#this bitch is just fun to draw in action poses
r0b0t1me · 1 year
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stop praying for grandpa youre making him too strong
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crappyyuki · 11 months
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TheFamousFilms! Again! Pre–ITH
First time finishing coloring something in a while lmaoooo
Took me hours. Pose is wack but I focused on the colors instead of the sketch. So. Meh.
More bullet points!
• Molten is basically taking a backseat in the plot but he is still important. Its time to give the others time to shine :)
• Lefty (I miss him) is probably the closest to a protagonist in this story. He's basically pushing the plot forward with his actions. But alas, he's a fucking coward so it's probably gonna focus on the animatronixs and Lefty's fear first before anything else happens.
• You're probably wondering why I said Lefty is the protagonist in this story but the one I posted has Bryan as the protag. Well you see, I planned a prequel and a sequel. With the prequel as Bryan being the MC and Lefty as the MC in sequel. The prequel is basically just me revisting season 1 and rewriting it and just putting Bryan and the animatronics through outlandish situation but less focused on the portal. Like making Bryan learn drifting. The portal is still there of course but it plays a very minor role. Although there are some things I wanted to try with it like making them join MCC XDDDDD. Its just me having fun. There's plot there but not like the sequel has with Lefty as the MC.
• Glitchtrap? He pulled a Springtrap and is in a computer. You know where this is going.
• Valerie? She doesn't die.
• Sun? Moon? Steve? They'll turn up eventually.
• Security Breach Mode? Aha. Ha. He's a security animatronic for a reason. Moon isn't yet he is anyway.
• I'm gonna try to incorporate their special abilities in the canon but that's still a work in progress.
• I wonder how Bryan got Glitchtrap out of Twisted Bonnie? Oh. And his name is Bon now. He's not a Glamrock :)
• Freddy is a bitch. OG Freddie is gone. Oh. He also has a side arc where he helps the daycare kids. Hopefully.
• Is Bryan's parents there? Unimportant. But they have a significant impact on how Bryan makes his decisions.
• Do managers get trained to manage a business? If they don't, they do now.
• Gregory? He's younger that's for sure. Pat and the aninatronics are like older siblings to him. Sam is like his uncle. Adopted uncle. And yes, Gregory adopted Sam. He's Gregory's uncle now whether he likes it or not.
• Oh. And EB? Yeah. He's a mercenary.
• What are Shadow animatronics exactly?
• Jon is desperately trying to make things right. So is Bryan. So why does Jon keep hearing from the others that Bryan's insane?
• Yellow.
And thats about it for now. Feel free to ask questions but don't expect exact answers.
I should probably draw the others too lmao
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studio-of-woof · 27 days
Hiiiiii back with more TADC Actor AU stuff this is moreso just some silly tidbits I thought about.
[Gloink Queen and The Fudge]
So GQ and Fudge were animatronics (mixed with CGI for certain scenes) that had people voice over them. Since some of the Murder Drones cast help out with technical stuff, Uzi decided to voice the Gloink Queen, and have the team edit it in post so it sounded more monstrous.
N: “‘God will be gloinks’ how does Goose come up with this—“
Uzi: “Liam’s made me say wackier stuff on set this is nothing new to me.”
Another thing I thought about is the TADC toon cast posting behind the scenes stuff on apps like Twitter or something. Nothing spoiling anything too big just kinda to show what they’re working on. And probably post some videos of them goofing around on set.
JustTheRagdolly posted: We just got done with filming for the day and I had my arms stuck through my torso for like ten minutes, Jax was losing his shit, probably should’ve brought in the stunt double 😅
JaxTheLuckyRabbit posted: Was in line to get some food when a kid approached me and asked if I was Bugs Bunny. I just replied with “I wish” lol
(RibbonReindeer posted a video):
“So something went a bit wrong-“
“[Wheezing] ᶦᵗ’ˢ ᶠᵘᶜᵏᶦⁿᵍ ᵇʳᵒᵏᵉⁿ”
“I don’t know what happened but…”
(Camera moves to the Gloink Queen animatronic with it’s head detached)
“We were just filming and it- it’s head went POP and fell off.”
“(Uzi in the background doing the GQ voice) I HAVE BEEN DECAPITATED!”
“I think our session’s over for today.”
“We were at a dramatic part too and it just— [wheeeeeze] POPPED OFF!”
Another thing, Jax’s on set pranks. You know how during the Toy Story 2 bloopers, Woody played pranks on Buzz? It’s like that. Jax popping up in scenes he’s not supposed to be in, writing on stuff, purposely trying to make the other actors break character, etc.
“And… action!”
“Gotta say, this was a lot more anticlimactic than I was hoping it’d be.”
“What were you hoping for?”
(Pomni laughing behind the camera)
“… Pomni why are you laughing what happened-“
(Jax trying not to laugh)
“Why’re you-“
“Gangle- Gangle you might have something on your face there buddy.”
(Gangle I takes out her phone and opens the camera to see she has two rings around her eyes left by the binoculars)
“OH- [laughing]”
“Jax was that your doing?”
“[Giggling] You son of a bitch-“
“Take one, action.”
(Gummigoo looks over the still stood models of everyone in the Candy Canyon Kingdom… until the camera pans over to Jax standing in a T-Pose next to Looli’s model)
“[silent wheeze]”
“Hey man-“
“I’m just chillin’ man.”
Miscellaneous blooper stuffs too:
“I’m sure that you’ve heard of your miss— oh jesus this dress-“
“You alright?”
“Yeah just tripped nothing to worry about.”
“… Why are you tryna cheer me up…? How does this benefit you at all?”
“… I… guess I just don’t want you to feel like you’re noth— I gotta sneeze ah fuck-“
“Oh my god.”
“Ok ok we’re good.”
Once again this AU is too fun to write so I might also draw stuffs for it who knows.
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cupcakestreets · 2 months
Fren wants more ask game emojis??? Okay.
☕️ and 🎼 plus 📚
Yeah, dynamism is a bitch, so I don't blame you at all for getting nervous about it. Of course, the biggest change you can make is foreshortening and perspective, but that takes finding a source that can teach you in a way you understand, a lot of studying, and then trial and error. Which is worth doing, we (I'm saying this to myself too) really should study that. And it's a nightmare because first, you gotta find a source that explains the material in a way that makes sense to you, then you have to find a way to make the studying more fun and worst of all, you have to actually commit and do it. With foreshortening and dynamic posing in particular, the study can take a long while to complete because it does demand an understanding of anatomy, breaking the body down into simple volumes, applying perspective to each piece then knowing how to shade each volume correctly. So, depending on where you are with all those components, you may have to backtrack further.
So, what little changes can be made to increase dynamism in the interim? A pretty easy one is Rim Lighting, pure white is common, and so is really dropping the color values paired with a vibrant colored rim light (red, cyan, magenta are popular). Pushing the shading a bit more will help accentuate bent limbs, rotated torso's, overlapping body parts without having to go ham on foreshortening. Exaggeration of shapes like how Sonic uses big ass hands and big ass feet. Or the Big Pant Big Jackt meme and its variants from Twitter/X. You can try making frames and having feet, limbs, weapons or the top of the character's head extending past the border (typically the more, the better because if it's too little, it reads as a mistake than a choice). Line weight variation is pretty easy (thicker lines towards the shadows, thinner towards light source). Or extending certain lines past the outline and into the shape to create a more 3D look. While the whole trend of "fixing" other artist's art is controversial, one good thing I've learned from watching a few vids is the idea of using the Liquify tool on a finished piece to exaggerate the line of action on something a bit too static.
I hope you don't mind the ramble. If you're interested, I can send you a link to some vids or my playlist of tutorials I've saved.
☕ Do you do warmup sketches before drawing? (Bonus: do you have any to share?)
No I do not do warm up sketches i just get straight into it usually. So no bonus sketches but he's a doodle page of my robot oc L-11AC
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🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?
Future Funk music! It keeps me awake and i can groove~
📚 How many layers do you typically use?
Max i use is 50 layers, but i think i use 20-30 layers daily
Also thank you for comments too! These are literally all the things i think about. Still i do try to teach myself new stuff when i can
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normiematsu · 8 months
idk i didnt think it was secret sauce but here's my brain's setup when im working there. for linework it's just the pixel pen at 1 px size and then im just slapping down my lines quickly and by believing in my line confidence putting that arm to WERKKK. when im doing lineart my goal is always to express everything i need with as few intentional strokes as possible
colors im just eyeballing if i'm being real even if im referencing another photo, no eyedropper tool to start with. if things look good together it works for me. vibes first and understanding of color theory second. except for this thing i learned in college and never stopped thinking about, i think this technique is genuine secret sauce. this pic is from andrew loomis' book creative illustration but in general u can find more examples similar to this by looking up subsurface scattering
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i use the basic round brush @ different softness levels for coloring everything bc i am too boomer brained to figure out where that one fun textured brush is that a couple of u guys use. posing isn't aggie specific i do this everywhere but keeping it loosey goosey and gestural 24/7 bc im not anatomy's bitch when it comes to drawing cartoons online. thinking abt my little barbie dolls having so much energy in their line of action it's like they drank a case of red bull before i started. do u guys want to call next time or smth for realtime "words" of "wisdom" its hard to explain over text☝️🤓
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khayalli · 4 months
How do you art. My ability has left me and a block has taken its place
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(This is my second time trying to do this, tumblr I will blow you up PERSONALLY)
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First off I am giving the biggest hugs!!! Art blocks suck and I'm sorry to hear that it's bringing you down :(
I think the best thing to do is figure out what's causing your artblock. Everything I'm about to ramble about is personal experience so if it doesn't apply throw me another ask or DM! I'm always happy to talk to people!
In my experience, artblock usually comes from a very mental place. Creative have a bad habit of equating their worth to what they create/the quality of what they create.
You are more than content!!! Your art is a wonderful thing about you, but it's not your entire worth as a person. So if you fail, or you suck, that doesn't mean that you as a person fail/suck. So if that's in your noggin, start niggling that little bitch out. Yeet it into the sun!!!!! She's useless and adds nothing to the conversation!!!!!!!!
Don't be afraid to create bad art, either. I can't express to you how many aborted files I have in my folder because I thought "it's not good enough. Scrap it"
But my biggest leaps of progress come from me being like "this sucks, but I'm going to finish it anyway" you learn WAY more with bad art than you will with good. Analyse and deconstruct after you've finished creating, not during. Have fun while you're doing it. Fuck around and find out. Get manic with it. Cackle into the abyss. Create with the joy of a 5 year old that has no idea what notes/reblogs are and just loves this silly purple guy.
Ability fluctuates as your eyes get better at spotting what's good/bad. Your art probably isn't bad. Your eyes are just much keener now at picking these things up! Your hands just haven't gotten the memo yet.
SO! Here are some actionable ways you can break art block, or at least create a little bit:
Make art that sucks and learn to be uncomfortable with it. Find joy in shitty art. I'm a lot happier now that I do this!
Finish it or post it anyway!
Speak to your creative friends, or fandom friends! A lot of my inspo comes from them because they inspire me all the time. Bouncing ideas off eachother helps a lot with idea generation, and staying excited about it.
Prompt generators and those expression memes! They take the thinking part out and you can concentrate on just drawing
Art trades, or even collaborations! Having someone else there always adds more motivation
Pose studies, a lot of my stuff is just pose studies that I warped into hot turtle men. It's another one where I don't have to think, just create.
Writing down those ideas you get at 3am so that when you're stuck you can go look at a list
I hope this helps a little. This sort of thing is hard to deal with, and I understand how frustrating it is when you want to draw but you just can't seem to (I went a year without picking up a pen, shudders). I promise that with gentle effort and genuine kindness to yourself, it can get better! I'm rooting for you!!!
(Sorry for how much I rambled on, this is something I'm very passionate about and in the trenches with also)
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doalkaynaksuyu · 6 months
any tips 4 anatomy? (i adore ur art btw its so pretty but like in the way fog is pretty if thag makes sense?)
bear in mind that i'm not a professional and have never had any professional training so i might not be the best fit for these questions, but here's what's worked for me:
after learning the basics i did a lot of quick anatomy sketches from websites like Quick Sketch. so just draw in 10 minutes, 5 minutes, 1 minute and 30 seconds. i promise you it's quite fun
this will make you more focused on the lines of action rather than the proportions themselves, that should give you poses that actually flow rather than stiff stickfigures.
think in 3D, when you draw things think about which sides are visible. imagine the planes that faces the viewer, if you can't visualise it in your head, put that bad bitch in a box! quite literally. remember that you don't need to be drawing to do deconstruction. try to observe things around you as if you are going to make a really detailled drawing of it. this will expand your visual library and you will be better at seeing "the simple shapes" in well, anything.
drawing from videos, or even better real life also helps a lot.
i used to carry a mini sketchook with me to draw on my way home. metros are especially good spots for figure drawing.
aaaaand that was about it, hope you find it useful
(and thank you for the compliment! i love fog! it makes sense)
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thoselethalarts · 9 months
A couple of those ask things I'm curious about
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
12. Easiest part of body to draw
14. Any favorite motifs
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)?
You know, I haven't really thought about it much before 🤔 I feel like left vs right is about the same difficulty level for me to draw, both for 3/4 view and for profile view. Though 3/4 view is probably easier for me to draw of the perspectives. Front-facing is fun too to see a facial structure from a different perspective- literally!
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw?
WEAPONS! Dear god I am AWFUL at drawing weapons, all of them. Guns, knives, swords, bats, whips, spears, crossbows, morning stars, brass knuckles... I am absolutely dogshit at drawing weaponry without some kind of direct reference to trace over, which really sucks because I love weapons and think they're super cool! I have so much respect for people that design their own weapons, especially the ones that have to work with time period-specific limitations (lookin at you, Vinland Saga)
Also as a side note: fuck shoes. I can't draw shoes (or feet) for shit. Every time I draw a shoe I hope ya'll know that it took me at least 5 different references and a 3D model in order to make that happen.
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate?
Pixel artists and animation, ESPECIALLY animation. I simply do not have the patience for any of it, especially hand-drawn animation; I took a class for it in high school years ago and while I did just fine in the class it made me realize that I do NOT have the patience for the medium. 3D animation was a little easier for me but I'm still not skilled enough at timing and distortion to satisfy my creative image.
Also I have so much respect for pixel artists you wouldn't believe. I used to use Fireworks to fill out pixel art bases on DeviantART over a decade ago and while I did have fun with what I did and could still theoretically do it now, it'll never look as nice as I want it to look in my head 😔
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw?
Jackets and sweaters, but also I LOVE drawing things like scarves and capes that can billow in the wind and shift with the movement of the wearer, cuz it adds a whole new dimension of action to what could otherwise be a static pose!
