#thinking of crossposting this on archive
gentil-minou · 7 months
so if I put Free Palestine in the title of my fic will OTW censor that too?
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Where do they draw the line? Or does the line only exist when it comes to BIPOC?
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sprout-fics · 7 months
Google search: How to make fanfiction fun again
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megidoreyn · 6 months
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Been thinking about Walter's initial Concept Art a lot recently...his design and color palette are so nice!! 💜twitter 💜misskey 💜bluesky
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clairedaring · 5 months
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[Series Review] Trillion Game (2023) - an exhilaring fun ride from start to finish
I watched like four Japanese series in 2023 so I'm not sure I'm qualified to rank anything but for me personally, Trillion Game is the BEST Japanese series of 2023. The story and solutions felt cheesy at times but pacing, acting/cast, music, rewatch value. 10/10. I am so happy I decided on a whim to watch this after being in a slump of not being able to truly enjoy any series after I finished another drama which I considered my favorite series of 2023.
We follow Haru (Meguro Ren), an extremely charming communicator and Gaku (Sano Hayato), a brilliant IT engineer as they encounter obstacles on their start-up journey together. It is VERY fast paced drama with each episode following a certain formula that you'll figure out by the second episode. For the majority of the series, each episode starts with present Gaku, CEO of Trillion Game, reminiscing his and Haru's past adventures in the early days of their start-up business. While each episodes may seem formulaic, the stories are never boring and I found myself binging everything from start to finish, not being able to stop for a second. We've seen the unhinged genius x sane down-to-earth duo a bazillion times before but I think what makes this particular story so charming is the characterization of Haru who is self-proclaimed "the most selfish man in the world" but all his actions are completely contradictory, always self-less and putting everyone's needs above his. I love Haru so much. I don't know what they laced in the series but I am down bad for Tennoji Haru and I get why Princess Kiri wants Haru so bad as well, like same here sis.
Meguro Ren and Imada Mio are just the most enigmatic actors, truly powerhouses. From edits on Youtube on Tiktok, you'd think these two have a lot of screen time together but they DON'T. Regardless, even when acting separately, they are bringing everything to the table and when they get scenes together, the chemistry is CHEMISTRYING. The sizzling tension between Haru and Princess Kiri are just top-notch. Sano Hayato and Fukumoto Riko are also just the most adorable nerds as Gaku and Rinrin. I love our four main leads so damn much. There's this one scene from Episode 2 where the first thing Haru does after receiving their initial 30 million yen investment is to bath in money and I remember thinking this is so nonsensical but at the same time found myself with the stupidest grin on my face watching Haru pushing Gaku out of his comfort zone to do all these insane things with him. I LOVE THEM. Meguro Ren is truly an enigmatic powerhouse in this one. I have only seen Meme in like three other dramas but Haru is definitely my top favorite Meguro Ren role ever.
The score is so energetic and fun. I love the main theme song of the series which is Dangerholic by Snow Man. The song is SAUR good I haven't skipped single outtro of any episode just to listen to this song. I watched a lot of series this year but Dangerholic is probably taking the crown as my favorite OST of 2023 in this very last minute race. As previously mentioned , Trillon Game has very exciting and energizing score and I'd argue that many business/office scenes are hard-carried by the score and excellent editing.
This series get a 100000000 for rewatch value because I just finished it and I'm already considering for another rewatch just because of how much fun I had watching it. But also because each episodes are so self-contained, Trillion Game will be fairly easy to rewatch any random episode in this series because you don't really need to the past episode to enjoy one, a recap at the beginning of each episode will do just fine. The tension between Haru and Princess Kiri is so insane even though there's no explicit romance going on. I think I need to rewatch it just for THEM.
This was definitely a low budget drama but TBS definitely made do with what they got. I understand if Princess Kiri's wardrobe alone was where most budget was allocated to. Like deserved! Trillion Game's strength lies more in the acting and story department so I wouldn't say this was a high value production but I will say I love all the rooftop scenes between Haru and Gaku. Those rooftop conversation scenes between them are just beautiful and heart-warming.
I love Haru with my entire heart. WATCH TRILLION GAME FOR HARU PLEASE.
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
I've been doing my best not to follow the debate, so I don't know if this has been said before.
But, if you have favourite fanfictions written by German users on ao3, that you want to reread and that you don't want to lose, download them now. Ao3 has in-site ways of downloading fic, use them. Especially if it's PWP/tagged as underage, but also in general. Because people have already started deleting their fics or entire accounts.
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blackhairedjjun · 8 months
happy to announce that two of my fics, 6:49am and the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, are now also available on ao3!
i'm currently trying to archive all of my fics on ao3 so that they can still survive and be read even if something happens to this account. i post these anonymously because while i do have an ao3 account, i already have subscribers from previous fandoms & i know that some of them are uncomfy with rpf. posting my work anonymously makes sure that they won't be notified when they get posted.
if you have an ao3 account please feel free to leave kudos & comments there! i would appreciate them a lot <3
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lalas181 · 2 years
Oh also I drew Michael Distortion back in October 2021. It's what kept me from absolutely dying of boredom during rehearsals for a play I didn't actually want to be in but participated in anyways. This is to this day the best hand I've ever drawn. Lmk if I need to tag anything extra. I haven't been on here in at least 4/5 years so I'm out of practice for tagging.
