters
Nesty, who doesnt get paid to deal with duke: I'm raiding dads liquor cabinet it's my due for putting up with this
Paranoia, physically manifesting: put the key to the liquor cabinet D O W N, Honesty
The lights are confused as to why he disappears at random times of the day and night and he just "leave me TF alone before I leave you a goshdarn diddly P R E S E N T while youre sleeping I'm tired"
patton: my child! my dark strange son!!
paranoia, who has children: ,,,,yea ok
Patton ticks him off so he leaves a big halloween decor spider on his bed and nobody sleeps for weeks after that bc pattons too scared to touch it and paranoia maybeperhaps glued it onto his cover
He's like one of those people you know might mean well but ooooooo boy theyre pushin buttons
Paranoia, whos fav animal/insect is spiders and whose children have tarantulas and snakes on the regular: hes not even realistic!! You need to learn to get along with mr sparkles patton!! look at him. he's fluffy!
He has googly eyes and glitter on him at all times of course hes named mr sparkles
paranoia gets to be a little petty. as a treat
Paranoia just carries bags of glitter around and whenever mr sparkles gets duller he takes mr sparkles to the kitchen counter and he dumps glitter on him
Logan and patton are tired of cleaning up bc paranoias just petty enough to make their counters eternally sparkly
"why is there glitter all over the kitchen?"
paranoia, holding mr sparkles: :)
Paranoia, after AA: I hate purple but they dont know that now do they
Paranoia is actually orange the last side is purple lol
Chaos Gremlin dark sides and nobody is surprised bc paranoia raised them
paranoia, going back to see his teen children after acting like a teen all day: what is up, fellow kids
honesty: i am going to lose it
Wrath, coming to yell at them to keep it down: why are you purple I'm purple
Paranoia, cackling bc finally I can get out of this horrible color: *snaps fingers * I'M PARANOIA MOTHERTRUCKERS HAVE FUUUNNNNN I'M GONNA BE MAKING YOUR LIVES LIVING HELL FROM THIS POINT FORWARDS
duke and nesty, pumped for halloween bc u l t i m a t e s p o o k: :D
paranoia, coming out in a traffic cone costume with a shit eating grin on his face: :D
Paranoia, decorating for halloween bc "oh I'm sorry it's just the *sniffles * homesickness and we a l w a y s decorated for halloween" knowing full well all of his decorations are spider and witch themed bc they all like the salem witch trials
He leaves ONE fake snake in romans cereal and the lights just. Lose it. Hes kicked back into the subconscious to be chaotic with his kids, no new side, just the hours upon hours of film hes gotten from the bugs hed placed around the unconscious and a plan for the next several movie nights
He gets back and honesty is w h e e z i n g bc he was watching through the cracks and they make a fail compilation of the light sides
It takes like two months for the lights to just go insane with him around not due to yknow paranoia but bc hes such a gremlin
Patton asks if he was raised by wolves and he shoves mr sparkles at patton saying "take the issue of how I was raised up with my father, a-hole!!"
He doesnt actually curse he just yells "A-HOLE" so loud his kids can hear
They dont find out he's a dad until hes summoned and hes making cookies or smt with the kids and hes in a bright orange stereotypical witch outfit,,, corset and all and an apron that says "worlds most chaotic dad" on the front
And hes talking to one of the kids like "duke you can only put dish soap in your batch nesty cant digest it like you can"
Patton has an apron that says worlds least chaotic 'dad' courtesy of paranoia he made it himself(read: he stole pattons good apron and scribbled over it in sharpie)
Paranoia is always close to cackling when around the lights bc theyre newbs to any chaos
Roman and remus are twins but roman is the kind of kid to promptly forget abt anyone and logan n patton knew remus less than a day before he "disappeared" aka ran to the subconscious to explore and theyve just kinda blocked him out
Logans fine with it and actually likes the decorations tho he has asked if they had to be so brightly coloured and if there had to be so much glitter
I say decorations but hes a secret gremlin at heart and is super close to snickering at all times bc of the pranks
Also yes paranoia mildly dads roman it's great but he dads in an older sibling type way
So pat and logan are all "hes fitting in as an older brother well" and they tell him abt their approval of his older brother chaos and hes just like "no this is how I am deal with it nothing to do with brothers" bc hes not telling them abt his kids he doesnt trust them
Hes up at like midnight complaining with logan abt how patton doesnt let him be full chaos gremlin and logan says "mmmhmm did your parents in the dark side let you go wild with the chaos" and paranoia just,,,,, looks at him, dead in the eyes, and says "I dont have parents"
Cue logan being confusion
Paranoia, who genuinely didn't have parents: my parents are mr sparkles and the cat we've had for my entire life
Logan, who doesnt know they had a cat and is now worried bc "are you taking care of it???": ???
