#this game isn't built for freaks like me
sinningtamer · 6 months
You should draw all this (/nf)
I WANT TO AND HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT. normally i'm not in the mood for kink stuff with my sona but this gaaaaaaame fuuuuuckkkkk man. i'm tempted. my save has been such a comedy of errors when you imagine plot to it. we got married on the 4th, his birthday was on the 14th, and then i got his max heart event on the 15th AND GOT PREGNANT IN THE SAME NIGHT??? i looked it up and by god the game really gave me the opportunity as soon as possible.
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hello yes harvey here is your late birthday gift. also i was not keeping track of the days so catch me in shock running around the first day of spring hauling around and planting a billion crops cleaning up the farm etc always super busy OH HEY YOUR KID IS HERE
i know the game gives you the choice to get pregnant but in my mind's eye this is absolutely an accident. and i am choosing to internet this dialogue as evidence.
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sonofsin · 3 months
switched so hard with an alter I don't recognize that I almost collapsed because I was standing when it happened. I feel very, very weird and fragmented.
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lilypadding · 7 months
👒 maraudersdenier Follow
sometimes to feel alive I rewatch danganronpa season 1 and 2
#idk it was peak series to me #they had the hope's peak arc going #season 3 was completely different
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🪴 soniasansflowers Follow
I can't believe the surviving casts of DR are just walking around now??? you survived a genuine killing game and now you're just waking up on tuesday and driving to starbucks to get a drink????? what???????? 
#danganronpa #scribby.txt
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🧚‍♀️ loserrrville Follow
sorry but I still think it's funny that dr2 was the only season where they revived the cast 💀
#and the only cast that deserved it was s15 but you guys aren't ready for that convo #sdr2 #dr15
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🧸 danganwrongpers Following
🎮 monokumasmilk Following
Do you guys ever think about how everyone in Danganronpa isn't even real...? We'll never know their actual backstory, especially not from their perspective. Their memories are always wiped and replaced with hijinks fabrications. And we've already talked about how everything is real to them because it's in their head, but it's not. Their memories are built on lies. nobody in this show is real. 
🧨 fdr38frontlines Follow
average danganronpa fan discovers acting
#the reblog is funny and everything but op is onto something #I've gotten so uncomfortable whenever I think about it for too long #yeah they're all consenting adults #and they signed up for it knowing what would happen #but...
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☁️ komaedasoup Following
remember when people got so weird about nagito and hajime hanging out (and being actual friends in interviews) that they stopped talking to each other just to avoid you freaks shipping them 😭
👤 despairinglyhopeful-deactivated
they probably stopped talking publicly not privately 👀
☁️ komaedasoup Following
#be NORMAL??!?!
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🍇 junkorenoshimer Follow
everyone's suddenly so obsessed with danganronpa not being "ethical" but how did you guys not realize this show is kinda fucked when that one interview with makoto came out and he literally says he got nightmares of the game and intense survivor's guilt. like the signs have always been there
🎮 monokumasmilk Following
Yet you never made a post about it until now did you?
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🔑 wannabekirigiri Following
#i am normal so normal so
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🎀 sdr2-supremacy Following
the things I would let hajime hinata do to me
🍡 hinatahajimeofficial Following
Okay let me run you over
🎀 sdr2-supremacy Following
#help I forgot he was real #DOES HE SCROLL THROUGH HIS OWN TAG??? 
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🔑 wannabekirigiri Following
all my mutuals will be very happy to know I GOT CAST FOR SEASON 53!!!!
#for legal reasons this is a joke haha 
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based entirely on @okthatsgreat 's original post
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tossawary · 1 month
The Abbey of the Everyman in "Dishonored" is generally, as depicted in the games specifically, almost as two-dimensional as it gets with corrupt and oppressive fantasy religions. As enemy NPCs, the Overseers are nearly all witch-hunting thugs who want power at any price or just enjoy hurting people, so the player doesn't have to feel bad about hurting them. The "Dishonored" games also tend to take place in particularly miserable locations during particularly miserable times, so there's just not a lot of opportunity to see an alternate side to this strict and brutal organization where it might actually bring joy and comfort and community to people, instead of just being an arm of murderous governments.
Nevertheless, I do really enjoy the setup of the divine and religious institution here. The only god this religion has isn't a creator, he's (in the Abbey's eyes) an evil tempter who apparently makes people go insane. There are no heavens, only a hell of sorts, and the hell itself is definitely the weightier divine "entity" between it and the god. It's called the Void and it's made of magic and fucking with it for power blindly will almost certainly make you go mad in the long run. (It's also full of demon whales who are also kind of godly, but they're pretty much just chilling there.) There's no "good" god as a counterpart here, just the "evil" one.
So, the religion has the the usual "follow our strictures for a good life" setup, but it's coming at it from a "ignore the god as hard as possible, if you heard him talking to you, no, you didn't" perspective.
Which is, admittedly, not an unreasonable take on the situation, seeing as interacting with the Void apparently DOES regularly cause people to start writing on the walls in their own blood, if not worse. There are a few Overseers here and there (Khulan, Byrne) within a generally cruel and corrupt organization who seem to be acting out of some genuine concern for public safety and the greater good, and when you look at some of the shit Delilah's witches are doing for funsies, you can kind of go, "Okay, I understand why you might be fanatical about trying to keep this from happening, and you're working off of the teachings that you have."
It's just funny to me that "Dishonored" has the typical "evil worshippers of an evil god" fantasy setup in the form of Delilah's witches and Granny Rags and so on, but then the actual religious institution is built on rules and lore of "don't talk to the evil god or we'll kill you" and "don't use the evil hell magic or we'll kill you" without any kind of good counterpart. And then you have gangs like the Whalers where the general take seems to be, "Our boss has a direct connection to the evil god and it gives us all magic, but idk, I just work here."