Also also I'm a sucker for fishnets 😊
12. Easiest part of body to draw?
So fun fact about me- I actually LOVE to draw human anatomy. Whenever I draw a character I always start by fully drawing out the character's physical anatomy, and then I draw the clothes, hair, and faces on top of that! Here's some sketches from the Soul Archive to show my semi-chaotic workflow~
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So I guess the answer is anything that isn't feet is easy for me to draw lol
14. Any favorite motifs?
Repeated phrases/symbols that initially appear to have no meaning but then the meaning becomes abundantly clear in hindsight as it's revealed throughout the story, or alternatively a phrase/symbol that has a specific meaning that's relevant only to the initial introduction of it which changes over time to mean something entirely new, symbolizing the growth and evolution of the character/identity that uses it, or the shift in tone/focus of the overall story.
EX: "It's eternity in there." and "Longer than you think." - Emesis Blue "One of us must die." - The Doomstar Requiem additionally: The Open Hand - Army of the Doomstar / SOS - Dethklok
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated?
Oh, EASY. My slipknot-inspired TWST piece I'm still incredibly proud of (even if I've redesigned Phobos since then)
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hmm-self-indulgence · 2 years
Lonely Avatar!Reader x platonic Archive staff crackfic headcanons (requested)
Request : Heyo! Idk if your requests are open atm but I wanted to request a TMA platonic fic + maybe crackfic about reader being an avatar (bonus points if they’re Lonely aligned) that just appears sometimes in the archives like some cryptid and acts like one (ex. Found in odd places, stands in front of doorways, found *doing* odd things in odd places) just to fuck around with staff, especially Elias (probably quaking at all the weird drawings of capybaras in magical girl outfits and can’t do anything about it). Preferably season 1-2 to make it more funny I hope you have a good day/night! P.S. I really liked your Nikola and Michael fanfics ^^
TW: Reader is a lonely avatar, Elias gets messed with.
Sorry this took 89 years to post! Hope you enjoy! @johnnyjohnnyjo
No one has the permission to repost this on any website. I will not post these on other websites so if you see any of my writing on another site, let me know. Do not use my content or claim it as your own! I do not own these characters, they are made, owned and are the property of Johnathan Sims. I am in no way profiting off of this and this is made with full respect to Rusty Quill.
Martin may have brought a dog into the archive, but you showed up on your own acting like a weird ghost cat that appeared a bit before Sasha admitted to knowing Michael. You were known for doing odd things in the institute building and showing up in places you were not supposed to. Although Elias told the archive staff that you were banned from the property, you kept getting into the building and no one else cared about Elias’s orders. If security has not kept you out, then obviously Elias was all talk, right?
A list of crimes committed in the Artifact storage (list not complete, just the most noticeable incidents)
T posing on top of the cursed table, was told off by artifact storage workers and asked to leave.
The Fractal vase was missing, eventually found in the workplace kitchen. The Vase was positioned under the sink tap, and water had been pouring into it. It is unknown how long this went on. The vase was somehow empty when picked up, and was returned to artifact storage. When the security cameras were checked, it was found that Y/n had moved the vase.
The apple full of human teeth has appeared on Elias’s desk a total of 8 times and has never been checked out, considering it is a biohazard. While the cameras have never picked anything up regarding these incidents, Elias firmly believes you did it. No one else does, though. The apple has since been locked away tighter.
How the staff feels about you
Elias greatly dislikes you. While you might be interesting to Watch, your actions in the archives are disruptive and annoying at the best of times. He especially hates that he cannot See you enter the building, you just appear and disappear though the Lonely and he has no idea when you will appear. You are unpredictable, and Elias doesn't like that.
Tim thinks you are funny. You always have the oddest responses to his questions and you liven up the work day. Pranks are even more fun with you around, and he likes how sneaky you are. He always wonders how you get into places unseen, but with the Crime Talent of the archive staff he doesn't ask questions. Plus, you are a great listener, especially when he bitches about Elias.
Sasha is the only one who believes you are something supernatural. While she doesnt bring this up to anyone after a particularly insulting conversation that went along the lines of
Sasha: They teleport, obviously they are something supernatural.
Jon: It's not like you are even that perceptive. You just don't see them before they make themselves known.
Sasha: Ignoring how rude that was, I have seen them come out of nowhere. Try to refute that.
Jon: ? SuRe yOu DiD
But as long as you don't mess with her and her things, she has no problem with you hanging about the archives. She enjoys your conversation when you do speak, but is not bothered by the times she has seen you stare at the empty coffee pot for a grand total of 47 minutes without looking away or moving.
Martin is worried about you, to say the least. He thinks you are an enjoyable person, but he feels like you have an air of sadness around you that he just can't place. He wishes he could help, but doesn't know how to go about doing so. But what he can do is make tea and sit with you, something you both do often.
Jon has opinions on everyone, and he mostly just finds you odd. While he admittedly isn't that observant, and he genuinely thought you were an employee somewhere in the building for a long time before Tim told him. This confused him more, because he had no problem sending you to be helpful, and if you weren't an employee then why did you do it? He has sent you multiple times to do things like breaking into a building with Tim or getting somewhere to ask questions you should be able to. He is a bit annoyed, because ever since you showed up cursed memes have been added to his conspiracy board, and while everyone swears it isn't them, he does assume it is you, but he has not had any evidence to properly accuse you.
The knock on the door interrupted Elias from organizing his office again. You see, there was an issue he noticed when he walked in that morning and realized all of his papers were out of order. While this could be seen as a janitor putting things back in the wrong place, he Knew better. It was you again. Honestly he wishes he could See where you were lurking today, just to know what crime you would commit against his holy archive next. He considered asking Peter to talk to the menace haunting the archives, but realized that asking two avatars of the embodiment of solitude and loneliness to meet would never go well.
“Mr. Bouchard? May I come in.” Rosie's voice drifted through the door, interrupting Elias from his pondering.
“Come in” he said, straightening up and dusting off his suit jacket as she entered.
“I have a file from the archives that was sent up, where do you want it?” She asked politely, knowing how stressed he was by the odd occurrences at the institute.
“The desk, please, I will look at it in a moment” He waited to move till she placed the folder down and left the room, closing the door behind her as quietly as she could. He tried Looking at the file from his location
When he checked the file, the first page was a statement from the Boneturners Tale, a statement he knew Jon had filed away and read a week ago. He was not afraid to see the next page, but he did not want to turn it, but the need to know and see cursed him, so he flipped it.
It was another goddamn capybara dressed like Sailor Jupiter.
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pale-silver-comb · 4 years
So I know absolutely nothing about Leverage except what I've been seeing you post lately and I have to admit you're making it look tempting to watch! Can I ask what are some of your favorite things about the show/reasons you would suggest people watch it? And is there really a poly relationship that is canon?
Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I am going to do my best not to just “asdfghkjl” at you and answer coherently.
In a nutshell, Leverage is about 5 people. 4 are criminals (Parker, Hardison, Eliot and Sophie) with different and unique skill-sets and 1 is an ex-insurance investigator (Nate) who, at one point or another in his career, has tracked down (or at least attempted to) the other 4. The whole show is essentially: man reluctantly reforms 4 criminals to use their criminal powers for good and 4 criminals move into man’s life and stubbornly refuse to leave because, goddammit, now they have morals. 
I’ve got a lot of favourite things about the show but the main ones are as follows:
1. Found family. And I’m not talking about loners who come together to fight crime and happen to co-exist to the point where they realise they happen to have found themselves a family. I mean, Nate and Sophie are the Drunk Uncle and Wine Aunt who somehow become Mom and Dad to 3 beautiful criminal children. Mom and Dad love their criminal babies and the kids love them (as well as each other, but we’ll come to that in a moment). You get amazing family moments such as: Mom and Dad packing the kids lunch before sending them out to kick corporate greed’s ass; Mom and Dad giving the kids ridiculously expensive and personal Christmas presents causing their most Grumpy Kid to go very very quiet and soft as he runs off to gleefully play with his new murder toy; the kids interrupting Mom and Dad’s big Movie Style Kiss to ask if they can please keep their new underground layer and huffing and puffing when Dad tells them no.
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2. Found family: the OT3 edition. To answer your question, the OT3 is indeed canon, confirmed by the creator. Now, usually, “confirmed by the creator” infuriates me because most of the time it’s a way for a creator to be seen as “progressive” without doing anything to actually be progressive. That isn’t the case here. The OT3 are built up carefully and while it is obvious the creators didn’t originally intend for all 3 of them to become a relationship in the romantic sense, by mid-season 5 we are given a very clear picture of where Parker, Hardison and Eliot are heading in their relationship. There aren’t any kisses at the end to signal this but there are solid marriage vows in not only one but two episodes. (And by marriage vows I mean literal equivalents of marriage vows: “for better or worse” and “’til death do us part”. I’m not even exaggerating). The OT3 also doesn’t need explicit romantic narratives to convey how much they love each other. Their love is laced through the whole show, from the way they teach each other things to the way they respond to each other and work as a unit. The way they fiercely protect and admire each other. Like someone once said, if you need characters to kiss or say I love you to let the audience know they love each other, you are writing them wrong. 
Aside from that, each of the parings in the OT3 are just. Gah. They are so well done, with friendship being the solid basis for them all. The creators never expect the audience to assume anything about them or fill in the gaps. They give us their relationships on screen and reference many things off-screen to show us how these relationships continue to build in between episodes.
Hardison and Parker are a canon couple and date in the show: it’s approached slowly and they are so goddamned sweet. They are basically every fluffy slow-burn trope with a healthy dash of mutual pining in the mix. They are basically that quote “love is patient, love is kind”. (I would like to add their romance never becomes the focus of the show or overrides the importance of any other relationship they have with the other characters, especially Eliot.)
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Hardison and Eliot are the Old Married Couple and from day one are already bickering and looking at each other/making comments that are found in every UST fic ever (not to mention Hardison has a very good knack for making Eliot grin like a little kid, when usually he’s basically an Angry Little Chef Man). They argue, they play, and love each other plain as day. 
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Parker and Eliot are more subtle but every bit as wonderful. They have an unspoken connection and understand each other on a level no-one else can. Parker and Eliot are not good with giving themselves over to affection for different reasons (and Hardison plays a central role in helping them realise it’s okay to want it and have it- that boy has endless patience) but there is something so beautiful in the way the two of them come together on their own and develop their own special bond that works for them. Parker and Eliot are that trope where the characters don’t need to speak to understand each other perfectly. They just do. Their love language is a lot of the time non-verbal but speaks volumes. (Parker also likes to annoy the hell out of Eliot and Eliot....just.....lets...her. Because he’s soft. The softest, grumpiest boy.) 
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I could go into so much depth for each pairing and their dynamics as a 3 but that's for another post.
3. Subverting stereotypes. There is the occasional hiccup in the show regarding stereotypes but ultimately, Leverage gets an A+ when it comes to writing characters and making them 3 dimensional people who are not defined by certain characteristics or events. Nate could so easily fall into the White Man Pain trope where he uses the trauma of losing his kid as a reason as to why he is entitled to act like a dick. Nate is a dick but he doesn’t use his pain to excuse it and I appreciate that. Hardison is a black man who is soft and nurturing. Easily the most empathetic and patient of the group. He’s nerdy, an actual genius, and has the biggest heart of all the characters. Nate is maybe the glue but Hardison is definitely the heart. Media’s usual aggressive, amongst other, racist stereotypes can fuck right off. Parker is canonically autistic (I am sure this was confirmed by one of the creators) and she is not defined by it. It’s not written as some kind of singular personality trait. It’s part of what makes up Parker but it’s only one facet of who she is and not once is her actions, thoughts or feelings treated like a joke. Sometimes people don’t understand why she does and says the things she does but it’s met with patience and fondness over the course of the show. Equally, it’s not met with over-caution. Parker is just Parker. No-one tries to change her. The other nice thing is Hardison, who always makes sure Parker knows she’s amazing because of who she is and not in spite of it. Finally, Sophie is in her 40s. She’s not treated like she’s past her prime. Ever. She’s sexy, smart and never is she pitted against or compared to Parker (who is younger) for anything. Sophie is amazing and there’s never even a conversation of “I may be older but I am still *insert adjective typically associated with younger women here*”. Sophie is possibly the first female character I’ve ever seen who isn’t just unapologetic about her age but has never had to apologise for her age. It’s a non-issue and that’s that. The women on the show are written so well, right down to secondary characters and it’s beyond refreshing.  
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4.) It’s just fun. The show has a “monster of the week” type format. Except instead of a ghoul or a ghost, the monster is some corrupt wealthy and powerful individual or organisation. The show draws on real-life individuals to do this and therefore closely parallels real-life people and events. It addresses important political, economical, social and environmental issues while at the same time remaining fun and light-hearted. The characters constantly get the chance to play dress up and by GOD do they have fun with it. You get to watch Eliot beat up bad guys in the most delightful of ways, usually after a witty non-sequitur and with a weapon you’d never think could be a weapon. The dialogue and back and forth between the characters is everything. And finally - my favourite thing- the team can never resist striking a dramatic pose after they’ve taken down the bad guy, making sure the bad guy sees them. I mean, they COULD just walk away, satisfied they’ve taken the person down, but nope. They gotta be dramatic bitches 24/7 and pose like they are models for every single month of this year’s Criminal Calendar.  
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5.) Competence Porn. So. Much. Competence Porn.  
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Honestly, I could list a thousand reasons for why Leverage is amazing but to list them would to be spoiling so many amazing moments you’d get to discover for the first time on your own if you do choose to watch it. It’s the kind of show you can watch with an eagle-eye and sink your teeth into. But it’s also the kind of show if, you would prefer, put on in the background for something entertaining while you do something else. Each episode is about the job at hand but it’s made up of so many moments between the characters that show how much the creators and writers care about them. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll do whatever it is you do when something Soft and Wonderful happens that makes your heart melt. I am so beyond grateful for Leverage. It’s everything I always wanted in a show. Nearly every show I’ve watched in the past 10 years has disappointed me in some way, usually either because the writers run out of steam or characters who I love are treated poorly or given some kind of unnecessary “shock value” arc. Leverage doesn’t do that. Leverage is what it says on the bottle. Fandom isn’t something I joined because I needed canon fix-its. Fandom only enhances and celebrates an already excellent canon. 
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1hellofacookie · 3 years
how do you do your anatomy? would you show us your sketch before you actually draw your person with muscles etc? :) I hope it doesn't sound weird or so I'm just really interested in how you do your anatomy
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I don’t do anatomy... lemme show you what it looks like
Thats it, thats what my sketch process looks like. The whole skeleton thingy? I rarely use it, the only thing I use more frequently is a line of action. I know this isn’t very helpful at all. And lemme tell ya, please learn the skeleton thing because it will help you avoid a ton of mistakes. My art has many anatomy mistakes that im just too lazy to fix 💀
Anyways, to explain how I draw, I do shit by eyesight and everything has a shape, for example:
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You might have noticed; triangles. They’re quite helpful because they’re more defining in weight and form than cylinders or ovals. You rarely draw these shapes tho, you just keep them in mind while drawing the part. Now what you can do if you have a tablet is go get some random pics of people on pinterest or sth, put them in your drawing app and trace the shapes over them. It’ll help you see the shapes, how they vary when moved and how they’re in relation to the whole body in general.
