#this and close as strangers are the best examples
timesomewhere · 2 days
in honour of the West End's next to normal closing today I've finally proof-read my 'things I noticed/general thoughts' post that's been sitting in my drafts since I saw it earlier this month. it's very long I'm very sorry.
Act One:
it was really fun watching this show in September given that there's two references to it in the first song
I adore the monologue about the pills that Dr. Fine gives during 'Who's Crazy'. it's rhythmic and funny yet also unnerving. It's such a quick and impactful way to summarise what Diana has been through for the past 16 years
Gabe does a 'one of your French girls' pose on the kitchen counter under the cabinets during 'My Psychopharmacologist and I'
Jamie Parker made direct eye contact with me during the last part of 'Who's Crazy' and it was one of the most intense experiences of my life
I might just be dense but I don't get the point of the neon sign that says 'Fine' which drops down during the Dr. Fine scene. Initially I thought that then one would drop down saying 'Madden' during his scenes to help people differentiate between the doctors but then it didn't so it just feels like a weird extra prop
speaking of random props, shout out to the iPad on the table in the opening scene which Gabe pretty much instantly takes away after telling Diana that she shouldn't obsess over tragic news stories and is then never seen again as far as I remember
Dan in the flashback scene being such an optimist about Diana's pregnancy and the future they're gonna have together... soul-crushing
Caissie Levy's 'I Miss The Mountains.' Holy Shit.
I love how Diana and Gabe are the only characters who sing on/stand on the table. it's as though it's this extra dimension of the house that only they have access to and it's a really neat and subtle way to show that they relate to each other in ways other characters don't
'It's Gonna Be Good' is so underrated. Jamie Parker's somewhat genuine optimism becoming optimism-through-gritted-teeth is incredibly acted
The way Jamie delivers the first line of 'He's Not Here' is devastating. the heaviness of that moment as you feel the audience around you realising what's just happened is something I'll remember forever
Gabe body-blocking Dan from Diana during 'I Am the One' is such good staging. People talk about how Jack Wolfe plays Gabe with a lot of layers and a lot of simultaneous contradiction and this song is one of the best examples of that. how Jack manages to project a character who is goading his father and protecting his mother at the same time is beyond me
also Jack has maybe half-an-inch on Jamie which obviously isn't something the actors control but it does makes Gabe seem just that bit more threatening when he's getting in Dan's face
for the first part of Superboy and the Invisible Girl when it's just Natalie singing, Gabe is actively laughing. He's totally unperturbed by her efforts to make herself seen to her mother. it's only when Diana replies, particularly when she says "you're our little pride and joy, our perfect plan" that you see his face drop and you see him trying to figure out a way to stop her from getting Diana's attention which then results in him kicking her off the melody in her own song
"I'll hurt you" being directed at Dan and "I'll heal you" being directed at Diana as Gabe gently touches her face gets me so bad. but the most painful part of 'I'm Alive' for me is when Gabe looks at Dan as he says "I'm the perfect stranger who knows you too well." that's the first time you realise that perhaps Gabe doesn't just impact Diana, and there's something much larger at play
Caissie and Jack W's voices harmonising on 'Catch Me I'm Falling' was one of my favourite parts of the whole show. Their voices are so magical together and their mother/son chemistry is incredible
The 'I Dreamed A Dance' into 'There's a World' sequence is one of the most tragically beautiful things I've ever witnessed. I went into the show knowing what Gabe was trying to achieve during 'There's A World' and yet Jack's voice is so beautifully haunting you totally forget you're supposed to root against Gabe in that moment
Jamie Parker's 'I've Been' is some of the best acting through song out there. Interestingly my friend and I had very different interpretation's of what Gabe's horrified reaction to the blood meant. I viewed it as him being upset about what he convinced Diana to do - he doesn't like seeing her hurt. Whereas my friend saw it as him being angry at himself that she didn't manage to follow through, meaning that he has failed to regain control over her life
'I'm no sociopath, I'm no Sylvia Plath. I ain't no Frances Farmer kind of find for you' is one of the best musical theatre lyrics of all time. I genuinely don't know why I Miss The Mountains is the 'big song' known from N2N over 'Didn't I See This Movie?', it's just so good
Natalie's 'She trusts you!' line is heartbreaking, I was basically watching that entire scene through my fingers because of how high the emotion was
Act Two:
'Pfizer's woman of the year' will in fact be peak comedy every time. Eleanor's delivery is *chef's kiss*
Gabe having just one line in 'Wish I Were Here', and that line being 'Wish I were here.' Yeah. I feel very normal about that.
Natalie's line of "Can I hide my stupid hunger, fake some confidence and cheer?" being pretty much exactly what Gabe has done throughout the entirety of act 1
"And you're not a scary rockstar anymore" got one of the biggest laughs at both of the shows I went to
Dan's desperation during 'Better Than Before.' He is simultaneously trying to cajole Diana into remembering and get Natalie to be more positive. This one song really highlights how he's being pulled in a million different directions while trying to hold it all together and Jamie portrays that so well
Aftershocks. Wow. The way the last word of each line echoes throughout the theatre is great sound design. I've been in exam halls louder than the audience during that song. Holding a room that captive as a silhouette is quite the feat Jack Wolfe you will always be famous
"I don't know where the fucking pieces go" as Diana pushes things off the table as if there's a real jigsaw there that she's rage quitting and choosing to give up on is such a nice detail
"Have you talked of your depression, your delusions and your son?" The gasp in the theatre both times was sickening
the response of "good' in reply to "name?" when technically that was part of his name as they are the "Goodmans". I don't really have a point here I just think it's neat
The 'It's Gonna Be Good" reprise was one of my favourite Dan/Diana moments. Caissie and Jamie are really pushing each other to their emotional limits and they handle it so well
The first "Why stay?" is so fragile as Diana sits against the kitchen island. Also interesting given that Dan and Gabe will also sit against there later when they are at their lowest point in the story. The idea of the characters crawling to the 'centre/heart' of the home when they are at their weakest
"This is one old game that I can play so well" is the line that has stuck the most with me throughout the show. Jack's delivery of it while striding across the kitchen table - seemingly totally invincible - is crazy.
how Caissie manages to deliver "you shrugged and said that no one really knows" with humour and desperation at the same time is amazing
When Gabe and Diana stand on the table and if they let go of one another they'll fall. yeahhhhh.....
Gabe's realisation that Diana isn't going to give up on getting better. Totally collapsing in on himself and beginning to cry. How you manage to feel bad for him after all the destruction he's caused is wild
Diana's "maybe I'm tired of the game" relating back to Gabe's "this is one old game that I can play so well"
the lyrics in 'Hey #3' clearly reflecting things Diana has done, Henry cutting Natalie off at "bleeding in the bathtub"
"I am the one who'll heal you" being said to Dan not Diana this time
"Why didn't you go with her?" is the most devastating line in the whole musical I said what I said. Jamie's delivery of it is heart wrenching
the drums and bass kicking in for the loud part of I Am The One as Gabe becomes desperate to be seen once again
Jack and Jamie's acting in this moment is so intense. there's a moment where it's genuinely feels as though only one of them can make it out of the interaction alive
Jack's emphasis on the word 'loved' in the line "I am the one who loved you" nearly killed me on the spot. how somebody can deliver a line so desperately while remaining pitch perfect is unfair
Natalie coming in to kiss Dan's head at the start of 'Light' like Gabe kisses Diana's in the first scene. I'm such a sucker for a gut punching
the "And are they real?" line about Diana's parent's from Henry gets such a loud reaction from the audience. Some people laugh immediately, some people clearly get shocked out of their sobs. so good
In conclusion, this is my favourite musical of all time and I'm going to be so annoying waiting for the pro-shot to come out
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literateleah · 2 years
crazy how this is maybe one of their best choruses from the first two albums and it’s a b side
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gayofthefae · 3 months
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Hmm. It's almost like...it's not the same look or situation at all, seeing your best friend with someone romantically.
(And Steve canonically used to have a crush on her)
However, of course
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Oh, look. Someone as their crush walks off to dance with another person.
Mike encouraged Will to go dance. He should be happy for him......right? It's what he wanted for him, after all.
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Sebastian Vael is such a profoundly lonely character
#like some of this is just the limitations of the DLC and I do get that but like#accepting the material as presented (tho acknowledging it's told through Varric's very biased POV)#Seb tries SO HARD to connect with the Kirkwall Crew#(with the exception of Anders who he's still shockingly polite to all things considered)#yet his attempts at reaching out for friendship are either outright rejected (Aveline...VARRIC especially)#or at best politely accepted without much depth in return...Like he can be a friendly acquaintance to them but not a truly close friend#(his relationships with Merrill and Fenris for example)#and again it is not for lack of trying on his part! man is using all of the tools he has to connect with these ppl!#and he himself clearly cares about them!!#just something about this guy who was outright rejected by his family for being too much#too hedonistic too emotional too impulsive#and sent away from the only home he's ever known to a city where he knows truly no one#and has to cut off as much of his former personality/behavior as possible to try#and earn redemption/righteousness be what his family wants#the way he has to constantly earn Elthina's approval but it never stays nothing he does is ever truly good enough#and how other than her and Hawke (presuming they actually take the time to get to know him which like..a lot of players don't)#he never truly knows anyone in Kirkwall he's always a stranger in that city#i forget what my point was but I love Sebastian he makes me so fucking sad#yes I'm playing DA2 again it's fine i don't have a problem i can stop whenever i want mind your business lol#dragon age#sebastian vael#dragon age 2
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meret118 · 1 year
But what’s happened now is that this has happened so often with so many shows, that Netflix has created a self-fulfilling loop with many series that probably could have gone on to become valuable catalogue additions otherwise.
The idea is that since you know that Netflix cancels so many shows after one or two seasons, ending them on cliffhangers and leaving their storylines unfinished, it’s almost not worth investing in a show until it’s already ended, and you know it’s going to have a coherent ending and finished arc.
So you hold off watching new shows, even ones you might otherwise be interested in, because you’re afraid Netflix will cancel them. Enough people do this and surprise, viewership is low! And the show ends up cancelled. The loop is closed, and reinforced, because now there’s yet another example cited, causing even more people to be cautious the next time around. And now we’ve reached a point where unless a series is some sort of record-breaking fluke megahit (Wednesday) or established super franchise (Stranger Things), a second or third season feels like not even a coinflip, but more like 10-20% shot, at best.
Netflix’s cancelation policies have informed its viewers that if you want a show you like renewed, you need to watch it immediately, you need to tell all your friends to watch it immediately, and you need to finish all episodes in a short period of time. Anything less than that will result in likely cancelation, with the problem being, of course, that this runs contrary to the entire promise of a streaming service like Netflix in the first place. The core concept of “on demand” streaming was that ability to watch what you wanted, when you wanted to. But now binging a series in its opening weekend isn’t just an option to have, it feels almost mandatory, lest the negative data reflect poorly on a show you might otherwise like.
Something has broken with this model. It’s now created a system where creators should be afraid to make a series that dares to end on a cliffhanger or save anything for future seasons, lest their story forever be left unfinished. And viewers are afraid to commit to any show that isn’t a completely aired package lest they spend 10-30 hours on something that ends up unresolved, which has happened dozens and dozens of times, creating a vast “show graveyard” within Netflix, full of landmines viewers are going to be discovering for years.
More at the link.
I've wondered if it's driving creators to their competitors too.
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teeramoonlover · 11 months
Knock, Knock
Billy Loomis x Fem!Reader x Stu Macher
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This is my first time writing oneshot, let alone smut. English is not my first language so bear with me.
Warning: Reader is a Virgin, Cussing, alot of cursing, knife play, mask kink, bondage, fingering, cunnilingus, deep throat, anal, threesome, and double penetration.
*Bold - Voice modulator, Italic - inner voice
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You furrowed your eyebrows. You didn't recognize this deep voice talking to you.
“Who’s this?” Instead of hanging up, your gut feeling tells you to continue the conversation with this stranger. Maybe you’ll get something out of it.
“You don’t need to know about me. I just want to talk to you.”
“Now why should I do that? Stranger danger. Didn’t your parents teach you that?” You saunter around the kitchen counter and stare at the sets of kitchen knives. You pull out a cleaver and wait for them to reply.
The stranger chuckled, amused with your response.
“Just want to call you so I get to know you better.”
You poked your tongue inside your cheek. You put the knife back in its place, humming to yourself.
“Alright, Mr Stranger. You got my attention and I'm bored as hell. Shoot your million dollar question.” You leaned your back on the counter, hand in pocket while another's still holding the phone.
“Tell me, do you like scary movies?” 
“Uhh, yeah.”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?”
“Does The Addams Family count? 1991 is the best.” You shrugged, checking your nails. The voice grumbled, annoyed with your movie choice.
“That’s not even a scary movie. And it’s a kid show.”
“Excuse me, that movie is my fave and you don’t get to judge my beloved Morticia Addams just because I watch a ‘kid show’. Besides, that movie is still considered horror okay. Take examples like Tim Burton’s production. Even though most of his movies are suitable for children, he still wants to insert horror elements so they could find comfort and won’t make them feel scared anymore. You should try Nightmare before Christmas or maybe Edward Scissorhand for starters.” you jested.  
“Not my kind of style. Edward is weird as fuck.”
“Oh now you’re crossing the line Mr. Nobody. Fun fact for you, Johnny Deep with or without heavy makeup is hot as fuck. Hell, if there’s any Johnny copycat out there, I’ll ride his dick straight away.” you mused. The audacity of this guy.
The stranger hummed.
Is it creepy that I can see him smiling through the phone?
“You should be careful what you wish for. It might come true.”
“Then, Amen for that. I ain’t regret what I said so if you have a problem with it, you jerked your tiny dick somewhere else.” 
He chuckled darkly.
“So, do you have a boyfriend?”
"What if I have one? Or maybe a girlfriend? What ya gonna do about it?” You rolled your eyes.
The phone went dead silent until a deep growl came out on the line. His voice changed to menacing.
“You don’t have a boyfriend. You’re not even lesbian.”
“Slow down tiger. I can change my preference wherever I want. Anyway, congratulations! You’re successful become from a total stranger to a fucking creep. Now no more games with me. What do you want?” You huffed, getting annoyed and a little creep out with his manic voice.
“Oh baby, you think this is a game? I’ll play a real game for ya. Knock, Knock.”
You yelped when you heard someone banging on your front door.
Shit. Wrong move.
You pull out a metal bat under the counter like you knew this would gonna happen and check around, especially every closed door inside the house. You already watched too many horror movies with Randy that you even know where the killer always comes out from.
“I ask you want more time. What the hell do you want from me?”
“You wanna know, you have to play the game with me.”
You jumped when you heard another banging. And this time, at your backyard.
“Knock. Knock.”
You gulped and took a glimpse at your back. As you saw nobody's there, you pressed your back on the wall and focused on the front door.
“Who’s there?”
You make sure all the doors and windows are already locked as your father went out training with his buddies. He says he will be coming home late.  
Double. Shit.
You innerly scoffed. Oh he likes this game too much. 
“Johnny where?”
“Clever girl. Guess.”
You rushed to the front door and took a look outside from the window. No one was there. You blurted out the answer.
“The backyard.”
You shrieked as the sound of a crash came out from the living room. You ran there to see a big gape hole at your now shattered window. You scanned the whole room. Only one wooden chair and shattered glass all over the floor. 
He couldn’t make it inside that fast. You raised the phone as you heard his voice.
“I give you a second chance. Knock, knock.”
“Oh fuck you with your knock knock shit game! What do you want from me?!”
“I want you…to ride me.”
You inhaled sharply at his answer as you turned around with a bat raised in front of you. 
“You’re messing with the wrong person here.” You spitted. He chuckled mockingly, amazed that you still have a bit of spite even though you know you're about to lose the game.
“You should be asking where I am, (Y/N).” He enunciated your name deeply.
Sweat trickle down your temple as you took a step back one at the time. This stranger knowing your name just shot up your nerve haywire.
“Where the fuck are you shithead.” 
“Behind you.”
You turned around and hit the phone right to the side of his face.
His Ghostface leather mask to be exact. 
He covered his head from the hit with his gloved hand and you took that opportunity to bash his head with your metal bat. He doubles in pain as you hit his back with more force and knocks his feet to the floor. He lay on his back, gripping his back painfully as you stepped on his body.
“Now let’s see who's behind the mask.”
Before you could bend down to grab his mask, the air got knocked out from you as someone rammed from your side. Your head got slam on the floor hard followed by a body that stumbled right above you. 
There’s two of them?!
You tried to pry him off from you but it was no use. You could see from your blurred vision that two masked men were now crowded right in front of you. 
The first guy above your head took both of your hands and held them tight, giving out a painful moan from you, while the other one sat on top of your low waist between his thighs, securing your legs from moving.
You tried to trash your body only to feel a sharp knife under your throat. You looked up to see the second guy shaking his head. 
A warning.
“Looks like you lost the game.” Second ghostface seems satisfied seeing you beneath him. The knife in his hand trailed lower and lower to your neck. You could feel a prick of pain as the knife cut deep at your collarbone.
“Losers need to pay the price.” The first ghostface giggled, bringing out a rope from his black robe and tied your hand above your head.
“Two against one? Really fair, does it?” You gritted your teeth. Even though you’re already at their mercy, your mouth still runs like a goddamn sailor.
“Didn’t know this should be a fair game.” Second ghostface shrugged, still lingering his knife around your neck area. 
“So what? You gonna kill me?” 
“Careful, you shouldn’t challenge a killer with a knife. Now you said it, that does sound tempting.” The killer dragged down his knife to your waist. The cold of his blade sent chills down your spine as it put pressure on your stomach, emphasizing his words.
You gulped as you eyed the two ghostface. The one that sat on top of you seems like a person you don’t want to mess with. The way his voice held authority, meaning if he wants to kill you, he’ll make sure you’re good as dead. Even though he’s wearing a mask, you could feel his hot gaze on your throat to your collarbone that already bleed out from the small cut. His gloved hand reached out, smearing your oozing blood with his thumb. He loves it, you can tell.    
Another one above your head, however he's a different kind of persona. He seems to like goofing around and having fun stabbing his victim. More sadistic, more of an unhinged bastard. If he takes his mask off, you bet he'll be that funny, easy going guy. His head tilted to the side, staring at your body in awe. Like you'll become his biggest meal tonight.
"But since you beat my friend here, I'll give you a chance. If you want to live, you need to do something for me." He hinted at the end of his sentence. The first Ghostface started to laugh hysterically. 
Somehow you know what he meant, knowing what they're gonna do to you.
"What do you mean?" You shuddered.
In a split second, he pulled your body and switched position, making you on top of him. You could feel the bulge between your legs as his hands gripped your waist.
"You know what I meant."
Your whole body shivered in fear and excitement. You don’t know why your body react that way. Fear, yes but also excites you?
You already soaked in your panties, though it was the adrenaline of the chase.
You subtly rubbed yourself on his groin. He sighed in content as you kept rubbing his hard on. 
“That’s it, babe.” His breath ragged as both his hands moved your hips and pressed deeper to his crotch. His hips thrust to your core, making you let out a soft moan. 
You feel someone's hand held the back of your head, turning you to meet the first Ghostface. His gloves were already gone from both hands, as he’s working on to half-done his zipper jeans.
“Open your mouth, kitten." He slipped his thumb, pressing your lips to open. He inserted two fingers in and out as you swirl your tongue around his fingers. They were so long that you gagged as it reached at the back of your throat. When he pulled out his fingers, a string of saliva coated them.
“I’ve never done this before.” Your face was red, embarrassing to admit that you never had sex before.
“We know you’re a virgin.” He whispered. His thumb stroking your lower lip, his mask titled to the side.
“Don't worry about that. We promise to make you feel good, m'okay?" The Ghostface under you sat up, his hand tugged teasingly at your waistband while the other one caressed your cheek. His deep voice is surprisingly tender, luring you in like a moth to his flame.
Without thinking, you nodded at his words.
Beneath those masks, their smirk grew wider, finally getting you hooked with them. 
"Lift your hips for me, baby." 
He tore his gloves from his hands and guided your hips upward. As you stand on your knees, he tugged down your shorts and panties in one go. You gasped at how rough, desperate he wanted to strip you naked. 
He took out his knife and started to rip them in half. You shiver from the cold as your clothes discard aside.
A pair of hands from behind reach out to your breast and fondle them. You whimpered as he pulled and squeezed your nipples. Another hand slipped to your wet cunt, thumb circling your clit.
"Gosh, your pussy is so wet for us. We're just getting started." He mused. Slowly, he inserted two fingers inside you, thumb still rubbing your clit. You shuddered, your back laid on someone's chest, who still continued grasping your breast.
"Look at you, seeking pleasure from two psychotic serial killers. Ain't ya a dirty little slut." The one from behind cackled in manic, enjoying seeing you completely vulnerable for him.
You subconsciously ride your hips with his fingers inside you, reaching your high. Your tied arms pressed in front of his chest as his friend from behind starts to dry hump your ass. You could imagine how big their dicks are, one pressing from the back while the other one underneath your pussy, still finger fuck you.
As if they knew you're about to come, he pulled out his fingers. You let out a small whine, feeling the loss of your pussy to be filled. He dip his finger beneath his mask, groaning in pleasure as he tasted your juices with a mix of blood.
Your hair got clutched from behind and dived you to his tent. When he pulled down his boxer, you were awestruck at how thick and veiny his hard rod is. He tapped his dick on your mouth, precum smeared at your lower lips.
"Like what you see?" He chuckled, seeing you looking at his cock like that got him more turned on. 
You flustered, eyeing the two black holes resemble eyes staring at you, silently to gain his permission. He nodded, pushing his tip further into your lips.
You subtly open your mouth, licking his precum and heard his deep groan in return. This made you sucked and licked his tip and moved your hand up and down his length.
He tilted his head back. Though you couldn't see with his mask on, a sense of pride grew in you, pleased to see him feel that way.
"You're sure this is your first time? Fuck, this feels amazing." He bucked his hips in your mouth.
"Open your mouth wide open, tongue down. I'm a deep throat till you swallow all of my cum." You do as he said. He thrust his dick deep in your throat, making you gagged but you held it in. 
He fucked your mouth relentless, both his hands keeping you in place. Tears pooling down your face as saliva spilling from your mouth until your nose touches his pelvis. You tapped his thigh, coughing up when he pulled out his dick from your swollen lips.
You're too focused on the man in front of you, that your ass was raised in the air and gasped as you felt a tongue licking at your entrance.
"Damn I can eat this pussy all day." He growled from behind, licking and biting your clit. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as his tongue does wonders to you. 
You gagged as he pounds in and out of your mouth, while from behind a tongue lick deep in your entrance. His nose teasing your clit, earning you a moan vibrating through the dick in your mouth. Both of them release low moans, reaching their high.
You tap his thigh, pull you away from his dick as you feel a knot in your stomach.
"I-I some-something d-down there." You cried out, feel his friend's wet tongue thrust in and out of your cunt. You gasped from sensation, as he's licked your rim hole.
"Then cum all over his mouth, princess. Let him taste every drop." He strokes his dick as you stick your tongue out to his tip. You feel your release as the man behind lapping your juices clean.
"God, she tastes so good. I wanna fuck her wet cunt till she's scream."
