#thinking that any of that shit is okay is digusting to me
wikagirl · 1 year
man I always love it when I get intived to a new discord server and joint the vc to meet new peeps, get asked where I'm from, say that I'm german and instnatly get demands to say something racist in a certain german dictators accent tossed at my head.
And then somehow I'm the unreasonable one and overreacting for just instantly leaving again.
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dimepdf · 1 year
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. Eren fucking hates babies, which is why he feels so confused sat the feeling he gets in his stomach seeing you with one.
─── ☆ notes. i blame tiktok for giving me the worst baby fever while also making me so digusted with them as well, i saw a tiktok where this mother was like "oh yeah i suck the snot out of my toddlers nose!" ??? . | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
─── ☆ length. 1.1k (10 min read) .
─── ☆ genre and warnings. domestic fluff | babies | babysitting | baby fever | readers niece | bluey slander | Eren lowkey wanting a kid | suggestive ending | this is all tiktoks fault.
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Eren hates being around kids, especially the ones that scream and cry with their snotty noses and run around throwing tantrums just because they could get their way, type of toddlers, mostly just to be even more clear.
He excuses the hatred with him growing up an only child, coming from a small, close-knit family where he was the only baby raised around older relatives that had refused to plant their own roots so he wasn't left with many cousins around his age to interact with.
Eren's parents were the only ones to really expand their family tree when having him, which was why he was just so spoiled rotten with attention and gifts, and if there was one thing that Eren loved more than you, it was attention.
"Woah, when did you multiply?" was the second thing you heard, followed by the sound of your shared apartment door swinging open and the rustling of bags.
His arms were occupied with a huddle of grocery bags, all carried on his forearms. That last thing that your boyfriend expected to come home was the sight of you and your uninvited guest, your young niece, lounging together on the couch.
Eren didn't want to scoff and complain about how she was practically neglecting the 40-inch flat screen instead of cursing the screen with some cartoon with a blue fucking dog with an accent, using his surround system setup that he was plotting on coming home and ending his day by playing GTA on.
"Oh my bad baby, I forgot to text you." Taking your eyes off the show for only a quick minute to give him a small greeting smile from your comfortable looking spot on the couch.
Right next to the beaded haired little girl giggling and clapping her hands at whatever nonsense was playing out on the screen, "My sister had something to do today, so she just dropped the baby off for a bit."
Eren hummed in acknowledgement of your response while dropping the bags on the counter. Not really knowing what to say, he tried his best to hide the fleeting glances he would give from the kitchen every once in a while as he put away the food. 
Eren was convinced he was fighting some sort of demon after seeing you being all motherly with someone else's child. 
His thoughts spiraled about his lovely future with you, conflicting with the stupid smile he tried oh-so-hard to repress while opening cabinets at the thought of him coming back home to you and his own child one day.
Obsessed with how it would feel to swing open the front door and be greeted by his future loving wife while holding a little human who would call him dad.
Eren had been so caught up in his own fantasy world that he hadn't even noticed you walking up to him, standing right beside him with a questionable glance. Having called out his name so many times, you were down to using his full government, yet not even that would break him from his trance.
Instead, you wrapped your arms around his middle, hugging against his back, to finally catch his attention. "You okay, baby?" you chuckle, feeling his muscles tense for a split second before flinching back to reality with a drawn-out sigh.
"Yeah, you know, just thinking about shit—stuff," he mutters, caressing the arm you had slung around his torso with the brush of his thumb, as he tried to figure out just what was going on in his mind. "Just seeing you around babies and stuff, it kinda just fucks with me a bit, I guess."
It was as if the child could feel eyes on her, taking a break from sucking on her finger to turn and stare bug-eyed at you two all snuggled up in the kitchen. Watching her struggle a little to slide off the couch and waddle over to him was just another heart throbbing scene.
He almost clenched his imaginary pearls too. "I think she wants you to pick her up." you laugh, both glancing down at the toddler that just stood there looking up with her arms reached up as if she were stuck in place.
"Oh," Eren hesitated for a moment, his glance shifting from you to her almost as if he were second guessing whether it was really okay to pick her up.
He first wiped his sweaty hands against his jeans, then reached down and lifted her up by her sides as gently as if she were some glass doll.
Eren had first handled her outstretched in his hold, as if he were presenting the child to someone in front of him. "Uh hello…" He muttered, almost melting at the smile that spreads across the little girl's face as she shyly tucked herself into his chest, muttering something close to a greeting reply.
"Not you charming the entire family tree." You teased him from beside, smiling at the adorable exchange.
The day continues on without much issue, you were able to actually get some rest with the little girl actually attached to Eren’s side for the entirety of the night.
The little girl even convinced him into watching some more toddler cartoons alongside her, having Eren wrapped around her small little finger as he nodded his head at whatever nonsense baby blabber would come from her mouth.
Spending the time together drained whatever childlike energy the kid had left in her. Once you had given her a bath and given Eren a much-needed lesson on how diapers work, the little girl was out like a light the moment her head hit the pillow.
Leaving you and Eren with a bit of a cautious peace period alone in the living room, you two were able to finally enjoy each other's silent company.
"You're not as bad with kids as I thought you’d be," you said in a quiet, gentle tone while snuggling by Eren’s side, not wanting to make much noise despite being a whole room and hallway away from the sleeping baby.
Eren’s face scrunched slightly in a slight teasing appearance of offense, but he quickly glanced off in the direction of the baby in a trance of his thoughts.
"I would be cool with a lot more of them if they didn't shit and cry all the damn time." He shrugs honestly, not wanting it to show that his baby fever alarms were blaring at full volume as his hands traced over the exposed part of your stomach that peeked from your shirt.
"Would you... like to have kids?" He was finally done tiptoeing over the big question, the hitch in his breath telling you all you need to know about how nervous he was about even suggesting getting you pregnant.
"I mean, yeah," you answered a little too simply, "babies are cute." And then quickly followed the look—the dark puppy pouty eyes staring back at you were all too telling as to what his true motivation behind the question was. 
"We could always practice too!"
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frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
Okay, my brain is still a little scrampled eg :tm: and foggy and I'll have to go to sleep again soon but I want to ramble about this as I think writing it down may help others but also help to ram it in my own head a little bit - so this may not be worded the way id like it to but hopefully the message will still come across
This is about fanwork/headcanons/aus and such - since I am working on quite a big Deltarune AU myself and I constantly worry about it not being "canon" enough, since it is meant to be canon-esk and develop things that the player doesn't see in the game.
But... That is kind of the magic of aus! You can do so much cool stuff with an existing media, potray things your own way, change things to suit your needs or change problematic things, add cool ocs, add cool headcanons and make them canon in the au and create things to support them even more, and other things!!! literally go ham and have fun!!!!!! i am thinking abt that one post that i rbd a while ago that i rbs bc of the last addition abt aus and how people should make oc worlds at that point (and how that is how twilight was created)
And I suppose, if you change canon characters too much and claim them as your ocs (like the fucking mass amount of spamton ex ocs, and we know how i feel about those /neg) but still!! literally just have fun its not harming anyone, only absolutely butthurt negative assholes!!! ive been worrying about changing stuff in **MY** au because one or two people out there may not like it.
if you were in the early bugsnax fandom you may remember the drama about people giving them tails. yes!! people argued abt giving grumpuses tails!! and like !!who cares!! change the designs however the fuck you want! go ham!! make them fluffy! give them cute ears and tails! give them paw pads! give them cool markings! make them in your design and make your version of them truly yours and make it fun to draw! im sure all those designs are lovely and fun and if you wanna do it nothing should fucking stop you
and same goes for me and other ppls hcs!! currently i was worrying about making everything kinda furry-esk in my dpau and all that, and the MASSIVE changes ive done to plugboys and yesmen especially (literally making yesmen snake people for several reasons)
and like!! who cares its not canon!! its MY interpretation!! its MY au!! my au that changes so much stuff and allows me to create an amazing oc story and world within an pre-existing media AND letting those characters interact with canon characters!! and add new stories with canon characters and expand canon species!! literally dont hold yourself back unless it stresses you out and shit! (i need to learn that lol..i add TOO much stuff) its not even canon and i fully know the difference!!!
but literally! its also an outlet for creativity and i think you should be allowed to go ham if you want. if someone tells you to not do something like give grumpuses tails or make the addisons fluffy theyre an asshole.
literally like as long as ur not making the media harmful like add gross shit like p//dophilia, z//philia and whitewash characters or do any other racist digusting shit then i think u should be allowed to have fun! wanna make smthn a furry? go on ahead have fun literally fuck ppl!! who is it harming????????? like! you can also dislike these things! just scroll look away, maybe block which is all fine and healthy you can and should do that! if a hc doesnt match yours and may make you uncomfy literally just ignore it. dont start shit thats pointless. spend ur time better, draw cute puppies instead or smthn!! or speak about it privately bc i think being a bit bitchy with friends is okay to have an outlet but if you go directly after someone literally fuck off. (i personally can confirm theres some things i bitch about a lot but guess what i also do!! i also block those things and look away!! and im actively tryna get better than be hurt over pointless stuff online bc its not smthn im proud of)
but like srsly.. let ppl have fun n shit!!! srsly theres no harm in it fjgirhgotr yall 2 serious
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livingdiarrhea · 2 years
My relationship with fruit
I’m not a picky eater so much as I have almost an entire category of foods that I will NOT eat.
Fruits (except for apples, and a couple other exceptions). Most fruit flavored things? Also a no. Don’t do the shit where you say “bUt iT dOeSNT tAStE lIkE fRUIt” because most cases, I still won’t eat it. If you force me too, I’ll be upset, but it won’t be that bad, I wouldn’t cry or anything.
On the other hand, You try to make me eat a strawberry yogurt, or god forbid and actual strawberry I WILL cry and I WILL gag. When playing truth or dare, while people would get disgusting dares with ease, and I would do them with ease, getting me to eat a single grape for a dare was probably the worst one.
There are some fruits and fruit incorporated things that are worse than others. Raisins, I don’t like them, and I’ll usually spit them out in a napkin, but I could eat it without breaking too much of a sweat. Banana Bread? Yeah I wouldn’t like knowing it’s banana but I might even ENJOY eating it.
A mango? No. I would cry. I just, the texture of most fruits is gross. When I was younger you couldn’t get me to eat them at all, I’d throw tantrums.
Vegetables? Hell yeah I eat those, even if they’re disgusting asparagus, which I don’t like, I still eat it.
I could eat a blueberry. I could eat it. I wouldn’t eat more than one or two, and it really depends on the day, but I’d eat it. But I don’t like them at all. They’re disgusting.
People tell me I “haven’t found the right fruit” and I’ve just been eating the sour ones. Wrong, even the ones that smell sweet and “taste sweet” are gross.
I’m actually a bit repulsed by even touching fruit. Cleaning the dishes when fruit has been on them is digusting to me. Any other food? Yeah it’s fine. Fruit? I will gag, and I may shed tears.
When I was younger, I’d be scared to even touch a fruit. Genuinely. My sister once chased me with a mango peel because I was so scared of touching it. Then she put it in my hair and I was mad, but I realized it wasn’t so bad.
However, fruit when I’m washing dishes? Disgusting (unless it’s apples ofc). It’s so slimy, it’s gross, it’s sticky I could cry.
When I was younger, my mom used to buy me peach yogurt (it may have been a one time thing) and tell me it was vanilla. When I realized it was peach, I refused to eat it again.
Fruit flavored ice cream? Also no. I don’t want it. Even the fake fruit stuff where it’s basically not at all fruit is iffy. Like, I once had a “grape” popsicle, but it was the same as the apple popsicle but purple. So I didn’t mind eating that.
My mom doesn’t know why I don’t like fruit. When I was two she says I used to love it. I must have just decided it was gross one day and stopped.
In first grade, you would have to get a fruit with your lunch every day. And there weren’t apples, so I got a banana. Back then, I was okay eating bananas for the most part. I found them disgusting, but I could eat them. But that day, I gagged when eating one, and I just decided, never again. It’s now on my list of fruits that I won’t eat.
(I did a similar thing when I was younger and decided pooping was gross, but as you can tell, I got over it.)
Being around people who are eating fruits also grosses me out. There’s nothing wrong with them, just what they’re eating is gross to me. Especially when I myself am eating. I always have to sit a little further away, and it’s fine when it’s my family, but I feel weird when it’s my friends.
I don’t know why i hate fruits so much, and why I can’t get over how slimy they are. Or why im scared of them. It’s gotten better over the years, but Im not sure when I’ll be able to straight up eat, say, six strawberries and think nothing of it. Maybe adulthood. Maybe never.
I hope someday when people offer me fruit flavored things and fruits that my mom (or me) won’t have to say that I don’t eat fruits. Because it’s embarrassing. This entire category of things you don’t eat because you find them gross. People don’t say much about it, but they’re always surprised, and then they try to offer me different food to make up for the fact that I’m missing out on their strawberry cake, although I’m okay.
I’ve been called a picky eater, but the thing is, when it’s not a fruit, I will eat almost anything. I have ate dog food (not much, like a pellet or two, I could’ve ate more I just thought better of it, plus it tasted like crap I just wanted to prove I could do it). So I’m not a picky eater, unless it comes to fruits.
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I'm really stressed out. My rental property is in the hood and these dumb-ass kids keep sellin' their little drugs in front of my building. It's so fucking ghetto.
To make matters worse, I made a blunder and almost had someone throw away the basketball hoop that was in front of my house but belonged to the kids in the cul de sac. That makes me look bad and I don't want the image of an evil landlord. I don't want anyone to resent me over there. Frankly, I'm afraid to go over there. And I don't want anyone to have any animosity toward me.
I saw the person who I think may have stopped my trash guy from hauling off the basketball hoop. I ran over to him when I saw him and I apologized. I just pray he was the one who stopped my trash guy. If he was, then I definitely smoothed things over. A few of the people that live in the cul de sac and sell drugs know my face by now so I think they're okay with me over there but I still want to make sure not to make any enemies.
This one person on Reddit accused me of not "doing my homework" when I bought in that neighborhood. Someone else said that if I was afraid of the neighborhood, then I had no right to buy an investment property over there. I just feel dumb and feel like an evil gentrifier (even though the last tenants that rented my house were digusting and ghetto as shit and in no way would have improved the looks of the neighborhood).
It's all just extremely stressful. I know it was a great investment. I just feel so alone and I feel like a bad business person.
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soothinglee · 2 years
warning: poop jokes, cursing, alot of twiiter + imessage pics, bad writing.
suv3 or suve is y/ns' online name! you can change it :) (sue-vay)
a/n: I'm slowly finding a good and intriguing way to write this, bare with me. Next chapter will be longer, more speaking with quackity/other members of the smp, its not planned out but time will tell. let me know how I did!
series m.list | previous - next
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A couple more minutes go by without a response, suve rolls their eyes, looks at their camera and shrugs. "I tried chat," they leaned over to the open refrigerator to get a monster. "he's grumpy in the morning, its like getting a toddler out of bed. But I offered him a tenner and he took it so we'll see."
she returned back to their game, running around the hypixel lobby trying to choose what they wanted to play. "prop hunt or bed wars?" they ask, moving their icon to both games.
"um mods, could you run a poll-?" the sound of their phone ringing cuts them off. "what?"
they pick it up and the name at the top reads 'cream'. without thinking any further they press answer.
"suve what the hell do you want?" a rough voice answers.
"I wanted you to join-" she looks down from the computer screen to see dreams nose in the camera, "WHY DID YOU FACETIME ME?" she shouts covering up the phone camera.
he laughs, "you wanted me to join stream, so I did." he responds nonchalantly.
"I could've been showing chat my phone and they would've seen your ginormous snout."
his eyes widen "oh, 'gi-nor-mous'," he breaks it up, singing the word. "that's a big word, even for you."
they roll their eyes and flip him off under the table so the stream wouldn't see, "shut up, join discord."
he pouts, his morning voice gruff and muffled "do I have too?"
"do you still want that gifted young man?"
he nods and salutes, "sir yes sir." and hangs up.
"freaking nerd." on their stream she tries to keep the cursing to a minimum after a angry parent @'d them on twitter saying that their child shouldn't be watching something so profound. They were a grown ass adult, it wasn't her fault that the kid was watching them. But for the sake of any of her younger viewers they thought it would be best to just stop.
"you never offered me a 'tenner', to join vc." a voice rang out, but it wasn't dreams.
"hello..?" she replied unsure of who had joined. Opening up discord the only other person in vc besides her was quackity.
"hello suve!" the chat gets faster. "I just wanted to tell you that you should check twitter."
"oh god, what happened now?"
"two words, dream. beef."
she chuckles and opens her notifications, dream had tagged her in a post. "I swear one day this man is going to make me go crazy."
