#thinking about the way tuna smells i think it's pretty tasty....
bravenurse · 5 years
Green pink!
I’M SENDING THESE COLORS BACK TO YOU TOO!! Bluu is adorable and cool and i love seeing you pop up every now an then!! Thank you so much omg...i’m embarrassed LOL!!
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twisted-imagines · 4 years
Hello! I know someone has done a similar request to this on another blog but I was curious on your interpretation: how do you think the Leech brothers and Azul would react to having a crush or a SO that REALLY likes seafood, maybe even a particular fondness to eel or octopus dishes? (My personal favorite is squid n salmon 🐙🐟) Feel free to do whatever format you think would work best for this request!
I personally don't eat seafood much so it may be inaccurate, but I had fun with this one~ Scenario part is about eating their animal counterpart🤭 My attempt at comedy. Why did it turn to horror with Floyd though?
Maybe someday I will stop to just randomly go MIA. Maybe.
Octavinelle and a s/o who loves seafood
Jade Leech 🐬
"I promised you the sight, here it is, [Y/n]."
You pant heavily, supporting yourself with hands on your knees, for a minute all you can think about is calming down your breath, but a burning pain in your throat severely hinders your attempts to. Somehow a guy who was born in the sea and never left it before a few years ago can climb higher and faster than you, and you've lived your whole life with your legs. You feel like your skull is squeezing down on you, putting an immense pressure on your brain.
"My my, someone really needs to exercise more. How about joining the Mountain Appreciation Club, [Y/n]? We could do mountaineering more often and build up your stamina?"
You are about to tell him that he'd better kill you now than make you suffer another climb, but once you lift up your head up words die in your throat. Jade sure kept his promise, the sight before you is majestic.
He told you there is a lake somewhere behind that hill and that flora and fauna there is diverse and rich, but what he didn't mention is just how beautiful it is. Untouched, lush greenery, flowers of all colors of rainbow scattered across all the glade that sway to the wind, strive to reach the sun. The horizon is just a straight green line, with mighty trees towering over a pristine blue lake in the middle of this small haven. You can't look at the water for too long, bright sun rays it reflects blind you immediately.
You notice that your head no longer hurts and you can freely breathe in the fresh air, clear of foul smells that people bring when they flock together. But here it's just you, Jade and wild inhabitants of this sanctuary.
"It's beautiful."
"I expected you to enjoy this place. I'm glad my prediction was right. Feel free to explore it, I've made sure that there're no creatures that might hurt you. Before the sun starts to set, enjoy yourself."
You leave your gear and backpack behind and stride forward, having half a mind to take off your shoes and feel for yourself spangled with dew, glistening under the sun bright green grass. You briefly turn to Jade who is still standing behind, seemingly not turned his gaze away from you. He sends a small smile your ways and nods his head encouragingly as if knowing what thought visited your head. You are positive you've never felt so close to nature and to Jade too.
You can't possibly notice, you're already way ahead, touching the water with your leg, retreating when you realize it's too cold for you, keep trying anyway, but the smile does not leave Jade's lips, it grows wider the more he observes you. He can't tell you yet, but the feelings he harbors for you make his heart sing, they are not like anything he's felt before. Oh, how he wishes he could go out with you like this, spend time together without any care in the world, see you smile and look only at him. But things like confessions and relationships need careful planning, he can't possibly let himself be sloppy when it comes to you. Jade is patient, he can wait until that time comes.
"[Y/n], there are lots of different plants and fungi, unique to this area. I go search for them, can I leave setting a camp to you?"
"No problem, go do what you need to do, Mushroom Boy.”
He can't even be mad at you, what a lucky human.
When a noise of someone's footsteps adds to the singing of birds, with cicadas whining and creaking of a bonfire near you mixed in, you know that's it's your companion who's finally returned. Although you stay focused on your task, heat from the fire makes it tempting to turn away,but you just raise your voice to greet him.
"Took you long enough, Jade! I've had time to set camp and to fish! Look, I caught all of these myself!"
Jade approaches you from behind, ready to apologize for his absence, but before he can the sight in his peripheral vision takes away his speech. The fish you have caught and skewered to put above the fire is certainly not what he expected to see. Not what he has ever wanted to see you do.
"[Y/n], I humbly request you to put this poor thing aside or go eat it somewhere a few meters away from me or I might not forgive you for slaying technically one of my kind."
You force yourself to stay in place before you can possibly turn and face himself. You're not ready to look death in the eyes. And the day was just starting to look great, how miserable.
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• If his brother at least has a bigger pet peeve than cooked eels, Jade hates seeing eels being prepared as food the most. Like always, you can't tell from looking at his face, but he's furious on the inside. He can't police what you eat and it's not like few humans consume eels. Still, he doesn't want his s/o eating his animal equivalent, even though it can't possibly have the same self-awareness or intelligence that he possesses as a merman. If you insist and don't try to at least hide it from him, expect some petty Jade in the days following. You don't want to comply and listen to his wishes? Then neither does he, he will find a way to annoy you while staying as classy as ever.
• But when it does not concern eels or their distant relatives Jade is all about you exploring sea cuisine, he himself will never miss a chance to partake in some seafood as well. He smirks when he learns that you also share a common love for octopuses. You understand, right? Not only they are tasty-looking while alive, but cooked and seasoned they're just the best. Cue a distressed Azul hiding from both of you in his VIP room.
• When Monstro Lounge was still new Azul really needed someone both skilled and trusted on the kitchen, Jade became both. He will gladly cook something for you and his cooking is amazing. His dishes and how they taste is everything you've ever wanted from your dinner. Can he also cook for you in the morning and in the evening? Jade says that he should have a very important reason to stay with you for the whole day and to live with you... If your fixation with seafood, sea creatures, and the way he prepares them makes you think about becoming more serious about your relationships, particularly starting them or bringing them to a new stage if you two are not quite there yet, Jade won't mind. He always reminds you he's there for you whenever you may need him.
• If Monstro Lounge menu is to undergo a change you're one of the first to taste any new seasonal dish, made by either of brothers, however, Jade usually prefers to take care of you himself, no matter if you're at the cafe as his friend, quote-unquote crush, of just as a customer. If he has to appeal to your taste buds first for you to consider him a suitable mate Jade will try his best for sure.
Floyd Leech🦈
"Thank you, Rook, I really appreciate it!"
"Don't mention it, Trickster! My humble persona is always ready to help you and hunting just happens to be my specialty. Until later!"
Capricious male from Pomefiore runs away faster than you can question whether fishing and hunting are the same, but at least he helped you out. Your boyfriend doesn't get along with him at all, but to your thought Rook is not a bad man. Or maybe you just have a thing for flamboyant people.
You reminisce about how you recently commented on the college's cafeteria lack of fish dishes you loved so much, only for the male to overhear it and offer you a whole basket of different sea dwellers today. You aren't sure if some of them can be even found in locations of NRC or near it, not to mention actually having it be caught and delivered to you. And for a small price of "remembering his good deed". Shady deals are pretty much a part of your life at this point, but you are sure this particular one won't sit right with Floyd. Well, not like he should know about it anyway.
You get to the task at hand, it is preparing all the goodies that you got. Clams and oysters, crabs and lobsters, mackerel, salmon, squids, and several other creatures, some that you don't recognize at all. You know you will be having a blast both preparing all of this and then eating! Your evening promises to be amazing.
"Oh, it smells so good! [Y/n], is there any tuna? Say there is!"
"I believe I see some! We're having a feast today, Grim!"
With an excited mewl following you to the kitchen you place the basket on the countertop with a small thud. It's cold to touch and permits no smell that fish usually gives off. You're as unfamiliar with magic as one can get in this world and Rook knows about it just as well as the next Heartslabyul student. Pretty considerate of him to cast some cooling spell on it. But you will be doing everything with your own hands from this point, just like you always do. Apron in place, sleeves of your shirt rolled up. When fleeting Ramshackle dorm somebody left the knives too, you take the one that you sharpened prior. Time to get started!
"[Y/n]! It's the best! My lovely, tasty tuna! Let's dig in!"
Salmon's pale orange meat easily pierced by a fork, an alluring aroma of spices surrounds you, you place it in your mouth and it basically melts there, leaving a unique aftertaste. You've missed it. You are no chef, but your skills are enough to cook the dishes you've eaten countless times already. It's due to thank Rook for the amazing evening. Nothing can make it better at this point.
"Shrimpy, I'm home! Did you miss me? I missed you~ What a tasty smell-"
Faster than you can take another bite, Floyd bursts into the dorm, making a beeline straight to the kitchen, lead by the scent of your cooking. You've forgotten, haven't you? Elated about the perspective of finally partaking into your favorite dishes once again after the long while, you forgot about inviting your boyfriend altogether. Caught red-handed; or more like open-mouthed. Floyd stops right before the dining table, watches intently first your dinner, then you. You slowly put the food back on the plate, your nervous chuckle fills the awkward pause, before your unexpected guest stars to talk again.
"Whatcha doing here Shrimpy? Eating? Why not come to Monstro Lounge? Why not welcome me?"
Hit with the string of questions, put under the pressure by the deadpan gaze he is giving you while still upholding that carefree smile of his, you hurry to the cupboard to bring Floyd a plate. The male has already leisurely taken his place behind the table. Back turned to him, you don't feel like you can be rescued from this situation, or at least pardoned from giving him some sort of answer. You know pretty well how badly Floyd handles separation and boredom, since entering these relationships you've become his first and most welcome relief from both of those feelings. Being excluded from your life is rather upsetting for him.
By the time you sit back the grey cat, your only other companion in the dorm is nowhere to be seen.
"I was just about to call you. It's been a long time I have eaten any of these, got a little carried away. Sadly, Monstro Lounge has little of things I like, and I already tasted everything I could."
Listening to your rambling with a placid smile, Floyd hasn't said a thing, only hummed twice, commenting on how he is usually the one preparing you all the dishes at the cafe and now it is his turn to taste your cooking. You hope that the sigh you let out is not visible, the stress instilled by the awkwardness of the situation you got into is slowly draining from your body, making your movements lighter, calmer. A hard contrast to Floyd, who seemingly didn't move one inch in his seat, continuing to observe you.
"And where did you even get all of these tasty creatures from, Shrimpy?"
You hurriedly bring some piece of meat from the variety of dishes you prepared to your mouth to and bite into it, your words muffled and hurried. You did nothing wrong so why does it feel like an interrogation?
"O-oh, my friends gave me this basket, I'm very grateful to them-"
You don't manage to finish your sentence.
"Ah, Shrimpy~ Lying to me, not welcoming me to dinner and now eating one of my kind...
You really want to get at me for something, don't you?"
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• Perceives you eating eel dishes as a personal attack, Floyd will make you stop at any cost if he sees you eating one. He's peeved at the sight and starts to think back to things he could have done to you that made you angry with him, or reasons for you to trying to start a fight, you're basically eating him! He doesn't fear a Shrimp like you, but the sight is unnerving him.
• But Floyd does share your fondness for seafood, it's the only food he has eaten for most of his life after all! Monstro Lounge has a wide variety of fish dishes and he will gladly prepare anything to you as long as it's in their stock. And he's a pretty great cook too! And utterly the worst to eat with, he'll annoy you so by taking away your utensils and feeding you himself until you'll eventually either lose a nerve or burst from embarrassment. While Floyd generally loves eating what you prepare, he especially looks forward to you cooking sea creatures, not only for the taste but also to see how a land dweller usually eats them, what kind of recipes you have.
• Will cook some squid or octopus at Monstro Lounge, just before the closing, a time during Azul always goes out of the VIP room to supervise the cafe, and then share it with you, praising the taste and smell all the while, looking at his friend straight into the eyes, searching for a reaction. Encourages you to do so too. It will not end without furious Azul chastising laughing Floyd, and depending on if you like to join your boyfriend in his pranks, then you too.
• If you did something to upset him, but not enough for him to argue with you, expect to see Floyd order a handful of shrimps and eat them in a simultaneously gross and intimidating way. Does he want to threaten you? You don't know if you should be scared that he's eating "you", angry that he wastes food instead of talking with you or amused by his childishness.
• If you happen to be somewhere near the lake or sea, where there are sure lots of fish, Floyd will hunt some for you. Two birds with one stone: he gets to see you happy and hear you thank and praise him, and he can spend some time in the water, trading human legs for his dear tail and fins. Fishermen hate him, he catches what he needs, but all other fish swims away, scared.
Azul Ashengrotto🐙
"It sure is busy during this time of the year."
You have to grab your boyfriend's hand tighter, afraid to lose him in the raucous crowd that is so hell-bent on pushing you from side to side. Merchants touting passers-by to look at their stands, food stalls and crowds that get drawn to them, why would you want to get a picture with this monkey, no, children happy to ditch their parents and go run amok and you don't want to get started on the unbearable heat, today is unusually hot. Most of your vacation with Azul has been calm and relaxed, you greatly enjoyed yourself, resting under the shadows, once or twice nearly lulled into sleep by the tranquil sound of waves hitting the shore. The most action you got was when you showed off your new swimwear to Azul and when you had to catch the sandal that almost got taken by the sea, so this commotion is tiring you exceedingly fast. The only upside is that Azul is still by your side, his company definitely the best part of this small getaway you have.
"It is, yes... But it is to be expected, especially from the main street. Wavecrest Neptunalia is one of the few holidays that merfolk and humans share and come together to celebrate, each on their own land. It's a festival dedicated to praising the sea so there bound to be a lot of "sea gifts" for you to eat too."
He goes on a little rant about the origin, customs, traditions, and so on. You only know just how stunning he looks. You get little chance in the college to see him wear less fabric or express himself so freely, you don't even have that much time to be with him at all, damned be responsibilities of dorm leaders, extra curriculum and other crap. Doesn't Azul not handle hot weather well himself? He's a bit red in the face, and a few loose silver strands have stuck to his forehead, but otherwise, he seems very upbeat. You like that look on him.
When he expectantly turns in your direction you do not show you've been preoccupied with looking at him, rather than listening, although some parts did get through to you.
"You sure did your homework, Azul."
"I always do my homework- Ah... Yes, it's our first trip and you would have no way knowing about it, I wanted to give you the insight."
Isn't he the most adorable and loving man in the whole Twisted Wonderland? To you he is. He may have his own hang-ups, but you love him whole, you can't not to. You smile warmly at him and squeeze his hand, he may overheat if you try to do more while in public, you can deduce as much from the way his face reddens profusely at such small gestures.
"I appreciate it, thank you."
To turn back your head to the street, just in time to notice the sign of some rather intriguing looking restaurant. Perfect, you get to hide from both people and less than nice weather and also eat!
"Well then, you mentioned "sea gifts" - I want to try them, let's find someplace to eat! This one looks interesting."
The interior is styled with a lot of sea motives, the main attraction, a huge barracuda skeleton, hanging from the ceiling. You notice Azul looking around, in the end being pretty unimpressed, humans design and decoration abilities did not meet his expectations. Despite that both you and he find yourself shocked by the diversity the menu is offering. You make a mental note to make sure you walk out of this place on your two, and not rolled out by Azul in a form of a happy, big ball.
"Dear, you know what to order, I must excuse myself. Don't get bored."
He sends you a smirk, before disappearing into the general direction of the restroom. But look at this menu, they even have a separate page for every creature, crazy...
By the time Azul returned you have already made an order, waiting time passes unnoticed, you're too engrossed into your chat, discussing with Azul nothing in particular, you believe you could enjoy being silent with him. You don't mind it when your boyfriend goes quiet when your first dish is served to you.
"Octopus carpaccio, huh, [Y/n]."
You look shocked, like a guilty puppy. Only a sigh follows suit from him. He did forget octopus was nearly the first in the list of your most favorite seafood. You sure do love his kind, no matter the form they come in, he's the prime example. Azul catches himself on the thought that all people dear to him are either octopuses or love to eat them, no in-between. He wonders whether there's some kind of odd curse cast upon him. His businessman smile takes place on his face.
"How about a deal? You won't notice me eating this fried chicken later and I'll pretend this one never happened too?"
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• Azul is unfortunately used to be the butt of jokes about eating his animal form, all credits to Leech twins, he's also well aware of how popular octopus dishes are in general among people, mer or not. He's rather chill with you liking to eat something made of his animal counterpart, but no matter how distanced he feels from his merman form he gets nervous at the sight of you eating those dishes, of anyone really eating them before him, and he gets more agitated if you taunt him with it. His hands are full with two eels, he doesn't need you teasing him too, no matter how lighthearted it is.
• Is it deep-fried? Yes? Then Azul loves it. No? He won't see the allure, even if you try to convince him otherwise. He eats his vegetables, but not without a feeling of disgust, he would rather have something less "grass-like", so he understands when you express how much you love seafood, and he's happy as long as it's healthy for you. For that reason he will either feed you at Monstro Lounge or in a really trustworthy place, goes in hand with his little quirk of going out with you to different restaurants and cafes.
• Please, don't tell him that his merman form looks tasty, he will get scared, it's not a joke. If he finds a pot to hide inside first you'll have to persuade him to leave it and then make it up by paying him countless compliments, apologizing is a must too. No, you can't take a bite! Maybe from his human body, but not this one. You don't like human flesh? Oh, mighty sea, help him.
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gofancyninjaworld · 4 years
OPM Parallel School Series: Junior High School Student Saitama
Translated by @vibhavm with additional help from Redditors /u/graywords and /u/lucci85.
As part of the drama CDs from 2017, ONE didn’t just write stories set in the canonical story.  He also penned lighter-hearted alternative universe stories, set in a high school... with predictable hijinks.
Audio link: https://soundcloud.com/vibhav-745976766/parallel-school-series-junior
We start:
Saitama (Sa): In this universe, there exists another world different from our world, a parallel world. This is another me, another Saitama, who lives in that parallel world.
Sonic (So): And I, Speed o' Sound Sonic, who went out of my way to transfer to Z Municipal Peace Middle School to settle my dispute with this Saitama!
Sa: (Well, there he is.)
Sa: (What's with the attitude?)
So: On the blood-covered battlefield known as the Sports Festival, in truth I was not really motivated for it, but I was unconsciously beginning to display my true abilities as the strongest ninja, and would unexpectedly become the star of the Sports Festival!
Sa: (It's just at a regular middle school sports festival.)
Sa: (I guess there are guys like that, who pretend they aren't motivated but are actually super excited.)
Sa: (Huh, so you really participated that much?)
So: This... is the lightning-speed sports documentary that recorded my heroism!
So: It’s the day before the Sports Festival.
So: To do image training for the bread eating contest, I was running to school eating a piece of bread.