And meanwhile the big, scary "evil god" everyone freaks out over is just some guy who got murdered by a cult a few thousand years ago and was forced to become the face of hell, and his main power honestly seems to be giving other people powers in a way that makes himself really vulnerable, actually, and he's doing that apparently mostly because he's bored and suicidal. And maybe also because he still cares about the world in his own way.
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sleeplesssmoll · 10 months
Vertin Headcannons
1) Sotheby asks Vertin for help when she's gathering ingredients and materials for her potions. Vertin is really experienced at finding things and catching them. From agile grasshoppers to the most elusive spider, Vertin is a pro.
Bonus: If there's something particularly special in their haul, Vertin will show it to her crew members, like a proud cat bringing back it's most recent hunt. Smoltin energy.
2) Vertin does a lot of sneaking around in the game. This makes me think she defaults to quieting her foot steps and moving like the tiniest sound will rock the Suitcase. The stealth is built in and she can't turn it off.
Bonus: She doesn't usually knock since she spent so much time alone in the Suitcase, but after nearly giving Sonetto a heart attack when she "snuck up on her like a ghost" (it wasn't on purpose. She's too nimble for her own good) she does try to remember. Except when Matilda is around. Sneaking up on her is fun. From the voicelines it sounds like she catches her off guard often but Matilda will scold her if she's prepared for the Timekeeper's antics.
3) If Druvis is sitting on a tree branch, Vertin will climb up to talk to her instead of asking her to come down. Druvis told her she doesn't mind coming down, but Vertin insists. Besides, she's great at climbing! Sometimes they don't say anything to one another and just watch the Wilderness together. From time to time, Mr. Apple will also accompany them.
4) Vertin pays attention to Sonetto's interests. Whenever her assistant lingers on an ad or article in the paper, she'll offer to take treat Sonetto to whatever it is or take her where she wants to go. This is based on her dreams and a few voicelines.
5) She likes Dr. Papper. While she prefers tea, whenever she's with Regulus they end up drinking it so now she associates it with happy, peaceful times. However, she can't drink it when she's alone because it reminds her she could be enjoying it with her favorite, obnoxious Pirate.
6) She knows she should put the leather coat and feather dress back in the closet but she's afraid she'll forget, which is absurd. She never forgets. She had them dry-cleaned before folding them up and putting them back on her desk. When asked why she responds "In case she comes back for them someday."
7) One time she was bitten(?) by one of Sotheby's Catus Cats. However, she didn't freak out and flail around because she was scared to hurt it. Instead, she endured while they carefully removed it. She assured a teary-eyed Sotheby she wasn't mad and it barely hurt but that made the crying worse.
8) She agreed to Sonetto's proposal of greeting each other il bacetto style, but then some of her crew started teasing her and jokingly said they should practice "Italian cheek kissing" too. Sonetto was not a fan of this idea. Vertin goes along with most of her crew's antics so why not?
9) Druvis is secretly working on a special wand that can compensate for Vertin's weak arcanum.
10) Vertin tries to make the Suitcase a Sanctuary for her crew in any way she can no matter how small. There are Forget-Me-Nots in the garden, visible from Druvis's favorite tree. She convinces X to give Regulus a toolbox so she can tinker with her projects. She assists Sotheby in her experiments and tries to procure the exotic ingredients she needs. Whenever she runs errands, she always returns with a snack for Sonetto, even if it's a single chocolate. Their funding isn't much, but she finds ways to make up for it.
11) Vertin takes on odd jobs. She meets new people, learns things, and makes extra cash on the side. However, now that her crew and her expenses are growing, she struggles to find a balance. She's used to doing most things on her own. The crew holds an intervention when they realize what's going on. Regulus "You're our boss not our dad!"
Vertin doesn’t quite understand what she means since she never had a dad but she gets the gist. Now everyone brings something to the Suitcase.
Bonus: Druvis rakes in the most money, Regulus brings in the least. Vertin manages to come back with things that aren't money but still useful like box of fresh fruit or spare parts they could use to improve the Suitcase.
12) Vertin didn't know what homesickness was until one day she woke up to silence. The same silence she thought she was used to by now.
And then she smelled something absolutely delicious. Rushing outside into the Wilderness she found the source.
Everyone was outside barbecuing. They let her sleep in since they figured she needed it. They ask her to join them, smiles all around.
She realizes this is what it meant to be "home."
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stonylovessteve · 3 months
June 29th - Day One of Reveals
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It’s day one of gift reveals! Check back each day for more reveals or keep an eye on the AO3 collection.
To our participants, please be sure to comment on your gifts and thank your creator for making something for you. AO3 sometimes forgets to send gift emails, so be sure to check this blog (or the collection) each day to see what’s being revealed.
All creators are still secret, so don’t post anywhere about your work, even if it has been revealed. You can, however, reply to comments on your work. AO3 will automatically show you as an anon author until creator reveals.
Creators: AO3 will post your work under the date it was submitted. Once your work has been revealed, go into edit and click “Set a different publication date” then change it to today’s date. This will ensure that your work is posted to the top of the new works.
Without further ado… onto today’s gifts!
Still Halfway Human, Just Going Through It for soliloquent (MCU, 9.9k Words)
Stark Industries was still an incredible place to work. Everyone seemed so dedicated and smart and ambitious, it truly reminded him of Howard and his vision for the future. Steve had even seen Tony Stark a few times in passing or when he made his rounds and talked to Steve’s superior in the office, but he hadn’t talked to him more than a greeting in passing. He wasn’t even sure Tony, who insisted on being called by his first name, had actually noticed him during these times. Steve had noticed him all the more.
