#this fic rec is like one of those cooking blogs
theimprobable1 · 1 year
About a week ago I decided to watch Alison Brie’s new movie, Somebody I Used to Know, because I figured it was the closest thing I could get to seeing Abed and Annie together before the Community movie comes out. So I put it on and my first thought was “Why is Annie doing Abed’s job?” My second thought, immediately following the first one, before I had seen more than a few minutes, was “Trobed AU? Trobed AU?? Trobed AU???”
So I spent about the first half of the movie imagining what if it was Abed whose TV career went south and he came back to Greendale just in time to try and stop Troy from getting married to someone else. Except obviously I couldn’t make it work because if anything it should be the other way around – Troy is the one who left, so it should be him trying to stop Abed’s wedding. And Abed would love that because it’s so tropey. In fact, he’d probably have been hoping it would happen...
AND THEN I remembered that back in the early days of the Community Fandom Renaissance of 2020 there was a fantastic rollercoaster of a fic that was exactly like that, Troy coming back from his trip to stop Abed’s wedding, except Abed never actually planned on getting married and it was a ploy to get Troy to come back. It took me a while but I found it again and I just reread and it’s even more chaotic (in a good, Greendale way) and hilarious than I remembered. I haven’t laughed so much in weeks.
So this is just an extremely long-winded way to say please do yourself a favour and read (or reread) Annie, Abed, and the Long Con by callmealvinandthechipmunks, it’s so much fun.
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From Babysitter to Dad | Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: Steve becomes a dad. 
A/N: steve being a dad to all those 6 nuggets and always the god damn baby sitter, but this time he becomes a dad to his own little baby?? cuteness overload. Fluff ahead, I hope you guys enjoy. It’s a little something 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Go follow my fic rec blog! ---> @imaginationgonewild0912
Requests: {OPEN} closed
** Rules for Requesting **
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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Steve was always the babysitter, keeping track of 6 kids, their safety & whereabouts, all while monsters roamed nearby streets and the world coming to its end. He did it without one of them getting hurt, well almost did it. He was only one man. 
Well, that’s in the past and life goes on as normal in Hawkins. Those 6 little nuggets were grown and on their own and Steve couldn’t have been prouder. #prouddadmoment 
After they flew their nest and didn’t need a baby sitter anymore, Steve’s heart felt empty. He kept busy with work and become manager at Family Video, eventually making his way to their corporate office where he was head of H.R. He was doing well for himself. 
It wasn’t long after he met you. You two married, settled into a home in a culdesac of small Hawkins neighborhood. After living life as a married couple for a year, you two decided it was time to have kids. 
And here you are. Welcoming your first, a girl. Steve’s pride and joy. He was hesitant in holding her tiny bundled body at first, but was a pro. You handed him your little girl, pushing yourself off the couch with a wince, “I should go see what we can put together for dinner.” 
“hey hey,” He shook his head, “No ma’am. I got it.” 
“Steve, I cannot have pizza again tonight.” 
He smiles sheepishly, “okay fine. but i will help cook. You only have to tell me what to do!” He calls out after you. You wave him off as you enter the kitchen. 
The doorbell rings and you peek your head around the corner, “Who could that be?” 
He shrugs, tossing the burp rag over his shoulder, the sleeping baby in his arms stirring momentarily as he opens the door. Who is standing at the door is a surprise among itself. There standing on his doorstep is Dustin Henderson, dressed to impress with a suit and his hair styled like Steve had taught him. 
He grins at the sight, “Henderson!” 
Dustin flashes his pearl whites and Steve yanks him into a one armed hug, “You became a dad! Congratulations!” 
“Thanks man,” Steve motions to Dustin’s attire,“What’s with the suit?” 
Dustin pulls at his jacket, serious, “first impressions are important. I couldn’t meet the little lady in just anything.” Dustin has already noticed the bundle of joy in his arms, shaking with excitement. 
Steve moves aside, motioning him inside and shutting the door behind him. “if you drop her henderson, I will kill you.” He carefully hands over his little girl and places her in Dustin’s arm. 
“she’s so tiny..” He slowly backs up, sitting on the edge of the couch. 
“I thought I recognized that voice,” you enter the living room, a smile on your lips. You kiss his cheek in a greeting and take the seat next to him. Dustin was one of the few who still continued to visit Steve on a regular basis. “Looking snazzy.” 
“first impressions.” he shrugs, his eyes not leaving the little one, “Hi, I’m Dustin,” He coos softly. 
Steve looks at you, Dustin and his little girl with admiration. It made his heart full to see one of his little nuggets, one who inspired the want to become a dad himself, holding his little girl with such adoration and love. She was by far the most protected baby in Hawkins with Dustin and Steve at her side. 
cuteness overload, I hope you enjoyed! Comments, likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated and thanks so much for reading! 
Steve Harrington Taglist: @scenesofobx​
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
I have been feverishly writing since the last chapter drop, you've been a great inspiration! (It is I the bullet Dancer, just can't ask from my side blog). I have questions.
This one is kinda farfetched, if this experiment went well, would they send the 141 a second omega to sorta balance out the dynamics a bit more?
How did Laswell choose their omega, beyond what's on her test scores and essays? Or will that come up later in the fic?
Do they go to the mess if they want to cook food? (Didn't see a kitchenette in the rec room references)
What kind of tea do the boys like? Would they try sweet tea if the reader made them some?
Does Soap have a stash of Irn Bru (I am not Scottish, but my partner is, so I know what it is)
Aww 🥺I'm glad to hear that I was an inspiration for you!!
Hmm I'd say it's possible? I don't know if one would get sent, but I could see Price perhaps requesting a second omega so that reader isn't alone all the time. If one was sent to balance dynamics, they'd be Simon's omega which of course he's going to do his thing all over again with them lol. If Price was choosing an omega, of course Simon would be greatly involved in that process.
Mmm I don't think I'll bring that up in the fic? Or at least it won't be for quite a while if I did. A lot of it was just test scores and such, on top of reader already having some familiarity with the military and government thanks to her dad. Really just a lot of it was how good she is at being an omega. She learns fast and is good with her instincts and that's what you need for someone involved with the CIA and such (until they realized that could also be a weakness and that was not going to work and changed the whole program).
Yes, they cook in the mess if they want to make their own food. I like to imagine there's separate little kitchenettes for those that want to make their own food. (Idk what bases actually look like so I'm just going off of vibes lmaoo)
Mm I think they like a standard black tea or Earl Grey tea. I could see Price being a fan of herbal teas too. I think they'd be willing to try anything the reader made for them.
Oh absolutely. Soap probably has an entire stash of Scottish snacks in his room that he feasts on lol. He's like the reader he likes his snackies.
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destielfanfic · 11 months
from the inbox, #10
I love to see new asks about post season 15 destiel fics but my answers are mostly the same, unfortunately. The usual disclaimer applies - our blog transitioned to archive in January 2018, during season 13, and our new fic recs drastically decreased.
Hello, could you recommend any plot-driven fics set post-15x20 that are a bit longer and also explore the relationship between Dean and Castiel? I'm mostly looking for something that is canon compliant (Dean dies and goes to heaven in 15x20)
I’ve answered similar asks on our previous from the inbox posts, so definitely check out those. But for the sake of convenience, here are some links - post 15x20 rec lists Happiness isn’t in the Having and Good things Do Happen . These are mostly short fics, but you can always check out the authors and see if they have longer fics. 
This is random, but do you know any fics where Dean starts dating cas because he feels bad? Something like dean dates castiel as a pity date? I've really been wanting to read something like that :p 
This is very random indeed! Especially if that is meant in a post 15x20 setting. I must admit I’m drawing a blank here. 
hi! not sure if this is the right place to ask this (if it’s not im rly sorry!) but can u rec me some destiel fics where like . dean thought they were dating all along and cas didn’t? sorry if it didn’t make a lot of sense! thanks  
And this is an opposite of the previous ask!
OK, guys, since there is huge interest in post finale destiel fics, I’m opening floor for follower recs/ self recs on this post. Please add in reblogs or notes destiel fics that fit these criteria: 
A - longer, plot driven post 15x20 fics that explore Dean and Cas relationship
B - fics where Dean takes Cas on a pity date after Cas confessed his love in 15x18; canon verse fics are preferred but if you have some AUs, feel free to add
C - fics where Dan thought they were dating while Cas had no idea
We have some fic suggestions from our followers!
A - canon verse fics dealing with 15x20
The Blood Curse by Labgeek2002 [M, 32,700 word count]
Castiel has been rescued from the Empty, but the spell used to retrieve him tears a hole in the dimensional wall that acts as barrier protecting Earth from the pull of everlasting darkness. As the Empty feeds off of Castiel's grace to sustain itself, driving him closer to death with every passing minute, Dean becomes desperate to save him. The only way to repair the damage is for Dean, Sam, and Cas to travel back in time to obtain a witch's stone that's in the possession of John Winchester, circa 2002. A twenty-three year old Dean Winchester will serve as their guide as they navigate the tumultuous father-son relationship that transcends time itself before the Empty draws its final curtain.
Beyond This Illusion by tiaevans87 [NC-17, 161,400 word count]
“Are you serious, Dean? Your djinn-dream started with you dying?” Sam asks incredulously from the passenger seat on the way back to the bunker. “Well, technically it started with us going on a hunt,” Dean points out. He licks his lips, jaw clenching. “I mean, there was Heaven, too, and that was pretty cool.” Sam stares at him. “Unbelievable,” he breathes, scrunching his face up in distaste. When Dean glares at him, he holds his hands up defensively and chuckles weakly. “Sorry, man, but that just sounds pretty lame.” He leans back and folds his arms. “It just…I dunno. Kinda sounds like something Chuck would cook up. Just you and me. No one else. I mean, really?” He scoffs, slumping. *~*~* In which some people come back, Cas learns to be human (the right way, this time), Dean Winchester finally realizes that good things do happen, and they all get their version of the post-credits, apple-pie life they deserved. AKA: Screw Chuck's narrative.
B - Dean takes Cas on a pity date
On Labor by a_good_soldier [NC-17, 24,600 word count]
Cas is back from the Empty, and Dean knows how to be grateful.
because he wears cowboy boots by mmtion [NC-17, 65,300 word count]
When Cas comes back from the Empty, Dean has to rethink everything about their relationship, and Dean’s new, post-Chuck duty. He wants Cas to be happy and get what he wants. So, if he wants Dean, then he has him. Dean’s new responsibility is to be the best boyfriend Cas will ever want or need. If that means moving out of the bunker, and not driving the Impala, and letting Cas fuck him, then that’s what he has to do. It’s an easy deal. It should be an easy life. So how come Dean still can’t quite make sense of it?
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ffviirarepairweek · 1 year
FFVII Rare Pair Week 2023
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Urban Dictionary defines rarepair as “A ship or pairing that not many people ship or is very rare to find fanfiction and fanart of. Typically happens within small fandoms or with minor characters.” So what’s your favourite Final Fantasy VII related rare pair? Do you have more than one? Here’s a chance to showcase them and help them move up from being rare! Not all parts of the pairing have to be from FFVII, and you don’t have to do the same pairing or group for the whole week! Below we have a list of prompts for this year. Feel free to be as creative with those as you want to, and take your time working on your entries, but please don’t forget to post them on the right date if you can. (But remember, no matter how late it’s better than never!)
For this event we are using a category approach. You can use the category as a theme for your prompt and the listed items suggested ideas. If none of the prompts give you any ideas, don’t worry! You can create anything you like for the week, provided it involves a rare pair! The goal of the week is to celebrate and share our rare pairs more than to just follow a list. Be it art, writing, mood boards, or even fic recs, just spread the love!
Feb. 16 | Day 1. Valentines/Galentines/FriendsDay. February is the home of Valentine’s Day - do they celebrate? If it’s a platonic pairing, do they do something on that day to celebrate their friendship?
Feb. 17 | Day 2. Music. Making music. Listening to music. Dancing to music. Workout music. Theme songs. (Or maybe putting on a song and taking inspiration from that song on what to write.)