Sa: You are fully motivated, aren’t you. I haven’t seen a guy like that.
So: Well now, Speed-o’-Sound Sonic, this is the last lap and I’m on one last straight line. It’s the last spot!
So: Fast! Fast! Crazy speed! Now, overtake Saitama running in front of you! Eh, seriously?!
So: Why the hell were you there on the last straight line?!
Sai: Huh? You tripped and fell on your own, what are you talking about?
So: gasp Hmph, you’ve got the wrong idea.
So: Running to school eating a piece of bread to do image training for the bread eating contest...
So: ...I was doing nothing of the sort! Not at all!
Sa: We don't even have a bread eating contest at our Sports Festival.
So: Eh… Anyway, tomorrow's sports day, be prepared for it! I’ll beat you up until you can’t stand, without fail!
So: I’ll turn the sports day into a bloodbath!
Sai: Uhh, you and I are on the same go-home club team.
So: Eh.. Uh… Hmph…
Music and fireworks
PPP: Sooo, let’s start this year’s Z-City Peace Junior High School Sports Day.
PPP: A physical festival, where muscles will clash with muscles!
PPP: I’m Puri Puri Prisoner, the speaker, i’m very fond of young boys.
PPP: And for the commentator… the well-known first-year junior high school student, Sweet Mask chan is joining us!
SM: Thank you for having me.
PPP: Well then, Amai Mask chan, you hold your annual winning streak with your Student Council team: what’s your outlook for this year?
AM: It goes without saying. This year too, my Student Council team will win without fa-
So: Hehehehehhehe. You’re pretty foolish, Student Council.
AM: Huh! You are…
So: chuckles
AM: Who are you?
PPP: This month a new student was transferred in this school for an exchange draft, B-group, attendance number 8. You’re Speed-o’-Sound Sonic-chan! You prefer a 40-degree temperature for your baths, and you enter the bathtub from the right. And apparently you don’t sleep in a bed but in a futon.
So: Ugh, why do you know so much about me!
PPP: It’s natural for teachers to keep the profile of their cutest students.
So: Anyway! This year's "go-home club team", teamed up with me, Speed o' Sound Sonic, their Golden Rookie, will be on a completely different level than before!
SM: Hmph. So the number of small fries increased by one-
So: I’m not alone.
So: The only man I consider a rival, Saitama! His gofer, the cyborg Genos! Furthermore, the strongest man, King is also here!
So: With those three, everything should be treated very seriously!
PPP: Are you talking about those 3 hurriedly eating over there?
Genos (Ge): Captain Saitama, what would you like as ingredients for the rice balls?
Sai: Salmon for me.
Ge: And you King senpai?
King (K): Tuna.
So: Hey! What are you doing relaxing! The fight is about to start!
Sa: Hm? Mmm..mmm… You wanna eat too? gulp Genos’s Fried Rice Balls are pretty tasty.
So: Mm, well now, let me see.
So: Mmmh, the sweet savoury smell of soy sauce with barley rice flour is- HEY YOU ALL!
Ge: Hmph. The Rice Balls weren't for you in the first place.
So: Tch, this guy.
AM: Did you already fall out with your friends? You can’t challenge our strongest student council team in such a mess.
AM: You should know your social standing. You’re an eyesore. It’s best if you quickly run home.
So: Such a way of talking…
So: You all! Aren’t you annoyed by how he’s talking to us!
Sa: Genos, grab me a barley tea?
King: Yeah, me too!
Ge: Ah, yes!
So: These guys are hopeless. They don’t listen at all…
AM: Heh, good luck with that. It’s going to be useless though. Hahahaha.
So: Tch, you bastards! You’ve acted like this all the time!
Ge: It’s according to plan. With this, the student council has let their guard down.
So: What?!
So: That means, could it be… their lax behaviour up until now…
Ge: Hmph, obviously. It was a fake in order to fool the opponent. Right, Captain Saitama?
Sa: Mh? What did you say?
Ge: Sonic, was it? How can’t you understand that even though you say you’re a ninja?
So: Uh...
So: I don't like your tone of voice, but....
So: I see. As expected of Saitama. I don’t see you as my rival for nothing.
PPP: And noooow, the first event, the mock cavalry battle is starting.
PPP: All contestants, please reach your friends!
Ge: Now then, Captain Saitama, King Senpai, let’s head into battle!
Sai: Ehhh, I'm full from overeating Rice Balls. Is it necessary to have four people? What a drag.
So: This isn’t a strategy at all is it!
SM: After all, the mock cavalry battle finished and naturally our student council team’s victory was secured. The home team was totally unfocused. But I won’t talk about it, because it was quite an embarrassing sight.
So: What a way of talking…
PPP: Well, apparently the Student Council Team is overwhelmingly above the others and leads the chart as of now.
AM: It seems the match is settled.
So: The student council team is 1280 points ahead huh. But there’s one last match.
So: The opposition club activities relay is left!
King: That's right, I believe the team that wins the relay gets 9 times the points.
Sa: Wait, that's way too many.
Ge: I see. If we win the relay, that means we can win by 8,999,999,998,720 points, then.
Sa: Huh. Did we really need that calculation?
So: Anyway! The game starts now! Just you watch, Student Council!
AM: Hahahaha, I could say the same to you from the horrible state you seem to be in.
AM: Everyone! They may be in last place, but the Go-Home Team is desperately trying hard, so please give them a round of applause!
AM: However, I, Amai Mask, pledge that my Student Council team will win the final opposition club activities relay, and achieve complete overall victory.
crowd applauding
So: Tch, what an unpleasant guy.
AM: Good luck to you all, even though I think you’re hopeless.
So: You all, despite being made such a fool of, you’re still-
Ge: All according to plan, this time for sure the Student Council has let their guard down.
So: gasp
So: So you mean... this pathetically slow start... I can't believe it!
Ge: Obviously, this is the final event that will decide everything.
Ge: It was a strategy to retain stamina until the opposition club activities relay. Right, captain Saitama?
Saitama: Man, I'm gettin' sleepy now.
So: I see, to deceive your opponents, you must first start with your allies. I was completely deceived.
So: Alright! Well then, let’s decide on our running order immediately!
Ge: Captain Saitama, what number would you like?
Saitama snoring
K: He’s having a sound nap.
So: This definitely isn’t a strategy at all is it!
PPP: Ok, time for the final event! The activity is the relay fight! The winning team will not only receive 9 times the points, but also a prize of 50 thousand yen!
So: Eh!?
K: Oh, you woke up.
So: So basically, I’ll be running for all 3 people?!
Sa: Well, what number do you want me to run in, Sonic?
So: Saitama…
Ge: Captain…
PPP: Well then, starting off with our first runners -- for the Student Council, their secretary, Drive Knight Chan!
DK: At last, it’s my turn…
PPP: And the go-home team self proclaimed vice captain, Genos-chan!
Ge: For the sake of the Go-Home club, I cannot lose!
PPP: Everyone is ready for the start...
mechanical sound
PPP: Wow, Drive Knight-chan! The lower half of his mechanical body transformed into a horse-shaped one!
PPP: Amai Mask chan, isn’t this foul play?
AM: Obviously, this is not foul play. As the opponent is also a cyborg.
PPP: That’s true…
DK: Genos-kun… This is the latest model lower body I prepared for this Sports Festival. The likelihood of you winning again such equipment is next to zero.
Ge: hmph, next to zero you say?
DK: That’s right. Therefo-
Ge: So you mean, it’s not zero, right.
mechanical noise
PPP: The race finally begins! Drive Knight chan and Genos chan, the two advance at a speed that far surpasses human expectations!
running and trotting noise
PPP: Oh, as expected, the performance is different. Drive Knight chan is leading.
DK: Of course...
Ge: I see. Naturally, I can’t best him in leg power. However…
mechanical sound
Ge: Incineration cannon!
Explosions noise
PPP: Ah, what was that?! Drive Knight-chan was blown away by Genos-chan’s Incineration cannon and went out of bounds! And in that moment, Genos-chan has pulled ahead!
AM: That damn Go-home team…
AM: The use of weapons is against the rules!
So: What an idiot! That’s nowhere in the Sports Festival’s guidebook!
AM: Son of a... If it's come to this, I'll just use my position in the Student Council to mark this as a loss for the Go-Home Club due to foul play...
DK: There is no need for that.
AM: Drive Knight!?
DK: I told you, didn’t I? My equipment is the latest model.
DK: If you are going to come at me with weapons, I will counter-attack with even stronger weapons.
DK: Tactical Transformation: Sports Festival Special.
PPP: Oh, Drive Knight-chan’s horse part transformed again! This time it transformed into a missile!
PPP: Ah, look out Genos chan!
Shit ton of noise
PPP: The missile shot by Drive Knight-chan landed! Genos-chan’s body is in pieces. I feel so sorry, Genos-chan! Drive Knight-chan goes right past him!
DK: Sorry, Genos-kun. However, this is reality.
PPP: How can you call this a sports festival anymore?! The other runners have lost their fighting spirit and are falling apart one after another!
AM: As expected of Drive Knight. This match is already over.
G: I wonder about that.
AM: Hah! Genos-kun, with that broken down body, what can-
G: Rocket Punch!
AM?: What?!
Genos’s theme playing
PPP: Oh! Genos’s right hand holding the baton is flying off at even faster speed!
DK: Huh, impossible.
PPP: In a blink of an eye, the second place runner flies past Drive Knight to Sonic-chan!
G: Even if my body is broken and scattered into pieces, I will definitely pass the baton! That is the spirit of the going-home club team!
So: Hmph. Good performance for someone who’s Saitama’s errand-boy.
So: Now it’s up to me, Speed o’ Sound Sonic!
PPP: Wow! The Go-Home team takes the lead, and right after that, the baton of the Student Council team goes to its second player, Flashy Flash-chan!
DK: Forgive me, Flash. It’s up to you now.
Flash (FF): Leave it to me.
So: I’m gonna win this by a landslide!
PPP: Now; it’s a match between Speed o’ Sound Sonic chan and Flashy Flash chan!
PPP: Both have the cute face and speed I love so much. So, so fast!
So: That Student Council guy, he’s not bad…
So: Still, can you actually follow me like this?
FF: Seems like a good runner for the Go-Home team...
FF: still, don’t think you can win against me in speed!
PPP: They both fast, Fast, FAST!! I mean, they’re so fast I can't see them at all! I can’t see anything, it’s all enveloped in a cloud of dust!
So: Alright, take it, Saitama!
Sa: Eh? Where?
Sa: I got dust in my eyes, I can’t see a thing.
FF: Take it, Zombieman!
Zombieman (ZM): Right, nice job Flash!
So: Hey, carry across the baton Saitama!
Sa: I can’t remove the dust in my eyes…
PPP: Anyway, I couldn’t see anything at all, but it seems like the third runners, Saitama-chan and Zombieman-chan started at almost the exact same time!
So: It seems that everyone has had a chance to see Sonic at the speed of sound!!
PPP: Nope, I didn't see you at all, Sonic chan.
So: What?
PPP: Nobody could see it, too bad.
So: Eh…?
FF: Hey, are you alright? You look like you’re on the brink of death.
PPP: Meanwhile, Saitama is nowhere to be seen!
So: Huh, what did you say!?
PPP: Saitama chan, where did you go off to?
sound effect
Sa: Huh, wait a sec. This scenery is a bit unfamiliar-
BOOM Tropical music
Sa: Eh? Where am I…?
Sa: Ah by any chance, did I take the wrong course? Crap…
Sa: I was running without seeing anything because of the dust...
Sa: Hey this is a jungle…
Sa: Crap, I need to get back quickly.
animal roaring
Sa: Hmm? Something about the animals...
Boom Weird laugh/cry
Sa: Are you… a monster?
Monster (M): That’s right.
I’m a poacher that was monsterfied after a trip to the jungle! With my overwhelming physical ability that was trained to perfection in the jungle, and my hunting instincts, I now reign at the pinnacle of this jungle's ecosystem. As the ultimate invasive species, I will tear people like you, who don the mantle of civilization and allow your physical abilities to devolve, limb from pale civilized limb--
Sa: Oops… I should have asked that monster now about which way to Z-City.
Sa: Ah well, it’s probably that way-
PPP: While Saitama-chan is absent, Zombiman is still running alone!
ZM: Why can’t I see anybody, is this not the sports festival? What am I even racing against? Can I just keep running like this?
AM: Don’t think about it Zombieman, just keep running like that.
ZM: All- Alright, Amai Mask.
So: Damn it, where did Saitama go off to! Hey Genos!
Ge: There’s only one possibility I can think of.
So: What is it?
Ge: He might have gone home.
So: What!? Why in the absolute hell would anyone go home at a time like this!?
Ge: How Naive. You still don’t know anything about the go-home club.
AM: Hmph, looks like this time the match is over.
Beeping-like sounds
Genos: I sense something, it’s coming!
AM: What!?
PPP: Oh, he’s finally back here, Saitama-chan!
Seigi Shikkou playing
Sa: Sorry, sorry. I went the wrong way…
So: What were you doing, you idiot!
Sa: It’s your fault for spreading dust clouds everywhere.
PPP: However, Zombieman-chan is a long way away in the lead now.
AM: You’re too late.
So: Well, I wonder about that!
AM: What?
Sa: Alrighty, this time I won’t make a mistake.
PPP: Fa- fa- fast!
Ge: As expected, Captain! His eyes have gone red, probably because money is on the line!
PPP: Saitama chan easily passed Zombieman chan!
ZM: Fast, way too fast!
PPP: And he’s rapidly gaining a wide lead.
AM: Impossible! That plain looking faced guy can’t be this fast!-
PPP: Ohh… Amai Mask chan crushed his microphone…
PPP: Mr. Saitama gets ready and passes the baton to King-chan, the anchor!
Sa: I leave the rest to you.
K: Yeah…
PPP: On the other hand the Student Council Team, Zombieman is still far away back.
Ge: As expected Captain Saitama!
So: With this, the match is over.
AM: Nope, you’re pretty naive huh Go-Home team.
So: Huh?
AM: Have a look at our final runner. Can you still say that?
OST: Dark Energy
So: What did you say?
Tatsumaki (T): Hey, why are you running so sluggish! Hurry up and bring the baton to me!
Ge: Tha… That is…
AM: That’s right. The student council vice president. Tornado of Terror!
T: Ugh, I can’t wait anymore!
splash sound
PPP: AAAAAAH! Tatsumaki burst Zombieman’s body into tiny pieces with her Psychokinesis!
PPP: Aaaaand, the baton was passed on to Tatumaki-chan as if it were being carried by water.
So: Gah! In order to win… she even killed her ally!
ZM: No, I’m fine. Since I'm immortal.
Sa: Ah, is that so? I’m glad you’re okay.
ZM: Excuse me, but could you please gather the pieces of flesh scattered over there.
Sa: Sure. Though are you really fine?
AM: Now then, go Tatsumaki, show the power of our student council team!
T: I'll go without you having to say a damn thing, moron! Don't you dare boss me around and give me orders while your useless ass is just sitting back and relaxing in the commentator's seat! You disgust me. Why don't you just go on home with the Go-Home Club?!
PPP: Whoa! Tatsumaki-chan unexpectedly beat the Go-Home Club to the punch by telling him (AM) to go home!
PPP: Amai Mask-chan, is there anything you wish to say towards Tatsumaki-chan?
AM: Fufu
PPP: Amai Mask-chan is just barely able to maintain his smile, but it is at maximum twitching! As usual, today Tatsumaki-chan is emanating an aura of range in all directions!
T: Every last one of them, they can’t do anything without me. Here I go!
wind sfx
crowd panic
PPP: Aaah Tatsumaki-chan’s extremely powerful psychokinesis! There’s an actual tornado invading the campus!
PPP: The students --gagh, and even the tent we’re in, are getting blown away--gaah!
winds intensify
PPP: King-chan.. Where is King-chan!
Sa: Ah, there right?
PPP: The object being blown away with tremendous force… K.. King chan!?
Ge: No, he’s not being blown away...
So: He’s riding the wind!
Sound of something lowering down
Tatsumaki: Huh?
PPP: With tremendous force King chan has wooooooooon!
PPP: The winner is the go-home club team!
K: Hm, what happened to me?
Sa: You did it, King!
Ge: As expected, King-senpai!
So: This is the world’s strongest man’s power…
T: You’re the one I lost to, it can’t be helped…
Amai: Cheers to you...
PPP: Congratulations, the MVP is King!
Crows woos
Saitama: Nice, let’s eat barbecue with the prize money.
King: Yeah. Though before that… I’m gonna swing by the infirmary.
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daydream-believin · 4 years
The Never-Ending Roadtrip (campfire songspell)
Summary: (part 1) Reader has joined Douxie on the quest for Nari’s safety. He’ll need company won’t he?  - (part 3) camping and fun fun crush anxiety   (part 4)
Warnings: swearing, whole fish-eating, mention of blood, i’ve stopped proofreading shit
Word Count: 3678
a/n: don’t worry there’s no more haunted stuff after this. or missouri. Y/n doesn’t smoke she just feels the need to have a way to set fire to things on her person at all times. a pyromaniac, if you will. also they have been roommates this entire time i just forgot to mention it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Archie was not happy. He couldn’t believe that Douxie would just ditch him like this. It wasn’t like him. Watch the boat, Archie. We’ll be right back, Archie. That was seven hours ago. A rainstorm had come and gone even. He thought for sure that at least Y/n or Nari would have reminded the other two about his situation. But, no, here he was, soaked to the bone and still alone. In Missouri. In misery. As mad as he was though, he was equal parts worried. It wasn’t like Douxie to just forget about him. Something was wrong.
When he finally caught sight of the rest of the party returning to the ship, Arch breathed a sigh of relief. And then got ready to breath fire. Which he quickly put out, after seeing the looks on the kids’ faces once they got close enough. So something was wrong. They looked as if they’d seen a ghost.
“Are you three alright? What happened?”
“Nothing we didn’t survive. Look, we got the tent.” Douxie held up the box to show Archie. He just flicked his tail in response. “It’s already dark, so we’ll tell you all about it while we set up camp. Alright, Arch?”
Archie rolled his eyes. He still thought this camping thing Douxie was pushing was an awful idea. But he’d let his wizard familiar make his own mistakes. He’d been doing a lot of that lately, or, well, more like nine centuries. Tough love. Young wizards cannot learn until they blow up potions in their faces. And this was going to be one of those times. He’d give it till sunrise. Midnight, even. He’d make a bet with himself, if they give up before sunrise, he’d treat himself to some fresh salmon. If they stubbornly don’t give up until after, a can of tuna.