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“I tried defending you, did’ya see?” He comments after a couple of seconds, watching her face contort through the stream.
“yeah…” she mumbles liking a couple more tweets before yelling at dream to join vc through text. “my knight in shinning..Twitter.” She giggles and brushes the loose strand of hair from her face. "what the hell is wrong with calla..?"
he laughs and on the poll he votes ‘bedwars’, “if you end up playing bedwars could I join?”
she looks up for a second, “yeah of course, you don’t have to ask.” the poll had been finalized and bedwars won by 30%. “you guys love to see me suffer,” they sigh. “alright q join, I’ll add you to my party. I just messaged Dream to hurry up.”
“okay! what is he doing anyway? taking a dump?”
the ‘user joined’ sound goes off and dream coughs, “sorry I had to use the bathroom.”
Quackity pauses and y/n snickers, “quackity don’t.”
“..it was a two, wasn’t it?”
“YOU ARE DIGUSTING,” dream shouts “that is none of your concern!”
“WASN’T IT.” He repeats slapping the arm rest of his chair, y/n shouts a ‘I can’t breathe!’ and dream curses under his breath.
Quackity laughs so hard that he falls out of his chair and shouts “oh shit!” and it sends y/n into another fit of laughter.
“Oh my god!” She gasps grasping onto the desk, “I can’t breathe, I need my inhaler!”
“okay calm down,” dream chuckles shaking his head “it’s not that funny,”
y/n lets out a breath and sighs, wiping the tears from their eyes. “it kinda is.”
“ANYWAY,” dream starts changing the subject “what are you doing?”
“me and quackity were planning on playing bedwars, wanna join?”
quackity grunts “I kinda just wanted to play with just the two of us.”
y/n raises a brow “oh?”
“okay, I can wait a couple of rounds.”
“quackity, me and you can play together later, Dream can play with us for right now.”
“but-“ quackity pouts, he closes out of the stream and gets out of the waiting room on hypixel.
“but nothing, Dream accept my invite.”
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suganovakawa · 4 years
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PAIRINGS : tooru oikawa x fem! reader , hajime iwaizumi x fem! reader
GENRE : angst , romance
WARNINGS : cursing , car accident , recovery from amnesia
SYNOPSIS : tooru doesn’t understand how special you are to him until he comes close to losing you forever . as he struggles to comes to grips with his feelings and balance it with his future , you still have to recover from your own injuries , but without your memories to assist you .
whatever’s happening between you and hajime , tooru is not having any of it .
word count : 1.7k
saudade masterlist .
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( 𝐧 . ) a nostalgic longing to be near again to something or someone that is distant , or that has been loved and then lost ; “ the love that remains ”
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⠀the moment you walked into the classroom, tooru felt his chest compress with the sight of you and hajime attached to each other by the hip. everything about what he saw was wrong, in every single aspect of the word. it sickened him down to the stomach. digust could never fully cover the monstrosity he witnessed.
⠀what the living hell was his girlfriend doing with his best friend, of all people?
⠀dare he even call iwaizumi his best friend at this point? friends, even?
⠀he wanted to go up to you and greet you, to ask about your being and if there was anything you needed. that's what a good boyfriend would do, right? then again, a good boyfriend wouldn't treat you like shit. nor would a good boyfriend blame you for things you had nothing to do with.
⠀and a good boyfriend certainly wouldn't tell you to fuck off, leading up to a car crash that would most likely ruin him for the rest of the year.
⠀"oikawa, are you not going to say anything to y/n?"
⠀shook from his thoughts at the mention of your name, tooru winced as he eyed the individuals around his desk. they all had the same face; angry, disgusted scowls meant for only him. he deserved it, he really did; he had purposely turned his head to the window the moment you walked in. he wanted to keep his gaze outside too, if not for these people around him.
⠀shrugging slightly as he looked up at his unwanted company, he spotted you standing idly at your designated desk. turning his vision slightly to the right, there was iwaizumi, paging you over and over again, but you weren't listening.
⠀no, your eyes were completely on his.
⠀his heart skipped a beat as your eyes focused on him and him alone, a million thoughts ran through his head like a marathon as he tried to understand why you were looking at him, and why you were looking at him so... curiously. did you know? did you remember everything? how much did hajime really tell you? it didn't take an idiot to know he had been spending the most time with you, so there was no guessing of what he's informed you of. as far as tooru knew, he'd already told you of how shitty of a boyfriend he was, and that he'd never be worth your time again.
⠀but if that were the case, you wouldn't have looked over at him so fondly. just one second of shared eye contact was enough to brand the image of you in oikawa's head for the rest of the day, leaving him to ponder on what he should do about you, and how to make his own life less miserable than what he had already bestowed upon himself. part of him wanted to give up, to accept that he was a complete asshole unworthy of redemption.
⠀and he would've accepted it too,
⠀if hajime iwaizumi wasn't in the picture.
⠀something about the way he looked so perfect, so delighted, so content with being right next to you, at your beck and call - it was disgusting. truely, utterly humilating. the way hajime was so quick to answer to your every need; tooru noticed it all day, the way iwaizumi came to your rescue every time you needed anything. directions, assistance with assignments, even remembering names. whatever your problem was, iwa had the solution. and it sickened tooru down to the pits of his stomach.
⠀it's as if he wanted to replace oikawa as your boyfriend.
⠀he ignored it in the past, whenever he heard rumors about the ace's crush on you. makki and mattsun would constantly tease iwaizumi about it, but would stop whenever the captain enter the room. there were only a couple of times where the brunet had fully listened in to a couple of conversations, but he never thought anything of it in the past. why should oikawa care if iwa had a crush on his girlfriend? tooru knew you were completely smitten over him, so there was nothing he had to be self-conscious about.
⠀looking at the two of you now, ignoring iwa's growing feelings for you added to his list of never-ending regrets.
⠀seeing how his best friend was able to sweep you away from him so easily, it scared tooru, to say the least. had he been planning this for a while? was he always eyeing for the day you and him would finally call it quits? tooru remembered vividly how quickly iwaizumi was to act upon you running out of the gym that dreadful day, and how he himself was frozen in nothing more than confusion. his first assumption was that you were running home, since you didn't live too far from seijoh.
⠀of course, that assumption ran clear down the drain the moment iwa returned with you bleeding out in his arms. tooru didn't know where you were bleeding from - most likely the head, assuming it was a car accident. you were fluttering in and out of consciousness, which scared oikawa back into reality.
⠀you were dying in iwaizumi's arms.
⠀he... he's your boyfriend, so he has every right to see if you're okay, right?
⠀so why the fuck won't iwaizumi let him near you?
⠀who gave him the right to tell him to stay away from you? no, he should be the one staying away from you, you were oikawa's girlfriend. his significant other. not iwaizumi's.
⠀yet, he was the one treating you the way a real boyfriend should.
⠀tooru was left alone at school again after another long day, his thoughts in a scramble as he walked around the halls to think. he considered walking into the gym, but he hadn't touched a single volleyball in weeks. did he even deserve to pick up a volleyball again? it was the sport that drove him into an angry frenzy, unleashing a chain reaction leading to your accident. it was by chance you got by with just a concussion and amnesia; it could've been much, much worse - worst being you dying. and it would've been your own boyfriend's fault.
⠀tooru turned the corner to bump into none other than hajime himself, who seemed to be in a hurry before laying eyes on his former captain. the two males stood in front of each other in silence, the tension grew heavy in the air. oikawa didn't want to be in his presence, nor did iwaizumi want to be in his presence. their lips were sealed, there wasn't anything that needed to be said between them.
⠀"hajime? where are you?"
⠀tooru's posture stiffened at your voice, his eyes immediately wandering to spot your whereabouts. why were you still here? why were both of you still here?
⠀"y/n..." his decision made, tooru was going to find you. even with iwaizumi here, that shouldn't stop him. as aggressive as iwa was sometimes, oikawa wasn't really scared of him. if he was going to talk to you, then he damn well was going to talk to you. and the things you deserved to hear from him were endless. "i'm going to talk to y/n, iwa-chan." he spat out the nickname, one usually addressed out of endearment, like venom. it threw the other off guard, but not long enough for tooru to walk past him.
⠀"no, you're not going to."
⠀"excuse me? get out of my way, let me go see-"
⠀oikawa grunted as he felt iwa grab him by the blazer, slamming him against a locker with animalistic ferocity. he had never seen hajime so pissed off as he was now, his teeth visibly clenched together as he glared at his fellow third year. "no, you're not," he hissed, his fists clenching around the fabric even tighter to make sure tooru couldn't escape. "you're not fucking stepping near y/n today, tomorrow, or ever. you don't deserve to see her again, so do her a favor and stay out of her life. got it, shittykawa?"
⠀seeing how oikawa was helpless in his hold, iwaizumi waited for him to reply before letting him go. seeing how tooru decided it was better off remaining silent, all he really could do was let go anyway; you had just turned the same corner and came face to face with both boys.
⠀"hajime? what are you doing?"
⠀his name sounded horrible in your mouth. tooru felt sick as iwaizumi backed up and shrugged, faking a chuckle before focusing his attention on you again. "ah, y/n. nothing to worry about, just a small disagreement is all. have you finished collecting your homework yet? i'll take you home if you are, just meet me outside."
⠀"yeah, i'll go now." you nodded, but not before looking at oikawa once more. tooru wasn't even sure how to react, only sufficing with a half-hearted smile and a wave.
⠀"you're... oikawa, right?"
⠀his heart cracked in two when his surname escaped your lips. having been used to being addressed as tooru for so long, he should've never taken advantage of it. even so, all he could do in this present moment was bite his tongue to hold back from crying in front of the two of them. "yeah... yeah, that's me. glad to know you're alright... y/n."
⠀"thank you." unsure of how else to continue the conversation, you turned around and left, not wanting to pry into their conversation.
⠀iwaizumi waited until you turned the corner to face the other male once more, his facade for you completely gone. there he was back with his angry snarl, pointing a finger at him menacingly. "i'm warning you," he seethed, "stay away from y/n. you'll just make her life a living hell again, and i won't let you ruin her life twice."
⠀tooru hadn't even gotten a chance to reply before hajime turned the corner they originally bumped into, following your footsteps to walk you home, as promised. tooru couldn't process what had just happened, his brain not able to understand that iwazumi was going to take you home. that he was going to help you with homework.
⠀that he was going to be by your side everyday.
⠀no, fuck that. he couldn't let that happen.
⠀one way or another, tooru will prove to you that he can be the boyfriend you deserve, even with iwa as a thorn in his side.
⠀"fuck you, iwaizumi. i am worthy of redemption. i'll prove you wrong, just you wait."
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a / n : and how exactly is tooru going to prove that he’s worthy of redemption? well... that’s for another chapter ;) n e ways ! some of y’all have heard of me beginning an iwaizumi smau , and that’s correct ! keeping it secret though , but expect the masterlist soon :>
taglist : @ot127 @rena0921 @karlitabi-rrito @psychicpercyjacksonfan @crescentbitch @amelimiles @damnirina @pasta-warlord @blossomingbangtan @clinomanians @i-am-kinda-in-a-lot-of-fandoms @manq-fandoms @citruss @sugar-wara @haikoo @anime-simp @kairostatue @awkwardspontaneity @iwantapoptartqwq @aquariarose @softestdreamer @plantisnotplant @avylee @froppysgirl @that-animebitch @wisepandaslimeland @samanthaa-leanne @dumplingzumispam @0hakaashi @captain-janeway @afterglowkuroo @bellabelieveme @attixca @chickenrest @tycrackculture @ynjimenez @lissa-writes-and-does-matchups @lavieenblancetnoir @dabilove27 @cuddleslut @crypto-s @keigosbitch @readeretal @shittykawaa @donghyuckster @adriloen @ella-solei @emiyummy
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renaxwrites · 4 years
Hello! Can I ask headcanons about Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto, who hear girls, who pretend to be friends with their girlfriend out of envy say mean things about her behind her back, and boys stand up for her? I recently got into a similar situation and need support. Thank you for your blog!
Word of Mouth
- (Kuroo, Akaashi, Bokuto)
a/n: I’m so sorry to hear that, I hope you’re okay :( I was in a tough spot like that as well, people can be so mean sometimes :(( but it gets better when you find those real friends who stand up for you. Hope you enjoy <3
warnings: slight cussing, implied sexual activity
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This guy seems to be the type who can decipher in two seconds whether someone is a good person or not
And he was sure that your friends were good, especially since they were the ones to encourage you to admit your feelings toward him
So one day you and your friends attended one of Nekoma’s team for support
Kuroo wasted no time to sashay over and give you his routine greeting
Kuroo: “good luck kiss please.”
Kuroo: “also hold my jacket, I need someone to rep my name ya know ;)”
You: :) ??? okay bby :)
He walks away after he makes sure you put on the jacket
Once the match finished, you give him his “congrats kiss” he’s really insistent on all types of kisses that sly mf and excused yourself to the bathroom
He turns to talk to his team while he was in good spirits
Then he heard your friend scoff
Friend 1: “Thank god, I thought y/n would never leave”
Friend 2: “Maybe now that they’re gone we can make our move”
Friend 3: “Pretty sure I can look better in his jacket than they can. Slut”
He went from :) to >:( real fast
He whipped his head around and stomped over. The team slowly followed in confusion
Kuroo: “Who are you calling a slut”
Them: :o :o :o
Kuroo: “I know it’s not the same y/n that’s wearing my jacket. The same one that’s your friend. Man, and I thought you lot were genuine. Y’all are nothing but two-timin bitches and for what? To try and get in my pants? The only one who’s allowed to wear my jacket and get in my pants is y/n. And they’re the most beautiful thing in the world when they do. I love them. And I will never change my mind about that.”
Them: :O :O :O
You: :O
He didn’t realize you were standing there until Kenma rapped his shoulder and pointed at you
You were blushing, and not from hearing you get shit-talked behind your back, but the fact that your bf stood up for you AND confessed his love in front of the entire school
He walks over and pulls you by his jacket, zipping up the zipper all the way
He kisses your forehead
Kuroo: “Let’s go find you some real friends”
You: “After I get in your pants”
Him: :O
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Now it’s not that hard to believe that this beautiful creature is swooned over by the entire student population
So when they found out that the infamous Akaashi Keiji finally got cuffed there were many supporters and shippers
And there were a few haters as well
Akaashi supports whoever you are friends with, he trusts your judgement
But he started noticed your friends’ change in behavior ever since you got together
At some point he had had enough, and wanted to get to the bottom of it
So one day he joined your study group with your friends
You all decided to take a quick break, and he offered to accompany you to the vending machine, his plan in action
Akaashi: “You go on ahead, I’m going to use the bathroom real quick. Do you mind getting me a water, my love?”
swoons at the words ‘my love’
You: :D heck yes bby at your service
Once you leave, he creeps up to next to the doorway to eavesdrop
Friend 1: “They have some nerve bringing him today. If it was just Akaashi I wouldn’t mind...”
Friend 2: “Yeah, as if stealing him wasn’t enough. It’s like they’re rubbing it in our face”
Friend 1: “Ugh, what a selfish bitch”
Akaashi: :(
He was sad that he finally found out how they really felt. How could they hate such an angel like you?
You both return with waters, but your friends were still in a bad mood
So once the bickering toward you started, Akaashi got fed up
Akaashi: “You know, I think the two of us will take our leave. And by the way, if you only want me, that’s too bad. I’m the one who asked them out, so wherever I go, they come with me, and vice versa. You two are the most unsupportive people I’ve ever met. I think we’re done from here and on.”
There was a beat of silence. All three of you were like :o at his sudden outburst
He dragged you out, taking you home to finish the study session, where he explained what happened as he made you some tea
You: “Thank you”
Akaashi: “For what?”
“Anything for you, my love”
swoon marry me pls
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He definitely was well-known around the school, being one of the top aces in Japan and all
He was also well-known for being loud
Like. Really loud.
So when you guys got together, everyone definitely knew
How could they not? He loved to show off his baby!
