#thinking about this again and the fact they highlighted the moments their eyes met and that rayquaza seemed to recognize them
amelikos · 3 months
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Rayquaza, Liko, Amethio, eyes meeting.
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just-aake · 10 months
Widow’s Charm
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha finds herself falling for Tony’s new lab assistant and weapons technician.
Warnings: fluff
Words: 3322
Natasha walks down the hallway towards Tony’s lab, holding her widow bite gauntlets in her hand. Typically, she would have just sent them down to be repaired, but an unexpected mission came up which means she needs them fixed sooner rather than later. Reaching the entrance of the lab, the doors slide open for her as she enters.
“Hey Tony, can you fix–,” Natasha stops when she notices someone else working in the lab.
You look up from your work table at the new voice in the room and see the Black Widow staring at you curiously. You have been working at the Avenger’s Compound as the new weapons technician as well as Tony’s lab assistant for the past few months. 
Since then, you’ve met all of the other Avengers already except for the mysterious Black Widow, though you have repaired some of her equipment that she had sent down previously. 
Tony tells you that she prefers to keep to herself, which you can understand. You settled with the fact that you may never meet her in person, so it is a small shock to see her standing in front of you.
Putting down your tools, you wipe your hands on your apron and walk over to her. Extending your hand to her, you give her a polite smile as you introduce yourself.
“Hello, my name is Y/n L/n. I’m the new weapons technician and Mr. Stark’s assistant in the lab. How can I help, Ms. Romanoff?” 
A small surprised smile forms on Natasha’s face at your words. Intrigued to learn more about you, she raises her hand to yours in greeting.
“Hi, you can just call me Nata–.” 
“No, no, no!” A voice yells from down the halls outside of the lab.
Tony comes rushing into the lab, breathing heavily. Looking around frantically, his eyes widen at the two of you. He rushes over to you quickly, grabbing you by the shoulders, and pushing you away from Natasha and out into the hallway. 
“I need you to go get the thing from Pepper,” he tells you.
“What thing?” you ask in confusion as you turn back around to him.
He gives you a brief wave before pressing the button on the side, shutting the lab doors in your face.
For a moment, Tony remains standing by the door, tensed as he purposely avoid looking at Natasha. Then, in the next second, his entire body suddenly relaxes, and he moves casually over to his workstation. 
“FRIDAY, what’s the plan for today?” Tony asks.
“The parts for the new repulsors arrived today, sir,” the AI voice replies.
“Great, get those plans pulled up for me, will you?”
Natasha blinks at the lab doors as she tries to process what just happened. She turns to Tony, looking for an explanation.
“What the hell was that Tony?” she exclaims.
Tony looks at her with his eyebrows raised.
“What was what?”
“You just suddenly pushed Y/n out of the room.”
Tony's mouth presses into a tight line as he gives her a confused look. “Never heard of her. Was there somebody here FRIDAY?”
“No, sir.” 
Tony nods back at her with a satisfied look.
Crossing her arms, Natasha was about to argue when the lab doors opened up again. 
Pepper walks into the room towards Tony.
“Y/n said you told her to get a ‘thing’ from me?”
Tony lets out a groan as he hangs his head. Sighing, he gestures to Natasha.
“Y/n met Natasha.” 
Pepper lets out an exasperated sigh.
“Really, Tony? We talked about this. You can’t place all the blame on her.”
Natasha raises her hands to get their attention. “Can somebody please explain to me what’s going on?”
Pepper turns to her, a small apologetic look on her face.
“Tony thinks you are the reason why his assistants keep quitting.”
Natasha frowns at the accusation. “How is that my fault?”
Tony scoffs in disbelief. “FRIDAY, pull up the timeline.” 
A holographic screen pops up between them showing the past year with certain dates highlighted. Tony points to one of the earliest dates in the year. 
“Avery Grayson. She met you on her second day on the job. A week later she asks you out but you decline. She turns in her resignation the following week.”
Natasha raises her eyebrows at the information.
“That doesn’t prove—“ 
Tony interrupts her, “Quinn Turner. She confesses to you a month after your first interaction. Gets turned down too and then quits three days later.”
Tony brings up the two most recent dates.
“Same thing with Riley and Harper. It’s a pattern. They meet you, fall for you, get rejected, and then quit.”
Natasha looks over at Pepper, silently asking if he was serious. In response, Pepper gives her a resigned nod as she rubs her head tiredly.
Tony gets her attention when he points at her accusingly.
“Do you know how hard it is to find competent people who know how to handle this level of equipment?”
Natasha lets out a huff of disbelief, crossing her arms. She remembers his previous assistants. To be honest, most of her interactions with them were completely professional. She didn’t get close to any of them personally or showed any romantic interest, which made each of the confessions surprising to her. 
Still, this doesn’t explain what he was trying to do with you. She raises her eyebrow at him.
“So your plan was to what? Hide your new assistant from me forever?”
“Not forever. Just until I can find someone for her so that she doesn’t fall for you.”
Natasha rolls her eyes at his ridiculousness. Focusing back on her original intention, she places her widow bite gauntlets on the work table.
“Can you just fix these for me? I have a mission in a few hours.”
“Fine, but you stay away from my assistant,” he warns.
Natasha heads toward the exit and waves her hand, dismissing his words. It’s not like she intends to make you fall for her, but she has to admit that she is interested to learn more about you. 
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
You look up from your sketches at the sound of the lab door opening and see the Black Widow stroll into the room. You give her a smile in greeting.
“Welcome back, Ms. Romanoff. Are you looking for Mr. Stark?”
She walks over to your workspace, leaning slightly against the table as she looks at you.
“Actually, I was coming to see you, and you can just call me Natasha. We got interrupted the last time we met.”
Nodding your head, you laugh softly at the memory.
“Pepper explained to me what that was about.” You give her a teasing suspicious look. “So are you here to make me fall for you?”
Natasha gives you an amused smile. Most people don’t usually get comfortable around her so quickly. 
“Only if you want to,” she says nonchalantly.
You chuckle at her response.
“Unfortunately, you won’t be hearing a confession from me soon. I like my job here.” 
Natasha feels a tinge of disappointment at your words, her smile dropping slightly. You don’t notice though since your attention had drifted to the widow bite gauntlets on her wrists.
“Speaking of, did you want me to take a look at that?” You can see that there was some damage from a fight probably during her recent mission.
Glancing down, Natasha shrugs. “I can do it later myself.”
“Well, that explains why I don’t see your stuff across my desk that often.” You raise your hand out to her anyway.
She stares at you curiously before slowly placing her hand in yours.
You let out a small laugh at her action. “This is nice, but I actually want the gauntlets.” You hold her hand gently in yours before turning it around to reach the clasp on the weapon.
Natasha tilts her head as she observes you. You were focused but gentle as you worked, and you didn’t show any signs that you were intimidated by who she was. In fact, you were pretty cute as you scrunch your face in concentration. She decides to tease you a little.
“You know, I don’t usually let people take things off my body until at least the second date.”
You remove the second gauntlet from her other wrist with a start before you see the teasing smirk on her face. You let out a small huff before refocusing your attention on your table.
“I see what Mr. Stark means when he said you were charming.”
Natasha raises an eyebrow. “Oh? And what else did he tell you about me?”
“That you didn’t like meeting new people, though now I think that may have been a lie.”
Natasha shrugs before leaning in a little closer to you.
“It’s sort of true. I just prefer to meet people that I’m interested in.”
You turn away from her to hide the smile on your face, pretending to look for some tools. 
The lab doors slide open as Tony walks in while reading the tablet in his hand. Looking up, he sighs sadly when he sees Natasha next to you.
“Did she get to you already?”
You give him a reassuring look. “No confessions from me. Natasha just needed some things fixed.”
Tony stares at the two of you doubtfully before pointing to Natasha.
“Don’t you have reports to do or something?”
Rolling her eyes, Natasha stands to leave. She turns to you with a soft smile.
“I’ll come visit more often now that I know you exist.”
You bite your lips to hide your smile as you watch her leave. 
As Natasha exits the lab, she hears Tony’s voice call out.
“FRIDAY, can you restrict her access to the lab?”
���I’m afraid Ms. Potts has already denied that request, sir.”
Natasha smirks at the AI response. She should get something for Pepper later as thanks.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
As she said, over the following weeks, Natasha visits you often in the lab. Sometimes with some equipment that needed to be fixed. Other times just to talk. Later, when she finds out that you usually eat your lunch in the lab, she would also join you if she had the time. 
You look up when you hear the doors open, already knowing who to expect. Natasha walks in, waving the take-out bag in her hands.
You groan in relief at the sight of her. “You are a lifesaver.” 
You stand and grab the food from her eagerly before moving it to an area where the two of you can eat.
Natasha sits on the edge of your work table as she watches you set out the food.
“Well, I know how you get absorbed into your work and forget to eat,” she tells you knowingly.
Her eyes glance at the papers on your desk that you were previously working on. Most of them had rough sketches of designs for some of the equipment of the other Avengers. Her name on one paper catches her attention. Picking it up, Natasha examines the details curiously. 
At the sudden silence, you glance up at her. You do a double take when you realize what she was looking at.
Over time, as you worked on her equipment, you’ve noticed that her current suit’s belt doesn’t hold much ammo or gadgets, so you had sketched some ideas that you had for her.
“That’s just some ideas of some upgrades that I had. It’s not really anything worth looking at.” 
Natasha shakes her head in disagreement before handing the paper back to you.
“I like it. I’m sure Tony will get you the parts that you would need if you want to work on it.”
“Really?” you ask her, astonished.
She nods at you reassuringly before pushing you back towards the food.
“We can discuss it later, but first, let’s eat.”
A few weeks later, you completed your first prototype, and you were excited to show Natasha and test it out.
Natasha admires the new belt on the table. It was still slim and compact, but she can see where you had added extra slots for her weapons. You also included her signature red symbol on the buckle.
You were practically buzzing with excitement.
“I just need to see if there needs to be any more adjustments with the sizing.”
Without thinking, you grab her hand to pull her closer to you. You move quickly as you remove her current belt. Taking the new belt, your hands wrap around her waist as you grab one end before bringing it to her front and snapping it into place. You fidget with the belt, checking for any snags or looseness, totally absorbed in your work. 
Natasha’s initial surprised expression melts into an amused and fond look on her face as she watches you. You were adorable when you concentrated on your work, and honestly, she’s not sure how much longer she can hold in her feelings for you.
After performing your final checks and detailing little changes that needed to be adjusted, you suddenly froze when you realized Natasha hadn’t said a word since you started. 
Your eyes widened, mortified when you see your current position. Your body had moved closer to Natasha’s when you were making adjustments. One of your hands was still placed atop the belt while the other was resting against her stomach, and you could feel her toned body underneath your hand. You swallow nervously as you look up at her.
She tilts her head at you as you continue to stare at her.
“Everything okay?”
The closeness between your bodies was making it hard for you to think. Eventually, you were able to get your brain to function enough to respond.
“Yeah…all good.” You unconsciously lick your lips out of embarrassment.
You see Natasha's eyes flick down to your mouth at the action, and you feel your face heat up even more. You should definitely step away from her now. As you go to move, Natasha’s next words causes you to stop in surprise.
“Would you like to go out with me?”
Your eyes widen at her question, and you see a hopeful expression on her face as she waits for your response. Instinctively, you want to say ‘yes’ and close the distance between you two, but you stop yourself, hesistating. 
Natasha sees the conflicting feelings on your face, so she decides to ease the pressure a little with some teasing. 
“You know, according to Tony’s theory, since I’m the one who confessed, a rejection would mean that I would need to quit my job.”
You can't help but laugh at her reasoning before giving her a playful smile, teasing back. 
“Well, we can’t have the Black Widow quitting over a failed confession.”
Natasha places her hands on your waist, pulling you in closer. She tilts her head at you in question.
“I haven’t failed yet. Technically, you never gave me an answer.”
You move your arms to wrap around the back of her neck as you pretend to think about your decision.
“So I still get to keep my job?”
Natasha nods reassuringly. “For however long you can stand working with Tony’s ego.”
You give her a fond smile.
“Then yes, I would love to go out with you.”
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
Tony was throwing you a party to celebrate your first anniversary since working with the Avengers and him, even though you insisted that it wasn’t necessary. He disagrees, saying how nobody has lasted this long, so you relented.
Naturally, you went with Natasha as your date since you have been dating her for several months already. The only problem is that you forgot to update Tony about your new relationship.
When the two of you enter the party, Natasha leans down and whispers next to your ear, “I’ll go get us something to drink.”
With a light touch against your back, she walks away toward the bar. 
You are lost in your thoughts as you admire her walk away, so you are startled when Tony slides in front of you, excitement in his eyes.
“Y/n! Good, I found you.”
You smile at him, used to his frantic energy by now.
“Hello, Mr. Stark, was there something that you needed?”
He waves his hand dismissively at you.
“This party is for you, and you’ve been working with me for a year now. I’ve told you to just call me Tony.” 
You give him an apologetic look before asking him curiously.
“You said you were looking for me?”
Tony claps his hands at the reminder.
“Yes, I want you to meet someone. She’s a nice person, has a great personality, and she works as a pilot.”
You raise your hand to try and stop him. “I already have some—“
“Oh, here she is!”
You give him a tight smile as the woman approaches the two of you. Tony pats you on the back in encouragement, turning to leave.
“Alright, I’ll leave the two of you alone.”
“Wait, Tony—,“ you try to stop him, but he rushes away. Turning back to the woman, you give her a polite smile as she introduces herself.
Meanwhile, Natasha was standing at the bar, waiting for your drinks.
“I am the greatest boss ever,” Tony exclaims, sliding in next to her.
Natasha rolls her eyes at his words. Deciding to indulge him while she waits, she asks him to explain.
“How’s that?”
“I just found the perfect date for our favorite weapons techie.”
Natasha frowns when she realizes what he said. Turning around to look at where she left you, she sees that you were currently talking with a beautiful woman. 
Her posture relaxes when she reads your body language. You had a polite smile on your face as you listened to the woman, but she could see how tense your body was, and your hand at your side kept fidgeting with your dress. 
“Now I don’t have to worry about her falling for you,” Tony says smugly.
“No, we wouldn’t want that,” Natasha smirks as she turns back around to grab the drinks that the bartender just placed in front of her. 
Tony notices the two drinks in her hands and raises his eyebrows at her.
“You have a date?”
Without explaining further, she heads back toward you. By the time Natasha reaches you, the other woman was already turning to leave, nodding at Natasha in acknowledgment. 
You let out a breath of relief as Natasha comes back to your side. Thankfully, the woman was understanding when you explained the situation to her. 
Natasha hands you your drink as she returns her hand around your waist, pulling you against her. She sighs in disappointment as she watches the woman leave.
“Here I thought I had the chance to be a hero and save you.”
You give her a teasing smile. “Maybe next time.” 
Natasha presses a soft kiss to your lips in response before pulling away.
You tilt your head curiously at her. “What was that for?”
Natasha gives you an affectionate look.
“First, because I love you.” 
Her expression shifts into a smirk.
“Second, is Tony freaking out?”
You look over her shoulders at the bar and see Tony gaping at the two of you, pointing accusingly at Natasha while Pepper holds him back from rushing over.
You turn back to her, giving her an amused look.
“He’s going to lock you out again.”
Natasha just shrugs, unbothered. “He can’t keep me away from you.” She raises her eyebrows suggestively at you. “He also can’t stop you from visiting me in my room during your breaks.”
You push her lightly before bringing her face close for a kiss.
When you accepted this job, you never thought you would end up in a relationship with the Black Widow. Then again you never imagine that she would end up falling for you.
~~~~~~~ ⧗ ~~~~~~~
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itadorey · 9 months
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pairing: fushiguro megumi x gn!reader summary: six times megumi gets caught staring at you and the one time you get caught staring at him. genre: fluff, fluff, fluff, friends to lovers. no angst here, originally a 5 +1 but i added another scene so it's a 6 +1. notes: a repost from an old blog, some scenes changed. nobara is a nosy wingwoman. mentions of minor injury, canon-typical violence, follows the season 1 storyline loosely. gojo + shoko being nosy as well. wc: ~6k
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Fushiguro Megumi is many things. To begin with, he's a talented jujutsu sorcerer, proven time and time again by the missions he gets sent on. He's also intelligent, observant not only in battle but also when it comes to others, always able to tell when something's wrong. However, his most noticeable trait, according to Itadori and Kugisaki, is that he's extremely secretive.
It's not a bad thing, not to him. There are better things to do with his time than sit and discuss his life story with his classmates, even though he thinks that Gojo might say otherwise just to piss him off.
Besides, keeping details about his life private means that no one can use any of his weaknesses against him. And that's especially handy considering that one of his weaknesses is you.
He's not exactly sure when it started. Maybe it was the day that Gojo sent him to pick you up at the train station alone, claiming that he had important business to attend to and that it was the least that Megumi could do considering the fact that Gojo had been going on so many missions lately.
Or maybe it was the day the two of you had been assigned your first mission together. You had been kind to him even when he remained cold and silent, eventually catching onto the fact that he didn't want to make small talk before switching the conversation to the mission at hand.
He had been mildly surprised when you came up with a foolproof plan to exorcise the curse, and the mission had gone according to plan with the exception of a gash on his upper arm. When you had knelt down to check on him, you had gently brushed him off, smiling widely as you complimented his technique and pet one of his divine dogs.
"Come on, let's get you back so that Shoko can check that out," you had said, gently grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet. He had stumbled slightly upon standing, prompting you to wrap an arm around his waist to try and steady him. "Are you alright, Fushiguro?"
In that moment, Megumi couldn't stop the light blush that dusted his cheeks as he pulled away slightly, stating that he was fine and ready to go. Neither one of you chose to mention the fact that his hand didn't leave yours on the way back to Jujutsu Tech.
Ever since that day, he seemed to be hyperaware of your presence. If he was busy training with the upperclassmen and you happened to walk by, he knew. And he often ended up getting knocked down on his ass because of it. It bothered him to no end, and yet he couldn't bring himself to say that he hated it. Seeing your smile quickly became the highlight of his day, and he often found himself staring at you whenever you were around him.
Much like he was doing so at the moment.
"Eh? Fushiguro, what are you doing?" Nobara asks, leaning over to catch a glimpse of his face. Megumi scowls as Nobara's face comes into view, tearing his eyes away from where you were standing a few feet away with Maki.
"Nothing," he replies instantly, shoving his hands into his pockets as Nobara keeps talking. She goes quiet when Maki calls out both of their names, being met with a grin from her as she throws an arm around your shoulder.
"Good news!" Maki proclaims, smirking at the approaching first years. "I've just found our last team member for the exchange event. From now on, they'll be training with us."
Nobara cheers loudly as Maki gives you a friendly pat on the back, the two girls walking off towards the field and leaving you alone with Megumi. He meets your eyes as you approach him, a teasing smile on your lips as you elbow him lightly.
"How lucky are you?" you tease as the two of begin to follow after Maki and Nobara. "Now you get to see my pretty face more often!"
"That's the problem," Megumi mutters as he came to a stop, sighing softly at your statement. He could already feel himself getting distracted during training, and he didn't want to think about the punishment that Maki would surely give him is he allowed himself to get distracted at the actual event.