Feb. 18 | Day 3. Self Care. Spa days. Cooking for each other. Bubble baths. How do they relax together, or give each other space to relax?
Feb. 19 | Day 4. Costumes. Masks. Disguises. Undercover. Parties. Holidays. Roleplay.
Feb. 20 | Day 5. Transitions. There are many transitions in life that can be meaningful. The transitions of night to day, the transitions from one job to the next, a move from one place to another, from single to married to widowed. What’s a transition that was important to your characters?
Feb. 21 | Day 6. Combo Day (mix and match, take any prompts and combine them!)
Feb. 22 | Day 7. Free Day
Need more inspiration? Our past prompt lists can be found below, and you’re welcome to use any of them!
2022 List
2020 List
2019 List
2018 List
Also, mod Asylos is taking requests for things to write! That’s right, you can get something written for your rare pair, and not just do all the heavy lifting yourself. Send in your requests as an ask to this blog any time now up until the end of the event week. 
Please remember to include the week’s tag (ffviirarepairweek) within the first 5 tags or else we might be unable to find your work! We will NOT accept/reblog anything containing Character/Ship Hate, so avoid including those in your entries. Also don’t repost anyone else’s work as your own! You are welcome to reblog other’s posts, but credit where credit is due.
You can submit your works on AO3 to the event collection at https://archiveofourown.org/collections/FFVIIrarepairweek
And if you have any questions, don’t be afraid of sending an ask.
We hope it turns out to be a fun event for everyone!
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Hi Steph!
I've been following your blog for three years and I can't believe I've never asked you something before. Thank you so much for your work, I couldn't navigate fanfics without you!
Do you know of any more feeding kink stories? Like 'Sherlock Eats' or the series 'Fifty Ways to Feed Your Lover?" It's a sort of rare find and I think the stories have a fun concept.
Hope you're having a marvelous day!
Anonymous asked: Hi I'm the anon that asked about fics like Sherlock Eats and thought I should probably clarify if you hadn't read those fics/series.
Essentially Sherlock doesn't eat enough so John tricks him into eating and Sherlock likes it a little too much.
Just thought I should clarify bc lots of people think it's the same as a fat kink (which I really don't like) when it's just about taking care of a loved one.
Hey Nonny!
Ooh, no worries! Thank you for the warm regards and kind words! <3
Thank you so much for the clarification, because I in fact have not read either series so I wouldn't even know where to begin on offering similar fics, heh.
First here are the two fics you suggested:
Sherlock Eats by wendymarlowe (E, 4,997 w., 3 Ch. || Food Kink, Anal Fingering, Food Sex, Hand Jobs) – John is sick of cooking food for Sherlock and Sherlock ignoring it. He turns to the principles of classical conditioning: if he can't make Sherlock get hungry when he smells food, maybe he can make him horny instead. Part 10 of John and Sherlock's Kinky First Times
50 Ways to Feed Your Lover Series by bbcatemysoul (M, 10,509+ w. across 4 works || Series WiP || S3 Divergence / Non Compliance, Light Dom/Sub, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Time, Angst, Introspection, Fluff, Masturbation, Developing Relationship, Feeding Kink, Jealousy, Hurt/Comfort) – Sherlock discovers that he deeply appreciates the lengths John will go to in order to keep him fed.
Second, I don't have any personal recs, but perhaps the community has some that they can suggest to you? Please let us know, friends!
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Hidden Gems by @cavendishbutterfly
Happy Wednesday with A+ comfort food! Cav has been an amazing addition to the fandom, and sometimes it even feels like they have been around for ages! I still remember the exciting joy of finding Bridges, which became an instant fave - I fell in love with its gorgeous Budapest aesthetics, the wistful atmosphere, the perfect and organic slow burn, the beautiful romance. My obsession was so immediate I started the rec before even finishing the fic! Since then I’ve been following Cav’s blog closely and checking every new work knowing it will be a special treat.
Putting this reclist together was lovely because I got to revisit all these fics again, and they’re the best snack-size romantic reads for those who love shorts like me! Cav has this unique way of making short fics feel both light and intimate, with just the right amount of delicate, chill and depth, and so very soft. They prove that shorts can be just as emotionally satisfying and completed stories as long ones, perfect to indulge when you just need a nice and easy get together. Enjoy!
In The Wings (2021, T, 1.6k) - such a soft and heartwarming established relationship, I couldn’t stop smiling! Ballet dancer Draco is the concept I didn’t know I needed, comforting and very aesthetique 😌
Ballet has been a path to healing for Draco after the war. Now, it's his final performance in the starring role, and his boyfriend is in the audience for the first time.
Just A Phone Call Away (2021, M, 4k) - pining!Harry + friends to lovers, sign me up! This is light and sweet and the intimacy of that hair washing scene is stuck in my head. Unspeakable Drarry and cooking lessons as a treat!
Today’s the day: Harry’s getting over his ridiculous crush on Draco Malfoy. Even if Draco’s just invited himself over to wash Harry’s hair. In a very platonic way, obviously. Not intimate at all.
Glowing (2022, T, 9.7k) - one of my favorite Fangfest fics this year, a lovely cottagecore h/c with trans man Veela! Draco and ace Vampire!Harry living together and falling in love. It’s about loneliness and understanding, and it’s soft, quiet and bittersweet in a very gentle way.
Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet. Cue soft blood drinking, quiet nights of reading and crocheting, and Harry thinking that maybe--just maybe--he might not be so alone anymore. Read my rec here.
Bridges (2021, E, 16k) - get ready to fall in love with both Drarry and Budapest in this immersive and quietly introspective co-workers to lovers that celebrates hope and grief in a beautiful, touching way. Perfect slow burn and get together. Cw: brief Harry/OC, mention of Holocaust, use of alcohol and weed
Harry and Draco are on a trip to Budapest to help with Kingsley's re-election, but that's the boring bit. More interesting: Harry Potter is changing his Tinder preferences to include men. Read my rec here.
The Ever-Changing Room (2022, E, 33k) - cool and intriguing case fic where Draco & Mione form a dream team to track Harry down. I love their camaraderie and the supporting cast is amazing too! NB fashionista Draco, safe houses, Euro trip, and a really interesting take on the Deathly Hallows plot point, so creative and engaging!
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter have been married for five years, and everything's grand—until Harry disappears one day without warning. He's left behind three letters and the whole of the Wixen World demanding to know where he's got to, including Draco. Unfortunately, Draco's not a very good detective. Hermione is, though. Or: Draco travels Europe looking for their ever-elusive husband.
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aceofwhump · 1 year
Most wonderful Ace!
Ive recently binged my way through 9-1-1 Lone Star (in no small part encouraged by the whumpy goodness I’ve seen on tumblr) and I have become OBSESSED with Tarlos. Every time TK calls Carlos “baby” I swoon a little bit.
Now I’m not usually one for fan fiction. My trifecta of ADD, auditory fixation, and hypophantasia means that reading takes tremendous focus and I can’t visualize the scene most of the time anyway….but I NEED some content where TK is playing caretaker to Carlos in some way.
Maybe Carlos cuts his hand cooking - “Babe I think you’re gonna need stitches”
Maybe Carlos slips on some stairs and sprains his ankle - “Ok babe, I’m gonna have to take your boot off. You ready?”
Maybe Carlos dislocates his shoulder somehow and TK has to pop it back - “I’m sorry baby, this is gonna hurt”
Do you know of any content like that? Or could you point me in the direction of someone who could write it? Thanks so much!!! And thank you for your wonderful blog that I may or may not be constantly stalking!
Hi there! Ya know what I do have a few recs for you! Also those situations you're looking for are so good and i love them.
Ice Cream Makes Everything Better by FrizzleNox Summary: TK treats Carlos after a minor injury
what if we tried to learn each other better by Introvertedfangirl Summary: breaking news: ur local friendly neighborhood queer girl posts a 1.5k fic at almost 11 pm at night but is denying all claims to ehr mental instability 😗 ANYWAY Excerpt: “Baby if you want to sit here with me until the sun rises that’s fine. You wanna scream? That’s ok too. You want to cry (which I think you need to) that’s ok too. But I’m here. I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere." It’s that last part that broke Carlos and his head fell forward as he finally cried, and it’s such a relief—like a heavy thing is being lifted off of his whole being. “Ok, ok, ok. I'm here love,” TK said gently as he guided Carlos’s head to settle against his shoulder. Tightening his arms around his boyfriend, he held him until he was too exhausted to do anything else but fall asleep in TK’s arms.
From surviving to thriving by Road1985 Summary: Carlos was returning home after being discharged from the hospital. The kidnapping had turned out to be the biggest scare of everyone's life. The ice accident suddenly seemed silly to TK, because nothing was comparable to doing CPR on your fiancé and feeling his life slipping through his fingers. Carlos wasn't well and this time, he wasn't hiding it well, because he couldn't.
Let me be your shoulder by happygowriting Summary: Carlos struggles to let TK help.
hold me in my toughest moments by Alis__fa Summary: Carlos has a panic attack after being kidnapped. TK is there to help him and support him through it.
breathe life back into me by boneswrites Summary: Chasing a suspect on foot wasn’t new to Carlos, neither was exchanging fire with said suspect. But nothing is as it seems in the aftermath of the fire fight. Hurt Carlos Reyes: ABC’s | G is for Gunshot
and all the ways i'd keep you safe by hoodieweather Summary: New Message from TK Strand: On my way home. You have ten minutes to get back in bed and tell me you’ve been there the entire time. Carlos, who was in the kitchen, groaned after looking at the message from his new phone, one that hadn’t been destroyed with a meat tenderizer by a serial killer. He was fine. Just a concussion, some bruised ribs, and some aftereffects of morphine overdose. He didn’t need to be on bedrest. Okay, so maybe it was a severe concussion with a small brain contusion. And maybe he was still being monitored for any aftereffects from a morphine overdose and subsequent cardiac arrest. Bad Things Happen Bingo: Confined to Bed Rest
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
do you have a wifi 5 ish person follow forever list? I trust your judgment 😌
Well, first of all, I’m honored! And second of all, since you and I move in the same GG circle, I went extracurricular with these recs. I hope you enjoy!
@anneofgreengaybles: I came for the hilarious and adorable dispatches from her elementary school classroom, and stayed for the everything else
@firstfullmoon: literature blog of all time. I think we have similar tastes in writers and poetry, and I’ve discovered so many wonderful writers from her. 
@shitpostsampler: cross-stitching is kind of a dormant hobby for me atm, but I love seeing what these guys cook up bc it is always hilarious. And, they make a point to share their patterns for free (with a pay-what-you-can system) and I, a librarian living paycheck to paycheck, very much appreciate that. 
@celinamarniss: a great writer and fellow Mara Jade stan. In a vast fandom, it is necessary to only follow and interact with those of good taste and talent. And they are one of them. They also rb some fic writing tips and reference that I appreciate!
@janeaustentextposts: has not been active in a while, admittedly, but the memes that made the blog what is was in its heyday always hit, and the blogger is an expert on all things Austen Adjacent, and shares very thoughtful, well-rounded analysis on Janey-girl’s works. They got me to finally read Persuasion, for which I am forever grateful!
@thenordroom: if you’re into interior design-y aesthetic-vibey things, I really like scrolling through this blog. Much moodboarding and fic world-building and daydreaming has been fueled by this blog (they also tag location, which I very much appreciate)
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fandoms-writings · 2 years
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I posted 5,572 times in 2022
That's 3,117 more posts than 2021!
630 posts created (11%)
4,942 posts reblogged (89%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,645 of my posts in 2022
#fic rec - 362 posts
#comment reblog - 302 posts
#inbox - 158 posts
#ask game - 153 posts
#remi rambles - 123 posts
#col &lt;3 - 92 posts
#answered asks - 77 posts
#☠︎ - 76 posts
#fayth &lt;3 - 73 posts
#timezone reblog - 61 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#mainly my laptop or computer but if i have an idea while i’m not anywhere near one of those two i’ll write the plot points down on my phone
My Top Posts in 2022:
Something Domestic - Four
Pairing: ex-military amputee!Bucky x fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.9K
Summary: While showing you something new, Bucky gets to know just a bit more about you. And while he does, he feels a change.
