#this became a bit of a rant
sevensoulmates · 3 months
i don't see eddie getting his own queer arc i think for one it'd be repetitive. i think for eddie it's simply gonna be the realization that he's in love with his best friend. buck will be the experienced one of the two so it's not bling leading the blind.
I respectfully disagree. Personally, I don't think it'll be repetitive if Eddie gets his own queer realization arc, because both of them have two different experiences with queerness.
Technically diving into my own headcanon here, so fair warning but I personally (IN MY PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL SINGUALR OPINION (I hate to use disclaimers here but I'm not trying to get accused of biphobia here)) view Eddie as a repressed gay man. I don't believe he is truly attracted to women (at least romantically, sexually is another story but then I'd have to dive more into demisexuality which I don't plan to do here). Anyway.
Buck's experience with coming out would be as a man who has always been happily attracted to women and will find out that he is attracted to men IN ADDITION.
For Eddie, if he were to get a queer realization arc, I think it would be vastly different from Buck's because he wouldn't be realizing he likes men as well as women, he'd be finding out that not only does he like men, but he hasn't actually been in love/attracted to any of the women he was with in the past (and that includes Shannon, and NO I will NOT be elaborating on that). I think that this will end up triggering a whole huge overhaul of Eddie's view of himself, his entire life, his family, and his marriage, and I think it will bring him a lot of guilt. Eddie's not the kind of person just to be like oh guess that's why I never was into sex with Ana or Marisol whoopsies and move on. Man is gonna feel GUILTY. That's what he's programmed to feel in response to everything.
I was telling a friend that I bet you ANYTHING Eddie is gonna resist something with Buck out of some backward loyalty to Shannon. Like "No, I can't be gay. Because that means I was using Shannon." No honey you were not. You were just deeply deeply repressed and traumatized.
For me, an Eddie queer realization arc would be an entire deconstruction of every single thing he's ever believed himself to be. Which would be vastly different from Buck realizing he's bi. Buck's bisexual arc will likely come with its own bisexual-specific issues.
I also want to say that even if Eddie did come out as bisexual like Buck (and I would be 100% okay with that happening in the show) I think it's quite diminishing to say Buck AND Eddie both getting queer realization arcs would be "repetitive" because the fact of the matter is that every queer person has a different experience.
More than likely, if Eddie figures this out later than Buck, then yes, Buck will likely be the one most experienced. And I do agree that it's unlikely they'll have Eddie realize he's queer in the exact same way Buck does (ie jealousy over a 3rd guy, etc) but I do think there's a strong possibility of Eddie having his own queer arc. Maybe in season 7 in tandem with Buck, or maybe later in season 8.
Either way, I need people to get off this whole "stop rehashing past stories", "I hate characters making the same old mistakes" or "get off the hamster wheel" train. What I like about 911 is that despite the somewhat unrealistic disasters and calls, and somewhat over-the-top drama at times, the actual character journeys they tell are true to real things people go through. And in real life, people exist in cycles, and that's not always a bad thing.
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tarudce22 · 10 months
once again glad my twin works the same place as me cause innovatory was today
meat did good but produce....... WHERE DID ALL THOSE BANANAS GO?!?
people out here really stealing over 1,000lbs of bananas
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#i had posted this everywhere and it occurred to me that i hadnt on tumblr. which seems like a crime#keith kogane#vld keith#vld lance#vld fanart#lance mcclain#voltron#klance#can i rant for a bit#grabs the microphone Id like to thank this huge step on my voltron healing journey to my mom#who said 'oh its that show that made you cry in frustration! the kitties!'#and i said 'yes mother i was 15'#i dont think ive ever felt so. like. bullied? i dont wanna say ridiculed but#by a shows' producer#not since fucking BBC SHERLOCK#and i dont mean oh of course it wasnt gonna be canon. Of cours it wasnt I dont mean that#what i didnt need was getting baited left and right#the show milked the shit out of. lets be real here. young queer kids and then turned around and pointed and laughed when they gained hope on#their silly red blue ship to get canon#bc lets be real if anything queer was gonna happen. ambiguous non binary pidge was already there#two skinny attractive teen boys is like low hanging fruit. diet rep#but it wasnt even abt that. at least i truly never thought klance was srly gonna b canon. i HOPED. but like. i never shipped 4 canon anyway#i LIKED voltron. i loved lotor. i had always been a multishipper allur//ce was rkly cute i couldve dug that#if they hadnt spent the last season looking miserable AND THEN DYING#tf u mean our female lead died TF U MEAN THE LATINO MC BECAME A FARMER? w the forever marks of his dead gf on his face? Are you joking rn???#anyway. hit me up for more voltron opinions i got tons#(mic drop)
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Reading enemies-to-lovers fics really drives home how romantic love is prioritized over platonic love, like you’re really leaving all your friends behind for your new lover??