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clareguilty · 1 year
I really need to just archive everything on my patreon and shut it down bc im probably not gonna be doing anything with it and its mostly just sitting there which is probably not good for an acct with financial info on it
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 3 months
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Shanks leaned in. Just as he got too close for propriety, he sucked in a breath. In a whisper, he said, “That was you?” Buggy gave him a look that said: Obviously. That said: How else would I know about it? That said: Why? Does it matter? Did it matter? He stared up at Shanks, and, far from the first time, had no idea what he was thinking.
y'all. i just can't stand it. the faces are too good. idk how @midydoof takes my words and turns them into stuff like this every time. artists are fucking magic.
this part has probably had the most changes made to it to prepare for crossposting, including an entirely new scene at the very beginning to make the fic more clearly a "between the pages of canon" story. we're covering everything that happens to buggy from just after chapter 580 to just before chapter 593! also i think the new first scene makes the last line of the fic read better.
for any new readers: this is the beginning of the long, post-marineford part of this shanks/buggy series! it should be eight parts totaling a little over thirty thousand words by the end. this part is about three thousand words, and gets buggy and his hundred-or-so closest friends aboard shanks' ship, the red force.
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gimmethatagustd · 1 month
like a river | kth + myg + knj
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As the only omega professor in the Department of Philosophy at Seoul National University, Yoongi is accustomed to dealing with pretentious alphas who think the world revolves around knots.
○ Pairing: Taehyung x Yoongi x Namjoon
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: A/B/O, college professors au, coworkers to lovers (?), smut
○ 14 / 100 Drabble Challenge (Academic)
○ Word Count: 3,761
○ Warnings: Unprotected anal sex, blow job, heat sex, knotting, light dom/sub vibes
○ Notes: Please don't read this unless you genuinely like A/B/O fics; otherwise it could be too much for you. I'm warning you in advance. I'm not responsible for your Tumblr experience :)
○ Post Date: May 12, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Crosspost
○ What was Jai listening to? River - Bishop Briggs
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Yoongi’s heat comes early.
He’s flipping the page of a thick, leatherbound textbook in the University’s library basement, where the archives are when his damp fingers stick to the page. Sweat beads along his hairline, breaking up the gel that once held his hair out of his face and letting a few dark strands fall across his forehead and into his eyes.
Slowly, Yoongi closes the book and parts the space on the shelf where he needs to slide it back with the other alphabetized philosophers’ texts. It’s been nearly three hours since Yoongi visited the archives with his fellow professors to collaborate on changes to the next academic year’s curriculum. They all need to come to a consensus on which books to include in the senior year capstone project syllabus. It’s hard enough to find an agreement in a department of fifteen alphas, two betas, and one omega without going into heat in the middle of their research.
It’s fine. Yoongi is in his mid-thirties; he has dealt with unexpected heats before.
None were as sudden as this, though, and none came at such an inconvenient time.
Yoongi hears a few of his colleagues bid their goodbyes from the opposite side of the room as they exit to take the stairs to the ground floor. Three hours is too long; looking at his phone, Yoongi realizes the library closed nearly an hour ago. Perhaps he’ll get lucky, and none of his colleagues will be here by the time he finishes packing his things.
Yoongi is unsteady when he walks down the aisle; his body feels heavy, and his muscles are weak. His heat shouldn’t have hit him so suddenly. Yoongi meticulously tracks his heats to accurately predict the exact time of day they’ll hit. He doesn’t believe in suppressants, thinks they’re utter bullshit, just one more way for alphas to control omegas’ lives. He lives naturally and keeps a log religiously. There’s no reason for this to be happening.
By the time Yoongi reaches the corner of the room where he had left his belongings on one of the study desks, his dress shirt is soaked with sweat. Dark red splotches are at his armpits, and a short, thin line at his sternum along the shirt buttons.
Thankfully, packing takes little time. Yoongi shoves his laptop and a few books into his worn leather satchel and slips it over his shoulder. His knuckles turn white from how tightly he squeezes the strap, and he drags his fingers along the wall to steady himself as he walks the perimeter of the room. The book titles and hangul headings on each aisle blur from the burn of sweat falling into his eyes. Using the back of one hand, Yoongi wipes the sweat from his forehead and exhales slowly through puckered lips.
The exit is five exhales away. Yoongi makes it to three exhales before he chokes on the next one and is inundated by the earthy scent of cedarwood and cardamom that leaves a bitter aftertaste in the back of his throat.
"Oh! I didn't realize anyone else was still here. I don't think I've stayed in the library this long since—Um, are you okay, sunbaenim?"
The alpha sitting at a table to the right of the exit is one Yoongi has done his best to avoid the entirety of the academic year, not by any fault of the man himself. Taehyung is one of the few tolerable alpha professors in the department. Young and fresh out of graduate school, he's promising as a professor despite his reviews being skewed in his favor because most of the student body has a crush on him. Yoongi may as well be a blushing college student because Taehyung's big brown eyes and sharp jawline make him want to stay as far away from Taehyung as possible.
"Y-Yes, just, uh," Yoongi fumbles over his swollen tongue, which feels dry in his mouth. "I'm just turning in for the night."
He prays that Taehyung lets him be. The exit is right there. All Yoongi needs to do is take a few more steps past the table, and he'll have his sweaty hand wrapped around the doorknob. The longer he stands here with Taehyung scrutinizing him, the less time he'll have to get home before he turns into a pathetic, sex-crazed monster.
Usually sweet, Yoongi's citrus scent turns bitter with his distress when he remembers he didn't drive to work today. He'll have to use public transportation to get home. No matter how strongly Yoongi rejects the sexist narrative that omegas are more vulnerable than alphas and betas, even he can't deny how unfavorable it would be to get on the train at night at the onset of his heat with strangers.
