#things may be deleted
sapphireravensworld · 6 months
HH Character Bio: Jean
TW: This character's backstory does involve self-harm and suicide.
Name: Jeanette “Jean” Sawyer
Gender: Female
Born in: 1956
Died in: 1974 (age 18)
Cause of Death: Suicide/Hypothermia
Height: 5’2 (alive), 5’10 (current)
Appearance: pale blue skin; navy blue hair with white frosted tips on the end; eyes with icy blue sclera and a white iris; body type on the slender side, inverted triangle body type; forearms are larger than normal with white scars going down the length; often seen wearing warm clothes and arm warmers
Species: Sinner
Nickname/s: Jean, Jeannie, Shrimp, Kid, Kiddo, Shortstack, Toots
Likes: cooking, baking, skating, milkshakes with french fries, mini golf, listening to music, watching movies, singing, dancing, trying new things, board games, cats, people watching, anything soft and warm, stargazing, camping
Dislikes: the Vees (Vox and Valentino in particular), the cold, the dark, her arms, pineapples, most electronics, being the center of attention
Sexuality: Lesbian
Sins: Suicide
Job: Hazbin Hotel Patron
Background: It is difficult to get a grasp on what kind of person Jean is at first glance considering how much distance she puts between herself and others. In life and in death, stability was a luxury that Jean never truly had, making it difficult to open up to others, let alone fully trust another person. The only trustworthy constant in her life was her hardworking mother, whom she always looked to as a role model, confidant, and caretaker. Life was rather difficult, but both felt that having each other was all they needed. One day, Jean’s mother died, leaving her with nobody to care for her. It wasn't too long after that, that she fell into a pattern of self-harm. For three years after, Jean was passed around in foster homes where she was beaten, scolded, and (the final nail in the coffin) had a foster parent attempt to sexually assault her. In a flash of panic, she injured her would-be rapist and she couldn’t help but fall into despair, deciding to take her own life after fleeing the current foster home in the middle of a blizzard.
Upon entering hell, Jean was more confused and helpless than ever. Once her first extermination came around, her mother found her and brought her to safety where they would essentially live life from where they left off. Jean rarely went out on her own with the fear of the sinners often leaving her frightened for herself and her mother who often left to provide for them both. At a sudden point, her mother seemed to vanish for a few days before returning to her. Things seemed to change after that. It seemed her mother was bringing in more money than ever before, leaving them much better off; however, many things felt off as well. For one thing, her mother seemed to be more on edge. She also wouldn’t allow any electronics other than what she tinkered with and any time Jean ever went out, she never went alone. Then one day, her mother never came home and couldn’t be contacted. Concerned for her mother’s wellbeing, she searched for any leads and she found one in her work-related files: a business card belonging to VoxTek.
Upon entering Vee Tower to inquire about her mother’s whereabouts, she was swiftly intercepted by Vox himself. He told her she was indeed in the building devoting herself to a new project he put her on and offered her a tour as the daughter of one of his ‘top employees.’ She hesitantly accepted, wanting to heed the warning her mother gave of interacting with strangers yet drawn into the shiny new world she had just entered. Jean had never seen technology so advanced before and began to wonder why her mother never showed any of it if she indeed worked there. The answer became all too clear once two people inserted themselves into the situation: her mother, who found out she was there and rushed to protect her, and Valentino, who spotted the young sinner with no master and was drawn in immediately. One thing led to another and, upon Valentino harming Jean, her mother incapacitated both of the overlords in order for Jean to escape. Unfortunately, her mother was not so lucky.
