#this has the energy of ‘hey you’ve got a mushroom on your shirt’ ‘oh… i’m a failure’
designernishiki · 2 years
nishiki’s the type to roast the shit out of majima in the 90s for choosing to wear such tight pants and would laugh wildly when majima retorts saying “just wait. everyone’ll be wearing shit like this soon, i’m just ahead of the curve”. and then when the 2000s come around and skinny jeans are the new norm he sits in his office in the dark, head down on his desk, and cries. because he’s proven to be a failure even at the things he’s most passionate about– and worse, he got bested by goro majima
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
All The Love Songs - Chapter 2
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Summary: Thea has a few strange interactions with Jake and she goes to the Greta Van Fleet concert. 
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x OFC (eventually) and Thea x Mason (OMC) 
Notes: I changed Thea’s nickname to Teddy so there is one change!  I hope you guys all love the story! Please like, comment, reblog, and follow ^_^ 
If there was a higher power in the world, they would strike her down with a very contagious flu that would require her to stay in bed for an undetermined amount of time. They would cause a blackout, an alien invasion, or a zombie outbreak. Any possible thing that would make it impossible for her to go to this show. 
Instead, Thea was trying on her twelfth outfit of the night, which was actually the first outfit she’d tried on. Her favorite black leather skirt paired with a maroon shirt with an embroidered rose on it for the band, adding her thigh high boots to the outfit for good measure. With her dark hair curled loosely down her back and her smokey makeup, the look was absolutely killer. 
So why did she feel completely self-conscious and nervous? During the most difficult time of her life, New York had become her safe haven. Her friends had become a harbor in a dark night. That feeling had been washed away with a single ten minute conversation with her ex boyfriend and the fear of having him step into her new world. 
There was a quick rap at the door and Sam popped his head in. He had his black leather pants on with a bright teal button up hanging open revealing his muscular chest. 
“Hey squirt, I was thinking it was almost time to head out.” Looking you up and down, his eyes bugged out of his sockets. “Wow, you look stunning.” 
“Thanks, Sammy.” She looked down sheepishly. “Very classic look for a rockin’ show. It’s going to be a great night.” 
“I hope so. Josh said he thinks an agent might come so it would be great if something could come from that. I really want this to work...” 
Thea sank down onto her bed and pulled her feet under her, motioning for Sam to follow. It wasn’t very often that she had to give Sam a pep talk. Most days, he was a high-energy, optimistic person who could make her feel like nothing else in the world mattered. 
Today, she could see the doubt behind his brown eyes. 
“You’ve got amazing things in your future, Sammy. That agent would be an idiot if he passed you guys because Greta Van Fleet is the hot ticket. And just know that I’ll be there cheering you on every minute.” 
He patted her knee and shot her a thankful look, “I’m glad I’ve got you, squirt. Our shows wouldn’t be the same without your face in the front row.” 
Since the first show, Thea had always been front and center, cheering the loudest or being the only person in the crowd dancing. At first, people made fun of the spastic girl, but once Greta became a regular, more people started to see their potential. Pretty soon, the whole place was packed for their shows. But Sam still saved her a spot right at the front of the stage. 
“I would never miss a show, at least until you get rockstar famous and are playing like five shows a week. You might have to give me a break then.” 
“Nope, you have to be there. You’re my good luck charm.” 
“Sam!” Gina screeched from the kitchen. “Danny just called, we’re gonna be late!” 
Sam hissed through his teeth. “Oops, okay we better get down there before Danny shits a brick. That’s when you know it’s bad. You coming, tiny?” 
“I’m not sure if Gina is ready or not, can you wait for us?” 
“Uh, can you catch up to us? You know how particular Danny is about his pre-show meal.” Thea gave him an understanding smile and Sam jumped forward, kissing the top of her head before bounding out of the room like a golden retriever. The front door slammed and then it was dead quiet in the apartment. 
Gina appeared at the door, a dark purple tank top contrasting with her brown skin. In the darkness, she looked like a sunset on a winter day.
“Babe, you look fabulous! I love that purple color on you.” Thea gushed. “How did I manage to get such a snack for a bestie?” 
“Pure luck, I would guess.” Gina flipped her curls off shoulder theatrically then gestured for Thea to follow her to her room. “I need your help, I can’t decide on the black skinny jeans and boots or the matching purple skirt.” 
Thea circled Gina a few times, evaluating the options. “What about that black skirt you have with the zipper up the front? Then you add your grey booties and your crop leather jacket.” 
“This is why I keep you around.” Gina dropped to her knees and started digging through the bottom of her closet. “So are you ready for tonight?”
“You’re definitely going to turn some heads tonight, you little firecracker. I guess the question is, whose head do you want to turn?”
Thea fell backwards onto Gina’s bed and stared up at the ceiling. “Can we just skip tonight and order take out?” 
“No, you’re avoiding the question. And besides, I do not look this good just to sit on the couch with you.” She lifted her head somewhat to see Gina putting the finishing touches on her outfit. “Now, let’s go before you chicken out like a pussy. All your men are going to be waiting on you.” 
It was now or never. Run and hide from an uncomfortable situation or walk straight into it like the boss that she knew she was. 
The girls entered the hole-in-the-wall italian restaurant and looked around for the group, finally spotting them at a table in the corner. Jake and Danny were yelling over each other while McKenzi, Danny’s girlfriend, tried to play referee to their argument. No one had noticed them yet. 
“All I’m saying is that you don’t have to practice your set at 3 in the morning, it’s ridiculous.” Jake’s hands were flailing around while Danny was shaking his head furiously. 
“If you can blast your music when you’ve got a girl back, then I can play the damn drums. Fair is fair.” Danny retorted, crossing his arms firmly. 
Beside her, Gina nudged her in the ribs but Thea just pretended she hadn’t heard that last part and cleared her throat, all eyes falling on her. 
“My bodacious babes, you both look dazzling!” Josh pronounced, knocking his chair back and motioned to the empty chairs.
Her first instinct was to sit in the chair next to Jake, but his attention was diverted to the glass in front of him, avoiding making eye contact at all costs. Rolling her eyes, Thea slid into the seat between Josh and Sam, across from Danny and McKenzi, letting Gina across from Jake. 
“So are you guys pumped for tonight? Tyler said it’s supposed to be the biggest crowd you’ve ever had.” 
“When did you talk to Tyler?” Sam asked quietly, only so Thea could hear. 
She raised an eyebrow, “Hmm, on Wednesday I think it was. I went by the bar after work and he was there. Why?” 
“I don’t like that guy. He hits on every girl who walks in there, it’s annoying-”
McKenzi tapped on the table, stopping whatever Sam was going to say next. “And why shouldn’t he hit on her? She looks hot! You’ll have to beat the guys off with a stick tonight.” 
A few seats down, Gina choked back a laugh into her water. Thea shot her a murderous glare and smiled at the girl. “Thanks, Kenz, you look amazing too. That fringe jacket is to die for.” McKenzi excitedly ran her fingers through the strings, making them dance in the air. The rest of the comment vanished into thin air. 
“Can we please get back to the matter at hand?” Josh’s voice boomed over everyone else. Thea shrunk her seat, unprepared for them to go back to discussing Jake’s love life being interrupted by drums. “The setlist for tonight is still undecided.”
 Oh thank god. 
The boys all launched into a discussion about which songs would be best in which order. It gave her the chance for her mind to wander. To think about if Mason and Declan had gotten the apartment, why Jake was avoiding eye-contact, what Mason might wear tonight, how drunk she wanted to get. 
A light tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality. “Hey, are you alright, tiny?”
“Yeah, I’m great. Just have some stuff on my mind, I guess I spaced out.” Her eyes flashed over to Jake, who was in the middle of a passionate discussion with Gina on the effects of music on mental and emotional health, before looking back down to the table.   
“Anything I can help with?” 
She patted his knee appreciatively, “not really, Sammy, but thank you.”
The best thing and worst thing about Sam was that he was an observer. In an instant, he could zero in on the smallest dip in someone’s mood. Most times, it was the thing she looked forward to at the end of a long day. However, when she was trying to keep a secret, it made things a lot more difficult. 
Thea nervously picked at a loose thread on the table cloth, praying that something would grab Sam’s attention, and thanking the lord when the waitress walked up to the table. The girl moved out of the aisle and squeezed in the small space by Jake’s chair, flashing him a flirty smile. 
“Hi, I’m Sienna. Have you guys decided what you’re in the mood for today?” She asked enthusiastically. The group all nodded at each other, agreeing that they were ready to order. “Well let’s start with you cutie.” Her hand was a feather on Jake’s shoulder and she leaned in close to him.
A giant pile of jealousy slammed onto Thea’s chest as she watched Jake return the waitresses smile from across the table. A vision played in her mind of sweeping her hand off his shoulder and then pulling him in for a kiss, making it clear that he was hers. 
“Ahem, T, it’s your turn.” Sam jostled her shoulder, startingly her. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” frantically, she grabbed for the menu and scanned it, ignoring the feeling of Jake’s dark eyes boring a hole in her skull. At this very moment, she wished that a hole would open up and swallow her for eternity. 
“She’ll have the chicken fettuccine with no mushrooms and mix in little marinara sauce please.” 
Thea’s head snapped up to see Jake ordering for her. The waitress looked back at her and Thea slowly nodded her head indicating that was really what she wanted. Sienna gathered the menus in her arms and trudged off to the kitchen. All eyes at the table moved to look at Jake in complete confusion. 
Jake sat still for a second before shifting in his seat uneasily. “What?” He croaked out.
“Uh how did you know her order, dude?” Danny’s forehead crinkled. 
Jake stared at him blankly, “because it’s her favorite dish here? Even though she acts like she’s gonna get something new, she orders it every time.” 
On the inside, butterflies were flying around in Thea’s stomach at the thought that Jake had noticed her. He had noticed her in a way that wasn’t only meant to be physical. There was something that made him remember the things she ordered and her behaviors. She wanted to squeal and dance and jump around like a crazy person. 
On the outside, she was cool as a cucumber, instead just giving him a thankful smile and putting her attention on Josh, who had already begun telling his next dramatic story. 
This didn’t change anything. They were still just two people in the same friend group, nothing more. Nothing more to the public eye. 
“I’m gonna need a round of shots to make it through tonight.” Gina chuckled at Thea’s whiny tone. “And gin. Lots of gin.” 
“Alright, this round’s on me.” 
Elbowing her way past groups of people to the bar, Gina already looked completely done with the crowd. The entire place was packed wall-to-wall with people, all mingling with each other, creating a single hum of mixed voices. It was dimly lit, the only light coming from the few fixtures scattered on the walls. 
She’d spotted a few Greta Van Fleet shirts floating around, and for a second, she wondered if it would be possible to spot the agent or if they would blend right in with the sea of faces. 
“I swear to god, I will murder someone by the end of the night. It took so long for Tyler to even get to me. All those stupid girls were flocking around him like seagulls.” Gina huffed as she slammed the tray of drinks down on the table. 
Thea snatched a shot and downed it in one swift motion. The alcohol burned the back of her throat and sat warmly in her stomach. She reached for one more and shot it down quickly too, grabbing the gin and tonic to chase it down. 
“Dude, I need you to slow your roll.” Gina looked baffled.
“Sorry, G, that was just a weird dinner.” Her throat was on fire from the alcohol.
Gina took a shot of her own. “Yeah, what the hell was up with that? First he acted like you didn’t even exist and then he’s quoting your food order like it was a sonnet. Aren’t you guys supposed to be acting normal or something?”
“I have no clue what’s going on. I’m not usually in this type of position. I don’t know how to be friends with benefits with someone that I like-like but that someone doesn’t like-like me back.”
 “No one does. Because you’re not supposed to get in these situations when you like someone. It only leads to heartbreak.”
Thea pouted, “I didn’t intend on getting in this situation, jerk-” 
“Teddy! Gina!” Mason’s voice called from behind them and they turned in their chairs to see Mason and Declan weaving between the bodies. Impulsively, Thea grabbed another shot and slammed it down. Gina grumbled under her breath and moved to stand up, pulling Thea out of her seat too. 
She hugged Declan casually and stepped towards Mason, gulping as she looked up at him. Instead of his usual jean jacket, Mason had a red sports jacket on over his black hoodie. Damn he looked good, like always. He held out his arms and she stepped into them on instinct, her heart fluttering as he wrapped her in a strong hug. She inhaled the sweet scent of bergamot and cedarwood, the smell of the cologne he’d worn since she’d bought it for him in freshman year, and a slight hint of his favorite gum, winter mint. It was invigorating.
“Well, I had gotten us all shots, but T took yours, I’m sorry.” 
Mason laughed at Gina’s sour face, “it’s all good, G, I’ll just grab a couple beers. You guys want anything while I’m up there?” 
They all shook their heads no and sat back down while Mason disappeared into the crowd. Declan started joking about why they’d been late and the girls both started cackling at them getting lost. 
“How do you get lost? It’s a grid system, Dec!” Thea exclaimed zealously. 
From the side of the stage, Sam watched as Gina and Thea greeted two random guys with hugs. One guy headed towards the bar, but the other one planted himself right in between them. 
“What the fuck?” He muttered to himself. 
“What’s wrong?” Sam jumped at Jake’s voice behind him.
Looking away, he tried to pretend he hadn’t just been staring at the girls. “Uh, it’s nothing...”
“Samuel, just fucking tell me.” 
“I just didn’t realize that Gina and Thea had invited some friends to the show. It’s not a big deal.” 
Jake peeked around the corner, his eyes instantly finding Thea at her usual table just as a guy walked up behind her and squeezed her shoulder. She beamed as he sat down in the chair beside her and laid his arm across the back of her chair. 
Keeping his face neutral, he looked back at Sam. “The more the merrier, huh?” 
“Yeah, I just don’t recognize them...” 
“They’re probably just friends from work.” 
Sam sulked. “Do you think they could have boyfriends? They haven’t mentioned any guys to me, but you know girls, they’re weird as hell. All four of them look pretty chummy.” 
“I doubt it, dude. You live with them, I think you’d know if they were hooking up with people.” Jake shook Sam’s shoulder roughly, “don’t focus on that. Focus on melting these people’s faces off.” 
“Gentleman, the time is now!” Josh flourished his arms into the air and stepped out onto the stage. 
The crowd roared loudly as the rest of the lights dimmed, only the stage lit up. One by one, the guys followed after Josh. They were all dressed to the nines. Josh lit up the stage in his paper white jumpsuit, a little white feather earring dangling on the side of his head. Danny was wearing his favorite leather vest without a shirt. And Jake, he looked like a god tonight. He had a black jacket with beautiful gold emblems open over his bare chest. 
Without hesitation, Thea jumped up from her seat and walked toward the stage. She glanced back and saw the rest of them still sitting. “Aren’t you guys coming?” 
“I’m gonna sit back here for a bit, babe. I like being able to see the whole stage.” Gina called, clapping loudly. Mason’s eyes darted between Gina and then Declan before following after Thea. 
“Somehow, you still have me chasing after you.” He joked, nuding her shoulder.
She looked back at him and winked, “this will be worth it, trust me.” 
She rushed up to the center stage and waved at Sam excitedly. He nodded back at her just as Jake ripped into the first riff of Highway Tune. They shredded through the song and immediately went right into Edge of Darkness. This was her favorite song because Jake had a remarkable solo for almost five minutes. 
Once in a while, she would make a silly face at Sam but he ignored her every time. Her heart sank at the thought that maybe Jake had told him their secret. Her eyes drifted to watch Jake, his head was thrown back and his eyes were scrunched closed while he played the notes. 
“These guys are awesome! How did you say you know them?” Mason’s voice was right in her ear causing goosebumps to prickle across her skin. 
She leaned in a little bit and tilted her chin so he could hear her over the music. “They’re my best friends. Sam, the bass player, is me and Gina’s roommate.” 
Mason moved his head back and blinked in surprise. “They’re really good, that guitar player is fantastic.” 
“Yeah, he’s on fire tonight!” Thea bounced up and down just as Josh stepped back in to finish up the song. 
After an hour, the band finished their set and disappeared off to the side of the stage. Thea let out a deep breath, the adrenaline making her heart pound, and grinned up at Mason. She had forgotten that he was there after a while, being so focused on Greta playing a flawless set. 
Her eyes had constantly been changing from Sam, who had barely glanced at her the whole time, and Jake, who had been so focused on the songs that he had barely even looked up. 
“Come on, let’s head back to the table.” She stepped backwards towards the back of the bar. “What did you think?” 
“They’re great, they all seem to have real talent with their instruments. The singer-” 
“Yeah, Josh, he’s amazing. His voice is so old school rock n’ roll. I love it.” 
They returned to the table just in time to hear Declan raving about how good the show had been. There was a small feeling of pride in Thea’s chest to know that her friends enjoyed the band. These were her guys and it felt good to see the reactions from newcomers. 
“Oh my gosh, they did amazing!” McKenzi shouted over the rest of the voices as she plopped down in an empty chair, looking completely dazed and her hair was flying all over the place. Gina leaned across the table and tried to tame some of her flyaways but it was a lost cause and they both started giggling. 
From across the room, Thea could see the boys breaking down their equipment. Every one of them was completely in sync, moving one way while someone else moved the other way. It was clear they were one unit and that’s why everything worked as well as it did. 
Danny finished putting away his bass drum and the group jumped down from the stage and crossed the room. Josh swept around the group and placed a kiss on top of Gina’s, McKenzi’s, and Thea’s heads lovingly - something he did after every show as part of his ritual as a way to thank all the positive spirits. 
Slipping into the chair next to McKenzi, Danny pulled her into a tight embrace, leaving splotches of sweat on her shirt. Behind them, Sam and Jake hovered back, both of them watching Mason and Declan with blank stares. Thea squirmed uncomfortably at the tension she felt was being directed right at her. 
“Ahem, guys, this is Declan and Mason, some friends from high school.” Gina finally spoke up. “Dec, Mas, this is Josh, Sam, Jake, Danny, and Danny’s girlfriend, McKenzi. Sam is mine and Thea’s other roommate.” 