"What was that?"
He straightens when he hears your voice, shooting you a strained smile as he catches up with you. "Hmm? Nothing."
You give him a funny look as you start walking again, the two of you being met with the sight of Panda and Nobara facing off against each other as you approach the field. A giggle escapes your lips as you watch Panda toss Nobara around, and Megumi can't stop the fond smile that spreads across his face as he watches you.
"Well, that fight's over," Maki says with a grin before motioning to you. "You're up."
"Against who?" you ask, shrugging off your jacket and letting it drop to the floor. The grin on Maki's face turns almost evil, and Megumi fights off a shiver as she shifts her gaze towards him.
"Against Megumi. Who else?"
Megumi trudges towards you as Nobara and Panda arrive at Maki's side, and he finds himself growing tense at the thought of fighting against you in front of everyone.
"Excited?" you ask, a grin present on your face as you stretch your arms. Megumi responds with a silent nod, feeling his cheeks grow warm as you study him from head to toe before nodding to yourself.
"Are you two ready?" Maki shouts, arms crossed as she looks at the two of you. The two of you give her a thumbs up, and she nods at the sight before waving a hand. "Begin."
To say that Megumi is shocked when you manage to take him down in less than five minutes would be a lie. Everyone else however, is surprised at the outcome and Megumi can't hide the embarrassment on his face as he walks back to the sidelines. He comes to a stop when Maki grabs his arm gently, pulling him close to whisper in his ear before he can get too far.
"I hope that your personal feelings won't be an issue the actual day of the tournament."
Megumi pauses, scowling at her and ignoring the smirk on her face before pulling away and taking a seat a few feet away. His eyes remain on you for the rest of training, and he does his best to ignore the fact that he can feel Nobara's curious gaze burning into him.
"You're doing it again," Nobara sings, bouncing up to Megumi when the training session ends. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you were staring at them the whole time."
"Good thing you know better then," Megumi bites back, hoping that Nobara hasn't noticed the way he flinched at her words. (She has.) Nobara laughs as she pushes past Megumi, walking up to you and proceeding to strike up a conversation. The two of you look over at Megumi before turning back to each other, causing Megumi's heart to speed up the slightest bit. He watches as you walk past him, giving him a soft smile as you made your way to the dorms.
Nobara gives him a simple thumbs up as she trails after you.
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Things had been... complicated since Yuuji's death, and neither Megumi, Nobara, or you had found the time to truly sit around and mourn.
Training for the exchange event had taken up more time than you care to admit, and you were slightly disappointed at the fact that you hadn't even gotten the chance to truly say goodbye to your friend.
But luckily, the students from Kyoto were a good distraction.
"What kind of woman is your type? Hurry up and answer, if you prefer men that's fine too."
The silence that follows Todo's words is awkward, and you can't help the way your cheeks heat up when Megumi's eyes drift over to you. Todo follows Megumi's line of sight, eyes taking your features before he nods firmly and turns back to face Megumi.
"I don't have a particular preference," Megumi says before Todo can speak. "As long as they have an unshakeable character, I won't ask for more."
"Not a bad answer!" Nobara chimes, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you contemplate his words. "If you had said something like 'big boobs', I would've killed you."
The snort that leaves your lips brings Megumi's attention back to you, and the way his eyes soften as he watches you giggle at Nobara's words doesn't slip Todo's attention.
"I knew it! You're boring, Fushiguro," Todo proclaims, his chest puffing up as he approaches the shorter boy. Once he's close enough, he lowers his voice, granting him the courtesy of not having you hear his next words. "You spend all your time admiring them from afar, but I doubt you'll ever actually make a move."
Megumi bristles at Todo's words, opening his mouth to speak before getting thrown back by a powerful punch.
"Megumi!" you cry out, trying to rush over to him before being stopped by Nobara's cry. You turn to see her being held tightly by Mai, her pistol aimed at Nobara's side as she pulls her close.
"Move and I shoot," Mai says, smirking as she sees the irritated look on your face. You glance back at Megumi for a split second before lunging at Mai, causing her to release Nobara as she reels back at your sudden action. You manage to grab Mai's waist, pushing her down to the ground and falling on top of her at you try to snatch her weapon.
A knee to the stomach has you grunting, and you find yourself rolling over to avoid another strike from her. By the time the second years show up, Nobara has Mai's hair clutched tightly in her hand, earning an amused smile from Maki as she swiftly breaks up the fight. You check on Nobara first, and once you make sure that the only damage she took was to her ego, you set out to locate Megumi.
You pause slightly when you see him, walking alongside Panda and Inumaki with a slight limp, before you sprint over to his side. You immediately begin to fuss over him, reaching up to wipe away the blood that was dripping towards his eyes with your sleeve.
"Megumi! Oh my god, are you okay?" you ask softly, cupping his face with your hand and turning his head side to side to look for more injuries. Megumi slouches slightly to give you a better look, unwilling to swat you away as you mutter your concerns out loud. "Do you need anything? Water, or maybe some medicine. We should visit Shoko."
Silence ensues as the three of you await Megumi's response, but his eyes remain on you as you give him an expectant look.
"Mustard leaf," Inumaki's voice breaks the silence, and Megumi shakes his head lightly as he pulls away from you to look at his upperclassman. Inumaki's eyes are slightly crinkled, and Megumi can tell that Inumaki is smiling at the scene that had just played out in front of him.
"Oh my god, you're right," You say to Inumaki before turning back to Megumi. "What if you have a concussion?"
"I don't have a—"
"Salmon," Inumaki chimes in, cutting Megumi off as he nods along with you.
"You're right," you sigh, grabbing Megumi's hand in yours before turning around. "That blank stare was a little worrying. C'mon, we need to get you checked out."
Megumi shoots one last look at Inumaki and Panda, a little peeved off with the sudden turn of events. The only thing he's met with are the snickers of both second years, along with a thumbs up from Panda. Inumaki simply gives him a playful wink, sending him a wave as you drag him away.
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"You know, if you keep staring at them, they're going to think you're a creep," Nobara says, interrupting Megumi's thoughts as she plops down on the step next to him. He tries his best to ignore her, giving up when she leans over and plucks the book he was holding out of his grasp, tossing it to the side with a small huff.
"I was reading that," Megumi hisses, a scowl making its way onto his face as he leans over to try and grab it.
"No you weren't, you were holding it upside down" Nobara scoffs, ignoring his mildly horrified look as she pushes him back into his seat. "Now spill. Why do you keep staring at them?"
The large grin on Nobara's face lets Megumi know that she already knows why he's acting like this; she just wants to hear him admit it. He refuses to speak, leaning back on the steps they're sitting on and crossing his legs. He looks off to the side, grunting softly when Nobara begins to poke his cheek.
"Fushiguro! I'm talking to you, don't be rude," she whines, gasping when his hand comes up to envelope her face to try and push her away. She struggles against him, failing miserably and only stopping when you approach.
"I'm sorry, I need to pass through," you say, stifling a laugh as they freeze. The two of them scramble up from their seats when they realize they've been blocking the entire pathway, bowing their heads slightly in apology as you pass by. You nod in thanks, your lips twitching as you give them an amused look. You come to a stop when you notice the book lying on the ground, picking up before turning back to face Megumi.
"This is a good book!" you chirp, your eyes lighting up in recognition as you gently dust off the cover. You hold it out to Megumi, waiting for him to take it from your hand. "It's one of my favorites."
He stares at you for a few seconds, and you find yourself shifting your weight from one foot to another as you wait for him to take the book from you. Nobara springs into action when it becomes clear that Megumi isn't going to move, grabbing the book from you as she chuckles softly.
"It is a good book!" she agrees, smiling a little bit too widely as you nod in agreement. You look back at Megumi, opening your mouth to speak before pausing and turning around.
"Well I'll see you two later," you say, waving to the two of them before walking away. As soon as you're out of sight, Nobara smacks Megumi with the book in her hand, effectively breaking him out of his daze. He gives her a glare, huffing lightly when she shoves the book into his chest.
"You're pathetic," she mutters, walking off in the same direction you had. Megumi sighs before taking his seat once more and cracking open his book.
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"That's a really nasty bruise."
You're met with silence as you move through the infirmary, grabbing the first aid kit, before turning back to face Megumi. His eyes are still focused on the ground when you step closer to him, causing him to jolt as you let yourself settle in between his legs. He swallows harshly when your hand comes up to cup his cheek, tilting his face up towards you to get a better look at him.
"You need to start being more careful," you chide, using an alcohol pad to wipe at his face. You give him an apologetic look when he winces, and his eyes dart up to your face when you pull your hand away slightly.
"It's fine, you can continue," he says quietly, leaning into your palm when it returns to its previous spot. He watches the way you bite your lip in concern, your eyebrows furrowing as you gently brush his hair out of his face.
"You're injured too," he comments, his eyes tracing over the faint bruising on your jaw.
"I'm fine, I was with Toge," you retort, letting go of his face to grab some ointment.
"Toge?" Megumi asks absentmindedly, wondering when you had gotten on first-name basis with the second year. He tenses when you tilt his head back up again, the focus clear on your face as you do your best to gently apply the cool gel to his face.
"Yeah," you respond, pushing his hair back again to get better access to the gash on the crown of his head. You freeze for a moment when you catch his eye, shaking your head lightly before focusing on the injury. "I wasn't alone during the tournament but you were. You fought Kamo all on your own."
"I did," Megumi mutters, his eyes still on your face even when you pull back slightly. His lips twitch when he sees your mildly irritated look, speaking the first words that come to mind. "Were you worried about me?"
Megumi watches as your eyes widen briefly before you compose yourself, nodding softly as you reach for some band-aids. "You're pretty reckless, y'know? You can't blame me for being worried, especially after what happened with Todo."
You don't miss the way Megumi winces at your words, thinking about his confrontation with the older boy. He starts to turn his head away, only to be stopped when your other hand comes up to his cheeks to keep him in place. He holds his breath as you study him, feeling vulnerable under your intense gaze.
"Promise me," you finally say, breaking the silence. "Promise me you'll at least try to be more careful."
"I promise," Megumi murmurs, releasing the breath he had been holding. You nod in satisfaction before finally separating yourself from him, turning to put the first aid kit back in its place. Neither one of you notice that Shoko has been leaning against the doorframe the entire time, observing the two of you as you tended to his wounds.
She watches you flit around the space, putting things back in their proper places as Megumi watches. There's an awestruck look on his face as you talk about something random, trying to fill the silence as he mindlessly hums in agreement with whatever you're saying. It isn't until Shoko actually takes a step into the room that Megumi finally registers her presence, and she watches with thinly-veiled amusement as his cheeks flood with color.
A smirk pulls at her lips as she takes note his bandaged injuries, and she can't help the playful lilt that tinges her words as she finally speaks.
"I was told that Megumi had been injured and needed my help but I can see that you've been well taken care of."
"Shoko!" you yelp, whirling around and leaning against a table as you give her a flustered wave. "When did you get here?"
"A couple of minutes ago," Shoko confesses, schooling her features as she approaches Megumi. She studies him for a minute before turning back to you. "You did a really good job. He's free to go if he doesn't want me to use my technique on him."
"Well, I'll leave you two to discuss that," you say laughing nervously as you inch towards the door. "Bye Shoko! I'll see you later, Megumi!"
Shoko snorts when she sees the way Megumi tries to hide a smile at your use of his first name, shaking her head before slipping on a pair of gloves and prodding at the bruising on his jaw.
"Are you okay, kiddo?" she asks flatly, watching him closely for any signs of discomfort. He grumbles under his breath before pushing himself to his feet, nodding his head in response to Shoko's question.
"'m fine," he grunts, earning a skeptical look. He sighs after a few seconds, crossing his arms when Shoko doesn't back down. "I promise I'm okay. I don't need you to heal me. Can I go now?"
"Sure," Shoko concedes, stripping off her gloves and throwing them into the trash. "If you feel any pain or discomfort you know where to find me."
Megumi nods once before making his way towards the door, pausing in the doorframe to send Shoko a wary look.
"Don't tell Gojo anything," he warns lowly, shoulders tense as she shoots him a blank look.
"I won't."
Megumi gives her a thankful look before leaving the infirmary, and Shoko merely smiles to herself before whipping out her cell phone.
Gojo was going to have a field day when he heard about everything she had witnessed.
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"I still don't understand why we have to be here," Megumi grumbles, exasperation laced in his words as he trails after Gojo. Your so-called teacher had pulled you, Megumi, Yuuji, and Nobara out for a day in the city, claiming that he wanted to see how much all of you had improved. It wasn't until you had all arrived in the city that Gojo had admitted that he was only really testing Yuuji and Nobara, especially since the former had been missing for a while.
"We can go get food while they deal with the curses," you whisper, coming up beside Megumi and nudging him with your shoulder. He merely hums in response, trying to act unbothered as Nobara shoots him an amused look.
"Doubtful. We're probably here to act as backup," he whispers back, earning a muffled laugh from you.
The five of you come to a stop in the middle of an empty street, being met with the sight of a deceivingly cozy house. You shiver as a breeze blows through the street, shooting Yuuji a kind smile as he comes to a stop next to you.
"Oh, are you cold?" he asks, eyes wide with concern as he looks at you. "Here, you can have my jacket!"
You smile gratefully as he begins to unzip his hoodie, flinching when you hear a loud yell.
"Itadori! Get over here!"
"Just a minute!" Yuuji yells back, ignoring Gojo's call as he fiddles with his zipper.
"Now!" Nobara snaps, her foot tapping against the pavement impatiently as she beckons Yuuji over to her side.
"Why are you being so— oh!" Yuuji says, his eyes lighting up with some sort of realization before giving you an apologetic smile. "I'll be right back."
You nod in understanding, watching as Yuuji joins Gojo and Nobara a few meters away. You wrap your arms around yourself in an attempt to shield yourself from the cold, Yuuji's body no longer present to block the air.
"Here, you can have my sweater."
You turn your head at the familiar voice, being met with the sight of Megumi holding out his sweatshirt. You hesitate slightly before taking it from him, quickly slipping it on and giving him a blinding smile.
"Thanks, Fushiguro!" you chirp, unconsciously snuggling into the fabric before taking a seat on the curb. Megumi remains standing for a few minutes, sending one last look towards his classmates before taking a seat next to you. He lets his elbows rest on his knees, his chin sitting comfortably on his palms as he observes the house Yuuji and Nobara are currently approaching. He takes note of the fact that Gojo had chosen not to mention what grade the curses were, and he mentally prepares himself to fight just in case.
He lets his gaze drift back over to you when he realizes you haven't spoken even once since sitting down, the slight concern on his face melting when he sees you staring intensely at the ground in front of you. Feeling the weight of his stare, you glance up to meet his eyes, sticking your tongue out at him and giggling when he huffs in amusement. He watches as your gaze drifts back to the concrete in front of you before your eyes dart back to him, the back-and-forth motion continuing for a bit before he finally speaks.
"What are you looking at?"
You lean forward slightly, reaching for something on the ground before turning to Megumi with a smile.
"This," you say softly, holding out your hand. He looks down to see a flower, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion as he looks back up at you.
"It's... pretty," he says, watching as twirl the flower between your fingers.
"Yeah, it is," you agree, giving him a shy smile. "It's the color of your eyes."
Your words cause Megumi's cheeks to burst with color, and clears his throat before he murmurs a soft thank you. You grin at his reaction before scooting closer to him, your elbow brushing against his and causing him to stiffen when you lean in slightly.
"You're welcome," you say quietly, raising your arm before pausing and giving him an uncertain look. "May I?"
Megumi nods silently, holding his breath as you lean in even closer to tuck the flower behind his ear. His eyes never leave your face as you busy yourself with the task at hand, softening when he notices the way your tongue peeks out from in between your lips in concentration as you do your best to position the flower.
There's a sparkle in your eyes that threaten to make his heart race, and Megumi finds himself wondering if you knew just how much of an effect you had on him. His eyes widen when your fingertips brush against his cheek, and you quickly draw your hand back down to your side as you take in the sight in front of you.
"It looks perfect," you finally say, your eyes never leaving his as you speak. There's a beat of silence before Megumi opens his mouth to respond, the words spilling out from his lips before he can stop them.
"I think you loo—"
"Hey! Lovebird! Get over here," Gojo shouts, his voice causing the two of you to scramble away from each other. Megumi closes his eyes for a second, mentally thanking Gojo for cutting off his statement as he gets to his feet. He turns to see Gojo wearing a big smile, seemingly satisfied with the reaction he had gotten from the two of them. "Hurry up! I think Yuuji and Nobara might need some help."
"Told you so," Megumi says, a smile on your face as you roll your eyes at his statement.
"Good luck, Fushiguro," you say, your quiet words drawing his attention to you. He looks down to see you giving him a thumbs up, and he simply smiles and nods before making his way over to Gojo. The older sorcerer's smile doesn't fade even as he approaches, and it only get wider when he holds out an arm to stop Megumi.
"Nice flower, it matches your eyes!" Gojo says slyly, plucking the bud from behind Megumi's ear and earning a scowl from him. "I'll take care of this for you. After all, you wouldn't want this to get ruined would you? Although I'm surprised it didn't spontaneously combust from how hard you were blushing."
Megumi gives Gojo one last scathing look before heading towards the entrance of the house, doing his best to ignore Gojo's laugh and focus on the mission at hand.
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You stop in your tracks when you hear a call of your name, the sound of Yuuji's voice bringing a small smile to your face as you turn around. Your smile only grows wider when you notice Megumi trailing behind him, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he looks down at the ground.
"Are you busy right now?" Yuuji asks, coming to a stop in front of you. You shake your head slowly, sending a glance at Megumi that Yuuji doesn't miss. "Fushiguro and I were about to get some food. Do you want to join us?"
"I'd love to," you utter, earning a wide grin from Yuuji. You snicker under your breath, his excitement reminding you of a puppy.
"Great! Then let's go! I've been wanting to check this place out for ages."
You trail behind Yuuji, throwing the occasional glance back at Megumi until you eventually slow down to walk beside him. The messy-haired boy shoots you a quick glance, looking away when he sees you giving him a curious look.
"What's up?" you ask, stepping closer to him and nudging his shoulder with yours. He shakes his head silently, raising his eyes to look at you as he steps closer to you to avoid crashing into somebody.
"Nothing," he says after a while, wondering if you would keep the conversation going. He's a little disappointed when you don't, but you also don't move away from him, instead choosing to call out your replies to whatever questions Yuuji asks as he walks ahead of the two of you.
"Oh, I almost forgot," you suddenly say, coming to a stop a few shops away from the restaurant Yuuji was heading towards. "I need to buy some stuff for Nobara, but you two go on ahead without me! I'll be there in a few minutes."
"Are you sure?" Megumi asks instantly, receiving a nod from you. He hesitates slightly, causing you to roll your eyes with a smile before waving him away. Yuuji gives you a sound of acknowledgment before tugging Megumi away, laughing quietly when he keeps looking over his shoulder in your direction.
"Come on," Yuuji says, opening the door for Megumi before stepping inside after him. "They'll be fine without your watchful gaze. Do you have any idea of what you're gonna get?"
"No," Megumi replies, taking a seat at an empty table and looking out the window. "I think I'll wait for them to get back before ordering."
