#this fic is revolutionary
sluts4sirius · 2 years
there will never be a fic like the cadence of part-time poets, i’m sorry THERE JUST WON’TTT
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elalalune · 3 months
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After tea time with 🔥🎩👒
(Wonderland au)
+ wl au notes on the asl brothers
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Ripping the skin off my face please and thank you very muchhhhhahhhhh peace and love peace and love 🕊️💖
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grandline-fics · 3 months
the fic you just posted of them hurting their s/o while not in control could you do the same scenario with Luffy, Ace and Sabo :3
DESCRIPTION: They hurt you while controlled by a devil fruit
WARNINGS: angst, descriptions of injury, hurt to comfort
CHARACTERS: Lufy, Ace, Sabo | Zoro, Law, Shanks, Mihawk
WORDS: 2,224
A/N: I finally managed to come up with scenarios for the brothers and I hope you're happy with the result. Thank you for the request!
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The first thing Luffy saw when he finally snapped out of the strange haze of pure aggression that had possessed him was the horrific sight of your body being hit by his gum-gum whip. One second you were doubled over his arm and as the impact hit you were thrown back at a forceful, blinding speed with no one being able to react in time to stop you from hitting the ground. They could only watch as you crashed loudly against the floor and tumbled, the momentum carrying you until you slid to a stop in a crumbled heap. 
Usually energetic and first to act, Luffy found himself completely frozen as he stood and stared only at your form finding it unrecognisable. No, it couldn’t be you. You looked so tiny as he watched Chopper hurry to your side and roll you over to check on your injuries. Your body was limp and bloodied and it was his fault. Slowly Luffy looked down at his shaking hands and he glared at them as he grit his teeth so tightly he felt like his own jaw would snap under the pressure and if it did, then it was the least he deserved. 
When everyone was safely on the Sunny and Chopper was tending to your wounds, the others filled Luffy in on what happened. None of them knew something was wrong until it was too late. One minute they were watching Luffy effortless deal with his opponent as he usually did. The next his opponent had done something to him just before falling unconscious. Then everyone was trying to reach their Captain and calm him as he suddenly went on a rampage. Incoherently he was yelling out attacks and throwing them out at random. For the longest time they all held their own and were able to dodge Luffy’s attacks but sadly you got hit just as the rampage.
No matter how much everyone told him it wasn’t his fault, Luffy ignored them. He’d done the worst thing imaginable. Yes, he’d fought Usopp and Sanji, and even Zoro in the past but those were in fights they both agreed to. What he’d done to you… again the image of you getting hit flashed in his head and he sharply slammed his fist on the table, leaving the kitchen and ignored Sanji’s call that dinner would soon be ready. Instead he continued walking until he was perched on Sunny’s head. Throwing himself down, Luffy tightly shut his eyes and tried to shut everything and everyone out.  
You woke a day later, pain flaring through your body dizzyingly. Even when you tried to sit up as slowly and as carefully as you could, it was still too much and you could only let out a shuddering gasp and had to go even slower. Exhausted you finally managed to sit up and blinked to notice the iconic straw hat of your Captain and boyfriend on the bed. It must have been set on you while you were sleeping and moved when you’d woken. Gingerly you let your fingers skim the edge of the hat and you pulled it closer. “I’m sorry.” You looked to see Luffy enter, it almost seemed wrong that he wasn’t wearing the hat. 
He knelt on the floor and folded his arms on the bed, looking up at you sadly. As much as he wanted to punish himself, he couldn’t bring himself to be apart from you. Your free hand lightly moved to run through his head. “Why do I have your hat, Luffy?”
“I wanted to show you how sorry I am. It’s my treasure…but you’re more important to me. Forgive me?”
“Luffy, there’s nothing to forgive.” You told him softly, using all the strength you could to lift his hat back onto his head where it belonged, relieved to see the visible weight on Luffy’s shoulders lift. It hadn’t mattered to him what the others said, he needed to hear it from you and only you to know you didn’t hate him. Only your opinion mattered and to know you still loved him and looked at him the same way was all he needed. 
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He was a monster, this proved it. Ace knew that it was only a matter of time before his evil blood reared its ugly head and made him unrecognisable, made him act against his morals and instincts. Although technically it was an enemy Devil Fruit user that controlled him, ordered him to destroy everything in his path and hurt those he loved, the end result was still the same. A switch had been flipped in his mind and he became a mindless, destructive force of fire and choking ash. It was a miracle no one was killed and that was thanks to you but your intervention came at a price.
When Ace woke from his confusion he felt drained and saw the sea prism cuffs on his wrists but what caught his attention was your pained whimper you’d tried to bite back as Marco got to work on healing you. Through the blue flames Ace could see the swirled burn marks against your arm and shoulder. Sickened he looked away from you and saw the destruction he’d caused. Buildings were now smouldering as his flames were dying down, taken care of by his crew while the people who lived in the small town watched on. There was a small clink and Ace blinked to see Izou unlocking the cuffs, holding Ace’s powers at bay. “We took care of the bastard that did this to you. You weren’t the only one he’d terrorised with his ability but you are the last. No one holds you accountable Ace.”
Despite the kind words, Ace still felt himself falling further into self-loathing he hadn’t experienced in a long while. For days he withdrew himself and silently worked with the others to rebuild the village he’d destroyed. He didn’t deserve his family in the Whitebeard crew, his didn’t deserve Pops’ reassurances, he didn’t deserve the tattoo on his back that he’d always displayed proudly. He didn’t deserve you and anytime you tried to approach, Ace made a quick escape. 
At first you decided to give your lover some space to clear his head and work on repairing the village. As much as you’d wanted to do your part, your burns left you unable to do much of the heavier work. Marco had been very insistent that you just sit back and rest and anytime you made a move to so much as look at the tools or materials they were using, the Phoenix would float as if from nowhere and demand to know why you were ignoring his medical orders. During your latest admonishment you felt a stare aimed at you. Looking over you caught Ace’s gaze only to sigh when he quickly lowered his head and walked away. Now it was your turn to ignore Marco and you walked after your boyfriend. You finally caught him on the ship and stood firmly in the doorway, blocking his only escape. 
“No more running Ace. We have to talk about this.” You told him, watching him flinch and look at the ground. “Look at me, Ace. Please.”
“I can’t bear to see that look in your eyes.” He whispered and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“What look?” You asked. “Ace, I don’t blame you for my injury. I don’t look at you any differently.”
“Exactly.” He ground out, hands balling against his sides. “You should hate me, see me as the monster I am. I can’t stand to see you still look at me with love in your eyes.”
“Ace I’ll always love you.” You told him, beginning to step forward. Even without looking at you, Ace sensed your advance and responded with a step back. 
“I love you Ace.” You reaffirmed. Your fingers reached out to slip around his fist, gently coaxing his hand to relax. “I love you.” You repeated those three impactful words over and over again until you finally felt Ace’s arms wrap around you and let him bury his face into your uninjured shoulder. For every apology that spilled from his lips, you answered with a declaration of love for him, soothing his guilt slowly but surely.
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Normally Sabo would feel nothing but restless excitement to be finally returning to the Revolutionary Army base, to finally see you again. Normally a mission lasting two months would have driven him to make up the time apart to you and promise that his next mission would be short. This time however? He was only returning to quickly give Dragon a report and then demand the next mission available. Preferably the longer the better. Sabo still couldn’t shift the pit of ice twisting painfully in his stomach or bring himself to feel anything but shame and heartbreak. He’d hurt you. On your last mission, an enemy had gotten the better of you both and used his ability to make Sabo his mindless puppet, given the simple order of ‘destroy your comrade’ before escaping. 
While you were fiercely strong and capable, Sabo always had just a little bit more of an edge in combat by comparison and with no restraint, he was deadlier than normal. Knowing you had to fight back against your lover if you wanted to both survive this ordeal. Hack and Koala were outside and you were counting on him to pursue your target while you held your own in your fight, in the hopes Sabo would eventually snap out of it. You’d done as you intended but one moment of hesitation was all it took. 
