#this had been sitting in the askbox for a while and i figure it's easier to answer bc this is ooc
Does Trunks get angry that his childhood was stolen from him? That he never got to experience anything a normal teen/child would?
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The answer may surprise you, but no he does not.
And it's less because he moved past it or he doesn't think about it, Trunks just legitimately was too young to remember his life before the apocalypse, he doesn't have an understanding of what he lost because all he knows is the ruined world around him.
Hell, his closest frame of reference for what a childhood was like was Future Gohan, who had known terror when he was a wee lad and wouldn't know peace as long as he lived.
There's no anger there because he doesn't actually have a good idea of what was stolen from him, he's just told that he lost it, there's no actual connection there. It's like being told you missed out on watching a movie everyone else saw but you had no clue what it was about- you're curious, but it's not gonna have much of an impact on you.
He does, at certain points, realize just how different his childhood could have been, but it results in more inward frustration for not being strong enough sooner than outward anger.
There's much that he missed out on, but he'd rather experience those things now rather than lament anything about what could've been.
tldr; There's no anger over a childhood lost bc he doesn't really comprehend what was taken.
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ievaxol · 1 year
10, "I think... I'm in love with (Name)" || "Congrats on being the last one to find out. Your choice of ship!
(i havent touched anything in so long then i remembered i had this sitting in my askbox and decided to yoink it for practice/warm-up <3)
"He'll kill you," Kazutora says, voice flat. "And your blood will be on my hands if you continue. We were wrong and it's time to throw in the towel, end of story. It's over."
I can't give up now, flashes through Takemichi's mind and Kazutora must sense the sentiment somehow because his mouth thins and his hand lands heavy on Takemichi's shoulder, fingers digging in hard enough that Takemichi knows they'll leave bruises.
It's grounding. Takemichi is grateful for all the wrong reasons.
"Takemitchy —" He's taken to using the same nickname as the others. Takemichi wants to close his eyes to the way it comes off of Kazutora's tongue, wants to pretend he can't see how it is shaped into warmth.
It was easier to handle the Kazutora that beat him black and blue. Takemichi wonders if he's simmering right under the surface, the version of Kazutora that wished him dead. If telling Kazutora everything would bring his killing intent bubbling back to the surface, would make those golden eyes harden in disgust.
He wets his lips. He's being unkind, he thinks.
"— I can't face the others if I let you go through with this. Your wedding is three days from now, just leave it for a while."
Doesn't Kazutora know that giving up would kill him all the same? Can't he see what a piece of shit Takemichi is? He couldn't care less about the wedding if Mikey isn't there to smile through it.
To hell with his own life — he wasn't granted these powers to save almost everyone.
Of course he can't tell Kazutora about the powers, or the alternate timelines. He can't mention the blood, the deaths, the try-again-handshake mocking him endlessly as he fucks up yet another leap.
Instead Takemichi opens his mouth and out tumbles:
"I think I'm in love with Mikey."
It isn't at all what Takemichi meant to say and yet he's not surprised by the words — as soon as the idea is formulated it slots into place, a corner piece to the puzzle he's been steadfastly averting his gaze from.
Since when was he breathing this fast?
"Congrats on being the last one to figure that out," Kazutora says, dry and unforgiving.
Takemichi's head snaps up. Kazutora's smile is the jagged and ugly cut of a knife, the jingle of his earring making Takemichi's eardrums feel like they're about to burst.
"So you love him? That doesn't mean you're allowed to die for it. Take it from one who knows."
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shadowsong26fic · 2 years
Coming Attractions
I feel like it’s been A While since I did one of these, haha...
As always, along with the Coming Attractions, we’ll do an Open Question Night! My askbox is always open, but tonight I’ll be keeping at least a semi-active eye on it, answering questions. Any fandom I’ve posted about here or on AO3 is fair game; questions about writing in general; etc.
Also, my writing discord does exist! It’s a pretty quiet place, but it’s at least intended to be a slightly more interactive extension of this blog.
A fairly short update this month; I don’t have all that much to report, unfortunately...
Star Wars:
Big bang has been completed and posted at last! I don’t know that it’s my best work, but I am proud of how the fight scenes turned out, at least.
It was kind of like pulling teeth all season to get this one done, though. Hopefully next year will be easier! I don’t really have a solid plan, other than vague notions of doing a BSG crossover, since that’s where a lot of my brain is now, lol.
Protectors and Preludes updates are coming, I swear, it’s just been slow. Hoping the Obi-Wan show will kick my butt into gear, even though I’m well past that point in my timeline!
I finally actually started posting Incinctus! It’s a fun piece, and while I do have at least one other plot thread floating in my mind for future writing, we’ll see how this one goes first. My plan is to update weekly, on Mondays. This plan will probably hold up until I run out of steam and pre-written material XD ((There’s a little bit of an Easter Egg in this week’s chapter that I found amusing; we’ll see if anyone actually picks up on it.))
Battlestar Galactica:
I have started my rewatch at last! I’ve powered through S1 (and put my notes, apart from the fic-related stuff, up on my personal tumblr if you’re curious XD); I may skip around after the Pegasus arc and get Razor in then. I’ve been note-taking both for my personal delight and for plot purposes for The Other Battlestar (which does need a better name...the only thing I’ve come up with so far, though, is a play on Bellerophon which I like even less, lol). The biggest plotholes I have so far are outing Doral and the tylium mine episode; I think I have a workaround for the mine, but I’m still playing with it. I’d forgotten how much Outright BSing was involved in flagging Doral as a Cylon...
((If y’all haven’t been following these, The Other Battlestar is an AU where Baltar ends up on Pegasus instead of Galactica; in order for the main fleet to be in roughly the same position when things reconnect after six months, I have two OCs filling in for his canon role. The politics stuff is easy, I just need to finish building the character in question. Some of the science stuff is...a little shakier, lol. I’m also having fun fleshing out a few additional Pegasus crew members to talk to, and considering where to line up Key Events for Maximum Impact, but that might change depending on how much of a concrete timeline Razor gives me.))
Anyway, I’ll probably start posting that this summer, once I have a decent amount of text prepped and also have figured out how I want to structure it (there’s miniseries stuff I do need to cover, but how much time do I want to spend on that; how do I balance between the Galactica and Pegasus threads, etc.)
Other Fandom Stuff:
I signed up for pod_together again! I had a lot of fun last year, and I’m hoping I get a good partner again this year! We’ll see how that goes--matches are sent out this weekend, I think.
Original Stuff:
Nothing really to report on this end other than I really do need to get back to actual Writing again...and also I keep buying miscellaneous Arthuriana things at library booksales but not actually sitting down to read them to plot out that one Arthuriana story I want to tell. And there’s a couple historical fiction pieces, one of which has been in the works for a solid fifteen years but I keep wandering away from the research for it, lol...
Anyway, Hopefully I’ll have a more “I Did Stuff!” update next month! But that’s about where things stand for me now.
What about you guys? What are you working on? And, again, Open Question Night--I’d love to hear from you! What’s on your mind?
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shinobusupremecy · 3 years
Can I request letter H, T, and Z for the yandere alphabet? Thank you! Have a nice day/night
Yandere Shinobu x gn!reader alphabet (H, T, Z)
A/N:Sure you can! Thank you for requesting and have a great day/night too! Also I have gotten some requests that already requested Z in my askbox so I’ll just link this one to those request or something. 
Warning(s): Mention of stabbing and needles in one part (sorry I don’t put warnings, I just have trouble knowing when to put them and when not to) 
Alphabet used
Art source
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Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
🦋- Shinobu can be very cruel if she needs to be, even if it means to almost freeze you to death. She’s a very good doctor so she knows how to treat you
🦋- It was winter time and it snowed heavily. Thick layer of snow laying on the ground
🦋- You have just gotten punished by Shinobu and you had enough. You wanted to leave, you wanted to be free
🦋- Knowing you have no chance to escape in broad daylight you decided to escape at nighttime
🦋- Nighttime came around and you woke up. You took the thickest layer of clothing you could find and then snuck your way out 
🦋- Unbeknownst to you Shinobu snuck out too 
🦋- You ran even though it felt like your lungs were freezing and stinging 
🦋- Puffs of cold air came out from your mouth as you tiredly moved through the thick snow 
🦋- You soon realized that the thick layer of clothing wouldn’t be enough since it got progressively colder and colder. You began to shiver and shiver, the only thing you could hear was your puffs, teeth clattering and the crunching sound from the snow when you walked 
🦋- Soon enough you couldn’t take it anymore and fell to the ground laying in the snow
🦋- Your body was freezing up even quicker than before
🦋- You were sad knowing you might die a painful death
🦋- Your eyelids were getting heavier as you closed your eyes and accepted your fate
🦋- “Moshi Moshi~” You opened your eyes and saw Shinobu staring down at you. 
🦋- You didn’t wanna die and your body felt like it was getting stabbed with thousands of needles 
🦋- “S-Shinobu..” You croaked out and Shinobu smiled down at you
🦋- “What is it?” She asked innocently. You wanted to curse at her for being so calm while you’re clearly close to dying
🦋- “Please...take me home” Shinobu mockingly turned her head to the side and brought her ear closer to your mouth 
🦋- “Please speak up! I can’t hear you right now” Shinobu cooed
🦋- “I-I wanna go home” Shinobu gave you a closed eyed smile
🦋- “Of course, love” Not very long after your vision turned blank and you faded into sleep 
🦋- You woke up feeling warm covers cover your body. You opened your eyes and saw Shinobu sitting at the side of your bed. She smiled at you and you froze
🦋- Afraid you were gonna get punished you flinched away when she reached out to you
🦋- She gave you an inviting smile and hugged your little shaken figure
🦋- “It’s okay, love. I’m not gonna hurt you, you’ve been through enough” You hesitantly hugged her back 
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
🦋- She hates seeing you cry, if she caused you to cry she would apologize. But if you cry because she punished you she’ll just say she should’ve went easier on you and that’s it. If it was a harsh punishment and Shinobu thinks you deserve it she’ll harshly tell you. Shinobu thinks she didn’t do anything wrong since you’ve been naughty and she just taught you a lesson
🦋- She’ll see you cry and immediately ask you why. If you don’t tell her she won’t force you to and will try to comfort you in some type of way 
🦋- She might take you to a restaurant, cuddle and whisper sweet things in your ear, take you out for a walk or let the triplets cheer you up if she’s busy
🦋- Comforting you is her now top priority. Her patients and work? She’ll start to work again when she knows you feel better
🦋- If a person made you sad she’ll poison them or murder them brutally, if it’s a person you know she’ll scold them
🦋- You may feel insecure about your body. Shinobu will find out about it sooner or later, it doesn’t matter if you tell her or not
🦋- She notice the look of distaste when you look at a certain body part. She’ll whisperer what she loves about that body part. She knows well that sweet words isn’t enough so she’ll kiss that body part too
🦋- If she sees you isolate yourself she’ll try to comfort you. If you wanna be left alone Shinobu will give you space
🦋- She’ll come in with food and water to make sure you eat something
🦋- If you don’t stop isolating yourself she’ll try to talk to you. If you don’t wanna talk to her you might wanna talk to Aoi, Kanao or the triplets
🦋- Seeing you scream is not something new to her. You scream every time Shinobu punishes you whether you get bruised up, scared or try to fight back (screaming curses and insults her) 
🦋- She hates when you scream because she doesn’t wanna be deaf but she can’t blame you for screaming at her
🦋- She’s already seen plenty of other people screaming when she saves them from a demon so seeing you scream is no difference 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
🦋- Shinobu would never break her darling
🦋- Shinobu doesn’t think you deserve that. Breaking or killing you would be the last thing she’d ever want to do 
🦋- Shinobu likes to see you smile. Your smile is so wholesome and innocent and you have that happy energy which puts Shinobu to ease
🦋- If she broke you she would just gets a clone of Giyu but worse and Giyu is already enough for her 
A/N: I hope letter H made sense, I tried to take a creative route. 
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sageinacage · 3 years
ok retry because tumblr deleted the prompt from your askbox >:( how about a fic with lee!eret and ler!foolish where foolish knew that eret was ticklish in the past, and now in present day, he wants to know if that fact is still true and tries to discover it for himself? i love ur fics btw!!! :D
Old Pal summary: foolish is curious if his old friend eret is still ticklish. a/n: THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING THEIR DYNAMIC I APOLOGIZE THAT ITS PROBABLY A BIT OOC BAHAHA warnings: n/a w/c: 1.6k DSMP, Platonic
‘Was the sun always this bright?!’ Foolish squinted in thought, looking up at the clear sky as he raised his hand to block the rays of light aimed right at his face. He huffed, lowering his hand and leaning against the furnaces he set up in his construction area.
It was a sunny afternoon, a light breeze brushing through the leaves on the trees scattered around the area. Foolish was busy today, working on the mansion he was commissioned to build for his friends Ranboo and Tubbo. It was a beautiful building so far, so much done but so much to do still.
“What time is it?” The shark-totem hybrid asked himself, opening his inventory to grab ahold of his clock. He smiled to himself. It was only one in the afternoon, a perfect time for a lunch break.
He walked down the path, going back to town. As Foolish walked, he took the time to look around, looking at the buildings around him. He smiled as nostalgia filled his heart, then filling at a newfound speed when he saw the castle.
