#this comic is one big artistic liberty
jonathankai · 8 months
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I just love the difference between the same dialogue happening in ch.1 and ch. 67. Chapter one as a whole sounds like a retelling of an old legend. It makes Crown Prince of Xianle look like a serene person, without a worry in his heart. It's like he's either brimming with confidence of a diety or plain arrongat. And this is how he went down in history.
While in reality Xie Lian had a long day, seen some concerning things, had the same dirty and wounded kid clinging to him for dear life twice in short period of time, had been doubting subservience to gods for a while now, but most importantly?
A massive crowd of common folk just cheered for him in the streets. It wasn't enlighment or ignorance, it was warm support of his people that made him brave enough to challenge heavens But it wasn't in a legend. It didn't go down in history.
So, I wanted to make something to show that difference between legendary Xie Lian and real Xie Lian.
Handwritten text under cut, just in case.
“Then,‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Highness,‌ ‌let‌ ‌me‌ ‌ask‌ ‌you.‌ ‌If‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌really‌ ‌do‌ ‌convict‌ ‌you?‌ ‌Will‌ ‌you‌ ‌apologize‌ ‌then?”‌ ‌ ‌
‌“If‌ ‌that‌ ‌should‌ ‌happen,‌ ‌then,‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌are‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌wrong.‌ ‌I‌ ‌am‌ ‌right.‌ ‌I‌ ‌will‌ ‌stand‌ ‌against‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌and‌ ‌defy‌ ‌until‌ ‌the‌ ‌end.”‌ ‌ ‌
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tradingjack · 8 months
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nothing quite like hyperfixation for improvement huh
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ikroah · 7 months
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I have reached the breaking point, the point of no return, it’s very clear to see a fool like me will never, ever learn. I have reached the breaking point, I hear the drums of doom, I’m gonna flip my wig in one great big atomic boom! —“The Breaking Point,” Bobby Darin (1966)
It Keeps Right On a-Hurtin’ #27 - Ring-a-Ding-Ding VI
Collaborative Issue! Guest Artist: @sas-afras
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Notes / Transcript:
Huge thanks to Monty over at @sas-afras for getting this one done! I handled the original layout and lettering, but the rest was all them. Layouts like this can seem simple and easy because of how straight-forward and repetitive they are, but when all you've got are a dozen and one reaction shots, every single one of those reaction shots needs to be as perfect as you can get them. And Monty did a hell of a job. Especially on the coloring! Monty, if you're reading this, you're a hell of a good colorist (on top of everything else). Thanks again!
Another note about this issue is that it, along with the previous one, were some of the most difficult to write in this whole damn comic so far. I really hate repeating in-game dialogue verbatim without good reason, but there's really not much else I could do here. It's a very necessary part of the story that is also literally a part in the game where your character is fixed in place listening to a monologue. I took some liberties, did some punch-up, not just for its own sake but to really drive home what I find most interesting and vital here about Mr. House as a character.
Anyway, Agnes is in trouble. And there's only one issue left in Volume 2! The next one closes out this arc of the story, at long last. Stay tuned.
INT. LUCKY 38 BASEMENT. From an observation deck of sorts, AGNES SANDS watches several SECURITRON robots position themselves in a testing area, containing several sandbags, dummies, and makeshift fortifications. A voice booms from an unseen speaker.
MR. HOUSE: You're well familiar with my Securitron police force. But have you ever wondered: what exactly makes them the marquee option in perimeter security and pacification?
AGNES glances in the direction of the voice, uncomfortable.
MR. HOUSE: Well to start, the reinforced titanium alloy housing of each unit, which protects its electronic core, easily deflects small arms and shrapnel.
MR. HOUSE: As for its offensive capabilities, its X-25 gatling laser—produced to spec by Glastinghouse, Inc.—is deadly against soft targets at medium range.
AGNES recoils as a red glow washes over her from the testing area.
MR. HOUSE: And then for close-range suppression or crowd control, the Securitron is also armed with a 9mm sub-machinegun.
AGNES shuts her eyes, wincing from the crack of gunfire.
MR. HOUSE: These features have been sufficient for keeping the peace within Vegas, but with the NCR and Legion closing in on Hoover Dam, and sizing up my city like a piece of prize cake, more than ever we need to be prepared for, well...external conflict. Policing is one thing, but when geopolitical powers are involved, my Securitrons can only pose so much of a threat.
MR. HOUSE: That is...if they're forced to rely exclusively on their secondary weapons--as they have been, all this time!
AGNES looks upward, surprised.
MR. HOUSE: Remember, the Great War interrupted a pivotal moment for RobCo's work. Consequently, all extant Securitrons have been stuck, running on a mere Mark I operating system—the first production version of the OS—which has simply lacked the software drivers for the use of their primary weapons all this time!
AGNES looks around, as if HOUSE were in the room somewhere and she could find him, in a panic.
MR. HOUSE: The platinum chip, you see, was never just a token. At a time when industrial espionage ran rampant, it was minted as a high capacity, proprietary, and uniquely irreplicable data storage device. In a way, it's more like a computer chip. And now—with the data from the platinum chip finally installed onto my nextwork—it's time for a very crucial software update. Behold: the new Mark II Securitrons!
AGNES gawks downward at the testing area, eyes wide. Oh no.
MR. HOUSE: Their newly accessible M-235 Missile Launcher gives them the ability to engage ground and air targets at significantly longer ranges...
AGNES flinches, covering her face for protecting, and screams as explosions rip apart the testing area below.
MR. HOUSE: ...and their rapid-fire G-28 grenade launching system, another part of the Mark II, makes them much more powerful in close-range engagements as well.
AGNES, nearly frozen, watches the bombardment with horror.
MR. HOUSE: It also includes rewritten drivers for the Securitrons' auto-repair systems—although always sophisticated, the new optimizations render them inexhaustible in even the most protracted and attritious of engagements. Altogether, the Mark II upgrade confers a 235% total increase in combat effectiveness per unit—and it's all because of you!
AGNES lowers her arm slowly, jaw slack, mortified.
MR. HOUSE: Vegas finally has an army—worthy to protect not just the city itself, but the best interests of all of mankind, at home and abroad. Which is to say: this simple display of might remains a mere teaser for what I can, and what I will, accomplish, in an illustrious new epoch.
AGNES sinks further into a paralytic terror.
MR. HOUSE: What we will accomplish, Agnes—should you accept my offer, of employment. Ah—but I digress. I'm certain that you've had a long day. You can rejoin Miss Cassidy in the presidential suite for the night, if you'd like to, as they say, "sleep on it."
MR. In fact...say for as long as you'd like. However long you may need, to think everything over. And you'll be very well provided for in the meantime, consider it a taste of what could be...should you make the right choice before you.
MR. HOUSE: That reminds me—I've already sent Victor to collect your belongings from the Vault 22 Hotel, so no need to exhaust yourself further by making that trip on your own, hm? There's much about your future to consider, Agnes—and I would like you to think of it as our future.
AGNES stares straight ahead with a deadened expression.
The testing area in the basement has been reduced to smithereens. Fires rage on the rubble of obliterated structures, gnarled steel, and collapsed walkways. The dummies have been dismembered entirely.