Mason shook everyone’s hands as Gina introduced them and Thea cringed at the intensity that Sam squeezed his hand when it was his turn, but Mason just grinned like it hadn’t even phased him. He had never been one to back down from an awkward situation. 
Now that everyone had officially met, maybe the rest of the night could go off without a hitch, Thea prayed. She couldn’t keep herself from wondering what Jake might be thinking, he hadn’t looked at her once since the restaurant. 
“Are you guys gonna sit down?” Thea asked curiously. 
“I’ll be at the bar.” Jake replied tersely before bee-lining it away from the table. Thea’s lips parted in surprise before her eyes moved to look at Sam sadly. 
“Ya know, I think I’m gonna get a drink too.” He replied bluntly. 
Thea glimpsed over at Gina desperately who gave her a half-hearted shrug in response. Both boys stood side-by-side at the bar, their shoulders filled with tension, and she so badly wanted to follow after them but it was clear they wanted some space. 
Her heart dropped slightly as she saw a girl saunter up to Jake and start flirting with him. Instantly, he had his charming smile on and was leaning in so he could hear her better. Thea could feel the tears burn her eyes but she blinked them away as quick as possible. 
“So,” Josh clapped his hands together loudly, “Mason and Declan, you guys went to highschool with our girls?” 
“Yep, since sixth grade. We were attached at the hip for most of it.” Declan said before taking a sip of his beer. “Mason and Teddy dated for like four years too.” He said and everyone’s eyes went wide. 
“Who’s Teddy?” McKenzi asked, her brows crinkled deeply. 
“Um, Thea? Ya know, short for Theadora.” Mason sounded a bit baffled. 
Danny chortled, “T, your name is Theadora?” 
“What of it, Wagner?” Thea hissed and Danny’s face went pale as he shrunk behind McKenzi’s shoulder, but she pushed him away from her. “Anyways, can we please move on from my hideous name, please?” 
“So, Mason, what kind of job do you have?” McKenzi intervened, clearly seeing how embarrassed Thea was feeling at the whole situation. One reason that Thea hoped Danny would never let that amazing woman walk out of his life.
Mason gave her appreciative smile for trying to divert the conversation. “Oh, I just started working for Atlantic Records Group as a talent agent.”
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xxx-cat-xxx · 5 years
At least I didn’t puke on you
I kept my promise for a happy fic! This is for @toomuchtoread33 who sent me a prompt in which Peter accidently takes Steve’s emergency pills that are designed to make him sick in case he gets poisoned.
Cue Tony and Steve spending a night on the bathroom floor with a very pukey Peter Parker. This is fluff/humour with a lot of Irondad.
As always, a million thanks to my beta @whumphoarder.
“It won’t stop bleeding.” Tony crashes into the sofa, pressing a wad of tissues against his nose.
“That’s what happens when you retract your helmet in the middle of a battle to mock a Hydra agent,” Steve comments, setting down his plate after finishing the last piece of pizza.
“She had it coming. Did you see that suit? I made better designs when I was seven!” Tony protests nasally. “And what’s the fun of a battle if you can’t have a little chit-chat with your enemy?”
“Maybe it wasn’t the best move to call her Hello Kitty.”
“You did what?” Peter laughs so hard he nearly chokes on his slice of mushroom.
“Yeah, yeah, go on, make fun of me…” Tony removes the tissue from his bloody nose and sniffles experimentally. “At least I didn’t get knocked into a wall. Speaking of which, you’ve been quiet, kid. You sure you’re okay?” He eyes the boy critically.
“I’m good,” Peter assures, even as he visibly squints against the lights. “Just got a headache, no big deal.”
“Do you want another ice pack?” Steve asks, removing the one he’s been pressing against his sprained wrist and offering it to Peter.
“No, I’m okay.” Peter prods at the bump on his head and grimaces in pain. “It should be fine in a few hours. Before the bite, I would’ve just taken some painkillers, but now they don’t work on me anymore...”
“Maybe...” Steve exchanges a quick glance with Tony. “You know, Bruce and Tony developed those special painkillers to keep up with my metabolism? They don’t work a hundred percent, but they should definitely take the edge off.”
“Are you sure?” Peter looks at Tony. “It’s just a headache.”
As the current world champion in understating pain, Tony knows exactly what “just a headache” means when coming from a member of his superhero family. Peter already looks dead tired from the battle and there is no reason for him to be in unnecessary pain.
“That’s exactly what we made the pills for. Go ahead, kid. But only one, I don’t want to get in trouble with your aunt for drugging you up.”
“They’re in the medicine cabinet in the first floor bathroom,” Steve adds.
Peter disappears in search of the pills while Tony and Steve have their usual argument about which movie to watch. They settle on Aliens, partly because science fiction is the common denominator between the whole team, and partly because both of them know that it’s one of Peter’s favourites.
Tony waits until the kid has returned and curled up on the couch before he starts the movie. Since the mission has clearly taken its toll, he halfway expects all of them to fall asleep within half an hour. But the Nostromo crew has just landed on the alien planet when Peter suddenly sits up straight, his face screwed up in discomfort.
“Uh, Mr Stark?” he says, voice strained. “I’m not feeling so great.”
“Yeah, it takes some time for the painkillers to kick in.”
“No, I mean, I feel kinda queasy.” Peter swallows convulsively. “Like I’m gonna puke.”
Tony tenses, exchanging a worried look with Steve. “FRI, I thought you said it was only a mild concussion?” He glances at Peter, who is now hunching over, wrapping his arms around his stomach. Sweat is beading on his brow.
“Yes, boss, my scans indicate no severe damage,” the AI replies.
“Mr. Stark…” Peter gulps, all colour draining from his face.
“Shit. Come on.” Tony gets to his feet with a bit of difficulty and ushers Peter towards the bathroom.  
The boy drops to his knees in front of the toilet and leans over the bowl, spitting strings of saliva into the water. He burps wetly and gives an involuntary whimper. “I feel really sick.”
“I get it, kid. Just, do what you gotta do. You’ll feel better once it’s out.” Tony sincerely hopes that he’s right.
Peter doesn’t need to be told twice. He coughs drily, then gags. The first retch brings a bit of liquidy vomit, then he heaves hard, a gush of half-digested pizza pouring into the bowl. He coughs and chokes, barely able to draw a breath in before his whole body shudders and he vomits again.
“Easy, kid,” Tony soothes, awkwardly patting his back. He can feels the muscles under Peter’s shirt contracting when the boy brings up another wave.
“Oh - god,” Peter pants, his fingers clenching the bowl hard. “This is -” He’s cut off by another retch that brings tears to his eyes.
“Breathe, Pete, breathe,” Tony comforts, feeling his own stomach twist in sympathy.
Peter coughs and spits out bile, then shakily reaches up to flush. He folds his arms on the edge of the seat and lets his head fall onto them, trembling.
Tony wets a washcloth and nudges Peter to lift his face so that he can wipe the kid’s mouth. He fills a glass of water and offers it to him, but Peter shakes his head, lips pressed tightly together. He is still ghostly pale, sweat running down his temples.
“Okay, what the hell is happening? That looks like an awful lot like food poisoning, but we all ate the same dinner…” Tony tries for a light tone despite the worry gnawing in his gut.
“I think I have an idea.” Tony turns around to see Steve in the doorway, a weird expression on his face. Peter groans, visibly embarrassed by the fact that Captain America is watching him puke.
“What’s it?” Tony demands.
“Peter, are these the pills you took?” Steve holds up a bottle. ‘Super pills to save America’s ass’ is scribbled on them in Tony’s handwriting. Peter glances up from where his head is resting on his elbows and nods weakly.  
“Oh shit,” Tony breathes, understanding sinking in.
“What’s wrong with them?” Peter croaks.
“These aren’t the painkillers. These pills are designed to make you sick. They’re -” Steve starts, but is interrupted by Peter suddenly pushing himself upright and retching again. The soldier cringes at the sound of liquid hitting the bowl.
“Why would anyone invent pills that make you puke?” Peter whines as soon as he surfaces again.
“We developed them in case Cap ever gets poisoned,” Tony explains. “There aren’t many things that can kill a supersoldier, but he’s not immune to toxins so we figured it would be a viable possibility that someone would try to take him out that way. So Bruce had this brilliant idea for a formula that would induce vomiting, and… Let’s just say he test trials were a lot of fun.”
“Don’t remind me,” Steve grumbles.  
“I can’t believe this,” Peter groans, dropping his head back onto his arms.
“Hey, this is Cap’s fault,” Tony points out. “Rogers, you should have gone with him and showed him which pills to take.”
“You should have labeled the medicines correctly!” Steve retorts.
Peter interrupts their argument by belching up another mouthful of vomit.
“Geez, kid, I never would’ve thought this much food could fit in you,” Tony comments with a mixture of disgust and actual admiration.
“It’s not funny!” Peter complains. “I really don’t feel well.”
“I know, kid, I know,” Tony reassures, his expression softening. He picks up the washcloth and wipes it over Peter’s sweaty face. “I’m just glad that it’s nothing dangerous. The effects should wear off in a couple of hours. But till then I‘m afraid that you’re in for a rough time.”
“There’s not even anything left in me. Why am I still nauseous?” Peter whines, coughing weakly into the bowl.
It’s been two hours and countless rounds of puking, and Tony feels wiped. Guilt creeps up on him at that thought because he knows that Peter must be feeling far, far worse.
“I am so done,” the boy croaks hoarsely. He reaches for the handle to flush and misses. His hand slips off the tank and he lists dangerously to the side. Only Tony’s steadying hands keep him from hitting his head on the bathtub.
“Hey, Pete, careful,” Tony says, alarmed. “Are you feeling dizzy?”
“A little, maybe,” Peter admits. “Head’s kind of floating. ’m really tired...”
“You’re not going to like this, but you’ll have to try some water sooner or later. You’re getting dehydrated.” Tony lets go of Peter’s shoulders, and the boy sags tiredly against him.
“Hmm. In a bit,” he mumbles, his eyelids fluttering shut.
He dozes off like this, his head pressed against the older man’s chest. After a while, Tony’s back starts to hurt. He tries to adjust his awkward position without waking the kid, carefully guiding his head to rest on Tony’s thighs instead. Peter shivers in his sleep and curls into himself, looking far too pale and far too young.
Tony frowns as a sudden wave of protectiveness floods over him. He reaches up for a towel that he gently drapes over the kid, then leans his own head back against the bathtub, feeling like all energy has been sucked out of him.
Twenty minutes later, he’s startled awake by a knock on the door. Steve sticks his head inside. “Do you need anything?” he asks.
“No, Spangles, we’re perfectly happy.” Tony grimaces when he tries to sit up straighter and his back protests in pain.
“Shouldn’t we move him to bed?” Steve motions at Peter’s sleeping form in Tony’s lap. “This doesn’t look very comfortable for either of you.”
“Thanks, didn’t occur to me at all.”
Fact is, Tony is just happy that Peter is finally getting some rest and he feels a bit wary of what will happen if they wake him up. On the other hand, he knows that neither his nor the kid’s body will be happy if they spend the whole night on the bathroom floor. He really should’ve considered situations like this when designing the compound. His brain immediately comes up with the preliminary outline of an inflatable couch that could be hidden beneath the bathroom floor tiles which he stores in his memory for later use.
“Hey, kid.” He gently touches Peter’s shoulder. “Nighty-night time, come on. Let’s get you to bed.”
Peter rouses groggily, leaning heavily on Steve as he helps him stand up. Just as Tony feared, he looks about to hurl the moment he gets to his feet, so Tony makes a quick detour for a mixing bowl from the kitchen while Steve guides the kid to the elevator.
The motion of the lift definitely doesn’t help with the nausea. As soon as they sit him down on the edge of his bed, Peter is throwing up again, gagging miserably into the bowl that Tony holds under his chin. He only brings up strings of bile.
“Geez…” Tony rubs a hand through his hair. “That pill really works, doesn’t it?”
Peter is too out of it to reply with more than a weak glare. He falls onto the mattress like a doll that’s had its strings cut, not even reacting when Captain America himself tucks him in. Tony goes to rinse out the bowl, and when he returns, the Spider-kid is deeply asleep.
Peter wakes up a few hours later. There is a moment of confusion before he remembers what happened and how he got back to his own bedroom. His stomach muscles hurt, his mouth tastes like something died in it a long time ago, and he is still vaguely nauseous.
He turns around to see Tony sprawled out on the couch, snoring lightly. Steve is sitting in an armchair next to his bed, an actual book in his hands (Peter is momentarily surprised that anything non-digital actually even exists in Tony’s compound), smiling at him.
“How are you feeling, Peter?” Steve asks.
“Better, I think,” Peter mumbles hoarsely. “Lightheaded. And, um, still kinda sick.”
“Okay. That’s to be expected.”
“How’s you wrist?”
“Good as new.” Steve moves the hand up and down in front of Peter’s face. “And definitely looking better than Tony is right now.”
Peter props himself up on his elbows to get a better look at his mentor’s face. True to Steve’s word, it’s covered by an impressive array of rainbow-coloured bruises. Tony mumbles something in his sleep and turns his face away into the cushion, almost as if he’s aware he’s being talked about.
“You should drink something.” Steve brings his attention back to Peter. “You think you’re up for it?”
“Maybe...Can I brush my teeth first?” Peter is sure if he swallows whatever taste is in his mouth, he will definitely be sick again.
“Sure,” Steve agrees.
Peter sits up and swings his feet over the side of the bed, then waits for a bit until the grey fades from his vision before carefully making his way to the bathroom. He sits down on the edge of the bathtub while brushing, his legs feeling weak.
“I’m sorry that you have to go through this, Peter,” Steve says, stepping inside. The bathroom is huge, but the supersoldier takes up so much space that it actually looks normal.
Peter spits out his toothpaste. “It’s not your fault, Captain Rogers. I should have looked better before taking the medicine.” He hesitates for a second, but Steve seems ready for a chat. “Just one thing I was wondering - did you ever actually use this pill?”
“Oh god, don’t remind me.” Steve’s brow furrows. “I still feel sick if I think about that time.”
“Can you tell me about it?” Peter asks, always curious about old Avengers stories. He rinses his mouth and, god, the fresh taste is so good that he almost feels healthy again.
“If you drink some Gatorade, I will,” Steve baits, handing him a bottle.
“Hmm. Okay,” Peter agrees, sounding unmotivated.
He stares at the bottle for a moment, then opens it with a sigh. His stomach is still far from fine, and he feels like even a small sip of liquid might make it turn against him again.
“Just a little bit,” Steve encourages.
Peter takes a tiny sip and sits very, very still while he feels it moving down his throat and settling heavily into his stomach. He burps sickly, nervously eyeing the toilet. For a minute he is sure he’s going to be sick again, but then the nausea eases down a little.
“You’re holding up okay?” Steve asks.
“Hmm.” Peter nods, not keen on opening his mouth at the moment.
“Okay. Storytime.” Steve sits down on the closed toilet seat. “So, I wasn’t actually poisoned. But a couple of years ago, Bruce cut his thumb while cooking and a bit of his blood mixed with the curry he was preparing.You know that his blood is toxic, right?
Peter nods. He’s been told about this, but he’d never thought about the practical implications.
“So, he went off to bandage his finger,” Steve goes on, “just as I happened to walk into the kitchen after going for a run.” He looks a bit sheepish. “It smelled really good and, well, you know how it is with an enhanced metabolism…”
(Peter is starting to wonder if his Parker Luck™ has somehow infected Steve as well.)
“Honestly, it was lucky that it was me. Anyone else would have probably died on spot...but getting the toxin out of my system wasn’t pretty.”
“That’s...bad,” Peter says, failing to hide a grin. He can vividly imagine the scene playing out in his mind’s eye. His nausea has decreased enough that he feels safe to talk again and he takes another few sips of Gatorade. “Was that the only time you used the pills?”
“Yeah, that was the only time. But then there were also the test trials...I threw up all over Tony’s pants.”
“Well, I got my revenge.” Tony is standing in the doorframe, looking tired and beat up, his hair standing up in all directions. One of his eyes is swollen almost shut. “Nothing like a severe concussion to ruin America’s star-spangled uniform.” He yawns. “How are you feeling, kid? Stopped reenacting The Exorcist?”
“Ha ha. Very funny,” Peter says drily. “At least I didn’t puke on anyone.”
“He’s had a few sips of Gatorade and it looks like it’s staying down,” Steve informs the engineer.
“That’s good.” Tony rubs at his working eye with a groan, then looks at himself in the mirror and grimaces. “There goes Thursday’s Vanity Fair photoshoot…”
Steve takes a deep, measured breath while Peter tries to keep himself from bursting into laughter.
“Spiderling, you go back to sleep,” Tony orders, turning back to give Peter a once-over. “You look like you’re going to keel over any minute. Once you wake up, ask Dum-E for a proper breakfast.” He frowns. “Actually, scratch that. Ask Cap. Less chance he’ll set the kitchen on fire.”
“Please don’t talk about food..:” Peter’s stomach clenches at the thought. “Not before tomorrow morning.”
“Noted.” Tony grins. “Now out, all of you. I gotta pee.”
“It’s my bathroom!” Peter protests.
“Yeah, and it’s my house,” Tony retorts. He watches with a warm smile as Steve puts a hand on Peter’s shoulder and guides the boy out of the room. "Good night, sleep tight, and don’t puke on the bedbugs.”
If you’re interested in a hilarious story about Tony and Bruce cooking up painkillers for Steve, keep an eye out for @whumphoarder​‘s and @awesomesockes​‘ upcoming fic.
@badthingshappenbingo - This is my promptfill for the “Poison” square.
