#this entire saga really
Odysseus' 'I CAN'T' going into 'Penelope' on the violin. Chills literal chills
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mysticstars105 · 2 months
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He’s THE 🎶Thunder Bringer🎶.
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Will posts a Tiktok of himself in front of a background that is a text conversation with Steve.
Steve sent him a picture of an old newspaper he found wrapped around some old dishes in storage. On the front page is an article about Will’s body being found in the quarry. It’s accompanied by a text that says, “Lol bad day for you.”
That text was immediately followed by one that said, “Jk your mom is probably still traumatized.”
Followed by another that said, “Seriously, don’t tell her I sent that.”
Will says nothing in the video but had texted back, “I’m glad my brother beat you up.”
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naarlar · 2 months
Okay so I’ve seen a lot of people being like “oh Eurylochus is not a hypocrite bc he didn’t intentionally sacrifice the crew with Circe like Odysseus did with Scylla”
And while yes it is not the same, uh…….. here’s the problem from my perspective and why I still totally think he’s a hypocrite.
He was the one who had those men under his command. Odysseus gave him a mission and for that mission, Eurylochus was in charge of those guys. Then he LOSES (yes it is his fault, he was responsible for those men) the men to Circe and then runs back to Odysseus and immediately is trying to leave. He in a way is actively choosing to ABANDON those men without even TRYING to attempt a plan to save them. Like he doesn’t even think about it.
Yes Odysseus and the Scylla situation are messed up and it is not the same as Eurylochus and the Circe situation, but sorry guys this man is absolutely still a hypocrite. For his own self preservation he was about to abandon a bunch of men HE LOST to a supposed evil. The only difference is that Ody did it deliberately while Eurylochus’ incompetence caused it.
And here’s the thing, we can argue that Odysseus bc of the Scylla situation is more of a monster than Eury. I’m not even saying the mutiny is not justified. IT ABSOLUTELY WAS. The crew absolutely should have mutinied and Eury was right to challenge Ody.
However, these characters are complex and like yeah, Ody is a monster and a conniving schemer, but he is ultimately just a man trying to get home. And Eury is a fool and a hypocrite that would abandon his men for his mistakes but he is also just a tired man who is starving and suffering.
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seaglassdinosaur · 3 months
I legitimately thought the thing Eurylochus felt the need to confess was his wavering trust in Odysseus. That he was questioning Odysseus’ leadership during this time of distress, and that he felt Odysseus was making bad choices. I thought Odysseus’ dismissal of his attempts to confess and dismissal of his concerns was what would spur Eurylochus to mutiny. Because dismissal would confirm that Odysseus didn’t care about his men.
But oh my gods he opened the bag.
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hi-there-buddies · 7 months
People: Dragon Ball focuses too much on Goku. He’s so strong, so nobody else has to do anything.
Goku: Loses first 2 tournaments in og. Dies twice. Only kills one major villain in all of Dragon Ball Z, and it’s the villain that everyone wanted Gohan to kill.
Also are we just gonna ignore how the Namek/Frieza saga was mostly Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, and Vegeta just doin shit? They did so much in that entire arc
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universeberrigarden · 3 months
The way the sirens scream in Suffering sounds so raw and much more rough in texture compared to their silky voices when trying to appeal to Odysseus and his men.
The way in Different Beast, the crew changes from saying “we are a different beast now” to “he is a different beast now” after Odysseus orders them to kill the sirens.
The way Eurylochus talks to Odysseus in Scylla and asks for forgiveness just before soon learning the man he onc felt he wronged is no longer a man worth righting. (Also every time I hear “Captain, something approaches.” I think of that one video of the guy sailing in a game when the other person they’re playing with just screams “CAPPTAAAIIIINNNNNN! LOOOOOKKKKK!”).
The way Scylla compares Odysseus to herself and is completely right in every lyric choice she compares him with.
Also okay so I love that song and Scylla’s voice is actually ethereal, I would gladly sell my soul to her. And the way it shifts from being so melodic like a magician’s lullaby in its composition and harmonies to being rougher like the sea and the death that comes when she actually attacks.
The way Eurylochus is just asking Odysseus to tell him what he knows is true isn’t. Nothing Odysseus says is going to convince him that what happened wasn’t what happened, yet he wants so much to believe that wasn’t the case in Mutiny.