You: *breathes*
Bokuto: My LOVE :D !! My ANGEL :D !! My HONEY BUNCH :D !! (and the other million names he has for you)
But since he had many fans, many of them were not please that he was off the market now
Because he was your bf now, there was a newfound spotlight of popularity on you, and while you were kind of okay with it, it came with a few scheming individuals
These girls in your class were quick to befriend you, and soon you formed a little “study group”
These “study” sessions were 10% actual studying. The other 90% was the three of them trying to pry Bokuto details out ofyou, trying to get you to spill any secrets of dating the ace
You didn’t really notice, it was just nice to have others to confide in
But oh boy
Did your bf notice
Thy always insisted on coming with you whenever Bokuto was involved
Practice? They were there in Nekoma gear
Mini ice cream date? Your friends practically invited themselves
And they wouldn’t even notice you, they were so focused on his every words, trying to get a touch of his flexed muscles
But he noticed how sour they would appear wherever he mentioned you
One night, the team was at the new diner after a match, famished after defeating your opponents
And of course, your friends decided to tag along
So the four of you were in a booth, with you, Bokuto, and your two new friends, who happened to be whispering to each other
Suddenly you got a call from your mom, and quickly excused yourself to take the call outside
What you didn’t know was that you’re new “friends” had devised a plan to try and snatch Bokuto from you
Friend 1: “Good, they’re finally gone”
Bokuto: >:o the fuck
Friend 2: “So, the two of us were wondering if you were doing anything tonight after this”
Bokuto: the fuck x 2 “Yeah, I’m going home with y/n. We’ll probably watch a movie or cuddle or something cute”
Friend 1: “Movie with y/n? Cuddle?? You wouldn’t want to do anything more interesting than that?”
Him: :( ?? “Like what?”
Friend 2: “Well we’re soo much better than they are, you can come home with us. You’ll have so much fun”
Bokuto (the oblivious/lovestruck mf he is): “We’ll watch a movie with y/n? Sounds fun!!”
They shook their head, then each one of the places a hand on his juicy thighs
Friend 1: “Forget about y/n. They’re nothing compare to what we can give you, physically.”
Friend 2: “We could have a threesome if you want. Doesn’t that sounds more appealing than watching a movie with them?”
Bokuto: >:O ah hell no
He jumped out of the booth and stared at them. “How dare you? We’re you only friends with y/n so you can try to get me with you two?! That’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard!! Y/n my angel, my baby, my everything!! I would NEVER leave them, let alone CHEAT on them. And you sure as hell don’t deserve THEM as a friend. I’m so digusted right now I can’t even think straight!!”
He could rant longer, but he feels your hand on his shoulder.
You: “Bo, let’s go home.”
Bokuto: “Yes boss :)”
The rest of the team followed you home, joining in on the movie marathon you two had
Now you have lots of true friends and a great bf
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words-for-holland · 4 years
Happier (6) | T.H.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: A deep conversation between Tom & Y/N takes place. Tom offers a solution to Y/N’s problem, but does she take it?! Can Harrison convince her?
A/N: It’s a rather short chapter but a lot of Tom & Y/N action!! I absolutely love reading all your therories and comments! Thank you guys so much for reading & sticking around!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Its a vile word for the people you trusted your life with. Still in a state of shock, Y/N couldnt understand why Katie would have betrayed her like this. To think she was her best friend through thick and thin, always having each other’s back...it all seemed meaningless. Now here she was, packing up and trying to figure out where to go from here. London wasn’t an option and neither was the city with the rent being so high up.
As if her path was written by the stars, Tom had decided to call her the moment she started zipping up her bag. Y/N knew it wasn’t a good idea to answer, but it was almost instinctive in the moment. Truthfully, she needed someone. Someone to tell her it was going to be okay. “Hey, look. I know you probably hate me after the last time we talked on the phone like this, but I just wanted to say Im sorry.” Tom’s voice spoke softly through the phone as he let out a slight chuckle of nervousness.
Y/N smiled slightly as she listened to his voice. It was the most conforting thing she had heard, and could only imagine his voice wrapping around her to make her feel some sort of ease. “Yeah. No it’s um..it’s fine, really.” Y/N responds trying to calm her breathing after sobbing for the past hour.
“Yeah I guess, you were right. Maybe I was just jealous, because..I mean you already knownhow I feel. But you’re your own person so I can totally understand why you’d want to see new people. After all you broke up with me and—” Tom started getting more nervous as he continued to over explain his reasoning, but Y/N didnt seem to pay any attention as she lets out what was bothering her.
“Kate’s been crossing us.” She interrupts.
“Wait what? What do you mean?” Tom asks now more concerned, pushing the phone closer to his ear.
“She leaked information about Natalie staying thats where the rumors came from and she sent those pictures of Matt and I to Natalie’s publicist.” Y/N says as she closes her eyes.
Tom was more confused and in complete shock. Not understanding why Y/N’s most trusted best friend who do this to her. “Y/N...I dont know what to say..I’m sorry.” He replies, feeling defeated that there was nothing he could do, especially since she was so far away from him. Even if Y/N would have rejected his advances, he knew she needed him...now more than ever.
“Don’t be. It’s fine.” Y/N lies as she sits down on the bed, silently crying.
“No, it’s not Y/N. I know you’re hurting and I wish I could be there to do something about it.” Y/N smiles at his words. For every sad and painful moment, there would always be some sort of comfort. Tom was hers. For a moment...just one moment, she forgot about all the terrible things that happened. The betrayal, the rumors, Natalie. The moment felt like it was meant just for Tom and Y/N.
But not all moments last forever. Y/N’s phone went off, alerting her of a notification. In fear, she thought the unknown number was ready to leave another threat for talking to Tom, but it wasn’t. Though it was just a simple Twitter notification that came up, it showed that Tom and Natalie were out again on display for the Public. Casually flirting back and forth, with pictures of their social media interaction with each other. Her heart sank even more..if it was even possible.
He was still with her, even if it was pretend. Y/N thought back to when Natalie first arrived to stay with them, and how she slowly tried to flirt her way and spend time with Tom. She thought about how well they worked and looked good together, and how she left Tom saying “You’d be happier with her.” While it was all under the unknown’s plan to say those exact words, Y/N couldn’t help but feel some sort of truth to it. Certainly, she wasn’t happier with everything thats happened, but for Tom...at least he still had a chance to be happier with Natalie.
“Y/N? You still there?” Tom asked through the phone, when he didn’t hear Y/N say anything for a good while.
She shook her head to stop her thoughts as she replied, “Yeah...still here.”
“Oh okay. Good. I thought you hung up on me.” Tom laughs nervously. “Look, uhh maybe we should focus on what you’re gonna do. So do you have a place to stay?”
Y/N looks around as she sighs in defeat. “No. I’d find an apartment but the rent is so high here in the city especially for those that live alone, and I really dont feel like moving back in with my parents right now.”
Tom listened to her dilemma closely, when he offered without hesitation, “Come back here.”
“Tom, you know thats not an option nor a good idea for us. I told you we needed space, and I certainly don’t want to live under the same roof with a girl your fake dating at the moment.” She says in digust, voiced laced with anger.
“Calm down, Y/N. Im just offering you a solution and I could make sure you don’t see her. It’s a big house after all.”
“It’s not happening.” Y/N says quickly to end the dispute. Y/N stops to think about her other option, one Tom make not very well like. “Maybe I could ask Matt. I know he doesnt live too far from here.”
“Okay, now you’re being delusional. That’s definitely not happening.” Tom scoffs, as he thinks about the sickening idea. “I don’t want you near him.”
“You cant tell me what to do.”Y/N snaps at him. “Just like I’m not telling to stop being near Natalie, let alone enter a PR relationship.”
“Well at least Im being honest and open about it and not hiding it like an immature child.” Tom fires back. Y/N was at a loss with the way he responded to her. While she did keep it secret, deep down she knew it was for his own good..but he would never know. “Im sorry. I didnt mean it. It’s just...I wish you were more honest with me..with everything. It hurts you know.”
“Yeah..” Y/N whispers on the phone, feeling guilty and upset by where they’ve ended up. “I know. I’m sorry too. I want to be honest with you about everything but I cant for good reason.”
“No reason is good enough, if you have to keep secrets from people you love.” Tom says bluntly. “Look Im not gonna make you choose where you want to go from here. It’s your decision and life. Im just saying my door is always open for you...no matter how many times you hurt me.”
“It’s not your obligation Tom. I’ll be fine with whatever happens to me. I have to be, but thank you.” Y/N says as she bids him farewell.
As Y/N grabs her stuff and heads toward the door so do Harrison and Harry. “We booked a hotel for a night, if you want to stay with us.” Harry says as he tried his best to smile for her.
Y/N does in return and nods. “Yeah. Okay let’s go.”
Harry, Harrison, and Y/N made it to Aviary Hotel in silence. No one was sure what they should say to the other, when everything had gone to shit in the past month. Once everyone settled down, Harry decided to go down and grab food the group, while Harrison stayed to watch over Y/N in case she needed anything. “So, you told Tom, Im guessing?” Harrison asked, sitting across the other bed as he watched her intently.
Y/N nodded not saying anything as she brushed her hair avoiding eye contact. She thought for a moment deciding if she should tell him about what really happened in the phone conversation. “He and I fought..kinda I guess. I told him I didnt have a place to stay and he wanted me to stay with you guys, but I said it’s not a good idea and then I mentioned Matt, and everything went downhill from there.”
“Wait why not? Why can’t you stay with us?” Harrison asked.
Y/N gave him a look as if he didn’t know the reason already. His blue eyes shifting from surprise to realization. “Right, I forgot.” They sat in silence for a few seconds before Harrison interjects again. “You know, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I know Natalie and the unknown number still poses a threat, not to mention risky, but it’d be unexpected for them.” He offered.
Y/N thinks hard about it, her brows furrowing. “Yeah okay...but how does this that make it any better knowing that Im living with my ex-boyfriend who is also living under the same roof with a girl that he’s fake dating not to mention your childhood friend, and may very well be the other person terrorizing me.”
Harrison looks at her as he rubs his face in embarassment. “Well..when you put it that way.”
“Harrison, you can put it in any other way you want, it’s still going to be a bad idea.” She says.
“Look just think about it, okay. Its a big house, and you can use the attic room upstairs if you dont want to see anyone and have schedules until we can sort all of this out. And if it bothers you that much I even have a friend that lives close by who also needs a roommate herself.”
Y/N looks at Harrison skeptically, as he weighs out her options. “You really out here trying to find a way to make me stay with you guys and leave home huh?”
Harrison smiles as he combs back his dirty blonde hair. “No, Y/N. This here?” He points out arms wide, gesturing to the room to represent New York. “It was your home. Your real home, whether you want to believe it or not, it’s with us back in London. I know everything has been rough between you and Tom, but we’re going to find a way. I promise.”
Y/N sheds a tear, as she hears Harrison speak. He was right. Home just didn’t feel like home anymore. Not without them, but as much as she wanted to say yes, the odds of it being okay were against her...that couldn’t be ignored.
“So what do you say?”
@hollanddolanfangirl​ @ifilosemyselfagain @hevjadams @averyfosterthoughts​ @fangirl-with-a-mission @drishtisikarwar @eridanuswave​ @ifntelyinspirit @trumpettay @astridcommings @parkershoco @racewife2004 @sleepybesson @greatpizzascissorstaco @andievgs
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alecmagnuslwb · 4 years
Year After Year
Read on AO3
1 Twenty
Zatanna stretches out along the couch her feet propped up on the coffee table a large magical tome in her lap. It’s nearing midnight and soon enough her birthday will be over and done with.
The morning had been so busy filled with her attempting to convince Nick that going out to search for a missing page from an ancient book that’s likely sitting in a dragon’s den was too dangerous. It wasn’t until Nick had stormed out ignoring her pleas, John kissing her on the head and following him out to ensure he didn’t get himself killed that she had even realized the date.
She’s never been big on birthdays; they’d been her thing with her mother and after her death she just stopped putting any sort of effort into them. This year was no different, she’s fairly certain she’s never told John when her birthday is and even if in his frequently spiraling state Nick does recall the date he’s likely not to acknowledge it at all.
Which works just fine for her.  
The door busts open Zatanna jumping up from the couch in defense mode immediately only to stand down upon seeing its only Nick. A single aged page in his hand, his jacket a little burnt around the edges.
“Got it,” he says roughly already heading for the stairs, likely to shut himself into his room conjuring and doing who the hell knows what until the wee hours of the morning. “Wasn’t dangerous, just like I said.”
“The fact you’ve been gone nearly 12 hours and look a little crispy says otherwise,” Zatanna shouts after him, Nick already halfway upstairs. “Where’s John?”
Nick waves a dismissive hand at the door he left wide open. “Stopped to run an errand.”
And then he’s disappearing around the corner his bedroom door slamming shut behind him. Zatanna flops down on the couch head in one hand and picking at her fishnets with the other. Her worry about John subsides while her worry about Nick increases. What a strange feeling it is to be falling in love while watching your closest friend/ex fall deeper into an obsessive magical hole that you can’t seem to stop him from falling into.
It’s another reason her birthday slipped her mind this year, she’s too busy losing Nick and holding onto John to focus on much else.
Zatanna runs a hand through her hair standing just as she hears footsteps nearing the brownstones door. John steps in a bouquet of flowers in his hands that he immediately attempts to hide behind his back when he spots her standing there.
“Hey, luv I wasn’t sure you’d still be up,” he says smile bright and feign confident, a classic John Constantine grin. She can’t help but smile back.
“You were gone nearly 12 hours after leaving to fight a dragon, of course I’m still up,” she says stepping closer and reaching up to run her fingers along the stubble on his jaw. “Are you hurt?”
“Nah,” he says shaking his head, a bit of ash falling from his hair. He reaches down tugging at his shirt. “Just a bit singed around the edges. Finding it took longer than fighting it.”
He sounds a little sad, the same sadness she carries about Nick’s behavior. They’ve talked about it before, what to do is still a question that hangs in the air and tonight it’s late, they’re both so tired and John is hiding a bouquet of flowers behind his back that she’s too curious about to broach the topic once again.
Zatanna places both hands on his chest, smoothing out his ruined shirt.
“So, what is that you’re hiding behind your back?” she asks tilting her head in a way she knows he finds adorable.
“Ah, that is a gift,” he says stepping back just enough so that her hands fall and the bouquet is held out between them. A gorgeous arrangement of lilacs and lavender, her favorites, just a little crushed at the top from where he’d briskly tucked them behind his back. “For you. Happy birthday luv,” he says urging her to take the flowers.
She does, smelling them and then cradling them in her arms.
“How did you know?”
John just shrugs a smirk tugging at the edge of his lips.
“I have my ways.”
Zatanna steps closer, bridging the small gap of space between them.
“Your ways, huh,” she says eyeing John suspiciously. “Your ways being you noticed my ID when I accidentally left it on your dresser the other night.”
John just chuckles reaching his hands out to pull her in by the hips, crushing the flowers between them.
“Maybe,” he says grin getting cheekier by the minute. “You look great in your photo by the way, clearly witchcraft considering your gorgeous but nobody looks that good on an ID.”
Zatanna snorts before whispering a quiet thank you.
“You don’t have to thank me, I just wanted you to have something, even if there is only about ten minutes left of the day and it’s not much. At the very least I’ll be making sure you get that much every year as long as you keep putting up with me. Promise.” he says rubbing circles into her hips with his thumbs. “Next year I’ll even bake you cake.”
2 Twenty-Three
“Thank you,” she says one last time bowing to the audience before her. She picks up a single rose at her feet smiling before heading back stage.
She passes by her crew a few high fives and congratulations on another successful show given as she goes. She hands the single rose to her favorite stagehand Mikey with a smile.
It’s another birthday in books, this one spent doing what she loves on the stage and hopefully ending in a warm bath with a large glass of wine.
“Ekat em emoh,” she whispers to herself once she’s closed the door to her dressing room and a swirling portal appears before her. She steps through already flinging her coat and top hat off as she enters the Zatara mansion.
She kicks off her clunky heels as she heads up the stairs passing by so many of her father’s left behind artifacts. She closes her eyes moving her neck back and forth to releases some tension, unlacing her corset as she steps into her bedroom.
“It’s your birthday and yet here I am the one getting a present,” a familiar sly voice startles her from the darkness.
“Jesus,” she says clutching a hand to her chest there’s only one person with the access to get past her wards but he surprises her all the same. She turns to see John leaned back in the chair by her vanity legs spread comfortably. A bouquet of lilacs and lavender rest in his lap, his grip on them loose.
“Well now I’m pretty sure that’d be taken as blasphemous if anyone upstairs heard you call me that,” John says that damn little smirk of his just visible in the moonlight.
“Sthgil,” she says waving a hand around the room. A swell of warm low-lit bulbs coming to life so she can see him more clearly. She goes back to unlacing her corset, it’s not like he hasn’t seen it all before. “You’re here.”
“Of course I’m here,” he says standing and getting a little closer as she slips on a Black Canary band t-shirt. “I haven’t missed your birthday yet, have I?”
He hasn’t, not since that first one. They’ve broken up since then, a mini reunion on her birthday last year mere weeks after he father’s death. John had shown up with a bouquet of flowers and a red velvet cake that tasted like beets and just held her all day. Blame and guilt flew out the window for that day, even if the cake tasted like shit.
They’ve been doing a lot of back and forth ever since then, but a few days ago Zatanna had heard whispers of John getting himself into some new spectacular shit and when he hadn’t called for help she assumed he’d be a no show today.
