#this blogger does not math
dufrau · 2 years
Alight bud, it's time.
2, 13, 20, 26 (I know you make, but the details!!), 36, 40 and 48
also 34 makes me cry a little.
Hoo boy lets go!
2. Describe your favorite pair of socks: I hate wearing socks honestly. I am barefoot as much as possible and in the summer I wear vans without socks. But I also like boots a lot so I need socks for those. I guess the pair I wear the most are like mid calf and they are purple and grey striped. Although I did buy some heavier winter socks this year that are like buffalo check plaid, I just havent worn them enough yet to give them the honors.
13. Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil? I like ballpoint pen a lot, for writing and (heretically) for drawing. But I dont have any ballpoint pens right now, I just have gel pens and I kind of hate them. I would take a pencil over a gel pen. I like the idea of fountain pens and I 100% understand why people collect them, but I am too messy I think to make good use of them. My handwriting looks like a serial killer's no matter what implement I use.
20. What kind of math are you best at? Addition and subtraction of single digit numbers. I only made it to Algebra 2 and I barely passed that class. Matrixes broke my brain. I can figure out what 20% is to tip people and that's about as mathy as I prefer to get.
26. Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties? Yes. I am a very good cook, and good enough at following recipes to be a passable baker. The things I can make without really even thinking about it are roast chickens, basically any kind of beef stew or chicken soup, steaks, bbq chicken. Carnitas for tacos. I yolo salads, they always come out good. Heart kind of home cooking kind of stuff. Nothing fancy really. But its good and nobody goes home hungry.
36. What’s an arcade or table game (air hockey, ping pong, etc) that you’re really good at? Does beer pong count? Because I have had some triumphant moments at that. I would love to be good at pool but Im just not, and none of the super fast paced stuff works out great for me because number one im getting old and number two i am generally drunk if im playing games. I used to be very good at Big Buck Hunter but it's been a while since I've played so I'm probably pretty rusty.
40. What’s your favorite kind of tree? There was an apricot tree randomly along Pearl street in cambridge near my old apartment, just hanging out over the sidewalk. It was a weird place for a fruit tree, very urban and busy, and it didnt seem like anybody ever picked fruit from it because every year the sidewalk would get just absolutely disgusting with it. But I liked that tree because it was unexpected and neat. There's a sapling in our front yard that I was hoping was an apple tree but Im pretty sure its not. I like fruit trees I guess. It's just wild that you can plant a tree and ignore it and it will just rain fruit down on you. A miracle!
48. Do you have a favorite plate or bowl? No favorite plate. We have a multicolored set of bowls and I am partial to the lighter blue one because a lot of the bowl food I make is orange/reddish and I think it photographs well in a light blue bowl. I have a favorite beer mug, a fat little round keg shaped mug we got at Schilling brewing last fall. And I have a favorite wooden spoon, it's slightly rounded but has a great scraping edge on it for deglazing. And my favorite wine glass is a mason jar.
And BONUS QUESTION 34 yes i can read a clock. Genius confirmed!
(questions from this post)
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delicatebaby777 · 5 months
Why did they lowkey read me tho😭. . .
Like I was gagged, am crying 😭😭
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
I never understood the concept of "doing taxes". Taxes are just there and you just pay them, like everytime you buy something it includes a tax you have no other choice but to pay it, what do you have to do?? (I live outside the USA)
Oh fun! I get to explain U.S. taxes!!
(disclaimer: if you're a young adult in America who will have to learn to do taxes soon, please don't take this as a reason to panic. It IS absurd and it is kinda stressful the first time you do it, but you get a handle on it, and filing services like FreeTaxUSA walk you through it and do all the math parts for you. [Though learning the math parts yourself is kinda smart if you want to understand what you're doing.])
(other disclaimer: I might have some details wrong because I'm a random blogger and not an accountant. Accountants don't maul me please.)
So it's true that tax is included when you buy something, but the whole "doing taxes" in America is about income tax.
My experience is with a company that does withholdings (god bless all you freelance workers figuring it all out for yourselves.) Withholdings means my company will estimate how much tax I should owe and take it out of each paycheck to give to the government. So from a $1,000 paycheck, they might withhold $300 to pay taxes with, and gives you the remaining $700.
But that might NOT be right. So in April every American has to go crunch all the numbers and figure out if they paid the right amount :) (chances are the answer is no).
We get a form called a W-2 (god bless, I only have one W-2 because I work just one full time job) which includes *adjust glasses*: employer's name, your info, your federal ID number, your social security number (partially redacted), your total wages, your federal income tax withheld, your social security tax withheld, your medicare tax withheld, your deferrals with things like 401k contributions, tips, dependent care benefits, STATE income tax withheld (my state has a 5% income tax, on top of the federal income tax) AAAAAAND other boxes I won't even bother with.
You feed this into software (like turbotax, which CHARGES you to do this, but I used FreeTaxUSA which had free federal filing and almost-free state filing) - RIGHT, you file federal and state SEPARATELY. And you owe/receive SEPARATE amounts.
America has tax brackets, which means you owe x% of money you make between--actually, lemme get the fucking chart
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fucking delightful.
So if you make $50,000, as a single filer, you owe 10% of the first $10,275, then you owe 12% of the next $31,500 (that's the amount between $10,275-$41,775, in the second row), then 22% of the remaining $8,225 (cough and then also state income tax if you have it cough). It's a little bit like filling up a thermometer, and the amount between each tick mark is what you owe x% of.
DEDUCTIONS are where most of the complexity comes from. Because there's like 1,000 random things that can give you a tax break. And there's also the standard deduction of $12,950.
What's the deduction? It's an amount of your income that qualifies as tax-exempt. So for the $50,000-earner, if they go with the standard deduction of $12,950, then only $37,050 of their income is taxable. So FORGET that calculation above, it's now 10% of the first $10,275, and 12% of the remaining $26,775
But if your itemized deduction is higher than your standard deduction, it's in your interest to calculate all your itemized deductions and use those, if they add up to more than $12,950
My itemized deductions were almost higher than the $12,950, between my state income tax contribution, property tax contribution, and mortgage interest payments. Other people might have a fuckton of other things--uh like dependents, business expenses, uh I'm not even sure since I skim past all the ones that don't apply to me.