For ten years going forward, Jean lived in hiding and fought to survive on the meager resources her mother stashed away and what little she could receive from her via care packages. Jean often read the hand-written notes her mother included with them in order to feel close considering the danger of meeting with each other in person. Even from a distance, her mother always relayed the same message, which was also the last words she ever heard from her mother: ‘Keep your soul. Don’t trust these dealmakers.’ After some time, Jean accidentally trespassed onto the turf of a mysterious entity (at least as far as the other residents of Hell save for a few were concerned). She was quick to find out the entity’s true identity: a powerful sinner named Sibelle, a girl around her age that perished centuries ago for witchcraft. She allowed Jean to stay in her territory and over time, the two grew extremely close even to the point of Sibelle wanting to make a deal. Jean was quick to try and decline until she heard the terms of the deal: Sibelle was offering her soul and in exchange, Jean was free to summon her and use her power so long as it wasn’t for selfish reasons. In the former’s eyes, the latter would be able to call on her should she need help while she was outside the territory. As Sibelle would explain, her power is prone to force her into violent rampages and she had been in search of someone she had full trust in to form a soul contract with in order to keep her in control. After a while of asking, Jean had been worn down and accepted the deal. Not long after, Jean had decided to move on despite Sibelle’s protests and pleads to stay for her safety. However, she was sure that she couldn’t stay forever as she was now determined to find a way to free her mother from her contract with Vox.
One day, Jean encountered Charlie and Vaggie as they were recruiting patrons for the hotel. Charlie was more than eager to drag her along and talk Jean’s ear off about her idea and, with the short amount of time they had known each other, that she’s positive that she had an excellent chance at redemption. Mainly because of curiosity, hope and really having little else to do, Jean accepted and moved into the hotel to see she was one of two patrons. Once Alastor and his crew enter the picture, she does feel her walls coming down and finally confides in Angel Dust about her past, feeling he would understand considering their connection with Valentino. In Angel’s words, if Valentino ever found out she was there, it wouldn’t be from him. Outside of redemption exercises, Jean can be seen throughout the hotel interaction with the other residents doing a number of things such as: playing cards with Husk, babysitting Fat Nuggets, and being Alastor’s unwilling little helper. She would grow especially close with Angel Dust and Husk, growing to see them as an older brother and father figure respectively.
Personality: As previously stated, Jean faces some serious trust issues due to lack of stability in her life and (the very obvious) trauma inflicted on her by those she was told she could trust. It would take a great deal of work and time to break her walls down, which is honestly what she is hoping to find (basically, too afraid to initiate steps to build trust and often needs others to take the first step…s). She’s quiet, almost to the point she sneaks up on people and spooking them with no intention to do so. Many initially found it creepy save for Alastor, who found the startled reactions to be quite amusing.
Despite this, the persona Jean puts on in front of others is one she copies from her mother: a no-nonsense spitfire that refuses to submit to anyone (though her version is vastly different from her mother's). Of course, it is merely a front she copies as she’s seen her mother use in order to deal with the more threatening individuals. Dying at the age she did, Jean did find it easy to be rebellious though it clearly proved to be her downfall many times. Although her age makes her more prone to naivety and recklessness, it does allow Jean to remain open to new ideas (hence willing to try redemption) and not become set in her ways like a lot of adults tend to do with age. Unfortunately, this also means that Jean’s younger mind isn’t able to handle emotions and stress as well as an adult would, making her prone to emotional outbursts and meltdowns.
Abilities & Skills:
Immortality: like all sinners, aside from death by an angelic weapon, Jean cannot permanently die.
Handywoman/Tech Savvy: although not as proficient as her mother, Jean does know her way around appliances. She can identify tools and can troubleshoot most problems with very little difficulty.
Blade Manifestation: Jean can summon blades from her forearms, specifically through the scars in which she made when she took her life. For that reason, she prefers not to use them at all. When she does use them, however, she can manipulate the size and shape of the blades. They can also detach and reabsorb back into her forearms. It may even be possible for her to absorb and use angelic steel in her body.
Ice Manifestation/Manipulation: this is a power that she can only utilize in her full demon form. She can form it on her body or spread it over a large area. It’s also thought to be the reason she feels cold/is cold to the touch.
Habits & Quirks:
Jean wears arm warmers constantly even if she is wearing long sleeves
Is a quiet person to the point where she ends up sneaking up on people
Is always cold, most likely due to dying partially to hypothermia; strangely the intensity of how cold she feels depends on her mood
Has a terrible sense of direction. One of the very few reasons she owns a smartphone is for the GPS. It’s also why she studied astronomy when she was alive in order to read the stars for direction.
