#this has probably already been thought of
kenntolog · 2 days
𝝑𝝔 an: ALRIGHT GUYS finally something angsty and involving an argument or smth vaguely saying that ahem ANYWAYS!! suku here is a bit of an ass but he will redeem himself guys dont worry. i love you all!! to the new readers — read more here!!
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“can you piss off already?”
“i’m not in the mood, go fucking yap to someone else.”
“we wouldn’t be doing this shit if you just stopped being so fucking clingy!”
the hurt flashing in your big eyes tells him that he shut his mouth a little bit later than he initially should have.
sukuna sighs when you run out of the room, unable to hold in your sobs like you usually would, and sits down on the couch of your living room. to be honest, he doesn’t even know what came over him at this moment. or for the last half an hour he’s been pouring all of his anger at you.
recalling the previous week is not the most pleasant thing, but that’s all he can do right now to cool down. there is nothing to reminisce about; it’s been a very frustrating week, where jin was a lot busier than usual, their old man needed more care, the worry for yuuji being left alone ate both of them from inside and out, work has become more annoying than fulfilling, and all sukuna wanted to do was to be left alone, which is why coming over to your place was a mistake.
not because of you, but him. he could’ve texted you that he is tired and is going home instead, yet somehow his mind was stuck on seeing you tonight and his muscle memory led him to the familiar warmth of the street you lived on. it didn’t comfort him, like usually.
sukuna never thought he could scream at you like he did. you probably never thought either; the genuine fright and terror on your face told him a million of things, a million stop signs, yet he only continued going off on you.
you just expressed to him how you wanted to spend a little more time with him, how you wanted to help him decompress and relax, how much you cared about him — you didn’t deserve his ugly yelling and his angry attitude.
oh man, he fucked up.
he rubs his face roughly, barely able to stop himself from tearing his skin off, and stands up from his spot. for a minute, he contemplates whether he should even try to fix anything tonight — if you would even want that.
sukuna presses his ear against your door, hand tugging down the handle simultaneously, but to no avail. as disappointment washes over him, he realises that you’ve locked the door. is it a sign that he should just go home? probably.
he can’t do that though.
he knocks, loud enough for you to at least notice, “baby? can you let me in?”
sukuna doesn’t know that on the other side of the door, you barely stop yourself from jumping off the bed to open the door for him. your heart beats rapidly in your chest as you press your back into the headboard, clutching the blanket tighter as you gnaw on your bottom lip, stifling down your sobs.
you want to let him in so badly despite how much he hurt you.
it’s something you can’t control, something that has you curling into yourself, as far as you can so you can ignore the twitching in your limbs and keep yourself away from him. you only wanted to help and seeing his anger being directed at you made you further confused about what you did wrong.
subconsciously, you know that it’s not about you. but you still can’t stop yourself from thinking that maybe… maybe sukuna needs a girlfriend who is less overbearing than you. someone who understands him better, understands when they need to back off and let him be, and not try to fix everything with their love. maybe.
you bury your face in your pillow, effectively muffling down your cries while sukuna continues to knock on your door from time to time.
he guesses that you fell asleep so he stops knocking as he sits down on the floor with a small groan. the couch looks a lot more inviting than the hard floor, however sukuna can’t bring himself to be too far from you so he finds that it’s okay, he’ll wait for you.
he doesn’t even know when he falls asleep; realising that he was, in fact, sleeping when the door behind him suddenly opened and he is fully sprawled over the floor. “fucking hell—“ he curses under his breath, rubbing the remnants of sleep from his face before he glances up, meeting your nervous gaze. with the pain in his whole body forgotten, sukuna stands up abruptly, his face softening when he notices how you step away from him.
“sukuna? were you… sleeping on the floor?” you ask, your voice sounding a little hoarse as you look up at him unsurely.
he swallows, face scrunching up at the dryness in his mouth, and steps closer to you, closing the door behind himself.
“can we talk, baby?”
you look down and nod solemnly, walking back to your bed while he follows you like a lost puppy. sukuna’s fingers twitch with desire to touch you, any part of you. you crawl away from him though, backing yourself into the corner. covering, protecting yourself from him.
“i— uh, i didn’t mean all of that, y’know that, right?”
you stay silent, small fingers curling around the edges of your blanket.
“tell me you know it, baby, please—”
your voice comes out unsteady when you finally speak up, abused bottom lip trembling as you sniffle, “i don’t think i do, ‘kuna~”
sukuna reaches his hand out, tentative fingers creeping closer to you in an attempt to observe your reactions. your eyes follow his movements and you stare at his hand for a little while before your features fade into something too pitiful for him to grasp. as soon as he calls you by your name you start sobbing violently.
all of the hesitation leaves his mind as he immediately pulls you into himself and positions you between his spread out legs, arms wrapping around your body and tucking your head into his neck. it’s the worst feeling in the world because he is the reason why your fragile soul is rattling in hurt and agony. god, he wants to fucking punch himself in the face repeatedly, and even then it wouldn’t be enough for him to feel like he’s apologetic enough.
sukuna brushes your hair away from your face, hand sliding down to caress the side of it, but his movements still as soon as he hears your small voice,
“you didn’t have to be s-so mean about it.” you gaze up at him with eyes full of tears, “i could’ve taken your anger, but not… n-not that.”
placing a chaste kiss on your forehead, sukuna goes back to look you in the eyes, making sure his sincerity is apparent.
“‘m so sorry, baby, i don’t fucking deserve you.”
you bite your bottom lip in an attempt to stifle down another round of sobs and hide your face from him once again, arms circling around his neck.
you don’t give him a clear answer. sukuna is ready to wait for however long it takes.
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slasherbvnnie · 2 days
Mattheo Riddle has a secret girlfriend, it's even secret to her
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Reader isn't in a particular house, implies they're not in Slytherin. Reader and all characters mentioned are 18+ and in college! Hogwarts. Probably will be a spicy part 2 ;)
Modern!Harry Potter AU, College!Mattheo Riddle, College!Hogwarts AU
Questions first began to arise before one of Slytherin’s quidditch matches last month, particularly when Mattheo was changing into his uniform and Draco noticed the scratches down his back. The boys teased him over it, questioning him on who was the lucky girl who made them. Mattheo just smiled on and let them try to decipher who it was from his giggles at each attempt they gave.
On the other end, questions circled around you when your friends first began to notice the hickeys that littered your neck, blushed cheeks and meek responses when your friends pressed on knowing who mauled their friend.
It’s not that you were purposely hiding who they were from, you just didn’t want to say who it was from until both of you knew what you were to each other. Mattheo had been there during a party hosted by Gryffindor, things moved pretty quickly that night when you set your eyes on him. He was pleasantly surprised the new transfer student had her gaze set on him, so much so that he didn’t reject her whispers about going back to his secluded prefect dorm. There were some more nights after the first, some more innocent than others, but there was never one important question asked from either side.
You didn’t know if the Mattheo Riddle was open to a relationship, Mattheo Riddle had simply thought you two were already together in his own world. He just simply didn’t kiss and tell.
While you sat in the stands waiting for the quidditch match to start, you were brought to attention when Cormac McLaggen sat next to you. “Excited for the game?” You questioned him as he chuckled, “if its not my own, not much,” he joked as you smiled. “Why aren’t you with the others? I’m sure the rest of your team are betting against Zacharias,” you hummed.
He grinned, “my bets are always against whoever Malfoy is against, doesn’t play fair,” he said before continuing on. “I wanted to spend some time with you for the game, if that’s okay,” he said as your eyes widened in surprise.
“That’s not a problem, is it?” He asked as you shook your head no. “Of course not, I just, well I noticed you talking with Hannah Abbot recently and I assumed…” your voiced trailed off as you looked away for a moment.
“She…ah, we’ve been comparing notes recently. She wants to get in good standing with Slughorn, she says the club seems like fun,” he admitted as you nodded.
“So there's-“
“Nothing between us two, I assure you,” he said with a smile.
Before you turned back to look at Cormac, you noticed the familiar head of curls staring directly at you two. Even from all the way out in the field, you could feel the death glare Mattheo was giving to Cormac. It surprised you, as Mattheo had never shown interest in any others talking to you before, but he now seemed distracted as they were beginning to set up for the match.
You hadn’t waited to talk after the match was over, Cormac walked you back to your dorm after, saying goodbye to you after telling him how you needed to study for your potions exam. He promised to send a letter later that night, to plan an outing in Hogsmeade on the weekend but when the hours passed and no letter was slipped under your door you grew curious.
It wasn’t until one of your roommates came in, going over to your desk. “Be glad we aren’t in slytherin, lost a hundred points earlier,” she said as you looked up from your notebook. “How come?” You asked as you set down your pen.
“Riddle sent McLaggen to Madam Pomfrey,” she said as you stared at her, quickly getting up from your seat.
“Did you hear why?” You asked her as you grabbed your cardigan, put it on quickly, and went to put on your shoes.
“No, but I did hear he spent the afternoon with you. Is Mattheo the one who gave you all those hickeys?” She asked as you rolled your eyes.
“I am not the reason they fought,” you said as you went to the door. “Where’s Riddle now?” You questioned as she took a seat on her bed. “Back in the Slytherin common room, I heard Dumbledore is questioning taking him off the team,” she said as you huffed, opening the door and heading to the dungeons.
When you made it past the password ridden door, you looked around before you saw Pansy taking care of Mattheo’s knuckles as she was scolding him. “Pomfrey said I was ok, Pans,” he grumbled. You made your way over to the couch he was sat on, his eyes on you when he noticed you were near.
“Why are you here?” He asked, “we have an exam tomorrow, you’re always busy the night before,” he said as Pansy looked between you two, dropping Mattheo’s hand as you looked him over.
“I heard what you did, I wanted to know why McLaggen is nearly in a coma from you,” you said, knowing you were exaggerating it a little. Mattheo only laughed as he stood from the couch, heading to his dorm. “It should be obvious as to why,” he said, anger laced in his words. “Obvious?” You questioned as you followed him.
“Yes, I thought it was very clear why. Why else would I risk being kicked off the team?” He stated as he walked faster.
“You are at risk with every fight you’re in. This isn’t even your first fight this month!” You reasoned as he let out a bitter chuckle. “Why did you fight with him, Mattheo? You won today’s game! So why are you so angry?” you questioned him as he stopped and turned to you.
His eyes were watery despite the angered look on his face, “I am angry because my girlfriend is entertaining other guys wanting to go on dates with her when she doesn’t even go with me,” he said as he stared down at you.
“Girlfriend?” You asked, a bit taken back and hurt by his words. You weren’t aware he had a girlfriend. “You never told me you had a girlfriend,” you said, backing away from him.
He blinked, eyebrows burrowed in confusion as he looked down at you. “you’re- you’re the girlfriend. You know that…right?”
You gave him a bewildered look, “me?” you questioned, just as confused as him.
“Yes. I wouldn’t- merlin, I wouldn’t cheat.” He groaned, bringing a hand up to his face, pinching the space between his eyebrows.
“You’ve never asked me to be your girlfriend,” you said, trying to remember if there was a time that he forgot about.
“You have been the only girl I’ve seen for the past month,” he explained. “I thought, I thought when you kept coming back that it meant you were mine.” He said as you shook your head.