(Or like when Will runs away with Hannibal and leaves his dogs behind. what the fuck. or he only takes Winston, like the dogs he’s had for longer aren’t as important?? If him and Hannibal aren’t smuggling a shit ton of dogs across borders while on the run from authorities I don’t want it.)
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greencheekconure27 · 5 months
"They like to gather in big mobs, the members of which are only barely capable of independent thought and have the average knowledge and maturity levels of a particularly poorly educated 15yo.
* I would like to apologize to sheep here. Good USEFUL animals, unlike tankies.
** also my apologies to parrots, who are both much smarter and more independent."
Might as well apologize to Tara Westover and everyone in her position too then. Who as a teenager deliberately denied an education by an abusive fundie family, still had more brains, moral values, heart, decency, and common sense than these adult tankies ever will.
People who lack education/have it denied to them aren't just an insult for bad people. But are a very real group who get harmed, and then mocked and used as an easy scapegoat by the world for having been harmed.
Ok, anon hindsight I agree that that has been somewhat in poor taste on my part, and for that, I sincerely apologize. Lack of education in itself is not an insult, and neither is being young.(I admit I have no idea who Tara Westover is but am willing to apologize to her as well). I am sorry.
That said, please allow me to explain myself for a sec, for clarity's sake.
I am not saying that they ARE poorly educated teenagers. Frankly if they were this post would never have been made.I am saying that these grown-ass adults, with full access to the internet and various other sources of information(and often in possession of college degrees), somehow manage to achieve fantastic levels of willful ignorance.
Now, ignorance in and by itself is not a moral failing either.WILLFUL ignorance however is, especially when they claim to be experts on the subject. As is harassing and insulting people who tell them they're wrong.On top of that, their responses are incredibly childish. Imagine correcting someone on basic facts and their response is 50 comments that just say "faggot".Would you be surprised to find out that it was a 30yo and not just some teen being edgy? Because I was.So excuse me for going "What are you, a child?!?" here for a moment.
These are, as far as I can tell from their bios, not disadvantaged children who have been indoctrinated and denied a normal education, so I see no excuse for this combination of immaturity, viciousness, and lack of basic research.
I am just very, very tired.
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aria0fgold · 2 months
My headcanons for the named trio in The Cursing of Chateau Castle series:
Josephandre is a big bear. It just fits for him I think! He gets he/him pronouns, and as a way to make him a liiiil more relatable for Mira, he'd have two craft types (Rock type being his main one and paper craft for the other). Battle style wise, I think it fits him to be more of a self-sustaining tank. He buffs defense, heals, and puts up shields. For his weapon, he'd use his fists like Isabeau. He'll be the second fastest in the trio.
Lady Irene-Janine-Kanine looks like an elegant noblewoman on the outside but she has vibes similar to Euphrasie! She gets she/her pronouns. Her craft type is Paper. Battle style wise, she's more on the offensive side, a main dps kind of thing. Most of her skills focus on buffing attack and speed, she'd have an item that helps regen her hp a lil bit and her chosen weapon is an umbrella. The tip is a sharp blade so it's used like a spear that has a hidden sword in its handle. Open it, and it becomes a shield! That'd be one of her skills too, although it's only applicable to her. She's the fastest one of the trio.
Pierre-Jacques-Erneste looks like a nobleman and carries himself as such! He gets he/they pronouns. Their craft type is Scissors. Battle style wise, he's more of a debuffer, skills focusing on weakening the enemies, slowing them down, poisoning them. Their weapon is a sword dagger, though he doesn't seem to be able to handle it well, how clumsy! But he Is a nobleman so it makes sense! Oh but... why doesn't he have a title? They're the slowest one of the trio, how strange, he seemed to be faster than Lady Irene-Janine-Karine that one time though.
