#thirst aid kit podcast
mattmurdeaux · 2 months
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COSTUME APPRECIATION Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock | Marvel's Daredevil Season 1-3
"The same way I would flag unnecessary action scenes, I would flag [unnecessary] shirtless scenes. I remember there was one scene in S2 with Claire Temple and it said something like (Matt takes his shirt off) and I was like...why? No. It didn't make sense [with the scene]." - Charlie Cox
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sleepynegress · 6 months
Not me just remembering that Charlie Cox was on the Thirst Aid Kit, way back in 2018, which means he knows about fandom imaginings and was very cool about the female gaze of desire in media...
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BONUS: in-studio footage from TikTok. https://www.tiktok.com/@nici.murdock/video/7249798473107705115
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fanhackers · 3 months
On Thirsty Audiences
Dramatic literature and theatre is my first field: though I was a fan before I was anything else, I wasn’t a fan studies scholar till later in my career.  But, like many academics, my interest in the subjects I’ve studied borders on fannish interest, and so theatre is one of my fandoms.
Kirsty Sedgwick is a major figure in audience studies, and she’s recently crossed over from academia into more general public intellectual spaces with her latest book, On Being Unreasonable: Breaking the Rules and Making Things Better (Faber & Faber, 2023.)  There’s always been an overlap between fan studies and audience studies, and Sedgwick is a scholar of theatre audiences. Her work frequently questions the rules (explicit and implicit) of being an audience member and asks who those rules exclude: for instance, mothers with small children. In her 2018 book, The Reasonable Audience: Theatre Etiquette, Behaviour Policing, and the Live Performance Experience, Sedwick talks about the ways in which behavior standards can be sexist, racist, ableist, and otherwise exclusionary of the very diversity of audience members that theatre-makers claim that they want to attract.
I thought that I would highlight a different essay from Sedgwick’s oeuvre: 2018’s “How can we talk about ‘thirst’ in theatre?” written for Exeunt magazine.  In it, Sedgwick talks about the ways in which women are seen to enjoy theatre for the “wrong” reasons, stinking up lobbies with their love of Benedict Cumberbatch or Hugh Jackman or Tom Hiddleston or Kit Harrington. Sedgwick describes how  “the fear of female audiences reached its peak recently in the handsome-celebrities-onstage trend – like when the theatresphere nervously anticipated how swarms of Benedict Cumberbatch fans might ruin the star’s 2015 Hamlet with their tardiness and addiction to instagram, or when Tom Hiddleston’s fans were criticized for “colonizing the pavement” after Coriolanus.  Sedgwick argues that “the real mystery is how theatres have been able to get away for so long with using the desires of girls to fill their seats while simultaneously shaming them for it.“ 
Sedgwick also argues that not all forms of thirst are equal, and that while male thirst can be dangerous because of how it keeps women down, “female thirst almost always operates to build men up.” In particular, she cites the ways in which fans work to “give underappreciated actors of colour the attention they deserve.” She quotes Bim Adewunmi and Nichole Perkins of the Thirst Aid Kit podcast talking about John Cho.  The podcasters explain that:
“every time we saw him, we’d say, ‘Oh my gosh, he’s so amazing, he’s so hot.’ We really wanted to give him some shine. We see you–not just because you’re beautiful, but because we see what you’re doing on and off screen, and we want to amplify that.” 
Sedgwick concludes that “If male thirst simplifies women to bits of flesh, then female thirst tends to be all about fleshing out the person inside,” and concludes that thirst can be radical. The whole article is worth a read, as is much of Sedgwick’s other work.
–Francesca Coppa, Fanhackers volunteer
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emjee · 5 months
Listening to episodes of Thirst Aid Kit for the first time in literal years and God bless, this podcast should qualify as a public service
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macverse · 2 years
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You may have teased Chris just a bit too far and now you have to pay for it. Not that you're complaining.
"Hold still," Chris rasps, his voice low and gravelly. He only has one hand free so he can't pin me down the way I know he likes.
"Can't help it," I manage between waves of pleasure. I involuntarily squirm again, bucking my hips against the toy causing Chris to pull it away and shut it off. “Y/N, if you can't keep still I'll just stop right now."