The killer in front of you didn't say a word, staring at his friend 
"You can't have her. She beat you up, remember?"
"The fuck that's supposed to mean? We won, she lost."
"Correction, you get beat to a pulp and I'm the one stopping it. So, I get the prize and you just, I don't know. Enjoy the show?"
"I'm already hard and you’re telling me just to watch you all over her? Hell no man!" 
They way they're talking about you like you aren't there bothers you, but at the same time kind of hot.
You could tell his friend was frustrated, agitated while him with you on his lap stroking his tip to your folds. You whimpered as he nudged his face mask closer to your neck. You could feel his wet tongue licking and sucking at the cut he gave you. 
Deep down you know your choice terrifies you but you don't want his friend left behind.
"There's two holes for a reason, ya know." You mumbled low, but somehow both killers caught on to what you said. They both were stunned. Not long after, the one you sit on his lap snickered darkly.
"You're one dirty little virgin. Didn't know you're into that." He gripped your hips closer to his already hard crotch. You blushed at his indication.
Truth is, you stumbled upon a porn magazine from Stu's wardrobe, asking you for his sweatpants as he was in the bathroom. Curiosity kills you when you open the magazine, the page showed a blond woman penetrated by two men, dick in her cunt while another in her ass.
The image haunted you yet deep down you want to know how it feels like, to get banged by two. As you stare at her lustful face, you jump when you hear Billy's voice from outside Stu's room. So, you threw away the magazine and hastily grabbed his shorts. When Billy enters the room, he stares at you intensely. He always does every time you're in his sight. He raised an eyebrow as you gave the shorts, muttered, "Give it to Stu, he wants it." and you made a mad dash out of his room.
You know for the fact that the chances you're getting DP is slim to none. But seeing as of now, your fuzzy brain was like why not.
"You're an angel, you know that? That's why you're perfect for us." The frustrated Ghostface was now like he's in cloud nine when you told him that, hugging you from behind.
"You're meant for us, (Y/N). Remember that." The one with you on his lap was now laying down on the floor, bringing you with him so that your pussy was placed right on his outstretched cock. As his tip penetrated your entrance, you whimpered as the slight discomfort got you. As your tied arms gripped the black cloth of his front, his hand teasing your clit, trying to distract you from the pain.
As he is completely inside you, the discomfort was replaced slowly with pleasure, fullness from his thick length. His sighed in relief, loving his dick snug deep in your pussy like a vice.
"Fuck you're so tight, baby." He rasped as he helped adjust his length inside you. When he felt you ready, he slowly thrust in and out of you, making you moan.
"You like that? You like riding this cock?" His slow thrust became erratic as he rammed your throbbing cunt. Your mouth gaped open, couldn't reform words when he hit you at the right spot. 
"Y-yes, right there. Shit! You're so big." You uttered breathlessly, bouncing his dick as he thrust deeper in you. 
As you ride him, you feel another one trying to penetrate your asshole. You jumped at the sudden intrusion, stopping you as he continued to push in, hissing at your shoulder.
"S-shit! My cock gonna cut in half if you keep squeezing me like that." He buried his face on your neck as he roughly thrust you in one go, making you scream.
"M'sorry babe. Can't help it."
You try to glare at his face, or more precisely his mask. You could imagine his stupid grin, staring at you adoringly. 
This is too much. For you, a virgin and never been fuck let alone anal, this is a lot to take in. You could feel their dicks stretched inside every hole of you down there. You try adjusting to this new stimulation. They’re both moving in sync, in and out of you, feeling both of their dicks rubbing your wall one at the time. It makes you see stars as they fasten their phase.
Skin slapping filled the room, with your moan and their groan in a mix.
“Fuck fuck fuck I’mma cum!” You feel his hand gripping your hips as his thrust turns sloppy. Your body started to shake as the one beneath encircled his arms around you, keeping you close to his chest as he slammed you hard on your g-spot. 
You nearly scream from pleasure as orgasm washed over you, followed by the one behind, pumping his seed into your throbbing asshole. Your pussy tightens is all it needs from the one beneath you to paint his cum on your walls. 
He gave his one hard, second thrust at your asshole then pulled out his softened cock. The way he stared at his cum spilling from your ass stirred something inside him.
His fingers subconsciously slipped his overflow cum inside your hole. For some reason, he doesn’t want a single drop of his seed leaking out of you.
You take a deep inhale as your eyes flutter close, trying to calm from your euphoric state. You could hear his heartbeat thumping as your head laid on his chest, with him too catching his breath.
The only thing you remember is feeling a peck on your forehead and a kiss from your nape, with a deep raspy voice you manage to hear before exhaustion overtook your body.
“That’s my good girl.”
After you pass out…
“Man, that’s the best thing happen in my life!” Stu sighed, satisfied as he pulled off his Ghostface mask and slipped in his now soft dick in his pants. He looked over at his friend who was still lying on the ground with their favorite girl on top of him.
“You're lucky I came up with this plan. Knew it our girl had same fantasies like us.” He grinned, smiling like an idiot, while Billy too slowly took off the mask.
“If you didn’t pull out that porn magazine, she wouldn’t even think about it, genius.” He murmured as he stroked your arm. He sighed in relief with his eyes closed, hearing your soft snores calmed him.
Maybe they could pay you another visit, and it will be on nice bed this time.
And sure as hell he'll make sure of that.
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moonastro · 23 days
groom persona chart
jupiter in the houses
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what is a groom persona chart? this chart exhibits qualities that your husband will have and possible placements that can be seen in their chart. it is simply a chart all about your spouse in a woman's chart. the asteroid groom can be identified using the code 5129.
Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, growth, luck and expansion. in the GPC it can tell us how the husband finds luck and how they may expand their their opportunities and where they may find purpose in learning things.
jupiter in 1st house: your fs can have luck with their appearance and how they look. They can honestly look good in anything that they do or anything that they wear. They have luck when it comes to how they present themselves to the world and may have plenty of lucky interactions or opportunities that they simply get because of their good vibes or how they appear to the world. They find growth in areas to do with their appearance, your future husbands appearance may change a lot whether it’s style or the vibe or simply just change of personality, like for example if 1st house is in Libra they can change their aesthetics and their accessories that they may wear but they have luck when looking after themselves if that makes sense. They can have the tendency to enjoy themselves a little too much and be in the zone of thinking they are everything which if handled excessively it can make them gain weight, develop health problems, greed, make them think they are better than everyone etc. but this can only occur if there are bad aspects towards Jupiter especially if Mars is conjunct or if there are squares to Jupiter.
jupiter in 2nd house: with this placement, the fs can find luck within the home and when it comes to comfort. he can have luck comfort wise meaning that he may always be comfortable and he may never stress or worry about not having to not have a home. he may have luck with finance and so he may have a steady pay check and can not worry as much about their stream of income because he will always either find loyalty dedicated to his job or will have more that one streams of income so he's all set. the sign can have a little bit of significance as well so for example if in sagittarius, can have luck in finance overseas and especially in foreign land. this placement is a huge placement of loyalty and how your husband can have wisdom and has his head wrapped around the fact that loyalty is the most important thing in the relationship.
jupiter in 3rd house: the fs will tend to have luck when it comes to electronics and vehicles. With this placements I noticed that a lot of the grooms know how to fix cars and know so much about cars in general, they can also be very good drivers and may have a very deep fond about them. Also with electronics they tend to know a lot about them as well, they may know what phone is the best and their interior and exterior and just anything to do with laptops, computers etc. they tend to have opportunities with his siblings so they may be very close with them and may prioritise their sibling or siblings. Another thing with your fs is that he may like to take road trips a lot, and especially take you along with him, since no questions asked with their interest in cars it only makes sense when they go out for a spin in their car. In addition your fs can be very interactive with people around him so he may be very communicative with others and is an easy person to talk to. For example may like small talk with strangers and such.
jupiter in 4th house: fs may develop a sense and desire to have a family. This may be because it may bring them luck in life when having someone to care and look after. They tend to attract luck when taking care of others and being protective with those around him. He may have luck with his home and depending on the sign it’s in it can tell us a bit more. So for example if in Virgo, can have luck when being delicate and precise with the interior of the house and may have an eye for such things. If in Leo, can be very good with children in the house and may have a way with them and know how to prepare meals, play with them etc. your fs may have opportunities with bettering the home and such, this can be an indication of them having a good eye for a cosy home so expect him to have a fabulous and cosy home. If aspected badly can be overly protective and can become very strict within the household almost to the point where they don’t appreciate their family members and are too focused on being in control.
jupiter in 5th house: your husband can have plenty of luck when it comes to them attracting attention and an audience. They are very good bribers and are very good with making everything around them look good. Can have luck with children, their hobbies, can be good at anything that is fun for them. So whatever your fs may find entertaining or he has a deep interest in he will for sure be very good at it as he takes his interest to heart and for him being interested in something isn’t enough, he has to know EVERYTHING about it. Fs can have luck in romance, so he can be a very subtle yet beautiful a pro when it comes to attracting people. He has this talent of making nothing be embarrassing for him because he may have too much ego and can just be very confident in himself that there is no need for him to doubt himself.
jupiter in 6th house: your fs may find luck in every day simple things. he may not be aware as much but lots of every day things may go very smoothly. he may rarely have any major problems in life and if he does then he is the one who knows how to fix it and get passed the hurdle. he can find luck in his job as well, with this placement he may not worry about trying to acquire a job or trying to get a job as it may come to him naturally. your fs service to others whether it be being generous or just simply being helpful for others can bring luck to him. depending on the sign, this placement can add some touches of meaning to it, for example if in gemini, spouse may have resolutions to do with intellectual ability so he may be smart and be analytical. with this placement also when 6th house represents daily routine and handiness, jupiter in gemini or aquarius can mean that spouse can be handy with technology and may have a fair hand with tech stuff.
jupiter in 7th house: your fs can have luck when it comes to having people on their side. This can develop them to have lots of opportunities because of their relationship to other people. They are natural charmers and can use their charm to make other like them however if aspected badly can lead to others being overly jealous of their success or how they may be liked by people and can cause enemies. They are someone who speaks their mind and has a very creative and broad mind. They can have the most obnoxious thoughts and ideas that may bring them attention. It is as if whatever they say or that comes out of his mouth other people tend to agree with him and your fs makes it sound appealing.
jupiter in 8th house: the future husband can have a lot of inheritances to his name. He may make lots of money due to being smart financially and that can set him up for luck money wise. Can have luck with getting money from other people, and getting things from others as well. This can be either a very good placement or a very bad one depending on the sign and aspects. If it is in Taurus, can be very lazy with their finance and when given the opportunity to invest or do something with an inheritance they can splurge the money and not be very careful with how they treat it which can lead to losing the money very fast. But if in Leo, can have lots of motive to strive to better the amount that they are given and can strive to double the amount that they got from an inheritance for example. Your fs may also have opportunities when it comes to figuring others out. This can mean that they have a very good intuition and can read a person very well. Which can save them their energy on getting involved with the wrong person. They can tend to reserve their energy and be quite isolated at times, most of the time it’s needed for them to strive better in life.
jupiter in 9th house: your fs can have luck generally and with a variety of things. He can be seen as a very very lucky individual. As Jupiter is in its own sign it is very happy here that can bring extra luck to your husband. Can often be very wise in life meaning that he may know a lot of facts and a lot of knowledge about life and the world. He can seem to know everything to put it into simple perspective. He may have lots of opportunities when it comes to education and wisdom. So for example he may get invited or attend lots of talks, he may have multiple of degrees from universities, he can have a fondness of collecting things and learning new things. He may never get tired of learning as learning can be what keeps him alive and free. Another thing is that freedom is very important to him, so it’s best for him to do what his heart most desires in order for him to not feel unaccomplished in life.
jupiter in 10th house: your fs can have luck in finance and with money. Can have luck with their career meaning that they can have a well respected and good paying job that they worked hard for. For this placement I have noticed that whatever they may put their mind towards or something that they want very badly if they work hard for it they will get it because this placements hard work will work out for them. They can have lots and lots of career opportunities whether it’s promotions or meeting with vip people or just opportunities that people would only dream of they may experience them. They can go through most of their luck in their job so that can mean that most of the good things that happen to him may happen in their job or during their job. His career is like the centre of his life and it’s what makes him want to live the best life.
jupiter in 11th house: the husband has luck when interacting with other people and when meeting strangers in general. He may have this social ability that gives him the natural sense of starting a conversation with other people. And the thing with this placement that I picked up on is that they don’t have a care in the world either, they can rarely get embarrassed or they just simply don’t care what they do and who sees them. This is a very lucky placement so your spouse can generally have luck with anything they they do, they can have luck in the most simple of things and they may not even realise that it’s lucky because it happens to them all the time so they don’t even second guess it.
jupiter in 12th house: your fs can have luck when it comes to all things spirituality. They can develop a lot of luck when they are working on themselves and being mindful and bettering their mental health and so forth. They can tend to have luck when they travel, seek a religion or have faith in anything. They can attract a lot of luck from the higher realm meaning they may be spiritually protected so if anyone does them harm or get on the wrong side of him they are going to get hurt. They can also be very psychic and cannot even know it, for example can predict things that haven’t happened yet or say something and the best day it happens sort of thing. But they may not be aware of that and if not attune with this ability may think it’s just a coincidence. Can have opportunities to go abroad, to help people, to teach people and especially to work on themselves. And these opportunities will help him with his path.
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sehunniepotwrites · 9 months
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SYNOPSIS. In theory, playing a card game called Risk It or Drink It during your holiday kickback sounded fun. In reality, it was your group’s wild plot scheme for you and your close friend, Donghyuck, to finally get yourselves together in more ways than one. 
PAIRING. Lee Donghyuck x fem!Reader WORD COUNT. 14.4k GENRE. Friends-to-Lovers!AU, Holiday!AU, Christmas!AU, Party!AU, mutual pining, smut (minors dni!), comedy/humor, a tiny bit of fluff
WARNINGS. language (crude sexual jokes, talks about sex positions, and profanities), alcohol and food consumption, adult drinking games with dares, haechan is heavy on consent, body shots, brief vouyerism, explicit content (needy!haechan, possessive!haechan, fingering, oral–male and female receiving, nipple play, praise kink, penetrative, missionary, etc.), nicknames (hers: princess, baby | his: baby)
PLAYLIST. Up to You - PRETTYMUCH feat. NCT Dream | Look at Me - George | A Nonsesne Christmas - Sabrina Carpenter | santa doesn’t know you like i do - Sabrina Carpenter | Yours (Live feat. Winter and Mark) - Chanyeol and Raiden
DISCLAIMER. This is work of fiction. I do not own the people/characters or concepts I have written about. You cannot translate or copy my work. © sehunniepotwrites, 2023
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As people say, Saturday nights are for the boys. 
To you, the boys refer to your group of best friends formed early in your college years. The bond strengthened even after graduation. Two years after leaving your university adventures behind, your Saturday nights still belonged to your small close knit group. What started as dressing up in your best clothes and club hopping hours into the night turned into wearing comfy clothes and hosting weekly kickbacks in your respective apartments. You exchanged drunkenly shouting over loud music with drunkenly shouting over party games. Sometimes, you drink and others, you abstain from consuming alcohol to just bask in your hilarious company.
As you grew older, the clubbing and party scene seemed too exhausting with your nine-to-fives taking up most of your energy. Why would you want to socialize with stupid drunk strangers in a crowded room when you could just do that with your tight circle of friends?
Donghyuck and Mark hosted the kickback at their place this week–this one a little fancier than others due to it being the Saturday before Christmas. You loved it when they did. It gave you the excuse to drink to your heart’s content, knowing you could just crash in Donghyuck’s bed at the end of the night. You never did drink past your limit though–too afraid of your darkest secrets slipping through your loose lips–secrets only Jaemin and his girlfriend Ari knew. 
Ari was a great secret keeper. She never revealed your secret crush on Donghyuck to her lover. You did that yourself one semester when you bursted into her room, complaining about how attractive your best friend looked in his leather jacket to the point of wanting to kiss his pretty confident smirk off his face.  Jaemin heard it all while waiting for his girlfriend to get out of the shower. But as loyal as a friend could be, he kept the slip to your tiny little trio. That, however, did not stop the occasional teasing that happened here and there in full group settings. 
It seemed like Jaemin and Ari always had something up their sleeves when you found yourselves hanging out with them and Donghyuck. They would find tiny little ways to get you and your crush in positions where you had no choice but to be near him. For example, setting up days where the hang outs seemed more like double dates and then pretending to get lost just to guarantee you some alone time with him. Their plans, though obvious to you, worked in many ways. Jaemin and Ari often returned to you with matching grins on their pretty faces when they saw your hands linked together or with Donghyuck’s arm comfortably draped around your shoulder, his free hand carrying your purse. 
You honestly weren’t sure how Donghyuck never caught on to their schemes. 
Maybe he did but refused to say anything on the topic. 
Nevertheless, the devil worked hard but Ari and Jaemin worked even harder.
Although you asked the two to stop fueling the delusions floating in your mind, they insisted Donghyuck liked you too. “His feelings for you were undeniable,” they said,  “just look at the way he treated you versus everyone else.” 
Your best friend—with his gentle touches, sweet smiles, and teasing tones—dropped anything for you. He’d walk you to class even if his classes were on the other side of campus, protect you from creeps that gave you the ick, and have food delivered to your job when you had a rough day. When your dates with men went awry, Donghyuck arrived in seconds. According to the couple, the possibilities were endless for Donghyuck but only when it came to you. And tonight, apparently, was going to show you how endless the possibilities were. 
You were a bit sad Mark was missing out on this round of drinking at his place but as Jaemin slammed the box of cards down on the dining table, maybe it was for the best that the eldest of the group missed it. He’d miss the chaos happening at his apartment but at least, he’d earn money while doing it. 
Stealing a quick glance at Donghyuck, he looked so cute in his oversized knit sweater. The Santa hat resting on top of his long, wavy hair made him appear cozier than usual. Your outfits coincidentally matched–your sweaters in a similar shade and a Santa hat headband resting on top of your scalp. 
“Alright, bitches,” Jaemin smirked while opening the box, “tonight’s game is called Risk It or Drink It. You better not be pussies now.” You missed the gamemaster giving Donghyuck a pointed look as you handed out Ari’s soju cocktails to all the people in attendance. Donghyuck stealthily flipped him off. 
“He means you, babes,” Ari nudged you as she poured the two of you a shot. “We’re doing this for you.”
You grabbed it, the liquid spilling from the top, as you raised it for a toast. “No shit, Sherlock.”
Ari striked her glass with yours, “Well, Watson. Bottom’s up.” 
“Merry fucking Christmas!” The two of you downed the shot, not wincing in the slightest. The dangerous thing about flavored soju was that it tasted sweet, didn’t burn, and snuck up on you when you least expected it.
Everyone gathered around the kitchen island, some choosing to stand or lean against the countertop, while others took a seat on the barstools. You all watched as Jaemin set the game up with ease, placing a thick stack of cards in the middle of the table. 
“The rules are simple. We all take turns getting a card, reading it out loud, and doing what the card says, which is either doing a dare or answering a question. If you can do it, you earn the points at the bottom of the card and keep the card. If you can’t, take a shot or a swig of your drink. First to ten points wins. The player with the least point drinks out of”–the gamemaster pointed to a disgusting concoction next to the cards–“finishes the king’s cup. Got it?”
A chorus of agreement circled around the room and so the game began.
The first round was an easy one. You suspected the deck wasn’t shuffled well enough.
 Jeno’s card asked him to show off how much money was in his account, causing Yeri to jokingly ask him if he needed a sugar baby. He retaliated by telling her to ask Mark when he came home, making her take a big swig of her cocktail to draw attention away from her reddening face. Giselle had to name the worst dressed in the room, which led to Renjun’s cute outburst. Jaemin faked a proposal to his girlfriend and had to chug his drink when she said “no.” 
It was all fun and games until it came to you. That was when the party truly began.
You drew your card, skimmed through the words silently with a puzzled look, and then made a face. On your right, Donghyuck threw his arm over your shoulder to pull you closer to his side. He looked at the card as well, his face slightly dropping as he processed the task. 
“What does it say?” Karina yelled from the other side of the circle. 
Clearing your throat, you read aloud, “Lick the person on your left’s earlobe for five seconds or drink.” 
Jaemin was to the left of you and as much as you thought your friend was attractive, no amount of drinks in the world would result in you doing that.
“Damn, if only it said person to your right,” Jaemin whistled, reaching over to pat Donghyuck’s knee. Then, a mischievous glint in his eye appeared. “Hey, Donghyuck! Wanna switch sides for this card?”
“Jaem, what the fuck?!”
Donghyuck immediately shot up and the rest of the group hollered at the suggestion, urging him to move. Shoving Jaemin aside, your best friend beamed at you. He made a show out of it, pretending to tuck strands of his hair behind his ear. “Ready when you are, Princess.” 
You shoved his side at his flirty tactics, quickly looking away from the pair of eyes you couldn’t resist. “You would be the type to like this shit,” you attempted to play off, ignoring the increasing heartbeats the more he looked at you. 
“I’m into anything as long as you’re the one doing it,” he threw back, quickly placing a kiss right next to your earlobe. You inhaled sharply at the touch. You could almost feel the smirk spreading across his lips as he pulled away.
The screams that followed that line reminded you that you were not alone–you were in a room filled with people that you loved and were now watching you grow even more flustered than you already were. Heaven knows you were not drunk enough for this. Shaking your head out of the thoughts that followed Donghyuck’s words, you reached for your glass and said, “I’m drinking.”
Vocalized disappointment circled around the room and you ignored it, taking three large gulps of your cocktail. You slammed the glass down and felt the alcohol run through your body. If the dares were anything like that one, it would take you a lot more to actually do something. 
Donghyuck didn’t vocalize anything after your choice was made but you did catch his smirk drop the second your lips touched the rim of your glass. The large hand he had around your waist acted as a sign for you to put your drink down. Without words, he placed an opened water bottle in front of you and gestured to it with his chin–he wanted you to take a sip. You did as you were told as the second round of dares continued.
You all had trouble holding in your laughter when Karina called a friend, put them on speakerphone, and asked them to pick her up from the station after being detained for having car sex in a public area. The cackles were harder to contain when the friend pressed for details instead of immediately coming to her aid. When the insistence failed to cease, Karina spit out the first name that came to her head and ended up unmasking the flame she carried for Jeno. You grinned at the unfolding, taking note of how Jeno’s body perked up the minute Karina’s friend screamed, “Finally!” 
Ari confidently revealed her body count, Yeri had to endure being tickled by everyone for thirty seconds, and Renjun took two shots instead of calling his ex-girlfriend.
“List three sex positions in ten seconds or drink,” Donghyuck read his card aloud. Before he could even process the task, the group started counting down, adding pressure onto the boy. “Oh shit! Umm, missionary, doggy–oh what the fuck, what else is there?!”
His time was up before he could think of a third and Giselle shoved a shot in his hand. “You better drink, Hyuck!” 
Donghyuck accepted his fate, groaning after he took the shot. As he nuzzled his head into your neck, you could tell he was disappointed at his failure.
“Aww, baby, couldn’t think fast enough with your little pea brain?” you teased, running your fingers through his messy hair. 