#aria rants#how do i even tag these things bro im like-- why am i such a fan of a fragmented series in isat#okay so-- josephandre relied mostly on raw strength when he was travelling all alone before meeting the others#and i think he'd have a fun uncle vibe to him. which makes it easy for others to approach him and befriend him#but he Also carries a sort of pride and dignity to him which makes the others mistake him for a nobleman cuz of it#esp considering the fact that he later became famous for helping those in need and such.#lady irene on the other hand. being a noble she's always had to keep her guard up. also doesnt help that noblewomen#got the short end of the stick what with the ''arrange marriage'' things and being below noblemen#her umbrella weapon helps a lot in warding off the assholes. i think that during the journey with josephandre's party#she got to finally be herself without needing to sugarcoat her words in a way that a noble should. she would also figure out a#way to improve on her shield spell to not only apply to just her but her entire party too. she cares a lot about them after all#meanwhile i got a Whole scenario for pierre (being an illegitimate child of a noble family and all that. i made a post bout it)#he's actually a lot more capable than what he makes himself appear as. but its like part of the plan on getting the others#to lower their guards around him for when pierre betrays them. in actuality pierre is actually faster than irene altho#not much stronger still (irene and josephandre are still stronger than him) considering that pierre mainly focused on#stealth type attacks. hes more used to using a sword than a dagger (he mightve wanted to prove their worth)#it makes their battle style and weapon clash due to the fact that swords arent that good for stealth much than a dagger#its one of the reasons why hes trying to get used to the dagger than the sword. but it is a bit difficult to learn a new weapon
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pnuk-r0ck · 6 months
I often think abt this mutual I used 2 have and o the thing in The Office where they stare @ the camera
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englishmagic · 1 month
In other news, today my boomer mother suggested I look into getting an autism diagnosis. The one person I was most sure would go on about ‘oh these silly young people, everyone wants a diagnosis for everything these days’.
I guess that’s… a sign that I might not just be overestimating the significance of relatable memes to figuring out what’s “wrong” with me
In more annoying news, she told me my sister had said she hoped I’d shave my face for her birthday. Why do these people care so much about MY appearance, like. I don’t give a shit what they look like. Whatever makes them happy, you know? I’d appreciate the same courtesy in return. Then again, my sister didn’t literally tell me to shave; she mentioned it to my mother, and I don’t know if that is better or worse. But it certainly rubs me the wrong way that my mother felt the need to tell me about it.
Thinking about it, these women are always surprised or even offended if I don’t comment when they get a new haircut. So they literally make their aesthetic choices hoping to get comments. Whereas I would ideally not have people commenting on my appearance altogether. I guess I enjoy the odd compliment, like on my badass tattoo or my rocking outfit. But if someone comments that “oh, you cut your hair!” I almost kind of panic and want to bark back, “and what of it?!?” Like I’m expecting a criticism. I don’t make my appearance choices expecting people to like them and comment on them, I make them mostly despite what I expect those closest to me will think. It’s about expressing me and feeling comfortable in myself. If I comment on their appearance, it’s either because I especially like their look that day or because they’ve made a visible effort which, while not being my cup of tea, deserves some commendation.
(Well. I will occasionally say something akin to “hey I notice you’ve lost a lot of weight over a short period of time, is everything okay” but that’s because I know my mother has a history of disordered eating. And I don’t really do that anymore because she takes it as a compliment because skinny=good in her mind and that’s not. What I mean.)
And guess what, beyond those comments, I don’t actually think about or notice their appearance that much. Is that rude of me? I’m always lowkey worried about being rude because there’s stuff I don’t notice which I’m supposed to comment on. But I don’t really pay attention to people’s appearances; it’s their business. And if I don’t feel compelled to say anything about them TO THEM, why the fuck would I want to say something about them to other people?!? It’s so weird! When I say something about someone else’s appearance to others, it’s always positive! I think? Maybe I say mean stuff and I forget about it? That can be the case; I wouldn’t put it past my memory to overwrite bad stuff I do and say to make myself look good to myself. But like. The rare bad comment I have to make about someone. I will definitely not utter. Especially not to someone who knows the person.
All this to say that I would hate to upset my sister so I will probably shave my face before going to her birthday. I am trying to work on my confidence in my facial hair, because I sometimes like it and sometimes don’t, but importantly it’s the only thing about my appearance that makes anyone I’ve met question whether or not I am a woman. Which I am not. And obviously that’s kind of important to me, to have people view me as not-a-woman.