Give me the luxuries of life  for Thahire (MCU, 4.9k Words)
Four times Steve reluctantly dabbles in a little luxury + one time he leans into it wholeheartedly
Hot Bouncer for Becci_chan (MCU, 2.7k Words)
‘Hey Steve, We had a very interesting last night. Love to stay and elaborate on that but have to take my playful pet baby – Toothless  for a run. Left some hangover cure you might need. Feel free to use the shower or anything else you need. Be back soon. T.S”
The Long Game for waywardmillennial (MCU, 2.6k Words)
Steve prided himself on being a patient man, he really did. He had stared down Nazis, and HYDRA officers, and the British Press on that one horrible media tour. He could spend hours plotting strategies for situations which may never happen but might, and he had been known to accompany Pepper on her stress-relief shopping trips. Steve could hold his tongue. Steve could outmaneuver his opponent. Steve could play the long game. That last donut broke all of that.
not a lot, just forever for AirlocksandAviaries (MCU, 2.7k Words)
A few months after the Battle of New York, Tony invites Steve over to see the apartment he has built for him. Steve, of course, is totally normal about this and not panicking at all.
give me your number (i'll give you mine) for BladeoftheNebula (MCU, 1.2k Words)
Somehow, Tony freaking Stark showing up at the store isn't Clint's biggest shock of the day.
Cap's Comics for robertdowneyjjr (AA, Comic)
The local newspaper/magazine/online publication runs a comic about the Avengers — from thwarted robberies to statues come to life, they are sort of like funny little recaps of the team’s latest missions that New Yorkers have witnessed. Then the comics start becoming more… domestic, showing the Avengers at home during game nights and weekend brunch. There are even a few where Cap and Iron Man go on a date together. The team comes across these comics and no one realizes Steve’s the artist. After all, the drawings are barely better than stick figures, and Steve’s art is much more refined than that… right?
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mawinswag · 18 days
Inanimate Insanity 16 Spoilers
Yeah, that was amazing; better than I could've imagined, but also deeply horrifying and depressing, let me explain why.
So, an underlying thing I've had about Inanimate Insanity is a lot of questions about how this world...works? Like there's a justice system and currency and a 'hollywoo' composite entertainment industry.
And yet none of the characters seem to talk about their life before 'the game.' And that wasn't a problem for me because especially in the latter half of season 2 and invitational the character drama and writing made me forget about all that. Even when Cabby tried to remember her parents I only considered that to be a character specific thing and didn't have wider implications. I never needed to know WHY these little doodads were doing their thing.
And OH GOD there isn't enough time in the DAY to go over all the implications Cobs' reveals has on the whole series, so here's a collage by https://tinyurl.com/An0MaHous3 on Twitter that covers some of the big ones.
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Like WOW what a writing masterstroke because I don't think there could've been a better explanation than the meta narrative one they gave.
So Mephone4 created AT LEAST all the contestants, and given the glitches at the end of the episode probably created this entire world. Not to mention how cobs mentions Mephones 'growth' as a creator effects the art style changes of the space they're in.
But what I'm interested in is this; what does that make cobs? If he's occupying a world created by Mephone, how can he be his creator at the same time?
Well, I'd posit that Cobs ISN'T Mephones creator, whoever MADE HIM is. As in, Cobs is a digital stand-in for the creator of whatever Mephone is. But of course Mephone doesn't even REALIZE he's created a world, given the ending of the episode. His perception of reality and history are LIMITED to this space he occupies. So he imagines Cobs as this brilliant inventor guy who built him and inspired him to create more. But all of this is an analogue to things that happen in the 'real-world' of this show.
And Cobs' attempts to steal the egg and remove the contestants from the equation are representations of abstract concepts that can't be understood from that level; because they're in a MACHINE, they're INSIDE of the 'mephone program' or whatever that's supposed to be in the real-world of the show.
Spitballing head cannoning, but if we see the 'human' version of cobs in the next acts of the finale, I'm gonna FREAK
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snappl3 · 7 months
Ok so completely crack pot silver eyes trilogy theory/headcannon: (haven't read through all the books so I might be wrong about some stuff)
The fact that henry was able to build the illusion discs for the different Charlies simply he may have known about them before hand. Theres also the fact that Henry apparently didn't seem to care at all about samuel.
In both fazbear frights, there are multiple stories about robots/things impersonating or transforming into real people, a lot of them being children. Fazgoo, Lonely Feeddy and Sea Bonnies come to mind.
This, combined with the fact that the person who reveals that sammy is still alive is baby/Elizabeth who, at least in the games, is a pathological liar, leaves me to believe that she is lying about sammy and that he isn't alive with his mom.
Because he was a robot.
Henry built a robot to watch charlie while he was working, used an illusion disc to make it look like charlie and pretended it was her brother. His wife knew about this but... I dont know, dealt with it.
Charlie dies, wife leaves him, and he disassembles Sammy since it no longer serves a purpose. Then when the ella ragdoll comes to life, he puts it in the old sammy body and programs it to think its charlie now. Which is why he was able to throw the thing together so quickly after accidentally creating his haunted doll daughter.
Basically Henry was always just as much a robot making freak as William, which is why Willy had a wierd obsession with him
I never EVER even considered thag possibility and I love it. That would be an awesome parallel to the games how Henry made the puppet to watch Charlie when he was too busy with work
I’m stealing your headcanon btw….
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 7 months
They love you - they would do anything for you!
Words mean nothing if there's no action to prove them true!
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The whole statement from the "evil book" - mind you- "bound for all eternity, nothing can break or bind the evil" is a capital B big fat lie!
A dear anon has already mentioned this before here on my blog through an ask. The gullibility of Amaya and the rest of the people of rosas almost hurts. Of course an evil book would tell you there is no way to get out of the dark!
Disney isn't the first and only one who has been spreading the message of "True love breaks evey curse and true love overcomes all. And darkness can never be greater than the light."
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From the christian perspective, it's more than clear that everything said by the evil book isn't trustworthy as far as salvation goes! Evil isn't stronger than the good and never will be!
It's also intersting to note that the evil force (green evil magic) is potrayed as this shadow entity 👇🏼
Also, why trust the words of something that literally does nothing but evil and harm?
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Even if we look at the whole Magnifico situation purely objectively, like my cousins daughter, not through the lense of faith and leaving the knowledge of trauma aside, the "He's a villain now and can't be saved" is utter nonsense!