Paranoia: it's great for keeping the Others in line tho I just say "do your chores or no snuggle time with ms peregrin" and they do their chores while I'm making dinner
logan, incredibly confused: i don't know what you mean but ok
Paranoia: yeah theyre dumb but it's the level of dumb youd expect from my idiots
Or he slips up and refers to them as his children/kids and logan, not realizing they have an Actual Father/Sons relationship/age difference(paranoias abt.late 20s early 30s, remus defies all logic and has been about 9-10 for a few years now, and dees like early teens) just says "huh how.interesting would it be to have to deal with people your age that immature" and paranoias just. "Y e a h t h e y r e t o t a l l y t h e s a m e a g e a s I a m"
Duke is very much baby and upon seeing duke eating glue paranoia and honesty the idiots decided to try it too
theyre so dumb dsdhdhdhjsdh
They AREEE and paranoia, after discovering that duke has the h a r d i e s t immune system they decide to test exactly what he can and cannot safely eat bc he may be dumb but hes also def a Dad and he just wants to take care of his kids and if that includes making sure that duke can safely consume toilet bleach then so be it
Duke can eat almost anything short of actual cyanide but cyanide just makes him sick like stomach bug sick
He somehow gets a fever,,,,, he has it for like half an hour and paranoia is amazed
Hes in bed,,,,, paranoia makes him soup,,,,,, hes all better and running around again
Paranoias parenting rules:
Dont murder your brothers pls
Do your chores or no snuggle time with ms peregrin
Glitter is always a yes
Insults are fine just make sure you dont overstep and make your brothers insecure
all of them are printed and then the last one is scrawled at the bottom in
If you get sick, tell him immediately bc he will find out and he will be the most obsessive parent to make sure you feel better ASAP
If your pronouns/name/function change, tell him immediately, he'll make sure you dont feel uncomfortable as well as he can
Duke dont put dish soap in honestys baked goods you know he cant digest it
It's a nice system for making chaos but keeping it manageable
They're all printed then the last one's scrawled in glitter gel pen and duke wrote a reply that said (I'm sorry yall dont have as good an immune system as I do)
There was a whole passive aggressive arguement on the bulletin for the next week before it got taken down to make room for dukes art
They eventually started just putting them up over each other and using magnets instead of thumbtacks
The entire bottom portion of the walls are painted in chalkboard paint so theres no unerasable drawing on the walls and the rest of the paint is magnetic so they can hang pieces everywhere
Dukes improving rapidly tho and doesnt like looking at his old art all the time so paranoia holds onto the drawings in several filing cabinets in case he ever wants to do redraws or needs his original prints to make something in the Imagination
also bc,,, sentimental
jus a little
Yeah bc "yes my child draws nothing but blood gore and new animals but hes a creative genius and I love all of his art"
Roman: anxiety I can see why you left
Paranoia: ??? What?? It's spoopy season??
Roman: there was BLOOD on the WALLS
Paranoia, internally: oh!!!! Duke perfected his blood recipe!!!!
Paranoia, externally: how did it taste?
Paranoia: if it tasted like lemons or citrus you need to stay off of most foods, stick to crackers and broth- don't eat anything heavy until you're sure you wont throw it up
Patton, who was making cereal: ????
Also!!!! @iliveinprocrasti-nation Thanks for helping me flesh this AU out!!!
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babysizedfics · 3 years
Why is Roman so reluctant to let Virgil stay?? Like it took him a lot longer to even be open to the idea of Vee moving in then it did Logan or Patton. Did that have something to do with his ADHD or was it some other reason?? Also, why did Janus hang up so abruptly when Patton told him Vee was gonna stay?
romans only experience of the dark sides really is his twin who he hates and the grumpy older guy who visited a handful of times and always ended up calling them mean names for their ideas. (whereas logan and patton considered janus a friend before he distanced himself from thme) the last time roman saw janus was when he was 18 years old, so all the times leading up to that he was only a child and didnt actually chip into the meetings (not least because he was struggling with high school and had to focus on that). therefore he doesnt really know janus as a person, only as someone theyr forced to work with and who gives logan migraines and makes patton grit his teeth to keep himself from getting angry ((this is because in the last few years janus has been so closed off and snappish and lo and pat dont know why))
on top of that roman has been around ONLY patton and logan for almost twenty years at this point, theyre a family, theyre best friends, and roman is incredibly protective of them and their dynamic. he doesnt see how someone who never talks to them, who they can count the number of times theyve seen them on two hands, and who refuses to explain why theyre there should be allowed to be a permanent fixture in their house out of the blue - i do think this has somthing to do with his adhd too with his difficulties with emotional regulation, he feels confused and hurt and he shows it with anger
janus hung up so abruptly when patton told him virgil wasnt coming back because he was about to cry and he couldnt let patton hear that. what was left out of the concept is when virgil ran away that first night, janus followed him through the mindscape to make sure he was safe. so he did see patton welcome him inside. plus in their argument virgil had already told him he was going to live with the light sides because he didnt want to live there anymore. janus knew virgil needed space and time to think and wouldnt force virgil to come home during that week but he was completely thinking that after a few days virgil would come to his senses and come back home.
he knew virgil was serious about moving out because he didnt detect a lie when virgil was arguing about it but he genuinely thought virgil would change his mind during that week. he left it as long as he could to wait, but in the last few hours of the last day he did try to call the others a few times - while they were all talking in the kitchen and had their phones on silent. he tried to phone virgil too but virgil just hung up instantly not wanting to even think about taking to him
so all night janus was sitting anxiously by the front door with his phone hoping that virgil was on his way back right at the last minute as a way to punish janus. and janus wouldve taken that. but when patton tells him virgil isnt coming back it confirms janus' worst fear and he knows he only has himself to blame for not driving there and talking to virgil or not calling sooner or not teasing virgil so much or not being so callous. so as soon as he hangs up on patton a sob rips from his throat
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
A Heart Of Ashes
Chapter 2
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Its around half past eight, jerico wondered if stoker was still in the laboratory.
So she put on her boots and Walked to said laboratory.
Though.. the place was huge, it felt like a maze,and listening to her gut feeling,she got there,after a good fifteen minutes.
--Hey stoker
The british Man stopped mixing two chemicals togheter, and Turned to the door, a smile crossed his lips under his mask,but you could hear it in his tone as he said--Ah...you again...how delightfull, Oh do be careful of the napalm...tricky stuff
--Ill be mindful of that--she Walked right past the unarmed molotov grenades--Watcha working on?
--Just some upgrades for these old girls, oh Grab a pair of goggles and some rubber gloves if you stick around, wouldnt want to cause any accidents
Jeri nodded and snatched the closest of those ítems, she casually hovered over stokers shoulder who finished mixing the two chemicals,only for them to explode into a dark cloud of nothingness.
--Ah horse raddish...
By the way he left both mixing tubes on the table she noticed her companion was frustrated.
She patted his back softly--How about we get something to eat, maybe you need to take some fresh air
Stoker stood there to think about it for a bit, then nodded --Yeah...thatd be wonderfull
--Great,lets go!
During their walk however, Someone stopped them.
--Hey! So youre the New guy huh?
The british Man sighed in annoyance,crossing his arms--Oh do bugger off phantom, we have places to go
--ey ey relax Man, I just want to take a moment to greet our New recruit--phantom Turned to jerico-- heard you were dangerous huh? I like that in a woman
Suddenly, Harold felt his blood boil, as jeri couldnt help but giggle at the cheesy pickup lines.