Jean has a baby face, making her look younger than she actually is. It’s especially amusing when Charlie practically exclaims “not in front of the baby!” or “she’s just a baby!” while covering Jean’s eyes and/or ears. It can be quite embarrassing, yet she can’t help but feel slightly flattered. But mostly frustrated and embarrassed since she is technically an adult.
She hates looking so young since she feels that the people around her look down on her because she looked more like a younger teen. She despises not being taken seriously more than anything else. Having said that, Jean had freshly turned 18 when she died it being days before she took her life.
Jean gives nicknames to all her friends and family, using them in her journal and has their contact name in her phone. She rarely addresses them with these names in real life, but likes to do so on occasion
Charlie: Princess Bedhead 👑🥱
Vaggie: The Warden ⚔️
Husk: ♣️King of Clubs♣️ (AKA ♥️Dad♥️)
Jean is seen to be very sentimental. Considering how little she had in life, it made sense to her to place value in the very few things she did possess. Her most prized possession is a photograph she managed to hold onto as she died of her and her mother at their local state fair.
Jean is a cuddlebug. In fact, her love language is touch, along with quality time. She is a very affectionate person and loves to feel the warmth of others (with consent, ofc 😉)
Jean is a big animal lover. She had always wanted a pet for as long as she could remember, but circumstances wouldn’t allow her to have one. Though she is still without a pet of her own, she has no problem indulging in other peoples’ pets.
She made pet beds for Fat Nuggets and Keekee that she keeps in her room in the times she is pet sitting or they just want a place to sleep.
Since the confrontation with Vox, Jean had developed an aversion to most electronics, even the ones not developed by VoxTek. She still gets anxiety any time she has to pass by any screen.
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iamanartichoke · 1 year
I don't know who needs to hear this, but as a creator -
I am fine with "the audience" -
downloading my fics
printing my fics
copy/pasting or screenshotting my fics
sharing your saved copy of my fics with anyone else who might want them in the unlikely but never impossible case that my fics are no longer available on ao3
making a book of my fic(s) and running your fingers across the pages while lovingly whispering my precioussss
doing these things with anything I create for fandom, such as meta, headcanons, au nonsense like 'texts from the brodinsons,' etc
I am not fine with "the audience"
doing any of the above with the purpose/intent of plagiarizing my work or passing it off as their own in any capacity
feeding my work into ai for any reason whatsoever
Save the fandom things. Preserve the fandom things. Respect the fandom things.
Enjoy the fandom things.
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bixels · 1 month
The Ryoko Kui interview's reception is such a disaster over a pretty normal (yet still flawed) interview between a non-Japanese fan and Japanese artistic. This is discourse for discourse's sake, and it's no surprise that almost every Twitter user I've looked at who's using this interview to parade Kui around as a goated mangaka standing strong against Western ideology is anti-trans.
Like, I do think the interview was kinda wonky with its focus on fandom culture, which Kui clearly didn't have much interest in. But sometimes that happens. Sometimes interactions between two people, especially a fan and a creator, two people who view and interact with a piece of media in completely opposite perspectives, don't click. Does this really need to get blown up into a "West vs. East culture war" issue.
Anyways, Kui saying "I don't consider my audience's interpretations when writing. I leave it to their imaginations, but I have my own read on things too" is the healthiest, most normal thing an artist/writer who wants a non-parasocial audience could say. Artists and writers use this line all the time. If Kui didn't enjoy autistic Laius or Farcille headcanons, she would have probably voiced/signalled her discomfort, like she did on the topic of Senshi fanservice. Overall, Kui handled the interview really well. Props to her to sticking to her guns and keeping a healthy disconnect from the fandom. While I think the interviewer could've/should've been more tactful and restrained, the flaws in their questions is not a symptom of the woke mind virus trying to wriggle its way into the pure Japanese psyche. It's the sign of an over-eager fan who sees a piece of fiction differently than its creator.