You can learn a lot by just observing. References are your bestie and also, draw what you see, not what you think it looks like. Your mind tricks you.
If you’ve figured out proportions it’s a lot easier. Once your brain knows that a thigh is almost the length of the upper body, that hands, when the arms are relaxed, hang just around the hips and the elbow is around the height of the belly button, its gonna be a lot easier to understand it all. But to remember it all you gotta draw it at least a few times. Muscle memory, dies das Ananas.
Fun fact, the poses I struggle the most with are literally just relaxed standing poses because hi I’m stupid.
Also foreshortening is a bitch so don’t worry about that for now 💀
Now, I probably dumped a whole lot of shit on you that you didn’t even want to know, so I’m very sorry. I hope this helped someone at least a little bit and I didn’t only waste y’all’s time. I always get carried away with these posts because tbh, they’re really fun.
Anyways I guess thats it for now
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phemonoi · 4 years
The Thing About Myths — A Rant
This is a very complex topic. It is a topic I personally hate, and a topic that represents a barrier in the community. It is irritating, but it is necessary we address it. 
Myths are interesting sources of inspiration. They are interesting types of literature and they are impactful in each culture, a big part of what makes a culture what it is. Myths come in many ways; they are narratives that can express any truth, idea, or value a certain society holds. And sometimes they tell us a great deal about the idiosyncrasy of a people, which is incredibly useful for historians and sociologists. Myths can also be fun, but sometimes they can become... a tedious topic. In a religious level, I have noticed, myths can be come a hindrance between the devotee and the divine. 
In our path, myths are an important part of the history of our practices. Sometimes myths tells us about the way ancestors related to divinity, and the type of relationship they had. However, I must draw a line between myth as a form of exposition, and myth as a form of “truth”, to put it in some way. 
Let me be more direct: people fear the Gods because of their myths. They resent the Gods because of their myths. They adore the Gods because of their myths. Or they outright disrespect the Gods, and their devotees, because of their myths. 
A thing must be established very clearly right now: myths are not truth. Paganism is not known for being part of a tradition of “revelation”. The stories and the narratives we tell about our Gods, are ours. They’re not theirs. Anyone can write or rewrite a myth, and that doesn’t mean the thing they’re telling is a revelation from the Muses or a truth about the Gods. Mostly myths come from oral traditions, and they are deeply ingrained within the cultures that birth them; they change and evolve, they get adapted, their meaning and significance often changes as well. Myths are more cultural phenomena than religious revelation. 
Let me put it another way. In our western cultural background, dominated by religions of revelation (the abrahamic tradition), we are accustomed to seeing people belonging to these religions argue about their beliefs in reference to their myths, or their books of revelations. We often see them quoting them, and retelling the stories told there with passion, taking them as guidelines in their relationship to the divine. This is completely fine for them because that’s part of their tradition; that’s their method, and it serves a purpose in their spiritual path. However, this does not happen in paganism. 
Pagan religions do not have a book of revelations. In antiquity, the people who believed to hold absolute knowledge of the divine and preached it based on myths were mostly considered charlatans, or not taken very seriously. This is because in antiquity philosophy had the dominance over religious studies, and the philosophies available at the time considered myths to hold hidden meanings about the nature of the Gods. For example, Plotinus argued that one must not take myths in a literal way, but read them carefully and think about them metaphorically so that one could unlock the full meaning of their symbols, which often led towards a kind of platonic conclusion. Sallustius (a philosopher from the tradition of Julian, allegedly Julian himself) talks of myths as being important to our relationship with the Gods, but he doesn’t talk about that as myths being revelations, or prompting us to take everything a myth says as truth about the Gods. Sallustius was very well aware of the bad reputation myths give the Gods. They are rapists, thieves, cheaters, liars, and they often act cruelly and violently. However, because we worship the Gods, and that means being devoted to them, and that requires some level of loyalty and disposition towards them, then we must interpret these conflicting stories as more meaningful than just superficially immoral. Thus, the conflicting actions of the Gods in myths have been regarded as symbols of deeper ideas even before Plato, and even by the Stoics, and the Pythagoreans, and the Aristotelians, and what more. Even the Orphics themselves didn’t regard their myths as literal truth: one of the things one learned when being initiated was the “actual” interpretation of the superficial myth, which was more symbolic.
So this is the thing. Myths can illustrate philosophical ideas if we consider looking at them under the surface. Myths can tell us about a people’s specific values and customs depending on history. Myths can be enjoyable and fun. However, myths shouldn’t pose a conflict in our worship. 
You can do as you please with myths. You can follow Plotinus’ advice and have them be symbolical. Or you can ignore them altogether, as I do (I acknowledge the importance of myth in the plotinian tradition, but I just find them entertaining and that’s it, I don’t have enough interest in them to study them further). Or, alright, you can believe the myths and the actions of the Gods there as true in the context of our path. But then... ask yourself one thing: why would you want to worship the Gods? If you take myths as a guiding tool in your practice, and you do believe Zeus is a rapist, and Athena is an unfair bitch, and Aphrodite is a vane whore, and anything else, then... what’s the point of you praying? What’s the point of you having an altar? What’s the point of you wanting to connect to the divine through the figures of these Gods?
I mean, okay, I concede you can avoid worshipping the deities that you find to be morally conflicting altogether. But trust me; you will find immoral stories about every deity. You say, “alright, I will avoid worshipping the rapist and instead worship Hades, who is not like Zeus.” Surprise. You will come accross a myth that tells something conflicting about Hades. I promise. I don’t know any (because as I said, I ignore myths), but I PROMISE there is one. And you then will have to go through the burden of reexamining your relationship with Hades, the ways in which you disaprove of his actions in said myth, and perhaps even come to end your worship. Is this the type of path you want to walk? A path of fearing the Gods, of avoiding them, of praying to them to “stay away” from you? Really? 
OR you could just acknowledge that myths are not real. They are fiction. The Gods never commit the actions told there. Zeus never came down to earth in the form of rain to get Danae pregnant. Hera never actually made Heracles’ life impossible because of jealousy and rage. Aphrodite and Persephone never actually fought over Adonis. Apollo never really killed Orion or stalked Daphne. It didn’t happen. It couldn’t have happened, realistically speaking. So why do you believe it? Why do you choose to fear these Gods? You could simply take a myth and say, “well... this is bad. This does not align with my moral values. Good thing this is just a story rewritten by Ovid and not actual record of the activity of the Gods”. 
Myths tells us more about ourselves than about the Gods. Do not put yourself in the burden of having to hate the Gods because of their actions in stories. Do not be so immature and absorbed by our culture’s arrogance and end up “cancelling” the Gods for things a man wrote 2000+ years ago based on traditional stories, thinking of poetry and art, and not of religion. 
Stop fearing Zeus. Stop fearing Apollo. Stop fearing Hera and Athena. These Gods are much more than just figures that perform the worst acts of humanity. Give yourself the chance to have meaningful and loving relationships with them, and let others have that as well. 
I hope this post serves its purpose. 
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akimmito · 4 years
They thought they won #1
 "Ok. So, this is a fanfic that follows the directions posted by @chocolate1721​. I liked it and wanted to write it, so here it is.
I divided it into two parts because it had 7546 words and I had only written about Gotham, I was still missing Paris. So, to allow a more pleasant reading I separated it.
This is a Timinette fanfic because I think there are very few of them and I want more content from these two.
So, let's get started.
Taggued: @elmokingkong​
A trip to Gotham did not go as badly as Marinette thought it would. And they were talking about Gotham, a city so dangerous that you cannot set foot on the streets without suffering an attempted assault. She can only think that Ladybug's luck allowed them to pass the two weeks of the trip without any incident that attempted against the life of any of their companions (although the class screamed to be attacked with Lila spreading scandalous lies). So everything was fine ... Until his last night in the city.
A quiet night, if they could ignore the screams that were occasionally heard (Damn it, Bustier, why so close to the Crime Alley?). The class dined as if there was not a three-front war brewing between the students, it was a time when Lila's lies were hardly heard. It was a great night for Marinette... but then again, why so close to the Crime Alley?
As soon as they left the small restaurant they met two well-known Gotham villains, causing panic in almost all the members of the French class. Only two girls saw that there really is no danger, too many injuries to pose a threat. Harley and Ivy barely  can see the students, they can't even stop.
Marinette, sweet Marinette, approaches them to see their wounds. She's not going to let someone bleed to death in front of her, not if she can help it.
Chloe follows her closely; each taking one of the women to identify the wounds and see how to get them to the hospital. However, Marinette believes that if she lets them bleed freely it won't do to take them anywhere; She began tearing her clothes to make makeshift bandages with the pieces for the most bleeding wounds ... That was until the class stopped being a bunch of screaming and inconsistency.
"Oh, I didn't want to believe it, but you're working with villains!" Lila's comment sparked the class hostility, Chloe just huffs mockingly.
"Damn it, Marinette. Don't you get tired of being such a bitch? "
"Joining Chloe, what did they expect? If they both work for Hawkmoth, obviously they would for the villains here." Someone, Marinette doesn't want to identify the voice, accuses them (again) of working with the Parisian villain, when clearly the man has put a target on her back to corrupt her and turn her into an Akuma. Anyway, idiots.
"You suck, Marinette!"
"What a disappointment, Marinette, you would know better that you must be a good example for class."
"Fools. " Chloe curses under her breath at her teacher's comment.
"I'm. No matter who the person is, I'm not going to see them die if I can help avoid it. ”Marinette frowns at the teacher. There was a time when she thought it was amazing, but those were childish thoughts of a thirteen year old girl who thought the world was divide in black and white. The world is more than that.
Everyone is so engrossed in the uproar that they are not alert enough, Marinette gets mad at herself for not being more careful. The Joker, FUCKING JOKER, is in front of them with a stuffed animal? Marinette isn't going to question it, as far as she knows, it could be a bomb. Even so…
The class doesn't wait a second when they run away, Joker just laughs at the reaction. Chloe stands in front of the two wounded women, waiting for any sign of her best friend, whether to flee or fight.
Marinette scans her surroundings without taking her attention from the madman in front of her. Her first option would be to run, but she's not going to leave Harley and Ivy helpless in the face of the brutal clown-themed killer (all fully justified childhood fears). A moment of silence when the class screams are lost in the streets, it almost seems like a dramatic moment from an action movie.
Joker is excited. The two girls stayed behind to protect their toy and the redhead. He might be impressed; not just anyone would stay to face it. No one is so crazy. His gaze falls on the dark-haired girl, she looks too calm and in ambient. He smiles when he sees her walking to face him and bends down to grab a lever too convenient in the middle of the sidewalk. She's a fun girl! Before she does, he lunges for her. It will be a fun game between the two.
Chloe watches Marinette fight the Joker with a crowbar, take and hit. She can tell he wants to knock him out, but, well, he's not doing it. Brutal would be a good word to describe the little Parisian drawing blood from the man as he laughs as if he had been given the top prize in the lottery (Chloe firmly believes he really feels that way). And it seems he really likes Marinette, a shiver running down her spine at the thought. Chloe bends quickly towards the two women trying  to get up, the more time passes the more possibilities there are for that crazy man to become obsessed with her friend and she will not allow it (Kagami will dismember her with her katana if she allows it).
Harley and Ivy barely manage to stand up, but lean heavily on Chloe. It does not bother her, her training has allowed her to support a little extra weight and as long as she does not have to carry them, there's no problem.
"If you don't hit harder, you won't win," Joker laughs with each comment, wanting to force the girl to be more brutal, even though she is too calm and his comments don't seem to reach her.
"Who said something about winning?" It's the first time she've answered him, he smiles. Marinette bites her tongue to containing any other comment, if she opens her mouth she will get the maniac to follow her to Paris and a madman behind her is enough.
Somehow, while fighting, he has cornered the group in a corner. Marinette berates herself for worrying too much about useless things and now she must win, but give him that satisfaction. Her hair stands on end, a bad blow and her weapon goes in the opposite direction and away from her. Now she only has a clean fist. She can work with it, even though her brain screams at her to run. She swallows thick when he lunges at her again. His mind is a constant alarm of: there's no cure, there's no cure, there's no cure.
But at that moment dark figures leap from the surrounding buildings and confront him, Marinette backs down without letting her guard down until her mind focuses enough to recognize them. The city vigilants.
From there everything is a whirlwind of thoughts and Marinette does not realize when the Joker has been placated and has them close, to the surprise them, she launches herself towards one totally random and remains in the arms of Nightwing who only smiles kindly at the agitated girl about to cry with relief.
"I, help ... them, yes ... wounds, that." Marinette can't hold a coherent sentence toward Nightwing.
"What he meant is that they are injured and need immediate medical attention." Chloe stands firm and will never admit that her legs are shaking, or that being held by Red Hood was welcome help. First dead than looking vulnerable.
Marinette lets herself slip into Nightwing's arms as all the adrenaline leaves her. It's been a long time since she felt this way helpless towards some danger, but she was just Marinette and there was no chance of Ladybug showing up. Thank heaven for the arrival of the vigilants.
"Robin has already alerted the police, he should be here soon." Batman looks at both girls for a moment, but turns to watch the unconscious Joker.
"Everything is fine. " Nightwing whispers to the little girl in his arms, he feels her tremble against him and he is no longer sure if it is the fear  or has another origin.
In a short time the police are there and the two Parisian girls have to give a statement (unfortunately the loss of blood left the two women out of action).
"How it happend?" Chloe takes the initiative, Marinette doesn't seem to be ready to leave Nightwing or say something more coherent than a barely audible babble, clearly struggling to stay together between anxiety and guilt, because yes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng can't help blame herself. Sometimes, Chloe thinks,  want to shake her until she regains her senses (but that doesn't work, Luka's melodies, on the contrary. Oh, they're magical).
"To begin with, this is the fault of our teacher's incompetence to choose a restaurant so close to the Crime Alley. Second, I am very surprised that it did not happen before because our companions were struggling to get the attention of a madman. They said so many stupid things." The vigilants raise an eyebrow at the girl's words, if they didn't know better they could believe that the girls didn't  suffer a close encounter with the Joker. "And third, Dupain-Cheng is too good to let someone bleed to death in front of her and I too good a friend to see her jump into danger alone. This leaves me with the experience of never going on a trip with that band of incompetents. "
"Can you relate the incident?" Commissioner Gordon is tired, with each passing day new characters appear in the city and he is never ready. The girl hiding in Nightwing's arms and her friend who seems ready to declare war to anyone.
