#this fancam brought world peace
Hello, Sunset - 10
AN: None of this is proofread, all mistakes are mine. I'm so excited to see what you all think about this chapter! It's the first full chapter in Cheol's POV. PAIRING: Seungcheol x fem!reader GENRE: exes to lovers, idol verse, angst WORD COUNT: 4,289 WARNINGS: reader has anxiety and depression, swearing, mentions of alcohol Text in blue is spoken/written in Korean. PREVIOUS / NEXT
It didn’t feel like home. It’s something he struggled with even though it had been a few years since his parents had moved houses. He supposed if the place you went to reminisce wasn’t your childhood home, where your dreams and youth still lingered in the air, it didn’t have the same effect of homecoming. Seungcheol was resting in the guest room he would stay in whenever he visited. The room was dark, cold and bare, just like the feeling in his gut. He hadn’t been back, back in this room since he’d visited his parents during his break last year in June. It was too soon and too raw to come back on his next break and so he had instead had shut himself up in the flat he shared with his brother. Well, that was after he had first turned up in Hannam-dong out of habit, before realising that she wasn’t there anymore. The code still worked since there was still time left on the lease but when he’d walked in, it was as if she’d never existed. All traces of her, from her belongings to the scent of her perfume that had been seeped into the flat, were all gone.
She’d taken his home with her, when she took all her belongings. It was cheesy to say but she had become his home. What do you do when your home is a person, not a place? What do you do when you can’t seek peace and comfort in a person who has become the axis of your world? What do you do when a moment of insecurity, a moment of fear, a moment of thoughtlessness ruined it all? What do you do when you become homeless? Because now they didn’t belong to each other anymore, as much as a person could belong to another, and he didn’t have a home. 
Laying in the darkness, with only the moon and the stars for company, Seungcheol yearned to turn back time. He wiped away the stray tear that dripped from the corner of his eyes and down the side of his face. She looked happier without him. It was the first thing he had noticed as soon as he saw the fancams. His habit of searching up on Naver was one enlistment hadn’t broken. In fact, he had gotten better with it, especially over the past few months when his only source of news of her was from the internet. His soul was aching to be with her. The dates had been ingrained in his mind from the moment her tour dates had been announced. It was almost poetic when his discharge date was confirmed, he’d be free to see her but he no longer had the privilege. His tongue had been burning to ask questions when he’d met his bandmates, the ones who were not currently under the care of the Republic of Korea. He wanted to quiz them on everything. Was she eating well? Did she sleep fine? Does someone remind her to take a break? He wanted to know the answers and to know everything he’d missed as if they hadn’t parted ways, as if he hadn’t been so brutal. Seungcheol knew he could be selfish, but he didn’t realise how easily it came to him till he sent that text. The nightmares and the sleepless nights that followed wouldn’t be enough penance for the pain he caused, he knew that. Yet, he still yearned. 
So, Seuncheol had looked her up on Naver hoping to see videos of her performing and love her through the screen, because he never did stop loving her. His eyes feasted on her, adoring every strand of hair, memorising each smile and soaking in her voice. That’s how he brought himself a semblance of feeling at home. As he admired yet another beautiful shot of her on the stage, and they were all beautiful because they were of her, he wondered if things were different, could he have been in the same vast arena, watching her proudly and feel full at heart. He’d never been fortunate enough to watch her shine in person - the others had at least had the opportunity during MAMA Awards but he’d arrived late and missed that. He’d promised that he would come and watch her when she performed in Seoul and she’d promised to sing a love song just for him. He wondered if he would ever get the chance to do that. 
He’d grilled Shua on whether he would be seeing her. He knew they were going to the concert, Seungkwan had already blabbed. He wanted to know if they would meet privately. Even if the door was closed in his face, Seunghceol would have gone with them. Shua had been reluctant to answer and had said nothing had been confirmed as of yet. Seeing the videos of her acknowledging Shua and the others, it had made him green with envy. He’d wanted that for them, to be able to openly acknowledge their love and had hoped that freedom would come one day. To see that it could come so easily now, but there was nothing to acknowledge between them anymore. He was nothing more than a stranger. She’d always said that she’d rather forgive and forget when it came to relationships because she didn’t want to hold on to the anger. He was sure he was now a memory she wished to forget. Maybe she had already erased the moments he’d hoped to look back at together for a lifetime. Would he be lost without a home forever?
Seungcheol had lost the last of his control and had sent a pleading message to his friend. He’d begged him to pass his message on to her. He needed to see her with his own eyes, even if he had no right to ask for this anymore. If they couldn’t fix things, and rightly so because he’d been the one to destroy their haven, he needed to at least ease some of his guilt by apologising. She was too kind, too caring to say no to that. He knew she’d allow him to do that at least, even if it wasn’t the best thing. He shouldn’t have taken advantage like that but Seungcheol had already come to accept that he was selfish, remember. This was his purgatory; waiting for a response from Shua felt like walking towards a mirage of water in the desert. He knew it was pointless, but he still remained hopeful. Seungcheol still yearned. Even as the minutes passed by and he still hadn’t had a response, he held his breath in his hands and waited. 
Short breaths, loud gasps and sweaty palms, they were all back. His hand reached for his phone again. He stared at his phone lockscreen, the digital clock ticking past midnight whilst the brown innocent eyes of her looked back at him in affection. He’d taken it during a Sunday morning, their morning routine that had become second nature to them had been in motion. She was wearing his shirt, hair in a messy bun, and lounging on the bed and looking into his heart. He wished he could travel back to that morning. She would have been shy right after the picture was taken, pushing his shoulder in protest before allowing him to pull her into his chest. They would have stayed cuddled, cocooned in their little world as she read her book and he played a game on his phone. Seungcheol traced her eyes on the screen as he tried to return his breathing to normal. He swallowed his sobs and closed his eyes when the image of her became too  blurry because of his tears. He wished she could hold him right now. That she could say that it’s okay, that he’s still her love, her honey and that she’ll hold him and breathe for him till he feels better. He yearned for her.  
The vibration of his phone startled Seungcheol. 
She said yes. Meet us at the dorms and we’ll go together. 
Seungcheol’s breaths came in a stutter, the choking slowly easing as if the imaginary hands that so tightly squeezed his windpipe decided to show him mercy. Just like she had.  Convincing himself that if he slept now he would be closer to meeting her, Seungcheol went to bed listening to her sing. The last words he heard her singing were ‘I love you’ as he fell into . Seungcheol yearned for tomorrow.
The dawn brought hope to Seugcheol. He had found himself in a car back to Seoul not long after a quick breakfast with his parents. The anticipation was almost too much during that journey and he was sure that if anyone else had been with him, they would have lost their patience at his endless shaking of his legs, the rustling noise of his jeans were sure to grate on anyone’s nerves. His thoughts had been racing, running through different scenarios of how the conversation could go. His mind was a stage and the same scene was being performed again and again. The Seungcheol in his mind would say a soft ‘hi’ and then the fictional her would nod. Whenever she was overwhelmed, she tended to go quiet. It was one of the first things he’d noticed about her. He’d say the words he had owed her, things that had been left unspoken for too long till they grew tenfold and ugly, creating the demons in his head. The Seungcheol in his head would beg for another chance, that their story isn’t quite over and could she give him just one more chance. The scene would always end here. He didn’t have the confidence to predict any answers. If he had no expectations, then there won’t be any disappointments, he told himself foolishly.
Seungcheol felt lighter as soon as he’d arrived at Shua’s place; he was one step closer to seeing her again. It was as if the promise of this meeting had relieved the load that he had been shouldering for the past nine months. Whatever happened - and he knew what he wanted the outcome to be but whatever happened, at least, he could say that he had tried to fight for their love. The biggest regret in all of this was that he hadn’t truly tried. He’d let her take more than the fair share in keeping their relationship together. It wasn’t to say that he didn’t care but she was too understanding. She took joy in his smallest efforts that he began to think the minimal effort was enough. When it became too much, when she asked him to put the same work into their relationship as she did, it wasn’t convenient anymore. Seungcheol didn’t know how to balance all of it and he gave up at the hurdles instead of even trying to jump and pass. He’d taught himself to believe in ultimatums, in all or nothing. He knew better now. He hoped he could at least try to show that he was ready, that he was better prepared to juggle whatever challenges that came their way and that it was his turn to take the load in balancing things. He still wanted to live out the daydreams and promises of the future they’d spoken about. If he could wish them into existence, he would. He could only wish that she’d listen and believe him. 
Seungcheol made a pit stop at his apartment before heading to the dorms. He’d collected the jewellery box that had been collecting dust since it had been put away one distressing night. It wasn’t till he’d received the package from his manager that he’d realised what he had done, that it was truly finished. The sight had been harrowing. A piece of metal had gotten his 31-year old self sobbing inconsolably. The ring that had been missing from his hand, now glowed next to the one that represented his bond with his members. The box burned a hole in his pocket as he ached to return the ring to its owner. It belonged with her, and he longed to put it back on as he had the first time when they’d reached their first 100 day anniversary. He longed to give her another ring, one with a round cut diamond that sparkled like his eyes did when they looked at her. One he’d already bought and rested in the same jewellery box in his pocket.
With renewed determination, Seungcheol arrived at the apartment he’d previously shared with Shua and Myeong Ho. Though he’d stayed the night in his room during busy schedules even after he’d moved in with his brother, it felt strange to be here. Once he’d started dating her, he returned less frequently, willing to travel the extra distance to stay at her place so they’d at least have some time together, even if that meant an earlier wake up call. The apartment didn’t look much different from his last visit though he noticed some new additions like the trinkets the two residents had picked up from their recent travels. 
“Coups, is that you?” Shua’s called out from his room. 
“Yes, it’s me.”
“I’m just getting ready. I’ll be out soon. Seungkwan and Vernon should be arriving soon.”
Acknowledging his friend’s update, Seungcheol walked over to the sofas to take a seat and wait comfortably. He spent the time scrolling through his phone, watching more videos of last night’s concert. In about 3 hours, they’d be in the same building. He could drink her in with his own two eyes soon, finally feeding his craving for her.
“Have you eaten yet?” His friend asked as he walked into the room. 
“No, I left just after breakfast and just got here.”
“The kids said they’re hungry so let’s grab some food before we go, okay? We still have lots of time.”
“Mmmh,” Seungcheol agreed, “let’s do that.”
Joshua puttered around the kitchen, making himself and Seungcheol some coffee. 
“Shua, what did… What did you tell Y/N? And, how, I mean, what did she say?”