Warnings: mentions of character death, walls come down a bit, soft Bucky, fluff, kind of flirty Bucky
Series Masterlist || Bucky Masterlist
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The cold season came a little earlier this year. That’s what you told Bucky when he found you out by the barn earlier than he’d ever seen you out there in the past couple months. You were wrapped in a thick sweater as the wind whipped across your face and through the two horses manes. You told him that the cold winds and the changing leaves weren't supposed to start for another few weeks, yet here it was. He looked out in the distance and noticed the trees had started changing their colors, bright oranges and reds starting to show. 
He helped you put the caparisons on the horses to protect them from the harsh winds before getting the daily chores out of the way. After everything was taken care of, you headed inside to shower and he found himself sunk into the couch with his book. The same spot he'd woken in with you on his chest just a week ago. 
You two hadn’t talked about how you’d fallen asleep together on the couch and he wasn't sure if he wanted to bring it up. You'd woken up that morning, not too long after he had muttered a soft and almost silent 'thank you' into your hair, and you'd been a little shy but nothing too out of the ordinary. 
You fumbled a bit when trying to get off of him and almost fell off the couch all together. He caught you by your arm, pulling you back to his chest before your face could meet the floor and an apology squeaked past your lips before you were able to pull your feet under you and stand. You rushed off to let the horses into the pasture and when you came back inside, you acted like nothing had happened. 
He knew he was probably just getting into his head about it, forming an attachment that he wasn't sure even existed. Sure, you two had been friendly and got along extremely well, but he didn't want to assume any of your feelings towards him. 
After that night though, he couldn't help stumbling over his words when you'd nudge him with your breathtakingly beautiful laugh filling his ears. He couldn't hold back his smile when he'd find you in the kitchen, dancing to your music while you cooked dinner or baked something sweet. He definitely couldn't keep his heart from jumping into his throat when you'd come downstairs after a shower, the floral scent of your soap filling his nose as you passed him on your way to your seat on the couch for movie night. And don't get him started on movie nights.
The snack bowl never separated you two anymore. Once it was empty, you'd move it to the coffee table and tuck your feet under you when you leaned back, bumping his own knee with yours or your toes would tuck themselves under his leg. 
Bucky wasn't sure what to make of it, but he settled on you two getting comfortable with each other and he left it at that. 
"I was thinking," Your voice pulling him out of the book in his hand, "We could go out tonight, if you want." He looked over his shoulder at you. You were leaning against the doorway, arms crossed over your chest with your shoulders hunched, like you were nervous to even ask. The thought of going out made his anxiety spike, but looking at you, knowing he would be with you, the anxiety damped down just a bit. It wasn't gone, but it wasn't pressing forward either. 
"Where to?" He closed the book and turned, throwing his arm over the back of the couch. Your eyes lit up, and your hunched shoulders fell back as you relaxed. 
"Oh, um. I was thinking about dinner and drinks, maybe?" You started fiddling with your fingers as you uncrossed your arms, "I just thought it might be nice to get out since we don't really go anywhere other than the store and I have a friend who bartends at the bar in town and they have pretty decent food, too -" You were rambling now, something he'd caught you doing when you would get nervous about bringing up certain topics or asked him to step out of his comfort zone. It didn't happen often, but it was enough for him to catch on and he thought it was the cutest thing in the world. The fact that you were so worried about his thoughts and how he felt that you threw yourself into a flustered mess as you tried to talk about whatever it was. 
"I'd love to," He cut you off, chuckling when your attention snapped up from the floor and your jaw went slack, "Don't act so shocked, darlin, I was bound to get out eventually." You snapped your mouth shut at his little jab and placed your hands on your hips. 
"We don't have to if you don't want to," You reminded him and he shot you a large smile. 
"I know. Now when are we leaving?" The smile you gave him made up for the small amount of nerves in his stomach before you both went off to get ready. 
The bar was smaller than the bars back in Brooklyn, but the food was way better. Small town perks Bucky supposed. It seemed every little hole in the wall joint you took him to - which wasn't many, if he thought about it, and that was his fault - had amazing food, or whatever they were selling, and this was no exception. After the two of you had finished your food, you left the little tucked away booth and went to sit at the bar, getting the attention of a brunette who smiled wide when she saw you. 
"Y/n! Oh it's been forever!" She leaned over the counter, enveloping you in a hug as Bucky watched from his stool. "And who's this?" She asked once she spotted him. 
His nerves started crawling up his neck before you laid a light hand on his forearm, "This is Bucky, he's been staying with me." He looked from you to your friend and held his hand out, "Bucky, this is Hope." 
"Nice to meet you," He said as Hope grabbed his hand, giving it a shake. She nodded with a smirk. 
"So, you're the one who's kept her hidden away," She said with a suggestive tone and a wiggle of her eyebrows. Bucky felt his face heat up as you leaned over and smacked her arm. 
"It's not like that, Hope. He needed some fresh air and he's a friend of Steve's so be nice." You scolded her, a small smile on your lips as you looked over at him, "Don't mind her, shoving her nose where it doesn't belong." He chuckled at that, trying to let the suggestive comment go, willing his face to cool down. Luckily it was dark in the bar, so you either didn't notice his embarrassment or you just didn't comment on it. 
"Oh whatever," Hope laughed, tossing her hand towel over her shoulder before grabbing two glasses, "So, what're you two having? It's on the house." Bucky noticed you trying to argue with her, but she cut you off with a point of her finger, "Don't fight me on this, it's the least I can do for you training Willow." Your mouth snapped shut as you sighed, accepting the free alcohol as you told her what you wanted. He asked for his drink and when Hope turned to make them, he turned to you. 
"Who's Willow?" He asked, instantly missing your touch when you pulled your hand from his arm to prop your chin on it. 
"Hope's horse. She adopted her last year, but the horse was practically wild. I train horses for people here sometimes, so I offered to help. Willow just needed time to adjust really, she wasn't too hard to tame and even easier to adjust to a saddle." You said with a smile, taking your drinks from Hope as she passed by on her way to another patron, "She likes to give me free drinks in exchange for it, but she's more than paid me back for it. She won't stop offering though." 
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309 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
Forgotten Keys and Warm Tea
Pairing: Bartender!Neighbor!Bucky Barnes x female!college!Reader (no body descriptions though)
Summary: Your date was horrible, you’re locked out of your apartment, and the rain soaked through your dress. Luckily, the only other person awake at this hour is your neighbor, and he’s more than willing to help you. 
Word Count: 7.5K (sorryyy)
Warnings: smidge of angst, a date gone wrong(not with bucky), bucky being a gentlemen should be it’s own warning, some suggestive thoughts and language, cursing, making out. 
A/N: This is my submission for @buckysbirdie ‘s #birdiesicecreamshop writing challenge. happy birthday love, i hope you love what i’ve whipped up for you <3 I used 🍦 Waffle Cone: Bucky Barnes 🍬 “You don’t have to help me if you don’t want to.” and🍐 Person A saves Person B’s day <3
Also thank you to @treatbuckywkisses for beta reading this <3 all mistakes are my own though.
Bucky Masterlist || Main Masterpost
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God, you should've listened to Ana and stayed home or even just gone out for dinner with her and Val. Now you were hiking your way home through the rain, your things clutched in your hand, and makeup running down your face. 
You'd tried calling her when John left you at the theater, but it ended up going to voicemail, and then your phone died before you could try again. 
If your roommate opened the message you left, you knew she was gonna have a hayday telling you she was right. That you shouldn't have trusted John or gone out with him, but that was the thing about you - you always tried to see the good in people, no matter what everyone else said. 
You knew that the way things had gone had been a possibility, you weren't blind and you weren't dumb. You knew the way people talked about John, how he never went on dates just to go on dates. He was almost always in someone's pants. You didn't even really want to go out with him. He'd just been so genuine when he asked you out after your lecture together - or so you thought - that you thought it would be nice to break up the monotony a bit. 
He'd taken you to dinner where he only talked about himself and any input you tried to give was quickly talked over so you stayed silent most the night. Then came the movie where he picked a pair of seats in the back corner and was way too touchy. You kept shoving his hand off your thighs and shrugging away from his arm when he tried to pull you in close. 
Then he tried to kiss you outside the theater and you dodged it, barely, but that seemed to be his final straw. He decided to spew some choice words at you before leaving you there to find your own way home even though it was pouring out. 
You were exhausted mentally and now physically from walking god knows how far to try and get back to yours and Ana’s apartment where you were sure your roommate would be waiting for you with a knowing look on her stupid face and a pint of ice cream in her hands. 
So lost in your head and partially blinded with the rain drops collecting in your lashes, you didn't see the broken pavement before it was too late and your heel snapped under you, causing you to stumble. You barely caught yourself on the light post next to you, your body falling into the steel pole and surely to have bruises in a few hours. 
You sighed, taking your shoes off, and carrying them in your other hand as you finally let the tears that had been building fall, mixing with the rain as you turned the corner and saw your building - finally. 
A miniscule breath of relief escaped your lungs as you all but ran to the door making a beeline for the stairs and to your apartment door, reaching for the handle when you froze. Your keys. 
You hadn’t been thinking when you’d left your keys in Johns car so you had no way of getting in unless Ana decided to stay in tonight 
You stood, barefoot and dripping water all over the welcome mat, and knocked, praying to whoever was listening that she would open the door. 
There was no answer, so you tried again, leaning in close to the frame. “Ana?” You called, your voice wobbling as you tried not to be loud in the hallway. 
After you were met with more silence, you let out a heavy sigh as your shoulders sagged and you hung your head. 
Of course she wasn’t home. She probably went to her girlfriends place to spend the night and wouldn’t be back until sometime tomorrow, just like every Friday. 
“Fuck,” you whispered as you turned around, taking a look around the hall to think of which neighbor might be nice enough to let you in at least to get warm. 
Mrs. Smith at the end of the hall would definitely be nice enough to let you stay the night on her couch, but you knew she’d be well asleep by now considering it was nearing 1 in the morning. 
The boy, Peter, who lived right next door had just moved in last week so you definitely didn’t know him well enough to even knock on his door at this hour. 
Steven Grant, the man who lived across the hall and a door down, would let you in. But you weren’t even sure if he was home. Sometimes he just disappeared for a few days before coming back and acting like he hadn’t left in the first place. 
That only left the person directly across the hall from you, Mr. Bucky Barnes. The beefy bartender who you’d been pining for since he moved in a few months ago. 
You’d only ever had conversations in passing. Him helping you carry up groceries when he caught you in the stairway. Or asking what you had planned for the day when he was coming back from his morning run and you were headed out. Sometimes he even told you stories of crazy patrons from his bar. 
It wouldn’t hurt to ask. Right? 
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323 notes - Posted July 18, 2022
OOooh. Okay, I've got one. I wish you'd write a fic where Bucky gets basic care for something extremely minor (like burning his hand on the stove or something) and it makes him super emotional. Like just something as simple as basic first aid gives him feels. &lt;3
First Aid
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Pairing: avenger!Bucky x avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1040
Warnings: little injury, mentions of a little blood, tiny tiny angst, mainly fluff
a/n: not beta'd, this was fun! I like doing little drabbles
tell me what you wish I'd write
"Oh shit, goddamnit," You heard the grumbling coming from the kitchen followed by a clatter of what sounded like several dishes clanking against each other. Your brows furrowed as you quickly stood from your reading spot and made your way to the source of the noise.
Bucky stood there, holding his flesh hand as the water in the sink continued to spray.
"Buck, you alright?" You asked, making your way to his side. He mumbled something about how he was fine, but the second you saw the red leak out between his fingers, you rushed to close the distance.
"Oh my god, what happened?" You asked, taking his hands in yours, prying his fingers open so you could take a look.
