#this being sent on valentines makes it look like he’s sending a pic of him and his boyfriend lmao
kimjuncottton · 7 months
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02-14-2024 zuho message
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
Valentine's Special Prompt Game
Prompt: Blind date / Set up by friends.
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Male Reader
Word Count: 1,2k
Genre: Fluff
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"I promise he's really nice!"
"Of course he is." You sarcastically say after rolling your eyes. "I've been told that tons of times before. I won't fall for your promises this time."
Jimin groans and takes a seat in front of you, bending over a little, wanting your attention on him as he starts to speak again.
"I know you've had bad dates befo-"
"Bad dates?!" You gasp, finally daring to look at him in the eye. "Do I have to remind you how the last guy I went out with spent the whole night crying over his ex boyfriend?"
Jimin inevitably chuckles at the remembrance of how you came back earlier to the apartment with a infuriating expression on your face, swearing you would never agree again to go on a blind date; especially a one set up by him.
"Okay, I take the whole responsibility of that. I should have know that! I thought he changed, though."
"Whatever. I'm not going on another date."
Jimin lifts his hands up in surrender, "Okay, but could you please hear about him? He's the nicest guy I've met, and he's willing to have a date after being single for a long time."
You think about it for a moment before nodding, making your friend smile. "Great! So, his name is Jeon Jungkook, he's 2 years younger than us, and I think you've seen him before. Remember when you came to the dance studio to pick me up to grab lunch? Last month."
"Oh, the tall guy with tattoos?" There's a hint of interest in your tone that makes Jimin giggle. He nods as an answer. "Okay... keep talking."
Convincing you to make you go on that date was easier than Jimin thought it'd be.
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"Are you sure you gave me the right adress?"
"Yeah, I did. You're already there?" Jimin speaks on the other line.
"It's a thrift store."
"I know, don't you think it's a great idea for a first date?"
"I don't know if you are fooling around but right now it isn't the time to do so!"
Jimin wholeheartedly laughs, "Trust me. You'll love it."
"I see him coming. If it ends up being terrible I'll physically hurt you."
"Sure thing. Have fun!" And he ends the call.
Jungkook introduces himself with a shy smile on his face. You're finally able to look at him with detail; the black ink decorating his skin of his arms and hands, his big sparkling doe eyes, his marvelous smile and pink tinted cheeks. Jimin was right, he is really charming.
"By the look in your eyes I'm guessing Jimin didn't tell you what is all this about, right?"
"I don't! So, mind telling me what are we going to do?"
Jungkook smiles softly at you, "He has told me you're very competitive, is that right?"
"Oh my god, please tell me he didn't tell you about the chicken wings incident."
"No, but now I'm interested on that." He lets out a laugh, which makes you feel instantly flustered. "Actually, I am very competitive myself, too. And I can see you too have a great sense of fashion, so... We're making outfits for each other today! The winner gets to choose the place we're having dinner after this."
"I love it, but how do we know who's the winner?"
"Jimin, of course."
"Right, I should have know."
Jungkook extends his hand for you to grab it. "Shall we go inside, then?"
You gladly take it, first taking a look in all the hallways of the store before starting to pick clothes.
As you do it, you start a simple and carefree conversation about yourselves and your interests. Turns out you two have a lot in common and that makes you wonder how come Jimin never told you about him. So far you think he is really nice and easygoing.
You get to try some of the clothes you keep gathering, sharing your thoughts about it and complimenting each other, which keeps you two smiling the whole time. After some jokes, laughter and pictures taken together,  you are on your final looks and decide to send the pics to Jimin, who deliberates that Jungkook is the winner.
"Not gonna lie, I love what you chose for me. I am definitely gonna experiment with this style from now on." Jungkook admits as you two exit the store, still wearing the outfit you end up buying.
"I am glad you like it, it suits you! And you just made me look thousands times more stylish. My closet and I are forever grateful."
Jungkook chuckles and grabs your hand again and starts walking on an unknown direction. "I know a great place over here."
"Awesome, I don't think I've been here before. You live near here?"
"No, but with the dance crew we used to hang out nearby really often."
That leads to another chill conversation in which you get to know each other a little bit more. He was right about the place, since you think it's really nice and casual, which makes the atmosphere comfortable for you two.
The night goes perfectly, and you really think that Jungkook is someone you would definitely have a second date with. Maybe, if things work out, have something more formal.
When's time to leave, Jungkook offers to pay for you, to which you immediately reject.
"Oh no, let me pay for it!"
"I insist, I'll pay for you!"
You laugh at his stubbornness and the way he wrinkles his nose, but that gives you an idea; the perfect excuse: "How about this, we split the bill and you pay on the second date."
Jungkook blushes and nods. "Only if you pay on the third one, though."
With a big smile you answer, "Gladly."
Later you are in front of your apartment, staring at each other with nervous smiles and fidgeting fingers.
"I had so much fun today," He starts. "Actually, this has been the best date I've ever had. For real."
"Me too! Honestly, I didn't know how much I needed to do this. I am so glad it turned out this way." You agree. "It's so nice to meet someone so easygoing and nice like you."
You two exchange phone numbers and share a hug, in which Jungkook takes the opportunity to leave a kiss on your cheek, making you blush.
"See you soon?" He shyly asks.
"Of course," You reply and wave your hand. "Goodnight, Jungkook."
Once you get to your floor and enter the apartment, Jimin is already waiting anxiously for you, looking at you with curiosity.
"So?! How did it go?!"
You plop down on the sofa right next to him and give him a tight hug, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
Jimin laughs, "I told you. Aren't I the best friend you've ever had?"
"An angel sent from above."
After you tell him all about your date and get ready to go to bed, your phone buzzes a couple of times. You unlock it to see the messages are from Jungkook.
I really had a great time today, and I actually didn't thank you for it
So thank you!
I am really looking forward meeting you again
Goodnight, _____ :)
He attached some of the pictures he took of you and the ones you took in front of the big mirror on that thrift store, and you couldn't believe your luck.
Agreeing on going to this date was the best decision you've ever made.
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2021 Megaman Valentine’s Day Contest Results
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Among the many things this past year or so has tested us with is delays, and I apologize that this year’s Valentine’s Day contest results are included in that. I certainly did not plan on this taking until March to get completed, and I am sincerely sorry to have kept you all waiting. But hopefully it is all worth the wait!!
Thanks once again to every single one of you who participated! I will be contacting the winners soon enough. Work will probably keep me from replying to everyone immediately, but I will send a message about prizes hopefully within 24 hours.
Also, my thanks to @subzeroiceskater​ for helping out with judging this year. Not to mention the promo pic above and other assorted bonuses that always bring me a big smile. I might say this seemingly every year, but you all made judging this VERY hard. It might have something to do with the themes as well, but I think both of us flipped and rearranged our rankings repeatedly, and even then, it was hard to decide on who would place. XD Each one of you did an amazing job!
After the break, you’ll see the winners for both categories, along with all of the entries. Raffle prize winners will be noted below by their alias, as well.
Category 1: Kiss From a Rosered (Talent)
For our talent category this year, the theme focused on your favorite Megaman characters giving roses to their special someone, along with incorporating the symbolism of specific rose colors within the piece. That rose color was also to be the predominant color within the piece, to the best of your ability.
A grand total of 9 entries were submitted for this category. You can see the full gallery of all entries at full-size [HERE]. Each entrant’s name will also link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) Sapphire: *$100 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
Oooooh, this is so cute and pink! Piiink~ Ehem. I love the depth, angle, and color grading of these—notice how Roll’s black linework is at the forefront of the pic but colors mixes with the lights and colors from the sun further along the pic. There’s a lot to admire about how everything easy to read with so many competing elements like the similar hues and bright lighting.
Pink roses usually mean a gentler sort of love but did you know that different shades of pink could signify different things as well? A darker shade may mean gratitude; medium shade could be about a first love or congratulations while a light shade may mean admiration. Tron holding a singular pink rose with varying shades of pink while literally tripping over herself and a Servbot could only mean—that this is hilarious.
Miyabi said:
From a technical standpoint, I think your piece clearly felt the most polished, crisp and virtually professional of the bunch. But more than that, I felt it also best gave off the vibe of the rose color dominating the piece, but in very subtle, beautiful ways. Where as the pink sunset causes many of the normally white areas, like Roll’s collar/sleeves, parts of Gustaff, and more, to ooze that pink lighting. Even with her klutziness, you still also portrayed the feeling of sweetness, admiration and appreciation that a pink rose conveys. Just so pretty, calming, and joyful to look at!
2.) Forceway: *$75 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
There is a sort of gentle irony with how Skull Man and Shade Man are both robots modeled after horror symbols—skulls and vampires—but are here surrounded by a soft sea of pink roses. The dark night is often depicted as a primal fear because it hides our deepest fears but here—illuminated by the bright shining moon—the night is transformed into a scene of love—perhaps devotion, with how Shade is gently cradling Skull, as well with the church bell in the background. This is a very tender piece mixing the shadows and the sweet.
Miyabi said:
I know most digital art programs have the brushes and shortcuts to make detailing things like roses a lot easier, but your bed of roses certainly look all done by hand on your own, and that alone impressed me a ton! Based off of the Ariga Megamix tale of Skull Man not feeling appreciated or having a family after Cossack stored him away, I felt the pink roses and Shade showing him that he is actually appreciated here was a fantastic conceptual choice. Purples in the sky and Shade’s body split the canvas and contrast with the pink well, including how you used the pink for some of the stars in the sky. Beautiful job!
3.) DigitallyFanged: *$50 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said:
Yellow is a bright color, often evoking the sun, warmth, light, joy and hope. With roses, its positive connotations continue with possible meanings of friendship, care and remembrance. Tabby’s piece seems to evoke the last one the strongest—with Zero, broken and forgotten in a lab—but, not entirely, because of a bond that is stronger than apparent death lives on—even if in this moment, it’s only a memory. Even the roses are not real—just projections of what was once alive. This is fantastic use contrast with the dark, moody blues against the vivid, almost defiant yellows; and the repeated little motifs such as X crying and the water drops falling all over Zero. It stands out from the rest of happy entries with how sad it is but it still manages to be hopeful.
Miyabi said:
Zero’s blonde locks certainly are an iconic part of his design, so playing off of that and focusing on yellow as your rose color fit perfectly. You definitely made this a very emotive piece considering technically, neither of these two are even alive and moving here! As mentioned above, the little details like the water droplets balancing against Cyber Elf X’s tears, the digital lines to make it appear like X has created the cyber-roses for Zero, and Zero’s battle damage caught my eye immediately. You certainly captured the yellow rose symbolism of remembrance and friendly affection beautifully!!
And the rest of the wonderful entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
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*Raffle Prize Winner* Captain N Mega Man Cel
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Subzeroiceskater said:
It’s so poetic about how this contest theme is about how the language of flowers is used to communicate feelings beyond just using words; and so, the comic is completely silent, relying on actions to convey its meaning. Yellow roses could mean friendship, care and affection; and it’s shown wonderfully with how Iris and Lan are so thoughtful with one another. It’s so cute how Iris missed Lan only because he was already out buying roses for her. Given how hard comics are to make and how this is fully colored, I really wanted to give this first place—however I felt the color usage of yellow could have been stronger, especially with the last page, where it would have had the most impact. I had to squint and zoom out to even see if the lighting had changed. Still, it’s such a very warm and lovely work.
Miyabi said:
I always appreciate the effort people put into making multiple-page comics for these contests, and this is no exception! Even without dialogue, you did a great job at conveying your story through your art in each panel and it was easily understandable. Another utilizing the yellow rose, I certainly felt the friendship and warmth in your tale. As Subzero mentioned, the only thing keeping it from placing was that the yellow colors weren’t as dominant in other areas of the pic, besides the panel by Sal. Still, your coloring was very crisp and vibrant throughout each page, and it was an awesome submission!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
With the red for Metal Man, orange for Cut Man and the explosion of yellow flowers, that’s the trifecta of warm colors. Yellow roses could mean delight and this pic is delightful in all ways. Cut looks so cute practically swimming in the sea of flowers and greenery, as does Metal’s adorable expression—which is a feat since he only shows his eyes. I also really like the juxtaposition and balance of this piece from: the rust-brown car against green-yellow nature running wild, and Metal holding a bouquet meanwhile Cut’s covered with plants. It makes me want to get some fresh air myself!
Miyabi said:
Cut Man looks grateful for being able to ride in that pickup bed of flowers, and I have a feeling the two of them had a wonderful time just snipping and sawing away at all the stems to gather them all. XD Love how the yellow and oranges play off of both character’s color schemes nicely. The subtlety of the yellow flowers in the foreground, along with the sun and tree in the background all play off each other well, too! Just an absolutely cute pic!
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
What a fantastic composition. Dark-Dullahan does away with most color, leaving the colors of the mixed-bouquet roses as the main focal point. Classic red for romance, a gentler pink for affection, mixed yellow roses to signify caring and probably so much more—seems like Nana can’t contain her feelings for Massimo. I love how the close up of the bouquet doesn’t just form a kind of heart at the top but serves as the divider between the two, like a diptych. With such a wonderful offering, Massimo would surely accept her feelings.
Miyabi said: 
As you brought to my attention, your mixed bouquet had a few different meanings, such as the dark pink representing thanks to Massimo for saving Nana from Silver Horn, and the red tips on the yellow roses to symbolize falling in love. Certainly got those vibes from her shy demeanor, as she sheepishly tries to hand them to him. Also agree with Subzero that the line from the bouquet nicely works as a way to separate them uniquely with the background. Sorry you weren’t able to complete it as fully as you had hoped, but the concept behind it certainly was strong!
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Donnie also sent in an alternate version made during the creative process, in a different artistic style, that I still feel needs to be shared, as well. Fun to see the contrast, yet still have the same feeling and mood to the piece. 
Subzeroiceskater said:
Oh, I adore this one. It reminds me of a movie poster with the tagline. I love the extra PINK flourishes of the letterings like with the Mega Man logo color change and cute pixelated font and heart. Both Rock and Roll’s expressions are so cute, too—with his more subdued smile contrasted with her exuberant grin. Much like how the pink rose could mean many things like thoughtfulness, cheer or as a show of appreciation, this piece is positively sparkling with affection, hearts and all. It’s clever how the sunset is giving the picture an overall pinkish-red hue while having the yellow light as an outline. A darling piece.
Miyabi said:
With pink roses again, I truly liked the additional hue adjustments where you can feel the warmth and see the lighter pink mixed into their skintone, or areas normally of white - from eyes to teeth to the Megaman logo - that have taken on the pink in it’s place. With the painterly watercolor style you used, it all blends in nicely. Even in your earlier version, I feel you brought a strong game with the hues, but toned down the red from that version to make it feel much stronger towards pink, with a tighter crop of your canvas. It was fun to see how it evolved, and strengthened your piece in doing so! Fabulous job!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
No better way to show how madly in love you are than a bouquet of roses that run the gamut of—I can’t call these warm colors because these passions are running hot. Orange seems to be the dominant color here—which in roses could symbolize a love that’s passionate, fierce and deep. It’s also expressed nicely with the two lovers embracing, engaged in mid kiss, their bodies also forming a subtle heart shape, to emphasize the flurry of hearts around them. The bouquet is not just orange roses, however, but a mixed bouquet of the classic romantic red and the more affectionate pink—it’s a piece that’s bursting with all degrees of love.
Miyabi said:
You also certainly mastered the limited color pallette challenge as you tackled this piece! Orange, the color of passion, is certainly felt in their deep kiss and embrace. I too caught the heart shape their heads essentially form, which is then further enforced with the heart of hearts behind them. I thought that concept was pulled off very well. Perfect for the fiery intensity of Match, this turned out to be a very hot pic!
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Subzeroiceskater said:
This one has a very clever framing (eh? EH?). The color white is often associated with purity, innocence and hope, and with white roses—weddings and marriage. Sonia dons the classic white wedding dress which has a très élégante design—and the little Lyra on her belt is very cute. The pink background is also very romantic and a nice way to tie in with her theme colors. I dig the lovey-dovey feel of Geo doing the classic bridal carry while clasping a single white rose...but seeing the thorns, I think he better watch his hand!
Miyabi said:
For a theme emphasizing color within the pic, I salute you for taking the biggest challenge in choosing white. In many ways, it could have been the hardest to keep as a predominant color, but still make the pic interesting and visually appealing. Choosing to have the petals all around the frame, with the bouquet nearby was a clever touch. With white often used for weddings and new beginnings, I think the concept of your piece worked just right, where it was subtle, but still incorporated enough other color to give the piece some life. 
Category 2: Kawaii-rimi (Humor)
For our humor category this year, the theme focused on your favorite Megaman character gifting the plush form of another Megaman character to their crush, instantly created by a ninja-like character, to play off of the Kawarimi concept from the EXE series. 
With just 3 entries in our humor category this time around, every entrant placed. You can see the full gallery of all entries at full-size [HERE].  Each entrant’s name will also link to their individual pieces at full-size.
1.) Mattasaurs: *$100 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
Y’know how blocks of wood are sometimes used by ninjas when they do that whole body switching thing? I think it’s clever how this pic has Sal—Woodman.exe’s operator—conjuring the doll. Everything about the pic is so fun and colorful: from Sal’s mischievous grin of accomplishment, Miyu being completely shocked by her chibi doppelganger (check out that body language!) and Masa’s confused expression.
Miyabi said:
Yes, while to some, Sal might not be the first one they think of when they think ninja in the Megaman Universe, but I certainly thought she still fits the bill in her design. Usually we don’t see this much emotion or shock out of Miyu, so seeing her torque her body, taken aback at a doll of herself, is amusing in it’s own right. Meanwhile, nothing fazes Masa. And a bit of randomness: oh man, seeing Masa’s head in profile, with his bandana...wow, I never realized how much his head shape with the bandana looks like a fish’s. I can’t unsee it now. Anyways, I also agree that the color, polish, and fun vibe made this a worthy winner!
2.) ColeManX: *$75 prize*
*Raffle Prize Winner* Captain N Cutsman Cel
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Subzeroiceskater said:
E-Eyes? What did you mean by that, Mr. RT-55J?  Although judging from the sparkle on those booblights… I understand, Cinnamon—if that happened to me, I’d be making asides to the camera, like I was in “The Office”, too. Cinnamon’s enthusiastic smile with this whole bizarre scene really sells it for me but shoutout to Marino’s smug satisfaction in the background.
Miyabi said:
🎵 I kind of liked it your way How you shyly placed your eyes on me Did you ever know That I had mine on you?🎵
RT says it only has eyes for Cinny right now, but it’s also known to be a little grabby hands, so I don’t know if I’d fully trust it...but good thing this is just a plush version. Time for the tables to be turned, and Cinnamon to get her claws and paws on it, instead. Very cute, although after the DiVE V-Day event, we all know this is a ruse and your pal boobeyes only belongs to the Ferham Fanclub. XD
3.) Ronin-Apprentice: *$50 prize*
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Subzeroiceskater said: 
This whole comic is so sweet and fluffy, nya!  ~(=^‥^)ノ☆ It’s adorable how Proto brings up his gift first and the surprise is how Shadow handmade his gift. The little cat-eared Blues design is so darling--almost as cute as him fussing how totally NOT a cat he is. “Did you steal my cat.” had me snorting. Now I’m wondering where Tango went off to…
Miyabi said:
Aside from getting his own Super Adaptor, this is probably the closest we’ve got to seeing Tango and Blues merged as one. LOL I’m sure that plush would have a ton of fans wishing it actually existed. The panels where Blues embarrassingly hides behind his scarf and gets pet like a cat had me laughing! Very cute and adorable comic, that certainly had the most depth in terms of the theme of this category!
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 4 years
What You’ve Been Wanting
Summary: Sexting Finn at work gets you . . . exactly what you want.
Warnings: SMUT (18+ please)
A/N: I dare say I’ve outdone myself. Those of you who I consider to be my “Constant Readers” know I never say that about my own writing. So, here goes!
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It wasn’t a secret that Finn hated his corporate job.
 He would have given anything to have grease under his nails again as he tuned an engine, but Finn was smart enough to know his old life dissipated with Tobey’s arrest.
 Part of you was relieved because you always thought Finn was better than the grunt work he did at the garage. When he took the job in Detroit, you told him that if he played the corporate game well enough, in ten years he could have enough money to open his own garage and get back to pursuing his passion. In some ways, Tobey’s arrest had seemed like a blessing.
 However, with corporate success came more demanding hours, and you quickly learned that one of Finn’s weaknesses was trying to balance work with life.
 Two nights ago, he didn’t get home until 9:15 pm. The previous night, it was 9:25, so you could argue that his time management was improving . . . except that last night, he didn’t walk through the front door until 10:05.
 It was clear he wasn’t going to find balance on his own, so you needed to intervene. When you had a moment to yourself throughout your own workday, you thought about what you could do to help. It wasn’t until you got home around 4:30 that your body actually told you what you should do.
 As you walked into the bedroom to change, you picked up some clothes on the floor and tossed them into the hamper. Finn’s black dress shirt caught your eye and you pulled it out, suddenly struck with the realization of how much you missed him. You brought the starchy fabric to your nose and pressed the collar against your lips, inhaling Finn.
 His scent fanned the dull flame of neediness that you hadn’t even identified was smoldering within you until that moment.
 As you looked down at his shirt, you were suddenly filled with inspiration, and you grinned as you tossed it onto the bed. Stripping down, you tossed all your work clothes in the hamper, then dug through your underwear drawer to find something sexy. A “race red” bra and panty set you had bought last Valentine’s Day stuck out, and you rushed into the bathroom to fix your face and hair, donning a lipstick that closely matched the underwear set.
 After slipping into Finn’s shirt, you left it unbuttoned as you started taking pictures: cute ones, mostly of your smile with just a glimpse of what you were wearing. You picked one that bordered on sexy and hit send.  
 As you thought about your next photo set, Finn texted back a few minutes later.