"Sunbaenim…" Taehyung takes a step toward Yoongi, who then takes a step backward. "You… your heat."
Taehyung audibly inhales, and shame creeps up Yoongi's chest, turning his neck and cheeks bright red, burning him like wildfire because the look on Taehyung's face makes him slick.
"It's fine," Yoongi whispers, and it most certainly is not fine.
When his thighs hit the edge of a table, he lets go of his satchel's strap to reach behind him. In his nervousness, he backs himself across the aisle from Taehyung's table, though Taehyung follows him with timid steps and rounded eyes.
"I don't mean to be rude, sunbaenim, but I don't think it's safe for you to go alone in this state."
Taehyung says more, but Yoongi doesn't pay attention. Taehyung's voice warbles and morphs into the muffled sound of someone trying to speak underwater, and all Yoongi can do is hone in on how pretty Taehyung's fingers are when he glides them through his caramel hair and how veiny his forearms get when he folds the sleeves of his white buttoned dress shirt to talk with his hands. Unlike Yoongi, who is short and soft around the edges and along his creases, Taehyung is tall and lean. His shoulders are broad and his hands large, and the swell of his biceps against the tight sleeves of his buttoned shirt is too much for Yoongi to look at.
Yoongi hates alphas. He hates how narcissistic they are and how they dominate every space they're in. Even now, he hates how Taehyung's scent is comforting and tantalizing, coaxing Yoongi's omega out of him and triggering his heat to barrel into him with the weight of a freight train.
Most of all, Yoongi hates the person his biology turns him into when he's around a pretty, big alpha like Taehyung.
"Just help me, okay?" Yoongi snaps from the exhausting headache building from the blood pounding in his skull.
"Of course, sunbaenim." Taehyung's eyebrows shoot up, but he's gentle as he grabs the strap of Yoongi's satchel and takes it off to hold it himself. "I'll drive you home. I just need to stop by my office first. Do you think you can—"
"No," Yoongi whines and hates himself for it, but he can't stop himself.
"No, you can't wait? Or—"
“Help me, Taehyung-ah.”
Taehyung's face maintains its innocent look of concern, but his ears turn bright red once he breathes in the ripe scent of Yoongi's slick, and the meaning of Yoongi's demand washes over him.
"You want alpha to help you?" Taehyung asks quietly, and Yoongi feels the deep rumble of Taehyung's voice reverberate violently through his body, weakening his knees. 
Yoongi's heat isn't forcing him to whimper a tiny "yes"; his attraction to Taehyung goes far beyond animalistic instinct. Apparently, Taehyung's does, as well.
"Gonna take my knot, omega?" Taehyung runs his long fingers through Yoongi's sweaty hair, gathering it in a makeshift ponytail and tugging Yoongi's head backward so he's forced to look into Taehyung's eyes. "Is that what'll make you feel better? Is an alpha's knot going to fix you?"
Taehyung's condescending tone, paired with his sudden harsh grip, makes Yoongi gasp. Though Yoongi's heat makes him lightheaded and lethargic, he has enough energy and wits about him to be irritated by Taehyung's comments.
"I don't need a knot," Yoongi demands through gritted teeth when Taehyung tightens his grip on his silky hair. He and Taehyung both hear how unconvincing he sounds, especially when Taehyung reaches around to squeeze his ass, and Yoongi instinctually presses back against his hands.
"It's okay, sunbaenim," Taehyung cradles Yoongi's rigid jaw in his palm. With gentle strokes, he traces Yoongi's lips with his thumb, pressing on the center of his bottom lip and pulling down. "All omegas need a knot. You were made for it."
Yoongi knows Taehyung is wrong. He wasn't made for anything or anyone but himself. That's the problem with alphas; they think the world revolves around their knots. Yoongi has taken very few knots in his life and found that relationships with betas and other omegas are far more fulfilling.
He doesn't need a knot. He doesn't.
But then one of Taehyung's hands squeezes Yoongi's face so he can angle Yoongi's head to the side as he licks up a bead of sweat trickling down his temple. His other hand unzips his slacks, and Yoongi realizes he's got Taehyung's shirt twisted in his fists to pull their bodies together.
Maybe Yoongi does. He feels Taehyung's cock, warm and hard, against the inside of his thigh, and maybe he needs a knot.
"Are you going to be a good little omega for me, sunbaenim?" Taehyung asks, teeth clenching at Yoongi's bobbing throat.
More slick leaks from between Yoongi's cheeks, and Taehyung makes a show out of shoving his hand in the back of Yoongi's slacks to glide his fingers through it. Taehyung laughs when Yoongi trembles as he presses against his rim, just enough to tease but not enough to push through.
"You need to use your words, little omega. Be good for alpha, and he'll be good to you."
Despite his harsh demeanor, Taehyung's sparkling eyes look soft, and his grip on Yoongi's body is firm but gentle.
"I'll be good," Yoongi says with a sharp intake of air when Taehyung abruptly yanks Yoongi's pants down his thighs.
It doesn't matter that they're still on campus, still at work. Yoongi lets Taehyung help him out of his clothes, tossing them onto the floor with his satchel. He's very aware of the fact that Taehyung keeps his clothes on and only unzips his pants to pull his cock out. It makes Yoongi feel dirty and vulnerable, being the only one naked. If someone were to walk in on them, Taehyung could easily cover himself and leave, whereas Yoongi would be left scrambling. Taehyung could slip away, and Yoongi would lose his job.