"I was just trying to clean up a bit, do the dishes for everyone. Wasn't paying attention and grabbed a knife by the blade," He looked to the sink at the knife that had drops of blood on it, "but I'll be alright."
"Come on," You reached and turned the sink off before grabbing his forearm and pulling him with you.
"Wait, where are we going?" He asked.
"To get you taken care of. Can't have you going around with a gash in your hand, even if you are a super soldier," You looked over your shoulder at him, giving him a small smile.
"I don't want to bother Cho with this, it'll heal on its own," He argued, but he didn't fight against the pull of your hand.
"We don't need Cho, I'll get you wrapped up, don't worry." You gave him a light laugh and it was then he paid attention to where you were taking him. It wasn't the direction of the med bay, it was the floor you two shared. You led him to your room, and then into your little bathroom where you made him sit on the edge of the tub.
"I keep one of these in here for the little things that aren't worth going to a professional for," You reached in the cabinet, pulling out a small white box. You opened it to grab gauze and alcohol wipes before closing it again.
You made your way back to his side, holding your hand out, "Let me see?" You asked, and he slowly reached his fist out until your fingers gently wrapped around his, pulling them open to inspect the damage.
"This is gonna sting a bit," You warned him before wiping the gash with the alcohol wipe. He felt the sting, but he didn't pay it any mind. He watched as you cleaned and wrapped his hand with so much care and he couldn't help the lump that formed in his throat.
No one ever really showed him this kind of care before, not since he'd become who he is now. He only ever experienced hands that intended harm. Grabs that were meant to bruise and mutilate. Sure, he'd been growing used to the team, and how thoughtful they were. But no one, other than Steve of course, had ever shown him this gentleness. He knew the team was nervous around him. He could feel it in the air.
But having you seated next to him, your knees bumping his as you cleaned and dressed the cut that would be nothing more than a red line of irritation in his palm by tomorrow morning, it was new. He knew you weren't that wary of him, he didn't know why, but he picked up on it immediately. You were always comfortable around him, and he grew to be relaxed around you. But this was different.
Your gentle touches across his fingers and his wrist as you moved his hand around, wrapping it in gauze, sent shivers up his arm and through his entire being. He was touch starved.
Your eyes shot up to his when he sniffled, and the look you gave him had his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "Bucky. . ." Your voice was soft and your hands stilled over his own and he didn't dare take his hand out of your caring hold.
"Sorry," He sniffed again and ducked his head, reaching to cover his face with his metal hand, "I'm fine I promise."
You were silent for a moment before one of your hands left his wrapped one. It appeared on his metal wrist, pulling it away from his face. He let you guide it to rest in your lap with his other hand, your fingers wrapping around his palm.
"Hey," You muttered and he looked up to see your gaze free of judgment, "It's okay to not be okay," You gave him a small, crooked smile as understanding filled your eyes and you squeezed his hands, "It's okay."
He gave you a shaky smile back as the tears gathered in his lashes fell, one by one, down his cheeks. Taking a slow breath, he cleared his throat, "No one's ever. . ." He looked down at your hands encasing his, though his were twice the size of yours, "No one's ever cared for me like this, other than Steve. But even with him. . . it's different." He mumbled, too nervous to look back up at you.
You let out a breath through your nose and squeezed his hands once more, "Well," You started, leaning in closer, "I'll always care for you. In whatever way you need me to."
He blinked and looked up at you to see nothing but honesty and compassion in your gaze, "You don't have to do that, I don't wanna burden you-"
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338 notes - Posted April 6, 2022
Something Domestic - Three
Pairing: ex-military amputee!Bucky x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.1K
Summary: Bucky’s been getting better over time, but everyone has their set backs. Luckily, you and Bruno are there to help.
Warnings: ptsd, night terrors, emotional Bucky, anxiety
Series Masterlist || Bucky Masterlist
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"Bucky! Steve's calling!" You called from the bottom of the stairs, laptop balanced in your hand. Steve had been shipped out a couple of weeks ago, headed to Kuwait. You could tell Bucky wanted to say something about it when he'd called before shipping out to let you both know, but he kept his lips in a tight grin and told his best friend to be careful and to come home in one piece. Don't be like me, he'd said, getting a nervous laugh from the blond on the other end. After that, he'd kept to himself for a few hours in his room, and you couldn't blame him. So, you let him be and called him down for dinner that night where he was a little tense, but he did agree to watching a movie with you before heading for bed. 
"Coming!" He shouted from the top of the stairs as you brought the laptop to the dining table, setting it up in front of the two chairs you had so you could both see Steve and he could see you. Bucky quickly stepped down the stairs and slid in next to you right as you clicked the green button, Steve's face taking over the screen. 
"It's about time you answered!" He laughed. He looked good, his smile reaching his eyes as the corners crinkled. He couldn't tell you what he was going out there for, government confidentiality and all, but you just hoped he wasn't getting hurt, and so far he looked okay - that was relief enough for the moment. 
"Sorry, I had to wait for slowpoke here to come down the stairs," You teased as you nudged Bucky with your shoulder, earning a small chuckle from him. 
"Hey, I was getting changed and you know it takes me a little longer than it used to," He laughed, a smile adorning his face at the sight of his friend unharmed. 
You listened as he filled Steve in on what was happening at the house, though it wasn't much. He mentioned how he had started helping you in the barn with the horses, how you were teaching him all that went into caring for them, and how he helped Peter figure out what to say to the girl he likes at school. You chimed in telling him about how he was gonna ask MJ if she wanted to come for a horse ride - you'd offered it to him to try and give him some courage to finally ask her out. Steve had met Peter when the kid was still a kid and not a teenager on his way to graduating highschool and you made it a point to make sure he was here the next time Steve called so he could say hello again. 
After a bit of back and forth, you excused yourself to start on dinner, the facetime call was more or less for Bucky anyways. You always loved talking to Steve, but you knew Bucky needed that one on one time with someone who wasn't you, someone he wasn't around 24/7. You threw in your headphones so that he had some privacy in his conversation and got started with a simple chili for dinner.
You were able to see him from where you stood at the counter, he was just on the other side of the island at the table, smiling as he listened to Steve. As you watched, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. 
Bucky had come pretty far in the two months he'd been with you. Sure, he had plenty more to go, many more obstacles to overcome, but everything takes time. You knew that too well. 
He'd been smiling more, even if it was only when someone cracked a joke or when Peter gushed about MJ, no doubt reminding Bucky of when he was younger. He'd told you about how he used to be a flirt and loved the attention from all the girls in school, though he grew out of that when he joined the Army. 
You watched as he laughed, his smile growing as his shoulders shook and he looked down at the table. His hair was getting longer than when he first showed up at your door. Back then, it still had the shape of his military cut, but had grown out a bit, the top being just a bit longer than the sides. Now, the top was getting to the point where it's length was weighing it down just a bit to lay over his forehead, the slight curl becoming more noticeable as the weeks went by, and the sides were starting to get more and more fluffy. 
His facial hair was getting longer, it had been a short stubble when he moved in, and he hadn't shaved it since. It suited him, though you could tell it bothered him. The way he would scratch at his chin under the hair, a scowl on his face as he did so gave him away. You wondered why he hadn't shaved it, but you didn't want to ask in case it made him self conscious. 
You tore your eyes away from him when you started cutting the onions and the chicken, still thinking about how far he'd come in such a short amount of time. Not only had he started joining you in the barn, helping you get all the daily chores done faster, but he also had gone with you to the grocery store a couple of times. 
He was nervous the first time, wearing a large sweater and a ball cap pulled over his eyes, and constantly looking around at your surroundings, the people and the exits and the children. You had taken Bruno with you, and his only hand was holding the leash in a death grip. But the second time he seemed a bit more relaxed, not constantly looking over his shoulder and flinching a little less at the screaming kids. It only got better the more you got him out of the house. Sure, he still flinched every once in a while or seemed more nervous than normal, but he was getting better. 
A balled up napkin landed in front of you and you looked up to see him waving to get your attention. Setting down the knife and wiping your hands on the towel, you pulled your headphones out of your ears. 
"Steve's gonna hang up," He said with a sad tone that his smile couldn't hide, "he wants to say bye." You smiled and walked over, waving at Steve as you leaned over Bucky's shoulder, wishing Steve good luck and that you hoped to hear from him soon. Bucky ended the call after that and joined you back in the kitchen. 
"Is there anything I can do to help?" You'd grown used to hearing that, him wanting to help out in any way he could. He'd mentioned something about feeling like he wasn't pitching in enough and didn't want to freeload off of you. You'd tried telling him that it was okay, that he indeed wasn't mooching, but he wouldn't accept that. So, the best thing to do was to just welcome the assistance. 
"Of course, if you could get out the chicken broth from the pantry and the bag of corn from the freezer, that'd be awesome," You smiled at him and he nodded, heading to the pantry and the freezer. When he came back, he switched your music from your headphones to the speaker, per his request, which took you by surprise. Usually, he either wanted to talk or just sit in silence - which you didn't mind. You grinned when he turned to the speaker and made a mental note of that being another change in him, another sign that he was getting better. 
After dinner was finished and you both ate your fill, he helped you clean up and load the dishwasher before joining you for a movie. Spending your nights watching a movie had become routine over the past few weeks. You'd take turns picking out what to watch while the other heated up some popcorn or got a bowl of chips. At first, you'd started on opposite ends of the couch, and you still did, but as the weeks went by, you'd end up next to each other with the only thing separating you being the bowl of whatever snack you had that night. And tonight was no different. But neither one of you would move the bowl once it was empty, it would keep it's place between your thighs and his, as if it was a wall you both refused to tear down. 
Once the movie was over, you both headed your separate ways. He went up to do his nightly routine before going to bed and you'd go out and double check the barn, making sure everything was locked properly and that the horses didn't need anything before coming back to the house and doing your own routine. Then you'd crawl into bed, leaving your door cracked enough for Bruno to slip through. He used to spend his nights with you, sleeping at your feet, but ever since he'd started forming a bond with Bucky, he'd switch between the two rooms throughout the night. And you were glad for it. 
You heard Bucky some nights, his muttering and his heavy breathing as his nightmares took a hold of him. You always wanted to help, but that was a boundary you weren't going to cross until you'd either talked about it or until it was absolutely necessary. Bruno crossed it for you. He'd hear Bucky first, getting down from your bed, his collar jingling would wake you and you'd see his tail slip out into the hall. From then on, you couldn't help but focus in on the noises from across the hall. You could always tell when Bucky would wake up, his soft voice in the air as he acknowledged Bruno and let the dog up into his bed. Silence would usually follow and you'd get back to sleep. Not tonight though. 
It started with Bruno's collar, just like most nights, the jingle of his name tag and rabies shot tag clinking together waking you as he jumped down from your bed and made his way out into the hall. You turned over, angling yourself so you could catch a glimpse of his tail as he left the room. Watching the hall, you listened as he tried to wake Bucky and you thought it worked when Bucky's murmurs went quiet, a stillness taking over the house. You closed your eyes to get back to sleep, but a series of thuds had your eyes snapping open and you sat up in bed. Stillness came again, but was broken by the faint noise of Bruno's whine. 
Throwing the covers off of you, you scrambled to get to your feet and swing your door open the rest of the way, revealing a dark hallway with the small light from downstairs flowing up the steps. You left it on every night, just in case one of you needed something from the lower level of your house, but instead of bringing comfort, it only made you uneasy. Slowly, you took the stairs one at a time, careful to be as quiet as you could. 
Bruno came into view as you peaked around the corner into the kitchen, he was sitting, watching something you couldn't see as he whined softly. 
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352 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sticky Notes
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky x female!Reader (no physical descriptions though)
Word Count: 905 (it’s short I know)
Summary: Returning from a mission is Bucky’s favorite part of his day, because you’re there to welcome him home. But what happens when it’s in the middle of the night and you’re already asleep?