All my fics
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softjeon · 5 years
Wolfsbane | Pt. 2
• Pairing: Yoongi x Jungkook • Genre: Fluff & little bit of angst  | Wolf!AU / Shapeshifter!AU ( → Gifset Trailer) • Words: 16,2k | written with @cassiavioletblue • Disclaimer: mention of violence, light graphic content, smut
↳  For a a few short hopeful minutes he thought that maybe he could just have Jungkook here at his place for a little while longer, maybe it would take the others a few days to find him, maybe they were busy with something else - but he was fooling himself, he knew that and when he could hear the sound of paws drumming on earth he knew that this little adventure of Jungkook’s was already over.
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Yoongi kept himself busy the next few days. There was nothing to be seen or heard of another wolf and although it was what he expected he found himself a little bit disappointed against his will.
Jungkook had been a breath of fresh air in his everyday life and he would have loved to know more about him, about what he loved of being a wolf, what he wanted to learn or what life in the pack was for him. And maybe they could have even slept curled up against each other again… because Yoongi found himself longing for it even after those few minutes that he had had with Jungkook to feel it.
As lonely as it was with Yoongi, Jungkook already had enough of Jimin or the other’s sticking by his side with everything that he did the past couple of days. He hated it. He felt restricted. And even though Jungkook knew it was some kind of punishment for him not to act up again it only made Jungkook feel more restless, more willing to break the rules once more.
“Jungkook!” Jin’s voice made him shook himself out of his stupor and he looked up at the pack leader, “Are you even listening to me? How am I supposed to teach you if you’re not listening?” Jungkook tugged his feet under and sat up a little. “I am listening, Jin. I’m sorry! It’s just… I want to know more about hunting and how you fight…not…the other stuff. I want to learn all that. When will you teach me?” Jungkook was nervously chewing on his bottom lip as he watched the other rub his hands over his face in a desperate manner.
“How am I supposed to teach you at all when you got your head in the clouds all the time? I understand that it might be a bit much and a little overwhelming, but you still have to listen Jungkook. You have to catch up on everything and learn the rules a lot faster than everyone else or else you will always be one step behind. It's not your fault but you still have to work harder because of that. But it'll be worth it to be a proper member of our community, you'll see.”
“I am trying, Jin. It’s just so confusing sometimes…,” Jungkook couldn’t help but yawn, “And tiring. I’d rather just play with Taehyungie.” The young wolf in training sighed and quickly returned his attention to Jin. “Let me repeat then,” Jungkook began and straightened his shoulders, repeating everything that Jin had taught him about the last thirty minutes. When he was done, he nodded proudly and stretched out his tired limbs.
“You’re right. It’s probably enough for today. You can go out and play with Taehyung. Try to test out your strength and train your agility while you’re at then I don't feel like I’m letting you run around too much without doing anything. Food might  be here in about two hours.” They either got fresh meat when there was prey to bring home from the hunt or ‘human stuff’ like mushrooms and dried fruits and berries if the hunters came home without anything to eat. Jungkook nodded eagerly and got up from his seat but before he walked out of the main room, he turned around again. “Are you still mad at me? I know you still wanted to talk to me about something and you…you haven’t said about a thing about what happened.” Jungkook nervously played with the hem of his shirt, “I’m really trying my best to fit in. I’m just not used to so many people taking care of me out of a sudden. I really want to be like you one day. Like Namjoon and Hoseok. Maybe one day I can go hunt with you guys.” The younger one smiled in excitement.
Jin sighed defeatedly. How could anyone resist such a charm attack?
“No, you are forgiven. You behaved well those last few days. Keep it like that and we might take you to a minor hunt soon. Or maybe take you fishing.” He watched Jungkook run out so quickly he almost stumbled wondering where the hell the younger always got his energy. It was as if he was trying to make up for months and years that he hadn’t spent in his wolf form because of the human environment he had been in.
Jungkook was so excited that he transformed mid-jump on his way over to Taehyung, attacking the other wolf who had been lying right beside Jimin playfully. He growled, flashing his teeth while ignoring Jimin’s demands to go to play somewhere else, before he jumped Taehyung again, rolling around with the other in the dirt until they were not able to catch their breaths anymore from laughing.
“Jin said he’s going to take me to a hunt soon,” Jungkook was panting, shaking out his fur, “Have you ever been on a hunt, Tae?”
“Of course, I have you doofus! How do you think I’m supposed to get food for our pack if something would happen to our hunters? We all are able to hunt. Some better than others.” He gave a teasing side glance towards Jimin who made a face at him. “But you wouldn’t even catch a squirrel the way you fall over your own paws…,” He playful nudged Jungkook in the side with his snout. “You want to try and hunt me? If you catch me then I’ll let you have a bite of my portion if we get meat tonight.”
“Hey! That’s not true! I’ll be the greatest hunter you’ll ever see! One day I will lead a pack just like Jin,” He growled at Taehyung, jumping at him and giggling right after, “Just run! You know I’m fast…I’d outrun you easily.” With Taehyung it was always easy to let go and forget about everything but having fun. He was the only one Jungkook could really talk to as he felt like he was the only one who understood Jungkook in a way that no one else could. He was his best friend and as much as he was growling at him, he would never hurt him.
 Taehyung laughed at him. “You’ve got great plans there, getting your own pack and all. How about you just wait what the next few weeks will bring you? You’ll have enough on your plate with learning everything you need to know, using all of your abilities properly and at will, then being mated…,” He stopped and sucked in a sharp breath. He hadn’t been supposed to tell Jungkook before the pack leader had a chance to tell him. Though hopefully Jungkook just wouldn’t notice when he continued talking, “Also you need to learn to hunt and - oh fishing will be so much fun!  You’ll look like a poodle with all of your fur getting wet. And Jimin said he wanted to make a few errands with you, so you can accompany him to town to get a few blankets for the den. If you behave he might even take you with him when he collects the berries from the bushes - or lets you help search for mushrooms. Don’t fuck up though, food poisoning is no joke!”
But of course, Jungkook had noticed.
Suddenly hunting didn’t seem as interesting anymore.
“Mated?” Jungkook cocked his head to the side, “Wait…wait…wait, what? What do you mean mated? I’m not in love with someone or interested in anyone right now. So, why would that matter? I don’t need anyone. You have Hoseok, Jimin has Namjoon and Jin. I’m fine on my own.” He took a step closer, narrowing his eyes. He had a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach. “Taehyung. Is there something you want to tell me about?” Jungkook couldn’t help but get nervous the longer Tae was taking to answer.
Taehyung was stepping from one paw to the other. “That’s… that’s different. And Hoseok and me… we got each other the same way you will… ah, you know I’m not as good with explaining as Jin is. Let him do the talking. I thought you said you wanted a chase?” With that Taehyung sprinted further into the forest, running from both Jungkook’s reach and further questioning.
Jungkook let out a howl before he ran after Taehyung. He was angry and it showed in the way he was panting, growling with each jump. The more he was getting used to his new form, the better he was at orientating himself. He didn’t attack Taehyung this time, instead he just chased the other all the way back to their den again until the other was absolutely breathless. After the chase, Jungkook simply trotted past him, turning himself human again at the door. His brows furrowed deeply, his expression still angered.
“Dinner is ready in five!” Jimin yelled from the kitchen, earning himself a few cheers but from Jungkook. He took a shower instead, not caring that he would be a bit too late at the table. He needed to clear his mind.
Of course, Jungkook knew all about ‘partners’ and how they fell in love, staying at each other’s side forever. Jungkook’s eyes had followed the way Taehyung jumped up from his seat each time to go and hug his partner whenever he came back from the hunt. Tight, loving, nosing along his jaw before he leaned in to kiss Hoseok. Jungkook had always quickly glanced the other way, but he couldn’t ignore the little stab he felt then. He wanted love, too. But he wanted to find it on his own and not let anyone find it for him. And even now, he could see the love each and every one of them had for their partners. And although it hadn’t bothered him much before, it left Jungkook wondering what it would feel like to feel like one with someone.
To share a special connection.
“Jin,” Jungkook only spoke up after everyone had left the kitchen and it was only the both of them, cleaning up the dishes. “Can I talk to you about something?”
Jin looked up, a little alarmed at the serious tone in the younger’s voice. “Of course, kiddo. What is it?” He put the plate aside and wiped his hands dry so he could turn towards the other without leaving a wet mess on the counter. “Are you hurting? It’s normally to get a little bit of growing pain in the few weeks after your first transformation so you don’t have to worry about that, it’ll fade. I can ask Hoseok to have a look at you, maybe give you some medicine for it…”
“N-no, I’m fine. No pain. Not even my hand hurts anymore. Whatever Yoongi did was good.” Jungkook nodded in thought, letting the tip of his finger caress over his palm. He sighed deeply. “What does it mean if someone wants to ‘mate you off’” Jungkook held Jin’s gaze, trying to look as if he had read that somewhere rather than Taehyung accidentally telling him. He didn’t want to throw the other under the bus.
Jin wasn’t stupid though.
He knew that Jungkook mostly learned from him and what he got from hearsay while listening to the others during dinner. He sighed, trying to give him an encouraging smile. “Did someone of the young ones tell you? You don’t have to be scared, Jungkook. I can understand if it might sound scary to you at first but believe me, all of our omegas had their own mate off. And does any of them seem unhappy to you? There aren’t that many of us left so for them to stay in the pack they found their mate here. But you, my dear, are special. So, I plan on telling the other two packs that are close enough to be of interest for us. They only live a few hundred miles from us so you could visit us if any of them wins you and you are new to everything, so you’ll adapt quickly to a change of scenery as well. I believe in you, Jungkook. You could do so much for the pack.”
Jungkook gulped heavily against the lump in his throat. His heart beating fast as he was trying to process the information. “O-other packs? Win me?” Jungkook shook his head, feeling hot and dizzy at the same time, “I don’t want anyone to win me. Jin, don’t you believe in love? I do! I want to fall in love and not…be someone’s possession like that. I don’t care about your wolf politics! I am not special. I am just…me. Please, let me find my own mate. What if they are scary? I don’t want to leave you guys. I just found you…I just…found a family.” Jungkook’s bottom lip was trembling and he clenched his fists tightly.  
Carefully Jin got close enough to reach out for Jungkook’s hand, unclenching them gently. “You did. We’ll always be your first family. It’s just that maybe you’ll find a second one. And I understand your wish, I really do, but how do you think you’ll fall in love with that mate of yours? Humans are off limit because they will always be repulsed but the animalistic side of ours. And even if we look human in our second form - we simply aren’t. You don’t want to risk all of our lives by being exposed, do you? Besides human love is fleeting. They don’t just have one mate they have many and even if they promise each other to stay together forever betrayal is a normal thing for them. You’d get your heart broken, sweety. So, it all comes back to the packs in the end. And as I said there aren’t so many, the nearest ones will come to your mate off anyway. You’ll see, when your future mate bites you for the first time your instincts will take over. You don’t have to worry, just let them guide you and you’ll like it. This is how it’s supposed to be. You will learn to love whoever will be bound to you sooner or later. You’ll be happy Jungkook, you’ll never be alone again. Doesn’t that sound like something that you want?”
“It’s not fair!” Jungkook pulled his hand away from his and took a few steps back, angrily wiping away the tears on his cheeks. “It’s not fair at all…I just found you…I just…” Jungkook was shaking from the effort it took to keep himself upright, “I’ll need a moment.”
Jungkook turned around and stormed out of the kitchen and right out of their home. He turned into a wolf again just as he vanished into the forest. His mind racing with a million thoughts. Jungkook was just running where his paws were taking him, the tears blinding his vision a little – but he didn’t care. He didn’t care anymore. The rain was splashing up the dirt as he chased through the woods.
He was panting when he came to a halt at the border of their territory. The young wolf let out a painful loud howl, one that spoke of his heart shattering. Then he let himself fall, his knees giving up on him as he curled in under a tree, hiding from the rain and letting it mix with the tears on his face. And only when the sun was already rising, did Jungkook return home. He kept his head low the moment he stepped back into the main room, not answering any of Jimin’s questions on where he had been all night. “Bath,” Was all he answered.
Yoongi had heard the cry, of course he had. It sounded so desperate, so helplessly lost that it cut deep into his own heart. He froze in his place, hesitating and wondering if he should run towards it, find out why the wolf was hurting so badly. But he knew he couldn’t. The members of Jin’s pack where Jin’s problem he couldn't just interfere, even worse, if he crossed the border without invitation they had the right to kill him just like he’s had with Jungkook. He couldn't do anything. And he shouldn’t even care. He had enough to do without worrying about wolves he didn’t know at all.
The pack took care of each other.
Jungkook would be okay.
 In the next couple of days, the big oak tree right at the border had become Jungkook’s favorite hiding place whenever it was getting too much, and he needed to sneak out again. The others were watching him closely but as soon as they were occupied with something else, Jungkook ran.
His heart was pounding so hard each time. The tears burning in the corner of his eyes, whenever Jin was preparing his ‘mate off’. It suddenly had been going so fast. As if they had only waited for him to know of it. He hated it. He didn’t want to give him any answers about what day he preferred or listen to what rules he needed to follow. Before, he loved his teaching lessons with Jin, when now it only tired him out completely. Not even play fighting with Taehyung was fun anymore.
“Get yourself together, Jungkook,” Jimin said and nudged his side, “It’s what we do. And you will love him. Everyone falls in love with their mate. You will, too. There is no other choice anyways.” Jungkook had heard these words a million times now.
He had no choice. This was his life as a wolf. As an omega.
“We’re your family. We know what’s best for you. What else do you want to do? Run away? If you step over the borders one more time the white wolf is going to kill you,” Jimin teasingly said, angering Jungkook even further.
“He won’t. Yoongi is cool! You don’t even know him!”
“But you do?” Jimin laughed and Taehyung chimed in. “More than the two of you! And now shut up. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” Jungkook turned on his heel and walked out of the door, leaving Jimin and Taehyung startled and confused. They hadn’t seen the younger like this ever. “Jin needs to have a serious talk with him or else he will sabotage the whole thing,” Jimin mumbled and Taehyung nodded in agreement. “He will be fine. You’ll see.”
In the forest, Jungkook was running again – until the pain in his lungs was stronger than anything else numbing the ache in his heart and the thundering storm of thoughts in his head. He needed to talk to someone. Anyone but the pack. Someone that knew what it felt like to be left out. When no one else was listening. When you felt like…a loner.
As always he came to a halt right at the border, only this time he didn’t lay down to rest. He let his gaze wander over the invisible line that separated them, when Jungkook lifted a paw.
Slowly and carefully, Jungkook trespassed.
Yoongi had waited for him. He had found out of Jungkook’s habit pretty soon because he walked his borders regularly to check if anyone had was sneaking around. And with Jungkook’s smell still on the carpet that they had both been lying on he recognized his smell immediately. The younger had been here, right at the border. And a few days later he had been here again. And then again. So Yoongi had stayed close, telling himself that he wanted to make sure Jin didn’t sent Jungkook spying or that Jungkook didn’t hunt in his grounds and stole his food or made a mess - but in reality he just wanted to see the overgrown cub again. He was there in Jungkook’s line of sight before the other had even properly walked into his part of the forest.
For a moment Jungkook hesitated again, looking over his shoulder when he heard him. He snapped his head back around, his eyes wide when Yoongi was walking right out of the shadows of a tree.
“Yoongi,” Jungkook’s voice was barely a whisper and he bowed his head quickly to show that he didn’t want to fight or hurt him. “C-can we talk? I can step back over the border if you want… I didn’t know you were so close…but please, I’d like to talk to you.”
Yoongi listened and waited but Jungkook just stared at him with big, pleading eyes. His stomach had made a little somersault when Jungkook’s paws had hit the earth on his side and his heart seemed to follow because it didn’t want to calm down at the sight of the young wolf. Yoongi turned and casually trotted deeper into the forest. When Jungkook didn’t follow he looked back over his shoulder. “Are you coming? Whatever it is seems important so I’m not going to discuss it across borders. Let’s go where no one can listen in on us.”
Jungkook hastily ran after Yoongi, almost stumbling over his own paws in the process.  His own heart was hammering hard against its cage, threatening to jump out as he followed Yoongi deeper into the forest and back to his cottage again. Neither said a word until they were inside and Yoongi put a blanket over Jungkook again, watching him turn into his human form again.
It felt familiar to be back in Yoongi’s home and to his own surprise the other still seemed nice to him, despite his threats to kill him if he crossed the borders one more time. And although Jungkook hadn’t really expected it, he was relieved.
Jungkook sat down on the couch, watching Yoongi in the kitchen brew himself some coffee and the younger one some tea. He figured he needed to calm down if there was something serious to talk about. Nonetheless, there was silence between them while Jungkook reached out for the cup, burning his tongue as he took a sip. It took him a moment to gather himself. He himself hadn’t figured out what exactly he wanted to ask. “Why don’t you like Jin?” Jungkook blurted out, averting his gaze down to the cup of tea he was holding, warming his hands.
Yoongi stiffened, “That’s why you’re here for? To ask me about my history with Jin? Sorry, pup, but that’s none of your business.” His heart sank a little. So Jungkook hadn’t come for him, he just wanted to know about Jin’s background story. Of course, he wanted to know about his pack leader’s past. It shouldn’t be surprising, but he was disappointed, nonetheless. “Drink out your tea, please.” He swallowed down his hurt. “I don’t want to talk about it. So, if that’s all then I’ll get you home. You can ask Jin himself, he might even tell you.”
“I know it’s not, I just wondered. A lot. About you…and why you’ve become a solitary wolf.” Jungkook hastily said, feeling the anger and disappointment coming off from Yoongi. What a great guy he was, Jungkook thought to himself. It didn’t even take him a minute to anger the one he looked up to the most. “I am sorry. I didn’t want to poke around or…be annoying.” He sighed and got up again, holding on tightly to the blanket but before he turned again (because it was obvious that Yoongi didn’t want him to stay any longer), he looked at Yoongi with glistening eyes, “Do you have a mate, Yoongi? Did you ever fight for someone like that? You’re an alpha right?”