Yoongi hates alphas and their need to hoard power, but he turns into a quivering mess when Taehyung grabs him by the back of the head and forces him to bend over the table with his cheek against the cold surface.
"You'll be good and stay quiet, won't you?" Taehyung asks as he dips his thumbs into Yoongi's hole and pulls, groaning at how wet and pliant the muscles are.
Yoongi says yes, but he doesn't mean it. There's no way for him to regulate himself when Taehyung slowly eases his cock inside him.
The moment the thick head pushes through his rim, Yoongi's mind goes blank. He's so worked up that his heat is all-consuming by this point. Yoongi knows he's babbling as Taehyung thrusts into him because Taehyung shoves his middle and ring fingers into Yoongi's mouth. He presses down on Yoongi's tongue, making drool gather at the corners of his mouth but effectively keeping him quiet since all Yoongi can do is moan around his fingers.
"That's it, omega, suck on them and keep quiet," Taehyung murmurs as Yoongi wraps his lips around his fingers.
Taehyung gets in a few deep, long thrusts when the door leading to the stairs opens.
Yoongi, whose eyes had been squeezed shut with pleasure, immediately opens them and tries to get up, but Taehyung keeps him pressed against the table. Panic tickles the edges of his mind, but he doesn't really feel it like he should, can't truly grasp it when Taehyung's cock is fat and warm and so close to filling Yoongi up with his knot.
For a moment, Taehyung's hips slow to a stop. Not driven by hormones like Yoongi, Taehyung likely feels the panic of getting caught hit him full-force. That is until he realizes who has joined them.
Yoongi would recognize the other alpha's scent anywhere for how rich and creamy it smells, like freshly made chocolate, still warm. A fellow professor who has also crossed Yoongi's mind more than once, Namjoon is slightly more tolerable than Taehyung, mainly because his alpha arrogance is at least rooted partially in how much of a confirmed genius he is. Not that Yoongi cares about any of that with a dick up his ass. He's still trying not to panic. Although his heat loosens him up a bit and helps him let go of some of his inhibitions about sex, it's still difficult to completely accept that this is natural. Yoongi doesn't want to succumb to the need for an alpha's knot, but he knows he should give in to the instinct — especially if he has someone as handsome and giving as Taehyung to help him through it, if only for the night.
And then there's Namjoon, poor Namjoon, with his mouth hanging open and his tan cheeks turning rosy.
"Holy shit," Namjoon says weakly, his dark eyes flitting between Taehyung and Yoongi. "I came back because I thought I left my wallet. I tried calling you, Tae, um…"
Namjoon trails off, and Yoongi is sure they all think there's no point in explaining anything. Namjoon is smart. He can pick up on Yoongi's scent and understand why he's sweaty and slicked up, and Taehyung's fingers are shoved down his throat.
"Our sunbaenim needed some help." Taehyung's explanation is as half-assed as Namjoon's, and it's still too much.
Yoongi feels silly, pressed to the table with nothing to say and no way to say it anyway, even if he wants to. If it wasn't for Namjoon's embarrassment, Yoongi would be mortified to be caught in this position.
"You're not going to say anything to anyone, are you, hyung?" Taehyung asks with a cocked eyebrow. It doesn't look threatening, but it isn't the usually friendly demeanor Taehyung has.
Namjoon quickly shakes his head. "No, no, of course not..."
To Namjoon, who is barely keeping himself together, Taehyung's behavior probably does seem threatening. His eyes keep falling to where Taehyung and Yoongi are connected, no matter how many times he tries to keep his eyes on their faces — on Taehyung's face because Yoongi's face looks too pornographic, twisted in pleasure despite how nervous he is.
When Taehyung notices, he gives a little thrust, gently grinding against Yoongi's ass. Yoongi can't tell if he's purposefully grinding into his prostate, but he hits it every time, making Yoongi moan. He tries to grab the edge of the table to have something to hold onto, but his arms aren't long enough to reach. Taehyung jostles him forward, then eases him back, just to snap his hips into him again.
Yoongi should do something. He feels like he should, or at least say something. Anything at all. But he slowly realizes that he doesn’t want to. He hasn’t been with an alpha in so long that he’s wondering if he simply forgot how good it feels to be cared for and used. Taehyung fucks Yoongi because he feels good, so pliant and wet and a whimpering mess lying there to be taken, but he’s also doing it to make Yoongi feel better, to take the edge off his heat so Yoongi can get home safely without attracting unwanted attention or hurting his omega’s feelings by ignoring his instinct. The situation is mutually beneficial in that way; if Yoongi intellectualizes the whole thing, he can feel better about being fucked in the library by his younger coworker in front of another younger coworker.
The entire situation is insane, and all Yoongi can do is drool over it.
When Taehyung finally removes his fingers from Yoongi’s mouth, it isn’t to relieve him but to ask him a question.
“Sunbaenim, I feel bad for my hyung,” Taehyung says gently as he rubs his palms up and down Yoongi’s back. "He’s so hard.”
Still standing at the door, Namjoon inhales sharply, loud enough for Yoongi to notice it. When Yoongi looks, Taehyung’s observation is confirmed, though Yoongi isn’t surprised. What kind of an alpha would Namjoon be if he wasn’t turned on by what he sees? The erotic scent of heat sex alone would be enough to make any alpha feel the need to pop a knot.
“Oh,” Yoongi sighs, dragging his eyes from the apparent bulge in Namjoon’s pants to his narrowed eyes.