The first half of the movie we are told and shown Magnifico's true intentions. His ambitions and desires. We saw him being genuine all the way. He's always been honest and kind. He never lied, played or manipultated anyone and even further explained multiple times how he feels and why he does what he does. And then we are shown "the book" the big bad thing that will defenitly do harm and take posession of Magnifico should he use it!
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That's the information! If Magnifico uses the book, he will be "controlled" by the evil from this book! This is what even Amaya said! Plain and clear.
Also, geeky side fact to the orgins of the book : Magnifico didn't get the book himself, nor did he built the evil lair where he later on created his staff. From the art book we know that he found both the book and the evil lair during the renovations. [ He's built his castle on top of an already existing building ] That means, Magnifico didn't even go to pursue such a book. He found it and kept it. Cause we already know why - trauma rooted fear, anxiety, paranoia.
If someone is controlled/posessed by something, it's more than clear that the person isn't at fault for the actions done by the evil in them! Just look at the insane difference!
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Oh yeah ... I know a posession by evil if I see one. And in this case, we had the facts served on a silver tray. It's not even a guessing game.
The only thing we can hold Magnifico accountable for is the fact he did reach for the book. But then again, we also need to consider WHY he did. Reason - his trauma! He was terrified!
If the book hadn't been there, believe me, this poor man would have had the worst mental breakdown and we would have probably found him huddled together on the ground suffering out his panic attack.
People don't understand the merry go round of thoughts a traumatized person has. And the emotions that come with it. In a situation as intense as Magnifico's we do have a domino effect. Or a wildfire-effect. One tiny spark on dry grass will eventually lead to a big fire. He was already triggered and highly stressed out, and severly traumatized people oftentimes aren't able to make the best decissions - or decissions at all.
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If I think about it - if I had suffered a trauma as intense as Magnifico, already more than burdened with anxiety, fear and paranoia, and then something happens that triggers me immensely, I spend an entire night feverishly searching for an answer or solution, no sleep, no food, immense stress…. on top of that, no one in the entire kingdom that truly understands me ... Boy, I'd probably freak out and snap too.
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The most support he's gotten during his spiral of misery was a pat to the shoulder. Not one single hug, no truly comforting words, a gentle stroke over his cheek, a kiss, truly loving words. That poor man got nothing!
Btw this is a quote from my cousins daughter. And she told it to my face randomly before I could even say anything! She said "You know, Magnifico isn't bad. The book is. He only wanted to protect everyone but the book made him evil. Bad book!"
And if that wasn't already enough, her younger brother watched the movie as well and then also randomly told me, "Bad book!" Furthermore - I wheezed and cried of laughter, because 1. I didn't expect this and 2. it was absolutely brilliant! - The daughter sat at the table and was drawing again, and then she told me, "The movie ... the magician and the bad book ..." The title she gave WISH! She made Magnifico the protagonist and the evil book the villain! Exactly right!
Anyway, then it happens, everyone KNOWS Magnifico is "controlled/posessed" and yet all of the sudden he himself is the evil? What??
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In the past ten decades, disney had always done a fantastic job in displaying true evil and the - true love always wins - message. Even with quite recent movies such as Tangled, Frozen, Encanto etc. We've been introduced to the trauma topic and that "antagonists" can and should be saved.
I mean, I'm absolutely glad that we got Magnifico the way we got him, but I'm enraged about the toxic stance toward trauma.
If I'm looking at what disney did in the tangled series with Varian and Cassandra, who both had a short time period where they've been pushed down the "villain" road by trauma and by the hurt of not feeling valued, seen, heard or treated right and how this got resolved, I can only shake my head at what disney did in Wish.
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Cassandra as much as Varian in fact- especially Cassandra- threatened the whole kingdom and also strived to hurt Rapunzel more than just once.
And she wasn't directly posessed by evil but heavily manipulated and blinded by it. All her "Evil actions" were completelty on her! And Rapunzel stressed that no matter what, she'll never give up on Cassandra. Why? Because she truly loved her! Because she knew that this evil wasn't who she truly is.
Rapunzel said "Even when I look at you now, after all that's happened, no matter what we've done to each other, I still see that look in your eyes. You're my best friend, Cassandra, and I will never give up on you!"
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Can you imagine what could have been if Amaya and all the citizens of Rosas would have had that attitude towards Magnifico? Truly loving him for who he is and not only seeing him as a source for favours? They all simply didn't care! If they had, they wouldn't have given up on him as quick as the snap of a finger.
So we've seen antagonists and semi-villains getting redeemed before and we've seen the "True love conquers all" more than enough, and now, especially with Magnifico, disney and some ignorant haters want to tell us that this isn't what could have happened to Magnifico too?
It's ridiculous!
And the citizens of Corona forgave both Cassandra and Varian!
Now, once more, the "book" said - nothing can bind the evil magic! Yet this is exactly what happened after the people of Rosas unified and sang! The lights glowing in their chests is actually symbolic for their hearts unifying! It was immediately stronger than the hold of the evil magic, even though the book said, it's untouchable!
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The evil magic was bound, "star" was set free and Magnifico pulled into the curse realm. You cannot tell me if they all had done the same thing with the goal in their hearts to free and save Magnifico, that they wouldn't have succeeded.
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sugasiren · 2 years
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**FYI: This is my very first blog post! 🦋
"WhOoo FeELs It MoORe?" - is the question everyone always asks. My Answer: BOTH of us feel that sh-t!! 💯 We're just playing Different Roles within our overwhelmingly intoxicating & binding dynamic.
The Exception: When one or both of you isn't PHYSICALLY attracted to the other whatsoever. Then, it's a wrap. Otherwise, it's GAME ON.
Being a natal 8H Venus w/ 1H Pluto - I'm very acquainted with this energy. I *must* have some form of Plutonian contact in my Romantic Relationships. 🔥 Period. MOON in the 8th is one of my personal favorites within synastry.