His friend didn’t respond immediately. He finished making the hot beverages and brought it to where he was sitting. He put one mug on top of the coaster in front of him and took a sip from the one he still held, as he sat down in the armchair to Seungcheol’s right. 
“I told her that you wanted to talk, that you wanted a chance. I didn’t ask her about the concert, I showed her your messages and she said yes to you coming tonight.”
Shua took another sip of his coffee.
“She didn’t say anything else and I didn’t push her.”
Seungcheol exhaled loudly, not realising he’d held his breath as he waited to hear from his friend on how you’d reacted. He picked up the mug in front of him, the warmth grounding him as he warmed his clammy hands against them as he cupped the sides instead of the handle. He blew at the liquid to cool it down before he took a big gulp. It still scolded his tongue and Seungcheol put the mug back down.
“Do you think she’ll take me back?”
It was as if they were taking turns and pretending to drink the coffee that was too hot for a normal person, just so they could take a pause and consider the words they’ll say to each other. It was almost comical and Seungcheol would have laughed if this wasn't his own reality. Why were they acting like strangers and being so polite instead of friends who’d known each other for more than ten years? 
Joshua put down his mug, and nudged forward in his seat to look at Seungcheol.
“Why should she?”
“What? I can’t -”
“You need to convince her, not me. Yes, there were outside factors but you can’t put the blame on PLEDIS and HYBE.”
Seungcheol fell silent at this. He knew that, he knew he couldn’t hide behind the excuses. 
“Do you know what she did say? She said she didn’t really know you. She doubted if she’d read into the relationship being more than what it was.”
He was heartbroken. How could she think that? No one knew him as best as she did.
Seeing his friend upset thawed his anger, Shua quickly added that she’d said this six months ago when he’d finally gotten to speak to her after she’d avoided him for months. He told Seungcheol all about the meeting you’d had with HYBE and PLEDIS representatives, everything that had come to light in that meeting. Seungcheol felt worse and worse. He couldn’t even feel angry at others when the blame lay with him. How had he not noticed any of this? 
“Look. You’re both my friends. I love you both and no one would be happier than me if you get back together. Just make sure you both communicate better. Y/N’s a people pleaser. She won’t say when she’s struggling. She should have told you about these things when they happened. And you, you don’t have to worry about things on your own. I won’t say more on this than that you both have me if you need anything, okay?”
As if they’d been hovering till this conversation had ended, the doorbell rang when Shua finished speaking. 
“Go and freshen up and then we’ll head out,” Shua said as he walked towards the door to open it for his friends. Seungcheol gathered the mugs and placed them in the sink before obeying his friend’s instruction to clean up. 
Vernon and Seungkwan knew better than to speak the obvious. Joshua hadn’t said more than that their oldest member would be joining them for the day two concert and there clearly had been more things happening in the background for this to happen. Seungkwan had been warned to read the room and not run away with his mouth like he had done two days ago. He’d learnt his lesson after experiencing the stifling awkwardness that had followed his slip up. The younger same-age friends had agreed they would just pretend all was normal. So, they spoke about the latest news from Dino, who was currently recovering from a cold. They spoke about the clips they had seen from yesterday’s concerts and the 98 line friends who had messaged them in envy. They spoke about the fellow Korean musicians Y/N had informed them would be attending the concert tonight.
In between swallowing the soup and rice combo, Seungkwan commented, “Y/N noona got Baek Yerin-nim to perform with her today. Apparently, she wasn’t going to have anyone today because Taeyang subaenim said he was busy but since they were close, Baek Yerin-nim offered.”
“Hmm. Didn’t they do a song together?”
“No, Y/N noona wrote some songs for Baek Yerin’s last album and they become friends then.”
“How is it that you know everyone and everything?” 
It wasn’t even a question at this point from Vernon. It was more like an observation. Seungkwan gave a proud smile in response to Vernon as Joshua chuckled at the duo. Seungcheol was too lost in his thoughts to join in, stirring his spoon in the half empty bowl instead of finishing his meal. He wasn’t paying attention to the scraping noise his spoon would make once in a while, a sound that would make those who shared his table wince each time. He probably couldn’t have answered correctly if someone had asked what soup he ate or what banchan had been served alongside. Only his body was in the restaurant, his mind and soul was already at the venue.
Once everyone else had finished their meal and the bill had been paid, they were on their way to the KSPO Dome. They’d arrived earlier than the previous today and so ran into fellow concert-goers as they found their seats. Whilst some fans had recognised Joshua, Vernon and Seungkwan, no one had expected Seungcheol would be there and so hadn’t immediately caught on to who the fourth person was. While they had claimed their seats and gotten comfortable, the mobile phones and cameras had been capturing every moment and the pictures were circulating in real time. Soon, some dedicated fans had identified the mysterious addition as SEVENTEEN’s S.Coups and the internet was losing its mind. What was S.Coups doing here? Didn’t he use to date Y/N? Does this mean they’re back together? Before the first song of the night could be performed, the pair were trending on the hot searches. 
As soon as Y/N appeared on stage, Seungcheol’s nerves disappeared. His heart settled, finally finding its rhythm after so long, restored to its full self now that its missing piece was so close. He couldn’t hold back the emotions or watch his reaction conscious of the videos that would be taken by the spectators. Even as Joshua nudged him with his pointy elbow into his side, Seungcheol couldn’t, wouldn’t take his eyes off Y/N. His hunger had been ignited and he was greedy for more. Even as his eyes grew moist and his vision blurred, he continued to watch and admire the woman he loved. He’d forgotten how much he loved her. He’d forgotten how much she set him ablaze with her presence. He’d forgotten how amazing and awe-inspiring she was. As he watched and watched, she reminded him. Look at me. Look at me bewitching an arena of people with my voice. Look at me so tall, proud and confident in my own skin. Look at the me you forgot about. 
She was talking to him. He heard her loud and clear in the songs she sang to thousands. The personal message hidden in the lyrics, telling him he was late. The extra spring in her step as she moved through the dance steps. When she sang her duet with Baek Yerin, they sang an English song. One he didn’t recognise but Joshua whispered in his ears that it was Amy Winehouse. He’d worked on his English language skills over the years but especially the past few, working particularly on his comprehension. It was as if it was for this moment as she sang about how her tears dry on their own. The irony didn’t escape him as it was his tears that were rolling as her blinding smile glowed on the LED screens. The message was clear. He walked away and she’d grown from it. 
Seungcheol felt as if he was walking to his execution. He’d been yearning, longing and waiting for this very moment, yet now, he didn’t want to go ahead. The corridor seemed uninviting and scary. Recognising his friend’s hesitation, Joshua had suggested that they meet with Y/N first so they would have privacy for their conversation. They’d said goodbyes quickly, mindful that she had a morning flight that would take her far away from them again. Suddenly, it was now his turn. She was behind the door he stood outside of, one he wished he could see through. Was she as nervous, as terrified as he was? Whatever will be spoken, whatever they do will be final. He couldn’t rewrite the scene in his head anymore. It was time for him to pull his courage and put himself up for judgement. 
Of course, the door would creak when he pushed it open. He didn’t see her instantly when he opened the door. It was only after taking a step into the dressing room that he saw her. In the corner behind the door, she sat in a chair, her hands clasped and twisting nervously, eyes looking down at the floor. She didn’t look up when the door closed loudly though she couldn’t stop herself jumping at the noise. This woman wasn’t the one on stage ten minutes ago. She wasn’t tall, proud and confident in her own skin. She looked so small and fragile. Seungcheol felt disgusted. What had he done? Seungcheol was devastated. Why was she so scared of him? Seungcheol had lost. How could he ask for a second chance after this?
“I, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry for,” he swallowed his sobs because he didn’t deserve to cry, didn’t deserve her sympathy, “I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable. I won’t, I won’t ask to meet you again.”
He nearly ran out of the room before remembering the jewellery box that weighed his heart down.
“This is yours. It was always yours. If you don’t want it, you can get rid of it. It belongs to you, not me.”
He placed the box roughly in her line of sight before leaving. He walked briskly to the end of the corridor before stopping when the pain overtook. The pain that ran down his leg, that throbbed around his knee was nothing. It was nothing to the pain his heart cried out to. As he staggered and as his leg gave up, Seungcheol allowed himself to cry. The tears streamed till he couldn’t see or hear his wailing. As he cried for the lost future, a door opened abruptly and someone began running. Seungcheol should go. He knew he shouldn’t be crying here. But he couldn’t stop. The footsteps got closer and closer and then, he was home. He was home. He was home in her arms. She held him tightly and he felt alive, so warm and full. She brushed his tears away even as new ones rolled down his cheeks. She caressed his puffy cheeks and gazed at him with love.
“You idiot! You are a fool, Choi Seungcheol.” Then, she kissed him. 
“I love you too.” He was finally home.
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ess-presso · 2 years
hi ess <3
lily best milf ever SO TRUE!!!! & i did see theinvisiblemuseum's art its SO good i love their art sm.
tay time! closure, out of the woods, & clean <3
and omg pink lemonade! i loved that fic it was so good. (im trying to get my fic rec for u but AO3 IS DOWN RN. UNBELIEVABLE!! ill have one for next time i promise)
chatting time <3
having a pic of a pigeon as a souvenir from a trip is pretty funny tbh. imagine travelling across the world and the only thing u brought back was a single photo of a kinda-ugly bird.
podg ben & dune timmy❤️ im so excited for the next dune film purely for more scenes editors can use for reg. like yes i like the dune series but im a simple woman. i have priorities.
medium well on an exam is better than medium bad !! i think its a cause to celebrate. also i hate it when everyones talking about the answers they got and u got something completely different. i start panicking so bad.
we truly did win the bff lottery. get urself a friend who brings u food in the rain and dances in the kitchen to jazz with u or threatens to send u to a mental hospital. theyre rare.
tbh kentucky seems like the kind of place to have colonel sanders just everywhere. thats their pride and joy he must be displayed. i bet they have tons of kfcs too.
L & E AND L & B FTW!!! so real. and u have a marriage pact? thats so cool. liv has a long term bf so we dont but if i asked her to she might leave him so. i did have a marriage pact with another good friend but she moved away </3
and omg i hate condescending people sm. they piss me off so much like STOP UR NOT BETTER THAN ME!! especially if shes asking if u know what a computer processor is like girl who cares there are bigger things to worry about i promise.