Yuuji smiles at Megumi's words, forcing himself to look down at his phone in an attempt to act nonchalant. "So, how long have you had feelings for them?"
Megumi's eyes widen at Yuuji's words, and he finds himself mentally scolding himself for being too obvious with his feelings. He has to be, especially if Yuuji had been able to figure it out. He remains silent, letting his eyes drop down to the table.
"You should tell them," Yuuji says earnestly, all hints of teasing gone from his tone. His words still manage to catch Megumi off guard, and he glances at Yuuji to see him still looking down at his phone, the screen dark.
"I'm serious," Yuuji whines. "You should tell them. I think the two of you are perfect for each other."
"What exactly am I supposed to say?" Megumi asks, shifting uncomfortably in his seat before attempting to make eye contact with Yuuji and sighing when the pink-haired boy doesn't look up. "I really like you and and I stare at you like a dumbass because I don't know how to tell you how I feel?"
Yuuji snorts at his words, opening his mouth to tease Megumi before being cut off.
"You like me?"
The two boys look up in a panic when they see you standing close to their table, a small bag clutched tightly in one of your hands. Yuuji gives Megumi an apologetic look that he chooses to ignore, knowing that the both of them had been too caught up in their conversation to notice you approaching.
"I'm gonna go order," Yuuji says quietly, sliding out of his seat and heading towards the counter. He turns back to give Megumi a thumbs up behind your back, nodding his head as he mouths the words 'go for it!'. Megumi turns his attention to you when you slide into the seat across from him, giving him a smile before picking up one of the menus on the table. An awkward silence settles upon the two of you, and Megumi can't help but notice the furtive glances you keep sending his way.
"So," you finally say, breaking the silence as you put the menu down. He looks up, his eyes meeting yours as you sigh softly. "You like me?"
Megumi hesitates, watching the way your eyebrows furrow slightly as you wait for his response.
"Yes," he finally says, looking back out the window to avoid your gaze. He stiffens when he hears you let out a relieved sigh, giggling softly before speaking.
"Well that's good," you breathe, causing Megumi to whip his head back around to look at you. He watches as you rummage through the bag you had been holding, pulling out a book before handing it to him. It was the sequel to the book he had been reading a couple of weeks ago, the one you had picked up when Nobara had tossed it aside. "I was hoping to give this to you at some point, and maybe even ask you out when I did so."
Megumi's cheeks warm as he smiles at you, neither one of you noticing the way Yuuji pumps his first into the air a few feet away.
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+ one.
You let your eyes drift up from your phone and land on Megumi, who is currently lying next to you as he reads the book you had bought him. The two of you are lounging in your dorm, your back pressed up against the headboard while he lays down on your pillows.
His eyes are focused on the words he's reading, and you take the opportunity to study him quietly. His hair hangs messily like always, but you choose to hold back from running your hands through it in order to keep watching him. Your eyes trace the slope of his nose, trailing down to his lips before following his jawline back up his face and finally settling on his eyes. You sit there admiring him, thinking about how unfair it is for him to have such long lashes.
You bite back a gasp when his gaze suddenly snaps to you, and you quickly look back down at your phone in an attempt to hide your embarrassment. You can still feel Megumi's eyes on you, and you shift uneasily in your spot before shyly looking back up at him.
"What?" you ask, your cheeks burning as you try to play innocent.
"I was just wondering if you were done staring at me," Megumi says casually, a faint smile on his face as he looks back down at his book. You gape at him for a few seconds before responding.
"I was not staring!" you cry out indignantly, scrunching your nose when Megumi gives you a knowing look. "Besides, if my memory is correct, you got caught staring at me by literally everyone else!"
Megumi rolls his as he sits up, sitting shoulder to shoulder with you before shaking his head lightly.
"Besides," you continue, not giving him the chance to speak. "What's so wrong with staring at my boyfriend."
A red tint fills Megumi's cheeks at your words and he merely scoffs before turning the page. You rest your head on his shoulder, glancing down at the book and attempting to read along with him. When he fails to turn the page after a few minutes, you glance up, only to see him staring at you with a soft smile on his face. You smile back at him before leaning up to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth, and you watch as he tosses the book to the foot of your bed before cupping your face with both hands and pressing a kiss a to your lips.
You give him another soft peck before you pull away from him, your eyes fluttering open to see Megumi studying your face. There's a smug smile on his face as he takes in your dazed state, and he opens his mouth to comment on it before you beat him to the punch, your words causing his smile to drop as he groans.
"Now who's staring?"
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reblogs are appreciated <3 ty for reading!!
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junityy · 2 months
summer nights ٠ ࣪⭑ 심재윤
pairing. boyfriend!jake x gn!reader genre. fluff, established relationship wc. 800 note. i literally wrote this at like 4am therefore this is disgustingly cheesy and delusional !!! be warned
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Zipping up your sweater jacket (which wasn't exactly yours) once you arrive at the somewhat small river, your inner self simply thanks Jake for convincing you to put on a jacket before leaving earlier. And the fact that it was (yet again) one of his jackets was just a bonus.
“You cold?” he questions when he turns to look at you, only to be met with you quickly shaking your head in response.
It's a summer night, so it isn't exactly cold or hot - but rather comfortable and kinda warm. Which pretty much explains why you decided to randomly hang by the river again, as it basically became your spot by now; even more so every summer. You specifically love coming here right as it gets dark every time, something about it feeling kinda special when you're with Jake. And he knew which is why he grew to love these random dates too - and whether these are ‘actual’ dates could be up for discussion, but to him (and you) they were, so that's all that really matters.
“Next time we should bring a blanket.” Jake notes when both of you lie down on the grass and look at the sky. Even without stars to admire, you enjoyed staying like this for a while. “Probably.” you scoff, though feeling perfectly fine without a blanket beneath you.
Watching the clouds in comfortable silence beside Jake, you can't help but have sudden flashbacks; causing you to giggle quietly.
“Do you remember the first time we came here?” you laugh in, what you would probably call a tiny bit of embarrassment, as your mind goes back to almost two years ago. So does Jake's, and soon the cherished memory can't help but put a smile on his face yet again. He loves thinking back to it, especially since that was kinda the highlight of your very first date (and the several ones following; including this one, too).
“Like it was yesterday.” he laughs along, even letting out a giggle which you so love to hear every time. “It was perfect.” he quietly adds as the laughter fades out naturally, yet both his and your smile remains.
“You know, I actually fell in love with you that day.” you so casually share and quietly giggle again; almost causing Jake to choke on air in the meantime. You remember it so vividly, when you were here and looked at him and.. oh. It hit you like a train - you were actually in love with him. Like, in love. Like the crush upgraded to full-blown romantic feelings and you had just realized.
“You're so cheesy.” he only laughs, and before you can even blink, he simply adds “I love you.” just as casually.
You may have been in a relationship for almost two years, but still every time Jake tells you he loves you, you feel like going crazy. His first confession was pretty much the most beautiful thing you've ever heard, but little did you know the countless following I love you's would drive you just as nuts. And, - very needless to say - the exact same went for him.
“Oh shut up.” you return in a playful manner, quickly followed by a genuine “I love you more.” that lets your own heartbeat increase a little. Impossible, Jake only thinks to himself.
Turning your head and immediately making eye contact with him, you fail to hide an even bigger smile. Oh god. You really do love him and his insanely contagious smile.
However, before either of you can say anything, you suddenly hear a light thunder from afar and can easily figure out what's coming next as you break eye contact to look back up.
“Should we leave?” you calmly ask with your eyes on the sky - which is now visibly darker than before. Though still rather light, more and more thunder appears, and you and Jake seem to listen rather than talk at all. Some could probably say you look insane calmly listening to the thunder together as if it was your favorite song playing instead, but it's moments like these that you so love and cherish - both of you.
Still, almost as if there was an imaginary count to three, the two of you simultaneously respond with a laid back “Nah.” to the question you asked before; which is immediately followed by shared laughter.
But oh boy, you will probably remember this date especially well.
Safe to say, neither of you went home dry that night, but rather drenched in rain. On the bright side though (although you didn't have any complaints in the first place), you came back loving Jake a little more than when you first left that night, and you were certain to wake up tomorrow and love him even more.
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taglist @tyunni @geombyu @jaeyunverse @yjwfav @sieuneo @beombisou @neos127 @odxrilove @4xiaojun
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ghostlychief · 5 months
first off love your writing !!!!!! I was wondering if I could get a story about ghost where the reader is pregnant and they’re doing the baby shower and it turns out to be a boy and ghost is extremely happy???💞
thank you so much!!! apologies for such a late reply, I know you sent this in awhile ago. hope you enjoy <3
beautiful boy
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader
wc: ~620
warnings: none; fluff
You’re currently upstairs, laying on your bed, with a ribbon held in between your hands. A soft smile graces your lips as you look down at the baby blue material, thinking about the little bean growing inside of you.
Your baby shower was today, and in fact, is still going on downstairs. You hear the muffled chatter amongst your guests throughout your house from upstairs, and a feeling of gratefulness washes over you. You’re currently five months pregnant, and as much as you love a good party, your feet were aching after standing for hours, hence the reason why you are currently in your bedroom and not downstairs with everyone else. You came up to rest only for a short bit, before you head back down and join everyone again.
You opted to wear a light yellow babydoll dress, wanting to be neutral for the gender reveal. You honestly did not have a preference, and were just ecstatic that you were expecting, and celebrating with all of your close friends and family. The light yellow, and the cut of the dress complimented you well, making your complexion glow, and highlighting your ever-growing baby bump.
Simon was speechless for a minute or two when you finally popped out of your bathroom, showing him your finished look before all of the guest arrived for the party. After his momentary pause stuck in awe, Simon breathed out, “You look absolutely beautiful,” and wrapped you in a warm hug. It was a quiet and intimate moment you guys shared before your house started filling up with guests.
Simon also decided to dress neutral but as your eyes moved up and down assessing his outfit, you noticed the subtle blue socks covering his feet. You always knew he wanted a baby boy, but you knew he would be happy and grateful for a girl or boy, just as long as you and baby were healthy. It’s just one more thing that makes you love him as much as you do.
You decided not to comment on the socks, and simple beamed at him saying he looked just as handsome as when you first met.
The gender-reveal itself went smoothly, and of course Simon was over the moon that you were having a baby boy, and since then, the quiet grin that bloomed on his face has not left.
The memory of the reveal plays over in your mind, and you’re lost in thought as you stare at the ribbon. You’re unaware that Simon has entered the room until you feel the bed dip behind you. Simon lays behind you, wrapping an arm around your middle, and his hand gently rubs on your bump. He rests his chin on your shoulder, looking down at the blue fabric you’re holding. He leaves a kiss on your shoulder, and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear and his embrace envelops you, and you feel tears start to form in your waterline.
You bring your hand up to rest over his that’s still on your tummy, and you manage to choke out, “I haven’t even met him yet, but I know that he’s going to be the most beautiful boy.” You lightly sniff, and the tears finally fall down your cheeks. Simon reaches over you to catch your tears with his thumb, and he gently caresses your face, giving you a kiss on your temple.
“I know, sweetheart.” He leaves another kiss on your temple, “You are his mom, after all. Of course he’s going to be beautiful.” You let out a laugh, and squeeze his hand.
Simon and you continue to stare at the blue ribbon, committing this day to memory, and dreaming of what’s to come.
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sc0tters · 8 months
In The End | Mat Barzal
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summary: ultimately in the end fate realised that you were simply better suited for the man in New York. At least this one had your heart.
request: yes/no
warnings: swearing, mentions of cheating.
word count: 1.59k
authors note: you guys probably haven’t been waiting for this one but the final part of this series is now here! Honestly it started off as a fun take on a request but I’m so glad that it bloomed into something more. We might not love Tito in this series, but he deserved the sorta ending he got.
part one | part two
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What the fuck is going on y/n?
That was the last thing you had heard from Mat before he walked out of your apartment.
Two months had gone by and you had convinced yourself that this was for the best. Without Mat, it meant you had the time to truly focus on your relationship with Tito.
And that was going really well, Anthony and you spent three weeks in France where you found a ring in his suitcase.
Whilst no proposal came you were relieved to not have to turn him down. Time and time again you found your mind slipping back to Mat and you grew to hate yourself for it. How one night could make you so unhappy as you longed for the boy who wanted nothing to do with you.
But what you didn’t know was that Mat was longing for your message, your phone call, anything that showed him that you were done with Anthony. Yet as the posts came along highlighting the best moments from your trip he lost faith.
With weeks until the season was meant to start up again you thought that this was a battle that you were going to win “babe can you go get that?” Anthony called from the kitchen hearing his phone ring in the bedroom.
You thought nothing of it truly, so you stopped doing your makeup and went to his side of the bed to grab his phone “what the fuck?” You asked seeing Jenny🥰 appear as a FaceTime call.
Stupidly you answered with not a thought in your mind as you had more questions than answers “oh my god!” She shrieked seeing you appear on the screen instead of Anthony.
The girl was in nothing but some lingerie as she was forced to quickly find a robe to cover herself up. Anthony came back into your bedroom as you hadn’t responded to his messages of concern “baby?” His voice was nervous as he was met with the sight of your back.
You hadn’t realised that you were crying when you turned around to face him “h-how l-l-long?” You croaked out as you turned the phone around so that he could see what you had seeing.
His face dropped at the sight “I can explain-” Anthony reached out for you but you pulled away “answer my question?” The hockey player sighed as he watched her hang up the call.
If there was a moment that he knew that he was going to get caught then it would have been this one “we started in February.” Anthony confessed as he sat on the bed “and your ring?” Your lip quivered as his eyes widened.
Anthony let his head fall to his hands “for her.” In that very moment your sadness turned to anger “look I’m sorry-” the hockey player went to apologise but you cut him off “go find her.” You blurted out making his eyes go wide.
Your fingers ran through your hair “if you don’t love me anymore go be happy with her.” The logical part of your brain was only thinking about Mat.
The hockey player looked up at you “you’ve got someone too don’t you?” It was the fact that the spark that Anthony once lit in your eyes came up when you told him to go find her.
All you could do was nod as the boy got up to hug you “go get him.” Anthony smiled as you wrapped your arms around him giving him a squeeze “good luck.” Was the last thing you said to him before you left the apartment.
New York seemed to be on your side as the weather was warm but the cool breeze helped you as you ran through the city “pick up please!” You groaned as it went to voice note again.
Hey it’s Mat, I can’t come to the phone right now leave a message!
You grumbled something under your breath as you hung up feeling defeat slap you in the face as you sat on the sidewalk as your feet grew sore after you were met with nobody at Mat’s door.
It looked like you were an emotional girl who had just been dumped or something as your hands buried your face hiding it from the world.
You wanted to cry as cars whizzed past you “girl come with us!” Some random girls smiled at you as one of them held their hand out for you to grab.
They looked like they couldn’t have been any older than you so with their friendly faces you nodded getting up to face them “where are you going?” You asked wiping your eyes as you realised that your cheeks were wet “Still Partners over there!” The girl who helped you up explained as you could hear the sound of music coming from the bar.
So you followed them curious to know what caused the big crowd of people at the bar.
The soft sounds of a guitar played over the hum of the crowd “they’re really good.” You mumbled surprised when you were met with nods of agreement.
Your real shock of the night was when you finally got to see them, most of the members of the band were people you hadn’t met before. But of course there stood Mat, guitar in his hands and a look that was once nervous but then turned happy as he saw you.
Mat had this grin on his face as his eyes never left you “hi,” you mouthed sending him a salute as the boy responded with a nod trying to focus on what he was playing as your presence got rid of most of his nerves.
The hockey player practically jumped off the stage when their performance was done as he made a beeline for you as you stood by the bar “you did so good!” You smiled ordering him a beer to congratulate him.
Mat couldn’t believe that you were stood there in front of him “why are you here?” The Canadian wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you into a hug “I came looking for you.” Now that wasn’t exactly the reason why you were in the bar but as the girls you hung out with waved goodbye you couldn’t help but smile “f’me?” Mat repeated as though you spoke a foreign language.
You looked up at him as you nodded “Anthony and I broke up.” You awkwardly explained as your ego tried to hold onto the fact that he let a smirk form on his lips for a quick second before he let you two sit down.
In that very moment the boy let his hand run up your knee as he looked at you like you two were the only people in the packed out bar “how do you feel about it?” Mat didn’t know if you were there for some kind of comfort or instead for what he hoped you would eventually say, that you would be there for him.
Whilst a million answers seemed to come to your mind you couldn’t help but shrug “relieved, a little embarrassed even-” you raked your fingers through your hair as Mat cut you off shaking his head.
He wrapped his fingers around the freshly poured pint glass that they bartender had placed in front of him “did he do something stupid?” The Canadians question made you feel dumb “he fell in love with a girl in Vancouver.” Was all you needed to say for Mat to bring his hand to his mouth.
Although he was surprised, he couldn’t say that he was fully shocked. Anthony hadn’t mentioned you in their weekly calls since February “which is sort of comforting cause then I don’t feel bad admitting that I love you.” You were very much so the kind of girl who kept your cards close to your chest but in that very moment you wanted Mat to know exactly where your head was at.
Mat slowly nodded as he took in the information “I tried to tell myself that if I ignored you and just worked on Tito then I’d be able to ignore you.” The ramble that came from your lips seemed to be like a weight that was lifted off of your shoulders “but the truth is that I grew to resent myself for pushing you away.” At this point you hadn’t realised that tears were rolling down your cheeks for the second time tonight until Mat leaned over and brought his hand to your cheek.
His calloused finger wiped away from your cheek as Mat frowned “you never pushed me away.” He cooed slotting his legs between yours as he got himself as close as he could to you.
The Canadian tilted your head up as he was now stood “fucking love you baby.” Mat’s confession had a grin on your face that probably gave the Cheshire Cat a run for his money.
You made the next move as you pushed yourself up on the chair letting you peck his lips “hey I tell you I love you and that’s how you respond?” Mat playfully scoffed letting his hands land on either side of your stool locking you in.
A giggle left your lips as you leaned forward again this time meeting his request as your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him down with you. Your tongue ran over his lower lip as you seemed to be in control of it until Mat pulled away “that’s more like it my shining star.”
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stvolanis · 5 months
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All Dolled Up
PT. 3
PT. 2
PT. 1
PAIRINGS: Dads best friend! Perv! Elvis Presley x innocent OC
WARNINGS: age gap (OC is 18 and Elvis is in his early 40s), foul language, inaccurate timeline probably, OC is a crybaby, cursing, talk of running away, OCs brother finds out about them, sexual themes in a barn
NSFW WARNINGS: dom!Elvis, sub!oc, daddy kink, making out, thigh riding, oc and Elvis almost get caught, oral (f and slightly m receiving), fingering, slapping, spitting, choking, degradation (whore, slut), praise, corruption kink, breeding kink, housewife kink ig?, nipple play, boob job, mentions of lactating,
sorry if I missed anything!!
˚ ꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ˚
Kim woke up the next morning groggily. Her mind was hazy from the previous night, and it was all she could think of as she dolled herself up—for the presence of Elvis was near and strong.
Today, she wore a bold red off the shoulder sundress paired with black mary janes and her signature frilly white socks. Her hair was in a high ponytail, held by a black ribbon. Her bangs framed her face almost perfectly and she smelled of warm vanilla.