You didn’t react in time and Sabo’s pipe connected against your head, knocking you to the ground. Dazed and in pain, you tried to push yourself to your feet only to freeze when Sabo’s Dragon Talon latched onto your spine. Panic set in and your tried to break free before he properly attacked but in seconds his fingers flexed and you shrieked in agony. Neither of you could tell for certain if the sound of your pain, Koala taking down the target, or the effect of the ability had simply worn off but Sabo released you and staggered back while you passed out from the pain. Had he put any more power into the attack or let it prolong any longer than he had then you would have never been able to walk again. 
While that was a good result, the damage was already done and you had a long road to recovery to take. Unable to face you or what he’d done, Sabo took the mission he was only now returning from. He hadn’t even waited for your to wake. He couldn’t justify acting like nothing had happened. The shame was too great for him to face you. 
“What do you mean there’s no missions?!” Sabo demanded as he stood in Dragon’s office.
“None for you, not until you settle matters here.” His superior explained, keeping his eyes trained on Sabo’s report. “You’re needed more here than out there, Sabo. Now get to the infirmary.” Unable to disobey a direct order, Sabo nodded and did as he was told. He was a fool to hope he could run forever. 
Silently he entered the room to see you diligently working through your physiotherapy exercises. Your steps were still slow but you could see the improvement all thanks to the Revolutionary’s medical team and your own resilience. Hearing the door, you looked up to see Sabo and while you felt relieved to see him home safe, you couldn’t help but feel hurt that he hadn’t said goodbye in the first place. 
“Did you get lost?” You asked lightly, a joke you both always said when the other was away for any longer than a week. Sabo couldn’t bring himself to answer with his usual cheer and playful tone. Instead he swallowed the lump in his throat and glanced at the doctor. 
“Could you give us a few minutes?” He requested gently. When the room was empty and you moved to the nearest seat, still finding long periods on your feet to be draining, Sabo cleared his throat. “I know I have a lot of apologising to do and I know none of it is going to change what I did but please know I’d understand if you wanted to end things and won’t object-”
“Hit me, Sabo.” You demanded, shocking Sabo into stopping his rambling. 
“Hit me, kick me, whatever you want.” You shrugged, watching him approach you slowly. 
“No! I’d never do that to you.” Sabo refused, crouching down in front of you to remain eye-level. His expression became even more confused when you smirked at him in satisfaction.
“Exactly. You’d never hurt me.” You repeated. “You’d never knowingly or willingly hurt me. You didn’t have to run away. I understood.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”
“Just don’t hide from me again, okay?” You asked, reaching out to cup his face. “If I’m to get my strength back I need you here to support me.”
“I’ll never let you down again.” Sabo promised, leaning into your touch and finally allowed himself to feel the warmth and relief of returning home to you.
TAG LIST (If I've missed anyone or if you want to be added just let me know) @3v37773, @tsaaps , @i-am-all-love-puns-and-lazy , @sanemisnonexistenteyebrow , @fiery-captain-spider-santa
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au where sabo was undercover at enies lobby when luffy and co attacked it to get robin back and was like 'oh boy! someone's revolting against the world government! that's my favourite hobby!' and joined in for funsies
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fanaticsnail · 4 days
Frills and Bundles
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,600+
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Synopsis: Bound to your desk, you took to the task of testing out a new prototype of a dress Ivankov made for you. Not used to the frills and bundles, you become wrapped up in the feeling of it while your friend tries to halt his unhinged urges to do something about his pining.
Themes: Sabo x f!reader, 18+, NSFW, suggestive, Sabo is unhinged, Sabo is a little yandere, no smut - just fantasy, mutual pining, idiots in love, reader's birthday, fluff with an edge of spice beneath the surface.
Notes: Happy birthday @frillsinadress!! I hope you enjoy a small fic of Sabo longing and pining. May your day be glorious 🖤
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Twin beady eyes gawked at you while sitting motionless atop your wooden desk. The shell on its back depicted the cross-hatched tattoo of your boss and leader of the revolutionary army. Your task for the day was to sit there and wait for the final report from Monkey D Dragon, and to organize a corresponding attack on the marines base with his direct orders as soon as he ordered them.
The full skirt attached to your hips gathered in heavy bunches in your lap, your chest rising and falling in strangled breaths beneath the constriction of the leathery corset Ivankov fashioned for you. Each element of the ruffled skirt weighed heavily on your hips regardless as to how you sat at your desk.
While the arrangement was beautiful, it was not at all practical while bound to the drawl of paperwork and snail-sitting. The reason you were dressed in this formal garb was specifically to train yourself how to act properly and daintily in order to infiltrate a gala, to gather intelligence for the revolutionary army in a reconnaissance mission within a small unit.
It was a bonus that you got to wear such a pretty arrangement on a day like today. Your birthday, to be exact.
While you never truly made a deal about yourself, never taking time off from your duties under Dragon to enjoy yourself, receiving the prototype from Ivankov did make you feel special in your own way. The extravagant array of frills and bundles waterfalling to the floor had the corners of your lips ticking up in a sweet smile.
Lost in your own world, you were yet to notice a presence leaning against the wooden post to your office door.
Head tilted, eyes examining, lips smiling, arms crossing, and foot tapping stood the flame emperor of the revolutionary army. Second in command under Dragon, your superior, who you answered to on occasion, and the man who recently became obsessed with you.
His obsession really seeped from the fact that you had only ever been kind and attentive to him: fetching his coat and hat when he left meetings, always dainty and poised regardless as to how well you were personally faring. From that brink came a spark within his chest that had him constantly feeling on edge. He was plagued with a lust that never seemed quenchable enough or satiated by his own pleasure while he fucked his fist to your fantasy.
Noticing your eyes left the two globes of the snail’s haunting and beady eyes to gawk down at your breasts hoisted in the corset, he felt morally obliged to do the same. As your hands traveled up to readjust them, you bunched the flesh in your hands and gave them a slight jiggle.
Sabo felt his mouth begin to water, salivating at the fantasy of picturing you palming them, while the other traveled beneath your skirts to give in to your need for release. Although all you were currently doing was toying and fussing with your seams, his mind had a way of running away with him when his eyes fell to you. Picturing all the thoughts he had of you pinching and fondling your naked breasts while he pistoned his cock, his mind for carried away as his gaze wandered lower.
His eyes stopped their mirage, hyper focussing on the fabrics bunched at your waist in an array of flowing frills. It was far too much material to get below the waist from the top. You would have to go from beneath to seek out that pretty pussy you've kept hidden from him.
Narrowing his gaze with a deep furrow of his brow, he concentrated on how much the material would prohibit such fun for you in an array of positions. The skirts almost seemed enough to hide another person beneath them.
Sabo could be that person beneath the frills and bundles for you.
Sabo wanted to be that person beneath the frills and bundles for you.
Sabo needed to dive beneath those skirts and consume your pleasure with his lips, tongue and teeth while his hands pried you apart and held you like that until you were clenching around him.
Shaking his head, he rid himself of those thoughts while gently coughing to alert you of his presence by the door.
“Sabo-!” you exclaimed, your hands frozen at their place fondling your breasts while shrouded in its corset. Face flushed, eyes wide, lips parting, and, in Sabo’s opinion, absolutely adorable: you had no idea how to react to being caught out squeezing at your breasts.
Gently smirking, he approached your station and removed his top-hat from his mop of tousled, blonde hair. Carding his digits through his locks, he sheepishly hung his head while his thighs brushed with your desk. Placing his hat down on your desk, he bit back his rising smirk and closed his eyes in humor.
“That-... Uh-...” He attempted to contain a chuckle from falling from his lips, “...New dress?” He continued to hold his eyes to the ground, peering at your fright through his peripherals.