“Mhm. Don’t you think you should do something about that? Since it’s your fault?”
Yoongi tries to crane his head around to look at Taehyung, shocked by his question — accusation.
There's still a part of Yoongi that wants to tell Taehyung and Namjoon to fuck off because why is any of this his fault? It's not his fault his heat showed up early and unannounced. It's not his fault that Namjoon is horny.
Unfortunately, there's the natural side of him, the side that isn't burdened by social norms, gender roles, philosophy, and all the other bullshit in the manmade world. The natural, instinctual side of Yoongi wants to jump at the opportunity to pleasure and be pleasured.
So when Taehyung has Yoongi turn around to lie on the table on his back, he does so without hesitation. Once Namjoon approaches the side of the table next to Yoongi's face and follows Taehyung's lead by taking his cock out, Yoongi eagerly opens his mouth with Taehyung's encouragement.
"Such a good omega," Taehyung praises as he caresses Yoongi's face to brush his hair back as Namjoon feeds him his cock.
Namjoon lets his head fall back as Yoongi takes more into his mouth. He can't move the way he wants to, can only rock back and forth when Taehyung begins fucking him again, each snap of his hips jostling Yoongi and making Namjoon's cock slip out of his mouth.
It's overwhelming when Namjoon grabs Yoongi's head and begins to fuck his mouth, alternating how he thrusts into his throat with the frequency of Taehyung fucking his ass. They establish a rhythm, playing Yoongi like some sacred instrument only they know, spending the time to learn to do it properly. 
Yoongi can hardly breathe. Taehyung pounds into him so hard that Yoongi feels like he fucks the air right out of his chest. It gets worse as Taehyung's thrusts become more aggressive, and he begins chasing his climax. When Namjoon's cock hits the back of Yoongi's throat, he drools and gags violently enough that it hurts, but his omega likes it.
"Shh, just, fuck, just a little more," Namjoon moans. He fists Yoongi's hair and squeezes, keeping a tight grip on him when his thrusts become more shallow. "Shit, I'm not gonna last."
"Knot his mouth."
Yoongi's eyes fly open, but he can't look at Taehyung; he can only hear his quiet laughter. Alphas and their fucking knots.
Yoongi hates them. He hates how good they feel, like now, when he can tell that Taehyung is close because his knot is starting to catch at Yoongi's rim. It burns as it grows, expanding so much that Yoongi wonders if his body can genuinely take it if maybe he's not deep enough in his heat for this — and then Namjoon reaches over to pump Yoongi's cock as he and Taehyung keep fucking him.
Their rhythm gets thrown off and messy, first when Taehyung cums with a final thrust that forces his knot inside and then when he makes Yoongi cum immediately after.
Rather than follow suit in the same manner, Namjoon pulls out to spill onto Yoongi's face, keeping one hand squeezed around his knot and the other quickly fisting over his shaft until there's nothing left, all of his cum painted across Yoongi's lips and the side of his cheek.
“Fuck,” Namjoon sighs and lets his body slump into one of the chairs surrounding the table, “Holy fuck.”
Namjoon shakes his head with a laugh of disbelief, and Yoongi hates how cute he finds his dopey, dimpled, fucked out smile to be.
Yoongi slowly turns his head until he’s staring up at the ceiling, and his neck is no longer twisted to the side. It hurts to swallow, but he’s terribly surprised by how satiated he feels, so content that he almost feels sleepy — despite Namjoon’s cum on his face, Taehyung’s in his ass, and his own all over his stomach and chest.
Disgusting. Yoongi has never been so sticky and wet in his entire life, and he likes it.
Taehyung looks just as messy, if not worse, than Namjoon, though the two of them combined can’t beat out Yoongi’s current state. Taehyung’s bangs are plastered to his forehead with sweat, and his shirt is tucked inward to avoid getting cum and slick all over the bottom half. Yoongi doesn’t even want to know what kind of story his reflection would tell him if he looked at his appearance. All he can hope is that he didn’t get bodily fluids on his satchel or the books they need for the semester.
At least Namjoon and Taehyung have the decency to clean Yoongi up. It isn’t the best job, considering all they have to work with are the paper towels from the shotty little bathroom in the back corner of the archives, but it’s better than sacrificing someone’s clothes to clean up the mess.
“Thank you,” Yoongi is quiet with his gratitude. The embarrassment and panic he missed before are now hitting him since the fogginess in his brain from his heat has subsided, at least for a little bit. “I, um, don’t really know what to say…”
“You don’t have to thank us, Yoongi sunbaenim.” Namjoon smiles sweetly, and Taehyung nods in agreement.
“Yeah, we just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
It’s a rather extreme way of doing so, but Yoongi did ask for it.
“I still don’t know where my wallet is, though…” Namjoon points out sadly, and Yoongi can’t help but bark a hoarse laugh.
“I can’t fucking stand alphas.”
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here. 
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fyeahghosttrick · 9 days
Ghost Swap announcements! imaaayhavewrittenthedatewrong + how to post + retroactive fills
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Almost there, almost there! June 12th, our posting day, is almost upon us. Which brings me to my first point... out of all the possible growing pains of Gswap's new format, this one I was not expecting... the thing is... the anniversary... the anniversary for Ghost Trick, the date chosen especially to release Ghost Trick, Ghost Trick's anniversary. That anniversary? Is on the 19th. So that was a super fun typo to go unnoticed for two months! I am not going to change dates two days out, especially with no means to contact all participants, which means:
Nothing like it, as someone would have it! The event will still open on the 12th, but all Ghost Swap works posted throughout the week, until June 19th, will be fully part of the initiative and will be included in the final masterlist. This might even come in handy for last-minute finishing touches, as well as for posting more than three things (as Tumblr tends to show three posts per person per day in a tag).