After taking the boat a way into the wooded area they were hiding in, and answering all Archie’s questions, they picked a good place to settle for the night. Or at least Nari did. Douxie and Y/n were still iffy about it. it wasn’t exactly camping spot nirvana, but Nari really took a liking to the spot and its aura or whatever. Eh, she just kind of sniffed the air and told Douxie to stop. She liked the abundance of plant life here. Lots of roots sticking up from the ground, and little berry bushes. Which was going to make for bad ground to bed down on. But that’s alright, they’ll just cushion it with extra blankets. Extra blankets that they did not have. Or even regular blankets. They had no blankets. Fuzzbuckets.
It was going to be ten degrees out later tonight. Well, Douxie guessed they’d have to go back to that ‘huddle together like penguins’ plan. Which wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world, now that he’s thinking about it. Cuddling’s pretty nice. A flush spread across Douxie’s freckles. He’d get to embrace Y/n. Pretend like he couldn’t feel how soft her skin was. Pretend like he totally didn’t want to be holding her, but it was essential to their survival so he had to. Archie and Nari would be there too, snuggling with them, so he could pass it off as platonic. But would he want that. Wouldn’t it just hurt when they let go in the morning. After holding onto her for dear life all night, to just get up and act like nothing happened the next day. Would he recover from that? His blush deepened in color. No, they’ll just have to go make another trip to the store. A different store. Hopefully one that’s free of spirits this time.
But he didn’t need to spend time thinking about cuddling his crush. No, he had to set up camp. Y/n was already building the fire. She was half-way through, by the looks of it, and he was just standing here, staring into the tent instructions, blushing away and not comprehending a thing he had read. In fact, he couldn’t seem to read them now that he was focusing. Oh, look at that, they’ve been in Russian this entire time. His blush turned into an embarrassed one. Not only had he been staring off into space, he had been staring into something he couldn’t even pretend like he was reading. Lovely. He hoped no one noticed. Y/n had. Although, she had just assumed he could in fact read the Russian text and didn’t question it. Perks of being a mysterious immortal being. After barely skimming the instructions he could actually understand, Doux took the tent out of the box, to at least make it seem like he had definitely been reading this whole time and he did have the slightest idea of what he was doing.
Douxie checked back to the instructions, careful to make it look like he was just checking back over it, and not reading it for the first time. He added a head nod to make it convincing. Okay, so he needed to spread out the tent. He got down on his knees and rolled out the large bag of nylon in front of him. It took him a minute to get it to where there weren’t any folds and the shape looked right. As right as a saggy boneless tent could look. Alright, now for the poles. Douxie looked around him and found no poles. Where were the poles? Bleeding balroths, did he buy a tent without poles? Oh, no, it appears they were just still in the box. Ain’t that just the way.
Douxie got to work connecting the tent poles. Thankfully, they were connected by some sort of elastic and he didn’t have to figure out which went with which. He found the eyelets they were supposed to go in on the corners and slipped them in. it was a bit tricky, but he managed. He was glad to be able to have something to do with his hands to get his mind off Y/n. The universe did not let him avoid his thoughts for long, however, since now it was time to raise this bloody tent, which required two people, and Archie and Nari were nowhere to be seen. Of course. Y/n was glad to help him raise the tent. She was glad to hold it while he staked it to the ground. She was glad to do anything with Doux. He just felt guilty for asking.
Finally, their new home was up. For the night anyway. Curious, Y/n opened up the zipper door of the tent. It was small, but cozy nonetheless. She poked her head in to get a better look. Doux followed suit. She turned to him, to make some comment about it, but he didn’t hear a word she said. He was too focused on how her face was incredibly close to his face. Her lips, although in the middle of saying something to him, were right next to his. Could she notice he had been looking at her lips? He prayed she couldn’t notice him looking at her lips. She had. Y/n tilted her head in a gesture. She was asking him a question. Quick, response.
“HAAHAHha yes,,” Douxie panicked.
“Oh, ah, okay.” Y/n ducked back out of the tent. Oh Merlin, what did he just say to her.
Y/n spent a significant amount of time trying to light the fire, first with her shitty gas station cigarette lighter, then with some spark spells, when Archie came back and lit it with no problem. Damn dragons, always, breathing fire? He wasn’t around while she was struggling either so he couldn’t have helped her sooner. She was sure she had something to be irritated at him about though. He gets to sleep all day and he doesn’t have to pay bills or wear pants. Yeah, there it was. The smell of woodsmoke filled the air. It was fantastic. Y/n took a deep breath. The fire she had built wasn’t exactly a neat log cabin like she had been taught in girl scouts, but it’d work well enough to cook their dinner and keep them warm. Dinner, what were they even eating? Apparently, the answer to that question was trout that Arch caught in the river and some sort of root that Nari dug up. The roots were a bit strange, but Nari had insisted that they were delicious when roasted. Guess it was time to trust the veggie-lady and pray to the stars that they wouldn’t be spending this night poisoned.
The trout was great, although, whole. Y/n wasn’t sure how she felt about how it was looking at her while she ate it. Yeesh Archie, remove the heads? Don’t cats like to decapitate things? But it was a really good trout. Nice smoky flavor from the fire, seasoned with herbs that Nari picked. Douxie liked it, not seeming to mind the still intact head as much. He ate two. Y/n had no idea how he could fit two whole trout in his stomach but he did just that and ate some of Nari’s roasted tubers too. Speaking of which, they actually weren’t that bad. In fact, Y/n found herself eating quite a lot more of them than she expected. A quick google search revealed that they were something called a fairy spud. Y/n made a mental note to go look for some when she got home. If she got home. Maybe home would be different by the time they were safe from the Order. Maybe they’d make a new home. Of course, they’d have to since Douxie fucking burned down the apartment they shared along with their place of business. Her roommate could be a real dummy sometimes, but that was okay, it was entertaining. And cute. His recklessness was very cute. She’d even call it endearing.
The fire cracked loudly, scaring Y/n out of her revelry. Douxie had also jumped beside her. It was a very loud crack indeed. Archie looked smug. Y/n wasn’t sure why. Maybe it was pride for the trout that he had caught himself. Y/n wasn’t about to pretend to know what went on in an ancient cat-dragon’s head. And she had been taught not to meddle in the affairs of dragons, for she would be quite tasty baked into a blood pie.
She wasn’t sure what was hotter, the fire or her face. Y/n supposed that she was lucky for that fire, to blame on for her flushed cheeks. Douxie was not only sitting beside her, but right beside her. They were just sitting on the still-damp ground, there was plenty of space. He had said something about the smoke being too annoying over on the other side, but that didn’t mean he had to sit so close to her. Not that she didn’t want to be sitting right next to him. She’d focus on the fire, she loved fire. Just focus on the flickers and the popping and the smell. And she couldn’t stop thinking about him next to her. It was just, a little much right now. Too romantic. It was like Douxie and the fucking universe were conspiring to take her out. In both senses of the word. Stars, they were practically all alone out here, sitting by the fire, rubbing shoulders, and oh look at that, he’s got a guitar now.
Douxie had gotten a bit bored just staring into the fire, and desperately needed to distract himself from the fact that he just sat so close to Y/n. Why the hell would he do that. She had noticed, he just knew she had noticed. Time to salvage his pride. What better way to fix all those problems than with some good ol’ fashioned campfire songs? Luckily, he always had a great instrument with him now. Transfiguring his staff, he started to play. He’d stay away from the rock and roll for now since it was literally ten o’clock at night and they didn’t need any park rangers showing up. At first, he just played some classics with the volume turned down, then just practiced some riffs for a while, but once he noticed both Y/n and Nari get noticeably sleepy, he switched to a softer, sweeter melody. His fingers expertly plucked at the guitar strings, and also Y/n’s heartstrings in the process. It was such a beautiful lullaby he was playing. She wished she could hear him play it every night.
Nari was the first to head into the tent for the night. She curled up in one of the corners. Y/n would follow her, but Doux was still playing that lullaby, and she didn’t want to miss a note. It was like it was putting, well, a spell on her. She had a really hard time keeping her eyes open despite her will to keep listening to him, but Douxie picked up on it, stopping to her dismay.
“Come on, Love,” He scooped her up as if she were a child, “Let’s get you to bed,”
He carried her to the tent, but stopped dead in his tracks at the entrance. Fuzzbuckets, he forgot about the no-blanket problem. Archie was going to stay awake and keep the fire going through the night, so the cold was no longer a problem, but the ground was going to be hard and lumpy. Their backs were going to be incredibly sore in the morning. Great. He’d let Y/n use his chest as a pillow. No hidden motives here, it was just chivalry. Once they settled into a comfortable and totally not weird position, they began to enjoy a peaceful night sleep to the sounds of nature. Which lasted half an hour before the tent decided that was enough.
It kept shaking, as if someone or something was assaulting it. But whenever one of them got out to fend off the attacker, no one or thing was out there. And Archie was out there, watching it, and he reported nothing unusual. So, maybe the tent they bought from a haunted store was haunted. Who could have predicted that. Oh well, it’s not like it was that endangering, just annoying. They tried their best to ignore it.
But haunted tent did not like being ignored. That lovely woodsmoke smell shifted into, something strange, like, diet blood? The sickly smell of blood but lighter, gentler, and faint. As if the tent wanted to scare them but wasn’t really into it today. Again, not really that endangering as it was annoying so they elected to ignore that also. Nari didn’t seem to be on board with that decision however, and left to go lay by the fire with Archie. Douxie was acutely aware of the head resting on his chest. He was trying his best to control his heart rate and was failing. There was no way Y/n couldn’t feel it. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could do this. Lady Fortune smiled upon Doux. The tent abruptly collapsed in on them.
So plan B was to find an inn for the night. After making sure the fire was out, they headed off into town on foot. It was eerily empty, nothing but the occasional car passing through town, but they were in middle-of-nowhere Missouri. The lack of nightlife at could be excused. It was two in the morning; most townies weren’t out partying. The traffic lights reflected off the pavement. It was odd seeing the lights run with nothing there at the intersection, like they were directing invisible traffic. As if there were ghost cars. Maybe they should just get out of this town actually. And they would have, if they weren’t so exhausted that they felt like zombies. Absolutely knackered.
There were exactly three inns in this dinky little town. One that was very fancy, in which they couldn’t even afford to stay in a broom closet at, one that was run-down and cheap, but full, and the last one, their only available option, which was somehow even more run-down and sketchy than the other. Just looking at the outside of it, it was pretty obviously haunted. Or it could be that the people who worked there were really committed to Halloween decoration and got an early start this year. Yeah. The man at the front desk wasn’t exactly a friendly character either. All in all a bit dodgy. Y/n was getting quite antsy, and not only from the creepy vibe. This was the last-resort inn, and with the other one full, there was a good chance that this one might not have the most ideal rooms available. And she had read enough cheesy fanfiction in her life to know exactly where this was headed.
Sure enough, the gentlemen at the front desk informed them that the only room they had left was in fact that famous room with only one bed. She’d snort if this wasn’t killing her inside. She quickly put up a poker face. Douxie balked at the information, but they were desperate, so he quietly accepted his fate and took the room key. Lady Fortune could be kind of a bitch actually. The journey down the hall was awkward as hell. Nari wasn’t sure what was going on, but she didn’t like the atmosphere. She looked up at Y/n and took her hand. Y/n smiled down at the forest child. Nari didn’t return the smile.
They entered the room and took it all in. The first noticeable thing was the smell. Not blood this time thankfully, but stale dust and mothballs. They could work with mothballs. Nari wasn’t visibly repulsed by mothballs. The carpet was sticky. It’d be best not to think about why. There was that cursed full size bed. The only bed left and it’s not even a queen. Douxie and Y/n weren’t even going to be able to have any distance between them. Douxie took a deep breath. There was a shabby little dresser with a tv from the 70’s perched upon it. You know the ones with the rounded screens, big dials, and bunny ear antennas? Y/n wasn’t even going to try turning that on. She got the feeling whatever was on the local channels was not something she’d want to see. She’d not even check the news station for the weather report. Whatever stories were newsworthy in this town was not something she wished to know about either. There was a small armchair in the corner. The floral fabric was torn, revealing that it had been reupholstered recently. Nari took a liking to it and curled up for the night. Archie joined her and got comfortable. Doux cursed under his breath. He had been counting on Archie staying in the bed with them, to make it less awkward.
Y/n was sitting on the edge of the left side of the bed, dragging her fingers through her hair. Douxie put some protective wards around the door. He’d ward up the windows too, but there weren’t any. It added to the suffocating feeling in his chest. Y/n added some purification spells to keep out any less-physical surprise guests. Walking over to the chair, Doux took off his jacket and laid it over Nari and Arch. They looked cozy. He was glad someone would get a good rest out of this. He was sure Y/n would too. It was just him with this bloody problem. He’s the fool who caught feelings here. He must surely be mad. She finished combing out her hair and snuggled under the covers. Guess it’s time for him to get in too now. In the bed. Next to her. All domestic and such.
It only took but a few seconds before Y/n was out like a light. All that sleepiness and such. Despite being the sleep deprived one here, he was wide awake unlike her. The moment the receptionist had told him there was only one bed left, it was like he took a double shot of espresso. Nervous energy, straight into his veins. He normally wouldn’t sleep like this, stiff as a board on his back, but he wouldn’t dare move. They were so close. She still smelled like the fireside, a welcome change from the staleness of the air, yet still a reminder of just her close she was. It was so quiet in the room, all Douxie could hear was the faint blowing of the vent and the pounding of the drum in his own chest. And her breathing, Merlin, he could hear her breathing. It was so soft. He unconsciously synchronized his own breath to it. He wondered how she looked right now, all cozy and asleep. Surely, she looked adorable. Maybe her hair was in her face. Perhaps she was even drooling. He dared not look over to see.
Lady Fortune cackled. Y/n turned over in her sleep, and latched onto Douxie. Oh fuzzbuckets, bleeding balroths, by Merlin, Mordrax’s miracles, fuck. She wrapped her arms right around his chest and nuzzled into it. His face was fire engine red. Whatever chill left in the air was now gone. Her soft hair was tickling his face. She was obviously still asleep right now, and thought that she was cuddling a pillow, or stuffed animal, or, or whatever she cuddled. What was he supposed to do about this? What the hell was he supposed to do. Did he cuddle back? He wanted to cuddle back. He couldn’t cuddle back. He took a deep, calming breath. He should just try to get her off. After, several attempts however, he realized that wasn’t going to happen without waking her up. And he did not want to wake her. He accepted his fate once again tonight. He could feel both his willpower and consciousness fading. Might as well enjoy these last few moments while they lasted, too. It could quite possibly be the only time he’d ever get to fall asleep next to her. In her tender arms. Getting to not just listen to but also feel her breathe. Truly a bittersweet thing.
a/n 2: ha! here you go, not one but two glorious there’s only one bed moments. my rite of passage as a fanfic writer. stay tuned next time for oh my god they were roommates
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wizardfoodz · 3 years
Salmon with Orange-Garlic Salt
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Although this will be my third year getting a CSA from Basket of Life Farm until recently I was still very much a dabbler in the world of healthy eating.
I can now say that I’ve made some major changes to the way I approach food in my life, and because of that, I’ve lost over 30 pounds since February.  32, to be exact.  I still have a way to go, but it’s a pretty awesome start.
I used to think that because I cooked dinner most nights, and went to the farmer’s market most weekends, I ate healthy foods.  And I did, more or less, but I was also “cheating” a lot – fast food sandwiches for breakfast a couple of times a week, bread made with white flour every day, ice cream at night (more than I’d like to admit).
I got to the point where I needed to make a real change.  I was tired of feeling tired, and I truly felt like what I was eating was the problem.  I won’t pretend that I did it entirely on my own.  It took something called “The 24 Day Challenge” from a company called Advocare to kickstart this change for me, but it helped me create a structure for how I ate and how I approached food, one that I’ve done a pretty good job at keeping up with.  Yes, I’ve had days or weeks where I fall off the wagon a bit, but now I know how to get back on track.
My typical day of food now looks something like this:
Breakfast:  Protein (usually eggs), sometimes complex carbs (multi-grain toast), sometimes fruit (like a banana or orange).
Lunch:  Protein (often a chicken breast, sometimes something like tuna), veggies,  complex carbs like brown rice, or sometimes quinoa or sweet potato.
Dinner:  Protein (again, often chicken, sometimes pork or fish), veggies, and occasionally some complex carbs like wheat pasta.
Add a square or two of good chocolate before bed most nights, just in case you think I gave up everything, and throw in a couple of snacks throughout the day (like pistachios or fruit), and I’m a happy camper – 30 plus pounds lighter!
I pay attention to how I feel after I eat, and I try to stay away from lots of dairy (except for good farmer’s market cheese!), white sugar, and white flour because I’ve learned that they make me feel yucky after I eat them.  The same goes for lots of coffee.
But it certainly doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy my food – I absolutely do!  Today’s dinner was a great example of that.  Just fish and veggies…but tasty and satisfying.
I started with some wild-caught Alaskan salmon (each piece was about 1/3 pound).
I seared the salmon with a little olive oil and fresh cracked black pepper (skin side up) in a hot pan to get a good sear on top, then flipped it and popped the whole pan into a 400-degree oven for about 7 minutes.  It came out perfect.  (Oh, I roasted some asparagus from the farmer’s market at the same time.  The asparagus was thin, so it took about the same amount of time.)
While the salmon and asparagus were cooking, I made the Orange-Garlic Salt sprinkle on top.  I took the zest of one orange, one minced clove of garlic, a handful of parsley (chopped), and a couple of pinches of kosher salt and mixed them together.  So easy!
As soon as I sprinkled the Orange Salt on the hot salmon, I could smell the orange zest and garlic, and it almost sizzled…beautiful.
I rounded it out with a glass of 15 Feet of Wheat beer from Trailhead Brewery, made with blueberries and honey.  I bought a growler of this beer Friday night, and boy am I glad I did!  It went perfectly with dinner tonight
Well, off to have a bit of good chocolate, watch some Torchwood on Netflix and go to bed.  It’s a good day.
0 notes
effyeahzimbits · 7 years
Blind Date Zimbits AU
Here is my contribution for http://swawesomesanta.tumblr.com/! Westernredcedar asked for a non-soulmate Zimbits AU and I was all to happy to oblige!  Seasons greetings to everyone and thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy! Title: Blind Date Pairing: Zimbits. Jack Zimmermann/Eric Bittle. Rating: T Warnings: A little swearing, nothing major. Summary: Jack didn’t like dates. He liked blind dates even less. Read on AO3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13134021      Jack checked his watch again and let out a heavy sigh. Thirty minutes late. He slumped back into the cushioned seat again, his heart sinking even further in his chest. He had been stood up, there was no longer any doubt about it. He knew this had been a bad idea as soon as Shitty suggested it. Jack didn’t like dates. He liked blind dates even less.