The energy of the “I CAN’T” from Odysseus in Mutiny and the crew turning on him in the song is just oagh.
AND THE SUN COWS (I love the sun cows). Didn’t Hermes steal them when he was a newborn?
“You doomed us all, Eurylochus” funny you should say that Odysseus.
And in comes the harlot of all harlots, Zeus. I love Thunder Bringer so much.
Side note, Zeus’ voice is actually so perfect in a way I cannot describe nearly well enough. The specific words that are emphasised combined with the almost powerful calmness while delivering the most subtly belittling of lyrics is actually perfect.
And that “Tell me” as if this is all a game. The mortals are merely his entertainment, he makes the rules and throws the dice.
Zeus could do anything to them and chooses to place the action in the hands of the mortals, which undoubtedly hurts more than if he simply punished them without doing so.
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doodlingwren · 2 months
If only the original Saint Seiya anime was a 2014-2018 anime series instead of being aired in the 80s-90s, I can only imagine the sheer amount of animation memes that could have been done. Some of the characters are just so perfect for those, like, if this was a more animation-oriented fandom this would totally be a thing.
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redstarfish-art · 11 months
Me: *Watching LuZo become just that little bit more popular post-timeskip.* Me: *happy sobs* I'm no longer alone. Also me: Well LuZo used to be my OTP but then Law happened. Also also me: I wonder if Luffy and Koby will ever get their love story arc.
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Rolling Stone: Rewatching the Star Wars films recently, I found it interesting how the [Prequels] films reframed the old ones: They now seem primarily concerned with the tragedy of Darth Vader, rather than the triumph of the Rebels. George Lucas: Yeah, I made a series of movies that was about one thing: Darth Vader. Originally, people thought it was all about Luke. The early films are about Luke redeeming his father, so Luke’s the focus. But it’s also about Princess Leia and her struggle to reestablish the Republic, which is what her mother was doing. So it’s really about mothers and daughters and fathers and sons.
— from George Lucas and the Cult of Darth Vader, Rolling Stone, 2 June 2005
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wr3nns · 18 days
So my roommate and I are quarantined together because we both got COVID together, and I convinced them to listen to the entirety of Epic: the Musical (which, if you didn't know, is a musical retelling of the Odyssey and is full of absolutely GORGEOUS music made by extremely skilled peoples, but it is a retelling of the Odyssey so it gets dark and sad sometimes). They then did so in one sitting, and I wrote down their comments for the entire time because we were stuck together and they had a lot to say. (Don't worry, they gave permission for me to post this to "the forums" because the people would like it, even though I didn't ask to. Great fun, this roommate.)
(I think it's worth noting that I've gotten into the habit of saying "like the musical?" whenever they say "epic", which is quite frequently. We happen to be the pinnacle of humor.)
If you still haven't listened to Epic, go do that and then come back here (it's only a little under 2 hours as of writing this!). The following contains spoilers up through the Wisdom Saga and Hold Them Down (which has not been released yet but there are clips, and I hope that's the actual title but I don't know).
Final warning! Go listen to it if you haven't! You can find it on YouTube and Spotify, probably other places as well but those are the ones I know of.
Heads up for strong language. My roommate swears.
"Full speed ahead = this guy loves his wife"
"Fire but no smoke???? Guys do NOT go to that island"
"Bro do not go to the cave. Bro, they're going to the cave, fucking idiots."
"Bruhhhh… all his men are getting hit by the club! Dumbass. That's why you don't go into the fucking cave."
"Broooo… these guys are DEFINITELY gonna open the bag! I mean cuz there are like four other parts… so there's no way they make it home."
"Bruh… fucking idiots… opening the bag!"
"Yoooo, Poseidon just showed up!"
"Wouldn't you like is FIREEEE"
"Brooo… this guy's gonna cheat on his wife with a nymph."
"Bro this guy's cheatin' on his wife! This guy's cheatin' on his wife! Guys! This guy's cheatin' on his wife!"
"Mmmm… is he gonna cheat on his wife? I feel like it's implied that he's gonna cheat on his wife. Because that's what happened in the book, he had sex with everybody. Then he got home and got mad at his wife. But HE'S the slut!"
"Oh he's not cheating on his wife."
"Bruh… he lowkey wants to cheat on his wife. He kinda wants to cheat on his wife! Okay, whatever."