Kim knew he was there, somewhere in her family’s small house. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to look the brooding man in the eye yet, afraid he’d pounce onto her before she could even react. But alas, she also knew that she couldn’t avoid him forever. Not that she really wanted to, anyway.
So, as she opened her large white door and rounded the corridor—there he sat. Manspread on the couch, taking up almost half of it as if he owned it. His hair was messy and fallen in his stupidly perfect face. He wore a wife-beater and jeans that hugged his strong thighs just right.
The light was dim, but the light from the TV highlighted against the sharp features of his muscles and face. Kim felt her breath snap away from her as his eyes suddenly met hers all over again. He was so pretty. So, so, unbelievably pretty. And in that moment, the one thing Kim could finally settle on, is the fact that she was completely and utterly smitten by Elvis Presley.
Never had she ever felt this way for any man or woman before. It frightened her to no end, yet—she wanted—no. Craved more of him. More of his chuckles, more of his warmth, more of his touch—she wanted him more than anything. But, she knew she couldn’t ever really have him.
Even as he sat there on her couch, in her home—even when he had sat on her bed the previous night; he was merely always going to be out of reach. Their fingertips being only met. She was his secret, as he was hers. And, it seems that’s all they could ever be as long as she lived under her fathers roof.
The nagging voice in the back of Kim’s mind knew this couldn’t go on, but she couldn’t help it. “Y’jus gon’ stand there all day, or c’mere n let me love on ya’, baby?” He asked with a charming smile. Kim felt a warm sigh slip past her lips as she dragged her body to where Elvis sat.
“Where’s my father?” She asked as he perched her on his lap and tucked her face into his neck. “Gone, with ya’ brother.” He replied as he rubbed circles into the small of her back. She hummed in acknowledgment.
His body was warm and firm against hers, a contrast compared to her skin soft to the touch and slightly cold. His scent was intoxicating; wood, old spice with a lingering hint of tobacco. The small circular ash trey with the remnants of a cigar confirmed her thoughts.
His chest rose and fell beneath her at a steady pace as they basked in the comforting silence. Her fingers danced across his clothed chest gently. A show played on from the TV, but it only played as background noise in the darkened room. Kim felt content. More than she ever had.
She’d never felt the warmth of any other man besides her father and brother, but Elvis felt extraordinary to her. She felt protected as his strong arms tightened around her small frame, securing her seat on his lap. Kim wished to live in this moment with him forever, but thoughts plagued her mind as the world grew quieter around her than it ever had been before. All she could hear was his soft exhales if she really paid attention.
“What’re ya thinkin’ ‘bout, honey?” His soft voice broke her out of her daze. Kim’s eyes met Elvis’ for a moment, unsure. “I just—” she stammered. Her voice caught in her throat and she felt herself become breathless as her eyes began to water. “We can’t do this, Elvis.” She stated as she stared up at him.
The older man pursed his lips and his brows furrowed. His calloused hands cupped the sides of her face as he brought his closer to hers. “Let me take ya away from here, then.” He whispered, determination swirling in his eyes. “Ya know I can’t—I—my father—my brother, Elvis!” She stumbled over her words.
“They’re grown, darlin’, they can take care of themselves.” He replied. He wished to know what was going on behind her pretty eyes. The thoughts she was having so he could bid all the negative ones goodbye. Elvis longed to take his gem away from this rusted town before anyone else could. As his lips brushed against hers, she felt herself melt into him.
His lips were plump and soft, wet and warm as it become more heated. The kiss was intense as their teeth clashed against each other, tongues dancing and tangled. He lightly bit her bottom lip and Kim let out the faintest moan as her pussy began to familiarly dampen.
Elvis could feel her leaking through on his thigh. A small wet patch on his pant leg evident. “Fuckk, look at you, such a slut f’me, hm?” He mocked. Kim whimpered at his words. Usually, she’d take great offense to such degradation, but as she squirmed on his thigh and applied pressure to her sensitive clit—she wanted nothing more than to be his slut.
Embarrassment burned her cheeks as she found herself humping along his thigh for some kind of relief to the aching of her core. Elvis groaned at the little nymph in his arms and watched as she desperately tried to get herself off. He lifted his thigh a little to add more pressure to her clothed pussy.
“S’not enough!” She yelled out, hot and frustrated. Panting heavily as her body burned all over; begging to be touched by the older man she sat on. “Oh, baby, I know. Let daddy take care of you.” He cooed as he watched her eyes water again. Such a crybaby. His crybaby.
Kim bit her lip. Daddy. Such a vile thing to call him, yet it only made her all the more longing for him and she couldn’t place exactly why.
Just as Elvis took it upon himself to slide his hand into her panties, they jumped as they heard the familiar sound of the front doorknob rattling. Kim straightened herself as she sat furthest away from Elvis on the small couch. Her hair was a mess and her face was flushed. Her breathing was wavering and uneven as she rubbed her wet thighs together, letting out a small moan.
Elvis looked at her sternly, and Kim immediately toned down. In walked her father, followed by her dearest older brother who seemed rather sweaty and pissed.
Her father nodded at Elvis the way all men do, and Elvis casually returned it as if he didn’t have Kim on him humping against his thigh like a bitch in heat. “Elvis, hope Kims not botherin’ ya” Her father smiled. “She’s no bother at all.” He replied with a knowing smirk.
Kim gulped. “I was just telling him about how you partnered with the local fishermen, father.” She smiled. Elvis almost let a ‘good girl’ out at how good of a liar she was being. Any other time—Elvis would have her bent over his knee with her round ass bare and red from his hand prints for such a thing.
“Ah, yeah, I built my own farm and I sell meat from the the cattle and eggs from the chicken. It’s a business I profit quite a lot off of and the fishermen started supplying me with fish to sell them too.” He stated proudly. Truthfully, Elvis did not care for his farm or the fishermen—he was more pissed that he’d interrupted his time with his little angel.
Alas, Kim’s father made quick work of talking his ear off. Kim’s brother was no idiot, though. He knew his little sister inside and out. Her wavering breaths and flushed face didn’t go unnoticed to him as the two older men began a conversation.
Already pissed, he took it upon himself to grab his sisters arm and drag her off towards the secluded kitchen. “Kimberly.” Her brother started. “I don’t know what you’re doin’ with that man, but I’ll tell you this one time and one time only—stop.” He said firmly as he searched his sisters face.
The guilt that had been gnawing away at Kims conscience was all too much under her older brothers judgemental gaze. Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips began to tremble as they always do at the slight tone change of someone close to her. She was ashamed, as she knew she should be—but she couldn’t control nor help the way that she felt about Elvis.
“M’ sorry, but I really like him.” She muttered as tears ran down her face. Marcus sighed deeply as he ran a hand through his hair. “Kim, yknow dad will never be okay with it.” He stressed.
The younger girl sniffled. “Marcus, I wanna leave with him.” She said firmly. Her brothers mouth hung agape. “Are you out of your mind, Kimberly?! You just met this man!” He whisper -yelled.
“I know, but he’s different, Marcus! He’s not like your friends or the boys I go to school with. He sees me. Like—I mean he really sees me.” She said. Marcus knew his little sister was struggling. She was a single pale rose in a field of weeds, and he knew as much as she did that if she stayed any longer, she’d wither away. Wasted talent. Wasted youth. Wasted innocence.
She wasn’t made to work on a farm her whole life, or looked at like a complete child by half of the town. Kimberly was meant to shine like the sweet gem she was, and Elvis was going to make sure of that. His gem. His woman.
“Please, Marcus. He makes me happy. The happiest I’ve been since..mom.” She whispered. she searched her brothers eyes hopefully, and felt relief wash over her at his sharp intake of breath and firm nod. “Alright, Kim, but I’m taking no part in it.” He replied.
A smile danced across her face as she hugged her older brother tightly. “Thank you, thank you!” She replied happily. And at the end of the day, that was all Marcus wanted for her. Happiness. And if Elvis Presley could give it to her, then so be it. He just better not fuck up.
“Me and dad are gonna have to leave again, tomorrow morning at 9:30. If you wanna leave, that’s the best time to do it.” He whispered in her ear. Kimberly nodded in understanding before she made her way back to Elvis and her father, her brother following close behind.
“Kimberly, why don’t you go show Elvis around the barn?” Her father suddenly asked. Kim knew Elvis had no interest in the barn, but the glint in Elvis’ eye told her that he had other plans. “Of course, father. C’mon, Elvis.” She smiled up at him.
She led him through the small house, out to the back pasture. The sky was beautiful, as night was approaching. The moon just barely visible in a waning crescent. The crickets and the sound of rowdy animals were the only sound that could be heard, along with the older man’s heavy foot steps behind her.
The barn was nothing spectacular. A basic, old, red and white barn with two large doors. Typical, the kind you’d see in movies. The animals were all out in the pasture, leaving the barn secluded and empty. Marcus cleans the barn out every morning after he lets the animals lose, so it was pretty tidy in there as she opened the doors and led him inside.
It was bright inside as the light was on and hanging above the two, and it slightly smelled of grains and wheat.
Kimberly jumped at the sound of the door slamming shut behind her. She didn’t have time to turn around before she felt Elvis’ large body pressed against her from behind. His hands traveled around her body, groping at anything he could greedily. He held her neck in one hand in a fairly tight grip as he tilted her head slightly. He began kissing along her jaw as his free hand groped her breast.
“Elvis—” she gasped as he began sucking and licking against her jaw. Her panties were already soaked from earlier, before they were interrupted, but now they were ruined. “Been waitin’ to finish what I started, baby.” He said against her ear.
Kimberly was pushed against a hay bale and bent over by the older man. Her pussy clenched around nothing at his manhandling as she released a whimper. “M’ gon’ Taste this perfect cunt, yeah, baby?” He said as she heard him drop to his knees.
Elvis hiked her dresses up and bunched it around her waist, groaning at her ruined panties. “This all f’me, hm?” He asked as he groped her ass. At no response, he slapped her ass hard enough to sting. “When I’m talkin’ to ya’ I expect a response, ya’ hear.” He stated firmly as he pressed a kiss to where he slapped.
She gasped at the impact and whimpered. “Yes, daddy. M’ sorry.” She replied as she began to squirm around, desperately seeking more of his touch. “Who’re ya’ this wet for?” He asked. “You, Elvis, only you.” She whimpered out with a huff.
“Good girl.” He muttered as he ran his finger along her panty covered pussy. She groaned lightly in response. “Please, Elvis!” She begged. “Whadya need, honey?” He asked tauntingly. “Tell me n’ daddy will make it better.” He added as his nose brushed against her clit, inhaling her scent deeply.
“Need your mouth, daddy, please!” She replied. Elvis groaned at her obedience, and he felt his slacks tighten around his crotch area. He used his index finger to push her soaked panties to the side, and he gripped his cock through his slacks at the sight in front of him.
Her pussy was dripping in her juices, and her scent was strong as her little hole clenched around nothing desperately. Her clit was puffy and red, swollen with need. “Awh, been neglecting’ this pretty little pussy for too long, huh, satin’?” He asked mockingly as one of his long, slender fingers prodded at her entrance.
“Mhmmm.” The small girl replied as her lips trembled. How badly she wanted him to ravish her, and make her cum like she never has before. Ever since the first time he’d made her cum, it’s all the little nymph had been thinking about. She couldn’t get enough of him.
Elvis raised his hand before bringing it down again to slap her clit. Kimberly jolted forward. “Elvis!” She whimpered out. The older man merely chuckled. He blew on her sensitive pussy before began to lick along her pussy.
His tongue began doing things Kim had no idea it was capable of doing, and she felt her toes curl. He lapped at her sensitive cunt like a starved man, sucking her swollen bud in his mouth harshly and releasing it with a light ‘pop’ sound before his tongue found its way inside her pussy. He began to fuck her with his tongue with such passion, making Kimberly a whimpering, moaning mess before him.
“Oh, Elvis! Please! S-So good, oh my god!” She moaned out, nearly breathless as her mouth hung agape. He groaned into her pussy, and the vibrations began to be too much for her as her hips began to move forward, trying to get away from his torment on her weeping cunt.
He let out almost an animalistic growl as his arms firmly gripped her thighs back. “Don’t be fuckin’ brat, m’ not finished yet Kimberly.” He said firmly before he began to eat her pussy once more. His tongue began to work faster at her clit and he brought his finger up to her tight hole, harshly pushing it in.
He began fingering Kim with force as he suckled her clit into his mouth once more, and that was all it took for Kimberly to squirt all over the older man’s face with a loud moan.
“Daddy! Oh—“ she moaned out as her hand turned to grip Elvis’ hair. He didn’t let up on her poor pussy, and began to lap up all her juices. He drank her in as if he couldn’t get enough, and the truth was, he couldn’t. He felt like he’d die if he didn’t get every last bit of her. He was sloppy with the way he licked up that last of her juices, and he didn’t care. He was drunk on the taste of her sweet moans and pussy.
“Please, i can’t, s’ too much, daddy!” She whimpered as tears began to line her eyes. His little crybaby. “Sorry, baby, y’taste so fuckin’ good.” He moaned against her, but hearing her trembling voice made him stop his abuse on her sensitive pussy. He gave her clit one last kiss, and Kimberly felt herself melt.
“Are you gonna um..put your thing in me now, Elvis?” She asked hopefully. He shook his head. “M not takin’ your virginity in a barn, sweetheart. You deserve better than that honey.” He replied with a light chuckle. He shimmied her panties off of her and stuffed them in his back pocket to add to his collection.
“Wanna take care of ya too, daddy, can I? Please?” She asked as she peered behind him, batting her pretty little lashes. “Can’t say no to my princess when she asks so nice, can I?” He smiled as Kimberly lifted herself up.
“I got a lil somethin’ different in mind, honey.” He said as he helped her stand to her feet. Her legs were still shakey from her previous mind shattering orgasm that the man in front of her gave her. She could still see her juices on his chin and lips, and she blushed at the sight.
Elvis sat on the hay bale Kimberly was just bent over, and motioned for her to get onto her knees. Kimberly, being the obedient girl she was, did as told. “I want ya’ to give me a boob job, Kimberly.” Elvis stated as he began to unzip his slacks, slightly sitting up to let them drop to his ankles along with his boxers.
“A boob job? I-I dunno how to do that, Elvis.” She replied. Kimberly was the least experienced person Elvis had ever been with, and she knows that. But something Elvis would never say out loud is that the fact she’s so innocent, so pure and sweet beyond belief turns him on more than any other woman ever has.
Being able to mold her just right to fit him, teaching her to know just exactly how to please him while also pleasuring herself made his cock unbearably hard. Turning her into his personal obedient slut till all she knows how to do is be good for him and him only. God, how badly he wanted to make her his perfect little house wife. Knock her up with a few kids, make her all round and pretty.
“I’m gon’ teach ya’, baby. Don’t worry.” He said with a reassuring smile. Elvis pulled down the front of Kimberly’s off-shoulder dress, and her breasts spilled free. Her nipples hardened against the cold air, and stood perky. She had a small mole just above her left breast, and Elvis made sure to add that to the number of moles he counted on her beautiful body.
Her breasts were slightly uneven, one bigger than the other. Kimberly always told herself it was because the slightly bigger one was because it was where her heart rested. Her heart full of so much love to give to everyone, yet Elvis wanted it all to himself.
Every mole, every scar, every stretch mark—everything. He wanted everything Kimberly had to offer him.
Kimberly became insecure under his watchful gaze, and moved to cover her breasts. “I know they’re not—“ she began, but Elvis wasn’t having it. “Don’t ever hide from me, honey. They’re fuckin’ perfect.” He replied as he slightly leaned down to place a kiss on both nipples, to which Kim bit her lip.
He pinched both of her nipples with his index and pointer finger before slightly pulling them. Kim gasped at the way he began to tug on them, slightly whimpering. “Elvis” she said, her breathing uneven as he began twisting them. He leaned back down and began suckling one of her nipples in his mouth.
She could feel his tongue swirling around her bud, and nearly jumped as she felt him bite down enough to sting. Her fingers threaded through his dark hair as she moaned at the stimulation.
All Elvis could think about was her breasts being full of milk. The way it would taste. How greedy he would be. He felt like such a school boy all over again, a pervert, even. Stealing her panties, watching her touch herself, jacking off to the thought of her—he knew it was wrong but he couldn’t seem to help himself.
He released her nipple with a loud ‘pop’. Kim’s eyes couldn’t ignore his prominent, hard, aching cock standing tall in front of her. It had a slight curve and his mushroom tip was an angry kind of red. “Spit on it like i taught ya, baby.” He urged. Kim nodded and spit onto his cock before taking it into her small hand.
Her hand didn’t even completely fit around it, and his girth seemed inhumane. His cock felt warm to the touch as she began to stroke him up and down at a steady pace, making sure her saliva was spread evenly around his cock.
“Can I kiss it, daddy? Like you kissed my pussy?” She asked. Elvis let out a chuckle, nodding. “‘Course, baby.” He replied. That was all Kimberly needed to hear as she kissed his swollen tip all over. Her sloppy kisses trailed down to the base of his cock, and Elvis gently held her head as he bit his lip.
“Alright, Kimberly. Press those pretty tits together f’me.” He said. She looked up at him, slightly confused, but did as was told. She bunched her breasts together and watched as Elvis slid his weeping cock between them. “You gotta hold ‘em tight, or it won’t work.” He corrected.
Kimberly nodded and put more pressure against her breasts, making Elvis groan. “Good girl, now, move em up n’ down. Like you would if you were suckin’ my cock.” He instructed.
Kimberly moved them up and down just like he told her to, and she watched his face contort into that of pleasure. His mouth hung agape and his breathing became heavy. His pupils were blown out and his cheeks became red as she quickened her pace.
“Thaaaat’s it, good fuckin’ girl. Listen to me so well, Kimberly.” He groaned out. She loved hearing his praises, just as she loved making him proud. She chased for his approval as she stuck her tongue out and slightly bent her head down, so that every time she moved her breasts down, his top would slightly slide into her mouth.
“Holy shit, such a slut, god ‘m gonna fuckin’ ruin that pretty face, yeah? Ya’ want that?” He husked out. Kimberly eagerly nodded her head in response. “Please, daddy, want your cum. Want it so bad” she whimpered out.
“I know, satin, i know. Just like that, fuckkkk.” He groaned out, throwing his head back as she squeezed her breasts together even tighter. His cock began to twitch, and Kimberly could tell he was close by the way he was gripping the hay bale beneath him and his breathing became quicker.
“Shit, shit, shit, ‘m gon’ cum, Kimberly. Gon’ cum all over that pretty face n you’re gonna fuckin’ take it, whore.” He growled out as he gripped the base of her ponytail. “Yes, Elvis. Give it t’me, please. Want your cum.” She replied, her breath uneven.
Elvis couldn’t control himself as his cock began spurting cum, all over Kimberly’s face. Coating her lips, cheeks and forehead, dripping down her chin. He moaned loudly as she rode him out, spurting the last bits of cum he had to offer her.
“Good girl, such a good girl.” He groaned out. He felt he could cum again at the sight below him. His girl. On her knees for him. Covered in his cum. Her pussy still dripping for him. He wished he could take a picture of the way she looked right now, cause he’d keep her picture in his wallet everywhere he went. She looked so pretty covered and scented in him.