“Yes, sir,” you nodded, finally releasing your breasts from your hands.
“One of Ivankov’s?” He rose his eyes to meet your gaze. While he feigned an air of innocence about him, that unhinged side wanted nothing than to see how much more he could fluster you. “I like it on you. A lot, actually.” He leaned his hip up to sit on your desk, gently tilting the snail aside to avoid its awakened gaze.
“I-It is one of Iva’s, yes,” you stutter, blinking rapidly while he hovers ever closer to you. “Thank you for saying so.” You gave him a soft giggle to shrug off your nerves, returning to your usual posture with a grin, “Caught me at an odd moment, I won't lie to you. I'm not used to being so constricted by ruffles, frills and bundles. Anything for the cause, right?”
Sabo chuckled alongside you as you spoke, shaking his head lightly while he took you in.
“I don't blame you,” he shrugged, leaning forward and punching a portion of the fabric between his gloved fingers, “It's rather surreal, seeing you all dressed up like this.” Using a swift motion, he slowly dragged you towards him by the nape of your neck.
Rising to your feet with his motions, you allowed yourself to be tugged up by the flame emperor and drawn closer towards him. Your lips tingle with anticipation, never truly knowing the intention he was envisioning while you rose to stand before him. Sabo had always been a little unhinged with his conversation, and you would reciprocate indulgently with his unhinged commentary every now and again for your own, personal benefit.
Now fully standing in front of him, he rose to his feet and maintained contact with you by his gloved hand while walking around the desk. Reaching forward with his unoccupied hand, he claimed yours and gently indicated for you to spin slowly with him as your partner. To the betterment of your abilities, you allowed yourself to be spun in place, skirts bunching and swaying to a soundless melody.
“So pretty,” Sabo commented on your display alongside your garment, “Such a pretty dress, for such a pretty girl.” He halted your dance, placing both hands on your waist as he slowly moved himself closer. “Any wishes for your birthday? Anything I could do to help you out while you're bound in chains to the desk?”
You giggle at his comment, gently tapping his cravat with the backs of your hands in a playful shove. Shaking your head, you smoothed the sides of his navy jacket and fixed his collar. While you craved so desperately to give into your desires and ask him to satisfy the plague of lust branded into your mind of him beneath your skirts and satisfying you while you worked, you chose to behave.
“I have all I need here, sir,” you nodded towards your desk, “And I'll be here until Dragon tells me otherwise.”
“I could hide beneath your desk?” Sabo suggested, gently thumbing at your hips and bringing his lips up to your jaw before pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek, “I have the whole day spare. I can be right here with you, and I won't make a peep.”
You shook your head at your friend, releasing his collar from your hands and gave him a playful shove.
“No distractions. I need to be at my desk until Dragon dismisses me for the day,” you nodded with a hint of melancholy to your tone, “The cause comes before all else, including pretty blondes hiding beneath my desk. Thank you for your suggestion, though. I do appreciate the offer.”
“Even on your birthday?” he suggested with a soft pout, “You're more dedicated than most of us here. I promise, as soon as you get off and away from your desk, as your friend: I will give you a birthday you won't easily forget.”
You shook your head, gently parting Sabo on the chest and returning to sit back at your desk.
“Thank you, Sabo,” you smile up at the man by your side, “You're a good friend. I'm looking forward to it.”
Giving you one last smile, he reached down and claimed your hand in his. Slowly dragging it up to his lips, he maintained eye contact while he pressed a kiss tentatively on the top of your knuckles. While the action in and of itself was sweet, the hidden promise dancing behind his eyes was raw and feral.
He knew exactly how he was going to make your day unforgettable. Each element of his date was meticulously planned and laid before him. The cuisine you favored, the sweets you preferred, a menu to sate your appetite for food, followed by the absolute cure to quench the thirst gathering in the thick, raw, primal tension rising between you.
For now, he would be satisfied by peering up at you though his blonde eyelashes, while he pictured all the ways he was going to carve your day into your memory. Confessing his love for you, expressing how devoted he was to you, and demonstrating that declaration by unraveling you in more ways you could ever perceive by every part of him he'd make available to you.
Sabo would confess.
All he hopes if that you would feel the same, and allow him to explore that with you.
Tag list: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @since-im-already-here @gingernut1314 @writingmysanity @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @the-light-of-star @empirenowmp3 @racfoam @sunflowersatori @carrotsunshine @skullfacedlady @jintaka-hane @thenotsofantasticlifestory
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luffington · 2 months
hiii im the anon from way back when now that ur at whole cake i wanted to spin the block on my sabo request from earlier (of course only if you want to no pressure!)
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✧.* art credit!
➤ prompt: can i request a sabo x f!reader who’s a strawhat who joins the revolutionary army alongside robin during the timeskip and immediately hits it off and becomes close friends with him while on baltigo and then reunites with him in dressrosa [fwb trope perhaps?? 👀👀]
➤ pairing: sabo x afab!reader
➤ word count: 2.5k
➤ warnings: dom!sabo, semi-public sex, praise kink, thigh riding, facial, friends with benefits, fluff, fem reader
in episode of sabo he officially entered the colosseum competition but it’s never explained in canon so let’s pretend he somehow snuck in before the final battle hehe
i really hope you like this after waiting for so long!! :') i've only seen him in dressrosa so i'm sorry if this isn't accurate to his character in future arcs! (also if you can't tell i Love koala <3)
NSFW under the break! minors dni thank uuu
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Soldiers with guns ready to fire surrounded you the moment you landed on Baltigo. In a panic, you insisted that you weren’t an intruder. You didn’t even know where you were intruding. One moment you were on Sabaody Archipelago and then Bartholomew Kuma touched you and suddenly you were soaring through the air in a giant bubble — and that made them pause. Kuma would never send an enemy to their headquarters. The paw-shaped crater left behind was undeniable proof of your story, and your bounty poster confirmed that you were a Straw Hat Pirate instead of a spy. With no plausible way to get back to your crew, you decided to temporarily join the Revolutionary Army. 
About a week later, Sabo returned from a successful assignment and was enthusiastically welcomed back by everyone at the base. He seemed nice enough, but as the chief of staff, he obviously had more pressing issues to attend to than getting to know a new recruit. He would give you a friendly wave whenever he saw you, but nothing more.
Then the news of Ace’s death came and all of his memories flooded back. He was absolutely heartbroken, but you didn’t want to intrude on such a personal moment for a man you hardly knew, so you decided to leave him alone. Instead, you begged to borrow a ship to find your captain, who must’ve also been suffering terribly. 
As soon as Sabo heard you mention Luffy, he remembered that you were a Straw Hat – and you’d been with them long enough to have met Ace in Alabasta. He quickly latched onto you and you were more than happy to tell him stories about his brothers, as well as your brief encounter with Garp. Robin arrived at Baltigo a few days after Luffy’s appearance in the newspaper and gladly joined your conversations, but slyly gave the two of you lots of alone time.
You liked Sabo more and more each time you talked to him. It didn’t take long to notice his similarities to his family – they all had the same reckless confidence, happy-go-lucky attitudes, and admirable dedication to whatever cause they put their mind to. Even Dragon shared these qualities under his stony exterior (and you realized in horror that you now knew that entire insane family). 
But the blonde was flirty. And touchy. The friendly hugs he gave you grew longer and more intimate; his hands lingered on your shoulders and brushed against your thighs. You were delighted to reciprocate – though you had no romantic feelings for him, he was undeniably gorgeous. Sexual tension between you grew until it exploded with the help of several bottles of cheap sake and a shared hotel room. He pinned you down and fucked you dumb until you were covered in cum and screaming his name. Poor Koala in the neighboring room was traumatized, especially by the sound of your bedframe collapsing.