In a stupid fit of jealousy,he grabbed his lighter and pressed the flame against phantoms pants, who in a matter of seconds lit afire, he then with a mischevious smile Turned to jerico-- tell me....can you smell something Burning...? Oh its probably nothing,lets go dear, im starving
He put an arm around jeri and Walked her away as phantom ran around in circles, blissfully unaware of this sunstorm just shrugged it off.
--Did you just really burnt phantoms pants so he would stop talking to jerico?-- ember asked, arms crossed as both grabbed their food.
--well he was making her unconfortable!
--Dont make excuses for yourself Harold I know you
The Man sighed letting his shoulders fall--okay maybe I have a crush on her what about it....
Ember started to laugh--Thats adorable Harold, I wish you the best of luck --She patted his back.
During dinner Ember politely excused herself,leaving both veterans to talk.
--So--stoker started without a clear topic to talk about--Youre a veteran?
-- I am,Ive seen a lot of fucked up shit I tell you that
He chuckled and nodded in agreement--war, how do the kids put it ,ah yes, fucking sucks
--It really does,you loose Friends, people youre closed...and you never know
--If youll end up coming home to them--both meet eachothers gaze--i know the feeling quite well...
Both smile, and talk softly about their time in the military.
Stoker decided to pack up his little science proyect and walk around the bases courtyard with jerico, the moon shine brightly, and both strolled down calmly.
--I remember this one time, me and my Dad were leaders of two different squadrons,you had to see the soldiers faces when they realize their commander was my dad....it was hilarious,specially because we look nothing alike
--Hmm, May I inquire as to why?
--Dad adopted me when I was a kid, and we really look nothing alike,and well, when training, my old Man is very harsh and strict, I tend to be that one godsend seargeant who cuts some slack on the soldiers, its quite funny really
The brit laughed and nodded--yes it is
--And how about you?, whats your story ?
He took a deep breath,and put his hands behind his neck--Well,I used to be a squadron I had to make a rough decision,and I did it,thankfully nobody had to die that day,except For the bad guys of course
And they spend the night talking about their anecdotes,laughing, and comforting eachother.
--mind if I Scort you to your room?
--Not at all
Stoker giggled and put an arm around jerico,And both Walked into the building in silence, the whole place was quiet, aside from some who spent the night playing videogames and their rage screams could be heard from outside their room
When they arrived though,jeri took Harolds hand--Dont you want to spend the night here?,your room is on the other side of the building
--Oh I dont want to bother
--You dont,come on in
He sighed and nodded, taking off his jacket.
--I have a spare matress under my bed,i can sleep there
--What?,no way, I shoundt Rob You the comforts of your bed...
--Harold just take it
--Ill take the spare matress thats what ill take
Both stared at eachother,before sighing--Sharing?
Without much time wasted they got into the bed,their backs facing eachother.
--You wont take that mask off for sleeping?
--No, I wont
She sighed --You cant sleep like that
--Yes I can
She knew it wasnt her place to Keep demanding--Will you sleep comfortably?
A soft smile appeared on the Mans face--Yes, dont worry about me,now go get some sleep okay?
--You too.....goodnight
--Sweet dreams...
Ember groaned,facepalming.
This needed to stop.
--Oh you look so lovely today--stoker said softly elbowing jerico in the ribs, who then chuckled.
--And you look quite handsome too
Theyve been flirting like this for the entire day, ember was about to knock them both out....she couldnt take more of this mushy crap.
--oh I thought for a moment I found to emeralds....turns out it was just your eyes...--Harold said with his masks cheek resting on his hand.
Jericos cheeks turn baby Pink and both softly chuckle.
--If you two lovebirds are done, the guys at the kitchen need help on the cooler--vera said--its not working....
Both sighed and nodded.
However as both worked on the inside of the industrial Cooler, the door closed leaving them in pure darkness, aside from Jers phone lantern.
--Damnit...--stoker tried to Open the door to no avail...
And so they sat there in darkness.
-- d damn-- Harold said curling into a ball-- its cold here...
Jer, who was a natural heater, sat closer to him--I think I have an idea,but I need you to sit properly
--W what are y you planning to do?--He straightened his legs and his cheeks Turned red as he felt her sit on his lap and hug him-
-Like this we wont loose heat...
She was, oddly warm...how?.
Whatever questions he had, his survival was first so he hugged her, and hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth return to his body.
--Thats a whole lot better...thanks awfully..
--Dont mention it...
And after that day, they couldnt get enough of it ,everywhere was a good place to cuddle, while eating, after training,during briefings.
Everyone was losing their minds over how clingy both were.
Their feelings for eachother were so painfuly obvious...
And now, after a particular rough mission, jerico and stoker were cuddling in his room.
He pressed his mask against her back.
--Im just glad youre okay...--she whispers.
--Im just glad to be with you here--he answers back.
Though she was too tired to even try and comprehend what he said, so she nuzzled closer and smiled..
Soon enough she'll tell him.
She was glad to be by his side, and being able to hold him like that..and Him..well, he was happy to return to her in one piece.
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ghosthunthq · 4 years
Not All Treasure Is Silver or Gold
By: @humanrebel
Ghost Hunt Fanworks Weekend 2020
Prompt: Ghosts at sea. Ghost ships/haunted lighthouse -Anonymous
Summary: It’s not an old location; it was built just ten years ago. The haunting was severe, though, already causing physical damage. Just an average case, like the ones theyve investigated before. The only difference? They were investigating a ship out at sea. And it unnerved her to know that help is so far away. [Post manga]
Word count: ~4.5k
She breathes in the salted air and sighs into the breeze. Sure, she’s seen the ocean – she’s basked on warm summer beaches and jumped over white-tipped waves – but it holds a different quality during the winter.
The kick of sand turns to the crunch of snow. Icicles hang from wind chimes, adding a delicate touch to the sound. And the breeze from the ocean carries a different scent – lighter, fresher, it chills her to her bones in a decidedly good way.
Yes, Mai decides. The ocean is even better in the winter.
“Are you coming, Mai?” asks Naru. “Or do you plan on staring at the water all day?”