And yet here is, keeping his promise.
“Good point,” she says turning to face him. “Please tell me you didn’t bake a cake this year?”
John laughs, one of those big genuine laughs he so rarely does. All she can do is join along with him, the sound contagious.
“No, no cake,” he says handing her the flowers. “But just you wait I’ll be perfecting that one day, just need some more practice.”
She doesn’t think there’s a spell in this world that could make John Constantine a decent baker, but she appreciates the effort nonetheless. She sits the flowers down on the edge of her bed and folds her arms around his middle, he immediately holds her right back.
“How does a steaming hot bath and some wine sound to you?” she says voice slightly muffled from where she’s buried her face into his chest.
“Anything you want Zee,” he says rubbing his hands slowly up and down her back. “It’s your birthday.”
3 Twenty-Five
“Edolpxe!” she shouts pushing her hands out at the swath of demons before them. She regrets the choice immediately as a rain of demon guts and ichor spew back at her and her companions.
She shakes her hand out not that it does much good then attempts to wipe any goo from around her eyes and swallows once. And ugh, yup there’s some in her mouth. She spits out what she can in digust.
“Happy fucking birthday to me,” she grumbles under her breath.
“You okay Zatanna?” Andrew Bennet asks as he comes to stand beside her, covered head to toe in the same gunk she is. Boston, the lucky incorporeal bastard, floats up beside him a vision of cleanliness.
She nods, “Yeah, just in desperate need of seven or so showers and a giant bottle of mouthwash.”
Andrew huffs in agreement. Boston opens his mouth clearly about to say something that will no doubt drive Zatanna crazy about his clean state, but is cut off by a voice off to the side.
“So, I guess I’m late then?” John says, the purple bouquet of flowers she’s come to expect every year in one hand. “Or maybe judging from the look of you two, just in time.”
Zatanna rolls her eyes. They’ve been going strong for the last few months, had a dinner plan for her birthday tonight and everything. Just this once deciding to do a little more for the day outside of the walls of wherever she calls home, but of course he’d been running late for dinner and not answered his phone when a hoard of demons turned up in the alleyway behind the restaurant.
Luckily Boston and Andrew had answered her call.
“Naelc pu siht ssem,” she says the mess in front of and on them disappearing in a moment. Her mouth still feels gross, but she’s okay with that, kissing John with demon ichor mouth for not showing up on time seems like a good form of payback.
Andrew and Boston bid their goodbyes as she conjures up a portal for them then she walks over to where John stands leaning against the wall lighting a cigarette. He takes a long drag blowing the smoke out to the side before she gets within touching distance of him. She leans up immediately kissing him deeply.
“No offense luv, but you taste a bit like a demon’s asshole,” John says once she’s pulled back taking her birthday flowers from his arms. Well, she thinks, that’s what you get for being late.
She smiles sarcastically up at him. “And you taste like an ashtray,” she says plucking his cigarette from between his fingers and tossing it into a puddle by their feet stamping it out with the front of her tall steel toed heels for safe measure.
“You love it,” he says offendedly looking down at his lost cigarette.
“I love you,” she says pointedly, tangling their fingers together and tugging him along. “I tolerate that.” She flings her head back slightly to the puddle drenched cigarette. “Now come on let’s get dinner I need to get this taste out of my mouth.”
John chuckles as she pulls him along faster, “The ashtray flavor or the demon asshole taste?”
4 Twenty-Seven
“Got any big birthday plans?” Zachary asks as he packs up the last of his gear in a suitcase spelled to have no end.
Zatanna scoffs, “No, you know birthdays aren’t really my thing.”
“Except when Constantine’s here,” Zachary says, a hint of judgement in his voice. He’s not exactly John’s biggest fan, then again most people aren’t.
She ignores the remark patting Zachary on the shoulder as she passes by to grab something from the drink cart. Vegas is always a good time for shows, especially when she gets to see her cousin, but right about now she’s ready to grab a drink and then head home to San Francisco.
Just as she starts to pour whiskey into her glass a fiery portal comes to life next to the drink cart and Zachary jumps into defense mode, hands at the ready. Zatanna however just keeps pouring her drink. She recognizes that magic, feels the pull of it in the air and the scent of a specific brand of cigarettes lingering at the edges; this is no threat.
“Bollocks,” John says as he falls through the portal flat on his back, scrambling quickly to shut it. A decaying green and grey hand reaches out as he does, the portal severing it off as it closes. He falls back again spreading his legs so the hand doesn’t fall on him as it twitches on last time. He falls back to the floor in relief eyes shutting for a second before gazing up at Zatanna.
She takes a sip of her drink regarding him.
“John,” she says swirling the ice around in her glass.
He smiles up at her reaching into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulling out a severely crushed bouquet of lilacs and lavender.
“Zee, these are for you,” he says reaching them up to her. She takes them, their fingers brushing, lingering for a few moments more than necessary.
They haven’t seen each other much over the past year since their last split not long after her twenty-sixth birthday. She stopped calling what they did breaking up, was it really a broken thing if eventually it always came back around whole? It’s to date the longest they’ve gone without being a couple officially or at least sleeping together at some point or another. Overall it’s been an odd year for them to say the least.  
They’d saved the world from an apocalypse, but it had cost them a member of their so-called Justice League Dark. A loss that Constantine had taken full blame for, so much so that he went to hell to make it right without telling Zatanna he was even leaving.
She’d almost mourned him, but somewhere in her soul she just knew he wasn’t dead, could feel that he was still alive. Life still had to go on though and back to San Francisco she’d gone. She dated Hal, a nice enough entertainment agent for a bit, but then one day when he witnessed John literally crawling up out of the floor of her kitchen bloodied and more defeated than he had been when he’d left their relationship had effectively ended.
She healed John that night tending to his wounds and holding his hands as the burn of the hellfire still running through his veins subsided. She was still mad as hell at him for the leaving the way he had, but this was who they were, how they worked. They were always there for each other when they needed no matter their status.
He’d left after that, this time telling her where he was going. She dated Monica for a bit and then John turned up with a real bonafide boyfriend named Oliver, not the one you’re thinking. For a moment in time they’d both been happy with other people and for the first time since the day they met Zatanna thought maybe they’d actually well and truly reached their end. The cycle finally come to a close.
But then Monica had accused her of always relying on John and never on her when she was in trouble and even when she wasn’t; then shortly after Zatanna paid a visit to John for help his relationship with Oliver ended abruptly. They both acted like the breakups timing were simply coincidence.
John made a vague reasoning about fucking things up as he always did and Zatanna spouting something about wanting different things, but they both knew the truth. Whether the main reason or not, the fact they were still in love with each other despite all the anger and history was far too clear for their partners to deal with any longer.
Things had been almost awkward between them after that. For months it’d been like they were avoiding talking about anything at risk of admitting they still cared.
If there was ever a birthday she expected him to skip, it was this one.
“I know you aren’t the type to cheat, but the way you two are looking at each other I feel like I should remind you that you have a boyfriend,” Zachary says not so quietly, breaking their staring contest.
Right, she does have a boyfriend. Detective Dale Colton is sweet and caring and doesn’t have a clue it’s her birthday because she never felt the need to tell him. She’s never felt the need to tell him a lot of things. Which should probably be very telling for her, not that she has time right now to unpack all of that.
“No worries there Zachy,” John says shortening the name just to annoy Zachary as he hefts himself up from the ground. “I’m not here for that, just keeping a yearly promise.”
Zachary glares at Constantine before returning his attention to Zatanna. He opens his mouth no doubt about to invite himself to stay and have a few drinks, but she cuts him off.
“Don’t you have a date?”
Zachary holds her eyes for a moment before sighing grabbing his bag and tossing a wave and a birthday salutation over his shoulder before heading for the door.
“Drink?” Zatanna asks John already pouring a second glass, anticipating his answer. “You know,” she says looking at the flowers she’s sat on the drink cart. “These are by far your saddest looking bouquet yet.”
John laughs a small sad thing as he takes the offered drink from her hand fingertips brushing once again.
“Well that’s the kind of year it’s been hasn’t it,” he says tossing back the whole drink.
She frowns reaching out to tug on his sleeve to get his attention.
“Maybe it’s due time we change that,” she says turning away and grabbing the whole bottle of whiskey and heading for the balcony. It’s her birthday dammit and all she wants is to be on real speaking terms with the man she often begrudgingly admits is probably her favorite person in the world.
They settle out under the warm Vegas night talking, really talking for the first time since he left for hell. As the night wanes on their laughter becomes a little less sad and everything around them starts to feel a little like forgiveness, like getting back on track. Damn near almost like friendship.
Not that they’d ever be friends. As Papa Midnite had once put it so bluntly after they’d said as such while bargaining with him, “You’ll never be friends. You’ll be in love till it kills you both. You’ll fight and you’ll fuck and you’ll hate each other till you quiver, but you’ll never be friends.”
They’d ignored him that night, but both were well aware they were kidding themselves if they tried to act like he was wrong.
“Happy birthday by the way,” John says after a while, mere seconds left till midnight. “I’m still working on mastering that cake.”
5 Twenty-Eight
Dinah waves and Ollie salutes as she heads for her room at the Justice League headquarters as fast as she can. She knows that Batman has detailed files about every member right down to what they sleep in every night most likely so no doubt birthdates were included. While she didn’t expect Bruce to be sentimental enough to try and throw a party or something, Dinah and Ollie had both seen a glimpse of her file and expressed an interest in celebrating the day.
She was fairly certain she’d talked them out of it, but she still wanted to get out of there before they changed their minds just to be safe.
She turns the corner to her room now, almost in the clear.
“You lot better be saving the world, if the League’s keeping you out this late.”
Zatanna flips on the lights revealing John lying in the center of the bed on his side like a fully dressed Playgirl model. The expected bouquet of flowers on the pillow near his bent arm.
“Supervillains don’t really stick to a 9 to 5.”
“That,” John says shifting to sit on the edge of the bed, “is why I like my demons, evil wizards and hell beasts they’re a late-night crowd. Interrupt your sleep, but never your dinner.”
Zatanna laughs sitting down beside him and picking up the flowers from the pillow.
“So that’s why you turned me down then? Dinner plans and time management?” she asks looking up from the fresh flowers and into John’s eyes. She’s been on the official roster of the Justice League for six months; she’d ask John to come with her and he’d refused. Convinced that his style would never be okay in the eyes of the capes and tights crowd.
They’re still dating despite his turn down, sort of. It’s complicated. Not the most complicated they’ve ever been by far, but still complicated.
He doesn’t say anything just smiles at her softly.
“So, I know you can get past my wards because I have you keyed into them, but how the hell did you get in here?” she says changing the subject.
John’s smile transforms into a classic Constantine smirk, winking as he pulls a card from his pocket handing it to her. Batman’s Justice League backup ID card.
Zatanna cackles, full out cackles.
“He’s going to kill you if he ever finds out you have this,” she says through gasping laughter.
John reaches out brushing the long dark hair that’s fallen into her face away, “Worth it.”
+1 Thirty
Zatanna pulls her hair up into a high ponytail stretching her neck out. After another great show and a successful mugging prevention she’s ready for a quiet rest of the night in her San Francisco apartment.
She’d moved late last year, tired of living in the Zatara estate all alone. Opting to keep it up and running for when she needs anything and as safe haven shelter to fellow magics in trouble whenever they might need it.
She’s comfortable in black leggings and a Nightwing crop top Dick had sent her as a joke that she wears to spite him constantly. She sits down in front of her vanity about to take her makeup off when someone knocks on the door.
She heads over pulling it open and there he is just like every year except early for once.
“John,” she says but he stops her lifting his hand to quiet her, index finger hovering over her lips.
“Wait just, three,” he looks down at the dented watch on his wrist. “two, one.”
“Happy birthday, luv,” he says looking back up just as it hits midnight the usual bouquet of flowers appearing magically in his hand.
She smiles, loving the consistency of this little ritual of theirs.
“Tup meht ni a esav,” she says waving her hand at the offered flowers. A clear, glass vase appears on the table beside her door the flowers delicately placing themselves inside floating up from John’s hand.
She reaches out pulls him in by his tie, leans up and kisses him hard. He responds immediately hands instinctively reaching under her thighs and lifting her up tight to his body. She wraps her legs around him kicking the door shut before he starts moving, carrying her into the bedroom.
He lies her on the bed removing his trench coat running his hands along every inch of her as he kisses her just right and just so slow. He pulls back something akin to worship and a look in his eyes that seems like he’s just made up his mind about something important. She doesn’t have time to think about it though because soon enough he’s moving down her body and she’s not thinking at all.
It’s hours before they finally leave the bedroom, somewhere in the middle of the night migrating out to the living room lounging on the couch. Zee’s propped up on pillows dressed in only John’s shirt that stops mid thighs with John lying between her legs in an old pair of sweatpants that she can’t be certain who they belong to, his back pressed to her chest.
A cheesy old sci-fi movie plays on the tv as John runs his fingers along her arms that encircle him. She watches as his black tipped nails play shapes of magical runes and charms along her skin.
She recognizes some of them, symbols of affection and protection. She thinks he might be getting openly sentimental the older they get.
It’s peaceful, content, it almost feels permanent. Thirty seems to be making her sentimental too, thinking about the future and all that.
“Shit,” John says lifting up suddenly. “I forgot!”
“Forgot what?” she says watching as he lifts up onto his knees, turns and scoots forward keeping his space between her legs.
“I’ve got another gift for ya,” he says bringing his hands together. “Learned a new trick just for you.”
He smiles saying a few phrases in Latin under his breath his hands slowly coming apart. Bright red magic swirls around them and slowly bit by bit a cupcake appears. It’s lush red velvet with a light cream cheese frosting and top hat shaped candle on top.
“I’m 98% certain this one won’t taste like beets.”
“98%?” Zatanna questions skeptically remembering the horrendous cake he handmade from many years ago.
“I’ve been practicing just like I told ya I would. Now, if you don’t mind,” he says gesturing to the candle.
Zatanna smirks. “Erif,” she says a small flame lighting up the tip of her index finger. She tilts it lighting the candle before holding it up to her lips and blowing it out, holding John’s eyes the entire time knowing exactly what this little trick does to him.
Lighting his cigarettes this way driving him wild has been a favorite past time of hers for a decade.
“Menace,” he grumbles before holding the cupcake closer to her. “Make a wish.”
She appeases him, closing her eyes and making it seem like she’s thinking up a good one, when all she’s thinking about is how good right now feels, before blowing out the little flame.
He pulls the candle from it offering it up to her and she takes a hesitant bite.
“It actually tastes like red velvet,” she says truly stunned, not caring that she’s talking with her mouth full.
“Told ya I’ve been practicing,” he says before taking a big bite of his own and flopping back down into his previous position pressed up against her.
“Only took you ten years,” she teases snatching the cupcake from him and taking another bite. He pinches her thigh lightly in retaliation making her giggle. They settle back in finishing the cupcake and making comments about the terrible movie onscreen.
“I’m gonna stay,” John says after a while. Zatanna hums, she’s starting to doze off the late hour and John warm against her leaving her just too comfortable to stay awake.
“For my birthday? I know. You always do.” She sleepily runs a hand through his sandy blonde hair twisting it when she reaches the ends.
“Well yeah, but not just for your birthday,” he clarifies. “I was meaning stay for a while. Here or in the House of Mystery until someone tries to steal it from me or the old Zatara mansion, lady’s choice really. I miss you Zee.”
Zatanna leans down pressing her face into John’s hair for a moment. “You mean that?”
He nods. “I can’t make any promises, fuck knows I’m shit at keeping them, but I want to stay. I want to do better by us. I want us to stay us. We’ve been at this for over a decade and it’s been made clear to me by just about everyone who’s ever met me that I need to get my shit together in at least one area of my life and I want it to be this one.”
Suddenly she remembers that look in his eyes before he’d cleared her mind entirely in the bedroom. The look that said he’d made up his mind about something. It was this. It was the decision to say all this out loud, to say what he wants and stay, really stay.
Zatanna nudges him to sit up, he gets the hint turning as much as he can to face her.
“I want you stay. I always want you to stay,” she says hand reaching out to rest her hand on a familiar tattoo on his chest, thumb brushing a scar she only just became acquainted with but knows she’ll end up memorizing the shape of. “And as for promises you’re better at keeping them than you think you are.”
She thinks of how he’s always a call away no matter what, how he’s never missed her birthday and how he even finally learned how to make an edible damn cake. He’s better than and at a lot of things than he thinks is.
He leans in kissing her soft and slow.
“I love you, Zee,” he says when he pulls back. “I don’t say it enough.”
“I know,” she says brushing a hand through his hair. “I love you too.”
He smirks leaning in for another quick kiss, just a press of lips.
