#but it meant to be realy quick
jonathankai · 8 months
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I just love the difference between the same dialogue happening in ch.1 and ch. 67. Chapter one as a whole sounds like a retelling of an old legend. It makes Crown Prince of Xianle look like a serene person, without a worry in his heart. It's like he's either brimming with confidence of a diety or plain arrongat. And this is how he went down in history.
While in reality Xie Lian had a long day, seen some concerning things, had the same dirty and wounded kid clinging to him for dear life twice in short period of time, had been doubting subservience to gods for a while now, but most importantly?
A massive crowd of common folk just cheered for him in the streets. It wasn't enlighment or ignorance, it was warm support of his people that made him brave enough to challenge heavens But it wasn't in a legend. It didn't go down in history.
So, I wanted to make something to show that difference between legendary Xie Lian and real Xie Lian.
Handwritten text under cut, just in case.
“Then,‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Highness,‌ ‌let‌ ‌me‌ ‌ask‌ ‌you.‌ ‌If‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌really‌ ‌do‌ ‌convict‌ ‌you?‌ ‌Will‌ ‌you‌ ‌apologize‌ ‌then?”‌ ‌ ‌
‌“If‌ ‌that‌ ‌should‌ ‌happen,‌ ‌then,‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌are‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌wrong.‌ ‌I‌ ‌am‌ ‌right.‌ ‌I‌ ‌will‌ ‌stand‌ ‌against‌ ‌the‌ ‌heavens‌ ‌and‌ ‌defy‌ ‌until‌ ‌the‌ ‌end.”‌ ‌ ‌
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hiiii i see you like p5!! i love your art its so cute :D
ough thank you 🥺🤍
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for u.
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gojos-fr-bae · 1 month
The Altar Alternate Ending
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Pairing: Gojo x fem!reader
Warnings: Itty Bitty Angsty but There's light at the end of the tunnel this time. Cussing and heavy emotions as well so proceed with caution
Word Count: 1.2K
A/N: Surprise Surprise. SURPRISE SURPRISEEEE. Ok so I wrote the original with a sad ending but honestly I can't bear it. I wanted write a part two were the had a happy ending (well not really happy, but hopeful that it will get better) but I just wrote this so you guys can have both options for those who prefer a happy ending aka me😤😤 If you haven't read the first version, You realy don't need to, but feel free😉 Also, I'm so sorry for being gone for so long, I have been hella sick the past two months I couldn't write, better now tho so yay😌😌
(Requests Open)
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Today was the day. Your wedding day. The day you had been dreaming of since you found out what weddings were. As much as you knew that weddings technically weren’t a necessity, you wanted the whole world to know that you were marrying the love of your life. But the more you sat in your dressing room in your elegant white dress, looking up at the clock as seconds ticked by terror and dread began to sink in.
It was an hour since you were meant to be called out to walk down the aisle and you couldn’t take it anymore. You burst open the double door and ran halfway up the parted crowd of people before you noticed how everyone was looking up at you in pity.
Your breathing began to pick up and you began to feel dizzy, turning around and being met with his best man, Suguru, looking at you, face coated with pity and anger.
“I’m so, sorry Y/N” he whispered.
“Suguru what the hell is going on”
He just looked down at his feet, apologizing again In an almost inaudible tone, fists gripped around his phone so tightly they were shaking.
“SUGURU WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!” you shouted no longer caring about all your family and friends looking at you with worry.
“A mission came up in Tokyo and he said he’d be quick but-” You didn’t hear the rest of his sentence as your ears began ringing, and tears began to cloud your vision. Sobs wreaked through your body as you ran away. Ran away from Suguru, your parents, and the altar.
You ran from it all, and you never turned back.
You heard your now ex-fiancé shouting at the top of his lungs, stumbling his way around the apartment frantically looking for you. His heart stopped as he looked down at you, no longer wearing your stunning wedding dress nor your engagement ring which sat on the ground next to the suitcase you were frantically packing.
“Y/N STOP! SWEETHEART WHAT’S GOING ON!” he sobbed, running towards you and desperately trying to pull you away from the suitcase but you were too heartbroken and angry to be stopped.
“My love please! Don’t do this! I’m sorry!”
“Sorry!? FUCKING SORRY?! THAT’S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF AFTER FUCKING ABONDONING ME ON OUR WEDDING DAY YOU JACKASS?!” You screamed, slapping him clean across the face, but he seemed completely unfazed as he picked up your engagement ring before trying to pull you into his arms as you zipped up your suitcase. 
“Y/N please, stop! Let's talk about th-”
“No! I’m done fucking talking Satoru!,You always do this!, missing a date or anniversary I can forgive! BUT OUR FUCKING WEDDING DAY!?!? I CAN’T FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE! YOU ALWAYS DO THIS, ALWAYS BREAK MY HEART AND I FORGIVE YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND I'M TIRED! I’m so fucking tired Satoru. I can’t- I just, can’t. I’m sorry.”
You ran to the front door and tried to reach for the door but Satoru squeezed himself between you and said door. His back was pressed to it with one of his hands back to clutch the handle, preventing you from leaving.(Imagine that one scene from the kdrama My name where the dad is trying to stop the killer)
“Satoru please move” you begged, voice cracking as you pleaded with him. You no longer had the energy to shout and fight anymore. You were mentally, emotionally, and physically fatigued. All you wanted to do was to collapse onto your knees and sob till you had no tears left to cry. But you knew you couldn’t stay. No longer could you force yourself to be in a relationship where you were no more than an afterthought.
“Baby p-please, please don’t-don’t leave. I promise I can fix this, please. You can punch me, kick me, stab me a thousand times. Rip me apart if you need to j-j-just don’t leave.” He begged, Tears streaming endlessly down his face. His entire body was shaking as he tried to convince you not to leave.
The weight on your shoulders finally became too much to bear as you fell to the ground and began to cry painfully. Satoru knelt down before you and wrapped his hands around you. Together, you spent the better of 6 hours in shambles, finally letting all the emotions out at all once.
You two were still sitting on the floor, breaths finally steady. Satoru still had his arms around you, rubbing soothing circles on your back. Neither of you had the energy to even stand up, as you both basked in the silence.
“They were gonna kill you,” he murmured, voice barely above a whisper. If the room hadn’t been so quiet, you likely wouldn’t have heard him.
You pulled away from him, despite his attempts to prevent it. You tried to meet his eyes but he had his eyes trained on the ground.
“What?” you questioned, thinking you just heard your own things.
“They wanted to kill you…the higher ups…they were going to kill you.” he repeated, tone pained and somber.
“Satoru, what on  Earth are you talking about?” you pressed trying to understand what on earth he was on about.
He finally raised his eyes to meet yours. Your chest tightened as you saw all the pain he held behind them.
“The higher ups didn’t want me to marry you. They had even planned for me to marry some zen’in girl. They told me that if I married you, they would kill you. At first I thought they were bluffing. They couldn’t possibly try to kill you under my watch, buta few weeks ago, while I was on a mission, they sent a curse-user after you. By the time I got back, It was almost too late. If I had gotten there even a second later I-I-” he choked up, stopping to take a deep breath before he continued.
“I knew that they wouldn’t give up until you were gone, so I went to try talk them out of it-”
“And that’s why you ditched me at the altar?”
“I s-swear I didn’t mean to! I went yesterday and they sealed me in some prison realm thing. I barely even managed to escape! By the time I did get out, got dressed and reached the venue-”
“I was already gone?” you whispered, looking up at him., suddenly feeling slightly shitty.
He nodded slowly before speaking up again “P-Please don’t blame yourself" he quickly said, before pulling you back into his arms,”Everything you said was true. I have been a horrible partner and I don’t deserve to have you as my fiancé, let alone my wife, but please don’t leave. I’m so so so sorry for ruining our special day but I mean It when I say I would rather cease living then have to spend the rest of my life without you by my side. Please, my love. Please”
You were at a loss for words at what had just transpired. Of Course you didn’t wanna leave him, you LOVE him. But at what cost?
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Finally, can restt. Also, for anyone that previously asked to be on the taglist, I got mixed between you and the tags for Liar so if you still want to be on the taglist pls lmk.
© gojos-fr-bae
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
27 asks! :00 Thanks ya'll!! :} 💖💖💖
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Nope! Sorry, I don't take direct drawing requests or suggestions. <:/
Now I hear a few people saying; "But you've taken requests before" Now I do draw things in response to asks sometimes. But its rarely a direct request that I'm responding to. Usually its someone complimenting me on "something" and I feel so flattered and inspired that I draw that "something" again for them..
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Would you think less of me if I said I legitimately was? For what I think is a very valid reason? Hypothetically of course-
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:DD Oh hey!! Thanks!! Happy early Easter!! :}}} 💖🥚🥚🐺🥚💖
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Oh there's no need to worry Anon, my body is kind'a forcing me to take a break... 😅
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@yourstrulylightstar283 (In response to this post)
Thank you! And no worries, I'm sure I wont have to deal with all of this forever <:}
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Happy late reply Friday! <XDD
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Aww! Sweet widdol baby!! :DD
And thank you, I'm doing my best to take it easy.. <:}
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Woof. That is quite the sentence to say to someone who's grieving their late wife-
Its especially strange considering that my Bowser isn't in love with Peach at all and isn't interested in replacing his wife-
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I've heavily considered Louis having a crush on Ellie... 👀👀
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The biggest eater is probably Louis, followed by Seafoam. Now Seafoam is no glutton mind you, he just eats a ton because he's so big and tall. He's got a lot of muscle that needs to be fed and maintained. Louis however just loves food and loves to eat <XDD
The pickiest eaterr.... couuuld be Red. Kids am I right? <XD Or maybe Spidercrab. He's rather thin so I imagine there isn't much he likes to eat. <:/ Or maybe Spidercrab isn't picky, he just doesn't have much appetite--?? <:DD
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Aww! What a fun idea! :D I wonder if the game has anything like that.. and I wonder how a land animal like that would fare out on the ocean :0
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(In response to this post)
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Y-You realy mean all dat?.. Thank you.. 🥺😭💖
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XDD I am everywhere
(Also if you ever feel like getting those photos those would be hilarious to see XDD)
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YA- AWWWW... :(( sorry about the lost progress! I hope you catch back up to where you were pretty quick :( But YAY YOU HAVE IT BACK! XDD
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A marshmallow cookie and a S'mores cookie already exist in the game :( so I shan't make my own 😔
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I'm still working out the order of their ages.. So far I have decided that Ludwig is the oldest. And I'm leaning on Iggy being right below him, the second to oldest.
I'm solid on Bowser JR being the youngest, and Lemmy being right above him, the second to youngest. As for everyone else though..? I'm still trying to figure it out.
Thinking that Roy and Morton are on the older side, and Wendy and Larry are on the younger side. I just don't quite know what the order will be-
Hmm... I want Larry to be very different looking from Lemmy, maybe a bigger age gap would help. And I made Roy rather mature.. he could be older.. hmm...
Mayyybe.. in order from oldest to youngest, it goes,
Ludwig - Iggy - Roy - Morton - Larry - Wendy - Lemmy - JR..? I think I'll go with that for now <XDD
Now Bowser is complicated. Originally I wanted Bowser to be this ruthless monster. Both as a King and as a Dad.. But I made that Bowser around when the Movie trailers were all the hype. And boy, I hated how Bowser was shaping up to be. So my rotten Bowser was mostly just to make him more intimidating then the movie Bowser.
Since then I've settled down and thought that a purely evil Bowser is not that interesting.. or lore accurate. So I began to lean on him being a rather good dad, if not emotionally awkward.
....buuut then I saw the movie, and now I'm back on the Bowser hate train <XDD I guess right now its up in the air. He's not meant to be intentionally abusive or awful to his kids though. I'm thinking that maybe the gentle fatherly side of Bowser was usually brought out by his wife.. Since she's gone now.. well.. I guess he's a little emotionally absent at the least-
As strictly a King, I'm thinking that he's pretty rough. At least he's more ruthless than he may have been before. I guess a way to describe him as King would be.. The health and safety of his people are not his #1 concern. The strength of his kingdom and his position of power however, is. Though this Bowser is subject to change.. :/
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XD He'd probably look like this 👇
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I'm not sure if the Pizzaplex would have decorated the place for Easter or not.. In present day or in the past.
But if they did in the past, I imagine it didn't feel much different compared to any other time of the year..
And if the present day Pizzaplex celebrates it..? I imagine its hard for the animatronics to see all the bunny imagery everywhere.. 💔
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Google seems to suggest that there are no sirens in the games.. :( So Blue Beauty wouldn't be one, 😔
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Thank you!! I'm glad you do! :DD
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You mean my Refinedtale Toriel.?
Man.. I'm sure she does.. (Though heck if I know what their names would be or any of that stuff-- but I'm sure Toriel would know <XDD)
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Ooooo that's a good idea! :00 I haven't thought about it that way before..
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That sounds really fun actually! And normally I could see that happening.. though unfortunately, some of the structures I have set up in my AU make this scenario less likely..
For one, I intended for healing magic to be extremely complex and very difficult to master. And its intended to always leave a mark of some kind. A warning that Kamek gives to Lemmy and Iggy is something along the lines of "Whether you are healing, or destroying. Magic will always leave a scar." That's why Iggy's eyes look so strange and half of Lemmy's face and hair is discolored. The act of repairing their eyes left a mark on them..
What I mean by this, is that Kamek couldn't just turn around and heal them after every sparring session. Because it is very challenging to heal with magic and they would both be left with scars.. So they would both have to heal naturally over time after sparring. And considering that the Commander has a very important job, it would be wise to not tire him out or injure for the sake of some emotional relief.. :(
Although.. there could be a more mild version of this perhaps? Where the commander is involved in Bowser's training.? But not as his opponent. Perhaps he flies up high and chucks projectiles at Bowser for him to deflect. But not really getting involved on a way beyond that where he becomes overly exhausted or inured.