“It’s just refreshing, that’s all,” she pouts, but follows him onto the ferry anyway. In the distance, quite a ways out, she can see their destination. She’s not sure how it became haunted — it’s a large ten-year-old yacht — but maybe that’s why the case piqued Naru’s interest. A deceptively innocent place with no exciting history to speak of.
And they had it all to themselves.
Well, mostly. While rooms were often rented out for vacation, there were no tourists here. They still had the crew — none of the SPR team could operate a ship this size — as well as the client and his family, which went against Naru’s wishes.
Because the ghost was violent. It claimed the family as its own, punished them, left them bruised and battered and begging for help. Sure, they’ve had violent cases before, but they were all, for the most part, on solid ground. The only brush they’ve had with the sea was the Yoshimi case.
Mai shivers as she remembers it. She agrees with Naru, there should have only been a skeleton crew and maybe three adults, but when you’ve got as much money as this Ando-san, you don’t listen to logic. Ghosts aren’t motivated by money. While Mai hopes for a quick, painless exorcism, she’s not about to hold their breath.
She’s grateful for the ferry, though. At least they’ll have full supplies while they’re at sea — all the cameras and microphones and screens will help to keep an eye on things. It gives her a small sense of security. (Plus the wind in her hair feels absolutely amazing after being stuck in that stuffy old van for hours.)
She’d rather they investigate while the ship was docked, but apparently the ghosts were only active away from the coast. Which, you know, is fair when you want people to disappear, which has only happened once or twice. To complete strangers. People who rented out Ando-san’s yacht for a quick vacation.
Mai suddenly doubts the client’s intentions. As far as she knows, Naru did nothing to piss him off. Still, Naru pissing someone off is a very likely happening, so she’ll just keep an eye on the Ando family. To make sure they don’t pull any funny business, that’s all.
(She’s joking, of course.)
Her mouth drops open when she sees their base. There’s nothing set up yet, but the room–the room is huge. Way bigger than their usual bases, way bigger than she thought would be on a ship this size. The ceiling sits above her, the same size as the rest of the rooms on this floor(deck? level?), but the walls! The walls are far apart, lined with tables and chairs — this is a dining hall, Ando told them. There’s a kitchen through the doors in the back, and chefs that made meals all throughout the day — though Naru dismissed them upon arrival.
She entertains the idea that, perhaps, they were meant to use the dining room as a shared bedroom — but of course Ando thought of that. They each have a room, three in a row across from base. It’s not unusual for her to have a room alone, being the only girl among the official SPR crew, but Naru and Lin often had to share one. She wonders how they feel about that — sure, they shared a hotel room before, and now share an apartment, but to be on a case and have extra rooms? It must be so odd to them.
Then again, their usual clients aren’t always as well off as the Ando family. Mai wonders, not for the first time, what they did to earn such wealth. Sure, Ando rents the yacht out for a not-so-subtle fee. He refers to it as a ‘floating hotel’, but she thinks a cruise ship is more accurate. Either way, he’d need to have some serious money to set up the whole thing. According to him, he came from a small family in a somehow smaller village until he was discovered by a foreign talent agency. That wasn’t how he ‘struck gold’ though. It was just a stepping stone, and he refused to divulge his secrets past that.
Sketchy client or no, Naru took the job. They had no choice, and since the ferry was under Ando’s command, they wouldn’t be able to escape if they wanted. Not that they were ever planning on it. Naru doesn’t run, not when ghosts are involved. He watches and he learns. He’ll figure out what this haunting is and he’ll make sure to solve it with as little damage possible.
He’s saved her life before, and she trusts he’ll save it again if need be.
So she sets down the cameras and sets up the shelves, and she helps Naru with some preliminary camerawork. She throws herself into her work, taking temperatures and running cables, and when she yawns she doesn’t notice. It’s not until her limbs feel like lead and her eyes slide closed that she checks the clock.
“Naru,” she says as she places a box on a table, “I think it’s time to call it a night.”
“We’re almost done setting up.” He digs through the box and pulls out a cable, handing it off to Lin. “You can go ahead and lay down. Lin and I can finish here.”
“You two need rest, too!”
Lin’s voice chimes in, soft and smooth. “It’s almost two in the morning, Noll.” He hooks the cable to a monitor. “This should be fine for right now. We probably won’t get much activity, considering it’s the first night.”
Naru sighs. “I just don’t want to miss anything. You never can tell.” But he scans the monitors, checking over the four that are running, and then he nods. “Very well. Mai can take the room in the middle. That way one of us is bound to hear her if she wanders off.”
“Hey! I’m not–”
He shushes her. “It’s late, remember. Don’t want to wake up the clients,” he says with a smirk.
The caffeine in her tea is severely insufficient. Her yawns follow her throughout the day, and it only reminds her of the four hours of sleep she got. Naru wanted to argue for more time, but surprise, surprise! No activity on the first night, as usual. Not a flicker, not a fluctuation, not even one of those vague feelings she sometimes has. The only thing she felt last night was sick.
The rocking of the boat wasn’t so noticeable when she was up and working, but she felt it when she laid down. As soon as her mind settled, her stomach rolled, tossing about like the waves outside her window. It took several stumbling trips to the toilet to finally calm herself enough to sleep.
A yawn breaks her concentration, the twelfth one since she woke up three hours ago. Exhaustion clings to her mind, pulls it further and further down. She rests her head against the table, watching Lin and Naru discussing something in front of the screens — the schematics of the yacht are pinned to the board beside them, dots marking cameras and mics. Deciding where to record next, then. Surely they wouldn’t mind if she took a quick nap? She wants more control over her visions anyway, and what better way than to practice?
She doesn’t even have time to shut her eyes.
“Mai, go set up a camera in dining room B.”
So much for her nap. “Okay!”
With forced cheer and false energy, she stands and collects one of the night vision cameras. A headset, a tripod, and a coil of wire later finds her one level lower. The room isn’t nearly as big as base, but is still formidable in size. Her eyes scan the walls, more decorated here than above. The biggest picture hangs from the wall beside the door and is of Ando and his family — an older, foreign blonde woman, a teenage son, and twin little girls. The other photos are guests, she presumes, though she recognizes a few faces from movies.