“Say it backwards?” he says cheekily.
She rolls her eyes but does it anyway.
“I evol ouy.”
She kisses him again a quick hard press of lips sealing it like magic then leans over for the remote flipping off the tv. She maneuvers till she stands, holding out a hand.
“Let’s go to bed.” He takes her hand following her to the bedroom and in the morning she wakes with him wrapped around her. He makes a traditional English breakfast, vegetarian style just for her though it goes against every fiber of his English being and he stays.
Maybe she hadn’t made a real wish when she blew out that candle the night before, but it feels like something they’ve both been trying to get right for a decade came true anyways.
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faunahudson · 4 years
making up is hard to do | faury
Who: Fauna and Rory Flanagan @switch-it-up-rory When: 22/10/20 Where: Fauna and Sawyers Apartment What: Fauna and Rory talk out their differences Warnings: Discussions of suicide, drug addiction, and emotional abuse
This was the most terrified Rory had ever been in his life, for a long, long time. He didn't know what to expect when Fauna had texted him about her door being unlocked, she didn't acknowledge his response. But he headed straight over to her and Sawyer's suite, amidst the confusions over the rumours of his death. Nonetheless, he gingerly opened the door after 10 minutes of waiting outside it, the twin telepathy between them not working. He couldn't gauge how Fauna would react, and that was the scariest thing about it all. Maybe she was finally done with him, packed his bags and got him a one-way flight out of Florida. Leave him with his own devices. He'd do whatever would make her happy, but he didn't necessarily want to leave her. Walking into the suite, he nervously leaned back against the door. "Hello?" He called out, his voice as shaken as his body was, shivering despite the unnatural October heat. Despite the shower and fresh change of clothes, Rory looked and felt terrible, 4 days of being cold turkey would do that to a person. He just hoped Fauna would take pity on his appearance and break his heart gently.
Fauna was finally dressed in normal clothes, one of Sawyers sweatshirts covering her top and a small skirt topping off the look. Having spent the morning doing school work and texting Alexis, she was now finishing off her first lemon cake in almost a week. The smell filling the apartment and making her feel calm again. She heard Rory at the door and she tensed just a little, there was definitely still some anger lingering and a whole world of hurt but she steadied herself. “Hey.” She said quietly. “It’s open.” She added in case he wasn’t sure, the brunette didn’t turn around from the icing she was stirring at first because if she saw him she thought she might cry again. “Have a seat..” she suggested. “I’m just finishing the icing.”
It took a moment for the comforting scent of lemon cake to hit, and it steadied Rory slightly. She wouldn't have been as murderous as she was on Monday if she ws making lemon cake, that was her happy food. But he didn't trust it, because he didn't trust himself. Rory Flanagan couldn't be trusted, it was he only lesson people needed to learn. He gingerly sat down, his mind lost for clever comments and jokes, picking at his nails as Fauna finished off her baking, looking around the trial claim suite. He half wished Sawyer was here, he was so good at breaking the awkward tension, but alas it just seemed to Fauna and Rory alone. "Um," He didn't know what he was going to say, but trailed off when he noticed that his hand just wouldn't stop shaking, so he shoved it in his sweatshirt pocket. "I'm sorry." He then said, because it was the only place he could start, really. "I'm really fucking sorry, Fauna."
Fauna could almost feel him looking around, the twin connection wasn’t completely dead then. “He’s gone for a run, he can’t save you I’m afraid.” She told him lightly as she finally turned and put the lemon cake on the table so that she could begin icing it. The little brunette looked up at her twin, her heart aching. “I know.” She replied honestly. “I know you are Ror.. but you really, really hurt me... and I don’t really understand why.. I think that’s what hurts so much. I’ve never once judged you not for Aoife, not for the drugs or-“ The lump in her throat stopped her from going on for a moment and she began focusing on spooning icing into a piping bag. “I’ve only ever asked that you don’t lie to me.. so that I can help you.. so I can fix things.”
the almost dropped crossaint22/10/2020
The shaky breath Rory let out was one of relief, because they had been back on the same wave length temporarily, just for a moment. Hopefully a positive sign and not some sort of omen. He wanted to glance away when she finally looked at him, but didn't, but he swore he was shaking more. Like there was some sort of draught through the apartment. "I know..." He replied, weakly, "I think I was just, scared. Scared of letting you down because you couldn't...fix this." He didn't want to be this honest with her, but he had to prove that he wouldn't lie to her again, even if he had to talk about some pretty scary shit. "I was going to tell you that I didn't think I was ready to leave and then....I don't know. I saw your face, and you were so happy to see me. And you had a collar on...and I found out that....Conor....was here and just...just didn't say anything." He did glance down at the floor during this explanation, tears welling in his eyes, hating how pathetic and selfish he sounded.
she won’t hesitate, bitch22/10/2020
She wanted more than anything to go over to him, to wrap her arms around his shoulders and let him know that it was all okay. But she wasn’t ready yet, so instead she listened quietly as she piped the light yellow icing onto the cake. “You not being ready or relapsing.. thats not letting me down Ror and it never will be. Addiction is a bitch and I don’t expect you to be better overnight. I’m a doctor remember.” She told him honestly. “I don’t know how many times I can tell you that it doesn’t matter what is going on in my life... I’m your twin sister. Sawyer he.. He makes it easier for me to be here for you, genuinely having him it’s made me more stable and more ready to be a good sister than ever before. He is never a reason you don’t tell me things. Please Rory.. I want to forgive you and for us to talk about what comes next.. all I want to do is stroke your hair and tell you that it’s okay. But I can’t unless you swear this won’t become a pattern. I refuse to live my life with you lying to me. I will support you no matter what, I will come and pick you up with coke still on your nose. But you have to be honest.”
He nodded as she spoke, knowing that all he had to do was look her in her eyes and promise her it wouldn't be a pattern. But there was a monster of doubt on the edge of his mind, asking him relentlessly if he was sure to agree to that, because what if he was lying again? What if all he ever did was lie? "It wasn't because of Sawyer," He found himself saying, not because he was necessarily deflecting but, if he was going to promise to not make a pattern out of lying, he was going to do it after he eventually laid everything out on the table. "The Yank is tall but not intimidating, we both know I could body him any day. It was Percy." It was always Percy, but this time Rory wasn't excusing his own bad behaviour on his troubled relationship with his father, but just explaining his reasoning. "I...don't know if I'm supposed to know. About the arguments and the rehab bills. He doesn't even know I know, but he's got a big gob and won't use his inside voice even in the apology porsche with Maurie...he thought I was sleeping. I..." His voice cracked, hating himself more with each second since his realisation on the beach, "I didn't know. How hard you pushed for him to pay the bills. I thought Maurie or Ma would, or he'd just do it so I was out of his hair for a bit, I didn't know it was this whole thing. He pretended to be ignorant about my progress, but like, he knew. He said he didn't give a fuck, and I knew you two were at each other's throats about it, so I just stayed quiet and went along with it...broke my sobriety like an hour out of being out of rehab. Must be some sort of record," He scoffed in digust at himself, "I really, really want to swear it won't be a pattern, Fauna. But I can't until I can prove it somehow. I never want to hurt you again, ever."
Fauna let out a little watery laugh at the image of Rory trying to fight Sawyer. Her stomach twisted with something that she could easily recognise as guilt when he brought up Percy, because right now she wasn’t even fighting with the guy. She hadn’t burned his 10,000 dollar check, or ignored his phone calls. She’d taken them all, and let him say all manner of things about Rory, about Sawyer and about her life because she’d rather have his money than be brave. “I’m sorry.. I should have been more stubborn about putting you back in rehab.” She said honestly, sliding one hand across the table so that they could tangle their hands together. “It’s okay.. you weren’t ready to be out of rehab and you didn’t have the supports. You were hurting. Don’t worry about that now, we’re going to get you real support so you can be here properly... if that’s what you want? Because if you’d rather go back to a proper facility I won’t be mad, I’ll pay for it and that’s not me being self sacrificing I can more than afford it now. But if you want to be here then we can get you like.. a therapist and stuff... I’ll take you to the hospital a lot of the doctors are good craic for yanks.” She was crying without even really thinking about it, tears streaking down her cheeks. “I believe you Ror.. and I forgive you.”
He shook his head at her apology, because really Fauna had nothing to apologise for. The interesting thing about being mentally ill, and an addict, was that he couldn't just be put on a treatment program and just magically get better, like he had some sort of flu. He wasn't better simply because he defied the help he received. "It's not your fault." He told her, genuinely, because all Fauna did try to do was help him. He felt whole again when her hand reached his, and he squeezed it as if he feared she'd suddenly recoil and let go. His stomach turned at all the different options she threw at him, feeling suddenly overwhelmed, doing his best to ignore the churning feeling low in his gut. "I don't want to leave." He told her, voice thick with tears, "I can't leave you...not again. I'll do the other things but I don't want....I don't want to be locked up again." Everytime Rory had to stay in some sort of facility, it was hell. And he'd be damned if he did it again. If he was going to get better, he was going to do it somewhere where his shoes had laces in them. "I love you, Fairy." He murmured, "I really am sorry. I'm sorry." He was fully sobbing now, letting it all out. A mixture of relief, grief, anger at himself, exhaustion, sickness, it all flooding out in the tears and the heavy, choked breaths.
She knew that he wouldn't want her apology but she supposed that he didn't really know what she was apologising for, and it didn't bear discussing right now. The submissive squeezed his hand back, reaching to put her other one on top of it. When he started to sob, her heart broke a little and she swallowed down a sob of her own. "Let's go through to the spare room alright?" Fauna suggested wanting to be closer to her brother, and feeling like the kitchen wasn't the best place to do that. Carefully she stood and lead Rory through to the bedroom closing the door behind them, giving them some space while they talked. She sat down among her my melody plushes that she'd been sitting in while she'd worked on her school work, and then patted her lap for her brother to rest his head in. "You don't have to go to rehab, I'd rather I could see you.." Fauna admitted. "But-You have to take your meds, and I mean I want to see you take them and me or Sawyer will be driving you to your appointments. You miss one and there will be hell to pay... I'll.. I'll go with you." She promised.
Rory just nodded, trying to calm his breathing, letting Fauna lead the way. He picked up one of the plush rabbits, staring at it in disdain, wondering where Butterscotch was for a moment, before realising he was getting too distracted again. But Fauna patted her lap and he laid his head in it, the ultimate comfort position to him, where he felt properly safe. "I like it here," He mumbled, nodding at her insistence of taking his medication and attending therapy. Rory tended to not like those things, but he'd be willing to give them a go if it meant he got his sister back. "I want new meds," The Switch admitted, "new meds that don't make me feel like one of those dodgy sprouted potatoes. But I'll take my current ones until I can get new ones." He didn't really have any terms for the therapy, but he was grateful Fauna would go with him, and just nodded as best as he could in her lap. His chest still felt heavy though, not a comforted heaviness, but weighed down with the one thing he hadn't told her, and maybe he should despite everything, because he wanted them to start afresh with no secrets between them anymore. Rory sat up, feeling guilt for laying on her lap, looking at her with bloodshot eyes. "I have one more thing to tell you, and that's my last secret between us." Rory explained, "but you have to promise me it doesn't leave this room. You can't tell Conor, or Ma or Maurie, you canne tell Tall Yank...and you must not contact Percy about it even though you'll want to, okay?"
She watched him picking up the plush with a kind of softness that she hadn't afforded herself with him until now, the little brunette let the anger that she had been storing up inside herself dissipate as he laid in her lap. It would do her no good anyway. "Me too, this.. this is my home." Fauna said finding it slightly odd to say aloud but true all the same. "Okay, that's fine. Getting your meds adjusted is important. We'll get you an appointment." She was so glad that he was agreeing, that he was going to try at being better. The submissive had always been resistant to the idea of therapy, and there had been no spare money for it in Belfast but she knew that if Rory was going the subject would be raised again. She was slightly startled when he sat up, frowning a little at his request. She didn't like the idea of secrets from Sawyer, and she certainly didn't like the sound of not being able to talk to Percy about it. She paused for a long moment before she finally nodded. "Alright."
He froze, not sure where to start. But every story had a beginning, middle and end, so he guessed that was the best way to structure it. "Um, so you know when we were 17 and...and I..." He trailed off with a hand gesture. They had never spoken about his suicide attempt before, not in coherent sentences anyway, and even now it felt like it was forbidden to say out loud, to talk about that night. When it was clear Fauna got what he was referring to, he continued. "Well when it was time to pick me up after my evaluations, it was...Percy, right? And well..." Rory took a deep breath, closing his eyes, suddenly back in the darkness of his father's car, on the drive, the scared 17 year old boy wih a freshly broken heart and a confirmed broken brain. He was vaguely aware he was quoting Percy's words to Fauna on autopilot, the scene playing in his head so often he didn't even stutter, remembering every word, every pause for breath perfectly. He opened his eyes, rubbing the tears from his eyes with the palm of his hand. A part of him felt dirty, for further soiling Percy's less than stellar reputation. At the end of the day, he was Fauna's father. Conor's father. It was clear from day one that Percy never saw Rory as his son, and Rory secretly hoped it was true, despite the DNA test he took when he was 16. But they never had a bond, never had a reason to have each other's backs. But Fauna still had her chance, as did Conor. And recounting that night to his twin felt like the final nail in the Percy trust coffin. "Um, so." He shrugged, feeling awkward again, "I'm sorry I never told you...but I never knew how." Rory finalised. It was weak, but it was the truth.
Fauna swallowed hard the minute he mentioned the thing that they never mentioned. The worst day of her life, had been the day the call had come in. There had been a guy in her room at the time, one of the dentistry guys. She’d ignored her phone the first time, but on the second she’d made him grown with disappointment when she’d pulled away to answer it. Fauna would never forget the feeling of pure fear and horror, and the tears. Her eyes had stung with them as she’d tossed the guy out. Clutching the phone like a lifeline. “I remember.” She says thickly, as she swallows the memory down. The urge to be somewhere else gnawing at the edges of her brain. Belfast zoo called. But she shoved it away, to be present for Rory. It gets worse. And her twins confession leads her to let out a kind of choked sob like a wounded animal. How could anyone ever say that to her brother? Her sweet, funny brother who had been sad enough that he really thought the world would be better without him. She felt like she had been stabbed, as if Percy had indeed driven a knife through her. She was full of grief and anger, and she had no idea where to put it. “No.” She said in a small choked voice. “No..” Surging forward, she wrapped her arms right around her brother consuming in him her. “I hope he dies. I hope he dies and nobody ever fucking notices.” She whispers, imagining Percy rotting in his office whiskey in hand. “Don’t be sorry.. it’s the very worst thing he could have ever said.. I’m sorry.. I’m sorry.”
The hug was unexpected, but gladly welcomed. He wrapped his arms around her, both of them sobbing, tears bounding from their faces and into their clothes, into their hair. It didn’t matter, they were going to be fine together. He wasn’t going to let her down, he wasn’t going to lie or keep secrets anymore. He felt weirdly relieved by sharing what he had, even if a part of him was terrified it was going to get back to Percy. He knew Fauna wouldn’t if she could help it, and he’d rather this conversation be abandoned in this bedroom to die out, to finally free Rory of the years of the self doubt and hatred he carried around. “I hope he suffers a long and unhappy life.” Rory murmured back, the ghost of an evil grin on his face as he imagined all the turmoil he wished to inflict upon their father. “Please don’t be sorry Fairy, you’ve been nothing but good for me. I want to be good back, I just needed to tell you first.” Rory explained, stroking her hair, not wanting her to let go just yet, even if the tiredness in his bones was setting, his head aching from the lack of alcohol and drugs in his system, body groaning from how he spent his years abusing it. “I’ll take my meds and I’ll go to therapy and I’ll drink pretentious smoothies instead of alcohol, I just don’t want to lose you ever again.”
She took this knowledge, this heavy poisonous secret and buried in the graveyard of things that she didn’t touch. Fauna finally put Percy where he belonged, with Harold, with Drayton with Calvin. That’s the company that he should keep. It’s all he deserved. She let her brother stroke the head of messy curls that she was sporting, and cried herself out. Tired from the amount of times she’d found her stomach aching from the sobs in the past couple of days. “You are good Cub.” She told him quietly, her thumb coming up to swipe across his jaw bone. “As long as you’re trying that’s all that matters to me Ror. I won’t judge or be angry with you if it’s hard at first but I just want you to let me help you. That’s all I want.” She promised, hoping he could feel how true it was. Feel how much she loved him. “You and Sawyer can be sober buddies, I’m getting really good at mocktails now. I’ll make up a non alcoholic Rory for you.”