Arriving at the gates of the castle after a swift speed-walk, he walked in. You see, his old pal Eret lived in the walls of the gorgeous castle, and Foolish was one loving guy and just wanted to see his friend.
“Eret- King Eret? Are you hooome?!” He called out, chuckling at the echo he heard. Amused by the echo, Foolish kept on yelling. “Yoo-hoo, Eret! Your pal is here!” He continued to shout, laughing at each echo he heard back. About to shout again, he heard a chuckle; one that didn’t belong to himself. Foolish whipped around, seeing a person wearing the signature sunglasses of his friend.
“How’s my friend doing?” They smiled, opening his arms for a hug. Foolish, being much taller than the monarch, bent down to surround them in a tight hug, lifting them up with him as he stood up straight. “Alrihight, put me down, Foolish!” Eret laughed warmly, being put back down on their feet only after a dramatic whine from the hybrid.
“Still a big softie, I see?” The monarch chuckled, fixing their shades which got tilted from the big hug Foolish gave. “Eret, you’re talking like I haven’t seen you in years. Well- I mean, it has been a while…” He rubbed the back of his head, bashfully smiling at the light chortles Eret produced. “It has been a while, you goof.”
The two had some good laughs as they ate lunch together, catching up on what has been going on in each other's lives; but also talking about memories they remember. One really stuck with Foolish, a memory of when they used to playfully fight all the time. By ‘playfully fight,’ I mean tickle each other.
“Foolish, do you remember our old tickle fights? Those were always so fun.”
Did they just read his mind? Foolish’s eyes widened before he composed himself, smiling. “Yeah, I usually won them as well.” He sniggered, earning an exaggerated gasp from his friend. “You did not! I was usually the victor, don’t lie to yourself!” Eret laughed, picking up Foolish’s and their plates to bring them to the kitchen.
Foolish smiled to himself, then looked up in thought. ‘Were they still ticklish? Could someone even lose ticklishness? Am I still ticklish?’ The hybrid hummed as thoughts played in his mind, not noticing Eret’s fond smile at the doorway of the living room. “Whatcha thinking about there, pal?” They smiled, Foolish cowered sheepishly at the sudden voice.
“Oh- Eret! I didn’t notice you were b- back already!”
“You’re nervous. What’s on your mind?”
“N… Nothing!”
“I don’t believe that, Foolish.” The monarch sighed, sitting on the soft couch near the table. “Why don’t you sit down?” Eret offered, Foolish slowly making his way to sit next to them on the pillow-filled couch.
“Are you sick? You’re quite red.” They furrowed their eyebrows, placing the back of their palm on Foolish’s forehead. “I’m fine, I promise!” Foolish smiled, snickering to himself at how Eret really never changed. They’ve always been so kind and caring, always taking care of their friends and people who mean loads to them.
“You’re lost in thought again, friend.” Eret smiled, the other crossing his arms. “You can tell me what’s on your mind, you know I wouldn’t judge you for anything.”
“Are you ticklish, Eret?” Foolish blurted out, Eret’s raising their eyebrows in surprise, but melting into a soft smile. “Why were you so nervous to ask that, you goof? Though I don’t know if I am… maybe? Who knows.” Eret thought, before chuckling at Foolish’s sudden expression: it was a mix of surprise and happiness. It was a quiet moment- until Foolish’s little smirk turned into a wide, toothy grin.
“Let’s test it. I think it’s fair if I reclaim a few victories of my own, yeah?” Foolish giggled evilly before diving his fingers down to squeeze their waist. The sudden jerk the monarch produced exposed the truth. Yes, Eret was still ticklish. Definitely.
“Fooholihish!” Eret laughed playfully, holding Foolish’s wrists; but not pushing him away. “Aha! So you are still ticklish!” Foolish excitedly announced, his squeezing fingers turning into fluttering fingertips up Eret’s ribs over their dress shirt. “Nihihice obsehervation!” The sassiness is definitely still there as well, apparently.
Foolish hummed in thought, trying to remember any sweet spots. You could practically see a lightbulb appear over his head as his face lit up. “Whahat are you plahanni-IHIHAHAHA- FOOLISH!” Eret squealed, throwing themself back on the couch. Foolish’s hands gently squeezed up and down their thighs, eventually settling on the spot right above their kneecap.
Laughing at the sudden cackle, Foolish stopped his squeezing to just rake his slight claws up and down their thighs instead. “It looks like getting a victory will be easier than I thought, huh?”
Eret shook their head. “You neheed to t- try haharder than thahat, paha-AHAHAL, NOHOT THEHERE!” They threw their head back, glasses almost flying off as the squeezing started up again, moving to the under-sides of their thighs. The mix of squeezes and raking on the backs of their thighs was driving Eret mad, the feeling nearly unbearable.
“Fiiine, it would be fun to figure out your tickle spots allll over again, don’t you think?” Foolish sniggered, slipping his hands out from under them, only to wiggle his fingers over Eret’s stomach. They immediately sucked their stomach in on reflex, squirming gently to get away from the impending claws over his belly.
“Oh? What’s wroooong, Eret? You think you can get away from my tickles? Is that it?” Foolish raised an eyebrow, lowering his hands before Eret could get a word of retaliation out. The monarch kicked their legs, arms crashing down to weakly shove at the attacking hands. “F- FOOHOLISH! SHUHUSH!” Eret let out more high-pitched giggles, a few hiccups peppering through their laughing fit.
“No, I don’t think I will. It’s fun to talk about how ticklish you are, and how much I’m gonna tickle tickle tickle you! Laugh for me!” The hybrid teased, cooing little noises at the monarch as he wagged a single claw over their ribs, as his other hand prodded on the side of their belly. “Oooh, maybe instead of the ‘King of the SMP,’ you could be the ‘King of Giggles!’ I like that better. What do you think about that, King?”
Eret shook their head, face growing red and warm at the new title bestowed onto them. “STOHOP T- TAHALKING!” They playfully rebuttal, earning a head shake from Foolish. “That wasn’t very nice, King of Giggles! I think I should humble you a little bit, yeah?” Before Eret could retaliate, their words evaporated into nervous giggles as they felt the bottom buttons of their dress shirt come undone.
“Y’know Eret, a while ago when we had these tickle fights, you always did something that made me lose every time. Do you remember what that was?” Foolish started, then smirked. “I believe the technique is called a ‘raspberry.’ Does that ring a bell, Eret? I bet it does, you’re blushing right now.” He smiled, pushing the bottom of their shirt aside.
As they felt cold air brush over their belly, shivers rushed over them and butterflies erupted in their stomach, now excited giggles bubbling up from their throat. “Juhust do ihit!” Eret complained, digging their heels into the couch behind Foolish.
He laughed, leaning down. “Alriiight, you technically asked for it, though!” Foolish smirked at Eret before planting a large raspberry right underneath their navel. Screw Foolish and his strong shark lungs. “F- FOOLIHISH- YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIN- I GIHIVE! PLEHEHASE!” Eret managed to get out through their laughter, grabbing a pillow to protect themselves with as they caught their breath.
“One win for Foolish, let’s go! Looks like I’m in the lead now.” Foolish crossed his arms triumphantly, a proud smile plastered on his face. “Wehe’re tahallying up wihins now?” Eret asked, fixing their crooked glasses. The hybrid nodded at them, putting his hands on his hips as he stood up.
“Hmm, I better get my lead back then.” Eret smirked, Foolish’s proud grin shifting into a skittish smile. “Wh- what? Wait, Erehet. Yohou don’t need toho!” He shook his head, putting his arms out in front of him as a ‘defensive mechanism.’
“Watch yourself, old pal. I think it’s time I discover your tickle spots now.”
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im really, really sorry if either of these cats arent genetically possible, but could you please help me figure out what kind of kits this leucistic tom and this she-cat (who i belive counts as a calico tabby) might have?
Hey there, I’m not sure how long this has been sitting in my askbox, I’ve been rather busy trying to adapt to online classes and studying for many exams and worrying about not dying so sorry about that.
Once again I’ll remind anyone that, since these submissions are being sent to me, people are asking for my opinion which is just that, *My* opinion. If the person that sends it does not agree with my opinion or would like to continue with their own ideas, they are welcome to do so. Now, since I follow a somewhat “realistic” approach to my own OCs I will give my opinions on that base, that is, from a genetics-friendly point of view. If anyone would prefer receiving advice from a different approach I recommend asking another blog. I’ll just jump to it:
Okay, I’ll just start by saying that the calico molly’s design does not make a lot of sense. While you are right, it does somewhat look like a tabby calico, there’s a couple of things that don’t really work. You see, red (that is the sex-linked gene that produces orange coloration on cats) is epistatic to nonagouti. What does this mean? Well, it means that red cats, even when they are genetically nonagouti (solid color, only one color with no stripes whatsoever) will still have tabby fur. Solid red cats will have low contrast stripes, sure, but they will still have them. Meaning that this cat having solid red fur is not really possible. Adding to this, since the cat is a tortie, and her “black patches” look reddish, I would say that she is a cinnamon torbie. For her cinnamon patches to be striped (agouti) she would need to have at least one allele for the agouti (tabby) gene and, this gene being dominant for having stripes in contrast to not having them, means the cat is indeed a tabby cat. Because the cat is a tabby, and red is epistatic for nonagouti, this cat should be tabby all over, red and cinnamon patches alike. So, in order to answer this submission from a genetics point of view, I’ll view this cat as a shorthaired cinnamon tortie with medium white, since her markings look classic, I’ll go with that, classic tabby.
Now, the tom. I had to research this because, in all honesty, I had never in my life thought about leucistic cats. I’ve seen leucism and studied it in may animals but never cats, so bear with me. Leucism is what happens when pigment cells (the cells that produce color in pretty much the cat’s whole body) are defective in a way or another (it may be because the pigment cells had problems while differentiating during development or maybe because they had trouble migrating from the neural crest to the skin/fur) which results in the entire surface or patches of the body lacking cells capable of producing pigmentation. Now, in cats, missing pigmentation translates to…a white cat. Therefore, considering how broad the definition is, any form of white or white spotting in a cat can be translated to leucism as long as it doesn’t affect the eye color. The cat that you sent is, well, none of this things. It looks like a cream cat which is just diluted red. Since I’m not sure if you know what leucism or not, I’m going to consider two different possible tom-cats in this case: a longhaired white tom with orange eyes (which will represent the writing part you sent, that is, a leucistic cat) or a longhaired cream classic tabby tom with orange eyes (representing the drawing you sent). In the white case the cat has only one dominant white masking allele to add a bit more of color to his offspring and, underneath the white, he carries the colors you chose for your drawing, that is, diluted red with classic tabby markings.
Now, onto the actual submission, the possible offspring these two cats can have. I’ll consider two possibilities:
(In order to make my job easier I’m just going to consider none of them carry colorpoint. I’ll also consider both are heterozygous to dilution and agouti, and that the molly is heterozygous to short fur too)
shorthaired cinnamon classic tortie with medium white molly and a longhaired white tom masking diluted red with classic tabby markings, the offspring can be:
-Completely white masked mollies and toms (just white cats).
-If not white and tabby, always classic tabby pattern: red tabby toms with or without white spotting, depending on the black-based colors the father carries they can also be black, chocolate or cinnamon tabbies or their diluted variants. Tortie mollies with black, chocolate or cinnamon black-based patches, with or without white spotting (meaning they can be torties or calicos) diluted or non-diluted or entirely red molies diluted or not.
-If solid: black, chocolate or cinnamon toms. Black, chocolate or cinnamon torties or calicos mollies (the black based patches would be solid, the red patches will still show classic tabby markings if a bit faint). (Reminder: the toms can be genetically red solid, they will however still show tabby patterns therefore I’m not adding it as a possibility even if it is because it won’t show up as a solid red.) Both can have white spotting or not.
-All of them can have short or long fur.
-Eye genetics are weird, it varies and is difficult to explain. They can have many colors, just remember that cats can only have blue eyes if they have some sort of white spotting on them and that white masked cats with blue eyes have an up to 80% possibilities of being deaf.
The other possibility (this one reflects on the drawing you sent, not the wording you used) shorthaired cinnamon classic tortie with medium white molly and longhaired cream classic tabby tom with orange eyes:
-All classic tabbies: red toms with or without white spotting, depending on the black-based colors the father carries they can also be black, chocolate or cinnamon or their diluted variants. Tortie mollies with black, chocolate or cinnamon black-based patches, with or without white spotting (meaning they can be torties or calicos) diluted or non-diluted or entirely red molies diluted or not.
-If solid: black, chocolate or cinnamon toms. Black, chocolate or cinnamon torties or calicos mollies (the black based patches would be solid, the red patches will still show classic tabby markings if a bit faint). (Reminder: the toms can be genetically red solid; they will however still show tabby patterns therefore I’m not adding it as a possibility even if it is because it won’t show up as a solid red.) Both can have or not white spotting.
-All of them can have short or long fur.
-Eye genetics is the same as above except there’s no risk of deafness now.
AAAAAnd that’s it. This was very long and time consuming. I hope it’s somewhat readable, I didn’t really have a lot to work with so that only made it more difficult. Thanks for sending this question, I’m sorry it took so long to review and I’m sorry I had to remake the characters to give you an answer I hope it’s OK. Now I’m going to go lay down for a bit.