All the portraits are haunting, in a way. They line the wall, glaring through glass panes and hanging crooked from their nails. She hurries through the process of setting up the camera, listening to Naru’s directions as she positions it. It takes all her self control not to sigh in relief when he tells her to return. She pulls the door open and steps out–
Four eyes stare up at her, glowing in the dim light.
A small Eep! escapes her, but she reigns it back in when she realizes it’s just children — living children — watching her. She smiles down at them. “I’m sorry. You startled me.”
Two girls stand before her, seven-year-old twins if she had to guess. Their stare grows just a touch unnerving when they speak.
“You’re here with the ghost hunters?” the one on the left asks.
Mai nods, and the two girls look at each other before they look at her.
“And you’re staying up there.” The one on the right points to the floor above, to where her very room would be located if they were up the stairs.
“Yes…” Mai answers. The girls look at each other and lower their voice to a whisper. She tries to listen in, but can’t hear.
“That pretty boy,” the one on the left starts, “his room is beside yours, isn’t it?”
Her face heats up. “It sure is,” she says.
The girls burst out in a giggle. “Secret boyfriend,” they sing to themselves. “Secret boyfriend, secret boyfriend!”
“I bet he sneaks over to her room at night,” says one.
“I bet he kisses her to sleep,” says the other.
“He doesn’t do any of that!” says Mai. Her face is hot, a blush exploding across her cheeks. Seeing her face turn red only proves to excite the girls. They giggle and sing, teasing still, hopping in one place.
And then they stop. They stand still, faces solemn as they look from Mai to the corridor.
“She’s not going to like that,” whispers one.
“She’s going to take him,” whispers the other.
“What are you talking about?” Mai asks them, dread settling in her stomach.
“Naiya,” the girls answer as one. The one on the left continues with, “Naiya owns the boat.”
“I thought your father–”
“She likes to collect things. Pretty things.” The girl on the right says.
The one on the left turns to her twin. “She might want to collect her, too,” she says.
They look at each other, then run away.
“Wait!” Mai runs after them, but they’re gone when she turns the corner. Her walk back to base is full of racing thoughts — namely Naiya and her collection.
“Don’t tell me you got lost on the way back.”
“Hm?” She raises her eyes to Naru’s raised brow.
“I expected you back ten minutes ago. What took so long?
“Oh. I ran into two of the children on board. I think they know something.” He says nothing, waiting for an explanation. “They said someone called Naiya owned the yacht, and that she liked to collect pretty things.”
“I guess I’ll have to be careful, then.” Naru smirks as Mai rolls her eyes, then says, “Yasuhara-san is already investigating the history of the ship. I’ll tell him to look for this Naiya person, as well.”
Mai nods. “I wonder if Masako would be able to help.”
Naru stiffens beside her. “I believe even Matsuzaki-san would be more helpful than her right now.“
“What? Naru, don’t be rude! She’d be able to tell if there were spirits here! Besides, there aren’t any trees nearby. Ayako can’t do anything here.”
“She can make charms and at the very least drive the spirits away. She’s not useless. Hara-san only knows basic warding magic.”
“I only know basic warding magic.”
“But I’m keeping an eye on you,” Naru says, smiling as her face heats up again.
“Nope! No using PK to protect me, Oliver.”  Mai smiles as his face hardens. “I’m not about to be the cause of you being hospitalized…”
Again hangs in the air, but she won’t admit it. The Yoshimi case still burns in her mind, only a few months behind them. She still blames herself. His eyes lose their edge, but his frown deepens.
“It’s always been my fault,” he whispers to her.
She shakes her head, but changes the subject. “Maybe Ayako should be here. Better to have an actual doctor, just in case. Right?”
Naru sighs. “Lin, go ahead and call the regulars, and let me know when they can arrive. We’ll need to tell Ando to have a ferry ready for them.” Lin nods. “As for now, I’d like to start interviews. Mai?”
“Yes, sir!” She grabs her notebook and pen and follows him down the hall.
When the case was brought to them, Hiroyuki Ando showcased spectacular showmanship. He was an actor, hamming it up for a captive audience, but the bruises that lined his arms were all too real. His plea was ignored at first — spending time on a ship could mess with one’s equilibrium, after all, and stumbling one day could develop bruises the next.
Naru would have dismissed this case if it hadn’t been for the grizzled old captain. He’d spent most of his life on the sea, and actually was rather shaky on land. He had bruises as well, hidden beneath the long sleeves of his jacket. He didn’t want the crew to panic, he claimed, when they saw that even their captain was subject to whatever this mysterious force was. And, well, it worked.
The crew had no idea anything was going on. None of them had experienced the bruising or the noises; in fact, they thought SPR was there as guests, not as investigators. A few of the younger ones tried to flirt with her, and a few of the older ones turned their nose up at them. They refused the interview, claiming the ghosts to be a figment of imagination, and Mai threw them a nasty look when their back was turned.
“You shouldn’t be so childish,” Naru tells her after the fifth one walks away.
She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just don’t act like it doesn’t bother you, too.”
“They’ll either believe or they won’t. Nothing I do will change their mind. The best we can hope for is them staying out of our way.”
“That shouldn’t be too difficult. You’ve driven away worse with just a look– yeah! That’s the one!” Mai laughs as his face sours further.
“You two seem to get along well. If I had known better, I would have given you a room together.”
“A-Ando-san!” They turn to face him. “It’s not like that-” Mai starts.
“Can you tell us where the rest of your family is?” Naru asks. “We’d like to ask about their paranormal experiences.”
“Of course,” he says, leading them down the hall.
Naru ignores her as she pouts. In fact, he seems to be smirking at her. Did he want Ando thinking they were together? She’d drop it for now, she had to focus on not falling when two blurs in blue collided with her legs.
“Nee-san!” They cry, smiling up at her.
“You brought your boyfriend with you this time!”
“He’s really pretty, isn’t he?”
“He’s like a prince, I bet!”
“Nee-san, are you okay? You’re all red!”
She chokes out something that she hopes at least resembles an affirmative, and when she looks at Naru, his lips are set in a thin line. But oh, she can see the amusement in his eyes, and he’s going to pay for it.