MR. HOUSE: ...Goodness, what a mass. With friends like these, I sure wouldn't envy my enemies.
MR. HOUSE: Wouldn't you agree?
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minquiec · 11 months
Jia's MJ
Tbh, with full clearance, I haven't read a lick of spiderman comics (except for like hobies one but that's a different story) which in hindsight makes me look like such a faker but OH WELL I CANT BE BOTHERED AND THE TINY TEXT IS TOO HARD MY MY BLIND ASS TO READDDD also it seems complicated and my brain is too dumb so idk the parallels or anything so 🔥🔥 just lemme bullsh my way thru this please (like I always do)
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First of all I just wanna say
She is so fine OEUGH
Also idk if anyone notice the tattoo is a mini easter egg for the gr+s au (grim reaper and swallow it's too long to keep repeating I swear)
Anyways I haven't decided what her full name is I just know alot of people call her Mei and especially if they're younger than her call her Mei Jie (Jie means older sister in chn so it becomes mj HAHAHA BIG BRAIN WAVELENGTH)
Mei has this tattoo parlour in one of the more quieter streets of New Yan and Jia knows her vaguely prior to The Fire™ bc it's like maybe 20 mins away from her apartment and she was doing her spider girl things and beating crime. EITHER WAY she knows abt it.
I was thinking abt what her personality was like and then at one point I was like 🧍🧍I feel like I'm just ripping off hb's and watering it down ARGH cause what I was thinking is that Mei's someone who's clear in what beliefs she has. It's kind of a my life my choice kinda thing. So basically head strong, confident and kinda stoic sort of gal. And then the watering down gets even worse CAUDE I WANTED HER TO LIKE HELP JIA BY HOUSING HER TEMPORARILY AFTER THE FIRE HAPPENED?? BUT THEN I WAS LIKE ISNT THAG JUST HOBIE SND GWEEENNNN❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓ ARGH EHERE R MY ARTISTIC LIBERTIES THIS IS SO CRUNGE defaming my own name smh 😞😞 but like it makes more sense why jia would like hb if this happened bc she would've been subconsciously subjected to this type of personality prior to meeting him ❓ she also thinks mei is so cool in the way she carries herself so it would make sense for jia to like these personality traits ig
Also my favorite trait abt her is the crane motif (animal symbolism my beloved) cause I thinkkkk one of the things cranes symbolise is wisdom and in some form, Mei offers her own wisdom to jia after her having lost everything during her stay at Mei's. So TRULY SHE LIVING UP THE THE OLDER SIS IN HER NAME
Anyyays I might update this as usual if anything else comes up cause I can never have one train of coherent thought yippee
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fishhjuice · 3 months
Thank you so much for your response! I was a bit nervous when sending it and glad you were very nice.
Sorry to bring up fin length again but i have seen some pictures of female crowntail online with long spines but not to the extent of the really long ones in some of the males, so you're right. Another thing i forgot to say is, splatoon doesn't always use the most accurate biology, (ex: the type of seaweed Tangle is, is brown but he's green. John Gooses gender hasn't been stated but the masculine name tells me male, and only female angler fish look like that, i think there's other examples but i don't want to ramble.) One could argue these characters took it upon themselves to present why they look they do, or the artists took creative liberties when designing the characters so you could tell what animal they are. Neither point is off the table. People reaching to the conclusion Finn is black because she's colored quite literally black, is more so on the people perceiving it that way and less so what i feel like the intention was. If intentional, it looks double bad and coincidentally aligns with a really bad term the Irish have been referred too (blacks of Europe).
The text doesn't outwardly say she's aggressive but it feels strongly indicated, with text also saying she's so bad shes almost broken the band up on multiple occasions, her beating her bandmates, this could even extend to the rivalry she has with Ink Theory. It may not be the only part of her character but it comes off as a big one.
Also i know what comic you're referring to, that same person said something really weird and gross about Finn before, stating they wanted people to simp for Finn then get mad about Finn being (debatabley) trans. I think thats super icky and bad on multiple levels, it came off as objectifying and i really dislike the encouragement to want people to mad at trans people.
Sorry for another long message, i sorta feel like i repeated myself here though i just wanted to clarify better. Thank you for reading.
Hihi! No worries at all.
Whether it's stylization or creative liberties, we really can't know without artist saying so.
When i say coded i don't mean to imply intent. Like, Danny Phantom is trans coded but that wasn't the intent. Like i say it's not devs' intent that matter more to me than fandom, because it's fandom i can talk to and try fix things with. So when fandom portrays her in a certain way, i try to point it out.
As for Finn being so aggressive that it breaks up the band, that is not quite right. It is said in Haikara Walker that she is so stubborn, that she does things her way and by implication that she doesn't comprimise her own way that it leads to band breaking up. The stubbornness itself does not imply aggression. As for Ink Theory rivalry, Finn believes in the tradition while Ink Theory is said to have modern sensibilities at heart. It's again likely Finn wanting things her own way.
As for White Day, Tangle IS fighting back, so i wouldn't use the word "beats"? And like, we just assume Finn did that to Muruta when A)It could also been Tangle B) Muruta could have been trying to break up the fight and was unsuccessful. You could read that any way.
As for the artist, i. Was willing to think they had good intentions but i don't anymore. Thank you for letting me know. I don't know what to do now when she has such a big following and i have like 400 at twt fdsfsd.
It was lovely talking to you anon, come back if you'd like.
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threewaysdivided · 9 months
Hey ! i'm a longtime follower of your blog and I've read a lot of your YJ analysis and why the latter seasons totally flopped. I haven't seen you comment on Young Justice Phantoms, although I guess your opinion remains the same. However I'd love to read it one day.
PS : I do think Greg Weisman is a decent writer, but not that good at characterization and desperatly needs editors and not enablers *sigh*
Hey nonnie!
Glad you’ve found my YJ writing critiques interesting. 
The reason why I haven’t commented on Young Justice: Phantoms (or the final Targets comic) is that I haven’t watched it, haven’t read a synopsis and have no plans to ever do so.  My interest in the series went pretty cold as far back as Invasion but at the time I was willing to give the showrunners good faith on their claims that they had a plan to bring things together and that the problems were mostly production issues.  However, after how bad Outsiders was (and having seen similar awfulness from Greg Weisman in other franchises) I don’t have any good faith or trust left to give them.
I talked at length about how Outsiders left the show with no compelling narrative as part of this big Invasion breakdown (grumpier TL:DR version here), but here are the most relevant sections:
In terms of the Central Conflict, the Light are proved utterly correct: by Outsiders the Original Team are callous, hollow husks of their former selves, who have replicated a worse version of the same status quo the Team originally formed in response to. Dick, Kaldur and M’gann’s Anti-Light are a new upper echelon of older heroes who keep even more secrets from the next generations, who exclude the new generations far more strongly from knowing their plans, who give them even less reason to trust or communicate with them, and who do so for less just, less honest and less narratively justified reasons than their own mentors’ understandable (if condescending) desire to shield the proteges from the parts of the Life they may not yet have been equipped to face. Not only that but their constant lying with the intent to control others, and refusal to hold themselves accountable for those actions goes directly against both the League’s stated heroic ideals of “Truth, Liberty and Justice” and Red Tornado’s conclusion that caring is “the human thing to do”. By the end of Outsiders, even the existence of the Team itself is undone; decommissioned into the exact kind of safe training space that the Season 1 characters were desperate for it never to be. […] With Outsiders, any actual narrative set by Young Justice Season 1 is over. By their own standards the Team have lost, and lost entirely.
