#this gif is the funniest thing i've ever seen
bloodycowboyclub · 2 years
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j-ustkeepgliding · 2 months
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...smack down?
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samgirard · 4 months
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└gritty and nj devil enemies to lovers arc | nhl stadium series: njd vs. phi | 2.17.24
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laurapetrie · 1 year
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what are your top ten favorite reaction images :0
UWAAA this is a difficult one! Think I have a top ten picked out, though!
DISCLAIMER: my selection of favourite images changes on a whim, and if someone asks me this same question a little way down the line, I may well have a different answer! All I can offer are my favourites at this exact moment.
That said - here they are!
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mymarifae · 1 year
i guess your hero's journey extends beyond april fools
you are still GOING. you are the GOER.
help did i actually queue it enough times for the going posting to extend into today. my bad. going
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mikelogan · 1 year
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You’re under arrest because you’re probably guilty.
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Understanding Alien a bit better now. 👀
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midsommar · 1 year
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Daisy Jones & The Six S01E08
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oflights · 1 year
i am....finally.......caught up on AO3 comments...........
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noahfuckingdies · 14 days
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Whoever made this gif, I hope you're having a great life cause it's one of the funniest things I've ever seen and has been for 4 years
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This is legit one of the funniest things I've ever seen 🤣
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samgirard · 8 months
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brock scores a goal and catches his own stick | van vs. edm | 11.6.23
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ivyjupiterwrites · 4 months
I just had the funniest thought of what if there was a Con of sorts going on, and you were dressed up, saw Ghost and asked him for a picture cause you thought he looked cool/was a part of what was going on.
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There's you, dressed up as your favourite character, cutely approaching and interrupting him talking with the rest of the 141. You look like a field mouse wandering over to a bunch of barn cats-- cautiously yet fearing for your life despite proceeding.
"Uh excuse me...Hi," you began, and they all ceased their chatter to turn and look at you. Now that the skull masked man was leering at you, he was a lot more intense than cool but you fought through your nerves, "You look really cool, do you mind if we get a picture together?"
Ghost has zero idea what is happening.
Looks over to the boys--which I feel like the sgts would be nodding their heads in different levels of enthusiasm even though they know he doesn't do photos and Price would just be smiling so wide.
"Sure...." his response takes a nerve wracking, awkward moment, but after looking at you thoughtfully he figured what could it hurt? You looked really adorable in your costume peering at him, and though this could be against his better judgement, you seemed very nonthreatening.
So thus one of them grabs your phone, and you scooch up beside him. Now that he's not having an internal debate over the whole picture thing, Ghost is noticing just how nervous you are. There's the the faintest tremble to your being, and you look like you're being held at gunpoint, not happy.
"C'mere." he shifts himself to narrow the distance between the two of you, going as far as to throw an arm around you for one. "I don't bite."
"Yeah you'd have to take yer mask off," Soap snorts at him from the sidelines, gaining your attention. "and we all know that's not happenin'." huh?
"Affirmative." he gruffly replied, the two of you now finishing up he sees you looking at him curiously. "Too handsome lovie, wouldn't wanna blind ya."
"Oh." the little 'o' that came to your face was well worth it, and exactly what he had been trying to get out of someone with his smart ass comment. He got even more handsome? Well then. "Well... Thanks."
"Cheers." Ghost nods to you, the rest bidding you farewell and you scurry off with bright red cheeks. It was the bravest, stupidest, most dopamine inducing scenario, and you're sure you'll never recover. "Wonder what that was about?"
It's now when the guys are laughing, I feel like not Price but the sgts at least would know about the Con going on and the mix up.
"That was probably top ten best things I've ever seen."
"Wonder what she thought you were dressed up as?" Gaz questioned with a raised brow, but
"Hell Rider probably, that's'ou people usualy think'e is." Soap laughed as Ghost shot him a displeased glare, he was himself goddamit.
"I think they liked you," Price's comment gained him Ghost' attention, head snapping around from shooting Soap looks.