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love-is-a-pearl · 6 months
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My designs for everyone's aged up looks! As well as their bios here👀
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spicycinnabun · 4 months
a continuation of fireflies 🔥🪰
“Gonna have to start calling you lightning bug,” Steve teased.
“Very funny.”
Eddie was about to shake them free when Steve reached out. Eddie almost flinched reflexively, but Steve only gently pushed his hair off his neck and shoulder, fingertips grazing Eddie’s skin. Eddie’s heart fluttered as the fireflies startled, scattering around them.
“Oh, look!” Steve laughed, tilting his head up to watch. His eyes shone in innocent wonder, his lips parted, and his hand relaxed, resting warmly against Eddie’s neck where Eddie’s pulse was now flying. Like his veins had grown wings and wanted to flap right out of his goddamn body.
Who exactly was the cute one here? Not Eddie. Steve was so adorable it was fucking stupid and—
Eddie surged forward and kissed him.
…He could’ve been so much smoother about it. He overshot and used too much force. Their lips didn’t line up properly, smashing together, but before Eddie could pull away in mortification, Steve made a small noise, surprised laughter this time, and grabbed Eddie’s waist so they didn’t fall backwards.
“Steady, Eddie,” he murmured, which was also so fucking dumb Eddie almost ugly snorted, but the way Steve said it made Eddie’s stomach swoop instead.
Then Steve kissed him, directed the angle of their mouths with a few fingers under Eddie’s chin like the smooth motherfucker he was, and suddenly, they were in perfect sync.
Eddie somehow ended up in Steve’s lap, straddling him with one knee on either side of his hips, cushioned by the soft plaid blanket. They’d gone from just kissing to making out. Playing it cool was nowhere in sight.
Eddie could taste the bitterness of beer and something sweet on Steve’s tongue—wildflower honey from the cookies Chrissy had brought. Steve kept laughing into his mouth, probably at Eddie’s eagerness. But every now and then he’d moan, too.
They pulled apart simultaneously to catch their breath, and between them, a tiny light flickered to life.
Steve’s eyes crossed and, finally, it was Eddie���s turn to laugh.
A firefly had landed on Steve’s nose.
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rt-closetcryptic · 3 months
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Silly thing I did for Twitter. I ended up making them more busier than intended, I may delete this and remake them later.
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marblerose-rue · 4 months
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Any character portrayed by Natasha Lyonne, experiencing horrors beyond human comprehension: “Oh, hello, very good, okay then, understandable. Horrors, horrors, horrors, et cetera, I’ll be getting the fuck out of here now, thank you for your time.”
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lucky13cat · 17 days
Honestly the one thing I wish HOTD hadn't done above all else (and I wish they hadn't done a lot) are the multiple times jumps in season 1.
I wish we had kept the younger actors and the story going after Rhaenyra's wedding until at least episode 8 or 9 of the first season. Rather then jumping 10 years and then 6 years the show could have built up what was to come and shown characters and stories that were missed. They could have done many, many things to fill in the time to build up the later plotlines. Have the writers show us how inevitable the Dance would be without skipping ahead.
Show us Rhaenyra's reaction to Criston becoming Alicent's sworn shield. Show us Aemond and Daeron's births (or at least Alicent's wedding to the king well before rhat). Show us how Daemon and Laena were wed and him killing her original betrothed.
Show us Rhaenyra facing the whispers of the court as she and Laenor remain childless. Show us Rhaenyra deciding to go to Dragonstone with her husband, her retinue, and Harwin Strong (who in the book is her sworn shield). Show us how Rhaenyra sees traces of Daemon all over Dragonstone as well as her learning to rule and manage a castle. Show us Rhaenyra and Laenor discussing how they will have kids and scenes with her and Harwin. Show us her first pregnancy as she thinks about Aemma's many pregnancies, especially the last one.