He looked up at you with a playful sneer and pursed his lips. “Like you could do any better in ten seconds.”
Looking Donghyuck dead in the eye, you listed three off the bat with a deadpan face, “Cowgirl, 69, doggy. It’s not that hard, Hyuckie.”
With no other context, your best friend dropped his head back into place and said, “You will be the death of me one day, you know that, right?” His plush lips, now wet with the remnants of alcohol, brushed against the junction of your neck and exposed shoulder. The sudden touch made you shiver.
“And why’s that?”
Donghyuk breathed out, the air making  goosebumps appear on your skin, and deflected the question. “It’s your turn. Draw.”
The moment you pulled the card, Donghyuck shifted his head to read the card with you. His body began to shake with laughter as the rest of your crew rushed you to reveal the dare. 
God, you were not drunk enough for this. He grabbed the paper out of your fingers and took the liberties of saying the dare, “Hold a piece of food in your mouth and have the person on your right,” he paused, grazing his soft fingers on your bare knee, “that’s me, princess—”
“Yes, I know my rights from lefts, Hyuck.”
“—and have them take it from you.”
“I’m picking the piece of food you use and don’t you dare complain!” Ari yelled before anyone else could claim the job. 
Everyone watched as she stifled through a plate of French fries. Her playful grin expanded across her pretty face when she found the perfect fry—a thin, crispy piece that was around an inch long. The group exploded with excitement as she held it up. 
“That,” you pointed to the fry in your friend’s hand, “cannot be legal. That has to be against the rules!”
Jaemin pretended to examine the fry his girlfriend was holding. “Hmm, looks fine to me.”
“You’re a menace, Jaem,” you hissed at him.
Jaemin came right back, “Just doing what has to be done to take us out of our misery.”
“What misery?!”
With everything already set, you resigned to your friend’s wishes and begrudgingly accepted the dare. Ari handed you the tiny piece of food. You sighed dramatically before placing it between your teeth. It barely extended past your top and bottom lip. Shooting Donghyuck a widened look, you told him to hurry. If you were to prolong this dare any longer, you were afraid of the fry breaking before he’d get to it. 
You stood still as Donghyuck approached with a smug look. It disappeared as soon as his eyes dropped to the french fry you held, lingering at the sight of your parted mouth. When he looked back up at you, there was a sort of look in the brown irises you were so attracted to. Hunger. Anticipation. 
“Lean in,” someone shouted but your body froze in its place.
Swallowing back your nervousness, his two warm hands touched your face, both molding to your cheeks. Shutting your eyes as he grew closer, the last thing you saw was his handsome face tilting to get a better angle. Donghyuck’s actions were lightning quick and sudden, making your heart beat skyrocket towards the moon. 
His breath tickled your skin and then, his lips brushed ever so gently against yours. It didn’t last too long; after all, his goal was to retrieve the french fry. You did your best to focus on that, remembering not to bite down to break the crunchy strip of food–the task at hand was hard but not impossible.
Then, there was a slight pressure, the plushness of his lips pushing into you as Donghyuck bit, tugging the food out of your mouth. 
Still frozen in your spot, you sensed Donghyuck pulling back. You exhaled through your nostrils and slowly opened your eyes. Your best friend was right in front of you, wearing a smirk as he chewed on the fry. He licked around his mouth, gathering the tiny dusts of salt before humming. 
“Salty,” was all he said while everyone surrounding  you laughed at his antics.
Ignoring the hammering of your heart as he continued to stare at your lips, you cleared your throat. As much as you tried to shove all feelings of attraction aside, Donghyuck kept his sultry gaze fixated on you. You watched as it dipped back down to your lips again, his fingers coming up to brush away the little specks of salt that stuck your mouth. 
Everything was too much for you–the warmth of his touch, the intensity of his stare, the looks the others were giving you–it was time to direct everyone’s attention elsewhere.
 “Next dare,” you called out, facing away from Donghyuck.
 You did the honors of drawing the card for the next person, reading it out loud and keeping the game going. Despite everyone else’s attention following your distraction, you could still detect your crush’s unwavering stare from your side. You were hyper-aware of his arm circling your waist, tugging you closer to his body heat, and the way his palm curved so perfectly into your side. It sent tingles down your spine, goosebumps forming in your flesh, and heat rising up from the tips of your extremities to the middle of your body.
Looking at the depleting stack as the game continued, you thought it couldn’t get any worse than this. Turns out, you were dead wrong.
Donghyuck plucked the next card at the top of the deck, read it to himself, and let out a low chuckle. Squeezing your side, fingers tickling the sliver of exposed skin, he said, “Looks like it’s you and me again, Princess.”
 The  reaction kept the group of friends on the edge of their seats, curiosity getting the better of them. “Read it!” Giselle yelled from the other side of the island bar. 
Hating the way Donghyuck dragged things out, it was time to take matters into your own hands. Snatching the card out of his hand, you relayed the message aloud, “Hold a staring contest for thirty seconds with the person on your left or drink. The two participants must be within two inches of each other.”
Oh shit. 
If there was one thing that made you weak, it was the way Donghyuck stared at you. You barely survived him stealing the fry. There was a mission to complete despite his impenetrable gaze, which kept your center of interest. But for this particular dare, nothing would be in the way but the air you both breathed. Could you be able to maintain your cool or would you fold the minute your eyes locked with his?
“Oh, this is going to be good,” Jeno whispered to Karina, the two now seemingly closer after the phone call scandal. She giggled, turning her head towards him to hide her laugh. Traitors, you thought to yourself, the both of them. 
Faking nonchalance, you shifted towards an eager looking Donghyuck. “Thirty seconds is nothing. Let’s get this over with.”
“Whatever you say, princess,” he replied, swiveling in his chair to face you. 
The arm holding you close to him slid down your shoulder to rest on your waist, his hand making its way under your sweater and palm now resting on the small of your back. Your body arched at his touch before you fully processed what happened, your grip instantly shooting to his take hold of his upper arms to maintain balance. You ignored the way his muscles flexed under your palms. 
Donghyuck chuckled again, “We didn’t even start and you’re already like this. How cute.”
Despite how his words and tone made you melt on the inside, how they made you sink a little more into his touch, the snark came bubbling out of your mouth. “Shut up.”
Donghyuck did the exact opposite of what you demanded. “Why don’t you make me?”
“Oh my god, Donghyuck,” you groaned.
“Is the timer ready?” he asked no one in particular while keeping you in his line of sight. It never wavered even as someone in the crowd announced they had pulled one up and were waiting for his cue. 
“Start it,” your best friend commanded and then began the longest thirty seconds of your life.
With Donghyuck barely two inches away from your face, his brown eyes dug deep into your soul. Unable to look away, you took note of how his pupils dilated as Donghyuck continued to stare. The way he looked at you was breathtaking, so focused, like you were the only thing that mattered in the moment. 
The boy’s stare, although flattering, was almost too intimidating for you to take. The intensity of it all made you want to withdraw, the upper half of your body drawing away from him. No matter how much you wanted to escape, he didn’t let you. Every time you pulled back, he pushed forward until the tip of your nose grazed against his. The hand underneath your sweater found its way up to support your upper back, his other arm extending out to grip the counter top. Donghyuck now had you pinned in between the island bar and his body and it was too damn hot in the room for this. 
Just as Donghyuck broke the connection to steal a glance at your lips for the second (or third time) that night, the timer alarmed to signal the end of your dare. You lightly shoved your hands against your crush’s chest, ignoring how firm the muscles below you were, to make more room. Once you deemed him far enough, you reached for your cocktail and took a long swig to cool your overheating body down.
Everyone had their own reactions to the stunt: Giselle and Yeri giggling in the corner, Renjun scrolling through the pictures he snuck of the interaction, Jeno and Karina whispering to another about what just transpired. While downing your drink, you made eye contact with Jaemin, who wiggled his eyebrows annoyingly. You were so close to using his pretty face as your punching bag. Ari simply winked at you. You flipped her off in reply.
Even as everyone else moved on, Donghyuck was still stuck on the dare that occurred. 
While taking one too many sips of your drink, you spilled a bit of it, liquid sticking to part of your skin. With no hesitation, Donghyuck used a part of his sleeve to wipe it away. The fingers still tucked into your knit sweater rose up to graze the back of your neck. You shuddered as he pulled his hand away, the warmth leaving with him. Just when you thought it was over, his nimble fingers reached out to fix the Santa headband that was slipping. Your breath hitched  and your crush promptly picked up on it. 
“Do I make you nervous?” he whispered, tacking your name to the end of his question. His voice was lower than usual, the cheerful and bright cadence long gone. The difference in his tone caused your heart to drop to the floor, as if it was free falling from an amusement park’s drop tower at the highest speed. There was no way to pick it back up.
“You wish.”
Donghyuck had the honors of having the last word this time. “I really do.”
No matter how hard you denied it, your best friend did make you nervous. It was apparent when he took the french fry from your mouth and when you had a staring contest. It was even more evident during your next turn, when you were tasked to spin a bottle and kiss whoever it landed on. 
There was no point in even spinning the bottle; you knew your mischievous friends would make you re-spin until you landed on the person they (i.e. you) wanted. You twirled the bottle a total of three times. The first time, it landed in between Jaemin and Ari and the next, it pointed to Renjun who quickly shifted from its path. On the last try, it stopped in the middle of you and Donghyuck. 
Ari’s manicured hand quickly flicked the bottle just enough so the opened end was aimed right at your best friend. “Well, would you look at that?” she giggled. “It landed on Hyuckie.” 
That girl was a devil in disguise, just like her damned partner.
You rolled your eyes. Sarcasm dripped through your words,“Who would’ve thought?” 
“Damn. Is the thought of kissing me that dreadful to you?” Donghyuck asked, lifting his Santa hat to run through his hair. His long fingers pushed back the curled bangs covering his eyes, holding them in place as he awaited your reply. 
The thought was far from dreadful. Nerve wracking was a far better word to describe how you were feeling. Thrilling was another one you could throw into your word bank. 
You ignored the question, too busy handling the butterflies hovering about in your stomach. One almost got caught in your throat when he swiveled your bar stool to face him. You gulped, shoving it back down. 
 “Is it?” Donghyuck insisted you answer him. You couldn’t lie so you abstained from replying. “Oh, you want me to kiss you so bad, don’t you, princess?”
Avoiding his eyes, you muttered, “Let’s get this over with.” 
The next thing you knew, Donghyuck’s rough hands found their way back to your cheeks and tugged you closer. Seizing the opportunity, your best friend closed the distance with no hesitation. His plush lips crashed against yours and the years of tension between the two of  you ultimately snapped. 
As soon as he felt you kiss him back, your body melting right into his grasp, Donghyuck circled an arm around your waist to lock you in his hold. His other hand sneakily traced a path up your arm, creating gooseflesh on your skin, until finding purchase at the back of your head. He cupped your neck to keep you in place and went back for seconds. The first kiss ended and you parted for a mere moment to catch the tiniest breath before you went back at it. 
Donghyuck didn’t care about the crowd and quite frankly, you forgot about the audience. He kissed you hard and you couldn’t stop reciprocating even if you tried. The taste of him was addicting, it was impossible to break away.  
It was official; you were drunk on him within the first kiss. When Donghyuck tightened his grip, you let out a quiet yet pleasured sound. You latched onto his wavy, brown locks only to tug on them. If you went on for any longer, you were sure to have found your way onto his spread out thighs but you were stopped before you could carry on.
Renjun whistled, pulling your attention from Donghyuck’s kiss and back to the real world. 
You slowly opened your eyes, dazed for a moment in time, until you realized what just occurred. Withdrawing the hands tangled in your crush’s hair, you took in your best friend’s appearance–lips red and swollen, hair messy, and eyes half-lidded and completely fixated on your mouth. His chest rose and fell with each breath he took and once his gaze met yours, you swore his pupils grew in size. 
“God damn,” Jeno coughed, clearly flustered by the public display of affection. “Hyuck, you need a moment or?”
“Hmmm?” Donghyuck hummed, his stare unfaltering. He tracked every minuscule move you made, from the way you drew yourself back to create some much needed distance to how your mouth let out little pants to slow down your heart rate. He watched you press the back of your hands against your burning cheeks in a failed attempt to cool down. “No, no, I think I’m good.”
“I honestly think they both need a moment,” Yeri muttered under her breath. 
“Under the mistletoe maybe,” Ari whispered back. 
“The bedroom’s more like it. The card said kiss, not make out for the whole fucking world to see,” Renjun scolded, rubbing his eyes to erase the vision. You probably scarred the poor boy for life. He was most likely debating on whether or not he had to burn his eyes. 
“I think that looked hot,” Jaemin commented, giving you a wink. The heat in your cheeks turned up a notch. “Enjoyed it a little too much, yeah?”
“Of course, you enjoyed it, Jaem. You’re a freak,” Giselle said.
“Hey, no kink shaming here! This is a safe space! I’m going to make you take a shot for that!”
Only then did Donghyuck snap out of whatever trance you had him under. He gave you this enchanting smile that looked even prettier with his puffy lips. You did that to him. A swell of pride coursed through you–you ruined him even if it was just for a moment.
One of his hands dropped to your mid thigh while the side arguments continued. It traced a path to your knee, his thumb stroking your skin back and forth. “Was that okay?”
It was more than okay. Fantastic. Exciting. Stimulating even, judging by the damp feeling in your underwear. Worthy enough for an encore performance. “Yes.”
“Good,” Donghyuck gulped, suddenly shy and less confident than he usually is. “Are we okay?”
The look of a siren took over your features, your eyes flickering to his lips for a short second. Chin pointed down, your eyes then widened when rising up to meet his stare. Your hand settled on top of his, grounding it on your bare thigh. He squeezed your flesh as you answered with a breathless, “yeah.” 
“It wasn’t too much?” Donghyuck asked, leaning into you. 
He always did this–made sure that you were comfortable when put in awkward or unusual situations. Even when he stole your breath away with a kiss or two, the first thing he thought of was you. 
The only response you could give was a shake of your head, causing the headband to fall back yet again. With his light touch, Donghyuck fixed it right up and combed back the stray hairs stuck to your face.
“Good,” he repeated with a satisfied nod. 
He pressed against your thigh once more and you squeezed his hand back. When your hand refused to move, Donghyuck took it as a sign to keep it there for as long as you accepted his touch. As the game went on and the dares entertained the rest of the crowd, you kept yourself amused by running your fingers against his knuckles. It tickled your crush to no end, his hand squirming underneath yours, trying to break free from your crutches but you didn’t let up. 
To prevent it any further, Donghyuck swiftly turned his hand around and tangled his fingers with yours. He kept you in a tight but not squeezing grasp and it took your attention away from your friend group’s shenanigans. 
You missed Giselle refusing to take another shot and reluctantly taking off Renjun’s sweater vest with her mouth, then Yeri answering a “fuck, marry, kill” question, all because of how Donghyuck’s hand molded so perfectly with yours. Your eyes were glued to your intertwined fingers under the countertop, hidden from everyone else’s sight, but so crystal clear for yours. 
Your heart was going crazy, even crazier than when he kissed you in front of everyone. Those were all done for the public but this little moment was meant for you alone. Donghyuck didn’t have to hold your hand. He stood next to you now, his own seat long forgotten, just to be closer to you. You tested something, trying to pull away but his grip around your hand strengthened, as if he never wanted to let you go. 
With a smile on your face, you allowed yourself to lean against him, your arm pressing against his. As you did this, Donghyuck released the hand he held, only to sling over your shoulder. He shifted to hug you from behind, his back bent slightly so he could reach back down to connect your hands again. 
You looked up at him. “Comfortable?”
Donghyuck’s melodic voice hummed in reply and you leaned into his chest as he held you tighter. You held your breath as you felt a bit of his strengthened chest pressing into your upper back. 
When you stood to refill your cup ten minutes later, Donghyuck still held you with his arms circling your waist as you bent and reached across the countertop. Something hard grazed against your butt as you wiggled in his embrace, stretching your fingers to grab onto the half-emptied soju bottle. He emitted the quietest groan and gripped your sides to keep you still. Heat rushed throughout your entire body when the realization hit and a wave of arousal crashed against you.
“Please stop moving,” he said, desperation oozed out of his gentle command. 
The boy couldn’t move you himself, needing you to shield the erection that he was desperately trying to hide. He simply let you out of his hold, long enough to pour yourself another drink, before his arms encompassed you once more. His chin dropped to your shoulder as you sipped on your drink. 
“Sorry, can’t help it,” Donghyuck mumbled into your ear, his lips grazing against your earlobe. The slightest brush sent shivers down your spine and you were sure he felt it. It reminded you of the dare card you received earlier and you wondered if your crush would have the same reaction if the roles were reversed.
“It’s ‘kay,” you hushed back. 
“Is it though?” Donghyuck pushed. “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“I would push you away if I was,” you reassured him before offering him a sip of your drink. 
If you turned back, you would’ve caught his eyes widening at your reply. It was a little spark of hope for the boy but then, he couldn’t be too sure. He refused the cocktail, saying that he should stop drinking for the night. He stressed that he needed to be sober by the end of the get-together to make sure you were alright. 
A call of your name brought you back to the game. The card you drew was a relatively easy one: post a picture with someone or something to your Instagram feed without editing with the caption, “you are the love of my life.” Patting Donghyuck’s sweater-covered arm, you requested his help, “Take a picture with me?”
“Am I the love of your life now?” He threw back, not denying the request. 
You handed your phone to the group’s respective Instagram boyfriend, Jaemin, and giggled. Maybe you shouldn’t have taken that last sip. You were far from drunk but a little past buzzed. “Why? You like the sound of that?”
“I like being called yours,” he flirted back.
“Shut up,” you scrunched your nose at him before turning your attention to the camera aimed at you. 
Jaemin, as expected, took a cute picture of the two of you. 
Donghuck was still draped over you, hugging you waist from behind with his chin resting on your shoulder. While you grinned happily for the camera, your hands covering his larger ones resting on your belly, your friend kept his soft stare on you. He wore a tender smile, honey dripping from his lips and his eyes. It looked like the perfect print for a couple’s Christmas card instead of a drunken dare and you knew this was a picture you wanted to keep on your feed, dare or not. You could always edit the caption at a later time.
Donghyuck continued to hover over you, watching your fast fingers type out the text. You waited together in silence as you hit post, waiting for the picture to upload. When the photo appeared on your feed, you turned your phone around to show the onlookers. Like the hype crowd they were, all your friends pulled out their own phones to like and comment on the post–the girls writing unhinged comments on your beauty or how Donghyuck stole you away from them while the guys drew attention to how long it took you to get together. You were sure the people who weren’t a part of your usual crowd would believe the caption on your post–after all, many often commented on how cute you looked as a couple. Without context, you were sure Mark would be pissed about how you didn’t tell him shit. 
“Alright, alright. It’s your turn, Hyuck,” you said.
“Let me run to the bathroom real quick and then I’ll draw.” 
Donghyuck finally let you out of his warm embrace, heading down the hallway of his apartment, leaving you with the rest of your friends. As soon as they heard the door shut, the group turned their heads towards you. They looked like predators, ready to pounce on their prey.
“Y’all really went at it,” Ari said, “you didn’t even come up for a breath.”
“I felt like I needed to leave the room,” Yeri added on.
“And I felt like I needed to gouge my eyes out,” Renjun dramatically rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t drunk enough for that.”
“You want to drink more?” Giselle perked up, already reaching for his shot glass. 
“Sit your ass down,” Renjun scolded while reaching for food,“I’m driving you home tonight so I’m tapping out.”
“Party pooper,” she argued.
“I mean I could drink more and we could crash here but do you want to stay with Y/N and Hyuck with all this sexually charged energy in the air?”
“Excuse me, what?” you spat out your drink, eyes enlarged as you processed Renjun’s words.
“You heard what I said,” Renjun snapped before turning back to Giselle, “if you’re fine with that, you’re on your own kid ‘cause I’m going home.”
Giselle gave you a once-over and then a sheepish smile. “Yeah, on second thought, maybe not.”
Not over what Renjun said, you whisper-shouted, “Sexually charged energy?”
“Oh please, if we didn’t stop you, you’d probably end up on Hyuck’s lap,” Karina said as she sat at the dinner table across from the island bar. You glared at her, taking in her current position. She shouldn’t even be the one talking; her bare legs rested on Jeno’s lap, her flesh covered by the fabric of his hoodie. You eyed the slight movement of Jeno’s large hand under the hoodie, how it caressed Karina’s thigh.
“Is he a good kisser?” Jaemin wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“You’re such a gossip,” you rolled your eyes.
“Well, is he?” Ari pushed, ganging up on you with her boyfriend.
Thinking back to the hot kiss you shared made you bite your lip. “No comment.”
“She didn’t deny it so that’s a yes!” Yeri stood up, pointing a finger at you. 
You fought the urge to bite it as a small rebellious act. Jeno tugged the end of Yeri’s sweater dress and yanked her back down to her seat. 
“He so wants you!”
“You say that like it’s new.”
What?  Where they implying that your best friend actually had feelings for you? “What do you mea–”
It was then Donghyuck returned from the bathroom. Your group went quiet as he approached, making the lot of you appear suspicious. “Were you dumb asses talking about me?”
“The world doesn’t revolve around you, Donghyuck,” you said while taking your oversized sweater off. 
Being in the hot seat while he was away got you all fired up–you had to find some way to cool you down. Finishing the game in your cropped bra top and skirt would be just fine. 
“Ouch,” the boy clutched his knit sweater right above his heart, the slight tug lifting the material. You caught a sliver of his gorgeous tanned skin and realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath. You swiftly reverted your eyes to the thin deck of cards on the countertop. 
When Donghyuck returned back to his position of hugging you from behind, you froze in your spot. His arms fell over your shoulders, fingertips grazing the flesh of your upper thigh and you did your best to keep it together. 
“Can you draw my card for me?” he asked you, his low voice directly in your ear. 
His warm breath and long hair tickled your neck and you shut your eyes closed. “Huh?”
“It’s too far and I don’t want to reach over you,” Donghyuck whined, his hands sliding up your arms to massage your shoulders. 
You gave into his wishes and reached for a new card. Donghyuck’s grip skimmed your sides, fingers digging into your hips to keep you steady while you leaned forward. His thumbs rubbed little circles on your back as you read the card aloud. “Take a body shot with a person of your choice or finish your drink,” you projected to the awaiting crowd. Fuck. 
Jaemin and Ari’s lips formed twin smirks, satisfied with their front row seats while you slowly piece together that particular dare. Donghyuck refused to let you out of his sight or grip. All partner tasks he had were done with you. Therefore, you would be his person of choice for this dare as well. Could your heart even take this?
Like clockwork, Donghyuck swiveled your chair to ask for your consent. His brown eyes dug deep into yours to check in on you. “You okay with this, princess?”
You gestured to the strong cocktail Ari made him. “Would you rather finish that strong concoction or take a shot? I know you said you wanted to stop drinking tonight.”
Donghyuck shook his head, his luscious hair flopping along with his movement. “Don’t do this because of what I said. That’s not what I asked. Are you okay with this–yes or no?” 
“I–” You were shy but you weren’t unwilling. This game had gotten you physically closer than any other attempts that were made. It gave you a little confidence when it came to Donghyuck’s physical touch. 