 Sexy!!! Miss you : (
 “Oh, you’re gonna do more than miss me here in a sec,” you said to yourself as you shucked off Finn’s shirt, took off your bra, then put his shirt back on. You spent some time positioning his dress-shirt so it just covered your nipples on either side. You angled the camera down your body, making sure to reveal as much breast as the position allowed.
 This time, Finn’s reply took exactly ten seconds.
 Please stop.
 Giggling, you prepped for what you expected to be the holy grail of sexy pics. You opened his shirt and laid across the bed, angling the phone so it captured your breasts, now fully on display, then you slid your hand into your red panties. You snapped some pics then got distracted as you fingered your clit, wondering if all you’d have tonight is another round with yourself. Leaning into his collar, your eyes slipped shut as you breathed him in and rubbed your swelling bud. With a groan, you stopped, secretly praying that this next picture would be the one to send him running home to you.
 Scrolling through your most recent shots, you picked the sexiest and sent it.
 You sucked on your finger, waiting for Finn’s reply. When his face flashed on the screen, you grinned and answered, “Hey, babe. I miss you.” 
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“Stop sending me . . . those,” he hissed into the phone.
 “Sure. If you come home and take care of me.”
 “You know I can’t—”
 “You can.”
 “I can’t! Dammit, Y/N. Don’t you think I wish I could?”
 “You’re working yourself too hard, Finn. And that’s not a euphemism.”
 “I’ll see you when I get home,” he bit out, then hung up on you.
You didn’t know whether his reaction angered, hurt, or humored you, so you decided to keep playing your game. If that last picture hadn’t worked, maybe this one would. Wiggling out of your panties, you used Finn’s shirt to very precariously cover most of your pussy . . . most being the operative word.  
 Barely containing your laughter, you hit send and really thought about what you were doing to Finn. You slid your fingers between your folds and worked yourself to a quick orgasm as you imagined him opening his phone, probably with a frustrated huff. You imagined how wide his pretty eyes would get as he looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was peeking. You imagined how he’d shift in his chair, his pants suddenly too tight. And as you thought about the bulge in his trousers, you thought about the feeling of his dick inside you. Your fingers were slick which quickened your ministrations as you longed for him, and soon enough you were shaking with your swift, intense orgasm.
 Exhaling, you checked your phone and saw that Finn had opened your last picture, but he hadn’t replied.
 You figured you had a 60-40 chance, the odds in your favor that he left work, maybe even taking the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator, so you rolled over on the bed and lounged. As you played on your phone, you realized you were much more relaxed than when you had first gotten home and vowed that even if Finn did work late—again—you’d be sure to make sure he got off before bedtime.
 You smiled to yourself as you cleared out your cache of sexy photos and imagined undressing him, his sleepy eyes half-shut as he insisted he grabbed dinner on the way home and all he wanted was some sleep. Except instead of sleep, he would get your mouth on his cock.
 God how you missed him.
 As if on cue, the front door opened, then slammed shut. At first you grinned, but the sound of Finn’s pounding steps on the stairs sounded ominous, especially considering his typically aloof demeanor.
 “I am going to kil—” Finn growled as he stomped into the bedroom, but as he took in your nudity, he stopped mid-threat.
 You rolled over and bit your lip, your eyes lit with the promise of a very good time.
 Finn pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and his eyes grew to be twice their usual size.
 “You are in so much fucking trouble,” he growled as he launched himself onto the bed, covering your body with his as he bent to suck harshly on your neck.
 “Sorry, honey. Guess I shouldn’t tell you I got started without ya?”
 Finn released your skin with a wet pop and pulled back to look down at you, his eyes narrowing. He scanned your face to see if you were teasing or telling the truth and whatever he saw made him sit back on his haunches and grip your knees in order to push them wide apart.
 Hunger settled over his features as he took in your wet center, and you swore on the spot that the last image you wanted to see before you died was the way he licked his lips, looked up at you, then lowered his face over your pussy.
 Still fully clad in his suit, your calves rubbed against the fabric of his grey jacket as he held your thighs open.
 He immediately pulled your clit into his mouth with a sharp suck, bringing you straight to that threshold of pain and pleasure, an area as grey as the suit he was wearing. You pushed at his head with one hand and pulled at his gelled hair with the other, the noises leaving your throat more animal than human.
 Stopping to plunge his tongue into your center, your body relaxed, only to be lit on fire again as Finn’s nose nudged at your clit.
 “Oh my fuck—Finn!” you cried, your mind barely stringing together anything coherent.
 “Come on, baby. Say my name louder than that,” he ground out between the thrusts of his tongue.
 When he moved back to your clit with his mouth, he slid his thick middle finger inside of you and sought that bundle of nerves along your inner wall. Fucking you with his finger and his mouth, you squeezed your eyes shut in ecstasy, unable to have even imagined getting it this good from him when you began your little game.
 “FINN!” you shouted as you came, your lips still mumbling his name over and over as you trembled under his face.
 “Happy now?” he said, swiping at his nose and chin with his hand as he crawled back up your body.
 Instead of allowing yourself to bask in the tingles of an incredible orgasm, you were instantly possessed with the need to fuck him stupid.
 With a growl, you pushed him off your body and onto his back, a little too vigorously because he nearly tumbled off the bed. You grabbed onto his suit to steady him, then began tearing the clothes off his body.
 First the jacket went as you yanked him up by his lapels and gave him a searing kiss as you worked off the sleeves.
 Then his striped tie, ripped off with such force that the “ssst” sound of the fabric seemed to echo in your ears even as you tossed it to the side of the room.
 Once he was free from his tie, you worked the buttons on his sky-blue dress shirt, popping at least two in your haste as Finn tried to help only to have his hands smacked away. They floated beside you before settling onto the sides of your face as you kissed him until you needed to work off his undershirt.
 The thin material caught in his watch and you quickly unclasped it, not caring when it sharply thudded onto the floor.
 You kissed down his body, sucking marks onto his color bone and chest and nipping at his nipples with your teeth, pushing him to that line of grey he had you in earlier as he was sucking on your clit.
 “Want you,” you whined between kisses and bites. “Want you so bad.”
 “I’m not goin’ anywhere, baby—ah, fuuuck,” Finn hissed as you palmed his cock before whipping off his belt and opening his trousers.
 You finally hit a hitch in your destruction of his clothing when you realized he still had his shoes on. You stood up and pulled them off, each of them hitting the floor with a satisfying thud. His socks were next, then you were able to grab his suit pants by the edges and yank them off, change and whatever the hell else he had in his pockets scattering across your bedroom floor.
 Finn was already wriggling out of his boxers so all you had to do was reach up once again and yank.
 Only when he was gloriously naked before you did you stop to take a breath, steadying yourself on your feet and letting your eyes rake over him—and Finn ate it up, his ego clearly swelling to three times its usual size under your adoration.  
 Pressing a chaste kiss to his knee, you worked slowly up his thigh, licking and kissing in a way that had his cock jump as you got closer. Instead of taking him in your mouth, you kissed down his other thigh and worked your mouth to his knee on the other side of his body.
 “Oh no,” Finn said scrambling up. “No, no.”
 He grabbed your upper arms and pushed you back until you were both standing.
 “You don’t get to sext me at work, undress me like that, then tease me.”
 He stepped behind you, pushed you forward, then kicked your legs apart as you fell against the bed onto your stomach. He ran his hands down your thighs, groping them before he brought his hands to the cheeks of your ass and gave them a swat.
 “You’re gonna get it like you wanted it.”
 And with that, Finn pushed into your opening, coating his dick with the first thrust so he didn’t hurt you, but when he pulled back out, it was on.
 He slammed into you twice before he reached to gather your wrists and hold them against your lower back. Your cheek was pressing into the mattress and you felt like you were on orgasmic-fire as he held you down and fucked you.
 Finn’s ass clenched with the force of his thrusts and soon he was grunting every time he entered you, skin slapping against skin and filling the room with the sounds of really good, dirty sex.
 You weren’t contributing to the sexy cacophony since you were being fucked speechless, uttering only little puffs of breath that disturbed your ruined hair, your body unable to do more than take that fucking as a familiar coil inside of your abdomen burned again, aching for release.
 When Finn began to pick up his pace, you knew he was getting close to coming.
 “PleaseFinnplease,” you slurred. “I’m soclose.”
 “Again, baby? All right—but you better make it a good one,” he panted as he slowed down and released one of your wrists so he could fumble over your clit. As it turned out, you didn’t need precision in this position—just a little pressure.
 Not even Finn could hold your other wrist as you came, your arms slamming above your head and into the mattress as you gripped the comforter and gritted your teeth. An explosion of stars burst behind your eyelids as you came, and of course, Finn followed you, grunting out his climax, his hot cum coating your walls and mixing with your own, making you shudder at the intimacy of it—and that was just what you had really been wanting.
 A reminder of just who you belonged to.
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searchingwardrobes · 4 years
Valentine Throwbacks: Day 2
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This was written a few years ago for the 14 Days of Valentine’s Prompts on tumblr. This was for day three: the meet-cute.
Summary: Emma Swan doesn’t do “cute.” So when she meets Killian Jones for the first time, well, she meets ALL of him. Or what happens when gym employee Emma walks in on Killian in the tanning bed.
Making a picset for this fic was simultaneously fun and frustrating. Colin’s chest hair is one of a kind, isn’t it? ;) I also didn’t want this to be NSFW, so the tanning bed pic isn’t exactly as described in the story, lol.
Words: almost 3k
Rated: High T ? I mean, Emma accidentally sees him nude, but that’s about it. I just can’t bring myself to rate this an M because it’s overall just funny and cute.
Also on Ao3
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells @whimsicallyenchantedrose @kmomof4 @let-it-raines @teamhook @bethacaciakay @xhookswenchx @tiganasummertree @shireness-says @stahlop @scientificapricot @welllpthisishappening @resident-of-storybrooke @thislassishooked @ilovemesomekillianjones @kday426 @ekr032-blog-blog @lfh1226-linda @ultraluckycatnd @nikkiemms @optomisticgirl @profdanglaisstuff @carpedzem @ohmakemeahercules @branlovestowrite @superchocovian @sherlockwhovian @vvbooklady1256 @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @delirious-latenight-laughs @jennjenn615 @snidgetsafan @xsajx​ @itsfabianadocarmo @spartanguard @hookedonapirate​
Emma Swan did not work her butt off just to wipe things. She practically crawled and scraped her way into a meaningful life after getting out of prison. She worked multiple jobs, lived in her car, ate nothing but beans straight from the can, and when the misery was all said and done, she had a college degree in exercise science. But like any field these days everyone wanted experience, so until she somehow got some, she was relegated to wiping things. Wiping down the equipment, wiping down mats, wiping, wiping, and more wiping. And she only made slightly more than the teenagers at the reception desk and the college guy who made the smoothies.
Emma sighed as she grabbed yet another fresh rag after her boss told her the tanning machines needed . . . you guessed it, wiping. She was paying more attention to her internal raging about how much her life sucked than she was to her superior telling her which beds were occupied. She was pretty sure she said they were all being used except for bed three, so Emma went all the way to the end of the narrow hallway that housed the tanning beds and stopped at the last door. If she hadn’t been distracted and moody, she might have thought to knock. Maybe. Then again, most people locked the damn door.
Well, not this guy. He also didn't wear underwear to tan like most people. Nope, he was completely nude. He lay there, in all his glory, shimmering under the UV bulbs like the god Apollo or something. And the Greek god comparison wasn’t an exaggeration between the light shining on him, and the chiseled muscles, and the perfect . . . He was sort of like a living version of the statue of the David, but tanned and with lots of chest hair.
“Who’s there!” he called out.
Emma gasped, then cursed under her breath as she turned and left, slamming the door behind her. She sagged against the heavy oak door, her heart racing. She groaned and covered her face with the hand that wasn’t still clutching the bottle of cleanser and rag. Had she just stood there and stared at the guy? Oh god, she had.
Suddenly, the door behind her gave way and Emma fell backwards with a yelp. From her place on the floor, she looked up to see Apollo himself standing above her, smirking, wearing nothing but a pair of tight, white briefs. Did he look . . . pleased with himself? She suddenly realized she was clutching the bottle of cleanser to her chest.
“Like what you saw, darling?” he asked with an arched brow. He had a British accent. Of course.
Emma rolled her eyes at him as she struggled to her feet, irritatingly brushing off his attempts to assist her. “Please, I didn’t even look. Do you think I want to burn my retinas?”
His eyes, which were an amazing shade of blue, seemed alight with mirth as he regarded her. “Then why the blush?” He leaned towards her slightly, his encroachment upon her personal space made all the more infuriating by his lack of clothing. She took a step back towards the doorway.
“Oh great,” she snapped, “you’re that type.”
His brow furrowed, and for a moment he actually looked slightly hurt. “What type?”
Emma crossed her arms across her chest, despite the awkwardness of the cleaning supplies clutched in her hand. “Isn’t it obvious? I mean, seriously, who uses a tanning bed in the middle of the winter? Except for –“ she vaguely gestured up and down his person, “wanna-be Calvin Klein underwear models.”
It was his turn to scowl and cross his arms over his chest. His very appealing chest that Emma was trying really hard not to stare at.
“Or maybe some people do it for their health. You ever think of that?”
“Yeah right,” Emma bit out, “health of what? Your sex life, playboy?”
His blue eyes sparked with indignation. “Oh, you get an eye-full and you suddenly know me?”
Guilt pricked at her for a moment. She was in the wrong here for barging in without knocking. But his smirking and innuendos had her defenses up. “I know your type,” she told him smugly with a tilt of her chin.
“You walk in on me, and I’m the bad guy?”
He had a point, and she knew it. She took several more steps backwards into the hallway and turned on her heel, her ponytail swinging with irritation all its own. “Ugh, I’ve got work to do. Wipe the bed down, I get tired of cleaning up other people’s sweat all day.”
Emma half expected him to get in one last word, but as she marched away, all she heard was the slamming of the door to tanning room three.
The week of her little embarrassing tanning bed episode, there had been a slight lull at the gym. It had been the last week of January, when New Year’s resolutions were waning and the cold weather dampened people’s motivation. But now people seemed to suddenly realize that Valentine’s Day was only two weeks away, and the gym was once again packed. Even the indoor pool had been in more frequent usage, so Emma’s boss sent her to check the chlorine levels. With the flu epidemic, they couldn’t afford to let germs spread in the warm water.
It had also been a week since Emma had seen “Apollo the sun god,” much to her relief. But when she exited the women’s locker room, into the pool area, there he was: his muscular back an appealing sight as his arms cut through the water. He was evidently an experienced swimmer as he turned off the wall expertly and did a strong backstroke across the length of the pool. Emma shook her head and cursed herself. Damn it, she was staring again!
Emma was leaning over the edge, a nice distance away from the tanning god, getting samples of the water in little test tubes. She was shaking the first one to get a result when she was sprayed with little droplets of water. She looked up, her eyes angry, narrow slits, to see him, treading water easily with a maddening grin on his face. The pool water made his blue eyes almost glitter like sapphires, and he looked unfairly sexy wet.
“I’ve been hoping to see you again,” he told her. “We didn’t exactly get off on the right foot. I’m sorry I teased you, I was just trying to help you see the humor in the situation. It came off wrong, obviously.”
Emma purposely ignored him, staring at the little tube in her hand and trying to remember what the hell she was looking at. He cut through the water towards her, and rested his arm on the edge of the pool inches away from where she crouched.
“I’m Killian Jones by the way,” he said. Emma pressed her lips together in frustration as she blushed for absolutely no reason. She still refused to look at him. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him cock his head. “And this is the part where you say, hello, I’m Emma Swan.”
She jerked her head so fast, she almost dropped the test tube. “How did you –“
“I can read, love,” he laughed, gesturing towards her right shoulder.
Emma groaned as she glanced down at her employee name tag. She got hit on all the time at the gym, and had heard a million different pick-up lines involving her last name. But she had sworn off men since Neal, except for an occasional one night stand. But those were never men from work; too much familiarity.
“Some men would take your silence as off-putting,” Killian told her then with a smirk, “but I love a challenge.” Then he had the audacity to wink before diving back under the water.
Emma rubbed her forehead wearily as she stood. The water was low on chemicals, so she pushed the handsome swimmer/sun bather from her mind as she collected what she needed from the supply closet. She measured the chlorine as well as a small dose of shock and added it to the filtration system, then she headed back for the locker room.
Emma wasn’t sure exactly what happened next. There was a puddle of water on the tile floor deep enough to send her sensible sneakers sliding out from under her. Then her arms were wind-milling in empty air, and the pool water seemed to be rushing up to meet her. But before she could hit the water, a hand shot out and grasped her by the elbow. She was hauled from the pool edge, colliding with a warm, wet, very masculine chest.
Killian Jones chuckled as his other arm came around her. “Next time, don’t stand on ceremony.”
Emma blamed her shocked surprise for her delayed reaction in pulling away from him. “Please, Jones, don’t flatter yourself.”
He tucked his tongue into his cheek and waggled his eyebrows, “Remembering yesterday?”
Emma fumed as she gave him a disdainful once-over. “I’m just shocked you’re not in a speedo, mister tighty-whitey.”
Killian’s eyes widened and his gaze went from playful to irritated. “You wouldn’t even know I wore tighty-whities if you hadn’t walked in on me!”
Emma threw up her hands in frustration, resisting the urge to shove him. “It was an accident!”
He arched one brow. “Like you almost falling in the pool?”
Emma scoffed as she crossed her arms over her chest, “Who said I was falling?”
“Fine,” he spat out, “next time, I’ll just let you fall.”
He brushed past her then, grabbing his towel angrily as he marched towards the men’s locker room. Emma started to stomp her way in the opposite direction, but then decided she better tread more carefully on the wet floor.
Not that she had needed Killian Jones to catch her. She was just fine on her own.
Several hours later, Emma walked into her apartment and kicked her gym shoes off by the door. Her feet ached as she dragged herself over to the couch and plopped down next to her roommate. She groaned and Elsa laughed, handing her a slice of pizza from the pie resting on the coffee table.
“Rough day?”
“Yeah,” Emma muttered around a bite, “tanning bed guy showed up again.”
“Oh,” Elsa laughed, wrinkling her nose, “that must have been embarrassing.”
Emma waved her hand. “Don’t want to talk about it. I just want to stuff my face with pizza and zone out in front of the TV.” She narrowed her eyes at the screen and groaned, “Not this, Elsa, seriously?”
Her best friend shook her head as she chuckled at Emma. “Dr. Oz gives lots of good advice.” She poked Emma in the shoulder. “You should listen to him, junk food junkie. How you’re ever going to be a personal trainer when you eat like a fourteen year old, is beyond me.”
Emma smirked and lifted two fingers, “One, I was gifted with an amazing metabolism. Two, my clients will just need to do as I say, not as I do.”
They both laughed then and continued devouring the pizza. Emma’s brow furrowed as she tried to follow the show, since she had missed the first half. “What’s wrong with this girl he’s talking to?” she finally asked Elsa.
“Seasonal affective disorder,” Elsa explained, “lots of people get it in the winter.”
Emma snorted. “Is that a real thing? It sounds made up.”
Elsa shrugged, “I don’t understand it, since I love winter. The snow is so pretty, and the cold – I just don’t get why it bothers people.”
Emma rolled her eyes and tossed a throw pillow at her friends’ head, “Okay, you’re weird, we’ve established that.”
Elsa whacked Emma with the pillow then hugged it to her chest instead of giving it back. “Seriously though, it is a real thing. My friend at work struggles with it. I finally talked him into seeing a therapist, and Killian says it really helps him. Some things that help are physical, like –“
The blood had drained from Emma’s face as she choked out, “like a tanning bed?”
Elsa’s eyes widened, “Yeah, actually, and he swims in an indoor pool, too. Why?”
Emma groaned, dropping her pizza back to the box. She covered her face with both hands. “Please,” she muttered between her fingers, “don’t tell me his last name is Jones and that he has a British accent.”
“Yeah, he –“ Elsa’s words cut off as understanding dawned, “oh my god, you’re not saying he’s the tanning bed guy?”
Emma peeked through her fingers, “Yes, that’s what I’m saying. He introduced himself today – at the pool. Trying to be nice, actually.” She moaned as she lowered her head to Elsa’s lap. “I’m a bitch,” she whispered.
Elsa just gave a tiny, soft laugh as she worked the tangles out of Emma’s hair with her long fingers. “Well, so am I, that’s why we’re friends.”
Emma hoped that good intentions justified quasi-stalking. She had to make it up to Killian for being so horrible, and she couldn’t just wait around to bump into him again. She pulled his account up on her work computer and learned his gym routine. Killian Jones was an extremely punctual person of habit. On Tuesdays and Thursdays he got to the gym at 5 am and left at 6:30. Emma didn’t get to her shift on those days until 8:00. But on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, he arrived at 7:00 pm and left at 8:30, which were the same days that Emma worked late.
Unfortunately, Elsa informed her that Killian had come down with the dreaded flu. By the time he came back to the gym, and Emma had figured out how to approach him, it was February the 14th. It wasn’t ideal to approach him on Valentine’s Day. After all, she didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. But if she put it off any longer, she knew she would chicken out. So on Valentine’s Day, when Killian Jones exited the gym, he found Emma Swan leaning against his black SUV with a smoothie in her hand. (That had taken additional stalking. To ascertain the smoothie he usually ordered and which vehicle in the parking lot belonged to him.)
“A peace offering?” Emma asked, hating when her voice cracked a bit. When he just stood there with his mouth hanging open, she rushed on, “And an apology? For walking in on you and then. . .well, for being a bitch.”
That finally got a chuckle out of him. He shuffled forward, and for the first time looked nervous. He tossed his bag in the back seat then turned to her with a smile as he leaned against the car with his arms crossed. “What brought on this sudden change?”
Emma’s face fell, and her eyes lowered to stare at the cup in her hand. “Your friend, Elsa Arrendale? I’m her roommate.”
“Oh,” Killian said, scratching behind his ear.
“And she didn’t tell me much,” Emma rushed to explain, “just enough to make me see how quick I was to judge you.”