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Heard your askbox was open and I uh.... I... CRAVE F L U F F. You think you could write a wee drabble of Sasuke teaching MC how to make caltrops that ends in a shoujo cliché accidental kiss??👀
My apologies my dear it has taken me a while to answer this but I hope it meets your expectations. 
It was early in the morning and she found herself standingon the edge of Azuchi castle town by a large maple tree that was to be theirmeeting place. She had had no idea that asking her friend a simple “So what doyou do on your weekends?” question was going to turn into them inviting her tojoin them.
Standing alone at a meeting place on a weekend just made herfeel even more unsettled. It was like a date. Oh, Gods! It’s not a date, is it? No… I mean its Sasuke we’re talkingabout here. With those thoughts running rampant in her mind she cast her eyesdown to her choice of kimono. It wasn’t particularly new but it was brightcheerful colours. And then again if it isa date? I wonder if I look ok in this outfit. Becoming more distracted asshe critically judged her outfit she practically jumped out of her skin whenSasuke’s low and soft voice reached your ear.
“Good Morning Mc”
“Sasuke! H-hi.” Mc stammered out her greeting.
“Are you alright you appear to be a bit panicked?” Sasuke inquiredkindly. He had appeared out of nowhere and was standing at her side like ashadow.
“Oh? It’s nothing honestly.” Nervously giggling Mc mentallytold her heart to slow down and stop running around like a jackrabbit.
“Is that so?” If Sasuke noticed her nerves and awkwardnesshe didn’t show it on his typically expressionless face. His brown eyes justheld on to the image of her behind the frames of his glasses.
“Yes. I mean I was just wondering if I was dressedappropriately for today. You never told me what we would be doing or where wewere going.” Mc looked down at herself once more.
“We are not travelling far. There is a good harvesting areaquite near and you needn’t worry your cute kimono won’t be damaged I assureyou.” Sasuke’s familiar soft monotone was like a magic spell calming her. Wait did he…? No way he just called myoutfit cute right? It’s Sasuke there is probably nothing in that at all. Keepit together Mc.
“Well, that’s… Thank you.” There was no chance to avoidingthe faint blush that had formed on her face. Instead of reacting to it shesimply smiled in the hope that it would not be mentioned.
“Shall we get going? It's best we arrive and gather as muchas we need before the sun is too high.”
“Sure. Lead the way.”
True to his word Sasuke had guided her on a relativelyshort walk through a thinner patch of forest near town and emerged near a secludedpart of Lake Biwa. The water here was crystal clear but shallow. You could seethe small smooth pebbles on the lake bed and the tiny water-dwelling creatures asthey darted around happily.
It was so tranquil Mc couldn’t help but let out an audiblegasp at its beauty. But there really didn’t seem to be anything here. Therewere no buildings, no people there wasn’t even a fishing boat.
“Erm… Sasuke why are we here?”
“Trapa natans”
“Trapa what nows?” She looked at him for an explanationnoting the way he was faintly smiling and somehow convincing herself that shewas imaging it.
“My apologies. In non-scientific terms, the more commonlyused name for them is water caltrop.” Sasuke cleared his through a little andadjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Times like this really made herfeel as if he was some sort of teacher.
“Caltrop? You mean like a Ground spike?”
“Precisely. I have to say you are faster at making theconnection than Yukimura.” Sasuke’s brown eyes seemed to soften more as helooked at her. What are you looking at melike that for? Actually, how have I never noticed that all those times when I thoughtyou were so expressionless that you really aren’t. Your eyes…
“You came here with Yuki?” She asked trying to distractherself from those pesky thoughts. Thisis Sasuke. There is nothing more to this than two friends hanging out.
“Once or twice.”
“Alright, so I guess these water caltrops are around herethen?” She began looking up and down the length of water even though she had noidea what a water caltrop was supposed to look like.
“Right again they are a plant that grows in water making itaquatic. But they do require some specific requirements in their environment.The water must be flowing but slow moving.” Sasuke was speaking like a narratorin a nature documentary. It was pleasantly amusing after the week she haddealing with the men at the castle.
“And shallow water?”
“Compared to the rest of the lake it would be seen asshallow. Typically, the plants can be found in waters up to an average depth ofsomething around 5 metres. You won’t find them growing in areas where it iscold. You want it deep enough to grow but not so deep that the warmth from thesun cannot penetrate and cover the majority of the plant.” Sasuke continued tospeak at length in an almost dreamy fashion. He really loves ground spikes doesn’t he? Hehe, it’s sort of reallycute.
“Photosynthesis.” The word left her mouth before sherealised it and she felt a little dumb for it as it felt a little like a childstating the obvious to a grown-up about the world around them. What did I just say that for? Seriously I wishI knew a bit more about this stuff to be able to talk properly with him but I just…
“That, of course, helps with continued healthy growth as well.Did you like science class in school?” Sasuke’s acceptance of her accidentalcomment was surprising and warmed her heart. Why had she ever thought he wouldlaugh at her? He had never been anything other than supportive.
“Honestly I never paid a great deal of attention in it. Myteacher was kind of boring and I found that I couldn’t focus unless it was aclass trip somewhere. Then for some reason my mind just cleared and learningabout things was easier.” She reminisced about her school days remembering thestuffy classroom in the science lab.
“I see. That suits you.” Sasuke nodded.
“Suits me?”
“Yes. You are a very practical creative person. Theoreticallearning in the classroom must have been a little restrictive on you. So, whenyou were allowed to interact and witness first hand the lesson throughpractical exercises and experiences you found it easier to comprehend thesubject matter. There have been numerous case studies on such things andseveral papers published on the benefits of combining practical and theoreticallearning in the educational system to promote better learning.” Sasuke wastalking confidently and with such a varied knowledge of different areas ofsubject matter that it made Mc chuckle seeing it.
“You really know a lot about this stuff, don’t you?”
He turned to her and it felt as if he had adjusted hisexpression without showing it. “I’m sorry I’m afraid I was rambling. Yukimuraoften tells me it is difficult to understand and boring.” A small cloud seemed topass over his clear eyes as he criticised his conversational ability.
“No! honestly, I don’t know if its because we come from thesame time or what but I don’t find you that difficult to understand. I mean youmight say some things that go over my head but I have never once thought of youas boring Sasuke.”
“I see. I’m glad to hear that.” He half mumbled that castinghis eyes down before bringing his head back up looking at her again. “If you couldwait here for a few minutes I’ll just go and get myself set up.”
“Is there anything I can help with?” Mc made a move to joinhim but he placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.
“Once I have everything then you can help me. Until thenplease sit. I prepared some food. It isn’t much I gathered a few things fromtown the other day.” He pointed towards a large rock by the water with somethingplaced next to it.
“It’s like a picnic!” Her childish enthusiasm had himchuckling and her once again internally chastising herself for not being the coolgrown up, she wanted to be around Sasuke. Whendid I even start thinking about things like that?
“Please rest Mc. I’ll be right back.” With that Sasukedisappeared into the tree line.
Unfolding a blanket that was neatly placed under a wrappedhand basket Mc sat down looking at the view over the lake’s surface and thesunlight dancing on it. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath of clean airshe exhaled slowly smiling.
Sasuke returned in a slightly different outfit. It was closerto what he wore when he was working as a ninja. The fabric clinging tighter tohis body where it had been wrapped, revealed the same toned figure she usuallysaw when the warlords were sparring. For some reason though when it came to Sasukeshe couldn’t take her eyes from him. He had a sleeveless tunic style top on andwas carrying a net bag and small knife in his hands.  She couldn’t say anything as she watched himslip barefooted into the lake. Each step into the lake had him sinking furtherinto the crystal water until he was up to his shoulders.
He looked in her direction the sunlight glinting off hisglasses just as it was on the surface of the water and then vanished from view. Hedid this several times before walking back out of the lake looking every bitlike a historical version of that iconic scene from a spy movie.
The net bag he had in his hand was full of strange lookingthings that she supposed were the water caltrops. One thing was certain theydidn’t look a thing like ground spikes.
“Are they the caltrops?” Mc asked sceptically.
“Yes. I was able to get quite a few today I should be ableto replenish my stock nicely.” Sasuke held the bag up a little higher clearlypleased with his findings.
“They don’t exactly look spikey.” Mc used a finger to pokeone of the strange looking objects in the net.
“That is because what we need is inside the pod. It’s the seedswe use to make the Tennenbishi. If you could use this knife and help remove theseed from the pod while I go and set up a cover over in the sun and get changedthat would be very helpful.” Sasuke deftly showed her how to safely remove thepart he was talking about and then left her to do the rest.
“Got it!” Mc cried out as the last water caltrop had beencut open. As it turned out each pod was something like a piece of fruit. Therewas a singular large seed in its centre that looked a lot more like one ofSasuke’s beloved ground spikes even if it was a little softer.
“That’s great. Can you bring them here and we’ll get them spreadout so they can dry?”
“Sure thing.” Mc removed the small packets of food from thewrapped basket, placing them on the blanket next to her and used it to carrythe seeds
Satisfied with her completed task and the knowledge that shehad been a little helpful for her dear friend Mc smiled as she carried the basketover to the blankets Sasuke had set out in the sun.
She was about to hand over the basket to Sasuke’s waitinghand when her toe caught on something under the edge of the floor covering and itsent her tumbling.
Mc scrunched her eyes shut and waited for the impact. She knewshe couldn’t stop it as her hands were full but the sensation that hit her was certainlynot one she had expected. Soft warmth. It radiated from all over her body butwas strongest on her lips. Her eyes sprung open and she was face to face withSasuke.
He always seemed so expressionless but right now he waspractically frozen rigid. The basket and its scattered contents lay around themas their two tangled bodies lay on the floor. Sasuke had broken her fall shieldingher from any pain and injury she might have suffered from the impact and somehow,they had managed to end up in a cliché kiss. This is so embarrassing. Mc pulled back and her nose brushed hisreminding her of the accidental kiss that they had just shared and she justknew her face was red as a peony.
“I’m so sorry. A-are you alright?” She attempted to movemore of her weight off him and remove her body from his but for some reason, thearm he had placed around her waist wasn’t allowing her too. It was locked onher like a steel bar. “Sasuke?”
“Mc.” His unwavering eyes pierced her own making her freeze.But the biggest more noticeable thing for her was his lower more masculine voice.I don’t think I’ve ever heard him soundlike this… “I think… no. I know we should talk.”
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dontnessw-me · 5 years
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;;   okay, but ... seriously talking now, let me just - say a few things here about Ness. Yeh, lemme just ... blurt out some HCs I have of him, m’kay? I have MANY HCs of him and these have developed through the years ; some have changed but my portrayal of Ness has always stayed the same. 
!!   These HCs are my own interpretation of Ness, his backstory and family, all exclusively made by me and not related to in-game content unless otherwise stated. Don't steal them :>   !!
I’ll divide it into   “ chapters ”   , so that it’s easier to find the topics.
INDEX 1. Ness’ Family   ( parents, sibling, pet ) 2. Ness’ Family   ( mother’s side ) 3. Ness’ Family   ( father’s side ) 4. Ness’ Family   ( others ) 5. Significant Other   ( Lucas ) 6. Ness   ( a li’l bit about my portrayal of him )
1. NESS’ FAMILY   ( parents, sibling, pet )
To start from the roots, RPing with a Ninten or Ana muse has always been a struggle for me because I HC them to be his parents   ( I assume that everyone has figured it out now because I leave hints and I make it SO obvious )   . It’s so obvious because you would often read in my threads that his mother is Christian or that his father is also a baseball enthusiast but because of his asthma he had to adjust to a different profession. The reason why I don’t straight-up say it is because I know that not many people share this HC and I know that it also makes them uncomfortable - and also because I don’t want my askbox full of asks like   “ but it’s impossible for Ninten and Ana to have a kid in 199X ”   -- so I leave hints rather than saying the actual thing.
!!   Of course, this doesn’t mean that I won’t interact with any Ninten or Ana muses, but understand that it’ll be a bit hard for me since, from my point of view, it’ll be Ness seeing their parents in their childhood   !!
NESS’ FATHER :   It’s canon that Ness’ father works at a hamburger industry as manager   ( his chain of restaurants is called Ness’ Burger - so imagine the embarassment from Ness in seeing these fast-foods with his name on it as he walks down the streets with his friends   and / or   significant other . uugh )   ; I also HC that, because of the job keeping him busy, he returns home during week-ends and holidays. - Also, on an important side-note, he paid back the loan to the Minches!! But they would still hold a grudge on him and on Ness’ family because it took him a while to pay it back  ( my HC )   . - Ness’ father is ... a dork, really. Ness has probably inherited his playful side from him. He’d sit at dinner and crack jokes out of the blue and because they’re so sudden it’s always entertaining.