Warnings: mentions of blood (no description though), no other warnings really, just fluffiness
A/N: This is my submission for @pellucid-constellations love notes writing challenge. Also I know I sent you an ask about tags, but I couldn’t wait to post it so feel free to ignore that lol This is also my first submission for any writing challenge ever and I’m so excited to finally be a part of one! I hope you enjoy it! 💕
Bucky Masterlist
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Coming home from an exhausting mission was always the highlight of Bucky's day or week, or sometimes even a month. However, this time, it was the middle of the night when he finally walked up those two steps to the front door or your home, fiddling with the key in the lock while trying to be as quiet as possible. 
Usually, you'd be there, sitting on the couch and waiting for him to walk through that door. You would wait for him to come to you, because sometimes, when things went wrong, he wouldn't want to be crowded with your love immediately. He'd need time to adjust back to domestic life. So you'd always wait for him to make the first move, to decide if he wanted to join you or if he needed a moment to himself before letting you place chaste kisses over the skin of his cheeks and his shoulders. Not tonight though. 
He swung the door open to reveal the living room, empty, the kitchen light gently pooling in through the doorway. Enough to light his way, though he probably didn't need it, it was the thought that counted. He softly sighed, missing you and planning to just fall into the blankets by your side. But the growling in his stomach quickly altered those plans. 
He stepped into the kitchen, dropping his bag off at the little table where you liked to have your coffee in the morning. Pulling the fridge open to see what food was there, a bright green sticky note stuck to a full tupperware caught his eye. Pulling the food out, he read the note, unable to stop the smile that crept up his face. I made your favorite x.
He quietly chuckled to himself as he plated some of the food and set it in the microwave, being sure to stop it before it beeped like an alarm. After having his fill, he thought he was finally ready to join you in bed, until he took his sweater off and got a whiff of himself. He would need to shower, he still smelled like Kevlar and blood and everything gross he'd come across over the past few days. 
He cleaned up his mess in the kitchen, heading to the bathroom and silently closing the door. Once he turned to the mirror, his smile was back again. Another note, the words scrawled in your delicate handwriting. You're so handsome x.
He laughed to himself at your little note of assurance. You knew he had self image issues, mainly due to his arm and his numerous scars that littered his shoulder, but you were determined to make him see what you did. Even if you were already passed out in the other room. 
He made his shower quick, the hot water washing away the tension in his muscles from traveling and the steam flooding out into the hall once he reopened the door. With the towel slung low on his hips, he walked to the bedroom door, finding yet another bright green note. Wake me please, I've missed you x. 
A soft smile spread across his lips as his eyes watered. He didn't know what he did before you came along, before you showed him the love he thought he didn't deserve. There were times where he still felt like he wasn't worthy of your affections, the blood in his history too horrific for someone like you - someone so full of light and love and just everything good. But you always put a stop to it, reminding him that you weren't going anywhere, no matter how bad his bad days got. 
He willed his eyes to dry as he wiped at them before taking a breath and quietly opening the door to see the bedside lamp still on. His eyes fell to the lump in the covers, you were snuggled under them on his side of the bed, and as he made his way around to sit on the edge, he saw your arms wrapped around his pillow and the sleeves of his missing Henley covering your skin. 
"Honey," He whispered, raising his hand to brush at your cheek, willing you to wake. You stirred under his touch, leaning into his hand as your eyes fluttered open. The dazed look disappeared once you noticed him and you sat up, throwing your arms around his neck. He wrapped himself around you, burying his nose into your shoulder as he breathed in everything that was you. 
The sweet subtle scent of your skin, the floral hints from your shampoo, and the slightest smell of him, from the shirt. The remaining tension the hot water couldn't wash away, melted at your touch as you pulled him under the covers, wrapping your limbs with his own. 
"Did you eat?" You asked, as you left a trail of kisses along his skin. 
"I did, and I got your notes, all three of them," He laughed, turning his head to place a kiss on the crown of your head, "Thank you." 
You hummed into his shoulder before propping yourself up on your elbow to lean over him, "Have I told you I love you today?" He reached up, cupping your cheek and his thumb smoothed over the skin there. 
"In more ways than one," He muttered, pulling you down to brush his lips against yours, "But in all the ways that mean the most."
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858 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 17 | April 18th – April 24th
Welcome to week 17 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #VelvetCardiganBucky, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
✨Page breaks are made @firefly-graphics✨
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Week 18»
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian & Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week
Forever & Always: Stage 1 - Denial | Pt.1 » Bucky Barnes x Witch!Reader & Platonic Avengers x Reader — Y/N “Birdy” (nicknamed by her family), comes from a long line of witches and warlocks, living her days at the New Avengers Compound, alongside her friends. The Avengers are part of her family and her family is always welcome to the compound. Things for once seemed to be going well now that all was right from the attack on Thanos, everyone was alive, all was forgiven, friendships were thriving, that all ended when Birdy’s brother came calling with sad news, their mother had suddenly passed. These are the stages of grief Birdy faces, through the loss of her best friend, her protector, her mother.
His Favorite Day » Chris Evans x Reader — Chris’s favorite day of the year is your birthday.
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Bucky Barnes
*No Hidden Messages by @jobean12-blog » TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Sam sends you a picture of Bucky and the endgame is priceless. | Honestly I love me some dominant Bucky, and if Sam had sent me that picture I would have dropped my phone and been like yep that my babe. I was thinking something more dirty but I’ll keep that thought to myself. 😉
Sucker Punch by @buckyblues » Boxer!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader — Bucky thought he knew what was his, until he accidentally let it roam free. | Someone come dump a cold bucket of water on me please?
Someone Like You by @startrekkingaroundasgard » Bucky Barnes x Hydra Agent!Reader — Taken from their SHIELD prison cell, the reader finds themself alone with The Winter Soldier negotiating for their life. | I really enjoyed reading this, the sass of the reader and how Bucky handles them. It’s just so perfect. Nicola says there is more to come for this pair and I’m so very much looking forward to it.
(Mini) Series:
Happy & So Happy by @mrwinterr » Rockstar!Bucky Barnes AU x Female Reader — You meet your favorite artist and get more than what you bargained for. | The smut in this is hot and by the end you are hoping the reader gets a happy ending not a tragic one.
*A Tender Heart 💜 Pt. 3 by @river-soul » Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader — You’ve been sweet on Bucky since you started working at the compound six months ago. Normally quiet and mild mannered, an unexpected fight with a coworker brings Bucky into your orbit. [A/B/O dynamics and explicit sexual content, 18+] | I feel the love that is radiating from this story and I really love it and the little bit of smut we get in chapter 3 is perfect!
the (after) party by @buckycuddlebuddy sequel loft music » fuckboy!bucky barnes x reader — “why don’t we have this thing they call goodbye sex? one last time.” he leaned forward, his lips brushing your ear. “i’ll make it good for you.” | In some strange way it was therapeutic to read this but at the same time I felt bad for the reader in the first part. Second part you are rooting for her but still feeling bad. I will say the smut in this is perfect.
Just Like Dad Pt. 3 🦾 Pt. 1 🦾 Pt. 2 by @ladyfallonavenger » Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky finally confronts Steve and moves forward with his life. | Very sweet ending and I loved it.
Sweet Dreams 🥞 Pt. 4 🥞 Pt. 5 🥞 Pt. 6 🥞 Pt. 7 by @jedimastermelkor » Bucky Barnes x Reader & ? x Avenger — Your daily routine involves waking up in the morning, going to work and sulking at night. But then you meet the man you’ve fantasized about for your entire life, Bucky Barnes. At the same time, you’ve caught someone else’s eye and his first step in winning you over is to cook you breakfast. But will you be welcoming of that person’s affections? | I like how she named the puppy Pancake and the first thing the mysterious avenger gave her was pancakes. I don’t want to give too much away but things are getting really good and you find out who the mysterious avenger is in chapter 6!
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Steve Rogers
*Caught by @giorno-plays-piano » Bluebeard!Steve Rogers x Reader — If he kept you warm, saying words of love to you every day while he looked you in the face, you’d marry him even if in a year he hanged you just like all his wives in the dungeon of his castle. | It’s dark but in a soft way and it’s so good. I highly recommend you go and read it.
Drabble Request by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Steve Rogers x Reader — We find out how Steve and Reader met before they ever got in a relationship. Takes place before Tell Me What You Want. | I loved this so much, I was laughing and pictured this whole piece so vividly in my brain. Also I just want a part where Bucky teases Steve about that night in front of reader making her giggle, maybe at the wedding?
(Mini) Series:
*Yuánfèn 📖 Pt. 4 by @writerwrites » Steve Rogers x Reader — When you’ve lost everything and try to run away from your problems, you keep finding a way back to the one person who completely understands. Can you make another person happy with a broken heart? | I always look forward to the updates on this story. It brings me so much comfort and the relationship that is blossoming between the reader and Steve is beautiful and organic. I highly recommend this.
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*Just Like Her Old Man by @rebelwrites » Chibs Telford x Reader — I asked for: Parents get called into school for a meeting due to their daughter fighting, and trying not to be proud. Taking them out for a treat after the meeting. | It turned out so great. If you knew me at my Sons Anarchy Days, you know I loved Chibs the most. This feed my love for him even more. Thank you Heather!!
*A Simple Solution by @sweetlyscared » Andy Barber x Fem!Reader, Ari Levinson x Fem!Reader, Andy Barber x Fem!Reader x Ari Levinson — You and Andy had a purely sexual relationship for several months, and you’d started to grow attached to him. Unfortunately, life has a way of complicating things, and a chance encounter at a bookstore had you stuck between a rock and a hard place. | We all owe a huge thank you to Sweet Lee, for writing and posting this. She wrote our dreams out so perfectly, and if you haven’t thought of this now you can. It’s just so hot and good, I for one am very thankful.
(Mini) Series:
*Give In 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 23 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 24 🐈‍⬛ Pt. 25 by @overr-written » soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader — She didn’t think she was anything special. So when the intimidating Sheriff takes an interest in her, she can’t help but feel a little unsettled. Her boring life is about to get a little interesting. | I love this series so much and the lengths that the chapters are. I really am going to be sad when this is over. I don’t ever want it to end. 😭
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Seal Team
Imma Take Care Of Your Body by @rebelwrites » Clay Spenser x Reader — Reader is the only female member on Bravo who also has a no strings attached relationship with Rebel. | Let me just say this is hot, like really hot. Give me a glass of water and let me cool down. Thank you Heather for blessing us with this.
Tier One Babysitters by @bravo-four-seal-team » Seal Team; Ray Perry x Naima Perry — Ray and Naima ask the team to watch 6 month old Jameelah. | I promise you will be laughing.
You Are Perfect by @rebelwrites » Clay Spenser x Reader — Clay tells you everything he loves about you. | As a big boned girl this meant a lot and has me wishing for a Clay Spenser to call my own.
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Heart by Heart | Chapter VI | Raul Mendes
                                               *secret agent AU*
Y/N and Raul have been friends ever since they could remember. And falling in love with your best friend can be pretty tricky and messy 99% of the times, add that to the fact they're constantly risking their lives side by side on the field since they're both secret agents, and the best team that's ever existed. Perfect recipe for disaster.
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Hi, this is the sixth chapter, you can find the first ones here. You wanted fluff? That's what you'll get... for now. Please read the warnings on this one, if you don't feel comfortable with the contents listed on the "warnings" section, please read something else, there are a lot of other works on my masterlist and on the "fic rec" hashtag on my blog. Please give me some feedback and I hope you guys like. Happy Reading!
                                     previous chapter | masterpost | next chapter 
*Word Count: 4.7K+;
*Warnings: cursing, jealousy, inconvenient dudes and gross AF comments about women, angst and slight mentions of violence.
Please don’t read it if any of this subjects make you uncomfortable, feel free to check my masterlist for other writings. 
*Posted: August 5th, 2021.
“You should stay at home today” Y/N mumbled into his neck.
It’s been three days since Geonoff’s office incident and Raul’s been babied to say least. Since he almost got caught and sprained his ankle in the process, Y/N’s taken as her job spoiling him as much as she could. She made him basically move into her apartment, so she could take care of his ankle and make him rest, placing ice bags on it every once in a while. Y/N would cook for him and make him take her bed, but they’d end up sharing.