Killian nodded. “So she told you I’m a mess this time of year, huh?”
Emma smiled and shrugged, “Hey, not everyone loves freezing their ass off the way Elsa does.” That got another chuckle out of him. “And besides, I’m a mess pretty much year round.”
“Well,” Killian said with a long sigh, “I was too, for a while. Right after my Milah died, I could barely get out of bed each morning. That was five years ago.”
Emma frowned. “I’m so sorry. Who was she? Your wife?”
“Aye,” Killian answered softly, “she died in a car accident. This time of year. We were going out on a nice date.”
“Valentine’s day?”
“No,” he said with a shake of his head and a false grin, “my birthday, actually, end of January.”
“I’m so sorry, Killian. No wonder this time of year is so hard for you.” She bit her lip. “Can you ever forgive me for being such a jerk to you?”
He ran his hand down his face, and afterwards, he gave her a more relaxed smile. “Of course I forgive you, Swan. I do make an arse of myself at times, so I can’t really blame you.”
They shared a laugh at that. Emma cocked her head, studying him and seeing him in a whole new light. “You have Valentine plans?”
Both his eyebrows lifted, “Can’t say I do. Why?”
She shrugged, “How about I buy you a drink?” She shook the smoothie cup still in her hand. “A bit stronger than this.”
Killian gave her a sinful smile, cocked his head, and tapped his lips. “I’d say you owe me a proper apology, love.”
Emma wanted to scoff, to roll her eyes, but all she could do was smile as a blush crept up her face. “That’s what the drink is for.”
Killian pouted then, quite affectively. “That’s all I get? When this time of year makes me so, so sad?”
What Emma did next was partly to shut him up. However, she had to admit, it was also because she had imagined what it would be like to kiss him a thousand times since the tanning bed. So she lunged for him, the smoothie falling to the ground forgotten with a thud and a splash. She hauled him in by the collar of his shirt, her mouth hungrily taking his.
Because she could admit it now: Yes, she liked what she saw.
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bangtansfavwriter · 5 years
💘bangtan as boyfriends: taehyung💘
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-he was rather shy at the beginning of your relationship but you soon realised how serious he was about you
-very commited to you, your relationship and your future together
- but all in all he was rather slow to open up but you have taught him to trust more in people
-with each passing day his walls crumbled more and more and you started to see his soft side
-you have taught him that vulnerability is not something to be afraid of
-this is why tae is absolutely bound to you, no matter what happens
- the depth of your relationship is what keeps you going despite every hardship you face, for example when he's gone on tour for months
-you miss each other terribly and it's difficult for both of you... but embracing each other again once he's back makes it worth it again
-his career is very important to him obviously, but he knows that he must make time for you as well to make things work out
-bc he's also very serious about you.. even when you guys were a new couple he knew that this was gonna be long-term
- he will give you his honest opinion and full support whenever you need it most
- very very dependable
- knows when to be straightforward with you and when to goof around to make you smile
-oh my god he loves your smile so much, it can brighten up his entire day and you get so shy when he tried to tease you to smile at him and he adores it sooo much
-he managed to catch a blurry pic of you while doing that and it's his phone wallpaper ever since
- sends you good morning texts every day and will never end the day without sending you a good night text
- will never let you pay when you're out together so don't even try, he'll take personal offense tbh
- sends u gifts per mail from every country that they're touring through and will write you small letters about how, when and where he bought it and how much he misses you.... you'd send him a picture of it whenever it arrived and it'd just make his day to know how excited you got when the package arrived
-he's very thoughtful and sweet
-and you knew that you wouldn't get to hear him say "I love you" very often but instead he'd show it through actions like the ones I listed before, that's his love language
- also, he's not too big on pda, very private displays of affection, like when you're cuddling at home and back hugs like when you're making yourself tea and suddenly he's behind you and slowly roams his hands up your body and wraps you up against his body, while planting soft kisses against your neck
-needless to say, your focus was not fixing tea anymore
-kisses start off slowly but will turn steady, he knows how to build up your tension
- he's a very sensual lover, stimulate him in the right way and .... you're in for a ride
- very passionate when he wants to be, body talk let's him say things he fails to put into words sometimes
- loves pillow talk and your topic range would be HUGE bc I can see him being into unusual and lengthy conversations with someone who can keep up with his unconventional side and match this energy in a conversation
-so it wouldn't be rare that you guys would chill on his balcony on summer nights talk until without realising how quick time would pass and you both would go "oh, the sun...."
- sometimes your lengthy talk wouold be much to the dismay of the other members who'd chill with you from time to time
tae: i just KNOW we're not alone in the universe
you: but will they ever accepts humans and show themselves to us ?
tae: right... 😔 they probably think we're stupid as hell and -
jimin, from his room: go the fUCK TO SLEEP!!!!
- taehyung glared towards the door bc aliens are the best topic ever tbh and you'd look at him and say "the last time I saw you glaring at jimin like that was when the dumpl- ", tae: "DO NOT EVEN START WITH THAT"
- anyway, let's not lose focus here lmao
- since tae and you started off as besties you guys are very chill together, sometimes tae forgets his bf duty because of that
-like the time he forgot valentine's day, which u didn't really mind bc you knew that he was busy but he pulled up at your flat at 11pm and insisted on taking you out and did so.. to a very very fancy restaurant and you were like "oh crap" when you saw the prices there but tae didn't take no for an answer bc he loves spoiling you
- he always makes you feel special and it doesn't take fancy dinners to do that
- whenever you tell him some story he's fully concentrated on you and listens to each of your words so intently that it was making you shy at first bc he'd sit there like you were telling him the secrets of the universe
-so you told him that it's kinda weird for you, only to realise that he didn't even know he was doing that and he became shy afterwards
you: oh god I didn't want to make you uncomfortable with that, I'm sorry 😔
tae: nooo *grabs your hands* I should be the one to say that... I never realised I do that, it's just weird, right?
you: not weird, but unusual, I guess ? It's not like everything I tell you needs your undivided attention
tae: everything you say needs my attention. everything you say is important to me, sweetheart. you could say the dumbest words and it would still sound like heaven to me. maybe that's why I stare at you like that... I don't know.. but I hope you don't feel uncomfortable around me because I do that. You're just very dear to me...
-he told you all of that and shyly scratched his head and you'd sit there completely awestruck about the fact that kim taehyung pretty much adored you in any way, even when talking about whatever random stuff that came to your mind... and you couldn't find words at that moment that could show him the immeasurable amount of love, warmth and affection that he made you feel that moment so you just hugged him very tightly, which was surprising to him at first but then he started chuckling and hugged you back
- makes you knees weak every time he calls you "my love"
-finds your odd habits cute, looks at with the biggest smile when you did a sing-song to remember where you put your keys
- at least 40% of your texts are memes, tae would get a message from you, grin and get up before opening it next to the guys and they'd be like "ohh, risky texts?👀" whereas it was just a meme streak you guys were doing
- your biggest fan and hype man tbh
-you had some good lighting in your room one day and used it to make like 34 selfies out of which 3 were like okay-ish and 1 actually looked pretty nice so you decided to put it as your new profile pic... tae was doing promotions and a fan sign that day and he got the notification and actually suddenly GASPED and everyone was like "????", his fan signs actually captured the moment which made you laugh your ass off when you found out about it and it is now your favourite picture sequence
-he texted you after this happened
tae: how dare you... my heart couldn't handle it.. even the fans noticed
you: ????
tae: your dp... how dare you look so ravishing... 👀
you: lmaoooo, is that what this is about ?? - you sent him a link of the gasp moment -
tae: when u hype ur lover and still get mocked 😔✊🏼
you: nooo you were so cute baby, thank u for being my hype man 😚💕
tae: always, baby 🥰
-btw couple items even couple outfits are a huge thing with you two
yoongi, seeing your matching coats and yeontan's matching sweater:
taehyung, while trying on some of his 6274 sunglasses with you:
"it's called fashion, hyung"
"and love, yoongo"
"looove, hyung"
*dog panting*
yoongi: -walks away-
-you pretty much feel invincible when he's with you and he feels the same way
- you two are very devoted to one another and that's why everyone is sure that this will very likely be a long-term relationship
-he's rather dominating sometimes but you know... 👀 you don't mind 👀👀
-never jealous bc he knows there won't be any other hoes
- you once were in the front row during a concert and stared him down when he winked at some bimbo who yelled her lungs out.... and he had the audacity to laugh and mouthed "fan service" to you.. you nodded, but still were disgruntled af, so some time later he danced his way to your side of the stage and knelt down, while you put out your phone to film his anpanman antics and he took your phone and filmed him and the guys on stage before he gave you back your phone, but not without turning away from the audience and throwing a kiss into the cam...
the girl next to you: LUCKY YOUUU
-one word from bang pd and your relationship would be public right away
-taehyung's trust in you and your support for him are a solid foundation for this and everyone is very well aware of that
- tae goes into these moods sometimes where he puts up his walls again and starts distancing himself from you
-this used to be a reason you got into fights at first until you talked it out and you realised that he needs you show him love in times like these
-he assured you that he doesn't do this on purpose but that it's more like that he loses his trust in himself sometimes and thinks you're better off without him
-this tended to happen most when he was away from you for a long time and this made things worse bc you couldn't speak to him directly
-but when you two finally talked it out (when he was back) you knew that taehyung needed grounding from this stressful side of his life... so you promised him that you're gonna stay by his side as long as he doesn't shut you out, which he promised you too
- after a long talk you both felt drained but knew that this was gonna change things between you, your bond has strengthened and just when you were about to drift to sleep in his arms, you heard him whisper "I love you.. you have no idea how much..." and you finally fell asleep and had the most blissfully peaceful sleep in ages
-he loves to see you interact with his friends or even family members
-you were so nervous when you met his parents but soon your worries faded into thin air as the kim family made you feel their warmth and love
- tae's heart grew like 3 sizes when he saw you laugh with his parents, while playing with yeontan who wouldn't leave your side (taehyung occasionally calls him brutus), all in all he knew that you indeed were a perfect match for him
-loves to help you reach your goals, as much as you support his
- to him, you stand out in any crowd and he's just very proud to have you by his side and call you his
- knows how to surprise you and will give a lot of thought into the dates he plans
- takes a lot of pictures of you, for example when you guys were at the zoo and he saw you looking at cubs with
heart eyes or when you were at an art exhibition and discussed some piece with an elderly man who was there too... half of taehyung's gallery consists of your candids
- btw you two are regulars at a dog cafe nearby and both of you lose every bit of self-control as soon as you see the first pup run towards you
- he once planned a 2 hour trip to some cabin just to go stargazing there with you and it was truly worth it as you saw the night sky in it's most mesmerising form... taehyung and you were trying to figure out some constellations, but some time later you noticed that he went quiet and chuckled when you caught him looking at you.. "you're gonna make me blush again.." you said shyly. "too bad it's dark and I can't see you blush", he teased and winked at you when you looked at him. "seriously, tae, you should keep looking at the stars." - "i am, my love.."
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bangtanlalaland · 5 years
situationship 「prologue」 | knj (m.)
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synopsis ↳you recall the moment you made the worst yet best mistake of your life that involves your best friend: Namjoon Kim.
— college!au
→pairing: college student!kim namjoon x female reader
→genre: smut, pwp
→word count: 5.2k+
→contents ⨯ warnings: kissing, unprotected sex (remember: no glove, no love!) slight degradation/pet names (basically being called a cock-slut lollol) daddy kink, mentions of sexting, joon is huge, (srsly he’s packed downstairs so plz be prepared) mentions of masturbation, oral (m + f receiving), nipple piercings, hair pulling, ass slapping, creampie, overstimulation, breath play, (just a little lol) face-fucking
title inspired by: “situationship” by snoh aalegra
a/n: HIIII U HOES, so sorry i haven’t posted in v long, life has me all over the place. so here’s my valentine’s day gift from me to u so plz forgive me. a special thank you to everyone that has shown me love for “in case we die” & “the final touch,” promise i have more content on the way!! LOVE U HOES 💘
prologue 「sixty minutes」 
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It was all so easy. Fleeing to him in an instant whenever he’d hit you with the:
“Are you up? I need you rn” text.
Maybe you’re just a fool, but you simply cannot resist him. No, you aren’t dating. Of course not because that would be silly, right? You’re just best friends. Best friends who occasionally fuck each other’s brains out. You didn’t like putting a label on it either, especially the “friends-with-benefits” one. And that was the problem. This entire situationship being a never ending cycle:
You both have sex ⟶ You get caught up in your feels ⟶ You come to your own conclusion that you’ll break it off with him ⟶ He texts you saying that he “needs” you and how much he misses being inside of you ⟶ Lastly, you go back to him - repeating the process all over again.
And here you are again, riding the hell out of your “friend” Namjoon.
“Yeah, just like that.. ride this fucking dick, fuck!” Namjoon exclaims, slapping and gripping your ass cheeks as you continue to ride him.
“Daddy!” Your head thrown back in ecstasy at how his thick cock fills you up completely. In this moment, all of your feels and doubts of ever getting into this situation with him - gone. Your ultimate goal is to cum on his cock, for what is now probably the thousandth time.
But you love it. You love how amazing he feels inside you. How he can make you feel good beyond limits, and how he pleases you in ways you didn’t think was possible. And Namjoon loves it too. The power he has to make you writhe and scream his name strokes his ego tremendously. He loves that he’s the only man in this entire world that knows what it’s like to hear your moans as he fucks you continuously.
How he’s the only man to ever see your lips part, eyes shut tight, and body tremble as your walls contract around his shaft, being completely drowned within your orgasm - all because of him.
This whole fling first started when he supposedly “accidentally” sent you a dick pic. Apparently you weren’t the intended recipient. You were stunned, not so much that he sent you a photo of his cock but it was the size of him + including the vulgar message sent with the photo itself:
From: joonie 🤩 11:17 pm
My cock is throbbing rn. So horny and in the mood to bend you over and fuck you until your body gives out.
The moment you opened the message, your mouth instantly salivated and your core throbbed with anticipation. It was almost as if he knew exactly what you were doing in that moment because when you got his notification, you were busy watching porn paired with your fingers inside of your cunt. For the past 4 years you’d known Joon, you never put much thought into what his dick may look like.
It was perfectly sculpted, and obviously hard as a brick with a slight curve. You could faintly see a small leak of precum oozing from his juicy, flesh-tone tip. Considering that he messaged you at just the right moment, when your hormones are at its peak, you reply:
To: joonie 🤩 11:20 pm
mmm, please... never knew how thick you are. would love to feel you stretching me out 🥵
And in that moment, you couldn’t believe what you’d just started. The tension between your legs taking over you completely. Nothing but lust oozed from your actions. Finally seeing that sexting your best friend was literally the perfect way to orgasm all over your fingers, you softly chanted his name to yourself. Imagining him standing before you stroking himself with his delicious member. After releasing yourself of your tension, you felt somewhat guilty and awkward that you’d just came to a picture of your best friends cock AND sexted him.
You also pondered who he really meant to send the photo to, which caused you to relish in your feels for the remainder of the night as you sheepishly attempted to fall asleep in your frozen, lonely bed. Part of you liked to think that you were blessed he even sent it to you. But after that night, everything changed. You hadn’t heard from him the next day until later that night asking if you were awake. You simply brushed it off and didn’t bother opening up the message, that way he wouldn’t know if you read it or not.
The reason mainly being that you were afraid he’d want to sext again. Throughout the week, you’d cross paths in certain periods on campus, but you tried in your willpower to avoid him at ALL costs. It all came down to you being aware of your surroundings to make sure he didn’t see you before you saw him. And when you would see him from a distance, you’d instantly turn the other way or hide until the coast was clear. You remembered he would even text you asking where you were since he hadn’t seen you since that day, and you would lie to him saying you were busy studying for exams or running an errand. When in reality, you were at your single room dorm, stuffing your face with gelato and watching Netflix.
The way you now saw Namjoon was so much differently. You both share one class together every Wednesday, and he took the opportunity to sit beside you considering that he hadn’t seen you since before that night. Being near him made you antsy, and you found yourself giving him short responses, making hardly any eye contact. He noticed this and was not happy about it. The distance you kept between him since that night worried him non-stop.
The constant question of: “What the fuck was I thinking?” flooded his mind everyday.
After two weeks of putting up with your edgy behavior, he decided that it was enough. It’s Saturday and yet again, you told him you were studying in the schools library and he knew that was bullshit. Because you have no classes on Saturday, you work during the school week, are off every weekend, and he’d already checked the library. Obviously you were not there, and it pissed him off that you were blowing him off like this. At least, not in the way he’d like to be blown by you.
He marched around campus making his way to your dorm. The sound of your door being knocked on startled you as you were warming up a yakisoba bowl in the microwave. You stand up onto your tippy toes to peek through the peephole. Your entire insides perform a back flip as you notice your best friend standing on the other side of the door. He runs his fingers through his blonde mullet, strands of purple at the tips, his arm resting on the doorframe, and he does not look happy. After not getting a response, he gives a few more hard knocks urging you to open the door.
“Come on, ____. I know you’re in there. We need to talk!”
Fuck. You think to yourself and take a deep breath. He obviously was not going to let up, you know Joon. Your fingers nervously unloosen the lock on the door and grasp the handle pulling it open slowly. Namjoon’s eyes snap up, his breath caught in his throat as he gazes you up and down with those familiar, wide, monolids that could captivate anyone who looks his way. His lips part gradually, and his tongue glides across his bottom lip. It wasn’t until you saw his expression that you noticed you were attired in the shortest pajama shorts you have along with a sleeveless, white tank and no bra. The imprint of your barbell piercings that decorate your nipples clearly visible. Of course, Namjoon wasn’t aware you had these said piercings. You instantly crossed your arms, wanting to hide from his gaze.
Finally breaking the silence he slips, “Nice library you have here. Sure doesn’t look like one though.”
You sigh dramatically and roll your eyes, “Seriously?”
Namjoon steps inside, welcoming his own self in without giving you time to do so yourself. He slowly treads inside, removing his Nikes by the door then flopping down on your loveseat, his legs spread wide open. An awkward silence overtakes your dorm, yet you continue with your antics and into the kitchen to grab your chopsticks so you could finish making your instant yakisoba. Joon notices this and silently follows you into the kitchen. The hair on the back of your neck stands up when you feel his presence behind you. You look up and feel his hand placed over yours, resulting in you dropping your chopsticks. Your body naturally responds and jerks around now facing him.
He continues his gaze, looking deeply into your eyes. There was something in the way he looked at you in that moment of time. His features looked so mesmerizing. You adored the tiny beauty marks that decorate his face, especially the one that sits below his bottom lip; flying strands of his bleach, blonde, hair catch your attention. After an entire week of not paying him any attention, you had nearly forgotten how physically attractive Namjoon is. It is almost sickening, and this is one of the many reasons why you wish you hadn’t started this thing. His stare softens, almost as if he’s thinking. His fingers gracefully caress your cheek, your body naturally responds - shivering under his touch.
“____, what’s been going on with you?"
Unable to form coherent words, you simply respond, “Nothing.” You shift yourself, turning your back to him breaking the contact he once had on your cheek. You hear a deep sigh emit from Namjoon.
“Goddammit, there you go again!” Your eyes widen at the sound of him raising his voice.
“What?!” You retort, slamming your chopsticks down and turning your gaze back to him with raised brows.
“You’re lying. Again. First the library, and now this. I know something’s wrong with you. You’ve practically been avoiding me all week!”
Your eyes shut immediately, trying to hold back anything stupid from slipping out of your lips.
“You’ve been avoiding me since...” he trails off, and you open your eyes to find him with his arms crossed, head hung low.
“Joonie..” You attempt to muster up the correct form to continue your sentence. His wide eyes staring back at you, waiting for an answer.
“I just can’t.. I-I can’t look at you the same way, you know? I don’t know it’s just weird. Just knowing what you, um..”
Joon scoffs, shaking his head, “Then why lead me on?”
Your snap your neck to the side giving him a ‘Really?’ look. “I lead you on?” Your tone dipped in a bit of sassiness.
“You are the one that sent me a picture of your dick! And you want to blame me for it?”
Namjoon blinks rapidly, somewhat taken aback by your tone.
“Well, y-yeah. I mean, you played along with it.” He responds, scratching the back of his neck and hanging his head low again. Truth is, he lied to you too. He didn’t exactly “accidentally” send you that photo. He meant for you to see it. For months, he’d contemplated how he should approach his feelings toward you. All the while, he felt it was a stupid idea, but he also thought it would be a hit or miss. He tends to act out before fully thinking about his actions, and that’s just one of his many weaknesses. You, of course, being his main one.
Deep down you knew he wasn’t lying, because you both know each other long enough to know enough about one another. Yet another silence lingers throughout the space. You sigh in exhaustion, pulling your thoughts together.
“Yes... I did.” Namjoon looks up and locks eyes with you. To him, you look incredibly delectable with the shape of your bare tits, along with your piercings, poking through the light fabric of your tank. His eyes are no longer soft, they’re dark and lustful. Just being under his gaze, gets you warmer by the second. It’s like he’s cooking you with his own eyes, and you are sizzling right now.
His lips part, as he slowly inches toward you.
“Did you like it?” He probes with a hint of curiosity behind the question.
You take a deep breath, looking dead-straight into his eyes while brushing your hair behind your ear.
“Y-yes, I really did.” You say, barely a whisper. Namjoon hums in response, lightly grazing his index finger across your shoulder and down your arm. You’re not sure why but your core suddenly tingled at the simple, physical contact. Causing you to gasp lowly.
“Do you want.. what we said we would do to each other that night? Because, I want you in ways that you don’t understand.” He smirks at your sudden action of rubbing your thighs together. You hum in approval. He runs his index and middle finger across your lips,
“I want to hear you say it, pretty baby.” The sudden pet name made you slip a moan you’re sure he heard.