NESS’ MOTHER :   she likes drama, it’s canon. And I HC that Ness took it from her, since you’ll sometimes see him watch soap-operas either alone or with her, or even discuss about characters and their role with his mother. He doesn’t really like to show that he has a certain fondness for drama, so he tends not to say anything about it or keep it hidden. - Mama is a skilled cook and everyday feels like Thanksgiving dinner. Every meal she makes is made with love   ( she sometimes leaves little edible decorations on each plate, or when making bentos she makes sure to put only the food Ness likes, included apple slices shaped like bunnies! )   and will always spoil her children with their favourite food and treats. - Mama is a sweetheart. You’d see her kiss her children’s forehead goodnight everyday even if they’re older, at some point. It doesn’t matter, she’ll forever show them unconditional love regardless   ( points at 18 years old Ness having to bend his torso a little forward so that his mother can kiss his forehead bc hE TOWERS OVER EVERY FAMILY MEMBER WHHH--- )
!!   Both of his parents know and can use PSI   ( Ness has inherited it from them )   , but they never use it in public   and / or   in front of their   children / family .   !!
!!   They haven’t told their kids about their own adventure or about   Giygas / Giegue   but they will when Ness is older   ( when he’s approximately 16-17 )   , because it’s a topic that must be said quietly and with full comprehension. The reason why they haven’t said it yet is because ... they wanted to live like a normal happy family   ( and because they seriously thought that it really was over, although it ended with   Giygas / Giegue   leaving on his ship )   .   !!
NESS’ SISTER :   The game doesn’t tell you how old Tracy is but it makes it clear that she’s younger than Ness, so I HC her to be at least four years younger than him.   The game canonically has her work at a delivery agency, so that she can help Ness   store / deliver   his items and she quits the job only after Ness defeats Giygas. - I HC that she wasn’t born with PSI but with an impressive intelligence for someone her age. She’s a child, of course, but she already seems to know how the world spins. - I HC that, when she’s more or less Ness’ age   ( 13 yo )   , she starts delevoping a soft crush towards Picky Minch, their neighbor, and because of it Ness grows incredibly jealous towards her and begins to sound bratty when Picky is around or when he’s mentioned in a conversation.   It’s something that any sibling does, no? Squinting when your sister’s crush is home, mmm... - Ness combs and braids her hair before she leaves for school.
!!   Because of Tracy unable of using PSI - and also because of a matter of good manners - the family has set some sort of   ‘ rule ’   in which no one will read each other’s mind nor use PSI between family members.   This rule is for now for Ness only since both him and his sister don’t know that their parents can use PSI   !!
NESS’ PET :   Okay, so ... for King I have several HCs bc the game tells you literally nothing about him   ( only that he’s lazy and unreliable )   . I HC that King is a Mastiff Tibetan, three years older than Ness. Yes, I HC him to be a very big doggo, yes. - Ness’ parents have adopted him when he was only three weeks old and a few months after Ninten’s dog, Mick, passed away. The puppy was nameless for two days   ( he had silly nicknames like Mick II or Mick-on-all-fours since Ninten’s dog was capable of standing on two legs for a long time )   , until Ana playfully placed a crown made with carton box on the puppy’s head and called him King. - The puppy grows strong and big and he becomes a well adored family member ; he gets to be part of many events happening in the family’s life : he meets Ness for the first time folded in a blanket and sleeping in a cradle. During the child’s growth, King was always there, making sure that the kid would avoid getting in trouble when Ana or Ninten were looking away ; he became a sort of nanny, yes - even making sure that he slept enough. - Because Ness could only mutter words   and / or   broken sentences in his early years, saying King was a little hard for him ; he used to call him Pooch and this nickname kinda stayed as he grew up. - King begins to speak with the family almost right away when he’s adopted   ( only people with telepathy can, of course, hear him )   ; so, I kinda like to think that King has also helped Ness to speak when he was a toddler. //   it startded as a joke but then became canon in the blog : King will be part of the family’s events for a pretty long time even though he’s now 16 years old ; he’s developed a certain fondness towards the family and he will stay alive as long as his body will let him. And let me tell you ... he’s going to stay for a very long time, still.   //
2. NESS’ FAMILY   ( his mother’s side )
I don’t have many HCs for Ness’ grandparents from his mother side, individually speaking. I’m still working on it. But they get to visit the family every now and then, especially during the holidays.
NESS’ GRANDMOTHER :   she lives with her husband in a snowy town away from Ness’ homeland. 
NESS’ GRANDFATHER :   he’s a priest living with his wife in a snowy town away from Ness’ homeland.
3. NESS’ FAMILY   ( his father’s side )
NESS’ GRANDMOTHER :   Carol’s character is very similar to Ness’ mother ingame. She also likes to cook and because of it I like to think that she lends a helping hand in the kitchen when the family is reunited for the holidays. - When she visits she always brings gifts for the family, plus a few homemade delicacies.
NESS’ GRANDFATHER :   he works full-time in a business agency and lives with his wife Carol in Podunk, a town away from Ness’ homeland. At first glance he looks secretive but he’s in truth a dork, really ; Ninten has probably inherited his playful side from him, but unlike him his playfulness is controlled and limited.
!!   Both his grandparents can’t use PSI.   !!
NESS’ AUNTS :   Aunt Mimmie and Aunt Minnie are Ninten’s twin sisters. They’re not married   ( yet )   and they’re currently both single   ( Ness thinks it’s their choice but who knows )   ; Ness doesn’t really get to see them often but only during Christmas or Thanksgiving, New Years as well. - They travel a lot, sometimes on their own and sometimes they travel together. - They’re both professional photographers with their own site where to share their shots. Writing books and novels is considered a hobby for them, even if their publications are famous all around the world. - They share an apartment together but it’s almost always empty because they’re always outside or traveling. - When the family wants to book a vacation somewhere away from Onett, Ness’ aunts are both willing to book tickets for them and plan their vacation   ( Ana doesn’t say anything, they just do it )   . - They keep in touch with their brother almost everyday. They’re probably the ones who stay the most in contact with the family, tbh ...
4. NESS’ FAMILY   ( others )
This section is about Ninten’s and Ana’s friends who are not related to them in any way but because they’re their close friends, they’re included in the family. Ness grew up calling them   uncle / aunt   .
TEDDY   ( uncle )   :   When Ness was only a kid, he would admire Teddy those rare times he would visit and even define him the   ‘ cool uncle ’   ;  - He owns a couple of CDs made by Teddy, which he listens to every now and then ; the genre is enjoyable and his songs have a good rhythm. The lyrics are strong and powerful : some songs tell a bit about himself, while others  ... he can’t tell ; - Every time Teddy releases a new CD, a copy is sent to Ness two days before its actual release date. - Teddy is also the owner of his family’s repair shop of which he was named after, but because of his singer career he hired someone else to run the store.
LLOYD   ( uncle )   :   Ness doesn’t know that much about him ; his parents say that he used to visit more frequently when he was a baby, but he got busier and busier with his studies and experiments that nowadays it’s very rare to see him in person.  - Lloyd grows to be a successful scientist. He, every now and then, writes books about his theories and experiments, and sometimes he can be seen on TV on one of those scientific channels, guest of an interview or merely stating facts and thesis about a specific argument   ( we could say that that is the only time Ness gets to see him )   . // no, I don’t HC that Lloyd is Dr. Andonuts merely because Dr. Andonuts is way older than how Lloyd should be in Earthbound, despite the both of them hiding in trashcans, wearing round glasses or having   white / gray   hair. //
PIPPI   ( aunt )   :   okay, comin’ up with something for Pippi was a bit of a struggle, but I like to think that she’s become a professional painter ; she’s energetic, creative and she likes to give life to a thought through colours on a canvas. - She likes to visit   quiet / abandoned   places to find inspiration, to then paint her own versions of these places visited. Her paintings are famous for the feelings they convey and for the breathtaking and realistic colours she uses. - she would also paint portraits ; she has a few of Ness and his family and it progressively expands as she meets new people   ( there is also a portrait of Lucas but it’s still a work in progress )   . - when she visits   ( some days when she’s free or during the holidays )   , it’s always a good occasion to take a few pictures to paint later. - she he loves when Ness shows her pictures of Tazmily. In fact, she has painted various landscapes of the village already, though she would like to visit it herself one day. - Farms and quiet villages are often protagonists of her paintings. - she uses brushes, fingers, palms and elbows to draw. Yes, she has her own ways, go figure ... 
Lucas   ( it’s canon in this blog )   :   they met in the Smash tournaments and have clicked almost immediately thanks to their similarity and thanks to the fact that they both share PSI abilities.   Outside of the Smash tournaments, they’re in a long-distance relationship   ( Lucas’ timezone is six hours behind Ness’ )   ; - Ness pays him a visit every weekend by teleporting to his village -- only during the weekend because Ness has school during the other days and can’t find free time between his homeworks. - When he gets to Tazmily, however, he must rest for at least two hours or so   ( bc, hey, it’s like you’re taking a 15+ hours flight :0 let him rest ) .  //   One thing I want to point out is that Ness is aged up to 16 years old to make it easy for me to RP very soft romance ; very soft romance as in ... they hold hands, hugs and barely kiss cheeks :’)   //
This Lucas’ interpretation is pk-lovely’s ♥
Most of his description is a HC of mine, I'm stating when things are canon in-game anyway.
His full name is Ness Yusha Omoto   ( Yusha is his middle name for   ' brave '   given by his father when he was born )   . If we consider his mother's last name, his full name would be Ness Yusha Hayes Omoto, but we'll just go with the first one. - It’s canon that he was born with PSI. His parents found out when the baby bottle started to move on its own. He taught himself most of his PSI by starting with recovery ones when he fell of a bike and scraped his knees.  Later on as he grew up, he taught himself more useful PSI and begun to develop a special one based on his favourite thing. 
PHYSICAL APPEARANCE :   Ness weighs 95lb   ( 43kg )   and he's 5ft tall   ( 150cm )   ( but he grows up to 6′2′’, watch him )   . He has short, messy and greasy black hair and he wears a baseball cap to mostly hide this messy mane but to also show his passion towards baseball, his favourite sport. His eyes are black   ( not as black as his hair but they're close to a dark grey colour )   and when he uses his psychic powers they turn purple-ish, so you can tell when he's using PSI or not. His skin is naturally tanned, with very light freckles across his face, at the back of his neck and under his elbows. - he’s ambidextrous.
LANGUAGE(S) KNOWN :   He speaks English and Japanese   ( thanks to his father who has Japanese origins )   , and also ASL language but not very fluently. He'd rather read your mind, tbh ... 
CLOTHING PREFERENCE(S) :   He wears striped shirts, baseball tees and hoodies ; jorts, capri jeans, sweats and sneakers. His preference in clothing tends to vary but he likes to wear comfortable clothes regardless if they look ugly or don't match well with the others. - He's uncomfortable in long-sleeved garments, so you will always see him wear short-sleeved shirts even during Winter   ( but only indoors ; if he falls sick, he can heal himself, so ... )   . He hates Winter >:C - Oh, and let’s not forget backpacks! 
PROFESSION :   Student. - He's the Captain of his school's baseball team,   " The Starmen "   ( which will then become his own team when he grows up )   . It doesn't have an actual mascot because of Ness' discomfort in people wearing large mascot suits. - The uniform has several stars across the sleeves, the name of the player is written on the back, while on the front is written   " Onett "   together with the initials   " SM "   ; the Captain's uniform has two stars as background for the initials and they're light-blue. - The team has its own baseball cap but Ness still prefers to wear his own.
FOOD PREFERENCE(S) :   Ness is a foodie! He LOVES to eat and his stomach is often compared to a bottomless well! There is not a food he doesn't like and thanks to his high and active metabolism he rarely gains weight despite eating so much. - However, he suffers from indigestion only when he eats too much sugar on a daily basis : the amount he can get is awfully limited, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't like sweets because to be fair they're his weakness. But because of his indigestion, he's very careful with them and grows a little paranoid when eating a tart or any other sweet treat. - Now, though, perhaps because of the lack of sugar in his system, the boy has grown very fond of salty snacks since they don't cause his stomach to twist in agony ; so, expect this kid to eat a lot of salt.
FAVOURITE FOOD :   Salisbury Steak   ( canon ). It's basically made from blending ground beef with other ingredients, topped then with bitter-sweet and slightly spicy sauce. His mother serves it with gravy and mashed potatoes as side-dish. But he likes anything that contain meat, tbh ... - He also likes Sukiyaki and Mori Soba   ( canon in game )   and Yakisoba   ( my HC )   . - Since we're on the topic, it's canon that Ness likes dog food as well   ( it's in the japanese version, replaced by salmon in the english version )   ; so I kinda HC that as a kid he ate a can of dog food out of curiosity and kinda liked it ...  uh ... 
MUSIC PREFERENCE(S) :   His genre varies and he's always open to new hits. He likes rock, hip-hop, lo-fi beats and instrumental tunes. But a huge favourites are Venus' songs. We could also say that Ness has a sort of celebrity crush on Venus but he doesn't say it openly because he'd feel awkward. However, you can hear him hum her songs every now and them and find a collection of all of her albums on his shelves plus a few autographs. She's his favourite singer and it will never change, not even when he grows up. - He also likes The Runaway Five's songs and DCMC   ( thanks to his boyfriend who has introduced them to him )   . - Ness can also play guitar. He has an acustic guitar in his room that he plays every now and then ; he's been playing it since he was five years old and can play any song by just listening to it.
FAVOURITE COLOUR :   Ness likes the colour pink for reasons he won't tell   ( simply because he doesn't know either, he just likes it more than any other colours tbh, although it now reminds him of his boyfriend's cheeks when he blushes, hhh )   .