I've primarily been the MOON PERSON in my connections. 🌕 I can think of at least (3) scenarios. All of these gentlemen initiated deeper contact with me. Insane sexual tension was present right OUT OF THE GATE. 👄They were patient and each one "studied" me and built a real foundation with me. Eventually, they started sharing deep secrets with me & I with them. We often "counseled" one another on a wide range of things. Even started dreaming about each other! Then... their possessive streak & sexual desire began emanating from their pores. 🔥 And I could *feel* them wanting to envelop my entire freaking soul (just like Hades for Persephone) with primal abandon.  And you know what?? I wanted that sh-t! To be transformed & ravished... Mind, Body & Soul. ❤ They were the powerful YANG to my sensuous YIN. My (Moon) presence was healing & rather comforting for them. While they made me feel very protected in turn.
However, we did deeply trigger each other at certain times as well. Manipulation & mind games can ensue if insecurity starts to rear its head. 💯 The HOUSE Person can potentially start to HATE how vulnerable or "out of control" they feel while in the presence of the Moon Person. Not everyone is used to being *consumed* with deep desire & powerful emotion! The MOON Person is equally invested and isn't as afraid - but may or may not start mirroring their partner's torn behavior. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Maturity is surely a MUST with this energy along with a willingness to trust. If you both can push through your fear... this can become the marriage of a LIFETIME with a passionate bond that continues to grow immensely and never fades.
~The House Person = The DOM or The ARTIST. 😎 You are on THEIR territory. They set the rules & the pace of your connection. You have trust, respect & deep admiration for them - they are your Rock! 💪 You lust for them.
~The Moon Person = The BRATTY SUB or The MUSE. ⚘ You choose *when* you will surrender and *what* your boundaries are. You are the House Person's greatest inspiration! They are in AWE of you. They aren't happy unless YOU are happy - you are their Sunshine w/ a sip of Moonshine. ☀️
I do feel that Moon Synastry is the most potent & profound you can experience overall. 🌕 So how have 8th House connections played out for you?! 🔥 And which Role were you in?
**THIS scene below from 'Bridgerton' is a perfect example of this (MOON 8H) all-consuming energy between two people earlier in a connection. 💕 "You are the bane of my existence... and the object of ALL my desires" is exactly what Anthony (8H Person) feels about Kate (Moon) and it's just so damn delicious!
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I don't necessarily like mike and harvey being on opposite sides - since the whole show is built on their relationship- but one thing s4 does really well is put Harvey through the wringer. They spend 3 seasons building him up, strengths and insecurities, gave him a protege who could match his freak and then took him away.
And harvey can't handle it!
This season does a really good job at stretching this man every which way and he hates it.
He doesn't want to give up his mentorship position, can't see Mike as an equal and fucked up the whole plot ( I'm not a fan of useless melodrama, but Harvey is the type of person to yell " you're nothing without me" and mean it)
He tries to protect mike who's also more or less fresh in his rebellious phase - he challenges Harvey, he goes after his clients. Look at him, he's excited! He wants to play the big game, but Harvey isn't meeting him in a place of friendly rivalry, he sees it as an insult ( which granted, fair, they're handling lots of money and legal fees, but even with the toughest antagonists, Harvey still had fun! Still goaded them, was arrogant. He's not here! This isn't fun for him!)
S4 is the first season where Harvey is off kilter for the longest we've seen him. As much as i love rachel and hate seeing her suffer, i think it's very interesting to see her try to match his energy and Harvey not letting her. She tries to enter the friendly relationship him and Mike had, but he's not open, he's critical, he doesn't let her close. Both Rachel and Mike said that Harvey wouldn't have given him a day off, but mike yelled at Harvey in front of the associates and got a ... not even harsh, just serious tone that told him to go home and rachel asked to rest and got her head bitten off. They are NOT the same
I'm excited for them to get back to the usual banter and easy relationship, but s4 is Harvey's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad season and it's great!
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hils79 · 1 month
Hils Watches The Spirealm - Ep 25
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The kids in the pig masks are really freaking me out
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Just roasting the boyfriend while he's not there. I miss him. This isn't the same without him
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Ewww! Are the lamps in their rooms made from human remains? I feel like I'm watching Hannibal
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Li Dongyuan: is trying to subtly protect Ling Jiushi because Ruan Lanzhu told him to Ling Jiushi: Are you trying to get in my pants like my boyfriend?
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This guy is so sus. He's way too smiley and looks at Ling Jiushi like he also wants to get in his pants
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Nothing is contradicting my theory that he built the game yet
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luimagines · 5 months
Hello Pinky I hope you missed me and my Lynel Farm!
I got an idea which would be hilarious! Reader is a Link! But not any Link no they are Wild and the Link from TotK! And they are a MENACE! Why?
Well, Reader can use glitches like Bullet-Time Bounce or clipping or Wacko-Boingo. They also wear the Tunic of Wild. But they came after TotK to the game and they can duplicate everything! And everything is maxed out of capacity they can't carry a single drop more. Their Purah Pad is about to explode! But then just imagine their meeting.
Legend: „Seriously does anyone know where the fuck we are?!“
Wind: „It looks like a forest.“
Reader used BTB and yeeted themself above the group with their shield on their feet just to shield surf the hill down with speed.
Sky: „What was that?“
„I want that too!!“ with that Wild shield surfed the hill down too.
Twilight: „I will go and get him...“
But the whole group follows as Reader is obviously someone who knows where to go. But as they see Wild and Reader standing there face to face. They are just stunned. They look the same! But Reader is missing an arm and has a mechanical arm instead. But these two seem to get along. This is how they learned that Reader is Wild practically but instead of doing all the Beast, gathering memories and the shrines to pull the sword. They instantly went after Ganon. They fought in their underwear and some Weapons they found on their way and sticks against the Calamity. They don't even know what a Master Sword is! They did the shrines after the Calamity.