...Now for the Koopalings?? Dude, that's genius. Bowser is a hefty opponent and is sure to exhaust Commander and possibly even injure him.. But the Koopalings?? Commander would make a GREAT sparring partner for nearly all of them! :00
Specifically I can see him sparing with Morton, Roy, Ludwig and possibly Iggy. (The older Koopalings primarily) Whether its just muscle against muscle or being Iggy's target practice, I think he'd make a great sparring partner for the youngins :}}
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It started with being inspired by my band-aid covered hands (due to dry hands and cat scratches) and adding them into my sona
Nowadays its maintained by me having reaaaaally dry hands 💀 (I wash them way to often/harshly and don't rehydrate with lotion often enough-)
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You mean the factual fam? Aw, I'd like to think so. :}}}
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Bold of you to assume Jangles doesn't have hair
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<XD Yes, Bibi is around 2 years old-
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californ1asnow · 1 year
How You Get the Girl
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Tasm! Peter Parker x Reader
Also posted on my ao3
"Tell her you must of lost your mind when you left her all alone and never told her why that's how you lost the girl"
The first time you met Peter Parker, you swore him off because you knew he'd be trouble.
It was the summer before your first year of college. You worked hard every day to save enough money to get through school. You promised yourself there would be no distractions this summer, just work. You didn't need to be distracted by other things before college started.
But that was before this tall, doe-eyed boy just happened to find his way to your place of work. His eyes glimmered full of mischief the moment his gaze met yours. Your promise of no distractions went out the window from that point on.
When he first approached you, he had tried (and failed) to get your number. He pleaded silently, with that kicked puppy look on his face after your rejection. You almost broke down in that moment, but you were holding on by a thread to the vow you made. So, the boy left with a crestfallen sigh, and you let your shoulders drop, relieved.
That was until a week later. He showed up with a bouquet of sad-looking flowers. He had promised you that they would have looked nicer when he bought them, but they had been crushed in his backpack on the way over. You stared at the pitiful flowers, and Peter held his breath, waiting to see how'd you react. The inside of your cheek stung as you bit down on it. Trying to keep your composer, you scribbled down a few words on an extra sheet of paper. You quickly handed it to him, and he let out a breathy laugh as he read it. The sound was enough to make your heart flutter in your chest.
Before he could cause any more trouble, you quickly shooed him away. With the same crumpled flowers and the paper, you hastily handed him, he left the shop. He had a piece of paper with your number on it, and a few sentences scrawled in hurried writing about how he had to work on his flower transporting abilities. So that maybe the next time you saw him, you would actually agree to go out with him.
Months had passed since that day. Slowly but surely, you began to ask for fewer hours at work. Which meant you had more free time. Aka, more time to spend with Peter.
That damn Peter Parker, with his fluffy hair and stupidly cute, crooked smile, it was all too much. Too often for your liking, thoughts of him invaded your mind.
You had been practically spending every minute of your free time with him. Whether it was late night movies or early morning coffee, it was all coupled with the boy who could make your heart race just by looking at him.
So, you took him in without question when he showed up at your apartment one night, battered and bruised.
Your hands, even if they were a little shaky, worked diligently to clean up his wounds. You had never seen him like this before, although you had noticed Peter showing up with a split lip or an old bruise from time to time.
As you held his face in your palms, a million questions raced through your mind, words on the tip of your tongue. You saw the silent pleading in his eyes, begging you not to ask the questions, so your lips remained sealed. The words died in the back of your throat. You ran your thumb gently over the bloody edge of his lip. His calloused fingers cupped your wrist, stopping your actions in their tracks.
He leaned in close, his forehead pressed against yours. So close that you could feel the heat radiating off of him. Your eyelids fluttered shut. You drew in a breath, preparing yourself for his lips to meet yours.
But it never came.
Instead, he pulled away, muttering a quick apology that he had to leave before you got dragged into his own problems. Your mind barely registered the lack of his presence. It wasn't until you heard the front door close, signaling that he was gone.
Without a single good explanation as to why, he had left you alone.
The next morning you woke up. A crushing realization of what had happened last night hit you immediately.
At first you were angry.
You went to work and clocked in without saying hello to anyone at all. It would stay that way for the next eight hours or so. A silent rage would fill the hole that Peter had managed to dig in your heart.
You were a bitter mess.
It was easier for the customers to get on your nerves, and you cursed everyone who ever crossed your path. It took every bit of strength you had not to send several angry texts to Peter.
It stayed that way for a couple of days, until you decided to turn your anger on yourself. You felt so stupid that you had allowed yourself to get caught up in the antics of Peter. It was clear to you from the beginning that your focus should be on nothing but your summer job.
Peter had wormed his way into your heart, found a place where he felt comfortable and made himself at home there.
You slowly let yourself off the hook after a few months passed without any contract from either side. Your anger diminished exponentially. Your thoughts drifted less and less to the image of Peter. Eventually, your heart would stop racing after you passed a flower stand or a person who just happened to look a little too much like him.
One night, as you walked home from work, you let your mind wander. The painful sting of his memories wasn't so bad. And you knew that, at that very moment, you were feeling pretty good about your life again.
Then you stepped too close to the road and heard a car horn honking all around you. Your first thought being, "God, please don't let this be the way I die."
Your body tensed as the car approached at a rapid pace. So close that the lights blinded your vision, and you didn't have time to prepare for the arm that would hastily wrap around your waist. A breath was caught in your throat as the wind whipped through your hair, and your arms clung tightly to the masked figure of your savior.
"Why weren't you paying attention?" Were the first words out of his mouth as he set you down, "That car could have hit you and you could have died!"
Though grateful for your rescue, you didn't appreciate the tone he took with you.
You pried yourself out of his arms and smoothed the sleeves of your jacket. Angrily, you turned to him, your annoyance biting into your words, "look, I've had it with everyone and everything these past few months. I just got back on my feet again, I have no need for a lecture from you."
Silence fell between the two of you, and you saw yourself standing alone in the reflection of the whites of his mask. He choked for a second, seemingly at odds with what he wanted to say.
In a moment of regret, you realized that you had just yelled at the one person who had been able to save you from an untimely demise. Ashamed, you nervously licked your lips before muttering, "thank you, by the way."
The red mask prevented you from seeing the look on his face. But by the way his shoulders relaxed, you knew he wasn't upset. He ran a hand over his mask and let out a small, breathy laugh.
The sound of it made your heart stop and sent pins and needles shooting up the back of your neck. You could recognize that laugh anywhere. He seemed to notice that you also recognized him, and before you could say another word, he was gone.
You stood there mindlessly replaying the sound in your head. All of a sudden, things seemed to be a lot clearer to you.
Peter's mysterious bruises, sudden disappearances, and his lame excuses for always being late finally made sense.
Peter is Spider-man...
His words from the night he left echoed endlessly in your mind in a moment of clarity. Words of sorrow and despair, telling you that you couldn't be involved in his problems.
His problems, you thought at the time, were studying and learning new tricks on his skateboard, so the confusion you felt was justified. Now, though, you realize that he didn't mean his Peter Parker problems, it was Spider-man's problems that he was referring to.
Your phone found its way into your hands. The screen flashed brightly on your dark face. In your messages lay a forgotten draft to Peter. Slowly, you erased all the hateful and heartbreaking words. You replaced them with just two.
"I know."
As the message quickly went from "delivered" to "read" in less than a minute, the corners of your mouth twitched downward. Your hands trembled as you clutched the phone close, waiting for a response that would ultimately never come.
He was too afraid to tell you what he wanted.
You passed out as soon as you got home. Your mind was too tired to keep up with your newfound revelations, so you haphazardly tossed your phone aside and slid into bed. Time passed and your sleep was dreamless.
You weren't sure what time it was when you woke up, but the sound of thunder greeted your ears. You tried to blink away the drowsiness of your sleep as you pulled yourself out of the sheets. Your feet padded softly across your apartment's wooden floors until you sat down. Yawning, you reached for the remote and turned your tv on.
Not long after that, there was a faint knock at your door. You scanned your thoughts for possibilities of who would be at your apartment at this time of night, until you settled on one person.
With your nerves on fire, you shot up from the couch and quickly opened your door. It came as no surprise to see Peter stood in your doorway. He was soaking wet. It had obviously been raining while you were asleep. His wet, brown hair was stuck to his forehead, water droplets were collecting on his face, and his arms were wrapped around his frame in an attempt to retain any remaining body heat.
You noticed that he was shivering slightly, and with a hint of guilt you asked, "Peter, are you insane? It's late and it's raining."
You watched as his eyebrows knitted together; he opened his mouth to say something but then quickly closed it again. He seemed desperate to say something, and you silently pleaded that he would say anything to explain his sudden disappearance all those months ago. Without a word from him, you shook your head and started to close the door, but his foot pushed between the door and the frame.
You pulled the door open one more time and crossed your arms in front of you. He looked down sheepishly before finally speaking, "I'm sorry," the words falling from his lips flawlessly. A part of you wanted to take him in your arms and tell him that everything was alright, but the more sensible part of yourself knew that you deserved more than just those two words. With a lack of your response, he spoke up again, "I know you don't deserve how I left you, but I was scared. I, uhm, I was dealing with something? I know that's really vague but-"
Before he could finish his sentence, you held a hand up to silence him. With a sigh, you looked into his eyes and found all of his emotions swirling around in a pool of amber. "You don't have to keep hiding it, Peter. I know," you murmur.
His eyes dart around nervously, and his voice comes out a little shaky, "You-you know?" At your nod of confirmation, he runs a hand through his hair. Your name comes out as a whisper, and he continues, "I was so afraid that I was putting you in danger. That's why I left; I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt because of me. I know it's been a while, but I couldn't stop thinking about you every day." With every word of his confession, you felt yourself coming closer. The soft sound of his voice, in combination with the way he couldn't take his eyes off of yours, was a breaking point for you. With the brush of his hand against your cheek, every last big of anger you were holding on to disappeared.
Peter tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and you felt your voice break, "I missed you, so much. It hurt. You broke my heart, Peter." Without letting you utter another word; he pulled you into a tight embrace. He didn't care if his clothes were soaking wet. You buried your head in the crook of his neck and took in the sweet scent of his cologne as he held you. He rested his head on top of yours as he held you in his arms, and you allowed yourself to sink deeper into him.
"Let me put it back together, please." He pleaded, one hand on each side of your arms as he pulled away from you. "I'll be here for you, worse or for better, no matter what happens." His voice was stern, and you couldn't help the way your breath hitched in your throat. With one last plea his voice came out as a whisper, "I'll wait for you all my life."
A smile crept across your lips, and it was all the confirmation Peter needed before he cupped your jaw. Gently, he pulled you closer to him. He couldn't hold back his smile as his lips tenderly brushed yours. A hand moved to cradle the back of your head, closing any remaining distance so that he could kiss you properly. The kiss was soft, and yet it was filled with months of unfulfilled passion. Neither of you wanted it to end, but when you started to run out of oxygen, you had to pull away to breathe.
And that's how Peter got you, making damn sure that it was going to stay that way.
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golldenvallion · 2 years
2012! April and Rise! April headcannons
So here's the thing, April is my favorite character in Rise and the 2012 series and I am DYING for some crossover content of them interacting but I havnt seen a lot of it out there so I'm making it myself.
I don't realy know how I want them to meant but let's just go with the scenario where rise! Leo is messing with his portals and somehow the 2012 gang ends up in the rise universe and thets when the aprils meet.
- 12!april had autism and rise!April had ADHD and they both make the autism and ADHD solidarity meme.
-12!april can't cook to save her live but rise!April is a great cook thanks to some prior job experience. Rise!April is 12!april's favorite cook (don't tell Mikey)
-Rise!April loves 12!april but she hates her outfit (she is right about that) 12!april loves rise!April's outfit but thinks the leggings and skirt are impracticable (she is right about that) so the both go shopping at thrift stores to look for stuff.
-rise!April was very freaked out when she discovered that her counter part was half KRANG (because let's be real. The Krang did just traumatize her and her friends)
-12! April on the other hand was a little surprised that rise! April had been possessed by Karai in the past but she and the boys have seen so much wierd stuff that she got over it real quick (she was more surprised that Karai was the boys grandma instead of their sister)
-12!april grew up with the original bratz dolls but she is more of a monster high fan and was hyped to hear that there are multiple reboots of the franchise and
rise!April is a bratz fan who grew up with monster high and she asks 12!april all about what the bratz franchise was like back in the day.
-Rise!April is a total theater kid thanks to donnie and Leo and 12!april is a movie nerd Thanks to Leo and Mikey. Where rise! april can sing almost every song from rent and knows the whole script and all the choreography and is ready to dance and sing whenever 12!knows where the movie was shot, how long it took, what the buget was, how much is made, what happened on set who played in it etc.
-12!april is a little jealous that rise!April has know the boys for so long while she met them when she was 16. She would have loved to have the boys in her life sooner.
-when rise!April learned about 12!aprils powers she asked her to help her mess with the purple dragons 12!april was totally ready to mess up some street thugs so she was hesitant about messing with some random highschoolers. That was until she met them and after that encounter she made all their tech levitate to spook them.
-12!april wasn't allowed to have any social media because her dad was scared that the Krang might find them but rise!April has introduced her to tiktok and pinterest and let me tell you the gilr is hooked.
I can't really think of more headcannons right now but these are fun to make so I'll think of some soon. If anybody has any crossover content of the aprils interacting please don't be afraid to @me cause I'd love to see it. Fics, fan art, headcannons, anything honestly.
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glngrbred · 8 months
On inherent stories and worldbuilding
OK so the title is pretentios but you looked at it right? cool
I legitimately would realy apreciate it if you read or loosely read this, this project is very important to me and I've worked alot on it. Thank you for reading at all, go drink some water, love u <3
anyways, Im making a cardgame right now, like MTG but hopefully monotized in a more ethical way. like, as a 1 time purchase or subscription.