FAVOURITE ANIMAL :   You would think that his favourite animal is dogs, right? Wrong! It's bunnies, especially dwarf rabbits with very tiny ears. The boy would scream for a bunny but because of their sensibility they might not keep up with his energy, so it's really not recommended to get him a bunny for the sake of the poor thing :c But he will sit at a pet shop for hours just to look at the bunnies, hm.
DOMINANT TRAIT :   his courage, of course.  - Keep in mind that now because he’s brave he’s not afraid of anything. Wrong. He has fears as well just like everyone but he doesn’t share them openly   ( and he considers them more states of discomfort rather than actual fears )   .
NEGATIVE TRAIT(S) :   As already mentioned, Ness is a jealous person when it comes to his loved ones because he feels the urge of protecting them and keeping them away from what might hurt them in his opinion. So, to state an example, when his sister's crush is around, Ness will keep an eye open on his behaviour and on the way he talks to his sister and interfere with annoying jokes or facts that might relate to Picky when he thinks that he's walking out of the line. But it always ends with Tracy either holding a grudge on Ness or punching his shoulder   ( a light punch, just to make it stop )   . Another example is Ness crinkling his nose   ( please keep this trait in mind for it tells a lot of how Ness is feeling in a certain moment )   when Lucas talks fondly about another person he doesn't know, and he starts saying things like   "uh", "oh yeah?", "uh-hu", "pssh", "tch" every now and then as he speaks to kinda control his jealousy.   - It starts low but if it grows incontrollably, he then becomes paranoid ; you can clearly tell when it happens by reading his movements : if he's sitting down, his legs shake, or if he's standing up he struggles to find a comfortable pose. he hides his mouth behind his palm, he rubs the back of his head, he begins scanning the area around him, he sighs loudly and sometimes even whines. In worse cases he starts walking around in the room or even bite his nails. - He calms down on his own without the other person to do anything for him, but it might take a couple of hours if not less. He will feel better and even apologize to you for his behavior afterwards. Note it : jealous and overprotective.   :thumbs_up: - he’s also greedy   ( only when it comes to sharing his food )   , clumsy and possessive   ( light stage of possession, he doesn’t go all yandere on his enemies, please ... :C but I do have an AU with Yandere!Ness, hurhur but not on Tumblr, tho ) - On a side note, I’d like to add that Ness sleeps a lot. Really, you’d be surprised with how much he sleeps. He’s energetic, don’t get me wrong, but he’s also very lazy - a weird combination, I know, but it be like that. He can sleep from 6 hours to 18 if he really wants to ; he rarely changes position in his sleep and doesn’t snore. He’s also a heavy sleeper, so if you ever want to wake him up, pinch his shoulder or something like that because he absolutely won’t wake up with words, but here’s where it gets complicated : he reacts in his sleep.   ( An example : if you ask him a question, he will just mutter “uh-hu” despite still sleeping, but won’t remember having said that once awake )
POSITIVE TRAIT(S) :   aside of his negative traits, Ness is in truth a loving and considerate person. When he loves he loves with all his heart and let’s just say that another person’s contact and warmth is always necessary, almost vital, for him. He’s extrovert, so being in contact with the outside world is fundamental. - he’s adventurous, affectionate, assertive, friendly, fun-loving and curious. - Now, his curiosity is where most of his reckless decisions are made. He’d venture without hesitation in a dark cave because led by his own curiosity ; he’d run outside in the middle of the night to go look at a meteorite that just fell on the hilltop next to his house even if his parents say no ; he would trust his neighbour Lier X Agerate down his basement to look at a statue he dug right under his house ...   Just to make it clear, the boy is very curious and if he ever asks inappropriate questions is because his curiosity led him to do so. - He’s also generous, hard-working   ( trait inherited by his mother | canon )   , optimistic, self-assured and determined. - He likes to spoil his loved ones with gifts ; so, expect this boy to buy oyu stuff every now and then. If you ever see something you like, Ness will buy it to you without hesitation   ( he’s rich :C )   .  - loyal, warm-hearted, patient   ( except for the line at fast-foods, he grows really impatient then )   , and playful   ( inherited by his father | he, much to everyone’s misfortune, very often cracks up jokes even in the most inappropriate moments, especially while shopping : he’d grab food and make jokes out of it.   An example :   Near to the fridge counter section, the raven, smiling with anticipation at the joke forming in his mind, grabs a random portion of meat, which happens to be minced meat but it doesn’t matter, and shows it to his boyfriend next to him.   “Nice to meat you!”   )
BAD HABIT(S) :   swearing   ( only when furious )   , muttering under his breath   ( jealous, paranoid, doubtful )   , oversleeping, snacking between meals, leg jiggling   ( paranoid, nervous )   , gesturing while talking   ( he’s an open book, he expresses himself a lot through non-verbal communication )   , chewing lips   ( nervous, paranoid )   , procrastinating   ( furious )   , rubbing hands through hair   ( nervous, paranoid )   , drinking from the bottle, messy, competitive.
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rpbetter · 3 years
Hmm.. I don't why I even bother with my mutuals. I'm the only one who engages with them. Yet, when I send a simple cool starter meme to a mutual they don't reply to mine, but other people. This has been happening for several months, it's a small rpc, but the fandom is large. Whenever I reblog a meme I don't ever expect anyone to send me anything that's their choice, but its quite dishearting when my mutuals doesn't send any. Only one or two do sometimes five, while I'm nice enough to send it in their askbox. Sometimes I wonder if its because I don't post my fanart on my blog or I write a popular character; some rpers have a negative stigma against.. which is unfair and wrong.. Its so depressing. I don't know why I'm sad I'm in my 30s I should not be feeling this way. Or perhaps I'm being taken advantage of due to how genuine and considerate I am.. its like they sit back and do nothing while I do the work. God I hope not. I'm very chill and respect my mutuals. It just seems as though I'm being lead on and I'm afraid to express how I feel.
I'm really sorry you're feeling like this, Anon, I don't know if anything I have to say will help, but maybe it'll at least be helpful that you've gotten to express it somewhere! I'm definitely going to try, though.
Unfortunately, all of this is way too common. You're not at all alone in feeling this way, any of it! I think we've all had the experience of what amounts to being in one-sided RP, if we haven't, it's because we haven't yet. You'd think that being in a smaller area of the RPC that it would make this less likely to happen, but I think it can be worse sometimes in this situation because people in smaller circles have a tendency to become insular in a way that can be really bad.
It isn't usually intentional, you just become very comfortable with this smaller number of people and your relationships with them, everyone ends up with a sort of role within it. We establish in our minds that muns a, b, and c are our go-to writing partners, b and c are those we always send to or answer memes from, a we always interact with extra OOC, and so on. When you're muse d, your efforts go nowhere, you're not the mutual for any of it in their minds.
There probably is something making this easier, though, and you might very well be right about you being genuine and considerate being a factor. As much as that is the way to be, it can act against you as well if you're being viewed not as just a nice, considerate mun, but as someone who just exists to quietly support others. People could be viewing you as so relaxed and without demand that it doesn't matter to you much, or that even if it does, you're not a priority compared to the mutuals they might be concerned about dropping them if they don't give enough attention to them.
To that end, there is honestly not much you can do. Anything you say on the dash is likely to come across as suddenly too demanding or guilting, and coming to them individually to ask if there is something you could be doing for more interactions might not be seen as a genuinely no-pressure question. I'd recommend, if there are any changes you end up enacting in order to help combat all of this, that you post a very pleasant message saying, essentially, "I've made some updates and I'm looking to do some new threads, if anyone is interested, here is my meme tag! If you'd like me to send you a meme, comment what your meme tag is so I can."
That way, you're making them aware that you have changed some things (you can even post about those specific changes so they can all see if those are things that they felt were holding them back from interacting), directly stating you want/are seeking new interactions with them, and giving them two options to start that up quickly. Nothing guilt-trippy about it, just informative and direct, but polite still.
Now, about those possible changes, because there might be some other factors compounding this situation.
Do your current mutuals seem to be just meme based? I mean, do they primarily interact only through memes, or do they prefer to do some plotting first? It could be that they don't feel like responding to the starter meme coming from you is going to turn into a lasting thread if they require some plotting. It's possible that they started out just doing memes, but as time has gone, they've changed...and not mentioned it.
For example, I do require plotting or established interactions between mun and muse alike before I'll do a starter-style meme with someone. That's because I want it to be a longer-lasting thread, and I don't have to do plotting with these muns to make that happen. I also put that in the tags on the incredibly rare occasion I reblog one because that's the polite thing to do, but they may feel afraid that they'll be accused of favoritism or elitism if they do that. I'm not saying that's right, it's not, it's unfair and kind of mean to ignore people for their failure to do something you require that you're not telling them about, but it could be part of what is happening.
If they have open starters, do starter calls, that they're also not responding to (or have things in their rules about plotting) that could be a big part of this issue. They'd rather you react to the open starters, or contact them about writing a starter, and/or contact them for plotting.
There is also the possibility that the memes you're sending do not seem, to them, like situations that are either going to work out or that are appealing from your muse. Obviously, you thought so, or you wouldn't have sent it! It's always hard to tell what someone else thinks, however.
The memes you're sending could be too vague, or conversely, too specific for a situation they don't see with your muse/don't want with your muse. If they're very simple sentence starters, that could be hard to respond to with a muse they don't have established interactions with. If they're too specific, they could feel it's implying a relationship with your muse that theirs doesn't have.
It's a difficult balance and a lot of guessing, but try to send something in the middle of the two. Something that doesn't imply the muses know each other, but also gives something interesting to go off of easily.
Could also be the number of memes you're sending. Everyone wants to get memes, we're all upset when we post a meme and get absolutely nothing! But one person sending us many memes can feel overwhelming or even demanding. I know you're not trying to come off that way, and I cannot say that it is being perceived as such, but this is a possibility and I am trying to cover as many of them as I can in case one works out so you can enjoy yourself in RP again!
If you think this may be the case, try holding off on sending them. Give yourself a set number...something very small at first like one to each mutual a month only when it comes to starter-style memes specifically. That's going to be lame, and I'm sorry! You clearly don't have the interactions you want and it's upsetting enough to you as it is, but if running this experiment means figuring out something that allows you to have them, it'll be worth it, right?
As for the memes you do receive from others, what kind are you getting? Are they sentence/starters, or ones you can answer OOC? Variety of both? Are they the most basic, non-committal sentence on the meme, or interesting, engaging ones? This could be an important clue as to what your mutuals want/where they hold the possibility of your interaction and why. It could also be adding to their perceptions.
I feel like I should say again, as I've no desire to add to how bad you're feeling, that I mean none of this in either an assured way or a judgmental one. I'm just covering all bases of possibility, and even if any of these things are the case, you're not being a bad RP partner, you just might be the wrong one for some of your current mutuals.
If you are primarily getting OOC or non-committal sort of sentence starters, they could be trying to send you memes to be nice, but not have an interest in writing with you. They could be trying to see more of your muse before making that commitment, too. It could be that they're seeking some more development on the muse from you, or more development of a verse they think their muse would work out best with yours in.
So, if you're getting questions that are giving you an opportunity to talk about your muse, develop them, show everyone how you write them, be sure you're taking that opportunity. Try not to reply to those with really short, obvious answers/responses. If it seems there is no way to answer without being obvious, think on ways you can give new information involved with the obvious answer.
If you are getting sentence/starter memes, make your reply as personally interesting to that mun as possible. Go through their wishlist tag if they have one and write your response based on one of them. If they haven't any plots they've expressed a desire to do, you can still get a good idea of what they find particularly appealing by both the threads they already have and the sort of things they reblog. It could just be that, in the past, what you've given in return wasn't something they felt drawn to enough.
Since you said in the second message you sent that this was a relatively recent thing, they used to interact with you, I'm really wondering if they've lost interest in your muse for another fandom favorite, or there is a similar issue going on. Because that certainly implies that something changed for them that did not change for you.
Has there been a significant change in fandom? An old favorite character returned, there is a new one the whole fandom is about, or yours did something in canon that the fandom didn't like? It's always the risk of playing a canon...even one that is canonically dead can end up having something in their story added to that drastically changes the fandom's opinion, so it's a possibility.
In any event, on the other points, big fandom favorite-of-the-moment canons always, I mean that, knock everyone else out. jusAnd it doesn't even have to be in your fandom, either! It can be in a popular enough fandom that your mutuals accept crossovers from, and can feel really shocking when you have a situation like...they all left that major fandom due to burnout with it or drama, but were still attached to it enough to accept crossovers, and suddenly, new media, especially with an old favorite, appears - you are categorically ignored for another fandom's MC lol Neat feeling!
So, it could have nothing at all to do with you. You're just not the hyperfixation right now.
There are some changes that could have happen that might be more involved with you. I don't want to say "have to do with you," because that implies fault and it's not a fault situation when people change and want different things than what they one enjoyed with you. It's possible that some of your mutuals have grown into lengthier writing, different plot genres (they were about hurt/comfort, now they're about fluff), are more/less into shipping than they were, things like that.
I feel I should clarify again that this isn't judgment! It's unfortunately stigmatized to call this "growing into/progressing/etc." when that's just the best way to put it. It implies that you lack growth, you're stuck somewhere, you need to progress. That's not what I'm implying, or that there's anything wrong with continuing to enjoy a hobby the same way you always have...just as there's nothing wrong with expanding on it.