But even if they are so bubbly and well wild. They don't talk about their journey and to Twilight. They felt betrayed by him. They needed him as they woke up in a shrine without any orientation or knowledge where they are and what happened. They just needed Wolfie by their side and to help them with their upcoming panic attack. They also don't trust the Chain immediately. They could be Yiga or puppets, sorry for Spoilers, like the Zelda which they chased after in the present. And if someone asks about their journey they only tell the stories of The Hero of Wild not the Hero of Ruins, who they are now. They turn cold and say with an icy tone „It's not your business!“
But Four should never see their weapons or he gets a heart attack. They got so many cursed weapons. But Reader is also freaking strong! Lifting a claymore is hard enough but a claymore fused with another claymore, that's heavy! They fused two Biggoron Swords together or two Dusk Claymores. They also hear the poes in the Depths and that's how they got the weapons. Thanks to the talking statues.
Reader also talks more to their horse and this one isn't small! Even Ganondorf's stallion is smaller than that. It's a giant white stallion and it stomps on everything that comes across their way! With the beautiful name "Thunder" because this thing has loud stomps! But since it's so tall it also takes great maintenance and that's Reader's therapy. When they take care of their giant, they don't feel the phantom pain of losing their arm or hear the whispers of the dead. Just the snorts of their horse and the brush. They also sleep with their horse but mostly on fields or caves as forests can have Evermeans and they want to sleep one time without an ambush from everything that wants their death!
Wild and Wild obviously are all around their giant horse. Four is all about their Lynel Sword collection, swords fused with lynel horns. Twilight tries to mend the bridge while they both are carrying about their horses. Legend and Hyrule ask about the sages and their abilities. Warriors and Time tries to get them comfortable enough so they share their journey. Sky teaches them about the Master Sword but they turn off as soon as he begins with Hylia. They are an atheist they don't believe in her.
The rings from Rauru as they lost their arm are built into the artificial arm as the sages gave them an oath of loyalty.
I feel like I understood about 50% of this because I know so little about Totk.
I know about the arm of course and the the cursed weapons! XD
Four would absolutely lose his mind about them. He freaked out when Wild broke his sword on a rock- just wait until that Reader attached a rock to their sword.
I don't know if they would even know who Wolfie is. If he was never there for them since BotW, then would they even know that Wolfie was someone who would have had to there anyway?
So it would be more like-
Wild: Wolfie was a great help to me when I needed him most the first time around. Reader: ...Who? Wild: The wolf... the wolf that followed me- us- you (?) around? Reader:.... Nope. I don't have a clue who you're talking about.
And another note, I do think that they wouldn't trust the chain off the bat though. You're right. They could be yiga in disguise. A new threat to the the land or to Zelda. There's just something off about them that Reader wouldn't have been able to tell what it was.
Especially since they might not even have all their memories anyway. If they did the shrines after Ganon, then who's to say they would have bothered with doing them all anyway? They coudl have just checked out a few, got bored and left it at that.
They might not have any of their memories and are perfectly fine that way.
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matchbet-allofthetime · 5 months
Can I ask if you have any Boone headcanons? I’m a little bit obsessed with the strong, silent, devoted-to-my-love sniper and there will never be enough content about him for me haha
This ask is wonderful and I thank you for it by smooching you on your forehead 😻
Also, I am so sorry for my ramblings about him, I've loved him since the game released + love all interpretations of him, so I smushed all my favourites I've seen/developed over the years into one (sfw) post.
(I also might've been a little high as I wrote these out, so sorry if I repeat anything or it's misspelled.)
Anyways, enjoy below the cut!
Boone HCs:
-around 6'-6'5" (shorter than Arcade, who I hc as 6'9"); frankly think he's 6'0" solid but built like a brick house
-Bulky, built with wide hips and wider shoulders
-he has ass. I don't make the rules, you can SEE that ass in-game just like you can his meaty tits. I speak more on tits later.
-Soft stomach (the type that you can lay on and spills over his pants some when he bends over or sits down)
-brunette with thick hair, but just shaves it all down.
-INTENSELY bisexual (preference for men, likely just because he was around more men than women in the NCR. But if he likes you in any capacity, you're fair game to him regardless of what you've got)
-very, very tanned. He's not a very pale man and wasn't ever really pale
-GREEN EYES BAYBEE!! Vibrant green, actually has central heterochromia. Green with brown around his pupils ✨
-dimples. He has dimples. Fight me.
-i have this HC that all wasteland-born folks have sharper teeth- he absolutely does. He opens his mouth and he's got four sharp canines and six additional incisors that are shorter but equally able to tear through gecko and brahmin meat
-can and will use that 7 strength stat, and also that matching 7 agility
-this mf is FAST and can sprint like hell
-big hands and arms and thighs- this man doesn't have visible abs, but he's got SO much strength under his softness
-his pecs are soft and heavy. Give that dilf the tits he deserves.
-ABSOLUTELY the strong, devoted silent type
-however, that doesn't mean he isn't playful. He can totally be a snipe, sassy, snarky man, as well as a tease.
-he'll side eye someone he cares about after he's opened up and teased just to see their expressions when he quips when they aren't expecting it.
-him and Arcade get along well, and Arcade talks with him about the world enough to convince Boone that the NCR is better as a military which serves the people, rather than a major power to run the Mojave.
-boone comes to agree easily, but only once they've known each other for a few years
-thinks Arcade is beyond genius, and the two sassy men mutually snark at others when well-deserved
-is more inclined to take off his beret in the Lucky 38 around the other companions, but still is particular about when and where. He likes it and will always stay on him when out and about
-but if the Courier takes it off of him, once they've been through a lot together in the first year or so, he'll let them do it. he knows and trusts that they'll take care of it
-considers it an extension of himself, much the way he considers his rifle and extension of himself, so it's very intimate in its own way
-achingly fond of sweet cakes
-wears sunglasses because his green eyes used to freak people out. They are incredibly sharp- and quick- and can catch movement across miles of desert sand.