“I did good, Elvis?” She asked eagerly with a smile as she peered up at him through lashes. He nodded with a smile. “Yeah, honey, did so well.” He replied.
He used his finger to scoop up all of the cum on hee face before bringing it to her mouth. “Don’t want it to go to waste, satin” he said with a smirk. Her mouth opened and greedily lapped up the cum on his finger before sucking it in to make sure she got every drop off of it.
She released his finger with a familiar popping sound and Elvis stood, picking his boxers and pants back up before he helped Kimberly to her feet. “My knees hurt, Elvis.” She said with furrowed brows.
“I know, baby, we’ll fix ‘em up nice ‘n good, yeah?” He said reassuringly as he lifted her chin to give her a kiss. “Okay.” She mumbled against his soft lips. The kiss wasn’t lustful. It wasn’t fast. It was soft, and gentle. A peck. His lips resting on hers with a smile.
He felt her small warm hands come up and rest against his cheeks, holding his face in her hands as she leaned back to look him in the eyes. "if you want to leave, our time to do it is tomorrow. my brother and father will be gone." she whispered, as if someone would hear them.
Elvis smiled widely. “You’ll leave with me?” He asked, making sure he heard her correctly. She giggled as she pressed a kiss to his nose. “Yes, Elvis. I’ll leave with you.” She confirmed with a laugh. Elvis held her tightly as he spun her around, slightly lifting her feet of the ground as he placed kisses all over her face.
“Thank you, baby. Promise ‘m not gon’ make you regret it. We’ll catch a flight outta here ‘n I’ll take you back to Graceland. You’ll love it there.” He said happily.
And Kimberly basked in the feelings she’d never felt for anyone romantically before. Love. Pure love.
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lunerium · 24 days
I'm happy to find some people loving this ship!
I read the manga a long time ago but I'd like to know your opinion : which arc do you think has the most or the Sebaciel content ? Do you think we'll get more in the manga when we come back to their story? Thanks for answering! ^^
Hello, @canonicallytrue heh. I'm glad you're taking an interest in the manga, and of course, in Sebaciel, again.
Now the question here is, which arc has the most sebaciel content?
It is a difficult choice, you see. Sebaciel is spread around the whole manga, constantly evolving in their dynamic, constantly changing. At first, Sebastian only cared about consuming Ciel's soul, rather than Ciel himself. Their dynamic was more predatory, and thus more attached to mere carnal desire. It was purely erotic but with no hints at the romantic. The most notable scene of that specific dynamic is the asthma scene
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Sebastian only cares about the cultivation of that soul to satiate his hunger. The more he sees Ciel suffering, in pain, the more "cultivated" his soul will be. However, there are no feelings attached to it. Some people are particularly into this aspect of their dynamic, the predator/prey, the play in power dynamics. If that is the type of Sebaciel that the reader is looking for, the Circus arc would be the perfect example of this.
However, when looking at Sebaciel as it evolves in the manga, it's subtle yet clear that Sebastian starts actually taking to heart his role as Ciel's butler. not only that, but he starts caring about him.
When was this shift exactly? It is at the end of the circus arc when Sebastian sees just how powerful of an individual Ciel is. And when did he start caring about him, when he sacrificed himself for Ciel in the Campania arc. That pivotal moment marked the shift in their dynamic, from a mere predator eyeing his prey to satisfy his hunger to a genuinely devoted butler who cared about his master. It is in those moments where Sebastian is scared of losing Ciel, of having Ciel taken away from him, where his true feelings shine out. Ciel reciprocates those feelings, and he praises him. Sebastian is speechless, and then Yana draws their two silhouettes facing the sunrise, capturing a truly romantic moment between the two. The calmess after the storm, and the beginning of this new dynamic between the two.
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So far, that shift in dynamics in the Campania arc makes it one of my favorite arcs for Sebaciel content, along with Sebastian's flashback which is purely the story of how he met Ciel. It was truly captivating.
But throughout the manga, several moments show the development of Sebastian and Ciel's relationship, some more subtle than others. This ultimately leads to that same change in dynamic, one where Sebastian slowly realizes that he is, in fact, bewitched by this human.
Chapter 117: in a conversation with Ciel, Sebastian hints at the fact that he doesn't just want to possess his soul, but his heart as well.
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Book of Murder Side Chapter: In this fantasy AU, the hint of codependent possessiveness in their relationship is highlighted, as Ciel admits that, after all, he doesn't want to be saved from the devil. As his eye (aka. soul) already belongs to him. The devil is in his possession in the most codependent of ways, to the point where they have practically become one.
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Chapter 130: In other times, the panicking and shock Ciel was experiencing here would've amused Sebastian, as the cunning devil he is. But here, his expression betrays him. The way his eyebrow is tilted upwards, the gleam in his eye. He feels empathy, and he is worried.
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There are many more moments like these that hint at a more caring relationship between the two, but the post would otherwise become too long.
Of course, with this shift in Sebastian's actions and feelings, he has become more affectionate than ever. And with the recent occurring in the manga, now that Ciel has lost everything and is at his most vulnerable, Sebastian will completely show that caring side of him that until now has only shown subtly. Sebaciel in Brighton will truly be the nirvana of every Sebaciel shipper.
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lanitalay · 3 months
One Day : Chapter 7
based on the netflix series of the same name.
azriel x reader
a/n: ok so I cried writing this chapter as well, I really want the type of unconditional love I write about.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: none
Valkyrie training was not how you would choose to spend your mornings.
Rock bottom kicked your ass when Nesta got sent to the House of Wind. In a way, you were happy you weren’t stuck in a house for so long. But Nesta was your sole companion. When she was gone, and you had a bad date or a bad day in general there was no one there. It was just you, in that crummy apartment. 
Your habits didn’t change when she was gone. The drinking, the drugs, the sex, they were all still there and you still indulged. Until one day, Nesta showed up. You cried when you saw her, crumbled into her arms like a piece of discarded paper. She told you about everything that happened and that she missed you. She looked at you and your place and said something like “this is no place for such a brilliant mind to waste. I want you to come with me.” 
Your initial instinct was to say “no, I’m good here.” But you weren’t. You were so lonely and Nesta was the only one who you wanted to be around, but now… she looked amazing and it seemed to highlight your own disheveled state. Maybe she would judge you. Now that she had changed, she feels she can play hero to you. 
Then she said “I miss you everyday, y/n. So does everyone else. I say this with love, your apartment is disgusting.” And there was Nesta, your friend who promised to clean you up if things got messy. So you said yes. Not knowing that you would get roped into Valkyrie training, even on Summer Solstice. 
You finish the last set of exercises and go get water. “Your form is looking better.” Always so kind. 
“You think?”
“Oh yes, I think you're ready to use the real weights.” You force a little laugh. Just being near him makes you want to cry. 
“Are you going to go to the boat party?” He asked, carefully avoiding eye contact. 
“Oh, I don’t think I should… I was just planning on staying in, maybe have a nice bath or something.” 
“But it's your favorite holiday, don’t you want to celebrate?” You forced a sip of water to go down your throat. It was always like this, perfectly polite.
“Well… with everything that happened, I just think it's best if I spend the day here. But I hope you have a good time.” Another forced, tight lipped smile and then you return to your room within the House of Wind. 
Once safe, in the privacy of your own chamber you take a deep breath and will the tears away. It was too much. Being around him so often was the biggest challenge of every day here. You’d be lucky if he was on a mission and missed the training. An average day was one where he only said hello and goodbye. A bad day was one like today, where he went out of his way to reach out. He was always there. Never forcing anything, never insisting, but present. 
But the fact that he was always there meant you never got any peace. Every time you saw him, you saw him limp and lifeless. The image would ambush you without warning and leave you wrecked with no way to forget it. There was no liquor here, no strange males. 
After a moment, you take another breath and go to the bathing room and run a bath. The sound of running water muffled some of your thoughts, you’d often empty the tub halfway and fill it up again just to have the constant noise. 
Today was especially difficult. Summer Solstice was when you met Azriel and in a way it was the day that the second phase of your life began. Azriel introduced you to his family who welcomed you with open arms, and you were an orphan desperate for affection. Your friends were always there for you, yes, but they had their own families. Priorities that weren’t you. With the Inner Circle you were each other's priorities. Now the family has grown exponentially. 
You groan, hating this train of thought.
The bath is finally full and you step in, eager to give your muscles some relief. You submerge yourself completely in the water, seeing how long you can go without air. The racing of your heart when you can’t stay under any longer is the closest thing to an adrenaline rush you can get these days. 
After an hour or so, you get out and put on a fluffy robe, resigned to spend the rest of the day in bed. If you fall asleep now you wouldn’t agonize over every passing minute. Before you can crawl into bed, a knock sounds at the door. 
You think it must be Nesta, so you tell the house to “let her in.” Heavy steps and curling shadows signal that Azriel is the one who had knocked. 
He looks a little flustered. Unused to seeing you in a robe. “I- I’m sorry I just wanted to bring you this” he holds a bouquet of flowers out and lowers his gaze to the floor. 
You freeze at the offering and it takes every single ounce of self control to not burst into tears. “What- I don’t- uhm-” you stutter, not sure what to say. 
“I always bring you flowers for our anniversary.” He’s still holding them out. 
“You didn’t need to- I don’t even expect them anymore.” 
He brings his gaze back up and you swear someone kicked you in the chest. He looks defeated. “I know this year has been difficult but…Y/n meeting you was the best thing that could have happened to me and I’ll always celebrate that.” 
You turn from him and cover your eyes with your hands. Hiding the tears that refused to be held back. “I- I’m sorry. Can you go? I want to be alone right now.” 
You heard his shuffling footsteps and the sound of the door closing. But you knew without looking that he was still there. 
“Y/n, I’m- I don’t know what else to do. I’ve given you space but you just… you- I just- You were, well to me you still are my best friend. I’ve missed you so much and I- just tell me what to do. I’ll do anything to be friends again. Please.” You were still facing away from him, wiping away tears. You heard more steps and then “here.” He presented you with a box of tissues. 
“Why are you kind to me?” You asked, weakly. 
He looked confused by the question “what do you mean?” 
“I mean you should hate me Azriel, you have every right to hate me and you should. But you come here with flowers and bring me tissues and you look out for me at training and you shouldn’t be doing any of that.” 
“Are you really asking me that?”
“Yes, Azriel, if I were you I’d hate me. I’m no good.” You look away from him again but he grabs your free hand and makes sure you’re looking at him when he says “Y/n, listen to me, I could never hate you.” 
“No, you need to hear this. I have never hated you. Nothing you have done or could ever do will make me hate you, alright? I love you, more than anything this last year has shown me how much I love you. I don’t even know how to put it into words-” he takes his other hand and puts it on his chest “I- my life means less to me when you aren’t in it. Everything I see and do I want to share with you because you’re… well you’re the best person I’ve ever met. I understand that you were hurt by my actions and that having to heal me was difficult and I’m so sorry-” he looks around and then drops to both his knees. 
“Y/n please, I am begging you, please let me be your friend again. I- I miss you and everyone says I should stay back and give you more time and I will if that’s what you want but I’m begging you please I-” you drop down in front of him and crush him in a hug that he swears brings him back to life. You cling to him so tight and he holds you like a delicate treasure. 
“I’m- I was so cruel, Az.” You don’t know the relief that flooded him at hearing you call him that. 
“You were hurting.” 
“I’m a wretch, I ruined my whole life-” you take a gasping breath “I almost lost you, Az.” Sobs rake through you and you cling to the Ilyrian with everything you have. 
“But I’m here, I’ll always be here.” 
“It hurts so much, I- don’t know what to do with myself.”
“Just breathe, we can figure out the rest later.” He kept holding you, unwavering. 
You bury your head in his neck and say “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” over and over. 
Minutes or hours went by like that. Azriel got you to change out of the robe and into something comfy. “I was just going to sleep until tomorrow” you say, unsure how to proceed. 
“I was thinking we could eat something together, maybe watch the fireworks?” 
You hadn’t realized that you did not eat anything after training and were indeed starving. 
“That sounds nice.” 
You were eating in front of the windows that overlooked the Sidra. The house brought two cozy chairs so you could enjoy the view. The meal had gone by in silence until you asked “what will Cassian say when he finds out I’m your favorite person?” 
“Oh he already knows.” Azriel’s heart skips a beat when you smile at his answer. 
“Just… Happy anniversary.”
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
Could I please have an imagine where the reader and Meredith Grey have been best friends since childhood. The thing is that they both have had feelings for each other for years but never said anything. When they both start at Seattle Grace Meredith goes out with Derek and the reader starts something with another intern (doesn’t matter who). Both begin to realize that they are jealous and that they want to be together. (Possible conversations between Derek and the other person talking about how obvious it is) (like they give up their relationships for the other to be happy) fluffy and angsty please?
❛ 𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝒏𝒐𝒘 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Meredith Grey x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: I've chosen Jackson, I haven't written much for him yet! So this will be also a minor Jackson Avery x reader, anyway I hope you'll like the rest! <3
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In every situation a choice must be made. And most of the time the choice you make should satisfy your need. You can choose whether to wait and keep hoping or go ahead in search of something new. This was your choice. Despite your strong feelings for Meredith, you've decided to let it go so you can change things.
There was this guy, pretty cute, who was in the same internship class as you and he seemed to be hitting on you a lot. When you saw Meredith again you thought it was a sign of destiny and that you might finally come forward, but she didn't seem to show any interest and she even started dating someone else. An attending. Derek Shepherd. Chief of Neurosurgery. At first it hurt you, but then you thought about doing the same and agreeing to go out with Jackson.
It wasn't bad at all, in fact he really made you feel good. He was so nice and kind to you, you almost thought you could fall in love with him and turn this into a serious relationship. But it still bothered you a lot seeing Meredith with someone else and you hated yourself for it.
Sometimes she was in the corridors with Derek, blowing a few kisses while they talked, not caring about the people passing by, but just looking like she wanted to show off, so you did the same with Jackson when you saw her, letting his lips wrap yours as they met passionately. The only result was a few glances between you, nothing more. But neither of them wanted to stop. You also tended to highlight your plans for the evening or the day, which confused the hell out of Jackson and Derek, but despite having a huge effect on both of you.
Derek and Jackson seemed to notice, it was starting to get so weird. As much as Jackson might have displeased him he'd noticed you were somehow jealous of Derek, he'd understood you cared especially for Meredith, but of course you'd never tell him, so the only thing he could do was continue to put up with it all and go after you.
One morning you rushed in together, had coffee together and left before him since you had a surgery scheduled and didn't want to be late. He decided to take it slower.
"Avery" Derek's voice caught his attention, making him stop sipping his coffee in peace.
"Doctor Shepherd" he politely greeted him.
"Okay..." he looked embarrassed. "I'll get right to the point" he stated bringing a rather curious expression to Jackson's face. Was that what he was thinking about?
"I think you've noticed it too, cause it's obvious..." he started.
"Meredith and Y/n?" he asked to have the certainty. He did an expression to confirm.
"I know this isn't professional, but we need to clarify it" Jackson nodded.
"Meredith told me about Y/n, they knew each other since childhood" Jackson raised his eyes.
"Oh... I did n't know..." in his head he had always limited himself to putting the pieces together, but you had never spoken to him about Meredith. And he had never bothered to ask for information.
"And it seems like both will never face it" The two shared the same suspicions.
"That's difficult" Jackson continued.
There was a moment of silence between the two, then when perhaps the situation was finally about to change, Derek was called.
Jackson just strayed there, thinking about it. He had a huge crush on you but apparently he understood this wasn't what you wanted.
Before he could be late too, he entered, with all the thoughts still whirling through his head. In fact they were able to ruin his whole day, and as soon as he had a chance to talk to you, he took you to a call-room to clarify.
Thinking you understood what he wanted to do, you welcomed him with an intense kiss. And although he liked it, he interrupted the situation; he was going to have a serious conversation.
"You okay?" you asked him having noticed something weird.
"Is this what do you want, Y/n?" he asked looking deeply at your eyes. You were confused.
"Jackson, what-"
"You don't want me, I know. You don't want us" his expression as he pronounced those words almost broke you. But deep down you knew what he was referring to and you couldn't say anything against it. He nodded at your silence.
"It's her, Meredith" he continued.
"Jackson, I'm so sorry, I... you're very good..." you tried to get out of it.
"I know, it's okay" he put a hand on your cheek. "I won't be the one who will prevent you to be happy" he gave you a smile, that you knew were forced, and without adding anything else, he left the room.
He did this for you. You almost wanted to cry, even you didn't know the reason. You loved Meredith Grey, and this was ruining your life.
That same evening you went to Joe's bar, hoping it would helped you throw this day in the trash. You sat down and asked the usual drink, tequila.
"Tequila for me too, please" you turned to Meredith when you heard her voice next to you. You weren't in the best mood to face her, so you just ignored it all and continued drinking.
"Shitty day?" she asked you.
"Yeah" she seemed to want to talk. "You?" you asked.
"Derek doesn't talk to me" she said placing the shot glass back on the table. "Because of you" she continued. “And… I think he's right” she admitted. You looked at her, feeling a little pissed.
"Really Meredith?" you crossed your arms after you finished drinking. “Well, you could say that first, you know? You made me feel like a crap about this situation” She raised her eyes.
"Did I do this to you Y/n? You didn't do anything either!" she said irritated and making you feel a little guilty. But it was both's fault. None of you said anything, even the feeling was strong.
You looked into her eyes, before forgetting everything and approaching to kiss her. It was all you needed, knowing that you both felt the same way and that you would do anything to have each other's presence close.
You pull apart for a second to look at each other, can't helping but smiling and kept doing it as you stumble into another kiss.
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majeoeje · 6 months
Where the lights shine
Childe x reader (part 2)
Not even the snowstorm could keep me from you
Part 1
"Childe? Really? That's a name that you went for?" Your eyebrow raised involuntarily holding in a laugh that threaten to escape your lips
"Hey! You told me you won't laugh" he crossed his arms barely containing the pout that ghost his face
You decided to invite your dear friend to your humble living space whilst you wait for the lantern rite to start
Though the comforts of your house has never felt as cozy as now. Your living room seemed to be rendered in a hazy gold rays of sunset and the plants that decorate it glow to be more vibrant
The orange hues of sunlight passed through your window highlighting the furniture of your apartment
Has this place always been this beautiful?