This could be part of the situation. Especially if your mutuals are at one of those awful age ranges where people experience rapid changes in how they enjoy things. What is a great time when you're RPing in your late teens is really different from what you enjoy in your early twenties is really different from what you enjoy in your mid to late twenties is different from what you enjoy in your early thirties is...you get the point. (Though, I will say, for all y'all ageist folks out there: you need to both stop shitting on teens/early twenties people for writing at a lower level than you in your late twenties and stop acting like anyone over thirty is a pedo, unapproachable, and into their forties and beyond are just incomprehensible as writers. Writing is a skill, you improve by doing it, and there is no magical age at which one turns into a pedo and has to give up their interests.) It's really possible that many of them have moved into different aspects of RP than you have.
If that seems to be the case, you have a couple of options. Pay attention to what they are writing, see if that's something you would enjoy working on doing as well. If so, start working on it by increasing your writing skills with any threads you do have or memes you do get, practice is the best way. If you have literally nothing to practice with, you'll have to practice on your own by taking a meme line you would have loved to get, using it as a writing prompt, and writing out what comes to you, just as you would in a meme someone sent you.
Okay, so what if you aren't interested in doing what they are? That's fine! Instead, you may want to look into attracting new mutuals that are more into what you are.
Honestly? If you feel like you are questioning why you even bother with these people already...that's my honest opinion of what you should consider doing regardless. Find new mutuals.
We all know there's a bit of a promo issue, they don't bring in new partners the way they once did, but it's still a good idea to have one floating around. Promo yourself on any relevant lists of active RPers out there you can find. If it's something you'll be alright with, be sure you're crossover and OC friendly to attract the maximum amount of muns and advertise in the maximum number of lists (though, if you say you have a verse in a fandom, do actually make that verse). Verses are a great way to give your potential mutuals the possibility to interact with your muse, consider adding ones from any major fandoms you enjoy and the usual favorites like a "modern" verse.
Other things you can do/should check if you're going to try attracting new mutuals would be having some writing on your blog for them to see and being certain your rules, muse bio, etc. are all up to date and finished out.
With the writing, I realize the situation you have going on is not great for showing potential mutuals your writing! Whatever current things you have, be as active with them as possible, and consider doing some headcanons or one shots. That way there is something that shows you're active, a bit about what interacting with you and your muse is like, and what you're capable of writing.
And with the other things, they're all really important information for mutuals to have, especially new ones who haven't been there with you this whole time. Your old mutuals may know, for example, what putting in your rules "just don't be a dick" means to you, specifically, but new mutuals do not. So, give your rules a once-over to be sure they're clear on what you do/do not want, how you approach RP, etc. Make sure all the common things are covered, but things unique to yourself as well.
If you haven't finished your muse bio, or you feel there are new things for you to add to it now, it's the best time to do so! Since you have a canon, I have to say it - don't just link to a wiki. Take this time you've been unfortunately gifted by inactivity to write up your own take on this muse - your portrayal is different than anyone else's, show your new mutuals how.
If you haven't a page for verses yet, or that page/post is really brief and has things like, "this is a modern verse, it takes place in our world" now is also the time to either make it or improve this. Really tell them what is different about your muse in each verse, what's interesting about this verse, where they fit into the canon of whatever fandom. Treat these verses as foundations for what you'll build with your mutuals, not hard stories that have to be followed, and be sure you're clear about that on the page/post! It'll help more people engage with your muse when they don't feel like you have an immutable story already without them.
Consider adding a navigation page/post if you do not already have one. A pinned post can work for this! That way you can link by your tags as well, so new people checking out your blog can quickly see your memes, headcanons, aesthetic posts, everything. And if you haven't been tagging those things? Start doing it for this purpose! Give people a way to quickly and passively check out as much as possible on your muse before they choose to interact, it'll help them make that choice.
As a last thing...I have to ask, have you asked any of your present mutuals why you're not interacting anymore?
I understand if you haven't, especially if you hadn't developed a good rapport with them yet. They could take that as guilting or pressuring and get annoyed with you, so I get the anxiety and reluctance. People also have an unintentionally horrible way of lying, too. Their intentions are good, they just don't want to make anyone feel bad or start an argument, but the outcome isn't nice. Yeah, people do totally ask these things expressly to be lied to and validated, or even to start an argument, but we shouldn't be treating everyone like that's what they're doing. We should assume that when people ask for help understanding a problem that they want the help. Community problem we all need to work on!
But anyway, if you feel like any of them are going to be honest and polite with you, and you haven't done so already, try asking them what is going on. No one knows better than they do why they're not engaging with you anymore, after all. Even if this isn't a situation that is going to improve with these mutuals, it's good to know for the future.
To avoid sounding like you're pressuring/shaming/guilting them, choose your words and phrasing carefully. Instead of, "I noticed you don't respond to the memes I send you, but do respond to memes from other mutuals," try, "I noticed we don't interact much anymore, it's fine if you're just in a different place now, but if there is something I can be doing differently, it would help me a lot to know, if you're alright with discussing that with me."
I'm not trying to imply you don't know how to converse with people, Anon lol I just know that it can be a difficult situation, it can lead to us unintentionally saying something that come off wrong to the other party. I'd really love for you to get an answer, even if it isn't one you like, so you'd at least know what went on and could move on from it.
Because this, reasonably, is pretty upsetting.
You are never too old to feel disappointed, hurt, or confused, Anon! It's okay to be depressed at any age when you've invested your time and energy in a hobby only to have it passed over for nebulous reasons. Hobbies are supposed to be fun, but that's the thing...hobbies aren't your job, the time and energy you invest in them is just for you. It's a passionate pursuit, if you want it to be. So having this kind of situation is hurtful, and you don't even know why it's happening.
Tumblr has this extremely gross problem with throwing around shit to shame muns over twenty-five for having a hobby still, don't internalize it! I'm not remotely sorry that I have interests outside of my work, cleaning my house, paying my bills, or having offspring (which, I do not, but that's the expectation, at midnight on your twenty-sixth birthday, if you don't drop dead, you have three children and a spouse and they're your sole interests, this is the only way to be an adult)...and I'm not remotely sorry for being as passionate about those interests as I was ten and twenty years ago, either. Including the emotions that come with it. I'm sure that if being a PTA parent was my primary hobby and someone snubbed me repeatedly in it without telling me why, I'd be upset about that, too. It's okay to have a hobby, it's okay to have feelings, including negative ones like being depressed. No matter what the RPC has to say about it.
I just hope that something in here helps! It might take a little bit to find new mutuals, talk to your current mutuals, try out new things with your writing, whatever it is you end up trying, but try to stay patient and looking forward to better things to come. I believe this can work out, and you deserve for it to!
Oh, on a side note? If it is your muse being one the fandom has stigmatized? Same, and fuck them. Is that hostile? Yes, and I'm not sorry lol Don't feel like you need to change muses because of that. You need to find the right mutuals, not cater to negative, irrational, and almost certainly purity culture-based attitudes of the wrong ones. When you take up a muse your fandom, or even corner of your fandom's RPC, has taken issue with, your only responsibility is to accept that you likely will have fewer interactions as a part of that choice. Fewer does not mean none, nor does it mean the interactions you don't want/are not fulfilling or otherwise enjoyable for you. Again, you just need to find the right group of muns!
There are muns out there who will appreciate your muse, and exactly as you are writing them too. There are muns who will appreciate your writing style, activity level, and preferred genres. If it takes you a bit to find them, just look at it as an exercise to spend more time developing your muse and writing for when you find them. It'll all be worth it if you hang in there.
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greyias · 6 years
Taking a bath together for Theron and Grey :D
Oops! This isn’t a holiday piece! But it is the last of the “acts of intimacy” prompts that have been sitting in my askbox since August. Sorry for the delay, Nonnie! I’m apparently a really slow writer.
Just a little follow-up piece to a previous ficlet, because apparently after that brief fit o’ angst these two needed a little fluff.
There were apparently some perks to having a Mystic as a friend when on Voss, especially when traveling there on the say-so of one. Less hassle through customs, getting your pick of speeders, and also apparently, getting the royal treatment at the local establishments. Theron was going to need pass along his thanks to Sana-Rae when they got back to Odessen. The Pel-Ki Hot Springs were not as frequent a travel stop as the Shrine of Healing, but still saw plenty of visitors even in the time of the Eternal Empire. Most of the offworlders, and a few Voss as well, had given them the stink-eye as they were escorted past the long waiting line into one of the private rooms normally reserved for citizens.
The lobby area had about a dozen signs reminding offworlders of all of the intricate and various rules for the springs: no clothes, no loud noises, no splashing, and several emphatic variations on no hanky-panky. Of course, that probably wasn’t much of a problem over on the public side of the springs, as the pools over there were completely natural and unfiltered, and the stench of sulfur wafted out into the lobby anytime one of the doors to that area opened. That wasn’t the case over in the private baths. Set back in a dimly lit area of the sanctuary, the filtered pools were painstakingly and lovingly carved into the architecture and provided a much more relaxed and pleasant experience.
Theron leaned back into one of the seats that had been carved into the large pool’s greater structure, the warm water coming almost up to his collarbone. Like all of the amenities, it had been designed with much taller individuals in mind. He was a decent height for a human but when standing next to a Voss, Theron looked almost stunted. He sent a curious glance over to his companion, who at almost half a foot shorter than him, had found a much shallower ledge to perch on.
Grey was glancing around the darkened room curiously, eyes continually straying to the Voss attendant at the far side of the room who was paying the offworlders very little mind at the moment. He watched as she shifted uncomfortably, trying to cross her arms and legs in a way that preserved some propriety, and felt a small tinge of guilt at her obvious discomfort. He’d wanted to wash off the remnants of the tombs they’d been exploring all day, the ancient grime seeming to settle into every crack and pore. He’d practically leapt at the chance to visit the springs when one of their guides had mentioned them in an offhand comment about their healing properties. The bruises that the Jedi had acquired from their close encounter at the last set of ruins they’d been exploring were nowhere near serious enough for a visit to the Shrine of Healing, but a nice long soak in hot mineral water definitely wouldn’t hurt.
She caught his eye and he tilted his head at her, partially in question, partially in invitation. She flushed some, and gaze never straying from the bored Voss who had not glanced at her even once, glided through the water to join him near his deep perch. The attendant might not have had any interest in the naked woman underneath the water, but Theron himself couldn’t tear his gaze away. It was nothing he hadn’t seen countless times before, but it was a sight that had yet to grow old for him. He felt a familiar lick of heat start up low in his belly, and the sudden flush spreading throughout him couldn’t be completely blamed by the steam rising off the surface of the pool.
The water gently lapped against his chest as her motions made small waves, sloshing inelegantly around them as she came to rest next to him.
“He’s not looking, you know,” Theron joked quietly.
“I’m not… worried about that,” she shot back, but the way she hugged her chest with one arm as she tried to find a relaxing position in the deep water said otherwise.
“Sure you aren’t,” he teased. “Besides, I don’t think you’re his type. He probably likes them blue and much taller.”
“Is that a height joke?”
He hummed noncommittally as his fingers ghosted along her spine, a shiver running across her skin in their wake. Her eye roll at him was half-hearted at best, her body unconsciously drifting closer to him at the brief contact. He kept up the action, partially just because she was close enough and he loved the silky feeling of her skin underneath the mineral water, but also as a small reassurance that she was still there. The adrenaline rush after her brief disappearance had faded, but it had stoked unpleasant memories that took much longer to lock back away. 
He decided to distract himself in the best way possible, by ignoring it completely, and instead leaned in close to whisper in her ear. “You’re my type, though.”
“I thought you said you wanted to come here to relax.”
“This is relaxing,” he insisted even as his fingers followed the line from her spine down, dipping much, much lower.
Her eyes flew back to the Voss attendant, who seemed more interested in stacking and folding towels than the clear improprieties happening underneath the surface of the water. “You’re going to get us kicked out of here.”
“Nah,” he said lightly, “I’m observing the ‘no shouting’ rule.”
“That’s not what I meant,” she huffed, “and you know it.”
He couldn’t suppress his grin at the annoyed expression she fixed him with. One day ruffling her out of that serene Jedi facade would lose its charm, but today was not that day. “I’m not splashing either.”
“You are impossible.”
He quirked a brow. “If I’m so impossible why haven’t you gone back to your lonely little ledge over there?”
“It’s just warmer over here,” she insisted, and then dropped her voice further. “And also this is a better hiding spot.”
“I guess it’s good that Sana-Rae’s connections got us access to the private room then. Would you have even been able to set foot in a pool full of strangers?”
Her eye twitched as she clearly started imagining the scenario. “I just feel so… exposed.”
“We can leave if you really want to,” he reminded her.
“But we just got here,” she hedged, “and the water does feel nice…”
He bit back on his automatic response of that not being the only thing that felt nice, although he was pretty sure she read that unspoken sentiment in the way his fingers kept dancing lightly across her skin. The fact that she was leaning slightly into the motion told him that she wasn’t opposed to his touch, but in deference to her protests he shifted his attention a little further north of the equator. Some of the tension released from her shoulders, but he noted the brief flash of confusion and disappointment. Huh, perhaps she was more concerned with the lack of complete privacy than breaking the rules. Would wonders never cease.