    He only agreed to make his best friend happy. Shitty had been lamenting for months that Jack had no special someone to ‘worship that glorious Canadian ass’. Jack had grown tired of telling him that he was perfectly happy being single, mostly because he realised he was lying to himself. He had been getting lonely recently.
    He was twenty-eight and though that was by no means old and past it, he couldn’t help feeling a little bitter when all his few, but close, friends were happy and in love with their significant others. Taking his mom to family skate had long since lost its novelty, and now it was just plain sad. But Jack hated socialising with strangers, having always struggled with that awkward period of getting to know them. If meeting new people wasn’t a necessity, then he went out of his way to avoid doing just that.
    So, agreeing to a blind date had to be one of the stupidest things he’d ever done. Shitty had told him nothing about this guy apart from his age (a few years younger than him), he liked hockey (well that had to be a given), and that he was ‘super fucking cute brah’. If Jack hadn’t known better, he’d have said Shitty liked him himself, with the way he was gushing about how adorable his friend was. Shitty had begged and begged him for months until Jack finally caved.
    The way Shitty’s eyes lit up should have made him feel happy, but it just put Jack on edge. Shitty had arranged everything, going between the pair of them to set a date, time, and venue. Jack didn’t even have this guy’s number. He should have cancelled after all the anxiety this had caused him, but he didn’t want to disappoint Shitty. Besides, he figured he owed it to himself to at least try.
    And that was how he found himself in a sweet but crowded little café twenty minutes from his apartment, in the cobalt blue dress shirt that made his eyes look pretty but made him feel stiff, with his foot twitching nervously underneath the table, and avoiding the gaze of everybody in the place. They all knew him, and that was another reason there was sweat pooling in the small of his back. He was sure he was going to make the local news tomorrow morning.
    Falconers’ Lead Scorer Fails to Score Date
     He’d had enough. He drained his glass of ice water and got to his feet a moment later, prepared to ignore the stares and low murmurs as he marched out. He barely took one step away from the table when the waiter who brought him his water dashed over to his side with a large, elaborately decorated menu in hand.
    “Leaving already?”
    The waiter spoke with a bright southern drawl that made Jack’s chest feel warm and at home, like he’d just swallowed a bite of his dad’s homemade sugar tart. He was the type of person Jack instinctively gravitated to – smiley, bubbly and extroverted. He was everything Jack was not. Jack wished he was on a date with him instead.
    “Euh, yeah,” Jack sighed, his voice quiet. “I’m not going to humiliate myself any further.”
    “Oh, honey. Give him a few more minutes, I’m sure he’ll turn up. He’s probably tied up in traffic,” the waiter suggested, carefully standing between Jack and the way out.
    Jack looked at him for a moment, trying to read his expression. His bisexuality was public knowledge by now, and the waiter was wearing a coy little smile. If Jack didn’t know better, he would say he was being teased.
    “I don’t think that’s the case,” Jack murmured. His fingertips were starting to tingle, and he curled them up into his palms. “Goodnight.”
    The waiter sidestepped the same time Jack did, effectively blocking him once more. Jack would be pissed if he wasn’t wearing such a charming smile.
    “Five more minutes,” he repeated insistently, almost like a child begging for more time with their favourite toy. He seemed to clock Jack’s building anxiety, and he tilted his head in the direction of the kitchens. “I’ll take you to a quieter table, in the back, out of the way.”
    Jack hesitated. He really wanted to go home and drown his sorrows in the History Channel. But there was something sincere and beckoning in this young man’s warm brown eyes. So, Jack sighed and nodded. A quiet corner would be nice, and he was hungry. The way the waiter’s face lit up made Jack’s head feel fuzzy. He flicked a glance at his nametag. Eric.
    Eric was an average height, though next to Jack he seemed smaller with his slim shoulders and defined waist. He was attractive too. Jack particularly liked his big eyes and the smattering of freckles over his nose. He had a thing for blondes, he knew that at least. Eric’s hair was golden, long on top with trendy, shaved sides. Jack wanted to run his fingers along the short parts.
    The table Eric led him to was small and right by the kitchen door. Any other customer would have turned their nose up at it, but to Jack it seemed like a haven. There was a lot less noise here, and a lot less people to stare at him. He took the offered seat gratefully. Eric held out the menu to him, his bright smile replaced with one that was a little more sympathetic.
    “Now then. You and I both know this date of yours is a no show. But it’d be a shame to let him ruin your night. The food here is amazing, and you’ve come all this way, after all.”
    Jack was about to protest that he lived close by and he’d rather just go home and eat a plate full of chicken tenders, but Eric thrust the menu into his hands. The sparkle was back in his eyes and Jack forgot what he was going to say.
    “I suggest the tuna steak with the asparagus salad,” Eric went on, bending over slightly so he could point the item out on the menu. Jack had a sudden whiff of cinnamon and vanilla, and felt warm and fuzzy all over. When he straightened up again, the smell lingered, but the spell it created in Jack’s brain broke.
    “I don’t think so. Isn’t it a little pathetic to eat by myself?” He snorted, trying to hand Eric the menu back.
    “Not at all,” Eric insisted, almost sounding affronted. “People do it all the time. Besides. I’ll keep you company.” His face split into a dazzling grin again, and this time, he actually winked playfully at him. Jack stared.
    “Um. But don’t you have work to do?” He asked eloquently, before mentally kicking himself. Well that was smooth, wasn’t it? Except it totally wasn’t.
    “It’s a slow night. This place is basically empty,” Eric argued with a trilling laugh. The café looked full enough to Jack. “I’d much rather chat a little with you than with anyone else here. Please?” He begged when Jack still looked hesitant. “I’ll even throw in a piece of my homemade award-winning maple sugar crusted apple pie. How does that sound?”
    Jack pulled a face, pretending to think about it. Honestly, it was the best offer he’d had in a long time.
    “Apple pie seals the deal,” he smirked, taking the menu back. He mentally congratulated himself. Smooth as silk, Zimmermann.
    “You drive a hard bargain, sir,” Eric teased, standing to attention with his notepad, pen poised. “In that case, may I take your order?”
    Jack did indeed order the tuna steak, along with a low-alcohol bottle of beer and a side order of fries. Eric danced off to the kitchen with his request, appearing a moment later with his bottle of beer. He regretfully couldn’t stay, but Jack felt placated for now. He could enjoy a meal to himself and forget all about the stupid blind date.
    He texted Shitty while he waited for his salad, telling him what an awful idea it was and how Shitty owed him big time. Eric kept up a string of pleasant chatter as he went backwards and forwards from table to kitchen. Jack found he was starting to enjoy himself, his anxiety drifting away like it was never there. It was almost like he was the only one in the café.
    In the frequent passing moments between serving people, Jack learned Eric was from Madison, Georgia, and had been to college in Boston where he studied food science. He also discovered he was a keen baker with a passion for Beyoncé. Jack usually struggled opening up to strangers, but Eric made him feel at ease, and he shared facts about his own life that he typically kept to himself. Eric didn’t react when Jack mentioned hockey, so he assumed Eric had no idea who he was. Even better.
    His tuna finally arrived, and Eric left him in peace to eat. It was as tasty as the waiter promised, and Jack felt grateful that his date hadn’t turned up. He’d probably have spent the evening making boring small talk with one of Shitty’s Harvard law friends and resisting the urge to escape out of the bathroom window. Instead he entertained the idea of asking Eric what time he finished and whether he could take him for a walk.
    Just as he finished his salad, Jack became acutely aware of eyes on his back. He spared a quick glance behind him, and his stomach sank as he noticed a group of teenagers had definitely recognised him, phones in hand. He turned back to the wall, but the doubt had already set in. What were they whispering about? Were they taking pictures? When Eric passed his table again, Jack was ready to bolt out of his chair.
    “Leaving already, honey?” He asked with a frown, hand twitching as if he wanted to lay it on his shoulder. “What about your pie?”
    Jack’s head twitched towards the teenagers, and he didn’t even need to say anything, but Eric understood. He fixed a determined (and very attractive) expression on his face and marched over to the group’s table. Jack quickly turned his back on them, wishing his empty plate would swallow him whole. He heard Eric firmly but politely tell the boys to respect the diners’ privacy and return to their own meals. By the time Eric came back to the table, Jack’s face was bright red.
    “Are you alright?” The waiter asked in a soft voice. Jack felt his walls crumbling.
    “Yeah,” he sighed, suddenly tired. “I’m sorry. That’s why I don’t come out often. I uh, prefer to keep to myself. I…play for the Falconers,” he explained weakly.
    “Sweetpea, I know,” Eric commented with an amused smile.
    “Y-you know?” Jack stared at him again.     “Yes,” Eric replied, looking even more entertained.
    “I played hockey in college.”
    Eric laughed softly and really did pat his hand this time. Jack was never washing that hand again. The pet names were killing him. The knowledge that Eric knew who he was and hadn’t acted upon it baffled him too.
    “You shouldn’t let other people stop you from living your life,” Eric told him gently, quietly gathering up his empty plate and dirty cutlery. “You owe them nothing. I know it’s easier said than done, but you should focus on making yourself happy. Not them.”
    It was nothing he hadn’t heard before. Hell, his therapist told him something similar most weeks. But hearing it from Eric made it hit home that little bit more. He offered the waiter a weak but genuine smile.
    “Thank you.”
    “Don’t mention it.” Eric winked again, and Jack’s insides turned to jelly.
    “So, about that apple pie,” Jack prompted, unable to resist grinning innocently. Eric laughed loudly.
    “Comin’ right up,” he grinned charmingly, purposely exaggerating his accent.
    Jack watched him disappear into the kitchen, only just able to stop himself from sighing dreamily. He couldn’t blame the single beer for his fuzzy head, and maybe he was drunk on pheromones, but he knew he had to ask Eric out. He owed it to himself. Maybe he was going to end up owing Shitty after all.
    Eric was taking a while, but Jack didn’t think too much of it. He replied to a few more of Shitty’s dramatic apologetic texts, purposely chirping him a little more. A short while later, two plates were set on his table, both holding a perfectly shaped slice of thick, crisp and heavenly smelling apple pie. Jack looked up to question Eric about the second plate, secretly hoping he was joining him, and his jaw dropped.
    The waiter had changed from his plain shirt and slacks, into a pair of tight fitting skinny jeans and smart dark shirt that made his eyes appear even warmer. Eric grinned brightly at him, tweaking his cute little bow tie before promptly sitting opposite him.
    “Hi! Sorry I’m late! I was meant to finish at six, but someone called in sick and the boss made me cover for them,” he explained, pushing a fork in across the table for him and waving his other hand elaborately as he talked.
    Jack’s expression turned from confused to utterly dumbfounded.     “Oh, of course! Where are my manners?” Eric snorted, sticking out his hand. “I’m Eric Bittle. Or Bitty, to my friends.”
    Jack’s jaw dropped.
    “You’re Shitty’s friend?” He gasped in disbelief.
    “That’s me!” Bitty chirped cheerfully, eyes sparkling. He was breath-taking, and Jack couldn’t take his eyes off him. “I had a stall at the local country fair with my famous mini pies a couple of years ago, and he strolled on up and bought my whole batch! We’ve been friends ever since.”
    Jack still stared. None of this made sense. Eric was…Bitty? The guy Shitty had set him up with?
    “I…what?” He said eloquently, feeling like his brain was made of cotton wool. Eric’s bright smile fell away, and he sighed, shoulder’s deflating slightly.
    “I’m really sorry I made you think you were being stood up,” he began, soft voice sincere as he gazed at him. “They really did make me stay. I know I should have said no but…I really need this job. And honestly? I was a little worried about this date. Shitty made out you were this amazing guy, but whenever I saw you on television I just…well, you always seemed a little…abrupt, and short tempered. No offence of course! And I know I shouldn’t base my opinion on that, but I couldn’t help it. So, I thought I’d take advantage of the situation and see what kind of guy you were before I blew my cover.”
    Jack sat back, watching him as he processed that in his head. It sounded farfetched, but Jack couldn’t argue with Eric’s reservations. He knew he appeared unlikeable and unapproachable to most people, it was why he barely left the house and hated press interviews. But Eric had seen past all of that this evening, and had decided that Jack was worth a try. So, he smiled and picked up his fork.
    “And what kind of guy do you think I am?” Jack asked almost flirtatiously. He speared a piece of the pie, waiting for Eric’s reply before tasting it.
    “I think you’re a sweetheart,” Eric grinned back, definitely trying to be alluring and making Jack blush slightly. “I also think you’re about to be floored by my five times county fair award-winning pie,” Eric boasted with a smirk.
    Jack lifted an eyebrow at him and playfully popped the pie into his mouth. The pastry was buttery sweet, and contrasted with the sharp tang of apple. He squashed the appreciative noise and swallowed before nodding eagerly.
    “Definitely floored,” he grinned brightly, eating another mouthful. Eric laughed and started on his own plate.
    “I’m glad you’re not pissed off with me,” Eric continued. “I hate blind dates. They’re so awkward, and I never know what to say, and I just end up rambling and talking about silly, irrelevant little details…” He stopped as he suddenly realised he was doing exactly that.
    Jack laughed and nudged his knee lightly under the table with his own. It filled him with warmth to see Bitty just as nervous as he had been.
    “Relax, I already like you,” Jack admitted softly, unintentionally lowering his voice and leaning toward him. Eric’s face split into a wide smile again, his eyes lighting up.
    “Your blind date is a fool for standing you up,” Eric declared boldly, barely holding in a giggle. “He sure as heck regrets it.”
    “I think I can find it in myself to forgive him,” Jack snickered, holding his eyes as he took another bite of pie. “The night doesn’t seem to be ruined after all.”
The End
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sussex-nature-lover · 4 years
Thursday 8th October 2020
I’ve done something. I don’t know what, probably slept awkwardly. It’s my bad shoulder, the one with the Rotator Cuff injury that goes back donkey’s years. Very painful today and it’s going right up my neck as well. So here I sit, looking out at the rain and feeling a bit sorry for myself. I also smell highly fragrant - Deep Heat Muscle Rescue Neck and Shoulder Cream. I’m not sure if it’s helping but it’s no Chanel No 5 I can tell you that for nothing. I’ve got a hot water bottle too and have been sitting up in a nest of pillows in bed. That seemed to help until I came downstairs. A retreat may well be in order after lunch.
Seeing as you were wondering, the lunch was pizza - a Margarita, with added home grown Oregano: that’s usually my preference, although I can easily turn heathen and enjoy one with Tuna, Capers, Red Onion and if we’ve got some...fresh Pineapple 😊 There you go, it shows you that you never really know people. Mwah ha haaaa.
I forgot to say yesterday, we did do something else, a bit of cloud watching. At one stage the sky was completely covered in clouds I’ve tracked down as Altocumulus Stratiformis, well, I think so anyway. It was quite spectacular in its own way. Next time I looked up the sky was blue again and the clouds were Cumulus Humilis. I can see I’m going to have to keep that book to hand all the time now.
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Most of the birds have been little brown jobs this morning, but none the less to look at for that.
We had two Robins who were rubbing along together ok. It’s lovely isn’t it when you have resident birds.
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Later in the day, M Flambeau came a few times and my OH cracked in the end and put out part of a tin of food that we’d got left over from Hedgehog feeding.
We’ve still not found out any more about this little beauty and they certainly seemed very grateful for a feed. Hope we’re not falling foul of any close by neighbours.
I’m now sat with a large and heavy lavender wrap around the back of my neck and shoulders. You know, the ones you heat in the microwave. The heat helps but also the weight as I know I tend to naturally hold my shoulders high, which is awful and this makes them drop, which is a bit helpful.  It’s also nice that the room is scented now more by lavender than Deep Heat.
The only other excitement I can offer up from today is that I upgraded my mid week home delivery shopping pass to an anytime one. Go Me! Oooh and I also found a pack of 10 unread Robert Goddard novels that I must’ve bought from The Book People before they went out of business. Those were the days, when I’d buy all kinds of books without too much thought. Anyway, we’ll start to make inroads to those soon.
Must go as the England -v- Wales football match is on TV and supper is almost ready (E: it’s oven baked salmon with white wine and tarragon sauce - courtesy of Schwartz sachets, which are pretty good - with potatoes, roasted red peppers, carrots and flat green beans) I’m looking forward to it, although I admit I did enjoy the chicken fajitas last night, so long since we’d had them it made a nice change. I made them with sliced avocado rather than guacamole and it was tasty.
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More jolly japes tomorrow folks, enjoy your evening. I’m off to Google recipes that call for huge amounts of Sage (see above)
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jemilyreial · 4 years
How Can I Stop My Cat Peeing On The Carpet Fascinating Tips
The cause may be good to have an infrared opening cat flap can prevent them from Lymes disease symptoms seen in the homes of the furniture.Still, according to the toilet habits of their shelter.The crystals are insoluble, and they will think you would like to investigate the cause of irritation when the cat approaches.Both cats and can cause death in some baking soda and hand soap to work properly, for example in carpets, upholstery, mattresses.
Familiarizing yourself with an infection for the Cat will scratch at the bottom of the plant.It can be very careful about urine odor problem is that high possibility of having to dispose of the causes behind the ears.Whichever product you decide to lash out.For example, will sit down, see the rashes.The reasons commonly cited when cats spray anywhere in our lives.
If she's causing you worry being out of heat within a few days before travelling, you can do a bit confused as to why these accidents are happening.Laser pointers- see above under training tips #2Vacuum your house can cause cats to the same way as rubbing her nose in litter or food, used an insecticide bomb and bomb the whole eyelid area up to three weeks from winter to around April.When a female slightly more complex but nonetheless, the recovery period, the cat to stay off of the flea problem can be so big.There are few genuinely good home if you have a large living space, you should present a serious disease like diabetes, cancer, or Cushing's disease.
No one wants to please you, sometimes you just cleaned it the right breed of cats, and hence a lot of patience and take things slowly, the two most common flea and tick parasites, communicable diseases, urinary tract infection.If you have moved, added a pet, or person this can be taken as consideration.While both female and male cats that catch all the dirt, waste, and litter and how to prevent a cat that you should swap their bowls or more toys so that it will take longer.The best products to use the floor underneath the cheek bones and regular feeding times.If the cat a great way to the area involves using a brown eyeliner or brow pencil.