LIKEAFUNERALL'S XENO>>>>> pandora was winning fr.
gary oldman and timmy in the same video = literal jumpscare. and yes ive seen that pic of ben & andrew and i literally cried. i thought it was edited at first but it wasnt and i cried . #wolfstar
a hozier concert would fix me and i truly believe that. also my entire tiktok fyp is just edits with work song now?? like how does it know we were talking abt that song on here. i fear tiktok is spying on me .
and omfg. i have seen the jesus/judas edits. at first they were really funny like why are people making jesus fancams.....but then they got like actually kinda sad and i felt bad for jesus. like sorry u had shitty friends man . i promise ur really popular nowadays </3
i swear harry is being americanized. he spends so much time there hes forgotten his roots and that the rest of the world exists. like why does he need to do several shows in la or nyc when he can travel elsewhere !!
i dont trust people who dont scream cruel summer ESPECIALLY "he looks up grinning like a devil" like its a scream-or-nothing situation.
piss & gladiators <3 sorry rome but its true. maybe i can fit something else in there. rome, the eternal city of piss , pickpockets, and gladiators.
u should totally give them detentions. abuse ur power. especially if theyre making u late to exams?? so rude of them tbh.
i hate being full named sm. luckily im the one who full names liv and not the other way around so i can live in peace <3
im always seeing art with lil baby harry calling remus his uncle moony and it KILLS me every time. :((
also omg "dumpydumpster"..... fuck that old man fr.
book lovers>anyone else!!!! i cant imagine being with someone who doesnt know who remus lupin is its just not happening.
yes chess!!! every time i play i channel all my beth harmon from queens gambit energy. even if i lose it doesnt matter im still slaying.
u know putting down an answer for every question on ur exam is all that matters !! its better than nothing and i live by that.
annotating books for each other>>> i had a friend and her and her gf annotated sappho's poetry for each other. it was so fucking sweet i wanted to cry.
and hozier writing a song abt u?? literally my cause of death. get urself someone who will write a beautiful song abt u <3
i wanna go to portugal so bad. i looked up the sanctuary of our lady fatima and it looks so peaceful <3 i love old churches tbh they always have such a nice calming vibe. and omg algarve?? that looks SO NICE!!! i need to be at a beach there rn. and all the food sounds so good. im so hungry now.
oh what id give to have james' no-hangover power......that should be me.
the ship name moonwater kills me cause like why are we using reg's cause of death😭 give him a break !!!!!
omg secondary house slytherin!! welcome <3 & the only reason i have so many patronuses is cause i was unsatisfied with the first few so i retook the test a bunch LOL. i figured raven was good enough so i left it at that.
dairy queen <3
"ex gifted kid now try hard" SO TRUE!!!! why cant things just be easy now .
omg timmy tim at the oscars! if i see two timmys this year ill know whats up.
american chocolate is SO GROSS like i know canada has a lot of american chocolate too but at least we have SOME european chocolate thats actually good.
sadly the snow is pretty much gone :( it rained and now its just mush. bad day for snowmen enjoyers.
wait thats so funny to have a taller georgie i love it. and a shorter clown thats hilarious id laugh so hard
killing barty is so funny to me. like yes i like him but yes he absolutely deserves it.
ill make liv get that tattoo even if its the last thing i do idc.
hoarding nail polish and lipstick> so real of u. my nail polish collection is way too excessive and some colours are just Not it. like girl why do u need 3 different browns theyre so ugly.
that quote kills me every time i read it ( i had to read that play for a class and it was like a slap in the face fr.)
mskingbean knows whats up. and omg yes little women references<3333 they take me out every time i read them.
seeing seth rogen & john mulaney was really weird but u know whats weirder? seeingf the entire riverdale main cast walk by only for a literal train of teenage girls run after them. im not kidding it was so funny.
humpty dumpty party mix is a such a funny name ur so right actually. it even has a little humpty dumpty egg guy on the bag i love it <3
omg lover being ur first dance song <3 its the perfect song for that fr. but yes rep is perfect for when ur needing to feel like a criminal !!
fr seeing the parthenon changed my life. i need to go back or ill perish.
i think harry would be proud if he knew i came out to his song tbh. but lu figuring u out? SO REAL. liv already had her suspicions and after the crying told me i radiate "potent bisexual energy" so.
r(edge) 4ever idc. it just sounds sm better.
AHAHA va fa napoli kinda is a swear, it doesnt actually have a bad meaning but it basically sounds like "vaffanculo" which means basically "fuck you" or "go to hell". & omg wanting to learn swedish for young royals MOOD!! i took french throughout all of primary school and im still shit so. bad canadian over here
ur qs
being a gold digger is so real of u. i support this endeavor.
lily evans is such marriage material its not even funny!!!!!
SIX LANGUAGES!!!!! THATS SO COOL!!!!! we got the rosetta stone over here people. i had a friend who was gonna teach me some hindi but she moved away
topaz obsidian & amethyst <33 all so cool.
u should totally watch it, its so good. the last episode where that quote was from was genuinely the most heartbreaking and beautiful episodes of television ive ever watched like ever. it was so good.
forests <333 love myself a nice lil sun dappled forest with woodland creatures wandering about. tbh where i live u can visit all 3 at the same time so i could never pick just one.
omg a hairdresser i love that. im actually my own hairdresser (ie i dont wanna pay for a professional so i just cut and dye it myself) i wanted to be a makeup artist but that dream didnt last long.
wait cancer thats actually cool. i dont think many people know much about how it works & biology is so fascinating sometimes. and yesss ofc platonic soulmates <333 we dont have time for superficial friends!!!
timmy and louis <3 (get louis away from grandma STAT!!!!) ofc flo and zendaya. excellent choices.
*gasps in spotify user* okay but to be fair apple music & spotify are like nearly identical at this point. i only use spotify cause i dont wanna move all my music to apple music itd take way too long.
i love canis major sm. and draco too its such a cool looking constellation.
AWW i love that sm. cant believe he danced better than u thats hilarious. he came to slay and to slay ONLY!!! and the toaster gift? thats so funny and sweet. i hope hes ready to slay again at the next wedding🕺
omg wingstop i want so bad too. they make it sound so good and i need to try it before it die. and omg birria tacos are SO good. highly recommend.
answering qs
ive got a few topics actually: the life of agrippina the younger (emperor nero's mother) and her rise and fall to power; the sociopolitical role of a woman in sparta versus athens; lord of the rings as a whole; the tragedy of star wars and the themes of hope and rebellion. oh and space! i love space and astronomy sm.
worst advice ive ever given: i accidentally helped someone get rejected💀 it was the guy who liked me on and off during high school, he liked this other girl for a bit and asked me what he should do, so i told him to be honest with her and tell her how he feels or else nothing will ever happen between them, so he did and she turned him down for being too forward. oops! at least hes not into women anymore.
worst advice ive taken: tbh ive got no idea. i can be a very paranoid person so when people give me advice i take extra care to think it through so ig ive managed to avoid shitty advice.
which element id be: bismuth bc its symbol is Bi <3 and its rainbow and cool. gay element fr.
undercover spy name: this is so lame but if we're going along the james bond theme id go with 008 cause my fav number is 8.
savoury or sweet: savoury forever. i love sweet stuff but its easy to get sick of it if u have too much.
fav friend: phoebe!! also monica but only bc im a clean freak like her & i also love to cook.
3 wishes: gimme a couple million dollars, the power to stop racism/homophobia, and an endless supply of pasta and im a happy girl.
how long id last in a zombie apocalypse: id like to imagine id be absolutely killing it out there but id probably freak out and die like right away. id at least try and be the best doomsday prepper i could possibly be but i cant even drive so i dont think im lasting long
fav stone: opal! biased bc its october's birthstone but its so pretty. i also love emerald cause thats my fav colour. also malachite. very pretty colour.
fav constellation: scorpio (again, biased. but its cool looking), canis major, leo, & lupus. i cant choose just one.
weirdest dream: i once dreamt that i had lunch with anne hathaway?? it was just a normal lunch. i think i had like mac and cheese or something. i woke up very confused.
worst dream: i once dreamt that i got pregnant and my mom kicked me out & when i woke up all i wanted to know was who the father was tbh.
best dream: i once dreamt that i was living my normal life but my soulmate was there and it was great. except they didnt have a face cause idk who my soulmate is but at least i got to have a dream about it.
timmy or ben: timmy. i love ben but timmy will always be it for me. lil timmy tim girl since day one💪
movie food: popcorn for sure but also reese's! sometimes gummy worms if they have them.
last text i sent: i told one of my friends to watch lockwood & co. on netflix. v fun lil ghost hunting show based on a book series, highly recommend!
last text i got: one of my old roommates said "im always thinking about morbius" like okay girl!
phone calls or text messages: text messages!! phone calls make me so anxious. text messages at least give u time to think of a response if ur anxious. phone calls are merciless and will expose ur antisocialness.
greek tragedy hero: i got achilles. not sure how i feel abt that but okay! (omg u got orpheus thats the best possible answer imo!!)
fav meme: idk if i have one specific fav meme but dumb tiktok humour gets me a lot. back in the day old vine humour was hilarious to me (def mostly cringey now but oh so nostalgic)
qs for u!
whats something on ur bucketlist?
do u have any hobbies?
fav app on ur phone?
least fav icks?
what would u do if u won the lottery?
do u believe in ghosts/the supernatural?
where can someone find u at a party?
go-to karaoke song?
whats the craziest thing youve ever done in the name of love?
if u had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would u pick?
early bird or night owl?
if u were stranded on an island, what 3 objects would u bring with u?
unpopular marauders opinion?
what would u do if u were the last person on earth?
fav number?
fuck marry kill: james, reg, lily.
whats one language u wish u were fluent in?
thats all for now <3
(also i realized these are always SO long & im prob clogging up ur page with my rambling so if u ever want me to stop just lemme know!!!)
hi hey hello bee :)))))
tay tay -
closure - JEGULUS - listen , I think it's literally James after they break up. like to me it's him 'seeing the shape of your name still spells out pain' I can so so so imagine that being him to Regulus after a long day and all he can feel is PAIN.
out of the woods - JEGULUS - claiming this song especially for my jegulus , but to me it screams of a pair of people (James and regulus) absolutely in love and one of them (regulus) trying so so hard not to be , but 'the monsters turned out to be just trees' and 'when the sun came up you were looking at me' - so so so them.
clean - LILY - ok at first I WAS thinking jegulus , but then I listened and I was like 'Lily Evans' like can you imagine???? her after finally telling Snape to fuck the fuck off , and feeling so much pain , but then one morning waking up and finally being 'clean' (side note - I forgot that u existed is also for them)
SKSKSK I haven't finished it yet - reading mental by sara_holmes - a legilmency drarry fic in which a miscast spell makes them hear each other's thoughts. ( also no. 'tis not okay. execute you.)
chatting :))))) -
pigeons are motherfuckin ugly and I would NEVER waste my camera storage on them. I'd literally rather take a picture of a rubbish bin. hate those pesky arse bastards.