“I just thought it was a mutual understanding,”
“An understanding?”
“You know, like, friends with benefits. You never said otherwise. We’ve never been on dates! Even Cormac at least wanted to go on a date,” you said, Mattheo’s face twitching at the mention of another.
“I was going to take you for our anniversary,”
“What anniversary Mattheo? We are not dating!” You explained as he frowned, turning away from you now.
“We aren’t dating,” he said, nodding as he continued to his dorm. “You can have your date at the infirmary with McLaggen then,” he huffed out.
“Mattheo! Mattheo!” You called out, following behind him. You reached for his arm before he quickly shook your hand off.
“Mattheo, I don’t understand,”
The dark haired boy turned around, getting close to your face now. “You seek me out just for fun, come to my dorm nearly every night that you aren’t studying and you think I did not develop feelings for you? On the nights we don’t spend in my dorm, I spend all night in the astronomy tower, in the common room, at the Black Lake, anywhere you want to go for the night. I’ve shared with you about my father and his expectations and you’ve told me about your life and interests and how school was before your transfer and you just think I see you as some girl I only use for sex?” He asked, looking deep into your eyes, his own angered and burning with tears.
“You think I would risk losing my spot on the team over some girl I don’t care about?”
A lump formed in your throat, tears filling your eyes as you stared into his. “Mattheo..” you croaked out, your voice barely above a whisper.
“You haven’t known me for long but I never thought you would take me for someone like that,” He said as he scoffed, almost turned around before you reached for his arm, looking up to him.
“I never, I just thought… I- I don’t know what I thought,” you said slowly.
His face softened, looking away from you for a moment.
“I’m sorry, Mattheo. I just figured, maybe you didn’t want a girlfriend, or that… I don’t know. I truly thought you just wanted to be friends with benefits,” you admitted to him as he nodded.
“I never asked because I was afraid you’d reject me,” he said softly, looking down. “You’re smart and sweet, I thought once you knew about my family, my father…you’d run away,”
“You are not your father,” you said as you looked up at him. “I wouldn’t have said no,” you hummed, catching his attention.
“I wouldn’t have a potions partner if I did,” you teased as he chuckled.
“You really needed to study tonight,” he mumbled before he moved your hand from his hand, lacing his fingers between yours. “I’m sorry for making assumptions,”
“I’m sorry for never asking how you felt,” you said in return, making him shake his head.
“Well….since we’re already here…I do know a way we can make it up to each other,” he said with a smirk, you rolled your eyes.
“You just told me I needed to study,” you said as he grinned, “you do, you still can. I can quiz you,” he said as he leaned in closer.
“You also need to study,” you reminded him as he chuckled. “You’ve been hanging with Granger too much,” he teased as he walked with you, opening the door to his room. “We can study tonight, but tomorrow if you pass, I know a special reward I can give you,” he said as he kissed your neck.
“A reward for me? Sounds like it’s a reward for you,” you mused as he gently bit your neck.
“Are you saying I don’t treat you well? I’ll have to remind you,” he hummed against your skin, making you shiver.
“Down boy, time to study,” you said as you walked over to his desk. He smirked, looking at you before grabbing his books and placing them in front of you. “Go ahead, study,” he hummed sinking onto his knees in front of you. “I’ll be enjoying myself, perks of the top potions student,” he grinned.
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xmalfoyweasleyx · 2 days
Jealousy, jealousy - Azriel x reader
Summary: The whole inner circle is tired of you and Azriel flirting with each other, without acting on it. So Rhys decided to help his sister and Azriel with that, by planning a special birthday party for her. Based on this request.
Warnings: Smut! 18+! Az is jealous (but it's fluff)
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Azriel couldn’t stop watching you. Again.
You were sitting on the couch in front of him at the townhouse, silently watching your brother, Rhys, talk. Azriel loved watching you, your shy, yet clever eyes were always so observant. On top of that, you looked beautiful tonight. You wore a dress that looked like it was made of starlight and your pretty lips were painted in a color that made-
“You’re daydreaming again, Az,” Rhys interrupted his thoughts, making Az’s eyes quickly avert his gaze from y/n, to her brother sitting next to her.
“Probably dreaming about his undying love for Truth-Teller,” y/n smiled. The shy, yet flirty smile that always made Az go week in the knees.
Before he could even try to suppress it, a wave of warmth filled Az’s cheeks, exposing his adoration. You were the only person who could make him blush like that. It has been this way since the first day he’d met you, when you were teenagers, which is already centuries ago. Rhys only introduced his sister years after he’d met Azriel and Cassian. She was still young, but so was he. It wasn’t hard to fall in love with her. The way she was hiding behind her brother, shy, yet curious, peeking behind his shoulder at the two Illyrians standing in front of her. Suddenly a smile was on her curious face, and the first thing you’d said was: “Are those shadows yours? They’re very beautiful.”
Since that moment, Az was a goner. He never acted on it though. Too scared, too insecure and too worried he would ruin your friendship. It had been the same for years. The flirting, the teasing. But never more than that. 
Until a few months ago. When the bond snapped.
In that moment, Azriel couldn’t be any happier. It all made sense now. But then he realized, it didn’t snap for you. You didn’t seem to know. And it happened all over again, he was scared. What if you didn’t want him as your mate? What if it would freak you out? And what if Rhys would hate him for it?
“You’re still staring at me, Azzie” he heard y/n’s soft voice, yet again interrupting his thoughts. He looked confused for a moment, as if finally realizing where he was. “Oh yes, I'm sorry, you do look beautiful tonight y/n, you can’t blame me,” he smiled nonchalantly. It was always like this, the flirting and the compliments. It was normal.
“You look great too Az,” you returned the smile. Another wave of warmth heated his face. He quickly tried to hide the flushed cheeks, when fortunately, Cassian guided the attention to him. “So, what are we going to do for your birthday tomorrow y/n?” Cas asked. 
“Oh, I don’t know, I guess we could go out or something? Nothing special, just like we always do,” you answered.
Rhys clicked his tongue at that. “Nothing special? My dear sister, I think you don’t know me that well then. We have the perfect surprise for you.” That was something new. “Do we?” Az asked confused. “Well, now I’m curious,” Feyre smiled.
What Az didn’t know is that the whole inner circle knew about his “secret” feelings for you, only Az and y/n were oblivious. Honestly, his friends didn’t know how the observant shadowsinger didn’t notice how obvious it was. He always gets shy and smiled with y/n. It was a mystery how he didn’t realize the fact he had a lovesick look all over his face when he’s watching her. So Rhys, the good brother he is, decided to come up with a plan. The easy strategies didn’t work, so he decided to use the one thing Az couldn’t hide, jealousy.
When it was finally the evening of your birthday, it turned out Rhys’ surprise, indeed, was special. Your brother had decided to take you all to some dance show’ but it wasn’t some normal dance show, you realized when you saw the poster hanging on the door of the club. It were only male dancers. Male dancers with not so many clothes, it seemed. “Now I’m really curious brother” you sighed. “You’ll love it.”
Your brother was right, it was so much fun. You ate and drank with the inner circle, watching the show from your shared table. They even got you a cake with fireworks. But that wasn’t the only surprise.
You were all cheering when one of the dancers came to you. He was muscled and had beautiful, curly blonde hair. Before you could process what was happening, he grabbed your hand and pulled you on the stage with him. The male put you on a chair in the middle of the stage and started moving around you, your face flushed immediately.
He smirked at you, showing off his impressive moves. You couldn’t help but smile at him. It was fun to let go for a moment and enjoy the silliness of it all. The whole inner circle was cheering for you.
Az on the other hand, didn’t like it that much. He balled his hands into fists, when he saw the way the male grabbed your hand and guided you to the stage. He gritted his teeth, the way you blushed, the way he was moving around you and even touched you… And then you smiled at that male.
Az had to muster every ounce of self-control. He did all he could to not just get up on that stage, and bring you back to their table. He wanted to be the one to touch you like that. He wanted to be the one to make you smile. 
Even after the show was over and you were brought back to your original spot, Az couldn’t shake off the jealous feeling. His whole body was still tense and he had a dark look on his face.
“Something the matter, Azriel?” Rhys smirked teasingly, grabbing his friend's shoulder, knowing damn well why he was acting like this. “No.” Azriel answered shortly, taking another big sip from his drink.
Y/n was so tired when she arrived at her bedroom. She sat on her bed, taking her shoes off with a relieved sigh, ready to go to sleep. But suddenly she heard someone knock on the door. It was Azriel.
“Hey Az, what are you doing here?” 
“Just wanted to say goodnight after such a… special… birthday evening,” he grinned.
“Yeah it was… something,” you giggle. You sat next to each other on the bed in silence for a moment.
“Did you think he was hot?” Az blurted out. “Who?” you asked confused. “That guy, the one who danced for you,” he grumbled. “Oh, I-I don’t know, he was fine,” you faltered. 
Az didn’t answer. “Are you okay Azzie? You seem tense.” You rubbed his shoulder gently, trying to comfort him.
“I didn’t like it” he stated. Y/n was confused. “W-were you… were you jealous?” Az only sighed, looking down.
“It was just, he was… he shouldn’t touch you like that” he tried to explain without making his jealousy too obvious. You were disappointed for a moment, he probably just didn’t like it because he saw you as his little sister, you thought. Because he wanted to protect you. “I’m sorry Az,” you silently said. “No, no, don’t apologize y/n, it’s my fault, I’m acting stupid.”
“I get that you feel like this, you see me as a... sister, you feel protective over me or something, I get it Az,” you sighed. Azriel looked up, his hazel eyes carefully watching you. He frowned, “Do you really think that’s how I feel about you?” It’s silent for a moment. “I was jealous y/n, very jealous” he finally confessed.
“Y-you were?” you stroked his cheek softly, fingertips tracing the freckles down his neck. Azriel nodded, you looked in each others eyes for a long moment. His pupils dilated, a hungry look on his face. Then the room suddenly filled with the smell of your arousal. “You want to… you want to show me what you look like without that shirt then?” you hesitated. “Yeah? You want that?” he smirked. “Yes” you answered breathlessly. 
Az slowly took his shirt off, your eyes tracing the lines of his muscles hungrily. “Much better than that male,” you sighed. “C’mere” he groaned, surprising you by grabbing your hips and lifting your body on top of him in one move. You were straddling him now, arms tightly wrapped around his neck.
And then his lips were on yours, hungrily moving against each other. He grabbed your ass, squeezing it gently. A gasp left your mouth, “Azzie, Az please.” You started moving against him, pressed so close to each other, yet it wasn’t enough. 
“What do you want, baby?” he whispered against your lips. “I want you.”
“And what exactly do you want from me? Tell me y/n,” he groaned.
“Your cock, I want to feel you in me, Azriel, please” you begged.
“So pretty when you beg like that, darling. But not so fast.” He wrapped his arms tightly around your back and turned you around. You’re back now against the bed, with Azriel’s body hovering above you. His wings were spread wide and his shadows were moving around you. Silently asking their master for permission to touch you too.
They helped him with getting you out of your birthday dress, the soft tendrils caressed your skin so deliciously. The shadows danced around your whole body, touching you almost everywhere. You felt a familiar heat growing in lower stomach.