Sabo became your best friend and your best stress reliever, effortlessly transitioning from casual conversations to shoving his dick down your throat. Being in the Revolutionary Army was incredibly dangerous, of course, but Sabo always made sure you were well-protected and cared for. However, you still had no doubts about returning to the Straw Hats after two years had passed. You were sad to leave your friend, but he promised you’d see each other again. 
You didn’t realize it would be so soon.
Only two weeks after you departed for Sabaody, you found yourself wandering the colorful cobblestone streets of Dressrosa in an admittedly terrible disguise. Separated from your crew and searching for the SMILE Factory despite having no leads. Everything about the country, its citizens, and Law’s supposedly flawless plan felt strange. 
But what caught you off-guard the most was a hooded figure passing by and grabbing your arm, leaning close to your ear, and using a very familiar voice to whisper, “Hey.”
A hint of soft blonde hair peeking out from under the fabric nearly gave you a heart attack. “Sabo?!”
He quickly clamped a gloved hand over your mouth, shutting you up immediately. He brought his face close to yours, whispering in a teasing tone, “Are you trying to blow my cover? Naughty girl.” Your cheeks burned bright red.
Sabo glanced around cautiously, but no one in the streets spared a fleeting glance at the two of you. The majority of Dressrosans were further down the block in a large open plaza, watching the Colosseum match broadcast in real time. The opening ceremony had just finished and the first round was beginning. He didn’t give a shit – he only needed to pay attention to Hack in round two. 
“C’mon, let’s talk somewhere else.” The blonde grabbed your hand and led you down a back alley hidden behind a row of shops. Once you were sufficiently shielded by a stack of wooden storage crates, he pulled down the hood of his brown cloak.
“What the hell are y–” Soft lips slammed against your own as he caged you against the wall, pulling you into a heated kiss and biting your bottom lip. Sabo was as unpretentious as ever, not wasting any time to take what he wanted. Fingers trailing up your thigh in a very obvious way before he grabbed the meat of your ass. 
“Figured it was better than a hug,” he laughed. A beautiful sound that you missed hearing every day. He kissed along your cheek then nipped at your earlobe, causing you to flinch. “You know I’m here to stop Doflamingo’s weapons trade. I don’t have a lot of time, but I needed to see you and make sure you’re doing okay.” 
Sabo paused to run his hand down your chest until it reached your clothed core, palming you through your pants. You whimpered and instinctively bucked into his touch.
“And have a quickie. It’s been too long since I felt this pretty cunt. Don’t know when I’ll get a chance again,” he growled against your neck, using two fingers to stroke the outline of your pussy lips and push the rough fabric tighter against you.
“B-but we’re in the middle of the street…” You glanced at the sunny entrance to the alleyway, heart racing at the thought of someone seeing you. 
“I wouldn’t say the middle,” the blonde chuckled, gesturing to the desolate space around you. “Besides, with everything happening today, I don’t think public indecency is anyone’s biggest concern.”
You bit your lip anxiously, but the feeling of his warm body pressed against yours and his lips moving down your neck overrode all rational thoughts. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t fantasize about him pounding into your cunt every night since you left the Army. Plus, his cloak was large enough to completely shield your bodies from any prying eyes. To any passerby, you would look like a couple engaging in a little too much PDA – not a rare sight in the kingdom of love.
“W-why–” Your breath hitched as he shoved his hands under your top to roughly squeeze your breasts. “Why did Dragon decide to do this operation now? The meeting we had was–” You tried your best to stifle a lewd moan, the soft leather of his gloves not hiding the roughness of his fingers tugging at your nipples. “W-was weeks ago…”
“Can we please not talk about Dragon while I’m trying to fuck you?” Sabo pouted cutely, making you giggle. “We’ll have a real conversation later, I promise. I need my little stress relief toy right now.” He shoved one of his knees between yours, tensed thigh pressing insistently on your cunt. “Grind that cute pussy on my leg. Show me how much she missed me.” His eyes darkened when you immediately complied, letting out cute whimpers at the delicious friction. “Fuck, that’s so hot.”
Loud cheering echoed down the street, likely related to the tournament, and you instinctively turned towards the sound. Sabo gripped your chin and forced you to face him again. 
“Hey. Eyes on me.” You nodded obediently, and he whispered “good girl” before shoving his tongue down your throat. You tangled your fingers in his soft blonde locks, running your thumb over his scarred cheek affectionately. He truly was so handsome.
Deciding your pace was too slow, the blonde grabbed your hip and roughly guided your core back and forth on his thigh. His noticeable bulge strained against the fabric of his elegant cadet gray pants – even undercover, he was as well-dressed as always. “Sabo, please…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll give you exactly what you want.” He unbuckled his belt and let his cock spring free, bouncing against his stomach and standing proudly at full hardness. Your pants were abruptly yanked down to your knees next. Sabo didn’t miss the chance to take off his glove and swipe a finger through your wet folds, making you shiver. “You’re already dripping.”
“You’re one to talk,” you smirked, playfully running your palm up his length and wiping away the precum beading at the top.  
“Such a fucking tease.” He groaned, pretty eyes darkening. “Lift your leg for me.” 
You kicked your pants off completely and did as you were told. Sabo hooked his hand under your knee, tilting your pelvis towards him for the best angle to fuck into you. Paused to adjust his cloak, making sure you were completely concealed, and looked around for any prying eyes. Once he was satisfied with your relative privacy, he lined up his cock with your entrance, tauntingly tapping the head against your puffy clit.
“Wait, Sabo. Condom.”
“Don’t have any.” He shrugged and your eyes widened. “What? They’re not exactly essential on an espionage mission.”
You frowned, but it was too late to find one now. “Just don’t cum inside, okay?”
“‘Course not.” He chuckled lightheartedly, contrasting with the rough way he thrust his dick inside your cunt, fully sheathing it inside in one go. It stretched out your pussy perfectly, hitting every sensitive spot inside you.
“Oh, fuck,” you whined, throwing your head back, realizing too late how loud you were and quickly covering your own mouth. Sabo’s gaze darkened with lust and a smug sense of pride that he made you cry out like a whore. 
“Weren’t you concerned about being caught?” The blonde snickered, grinding his hips against yours in slow circles. He yanked your hand away, pressed a chaste kiss against your lips, then thrust his removed glove in your mouth. Not caring that it would definitely be soaked in spit by the end. 
Sabo braced one hand on the wall next to your head and fucked you hard and fast, bullying your cunt and smacking his balls against your skin with every thrust. Even without any time pressure, this was how you normally had sex – he was always impatient and greedy to take whatever he wanted, and you were more than willing to give him everything. 
The filthy sound of your wet walls squelching around his cock and his debauched groans filled your ears. You clenched onto his overcoat for stability and buried your face in the crook of his neck, but he tangled his fingers in your hair and yanked your head back. “Eyes on me, remember?”
You nodded, unable to do anything but let out muffled moans around his glove. Eyes glazed over and drool dripped down your chin. Your fucked-out expression went straight to his cock and made him rut into you even faster, the tip of his dick kissing your cervix. Feeling himself getting close, he flicked your clit and rubbed tight circles on the bundle of nerves. He leaned forward to kiss a sensitive spot right under your jaw – you never told him that he couldn’t give you hickies.
“You gonna cum?” A rhetorical question. He could definitely feel how soaked you were around him, how you desperately met his thrusts and sucked his dick in even deeper. Your body would’ve collapsed long ago if he wasn’t there to pin you in place and use you like a fuckdoll. The blonde whispered absolute filth with interludes of praise into your ear to help you to the edge even faster. 
Divine pleasure consumed your body as you hit your peak, cunt tightening around Sabo’s cock and nearly causing him to empty his balls inside of you. He carefully restrained himself to honor your request – and he had a better idea, anyways.
Once the aftershocks of your orgasm had subsided and you descended back to reality, Sabo pulled out of you. His dick was angry red and painfully hard. After removing the sticky glove from your mouth, he commanded, “On your knees.”