When Jaemin and Ari mentioned they had something up their sleeves, you didn’t think a little card game would get you this far. You couldn’t deny the rising tension between you and Donghyuck, especially how it skyrocketed during the many rounds of dares. Neither could you deny the gentler moments sprinkled in the middle of the more intense scenes of the wild night. If all of those moments were leading up to this, why run away from it? 
That was not what Donghyuck was expecting to hear. “Yeah?”
“Let’s do it,” you nodded bashfully. You turned to face your friends, feigning confidence, “We don’t have tequila so hand me some sugar and the apple mango soju.”
Sweet drinks weren’t really Donghyuck’s thing. He was more of a plain soju and beer person but while you were both out at a barbeque place earlier in the year, he mentioned that he liked the taste of apple mango flavor in passing. Months later and you remembered that little fact. Donghyuck bit back a grin. 
He reached out a hand towards you and you carefully placed your hand in his. Donghyuck helped you off your high stool, looking for a place to set you down. The island bar was filled with the food, drinks, and the card game so that wasn’t in the running. The dining table had all the white elephant gifts piled on top, so that wasn’t a choice either. 
His eyes landed on the low coffee table in front of the couch and led you to it, your hand clasped tightly with his. Your free hand held the bottle of soju, the sugar, and the shot glass. When no one was looking, you took a quick swig before seating yourself on the cold, glass surface. Donghyuck kneeled in front of you, wedged between your thighs. 
Your friends followed, jittery with excitement over what was going to unfold. They planted themselves behind the couch, keeping their distance. 
Handing him the sugar shaker, you braced yourself as his tongue licked a spot on your neck.  Fingers and toes curling at the sensation, you cocked your head to the side while he sprinkled a bit of sugar on your skin. You didn’t dare open your eyes until you felt him more than a breath away. Avoiding any sort of eye contact with your friends, you fixed your gaze on the person in front of you, pouring the alcohol into the glass. When Donghyuck finished, he looked up at you with parted lips and a glazed over stare. 
Unable to spit out words, you felt your head move up and down. With your approval, Donghyuck placed one hand on your upper back, the other on your thigh, as he guided you down. You winced when the freezing glass met your skin. A gasp followed when the bottom of the shot glass rested on your bare stomach. 
The room was silent as Donghyuck placed his arms behind his back. You stared at the ceiling as he descended. Struggling to keep your inhales shallow to keep the shot glass upright, you dug your nails into the heel of your palm. Panic and arousal flooded your brain when you snuck a peek of his head in between your legs. First came the tickle of his long hair, then the puff of his breath. The sensations they caused ignited the fire within you and a wetness to leak into fabric, the one that was fueled by another person’s touch.
Donghyuck paused for a moment, peering up at you. Eyes locked onto his target, he kept a steady gaze as his mouth wrapped around the rim of the glass. The sight of him was too sensual, too debauched for your heart to take, you broke the connection and rested your head back on the glass table. A bit of the soju spilled on your stomach when he threw his head back to take the shot. You wanted to wipe the cold liquid with the hem of your skirt; however, Donghyuck beat you to it, his wet lips thoroughly slurping up the remainder. 
To end the dare, your best friend trapped you under him, his arms planted on either side of you. You instantly turned your head to give him more access. One of Donghyuck’s strong hands cupped your jaw to keep you in place as his tongue thoroughly traced the stripe of sugar until it was all gone. He started from where your shoulder met your neck, ghosting all the way up until his nose nudged your earlobe. Donghyuck caught the sharp gasp that escaped you, felt how your hand left crescent moons on his wrist.
One, two, three beats passed until Donghyuck retreated, the scent of his strong cologne whiffing past you as he pulled back. You released a trapped breath and grabbed hold of the hand he offered. Using his strength to bring you back up, your widened eyes met his. 
Unbeknownst to the two of you, your friends had already moved on from the dare and deemed their roles as matchmakers a job well done. They moved from their spots behind the couch and began clean up duty. Renjun placed all the used kitchenware and rinsed them in the sink. Giselle and Yeri threw away all the trash and clutter around the kitchen and dining room area. Jeno and Karina moved like two peas in a pod, working together to put away all the leftovers in the fridge. Jaemin and Ari gathered all the cards, disregarding the points earned, and placed them back in the box. No matter who earned the most points, it was clear who the winners were–you and Donghuck won the game and your prizes were each other. 
Even with the hustle and bustle happening throughout Donghyuck’s apartment, neither of you noticed, too entranced by each other. Donghyuck was completely under a spellbinding haze–the glazed over expression on your face, paired with your heavy breaths and your parted lips–that he just couldn’t help himself. Hidden by the back of your couch, no one witnessed how your crush broke himself out of his trance just to kiss you one more time. 
His lips, still damp with the alcohol that spilled from his messy drinking method, connected with yours. This kiss was slower than the one that took place earlier in the night. Slower but needier. You tasted the sweet soju as your tongues converged. Even with others in the room, who could catch you at any second, Donghyuck never increased the pace. He kept you there with him, warm hands holding your face, thumbs caressing your cheek and the back of your neck, as he lightly bit your bottom lip. 
Unable to control yourself, a quiet sigh broke free when his touch ran up to grab a handful of your hair. You instantly felt Donghyuck react to it. With that boost in confidence, his mouth formed a smirk and let out a breathless chuckle that left you desiring more of him. His hips rocked forward just once, something hard swiftly brushing against your privates, and it was enough for you to release a high-pitched mewl at the contact. When Donghyuck pulled away, his deep gaze was still locked on your puffy lips, now swollen from all the damage he’d done to you. Drawing back again, he took in the whole sight of you from his current spot, kneeling in between your spread legs. 
You were so breathless, chest heaving and body flushed with warmth. The stain on your lips was almost completely gone, what was left of it messily blotched around your mouth. Even if you reapplied it thirty minutes prior,  Donghyuck was almost one hundred percent sure it disappeared because it was smudged on him.
So breathless. So taken. So ruined. 
That was the word. You looked ruined and it was all thanks to him. 
Lee Donghyuck did that to you and he was damned proud of it. Even if nothing else stemmed from whatever this moment–this night–was, Donghyuck would take the overwhelming pride he felt to his grave. No other kiss, no other makeout session, and whatever followed would ever top this exact moment for him. 
You released a quiet giggle and swiped your thumb against his lips. He kissed it as you continued your ministrations, attempting to clean off the bright color that now painted his face. 
Would it be so bad of him if he told you to stop? Would it be okay for him to keep those stains, those little specks of you, on his skin? Was it shameless of him to ask? If it was too brazen, he’d do it anyway–Donghyuck would do anything to be at your mercy. 
“Hey, lovebirds, we’re heading out!” Jaemin called from behind the couch with Ari snuggled up at his side.
The two of you spun towards them and spotted all your friends gathered by the door. Yeri and Giselle were slipping on their shoes, using Renjun as balance as they stood on one foot. Jeno held Karina’s coat, fighting the blush that warmed his face while the girl of his dreams clung onto his arm. If you were in your right mindset, you would’ve commented on that but you were far from it. You were far from sober, too intoxicated not by the many drinks you consumed, but by all the kisses Donghyuck gave you. They were addicting in their own type of way–with his little suckles, licks, and nips. 
“You’re sleeping over, right?” Ari asked, “No need for us to take you home?”
In normal circumstances, you would sleep over with no other questions asked. It was an unspoken rule that you had every time Donghyuck and Mark hosted but this was different than the other times. You just kissed your best friend–the one you usually share a bed with–on multiple occasions throughout the night and there was some sort of invisible string drawing you back to him every single time you pulled away. Ari, as a faithful girl’s girl, was giving you a way out, an option if you didn’t want to take it any further. 
As you debated the choice that was given, Donghyuck continued to breathe you in. Although he had a certain look to him, with all the flirtatious methods he had under his belt, the boy was a one girl sort of guy and that girl would always be you. You didn’t know it but he was saving himself for you. 
To him, you were not another girl he could have a one-night stand with. You were the person he wanted to wine and dine, to take care of at the end of a long day. He wanted to shower you with his love, undying devotion, and kisses so sweet that could rival the taste of your favorite dessert. And yes, this was a risk–possibly the biggest one in his short lifetime–but out of all the risks he took tonight, this was the one Donghyuck was most willing to take. 
You faced Donghyuck, a silent inquiry in your features, as you thought it through. He cocked his head at you, “It’s up to you, princess. It’s okay if you don’t want to sleep over this time.” There was a sense of finality in his low tone, ready to accept whatever answer you were willing to give. 
There was the Donghyuck you knew and loved–always putting your comfort before his own. Even when his hardened state was centimeters away from the place it craved the most, Donghyuck maintained his distance out of respect for you. That alone made you want to stay with him, to explore where else the night could take you. 
You leaned forward and pressed your body against his. Resting your chin on his shoulder, you leaned your head on his and Donghyuck immediately coiled his arms around your exposed waist. 
“I’m gonna stay,” you notified the crowd. Turning so that your lips brushed against his sensitive ear, you whispered just for him to hear, “that’s okay, yeah?”
Donghyuck slammed his eyes shut at your whisper, tightening his limbs that settled around your middle. With his body still in between your legs, you locked him in place by crossing your calves against his back. Your core was now in direct contact with the cold metal of his belt and you shuddered. You sensed the contrasting warmth right below it as you shifted. “Yeah, yeah, it’s okay.”
You could barely maintain eye contact as your friends made their way out the door, “Get home safe, you guys! Text the chat when you get home!”
“Why should we? You’ll be too preoccupied to check,” Yeri yelled back as the front door flung shut.
“You think they’ll finally do it?” Giselle laughed as they all bolted down the stairs.
Karina turned back to face her friend, “Do what–fuck? Yeah.”
“Thank fucking God,” Renjun sighed, “I’m tired of seeing them look at each other like lovesick puppies.”
“They better get together after this or all our hard work was for nothing,” Jaemin scoffed. Ari, still stitched to his side as they stepped outside the complex, nodded in agreement.
“I just feel sorry for Mark,” Yeri winced as they made their way to their respective cars. She pulled out her phone to text the group chat—Mark wouldn’t see it until after his shift at the bar but at least it would act as fair warning. 
“Same,” Jeno agreed. He opened the door for Karina, allowing the girl to slide inside the passenger seat before shutting the door and making his way to the driver’s side. 
“He’ll live,” Jaemin laughed with no remorse whatsoever,“see y’all later.”
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With their friends gone, they were truly alone. No one was left to bother them and the only thing to fill the silence was the Christmas playlist in the background. Donghyuck released out a deep exhale and nuzzled his way into the crook of your neck. His hands were splayed against your thighs, caressing all the bare skin he had direct access to. The feeling of his warmth was contradicting–it heightened your mood but also made you feel so incredibly safe. 
Deep in your heart, you knew that Donghyuck would accept whatever you had to offer. If that meant taking things one step further, then he would pursue the heartracing chase that has been going on all night, running you down with kisses and ministrations that would leave you weak in his clutches. But on the other hand, if it meant that you changed your pretty little mind and didn’t want anything to occur, he would take it like a champ and accept that too. 
Donghyuck’s subtle touches were light and sensual but never broke the barrier. He just held you, his touch sliding up from your knees to the top of your thighs, fingers skirting around the seams of your bottoms to the curve of your ass. His caress didn’t break through any layers, they just lingered as he continued to keep you in his hold. 
You were the one who crashed through the walls that were made. You were the one who called his name, making him turn his chin to face you. You were the one who looked at him so intensely before dipping down to steal another taste of his addicting mouth. And Donghyuck, with all his might, matched  your level of desire perfectly.
When your limbs encased him in your embrace, arms around his broad shoulders and legs locking around his hips, Donghyuck let out a miniscule noise and you took the chance to lick around his split lips. Your tongue snaked its way in, stroking the tip of his for a second, before teasingly pulling away. He prevented you from completely ending the kiss, his hand firmly gripping the back of your head. 
You sighed out his name, falling more and more into him, and that was it for Donghyuck. He stood up and carried you down the hall. When he stopped kissing you in the middle of the hallway, your brows furrowed and you pulled back in confusion. He wore a sneaky smile on his face as he gestured up with his eyes. 
“Mistletoe,” he chuckled.
“You’re impossible,” you said, turning away to smile. He was so impossibly cute. 
“What’s so wrong about wanting to kiss you under the mistletoe?” Donghyuck asked, cocking his head to meet your gaze again.
“Well then, if it’s nothing, then give me another kiss.”
The sweet and light touch quickly turned into something heavier, doused with all the longing you kept locked up deep in your heart. Donghyuck, with the same degree of desperation to love you, matched your intensity. Your back roughly hit the wall as he raised his knee to apply pressure on your center. The slight pain and the definite pleasure blended so well, you moaned loudly. He lifted his knee again to rip another noise out of you and your whimpers were almost too much for him to process.
“Hmmm?” he hummed as he suckled at your neck.
You were practically sinking down the wall, immersing yourself in his kisses. “Room.”
You pried him away from your bruising skin from all his nips and kisses to say, “Your room.” Dropping a kiss to his lips, you begged, “Please.”
Completely in sync, you reached for each other again for another round of urgent kisses. It was the blind leading the blind as Donghyuck stumbled through the narrow walkway to find his room. It would have been easier just to let up for a minute or two but the act of kissing him while desperately searching for his space was so incredibly hot. You were sure it was every girl’s dream to be so carnally wanted by someone to the point of never letting go. You were still processing that you were truly wanted this way by the guy who took up permanent residence in your brain.
You faintly heard the door open and close before you were dropped onto his mattress. You let out a surprise squeal at the unexpected action and he laughed as he slowly crawled over you.
Donghyuck always left his LED lights on even when he was out of the room. You scolded him each time he did it, lecturing him about saving energy, but this was the one time you didn’t. You were glad he left his purple lights on because now you were able to see how truly taken he was by you. 
The lights created a halo around his body and yours. Each of you took a moment to soak up your appearances–Donghyuck with purple lights outlining his lean body, light shadows not enough to hide the affection written all over his face and you with your hair spread across his bedsheets, chest heaving in anticipation, and dilated eyes looking up at him.
Your hands snaked up to the hem of his sweater, tugging at it. It was an unspoken question and Donghyuck answered it instantly, stripping himself of the one layer he had on. Unable to resist, your fingers danced across his bare skin, tracing the lines of his lean muscles. You’d seen him shirtless many times before but never like this. You never had him hovering over you with the feeling of desire coursing through your bloodstream.
Sliding your hands up, you tugged at his long hair to bring him closer to you and his arms faltered for a second. Donghyuck collapsed, dropping so that he rested on his knees and arms. The strands that you played with dangled across your forehead and you reached up to close the distance. 
“I’m going to ask you one more time before I can’t stop myself anymore,” Donghyuck whispered against your lips. “Do you want this?”
No hesitation. “Yes.”
He kissed your breath away, his hands resting against your ribs. Dogghyuck squeezed hushed sounds out of you as he stripped you of your crop top and bra all at once. His hands grasped your breasts, fondled them, while the open-mouthed kisses continued. They drifted from your mouth, his lips marking a path down your neck to your cleavage. Donghyuck teased your nipples with his hand and tongue, watching you writhe with each action he made. Your manicured nails scratched at his back as his licks and pinches quickened.
“God, you’re so–” Donghyuck lost his train of thought when your palm added pressure to the growing need in his pants. 
You struggled to get his belt off in between all his distractions. As soon as you did, your nimble fingers unbuttoned his pants and began to shove his tight jeans down his meaty thighs.
Donghyuck reluctantly ripped himself away from you to do the rest of the work. He did a sloppy job of it all, hopping here and there to wiggle out of his jeans but you didn’t care. You kept your eyes on him, your gaze raking from his head all the way down to the apparent tent in his boxer briefs. Crawling your way to the edge of the bed, you looked up at him while you tugged on the waistband of his last remaining layer.
“Don’t look at me like that, princess,” he groaned while you pulled him back towards you. Donghyuck was beyond ready to risk it all for you, no matter the consequences. Logic and friendship be damned.
“Like what?” You blinked slowly.
His hands went to your hair, tugging you up until you were at eye level with each other. The other arm coiled around your waist and pressed your bare, heaving chests together.“God, do you want to be kissed until you can’t breathe?” 
“By you? Please,” you pleaded again. Donghyuck gave in to you, protecting your head as the two of you fell back. He kissed you as your back hit the bed a second time, his tongue passing over every crevice in your mouth. He met his need to be closer to you by grinding his hips, an action you promptly followed. His hands and yours were in absolute synchronization as they tugged the remaining layers off. 
It seemed like all Donghyuck wanted to do was shower your entire body with his undying devotion, to show you how much he loved you. His lips skipped over the apex between your legs, kissed down your extremities, until he was off the bed with your garments in hand and haphazardly tossed them to the side. 
His hand wrapped around your ankle and dragged your body to the end of the bed. Your heavy breathing increased when you realized exactly what Donghyuck was up to. He shot you an animalistic grin as he dived in with a long lick to your velvet skin.
“Hyuck, oh my god,” you cried.
He sucked on one of your lips and then the other with the same amount of pressure. “Again.”
“Say my name again.” This time, he swirled his tongue around your clit then added pressure with the tip. 
It pushed another winded call of his name out of you and you felt him smirk against you. Donghyuck traced your folds with one finger with a featherlight touch before it ventured inside your aching need. His digit slid right in and out, showing just how much you craved him. His eyes tracked how they eased into you, the sight never boring him in the slightest. 
Adding another finger made you even more vocal, as did his tongue playing with your clit. Donghyuck never let up. Even when your fingers tugged a little too tightly on his hair, or when you trapped his head in between your legs, he refused to surrender. Not when your sugary sweet voice kept calling for him. 
You grew hot, sweat forming on your skin, as he continued to drive three fingers into you with a speed and depth you could never replicate. The noises you made became more incoherent with each second that passed, Donghyuck couldn’t even process that you were calling his name. He was too into you, eyes rolled to the back of his head, moans buried into your skin. 
“Wait, wait–” you screamed, forcefully tugging his head away from you, even though you were teetering the edge.
Donghyuck was dazed, lips and chin drenched by your juices, as you commanded his attention. “D’you want to stop?”
Tears gathered around your waterline, threatening to fall, as you gathered yourself. “N-no but,” you gleaned at the clock on his wall, “Mark–”
Donghyuck possessively growled when his roommate’s name left your lips. He didn’t want to hear anyone else’s name when you looked so disheveled except his. “What about him?”
“He’s coming home soon. He can’t–” Hear us was what you wanted to say. 
Donghyuck, however, did not give you time to finish that statement. 
Shoving his three fingers back into you with determination, you heard the embarrassingly loud squelching noises over your whimpers. Donghyuck seemed into it, a madden and driven expression taking over his face, as he snarled back, “I’ve waited too fucking long to have you like this. I don’t care if he hears you–let him hear you. I don’t care as long as you’re mine.”
His fingers combined with his god-send of a tongue worked endlessly, never faltering, as they brought you higher and higher. Worries worlds away, all you could center on was the immense pleasure coursing through your entire being. Fingers curled around his hair and played with your breast while Donghyuck coerced more noises out of you. Your insistent jerking at his hair and squirming alerted him that you were almost there, you just needed a little more encouragement.
“Be a good girl and cum for me, baby,” he said before his tongue flicked tirelessly. 
The soft order mixed with the new nicknames and his brazen desire to make you come undone was too overwhelming, you had no chance of warning before it all came crashing down. Stars in your eyes, cries bubbling out of your mouth, and hands gripping onto anything within your reach, your whole body reaction was good but not enough to satisfy the greed Donghyuck had in him.
“You sound so pretty, so so pretty,” he whispered as he kissed your pulsing bundle. He stroked himself with a painstakingly slow pace, feasting on the way you lost yourself.
When you came to, you rushed to stake your claim on him. If he had his way with you, then you needed your time and space to do the same. Leading him onto the bed, you positioned him to lean against the bedrest and seated yourself on his thighs. His fingers sank into your ass, kneading your flesh until you rocked in time with his movements. And just when he thought it couldn’t get any better than that, your fingers gripped his lengthening cock and began to move. 
Paired with the hickeys you planted on his chest and neck, Donghyuck was at your complete and absolute mercy. When your tongue circled a nipple, he released a weak noise. Picking up on how much he liked it, you repeated the action on the neglected partner then kissed your way down to his hardened cock. When you held his gaze captive with your siren eyes, you descended, tongue running along the side of him. Your lips ghosted against the area, never engulfing him, to prolong the teasing. 
“Want you to sound pretty, too,” you said as you licked the cum off his tip. “Can you do that for me? Sound pretty?”
Donghyuck let out a small noise that you struggled to hear. 
Withdrawing your mouth, you allowed your hands to do the work. They bobbed up and down at a slow, menacing pace, twisting at the right times. When he grew louder, more desperate, you nosed and smirked against his length before giving him what he wanted. Hollowing your cheeks, you sucked lightly on the end before deep-throating him. Saliva dripped from your lips as you relax your jaw, his tip hitting the back of your throat.
The action shocked Donghyuck, overloading his nerves, heart, and brain that he almost lost all sense of self. The strong charisma he held while taking care of you disappeared, reduced to pathetic little moans and uncoordinated jerks of his hips. 
You heard through the grapevine that he was a verbal lover but you didn’t think he was that noisy. You didn’t mind it though, you took his whimpers and babbles as incoherent praises. Desperate mumbles of your name fired out of his lips and his hands yanked you away before he finished.  
“Sorry, sorry,” he said when his hands tugged harshly on your hair. His eyes were still closed as his lips covered yours. He lapped at your mouth, tasting himself, as he placed you on your back again. He nibbled at your earlobe, so near that he could hear your strained puffs. “Dreamed about this for years, waited too damn long. Can’t end like that.”’
“For years, baby?” You scratched his scalp.
His brown eyes rolled back. “Fuck, I love it when you call me that.”
“Yeah,” Donghyuck exhaled. “Again?”
A begging and pliant Donghyuck was a rare sight, you wondered how hard you could push.
“No,” you said firmly, a hint of a smile breaking through when you caught onto his frustration. 
When he bucked his hips, you clenched and resisted the urge to grind back. “Why not?”
“You’re cute when you beg.”
Donghyuck let out the loudest whine, grinding again. You coiled your legs around his hips, tightening them to lock him in place. Desperation leaking out of him, he continued his actions.  The friction caused by his cock rubbing against your folds was so delicious, you almost gave in. 
“You’re a tease,” he groaned deeply.
“No, that’s you.”
“Please,” Donghyuck’s voice sounded so strained. “I want to hear it again.”
Positioning your lips right by his ear, you gave into his request. “Baby.”
Donghyuck showed you just how much he loved that name by bringing your lips back together. His lower body pressed you against the mattress, hasty ruts making his cock slide against your folds. He blindly reached for his drawers, hand crashing against every surface to search for a condom. In his rush, things scattered about, making the task much harder than it should’ve been. He unwillingly separated from you to retrieve the wanted package and slid it on his fully hardened state.