Yoongi raised his head, jaw tensing. “No - I’m me. And that’s all you need to know. I don’t play by the rules.” Although he had asked Jungkook when they first met what he was and although he knew that wolves of different groups had different physical characteristics he didn’t like everything that came with it. When you were assigned to a certain group after your first transformation your future life was practically set in stone. And Yoongi had not agreed. So, when Jin became leader of the pack, a wolf he had grown up with and called his friend he had thought that things would change, that Jin thought like him that being omega shouldn’t mean you were the lowest rank or that an alpha who didn’t want too much responsibility could just give it over to someone else who wanted it. But instead Jin had stuck to the rules as closely as he could. Yoongi had revolted and they had fought bitterly - until Jin had told him to leave. And so, he had left. Glad, that Jin had given him an out that wouldn’t end with him having to run and hide the rest of his life - but also utterly heartbroken about his lost family and shattered dreams. It had hurt a lot in the beginning, to be alone. To long for the others presence, the closeness of other wolves and to join their howl. It had taken him years to get over it. And now Jungkook came here and started poking at the wounds. “Do you see any mate around? No? Well let’s make an educated guess then if I am mated.”
Jungkook smiled faintly, nodding absently and ignoring the stabs in his heart each time Yoongi was talking back at him so angrily. “I think so, too. You’re you. Just that.” The younger wolf sighed, rolling his shoulders back. “I have four days left until they will decide who's right for me. Isn't that crazy? Jin says I’m an omega, so it isn’t really my choice and it’s best for the pack. Something about wolf politics, I guess.” The young wolf thanked Yoongi for the tea again, bowing and apologizing that he had poked around in his past when it wasn’t his intention to anger him.
“I just needed to talk to someone that wasn’t…them. I just felt,” He paused, taking a deep breath, “Alone. I am sorry, again. I didn’t want to anger you, really.” Jungkook rubbed over his eyes, trying to overplay the fact that he was close to tears again, feeling choked up with every word he said. “I just don’t want anyone to make decisions for me…just because they label me as such? Jin said, a few shown interest in me already because I’m ‘special’. It scares me, Yoongi.” Jungkook gulped heavily, thinking about the stories that Jimin told him about pack leaders, who had more than one partner. One’s that didn’t act out of love or anything else but only to show off their strength, gaining more than one mate, while the omega’s had no choice but to submit the second they were bitten. He wasn’t sure if Jimin was telling him those stories to scare and tease him or if those were true. Because, of course, there were the one’s about love and how one fell in love with your mate after the bite or soon after. But either way, he didn’t want that if he couldn’t choose it for himself.
“I want to make my own decisions. I don’t want anyone to claim me. I want to fall in love… I…” He stopped, averting his gaze, when he realized he was starting to get more desperate and Yoongi had already made it clear that he wasn’t interested in listening to Jungkook. He let a tear fall onto his cheek, “I am annoying you, already. I…I’ll just go…I’m sorry.”
The sadness came off of him in waves and Yoongi ached for the younger. He could understand him all too well, he would have done the same if he was in his place; fight against the pack, maybe run off. But Jungkook wasn’t him and he wouldn’t stand a chance if the pack went after him. And from what he had seen Jungkook was way too valuable to Jin for the others to just let him go.
He reached out for the younger and pulled him back and because Jungkook’s vision was blurry with tears he stumbled. They kind of knocked into each other and although everything in Yoongi screamed ‘danger’ he just put his arms around the younger and held him in his arms. He couldn’t show Kook an out - but he could give him warmth for a few minutes to hopefully rest his heart enough that he wouldn’t be in so much pain. “I’m sorry you have to go through this. I really, really am.” Being so close to Jungkook the younger’s sweet smell enclosed him and he gave into the urge to nose along his jaw, rub against the soft, delicate skin.
Jungkook gave in to him right away, wrapping his arms slowly around the other. Yoongi’s body heat was warming him up, his embrace feeling safe and when he nudged the side of his jaw, Jungkook leaned his head to the side right away and onto Yoongi’s shoulder. Who would have thought that the ‘bad wolf’ that everyone told him about would be the one to soothe him in the end.
Jungkook couldn’t understand why and how and maybe he didn’t want to understand it.
The younger let his hands wander over Yoongi’s shoulders, feeling the muscles shift underneath as he inched a little closer not wanting him to let go, because if he did then he would need to go back. “M-maybe they will not want me when they see me anyways. They could think I’m ugly, or too small or my fur isn’t fluffy enough. Maybe they see how jumpy I am, and they will get annoyed by it, just like everyone else...or they will return me,” Jungkook chuckled, a little too sad. “Do you know the other packs? Are they...nice?” He shivered a little in Yoongi’s hold, thinking about all his life he had been tossed around. No one really wanted him. And now even the pack that he thought would become his family didn’t want him anymore, when all he wanted was to belong to somewhere.
“Of course, they would want you. Not only are you exceptionally beautiful you also have politic value. And - I'm sorry to say this - but considering you are new to everything you seem like someone who is easy to manipulate and form into whatever the other packs want you to be.” When he felt the younger shudder again he growled at himself internally. He was so used to thinking unfiltered because he only lived with himself that he had forgotten how easily you could scare or hurt others with words. “I'm sorry, I don't know the others well enough to tell you anything useful about them. However, I can tell you that they would never return you. A mate off will be a one-time thing for you. Only if your partner dies would you be allowed to find someone else.”
Jungkook whined, letting go off the other in the process. “I am not easy to manipulate.” He mumbled angrily, sitting down on the couch again, pulling the blanket a little closer around him with a pout on his lips. “Political value. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Jin is literally inviting packs to see them fight...like it’s a spectacle. As if I’m a stupid prize to win. Do I have to go with them right away when they win? What happens then? I don’t want to leave this place. I like it here.”
“They will mostly likely take you back to their pack the day after, because... because they’ll want to claim you the same night.” He saw the horror dawning on Jungkook’s face when he realized what it meant so Yoongi hurriedly continued. “It’s okay you don’t have to be afraid, it… it might sound frightening but if you just let go of the human side in you who probably wants to resist… you just don’t have to think as a human. Let the wolf take over. As soon as the other wolf bites your neck you’ll get in the mood. You can fight it if you want but… you shouldn't. You’ll only hurt yourself. And it will feel nice if you just let your instincts take over. The wolf in you will know what to do even if you don’t. You’ll feel good. I promise.”
Jungkook shook his head repeatedly. “You’re telling me I shouldn’t be afraid of it when I don’t even know them…I don’t….I’ve never done anything like that…” He gulped heavily, “The wolf in me? Yoongi, what if I don’t have that? I’m already late with everything. What if…what if me suppressing everything…what if I can’t let my instincts take over?”
Yoongi’s voice got even softer when Jungkook told him he was untouched. He could only guess how scared the younger must be knowing that his first time would be with someone who he didn’t know yet. “Didn’t you... have a crush when you were human?” It would be so much easier to explain if Jungkook had been head over heels for someone because what he would feel would be very similar to being madly in love. “You don’t have to worry. If you can turn into a wolf then you’ll have its instincts. But if you... if you really want to make sure I could show you. I could nip on your neck a little. I won’t bite you, not really, but you’ll feel the effects, nonetheless. And as I said you can fight it if you want you’ll just know that if you let go you would want to be mated. Would that help your nerves?”
Jungkook’s eyes followed Yoongi’s movements nervously as he sat down next to him again. “I don’t know,” He answered a little too breathless, his heart skipping a beat at the thought of Yoongi touching his neck again, “I don’t know anything anymore…but maybe…it can help, yeah. You’re almost like a stranger, too, right?”
“Yes, I am,” Yoongi’s voice was still soft and warm. “But you are safe with me. You can try out that feeling and know that I’d never do anything against your will.” He reached out for Jungkook. “Do you want to come closer?” When Jungkook hesitated a little, not really sure how to position himself Yoongi carefully pulled him onto his lap. “It’s better when you sit because your knees might get weak. Just close your eyes and enjoy. I won’t leave any marks so no one will know. This is just for you.”
Jungkook’s hand held onto Yoongi’s shoulders tight, when he got pulled so quickly onto his lap, realizing only now that the other hadn’t thought much about his cover. Jungkook was blushing furiously as he felt his own naked skin touch Yoongi’s warm thighs and parts of the old sleep shorts he was always wearing that wasn’t nearly covering as much as Jungkook would like to, while he was fumbling around with the blanket to keep himself covered as much as possible.
“F-for me,” Jungkook whispered and did as Yoongi said. The heat in his cheeks giving him a soft glow as he closed his eyes, his fingertips digging deep into Yoongi’s shoulders, his whole body stiff, waiting for the impact to happen – for anything, really. He didn’t know what to expect.
Yoongi took a moment to look at Jungkook, really look at his face, his long, dark lashes, his lips that were red and abused from being bitten on out of nervous habit. The flush in his cheeks and his cute nose made him look even more adorable. When Jungkook’s fingers dug in deeper into his muscles Yoongi didn’t want to leave him waiting and leaned in. He didn’t go for Kook’s neck right away, nosing along his jaw the way he had noticed the younger enjoyed a lot. As expected Jungkook’s stiff posture softened a bit and he unconsciously bared his neck a little more. Gentle Yoongi kissed the sport he would nip on, right at the juncture of Kook’s neck but the intimate gesture seemed to make the younger rather more nervous than relaxed. Therefore, he didn’t draw it out any further and pressed his mouth against Jungkook’s soft, warm skin, his teeth scraping over it until his canines dug into the flesh just right.
It was like pure ecstasy running through his veins and Jungkook could feel himself fall into Yoongi’s embrace a little more. His breath shuddered as he bared his neck more on instinct, keeping his eyes close. His heart was beating fast, too fast, while he was taking short little gaspy breaths. Jungkook couldn’t explain how it was possible, but it was like every thought, every worry just seemed gone and there was only Yoongi replacing it. His warm aura. His sweet but cocky smile. Jungkook placed a hand against Yoongi’s chest, feeling the others heartbeat against his palm, before he opened his eyes. He shook his head to get rid of the dizziness and the image of Yoongi replaying itself over and over in his mind. Something didn’t feel right. His heart was missing a few beats and Jungkook took a deep breath. Jungkook had never been drunk in his life before, but he imagined it to be something like this. He watched how his hand moved up Yoongi’s neck, feeling like it wasn’t his own anymore when suddenly Jungkook could feel the warm feel of lips against his own. Yoongi gasped in surprise, when the younger pulled him in and Jungkook only took the invitation to the deepen the kiss.
Yoongi knew he shouldn't take part in this, he should keep it professional and hold Jungkook back but how was he supposed to resist the beautiful boy in his lap when he was pressing his body against the way he did and pulled him into such a kiss? It was sweet and heated but Yoongi could still taste the innocence on his tongue. Jungkook tasted like honey and spice, like passion and softness. It got to him, right where it shouldn‘t and both his heart and his loins warmed up. A full body shudder ran through Yoongi and he could feel how it resonated within Jungkook. It took him a few deep breaths to get his mind back on track. He wanted to make Jungkook feel good and take his fear, not indulge himself in the youngers sweetness.
Quickly, before his mind could get any other ideas he leaned back down to Jungkook‘s neck, trying not to think about how it would be to kiss him again and again until they were both breathless. Yoongi used all his desire to nip open mouthed love bites into the younger‘s skin, hard enough that it would trigger the younger wolf‘s responses but gentle enough not to leave bruises. If he bruised up Jin‘s precious cub – especially if it would show that he had bitten him - the other would be furious. Instead of taking more care the thought woke the rebellious side in him and he bit down harder. It teased an involuntary moan out of Jungkook and Yoongi smiled. Slowly he eased the pressure on Jungkook‘s neck, allowing himself to nip once more before he soothed over the reddened skin with breathy kisses that were just barely-there. He really needed to stop there or else he would fall into this too deeply.
But Jungkook didn’t stop, giving Yoongi no time to breathe, when the younger was starting to move his hips. He held himself closer, sweet little whimpers escaping his lips as he circulated his hips, settling on one of Yoongi’s thighs, feeling the muscles shift underneath. Jungkook was completely lost in the moment. Heat waves coming over him and whenever he closed his eyes, there was only Yoongi.
“Sh...shit, Jungkook!” Yoongi’s eyes snapped open when the other rolled his hips into him and he could feel his own arousal licking up his spine. “Don’t… you shouldn't…,” He groaned, suppressing a possessive growl that threatened to spill over his lips when Jungkook whimpered, baring his neck submissively the way he already knew he shouldn’t. It took everything in Yoongi not to bite him for real and claim him as his. This was dangerously close to getting serious. Yoongi’s willpower could only take so much, especially because Jungkook wasn’t just any wolf, he really liked him. He wanted him. Way too much.
“Sweety…,” He tried to keep Jungkook from moving but in their human form Jungkook was the stronger one and he was utterly lost in this right now. “Jungkook! Look at me! I think you got the point. You need to stop if you don’t want me to react to this!”
Jungkook snapped his eyes open at Yoongi’s order, panting and holding on to the other. “I…I think I want you to,” Jungkook mumbled, nuzzling his face closer to his neck. He could feel the throbbing pulsation down in his groin, the pleasure rushing through his veins from just a few movements, from just thinking about Yoongi.
“Jin said I’d be able to visit from time to time. The packs aren’t too far away,” Jungkook was speaking quietly, a bit too breathless, “You know how packs are. Would you let me out of sight?” The younger chuckled, knowing the answer already, “Let me have something, please. I want to make a decision for myself once.” Jungkook leaned in and placed a soft kiss at the corner of Yoongi’s lips.
Yoongi licked his lips right away, wanting more, all too ready to give into temptation. “I… I can give you something, but I can’t… have you.” Speaking the words aloud was like swallowing something down that he hated. “Jin would smell it.”
If he would ‘defile’ Jungkook like this Jungkook might be severely punished and Jin would also know that he was here. He could get his smell off Jungkook if they only fooled around but if he had been inside Jungkook… he shuddered violently at the image alone, growling at the thought of taking the younger like this, right on his lap.
“Is that okay?” He almost stumbled over his own words in his haste to make sure that Jungkook was okay with this before his self-control snapped and he would just go for it. “Are you okay with me getting you off?”
Jungkook felt light headed, a blush creeping back on his cheeks as he nodded and before he could think about it twice, he leaned in again. His soft lips touched Yoongi’s in a deep kiss, his hands nervously trailing up and down Yoongi’s shoulders and down his chest and stomach. Carefully, slow and with Yoongi’s guidance, Jungkook started moving his hips again. His hands on Jungkook’s hips were steady as he helped him move, back and forth over his thigh as Jungkook started riding it. He could feel the younger’s breath hitch against his lips when the pressure was just right and slowly but surely Jungkook’s exhales started to get shuddery. Yoongi kept his mouth busy, kissing the younger repeatedly until his lips were swollen and red, nipping on his neck again when he wanted to draw one of those beautiful sounds out of the younger that went straight to his groin. He was hard as well but he neglected himself on purpose. He was on precarious ground here, if the arousal got too much his wolf would take over too and other than Jungkook who was getting pliant and submissive his animalistic side would want to bite and take and claim. Jungkook wasn’t ready for that. And neither was he. So, he kept his focus solely on Jungkook. helping him to get closer to the edge with each roll of his hips.
Yoongi’s name was like a prayer on Jungkook’s lips. Whispered little words against the others neck as he moved his hips, circulating and holding himself closer to Yoongi. Jungkook didn’t understand what it was that wanted Yoongi to take over, but he loved it when his hands were gripping him tight, pushing him down onto his thighs, flexing the muscles underneath as he made him moan in pleasure. There was precum leaking from his cock, staining the shorts Yoongi were wearing, while the blanket was falling off his own lap – but Jungkook didn’t care. Instead, he let his hands guide him further, throwing his head back as his movements got more desperate, his moans a little higher.
Watching Jungkook fall apart in front of  him was what Yoongi hadn’t known he needed until now - and he never wanted to let go of it again. His grip on Jungkook was tight and he wished he could pull him flush against his body to feel every shudder, every whimper right against his own skin. But he was barely holding it together as it was, so he tried to stay strong, to not give into the urge to let the desire take over and instead tried to engrave this moment forever into his memory. Jungkook whispering his name and pleading for him made his heart skip a beat and so he kissed the sweet little whimpers right out of Jungkook’s mouth. Jungkook was shuddering, his thighs shaking as his fingertips dug deeper into Yoongi’s shoulders. He was moving fast but rhythmically, letting Yoongi make him lose himself in the pleasure completely. It didn’t take long for the heat to rush through him unexpectedly, swallowing him up whole and Jungkook choked on a moan, falling over. The hands were guiding him while the waves of the orgasm washed over him, making him black out completely. He was shaking apart on Yoongi’s thigh, desperately trying to get more at the same time until his body couldn’t take it anymore. A few dots of white dancing in front of him and Yoongi’s face was all he saw.
Jungkook came hard and the sight alone almost pushed Yoongi close to the edge as well. He let Jungkook ride out  his orgasm, watching as the younger tried to catch his breath, his hips still moving sensually against his own. Yoongi’s breath stuck in his throat when Jungkook made a sound, a satisfied sigh that made him want to kiss him again and then hold him until Jungkook had fallen asleep. Instead he swallowed hard, trying to ignore his erection that was starting to hurt already and concentrate on Jungkook. He brushed through the dark silky strands, scratching lightly against his scalp and Jungkook leaned into it, pliant and perfect. Yoongi’s inner wolf was starting to get dizzy with longing.
“Do you feel good?” His voice was a little strained, but he tried to be as calming and caring as the younger needed. “Do you need anything - besides a shower?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook hummed in response, keeping a little bit longer in Yoongi’s embrace just until he was able to think straight again, and the lightheadedness was gone. Only then Jungkook got up from his thigh, apologizing for the mess he made. “Do you have a shower? Can we?”
“Yes, I do.” It was a makeshift thing, but it did the job whenever Yoongi needed to get mud out of his fur or clean himself up after a hunt. “Just...give me a few minutes before you can join me, okay? I need to get rid of the little problem you caused.” Before Jungkook could ask any further Yoongi quickly stole a last, fleeting kiss before getting Jungkook off his lap and walking towards the shower, his erection clearly visibly through the thin fabric of his shorts.