Ajax or "childe" sat beside you, still dressed in the same fatui uniform that he wore when you met him a few days ago, very much different from how he used to dress back then. You also doesn't miss how his demeanor grew to be more calmer...and perhaps colder
Though those unmistakeably deep blue eyes never seemed to lost it's depth, his orange hair still glow in the ray of sun
You continue to observe him, noticing every small detail that you missed from him
"You're staring again" he said, despite that, he never broke eye contact
You let out a little laugh
"Do you have more have more freckles?" You asked, taking a closer look
"I do?" He perked up curiously, how you missed this expression of his
"Yeah, right here" you pointed with your thumb on the spot below his eye "and here.." you brushed a few strands on the side of his face before ultimately resting on it once again
"Oh yeah? Where else?" He asks
You tilted his face side to side, examining it thoroughly
"Here" you say, finding one on the side of his other eye while not shying away to rest your hands on the side of his face
He smiled, a smile so cheeky you couldn't help to return it
"Pfft. How could you even notice that? You're making it up come on." he sighs weakly, you didn't fail to notice the blush that spreads accross his complexion. Maybe he wished you did made it up. The thought of you making excuses just to touch him has him weak
"How could i? I know for a FACT that these are new" You cupped his hand, your touch still not faltering from it's place
Ajax didn't know what was it with you and how much you like touching his face. The truth is he likes it even more than you do
"Maybe you just like my face so much you remember it so vividly"
Not wrong
"No, it haunts me in my nightmares"
The sun went down and darkness ensues on your apartment
"Mhm, whatever you say" he rolled his eyes playfully cheeky little bastard
You hadn't realize how close your face was to ajax's. You hoped that he didn't see how you stared longingly on his lips
You coughed profusely, inching your face away. The intimate moment made your breath hitch
"You good?" Ajax patted your back
"I'm awesome!" You stood up from the sofa making ajax confused on your sudden movement
"I almost forgot.. i think they're already setting up the laterns, shall we go?" You hesitated before you reached out your hand to help him stand
He took your hand in his and stood up, the both of you simultaniously agreeing to watch the lantern rite from the roof
Just like the old days, it does feel nostalgic how you held his hand giding him to the roof, how you two sat chattering about things that passed, how he never let go of your hand
But the butterfly that flutter in your chest was anything but nostalgic. It was explosive. Like fireworks that shoot up and went off into the sky as you two chat your night away
"Is that why you became a florist?" Ajax asked, looking into the distance, as you talked about your aspiration
"Yeah, when you gave me that frozen flower...it just kinda stuck you know?" you laughed awkwardly "when it melt and wilt, i hoped to grow more of it"
In the harsh snows of snezhnaya, hardly any plants can grow, so when ajax came and give you a flower frozen within ice, you were awestruck. Something so beautiful. So fragile. You were infatuated with it
Ajax was more than happy that he could inspire you, even when his heart swelled in ache letting you go away to start your journey
"Im proud of you" he suddenly says, as he finally looked into your eyes, a look that was filled with genuine feelings and acceptance
"You have a business now, it seems to take off with the funeral parlors and even to other nations" he rambled, feeling like he hadn't praised you enough
"I'm super proud of you too, you're a harbinger!" You pat his back "you've come so far. I'm sure your family is also proud of you"
Gentle yellow light from the lantern, paired with colorful flash of light from the fireworks illuminated ajax in a way that you've never seen before. It took your breath away
"Glad it all worked out yeah?"
"Yeah... still. I hope you'd visit me more now" you didn't pry your gaze off him
Has he always been this beautiful?
"Now that you've said that i'll be up your hair 24/7" he says, smiling again, feels like he couldn't stop smiling when he's with you
"Pfft. Okay"
"I hope you enjoy nagging at 4 in the morning"
"I might even stay here for months to come"
"Doesn't sound too bad"
"And what if i don't want to leave?"
"You know i won't mind. Ever."
Your faces were dangerously so close to one another as you bask in the beautiful light that illuminates from the lanterns.
"I want to kiss you"
He whispered shamefully a confession that he had held back for years. He doesn't wish to hold it for more years to come, this time he was the one holding your face, you find it tremendously cute. Though you'd never admit it
You didn't respond, what would you possibly say in that situation anyway? Other than giving him a long awaited kiss that shouldn't had been delayed for how long it did
You held each other. A warm embrace that didn't felt nostalgic, a new booming unfamilliar feeling, yet you yearn for it
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deadpool15 · 6 months
Ch.2 To be loved
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Seeing him was the highlight of my day. I remembered when I was nothing but an orphan, though I can't remember my biological parents. I sometimes like to think they died. It was the best way for me when I was just a kid. To accept the fact that even the ones who gave you life viewed as nothing but a mistake was difficult. My mother viewed her destiny as saving her country, getting rid of the drugs that were taking lives. In my opinion, people died all the time. Life was hard. We have no idea what someone is going through until they are pushed to the end. She would never understand that struggle. That pain. When I heard it was si-o behind all this, I had to know why. People have reasons, I had to be the one to see the good in him. Even if no one else could. I was falling in love, love makes you do dumb things.
Whether I was dumb or hopeless, I wanted to know him. Not the version he showed to the public, the fake smiles meant nothing to me. I wanted to see him truly smile, to be happy. I happened to be at one of my mothers many chain restaurants. And to my luck sitting there was the man I had hoped for, now I hadn't prepared myself to speak to him and I realized that when he had made eye contact with me. Stern, serious glare like he knew I was watching him. Talking to people wasn't necessarily the issue. I talked my way out of parking tickets, jail, and even school punishments as a child. I was a smooth talker, one thing I developed from my mom. Though he made me nervous, my hands were sweating, and I had the urge to convert into oxygen. I wanted to cry because as much as I hated to admit it, his opinion of me meant a lot. One accidental interaction, and I was hooked. He knew me as Tseg tseg rich spoiled friend. I wanted him to see me. It already pissed me off that he had eyes for my sister. She took everything from me without even fucking trying. I had to man up and fight for what I wanted.
"Hello sir, you probably don't know me, but my name is Danny. We kinda met before when I bumped into you at your company." He smiled though I could tell it was fake, after years of faking happiness myself. I knew a fake smile from a mile away. "Right, your Tseg's little friend, correct?" Irritation couldn't even be used as the word for what I felt in that moment, I wanted him to see me. "Technically, that's how we met, though I just wanted to say something t-to you. Please." I stood up drawing attention to myself truly not what I needed right now, but I had to tell him before anything else happened. My anxiety was through the roof, I wanted to crawl into a hole and die right then and there standing under his intimidating stare. I had to do this, though. He was the first person I felt genuine feelings for, and I didn't even know him personally. The effect he had on me was outrageous.
"I wanted to go out with you. I want to get to know you, and I know I'm not korean, and your parents may have an issue with that, but I mean Nationality vise I am. Everyone thinks I'm just this spoiled rich assshole, but i im not, and i want to show you that there is more to me than my money or parents' money. I have korean parents, so that counts, I'm well accounted for, and I have seen you before, and you're all I think about no matter what. I try to get my mind off of you, and my brain proceeds to show different connections to you. And if you p-plan to reject me, just sit here and silence, and I won't ever bother you again. Well, I hope so, I can try." He was astonished but my speech. Everyone had turned their attention towards us and started clapping. I hadn't even noticed at first. I couldn't handle rejection, especially not by him. I wanted to be with him, breathe in his scent, and help him with anything. Live a life with him. Silence was what I got, and I took the message. I had embarrassed him and myself.
Suddenly, walking out, trying to hold back tears, I was 5 years old me again. I'm sitting at my dance recital waiting for my mommy. She promised she would come today since I told her how much this meant to me. Sitting there for the next 4 hours in nothing but silence was the worst feeling a child could feel. The competition was over, I didn't even dance, missing a chance to get picked for a major academy. I saw dad pull up. Why did she hate me so much. "Honey, you didn't tell me you had a competition today, and I found the scouts there as well. I would've shown up, baby." I stared at him. I was a daddy's girl simply because my mother broke my heart before I could ever feel love from her. "I didn't tell you because I told Mommy. I wanted her to come watch me this time. To surprise her with my skills." Just glancing at him, I knew that look, the look of a father who was afraid to break their already broken child. I snapped out of it when I felt someone shaking my shoulders. Looking up, it was him. "I've been calling you for 20 minutes. You almost got hit by that truck. Are you even paying attention?" I stared at him, I didn't know what to say, would he care enough to hear. "You ran out before I could say anything. Scared? You're very pretty. And bold. I've never had someone confess their love for me in a public area at that. I admire that, while I don't really know you, I would like to get to know you. Experience something."
I was so happy at that moment that I completely ignored the world around me. I jumped onto him. He was startled at first but caught me with ease. I leaned back and cupped his face, pecking his cheek, and for that first time, I saw a genuine smile. A real surprise for me, I enjoyed it. "You look beautiful when you smile, like a hidden jem only made for the luckiest humans to gaze at." He stared at me, blushing. From that moment, we slowly got to know each other, getting closer day and night. Developing an unbreakable bond. I didn't care he was a so-called criminal. When I was with him, none of that mattered. I never asked about his business, letting him know if he wanted to tell me he could. I kept this from my family, I knew they would never approve of what we had, especially my mother. She didn't give a shit about me, but in a situation like this, she saw him as an enemy.
We sat at a Korean BBQ shop. It was simply nice to spend time at a place with no worries. "I could've taken you someone nicer, you know." I placed some meat on the grill what grabbing a piece and putting it in front of his mouth. He smiled and opened his mouth to eat it. "Is it good? And you know I don't care about expensive restaurants. I've been to enough in my lifetime. I just want to be with you. To be honest, you could've gotten fried chicken and took to me the beach to eat. It's the thought that counts, babe." He smiled at me, I smiled back until I realized the petname I gave him immediately going to apologize. "It's fine, I actually like it. Babe." Blushing, I gave him more meat. We talked about our days, he was stressed and I wanted to help. Thought he said I shouldn't stress myself. We finished eating and literally had a full-on battle over who would pay the bill. I won, "Maybe I'll let you pay next time." He laughed, grabbing my hand and walking out of the shop. While pda was no foreign concept to me, it still made me feel like it was the first interaction between us each time it happened. "Come home with me, please." I stared at him in shock. He had never asked me this. I had no experience in relationships, but usually, that leads to other things. I didn't know what was gonna happen, but I trusted him.
We showed up to his home. He told me to wash up for the night. I happily got in the shower to think I was happy. A foreign feeling. My shower lasted well over 30 minutes, I looked down and saw a towel and a button-up shirt. Luckily, I always kept a spare thong with me. Putting on the clothes, I walked out of the bathroom to find him already washed up and laying in bed. A blue robe and pajama pants on while he was on the phone. I walked out of the room to got place my clothes in the hamper, then grabbed a glass of water. I was drinking it while examining the home I had never been inside. Eventually, I walked back towards the room where he was done with his phone call. And looked up with a dropped jaw. I smiled at his antics. "You're still so pretty. With and without the makeup. Come here." Walking slowly towards his bed, he gestured for me to move closer. I crawled to him, and apparently, it wasn't close enough because he picked me up and placed me on his lap while holding my hips. I felt nervous. He noticed squeezing my hips with his larm hands.
I grabbed one of his hands, placing them in mine. Comparing the size and then kissing his palms, I looked up at him to see a bright smile. "I'm not tired yet." I told him it usually took me a while to go to sleep. I was just always up. He nodded and pulled me closer in a hug. Affection from si-o was always the best. I could tell he wasn't the most affectionate person, so I didn't push him. Though I craved his touch, I craved everything about him. Looking out the window, I saw the stars. "This reminds me of when my mom took me and my siblings camping once. It was weird, though it was fun." I continued to look at the stars until he spoke up. "You don't talk about your mother much. Actually, you don't talk about her at all. For a second, I thought she had passed." I was shocked by the thought of my mothers absence. Sure, I never spoke about her because there weren't any good memories, to be honest. "It's fine if you don't want to speak about it." I looked at his face full of concern he was so patient with me, but I wanted him to know and trust me like I did him. "It's ok, it's just.....there isn't much to talk about, you know. She was there but not there. She was always focused on my older sister. She was the amazing daughter who could do no wrong. And I was simply the girl that lived in her house, or that's what it felt like. Sometimes, it felt like I didn't have a mom to begin with. To think I used to pray to have a mother that would be there for me. Then my sister went missing, and as much as I hate to say it, I was happy, for once I though she would pay attention to me, realizing she had two daughters but it only got worse. I was just there, and I hated myself for the fact that I was happy my sister was gone. I've always been jealous of her she is better in every way. That's so evil of me, but I was so fucking lonely. She is such a good person, and makes friends so easily and everyone likes her but me they look down on me. I'm nothing more then a spoiled bitch using her parents credit card to fill the void."
Before I noticed, I was full on sobbing in front of him. I broke down, secrets I've never told anyone in my life. I was afraid of what the world would think of me. He grabbed my shaking hands, kissing them slowly, whining, moving up to wipe my tears. "Your feelings are normal baby, you went your entire life playing second place because your mother is a terrible mother, no offense. A bit of a bitch you know. No secret there since she is Hwang Geum Joo." Hearing that part made me laugh. Until I sat there shocked he knew of my parent. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." It was all I could say at the moment. He looked at me and pressed against my cheeks, letting me know it was ok. And he underdtood the urge to protect her even if she wanst good to me. Or cared for me, it seems."You are so amazing and kind and beautiful. She isn't better than you at all. I wish you could see the way I see you. You have lightened up my world as a whole. I was nothing but a cold, damaged asshole when I met you, then I realized no matter how my life pushes and kicks your ass its your choice to get back up. To keep going, you taught me that baby. All the drug business and shady stuff I do, you don't judge me at all. Sitting by my side supporting me no matter what I choose to do. When I was an orphan and Pavel took me in, trained me to become the person I am today, hit after hit. Missed meal after another, I prayed for a better life. You have provided that life." Hearing those words, my heart was swelled. I felt nothing but love for the first time someone chose me, loves me. I wasn't an option. I was a need. "I'm so glad you chose me or tseg." Hearing that, he laughing pulling me closer if that was possible. "I never liked tseg baby, she is a worker at my company that'd all. If anything, I had my eyes on you since you walked into the building." Similing in pure joy, I leaped forward, causing a groan to come of his mouth. Scared I hurt him, I tried to get up until he forced my hips back down. It was then I realized I hadn't hurt him. In fact, the moment u felt something hard poking me thigh, I blushed.
"How in the world did you get hard, sir?" He simply smiled at my words, moving me forward to the point where I was sitting directly on top of his hard on. My core pushed further into it slowly until he began grinding me against him. I couldn't help but moan. It all felt too good. "Have you seen my beautiful girlfriend sitting right on top of me in nothing but my shirt? If anything, it was difficult not to." Moans slipped from my mouth before I could let out a sarcastic response. Finally, I said the words I had been so afraid to ever tell anyone. "I love y-you." Hearing this, he sped up my hips against his, leaning in to capture my lips into a kiss. "I love you more, baby." We continued until we were left naked and bare before each other, and all the insecurities, abandonment issues, and pain left my mind. Leaving nothing but si-o. The night was a night to remember.
Stay tuned for chapter 3.
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Rivals With Benefits
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Fandom: Gotham
Ed Nygma x Fem!Academic Rival!Reader
Cw: College Au, tall reader, suggestive, no smut tho, Y/n is kinda rude. Ed is a cocky bastard, think like he already was kind a like the Riddler in high school.
Word Count: 4.1k
They had gone back and forth like this for the last week. Each time their little quips and witty comeback became more frequent, their stares more intense, Edward was starting to get the feeling that he had made a mistake. He had underestimated her and now he was paying for that assumption. Now, with every interaction came a little twinge of… worry? Excitement? He didn’t know what it was but it was becoming unbearable. Every time their eyes met, he felt this tug at his stomach, that he couldn’t ignore.
"What are you looking at Nygma?" Y/n asked looking at him coldly, making sure he wasn't cheating off of her.
He raised an eyebrow at the question. Her tone suggested annoyance, but there was still that hint of something else lingering behind her eyes. A secret that he would love to see her keep until she slipped up and told him willingly. “Nothin, thought you could use the help.” He smirked smugly in response hoping to get a rise out of her. He’d make her angry and then he’d see how far he could push her before she broke.
"We both know you're the one who needs the help Nygma," she said fixing her hair, seeing his blood boil for a second.
Her response gave him a little pause. He found his confidence taking a dip as his eyes searched her for some sign of weakness, some hint as to how to get her to lose her temper. But as his eyes drifted across her face, he could no longer deny that twinge in his belly. Every time his eyes met hers, he was reminded that there was something different about her and as each moment of uncomfortable eye contact passed by, the more he wanted to see her face again. “Is that so?” He couldn’t help it, his voice had become low, borderline a growl.
"Yes, as my essay is done and your's isn't," She said bluntly pointing to his blank paper. "Get to work." His face was a picture of cool anger as he stared her down. Her gaze was unwavering, he had to respect her for that. She wasn’t intimidated by his bluster. “Or what?” He asked just as calmly as he could manage.
"Well the essay is due tonight at, 11 so I guess you fail the assignment." Y/n had a slight smirk on her face highlighting her tired features. She looks like she lives off of coffee and spite
Ed took out a folder with an essay showing her that he had finished it. Y/n read his essay without his consent or knowledge. "And it's absolute shit," she said smiling at him condescendingly enjoying the rise she gets out of him.
“Oh, why don’t you do it better then?” He asked with a grin, knowing that the offer would strike a nerve, she would hate having to accept it. He waited for her to reply, his smirk still upon his face. This little contest was the most fun he’d had in a while, and it wasn’t for the simple fact that he was losing. His eyes had started to be drawn to her face even outside of the competition. There was this certain… attractiveness in her boldness.
Y/n gave him her essay. She watched his jaw drop from being so impressed by her work. "Jim was right, she's amazing at this." Ed muttered to himself. Y/n took a swig of her energy drink.
He looked up at her in stunned silence, he had to admit she did a far better job than he did. He could feel her eyes burning into his back and he tried to act like he wasn’t impressed by her work. “That doesn’t mean you weren’t a pain in my ass today!” His attempt at saving face was as flimsy as a wet napkin and he knew she could see right through it.
Y/n took her essay, stood up and patted his shoulder. "Bye, Nygma. Have fun with your C." She said walking out the door to the campus library.
Her casual dismissal left him seething with annoyance. The fact that she had taken her paper before he could even ask left him feeling wronged. He stared after her in rage and he swore he saw that smirk again. The audacity, after seeing him basically fail she now walks away without even showing the slightest consideration for the work he had done.
He clenched one hand into a fist as he tried to control his rage, he only succeeded in digging his fingernails into his flesh. “She doesn’t deserve the satisfaction.” He muttered to himself as he gathered his own things to leave. Ed chased after her not letting her get the last laugh.
She heard his running feet getting closer and closer to her, but she ignored it. Until he grabbed her arm and whirled her around. She tried to fight to get free but quickly realized that strength wise he was in a different league. She stared up at him, her expression one of annoyance, her cheeks were flushed with anger. “Are you fuckin' insane, let me go!” Her tone was sharp with frustration.
"Nygma, get a hold of yourself," she said even though she was as tall as him, doesn't means she's as strong. She tried to twist her arm out of his grip, but nothing she did was enough to free her from his grasp. She stared at him with disdain not fear, though she had to admit a small bit of fear did seep into her stomach as his grip tightened. “I’ve got a hold on myself.” He said with a smirk, his hand slid up her arm as he stepped closer.
"No ya' have a hold on my arm," she said angry at him. Her Brooklyn accent coming out.
He pulled her closer, their faces only just a few inches apart as his other hand crept up towards her waist. She could see the lust in his eyes and feel his breath against her face. His hand brushed against her waist ever so lightly and he leaned in, his lips hovering close to hers, but not touching. She could feel something stirring within her, a heat rising in her core. She looked in his eyes. "Ed.." This was the first time Y/n had ever called him by his first name.