OH, ALSO, THERE ARE OTHER FORMS YOU MIGHT HAVE TO PROVIDE BEYOND THE W-2. There are 1099-INT forms for interest made on bank accounts, 1099-DIV forms for money made from stock dividends, and others I don't even know about.
And all my knowledge and experiences comes as someone with relatively simple taxes by U.S. standards.
(The state taxes then have their own things and own deductions and whatever. They're usually kinda less complicated than federal, but they're a separate thing you have to file.)
And after you do all that, it figures out how much tax you SHOULD owe, how much you ACTUALLY paid, and tells you the difference that you owe/are owed.
I got back a decent amount of money in 2019 and 2020. 2021 was preeettty much even. 2022 I OWE a lot of money because, fuck it, I dunno.
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messier51 · 8 months
In reference to your tags on the food that makes life worth living post - what are chicken squares???
They're kind of like chicken salad sandwiches but wrapped up and baked in crescent roll dough.
They are very delicious.
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[image description: four baked chicken squares still on the pan. they aren't very square but the crescent roll dough is nicely browned and they're covered in browned stuffing bits]
At the risk of sounding like a food blogger, these are the food that I'd ask for when given a choice for my birthday. These are kind of an ultimate comfort food nostalgia thing for me. I use an altered version of my grandma's recipe (I measure with my heart, I am so sorry gramma but it turns out just fine this way, and no extra mushrooms) which is below vvvv. There IS a recipe online, on the Official Pillsbury Website (https://www.pillsbury.com/recipes/savory-crescent-chicken-squares/) from one of their contests. The name on the recipe is not my grandma, but the location is not far from where she lived. My grandma's recipe is better (obviously) but they're very similar and the version at the link is half the size if you want to try it but don't want to do math or something.
Part of the reason for making the full 8-sandwich version from my grandma's recipe is that it uses a full modern 8oz package of cream cheese (instead of the 3oz version that used to be common I guess?), and then you do not put the other half back in your fridge and forget about it until it gets moldy. If that's too much food, the chicken squares freeze really well! Just bake them for slightly shorter (I do it about 20 minutes) and then stick them in a freezer bag in the freezer until you want to eat them. They just need to be re-baked!
Chicken Squares Recipe (from aj's grandma)
1 8oz package of softened cream cheese
1/2 stick butter (that's 1/4 cup) (recipe says "or margarine" lol) melted (you use the other half of it below)
4 cups cooked cubed chicken (this can be approximate. One rotisserie chicken or so. Leftover turkey works great! Canned chicken would probably be good too. My sister does hers with mushrooms for vegetarian reasons but I have no clue how to do that. You can adjust this though! It's super forgiving.)
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
4 Tbsp milk (that's 1/4 cup)
4 Tbsp lemon juice
3 Tbsp chopped chives or onion. (Or like, as much as you want. If you like onion, more onion is really good in this. I have used half a large onion, a whole bundle of green onions, whatever looks good. 3 Tbsp is not enough imo, but if you're not into onions, then maybe ignore me)
2 8oz cans of refrigerated crescent rolls.
1 can chicken broth
2 cans cream of mushroom and/or cream of chicken soup
1 pint cream, half and half, or milk
sauteed fresh or canned mushrooms
Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned Dressing (not the cubed kind) (you can use whatever breadcrumbs you have but the seasonings are really good! Sage, thyme, rosemary, poultry seasonings, whatever.)
The other half of your stick of butter
Cream the cream cheese (a stand mixer is helpful for this) and beat in 1/2 stick of melted butter. Beat until smooth.
Add chicken, onion, salt, pepper, milk, lemon juice. (Order doesn't really matter.) Mix well.
Separate 1 package of crescent dough into 4 rectangles. Firmly press perforations to seal 2 triangles together. Pat out dough to make thinner and larger (make it sorta square if you cant). (See alternate options below*)
Place about 1/2 cup filling into the center of each dough rectangle. Pull the 4 corners to the center. Twist slightly and pinch together, and pinch the sides that came together to seal. (It's totally ok if they're not perfect. They filling isn't gonna go anywhere.)
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[4 unbaked chicken squares on a cookie sheet with a silicone baking mat. Three of them are sealed and kind of lumpy, the fourth is still laying out as a square-ish shape of dough with a scoop of filling in the middle. It's got a lot of green onions in it.]
Repeat with your second roll of rolls.
Melt other 1/2 stick of butter in a shallow bowl or pie plate and fill a 2nd shallow bowl with the stuffing/dressing/herbed seasoned bread crumbs.
Set out a cookie pan (I like to line them with parchment paper but it's fine if you don't, they won't stick).
Carefully lift one sandwich packet. Dip both sides(!) in butter and then in the stuffing. Place on the cookie sheet. (Sometimes I wear gloves for this step, your fingers WILL get gooey. You want the bread crumbs sticking out all over, it'll be delicious.)
Repeat for the rest of them.
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[four unbaked chicken squares coated in butter and stuffing bread crumbs on a cookie sheet, ready to go into the oven]
Bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes (or at 375 for about half an hour if you live on top of a mountain like me). They should be golden brown when they're done (see photos at top and bottom of the post).
You can partially bake and freeze or refrigerate for later!
Prepare sauce:
(I'm going to be honest I don't bother. Sometimes I make a can of cream of mushroom soup in the microwave and pour it on top. It's good! But it's way too much for just a me, and it doesn't freeze as well.)
Sauté mushrooms in about 1/4 cup of butter (sorry that's another half stick of butter, that wasn't in the list above)
Heat chicken broth and cans of soup.
Mix in mushrooms
Simmer until thick and bubbly. Reduce heat and add cream right before use. DO NOT boil after adding cream.
To serve, ladle mushroom sauce over each chicken square on plate.
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[a baked chicken square in a shallow bowl swimming in cream of mushroom soup]
*Alternatives to trying to make squares out of crescent dough:
Supposedly it works with dinner roll dough too but I don't remember ever doing that.
Buy the sheets of crescent dough, which makes it a little less likely to split along the diagonal where you tried to smoosh them together.