YES YES YES oh my god I'm so excited for dune 2. it has Timmy , zendaya , Flo - literally a bisexual's DREAM cast (and also Austin butler??? I think???) can't wait to go there with the old lu and fucking watch every second ( he fell asleep in the last one.)
I celebrated by getting brownies !!!! nah , honestly when they do that , I'm all like 'keep ur gob shut u mf lepers' they have no common decency like DUDE can you let me fail in peace ???
kitchen jazz , walking through the ran and threats to go to the mental hospital <3333 how lucky we are :))))
they should have a colonel sanders statue like the one of Jesus in Brazil. like , I've said this before , but no one would KNOW Kentucky if not for kfc. and horses , I think. kfc and horses.
lelblelblelb !!! that's so rude of her she should break up with him immediately. pronto. see lu hasn't had a girlfriend in the entire time I've known him. so I'm thinking he'll still be a loner at 40. I might not be. (jk we both won't be. he'll find some girl and I'll find someone too!!! (said depressed because I haven't yet found someone) )
nah she's a bitch for real. but she's pretty. but she's a bitch. girl fuck your RAM and your motherboards. and there are so many bigger things to worry about. like global warming or whatever.
IK IK IK I LOVE HER XENO SO SO MUCH !!!! pandora was winning fr fr. (as was he. both are equally lucky to have each other)
I KNOW THAT MOMENT REALLY MADE IT FOR THE WOLFSTAR SHIPPERS !!!!!! like damn we made it happen. I just fuckin know it (so did we with the Timmy x Gary thing. like they for sure knew.)
hozier literally HEALS my soul. like he (and lu) are the only men ever <33 I think I'd be in fuckin tears if I ever went to a concert. (also same??? I got like three videos of Canadian glow coins ???)
Jesus/judas - nah I saw one of the Great War nd I fr was feeling for JESUS. like bro knew it was judas and he didn't say anything and ,,,, tragic (listen it may be blasphemous but I can so see like a Jesus/judas style marauders au. like it's so blasphemous. but it would be so good.)
IT'S YOUUUU SHAPE OF YOUR BODY IS BLUEEE FEELING I GOT IS OOOOOH WOAH WOAH IT'S A CRUEEEL SUMMER (gotta go throw rocks at someone's window fr fr and have him look up 'grinning like a devil' like DAMN.)
piss , pickpockets & gladiators <333 London is the city of pigeons , rain and red buses. what's yours up there in canada??
it's so cool u can full name liv , because it's the other way round for me. like in a fully LOUD voice he full names me and I'm like 'fuck okay this shit serious'
and about lil harry and uncle moony I found this canary u might like (ac: letraspal)
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I hate dumpydumpster so much. how dare u hurt my boy harry like that. (u bet I'm going to take it out on him in doa)
yes how am I supposed to be with u if u don't read. how are we supposed to keep each other silent company u don't fuckin read. and and remus lupin is god how can someone not know him.
CHESSSSS. I LOVE THE VIBES AND I'M GOING TO LEARN I SWEAR. and queen's gambit energy slays whether u win or lose. just saying.
except when the question is some astronomical shit and all u can think of is - damn. gonna pull a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and go for '42'.
ahhhh Fatima is my safe space.( and yes old churches on top. but there's an abandoned church like three streets away and it's like a horror movie style church. literally abandoned. posters from the war or some shit it's scary fr fr) and ALGARVEEEE algarve is home home. (the food is top-notch so I get u so hard) !!!
no same because hangovers are the reason Lucifer fell from heaven like wtf ???? (although lu does have a hangover cure , and if I'm the drunk one and he makes it I'm always at least 50% better. he a real one for that.)
THIS. EXACTLY. like moonseeker? at least do that?? give my boy a break okay like damn.
yes exactly like u better not stick me with shit like mole or rat or something u best believe I'm retaking that test. (thank u I feel welcomed indeed. but careful because I'm still a brave at heart.)
I want to go Dairy Queen.and wingstop. ESPECIALLY. wingstop.
got them chills from tmt like that song HITS HITS.
Timmy Tim and Tim Timmy <333
european chocolate is the only chocolate that should exist. ban American chocolates. (also cannot believed they banned kinder eggs. like wtf dude???)
that's annoying as fuck I hate when that happens. sue the sky.
EXACTLYYYY OH MY GOD. a taller Georgie and a shorter it and it was fucking hilarious. everyone complimented us and we were so proud!!!
yes like I like him in fics in canon he go fuck himself into the deep pits of the nether worlds.
I would just burst into tears. straight up.
mskingbean oh how I love her. lw references have my heart (literally going to write one in chapter 13. so excited.)
who the fuck would run after them. if it was me I'd be running away.
nah that sounds like such a fun cute lil snack I love that shit.
harry would love that for u. liz and lu know what's up , they got their bisexual best friends , and now they're allied as fuck.
glad it's a semi-swear. that's so fun omg. also I also took French in primary and secondary and I still cannot speak more than 'je ma pellet' (not correct but u get it). Lu's a fluent frenchie though , so I always got him to do my French hw , and I'd do his English. fair exchanges , that way .
THANK U I LOVE BEING MULTILINGUAL !!!! also why everyone of urs moving away. that's kinda sad. (I teach u Hindi. then u can watch Bollywood movies which HIT.)
yes like picnics in the forests with little bunnies running around in the sun aahhhhh. (also not being able to pick is so fuckin real of u. like I get that so hard.)
I too am my own hairdresser ( I lied because I tried then just called lu to do it for me so TECHNICALLY he's my hairdresser but I digress) I'm gonna be honest here. glad u moved away from the make up artist dream because no way would I be paying 500£ for facial makeup like girl damn does that shit come with a free diamond necklace or something ???
I know I know I moan about it tonnes but bio and them are my THINGS. and oncology + cancer has always been a bit of an interesting thing to me. very cool to learn about . (and yes!! we take only diamonds of friends !!!)
GET LOUIS AWAY FROM GRANDMA. and straight to me. I could treat him right. ( all jokes I have one louis already (that's lu right there.) however I might abandon my louis for that louis !!!
Apple Music is just BETTER. sorry , bee , I shall never use Spotify. Apple Music is like the HD version of Spotify.
Canis Major (especially the alpha star wink wink) & Draco stay winning I love them so so much.
he SLAYED. he slays always he's so good at dancing makes me jealous fr. and yes a toaster , and I told him not to bother but he did. which , admittedly , very sweet of him.
one day many years in the future I shall brave America just for the wingstop. (now I want to eat those birria tacos so bad like god come in my mouth rn bbs.)
reviewing ur q's <333 -
THIS ALL SOUNDS SO INTERESTING ??? I AM SIMPLY IN AWE ???? also yess yess yess space and astronomy forever like looking through a telescope being there being real and just so .... ethereal. love that for us ex-astronomy bitches.
nah bro got done so bad he switched to the other side. now I wanna know if he's still getting done bad by the men. but u did what u had to , and it's really just his fault.
avoiding shitty advice like YESS YESSS DAMNNNNN I wish I could do the same.
bismuth for bi is so real. bisexuals for the winnnnn. I'd be polonium because I want to be a poison. dangerous as fuck.
008 sounds so cool , but 007 has a ring to it. like it just does. idk what I'd be. 007 is my go to. so double oh seven it is.
no literally I can never get tired of savoury stuff , but I can of sweet things. like no one ever gets it , but I'm absolutely right. (brownies are the only exception to this rule)
Phoebe and Monica !!!! my baes I love them so much !!! my favourite friend is joey. I aspire to be a loveable slut too <33
a couple MILLION???? I'd be shooting for the billions ??? bad one bee. endless pasta yesssss as u should !!! (and yes so noble of u to stop the world problems. such a good person !!!! )
nah same I'd be killing myself before any clown kills me. or I'd be like Eddie , survive till the second movie then die on the cusp of happiness.
OPALS ARE SO PRETTY THEY'RE LIKE MADE OF PARADISE I SWEAR. and I fucking love emeralds and malachite (idk what the last one is but I'm trying)
YESSS SCORPIO IS SO PRETTY TOO!!! Canis Major also a win yessss. and Leo. ahhhh reggie I love u . but not as much as sirius. but I love u. AND LUPUS OMG (makes note of sirius telling remus about his very own star)
idk what you're talking about having lunch with Anne Hathaway is perfectly normal. and Mac and cheese with the queen of Genova ??? stay winning girl , love that for u and ur funny little brain.
nah because same. I had a whole ass baby with someone , beautiful and blonde and it was a cute lil baby boy and I was such a happy mother then I woke up and I was sad ???? like bro u were never a mother LET IT GO !!! pregnancy dreams are weird as fuck. especially when u dk who the father was.
ahhh yess having your soulmate by your side yessss I love. I've had so many dreams but I never know who the person is. like reveal yourself heathen so I can find u and kiss you on the mouth.
yes ben barnes hits but not as hard as Timmy Tim Tim.
this movie food sounds lovely. once I took a whole steak too the movies. + Yorkshire puddings. (but its okay because cinemas here don't have ushers. ) and people around us were eating shit like fucking lobster. like idk what we were on but that movie everyone was eating high cuisine. (but I love a good box of smarties , nachos + gummy worms myself. ALSO THE RAZZLE DAZZLE CHOCOLATE BUTTONS. THE WHITE ONES.)
ooooh interesting. I've actually seen some ads for that shit , adding to my list rn. (my own last text was 'can I be the banker today' and u can very well guess who it was to)
yes girl ! go ! to therapy !! (the last text I got was 'YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT BEING THE BANKER. FUCK NO. I'D RATHER KILL MYSELF. )
no yes I so get this because same. there's literally only one person I'd ever phone call/ FaceTime (lu) and I'm on ft with him now (he's not being neglected it's like a mutual study session where I study and he studies and also makes sure I'm studying.
achilles ! wow idk how to feel about that myself. u better not lose your lover or else you will literally raze the earth. (and I better not lose mine or I'll lose them again)
no same there are so many good memes idk how to choose it's way too hard. this one is my favourite-
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my q's !!! -
getting married and having a family. I know I know some people will say 'not very feminist' (fuck them feminism is about choice) and dw CAREER is still on top. but I know I'm going to do that shit. I want that true love type of thing. the kind where you look at someone and go 'yes. you. you're the one.' that kind. damn this shit got me sentimental as fuck. and I really just want that happily ever after with my person and I want to have a family too. AND A CAREER. but I'd do that on my own too. u get me ??