“Keiko! Kimiko!” Ando-san calls. “That’s no way to treat a guest!”
“Keiko and Kimiko?” Naru ignores Ando, and so do the girls. He kneels down to study them. A smile tugs at his lips, but other than that his expression is unreadable. “You told Mai a little about Naiya, didn’t you? Can you tell me a little more?”
The twins look at each other, expressions flying across their faces in a language only they can decipher. Naru’s eyes soften as he watches until they nod. A decision has been made. They turn back to him.
“She’s a mermaid!” they yell as one.
“She came from far, far away!” says the one in navy blue.
“She bought this boat a long time ago!” says the one in deep purple.
Naru shoots Mai a glance, and she starts writing.
“What makes you think she’s a mermaid?” he asks.
“She lives in the water! She’s always there when we see her, and she never shows us her legs. She told us she doesn’t have any.”
“We want to join her crew, but she says we’re too young. But she does keep an eye on us, and if someone hurts us, she’ll hurt them.”
“Is that so?” Naru mumbles. He glances at Ando and back to the girls, quick enough that only Mai notices. He turns back to the girl in purple. “So you’re able to talk to Naiya, Kimiko?”
She nods. “Yes! She likes to watch us play. She taught us how to play pirates. She says we’d make fine additions to her crew, but only when we’re older. Right now, we just find coins and stuff to give her.”
He turns to Keiko, the one in blue. “How do you give it to her?”
Keiko looks to her twin. “We throw it,” she says.
“And where do you throw it?”
She looks at her father, standing behind Naru. “We, um… we throw it in the water.”
“Is that what you’ve done with your mother’s earrings?!” Ando asks– no, demands. “I’ve told you time and time again, this Naiya is just-just an imaginary friend! Don’t throw stuff away just because–”
“Ando-san!” Mai cuts him off. The girls are huddled behind her, hiding from him. Her hands hover in front of them, as though she can protect them.
Ando glares at her. “This is a family matter, Taniyama-san,” he yells. He steps forward to grab the girls, but Mai backs up with them. He waves his hands towards the stairs. “They’ve thrown tens of thousands of yen into the ocean! Because of some stupid, fake pirate!”
Mai opens her mouth, but his ranting doesn’t stop until Naru steps between them. “Ando-san,” he says, voice smooth and unbroken. “There are many cases of spirits befriending children in the form of imaginary friends. Don’t discount them just because they’re young.”
He turns around to face the children. “Thank you for your time, Keiko, Kimiko. You may leave.”
Keiko grabs Kimiko’s hand and pulls her away, running down the hall. Ando huffs, opening and closing his mouth. His face is red and drawn, eyes narrowed at Naru. He clears his throat, shivering as the temperature drops. “Excuse me,” he says, opening one of the doors in the hall, “it’s gotten rather cold, hasn’t it? Must be an open window somewhere…”
He walks away, checking each room as he goes. Mai sticks her tongue out at him.
“Let’s go back,” Naru says, “before they accuse me of being unprofessional.”
“What was that?” She ponders as they walk. “He seemed so mad about their imaginary friend.”
“He was mad because they’ve been throwing valuables into the sea.”
“He owns a yacht. It’s not like he’s going to miss ten-thousand yen. I spend about that much on groceries for a week.”
“Then he’s greedy. Don’t worry about it, Mai.”
“Well, let’s just hope he doesn’t throw that much of a fit when he sees the bill for this case.” Naru rolls his eyes, but she smirks at him. “I know you’re charging extra for the inconvenience of working on a ship. Don’t think I haven’t seen the nausea medicine you and Lin are trying to hide.”
A smirk plays at his lips. “You’re getting more observant, aren’t you?”
“I have to be when we’re fighting ghosts all the time. Oh! Can I have some, by the way? I get motion sick at night…”
Thunder rolls in the distance. The moon hides behind clouds, and the threat of rain pulls Oliver into bed before he’s done reviewing notes. Mai left for her room earlier, and Lin not long after with a warning for him to sleep soon.
He’s only an hour behind them, really. He can sleep at any time he wants. It’s not that hard.
Except for when the voice calls out for him.
“Noll,” it says in his own voice. “Find me, Noll.”
But he did. He found Gene, and took him home, and laid him to rest, what else could he want?
“Naru,” the voice shifts. It changes, growing higher, then frantic, morphing into Mai’s distressed tone. “Please, Naru! Hurry!”
Well that’s just playing dirty.
He still stands. The floor is cold against his feet, and it almost makes him want to crawl back in bed. But then Mai screams his name again, and he tears himself away from it.
The hall is empty — Mai’s door is shut tight, probably locked. But then, why wouldn’t it be? He knows it’s not really her calling him. It’s some phantom voice that can read him well enough to use her as bait. But her safety is not something he’s willing to risk, so he follows it anyway.
Oliver follows the voice up the slippery staircase and out onto the moonlit deck. The cold knocks the breath from his lungs. He can’t even see the way it clouds before the wind rips it away. He takes a deep, shaking breath, ice sinking to his lungs and spreading through his limbs.
Mai wouldn’t be out here. No one would. They’d freeze before they took two steps. He should just check on Mai and return to bed.
He doesn’t, though. He hears his name again. Ignoring the urge to run to it, he scans the silvery deck. Shadows dance at the edge of his vision, only to vanish as he turns his head.
The voice isn’t on the ship. It’s yelling from over the side.
He walks to the rail and studies the water. It’s the only blotch of darkness in this moonlit scene. The voice changes again. Soft, lilting, it beckons him now, no longer afraid. He circles the ship, trying to pinpoint its location.
It still sounds like Mai.
Anywhere should do, he thinks. He can swim to her. She wouldn’t hide from him. His hands grip the rail, and he jumps. He kneels on the metal, fingers going numb. He just has to find the source. That shouldn’t take long. He tips forward.
A loud bang wakes him. His shoulder explodes in burning pain. Chanting fills his ears, and he can’t sit up. He’s too disoriented, and there’s a weight on his chest holding him down. Rain pelts his face, stinging as it hits his skin.
Then the weight is gone and he’s pulled to his feet.