Now onto regular modly business:
We're opening the floodgates on June 12th and, as always, the official ruling on what constitutes "June 12th" is as lax as can be. Follow the time zone of your heart. Whenever it’s June 12th somewhere in the world.
Here’s the deal:
   Post your  work (or works, if you made extra treats!) AT ANY POINT OF THE WEEK THAT GOES FROM JUNE 12TH TO JUNE 19TH, any time zone.
   You are free to crosspost  your work anywhere or even post somewhere else (for example, fic on  AO3, fanart on deviantArt) and have your Tumblr post be a link to it. All I need is the  existence of a post on Tumblr and no additional logins required in order  to access the work (for example, no links to friend-locked dreamwidth posts, no archive-locked AO3 fics)
   Tag the prompter if the prompt you picked was signed, #ghost trick and #ghost swap in addition to whatever else you tag your stuff with (this is the important one so people can find your work)
   @ your prompter if applicable and maybe acknowledge the exchange in the work’s  description. Anything conveying the general sentiment of “made for  @prompter for @fyeahghosttrick‘s Ghost Swap exchange” would be nice. If you want to copypaste or summarize the prompt, that’s cool too.
   FOR THE PROLIFIC TREATERS: please don’t let Tumblr eat your work. Any tag only shows 3 of your posts per day; when you post another one, the oldest one won’t be featured anymore. If you plan to post more than 3 works, I recommend to spread out your posts throughout the week. If you don’t want to do that, give me a shout so I’ll know to look through your blog for FYGT’s closing ceremonies
It  should go without saying, but please show appreciation for your gift -  and for any other work that catches your eye! Likes, reblogs, comments,  if you like a work make yourself be heard!
And a final surprise:
Scrolling our wonderful prompts, did you perchance see something so up your alley that you already drew it in 2013? The same exact idea that ate up your groupchat in early 2021? Odds are that the person who requested that doesn't know that in some odd recesses of the internet there's already a fanwork that gives life to their idea. And I think that they might want to know! So come self-rec! Reply to this post with the prompt you're referring to and a link to your work, and on June 19th I'll post all replies in a Retroactive Fills List to give them visibility!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I've seen a few people mention moving their works to squidgeworld.org as an alternative to ao3 now that the ai policy has been made clear, and was wondering if you have any info on it?
A delightfully venerable site!
Squidgeworld is the latest incarnation of the Wonderful World of Makebelieve, which has been running since 1999 (1994 for the overall site). It's where all the oldschool slashers used to post.
It's an old-fashioned archive run by one dude, @squidgiepdx.
And by that, I don't mean the coding is old but that it's a site run by someone whose actual personal account you can find and interact with and that has a moderate audience of a size where individual site culture is still possible.
Though, actually, it looks like the whole site (which includes hosting for more than just this one archive) is now a nonprofit, so that's nice for longevity.
I don't crosspost because I am lazy, but I have fond memories of all the fic I've read there, and I appreciate that he's still doing his thing in this era when lots of people abandon running a site themselves to cluster on ever fewer behemoths.
If you're looking for maximum kudos from randos, AO3's larger audience is what you want, but I think it could be excellent to take your buddies and all decamp to Squidgeworld together.
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cyanhydrangea · 6 months
The Anime Kid [MM Donatello x Reader]
Notes: I didn't grow up in US so I have little to no knowledge about social groups in US schools, and how US schools work in general. Beware of inaccuracies.
Donatello enjoy his high school life so far, he excels in most subjects and has his own people in computer science club. (He still hangs out with his brothers in the meantime, like having lunch together in cafetaria). Life is good, everything is perfect.
Except, it's not. A little bit.
When he first got enrolled in, he expect there are clubs like Japanese club or anime club or something. But no, there isn't. Watching too much anime makes him forget the school system between US and Japan is different.
Meanwhile, you're a regular Japanese and anime enthusiast in the school. The thing is, you're a loner, so no one actually knows your love for anime since you never actually talk about it to anyone. But when you see one of the mutant turtles wearing a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure hoodie to school, you internally screaming and almost shrieking. You want to be friends with him so badly or at least just say "nice hoodie" but everytime he walked past you, no words came out as your anxiety kicks in. Every. Time.
Right now, you're alone in the music room, school already finished and you decide to refresh your mind by playing piano. You decide to play your favorite anime OST. You got lost in the melody for awhile.
What you didn't expect was the hand clapping sound after you finish the piece.
And the Jojo's hoodie mutant turtle guy at the door.
"That was aLIEz from aldnoah.zero, right? You played so good!", Donatello said.
You nod, still taken aback how he listened to you playing piano. Your facial expression makes Donnie thinks he's not welcomed.
"I'm sorry if I interrupt you, I'll leave--",
"No, wait!", you suddenly cry out, this is your chance to talk to him!
"Y-you watch aldnoah.zero?", you asked, nervously.
"Yeah! It's one of my favorite anime!", Donnie replied excitedly.
"Mine too!", you said, your anxiety suddenly gone when you finally found someone with the same anime taste as you.
"I'm Donatello, or Donnie for short", you know his name already as four mutants enrolled to school is big news to anyone.
You tell Donnie your name, and asked him if there's any particular anime OST he wants to listen in piano.