The moment lingered, letting the two twins who hurt -- hurt from their own experiences, from their joint miserable childhood, to helping the other one carry the burden over the years -- just breathe for a moment. To just co-exist together for a second. He nodded at her affirmation, too tired to argue with her. "I want you to help me." Rory agreed, knowing that it would make her happy if she could put him back on track. However, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her next comment. "I canne believe I'm becoming a nerd who drinks those pretentious smoothies." He joked, booping her nose. "I'll hold you to that, I want a virgin mojito that will knock my socks off." He laughed, weak but genuine. "Can we have a nap now, Fairy? I'm exhausted."
She kissed his cheek tasting where the tears had been, and hoping that she didn’t have to find anymore tears there for a while. “I will Cub.. I will help you until my little socks fall off.” She promised, meaning it with her whole body. “You’re not becoming a nerd.. and smoothies are nice. I happen to like a strawberry smoothie after the gym.” The brunette countered, and then nodded. “It will be the worlds greatest virgin mojito, Fauna Eloise is never second best at anything.” She promised her twin. “Yeah.. but let’s go through to my room with Butterscotch.. kay?”
“I have a lot of spare socks if you need them.” Rory murmured, letting her take his hand, take control. He hated the fact he needed someone to run his life for him, but it was an argument for another day, for when he was simply better enough to be given the responsibility of making his own decisions. “The gym is for nerds too.” He grumbled, “But fine, only if you make my mocktails or I’ll just drink milkshakes forever.” They headed into the master bedroom, the smell of it strongly like Yankeedoodle’s aftershave, though he beelined for Fauna’s side, her pillow smelling soft and sweet, Butterscotch tucked under his arm, smelling like home. He kicked off his shoes, glancing up at her. “Come spoon me?” He asked, his voice cracking slightly, not ready to be alone just yet, and knowing she needed the sleep as much as him.
“I’m alright for socks just now but I’ll let you know if that changes.” Fauna responded, feeling somewhat at peace as they entered her and Sawyers bedroom. However silly the notion was, she always felt like nothing really bad could ever happen to her in there. She actually let out a little giggle as Rory ran for her side of the bed, scooping up butterscotch. She pulled off the skirt she was wearing so that she was just in Sawyers shirt and climbed in bed next to him. “Good night Cub.. I love you.”
His body relaxed when he felt the warmth of his twin pressed next to him, snuggling into the soft pillow. It wasn’t exactly home, this weird apartment block on an island off Florida, but he was with Fauna. That was home enough for him. She was Home. “I love you too, Fairy,” He mumbled, letting the long-awaited sleep take over him, no longer fighting it as he had the last few days. He needed all the energy he had to beat his addiction, to make Fauna proud. “Sweet dreams.” And with that, he slept, letting the darkness of unconscious finally take hold of him.
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drdemonprince · 5 years
It is aSTONISHING to me that aphobic people will sometimes say, in literally the same breath, these two things:
1. About demis: "oh wow this person thinks that needing to get to know someone before they fuck makes them special"
a n d
2. About aros: "oh wow this person thinks wanting to be a slut and not be in a relationship makes them special"
djdjdjeb okay first of all, there is a big difference between "waiting to fuck" someone and literally not being attracted to someone until you have built a bond. Lots of non ace, non demi people choose to not have sex right out the gate. For all kinds of lovely reasons. That's not the same as literally not being attracted to the person.
And second of all... oh my god i detest when people talk about aromantics like this. Again lots of people choose to have casual sex for all kinds of lovely reasons. Tight, i love that for them. That's a behavioral choice not the absence of the desire to form a romantic bond. Like. Obviously
It's just so digusting to me how many transparent bad faith claims people will make about these groups. If you believe any of this shit get out of here
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boshaw-manor · 5 years
‘This is gonna be so much fun!’
Rook’s attempts at joining Faith, Jacob and John up with her other guns for hire weren’t exactly going to plan. She’d tried a potluck but John ended up ruining it by insisting on cooking and giving everyone food poisioning. She’d organised a karaoke night that ended with Faith and Adelaide arguing over who got to sing Car Wash by Rose Royce. Hell, even the baseball game she put together ended up with Jacob throwing hissy fit because he lost by one point. It was getting impossible to get them to all get along but Rook was determined. This time, it’d work.
She’d decked out the attic in the Spread Eagle with beanbags and beers, telling them to arrive at 6pm on the dot for a very important meeting. Sure enough, they all arrived and gave her a quizzicle eye, standing in a semi-circle around the room.
‘So what’s goin’ on chica?’ Sharky asked, arms folded across his chest.
‘Yeah, I got stuff to do this evening.’ John groused, scratching at his beard.
‘No you don’t.’ Jacob stated loudly, John throwing him a glare. Rook crouched down and shut the trap door, locking it tight.
‘Woah woah woah, what is this?!’ Jess growled, her eyes darting around the room.
‘Games night. We’re going to play until all of you bond. I can’t trust you guys to have my back until you trust one another.’
‘I mean we could just take the key from you.’ Nick reached for it but Rook ducked, dipping a finger beneath the collar of her shirt and pulling it forward. She plunged her hand down and thrust the key into her bra before flashing her empty palms.
‘Nice try but no.’
‘That’s why she’s my best friend.’ Sharky grinned, elbowing Hurk who chuckled. There was a small silence as everyone looked at each other, unsure of where to start. Rook eyed them all, her gaze landing on Faith who straightened up.
‘I think,’ She began, smiling at Rook fondly. ‘This is gonna be so much fun!’
‘At least someone appreciates my hard work.’ Rook sighed. She walked over to the table and pulled out the Monopoly box, shaking it enthusiastically. ‘Pick your teams and let’s get going!’
Hurk and Sharky immediately linked arms, Jess and Grace doing the same. Adelaide made a bee-line for John who urgently took refuge behind Jacob.
‘What’sa matter sugar? I can show ya what it feels like to win.’ She batted her eyelashes and John’s blue eyes grew wide with either digust or genuine fear, maybe a bit of both.
‘You come with me Addie, we’ll be team wings.’ Nick took her shoulder and pulled her away from John who looked relieved.
‘Guess that puts us together Faith.’ Rook smiled, pulling the lid of the box off and unfolding the board.
‘We wanna be the puppy!’ Sharky screeched, flinging himself and grabbing the silver dog counter into his hand.
‘Oh hell yeah man! He’s so cute! What should be name him?’ Hurk cooed, petting the scrap of metal with a finger.
‘Uhhh... Barkzilla!’ Sharky grinned, fist bumping his cousin. Jacob rolled his eyes, hunkering down onto a blue beanbag and cracking open a beer.
‘We’ll take the car.’ Grace opened her palm begrudingly and Rook placed it in her hand.
‘What’cha thinkin’ Addie? The hat?’ Nick asked but she shook her head.
‘The cat more like.’ She grinned, eyeing John again. ‘Who doesn’t love a good pussy?’ The baptists’ cheeks flared up as he sat on the floor beside his brother and Jacob visibly choked on his beer. His cheeks puffed out like he was chipmunk as he struggled to swallow it down without snorting.
‘Boys?’ Rook asked and John leant forward peering at the leftovers.
‘Give us the thimble.’ He muttered but Jacob slammed his beer bottle down before she could hand it over.
‘The fucking thimble? Why?’
‘It’s the nearest one!’ John cried, still leaning over the board on his hands and knees.
‘Fuck that. I wanna be the boot.’
‘Fine, we’ll be the stupid boot okay?’ The youngest brother growled. Rook handed the silver shoe to him and John scurried backwards, slamming it into Jacob’s hand with a scowl. ‘Happy?’
‘Delighted.’ The solider grinned patronisingly, spinning it between his forefinger and thumb. Jostling the final counters, Rook showed them to Faith.
‘We’ve got the wheelbarrow, thimble, boat and the hat left. You decide.’ Rook knew Faith didn’t really care which counter they used. She’d be happy with any of them. But after spending most of her life being dictated to by Joseph, Pastor Jerome had suggested that Rook let Faith make more decisions for herself even if they were only small. It was all part of her recovery and reintegration into society.
‘I like the wheelbarrow.’ The siren smiled, picking it up and running a dainty finger over the handlebars. ‘It’s cute.’
‘Okie dokie.’ Rook divvied out everyone’s starting money as they all placed their counters on the board. At the first throw of the dice, all hell broke loose.
‘Hell yeah! Community chest baby!’ Sharky picked up one of the cards and squinted as he read. ‘Everybody has to give us fifty bucks.’
‘You’re shitting me? What the hell!’ Rook groaned, taking a fifty and handing it over.
‘This game is stupid.’ Jacob groused, arms folded in annoyance.
‘You’re only sulking because you keep getting us put in jail!’ John exclaimed, pointing at the lonely boot solemnly sitting behind bars.
‘S’okay, look we’re coming to visit!’ Nick exclaimed, as he counted up the amount of squares him and Addie needed to move.
‘You can always buy your way out.’ Rook pointed out, gesturing to their wad of cash organised by neatly by colour at John’s feet.
‘No ‘cause next time I’m gonna roll fuckin’ doubles.’ Jacob grunted indignantly.
‘You’ve said that for the past five turns.’ Reeling backwards, the youngest Seed feel onto his spine and splayed across the floor.
‘We wanna buy this one.’ Jess stated, about to hand Rook some of the fake paper money.
‘No no no! We wanna buy that one!’ Hurk shouted drunkenly, swaying a little even though he was sat down.
‘You’re not even on the panel!’ Grace protested only to receive a handful of blue plastic houses thrown in her face.
‘Are too! See!’ Hurk pointed at the silver car aggressively.
‘You’re the fucking dog you moron!’ Jess exclaimed, moving his elbow with her hand to point at the silve terrier that was a few paces behind.
‘Barkzilla!’ He screamed happily and Sharky whoozily cheered, though he didn’t know exactly what for.
Alcohol fuelled the game until nobody was truly certain who they were playing as anymore. Confusion settling across the group, Sharky got up and sauntered over to the cardboard box in the corner. He dipped his hands in a rooted around until he found something worthwhile.
‘Hungry Hungry Hippos!’ He screamed, waving the box in the air wildly.
‘I love rhinos!’ Hurk squealed and John crinkled his nose.
‘Hurk they’re hippos? That’s why it’s called Hungry Hungry Hippos.’ The baptist could not get over the stupidity of this man. Who confuses a hippo and a rhino?
‘I thought hippos and rhinos where the same thing?’ He bumbled, scratching at his head. Adelaide got up too and moved over to the box, peering inside.
‘Ha. Jenga.’ She laughed heartly, pulling it out.
‘I’m amazing at Jenga.’ Jess boasted, puffing her chest out. Grace pushed her, making the archer roll back.
‘Not as good as me.’
‘Oh you’re so on.’ Jess’ eyes narrowed as she stood up, swaying a little on the spot. She started to set up the game with Adelaide and Grace. Rook smirked at them and then noticed Faith watching longingly beside her.
‘Why don’t you join in?’ She said quietly, touching Faith’s arm in encouragement.
‘Oh no. They won’t want me to.’ She muttered quietly, picking at the fabric of her white jumper. Rook furrowed her brow, looking at Faith and then up to her friends who had nearly completed the tower.
‘Hey guys, can Faith join in?’ The Deputy asked. Grace and Jess exchanged an uncertain look so she shifted her attention to Adelaide, giving her a pleading smile.
‘Course. C’mon over.’ The helicopter pilot sympathised. Faith looked to Rook nervously who simply bobbed her head with a lop-sided smile.
‘O-okay. Thanks.’ Hopping to her feet gracefully, Faith tip-toed over to join in. Sharky came and took her place beside Rook.
‘Will you play this with me?’ He asked, shoving the box under her nose and pulling his best puppy dog eyes out of the bag. How could Rook say no?
‘Sure but it’s four players and Hurk looks busy.’ She stated, pointing at his cousin. Sharky turned and saw Hurk in a fervent arm wrestle with Nick over the table.
‘Damn.’ He grunted, staring at the hippos sadly. Rook turned her gaze to John and Jacob, both sitting on beanbags with beer bottles in their hands.
‘Yo Seeds, you playing?’ She called to them, blue eyes swivelling her way.
‘What your little kids game? Nah.’ Jacob sniffed, taking a swig of drink.
‘Oh yeah right, s’cause you’re scared.’ She shrugged, opening the box and setting up the game.
‘Psh.’ He grunted, leaning back into the beanbag. John crawled over, sitting behind the blue hippo and Jacob narrowed his eyes. ‘You fuckin’ kiddin’ me?’
‘Well there’s nothing better to do.’ His little brother retorted, pressing down on the lever and watching the plastic hippo snap forward.
‘Hell yeah Johnny boy!’ Sharky clapped him on the shoulder and sat cross legged behind the green hippo. Rook took the yellow one and shot a look at Jacob.
‘Ah look, you can be the orange one!’
‘I said I ain’t playin’.’ He sniffed but his eyes lingered on the board.
‘You sure? Or are you too chicken?’ She grinned, starting to cluck under her breath. Sharky joined in, bobbing his neck backwards and forwards. Even John started, making wings with his tattooed arms and batting them up and down.
‘For fuck’s sake, fine.’ Jacob slid off the beanbag and took his spot behind the orange hippo. Rook unleashed a handful of balls into the centre of the board and the four of them watched them roll until they settled against one another.
‘Ready, set, go!’ She hollered and the snapping began. Hands battered the levers as the hippos lurched forward and back, snatching balls into their mouths and depositing them in their individual racks. As the game ended, each player counted their balls and Jacob looked up with a smirk.
‘Nine.’ He grinned, already certain from counting the others’ marbles that he’d won.
‘Four.’ John frowned.
‘I got four too.’ Sharky stated.
‘Three.’ Rook sighed. ‘I demand a rematch.’
As the night wandered on, Rook’s friends started to go out for the count. Nick and Hurk were asleep over the table, hands still bound from arm wrestling. Grace, Jess, Adelaide and Faith lay snuggled around the fallen Jenga pieces. Yawning heavily, she slumped back into a sleeping Sharky’s chest. John’s head rested on her shoulder and Jacob’s boots were propped up on her knee. She’d done it. She’d finally united them.
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jokerfan99 · 5 years
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'Friendly' Reunion by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
In the mess room, at Blue Base
Now that's a hand! Tucker thought to himself. Four kings and an ace. He's on a winning streak and had just won another of Kai's little 'toy' collection and Caboose's Master Chief 3: The Sang-Man movie disk. He turns his eyes away from the cards and to his opponents. Behind those visors, must be faces riddled with worriedness and fear. He could even hear Kai breathing heavily through that helmet. Confident to win this again, he raises.
Tucker: Raise!
He grabs something from beneath the table and puts it on the table next to his other pile of stuff he has betted none has yet to win. First his stash of porn, his XBOX 1000 and now a rocket launcher aka the SPNKR.
Tucker: Behold the SPNKR! Now who has the balls to beat Tucker The Undefeatable! Kakaina: No fair! I've only got a few stuff left to raise with! Caboose: And I'm running out of Master Chief movies! Tucker: Well you could just give up and walk away. As they say, there's no shame of losing. Kakaina: Ohho I'm not walking away! How about this, I'll bet you... for ME! Weiss: My God, woman. Don't you have any dignity in you?
All players turned to see Weiss standing by the doorway.
Caboose: Hi, Weiss! We're just playing poker. Wanna play? Weiss: Ugh, poker? Why of all games would you all be playing something that involves wasting all of your earnings? Tucker: We're not betting with money, we're betting our stuff. Kakaina: Yeah and this asshole took all of my toys! Weiss: I don't want to think about that. Anyways, stop playing and head upstairs! Tucker: Why? We're heading to the good part. Alright you two, prepare to face the wrath of my hand! Weiss: Our 'friends' from Red base are at our doorstep you dope! We- Tucker: SHH!!! No talking please. Alright you two, prepare to face the wrath of my hand! Kakaina: Bring it!
Tucker reveals his four kings. Kai reveals two pairs, eights and nines. And Caboose... does not reveal his yet for whatever reason.
Kakaina: NOOOOO!!!! Tucker: Fuck yes! Make sure you wear something nice tonight! Caboose, show us yours. Caboose: Uhm, Tucker, can I ask you something? Tucker: Shoot. Caboose: If I win, does that mean I can have all your stuff here? Tucker: That's right, if you can. Muahaha! Caboose: Okay!
Caboose finally revealed his hand. Tucker was about to laugh in victory, but instead he gasped in horror once he witnessed Caboose's hand. A straight flush! One of the few hands that can beat four kings. The Teal One drops his head onto the table in great defeat. Tucker's stash is now Caboose's!
Caboose: Hooray! Tucker: NOOOOO!!!! Kakaina: Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHA! Looks like the 'Undefeated' just got his ass defeated! Haha! Tucker: Not my yearly porn stash! Weiss: Hehehe... ahem! Now that you're all done playing, can we get back to the matter at hand? Caboose: C'mon, Tucker. Let's go see what my brother and his friends want. Tucker: I don't wanna... sob! Kakaina: Oh don't be such a baby!