-couple that with his agility and happy trigger finger, he makes one of the finest snipers in the wastes
-doesn't sleep well for the first little while after meeting the courier and their companions- keeps thinking he'll wake up to something happening
-does finally manage to relax though, and starts sleeping better than he has in years most nights
-his dog tags ever come off. Can and will stab a bitch for trying to touch them
-very good with combat knives and straight-up punching someone, but forever prefers using his rifle and being a ranged shooter.
-talked more at one time to the courier after defeating Caesar and taking down the camp than he ever had before
-actually fond of having Ed-E around during their missions
-lots of body hair, the shorter hair this mf has is on his head. Prefers his hair short mostly because of being NCR; it just gets in the way of his beret
-polishes and cleans his gun NIGHTLY. If he doesn't have the right wax for the barrel, he will go out and either trade for some or will slaughter for some. He doesn't care which he has to do, so keep it around. A small tin goes a long while, but make sure to keep it closed ✨
-wears a .50 caliber shell around his neck with his tags on the same chain- it's an old soldier's way of remembering their mortality as well as those lost, and he can move entirely silently so the metal doesn't click together as he walks or runs
-comes to find that he loves heavy military rifles
-give him a power fist or brass knuckles. I beg you. This man will fuck someone up at long and close range.
-could kill you with his arms AND thighs.
-sits with his thighs spread apart because he hates when they touch- texture nightmare for him
-can straight up rotate his irises around his pupils. Can ALSO retract and swell his pupils to make them larger and smaller at will- helps in the desert sun to keep his eyes from taking in too much light, but it also makes his eyes focus different, which can be useful
-hates alcohol, but will drink to forget
-started smoking cigarettes because the smell made him physically ill as a child- it was the only way for him to stop being sick. Now it's a bad habit he can't kick
-mostly it's because it's such a long-standing habit, but also he's got the 'tism and an oral fixation which requires him to have smthn in his mouth at all times. Will hold anything between his lips- an unlit cigarette, a toothpick, a bullet shell, the rare wasteland lollipop lmao
-this guy is big enough he can palm a milk jug like it's a can.
-prefere combat boots to anything else, especially steel toe combat boots.
-hates round laces, they've gotta be flat or he loses his shit and seethes internally.
-has tattoos. I don't make the gd rules, he's a military boy- he has ink. You just can't SEE any of it because it's under his shirt/pants.
-would actually have wanted an eyebrow piercing or the like pre-war and I will die and kill on this hill. He wouldn't have many piercings, but he would have a few, I feel. I think he'd get both eyebrows so it'd be even, maybe his nipples, and another secret one 👀
-doesnt like people much, very much a silent, brooding type. Doesn't open up for a LONG time, but when he does, he's warm
-affectionate as hell, but only once he's gotten to the warming-up point
-he more he opens up, the more snark he sends outward toward those he doesn't give a damn about. Will open his fat mouth and those brooding inside thoughts quickly become outside thoughts. Knows when to stay quiet as always, though.
-big spoon or little spoon, he doesn't care. Careful though, he runs VERY hot and will tuck a hand against your stomach to KEEP you against him, even in sleep
-likes tucking his face into someone's throat and WILL wake a lover to kisses on the shoulder and neck
-likes kisses and likes holding hands whenever able.
-hand will always be on lower back. If you're standing on something, he'll have his hand there in case. If you're sleepy and stumbling into the Lucky 38's kitchen, his hand is there to make sure you stay upright as he guides you along. If you're dealing with folks who are shady or make you uncomfortable or make Boone uneasy, his hand is right there to soothe you both.
-only puts his hand on the lower back of two people- the courier and Arcade. I take no criticisms.
-can kill for those he loves. WILL kill for those he loves.
-when cuddling with him, tuck your hand over his heart or around his dog tags and he'll melt in your hands. It's very important to him to silently be with someone, and he's hopelessly devoted to the few people he cares about.
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fantomette22 · 5 months
Ok, let’s hear about your favorite Gehrman and Maria happy AU!!
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With pleasure!!!! :D
Ok so for context yesterday I refound this post :
And I was like "hey guys in my happy AU Gehrman could totally get or make something like this for Maria!" And then it spiralled into "oh I completely forgot to explain my bloodborne "happy ending AU" so there it is finally I guess. I think I only share to a couple of persons so far XD (I have a few others many different AU and darker but it isn't for today).
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I already did a few drawings in link with it : here, here, here and there. Yeah with the gehrmaria ship involve so pass your way if that isn't your thing.
I did end up making the cottage house of the AU in Minecraft since a few months ago by the way XD I even have a tanner, hunter and a freaking cleric villager who now took possession of the house 😂😭 even Laurence decided to live here now I can't. I would need to redo it I kinda screw up proportions I think. Sadly Minecraft bedrock doesn't offer to put many details. I guess it would be better in the sims? If someone knows a good game to built house (and 19th century one) I'm taking it!
So now about the AU it's kinda an AU of my fic verse who can be consider like an AU as well I suppose (even if I tried to stay as canon complaint as possible in this one). Like you can guess from the name Yharnam doesn't became hell on earth and most people don't end up dying horribly. I will copy paste below the summary so you I can explain it better.
Bloodborne happy/good ending AU Summary :
Basically after bloodborne game event (in my fic verse interpretation) our dear baby squid good hunter decided it was rewind time and give everyone a 2nd chance. Don't ask me how
Then it's not clear but either the souls of everyone were taken and yet back in their old self, decades earlier of if people from the past dreamed of the future or a weird mixt of both. But it's what happened. Decades before the game invent (Byrgenwerth era) people started wake up and remember events that haven't happen yet + message from the new great one that they were giving a 2nd chance to make things right etc. It feels like a very strange dream but they knew it was real. Some people remember more than other and they especially remember their own future and they lived/are gonna live+ a couple of other things in game event for exemple.
Now it's up to them to not make the same mistakes and make things right.