He even woke up in the middle of the night with her cuddled close to his chest, and for those few minutes, he allowed himself to ignore where they actually were and pretend they’re just at his place back at home. 
The worst part was having to start at home while everyone was out, even Y/N had to get out sometimes, the good side was that the bugs were a success and apparently Geonoff didn’t even notice them since he’s been having important meetings in his office. But three days later he’s been feeling a bit for having to stay sit and decided to go back into action. Celine and Jack agreed, Tom offered to do it so he could rest and Y/N wanted him to rest a little while longer. 
But he needed to, but to leave Y/N’s heart at peace, he’d only be going to the gym and do some light workout, which would be good for his ankle and his head. Also, Geonoff and his right hand went to the exact same gym Raul had signed up for, which would be a great way to watch their training and evaluate their physical strengths. Of course he wouldn’t do anything crazy and try to talk to him, he would just focus on his superiors as he watched from a safe distance. 
But still, Y/N wasn’t a big fan of the idea.
She barely spoke a single word at night ever since he made up his mind about going the next day, just quietly went to her (their for the time being) room. When he got there later, she was already asleep since she’s been working extra hard lately to baby him around. In the morning when he woke up, she was already up staring at the ceiling, he reached for her hand that was just laying besides her body and pulled it to his face. Y/N turned her face to watch as he placed a gentle kiss on each individual knuckle. Raul promised he would be okay and she nodded, but before she could get up and shut him out again, he pulled her into a hug.
She laid basically on top of him (not that he minded) with her face tucked into his neck, as he drew lazy random shapes on her back with the tips of his fingers. Raul knew she would rarely go so pliantly in this sort of affection, he felt she was a little more reserved when it came to more intimate touches, but whenever she was upset or sleepy enough she’d be the one to seek for it. Y/N was the biggest cuddle he met when she was asleep, unconsciously searching for his warmth and his arms, and Raul liked to think it was only with him, mostly because his jealous ass couldn’t have it any other way. He barely heard her voice when she spoke up for the first time in hours. 
“You know I can’t stay here forever, doll” he said and she sighed in response, rolling back to her previous spot. 
“I know that, I just don’t think it’s a good idea”
Raul chuckled “and since when do I have any good ideas?”
“Exactly my point” she grumbled as she sat on the bed.
Raul mimicked her as he did the same throwing his injured leg on top of the duvet “I’m much better and I won’t do anything stupid, I promise”
“I surely hope so” she said as she got up and went to the kitchen. 
Raul sighed as he got up, barely feeling anything after being taken care of for the past days. He was able to walk around normally and barely had any restricted movements, he obviously shouldn’t run around but he certainly could, at least that’s how he felt like. He followed her to the small kitchen attached to her living room, since this was basically a studio, watching as she rummaged around to make them both breakfast.
“Doll?” he called after a good couple of minutes in silence as she made them both coffee and started working on something for them to eat, but she only hummed in response “Y/N”
“What?” her voice was quiet as she reached for the top cabinet, sighing in annoyance, but before she could prop herself up or climb, Raul was right beside her, reaching the frying pan for her as the other hand as placed on the small of her back “oh, thank you”
“You’re welcome” he said as he leaned his hip against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest “can you drop the pout, sweetheart? It’s nearly killing me”
Y/N breathed out a small laugh for the first time since yesterday and he counted that as a small victory “I’m not”
“Oh yes you are, looking like a pained puppy”
“I’m not a puppy” she hissed and he only chuckled as he shook his head.
“Never said that” he watched as she started making grilled cheese, a small smile playing on his lips “I know you wanted me to heal properly, but this is our job, and you’d have done the same in my place, I can’t stay here while you guys do all the work, yeah?”
“I know” she mumbled completely defeated “I just wish you didn’t have to do it all, I mean, you already got hurt for this job, literally 72 hours ago, for a not sufficiently good reason if I may add, and now you have to risk yourself again”
He couldn’t contain the soft smile that graced his features “It’s part of the job”
“You being a dumbass isn’t” she stated mater of factly before placing both sandwiches in plates and grabbing both mugs to place on the counter.
“No, but you dealing with me being a dumbass it’s in your jog description as my best girl” he said and she rolled her eyes feigning annoyance.
Y/N sat down on a stool next to his as she grabbed her mug “I’m sorry for whoever gets stuck with you”
“Well, technically that’s you” he said with a wink and she nearly chocked on her coffee, but was quick to cover it up with a cough. 
It was definitely too early for him to be flirting and for her to ignore it and recognize it was just his way of existing. But it was definitely too early for that.
She cleared her throat and Raul couldn’t help the small triumphant grin from appearing “when are you going?”
“In half an hour, why?”
Y/N just shook her head “Do you know when you’ll be back? I have a couple of things to do a couple of blocks away and I’m thinking about grabbing something to eat around there”
“Oh, yeah, I’m probably meeting Jack for lunch” he said with a shrug.
Y/N nodded “Okay, but don’t walk too much” 
He only chuckled “fine, I’ll take the car”
And just like that the thick tension that surrounded them for the past few hours vanished. They started chatting about random stuff until Peter called her and she got up to answer as they started debating too advanced tech stuff for Raul to comprehend, so instead he opted to do the dishes and clean up after themselves. He then went to her room to grab the few stuff he had left at her place to see what he needed to replace and what he needed to wash. When he was done, he met her at the living room, checking something in her computer as she was still debating with Peter. Raul stretched his hand towards the phone, to which she only looked at him funny but gave it anyway. 
“Hey, Pete, don’t drive her insane, yeah? She’s been working enough already, go bug someone else” Raul said as she laughed shaking her head.
Peter was also laughing when he replied “and why do you say that? Is it because she’s been having to do her job and take care of your irresponsible ass?”
“Told ya” she mumbled as she beamed at him.
Raul laughed “since when you two decided to team up against me? You’re my brother and she’s my best friend, mine, you heard it?!”
“Oh Raul, she’s my best friend too, we have a lot more in common” Peter bragged and he scoffed in response.
“Just so you know, she was my best friend first and I’ll always be her favorite, now quit bothering her”
Peter huffed “Fine, just let me finish then” 
“Bye, baby bro” Raul sang song as he passed the phone back to her hand “gotta go, sweetheart, see you later, yeah?”
“Oh, okay, see yeah” she said as she grabbed the device back and Raul smiled at her, leaning forward and placing a kiss at her forehead.
“We’ll talk about his whole Peter situation later, okay?” he threatened playfully and she threw her head back laughing.
“Fine, now go get ripped or whatever” she said shaking her head “yeah, I’m back, what about that program again?” she threw her middle finger at him.
Raul chuckled before leaving the apartment. He could get used to this little domestic scenario for the rest of his life if he could. But maybe back home, where they’re mostly safe, at his place with her in one of his old band t-shirt, eating breakfast in his couch as they watched something on the tv. Yeah, he could definitely get used to that. 
Maybe he should’ve listened to Y/N.
No, he wasn’t in pain or risking his neck as she thought, but he truly felt like ripping someone’s head off. 
As soon as he got to the gym, he noticed Geonoff’s car, be he was nowhere to be seen, so he decided to start working out as normally as he could. Not even ten minutes later the man appeared with his partner and took one of the treadmills and started his protocol. Raul had his whole sequence memorized, so this way he could move to the equipments closer to him without looking suspicious. And that was a decision he regretted.
Raul was dressed in regular gym attire, headphones on. The only thing was that his earphones weren’t actually playing anything, so this way he could hear his conversation. And at first it was just random subjects, women he brought home, new furniture he’s looking into and expanding projects for his building. Nothing that truly mattered.
After a couple of minutes, they started discussing the plans for a meeting on his yatch that weekend, which meant Jack and Celine would have to be the ones on an undercover mission and do whatever they could to be invited even if it was for work. Raul was quick to let the team know through text, before going back to the workout and focusing on learning every bit of information about this whole yatch thing so he could let his friends know. 
Raul thought he wasn’t recognized at all, but from the corner of his eye, he saw Reyes pointing towards him before turning to his partner completely.
“That guy over there dates the prettiest girl I’ve seen in a while” Geonoff said to his partner, Raul having a hard time to keep a straight face. 
His partner chuckled “You in love or something?”
“Me? Fuck off! Do I look like the kind to fall in love?” Geonoff sounded grossed out by the idea “she’s a nice thing to look at, nice arm candy, you know? She’s not like the ones I bring home”
“She’s special then?” Of course she’s special, she’s not a one night stand was all Raul could think about.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve thought about taking the girl, I have eyes and needs, but she’d be a great wife, really beautiful woman, would make me look good you know? The type of girl to take to the balls and to present to the media”
“The wife of a millionaire”
Geonoff huffed a laugh and Raul felt like clawing at his skin “Yeah, she’d probably go to pilate sim the morning, do some shopping and she’d have to do the charity work I can’t stand, wouldn’t mind getting some at night and then going to the club later”
“Well, boss, why don’t you just go and take her?” Raul coughed to disguise the anger bubbling in his throat, taking a sip from his water bottle and squeezing it harder than he should. 
“As tempting as it sounds” Geonoff said seemingly unbothered by him “couldn’t do that, she’s practically glued to her boyfriend, they are neighbors and have that white picket fence life, he’d notice if I just got her and locked her in my house, they’re on their honeymoon stage that soon will be over”
“Also, she’d need to go willingly” his partner added.
“You know I don’t care about that, but it would be easier, for the public eye and shit, the rest? She can scream and cry all she wants, it would have to be my way”
“So are you going to wait for her to ditch her little boyfriend?” Raul had to mentally called to ten to not kill them both right now. Okay, maybe a thousand. 
Geonoff laughed “Yeah, I could convince her to ditch him, show her the life I could offer, the money and the power, she has this fire in her, maybe she’d even like it, who knows? But for now, I’ll just be a gentleman and maybe seduce her and show her how she could be properly fucked, now did Burke call? I need the money and he owns me”
“He said he’d come by the end of the month, sir, do you want someone to bring him tomorrow?”
“Yes, he’s had enough time, he should’ve known better”
Raul grabbed his phone and texted Celine “Burke’s in danger, check with the boss what she wants to do” to which she quickly replied “on it”
“Excuse me, sir” his security guard interrupted their little chat “but Raymond just arrived and they called me from your office that he’s here to talk business”
“Oh, tell him I’m on my way” Geonoff said as dropped the weights “guess we’ll have to cut workout shorter this time”
Raul saw from the mirror as him and his man left the establishment completely, so he decided to wait a bit longer so it wouldn’t look suspicious and took his time to calm down. He honestly needed all the self control on the planet not to jump on Reyes. He knew the man was gross and capable of vile things, but he never thought he’d hear him say so much crap about Y/N.
Calling her an arm candy, thinking about her as a decorative object and saying out loud he thought about having sex with her, and not even caring if she wanted any of this or not?! He was seeing red the whole time and the only reason he didn’t do anything was not to ruin the whole mission. But as soon as he had a shot, he’d personally punch Geonoff in the face, happily he might add. 
But he took a couple of breaths and left, moving to the locker rooms where he could take a quick shower and change into casual clothes. He stopped by the mail to send a couple of letters to his boss, then picking Jack on the way so they could both have lunch and discuss their next steps with the new information he was able to gather. Jack was quick to tease him about being babied by Y/N and how he should do something about their sexual tension. 
“I mean it, man, your chemistry is ridiculous, there’s no way you can fake that, you’re not that great of a liar” Jack said as he threw a french fry at him. 