(And yes, I do fully suspect that that’s why they don’t like my facial hair - it’s too unusual, to unwomanly, and they’d prefer it if I were nonbinary in private and presented female to the world so as not to embarrass them by association.)
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spitblaze · 1 year
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what if my Void and @doktorpeace's Erato had spiderverse counterparts....and they were both spidermen.......and they kissed.........
#spitblaze says things#wip#ocs#void#masks#uh. lol this is what i was saying before#might have to buff les's design out a bit#but i think les's backstory is 'bit by the spider at a young age and it just didnt do anything for a long time'#'until the Inciting Incident where he got sucked into a black hole from a faulty particle accelerator'#'and instead of getting all Spots about it the spider powers managed to save him'#cause in his NORMAL story hes got like. sort of a metahuman autoimmune disease?#he already had a latent metatrait in a healing factor but once that got mixed with the weirdness of the black hole stuff it just became#les's atoms tearing each other apart and pulling themselves back together constantly and it hurt SO BAD all the time#i could go on a rant. the point is that in this case whats keeping him together isnt a healing factor but the latent spider powers#does he even need the web if he can just fall at terminal velocity in any direction to 'fly'?#no but hes also a weeb nerd who couldnt lift his way out of a paper bag#so like. probably for the best for him to develop a bit of muscle mass#anyway erato (spidrato)'s deal is that they're an artificial spiderman#i mean. obviously. robot. but like specifically made by the Spiderverse HQ#for the purposes of. idk. subduing rogue spidermen or something#either way their project was scrapped until Viceroy reactivated them and gave them purpose#anyway thats all i really have for them so far lmao this is way too many tags
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seulgikisser · 4 months
the kpoppies will hate this take bc it doesn't fit the i hate the fimmies for no reason agenda but tiger man did do the easy challenge well, however, as a dancer, i think he put way too much energy into it. he didn't "outdance" them, his style is very energetic, and in my opinion, he didn't grasp the actual concept of the choreo. it's supposed to look easy, look relaxed, and "groovy" not like you're in a dance battle. that's what the song's concept and message is. he just went a little harder than necessary, but he didn't "outdance" them, so pls stfu
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gurorori · 5 months
i say this with utmost seriousness i wish i was employed
#i need income so badly but im terrified of the prospects of havin 2 live independently but otherwise bein abused 2 death is the only option#:[ im so scared i wish things were easier#it doesn help when they constantly talk abt our neighbor slash childhood bestie whos jus a bit younger than us but alrdy has like#most of her life sorted out shes workin n studyin n they got her a car 4 hwr bday n she has a boyfriend n they r movin out next month#a middle class family btw with two alive parents yadda yadda. her tuition is effortlessly paid n she works on da side 4 her own expenses#n it's like first of all im nawt a well off cis girl. second of all she had qn actual support system n an upbringing — we didn't#i literally vaguely remember spendin most of our childhood n early teens over at her apartment since it was literally two steps away#they'd let us stay 4 hours cuz they felt bad 4 us n they dunno the whole story but they kno we r one of those 'unfortunate' families lol#but yeah the difference between us is night & day. it honestly feels a little crazy since we live literally on the same floor of the same#building despite the feasible differences. idk if dats a good or a bad thing#im jus tired of bein compared 2 her cuz we were failed on so many levels by everyone in our life who was supposed to care 4 us#meanwhile she's an average white blonde girl with a good life by here's standards#i wish we were still close but it became hard approaching teens... still we owr majority of our happy childhood memories 2 hangin out @ her#house or goin places w their family. it almost kinda felt like we were part of it but ik im. exaggeratin#yea idk why i ranted but um i need a job or ill die i think#mika caws
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sharkfinx · 11 months
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That why I hate taking breaks, the feeling of going back to writing and everything feels like puking and garbage
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no-light-left-on · 10 months
where are the Knights of the Nine in the 4th era, I wonder? did they survive the two hundred years between the oblivion crisis and the events of Skyrim? are they still an active order in Cyrodiil? did they take part in the wars that happened between the Empire and the Dominion? were they allowed to remain despite their order being dedicated to the Nine? with his parting words, Sir Amiel promises that the Order will be the sword and the shield of the Nine on Tamriel in her darkest times. where are they now?
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mixmioart · 2 years
You have the only correct opinions and interpretations about vampires.
Thank you for your service
Fgjsjd thank you anon!!!!