The meta-narrative of Young Justice Animated is that of a show that started with a promising initial season and strong sense of narrative identity, only to discard every part of that identity.  With Invasion the show discarded its original characterisations, themes and ideologies; replacing them with contradictory and often antithetical ones.  Outsiders would then shed even the surface trappings of its aesthetic (in favour of the more generic “modern DC” art-style) and mission-based narrative structure.  There is nothing left, save for some superficial proper nouns and call-back references: the textbook definition of an In Name Only Sequel.
I didn’t bother with Phantoms (and am frankly a little artistically insulted by its existence) because I knew it was doomed from the start to be a narrative stillbirth.  Having actively abandoned its original identity, Young Justice was left desperately scrambling to forge a new one, by clawing at the one thing it had left: people’s nostalgic attachment to the Season 1 iterations of the cast.  But this could never work because every season since has been engaged in a performative pretense of not acknowledging the character-breaking contradictions and hypocrisies forced upon the original cast by the poor writing decisions.  Phantoms would have to thread an impossible needle: wanting to be about the “journey” of the original cast for nostalgia reasons, while not being able to acknowledge that the last two seasons (and attaché comics) have resulted in all of them either actively failing or being tragically soft-locked out of their explicit character arcs without breaking that kayfabe of performative ignorance.  And, in trying to tell a story without engaging with that story's content or how broken it had become, what would they have left but to fall back yet again on canonical filler, sidequests and references held loosely together by contrivance? 
It could only ever be a zombie-fic of itself: having long-since concluded or abandoned any remaining character or plot threads, driven forward solely by the stream-of-consciousness compulsive-writing of a production team desperate to remain present, relevant and profitable.  And from the feedback I’ve heard from the general community and fandom friends who kept watching, it seems like Phantoms did indeed pull down the curtain on that empty, directionless, hollow-automaton-filled narrative for a lot of people.
As for Greg Weisman himself, while I agree that he is a particularly poor character-writer, I will respectfully but firmly disagree that he’s otherwise decent.  I think the fact that we have to caveat “he’s a decent writer” with the condition “so long as he’s surrounded by a team of strong editors and directors to keep him from being awful” kind of reveals that he isn’t.   I also don’t really accept the premise that the main fault lies with the people around him for not stopping that.  They certainly haven’t helped but he’s a grown adult who can make his own decisions. Enablers don’t generally induce behaviours; they simply amplify or become complicit in the behaviours that are already there.
In the video Plagiarism and You(tube), Hbomberguy did a great job of laying out the difference between “honest mistakes” – which can be easily cleared up by good-faith apologies and explanations – and “dishonest behaviour” – where the person(s) is aware that what they are doing is not appropriate and falls back on reputation-protecting deflections and “non-apologies” to avoid consequences when caught.  Weisman would not so-frequently disrespect his colleagues’ work with contradictions, or write patterns of misogyny, queerphobia, casual racism/ableism and abuse apologism into his stories if he did not fundamentally feel entitled to do so, was not comfortable and in agreement with those beliefs, or did not think he could get away with it.  And the way he has routinely responded to even gentle, good-faith comments by fans expressing frustration/confusion with inconsistent characterisation/structure indicates someone who knows he has done the wrong thing but resents being questioned or held accountable.  And then we see him continuing the same behaviours.  A “decent writer” should not need an editor to hold their hand and explain why directly contracting explicitly-stated characterisation is bad practice.  A “good ally” should not need someone to tell them that disproportionately subjecting queer/non-white characters to shock-value violence, writing minority characters to be dirty/dangerous/less valid in their identities, erasing/demonising/misgendering AFAB trans and bisexual identities, rewriting strong female characters to need motherhood or men to “tell them who they are”, writing gay men to be secretly misogynistic/racist, and framing victims as being equally responsible for their abuse is offensive.  All of which he has either directly done or tacitly allowed under his lead.  Multiple times.  Across multiple series.
These are not isolated incidents of “good-faith mistakes” from a newcomer learning the ropes (if they were, it wouldn’t bother me like this).  Weisman has had multiple seasons - multiple franchises even - and decades to show himself to be the kind of sincere ally and visionary artist of integrity that myself and his fans wanted him to be… and that he has so benefited from presenting himself as.  He has chosen not to. Say what you want about their stories, but you can’t claim that marginalised creators like ND Stevenson, Rebecca Sugar, Dana Terrace and allies like Neil Gaiman didn’t push back hard against their own publishers and make a lot of careful compromises in order to tell those stories in a way they felt was respectful. Weisman is in a very privileged position, with a resume that carries a decent amount of clout. He could have held himself to the creative standards he publicly expresses; could have worked improve his craft, could have examined his own biases and actually learned from the communities his stories speak about/over.  But he didn’t – because obviously it's easier and more comfortable to keep being lazy, keep relying on his colleagues to carry him, to not question his own biases/privileges and then lie when caught.  And with the money he makes, and all the second chances and new jobs he keeps getting handed, what incentive does he have to change that behaviour? 
So, personally I don’t buy his attempts to position himself as an UwU Nice Guy Ally whose haters are taking him out of context and whose nasty publishers keep forcing him to do incoherent bigotry.  He’s a grown-up, who can own his own behaviour.  And, even with a generous reading, this is at best the behaviour of a fair-weather sell-out who is willing to abandon his principles at the slightest hint of pressure from above.  That is not what respect looks like.  I wanted to give him good faith, but in light of all this, I find I can no longer trust him to keep his word or be honest about his intentions.
This is kind of the other reason why I choose not to support or engage with YJ Phantoms (or the revival in general): on top of being utterly disinterested, I just don’t want to incentivise this kind of creative behaviour with more money or attention.  I also can’t ignore what could be a pattern where Weisman makes grand promises that he likely never has a plan or intent to fulfill, then deliberately leaves holes/timeskips/inconsistencies in his narratives in order to generate ongoing demand for separate-purchase side content which promises to “fill those gaps”… but which never does because there isn’t actually a plan to facilitate that (thus creating an endless cycle of demand and profit).  To me that cuts a little too close to the potential for a privileged creator to be exploiting their clout and the good-faith belief of their fanbase in order to grift those fans out of their time and money.  I don’t find that acceptable.
So, yeah.  Not to deploy the GIF again but:
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It'll be a big, fat doughnut on YJ Phantoms content from me 🍩. Sorry!