"No,” I pleaded. Damn it, I was so close just now. Besides the toy in Chris's hand, the man occupying my field of vision is more than enough to encourage multiple orgasms out of me. We'd been in the middle of undressing after a fancy night out when Chris suddenly pinned me down on the bed and started playing with all of my sensitive spots. Kneeling before me while I'm pliant on my back, is not only a very sexy man but a very sexy man in his boxer briefs, unbuttoned dress shirt framing his sculpted bare chest, still perfectly coiffed hair and the begins of a bulging erection that I desperately want inside of me.
"Well be a good girl Y/N and I'll let you come,” he teases and brings the toy back to my clit. He quickly increases the speed with a devilish glint in his eyes and I gasp at the increased stimulation. Somehow I manage not to squirm this time. I'm so fucking close I can feel it. The muscles between my spread thigh are flexing and fluttering anticipating release.
“Chris…” I whine knowing the fall into orgasm is just within reach but the mad bastard switches the toy off again, “Yes darling? Is there something you needed?"
"Fucking asshole,” I chastise him with a flirty smile on my face as I writhe in frustration at the failed orgasm.
"Language,” he replies, causing me to giggle...
Read the rest on my AO3
I honestly blame @thirstaidkitpodcast for this. I also thank thirst aid kit podcast for this cause the title was easy.  I hope you kinky freaks enjoy.
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amberlynnmurdock · 7 months
oh my god... im listening to Wilson's interview on the podcast thirst aid kit... IT IS A CRIME THEY TOOK THE VIDEO OFF YOUTUBE... at least there's the audio on Spotify ooooooffff
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thirstaidkitpodcast · 4 years
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And… SCENE. *deep bow* 
We came, we ushered in a glorious age of elucidating female desire, coined a few salient expressions of desire, and poof! like magic, we were gone. That’s right, we did it, folks: we’ve decided to wrap up Thirst Aid Kit as a weekly podcast. 
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We want to thank you — all of you — for your ears, your enthusiasm, your tweets, your sent-in drabbles, your Asks, your Thirst Sommelier requests, your marriage proposals (1) and your gifs. Thank you, even, for the requests (that we did/do no take! 😆). Thank you for allowing us to find a home on your podcast feed these past few years, thank you coming to our live shows both at home and abroad. Thank you for rocking with us when we lost our first home, and then GLEEFULLY welcoming us into our new one. 
Thank you letting us share our thoughts, our expertise, our knowledge, our analysis, and our laughter with you — and in turn, thanks for sharing yours. Thank you for coming to the movie nights, and yelling out thirst at the screen with us and for gasping with delight and lust with us. Thank you for whispering a heartfelt “bitch..!” with us (well, with Bim, because NICHOLE 😂). Thank you for being giddy with us whenever we landed a celebrity Thirst Object  and also... for noticing when we asked them the questions you wanted answers to. 👀 
Thank you for letting us be Black women expressing Black joy, desire, pleasure and exhaustion. Thank you for allowing us to widen the understanding of what matters to Black women, besides the usual (narrow) diet we are fed. Thanks you to the producers and editors, the advertisers, the teams of people who made the show possible in all forms. Thank you, thirst-buckets. Thank you, friends.
Consider this final episode as a song of joyous gratitude and pride. Two Black women talking about female desire, race, and culture week in, week out? Yeah, we did THAT. 
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WITH ALL THAT SAID... We do not think this is the end of Thirst Aid Kit! Yes, the weekly podcast has drawn to a close, but we’re hopefully not done with Thirst Aid Kit just yet. Once the world opens up again, we hope to be there: movie nights, live shows, maybe even a live tour? Wouldn’t that be nice! What we’re saying is: STAY TUNED.
But please do not despair. (also important to note: this was OUR decision; no need to start any campaigns to save us! 😃) This is just a perfect example of one door closing in a mansion full of other doors and windows. The weekly podcast is ending, but we remain. Keep an eye on our Twitter and Tumblr for updates on what we’re up to and where. This isn’t the end, but we will miss you. 
You can listen to the whole episode RIGHT HERE (more ways to listen are listed below).