Make little roll ups! Spoon filling onto large side of the crescent roll triangle and roll up just like you would if you were making it without filling (this is also really good with jam or nutella js). You can still dip them in the butter and dressing, they turn out great! You get a bigger bread to filling ratio, so you might need more rolls for the same amount of filling. Bake time is a little shorter though, keep an eye on them. They're cute though!
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[three chicken roll ups(?) on a plate]
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[baked chicken squares and roll ups on parchment paper-covered cookie sheets sitting on the stove]
So, go forth and eat chicken squares. I've got some in my freezer that I made after thanksgiving with my leftover turkey, I'm going to eat some on Monday for my birthday meal, as is traditional.
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(The gal who made the High School/Humen au here. Back to tell you more content cause you’re pretty awesome, and becoming one of my favorite bloggers. Also, just know me as Gal)
Heres what grades or what subject they teach everyone is:
Charlie: Sophomore
Vaggie: Sophomore
Angle: Sophomore
Sir Pentious: Freshmen
Nifty: Freshmen
Husk: Junior
Alastor: Junior
Vox: Junior
Velvet: Freshmen
Valentino: Senior
Rosie: Home Ec. Teacher
Carmilla: Chem. Science Teacher (I don’t know why but I thought it fit)
Carmilla Daughters: Seniors
Zestial: Math Teacher
(I know the 3 other Dealy sins we seen so far are only seen in Helluva boss but since the two shows are in the same universe and Lucifer definitely knows the other sins I thought I add them)
Asmodeus: Vice Principal
Mammon: Economics teacher (he’s everyones least favorite teacher)
Beelzabub: Event Planner
Lucifer: Principal
Thank you friend 🫶 and the lovely anons do most of the work and creative ideas here, I just host a place to discuss and give "Yes ands-" once in a while
Carmilla as a chem teacher does make so much sense though, if any teacher were going to create weapons it would be chem, I love all of this
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floradinterlunium · 1 year
The Varying Degrees of my Tolerance Levels
I have all the tolerance in the world for people that don’t ship any BTS member.  Seeing Jikook as a couple does take watching BTS content and seeing their progression. Minus GCFT there isn’t just one moment that makes them real, and if you are a hardcore Kpopper you may just simplify things to fan service.  While I disagree with this analysis I tolerate it because it’s ultimately harmless and I can’t force someone to take the time to watch content and see it.
I also have tolerance for the more insecure Jikookers that teeter between believing they are a couple and not for reasons such as not seeing them hanging out as much anymore. These individuals lie at the very edge of my tolerance but they are also harmless and probably very young and don’t understand relationships well. They see Jikook as a trilogy  but since the final volume hasn’t been released yet they suspend belief. 
Who I have ZERO tolerance for are insecure Jikookers that are insecure because of Taekook. I actually struggle to believe these people are Jikookers at All. I’m more inclined to think these are taekookers in disguise because who in their right mind goes from shipping Jikook to taekook???!! There’s literally nothing Romantic about Tae and Jks relationship. They are so obviously just friends that it’s comical to think they’re people existing that think otherwise. Taekook proof is : they hang out with each other! That’s literally it! 
With the plethora of evidence we have from Koreans themselves that they lived together, the numerous sightings of them on couple holidays, them wearing couple outfits, GCFs, Jikooks own words that they are always together,  I can’t see how anyone would then say no Taekook are a couple because they’ve been hanging out more recently ! Like the math isn’t mathing. One doesn’t become a Jikooker-watch GCFT see how JK negatively reacted to JM being busy etc. then look at recent events and think OH MY Tae are friends doing friend things…this must mean Jikook and all that we have must not be real and Tkk must be because we’ve seen that they hang out mostly in groups and they shared a car once…😒 y’all these aren’t insecure jikookers these are taekookers LOL don’t let them fool you! 
I’ve been in this fandom for a very long time. Taekookers are known for lurking on Jikook blogs and accounts and pretending to be harmless insecure jikookers. They even create dummy profiles with the bare minimum of Jimin and JK related post to convince you they are who they say they are but push and prod enough and you’ll discover they are taekookers.
I write this because I just encountered one on my blog! I deleted their comments to some of my post but my gut was telling me this was a taekooker. I went to their blog and like I thought they have 2 Jimin photos posted and 1 jk photo. It was a new account and no bio. Not saying true jikookers don’t lurk, I was once a lurker,  but because I’ve been here for so long my spidey senses were tingling. I could be wrong but I strongly doubt it. They come to our blogs to spread chaos and confusion. For us true jikookers it makes us angry and for those genuinely teetering Jikookers it makes them more insecure bc it makes them feel like they are not seeing something and maybe their perception is what’s off. Don’t listen to them don’t engage them. 
I will engage an outright Taekooker but I will not engage an “jikooker” insecure because of taekook. 9 times out of 10 these are taekookers in disguise coming to our spaces to spread chaos! 
Word to the wise! Every blogger should delete and not engage them! They spread chaos and sew seeds of discontent and it always leads to us bickering amongst ourselves.
I as a person that loves to debate and telling you don’t engage them! You can’t debate a person dishonest about their identity…so delete their comments and asks and move on! 
I have seen this horse and pony show ! Believe me taekookers are losers with no life and are actually so insecure in their ship that they come to our spaces to shut us up because they don’t want to believe taekook is t real and we make too much sense! Delete and don’t engage!
I will delete any comment from what I perceive to be a fake jikooker. I don’t mind disagreements but I have a good eye for snakes and wolves.
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sapphyreopal5 · 3 months
Hmmm had a bit of a weird dream this morning after I fell back asleep, curse you, itchy poison sumac rashes! I saw on my desktop a Tumblr ask to another user but all I could recall was the blogger saying "I wonder what this "Ellie" has to say 😏" and also recall a 117a being in the screename of the person who sent the ask I believe. I woke up not long after I read it in my dream.