"Oh, well the prophet is dead. Oh shit they gotta go to the underworld!"
"Uh oh it's the underworld time! Wait I'm almost at the Monster Energy song."
"Oh shit 558 men died because of this guy? Oh it's all his dead men being like, what the hell."
"BRUHHH HIS MOM DIED??? Goddamn. Bruh his mom died while he was gone, that's so sad!"
"Come on… come on… monster! Yes!"
"Whatever. No longer you is taking 3 million years to end, hurry up!"
They made this instead of listening to the song and had to go back to actually hear it:
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"Well now he's gonna be evil for real because everyone's telling him ruthlessness is mercy. And he's like, well if everyone's telling me to do it."
"Ooh thunder saga, I bet it's Zeus. Epic Zeus moment!"
"Wait he has a daughter? I thought he had a son. Oh I bet it's an evil siren thing."
"Bro he's getting tricked, his ass is getting tricked!"
"This guy's… this guy's crazy. This guy's getting tricked! It's not Penelope!"
"Oh he knew that, he knew it. Whatever. Whatever. Okay. It's so fucking emo."
"Haha he doesn't have a daughter. I remembered."
"Bruh, everyone's mad at him for missing his wife. You'd let your men die to see your wife? Um, why don't you just survive? Skill issue."
"Oh my god fucking dumbass killed the cow. Idiot idiot idiot. Apollo's gonna get your fucking ass. Dude! These guys keep killing cattle that don't belong to them."
"Ooh this is awesome. Odysseus has to choose between his own life and his men. I feel like he's gonna choose his own life. Because they all suck and they're fucking stupid."
"Oooh, who is he gonna choose, I feel like he's gonna choose himself! Because his crew is all fucking stupid!"
"(gasp) he picked himself! Because he loves his wife so much!"
"Oh it's his son or whatever."
"Everyone wants to fuck his mom!"
"Don't call her a tramp."
"Awesome Athena moment."
"No, Athena! Don't blame yourself for Odysseus being a piece of shit. He kinda did that to himself."
"Is it mean to think his son is kind of annoying?"
"I just like Athena when she's being kind of mean. Like I don't care that she's being nice right now."
"Bruh! Oh my god he just keeps getting trapped. Stupid."
"Everyone wants Odysseus. I feel like it would be more interesting if he cheated on his wife."
"I guess it would be too much like Hamilton if he cheated on his wife."
"Bro he's gonna kill himself!"
"That's so annoying. If he's just gonna kill himself after killing all his men… I don't know…"
"Oh Aphrodite's voice is so epic."
"Oh they just made him not cheat on his wife so that Hera would like him!"
"That was fire! That was pretty epic!"
Bonus, re: Telemachus Me: "Be nice to him!" Them: "I'll probably like him more after they try to kill him. You can write that one down too."
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myreygn · 9 months
modern au dad askeladd except he's not an actual dad but this random kid shows up to his house every day and tries to have beef over the closed food store askeladd bought and turned into an antiquarian store. turns out the food store used to be run by the kid's father until he passed away which is very sad of course but also askeladd is not gonna cooperate with some brat that borderline harasses him day by day. only that he can't call the cops because he kinda has a turbulent past and if they find out he's filling his store with stolen goods it's gonna become a huge problem. and note to destiny, the stupid kid finding out is not that great either because now he has to hear it out if he doesn't wanna go to prison and also he should probably learn the demon child's name while he's at it. shenanigans ensue.