"You think so?"
"You're really dumb Lt." not being able to get enough of the socially inept man, Soap and Roach were having a real good laugh over him. "You should've gotten their number!"
"Oh shit." an hour or so later Roach is patting himself down, and finds your phone nestled away in his pocket. He had just slid it in there after taking the photos, with you being so anxious, the both of you had entirely forgotten about it.
"You weren't supposed to keep it!" the deadpan he does to this stupid comment by Soap.
"Looks like you're going to be able to get that number after all."
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axskalotl · 1 year
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This is actually the gif of all time like???
It's such a tender moment, the slow lean in, heavy's hands wrapping around medic, the little smile and head nod at the end!?!?!?!
But it's also the funniest fucking thing I've ever seen, like the text at the top, the fact that it even exists, the ridiculousness of it all turns it into something hilarious and I don't know why
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Hehehe I love you’re writing, here’s another request, angst with a happy ending
7. I told you that I fucking loved you and you stood there and laughed at me (angst prompt list)
9. “I love you doesn’t begin to express what I feel for you.” (Fluff prompt list)
Reader confessed their love, Bo laughs (it’s out of disbelief reader doesn’t take it that way) reader leaves, Bo comes home in the evening, obviously dude sucks at his emotions and they argue and then Bo ends up word vomiting a love confession too, little kissy at the end :3
Ooooooo. This is a nice one! Had to think about this one for a moment, but I think I have something for this :3
Bo x grey reader
What a Fool
Tw: sfw, confused Bo, mention of future killings, mention of murder/using a person, lovely Bo at the end,
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When you told Bo how you felt in the garage, he had to take a double take on you. He looked at you in a mixture of disbelief and... hurt? Why does his baby blue eyes look so hurt when you said you want to spend the rest of your life with him?
"Say that again, honey?" He asked, wiping his hands over his pants, oil stains on his face. He was working on a 2004 Jeep today, and the motor was giving him trouble. "I think the heat is gettin' to my head."
"I said," you take a breath, "I love you, Beauregard Sinclair." You felt butterflies fluttering around your stomach and head. The way the golden afternoon light touching his skin and his wrist made him look like a saint. "I love you so much it hurts sometimes."
The corner of his lips twitched as a goofy smile cracked. At first, you thought he was happy, but when he started laughing hard and held him stomach, your confidence fell. He looked at you, trying to keep a straight face, and laughed harder.
He wiped a tear from his eye. "Oh, y/n--what? Did Lester put you up to this? Goodness me, darlin'. You're the funniest human alive." Bo turned back to the jeep. "What a joke."
That was the straw that broke the camel's back.
You burst into tears, turning on your heels, and left the garage. You didn't mean to start crying, but a cry escaped your mouth as you ran out the garage, pushing Lester aside as he brought visitors to the station. Lester raised a brow at you then looked back at Bo, who was following you behind, confused as ever. The group--two girls and one guy--watched as you ran up the hill towards the house. You want to throw yourself on the closest thing like a Disney princess does in a moved when their love denies them. Is this what it feels like to be broken hearted?
One of the girls didn't stop watching you go until Bo said, "Don't mind 'em. They're actin' funny."
"I don't think they are, mister," the blonde said. "I've seen a broken hearted person, and that one," she thumbed over her shoulder, "just lost all of their love all at once."
The red head girl nodded. "Yeah, man. The hell did you do to them?"
Why don't you mind you own business? Bo wanted to snap, but he had to keep the good southern charm on. Maybe they won't do anything about it?
"It don't matter," Bo said, waving it off. "Y/n just said they love them."
Lester's eyes lit up like a puppy being given a bone. "Really? That's great!" He had the biggest smile on his face. "They were real nervous about it but I told 'em 'at y'all love 'em, too, Bo!"
Oh... no. "They weren't lyin'?"
Lester's not one for violence, but... "Wha did ya tell 'em, Bo?"