eating brownies. and baking brownies. and jazz dancing. but brownies and jazz. and also , obviously reading and writing !!!
probably Tumblr. everyone is so chill here I love it.
are u asking about my idk ?? like the one thing that a potential date or someone would do to turn me off immediately ??? I'll answer it like u are hold on. when he's a mummy's boy. (and I've had this experience specifically with a boy). like oh my mum doesn't like it when u do that. my mum doesn't want me to do that. my mum would do that for me why don't u. idk motherfucker maybe because I'm not your mum????? the fuck ??? go date her then ????
world trip with my best friend and buy a huge giant mansion and fucking have the time of my life. and donate to charity and stuff , obviously.
near the window next to the snack table eating a cracker and holding a can of coke and chatting to lu. (if sober) // if not sober then on top of lu piggy back style trying to unscrew the light bulb and saying it's too hot but getting cheered on also by the unsober crowd. true story. happens weirdly often ?? but I always ask for piggy-backs when drunk it's like ... a thing.
hmmm. going to go for platonic soulmatism (sorry to anyone I've dated. I just haven't crazy things for u. u were nice though. some of u that is.) I put itching powder in the uniform of a guy on the rival hockey team (he'd fouled lu and he was all taunty and shit and I had it in my pockets only because we'd passed by a partica shop and I had to go inside to buy shit for a party and I was like 'damn itching powder this is fun'). rest be assured Lu's team did indeed win. (the guy had rashes on his face next time I saw him , which , not my fault because that's not where I put the itching powder ??)
speaking. I can write notes , I can hear music , I can see my peoples. I don't mind never talking again.
night owl. I love getting my shit done late and staying up till like late then going to bed and refusing to wake up ever. this is also another reason I get full-named by lu sometimes. he literally has had to wake me up by throwing shit at my window before.
Swiss army knife , first aid kit , and lu. if people are not allowed , then I say phone. call for emergency and shit. or if people aren't counted , then I say monopoly. maybe the imminent cause of death will make him let me be the banker.
listen this is very unpopular but -it's not misogynistic if people say 'lily potter' instead of 'Lily Evans' . like that was her name. people are fully allowed to call her that??? it's not unfeminist to take your husband's last name , and someone should tell them that. (not talking about when she isn't married to James or when she's younger. ) but u get what I mean. like let people live damn she is a potter. at least in canon.
kill myself. very simple. but I'd need lu at the very least. can't live on the earth without the best friend (very sirius x James . except sirius did live without James....) I'd straight up kill myself if he died. very dramatic , I know. but we go down together !
3. u might have seen the reblog on my blog of this number going everywhere. but 3 is very dear to me. I think I really hate 2 though. like that bitch can go die in a ditch somewhere. '23' is a close second (hello I was born on the 23rd)
fuck lily marry James kill reg. sorry reg but I'm pulling the 'they're good people' thing. but I still love you. but I love them more.
hmm. I do wish I was fluent in French. I think I'd love to understand half the shit lu keeps saying to me. and maybe I'd've got a better grade in my French exams in secondary school !
q's for uuuu -
are you a mirrorball or this is me trying ?
drarry or dramione (feel ashamed to ask but I feel like I should )?
one ship has to go - jily or regulus ?
wolf star or jegulus ?
craziest thing you've ever done in the name of love ?
craziest thing someone's done in the name of love for you?
funniest story you have ?
craziest rumour you've ever heard ?
bitchiest thing someone has ever said ?
harry or Hermione ?
dramione or romaine (again , obvious answer , but I still want to ask )?
0 notes
erischaos · 4 years
the beginning
summary: on your anniversary, you remember how you met Johnny.
words: +1,9k
tags: fluffy
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It all started a few years ago, in 2017, when you were doing a part-time job in the SBS radio as the script writer and semi-producer for a new show that was going to take place in march. The only thing that they told you about it was that it was going to be host by two newly debuted idols from a very famous company, a new that made you very excited. A few weeks later a meeting with both of them took place but you had a final exam at uni and you couldn´t attend, which made you a lot more nervous since you still didn’t knew who the idols were, because that information was confidential. The first show came sooner than expected, and as a part of the team you were finally going to met the idols. While you were waiting for them to arrive one of your girl coworkers came to you.
“y/n you can’t imagine how handsome they are” she said, almost screaming “you’re going to die when you see them” you laughed but since you were a little picky you choosed to not take her words too serious. But, oh lord, how wrong you were.
Two tall men came through the door, a blond and a brunette one. You weren’t stupid and you didn’t lived under a rock, but you were distracted enough to not notice the name of the show, which gave away completely the name of the group. A very young Jaehyun and Johnny stood in front of you and introduced themselves to the team.  Jaehyun was pretty, he was a very beautiful man, his kind eyes and his dimples were to die for, but Johnny, he was a different story. He wasn’t just pretty, his particular features left you breathless at first sight, and his aura was captivating and it made your knees weak. You felt embarrassed, he was an idol yes, but first of all he was your new coworker, and you weren’t a teenager anymore.
After all of the formalities the tallest, Johnny, came to you and started to ask a lot of technical stuff and you did your best to explain but damn, you were blown away. His eyes were a beautiful shade of honey and he never cut the visual contact which made you a lot more nervous and flustered. His voice was deep and assertive, it really looked like he knew what he was talking about, it even seemed like he knew more than you. He called his friend and you explained both some things about the script and when the time came they started the show. You were surprise this was their first time, they looked nervous but at the same time they were eloquent and funny. You tried your best to pay attention to your work, because that’s what they were paying you for, not to look at Johnny. But damn, it was hard.
A week passed and the only thing that you did was waiting for the night to see him. You were going mad. He was just a man. An idol, a very handsome and cute, and funny, and kind man, but at the end he was just a man. You realized you were completely fucked up when you started to watch his fancams. I mean, he was famous, talented, successful, and you were a very average looking exchange student who every month struggled with paying the bills. You mentalized yourself, that night you were going to do your work and nothing else, but he made it difficult though, every night before starting he used to talk to you about whatever was on his mind. But this time you were going to stay strong and tell him you had to be focused on your work.
Everything was going fine at first, but Johnny wasn’t going to let you live in peace. Actually, he was going to change your whole life with a single question.
“y/n would you like to take a coffee with me after tonight’s show?” your whole brain shut down. The only thing you could do was to blurt “yes, yes, sure, I would like that a lot” Great, you sounded like a fucking asshole, and a very, very desperate one, congratulations.
You were nervous like you’ve never been in your life. And confused, was this a date? A simple coffee? What did he wanted to talk about? About the radio? Jesus, you haven’t had a date in years. Time passed surprisingly fast for your liking and soon you found yourself on the cafeteria of the building having a decaffeinated cappuccino and listening to him talk about NCT 127 promotions. You weren’t sure if it you passed out from the stress and it was all a dream or if you actually had Johnny Suh talking to you about his day and laughing at your dad jokes.
Soon it became a routine, every night after the show you both went to the cafeteria and talked until late about your childhood, your dreams, your fears, until you had to leave to go to sleep so you didn’t die at uni next morning. Talking to him was effortless, it was like you knew him all your life, he was even better than what you thought, so full of love to give, smart, thoughtful, trustable, caring, so you weren’t surprised when you realized you were in love.  It happened after a little hiatus the program took for a show they had overseas, and when you saw him again for the first time it hit you. He came almost running to you and hugged you tight in front of all the team “I missed you a lot” he said, muffled by your hair. You found yourself breathless once again and mumbled a tiny “me too”. And just like that the realization came: you were deeply and madly in love with Johnny Suh and you wanted him to hold you like that for the rest of your life. You both let go the hug and everybody went back to work, except for you two. “a little bird told me your birthday is in a few days so, I was wondering if instead of a coffee you would like to have dinner with me” you were shooked, if the coffee dates weren’t actually a date, this was. And for your birthday! You were exploding with happiness.
That night also was when the first kiss happened. While the program was going on and Jaehyun was reading some twits from the fans, you and Johnny locked eyes. And it felt different, it wasn’t a simple visual contact, it was filled with a tension of some kind, you could feel it from across the glass and you were sure he was feeling the same too. He went on with the script but he never stopped looking at you and it was getting very intense and it only stopped when it was time for the commercials. Eventually the show ended and like every night you both headed to the elevator to go to the cafeteria floor. Normally being on the elevator with him felt overwhelming but to a normal amount. That time he didn’t even gave you time to feel nervous, as soon as the door closed he roughly leaned his whole body against yours until your back touched the wall, looking at you in the eyes, like if he was asking for your permission, you pushed him down by the nape and connected your lips to his. It was the most intense kiss you ever had, it conveyed so much passion, weeks of holding back now were being unleashed in a single kiss. His lips were heaven and hell, so dangerous but so necessary, like a drug. His hands were all over you and yours were tugging at his perfectly styled hair, now messy. You were forced to stop when the elevator reached its destiny and the door opened but your legs weren’t responding and him didn’t moved either, so you stayed for a few seconds looking at each other, breathing heavily, until you both started laughing and finally came out.
The new routine was making out in every corner of the building everytime you were alone and then go to drink coffee and chat like nothing happened. Like if you weren’t a mess, and like if he hadn’t had to hide a boner everytime. It was surreal.
Since the radio program ended after twelve o’clock you celebrated your birthday along with your coworkers, and when the show ended you went to change your clothes while Johnny waited for you in the hall, downstairs. You wore a red dress and only a red lipstick since you wanted to look good quickly, and let your hair down. When you finally met you noticed he changed his outfit for a more elegant one: black shirt and black pants. You both flustered when you saw each other “you look amazing birthday girl” he flirted with you. “you don’t look that bad yourself JonhD” you said back. “JonhD?”, he asked confused “yes, you know…your name is John and you are a dj” he laughed out loud at your explanation while he helped you to get on the company van. Soon you arrived to a private restaurant, that giving the hour it was supposed to be closed but SM has its ways.
In the middle of it was a table settled for two and Johnny helped pulling your chair like a gentleman. The conversation went very fluid during all the dinner until the champagne arrived. He stopped talking and stared at your eyes, and you realized they got teary so yours did too. He swallowed and spoke “y/n this might sound a little rushed, giving the fact that we only knew eachother two months ago and all that but” he made a pause to breath and you did too “I think I’m in love with you and, I’ll really love to be your boyfriend” a tear fell from his eye. “i know it might be hard because of my work and the fans but I really want you to be my girl” he started to get nervous since you weren’t answering “I fully understand if you don’t want to though”. You couldn’t bring yourself to believe it, but it was real. He was in front of you, looking at your eyes and saying that he loved you. You were paralyzed and the lump in your throat wouldn’t let you speak, but you ignored it and answered.