Naturally, I googled "numerology 117 meaning" when I first woke up because what in the world?! Well, it turns out one of the results said this:
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Also, I got curious as to why 17 is bad luck in Italy. I did briefly see the above info back when I was writing about the number 4 being seen as bad luck in some East Asian countries (but didn't think too much of it back then). This is because the Cantonese word for 4 sounds very similar to the word for Death, which I discussed in a post I made back in November where I specifically talked about Friday the 13th as well (Magazine article was in issue number 13). Strangely enough, my best friend who is on a road trip with her parents traveled on Route 8 at one point, which notably does NOT have an exit 117... but it does have exits 17A, 17B and 17C (in my dream this morning, I saw 117A). I took the below screenshot for your viewing pleasure from this website (which notably the website name is "An American in Rome" and was posted on 4/17/2020. And of course, I am making this post today Thursday 6/13/2024. And of course as I'm writing this and she is in the car watching a Wayne's World, she heard the line from a character named Cassandra saying to Wayne "you learned how to say I look pretty in Cantonese!"
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Now, I am well aware that Jared and Gen Padalecki are on a said family vacation in Italy as we speak. It's also noteworthy to say that today is June 13th and is when I had this dream because I fell back asleep for a couplish hours after waking up close to 3:30am EST. Also strangely enough, I looked up R17 in Italy. Huh, there appears to be NO operating train traveling this route today the 13th per the website I came across.
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On another strange note, I saw someone pointed out on another blog how Wildfire ended after 4 seasons reminding them of how Walker is ending after 4 seasons (with the last season having 13 episodes). Coincidentally, Wildfire had 13 episodes each season, equaling 52 episodes for the whole series. Walker will end this season at a total of 69 episodes for the series. Mathematically speaking, 69 Walker episodes - 52 Wildfire episodes = 17; in numerology, this breaks down to 1+7=8. The 11th episode of Walker aired yesterday 6/12/2024. To do the math here again, 6+1+2+2+0+2+4=17, which in numerology breaks down to 1+7=8. The last Walker episode will air on 6/26/2024, which is 6+2+6+2+0+2+4=22; technically in numerology you are supposed to leave it at a master number like 22 but if you were to break 22 down anyways, 2+2=4. Funny also both of these shows start with the letter W as well...
It also is funny both Gen and Jared posted about the upcoming Walker episode yesterday in actual posts instead of just Instagram stories per the usual. Clearly, Gen was on Italy time when she spoke of the episode in past tense posting a little before 12pm EST. She seemingly forgot about her husband the Executive Producer of the show and how the show was already canceled lol.
One reason I've been posting less lately is because I've been sticking my nose in animal symbolism research. I did learn last week and spoke to my best friend about this but I learned Gen's primary spirit animal is the Black Bear and secondary being the Otter. On an even stranger note, yesterday on my way home from work I saw a Pilot car with a Friends of the Smokies license plate (which has a Black Bear on it) AND an Otter window decal on it.
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waterfall-ambience · 11 months
assorted strawberry shortcake headcanons where i imagine them as chronically online, gen z ish young adults, but the information i'm drawing on is from the wiki, my mother's interpretations of the characters, and my vague recollection of the cartoons and playing with my mother's dolls
strawberry shortcake runs a baking-focused social media account and is the proud owner of several dozen pinterest boards with an ungodly amount of pins. she crochets her own clothes and liked the lirika matoshi strawberry dress before it was cool (she cannot afford it and would not have a good opportunity to wear it, but she dreams nevertheless). she plays minecraft with all the mizuno 16 packs. actually goes outside.
blueberry muffin is a book smart 'honors student' type, and is well-versed in classic literature. she also stays up way too late on ao3. she got onto the internet when she was way too young and was the type to very innocently warn her friends not to search up whatever horrors she saw (only for them to search up the horrors). she's spent way too much money on gacha games, but she tends to her garden to 'touch grass' and balance that out. she also thinks about stealing her neighbour's fruit, but don't tell anyone about that.
orange blossom got into art because she was super obsessed with minecraft animations as a kid and learned how to draw in the hopes of becoming an animator one day. she holds very strong opinions about bevelled minecraft character rigs, and is mildly tired of people irl constantly referring to her art as 'anime'. she travelled around europe in her early childhood but remembers absolutely nothing of it (this makes her so sad. she wants to go back one day to appreciate the art museums and architecture). she taught strawberry how to crochet and is a huge fan of sustainable fashion. she dabbles in pottery.
angel cake comes across as a rather straight-laced and sensible young lady- she sleeps at a reasonable time, does yoga, balances her duties and social life, stays hydrated, and performs well academically (she likes math). however she is hopelessly addicted to online drama. she doesn't necessarily participate unless she's feeling particularly spicy, and while her heart is in the right place, she is often overcome with the very human desire to Dunk. she follows the conversation intensely and knows all the who-did-whats and who-you-should-avoids.
plum puddin is genderfluid (she/they/he) and a biochem/genetics/microbio stem girlie. she's mildly snarky and 100% down to play the part of the mad scientist with wildly flexible morals. she likes to dance and watch video essays about queer sociology and feminist theory. they're online friends with tn honey but when they talk about her irl they refer to her as their 'overseas colleague'. they taught blueberry how pirate stuff off the internet when they were younger and she used that power to make anime amvs. he could probably stand to pop a multivitamin.
lemon meringue is a mildly successful fashion blogger who uses her platform for political activism- queer rights, climate justice, decolonisation, etc. most of her clothes are thrifted or handmade and she is disgusted at quite a few of her private school peers who buy things from shein. she's dating her childhood friend raspberry torte and has the privilege of being passenger princess when she misses her train.
rapid fire headcanons go: lime chiffon is plays a lot of video games and is addicted to monster energy drinks. she's an absolute beast at rhythm games like taiko no tatsujin, project sekai, and ddr, as well as claw machines. between lemon and raspberry, lemon is more outwardly sweet and raspberry is a can come across as a little unfriendly at times, but lemon is the one who holds grudges while raspberry is more forgiving. huckleberry pie is trans and did taekwondo alongside raspberry and strawberry for a couple years. apple dumplin is in elementary school and is a big fan of a series of unfortunate events (blueberry is so proud), but has only read the ones the library had available. purple pieman and sour grapes bully eight year olds in minecraft in their spare time.
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jonismitchell · 2 years
hiiiiiii it's me!!!!!!!!! please recommend:
Someone who would be great with *assisting* Tree Paine as Taylor’s publicist (let’s be real no one can be Tree Paine so you just get to help)
Someone who knows Taylor’s lyrics better than she does
Someone who is actually a real-life superhero (costume and everything.. but NO CAPES!!)