Bo's blood ran cold as he covered his mouth. Man, did he feel like a prick. "I thought they were jokin' an'--"
"Don't tell me you laughed at the poor thing!" The blonde said in disbelief. "Please say you didn't?"
"Yeah, I did." Why is Bo talking to the people he's going to kill? "I thought they were jokin' an' Les put 'em up to it!"
The man shook his head, clicking his tongue. "That's cold, brother."
"Ain't your brother," Bo snapped, pacing back to the counter then towards the group, covering his mouth. "Really fucked up 're."
"Yeah! Crashed and burned seems to sum it up," the red head said. She nodded at the door. "You should go after them and say your sorry."
The blonde nodded in agreement as she checked her phone. "Yeah, mister. If you go now, you can beat the rain." She then held up her phone. "Cause, like, it'll be cheesy as hell if your run through the rain to get to them."
Lester had to nod in agreement. "Yeah. Super cheesy."
Then the man held up a hand, asking, "But do you feel the same about them? Like, do you love them?" He shoved his hands back in his sweatshirt. "Because if you say it and not mean it, it'll be Oversvile for you."
"Brendon's right," the blonde girl said. "Because that could make this worse and you might lose a friend." She then looked at the red head and asked, "Remember Will did that, Macy?"
Macy, the red head, nodded. "He played me like a fucking room after that, Percy." She then looked at Bo. "You better figure it out, man."
Bo chewed the inside of his mouth as he placed his hands on his hips, thinking. What did he think of you? Sure, he would laugh with you, talk with you, sleep and hold you. Part of him wanted to kiss you when you dragged him outside to watch the fireflies dace over the wildflowers. The way you spun in the flowers as you tried to catch stars in your hand and held yourself so soft and gentle around them, your smile always warm. Cracking up laughing when Jonesy jumped up to lick your face made his heart swell like no other. Every time he was around you, he felt so calm and lighter. Bo's heart ached when you would curl up closer to him at night, hugging his wrists and scars with so much love. He hated when people looked at you wrong, and he hated when you were taken away from him just to talk to a group of people. When you fell down the spiral stairs and hurt your knee, he wanted to bend over backwards to make you stop crying. He hated to hear you cry, to see your sadness, to see your frown... He hated seeing you run out of the station, holding her face, crying. It felt like a bullet to the chest.
So, why did he laugh? What made him think that it was a joke?
Then it hit him: Trudy said it and never meant a word. The only love he's every felt was... was with you.
"Oh, shit," he said under his breath. "What did I do?" He then looked up at the group then at the door. He heard the soft rumbles of the thunder and flashes over the sky. Fuck the killings, fuck the group... he wanted you. Sweet, perfect, beautiful you.
Macy seemed to be reading his mind. She stepped aside, and held her arm out as a path to the door. "Well, get after it then!"
That was all he needed to hear. He hurried pass them and started up towards the house. The group be killed or not, it doesn't matter. You were in that damn house alone crying. What a fool he is! A damn fool! Here you were, in the shop, looking nice than normal, all dolled up for him, just for him, to ruin something that's been building up in his chest for weeks!
What a fool Bo Sinclair is.
"I'm an idiot, Vincent!" You sobbed in your pillow. He sat on the edge of your bed and rubbed your back. "A dumb, love, stupid-stupid idiot!"
You scared him when you slammed the door, causing him to drop his coffee mug of tea. It hurts seeing you cry, but it hurts more knowing your crying over his dumb twin. Vincent just wanted to hit Bo with the tow truck--
"Y/n?" Bo called from downstairs, closing the door. "Darlin'?"
"Go-go away!" You chocked out, yelling back down. "I-I don't wan-wanna talk to-to you!" You heard his boots coming up the steps as rain pattered against the glass. You hugged your pillow tighter as you cried.
When Bo saw this scene, his knees didn't feel right and he felt sick. He did this to you. He made you cry. Goods, he's like his father--
Vincent glared at Bo as he stood. His hands moved quickly. 'Talk to them. Y/n's hurt. Fix it.' He stops at the door then looks back at Bo. ‘Fix. It.’