#Young Justice#Young Justice Revival#Young Justice Phantoms#Young Justice Criticism#Anti Young Justice Revival#Anti Young Justice Phantoms#Greg Weisman#Anti Greg Weisman#YJ Essays collection#3WD Answers#Anonymous#Hope this doesn't sound cross nonnie#I'm not mad at you or anything#I just spent way too many years down a rabbit-hole of accidentally finding out MORE BAD STUFF about Greg Weisman#so he's kind of a sore point for me#I went off him as far back as Invasion because of the disingenuous non-answers but the revival really cemented my dislike for his writing#I fundamentally don't agree with or accept his creative ethos or rhetoric. It's so antithetical to everything I believe about storytelling#his resentment at being held accountable is something that bled through into the writing from S2+ and made the characters unsympathetic#and then I TRIPPED AND FELL into a bunch of former Gargoyles and MtG fans who had similar (and sometimes WORSE) patterns to report#One day I might document all those findings in detail (for posterity) but honestly I think he's had far too much of my time and oxygen as-i#(Seriously there is some potentially DEEPLY CURSED stuff in his creative closet and I hate that I am aware of it. Don't do it. Don't look.)#I wrote these essays because I needed to SOLVE why YJS2+ was so infuriating. And I found my answer. So I don't really need to keep watchin#So yeah - YJ Phantoms and any other revival stuff will be a hard skip from me#I'm a Season 1 only gal and my brain is much healthier for it
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dragbunart · 1 year
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... I want Amy to appear in the Sonic 3 movie for a variety of reasons. But if she DOES appear, I think they should give her an outfit that resembled her Original Design and one that resembles her current designs (I combined her main outfit in Prime and her outfit from Boom with some artistic liberties).
How I think she'd work in the movie (I may have been on a sonic kick for like 2 weeks and JUST WATCHED Sonic 2). If they bring back Eggman, he got zapped to the boys' (Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails) Original Homeworld, and started wreaking havoc. Amy uses a ring she has to teleport to Earth in a last-ditch effort, conveniently landing in Green Hills, probably during an equally as convenient family outing.
Sonic and the Gang see someone falling out from the portal. Sonic quickly runs and catches Amy. They take her home and when she wakes up she's freaked out because Tom and Maddie are the same species as Eggman. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles calm her down and explain most humans are harmless or even good.
If Eggman isn't involved... I don't know maybe Amy had heard about Sonic from Tails or something... I dunno. Anyway, she ends up on Earth.
But Sonic's kind of floored there's another Hedgehog like him, and it's a girl! Even if there are no feelings or just Amy likes Sonic or both like each other, I think Tom and Maddie would think there's something there and be trying to tease Sonic, I mean they probably never thought Sonic would be able to find somebody, being the only talking hedgehog and all.
The group all seems to get along. Until Shadow does some Shadow shit and fucks everything up because that's how he's always introduced.
If they follow the usual Shadow intro, if they make it night Amy confuses him for Sonic.
Thus all the key players in the Movie are set.
Other than like a Mini-Romance plot (either played for Comedy or seriously) I honestly could see Amy getting adopted by another family in Green Hill's or even taken in by Maddie's sister or something.
I think Maddie would probably like dressing her up though.
Personally, when I think of Key Sonic Franchise members that appear in almost everything it's Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, and Eggman. These days. Usually, Rouge has been included, with Characters like Big (and Froggy), Sticks, Cream (and CHeese), Vector, Espio, and Charmy, in a rotating cast. They appear when they need to but are usually extras (either in a game or show).
I think if Amy is going to show up, she'll show up in the Knuckles Spin Off Paramount's apparently making, or the third Sonic Movie, because unless they take the gang back to Mobius (usually the name of Sonic's original homeworld) there's not much that can be done with a story with her.
I mean if you use the old COMIC's and extended Media there's a bit... But off her modern interpretation? I couldn't really see them doing a WHOLE Sonic 4 Movie revolving around Amy. I mean They could make a fourth movie with a different plot and Amy could show up... But... I dunno... If your going to round out the cast with the third Movie then I think she should show up then.
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oasis-nadrama · 1 year
‘The Cerulean Motley Crew’, by Cerulean Snake - All aboard, mateys!
Review by Oasis Nadrama, 04/12/2023 (up to page 255)
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[Drawing by CeruleanSnake] When they were a young troll, Chever always wanted to become a pirate... but ended up at the opposite end of life, as a prison guard, when the hard rules of the Alternian Empire took their toll on their dreams of liberty. One day, in the orbital penitentiary, they are tasked with welcoming a particularly dangerous prisoner, and this encounter will uncover the secrets to their past, future and present life. Can the call of the sea be heard amongst the stars?
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[Drawing by CeruleanSnake] The large fictional universe engendered by Homestuck opens on many worlds, eras and sapient species, and opens even more doors for inventive storytellers. But rare are the fanworks to make full use of this potential, and in this area as in many others, the stunning fan aventure The Cerulean Motley Crew excels. It proposes a rarely explored political context, the period of the Summoner who challenged imperial tyranny, and an even rarer genre in this general setting: PIRATES! Chever, our nonbinary protagonist, improvized buccaneer and self-proclaimed pirate captain, organically assemble a colorful crew along their quest, and the cast is, again, one of this adventure's strengths. Flintlock, an uncontrollable anarchist, fights against slavery and general political power with reckless abandon (not to mention a certain thirst for gratuitous bloodbath). Rat escaped a futureless life in a nightmarish complex and is now along for the ride, despite her general consternation towards the chaotic, childish and sex-obsessed nature of her two comrades The efficient yet comical trio will cross the path of many more memorable figures, some of them friends, some of them neutral, some of them enemies, all of them enjoyable, up to and including the apparent main antagonist, as despicable as they go, all united in a dynamic, fluid, rhythmic dance, events intertwined for maximum impact, drama and suspense but never forgetting to remain entertaining. The structure and pacing are flawless, the tone perfectly mastered, the lore absorbing, the dialogues lively... What's not to love here?
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[Drawing by CeruleanSnake] The drawings are on par with the writing: intense, refreshing color palettes are a feast for sore eyes. Character designs are extremely distinct with various morphologies and clothing styles; the different body types really shine in both action scenes and dynamic dialogues. There may be some errors in proportions or simplistic environments, but these little flaws pale in comparison to the overall visual quality. Perspectives are good and dynamic, action poses effective... But the really exceptional thing is the faces: they are all different, flexible, and incredibly expressive! The author makes good use of the media with gorgeous animated backgrounds which adapt to the various scenes: at dusk, the waves of the decor will meet darkened sand bathed in the red light of the alien sunset; by midnight, the foliage on the shore will be lightened only by the shining firmament. This work on the interface does wonder for the general immersion. Other uses of the form include short panel animations and ondulating, shaking, distorted lines in the conversation. CeruleanSnake's maestria culminates in the insult-off minigame. This stunning moment of interactivity, frontal homage to Monkey Island, is funny, balanced, brimming with details! It represents full days of work by the artist and it shows.
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[Drawing by CeruleanSnake] The Cerulean Motley Crew is a work of love and a beautiful story, full of life and surprises. Looking forward to the next episodes of this big adventure!
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micahdraws · 2 years
What Micah's been up to
It's been about four years since Tumblr put up that ill-advised NSFW ban and led me to leave "forever." I honestly didn't think I'd come back. I started gaining a lot of momentum on Twitter and I'd been growing dissatisfied with Tumblr on the whole. At the time I was looking for a reason to leave and the carte-blanche NSFW ban was the nail in the coffin. I still don't fully trust Tumblr's admin, but they're allowing the kind of art I do again and my past frustrations with Tumblr don't need to be covered here.