“John Suh, nothing in this world could make me more happy right now than call you my boyfriend” you grabbed him by his hands and smiled at him “I love you, I truly do”. He left out all the air he was holding and smiled too “thanks god, I though I was going to have to return your gift” he took out of his blazers pocket a medium sized velvet box and handed it to you. “oh Johnny, you shouldn't have brought me anything” he shushed you and looked at you expectantly. Without wasting any more time you opened it and inside of it was a beautiful and delicate heart necklace with both initials and your birthday date, which now was also your anniversary. Needless to say you were speechless.
Even after a year and with him taking a nap in your lap it all still felt like a dream, Johnny declaring himself to you, and now he being your first love and first boyfriend. You gently stroked his hair with one hand at the same time you were playing with your necklace, after a few minutes he slowly woke up and looked at you “nice double chin, baby” he murmured. “I can’t believe that the first thing you do after waking up is making fun of me” he laughed and you lowered your head to kiss him “happy first anniversary headass”. 
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Hii!! this is my second scenario ever and since the first one got a lot of notes i decided to write another. its not as good as the first one in my opinion but i had this idea on my mind for a while and i wanted to share it! please if you notice any grammatical error let me know! it means a lot for me if you could like and share<3 
Thank you for reading me and STAY HEALTHY.
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chimbbles · 6 years
pocket-sized!nct; yuta ver
A/N: I was deep in my yuta feels and got this idea from watching his regular fancam... wouldn't it be nice to have a small yuta to bring around the world with ;-;
   ➸ fluff ☀
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pocket honestly only serves as a noun, not a verb
he will not be contained in a dark, stuffy pocket
(imagine him actually saying that)
you were watering your potted plants one day when you noticed him lying down on the soil
you would've screamed if it weren't for his pale looking face, his chest heaves slowly while taking in shallow breaths
so you brought him in and fed him some food, took care of him and even gave him a bath in the kitchen sink
he passed out for a bit because he was so exhausted
which he then explains when he wakes up that he was chased by dogs and cats, thinking he was a toy
before he could think it through he ended up climbing into your plant pot and takes refuge there
he stayed in there for a couple of hours, but he realised late at night that he couldn't get out, he wasn't tall enough (owo)
he said he tried to call for help, but no one came to his aid
you feel kinda guilty since you've been so busy lately you hardly had any time to yourself, let alone water your plants
he says that he's super grateful to have been saved by you, but he has nowhere to go, he can't find his way back to his friends no matter how many times you tried to backtrack with him
so he's stayed with you since
you guys have a strict morning routine, thanks to yuta
he gets up at 6 every morning to take a run around your room, jogging around the perimeter while you sleep
then he climbs up the 'ladder' made of several handkerchiefs tied together to 'his side of the bed'- which honestly is just a small space you left open for him and placed a tiny pillow and blanket over
he wakes you up around 7 so you can get ready, and you guys wash up together
note: he has the cutest bed head ever
yuta insists that you both shower separately, with him in the bathroom sink and you in the shower
you find it super cute how he only uses two drops of shower gel with wash his body; because two drops is more than enough for his size
having yuta around honestly isn't much of a burden- in fact, you love having him around
you don't even need to cook any extra food: he just eats off of your plate
he doesn't like following you to work/school, because he can't roam around freely
but on the days that he does, he complains
he says that it's too hot in your pocket, and he can barely see anything
you've developed a habit of sitting at the farthest of any room you're in, corners are the best
so other people can't catch the magical little being running around your desk
he almost scared you to death by pretending to fall off the edge
since he showed up out of nowhere, yuta has no extra clothes, so you guys first opted for ken doll clothes
but he later refused to be 'caught dead in such fashion' so you had to take up sewing classes and made some cute clothes for him
which he appreciates a lot
he always voices his appreciation to you
fast learner; spent a lot of his time watching youtube and learned how to make a trampoline and a bucket hat
it's mostly chill with yuta, he's just a man who needs his space and peace and quiet
when he's not with you, he's playing soccer by himself
with the makeshift soccer field you guys put together with cardboard a few weeks ago
loves to watch tv, has scared a neighbour once by making it seem like it's switching on and off by itself
over time he starts growing fond of you, and he'll start to get a bit clingy
can't wait for you to get home, loves spending time with you, even in silence
he likes to watch you finish up whatever work you have, or just finishing up some house chores
loves it when you hold him up with your arms and lets him snuggle in your chest because he likes your warmth
falls asleep while looking at you and smiles to himself because he hit jackpot with the perfect regular-sized human
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masterlist ask
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vicccwrites · 6 years
Distance - Zhu Zhengting
(A/N: Hello! I sort of tried a new style/thing here, so you’ll have to let me know what you think of it ^^ This is for the lovely anonnie who requested a Zhengting angst w/ a fluffy ending,,,, and I’m sorry it’s not that angsty! I tried to make it more of an emotional angst but I don’t think I really succeeded? I hope you enjoy anyway~ <33)
- Picture Source: Google -
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It had been weeks – months even – since you had last been able to see him in person. To hug him, to feel the press of his lips against yours, to even hear his voice without the crackle of the phone line; it was all you wanted. You knew it would be trying when you agreed to date him long-distance, but he had never felt so far away. Even when he had participated in Idol Producer or Produce 101, you got to see him backstage at the evaluation stages every couple of weeks. It wasn’t nearly this bad, not in the slightest.
The distance was suffocating you, taking away your source of oxygen and leaving you gasping for breath – for Zhengting. You longed to be held in his arms or to wake up in his gentle embrace. You ached for the days when he was still a trainee, when he could still come home after a long practice session and cuddle you for hours on end.
A selfish part of you wished he had never debuted. You wanted the two of you to be able to stay in your little bubble of peace for the rest of eternity. However, you knew that he would have never been happy living that way. Every smile, every performance; it all proved how much he needed to be on the stage. Who were you to take away something that brought him so much joy? 
So, you gritted your teeth and kept your head up. Days would go by where you didn’t get so much as a text from your boyfriend. Weeks would pass without you hearing his voice. It drove you up the wall half the time, but as you watched him stealing the spotlight in fancams, you convinced yourself it was worth it.
Was it really though? Sometimes, even you had your doubts.
The adoring smiles he used to reserve for you now were broadcasted on live tv for the world to see. The nicknames that were once yours now were used in reference to his millions of fans. Despite the fact that you were his girlfriend of five years, you didn’t feel as special as you used to. It was greedy, it was childish, but you wish you could have him to yourself again.
A day, that’s all you needed to ground yourself. A day spent cuddling and talking to him. A day to convince yourself that yes, he was real, and yes, he loved you. Deep down, though, you knew you wouldn’t get it. Not until the tour was over and he could come home. 3 more months without Zhengting. 3 more months until you could hug him and everything would be right with the world again.
There were bad days, where everything seemed to go to hell and all you craved for was the gentle caress of his fingers against your hair as you cried into his shoulder. That couldn’t happen though – he was continents away, so you muffled your cries into a pillow and tried not to think about how long it had been since you had last laid in his embrace.
There were also the good days. The days where his voice was one of the first things you heard in the morning and he had enough time to wish you goodnight before you fell asleep. Those were the days where the distance didn’t seem nearly as bad, because even if he was on the other side of the earth, you knew that he still loved you. They were the days where if you closed your eyes and imagined hard enough, you could almost imagine that he was really in your room with you. You wished there were more of the good days, and as his tour dragged on they seemed to be getting fewer and further between.
The times spent apart were rough, but it was all made up for when he finally came back. It made you cherish the moments you spent together that much more. After spending nearly a whole year on tour, he was finally back. He was in your arms again, just where he belonged.
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chiveburger · 6 years
I’m going through fancams of martin smith’s first concert hi! school! and I’m on the brink of tears JUST because I love them. they make me so happy, and anytime I talk about them I always describe their music as music that makes me believe in world peace and I firmly believe that. they have brought me comfort in my saddest times, and more joy during my happiest. their music touches my heart so much and actually makes me think the world is a beautiful place. their songs make the world a better place for me and their last encore of them just singing 알고싶어 with no microphones, just pure vocals with taewon’s guitar makes me grateful that I am existing in the same timeline as them. I hope they are always happy and always healthy
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exquisite-yoongi · 7 years
This post is hella long but there is everything you should know or watch about Min Yoongi. You’ll find facts, best of fancams, unforgettable quotes & legendary lyrics.
• real name is Min Yoongi
• born 9 March 1993
• from Daegu 
• Suga is short for Shooting Guard (his position in basket)
• alias Min Suga alias Grandpa alias Agust D alias Motionless Min alias Turtle alias Sugar alias DBoy alias Min Suga Genius Jjang Jjang man Bboong Bboong 
• loves music 
• absolute lyrical genius
• raps faster than the speed of light. hella control over his voice (X)
• is ranked 11 as the fastest rapper on Korea & on top three as fastest ‘idol’ rapper
• plays the piano (X & X)
• amazing on stage : completely in his element
• released a mixtape under the name Agust D 
• his mixtape saved hip-hop. Saved lives. Saved the world goddamn Yoongi
• he produced his entire mixtape just by himself. Worked very hard on it every time he could (between schedule, in planes, along working for other musics for BTS)
• this masterpiece was released for free
• there is no imitation, no meaningless lyrics, no misogyny and no racial slurs on it
• his mixtape talks about him and his struggles
• was the happiest person in the world when he met Kumamom. It was way too adorable for this world to handle (X)
• very socially aware, he wants to use his fame to shift people’s attention to global problems 
• which he did with the campaign Love Yourself in 2017 
• when he got sick and was rushed to the hospital, he couldn’t assist a concert. During his vacation time, he went to the stadium by himself and wrote about it in the fancafe. He sat in the seats of the stadium and forced himself to imagine the fans’ emotions on the day that was supposed to be the concert. He then wrote a long apology. 