So, In my game there is a very heavy emphasis on ecology, and it is basically explicitly environmentalist propoganda, that's not the point tho, what we are trying to do initially is trick people into thinking about environmental issues with cool worldbuilding. And on that worldbuilding, as lead desiner/writer person, I think I can actually share some pretty good tips.
Some quick background, not super important. In our wold there a 4 color identities, wich is both for gameplay (mtg inspired) and lore (also mtg inspired) Red, white(yellow), Green, black(purple), for each of wich is a place on an alighnment chart and teirs within the factions represented by these colors. again, like MTG
On that topic, of the factions and identities these card colors and gameplay elements represent, I have some tips for Dms and other worldbuilders.
My main thing, Is inherrent stories (built in stories).
As an example,
The Orks in my world are reptilian hominids obsessed with fire. As a starting point my desire was to do a new type of Ork, where we maintain the motif of chaos alighned "Monsters" who's actions serve the bad guys, like in WoW or LotR. from there I knew that my red faction was fire themed, but building up this concept was kinda hard for me. I didn't really know hoe to start with meeting this desire while subverting the typical Ork tropes.
So I decided to take the aproach of working from first my desire to have a fire ascociation. I Already had a theme of the main humanoids in my world being ascociated or related to specific animal groups, Goblins have similarity to anteaters, elves bees, and Dorvs beetles and grubs. So I knew the first step in my Orls was going to be Making them some sort of animal.
And i had a good think on that, you know I landed on reptiles. wich seem obvious in hindsight, but at the time I was very excited about this, since it meant there was already a clear connection to be made with fire. since most reptiles cannot regulate heat on their own, a connection to the sun and fire is very easy to make. Especially for a hominid species. Already we have a peice of a narrative, Orks love Fire because they need it to survive cold days. Wonderful, now how do we get that ascociation to chaos and subvert the typical barbaric Orks trope?
My first thought was inspired by Warhammer greenskins, wich isn't super subvertive, just giving orks big techy robots doesn't do much to change the ascociation with brutish methods and uncivilized nature. I knew I wanted to make the Orks more equal intelectually with my other factions, instead of having them be the mindless other bent on chaos. So the step after "Ork like fire" turned out to be their philosophy
What I ended up going for was in my opinion pretty original,
Orks, Due to their reliance on Fire, developed a culture and Philosophy built on the nurturing of "Warmth." Warmth takes many fors for the Orks, they find it in Art, Music, magic, and love. Family and play and Food, and even war. Where the Orkish philosophy deteriorates as a method of governance it the often single minded focus on what makes an individual feel good, and forgetting that other people, even those that don't seek warmth, have needs and desires too. By creating this intrinsic societal issue, where governance ends up focusing on how to make one's tribe as warm as possible, we can create narratives about how desperate poorer comunites are for warmth, how creative they get, and how even bad, and evil deeds can be seen as a positive as long as they bring warmth to your tribe.
We can have wars and espionage and gatherings and beutiful ronmances all built around this pervasive desire for individual pleasure. And we can have stories form when an Ork realizes that the Goblins they've hurt also want good things, and how the Orks realize that their selfish behavior makes the world less warm for everyone. We can have stories about nurturing empathy in a selfish society, and stories about becoming closer to one another, of seperating one's self from those who use them and hurt them.
Also, with this narrative, Orks turn into warbands of bards, preists, and mages, keen on nurturing warmth and helping their ingroup. WHOA we just subverted the barbarian ork trope didnt we? HORRAY ALL OF OUR GOALS HAVE BEEN FULFILLED BY ONE DESCISION SPIRALLING!
Of course perscribing concepts and personality to individual characters based off of their race is a horrible thing to do. but for a group it's very usefull to narrow down concrete adjectives and emotions that are associated with your societies and cultures.
My Advice to you, is try to find your Ork bards, but don;t start there. Think about how society would form around the 4 legged Praying mantis men your story is about, and how different a society could be based off of the physiological environment your characters exist in.
My second peice fo advice, Is that If you want to make a specific type of civilization, As an example, hive cities (like warhammer), try to think about what typre of culture would develope that city? who would live in the underwater Utopia, who would work in the sugar mines, and why do the sugar mines exist? I know It can be increadably difficult to find an angle to take your worldbuilding, so start with 1 small descision, an easy one, like "Do I want my orks to be colorful?" Answer that, then build from there.
final note, Yes, this is an extremely long post, and thank you for reading it,
also ...
I, ME, HAS gotten you HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA *evil gnome voice* You hAVe but THIRTY MINUTES to get someone else before you ARE IT for the rest of your life MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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ambitionsource · 1 month
i dont know if you still answering this but I just finished reading the finale. life has been insane. I finished my freshman year of college, among other things in my life. I loved it so much. The finale was such a rollercoaster. RL breakup gave me Finchell Season 3 break vibes. at first, I was surprised when I read the episode. the ending got spoiled acdently just there ending by how I read the chapters. and I was WHAT. then, it made sense after reading it and while I was reading. they have to grow apart to be better together. " ITS REALY GOOD TO SEE YOU." What does Zay mean to Charlie when he said What do you mean it's really good see him? there not dating. there not friends I NEED MOREEEE. ALSO MAYA WHAT HAS THIS INDISTURY DONE TO YOU. I LOVED IT AND HATED IT I NEED MORE IT WAS SO BEAUTIFULLY WRRITEN OMG. now after reading and looking at everyone thought and thinking of my one the only thing I'm surprised other then Zay and charlie and Maya of it all. is how much or not all things have seen to change. because in your adultife esacpliy when your growing up 5 years is a long time. they were like 18-19 and now there 23-24 is that right. also it seems like a lot has changed also is there any reason why you didn't want to focus more on there college years? so another question is how much will season 5 differ from past seasons or even season 4? sorry this is long lol
first of all, BIG HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on finishing freshman year!! that is a great accomplishment, i hope you're proud of yourself and are enjoying your studies so far. 🌟
i am so sorry the finale got spoiled for you, but i'm glad it all felt like it made sense in the end. that has been the biggest relief to es and i with all major storytelling decisions that we've made -- does this feel earned? have we done the work to get from point a to point b, where it feels understandable (if not always preferable)? as long as we can keep doing that, we know we're on the right track, and it's always so nice to hear from you all as readers when it lands exactly how it's supposed to. that will most certainly be true for season 5... which is partially why it's taking a while to get everything just right lol. we know we have your trust, and we are going to do our best to show we've earned it as we follow through on the remainder of this story.
(also, to the finchel shoutout -- very good callout. can you tell that episode of television fundamentally altered me? one of the best storytelling moments in glee, without a doubt).
as for your comments on zc, i just read it in this voice:
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but i will say, it's interesting that you interpreted their interaction that way. it was certainly meant to be vague and leave questions in the air -- all things from that quick and disorienting flash forward were -- so i suppose we'll just have to see what the true status of everything is once we get context. context is everything, isn't it...
as for the time jump, yep, you've got that right. the time jump is five years, so we'll be going from spring 2022 to fall 2027 at the start of season 5. the ensemble will be between the ages of 23 - 26 (setting aside outliers like josh). and you basically hit the nail on the head as to why we made that choice: so much happens in this time of our lives, particularly when you're thrust out of collegiate comfort and into the real world. we felt like there wasn't as much compelling story to tell in the span of yet another year of college -- there's things going on, of course (and we'll get to all of that, rest assured), but the true STORY laid beyond that horizon and in the trenches of adulthood. all the tangles that were twisted over the course of the last five years, we'll be jumping back in at the perfect moment to (hopefully) untangle them. and maybe it's just speaking from experience, but once you hit your mid-20s, so many of us just have this big moment of "what am i doing? am i doing what i want to be doing? is this enough? am i enough?" it's kind of this quintessential turning point in your young adult life -- and we knew it would be even more important in the lives of our beloved ensemble.
(also, to be honest, there's not a ton you can do with college, esp given half our cast isn't even in higher education. it wouldn't be especially riveting storytelling to watch charlie write a 10-page paper LOL).
to that end, though, your question about how much season 5 will differ from the prior seasons is really, really interesting (and a good one). because i've been thinking about it a lot, as i've been working on the season, and it feels like... both? neither? season 5 is somehow totally different from everything that has come before (the natural result of characters aging up and confronting different challenges), yet, at the same time... it feels like it's going back to our roots at the same time. it feels like the older sibling of season 4, but with the grit of season 2, the ensemble importance of season 3, and the roots of what started it all back in season 1.
i'm sure that gave you no greater clarity as to what to expect HAHAHA. i can only hope that once you begin to experience it, you'll inherently get what i mean -- you all ambition warriors have always been really amazing at just Getting exactly what this series is all about.
final note, to highlight your very apt comments: "how much has changed? in your adult life, especially when you're growing up, five years is a long time..."
-- Maggie
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Like a two headed emu
I can't see you
But I see you
But you only see me
You don't see me
As me
For me
I try to be
Just be
But I don't see me
I see me
"But I'm so different"
Different doesn't matter to me
But I like different
Different is good
Because the world is in chaos
Because our universe is entering a new state of conciousness
Were all connected
The world is in chaos
We all feel neglected
The pepole
The ones we elected
The ones we neglected
That make us feel small
Because we do nothing at all
They have all
The power
We say
We have the power
We don't use ourselves to the fullest
Were fools wasting
Lives to the fullest
"He lives our lives."
Say this twice to real lives
Say that twice to win
Meaningless prizes
If you cant open your eyes
To see whats in front of you
There lies
The real prize
I wanted to say
The there lies
The real price
Real ize
See realies
Dont accept lies
Don't accept
Live and grow
The world around
Rhetorical Rhetoric meant
The Rhetorical Rhetoric Mint
"The Rhetorical Rhetoric Mint, meant.."
What did it mint?
"oh it meant that it mint."
"Did you get what that meant?"
Bigger picture
Do you know what rhetoric meant?
Let me
Say that facetiously
Fearfully spoken
Like a king
Without is broken
Like a king
Without his throne
Is broken
Your eyes
Your prize
Come alive
First times
Misunderstood Missinterpretations
Reelctin vetrins
They do the same thing
They know how
They want to live
We dont know
How to live
At the bottom
Where we live
In the sky
In your mind
Where we live
Choose to live
Fly only means
In the sky
Fly in the sky
Any means
Too many
Too many
I only mean
Many things
Rhetoric about
Running about
The rhetoric
"he talkin'bout"
Don't scream
Don't shout
You dont
"you don't gotta.."
Shout back
Lapse of time
Laps of judgement
Judge mint
Judge meant
The judge
He said it
Its made of stone
Carry the weight
His throne
It is
It is known
He's made of stone
Can't move
The laws
Made us
The laws
It is
"some rhetoric bull shit bout to be clout, jealous cuz he dont do himSELF out but wanna shout bout these otha niggas outdoin themselves out side wit tha cameras tryna get people to follow them for their prize. See they get paid a price per eyes that view their lives on the internet so thsts how they live their lives. On the internet. Thats what they about"
On the internet
Don't sweat
The internet
Enter debate
On the internet
Web on
Me And I
Just entered
The webs
The weebs
The trolls
"more like moles"
Rhetorical rhetoric
They might as well be
Moles live in
Dark holes
Scared of the light
They adapted
All they know
Is dirt
In the dirt
To come out
Into the light
In the light
All shadows
Disappear in the light
So shadows
Convince you
"Dont go out in the light."
"they'll see me"
For you,
For me
For you
For us
Average people
Not all
Of us
"That's deep as a well!"
Well, we'll go
Dig a well
For gold
Oh well
Oh we'll
Oh we'll go
Oh well, we'll go
We've got
We've got to
We've got to dig
"oh well we'll go, we've got to go dig a well"
We'll discover
Our selves
Discover ourselves
Our selves
We can
Grow another
So we can uncover what's really going on
Whats rhetoric?
Does he
Mean rhetoric
I mean
What does he mean
Rhetorical rhetoric
Look up
Rhetorical rhetoric
Then this
Then this means
Than this
Then this means that that than this
Rhetorical rhetoric means
Your talkin bout this, but mean that
I'm talkin
About that
Get it.?