“I want you, Joonie. Want you to stuff me with your thick cock.” You play along and guide your hands to rub his arms and broad shoulders up and down, looking up at him with innocent-like puppy dog eyes. Just the sight of you alone makes him want to shove his cock so far down your throat, making you gag on it with watery eyes. His growing erection becomes noticeable beneath his sweats. His hands make their way down your side, gripping your waist. He leans down to whisper in your ear,
“Imma beat that pussy like you never ever felt before.”
Your kitty cat clenches around emptiness, desperately wanting to be filled. Before you had a chance to respond, Namjoon pulls away and presses his lips on yours. You naturally wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. The faint smell of his cologne, masked with notes of orange, mint, and cinnamon reel you in to heighten your arousal. His pink, pillow-y lips play a game of tug of war, lightly grazing his teeth along your bottom lip. Your kisses filled with pent-up tension and longing for one another.
He pulls away from your lips and lifts you up, your legs naturally wrapping themselves around his waist as he leads you over to the loveseat and sits down, straddling yourself on top of him. He grips your waist, running his large hands across your ass. You follow the rhythm of his hands and grind against his clothed erection, wanting some type of friction to ease your libido all while gaining a sexy moan from him. Namjoon works one of his hands up into your hair, lightly tugging on it to give him access to your neck.
“Mmm, Joonie.” Your eyes shut as a response to his lips smothering your jawline and neck with wet kisses. Your fingers get lost within the forest that’s his mullet. He continues his trail up to your earlobe, gently nibbling on it.
“Want you.. So bad.. Have no idea.” He slips in between breaths. His deep voice rumbling from his chest, creating a vibration that streams throughout your body ending at your core.
“Want you too, so much.” You respond, pulling away to glance into his eyes, the color like deep pools of medium, roast coffee. He caresses your face, tracing circles on your cheek and presses his lips against yours again. The silky, wet feeling of his plush lips persuades you to pursue your previous actions of grinding. He snakes his hands up to lightly massage your breasts. The sudden motion of your piercings causing you to moan within his mouth.
Namjoon tugs at the hem of your tank and you follow along, tossing the material away on the floor while helping him to remove his basic tee. Your bare chest exposed to him, nipples cool, hardened, and aching for attention. You hear him whisper a “Fuck,” under his breath. His warm embrace sends shivers down your spine, as he desperately caresses your tits. You take this moment to admire the golden tone of his bare skin, so smooth yet such chiseled features.
“When did you get these?” Namjoon questions, gently sliding your piercing back and forth.
“Hmm.. last spring break!”
“So sexy,” He slips, while using his index and middle finger to lightly pinch your other nipple. The piercings make your nipples so much more sensitive to even the slightest touch. Namjoon licks your left nipple in slow circles, while watching your reaction. He gently wraps his lips around you, sucking your nipple with such soft care. The warm, wetness of his tongue and smooth, plushness of his lips soothes and excites you at the same time. Your kitty clenching and gushing, full of arousal and hot and ready for him. He uses his other hand to sneak into your shorts and past your panties. His slender fingers find your drenched folds, coating his digits with your juice.
Your fingernails softly graze over his scalp, as you throw your head back calling his name. He presses sloppy kisses along your neck, humming into you as a response.
“Are you really this wet for your best friend, hm? Does Daddy turn you on this much?”
“Mmm, yes Joonie..” His erection growing by the second, and you can feel it twitch beneath you in his sweats. “Such a dirty girl, want to be cock slut for your own best friend.”
He pulls his fingers from you and you silently whimper at the loss of his touch. Your eyes pry open and find him with his eyes closed, tasting your arousal that was left on his fingers. He moans at the taste. “Mmm... Heavenly.”
The small compliment making you blush and grow warmer between your thighs. Surprisingly, he slips his fingers back into your panties and finds your clit, rubbing the sensitive bud in circles. Making you gasp in shock,
“Joonie...” You look down at him, caressing his smooth strands. He slips a finger inside of you, pushing in and out. You move your hips along his rhythm, as he slips another finger inside of you while simultaneously rubbing your clit with his thumb. Your eyebrows furrowing together at the pleasure your core feels, emitting more wetness onto his fingers while creating squelching noises as Namjoon continues to finger your pussy. Your grip on his hair gets tighter, mimicking the tightness of the coil in the pit of your tummy.
“Want you to cum all over my fingers, pretty baby.” Namjoon commands, while slipping his fingers from your pussy, focusing on your clit, rubbing with just the perfect amount of pressure. Absolutely enough to make you cum on the spot. Your moans slip from you uncontrollably.
“Tell me who’s making you feel so good.” Namjoon coos, while continuously circling your clit with your fingers, all while watching you writhe above him.
“Y-you, J-J-,” Unable to even finish your sentence, your fingers lose their place within his hair. Your body continues shaking from cumming so hard.
“That’s right. Only me. Just look at you, pretty baby. Losing yourself all over your best friends fingers. Only I can do that, hm? Only I can make you feel this good.”
You push his hand away, whining at the overstimulation. Finally he lets up and licks his fingers clean. Still twitching, you glide your fingers down to meet his crotch, massaging him through his clothing.
“Can I... Please? Need you in my mouth.” He eyes your motions and moans in approval. You climb off of him and sit on your knees between his legs. He lifts up to help you remove his sweats. His member visibly shown through his Calvin Klein briefs. It’s so stiff and hard. Your hand finds itself rubbing him again, as you kiss along his thighs. Slowly teasing and finally reaching his cock through the material covering it.
“Fuck... such a tease. You’re a good baby, for Daddy.. Right?”
You look up at him and nod.
“Speak, pretty baby.” He probes, lifting your chin up with his fingers.
“Y-yes I am.”
“Yes what?” Namjoon groans, his voice much harder than before.
You shift slightly at the sudden change in his demeanor, your arousal growing thicker. You thought it was sexy though, how he was now taking control.
“Yes, Daddy..”
He smiles that pretty smile and pets your hair.
“Good girl.” You take this chance to pull his briefs down just enough that his cock springs straight up. Your jaw drops open at the size of him. Pictures couldn’t compare to the real thing, your mouth instantly salivating at his thick length, his bulbous tip the perfect color, matching the shade of his lips and dripping with precum. You moan at the sight of him, wrapping your fingers around him, you gently stroke, sticking your tongue out to taste the bit of liquid oozing.
Namjoon hisses at the feeling, you teasing him with kitten licks. His grasp on your hair gets tighter, “Please don’t tease, baby. Daddy has waited so long to have those pretty lips around his cock.” You took this as a cue to finally encase your lips around him, starting with his tip. His chest rumbles as a moan erupts from within. You swirl your tongue around the tip, sucking tightly while massaging his balls.
“Fuck!” Without warning, Joon bucks his hips upward to get himself further into your mouth, his grip on your hair becomes tighter as he pushes your head down further to take his entire length inside your mouth. You’re taken by surprise at his pace, and almost choke, as your hands now drop on top of his thighs lightly grazing with your nails while Namjoon fucks your face. Literally. You shut your eyes wanting to focus on keeping your gag reflex under control, keeping your throat relaxed, your saliva oozing out and coating Namjoon’s cock and balls creating lewd noises within your tight-spaced dorm.
“Shit yes... Look at Daddy with that pretty fucking face of yours.” He stops his thrusting, holding your head down still. You manage to open your eyes and move your gaze toward his. With water eyes, streams of tears flow down your flushed cheeks. You’re on the brink of losing your breath. The sight of you full of his cock, almost out of breath makes him want to blow his load all over your face. But if he’s going to cum, he has to inside of you.
“Fuck yeah, just like that.” Namjoon finally releases his grip from you, resulting in you letting out a massive gasp, coughing to sync your breathing back to normal. A trail of spit still connecting from his soaked cock to your lips. “Shorts off now.” Namjoon demands. You slip your finger under the hem to pull them down until he interrupts, “Turn around so I can see that ass.”
You jump slightly at his deep voice. His act of dominance making you clench around nothing as you squeeze your thighs together, needing some type of friction. This doesn’t go unnoticed. Your shorts fall to the floor, revealing your bottom that’s clothed with a pair of silk, purple panties that are cut short enough to show your full cheeks. Suddenly, you feel a sharp slap to your right cheek, making you whimper out loud.
“Look at you all horny and desperate for your own best friends dick. I should fuck you until you can’t think of anything else other than my dick.” And another harsh slap.
“Mmm, fuck!” Another slap. Namjoon reaches forward to aggressively pull your panties down. He lifts you up and carries you over his shoulder to your bedroom, throwing you on the bed. Your pussy throbs in anticipation, loving how rough he’s being with you.
Namjoon wastes no time as he aggressively pulls you forward to the edge of the bed, spreading your legs open as wide as they can go. He uses his fingers to spread your pussy lips open, revealing yourself all to him. Pulsing and soaked. “Mmm. Such a pretty little pussy. I’ve waited so long to finally bury my dick inside of you.” He coos while stroking your hair and pressing a soft kiss to your lips, while caressing your cheek. He uses his other hand to grab his cock, slapping your pussy with his cock. Your hips naturally bucking to get some type of friction. He continues coating his cock in your juices, smirking as you whimper in anticipation.
“Pretty baby, so horny and wet for Daddy’s cock.” Your fingers anxiously grip the bedsheets, as the head of his cock prods at your entrance. Namjoon hisses as he easily slips inside of your tight kitty. Your eyes shut closed, lips parting, “Oh my fuck,” you moan while gripping his toned, caramel arms. His girthy length offering a slight burn, finally over-rided by a nostalgic tinglyness. The feeling is like no other. To have someone you trust, someone you care about, offering their entire self to you. To have all of Namjoon within you.
“So warm. So wet. Fuck... You feel amazing, ____.” Namjoon fucks you with long and deep strokes, making the bed creak with each thrust. He continues this slow pace, relishing in the feel of your walls clamping around his stiff shaft. You know he’s trying his hardest not to cum so fast. However, the tingly feeling within your core has skyrocketed, and you’re ready to burst any moment now. 
“P-please,” you whimper, attempting to move your hips along with his at a faster pace.
“What does my pretty baby want, hm?” Namjoon notices your expression and comes to a halt.
“Please fuck me harder, Joonie, please!” you whine while grinding your hips to create some type of friction. Namjoon’s cock twitches at your desperation for him. “Have you forgotten your manners, princess?” He asks, with a smirk pinching your left cheek.
You groan in response. “Please, Daddy! Just need to be fucked harder, please! My pussy needs you.”
“That’s a good girl,” He pats your head and slips out of you, gripping your waist to flip you over flat on your tummy. He holds his weight on top of you, spreading your legs open to push his cock entirely into you. The angle of the position creates a more “deep” feeling, He’s so deep inside of you, you promise you feel him in your tummy. Your mouth flying agape, Namjoon leans forward to whisper in your ear while pounding from on top. “Be careful what you ask for.”
“You. Just. Might. Get. It.” He emphasizes his deep thrusts after each word. Your cries are muffled within the sheets while Joon continues to ram you from on top, his lower pelvic area literally slamming your body further and further into the full sized-bed. “Ungh, fuck y-yes! Please don’t stop!” Your dorm neighbors can probably hear your cries but at this point you don’t even care.
“Take this fucking dick like the good little cock-hungry slut you are, pretty baby.” Namjoon moans at the feeling of your pussy clenching around him, drenching him in your sticky wetness. So tight, and slippery for his thick cock. His cock throbs relentlessly from the sounds of his balls slapping against your ass mixed with your cries of his name. Nearly on the verge of cumming, he lifts you up, bending you over with your ass now up and facing him. He bends down to lick a stripe from your pussy to your ass.
Your legs tremble at the sudden action. He works his tongue all over your folds, sucking and licking your pussy lips, while slipping inside of your entrance, tongue fucking you. You reach behind to grip his hair and grind yourself against his face. Namjoon trails his fingers to find your clit, slowly rubbing it in circles. Then latches his lips around your bud, sucking and licking your as if his life depended on it. His moans sending vibrations through you entirely. He grips your ass and gives your cheeks a few harsh slaps, and that’s what sends you completely over the edge.
“Daddy.. Cumming! Fuck.” Your toes curl, legs tremble, eyes roll back, and you claw the bedsheets as your orgasm washes over your entire body. He lets go of your clit with a pop, and uses his fingers to rub your clit vigorously, riding you through your high. “Yes, baby. Keep cumming for, Daddy. Doesn’t it feel good, hm? To have your best friend make you cum so hard?” You continue calling out his name.
“Yes! Fuck, fuck.. Please!”
You push his hand away, the overstimulation kicking in. Your body continues shaking, recovering from your orgasm. He lifts you up into the doggy position, gripping a handful of your hair and rams himself inside of you. He starts with a brutal pace, fucking you senseless, slipping swear words from his lips. You gasp at the sensitivity from your previous orgasm, not able to form coherent words from how hard Namjoon is fucking you. Namjoon’s thrusts gradually grow sloppier, as he’s on the brink of his own orgasm.
“Come here,” He pulls completely out of you and lays on his back, guiding you on top of him. You stuff his cock inside of you, whimpering at the feel of your clit brushing against his pelvic area - still sensitive from your orgasm. You take your time to ride him, going at your own pace - slow and steady. Namjoon uses one hand to grip your waist. “Want to feel you cum around my cock.” He slips his fingers on your clit, rubbing it in circles. You instantly jolt forward from the sensitivity, shaking your head.
“Joon! C-Can’t, it’s too much!”
“I think you can. You’ve been such a good girl, just cum one more time for Daddy, okay? I promise it will feel so good.”
You grasp his wrist, wanting to push his hand away, but you can’t. Too lost in his touch. He licks his fingers and rubs your clit again, with a slightly more pressure. His cock still sheathed fully inside of you, twitching within your walls. Your third orgasm approaches and it hits you stronger than before.
“Mmm, Namjoon!” Your nails find themselves on his chest, scratching his pecs as your entire body shakes tremendously, your pussy pulses rapidly around Namjoon’s dick. Your body collapses on top of his, out of strength and still trembling.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum.” Namjoon exclaims, he moans your name as his cock twitches itself inside of you, coating your walls with his warm cum. He pants, out of breath, strands of his hair sticking to his forehead.
You both lie there for what seems like awhile, regaining your breathing and taking a moment to process what just happened. Namjoons member falls soft, eventually slipping out of you. Both of your bodies pressed together and binded by perspiration. He gathers up the strength to caress your strands. His heart flutters at the warmth of your fingers drawing circles on his chest. The thud of his heart beating from within him causes you to lose yourself in your thoughts... 
What have we just done? And how will we ever go back from this?
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osakaso5 · 4 years
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Momo White Special Day Rabbit Chat Part 4: The Costume Fitting
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5
Momo: Maneko-chan, good job~! 
Tsumugi: Momo-san! Good work! 
Tsumugi: Panda Nameco Land's White Special Day has been ongoing for a few days now, and it's been really popular!
Momo: True! Okarin keep us updated on what the fans have been saying about it! It's such a nice thing to look forward to every day~ (*´∀`*)ノ。+゜
Momo: On that note, we're doing our costume fitting for the White Day live! I'll send pics!
Tsumugi: That costume is so cute, it really suits you!
Momo: Thanks! Here's one of me and Yuki together!
Tsumugi: Wow! Yuki-san looks wonderful, and very mature too!
Momo: Yep! That kind of gentle look is perfect for him!
Momo: I begged Mitsuki to send me pictures of all your costumes, so I took these in return. Paying it forward~~ 人´∀`).☆.
Momo: And that's how I noticed all the kid members from IDOLiSH7 and TRIGGER are wearing hats!
Tsumugi: Ah, you're right..! You and Yuki-san are both wearing them, as well! These costumes really are lovely!
Momo: Thanks! The costumer said Re:vale's theme was big galaxies!
Momo: I may not be a kid myself, but my spirit is just as strong as those teenagers'!
1. I heard they got their inspiration from the fabric!
Momo: Yep, it's got this starry pattern! The costumer said IDOLiSH7 had the same fabric but in light blue, while TRIGGER was black~! 
2. Each one of your hats has a different design!
Momo: Yuki's head is so small that he has trouble finding hats that fit him in stores, but since this hat was made just for him, it fit perfectly. (ノ≧▽≦)ノ
3. Once they adjust the costume sizes properly, they should be a perfect fit!
Momo: I like being able to move around properly~ O(≧▽≦)O Plus if the size is wrong, my belly button might peek out! (●´艸`)
Momo: How's IDOLiSH7 doing? Is your practice going well?
Tsumugi: We begin rehearsals first thing next  week! IDOLiSH7's song will  be PARTY TIME TOGETHER, while MEZZO"'s will be  Fragments of Love!
Tsumugi: I heard Re:vale will be singing SILVER SKY! It's the song IDOLiSH7 first heard when we began working with you, so it's a very nostalgic song for us. I look forward to hearing you perform it!
Momo: I just hope the weather will be nice for the concert! Ah, but aren't they gonna make fake snow fall during the concert? That was your idea, right!
Tsumugi: Ah, that's right! During my meeting with the stage director, we got very into the idea of using fake snow for the performance...
Momo: Knew it~! We did that for Christmas that one time, too! I'm also looking forward to it! ヾ(*・∀・)/
Tsumugi: Thank you!
Tsumugi: The Re:vale arreangement medley for the merry-go-round was great! I'm sure the visitors will love it!
Tsumugi: Yuki-san told me he based it on you!
Momo: Aaaaaah! I can't believe he even told you that, lololol
Momo: I was a nervous wreck over the Momo-chan date zone, so when Yuki said he decided to at least base the BGM on me, I was so happy~ 。゜(゜ノд`●゜)゜。
Momo: Starting with the music is such a Yuki thing to do.
Tsumugi: It's a soothing, fun, and cute medley that fits you perfectly!
Momo: A merry-go-round that Yuki put songs that remind him of me into. Now that's a merry-go-round I'll never get off from, because it makes me the ultra happiest in the world!!!
Momo: 。゜(●゜´д)ノ。゜ \(   )ノ゜。\(д`゜●)ノ゜。 。゜\(●゜´д`゜●)ノ゜。
Tsumugi: I like how the lighting will change according to the music, too! I'd love to ride it at night!
Momo: Yep! I figured people wouldn't get bored if they get new stuff to look at. I came up with it thanks to Tamaki!
Momo: I was trying to make sure even he would stay glued to his seat, after all!!! (`・ω・´) And the people from the park worked really hard on it, too! lololol
Tsumugi: It was so beautiful that Tamaki-san loved it!
Momo: Awesome! ヾ(≧▽≦*)/
Momo: Speaking of which, I was sooo jealous when Tamaki sent me pictures of him and Ban-san hanging out in Panda Nameco Land!!!
Momo: That picture of them both wearing panda ears was so cute, I saved it to my phone immediately...
Tsumugi: Ah, right. Tamaki-san was very upset that he couldn't ride the decorated version of the rollercoaster...
Tsumugi: He really wanted to go back, but since he would've stood out too much with the rest of our members, we had Banri-san take him there...
Momo: A date with Ban-san!!! Me and Yuki were choking back tears because we wanted to go that badly, too! (。>д<。)
Tsumugi: Actually, now that the campaign has started, other members of IDOLiSH7 are visiting the park in secret as well...
Momo: Really!? Wow! I wanna go with!!! Let's swap around our schedules so we can go!!!
Momo: We got tons of gifts from our fans for Valentine's Day, not to mention messages about this campaign...
Momo: I'll have to work hard to pay them back for all this happiness on White Day!
Tsumugi: IDOLiSH7 is trying to make sure it's a fun day for their fans, as well!
Momo: Let's make it a happy and special day together!
Momo: See you at the concert, Maneko-chan! (`・ω・´)/
Tsumugi: Yes, I'll see you there!
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1dfangirls35 · 5 years
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Voir Dire- N.H
A fake dating AU about contracts, soulmates and risking it all for love.
Masterlist // Tell Me What You Think!
"What's going on in that mind of yours?"
"Huh?" Niall replied suddenly, his mind drawn out of its daze. He turned to look at Krystal, her eyebrows furrowed in a concerned gaze as she takes another sip of her red wine. 
It was Valentine's Day, and Niall and Krystal found themselves at yet another PR dinner. Appearances like this had a least become more bearable recently, especially as Krystal and Niall had developed a bit of what one might call a friendship. It was bound to happen, though, especially with all the time they spent together on the road. 
What was going on in Niall's mind was a million things. A million complicated, complex things. Things that all centered around one specific person. After Kelsey's wine-fueled breakdown about the status of their relationship, Niall was feeling the pressure. He wanted to prove to Kelsey that this was, in fact, real to him. But just how he was going to do that was uncertain. He also knew that having to spend Valentine's day with his other girlfriend surely wasn't helping things. 
"I said," Krystal began again setting her hand on Niall's forearm, looking directly at him in a way guaranteed that he would understand this time. "What's on your mind? You're off in your own little world."
"I'm fine. Just thinking." 
"About your real valentine?" Krystal asked, crossing her arms in front of her. 
"I guess you could say that," Niall shrugged. But Krystal didn't stop her gaze, instead her eyes bored into Niall's, willing him to speak the truth. That's one thing he'd learned about Krystal during his time as her "boyfriend"- she had the uncanny ability to convince anyone to answer her question, until she got the answer she wanted.
"She's freaked out that what we have isn't real," Niall sighs, running his hand through his hair. "And I don't have the slightest idea of how to fix it."
"You really like her don't you?" Krystal asked, the corners of her red-stained lips turning up into a grinning tease.
Niall looked down at his glass of wine, then back up at Krystal. "I do," he took a sip of his wine before adding "And it's fucking terrifying."
Krystal smiled. A small, knowing smile. She took another drink before saying, "So tell me about this real relationship thing."
"Are we really doing this?" Niall groaned, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. "Here?" The restaurant they were in was hardly a place for a heart to heart conversation. It was too stiff, too posh. Every inch of the place, from its tile floors and bleached white tablecloths to the high ceilings and crystal chandeliers, screamed politeness and class. 
"Yes, we are," Krystal declared. Because first of all, you aren't great company when you're all in your head," Krystal pointed at Niall. "And second of all, I'd like to think that I'm getting paid to do more than just sit here and look pretty."