“So I take it all that galaxy saving before now didn’t provide much time for visiting the local hot spots?”
“I encouraged my crew to take breaks,” she said hesitantly.
“Oh, just your crew?”
“Well,” she hedged, “they would ask—”
“They? Or Doc?”
“Okay, mostly Doc, but still, it was hard to justify relaxing and unwinding with how much was at stake. Especially during our first trip to Voss.”
Theron quirked a brow at her, reviewing his mental history of her file. “Was that right after…?”
She nodded solemnly, and his fingers stopped the gentle stroking to rest his entire hand firmly on the small of her back. He didn’t need to mention out loud the time she and her crew had been held captive in the then-Sith Emperor’s fortress, nor what she’d been forced to do while under his control. Even all these years later, it was like a fresh wound — or maybe just a reopened one, considering who had taken up residence in her mind while she’d been frozen in carbonite. 
“It was easier to keep busy too. Trying to stop Vitiate’s ritual… it gave me something to focus on.”
He pressed his lips together, wondering if this was one of those moments where he should let her talk, or where she wanted to think about other things and would appreciate a distraction and change of subject. He was saved from having to guess as her gaze broke away, drifting to the darkened carvings etched into the dimly lit architecture.
“Do you think I should have?” She spoke after a long, quiet moment.
“Should have what?” he asked cautiously.
“Taken a break. Stopped to appreciate things in the moment.”
“I think,” he said, reaching up with his other hand to brush away the bangs falling into her face, “that you did whatever felt right at the time. And there’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Sometimes I wonder,” she muttered, mostly to herself, “if it was worth it, considering how everything turned out.”
He tilted his head, trying to figure out where this was coming from. “What do you mean?”
“He was off in Wild Space,” she said quietly, “building up yet another Empire. The body I struck down was just one of his vessels. Now I’m another. Or was. I… still don’t know what happened out in those woods on Odessen.”
Like usual, Theron didn’t really have the answer for the deeper issues of the Force, fate, or the big questions in life. All he had was everything in front of him, which included one frowning Jedi Master. He didn’t even bother glancing at their attendant to see if he was watching, Theron just leaned forward and planted a light kiss on her nose.
“Sorry,” she flushed, “just thinking aloud.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” he said quietly, “if that’s what you want to do.”
“I think I’d like to relax?” It was said hesitantly, as if she wasn’t sure she was allowed to actually admit that aloud. “You would think as a Jedi I’d be able to do that.”
“There’s a difference between meditation and relaxation,” Theron teased lightly, “and you don’t really have the gills for trying to meditate underwater.”
“Who says I’d be underwater?”
“Well, your height for one.”
He quirked a brow and her mouth dropped open slightly in mock indignation. Seizing the opportunity, he surged forward capturing her lips in a kiss, and while being careful of her bruises, used his grip on her back to pull her into his lap. The sudden movement made a small splash, and her eyes immediately went to the attendant, who it was possible was just asleep at this point. Did Voss sleep with their eyes open or shut? He would have consulted the HoloNet for that answer, but was far more preoccupied at the moment.
Having her this close sent a thrill straight down his spine, desire pooling in his gut as he deepened the kiss. With her current position, there was very little doubt to the state of his own arousal, and as he broke away, he saw that a deep flush had spread far beyond her cheeks.
“This really isn’t the place,” she said breathlessly.
“Then consider it a preview,” he said, voice low, “for when we get back to our room. If you’re interested in continuing this particular… conversation.”
Somehow the blush in her cheeks darkened further, sending another rush of heat through him. This time it definitely couldn’t be blamed on the steam. “I think I’d like that.”
To Theron’s credit, his smile was only a little feral. “Me too.”
“Although we do have almost an hour left,” she said, “it seems like a wasted opportunity if we leave now.”
“Some things are worth waiting for,” he agreed. “Besides, I still need to teach you how to relax.”
“Why does that sound a little like the blind leading the blind?”
Theron rolled his eyes, and even if she did have a point, he wasn’t going to admit it aloud. She shot him a shy little smirk of her own before readjusting her position until her back was pressed against his chest and her head was resting against his shoulder. 
“This work?” she asked a bit dubiously.
“It’s a start.”
The reply might have been sarcastic, but the sting of it was taken out by him threading their fingers together and resting his cheek against the top of her head. Between the warmth of the water and the feeling of her skin pressed against his, Theron felt his tension and stress begin to fade away. While not a natural inclination for either of them, they both slowly began to relax and settle in, letting the rare moment of peace stretch out.
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initiala · 7 years
Prompt: descriptive uncircumcised hand/blow job from Emma to Killian? The way you had it in Ecstacy was hot as fuck, even if it was just a little sentence!! I don't know why, but I loved it so much and it was a huge turn on!!: "like that… pull the skin up over the… Oh God, Emma…”
theeeeeeeee oldest prompt still alive/uneaten in my askbox, let’s suck some diiiiiiiiiicks
hiatus between 4a and 4b
There are a lot of questions Emma still feels are too weird to ask and keeps her mouth shut about – how did people get ringlets in the Enchanted Forest? Did corsets ever get more comfortable or were there some spleen issues her mom needed to see a doctor about? Was virginity as overrated there as it was here? How did anyone survive before tampons? Or Advil? How many expensive foreign vases given as gifts from ambassadors would she have been allowed to break in a princessy tantrum? Can Granny teach her how to shoot that crossbow sometime?
“Hey, did you know that yours is the second uncut dick I’ve ever seen?” is one she never expected to think up, and she definitely doesn’t voice that aloud.
(Really, thinking about her ex in this scenario shouldn’t happen at all, but she does have him to thank for knowing what to do in this scenario.)
As irritating as not having her own place is, half the fun of these stolen moments in Killian’s rented room is seeing how far they can go before Granny gives them dirty looks at breakfast the next morning. An inn run by wolves is not an inn that allows for very much privacy, but Emma’s determined not to let that stop her from seeing if after talking the talk Killian can walk the walk.
(Oh, he definitely can walk the walk. Some mornings Emma isn’t sure she can walk the walk of shame back to the loft.)
But this, she decides as she slowly strips him of all the layers of clothing he insists on wearing to cover up that strong, lean body, is uncharted territory.
Sort of.
Killian always insists on making these encounters all about her and her pleasure – which is great, she’s not complaining about that, she can count on one hand the number of guys who have ever gone down on her without prompting – but he seems… shy? About letting her reciprocate? He doesn’t mind her hands on him at all, (seems to encourage it, the man loves having his ass grabbed), but any hint of a blowjob has him insisting he needs to be inside her right this minute and offering up a condom.
Which, okay, she’s also not complaining about.
But dammit, she likes giving blowjobs – she’s pretty great at them, actually, if her past encounters are anything to go on, and she’s eager to see if she passes muster with him. There’s something about tongues that lets them find all the hidden pleasure spots on a cock and she knows for a fact that she hasn’t come close to finding all of his secrets.
Not to mention, it’s been a while since she’s handled someone this large, and uncircumcised to top it off, and it’s kind of a challenge she’s set for herself.
Killian utters a desperate, harsh curse as her hand wraps around his cock. “Emma–”
She hums, pleased that she’s already got him this wrecked. “Yes?” she asks sweetly, gently pulling the skin up over the head and earning a broken moan in response. Her free hand works his pants down around his thighs and she drops to her knees in front of him. “Did you want something, Killian?”
She flicks her tongue out, licking up the drop of precum leaking from the tip, and he lets out a guttural, “No, no, no, Emma stop–”
She sits back on her heels, releasing him; the rejection stings but she tries not to let it show on her face. The worried crease between his brows says she’s failing. “What’s wrong?” she asks, hating how small her voice sounds.
“I don’t –” It’s hard for him to speak and if she wasn’t so put-out then she’d find this incredibly hot: shirt and pants barely hanging on, sweat glistening on his skin, hook embedded into the wall, Killian out of breath and at a loss for words for the first time in his life. “I don’t want to – to degrade you as such, love.”
Now it’s her turn to be at a loss for words. She gapes a little, staring hard and trying to figure out just what the hell he’s talking about, when he glances away, the flush on his cheeks spreading up to the tips of his ears. “Please, don’t tempt me.”
Some of her confusion clears up: he does want this, if the sight of her on her knees and her mouth open can affect him as such. But– “Okay, I’m gonna need a bit more to go on that this,” she says. “I’ve been trying to suck you off for weeks, Killian, and you’re what, too much of a gentleman to let me?”
“Emma–” He looks pained, then dislodges his hook from the wall. He winces as he slides to the floor, still half-naked, cock still at attention and damn if Emma doesn’t want to give it the attention he wants. “Look, lass, it’s not… becoming of a lady of your stature. I’ve paid doxies for less, but even the loosest slattern in Tortuga would suck a man’s cock for free.”
“Okay.” She blinks at him, suddenly very aware (again) of just how very different their worlds are. Well, in most ways. It’s not like there aren’t people like that here (she’s a teenage runaway, she’s seen her fair share of desperate people) but this isn’t the seventeen hundreds and she isn’t some loose slattern in Tortuga. “But I just want you to know, I don’t think it’s degrading. Even though I’m technically a princess, I wasn’t raised one. I was raised here, where sucking a man’s cock is pretty normal foreplay, and it’s something that I happen to like. I’m actually pretty good at.”
He’s still flushed but he meets her eyes. “You like it?”
She nods. “It’s kind of a turn-on. But it’s your call. If you’re not comfortable, I won’t push it.”
It feels like he’s trying to find something with how intently he’s searching her eyes with his. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips and she can see his Adam’s apple bob. “Well, Swan,” he says, the wobble in his voice giving away his nerves, “I’d say let’s see if you live up to that bluster.”
She smiles. “Up on the bed.”
He obeys; it’s easier this way, and she manages to get his pants all the way off while he gets comfortable. It takes a few brisk strokes to get him fully erect once more; once she feels his eyes on her, she slows her pace, dragging the foreskin up and squeezing just enough below the tip to pop the hidden ridge. Killian’s breathing quickens again as she repeats the motion a few more times. It’s practically staring her down, this red and weeping cock, daring her to take it in her mouth, and Emma Swan is not one to back down from a challenge.
She licks up the precum, teasing the slit with a few swirls of her tongue, before taking the whole head into her mouth. Killian’s groan can probably be heard halfway across town but Emma can’t bring herself to care right now. She takes him in a little at a time, her hand still gripping the shaft and working him up as she relaxes her jaw. Her tongue traces the veins it can find and she hums when his hand works its way into her hair.
It takes her a moment to realize he’s murmuring encouragements, telling her how good she feels, how sweet her mouth is, how no one’s found this many sensitive spots before. She pays particular attention to the spots his foreskin leaves exposed, making note of the kinds of gasps and whines of pleasure he makes when her tongue runs circles along his skin.
She lets her hand drop to fondle his balls and Killian’s hand in her hair tightens as he hisses out a, “Gods, Swan–” but nothing prepares her for the cry he lets out when she takes him in fully, the head of his cock brushing the back of her throat. It’s been a long time since she’s tried this so it doesn’t last more than a few bobs of her head, but it seems to be enough because she feels him pulse just a moment before the briny taste of his seed shoots into her mouth. He’s pulling out even as he comes, and the result is lines of the stuff dripping down her chin and across her sweater.
It takes her a minute to realize what happened, then she starts to laugh. Killian, leaning back on his elbows and catching his breath, looks up. He starts to say something – probably apologize – but Emma shakes her head, still giggling. After another moment, Killian starts to laugh too. As she wipes her face off with the bottom of her sweater – it’s destined for the wash now anyway, at least she’s wearing a camisole underneath – Emma decides that she’s pretty sure of all the sounds he’s made tonight, that one’s her favorite.
“Sheriff, who do I call to make a noise complaint to when you’re the one making the noise?” Granny asks as they come down to the diner in the morning.
Emma, dressed in her jacket, camisole and jeans from last night, and with her desperately-in-need-of-washing hair in a ponytail under her beanie, is relieved to see the diner’s empty – it’s just after the morning rush and too early for the brunch crowd – though she suspects Granny wouldn’t loudly embarrass her in front of the breakfast crew.
Quietly, yes. With pointed looks and innuendo that made even Killian blush.
“Sorry, Widow Lucas,” Killian says gallantly, taking a seat at the bar. “What say we order the farmer’s breakfast as penance?”
Granny rolls her eyes, setting down the coffee pot harder than strictly necessary as she bustles over to get clean mugs. “Penance is not finding your room trashed again, pirate. I hear enough around this joint without having to put visuals to it.”
Emma busies herself behind a newspaper someone left behind, trying to hide her burning cheeks and wondering when she might be able to convince her parents to have a night on the town so she and Killian might have some privacy at the loft.
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mary-sued · 7 years
request examples
Hey, so, I put out a post that said I’d opened my askbox for dagur/reader requests but I realised I hadn’t provided any examples. so here they are, a very short assortment of random scenes, pretty much all focused on my self-insert and dagur. 
Most are scenes that were going to be in one fic or another, but they’re just some examples of what you can expect from a request, unless you specify that you want a full fic.
‘Do you want me to leave?’