"They appeared bleeding, our companions being stupid, the madman appears and they all flee leaving us behind. Ha, surely they would have thrown us towards him if they had not been so afraid" Chloe doesn't miss the opportunity to make a dismissive comment to her class, Marinette is out of combat to reprimand her for being too cruel with her sincerity. "Dupain-Cheng being so sweet as an acid candy defends us, is done with a lever and gets into a fight with the madman. Somehow we ended up in this horrible place and well, they came along and Dupain-Cheng falls apart in her standard nervous form. It will be fine, it just tends to over-think. The only thing recorded is the split lip, the rest is her realizing a thousand possible scenarios where everything went wrong. "
That said, the four women are rushed to the hospital (Nightwing accompanies them because the young woman in his arms refused to release him and also didn't have the heart to leave her alone when it was obvious that she needed comfort). As soon as they arrive they are checked and Nightwing leaves, giving the girls a brief look before leaving.
"We will stay here, we want to make sure they are okay." Chloe takes control of the situation, refusing to abandon the women. Anyway, after the act on the street, he doubts that they will be well received by the class. She is sure they are not worried and can almost hear their irritating voices speaking nonsense about it.
The doctors allow it stay there with the endorsement of the police, they fall asleep on a sofa in the room where Harley and Ivy are locate. Marinette calmed down throughout the trip to the hospital, muttering apologies to the caretaker who accompanied her for sticking like a koala to his person. And her rest is very calm, without nightmares or anything; Maybe it's the emotional exhaustion of the experience, but there are no dreams riddled with deaths or with the Joker, there is only a deep black who embraces her like a good friend.
The next morning they are awakened by the voices of Harley and Ivy talking to the doctor, Chloe also recognizes the voice of the officer who took the statement yesterday.
"They were very daring and their classmates abandoned them, even the adult with them. "
"You should do something, Jimmy!"
Gordon notices the looks of the two girls and approaches to talk to them, being much more rested can better appreciate the mettle of the two young girls. Especially the dark-haired one, last night was a bunch of inconsistencies and today she looks completely calm, looking towards Harley and Ivy looking for confirmation of their health.
"Good morning, ladies. "
"Good morning, Officer. " Marinette greets with a friendly smile, focusing her attention on the officer. She knows that they must return to their class and return to Paris.
"No one reported two girls missing, but you mentioned they are on a class trip. Can I know the name of the person in charge to call them?"
"Claine Bustier from Paris, France. College Françoise Dupont, we stayed at the Gotham Royal Hotel. Our room is the 155. "Marinette enters all her data, but she also decides that it is better that she has absolutely all of them. "My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, 17 years old. My parents are Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain, they have a bakery. Tom & Sabine Boulangerie."
"Chloe Burgeois, I reside at the Hotel Le Grand Paris. My father is the mayor, André Burgeois, and my mother is Audrey Burgeois, the Queen of Style. "
Gordon takes note of all the information they have given him, if he cannot contact her teacher he has two pairs of parents to call for their daughters. And for them to be giving that contingency, he can intuit that they know that perhaps they imagine that it will be the case.
He immediately retires and leaves them alone with the two women. He has a job to do.
Gordon spent the whole morning trying to locate the teacher, according to the hotel they left him early in the morning and they have no idea about anything. He doesn't want to alarm the girls' parents yet, so he will first talk to them to find out if they know where they could be, he sends them to bring to the police station to facilitate the whole process, and he also asks for food for the girls. It's almost lunch time.
"Welcome, sit down." The two girls obey with slightly worried expressions, they seem to be fearing the worst. "I have been unable to locate their teacher or class, according to the hotel, they left early in the morning. "
Marinette holds her breath, reality hit her in the face. Chloe's not much better. It was their last night in Gotham, today they had to take a flight to Paris... they didn't it because they are sure that they abandoned them. They start muttering in French at Gordon's confusion, they look alarmed.
"Sir, we are supposed to go back to Paris today. And... well, lately our teacher hasn't been taking roll. Also, she take what our comrades say as fact." Marinette panics again, but this time there are no saviors and they are trapped in another country. "I just hope they didn't go to Paris without us..."
"Don't be innocent, Maribug." Chloe addresses her with her friend's loving nickname, sees her on the verge of panic and hopes to remind her that they are in this together. "Of course they left without us, she didn't count for a visit to the museum. What will be different today? A word from Lie-la and everything goes under her will."
There was a small second of surprise that gave way to panic interspersed with fury in Gordon's features, he turns to pick up the phone and call the airport in a frenzy. He began to demand passengers on flights to Paris, but was repeatedly denied and his patience goes overboard.
"Ladies, would you mind waiting outside?" "Marinette and Chloe obey. They stay near the door because they don't know where to go and catch the officer's scream." THERE ARE TWO CHILDREN WHO COULD HAVE BEEN ABANDONED BY THEIR TEACHER IN THE CITY! NOW TELL ME IF CALINE BUSTIER BOEARDED THE FUNCKING PLANE WITH HER STUDENTS OR NOT! "
Boiling with anger and after a few more screams, Gordon has the information. But he's still so furious that he could commit murder on the spot. Worst of all, he also has video evidence of a student tearing up two airline tickets that, if you have to guess, are those of the girls they left behind. What do those people have in mind? He already feel the migraine coming.
He drops into his chair, counts to ten, and decides to call Bruce. Technically, being a Wayne Foundation sponsored trip, he's responsible for the two girls and with him in charge it will be easier to deal with the parents.
"Hey, Bruce. I have a situation, the Wayne Foundation sponsored a class trip for the Françoise Dupont School and the teacher in charge left two of his students abandoned in the country; I have video evidence of their negligence and I am sure that in every place they went to there is has least one camera that must have caught something. " He massages his forehead, it's not his jurisdiction, but when doing it in his territory he can form a case and send it to the Paris police for follow. "You should come and take care of them while we resolve to take them home, one of her classmates broke their tickets and I'm not even sure if their belongings are in good condition. "
"I understand, Jim. I'll take over, I'll be there soon. "
Gordon is relatively more relieved, but no less angry. He gets up to ask them to come back in and tell them what will happen, so they won't be surprised to see Bruce Wayne coming for them.
"Bruce will take care of you, make all the preparations for your return trip to Paris. And while you come, how normal is the situation with your teacher and your classmates?" He watches the silent interaction and the blonde is the one talking.
"We are the only two people in our class who do not believe Lie-la's lies. Maribug earned her hatred by trying to expose her stories for what they are: lies. And I, well, I was never going to let myself be bowed down by someone like her. "Marinette denies because of the choice of words.
"She considers us an obstacle in her reign. When she arrived, I never believed her because the stories were too unrealistic even for our  standards in the class, considering that we all know a fair amount of celebrities and we all form a very diverse group with a promising future, I mean we have Max, he create an AI capable of feeling emotions. So when I didn't believe her and tried to make my friends  see reason, she swore that she would take everything away from me ... And she did, it wouldn't have been so bad if it were just that, I realized who my true friends are and that I shouldn't trust anyone. The real problem is the way in which he influenced them all, I cann't longer recognize Alya, she is even worse than Chloe years ago. "Marinette sighs, remembering the last years is exhausting in many ways. "So they have marginalized us, they attack us only because Lila says that we did something to her even when we were not there and we have witnesses who can confirm our stories..."
"Seeing them is like seeing a surreal work with abstract tendencies, impossible to believe what you are seeing. The worst is Bustier, she's a facilitator. I hadn't seen the problem before, but now that I'm in Maribug's place too, well, we were clearly wrong about what kind of teacher she was. She believes all her lies and even congratulates her on them! She let use everyone to her holy whim and antagonize those who don't. ”Chloe gets up indignant and ready to continue ranting, not many adults stop to listen to them. "I'm tired of hearing the same speech from her must be the best person, Marinette. Be a good example! Someone should teach him didactics, she obviously doesn't know what she's doing. And now she leaves us in another country! Negligent, stupid, facilitator ..."
"Chloe, stop it. He understood your point. "Marinette is the voice of reason and tries to appease her friend's overflowing anger. It's true that having someone willing to listen is cathartic, but they should not take so many liberties.
"It's not fair, Maribug, not with you. Always ready to help others and they simply attack you when you decide to think about yourself and your future. They think you owe them something and it's totally the other way around because without you, that class wouldn't be half as good as it's ... because when you took the class presidency they all  grew in their areas..."Chloe sits down again, her brow furrowed and still very angry. "They don't deserve you. "
"Miss Bustier often asks me to help her with different tasks, before it meant an additional workload… I became her disappointment when I told her that I would not do more work outside of my duties as class president, it dictated by the rules of the institution. She lectured me that I should not be selfish, that it's for the benefit of the class ... and well, I told him that if she gave me half her salary I would gladly continue doing her job. She punished me, but it was the truth. "Marinette looks at her hands, that conversation was before the trip to Gotham and her punishment would start as soon as they returned to Paris, a pity that left her abandoned.
Surprised is a word that falls short, Gordon doesn't understand how an adult woman can be so irrational. What kind of alternate dimension does that class live in? A person with at least two functioning neurons would not be so ridiculous; At least, he thinks, perhaps the lies are well crafted as unrealistic as they may have seemed, correct?
"All this arose from the lies of that girl, how are those lies? "He feels like asking was a bad idea and the looks of the two girls are confirmation.
"She has tinnitus because she saved Jagged Stone's kitten from being run over by an airplane." Marinette replies completely blank.
"She knows half of Hollywood and recently said that she knows the whole Wayne family and that Damian Wayne has been her friend since she was five years old. "Marinette snorts not holding her stoic expression, they only said some lies, but it is that the others border on the delirium that they do not they want to end up in Arkham just for repeating it. That last one, of course, was very close. "I wish someone would warn her that the boy lived with his mother until he was ten years old. "
From there, Chloe gives more details and there is no longer Marinette who can stop her. By the time Bruce arrives with two of his boys, Gordon is on a call with the French police for a case to be brought to the French Board of Education about the school and its unethical methods of education, citing Marinette's unfair expulsion which looks  it's still on the school record.
Bruce looks at the two girls in Gordon's office, the blonde looks ready for war and the other girl is sitting quietly. Dick and Tim walk behind him; Richard couldn't resist seeing the girl who hung on him as a koala baby again and Tim is there for exactly the same as Bruce, taking charge because is also his responsibility.
"Good afternoon." Bruce greets, catching the attention of the two Parisian girls. They return the greeting and Gordon only makes a gesture of recognition, the police chief reviews the video he sent and the evidence he has of the case, he can hear him muttering indignantly and something about his daughter being part of all that circus.
"Hey!" Richard greets as well, being friendlier than his adoptive father. "I'm Richard, but you can call me Dick and this is Tim, my little brother. ”Tim gives him a contemplative look and just nods at them. His eyes fixed on everything but the two girls.
"I'm Marinette and she's Chloe, nice to meet you." Marinette smiles brightly. Dick can't believe he's the same girl of last night, but apparently she is.
Gordon ends the call at that time, the police said to initiate a police investigation and to involve the Board of Education.
"Well, ladies. When they get home they will ask for your formal statement and the presentation of the charges, although it seems that the prosecution will take care of that. ”He smiles at the girls, who agree with his words. Chloe celebrates, of course it will involve her father too. "Hi Bruce, thanks for coming."
"Of course. And since you mentioned the investigation, Tim collected all of the security camera files from the past two weeks. Every place they were in is in the file. " Tim hands the memory over to the commissioner, he still has a copy on the computer to review in detail himself.
"Thanks, I will review it and send the parts of interest to France."
After that, the five retreat to the Wayne Manor. The suitcases, or what is left of them, awaits they there. Any impression they might have on seeing the mansion falls short because of the disgust of seeing its things ruined.
"Well, Maribug, can I take this as evidence for my theory?" The hosts are still close enough to hear his words, even though they were about to leave them alone.
"Lila's being a meta or the Akuma's?" Marinette rummages in the secret compartments of her suitcase to make sure it was not raped, fortunately it's intact. It's safe to say that none of them thought that it would have a false base with a secret content, the place where the box of miracles rests. Ever since Hawkmoth decided to target her, she has been a little paranoid, or well, very paranoid. She has two secret compartments inside a secret compartment in her room, to store it, but being so far away she didn't feel calm and decided to carry it with her. Maybe it should include some riddle like firewall.
"Akuma, but Lie-la's also fits."
"I think it's the second one, only the class behaves this stupid so we can't blame Hawkmoth, half Paris continues to maintain it's logical reasoning. "Marinette shrugs and classifies the clothes that still serve and the clothes which inevitably must Discard.
Chloe just hums in agreement, it's a valid point. Long nights of conversation with Kagami and Luka (Marinette's small notes) to determine the motives of the class being so incoherent and violent without a truly logical reason led to those two theories.
"You have to call home, Chloe. You already heard Mr. Wayne. "
"Yeah yeah, I'm going to. At least I brought the least glamorous clothes for this trip. "
That's a ground call for Tim, who had overheard their conversation upon hearing something curious. He must prepare the trip to Paris with Wayne's private plane, Bruce wants to take charge of the situation and speak in person with the parents of both girls. Every hour he knows they won't be leaving until the next day, giving them time to spend time with their unexpected guests.
The call is quick and enough for Marinette to fear that her mother will become Akuma. A message from her father confirms that her fears were unfounded, that her mother's anger is cold and will not fall into Hawkmoth's hands.
When the two girls relax and take a breather, knowing that they will sleep in that mansion, they don't even have time to think twice when Jason drags them into a room full of weapons, Marinette can barely contain her surprise and Chloe glows with excitement.
"Ready to learn how to shoot a gun?" Chloe jumps with badly contained enthusiasm, Marinette is not so enthusiastic about it, but learning to remove a weapon considers that it is something useful for what she asks to start there. "Okay, pixie-pop, I'll teach you how to take apart and lock a weapon."
They spend an entire two hours immersed in the world of weapons, Chloe going through each type as Marinette confronts Jason to disarm him, showing off her quick learning, though not good enough to beat her temporary master.
When Marinette leaves, claiming she doesn't want to shoot, she bumps into Damian and asks him for directions to get out of there.
"Because I should?"
"If I get lost it will be your fault." He snorts, but accepts. He doesn't want a stranger sniffing around the mansion and sticking his nose where it shouldn't. They walk in silence when she notices he is carrying a sword. "Is it a katana?"
"What else would it be?"
"An umbrella." She laughs at the boy's annoyed expression when he turns to look at her as if he thinks she's crazy. "There is a design inspired by katanas, a friend decided it was a good idea to scare us with it..."
"Pff. And why did you believe it?"
"She really tried to cut off someone's hand one day, it was with a saber, but ... we really believed her capable of attacking someone with a katana" Damian only raises an eyebrow with a curiosity that he refuses to admit even to himself. "And she's deadly with a sword, we vowed never to face her again with real swords unless we somehow became Superman. "
"Can you fight with swords?" He was being tolerant by allowing her to speak at first, but the latter did catch his attention. It may not be a good one, but having someone who won't cut its finger on themselves in a workout can be helpful, and if he can get her better, a decent opponent to practice with.
"I avoided she cutting my arm with a katana, does that count?"