Their eyes met, the tension building between them. It was that moment of truth. All or nothing, he wasn’t going to let her go so easily, not before having a taste. He leaned in a bit closer, his lips just barely touching hers, enough to feel their touch but not enough to actually kiss. He pulled back slightly and looked down at her for a moment before leaning forward again this time a bit more forceful.
She kissed him back passionately. "This is a place of learning we shouldn't be doing this here," Y/n said softly. She was right, this was a place of learning. Perhaps that was why he had been hesitant with her. His mind had been telling him it was wrong and it was, but for some reason, as he pulled her into his embrace and kissed her, the world fell away and he only had eyes for her. The passion that he felt for her was intense and he didn’t want to stop. “Maybe we should go somewhere more private.” His voice was hushed as he whispered into her ear.
"I know a place." Y/n dragged him into an abandoned classroom. "This should work."
It took him a moment to react to her pulling him into the abandoned classroom. He couldn’t help but feel some slight amount of suspicion, but whatever she had in mind he was on board. He looked around the old classroom, seeing the faded chalk markings on the wall. It looked like someone may have used the room for more than studies. “Are you sure we can’t get caught?” He asked with a smirk, not like he cared about the consequences.
"I study in here every day, and no one has found this place." Y/n said, her lips crashing against his.
He pressed her up against the wall of the abandoned classroom, the intensity of their kiss slowly growing. He let himself succumb to her kisses, his heart starting to race at just the touch of her skin. His hand reached up and cupped her jaw, running a thumb along her lips.
"God your good at this, Ed." she said, looking at him in the eyes and unbuttoning his first couple buttons of his shirt and kisses him.
He chuckled at her words, his heart seemed to be racing even more now as the intensity of their kiss grew. His mind slowly becoming foggy, the only thing in his mind now was her lips pressed against his. A moan escaped him as he felt the buttons being undone, his skin shivering in response to her touch.
"Good boy," Y/n said eating up the sounds he made. He groaned quietly as she continued, but he couldn’t help but enjoy it. Her words only heightened the experience for him, his eyes drifted shut as he felt her hand moving to his collar. He leaned into it, allowing her to have more control of the situation, he wasn’t going to complain about it.
"Needy aren't we today, Ed." She teased, leaving a hickey on his collarbone, easy to hide but they will know.
He gasped as he felt her bite down against his collarbone, he knew the mark she left would be easy to hide, but the knowledge of the mark he knew would drive him wild. Her words only made his lips spread into a smug grin as he looked down to her, her eyes seemed to shimmer as the light glimmered in them. “I’m many things… and needy isn’t one of them.” He retorted, his words sounding rather smug with a tinge of arrogance.
"Oh really now darling, I mean if you aren't needy, I could just leave right now..." she teased him, but he liked it.
A small bit of panic rose within him at the thought of her just leaving. He needed that feeling again, he wanted to revel in her kisses again. “No, please don’t.” He said, his words dripping with desperation. He had come this far, he couldn’t just let her leave. "As I thought," She walked towards him slowly.
His eyes followed her body as she approached, he couldn’t help but take in every curve it presented. She knew exactly what he was doing and it only made her smirk wider as he did so. The anticipation in his heart only grew more with each step she took towards him.
She was close enough he could feel the warmth of her breath on his face, and just like that she made her lips touch his again. His eyes drifted shut once more as she resumed her previous position. “I think you're the needy one.” He said, his voice was low and rich. "No, no, no I stand by my point you're very needy, Ed." Y/n said teasingly.
He couldn’t deny her assessment of him, but at the same time he didn’t care in the moment. His mind was clouded by her and he wanted nothing more than to feel her again. “Alright, L/n if you're not needy then why did you drag me here?” He challenged, his voice was bold, but there was no denying the heat in his words.
Y/n smiled at that statement. "Because, I wanted to and do as I please." He looked into her eyes as she spoke. She was right, she could do as she pleased and in this moment he knew exactly what she wanted. Her eyes were locked on his hand as it slid down to her waist, she was waiting to see what he would do next. “Well now.” His tone was low and husky, his eyes were filled with lust towards her. “Since I’m so needy, would you please let me kiss your neck? Would you please let me have a taste of you…” The words slipped out of his mouth and all he could feel was anticipation for her answer.
"Good boy, Yes you may" Y/n said in a sultry tone. She gave a slight moan as she felt his lip on her neck. He moaned quietly against her neck as he kissed her, he was enjoying the sweet sound of her moans. His lips pressed softly against her neck and his tongue ran along it teasingly. He bit down on it, just hard enough to feel it but not enough to draw blood, the sound of her moan only caused him to moan again.
"Well, there's no covering that one." Y/n said, wearing a v-neck sweater she couldn't hide that mark. “You’re damn right there isn’t.” His lips moved up along her neck, kissing it as he went. His body was pressed against hers, his arm around her back as he felt her body against his. He couldn’t control himself any longer, his other hand slid up along her thighs as he pushed her up against the wall of the classroom. “Is this what you wanted?” He whispered into her ear, his breath filling her ear with heat.
"It isn't what I planned but I don't mind" She said smiling, the chalk of her equations getting on her back. His lips moved up to her jaw again before he brought it down to her lips and kissed her deeply, his hand sliding up her body slowly. His teeth grazed her tongue as they kissed and he moaned passionately with each kiss. He let his hand move up to her neck again, his fingers grazing along the neckline of her sweater. “Well, if we are doing unexpected things I have a request…” He trailed off, his voice had a teasing tone with a bit of arrogance mixed in.
"Well ask darling, I'm not a mind reader." She said as he ran his fingers across the marks he left. “Well in that case darling, may I?” He gestured to her sweater. He raised his hand to it as if he was going to slide the sweater off. Her answer would most likely be an obvious yes given their current situation, but maybe she would surprise him. His eyes were on her now, waiting to see what she had to say.
"Maybe I should keep it on and tease you a little." She said, smirking at his blush at her statement. His shirt was almost completely unbuttoned and he didn't even consider wearing an undershirt today.
She must take great satisfaction in knowing that he was now getting flustered at his own actions. He scoffed, though he knew that he had been bested. “Ahh so I’ll have to beg a little, maybe give you a little performance for you to let me have what I want.” His tone was that of arrogance though he couldn’t help but smirk in the process.
"Oh you catch on quick, baby. Beg for it." Y/n said a sadistic look in her eyes. A little bit of cruelity never hurt.
“Ah so this is your game, I have to beg you huh?” He asked with a smirk. “Then I’ll do just that, on my knees just for you.” He dropped to his knees and looked up at her, his cheeks flushed with both shame and the desire that he felt towards her. “Please, I’m begging you to let me have this. Please!” He begged in a hushed voice, his tone mixed with desperation and lust. Y/n bent down and ran her hand under his jaw then forced him to look at her. "More." She liked this it felt good. Her arrogance getting to her head a bit.
She was forcing him to beg now, he felt as if he might just pass out from all the blood that was rushing to his face. He forced himself to beg even more, not wanting her to win. “Please, you have to. I need to, I’m begging you!” He whispered, he knew if she heard him begging like this it would push her to continue this longer. “Please, please, please, please!” He pleaded, trying to put on a desperate tone in his voice. She tilted her head in a questioning manner. "Please, what. What do you want to do Zeeskeit" She looked at him and his blushing face.
“Your sweater, I need to have it.” There was no mistaking his desperation now, his voice trembling slightly. This was a game to her but it was a war for him, every cell in his body wanted that sweater gone and it was up to him to convince her. He waited for her to say something, he didn’t even think about what he would do once he got the sweater off of her. The hunger he felt for her was the priority.
"And what do you want to do after?" She said, knowing that he had no plan but she was enjoying this sight way too much for her own good.
“I’ll figure that out once the sweater is gone.” He said, a smirk growing across his lips as he tried to hide his desperation in his voice. The hunger in his eyes grew as an idea came into his head. “How about I make you a deal?” His tone became more cocky and his eyes shifted around looking for a bargaining chip. Y/n considered it, she was curious about what he would say. "I'm a kind mistress, I'll hear it."
A smirk spread across his face as he saw an opportunity to make this a little interesting. “If I can guess your size, then I can have the sweater, if I’m wrong you can do anything you want to me.” He said, his tone daring her to accept his offer. He was confident that he knew her size well enough, he just wanted to spice this up some more. He was willing to make the game more risky if he had to.
"Alright, take a guess." It was a men's medium, she was almost always too tall for women's clothes.
He narrowed his eyes for a moment and did some quick math in his head. He felt as if he knew her measurements, but maybe this was just him being cocky. “Fine, let’s say a medium, I doubt it’d be anything more.” He said, there was a small bit of challenge to his tone as his smirk grew some more. "Men's or women's?" She asked.
He paused for a moment, he hadn’t considered that he would have to guess that as well. “Fine… men’s medium.” He said confidently, hoping he was right yet again.
"You're correct, I'm guessing because you're also a medium? Am I correct there." She said letting him take off the sweater, handing it to him. Now shivering from the cold air hitting her skin.
He watched as she started to pull the sweater off, his eyes were glued to the movement of the sweater, his body seemed to lean slightly towards her as well out of sheer desperation. There was a small smile on his face. “Correct, now I want a promise out of you though, if I win you do what I want.” He said, he wanted to be sure she would follow through with the terms of the game.
"Alrighty another guessing game, go ahead." She said wondering what his question would be and wondering if she'd allow it.
“What's your double major in?” He asked confidently. The air sent a chill down his spine and he felt his heart rate spike, but the thought of finally getting to see her shoulders made it all worth it. It would be nice if he could keep the sweater but he had a feeling she wasn’t going to give it up that easily. "Alright, but most people get it wrong." She said arms crossed for warmth.
He stared at her before answering, her body was perfect in his eyes. He couldn’t help but have a small smile creep across his lips. “How about… biochem.” He said, knowing that he was probably off the mark by a long shot.
"Ah not biochem, just chemistry." She said leaning against the chalk board. "I'll give you another chance, ask another."
He narrowed his eyes, not sure what to guess at this point. “Alright alright, I’ll ask you this then, how old are you?” He asked, maybe he could win this, but the answer she gave would be crucial.
"Take your guess, Ed." They were both freshman, but she was 19 and he was 18. Their birthdays were a few months apart.
He really wanted this and he was going to put his all into winning this game. He took a wild guess, he tried not to show the panic in his eyes as he threw this out into the abyss. “19.” He said, his heart starting to beat a lot quicker as he waited for her response.
"Yep, so you got my sweater what else do you want?" She says smiling. He was good at this, or really damn lucky.
As soon as the word left her lips his eyes gleamed with joy and he gave a loud shout of excitement. “Yes, yes, yes! I got it! That means I can do whatever I want, right?” He asked with a cocky smirk on his face. His eyes were locked on her now that he won, it was impossible to not notice how beautiful she was after seeing so much of her.
"Yes, darling. I will keep up my end of the deal." She said waiting for him to make his first move. He looked like a child on Rosh Hashana.
He laughed slightly, his eyes looking her up and down as he tried to decide what to do. “Well for starters, I’m not letting go of this sweater, it's mine now.” He smiled as he pulled her slightly closer, her body pressing slightly against his. He thought for a moment and let out a chuckle. “I want to keep the sweater. And, how about… this.” He leaned in and kissed her, his voice was cocky and his tone arrogant.
"I guess I'll have to wear your button up out of this classroom then. I can't go to advanced chem topless." She said and then kissing him back.
He moved his hands up and placed them onto her waist as they continued to kiss, he felt his emotions rush out for just a moment. Everything he felt towards her in that one second was the greatest feeling in the world. He pulled away slightly, a cocky smirk grew across his lips as he noticed her blush. “Oh no no, you couldn’t go topless, that would give everyone too much of a surprise.” He teased in a low tone, his eyes trailed down her body once again.
"Including your roommate." She said knowing that Jim Gordon liked her, it was obvious. Ed, Jim, Y/n, and Y/n's roommate Katya were all familiar with each other. Jim, Ed, and Katya being good friends from Gotham High School.
He looked at her with a smirk, he liked her knowing that Jim was into her. He felt a sense of rivalry towards Jim that made him that much more cocky. “Yeah, him too. Guess I will have to steal you away at your earliest convenience.” He teased, his voice was low, husky and almost growl like. He pulled away from her slightly, but his hands were still on her waist. “What about a date?” He asked, his question accompanied by a smile as he ran his hand down her thigh.
"I'll take it." Y/n's phone rang, it was Jim. She picked it up. "Y/n where are you we have that Lab today?" Y/n's eyes widened completely forgetting about it in the heat of the moment. "Right, give me 5. I was doing things for Biology, tutoring someone." Y/n lied through her teeth.
Ed heard the phone ringing and the look on her face made him smile. He knew as soon as the heat of the moment died down she would have to go, but that only made him want her that much more. He moved his head closer to her ear, his tone lowering once again. “I have to ask, did he sound suspicious of your answer?” He teased, his hand still grazing along her thigh.
"Not for a second." She said. "Give me your button down, you're keeping the sweater." Y/n said grabbing it off of him and buttoning it. She wrote down her number and gave it to Ed. "Call me. I guess we're now rivals with benefits." Y/n said leaving the classroom, and Ed looking stunned.
His eyes were glued to her figure as he thought. “Oh she’s definitely going to be one of the hottest rivals I’ve had.” he whispered to himself.
I hope y'all liked it, um if you want a part 2 just tell me.
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where-dreamers-go · 7 months
"Lucky Treat" Dick Grayson x Reader
(A/N: This is a part two for “Things Happen” with 90s Robin. What happens when Reader has good luck all day?
Warnings: Use of (Y/N).
Word Count: 1,952 words)
Friday night. Friends and family dressed for a fun filled night full of candy. Others dressed in their spooky best for scares or music-filled delight. A costume party!
You were having a great day! A spook-tacular day, in fact. You managed to find a coupon for candy and stocked up on your favorites. The weather was clear and cool.
Perfect for a night of chilling spectacles or more specifically—your friend’s costume party. Costumes were highly encouraged. They didn’t have to tell you twice.
So a small cape and pointed hat you wore, spellbound accessories for your black costume. Classy, comfortable, and quite flattering on you.
Too bad any ‘pocket’ wasn’t good enough to hold any more than your apartment keys and small candy bar.
The party at your friend’s home was as lively as it was full of candy and treats. They had planned it weeks in advance.
That was Gotham City for you.
Night life was as busy as the daylight hours.
Your night had led you to return towards the ever hauntingly, delightful dessert table. All done up with cobwebs, tiny pumpkins, candy, and themed treats.
Cupcakes this small shouldn’t be this good, you thought. Maybe it’s because they look like cute pumpkins. Or because my friends work magic in the kitchen.
So obviously, you didn’t feel any guilt for eating a third cupcake. It was made with love. And a hint of seasonal spices. Much as most of the treats that were set out.
All in all, the party was a success. Fun, joyful, and a little loud.
Nothing you couldn’t handle over by the treats.
“Are these poisoned apples yours?” A voice inquired from the corner of the table.
Looking over to the source of the voice, you were surprised to see a familiar dashing heroic man with a long cape.
Butterflies filled your stomach for a moment.
Your eyes did a once over on him. Taking in his suit, dark mask, and smile. You didn’t think your chances of seeing him again were that great.
You laughed, “My friend wasn’t kidding when they talked about inviting you.” You stepped closer to him. “How are you?”
“I’m fine. Curious to how you’ve been. No more cake accidents?” Robin inquired as he leaned closer, the bass of a song trying to disrupt all conversation.
Grinning delightedly, you answered, “All cake has survived.”
“No puddles or doorways to worry about?”
“Not lately. No.”
The amount of smiling between you both gave you a sneaky suspicion that you left a much deeper impression when you first met.
Say something funny. Ask if he’s busy. Offer, you glanced at the table, candy corn? You looked to the table behind him.
“May I offer you a potion?”
He tilted his head. “A potion of what exactly?” Robin peered over his shoulder.
“Fruit juice.”
“Sounds safe.”
Walking passed Robin, your cape swayed behind you. If it wasn’t for the fact that you had walked blocks and talked with him on your birthday, you’d be much more nervous. As many fans of his would be.
You poured him a cup of juice while becoming more aware of his presence behind you.
Easy does it. He’s being friendly. No spilling.
As careful as you could, you turned around and successfully handed him the cup. No accidents. No problem.
Oh, you thought as Robin’s lips touched the cup. Your mind ran through the night of your birthday when he kissed you. When he held you to him. All as a birthday gift. The highlight of a poor, clumsy day.
Robin did not hide his knowing smile.
“So how was the rest of your birthday?” He asked. “Any more surprises or gifts?”
Fingers fiddling with your costume, you shrugged.
“Well, okay, the small cake was delicious.” You answered with a laugh. “I almost didn’t have the restraint to leave leftovers.”
“A sweetheart with a sweet tooth,” he mused. “Maybe you should’ve dressed as a character from Candy Land.”
“That would be much brighter colors, mister dark hero suit.”
“True, but your costume right now is really bewitching.”
“It’s nothing scary.”
“No…just feels like you casted a few spells on me already.” He wet his bottom lip. “Have you casted spells on anyone else?”
“Not a soul.”
Robin smiled with an air of soft satisfaction.
The cup of juice was soon emptied and songs led the party onward through the night. Dances were shared along with laughter. Sugar rushes were made as excuses for others’ silliness. All was a safe and fun night.
Stepping away from the center of all dancing, you took a breather and checked the time.
After eleven? You thought as you made sure your keys were still in your pocket. Time really does fly.
“I didn’t tire you out too much, did I?” Robin asked as he came to stand beside you.
“A little, but I did dance before you showed up.”
You patted his arm and glanced around in an attempt to locate your friend. Surprisingly, they were near the front door.
Cool. Okay. But now to tell Robin.
Meeting Robin’s gaze still lit a warmth in your chest. A reminder of both your position as a fan of his and the friendliness you two shared.
You weren’t even sure what to call it. He was a hero and you were a citizen.
Did he know I’d be here?
You blinked.
“Need something to drink?”
“Ah, no. Actually, I have to get going.” You pointed to a clock.
“I thought you’d like the witching hour.”
“I do, but gotta get home like Cinderella without a carriage.”
“Do you need a ride?” He asked, setting jokes aside.
Shaking your head, you said simply, “I walked.”
“You live in Gotham City, you know that, right? And it’s dark out.”
Robin sighed, “Can I take you home?”
“It’s more than a few blocks.”
“That’s fine. I didn’t walk here.”
“Oh. Okay, cool. Let me just tell my friend I’m leaving.”
Robin waited patiently. A face of heroics and charm as other guests greeted him once they realized who he was.
Prompted to leave with raised eyebrows from your friend and a small party favor bag pushed into your arms, you stepped outdoors.
I really owe them. Big time. You thought as Robin walked beside you. What even is this friendship?
Leading further away, Robin said, “I hope you like going fast.”
Light reflected off of clean metal and sleek framework.
“Oh.” You stopped.
Robin swung a leg over and sat on his ride.
“Um.” You weren’t quite sure what to say or think without images of closeness distracting your mind.
He patted the space behind him on the seat.
“I don’t know what I was expecting.” You admitted honestly.
“Hey, I’ll get you home safely.”
You got closer and examined the bike. “And in, what, two minutes?”
Reaching his gloved hand out for yours, he added, “We can take a scenic route.”
“Maybe another time. When I’m mentally prepared.”