We’re on Apple and Stitcher and Podbean and Google Play and Overcast and iHeartRadio and Spotify and and and… Search ‘Thirst Aid Kit’ wherever you get your podcasts, and we’ll come up. Promise. All our episodes are also up at Slate.
We’re on Twitter at @thirstaidkit, and though we’re gonna go dark for a bit, any and all updates will be found there. You can reach us via email too, at [email protected]
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Stay healthy and thirsty; the world needs it. We appreciate every single one of you, now and always. Goodnight! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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blackwomanwriter · 4 years
“I Don’t Think You’re Ready”
First of all, I hope everyone is staying safe and able to quarantine themselves at this time. I know so much is happening around us, and it can feel overwhelming and frightening. Thus, I hope that this takes your mind off the craziness of the world, even just for a second. I know it definitely helped me!
This was inspired by so many things - my love for angst, Jake Gyllenhaal’s latest photo shoot, and this tweet by Nichole of Thirst Aid Kit Pod. However, after watching this scene from Nocturnal Animals, I finally figured this piece out. Enjoy!
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“I don’t want to hide anymore,” he whispered.
Your eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the harsh morning light. It was too early to have this argument. The dreaded never-ending argument that he recently kept bringing up. You didn’t want to have this fight either – you didn’t have the energy.
“Babe,” you groaned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You surprised him last night by showing up in LA to support his latest project. Dressed in a trench coat with nothing underneath, you were the first thing he saw when he walked in the house. He teared up at the sight of you, a reminder of how long you’d spent apart, and how much he’d missed you. Lately, the video calls and texts just weren’t enough. Seconds later, you dropped the coat and revealed his other surprise, which he was more than eager to touch. He ravished you, kissing every inch of skin, until purple bruising showed on your dark skin.
You hoped that your presence would dead his request to go public. But nothing deterred him, so you were now waking up to the same argument that you kept repeating on the phone. Only this time, there were no barriers to hide how you felt. It wasn’t that you didn’t love him or were embarrassed by him – you just had a better understanding of the aftermath of this announcement. The things they would say about him, the things they would say about you. Not to mention the impact it would have on his career. A committed Jake Gyllenhaal ruined the fantasy of every women planning their future with him. Then there was the reaction to you - the opposite of every woman he’d ever dated or admitted to crushing on. Publicly, you didn’t fit into his world, no matter how progressive society appeared to be, you knew the truth – you lived it. The slew of hate comments that would await every social platform you visited. Now, that Jake was on Instagram, it was bound to get worse.  
It was easier keeping things the way they were, with only a few friends, family, and close associates knowing about your relationship. Besides, he always kept his relationships private, which is why his request sounded so odd.
It took a bit of adjusting, but you both found a way to make this relationship work. Yet, you noticed the little things that started chipping at him – his frustration when you let go of his hand in public settings - but it wasn’t enough to warrant concern. You still touched him in every way; you just learned to curtail any pda in case of prying eyes or cameras. Yet, he frowned every time you did it, and pushed for more affection.
“I don’t want to hide you anymore.” Jake trailed kisses down your neck, tracing the curve of your waist. He knew your body well, remembered it well, and treated it well. Memories of last night replayed in your mind as he continued to tease. The phone sex was good, but nothing beat the real thing. It’d been too long since you had it. You leaned into his touch, letting him guide the pace. Arms draped around his neck, you’d completely forgotten the argument. Although, in this position, you’d damn near forget your name. He shifted his weight, allowing your legs to instinctively wrap around his torso. The hunger in his eyes matched yours as you stared each other down. You were ready to rekindle what you both were missing these last couple of months. Closing your eyes, you tilted your face, ready for his kiss, but nothing happened. You opened your eyes in a haze of confusion. “Walk the carpet with me,” he insisted. “You have the dress, you already know how these things work, and I’ll only do four interviews max.” Jake kissed your nose, before kissing your lips. His eyes pleaded with you, waiting for your response. It was much harder to say no, when you were doing it in person, and couldn’t avoid his blue eyes. “I’ll be with you the entire time, and we don’t even have to stay for the whole movie.”  