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the-firebird69 · 25 days
back asswords they like to say they can drink their own and doesn't affect them in the same to others who try and drink it it's a little weird your people are starting to do it though good. We have a lot of booze going out and he'll be compensated so he's calming down because he gets dinged and it's just terrible a lot of things are happening that are a positive though the tendency band and the Kentucky Band they have been dragging and just sitting there it will increase once they try and do their wagons E program so we are going ahead right now with this and he'll be doing better we do have people to talk about Rolls Royce And apparently Trump burned Maxwells Royce and is fixing it up for himself and he did so and he had people do it and it's ridiculous they're going to fight over this car there's a later model that meant made in number and they're going to kill each other over their car which is fine they really should what trump did was stupid someone's personal property it's not his business to burn it and we're not really happy with him being this idiotic. Have a lot of businesses that are starting we need area to do it in and we need to use people to do the labor so we do it this way a little bit anyways but he says we should start a sister city program And he says we should send things in proper to send and we should watch their weapons making instead of cars and **** so now we understand what he's saying we have to get in there by having them have stuff and they know it that's why they're sitting on it. Zoe and they're trying to threaten this General Society we have to get moving on this stuff right now
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
we are sending a lot of booze by percent of the entire affective inustry, we are at ten percent....but by what is there four. they toss tons of it though and about half so we are ten percent. and by next week mid week fifty percent and unheard of but that is fifty percent of demand. and outreageous
WE Are offering this to off brands
Thor Freya
and we work closelye wiht them now
we shll ahve permissina nd the fbrglsand a project leed. good idea too they say and he can get the leather. and shorlty. then panels and we needed this and the ghost great and spectre too nice. we do it. we build the reproduciotn round door too awesome. nwo too
savage Oppress
i want mine wiht authentic engine and door and all. authentic. and he does know what it means and hsi son too and now ok all need it
mac daddy
we send a sales person. need to see it he says. so we build one and drive up he might buy it good ideas. needed this and we do it. use metal panels from the start too see it now and hear it and wodnerful
Savage Oppress said it i see it now hear it wonderful
and we do this too need help he says backing and it is important
a butler and such we sdo see it
Thor Freya
we are in help now and get it done right
Nuada Arrianna
replcas and real ones he is the line and ken too. oh ok we see and htey will c all him and fun. bentley too
nobody makesthem so they can suck it
mac daddy
0 notes
tsbanana · 2 years
Bejeweled 3 .zip for windows 10
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Bejeweled 3 .zip for windows 10 how to#
Bejeweled 3 .zip for windows 10 full version#
Bejeweled 3 .zip for windows 10 install#
In the game, you must quick and smart to discover new strategies, improve your moves, and find endless ways to win. Twist is a simple enough game for those Bejeweled fans with a quite literal twist. This game it also has interesting features like the wavelengths that are meant to increase mental acuteness, or other effects. Bejeweled Twist is realy unique to other Bejeweled games, it's a sequel to Bejeweled Deluxe 2, with slightly better cinematics. Unlike classic Bejeweled, the game ensures that at each time, at least one possible move on your board. This title i a great game for those who want to be challenged by mind blowing puzzles like original Bejeweled Deluxe. This game like the original Bejeweled with a great gameplay, nice graphics, good sound effects, easy play from hard to master. A great game for those who want to be challenged by mind blowing puzzles. About This Gameīejeweled Twist is a puzzle game from the Bejeweled series created and published by PopCap Games by Microsoft windows. Twist is a very colorful and highly detailed game puzzle game.
Bejeweled 3 .zip for windows 10 full version#
We test every single game before uploading but but if you encountered some error like Runtime Errors or Missing dll files or others errors during installation than you must need read this FAQs page to fix it.ĭownload Bejeweled Twist pc games latest full version setup.exe file direct link for windows with serial number. Hello Guys! We hope your game is working 100% fine because it is our first priority to upload only working and tested games. Password: Please share with your friends and help us to make best gaming community!
Bejeweled 3 .zip for windows 10 how to#
If your don't know how to Download this game, just Click Here! Open folder, double click on 'BejeweledTwist' icon to play the Game.
Bejeweled 3 .zip for windows 10 install#
Open 'Bejeweled Twist' Folder, double click on 'Setup' and install it.Īfter installation go to the folder where you install The game. In this game, you have to match 3 same color to remove the puzzles and move to the next level.You can also download other version of this game as well.īefore downloading make sure that your PC meets minimum system requirements.Įxtract the file using Winrar. The game publish and developed by PopCap Games. Bejeweled 3 is a product developed by Popcap Games.This site is not directly affiliated with Popcap Games.All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.īejeweled Twist freeload ApunKaGames Game – Overview – freeload – Screenshots – Specs – PC – Compressed – RIP – Torrent/uTorrent – TheFilesLockerīejeweled Twist is a popular puzzle and match 3 game. Download crack for Bejeweled 3 3.0 or keygen: Discover all-new ways to play the world`s #1 puzzle game! Find your perfect match with 8 breathtaking game modes that meet all your moods - including Classic, Engage in endless gem-matching fun, and soar to dazzling new heights! This trial allows you to play the game for 60 minutes.
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kunikinnie · 3 years
a/n: these are loosely based off the BSD Twitter Valentine's thing from way back when, so if some parts seem familiar then you know where they come from lol
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BSD Valentine's Day 2022
Part 1: Non-Romantic Chocolates featuring: Dazai, Kunikida, Ango x F!Reader
During Valentine's Day in Japan, it is the women who give chocolates to persons of romantic interest, friends, and even coworkers. Depending on the type and quality of the chocolate (and whether or not they were handmade), the meaning of the gift would vary.
It is polite if the recipients of either of the two chocolates described below reciprocate by giving a gift of equal value a month later; that is, March 14th otherwise known as White Day.
Obligatory Chocolates (義理チョコ)
Obligatory or giri chocolates are given by women to male coworkers and other associates. These are seen as an act of gratitude and they're almost expected to be given, hence giving these are viewed as NOT ROMANTIC by the receiver. Usually these are store-bought and inexpensive.
Friendly Chocolates (友チョコ)
Another variety of non-romantic chocolates can be called as friend or tomo chocolates: the meaning of which is obvious from the name. These are becoming more popular in recent years since these are given by anyone to anyone they consider as a friend.
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Of course, these are self-insert drabbles lol. They may not be technically romantic gestures, but consider these to be "obligatory/friendly chocolates with feelings."
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It’s no secret that Dazai Osamu is a ladies’ man. That meant a never-ending influx of love letters and chocolates, especially on Valentine’s Day.
Giving him chocolate today of all days would either mean everything or nothing for your current platonic relationship. There was always the option to give him romantic chocolates and put your heart out in the open. Sure, it’s a bit cliché, but it still is a viable choice.
But then again, this is Dazai. Just how many declarations of love - with or without chocolate - would he have received just within this special day? The thought made you shiver, leaving you with the only other option: to give him giri chocolates. For one it’s almost rude not to give him anything (since you were coworkers and all), plus a little gift of gratitude never hurt anyone.
Now here you were, running across the corridor of the Armed Detective Agency with that little box in your hands.
He turned to face you with both hands in the pockets of his overcoat. “Why, hello Y/N. Are you here to confess your love as well?”
...maybe you should have just given him curry roux cubes instead.
He chuckled as he saw your eyes narrow. “Just kidding. Thank you for these.”
“I was going to say ‘thank you for being a good senpai,’ but somehow that just doesn’t feel right. So I guess… thank you for being a good friend? “
The last word continued to echo in his head as he put on a dramatic display of “heartfelt” gratitude and even after you left to do some actual work. He stared at your gift and smiled genuinely - although only minutely - and gently placed it near but away from the Everest of love-filled sweets on his desk.
After barely accomplishing some of the paperwork assigned to him that day, he dilly-dallied as usual, swiveling around in his office chair as he whistled to himself. Several thoughts were going through his head - most of them revolved around you - that he almost forgot the surroundings he was currently in until he was interrupted by a familiar junior.
“A-are those all chocolates for you, Dazai-san?!”
“Why yes, Atsushi-kun, they are.”
The disbelief and denial on the younger detective’s face was unpaintable and remained frozen on his features as his body moved robotically.
“Does someone like you really deserve this much?” Atsushi asked as he slowly picked up one of them and threatened to open and eat it on the spot.
Dazai feigned hurt as he pretended to stop his junior from his revenge plan until his eyes recognized the familiar packaging. As quick as the realization came, so did his hand swipe the box away, leaving the poor boy stunned.
“You can have this instead!” He randomly picked a different box of chocolates and gleefully handed it to him. “You can finally have a taste of a woman’s love. Chocolate-flavored.”
“Eh? But isn’t this also honmei chocolate? Then that box I just got must be really special romantic chocolate.”
Dazai’s grin fell slightly as he mumbled. “It should have been…”
But before Atsushi could respond, he suddenly burst once again with energy as he teased him once more. “Anyway! Should I record Atsushi-kun’s very first tasting of honmei chocolate? This is truly a special event-”
“No! Besides, this wasn’t for me!”
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a/n: yes I made two styles of headers for Kunikida :P
For such a well-planned and detail-oriented man, Kunikida had no idea what today’s occasion was until he stumbled upon the pile of chocolates on Dazai’s desk.
“Why do you always have so many?!”
“What can I say? The ladies love me.”
Kunikida knew that, but he never could understand why. How could a lazy, self-centered, suicidal freak make so many women swoon over him with so little as just a few words? No, he was not jealous at all.
“Look! Even Y/N gave me some.”
No, no. He was not jealous at all. “Don’t get so cocky. It’s just giri chocolate.”
“Oh? Says who?”
Kunikida’s eyes widened as his heart and breathing stopped. There was no way- it couldn’t be. Was it really...?
“Nah, just messing with you. They are just giri chocolates. But even if they weren’t, I could never take your darling Y/N away from you, my dear Kunikida-kun!”
“Ugh. You really are the worst!”
His emotions peaked as he slammed the door of the main office behind him. Ever since that bastard found out his secret, he’s been teasing him non-stop - not that it was anything new, but Kunikida wouldn’t know what to do if he ever got busted just because of him.
But it frustrated him more that he couldn’t figure out what you felt. Was it the same? Or was he just another coworker to you? Would you even bother to give him some chocolate, romantic or otherwise?
Agh. He felt like a stupid hormone-motivated teenager for asking the last question. Damn. He just really wanted something from you.
He sighed as he entered the locker room. At first he had planned to grab one of his notebooks and review its contents to calm himself, but once he saw a small box of chocolates on top of his neat shelf of notebooks his mind began running laps.
How did it get here? Who gave this? Why put it in his locker instead of his desk? If it turned out to be another of Dazai’s pranks, Kunikida swore he would-
“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me”
As his eyes read the short note attached to the box, his brain short-circuited. Aside from the message and his own name, the sender’s name was there as well: apparently, it was you.
It’s too good to be true; it even felt wrong, somehow. But as he imagined your sweet smile while you gave these in person, he wanted to believe that it was indeed the genuine article.
“Dazai! Were you the one who put this in my locker?”
He swiveled his chair towards Kunikida’s loud entrance. “Why, of course! Did you like your surprise?”
His heart sank at those words. Tch. So he got excited for nothing…
“Y/N asked me to give them to you since she can’t make it to the office today.”
“What? So this isn’t one of your pranks?”
“...do you really think I’m that low, Kunikida-kun?” Dazai pouted, but he couldn’t contain his grin as he saw his partner’s body freeze and his cheeks flush an impressive crimson. It was like looking at a young schoolboy who received his very first Valentine’s chocolates - it was adorable.
Kunikida cleared his throat as he finally came back to reality. “Well, I guess I should find out how much these cost. Tomorrow perhaps. Although 3.25 times the original might not be enough-”
“Do that and I’ll show Y/N your notebook - especially that part.”
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“Thank you. These are very much appreciated.”
After giving a small bow to the woman who just gave him a box of chocolates, he pushed up his glasses and examined the item.
It’s a very standard box of giri chocolates. It didn’t look too expensive, thankfully, since he intended to reciprocate the gesture properly a month from now just like a decent man should. If his memory serves, this is the fourth box he received today - all of which were just obligatory, unfortunately - but the one box he’s been expecting to see hasn’t popped out yet.
That included of course, it’s sender: you.
Deep inside he was hoping that he wouldn’t receive anything from any other woman if that meant receiving chocolates from you, especially if they would be of the romantic variety. But alas dreams are just dreams and the silent call of his laptop was screaming in his ears.
He sighed. Just when would you come back from your-
You greeted him as he entered the office with a wide grin. His heart began to beat faster at the unexpected sight and - well, just at the very fact you greeted him so warmly with a wide grin. For a moment you ran to your desk then back to him as you finally handed over your Valentine’s Day treat.
“Thank you for being a kind and generous senpai, Ango-san.”
“And thank you for being a kind and generous kouhai, Y/N.”
He swore he saw your cheeks flush for a moment before bashfully leaving him, and he was just as convinced that his were just as pink. His eyes glossed over the gift and then to you, then once more to the non-standard packaging of the box.
His mind was starting to come up with very strange ideas which he did his best to suppress until he was in the safe confines of his home - fortunately for him, it didn’t take too long.
Once again he examined the box of your chocolates. It was very nice, he thought, and definitely in his taste. The chocolates themselves too were to his liking, but something about it struck him as odd.
Were these really just standard store-bought obligatory chocolates?
Of course he could just use his ability to figure that out but somehow it felt wrong. What if he saw something he shouldn’t have? Wait, isn’t just finding out your “real” intentions “something he shouldn’t know?”
The open and one-piece deficient box of chocolates were staring at him. He stared at them harder as the sweet and bitter tones swirled around in his tongue.
Without hesitation he gently touched one of the chocolates. As his ability activated, he saw the careful creation of the sweets - by your hand, of course. Your gentle smile was ever present throughout the entire process and he felt lucky (at the same time, invasive) to be able to see it.
His heart began beating at record speed. Why didn’t you even mention you made these yourself? Although it isn’t absolutely clear whether or not you had - uhm - romantic intentions, the very fact that you put in so much effort should be at least recognized and duly reciprocated.
Well, whichever it was, Ango made a mental note to give you something just as special on White Day - perhaps he might even be more transparent about his own feelings by then.
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aalissy · 2 years
Day 3 is doneee!! And it’s an identity reveal hehhe. I lovee writing those! I hope you guys liked this chapter :). Lemme know what you thought! I’m sure more identity reveals are coming haha! Also, be warned this chapter has some spoilers for the s4 finale, Strikeback so if you haven’t watched that ep yet plz do bc it’s amazinggg
This was the most intense, terrifying thing she had ever done in her life. She nibbled on her lower lip nervously as she stared into Chat’s eager, green eyes. Terrifying, yes, but necessary. It was finally time for the reveal. With the number of kwamis that Hawkmoth had stolen from her, she and Chat had no one else to rely on but each other. They both needed to be able to call each other at a moment’s notice. Plus, having Alya to rely on was amazing while it lasted. 
Sucking in a deep breath, Ladybug shuffled slightly in the dark alley they were in. Slowly, her eyes fluttered closed and she hoped that Chat would follow her lead. After a few more beats of silence, she eventually murmured, “Spots off.”
“Claws in.”
Her eyes clenched shut even tighter at those words. Marinette’s fists shook slightly as she fought against the temptation to sneak a peek. Was this really something she should be doing? She knew the repercussions... knew just how bad this could go. A memory of Chat Blanc popped up behind her shut eyelids. She gnawed even harder on her lower lip, wondering if she could still put a stop to this.