#askeladd agrees to honor the memory of thorfinn's dad and in return thorfinn won't call the cops on him#then they fight about how the honoring should be done#askeladd doesn't want to change his entire store's image only to make sure people don't forget about the former owner#and thorfinn isn't satisfied with just a sign with his dad's name on it which is as far as askeladd is willing to go#things change when some rich jackass wants to buy every building on the street and turn the whole area into a luxury resort#now thorfinn and askeladd have to work together because thorfinn doesn't want his dad's store to vanish#and askeladd doesn’t want HIS STORE to be torn down because smuggling the stolen stuff out of town would be a pain#(also affordable houses with basements big enough to keep the meth laboratory running are rare these days)#(also also thorfinn learns some kind of martial art in the dojo across the street which is whatever but the coach is really nice)#(like. REALLY nice.)#(with a nice voice and a nice face and nice muscles and as if that wasn't enough he makes a kickass apple pie)#“bjorn is single btw” - “shut up thorfinn” - “i'm trying to help” - “go bother your twink why dontcha”#yeah thorfinn actually manages to make friends with the son of that asshole that tries to get their houses#great for the brat of course but now askeladd has to deal with a snobbish teen criticizing his cooking#not to mention the nosey nanny slash accountant the rich idiot hired to keep his twink son entertained who's very curious about the basement#he also knows a lot about modern art which. not great. well great for him but not for askeladd.#anyway tldr#askeladd has to save a street while trying to raise two boys that aren't his not falling in love and keeping ragnar out of the meth basement#thorkell is the construction worker hanging around and refusing to do his job until sven pays him quadruple the original agreement#vinland saga#bjornskeladd#thornute#ragnar and thorkell are also there#and sven but no one wants him to
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Based on these first few episodes, it does seems like Min is going to take the place of Thom and Juilin in Mat's story from The Dragon Reborn. Looking back on her role in The Great Hunt, this is probably a much better use of her then basically being the Ringo of the Wonder Girls.
I suspect the show will go even further and have Min replace Juilin altogether during Elayne and Nynaeve's misadventures in The Shadow Rising and The Fires of Heaven. If the intention is to go full polycule later on then it makes sense to have Elayne and Min spend more time together than they do in the books. It would also work as a good parallel to have them growing closer on one side of the world and Rand and Aviendha on the other before mixing things up by then reuniting Rand with Min and Elayne with Aviendha.
And it's not like it's really essential she be sent back to the White Tower for the coup. Her sole contribution to that plotline is to help Siuan and Leane escape and you could easily just give that role to someone else like Laras. That whole storyline can work without Min so better to put her somewhere that will have more impact for her character later on.
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app1es0uce · 2 months
If Odysseus had apologized, would Poseidon let them get home? Like- actually, fully, nicely get home? Would he have let them be or cast the seas to ease their way home if Odysseus apologized and maybe even bribed Poseidon with a public apology or smth??? Or would they then go straight to the sun cow island??
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yousaytomato · 2 months
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Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus (1774, Oil on canvas) - By Angelica Kauffmann (1741–1807)
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iggydabirdkid · 1 year
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And then there were four! The Fernweh Saga was amazing. A game that popped up on the Hosted Games app and I thought, ‘Small town, eerie feeling, vivd nightmares and the feeling that something is not quite right? Sign me up!’ Cannot wait for the next installment! :D This is a little something I did my Returning Visitor, Valerie ‘Val’ Brand and the lovely Becca Warrick.
We’ll Get Through This
Neither of you speak as you sit on the tarmac in the shade your car provides. What is there to say when you’re trapped in the town you grew up in? Something is wrong here. Something is extremely wrong. You look up from trying to pick the blood out from under your nails and turn your head towards Becca. She’s sat with her back towards you, looking out at the town border that neither of you can pass. Well, technically she can. But she just comes right back. As if in a loop so similar to the symbol of the Ouroboros painted in black on the wooden sign recently erected. 
You keep on staring at the back of her head, at the waves of light brown hair that fall just below her shoulders and you want to say something. The silence between you is tense and it’s never been like this before now and you have no idea how to fix any of it. She came here because of you, for you, and although she replied in the negative when you asked before whether or not she regretted following you on this journey, you feel as if you asked her now her answer would change. Which is why you don’t.
“I don’t understand.” Becca’s voice brings you back to the present, her words sound thick and heavy and you have the sneaking suspicion that she’s been crying, “I don’t understand how this is happening.” She turns to you then and you blink soundlessly as she fixes you with an accusing look. You raise your arms with your palms facing outwards.
“I don’t either,” you reply, your voice surprisingly steady despite your predicament, “But I’m sure-“ you stop as you see Becca’s expression change to one of alarm as she looks at your face, “What?” you ask with a frown.
“You had a nose bleed?” She scoots closer to you and you wipe at your face.
“Yeah,” you reply, “I thought I got it all off though.”
“You didn’t say anything?”
“What? And let you worry more than you already are?” You give her a wry smile, “It’s fine. It was just a small one.”