"How about Your Lie in April OST? Since you know, the mc plays piano", Donnie suggesting.
"Do you play violin, by any chance?", you asked while giggling.
"No, I don't", he replied.
You two laughed before you play Nanairo Symphony. Donnie listens while thinking this certainly would blossoms to a new friendship, he's excited there's more anime kid around, as you're glad you finally got to interact with the cool anime hoodie mutant guy.
Maybe you two would be the founders of future anime club in the school, who knows.
Notes: you can change the OSTs with your own favorite anime OSTs, as two mentioned above are the ones that crossed my mind while writing this.
Date written: 18/10/2023
Crossposted from my AO3 account
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80sanime · 2 years
Long time no post!!!!
It’s been awhile! My life got hugely busy. In the back of my mind, I’d keep thinking... gotta update my Tumblr! But somehow, 6 months passed by without my getting around to doing so. 
That’s partly due to all my boring adult responsibilities. But it’s also because, after almost (or over? I can’t remember lol) a decade of regular posting... I have admittedly almost run out of content. Nearly all my art books and magazines have been scanned (and I haven’t been collecting new ones as much due to annoying post-pandemic international shipping price increases) and I don’t have the time or energy to make batches of gifs like I used to.
But! That doesn’t mean I consider my work on this Tumblr to be done with. I do have plans for the new year, albeit ones that are a little more sedate. They are as follows:
-Update all my existing scans to be better quality; bigger and cleaner! -Finally finish that infernal 80s anime primer. -Make posts highlighting notable animators, artists, directors etc. from the era. -Crosspost any and all retro anime articles or translations from my personal blog. -Streamline the main page to include more tags for easier archiving/browsing of all the accumulated content. -Reblogs, the occasional gif or screenshot, etc.
A big thank you to all my followers, new and old. Sharing my love of old anime with you throughout the years has been a real honor and source of fun for me.  I hope you’ll stick around even with the new, more relaxed pace. I’m looking forward to how 80sanime will evolve in 2023!
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sunandflame · 9 months
Shards of Glass, Chapter 4
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Summary: Kyojuro Rengoku, History Teacher on the Kimetsu Academy, is constantly having strange dreams about a Slayer who looks exactly like him. He thinks nothing of it until he recognizes a very specific person from these dreams and feels a very unique connection to her.
Pairing: History Teacher Kyojuro x Teacher Fem!Reader
Trope: Reincarnation / Sequel to Flame and Water (can be stand-alone)
Word Count: 1664
Warning: slightly suggestive
Pinterest Board of Shards of Glass
Crossposted on AO3
Masterlist of Shards of Glass
He fished out the flower that was floating at the edge of the pond and placed it in her hair. "You are as beautiful and pure as this water lily..." His lips were close to her ears when he whispered his words, kissing her ear that brought up a soft giggle from her. She turned to him and his heart clenched at the beautiful sight of her. God, he loved her so much…
This time the awakening was gentler, the image before his eyes clearer. The beauty of Y/N was burned into his mind and he couldn't calm the pounding of his heart the more he thought about her. He was confused and didn't know what these dreams were trying to tell him. In the first week she started as an English teacher, all he saw in his dreams was her terrified face, which gave him no peace at night. He could not bear the thought that he might have hurt her. Seeing it over and over again made him avoid sleeping, letting him rely on coffee, which didn't really help. 
It also didn't help that he barely saw her. He wanted to meet the woman who haunted his dreams or memories or whatever it was. The guilty conscience that he hadn't done it on the first day still plagued him, but yesterday everything had changed.
After the neverending week he had finally spoken to her and it went better than he thought it would. It was surprising how easy it was to talk to her and he liked her more than a normal amount. The connection he felt with her had been driving him crazy the whole time and the previous dream explained a lot too. “We were lovers…” He whispered to himself. He held his blushing face in his hands. The feeling of butterflies raging in his stomach from his dream were still very present. He wasn't sure if the feelings he felt were his own or those of his inherited memory. Were they even inherited memories? If so, then he was missing some big important parts of this story because nothing he saw actually made sense.
He sighed and was already on his way to the kitchen to get some breakfast since he was hungry, but that didn’t stop his thoughts. Was this perhaps a case of reincarnation? When he was writing his thesis, back in his student era, there was one time he had come across this topic but hadn’t paid much attention to it since it was not part of the work. Maybe he should have done that. He sighed. He would have to investigate the matter more thoroughly. There should be records of his ancestors at his parents’ place. Next time he visited, he would take a look at the Rengoku archives.
~ ~ ~
The blonde man tried to focus but had trouble because his eyes kept wandering over to Y/N. It didn't make it any easier that she was sitting right across from him and was therefore directly in his field of vision. Everything she did seemed incredibly familiar. The way she frowned slightly in concentration, or the way she pushed her hair behind her ear even though there wasn't a loose strand hanging. Things he had not yet seen in his dreams, but still seemed infinitely familiar to him. He tried hard to not let the feelings he had in his dreams take over in his real life. He didn't want to be influenced by something that happened in the past or in a dream, but how would that work? It was simply impossible not to surrender to her shy yet charming nature. Or the way she treated everyone around her with such kindness. Kyojuro had to admit to himself that he had fallen head over heels for the English teacher.