Outside the Blue Base.
Sarge: First my markswoman's rifle, NOW MY WARTHOG? Your Blue existence disgust me! Church: Well sorry, I've must've mistaken it for a trash disposal truck cause uh... it kinda look like one. HA! Sarge: Why you dirtbag... Ruby: You're such a nasty bunch! Simmons: Yeah and it took us four hours to get the smell off! Lopez: ¡Y otros seis para limpiar el motor!
Church is in the middle of argument with the entire Red team below him. Last night, Church pulled off a prank by throwing all of the base's trash on the warthog with the help of Caboose. The results of the Reds' reaction were, shall we say, astounding. Footsteps behind him caught his attention, it's about time Weiss got the whole team up here. Weiss approaches Church to ask about the situation as she puts on her helmet.
Weiss: What's the enemy's status? Church: Still pissed off.
Church points Weiss at the entire Red team below them. She looked down to see Grif and Simmons fully armed to the teeth with flamethrowers. Though what caught most of her attention is the Red with the red cape around his neck. Must be their sniper Church talked about. The one that trashed the base weeks ago. The way he's wearing that cape kinda reminded Weiss of 'her'. But that's not important right now.
Weiss: I see you brought enough firepower to bring this place to ruin again. Now what do you want? Sarge: We're here to have payback, not a tea party! If you don't come down here like real soldiers, we'll teach you with these fully customized fuel propalled flamethrowers filled with a special sauce me and the boys have cooked up. Delicious! Donut: And I even took the liberty to add a bit of 'pizzazz' on it. Weiss: Flamethrowers? I hate to break it to you, but 90% of this whole place is comprised of concrete and steel. How are you going to burn it down? Grif: Who says we're going to burn your place up? Simmons.
Grif and Simmons approach the old tank. Once their flamethrowers are at a proper range, they both pull the triggers. But instead of fire spewing out the muzzle, an unknown green substance is sprayed onto the tank.
Tucker: Paint? Yeah right, we can just wipe it off! Simmons:You might wanna turn your air filtration off. Blues: Uhm... okay?
The Blues raise their hands next to their helmets and push a small button at the side. Suddenly, a horrifying pungent smell stang their noses, burning up their senses. They all started coughing up and spitting as if they smelled something horrible before pushing the button again, turning their air filtration back on.
Weiss: BLAGH! Kakaina: My nose is FIRE! Caboose: YUCKY! Tucker: PFT! PFT! PFT! Oh my God, why did I spit in my helmet?! Church: YUCK! Jesus Christ that smelled horrible! What the hell is that stuff?! Simmons: Our 'special sauce'. A formula made out of your trash, rotten cheese, excrement, sweat from Grif's socks, the local plantlife, local alien skunk, all the smelly things one can expect to find around here. Grif: How's it feel to have a stench much worse your trash! Ruby: The process was digusting but it's worth it. Church: But... PFT... we can still wash it off... PFT... YUCK! Grif: Good luck with that! This smell will stick on you for weeks, possibly months! Sarge: Ready... aim... FI-
Out of the blue, two bullets flew straight into Grif and Simmons' flamethrower canisters before big gasses of green smoke disperses into the air. The stink formula has been released! Ruby yelps and runs away from the stink gas as it engulfs her entire team, thankfully it hadn't touch her. The rest of the Red team on the other hand. Once it disappears, all five of them are covered in the smelly substance, now colored in a hint of green! EWW!
Weiss: Try washing that off, idiots! Ruby: Oh dear. Simmons: AAAHHHHHHH!!! IT'S ON US! IT'S ON US! THE CONTAMINATION!!! Grif: Well... shit. Donut: EWW EWW! I just mosturize myself! Lopez: ¿Por qué te estás volviendo loco? Es solo ... oh espera, cierto. No puedo oler Sarge: Damn you, Blues! You can shoot us, stab us, and mock us all you want, but you can never, EVER, sullied us like this! Except for you, Grif. Grif: Hey! Weiss: Using a substance for the purpose to sting your enemies' sense of smell is a terrible idea for chemical warfare. We have helmets, remember? Ruby: That's no way to treat my friends! Weiss: Excuse me, are you talking to me Red? Ruby: Yeah I'm talking to you... uhm... big meanie! How can you call yourself a soldier by sitting up there and mocking your opponents like a coward! Weiss: A coward?! Now you listen here...
Weiss turns to Church
Weiss: What's her name again? Church: Uhm... Rebec... Rebecca. Tucker: It's not Rebecca, it's Raina! I think. Caboose: RUH-ROH! Weiss: How can you guys forget a name? You all said you heard it! Kakaina: Not me, I was hanging out with a bunch of ODST guys that time. Man they were fun! Weiss: You disgust me. Church: It's been two fucking week! You can't expect us to memorize it everyday! Plus you interrogated Grif and Simmons, didn't they tell you? Caboose: Oh they didn't. They were too busy shivering in fear cause Weiss was always screaming at them. Weiss: Sigh. Follow me, all of you.
Weiss jumps down with the rest Blues following her and drops on the dirt in front of the Red team. Weiss the approaches the Red in the usual angry manner. While she gets mocked and teased all the time, she however does not tolerated being called a coward, even if it were by her own teammates.
Weiss: Now you listen to me very closely! I still don't forgive for what you did to my base. But you do not, DO NOT, mock my position as a soldier! Ruby: Look I wasn't trying to be rude or anything, I'm just saying that you shouldn't act like an 'ice queen' all the time. Simmons: Not only that, you're mentally unstable! Grif: Plus your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard! Weiss: What?! My voice does not sound like that! Am I right guys? Church: With the exception of your singing. Caboose: That's always the good part! Tucker: HOOWEE! It's like hearing a thousand sexy angels coming down to hook up with me. Weiss: Thank you. Grif: Wait that was you singing that night? I thought you guys were listening to Casey Lee! Church: That was her singing Casey Lee, dumbass.
The talk between the teams gets silenced by the blast of Sarge's shotgun to the sky.
Sarge: We're here to fight! And these dirty Blues need to pay dearly for what they've done to us! Church: If you so much as touch us with that stench, I'll blast your head off! Sarge: You think me and my man would fight you in this disgusting state? Simmons: We're giving up? Sir, that ain't like you! Sarge: Of course not. But they'll be fighting... her!
Sarge points to Ruby who startswaving her hand friendly at the Blues.
Ruby: Hi!
The PTSD kicked in. Church, Tucker and Caboose gulped their throats and slowly moves away to the base's door. After what she did to the base, she's a force to be feared of in this canyon.
Weiss: Where are you guys going? She's just one Red! Church: Didn't you hear of what we told you? She's a MONSTER! Tucker: And a hot one too! Church: If you had been here, you could've seen how terrifying this bitch is! I mean look at those eyes!
A shot of Ruby's visor cueing the *Suspenseful stinger music*
RubyL What? Weiss: And I thought you all to be brave reliable soldiers, not a trio of cowardly conscripts. Oh wait, no offense. C'mon Kai, let's show her how the Blue army deals with Reds. Kakaina: Nah, I'm cool. Weiss: What?! Don't tell me you're scared too? Kakaina: Nah, I kinda feel two-on-one isn't a fair fight at all. It's just doesn't fit my 'code of honor'. Tucker: ... She'll only do it when it comes to having sex with hot babes. Kakaina: Her body is considered fuckable! Weiss: Ugh. Fine then, one on one it is! Sarge: That's the spirit! So what will it be? I suggest hand-to-hand combat! Ruby: Uhm, Sarge. I'm bad at close quarter combat, remember? Sarge: Oh right. Hmm, let's see. Aha! How about, Grif ball! Grif: There's only two players. Sarge: Dagnabbit! Sniper duel! Simmons: We're out of 14.5x114mm rounds, sir. Maybe the Blues can share- Church: Good luck with that. Your monster destroyed half our ammo supply, including all the sniper rounds! Sarge: Wrestling match? Donut: We don't have a wrestling ring. Tucker: And tight bikinis.
Everyone, mostly Ruby and Weiss, yells various comments of disgust at Tucker.
Tucker: Oh come on, don't female wrestlers wear that? Kakaina: Not in your "wrestling". Weiss: Hold on everyone! I think I know a good old fashion way can resolve this problem. Get two pistols!
The Reds and Blues gathered together at the middle of the field where the 'old traditional way' will take place. That is the old 19th century pistol duels. Sarge clears his throat before making an announcement to both teams.
Sarge: The rules are simple. Both opponents will only have one shot in their pistols. On a count of three, they must walk away from each other, back to back and after they finish ten paces of walking, they'll turn around and start shooting each other in the faces! Which I think we have a higher chance of winning. Ruby: You're too kind! Sarge" The first one able to shoot their opponent, be it knocking, injuring or killing them, will be declared the winner! Oh and there's a catch, both duelist must turn off their armors' energy shielding. If Red wins, the Blues will have no choice but to cover themselves and their base with the stink formula. A proper punishment for the Blues, buahaha! Church: And if we win, you'll have to cover your base with that shit too. Simmons: Wait a minute, does that include the interior? Church and Sarge: Yes. Donut: I just painted a new layer in my room! Oh, for God's sake, please win! Ruby: Don't worry Donut. I can shoot this jerk on the face with both my eyes close. Grif: Please don't do that. Sarge: One more thing. If both duelist missed their target, we'll have to restart the round again! Seconds, prepare your duelist!
Both teams prepare their duelist. As Caboose and Tucker get the M6 pistol ready and loaded, Church discuss Weiss about her plan to beat her Red adversary.
Church: So what's your plan? Weiss: Even with both our energy shieldings off, the armor will still protect me from 50 Magnum caliber rounds. Same with the helmet's visor, though it'll get a nasty crack. That's the good news. Church: The bad news? Weiss: The unarmored parts of my body are still exposed, mostly the neck area. If she shoots me at the neck, the shockwave of the round will rupture my jugular vein, killing me in an instant. Church: Can't you deflect bullets with your glyphs? Weiss: She'll see it the moment I summon it. You did say she's a sharpshooter right? It'd best not to underestimate her, just like last time. Church: What do you mean 'last time'?
Weiss kept quiet for a while before responding back.
Weiss: Best to keep it that way.
At the Red's place, Sarge discuss Ruby about her plan to beat the Blue menace.
Sarge: My best guess is the neck! The face is a good target but the helmet will still protect that dirty smirk of hers. Ruby: Nah too gruesome. Ooh! What about the arm? You said we can win by injuring them, right? Sarge: That's your decision, as long as I hear that Blue screaming. Grif: This is stupid! Sarge: I beg your pardon? Grif: Isn't this 'pistol duel' stuff old school? The last idea was a lot better. Ruby: EWW! Not you too! Donut: Hey at least they wear clothes in this! Lopez: Además, nadie tiene que masturbarse en secreto en este caso. Simmons: Okay everyone, the gun's lock and loaded. Sarge: Great! Now give her a good Texan payback!
Simmons hands the pistol to Ruby. With both duelist ready, they approach to one another with the pistols in their hands. Their teammates keep their distance away, leaving them alone to their pistol duel. Just when the match is about to start, Ruby raises her hand to Weiss as if to give out a handshake which in fact she does wants to. Weiss is confused of this.
Weiss: What are you doing? Ruby: Just in case if you shoot me first. Weiss: Why would I shake a Red's hand? Plus didn't you destroy my base week ago? Ruby: Yeah about that. Sorry. I wasn't able to control myself, but I'vefinally learned my lesson. Weiss: 'Sorry' isn't enough. And let's not forget the fact that we're still enemies. Ruby: But that doesn't mean we have to be 'real' enemies.  Even if we're here to kill each other, we should at least act like good duelists. Weiss: Well that's true. It would be impolite to refuse a handshake, even from an enemy.
Weiss accepts the handshakes. But once she touches the hand, it felt as though she once touched this hand before. Ruby had the same reaction when she touches hers too.
Ruby: That kinda felt weird. Weiss: Yeah. Before we can shoot each other, what's your name? Ruby: My name is- Sarge: Alright you two! Let's get this started! Ruby: Later. My leader's a bit impatient. Weiss: Same here. My team can't wait for your blood to be spilled. Maybe if we survive, we might talk a little. Ruby: GASP! Does that mean we can be friends! Weiss: No.
Ruby and Weiss turn each others backs, ready to start the duel. Sarge begins the countdown.
Sarge: One Mississipi... two Mississipi... THREE MISSISSIPI!!! Start walking!
Both of them started walking. Ruby counts the paces silently while Weiss counts them in her mind. One... two... three... four... five... It's almost close, Ruby thought. Even if she just had a friendly chat, she has to remember that's the Blue's her opponent and she's here to kill her. She must do the same. In order to win this, she'll need to think of her opponent's face as her's, her damn fucking face, that way she'll be able to pull the trigger! Six... seven... eight... Weiss tell herself that she can do this. Though confident, she was furious to witness the cape the Red's wearing because it reminds it of someone she knew. But she stays cool and reminds herself of the duel. Nine... ten...
Both fell onto the ground. Red and Blue rush to their respective team members. They take a look at them, and noticed both their visors helmets' have entirely been cracked. Sarge is horrified to see his favourite soldier seemingly lying dead on the ground. Despite being covered in shit, he hold her body in his arms, before crying out in grief.
Sarge: NOOOOOO!!! Don't you die on me! You still haven't gotten next week's promotion for destroying the Blue base! Simmons: Wait isn't next week my promotion? Sarge: It's been rescheduled. Talk to me! SPEAK TO ME! Grif: Huh, guess she's dead. Welp, off to get the shovels. Ruby: Ow... (muffled) Sarge: Scratch that, she's alive! Thank the Lord himself! Grif: Fuck. Donut: Ruby, are you okay? Ruby: I've... been through worse. Ow! (muffled) Donut: Uhm... come again?
The Blue's reaction on the other hand, wasn't as dramatic as the Reds.
Caboose: Are you okay?! How big is the boo-boo? Weiss: Just a minor bruise, that's all. Nothing to worry about. A little help? (muffled) Caboose: ... Church, I think I'm deaf. Church: You're not deaf! Something's wrong with her helmet!
He's right. The visors have gone yellow to black, same with the Red's. The HUD's memory card slot isn't emitting any light, indicating no electricity in there. The helmets have gone dark! Weiss tries to take it off, but the helmet is locked onto her undersuit's fabric nmagnetic locks.
Weiss: Church, what's going on? I can't take it off! (muffled) Church: Calm down. Your helmet must've been damaged. Weiss: What? (muffled) Church: I said your helmet's damaged! Weiss: Oh, what? Damn it, speak up! (muffled) Church: YOUR... HELMET'S... DAMAGED! Weiss: ... Church ... Weiss: Then why didn't you say so? Get this thing off me! (muffled) Church: What? Weiss: Get this thing off me! (muffled) Church: Shit, now I can't hear her. Caboose, help me out!
Church and Caboose grab the side of Weiss' helmet.
Church: Heave ho!
They pulled it together and successfully removed the damn thing on Weiss with the sound of a pop. Weiss heavily breathes in the air around her. Wearing that unfunctional helmet almost gave her an asphyxiation.
Church: You okay? Weiss: Next time... I'm buying a new helmet. What about the Red, is she dead? Church: Well... you're not the only one with a stuck helmet. Weiss: You've gotta be joking.
The Blues witness the Reds attempting to remove their recruit's helmet. They're having a hard time. Four of the Reds are trying to pull the helmet off as Ruby tries to push it. Lopez also helps them, prying it off with a crowbar on the back of her neck. With one last heave, the helmet finally came off. Ruby breathes in and out like a fish in a water.
Ruby: Oh sweet cool air! Sarge: How are you feeling? Ruby: Fine!
As she recovers, she noticed Weiss, now helmetless approaching her. She must've had the same problem as she did. And the other news, her opponent's hand is unscathed. Oh no, she thought to herself. She has hesitated again. Oh well, she can try again in round two.
Weiss: I'm impressed. I expect you to shoot me by the neck. Ruby: Yeah, I got a little hesistant that time. If I were thinking of someone I would have... easily... shoot... you? Weiss: Well try not too this time. Come on let's start the... next... round... oh my God.
Upon seeing each other's face, the world felt into a silence. Even the rest of the Reds and Blues didn't mutter a word when they noticed their teammates making a godly shocked expressions at one another.
Caboose: Ooh! Are we playing the quiet game? I love playing this!
Well except for Caboose, that is.
Weiss: R-Ruby? Ruby: W-W-Weiss? Weiss: What are you...? Ruby: What are you...?