“I thought you knew I had a motorcycle.” He steadied you as you sat behind him. “You still have the Robin bracelet, don’t you?”
“Yes. Are you gonna search me for it or question my authority as a fan?” You wrapped your arms around his middle and kept the goodie bag against him there.
“No. I trust you.” He started the engine.
“Because I didn’t step on your feet earlier?” You joked into his ear.
He sent you a grin over his shoulder. Charming and a little cheeky.
Heat rushed to your chest and neck.
Here we go.
The initial rush upon first speeding down Gotham’s streets by far exceeded your expectations. It was fast, precise. Technology more advanced and fully under the control of Robin.
One of the best kind of thrills.
In a matter of minutes, hardly a few, your destination was in sight.
Maybe we should have taken the scenic route, you thought. And he still remembers where I live. Should that tell me something? Does he do this for other people? Other fans?
Preoccupied with your thoughts and the muscles of Robin’s suit, you held on a little tighter as the bike pulled into the building’s lot. A few outdoor lights illuminated the area in an expanse of an almost blue hue.
Engine silent, neither of you moved.
“So, uh… May I walk you up to your door?” Robin asked over his shoulder.
There might not had been any talking on the way over, but Robin’s actions spoke much louder.
Again, he steadied you. Made sure you were back on your two feet before he even got off his motorcycle. He followed you up the stairs without a comment on how many.
What an incredibly unique experience to be having again. Robin taking you home safely.
Would it be the last time?
Considering he accepted your friend’s invitation to their party and spent the majority of his time with you; you were confident you’d see Robin again.
You turned away from your door.
“Robin, trick or treat?”
The question seemed to visibly wake him. He stood taller. The details of his suit were on full display.
“It’s not Halloween, but—treat.” Said Robin with a ghost of a smile.
Your own smile appeared tenfold as you further questioned him, “Would you like a Kiss?”
“Only if you’re offering.” He smirked and eyed your lips.
You hummed teasingly, mischievously.
Perhaps you were enjoying it too much. Inspired and wrapped in the excitement from the party.
Hands hidden behind your back, you stepped into Robin’s space.
His eyelids slowly closed.
Oh, it would be so nice. But…
Quietly, you reached into the bag and pulled out the treat you had pictured. Its shape recognizable even through touch.
With a gentle tap, you had the wrapped chocolate touch the tip of his nose.
On contact, Robin opened his eyes with surprise and amusement curving his lips.
“Tricked with a treat,” he mused.
You couldn’t help nor hide your grin.
What would he say next? What would he do?
The play on words you two were having was increasing with cleverness and fun. Opportunities opening.
“Trick or treat?” Robin countered your mischievous actions.
You made an exaggerated thinking expression. Gaze elsewhere for a couple of moments.
“Trick.” You decided. Whether boldly, bravely, or in a challenge, you did not truly care which. You were interested in what Robin would do.
Leaning in, Robin kissed your nose.
Oh goodness. You thought with a smile.
“What a terrible trick, Robin.” You said in mock offense. “Making one think they’ll get a proper kiss.”
He smirked.
Heat rose to your neck. Perhaps you knew what was coming. You sure hoped you did.
Robin then, passing his hand around your waist to your back, pressed an extensively long kiss to your lips. One that sent your mind into swirls of color. A kiss that could knock the air out of you.
You gripped at his suit feebly. The firmness of it sent your knees trembling as Robin brought you in even closer. It left little to the imagination.
His lips left for only a second before giving one last kiss.
He smiled before his blue eyes sparkled.
“Trick or treat.” Robin held up a handful of candy triumphantly.
What? You glanced down to your bag then gawked at him.
Smirking, he tapped your hip and stepped back. Out of your arms.
“See yah later.”
You snickered, “Bye sneaky candy thief.”
He sent a wink. Proud.
You watched him leave out of sight before heading indoors. Your heart racing as you considered how perfect the night went.
What is even happening?
Best wishes and happy reading.)
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful.
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no-side-us · 3 days
The Invisible Man, Ch. 20 - At The House in Great Portland Street
The whole beginning section of this chapter is really just emphasizing what little attachments Griffin has left before he ultimately turns himself invisible.
"My mind was still on this research, and I did not lift a finger to save his character. I remember the funeral, the cheap hearse, the scant ceremony, the windy frost-bitten hillside, and the old college friend of his who read the service over him—a shabby, black, bent old man with a snivelling cold."
For one, his father's dead, not that Griffin seems to have cared about him anyways. He doesn't say any words nor does he put much care into organizing anything. The funeral is described as "cheap" and "scant," presumably because Griffin wasn't going to spend a majority of his new found money on his own research.
"I remember walking back to the empty house, through the place that had once been a village and was now patched and tinkered by the jerry builders into the ugly likeness of a town. Every way the roads ran out at last into the desecrated fields and ended in rubble heaps and rank wet weeds. I remember myself as a gaunt black figure, going along the slippery, shiny pavement, and the strange sense of detachment I felt from the squalid respectability, the sordid commercialism of the place."
Second, the village Griffin once recognized has been turned into the "ugly likeness of a town" by "jerry builders," people who apparently built cheap homes of poor quality for quick profits. I like the visual description of Griffin as a black figure on shiny pavement to highlight how much he doesn't fit into this new area.
“But going along the High Street, my old life came back to me for a space, for I met the girl I had known ten years since. Our eyes met." "Something moved me to turn back and talk to her. She was a very ordinary person."
I've always been curious by this seemingly ordinary girl Griffin once knew. It seems like the last gasp of Griffin's "old life," the very last thing that might make him feel something for the world around him. The fact he is the one who tries to talk to her makes me think Griffin also understands this a bit. Instead though, he just finds nothing.
"It was all like a dream, that visit to the old places. I did not feel then that I was lonely, that I had come out from the world into a desolate place. I appreciated my loss of sympathy, but I put it down to the general inanity of things. Re-entering my room seemed like the recovery of reality. There were the things I knew and loved. There stood the apparatus, the experiments arranged and waiting. And now there was scarcely a difficulty left, beyond the planning of details."
And finally Griffin enters the small world he does care about, with its experiments and apparatus. I love that one of the few things which brings Griffin joy is all the science and study and experimentation he does.
I don't have much else to say about the rest of this chapter that other people haven't already said, so here are some random thoughts:
“For a moment he gaped. Then he gave a sort of inarticulate cry, dropped candle and writ together, and went blundering down the dark passage to the stairs. I shut the door, locked it, and went to the looking-glass. Then I understood his terror.... My face was white—like white stone."
I don't really understand Griffin's reaction here because if he's an albino shouldn't that mean his face is already very white? I'm assuming that his face is now somehow even more white, or his albinism was more partial and now it's complete.
"Then I slipped up again with a box of matches, fired my heap of paper and rubbish, put the chairs and bedding thereby, led the gas to the affair, by means of an india-rubber tube, and waving a farewell to the room left it for the last time.”
I like that Griffin physically waves farewell to his room before he commits arson against it. Not only is it kind of cute, it also shows how much he cares about both it and all the work he did while he lived there. This is also in contrast to the line earlier during his father's funeral, where he "did not lift a finger" whereas here he'll lift his whole hand.
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mapileonxputellas · 2 years
Can I request a Mapi x reader where reader gets injured when the girls go camping/hiking in the middle of nowhere. Y/N getting worse by every minute and Mapi is scared, Alexia as their best friends tries to keep calm for the both of them but is also scared to lose her best friend (so are the other girls rolfo, ana and irene)
My first request! Loved this idea, feel free to send for any Barca player, also watch England so any of theirs! In this Alexia hasn't had the ACL injury TW: injury and reader deterioration
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Happy Memories
On the final day of the pre-season camp in France, the club had organised a day out hiking in the mountains nearby, a team exercise supposedly to keep our team bond but left you looking like a group of scouts who can’t read a map. You, Mapi, Alexia, Frida, Ana and Irene set out almost an hour ago and you were basically in the middle of nowhere, you hadn’t had phone signal for a while and the path was becoming even more icy leading to a few near slips.
In hindsight it probably wasn’t the best idea put you, Alexia and Mapi together. The three of you were the best friend clique of the group, always pranking each other but the best of friends none the less. You knew you could go to them about everything and out of the three of you. You were definitely the caring one, always making sure they were hydrated and having spares for everything they might need on an away day. You’d been at the club for the same time as Mapi and you could no longer imagine a life without them.
But if you asked anyone, the relationship between you and Mapi was much more than a friendship. Mapi was the first one to make the move, a cliché story of two people quarantining together who could no longer ignore the feelings they shared. You became official over that period and had never looked back. The public gradually became aware of you as a couple, never hiding the fact you were together, regularly posting each other on your social media and sharing some sweet moments on the pitch. She was your biggest fans, as you were hers, and she made a point of telling everyone how talented you were.
“Right give me that here.” You commanded to Alexia at one fork in the path, taking the map off her where the checkpoints were highlighted. “Remind me never to take instructions from you again.”
“I’d like to get down in the next couple of hours, we’ll miss our flight at this rate.” Irene said.
“I think the quickest route would be that one,” You said pointing to the steeper route on the decline.
“Are you sure that’s safe?” Mapi checked. “It looks quite steep.”
“I know but that side looks icy, I think this is the safest route, we’ll be fine and if not I’ll cushion the fall for the rest of you.”
“I agree.” Ana said.
It all changed in a split moment. One second you were all together steadily hiking down the mountain, the next you felt your foot slip on a piece of ice, sending you flying forward down the path. In a bid to protect your face, you tried to turn mid-air but that put the full force of the impact with the rock onto your shoulder and chest bone then your head, a crack audible to those around you as you hit the ground.
“Oh my…. Y/N! Y/N!” Mapi screamed.
It was almost as if time stood still for the group, especially Mapi, watching you lose your footing to your body slamming into the rocks underneath them. What was immediate though was the appearance of the blood soaking through your jacket, a pool forming as they scrambled down to meet you.
“Y/N!” Alexia also shouted as her and Mapi knelt down next to you to be met with your closed eyes. “Open your eyes for me.”
“We’ll go and get help.” Irene shouted down to them as the three tried to retrace their steps and find some signal.
“Why is she not responding? She’s not opening her eyes.” The hard-faced exterior broke down as tears streamed down Mapi’s face.
“You’ve got to keep talking to her, it’s the impact.”
In some ways there were positives and negatives to you coming around, the immediate relief felt by your teammates as you opened your eyes was something you’d never seen before, both of them in floods of tears. But opening your eyes and regaining a sense of consciousness meant feeling the full impact of your injuries.
“What hurts the most?” Alexia asked in response to your cries of pain.
“My shoulder, I can’t move.” Alexia tried to uncover the damage but when she was met by an obvious external fracture she knew this wasn’t something she could help with.
“We’re getting you help alright, everything’s going to be fine.” Alexia tried to reassure you.
“I’m right here babe.” She came into your line of sight, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I knew you shouldn’t have led the way, can’t trust you with a map.”
“This isn’t what I meant when I said I would cushion your fall.” You tried to joke but as you went to laugh the pain in your shoulder worsened. “Ow.”
“Keep still.”
“It really hurts.”
“I know it does.”
It felt like help was never going to come as you stayed on the floor, what must have only been a few minutes felt like hours as the pain overtook all your senses. The cool air was beginning to dumb your outer limbs as it felt harder and harder to keep your eyes open.
“You’ve got to stay awake.” Mapi tried to gently stroke your cheek. “Come on keep those eyes open.”
“I’m tired.”
“I know but you’ve got to stay awake.” The panic grew in her eyes as your eyes became more drowsy, only just open. “Alexia, what do I do? She’s losing consciousness, we can’t lose her again.”
“You’ve got to stay calm.” She gently took her teammates shoulders to look her in the eye. “You panicking isn’t going to help anyone and it certainly isn’t helping Y/N, just speak to her. She’ll concentrate on your voice.”
“What do you think Bagheera is doing right now?” Mapi asked you. “She’s probably missing you, you always were her favourite.”
“I miss her.” You managed to croak out. “She loves you too.”
“But she loves you more, that’s not hard though. We all love you.”
“I love you too. I’m sleepy.”
“I know you are babe but just keep talking to me.”
“So tired.”
“Alexia do something, please.” Mapi pleaded watching her girlfriend’s eyes close and her hand fall limp in her own. “Please wake up, come on open those eyes. I can’t live without you.”
“She’s still got a pulse, she can probably still here us. She’s probably just in a lot of pain right now.” Not only was she reassuring Mapi but herself as she grasped the other hand in her own. “Come on Y/N, stay strong.”
The two stayed by your side until the three returned with an army of paramedics and doctors behind them. “If you two want to wait over there, we’ll take care of her now.”
“Stay strong. I love you.” Mapi whispered, placing a delicate kiss on your forehead before clearing the scene around you, an immediate swarm of people treating you but what Mapi felt was arms tangling around her waist as she was brought into a hug by her friend. “I can’t lose her.”
“I know you can’t. I know.” Both of them couldn’t help the tears as you continued to not wake. “I’ve got you.”
If you’d have been conscious you probably would have been embarrassed by the amount of attention you received that day. The rest of the team were brought into the severity of the incident by the sheer number of ambulances present and the team tasked with removing you from the mountain face.
All that was a blur though to Mapi as she sat by your bedside, holding your hand as she machines beeped around her. You’d immediately been taken into emergency surgery when you arrived and were yet to wake up from the strong anaesthesia, though the doctors warned it could take some time. The surgery had gone well though you were going to be out of action for some time and you had obvious signs of concussion even though you tried to prevent that.
“Do you remember when we were on holiday?” Mapi reminisced as she was told you might be able to hear her. “It feels so strange that it was just less than a month ago we were on that boat and you said you wanted to marry me.”
Three Weeks Ago….
After a long season and then the Euros on top of that, you and Mapi decided to spend a couple of weeks in Ibiza. You’d rented out a villa and spent the first week having some quality time alone before both your families joined you for the final week. Having been together over 2 years now, you were both very comfortable with each other’s family and you wanted to spend some quality time with all of them.
On your final full day, Mapi had surprised you all by renting a private yacht out for the day with enough room for everyone.
“Auntie Mapi why do you have so many tattoos?” You niece Sofia asked as the three of you sat under the shade with a bowl of fruit watching the glistening sea as everyone else tried to work on their tan, taking turns to keep the little one and your baby nephew out of the mid-afternoon sun.
“I like drawing so wanted to draw on my arms.” She explained as you sat between her legs, your back resting against her chest as she rested her hands on your stomach.
“Do they mean anything?”
“Some of them do, like the tool is because my dad used to fix cars. I got the cat for Bagheera.”
“Do you have any for Auntie Y/N?”
“We have matching ones.” She pointed out.
“Auntie Y/N has a tattoo?”
“It’s very small.” You explained, straightening out so your ribs were on show and Mapi’s cursive writing was on show. You’ve showed it to a lot of people but the location meant you wouldn’t see it day to day. “It says ‘te amo’.”
“And I’ve got one in the same place but in Y/N’s handwriting.” Mapi showed her the matching tattoo, in the exact same position as your own. “I’ve got a few more though, that is the day we first got together,” she pointed to the roman numbers on her wrist and then a tiny heart with your initial in on her chest, “and this little heart here, so she’s always in my heart.”
“When you get married can I wear a dress and be a bridesmaid because my friend went to a wedding and she got to be one?”
Woah that question took you by surprise, it’s not that you’d never thought about marrying Mapi and you’d both mentioned it but never in a serious conversation. You knew from the moment you got together she was it for you, no-one would ever come close to the way she made you feel and so for you this was forever.
Before you even got the chance to answer her though, Mapi took the lead. “I’m sure we can reserve that honour just for you. Do you think we should get married.”
“Yes, yes, yes.” I don’t think you’ve ever seen the little girl so excited. “Then you can be together forever and I can have a cousin.”
That nearly made you choke on a piece of mango. “We’ll see.” You told her, not exactly wanting to explain how complicated that would be.
“Good.” The little girl joined in on your cuddle, sitting on your knee. “I love you Auntie Y/N and Auntie Mapi.”
“We love you too.” You whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead before twisting your head to meet Mapi’s awaiting lips. “And I love you.”
“I love you more.”
You spent the rest of the afternoon in and out of the sea, spending time with everyone before you all sat down for the meal. A choice of seafood splayed out in front of you, which you knew was the work of your partner due to your love of seafood, confirmed by the wink she threw you as you both sat down.
“Another year gone.” Your mother said as you all ate. “Thank you both for the most amazing holiday.”
“We’ve loved having you all here with us.” You confirmed. “All our family.”
“Here’s to Mapi and Y/N.” Your sister asked everyone to cheers. “We love you both and here’s to another successful season and future ahead of you.”
“To Mapi and Y/N.”
If there’s one thing you loved about Spain and being by the sea it was the sunset. So whilst your families made their way back after your meal, you and Mapi climbed up to the top of the yacht, cuddled into each other under a blanket and watched the sun set.
“Did I answer Sofia’s question alright earlier?” Mapi broke the comfortable silence between you both.
“About the tattoos? I’m sure you got them all right.”
“Not about the tattoos, about her wanting to be a bridesmaid.”
“Oh that, I’m sure she can be a bridesmaid.”
“That’s not really what I was focusing on though, do you want to get married?”
“You know I do,” You confirmed. “You’re the person I want to spend the rest of my life with Maria.”
“I hate it when you call me Maria.” She complained, resting her head on your chest. “Do you want a big or a small wedding?”
“Big enough to have all our family and friends but not huge. I know you’d probably wear a suit and I’d probably wear a dress, it’d be summer and yeah, every time I picture it I can’t wait for that moment.”
“I can’t either, for the wedding and to propose to you.” You knew she wanted to propose to you from the conversations you’d heard her have with other couples who had got engaged and you were fine with that. “I just can’t wait for a future with you.”
“What about babies?” You asked, this is something that had come up less. Both of you expressing your wish for children but you knew that was something that wouldn’t just happen naturally.
“I know you want children and you know I do. We’ll make it work, football is important but it’s not everything. You and our future family are my everything, you’ll always be my priority.”
“I can’t wait to watch a little Mapi run around, I want them to look just like you. Do you think they’ll come out with a tattoo?”
“Ha ha.” She dryly laughed. “If they’re anything like you then they’ll be perfect.”
“When did you become so soppy?” You asked meeting her slightly glossy eyes that you knew matched your own.
“When I met the love of my life.” She whispered, connecting your lips softly together for a slow but passionate kiss. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“And have your babies.” She almost thought she dreamt that but when she looked over, there you were. Your eyes only slightly open but open none the less. “What happened?”
“I thought I lost you.” Mapi couldn’t help but let the tears fall as she gently wrapped you in a hug, her head resting on your good shoulder. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too you sloppy fool. You’re not getting rid of me that easy, I’ve still got that wedding to plan.”
“I’ll get the ring.”
Once the doctors had been able to assess you awake, Mapi brought in your first emotional visitor.
“Not you as well.” You tried to joke, noticing the tear marks on Alexia’s face. “Come here.”
“You don’t know how happy I am to see you.” She said, once again gently collapsing on your good shoulder. “I love you.”
“I love you too, lets just watch Netflix together though next time, avoid the mountains.”
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@marialeonn16: Remember happy times and hard times will pass x
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