“Still Val…” Becca trails off, “Hold on.” You watch as she rises to her feet and dusts herself off before pulling the back door to your car open and leaning in. You don’t have to wonder for to long about what she is up to when soon enough she emerges holding a packet of wet wipes, “Knew these were here somewhere.” She gives you a smile, closing the door and returning to sit in front of you with her legs crossed. You lean forwards as she brings a wipe to your face, closing your eyes against her scrutiny, “When did it start?” You knew she was bound to ask sooner or later.
“When I tried to follow you out of town.” You hear her gasp softly and her hands fall away and you still don’t open your eyes, “Started getting a headache, got worse the longer I kept walking. Made it a few steps past the boundary sign and then I… I just couldn’t go any further.” You curl your fingers into your palms, “Didn’t realize my nose was bleeding until I got back to the car.”
“And I ran straight past you.”
“And then you ran straight past me.” You open your eyes as Becca’s efforts to wipe away the dried blood continue. You both fall silent again and you keep yourself busy by watching the flecks of gold in her eyes as they dance in front of a pale green forest. Eyes that flit to yours as she finally pulls away.
“Done!” The smile she gives you wavers at the edges and neither of you move.
The sun is high overhead and the rays it casts down upon you feel sticky and far too warm and neither of you move.
The wind blows through the trees at the edge of the road and you swear you hear something call your name and neither of you move.
You clear your throat and get to your feet, “Right!” you say, trying to muster up your usual energetic personality, “We can’t stay out here Bee, and I don’t know about you but I have a hankering for some waffles.” You point a thumb behind you in the direction of town, “Lets take a walk. Maybe we can get some answers from the others.”
“It’s not like we have much of a choice.” You watch Becca shrug before she rounds the car and grabs her belongings from the passenger seat, “I just hope you know you’re the one who’ll be doing the talking.”
“You know me, can’t keep my mouth shut,” you grin in her direction and when she pops back up she gives you a small and real smile. A nervousness that you weren’t aware of holding seeps from your shoulders and you slump into yourself a touch. She comes to stand next to you and reaches for your hand so you grasp it and give it a small squeeze, “I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for all this,” you rationalize as you start walking though you don’t believe those words yourself, so how could she?
Your tension comes back the closer you draw to Fernweh. So much so that Becca lets go of your hand and you realize you had been clenching them hard enough to draw blood. You stop and hiss in pain as you uncurl your fingers and watch the red droplets well in the tiny crescent moon cuts on your skin. You can’t stop staring at your hands even as you vision begins to waver and you feel droplets of another kind drip onto your hands.
“Val?” You look up to where Becca has continued on a few paces ahead of you and you wipe your eyes with the back of your hands.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” you laugh as you wipe your hands down your pants, “I’m just tired.” You give a smile yet you don’t continue walking as your gaze slides past Becca and towards the town and as your heart clenches in your chest your mood takes a sudden dip. You grit your teeth, “I fucking hate this place. Why did I even come back here for a man I barely knew?” this time your laugh is completely devoid of any mirth, “We could have died in that forest Bee.” You finally look at Becca as she walks closer, “You could have died and it’s my fault you’re here. And now we’re fucking stuck in this shitty town with no way out and I don’t know what to do!” Your raised voice is whisked away by the wind that streams past and as Becca stops before you she takes your hands.
“Valeria, I don’t blame you for anything.” She rubs her thumbs over the back of your fingers, “I chose to come along with you because I care, because I know how hard it can be to lose someone. It doesn’t matter if you had drifted apart, he was still family.”
“I just…” you close your eyes, “I have such a strong gut feeling of dread Bee. Like I’m never going to leave this town. As if just like the rest of my family I’ll d-“
“Stop that.” The fierceness in her tone surprises you and you open your eyes as Becca moves one hand to lay it upon your upper arm, “Don’t think like that. Nothing will happen to you here.”
“You don’t-“
Her other arm moves to wrap around your waist and pull you closer and your hands fly to her shoulders, “I won’t let anything happen to you. Do you hear me?” She looks so determined and you can’t help but chuckle.
“I hear you loud and clear.”
“Good.” You watch her close her eyes and stand up on her tippy toes to lean in. You hunch over and lean in all the same as you move a hand to lay on the side of her face. The soft peck between your brows has you melting against her and when she pulls away you sigh as you savor the look of bliss on her face, “Now!” She grabs your hand gently in hers and moves to stand at your side, “We need some answers. But first! Waffles!”
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