Jungkook wanted to offer his help but Yoongi had already closed the door behind him, so he waited a few minutes before he stumbled after him. The younger showered with the others all the time, since nakedness was a normal thing between wolves and Jungkook had slowly gotten used to it by now. Nonetheless it felt weird to pull the shirt over his head again and then step under the shower with Yoongi.
Yoongi was still catching his breath when Jungkook came in but he had finished pretty quickly. Embarrassingly so. However, it had been practically forever since he’s had sex and Jungkook was just his type and after what they had just done his wolf was howling at him to claim Jungkook before anyone else could and then keep him with him forever…it was what had brought him over the edge after just a few more strokes; the thought of being with Kook, having him in his bed, mating him properly while knowing that Jungkook would only see him and he’d be Yoongi’s forever. He quickly tried to wipe away any traces before Jungkook could see - although he must know what Yoongi had just been doing. Kook wasn’t stupid, just inexperienced and a little naïve.
Jungkook didn’t waste a second to bend over right away, reaching for the soap on the bottom of the shower, not caring what he was doing to Yoongi. When he turned back around again, Jungkook was only giggling at the blush on Yoongi’s cheeks.
Jungkook was really tiring out his self-control. Luckily his nose scrunch and giggly laugh made him look so young that Yoongi wanted to protect him (just as much as he wanted to fuck him) so he tried to focus on that. “For a big bad wolf, you’re blushing a lot,” Jungkook teased him and then started taking care of the other. He wasn’t sure why, but his instincts had told him to do so. He was starting at his hands, soaping Yoongi all the way up to his shoulders and neck. “Turn around,” Jungkook whispered, putting a little more pressure on his neck as he massaged the soap into his skin, cleaning the other up properly.
Jungkook taking care of him felt so surreal and amazing that Yoongi got lost in it easily, feeling way too vulnerable for his liking. But it felt so good, Jungkook’s soft hands on his skin, his earnest care and cautious touches. Only when Jungkook was completely finished did Yoongi dare to speak again. “Your turn.” He let Jungkook turn around and them pulled him into an intimate embrace, washing his hair, his neck, his whole body. If they’d been in wolf form Yoongi had probably started to lick Kook’s fur because he couldn’t contain his affection but this way he just cleaned Jungkook up properly.
“So, that’s the first step; getting my scent off of you as thoroughly as possible. The second will be to put something else over it. We should go hunting in the woods. And maybe rub your fur against some trees or wet moss. If he still smells me on you then you can say that my scent was already there when you went to those places. But I don’t think he will. He has other things on his mind and if he’s not in midst of sniffing his surroundings when you arrive he won’t smell anything at all.” Which was both a relief and a shame, really. He didn’t want Jungkook to get in trouble for having some fun. Though he would have loved to mark the wolf as his.
Jungkook didn’t want Yoongi’s scent to be gone. Ever again.
He wanted it to be a part of him.
Jungkook gulped heavily as he realized what he was thinking about, about what he had done and the possible consequences. His heart jumped a beat and then once more when Yoongi suggesting hunting. Suddenly every worry was gone.
“You want to go hunt with me?” Jungkook could not contain his excitement, so as soon as Yoongi stepped out of the bathroom there was no Jungkook waiting for him, but a wolf jumping from one paw to the other.
It was contagious, the pure joy coming from the brown fluffy wolf that was basically trying his best to hold his excitement but failing. Yoongi laughed and quickly followed him, changing forms with ease. He’d done it so often that he didn’t feel more than a little pull in his muscles, a little tug on his bones. He wondered if Jungkook still had growing pains or if the younger was so happy over his wolf form that he didn’t even feel it. He nudged him with his snout when he ran past him, teasing Jungkook enough for the other to start running after him. Normally Yoongi tried to save his energy and only ran when he had to but with Jungkook it was fun to run as fast as he could, snapping at Jungkook’s heels or slightly jumping him so that the younger lost his balance, tumbling into the mud.
“That’s better than trees, actually,” He commented before playfully attacking the younger again until they both looked more like muddy creatures than freshly showered wolves. Jungkook was laughing, giggling and choking on his words whenever he tried to say something and Yoongi jumped him again. With Yoongi he could forget about the burden that was lying heavy on his shoulders and just be the wolf he wanted to be. Carefree.
The smaller wolf shook his fur to get rid of some of the dirt (but failing) before he followed Yoongi deeper into his territory. “Is this all yours?” Jungkook asked a little too loud, getting shushed by the other right away, so he repeated it in a whispery tone.
“Yeah, that’s all mine. It might look big to you but with a smaller territory I wouldn’t be able to get myself enough food to survive. And I’m lucky the wolf pack next door has lots of prey coming closer to me because they don’t expect a single wolf that close. I can live well here.”
Except that it got lonely - if he wasn’t just being visited by a lively, brave little fluffy thing named Jungkook.
Jungkook let his gaze wander around as he was observing Yoongi’s way of hunting closely, following whatever he was doing. They were quietly walking down a path, until they could perfectly overview over a meadow where a deer just jumped out of the shadows. Jungkook wondered if Yoongi had heard the animal already, or how he had sensed it being close, when all he could hear was his own heartbeat hammering against his chest. “Stay close,” Yoongi whispered and Jungkook followed his order easily.
Yoongi was a very quiet hunter, something Jungkook wasn’t really good at. So, he held his breath, trying to keep a bit behind Yoongi who was precisely getting closer to the deer, laying down behind the high grass. He didn’t want to disappoint the white wolf. He wanted to show how good he was, too - but he was nervous. And it only gotten worse the closer the big white wolf got to its prey, his whole body on edge, his muscles stiff and ready to jump out the second Yoongi would. His legs began to tremble from how much Jungkook was concentrating, completely transfixed on Yoongi’s hunting skills.
“A little closer,” Yoongi’s voice was so quiet that Jungkook could barely hear him and then he was starting to count. His eyes flickered over to the prey and back to Yoongi quickly. The young wolf wasn’t really sure what had happened next - it felt like a blur - but the moment he could see the muscles shift in Yoongi’s body, Jungkook released a growl and jumped out from their hideout and right onto the meadow. He stumbled over his own paws, not expecting how wobbly his own legs felt from being so on edge from before.
Of course, with Jungkook’s generous growly warning the deer jumped off as quick as it could. And only if he had started a sprint and given it his all then maybe, just maybe he would have still reached it. But he wasn’t that hungry, so he rather stayed with Jungkook.
“Uhm, yeah, no, that’s not how you hunt. You do realize that I was trying to be quiet for the deer not to notice me?” Though his tone was deadpan he looked absolutely amused about the young wolf's attempts at trying to be a predator. “I wouldn’t give up hope though - you might kill them with an overload of cuteness.”
Jungkook nudged Yoongi’s side playfully, “Jin, he only took me fishing until now. I thought we would jump out! You started to count! I was excited!” Jungkook let himself plop onto the grass and looked up at Yoongi, “I’m sorry. Can we try again? Will you show me?”
“It’s easy, all you have remember is to not do what you just did” He nudged Jungkook back, and maybe he even left his nose buried in Kooks fur for a little bit longer than necessary, inhaling the younger’s sweet scent. It comforted him, more than anything else could.
“Seriously though, we could practice - but we shouldn’t use actual prey for it or else there will be no prey in the forest that hasn't been scared off. You can try to attack me, if you want. I’ll close my eyes for ten seconds and you hide and then you try to sneak up to me, okay?”
Jungkook nodded at that, running off the minute Yoongi had his eyes closed. In a way Jungkook knew it was a helpless case, because Yoongi was good. He was very good. It took him a first few tries which he failed and chasing a butterfly that was far more interesting later, when Jungkook was finally close enough to hunt Yoongi. He was quiet. Holding his breath, his eyes and mind focused on his prey.
With a precise jump, Jungkook started chasing, giving Yoongi only a millisecond to react to him. However, Yoongi easily took a step aside, making Jungkook fly past him and then tackled him to the ground. He put his paws on Jungkook’s chest just like when they had first met and gave him a lick straight over his nose. “Gotcha!”
“But I was close, right? It’s an unfair fight. You’re so much better!” Jungkook was panting, snapping at Yoongi playfully. Somehow it made his heart skip a few beats, feeling Yoongi’s paw press onto his chest, making him feel the power of the other. Out of instinct, Jungkook licked him right back, giggling softly in the process. “I like you, Yoongi.” Jungkook blurted out, meaning it just as a compliment but the moment he said those words, he knew there was much more behind them. “I mean you’re so much cooler. They told me you’re mean and…grumpy. But you’re way better than all of them.”
For a moment Yoongi had felt happy and carefree, the burden of loneliness lifted from his shoulders - but then Jungkook reminded him of why this couldn’t last. This might very well be the last time he saw the other. All Jin had to do was keep an eye on him and give him over to someone from another pack and Yoongi would never see Jungkook again. He swallowed harshly and eased his paws off of the younger’s chest. “Yeah well, I’m mean if you piss me off and I guess I can be grumpy. But you don’t know me well enough to have seen that side yet. And you probably never will…”
Jungkook noticed how Yoongi stiffened up right away and he whimpered quietly, nudging the white wolf softly. “I wish I had stumbled upon your territory and not Jin’s.” He leaned his head upon Yoongi’s shoulders for a moment, closing his eyes and just feeling the warmth coming from him. Jungkook sighed deeply, trying to ignore the ache in his heart. “I…I think I have to go back or else they will look for me again. Can you show me the way back to the border?”
“I‘m not sure if that would have changed anything. You are a social person, not made for the life of a solitary. I‘ve seen you with the others, Taehyung and...Jimin. You love it, playing with them, the little play fights, the evenings together in front of the fire, warming your fur and listening to the elder‘s stories… you would have missed out on that. And it is far more dangerous on your own. If I was injured we would both starve. The humans could hunt us. Another pack could see us as threat and kill us both – or worse, claim you as theirs. And I don‘t mean claim you as a mate but just as a toy. You don‘t want that Jungkook. You are too … gentle, too innocent to survive out there without a pack. No, you… you‘re safer with a pack. You‘ll have a good life there.“ His voice broke. He felt utterly hypocritical telling someone else to stay when he himself had broken with the pack because of similar reasons. Mating a young, naive wolf off like that was one of those rules he had despised. Sure, some were fine with it. And most mates fell in love with each other anyway. But Jungkook hadn‘t grown up a wolf and his idea of love was more human. To him it would be like... being sold. And still, despite everything a pack was Jungkook’s best option for a nice life. Even if it broke his heart to send the other back. “Yeah, I‘ll… I‘ll show you the way back.“ He turned and trotted ahead.
Jungkook could not even answer, staring at Yoongi’s backside as he trotted away. He quickly ran after him, still completely lost for words. It hurt him, that everyone, even Yoongi, was trying to tell him what was the best for him. But from every discussion with Jin, Jungkook knew better than to say something. Instead he kept quiet, his head low, nudging Yoongi’s side from time to time to try and make the other happy again. But the white wolf seemed emotionless.
Jungkook didn’t want to part at the border, he didn’t want to go back and possibly get scolded for being away for so long. Instead he nuzzled his face against Yoongi’s neck, whimpering quietly, begging to feel the care from him again that suddenly felt gone. “Can I come back?”
Yoongi hooked his chin over Jungkook’s shoulder in some kind of hug, burying his nose in Jungkook’s fur again. “Of course. You can always come to me if you want. Just make sure that you don’t get caught and won’t get punished for it. Apart from that my door is always open for you.” He had tried to keep Jungkook out of his mind and heart and failed so there was no use in trying to keep him out any longer as it would only hurt them both. He had to fight hard against the urge to pull Jungkook back in when they finally separated, staying on his side of the border while watching Jungkook slowly trot away.
At home, Jungkook went up into his room and took a shower, ignoring that most of them were in the living room instead asking him why he was so dirty. Jungkook let himself fall onto his bed after, growling into the cushion angrily to not let anyone else hear but Jimin heard it, nonetheless.
“What do you want?” The young wolf had sensed him a few seconds ago, his smell so sweet that it was hard not to notice whenever Jimin was close. His expression only softened, when he noticed that Jimin was carrying a plate of food. “Fuck, I missed dinner, right? I’m sorry.” Jungkook rubbed over his face tiredly.
“Yeah, you missed dinner - and also Jin came asking for you. Where have you been? I covered for you but it’s the first and last time that I’ll do that. You have to learn to stick to the rules Jungkook, they are there for a reason. Your mate off is in four days, you can’t just run around the whole day and then expect to understand what’s going on later. This is important. You wanted to be a part of this part so now you should act like you are and not do your own thing.” Although his expression was stern and his words harsh he had filled the plate generously and set it down with care. He could understand Jungkook all too well, his urge for freedom, his drive to see the world and experience everything he hadn't been able to till now. But he was also scared for the younger, for the consequences from him or of possible accidents, human hunters, anything that was out there and a danger to them. Jungkook couldn’t face any of that on his own and come out as the winner. “Please, be careful. We worry about you.”
“I was…just running around in the forest. I needed air. I can’t breathe here. Trust me, I’m fine. I can take care of myself.” Jungkook said truthfully, feeling like now that Jimin was covering him he at least owed him part of the truth. “Worry about me? You’re the ones who are giving me away. Just like everyone else…,” Jungkook gulped heavily, “I wanted to be part of a family for once. Not part of your politics. I am scared. I don’t know them. I don’t want them to touch me.” Jungkook pulled his legs in a little more, raking his hand through his still damp hair. “You’re all talking like it’s so easy.”
Jimin bit his lip, then he kneeled down next to Jungkook, carefully reaching out for him, a feather-light touch in his hair. “We’re not giving you away like everyone else. You’re ours. Our little cub. And you’ll always be. It’s just... as pack leader Jin needs to think about what’s best for the pack. It has nothing to do with you, if any of us were unmated he’d do the same with us. And you will be the center of attention. The wolves will fight for you. Don’t you want this, to be wanted so much that they would actually get in a fight over who is lucky enough to have you? And in the end you’ll get a strong and protective wolf who will take care of you the rest of your life. No more being lonely, no more feeling like you don’t belong. They will keep you safe, keep you fed. You’ll have someone waiting for you when you come back from a hunt, someone who will warm your bed and make sure that you stay healthy and… happy and…,” Jimin’s voice slowly died out. It took a while before he continued, his voice barely a whisper. “Aren’t we lucky? We only have such a small price to pay for our happiness. What would our bodies be worth anyways if no one would want us?”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, “Small? For you all it’s big and it’s a bigger prize I pay. I give myself over so you can have no wars, so you can keep peace between the packs. And no one asked me. Ever. It’s never my choice.” The younger wolf sighed, “I will never belong anywhere anyways. I’ll always have just me. No matter where I am…or who calls me their property.”
“You forgot that you won’t have any wars either. You’ll benefit from this just as much as we do. You might not see it now, but you’ll understand. You’ll see that your life will be so much better than you could ever imagine.”
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and leaned his head onto his knees, “What was it like for you? When you got mated off?”
Jungkook’s sudden question took him by surprise. “Me?” He bit his lip, blushing a little before confessing, “Scary. Exciting. I was really, really nervous. And like you I had no idea who I would get in the end. But I was lucky, just like you are going to be and Namjoon is the best mate I can think of. And that Jin shows interest in me is just a reminder of my value for the pack so I’m… I’m flattered of course.”
Jungkook averted his gaze to the window and down again, deep in thought. “Well, you are the perfect mate. You’re sweet, caring, thoughtful. I’m clumsy, headstrong and my fur isn’t even half as fluffy as yours. What if they will see me and just turn around again?” He was clenching his fists, rubbing over his temples as he could feel a headache coming in. “Maybe it won’t work. The imprint,” Jungkook's heart was beating a little faster, his mind circulating around Yoongi and how he had felt when he had nipped on his neck, just gently and creating such a strong reaction from him. He wanted no one else to leave that kind of mark on him. It left him wondering when the white wolf had completely taken over his heart and mind, but it made him smile, nonetheless. There was no way Jungkook could live without Yoongi. He had absolutely no idea how he had lost his heart so easily, but maybe this was how it should be. “Wolves are meant for each other, right? Did you know that you wanted Namjoon before the fight?”
“Don’t play yourself down like that, Jungkook. Of course, they will want you. No one’s perfect. Besides your fur is the fluffiest I‘ve seen in a while so stop fishing for compliments.” He smiled but got serious again when he sensed how worried Jungkook was about the imprint. “I have never heard of that, of the bite not working. It’s... just instincts. You can’t really fight them. And you definitely have them or else you weren’t a wolf.” He hesitated before adding. “Uhm, no, not.. not really. I knew Namjoon and I liked him, just like I liked the others. But when he fought for me and I saw how much it meant to him to win me it just.. something clicked inside of me. I knew I would be his even before he won. I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else. And in the night that followed…” He broke off. “You’ll see for yourself. You can believe me though when I tell you that the next day you won’t want to be with anyone else ever again.”
Jungkook let the words sink in, but it only hurt him more. The more Jimin was talking about Namjoon, the more he wanted it to be Yoongi for him. There was no way this would happen. The young wolf had to face reality, even though he hated it. At least he could see one more time again tomorrow. There were tears burning behind his eyes and Jungkook blinked hastily, “I’m sorry I’m a burden, but please if Jin asks again…just tell him to let me be. I’ll be where he wants me, but I need to feel free. At least now.” He tried a smile and then pulled at his blanket, “Can you please… I’d like to just sleep.”
He could sense the sadness coming from Jungkook and hear the desperation in the younger’s tone but there wasn’t really anything that he could do to make it easier for Jungkook. So, he retreated, pulling the covers over Jungkook like a mother and then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “You’ll see, there’s an amazing wolf out there waiting for you and you’ll see him fighting for you and fall in love and you will be… so happy, Jungkook. More than you can ever imagine.” His smile was sad when he finally left Jungkook alone. If only he could make sure that his promises would be fulfilled. Because as much as what he told Jungkook was true for their own pack - he had no idea how the others would be. He just hoped he wouldn’t need to watch Jungkook leave them in tears.