Your shaky legs gave out and you sank to the ground, knees hitting the solid stone street hard enough to bruise, but you barely noticed. The blonde positioned his cock in front of your face and rapidly jerked off inches away from you. You opened your mouth obediently and he murmured “fuck” underneath his breath. 
He bit his lip hard enough to bleed when he came seconds later. Thick strings of white painted your face and barely landed in your mouth. You looked up at him with cum on your eyelashes, slightly annoyed but incredibly aroused. “Sorry,” he panted with a grin, and clearly not apologetic at all. “You’re just so goddamn sexy like this.”
You swallowed the drops of cum lucky enough to land in your mouth. Sabo wiped the rest off with his cloak — it was his mess to clean, after all – then pinched your cheek lovingly. He helped you fix your clothes and hair to make sure it didn’t look like you just had rough sex in a random alleyway. 
A muffled Transponder Snail rang in his coat pocket. He looked at you for permission, and you grinned and told him he could answer it. 
“I’ve been trying to reach you!” Koala’s annoyed voice shouted through the Snail. You were obviously too preoccupied to hear any of her previous attempts to call him. “Hack lost to some green-haired weirdo. Can you figure out a way to get inside the Colosseum? We need to find that underground port.”
Sabo quickly handed you the Snail. “Hi, Koala,” you giggled.
“Oh, hey! What are you doing here?” She brightened up immediately at the sound of your voice. There was a small pause as she took a moment to process, then the Snail mimicked her furious expression. “Sabo, what the hell? Really?!”
He laughed loudly. “I couldn’t help myself. But I’ll go now.”
“You better.” Koala grumbled, then said goodbye to you in a much nicer tone. 
The blonde turned to you apologetically, but you just smiled and said, “Go win the Flare-Flare Fruit. You deserve it.” Then gave him a good-luck peck on the cheek, which made his face light up into a giant grin. “And find Luffy while you’re at it!”
After the chaos of the day was over, Sabo met you and the Straw Hats at Kyros’s house, where you were finally able to sit down and chat for a while. Before he left, he repeated his promise that he’d see you again no matter what. 
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emil1863 · 3 months
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my favorite losers.
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fdblaize · 1 year
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light up, light up by @taizi
A wicker boy, just tinder waiting for a spark.
best AU ever is2g. I like to imagine that sabo became so insanely angry after losing ace as opposed to ace becoming gentler after losing sabo. god the amount mental illnesses I got from reading this. hes a wicker boy
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omegaovaries · 2 months
prompt: memories | ao3
Ace notices little details of people’s appearances more often than he’d like to admit.
It’s easy on the Grandline – Ace has seen and met and fought more people in a year than he has in his entire childhood on Dawn. There’s all different sorts of people to meet, to avoid, to just be around it almost makes him dizzy.  
It takes a while before he catches onto what he’s doing. 
He stares a little too long at blond men and women, watching the sunlight catch into their hair, watching the moonlight make the strands glitter. He stares at certain shades of blue too long – blue ribbons and waistcoats and denim and eyes. But especially the ocean. He has to shake himself awake from a trance somedays, staring out at the waves that can be so bright they mirror the sky, staring out at indigo waves only illuminated by moonlight.
The Spades noticed after a while and eventually the Whitebeards do too. 
How his eyes would linger on top hats and hair that would curl just so and how sometimes, he would go quiet and watch the waves from the highest point on deck, thumb rubbing across the embroidery of an old but well kept handkerchief. They notice how on certain days Ace is too loud or too quiet, staring out into the ocean at random moments, fingers unconsciously pressed against the ‘S’ in his tattoo. 
When Luffy’s first wanted poster comes out, instead of saying ‘my little brother,’ Ace will sometimes say ‘our little brother.’ 
Before Ace leaves Luffy near Alabasta to continue his hunt for Blackbeard, he tells him, “We’re proud of you,” easy and automatic. Luffy’s quick “I know,” comes out just as easy.
They both freeze for a moment before Luffy smiles at him, wide and sunny. “I know you guys are.”
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otaku553 · 11 months
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I have an agenda.
Long hair teenage sabo.
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thebunnednun · 4 months
OKAY HEAR ME OUT GURL! A story where Reader has a crush on Ace and Sabo tries to help her with getting his attention BUT Sabo is the one who's in love with reader! So like Sabo--> Reader--> Ace. (Of course we want friends to lovers so she stay Sabo? You choose, Babe! salute from Brazil)
If you only knew how much I love you Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace
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Sabo is becoming quiet popular with my readers!!
Disclaimer: I do not own the art in any way, shape, or form.
Thank you for the request babe! I hope you enjoy this!
To be posted on my Tumblr account soon.
I also have a poll out right now where all readers can vote for what they want to see next. At this time, 5/18/2024, you lovelies have 4 days left to vote! Feel free to comment what you specifically want as well!
Hopefully now I can get to the rest of my requests.
Now lets get on to this sexy man!~
The salty breeze of the sea carried whispers of adventure and longing as you stood on the bustling docks of Loguetown. Your eyes scanned the horizon, searching for a familiar figure among the bustling crowd. And there he was, Ace, the enigmatic pirate with a smile that could melt even the coldest heart.
(And Abs that would melt the ice caps.)
Your heart fluttered as Ace approached, his presence commanding attention wherever he went. You had harbored a secret crush on him for what felt like an eternity, your admiration for him growing with each passing day. But despite your best efforts to hide your feelings, you couldn't help but blush whenever he was near.
"Hey, (Y/n)!" Ace greeted you with a grin, his voice as warm as the sun-kissed sea. 
"What's up?"
"Hey, Fire britches," you replied, trying to steady your racing heart. "Just enjoying the sights and sounds of the harbor."
As they walked along the docks, you stole glances at Ace whenever you thought he wasn't looking. You admired his confidence, his easy charm, and the way he effortlessly captivated everyone around him. But deep down, you knew you could never be more than just a friend to him.
Meanwhile, Sabo watched from a distance, his heart heavy with longing. He had been friends with our lovely Reader for as long as he could remember, always by her side through thick and thin. But lately, he couldn't shake the feeling that something had changed between them. 
"Sabo, are you okay?" Luffy's voice broke through Sabo's thoughts, snapping him back to reality.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Sabo replied with a forced smile. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
Luffy studied him for a moment, a knowing look in his eyes. "You know, if there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me about it," he said, his voice filled with concern.
Sabo's heart swelled with gratitude for his brother's kindness. "Thanks, Luffy," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I appreciate it."
As the days turned into weeks, You found yourself spending more and more time with Ace, your feelings for him growing stronger with each passing moment. You cherished the moments together, the laughter and camaraderie you shared, but you couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was missing.
One evening, as the sun was setting below the shoreline, you found yourself sitting alone on the deck of the Thousand Sunny, just lost in thought. You couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at your heart, a sense of longing that refused to be ignored.
"Sabo," you whispered into the night, voice barely above a whisper. 
"What am I supposed to do?"
Unbeknownst to you, Sabo had been standing in the shadows, watching you with a heavy heart. He longed to tell you how he felt, to confess the depths of his love for you, but he couldn't bear the thought of ruining your friendship.
"[Name]," he murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "I wish I could show you how much you mean to me."
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself consumed by thoughts of you, his feelings burning brighter with each passing moment. It was almost like he was addicted. He knew he had to do something, anything, to get her to see him in a different light. 
"Sabo," Luffy's voice broke through Sabo's thoughts, pulling him back to reality once again. 
"I have an idea!"
Sabo raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. 
"What kind of idea?"
Luffy grinned mischievously. "I think it's time we help [Name] with their crush on Ace," he said, excitement dancing in his eyes. "And who better to help them than their two best friends?"
Sabo's heart skipped a beat at the mention of your crush on Ace. "You really think that'll work?" he asked, trying to keep the hope out of his voice.