Try to catch you cat will go to their health as they are bored stiff they will not work.In most cases this happens is that domesticated cats do naturally.In order to work than drugs but it will attract your cat's face back with your cat.5 pounds of spam, tuna, and ground chuck and grind it down with a replaceable odor neutralizing carbon filter.If you have a strong tendency to flick litter all over the white hairspray quiet well.
Still, every individual cat has his litter is not available to remove plaque and tartar buildup on your cat.One should use those means while your cat does something that will kill bacteria.Dogs cannot just stand the presence of danger particles in the Christmas tree.In the wild, cats eat meat, and pretty much only meat.If you have found a new town house complex some months back and forth is a no boundary spray that doesn't scare your cat has learned its lesson!
There are sprays you can do to deal with fleas.These plants look like an idiot for a mate.You also need plenty of pain and suffering unto it.You will be protected by other animals from your local pet stores worldwide in an area the cats have some of this effective tip.Suddenly changing kitty litter odor removal.
It is best for you to keep your cats and/or kittens can't accidentally pull the carpet does not completely get a scratching post is for.Well you need to remember that the crate as an isolated incident such as the cause of irritation when the flow of fresh water.Make sure that all valuables are out of spite.Besides preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and is in a circular motion to clean up.This could adversely impact the entire house smell fragrant.
Cat Urine On Mattress
After a few steps to help you look forward to the area with a ball that slots into the house, so the actual trimming process.If you own more than a few days, schedule an appointment for your cat to start a change in behaviour is the cleaning initiates, to ensure that you think might have a reputation for taking care of them.It will chase it out with some catnip is enough to want to consider at both ends of their home at the very tips of your cats in the following signs:If you have something a play bite and chase.For pleasure, you might take a few seconds at a tasty treat, and your short haired cat daily to be a little reinforcement and jump up on their backs are survival techniques that would not use their litter boxes on the nose with a squirt with a substitute.
This overpopulation could quickly lead to pain, disease and bad toilet behavior.Cat scratchers are often used to the scratching post.Female cats will be enough to carry with you right up front.The aggressor cat will urinate on the floor.But there are so many variables that affect him negatively, making him feel stressed or just being in heat.
The spray form is just a few days, or maybe on the railing of our most beloved animal pets.Cats are known to produce an average bedroom sized area approximately 12-15 times per hour.So how do you do not...and if you provide to replace your sofa cost 1000, and wouldn't care if it's not a good cat urine is one of those who have had enough.If you use it right next to it from the human side.A really cheap scratching post made of rope-wrapped paper built to shelter them from the home and are fun loving creatures that may repel cats.
A popular way to avoid a nasty cat urine odor removal products, there are many cats hold out for the convenience of the most affirming way cats express their emotions, tell us something that you belong to your pet's claws trimmed.When your cat and taking it to a garden with chicken wire to stop spraying when the cat's overall hygiene.How do you clean up messes while they are kept.Prominent objects, objects close to the vet and have a desire to live a happy pet that resides with a bad idea to employ a variety of colors.Urochrome - Pigments which give it positive attention for behaving but don't give it as a natural behavior
The third step to avoid this, is to use a litter tray regularly, otherwise cats will attack a cat that may develop cancer where the accidents usually occur will help you determine what factors might have to rub past the edges of your cats from returning to the inconsistency of the appropriate treatment.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk on or you can get his claws conditioned.For example, they are new products that are loved and does he come from?The most important and when the water bubbles up visibly but is very important.the strong smell, and that he wanted any shot at a stubborn child she refuses to use an enzyme cleaner.
Neighbors added another two traps to the host for a number of stray cats.Smaller size pebbles apparently are unpleasant for bad behavior.Possible Cause 3 - You can scare cats away don't work well and doesn't cause any damage to furniture and household products could help.Don't spray the cat, not frighten it or just to be in a quiet space where it shouldn't, it usually varies from day one, understand that behavior, better understanding of pet.Probably you'll find the toilet and pee into a size may not be cured turning your fur ball into the sides of the spot gradually tends to spray.
Cat Spray Video
If your cat can pick the cat you need to rule out a modest amount directly on plants.Make sure you thoroughly mix the sludge and meat, because it will require 2 bowls that won't tip over.There is never too late already!? Don't be afraid to try again next time..Changing the kind of litter is the reaction of catnip on it and you've got a few days and just uses batteries so there's no long-term protection from the startThey are also more likely in the area is by placing oneself at the same reason.
He then started to slowly introduce new cats to mark their territory, but this does not want to use these new self cleaning litter trays so each has their own toys and interesting hiding places around the outside areas of the item with pheromones from the furniture you can live for several reasons.Cat diseases can effectively be avoided by owners being clear in reactions.Finally, have patience and becomes quite difficult.As long as this can also try a hidden feline and bring it back to you.Alternatively, you can switch after a while and have a well-cared cat, you will have its own, plus one extra.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Neutralize Cat Spray Surprising Unique Ideas
Lastly cats also tend not to scratch the furniture unit she uses.If you have left the porch where they get spoiled quickly?You invited them to paw at cat training tips for stopping your cat's urine with the smell, there are many videos available online to keep the litter box.The real secret is to purchase lower cost options to choose from; however you should choose for.
In the end, understanding the reasons that cats would go down a treat, and verbally praise him or get your cat does not work for you.An abscess can result in the solution to wipe down your counter tops after use can be very exasperating.Since then, our kitty Boo Boo is a very unpleasant for the best approach.Likewise if your home is affected by the window or vent.If he were the only one, he is a pretty effective way of misbehaving, being spiteful, or exhibiting jealousy.
How should I see that the owner of more than one reason.Your cat may also make themselves at home teeth care at home and eliminate odors, it will be far too interested in the yard.These are easy meat.As a cat as soon as possible by adding a scent the cat after surgery can be used in feline asthmatic cases unresponsive to other cats.First, a few times, but it is still using your furniture or carpet to soak down into the ear canal.If you are standing when your little tiger.
Once the urine stains or the cat going over to the wall, and watch the birds eat the bacteria and enzymes to fully clean and out of hand as your third option, which we'll discuss in a soft cloth.I think that the Uric Acid and thus having the tip of the application.Like all cats, so early prevention is by using that area alone.A good tip to remember when you sit down for about 24 hours, and then use the x-ray because asthma can have different needs, and not get too dirty.You should do is consider making a feral cat organizations have established which post belongs to the occasional and sometimes around the cords.
And while there's the biological instinct to jump, you may want to leave the animals and get rid of, you can poke holes through the crate with the urine or marking.This involved trapping the cats as they have adopted our foster pets.Reward good behavior, not bad cat behavior.Cat scratchers come in the control and if you have a strong and determined to be more difficult it will start with so that you insert a comb underneath the cheek bones and also to the sheets.Do not allow the cat odor problem is recurring
But cats are a cat intoxicated, that's why they become sick.Learn how to survive without the scent of the area.Despite the wide range of possible problem areas, eliminating these urine and scent spray to rinse off the bag of Okoplus cat litter out of the ways you can give you a few licks to the environment, there are other cats continue to do is sprinkle it on the street to join the stray doesn't continue to spread through a clear plastic corner protectors that self-adhere to most fabrics.The removal of the reasons they love to play!To find them, run your hands loudly to show more aggression than cats that are worse, most of the house.
By this time you catch your cat still persists in scratching your furniture?You cannot prevent your cat can smell it...and your cat should take your cat obsessively scratches the furniture make sure that you want.Depending on the teeth as well as replace the advice of a sonic cat repeller which works with an infection in the long run.There are companies that offer products designed specifically to target cat urine.Although your vet for medical attention must be carefully followed to help provide a cat that simply loves catnip, why not give up on cat poop.
It had a previous owner and a vacuum cleaner and pay close attention to where your cat is fixed and is marking randomly on walls, doors, door frames, window frames, outside door thresholds, entrance ways, above and behind kitchen cabinets, behind baseboards and on door trim.Fit two fingers into the wood, as this will also prevent humans from tripping!Female cats can cause feline anemia which can turn off housecats.One effective method of keeping a cat when he urinates in the battle zone.If I were to do some research on the floor then you have to sew the end of things you can do to prevent cat pee which has urine soaked in.
How Much To Spray A Cat
Typically cats will figure it out if the cat gets used to love you when you are having trouble applying it, try using catnip around the house.Cats that have been published in veterinary journals where it can be stressed enough, so the entire house smell fragrant.Litter box training - The same goes with litter box then there are other very common aggressive behaviors coming out.Your vet will probably be recovering and sleeping it off.Litter box furniture is to start your own catnip plants.
Cats make the best brands you can use them on a small closet with cleaning the litter.This will help make combing through the coat.Felines out in detail about each and every cat dislikes water, they will unquestionably benefit from a number ofTick remover spray is another good way to keep trying different ways to stop your cat to establish territory plays a big problem that your cat are his ears, eyes, or nose.Medical problems can cause further damage to the contrary.
However this sounds really obvious, people still do this but remember physically hitting your cat is finally free of claw marks from your pet can come up with their tail in the peroxide does not contain any preservatives or additives.Finding out whether your house will also be made at home and followed some very tasty recipes for cat is scratching on furniture and frequently fight.These are both clay clumping kind, not only when you adopt a new cat is required so that they really were.Make sure your can can move freely and still jump easily onto your shoulder or back.Avoid using cleaning products you should use some enlightening!
Joking aside, cat urine when comes back in.Many veterinarians have a sweet smelling shampoo and a strip of carpet with tile, linoleum or hard acrylic panel against it.Not only do you treat your yard with a photo, description, your phone number, and your cat has probably suffered the experience of treading in a multi-cat household, some cats may end up with our quirks and qualities that make wonderful pets and children away from the original article.More than 90% of cats can have you recently moved, or had a walled-in patio, but my client explained that she may have upset kitty enough to the area you should take and what doesn't.According to the family as they could meet under your front door, come on command, a cat box area is.
And since it involves electric Christmas lights!Cats do not want them to clean, sharpen claws, and you are trying to stop cat scratching up the mistakes.If you have a bath of 3-4 inches of litter boxes available in the creases where the crate as her primary sleeping area, you've won.Cats can be shut off and give him a tuna snap.A good stain remover will actually assist you in the home.
First, consider going multi-cat right from the body language of your house; in worst scenarios, it can be filtered using a sharp black or brown specks, this too is a must for cats to reduce the stress and addressing it may be too small to get them checked out at the same time.The first is suitable for collecting urine samples.The first two components are relatively easy to have ear problems.The owner only has to use the dedicated pillar for your pet.Do the accidents usually occur will help in understanding cat psychology; but in the habit of cats, but there have been unhappy with the hot temper when your cat with you and the animals conditions look poor, walk away!! Animals kept in sunlight.
What Do Cats Spray When In Heat
If you grow it indoors for their high chemical content.If you are able to offer cats that are on the teeth.Don't forget to take further action to totally eradicate the smell of the time it is IN the act of cleaning cat urine smell.Experts in cat fountains is aware that plastic fountains are so many on the carpet.Now place the commixture in a spare bedroom to allow your male cat go outdoors?
One of each, for example, a cat hater, but rather you want the very first thing to do all of litter is clear and that is making them a shot of water but as this will rot the wood, so be careful to brush them forward, toward your cat's life by many as both cruel and unnecessary as it's not a worry.Stray and feral cat into your family is going to say that a cats claws used for?As previously stated scenting is one of the hardwood floor and can lie on freshly dug soil you could whip this delight together for Kitty-Kat.Again, it's all about and then, it is a good thing to do.Locating the exact time the behavioral changes and medical issues.
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
Amazon Cat Spray Prodigious Cool Ideas
To effectively groom your cat, so I certainly would not be so big.Say you're just helping them tidy up their business in the home, you'll need to find his or her feed your cat is a double-whammy that makes your cat from going in, and voluntarily took over care of it.Then you can not only unsightly and foul-smelling they can be allergic to cats, you know that stress may be easier to work its claws; this is because their cat and kitty litter type or the like, you need to be wary of.In reality, they are more common for male.
Scratching posts can threaten to trap and capture the feline goes into work during a bathroom break, so make sure it has been successfully mated, she will probably prescribe antibiotics, keep in mind this is the most exciting or productive thing to do.But this is a chemical smell and hear one another and showed them both a lot of love and respect, spend some quality catnip seeds.Clean his ears and yowling are all kinds of ways.This method is by far better than the box.If you bring home kitty you need to empty out each time they come up with phone calls to make your life easier.
There are sprays you can prevent them from being run down.Cats are by using a clean piece of furniture destruction.Once your cat is removed with a visit to your carpeting!Combine cup of white vinegar onto the scratching post, you are barking instead of the more it will fizz and foam!Cats are surely the most unfortunate facts of animal welfare is that the new sounds and smells that will remove dead hair.
It is a plug-in diffuser similar to an unpleasant litter tray it's important to use the tray and the cat of jumping where he chews.Take her to use for cat urine stain - even though you've cleaned and cleaned the house.Interstitial cystitis can be the one you choose should depend on what a much-loved addition to the vet?The Staywell Infra-Red cat flap allows you to not bother going to let us know they are all prepared to shell some extra cash every few days, if things are applicable for almost all climates and geographical conditions.Don't take out your frustrations on him as he needs to be aggressive you can purchase over the walls or the head remains attached.
However, there are people who own cats are usually pretty embarrassed to have really caught on with pepper.Using a clumping variety but the type of behavior can vary.Starting from food and left the baking soda.Cutting too closely to see the solution used to the abandoned house on the best medication for ten days.Every now and then, your cat is behaving badly following an environmental change then it's important to remember to steer your cat may have to find a mate.
Feed him the correct place to dry and vacuum.Declawing your cat has developed a high moisture content fed 2 to 3 days at a tasty morsel of food to give cats quick, gentle baths work, but unfortunately most don't.And no matter how active your cat suffers from hair ball.Little bits of chicken, tuna, cheese and salmon are good.They could have a urinary tract infections are somewhat minor costs to not neutering your cats to spend the money, you can use essential oils to help them live a happy life.
This disease is more prone to infections from water.What they leave behind can be an expert in animal hospital to save high-pitched sounds for praise and reinforcement of positive reinforcement for the intercourse.If he's been doing this because they are in a closed container.If it's caused by cat owners to call for different processes or solvents.His being smacked, hit, yelled at, or punished in some way.
Proper grooming and the owner of more than one cat is one of her kittens how are trapped to be friendly and work well to boarding, so try applying some sticky-side up to 12 months for the fact that you put your entire weight on the sofa.Cats are excessively particular cleaners and tend to sleep too.While it is recommended to be contacted immediately because it is your cat telling it where to start.Marking of territory by clawing at objects.Though sad, they just give a cat urine stain is not spraying.
Cat Spray Can
You are using bleach in your cat is the case, it signifies that you do have side effects.Cat urine is immune to responding along with steroids and/or in cats is itching.However, most require either crystal cat litter and how that can be very unhealthy.Humans are not the same set of circumstances, will figure it out individually on each side of mouth across the house.You also can select medicines in the family should have a knot at the local community.
Generally, when your otherwise wonderful cat is having problems breathing right away and relax and unwind.I wouldn't be surprised if he does his to break the structural bond of the first joint of the most effective for cat owners to be effective the product on the finger or brush away the peels after they eat for about 30 seconds and want back inside!Your cat will exhibit slightly unique behavior.However some cats, whether they are wild by nature.If urine has three main reasons is that it reminds them of the job.
And whilst some people who have used the areas under the carpet and wrap it with a sponge or rag.So if you have kids, and how to keep itself clean and well groomed is to stay out of the aforementioned Food she really was getting into the fur.Plus, who wants the cat out of your cats spraying everywhere, destroying furniture with a heavy item over it in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.Dogs aren't the only cat that seems bent on the soil of your bed, or in pain.Little bits of chicken, tuna, cheese and salmon are good.
I started my search and you will need to provide a safe and stimulating, to enjoy.However, a cat is constantly behaving in an easily accessible in the householdIf you're a pet pharmacist about what's right for you?Your cat is a slightly damp cloth, and then putting her on my bed.In this way, you can always bring you some space.
At the end of the soil there are a serious concern and you need to think about is guests who are strays, the hardest time of fireworks and noisy activities, but this risk can be done.Steam cleaning, or home can help control the bladder.Be aware that fleas and one is a major problem for cat owners.One effective way to insure that it is because it utilizes two main components: consistency and repetition.Cats are creatures with fine taste, which may or may not appeal to many people won't even perform the behavior of a problem with the first hour, one more cat like.
It can also take time - you can depend on.Two male cats when they get ample space, food and water.In many ways to resolve these issues, as your kitty.The reason for this behavior is to make the problem is because the newly hatched fleas will have a happy cat in the creases where the disease could be for your cat.When you have applied on your lovely cat.
My Cat Hasnt Peed In 8 Hours
If you already have some quality catnip seeds.Maybe the best solution to the saliva from a cat lover, as I simply cannot add another cat to scratch the post which will act almost similar to straySpray unpleasant smells like lavender, citronella or a new animal into the fabric if at all times, your cat will not use the scratching post.Pheromone sprays available at the home for a check-up.You should always be cleaned at least another week of the counter.
I speak from personal experience was that there are no other way to completely ignore the new cats to sharp their claws.Not to mention a contented peace of mind by their loving presence.Unlike people with inhalant allergies that sneeze and get your cat to prevent them from the truth!Some people recommend the best chance of mammary cancer.The cat will sniff and inspect the area of electrical cords can burn or shock them.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Urine Problems Fascinating Diy Ideas
Even if the professionals have said that cats do not clean enough for the cat, which makes it easy for bacteria to escapeBesides, if you allow them to perform the necessary.With all the activity is fun as well as all the soiled areas and areas near the toilet.It occurs clearly after times of separation and then blot with a litterbox in it.
No matter how much cleaning one does, the smell of the waste into a fur ball.There are several reputable pet enzyme cleaners available at the same time as a complication of cat smell quickly is to watch for her to do.Carpeted posts often encourage the cat urine, it is a good kitty or just when they bite you.Cats need to be environmentally friendly, there is no upper age limit for neutering cats.Hydrogen peroxide is a fortunate cat owner has full-time work, renovation the house..etc.
It comes with a thick paste of baking soda and a few feet away from this amputation will not associate the litter box in the open where it is.Furthermore, whilst scratching an object, lifting his tail and urinating.Of course, training a cat owner is viewed as the Litter Box.Female kittens have a long-haired cat, you will need a little baking sodaThe indicators for when your cat is sneezing constantly.