"Don't really think they are paying you to give me advice on a secret relationship Krystal," Niall rolled his eyes. 
"Maybe not. But who better to figure out your relationship problems than the girl who is in a relationship with you?" she winked at Niall, which only made him want to let out another groan. 
Niall shook his head. This girl, she didn't take no for an answer. "I think she just feels like, I don't know, we can't do the things a normal couple would do. Like right now, we can't go out for a nice dinner."
"Why not?"
"You know exactly why not. People recognize me all over the place, we'd be waiting for a disaster to happen."
"But you've been places before haven't you? I mean we've been trying to get papped and sometimes haven't."
Krystal had a point. There had been dozens of times in his life when he'd slipped in and out of places unseen. It just took more planning, and a little diligence but it wasn't impossible. And it didn't have to be a constant thing. Just enough to show Kelsey that he wasn't trying to keeping her in the shadow. Just one, normal date. Easy, right?
"I mean it would take some planning, but I suppose you're right, I could make it work."
Krystal clapped her hands in excitement, a little too much excitement for setting up a date for someone else in Niall's opinion. But that was another thing Niall had learned about Krystal. She liked to be needed and she liked to be right. Niall only hoped that she was right about this.
Niall sent Kelsey a simple text. 
We're going out tonight
He knew it could be risky, taking Kelsey out in public. But he also knew that Kelsey needed to feel like this relationship could be somewhat normal. He needed to prove to her that this was real to him. Realer than any relationship he'd ever been in before. And what better way to prove that this was real to him than by taking her on a real date? (With slight modifications of course). 
When Kelsey first got the text, she was confused. Niall had made it clear from the beginning that this thing going on between them had to be kept on the down-low. All her wine-fueled confessions about the status of their relationship had been true. But she worried that they had made Niall feel as though he had to do something drastic. And while, a night out like a normal couple was more than Kelsey could have asked for, she only hoped that it wouldn't end up being something Niall regretted.
Kelsey picked out a slim black dress with a plunge down the middle that showed just enough. It was her first date with Niall, well her first "real date", and she wanted to look the part. When Niall comes to pick her up, he stands at the door to her apartment speechless.
"Ya look amazing," he said softly, leaning over to plant a kiss on her cheek. His words send butterflies through Kelsey's stomach.
Niall takes Kelsey to an upscale pizza joint in downtown LA. The place was best known by Hollywood's elite for its private back room dining area and a VIP entrance. It was the perfect place for taking Kelsey out, yet keeping her safe from any looming paparazzi. When they arrive, the manager, Antonio, greeted them with an enthusiastic smile, shuttling them to a table decked with a white tablecloth and flickering candle. 
But it wasn't just the setting that made Kelsey feel like she was in a made for TV movie. It was the way Niall pulled her chair out for her before she took her seat. Or the way he grasped her hand from across the table as the sipped a glass of wine. It was the way he looked at her, under the flickering candlelight like she was the only girl in the room, which to be fair she was. Kelsey began to wonder if all her fears were unfounded. Because how could Niall act like this if it wasn't all real?
But then the voice in her head reminds her that he is doing all this stuff with another girl. In a relationship that is far from real. 
"Have you been here with Krystal?" Kelsey blurted out. She knew she shouldn't bring up the other woman in this scenario, but she couldn't help herself. When she thought of Niall being out of public all she could picture were the endless pap pics of the pretty blonde hanging onto Niall's arm as they got out of a limo, or stealing a kiss as they sat at a soccer match.
"No, I haven't," Niall paused. He knew Krystal would always be apart of the conversation and this relationship. And he understood that having a fake girlfriend was always going to make Kelsey a little anxious. But he wished Kelsey wouldn't see her as the enemy. In fact, Krystal had played a large role in them getting to this point in the first place. "She's actually a nice person, you know. I guess when I first heard I was getting a fake girlfriend I figured she'd be some awful, attention-seeking girl who was just in it for the fame. And she's not all that, I mean she's definitely trying to get her chance at the spotlight but there's more to it than that."
Kelsey had come to the conclusion that Krystal could be Mother Teresa reincarnated and a part of her would still loathe her. It wasn't anything about Krystal in particular it was just...the principle of the matter. "I believe you, Niall, I really do. But who decides one day that they are going to be someone's fake girlfriend? Like doesn't that just seem...I don't know, morally wrong?" Kelsey interjected.
"That's what gets me too. Every time I think, hey I could really be friends with that girl, I just think about what she stands for and...I just can't move all the way past that. A part of me will always wonder what kind of person she really is." 
"I guess some people are willing to go to extremes to follow their dreams."
"That's one way to put it," Niall said. He knew what that sometimes pursuing dreams involved risk. He knew that sometimes you had to put your own needs in front of others. But volunteering to manipulate the public, all in the name of publicity? And seeming to enjoy it? Now that didn't sit right in Niall's stomach.
He glanced over at Kelsey. She's picking at a hangnail on the edge of her thumb, a sign she's probably thinking something and isn't sure if she should say it. Niall set his hand on her leg, a sign of quick reassurance.
"Just promise me one thing?" Kelsey's voice grew soft.
"Anything, Kels."
"Promise me you won't fall in love with her."
Niall looked at Kelsey, her brown eyes showing all the pain and heartbreak she'd been through. This girl was broken, scarred, vulnerable. But she was also the strongest and most resilient person he'd ever met. He never wanted to be the one that caused her heart to ache again. "Promise," he replied. 
"Besides," he added, his pulse beginning to quicken at the thought of saying the words aloud. "Can't fall for her when I'm already falling for you."
Kelsey didn't consider herself to be a hopeless romantic, at least not anymore, but something about the way Niall's blue eyes glistened as he said those words made her heart flutter and her fingertips tingle. 
"Kelsey Benton," Niall grabbed Kelsey's hands, looking at her like she was the only person in the room. "Will you be my girlfriend? My real girlfriend?"
Kelsey nodded feverishly, yet she can't seem to form any words. This is what she had wanted. This was what she had needed. This confirmation that things with Niall were more than just a fling. That what they had was real. More real than anything he had with Krystal. "Yes, yes!"
When they leave the restaurant, Kelsey felt giddy. She grabbed Niall's hand as the walk a block down the street where the car awaits them. Niall had called and requested they give themselves a bit more of a walk so, as he told Kelsey, "He could just feel like a normal guy walking with a beautiful girl."
The night air is cool, but the sky was clear, with millions of twinkling stars and the bright moonlight. And holding Niall's hand, walking down the dim lit streets of Los Angeles, Kelsey didn't feel like she was dating a famous popstar. She didn't feel like she was the hidden relationship behind a PR stunt. She felt like an average girl, with the hand of a boy who's just admitted he's starting to fall for her intertwined in her own. A girl who maybe, ever so slowly, was starting to fall for him too.
As they pass an alley and walk away, Kelsey swore she saw the flash of a camera, but when Niall failed to react, she brought her head to rest on his shoulder as they keep walking. She was being paranoid after all.
Taglist: @awomanindeniall​ @niall-is-my-dream​ @ihearthemcallingforyou​
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Ranma 2/4
Part 3; Final: chapter 26-38
After this it’s on to good and proper timeline deliberation
These two are honest-to-God morons and I want to punch them in the face
*sigh* Ranma…
Y’know I almost had hope that this differed in the manga
Guess not
I DO NOT approve of alienation
However, getting emotional character development out of Ranma is like pulling teeth
So alienate away
Emotional Oof
*chuckles* Ryoga, you’re great
He’s dying don’t kill him early
didn’t see that coming
*tightly* I’m fine
okay, Ranma, you know what to do
*heaves giant ass sigh* RANMA!
Look I know no chill, kay, shut up
RIP my shipping heart
*sighs* FUCK!
Not gonna lie, I’m Ranma
Careful, Akane might kill you
And with the way Hinako’s acting she deserves it
I’m actually with Nabiki on this one
I love how Ranma is rolling with this
Ooo that’s gonna sting
Those 3 are terrifying, honestly
Hinako, your timing is awful
Ranma blubbering hurts WAY more than I thought it would
Ranma, you’re digging your own grave here
Someone call me when he learns his lesson FINALLY
*cringes* Yikes, tbh I can’t tell if she’s playing him
Ranma you shit
Why is it always Kuno?!
Oof this gonna hurt w Kuno’s understanding of Ranma’s curse
Expect all Ranma and Kuno- especially Ranko- interactions to hurt really bad
Ukyo, you’re an idiot
You too Ryoga
Alright, that’s funny
Ukyo, you’re lucky they’re dumb
Oh God, you two are SO wrong, but I love it
Aaand what does that say about you two Akane?
Ooo I could make this really mean
It’s SO tempting
Well, that went nowhere
Poor Ranma
So many trans vibes, honestly
*screams* HOW? Who? WHY?!
Ouch, that’s gonna sting SO bad
Ouch, that hurt surprisingly more than I thought it would
Further proof that Genma SUCKS
Just this once, gimme soft
Close enough…
Okay, this fight was AWESOME!!
*sigh* Why am I even surprised by Genma’s reasoning anymore?
If Ranma cries, Imma cry
Excuse me while I go scream
I literally don’t even know what to do with this
Chuck it in the fuck it bucket and move on, I guess
okay, the end was funny though
Soun, is that bird didn’t look out of it’s gourd I’d believe you
*Chucks whole birdhouse* “fair”
A+ pic of Ranma
In his defense, he can argue something else, they just won’t listen cuz Shampoo won’t go with the truth
Alright, so Shampoo is smart, but with Ranma she’s an idiot
Wouldn’t the smart idea be to send Ranma AND Akane in with all 4 objects at the start?
Ok, Shampoo Sleep-Fighting is funny
Ranma is so underwhelmed that he’s just not even caring anymore
How Kasumi the scariest one to be possessed
Alright, anything with Nabiki on the cover worries me
Holy Shit he played Nabiki
I’d be impressed if I wasn’t annoyed to hell
Let’s all be glad right now that Genma never mastered this
Where do you think he would’ve sent it?
My inclination’s the Tendos
If nothing else I’m impressed by Nabiki
Now play this man like a kazoo PLEASE
When Ranma lectures you on how you’re acting like kids, you done fucked up
I’m with Ranma
Are you sure Akane?
Cuz I’m not
Thems the breaks Ranma
You deserve it
Holy Shit Ryoga, nice
Now, I understand that Pigs are your life, but you might be dead
And honestly, I don’t blame him
Okay, that one’s gonna hurt
No matter how you slice it
Morality, Ranma, I know you have it
I hate this
Ok, that was uncalled for
Ranma he’s gonna kill you
Also WTF are you thinking?!?
Wait… what?
I’m officially concerned
Ok, I actually kinda like this interlude
Akane… seriously, trust is a thing you need to learn
One would think she’d learn…
Okay, that is actually creepy
I would too Ranma, I would too
Jesus fucking Christ, you suck Happosai
Gemma you shit
Happosai, go fuck yourself
Nevermind, don’t let him meet her, this is ridiculous
“Where’s the fridge?” “Akane wanted it”
I shouldn’t’ve laughed as hard as I did
*sigh* I just want Ranma to have ONE normal parental figure in his life, is that too much to ask?!
I already hate this idea
He comes back Imma scream
Since when?
On what planet does penpal = boyfriend/girlfriend?
Ryoga, PICK ONE!
I’m getting annoyed with you Ryoga, which sucks cuz you’re one of my faves
Ryoga, how are you this gullible?
You deserved that Ranma
I would wish the fate of being Kuno’s wife on no one
Congrats Ukyo you’ve actually made me freak out
I don’t appreciate it
At all
Oh this is SO weird
Of y’all keep making comments like this WHY do you keep trying?!
Nevermind it’s Hiroshi and Daisuke, they’re in the know
I’m going to say it again
This is why you don’t buy cheap food people
I can’t lie, I’ve been waiting for Akane to get possessed
That moment when the ghost is honestly being a bit too sensitive
Actually, he didn’t, so shut up
I could make the Hawaiian thing so Explicit
But I won’t, cuz y’know consequences and stuff
I’m not going to ask how Ashura drowned at Josenkyo
Taro, quit being a dick, you turn into a Minatour-like thing
God he’s dumb
When Crazy and Crazy wanna duke it out, Ranma’s got the right idea
Excuse me, what?!
Ooo, now you’ve made Akane mad, run
Wtf is wrong with you, Kodachi, he’s literally unconscious!
I think that was almost character development?
I can’t tell
Ranma should not look that good in a suit
Whoa, she actually like… said it
Everyone’s got 4 sec to start treating Ranma like a person
Oof, right in his pride
Akane, I need you to stop being cute for 3 sec so I can focus
Yeah, I ain’t making it dormant
Ranma, I can’t tell if this is sexism or jealousy, either way it looks ugly on you
“At least he’s scaring the cats” harsh Kasumi
Okay, so I’m 90% sure it’s just jealousy, which better but still ugh
Ranma, you can be kickass when Akane is too
Ya goddamn moron
I’m going to beat that into him
There will probs be some angst about that
Not gonna lie
Look I’m good at it
Ranma, if you want to get MURDERED that’s the way to do it
Smooth one, idiot
Called out
You better do this right or I swear, I’ll kill you myself, Ranma
I believe that is a fail
Of epic proportions, congrats
You NEED to learn to keep your mouth shut Soun
But he’s not lying!
Ranma, just run, she’s actually pissed this time
Alright, Akane, NO
You’re playing into the patriarchy
Oh, right… 80’s...
I’m changing that!!
Oh My God PLEASE tell me Ranma gets deaged!! Please!
Ranma’s got more patience for assholes than I do
He deserved that
Part of me wants to see Kasumi actually get pissed off
I LOVE degaging plots!
Ranma, I want you to math that one out, just a little
I am LIVING for this!
There is so much wrong with that sentence Kodachi
Ok, that was a little too cruel Akane
Someone either get Mousse recognized as Legally Blind
Or someone get him glasses that work!
Either one, but PLEASE
I just got a “draw me like one of your french girls” joke from a horse
Even though the widespread joke is LITERALLY at least 30 years later than this image
Ice Cold
We’re running out of chapters for her to find out
She better have a canon way of doing it otherwise I’m gonna be really mean with it…
Bean… Gun… Plant…
Eh Seen weirder
Aww Valentine’s Day chapter!
Poor Ranma
These two are blind to each other
I love these dorks
Heheh oops, busted
I still just find the principal an honest annoyance
Wait… when did Ranma start wearing a school uniform?
Congrats Miss Hinako!
I just now realized that I’m going to have write someone who is ok with having a female chest
Gag me with a spoon
I’m bad at that
I really do want to give Ranma clothes that do actually fit his female form
Ranma needs to look at the terms and conditions of good curse
Cuz this is getting creative
Uh oh
Ranma you have a brain, please use it
Hehe, she’s doing her body laundry
Oh shit
Fucking Happosai
Why are you the actual worst!
Oh shit
Goddammit Nodoka
That one was ALL on you
I expected this from Nabiki, but wtf Nodoka?!
Happosai you twisted fuck
Heheheh alright that’s funny
If nothing else Shampoo is sneaky
WHY is that the only way to undo it?!
Poor Akane she is so lost
Aw, poor Ryoga
Definitely not, Akane, but thank you for posing that question
Thank you for calling him out on his ego
This would be hilarious to see this before anyone had any bit of a clue about Ranma’s two forms
Also, Ranma, you need to keep her safe from the Kunos 
 *sigh* Akane, you’re wrong 
 Ooo, not good 
 And that is what no self control looks like folks 
 What is with that ending? 
 And this is what manipulation look like folks 
Also, y’know, robbing someone blind 
 I’m assuming this is Konatsu and I love them already 
 I’m using they/them cuz I’m unsure of what pronouns to use 
 Y’know I thought the Cinderella thing was a joke, turns out I was wrong 
 I do not understand Konatsu’s thought process w Ukyo at all 
 Also, can you not knock them out? 
 I am forgetting the name of that one Hero from Supergirl but if my understanding Konatsu is correct I’m DEFINITELY going to do that
Yeah, that’s NOT how that’s gonna go over 
 Okay, can we all agree that the trick Kuno used on Ranma is HORRIBLE, right? 
 Wholeass mood for Ranma 
 Like you two need to shut up 
 I just want Ranma to wear a sun shirt and trunks to the beach ONCE 
Ryoga… how are you so lost that you came up through the ground? 
Ranma, how are you both a dick and a good friend at the same time? 
 Just tell me How on Earth did Akari justify the hot water for Ryoga with revealing that he’s Pchan 
 I’d like to think that’d be something they wouldn’t skip over 
 No questions, just punches a grave 
 Why does that grave hit back? 
 Honestly Nodoka almost finding is stressing me out 
 I could be SO angsty with the Neko-ken Fear thing 
 Someone tell me not to I’m that much of an asshole 
So glad that she’s apparently gonna learn bc I would’ve been SO mean 
God, Genma you actually suck 
 Oh, thank God she’s not too smart 
 The fact that he’s 300% ready to die is actually depressing 
 That was actually quite touching
If we ignore the way Ranma phrasing that is just plain wrong
Uhm… what?
 C-can she do that?
I hope not
God, you two are so dumb!
Is her definition of “manly” emotionless?!
Bitch, have a heart!
Oh God make them ALL leave! ALL OF THEM!
You feel? You said “you’re leaving”
 Ranma, the fact that you didn’t put that together I can’t help you Like my dad says “I can’t fix stupid”
The fact that he feels the need to run screaming from his own house…
Nabiki, WHY
I’m convinced at this point that there is something Nabiki HATES about Ranma and that’s why she’s making his life a living hell
Cuz you do realize at least ⅓ of his problems are because she told someone something that was private
I can’t tell if that’s an insult or a backhanded comment
Either way, RUDE
I can’t tell, is that Konatsu or is that Tsubasa?
Must go back and check cuz Akane’s comment about “trasvestite and a homosexual” confused me since Ranma mentioned being “the first male kunoichi”But then who HAS TO BE Tsubasa says they’re a straight guy
 Yep, nope, that’s Konatsu
My understanding was that Konatsu was like actually trans in canon
Apparently I mixed that up
I’m making it canon
 MtF Konatsu
 Bisexual Konatsu
One of these days someone is going to teach people to cook before assuming they know what they’re doing
 Seriously It’s not that hard
Did they seriously just try to marry an unconscious Akane to Ranma?!
What The Fuck?!
Aww, she’s cute
Ryoga has a bad sense of direction, but he’s never missed before…
Okay, that’s a little strange
Why is she hatching?
Poor Mousse
Lol, that was so sweet until Ranma was dumb
It’s still sweet, who am I kidding
“Do I look like I wear Totoro underwear” oh that’s GOLDEN
Le shit
 Firstly, Genma is still and idiot
Second, how is he already in Moscow?!
Third, why do I find this hilarious
Oh fuck
YES Kick her ass Akane!
I’m confused
Ok, was heralding back to the first chapter intentional?
Why does he have the staff in the bath?
Ok, I THINK I know what’s happening here…
Oof Can you two leave?
Ok, I was DEAD wrong
If she…
If the DROWNED AKANE Imma commit murder
Damn, if you wanna piss off Ranma that’s how you do it
I don’t know why anyone would think pissing him off is smart
Oh, thank God, she’s okay
What is with this kid?
Why is he such a pain in the ASS?!
So I know she’s not dead
Unless SEVERAL DOZEN Fanfics have lied to me
Which is entirely possible since they were all listed as AUs
Uhm… Ranma… you okay?
Good, get him out cuz he’s clearly in shock
 This hurts
Okay, hate to be the one who complains that Akane’s not dead, but that doesn’t track
At all
Can I rescience this?
Am I going to be an ass about it, probably, but it’s me no one should be surprised by that in any way
“Honored and crazy guest” I mean, accurate
Alright, Shampoo you’ve got exactly 1 chance
Then I’ll maybe apologize for calling you names constantly
Oh I am gonna be such an asshole in this scene
Also extend it some
Oh, God I could be such a dick
I’ll restrain
I’ll just write one-shots instead
Mousse do the right thing
You have a Moral Compass I know that!
“Anytime THIS YEAR!” Damn the witty quips
Yeah, but you won morally
That’s what’s important
Why the Scooby-Doo line?
Go Ranma!
Ok, so that comment about Ranma basically fighting a God is NOT an overstatement
Congrats Ranma you made me Google a word
Turns out it is a word that had its height of use in the 80s
Explains why I had no clue what it meant
Someone shoot those damn chicken brains OUT OF THE SKY!
 “Only rocks”, rocks Ryoga just confirmed are 3 Tons
*sigh* I’m gonna have to physics the shit out of that
I cannot tell you the amount my heart dropped when I saw a full color double spread
Jesus Christ
You’re gonna make me cry, dammit
Heheh poor Ranma
Chill, hun, you’re good
Aww he’s tiny!
STOP trying to marry your kids while they’re unconscious!
I’m not crying you are!
*tightly* I’m fine
Kodachi LET IT GO
 Literally everyone else too! I hate you all
Just so it’s on the record I’m pissed
Ok, so “back to the start” is definitely an oversimplification because Akane knows Ranma loves her Ranma knows she knows
Akane! Your turn!
Ooo, IDEA!
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fenkko · 6 years
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it’s been a while but here’s another batch of asks!! thank you for sending them in
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photoshop and a wacom cintiq! i’ve had it since 2016 and i love it very much
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thank you!!! hmm i’m not sure if i have any tricks to it, but i think that getting in the bnha fandom has been the best thing for my art and motivation in a long time. having a passion for something helps a lot! i kind of have a problem on the opposite end where i get too excited about drawing and draw hours into the night, which isn’t good for my health;; 
something that works for my art process is gathering all my drawing ideas and cool reference pics on my phone and then sketching whatever i feel like sketching! it helps so that i always have different things to draw and i don’t feel obligated to force myself into finishing a piece if it’s just not working, but it also means i have a bunch of months old wips lying around ahaha
i still get artblocked though, i think that’s goes for everyone. when it feels like nothing’s coming out right in a drawing i’ll go work on a different wip, doodle silly things i’m not going to post anywhere, or go take a walk/watch some videos/read a webcomic and return when i’m feeling up for it
for your other question i don’t think i’ve ever had trouble with confidence posting things, even at the beginning where i wasn’t very good haha. it could be helpful to think of it as just posting for yourself to document all your artwork, and think of positive feedback as a bonus!