He had been watching her pace between the kitchen and fireplace for a while now. She would sit at the table for a minute and write, apparently some kind of plans for something-or-other he wasn’t really listening, and soon enough she would get up again and come back to the fireplace. There she would stand and stare into the fire. Just stare. She seemed tense, tenser than usual anyway. He could only imagine it was his presence that was bothering her so much.
That was until he had broken the silence with his, admittedly, stupid question.
‘What? Oh, well, yes. I’ve been trying to get you to leave for the past week. Are you finally offering?’
He rolled his eyes, why does he even bother? ‘That’s not what I meant. Do you want me to leave your house?’
She snorted and turned on her heel, pacing to the kitchen. ‘Doesn’t matter to me. Kind of a comfort to know you’re here and not causing any trouble actually.’
He shifted as she moved until he was on his knees on the chair, leaning his arms on the back and watching her with dark eyes. ‘You haven’t been able to sit still all afternoon.’
‘I get the creative jitters. Have to move or I can’t work.’ Her voice is muffled because she had her back to him.
He hummed as a response but was sure she didn’t hear. It appeared he would need a different approach. He stood up, careful not to knock the side of the chair, and made his way over to her little work station. It had pieces of charcoal all over it, smudging the table, but her paper was pristine. Probably because she leaned her hand on another scrap piece to prevent smudges.
On the page was the outline of something but he couldn’t quite figure out what it was. It looked like a shield, but it had too much curve. The centre-piece was too big as well. It would be too front-heavy and the edges would slice your own head off if it were hit. It was thick too. What kind of impractical armour…?
‘It’s a shield.’
He rolled his eyes again at her tone, like she was explaining something to a child. ‘Yeah, princess, I got that. It’s a hunk of junk. It’s too curved, see? If someone hit it, it would bounce back and cut your head off. And it’s too thick, the centre is too big. It’d weigh you down. Have you ever been in a battle before?’
She had long since gotten used to his whining tone, so she waited for him to shut up before explaining herself.
‘It’s an expandable shield. For me. It’s thick because it’s two pieces of metal overlapped. When I press a trigger, a mechanism in the centre will cause the pieces to spread and create a shield that’s double the size with no gaps. It’s fire-proof and, hopefully, arrow proof.’ She glanced over at him, smiling to herself at his puzzled look. ‘I know my new home isn’t the most friendly of places.’
His face hardened at her words and he looked away. She was right, Berserker Island was full of fights. Their legal system had a ‘finders keepers’ mentality that resulted in small battles over land and property. But to think his betrothed didn’t feel like he could protect her?
He was more upset that he hadn’t thought about it. He had no plans for protecting her. He hadn’t thought about her safety when she returned with him, only what she would bring. He ground his teeth together thinking about what could happen. He was the chief, but who wouldn’t jump at the chance to bed the chief’s wife? She was the newest, and weakest, link. It was stupid of him not to prepare. It was-
It was a tactical error.
He steeled himself, glancing at Kamilla’s face as she worked. She was oblivious to him, correcting minor measurements and defining sketches. While he had been pondering she had once again been to the fire. He could see it now, burning in her eyes as she worked. She was focused on something for their future, and it made something well up inside him, a soft glow within him that he stomped right back down.
He couldn’t allow himself to fall into this. These plans already proved she was already accepting her fate, they were a sign of victory. Not of plans, not of their future.
He frowned, disgusted with his own moment of weakness, and stood up suddenly, making Kam jolt and wipe her hand across the page.
‘Ah! Oh, you son of a-’
‘I’m going out.’
She whipped around to glare at him but he was already at the door. Her anger deflated when she caught a glimpse of his face. ‘When will you be home?’
He stiffened and turned to her, snarling, ‘I’ll come back here whenever I want.’
She flinched as he slammed the door behind him.
‘… Bye.’
‘I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.’
She sighed for what felt like the thousandth time. ‘Please bother someone else today, I’m busy enough as it is without playing babysitter.’
‘Isn’t that what you’re doing now?’
She groaned as he snickered behind her, before flinching away from his finger and whipping around. ‘Would you stop that? Gods, you’re like a child! I’m trying to be an adult here, we’ve all got jobs to do. Go, I don’t know, wrestle with Snotlout or something and leave me alone!’
She turned back to her desk and heaved a sigh, burying her face in her hands. It was exhausting, trying to translate these legal documents from Norse to Latin just to find out what she needed to translate from Latin to Norse to fulfill them. One page had taken her four hours, but they needed to be done or she wouldn’t be able to demand all her rights. Why did marriage have to be so tough on the woman?
Her peace lasted all of two minutes.
‘I could help y’know.’
She didn’t lift her head. ‘Oh, can you now.’
He scoffed, ‘uh, yes, I can.’
She sighed again and peered up at him from behind her fingers. ‘Can you translate Latin?’
‘Uh, no, duh.’ He looked at her like she was the stupid one. ‘But I can read Norse, can’t I?’
Oh. Oh damn, he had a point. Did that mean he was right? He was looking at her with that smug smile that meant he thought he was right. Gods, she hated when he was right.
‘Fine. Read the next page to me. Slowly.’
It took another four hours to finish, but she begrudgingly admitted it was easier with Dagur’s help. He was irritatingly smug about it, but when she put down her pen, rolled her shoulders and thanked him, he had this look in his eyes that made the breath rush out of her lungs. He looked happy, genuinely happy, and it took her breath away. Who knew he could look so, well, good, when he wasn’t acting like a maniac.
She cleared her throat and leaned back in the chair, willing the flush away from her cheeks before he could see. ‘Glad that’s over with.’
She glanced back when she didn’t receive a reply and found him watching her, that same soft look in his eyes. It made her warm, so she looked away.
‘Want to get lunch?’
She didn’t look back, but nodded and got up. She wiped her face with her palm, what had gotten into her? One warm glance and she goes all doe-eyed? Pull yourself together woman.
She turned to him, schooling her expression into one of annoyance. ‘What.’
He was smiling again, and it made her stomach do a little flip. ‘What?’ She asked again.
‘You have ink all over your face.’
‘Ugh, his ego is so visible, I can almost watch it growing.’
Sitting in the Great Hall with Hiccup and the others, she tried to blend in. She was sick of being paraded around like a prize yak. Even now he was pacing back and forth, stealing sips from drinks and telling another story. She heard the words ‘bear’ and ‘unarmed’ and zoned out; he’d told her that one two days ago. She had hoped that staying with her friends would discourage him from approaching her. Unfortunately, she can’t escape Dagur even when surrounded by people who hate him.
‘I think it’s hot.’
She sneered. ‘You think it’s so hot, why don’t you marry him?’
Ruffnut sighed, staring over at Dagur dreamily. ‘I would if I could.’
Astrid and Kamilla make synchronised retching sounds. ‘Can we stop talking about Da-’
‘Can I sit here? All the other tables are full.’
Speak of the devil and he shall appear. Without waiting for an answer, Dagur squeezed himself in between Kam and Astrid, promptly turning his back on the former. ‘Hey there, betrothed.’
‘Could you stop calling me that? It’s weird. And we’re in public.’
‘You’d prefer to be called that in private? Fine by me.’
She groaned, allowing her head to slam forward onto her arms and slump over the table. They’re pressed so close she can feel him vibrate with laughter. After that he just… settles. The nervous energy he was expelling while pacing and boasting simmered down from wild laughter to manic giggles, then a jigging leg, and finally tapping his fingers next to her head.
She slammed her hand over his and turned her head to face him, peering up from under her lashes and growling, ‘stop that.’
He surprised her by humming a quiet ‘yes, dear’ and spreading his fingers so her’s laced through his. She blinked at him, not expecting such a submissive response. He puts his other elbow on the table to rest his head on his hand and survey the room. A quick glance around the table confirmed that she wasn’t seeing things, everyone else looked equally disturbed. She decided not to question it; why look a gift horse in the mouth?
Oh yeah, Troy.
‘You, uh, are you alright?’ She keeps her voice down, but it’s no help when the rest of the table is silent. They’re not staring, not directly anyway, but she knows they’re listening to every word.
Dagur just hums again and flips his hand palm up to tangle their fingers together, glancing over at her. ‘Yeah, why?’
She doesn’t respond, instead she stares at their hands. Where did this come from? She peeks up at him and inhales sharply. He’s got the same dumb, soft look in his eyes that turned her stomach to mush yesterday. It’s something she refused to examine then and continues to now, choosing instead to bury her face back in her arms before anyone else can see her blush. She can feel his laughter again and it makes her glow hotter.
She clears her throat. ‘Do we, like, hold hands now?’
His crazy laugh is back. ‘Of course, we’re getting married in a few weeks!’ She can’t hide how her face lights up again when he brushes his lips against the back of her hand. ‘Can I not touch my bride?’
‘Why do you like my hands so much?’
They were on Dragon Island, lying where she and Augusta usually go. Once Kamilla had positioned Dagur in the natural slipstream the cliff formed, he stopped complaining about wind chill. They were side by side, basking in the sun’s heat. His fingers sought hers, as they often did, and she allowed them to intertwine.
‘Hm? They’re nice.’ His voice had the gruff edge it usually got from sleep and her belly did a little flip when she realised it was because he was so relaxed.
‘My hands are nice?’
He hummed in agreement and she huffed, rolling over to face him. ‘I thought there’d be a better explanation than that.’
One of his eyes opened lazily to meet hers and he snorted then tugged her closer, ignoring her half-hearted complaint, until her head was resting on his chest and they were pressed together.
He lifted her hand to his mouth and brushed his lips across the back of it before letting them fall to rest on his stomach. ‘I like the way your hand fits in mine.’
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shadowsong26fic · 2 years
Coming Attractions
First Monday of the month, trying to get back into the habit of doing these...
As always, I’m hanging around for Open Question Night--my askbox is always open, but tonight I’ll be keeping an active eye on it. Anything related to any of the fandoms I’ve posted here or on AO3 is fair game, or my original stuff if you’re familiar, etc. I do take prompts, but given how slow I’ve been at putting out content lately, I don’t guarantee filling any in anything approaching a timely manner, lol.
Probably a short update this month, but I still like doing these so here goes.
Star Wars:
Trying to get back into writing Protectors and/or Preludes, both of which are Way overdue for an update. Also starting to poke at possibilities for next year’s BB, because I do enjoy participating a lot. The Obi-Wan series didn’t spark as much inspiration as I’d hoped (although I did love it a lot!) so we’ll see how that goes.
I ran into a roadblock with Incinctus faster than I expected. I forgot that Chapter 4 was only half-done, and I keep forgetting to actually finish it, lol. I know more or less what I’m doing, I just need to sit down and get the actual words on paper, so to speak. And then I should be able to get back to regular updates for a while.
Battlestar Galactica:
Having now watched all the stuff I actively Need for The Other Battlestar, I’m starting to put actual text together (beyond a couple of snippets I’ve already written here and there, a couple of which I’ve posted here, including the one that I wrote 10+ years ago). I’m going back and forth on whether or not I want to ignore a particular timeline detail from Razor, and toying with how I want to structure it (there’s a fair amount I need to cover in the miniseries, but a good chunk of it is establishing the relevant OCs for this AU and I know that’s not always the best place to start; but on the other hand, if I just jump into 33 and/or Pegasus encountering its civilian fleet, that...I feel like that wouldn’t really Work.)
Also need to work out an Official Title for this story, lol, but that can come when I actually get around to posting it.
I am enjoying fleshing out the I need--also going back and forth on whether or not to include a Four who will remain incognito until the end of the fic; there are some plot points that would be easier to get around if he’s there, plus I feel like there’s a lot to explore with Fours that we don’t get as much of as we could and I’d like the excuse to work with one extensively. That being said, I’m leaning towards no, I think he would cause more problems than he solved for me, but the idea refuses to die.) As a tangent to that, the senior medical officer on Pegasus is going to be fairly prominent, and figuring out how many subordinates/etc. I need to build for her is. Like. ...I googled what the medical department on an aircraft carrier is supposed to be and. It’s A Lot. (Cottle having...basically just him and Ishay and maybe a couple of corpsmen/I feel like there’s more than just the two of them in a couple of the surgery scenes...anyway, that’s justified in that Galactica was stripped down to a skeleton crew. Given that Pegasus had just docked for extended rehaul/shore leave/etc., I’m not sure that holds true there? But, then again, we don’t know the full makeup of the 700some people who died then...I’m overthinking this, lol. Anyway, I did decide that Daphne gets at least one additional doctor from the stripped civilian fleet, which is where the Four would come in if I do involve one, but that’s a separate conversation.)
Other Fanfic Projects:
Working on pod-together, this year’s project is a Leverage/Nikita crossover which is proving a lot of fun to work on! And my reader/partner likes what I’ve put together thus far so hopefully this’ll appeal to a general/broader audience as well.
Original Fic:
Thanks to a rainbowfic challenge, I’ll hopefully/probably/fingers crossed actually do some this month? We shall see...
I think that about covers it! Like I said, a fairly short one this month. What about you guys, what are you working on?
((Also, do y’all want to see me post more WIP snippets on here? And/or on my Discord, if you’re there? Obviously not for challenges like pod-together/big bang/etc., which have Rules about reveals, but for the other stuff. I don’t mind sharing (clearly; I’ve put things out before, lol), but.))
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