That one word from the partner in front of her put a stop to any of her panicked thoughts. He had already looked and it was probably time for her to do the same.
Slowly, Marinette cracked one eye open to see just what had gotten her partner so excited. Whatever she had prepared herself to see came nowhere near close to the vision that greeted her now. Her eyes practically popped out of her head and her mouth dropped wide open as she tried to understand what was in front of her.
Adrien Agreste was stood mere inches away from her. One of his fists was raised in a fist pump as his mouth split open into a goofy grin. But that... that didn’t make sense. Where did Chat go? B-because surely...
Marinette snuck a quick peek over her shoulder. There was absolutely nothing there. Nothing but the rest of the cold, dirty alley they were in. Ok, so she was either dreaming right now or the universe was playing one extremely long, terrible joke on her. 
Reaching over, Marinette pinched herself, hoping that she’d wake up with one of the kwamis tugging on one of her pigtails again. No such luck. Great, that meant the universe really did hate her. Because that meant that all this time...
“I knew it was you!” Adrien suddenly burst out, causing Plagg to snicker from where he was hovering next to him. He blushed lightly, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. And how many times had she seen Chat do that exact movement? Seen it and never put the pieces together. “I mean I didn’t know it was you obviously, but I hoped. I couldn’t imagine Ladybug being anyone else but you. Oh, how did you pull off Kwamibuster by the way?”
 Adrien was looking at her so eagerly and suddenly it was like all she could see was Chat. Eventually, Marinette sucked in a deep breath and slowly shook her head. “I-I don’t... how are you so... so calm right now?”
“Oh, well,” he rubbed the back of his neck again, a bashful grin on his lips. “Well, I’ve been dreaming about this moment for years. And, like I said, I had been hoping that it was you.”
Marinette had to stifle a gasp as her heart tripped in her chest. All this time she had been rejecting Adrien because she had been in love with... well... him. And now she had probably lost her chance because Marinette was just a friend. Shoving away those dark thoughts, she eventually murmured with a weak smile, “I used the fox miraculous.”
“What?” A frown creased Adrien’s brow.
“You asked me how I did Kwamibuster. A lot of it was a mirage.” She giggled softly.
His eyes widened with realization. “That makes so much sense. And here my excuse was calling it an elementary school. Wow, you’re so smart, Marinette!”
Once again, her heart began to race and she nibbled on her lower lip. He couldn’t just say things like that. One more compliment from him and Marinette was sure she’d combust. With a long inhale, she eventually started, “Adrien, listen, I...”
Before she could finish, though, he cut her off with a shake of his head. “Right, I’m sorry, Marinette.”
“Sorry?” she asked with a frown. “Why are you sorry?”
“Because of that boy you like... who I’m guessing now is probably Luka. I won’t get in the way, I promise Marinette.”
Her frown deepened as her head tilted in pure confusion. “What?”
“Well, you said before that you were in love with another boy, right? So I just wanted you to know that I’ll stop confessing.” Adrien blinked back at her.
“B-but didn’t you.” Marinette swallowed the large lump in her throat. “I mean, you still feel the same even knowing that I’m just your friend?”
“Of course I do!” Adrien immediately rushed out. “If anything, knowing it’s you made me adore you even more. But, like I said, I won’t let my feelings get in the way of our wor-...”
Before he could finish speaking, though, Marinette immediately rushed forward, closing the gap and wrapping him up in a large hug. Quietly, she murmured, “It was you, Adrien. It was always you.”
“What?” he whispered back. “What was me?”
“You’re the boy.” She blinked up at him shyly, her teeth pressing against her lower lip.
His mouth fell open as he pointed at himself. “Wuh... huh... me?”
“Mhm,” Marinette hummed, nodding her head with a light flush to her cheeks.
“C-can I kiss you then?” Adrien asked, staring down at her hopefully.
Practically melting into his embrace, Marinette breathed out, “Yes, please.”
With that, he leaned down, his thumb tilting her chin up as he connected their lips into the kiss she had dreamed about for years. It was absolutely perfect. She dove her fingers into his hair as she deepened the kiss, tilting her head with a soft hum. This time she knew everything would be absolutely perfect.
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Summary: Will Solace can’t realy hold his alcohol but Nico doesn’t really mind.
A/N: 2 fics in one week? Oh my gods, who is this writer and what have they done with Persephone? Enjoyy yall- I really enjoyed writing this one!  
Read on A03
“Hands off sunshine!” Nico warned as he held the bottle of vodka above his head, his arms outstretched.
“Give meee!” Will cried, his hand sloppily hitting Nico’s arm. The summer air was warm and Nico could feel the thin layer of sweat on his forehead- considering he had to stay in his tiptoes to hold the bottle above Will.
“Will, you didn’t even drink that much! How are you so drunk?”
“You don’t love me! Do you love me?”
“Of course I love you, ya little drunk shithead. You are totally wasted, no matter how many times you will doubt it,” Nico sighed, throwing Will’s arms over his shoulders in a vain attempt to carry him back to Cabin 7.
Will gave one long blink. Then another. “ Where are we going?”
“To your cabin. I’d shadow travel but I've seen a regular person’s reaction to that, I don’t want to see what chaos would come out of shadow travelling a hot drunken mess.”
“Did you just call me a mess?” Will pouted.
“Yes but I called you a hot mess. Focus on that part. It was mostly a compliment.”
“You’re sooo mean to meee. Do you even love me?”
“Yes I love you, stop being so heavy and carry your own legs please.” Nico shifted his back under the weight of his boyfriend's entire body and tried to manage a few steps- they would have been easy if his boyfriend wasn’t so damn fit and if he himself wasn’t slightly inebriated.
“Ni-” Will hiccuped. “-Co!”
“Do you love me?”
Nico sighed again, slightly frustrated by the constant question. “Yes I love you, ask again and the answer may vary.”
“Phi Phi is so much nicer than you,” Will grumbled, his head leaning into the crook of Nico’s neck. Nico could smell the twinge of alcohol in Will’s breath along with the regular smell of the spearmint gum he would always be chewing.
“Phi Phi?” Nico snorted. “ Who in the name of God is that?”
“Your stepma! Phi Phi! She gave me so many nice flowers last time we visited!” Will paused before giving Nico an innocent look of disapproval. “ Do you not remember Phi Phii?”
Will accidentally dragged out the last ‘ee’ syllable in the word ‘phi phi’ making it sound like he was a 3 year old trying to read for the first time. Nico almost shivered at the mention of his stepmother; the last time he checked, she still had at least 157 variations of dandelions that she could turn him into the second he did anything going against her liking- afterall, she may have been the Goddess of the Spring but she was still the Queen of the Underworld.
“Yes, of course I remember Phi Phi.” He lowered his voice as he muttered the next few words under his breath to prevent them from being heard. “ How could I forget her and her stupid dandelions?”
“Phee Pheeee!”
“What about Phi Phi?”
Will paused for a few seconds. He tilted his head looking at Nico. “ Do you love me?”
Nico, awfully frustrated, decided to not answer the question honestly. “ No, I do not love you right now. Drunk you is a mess whom not only subject hops but also cannot walk coordinately.”
Nico did not think Will would take anything he said seriously but to his horror he was greatly mistaken. Will’s slow and steady breathing quickly became a rapid torrent of quick and unsteady breathing. Nico had thought that he was just mucking about but then he felt warm tears stain his shirt.
Tears streamed down Will’s flushed face, his freckles were almost invisible as the tears continued running down his face like a current. His chest racked with sobs and he pulled away from Nico and collapsed on the ground. He buried his head in his hands and let his heart beat harder with every cry that left his lips.
Nico watched, his mouth dropped. He had no idea what he had done or how to make it better. He reached out, trying to console the drunk and overly emotional Will but instead found himself feeling guilt beyond any he had ever felt before.
“Will?” He whispered. “ Will? You’re drunk. I was just joking, I didn’t mean anything I just said.”
Will's loud sobs started to slowly quieten down but the tears still freely ran across his face. He glanced upwards at Nico, his eyes rimmed red. His bottom lip wobbled and his eyes were wet.
“But.. but you said that you don’t love me…”
“I was joking. I was lying. I do love you. Only you.”
Nico plopped himself beside Will and shuffled himself closer, awkwardly. He tried to wrap one of his arms around Will but he found it to be too short and only barely touched Will’s other shoulder. So instead, he settled for rubbing soothing circles on Will’s back, calming him and forcing him to breathe slower.
“How do I know you are not lying to me now?” Will’s eyes were innocent and once again brimming with tears. “I always worry that you're just lying to me and then one day you’re going to just go poof and stupid me will be all sad.”
Nico thought he could feel his own eyes stinging- was this how Will really felt? Was Nico that bad a boyfriend that Will felt that every word, every kiss, every moment was a lie? Or did Will just consider himself so unloveable that every good thing that ever happened to him was just temporary or fake?
Nico glanced at the blonde eyelashes that were clad together with tears.
What happens inside that gorgeous head of yours, Solace?
“I love you William Andrew Solace. I choose you. You’re my significant other, significant annoyance- whatever you want to call it. And if I ever disappear, you’re sure as hell coming with me.”
Will wrapped his arms tightly and unexpectedly around Nico’s waist- causing Nico to be pushed onto his back while Will snuggled into his abdomen. Nico could feel his t-shirt stick to him due to the tears from Will’s face.
“I love you soooo much,” Will murmured into Nico’s stomach. Nico could feel his breathing hitch at the words. Nico kissed Will- light and innocent. That's what the kiss meant. He could taste the salty tears on Will’s lips and the bitter aftertaste of the vodka on his tongue. The kiss was quick, chaste and it may have not satisfied Will’s desire but it made him feel safe.
And to both of them, that’s all that mattered.
Will awoke the next morning with several life regrets but none as strong as the stupid amount of alcohol he had decided to consume the previous day or night. He could barely remember anything- let alone figure out where in the name of Zeus he was. The cabin seemed dreary but at the same time it was beautiful. It was dark and light and terrifying and beautiful all at the same time.
Wait. What Cabin was this? Whose Cabin was this? He didn’t think there was any Cabin that was so roomy with such a lack of accommodation. He almost felt like he was in a Cabin for a child of the Big Three- He remembered the one time he had taken a glimpse of the Poseidon Cabin and he remembered it to be huge- something he deeply envied Percy for.
It was only until Will noticed the black clad figure kneeling beside him that he realised where exactly he was. Beautifully tousled hair, gorgeous lips and eyes that one could get lost in forever- he only knew one person with features so defining. The question was, what on earth was he doing in Cabin 13?
Cabin 13- His boyfriend's cabin. Immediately, Will scrambled upwards. He looked Nico straight in the eye and tried to recall to what extent he embarrassed himself as a drunken idiot last night.
“How bad was it?”
“Shall I sugar coat it or give it to you straight?”
Will managed to squeak out, “Give it to me straight.”
“You tried to get into my pants and talked about how hot you thought I was.” Nico shrugged nonchalantly.
Will blanched and he immediately wished that had asked for the sugar coated version. He heard Nico laughing and he could feel his nerves both calm down and panic at the same time. Nico’s laugh was calming and beautiful and warm and made him feel all fuzzy like he was under a fluffy blanket. But he worried for what reason Nico was laughing.
“Calm down sunshine. I was joking- you should have known that I wouldn’t have been able to give it to you straight. You just asked dumb questions and cried a bit.”
“I cried?”
“It’s not a big deal.” Nico batted his hand. Will collapsed back onto the bed with an ‘ow’ and groaned something unintelligible about it being ‘too early in the morning for this’.
“It’s actually 1 in the afternoon but to each their own I guess.”
Will wanted to shout WHAT but he did not want to rack his head with an already painful headache so he instead settled for dropping his jaw.
“Close your mouth sunshine unless you plan on using it,” Nico mumbled. Will felt his jaw drop further before he snapped it back and swore internally. He made a mental note to never have a hangover near Nico because he would use it to his advantage.
“So why exactly did I cry yesterday?” Will asked as he sipped from the glass of water that had been placed at the bedside by, he could only assume, Nico. Will noticed that when asked that question, Nico tensed, his hands digging slightly into his jeans.
The corner of Will’s lips tilted upwards. “ What did you say?”
“What makes you think I said anything? Drunk you is a crybaby and you know it,” Nico huffed defensively, refusing to meet Will's eye.
“Yeah but you’re acting guilty.”
“What if I killed some boring skeleton zombie this morning and I’m only now mourning their already dead body?”
“Spare me the dark and frankly dry humour,” Will deadpanned, excited to hear the cause of his outburst yesterday.
Nico mumbled something under his breath, all while looking away from Will.
“I said,'' Nico took a deep breath. “That I didn't love you-”
“But it was a joke!”
Will could feel his stomach churning and he couldn't tell if it was from the hangover or the current situation. He managed to resist a gag. “How is that a joke?”
Will’s voice was so hoarse and weak, Nico thought that he was going to break into tears all over again and he knew that if that happened, he would end up with tears flooding his own face.
“It’s because, well, drunk you kept on asking Do you love me and of course I do but drunk you is just so heavy and you kept on asking and so I of course gave a sarcastic quip and you just burst into tears and..”
Will stared at Nico and for a second, Nico was terrified that he had really blown it.He watched as his boyfriend buried his face into his hands and began shaking. His back was shivering and Nico could hear little whimpers.
“Fuck.” Nico had subconsciously let the profanity pass through his lips.
Will, suddenly, threw his head back and his laugh echoed around the empty Cabin 13. Nico felt stuned. Was he laughing in rage? Should he run?
“Will. I am so so sorry. I swear, it was a joke. I love you, I chose you William Andrew Solace. I’ll do it again and again.”
“You,” Will wheezed. “ Idiot! Did you really get so worked up over drunk me being dramatic? I was being hyperbolic!”