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usually i’ll get stuff from google images, but sometimes i take my own! nothing fancy, just setting up my phone camera on a timer and taking a pic if i need a pose reference
i look really weird doing it jgfdsf but it’s very helpful
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i think people think of it different ways but i use it to describe the clean up stage! like in this post for example –– first i start with a rough sketch, color it with flat colors and sometimes a bit of shading, and then merge the layers and start defining areas, redrawing lines, adding filters. it’s easier for me to start with different layers so that i can fix stuff quickly, and then begin rendering with the final touches on a single layer when different layers become more troublesome than useful
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ahh i’m probably not the best person to ask because i focus a lot more on deku :’) i think bakugou’s still very immature but he’s getting there? maybe? i’d have to reread
i’m glad his classmates at UA aren’t totally accepting of his behavior like his middle school lackeys, hopefully that helps him grow up a bit. i haven’t watched all of naruto but something that bothered me was how everyone took sasuke seriously even when he was being ridiculous. someone please make fun of this dude and his terrible judgment,,
for me bakugou’s in this weird grey area where his actions are too exaggerated to really think of him as a real person and seriously analyze his character (which sounds silly because they’re all cartoon characters, i hope this makes sense haha) so the way i depict bakugou and his relationship with midoriya + his classmates is more jokingly, or maybe idealized? idk i think this is a complicated way for me to say that i like to draw comics that make fun of bakugou HGFJH (which is probably why i like bakusquad stuff the most out of all bakugou content)
i’d really like a scene where bakugou apologizes or directly faces the consequences of how he treated midoriya but i have the feeling we’re not going to see that;; he’s probably going to stay a bit of a turd for the rest of bnha
also since i think it’s relevant to my thoughts about their dynamic, here are the tags from my last drawing of them! #edit: i got a few messages asking me if i ship bakudeku and i dont. sorry to mislead!! #i drew them more friendly than usual which is probably the closest i’ll get to actual ship content #to be honest i don’t draw even the few pairings i do like more explicitly romantic than them standing next to each other bhfjgh #drawing romance is usually less fun than drawing people doing friend stuff #or in this case #bakugou getting bullied by a pomeranian
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ahh i’m actually wondering that myself :’) i think the big question is whether to go for a company that handles most of the work themselves and gives you a bit of profit, or open a store yourself and have to spend time packaging your own things. i’d really love to do the latter since i want to be able to control the quality, but i’m not sure if i have the time to manage it the way i’d like
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not currently but i finished the ones i already had, so possibly in the near future! the last time i opened them was just on instagram, so i’ll remember to let you guys know here as well :D
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@madeline-makes-stuff i’m not super active on discord but i’m in this bnha art server!
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ahh i feel kind of weird talking about follower counts so probably no raffles or events like that, sorry;; 
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i’m currently attending carnegie mellon university in their school of art!! northeastern is pretty close to my home though so i’m familiar with it –– i was actually accepted there as a game design major and they sent me some valentines candy in a husky box, it was really sweet :’)
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aw i haven’t listened to any episodes in a while but it’s still very dear to me! i’m planning to draw some taz this month B) i love all the stuff the mcelroys make, especially monster factory!
and that’s it for now!! also wanted to say thank you so much everyone for your kind asks, they’re all really appreciated HFJGHF;; i keep them all in my inbox and in my heart
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kae-karo · 6 years
knlalla’s fics of 2018
hello dears! now that the year’s coming to a close, i wanted to round up a quick post of all my fics from this year, please enjoy! i’ve highlighted my personal faves/the ones i’m most proud of :’) it’s been a wild year, so thanks so much to everyone for all your kind support!
Phancakes (x) 1k (g) - the bois being domestic on pancake day (look okay we don’t have pancake day in america i have to live vicariously through dnp), insp by this tweet and the iconic vid no tw! just domestic fluff
did you make me a video for valentine’s day? (x) 1k (g) - Dan has a tradition, every year on Valentine's day he asks Phil the same question... no tw, minor angst
my talents include... (x) 1k (g) - Dan's whiny because Phil won't pay him any attention, so he sends out a passive-aggressive tweet. shoutout to @daliensgrandads​ on tumblr for bugging me to write this (instead of my current wip whoops) no tw, unless whiny!dan counts
Days like this (Security) (x) 800 (g) - Some days just aren’t good ones. tw depression
Balance (x) 1k (t) - Phil wants to post the bunk bed insta story, but Dan just wants to sleep. no tw
i missed you (x) 1k (g) - basically their history as told by dan no tw
the way you look tonight (x) 1k (g) - dan has a vid to edit. phil has other ideas. you have to listen to the way you look tonight by frank sinatra (youtube, spotify) whilst listening to this okay no tw
Chan (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "demon hc: phil just chuckling fondly at dan thirsting over chan, while chan searches the bus and they’re both stood outside in pyjamas on the canadian border. idk, it’s just the kinda fond, secure bde that phil exudes these days" no tw
morning coffee (x) 1k (t) - inspired by the lovely anon who sent me "I dreamed Dan posted an insta story of Phil drinking coffee in bed and he was laying on his shoulder and I kept trying to show people how cute it was but no one cared, and when I woke up I remembered that you would care, and I realized it was a dream and now I’m a tad disappointed in my subconscious for trolling me." no tw
doing nothing often leads to the very best of something (x) 2k (g) - based on this (x) and a lil imagine i wrote (x) and expanded on so thanks to the lovely anon who originally sent "that pic phil posted of dan for his bday i think where dan is making a funny face and theres a nearly empty wine bottle in the background hhhhh that makes my demon heart drop" and to the lovely anon who asked for more! no tw
The House at Pooh Corner (x) 1k (g) - insp by the anon that sent "Full demon mode: Im just finishing up the Undertale series for the first time and all I can think about as Dan and Phil talk back in forth in their different character voices is how #blessed any future child of theirs is. Just imagine them snuggled up with a kid on each of their laps, reading Winnie the Pooh and doing voices for all the characters. RIP my heart." and the anon that sent "I've been having a really bad day. And something that I find really cute is imagining what Dan and Phil would be like as parents. (noting that you don't have to have kids ever to be a fulfilled human, just that people being good parents warms my heart). Hypothetically, what do you think it'd be like? I bet Dan would surprise himself by being a good dad. b/c he'd want his kid to feel free to be themselves and we all know he can be very protective when he needs to be." no tw, parent!phan
waffles (x) 2k (g) - phil goes to the 24hr diner with the hopes of seeing his favorite waiter (insp by me seeing a cute waitress at a diner. unfortunately none of the rest actually happened to me lmao) no tw, meet cute
it’s not living if it’s not with you (x) 800 (g) - dan and phil in bed at phil's parents' home, briefly reminiscing no tw
if we stopped shipping phan (x) 8k (g) - what would happen if the entire phandom just...stopped shipping phan? insp by this post about not shipping phan for a month cause they'd freak out. Happy Valentine's day, @phantasizeit​! no tw, friends to lovers
sleepover in the moon room (x) 6k (g) - It's a tradition they've had for years (Note: this was written with the intent that it can be read completely platonically or non-platonically, whichever you prefer. It's not written to imply one way or another.) a platonic fic sorta lmao
printer error (x) 16k (m) - Dan's a fanfic writer who's desperate to meet the AmazingPhil, but one printing mishap could bring him closer to his idol than he ever anticipated. no tw, strangers to lovers with a bit of fic commentary
everyone knows that (x) 5.5k (g) - They fight more often than they don’t, but that’s just how relationships are. Everyone knows that. Phil bakes when he’s worried, especially when he's worried about Dan. And Phil bakes quite a lot. Dan hates that he's the cause of Phil's nervous baking, that Phil's always so stressed because of him, but Dan has a hard time feeling too bad when the outcome is a plate of warm cookies. no tw just some angst
The Seven Deadly Insta Stories (x) 7k (e) - A collection of seven short fics based on the seven deadly sins, as told in the form of insta stories dnp didn’t post. as a prompt from @phanfichallenge to post a fic every day this week, have my tour fic twist on the seven deadly sins!! no tw, tour fic(s)
i’d do anything to not be alone (x) 16k (t) - I don’t know why I bother waking up. It’s one of those nonessential activities, like eating or drinking or breathing. But I do it, because if I don’t, then nobody would water the plants. Phil left and Dan doesn't know why. But he has to take care of the plants, because Phil would be so disappointed if he came back and his plants had died. no tw, just lots of sadness n a bit of angst but it does, as always, end happily i promise
dark purple sky (darkness comes out to play) (x) 4k (e) - It’s not that he hates parties, it’s just that- well, no, he hates parties. And costumes. And showing up to parties in costumes, and showing up to parties decidedly not wearing costumes, and all the mumbled judgements that come along with doing so. And he hates sweets - really, the only things he does like about Halloween are the autumnal vibes and the cool weather, and experiencing those certainly did not require his friends dragging him out to some abandoned castle grounds for a half-assed late-night party. Or the one where Dan gets a blowjob from a complete stranger in the middle of the forest on Halloween. no tw really, strangers to lovers?, mostly just pwp
Properly (x) 10k (e) - Dan's been trying to take advantage of the all-hours pool for a late night swim, but some guy always shows up before him. no tw just pwp and some strangers to lovers
Demons and Diners (x) 65k (m) - A broke Dan, on the run from his previous life, finds temporary shelter in an abandoned diner...for the night? tw depression, some blood mentions, but happy ending as always!
What day is it? (x) 32k (t) - It's the first day of the semester, and it's already gone to shit: Dan's late to his first class, finds out his mortal enemy, Phil Lester, is the TA, and gets rejected by the girl of his dreams, but at least tomorrow's a new day...right? Aka the one where Dan and Phil are stuck reliving the same day over and over and can't figure out why. no tw except some major angst, uni au, enemies to lovers
Axiom (x) 31k (t) - Axiom: a proposition that is not actually proved or demonstrated, but is considered to be self-evident and universally accepted. Dan's out for the umpteenth time at the bar for its weekly speed-dating night (not that they'd actually call it that). tw depression and a really cliche plot twist whoops but a happy ending, always
one second (x) 41k (e) - When you spend your life getting glimpses of a myriad of possible futures every time you get a little emotional, you tend to lose sight of reality, of the present; a bad day turns into a bad week because all you see are the worst-case futures. You get a little excited about something, things start to go your way, but then all you can see are the realities where things are even better. Life tends not to measure up. Or the one where Dan meets Phil on a plane, and maybe reality starts to become better than even Dan could predict. no tw really, strangers to lovers
slow-closing doors (x) 44k (t) - SECRETS, DRAMA, BETRAYAL (okay no betrayal dw). Phil's agreed to be an RA for his floor this year at uni, and he's determined to be the best RA ever - after all, this is these students' first year, he wants them to have the best year ever. Loosely inspired by Freeze Tag by Caroline B Cooney. tw minor violence nothing graphic just a lil scary, uni au strangers to lovers
Peter Phan (x) 37k (m) - Phil's woken in the middle of the night by a mysterious guy at his window who's intent on dragging him off on an adventure, and for some inexplicable reason, he agrees. Dan's stuck - quite literally - in his own head, and he's desperate for anyone to help him escape. Maybe, if he's lucky, that person could be Phil. He hopes it is. tw depression and suicide attempt, implied/referenced non-con, lots of angst, but definitely a happy ending, strangers to lovers
angel boy (x) 22k+ (e) - for the anon that sent "Oh fuck, now I need a smutty fanfic with twink!Dan taking it from behind with his angel wing tattoo (or real ones for that matter... actually, yes please, real ones. And Phil has a kink for being a bit rough with them... maybe Phil's a demon... fuuuck, someone write this for me?)" Aka the one where angel!Dan goes into a demon club looking for a bit of entertainment. no tw, my attempt at pwp turned into porn with a plot lmao
Sea Glass (x) 58k (t) - Phil arrives on the Isle of Man to house-sit at his family's cabin while it's repaired and sold. Except the cabin's in far worse shape than expected, and Phil's got to find somewhere else to stay no tw really but like i updated this a few times this year so i’m counting it
Exile (x) 172k (e) - Exile's a fucking bitch. Dan finds himself kicked out of town and searching for literally anywhere out of the rain - somehow, he must have just enough luck, as he stumbles upon a seemingly abandoned house in the middle of the forest. Except it isn't abandoned, and the resident isn't exactly...normal...
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Bleeding Love
Ours; Chapter 4
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Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, Valentine’s feels, SMUT, Lisa being a bitch. 
A/N: Finally, chapter 4 is here! Hope you guys enjoy! As always, unbeta’d, all mistakes are mine. Pics ARE NOT.
Kat walked into work on February 14th, Valentine's Day, and sat at her desk checking emails. She saw that Hannah had sent out an office wide email letting everyone know there would be a Valentine’s themed lunch being served in the cafeteria today. Kat smiled and jotted a note so she would remember when lunch time came around. She yawned as more people filtered in, greeting each other. Dean walked down the row of cubicles, nodding and greeting people as he passed.
“Morning.” Kat said when he got closer
“Morning,” he said and handed her a cup of Starbucks along with a muffin wrapped in a bag “this, and that for you.”
“They had blueberry this morning?!” She asked
“Got the last one.” he said with a smile.
“Thanks Dean.” she said and took it from him.
“You’re welcome” he said “How many meetings do we have today?”
Kat opened up the calendar on her computer, setting down her coffee and muffin.
“Two this morning,” she told him “after lunch we have one, that project meeting we set up with Charlie, Kevin and Jo, remember?”
Dean nodded “Yeah, I remember. Anything else?” He asked
“Hannah sent out a mass email, something about free, Valentine's Day lunch.” she told him
“My other favorite F word.” he said and she laughed “Okay, holler if you need me.” he said as he went into his office.
“You got it.” She said as she sipped her coffee, smiling to herself.
After business hours started, the phone seemed to ring off the hook and by the time her first meeting rolled around, Kat was happy not to hear the email notification go off.
“What’s up everyone’s butts today?” She asked Dean as they walked “I swear I’ve put out more small fires today than I have in two weeks.”
“All this love in the air I guess,” Dean said with a shrug “makes people antsy or something.”
“No, that’s indigestion, not love.” Kat said and he chuckled.
“Yeah you’re probably right” he said as Cole walked up behind them. He was part of the sales and marketing team that Dean was in charge of.
“Morning guys, how’s everyone doing today?” He asked.
“Great, you?” Kat asked.
“Awesome,” Cole said “Dean, you free tonight? The bar is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel.”
Dean shook his head “Nah, can’t. I promised my girlfriend we’d do something.” he said
“Wait, girlfriend?” Cold asked “News to me.”
Kat nearly cracked a rib restraining her laughter.
“It’s kind of a new thing,” Dean said as they kept walking “she’s awesome though.”
“Wait, did you know?!” Cole asked, looking at Kat.
“Don’t look at me, I was told to keep my pie hole shut.” she said and Dean smirked
“I’ll tell you later Cole.” he said
“Give me a name at least.” Cole said
Kat waited, wondering what he’d settled on.
“Barbara.” Dean said
“Nice.” Cole said and walked away. Kat and Dean walked in silence for a few steps and Kat pulled out her phone.
Barbara REALLY?! She texted Dean.
She heard his phone go off in his pocket. He waited until they got to the elevator to write back.
Yes, BARBARA. As in Barbara Gordon, aka Batgirl/ Oracle. Sue me (don’t actually sue me)
Kat shook her head as Dean summoned the elevator, she typed back.
Okay DICK Grayson, aka Robin/ Nightwing. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
He chuckled when he read the reply.
I’m not Nightwing, I’m Batman.
Kat rolled her eyes and wrote back as the elevator announced its arrival. They walked through with a few people following them and she hit send.
I’m not calling you Bruce. Master Wayne maybe ;)
Dean shot her a look when he read the last message and quickly replied.
.......and now I have a boner. Thanks a lot.
Feeling mischievous, she wrote back
Anything I can do to help you with that Master Wayne? ;D
Dean coughed, her reply catching him off guard. She smirked and watched as he squirmed and then typed out his reply.
NOT HELPING! If this elevator wasn’t full of people, I’d fuck you up against the wall.
Kat’s eyes went wide and she looked over at Dean who was smirking. Her cheeks flamed red as they came to the eleventh floor.
And *how* pray tell, would you do that? ;)
They walked out of the elevator and he replied
Jesus fucking Christ Katlynn, I don’t know what’s gotten into you but.....I love it.
She smirked and shot back
I’m full of surprises.
Clearly he wrote back almost instantly. They walked down the hallway toward the meeting rooms when Anna showed up. With long red hair, that was darker than Kat's and wide, brown eyes, she was a knock out for sure.
“Good morning Kat, Dean,” she said with a nod at each of them “we’re almost done getting set up in conference room A.”
“Thanks Anna.” Kat said, smiling at her
“Kat, you look like you’re glowing.” Anna commented.
Kat nervously tucked her hair behind her ear “Sorry, my boyfriend is sending me stupid texts and it’s making me laugh.” she lied smoothly.
“Aw, how sweet, what’re you guys doing tonight?” She asked.
“Me and her?” Dean asked, motioning to him and Kat.
“It isn’t all about you Dean, I meant her and her boyfriend.” Anna said with a laugh.
“Yeah Dean, Jesus, it isn’t all about you” Kat teased “I don’t know yet, he says it’s a surprise.”
Anna smiled gently “Sounds like quite the guy, what’s his name?” She asked
“Damian,” Kat answered automatically “Damian.”
Dean smirked and pulled his phone out of his pocket as they walked into the conference room.
“You guys pick a seat,” Anna said as other people were doing just the same thing around the large mahogany table “Kevin should be here in bit to finish setting up the projector.”
“Great,” Kat said as her phone went off. When she and Dean had picked a spot, she casually pulled out her phone and read Dean’s reply.
Cool name.
After lunch, Kat was sitting at her desk looking over some documents and answering the phone when she heard gasps and chatter. She looked up and saw what looked like a giant flower vase with legs coming toward her. Deliveries of flowers had been coming all day and Kat had been secretly envious all day. The one, however, was coming closer. It looked like he had stopped to ask someone a question, when the legs finally got going, they came to a stop near her desk.
“Katlynn Roberts?” The guy asked
Kat’s stomach felt like it had fallen out of her butt.
“Right-right here.” She stammered
The face of a skinny man with red hair appeared and walked over to her desk.
“Here you go,” he said and put the flowers down in front of her “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“Thank you!” She said excitedly as heads popped out of cubicles to look at where the ruckus was coming from. Kat grabbed the card out of the flowers and read it.
Happy Valentine’s Day, hope it’s as amazing as you are. - D
Kat giggled to herself as she looked the flowers over. It was an arrangement of stargazer lilies and roses, her two favorite flowers. Kat’s cheeks turned as red as her hair when she saw all the pairs of eyeballs on her.
“Nice,” Cole said “from the boyfriend I’m guessing?”
She nodded, having trouble speaking.
“Kat, they’re beautiful!” Jody said as she seemed to appear before Kat’s eyes.
“He remembered,” she said, her eyes misting over “these are my favorite flowers and he remembered!”
Jody laughed
“I would hope so if that chuckle head wants to be anywhere near you later on.” she said
“You're a pervert you know that?” Kat asked and grinned. She pulled out her phone, took a picture and sent it to Dean.
These from you? She asked
Maybe ;) he replied
You are SO bad :D thank you!! She wrote back
You have NO idea! Glad you like them.
She went back to her emails and then replied to Dean
So....you were saying earlier? About fucking me in an elevator?
???? He wrote back
She quickly typed
Let me rephrase that, Master Wayne, you said you wanted to fuck me in an elevator? Up against the wall?
I remember :) he replied
And, how’re you gonna manage that?
She waited and he replied
Are we really doing this?
You can’t see me but I’m vigorously nodding.
He waited a few seconds before replying.
I’m more of a show than tell; get back to work ;)
“Nice to see you can multi-task.” a snide voice said.
Kat looked up and saw Lisa standing in front of her desk. Lisa had been reprimanded for her behavior at the fundraiser but her attitude toward Kat hadn't changed. If anything, she was more hostile than she ever had been.
“Can I help you?” Kat asked coolly, doing her best to act professional.
“Yeah,” Lisa said “you can have you boyfriend look over these documents and sign them.” Lisa said and dropped a stack of contracts on Kat's desk. Kat was seeing red, but bit her tongue.
“My boyfriend doesn't work here,” she answered “but I'll be sure to have DEAN look over these and sign them. You should have them in an hour or so.”
Lisa sneered and rolled her eyes
“Sure, thanks.” she snapped and walked away.  
That night, Kat had invited Dean to spend the night. She had put together lasagna the night before and as soon as she got home, she preheated the oven and set her flowers on the table. She checked to make sure the cupcakes she had made still looked okay (chocolate with pink vanilla frosting and heart shaped sprinkles) they did. She changed out of her work clothes and into a more comfortable outfit; a red shirt and black leggings. She tugged on her boot style slippers and tied her hair up into a high bun. Once the oven was preheated she unwrapped the lasagna and put it into the oven. She set the timer and checked her phone, no word from Dean yet. She quickly set the table, laying out plates and silverware. She decided to wait until he was on his way to light the candles she had gotten for the occasion. She poured herself a glass of wine and sat on the couch while she waited for him. She scrolled aimlessly on her phone for about thirty minutes before Dean finally texted.
10 mins out, sorry I’m running late!
She smiled
It’s okay, get here when you can :)
She answered
She got up, lit the candles and checked the lasagna. It smelled fantastic and the cheese was all nice and melted on the top. Pleased, she left the dish alone, finished off her first glass of wine and poured another.