Suddenly a ball of paper hit him in the head and made him snap out of his thoughts. He looked for the one who was responsible for it and found him. Confused, over Shinazugawa's angry face he tried to interpret why he was angry again. He couldn't find an explanation and simply dismissed it. He was not looking at him anymore anyway. Kyojuro’s gaze moved back up to Y/N and then to Kocho who was sitting right next to her and then across to the math teacher who also seemed to be constantly staring in the same direction. Wait- Was he staring at Y/N too? Hot jealousy burned within him that he had never felt before in his life. An unexpected aggressiveness spread through his thoughts and he imagined himself hitting Shinazugawa. He was shocked immediately after the moment he realized what he was actually thinking. What was wrong with him?! Nothing like this had ever happened to him before, since he was not the jealous type. He had had relationships in the past, but he had never felt this way before.
He took a deep breath to calm himself down and stared at his papers so as not to let the traitorous feelings out.
"Finally done..." Y/N  had just finished checking the exams of the students and stretched her arms. A relieved sigh escaped her, she finally had the whole weekend for herself and she was so looking forward to her bathtub where she would put on a clay mask, laze around and actually read a book and not the illegible notes of her students. She was excited to treat herself like this and cuddle afterwards with her cat Shimizu.
But she couldn't fully immerse herself in her dreams when suddenly two fuchsia colored eyes appeared in front of her. "Hey, pretty new colleague! We have a monthly drinking party with all the teachers today. You should come with us, since you are one of us now, and this way we can all get to know each other better!" 
She blinked at him several times and was wondering if he just flirted with her but then she remembered how he usually was which relaxed her immediately. Her gaze wandered around to see if the others were also so enthusiastic about this idea. Obanai and Sanemi were caught up in a conversation. 
Kanae gave her a friendly smile and nodded encouragingly. "Y/N, you should come. Our drinking parties are always very fun and that way we can all be friends." Friends... Yes, that was something she definitely needed.
 "Yes, Y/N, come with us! The more the merrier!" Kyojuro's loud exclamation had thrown her off track and she looked back and forth between them before nodding finally in agreement.
~ ~ ~
It didn't take long for the orders to be placed. Y/N sat a little shyly between the big, but kindhearted Gyomei, and Giyuu. She knew that Giyuu wasn't the talkative type and you were surprised that he even had come along with them. But what Giyuu lacked in communication, Tengen provided in an amazing way. He talked about a lot of things and introduced all his colleagues to her again. They also seemed a little more relaxed now when they weren't fenced in by the school walls. The food came and everyone started to grab it when she suddenly noticed something. She looked at the blonde history teacher who was happily eating one plate after another. He seemed to have a religious experience with his soup filled with sweet potato, saying umai to himself as he sipped it.
Y/N was fascinated by it and forgot to touch her own plate while she watched him. He didn't let his mood be spoiled when some of his colleagues rolled their eyes in a bit of annoyance. No, he continued to eat and looked so happy as he mumbled with his mouth full how tasty it was. Y/N could see how some of the colleagues were face palming or smiling in a slight embarrassment. But her? She was so charmed by his cute behavior that she could do nothing other than testing her head on her hands and watched the whole situation with a delighted smile. 
After dinner the sake was brought and she had to politely decline because she had come by car and driving drunk was out of the question for her. She noticed that Kyojuro wasn't drinking either.
“But how am I supposed to ask you embarrassing secrets when you don’t drink at all?” Tengen looked at her reproachfully, but she just laughed and poured him another cup.
She was having way too much fun here at the table and Giyuu next to her also seemed to be having fun as a smile was reflected on his lips. Maybe it was also because of the salmon with daikon he was eating messily, bits of the food stuck to his cheeks. “Well, for every bowl of sake you drink, you can ask me something embarrassing.” He already had several cups and was sure that he can’t drink much more so she should be safe.
“Bad idea. Uzui is able to hold one’s drink.” 
She turned her head to Giyuu who was looking at her and knew that she would lose this competition. She wanted to step back, but the art teacher had already ordered more sake for the table and she knew that embarrassing questions were about to rain down on her. 
She didn’t think Tengen could handle a bowl the size of a regular water glass, nevermind several of them, but he proved her wrong. He drank three whole bowls.
“Are you a virgin?”
“No,” Y/N blushed, choking on a bit of her food while forcing the answer as quick as she could out of her throat.
“Are you a dom, a sub, or a switch?” he asked shamelessly with a grin.
She covered her face, giving Tengen the opportunity to wink at Kyojuro. “I am not gonna answer that!”
“That’s okay, your reaction gave it away. Next question: Do you have a boyfriend?” he smirked mischievously.
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A/N: Oh, what have I done? *laughs maliciously* Also I hope some of you noticed the little reference to Flame and Water I put there. If you did, let me know in the replies ❤️
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frociaggine · 9 months
A reading from “Why do we pray to Lyctors? The role of Necrosaints in devotional practice” published by Abigail Pent, PhD, in the Journal of Early History, Vol. 876, No. 1 With oral commentary by several of the Emperor's Saints. Coffee to follow.
Do you think EARLY IMPERIAL HISTORY is neat? Do you think ACADEMICS should be MORE PASSIVE-AGGRESSIVE? Do you peruse academic journals for FUN? Do you think the NECROSAINTS are OVERRTED? In short: are you A NERD?
If the answer is yes, this fic is for YOU.
(I posted this a few months ago but never crossposted it to tumblr, so here it is!)
3.3k words, rated G, No Warnings Apply
Featuring: Abigail Pent (the scholar). Harrow and Ianthe (reading her work). Augustine (offering commentary). The Body (watching)
Tagged: Academia, Worldbuilding, HtN era, Lyctorhood. Includes funky AO3 formatting and proper citations, as Jod intended.
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