So here are some of the things I've done the last few years!
Calendar projects!
Since 2018, I have produced four illustrated calendars that funded on Kickstarter! I started with the 2019 Hunks & Myth Calendar, which featured shirtless men from around the world carrying cute baby versions of mythological creatures!
I followed that up with the 2020 Hunks & Myth Calendar, which had mythological men and baby animals. That one was successful but not as big as the prior year. Fortunately, it was pre-covid, so I can tell it was less about the life circumstances and more about the subject itself. Just wasn't as in-demand, which is okay! Live and learn.
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I took a year off from calendars and then put together the 2022 Coffeehouse Hunks Calendar! This one featured twelve coffee recipes you can make at home, all accompanied by a sort of "gijinka" hunk of that coffee drink! This one did VERY well and it was very encouraging to see it go so hard.
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The Coffeehouse Hunks' success led me to create this year's calendar project, the 2023 Cocktail Hunks Calendar! The Cocktail Hunks followed the Coffeehouse theme -- a series of cocktail recipes accompanied by a "gijinka" of that drink. This was even more fun and it's been great to see how my art has evolved since the first calendar -- since the 2022 calendar, even! The Cocktail Hunks far surpassed my expectations and it feels really, really good to see so many people interested in my work like this!
If any of you are interested in the Cocktail Hunks Calendar, or recipe cards for either the Cocktails or Coffeehouse Hunks, I do have copies that I'll be posting for sale soon. So please keep an eye out for that!
The Sparrow
The year 2021 marked another big, big, big spike in my artistic career. It's when I ran and funded the Kickstarter for the Sparrow!
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Some of you may remember I was still working on the Sparrow even before I left Tumblr. A lot has changed, a lot has grown out of it, a lot has happened, and thanks to Kickstarter support, I was able to fund the Sparrow's very first print run! A whole 70 pages of comics plus some bonus content like character interviews, RPG character sheets and profiles, and more.
I'm in the midst of making Book 2 right now. It'll be a while before I finish that, but you wouldn't believe how amazing it was to see so many people back the Sparrow, a book many of them had never heard of. Honestly, it was a little overwhelming, and it's amazing that I still get people interested in buying at cons and the like.
You can get a PDF version of the Sparrow on my Gumroad shop or read the whole thing on my Sparrow website. It's like Percy Jackson meets the X-Men but more gay :D
Other things
The Sparrow and the Calendars have been my biggest projects the last few years. But some other things I've worked on include:
Soldier/Sailor: A gay superhero oneshot -- This 20-page one-shot was written by Andrew Wheeler (Sins of Black Flamingo, Marvel Voices: Pride, etc.) and drawn by me. It follows the story of Jacob, aka Warrior One, as he reunites with his old lover Armon, Prince of Atlantis.
The Strapping Lads: A D&D Supplement - Twelve classes, twelve men, all ready for your D&D campaign. I put this together for FlameCon 2019 and it went over pretty well >:]
Mutants and Masterminds: Parade Route - I got hired to do the cover art for this Mutants and Masterminds RPG supplement! This illustration features the gay man Johnny Rocket supporting teammate and trans woman Lady Liberty as she attends her first Pride as both an openly queer person and a superhero!
I think there's more that's happened but those are some of my big highlights for the last few years. I'll also post some of my backlog here over the next while, once I have a chance to schedule in some posting. I hope you enjoy, and thank you to everyone that is still here and remembers lil ol' me!
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hua-wangs-blog · 1 year
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Marvel Comic Books vs. MCU Movie Characters: Unveiling the Differences
Marvel comic books and the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) have captivated audiences worldwide with their iconic characters and thrilling storylines. While both mediums share a common universe, there are notable differences between the comic book characters and their on-screen counterparts. In this blog post, we will delve into the distinctions, shedding light on the unique characteristics and adaptations that shape these beloved Marvel heroes and villains.
1. Origin Stories:
One of the key disparities between the comic book characters and their MCU movie counterparts lies in their origin stories. In the comic books, characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and Captain America have rich and complex backstories that span decades of publication. On the other hand, the MCU movies often streamline and condense these origins to fit within a single film or a series of films, necessitating changes to the narrative and character development.
2. Visual Design:
Another noticeable difference between the comic book characters and the MCU movie characters is their visual design. Comic book artists have the freedom to depict characters in various styles, resulting in diverse interpretations over the years. In contrast, the MCU movie characters are brought to life by actors and brought together by costume designers who strive to strike a balance between honoring the source material and adapting it for the big screen.
3. Character Development:
Characters in the comic books often undergo extensive character development arcs, facing numerous challenges and evolving over time. However, due to the constraints of the cinematic format, the MCU movie characters may experience condensed character development or different character arcs altogether. This alteration is driven by the need to craft cohesive narratives within the limited screen time available.
4. Story Adaptations:
The transition from comic book to film or TV series necessitates adapting the source material to suit the medium. This adaptation process can lead to altered storylines, modified character relationships, and the omission or inclusion of certain plot elements. While the MCU strives to remain faithful to the spirit of the comics, it also embraces creative liberties to appeal to a wider audience and maintain narrative coherence.
5. Expanding the Universe:
Marvel comic books have a vast and intricate universe, encompassing numerous parallel dimensions, alternate timelines, and complex interconnections between characters. While the MCU has successfully integrated various elements from the comics, it also introduces its own unique storylines, characters, and world-building, ensuring that both mediums can be enjoyed independently.
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1. Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow):
- Full Biography: Natalia Alianovna Romanova, also known as Natasha Romanoff, was born in Stalingrad, Russia. She has a complex past as a talented spy and assassin, trained by the KGB. After defecting to the United States, Natasha became a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and later joined the Avengers.
- Real Name: Natalia Alianovna Romanova
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- Age: Varies across different comic storylines, but generally depicted as being in her 30s
- Personality: Natasha is known for her exceptional skills in espionage, martial arts, and marksmanship. She is intelligent, resourceful, and often maintains a calm and composed demeanor, even in high-pressure situations.
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2. Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch):
- Full Biography: Wanda Maximoff, also known as Scarlet Witch, is a mutant with reality-altering powers. She and her twin brother Pietro were born in Sokovia but later became members of the Avengers. Wanda has struggled with her powers and has a tumultuous history, often serving as both a hero and a villain.
- Real Name: Wanda Maximoff
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- Age: Varies across different comic storylines, but generally depicted as being in her 30s
- Personality: Wanda is compassionate and fiercely protective of her loved ones. She is emotionally complex, often grappling with feelings of guilt and the immense power she possesses.
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3. Tony Stark (Iron Man):
- Full Biography: Anthony Edward Stark, known as Tony Stark, is a billionaire genius and founder of Stark Industries. After being kidnapped and building a suit of armor to escape, Tony becomes the superhero Iron Man. He is a founding member of the Avengers and a prominent figure in the Marvel universe.