• works from 12 am to 6 am on music. even after a full day of training or concert preparation or filming etc. That’s why he sleeps whenever he gets the chance
• when BTS had to pack for their backpacking trip through Europe, he was the one that remembered to pack medicine and first aid supplies. he cleaned up before living the hotel room, helped cooking and was in charge of their budget
• wrote, composed, produced some of BTS songs (like Tomorrow, Never Mind, Dead Leaves, Boyz with Fun, ~) 
• participate in the making of almost every Bts song
• looks gorgeous in every hair colour 
• twice said he would sue Bighit if his hair started falling out haha
• gummy smile (X)
• laughs in 10 different ways
• in the song ’Moving On’ he dedicated his section to his Mom, who was sick after she gave birth to him
• he danced around the studio in the early hours of the morning when ’Never Mind’ was approved to be the intro of HYYH pt.2
• really like a lamb skewers. wants to open a lamb skewers restaurant with Jungkook (X)
• his only goal is to make music that gives people emotions or comfort
• the root of his passion goes back to when he started making music at the age of 13
• his dream was to perform at Olympic Gymnastics Arena. at the end of the concert, he looked for his parents and brother in the crowd. when he saw them he smiled and got on the floor to do a deep bow (the kind where your forehead touches the ground) and cried for the first time at a concert (X & X)
• at fansigns, fan get to write them a question “What’s more important? Face or body?” Is asked a lot and Yoongi is the only one that writes a third option “Personality” and circles it and write that it’s the most important. he does this every time the question comes up
• when asked for the ideal weight in a girl he writes a ridiculous number
• when asked what age difference he would date he wrote 81 years haha
• tells everyone to eat well and take care of themselves 
• loves his fans more than anything
• extremely open-minded person 
• in a recent interview in the US, he always specified boyfriend or girlfriend when asked about dating
• when he and Namjoon were being disrespected by Bfree during an interview, he stayed calm and handled the situation very well.
• then proceeded to drag the HELL OUT OF HIM in Cypher pt.2
• the S in Suga stands for Savage
• sarcasm is his second name
• relatable af
• the time he and Hoseok (J-hope) reacted to a try not to laugh challenge of themselves and Yoongi laughed so hard he choked
• his existence is art
• the thing he does when his members are doing embarrassing stuff he just curls up and covers his face
• on his first birthday after he debuted he spent his own money to make gifts for the fans and hand-wrote over 300 notes (each one different…!)
• took pictures of Jungkook at his graduation like he was a proud parent
• the time when he and Hoseok lost a game and didn’t get dinner, Jimin brought them a crab from their table and Yoongi let Hoseok have it “seeing my dongsaeng eat makes me feel full”
• he silently takes care of bangtan
• says his members are his closest friends
• says Bighit is like a family
• when Hoseok was celebrating New Years alone in the dorms, Yoongi left his family and showed up with chicken just so Hoseok wouldn’t have to spend new years by himself
• that time during a fanmeeting a fan asked him “My Yoongi vitamin. I like you so much that I can’t live properly, tell me how to solve this?” and he responded “Just totally give up on this life and just only look at me.” (X)
• that one time Yoongi got really passionate about coffee and said he needed 309 people to help him “catch” coffee
• the time he sang his heart out with Hoseok for “I was able to eat well” and sounded terrible
• the time they had a high note challenge and Yoongi sang so high that no noise came out (X)
• so extra all the time
• that time he had to introduced himself and pulled confetti out of his pocket and threw it over himself (X)
• but also unamused all the time
• he’s a paradox
• the way he’s scared of fireworks going off (X)
• easily put in place by Jin, but also ignores all of his jokes
• really good dancer
• he just works hard
• that time a member woke him up by accident and Yoongi swore on camera (X)
• literally a deadass person at the awards show until Namjoon was up next to perform and Yoongi couldn’t stop being hyped and looking for him (X)
• that time Min Yoongi fell off a chair and told us on Twitter and RM made fun of him and suggested we now call him “MinClumsy” or “MinButt” 
• #MinButt (#민덩방아) was then trending on Twitter
• RM proceeded to publish a picture where Yoongi shows his butt and put 2 bandages on him (X)
• says he’s not always the best at expressing himself verbally, but wants everyone to know he is always thankful
• said in an interview his life style was “sleep eat work” 
• proud father of Shooky, his BT21 character 
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• Airplane pt.2, Lotte Family Concert (180622) -> I need holy water (1:44)
• First Love, Wings Tour Final (171208) -> couldn’t finish singing because of his emotions
• Spring Day, MMA (171202) -> absolute god
• Come Back Home, SEO TAIJI 25th Concert Anniversary (170924) -> this whole concert was dope tbh
• Fire, MMA (161119) -> infires man
• Blood Sweat & Tears, Mnet MCountdown Comeback Stage (161027) -> bless the wind
• Fire, (160907) -> happy, cute, cocky and sexy all at once
• Baepsae, in Beijing (160723) -> tired but still oh boy damn. 
• Tomorrow, in Beijing (160723) -> sweating Yoongi
• I like it pt. 2, (160614) -> smiles everytime he hears the fans screaming because of their dance then acts sexy on purpose
• Dope, KBS Open Concert (160315) -> this boy has no chill god dammit
• I Need U + Run, MBC (151231) -> Yoongi playing the piano
• I Need U, (151106) -> looks so good 
• Boyz With Fun, (151028) -> Suga having fun + smile smile smile + looks so fine 
• Cypher pt. 2 & 3, All Force One (150920) -> if you don’t know about this you’re missing on something big. 
• “A to the G to the U to the STD” - Agust D
• “My seat is business, yours is economy, forever behind me kissing my ass” - Agust D
• “Min Yoongi is already dead (I killed him)” - The Last
• “A word said like habit, oh, I don’t give a shit, I don’t give a fuck, those words are all words I use to hide my weak self” - The Last
• “This world sprinkled with my creations, I’ve tasted sweetness and bitterness and even shit, from that time I tried to sleep on the floor of a bathroom, now it’s a memory to me” - The Last
• “Dream, rather than humble, at the end we’ll be prosperous” - So Far Away
• “A brown piano settled on one side” - First Love 
• “It’s not easy but I say to myself, If you think you’re going to crash, step on the pedal harder” - Never Mind
• “Bultaoreune” - Fire
• “Yes, look down on me like that. It’s my hobby to prove you wrong” - We On
• “If I’m the sun you’re the moon, because when I rise, you go down.” - Cypher pt. 2 : Triptych
• “I’m a starfish that eats and grows on your jealousy and envy, As you know, my voice will turn you on, Whether it’s a guy or girl, my tongue will make you come" - Cypher pt.3 
• “Mic mic bungee” - MIC Drop
• “I’m a D-boy yeah I’m a D-boy” - Ma City 
• “love yourself love myself peace” - MMA (171202)
• "Min Suga. Genius. Those two words should be enough"
•  “I want to reincarnated and be a rock in my next life”
• “I’m father Louis Williams Suga Adams the Third”
• “I’m good at doing ugly stuff”
• “I’d like to introduce you to my lover… this neckpillow”
• “I’ve always wanted to nap in a different country”
Inspired by x 
OTHER MEMBERS : Jin / Hoseok / Namjoon / Jimin / Taehyung / Jungkook 
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namjoonchronicles · 7 years
Possessive – [BTS] Dad!Yoongi Au
[A/N] This fancam is a blessing to us all. Gimpo Fansign, you will be engraved in my heart.
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“We had a deal Yoongi. I make the lunch, and you write the supportive messages on their lunchboxes.”
“But I don’t want to,” he whined cutely, not forgetting the all-too-famous pout, “They’re so corny. Why would we do this?”
“Because it’s corny.” You spat back at him and handed him the pen. “I’m going to check on the kids, make sure you’re finished once they’re fully dressed.” He squeezed his lips protruded at you, uncapping the pen and started writing while you try to get first little Yoongi and second little Yoongi. The boys are as excited as ever. Glancing back at him, you saw Yoongi starting to scribble something and you smiled to yourself. He shoved the prettily written notes into the bag, sealed along with their water bottles. The boys ran out the room with their little bags and tethered around Yoongi’s legs. “Are you guys ready for school?” He asked, fixing his glasses as he reached for the car keys, hung by the fridge.
“Mummy? Is Mummy all dressed up and ready to go?” He asked the boys, and shifted his gaze to you when you walked out with your blazers through one arm, shutting the door behind you. “…Yup.” You answered cutely and followed your little ones. Yoongi had the first born and you had the second born. Yoongi refers them simply as, “Number 1” and “Number 2”. They’re twins, but so exceptionally different from each other, it’s so mind-baffling. Yoongi helped load their bags in the trunk, while you fastened the kids to their seat. Done with your task, you sat in the front passenger seat, asking the boys what song they want to hear. They spontaneously answered at once. And to be honest, you agreed.
Yoongi shut the trunk and walked to the driver side, a familiar beat was playing. He didn’t give it too much attention until he opens the car door and heard ‘Tony Montana’ was on full blast.
He was immediately flustered when he heard Agust D’s verse began to play. He stabbed the eject button repeatedly and as if the car stereo was possessed, it won’t response. “How do I even stop this? Why is this not doing what I tell it to do? Whose idea was this?” He finally had the stereo ejecting the audio CD. And when the sounds stopped, he placed it in his laps, exhaling through his nose while biting his lower lip like he had just committed a crime. The boys, and you openly howled “No… That was our jams! Daddy! No fair.” The boys all protested with their arms up in the air then down to each side. “What ever happen to good nursery rhymes? Why are you teaching our children nonsense?” He shot at you and placed the CD into its casing and underneath the dashboard while asking the boys for a cushion before hitting you on your lap, with it. “Seriously, that was supposed to be painful?” You mumbled, nonchalantly with half-shut eyes.
“…How did you guys ever found out about that song?” Yoongi placed the cushion on your lap and send the car engine going. “Don’t answer that.” He darted before any of you could answer. But the boys, being as rebellious as you are, exposed that, “Mummy listened to it the other day when she’s cleaning the house, and we liked it.”
Number 2, who still had his baby tongue, gurgled a laugh, “…Tony Montana shit—“
“Oh my goodness.” Yoongi muttered against the steering wheel. You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing, seeing how flabbergasted he got when he heard it. “Alright, here’s the deal. No one is listening to this mixtape. That includes you, Mummy. I’m taking it away.” He passed a warning pair of eyes through the rear view mirror. “So when do we get to hear them again, daddy?” First born kindly enquired. “When you turned 40.” Yoongi spat. You turned your head behind, to the boys when the car started moving at green, “…Mummy has a copy of it, don’t worry. Mummy has three, just in case Daddy deletes one.” You winked at them.
Soon, they arrive in school. When Yoongi had the car parked, you snatched a tissue box from the car and brought them with you. An older lady passed you when you leave your car, certain that Yoongi had everything with the boys and is walking ahead of you. She smiled and eyed the tissue box.