Luffy nodded enthusiastically. "Of course it will! We'll be their wingmen, their partners in crime," he declared, a grin spreading across his face. "And who knows? Maybe along the way, they’ll realize that the one they’ve been searching for has been right in front of them all along."
With a newfound sense of determination, Sabo and Luffy set their plan into motion. 
They orchestrated chance encounters between [Name] and Ace, subtly arranging situations where they could spend more time together. And as they watched from the sidelines, Sabo couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy whenever Ace flashed that charming smile of his at you.
But despite their best efforts, [Name] remained oblivious to Sabo's feelings for them. They were too focused on Ace to notice anything else, their heart set on a love that would never be.
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself growing more and more frustrated. No matter what he did, he couldn't seem to get [Name] to notice him in the way he wanted them to. And with each passing day, his feelings for her only grew stronger.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Sabo found himself alone on the deck railing of the Thousand Sunny, lost in thought. You and Ace had seemingly gotten closer and he couldn't shake the feeling of despair that gnawed at his heart, a sense of hopelessness that refused to be ignored.
He’d fallen hard for you and was now going to lose you to the man he called Brother. The fire he commanded was now threatening to consume his very soul if he didn't get this under control.
"Dear God," he whispered into the night, his voice barely audible. "What am I supposed to do?” 
But before he could dwell on his thoughts any longer, he heard footsteps approaching from behind. Turning around, he found himself face to face with [Name], your eyes filled with concern.
"Sabo, are you okay?" you asked, your voice was soft yet filled with genuine concern. "You seem lost in thought."
Sabo forced a smile, trying to hide the turmoil raging within him. "I'm fine, [Name]," he replied, his voice barely a whisper. "Just lost in thought, I guess."
You studied him for a moment, as if trying to gauge his true feelings. "Ya know, if there's something bothering you, you can always talk to me about it," you said, your voice filled with warmth and understanding. 
Sabo's heart swelled. The pale moonlight illuminated your features with a soft ethereal glow. The swell of your pouty lips and the concern that painted your eyes were stabbing him inside of his heart. A cold sweat broke out onto his skin with fear crawling its way with gratitude for your kindness. "Thanks, [Name]," he said, his voice thick with emotion. 
"I appreciate it."
As the days turned into weeks, Sabo found himself consumed by thoughts of [Name], his feelings for them burning brighter with each passing moment. He knew he had to do something, anything, to get them to see him in a different light.
One fateful night, as the crew of the Thousand Sunny gathered on deck to watch the stars, Sabo found himself unable to keep his feelings hidden any longer. With his heart pounding in his chest, he turned to [Name], his voice trembling with emotion.
"[Name]," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "There's something I need to tell you."
You turned to him with a soft smile. “I have something to tell you too. But you go first!” You tried to keep your heart from skipping a beat at the intensity of his gaze. However, as Ace passed by he made no attempt of communication. "What is it, Sabo?" you asked, voice barely a whisper.
The vulnerability in Sabo's eyes took you by surprise and his voice lacked its usual conviction.
‘I have to do this, I have to do this!’
Sabo took a deep breath, gathering his courage before speaking.
He looked into your eyes, seeing nothing but genuine concern and care. It was now or never. Taking a deep breath, he decided to take the plunge. "It's just... hard. Helping you with Ace, I mean."
You blinked in surprise. "Why?"
"Because..." Sabo's voice cracked slightly, and he looked away, unable to maintain eye contact. "Because I have feelings for you."
The room fell into a stunned silence. Your heart raced as you processed his confession. "Sabo... I..."
He shook his head, forcing a smile. "It's okay. I know you like Ace. I just needed to tell you."
You reached out, gently turning his face back to yours. "Sabo, I had no idea. If I had known..."
He placed his hand over yours, his touch warm and reassuring. "It's not your fault. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship."
"I... I love you, [Name]," he confessed, the words tumbling out in a rush. "I've loved you for as long as I can remember, and I can't keep it hidden any longer."
Your heart soared at his confession, your own feelings for Sabo bubbling to the surface. "Sabo," you whispered, voice filled with emotion. "I love you too."
You squeezed your fingers tightly in front of your chest. “I.. I just realized that while I liked Ace and spending time with him I didn't actually love him romantically.” You softly reached for Sabo's hand and he came closer to join your fingers together. 
“I realized I was in love with my best friend instead.”
With tears of joy streaming down their faces, You and Sabo embraced, your hearts finally finding the love you had been searching for all along. 
And as they watched the stars twinkle in the night sky, they knew that their love would burn bright for all eternity.
Unbeknownst to you both, Luffy and Ace were on the top deck high fiving each other. 
“HA, and he’s supposed to be the smart one!”
“Can you not say that without picking your nose?”
Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. I also have a Sexy Mihawk x Maid! Reader posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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buff-muffin · 21 days
I've seen a few AU's where it's basically, what if ASL had a parent. Maybe Rouge lives or. Some time travel shenanigans happen. or Dragon or Shanks steps up. Whoever it may be, never see Sabo get the care he needs. Ace's anger issues are helped and managed. Luffys loneliness and attachments are worked on. But out of all of them Sabo is the most forgotten and it makes me so sad because while Ace and Luffy were without parents and never had a frame of reference for what they should be. Sabo had bad parents.
I want to see a story where whichever parental figure it is, recognises Sabo's constant rebellion and insistence for independence, his refusing help, his avoidance and distrust, his love at a distance. and still helps. Because Sabo has been hurt by his parents, and that's a whole other kind of situation to work on, w whole kind of trust that's been broken that needs to be reformed.
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grandline-fics · 5 months
Terms of Endearment
DESCRIPTION:  You call them by a term of endearment without realising 
WARNINGS: just fluff, mentions of alcohol in Luffy's
CHARACTERS: Ace, Sabo, Luffy | Law, Kid, Shanks, Marco, Zoro
WORDS: 1,933
A/N: The next part in this in honour of reaching 500 followers. Hope you all enjoy
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You knew nothing would ever happen between you and the Division Commander. You knew he was just a likeable guy who was friendly and warm with everyone. Countless times you told yourself that he was just nice with everyone and yet still you couldn’t help but feel your heart beat just a little faster when he smiled at you and you couldn’t stop yourself from liking him a little more each time he spoke with you and spent time with you outside of chores and tasks being done onboard the ship. It didn’t matter though, even with the knowledge nothing romantic would happen you were happy to be considered a close friend of Ace’s.
One morning you were perched on the edge of the ship’s railing and keeping a critical eye on the thick wall of cloud draped over the entirety of the sky above the next island you were approaching. It made a stark difference to the clear blue you and the rest of the crew were currently under. You were no stranger to the absurdity of the ever changing weather and separate climates certain islands had but seeing what you were going to be greeted with was starting to sour your mood. It wasn’t as fun stopping at an island if there was a storm to endure.
“Glaring at the clouds won’t make them change you know.” You looked over your shoulder to see Ace hop up onto the railing and sit down beside you. Glancing out of the corner of your eye you were jealous of how relaxed he was and let out a long sigh as you returned your stare to the clouds you could now see were darker than you had originally thought. 
“Who knows, stranger things have happened on these seas.” You mused, scowling harder now that the idea was in your head. “Maybe I have the ability to control weather and neither of us knew it? Don’t know unless I try.”
From beside you Ace laughed, reclining back to support his body on his elbows and grinned up at you. 
“If that were possible, that’d be a pretty dumb gift. Glaring at clouds to make them obey you? You’d get a headache all day.” You rolled your eyes and laughed, getting more comfortable too, lying down and tucking your arms behind your head. 
“Look we can’t all be super amazing and control fire like some people, Ace.” You teased, a small yawn breaking from your lips as your eyes closed. You were still a ways away from the stormy island so you may as well make the most of the sunshine and warmth until then. “Some of us are just boring.”
“I definitely wouldn’t call you boring.” Ace told you. Safely in the knowledge that you couldn’t see him, he could observe you carefully with softened gaze. “You’re one of my favourite people to hang out with.” 