- Real Name: Anthony Edward Stark
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- Age: Varies across different comic storylines, but generally depicted as being in his 40s
- Personality: Tony Stark is known for his quick wit, arrogance, and confidence. He is a brilliant inventor and strategist, but his playboy lifestyle often masks his underlying insecurities.
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4. Steve Rogers (Captain America):
- Full Biography: Steven Grant Rogers, also known as Captain America, is a super-soldier who fought in World War II. After being frozen for decades, he awakens in the present day and becomes the leader of the Avengers. Steve is a symbol of justice, honor, and the embodiment of the American spirit.
- Real Name: Steven Grant Rogers
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- Age: Varies across different comic storylines, but generally depicted as being in his 30s at the time of his transformation
- Personality: Steve is principled, courageous, and self-sacrificing. He stands for what he believes in and strives to protect the innocent. Steve embodies unwavering loyalty and is respected by his peers for his leadership skills.
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Marvel comic books and the MCU movies offer distinct yet interconnected experiences. While the comic books provide a sprawling canvas for character exploration and storytelling, the MCU movies condense and adapt these narratives for the big screen, creating a visually stunning and accessible universe for a wider audience. By acknowledging the differences between the comic book characters and their on-screen counterparts, we can appreciate the creative choices made and revel in the ever-expanding Marvel multiverse.
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doamarierose-honoka · 2 months
Attempting to adapt Marv Wolfman and George Pérez’s Crisis on Infinite Earths is no small feat. I don’t think it’s at all controversial to say that Wolfman and Pérez were one of the greatest creative duos in the history of comics. From the grandiose scale of Wolfman’s scripts to the iconic detail of Pérez’s artwork, there’s a reason why the iconic limited series continues to loom large in the psyches of fans. So, how on earth does one go about adapting a story like Crisis for animation?
Well, to start, you don’t try to fit it all into one film. Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three is the final part of an animated trilogy that not only adapts the classic comic book event, but also serves as the final film in the connected “Tomorrowverse” of films that started with 2020’s Superman: Man of Tomorrow. While the full Crisis on Infinite Earths trilogy, of course, takes the premise of Wolfman and Pérez’s original story and uses characters like Harbinger, the Monitor and the Anti-Monitor, director Jeff Wamester’s climactic third film builds on the mythology of previous animated movies like Justice League: Warworld, Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, Green Lantern: Beware My Power, and hell, even the Kamandi and Losers animated shorts from Constantine: The House of Mystery. Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three isn’t trying to compete with Wolfman and Pérez’s comic. Instead, it borrows the basic framework of the original Crisis in order to tell a story that’s perhaps better suited for the medium of film.
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This is an approach that makes sense, given that the existing array of DC animated movies is quite different from the sprawling library of DC comic books at the time of the original Crisis. Something that I have always liked about the DC animated films is that they’re not comics, nor do they always offer a 1:1 direct adaptation. Other fans may not feel this way, but personally, I’ve always welcomed the creative liberties taken in the DC animated movies. I’ll always have my comics to fall back on if I don’t like how a particular story was adapted, and at the end of the day, it’s always intriguing to see how another group of artists interprets the characters and stories that you love.
It’s clear, then, that Crisis – Part Three is a celebration of the many corners of the DC Universe that DC’s animated movies have explored these last few years. I loved seeing the Losers charge in early on in the film, pursuing a pack of dinosaurs. Sure, it’s totally out of place, but that’s the point. The DCU contains an unapologetic mishmash of various genres and time periods, and Crisis – Part Three provides a place to say, “Hey, all of these pieces matter to the broader tapestry.” As a big Jack Kirby fan, I was over the moon to see Kamandi with a larger role in this film, and I really hope that his continued presence will get more fans reading his comics.
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Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three also takes this a step further when it reveals that the other Earths threatened by the Anti-Monitor are, in fact, the Earths from previous animated universes. I was shocked first to see the Super Friends’ Earth get destroyed, before getting absolutely verklempt by Kevin Conroy’s final line as the Batman: The Animated Series Earth was wiped. It was a fitting but bittersweet moment for me, as someone whose love of comics, Batman and the DC Universe at large began with that groundbreaking series.
On a brighter note, I appreciated how the film recognized something I have spent much time in the fan trenches arguing: that John Stewart is the best Green Lantern. When he was addressed by his fellow Lanterns as “the legendary John Stewart, the greatest of the Green Lanterns,” I nearly hopped out of my seat like I was watching a game-winning touchdown at the Super Bowl. I loved Green Lantern: Beware My Power, the movie that introduced John to the Tomorrowverse, because it celebrated how his headstrong and discerning personality makes him a better Lantern. I have to be thankful that Crisis on Infinite Earths continued to honor this aspect about his character.
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Besides, even though John Stewart is the best Green Lantern (okay, your opinion might be different, but I’m very much Team Stewart), he never lets that go to his head. This was echoed during the sequence when he and his fellow Lanterns hold the line against the Anti-Monitor. The greatest Green Lantern is always at his best when he’s in the company of his fellow GLs. John Stewart knows to share the wealth.
With Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three now out, it looks like the start of a new chapter for DC animated films has begun. For me, I can’t argue with the sheer diversity of genre and character that this phase has brought us. Catching glimpses of characters like Mister Miracle and Big Barda gives me hope that one day we can have an animated film that explores all sides of New Gods lore, not just Darkseid. Or what about heroes like Adam Strange, Doctor Light and the Question? The Spectre? Captain Atom? The possibilities look, well, infinite.
Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths – Part Three is now available on 4K UHD, Blu-ray and Digital. Get caught up on the first two parts right now on Max.
Jules Chin Greene writes about comics, TV, games and film for DC.com, and his work can also be found at Nerdist, Popverse and Multiverse of Color. You can follow him on Twitter and Bluesky at @JulesChinGreene.
NOTE: The views and opinions expressed in this feature are solely those of Jules Chin Greene and do not necessarily reflect those of DC or Warner Bros. Discovery, nor should they be read as confirmation or denial of future DC plans.
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ragnarssons · 1 year
The art of Padme confronting Anakin with the knife was never part of the script. It was an idea that the concept artists came up with, like the Jedi protecting Padme and the twins, that Lucas gave them the freedom to pitch while he was still completing the script.
Yeah that's why I didn't say it was part of the script, but part of the storyboards, well more the concept arts of the movie. It was still an idea that was pitched to give Padmé more agency, and George rejected it. Which is what the post was about, how in the prequels, there is this idea of who Padmé is supposed to be, but the story never really follows through. These are actual propositions and scenarios they had in store, and they chose not to give Padmé any real action and agency that were aligned with who she was supposed to be. I guess she was supposed to love Anakin, so her playing the pregnant wife during the entirety of TROS makes sense in that way idk *shrugs* (like without all the cutscenes, she isn't even a Senator in this movie, outside of the "this is how liberty dies" scene). But other than that? Padmé isn't even a character in the final version of TROS, she has no scene with anyone else but Anakin (and one with Obi Wan, and one in the Senate). It's crazy how Padmé is a better character in TCW than in the movies, because she actually gets to exist (and be a Senator yknow) within the universe and with other characters and on her own, on TCW. We're talking about the woman who took arms to defend her planet on TPM when she was super young. We're talking about the woman who was fighting monsters and more, with Jedi, in a big arena on AOTC. At least giving Padmé the actual creation of the Rebel Alliance would have been something, but even that, Lucas cut it. (and again, in comparison, kept characters that appear out of nowhere - filmwise I mean, like Grevious and gave this character, for example, a whole storyline). So yeah, it makes me retroactively pissy about the prequels when I look back at everything that could have been in store for Padmé, and was cut off for no real reason. In the comics and on TCW, Padmé is this awesome, badass character, that is loved and remembered for generations and generations, it doesn't translate in the prequels, which is honestly just sad.