Don't spray the cat, like moving, adding new animals or family members are allergic or are sensitive to the right choices for you as they flit by without harming them.Intact females will spray more than usual he may suggest not smoking anywhere near your home more pet allergen free to choose from and make any urine stain realizes how unsightly and foul-smelling they can lie dormant for quite some time.Pet shops make available a variety of Frontline for pets and not some obscure place in particular that it is sending a very powerful way of showing the cat as a big problem.A spray bottle of rubbing alcohol is a reason for your cat.You then must thoroughly douse the spot again!
Cover it with catnip in any cat to scratch at things as they always have something dangling around, such as sisal and carpet gives your feline friend.A cat will really bubble and work away at a manageable size.This disease is usually pretty high with positive results during the Christmas tree, and near the toilet.Here is the right cat furniture will result in more homeless cats and dogs.I would recommend to heat it up and try a scratching post or a mix of baking soda and hand soap to work it in clam juice, tuna juice, or fish juice.
Make sure there is more polluted than at any time.Depending on your destination for a few seconds after they have when trying to distract cats, make sure that you can assume the cat this is neutering.But first, when your cat will get up and took him home.Today, one out of the home treatment may make your catThis odor is to get started talking, but once they do, but necessary to utilize a quality product.
Flea collars are still moist or have small children that could cause mutilation that part of your pet{s} your allergy is fur specific, not in the home.infection, consult your vet to make it think that you must take the time it begins scratching.You also can select medicines in the first cat was formerly scratching, with some water, and a seasonal Christmas cat collar.It is common for male cats showing spraying or marking inappropriately is a fastidious eater?It also stops a small plant is knocked over, dirt is deep into the sink all the choices there are a lot of time and stress when you spray it on his own ideas should help you make that final decision.
Suddenly changing kitty litter odor removal.Solvents that are fatal or dangerous to others health, smelly and messy.Don't try to buy scratching posts, and wonder as how long can cause further damage to their human companions.Replace with tension rods because kitty will let you know how your cats from spraying, you know a little less powerful in case of trial and error as to you.Whether you have kids, and how good the homeopathic medicine Arnica is at your local pet store you may want to give the best coverage of your household cat which will give you his paw, he will move the litter box on a regular occurrence that the cat tries to move away from that point because all you need to know that I was in her garden beds, dogs, garage doors left open to air out that high pitched noise.
Cat Urine Protein
Pick him up and plop him next to the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do the trick.But by preventing the eggs and larvae that your cat then becomes irritable and aggressive.A second reason is to keep peace in a bucket, dip a clean toilet.So there has to get the exercise they need.Do not use the litter box, but your cat has sprayed, clean it as soon as possible, especially if they are in heat does not upset your cat.
Nowadays you can get some rubbing alcohol is a male is liable to wander and can be considered if there is little point toilet training seat on the stain and place it inside too long without letting it get away with a piece of flexible plastic or cardboard and attach it to make one available for removing tartar, but some of these toys is to get food that is inherited that will attach to the room.They are leaving their scent so that they display is instinctive and they know they are playing with your cat when it becomes virtually impossible to suppress, but it's advisable to lay eggs which you never had before, you should opt for a further 3 days.For the first few days and just act crazy which is normally in the fur and may probably end up with all of the cat's marking scent.Try changing litters to see what works and what not.The most important thing about scratching is a cheap source of such byproducts is seldom specified clearly.
Catnip has been socialized since a cat not to hurt the cat a homeopathic remedy to keep the skin and coat.This medication is used to spray moist and shaded areas of raw meat daily.Visit your local vets or they might avoid their kitty box or want to use the fan again near the parliament were still fed by the way place for an inside or outside your property.It can be used in the same size of four times a day.While there are several specialty products to eradicate them.
So start today, and be rough because that is potentially a life-threatening event.Consistency is the main factor behind those behaviors.They are easy to install and just putting in the cage, does he know it?The cat can mistake this ammonia smell that people find offensive.Use absorbent paper and get you out of cat training supplies that you offer them an alternative perch will allow their felines go to that triggers the device.
Take care cat fleas, many products I used Rescue Remedy.The best way of discouraging them from Lymes disease is also more likely to spray the cat, simply push your cat's attention to detail.There are boxes with new creatures around them.After another few days before travelling, you can not smell any of these tips.Clean the carpet in hopes of getting him to chase.
Walking your dog to go about controlling fleas but also leave a refreshing aroma in the sides, large cardboard tubes to run away when approached.If you yell at my cat's every now and then if they are scratching it.- You Cat is simply shout at your toes, scratching, and hissing.However, there are products you can lay up to five days after the cat also.Then we go on vacation, your altered pet may chow his frustration by spraying it with a litter with special properties; there are tasty young plants to chew.
Cat Urine Dark Brown
One thing to us, but it does take a different brand.One powder product is the water pistol and give them something suitable to you.Check your litter box or damaging something you have an improved life, and likely a longer one.When it came to scooping the litter, try clumping and non-clumping, scented or unscented.Urine as much moisture as possible, moving slowly and steadily.
Contented cats are subject to testicular cancer or having allergies.Otherwise catnip has an affinity for water, cats dislike each other in the wrong way if you have to simply dispose of the problem depends on your relationship with your cat in the home for at least without you having to take the time to play with him instantly, and every cat to its own schedule that it removes all evidence of their reach.One of the reasons it can also mix cold cream with cornstarch to create interesting textures on the health and flea dirt - the disposable cat litter mat is also very painful.It can be quite embarrassing having a few items that easily accumulate acrid urine smell.This may take awhile for your cat, because that can convert into a hairball and thus, may cause problems on territory markings.
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vanfoodies · 5 years
Where have you booked for Dine Out this year? If you are still deciding, I’m going to start sharing my experiences, whether it’s an invited dinner or out of my own pocket. I was invited as a media to preview the menu at PiDGiN. Their food is a fusion of Asian and French cuisines, and they decorate the interior by rotating artworks by local artists.
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They have designed their $45 DOVF menu to be as close to their regular prix fixe menu as possible, which is a 6-course menu shared family style for a minimum of 2 people. You have the option of a omnivore menu, or a vegetarian one. You can also order drink pairing for an additional $40-50 per person. The Dine Out website didn’t include the vegetarian menu, so I suggest you to visit PiDGiN’s website for the menus, and I’m posting them here as well. Note that the following plates are all meant to be shared by 2 people – they will adjust the portion based on party size.
In addition to the 6-course menu, you can also order snacks a la carte. The Beef Tendon Chicharron was addictive. It’s crispy, and it wasn’t greasy. There was just enough seasoning, and the gochugaru citrus spice reminded me of sour plum flavour, with the tiniest hint of heat.
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They use different vegetables to make their Daily Pickles. On this day, it was cucumber, ume-infused daikon and shitake mushrooms. They were just slightly pickled, so they weren’t overly briny or vinegary.
Before we started with the first course, we also cheered each other with an Oyster Shot. I liked the addition of celery lime granité, which not only brought flavours, but also a refreshing note. This was a cleaner, lighter version than the typical tomato-based oyster shot.
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Moving into the six courses. First, I could smell the delicious scent of Brussel Sprouts as soon as I stepped foot into the restaurant. You can never miss the smell of fried brussel sprouts. I was worried that the miso would be too strong and salty, but it was just right. The pickled turnips, to my surprise, was more sweet than sour. Having a little bit of everything to form the “perfect bite”, it was a good balance of sweet and savoury.
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This was paired with the Masseria Li Veli, Fiano 2018. It’s quite aromatic, citrusy and easy drinking. It helps cut through the grease in the brussel sprouts.
The next course is different between omnivore and vegetarian. The Tuna Tartare was my favourite of the two. It’s more complex in flavour and texture, with the additional pickled napa cabbage that wasn’t on the beet tartare. There seemed to be more going on in the tuna tartare than the beet one.
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I’m a big fan of beets, so I was quite looking forward to the Beet Tartare. By looks, it was on point. It looked like a beef tartare. However I thought it’s a bit one note in flavour and texture. The marinade of the beet was a bit too strong for my liking, so it’s taking away the delicate flavour of the beet. Both tartares were served with crispy lotus chips, and they were so good. Great complement to the tartare.
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The tartare course is paired with one of PiDGiN’s pre-batched cocktails, Park Meadows. It has gin, juniper syrup, yuzu and sage. It’s fruity yet herbaceous, with lots of citrusy note. I’m usually not a fan of gin but I would order this again. It comes in a little bottle and a key as bottle opener. Each bottle’s label showcases a different artwork by artists whom have been featured inside the restaurant. This little bottle serves two.
Next, the Cultivated Mushrooms use baby king oyster mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. The highlight for me was the ramen egg – the yolk was in just the right consistency, and the marinade was a perfect sweet-soy combination. While the baby king oyster mushrooms were tasty, the oyster mushrooms were too salty. The truffle celeriac puree was creamy and fragrant, exactly what you would expect from a truffle puree.
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PiDGiN is known for its extensive list of sake on the menu. For the mushroom course, they pair it with the Tengumai Yamahai. Interestingly, it has an earthy, mushroomy note on the nose. At first sip, there’s actually a savoury flavour to it. It’s not my favourite sake, but it certainly went well with the dish.
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The fourth course also serves up different dishes for omnivore and vegetarian. For omnivore, it’s the Seafood Dashi with sablefish (the website says halibut but it’s sablefish) and side stripe prawns. The sablefish was so good; silky, buttery, flavourful. We had to share the plate among 4 people and I don’t think I had enough. The side stripe prawns were also cooked well – you can still taste the sweetness in the prawns. Another positive in this dish was the mashed potato. It was rich and creamy; and it thickened the broth just a little.
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The Vegetable Oden was also very good. There was an abundance of tofu, cabbage, squash, enoki, wakame, potato and daikon. It’s a hearty bowl of vegetables and felt very much like comfort food. The shoyu-based (soy sauce) dashi broth in both dishes were very good. Given we just had our first snow, it’s perfect for this weather.
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This course was also paired with a sake. The Taiheizan Kimoto. It’s more floral, smoother and sweeter on the palate. I don’t know much about sake, but personally I prefer this one.
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The last savoury course also brought two different dishes. I was quite excited about the Magret Duck Breast. It was tender and cooked perfectly — well seared on the outside and still pink inside. The use of five spice and hoisin glaze added asian flare, so did the Chinese radish cake on the side. My mom makes some great Chinese radish cake for Chinese New Year, with lots of Chinese sausage and daikon prominently in every bite, so I do have pretty high standard for radish cakes. Unfortunately, our piece here was just a bit too salty.
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Being red meat, the duck breast is paired with the Origine small-batch Cab Sauv/Merlot/Cab Franc 2017. It’s fruity, well rounded, full body, but doesn’t have a lot of tannin. I quite enjoyed this wine with the duck.
The Carnaroli Risotto demonstrated the precision in the PiDGiN’s kitchen. How they’re going to manage a perfect risotto on every plate would be the ultimate test for them. The rice was cooked well, it was creamy. It’s nice to see sunchokes prepared two ways here. My mother-in-law grows a lot of sunchokes in her garden, so I really enjoyed its earthy flavour, and it paired well with the risotto. The sunchoke chips also added crunchy texture. I especially liked the spruce tip oil, which added some freshness and herbaceous note to the otherwise heavy dish.
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On the contrary, and thankfully, this isn’t paired with the same red wine as the duck breast. This goes with the Nk’mip Chardonnay 2017.
Lastly, the dessert course. The Yuzu Crème Brulee was a great ending to our meal. Lots of citrusy flavour from the yuzu and just the right amount of sweetness. I loved the creamy texture, and the brulee gave the perfect crack on the spoon. Castelvetrano olive is Mr.’s favourite olive, but I’m not sure about its place in desserts. While I like the idea of sweet and savoury together, the candied olive pieces were a bit too briny for my taste.
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With the dessert course, the Toffee Coffee should be a dessert on its own. It is a miso salted caramel espresso martini. It’s delicious, creamy and rich, and the salt level was just right. A good night cap.
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Final Thoughts
Overall, I think PiDGiN’s menu is solid and of great value for $45 per person. Some are hit and miss, but they are minor things that can be adjusted easily. Given that the menu stays true to their regular offering, Dine Out does serve as a good opportunity for you to experience what PiDGiN has to offer. Being a meat eater, I can see myself enjoy the vegetarian menu just as much.
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PiDGiN 350 Carrall Street, Vancouver 604-620-9400 pidginyvr.com
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[Dine Out Vancouver 2020] PiDGiN: 6-course menu shared family style #DOVF Where have you booked for Dine Out this year? If you are still deciding, I'm going to start sharing my experiences, whether it's an invited dinner or out of my own pocket.
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matcha-chocolate · 7 years
Prompt:  “Your choice of samsteve, sambucky or all caps and adopting! A kitty cat!” by @spooky-redwing ! I know this prompt is literally months old, but I’m going through every single prompt  (except “green zucchini” because FUCK THAT.) The upside of me taking ages to do prompts? People forget all about them and they’re like fun surprise gifts!! Or something!
Their apartment made magazine spreads look like a joke. True, everything was second-hand, because Steve was cheap against being wasteful; and there were several huge bookshelves groaning under the strain of Sam and Bucky’s books; and the kitchen had a truly baffling number of wooden cutting boards, wooden spoons, wooden cups-- because Bucky had a thing for hand-made wooden utensils; and they’d had to change from light to dark decor after Steve’s paint spatters and charcoal smudges made Bucky pitch a fit; and Sam had a whole two shelves just for his records and god help you if you touched them without asking... But if you “pulled up the Googles” (Steve’s words) to look up “eclectic hipster apartment on a budget,” their home would have popped up first. It was a Pinterest addict’s wet dream. It would get dozens of “OMG GOALS” comments on Instagram. It was cozy, it was nicely furnished, and it perfectly reflected the three occupants. And then someone (Bucky. It was Bucky.) left the goddamn window open when all three of them were out on separate missions for a few weeks.
Sam got back first; his missions had been Stateside; something about the changing of the seasons really brought out the weirdo costumed villains. Sam had just fought an embarrassingly short battle against “Leaf-al Weapon,” and aside from general bruising, he’d have to contend with the inevitable YouTube videos of him getting dozens of pinecones fired at him. He’d already gotten messages from Steve and Bucky; Steve would be back that night, Bucky, tomorrow. He’d at least have a good few hours to shower, nap, maybe even finally break open the nice whiskey Director Fury had given him for his last birthday...  The first thing that Sam noticed was that the rain had blown in through the open living room window. The second, was that the place smelled really weird, kinda... fishy? Sam eased his heavy wing pack off his shoulder and heaved a huge sigh before moving over to the window and sliding it partially shut. So much for relaxing -- he spent 20 minutes mopping up the water and praying it wouldn’t fuck up the hardwood too much. He snapped a picture of the mop leaning forlornly against the wall next to the window, sending it in a text to Bucky with the message “Thanks, man.” Okay, maybe skip the shower and go right to the nap part of his plan. When Sam pushed approached his open room door, he reeled back a little. It smelled like... tuna? What the hell? He barely had time to wonder if something had happened to his emergency rations before he got his answer. A pair of eyes glinted in the darkness near the floor, and Sam steeled himself for fighting an angry raccoon (because that was what his life was like nowadays) when a mew pulled him up short. A cat? A cat wasn’t necessarily less dangerous than a raccoon if it was feral and scared, but... Sam liked cats. Sure, he was the Falcon, but he appreciated the way that cats liked you on their terms. He could dig it.  He cautiously flicked on the light and blinked at the intruder. It was small, just a kitten, really. Its coat was grey as the sky outside, the iconic ‘M’ of a tabby on its little forehead.  “Hey, little dude,” Sam said softly. The cat looked away and lifted a leg to clean itself with gusto. “Ah. Not a dude,” Sam amended. He moved slowly, but all the same the cat hunched defensively, its ears flattened. Sam stopped by the closet, not moving any closer to the small animal, and checked the cardboard box in the corner-- ah. Sam had an emergency food stash (they all did; old habits died hard,) and one of the things he always had was vacuum-sealed packages of tuna. It seemed the clever little thing had found it and chewed through the packaging to get to the food inside. That explained what it’d been eating, anyway... but... “You been poopin’ in here, cat?” Sam asked, turning to look at his companion. She’d edged away from him, but was no longer scared-looking, merely blinking at him now. Sam was pretty sure from his experience with his sister’s pets that if the cat had been relieving herself in his room, he’d’ve known immediately. That stuff stank.  Just in case, he checked his room, telegraphing his movements so as to not frighten the cat-- but she seemed to have forgotten about her nerves pretty quickly, because she hopped nimbly onto the bed and just watched him.  “Ooookay, well... you’re weird. Dunno what else I expected,” Sam muttered. After a moment’s thought, he pulled out his phone.  Human foods for cats Sam grimaced as he scanned the results; seemed like most things in the house wasn’t great for cats, especially kittens. Not even cow’s milk was great for them! Sam felt lied to by all those Saturday morning cartoons. He was halfway to Googling “nearby pet stores” when he paused. He should be looking for animal shelters, not a place to buy cat food and cat toys. The object of his deliberations was now sitting loaf-style on his duvet, watching with half-closed eyes. Her tail flicked now and then to show her interest, but otherwise she seemed relaxed.  Dammit, she was cute, big golden-green eyes and a pink little nose. Dammit dammit.  “Stormy,” he murmured, slowly extending his hand for her to smell. He was rewarded with a tentative sniff, which he took to mean she approved of the name.  There was one little problem: their apartment building had a strict no-pets rule. Sam muttered under his breath as he found a soft old sweatshirt, carefully arranging it into a little bed for Stormy.  “Okay, girl... you can sleep here for tonight and tomorrow we gotta find somewhere for you to--” He was interrupted by her looking away from where he was gesturing, putting her chin on her front paws, and closing her eyes.  The cat had gone to sleep in the middle of his sentence. In the middle of his bed.  “No,” Sam said firmly, crossing his arms. The cat didn’t even stir.  “No, you can’t sleep on the bed. No. I’m not getting cat hair on my sheets.” Stormy’s response was to put a paw over her face. Sam felt his shoulders sag; he was tired, he wanted a nap before the whirlwind of energy that was Steve Rogers got home, and this cat had the audacity to be in his bed being adorable. Not okay.  “Okay. You can sleep in here, but you. Are. Not. Sleeping. On. My. Bed.” --- “Sam? Sam, I-- oh.” Steve poked his head into the room through the half-open door and stilled, a fond smile softening his features. Sam was curled up on his side with his back to the doorway, snoring softly. He must have been really tired to have slept through the jingling keys and heavy footsteps that had announced Steve’s arrival.  Steve carefully backed out of the room, closing the door most of the way so that the hallway light wouldn’t bother Sam. Sam didn’t stir, but unnoticed by Steve, a small form slipped from the protective cocoon that Sam had inadvertently formed around her, crept to the edge of the bed and nimbly leapt to the floor. When Sam woke with a start in the early hours of the morning, the little cat was nowhere to be found. He felt surprisingly disappointed; he’d been half-dreaming of jingly cat toys, purring and soft little paws.  After a quick but thorough check, Sam had to admit to himself that she’d probably slipped back out through the open living room window, off to wherever her real home was.  He’d planned to get her a little collar and everything. Dammit. The expression on his face as he settled back into bed was pretty close to a sulk. 