Hushed, nervous giggles took over when Donghyuck inched towards you. He brushed your loose strands sticking to your cheeks away just so he could see your whole face, all flushed because of him. Placing a gentle peck on your lips, he positioned himself and pushed past the barrier of your folds. Donghyuck took his sweet, sweet time sinking deeper into you and your annoyance grew faster than his pacing.
“Hyuck,” you whined, your mind and body obsessing over the way he felt. His cock was girthy, definitely thicker than his three fingers, but just as long. Just one little thrust by him and he’d hit your spot and you were positive it would feel like heaven. You dug your heels into his back and he keeled. 
“Yeah?” He stilled when he was fully sheathed, breathing heavily at how your body clung onto him.
“Move,” you harshly whispered, pressing your heels again. The stretch he caused wasn’t an overbearing one, it was one you were more than ready to handle. You needed Donghyuck in all definitions of the word but he wasn’t budging. 
“I can’t,” Donghyuck choked when you clenched. You were so tight, affecting him too strongly with the tiniest movements, his mind was conflicted on what to do. A part of him wanted to linger and soak it all in, while the other wanted to lose all sense of control. “You feel so good.”
When you clenched around him again, Donghyuck folded. He never had a chance when it came to resisting you. In the past, he struggled whenever you batted your eyelashes at him or gave him the devilishly innocent puppy dog eyes. How was he supposed to resist your requests when he filled you up to the brim, skin pressed against skin, lips just breaths away from each other? He was at your beck-and-call to the greatest degree and this was the ideal situation to prove it to you. 
His first thrust was sudden, interrupting another request spilling out of your mouth. You choked out an elongated groan and it died in your mouth as he moved again. His pacing may have been slow but it was purposeful. You truly felt every little thing–from the way he drew back to the way your body sucked him back in. A part of you wished to get rid of the condom, so you could make out how the ridges and veins swept your walls, but you knew this was the safer, more logical option. (Plus, there was always the next time.)
Your matched rhythm increased as time passed, sounds of skin slapping and pathetic whines echoing within his room’s four walls. His deep plunges hit the target every-time, his cock directly adding a divine pressure to your g-spot and in response, your nails created dents and scratches on his beautifully tanned skin. Your hands explored every crevice of his body, dragging trails down his chest, arms, and abs. His lips traversed the expanse of your neck and collarbone, before coming back to capture yours in messy kisses.
And when you broke away from his kisses to let out neverending whimpers, Donghyuck knew that you were close. His hand lifted one of your legs over his broad shoulder and that new angle alone made you grip and thrash around the sheets. Your motions were frantic at this point, his hips operating at a relentless pace that you could barely chase. His hands on your hips alleviated you of most of the work, your body too spent in the blaring white, starry-eyed high he was providing. 
His fingers reaching down to pinch your pulsing clit was the final move before you came crashing down. Ecstasy rippled through you and once again, he milked out your cum until your body trembled with aftershocks. He pulled out then, his large hand rushing to finish himself off. 
As you were slowly descending from your high, your one thought was to return the generous favor. Donghyuck jerking himself off to completion didn’t sit right with you. Hazingly, you crawled over to him and swatted his hands aside. The boy was lost in confusion at your actions but it all became crystal clear to him when your face plummeted to his now bare cock, the condom disregarded somewhere on his bed. 
Donghyuck’s tip quickly hit the back of your throat as your hands fondled whatever could not fit. He didn’t last much longer, his groans reaching new heights in volume and his once flourished moves turning into an uncoordinated state of frenzy. Donghyuck, with his tight grip loosening through your hair, said your name once more. His mouth slackened and the long-awaited bliss ultimately reached its peak. 
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A familiar room welcomed you as you opened your eyes the following morning. You blinked away the sleepiness, adjusting to the light that peeked through the blinds. The clock on the wall read eight thirty in the morning, otherwise known as too early to be awake after drinking the night away. Slumber was calling your name but so was your stupid bladder. You unwillingly wiggled out of his embrace, watching and giggling as his body adjusted to the empty space beside him. 
You muttered complaints about the cold in your head as you trudged to the bathroom, picking up Donghyuck’s knit sweater as another layer of heat on the way. While you were up, you took care of your usual morning routine–washing your face with Donghyuck’s skin care products, drying your skin with the towel set he always left for you, and brushing your teeth with the toothbrush that stood right next to his. 
The domesticity of it hit differently the morning after you were intimate with your best friend. Something in the air had changed and you hoped it was for the better. A small part of your heart, the one that was so incredibly smitten with him,  worried Donghyuck would view their night together as a one-time thing. Another part of you, however, believed the words he uttered last night. After all, he said he waited too damn long for this. That had to mean something, right? 
You quickly nestled back into the sheets, shifting until the blankets were up to your shoulders. The shirt Donghyuck dressed you in was big and comfortable but the thin fabric wasn’t enough to keep warm throughout the night. Neither was the sweater you threw on. Your preferred source of heat was inches away, his body scorching despite being shirtless. 
Donghyuck groaned as you attempted to make yourself comfortable. His arms snaked around your middle, spooning you just like he did the night before. His face dug into the back of your neck, his nose prodding the sliver of skin not covered by your bedridden hair. His low morning voice, the complete opposite of the higher pitch he used around the group, made your heart plummet.“Why did you leave me?” 
“I was gone for five minutes.”
“Five minutes too long, princess,” he whined, his fingers skimming up and down your thighs.
“You’re so needy.”
This touch rose at a snail’s pace. He brushed your underwear then moved underneath your clothes to rest his palms on your stomach. “No, I just missed you.”
“Yeah, needy,” you retorted playfully, turning to face him. 
The fond smile on your face matched the expression on his and you kissed him softly. He gave you a second kiss and then a third that allowed you to get lost in him. You noticed and enjoyed every little thing he did–his hands dragging your hips to meet him, the sound caught in his throat when your leg wraps around his middle, his tongue lovingly caressing yours. 
Donghyuck reluctantly broke away from you, trying to create some distance. He grew a little self-conscious upon tasting the fresh mint on your lips. Covering his mouth, he said, “Wait, shit. Morning breath. Let me just—”
“Don’t care,” you muttered, straddling him so he couldn’t escape your clutches. You pulled him back in, smothering your best friend with all the kisses he deserved. You left one on each of his eyes, the pretty beauty marks sprinkled across his face, and over the hickeys you littered across his golden skin. 
He chuckled in between kisses, “Who’s the needy one now?”
“Shut up, you loser,” you rolled your eyes with fake annoyance.
“I thought I was your baaaaaby,” he teased, palms running up and down your sides. You paused at that and Donghyuck noticed. “Hey, what is it? Did I say something wrong?”
“No, it’s just–” 
You released a drawn out breath. 
“You’re thinking a little loud,” Donghyuck’s voice let up, his concern slipping through his words. He cupped your cheek and your eyes met. “But not loud enough for me to hear your thoughts. Wanna let me into that pretty mind of yours?” 
You basked in the way his thumb strokes your cheek so gently and the stars that were shining in his eyes. Lee Donghyuck was many things—a hard worker, a flirt, intelligent, caring, hilarious, a pain-in-the-ass, a brave soul. The list went on and on. He wore many crowns and carried many titles but the one title he did not claim was being yours. 
Donghyuck was your best friend but he wasn’t officially yours. And you wanted him to be. 
In your bright and rose-colored eyes, Donghyuck was a risk-taker. He took the risks he wanted to last night to get you in his bed. But was that all there was to it? The part of your heart that doubted his actions and feelings took over your thoughts, the questions picking at you with no avail.
If Donghyuck could take risks, then why couldn’t you? Channeling the confidence your best friend usually carried, you asked, “Do you need me the way I need you, Hyuck?” 
You reached for the hand resting on your cheek and brought it back down to his bare chest. Fingers interlacing, the back of your hand picked up on his heart pulsating rapidly against his chest. 
As if sensing the doubt in your head, he tasked himself to send the negative musings away. Donghyuck didn’t answer your question directly but the words spilling out of his mouth were more than enough for you. “You are the only dream that fills my head—nothing else but you.” He said your name so tenderly, your heart grew three times—no, a million times—too big. At this point, the muscle and the smile that you wore bursted at the seams. 
Donghyuck laid out his cards in this game of love and it was time to reveal your hand. You squeezed his hand tightly as an act of courage and then took the leap of faith. “I like you,” you blurted out, “so much. Sometimes too much that it hurts.” 
Amused and overjoyed by your confession, Donghyuck rushed up to kiss you. His lips pressing against you so suddenly caught you off guard, you lost your balance in the act. “You are so fucking cute, I don’t know what to do with you,” he muttered in between pecks that made you laugh aloud. 
“Date me?” you suggested with a shy smile. 
“Princess, I’m going to date the hell out of you, just you wait.” 
His kisses eventually subdued and you found yourselves laying on your sides facing each other. No words were exchanged as your heads rested on their respective pillows. You were happy when his words never stopped flowing and when you stared in silence with matching grins. 
You watched Donghyuck’s face contort into one of concentration, his fingers rising above his head to count something, before he turned back to you. “We’ve spent seven Christmases together—”
“Oh yeah?”
“—and this one is definitely my favorite.” 
His confession was beyond sweet, it’s honey dripping out of his mouth. Over the years, Donghyuck wiggled his way into your holiday traditions. There was a lot you’d done over the years, from ice skating to gingerbread houses to movie marathons and impromptu snowball fights. Many of those moments were core memories you kept dear to your heart. Donghyuck admitting this meant a great deal to you and the space your heart had for him increased tenfold. Your heart was now completely his. 
Although they drove you insane with their obvious scheme, you thanked the meddling kids you called friends and their stupid game in your head. After all, they were the ones who encouraged you to risk it all in an extremely unserious and unconventional way.
With that being said, the risks the game of life had to offer were terrifying. They were difficult. If you never took them, they would forever leave you pondering about the road not taken. But when you did take them, risks big or small, they were always worth it. 
Kissing Donghyuck sweetly on the lips, you replied, “It’s my favorite too.” 
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(01:27) Yeri: i’m so sorry marky  (01:29) Jeno: ditto (01:29) Jeno: f’s in the chat for mark (01:30) Karina: f (01:30) Renjun: f (01:30) Yeri: f (01:30) Ari: f (01:31) Giselle: fffffff (01:32) Jaemin: shut up, he’ll be fine (01:45) Yeri: I’ll leave my extra key under my mat if you wanna crash somewhere else, just got home (01:50) Giselle: home, gnite everyone (01:51) Ari: we just got home too, night night <3 (01:55) Jeno: home, rina’s here too (01:56) Yeri: oh??? (01:56) Karina: shut up (02:35) Mark: wtf i just got home, why are you sorry (02:35) Mark: what happened (02:36) Mark: bro hold up i hear noises from hyuck’s room, who else did you invite?? (02:36) Mark: did y/n get sexiled??? where is she??  (02:36) Mark: she’s not in my room, i thought she was sleeping over?? (02:37) Mark: wait—OH MY GOD YOOOO WTF IS THAT Y/N IN HIS ROOM  (02:37) Mark: …oh my god that’s her let’s GOOOOOO (02:38) Mark: omf they’re so loudddddd dude wtfffff (02:38) Mark: fml yeri im coming over 
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AUTHOR'S NOTE. I know it's past Christmas now but I hope you enjoy this holiday fic. It ended up being longer than I thought it was going to be but it's done! My first full fic in quite a bit. The games and hilarity that ensue in this fic are based on one of my drunk game nights with friends. Every time I hang out with this group, something inspires me--we're like sitcom worthy at times lol. Fic worthy even. I hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think.
Happy Holidays and Happy 2024! <3
TAGLIST. @nctsworld @johtenrecs @emmybyeakitty @sokkigarden @hyuckworld @baekhyuns-lipchain @yutaholic-main @moonctzeny @suhnnyskiess @smileysuh @everloving-avenue @justalildumpling @tywritesstuff @mikalovesicecream @carelessshootanonymous @emvrd @taelme @fairyiene @dreamy-carat @smwhrinthehaze
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© sehunniepotwrites, 2023
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
Lmao I'd love to see a fic where batman like. Doesn't talk at all. He just 'hn' and 'hrm's his way through the story like a Minecraft villager. All the bat kids understand him perfectly.
I actually know people irl who can do this, and I've done it myself during bad migraines, it's practically a second language, so I know it's totally possible to have full conversations between two speakers XD!
It'd be another degree of separation between Brucie Wayne, the ditzy, breathy playboy and batman, who used up all his vocal spoons for the day and now communicates solely through unintelligible grunts and sharp hand gestures when he doesn't need to talk to strangers.
Unfortunately, the best way to learn grunt speak is the same way most languages are learned, and there's no written word (outside of emoji, of course): immersion. And the justice league are no longer considered strangers.
This leads to:
Hal: which way do we go, spooky? Where's the tracker pointing?
B: *grunt*
Hal: what?
B: *insistent grunt*
Hal:..... Can we point?
B: *dour look* *slowly raises arm to point left down the street* *sharp, insistent grunt*
Hal, dryly: don't strain yourself.
Damian: greyson. I am calling because father has had an injury and is bed bound for tonight, however Alfred is downstairs and the rest are still on patrol. I am still in the early stages of learning father's intonations. Please translate.
Nightwing, eldest, regularly called for exactly this reason by just about everyone Bruce has ever spoken with since he was a kid, ranging from arkham guards to jl members: *heavy sigh* put him on.
Bruce: hrng...
Nightwing: He's telling you to close the curtains and keep the noise down, he's got a headache.
Damian, over the sound of footsteps and fabric rustling: it truly is just like another language.
N: nah, it's a lot of probability. I've known b for years, I can guess pretty well. There's a lot we can say. For example, that grunt actually carried a lot more meaning, I just trimmed it down.
Damian: truly?
N: yup! If I had to be pedantic, it actually meant 'I am in quite a lot of discomfort, the cause of which is my head, and I am struggling to manage it on my own. Please aid in my cause, my darling sons whom I love dearly -'
Damian: *muffled noise through the phone*
N: that'll be him telling us to shut up. But you can see why I asked you to close the curtains.
Damian: fascinating. I shall take this under advisement.
B, exhausted after a long day of board meetings as Brucie: *moody silence*
Gordon: Batman, how's it going?
B: *glower* *drawn out grunt*
Gordon: that bad, huh?
Supes, during a briefing: I believe it would be best if we attacked from the north, we've enough flying members to crest the mountains and ambush then that way - Batman?
B: *quiet grumble, with pointer fingers moving in semicircles*
Supes: ah, I see. You're right, we'd be too visible if the sun rose behind them*turns to see the other members standing behind him* what?
Flash, bowing at the waist, palms together over his head: teach me your ways, oh mighty bat-speaker.
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runninriot · 20 days
Feel (I Know What You Need)
written for @steddiesmuttyseptember
week 1 prompts: Service Dom, Pillow Princess | rated: E | wc: 4.454 | tags: Pillow Princess Steve Harrington, Service Dom/Top Eddie Munson, Pre Steddie, Hook-Up, Flirting, Teasing, Sex and Feelings, implied Strangers to Lovers | complete fic on ao3
Eddie should’ve stayed at home, shouldn’t have let Chrissy drag him out of the house to go clubbing because look where that got him.
He’s standing alone at the bar, an overprized drink in his hand, watching his best friend having the time of her life after she abandoned him for the cute girl she’s currently kissing in the middle of the dance floor.
And, oh no, don’t get him wrong! He’s not mad at her for leaving him behind to have some fun with a stranger; he’s happy for her. Chrissy deserves to be swept off her feet, to be kissed by a girl that seemed to be genuinely interested in her, maybe not just for tonight.
Because while Eddie has been aware of his sexuality since he was 15 and lucky enough to stick his tongue down both, a girl and a boy's throat in one night for the first time – Chrissy is only now experiencing the benefits of broadening her... hunting grounds.
That’s good for her. Especially after her break-up with that douche Jason – Eddie couldn’t stand him, always knew it would end up in a mess one way or another. He’s glad that guy’s out of the picture.
So, yeah. He fully supports her little make-out session. And he really doesn’t need her to entertain him. He’s good on his own. Knows it’d be easy to find someone else to occupy his time with.
But the thing is-
He's been trying not to do that anymore, to stop picking up random strangers in random places.
Having casual hook-ups is nice and all, but it always feels like something is missing. Like he can’t live up to his full potential because what he craves demands a little more trust, more communication, more ‘getting-to-know-someone’ and that’s just not how one-night stands work.
So, he’s been trying to be good, to hold back and not jump at the next best person that offers him an inviting smile. But then again- Eddie’s a weak man.
He catches himself too late, can’t help but let his eyes roam across the room, scanning the party crowd for potential takers. It's like a sugar rush, addictive in a way, fuel for his ego - and see, the thing is, Eddie's good at flirting, good at reading people to know what they're after.
Like pretty boy over there, for example. Doing his slutty dance moves; fingers seductively gliding across his mesh-covered upper body, touching his face, stroking through his own hair – confident, horny. He’s good-looking and he knows it, knows he’s got eyes on him, not just Eddie’s.
Eddie can practically hear the girls to the guy’s right gush about him when he sees them giggle and blush while daring to turn their heads every now and then. And there, watching him closely from the left corner, licking his lips like a greedy snake when the guy on the dance floor sways his hips to the beat, is a dude that probably thinks he’s hot shit with his gold chain around the neck and too much gel in his hair.
But neither of them have a chance, because it’s Eddie, who catches his attention when he opens his eyes and stares right at him before making his way over to the bar that’s conveniently also where Eddie is.
This is almost too easy, really.
Eddie can read him like an open book; the yearning in his eyes is visible from miles away and his body language is speaking volumes. Eddie knows exactly what that guy wants and this could be his lucky night because-
Eddie's suddenly feeling generous.
“Never seen you here before,” pretty boy says as he leans over the counter, waiting to get the bartender’s attention.
Eddie doesn’t hide the way he’s checking him out head to toe, eyes lingering where the guy’s bent over the edge of the counter with his juicy behind on display, hugged by a tight pair of shorts that’s sitting dangerously low on his hips, revealing a sliver of bronze tinted skin dotted with moles.
Everything about pretty boy’s outfit screams ‘easy to get’ but he can see in in his eyes that it’s all part of an act.
That guy is anything but easy. He’s the type of person that wants to be conquered – you either prove you’re worth his attention or he won’t grace you with more than a derogatory look.
Eddie is so up for the challenge.
   “First time,” he answers curtly, hiding a smile in his glass when he finishes his drink. “Not my usual crowd.”
He’s feigning disinterest while already undressing the guy in his mind, throwing away any half-hearted intention to stay alone tonight.
The guy’s too pretty to be left unsupervised. Someone needs to keep an eye on him, make sure he’ll get home okay.
There are too many creeps just waiting for a delicate little thing to cross their paths, ready to sink their dirty fingers into places they do not deserve to stain with their greedy hands. They’d only cut themselves on his sharp edges anyway.
Eddie, on the other hand, knows how to take care of a beautiful rose with thorns, wouldn’t mind a few scratch marks as a reward for his efforts.
Without looking away from him, Eddie lifts two fingers – the petite brunette behind the bar has been eyeing him up all evening, he knows she’ll see him.
Sure enough, not a minute later, two drinks are placed in front of pretty boy whose eyes widen when Eddie grabs one of the glasses and silently offers him the second with a nod.
   “Impressive,” the guy snickers while rolling his eyes, trying not to give away how much it bothers him that Eddie managed to get him served that easy. “I’m Steve.”
He doesn’t offer his hand but instead, straightens his posture and turns to fully look at Eddie, giving him an obvious once over.
   “So, what brings you here? You said this isn’t your usual crowd.”
Eddie’s eyes flick over to where Chrissy is dancing arm in arm with her girl and he smiles to himself when he turns his focus back to Steve.
   “Guess I just wanted to try something different.”
   “And? Was it worth it?”
Steve holds his gaze and Eddie could probably get lost in the other guy’s hazel eyes. But he’s a man with a plan and he’s getting tired of their pointless conversation.
Time to cut the chase.
   “Music sucks,” he says, leaning just a little bit closer, “but I sure had a fun time watching the dance floor.”
He doesn’t miss the bob of Steve’s Adam’s apple when he swallows roughly, imagines what it would feel like to follow the movement with his tongue.
   “Yeah? Saw something you liked?”
Steve inches closer almost as if he doesn’t realise it, eyes still transfixed on Eddie.
   “Still do.”
continue reading here
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giginings · 9 months
dress - h.yj
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warnings: slight fluff, angst, smut, best friends to strangers to lovers, slowburn (?), drinking, honestly reader and yunjin are both gay drunk and in love, not proofread
nsfw warnings: dom!g!p!yunjin, sub!reader, oral, breast play, slight degradation (ex: slut, whore), dumbification, drunk sex, p in v, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), she finishes inside, implication of aftercare
playlist: dress — taylor swift
word count: 3k (3,047)
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Being friends with Huh Yunjin was a blessing and somehow a hell of a curse at the same time. She was sweet, delicate, caring and absolutely beautiful. The kind of girl anyone would want. Perfect material for a best friend, and thankfully, she was yours. You wouldn’t trade it for the world.
However, being around while she had to gently reject handfuls of guys was petrifying to witness, feeling the embarrassment for whoever was brave enough to ask the girl out. You didn’t understand it, it wasn’t like anyone who had confessed to her wasn’t good looking, but whenever you’d ask she’d simply reply with “Why would I date them when I have you?”
And every time you’d have to push down the butterflies that would appear in your stomach.
All throughout high school, the two of you did almost everything together. There was nothing that either of you didn’t know about the other. For example, you knew that her English name was Jennifer. So, from that point on, she was always Jennifer, or Jen, or Jeni. Oddly enough, she didn’t seem to like anyone else calling her that but you.
No one ever saw the two of you apart, and if you were, you’d spend the time apart calling or texting. You were forever Huh Yunjin’s best friend and she was forever your best friend. That’s how it was.
Until it wasn’t.
It was junior year, and instead of seeing her by her locker, one foot planted on it, headphones on, she wasn’t there. No biggie, she’s probably just running late. She wasn’t. She had arrived perfectly on time with some girls you hadn’t known, and honestly they looked like they would chew you up and spit you out if you had even come close to them. But, no one was going to stop you from talking to your best friend, so you pushed down your fears and made your way over.
The silence as the 5 of you blankly stared at the other was deafening, but you walked over there for a reason. “Uh…you weren’t waiting for me by your locker Jen, is there like, a specific reason why or…?” The other three girls looked at Yunjin expectantly. Your best friend looked you up and down, her gaze a bit condescending. “Do you expect me to be there everyday waiting for you to get here? I don’t have time for that, you know. I have classes to get to.”
Her tone caught you off guard, she had never acted this way toward you. “No, I just— I thought it had become like our routine now.” You had originally expected a response from Yunjin until one of the girls beside her started to speak in her place. “So what, now she can’t hang out with other people? She has other friends, ___.”
You didn’t know what to say. Looking at all of their faces, and then Yunjin’s…it was probably best for you to just go.
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It had been a month. 4 weeks. 28 days since you and Yunjin had talked.
You two shared quick glances at each other in the halls while you each rushed to your respective classes, but it wasn’t enough. Even your parents had started asking you where she was, and why she hadn’t come by recently. Nothing was the same without her. Everyday you silently hoped that she would be by your locker like she used to be, and she never was. And you were starting to think she wouldn’t be, ever again.