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sparks-olivarpente · 1 year
Going through my old comics. I like that one ^^ Translation underneath
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I WANT TO PAINT BIG! Those panels are a violation of my liberties
I need to get out of here, I'm gonna live in an artist squat
He scares me when he's like that
Is it the full moon or what?
In three days…
Three more days like this?!
We'll be dead before that
I've finally found my place in the Universeeerrherr…
Ok ok… but WE'd like to sleep a little at night
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shohokubasket · 2 years
SD head canon // Miyagi's Mom and Ayako's Mom
I have not seen the SD movie yet lol, but lately I've been thinking a lot about Miyagi's mom and Ayako's mom and their interesting potential as characters, especially if they interact with each other.
Now I have read some movie spoilers to know a little more about Miyagi's mom (but still not too much lol). I'll use her canon name but otherwise I'll keep this spoiler-free (or, at least, free from spoilers I definitely know about) and focus on what other fans have invented and what I've come up with in my head (in other words, this is all fanfiction lol).
Miyagi's Mom
Not seeing the movie means I can't say exactly what Miyagi's mom (Kaoru) is like yet so, fair warning a lot of this is just stuff I've invented for now lol. But based on fanart I've seen she seems very nice, hardworking, kinda mellow (although there is a lot of fanart of her grieving or dealing with the tragedies she gone through in her life, so, it's tricky to tell what her personality is really like).
One thing I saw recently is a really awesome Korean comic where the artist imagines how she and Miyagi's dad got together (idk if it's ok to share a link, but the user is on postype as 모우시/mousyyyyyy.postype.com!). I used a translation app so I'm taking some liberties on some of the exact content, but I'll just talk about what I understood from it. In it they imagined that they were childhood friends from the same neighborhood. He had quit school to work as a fisherman while she dreamed about going to Tokyo after graduation to go work at a sports broadcasting network (I think? Something like that). But then he convinces her to stay in Okinawa ("the basketball is better here than in Tokyo!") and so she does and they start a family.
This comic stands out to me because for these adult characters it is interesting to think about them as children/teenagers, what their dreams and aspirations were, and how they think about their current circumstances now.
So I'd like to imagine that Kaoru had big dreams as a teenager. She doesn't have regrets about her decisions, I don't think, but maybe in the context of the tragedies that comes into her life later on she does reflect on these other dreams she once had and how she imagine her life when she was young.
I also can't speak too much on her relationship with Ryota without spoiling too much but I will say that they both have been through a lot and there were points where I'm sure Ryota made things tough on her. But at the end of the day they deeply love each other and are part of a close-knit family unit.
Ayako's Mom
We don't have a lot of canon info about Ayako's mom. But this is what we get from Piercing: Ayako's parents are not together, Ayako's mom is/was dating other guys, and Ayako seems to be close with her mom.
Now it's possible that Ayako's mom is widowed, but I'm going to go with divorced for my head canon. As an aside, this could give some interesting context to Ayako not going by her last name if there was stuff about her last name changing or not changing (so her last name is different from her mom's) following the divorce. Just to be clear, I understand Inoue didn't seem to have any kind of special reason in mind for not giving Ayako a last name. Someone told me that he has said in an interview that he didn't want to give her one and doesn't want fans to give her one either lol, so this is just a wild theory I came up with lol.
Now this next part is also just stuff I've come up with, since I have yet to find other head canons/fanlore about this. And it's that maybe, like Kaoru, Ayako's mom also had dreams as a teenager to go to Tokyo, although it was less about pursing a specific career and more about having an exciting adult life. But the difference is that she actually did go to Tokyo after she graduated high school, and while she was in Tokyo she married a big shot guy and had Ayako. But then they decided to divorce after a few years-not for any sad reason, it just wasn't working out-and she ended up taking a young Ayako with her back to Kanagawa prefecture where she grew up.
While Ayako's mom has likely not gone through the type of tragedy that Kaoru has gone through, it is probably true that maybe her life didn't turn out the way she imagined. But even so she stays very optimistic about things and doesn't have any bitterness about how things turned out.
Ayako's mom is very lively and outgoing, she's were Ayako gets those traits. Ayako's mom admires Ayako's strong drive and focus towards her goals, and how in these ways Ayako is so different from what she was like as a teenager (and recognizes that Ayako probably gets those traits from her dad). She and Ayako are super close, almost like friends.
Ayako's Mom and Miyagi's Mom
So if (or when, if you ship them like I do) Miyagi and Ayako start dating it's interesting for me to think about how these two potential characters may interact with each other.
I think before they start dating Kaoru is somewhat familiar with Ayako. She knows she's the basketball team manager, and just from the way Ryota has talked about her in front of her she admires that seems to be a mature young friend to her son. And she knows that her son has a massive crush on this friend lol. But since Ryota has been quiet about that aspect on his relationship with Ayako she didn't really expect anything to happen between them.
Meanwhile Ayako's mom knows a lot about Ryota lol. She knows that her daughter more or less has been adamant about focusing on the basketball team and often complains about him but clearly has a soft spot for him. She actually had met him once before they started dating, when Ayako had Ryota come over to her house to study because she was afraid he was going to fail his winter midterms. So they chatted just a bit and kinda hit it off lol. She really likes him as a person and likes him for her daughter-though Ayako shrugs this off for a long time whenever she brought up the subject. Towards the end of their second year Ayako does start to have stronger feelings for Ryota and is conflicted about how their relationship would affect the team. Ayako's mom reasons with her to not overthink things too much, she should just do whatever she wants.
Ayako and Ryota start dating during their third year, after the spring/summer basketball season. They meet each other's families as a couple pretty early on, but it's not until the winter holidays that Ayako's mom has the chance to hang out with the Miyagi family. It's around then that Ayako's mom and Kaoru get to really know each other and talk about their different experiences, which gives them each a new perspective. Over time they become quite close, which surprised Ryota a bit because of their different personalities but didn't surprise Ayako at all lol. In my head they're also very close in age.
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rudjedet · 2 years
So, I saw that you at least started Moon Knight. Were you able to finish it, and if so, did you see ANYTHING about Egyptian mythology where anything besides the name was accurate? Can you imagine changes that would make it better without just scrapping and starting over? Because when it was just a show I intended to watch once, I didn't care about mythological accuracy, but now that I'm absorbed in fanfic I want to make sure I have a reasonably clear idea of Egyptian-religion-based ideas vs. fiction-based ideas and get an idea of how badly Marvel may have screwed up (as opposed to taking artistic liberties).