“Did you talk to Jungkook?” Jin’s voice made him jerk around, watching the leader walk up the stairs with a stern expression. “Is he still awake? I’d like to make sure he knows how to behave. He’s been acting up too much. I can’t let him go wild on another pack like that if he keeps on…being… stubborn.”
Jimin quickly lowered his head, avoiding his gaze in respect and hoping that the submissive gesture would soothe Jin. “Yes, we talked. And you don’t have to worry, he knows what is expected of him and he told me that he’ll be ready on the final day.” The way he put it, it wasn’t even a lie. Because agreeing with Jungkook was one thing but telling the pack leader that their little problem child had also told him that he ‘just needed his freedom’ till then wouldn’t be the best move. For none of them. So Jimin could only hope that Jungkook wouldn’t run away too far, that Jin would be too busy with something else and that Jungkook really held his promise. “He was really exhausted so I don’t want you to waste your precious time with going to see him in vain. I don’t think he’ll be a problem.”
The alpha wolf reached out for the other, cupping his cheek and soothing his thumb over the soft skin. “You’re right. It’s good that I have you,” Jin was talking softly, pulling Jimin a little closer to him, “You’re much better at this than me. I probably fail as a leader when it comes down to Jungkook. He’s so different from what I’m used to - but that’s what makes him so special. He’s grown so much and still...he’s our little cub. I need to keep a close eye on him...maybe I should take him under my wing those last days? He always wanted that? Do you think he’d like that?” Jin was thinking out loud, caressing over Jimin’s cheek and pushing a few strands of hair back behind the younger’s ear.
Jimin nervously tried to think of a way to keep Jungkook’s schedule free while not offending Jin. “I... I think that’s a generous offer but maybe... it’s better to leave him be those last few days? I’m certain that he’d like it a lot to be your student of course but it wouldn’t fair to gift him with your presence when he might lose it permanently shortly after. He would just miss you more or compare his new pack leader to you - and of course the other would seem lacking in comparison to you. So maybe... you shouldn’t show him how blessed this pack is to have you and instead let him be because if he really stays with us you could always take him under your wing after?”
A few metres away Namjoon had been waiting for Jimin and now he just stood and watched. If anyone else had touched Jimin like that or tried to seduce his mate Namjoon would have had the other’s head. The pack leader had special rights though and also watching something as simple as Jin caressing Jimin’s face had jealousy surging through him like a boiling hot liquid he stayed calm. He knew that Jimin was fine with it. Namjoon was absolutely loyal to Jin. And still, if Jimin had asked him to make it stop or run away with him he would, in a heartbeat. Jimin was his everything, his love, his mate, the person he wanted to wake up next to and fall asleep at night. He could understand that Jin enjoyed ‘lending’ Jimin from time to time, especially as he said that he was ‘too busy’ for a mate. Namjoon thought Jin just liked to keep his options open. Because it would have broken any mate’s heart to be just one of many. Every time Jimin came back from Jin’s place he reeked of sex and guilt because of course Jimin knew what the knowledge where he had been did to Namjoon and he tried to soothe his hurt away every time, nuzzling his neck, curling into his embrace in bed and telling him that he loved him over and over to make sure that Namjoon knew that even though Jin could have his body Namjoon was the only one to have his heart.
“Stay with us?” Jin chuckled, leaning in to kiss the top of Jimin’s head, “The leader of the ‘Blue Moon’ pack showed interest in him.” When the younger’s eyes widened in surprise and shock alike, Jin smiled, “I know. They are travelling all the way here. I wouldn’t have thought it could reach that far, the news of our little cub. Even if he won’t win, which is highly unlikely, Jungkook will move to another pack.” The pack leader caressed through his hair one last time, placing a kiss on his cheek, “Now, good night, Jimin. The first few alphas of the packs should arrive soon, make sure to prepare everything tomorrow, will you?” With that, Jin turned on his heel, his gaze meeting Namjoons in an instant. He only nodded, before he retreated to his room.
“Blue Moon?” Namjoon whispered, even though he had closed the door right behind Jimin as soon as he had pulled his mate into their bedroom. “I thought Jin said, Jungkook’s going to stay close? You know the leader, right? He’s packed. He’s...the biggest wolf I’ve ever seen. There’s no way anyone will stand a chance. If Jungkook finds out that he will have to move packs even further...I don’t know if he can take it, Jiminie.” Namjoon still held onto Jimin’s arm as if he was scared his mate could go back to Jin any second, when all he wanted was for Jimin to stay with him.
“I know, but… it’s not like we have any choice in that matter. It was an open invitation so anyone who deems himself fit enough to win that fight is allowed to be there.” He leaned into Namjoon, seeking the other’s warmth and comfort just like Namjoon was seeking his. He was just as unsettled at the thought of Jungkookie having to face the elder. The younger was scared already and in comparison to the blue moon leaders massive wolf Jungkook might feel even smaller and more vulnerable than he already did. Not to mention that if the other chose to take Kook in wolf form first then it would definitely hurt. Some thought the pain was something that was supposed to happen during your first mating sex but Jimin just thought it cruel and luckily Namjoon had been nothing but gentle to him.
Namjoon nosed along Jimin’s jaw softly, placing a sweet kiss there, before he turned the younger and laid him down in bed to hover over him. “Promise me,” Namjoon breathed out, kissing Jimin once more, “Promise me that if we ever decide to really get ourselves a cub, that we don’t let them get too far. They will have a say in this, right?” The bigger wolf looked at his mate, his gaze piercing through him. They never talked much about the possibility of adoption, because for as long Jin wasn’t mated it was no option for them. Both of them had decided to take full care of a cub one day. Someone like Jungkook. That else would have been lost. “I don’t like this,” Namjoon mumbled and nuzzled his face in Jimin’s neck, hiding and searching for his warmth.
“Of course,” He sneaked his arms around Namjoon’s shoulders and held onto him while the other was littering his jaw with kisses, ignoring his neck just because he knew it would rile Jimin up even further to miss the spot that the younger wanted to feel his mouth on the most. “I’d want to watch him or her grow up, find a mate here, be at their mating ceremony, watch them have a cub of their own.” Jimin felt his heart flutter in his chest, as always when he was talking about their future family. It was everything he ever wanted, starting a family with Namjoon and raise a young wolf who would carry on their legacy of love and emotional connection.
“Keep a close eye on Jungkook, please. He needs you as one of his to understand. I don’t want him to hurt,” Namjoon sighed and caressed over Jimin’s soft cheeks, “You know Taehyung will only tell him the wrong things. The things that only make him more nervous. I wish we had more time with him.”
“I don’t,” Jimin’s voice was soft and sad, “I like him too much already. It will hurt to lose him now I don’t want to imagine how it would be to see him go if we’ve had more time with him, got to know him better, let him sleep in our den when he’s cold. He’s so starved for affection, for a sense of belonging that it would be easy to give into his need and let him into your heart in return. It might be selfish but I’m... I’m glad that I don’t have to see him suffer for longer.” Jimin hid his face in Namjoons neck, trying to hide from reality and everything it entailed. As someone who had once been in a similar position it was easy to feel with Jungkook. Still he didn’t want to cry in front of the other packs. They were supposed to appear fierce and ruthless. Crying for their youngest member wouldn’t help that.
“Yeah, maybe you’re right,” Namjoon nodded and let himself fall right next to Jimin, pulling his mate in, “I just want him to be happy.”
In the other room, Jungkook was tossing and turning. Whatever he did, Jungkook just couldn’t sleep at night and when he was awake, he felt restless and helpless. Jin was still talking about his mate off as it was more for him, than an event where Jungkook was supposed to meet the love of his life. The next day went by with more preparations and Jungkook was despising it. While Jin was telling him all about the rules and how the day would go down, Jungkook was planning. An emergency plan. Or an escape. He wasn’t so sure, yet. But what he knew was, that he couldn’t live like this. Not with a stranger. Not without knowing them and letting someone fight – possibly till death – for him. For a strange small cub, that Jungkook thought he was. Not someone special.
The following day, the first pack arrived and Jungkook wasn’t seen at all. The pack thought it was Jin’s way of keeping the cub a little more of a secret. Everyone had heard about him being special. But it wasn’t Jin’s idea but simply Jungkook who couldn’t stand the noises, the loud howling and many people around them. He was used to a small, rather calm pack not this chaos. This night, after Jimin’s visit to check up on him, where he told him to start sorting out his stuff, he sneaked out of the window. Quiet. Calm. Without anyone noticing. And only when he finally was deep inside of the forest, Jungkook turned into a wolf, running fast.
The tears were blocking his view. The air burning in his lungs, as he tried to orientate himself in the dark forest. He needed to get to Yoongi. He couldn’t do this anymore. He couldn’t breathe, he….
Jungkook stumbled over a branch and tumbled over, letting out a choked off howl and a whimper.
Yoongi’s head whipped around immediately. The howl had tugged at his chest, pulled at his heartstrings as if someone was physically pulling on him. He let the wild carrots fall that he had found and turned into his wolf form while running into the direction of the miserable sound. It hadn’t been that loud, almost as if whoever was howling was choking on something and it made him feel like he was running out of time he needed to get there, needed to find Jungkook…
He wasn’t sure how he knew that it must be Kook who had been howling as he hadn’t really heard him howling before but he just knew. So instead of stopping at the border he jumped straight over it, only running faster until he came to an abrupt halt when he saw a miserable heap of fur on the floor. He changed back in case he had to treat any wounds again and needed something more delicate than paws and gently buried his fingers in Jungkook’s thick, sweaty fur.
“Are you alright?”
The wolf shook his head, leaning into Yoongi’s touch. “Please kill me. Why didn’t you when you first saw me? You should have just torn me apart!” Jungkook was shaking so much, his whole body trembling from the broken sobs. “Please, just do it now. I’ll cross the border again! Just…do whatever. I don’t care!”
It cut right into his heart to hear Jungkook beg for death. He knew how it felt, to be so desperate that you couldn’t stand the thought of what might happen tomorrow. To be so hopeless that you would rather choose the permanent darkness instead of risking to be crushed in fate’s mills. However, he had pushed through and he was far, far away from giving up on life. He wouldn’t let Jungkook do it, either. He kneeled down next to Jungkook and melted against him, skin turned into fur, his face becoming a wet nose and long snout. He barely even made a sound it came so naturally to him by now to change forms.
Wordlessly he started licking Jungkook’s fur, starting with his face where the fur tasted salty from all the tears and then pushing his snout further into his fur. He was grooming him properly, like a mother would with a scared cub that needed comfort and even though it was so intimate it had him shuddering it felt right to do that for Kook.
Jungkook’s sniffles only subsided slowly, letting Yoongi soothe him wordlessly. The moon was rising higher up in the sky, the far away howls and laughter still audible where they were lying on the ground. It was dark and Jungkook was scared that one could find them. He let his head hang low, moving his paws one by one to see if he was alright. “We need to get out of our property,” Jungkook mumbled, “There are packs here. Some…some are still on the way. They might pass. Didn’t you hear them? I want to go home to you.”
Of course, he had - and not only heard but smelled. It made the wolf in him want to pace and growl and retreat to a safe space so Jungkook’s plea was what he wanted to do anyway, so he agreed. “Yeah, let’s go home.” He gently nudged Jungkook’s side until the younger was back on his paws even if his stance was wobbly from grief and sorrow. “You can stay at mine for as long as you can before they will start looking for you.”
Jungkook hummed in response, following the bigger wolf quietly until they reached his cottage and could turn back into their human form. The young wolf was quiet, a bit too quiet and it worried Yoongi. His posture was stiff, as he had flinched with every branch breaking underneath their paws. And only when he was sitting on Yoongi’s couch, did Jungkook loosen up a little. He let Yoongi take care of him, bring him some tea, a blanket to wrap himself in.
“I will run away,” Jungkook spoke out of a sudden with confidence. He was shocked himself, surprised at his own bold decision. He had thought about, had made a few plans and had ideas on how he could escape the ‘mate off’ but not once had he said it out loud.
Yoongi swallowed hard. He knew that this couldn’t be the reason. Jungkook would be lost on his own. But he had already told him how risky it was to be on his own and it apparently didn’t scare Jungkook off so instead of telling him no he just sat down beside him, leaning against him so that Kook felt that he wasn’t alone. “Where would you run to?” His voice was soft, quiet as if he feared he’d scare Jungkook off if he spoke too loudly or talked to him too directly.
“Anywhere but with them,” Jungkook said and laced his fingers together nervously only to let go again – doing it a few more times. “They are so loud. I don’t like them. I hear them talk…I don’t want this. I… I want to choose who I want to be with.” Jungkook’s voice was growing louder, “Why can’t anyone see that? I was better on my own before! I can be alone! Like you! I could live like you…or with you…you could show me everything.”
“You don’t think they would hunt you? They’ve been promised a fight and a prize, and you’d take both from them if you run. Do you think you’ve got a chance not only against your own pack but against the best fighters from at least two more packs? Would you want me to try and protect us both until they corner us somewhere and then kill me before dragging you back to here? Or how do you expect things will go?” He still kept his tone of voice gentle while confronting Jungkook with the harsh truth.
“You don’t believe in me either.” Jungkook looked at Yoongi with tears in his eyes, “You don’t want me either, I get it. I get it all. No one wants me. The real me. Just the prize.” The younger one buried his face in his hands crying and sobbing desperately. “Why can’t it be my choice? I want to decide who I want to kiss, who I want to care for?”
“I do. Jungkook, I do believe in you! I…,” He kept himself from speaking further. It would be cruel to tell the younger how much he liked him just to send him back to his pack, knowing that they would never see each other again. Gazing back at Yoongi, Jungkook’s eyes flickered back and forth, his heart aching painfully when it hit him like a million bricks.
“Y-you, I want you,” Jungkook whispered.
“Jungkook…Kookie…,” He tried to get through to him, holding the younger who was sobbing his heart out and breaking Yoongi’s in the process. Until he heard him whisper a confession. His heart stopped and Yoongi felt the breath rushing from his lungs in a surprised exhale.
When Jungkook didn’t take it back or explained himself he hugged the younger properly, trying to hold them both together while he knew all too well that the other would be slipping through his fingers soon. “Oh sweety… my lovely little wolf… You don’t even know how much I would love for you to stay here. To be with you and spend my time hunting with you in the woods, play fighting, waking up to you after a lazy night in bed...,” He brushed Jungkook’s hair back behind his ears.
“But I won’t be responsible for your death.” He turned the youngers head towards him so that Jungkook had to look in his eyes, “Look at me. Please, I mean it when I say that I would do everything if I saw a chance to be with you. But if we run we won’t come far. There is... really no other choice. You are too important to Jin. I don’t know if you have noticed but he has no females in his pack. If he wants to get cubs he needs one. So, he hopes that if he invites the other packs to your mate off he will be invited to the next. And that one of yours, or himself will mate with a female. And makes sure the pack won’t die out. You are his ticket for his pack’s future. He won’t let you go. Tomorrow you will see your future mate and maybe… maybe you’ll like him? He could be... everything you wish for. He will give you everything I can’t. A family, a pack. Safety and food no matter the season. You’ll… you’ll be happy.” He hugged Jungkook again, hiding his face in the embrace to keep Jungkook from seeing his tears. “Please be happy. For me. Don’t run. Don't let yourself be killed. Please.”
“Stop lying! Stop saying it when you don’t mean it. I know you don’t!” Jungkook said, feeling absolutely helpless, his voice sounding quiet and defenseless even though he should be angry, “I know you don’t feel the same way for me. It’s okay. I get it.” Jungkook sighed deeply. His heart was beating fast, his body feeling too exhausted.
“You want to keep your peace with Jin, too. I get it. I do. I really do. Don’t play pretend with me, please. Thank you, though,” Jungkook pulled away and got up from the couch, his legs almost giving up on him, “For making me feel…a little less alone when I needed it. I wanted to come but Jin kept me busy. I missed you. I’m sorry.” The young wolf was talking in in-coherent sentences, not sure if anything was making sense because his mind was  full of chaos. “My future mate,” Jungkook smiled at Yoongi, “They talk about how it’s going to be the leader of the ‘blue moon’? Do you know him? I don’t want him. But you don’t care. Neither does anyone else.” Jungkook smiled again, “I’m sorry, Yoongi. I can’t. Don’t make me do this, please.”
Yoongi was about to get up and pull Jungkook in again, kiss him until they were both out of breath and hold him until the splinters of their hearts would mend together. But if he did - then he would only have to break Jungkook’s heart again later. If Jungkook didn’t believe him - wasn’t it better to let him be? To let him leave with a broken heart but with the knowledge that Kook would be safe? Giving him hope might be enough to push him to run away after all. And he hadn’t exaggerated when he had said that Jungkook was Jin’s ticket for the future. If Jin realized that he couldn’t use Jungkook for that and if Jungkook made him lose his face in front of all these other wolves Jin would have no choice but to do something drastic to keep his dignity. Like hunt Jungkook down - and kill him. So, it would be better if Jungkook was heartbroken but alive than tell him the truth and risk his death tomorrow. Like this maybe he could get his happiness after all. Even if Yoongi didn’t.
So, he swallowed it down; his words about the blue moon wolves being reckless and ruthless hunters, bordering on insane if you believed the rumors. But rumors could be just that; scary stories with no truth at all. So instead of telling Jungkook the truth again he kept quiet until he felt like he’d have his emotions long enough in check to tell him goodbye. “I... I hope you will be able to find what you are looking for tomorrow. I wish you that you’ll get someone you can love and that whoever wins you, be it from the ‘blue moon’ pack or someone else, will love you back the way you deserve. Think about what you will gain, not about what you’ll lose.” He could feel the tears clouding his view again so before they could spill over he hastily added, “Goodbye Jungkook.”