Raul rolled his eyes and huffed sim annoyance “she’s my best friend, dude, of course we have chemistry, we’ve been around each other for years now, and it’s not like that yeah? I can lie and act very well when needed”
“Raul, you look at her if she was responsible for every sunrise and sunset, like she hung the moon and stars and you’re telling me it’s just because you’re friends?!” Jack said shaking his head “you have to be the stupidest person I’ve ever met”
“Hey!” he was quick to protest “I don’t look at her like that, it’s just- she’s amazing, you know? I admire her so much, and God, she’s just so good and I love her, but that’s it”
Jack laughed “I know, I met her in case you didn’t know, and she’s all that, but I don’t look at her like she’s the reason I’m breathing, just ask her out or kiss her already”
“It’s not like that” he mumbled.
“It’s not like what? Are you telling me you two never kissed?” Jack stared at him and Raul shook his head “What?!”
“I told you we’re just friends”
Jack seemed honestly shocked at that but quickly recovered “Okay, so you’re gonna tell me you never thought about it? About kissing her? Or taking her on a date?”
“I’m telling you, it’s not like that” Raul said with a shrug and Jack smiled at him triumphantly “what?”
“I didn’t ask if it’s like that or not, I asked if the thought never crossed your mind” and Raul honestly was speechless, which was a rare occurrence, but that seemed to be enough for Jack, as he leaned back in his seat with a cheshire cat grin.
Raul rolled his eyes at his friend and both ended up laughing. After that, he took Jack back to work before finally driving home. It was nearing three when he unlocked Y/N’s front door with the key he had to it and before he could jokingly say “honey, I’m home” he saw her asleep on a pile of papers, in front of her computer, her a mess and a half eaten plate beside her. 
He sighed at the scene, knowing full well she was pushing her limits the past few days, and he’s been another item to the list of things she needed to take care of. And the worst part is that he was so close to her when he was being spoiled that he didn’t even notice how tired she truly was. 
Stupid selfish behavior. 
So he decided to toe off his shoes carefully, hanging his gym bag by the door and silently moving to where Y/N was peacefully sleeping. He then cleaned up the best he could without waking her up and rearranging all the paper work she was doing so she could keep going later when she was rested. Raul then proceeded to the bedroom, to close the windows and curtains before pulling back the covers for them. 
Then he went to the difficult part. He tucked a strand of hair that was covering her face behind her ear, lightly caressing her cheek watching her scrunch her nose slightly and he head to bite his tongue to stop himself from cooing at her. 
“Sweetheart” he called gently and she quietly hummed in response “I’m back, wanna go take a nap with me?”
Y/N slowly blinked her eyes open, sitting up a bit but still looking a little hazy “Hi” she barely whispered “I can’t believe I fell asleep”
“It’s okay, you need to rest, darling” he mumbled softly, resting a hand on her shoulder and squeezing the tender skin lovingly. 
“I need to finish this, what time is it?” she said rubbing her eyes and trying to get the sleep off her bones.
Raul chuckled lowly “time for you to rest”
Y/N blinked at him almost owlishly “huh?”
“You need to sleep, yeah?” he said leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead “The bedroom is all set, come nap with me, doll, I need it too”
“It sounds tempting” she admitted with a sigh “okay, okay, but I still need to finish this today”
“Of course, but sleep first” he said and she nodded, but made no attempts to get up, to which he just chuckled before leaning down to pick her up.
Y/N squealed holding tightly to his shoulder “your ankle!”
“My ankle is just fine, don’t worry” Raul couldn’t help the warm smile from blossoming on his lips “you take care of everyone, now it’s my turn to take care of you”
“But-” before she could finish he hushed her gently. 
Raul placed her down on the bed, closing the door and turning off the lights, only the small rays of sun seeping through the window keeping the room slightly illuminated “No buts, you need to be taken care of too” 
Y/N giggled softly and shook her head “fine, but you’ll rest too, right? It was late when you came to bed yesterday and we were up early”
“Of course, but don’t worry too much about me” he said as he grabbed a pair of sweatpants before stripping from his jeans and t-shirt.
“I’ll always care about you” she said nuzzling further into her pillow and pulling the blanket up her neck due to the AC Raul kept blasting. 
He just had to smile at that, feeling all those mushy feelings inside as he climbed on the bed, before slipping under the duvet, a sigh of relief escaping him as he turned m on his side to face Y/N “I know, doll, just as I’ll always care about you” and she only hummed in response, her eyes slowly blinking closed. 
Raul wish it was easier to hold back or even ignore all he felt towards her, but it was moments like this that made it nearly impossible. 
She let herself be vulnerable and give up on her strong side for a second around him, saying all the things that made him melt into a puddle, gave him the softest smiles and gentlest touches, almost as if it was specially for him. And she did it all so naturally, so seemingly thoughtless, and it was hard to keep his heart from skipping a beat. 
He had a hard time not leaning forward and stealing a small chaste kiss, or tucking her hair behind her ear, gently caressing her soft cheeks. Fuck, he had a hard time not touching her at all every single day. But in moments like this it was almost a resistant test, specially since he was so close and she looked so damn adorable.
So Raul gave in, carefully moving a hand up to her face, gently placing a strand of hair away from her beautiful face, thinking she was already asleep. But the smile blossoming on her lips told him otherwise. Y/N slowly opened her eyes to look at him as his hand froze just by her face, and she leaned into his touch as her lids fluttered closed, before letting her gaze fall on his face again. 
“You’re warm” she almost whispered as she looked at him.
He smiled at her “are you cold, sweetheart?” to which she only shrugged.
“Not cold but not warm either” was all she said as fell back into her pillow “could use a personal heater like you”
“Well doll, you can” he said matter of factly after a couple of minutes and she only stared at him, seemingly confused “as your personal heater”
“Careful with what you offer” she said, slowly scooting closer to him and he chuckled.
Raul then laid on his back, carefully pulling her into his embrace and letting her adjust to how she wanted, and she settled to lay her head on his chest, throwing her arm over his stomach. Then he decided to start playing with her hair, knowing that would easily lull her into sleeping faster. 
“Better?” he asked quietly and she slowly nodded her head, eyes already shut closed from what he could see.
“Thank you” Y/N mumbled, placing a kiss on top of his sternum and resuming her previous spot.
She was quick to fall back asleep after that, feeling all warm and secure and sleep was easy to find. Raul didn’t have trouble finding enough peace to relax. After everything he’s heard today from Jack and Geonoff, all of his problems and worries seemed to fade whenever she was around. So in less than ten minutes he was completely out, the only thing in his mind was the girl he held tightly to his chest. 
The annoying and persistent buzzing coming from his side was what woke him up from his dreamless and peaceful slumber. Y/N still laying with her head on his chest as he held her close, her limbs tangled under the sheets as she breathed softly onto his skin. He almost forgot the reason he was up staring down at her, savoring every second and wishing for that to never be over. 
But whoever was calling him was insistent and clueless. When the person doesn’t pick up the first time, you don’t call on a roll, damn it, they probably don’t want to talk to you!
Raul truly didn’t want to move and disturb the peaceful demeanor she had on, but he was afraid if he didn’t, the sound of the vibrating device would. So he turned avoiding move much to grab his phone from the nightstand that kept on furiously vibrating, seeing ‘Jack’ lighting up the screen and he almost chose to ignore the call, but ultimately giving up and swiping his thumb over the screen.
“What?” he whispered afraid to wake up the sleeping girl in his arms. 
“Why are you whispering, dude?!” Jack’s voice boomed from his phone and he cursed under his breath, turning the volume down.
Raul then sighed “Y/N’s asleep, what the hell do you want?”
Jack hummed knowingly and he could almost picture the smirk on his friend’s face “sorry to bother your moment, bro, but Janet wants to make a video call so we can discuss everything properly and come up with a plan together for this weekend, in twenty minutes, but I’m sure we can change it to thirty, Tom’s not even here yet, so”
“Okay” he mumbled as he felt Y/N moving on top of him “I’ll wake her up and meet you there in a few”
“Great, bye now, go take care of your girl” Jack said with a laugh before turning off the phone. 
Raul sighed throwing his phone amongst the covers, combing his fingers through his curls with his free hand and looked down as he head Y/N humming. 
“Is everything okay?” she mumbled, voice thick with sleep.
Raul placed a kiss to the top of her head “yeah, Jack called to let us know that Janet wants a meeting in thirty”
Y/N sighed and nodded, but didn’t make a move to get up “wish I had another hour of sleep”
“Yeah, me too if I’m honest, but how about we go through this meeting and then come back to watch something, I’ll even order us sushi” he offered seeing as her head basically whipped back to look at him, eyes still hazy and a dopey smile on her lips as she placed her hands on his chest for leverage.
Raul chuckled nodding “Sure, whatever you want, sweetheart”
Y/N basically hoped off the bed which made him laugh harder “then what are you waiting for? Let’s get this over with!” the excitement practically rolled off of her in waves.
And what choice did he have other than follow her and get dressed? 
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
Bemine-Bucky’s 400 500?!? Follower/Birthday Weekend Sleepover!
Thank you so incredibly much for being a follower of mine. When I started this blog and began writing again, I never expected to have so many people interested in what I post. Some of you have genuinely become such good friends of mine, I’ve found new writers whom I absolutely adore and look up to, and I’ve found something that feels fun to do again.
For this sleepover I simply couldn’t help myself and I decided to make it Vine themed. Some of these work well together and others I made fit for the sake of the things I wanted to do lmao so don’t come for me too hard! Vine was such a power house back in its day, and while there are some very iconic tik toks, I wanted to pay homage to our fallen hero. I’ve linked each vine to its respective emoji, that way if you haven’t heard of the vine or just want a refresher you can enjoy it!
Anyone can participate! Anons are welcomed as well. All I ask is that you send me either the corresponding emoji or vine that goes with which game/conversation you’d like to participate in! If none of these tickle your fancy, feel free to simply talk about whatever the hell you want or send in some requests and I’ll try to get to what I can 😊 (because it’s my show, not yours).
This sleepover will begin on midnight Central Standard Time of Friday July 9th and carry over until Monday July 12th at 11:59pm Central Standard Time. But more than likely I’ll still continue to answer if people still want to send stuff in
Feel free to send multiple asks - you won’t be a bother at all! I hope you all enjoy my stupid little idea and please know I love you all so incredibly much and am so fuckin grateful for you 💖. Under the read more are the things we can chat about!
⛓Don’t kinkshame me. Kinkshaming is my kink. - Interested to know what I think about a kink? Send it in and I’ll rate it using this scale! (I won’t actually kimkshame you, no worries!)
go away | no | rather not | I dunno | I guess | sure | yes | FUCK yes | oh god you don’t even know | right here, right now
⚠️Road work ahead? Uh, yeah. I sure hope it does. - Curious about what I have cooked up in my wips? Now is your time to ask! I will post a blurb, quote, portion, or working title of something I’ve got cooking up!
🐓Look at all those chickens! - Ask me for a picture of my dog, or better yet, share a picture of your pet with me!
🛹So no head? - FMK (anything goes…I know I will regret saying that)
👬And they were roommates! Oh my god they were roommates. - Pick an AU and a character to go along with it and I’ll write you a drabble! Now is your time to send in any request you’ve been itching to see. (I will try my hand at basically any AU/trope and I write for most C Evans & Seb Stan characters, but I’d be willing to branch out to other marvel characters!)
Here are a few prompt lists if you need help
📖I’m Jared I’m 19 and I never fuckin learned how to read - Send me a fic you want me to read! It can be yours or just one you’re a fan of. You could also ask me for a fic rec and I’ll send you one from my list!
🎭When there’s too much drama at school all you gotta do is walk awayeyayye - Having problems you wanna talk about? Lay it on me and I’ll be here to listen or I can give you some advice if you want it❤️
💞I love you bitch. I ain’t gon never stop loving you, bitch. - Need some positivity today? Let me HYPE YOU UP.
🚔This is the comedy police, the jokes too funny! - Send a meme or request a meme! I will also share jokes, videos, tik toks, or suggestions of things I like/find funny!
👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨I really do love working here, it’s just, we all have a lot of laughs. - Since we get along so well, ask me to cast my mutuals! Anything goes - characters, shows, vines, tik toks, foods, and more. You can also use this one for would you rather, ships, and other fun games!