“Aw thank you love, you always know just what to say.” Your relaxed smile brightened considerably but you were too drowsy to open your eyes again to look at the man beside you. It was also why you hadn’t realised your slip of the tongue. Ace however tensed and sat up a little straighter from his once relaxed position. His eyes were widened and a soft pink was dusting his freckled skin. All this time he’d thought his feelings were one-sided and now he was hit with the reality that it might not be the case. Overcome with a burst of excitement and hope he quickly lay back down and used his hat to hide his giddy expression and began to think about how to subtly broach the subject when you were awake.
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“You’re not going to improve if you don’t keep your focus.” Hack lectured, swiftly knocking Sabo back with ease. Sabo managed to recover from the attack and retaliated with one of his own that was completely dodged to the point it made the attack look so pitiful. Hack paused in the sparring match to frown at the younger Revolutionary. “Seriously, what’s with you today? Do you need to take a break?” Quickly Sabo shook his head and forced himself to keep his attention on Hack but even then he couldn’t help but feel your presence silently calling to him. 
You were oblivious to the power you had over the Chief of Staff, even from the very first day you joined the Revolutionary Army you’d somehow managed to make Sabo immediately endeared to you. Given Sabo’s personality he was able to pass off his momentary slips and lack of concentration when you were around and for the most part others hadn’t made the connection. Most being the word. People like Hack, Koala, and Dragon however knew. Normally Hack wouldn’t mind and ignore it but this was the third time in the short amount of time of the sparring match that he’d seen Sabo zone out and look your way as you were speaking with Dragon about a recent mission you’d been on. Enough was enough. After knocking Sabo onto his back, Hack turned and called you over. You finished your conversation with Dragon and approached the sparring pair with a soft, expectant smile while Sabo got to his feet. “I want you to spar Sabo with me. Perhaps having two opponents will help sharpen his dulled senses.” 
You became concerned to hear Hack’s less than complimentary tone at the blond and you looked to Sabo with a light frown, scrutinising his features carefully. Could it be he was sick? Was something else be bothering him? It wasn't like the Chief of Staff to be so distracted especially when it came to his training. At the suggestion of you fighting along with Hack, Sabo’s expression became a mix of uncertainty and irritation. He didn’t want to spar against you but he couldn’t outright deny Hack requesting you join them given he had no real reason to oppose it. Sabo could only take a breath and adjust his stance while praying he didn’t make an embarrassment of himself.
At first having you as part of the fight helped Sabo when it came to focusing on the fight, by having two skilled fighters attacking he didn’t have the ability to pay attention to his personal feelings. However when he kept his sight on Hack as the priority he’d slipped up and forgotten you. You took the window of opportunity and ducked under Sabo’s arm, your face less than inch from his. Quickly you hooked her arm around his and tucked your foot around his ankle, twisting and knocking him to the ground. You kept a firm hold on Sabo’s wrist and pressed your knee into his back. “Give up sweetie?” you asked innocently, unable to see Sabo’s eyes widen. Before he could respond you were abruptly called for by another Revolutionary to go out on a mission. Pouting you released Sabo and left him and Hack. 
“Please tell me I didn’t imagine that…” Sabo uttered, almost begging Hack. He looked up to see the Fishman grin at him and help him to his feet. 
“No I heard it too. Funny thing is I don’t think they noticed they did it.” Sabo watched your retreating form and brightly smiled. 
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For the most part Luffy can be considered fairly clueless about a lot of things if they don’t involve his ambition to be King of the Pirates and obtaining the One Piece, doing whatever he wanted and eating all he wished. That included his own deeper feelings at times. However no matter how complex Luffy’s emotions were about certain things he found it easier to break them down into more simplistic views and gain a better understanding about them. He found he had to do that with you and the longer you were part of his crew the more he had to take an inward look at his feelings. So far he was able to discern that he liked you, he liked being around you and it was mutual because you’d been all too eager to join his crew. For the longest time it was simple as that. 
Things however became complicated one night after he and the rest of the crew helped free another town from a corrupt ruler. As always the celebration was a large affair with plenty of food, music and drink. While Luffy wasn’t a drinker and happily indulged in all the food he could get his hands on, you were pulled into a drinking contest with some of the locals along with Nami, Zoro, Franky, and Usopp. You’d managed to hold your own for a respectable amount but when you felt the world being to tilt and your mind grow hazy you knew you wouldn’t be able to handle anymore. 
Staggering from the table you somehow managed to wander to the only spot you knew you’d feel completely safe and content with. You didn’t know how you managed it, call it instinct or sheer will but you stopped beside your Captain and slid down to sit on the soft grass beside him, leaning against his back for support. Luffy looked over his shoulder to grin at you before continuing to eat. “You lost huh?” he laughed before taking a large bite of a meat skewer.
“It’s cheating when Zoro plays.” You grumbled, shifting to get more comfortable against your Captain. “He’s so smug too. Didn’t even wanna win anyway.” You fell into soft laughter with Luffy and then drifted into content silence. Subconsciously Luffy moved while he ate, seamlessly turning so you were leaning against his side and neither of you seemed to even notice the new position.
When morning came and you woke with a hangover and lack of memory you let out a worried groan, hoping that whatever you’d done wasn’t too embarrassing or at the very least you hoped that everyone else was also too drunk to remember too. Wincing you pushed yourself up to see that you were in your own bed. Hazily you tried to force your brain to work and managed to pull out the image of Luffy which made sense, he was your go-to for anything. Knowing he didn’t drink, you knew you could also rely on him for the truth on what you failed to remember. You found Luffy sitting on Sunny’s head just as you knew he’d be but you became worried to see him frowning, deep in thought. “Everything okay Luffy?” you asked, flinching when Luffy’s head swiftly snapped around to look at you intently. 
“No! You’re not allowed to call me that.” Immediately worry and guilt took hold. What had you done? Would he ever forgive you? Oh no, what if it was so bad he’d kick you off of the ship for good. 
“Wh-what do you mean?“ You asked panicked and feeling sick which was not from the hangover. “Whatever I’ve done I’m sorry but I don’t remember. Please tell me what I did wrong. I can fix it.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.” Luffy’s expression became confused. “I’ve just decided that you can’t call me Luffy anymore I like what you called me last night after I helped you to bed better.” 
“Oh…” you couldn’t tell what you were feeling in that moment exactly. Desperately you tried to think what you called him, silently thankful that whatever it was hadn’t offended him. “Well if you want me to call you that instead you have to remind me.”
“You called me dear.” Luffy grinned while your face reddened.
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spacebaby1 · 1 month
Thank you @that-student-that-has-homework for this request! 😌🤭
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Sabo was reading a book when Luffy came running to him with it showing him a cake he thought looked delicious on the cookbook he found.
"Look, Sabo! I wish we had cakes like these in the inn. It looks delicious, doesn't it?"
Sabo gasped, getting the idea to bake the cake since the ingredients seemed easy to find. "I think we can bake this! Get Ace, we are doing some shopping." Luffy smiled wide, "WE GONNA BAKE? YAY!" Luffy cheered before running out of the room yelling for Ace.
"How about we get ingredients for each one of us, and let's see who can bake the best cake?" Ace challenged as they entered the small store, Sabo snorted a mocking laughing, "Please, we all know I'll bake the best cake, have fun falling asleep mid baking. Hahh!"
"Is this eatable?" Luffy asked from distance holding up decorations chocolate bar. "NO!" Both Sabo and Ace yelled, rushing to stop him before he shoved it in his mouth. After a long hour of bickering, they finally each one got the ingredients and went home to start baking.
"Put the book on the counter!" Sabo tried to snatch the book from Ace as he held it up reading the instructions. "Let me see!" Luffy jumped to get the book to no avail.
"Stop! Let me read it first." Ace pushed them away, but they won't stop, "Okay, okay! Let's just put it here so we all can see it." Ace placed the book open on the counter, balancing it with a bowl behind it.