The male above you spread your legs wider, placing soft kisses closer and closer to where you wanted him most.
You grabbed his dark locks in your hand, eagerly trying to guide him to your pussy. “Patience, baby, patience,” he calmly said.
His hands traveled up your body, gently grabbing your breasts, his palm stroking your nipple. “So pretty for me,” he cooed. 
And then he finally pressed his soft lips against your pussy, a load moan left your mouth. He started to lick like a starved male. His lips softly wrapping around your clit, sucking messily. He then wrapped your legs around his head, locking in his face in between them. He groaned into your cunt, “Azzie, yes, feels so good”.
Then you noticed that he was grinding against the mattress, trying to find some relief too. He was already so turned on, just from the taste of your pussy. “I want you to feel good too,” you whined. Azriel replaced his tongue with his fingers, the scarred skin softly rubbing your clit, “Oh I already feel amazing, baby, don't worry.”
You gasped when you felt his finger enter your pussy, stroking the soft walls. Your breathing grew louder. “Yeah, you like that?” He chuckled. 
It felt amazing, but you wanted him in you, you wanted him pussy drunk, feral for you. So you could only do one thing, touch his wings. 
You gently stroked the less sensitive part on the outside of his wing, testing the waters. He groaned, “Oh baby, you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.”
You decided to stroke a more sensitive part, making him grab your thighs harshly. Az sat up. “Come here, you dirty little girl,” he said huskily. “Do you want me to fuck you y/n? Is that what you want, huh?”
“Yes, please, yes” you whined.
“How could I deny that pretty face? My beautiful little girl,” he cooed, leaning in closer to press his lips against yours again. You helped him pull his pants down, his impressive length sprang free. You gulped. He was long.
"Don’t worry, if you want to stop we’ll stop” he murmured into the crook of your neck, kissing the skin gently. “No, no! I can handle it,” you claimed, your hand wrapping around him, eager to feel the soft skin in your hands. He groaned into your ear, “Shit, you have no idea how turned on I am right now.” You giggled, rubbing the tip of his cock against your clit, already soaking wet.
“Are you sure?” he whispered. “Yes, I’m sure Az, want to feel you” 
He slowly entered you, sucking your nipples as a distraction for the pain. But it was a good kind of pain, you wanted more. So you grabbed his ass, trying to push him deeper into you. "Don't... don't be scared, it feels good," you said in between heavy breaths.
“Needy little girl” he grinned. His rhythm picked up and his thrusts started to get harder. His hips slamming against yours
“You feel so good, this pussy is mine isn’t it? Only mine” he whimpered into your ear. “Yes, Az, my pussy is yours. I'm yours,” you moaned. Az started to fuck you harder, “Say it again” he demanded.
 “I’m yours, only yours Azriel” 
“That’s right, good girl,” he moaned, putting one of your legs over his shoulder. The new angle made you gasp. Your places your hands against his chest, your nails softly stroking down his abs.
Azriel was mesmerized, his eyes fixated on your swollen lips, the lips he couldn't believe he just kissed, and the way your tits bounced because of the force of his thrusts.
He looked so handsome like this. His messy hair falling over his face, his eyes half-lidded, the blush on his cheeks and the heavy breaths that left his mouth.
“I’m already so close Azzie,” you whined. "Already?” He teased. You nodded. “I want you to come with me,” you pleaded, one of your hands lifting up again to stroke the inside of his wing. Az moaned at the feeling, the arm that held him up collapsed beneath him, his body softly falling against yours.
His chest was now pressed against you, the position was so intimate. His thrusts started to get sloppy. “Baby, baby…” he whined softly in your ear. Both drunk on the feeling of each other.
His fingers circled your clit, making you moan his name like a prayer, over and over. The familiar feeling coiled in your lower belly, finally snapping when he nibbled on your earlobe. High-pitched moans filled the room, your orgasm washing over you like a big wave. Azriel moaned with you, his brows knitted together.
“Where do you want me? On your tits? On your pussy? In your pretty mouth?”
“In me, I want you in me Az, please,” you whined, craving to feel more of him, to be claimed by him. You wanted to be his the way no one ever was before. Az groaned in answer, heavy breaths tumbling out of his mouth. You felt him release inside your pussy, moaning your name against your cheek, riding out his high slowly. 
Azriel fell next to you with a loud sigh. His arms tightly wrapped around you. He placed a soft kiss against your neck and stroked your inner arm. “You don’t know how long I’ve been dreaming about this.” he confessed. “Me too” you answered. You should probably talk about this, but for now, you just wanted to sleep. Comfortably in Azriel’s warm arms.
The next morning, y/n was watching Azriel sleep next to her. Her hand stroked his naked chest while her other hand played with his soft dark hair. He looked like an angel, laying there, so peaceful. 
And suddenly, she felt a tug in her chest. A thread, a feeling like no other. Y/n gasped, making Az’s eyes open slowly. “Good morning” he whispered with a smile. Y/n only stared at him.
She couldn’t believe it. He was her mate. Her mate.
“Y-you’re my mate” she whispered. Az sat up immediately, grabbing her cheek gently. “It snapped? It finally snapped for you too?” He whispered, his eyes getting teary. “You knew?” 
“I’ve known for a few months now, but before last night, I didn’t think you’d want me” he murmured. “Oh Az, of course I want you, I’ve loved you since we were teenagers and met in Windhaven, I’ve loved you since I noticed the beautiful, smart and compassionate male hidden behind those shadows,” you smiled. “I love you” he smiled, kissing you softly.
An hour later you went downstairs together. The rest of the Inner Circle was already in the living room, doing each their own thing.
Rhys’ eyes immediately went to your intertwined hands, an unreadable look on his face. “Rhys, before you say something, I want you to know I would never hurt your sister and I am-“ Az quickly tried to explain. But Rhys interrupted him with a voluminous laugh.
“Finally!” He smiled, getting up to face you both. “I’ve been trying to get you together for the last year, but you both were so oblivious” he teasingly rolled his eyes and opened his arms, hugging you both. “Yeah honestly Az, it was about damn time” Cassian smirked.
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felixknow · 2 days
Hannie's 🍒 fixation
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Han/f!reader, friends who do something sexual...by accident...? nah, Han is a boob guy and wants to put his mouth to good use
ADULTS ONLY, MDNI, I don't want teenagers reading my NSFW posts
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Since meeting Han, your friendship has been touchy-feely.
Maybe it’s because you’re both introverts who like quality time rather than chatting. Maybe it’s because your love languages are both physical touch.
Either way, a night in at your place watching anime is completely normal. Laying side by side in your bed, both scrolling on your phones, not even paying attention to the plot of the show you’ve both seen a dozen times.
No one has spoken in, like, an hour but it’s honestly so nice you don’t even care.
Han giggles and lays his phone against his chest, covering his bare face as it turns red.
“What’s so funny?” you ask, nudging him.
“Ahhhh, I need this,” he says, turning his phone toward you. It’s a picture of a blonde girl wearing a crop top that reads "Had a bad day? You can play with my boobs."
"This would make literally everything better," he chuckles, looking at you expectantly-- in his head he’s waiting for a giggle or a funny reaction, not for what you actually say.
"Good thing I have a perfectly good pair of tits right here," you blurt without thinking.
"Really?!" he asks excitedly, dropping his phone as he rotates toward you, now laying on his side facing you instead of on his back. His eyes are so bright and excited, and his hand is already sliding up your torso-- how could you say no?
"Yeah," you say softly, shrugging. "I don't mind. We're friends,” you add on, becoming less sure as you talk. “I trust you."
"This is the best day of my life," he says as one of his hands cups one of your breasts and squeezes gently. "Oh-- is this your nipple?" he asks, walking his fingers back a couple of inches until two press down over your half-hard bud.
"Yes," you confirm, laughing softly. Your face warms up, all the way down your chest. You hope he doesn’t notice given that his eyes are so entranced on your chest.
"It's so cute," he coos, pressing your shirt down flat so your nipple pokes against it. Before you can formulate a thought, he's reaching over to your other boob, squeezing and feeling carefully until he finds your other nipple. It perks up in interest as he touches it, and your breath hitches in your throat when he starts very purposefully flicking his finger back and forth, trying to perk it up. 
"Aw, come on," he mumbles to himself. "It was hard and then it got soft again."
Probably because I'm starting to get flustered and trying to be calm, you think but don't tell him.
He pinches your sensitive bud between his fingers and rolls harshly, sending a very intense and quick shock through you. You bite your lip to stop a noise from escaping. Your heart rate is increasing and your skin is becoming much more sensitive to his touch. And he smells so good…
I'm so pathetic. He's barely been touching me a minute and it's making me horny.
"Ahh, there we go," he says happily now that your nipple is distinct through your t-shirt. You watch as a thought crosses his mind, making his eyebrows furrow slightly as his bottom lip pouts. 
Then he leans down, swiftly sucking your nipple through your shirt.
"Ahhhh," you moan, finally unable to hold it in. You grab fistfuls of your blankets in an effort to keep your hands to yourself. Somehow touching him, even just playing with his hair, would make this far more real than it already is.
"I was wondering when you'd make noise," he says, looking up at you with the most innocent eyes. Then he goes back, sucking you through your shirt while he gets his other hand up and onto your other tit as he turns and half lays on you, working his way until his legs and hips are between your thighs.
He kneads and squishes one boob while sucking the other nipple. Half of this is what you expected him to do-- maybe touch and hold your boobs for a minute or so and then laugh it off. You didn’t expect this. Not him soaking a wet patch through the front of your shirt.
Not one of his hands sneaking under your blanket to find the bottom hem.
Not him yanking your shirt up to your collarbones, breathing a soft "wow" while his sparkly eyes take in the sight of your naked chest.
"Hannie," you say with an unsure tone, but he either doesn't hear you or ignores it. Instead he leans in once more and kisses your nipple. He drags his soft lips against your bare skin and breathes in the smell of you. You're so warm against his cheek and he feels completely lost in the selfish pleasure of playing with you.
“Does it feel good?” he asks, twisting both of your nipples between his fingers. He pouts as he waits for your response, clearly wanting you to say yes.
You nod shyly and pull the collar of your shirt up to hide the bottom part of your face.
He beams up at you, then laughs and pulls your shirt back down.
“Hey, don’t hide from me. I want to see you.” He licks a circle around your burningly sensitive nipple. “And hear you,” he adds, sucking your nipple into his mouth.
You moan softly, cautiously reaching one hand up to rest on his back. He hums and flicks his tongue then releases your nipple with a pop.
“This really is the best,” he says, giving your other nipple equal treatment. He once again lets go with a dramatic pop.
“This is my favorite thing we’ve ever done.”
He switches back again but goes faster, sucks harder, making himself out of breath as he ravenously indulges in your chest.
“Fuck, your tits are so hot, baby.”
“Mmm,” you whine softly, turning your head away and covering your face slightly.
“Hey, I said don’t hide. What, you don’t think your tits are hot or something?”
“They’re not. They’re big but they sag. It’s embarrassing.”
“It’s fucking hot,” he insists, crawling a little higher so he can see you better. You can’t help but to gasp when you feel his hard-on slide against your crotch. “Do you know how many guys like big tits? I don’t care if they’re hanging down to your fucking stomach.” He smirks. “They’re easier to get in my mouth that way.”