Huh Yunjin is so mean. So, so mean.
That was what you said to yourself as your head rested on the cold metal of the locker.
Quickly being brought back to reality by your newfound friend, Chaeryeong, you turned your head in her direction to be met with an expression of pity on her face that you so didn’t want.
“___, you really have to figure things out. Either talk to her and rekindle your friendship, or don’t and never speak to each other again. Take your pick, babe.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, she told you this every other day.
“Chaer, seriously, I’ll talk to her soon!” You heard a scoff from the girl beside you.
“Yeah, right. You say that every time. When is ‘soon’, ___?”
With that, she walked away and left you to wallow in your thoughts. At this point you really should just give up. You and Yunjin would never be friends again.
“…What’s up with you?”
Despite the tone of their voice, you were oddly excited to hear it. Turning around to see the redheaded girl before you, the magnifying smile on your face was basically impossible to hide. “Jen!” She’d give you a slight smile back, not showing nearly as much teeth as you did. “Hi, ___.” You’d switch between standing on the ball and heel of your feet, clearly exciting to be talking to her after so long.
“So, um, what did you need?” She’d peek behind you, and then meet your eyes again. “I, just, um,” —she’d point her finger, and you’d turn to look in the direction of her index, “need to get to my locker.”
You had never been more embarrassed in your life.
“Oh! Oh, yeah, sorry.” You’d quickly mutter, moving to the side so she could get her stuff. You felt so entirely stupid. Of course she wasn’t there for you, why in God’s name would she be there for you? The slam of her locker closing brought you back to reality as she gave you a quick wave and strutted down the hallway. Your eyes made sure to follow her the whole time.
The shrill sound of the bell that rang throughout the hall let you know it was time for class, and as you walked towards Chemistry, you prayed that the rest of the day wouldn’t be as…humiliating.
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That was years ago.
After high school, the two of you went to different universities and never really saw each other again. Right now, you found yourself thinking of her again. Was it anything new? No. It wasn’t like you had anything better to do though, considering you were sitting alone by the bar of the club Chaeryeong had dragged you to against your will. As your best friend was busy backing it up against some random, you sat swirling your drink in it’s cup. You never really were one for clubs or bars anyway. Too loud.
It reeked of marijuana and alcohol, and the body heat that was radiating from the drunken, pervy guys around you began to get suffocating. There was no fucking way you could stay any longer than you already had. Paying for your drink and texting Chaeryeong to let her know you were leaving, you swiftly got up and made your way to the door before feeling a warm but firm grip on your arm. Obviously you were extremely frightened, ready to uppercut punch whoever was crazy enough to grab you until you realized it was a very, very familiar face.
That was all you could force out of your mouth, your expression laced with confusion. She still had that same charming smile. The girl seemed to have barely gotten any older, but you couldn’t say you expected her to. “Hey. You probably weren’t expecting to see me here, were you?” You realized that you actually were really happy that she was there, a smile finding it’s way onto your face. “No, I— I can’t say that I did, actually. But, I am glad that we’re talking again.”
“Yeah, me too. Are you here with anyone, or…?” You shook your head in response. “Uh, I was, but I was just about to leave. Clubs aren’t really my thing, y’know?” Yunjin silently agreed with a nod, taking a sip of her drink. “Yeah, they aren’t really mine either. I’m here with my friend, Chaewon. She should be…somewhere over there?” The redhead pointed her finger towards the dance floor where you saw who you assumed to be Chaewon swaying her hips to the music, drink in hand.
“Well, she looks like she’s having the time of her life.” You say, turning your attention back towards Yunjin.
She chuckled in agreement, doing a once-over of your face. “You still look as good as ever, y’know?”
“Really?” You said in response, looking down into your cup. “Really.” You mentally cursed yourself for blushing so easily, the pink tint that painted your face getting harder to conceal. Looking back up at her, your eyes met her hazel ones. “You aren’t too bad yourself, Jen.” Her grin grew wider, tongue poking the inside of her cheek. The taller girl looked up, scanning the club before setting her drink down on the table.
“So, you said you were on your way out before I caught you, right?”
You nodded in response.
She grinned, opening her mouth once more to say, “I don’t really have the desire to stay here much longer either, so maybe we both could leave? Like, together?”
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The kiss that the two of you shared was heated, her hands frantically roaming your body before reaching to help you take off your jacket. The article of clothing was quickly discarded, being thrown across Yunjin’s living room and forgotten. Everything about this was sloppy, and rushed. As if you both had been waiting for this since forever. The girl made quick work of having you up against the wall, her knee slotted in-between your thighs. Her teeth nipped your bottom lip, eliciting a whimper out of you.
Her lips started to trail down to your neck, suckling on the tender skin and leaving behind a purple bruise. Your hands made their way to the hem of her shirt, tugging it up. “Off, want it off.” You muttered, and she scrambled to tug her crop top over her head before treating it the same she did with your jacket. Her cold but gentle fingers played with the hem of your jeans, teasing you ever so slightly.
Pulling away from the kiss to catch her breath, your lips chased her own as a string of saliva connected the two of you together. “Needy little thing, aren’t you, Angel?” She’d say, tugging your pants past your thighs along with your underwear. Running a finger up your slit, you gasped from the sudden contact. “Fuck, you’re drenched. Who’s this for, baby?” The pet name went straight down to your cunt, clenching around nothing at her words. “You, only for you, Jen,” you managed to whimper out.
You felt her lips surround your aching clit, a gasp slipping past your mouth. Her tongue swirled around the bud, your eyes meeting her own. The pink muscle trailed down to your hole, her nose pressing against your clit. She made sure to keep eye contact with you as she tongue-fucked your entrance. A lewd moan emitted from you, pleasure spreading throughout your body. You notice her straining against her jeans, and you can’t help but whimper as you imagine her cock stretching you out.
She pulls away from your cunt only to mutter something about how sweet you taste, before going back to devouring your pussy. Her hand trails up to rub your clit, pinching it ever so slightly and you yelp in response. “Jen— feels so fucking good, please—“ You didn’t quite know what you were begging for, but it was like she understood you perfectly. She licks a long strip up your slit, sending shivers down your spine. Your thighs threaten to close around her head, but her hands quickly force them back open. You could feel yourself getting close, and Yunjin read you like a book. “You gonna cum? Go ahead, make a mess in my mouth, angel.”
She quickly pressed the pad of her thumb into your clit, instantly sending you over the edge. You felt your orgasm rushing over you, the feeling a bit overwhelming. Coming down from your high, she pressed a gentle kiss against your bud, making you shiver in response. Standing back up on her feet, her chin and lips glistened with your juices. The redheaded girl pulled you in for a kiss, a mewl eliciting from you as you tasted yourself on her tongue. She’d lift you up, carrying you to her couch and gently setting you down, her lips never leaving yours even for a second. Tugging your shirt up over your head and unclipping your bra, the girl bent down to suckle on your breasts, slightly pinching your other nipple. You whimpered slightly, reaching down to unbutton her jeans. She’d chuckle in response. “Impatient, are we?”
“Don’t tease, Jen. Need you, right now.” You said with glossy eyes, desperate for her to fuck you. Yunjin would do the rest of the work for you, pulling her hardened cock out of her boxers. Realizing how big it really was, you couldn’t help but bite down on your lower lip, feeling yourself get even wetter. Aligning herself up with your entrance, she’d tease your hole with her tip. “Gonna go in now, ‘kay?” You’d nod. Slowly, she’d push herself into you, hissing at the warmth of your cunt. Your mouth fell open at the feeling of her cock, the sting mixing in with the pleasure. “Goddamn, you’re tight— gonna fuckin’ split this pussy open, baby.” She’d say through gritted teeth.
Slowly starting to thrust into you, she let you adjust to the stretch. At first, it stung just the slightest bit, but then the pain left as soon as it came and left you wanting more. “Need you to go faster, Jen…” You heard her curse under her breath at that. “Faster? Okay, then.” She started to fuck you faster and harder, an almost pornographic moan sounding throughout the room from you. Her hand reaches up and rolls your nipple in between her fingers. “Fuckin’ love these tits, baby.” You whine at that, your fingers reaching to intertwine with her own.
Her movements speed up, hips thrusting into you even faster than before. The lewd sound of skin slapping against skin and the squelching of your pussy every time she fucked into you spurred Yunjin on even more. “Look at you, creaming all on my dick. You’re a slutty girl, aren’t you?” At this point, you were entirely gone, only focused on the feeling of her cock pounding your cunt. “Yesyesyes, only for you, Jeni!” Your nails dug into her hand as she reached to hike your legs over her shoulders, allowing her to drill into you even harder. You let out a choked moan, feeling her reach just the right spot. Tears started to well up in your eyes, the pleasure getting overwhelming. “That feel good? You like how I fuck you, baby?” You’ve been rendered completely senseless, not even able to form coherent sentences anymore. She’s left you completely a mess, your lipstick smudged, mascara streaking down your cheeks.
“Gonna fill this pussy up, make you all mine. Bet you’d like that, right? Want me to knock you up?” Yunjin’s totally pussydrunk off of you, saying whatever comes to mind at this point. She’s always had a liking to you, and you were completely oblivious to it. Until now, of course. You nod, agreeing with whatever she’s saying. Her words go through one ear and out the other, you can’t be bothered to listen. Not when she’s fucking you this good. “Yes, fill me up, Jen, want your cum, please!” She thrusts hard into you at that, hissing as you clench around her. “Fuck, squeezing my cock like a whore, baby—you gonna make a mess on this dick?” You can’t even reply, gaining a sinister grin from her. She knows she’s fucked you completely stupid. Your eyes practically roll to the back of your head, lips parted and swollen from you biting down on them. Everything was hazy for you, all your senses clouded and filled with her.
You both were sticky and hot and sweaty, and the room reeked of sex, but it wasn’t like either of you could be bothered to care. “Jeni, fuckfuck—“ Your nails dug into her arm, starting to draw blood. Yunjin bent down, suckling on your neck and collarbone. “Shh, it’s okay, cum for me, baby.” Instantly, everything seemed to go white. A broken cry left your mouth as you creamed all over Yunjin’s dick, her own orgasm following shortly after. The feeling was overwhelming, the girl’s thrusts getting softer and softer. The room was filled with pants and heavy breathing. The redhead sat back up to pull out of you, a whimper slipping past your lips. Yunjin watched as both of your juices mixed and spilled out of your cunt, muttering something under her breath. “Fuck, that’s so hot.”
Looking back up at you, the girl peppered kisses all over your face and neck, whispering small praises about how good you did for her and how proud she is. Brushing away strands of hair that stuck to your forehead, she’d smile slightly. You felt butterflies in your stomach, it was clear to see that she had nothing for you but love. “You okay? You wanna take a shower?” Returning the smile back at her, you found it funny how different this Yunjin was from the one you saw just moments before. You definitely weren’t complaining though, you loved both sides of her. “Yes, I’m amazing, Jeni. And yes, I’d love a shower. I think we’d both benefit from taking one.” You said with a slight chuckle.
Nodding in agreement, she’d pick you up bridal style and plant a small kiss to your lips. “Shower it is, then.” You suddenly held a finger up, making her pause. “But, I think we can wait a few, right? Right now, I think we should just…stay here.” Grinning down at you, she’d nod and set you back down. “That is completely fine with me too.”
If you expected to end the night any way at all, it wasn’t to be wrapped up in Huh Yunjin’s arms, but it wasn’t like you’d have it any other way.
“There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo„
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elisabethdeep-blog · 3 months
Gotta make a post about my best DunMeshi neurospicy boi
Lotta content out there about Laios' autistic traits but where o where is the Senshi rep?
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Senshi's dedication to Dungeon trophic systems makes Laios' special interest look like a well-thumbed pamphlet. (Granted Senshi has had significantly longer to cook; Laios is a baby).
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Senshi's limited emoting is baked-in to his character model- that thousand yard stare, most of his face occluded by his habitual helmet (masked, even...... How many folks pine for covid masks obviating the need to manage their faces constantly?)
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He overheard someone mention his special interest and Walked Right Up to a Group of Strangers to brazenly asplain them a thing. Marcille makes a bridge-mending bid regarding the mosses in the scorpion hotpot (after her previous truculent outbursts) and he totally deadpans her, because he didn't even notice.
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He is VERY COMMITED to his ethical position on dungeon ecology. More than once he's disrupted Marcille Right at the point of release of a spell, after she's been chanting for like a paragraph, because she's going to contravene some principle of his.
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Speaking of Marcille, he demonstrates some pretty rigid, black-and-white thinking around magic, that doesn't seem internally consistent. He's repeatedly reanimating magical constructs (golems), an explicitly controlled magical act, but is Very Very reluctant to submit to being charmed with WaterWalk; his spoken reasoning about this just doesn't hold water.
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Oh and he's totally neglected his personal hygiene for basically ever. He's averse to cleaning up for the sake of being bespelled, but other than magic, seems fine with getting the salon treatment. This isn't a Toph Beifong 'protective layer of earth', he's just forgotten to care about not being covered with monster gore.
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PDA? The fellow has one (1) social skill, namely, he exercises any discretion on opening his mouth to argue. But that holds him back exactly NONE when he decides he's done listening. The first time we see this is gathering Mandrakes, when he doesn't SAY he's done with Marcille's opinions, but he Does just go ahead and exercise his damn autonomy. a MUCH stronger example is when Chilchuck is guiding them through the trap rooms. Senshi gets roundly (and rightly!) chewed out by Chilchuck, and his response isn't the sensible 'sorry Chilchuck, maybe I could walk more directly behind you so I can more closely match your steps', but to BRAZENLY DANCE ALL OVER THE TRAP FLOOR! the only reason that doesn't kill the whole party is The Plot. It's not even that he doesn't appreciate Chilchuck's skill- he just don't like getting chastised! Same with Anne the Kelpie! Senshi's gonna do what Senshi's gonna do! He WILL not be rushed, he WILL not be chastised, he WILL not be directed! How do we think he came to be living in a dungeon all by himself in the first place!!
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Look there's more. After Chilchuck's impassioned and heartfelt plea, Senshi suggests they should return to the surface because they're 'low on seasoning'.
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He's a dwarf who turned his adamantium shield into a cookpot.
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He can meticulously maintain his mithril cooking knife but not his axe.
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He responds well to other characters meeting him halfway but initiates few (no?) such bids himself. There's rarely any guile in Senshi, and when he is being shifty, he's Bad At It- and again, usually its in service of demand avoidance, like when he capitalises on Marcille's toilet break to reanimate his golems.
Senshi is the monomaniac that society has spent Decades trying to iron out of my wrinkly brain.
I hope to see him also find a place in the neurosparkly constellations.
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yerimbrit · 3 months
let you break my heart again : m. danielle
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synopsis: was it wrong of her to miss you, even though she was the one that got away?
# : pairing ! danielle marsh x gn!reader
# : tags ! part 2 of lovergirl, angst with a happy ending, fr this time, from dani's perspective, best friends to strangers to lovers, unresolved feelings, title from a laufey song, i listened to a lot of niki and w2e to cry this out, this could go two ways: i'm sorry for making this; and i'm happy you cried
# : wordcount ! 8.1k
# : warnings ! none
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danielle thought that leaving you would help her forget about you.
keyword: thought. because all she could think of since returning to korea is you.
the night before she left, you had a sleepover with her. danielle's sudden departure was unplanned—she was supposed to leave three days later. it's not like she was expecting to leave in the dead of night, either.
when she debuted in newjeans, she was able to distract herself from you, albeit only somewhat. the schedules—photoshoots, recordings, music video filming and whatnot—they keep her busy, leaving no time for her to think about her unresolved feelings.
but on her off-days, when their ceo graciously grants them a break (which, unfortunately, is pretty often. a blessing and a curse within itself) she's left with plenty of time alone with her thoughts, when she's not with her family or members. it also gives her plenty of time to think about you and your awkward, charming little smile.
okay, she admits it. she misses you. a lot. it's like life without carrots... that's a bad example. it's like... the moon without the sun. you two were like two peas in a pod.
and then danielle went and ruined it all by leaving. all to escape the feelings she harbored for you. but the words uttered that night were simply too dangerous. too... tantalizing. and if she had taken the chance, she would've chosen you over her career.
her inner dilemma is interrupted by a sweet-sounding voice—hanni, her older member who she's very close to. danielle is handed a plastic water bottle, cold to the touch, and she gratefully accepts it from the shorter girl's offering hands. the cool liquid flows smoothly down her throat, refreshing her senses after the exhausting performance they just had for their comeback.
hanni rests her hand on danielle's shoulder in concern. "you okay?"
"yeah," she answers, twirling a strand of her curly hair with her pointer finger, "just thinking about home."
a pause. the older girl purses her lips, and sighs. whenever danielle thinks about home, she gets into this mood.
it has three levels: one. she's a little down, but will invite the first person she sees out for a walk. and instead of being the one talking, she urges them to be the talker for the day; the opposite of how she usually is.
two: she's really down. it won't just be a walk, she'll be out of it most of the time, and will need to be distracted by something extraordinary, like a beach picnic on a nice, sunny and warm day with lots of fruits and vegetables, and extra carrots of course. that, or visiting haerin's dog.
...and three: she won't leave her room at all. nothing will get her out, not even carrots or a cute animal sighting outside of the newjeans dorm. no one is allowed in, and if you pressed your ear against the door you could very faintly hear her breaking down. after almost a day, one of the girls is let in to give her dinner and maybe stay for a few minutes for emotional support. (it's random every time, but haerin is usually the one to go.)
right now, she's in stage two. it was a simple music bank performance, but she'd allowed herself to make a couple of mistakes in the choreography once the line that reminds her of you was sung. on top of that, she had around five dance challenges to film with various idols, and those tired her out one after another.
sometimes, she questions the necessity of these tiktoks. sure, she gets to meet a lot of people, and that's fun because everyone is just so nice, but lately she's been wanting to just go home.
she's pulled up by the shorter vietnamese girl, out of her sitting spot in their green room. minji and hyein are by the door behind them, and haerin could be seen talking to their manager just outside.
"well, it's time to go home. what do you say about watching the little mermaid after dinner?"
danielle wanted to go straight to her room and faceplant into her bed, but she can never say no to watching the little mermaid.
hanni grins and takes a step back. "and you know you can talk to us."
the statement makes her bite her lip. it's true, she knows that. she's confided in them a few times, but they don't know much about you other than the fact you were childhood friends and that danielle is very much still in love with you.
"i know."
with that, they set off to go back to the dorm.
everyone falls asleep in the van except her. the sky has turned dark, and all she could see outside is the city lights zooming by.
she's taken back to the nightly walks that were a regular for the two of you. you always said that something about it speaks to you, the way the moon casts an illuminated glow over the scenery.
you'd always adored the city lights. and danielle adores you.
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it's chilly out on the rooftop, though soon it'll turn to hot, humid summer nights. danielle doesn't mind it; it reminds her of australian summers.
she sighs and leans against the railing. she still hasn't quite snapped out of her despondent state, despite hanni's best efforts to cheer her up via happy disney movie.
tonight is a waxing crescent moon. it's accompanied by the twinkling stars which light up the night sky. it's beautiful—danielle wants to just reach out and grab them, hold them up to her face so she can admire their beauty from up close.
alas, she can't. so she takes a lollipop out from her pocket and unwraps it. her mom always says to not have sugar late at night, but she supposes today is a special occasion. when was the last time she got to enjoy a good old late night snack, anyway?
it's a burst of cherry that she tastes as soon as the candy touches her tongue. maybe she should've picked green apple. or watermelon. cherry is getting kind of old.
a breeze blows by, and danielle shivers. her fatigue has been making her more susceptible to the cold. she pulls the sleeves of your her worn out hoodie over her hands, and takes a deep breath. it doesn't smell like you anymore, but it does create the illusion of being held in your embrace. hanni and minji have told her to get rid of it countless times, but she can't bring herself to. every time she tries, it's like the mickey mouse on the front of the garment is mocking her. "this is like, the last thing you have of her. you're not really gonna throw me away, are you?"
"i miss you," she says to no one in particular. no one that is currently present, anyway. you're probably still in australia, with new friends and new beginnings. or maybe you've started planning the opening of that bookstore you were going to open with her. except you'd be opening it without her now.
"i still love you. i meant what i said at the sleepover," danielle sniffles into the sleeve. "i don't know if you remember, you were sleeping. you're so cute when you're sleeping, is that weird to say?" she laughs, the tears still burning in her eyes. she wipes them away using the back of her hand. and, just for a moment, she swears she can smell you when she pulls on the drawstrings to bring the fabric tighter against her skin.
("you can't be serious."
danielle giggles as she feels your body sink into the space beside her on the mattress.
"you think i could make that up?" she teases, her gaze flickering over to you. you're now leaning on your palm, facing your body to danielle.
you fake a wince, holding your hand to your chest as if her words shot thorns through your heart. "ouch. you don't think i believe you?"
the soon-to-be trainee only shrugs, moving to lay flat on her back. your room is completely dark, save for the plethora of barely functioning glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to the ceiling. danielle feels your breath fanning her neck. "i do think you believe me."
"but there's no way he actually said that to her."
"you'll really just have to trust me on this one, y/nnie."
there's no response after that. danielle turns her head in your direction, watching your soft features fully relax in dim, pale-green lighting. there have been many times where she has seen this exact scene, from the numerous sleepovers you've had, but this one is different.
danielle fixes your position so that your head is tucked under her chin. she buries her head into your hair.
and it may seem cliché to do this while you're in a peaceful slumber, but she takes the leap of faith anyway. she's not naïve, she can pick up on the hints you drop her. she knows that you stare at her every chance you get, when you think she's not looking. that you do the littlest things for her, that you wouldn't even think of doing for others. that she could tell you to fetch the moon for her, and you'd come back with the whole milky way galaxy in your arms.
and she won't lie; she would do the same. she does do the same.
you, the moon to her sun. her breath of fresh air in a suffocating labyrinth. her source of light in the dark.
"i love you.")
fearing rejection, danielle snuck out in the middle of that night, going back home to pack her bags and catch the earliest flight to korea. to this day, she doesn't know why she did it. spur of the moment? or pure cowardice?
"i miss you so much. i should've stayed," she weeps into the night, wiping hot tears with the dark blue material. it's soaked at this point; she'd need to give it another thorough wash. "do you still love me?"
danielle wonders if you have ever spent a night breaking down under the stars, like she has done many times before. she wonders if her feelings will reach you, if all the things she's told the stars about you have overflowed all the way to where you were.
she gazes up at the sky one last time before shuffling back down to the dorm. her steps feel heavier, and she's exhausted. it feels like she could pass out any minute, but she'd much prefer to do that after she's in bed.
all the lights are off, which means everyone is probably sleeping—it's past midnight, after all. danielle quickly discards the finished lollipop stick and wrapper in the kitchen trashcan, and makes her way over to the corridor leading to their rooms. haerin's door is slightly ajar, an unspoken message of 'if you need me, just come in' that had been established since their trainee days, a habit that started when danielle started opening herself up to the other girls. the younger girl's company is appreciated and very comforting, but she won't need it tonight.
the australian languidly opened her bedroom door, sauntering through the entrance before shutting it behind her with a quiet thud. she maneuvers herself as best as she can through the mess that is her room, making a beeline for her bed. in the process, she bumps into a box with her foot, nearly falling over.