“Run, you idiot!” Mai yells in his ear, but she’s dragging him anyway. Her clothes cling to her body, and her fingers freeze against his. She drags him down the stairs and into base, slamming the door. She pants as she leans against it, too tired to move.
“That was too close,” she mutters between breaths. Then she glares at him. “What the hell, Naru? What was that?”
“How long has it been raining?”
“I heard–”…you… “–someone calling me. I went outside to investigate and…”
“And tried to jump into the ocean!” She’s breathing heavily, still, and her shoulders shake. He can’t tell if she’s cold or crying, but if he had to wager a guess, he’d say both.
He’d been tricked. Mai’s shivering worsens as the air chills, and she wraps her arms around herself. Naru stands, offering her his hand. She takes it and lets him lead her to her room.
“Go take a shower and change,” he tells her. “You’ll freeze at this rate.”
“No thanks to you,” she mumbles.
“Meet me at base when you’re done. I’m going to get Lin. We’re going to sleep there tonight, and when Matsuzaki-san and Hara-san get here, you’re all going to share that room.”
She almost refuses — there’s no need for such precaution, she thinks. But then she remembers Naru, dragging himself through the storm, wobbling on the thin handrail. The adrenaline that surged through her, tearing him from the spirit’s grip. The emptiness in her limbs as that adrenaline fades.
“Okay,” she ends up saying, swinging the door shut. Naru stops it with a foot before it closes, and opens it as he leans forward. His lips tickle her earlobe, and when he speaks, his voice is warm.
“Oh, and Mai?” he whispers, grateful for the cold that hides his blush. “Thank you.”
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irwen-s · 4 years
wendy falls trying to grab something and the pain of landing on her wrist throws her into regression which none of the girls had ever had any experience with and don’t know what to do
i rolled a four sided dice (on google wheeze) and got joy so here we go
there are many dangers when it comes to baking, seungwan knows. even so, she never could have anticipated this one.
its on one of their rest days between promotions when she finally gets around to having the time to bake cookies for everyone, and seungwan is elated. shes in the kitchen, bustling around gathering all the tools and ingredients she’ll need, opening and closing kitchen cabinets and drawers.
its then that she remembers having left the bag of chocolate chips in one of the upper cabinets, out of easy reach just to discourage any of the members from trying to eat them before she can even use them.
and so seungwan drags one of the stools up to the counter, then carefully steps onto it. its with a grin that she opens the cabinet to see the bag of chocolates, untouched and unopened.
when she shuffles a bit closer to grab for it, her foot misses the surface of the stool.
and then seungwan slips off with a cry of surprise.
yerim is the closest to the kitchen when from it comes a yelp followed by a crash. shes up and out of her seat, stumbling toward the kitchen where the sound of wailing breaks out, and the sight that greets her when she enters makes her eyes widen in alarm. “unnie!”
seungwan is lying on the ground, awkwardly twisted on her side, face contorted in pain and messy with tears, crying loudly.
yerim drops to her knees just as seulgi, joohyun, and sooyoung barge in behind her. she isnt sure what to do, hands hovering hesitantly over seungwans fallen form, afraid to touch her where she might be injured. the way shes sobbing so uncontrollably makes it all the more nerve-wracking.
“her arm,” joohyun speaks up quickly, dropping to her knees beside yerim. seungwans cries are shrill, terrifying in a way theyve never heard her sound before. “seungwan-ah, we’re going to sit you up, can you breathe for me?”
its like seungwan cant hear her. sooyoung moves around to seungwans other side as joohyun continues to murmur gentle encouragements, and her arm slides around seungwans back in support as yerim and joohyun carefully pull her upright. shes choking on her sobs now, tears sliding down flushed cheeks as shes propped up against sooyoungs chest, shuddering cries wracking her small frame.
“its her wrist. she hurt her wrist,” yerim immediately points out, and their eyes collectively fall to seungwans hand. the skin is bruised, dark and discolored.
“unnie, youre okay, youre okay, can you take deep breaths with me?” sooyoung soothes, smoothing back seungwans hair as joohyun tells seulgi to get an ice pack, her lips brushing seungwans ear. seungwan only chokes on another pained cry, shaking her head frantically.
sooyoung quickly slides herself to sit down properly before carefully guiding seungwan into her lap, cradled against her chest. seungwan immediately turns her face into her neck, trembling in her arms, her uninjured hand desperately clutching onto sooyoungs shirt.
shes hiccuping through strained cries, likely from tiring her voice, and sooyoung rubs soothing circles against her back as she presses her lips to seungwans temple, murmuring softy. “im right here, unnie, youre okay. just breathe for me.”
“n-not unnie,” seungwan sobs in a shaky voice. she lifts her hand up, as if to wipe her face, then whimpers at the movement. yerim quickly guides her hand away and into her lap, fingers coiled gently around her forearm.
“wan-ah,” sooyoung says then, switching immediately, her fingers carding through seungwans hair. seungwan sniffles against the crook of her neck, the tears staining her cheeks wetting sooyoungs skin as she cries quietly. “wan-ah, youre okay, sooyoungie’s here.”
seulgi returns then with an ice pack wrapped in a small towel, and she kneels next to yerim before carefully pressing it against seungwans wrist. “youre okay, its just a little bruise, wannie.” she tries to smile reassuringly, but seungwan jerks at the touch of the ice pack.
“c-cold,” she hiccups tearfully as she attempts to pull her arm away.
“yerim-ah,” joohyun quickly says, but yerim is already tightening her grip around seungwans arm, murmuring “i got her” as she gently but firmly keeps it anchored in her lap. seulgi moves the ice pack back against her wrist with a soft “sorry, wannie.”
sooyoung holds seungwan securely against her as she begins to squirm and cry louder. “wan-ah, the ice will help it hurt less, its okay,” she tries to explain, rocking her to calm her down. “its all right. youre okay, wannie.”
“mama,” seungwan cries in a small, wobbly voice, and all of them freeze. they watch as seungwan shakes her head back and forth against sooyoung, sobbing weakly into her neck. “mama, h-hurts.”