A few minutes later, she got a knock at the door. She grinned, set down her phone and glass and went to open the door. Waiting for her was Dean, holding up a box wrapped in gold paper and tied with a pretty purple ribbon.
“What’s that?!” She asked excitedly as he walked in the door.
“Pay my delivery fee and you’ll find out.” he said, a mischievous grin crossing his face.
“All right, all right, what do I owe you good sir?” She asked, grinning
He leaned in and gave her a sweet kiss and she reciprocated. When it was over he handed her the box and she took it. Stamped in gold writing on the purple ribbon was the word “Godiva”
“No. Fucking. WAY!” She said and tore the ribbon and paper off the box. Inside it were the biggest chocolate covered strawberries she had ever seen.
“Jesus Christ, these things are the size of cat heads!” She exclaimed and he laughed
“I’ve never heard that expression but I’m gonna use that now.” he said, still laughing.
“How?!” She asked “I tried order some yesterday and they said they were out!”
“I called two WEEKS ago when my nosy assistant was out to lunch.” he said with a grin and kissed her again.
Kat rolled her eyes when they parted “I know for a FACT she isn’t nosy, just a little curious is all.” she said
“Okay, call it what you will.” he said with a shrug.
The timer for the lasagna went off and Kat scurried into the kitchen. She put the strawberries into the refrigerator and asked
“Babe, you want a beer?” Over her shoulder
“Sure,” he called back “gonna go out my stuff down.”
“Okie dokie!” She hollered back and grabbed a beer out of the fridge for him and shut it behind her. She shut off the timer for the lasagna and took it out of the oven. She set it to the side and then checked the temperature for the garlic bread. It was lower than what was needed for the lasagna, so she adjusted the oven’s temperature as Dean walked into the kitchen.
“It smells phenomenal in here!” he commented as she opened the beer for him and handed it to him.
“Just gotta bake the bread and we’ll be ready to eat.” she told him.
“Perfect,” He said “just enough time for you to open your other present”
Her mouth dropped open
“Dean Winchester, you are spoiling me rotten,” she told him “you even said it was stupid to give presents on Valentine’s Day!”
He shrugged
“YOU like it,” he reasoned “so I obliged.”
“Good, because I got you a present too.” she told him
“Trust me, dinner is enough.” he told her and kissed her temple. The oven beeped, signaling that it was ready for the garlic bread.
“Hold that thought.” she said and reached into the freezer.
Once the garlic bread was cooking, they walked into the dining area and on the table was a bag and a bottle of champagne next to her flowers.
“AND champagne?!” She asked excitedly “You sure do know how to make a girl feel special!” she told him, her cheeks flushing a pretty shade of pink.
“Special presents for a special lady.” he told her. She turned and grinned at him. She quickly kissed him and then took the tissue paper out of the bag. At the bottom as a medium sized square box. She fished the box out and opened it. Inside was a delicate necklace that had a crescent moon in the middle of it. Up the chain were the symbols used by each Sailor Scout from Sailor Moon on their transformation wands flanked by small pearls. Kat looked at the necklace and then at him and then back at the necklace, speechless. The excited and shocked look on her face and the tears welling up in her eyes were enough to let him know that she loved it. He stepped forward and gave her a big hug. She wrapped her arms around him, still unable to form words. When she looked up at him, she had tears on her cheeks.
“Thank you.” she managed to quietly say.
“You’re welcome baby.” he told her and kissed her. He helped her put the necklace on and then she handed him a box and said
“My gifts are lame compared to yours.” she said, blushing furiously.
“Nothing you give me is lame.” he insisted as he opened the box. Inside were three, smaller wrapped presents. The first was a bag of whiskey caramels that were topped with sea salt, the second was a small book she had made that was full of Chuck Norris jokes, but she'd put his name in it instead.
“Somewhere, somehow Dean Winchester is watching you.” he said as he flipped through the book, laughing.
The last present was a very nice set of silk ties she'd picked out. One was a deep royal blue while the other was a rich emerald green.
“The green one reminded me of you eye color.” she said sheepishly.
He grinned and kissed her sweetly.
“Thank you,” he said and kissed her again “these are all very thoughtful and I love them all.”
“Good, I'm glad.” she said and they kissed.
The timer for the garlic bread went off, she then grabbed it out of the oven, sliced it up, and proclaimed
“Soup’s up!”
They served themselves and then sat down at the table to eat. Dean dug in immediately and was blown away by how good it tasted.
“How long did it take you to make this?” He asked after swallowing the first bites he shoved into his mouth.
“It’s like two hours to prepare it I guess?” She ventured “because you have to cook the sausage, slice it, cook the noodles and cook the sauce. Then you gotta layer it, then cook it. Which is why I made it yesterday and cooked it today.”
He nodded, not able to get enough of the lasagna.
“This is,” Dean said as he swallowed another bite “awesome.”
“Good, glad you like it,” she told him “old family recipe.”
After dinner and popping the bottle of champagne, Kat got up from the table and said
“I have a minor request.”
“Shoot baby.” he told her
“It’s gonna sound silly and stupid, but I heard this song yesterday and it made me thing of us. Do you wanna hear it?”
He smiled and nodded
“I'd love to, and nothing you ask me is silly or stupid.” he told her.
She blushed as she opened her Spotify and searched for the song she wanted. When the acoustic guitar started Dean listened to the lyrics.
Elevator buttons and morning air, Strangers silence makes me want to take the stairs, If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares, But right now, My time is theirs.
She watched as an amused expression crossed his face and he nodded.
Seems like there's always Someone who disapproves, They'll judge it like they know about me and you, And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do, The jury's out, And my choice is you.
She observed his eyes soften and he kissed her temple.
So don't you worry your pretty little mind, People throw rocks at things that shine, And life makes love look hard, The stakes are high, The waters rough, But this love is ours.
With those lyrics, he got up and took her hand.
“What?” she asked as he tugged her into a standing position.
“This.” he said and twirled her around, making her laugh.
“What're you doing?” she asked
“Dancing with my girlfriend, that's what.” he said and pulled her close. Her heart instantly melted as she linked her hands together on the back of his neck while his hands held her hips and they started to sway.
You never know what people have up their sleeves, Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me, Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles, But I don't care, 'Cause right now you're mine
He rested his chin on the crown of her head and held her hips a little tighter.
And you say,
So don't you worry your pretty little mind, People throw rocks at things that shine, And life makes love look hard, The stakes are high, The water's rough, But this love is ours.
“You're sure this wasn't written about us?” he asked and she laughed.
“I'm reasonably sure.” she said and looked up at him. His eyes were shining as he let his hands roam up her back to to her cheeks where he held her face.
“You're so sweet,” he said as he pushed some of her hair out of her face “and good and kind.”
And it's not theirs to speculate, If it's wrong and, Your hands are tough but they are where, My belong in, I'll fight their doubt and give you faith with this song for you.
“You're mine Dean Winchester,” she told him “and I'm going to spend every day letting you know how special you are to me.”
He kissed her and when it ended he asked
“What did I do to get such a nice, sweet girl like you huh?”
She grinned
“Sweet? Yes. Nice? I'm not so sure about all that.” she told him and he hushed her.
“You are a nice girl; tough as nails and don't take shit, but you're still nice.” He told her.
'Cause I love the gap between your teeth, And I love the riddles that you speak, And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored, 'Cause my heart is yours.
She sighed and laid her head against his chest as he hummed along with the rest of the song.
So don't you worry your pretty little mind, People throw rocks at things that shine, And life makes love look hard,
And don't you worry your pretty little mind, People throw rocks at things that shine, But they can't take what's ours, They can't take what's ours, The stakes are high, The water's rough, But this love is ours
“This love is ours.” she echoed and he pulled back from her.
“Yes,” he said as he kissed her “yes it is.”
“Wait, do you love me or something?” she asked as they feverishly kissed
“Yes,” he said as his hands went down her back and he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist “yes, I love you and or something.”
She wrapped her around around his neck and kissed him harder.
“I love you and or something too,” she said and he laughed through the kiss “take me to bed.”
“Yes ma'am.” he said and carried her back to her bedroom. Once they reached the bed, he sat down with her on his lap, grinding on him.
“Ah, fuck.” he moaned as she pushed him back against the pillows. She held his face in her hands and planted open mouth kisses all over his neck and jawline, rutting her cloth covered core against his denim clad bulge. She sat up a little bit, still grinding on him as she undid his belt and zipper. He bit his lip as she snaked her hand inside his underwear to grasp his length. He let out a moan as she slid down his body, freeing his cock from his underwear and taking it into her mouth.
“Fuck,” he gasped as she took as much as she could into her mouth, she hollowed out her cheeks and twisted him as she sucked “FUCK!” he cried out as she did this. His hips met her rhythm as she bobbed her head up and down. Every sense in his body was going haywire as she took her hands off him and then took his hands. She placed them on either side of her head, placing him firmly in the driver's seat. He thrust down her throat, moaning as she swirled her tongue around his length.
“Ah, AH!” he cried as she sucked harder and increased her speed. He felt his eyes roll back into his head, the pleasure curling up and down his spine as his fingers snarled in her hair, creating knots. “Yes, yes.” he moaned out and then let go inside her mouth as he let out a cry. He breathed hard as she picked her head up, wiping the corners of her mouth.
“Is it bad that I've pictured you doing that under my desk more than once?” he asked breathlessly, making her laugh.
“I'm sure you've pictured doing all sorts of naughty things with me all over that office.” she said with a smirk as she kissed up his body “Because I've thought about the same things.”
She quickly removed his shirt, kissing and biting up his bare torso.
“Fuck, you're gonna kill me if you keep doing that.” he moaned as she made her way up to his chest and neck.
“You love it.” she chided as she kissed the base of his neck, her tongue gliding over the hollow of his throat.
“Ah god sweetheart, you are frisky today.” he commented as she gently bit his ear. She giggled and looked at him
“I have a drop dead sexy man in my bed, of course I'm frisky.” she said as she ran her fingers through his hair.
“You think I'm drop dead sexy?” he asked as they kissed and she nodded.
“Drop dead, drool worthy, men's magazine cover sexy.” she told him and he laughed “What? You asked!”
“I know, I just didn't expect all this flattery.” he said as they kissed. He rolled so that she was on her back. She took her shirt off and pitched it to the side, showing off a dark red bra with a black lace overlay that made him growl in appreciation.
“Mh, where did this come from?” he asked as she slid a strap down and off her shoulder.
“Oh, just something I picked up on my lunch break the other day.” she said nonchalantly.
“Really?” he asked “What else do you have on for me under here?” he asked, his hands on her hips.
“Mh,” she said as they kissed “take them off and you'll find out.”
He wriggled her out of her pants and saw the scraps of fabric that was reaching to be called panties.
“Jesus,” he said and attacked her mouth with kisses “I'm one lucky fucker.”
“I have matching heels too.” she told him.
“You do?” he asked and she nodded “You'll have to show me those later, right now, you look good enough to eat.”
He slowly kissed and licked down her body, sending pleasure roaring through her body. She moaned his name over and over as he slid her panties down and off of her, pitching them to the side. He settled on his stomach, putting both of her legs over his shoulders as he kissed up the inside of her legs. She squirmed below him as he reached her core, his tongue licking a thick stripe up her entire slit as she gasped.
“Dean, oh god, Dean!” she moaned as he added his lips into the mix, sucking on her clit as his tongue drew zigzag patterns up and down her. She arched her back, her nails digging into her pillow as she cried out. It felt like he was devouring every inch that she had to offer, he sucked and licked on everything that he could get to, lapping up every bit of juice she was giving him. She cried out for him, God and incoherently as her toes curled. She thrust her hips up into his mouth as he sucked her clit hard, making her whine.
“DEAN!” she moaned “Oh my-fuck!-my GOD Dean!”
He pushed two finger into her, easily found the rough patch inside her and made the “come here” motion against it. Her vision seemed to go white as he did this, she cried out and with another hook of his fingers, she fell apart under him, crying out his name loudly. Her legs fell open as he kissed back up over over electrified body. It felt like being drunk and high all at the same time as he kissed her, laving her mouth with lazy kisses.  Dean crawled up her body, leaving her skin with kisses as she moaned below him.
“Can’t be sated can you?” She asked as he wriggled out of his jeans.
He shook his head to this comment
“Not when my assistant runs around in these tight skirts that show off her hot ass.” He says.
“She sounds mean.” Kat said with a smile.
“She is,” Dean said “especially when she KNOWS how much I love cracking my hand across her ass.”
Just laughed
“You’re ravenous,” She chided “And a pervert. That’s what you think about at work?”
“No,” he said as he lined himself up “I get my job done and then the rest of the time is spent wondering what I’m going to do when I get you all to myself.”
She let out a laugh, which quickly turned into a moan as he pushed inside her. He started to move, his cock hitting every spot she could think of as he thrust into her.
“Oh god, Dean!” Kat cried out as she dug her nails into his back and shoulders
“That’s it sweetheart,” he said “tell me, let me hear you.”
All she could do was hold on and moan as he fucked into her, his skin slapping against hers in the most obscene and delicious way.
“I love, fuck I love-OH FUCK-I love you!” She cried out.
“Love you too” he managed to get out “Fuck, I’m gonna come!”
“Come for me Dean,” she told him “come for me handsome.”
He groaned, letting go inside her and painting her walls white with his spendings.
Some time later, Dean had fallen asleep, his head against her heart. She stroked his hair as she drifted off.
“I love you.” She said quietly to Dean who didn’t respond.
On Monday, Kat arrived before Dean, as usual. This particular day was jam packed with meetings and calls so Dean would be occupied for the majority of the day. She made sure he had all the materials he would need to get the day started and that her email was open and ready to go. Just before Dean was due in, Lisa stopped by Kat’s desk.
“I got the forms signed by Dean like you asked,” she told Lisa “the only one he didn’t sign was the bottom one and he wants legal to take a look at that before he does it.”
“What?” Lisa asked “Why?”
“He said he has a problem with some of the verbiage and we have a meeting to discuss that in a couple of hours.” Kat explained.
Lisa rolled her eyes and said
“Tell him just go sign it and not worry about it.”
Kat told her “He’s a grown man and if he isn’t comfortable signing his name to something, then he doesn't have to.”
Lisa looked angry and swiped the documents off of Kat’s desk.
“Fine. If you won’t do you job, I WILL.” She hissed and marched toward the door. Kat quickly got up and placed herself between Lisa and the door.
“Out of my way.” Lisa said
“No.” Kat said “If that door is closed, no one goes in without an appointment. Period.”
“Just get out of my way you stupid slut!” Loss yelled.
Kat was enraged, she imagined cracking Lisa’s skull on the corner of her desk as she clenched her jaw.
“You can leave now.” Kat said firmly.
“Oh? Are you gonna make me?” Lisa asked, even though Kat was in heels, Lisa easily had the height advantage over her.
“No, but I will.” A voice behind them said. They both turned and saw Gabriel standing there with Anael.
“Lisa, I want to see you in my office.” Gabriel said “Now.”
Lisa threw the folders down, scattering paper everywhere as she stomped towards Gabriel’s office as Dean walked in on the scene. What he saw made him immediately angry, Lisa stomping off with Gabriel hot on her heels as Anael and Kat were picking up scattered papers.
“What the hell?” He asked as Anael helped Kat pick up the documents.
“Don’t ask.” Anael said as she caught a glimpse of Kat’s face. She was doing her best to hold back tears of anger and frustration as she gathered up the things. In the end, Dean helped her up as she shook. He took her and Anael into his office and asked
“What happened?” As he snapped the door shut.
Anael told the story as Kat looked at the floor. This was her second incident in less than a year. First Bruce and now Lisa? She mentally packed up all of her things in her desk as Dead cleared his throat.
“Anael, give us a second.” Dean said.
Anael nodded and left Dean’s office as he stood in front of his desk, looking at Kat.
“Is that what happened?” Dean asked softly.
Kat nodded, tears brimming in her eyes.
“I can understand if you don’t want me here any more.” Kat said as she blinked, tears hitting her skirt.
Dean tutted and said
“Katlynn, please look at me.” She did and saw the pain etched into his features. “I’m sorry I can’t defend you the way I want to,” He told her “but please believe me when I tell you I’d be lost without you. No one has ever been as good as you are, not even Charlie.”
“You mean that?” She asked and he nodded.
“Every single word.” He said “Go take a second, get yourself together and we’ll finish the day okay?” She nodded as stood as he grabbed her elbow, pulling her close. “Take all the time you need okay? I’ll be fine.”
She looked up at him and nodded, gently pulling her elbow from him.
After taking a few minutes to clean herself up in the bathroom, Kat returned to her desk, answering the phone as usual.  After his meetings; a G-Chat message from Dean came up.
Hey, I’m headed out early today; you can leave early too. Start fresh tomorrow, okay?
Kat eagerly wrote back.
Okay, have a good night.
And logged out of her computer.
She waited a long while before a knock came at her door. She threw it open and Dean strode through, wrapping her into his arms tightly.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured in her hair as he kicked the door shut “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“It’s not you,” She told him “she’s nuts.”
“I know,” he said as he stroked her hair and kissed her “but it’s my fault you’re in this and that she’s on you like white on rice. I can’t tell her to fuck off because if she tells Gabriel or Dmitri about us, we’re fucked.”
“She doesn’t have any proof.” Kat pointed out.
“And she won’t stop until she does.” Dean said and clutched her tightly. They stood in her entry way for a long time, just holding one another. He pulled back from her and kissed her hard.
“You’re so amazing and beautiful,” he murmured against her mouth “please.”
“Please what?” She asked as she pulled back. He steadily held her gaze, biting his lower lip and then pressing his forehead to hers.
“Don’t leave,” he quietly begged “please don’t leave. I know you said you didn’t want drama and you didn’t sign up for this-“
She pressed a finger to his mouth
“You’re right,” she told him “I don’t want drama and I didn’t sign up for it. But I can’t fight what I feel for you.” He smiled against her finger as she went on “I care about you and nothing that scum sucking, slut faced, hoe-bag says about you is gonna change that.”
He laughed and kissed her as he tugged her back to her bedroom.
“Dean, I’m really not in the mood.” She told him
“No, I just wanna hold you.” He told her.
They stripped out of their work clothes and crawled into bed together, her head laid against his chest while his arms wrapped around her tightly. He gently kissed the crown of her head, his fingers running through her hair as she let out a sigh. His other hand ran up and down her spine, curling ever so gently at the base and then back up again toward her neck. He gently traced the outline of her tattoo and quietly asked
“How long did this take?”
“Spread out over a couple of days.” She said in a sleepy tone “nearly passed out when he got that needle on my ribs.”
He laughed and kissed her forehead, his hands gently working over her back and warming her skin. She placed a sweet kiss on his chest, her fingertips tracing the planes of his chest and stomach. His muscles danced under her soothing touch as he let out a relaxed sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured again “you shouldn’t have to deal with this.”
She let out a breath and then looked up at him.
“We couldn’t have known this was coming,” she simply said “but we’re gonna do what couples do. Work though it together.”
“You’re sure?” He asked, half of him needing the reassurance and the other half needed to know she was okay.
She nodded and smiled
“I’m 100 percent positive.” She told him and laced her fingers through his “You’re the only one I want Dean.”
Relief flooded he system as he kissed her hard.
“You’re too good for me you know?” He asked “I don’t know what I did to get you, but I’m glad it happened.”
She gave him a sweet peck on the lips and told him
“I have low standards and Daddy issues so that works in your favor.”
He laughed at this and kissed her again, rolling her on to her back.
“Low standards and Daddy issues huh?” He asked when the kiss was over and she laughed.
“Self deprecating humor,” she said dismissively and held his face in her hand “get used to it.”
“Noted.” He said, his hand sliding down to her hip and holding it in place as they kissed again. Her tongue found its way into his mouth and it gently moved with his as he gripped her skin. He moaned and then sucked on her tongue, leaving her breathless as he did so.
“Dean!” she sighed when the kiss ended, his thumb running over her hip bone. He settled between her legs, her core pulsing at the thought of him inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist.
Hope you guys enjoyed that!! Kind feedback is always VERY much appreciated, all my tag lists and boxes are open, so feel free to send me an ask or a message if you want!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby @waywardnerd67 @familybusinesswritingbro @ain-t-bovvered @mrswhozeewhatsis @girlborninstorms @dacleverfox @emoryhemsworth @bobasheebaby @deanscarlett @myinconnelly1 @mogaruke @imma-winchester-addict​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @animerose96​ @coffee-n-fanfiction​ @drakelover78​ @curly-haired-disaster​ @roonyxx​ @snffbeebee​ @ezilyamuzed​ @mirandaaustin93​ @srsllydunnodoncare​ @latetothewinchesterparty​ @emilyshurley​ @atc74​ @midnightsilverafterdark​ @adoptdontshoppets​ @biawol​ @supernatural-teamfreewillpage​ @spaceystacey123​ @bella-ca​ @clo-heda​ @closetspngirl​ @thekatherinewinchester​ @maddiepants​ @idreamofplaid
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hamilton-one-shots · 6 years
Odd request if you're up for it but Hamlaf?
(Because it’s almost Valentine’s day, I decided to make this one smut. Just a warning)
(Also, you guys know I’m open to basically any ship. Don’t be afraid to send in atypical ones like this!)
Alexander was bored.
Alexander didn’t like being bored.
He decided to do what any normal bored person would do. He lowered his gym shorts and set his manhood free, stroking himself to hardness before grabbing his phone and opening Snapchat. He took a few pictures of himself before finding the best one and figuring out what filter went best with it.
Once it was a work of art, he sent it to his boyfriend, Lafayette, hoping to get him home from hanging out with his friends a little bit sooner.
Lafayette definitely saw it. He was already on his phone at the time, switching between that and making small talk with his friends when he got the notification. Knowing Alex and his sex drive, he already knew to hide the screen before opening the message, seeing exactly what he expected. He rolled his eyes playfully and messaged him.
[Me: I thought we talked about dick pics]
[Me: And what do you want me to do about it?]
Aleander tutted and sent another picture.