Someone who inspires you to be a better person 
Someone who would be Jack Antonoff’s BFF
Someone you wish lived closer
Someone that you would follow, wherever they stray
Someone who would be Aaron Dessner’s BFF
speedrunning this as a quick break from physics
great at assisting tree paine: @shivroy
knows taylor's lyrics better than she does: every blog i visit for insightful lyric analysis has flown out of my head, but there's a vague shape in my head i hope i remember soon
real-life superhero: @clarasamelia
better person: honestly this is cheating, not a taylor swift blogger, but like. my math teacher.
jack antonoff's bff: me smh.
lived closer: can i say jo twice
wherever you stray i follow: @mustlikemeforme
aaron dessner's bff: @godofsmallthings
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Know the Mun/Blogger !
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1. Are you named after anyone? Not really. I was going to be named after my Dad, but a kid said that Nicole was better.
2. When was the last time you cried? To be honest, it would have been last night, but I think it was maybe a month or two ago?
3. Do you have kids? Lol. Nope.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Depends really. I don't think I do, besides the dry [ha ha]s or mocking.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? I played Basketball in Elementary school, and Football during recess. In High School, I was in Marching Band.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? The air they carry around them, I guess. I work in customer service, so there are people that I end up seeing being a bit more uppity than most and I immediately do not like them. Same applies to some coworkers. I like to think that I'm good at getting a good read on people.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? I like a good scary movie with like-- good characters and a good ending. Doesn't necessarily need to be happy. I love the IT remake movies, and I enjoy the Insidious movies.
8. Any special talents? Uhhh... I guess I can sing and draw well. If those count.
9. Where were you born? lol the Pacific Northwest
10. What are your hobbies? Drawing, singing, does sleeping count as a hobby-- //shot
11. Do you have any pets? There are currently two Shih Tzus and a Husky at my house, so yes.
12. How tall are you? 5 foot something
13. Fave subject in school? Actually, it was Math and Band. I didn't take any art classes, save for an Animation class for a semester in High School and a Beginners Game Dev Class for the other semester.
14. Dream job? Ideally, a job where I can create something, whether that be animation, game dev, or even helping on production of those types of things. I love to draw and I like making things.
15. Eye colour? So dark brown, you'd have to be staring right into my eyes to see that they were brown and note black.
Tagged by: @hyaciiintho ( thank youubfuajbf ) Tagging: @valorxdrive @x-transfcrmed @certainwill and anybody else that wants to!
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Do you have advice for a single mom trying to raise her smarty pants, stinky little mensa son, Sherlock Johnson??? We've been hoarding uranium with his tutor since he was in diapers in the hopes he will become the world's youngest atomic scientist. My husband and I just found out about the radio active boy scout from the other mommy bloggers. What nuclear experiments are safe for my pale, effervescent 4 year old but will still expose him to enough danger to beat kids applying to stanford through affirmative action? Please help!
The short answer is to wait to see if he does any of the experiments, then make sure that the ones he does are, if not actually safe, at least less dangerous than he can be exposed to as a kid, and keep an eye on him for the slightest hint of uranium poisoning.
If he's not radioactive, try to find a way for him to enjoy his nuclear education, like the book Nonsense Physics for Kids (which I'm having my father send to you) or the book I've got my niece who's seven (and very interested in physics). If he is, you might need to find some way for him to be safe even in the moments when he doesn't want to, like in the book I sent to my niece. (For kids who are much more mature and less sensitive about this sort of thing, it's often helpful to give them access to some "non-radioactive" parts of the activities, so they know what to expect, and also have time to "turn back time" before things actually start getting dangerous.)
You will have to watch out for what the boy's education will teach him as a scientist, though, since the "do cool things with radioactivity, and how much danger you are in" lesson is likely to get a lot of play with his classmates and teachers, both to make him more marketable as a science prodigy and to give them ideas about how dangerous science is. My guess is that you will be doing more watching out for nuclear poisoning than he will be, and at this point the important thing is to make sure he is aware that some risks really are worth being a bit worried about. (In particular, people who are very young when they get cancer have less ability to recover from it than people who are older.)
(ETA: if he's the kind of "smart" kid who's interested in physics but the way his mind works is different than the way physicists' minds work, I think a good rule of thumb is "is physics the right way to learn for this kid, or would they learn more or better in a way that doesn't involve physics and that interests them?" If you are just using his math and science skills for money, or as a tool for getting him into a prestigious school or something, or you don't expect him to end up doing anything remotely similar to the stuff I just talked about, the right way may be something like classical ballet or gymnastics.)
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saasreviewtools · 1 month
Note: You are reading Rank Math Review - Best Tool For WordPress SEO Simplified from SaaS Review Tools. This Rank Math Review answers all of your questions regarding the best SEO WordPress plugin. Through easily available, data-driven insights and tools, users will be able to improve their online visibility and rank higher in search results. The goal is to make the process of optimising content for search engines more straightforward. What is Rank Math? Rank Math is a potent WordPress SEO plugin that assists users in search engine optimising their websites. It has many features, such as pre-installed recommendations based on industry best practices, adjustable SEO parameters, control over indexability, and the ability to use structured data. Rank Math Review Rank Math seeks to improve website visibility and performance in search results by streamlining the SEO process for both novice and seasoned marketers using an easy-to-use interface. How does Rank Math work? Rank Math offers real-time SEO optimisation recommendations by easily integrating with your WordPress website. This is how it operates: Setup Wizard: After installation, Rank Math leads users through a wizard that sets up the program's fundamental settings and establishes a connection with Google services. Content Analysis: Rank Math evaluates your content as you write or modify articles and pages, providing recommendations for enhancements based on SEO best practices, including keyword density, readability, and metadata optimisation. SEO Configuration: Important SEO parameters, such as social media sharing choices, meta descriptions, and title tags, are customisable by users. Additionally, the plugin gives you control over which pages search engines can index. Schema Markup: To improve the way your material shows in search results and maybe increase click-through rates, Rank Math assists in implementing structured data, or schema markup. Tracking and Insights: With the plugin's integrated analytics and Google Search Console integration, customers can track and analyse the SEO performance of their websites. Advanced Features: To guarantee continuous optimisation, Rank Math comes with capabilities like automated SEO audits, redirection management, and local SEO settings. All things considered, Rank Math makes SEO approachable to users of all experience levels by streamlining it. Who should use Rank Math? Rank Math works well in: Bloggers: Individuals who want to raise their content's visibility and search engine rankings but lack substantial SEO expertise. Small business owners: Companies want to use SEO strategies to improve their internet visibility and draw in more local clients. Digital marketers: Experts looking for a feature-rich solution to track campaign results and optimise numerous websites. Professionals in SEO: Specialists requiring sophisticated functionalities for in-depth evaluation and enhancement of customer websites. Owners of e-commerce stores: People looking to increase sales through search engine presence and product page optimisation. Web developers: Those who wish to incorporate powerful SEO strategies into WordPress websites for customers or projects. All things considered, Rank Math can be helpful to anyone trying to improve the SEO performance of their website. Pros and Cons of Rank Math Pros of Rank Math Easy to Use: Users of all experience levels may easily browse and maximise websites thanks to intuitive design. Provides a vast array of tools, such as SEO audits, schema markup, and content analysis, among other comprehensive features. Configuration options suggested by the Setup Wizard make the first setup procedure easier. Features like automated image SEO, redirection management, and local SEO are available with Advanced SEO Options. Google Services integration: Provides performance tracking and insights by integrating seamlessly with Google Search Console. Updates Often: Based on input from users, updates are made frequently to incorporate new features and enhancements.