Show us Jace's birth and the court coming to celebrate on Dragonstone. Show us Daemon's reaction to such an event even as Laena announces she is pregnant. Show us the first seeds of the bastard rumors as Rhaenyra and Laenor claim Jace has inherited the Baratheon looks from his grandmother Rhaenys, a defense that is quickly destroyed later on with two more sons bearing the traits of Harwin Strong rather than Laenor Velaryon. Show us the king acknowledging his grandson in a way he never does his own sons.
Show us Aegon bonding with Sunfyre. The deep bond between them and Alicent's worry about dragons and her continued rejection of the "queer customs" of the Targaryens until Otto forces her to realize that these are weapons to help Aegon when he becomes king. Show us Helaena bonding with Dreamfyre and more of her dragon dreams. Show how Aemond remains dragonless as all his other siblings bond with dragons. Then turn and show how indifferent, potentially even hostile, Rhaenyra is towards her younger half siblings, particularly the boys who have a claim to the throne as the whole court whispers.
Show us Rhaenyra's return to court with her gaining a seat on the Small Council and how much Laenor hates it in Kings Landing. Show Viserys announcing that his grandsons will all take lessons with his sons and Alicent's reaction to that and then Daeron being sent away to Oldtown. Show how Aegon grows up under the pressure of being the unnamed heir and unloved son. Show us the wedding between Aegon and Helaena. Show the plotting of Otto behind the scenes rather than just telling us the Small Council has been plotting for years.
Just show the audience something.
The season can end on a time jump to show the older actors and can even continue as it did from Joffrey's birth. The parallels from Jace's own would be quite interesting as it would show how Rhaenyra has faced what her mother called their battlefield before. Then let the season end with Rhaenyra going back to Dragonstone as more than the girl she was the first time. Let season 2 start with the funeral at Driftmark and show the actual aftermath of that event. Then show us Daemon and Rhaenyra's wedding and the aftermath of that with Viserys enraged and telling both of them not to come to court until he sends for them. Corlys can be shown once more going to war in the Stepstones instead of facing his grief as Rhaenys waits on Driftmark where she decides to foster Baela but ignores Rhaenyra's children. Show the twins and Maelor as a parallel to Rhaenyra's young children and how the Greens are a family just as much as the Blacks. Give us Helaena and Aegon interacting and how Aemond tries to be everything an heir should be even when he's a second son. Viserys' failing health can be shown as well as Otto's own time presiding over the court and tasting the power of the king, the thing he has spent years desperate for. Then jump to the succession of Driftmark crisis and Rhaenyra's return to court. Show more of Jace and Luke's struggles with their heritage as their younger half brothers inherit the Valyrian traits that highlight their own different features.
Give us more scenes of Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena among the court and interacting with the Blacks. There could even be a few scenes of Daeron mixed throughout the season though they'd less important, but still season 2 could build a base for who every Green child is as they build up to war. Give equal time to both sides of the war to come.
Let season 2 be built on these added scenes and plots from season 1 to truly show how the Dance was inevitable. This will then in turn fuel season 3 where the Dance truly hits as characters and dragons begin to die in this conflict. The deaths will hit harder and actually haunt the narrative the way they should because they've been given depth and built up in the previous seasons.
The show could have done so much to add depth to each of the characters and each of the different plots, but it didn't. The time jumps of season 1, in my opinion, weakened the story and left us with fairly shallow characters. There were so many things that could have added to the show and sowed the seeds of the Dance, but we saw none of it.