“Oh my god, Hannie,” you laugh, playfully pushing on his cheek to move his head away from you.
“I’m so serious,” he says, though he laughs. “I can’t believe you’re letting me play with them. I’m on cloud nine.”
“I can kind of tell,” you say softly, shifting just enough so he feels the movement against his crotch and knows you’ve noticed his boner.
“Oh yeah,” he says, face blushing even deeper than yours. “You know what would be even better than playing with your tits?”
“Eating you out.”
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masterlist | Click here for part 2
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saistappen · 2 days
First vacation together | MV1
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In which Max and you spend your first vacation together
THE FIRST vacation together should be the one you remember forever.
The one you look back on with a smile and start to feel the butterflies coming up.
The vacation that you take loads of cheesy pictures of and stick them in a photo album to look back on years later.
Max and your first vacation together took you to St Tropez. Not too far from Monaco, your short vacation together should provide a few relaxing days, as Max is still in the middle of the Formula 1 season.
The Dutchman wants to spend the week's break he has before the Spanish Grand Prix with you on the beach, lying lazily on a lounger together and looking out over the water.
It should be the perfect getaway, where it's just the two of you and Max can spend a few days with his girlfriend to recharge his batteries for the next weekend.
"Are you ready for the beach? " Smiling, you lean your back against the wooden door frame and watch your friend apply the last of the sun cream to his skin.
Since the Dutchman, unlike you, has really pale skin, you've literally forced him to slather himself with sun cream so that he doesn't look like a crab at the end of the day.
" I just have to pack my towel. "
Max rubs the last of the white sticky cream on his arm before washing his hands.
"Nope, I've already done that, " you reply with a grin and pick up the light blue beach bag to show him once again that you've already thought of everything.
"You're in a hurry to get to the beach, huh? " he adds as he turns around and walks towards you. He stops in front of you and presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
"Oh, yes. But I don't think you can blame me, can you? After all, I only have a few intense days with my boyfriend where he's just mine until I have to share him again. "
The smile that creeps onto your lips only remains firm with difficulty. Because it's anything but easy to see your boyfriend so rarely.
Of course, you had already realized during your dating days that it wouldn't be easy to date a racing driver who flew around the world more than he was at home.
On the odd weekend, you were there live from time to time to support him on site. But your job as a florist didn't always allow for this, as you had to work every now and then, even at the weekend, when Max was sitting in his car and literally flying around the track.
But the rest of the days when you sleep alone in your bed in the apartment in Monaco, you miss your boyfriend especially.
Waking up or having breakfast together only comes into question on days off or during the summer and winter break, as well as a few other things that are standard for other couples.
But you enjoy these things, which are normal for other couples, even more intensely. And even the anticipation of embracing his partner again is twice as great.
" I can't blame you, no. Because I feel the same way," smiles the Dutchman, taking the beach bag from you and casually swinging it over his shoulder, his free right hand reaching for yours to intertwine your fingers.
And so you leave the bungalow hand in hand, which has a small pool and you can see the sea from afar, so you only have to walk twenty meters through the white sand to reach the beach.
If someone were to ask you what paradise is for you, you would probably answer 'This'.
While the waves crash softly in the background and every now and then a small wave gently laps against the shore, you make yourself comfortable on one of the deckchairs.
Your hands keep running through the thick hair of the Dutchman, who has laid his head in your lap and is dozing lightly.
You can still see the odd drop of water on his bare chest that the sun hasn't yet managed to dry.
After your short swim in the cool water - where you've frolicked more than anything else - you've been drawn back to the sun lounger, where you're now enjoying each other's company in the shade.
The beach is quite crowded, so the sound of children's laughter or the babble of voices carries over to you, but it doesn't bother you in the slightest.
"Hmm, this is so great," Max mumbles with his eyes closed in pleasure as your hand runs through his hair again and again.
The sun's rays have caused countless blonde strands to form in Max's hair, making it partially shiny in the sun.
His bare skin has also become a little more colorful, so you're sure he'll notice the difference in the next few days.
"I think so, but don't you dare fall asleep," you smile as your hand begins to run through his hair a little more slowly.
Some of the brunette strands are already sticking up on his head and you are sure that Max's hair will be a complete mess when you take your hand out of it.
"I won't, I promise," he yawns as he crosses his arms in front of his chest and pulls his legs a little closer to curl up slightly.
As he lies there, he has almost assumed an embryo position, which looks really cute, so you have to stifle a quiet 'Aww'.
As your left hand continues to run through his hair and Max's eyes remain closed, you take the opportunity to reach for your cell phone and take a photo of him.
However, you forget that you haven't set your phone to silent and as you take a photo, your phone starts to betray you, causing the Dutchman to open his eyes and lift his head so that your hand slips out of his hair.
"Did you take a photo of me? " he asks with mock indignation as he slowly sits up and looks at you.
A soft giggle leaves your lips. Max's hair is sticking out wildly from his head in all directions, so you can't really take your friend seriously.
"What's so funny? " he adds with a furrowed brow. "Are you trying to distract from the topic? "
"No, but your hair...". you continue to giggle and open the selfie camera on your phone to show him his hair.
But before you can hold the phone in front of him, Max has already taken your phone from you with the words "Wait a minute" and thrown it carelessly onto the couch next to you.
Before you can react, Max jumps up from the lounger and shortly afterwards he has already thrown you over his shoulder, eliciting a not-so-quiet and startled shriek from you.
"Max what - ", you start, but are interrupted as the Dutchman begins to run zigzag through the sand with the words " Ah! Hot ", which elicits another giggle from you.
But when Max starts to run through the water instead of the sand a few meters later, the giggles literally get stuck in your throat because you know exactly what he's up to.
"Noooo! Max stop! " You literally shriek as you start to prick his back with your fingers in the hope that the Dutchman will stop.
But that doesn't seem to do any good, as Max runs deeper and deeper into the water, so that a short time later his hips are covered in water and you put your hands up in the air so that they don't get touched by the cool water.
"Put me down ", you whine sulkily as Max stops.
"Are you sure? ", he raked.
You nod. "Yes."
But that was a mistake. Max's arms loosen around your body and shortly afterwards you sink into the cool water so that your whole body is enveloped by the water and you suddenly feel weightless as your body sinks slightly.
Underwater, you open your eyes in shock for a few seconds and start to flail your arms in panic until you realize that you can swim.
As your feet touch the bottom, you push off slightly in the sand and start to row with your arms to get back to the surface, where your friend is standing there grinning and just looking at you.
"You'll get that back, Verstappen! " you growl slightly, but start to grin shortly afterwards as Max begins to run through the water - which doesn't turn out to be all that easy - so that he starts to swim shortly afterwards.
You quickly start moving too and use all your strength to swim a little faster to reach your friend.
However, a gap quickly forms between you, as Max is a lot faster than you. But that's no reason for you to give up.
" What's the matter? Are you giving up yet? " Max calls to you with a grin as he floats in the water and turns his head back over his shoulder.
This is clearly a mistake, because you use this moment to gather the last of your strength and swim over to him.
A few meters in front of him, you dive underwater and shortly afterwards pull on the Dutchman's feet so that he goes under too.
Laughing, you surface and swim over to the shore to escape from Max.
But once again you misjudge yourself, as the Dutchman has already surfaced again and his strong arms wrap around your hips shortly afterwards and pull you close to him.
"You think you can just run away, don't you? " he breathes into your ear, causing goose bumps to spread over your body.
" It.., it was worth a try," you stammer, slightly flustered, as Max begins to place feather-light kisses on your shoulder.
"I'm freaking you out, huh? " he breathes between the countless kisses that he spreads on your shoulder and slowly kisses his way up to your neck.
Unable to say anything, you just start nodding.
"Say it, " he breathes.
"Y-you're upsetting me. " The words leave your mouth in a stammer as you spin around and look into Max's blue eyes, which slowly begin to fill with lust.
A smile forms on his full lips as his hands move up to your hips, where they find their place and he pulls you a little closer to him, so that you wrap your legs around his hips and clearly begin to feel that this doesn't exactly leave him cold either.
"That was my goal, " he breathes against your lips before he places his lips on yours and begins to kiss you intensely.
During the kiss, which tastes like a hint of seawater and lust, your heart begins to leap in his chest.
Your hands move up into his wet hair, where they intertwine and your body presses a little closer to the Dutchman's, causing him to let out a small gasp.
"You're driving me so crazy," he mumbles against your lips as he pulls away from you slightly. " We should go back to the bungalow and continue there. "
"That's a good idea, " you breathe against his lips as you feel Max slowly fight his way through the waves to the shore and carry you over to the bungalow, almost running.
And neither of you care that your towels and a few of your valuables are still lying on the loungers.
As Max carries you over to the balcony door of the bungalow, your lips begin to spread light kisses on the soft skin of his neck, causing the Dutchman to gasp softly.
With his foot, he deftly opens the balcony door that you had left ajar and shortly afterwards pushes it shut again behind him, so that it closes with a slight thud.
But neither of you pays much attention to the sound.
Shortly afterwards, you find yourself on the bed, Max bent over you as he begins to spread countless kisses over your half-naked body.
And so you give yourself completely to your boyfriend to take your relationship one step further for the first time.
Exhausted and out of breath, you snuggle into Max's arms, which he wraps around you and pulls you as close to him as possible.
You carefully rest your head on his chest so that you can clearly hear his heart beating a little faster.
"That was..." Max starts the sentence out of breath.
"Unbelievable," you finish the sentence with a grin as you bury the tip of your nose in Max's chest, which smells of sweat, salt water and Max.
You couldn't have imagined your first time with Max any better. Because today was really perfect and much better than you had imagined.
"Just as incredible as you," the Dutchman breathes as he rests his head on yours and your eyes start to flutter sleepily.
But before you can say anything back, your eyes close and you fall into a happy but dreamless sleep.
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wroteclassicaly · 1 day
Warnings: Language, past trauma, mentions wounds, ptsd, anxiety, panic, fluff, mentions hurt/comfort, and smut. Plus sized reader. NSFW!
A/N: I missed Eddie. I’m feeling quite down on my body type, so I kind of wrote this with my own body size in mind ❤️
Eddie Munson always said he didn’t care. Didn’t want to be a boyfriend. Wasn’t pissed off if girls didn’t cling onto him after their brief time together (usually late nights, quiet places). If they don’t want the freak, why would the freaky freak want them? Fuck love, it’s just a facade.
At least, that’s what he used to say until he met you in the Spring of 86. You were involved in Henderson’s little banded family unit, constantly being talked about even before Eddie saw you. He was a bit perturbed already. If you were close to Wheeler and Harrington, you were probably a snob. Quite the contrary, as Eddie remembers clearly, watching you quiet from the sidelines as he’d been told monsters were real, but not cool dragons or slayers — just a teenage girl with mind powers.
Gentle, but rough. You dove in before Wheeler to save Harrington, you jumped back into that disgusting hole in the floor to try and help wake Nancy up, and when it came down to battle? You wore your outfit without fear, and silently had reached for Eddie’s hand on the way to everyone’s stations, squeezing. He’d seen that face before, your vacant expression, a false smile you attempted when you were not in thought. You weren’t okay, but you had been trying to make it that way for everyone else.