Nico tilted his head ever so slightly but his ravenous locks still fell over his eyes however he didn’t seem to mind as he made no effort to move it from his sight.
“So… you aren’t mad?”
“I mean I won’t reject any special treatment if you were thinking of offering as a way of showing your sorrow,” Will teased.
“Shut it.” Nico pouted. “ Do I not get a dramatic love confession? I gave you two.”
Will raised his eyebrow and threw his legs over the edge of the bed. “ If I can count correctly, and I can, I only recall one dramatic love confession.”
“You were too drunk to remember the first one.”
Will let out a groan before softly smiling.”I love you. I choose you, Nicolo Di Angelo.”
“Don’t call me Nicolo!”
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penaltbox · 4 years
the hills - jack hughes
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warnings: mentions of cheating, drug use in sports, and using unhealthy coping mechanisms. this really isn’t any representation of how i think he is, he’s just the guy i picked for this idea.
based on the hills by the weeknd. if you like it send some feedback or reblog :)))
word count: 4.4k
You can’t help but laugh at the stupid joke your friend just made at your expense about Eric always being gone for work. You’re ready to send a smart remark her way but your phone lights up and the notification has you freezing. 
Your breath catches in your throat at the sight of it. His name is purposefully kept simple in your phone to try and pass him off as unimportant, like a forgotten group project member from a class you were well over with, but he was so much more than that. 
Lexie clears her throat quietly and nods down at the phone. She was all too aware of who Jack was and what him texting you meant. Luckily your other friends had no clue and they hadn’t caught on to why you’d gone quiet suddenly. You bite your lip and look back at them, trying to put yourself back into the conversation, but you had lost them while you were in your own little world. 
Your phone buzzes again and you sigh, picking it up. You knew if he was sending multiple texts that it was only a matter of time before he’d show up at your place and you didn’t really want to explain to your friends why this boy was suddenly on your doorstep. 
‘Busy tonight?’ 
‘I can be over in 20’
You glance up at Lexie and find her already watching you so you turn the phone towards her and she nods. Jack usually didn’t take no for an answer and you were sure tonight was no different. 
“Ladies, why don’t we grab an Uber and head to that new restaurant that just opened? I heard they have some awesome mixed drinks,” Lexie bluffs, buying you a way out so he could come over. 
They all agree quickly, but you decline, saying you’re not feeling too well all of a sudden. Your friends laugh, making up reasons why you want out of what was supposed to be a long awaited girls’ night. None of them are right though and it’s only because Lexie won’t weigh in with the truth, thank God. 
You entertain everyone a little longer, walking them to the door when the car pulls up outside. They all file in, but Lexie hangs back for a second. She gives you a hug goodbye but holds you for an extra second. 
“You better figure out who you want more because you know Eric will end up finding out about him eventually,” she mumbles, “and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
You sigh because you know she’s right. Jack was only supposed to ever be a one night stand, but he’d turned into a 5 month ordeal at this point. You give her a tight smile as she joins the rest of the girls and you wave them off. 
Heading back inside, you put all the glasses near the kitchen sink, making a mental note about emptying the dishwasher later. You pick your phone up to check and see where Jack was but a knock on your door answers it for you. With a deep breath you head over, never quite ready for all the feelings that came with seeing him. He had some sort of hold on you that you could never explain but you couldn’t get enough of it. 
You swing the door open, exchanging your nerves for a smirk as you see the slightly younger boy on the doorstep, “hey you. Come in.”
Jack does exactly that, his arm coming around your waist as he leans down to kiss you hard. You can’t help but grab onto him, arms finding their way around his shoulders as he picks you up suddenly. You hear him slam the door behind you two as he carries you to the kitchen, setting you down on the island but staying between your legs. 
“Hi,” he finally says once he lets you pull back a bit. He’s got a smile on his face that makes your heart stutter. He was always a little cocky and a whole lot clingy when he was with you but you loved the combination. 
You fake pout, playing with the hair at the nape of his neck, “you interrupted girls’ night, Jack.”
“Aww, I did?” He asks, one hand already slipping under your shirt but only to rest on your hip, “does that mean you and I can’t have a drink first?”
“House is mine all weekend,” you answer his unasked question, nodding towards the liquor cupboard behind him. 
His eyes light up a little at your admission and he slowly untangles himself from you, though you know it won’t last long. If you had to guess, you figured Jack’s love language was physical touch with the way he hardly ever let you go when you two were together.
He starts to rifle through the shelves, pulling your usual bottle of wine down for you and you force yourself not to think about how he was starting to become comfortable and familiar with your world. He grabs a bottle of something stronger for himself and you know you’ll have to refill whatever he takes. 
With a glass poured for both of you, Jack turns around and hands you yours. He raises his glass up for a toast and you laugh lightly. 
“What’s the toast for, Hughes? You sign a big contract or something that I don’t know about?” You tease, but raise yours as well. 
“No,” he says, blushing a little at your tone, “just a toast. To us, I guess.”
Us. It’s a phrase that shouldn’t exist. There should be no ‘you and Jack’ at all but there definitely is and you didn’t think you were strong enough to shut that down any time soon. Truth be told, you didn’t want to. You’d rather date Jack but he’d made it clear he wasn’t in the right place for commitment yet in life. 
You ignore the issues, like you usually did, and clink your glass with his, “to us then. And all the fun that comes with it.”
Jack takes a drink of his own mixture and you’re almost shocked at the amount he takes down. You reach out and put a hand on his arm. 
“Whoa there. We’re in no rush here tonight,” you remind him, “are you okay?”
“Of course I am. I’m here with you.”
The statement has you blushing now and you set your glass down so you can pull him closer. You liked the way you were basically the same height when you sat on the island. It made things a lot easier and gave you the chance to make a move rather than leaving the control up to him. 
“You are here. How’s hockey been?” You ask, like you hadn’t watched every game this season so far. 
Jack shrugs, stepping in close again as he finishes his drink and sets the glass over with yours, “it’s okay. I’m more interested in you right now though. Maybe tonight we can update that amazing Polaroid I keep in my wallet.”
Your face feels hot when you remember the picture he’d taken of you one night and tucked away for himself. You knew where it was in his wallet and you knew the wear marks had gotten bad over his last few road trips. 
Yeah, you two were the definition of fucked up, if you had to weigh in on it. 
“I bet you’d like that, huh?” You ask, grabbing his shirt and tugging him the rest of the way towards you. 
It’s easy to kiss Jack, to let yourself get lost in him. You weren’t sure when you realized it, but kissing him was easy and fun. You found yourself wanting to do it all the time, so when you did have him all to yourself you let it happen as much as possible. He knew exactly how to kiss you, exactly when to slide his tongue into your mouth, and where to trail the kisses when he wanted to make you shiver under his touch. 
He seems to be moving faster than usual, his kisses shortening as he moves his lips across your jaw and down your neck. You tug on his hair a little, trying to get him to look at you, but he seems to ignore it. You press a hand to his chest and try to push him back. 
“Jack,” you say firmly, finally getting him to settle down and look at you, “what’s your hurry today? Can’t we just enjoy this?”
He rolls his eyes but pulls you closer to the edge of the counter, “why slow down? You haven’t seen me in a week. Aren’t you ready to go?”
You sigh, looking over his features, and see how exhausted he looks. It’s always just a hookup to him and you have to remind yourself of that. Just because you started catching feelings didn’t mean that he did. You ignore it though, and nod at his last question. 
“Can we go upstairs then?” He asks, hands slipping under your shirt as he lets his fingers dance lightly up your sides. 
You shiver a little and his smirk grows, but you mumble, “hmm, I guess we could.”
It’s all he needs to hear before he’s tugging you off the counter and nudging you towards the stairs. You reach back without looking and his hand grips yours almost instantly. You didn’t even have to look to know he was close and sometimes it scared you how easily you could find each other. 
You push open the door to the guest bedroom, never daring to take your activities into your actual bedroom, and you turn around to find Jack watching you intently. You want the upper hand this time though, so you nod your head at the bed. 
“Your turn for some attention. Come here,” you say, trying to sound as nice as you could, but you know it sounds coy. 
Jack obliges you happily though and crowds your personal space, his back towards the bed. You reach up to push him back, hands finding his sides and pressing into him. The quick wince from him as he grabs your right hand scares you and you back up suddenly. 
“Jack? What’s wrong?” You ask, your eyes looking him up and down as you try to figure out what just happened. You realize suddenly that it’s what's under his shirt that made him react so quickly. 
You reach for the hem of his shirt and tug it up above his stomach, finding a bruise blooming above his left hip. It’s all different colors and you know he got it from a game. You reach out, just barely grazing your fingers against his skin.
“Don’t,” he says through gritted teeth as he grabs your hand, “it’s fine.”
“Fine? That doesn’t look fine at all,” you scoff. 
“I handled it,” he says and you instantly know what he means. 
He’d gotten them before and at first you had no clue what they were. Toradol shots were still given out like candy in the league and Jack had gotten them before he even realized what they were. He started getting them pretty often and last he’d told you, he was going to try to get an alternative means of pain relief. 
“I thought you were done with those. How long ago did you get this one?” You ask, still not taking your eyes off the bruise. 
“Three hours ago,” he whispers and your gaze immediately shoots up to his face. 
“Three hours?” You ask, fighting to keep your voice lower, “you used to last six hours on those. Are you taking them that often?”
“Don’t fucking worry about me!” He snarls, pushing his shirt back down, “You don’t get to judge me either. Do you forget whose house we’re in? I’m not the one cheating on someone here.”
You swallow hard and look away from him. There was no denying that comment stung a lot and your fight or flight had turned to the latter. You know Jack had a tendency to get mean when he got backed into a corner about something he didn’t want to talk about but you always seemed to push it just a bit too far with him. You were left to regret it instantly when he bit back. 
“Can we just do what we normally do? I don’t want to fight with you,” you ask, much quieter now than a few moments ago. 
He sighs and nods, reaching for your hand before he leans in to kiss you. You let him do what he always really came for and offer yourself up in the only way you knew how to be there for him. He wasn’t good at letting you in normally, but sleeping with him was different. He was all about actions rather than words. 
He always took his time when it came to sex. He’d undress you first, giving you attention until you’re begging, and then the egotistical part of him would ensure that you always got off. It was bragging rights for him basically but those ones at least benefited you as well. 
What never failed to surprise you was that he always let you hold him after. It’s like he needed it, but couldn’t verbalize it, so when he rolls onto his side and pulls you close you let your lips find his forehead as he presses his face into the crook of your neck. You know that’s when you get the real Jack. The one he’s too afraid to show you during the daylight. You’re not sure if it’s the painkillers finally kicking in or the alcohol hitting him just right after he’d gotten off, but he’s so much more affectionate and human in those moments. 
“I swear I’m gonna talk to doc about getting pain treatment a different way,” he mumbles, his arm that’s wrapped around you tightening a little as he says it. 
You lean back to look at him and push his hair out of his eyes, “that sounds like a good idea. I’m sure he’ll be able to help you out.”
A smile flashes across his face but it’s gone just as quickly as it showed. He sits up then and glances back at you, a look on his face that you can’t quite figure out. 
“I need to go,” he says, swinging his legs off the bed and starting to pull his clothes back on. 
You sit up, holding the blanket tight around you as you watch him. You wished you could say something or ask him to stay even, but you knew better. As much as you hated seeing him leave, there was really no other option. You have to take a deep breath to make sure your feelings don’t come flying out of your mouth before it’s too late to stop them. 
Jack pulls his shirt back on and turns back towards you, kneeling on the bed to lean over and give you a few quick kisses before heading for the bedroom door. 
He grabs the handle and hesitates, looking over his shoulder with the same look you couldn’t make out when he’d sat up in bed. He almost looks upset, but his shoulders aren’t tensed up like they are when he’s upset after a game. You feel your stomach turn but you have to ask. 
“Is everything okay, Jack?”
He pushes a smile onto his face and nods, “yeah, it’s all good. I’ll see you around.”
You return the smile and watch him finally go, falling back into the empty bed that you were always left with. Things always felt a little more empty once Jack was gone.
“This place is packed,” you raise your voice, leaning in so Lexie can hear you better. 
She nods, looking just as displeased as you, “I know, but Sam wanted to come here for her birthday so we just have to fake some fun for a couple hours and then maybe we can get everyone to go somewhere else.”
Clubs weren’t typically your thing but Lexie swore she’d stick by your side that night since the both of you would much rather be at home with wine and a blanket. Instead you were trying to make your way to a bar that had layers of people at least three deep trying to get their drinks. 
Lexie bites the bullet and goes up first to get you both drinks and you look around the room, trying to get your bearings for where things were. You find a back exit, the bathrooms, and what looks to be a VIP section. It’s not a normal VIP section though because there’s no one preventing people from going in or out of the area so you shrug it off and wait for your friend to return. 
“To being newly single and Sam’s birthday for getting you out of your apartment!” Lexie smiles, handing you your drink and holding hers up. 
You laugh and happily clink your glass, taking an even bigger drink than you’d intended when you suddenly remember the last person you’d done a toast with. 
You hadn’t heard from Jack since he left after giving you that odd look. Maybe he wasn’t handling the pressure of the season well and just needed to be in his own head space. That was the excuse you kept telling yourself anyways. You’d broken things off with Eric once he’d gotten home from his work conference because you knew you didn’t have feelings for him the way you did for Jack. Not that you had any right to, but since when did anyone’s heart ever listen to logic?
“Should we try and find a table?” Lexie asks, having to really raise her voice to be heard now. 
You nod, knowing it was almost impossible to speak up and have her hear you so instead you head a little farther into the club, trying to move towards the wall. You get a bit of a clearing then and you both let out a sigh. 
“I thought we were about to die in there,” you laugh, the noise level lower in the back part of the room. 