“her mom?” seulgi whispers in confusion as joohyun furrows her eyebrows. sooyoung cradles the back of seungwans head, keeping her tucked close against her chest, exchanging worried and puzzled glances with the others.
yerim has been watching seungwan closely, and she speaks up then. “no, i think she means you, sooyoung-unnie,” she says slowly. seulgi and joohyun look at yerim in surprise as sooyoungs eyes widen.
“me?” sooyoung asks hesitantly.
“its a hunch,” yerim admits, but her eyes are still trained on seungwans trembling form, the way she looks too fragile and vulnerable. hiding her face in sooyoungs neck, hiccuping unsteadily. “shes only been responding to you.”
sooyoungs lips part in surprise, realization dawning on her. “wannie,” she says tentatively against seungwans ear, keeping her voice low and soothing. “can you look at—at mama, for me?”
theres a shaky, nervous sniffle, but then they watch as seungwan slowly moves her head away from sooyoungs neck. puffy, watery eyes look up at her, and sooyoungs heart wrenches at the sight of cheeks flushed and shiny with tears, at the way her lip wobbles.
“oh, baby,” sooyoung whispers in a heartbroken voice, and her hands cradle seungwans face, thumbs brushing against her cheeks as seungwan whimpers in her lap, fresh tears slipping from the corner of her eyes. “im so sorry, wannie. mama’s—mama’s here.”
“hurts,” seungwan hiccups again, squirming to clutch onto sooyoung. yerims fingers wrapped around her injured hand stop her from fully doing so, so sooyoung quickly shifts closer to pull seungwan back against herself, tucked close.
“i know, baby, i know,” she whispers soothingly, letting seungwan press her face back against her neck. she runs her fingers through seungwans hair, feeling her her breathing begin to calm.
“im going to get tissues,” joohyun murmurs quietly, rising from her knees. she looks down at them, gaze moving to rest over seungwan last, heavy with concern. “sooyoung-ah, can you carry her to the couch?”
sooyoung nods. “yes, unnie.”
joohyun turns to yerim and seulgi then. “go with her, make sure wan doesnt move her wrist too much,” she directs, and they both nod in acknowledgement.
they all get to their feet then. sooyoung is the last to stand, careful and slow so as to not jostle seungwan cradled in her arms, who only lets out a small whimper into her shoulder.
“ive got you, baby, mama’s here. we’re just going to the couch, okay?” sooyoung reassures. yerim holds onto seungwans forearm, and after nodding at sooyoung, they both begin to move to the living room, seulgi trailing behind them. joohyun disappears into the hallway.
sooyoung sits down on the couch with seungwan settled in her lap, yerim seated next to them. seulgi hands her the ice pack, which yerim presses against the bruised skin of seungwans wrist. the touch startles seungwan, who lets out a small cry.
sooyoung shushes her quickly, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of seungwans head. “its okay, baby, its just ice. youre okay. mama has you.”
a hand holds out a tissue from behind her, which sooyoung accepts gratefully.
“thank you, unnie,” she whispers, and joohyun nods, settling the box down next to where shes seated. she gestures for yerim to move away so she can take her place as sooyoung gently coaxes seungwans face away from her neck again, dabbing at her tear-stained cheeks with the tissue. seungwans hiccups, leaning feebly into her touch.
theyre all quiet now, watching as sooyoung lets seungwan curl against her after drying her tears, rubbing her back in slow, calming circles and murmuring soothingly into her ear. an occasional sniffle comes from seungwan, but shes no longer trembling, and her cries have quieted.
gradually, sooyoung feels seungwans breathing begin to even out, exhales soft as small puffs of air tingle the skin of her neck.
“shes asleep,” sooyoung mouths to the others. joohyun nods, and relief seems to flood into the room, relaxing all of them as seulgi slumps back into the couch and yerim lets out a sigh of relief.
“lets let her rest,” joohyun says quietly, loosening her grip around seungwans forearm. when no one moves from their seats, the corner of her lips tug up in slight amusement. theyre all too worried to go anywhere else.
“do we know whats going on with wannie?” seulgi tentatively whispers.
its silent for a minute, everyones gazes falling back to seungwan.
“we’ll ask her when she wakes up,” joohyun says finally, after a long moment.
sooyoung wraps her arms around seungwan a little tighter.
its a few hours later when seungwan wakes up groggily to soft murmurs and the hum of the stove from the kitchen. she yawns, slowly cracking open her eyes, then comes face to face with sooyoung, whos watching her carefully.
“sooyoungie?” she mumbles sleepily.
“unnie,” sooyoung says, gauging, and seungwan furrows her eyebrows, realizing shes curled up in sooyoungs lap and starting to wonder why, before her hazy memory begins to remember what happened as she sees sooyoung holding the ice pack to her wrist.
“oh—oh my god, shit!” seungwan yells in surprise, stuttering and jerking and almost falling off the couch. she scrambles to get out of sooyoungs lap, apologizing profusely as her eyes water and her vision blurs.
its hard for her to breathe, she feels herself trembling as she gasps frantically, chest suddenly too tight. distantly, she hears sooyoung murmuring something as the commotion from the kitchen cuts off abruptly.
seungwan starts to cry, her brain fuzzy, feeling herself slipping again because shes still sleepy and tired and feels so bad.
“its age regression,” sooyoung finally bursts out, holding seungwan against her as she hyperventilates in her arms. “you regress to a younger age, i know, i searched it up. wan-ah, its okay. its okay.”
seungwan is still apologizing through shaky, frantic gasps, tears sliding down her face, but sooyoung pulls her close and shushes her, now brave enough and more understanding.
“deep breaths, wan-ah, just breathe,” sooyoung whispers, and eventually she feels seungwan slowly relax against her, slumping weakly against her chest, taking shuddering breaths, slowly returning to herself. sooyoung kisses her temple, rubbing her back.
“i-im so sorry,” seungwan apologizes hoarsely again after a moment.
“theres nothing to apologize for,” sooyoung says firmly, shaking her head. her heart aches with so much love, so much adoration, its almost overwhelming. “i’m so happy you trust me enough—trust me to be your mama.”
seungwan sniffles against her. “t-thank you, sooyoungie,” she whispers tiredly, closing her eyes, and sooyoung presses a soft, soothing smile against her hair.
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