Bo took a deep breath and nods as he brother past by him, his eyes lingering over your crying form. He took careful steps in your room and sat on the edge of the bed. He folded his hands as he listened to your tears. The hallow pit in his chest caved in faster as you flinched away from his hand touching your knee. He hated himself more. He hated himself more than anyone.
"Hey, darlin'," he hummed softly, his voice echoing inside his chest. "Wanna talk to ya."
"Why?" You sniffed. "What? You wanna laugh at me more?"
Those words were like daggers in his heart. "No, no, y/n-- I didn't mean to laugh."
You turned on your side and sat up. You brought your legs close to your chest. He brought his leg up on the bed and shook his head. "I told you that I fucking loved you," you wiped your face, "and you stood there and laughed at me, Bo."
Thunder rumbled against the roof. "I didn't mean to, honest."
Your eyes were so red and puffy that he didn't want to look at you. "What am I to you, Beauregard?"
"What do ya mean--"
"What. Am. I. To. You?" You didn't mean to sound tired or angry. You didn't mean to curl your fingers into a fist. "Tell me. What?" You used your arm as a tissue to wipe away the snot. "Do you see me as a play thing? Want me in-in the basement like the rest?"
He felt disgusted. "No, no!" The near thought of you strapped down in some place horrifying like that nearly broke him.
"Then what am I to you?" You snapped, making him jump at the suddenness. "Am I a joke? A dumb person you thought it'll be fun to play with?" Then something clicked and your mind didn't want to go there, but it did. Your body started to shake. "Are you waiting for the perfect moment to kill me?"
Lightning flashed over his eyes, his blood running cold. Your voice being defeated. Your heart breaking in his hands all because he laughed? Calling them a joke? You. Perfect you. Breaking for a damaged Bo. Why? Why are you doing this to him? His arms reached around you and pulled you into a tight embrace. He held your head against his chest, his hand covering the back of your head protectively. You could hear his heart hammering against his chest.
You struggled against his grip to wiggle free, but it felt so safe, so loving. Luckily, your struggling failed as you cried in his arms. He hushed you softly, kissing the top of your head.
"Wanna know wha' you are to me?" He whispered as rain pattered like bullets. "Yer my first thought every morn. My last thought every night. Yer the reason I git outta bed to mak' coffee. I-I fucking live to hear ya say 'good mornin' ' to me, and it drives me crazy when ya don't say it." He held your head up and cupped your cheek. You were looking up at his beautiful eyes. Those baby blues that made you hit the ground harder. "I thin' 'bout ya when I work on the cars. I thin' 'bout ya when I smoke, wonderin' if yer cooking or bakin'. Shit," he couldn't help but chuckle at thought, "I've said yer name out loud with my last name: Y/n Sinclair." He blushes. "An' it has a good rin' to it, yeah?" You found yourself nodding. He rested his head in your hair, smelling the flowery shampoo you used this morning. "I don't know what ya did to me, and I like it, y/n," he looks down at you. "I like ya a lot."
"So," you hiccuped. "You love me?"
"I love you doesn’t begin to express what I feel for you, darlin' y/n," he answered, laughing. There's a sparkle in his eyes when he asked, "Mind if I show you how much I love ya?"
You managed a nod as your cheeks flushed red.
He leaned down, brushing your lips gently with his rough thumb, and kisses you. His lips were cracked, but they felt like the softest pillows under you. The storm under your skin calmed when you pulled yourself closer, running your hands over his shirt sleeves, tugging him closer. He held your back up as he deepen the kiss. He took you in as if you were the last glass of cold water in July. His head spun as the thoughts of you twirling in the ran sent his mind a blaze, taking you as you were, putting his mama's ring on your finger to forever call you his.
"I love you, Beauregard Sinclair," you breathed against his lips.
He smiled against your skin. "Say it again?"
"I love you, Beauregard Sinclair." And you would say it until your dying breath.
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