Jungkook chuckled at that humorlessly. “I don’t care what’s right for everyone else. Sooner or later I will run. Tomorrow. Or in a week. Or in a month.” Jungkook’s stern gaze pierced right through Yoongi, “And no, I don’t care if they will hunt me and kill me. I risk it. I would die there one way or another.” From a broken heart or at their hand, Jungkook was sure of it – and he didn’t care. He let his hand wander slowly over the soft skin on his neck, closing his eyes. The hurt too big for him to handle when he heard Yoongi’s goodbye. “I thought you out of everyone would understand. You said you believed in different rules…and still here you are selling me out to them just like everyone else. You’re not better than them.”
Jungkook let the tears fall freely.
It was hard to watch Jungkook’s bitterness, the hurt that was behind his eyes. In a way Jungkook still hoped that Yoongi would keep him here. He could see it in the way the younger was still here, still giving him a chance although Yoongi had hurt him over and over tonight, refusing him a way out. He kept quiet, just looking at Kook, trying to ingrain each and every detail of the younger’s face into his memory; his dark, wide eyes, the cute nose, even his hurtful expression. He wanted to remember all of this. It would be everything that he had left of Kook after tomorrow.
Jungkook had hoped there would be still something, anything that Yoongi would say but the other was quiet. There was nothing. Just quiet. Jungkook shook his head, biting his lip anxiously and before he could say his own goodbye, the younger turned around. He was fast as he stumbled out of the door, turning in midst jump to run off. A painful howl escaped him once more.
And then it was quiet again.  
A/N: Here we go again! Don’t forget to comment down below and leave your thoughts on the chapter. Will Jungkook run away? Will Yoongi hold him back? Or will the leader of the ‘blue moon’ catch him and claim him as his ;)
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A Memory Of The Smell of Smoke, Ch 5.
Fandom: The Society.
Summary: Everyone liked to pretend that Campbell had been born bad. That their fear and hatred were logical, rational, justified, because Campbell was a monster incapable of making the choice between good and evil. Because he couldn’t feel the way they did. Well, fuck that. He was gonna prove them wrong. At least, that had been the plan.
Rating: Mature.
Tags: Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, Emotional Baggage, Mental Health Issues, Child Abuse, Substance Abuse, Animal Death, Complicated Relationships, Pre-Slash, Denial of Feelings, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Implied Rape, Campbell has mild ASPD and is self aware enough to try and be better, the non-con is NOT Campbell, didn’t add an official warning because it is the aftermath only, yes it is the party becca mentioned and there will be a warning in the notes of that chapter, Campbell/Harry, Campbell/Elle.
Word Count: 4601 (chapter 5/5).
Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3 || Ch 4 || AO3
Then again, they do say that things get worse before they get better.
For  whatever reason, Becca stopped talking to Campbell. He tried to text her to see if she was alright, but his number was blocked. He tried to talk to her, but she kept on walking. It would have been all too easy to  get pissed off over it, but he shrugged and carried on with life. Perhaps she was embarrassed, or ashamed. Perhaps she wanted to pretend it never happened. Maybe it had been a really bad high. Who knew? But she wanted nothing to do with him, either way, and he didn't waste his time on people that obviously wanted him gone. Caring cost too much energy for that.
The end of the school year play was an adaptation of the film Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead.  Cassandra, of course, decided to try out. It was more surprising that Harry tried out, too. Naturally, they both got the lead roles. And why wouldn't they? Cassandra had always been an amazing actress, and now that Harry had cleaned up his image to make himself the cute goody-two-shoes co-captain of the debate team in order to be more appealing to Kelly, it made sense that he'd charm his way in.
Campbell  didn't need to worry about that. He got recruited to help with the set,  and that was fine. It was something to pass the time, as always, and  Elle was often there to help with choreography. It was a nice, long  distraction. By the time rehearsals were over, they had two weeks left  until prom and three until graduation; it was so close to being over that Campbell could taste it, and damn it was good. The play itself would shave one week off, and everyone would be too busy going bananas over prom that they wouldn't have time for much idle gossip.
Or,  at least, it would have been perfect. Just before the opening night of  the play, something began to smell. Literally. Campbell was hanging out  with a few of the drama club kids he'd met through the play, the five of  them sharing a few orders of fries after a long day of getting the  stage ready for the big event. They were on their way out when Campbell  caught a whiff of what smelled like rotting flesh. He gagged, covering  his nose with his sleeve, and soon the other teen were coughing as well.
"What  the fuck is that?" demanded Elaine, a chunky girl with bright pink  hair, ripped jeans, and an MCR shirt. "Jesus christ, Henry, I told you  not to go for the chili fries."
Henry, a scrawny blond, made a noise of complaint. "It's not me!"
"The  wind is coming from the northeast," Campbell interrupted as everyone began to blame each other. "It's probably in the wood somewhere. A sewer  leak or something."
Everyone quieted down and agreed, but the  smell only got worse and worse as the evening went on. The next morning,  Campbell and Sam came downstairs to find their living room filled up  with people. Their parents, Harry's mother, Aunt Amanda and Uncle Jim, a  few other influential members of town... and in front of them all,  their other uncle, Rogers. Frequently heard blustering on about some  damn thing, usually something racist, he wasn't anyone Campbell had any  desire to be around. But there he was, shouting about the smell and what  to do about it.
Campbell tuned it all out and made breakfast for  himself, slipping out the door and heading to school before he was  noticed. The smell was, in fact, terrible. Students were whispering  theories to each other all day. Campbell heard that the smell was a dead  whale washed up on the coast and the wind was carrying the smell, that  it was a terrorist attack, that it was ghosts coming to haunt the town  for some misdeed, it was meth gone wrong... But in the end, there were  no answers. Just a constant, unyielding reek that seemed to be coming  from everywhere.
At the very least, the first night of the play  went off without a hitch. Even if it smelled like a dead skunk basted  with cow farts outside, Cassandra and Harry were beautiful, witty, and  gave a flawless performance. No one really payed attention to the fact  that there was a town meeting among the adults the next day; Campbell  overheard his mother talking to his father about it, and how Uncle  Rogers had contacted some guy named Pfeiffer to get rid of the smell.
Campbell  flopped on Harry's bed as Harry dug around his closet for a suit to  wear to prom. "Who the hell has a job in smell removal? Is that a  thing?"
"Don't know, and who cares? As long as I can go back to  eating without everything tasting faintly like septic tank, that's all I  care about."
Whatever the Pfeiffer guy was about, the day after  the town meeting, the smell did vanish as quickly as it had come. For  short time, things went back to normal. Campbell stayed home-- you've  seen one night in a play, you've seen them all, in his opinion-- to cook  mushroom carbonara while everyone else was out. If nothing else, he  knew how to make a good pan of noodles, and it gave him time to think  about asking Elle to prom. A sort of asinine affair, something he and  Cassandra agreed on, but it was the last big thing of high school. Maybe  it was worth a shot.
On the last night of the play, the smell  returned. It was even worse than before, so strong that it stung their  eyes and made some of the younger kids choke; the adults called yet  another emergency meeting, and this time, it was decided that the EPA  would be contacted. Until then, all students 16 and over would be sent  away on a camping trip until the smell was removed. An exciting prospect  in Campbell's mind, considering his family had never been camping his  whole life. A whole weekend in the middle of nowhere? Roasting  marshmallows, hiking, swimming, freaking Allie out with spooky stories?  Cool.
"Mom and dad wanted to know if you got your toothbrush,"  Sam signed as they stood on the school lawn, everyone waiting for the  buses to pick them up. "Did you?"
"Tell them to get fucked."
Sam  stared. Campbell forced a cheerful smile and headed off to go wait  elsewhere. He was standing at the curb when he heard someone  approaching; he turned his head, ready to tell Sam to leave him alone,  when Campbell realized it was Grizz heading his way. He was pale, his  gait fast and jaw tight as he glanced around. Huh. Weird. The football  player never really seemed nervous about much.
"Hey Campbell," Grizz greeted. "I have a question for you."
"I'm flattered, but I'm already asking someone to prom."
Narrowing his eyes, Grizz glared at him. "Hey. No, it's... Did you tag the wall of the church last night?"
"What?" Campbell blinked. "I'm no fan of Christianity, but no. I didn't tag the church with anything. Why?"
"Just wondering. There's some creepy Bible quote on one of the outside walls. Just thought maybe you'd know something about it."
"Someone's probably just dicking with us, man."
"Yeah. Yeah, you're right."
There  wasn't much time to debate it. Cassandra and her gaggle joined them at  the curb, all of them eagerly chattering at Grizz, who seemed to be the  group Boy Scout and everyone wanted camping advice. Five school buses  pulled up soon after, and everyone began to pile on. One of the few  places left on the bus was next to Elle; she had a look on her face that  was positively icy, but he decided to take the chance anyways.
Campbell rested his hand on the seat and nodded to the empty space next to her. "Hey, I'm Campbell. Do you mind if I sit here?"
Elle glanced up at him. She didn't smile, didn't speak, but she shrugged a little and moved over enough to make room.
"Excited for the trip?"
"Not especially. I prefer indoor plumbing. You?"
"I don't know. It might be an adventure."
"An adventure, huh? From what I hear, you make plenty of your own excitement."
"Oh? Where'd you hear that?"
"I just pay attention."
Campbell  leaned a little closer. She didn't flinch away, but she was watching him with a cautious intensity he hadn't seen from many others before. "It's too bad we've been going to school together all this time, and never really talked, don't you think?"
"What is there for us to talk about?"
"Dance, maybe. How many years did you do ballet before you moved here?"
"You know about that?"
"I pay attention, too."
That earned him the tiniest of smirks. "Okay, smartass. What else do you know about me?"
"Your  family moved here from New York when you were about twelve. You tried to make friends with Lexie and her goon squad, but they ignored you and  ever since then you've kinda just been alone. You spend most of your time reading, or playing the piano."
"Junior year, we had math together and Gelstein let us listen to music during tests." Campbell placed his fingers on the back of the seat in front of  him, moving them along like he was tapping on invisible keys. "You'd move your fingers along to the music, but you thought no one noticed because you sat in the back."
"Ohh, you've got a good eye. Yeah, I can play the piano. But I feel like that's cheating a little. You sat right next to me."
"That's true. I also know that you eat all the green M&Ms first, and that is not something I found out sitting next to you."
Elle leaned back and arched her eyebrows. "You know, some people might considered that level of observation a little creepy."
"Do you think it is?"
"I don't know yet."
"Think you'll know in time for prom?"
"Well, how about this." She was smiling now, and the corners of her eyes crinkled a little. "Ask me when this trip is over."
A  fair enough deal. They spent the rest of the morning discussing music,  art, and entertainment; Campbell had to stop and let Elle ramble from time to time, though he noticed she did the same and wondered if it was  for the same reason. He wasn't used to talking, to the point where he was getting winded. They had similar enough tastes, as far as modern music was concerned, and a similar view on politics. He liked modern dance, while she liked the more traditional forms, but it was still a shared interest.
They continued talking until the sun set and the bus fell silent, with students falling asleep as the bus ride continued well into the night. Elle slumped over near midnight, resting  her head on his shoulder. She yawned, content. "This is fun. How come we've never talked before?"
"I don't know." Campbell allowed her to nestle close. He wanted to stroke her hair, but he kept his hands to  himself. He didn't want to scare her by being too much, too fast. "I guess I was scared to approach you."
"Because you're pretty, and I'm trouble."
Ella closed her eyes, voice muffled as she drifted off to sleep. "Maybe I'm trouble, too."
Cute,  but it was hard to imagine. Not because she was a girl or because she was small-- he'd seen a 4'11" girl take down a two hundred and fifty pound football player with one well aimed kick to the dick-- but because  he'd never heard a single bad word about her from anyone who mattered.  Well, who knew. Maybe she had a rap sheet from back home in New York.  Campbell smiled a little, falling asleep himself soon after.
He  had no clue how much time had passed when the school bus jerked to a halt. He stirred, blinking as the lights on the bus flickered back on. Everyone was murmuring, trying to figure out what was going on. Were they there? It was supposed to be a twelve hour ride, including breaks along the way, but they had left at three in the evening and the time on  his phone said it was only a little past one in the morning.
"Change of plans," the bus driver said. His tone was flat. Bored. "Rock slides. The road is closed. You're back home."
The  murmurs turned into sounds of disbelief. Campbell stood as the bus doors opened, making his way out along with everyone else. He stopped on  the school lawn, and stared out into the darkness; there was no one there, no one besides the other students, and the weird smell was gone.  It couldn't have been fixed that fast. The useless government never did  anything fast, and it hadn't even been a full day yet.
"The fuck," he muttered as the buses all pulled away and left. "What is this?"
Ella stood next to him, frowning. "Strange. That's what."
Everyone  began texting, calling. Campbell tried his father's number, knowing Sam  was probably going to call their mother. It rang, and didn't stop ringing. No answer. No voicemail, even. He glanced around. He could see  the worry and panic on everyone else as they seemed to be reaching similar results. No one was answering. Something was obviously wrong. With the smell gone, he wondered if it really had been a gas leak, and now everyone was fucking dead. Only one way to know for sure.
Plastering  a smile on his face, Campbell looked to Sam and shrugged like it was no  big deal. Make it seem like everything was fine. No need to freak out  and start some kind of mass riot. "Well, I'm going home."
Sam  grabbed his arm. His eyes were wide, and he was obviously at that freak  out point already. "You're not going to wait for me?" he whispered, not  bothering to even sign.
Campbell made a quick sign. "Hurry up, then."
He  kept walking, and soon enough he heard footsteps trailing behind him. They walked in silence for a bit, before Sam signed to him. "Where do you think our parents are?"
"Home. Asleep."
"Do you think that's all?"
"Yeah." Campbell didn't believe it for a second, but Sam didn't need to know that right then. "Probably."
When  they made it home, the cars were still there. All the lights were out inside. Campbell went in first, calling out to their parents, but there  was no answer. Campbell and Sam exchanged a look; Sam's lips pursed, knowing without any words passing between them what the look meant. They  were alone. Campbell searched downstairs, then headed upstairs. He  didn't even care that Sam was right on his heels. It meant that they could both confirm at the same time that they were, in fact, alone in the house.
"No note," Sam said. "No message on the phone. Where could they be?"
Campbell  frowned. He didn't have a damn clue what to tell his brother, but then  their phones both began to blow up. Campbell looked at his, hoping for  the first time in forever that it was their parents, but it was Harry.  His mother was gone. Kelly's parents, too. No one could reach anyone, and their data was all knocked out.
Probably from the storm, Campbell texted back.
Yeah, Harry answered, and did the storm take all our parents too?
A  good question. Suddenly he had texts from Elle and Cassandra, even Allie, asking where he and Sam were and could they find anyone. Cassandra finally texted for the two of them to meet her and everyone else back at the school. ASAP.
"Are you gonna go?" Sam asked.
It  wasn't even really worth thinking about. Of course he was going to go,  if only so he could get some idea of where things were heading. People  were gonna start wigging out, and Campbell knew history well enough to  know that a bunch of teenagers alone and afraid never meant anything good. And maybe someone, somewhere, had actually found something. Campbell nodded to Sam, and they both headed out to meet with Cassandra.  
By the time they got to the school, a crowd had formed. Not  everyone, and mostly seniors, but enough for Campbell to know it'd get  ugly if the impromptu meeting didn't go well. Elle was there; she came  over and stood at his side, one arm crossed in front of her chest and  the other tangled up in her hair, her bottom lip pouting out a little.  She opened her mouth to speak, but then someone else-- one of the  football players, loud and brash-- yelled out.
"Who decided we needed a flash mob?"
Cassandra stepped out of the shadows. She stood on the other side of Campbell, pulling herself tall. "I did."
"What the fuck, Cassandra?"
"Better  than 200 people sending texts. Has anyone been able to reach anyone?" she asked. The crowd was either silent, or mumbled a negative. "No one?  Okay. Well, there's... there's definitely a simple explanation."
A voice Campbell didn't recognize yelled out. "Like what?"
"Um.  They, uh." Cassandra glanced at Campbell. He said nothing, hell, he didn't even move; if anyone thought he was influencing her, they'd never  listen. "They were evacuated, after we left. And there was a miscommunication, and we were brought back here by mistake."
"Someone would still answer a phone," Kelly pointed out.
"Maybe  they're asleep. I don't know, maybe they some place with no reception.  They're in a shelter with... with no reception, or something. In the morning, someone will answer a phone."
Goddamn  it. Cassandra, cool and collected Cassandra, was losing it. Standing  this close to her, Campbell could tell that she was shaking. Not much,  but enough that Campbell felt a spark of worry. They were supposed to be  the reasonable ones. Cassandra was valedictorian, disliked and  unpopular but vocal and well-known in their senior class. If Cassandra  lost it, the rest wouldn't be far behind.
"Maybe it's not safe for us to be here, if they all left."
"A  couple hours isn't gonna make a difference. We'll figure this all out in the morning. Right now, we should just... uh, go home. Yeah, we should go home. And anyone who doesn't want to, uh, be alone can come back to our house. Right?"
Allie smiled when Cassandra looked to her. "Sure."
"Is that your advice, Cassandra?"
It  had to be Harry that challenged her. Campbell cursed under his breath,  and resisted the urge to strangle him. Cassandra and Harry always had been rivals, butting heads over everything and fighting for power at every turn, with Cassandra usually emerging victorious. But what about now, when people were scared and tensions were climbing?  
"Yeah. Yeah, Harry, yeah, just go to sleep."
Harry  rolled his eyes, but people began to disperse. Well, some people. The majority stayed put, hovering around closer to Harry and the jock brigade; they were whispering about the local liquor store, and Campbell  took the moment to sidle over to Cassandra while everyone else seemed  distracted.
"Do you honestly believe any of that?" he wondered, lowering his voice.
Cassandra  shook her head. She took a breath, but it was already all too clear that she was out of her depth. "I have to, right now. It won't do any good tonight to think about it too much. We need to all go home, get some rest, and see what tomorrow brings."