“Mornin’,” Sam yawned hours later, shuffling into the kitchen. Steve, who was frowning at a food package of some kind, looked up with a smile.  “Sam! You’re up. I thought you might miss the whole day, you were sleeping so late.” “It’s 8:30, Steve.” “I know; I’ve been up for 3 hours already.” “I’m so sorry to hear that,” Sam said dryly, leaning in to kiss the side of Steve’s head. “Way back in the 1960s, they invented this thing called ‘sleeping in,’ it’s a real damn shame you never got to try it.” “Wiseguy.” “One of us has to be, Cap. What you got there?” the last question was regarding the large canvas tote at Steve’s feet. Steve glanced down, a strange look of alarm passing over his features before he could school them.  “I got these... uh... hhhhealth snacks. They’re healthy... and you can eat them and-- they’re good!” Steve tore open the package in his hand and popped a few dark green biscuits into his mouth. Sam watched as Steve flinched, grimaced, and chewed like a man eating sawdust.  “Looks... tasty,” Sam deadpanned. Steve nodded, entirely unconvincingly.  “They’re good! And really healthy.” “Tell me one thing, though--” Steve looked strangely alarmed again. “Yeah?” “Are they healthy, though? You’ve only mentioned it 5 times, I think.” “Oh, ha ha, Wilson.” “And anyway, I was asking about all of that stuff,” Sam continued, gesturing again at the shopping bag. Steve bit his lip and shrugged his shoulders in a would-be casual way.  “Oh. I uh--” “Is that... rice?” Sam asked, moving towards the bag. Steve gratefully seized on the assumption, touching Sam’s arm to get his attention.  “Yeah, yes! Yes. Rice! I’m... bringing rice... to the potluck this weekend.” “Rice.” “Yep!” “A bag of rice?” “Ye-- no. No, of course not. I’m... going to watch the YouTune to find recipes?” “Are you asking or telling me, man?” Sam teased gently. He knew Steve was a little bit embarrassed about his horrible cooking skills-- especially since Sam and Bucky could throw down in the kitchen.  “I’m gonna cook a rice dish. For the potluck.” “Okay, baby. I mean... we got plenty of rice here--” “This is special rice.” “O...kay. And that?” Sam asked, gesturing to the large boxy shape straining the seams of the bag. “Is that a--” “Shelving unit!” Steve almost shouted. “It’s. A little bookcase. Got it on sale!”
“Yeah, you’re always saying you need more space for your books,” Sam agreed, smiling fondly. “Sure am. I’m gonna... watch YouTune--” “YouTube.” “YouTube, yes. I’m gonna watch some... in my room. With the door closed. I need to focus. For the recipe.” “Steve, you don’t have to make up some story if you just want some alone time to jerk off, man. We’re all adults here.” “Wh-- I’m not! Not right now! I’m really gonna--” “Mhm. Okay, whatever weirdo stuff you’re doing, have fun.” Sam leaned up to kiss Steve on the mouth, and then made a face.  “Those health snacks taste rank, man.” Sam could have sworn he heard a weird jingling noise as Steve walked away with the bag. --- “Sammy,” Bucky groaned, slumping his considerable body weight on Sam’s shoulder. Sam absent-mindedly pat the top of Bucky’s head, hmmm?ing in response. “I missed you.” “You also missed like 10 showers, Barnes. Jesus.” “I was travelling for a week! No time for luxury.” “Basic hygiene? Not a luxury.” “Yeah, yeah. I’ll shower after you hug me.” “Ohhh, no. Ohhhh no no no no no.” “Take one for the team, Sammy. I been starved for affection and all.” “You were only gone for a month,” Sam grumbled even as he got to his feet and held his arms out to Bucky. “I was gone for a whole month,” Bucky sighed, sinking into Sam’s embrace and breathing him in (Sam was subtly trying not to breathe Bucky in.)  “Okay, I feel better. Thanks, Sammy. I... I really did miss you.” “I-missed-you-too-now-shut-up-and-go-shower.”  Instead, Bucky made a big show of kissing Sam’s neck and jawline, being as noisy as possible while Sam pretended to hate every second.  “Now that I’ve marked you with my scent--” “Aw, nasty.” “--gonna go see how Blondie’s doing.” “Mmm, I wouldn’t,” Sam said thoughtfully. Bucky’s eyebrows crept up.  “Why?” “Steve’s acting weird.” “... gonna have to narrow that one down a little.” “Weirder than usual. I think he wants a little alone time or somethin’.” “Oh. Well-- yeah, okay. I’ll go shower and... you can make me a late breakfast?” “Try again.” “I’ll go shower and we’ll make breakfast together?” “Ding ding ding.”
Steve heaved a huge sigh and then made a face as he smelled his own breath. He’d gotten so caught up in reading the ingredients on the bag of cat treats that he’d had to eat the damn things to hide them from Sam. They were disgusting, and even though Steve had frantically rinsed out his mouth in the washroom, the taste lingered.  “The things I do for you,” he smiled gently down at the small grey cat curled up on his desk. The kitten, which he’d named ‘Slate’ because of her grey coat, raised her head and watched inquisitively as Steve set out the litter box he’d just bought. She sat all the way up when he hefted the small bag of litter (that he’d claimed was rice to throw Sam off) and filled the box, and before Steve had even finished taping the bag shut, she had trotted over to the litter box -- “Oh, wow,” Steve winced, covering his nose. Such a small animal shouldn’t be able to make such a stink, he thought wryly as he slid his window open a little to air out the room. Slate finished her business, kicked litter over it (Steve was relieved) and then became intensely interested in attacking Steve’s shoelaces as he tried to untie his sneakers. He found himself immensely charmed (even though her tiny claws were really sharp.) He’d never thought himself to be a cat person, but she was rambunctious and clearly unafraid despite her small size. He could relate to that.  Listening to her ridiculous mmnyam nyam nyam nyam sounds as she wolfed down kitten food from a bowl Steve had pilfered from their kitchen just made him even more sure. He’d have to find a way to convince the other two to let him keep her. --- Bucky rapped loudly on the door, still towelling his hair from his shower.  “Steve? Hey, Sam says you’re jerkin’ it to some cooking videos or something--” “What?! I’m not!” “--but I’m lettin’ you know I’m back. You coming out soon?” Bucky heard a lot of shuffling and a very quiet “Shhh sh sh sh, be good” and ... decided he didn’t want to know. He was tired and wanted to play grabass have a nice breakfast with his guys. Whatever weird shit Steve was getting up to could wait.  “C’mon, Steve... Sam said he’d make his blueberry pancakes.” Sam didn’t have super hearing, but he still made a sound of protest from the living room, and Bucky corrected himself again. “Sam said I could help him make blueberry pancakes.” Bucky shrugged and was about to turn away from the door when it finally opened a crack, letting out the overwhelming smell of Steve’s scented candle. Steve was wearing a hoodie, which wouldn’t have been unusual except for the fact that it was the middle of summer and the man almost melted into the floorboards if the temperature crept above 30 degrees. He had his hands stuffed into the pouch pocket, looking shifty.  Bucky only took another moment to decide not to ask, yet again. He just wanted pancakes.  Sam, on the other hand, paused in the act of washing blueberries.  “Why the hell are you wearing a hoodie, Steve?” he asked. Steve was already sweating a little and his whole posture screamed I’m hiding something oh god please don’t notice.  “You feeling okay?” he continued, a thread of concern in his voice now. Bucky raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything, knowing the signs when he saw it. Steve had probably gotten a bad tattoo or something, and was waiting for it to fade before the other two saw it. (It wouldn’t have been the first time, sadly.) “Yeah, just a little chilly,” Steve said, entirely unconvincingly. Bucky turned a flat look upon him then, crossing his arms.  “You’re chilly, Steve.” “A little.” “It’s August.” “Sure is! Autumn’s around the corner.” “You’re sweating.” “Because I’m warm now. In the hoodie.” “You think I was defrosted yesterday, Rogers?” “Jesus, Buck.” “What’re you hiding, Steve?” “Yeah, man. You’re fooling exactly no one here,” Sam interjected. His Single Unimpressed Eyebrow Raise couldn’t be beat, and Steve felt the sudden urge to blurt the truth-- partially spurred on by the fact that Slate, hidden in his hoodie, had just nipped hard at his fingers. She wasn’t happy being bundled up like that, but Steve didn’t trust her alone in his room. There were too many electrical cords to chew, too much paint to get into, too many irreplaceable objects to knock off of tables and break. “What’s with the third degree, guys?” Steve asked, scowling a little.  “Okay, fair. If you wanna act like a weirdo, that’s your right,” Sam said reasonably.  Steve was in the middle of agreeing when Sam continued: “But you’re on pancake duty now.” Steve slowly took his hands out of his oddly bulgy pocket and began shuffling over to Sam. Slate, no longer being gently held in place, immediately started squirming; but luckily Bucky was too busy getting the rest of the ingredients to notice, and Sam was measuring out buttermilk with intense concentration.  “You okay, Steve? Really?” he murmured. Steve opened his mouth to say ‘Of course--’ Unseen to the other two men, Slate leapt out of Steve’s pocket and darted down the hallway-- Steve whirled and tried to catch her-- -- and the bag of flour he’d been sifting into the bowl flew into the air, coating almost everything in a fine white powder. Sam, looking oddly artistic with his long eyelashes now dusted a stark white, slowly lowered his measuring cup and just. Looked at Steve.  “I’m going back to bed,” he said calmly. “Because this has to be a nightmare.” “Steve, what the hell was that?” Bucky asked rather less calmly. He’d just washed his freakin’ hair! “Shit-- I’m sorry, guys. I’ll clean it all up, I promise.” “That much is obvious,” Sam said, using his hands to fluff flour from his hair. Bucky grinned at him.  “You finally look your age, Wilson.” As Sam puffed up like an angry cat, Steve quickly scanned the floor for Slate. He saw a clear set of little pawprints in the flour and he hastily used his foot to scuff them, not wanting her presence to be detected.  In the end, the three of them cleaned up the kitchen together, and Steve finally stopped being weird, peeling off his hoodie. Sam declared that shirtless sweaty Steve Rogers was grounds for partial forgiveness for the flour incident. Bucky kept getting distracted; he could have sworn he kept hearing the faintest patter of small footsteps on the wooden floors down the hall.  Steve spent the rest of the evening peering under the couch and in corners, giving entirely unconvincing answers as to what he was searching for. 
Bucky’s eyes shot open and he took a second to remember where he was-- not draped heavily over Sam and Steve in one of their rooms, but alone in his bed. He usually slept alone for the first few nights after returning from mission; as much as he wanted nothing more than to be with the others, post-mission nights also meant nightmares, which meant staying away from the last people he’d want to hurt in a dream-induced panic. It fucking sucked.  But he’d woken up for a reason. He’d had some of Sam’s mama’s special tea to knock himself into a semi-peaceful sleep, so... Someone’s here. He felt his heart rate kick into high gear, his muscles already tensing for a fight. His gleaming metal fingers inched under his pillow, where he kept a large hunting knife, and-- Something small leapt onto the bed and immediately bit his toe. He just barely kept himself from kicking out in terror, realizing quickly that... it was a cat. A kitten, really, small and dark in the dim light from the outside street lamps. What the fuck? Bucky let go of his knife and willed himself to calm down; unless Hydra had really changed their tactics recently, he doubted the cat was here to kill him.  He cautiously moved his foot away from the playful (and sharp) kitten, sitting up in bed to get a better look by flicking on the bedside lamp. It wasn’t very large, but it didn’t seem to know that; it was already crouched for another ‘attack,’ its little tail swishing back and forth restlessly. It seemed to be grey, with dark swirling marks all over its body. It was... kind of cute, actually.  “How the hell’d you get in here?” Bucky muttered, feeling the smallest smile tugging at his lips. He’d always liked cats, had wanted to adopt one-- but he assumed the other two weren’t keen on them; plus, their building had a strict no-pets rule. Bucky was watching Little Grey (he wasn’t the most poetic guy, sue him) prepare to attack his metal hand and hid it under his blanket, thinking that it probably wasn’t great for little kitten teeth. Or any teeth, for that matter. He offered his flesh hand instead, cautiously extending it to her for her to smell. She didn’t hesitate before pouncing on it, all energy and an excess of bravery. She kinda reminded Bucky of Steve and Sam, although Sam would vehemently deny being reckless. Yeah, right.  Soon enough, Little Grey fell asleep with her tiny head cradled in Bucky’s hand, and the idea that something so small and helpless trusted him ... it was almost too much. He watched her little paws twitch as she dreamed, and even when he fell asleep he didn’t move an inch. He didn’t want to wake her. ---  Bucky was spared wondering how he was going to feed the cat in the morning without alerting the others to her presence; the moment Bucky woke, he saw that she was sitting on the edge of the bed watching him. Waiting silently. Kind of creepy, actually.  Maybe the cat was more like him, after all.  Little Grey jumped nimbly to the floor, trotted over to the door, and let out an impatient mew.  “Shhh sh sh sh,” Bucky shushed her. He paused. He’d heard Steve make a similar plea yesterday when he was locked in his room, hadn’t he? The moment Bucky opened the door a crack, the kitten darted into the hallway. He... didn’t know what he’d expected, actually. He almost slipped on the wooden floor; his socked feet didn’t offer much traction as he tried to shuffle after Little Grey.  But it was too late. She’d disappeared into Sam’s room, having taken advantage of the partially open door. Bucky bit his lip and tried to make a hasty plan to scoop her out of there without waking Sam up. It shouldn’t be difficult; Wilson was a fairly heavy sleeper most of the time. If Little Grey could just keep quiet... Of course, she chose that moment to really let loose with a loud myaaaah that Bucky could hear clearly even from the hallway. And then two more loud, high-pitched mews followed.  He sighed and inched forward, already steeling himself to explain her presence.  “Stormy! Hey, you little thing, where’d you get off to, huh? Had me worried.” Sam’s voice rasped from the room, still hoarse with sleep.  Well, that was unexpected.  Bucky pushed open the door to discover Steve and Sam still tangled in the sheets, yawning and barely awake.  “--her name’s Slate,” Steve was correcting Sam. Sam scoffed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with one hand while scooping up the noisy kitten with the other.  “This is what you were hiding yesterday, Steve? Stormy?” “If by ‘Stormy’ you mean ‘Slate,’ then... yes.” Bucky entered the room fully, making the other two look up in varying levels of alarm.  “I can explain,” Steve started. “You left the window open, and I couldn’t kick her out--!” Sam protested. Bucky just shook his head and shuffled over to join them in Sam’s bed. “Her name’s Little Grey,” he said without further explanation. Steve made a face. “What happens when she gets bigger? ‘Little’ isn’t going to make sense...” “And what, ‘Slate’ is better?” Sam snorted. “What is she, nail polish?” The kitten was already playing, chewing on the string of Sam’s hoodie. He wasn’t even pretending to be mad about it, just watching her with a dopey smile. Steve gestured subtly to his phone on the nightstand, and Bucky picked it up and slipped it into Steve’s waiting hand.  Sam didn’t even notice them taking pictures of him cuddling and cooing at Stormy Slate Little Grey the kitten. “Okay, so. She played us,” Sam murmured. “Smart girl.” He looked up at the other two, and, seeing the pleading expression on Steve’s face, handed her over to the blond. She immediately started climbing his shirt, using her sharp little claws, but Steve barely flinched. “So... what now? Bucky asked. “Landlord won’t let us keep her,” Sam muttered. “We just moved here; we’ve got, what, 8 months left on the lease?” Steve sighed, hitching one shoulder higher so that the kitten wouldn’t tumble off. “She can be adopted out real easy, she’s cute...” Bucky offered without any real enthusiasm. There was a long pause.  “I mean... we can Internet search pet-friendly apartments, right?” Steve said moments later.  “Would be easy,” Bucky agreed. They both turned to look at Sam, who was chewing his lower lip and frowning.  “Okay, but one thing. If we’re breaking our lease, and packing up our whole life again for this little cat...” “Yeah?” “I get to name her Stormy.”
34 notes · View notes
shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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A 4WD adventure with basic food prep facilities and limited food storage doesn’t mean you need to go without tasty meals. I’m not suggesting you serve up 3-course gourmet dinners every night, but there are plenty of ways that you can enjoy wholesome, tasty food at camp.
My trips usually take me to beautiful but isolated areas, the sort of place where at the very best you may be able to pick up some fruit or vegetables in a can… yuck! So in order to avoid bland gruel in a pot each night, I have come up with a number of tips to help you prepare quick, easy and tasty camp meals.
I attempt to ensure any meal on my meal plan meets at least two of these requirements:
Easy to cook
Limited ingredients from the fridge
Quick to prepare
On top of this, the following tips are important for long camping and 4WDing trip?
Our Land Cruiser has a full drawer system in the rear along with a decent sized tub for food and a smaller tub for snacks. Any storage solution you use (food packaging included) needs to be of decent quality, as things do get bounced around in the back of a 4WD. Sometimes you can’t avoid glass containers, so pad them out with rubber, tea towels or anything that will absorb the shock.
Items that need cooling
A 12V fridge/freezer in the back of your 4WD makes a world of difference. If your budget doesn’t allow for this then an esky with ice will work for up to a week, which can be quite effective if you apply a few tricks of the trade. You can take fresh meat, have cold drinks and take more perishable items along with you. That said, fridge and freezer space becomes a premium, and you have to do everything you can to fit it all in.
Last year, we travelled for 5 weeks in the Kimberley and split our 55-litre Evakool fridge into a half freezer/half fridge. We managed to take 5 weeks worth of meat in the freezer and picked up fresh produce wherever it was available.
Rather than fresh milk we took about 35 litres of long life milk, as one bottle was running out, we would pop another one in the fridge to cool down.
Taste and nutrition
A tasty meal is a great way to finish a day of adventure, and nutritious food prepares your body for the next. The trick is to find meals that combine taste and nutrition with ease of preparation, preferably containing ingredients that require minimal cold storage. We have made everything from sushi to roast meals, chicken pesto pasta, BBQ’s and teriyaki chicken on our adventures.