And it wasn’t, not for a long time. Not after you lost, he died, Carver died, and Mayfield went into a coma. A fight occurred in Hawkins before he was brought back, one that Eddie still sees in your eyes when the sun goes down and it’s quiet in the trailer, sans the beeping of the smoke alarm. Sometimes you just bring him impossibly closer, that he isn’t sure whose body heat is causing him to perspire. And others, you wake up in his arms, pulling him on top, clinging to his neck, your lips panting pleas into his mouth that ask for help.
Mutual scars, tragedy, blame, regrets, trauma, you helping his recovery, his process, even when he wasn’t so nice, that he wished he’d stayed gone. It’s all there, things that he feels safe only sharing with you. His marked body, one he is comfortable letting only you feel, see. He isn’t sure when it happened, really. But he knows now, especially looking at you beside him, your necklaces hanging around your neck, their charms dangling between your breasts, one leg propped, the other flat, lying open, evidence of the previous half hour shining between your thighs, and he’s propped on his palm, blowing out the last of his cigarette smoke, stubbing out the end.
You’re reading a piece of his work in progress fantasy novel, one based off of things that have happened. You’re lost in his vivid descriptions, captivated by his words, led by the hand that holds his pen. And his enriching, dark eyes, they caving into blown pupils, his ring clad finger trailing down your shoulder, following the curvature into your elbow’s inside. You’re already smiling by the time that he reaches your neck, sucking the flesh into his mouth, trailing wet kisses over your jugular. His arm elongates, easing his creation from your grip to throw aside.
You pretend to huff, and he catches your mouth in a kiss. It’s sloppy, tastes of smoke, but it’s precise, it’s familiar, it’s Eddie. Your fingers slide through his curls, freshly washed, yet frizzed from previous humidity. You tug on his blood stained pick, and he knows your implications, follows your soft look. He has to tilt your chin, shaking his head. “Remember that I’m right here, sweetheart. All of me but one nipple.”
He treasures you by bestowing that trademark Munson smirk, making your brief panic ebb away to pleasure. And you cave you into him, permitting his fingers to slide against your cunt, cupping. It’s a whine in his mouth that gets him to slide an ankle beneath yours, pulling you open for more availability. You could have anyone, you could’ve had something going on with Steve. But it’s Eddie you go to bed with every night, it’s he that you spend hours talking to on the phone when you’re not together, it’s him who holds you when you have a nightmare, and it’s Eddie Munson that you’ve already given your heart to, unbeknownst to him.
He’s falling into your grip, trying to situate himself, amused as he asks. “Already? Can you take it —“
And he goes head over ass, world Olympics type shit when you manage to maneuver him onto his back, unafraid, sat on top him in all over your glory. Your curves overflow, breasts sitting heavy, begging to be touched. You reach behind you, taking him in your hand. He’s nodding like an eager ass, little nerdy beaver. He could giggle right now. Your pupils are blown to the brim of your irises, a look of lavish possessiveness sweeping across him, and holy fuck does he feel sexy.
He doesn’t have to verbalize his consent, his brazen ‘take me now’ appears in the form of his hands reaching for your tits. You groan upon him getting a handful (and Christ, they still won’t fit). It’s a burning stretch, but you slide down his cock in moments, ones that Eddie holds his breath for, only able to gasp when you’re seated fully, sticky and spread around him.
He cares. He cares so much.
You grasp onto his wrists, clenching around him as he gives you two words, “Go, baby.” And then your hands are dropping to dig into his chest, thumbs beneath his chain, in newly grown out hair along his sternum, making scars feel like warrior wounds he’s proud to own.
You look at, leveling off his hands before they can drop from your breasts, pressing down so that he gets the message to grip tighter.
Fuck. He’s in love. He’s in love with you.
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so-that-was-okay · 3 days
Buck receives the call from Tommy's captain himself in the middle of the night, during his shift. He's Tommy's new emergency number, he's also been at the center of a recent discussion with Tommy's captain about it, after years of not having a real emergency number except his closest coworkers.
Buck arrives at the hospital, a little frantic, still in his uniform. He knows it's "not life threatening" but bad enough for Tommy to undergo emergency surgery. Captain Garcia meets him near the lobby, his left hand in a thick bandage, his arm in a sling.
"Firefighter Buckley? Evan Buckley? Captain Garcia. I wish we'd met under different circumstances."
"We were on a fire near the station, the structure collapsed, probably due to a weakness we couldn't see. A rebar went through his thigh, lots of bleeding, but he should be okay."
"I'm not a doctor, son, but I know when a man's dying. And he wasn't."
Captain Garcia is clear and to the point, and Buck appreciates it.
Waiting alone in the lobby of the hospital in the middle of the night wasn't on his plan for this shift. He could have called Maddie but it was 2 am when he got the call. He'll call her later.
Then a woman and two very sleepy young children sit not too far from him. While she settles the kids on the seats next to her, their head on her lap, her eyes land on Buck.
"You're Evan, right?" she asks in a low voice.
Buck is surprised, he doesn't know her, doesn't recognize her face.
"I'm Sophie, er, Dan's wife, Tommy's coworker. They were together when it happened. I know we never met but I've heard of you and Philip- Captain Garcia told me you were already here."
She looks at him with kind eyes behind her tired and worried expression.
"It's- It's nice to meet you, Sophie. I'm sorry, I- I don't-"
"It's alright, I know Tommy is a very private man." She sighs. "He and Dan have been working together for seven years now. Dan has always been the kind to easily befriend people but Tommy was quite the challenge when he was transferred at the station!"
Her smile is genuine. She's picking at her nails, her hands slightly shaking.
"Can I get you something warm to drink?" Buck proposes, already standing up. He needs to move, idly waiting has never been his thing.
"Oh, coffee? Thank you."
"No problem. Anything for them?" he looks at the sleeping children, realizing they're younger than he first thought.
"Water, for later maybe, I don't want to wake them up."
"Of course."
His smile feels stiff on his own face. He shouldn't be here, meeting the wife of Tommy's coworker on the cold plastic seats of the hospital. He should be with his team, sending bad jokes and flirty messages to Tommy who would indulge him.
When he comes back from the vending machine, Sophie is typing on her phone and doesn't see him.
"Here you go," he says softly, not wanting to startle her.
"Thank you." She tastes the coffee, makes a face and sighs. "At least you know the job," she says with a small smile.
"I guess I do. But..."
"I know. It's worse sometimes, because you know what really happens." She lowers her eyes on her coffee cup, swirling the dark liquid in it. Her loose braid slowly comes undone, letting strands frame her face. "Let's meet again around a meal, when our men are better, yes?"
Our men. Buck never thought about Tommy that way, as part of "our men". He nods.
"I'd love that. Thank you, Sophie."
He wonders if that's what if feels to be a "firefighter's wife", to be the partner of a first responder, meeting around unfortunate events and making plans for better days. Sophie shares stories about the station in hushed voice, telling Buck about the people there, the others wives and partners, the children, the parties and the solidarity. Of course, everything sounds very familiar to Buck, but it's like hearing stories from another family.
Then he hears Tommy's name being called and for a second, he feels dizzy. Sophie almost gets up with him then smiles at him. He realizes he didn't ask about Dan, but he'll make sure to stay in touch through Tommy.
The surgeon is in a hurry but takes a few minutes to explain what she did and what will happen next. Tommy will be fine, his leg will recover but the muscle has been badly damaged and it'll take him some time to go back to his daily routine. Even longer before being able to go back to work.
The room is quiet when he enters, safe for a regular and reassuring beep. Buck hesitates a second, seeing Tommy like that feels crushing, even if his sleeping face looks relaxed. His fingers slip into Tommy's hand before gently squeezing it. Feeling his warmth on his palm soothes his nerves.
"Hey, babe."
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perhaps maybe some bad guy moth crumbs? Mayhaps? Maybe?
ok ok o kok ok jokojokjfokdsjfokjokJLFKDSLKFJDSKF i love you anon, good question. This also ties in very well to all the fae thoughts I've been having.
Horror has the wings of a great big ragged peacock moth. They're large, heavy, and thick with fur. They drag behind him like a cape when he walks. With the way the mass of fur around his neck clumps and curls, it gives him the appearance of a lumbering bear - if he can fly, he seems to prefer not to, instead stalking the ground and picking off anything that can't get away from him.
His wings are very matted, very dirty. They have been for a long time. He... he would really, really like it if you brushed him. He doesn't mind how long it takes. It's been so long since someone touched him with care. Just... please brush him.
Dust resembles a muslin moth. Smooth, silky, grey. Too smooth - too untouched. The air around him smells strange, when you touch him its hard to tell what's the usual fine powder moths shed and what's something else. The rest of Nightmare's men have cuts and scrapes and imperfections in their wings, tears from battles they lost. Dust has no such imperfections. Almost like... he just doesn't lose. In some lights, when he raises his wings to attack, it's like the edges glow red and cyan. He is not the creature he purports to be.
You're curious about his wings? Cute. Why don't you come closer, have a better look? Why don't you stand close enough for him to see your lovely face. Then you both get something you want.
Whatever Killer was before, it's hard to tell now. His wings have been stained completely black, the only colours are the vivid red of two perfect eyespots, one on either wing. There's probably another moth pattern under all that black. Who knows.
Moth monsters often tend to shed a kind of fine powder, but it's hardly visible and pretty easy to ignore. Killer? His powder is dark, like soot, it clings to anything he frequently touches. Everyone around you can tell that Killer likes you, because his affection comes with great big black marks across your clothes and body. It's his way of declaring ownership. If he thinks someone is getting too cosy he sneaks up on you and hugs you to stain you for the rest of the day.
The exterior of Nightmare's wings looks like a pipevine swallowtail, with a lovely black fading into an equally lovely dark blue. Regal and elegant enough already. He keeps them folded around himself, as a makeshift cloak, and frequently decorates them with silver chains and precious gems.
The interior of his wings sports large, cyan eyespots. If he wants to, he can open his wings and flare the eyespots, causing a sudden rush of uncontrollable terror in whoever witnesses it. It's his decision how the fear affects the victim. He might want to make someone so scared they blab the truth. He might want someone to flee his presence because he's sick of them.
... Or... he might want to stop someone he's interested in from leaving.
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marvelstan0905 · 2 days
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"I really need someone"
Kenji Sato X [afab]reader (One Shot)
Best Friend AU
TW : Emi cameo/ screaming/ fainting/ swearing/ panicking/ fluffy/ slight angst/ petnames/ slight flirting/crude teasing/ mixed POV
The man had not been answering my calls and texts. I get it. He's busy..baseball and his own personal problems got him occupied but he was my best friend and he always..as in ALWAYS texted or notified me if he couldn't answer his phone. It had been days. Not even Mina was responding. I couldn't even get a chance to see him at his games because he left as quickly as he came. I decided to take things into my own hands.
I unlocked the door to Kenji's house and got inside. I thanked God he gave me the key and code to his house. I peeped inside his room and bathroom "Kenji?" I called out worried. I went to the kitchen and saw parenting books, spilled coffee and energy drink cans sprawled out on the table. I was confused however by the books.."What the?" I whispered with furrowed brows. My train of thought was stopped as I felt a rumble from downstairs.