Cons of Rank Math Advanced functions Learning Curve: Although basic functions are easy to use, there may be a slight learning curve for certain advanced options. Possibility of Option Overload: With so many settings and functions accessible, beginners could feel overpowered. Pro versus Free capabilities: The Pro edition unlocks several advanced capabilities that might not be appropriate for all users. Compatibility problems: Users could occasionally run into problems while using specific themes or plugins. Support Restrictions: Although support is usually prompt, assistance may be scarce for those on the free plan. Though users should be aware of its potential drawbacks and complexity, Rank Math is an all-around effective SEO tool with many benefits. Main Features Of Rank Math Rank Math offers a robust suite of features designed to optimize WordPress sites for search engines effectively. Here are main features that Saas Review Tools has researched and analyzed: Rank Math SEO Analyzer A strong tool for assessing your website's SEO performance overall is the Rank Math SEO Analyser feature. By evaluating numerous on-page and technical SEO elements, it performs a comprehensive audit and gives customers a comprehensive report that identifies areas of strength and improvement. Rank Math SEO Analyzer Among other things, this analysis looks at the site's performance, XML sitemap configuration, image optimisation, meta tag usage, and image optimisation. The SEO Analyser provides practical recommendations to improve your website's SEO approach in addition to pointing out important problems. Through the utilisation of this function, users can guarantee that their websites follow the most recent SEO best practices, which will ultimately increase their exposure and search engine ranks. Rank Math Meta Description Users can simply generate and customise meta descriptions for their articles and pages using the Rank Math Meta Description function, which improves both SEO and click-through rates. With the help of this tool, users can create engaging meta descriptions that condense their text and include relevant keywords in a dedicated section inside the WordPress editor. Rank Math Meta Description Additionally, Rank Math provides real-time character count data to make sure descriptions stay within search engine-friendly length parameters. The plugin also helps users build accurate and click-worthy meta descriptions for their content, highlighting problems and suggesting improvements. Rank Math users can dramatically increase their search exposure and increase traffic to their websites by optimising their meta descriptions. Rank Math Content AI Rank Math Content AI is a cutting-edge tool that works directly in the WordPress editor to improve content development and optimisation. With the use of sophisticated artificial intelligence, this tool offers customers suggestions for interesting topics, ideas for keywords, and content outlines that are customised to meet their own requirements. Rank Math Content AI Rank Math Content AI assists users in creating excellent, search engine-friendly content that satisfies search intent by examining already-published, high-performing material. Users may improve their writing as they go because it also provides real-time feedback on readability, keyword usage, and general text quality. Content producers may now create interesting, optimised pieces that greatly raise search engine rankings and increase organic traffic thanks to Rank Math's potent feature. Rank Math Keyword Research With the help of the extensive Rank Math Keyword Research module, customers may find and examine keywords that are pertinent to their niche and content. This feature helps customers choose the ideal keywords to target for the best SEO performance by offering insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and competitive analysis. Rank Math Keyword Research Rank Math's intuitive UI makes it easy for users to come
up with keyword ideas based on their main subjects, which makes it easier to produce targeted and pertinent content. Furthermore, the tool effortlessly connects with Google Search Console, providing additional details into keyword performance and trends. Through the usage of the Keyword Research function, customers are able to choose terms with greater purpose and exposure in search results, which will ultimately increase the targeted traffic coming to their websites. Rank Math Schema Generator The Rank Math Schema Generator function makes it easier to add structured data to your WordPress website, which improves how search engines interpret and present your content. With this feature, users can quickly and easily create schema markup within the post editor for a variety of content kinds, such as events, products, articles, and local businesses. Rank Math Schema Generator Rank Math ensures compliance with search engine criteria by guiding users through the process of picking the proper schema type and filling in the essential fields using an intuitive interface. Rich snippets, which increase the visibility of your content in search results and increase click-through rates and user engagement, are made possible by Rank Math's automatic generation of schema markup. All things considered, the Schema Generator is a vital resource for anyone wishing to use structured data to improve their SEO strategy. Rank Math Pricing Rank Math Pricing provides the cost that users need to pay to benefit from 3 service packages with different amenities: Rank Math Pricing Pro Package: $6.99/month with key features: Unlimited personal websites Track 500 1,000 Keywords Powerful Schema Generator Free Content AI Trial (5.0k Credits) 24/7 Support Renews at $7.99 per month + taxes Business Package: $20.99/month with key features: Supports 100 200 client websites Track 10,000 20,000 Keywords Powerful Schema Generator Free Content AI Trial (12.0k Credits) 24/7 Priority Support Renews at $24.99 per month + taxes Agency Package: $49.99/month with key features: Supports 500 750 client websites Track 50,000 75,000 Keywords Powerful Schema Generator Free Content AI Trial (30.0k Credits) 24/7 Priority Support Renews at $59.99 per month + taxes Conclusion: Rank Math Review To sum up, Rank Math is a superb WordPress SEO plugin that provides an extensive feature set aimed at streamlining and improving the optimisation process. From novices to seasoned pros, Rank Math's intuitive interface, potent tools for keyword research, content analysis, schema creation, and comprehensive performance tracking enable users to enhance their website's exposure and search engine ranks. Because of the plugin's smooth interaction with Google services and frequent updates, users can keep ahead of the constantly changing SEO scene. All things considered, Rank Math is a priceless tool for anyone trying to improve their online visibility and see steady rise in search engine rankings
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bethany-thinking · 5 months
Read Along: For Women Only: The Loneliest Burden
If somehow you see this, I'm not a serious blogger. Just someone sitting here reading my old marriage books to see how they sound after almost 20 years of happy marriage mostly due to not following the advice in these books. I'm starting with For Women Only because it has a cute modern cover and claims to be scientific. Now I'm in Chapter 4: The Loneliest Burden: How His Need to Provide Weighs Your Man Down, and Why He Likes It That Way.