There was this part of you that wanted to say yes, and give in, just to see the joy on his face. Yet, it wasn’t that simple. This was about you as much as it was about him, and you needed to protect him, protect your relationship, and most importantly, protect yourself. Of course, you wanted to jump up and down, and scream from the mountain tops that you were dating. You were gorgeously happy, and madly in love with a man whose last name you’d gladly take in a heartbeat. Some days, you wondered why you put yourself through the secrecy and hiding, but then you remembered that this wasn’t a fairy tale, this was life. There were consequences to your perfect ending.
“It’s a small theatre. Private screening. Less people.” Jake argued, leaning in to kiss you again. A sigh escaped your lips, you knew where this was headed. You discussed this before, argued over it, laughed about it, then argued over it again.
“I don’t think we are ready.”
“Three years, and we aren’t ready? Bullshit.”
You freed your legs from his torso, realizing that you weren’t going to get any this morning, and that this argument was far from over. “Have you spoken to Hanna,” you hoped that mentioning his publicist would remind him that he couldn’t just spring you into his world.
“She thinks it’s time. Plus, it will generate buzz about the film.” He brought your hands to his lips, kissing the palms, before intertwining them with his hands. “The whole team thinks it’s time. I can’t be a bachelor forever.”
“George Clooney did it,” you quipped.
He smiled before turning serious again. “And, he is also married with two kids. C’mon, walk the carpet with me.”
You closed your eyes, letting out a heavy breath. It was too early to have this conversation, and you didn’t have the proper words to explain your hesitation. You sat up, and turned towards him with a smile, “What do you want for breakfast?”
Jake stared at you in complete disbelief, but you ignored it. Rising out of bed, you put on his shirt and started fluffing the pillows.
“What,” he asked, as he sat up.
You continued making the bed, ignoring his quizzical stare, “Pancakes sound nice.”
“I don’t have to answer any questions. I can be with you the whole time. Five minutes tops.”
“I don’t think we are ready.”
You fussed around, tidying up for no reason, awaiting his response, but he was silent. You looked over and found him staring at the light shining through from the windows.
“Babe – “
“We aren’t ready, or you aren’t ready,” he asked.
“Jake – “
“I love you. I want to spend my life with you, and I have no problem admitting that to the world.”
“I love you too – “
He didn’t wait for you to finish, before cutting in again. “You love me, but not enough to tell anyone about it.”
“That’s not true. I – “
“Are you happy…with me, with us,” he asked.
“Of course, I’m happy – “
“Paparazzi? Press? Cameras? The scrutiny? The comments? –“
“Jake, - “
“The backlash? The outrage? The stares? What is it?”
“Jake – “
“Okay, if not now, then when? Three years is a fucking long time to be hiding.”
“I don’t think you’re ready,” you blurted.
He went silent. The surprise coloring his face and taking away his breath.
“Fuck,” you sighed. This wasn’t the way you wanted to have this conversation.
Thank you so much for reading! Should I continue? I have a taglist somewhere (updating it), so let me know if you are interested. Thanks! 
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buckyland · 5 years
Wait wait wait wait wait a minute..... There's a podcast where someone talks about how Seb kisses???
you have no idea how i just screeched in my apartment right now because i get to show you this wonderful thing called Thirst Aid Kit @thirstaidkitpodcast​.
season 2, episode 9 is when they talk about sebastian and his kisses throughout his acting career. 😂
so here’s one link to the episode: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/thirst-aid-kit/e/54610917?autoplay=true
they are also available on spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5vOleN7oHJqGYa1S9cOM10?si=Dt3Fm-ZoTjikf6OOs94xkQ
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sleepynegress · 10 months
Today, I revisited The Thirst Aid Kit and I realized that I miss those ladies so much... Not just the female gaze, but specifically the Black Female Gaze, and so wonderfully, joyously explored in a way that's academic, fun, and uplifting to both the objects of desire and the observer... A fandom anomaly that explored these things without being creepy, but actually informative??
The best episodes have the actors on the podcasts for interviews IMO. I just listened to the Rahul Kuhli and Charlie Cox episodes. If you haven't listened or missed this era, RECTIFY THAT. I linked the playlist above on youtube.