It changes course and they head to another room, similar to the weapons room, but this time it is full of swords and knives. She respects people's hobbies, she does, but the amount is over the top and she has a slight suspicion that there is more somewhere in the big mansion. Will there be a pump room? She wouldn't be surprised if one of the other two brothers suddenly came out claiming fanaticism about the explosives.
"I want to see how bad you are."
Ouch, Marinette thinks. She has been ruled out immediately, but will not decline now that she's surrounded by so many weapons. She does feel more excited about a sword than a gun, they can't blame her for preferring close combat.
"We will fight with katana, take whatever you want. They are all polished and sharp. ”She feels something dark when she mentions the sharp, as well as pride in the perfect maintenance of her weapons. She smiles confidently, the boy reminds her of Kagami (albeit much more somber and clearly hostile).
Having chosen, the two are placed in position. And he begins to criticize hard and coldly.
"Your posture is very loose, you will only get him to cut your throat with the first blow. Your friend is an idiot, she must has corrected you since he saw you. ”Mariette nods. "Imitate me. ”She obeys, reflecting her posture. "But be firmer, this is not a dance, it's a fight and if you don't stand up fine. Well, you will dead. "
After several minutes in the same position, they begin. A couple of movements and he correct her again.
"The movement must be strong and fluid, you will cause a fracture on your own if you allow the elbow to continue flexing like this. You must be precise in the movements, you cann't start to experiment if you don't have dominated the base. Again. "
With each criticism and correction the girl makes, she becomes more excited. Damian is relentless with his comments, openly insulting her for her mistakes, but gives the correct and fair corrections for the problem she presents.
"You are agile and flexible, use it to your advantage. Put aside unnecessary movements, sword fighting is offensive and deadly." Marinette notices that she is having fun, if the smile says anything (however mischievous it is when she mocks her mistakes). At least until he stumbles over his own feet and falls flat on his face in front of Damian. "You're an idiot?! You almost stabbed yourself, you can't fall like this! Get up and regain the dignity you have left. Again and don't fall or I’ll stab yourself. "
Marinette has a good time, she doesn't even notice the time she spends training with Damian. Alfred interrupts them by announcing that dinner has been served since fifteen minutes.
"Thanks Alfred." She smiles kindly.
Damian reluctantly guards the sword, his brothers always choose other weapons when training. It was satisfying to have someone willing to fight him in his area, especially for his quick learning, he only had to correct twice about posture and movement; he also noticed that she was imitating his movements to correct himself as they fought. Less useless than his brothers, he will give she that.
When they enter, everyone is eating or so it seems. Tim looks at his plate as if he is going to speak to him at any moment, Dick talks more than he eats (with Stephanie who came interested in the two girls who could be victims of Bruce's adoption), Jason has not even touched the plate and in change is arguing over the theory of how to disassemble a grenade launcher with Chloe. Bruce is the only one who eats in silence, at least until he sees his youngest son arrive with Marinette.
"Excuse me." Marinette sits in the empty seat next to Tim, who barely registers the movement. She worries a little, she seems to be in her bad weeks (say Hawkmoth and her Akuma at three in the morning).
Dinner passes unceremoniously, past Damian demanding they shut up, almost stabbing Marinette's hand with his fork. And contrary to what anyone might think, she just laughs, the whole situation seemed so refreshing, so many people at a table and the familiarity with which they were received. She feels comfortable, even with Damian's passive-aggressive attitude.
Somehow, an hour later, they are dragged back into another room. This time both Chloe and Marinette want to scream, and Mari feels she can be relieved because it didn't result in bombs or anything more dangerous than the other two. He gets them comfortable clothes so they can get on, knowing that they have been sweating and going in normal clothes.
Chloe does not hesitate to climb on the trapeze after warming up, but Marinette sits on the parallel bars, not that she is not willing to do the same as Chloe, but she flies often enough as Ladybug to look for something calmer, although she should take advantage and she would like to have a private gym like that, because there are also weights and a punching bag.
Dick is in cloud nine watching how the two girls look like fish in the water, he imagined that it would be so. Especially when she saw Marinette training with Damian and the movements she made, she is clearly a gymnast. And being there, well, that the two of them are so enthusiastic only makes it better. Unlike his brothers, he just wants them to have fun.
At some point in the time they take turns between the bars and the trapeze, Dick and Chloe end up competing. While Marinette is happy on the uneven bars until Damian re-monopolizes her and they move to the weapons room; leaving the other two doing jumps and twists in the air (Dick wins, of course).
Of course, Marinette enjoys the workout and is glad she didn't end up hurt in any way. It would be funny to explain to her parents that they ended up fighting with swords with a boy four years younger and that he did not have the mercy to avoid hurting her.
"Better than a few hours ago, you're not that horrible anymore. "
"Decent, right?"
"That is too favorable for you, you still trip over the air and almost take your eye out." Damian frowns in disappointment at the incompetence of maintaining a decent balance when he has both feet on the ground. When he saw her on the uneven bars, it was almost believed that the jumps that ended in disaster were fake, but no, she really stumbled into nothingness itself.
"Uh, sorry. I will do it better.
"You better, I won't admit any more stupid mistakes."
Damian would have preferred to go on patrol, but he won't complain about the training either. He had fun at the girl's expense and, above all, he knows that if he sees her again and she keeps practicing (he will make sure of that) he will be a better rival than today. She can even introduce that friend of her to measure levels, he's better of course but it never hurts to re-confirm.
At ten at night they go to bed, Alfred shows the room to the two girls and lets them settle down. Marinette can't sleep, after four hours of tossing and turning, she resigns herself and leaves, looking at Tikki on her pillow sleeping comfortably, she can't help envying her good rest. Pick up your phone and it's 2:15.
She curses her insomnia and wanders around the mansion, somehow miraculously ends up in the kitchen. It is a dim light that directs her there, since everything else is dark, she didn't even feel when went downstairs.
In the kitchen, Tim is leaning against the table with his computer on and a steaming coffee. Suddenly he gets up and turns to her with a surprised (and very confused) expression, but more surprised Marinette is when he does that.
"Oh Im sorry…"
"No, no ... Uh, can't you sleep?"
"Usually not. What are you doing?" Marinette knows that she is taking, perhaps, too much liberties when curious about what Tim is doing, but she is not sleepy and there is nothing else to do.
"Work, Wayne Industries is developing a new model of heavy machinery for moving cargo containers, much more resistant to be located on the coasts for the rainy seasons… I am reviewing all the designs, suggested materials and profitability of each project to present to the board in three weeks. There are seven different models, and none are tailored to it needs. " Tim shows the blueprint of the last model he has reviewed, flipped it over several times, and revised the materials, but they are not entirely satisfactory for what he is seeking to present.
"It looks complicated, how do you know if it adapts to it needs or not?" Marinette sits next to him, interested in the project. She know he is the CEO of  Wayne Enterprise and every division in the company, but seeing the work he does is something different. "If you have to go through those kinds of projects and take care of other tasks, i'm not surprised that you're so sleep deprived"
"Well, the demand is analyzed first." Open another file of the works of the sector where the new project is directed.  "Here, the work of the machinery must meet the standards in relation to the pace of work and the climate, considering that it wants to deliver a specific model for working on coasts. This is only to increase efficiency and allow a slightly longer time frame between maintenances. Metals corrode with greater speed and, sometimes, the weather is so bad that it avoids correct maintenance; storms in mid-spring flood the ports. fairly frequently and parts need to be replaced more frequently This new model should allow greater resistance to these conditions. "
"Interesting, and are you always watching projects?"
"Not all projects, Wayne Biotechnology projects do not review this way, it is not my area. It's usually the manager of the division who presents new projects to the board. However, I still have to review other aspects of all the divisions of the company and that includes them all…"
"It's still a lot of work, is it that heavy or do you overload yourself?" Marinette inquires with playful curiosity, Tim shifts nervously.
"A little of both?"
"Oh.So, you need a better coffee. ”She takes the liberty of trying the one she is drinking. "It's still very light. I will share with you my winning recipe, it has kept me up for an entire week with one hour of daily sleep. "
Marinette gets up and moves in the kitchen as if she were the owner of the place, looking for what she needs. Seeing the coffee, she is surprised.
"Black Insomnia?"
"I can only have one cup a week, Alfred thinks it's going to kill me if I drink it every day. I have made an agreement, he doesn't tell me anything about not sleeping and I comply with taking it once a week."
"It's totally valid. " Marinette laughs and puts the coffee back in its place. "Whiskey. It will come handy. "
"What?" Tim watches the girl open the bottle to smell her, it's one of the ones Alfred confiscated from Jason a week ago. "Why Whiskey?"
"Other flavor, vodka is better, but I can work with this. Do you have mint?"
Tim remains dubious as he watches her work with the most random ingredients he could think of for a coffee, also yogurt? He won't question it, but was France so strange?
A few minutes later Marinette hands him a cup.
"It has less caffeine than a regular cup, but the energy it provides is much greater. If you drink one cup per hour, with this you only need one to run at least four. It's magical, come on, don't see it like that. ”She pouts and he decides to take it.
"It is safe? I don't think Alfred is happy that you murder me with coffee."
"I think Damian would have a party."
"Oh, the demon's ally. Since I didn't see it coming, I gave you my trust and that's how you pay me. "
They both laugh, Tim finally trying the coffee. He will give she points for the taste, he don't even feel that it has alcohol and ultimately he feel more alive than a moment ago. He can continue working.
They both stay in the kitchen, Tim works until five in the morning. Marinette fell asleep at one point in that time and he settled her in such a way that when he falls asleep she is his pillow. The sad thing is that not even putting together the hours of sleep of both can they add up to three.
Alfred enters deciding to wake up the teenagers, the plane will leave in two hours and they must prepare. Tim looks for his cup of coffee and has finished it, he doesn't want to move.
"Now, Master Tim. Be a responsible boy and they'll go change. ”Marinette is barely aware of her surroundings as she is dragged into the rooms by Tim, but neither is he does.
Neither of them fully records what happens, except getting to a bed and going back to sleep. Totally out of combat. When they are close to leaving, Bruce doesn't even know what think on seeing the two young sleeping like corpses, dressed exactly the same as the day before.
"Chloe, help Marinette get ready. Dick, help Tim. We're leaving in ten minutes. ”The two mentioned only look at each other in panic before running to wake up the dead.
Marinette barely registers, feeling terribly drained now that all the effort from the day before is building up. He could sleep a thousand years if he were allowed to. They get ready in record time and move to the airport, for the only thing Marinette is aware of is to her luggage, being that she hugs it and when she asks, she murmurs: I love this suitcase, but don't tell my other suitcases, they get angry. No one says anything except for Jason's small laugh and a snort from a more sleepy than awake Tim who responds: who will tell them? No one knows them. Jason breaks down after that and laughs out loud.
Richard regrets not having recorded the most hilarious conversation he has ever witnessed, he has heard his little brother say inconsistent things in his sleep deprivation, but seeing an exchange is something very different. And it's so funy.
And they spend hours on the plane, Marinette basically asleep on Tim while he seems to melt in the seat. Richard took lots of photos every time they moved. By the time they get to Paris, they are both more awake.
Chloe smiles at her city, excited for what awaits all the bastards who left them behind. Maybe it is justice for everyone else, but for her it's revenge and she wants to see them suffer for hurting them both.
Thanks for reading!
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jarienn972 · 3 years
La Sirena - Chapter Eight
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Captain Swan Supernatural Summer
We’re nearing the completion of this @cssns​ tale, and despite the challenges this story has posed, I’m a little bit sad that it is nearly finished. 
This chapter has a lot of action as we pick up right where we left off with Regina’s nefarious plan to “test” Killian’s worthiness. Our poor lieutenant has no idea what the devious siren has in mind and it isn’t going to be pleasant.
Thank you, @kmomof4​ for all of your beta assistance, especially with your suggestions for this chapter! And thanks again to @courtorderedcake​ for her beautiful artwork!
Catch up from the beginning on AO3 or FF.net  Tumblr chapters:  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven 
No amount of naval training could have prepared him for this, Killian thought as he inexplicably found himself standing barefoot on the shore. One moment he'd been crouching inside the cavern awaiting Emma's return and the next, he was facing down the tempestuous ocean, thoroughly exposed. His knuckles had gone white clutching desperately to the cutlass, but as he stared out at the sea, he knew in his heart that the weapon was no match for this unnatural battle.
Above the whitecaps in the distance, he could just make out the crest of Emma's head and that of another person with darker hair coiffed beneath some sort of massive, glistening crown. Was this the mysterious sister that Emma had spoken of? He couldn't make out anything they were saying over the roar of waves crashing against the rock. But it was the dichotomy of their expressions that sent a shiver down his spine. He didn't even dare hypothesize the meaning behind the look of abject horror that spread across Emma's delicate features.
Shivers washed over him and his gut filled with apprehension when his gaze was drawn to movement on the horizon. Could this be signalling the arrival of the siren council that had Emma so concerned? The surface of the water seemed to rise, bubbling and foaming in the most unearthly manner. It was like nothing he had ever seen in all his years at sea and in a mere moment, he was about to wish it could be unseen.
As a mariner, he'd often heard tales of encounters with the legendary kraken and he'd shrugged them off as nothing but fantasy. Perhaps he'd been too quick to judge legend from truth, he found himself thinking as he marveled at the sheer size of the tentacle that emerged from the depths. It was simply beyond belief. From his experience with squid and octopi snared in fishing nets, Killian suspected that this creature would have to be supernaturally large, and that thought was confirmed as it reared its humongous head above the bay.
Even if he hadn't been practically paralyzed with shock and trepidation, he never would have had a chance to outrun the beast's speed or reach as another of its incredibly strong tentacles snatched him off of the beach. The slimy appendage constricted around his upper body, lifting him into the air and pinning his arms to his sides as it threatened to crush him.
First pirates, then sirens, and now he was eye to eye with a bloody kraken… All of them apparently competing to see who would kill him first…
Grimacing in pain, he struggled against its grasp and cried out to Emma for help. He may have been at the mercy of these mythical beings, but his own survival instincts remained fully intact. He wiggled his right arm free enough to draw the cutlass from its sheath. He didn't exactly have full range to properly wield his weapon, but he managed to secure an angle that allowed him to thrust the blade into one of the circular suckers on the underside of the tentacle encircling him. The monster howled and retaliated by lashing Killian into the waves, stunning the sailor as it increased the pressure on his body and dislodging the sword. The blade dropped into the ocean below while a barely conscious Killian could both feel and hear his ribs cracking under the assault.
Emma could only watch in a panic as the kraken scooped Killian off the shore with its tentacles wound tightly around him. She tried in vain to repel the monstrosity with her magic, but her barrage of light energy blasts had little to no effect on the creature.
"Your magic isn't strong enough to deter a kraken," an amused Regina insisted.