I stopped moving and turned to the elevator that led to the basement. This was probably the only place Kenji didn't allow me to go in his house when I came over..but I mean..I am concerned for him. What if he's dead? Or hurt downstairs..I shook my head erasing any bad or irrational thoughts.
"Kenji..please forgive me" I whispered before getting into the elevator. As I pressed the button to the basement..I noticed that not even Mina had greeted at me at the door. Surely her systems couldn't be down. The elevator descended and I stepped out. I looked up and I was met with the most shocking sight..Ultraman holding a pink colored kaiju. Mina was off to the side playing some kid's cartoon. My mouth dropped and my eyes widened. That's when Ultraman noticed me and looked down at me.
"Oh my god! Y/N! W-What are you doing here? Mina!" Ultraman stammered quickly and put the kaiju baby into a containment unit. The kaiju didn't seem to fall asleep as she clawed at the walls of the unit. Ultraman's hand reached over and I screamed in ultimate terror. I stumbled to the elevator but didn't even manage a step as black spots clouded my vision and I passed out. Kenji was quick to transform back into his human self and caught his best friend.
"Kenji, it appears Y/N has entered the house" Mina reported. Kenji looked at Mina exasperated.
"No shit! Oh my god! Shit. How the hell am I gonna explain this?" Kenji murmured whiles gently patting his best friend's cheeks to wake her up.
"You could be honest because she's already seen Emi and Ultraman...in your basement" Mina responded whiles hovering over to Emi's containment unit and showing her games of Kenji's to keep her occupied. Kenji picked up his best friend and laid her on the couch. Kicking the drawer underneath his couch, Kenji grabbed a cool can of coconut water and pressed it against the cheek of his best friend. About 10 minutes passed before I fluttered my eyes open and groaned.
"Is this heaven?" I murmured as Kenji glanced down at me and sighed in relief. I blinked trying to adjust to the light.
"No, sweetcheeks..this hell." Kenji chuckled softly. I sighed and sat up rubbing my temples.
"Of course if you're here" I quipped. Kenji clicked his tongue and handed me a bottle of water. I looked around and my eyes widened when I saw a kaiju in a containment unit. I dropped the bottle"K-Kaiju.." I whispered fearfully as the memories from before I passed hit me like a freight train. Heavy and loaded.
"Calm down. Wait..let me explain okay? Just give me a few minutes" Kenji said softly whiles standing in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. His blue mauve eyes held desperation. I looked from him to the containment unit. I nodded. I took a good look at him, he had deep eye bags and he looked disheveled as if he hadn't slept in days. Kenji took a deep breath to calm his nerves before taking ahold of my hands.
"I am Ultraman. That Kaiju you saw over there is Emi. She's an infant kaiju. I found her when the KDF killed her mom, okay? I have to take care of her. I'm the only hope she has. This is why I haven't been answering my phone. I've been juggling alot. More than I can handle. I thought I could do it.."Kenji trailed off, rambling a little and a few tears fell down his cheeks. My eyes widened, I've never seen Kenji cry...let alone be deeply vulnerable like this. I put aside my shock as I gently squeezed his hands and wiped his cheeks softly. "I-I know it's alot to take in..I totally get it if you don't wanna be friends anymore...because you know this is alot"
I took a deep breath to properly take a second to process this. I gave Kenji a hug, considering he really needed one. "I'm not gonna leave. You might be an asshole but you're my asshole" I spoke softly. Kenji pinched me but hugged me tighter. "We..uh..still have alot to talk about but I'll help you out, dummy. You should've called me. You know..You're not an island"
"You know you're really mean when you're trying to console me but I appreciate it. T-Thank you..I promise I'll answer everything." Kenji murmured whiles hiding his head into my chest.
"You better, you owe a half dozen lunch dates. You're real shameless you know..those are my boobs" I whispered whiles hugging him and gently petting his head. Kenji pinched me again. I looked at the kaiju baby in the containment unit. Taking a good look at her..she seemed friendly and she was actually adorable.
"J-Just let me enjoy some peace" Kenji groaned "Thanks, sweetcheeks. It means alot though. I..I really need someone right now"
"I'll be your someone"
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myfairstarlight · 23 hours
Alright, let's talk about Colin's entrapment line and why Penelope offering an annulment was significant, shall we? Arguably the most controversial part of this season, isn't it?
I'm not going to delve too long on the entrapment line again actually, but to summarise, Colin has been traumatised by a similar situation before, and right now, he's hurt. And the thing about being angry with your best friend is that you know what to say to hurt them the most. We see it in Eloise's and Penelope's fight, as they threw each other's insecurities in the other's faces. Colin, two episodes ago, was defending Penelope against Portia, who was accusing her of entrapping him, so yes, his mind will jump to that first. But also note that the whole time he refuses to look at her, because he knows his words are cutting and will hurt and he knows his resolve would break if he looked at her, which is contrasted by Penelope directly looking at him to tell him she loves him and did not mean for this to happen like this. He does not look because he knows she loves him, this is not Marina's situation exactly who only wanted a way out and did not see him as much else than a means to an end, and that's why it's so much more difficult to deal with for him. Penelope loves him.
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And he's already almost lost her once, as angry and hurt as he is, he cannot fathom the idea of letting her go, when he remembers how empty he felt without her letters, or at the idea of her with Debling. So he's still here, determined to marry her.
So now we get to e8. The marriage was not technically consummated, and the Lady Whistledown business is finally settled. So Penelope offers the annulment, to set him, and his family, free from her mess.
They never directly address Colin's entrapment comment again, but with Penelope offering the annulment, it is now implied she's been thinking about this the whole time. It is a very real possibility that by that point, Penelope already knew she was pregnant, and it's been speculated if she told Colin in that scene after Francesca's wedding or not (I personally don't think she did, to not add to his guilt at that moment, and perhaps to not influence his decision, knowing she would be offering the annulment soon) and it parallels Marina's situation again, except in this case, Penelope does not wish to trap Colin with a baby, even if it is his. She knows how much Marina impacted Colin, and does not wish to do the same thing she had prevented Marina to do. The best part about this though? Colin is stunned (Edit: I changed the adjective here as someone rightfully pointed out I was exaggerating by saying "flabbergasted" when his reaction is more on the subtle side the English language is the bane of my existence). Frankly, he probably forgot he even said that, the same way he forgot about his "I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington" comment - those were words said in the heat of the moment he never actually believed. Not once has Colin thought of either breaking the engagement, or get an annulment even after the betrayal.
He could have still eloped with Marina even after learning the truth, but he didn't because she was not honest with him from the start. He learns Penelope has been living a double life this whole time, and yet he stays.
It is significant that Penelope listened and acknowledged Colin's point of view, the same way she asked him to simply stand by her side and support her. Also note that she never says "our family", she says "you or your family".
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Despite already being married, this whole time, it did not feel like they were, and she knew that as long as there was still this barrier between them, she could never truly be part of that family, but it's alright, she could live with that, she has mended things with her own after all, and she can support herself. Whatever the outcome, she'll be alright, she believes.
Fortunately for her, she does not get to find out what that future would entail because Colin absolutely hates the idea of letting her go.
Because after all, she's a mess, but she's his mess.
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fandomgrabbag · 3 days
Probably been said already but I'm having a break today and therefore I have no filter.
So we have basically agreed that one of the main motifs of Dunmeshi is that eating food (especially food made of monsters) equates to the ability to take up space, the necessity of making your needs known and heard in order to survive.
Thinking about what that says about the characters. Readmore because long.
Most of the world is pretty down on the idea: they don't want to admit someone would resort to that, let alone find joy or satiation in it.
Senshi is open and unbegrudging. He not only enjoys it but he spreads the knowledge and ability wherever he can, and invites others to find that joy too.
Chilchuck admits the necessity, takes some joy, but remains wary. There are circumstances where he is encouraged to enthusiastically enjoy, and circumstances where other factors outweigh his enjoyment for the food's flavour.
Izutsumi is picky, and refuses to eat food she doesn't like, which has parallels, but honestly I think her character speaks more to the themes of freedom and restriction in the story than to the themes about exerting your will and identity on your surroundings. But still, there is something in her desire to eat only what she wants, when she wants, independent of others' needs for food. And her tension over wanting to have an uncomplicated relationship between I caught it = I eat it, ignoring intangible contributions from others, or contributions not directly related to hunting.
Kabru has a deep revulsion for it. His own background and circumstances mean that even if the food is good, he's, at least to start, incapable of enjoying it because of what it represents to him.
Mithrun (slight spoilers this paragraph) never chooses to eat, he is only fed when others decide he needs food. He is not capable of either enjoying or disliking food, not in any meaningful sense.
Laios GLEEFULLY enjoys food, and expects everyone else to as a matter of course. In Laios's mind, everyone who doesn't enjoy monster food must have something else going on that he can't understand. He wants people to enjoy food as much as he does, and wants, like Senshi, to invite that enjoyment. He openly, uncomplicatedly, unreservedly, loves to eat.
Falin I have ... Thoughts about but they involve a lot more reading between the lines so I would need to make a whole separate post. Suffice to say for now that she enjoys it, but nobody knows that about her or expects it of her. That's the very base, no-nuance reading.
Marcille. Oh Marcille. Marcille says she hates monster food at every opportunity. She rejects it in a way that almost makes her the "voice" of repulsed society, especially at the beginning. She is rigid about what food she does and does not enjoy. But almost every time she is given monster food and ends up eating it? She LOVES it. She is ECSTATIC to be eating it. She INDULGES.
Anyway, there are other themes and motifs that interplay with these but just saying. Just saying the characters have some Important Themes going on here.
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alchemistc · 2 days
Just thinking about Buck internalizing 'i don't think you're ready'. Thinking about him running back over his 'I'm an ally' speech and cringing because God, WHY did he say that, why couldn't he have just been cool.
Thinking about him actually sitting in it, and thinking about why the interruption from Eddie made him Act Like That. There's obviously the newness, the discomfort, the fact that Buck hasn't really had a chance to explore much of "Oh, I am attracted to men." yet. He was so busy with nerves and he wanted more time and then there was Eddie, who knows (probably too much) about Buck's dating history and he Hasn't Told Eddie about this. He hasn't had a chance to wrap his own mind around it yet.
Buck usually goes to three people: Maddie, Eddie, Bobby.
And he hasn't talked to any of them. And he's stewing, trying to figure out WHY, because he's always been supportive, so why should he feel any different when he's on the other side of it.
He goes to Maddie and pushes his "I've always supported the gays" agenda AGAIN and Maddie has to parse the details, gently shove Buck in the right direction - well, if you're MORE than an ally now, that could be something that is preventing you from telling your best friend the truth, let's explore that some more.
It takes him two tries with Eddie, and maybe it's the setting (why would you think it was a good idea to come out in the middle of the station, Evan Buckley, supportive ally or no that's not exactly gonna put you in your comfort zone, c'mon) or maybe he just needs to work his way up to it because Eddie is obviously Preoccupied. But he almost lets the moment pass, again, at home, in his own space, bc Eddie is still Preoccupied. But -- but he doesn't WANT to, because they are talking about their love lives and Buck wants Eddie to be an active participant in his thought process just like he always is.