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 years
Soundtracks this week (13-Sep-20)
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I listened to a FUCKTON of podcasts this week and less music.
David Tennant Does A Podcast with…Judi Dench
David Tennant Does A Podcast with…Cush Jumbo
Desert Island Discs: Rob Brydon (2010)
Desert Island Discs: Emma Thompson (2010)
THIRST AID KIT: The Sweet Thirst of Sweet Magnolias
THIRST AID KIT: A Bottle of Matthew Rhys-ling
Desert Island Discs: David Tennant (2009)
THIRST AID KIT: Good Night, and Good Thirst
Desert Island Discs: Jenny Agutter (1982)
Desert Island Discs: Baroness Maria Von Trapp (1983)
Presenting Harry Styles
Electric Light Orchestra radio
Soul Sunshowers
The Old Guard (Music from the Netflix and Skydance Film) [Volker Bertelmann & Dustin O'Halloran]
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today's @thirstaidkitpodcast
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myregularsizesteven · 7 years
I'm listening to this TAK podcast and I'm getting sweaty with nerves listening to it. They are nailing the embarrassment that women of color seem to have about thirsting after Chris Evans.
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skepwith · 5 years
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This is the appropriate response after being featured on Thirst Aid Kit. Adorableness levels amplified. Thirst status confirmed.
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
have you listened to the podcast thirst aid kit? i’m very very very late to the party but i just listened to their ep from 2018 with chris and 🥵🥵🥵🥵 i think you’d like it!!
I have!! And it’s one of my favorite podcasts too!! I go back and listen to episodes often. That episode with Chris is a fave of mine from them!!! I do revisit that one often too🥴. Love Bim and Nichole!
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thirstaidkitpodcast · 4 years
This has been a year of all sorts of surprises, yes? Most of 2020 has been filled with tragedy on a global scale, compromised mental health, and the bone-deep and crushing realization that things are... even more depressingly messed up many of us had already gauged.
But then, some days, there was sunshine. 😎Because finally, after literal years of biding our time —we even did an episode with him as Thirst Object already because we thought the call would never come!—we got a wonderful delivery, direct to our Zoom. 
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Jake Johnson, the man behind the immortal Nick Miller, came into the virtual Thirst studio and we got to ask him a bunch of questions, and he answered them!
Yes, Bim was in a closet that looks like it’s been the setting for many a hostage video, and yes, Nichole’s curious cat padded into the interview space a couple times, and sure, Jake was also in a closet in AirPods that may or may not amplify an echo on the call. But look: producer Cher was weafring a Cubs T-shirt, and Jake noticed, and complimented her on it, and we mean... 
Look at this happy-making shit:
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Here are a few things we got to talk to Jake about:
His new animated show on Netflix, Hoops
His generationally important portrayal of Peter B. Parker, a depressed and struggling Spider man in In Into The Spider-Verse
Of course: Nick Miller, the internet’s boyfriend since the pandemic started and multiple watches and rewatches of New Girl commenced (BUT: also those of us who loved Nick and NG long before Covid came for us in 2019/20)
Along the way, we discussed Brad Pitt, farmer’s market produce and the ladies that want to purchase some with him in tow, guacamole, giving encouragement to America’s children, one voicemail at a time, dick jokes, how broken his character in Stumptown seems to be, the titular two appetizer-celebration he loves to use to mark his wins, the New Girl group chat, maybe a New Girl reunion... And so much more. It’s a fun time. 
We laughed a lot. You’ll love it. (many, many people already did)
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You can listen to the whole episode RIGHT HERE (more ways to listen are listed below).
Hoops, on Netflix
Subscribe to get new episodes delivered to your device automatically every Thursday. We’re on Apple and Stitcher and Podbean and Google Play and Overcast and iHeartRadio and Spotify and and and… Search ‘Thirst Aid Kit’ wherever you get your podcasts, and we’ll come up. We promise.
We’re on Twitter at @thirstaidkit. And you can send us love letters and short drabbles to [email protected]. We also would not be upset if you left a (five star? 👀) rating and a review on Apple Podcasts. Thank you!
Hope you do something to make yourself feel good today and all days. It’s what Peter B. Parker would want for you.
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Stay thirsty. 😘
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