Lexie snorts and opens her mouth to respond, but the way her eyes go wide over something she sees behind you makes you nervous. You turn to check what she’d seen and it’s almost instant that you find what caught her attention. Jack is standing there, back near the VIP area, with a pretty little thing pressed against the front of him. She’s trying so hard to get his attention but you know from the look on his face that he’s not hearing a word she says. 
Your heart sinks a little at the sight of him. He was obviously available to other people, but he hadn’t been able to make any time for you. You scold yourself immediately and turn back to Lexie. 
“He hasn’t reached out. I should just leave him,” you say, but there’s an itch suddenly under your skin from knowing how close he is. 
Lexie raises an eyebrow at you and glances back at Jack, “you’re kidding, right? I bet if you went over there right now he’d send that girl packing and talk to you.”
She’s not wrong but those weren’t the words you wanted her to say to you. What you needed to hear was that you should leave him alone because he hadn’t tried to see you. You chew on your lip as you think over what Lexie had just said and glance at him again. 
He meets your gaze this time but it’s like he’s seeing right through you. The look alone is enough to have you turning around and heading in his direction. He sidesteps the girl who was trying to talk to him and meets you halfway. His hair is starting to get long and he definitely hasn’t shaved in a couple days, but you can’t tell that until he’s closer. 
“You look hot,” he smiles, leaning down a bit so you can hear him better. He looks rough and you can smell the alcohol rolling off of him as he presses so close to you it’s hard to think straight. The glass in his hand is empty save for one last drink of the dark liquid. This isn’t the Jack you were used to. This was someone else entirely. 
“Thanks,” you say, not used to him using that phrase to describe you, “who did you come here with?”
He frowns and looks around the room, “uh, I don’t know. I think Nico maybe?”
Your worry only grows when he can’t give you a straight answer, “are you sure you’re okay here? Do you need to leave maybe?”
“Stop,” he groans, running a hand through his hair, “why do you care so much? I treat you like shit but you still come back. Why?”
“I don’t know. I can’t help it, I guess,” you shrug, suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable. 
Jack’s eyes are a little glassy and he seems to be focusing hard to keep his sight on you. He wobbles a little and you reach out, putting a gentle grip on his arm. 
“No, don’t. I’m not what you want. Fuck, you deserve a real guy. Listen, I’m not the shiny new toy in the league anymore. Now I’m just some kid who can’t put up the right numbers,” he says, choking out a laugh that sounds hollow. 
“Why don’t you let anyone help you? This doesn’t have to be something you do alone.”
His eyes roll back in his head as he closes them, sighing, “you don’t listen. You can’t fix me. What about that don’t you get?”
“Jesus, Jack, if you’d let people in then this wouldn’t be a fight right now. Where have you been lately even? You went missing after the last time you came over,” you try and change the subject, hoping whatever is coursing through his system allows you to redirect him easily. 
“I got things taken care of. No more painkiller shots,” he smirks, like he’s really proud of whatever it is he’d done. 
Something about the way he's still looking through you rather than at you has you doubting the source of his new fix. You refuse to ask, not wanting to know if he’d found something harder or what. You knew what type of things athletes could get involved with. 
He reaches his hand up suddenly, cupping your cheek, and finally looking at you like he sees you, “you care about me so much,” he starts, his thumb gently rubbing your cheek, “and I care so fucking much, but I can’t be the guy for you. I wish I could because I’ve never had feelings for someone the way I do for you, but I’m too fucked up. I can’t take you down with me.”
You swallow hard as his words sink in and you’re sure people must be watching the two of you. You’re still pressed close and he can’t look away from you now. He knows his feelings for you border on being in love, but he meant what he said, even if his head was so fuzzy he could hardly remember where he was. He was always sure about you and his feelings for you though. 
“Jack, I broke up with him,” you mumble, but somehow he still manages to hear you. Of course he heard you.
His face flashes with confusion and even a little bit of hurt, and it’s the most emotion you’ve seen from him so far. He swallows and opens his mouth before closing it again. He blinks hard and then seems to settle back into the blank stare he’d been sporting.
“You didn’t have to do that. He cared about you,” he finally replies, but he seems a little thrown off still. You can’t see it in his look, but you can certainly hear it in the slight waiver of his voice.
You nod, because of course you knew, but you tell him, “but he wasn’t you, J. He never could be.”
He can’t bring himself to respond but his bottom lip quivers a little. He has to force himself to zone out so he doesn’t break down and try to keep you all to himself. That wouldn’t be fair if he did. He knew he had to let you go even though he only wanted the opposite. You can tell he’s closing himself off and you realize he’s not coming back to you again.
“You know if you ever need me you just have to call. I’ll always show up for you,” you nod, forcing yourself to keep your cool. If you lost it you weren’t sure how he’d react because he certainly wasn’t in his right mind. 
The lights in the club dance across his face, creating shadows on the left side of his features. You know it’s a little ironic but you look between the differences and see the two sides of him then. He wanted to be good. A good guy, a good hockey player, and a good boyfriend even. But the other side of him had taken too much already. Too many hits, too many drinks, and too many one night stands to feel like he could settle down with a good person. 
“I’m gonna go, Jack. Don’t be a stranger. Please,” you tell him, silently begging him to ask you to stay.
Instead his hand drops from your cheek and he nods, leaning forward to kiss your forehead. You close your eyes and take it in for a second before he’s pulling away. You start to walk away to where Lexie is waiting and watching the entire thing. She gives you a comforting smile and holds her arm out for you to hide under. 
She heads for the exit immediately, knowing you were done for. You can’t help but glance back at where Jack still was. He’s still watching you walk away, eyes locked on you but glossed over in a way that tells you he isn’t taking anything in again. The lights still reflect on his face, light and dark, and you know you have to let him go. 
It’s just that everything felt a little more empty when Jack was gone, for you and for him. 
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pairofmelaninkweens · 3 years
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou x Natsumi Myaski (oc)
By: @sweet-darling91
Summary: (Post time skip )Kurro has been looking for a chance to possibly reconcile with an Ex, but soon comes to learn that nostalgia can realy lead you down a path of thorns instead of a bed of roses.
CW/TW: Angst, vanilla sex,  and cunnilingus.
Wc: 4783
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art by: twi.night on Instagram! one of the pictures Kuroo kept on the wall of his condo of Him and Natsumi.
The subtle warm scent with fresh citrus notes alerted his senses. It was mixed with that perfectly unique smell and feeling that only one person in existence could provoke, Natsumi. It sprung memories of late-night lovemaking in his dorm, as the rays of moonlight illuminated your cocoa brown skin, highlighting its cinnamon undertones.
 The buns you swept your hair up in were removed when he pulled the hair ties free, sending your dark curly tresses tumbling down past your shoulders. Wrapping the curls around his fingers as he tugged them, groaning when you bowed your back as he took you from behind. Remembering the way your ass pressed against his pelvis, the way you would keen when he spread your buttery smooth thighs further, watching your essence coat his cock as he plunged it deep into your quivering cunt.
 He remembered the way your silken walls would quiver around him as you moaned his name, the way your small frame would tremble as he sunk balls deep into you, your cum would drip down his balls. Fuck, you were so perfect. He would get lost in you night after night. Even now, years after you left his life. He would still fantasize about you, craving the way your warm body clung to him. It broke his heart when you lost contact with him, because like it or not you were a pillar in his life.
 You were the one that brought him to accept parts of himself he neglected. The origin of most of his kinks and preferences. Especially the first girl he endearingly called Chibi-chan. Of course, he ignored the fact that it was indeed the same name he teased his Orange haired buddy with over his height-or lack thereof.  It was different for you though; it was meant to be endearing. The most important detail is after all this time and secret pining, he found you, mere feet away far enough not to be in direct contact thanks to the layout of the patio, with the decorative shrubbery around, and the angle his table was stationed at. He had the vantage point in observing you, and it made his cock twitch remembering the way you made his blood heat. The memory of the connection you once shared painfully squeezes his chest.
 Natsumi Miyazaki, a name that was burned into his memory forever. Now sits with perfectly crossed legs poised in your seat. Hair cut into a bob, parted on the side, with bangs framing your slender face. Hazel eyes sparkled when you beamed at the man cracking jokes over coffee. He couldn’t be that funny to be making you flash your smile like that he thought as he turned up his nose, letting his lips sink into a frown and eyes narrow at the sight of you with him.
 The cashmere top with the sweetheart cut highlighted your delicate clavicle and the swell of your breasts. Your form-fitting skirt accentuated your small waist, hugging your hips and thick thighs. Kuroo began biting his tongue wishing he could get a better view of your ass. The white and cream outfit was cute, clean, and professional. It read that you meant business, that, and the subtle tells in your body language confirmed it. The way your eyes analyzed the orange-haired man, and the all too polite way you sipped at your latte, made him laugh darkly.
 Whatever Shoyo was saying must have given you the answer you were looking for, and your response was subtle pettiness. He recognized that polite smile was a mask, the exaggerated nods and the batting of your eyelashes was used to do to supress rolling your eyes. This happened when you asked him questions you already knew the answers to. A cleaver warning and it seems that went over Shoyo’s head. What were you up to? Why were you out here all dolled up with a new outfit and hair styled completely different than when it was back in college? Why change your appearance to shortcake? Then it dawned on him, information. You were working, he knew you were, but was distracted staring at you. The longer you took probing Shoyo, the more impatient he became, fidgeting in his seat and glowering.
 Leaving a tip for the waitress he made his way to your table; he was only 5 feet away when the rhythmic tap of 4 manicured digits followed by a double-tap of your index finger against the glass table halted his stride. It was your sign to him; acknowledging his presence and warning not to interrupt. This shouldn’t surprise him. You were always the most astute in class, rivalling him for the top academic grade and overall performance. Along the way to those achievements, you spent so much time together you were well versed in each other’s non-verbal cues.
 That’s what got him so interested in you, seeing how your mind worked. The way you would speak volumes with so few words and see everything with a glance. Now pointedly walking past the table, he answered your rasp with two taps of his umbrella against the cobblestone patio floor. “Looks like rain” he remarked as he opened it out, and started walking up the street.
 Five minutes later he heard the quick taps of heels and the gentle, beautiful fragrance returned when you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. “Is this a good time?” he asked, eyes still trained forward, steps returning to their previous pace.
 You release a contented hum, and then raise your head to ask, “Which one is yours?”  releasing your hold on him and motioning towards the parked cars.
 “The black Audi,” he responds, as you smile to yourself eying the 2017 R8 model. “Of course, the flashiest car for the former prince of Nekoma high.” You say as you playfully shove his shoulder. He looks down at you and curls his lips shrugging at the tease. “ I mean, were they wrong?”
 Rolling your eyes you open the passenger side door, settling in the seat and sliding off the bob-cut wig and cap that encased your curly tresses. Kuroo watched the curls spill down your shoulder as you rub your scalp and sigh in relief, only stopping to spot the time on the dash. “Ok, let’s go, my schedule’s free after that meeting.”
 His eyebrows raise in surprise, “Always so forward."
 “There’s no time to beat around the bush, if you have something to ask me, go ahead,” you quip, with a sharp side glance at him, before pulling the visor down to adjust your lipstick in the mirror.
 “I just missed you,” he admitted.
 “Missed me or missed what I could do for you?” Closing the visor, you turn and look him in the eye, your gaze piercing through him. His shoulders slump slightly, and a bitter chuckle escapes his lips. “Is it always going to be business with you? Even after everything?”
 “It’s always going to be business with you because of everything. You're the one that said ‘lets just be friends. Realistically that's the best option because I’m too dangerous to be a stranger to you with all that I know." You finish, chest burning with your bitter pettiness and disgust in sympathy for his masked pain.  "You were one of the greatest loves of my life. But not THE love of my life.” you continue, thinning your lips and turning away and closing your eyes to soothe the burning in them.
“I still love you too. But it’s not gonna happen, our time is over.” You finally say.
“I figured that you became an information broker to get Kiyoomi’s attention recently.” He interjected with jealousy clear in his tone.
Snapping your gaze back at him. “I chose my career to be independent, so no would hurt me like you did.  I don’t want to take orders from someone because I’m no goon. I stand by my policy. It would do you well to stand by it too.” Ignoring his pained reaction, you continued. “Taking me to your place, right?  Then let’s get on with that instead because I don’t owe you any of my personal details.” The thought crossed you mind, and the words slipped past your lips before you could stop them. “That information is a premium charge if you’re that curious.” you stated holding out your hand.
“it’s in the glove box” he sighed. “I know you didn’t seek me to purchase information for your ‘work.’ you wanted my time, didn’t you?”  looking up to see him nodding in reply with a dejected smile. You weren’t finished though, thinking to yourself as you exited the car, followed him through the underground garage, past security and into his penthouse. You had a point to prove with your hidden agenda, and you weren’t leaving here until you got what you came for.
  Stepping through the threshold was like sinking into the warm comforting depths of the deep sunlit seawater. Warm, familiar, and comforting. Immediately you could tell that nothing had changed, relief washed over you with the realization that dramatically increased your advantage and success rate for your target. Just like the deep-sea waters though you knew there were dangers the deeper you sank into this familiarity. Shoving that thought to the side you slid off your shoes and began walking through the hall, hands grazing the walls observing pictures of him and his family. Passing one of you in a group shot together cleverly placed in the collage on the wall, slipping into the living room, passing the pictures of the old gang and snapshots of you studying with Sienna, and Kenma. Then seeing yourself standing in the rain in the background of a team group shot mocking Bokuto who was trying to duck out of the shot but failed to. Blushing wildly covering your best friend from the rain with his jacket and hiding his face that was covered in tinted lip balm. “Always the gentleman Bo.” You grinned at the shot, roaming over other pictures of his MSBY friends, the rival teams, some shots included new coaches, vice-captains, fellow higher-ups and the team medics. Then you saw the generous helping of pictures of your time together though, the two of you studying with Sienna and Bokuto, who was flustered looking at Sienna instead of the textbook. Shots of you riding on Kuroo’s shoulders, a cute one that you vividly remember Sienna taking of you covered in your own lipstick when Kuroo put it on and smothered you with kisses all over your face and arm, a flustered expression clearly focused on the camera. You remember the way he was focused on you, only looking to the camera to smirk before he continued his assault of kisses on you. Finally, the last picture was of you landing that ‘Oikawa serve’ in one of the final games before leaving college. Once again you closed your eyes, trying to soothe yourself from the melancholy trip down memory lane with his display.