"Call it off, Regina!" Emma shouted angrily as the monster's tentacle squeezed ever tighter around Killian's very mortal body. She could hardly bear to see the agony expressed by his features. "This isn't the way! The beast is going to kill him!"
"He was on borrowed time already, sister," Regina reminded her sternly. "But if this pitiful human is as worthy as you claim he is, he certainly should be capable of defeating a kraken - shouldn't he?" She chuckled giddily as Emma's gaze focused on her weak little human, completely aghast by the impending carnage.
"I do not know what you and lord Triton conspired upon, but this is a repulsive abuse of power!" Emma admonished her sister while whipping around in the water to confront the rest of the council when they surfaced to take in the spectacle. "Why can none of you understand that he survived because he did not hear the song? Are you all complicit in this? Serving him up as hapless prey to a kraken is hardly the task our kind was given! Do you think this is what the great Poseidon intended? We were created to sing and only to sing! Any further judgement belongs to the gods, not to the sirens!"
There were a few nods and murmurs from the council but despite Emma's fervent pleas, none of the members seemed to be willing to challenge Regina.
"Cowards…," Emma hissed as she returned her attention to her sister. "I don't know what power you wield over the council, Regina, but I believe that even they know this is wrong. If you want to challenge him, do it with your voice, not with Triton's oversized toy…"
"But this way is so much more fun," Regina smirked and that was what finally pushed Emma over the edge. With a flip of her muscular tail, Emma lunged at Regina, shoving her tentacled sibling beneath the surface and yanking the coral and shell studded crown from atop Regina's head. "Why you insolent little bitch!" Regina cried out as Emma flung the headdress aside. "You've always been a poor excuse for a siren and now you're proving that by all of this fervor to save your human pet!"
Regina flicked two of her tentacles toward Emma who defensively batted them away with her arms and tail fin. The skirmish sent many members of the council scrambling to get out of the way.
"Why are you doing this?" Emma demanded with a brisk swish of her tail that lifted her out of Regina's reach for the moment. "This has never been our way… Please - call off that kraken!"
"You have been away too long. You've gone soft," Regina scolded. "You're practically fawning over a human. How deranged can you possibly be? Have you forgotten what it is to be a siren or are those powers wasted on you?"
"The only deranged one here is you! I know I did the right thing no matter what you believe. Maybe I did go soft but if his life was spared from the siren call, he deserves to live…" Emma couldn't stop her voice from cracking as she continued to plead for Killian's survival. How had this man managed to affect her so greatly in such a short amount of time? Why did she care so much? Compassion wasn't an emotion that sirens were supposed to have…
"No human is worthy to pass through this realm. That was the edict of Poseidon himself," Regina sneered, raising her right arm above the water's surface as she prepared to unleash her magic on the helpless human who'd gone limp in the kraken's grip.
"PERHAPS I SHOULD BE THE JUDGE OF THAT," a booming voice sounded above the bay, silencing all, including the roaring sea beast.
A glistening trident with tines that blazed as brilliantly as lightning bolts broke through the waves. Emma immediately bowed her head even before the god's visage appeared and her action was followed by the siren council members who'd remained. Even Regina demurely lowered her head at the sight of Poseidon's face, but no amount of posturing would spare her from his ire. With a scant raise of his trident, the seas instantly grew calm and the kraken, still clinging to its human prey, was now frozen in time.
"Enough distractions," Poseidon said as his attention fell to the combative sirens. "The creatures living in this bay alerted me to all of this… whatever this is. What in the name of Olympus is going on here?"
"Mighty Poseidon," Regina began as she slowly lifted her chin to gaze upon the god of the sea. Her eyes darted back to the sea at the sight of his deep-set scowl. "We were just trying to complete some unfinished business, but there has been some disagreement over doing what needs to be done."
Poseidon shook his head in disdain as he glowered at the brunette siren. "This is a disagreement?" he queried as he nonchalantly pushed his glimmering three pointed crown back into position atop his pure white hair, echoing Regina's earlier behavior. "I think this is a ruckus and I would like to know how a council of sirens got themselves into such a bizarre situation. I don't recall krakens being a part of the siren song."
Regina's cheeks burned with embarrassment and anger. How dare Emma and her human put her in this position? "My apologies. Had Erimetha not abandoned our code and rescued a human, we wouldn't be here. The kraken was merely a suggestion from your brother, Triton, as a means to expedite the process."
"Was it now?" Poseidon quipped sarcastically before his scrutiny passed to Emma who, to this point, had remained reverent, silently treading water as she awaited the inevitable wrath of the god. "I'll need to have a stern conversation with my brother about his suggestion, but Erimetha - pardon me, I forgot that you prefer to be called Emma - is what Regina says true? Did you rescue a human from a doomed ship?"
Emma managed a weak smile over the fact that Poseidon had remembered her preferred name and even corrected himself. Maybe, just maybe, she wasn't being viewed as the villain here.
"Regina's words are partially true. The man had already survived the siren song. He never heard them sing. All I did was prevent him from rolling off of his makeshift raft," Emma replied as she dared raise her head to face Poseidon.
"What possessed you to do such a thing?" Poseidon asked with a raised brow, intently listening for her response.
Emma had to pause for a moment, trying to best form her words, but the best she could come up with was: "My instincts told me I should."
"I see…" The god of the seas scratched idly at his beard as he contemplated Emma's answer - one that Regina clearly didn't believe to be good enough.
"She admits she helped the human," Regina rehashed her opinion, crossing her arms over her chest indignantly as she awaited the god's agreement.
Giving no audience to Regina, Poseidon continued his interrogation of Emma as only the outcast siren's first-hand account was going to answer the questions he wanted answered.
"You claim the human did not perish during the siren encounter because he didn't hear their song. What led you to that conclusion, Emma?"
"As he was recovering from his injuries sustained at the hand of the pirates who had abducted him and during his escape from the sinking ship, we conversed a few times. He believed the ship's crew had abandoned their vessel after striking the rocks and left him behind. It wasn't until after Regina came to my cove the first time in search of a survivor that he learned the truth about the siren attack, but he didn't recall hearing any music before the ship began to go down. It was my belief that he might possibly have been deaf to the song so I tested the theory by singing to him and he never heard me. He never fell victim to the trance. Does that not make him worthy to live?"
Poseidon pursed his lips and rubbed his whiskered chin as he pondered his next query but grew irritated by Regina's refusal to be silent when she interrupted his thoughts.
"This doesn't prove anything," Regina interjected, only to be immediately shushed by the god.
"Regina - my questions are for Emma at this time. It would be in your best interest to remain quiet until I address you," he warned sternly. "When I have a question for you, I shall ask. Do you understand?"
An embarrassed Regina nodded and gave a sheepish "Yes, your majesty." before floating further back from him.
"Emma, what do you know of the history of the sirens?" Poseidon inquired.
She was caught off-guard by the unusual question, but she did her best to surmise the history she knew. "Centuries ago, the gods lived in peace with humans, but a time came when the humans no longer showed reverence to the gods. As the human realm grew in size and they began to traverse the globe, you and Triton established this part of the mighty oceans as your sacred realm. We sirens were created to guard entrance into the realm as our song was supposed to determine whether a human was worthy to pass.
"Over many generations, only one human proved to be worthy - although the precise means of how his worth was determined remain unclear. Anyway, this human gained your favor and in time, was granted permission to marry your daughter, Ursula. Their civilization then flourished for many years, until the same insolence led to the destruction of that advanced civilization.
"Humans were once again regarded as evil, and while there are many tales of your descendants being spared, no one but you, your majesty, knows the veracity of that. All I know for certain is that even long before I isolated myself away from the sirens, no human ever traversed this realm successfully. All of them perished - until Killian came along. I do not know what criteria you intended us to use to judge men such as him, but he isn't evil. If he was able to make it off of that ship alive, does that not mean he was worthy of passage?"
Poseidon raised a brow at the thoroughness of her reply. He'd known for quite some time that Emma was unique amongst her kind, but he'd not expected to find such an underlying passion for life within a being who'd been created to kill.
"You are very much correct, Emma," he said at last, leaving a disgruntled Regina aghast.
"But Lord Poseidon, she defied the siren code by interfering!" Regina insisted and she was met with a harsh rebuttal.
"Regina, my instruction was for you to remain silent until you were addressed, but you seem to have difficulty following such a simple directive," he admonished the unruly siren. "You and the council are dismissed!" Lifting his trident, he aimed it at the frozen kraken, divesting it of its human prey. In a flash, an unconscious Killian Jones was removed from the creature's grasp to reappear safely upon the sandy shore. He waved off the layer of imposing clouds that shrouded the skies, allowing the sunlight to bathe the cove once again. The kraken reared to life as Poseidon's spell wore off, but the god quickly neutered its wrath. "And since you summoned it, you can return that blasted beast to my brother on your way home to your end of the island! Once I have completed cleaning up the mess you have made here, you will stand before me to answer for this abuse of your powers! Even with the most convincing apology, you may find yourself relieved of those powers."
Regina's lips parted to complain but wisely, not a single whimper escaped as she turned away from the intensity of his glare. Glancing around the bay, she could see that not a single council member had stayed behind to see her humiliation, so perhaps she could count that as a single victory. It was still her belief that she'd done no wrong, but for now, it was far better to lick her wounds and depart than further provoke the wrath of a god who had just publicly castigated her in front of her rival.
Visibly shaken, Regina gave one last little flutter of her wrist to vanquish the kraken, scowling eyes locked on Emma the entire time. Despite her fallen crown being forgotten and abandoned to the sea floor, she held her chin up audaciously before slipping beneath the waves with the knowledge that this may have been her last act as a siren.
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wistfulcynic · 5 years
Across The Snowy Places (4 /5)
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And finally it’s time for Thanksgiving dinner!  
SUMMARY: Desperate to avoid another disastrous setup, Emma Swan tells her sister-in-law Mary Margaret she doesn’t need a date for Thanksgiving dinner… because she’s dating her neighbour, Killian Jones. The neighbour she tries to avoid but can’t seem to get out of her head.
Killian has been captivated by Emma from the moment they met, and he’s thrilled at this opportunity to get closer to her. But when they are trapped in a freak snowstorm in a room with only one bed, can he finally take the chance he’s been longing for, or will his actions drive Emma away forever?
In other words: TROPES GALORE
On AO3 | Tumblr Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3
For @thisonesatellite​​​ who is a genius with names and everything else despite being tired and frazzled.
@kmomof4​​​​​ @shireness-says​​​​​ @snidgetsafan​​​​​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​​​​ @snowbellewells​​​​​ @stahlop​​​​​ @mariakov81​​​​​ @courtorderedcake​​​​ @jonirobinson64​​​​ @tiganasummertree​​​​ @ohmightydevviepuu​​​​​ @shardminds​​​ @jennjenn615​​​ @superchocovian​​​
When Emma comes slowly awake the next morning she’s warmer and more comfortable than she can ever remember being. She feels consciousness encroaching, urging her out of her cocoon, but she keeps her eyes firmly shut, resisting it. Though her mind is still hazy and unfocused she’s certain she doesn’t want to leave this cosy, comfy state she’s in, not yet. Not when walking would mean facing the day, a day in which she’s going to have to get back in her tiny car and drive on snowy roads with Killian, and … Killian!
Her eyes fly open and she’s suddenly very conscious of the reason she’s so warm. She’s positively wrapped around him, they’re wrapped around each other, legs entwined, with one of her arms tucked against her side and the other on Killian’s stomach, beneath his shirt. His hand is also on her bare skin, curled around the small of her back while the other is tangled in the ends of her hair. Her head is nestled on his chest while his cheek rests against her forehead. 
Emma freezes, unsure of what to do. If she tries to untangle herself she might wake him but if she doesn’t… well, he’ll have to wake up eventually.  
As if on cue his eyes flutter open and she’s momentarily caught up in the hazy, sleepy blue of them. He smiles. 
“Morning, love,” he says, in a voice rough with sleep. He’s still not fully awake, she realises, soon he’ll remember what happened yesterday and why they’re in bed together, and then they’ll both pull apart and this lovely moment will be lost. And she’s not ready for that to happen yet. 
Before she can think better of it she tilts her head up and lets her lips brush his. She keeps her eyes open, watching his as they widen in surprise then darken with unmistakable desire. She kisses him harder, parting her lips slightly and he makes a growling noise deep in his throat and sinks his hand into her hair, pulling her tightly to him and deepening the kiss. 
He’s an incredible kisser, thinks Emma wildly as his tongue strokes hers. Soft but firm and just wet enough... and then he rolls her onto her back and she can’t think at all. His hand slides beneath her shirt to cup her bare breast and she moans, letting her legs fall apart as he nestles between them. She can feel his cock thick and hard against her, rubbing her through the thin barrier of their underwear and she clutches at him, desperate to feel him even closer, to have his skin against hers. She tugs his shirt off and he does the same to hers, tossing it away and staring at her with heat in his eyes before diving back down to suck a nipple into his mouth. She grips his hair and digs her fingernails into his shoulder, wrapping her legs around him and grinding against his erection. 
He pulls his lips from her breast and takes her mouth again, deeper this time, hotter and wetter and everything more and it’s still not enough. Emma tugs his hair until he breaks the kiss. “Please,” she gasps. “Please.” 
“Anything,” he replies. “Anything you want, love.” 
“Want you.” 
“Oh, God,” he moans. “Emma.” 
“Please, Killian.” 
He kisses her again as his hand slides down her body and beneath her sodden panties. She’s never been so wet and ready in her life, and the first brush of his fingers against her clit she nearly comes. 
He’s not in much better shape, his eyes glassy and his breathing shallow as he strokes her. “Feels so good,” he murmurs. “Fuck... wanted this so long.” 
“Me too,” she gasps, and his eyes fly to meet hers, his thumb pressing against her clit and his fingers inside her and then the morning air is rent by the ring of a telephone. 
Emma wants to scream in frustration. She wants to scream in ecstasy, but she can see the haze begin to clear from Killian’s eyes as the shrill noise penetrates the sleep and the lust and he remembers where they are and why they’re here and panic settles on his features. 
He pulls his hand from between her legs and she whimpers in protest, but he’s too busy apologising to hear. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, scrambling from the bed. “I didn’t mean—I must have—bloody hell, I’m so sorry, Swan.” 
The phone begins to ring again and Emma snatches it from the bedside table. 
“What?” she snarls. 
“Emma?” Mary Margaret’s voice is far too cheery for so early in the morning, and tinged with surprise. “Is everything okay?” 
Emma squeezes her thighs together, feeling the empty ache between them, the still-tingling memory of Killian’s fingers stroking her and the wet squelch that’s embarrassing now that she’s alone in the cooling bed. She looks for Killian but he’s gone, the bathroom door shut tightly. She sighs. 
“Yeah, Mary Margaret, I’m okay. It’s just early.” 
“Yeah, sorry about that, I just wanted to let you know that the snow’s stopped and the news says the roads are clear, so you shouldn’t have any problem getting here.” 