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limonnitsa · 5 months
Seb's falling & Omi's having fun
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guess who's an idiot sandwich that read it wrong and realized only now faints
Prompt: Ominis looking flushed as Sebastian touches or holds him by the hips/ waist
Thanks @trappezoider and @waywardprintmaker for organizing this event! 🌸
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sapphireravensworld · 6 months
HH Character Bio: Sibelle
Name: Sibelle
Born in : 1600’s
Died in : 1600’s (age 19)
Height : 5’7 (alive) 5’11 (now)
Species : Sinner
Nickname/s: Belle (only allows Jean to call her that)
Likes : Jean, Charlie, nature (plants in particular), reading, dancing, gardening, sewing, campfires, hot baths, any food with blueberries, foggy mornings, thunderstorms, making flower crowns
Dislikes : Alastor, change, being alone, alcohol, majority of the industries in Hell, excessive debauchery, causing pain, having too much time on her hands, the Vees (Vox in particular)
Sexuality : Bisexual
Sins : Manslaughter, Witchcraft
Job : N/A
Background: Sibelle was born into a cult to the High Priestess. From a young age, she was groomed to take her mother’s place. She studied a great deal of services such as paganism and rituals. One ritual in particular was one she spent years preparing for (or moreso, she was being prepared for). At the age of 18, this ritual was performed under the assumption that Sibelle was inheriting the power of her mother as she had inherited from the earth. Instead, the ritual-gone-wrong ended up absorbing the souls of everyone in the coven, bounding them to Sibelle. Mortified, Sibelle fled and wandered, not knowing what to do after the massacre. Hard as she tried, she couldn’t hold back the overwhelming power dwelling within her. Eventually, she was discovered, captured, and burned at the stake. 
It had been no surprise to Sibelle that she had entered Hell after the lives she had taken. Even so, she found a desolate area in Pentagram City and made it her territory. All she had wanted was to be alone, utilizing all of her skills and even developing new ones to keep it that way. One of her most effective powers includes creating illusions which she used to scare away anyone who happened to stray into her dominion. As a result, very few sinners knew of her existence and even fewer interacted with her. The only indication they ever witnessed of her was shockwaves of magical power that would expel from her body on her rampages due to lack of control over it. 
And so, after centuries of successfully repelling any trespassers and keeping to herself, one finally managed to slip through and convince her to stay. On an Extermination Day, Jean had stumbled upon her territory and took shelter in order to ride it out. Despite the illusions she displayed, any spells she casted, Sibelle was unable to drive her away. Driven by curiosity and loneliness, the young witch revealed herself and allowed Jean to stay. Throughout that time, the two grew extremely close, sharing stories and enjoying each other’s company. So close, in fact, that Sibelle was convinced that Jean was the perfect candidate to make a soul contract. She had learned that should anyone own another’s soul, they can control them. By that logic, she believed that said owner would be able to curb her meltdowns. It was difficult, however, to find a candidate that she felt she could trust. Eventually, after explaining her reasoning, Sibelle managed to win Jean over and form the deal. 
After a few years together, Jean came to her to inform her that she would be leaving for a while. Frightened for her wellbeing and not wanting to be alone again, Sibelle went all out to convince her to stay within the safety of her domain. However, Jean was set in her decision, insisting that she wasn’t leaving forever and that she was determined to free her mother from the Overlord named Vox. Although sad, Sibelle came to accept her decision on the condition that Jean would visit and call on her should she need her. The first few days without her were the most difficult as her illusions that once brought her comfort were no longer enough. This only made her more excited for the times that Jean did visit.
Appearance: Mostly clad in violet, gold, and black. Pastel purple skin. Triangle body shape. Round eyes with black sclera and lilac irises. Wears gowns a majority of the time along with corsets. Her favorite was something Jean had gifted to her:  a cold shoulder velvet dress, deep violet and black with gold accents. Straight, waist-length black hair. Sibelle has five wisps that never stray too far from her.
Personality: From the beginning, Sibelle was dutiful towards her studies to one day take over her coven as the High Priestess. As such, she didn’t socialize very much aside from performing her duties. She held nature in the highest regard and always attempted to find the beauty in all of it. In her little spare time, she had been brainstorming ways to improve the customs of her coven, to make things better and happier once she took over. All of it was for nothing as the ritual went wrong. Knowing of the power she now held and disliking the idea of causing pain to others, she attempted to hide herself from the world, both on Earth and in Hell.
It was rather difficult having to deal with loneliness in the position she was in, so she created illusions nearly constantly. To keep her mind occupied from what lay beyond her domain and how dangerous she viewed herself to be. And then Jean entered her territory and her life. She was wary as even though Jean looked harmless, she was still a sinner. Sibelle wouldn’t allow her to get close, not even letting her see her, though she let Jean know she was there in her own subtle little ways.