We were on a date, he says, and Eddie takes a second to process. Which. Fair. Buck had leaned against his kitchen island for like ten minutes after Tommy left, that night after he kissed him. Eddie prompts him to repeat it, and it doesn't suck, actually, it feels like a weight lifting off his chest -- "Is that weird?" -- but of course Eddie doesn't find it weird, he just didn't KNOW (so many pieces of the puzzle fall into place for Eddie, holy shit his best friend maimed him because he had a crush on their new friend, holy shit had Tommy been slyly pumping his son for information because HE had a crush too???).
And suddenly Buck is absolutely free to bitch about his love life again, and Eddie is there to give him advice and be fully in his corner and Buck has exactly what he needs to go Full Buck. He's got his sister, and his best friend, and maybe he actually doesn't need Bobby this time because it feels right to call Tommy up and set up a meeting for coffee.
No longer bogged down by "well I'm an ally why couldn't I have been chill about being on a date with a dude" - he can text Maddie that night and be like "Hey is Tommy already invited to the wedding?" and grin when she texts back "Buck what does this mean" and send back "You said you wanted to meet him".
With Eddie's support and his "well then he's an idiot", Buck has the time to mull over what he wants to say, what Tommy makes him feel, what he would want if Tommy was willing to give him another chance. He doesn't want it to be one failed date, he doesn't want to hide Tommy away, he wants something real and something true and something he can share with his family and friends and he thinks maybe Tommy could want that, too.
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cherryobx · 2 days
congratulations on 2.4k followers!!🤍💐
turn the radio up! can i please get a rafe cameron fic based off of the song, work song by hozier, please and thank you!!☺️
Work song
a/n: thank you sm rach! hope you like it!
pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
summary: Rafe cuts his business trip short because he can't stand being away from you
warnings: like 1 bad word lmao
wc: 0.8k
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“I’m not coming home just because you miss me.” 
“Why not?” you whine over the phone. Rafe is on a trip with his dad and has barely been away for a couple of days.
“Because I have shit to do here. I can’t just leave,” he scolds and you can picture him frowning and his eyebrows furrowed.
You pout. “Come on! Please, for me?”
He sighs before he gives you a negative answer. “It’s just two weeks. You can handle not seeing me for that long. Yeah?”
“I can’t, Rafe. I’m dying over here.”
“You poor thing,” he mocks. “You’ll be fine.”
“Okay, I get it. You don’t love me anymore.” You throw yourself on your bed, holding the phone to your ear and staring at the ceiling.
Another sigh, and probably an eyeroll. “Of course I still love you. I just have business I need to take care of here before I come back. Just two weeks.”
Just two weeks. Rafe has been telling himself that every time he’s thought of you during this trip. Which has been a lot. He can’t seem to focus on anything else really. Never before has a girl been on his mind like this.
He’s obviously been in relationships before. He’d rather categorise them as situationships but he’s not so sure about his ex-girlfriends.
Rafe feels like he’s going crazy. He can’t focus on the task before him, his mind drifting off to you. He’s wondering what you’re doing. If you’re at home or hanging out with your friends. He once caught himself thinking about what you had for dinner. Who cares about things like this? Him now apparently.
“Rafe!” His father says loudly. “Stop daydreaming for once and listen.”
“Yeah, sorry,” he mutters and physically shakes his head in an attempt to get the thoughts of you out of his head for a second. It’s almost impossible. 
He checks his phone every time it lights up in hopes that it’s you. He likes getting texts from you, updating him on how your day’s going. When it’s not you, he’s disappointed.
When it’s time to go to sleep, he just can’t. He tosses and turns all night. It drives Ward crazy and he regrets getting one room instead of two at the hotel they’re staying at. Rafe’s so used to another body being next to him. He’s accustomed to having you in his arms and it’s weird and unfamiliar when you’re not there for him to hold.
Rafe held out for five days before he packed his bags in the middle of the night and got on the next flight home. His father left 12 missed calls and even more messages when he woke up but it’s too late now. Rafe has already landed and is driving home.
It’s 6am when he furiously knocks on your front door. 
“What the fuck?” you groan and put on a bathrobe before dragging yourself to the front door. It’s way too early for any human interaction, you think.
You open the door and there he is in all his glory. He looks exhausted and his hair is a mess, probably has been running his fingers through it in stress.
“Well look who it is. Mr. I’m-not-coming-home-before-the-end-of-this-trip Cameron.” There’s a smirk on your lips. You never thought he’d be the one to cave in like this.
“Shut up.” He steps into your home and closes the front door after him, locking it too for good measure.
He wraps his arms around you and holds you close, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your sweet familiar scent. You smell like home. He feels better already, the stress immediately leaving his body.
“Come on.” You take his hand and pull him into your bedroom. 
You take off your bathrobe, revealing his own t-shirt underneath which you wore to sleep. 
“I was looking for that shirt.” He narrows his eyes at you.
“And now you’ve found it.” You plop onto your bed and hold open to cover for him so he could crawl under them with you.
He makes quick work of removing most of his clothing before joining you. His hands immediately find you and he pulls you flush against him. You place one of your palms against his chest and feel his heartbeat.
He places a soft kiss on the top of your head and then keeps his lips there. “I’m gonna marry you,” he mumbles into your hair.
“Be quiet.”
Before you know it, soft snores are coming from the man next to you and you smile, your heart aching from the love for him. He’s so smitten. But so are you.
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janeyseymour · 3 days
Won't You Be... My Neighbor?- pt 7
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 5. Part 6.
Summary: Melissa is reunited with her little boy. Final part.
WC: ~1.6k
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The entire car ride to Lancaster is a painful one for the redhead in the passenger seat. She spends most of it clutching the pillow and complaining about the seatbelt hurting. You don’t have a death wish, so you stay quiet about how she shouldn’t be on this trip in the first place.
Once you’re pulled into the hospital where Melissa’s son is, you can’t stop her from all but tumbling out of the car. She’s on a warpath to get to her son, and anybody who even tries to get in her way is definitely in for it. So, you let her hurry in. You’ll just ensure that a doctor here can look over her own injuries once she’s been reunited with JJ.
“Schemmenti,” the redhead wheezes out once she’s finally made it to the front desk. “Here for- here for my son. Joseph Junior- JJ. Please. Please tell me he’s-”
“Room 123,” the receptionist at the front desk couldn’t look less bored. You suppose she’s probably numb to all of the people who come running in shouting a name at her. Although, you would think that a woman stumbling in the way that your… your neighbor, you remind yourself- you aren’t anything just yet- would get someone’s attention.
You have to pull yourself from your thoughts because the teacher is pulling you along quickly in order to get to her son. You can’t blame her. If you were in her position, you would be doing the exact same thing.
The room is right in front of you, and yet you can’t quite find it in you to go in. You’re terrified of the state that JJ might be in. Melissa goes in first, and when you hear the little boy squeal happily, you know it’s safe to go in.
The mother has already perched herself on the bed and has her little boy in her arms despite the amount of pain she has to be in at the moment. It doesn’t matter- she has her son back. That sweet little boy, who now has him arm in a sling.
You watch the two of them, a soft hazy feeling warming your soul. Melissa is kissing all over his face, JJ is happily giggling now that the two of them are together again. But then the little boy’s green eyes that look so much like his mother’s land on you.
“Y/N!” the little boy that you’ve missed so much grins in your direction. He makes what you can only describe as ‘grabby hands’ for you. “You came!”
“Of course I came, bud,” you limp your way over and press a kiss to his head. “Of course I came.”
“Momma telled me you were with her, but I didn’t think you really were!” he exclaims.
“Of course I came to see you,” you tell him again. He all but launches himself at you. You catch him with ease.
“I didn’t want to go with Daddy,” JJ whispers into the crook of your neck. “I wanted to stay with you and Momma.”
“I know,” you mumble into his hair. “I know, bud. But we’re here now, and your daddy isn’t going to get to take you again.”
“Jerry and Bev finded me,” the little boy tells you. “They were nice, and they telled me that we would come here and see you guys again.”
Only then do you glance over at the older couple sitting in the seats next to the bed. Melissa too, looks over to them. Her eyes immediately fill with tears. 
“Thank you,” you smile at them genuinely and thank them for all three of you. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course,” Beverly returns the smile. “He’s a sweet little thing, and we were just doing what any good samaritans would do.”
You give them a sad smile next. “I suppose the two of you wouldn’t be willing to testify, would you?”
“If it means getting justice for the little man?” Jerry cuts in. “Of course we would.”
JJ starts to yawn against you, and you pass him off to Melissa gently.
She kisses the top of his head as she holds him as close as her injuries will allow her to. “Get some sleep, sweet boy.”
It takes hours for you to get JJ released, and in that time, there are quite a few doctors that make their way in and out of the room. Police officers also come in and question all of you. And thankfully, you’re able to get the medical staff to look over a somewhat reluctant Melissa. In that time, you’re able to speak with the older couple about how everything will pan out and how they can help. You’re thrilled to hear that they’re willing to travel down to Philadelphia in order to help put Joe behind bars for good. 
Finally… finally, you’re able to get the two Schemmentis back into the car and are heading for home. JJ is sound asleep in the back, Melissa is clutching her pillow to her chest with one hand and has the other lazily wrapped around your own as you drive back into the city.
“I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest,” the redhead sighs softly as you get onto the turnpike towards Philadelphia.
“I know,” you sigh softly as you run your thumb over her knuckles soothingly. “And I will be fighting with every fiber of my being to make sure that he is put away for a long time. I promise.” In a rather daring move, you bring her hand up to your lips and kiss it gently.
“I know you will,” the redhead smiles at you softly. Then she starts to suppress a cough.
You give her a look. “Don’t hold it in,” you tell her. “The doctor said that you should let it out.”
“I just don’t want to wake JJ,” Melissa says softly as she continues to fight the urge to cough.
You turn back in your seat to begin merging, and you’re able to steal a quick glance at the little four year old in the backseat. He’s out cold, clutching the stuffed animal that Beverly and Jerry gifted him to help him feel more safe.
“He’s dead asleep, Mel,” you tell her. “Cough, and hold the pillow to absorb the blow.”
She cranes her neck as best she can, and finally sighs before allowing herself to cough harshly. You let go of her hand in order to rub her back soothingly. You absolutely hate seeing her in as much pain as she’s in. You wish that you could switch places with her- you would do it in a heartbeat if it meant that she was safe and healthy.
Exhausted, she falls back into the seat with a shaky sigh and a mumbled out curse in Italian. You just reach for her hand again and thumb her knuckles softly, hoping to give her any sense of peace and warmth that you can.
By the time you get back to the apartment complex, it’s almost dark. The teacher is asleep in the seat next to you, and JJ is still clutching onto the stuffed animal with his head hanging down as he naps. With a sigh, you get out of the car and pull the sweet little boy into your arms. Once you have him situated on your hip, you open the passenger side door and gently shake Melissa.
“Hun,” you say softly. “I could get JJ out of the car, but I don’t think I can carry the both of you.”