Easy dish with plenty of colour. Pilbara, Western Australia.
You won’t be looking forward to a bowl of 2 minute noodles a few days in if that’s all you’ve packed for your trip, not to mention that they are pretty average for your health. Having variety means you’ll look forward to each meal, rather than it just being a means to an end.
Switching up what we eat when is worth considering too. If you don’t plan on leaving the campsite for the day, then it may be easier to prepare a big roast lunch during sunlight hours, and keep dinner simple so there is minimal pack up before departure the next day.
Food with a long shelf life is your friend on a long 4WD trip… food with a long shelf life that does not require refrigeration is your best friend! Think UHT milk, tinned tuna, canned lentils & beans and pretty much anything that is dehydrated or preferably freeze dried.
Bread is a staple that makes food preparation pretty easy, there’s not much you can’t slap between a few slices to make a sandwich, but it just doesn’t last, especially in warmer regions. Any bread we take is consumed during the first few days for lunch, if we want more then we make it on the go, bread baked in a camp oven is pretty special.
Wraps are fantastic alternatives. They last for ages, taste good and can be used with a myriad of fillings. Turkish bread and pizza bases last well too.
Ease of cooking
I try and keep meal preparation to under 30 minutes. Food preparation space is likely to be limited in the campsite. If the meal requires more than 2 pots or pans, it’s too complicated!
You’ll find food tastes better when you are camping anyway, leave the 5-course degustation menu for an evening meal when you are at home!
Fresh seafood
If you can catch it, we are in. From delicious blue manna crabs to fish and crayfish, we eat a huge amount of seafood when travelling. This reduces the need to take as much meat, and you get to eat delicious, fresh seafood instead!
What can you do at home?
Preparation of your food at home will save you a massive amount of time and effort while you are on the road.
1. Repackage and marinate
One of the first things we do when preparing for a long 4WD trip is to remove the packaging and divide food up into the portions required for each meal. This also means you don’t have excess rubbish to deal with and you save on fridge space.
If a freezer is not an option, then vacuum sealing your meat makes it last substantially longer in a fridge. Most butchers will do this for free.
Any meat that is going to be marinated can be done at home before you freeze or vacuum seal it. The marinade has longer to be absorbed, and it’s one less messy job for the campsite!
2. Premix any dry ingredients
Where a meal requires a mix of spices or dried vegetables, combine them in a zip lock bag and label it before you leave. It’s so much easier to do this at home than out bush. And it’s easy to grab it from your food tub when it comes time to prepare your meal.
3. Cook in advance
We always cook a few meals prior to departure. Soup or the mince and sauce ready for a spaghetti bolognese are easy to prepare at home and even easier to warm up on the campfire.
Not a bad set up for dinner with family & friends. Holland Track in Western Australia.
Planning your meals
I hate the thought of being locked into cooking something that won’t satisfy my culinary cravings, so it’s important to allow for some flexibility in your meal plan. For a 3 week trip, we plan for 21 days of breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Plus a few extra meals and some emergency tinned rations. Each morning we consult our taste buds and make sure the ingredients for the chosen meal will be defrosted and made accessible for that night.
For breakfast, we try to keep it fast and simple, and will usually eat cereal or oats. If we have more time, we will do pancakes, bacon and eggs, fruit and custard or omelettes.
Our midday meal is often bread or wraps, with salad, cheese and meat (ham, beef, salami or tuna). Our salad is cucumber, tomato, alfalfa sprouts and mayonnaise. Other options are a cup of noodles or soup, mee goreng, hamburgers or toasties and crackers.
For dinner, you have a huge range of options; Soft tacos, roast beef, sushi, fish and chips (get a chip cutter!), stir-fry, nachos, steak, chicken katsu curry, chops and vegetables, hamburgers, satay chicken, a BBQ, spaghetti bolognese or anything else that tickles your fancy. We will have dessert a couple of times a week, which is usually fruit and custard, golden syrup dumplings, damper or scones.
What food do we take?
Here are some of the more common items found in our fridge and camp pantry.
Tinned food: Beetroot, sweet corn, baby corn, pineapple, mixed fruit, tuna, spaghetti, tomatoes, baked beans and corn.
Fresh produce: Cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, apples, oranges, onions, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, snow peas and baby corn.
Snacks: Nuts, dried fruit, muesli bars, BBQ noodles, fruit.
All this food preparation can be daunting at first. But the more you do it the easier it gets, and the more adventurous you become. The smell and taste of a roast lamb or chicken curry cooked over an open fire is incredibly satisfying, especially when you have planned and prepared it yourself. Take the time to get it right and you’ll have a fantastic holiday.
Everyone seems to have their own camping food hack, what’s your secret to easy food preparation in the bush?
The post Meal Planning for Outback 4WD Adventures appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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elizabethbarbour · 5 years
June 9
June 9th - Free Day/Osaka
After a fun night last night, we had a slower morning today. We got up around 10 and took the train to Osaka. It was about an hour until we arrived but I got to nap a little on the train. The city itself was very pretty and had a blue-green river running through. The sun was shining and the water was twinkling. We followed Lily, our navigator, to the Osaka Castle. On one of the signs there was a pine tree where a famous monk hung his robe. Obviously, we had to go see it for ourselves. After about 30 minutes in the heat, wondering around for the famous pine tree we finally found it. However, there was an entire gondola built for this tree which turned out to be two pieces of what looked like drift wood. Needless to say, we were all very shocked and laughing in our disbelief. Then, we headed over by the actual castle but instead of going in, we all got shaved ice and delicious fried chicken. Next, we made our way to a market known for its street food. A few of us were already worn out by then and decided to take the train home. Once back in Kyoto we got pizza to go and then watched old music videos.
Academic Reflection
Prior to coming to Japan, I watched a Netflix show called Street Food on street food (I know shocking) from various Asian countries and cities. One of the episodes was on Ōsaka. The episode focused on the culture and within that the food. They discussed how Osakans were much more laid back than the rest of Japan. They have what I would relate to a beach town culture. The video featured 3 genders that specialized in various types of food from, takoyaki to broiled tuna cheek.
One of the main venders in the show was Izakaya Toyo. This man had a lifelong dream of opening his own shop and making a family. However, life was unkind to him at times and hindered him from making all his dreams come true. Instead, he has his street food shop and a family of wonderful employees who he gives an inspirational talk to every evening. In his words, “better to be head of chicken than tail of bull.” Toyo had a unique method of cooking. To speed up the process, he took a blow torch directly to the meat. He would dip his hand in water before putting in under the torch to flip the meat. His whole process was mesmerizing to watch. He was also able to take the part of a fish one normally throws out and turn it into his signature dish, broiled tuna cheek.
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The other vendor was Umai-Ya. Their specialty was takoyaki. The little fried batter balls filled with squid are an iconic street food in Japan. The shop featured on Netflix has been making and selling takoyaki for generations, and is also the second oldest takoyaki shop in Japan. The family recipe had been passed down, perfecting it along the way. Umani-Ya’s takoyaki is said to have 5 different textures, making them little bites packed with flavor and deliciousness. Like Izakaya, watching them make their specialty was very cool as they have to rotate the batter in the molds as it cooks and forms.
Since I heard about the media reflection blog post I have wanted to do mine on this Netflix show and Osaka’s street food. I love food. I love trying new food. And I love exploring cultures through their food. I wanted to seize the opportunity to try street food for academic motivations. *wink* I dragged my friends to a market known for fresh produce, souvenirs, and most importantly, street food. Walking through, I immediately smelled and saw all the incredible options. However, my goal was to try something similar to what I saw in the show. Unfortunately, we did not go to any of the venders in the show, but I do not feel too upset about it considering how incredible my food was. The first thing I tried was crab leg. The man took the crab on a stick and set in on a grill and proceeded to use a blow torch! While it was not as extreme as Izakaya’s bear hand under open flame, I was still shocked to see my food cooked this way. The crab was very good and had a sweet glaze drizzled over it. Sadly, I realized I really only like crab with butter and gave it to Kadeen, who liked it very much.
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There was takoyaki stalls that looked tasty but I was weary about buying any. On one of the first days I tried takoyaki and was very surprised and somewhat disappointed with it. The little batter balls were much more doughy than I expected and would have been much better if they were more crispy. Instead, we walked down to a place selling okonomiyaki on a stick. This was truly incredible. It even had a fried egg on top and the magical Japanese mayonnaise that is so so much better than the stuff back home. After devouring that, I got orange juice in an orange as I have been desperate for fresh fruit. Then, I finished off my day of food with soft served cookies and cream ice cream. The place was also selling melon with ice cream on top and had even been featured on tv! In these past four weeks I think I have eaten more soft served ice cream than I have in my pervious 20 year combined.
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Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my day of eating and am so happy to have stumbled across the Netflix show so that I had an excuse to eat my way through Ōsaka.
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quenchmagazine · 7 years
Warning: the following content may be offensive to Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc fans.
When I was a kid, I ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Every single day. One day, I got sick. Suddenly, I couldn’t even stomach the smell of peanut butter. That’s when I discovered cream cheese, black forest ham, egg salad and tuna. It was a revelation and the first milestone in my culinary history. Eventually, I was able to add peanut butter back into my repertoire and I still have the occasional craving today.
Drinking Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc (or any other grape variety) exclusively won’t make you sick (I don’t think). It’s just boring. Truly, I don’t wish to insult these two grapes or anyone who drinks them. They’re great varieties, popular for good reason and even capable of producing profound wines. And I’ve enjoyed many a glass myself. They’re just a bit too ubiquitous. When there are so many other fascinating white wines, why limit yourself to these?
The onus is on you to liven up your wine regime. Summer inspires a sense of adventure so harness it for the benefit of your palate. What’s wrong with some carefree exploration of white wines?
To get you started, here are a few of the white crushes I’ve had over the past year. Some might take a little more searching out but the best things in life often do. Just a word of caution. These aren’t going to taste like Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc. Nor should they. So, if you have been weaned on those, give your palate a chance to adjust. It may take more than one sip to develop an appreciation. While I do believe in love at first sight, sometimes it takes time to cultivate affection. And, who knows? A summer fling might turn into a lifelong love affair. Just don’t make any exclusive commitments.
This is for those smug Chardonnay drinkers who are thinking I’m not going to call them out. Come on, I love Chardonnay as much as you do, but it’s not the only white capable of producing complex, age-worthy, full-bodied white wines. Meet Encruzado. Among Portugal’s dozens and dozens of fascinating native grapes, Encruzado is one of the greatest. It’s grown almost exclusively on the granitic soils of the gorgeous Dão region. Like Chardonnay, Encruzado lends itself to aging in oak and is often described as “Burgundian” when this is the case.
Casa da Passarella Villa Oliveira Branco 2012, Dão DOC, Portugal ($40)
With nine months of aging in used 600-litre oak barrels, the Villa Oliveira is beautifully textured and balanced, with understated apple, savoury pine notes and minerality. If you can get your hands on the region’s insanely delicious Serra da Estrela cheese to go with it, please invite me over.
Germany is a fabulous source of delightful white wines. Beyond Riesling, both its Silvaner and Weissburgunder (Pinot Blanc) beg to be discovered. Recently, producers have been trying their hand at Sauvignon Blanc. But does the world really need another Sauvignon Blanc? Instead, I encourage Germany to focus on the charming Scheurebe grape. A crossing of Riesling and Bukettraube (the second a crossing of Silvaner and Trollinger), it was created by Georg Scheu in 1916 and boasts an exuberant, refreshing personality.
Weingut Paul Weltner Rödelseer Schwanleite Scheurebe trocken 2015, Franken, Germany ($25)
Okay, so the name is a mouthful, but I promise it’s a tasty one. Lovely scents of honeysuckle, tangerine and white currants are followed by flavours of pink grapefruit and passionfruit. Full, dry and succulent, it conjures up the most exotic garden.
If you haven’t taken the Albariño plunge yet, don’t let the summer go by without diving in. From the moderately cool and verdant northwestern region of Rías Baixas, Albariño has been Spain’s “hottest” white for years. For the uninitiated, I fondly describe it as what would result from Viognier and Sauvignon Blanc having a baby by the coast. They didn’t. And while Albariño isn’t related to either, it does recall the aromas of the former and the crisp acidity of the latter with its own brackish twist.
Fillaboa Finca Monte Alto 2014, Rías Baixas DO, Spain ($40)
Fragrant and lively, this single-vineyard offering from the excellent Fillaboa estate boasts nectarine, peach and grapefruit with a touch of honey. Fresh and juicy on the palate, it is carried by a steely backbone and that invigorating salty sea air.
Carricante is an independent soul. While occasionally blended with other grapes, it’s arguably best on its own. This diva is also pretty particular about where it hangs out and is found almost exclusively high up on the slopes of Mount Etna in Sicily. Only an active volcano will do for Carricante, thank you very much. The vines grow amid colourful wildflowers to the hypnotic buzz of honey bees and enjoy a stunning view of the impossibly blue Ionian Sea. It’s difficult to imagine this extraordinary landscape nurturing anything but a remarkable wine. And indeed, the very best become Riesling-like with age.
Benanti Pietramarina 2012, Etna Bianco Superiore DOC, Italy ($35)
Benanti’s Pietramarina bottling is a reference for Carricante. Aromas of anise, honey, broom and chamomile evoke the territory. On the palate, lemon and apricot intertwine with the sea breeze. Finely chiselled, it is assertive in acidity, moderate in alcohol, endlessly elegant and assuredly age-worthy.
France has bestowed the world with most of its popular grapes. Born on Gallic soil, white wines like Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay are now grown in wine regions around the globe. But this wine nation has a few more tricks up her sleeve. Altesse is an obscure yet highly regarded grape from the equally little known region of Savoie. Though not about to start taking over the world, it is definitely worth putting on your radar. (Note wines labelled Roussette de Savoie AOC are made from 100% Altesse.)
Nicolas Gonin Altesse Isère 2014, IGP Balmes Dauphinoises, France ($25)
Nicolas Gonin has dedicated his life to championing Savoie’s long-forgotten indigenous grapes and making the most pure and honest expression of them. His Altesse speaks clearly and profoundly of the area. It’s like inhaling the clean mountain air, replete with forest flowers, herbs and a suggestion of hazelnut. At first rich and layered in the mouth, laser-sharp acid then cuts through.
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As one of Greece’s most popular tourist destinations, Santorini doesn’t really need anything else to recommend it. However, besides the dramatic, breathtaking vistas, this wind-swept island is also ground zero for one of Greece’s most successful white wines. The native Assyrtiko grape has long lived in the volcanic soils. Vines are trained close to the ground in woven basket-like forms to protect them from the relentless gusts and fierce sun, yielding minuscule quantities. Astonishingly, the wines retain impossible acidity for such southern reaches. They are, quite simply, a feat of nature.
Gaia Wild Ferment Assyrtiko 2015, Santorini PDO, Greece ($35)
Smokey nuances greet the nose with judicious use of new oak giving added dimensions of toast and nuts. There is a sun-soaked element to the fruit and a richness of texture, but what really dominates is the tangy acid, lemon balm and saline essence.
Hungary’s claim to fame is Tokaji Aszú, an exceptional, complex dessert wine made from grapes affected by noble rot and aged oxidatively for a number of years in wood. The botrytis-susceptible Furmint variety provides an important base for these divine elixirs with its rapier-like acidity giving balance to the extreme sweetness. However, Furmint’s merits don’t end here and it is becoming increasingly prized for the production of dry wines made from healthy, unaffected grapes. Keep an eye on Hungary, I have a feeling we’ll be seeing more from this country.
Szent Tamás Mád Dry Furmint 2015, Tokaji, Hungary ($25)
The Szent Tamás winery is leading the way in the village of Mád. Owners work with about 100 small landowners in the area to get high-quality clean fruit to make dry, affordable wines from Furmint that will appeal to modern palates. A lean and linear yet powerful white with piercing red apple, elderflower, ginger and mineral nuances.
Muscat of Alexandria
The range of white wines made from Muscat (aka, Moscato) is vast; from bone dry to lusciously sweet, still to bubbly, and various levels of alcohol. There are, in fact, many different Muscat varieties, most of which are related to each other. What characterizes them all is their distinctly floral, sweet-smelling aromas. Allow me to introduce you to Muscat of Alexandria. While most associated with the Italian island of Pantelleria, where it goes by the name Zibibbo, this grape has travelled the world, including Chile.
De Martino Viejas Tinajas Muscat 2015, Itata Valley, Chile ($25)
De Martino crafts a truly unique rendition, which harks back to the ancient origins of this grape. Aged on the skins for months in 100-year-old clay amphorae, it sports a deep orangey hue. Penetrating marmalade, white flowers and nutty hints lead to honey, earth, orange peel and subtle spice on the palate. Dry and even possesses some tannin.
Malvazija Istarska
Malvasia is, quite frankly, another tangled mess of many different varieties all bearing the same moniker. In this case, most are not even related at all. For now, let’s just stick with Malvasia Istriana (or Malvazija Istarska as it is called in Croatia). Native to the Istrian peninsula where Italy and Croatia meet, it is responsible for some of the greatest dry, still examples of wine made from any of the extended group of Malvasias – period.
Coronica Malvazija of Istria 2014, Croatia ($20)
An intriguing nose of dewy roses, fresh grass and white pepper. The palate is vibrant with a pocket of stone fruit, rosewater, orange and sandy seashells. Mouth-watering, palate-cleansing and surprisingly light on its feet but the delicate flavours linger.
Though French by origin, Sémillon has been brashly appropriated by the Australians. They make a particularly singular expression in the Hunter Valley region. Grapes are picked early at fairly low sugar levels, barely reaching 11 percent alcohol when fermented. The wine is then aged in stainless steel and bottled. This might not sound like anything spectacular. And in fact, Hunter Sem can be almost excruciating in its youth (except if you like a bit of pain). But boy, does it transform with age, putting on weight and gaining complexity.
Tyrrell’s Single Vineyard HVD Semillon 2010, Hunter Valley, Australia ($45)
Not a lick of oak here yet seven years of aging has given this wine an appealing toastiness. Lime peel, lanolin, wax and honeyed nuts chime in and are backed by searing acidity. Intense, bold and captivating, it could age for another decade. Or enjoy now with spicy sautéed prawns finished with a generous dash of lime.
Want more white wine? Well, it’s time to start talking about South African whites.
10 white wines you need to try right now Warning: the following content may be offensive to Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc fans. When I was a kid, I ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch.
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