“Okay. Just let me get a shower and some coffee and we’ll be on the road.” 
Killian slams his hands down on either side of the bathroom sink and barely restrains himself from punching the mirror. 
What the hell were you thinking? he berates himself. You call that taking it slow?
His hand shakes as he runs it through his hair, his blood still pounding, cock still hard and aching like a son of a bitch. He can smell Emma on his fingers and he groans, clenching his jaw as he turns on the small shower. He steps inside and leans against the wall, letting the spray wash over him and fighting for calm. 
What’s done is done, and he can’t change it. All he can do is beg her forgiveness and hope he hasn’t ruined everything. 
Killian emerges from the bathroom ten minutes later, his hair damp from his shower and dressed in his clothes from yesterday. His face is blank and his eyes unreadable. 
“Swan,” he begins, “I’m—” 
“It’s okay,” she interrupts, making a small, sharp motion with her hand. “Forget it.” 
“I said forget it, Killian! It never happened.” She risks a glance at him and could swear she sees hurt on his face, and a hint of relief. She looks away again. “I’m just going to shower and get dressed and then we should get going.” A thought strikes her. “If you’re still okay to go?” she asks. 
He hesitates for a moment, then nods. “I still want to go,” he replies. He sounds determined. 
“Okay, we’ll leave in half an hour.” She takes a deep breath, releases it slowly. “Would you mind seeing if Granny has any coffee?” she asks. 
He offers her a small smile. “Of course, love.” 
She returns it, and feels like they’ve found their tentative balance again. 
When Emma comes out of the bathroom washed and dressed, Killian is waiting for her, holding a steaming mug. She accepts it gratefully, inhaling the welcome aroma before taking a sip. 
“Granny didn’t have any cinnamon syrup,” Killian says. “But she sent you this.” He offers her a plate containing a large, sticky cinnamon roll. “She says she hopes that will make up for it.” 
Emma smiles. “It definitely does.”
The day is bright and sunny and the roads are clear, and they make good time to Mary Margaret and David’s. Emma’s quiet in the car at first but Killian, encouraged by her seeming willingness to put the morning’s events behind them, draws her out with some gentle teasing and fun facts about snowstorms that soon has her laughing, and almost before they know it Emma’s bug is pulling into the driveway of Ruth’s house, now David’s. 
They get out of the car and she shoots him a nervous look. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” she asks. “There are a lot of them. Just act natural. But also like my boyfriend! I mean—” 
Killian chuckles and puts his arm around her shoulders. “Relax, love,” he whispers in her ear, his breath ruffling the fine hairs at her temple. “I told you, acting like your boyfriend poses no difficulty for me.” 
He presses a soft kiss to her temple that sets her heart racing and she’s just about to remind him that the show hasn’t started yet when she notices Mary Margaret and David standing on the porch, she grinning from ear to ear and he with his arms crossed and wearing his protective big brother scowl. 
“You must be Mary Margaret,” says Killian with a charming smile, keeping his arm around Emma as he takes Mary Margaret’s hand and gives the back of it a light kiss. “I’ve heard a great deal about you.” 
“Oh,” says Mary Margaret. “Oh my.” 
David’s scowl deepens. Killian turns to him and Emma swears she catches a glint in his eye. “And David,” he says, offering his hand to the other man. David glares at it for a moment then takes it and gives it a brief shake. Emma can tell from Killian’s amused expression and slight wince that David squeezed his hand hard. 
“Please come in,” says Mary Margaret. “You must have made good time, the only other people here yet are Robin and Regina.” 
Killian’s arm tightens around Emma’s shoulders and they exchange a glance. “It looks like we arrived just in time,” he says. Mary Margaret gives him a searching look, then smiles. “You did,” she says. “Emma, could you come and help me out in the kitchen? Killian, you can go with David and he’ll get you something to drink.” 
“Do you like football?” David asks as he and Killian head for the den. 
“I do,” Killian replies. “Real football.” 
“Uh oh,” mutters Emma, but there’s nothing she can do as Mary Margaret is already pulling her towards the kitchen. 
“Emma Swan,” says Mary Margaret as the kitchen door slams behind them. She turns on Emma, one fist planted firmly on her hip, “Who is that man?” 
“What do you mean? That’s Killian, my—the guy I’m seeing.” 
“Your boyfriend.” 
Emma shrugs, firmly ignoring the now-familiar belly flutter. “Yeah I guess, if you want to label it,” she mutters.  
“And how is it that I’m only just hearing about him?” inquires Mary Margaret.
“Well, like I said we haven’t been together long—” 
“Long enough for you to tell him ‘all about’ me and apparently about Regina too!” 
“Well, yeah, he wanted to know about who would be here today.” Mary Margaret's stern stare remains unwavering and Emma struggles not to shuffle her feet. She feels genuinely confused and if she’s honest a bit annoyed. There’s no way Mary Margaret could have figured out they were faking it already, she thinks. Is there?
“What’s the big deal?” she demands. “So I told Killian some things about you and Regina, so what?” 
“The big deal,” says Mary Margaret, “is that I’m pretty sure you’ve never told any other guy that much about your family. Or anything about us at all.” Her face breaks into an enormous smile. “Killian must be really special,” she says softly, cupping Emma’s cheek in her hand then pulling her into an enormous hug. “I’m so pleased for you, sweetie,” she says. “And proud.” 
Emma winces. “Don’t get too excited yet, Mary Margaret, it’s still really early—” 
“I know, but I have a sense about these things,” says Mart Margaret, releasing Emma and tapping her finger against the side of her nose. 
“I won’t say any more.” Mary Margaret mimes locking her lips and throwing away the key. She’s spent too long in the company fourth graders, thinks Emma crossly. “Now, let’s get started on the cooking. I’m glad you’re here early, there’s loads to do. Oh and don’t worry, I’ve made David promise not to murder Killian, no matter what he says about football.” 
Killian is a huge hit at Thanksgiving dinner, so much that Emma is almost annoyed. Even David softens enough to pick up the bait Killian keeps tossing out about which type of football is better, leading to an argument it’s clear both of them greatly enjoy. 
He’s also a fantastic actor, at least in the role of ‘Emma’s boyfriend.’ He never misses an opportunity to touch her, hold her hand or drape his arm around her shoulders, stroke her arm or kiss her hair. Emma watches in growing horror as one by one her friends and family fall victim to his charms. Even Graham likes him. Even Regina.
“I have to say, Emma, I never thought you’d manage it,” she says, coming up behind where Emma is standing at the front window watching the fresh snow swirl in the wind. 
“Manage what?” 
“To find a man who could put up with you,” Regina sneers. 
“Well if you can do it anyone can,” Emma shoots back. Regina’s mouth quirks and she taps her wine glass against Emma’s. 
“Touché,” she says, and they both drink.
“In all seriousness, though,” Regina continues after a moment’s silence. “Killian’s one to hold on to. Robin loves him already and he’s an excellent judge of character. Don’t fuck things up with him.” 
“I’ll try not to,” says Emma weakly. 
“Good.” Regina gives her a small smile then turns to go. Emma returns her attention to the snow, losing herself in her thoughts until she senses another presence by her side. It’s Graham, sipping from a bottle of beer. 
“So,” he says. “Killian. Is it serious?” 
Emma shrugs. “It’s still really new...” she trails off, hoping Graham won’t press for details.  
“I get it.” He frowns. “Listen, Emma, I want you to know... I’ve always thought of you as the one that got away.” 
“You have?” 
“Yeah. I still wish sometimes that things could have worked out with us. Not that I expect anything by telling you this,” he adds hastily. “I know you’re not interested, and that’s okay. I just wanted to say that if it couldn’t be me I’m glad you found someone who cares about you as much as Killian does. You deserve that.” 
“Graham...” Emma doesn’t know what to say. 
“Let him make you happy, Emma.” Graham gives her a crooked grin and then Mary Margaret calls them all to dinner. 
The meal is gorgeous, juicy turkey and rich stuffing with gravy and potatoes and cranberry sauce, green beans and sweet potatoes all made from scratch by Mary Margaret, with Emma’s help. They eat until they can’t manage another bite, then stagger to sofas and armchairs to rest and digest until it’s time for pie.
Emma finds herself on the sofa next to Ruby, who is here not with Dorothy but with her new girlfriend, a beautiful but intimidating woman named Mulan. 
“Yeah, Dorothy went back to Kansas,” says Ruby. “She was never really happy here. One of those people who just prefers home.” 
“Don't we all prefer home?” replies Emma, thinking of Ruth. 
“Sure, but some of us make a home wherever we go, and others need home to be a specific place,” Ruby points out. “Dorothy was one of the second kind.” 
“Mmmm, you may be right.”  
“So what did you and Killian do yesterday?” Ruby asks. “Mulan’s cousin has a Chinese restaurant that was open even in the snow on a holiday so we were able to get something to eat. Good thing too, because we had nothing in the fridge. How’d you manage?” 
“Oh, we ended up staying at an inn off the highway,” says Emma. 
“Really? What inn was it?” 
“I can’t remember the name, Red Wolf something I think?” 
“Ah, Granny’s place! I thought it might be.” 
“Yeah, she was called Granny.” 
“No, I mean that’s my actual grandmother. Oh, that’s funny! I wonder if you saw the couple she was telling me about this morning.” 
“What couple?” 
“Oh apparently there were these two people who came in to get out of the snow. She said she’d never seen anyone so into each other as they were but then when they decided to stay overnight the guy asked for two rooms. So even though Granny still has two rooms available she tells the guy there’s only one and puts them in the one with the heater that only sometimes works. She said she figured they could use a little push, and...” she trails off as she catches sight of Emma’s face. “Whoa,” she says. “Hold up. That was you and Killian? You’re the cold room couple?” 
“Apparently,” says Emma through clenched teeth. 
“But why would you want two rooms?” Ruby looks genuinely baffled, then comprehension slowly begins to dawn. “Unless…” She sits up straight, eyes glinting. “Emma Swan there’s a story here and you are going to tell me what it is. Is Killian not really your boyfriend?” 
“Keep your voice down!” Emma hisses, sitting up herself and leaning close to Ruby. “If I tell you you have to swear you won’t say anything to Mary Margaret.” 
“I won’t.” 
“Swear it Ruby! I know what you two are like, you tell each other everything. But this is my secret, and I need it kept.” 
Ruby gives her a solemn nod. “I swear on Mulan’s sword,” she says. 
“That’s— wait, Mulan has a sword?” 
“Yeah, she fights with it and everything. Polishes it every night. Sometimes I think she loves that thing more than she loves me.” She frowns at Mulan, who is chatting with Robin and Killian on the other side of the room. “So is that a good enough swear for you?” 
“I guess,” says Emma. 
Ruby nods eagerly. “All right, then dish. What’s the deal with you and the hottie professor?” 
“There’s no deal, he’s just my neighbour.” 
“Oh come on,” Ruby scoffs. “Seriously?” 
“Yes, seriously! Mary Margaret was threatening to set me up again and you remember what happened the last time she did that.” 
“Ugh, yeah. Monkey-boy.” Ruby shudders. 
“Exactly. So the only way I could think of to stop her was to tell her I was already seeing someone. Then she asked me the guy’s name and the only one I could think of was Killian’s.” 
“The only one, huh?” Ruby’s voice is deadpan but her eyes are twinkling. 
“I was in a pinch!” Emma protests. “So then she insisted that I bring him to Thanksgiving and fortunately he agreed to play along.” 
“Oh yeah, very fortunate.” 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh come on, Emma, fortune had nothing to do with it. That man is very obviously crazy about you, he must have jumped at the chance.” 
“He’s not crazy about me,” says Emma quietly, trying not to think about the way Killian fled from her that morning, the horrified panic in his eyes when he realised what they’d been doing. “It’s just for show.” 
“Was it for show in the lobby of Granny’s inn?” asks Ruby. “Because she told me she’s never seen anyone so fascinated by another person as the two of you are with each other. And she knows what she’s talking about. It’s because of her that I found Mulan.” 
“No offence, Ruby, but you go through girlfriends, and boyfriends, like most people go through socks. How long have you and Mulan been together, exactly?” 
“Mulan is The One,” says Ruby solemnly. “Capital letters. And I know this precisely because I’ve been through so many Not The Ones. You, Emma, barely ever date so when your The One comes along you don’t have the sense to see it. But I do, and Granny does, and both of us are telling you that Killian is The One for you. And you for him.” 
Emma shakes her head but she can’t think of anything to say. All she can think is that she can’t stand for another person to be happy for her, or tell her sincerely how much they like Killian and how good the two of them are together. She’s had enough. 
She excuses herself and flees upstairs, away from everyone, into the comforting surroundings of her old bedroom. It’s a long time since she’s been here; she prefers not to stay the night ever since Ruth passed and Mary Margaret and David moved into the house. The house is their home now, and she can’t help feeling like a bit of an interloper. 
She paces around the room, restless and antsy, unable to get her friends’ words out of her head. Mary Margaret was one thing, but for Regina, Graham, and Ruby all to think that Killian was right for her, that was something else. If only one of them said something, even two, she could chalk it up to Killian’s convincing performance. But all three…
She sinks down onto the bed and lets her head fall into her hands, squirming when she feels an odd lump under the mattress, poking her backside. And then she remembers. She reaches under the mattress and pulls out a small, leather bound book. Her old journal from high school. She’d forgotten it was there. 
A smile breaks across her face as she flips through the pages. There’s so much in this little book she hasn’t thought about in forever. Ruth bought her journal soon after she moved in with them and encouraged her to write in it daily to help her make sense of all the difficult and confusing things she was feeling. Emma was skeptical at first but Ruth persisted, and eventually she came to realise that writing out her feelings actually did help. She wrote about the adoption and learning to be part of a family, about being new in school and struggling to make friends. About Graham, and how she tried so hard to want him and felt guilty when she didn’t. How she wondered if there was something wrong with her that made her unable to open herself up. Unable to love. She swallows past the lump in her throat and turns another page. A folded piece of paper falls out of the journal and onto the floor. Emma picks it up and gasps in recognition.
Gently she unfolds it. It’s a page torn from a magazine, she can’t even remember which one now. It was in the social worker’s office, the last social worker she saw before the adoption was finalised. She smooths out the page and begins to read the familiar words. 
It’s a poem by someone called J.L. Hook and as she reads it Emma finds it speaks to her as much now at nearly thirty as it did when she was nearly fifteen. It’s a poem about loss, about sadness, but most of all about hope. The loss of parents, the sadness of being left alone. The hope of finding a new family. Or that was young Emma’s interpretation at least. She blinks against the tears that well up in her eyes, but they roll down her cheeks regardless. 
“Swan?” She looks up to see Killian standing in the doorway. “Is everything all right, love?” he asks gently. “Why are you crying?” 
“It’s nothing,” she says, wiping at her cheeks. “Just an old thing I found.” 
“What old thing?” Killian asks, and when she gestures to the paper in her lap he holds out his hand. “May I?” 