This chapter is a bit concerning on the onset with it's theme that men feel a need to be the sole provider that must be met by their wife, because since this book was originally published in 2004 the cost of living has gone up astronomically.
I just checked on Zillow for 3 bedroom, 2 bath homes in my city (a very average mid-size city in the south), the lowest price appearing is $176,000 and looks like it would cost much more to actually live in, the first ones that the photo looks okay are in the 250ks and there really isn't much of anything until you get to the 300ks. Let's go with 300K as an average though I'm wondering if that's even easy to find in the current market.
According to a mortgage calculator with a 20% downpayment ($60,000) that's over $2,000/month in a mortgage payment. Most budget advice says that your mortgage needs to be under 28% of your overall income so that would mean that you would need to make at least $7,142.86/month. That's a salary of $85,000 a year. Honestly, with the increasing cost of food, gas, and everything else it's questionable on whether that percentage is actually feasible. The average salary in my state is around half of that. That means a lot of families are going to need two incomes. Also, with rising rent prices, they likely will need even more income to be able to save for that downpayment and the necessary additional savings to ensure that they can handle repairs and other emergencies with that mortgage payment.
Honestly, this is a terrible burden to put on men. They should not feel solely responsible to provide for their families. We should be reassuring men that this is not their sole responsibility and that it's okay if they are not able to make enough income to support a family alone. Men should be reassured that income level does not directly correlate to hard work, intelligence, or reliability. If someone is married to a person that has the gifting or opportunities to make more than them it should be celebrated not seen as an issue whether it's the man or woman.
Also, this type of thinking is going to make it really hard for men to work in service related fields especially being pastors because we know those jobs don't typically pay well. Even if the church cares, the budget is often being created by an older generation that's out of touch with current market costs of living, the salary typically doesn't include any health insurance or retirement benefits, and the church may be really stretching to even offer even a modest salary.
Okay, with basic math out of the way, I'll start with chapter 4, in a new post! P.S. I don't personally like Dave Ramsey but since he's the king of evangelical financial advice, I plugged $85,000 into his calculator which is based on a 25% model with a 15-year-mortgage, and he says that only covers a $200K house. I had to put in 10K a month (120K a year) in the calculator just to get up to the $300K budget!
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kunstmull · 1 year
Captain Save-A-Hisashi rides again!
I don't know if the comment got eaten by the spam filter; or if it was another case of "did not understand my sense of humour"; or if the blogger has fallen into a black hole on the way to Andromeda, but I did actually save the text, and wanted to post it somewhere, in case anyone ever has any response.
{Comment followed a thread where a random googler had asked for explanation of the Greek letters in Buck-Tick's Nostalgia - Vita Mechanicalis. CP responded to the effect of, don't read too much into it, Imai is not very well educated and the whole thing was just a reference to some Steampunk phone game.}
((Further edited to add: yes, it's entirely possible that this is just a reference to a game, and Delta-Iota-Lambda-Xi refers to nothing more complicated than:
Tumblr media
There is indeed both a Delta and a Xi in these characters))
The comment I left in response:
It’s true that Imai is an art school dropout, and his monotropic brain simply cannot hang on to information he doesn’t have an interest in, such as penmanship or random prefectures of Japan. It’s such a SHAME that there is literally no place on Earth or Andromeda where one can come across Greek symbols other than high school maths class!
Chapter 1: amidst the profusion of Imai interviews I’ve absorbed recently, I came across one where our boy mentioned reading James Gleick, so it’s clear he actually does read popular science. (Sorry I can’t footnote it for you, my monotropic brain has never got the hang of footnotes.) Something clicked, as to why the ill-fated tour for Cosmos was named CHAOS: it’s a pun, a synthesis of the “Anarchy” meaning (another long-term preoccupation of Imai, hence the most obvious) and the “complex, self-organising systems” meaning – manifesting in the post-Gleick mid-90s as a pop-science fascination with Fractals. On the chance Imai was fibbing about reading a big book about maths, the ideas popularised by Gleick were widely discussed and heavily used in the fields of Videogame design and Animation – fields Imai has well-known and documented Special Interests in. Knowledge absorbed from pop culture is still knowledge.
Chapter 2: Imai got online in the mid-90s, as documented in his seminal “log off and touch grass” song. What was he arguing about on Usenet? Same things as the rest of us early internet geeks: “Dinosaurs, CT scanners, love, that girl's tooth prints, Klein bottles etc.” Your translation of “いわゆる全てに共通する図形“ is lost, but Google misTranslate is giving me "So-called common-to-all shapes" something that looks suspiciously like set theory or platonic solids? The ~Science Side of Tumblr~. Imai was soaking in it!
Conclusion: living on the net, reading popular science books, imbibing sci-fi, it is not inconceivable that Imai either *does* know the common maths/physics meanings of the Greek symbols he chose; or he lifted them directly from someone who does. (Edited to add: this is the thing; even if he did just lift it from a game; games designers are notorious for adding esoteric references as Easter Eggs. Coming from a game does not mean that it is not meaningful.)