So imagine it’s like 2-3am at Byrgenwerth, everyone wake up from well this dream/ nightmare and they basically remember everything that happened to them. So you haven hundreds of people outside in their pyjama. Crying, hugging, and some almost throwing hands with others 💀 quite emotional. I know it’s pretty crazy (i don’t have everything settle yet)
*Yeah you have people who were basically bestie at the time almost punching each other because one betrayed the other years later lol and people who didn’t like each other at Byrgen but become friends way later are hugging and crying. Some people were really confused xD like the one who die earlier on the timeline or weren't very important or just leave this mess early.
So of course you have Laurence & Gehrman crying and holding each other in pyjama in the middle of the dark campus. Then Maria show up in the distance 👁️👁️  it’s even more of an emotional reunion.
So you have this 2 idiots then Maria show up in the distance, they’re stunned and then Laurence tells him « what the hell you’re waiting for just go!!!» so he runs extremely fast (maria too) and they stop a few meters away from each other just staring. Then he tried to apologize says he’s sorry for everything. « YOU’RE SORRY?! » she’s kinda mad and sad about everything that happened she kinda hit him but he is surprise it’s not that hard then she hugs him and they hug each other and cry. (Yeah the Doll is discuss a bit later it's all good)
At some point Laurence try to eclipse himself and Maria’s like « you fucking stay here! » because she have things to say to this dumbass too.
So everyone reunite and all. With Caryll/ Rom/ Ludwig etc.They are hugging and all and then you have like Damian trying to kick Mico’s ass and nobody stopping him XD
Also Charles and Laurence threw hands 💀it’s a mess.
*People who’re not suppose to be very friends at this era are in each other arms and some bff are like throwing hands.
Then Willem show up and tell everyone to shut up and calm down 😂
Charles and Maria later go to Cainhurst to hug all their family who slightly remember all the shit too. And so it don’t cause a war again as well 😂 because they're kinda salty about their nightmares were the church + executioners killed them.
Anyway they all kinda calm down and some times later they’re all reuniting by Willem & Laurence because we need to talk about what the hell happened. « Yep that was real » now time to change it. 
After this mess and discussing what the hell happened and « we need to changed things! » they need to make a big plan how to avoid the fishing hamlet pb and save the orphan. they also can't just not use blood because it does save lives so it's quite complex.
So years later (because the beginning of it during like Maria, Ludwig, Caryll & Rom's hm 3rd of 4th years of university) they manage to make sure the hamlet don't became fishmen, and help Kos give birth (she isn't dead yet but her physical body do die afterwards). And baby orphan is fine and taking care off 👍
Then it's party time 😎 Well they still have things to take care of but I didn't thought of all the details yet. So Maria & Gehrman officially get together 🎉 (never really happened in my main interpret, it's complicated) and some times later travel between Yharnam and other places to help people around (to put it shortly).
THEN they buy a house next to a forest and a small village and live there for some time, maybe start a family etc (see the drawing with the baby!! I won't get into all the family detail today through). So they got the cottage/country house ✨
How they found it? Well funny story one day old hunters were on the mission (not the happy au but fic verse) and the mayor leave the house to them so they could sleep for a few nights and Gehrman really liked the house and even made a deposit for it for a few years if one day he wanted to buy it XD
Then after some time they accidentally adopt a lil dog too (before the huge white wolfhound years later) XD
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Something like this. Need to find a name for this lil guy.
And recently I've been thinking a cat could be cool too. A really fluffy one
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I made those 2 other sketches last year in link with the AU as well. I never share those so there it is.
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And I have a fic planned (1-2 chap max for now), an entire summary, a chapter plan and even a few sentences written for this AU in particular. But idk when I could write it. And I could even have 2 versions depending the rating @_@ so maybe one day...
So yeah it's a bit messy but it's all the fluff & some other things I need. And that's it for now!
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Jimins Billboard Live!
This is the sweetest, cutest man ever. Just casually looks like PERFECTION at 3 am while sick. The only person who could ever honestly.
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He was soooo cute. I'm not going to get into it, really at all. I'm just noting the things we've all noted in regards to jikook. And then moving on.
I saw some people saying they heard JKs voice during this live in the background/JM talking to someone quietly. I disagree, but that's fine. It's just barely there noise. People can think of that what they will. What I DO want to point out and giggle over just a little is the stupid I'm ___ wife" jokes. Lol he pretend greeted Taehyungs wife and Yoongis wife. And then gave the joke up when someone once again claimed to be JKs wife. He went from chuckling, to a smile still but basically told us no. 🤣 "I think Jungkook is asleep right now"
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It's giving the same energy as saying "if that's your man, why is he in my bed? 🤨" And I was cracking up! Side note, these comments are stupid and aren't funny anymore. The jokes gone too far. Please stop being weird about it
Also a mention of Jimin saying he doesn't want to scream and be too loud because he is at home, not at a studio or the company. When sweet Hobi was encouraging him to celebrate big and loud. I know those apartments he and Joon bought are freaking huge and probably built very well. I don't think he really has to worry too much about neighborly noise complaints. Lol just being a good neighbor here Jimin? He would be overly considerate about that kinda stuff I'm sure 😂
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And Jimin is so private. Lmao everyone lost their shit over being able to tell of his curtains and that he owns 2 gaming chairs 🤣 he keeps his shit locked down!
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One chair with a neck pillow, one without. And the neck pillow was the same one that JK uses in his studio at the company. On a chair that is a different brand. But the neck pillow matches the brand of chairs from Jimins home. Interesting coincidence if nothing else. Lol
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Now that Jimin is home more and isn't practically living with his producers and having an insanely tiring schedule, think they are having sleepovers more often again? Lol who knows! Certainly not me!
If nothing else, it's really cute that they are once again matching in gaming chair accessories. Lmao they must shop together 🤣
Anyways, watch the live if you haven't. Jimin is the sweetest person alive. He deserves the world. And I hope he is feeling better now 💜
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