"wha-!" she yelps, taking a moment to catch her breath before her expression softens. she cautiously steps over the box to turn on her desk lamp, then moves the box to the desk to reveal its contents. it's filled with a bunch of her old stuff from australia.
school merch, trinkets and toys, old school projects, and more. what danielle focuses on is the pristine photo album sitting on top of the pile, and upon removing it, an unopened letter.
she can already feel more tears welling in her eyes.
as much as she'd like to go straight to reading the letter, she goes through the photo album first. unsurprisingly, it's full of her baby photos and family pictures. but as the her in the photos got older, she gained a companion... you.
at this point danielle's crying again. she'll have to remind herself to drink water later.
the both of you look so happy. so innocent. you and her covered in mud from that one day at the park. her feeding you ice cream at the local diner. you and her smiling at each other while holding hands. danielle can remember all of these so vividly, especially the latter; it was the day that you jokingly declared that you'd marry her when the two of you grew up.
she sets the album down, still open, to finally read the letter. it's very delicately packed, with 'danielle' written neatly on the front of the envelope. the ink has slightly faded over time, but it's still legible.
isn't this so cheesy? writing a letter, i mean. remember when we'd write letters to each other when i was in sydney for like a month? i still have those letters, even though it's been around 4 years. i thought writing a letter would capture my feelings a little more, you know?
i like you. wait, scratch that. i love you. since we were 7, actually. and even after 11 years, my feelings have never faded. they seem to have grown even more since then.
and i'll just say that if you don't feel the same, that's okay. i just wanted to tell you. you can just forget this ever happened. but on the off chance that you reciprocate... please come to my door so we can talk. or anywhere, really. maybe we should use a codeword for that situation. how about... "carrot loves moon"? sorry, i just thought of that, haha.
i know you're going away soon. make sure to keep in touch. i wish to stay your best friend forever, so do remember that i'm there for you wherever and whenever. whether its by text, or call. i want you to know that i will be there for you even if its not in person.
good luck, y/n :)"
danielle drops the lined paper onto the table, feeling her knees wobble and causing her to crumple onto the floor from her standing position at her desk. the tears are overflowing once again, and she pulls your hoodie closer to her body. the warmth she once felt, replicating your embrace, is gone.
you, are gone.
danielle had left you.
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"are you...?" hyein blinks at danielle, trailing off once she sees the older girl's red, puffy eyes. danielle is one of the last ones to climb into their manager's van, with minji helping her get in.
it's around five am, and the day of the fansign. danielle doesn't remember when she went to sleep, but it was definitely not nearly enough to get her through the day. the first thing on the schedule is go to the salon and stay there for a few hours, then travel to the venue, order some takeout to eat for breakfast, and then get some practice in for the mini performances they're going to do at the signing. another long day, to no one's surprise.
despite the very terrible night she had, danielle manages to muster up a smile for the youngest. "i'm good."
hyein chooses not to comment any further. minji, on the other hand, who is sitting in the seat in front of the australian, turns around and her seat and frowns. "you were crying last night," she points out.
"i was."
it must've been noticeable to the girls staying in the rooms next to hers. she can't help herself though. last night in particular was one of the worst, especially with the discovery of your letter. how... how could she be such an idiot?
minji falls silent. danielle focuses on the passing scenery, a familiar route to the salon. although all she can really see are buildings, buildings, and... more buildings. hyein reaches over and gives her hand a light squeeze. the warmth of her hand makes her smile.
"let's go on a picnic on our next free day, are you up for it unnie?" the youngest whispers.
she turns to meet the girl's enthusiastic, but comforting gaze. "of course," she whispers back. "we can eat those strawberries we picked recently, too."
as per usual, hyein's eyes sparkle at the mention of strawberries. it's cute, and seems to cheer up danielle instantly. "and we can have carrots and cherries too! i'm so excited, dani-unnie..."
hanni and minji giggle quietly at their hushed conversation. hyein always knows how to brighten up the girl's day. it's haerin and hyein who are the certified dani-cheerer-uppers, but haerin is asleep in the passenger's seat.
the van pulls over to a secluded parking lot. danielle squeezes hyein's hand before they have to exit the vehicle. "i'm excited too! here's hoping there's nice weather soon. it's been kind of gloomy all week... i miss the sun."
the youngest beams at her. she reciprocates the gesture, this time being the first genuine smile in weeks.
maybe today will be a good day.
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danielle's been getting bad vibes today.
she just can't put her finger on it. from the moment that the group set foot in the venue for the fansign, she's been getting this... unsettling feeling swirling around in her gut. but it doesn't make any sense. their trip to the salon went by faster than usual, meaning they had a considerable amount of time to enjoy breakfast, and have time to kill before they had to go up to practice. practice, by the way, went perfectly.
so why did she have this dreading feeling spreading throughout her body?
"you seem fine to me," haerin rests the back of her hand on danielle's forehead.
they both frown. "but then why's it burning?"
minji approaches the pair. they're in the green room, which is more lavish than any of the girls expected before coming here. although, the fluorescent lights are pretty blinding, that being something everyone can agree with. "what's burning?"
danielle scrunches up her face and rests a hand over her stomach, but switches to cover her heart. "somewhere between here and here. but i don't know what it is."
"it's not too warm in here, is it?" the older asks, looking around.
the cat-eyed girl blinks, "it's pretty cool in here, actually. do you feel warm, dani-unnie?"
danielle shakes her head. she doesn't feel neither cold nor warm; her outfit for the day does well to balance her temperature, so her issue is definitely internal. something's about to happen, she can feel it. literally.
a staff member peeks their head in the doorway. "newjeans, up in five minutes!"
oh well. guess the only way to find out is to face it.
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"i really loved your lines in the title track, danielle!" an excited fan smiles as she shakes their hand.
despite her earlier struggle, danielle gives them a wide smile. interacting with her fans is one of her favorite things, they just mean the world to her. "thank you so much! i really liked my lines, too, especially in the bridge."
the fan enthusiastically agrees, and they both talk about their favorite songs on newjeans' 2nd full album, and also about danielle's latest appearance on 'chuu can do it'.
that's when she feels it again. that burning feeling in her gut. she glances around without turning her head, and she spots something—or rather, someone—taking their seat at the start of the table, in front of minji. no, it can't be, can it?
the line moves up and the closer the person gets, the more danielle's heart thuds against her chest. she tries to focus on the fan in front of her, but she can't help but sneak glimpses of the person every so often. when they get to hanni, it starts to get clearer and clearer.
your voice. your eyes, your lips, your everything.
danielle can't breathe.
"thank you," she chokes out, "for your support," she manages to grin at the fan as they get up to return to their seat. they look like they're about to say something, but the timer goes off and they have to leave with a look of concern.
thump. thump. thump.
you're looking down as you slide over with the signed album, one member's signature missing from the front.
suddenly danielle can feel herself be transported back to when she was 17. 17, at the beach with you, her pair of sneakers in one hand and your hand in the other. 17, at sunrise, the tide just barely grazing her feet, the wind tousling up her wavy hair. it's comforting just being in your presence; there's no words needed to be said.
tears well up in her eyes for what feels like the millionth time this week, and she narrowly catches the bite of your lip.
it takes her a moment, but she's able to say a single word. she's said it before, hundreds of thousands of times, but it's her first time saying it to you directly in six years.
your name. it's a beautiful name, she's thought that it was a beautiful name from the moment she met you. in fact; it was the first thing she had ever said to you, back when you and her were at the unruly age of six.
"y/n," she croaks out through the tears.
there's a stroke of hesitation in your eyes when you look up to meet her gaze.
the seconds go by slowly. your staring lasts for what seems like hours. danielle can only get so lost in your eyes before she says something she'll regret.
then, you spoke. "hi, dani."
dani. everyone calls her dani. but the nickname has always rolled off your tongue so nicely. it's music to her ears—both your voice and the way you say her name.
the conversation falls silent. she can briefly hear hyein's laugh two seats over, before she swallows thickly.
she has to say something. you don't seem like you're going to say anything, so she has to. she absolutely can't waste this moment. think, danielle, think! what's something that she could... say...
"carrot loves moon," she blurts out at the speed of light.
you're taken aback, she can see that. danielle almost wants to get up and run all the way back to the dorm so she can scream into her sun plushie. almost. but she takes a deep breath and repeats the codeword, firmly this time.
"carrot loves moon."
you move to rest your hand over hers, but stop midway. danielle's heart breaks at the action.
do you not love her anymore? did you really just come here as a fan? not to rekindle your relationship with her?
"let's talk, um, y/n. later. i, um," she coughs. her face feels like it's on fire right now. "here's my number," she whispers as she scribbles down the digits on a piece of paper she had in her pocket.
you reluctantly take the now folded note from her hold, fingers brushing against hers in an electrifying spark. you both flinch from the shock, and it causes her to widen her eyes.
instead of awkwardly brushing it off like she thought you would, though, you start laughing. and god, did danielle miss your laugh. it's her favorite sound, it's always been.
"sorry, sorry." you breathe out, after your laughter fizzes out.
you reach out to rest your hand on hers, not pausing this time. your hands are so warm.
and this time, you purposely turn your head so that you're staring into her eyes.
"i missed you, dani. i... i missed us."
'i missed you so much that i cried every night i was away from you, as a trainee. i missed you so much that i ruin your favorite hoodie with tears every time i wear it. i missed you. and i really, really want to kiss you, now more than ever because i missed all those chances back when we were in school,' she wants to say. but the clicks of cameras and fans cheering (minji and haerin probably did a pose together) remind her that you're at a fanmeeting. and that hanni and the fan in front of the vietnamese may as well be listening in on your conversation.
"i missed us too. and especially you..."
the ten second warning gets called, and you squeeze her hand tightly before slowly getting up with your signed album, still missing danielle's signature. wait, she forgot to sign it!
before you go, you pull out the folded note and flash a thumbs up with a small, crooked smile. danielle smiles back, wiping her tears and waving.
beside her, hanni looks at the other australian with her mouth agape.
danielle has a lot of explaining to do. but, she has other things to do. like texting you as soon as the fansign is over.
danielle loves the moon more than the moon will ever know.
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the ride home is silent, again. it's an unspoken agreement—to wait until they got to the apartment before they talk about what happened today. danielle barely pokes at the food they order post-fansign, but even now she's not hungry quite yet.
every five seconds she checks her phone for any notifications from you. there hasn't been anything yet. any other day of thinking about you would've led to a more plaintive, gloomy danielle. but today...
"we're here," their manager turns to the girls. it's nearing sunset, since the fansign lasted three hours and they had a late lunch, chatting for around an hour during. after that they had a couple of errands to run so the newjeans members are all pretty exhausted.
the manager opens the door for haerin, who is sitting in the passenger's seat, and then goes to open the sliding door for the rest of the group.
they all follow their manager to the entrance. then once they're inside, they follow minji to rhe living room where they all took their respective seats: minji and hanni on the main couch, haerin and hyein on the beanbags, and danielle on the floor facing the two eldest.
"so," minji crosses her legs. hyein and haerin watch her and follow suit. hanni looks away to hide a chuckle.
danielle adjusts her position, sitting criss-crossed on the fluffy rug. it's soft on her legs, and she drags her hand back and forth against it absentmindedly.
hanni leans forward, hands on her knees as she gets awfully close to the younger girl. "that was y/n, wasn't it."
"your y/n," minji adds.
her y/n. it makes her giddy just thinking about it.
"stop giggling," the vietnamese groans, "we need to talk about this!"
danielle's phone buzzes, and she pulls it out to check without answering hanni. hyein notices this and snatches it out of her grip.
"hyeinie!" she whines, "what if that was-"
the younger squints at the screen, "it's just an ad..."
hanni clears her throat, making everyone direct their attention to her. minji furrows her brow, "if that was your y/n, then shouldn't we deserve at least some kind of explanation of your history together?"
something falls from the kitchen. danielle rises to go check it out, but haerin holds her down like a security guard at an interrogation.
"we grew up together," she surrenders. it was no use trying to escape at this point.
so she tells them everything. everything. from your bright and energetic first meeting, to the sleepover that was the calm before the storm, to the tear-stained letter and to your sweater she still needs to wash. every word that comes out of her mouth has a touch of fondness; now that she's been able to see you, it's less of sorrowfulness that is resting on her tongue, and more of a bittersweet drop of reminiscence.
everyone is left speechless when she finishes her recounting of her life with you. it's unsurprising; danielle has never talked about you much aside from your name and old mementos she kept. it has ventured into more of a foreign topic, unsure of whether or not they're ready to venture into the unknown that is you.
"dani..." hanni kneels on the floor next to the girl, capturing her in a comforting embrace. soon the other girls join in, and it becomes a soothing group hug—something danielle needs very much. the weight of the hug is enough to break down her vulnerable walls, and all of the pent-up emotions that have aged well over the years flow out like a mountain river.
for the first time, danielle has truly opened herself up to her friends.
time slows, and they're stuck in the same position for more than a few moments. hanni, minji, haerin, hyein—they've been patient with her for more than five years, been there for her at her lowest, and cheer her up when she needs it. danielle's crying not only because she told the truth, but because of how supportive her friends are. through grueling practice sessions, tough stages, colds and flus, lyrics and songs. their embrace only confirmed it: no matter what, they've got each others' backs.
"thank you," she sniffles but groans slightly. it hurts a little since hyein is squeezing her from the back, and it's gotten hard to breathe with so many people compressed together, but danielle wouldn't have it any other way. "i love you guys."
she gets a variety of responses: 'i love you too' (minji), 'i love you more' (hanni), 'i love you most' (hyein), and a soft squeeze on her forearm (haerin) and it makes her laugh out loud.
the hug is broken, and teary smiles are shared throughout the group. the two eldest get up and make their way to the kitchen, and hyein goes along with them. danielle moves to the main couch, and haerin follows after. she rests her head on the feline's shoulder, who promptly begins to play with her hands. hanni and minji's bickering serves as white noise to the pair.
danielle almost forgets about your incoming text. almost. that is, until hyein yells from the kitchen, disrupting whatever deep slumber the australian was about to fall into.
"you got a text, unnie!" the maknae stumbles back into the living room. she has a manic look in her eyes, which quickly spread to danielle, and she gets her phone back. the remaining two girls come in after, and they're now surrounding her around the couch.
unknown number hey it's y/n
it's just a simple greeting, but it makes danielle kick her feet against the sofa in excitement.
she glances around to the other girls, "what, what do i say!?"
"just say hi back!" she receives from minji. before she could type out a response, though, you text again.
unknown number this is the right number right?
danielle feels traces of movement behind her, and she looks to see it's hanni and minji (are we surprised?) leaning too far forward in order to see her phone screen. she instantly shoos them back with a wave of her hand.
you HI hi yes it's dani!
she changes your contact name. beside her, haerin gives her a side-eye.
ynnie hi dani
("move over!" hanni shoves minji to the side.)
"ask for a picture!" minji advises. danielle cocks her head to the side curiously.
"for the profile picture...?"
you sry could you send a pic? for your contact photo ynnie oh ok [attachment: 1 image]
a wave of warmth washes over danielle's face. it's a selfie of you taken from what looks to be the sofa of a decent hotel room, with you sporting your signature smile (you still have those dimples!) and holding up the classic v-sign. she squeals with a way-too-happy smile on her face.
"they're so cute!"
(obscured from her view due to her outburst, haerin and minji shake their heads in sync.)
ynnie id ask for a pic too but you're everywhere on the net haha actually can you send one? you i thought i was everywhere on the net? ynnie exclusive selfie...
danielle's giggles get more and more obnoxious. it makes hanni groan and feign a gag.
you you just want me all to yourself don't you 🤭
you don't respond for a few seconds. oh no. is that too much? you just reunited a few hours ago, she should've waited at least a little longer before talking to you like that!
ynnie yeah i do
hanni makes an exaggerated groan and faceplants into the couch. haerin grins, although she can't tell whether or not it's at her conversation with you, or hanni's theatrical reaction. it's probably the latter.
ynnie you wanted to talk right?
her phone is snatched out of her grip again. hanni types away on the device, to danielle's horror.
"what are you doing!?"
"you guys are taking too long!" she's handed back the phone to see what the older girl sent. oh crap.
you can i call u?
"what the hell unnie!" danielle stands up in protest. the culprit gives her a toothy grin. she takes back whatever nice thing she's said about hanni pham so far. as she's about to start chasing her around the spacious living room, her phone rings. did you... actually call?
not wanting everyone to interrupt, she makes a wild dash to her room and locks the door behind her in a rush. her hands shake as she hovers her index finger over the green 'answer' button.
"hello?" your voice crackles out from her phone speaker. it's a relief to hear you once again. danielle sits on the edge of her bed, taking a nearby stuffed animal and using it as a stress toy. it's a blonde hamster plushie with a two-toned backwards cap on, one that hyein earnestly worked for at the claw machines while they were in japan. danielle can still remember the pride displayed on the youngest's face when she held it out for her to take.
"hi, y/n. again..."
"did you... need something?"
you sound really tired, and your voice is really raspy. like you just woke up from a really good nap. now danielle feels bad, all because hanni decided to tell you to call her. speaking of naps, images of your sleeping form at the sleepover flash in her mind and her face burns red.
"u-um," she hums softly. she can't think of anything to say, so she hopes her hesitance to answer pushes you to read her mind from the other side. and it seems to work, because you talk before she could go into some incoherent rant about everything and nothing.
"where did you want to meet? oh, actually, i found a nice and quiet café earlier today. it's kind of tucked in a corner and there weren't that many people there... maybe because it was early. but we could go if you're down."
danielle leans back to lay on the bed. she keeps the hamster plush close to her, lightly kicking her feet against the mattress. "that, that sounds good. send me the location?"
"sure. when are you free?"
she stopped to think. her and hanni have a photoshoot for vogue the next day, but the day after that, saturday, she's free.
"it's a date, then." and you hang up.
danielle hides her face behind her hands and squeals. the bed has sunken where she's been kicking her feet, and the hamster plushie that hyein gifted her... the poor thing, its face is also sunken in from her squeezing.
sorry, benedict.
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danielle can't focus.
"let's take five! hopefully you can get yourself together, danielle-ssi."
the staff helping with the shoot disperse into groups, some lingering off to the side to chat and some going to the refreshment stands.
hanni presses her lips in a thin line, resting her hand on danielle's exposed shoulder. "look bro, i know you can't wait to meet y/n tomorrow but we have to get this done. the sooner we finish, the sooner you can go home and rest up, yeah?"
of course danielle wants to finish the shoot. she feels bad that her lack of focus is causing everyone inconvenience, yes, but when she thinks about meeting you tomorrow she just freezes up. the mood of your conversation yesterday was lighthearted, but what they're going to talk about at the café is anything but.
in less than a minute, some staff come back to touch up the girls' makeup. hanni takes it as an opportunity to continue the conversation. "it's not like you're on bad terms now? i mean, even after the dramatic reunion at the fansign, you talked just fine over the phone."
hanni is right, they did talk fine while texting and during the call. it almost felt like danielle was still in highschool, talking to you late at night while exchanging cringy lines bordering flirtation and smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. but that was over the phone and she has to meet you in person. and it's different from the fansign because you're going to be seeing her one-on-one for longer than just two minutes.
the older girl snaps her fingers, bringing danielle out of her internal monologue. "you're overthinking it," she sighs, "i wish y/n could just tell you that everything is okay instead of you failing to gaslight yourself."
danielle's phone dings, and she whips it out faster than the other girl can even blink. hanni stares in disbelief.
ynnie hey still on for tmr?
and just like that, five words from you have turned danielle into a blushing schoolgirl once again.
you yes! i'll see u there xx
she suddenly remembers the fiasco that was last night, and she brings her phone out of her member's reach and sends her a dirty look. she raises both of her hands up in defense. the staff move away to re-prepare for the shoot.
"y/n's all yours, girl."
they finish the shoot in record time.
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danielle arrives at the café early in the morning, and just as you said, it's almost empty at this time. she's feeling a mix of anxiety and hope, though more the former. she thought that maybe you didn't still... love her, but... well, she doesn't know anymore judging by your responses and texts to her throughout the day.
she adjusts her mask and cap and finds a seat in the corner of the shop, ordering an iced americano and an iced mocha latte. danielle doesn't know if you still favor bitterness over sweetness, but she hopes you appreciate the gesture.
the atmosphere in this place is calming. some slow r&b is playing over the speakers, and someone's typing in another corner serves as makeshift asmr for her ears. she's amazed at how you managed to find such a place on your first visit.
it's only 7:15; she's fairly early to the planned time. she thought it would be nice to walk to the shop and enjoy the city sights before rush hour.
the bells of the entry door toll in the tune of the westminster chime, and it attracts the attention of no one other than danielle. there you walk in, a searching gaze affixed to your eyes, until you eventually meet hers. a slight smile tugs at the corner of your lips.
"hi," you say, gently sitting down in the seat across from her. danielle pushes the cup of coffee towards you, and you shoot a knowing glance before taking a sip. a satisfied smile fully settles on your face, now. it sends shocks through danielle's heart.
"hi," she echoes, taking a sip of her own drink. "you like bitter right?"
"i love bitter. i can't believe you remember that."
"you'd be surprised."
silence befalls upon them. you take another sip of your drink, and danielle clears her throat, staring down at the table. she can't find it in herself to look you in the eye.
"i'm sorry."
'for not reaching out. for leaving too soon.'
"i'm sorry too."
your apology makes danielle look up in surprise. why are you apologizing? you didn't... you didn't do anything wrong.
"i should've at least tried to reach out," you answer her inner thoughts. the tension grows palpable as danielle tries to sort her words out. she pulls her cap off and sets it on top of her bag.
"it's my fault," she takes a deep breath. "i wasn't supposed to leave that day, you know?"
"i know."
"it's because of what happened at the—"
"—the sleepover," you breathe out, eyes softening when you move to place your hand over hers, albeit shakily. "i heard you."
her eyes widen. you squeeze her hand.
"i wasn't... actually asleep."
"why didn't you..."
"well, i fell asleep right after. and, by the time i woke up you were gone. packed your bags and left."
"i'm sorry," danielle says again. hot tears drip down her cheeks. "i still love you."
the chair screeches and for a second, she thinks you'd gone and left just like she did all those years ago. but you make your way over to her and wipe her tears, bringing her into a tight hug.
"moon loves carrot even more," you let out a watery laugh. "that's what i was going to say if you ever came up to my door and recited those codewords."
danielle would start sobbing if you weren't sitting in a café in the morning. so she does the next best thing and clings onto you even tighter. "i missed you so much, y/nnie. every time i was back home, i'd pass by our school and i'd just start crying. i didn't know if you were still home, and if you were then i've never seen you. not until you came on thursday."
she pulls back from your hug to blow her nose in a napkin. "why did you come?"
you ponder for a moment, drumming the tips of your fingers against the wooden surface. "for the fansign. i'm here for another two weeks."
danielle furrows her brow. that didn't really answer her question. "but why'd you come to the fansign? unless you became a fan. in that case, that's—"
"okay, enough out of you little missy. so what if i became a fan. i came for you, of course."
and she's back to being giddy again. being able to talk to you like this lifts a huge weight off of her shoulders.