She jolts awake, a look of fear in her eyes. Once her eyes focus again, she realizes that it’s just you, and you can see her visibly relax. “We’re home?”
“Yeah,” you sigh quietly as you readjust the little boy in your arms. “Come on. Let’s get you and JJ upstairs and comfortable.”
It’s a slow but steady journey as you get the two Schemmentis back into their apartment. You lay the little boy down on the couch and pull the blanket over him before glancing over at Melissa.
“Do you want me to stay, or do you want some time alone with your son?” you ask softly, and you truly don’t mind which she picks.
“Stay?” the redhead requests quietly as she settles down next to JJ. “I- I like having you here.”
“I like being here,” you chuckle softly as you brush a few hairs away from her face. In a daring move, you press your lips to hers. “I’ll start on dinner. You two, just… relax.”
She goes to protest, but the fire in her ribs stops her. She gently falls back into the couch cushion. “Thank you.”
You only cook for about twenty minutes before you plate everything and go to take it into the living room. You expect the redhead to perk up immediately, but instead she’s dozing on the couch right alongside her son.
You can’t help but smile softly as you watch the two of them and realize how lucky you are to be here- with her, with him. Just lucky. There is definitely a long road ahead of you in terms of whatever may happen in the future with Melissa, but you’re certain it’s going to be worth it. It’s all going to be okay.
And you found yourself in this domestic little life all because you found yourself enthralled with your new neighbor. 
TAGS: (and let me know if you want to be included!): @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo
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sinful-lanterns · 14 hours
Ooo! I have a couple more thoughts on the Devil!Eirene post if you don't mind me thirsting for a bit? 😍 Okay, so since we know Researcher has a habit of sketching the various monster cocks she comes across, I imagine Eirene's probably a little taken aback when this adorable nerd absolutely whips out her sketchbook with the intent of drawing every detail of the dick in front of her. And I'm sure a devil like Eirene is probably already pretty big when flaccid, but the way Researcher starts drawing her with such attentive detail. Then, when Researcher gets permission to touch her in order to get a better look at the ribbed texture and scales of her cock, well... Eirene can't help but get even bigger at that point! 😯 Big enough to where Researcher doesn't even have to hold her cock up to see all those lovely, textured details! Let's be real here, Researcher probably still touches her cock more anyway... 😏 And the way this devil gets so possessive at night! Eirene probably fucks Researcher on every available surface in the cathedral: on the floors, against the walls, along the pews, and definitely on the altar! 😌 Researcher distractedly makes a note of how much Devil!Eirene enjoys that last one based on much the ribbed cock inside her seems to flare just the slightest bit more... By the time Devil!Eirene fucks Researcher to the point of exhaustion, she spoons the human from behind, wrapping her devil wings around her little mate to keep her warm against the cold tiles. Her hot cock does the same thing as she remains hilted inside the silken sheath of the Researcher's pussy. If she keeps enough of her cum inside, maybe she'll get to have little devils with her favorite human one day... Meanwhile, Priest Oak Casket probably sighs when she sees how much of her cathedral's been defiled when she arrives in the morning. - 🌙 anon
Oughhh this is so hot. I also love the idea that Oak Casket was actually the owner of the cathedral that Devil! Eirene was summoned in, and by the time she gets back, all she sees is that the ritual had been completed, there are some questionable white “stains” everywhere, and there are traces of human hair found that look suspiciously like the Researcher’s… (because it is)
Now, at the time that Oak Casket discovered that Devil! Eirene had been summoned, Oak Casket hadn’t met the Researcher yet. However, upon realizing that a contract had been created between the Devil and the human that finished the ritual, Oak takes an interest in finding this human, as it’s rare for humans to form a contract with devils through sex. She takes a peculiar interest in studying this human’s soul, and makes it her new goal to track down this human and find them.
I’m not sure what kind of monster Oak Casket would be but I think she’d be a Lich, an undead eldritch spellcaster that defied death and continued living. She’d notice that the Researcher had left her blood still fresh on the blade, and after one taste of it, Lich! Oak Casket is able to cast a spell to try to track her down…
Careful now Researcher, Devil! Eirene wasn’t the only monster to follow you out of the cathedral. Now you have a Devil and a Lich gunning for your soul 😨
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pbnbucks · 1 day
Kate x Reader!
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Strangers, Friends, Lovers, Strangers Again.
word count : 1733
warnings : sad, non happy ending, cursing, crying, toxic relationship, cheating
summary: basically the title, you and kate met when it was your 3rd year and her 6th… once kate was drafted your relationship completely fell apart
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From Strangers…
after a long day you’re finally walking up the stairs to the top floor to get to your dorm and when you think your day can get any worse you feel a sharp hit in your shoulder, you turn your body to face a Tall, Blonde Woman. “watch where your going asshole” she rolls your eyes at you and you can tell bye her body language you just pissed her off even more then she already was “me watch out? your the one who bumped into me so cry me a river and get over it im not in the mood to deal with this shit right now” theres no way she just said that “are you serious? your mad cause you couldn’t watch where your going? get over yourself and just watch where your going next time” you turn around and walk away hearing her mumble something under her breath. when you thought your night couldn’t get any worse it just did.
To Friends…
your close friend has recently been complaining about you being distance and lonely which you didn’t mind but she wanted to see you, so she invited you to the bar with her. “so whats been going on recently you’ve been so distant” and she was right honestly, you have been so busy with school recently to notice that you’re taking her for granted, she is a great friend and you wish you have reached out more. “i know i know school has just been so busy and my annoying family sciences teacher has been so annoying and trying to fail me i’ve distanced myself from everyone.” you where trying to explain yourself but she just kept looking behind you “what?” you say trying to grab your attention “theres a tall blonde staring at you. change of words, you want to tell me who’s made you distant recently?” you shift your body around in you seat to look at who she was talking about and to your luck she was talking about the girl in the hallway from 2 weeks ago… “oh my gosh.. she walked right into me about 2 weeks ago and she had a terrible attitude as if it wasn’t her fault, i actually cursed her out when it happened shes probably still pissed.” she she just looked at you stupid “you know shes on the basketball team right? thats Kate Martin dude, she would probably beat your ass to be honest…” you immediately get offended and quickly back yourself up “come on now i would fuck her up easily, she stands no chance” she just smiles and nods at you comment “well why don’t you tell her that yourself she walking up to you.” your heart drops as you look back to Kate walking towards you just to look back to see your friend ditching you and walking to the bathrooms looking back at you just to laugh at you. you quickly try to get up just to be stopped by Kate in front of you not letting you leave. “look if you just here to complain-” she rolls her eyes at you “can you quit acting like your better then me for a second and hear me out?” you want to argue but just decide to cross your arms and let her talk. “look i just wanted to apologize for what happened and apologize for you bumping into me.” theres no way she could be serious. your whole face expression changes and she smirks knowing she had a impact on your emotions, she knows what shes doing. “so your telling me you came over to me just to state that it was my fault. your the most immature person i’ve ever met, now if you would move out my way so i can go back to my friend that would be lovely.” except she doesn’t move, nor does she remove her famous smirk from her face. “calm down im just messing with you. actually i was telling my friends about it and they where telling me i should get your number.” at first you thought she was joking but she was dead serious as she points to her friend group, you look over her tall frame to see a tall brunette, 2 tall light skins, one with pretty eyes and the other with a low slick back bun, and a bunch of other tall blondes. you debate on giving her number but eventually give in. “now when i text you, you better text me back, i know where you live.” you laugh at her statement watching her walk away staring at her for a moment to turn back to see your friend walking back. “so how’d it go?” “you wont believe it” you turn around to look at her and you see her, and the group of girls your with staring at you and your friend then turn there heads to quickly look away “so first she…”
Friends Into Lovers….
Kate💙 6:43
can you come over? i
want to talk to you. you
yea of course! omw.
text me when your
i will im about
5 mins away.
read 6:45
you aren’t confused or concerned because this isn’t a un normal thing with Kate. she often asks you to come over to either watch movies, help with homework, or just because shes bored and wants to see her best friend.
kate’s POV:
“caitlin what if she says no and gets weirded out” i look at my room to see the poster i made on my bed filled with pictures of me and my best friend throughout the 3 months surrounding the big red words saying ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ my hearts pounding thinking about the worst thing she can say. “Kate shes not going to say no you guys already act like a married couple there is no way in a million years she would say no.”
Y/N 👅❤️
im walking up the stairs
right now. kate💙
alright my doors unlocked
sent 6:58
“caitlin shes here i have to hangout up.” “alright Kate just remember she will say yes just be confident.” i say bye as i hang up on her.
your POV:
you open her door to see her pacing around her dorm. “Kate are you okay? what happened?” the looks at you shaking and you can see that shes obviously nervous about something “i need to show you something.” she says quietly. “okay?” you follow behind her trying to hope that she will return back to her normal self. she opens her bedroom door to a big poster with pictures and words on it that you cant quite make out but as soon as you get closer she grabs it and holds it up so you can see. in bright red words it reads ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ you stand there in shock with your mouth open not knowing what to say other then just freaking out because its her. of course you want to be her girlfriend. “so will you?…” a big smile forms onto your face and you burst out laughing. “of course i will Kate oh my gosh your so cute.” she lets go of the breath she didn’t even know she was holding. she walks up to you giving you a big hug not letting go for at least a minute and you pull away to see the board laying down on her bed again, you see multiple pictures that there where surprisingly so many pictures of you together in only the span of 3 months. “oh my gosh i remember that, thats when i suprised you at your opening game of the season. who even took a picture of that?” she started to blush trying to hide her face “i think everyone took a picture of that moment but im pretty sure i used gabbies.” you pull her into a side hug finally feeling whole again now that you finally didn’t have to worry about someone else being her peace.
And Strangers Again.
you woke up to your phone blowing up with 35 messages and calls from friends, family, and Kate. you knew it couldn’t be something good. you open your friends text first
look at your tagged post
on instagram y/n.
okay? whats going on?
just look.
read 1:34
you open instagram to 569 notifications from being tagged in a post followed by Kate and a few of her teammates being tagged in it also. the video started of slow with her teammate Kelsey in a bar talking in the video on a live and then she adjust the camera frame only to see your girlfriend and her teammate aja Wilson in the background of the live kissing on each other with their other teammates surrounding them. you should’ve expected it would happened and part of you did since she was drafted but you didn’t want to believe Kate could ever be like that. you tried to look for a mistake in the video hoping it could be editing or she could just be in a weird position of hugging or anything else, but it was obvious that they where making out in front of 160k people on the live, it was humiliating not only for you hut the entire team as well. as soon as Kelsey saw what she just did she moved them out the camera frame and ended the live. you went to your texts to see 26 missed texts from Kate.
its not what it looked like.
please just text me when
you get this please.
im sorry please just text me.
sent: 12:15
look baby please just
awnser me i get your
upset but i need
you to awnser.
im so sorry it wasn’t
supposed to happen like
sent 12:34
i know your getting
my text can we just talk.
sent 12:46
i think its safe to
say that we need to
break up
read 1:43
please just call me
and we can talk it out
you cant be serious.
Kate we are over, your
probably with her right
now so please stop
texting me
Blocked 1:45
you guys where only together for almost 7 months it shouldn’t hurt this much right?
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