( tho, side tangent: imo the interesting thing about vampires as folklore/story trope is how many different takes there are! And how it reflects on the people that enjoy that particular story (like!! Huge difference between hot mysterious people like in twilight and the awkward dorks in wwdits!! If I was more smart I'd analyse that)
Apart from wwdits, my fave is probably the movie Only Lovers Left Alive bc it really nails the ancient, unbothered being vibe:D
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moyurukoda · 1 year
If I see a morally grey, self destructive, pathetic middle aged man I will put him in my brain and make him my entire personality. Every goddamn time
#harry du Bois? that is me. he just like me fr#also I will rant disco elysium thoughts tor the rest of the tags now#(also also any disco elysium fans please make yourselves known I Need to see more content from this fandom on my dash)#it was a fun game!!#i wasn’t invested initially but like an hour or so in I became Hooked#the like. traits mechanic I can’t remember what its called was really interesting#I didnt realise how much it truly affected the narrative until I tried talking about the ruby confrontation#with a friend who had started the game at the same time as me#and she was shocked about what I did in my playthrough becquse it wasn’t even an option for her#theres so many special and funny moments that I encountered in my playthrough#and I didnt even go through the thought cabinet that much so I definitely missed dome stuff#especisllly with the church and la responsibilite#also the horrific necktie quest#but I purposefully stopped that pne because the tie was annoying to me fhfbdndn#idk how I feel about the end fully#I was a bit disappointed that (SPOILERS)#the killer wasn’t someone we had met prior though he was still an interesting character#and the ending felt rather anticlimactic after the tribunal#but apart from that it was still great#speaking of#THE TRIBUNAL?? HOLY SHIT THERE WASNT EVEN A TIME LIMIT BUT THAT WAS TENSE#I didnt save rhat many people :(#titus Alain and eugene were the only survivors i think#also the fucking authority check to tell Kim someone was behind him??#terrifying i think I legit yelped KIM NO when it came up#he really trusted me though so it was still a high percentage chance but still if I rolled snake eyes i would’ve been distraught#(side note Kim is definitely my favourite character#cuno is in second place which I did not expect but I always loved interacting with him)#other parts of the ending that destroyed me included the final dream sequence cuz. holy shit.#i cried maybe a little maybe a lot
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evilsexy · 1 year
hello, i hope that you're well. if it's not too much trouble, i'd really like it if you shared some advice about learning / pursuing a programming language like q or ocaml (you mentioned a bit about it relatively recently). i'm really interested and think that any knowledge you have to offer in regards to both learning and practical applications would be useful. thank you so much regardless. wishing you a pleasant day.
hm this is a really good question! disclaimer that this is going to be biased towards (big) data science applications since that’s what i know the most. i also learned these languages after i already finished a math/cs undergrad degree so if you are from a different background you may have a different learning experience
to get it out of the way: you need 1-2 semesters of college statistics/probability to really get juice out of these languages. their best use cases are basically using statistical methods to process, transform, and understand truly vast amounts of data. you really also need linear algebra basics to understand functional programming (everything is a matrix operation)
in a nutshell functional programming is best used for large, dense, well-structured datasets because it allows you to do transforms very quickly and efficiently
in practical use these languages are good because for example i will be working with a 2 terabyte dataset of millions of millions of entries and i need to find the average of X value every hour over the past Y years. or i want to find the top 5 users from a specific region who clicked X button the most amount of times each day and what they have in common. or when we have a new user, how many times do i think they will click the button based on data from 100,000 other users? or i want to visualize what happens before and after X event in a time series under 20 different conditions for the past decade. or i want to fit a high dimensional regression. and i can get that all in a few seconds and with just 1 line of code
i was raised in python land and i have used pandas extensively and it does not even hold a candle to the power of ocaml or q when you’re working with larger amounts of data. python can’t keep up. i do use it for creating the graphs/figures i use in reports though
now. for learning—
cmu has a principles of functional programming class that my coworker swears by that has the lecture slides available along with some other resources http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~15150/lect.html
cs3110 from cornell is a good course for ocaml and their book is free https://cs3110.github.io/textbook/cover.html which also has video lectures
q is harder because it’s not taught in universities as much and has a smaller community, i mostly learned it by reading the tutorial on the website (Q for Mortals) which is available for free https://code.kx.com/q4m3/ . I also personally found that the book Q Tips https://libgen.is/search.php?req=q+tips was really good. I read Machine Learning and Big Data for kdb/q and the first few chapters were helpful starting out as well
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