He clapped his hands, "Okay! Everyone chose a side of the kitchen and start baking! Pick your position. And let's go!" They all rushed towards their picked sides.
While Sabo kept walking from his place to where the book to read, Luffy added ingredients randomly before snapping the bag of flour on his face, causing Ace to burst out laughing. Ace looked ahead, "Hello everyone to the Ace the beat Baker show. Today, we are going to make the yummiest cake you'll ever taste."
Both Sabo and Luffy narrowed their eyes at him, and he looked at them with a smile, "What? Gotta earn them audience." He smirked, flicking his hair, earning an eye roll from Sabo, "yack!"
For a few seconds, the kitchen was silent before Luffy dropped his flour on all of the floor, "Luffy! Don't mess the kitchen up!" Sabo warned him. Ace joined as he moxed the batter. "Let the kid live."
"I won't if you two destroy the kitchen! We said bake, not trash."
Ace laughed, fully focused on Sabo not noticing Luffy's finger in his batter, and when he saw Luffy licking his finger standing next to Ace, Ace let out a loud screaming staring Luffy "STOP PUTTING YOUR DIRTY HANDS IN MY CAKE! EWW!"
Luffy pouted, licking the rest of the batter, "Don't yell at me!" They both heart Sabo giggle and show them his heart oven bowl full of the batter, "I'm going to finish before the two of you."
Noth Luffy and Ace eyed the bowl, Ace snorted, "Okay, lover boy."
"Can I taste the batter?" Luffy reached his finger before Sabo raised the bowl up, "hands OFF!" He immediately rushed to put the bowl in oven only to be followed by Ace placing his next to his. "Luffy, hurry, get yours!" Ace told his brother.
"Okay! Wait!" Both sabo and Ace didn't notice Luffy placing his bowl in only turned when he finally shut the oven. "Okay, I'm done. Sabo put the timer on!" Luffy jumped up and down as Sabo fixed the temperature and time. "Now we are supposed to wait, 30 minutes, then we can check on it." Sabo said happily.
"Let's go out in the garden!" Ace said, and Luffy cheered, "Yay!" The two brothers rushed outside.
"Who's gonna clean your trash!" Sabo ran after them.
They weren't even ten minutes out of the house when Sabo sniffed and looked around, "Hey, do you two smell that?"
Ace sniffed, tilting his, "smells like fire."
"Look, barbecue!" Luffy pointed behind Ace and Sabo. Turning their heads, both of them screamed, making Luffy jump.
"THAT'S NOT BARBECUE! THAT'S OUR KITCHEN ON FIRE!" Sabo yelled, running towards the house.
"HELP!' Ace yelled.
"Nooo! Sabo's cake is on fire!" Was all Luffy yelled.
"Ahhhhh!" Sabo entered the house to find the kitchen on fire, "GET THE WATER!" Ace yelled, dumping water, making the fire rise. The three of them yelled. Sabo kicked Ace on the back of the head, "STOP THAT YOU GONNA BURN THE WHOLE HOUSE."
Luffy threw a pillow into the fire, "LUFFY! STOP IT!" Both Ace and Sabo yelled, seeing the fire increase.
"WE GONNA DIE!' Sabo cried.
"LUFFY'S SHIRT IS ON FIRE -" Ace yelled only for the three of them and the kitchen to be covered in cold powder.
When they opened their eyes, they saw you standing there holding a fire extinguisher. with a confused look on your face. "I left for an hour, and you almost burnt the house down?" You asked and dropped the fire extinguisher when Luffy rushed in your arms, "I almost got burned." You hugged him, "Oh you poor baby." You patted his head before glaring at Sabo and Ace. They both backed away, hugging each other before you spoke again, "Clean the mess now." They nodded rapidly.
Ace groaned, "That mouse, why gets to live this down, and we have to clean -"
"Ace? Did you see which bowl Luffy used?" Sabo asked, his eyes flicking as he held something in his hand, Ace tilted to side, and Sabo turned around, holding a burnt plastic bowl from inside the oven. Yes, when they weren't looking, Luffy placed the bowl he picked. It was a plastic bowl that caused the fire.
Luffy was eating the cupcakes that you had bought from the shop happily sitting on the porch. Both Ace and Sabo approached him with an evil smile. They grabbed him by the shoulder and turned him around, "You little mouse, who puts plastic in oven?" Sabo asked his fake smile, threatening him, and he gulped with a small shrug. Ace spoke, ready to throw a fist at Luffy, "You are going to meet your creator -"
You kicked both Sabo and Ace in the head with a shoe, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LEAVE LUFFY ALONE!" they both fell on their face off the porch. Luffy rushed behind you, giggling at his brothers on the ground. "Hurry and clean so you two can eat the sandwiches I got for you. Idiots." Both Sabo and Ace sighed, knowing they can't win against Luffy since you're right there.
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wolfegoddess · 4 months
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Priest Sabo x nun Reader x priest Ace
Random little ramble I wrote after my friend confessed they're into priests now 😅 I'll probably write more for this eventually-
Also thank you to all my friends who encouraged me to post this, I love you all and you know who you are. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
TW- blasphemy, edging, priests, masturbating, body worship, low-key sexual harassment but reader is into them too?
This went against everything they'd ever known. They'd been abandoned at the church together as babies, raised to be true men of the cloth, lived by the holy code. They were the top priests of the church and were extremely honored to know they were shepherding the Lord's lambs to true salvation.
Until you arrived.
You were so beautiful that the first time they met you, the men were sure you were a divine maiden sent from their lord himself. Soft, kind hearted, with eyes that seemed to truly see through them. You were so breathtakingly beautiful that that night the men made their first true sins against their father.
Ace came four times fisting himself in the bath thinking about how soft your lips looked when you softly mouthed his name. "Father Portgas".
Sabo was much more debauched already, grinding his leaking, aching cock between his pillow over and over again. The sight of your deep, intense, gaze as you confidently looked into his eyes playing on repeat until he was growling and grunting, soft whispers on your name falling from his pretty lips like a mantra once he finally spilled his yearning for you.
They were down, truthfully and utterly down horribly bad for you after that night. They'd find any reason to touch you, Ace resting his large, warm hand on the dip of your back as he leaned over you to examine the scripture you were reading. Or Sabo grasping your hips to steady you on the library ladder as you reach to grab an old book to help them put together the next sermon.
'It's innocent.' They thought, doing these things, only to use these moments as new material for their nightly, secretive, worships of your pull on them.
By the first month you're in the church Ace and Sabo are unable to help themselves from getting painfully hard the moment you enter the same room as them, barely able to focus on your questions as their minds reel with lavish debauched fantasies of worshipping your divine maiden body.
Unbeknownst to them you aren't fairing much better yourself. The first time you caught either of them moaning your name quietly was two weeks after arriving. You'd wanted to discuss his sermon from the day with Sabo and your body froze outside of his barely cracked door as you heard a low moan of your name. Heat danced up your neck, realizing what was happening when you peeked in and seen him hunched over his pillow. His golden locks sweaty from how hard and long he'd been fucking into his pillow thinking of you. It was so wrong. How heat pooled in your gut and without thinking, you slipped your small hand in your sleeve to reach down and feel the growing wetness in your panties.
You were truly, and utterly debauched realizing you liked being wanted by him. Silently masturbating as you watched, fingers slipping clumsily and inexperienced against your lower lips until you brushed against a bundle of nerves and nearly choked on a quiet gasp. You stopped then, fixing yourself before silently shutting his door to go and find Ace to ask for confessional.
Imagine your surprise when you stop at his door and raise your hand to knock only to hear a much louder groan of your name from behind the old oak door. Not one, but both desired you? Your head swam with thoughts, guilt, shame, but mostly arousal and curiosity. Surely it would be the gravest sin to approach either of them about this.. To voice you were interested too?
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