"i guess i was just really desperate to reconnect with you. i spent a shit ton of money on a bunch of your new album so i could get in. i got my cousin in on it, too."
you take a big gulp of your coffee. the spot danielle chose wasn't very suitable for combating the heat. it's next to the window, which let the sunlight through, and it's not near any fans or air conditioning. she winces, and tries to cool herself by also drinking her latte. "you did all that? for me?"
you bring your gaze to look deep into danielle's eyes, causing her to shrink back slightly. "i'd do anything for you even now."
"ah," she squeaks out. her mind goes blank and then her thoughts start spiraling.
"wanna come over?" she says hastily, crossing her leg over the other.
you blink back at her in confusion, but your expression morphs into one of intrigue. "sure?"
"wait. not now," she abruptly stands up from her seat. "i need to clean!"
putting her mask and cap back on, she storms out of the establishment, leaving you there in bewilderment.
what did she just get herself into.
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"what are you doing here?" is the first thing haerin says to you when she opens the door of their dorm to see your face. you gulp, and the feline smirks inwardly.
"uh, dani," you answer, not wanting to embarrass yourself with your poor korean skills. you could understand a little bit, thankfully more than how you started out, but you couldn't speak well.
haerin glares, looking you up and down. you grimace under her scrutinizing gaze. "you're not going to hurt her, are you?" her voice is stern but holds an immense level of concern for her friend.
widening your eyes, you shook your hands in front of you almost comically. this time, you answer in english. "no! no, none of that. i promise."
she continues to stare at you with a now unreadable expression on her face. that is, until danielle pushes her to the side to greet you with a bright smile.
"come in! i just speed-cleaned my room, that's so embarrassing. haerinnie didn't scare you, did she?"
"i don't know what you're talking about," calls out a voice from the side.
you laugh, shaking your head. "but it did feel like i was being interrogated by the strict parent."
danielle blushes. haerin is so protective of her, even though she's younger.
she takes your hand and leads you to her room. it's spacious, and is very neat. presumably because she just finished cleaning it. splashes of color are placed fashionably around the room, and her bed is filled with fluffy pillows and stuffed animals. benedict is tucked into a sky blue comforter.
"ta-da!" she presents with jazz hands. the gesture makes you chuckle. you walk to her desk and smile, picking up a six year old tear-stained letter. uh oh.
"you kept it," you say wistfully, fingers running over the fading ink. "and," you gasp, holding up the aged sweater, "my favorite sweater!"
"um, sorry for keeping it," she mutters abashedly, wrapping her arms around herself as if she is cold. which is ironic, since they were just in crazily blazing heat.
you approach the girl, draping the mickey mouse sweater back over her chair and reaching up a hand to pinch her cheek. "it's okay. i just wish i could see you in it. i bet you look way better than me."
danielle brings her gaze up to see you, eyes auto-focusing on your lips. uh oh, again. danielle really wants to kiss you.
so she does just that! getting on her tip-toes and cupping your cheeks with her hands so she could press her lips against yours. it's... bitter. from your iced americano. but the feeling of kissing you is extremely pleasant, way better than she's ever imagined. and before danielle could second-guess herself just kissing you out of nowhere, you kiss back and set your hands on her hips, setting another level of magic to danielle's world.
"oh my god," she says breathlessly, hands still on your cheeks.
you lift her up in your arms, causing her to let out a yelp, then carrying her to the bed and laying down next to her with a burst of laughter. "oh my god, indeed."
she turns to face you, a permanent smile on her face. she leans in for another kiss. "i love you."
"like a best friend?"
danielle punches your shoulder.
"ow! sorry! i love you too."
just as she's about to say some more cheesy lines, her door bursts open and four other figures come crashing down into her room. danielle sits up, petrified.
you sigh in content, watching her bicker with her members in a flustered state.
danielle marsh is and will always be your lovergirl.
("you know, for someone who has such a warm personality, i thought your hands would always be warm, too."
danielle looks at you surprised. the two of you are laying in her bed, fingers interlaced, after she successfully drove off her nosy members. "what do you mean?
you bring her hand up to feel against your cheek. her touch is ice cold. the action makes her flush deeply. "you're so cold!" you whine out, "can't you feel so much hotter my face is because your hands are cold!?"
"i—well—maybe you've just been captured by my charms and that's why you're blushing!"
"...touché, dani. still cold, though."
she directs her gaze to her ceiling. there's nothing in particular, unlike your room which had those green glow-in-the-dark stars. "that's why i can't sleep without a heating pad. i'm very cold-sensitive, especially since the ac is always on blast..."
danielle reaches over the side of the bed to pull out the mentioned heating pad. you can just barely see the carrot-patterned heat pack you'd gotten her for christmas, seven years ago.
"you still have this old thing?" you murmur softly.
the girl smiles at you. "cause... it reminds me of you. that's another reason i can't sleep without it."
you pull her in for a hug, pressing a kiss on top of her head. "i still have that dog plushie you won for me at the fair."
"no. way. really!? it's jerry senior!")
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a/n: i hope you're happy guys lovergirl pt2 is FINALLY OUT it was dreadful i fear
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mytheoristavenue · 5 months
BES Mizu x Single Mother!Reader HCs
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Summary: How a relationship with Mizu would work with a kid running around.
Warnings: fem!reader, fem/masc representations of your child, child is from an abusive marriage, mentions of violence, mentions of mariticide.
⭐ Surprisingly, it was actually Ringo who inducted you and your child into the party during a time when he was separated from Mizu, coming across you having trouble getting into a village without a man to validate your travel pass.
⭐ After leaving that village, he insisted you both come along with him and, by extension, Mizu on their journey. You hardly had anything to leave behind, so you thought you had nothing to lose.
⭐"Oh, absolutely not." Needless to say, Mizu was none too thrilled about now having to take on the burden of a frail woman and an even more fragile child. "Ringo, take them back to wherever you picked them up from, we don't take on stays."
⭐ They bickered about the subject for a while, until Mizu eventually relented, deciding she'd simply dump you both off at the next village.
⭐ To her surprise, you knew a few trades, and your child wasn't as useless as she anticipated. You both could cook fairly well, forage with mostly success, and even sew. More often than not, after an altercation, Mizu would find you staying up late around the campfire, mending someone's clothes (often her's).
⭐️ Your child is also incredibly well behaved, obeying nearly any order they're given, and almost never whiny, unless hungry or tired. Mizu was relieved to see she wouldn't be traveling with a spoiled brat like the kids she'd grown up with.
⭐️ Eventually, Mizu began to appreciate you both for your company and contributions, even missing you when not in your presence. She did try to deny this for as long as possible, though.
⭐️ At some point, this appreciation grew into affection and even care. Mizu would become agitated if someone upset you, or came too close. She even once called your child her own when they ran into trouble in a passed village.
⭐️ "Get your hands off my (son/daughter/child) or you'll pull back a stump."
⭐️ Your child came back from that trip glued to Mizu's side and hasn't let go since. The feeling is genuinely mutual.
⭐️ Mizu sometimes brings things back for you both when she goes into villages without you. For your child, it's usually a toy or something sweet. For you, it could be anything from a new fabric or article of clothing to a personal keepsake. She ones brought you back a gold hair stick with beads of jade, for example.
⭐ She will insist that you and the child both learn some kind of self-defense, claiming she can't always be there to protect you, but she secretly hopes to pass down her swordsmanship to your child, as well as her blade.
⭐ Your body is a marvel to her. She has such a masculine and (by her standards) unhospitable body, that seeing your plump curves and stretch marks thrills her. She thinks your body was made perfectly with childbirth in mind.
⭐ Mizu refers to you as her wife in front of strangers and becomes increadibly hostile if that notion is questioned, or if anything ill is said to or about you.
⭐ "I think you'll find steeping away from my wife in your best interest, lest you find yourself interested in becoming another notch in my blade."
⭐Your relationship never really became offical, it still came to be over time. She never officially ocnfessed or asked for you to be hers, she just kissed you one day after months of mutal pining and it became so.
⭐ She came to see you, and only you, after being presumed dead, and before shipping off to London. Very quickly, she kissed you, told you to tell (C/N) that she's otu there somewhere and will be back, and asked you to promise to marry her whens she returns.
⭐ You say yes, in return, making her to come back safely, remidnign her that she had a wife and child that need her.
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corynation · 11 months
Rumor has it
mark sloan x reader
tags: angst, thats about it tbh, im sorry in advanced
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She, she ain't real / She ain't gon' be able to love you like I will
You’ve observed her closely, bouncy walk, the smile thats brighter than the sun when it rises. You’ve memorized the notes of her perfume, studied the way her hair is always perfectly done, never out of place. Noticed how perfect she is, in every way possible. Of course he’d fall for her. Hell you’d began to think you were falling for her too. She was young and beautiful, smart and outgoing, innocent and naive. Everything you weren’t.
Nothing had been the same between you and Mark since Lexie Grey had come to Seattle Grace. At first you loved Lexie, admired her. You had been on the same service as her on multiple occasions, and each time she outshined everyone around her. She was diligent and ambitious, the perfect example of what a surgeon should be.
She is a stranger / You and I have history / Or don't you remember
You and Mark had been dating for a few years now, ever since he first came to Seattle Grace. Your relationship had been near to perfect. There wasn’t a time where the romance between you two felt off, from Sunday night dinner dates where you’d cook together, to finishing late night lab work at the hospital together. He was everything you dreamed of in a man, and you only hoped he felt the same about you.
Lately there had been less late night lab work together. Instead you’d get a call from Mark, him apologizing for the workload and telling you not to wait up for him at home. Sunday night dinners still happened. In fact it was one of the few things you held onto to believe in the fact that Mark was still in love with you. That you were the one he wanted for the rest of his life. You were the girl he’d be doing Sunday night dinners with until his last Sunday on earth.
There was this look to Mark, one that you could never mistake for anything but complete adorn. It wasn’t the Mark Sloan look he was known for, the one where his smile would crook and his eyes would gleam with mischief. This one made a softer man of him. His eyes would soften, his mouth would part just a smidge as his lips curled into the perfect gentle smile. That was the look he gave to you every time he saw you walk into a room. You’d recognize it from anywhere. It became your favorite part about Mark because it was owned by you. You were the only one who got that look from Mark.
That is until the day Lexie was paged into you and Marks surgery. The second the doors burst open and a smiley Lexie appeared you saw the tense of Mark dissolve, his eyes soften and glow, and you just knew that under his mask your favorite gentle smile had appeared.
That day you had to step out of your surgery to puke.
She is half your age / But I'm guessing that's the reason that you stayed
“I don’t know Callie it’s just the way he looks at her. Every time I see him look at her I physically feel ill.”
“You don’t think he’s cheating on you with her do you?”
“No, not at all. I know he wouldn’t do that. But I know he doesn’t know how to stop his feelings either, and I just-“ You groaned as your palms met your forehead. “I can feel him slipping away from me you know? Like he’s there with me physically, but emotionally he’s with her. And I get it, she’s shiny and new and I’m just,”
“Y/n no,” Callie began, her fingers wrapping around your wrist in an attempt to grab your attention.
“I’m just dull to him.” You turned to look at your best friend, her face riddled of pity. It was near the same look she gave families when there was nothing more she could do for a patient. As much as you wished there was a way to somehow extract all feelings Mark had towards Lexie and inject them into someone like Alex, there would never be enough shooting stars or candles to grant that. “I can feel the love fall from him Callie. Like there is this string connecting us and someone is slowly sawing at it with a god damn scalpel.”
“Ironic you say scalpel because-“ Callie started before you shot her a look that shut her right up. “yep too soon sorry.”
“What do I do here Callie? How do I keep going to bed at night with him knowing he’s in love with someone else?” The familiar burn of tears began as you wiped your face not prepared to embrace a whole breakdown this early in the morning. As upset about the situation as you were, you were not going to start crying over it in the middle of the hospital that you work at, let alone the hospital both Mark and Lexie work at.
“You need to talk to him y/n. It’ll ease your mind I promise.”
“Oh says the one who stayed with her husband when she knew he cheated.”
Callie snorted at your remark, starting a break out of laughter between the two of you. It felt nice to laugh during all of this. Made you feel lighter.
I heard you've been missing me / You've been telling people things you shouldn't be
Your eyes met Dereks. He was practically running to the nurses station where you had been sat with Callie. The two of you shared a glance, hinting to Callie it was best if she went on with her day. She smiled knowingly, patting your shoulder as a farewell and went off past Derek. By his furrow of a brow as Callie passed him you knew she’d given him a warning look, you giggled to yourself. If there was one thing about Callie you appreciated the most, it was her protective nature towards those she loved.
“I need to talk to you.” Derek grabbed your arm, leading you to an on call room. Your quick moment of glee dissolving in an instant.
“What is this about Derek?”
And suddenly you felt heavy again.
The sound of the door to the on call room closing ran through your ear. Drowning out any other noise. Your throat felt tight and your stomach empty. You definitely had to puke, or faint? Maybe both. Something. You had to do something to get out of this conversation.
“What’s going on between you two?” Derek questioned, his hands placed on his hips.
You were silent at first, your body still in fight or flight mode, though unfortunately for you that happened to also be shut down mode. Not much fighting or flighting.
“I’m sorry?” Was the only thing you’d managed to choke out without spilling your guts to the best friend of the man you’d been worrying about.
Derek sighed rubbing his forehead. “Mark thinks you’re cheating on him.”
“He thinks I am cheating on him.” You scoffed, in total disbelief at the stupidity of that man.
“I told him he was stupid for thinking that.”
“Damn right he is. What else did he say?” At first you were just angry, as you should be, but now you had just been curious. How could you possibly be the one cheating when you were the one trying to keep the relationship stable?
“I really don’t think this is a conversation for us, you should speak with Mark.”
“Derek tell me. Now.”
He bit his lip, trying to decide which choice would be the best. “Fine,” he began, his hand pointing towards you, “but you better talk with Mark after. You two can’t keep ignoring each-other and your issues.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever I will.”
“He said you’ve been distant with him. Short with words, not wanting to be around him. Apparently you’ve left his service before because you had long surgeries with him?”
“Oh I’ve been distant. Thats rich.” Despite your efforts to hold it in, you started giggling over the words that came from Derek. Laughing to the point of tears you made your way over to the door, stopping before opening it. “Thank you for telling me Derek. You might want to keep your phone on silent later, Mark is probably going to bug the hell out of you.” And with that you left to go find the reoccurring talk of the hour.
Like when we creep out and she ain't around / Haven't you heard the rumors / Bless your soul, you got your head in the clouds / You made a fool out of me / And, boy, you're bringing me down
“Mark!” You yelled, finally catching the man you had searched practically the whole hospital for. He stopped almost instantly, turning around and flashing you that look he used to.
“You’ve been ignoring me.” He smiled even saying that, his eyes were still soft and he grasped your shoulders with such care and love.
It almost made you mad how he greeted you. The whole action gave the same feeling it used to before you had ever even began to question his integrity.
“I know I’m sorry.” You smiled back at him, no matter what was going on in your mind you couldn’t help but embrace what love he had for you, what love you had for him. It was warm, familiar. Almost made you question yourself on if you had been going crazy this whole time. “Do you mind if we speak for a minute?”
“Yeah, I’ve got all the time for you.” There it was again. Mark being Mark. So charming and sweet, the man you fell in love with.
You led him to a nearby on call room, Mark instantly sitting against the desk as you shut the door.
“So, what is all this about?” The cheeky grin that spread across his face was almost enough to pull you into him. You knew what he thought, and to be quite honest the feelings you had bubbling in you weren’t beside that thought. But still there was a part of you that still knew you couldn’t give in. If anything happened between you and Mark in this moment you would never talk it out with him. Somehow this whole span of events with him today was almost enough to convince you he was only in love with you. And maybe he was, maybe you truly were just crazy and jealous of this poor girl. Though, the longing looks they’d exchange one another, and the hands that would stay by each other for unnecessarily long amounts of time told a different story.
“I just need to talk to you.” He pulled you into his arms the moment he was able to reach you, a small gasp escaping your lips at the suddenness.
“I think talking can wait a minute.” His words were whispered as he leaned into you, lips meeting yours. It was warm and comforting, your muscles relaxing at almost an instant. You were back into the harmony you knew so well, the one you’d been craving to feel for weeks now. Even if you had tried to pull away there was no chance you wouldn’t initiate a second kiss. The feeling that rushed through you was too addicting to want to back away. That was Marks Sloans specialty.
You both stayed like that for what felt like a life’s eternity in the best way imaginable. Really you wanted to stay like that forever. Safe and loved in his arms, the only one he was focused on.
Mark began to slowly back away, a soft smile stretching across his face. “That, was definitely worth waiting for.”
Simply nodding and smiling as a reply to him, you closed your eyes again, fully taking in the euphoria before the gates around your world would fall.
“Mark,” You began, taking a small step back from his embrace. If you wanted to get any of the conversation you had been planning in your head for days -figuring out every word you’d say, even practicing in the mirror a few times- out to him you were gonna have to ruin the moment. Rip off the bandaid.
“Y/n whats on your mind?” He was so sweet. So patient.
“You’re in love with her.” And there it was. Ripping off the bandaid. And god did the bandaid sting like nothing before. Watching his face fall felt like the world was slowly swallowing you, pulling you into the core. All oxygen leaving your body as you were pulled further, and further.
“Her?” His brows furrowed, eyes scanning your face for something, maybe a sign of who it was, maybe a sign that this was all a joke. To be honest you really couldn’t read his expression. It had been so blank yet so sorrowful, remorse and confusion settling together into one.
“Lexie.” And that was all you had to say before all confusion left him. It was as if you had flipped a light switch within him, Mark finally catching onto what was happening. “I’ve noticed Mark, I’ve noticed everything. You staying at the hospital late nights when she was on call, the lingering hands of you both. I’ve seen the way you look at her. It’s the same you used to look at me. You’ve favored her in surgeries, hell, you’ve favored her in meetings.”
“No Mark, listen to me. Maybe you haven’t realized this all yet, maybe you were oblivious to what was going on, but I wasn’t. God I wish I was Mark. I’ve spent so much of my life this past few weeks just thinking about you two, thinking about us. I haven’t stopped thinking about it all since I’ve first noticed you took an interest in her.” Hot tears started to trickle out your eyes, all emotions finally pouring. “I’ve torn myself to shreds over this. Thinking about what I could do to get you to notice me more, or even just less of her. Thinking of what I could do to get you to love me and only me again. Ive thought so low of myself these past weeks I could barely function as a surgeon. I’ve made myself a mess trying to fix yours.”
Mark studied you intently, trying his best to comprehend everything that was going on. He stood up coming back near you. His hands found your cheeks as he held you gentle as ever, cradling you like the most precious piece of gold known to man. “I’m in love with you y/n.”
“I know you are, I know Mark.” You sniffled, one of your hands matching his movement cradling his cheek. You tried to give him the best smile you could forcing every muscle in your face to follow suit, even if it was the last thing you wanted to show. “But you’re in love with her more.”
His face was one you’ve never seen before. Whether it was realization or just heartbreak, it tore you to shreds seeing him like that. But it tore you more to shreds being with him after everything, and you were down to your last bit of stability.
With a kiss to his cheek and a squeeze to the hand that was still on your cheek, you smiled at him once more, slowly backing away from him. “I love you Mark. I always will. But I can’t stand to see you love her too, and I don’t know if I’d ever forgive myself for staying with you any longer knowing you’re in love with someone else. You go get her, I’ll be okay. And you’ll be okay when she says yes to your first date. We’ll both be okay.” There was tears rolling down both of your cheeks. The room so thick of emotions it started to overwhelm you. Suffocate you further into heartache. You placed one last kiss to Marks lips, you both falling into it deeper than ever.
You slowly backed out of the kiss, wanting to let that be your last memory of you two. It was the rainbow after the storm, the calm after the chaos. With that as your farewell to the man you loved more than life itself, you walked out the room, closing the door behind you, feeling as if you had left your whole being in that room. Like a piece of your soul would forever be gone. Stuck inside that room with the piece of him that had broke.
Those two pieces though, would stay together. Pieced in harmony, placed in only the memories of you two. Something more than you could ever ask for.
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Hiiiii :DDD im so sorry this is my comeback lol. Anyway i know this isnt the best, i have not written for a year, and this is also my first reader insert pov ive made so be nice pls🙏🏻
hope you enjoyed (or like arent super sad) <33
also my grammar SUCKS and grammer is so hard so do not even think about how many commas i used wrong okay? okay
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kitten4sannie · 2 months
♪ 5k followers event: pick a song ♪
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i really never thought i would make it to a milestone like this when i first made this blog ;^; thank you all for making me feel at home in the atiny community :3 and ofc thank you so very much for the love, support, and feedback i’ve received thus far!! it means the entire world to me <3333 and without further ado, let’s get the event started, shall we? as someone who injects music into their veins on the daily, i thought this would be really fun hehe the possibilities are endlessssss,, i will be doing multiple fics for my bias line + my wreckers bc i am insane and if i receive more requests after the slots are filled i will do my best to incorporate some of the details of your requests into the fics i’ll be working on ✨
send me a song and the member of your choice:
example: “hey i wanted to request possessive/jealous bf! san + “please, please, please” by sabrina carpenter :) i would love for there to be some light angst and fluff. as for kinks can there be spit/cum play and lots of praise? <3”
↓ requests now closed ↓
✮ san (3/3)
♪ possessive/toxic san + bloodsport by sleep token + demon au ♪
♪ mean dom san + judas by lady gaga ♪
♪ psychopath san + psycho by muse ♪
✮ yunho (2/2)
♪ soft bf yunho + stupid in love by max feat. yujin ♪
♪ soft dom yunho + after hours by kehlani ♪
✮ wooyoung (2/2)
♪ rich husband wooyoung + would you mind by janet jackson ♪
♪ jealous mean dom wooyoung + agora hills by doja cat + idol/manager au ♪
✮ mingi (2/2)
♪ toxic dom mingi + lethal woman by dove cameron ♪
♪ lovestruck bf mingi + wanna be yours by arctic monkeys ♪
✮ seonghwa (2/2)
♪ dom hwa + soulmates au + vore by sleep token ♪
♪ possessive toxic seonghwa + but daddy i love him by taylor swift + biker au ♪
✮ hongjoong (2/2)
♪ cowboy joong + miles on it by marshmallow feat. kane ♪
♪ love drunk simp joong + ruby by woozi ♪
✮ yeosang (2/2)
♪ soft bf yeosang + desire by ateez ♪
♪ yeosang + cruel summer by taylor swift + childhood friends to strangers to lovers ♪
✮ jongho (2/2)
♪ dilf jongho + (song tba) + mafia au ♪
♪ needy jongho + nerdy by purple kiss + college au ♪
✮ woosan (1/1)
♪ dom woosan + please me by bruno mars feat. cardi b ♪
✮ yungi (1/1)
♪ love crazed yungi + eclipse by josh makazo + love triangle au ♪
✮ seongjoong (1/1)
♪ possessive dom seongjoong + house of balloons by the weekend ♪
✮ yeojong (1/1)
♪ dilf athletes yeojong + woo by rihanna + stripper au ♪
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