Lafayette laughed to himself and put away his phone, excusing himself from the group and letting them know he had to go home.
When he got there, he found Alexander on the couch, taking care of his own problem. Lafayette stopped him and picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder.
“You know the rules, not on the couch. People do sit there, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, just hurry up,” Alexander urged, the anticipation turning him on even more.
Lafayette carried him to their room and dropped him on the bed, stripping down as Alexander did the same.
“Alright, I’m ready,” Alexander announced proudly, sitting up on his knees.
“No you’re not,” Lafayette corrected, gently pushing Alexander onto his back and grabbing the lube from the nightstand.
Once Alexander understood, he tutted. “But I wanted to top.”
“You sent me dick pics and were masturbating on the couch, as if I wouldn’t find out. Consider this your punishment.”
Alexander huffed, disappointed. He had no problem with bottoming, but he had been looking forward to screwing his boyfriend into the mattress.
Lafayette was quick to lube himself up and used whatever lube stayed on his hand to slowly stroke Alexander’s erection a few times. “Just relax for me, mon cher.”
Alexander didn’t have to be told twice. He moaned softly and shut his eyes, letting himself relax completely into the mattress. He felt Lafayette lifting his hips and gasped a bit as he felt Lafayette begin to push into him, a bad habit he had.
Lafayette shushed him gently and ran his hand over his side. “Relax, Alexander. I know you can do it.”
Alexander nodded. “Sorry..” He relaxed again and Let Lafayette push in the rest of the way, moaning as he felt him bottom out.
“Fuck..” Lafayette muttered under his breath. He stopped stroking Alexander and used both hands to grip his hips, slowly thrusting into him and groaning at how Alexander felt around him.
“Faster,” Alexander urged, jerking himself off now that Lafayette had stopped.
Lafayette nodded and did just that, moving faster in and out of him, slowly speeding up until he was almost drilling into Alexander, the Caribbean man moaning beneath him. “Fuck, Alex..” he moaned.
“Laf, I’m close,” Alexander warned, groaning as he felt Lafayette hitting his prostate. He felt the pleasure slowly getting better and better until it pushed him over the edge, streams of cum shooting out of him and every muscle in his body tensing and relaxing as he came.
Lafayette helped him ride through it before pulling out, finishing himself off and letting his own cum make a mess all over Alexander, sighing contently as he finally relaxed. He got up and went to the bathroom, running the showed before getting Alexander, helping him wash off.
“You keep treating me like this, I might send you dick pics every time you go out,” Alexander joked as Lafayette washed his hair.
“Do it and I’ll learn to stop,” Lafayette jokingly threatened.
Alexander just shrugged and leaned against Lafayette, focusing on the feeling of his fingers against his scalp. Whatever Lafayette did, Alexander knew his boyfriend would leave him satisfied. He always did.
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tinderthecity · 6 years
The Mountaineer
I’m not sure if this blog is a catalog of my dating escapades over the years or a catalog of the most influential dating apps as time goes by, but I guess one thing stays the same, dating apps and I are perpetually on this journey together! (slow clap).
This time, Hinge is the app of choice. A little background information on Hinge, for those of your lucky enough to be unfamiliar with dating app particulars, this one has you provide six pictures as well as the answers to three questions of your choosing from a pool of questions the app provides. You are then asked your age, height, area you live in, and you can also provide some more particulars like school, religious affiliation, if you drink, smoke cigs or pot, do drugs, have children, want children, etc.
Relevant side note: Recently a coworker of mine sent me a link to an article with her subtitle “your kinda guy.” The article was titled “I am a Pacific Northwest Man on Tinder and I will Die if I Go Indoors.” It’s hysterical and exposing the great outdoorsman facade that can become all too trendy on dating apps.
From the article:
“‘Being inside’ is for the weak, the tired, the cold, the hungry, the ‘people with homes,’ the ‘quaints.’ I’m not interested in those who cozy up with Netflix or enjoy going to restaurants or movies. Everything you could possibly need to survive, thrive, and entertain yourself exists in The Great Outdoors. You like sitting down on a comfortable couch? Gross. You like buying groceries in a store? Disgusting. If I am not constantly in some situation under the sun where my life is potentially in danger, I’m not about it. I get off on adrenaline. And nature.”
“My first three profile pics are from epic outdoor activities which showcase a level of fitness you couldn’t even begin to rival. The next three pics are of the exact same thing. The next one is a total thirst trap, which means something different when you’re just dehydrated all the time. The last photo is of a mountain that really gets me fired the fuck up. My face is blurry in each shot because I am Always. In. Motion.”
Lol you get the point (check out the full article for more linked at the bottom, it’s worth it). I died of laughter while also feeling entirely seen. I’m not a dating app girl who falls for the models or the guys on yachts who dress like fancy businessmen or have tons of photos at rooftop bars or are listed as working high-profile jobs. Ask any of my close friends and they’ll tell you that my thirst traps are the guys who seem down to earth (literally) and like to spend time outside, traveling, hiking, etc. 
It was after reading this article that I was able to put my last date into context as to why I was so excited and why it was so terribly bad. 
The Mountaineer liked me on Hinge and I immediately thought he was pretty cute, loved his answer to the question “I’m looking for....” “Someone who is upfront and honest about what they are thinking and feeling,” (swoon) and his pictures, which, you guessed it.. were all outdoors.   
Unfortunately, he lived in Long Island and liked me about a week before Christmas, when I would be going home for about a 10 day span, and afterward he would be gone for a long weekend. We decided we would just chat in the meantime, so we did, everyday. We talked about all sorts of things, but tbh he did talk/ask a lot about hiking haha.
When we could finally meet up after almost three weeks of talking, we decided he would come into the city on a Saturday and we could hit a museum and grab dinner. I chose the Natural History Museum for us to check out because he hadn’t been yet and I know it never disappoints.
The day before our date, the Mountaineer asked me if I’ll be meeting him at his train station. I live in the 150s, the museum is on 79th and his train would be pulling him into 34th. I told him we could meet at the museum since it’s in the middle. He said he didn’t like taking subways alone (interesting, Mr. Adventure) so he would walk from 34th to 79th (about a 45 min walk). Then he realized it was going to rain on Saturday and said he would walk in the rain, to which I told him (trying to be an accommodating Manhattanite) I could just meet him at 34th and take the train with him up to the museum if that’s the case.
The day of comes, it’s a bit rainy outside, as expected, and I get a text from the Mountaineer asking if we should move our date because of the rain (..really?). I basically said no but it’s up to you.
We decide to meet, I go down to 34th street to meet him. I’m running a few minutes late and of course those are the days when train delays hit.
Me: hey I’m on the express but I’m hitting some delays, 😑I’m going to be a little late, sorryyyy
Him: tsk tsk I’m quite disappointed already 😔
Me: 🙃🙃🙃
Him: Oh that’s cute, you think I’m joking
*wow, bold double dig move for not having met yet*
Me: I can just switch to the uptown train at the next stop if you’d rather
Him: haha I’m just messing with you. Would you really?
We meet, he’s def not exactly what I pictured, maybe the 3 inch height difference than he listed had something to do about it or maybe it’s the ten minute first impression of salty remarks that he lead with... He refuses to take the train and has us walk 40 blocks up to the museum in the rain. I quickly realize that the museum and dinner plans we have might be a big mistake.
Once his saltiness simmers down our conversation gets better, and I thought maybe this will actually be a good time.
We get to the museum, and the lines are INSANE, so we decide we’ll go to another one. I give two options that are close by and ask which he’d prefer. I told him I’ve been to both and don’t have a preference to which he says “typical girl not wanting to make a choice” (wow, okay ew) to which I say “that’s actually not true, I chose the first museum..”
He decides on one across the park meaning another 20+ minute walk in the rain. He hops over a half wall into the park and I (not being in the parkour mood) decide I will walk to the entrance pathway about 100 feet away. He pokes fun at me and tells me to have a sense of adventure. I point out that he is wearing outdoor gear head to foot (yes, that is what he wore) and I’m wearing normal not weather proof clothing, not ideal to be jumping into mud. 
As we walk across the park he tells me a bit about himself. like how he doesn’t actually own any casual clothing aside from outdoor gear (okay..), he didn’t vote in the presidential election (a little red flag starts waving in the back of my mind), and he has kept eluding to trust issues of some sort by questioning my own honesty (red flag starts flapping harder).
He asks me a little about myself, and somehow we get on the topic of horrible dates we’ve been on. He doesn’t have much to say, but as this blog will tell you, I could go on for hours. I chose to share what I consider to still be my worst date to this day, last years Valentine’s Day post, Mr. Mindful (or as others know him, Touch-barrier). My biggest red flag of all was telling Mountaineer that story and having him respond with “Oh that’s it?” THAT’S IT!? The guy had a gender stereotype conspiracy theory complex, swore at me via text for turning him down, divulged his dating coaches advice and said he should have broken the touch barrier sooner with me, information I learned all within a 24 hour time span. And yet the Mountaineer was more stuck on my reluctance to say - no I never want to see you again - to that guy face to face on our date, because apparently that was Mountaineer’s touch point for accusing me of dishonesty.
We get to the museum (I know... we haven’t even started the actual date yet). Once inside walking around and looking at art, conversation starts to get normal again (aside from him saying that he likes contemporary art but this wasn’t quite what he meant). By the end of the museum I was like okay, I don’t hate this.
Then comes dinner. 
We choose a Thai restaurant, again on the opposite side of the park. Yelp gives the location 4.5 stars but when we walk up to the door the grade sign says “grade pending” (not uncommon) and he immediately looks for another place to go because I guess that’s unacceptable. After a few minutes of standing in the cold and probably noticing my poorly disguised apathy for this problem he decides we can go there because, like I said, it’s rated well.
The hostess seats us immediately but we’re close to the door and the Mountaineer doesn’t like that so he asks for us to be moved away from the door. We are then seated right behind the hostess stand and as we sit he goes “wow really?” and proceeds to be visibly and audibly upset about it for at least 10 minutes. He rants to me about how going to a restaurant isn’t just about the food but about the experience and how this experience is bs. (Yes, this two dollar sign Thai restaurant we’re going to because we want a quick meal really isn’t hitting my high class needs). I tell him we could take ownership and ask to move but he says no and continues to pout. As we look at the menu I notice the Mountaineer, as a non vegetarian, keeps mentioning tofu dishes and I ask why. He then bestows all of his restaurant wisdom upon me and explains how he rarely eats meat, or even seafood, at restaurants because he doesn’t trust them (here we go with the trust again), and especially not Asian restaurants. He also let me know that if he ever does order a steak, he likes his steak well-done but he orders it medium-rare and has them send it back to the kitchen when it comes out to cook it longer, because if he asks for it well-done he’s certain they’ll give him a crappy piece of meat.
At this point I am on the verge of stabbing myself with the utensils in front of me but instead I order shrimp pad thai to spite him. He doesn’t ask me a single question at dinner and is less than kind to the serving staff (the reddest flag of the red flags), I ask questions to fill the painful void for myself and when he asks if I want to go to Patagonia with him to look at some more outdoor gear he wants for himself I tell him I need to head home to my pup. 
I hugged him, I left, I haven’t spoken to him since and I couldn't be more grateful.
I will admit, I was a little upset when I left, partially because I had been excited about the Mountaineer for two weeks and felt bummed by my off point expectations, but even more so I was upset because I wasted almost an entire Saturday walking in the rain and listening to restaurant conspiracy theories when I could have been at home with my pup.
This date taught me (and hopefully you) two things:  1) You can be into Mountains without being be down to Earth 2) Never plan a multi-layered first date
Happy Love Day Everyone
(For a nice complimentary laugh, here’s the link to that brief article I mentioned earlier that was obviously written about Mountaineer and his brethren.)
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Christoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and then Abandoned his son
Christoffer Thygesen a Data Scientist at Square Inc. impregnated me then abandoned his son. Christoffer refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. He then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic and then blocked me when his son was born.
Disclaimer: Since Christoffer blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online.
I matched with Christoffer on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine’s day but I ended up hanging with other friends.
Christoffer then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at “Waterbar” instead.
He texted “ I’d hate for us to be a misconnect “ and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again.
We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to “The Snug” in Pacific Heights.
I thought he was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at “ Bar Crudo” and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont.
We had intercourse that night and Christoffer never offered to use a condom.
After I left San Francisco, Christoffer kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat he would SNAP “ I have to see you again”, I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he’d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to.
On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day.
He wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed.
I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018.
I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted “ how much do you need”? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled.
Christoffer was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father.
In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds.
He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy.
Christoffer told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he’d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back.
I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support.
Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support.
I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer’s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn’t care if his son suffers.
He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets.
I then reached out to Christoffer’s parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen and then Christoffer blocked me on Instagram.
Did Christoffers father block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly?
It’s shocking when Christoffer has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my preganacy.
Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason?
This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man.
Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I’ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I’m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare.
He just came inside me and left me with this baby.
Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!!
It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models.
We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer created a son and left him as if getting a women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet.
Apparently those are the morals Christoffer was raised upon.
Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all his nick name among his friends is “ Tinder Man Tiggy”. Makes sense.
Christoffers son will grow up without a male role model.
Are those the values Christoffer Standford Thygesen was raised upon?
Wasn’t Terry Thygesen, Christoffers mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district?
So Christoffers mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently.
And Christoffers father who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don’t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order?
Doesn’t the Thygesen family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!!
Let’s start with this: A woman’s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I’m 36 yrs. old I have a lot less eggs than that.
But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you’re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year.
Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that’s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant.
Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs.
This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son.
I didn’t choose this any more than he did.
He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child.
It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible.
Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking.
I am left with no choice but to fight him in court.
I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support all together.
@christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile
· Abortion
· Child Support
· Christoffer Thygesen
· San Francisco
· Tinder
50 claps
Applause from Ji Tae Kim
Christoffer Thygesen’s ChildChristoffer Thygesen Impregnated me and then Abandoned his son
Christoffer Thygesen a Data Scientist at Square Inc. impregnated me then abandoned his son. Christoffer refused to wear a condom and ejaculated inside me w/o telling me. He then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic and then blocked me when his son was born.
Disclaimer: Since Christoffer blocked me from all outlets I have no choice but to voice my grievances online.
I matched with Christoffer on Tinder on 2/14/18, he called that night and was available to hang out on Valentine’s day but I ended up hanging with other friends.
Christoffer then invited me to a concert that Friday in Oakland but I ended up flaking and went to dinner at “Waterbar” instead.
He texted “ I’d hate for us to be a misconnect “ and to keep him in mind when I was back in SF. I had a procedural matter the following week and ended up in SF again.
We met in person on 2/28/18 and went to “The Snug” in Pacific Heights.
I thought he was fun but only 25 as I was 35. Christoffer texted to meet the following night, and then again the night after to ask me to a 4-star dinner, I had plans both those nights but on my last night in SF I agreed to meet him for dinner on 3/4/2018. We went to dinner at “ Bar Crudo” and after dinner, I went to his house in Inner Ridgemont.
We had intercourse that night and Christoffer never offered to use a condom.
After I left San Francisco, Christoffer kept in touch by sending a numerous dick pics/nudes on SNAP chat he would SNAP “ I have to see you again”, I replied but did not send any photos in return. On 6/16/2018 he texted he was going to be in New York, and asked if I was going to be there. I replied I was going to be in London, and he asked when I was going to be in San Francisco again, and that if I should visit and he’d make it worth my while by taking me to a 5-star restaurant instead of the 4 stars one he previously took me to.
On 6/20/2018 I found out I was pregnant and informed him the same day.
He wanted an abortion and though I was hesitant I agreed.
I was in Utah at the time and due to the stiff abortion laws, I had to drive to Las Vegas to get the abortion. Christoffer never offered to accompany me to get the abortion and I had to hound him for the abortion costs. I then drove 400 miles to Las Vegas alone to get the abortion. When I called the abortion clinic they estimated the cost of the abortion to be $550. Christoffer wired me $550 via Venmo on 6/21/2018.
I went for the abortion on 6/22/18, and after the ultrasound, the nurse told me the baby was 17.6 weeks old and the cost would be $1100. I then texted Christoffer asking for the remaining cost of the abortion. He texted “ how much do you need”? and when I responded he went silent. I called, and texted but was met with only silence. The nurse told me if I did not pay the full $1100 that my appointment will have to be canceled and that if I decided to reschedule the abortion would be $1500 as the baby was going to be 18 weeks old. Christoffer did not respond for almost 3 hours and my abortion appointment was canceled.
Christoffer was frantic when he did reappear, and though he stated he was not ready to be a father, he also texted that if the baby was coming he wanted him/her to be set up for the best possible life. He also texted that he would not live with himself by just being a paycheck and doing the bare minimum of being a father.
In the remaining 5 months of my pregnancy, I did not hear from Christoffer until 9/11/18 he asked how I was doing. I then informed him of my delivery due date of 11/25/18 and sent him ultrasounds of the baby, he did not respond to the ultrasounds.
He last texted on 10/11/18 and offered to pay for a Pre-natal Paternity Test. I was taken by surprise as he has been completely absent my entire pregnancy.
Christoffer told me the reason why he wanted a paternity test before the baby was born is that he was in between job and before taking any offer wanted to know if he is the father. He then said that if he is the father he’d like to be there and that he wanted to get his parents on board as this will be their first grandchild. I called several clinics about this Pre-natal paternity test and was told that Natera is the lab that conducts this test and results are almost always inconclusive. I informed Christoffer that it would be better to just wait until the baby was born and he never texted back.
I found out later that Christoffer Thygesen was trying to take a lower paying job/ one that pays predominately in stock to lower/avoid Child Support.
Such a shady move, he is already a 100% absent father now he wants to manipulate his income too to avoid paying child support.
I can only pray that the courts see through this sham and can impute the order to his earning capacity. This is Christoffer’s attempt to avoid financial and emotional support. He only care about himself and doesn’t care if his son suffers.
He then NEVER texted about the birth of his son and blocked me from all outlets.
I then reached out to Christoffer’s parents and sent them pictures of their grandson and was subsequently blocked by his father, Allan Thygesen and then Christoffer blocked me on Instagram.
Did Christoffers father block me because I was Asian? Did he think his Grandchild that Christoffer Thygesen created was ugly?
It’s shocking when Christoffer has been the one that initiated 100% of our communication pre/post finding out about my preganacy.
Then after the baby was born he blocks me on Instagram for no reason?
This shows what kind of man Christoffer Thygesen really is, his actions speaks volumes as to his concern about the well-being of his child, his character, and his self-respect as a man.
Does he have any idea what this has put my family through???? I’ve had to ask my parents, who are on a fixed income, to help me out physically and financially with Christoffers Son. I’m trying to plan for the rest of my life that I am not able to work and cannot afford daycare.
He just came inside me and left me with this baby.
Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibly ejaculated inside me and left me with his Baby!!!!!!!!
It also breaks my heart to look at my son and see that his father Christoffer, abandoned him and he will grow up with no male role models.
We live in a time where dysfunctional kids shoot up schools, it frightens me to the core that Christoffer created a son and left him as if getting a women pregnant is equivalent of taking a shit in a public toilet.
Apparently those are the morals Christoffer was raised upon.
Going around on Tinder matching with thousands of women and having unprotected sex and cumming inside them; then leaving them stranded as if they became pregnant by themselves. After all his nick name among his friends is “ Tinder Man Tiggy”. Makes sense.
Christoffers son will grow up without a male role model.
Are those the values Christoffer Standford Thygesen was raised upon?
Wasn’t Terry Thygesen, Christoffers mom the President of Board for the Menlo Park school district?
So Christoffers mother is in charge of securing funds for all the children in her neighborhood and yet with her own Grandchild, her own flesh and blood, she teaches her sons to just flee from their responsibility when they impregnate women?? Apparently.
And Christoffers father who blocked me after I sent pics of his Grandson. Women don’t get pregnant on their own, your son, Christoffer, irresponsibility ejaculated inside me and then left me stranded at the Abortion Clinic, but yet your automatic reaction after learning the news was to block me then have your lawyer send me a Cease and Desist Order?
Doesn’t the Thygesen family donate to organizations to underprivileged children? WELL, your GRANDSON is on WELFARE!!!!!
Let’s start with this: A woman’s egg is only fertile for about two days each month. Yes, there are exceptions, because nature. But one egg which is fertile two days each month is the baseline. And those fertile eggs are produced for a limited number of years. This means, on average, women are fertile for about 24 days per year. And I’m 36 yrs. old I have a lot less eggs than that.
But men are fertile 365 days a year. In fact, if you’re a man who ejaculates multiple times a day, you could cause multiple pregnancies daily. In theory, a man could cause 1000+ unwanted pregnancies in just one year.
Christoffer Thygesen irresponsibility ejaculated inside me that’s how he got a 36 yr. old pregnant.
Does he have an idea what an 18-week baby looks like? It is fully developed with all of his/her organs.
This is an 18-Week Fetus; Christoffer Thygesen pressured me into killing his fully developed son.
I didn’t choose this any more than he did.
He has put me and my family through so much, and I am stranded with his child.
It is so selfish of him to act like none of this is going on that he can just go on with his life and just ignore all of this. His public image as a man who grew up in Menlo Park, from a family of 4 who is a part of the community, a graduate from Carnegie Mellon University in the frat Delta Sigma of Sigma U, currently working as a Data Scientist at Square Inc. Christoffer Thygesen who is in the band Eastend Mile…….who cares… but really he went MIA after I told him I was pregnant and he has willfully decided to be a deadbeat father in every way possible.
Christoffer who was willing to take me a 5-star restaurant when he was trying to sleep with me, to contributing nothing to his son…..this is truly heartbreaking.
I am left with no choice but to fight him in court.
I am deeply saddened that Christoffer will not see his son and he is trying to avoid paying support all together.
@christofferthygesen @notorioustig @tiggamaroo @eastendmile
· Abortion
· Child Support
· Christoffer Thygesen
· San Francisco
· Tinder
50 claps
Applause from Ji Tae Kim
Christoffer Thygesen’s Child
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