You have me confused for @thatlittleegyptologist, I've never started Moon Knight but she's done a few liveblogs.
Speaking as a writer for the moment, I think it's important to be clear about the fact that MK is fantasy inspired by and thus not in any way beholden to accuracy to Egyptian myth - it's beholden to accuracy to the original comics, though. So I don't necessarily think there are any changes you could make to make it more Egyptologically palatable because there's no real a use to it no matter how annoying their liberties are when I'm speaking as an Egyptologist. (though if I had to pick one based on what I know of it, at least their museum decor making sense would be no. 1).
If you want a clear idea of actually ancient Egyptian beliefs in the realm of myth and religion, I'd suggest reading Gods and Men in Egypt by Dunand & Zivie-Coche, and Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt by Hornung. Those are accessible both in terms of price and language, and will give you a solid base for any comparison you would want to do.
As for artistic liberty vs. cock up, that's a very fine distinction that you can't always make and especially in cases like Marvel. Personally I've decided to only blow a public gasket if it's actively harmful or perpetuates stereotypes. Like at least Moon Knight has actors of colour, you know? It's not Gods of Egypt: the series and that's a big step up especially for a large player like Marvel.
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kookznoona · 3 years
Hii can I make a request where all the members of BTS go to an interview but jungkook and the interviewer (reader) are secretly dating and the boys know so they do their best to tease him.
Thank you 😊
The Question
Genre: FLUFF Boyfriend!JK, Idol AU
Word Count: 1 K
Description: Banter of 7 Members and a Female Interviewer secretly dating one of them. You and Jungkook.
Summary: You interview Jungkook, Interview questions get some people squirmy quite often, you're used to seeing uncomfortable interviewees, Nothing new about this time right?.
You knew the drill…
Big Hit had specifically instructed the boys not to name any brands or cuss during interviews. Telling half-truths and white lies for the camera was nothing recently developed, it was for the band's image; all done in fear of losing the love of the fanbase. Although their life wasn't all lies, it wasn't like things didn't get filtered before reaching the audience.
Tonight, you're their interviewer. The group knows that you and Jungkook were secretly dating, they suspected it for a long time.
But their suspicion was confirmed when Jungkook just couldn't contain his happiness when you said 'yes' to him and spilled the beans. This has only led the banter to become even more chaotic when you're around.
The Crew Walks in, and before turning on the Camera, You touch up your make up and go through the questions.
"Hi" you say and wave at them
"Hello" they all reply back, and bow
"Y/N, we haven't met before have we?" J-hope asks teasingly
"Actually, we did, at BigHit's Anniversary party "
"Yes, but we were given the liberty to choose only 2 close acquaintances for the VIP passes, so who was it that gave-" Jin asks
"Hyung! Stop asking such questions!" Jungkook whines
You smelt the teasing in the air and giggled
"Do you ever miss me?" You ask him
"He'll never stop-" Jungkook covers Jimin's Mouth
"Milady, let's get to the actual questions, shall we?" Jungkook says
The camera has been set up
"Hello Everyone! Today we're back with a special guest appearance- BTS!!"
"Hello!" They all say in unison, eyes shooting at the camera
"So Let's Jump to the Questions" you say and start the interview.
Those questions were related to their current diet, reading habits and Exercise Routines.
"Who's music do you take inspiration from?"
Suga starts "Well, there are many artists that inspire us..."
"Jungkook, tell them��� Any Sound that Y/N makes is Music to your ears" Taehyung whispers in his ears, smirking
"Shut up Kim Taehyung"
"But isn't that the truth? Every Word she utters sounds sweet to you"
"Oh please! you were totally referring to words" he whisper shouts
"What? I didn't mean any other sounds, I mean, It's not possible is it? Do you suggest otherwise?" Taehyung teases back
Jungkook covers his ears and you notice the coloring of his is Face is Flushed Red
"Which female Kpop idol would deserve to have the title of 'having the most attractive aura'". You ask
All of them except Jungkook throw some names, adding fuel to the fire. You're well aware that once you're done with this interview, rumours will resurface. You find it comical how fans and shippers will literally pair them with the idols' names they've uttered, while they're already dating someone else.
"I think Jungkook here doesn't quite have anything to say here" Jhope says giggling
"Actually, he says that he's more likely to fall for a normal person than a celebrity" Taehyung adds grinning
"For me, all of the females in the industry are working hard and making it big. I despise the beauty standards set by the industry. I wouldn't ever be able to answer a question like that, it wouldn't be fair to pick a single name when there are millions of them."
All the members get annoyed at his response, he's supposed to be a Blushing mess, not some smartass when his girlfriend is interviewing him.
"Okay, let's move to the next question, ARMY wants to know if you'd ever consider dating ARMY"
As expected all of them say a "yes" and Show finger Hearts at the camera
"Okay, here's the bomb question… is BTS Currently Dating?"
Jungkook chokes on his tea and spurts it on you. You widen your eyes in disbelief. Your Maroon Top is now Brown.
Jhope Falls Off His Chair Laughing.
"Extremely sorry, I'm *cough* so s-orry" He says in between his coughs
And All of this has now been captured on Live TV
"I think we've heard everything that Jungkook has to say about dating during past interviews, as you've seen, I just asked 'the fans' bomb question' and I literally got hot tea on me" you say laughing
Namjoon passes you the tissue box
"Thank you" you say
"Is there anything y'all would like to add regarding your dating lives?" You ask
"We're Focused on our careers" Namjoon says
"Voilà, the classic answer we've always received! Now, Fans, please have some mercy on me and don't wish for such questions to be answered, the world will run out of tea!" You say laughing
"Actually, I've read that tea is actually good for skin… probably Jungkook was helping you with your skin care routine" Namjoon jokes
"That was very kind of you Jungkook, thank you for showing me the benefits of getting tea sprayed on your face, I'll surely keep that in mind"
"You wanna try it once more? I mean, it'll be my pleasure" he says wiggling his eyebrows
"Although I hate to decline the offer, I must say a 'No', we could try it in the next interview though, I'll come barefaced with no makeup"
"oh please! Stop being modest! Why not this time?" He asks in a teasing tone
"Well, this time I stole the tea from dad's cupboard, I'm too young to die you know, hahaha I hope You Understand" you say Laughing
"Yeah Jungkook, You don't want to be the reason someone died right? I mean, Just Imagine what will be written in the 'cause of death' column" Jin adds, leaving the group in splits
"As Much as I loathe saying this, we've gotta wrap it up~ Thank You BTS"
"Thank you, thank you for the lovely tea" Namjoon adds in a badly faked British accent, everyone bursts out laughing
And with that you cut off the feed
Jungkook jumps and Pretends to strangle Taehyung
"I'm so sorry babe, I don't know how I just spat all the tea on you" he says
You kiss his forehead "It's okie Bunny"
"Bunny~ Take me Home Bunny~ Show Me Your Bedroom-" Taehyung Teases him
"Shut Up Please!" He says burying his face in his hands
"Bunny~ Spray Some Tea on My Face Bunny~"
Jungkook is Never going to Hear the End of it
Hey guysssss~!
❤️Thanks For All The Love And Support!!!❤️
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