So let’s look at these symbols and see how they link to other common geography of Hisashiland
Δ Delta – this is the easiest one. Delta is the rate of change, usually over time. Everything changes. The only constant over time is change. (The second law of thermodynamics, entropy fans.) ((Edited to add: if I look through my Tumblr archives, I probably can find a long post I made about the relationship between the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Einstuerzende Neubauten's Sehnsucht.))
Ι Iota – the smallest possible amount. How often has Imai referenced scientific words for the concept of the most tiny? Atom Futurist No. 9 (Democritus theorised the Atom – indivisible – as the smallest, infinite, indestructible building block of nature before the Victorians smashed this to pieces with the discovery of the Electron.) Quantum I & II – quantum theory smashed the idea of the smallest building block of nature the way Rutherford smashed the indivisible atom. Iota is another science term for the same thing: the tiny indivisible.
Λ Lambda – the Cosmological Constant. Since the Big Bang, the Universe has been constantly expanding (see section Delta – change!) Lambda is a little mathematical fiddle that Einstein added to the Theory of Relativity to account for the fact that the expansion of the universe is always accelerating. Why? Dark Matter? Dark Energy? This is hotly debated in physics, but in Hisashiland the metaphor of Dark Matter or Dark Energy is repeatedly employed as a necessary corrective for the Blue Sky of conformity.
Ξ Xi – this one was the hardest to crack. At first I thought he’d mis-transliterated the Greek Chi which is the standard mathematical X of the unknown. Xi is the Riemann Function. What’s he about? He’s usually associated with non-Euclidean geometries, surfaces that are impossible outside of multidimensional spaces – moebius strips, Calabi-Yau manifolds (the working model for superstrings, another way of trying to understand where all the extra dark energy/matter is hiding in 10-dimensional space, see Lambda for what Dark Energy means in Hisashiland), and… Klein Bottles, which Imai was getting in flame wars over on the early internet. To understand the true scientific nature of reality, one has to think outside the mosquito net – outside the constraints of the human limitations of three-dimensional perception. In Riemannian maths, dark energy can fold up to hide inside extra dimensions within infinitesimally tiny spaces.
Now these letters may have been chosen stochastically, but all four of them refer to concepts that recur again and again in the hermeneutics of Hisashiland. And one of Gleick’s most profound insights is that randomness isn’t actually that random. Even chaos follows its own cosmological order. Imai may be dirty and strange, but he’s nowhere near as cute-and-dumb as he looks!
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lisarelatableme · 1 year
Play Based Learning
....Cooking or Baking Together: If you are anything like me and found yourself firmly at the back of the queue when cookery skills were been handed out, worry not! This activity does not have to be as daunting as it initially may appear. If you want to get your Mary Berry on then theres lots of recipes from scratch to make with the kids, alternatively there are lots of all in one supermarket kits readily available off the shelf if your a cheat like me! By involving your children in simple cooking and baking activities you increase their math concepts, measurements, and fine motor skills, all while having fun and getting a bit messy. To be the first to hear about my new blogs, head over to my website🖤
#play #learn #playbasedlearning #playbasedlearningideas #playbasedactivities #homeeducation #homeschool #blogger #foryoupage #foryou
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alarrytale · 1 year
I know larries already do a lot of marketing for Louis, but do you think spreading knowledge of larrie would get more people on board? I’d never even heard of Louis until a friend of a friend vented about stunting in a discord server. That was 2 years ago and I’ve been here since, but i find that so many big blogs are cagey about trying to spread the truth to others. It’s like there’s this paradox of wanting Louis to be more popular but also being hostile to newer fans who don’t spontaneously know everything that’s happened in the past 10+ years. Like, we could just tell them. Heck I do believe and i still face hostility when i ask some blogs for clarification on ‘basic’ things the master posts gloss over because they assume everyone already knows.
“Um, don’t you remember what happened in 2012?”
No! I just got here!
I’m not saying we need a fandom missionary program, I’m just wondering why a community that claims to be dedicated to supporting two boys through injustice does so much gatekeeping of the knowledge of that injustice. I don’t mean to come off as bitter, but the longer I’m here, more more it feels like certain larrie blogs care more about feeling special for knowing the secret truth rather than getting the truth out there, even if it would help the boys they claim to love.
So there is alot to unpack here.
I'm not sure it's a common goal for larries nowadays to spread the gospel of larry. It definitly was back in 2011-2014, when it was clear that the stunts were fake, HL worked actively against their closeting and the fandom as a whole were not split into fractions.
After Louis called larry 'a load of bullshit' and we got larry denials from both of them, fandom including larries started to tone everything down. Larries were scared of repercussions (from Louis mostly), repercussions from management towards HL (sometimes H og L had to stunt after larries were too loud and it got picked up by media). Larries' who were spreading the gospel also started to feel underapreciated because the loudest signaling from HL stopped. That was our fuel. When HL stopped fighting the closet, some larries took this as HL now willigly being in the closet to further their careers. Aka larries being loud now would sabotage HLs goals. So there are larries who dosn't think there is an injustice to fight anymore, if you understand what i'm saying. We have different views of what will 'help' them. None of us knows the whole truth. There are larries who believes in this and larries who believes in that. There isn't one common fandom lore either.
And to your part about treatment of newer fans. For us who's been here for a while it's like you've gone to first grade and progressed to thirteenth grade, but you are still in class with firstgraders who's asking firstgrader questions, didn’t do their homework and are taking up all of the teachers time. I think everyone expect newbies to read up on stuff before asking questions. If a google search can give you the answer, then google it. Explaining things over and over again can be tiresome and doesn’t make a good fandom experience. Also sometimes it's REALLY hard to explain certain things to people who weren't there when it happened. Things happen in context, and explaing why things that seems small now were really groundbreaking back then when it happened, is very difficult. Newbies also have a tendency to ask the basic stuff to bigger/older bloggers. It's like sending an e-mail to a math professor asking why 1+1=2. After answering that question several times a year for 13 years, that blogger might want to answer other more intersting questions. I always lose followers after answering basic questions, because i guess most of my followers knows the answer, have been around for years, and are tired of seeing the same thing on their dashes year after year. It's a difficult balance and i'm sorry you feel dismissed.
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