💁🏻‍♂️What the fuck is up Kyle? - What did you say dude?? Tell me about yourself and I’ll ship you with a character. Or if you want, tell me who you ship me with!
⛪️I want a church girl who go to church, and read her bible - Interested in a curated playlist? Give me an idea and i'll try to come up with a mini playlist for you! Whether it’s a character or tell me about yourself and I’ll try to come up with something maybe you would like.
Tagging some mutuals who may be interested 🥰
@sunshinebuckybarnes @thanksforallthesushi @wastingmylifeonbritishtv @coffeebucko @babycap @blackberrybucky @belladonnabarnes @clints-lucky-arrow @electricbarnes @mischievous-barnes @buckybarneschokeme @buckys-blue-eyes @vanillanaps @lokiscollar @babyboibucky @fvryroads @xxindiglow @suchababie @divine-mistake @theyoutubedork @ritesofreverie @sableseb @buckycuddlebuddy @bibbidibobbidibucky @darlingsteve @lookiamtrying @sweeterthanthis @msmarvelwrites @navybrat817 @animehearteyes
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sitp-recs · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering if you can recommend any drarry fics with courting? Poorblood courting traditions or anything similar? It’s ok if you can’t, thank you anyway! (And sorry if it was asked already!) I love your blog, my ao3 is full of fics to read all the time thanks to you 😁💕
Hello darling, thanks so much for sending this ask and for your kind words! I always see you on my notes and I appreciate it 💜 this trope is one of my current obsessions so if anyone has more recs hit me up! These are the ones I’ve read and adored so far, hope you enjoy them as well!
Still Warm, Still Warm by tsauergrass (2021, G, 5k)
Harry is up to something. Why else would he keep giving Draco presents?
Days of Glory by Lomonaaeren (2013, M, 6k)
Draco is coming up with the perfect gifts to send to Harry; now if only Harry will be flattered into accepting them.
The Five Trials by @doubleappled (2018, E, 11k)
Harry’s willing to go to great lengths for the chance to date Draco — even when those lengths come in the form of an 11th-century courtship ritual. Even when he’s pretty sure he’d rather die (again) than dance in public.
Shining, Like A Present by @bixgirl1 (2017, E, 13k) - kinky courting 😏
The discovery of a small silver box at the site of a case opens up new possibilities.
Plan Alphabet by @xx-thedarklord-xx (2019, T, 14k)
After realizing that his feelings for Harry were unfortunately real, Draco embarks on a foolproof—yes, Longbottom, foolproof—plan to woo Potter. And if that doesn't work, well there is always another letter of the alphabet to try next.
Reparatio by astolat (2016, E, 17k)
Draco snorted. “I’m not reduced to penury. I want something considerably beyond money, and I rather think you’re the only one can give it to me.”
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by @cibeewastaken (2020, T, 19k)
Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
amid this warm and steady sweetness by warmfoothills (2019, E, 21k)
Harry is not living in a period drama, no matter what his friends or his new house or Malfoy’s sudden affinity for horse-riding might suggest, and if one more person uses the word courting, he’s going to start hexing people.
House Proud by astolat (2016, M, 23k)
His house liked Draco Malfoy more than him.
Love in Three Parts by @static-abyss (2021, M, 24k)
Draco has everything needed to be the diamond of the season. He has the looks, the pedigree, and if he should be short on the money end, well, it isn't up to him to convince anyone they want to marry him. And yet, he finds himself with no prospects and no suitable matches until Harry James Potter, Wizarding Britain's Most Eligible Bachelor, makes his first appearance in proper Wizarding society for the first time in five years. 
Slithering by astolat (2016, E, 27k)
Draco found the nest down in the Manor’s cellars, while he was clearing them out.
Glory Be by Lomonaaeren (2013, E, 32k)
Draco—Draco Malfoy, skilled assassin, powerful and wealthy Veela, former Death Eater—has always known what to do, where to go, who to kill. And then Harry Potter came along.
The Moon Looks Lovely Tonight by Omi_Ohmy (2014, M, 35k)
When Harry moves into the damp and empty Black house, it doesn’t quite feel like home. And then the first owl moves in. After that, it’s a steep slope leading to bed-sharing, more owls, assorted housemates, strange potions experiments, and terrible cooking. And a bit of waltzing, too.
Nearly Lost Things, Carefully Tended by SquadOfCats (2017, E, 46k)
Three years after the war, Harry is lost, drifting, and feeling left behind. In an effort to get control of his life, he commits to cleaning out Grimmauld Place top-to-bottom and forcing it to be a home, whether it likes it or not.
Of Roses and Dragonfire by xErised (2018, E, 53k)
Years after That Kiss, Potter (and his new pet snake) appears again, this time as Hogwarts's Quidditch and Muggle Games instructor (what are Muggle Games anyway? Is this why Potter is swimming in the Great Lake wearing such a tiny pair of pants?), disrupting Draco's peaceful life as Defence Against the Dark Arts professor.
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (2018, E, 104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
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over-under-through1 · 4 years
Master post + Introduction
requests are currently open, but i can’t guarantee i’ll get to it immediately
hey, I’m gonna take a sec to introduce myself. my name’s Grace, I’ve recently (ish) started this blog to let out my hyper fixations. I post headcannons, text posts, AU’s, scenarios, fic recommendations, and more. *all characters are aged up in this AU, ranging from 16 or older depending on the post* if any of this sounds interesting to you, take a seat and enjoy. my asks are open if you’d like me to give you my take on certain headcannons or ideas. I’ll answer almost everything, but please be respectful if I’m uncomfortable with an ask. PLEASE DO NOT SPAM LIKE!! below are links to most of my long posts (the ones mentioned earlier). I love these dorks and the fandom that comes with them, so I hope you like the (somewhat chaotic and slightly incoherent) content I give out
DNI (do not interact): TERFS, racists, homophobes, transphobes, ace/aro exclusionists, trump supporters, ableists, those who don’t support the Black Lives Matter movement, sex worker exclusionists, misogynists
I didn’t add shit posts to this cause there’s over 100 but if you want to find them you can click any tag under this post, it should lead to there
all links are after the page break
color code:
Purple: anything that isn’t a specific ship or character
Green: Butch and/or Buttercup
Blue: Boomer and/or Bubbles
Red: Blossom and/or Brick
Orange: norms
Pink: non PPG related info
Black: fanfic recs
If I don’t Answer Your Ask After A Week , NSFW asks , General Asks info, Which PPG character are you quiz Random PPG Headcannons, Fanfic Recommendations, Greens Headcannons part 1, Norms Headcannons, Who I ship with the Norms, Why I love the Greens, Butch lying on (crushing) Buttercup Headcannon, Bubbles cooks Boomer bakes (turned into family nailed it competion) scenario , Bricks Car scenario, Butches Hurt Leg Headcannon, Mojo is a shit dad and the girls are protective Headcannon, Unpopular headcannons, Greens Headcannons part 2, Greens favorite tropes and headcannons, Blues favorite headcannon, How I would get the Greens together and the song that suits them , Why I love the Reds and what genre they suit, How the boys join the team, Song that suits the reds, Arson , Greens fanfic recommendation , Height Headcannons , Emergency Contact (read tags) , Greens Nicknames (Buttercup edition), What Pablo Looks Like, Buttercup x Mitch BROTP , Random Headcannons Part 2, Greens Fic Recs part 2 , Dancer Buttercup x Film Student Butch , Dancer Buttercup x Film Student Butch, expanded , PPG group chat ,yet another Dancer Buttercup x Film Student Butch , Fic Rec , ATGB greens bit , Brick x Buttercup BROTP , Skate Shop AU , FLANNEL BUTCH , Rating The Ships , Stereo types , Songs For The Pairings p2 , Favorite Crack Ships , Hawaiian shirt Boomer , Harry Pitt AU , Greens Hospitalized AU , random greens headcannons , small greens headcannon 1 2 , Embarrassing Boomer Moment for the soul , Boomer has a nut allergy , Harry and Butch , Greens as parents , Greens (and the gang) At the Beach , the ppg with kids (personality switch) , Rage Room , Small BC headcannon ,Blossoomer Friendship HC, If the ruffs and puffs got jobs , Hiking AU by @beecried-stuff , Butch Stan Culture , Hidden Talents Boomer x BC BROTP , How Butch Became The Professor’s Favorite , Greens Cuddling , Reds Headcannons , Brick being needy , ingredients chosen for the perfect team, idk what to label this as , Christmas Headcannons , Different Trios in Battle , The Greens and Bisexuality , Reactions to Finding Out they’re gonna be parents, Brickubbles Friendship , Random Headcannons Part 3 ,Buttercup Headcannons, Blossom + Anxiety , Holding your drink at Parties , Norms Face Cast, the Ruffs and Facial hair , Pediatrician Butch , Greens Birthdays , Greens Writing Prompts , Blues Headcannons , The embroidery on Bubbles’s purse , How Brick Got His Car , PPG x Social Media , ask game AU 1 , ask game AU 2 , Sisterly headcannons , RRB brain swap , “Mommy, how did you and Daddy meet?” , Walking Into The Wrong Bathroom , Boomer and sports , Style and Hair headcannons , Cows , Roadtrip , Pablo Headcannons
(link limit was hit, more are in the reblogs)
158 notes · View notes
sankyeom · 3 years
interview tag
(thank you @bbangsoonie and @banhmi07 for tagging me!! 💛)
nicknames: belle, sunflower (only by my grandpa and boyfriend lol)
pronouns: she/her
star sign: leo ♌️🦁
height: 178 cm (5’10 ish)
time: 11:03 pm
birthday: august 8th 2001
nationality: german-french & singaporean
favorite groups: blackpink, the boyz, nct, seventeen, ateez, red velvet and many many more (i stan too many groups at this point lol)
favorite soloist: chungha, eric nam, paul kim, dean, woodz, somi, iu, sunmi
song stuck in your head: breathe by golden child
last movie you watched: she’s the man (omg okay my mum and step-dad had never seen it before so insisted we watch this iconic piece of 2000s teen cinema)
last show you binged: love alarm season 2 and i’m currently watching we best love no.1 for you
when you created your blog: october 8th, 2018 but i didn’t start writing until a few months later
last thing you googled: paris fashion week spring 2021 because i wanted to see all the new lines that just came out
other blogs: @sankyeoms-replies which is my replies and fic recs blog!
why i chose my url: san (from ateez) + dokyeom (from seventeen) = sankyeom, they were my ults when i changed my url from cherrybombjeno back in the day lol
how many people you’re following: 322 but i follow more on my private account
how many followers you have: 2,795 😳💗
average hours of sleep: these days because i’ve had midterms i’ve kept a strict sleep schedule of midnight to 9am, so nine hours, but usually i get anywhere between 6-11 hours lol
lucky number: 42
instruments: piano & guitar, plus the recorder from like fifth grade which is the one instrument i f eel like you can’t unlearn over time
what i’m currently wearing: dog printed pyjama pants with a jumper that says “don’t be racist” on it and two pairs of socks because i’m sensitive to the cold at night, plus a necklace with a sunflower on it that i got from my grandpa when i was a baby 🌻
dream job: i don’t “dream” of having a job because we live in a world where our productivity and exhaustion = success which is just so wrong and gross on multiple levels, but i would love to do something that helps people such as teaching, civil rights law, or if i’m selfish then something related to writing or editing
dream trip: new zealand!! i lived in australia for so many years and never visited new zealand because my dad couldn’t afford it so i’d love to go some day
favorite food: hainanese chicken rice or chai tow kway omg i love singaporean food so much thank goodness my mum can cook it so well
favorite song: crush culture by conan gray just lives in my head rent free but also i’m loving gone by rosé & what i said by victon at the moment
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: harry potter (fuck jk rowling though), narnia & lord of the rings, but when there’s no war or conflict in any of those places
i tag: @xfirebenderx @jaehyvnsvalentine @softforqiankun @httpsohnpouts @chaoticdeobi @deobienthusiast @sunlightwoo @nyuwings if you guys want 💜
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