Slipping open your lids you accepted the fact that the burning in your throat and prickling in your eyes would not cease, letting the cool tears flow freely.  “you cruel bastard. You kept all of it. Why?”
“Because You’re always on my mind, you never left.”
 “is that all?” you say turning to face him, hating the conflicting feelings swarming through you all at once, the nostalgia was warm, sweet, and welcoming. But the result was bitter, cold and lonely. Logically you should stick to the job, but your emotions were forcing you to focus your mind elsewhere.
“Nope, your here too.” He points to his heart. “Every time I close my eyes it’s you, I see. Wishing that it’s your voice calling out my name, your hair that fanned out on the pillow next to mine. Your arms wrapping around me. If I take them down. If I remove all the stuff. It would be leaving a void in the middle of my life. I can’t have that, I’d crumble.” He admits with his eyes locked in your gaze.
You answer him by bounding into his arms like old times and breathlessly kissed him. He deepened it, holding you tightly, cradling the back of your head gently letting his free hands travel down your back and firmly grabbing your ass pulling you close to his body and rolling his hips into you. Groaning as he feels your warm body. Relishing in the smooth suppleness of your skin under his hands.
 "Your skin was always so smooth, so soft." He murmured into your neck. Trailing open mouth kisses down it. Leaning your head to the right, granting him more access to your throat. Fluttering your lashes enjoying the feeling of his lips on your skin again. Your brought back down onto your feet, as he sinks to his knees, unzipping your skirt and letting it pool around your ankles. You grabbed his tie and pulled him flush against your pelvis, slipping one leg over his shoulder and angling your puffy lips to align with his mouth.
"Kiss me, show me how much you missed me." Winking and smiling at him sweetly. His face heats at your sudden boldness, a contrast to the usual blushing submissive side. Leaning forward he obliged and kissed you through the thin crotch of the lacy fabric separating his lips from yours. Flattening his tongue, he laved it down your wet slit. Biting your bottom lip to stifle moans threatening to echo through the apartment, you began rocking your hips back and forth, craving more friction. Sensing your eagerness Kuroo pulls at the material with his teeth and lets the elastic snap against you. Humming in pleasure when he hears the responding gasp melting into a soft muted moan. He missed the sounds you made, and he wanted to hear more of them. Slipping his index finger past the ruined panties he sinks his index finger knuckle deep, groaning at how eagerly your gummy walls wrapped around his digit. "God, your so tight Chibi-chan, did u miss me?"
 Whining in response you wrapped your fingers around the strands of raven hair pulling harshly. "Mmmm more" you demanded, he smiled noting the lack of answer and obediently slipped the second digit in, pumping the fingers in and out, taking pleasure in the feeling of you clenching around him, the sweet taste of your slick and skin. But what really got him going was the sounds spilling from your lips when he swallowed your clit into his mouth hollowing out his cheeks and grinding his fingers against that spongey spot that had you bucking her hips and crying out. His breathing started to get obstructed when you yanked at his tie, tightening it around his throat. His vision getting blurry and the sound of his blood rushing through his veins filled his ears. Then on instinct you released the tie, fresh air flooded into his lungs, the rush of oxygen and the dopamine surging through his system delivered an indescribable high.
 He freed his cock from his pants giving himself slow soothing pumps to his throbbing length. Its head swollen, pink and dripping pre that he used as a lube before grabbing your hips and easing you to sit on his face. He bucked into the empty air craning his neck and slipped his tongue into your quivering pussy. Your legs gave out as your orgasm surged through you like a flash fire, igniting every blood cell in our body with hot pleasure that clouded your mind and mad your eyes roll to the back of your head as you released a litany of curses and Kuroo’s name. He gripped your hips with a bruising force, drinking in your cum as it spilled into his mouth, embracing your trembling form.
 As you caught your breath Kuroo brushed the stray strands of hair free from your face and immediately searched your face for signs of discomfort. His lips stretched into a smile when you started smoothing your hands through his hair. “I’m not a dog, you don’t need to pet me he nipped at your hand. Standing, and stripping off his shirt and shooting you a wink. “Well at least dogs are loyal.”  Returning his wink as you get to your feet and watch him as he flings his shirt and tie over his shoulder, grasping his chest and looking down at you through his lashes. “Ouch, you aren’t here to play nice, are you?” he croons as he slips his hands on your waist and back steps toward his room.
 “Not at all.” you answer while pointing over to his bed, “have a seat,” waiting for him to do so, your request before you slipped out of the top, revealing the strapless bralette and flinging it his way, grinning when he caught it in his mouth, shooting you a wink and growling. Releasing a playful “woof” before dropping it onto the floor to watch you close the space between you two. You slid your palms up his thigh bracing the other hand on his chest, coaxing him to lean back  allowing you to slink up his long body letting your glistening pussy lips slide up his hardened shaft and muffled his groan when you pressed your plump lips over his pulling back to whisper, “shhh, don’t get too excited too soon” you tease trailing kisses down his neck, leaving blossoming bruises in your wake, kissing down his chest and finally sitting back up halting your hip to search his face. You could feel the way his heart was hammering in his chest against your palm. “Don’t be shy now Natsumi.” He bucks his hips and you sink your teeth into your lip to stifle the moan rising from you.
 His hands fastened to your hips in a death grip, his fingers and knuckles white, his pupils blown, his chest heaving with anticipation. He nodded and bucked his hips, slipping his shaft through your delicate petals and being rewarded with a sweet soft moan. “Lean forward Chibi-chan, I got you,” he assured. Reluctant to trust him for much, you relented with a sigh and obeyed.
Feeling his swollen velvety tip breach your entrance, you couldn’t hold back from slamming your hips down, enveloping him in your warm, hungry pussy with a moan that made him growl low in his throat. “D-don’t move, ok?” you struggled through whimpers at how the stretch sent pleasure flooding your senses. Your body flushed with heat, goosebumps flashing across the surface, nipples pebbling before his eyes, and that plush bottom lip being tortured between your pearly teeth as you bit down on it to suppress moans threatening to spring free but still reaching Kuroo’s ears. Your hips bucked forward, working your waist in slow delicious circles that edged both of you just right. The friction your swollen clit got from grazing his hilt urged you to close your eyes and twerk your ass cheeks, the sudden movements caused his dick to grind against the walls of your tight core, which clenched him snuggly inside you. He gasped each time you jerked and rolled your waist, bouncing up and down his cock, building a punishing speed that drove him wild and bow his back up off the bed. “Chibi-chan that’s it, fuck yourself on my cock baby.” he moaned thrusting his hip up in time to crash into yours when you thrusted your hips down, making him moan out in bliss, lolling his tongue out as your hips jackhammered down onto him. “Kurooooo, I’m gonna cum.”
 He eased the pressure on your hips, his breath stuttering and sweat collecting on his brow as he watched the way you raised your body up the length of his dick and dropped onto it. Your swollen lips swallowing him deeply, convulsing around him. “Mm cum on this cock Chibi-Chan!” he growled demanding your attention and compliance. “I’ve been dreaming about this for so long when you would finally come back and ride me and let me fuck you into this mattress. Ffffff fuck Natsumi.” You throw your head back as your pussy convulses and your orgasm ripples through your body. Radiating waves of intensity surging through your body sending your eyes rolling to the back of your head. He sits up to let you rest your forehead against his, both of you panting for breath. He laid slow soft kisses across your flushed cheeks, smoothing his hands up your back and down your sides slowly but gaining in pressure. You also feel his cock harden inside you as he starts brings his lips against your, kissing your deeply and letting your taste yourself on his tongue.
Rocking your hips in slow motions you let him take advantage and toss you into the mattress, sinking his incisors into your neck and his cock balls deep “you feel so good baby~ I wanna cum deep inside you, look at me Sumi. I want to see your face when I fill you.” He ruts into you setting the delicious pace of pulling out and pounding into your dripping cunt, the chorus of hips crashing into each other, the squelching of your wet pussy milking him, and wanton moans filled his ears. He forced his eyes closed trying to burn it all into memory. The beautiful pitch your voice took when he hit that perfect spot deep inside you, lacing his fingers with yours, he crowded your frame with his broad upper body. Balancing on his elbows he used every muscle in his thighs to push into you, bringing tears to your eyes as flashes of black and white cloud your vision, all the breath left your body as Kuroo sent you tumbling into a prolonged orgasm. A wild blissful ride rendering your body weightless, gravity no longer existed, lost in the incredible sensations coursing through your body and spasmed when Kuroo thrust almost painfully deep into you pumping you past your limit with hot ropes of cum pulsing into you. You felt warm everywhere, there was tingling under the surface of your skin, movements reduced to the speed of warm molasses. “I’ve got you Natsumi.” his voice sounded so far away but the sound was followed with gentle soothing strokes up your sides, slowly grounding you. Soon after the feeling of him caressing your cheek and feeling him planting a soft kiss on your lips brought your mind back to the present, just like he would back then. Bringing you back down to earth after fucking your soul out of your body filled him with pride knowing he still could do this to you. The bitter pangs of his heart told him that one day the person doing this wouldn’t be him. The gentle sound of your voice thanking him grasped his attention and gave him the chance to appreciate your raw beauty. The lipstick had long been kissed away revealing plump two-toned nude lips, the even tone of her golden chestnut skin and deep chocolate eyes made his sting with tears. “It’s been a long time, nostalgia’s hurting, isn’t it?” you teased reaching your arms out for him to pull himself into an embrace, sighed at the feeling of you nuzzling into him and kissing his jaw. “Seeing you like this hit hard. It’s like seeing my dreams and memories merge together and play out in front of me, yet the actual thing, still pales every single image, every thought, every memory in comparison.” Pulling back to see his face you arched an eyebrow. “oh?”
 “Every time I have someone next to me, I wished it were your body warming that side of my bed instead, your curls fanned out across my pillow, your voice filling the room when you call my name, and your lips I taste when I kiss. I shouldn’t have hurt you the way I did Sumi, I’m sorry.” He breathed. You closed her eyes and hummed. This was supposed to hurt more. But it was just a dull ache of sympathy, the bond that you had with him had long frayed and snaped, well at least you hoped. You truly moved on. It was a relief and a pity. A relief that you felt nothing, a pity for him, that he was feeling everything.
 “That connection had long since ended Roo, the love I feel for you now isn’t the same. That level of devotion was gone the moment you left me. Understand? I only give that out to those deserving. This was sweet, to an extent. But by no means is it a sign of any kind of romantic reconcile, ok?” his eyes swirled with remorse, and he numbly nodded. Finishing the water he gave you, you placed it on the side table as headed to the bathroom to clean yourself up in the hot shower, rinsing the feeling of him off your skin. Breathing the hot steam deep into your lungs to refocus your mind. Inwardly thanking him for not following you in there. After the shower you grab a town and dry of, return to the room finding him sitting on the bed.  Looking up at you a smile flashed across his face along with a faint blush on his cheeks. “Your hair, it brings me back to when I would help you with drying it out, detangling and oiling your scalp.” You shook your head. And cast him a side glance. “And?”
“Well, it was my favourite, you know I always thought your hair was cute in those buns" he muses, she glared at him. "How childish. People grow Kuroo, I have long grown out of that. You know it was cute walking down memory lane with you, but it revealed one thing. You haven’t changed, your out here fucking girls that remind you of me, holding onto the past while I, and the rest of the world move forward. Grow up, you should try it sometime." You spat, spinning on your toes to invade his closet, boldly slamming the door and reef through the clothes for something to wear only to come up to another nostalgic discovery, with out uttering a word you grabbed the old uniform and put it on, gathering up his travel bag and rummaging through his drawers, eyes scanning every free surface. Noticing that he was not making a sound made you suspicious. “You alive?” tensing waiting for his reply.
 “Yeah, just giving you space-” he was cut off when he saw the college uniform hug your curvy figure. He truly felt like if he blinked, you’d vanish, but when you realized what was going on you yanked the bundles of hair free, shaking the damp curls and sweeping them up into a messy bun letting stray strands frame your face. “I may be a vision from your memories, so take a good look. This is the last time you’ll see me like this. Once I leave this room you won’t have this chance again. So, I do hope that your ‘hoe phase’ was an enjoyable one.” you finished slipping on a pair of runners. “I really can’t believe you kept everything here, that isn’t healthy, and if you have other women wearing my things, that’s- disturbing.”
“What should I do with the clothes you came here with.”
“Burn it. Toss it, it’s of little consequence to me, my job is done.” You shrug on the travel bag on your shoulders.
“But I didn’t tell you anything, you never asked any questions. Did you even get what you needed?” Cupping his cheek to look into his eyes. “Thank you for being one of my greatest loves Kuroo, you really should stop putting yourself in danger trying to steal glances at me. Turning up in places where you think I will be or following my potential targets. You’ll end up putting a target on your back if you keep that up, I’m grown. I can handle myself.” you warned, “bye Sumi.” he closed his eyes and felt you kiss him, when he opened them again his heart sank to see the room empty, but then it sank into his belly realizing what exactly she did. Running into the walk-in closet he yanked open his draws in search of his files and the dossier. No surprise, they were all missing, the dossier, all the files including the first classified drive he had in there.  Damn, He really paid her to rob him. He smiled bitterly to himself admiring the finesse. He attempted to buy time to plead his case, only to be out of luck with love, and now possibly his job.
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