“…There’s a first for everything. I remembered the first I sent my first born. When you get to the third one, it doesn’t feel as bad.” She commented. “…You’ll get better.”
You snapped your head at her and shake your head, “Oh, these are not for me. They’re for my husband.”
She passed you a confused look but bid you farewell in peace, anyways. The orientation begins and Yoongi stood by you, he’s holding cameras for the children. Calling them at two minutes interval to have a picture snap. “Why are you taking so much pictures for?” You slapped his forearm, looking around at other parent who are very composed. “…This is for the scrapbooks.” He said, poking his eyes through the eye-piece and panned the camera to you. “Baby, smile.” He commanded. With his black hair and black-rimmed glasses, he was turning several young teacher’s heads. He had black turtlenecks on brown blazers, fit for autumn look and you just want to get away from all these attentions you were having for walking in with such an attractive husband.
“Another one.” He chirped, and you heard the shutter go. The microphone starts rustling, and the principal tapped twice on them to check if it was working. Yoongi, for once, started paying attention. He placed his hand on top of the other, fixated on his knee, sitting cross-legged next to you, where all the parents are gathered. As the principal gave his warm welcome through a buttery speech, Yoongi pressed his lips together, leaning to the side at you, he tilted his chin upward a bit, to whisper, “…Someone had a bad hair day.” So you trailed your eyes on the educator line-up and saw one women with super curly hair, bobbed-cut, standing out at every direction, to which you slapped his chest with the back of your hand, urging him to retract to his seat. “…Marvellous crowd we have here today, with a lot of supportive parents…” The principal resumed talking. “Also, we’d like to thank the donations coming from Mr. Min Yoongi and his wife, for the new IT and Science building expected to be completed no longer than three months.”
What? A donation?
“…Yoongi? What donation?” You sang. Yoongi smiled proudly before he waves around to thank everybody, he even got up and bowed to everybody as a sign of respect. “…Just a few thousand.” He beamed, but you had a sense that it’s gone a little more than that, “…You mean ten thousand.” To which he confirmed,
“About fifty?” Yoongi gave you a thin smile that sits between guilt and fear. “Fifty thousand.” You gave him a pair of steely eyes.
“It’s for the kids’ future…” He defended himself, clasping his fingers together again. “What about our future?” You shot back.
Yoongi swings his head to you, smiling like a fool. “…You know you don’t have to worry about that. We’re good for another two offspring, if you could put up with it.” He winks at you and you went for his nipples, poking his sides, punishing him while he winced cutely. “I can’t believe you would say that. In public? You have a lot of guts in you.” You muttered while attacking him mercilessly.
Now that the welcoming session and orientation is coming to an end, the teachers collected the children and Yoongi watches them go inside the school. They waved back cutely. “Take care of each other!” He yelled a bit and starts sniffing. Here comes the waterworks.
You handed him a tissue from the tissue box you took with you. “They grow up so fast…” He wipes his tears. “One minute you were catching them all bloodied in your palms, the size of Jimin’s two hands combined, and the next, they’re walking, waddling to school. I swear, in two seconds, they’ll be as big as Jungkook and travelling to Seoul to be Kpop idols. And then my headaches will start.” Yoongi starts hiccupping. You pressed a stricken smile on your face as you pass him another tissue.
The children are climbing the stairs, into the main entrance as other parents watched. The older lady that greeted you earlier about the tissue box gave you a knowing smile and lightly patted your shoulder as she goes. “Sweetheart, we should go.” You rubbed his back, coaxing him to leave. “Five more minutes.” He stifled.
“…You said that, ten minutes ago. We have to go to work. We’re going to be late.” You squeezed his shoulder and finally he starts moving, but not before glancing numerous time at the entrance, just in case, “…the boys wanted to go home.” You had to drag him by the arm and have him seated on the front passenger’s seat while you took the driver seat, next to him. “…Why in the world would you introduce that mixtape to them?” He laid his head back to the headrest, still annoyed by the horrible truth that happened earlier. “…Hey. That was the best mixtape you have ever produced, of all time. Have some respect.” You defended. Yoongi rolled his eyes to the side where the streets are moving while you drive. “…That mixtape is not age appropriate.” He crossed his arm, “…We’re listening to twinkle-twinkle little star from today onwards.” Yoongi sounded like he had made his mind.
“You mean your version of twinkle-twinkle little star? The remix you made when they were two?” You asked, and you started scoffing. Yoongi snapped his head to you, “…Don’t underestimate the power of twinkle-twinkle little star. I have Namjoon producing it just the way I wanted. That remix version had the boys smiling all the time. Mind you.” He turned to the window view again. “…Fine. Serendipity is good too. Why won’t you let Jimin do the singing for this new remix version of twinkle-twinkle little star? He’ll sound amazing. The boys will like him.”
“Because Jimin has a crush on you. So that’s a no.” Yoongi spat. “Yoongi. That was a bazillion years ago, can you stop?” You darted. “I am terribly possessive to what’s mine. I thought you knew that. I’m starting to hate that school for taking my children away. That principal is lucky I was nice. I would have gone back to the school to retrieve my children.” Yoongi muttered, sulking to his side.
“I swear, you will only get cuter as time passes by.” You commented. “I don’t want to be cute, I want another child.” Yoongi shot.
“So what did you wrote on their lunchbox?” “Something important.”
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kpop-dumpster · 8 years
BTS’s Taehyung ; fluff drabble
He’s the one who makes you feel... loved
{100 Emotions || 6. Feel} 
[A/N: Hey dumplings~ Sorry for disappearing for a while... I lost my inspiration tbh, but I’ve been trying to write again! I hope you like this!]
Nights like these were rare. The cruel winter was slowly coming to an end, the mornings being cooler and nights becoming shorter. And with the nice weather came the sad reality that your boyfriend wouldn’t be with you as much anymore. Those breezy afternoons were spent alone as Taehyung practiced with his members to perfect the choreography his fans were waiting for.
He was happy - why wouldn’t he be? Kim Taehyung was doing what he loved best. But whom he loved best wasn’t with him. You were still busy with school, the usual tests and essays piling on but that didn’t discourage you. The frequent pictures sent by your adorable boyfriend brought a smile to your face. His happy grin and sometimes a silly Jimin or Jungkook posing in the corner of the picture made your day a little bit brighter, and the nightly phone calls or video calls never failed to give you the energy to keep going.
But today was just one of those days. You weren’t motivated to do anything, other than school through Tumblr and Facebook, reblogging pictures of your boyfriend and his group and other groups as well, but you’d rather not tell him that, or watching Youtube videos or fancams. But you still didn’t feel like working. Honestly, there was a small problem plaguing your mind yet you couldn’t bring yourself to tell Taehyung about it when he asked.
“Babe, are you alright?” The concern in his voice was evident, but also the exhaustion. The day of their comeback was approaching and the boys were giving it their all to try and become the best they could, to even surpass their previous performances and become a greater team.
“I’m fine… but are you alright? You sound really tired and I’m sure the others are too.” Pausing your video, you sat up in bed and looked outside. The moon was high up in the sky, stars sprinkled around it, and even though Taehyung was just a few minutes away, he never felt farther. “It’s okay to take a break… if you guys are about to collapse then you’ll make everyone worry, and I know you hate it when people worry about you guys.” Lying on the bed, you glanced at Taehyung’s side of the bed and sighed quietly.
His voice was soothing, a nice way to end the tiring day, and as he spoke about the cute puppy he saw outside and when Jimin convinced Jungkook to watch the Notebook, which ultimately ended with a teary Jungkook trying to punch a laughing Jimin. As you laughed along with his stories, you kept hearing car noises in the background.
“Tae, where are you?”
“Uh, why? I’m at my dorm with the others,” the nervous laugh that followed after was enough to confirm your suspicions that something was off.
“Then why do I hear cars?”
“My window is open.”
“Taehyung, there’s a garden outside of your window. The street is on the other side of the building.” Just when you were about to ask where he was going, someone was opening your front door.
The apartment you were renting was in a safe area, crimes were rare and break-ins even rarer. So you immediately crossed that off your mental list of why your door was opening. But if you had been listening closer to the voice on the other end of the phone, you probably would have heard keys dropping to the floor and a light bump hitting the door as Taehyung’s head hit it as he was getting the keys.
“How did you not hear me?” He said as you scrambled out of bed and towards the door where your boyfriend grinned and held out his arms. “Miss me?” In return, he heard a ‘Kim Taehyung’ somewhere in the laughs and screams of his girlfriend rushing towards him. Finally seeing him after so long was the best feeling in the world. He just completed you in the best possible way, and he would say the same. His arms wrapped around you as he lifted you off your feet, like you would disappear if he let go, and when he said, “I missed you so much babe,” had you feeling butterflies all over again.
Kim Taehyung just had a way of making you feel like you were falling in love with him all over again.
After putting you down, you took his hand and lead him towards the bedroom. “Come on, you need to sleep, Tae.”
“Why, I just got here,” he whined but nonetheless, let you drag him along. Although he knew you couldn’t see his face, he grinned and gripped your hand tighter.
A few minutes later, the both of you were lying on the comfy bed and the moonlight streamed in. He was hugging you as your head laid against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and everything just felt perfect. As cliche as it may seem, Taehyung made your feel at peace. A mess of legs and hands around your waist, with yours resting on his chest, and almost no space left in between.
“So tell me what was wrong?” And these simple words just opened the gate, words flying out of your mouth, letting the bottled up feelings go. With the occasional ‘hm’ and the soft circles he drew into your back, Taehyung just listened to you let your feelings out. It was a great feeling, finally being able to talk about what was going on in your life, rather than saying that your day was alright. Taehyung didn’t judge you, he never would, he just gave you advice on how to deal with the problems you were facing and was always on your side.
After you were done, he just pulled you closer and whispered sweet promises into your ear, how everything will be okay and that he’ll always protect you and help you. And holding him close made you feel like everything really was going to be okay.
“Tae, I love you.” Sleep was slowly creeping up on you, the sudden catharsis tiring you out and the excitement you previously had when you saw him slowly disappearing. Hearing his deep voice slowly fading out left you lightly snoring in his arms.
“I love you too babe… I want to thank you for always waiting for me, and I’m sorry that I can’t always be with you to help you. But just know that I will always be here for you and I’m so amazed that an angel like you is with someone like me. You deserve better than what I can give you, but I can’t let you go. I’ll never let you go. You make me feel complete.”
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Kim Taehyung is a blessing to this world
To read the rest of the drabbles, here’s the link ~ 100 Emotions
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