As she begins to reveal more of herself, there are changes in the area surrounding her. It becomes more warm and inviting and the wisps that followed her would become excitable. Even if she didn’t show it, she was happy to have some proper company. Soon enough, the illusions she created for herself were no longer enough for her. A single hug from Jean gave her more joy than any memory of hers from when she was alive. As adverse to change as she is, she does yearn to be where Jean is and live rather than just survive.
Abilities & Skills:
Immortality: like all sinners, Sibelle cannot die by any other means but by angelic weapons. 
Spellcasting: knowledgeable in basic magic, especially since the hellish energy has increased her power. Pyromancy and nature magic are her favorite. Though the spells are basic, her overall power makes them quite effective, especially in battle.
Illusion Magic: can create and control illusions. It’s powerful enough that it can affect the senses of those within it with touch being the exception.
Smoke Mimicry: Can turn her body entirely into smoke. Her body can also break apart and merge back together.
Habits & Quirks:
She finds that if her mind wanders into daydreaming, they would come to life via her illusions. She found this out after creating one of Jean…only for the real Jean to walk in the room in the middle of it. 
Sibelle, not interacting with others for so long, still speaks and acts the same as she did in her time alive. After finally interacting with people, she finds herself very insecure about her mannerisms which are quickly extinguished when Jean expresses that she finds it “cute” *blush* 
As hard as she tries to understand, the culture shock can overwhelm her and often relies on Jean to help her through the workings of Hell due to her isolation. She is quite adverse to change.
She has a green thumb. As an admirer of nature and its creations, she is particularly fond of the plants and loves using her magic to bring some beauty into the hellscape.
The terms of the deal between Sibelle and Jean were simple:
Sibelle offered her soul, keeping her power to use as she sees fit as long as it doesn’t endanger Jean. She would also be at the call for anything Jean might need as long as Jean doesn’t try to force her to do things against her will.
In exchange, Jean would agree to keep Sibelle company and cannot be away from too very long. She’s also responsible for monitoring Sibelle’s behavior to track how far off she is from going on a rampage, which she will also be responsible for stopping using the power of the owner of her soul. 
Sibelle is bicurious, not really giving much thought to romance until spending time with Jean. She often daydreams about things based on what Jean described when coming to terms with her own sexuality.
Sibelle creates illusions of her past as a form of comfort, though she ends up spending unhealthy amounts of time interacting with an environment and people that are not there.
At one time, Alastor “offered” to own her soul under her terms and she outright refused. She refers to him as “The Malevolent One” as she sensed nothing but ill intent coming from him. She will absolutely attack on sight should he place so much as a toe into her domain.
Sibelle has five fiery wisps that surround her all the times. Even she isn’t totally sure what exactly they are aside from the only company she had since arriving in Hell. 
The wisps appear to be an extension of Sibelle, having what look vaguely like faces are very expressive (think of the faces in Asmodeus’ mane). If anyone wants to know how Sibelle really feels, all they need to do is look at the wisps. 
Despite being in Hell, Sibelle finds herself being summoned to Earth by cultists that discover the ways of her former coven and wish for power, only for the ritual-gone-wrong to absorb those souls as well. Jean finds herself cursed and trapped as a result as she has no choice in the matter. This occurs every decade or so.
With these rituals making her stronger, Sibelle did in fact have the potential to become an Overlord, though she never had a desire to do so. 
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ginkovskij · 1 year
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disco enjolras out of context
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pipisguy · 26 days
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@spamtonsometimes uhh... I was pretty sure you had answered my tags saying "ah the perry the platypus effect" and telling us that you changed your style to draw biblically accurate Spamton... but I can't find the post so maybe I dreamt it up??
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kaddyssammlung · 7 months
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bylergetonefree · 2 months
we better get clear byler confirmation in s5 (none of that obtuse ambiguous shit) bc i am NOT about to get queerbaited in 2025, that’d be so embarrassing omg
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cloudysarts · 8 months
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this show would be good if literally everything about it was different
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