She’s not sure she’s ready to share something so very personal with him, yet she finds herself nodding and handing him the poem. “It’s just something I tore from a magazine ages ago,” she says. “It just, I don’t know, resonated with me.” 
Killian smiles and starts to read. He can’t be more than a line or two in when the smile slips from his face and is replaced by an expression of shock and, oddly, embarrassment. 
“This resonated with you?” he says. His voice is gruff. 
“Yeah. I don’t know anything about the guy who wrote it, but whoever he is, he gets me. Teenage me, at least.” 
Killian clears his throat. His cheeks and ears are bright pink. 
Emma frowns. “What’s with you?” she asks, and then he rubs at that spot behind his ear and the penny drops. Killian’s a writer. Of poetry. Published under a different name. She gasps. “It’s you, isn’t it?” she cries. “You wrote this.” 
Killian swallows hard and gives a small nod. “Aye.” 
“But—” She shakes her head, trying to think. “That was fifteen years ago, you must have been just a kid!” 
“I was seventeen. It was just after Liam was killed. I was devastated, obviously, he was the only family I had left and we had always been so close. I was alone, completely alone in the world and I just felt so lost. It was a court-appointed grief counsellor, actually, who suggested I try writing my feelings, and, well, this is the result.” He shrugs. 
Emma stands and places her hand on his, over his fingers clenched so tightly on the page. “It’s a beautiful result,” she says softly. “It helped me so much.” 
“It did?” he whispers. 
“Yeah. I must have read it a hundred times. More. Every time I felt hopeless or alone I read it, and it comforted me. I thought, at least there’s someone who understands how I’m feeling, even if I don’t know who they are.” Gently she eases the page from his grip and lets it fall onto the bed then takes his hand again, linking their fingers and brushing her thumb across the back of his. She looks up to find him watching her with so many emotions in his eyes, and his hand trembles as he reaches up to brush the hair back from her face, his fingers curling around the back of her head as she steps closer. He leans in and she tilts her head up and—
“Hey you two, make out on your own time,” says David’s voice from the doorway, amused and ever so slightly menacing, sending them leaping apart. “Mary Margaret’s about to serve the pie.” 
As they follow David downstairs the tension between them is so thick Emma swears she could touch it, and when they arrive in the dining room and no one seems to notice it she’s actually surprised. Robin hails Killian and David goes to help dish out pie, and amidst the noise and confusion Emma slips away into the kitchen where she knows Mary Margaret keeps a bottle of whisky. Her thoughts are a jumbled mess, she’s buzzing with nerves and energy and frustrated arousal, and she’s so not hungry for pie. What she wants is a drink. 
Killian finds her an hour later sitting at the kitchen table staring intently into the bottom of a lowball glass. He frowns. “Are you okay, love?” 
“Fine,” she slurs. “I’m fine. Why wouldn’ I be fine?” 
“You’re not fine,” he retorts, “you appear in fact to be very drunk. How many drinks have you had?” 
“I was just goin’ to have one,” she replies, her forehead wrinkling. “But then I had another and it tasted so good I had a third. And tha’ was two drinks ago.” She giggles. 
Killian’s frown deepens. It’s getting late and the other guests are preparing to leave, but Emma’s in no fit state to drive. “Stay here, love,” he tells her, gently removing the glass from her hand and replacing the cap on the whisky bottle. “I’ll get Mary Margaret.” 
“She’s drunk?” Mary Margaret stares at him when he pulls her aside and apprises her of the situation. “How?” 
“Well, intoxication normally results from drinking a large quantity of alcohol,” Killian replies. “Which she appears to have done.” 
Mary Margaret rolls her eyes at his snark. “But why?” she persists. “What hap—” 
“Apologies, Mary Margaret, but the wherefores and whys aren’t really important now,” Killian interrupts. “The question is how the devil are we going to get home?” 
“Can you drive?” 
“I’m not sure. I’ve had a bit to drink myself and I haven’t driven much in the States, so I’m not sure attempting it in that yellow death trap on icy roads at night is the best idea.” 
“No, good point,” Mary Margaret agrees. “I mean, you’re welcome to stay the night here. Emma’s old room is free.” 
Killian sighs. Another night away from home with no proper pajamas or change of clothes is not really what he wants, but it appears to be the best solution. And at least there’s a comfortable looking armchair in Emma’s room, and a functioning radiator. 
“Thank you, Mary Margaret, we’d appreciate that,” he says, and returns to the kitchen to retrieve Emma.
She’s got her head resting on her arms when he arrives and at first he thinks she’s asleep, but when he lays his hand on her shoulder she looks up and gives him a dazzling, very drunken smile.  
“Come on, then, Swan, come with me,” he says, holding out his hand to help her up.  
“Wha? Where we goin’?” She bats his hand away and stands up, then immediately sways on her feet. He catches her before she can fall. 
“We’re going upstairs,” he informs her. 
“Neither of us is in any state to drive home, so we’re spending the night here. Mary Margaret says we can have your old room.” 
“You din’ ask for two rooms, then?” 
“Of course not.” 
“Wouldn’ get them anyway,” she mutters, leaning heavily against Killian’s side as they go up the stairs. His arm is tight around her waist and before they’ve made it halfway up she’s forgotten where they’re going or why, or anything except how good he feels and how much she wants to touch him. She lays her head on his shoulder and his hand curls around her hip, and when the door closes behind them she tucks her face against his neck and wraps her arms around him. 
“Emma,” he says, “what are you doing?” 
“Snuggling,” she replies, the words muffled against his skin. “I like snuggling with you.” 
“You’re so warm,” she continues, clinging to him, resisting his feeble attempts to detach her. “And you smell nice. And you kiss nice. You’re just nice. I didn’ expect you to be nice. I’ve said nice too much. Nice nice nice.” 
“Aye, the exact adjective every man longs to hear,” he quips. “Emma, please, you need to go to bed.” 
“With you,” she insists. “Snuggling.” 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I can sleep in the chair—” 
“No. Bed.” 
“Killian,” she says with mock severity, scrunching up her face and glaring at him. He chuckles then groans as she wraps herself around him again. She’s adorable when she’s drunk, and far too affectionate for his peace of mind. He feels strung on a hair-trigger, wound so tightly from their clinch this morning, from their near-kiss just hours ago, that his self-control is at its breaking point. He thinks about the feel of her mouth on his, how soft and wet she was beneath his fingers, and that tenuous thread of control begins to unravel. 
Firmly, almost forcefully, he pulls her off of him and guides her to the bed, where Mary Margaret has thoughtfully laid out some pajamas for both of them. He helps Emma take off her boots and with shaking fingers undoes the button and zip on her jeans, then leaves her to get undressed and put Mary Margaret’s pajamas on while he slips into the bathroom to put on David’s. 
When he returns Emma is dressed in the flannel pants and tank top, perched on the edge of the bed. She stands when he enters, too quickly, and sways on her feet. He darts forward to catch her and she falls onto his chest, grabbing his shoulders to steady herself. His breath stops as her breasts press against his chest, her nipples so hard he can feel them through the fabric of both their shirts. He looks down to find her staring at his mouth, her lips slightly parted. As he watches the tip of her tongue slides slowly along the lower one and the thread snaps. 
His arm comes around her waist, pulling her flush against him as he takes her lips in a frantic kiss. She moans and leans into it, wrapping her arms around his neck, her fingers sinking into his hair as she kisses him back, deep and desperate. She feels so damned good, so soft and warm and achingly sensual, and just everything he’s ever wanted in a woman, and he craves her with an intensity he’s never known before. He wants to worship her, to strip her bare and kiss every inch of her, then sink deep into her softness and make her scream in ecstasy. He’s never wanted anything more. 
But he can taste the whisky on her tongue and feel the lack of control in her movements, and a tiny voice in his head is screaming not like this. Not while she’s too drunk to make good decisions, not while he’s so sexually frustrated he can’t think straight. Not like this. 
Killian reaches deep into himself and grasps the frayed edges of that thread of control, yanks them together and ties a tight knot. He breaks the kiss, lets his forehead rest against Emma’s for the briefest moment, then pulls her arms from around his neck and steps back. 
She blinks at him, confused. “Killian?” she says, in a breathy, needy voice that nearly breaks him. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing. It’s just late, and we need our sleep.” 
“Sleep with me,” she says with a coy smile, hooking her fingers through the neckline of his t-shirt and trying to tug him closer. 
He catches her hand and squeezes it gently before releasing it. “I’ll sleep in the chair.” 
“No.” She grabs his hand back. “With me. Please, Killian.” 
Her eyes are soft and wanting, and Killian lacks the strength to resist their entreaty. He’s so bloody tired of fighting his feelings for this woman. He swallows, closes his eyes and breathes deeply. “All right.” 
He lets her lead him by the hand to the bed and slides beneath the blankets with her, tucking her back against his front and holding her securely with his arm around her waist. She hums at the feel of his erection against her ass, wriggling into it until he stills her movements with his hand on her hip. 
“Ignore it,” he says. “Just go to sleep.” 
He strokes her hip soothingly, rhythmically, until her breathing evens out and deepens and he can tell she’s asleep. 
It’s a long time before he joins her. 
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
SU Movie Liveblog
I had this open in one tab and the movie in another and wrote down my thoughts, let’s go! so sorry to people on mobile.
Yeah, makes sense that two years still isn’t really enough to sway them from thinking he’s still pink in some way- especially considering even the crystal gems had that problem after thirteen years.
his big grin when connie kisses his cheek.... SO good
steven getting a song about being proud of himself and knowing he’s grown into a good person is also SO GOOD
and pearl! pearl’s part! also so great!
oooh, they’re all getting a piece!
garnet referring to her first fusion with terms like parents talk about a baby is PRECIOUS
AAAAA FIRST GLIMPSE AT BBY AMETHYST.... and she comes out with weird limbs like one of those drawing pose dolls, what a nice touch!
DON’T THINK I DON’T SEE THE BETAS THERE.... but no jasper, hmm....
maybe it’s because I know what’s coming but making a song called ‘happily ever after’ is just asking for disaster, honey...
Steven Regrets Tempting Fate
steven looks younger when spinel asks who he is and that HAS to be by design.
hmm... is the gem drill connected to her form somehow, with how she formed her hand and it came out?
oooh boy, I’m gonna guess.... spurned member of pink’s court?
and ‘other friends’? yeah, definitely part of pink’s former court.
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuuuuuuck
‘holy s-he really got everybody!’ the boy is 16 greg, he can hear A Swear
well, THIS is uncomfortable, but it is always nice to hear pearl sing
the expressions seem... idk, extra cartoony here? pearl’s face is so round and everyone’s eyes look extra big. idk if it fits, but it’s probably meant to be a bit unsettling.
huh. someone smarter than me at analysis will have to talk about amethyst’s mimicking.
damn, they really did try to pacify pink with gifts of gems, didn’t they? I can already see so clearly what happened.
‘it took me MONTHS to stop trying to kill steven!’ peridot is so good
and then bismuth and lapis just build on it, NICE
that pose, with him having a hand on his face and looking back at the injector.... I swear either him or greg have had that EXACT pose in some other episode.
okay, pink was hyper and childish, but even she would have gotten bored and annoyed with spinel. I bet spinel was commissioned specifically by blue, but the pink that blue thought she knew, not the one that actually existed.
wow, about fourteen minutes. pretty short turnaround time for a ‘well shit that went bad fast’ reprise.
spinel’s little squeaky shoes during the reprise is... wow
‘hijinks will ensue’
if I was new!garnet I’d be scared and confused too... cmon, steven. she clearly looks really disjointed rn.
the first time I actually said ‘oh my GOD’ out loud in this movie was pearl rolling out the stairs and the red carpet
oh geez. boy do I think I know exactly why pink ditched her.
okay, we are.... about halfway through the movie. I do admit I didn’t think this would take this long.
also sandals as tap shoes?
the comic timing of amethyst opening her eyes and look over made me wheeze with laughter.
‘I’m back, you dip.’
also having amethyst be the first to come back was probably a good call.
holy shit is that ACTUAL BLOOD
‘you’re going to die ANYWAY’ gee thanks peridot
oh hey, rebecca as an extra, I think!
I love seeing how sadie’s letting her hair grow out the dye- it makes such a cool effect. and yeah that was how service jobs felt.
steven is just ‘what did I do to deserve this...’
geez, even years after he’s accepted things, steven’s still got a bit of a tight spot regarding rose. not surprised, though.
I love how easy it is, same as it was for smoky the first time. steven fuses easiest with his family.
okay who the hell is that voice, I checked on imdb and it’s probably either chance the rapper or gallant since those are the unlisted named ones
yeah.... I don’t like his design. this is the first fusion I really didn’t like that of. ugh.
d’awww, garnet’s wearing steven’s jacket
they threw in the pilot design again!
OPAL SINGING, and admittedly, I do like the steven and greg fusion’s voice
ooooh boy heading for that ocean of poison ain’t gonna do him any favors
pink.... she recreated that garden, made it her sanctuary on earth. she didn’t have only bad memories of it- she must not have realized how much she mattered to spinel like she didn’t realize she mattered to the other diamonds.
the distorted almost circus-like music....
A SONG FROM PINK HOLY COW. wait... that voice sounds really different. is that the same voice actress?
yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. geez I see the reasoning here, holy COW.
‘actually, I can totally believe it’ yeah, as much as I like pink, boy did she fuck up a few times
okay, we got 24 minutes left, this can’t work, right? although spinel only cracked somewhat recently, it sounds like. so really, she’s not that far gone- and considering what we know, probably didn’t fully understand the consequences of her actions.
greg. greg. gross.
I... dunno really how to feel about the su movie being.... basically what everyone who misinterprets su says it is. spinel was made to be redeemed in twenty minutes. her backstory makes it almost shockingly easy. she’s technically the only villain to actually fall like that- like it’s been pointed out, peridot took months, bismuth was already sympathetic, and the diamonds took multiple episodes and still aren’t fully there yet.
I did kinda call that it wasn’t going to be that easy, but whoof. I don’t blame steven though, kid’s under a lot of pressure and is possibly literally dying.
wait.... we haven’t seen alexandrite yet, wasn’t she in the trailer....? and they’re all hugging...
the little crack in his voice between ‘please’ and ‘hurry’...
I love how spinny and magic fusions and gem reformations are in the movie....
wow, BOY did the song sound different when it was released out of context
he sounds so.... adult. I know it’s just that zach is 21 years old now and his voice has changed, but steven really has grown up.
‘well, I changed white diamond’s mind with a single absolutely raw insult so you can’t blame a guy for trying’
if this is how they fix it I’m gonna be a little annoyed, not gonna lie
I just realized spinel reacted to steg so much because it jumpstarted part of her memories- her friend left to become a ‘fusion’.
white being passive-aggressive, I see. 15000 year old habits die hard.
steven: thanks for insulting my home five minutes after getting here, grandma. bitch.
haha, diamond ex machina
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