They kissed. WROOOONG!!! Both girls smash their heads together like two mountain goats. They start growling at each other with wrathful looks forming on their faces and their eyes that are making contact with each other are filled with extreme hostility! As if you eyes were being deceived, their bodies begin to glow bright.
Weiss: What are you doing here YOU UNDISCIPLINED BRAT!!! Ruby: And what are you doing here YOU BACKSTABBING JERK!!! Everybody: Hah? Huh? Wha?
Reds and Blues are completely confused if what they're seeing right now. Just now they were dueling each other like gentlewomen, and now they're growling at each other like rabid dogs! Not only that, THEY KNOW EACH OTHER?!?!
Grif: Okay can anyone explain what the fuck's happening? Kakaina: Do... they know each other? Tucker: I think they do. Caboose: Wow, Church! Weiss has a best friend! Church: Had. I doubt they're friends, right now. Simmons: Sir, what do we do? Sarge: Nothing! I wanna see how this goes!
Back to Ruby and Weiss.
Weiss: It's no wonder why that cape and touch felt so familiar! IT WAS YOU!!! Of all the thousand planets in the galaxy, I've been deployed here only to see YOU HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF A BOX CANYON WITH THE RED ARMY!!! Ruby: I expected to be away from you, FOREVER AND EVER! Until you showed your EGOISTIC COWARDLY FACE OF YOURS HERE!!! Weiss: I AM NOT EGOISTIC AND COWARDLY! I was ordered to move! Ruby: 'CAUSE YOU CARE ONLY FOR YOUR CAREER MORE THAN YOUR BEST FRIENDS! Weiss: AND YOU FAILED TO CARRIED OUT YOUR ORDERS! IT WOULD'VE ENDED DIFFERENTLY IF YOU HAD LISTEN TO WHAT THEY SAID, YOU SCYTHE SWINGING BITCH! Ruby: Boohoo! Daddy, a peasent girl like me is being bullied by a mean Ms. Rich Gal! Weiss: Is that an INSULT?! Ruby: As a matter of fact, YES!
Weiss had enough, she punches Ruby right at the nose with blood spewing the nostrils! Despite the tears flowing and nose bleeding, Ruby quickly recovered and give Weiss a nasty uppercut to the chin! Then they grabbed each other, trying to pin the other to the ground, but they were equally matched and none had yet bring the other down. This is starting to become pure entertainment for Reds and Blues, mostly Sarge and Tucker. Been a while since Tucker had last saw a good catfight.
Tucker: That's right Weiss baby! Keep them fists flying! Sarge: Don't let that dirty albino Blue pin you down! Swing the legs, the legs! Grif: Wow, this is a lot better then the last duel! I'm betting for the white haired chick. Tucker: The brunette! Kaikaina: Red haired chick! Caboose: Fight! Fight! Fight!
Some however were not so keen to seeing this fight.
Church: Should we stop them? Donut: Of course! Ruby's going to get herself killed! Church: Why worry? She launched a one man war on our base, I guess she'll be fine. Simmons: What about your recruit? Church: Good point. But I'm not going near that psychopath! Lopez: ¿Qué tal si agarramos a Ruby primero y luego obtendrás el tuyo? Simmons: How about we grab Ruby first, and then you'll get yours? Church: Good idea. Lopez: Eso es exactamente lo que acabo de decir.
Simmons and Donut, quickly grabs her before she could bite Weiss' throat off. Despite two men holding her, they couldn't hold their grip as she violently tries to wriggle off them to finish her business with her "friend". Thankfully, Lopez was around and restrains her with his mechanical strength.
Ruby: Let go of me! She's EVIL INCARNATE! Donut: Please, Ruby, control yourself! Ruby: You don't understand she... left... sniff sniff... hehehe...
Ruby forget she's not wearing her helmet anymore, thus leaving her nose vunerable to her team's smelly state, causing her to barf out her breakfast.
Grif: That solves our problem!
Seeing the oppurtunity, Weiss charges at her unconscious enemy, but was stopped once Church grabs her shoulders.
Weiss: Let go off ME! Church: Calm down will you! Weiss: I WILL NOT... sniff... oh no... UGH!...
Weiss too have fallen victim to the Red's stink formula, fainting on Church's chest. The Blues sighed in relief. Church hands Weiss to Caboose and carries her unconscious body on his shoulder. The Reds and Blues then looked at each other for a while. With Ruby and Weiss both now out of commision, I think it's time to call it a day.
Church: This was a fun day. Well see you assholes tomorrow. Sarge: Where do you think you're going? Round 2 hasn't ended yet! Grif, give Ruby your helmet. Grif: I'm not getting knocked out too! Sarge: Or would you prefer the old shotgun to the face? Simmons: Sir, there's no need to 'cause...
Sarge turned to see the Blues no longer in front of them. They already left before he notices.
Sarge: Dagnabbit.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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protezioni · 5 years
⚑ for Sepheir and Zuro... and how about an unexpected crossover duo with ☂️ Shima And Yarohe :3 (yes this is Bc of the BQ Thieves)
Of course !! I love these duos with my whole heart!! Also omg, yes the BQ Thieves is a great squad!!
…seeing someone else getting too close to your muse = ⚑
A mission for her and Zuro alone was something that wasn't rare. Her team usually works by their own individual missions, but these two went together a lot. The reason for this was because Zuro may have been strong, but he always wanted Sepheir by his side. After the whole incident... They promised they wouldn't leave each other, no matter what the consequence... and that promise will be kept. Right? "Sephie, something off?" He was confused for a moment, his hands still in his pocket. He stopped walking, his eyes just focused on hers. "Were you thinking of something negative again? Should I fight your bitch of a brain?" He removed his right hand from his pocket to cup her face. "Listen up, brainy bitch boo, stop making Sephie-"
She blinked a couple of times before smiling a bit. "Zuro, quit acting like that. I am fine." She held his hand and placed it away from her face. "We should focus on the mission at hand." She began walking ahead of him and he only grinned as he followed behind her. She sometimes wondered if he ever got tired of walking around, just following her pace... She wasn't even someone who was that interesting, but she admitted that she always felt relieved that he stayed with her. The whole world can be crumbling down, but he would still be a person who'd reach down to save her... But no one really saw that side of his except for her. "Zuro." She called out to him, and his head perked up. "Thank you for giving me special rights."
"Fuck yeah! You better be thankful, no ordinary person will get such treatment from this bitch!" He ran next to her before sticking his tongue out. "Only the best people can gain such a privelege from me, yeah?" He grinned as he began nudging Sepheir, who only began rolling her eyes but it soon became reslly silent laughs. "There we go, now we've got that smile showing! Fucking bless, that's some good shit. Mhmm." He might have a bad reputation, being a well known rule breaker and liar--- but this never changed the fact that he was someone who was actually the closest to her. Well... she was one of the people who saw his best sides. "I miss that smile of yours."
"You saw it a week ago."
"Still doesn't change the fact that I missed it."
"Despite being a bad boy as you call yourself, you're really sweet." She commented, before poking his cheek. "You're surprisingly considerate to the people you love, and you try your best to cheer them up. You always call yourself the personfied version of the devil, but yor actions say differently. You're no angel, you're no demon... But if you were any different creature, you'd be... probably a reaper. You take lives at your will, but you never do unless the time is right." She tried to make up words in her head, and she believed she sounded reslly stupid but she did not even look at Zuro to see how wide his smile was, his hand running through his hair.
"Well that's---" He stopped talking and coughed loudly. "Sephie, I think our targets are nearby." He whispered before bringing out his usual atmosphere. "Mafia drunkards, what bastards. They focus on human trafficking and smuggling those goods." It was good he remembered what they were known for, and she only nodded her head- her expression getting serious again. "As far as personality goes, there is no information. But as far as what they did it for, it was plainly for money. They joined the famiglia to gain access to that, and also for power. They don't have any family members... But they killed several. What has the leaders chosen, huh?"
"Unanimous decision of death." She replied before hiding her weapon. "You should be the one to hit them. As far as I know, they aim for women." She states this and Zuro twitched slightly. "They wouldn't have interest in a guy, but they would be interested in having a woman who they can sell." Without any sort of resistance, she removed her hair tie and her bag, handing it to him. "Be quick, you should be the one to kill them. I will only act as bait." She began using her position as a capo to make him obey, and he only sighed loudly before a scoff came from him. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just follow the plan. Kill them once they're distracted enough."
"Understood, Sephie." He clenched his fists. "I swear to god, I'll kill them. Even before they touch you." No other words from him, he quickly went into hiding as she stayed in place. Messing up her hair, removing her suit, and unbutton some parts of her shirt. It was late at night, and it was easy to attract some men who were drunk. Skin usually gets them... They're digusting. She tied her blazer around her waist and only waited for them to come closer. Smell of alcohol and cigarettes, sight of bastards and drunkards... Whispering to each other as they eyed her... Then they moved closer. "These fuckers."
"Why, hello there, Miss~! Aren't you a pretty one? Would you want to-"
Sepheir's eyes widened as she noticed that their death was instant. Zuro has used her tonfas to bang the back of their heads, cracking their skull open in just a split second. "I told you to do it when they're distracted... You do know they would have a chance to counter. They're people from the mafia and---" She noticed how he didn't talk at all, he just began buttoning her shirt with a rather pissed off expression. "... You seem rather... You know what- nevermind. Thank you for ending this really quick... But be more careful." She continued talking, yet there was still no response. "Are you mad?" No answer... Until she was all buttoned up.
She felt his arms wrap around her and she began patting his head... "Not at you, but at them... Anyway, can we clean them up now?"
She only nodded her head, realizing that Zuro's protective side showed up just for her again.
…sharing an umbrella with your muse = ☂
The rain was only getting stronger as the minutes passed by. The rain drops was loud, the trees were swaying. Fuck. Why the hell did he not bring an umbrella? Of course he fucking didn't! There was no hint of rain when he went out of the damn academy, and weather decided to be a bitch and let this happen. He didn't voice out his complains, he only stayed under the shed with one word escaping his mouth... "Fuck." POP! Goddamn it, Ren isn't even fucking around! Great. A storm happening and now a flower on his head. This day was going horribly, and all he wanted to do was play his games. If only he-
"Shima?" Huh? "Shima? Shima! Yeah, it is you!" Someone began running next to him. She was soaking wet but she also had a bag with her. "Didn't expect to see you outside! But hey there!" He did not know how to feel about how radiative the positivity of this person was, but then... she was someone who was part of the BQ Thieves... Something established about a week ago. Or two. And well, she was one of the members and he compared her to the tea-loving chick. She only smiled brightly at him and he could definitely see why the Protezioni referred to her as one of the sunshine trios. "Do you want to come with me?" She blinked innocently and he only raised an eyebrow.
"Come with you? How would I come with you if you only have a rain coat? I'd get soaked." He brought this up and she only began fiddling with bag to find something... Then she pulled out an umbrella. What the fuck? "If you had an umbrella like this, why aren't you using it in the first place?!" He began to question her and he only sighed when she began laughing nervously. "Sure, whatever, let's go." He prepared the umbrella and began looking at her... She was someone who was described as selfless, but he still didn't like the fact she got wet even if she had a damn umbrella prepared. "Are you going or not?" He began questioning. "I won't get you wetter than you already fucking are. You're fucking soaked."
She began laughing before going under the umbrella with him. "I enjoy the rain!" She replied to him. "I remember when I was younger my family... Well, my biological family... Would play under the rain." She explained. "So when I get the chance, I do that a lot too and I don't care about the rain... but for now... I don't mind being under an umbrella with you." She quickly changed the topic so she wouldn't make herself sad. "I should probably get my jacket dry anyway, so I will end up squeezing the water out of it as we walk!" She brought up the yappy atmosphere again and Shima only muttered some inaudible things. "What was that?"
"I said that you don't always need to act so happy. Even compared to Namito, you show sadness less." He had to admit the truth. "It is weird to remain happy all the time, and I'm surprised you can actually fucking do that." He gave his opinion to her and Yarohe only tilted her head. "What I mean is- it is okay to be sad. Even for a little while. You can't always be this positive shit even when bad things happen. Or you'll end up masking yourself for the rest of your life." Fuck. Did he say too much? "But whatever, you decide with want you want to do with that. You can remain yourself, I don't really care." He shrugged.
There was silence in between them before he felt her pluck off a flower off his head. "You really are nicer than you act like you are." She brought the flower close to her face. "I wouldn't say you're the sweetest or nicest, but you are one of those people who I see as nice and sweet... And I really want to thank you for being such!" She plucked another flower off his head and he only uttered the words ow as she did. "But don't worry, I don't hide it all the time. I vent to people time-to-time. The other capos know how I truly feel, and so does my crew. Now, you do too! So does Ren! BQ Thieves, you know? Oh and Care Bear too! You guys know me well." She named people as she continued to pluck the flowers off his head.
"But it's only been two weeks."
"Four months!"
"Ow." He held the part of his hair where she plucked out the flower "I didn't know it was that long already." He didn't count the days after the collision happened, and he didn't count the days ever since the BQ Thieves happened, but he guessed that everyone else but Izami did... He was surprised by the fact it has been that long, but a part of him didn't mind at all. "Shit, did I actually lose the tract of time? I have just been playing different videogames for four months." He mumbled and she only continued walking next to him. "Anyway, where the fuck are we going? To the Protezioni House or Zygos Academy? This is your umbrella, so it's proper if you decide."
"Why don't we go to the arcade... It is the nearest place here and we could wait until the rain gets weaker... We could play a couple of games too!" She raised both of her arms in celebration. "You VS Me! In Arcade games! Since I offered it, it could be my treat! Then we can go to Zygos Academy, and I can bring my umbrella home and go back to my place! Does that seem fair enough?" She finally placed her arms down and Shima began thinking about it... Hell, it's her treat and playing games could be fun... "So what do you say?" She waited for his answer and he nodded his head.
"I'm down to do that." He agreed with her plan, knowing there was no reason for him to deny it. "Can we eat in Burger Queen after that?" It was part of the routine for them to eat there every time they went to a mall for whatever reason--- but he didn't really know if eating together was something that applies if only a part of the team was there.
"Of course we can!" She grabbed his arm and began pulling him to the direction of the arcade as he tried his best to hold unto the umbrella. What the fuck was she on? She was much stronger than she looked- what the fuck, she dragged him like a stroller bag... "FORWARD MARCH!"
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Why are cl.a fans bitching on us now? What the heck??!! I’ve just read someone complain about bellarke fics on the kinkmeme being gross or disgusting. What happened? What did i miss? Why there’s always waaar ?!
okay i saw that. 
the kinkmeme was a controversy last year. 
It all comes down to people do not think other people should be allowed to write fics that they personally find offensive.
this is not limited to cls. 
last year the kinkshaming came from inside the house and it was the bellarke fandom who was in outrage and wanting to delete fics which they didn’t like.
I personally don’t believe in censoring icky fics, and neither does AO3. that’s why they have all those tags, so people can be forewarned and not open up the icky kinkfics that other people have.
Let me tell you, the kinkmeme is full of all sorts of stuff I find digusting, disturbing, offensive and horrifying. I saw some of the fics that CLs were complaining about. I passed right by them. They sounded gross. But they’re allowed to write gross shit. Sometimes CLs write gross shit that I pass right by, too. Fics always have themes or pairings or tags that I don’t like or make me gag or whatever.
And you know what I do?
I don’t read them.
I know what offends me. I know what squicks me out. I know what I find going too far.
And I don’t read them.
And if I open up something that I really don’t like because I wanted to see if I REALLY DIDN’T LIKE IT as much as I thought I was really not gonna like it?
That’s on me.
Those fics were fully tagged. You can’t be offended that someone else’s fantasies EXIST. Or if you are, you’re simply not minding your own business. You don’t know what is going through the mind of that writer when they write it. You don’t know why they feel the need to write it or what they are getting out of it. You don’t know their traumas or their intersections or their OTPS or their intentions.
There are fics up in there, all the time, not even just at kinkmeme time, that I actually find reprehensible. You know what I do?
I don’t read them.
I don’t care if it’s because you are offended about people putting lesbians with men or because it’s a teacher/student fic (which let me tell you i REALLY don’t like but which for some reason a lot of you do.) It’s not your business.
Read the tags. Reader beware.
Show responsibility for your media consumption. No children should be reading E fics anyway. Be a grown up. Back on out of kinkmeme. 
Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That’s Ok. 
the kinkmeme participants probably knew this was coming. It happened last year. And you know what? We lost a lot of great fic writers because of the harassment and calls for censorship and attempts to control other people’s creativity and all the thought policing going on. They simply left the fandom and stopped writing fics. Because no one likes to be in a fandom where everything you think or do can be attacked. 
I wasn’t a part of it. I don’t write E fics. But I do write and I do not support censorship. And AO3 won’t take those down. They are not breaking any laws or AO3 agreements. 
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