"You know as well as I do that if we don't start preparing for the worst now, tomorrow it's gonna hit and this whole place is gonna go all Lord of the Flies."
"What the hell do you think happened?"
"Cassie, haven't you noticed anything else, besides our missing families?"
"The smell."
"Yeah, the smell. How are you gonna explain that to them? Or did the smell go to a shelter with no reception, too?"
Biting  her lip, Cassandra looked at the crowd gathering around Harry. Before she could say anything else, Allie came prancing up, a cheeky smile on her face. "Cassandra. Campbell." His name was said like it was something  disgusting, and her smile hardened just a bit. "I guess the guys are  planning to raid the liquor store and have a party. Coming?"
"Really?" Cassandra sighed. "No way. I'm going to head home and try to figure this out. Please don't burn anything down."
Allie  grinned and made her way back to her friends. Cassandra, Gordie, and their friend Bean headed off towards home. Campbell knew it'd be for the  best to just leave, but he could see that Sam was staying, and Elle was  watching him expectantly. Harry was waving them both over, and Campbell  sighed. Might as well. Despite how bizarre it all was, the idea of not  having to race home by ten and play Good And Normal Son with his parents  was appealing.
"What was that about?" Elle asked. Her tone was light, but her eyes were sharp. "With you and Cassandra?"
"Oh, just cousin bickering. How about this party, huh?"
It  started as just a bunch of them hanging out on the front yard of the church, with beers getting passed around. Campbell and Elle camped out in a quieter corner, each with their own drink. But within fifteen minutes, Clark had discovered that the church doors were open. It seemed  wrong. So, so very wrong. That's what made it fun. Campbell smirked as  people texted their friends, brought more liquor, and rigged up some  music. The air was just vibrating with bass and the cheers of about a  hundred drunk, high teenagers. It was blasphemous, and oh, they were all loving it.
"Can  you imagine the looks on their faces?" Campbell laughed with Elle as he  downed another cup of alcohol. "Those stuck up fucks would piss  themselves."
Elle answered, but her voice was muffled. Far away.  His vision was dimmer around the edges and he felt good; he grabbed Elle  by the hand and led her out to where people were dancing. Harry's  shitty little pity parties had never appealed to him much, and certainly  not the stiff swaying back and forth of school dances with their  parent-approved music, but this? This was something new, different. They  could do anything and they weren't going to get caught. Not yet. The cats were away, and they were all a bunch of fucking rats  ready to play.
At least, that's what Campbell thought, but after  people started pouring beers off the second story, Elle retreated into  an empty stairway. Campbell followed. A bad idea, in hindsight, but  they'd been having a good time. Hadn't they? She had tucked herself into  a corner, wiping beer off her skin and wringing it from her hair;  Campbell stepped closer, smiling.
"I don't know, I think you look kinda hot this way."
Elle didn't look at him. "Yeah, well, I don't really care what anyone else thinks right now."
"Hey.  Why are you spoiling all the fun?" Campbell asked. She didn't say anything, just giving him an irritated look. "Is it like a ballerina thing? Act all cold? Is that..."
Without a word, she tried to push past him. Campbell grabbed her arm, but she spun around and fixed him with a glare. "Seriously?"
Campbell blinked. He didn't know exactly what was happening, but she was angry, and he let go of her arm.  She kept walking, heading towards the exit. He sighed, mumbling under  his breath so she wouldn't hear. "Your loss."
Everything after  that was mostly a very long blur, ending in a wall of black. Not something he'd done in a while, getting completely wasted, and not something he was eager to repeat when he woke up the next morning with a  throbbing headache. Light hurt, sound hurt. The worst part was that he  just barely remembered what happened with Elle.
"Shit," he groaned as his phone blasted him with full brightness. Still, he managed to tap out a text to her. I'm sorry about last night. I'm an asshole and I was drunk. Forgive me? "Send."
It  was the best he could do at that second. Campbell dragged himself out of bed, stumbling downstairs where Sam was making breakfast. Sam glanced  at him, flipping some bacon. Campbell wanted to gag at the smell, but  there was a small stack of toasted Eggo waffles on the counter, and he  snagged one of those.
"No parents," Sam signed. "No calls or anything."
Campbell  just waved his hand and sunk his face into his arm. He figured. There hadn't been any furious screaming about the state of the church, after all. Sam sat down at the table, and Campbell raised his head enough to watch him for a moment. Now that he was sober, he was back to being able  to read people. He could see on Sam's face that Sam was scared. He kept  eyeing Campbell, then looking away, and shifting like his body just  didn't want to sit still. His body was turned away. Closed off. Insecure. He didn't like being alone with Campbell.
Well, who did anymore, really?
His phone buzzed. He hoped it was Elle, but it was from Harry. Campbell tapped on the notification, and stared at the text. Get to the bridge. NOW.
Sam's phone went off next. "Becca wants me at the bridge outside of town."
Please, a second text read. I'm scared.
Harry  had never said that, not in all the years they'd been friends. Campbell  stuffed another waffle in his mouth, and threw on his flannel shirt.  "Let's go."
It took almost twenty minutes to jog there. Sam kept  up, thankfully. Campbell wasn't about to wait around when Harry was  reduced to begging. Something was wrong, he could feel it in his stomach  more than ever. The closer he got, the more he could see there was a  small crowd formed. Cassandra, Allie, Becca, Will. Gordie, Bean, Kelly.  Luke, Clark, Grizz, Harry. Helena. Sam went to his friends, who were  sitting by the railing of the bridge; Campbell went to Harry, who was  crowded around his far with the jocks and Helena.
"What's going on?" Campbell hissed, pulling Harry off to the side. "You look ready to pass the fuck out."
Harry  just pointed. Campbell followed the line of sight. Trees. Trees had completely demolished the train tracks leading out of town. They just...  ended. Campbell went to turn back to Harry, and noticed the same thing  had happened to the road, too. He rubbed his eyes; maybe he was still  drunk, or someone had slipped him something. But no. It was like a wall  of forest.
Harry spoke, only just audible. "It's like that the  whole way around." He was breathing faster, his voice trembling faintly.  "We tried the internet, Bean tried to call 911. Nothing. There's no one  out there. We're trapped."
Campbell reached out, resting his  hand on Harry's shoulder. Harry leaned into the touch ever so slightly.  Adults and the younger kids, gone. The smell, gone. A natural barrier,  cutting them off from every escape route, and they were-- for the  moment-- alone. How? He couldn't fathom, but how didn't  exactly matter at the moment. What mattered was that this was reality.  Somehow, some way, they were going to have to survive it.
They were worse than trapped.
They were completely, truly, screwed.
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nautiscarader · 6 years
H-Hotel Quickies 2 - The tale of two harems
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Second quickie, this time focusing on the, admittedly, absurd harems so prevalent in two certain fandoms. 
Adventure Time/Star vs. the Forces of Evil crossover, T/M (just heavy implications) , 2.2k
(Ao3) (twitter)
"It was the best of times, it was the..."
No, it still was the best of times, Marco Diaz thought, sipping his drink in the hotel's bar. Though he never overused alcohol, it only seemed fitting that after a wild night like this one, he had something stronger, perhaps just to make his brain juggle a bit, and remind him about the time he spent with his entourage.
- Uh, hi, do you have apple juice?
A sudden, curious-sounding voice brought his attention, as a newcomer came to the counter. He was about the same height as Marco, wore a blue shirt, and a few strands of blonde hair stuck out from under his oversized white hat that covered his head, making him look like a teddy bear. However, it was his unusually looking arm that piqued Marco's interest. It was pink, glittery, and looked vaguely mechanical. 
The elephant barman grabbed the glass and passed it to the newcomer with his trunk.
- Thanks, man. - he replied politely, taking half the drink in one go. - Rough night? - Marco asked, pulling his chair just a bit closer. - Uh, you could say that.
The young-sounding fellow met Marco's eyes only for a moment, concentrating on his drink far more intensely as he should. Marco smiled.
- Yeah, I felt a bit like that when I first stumbled upon this place. - You have?
In a sudden move, he turned his head to Marco, looking at him with great interest. Without much thinking, he followed Marco, shuffling his stool towards him.
- Finn. Finn the human - he offered him a handshake with his distinctively non-human arm. - Uh, hi, Finn the human. Marco Diaz... Also "The human".
That information had apparently great significance to Finn, whose eyes widened even further, and the faintest of girlish screams escaped his lips. One of the glasses shattered, but the bartender remained unmoved.
- Sorry. I'm still getting used to meeting other humans.   - Another dimension, I suppose? - Marco asked - Also, you can let go of my hand. - Oh, sorry.
Finn released Marco's right hand from his strong grip. Marco shook it a few times, wondering if any of the visible glitter would remain stuck to him.
- New arm. - Finn spoke with what he thought was a casual statement - My friend PB made it from candy and science. - And the previous one was made from sticks and stones, I presume? - Marco replied, still feeling just a bit of pain lingering in his fingers. - Heh, no. First was a grass one and the other made from metal. I miss the grass one...
He returned to his drink, unaware of Marco's gaze still lingering on him after that revelation.
- Well... I shouldn't be that surprised - Marco spoke - I used to have a monster arm. - Woah, really? - Yeah... it was a bit of nuisance... and I'm not sure if it will grow back...
He once again took a good, long look at his fingers that once was the enormous, magical sentient tentacle.
- The girls liked it though. - Maybe I could help. PB will able to get it back, Or Huntress Wizard. I don't think any others would know how to do radical stuff like that. - And thus, we have revealed "the others" - Marco smirked. Once again, Finn's face turned a darker shade of crimson, just like when Marco first talked to him. - Oh, right... So, you're with your friends? - A few. - Marco replied quickly, taking another sip to hide his excitement
They both sat in silence, staring into their glasses, until they both launched one at another, talking furiously one over the other.
- How many? - Five. - Dang, I have four. - As if that wasn't enough, Finn boy... All night though? - All night and a bit of this morning... - Nice... - Do you have wizard ladies too? - Are you kidding? Star's got a magic wand, Kelly magic hair, and H-Poo magic scissors. An I'm pretty sure Janna can do magic too... - Magic is the best, isn't it? Especially when one girl levitates over you and another...
Realising how they must look, the two men suddenly retracted from their slightly too-intimate confession hug, returning to their drinks. Though they haven't exchanged a single word for quite some time afterwards, they both knew exactly how the other must have felt, having to satisfy their parties of girlfriends.
- How do you keep going? - Marco asked, breaking the silence again - I mean, I see you're fit, but... - Heh, I'm a hero of Ooo!
Marco blinked.
- A hero of what? - Ooo. My home. - Oooh. - Not "Ooh", "Ooo" - Finn corrected him - Anyway, H-Dubs gave me this to chew.
And he pulled a bag filled with what looked like brown, phallic-shaped cookies, but upon closer inspection, turned out to be dried, sliced mushrooms, though that fact hasn't improved on their shape.
- I mean, they're not really tasty... - Finn mumbled, taking a bite - But, heh, they do work, if you know what I mean. - Oh, believe me, I do. - Marco rolled his eyes - Ever since Star found those energy drinks at Quest Buy, I have no more excuses... And there was a sale last week...
He took another sip.
- A hero's work is never done... - Marco said, stretching his arms in satisfaction. - I guess you guys use magical protection too? - What? - Protection - Marco's tone became more serious - You know, against...
Marco made a circular move around his belly, throwing a knowing look at his friend.
- Oh. - Finn replied - Yeah, I don't think we use any. - What?! - Marco almost spilled his drink, and his chair wobbled just a little bit - Dude, I mean...
He dug his hands into his pockets, and retrieved what at first looked to Finn like a a few candy wrappers, but he understood what objects the multicoloured plastic bags held.
- Ever since Star found that contraception spell in her grandma's book, we don't have to worry about it, but I can happily lend you some. - Uh, yeah, but... - Finn paused - I don't even know if I can... with any of them... You know.
And he repeated the same round moves over his flat stomach.
- I mean, PB is made of candy, Marcelline is a vampire, and Flame Princess is a flame elemental. The closest is Huntress Wizard, but I think she can whip out a potion or something. She is a wizard, after all. - Oh, I get it. I haven't even thought about compatibility issues, I just want to be on the safe side. I know I could have problems with Janna, Star and Jackie, Kelly... Maybe, and Hekapoo is a whole different matter... - Marco replied, counting - Still, if you need these, you know whom to call...
Another pregnant pause fell between the two.
- Hey, speaking of your friends, where have they gone to? - Uh, I think there's a beauty salon on the lower floor. - Marco thought for a moment - Uh, or maybe the upper floor, I don't think this place works like it should. - Oh my glob! - Finn exclaimed - My girlfriends are there too!
At once, Marco sat upright, once again turning to his new buddy.
- Wait, do you think that...
His question was answered at once when the saloon doors to the bar opened, and nine stunning ladies walked in, forming an impressive, multicoloured, diverse line-up. With their bodies and spirits reinvigorated after the time spent in the spa, they arrived not as two, but one group of glamorous gals that looked like they have known each other for years.
- Marco! - Star screamed, breaking the imposing formation and rushing to the counter to throw her arms around Marco's neck - You won't believe what happened in the sauna!
She was about to continue, but then she spotted Finn.
- Oh, hi, Marco's new friend. Anyway - she turned back to her boyfriend - We met soooo many cool ladies there, and guess what! - They also are here having some fun with their boyfriend? - Marco rolled his eyes again, enjoying watching as Star's expression changed from peppy to utterly surprised. - How did you know?
Silently, Marco pointed his hand towards Finn, who only waved his hand at Star.
- Hi.
Her eyes widened as Star latched onto Finn's pinkish arm, and she let out a low moan of excitement.
- Wooooah.... You are Finn! And that's your arm!   - Heh, yeah.
The bewilderment on Star's face changed to a sly grin when she leaned onto Finn, causing him to bend his body back just a little.
- Marcelline has told us about what you can do with that arm... and those fingers... but also the whole arm... - Heh, yeah... - Finn swallowed loudly, wondering *how* much has the girls talked with each other about their excesses. - Wait a minute, I got an idea, Marco! - Star exclaimed. - Let's see if our keys can cross-over! - Our what can what-what? - Finn raised his brow. - That's how this hotel works, man. - Marco explained nonchalantly - You just gotta roll with it.
He pulled a rustic, brass key from his pocket and reached his hand towards Finn. After a bit of fumbling in his trousers, Finn found the key to his room - a plain, green one that looked more like a plastic toy - and mimicked Marco's move. The other eight women flocked to the group, anxious to see what their men were doing, almost as if they anticipated what was about to happen.
And sure enough, when the two brought their keys together, the metal and the plastic melted in their hands, twirling around each other, forming a double helix, that after a short glow, solidified into one, bizarre looking key with two sets of teeth on opposite sides. The crowd of girls gasped, though the ones from Marco's party definitely sounded more excited than the girls that arrived with Finn, already foreseeing the nearby future.
- Analytical!  - Finn exclaimed, as he examined the intricate key in his hands. - What's going to happen now? - Well... - Star begun, a wicked smile forming on her face. - I guess now we only have one room, Finn. - Jackie continued - And from what we've heard, you've never properly met a human girl before.
Finn almost dropped the key to the ground when he heard a smoky hot voice of Jackie behind him, and his nose nearly bumped into her cleavage when she walked to his side. He tried turning around, but met Janna, who, like Star before, was already taking interest in his right, otherworldly arm.
- Yeah, I think we can work with that...  - she mumbled to herself, knocking on Finn's arm as if to check if it was hollow - That might be even better than what I wanted to do with Marco!
In desperation, Finn looked to Marco for help, but in turn, he also became a centre of attention for magical women that only knew about his prowess from tales. Marcelline and Huntress wizard couldn't help putting their arms around his neck and feeling the muscular body underneath his red hoodie. Meanwhile, behind them, a heated and inflamed discussion took place, between two equally fiery gals.
- I can make Finn's cum boil with these in seconds! - Flame Princess pushed her hands to her breasts, squeezing them in the process. - Oh, please - Hekapoo replied, laughing at her bosom, that objectively speaking, looked pale compared to hers - And can you multiply yourself? How long do you think Marco can last when there's three of me? - Girls! Girls!
Princess Bubblegum clapped her hands to silence the parties and gain their attention.
- I think this fortuitous meeting gives us great opportunity to solve the dilemma we've had in the spa! - Dilemma? - Marco raised his brow, looking somewhat worryingly at Finn. - What dilemma? - Well, duh! - Star took over putting her arms around their necks, bringing them closer - Which one of you is the better lover!
A realisation finally dawned on the boys, colours draining from their faces, as Star continued to cheer.
- I mean, we've spent sooooo much time discussing which one of you is longer, and thicker, better at oral, and how many times can each of you do it in a row... - to their horror, she kept counting. - I mean, we also talked about nails, hair, music and the pros and cons of replacing monarchy with democracy, but I'm not gonna lie, you were the main topic...   - But the only objective method is a series of direct observations! - Princess Bubblegum finished, smiling at the two perplexed guys.
If Marco and Finn had anything to say against that idea, then the enthusiastic murmur amongst the other girls, all looking excited at the prospect, exchanging overjoyed and down right hungry stares between one another has successfully silenced the two.  
- Come on, Marco, we gotta see how our rooms have merged! - Star shouted, as she lead the group of women from the bar.
Marco and Finn took one more look at each other, grabbed their glasses, and finished their drinks in one go.
- A hero's work is never done...
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Hey can you answer all 64 questions for me? Thanks 😘
I’d like to thank @unluckymess for indulging me, and my need to lay myself bare on the internet and talk a bunch, you’re the real MVP, an excellent friend. 😚
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Mm yes, in a way. I like to have my bases covered so, I believe that I’m not real, and I believe that I am real but in a simulation and I can believe that I’m not real and still in a simulation and I can believe that no one is real and I can believe that only the simulation is real and I can believe that everything is real and I can believe that simulations aren’t real etc. So, sorta.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? 3. But I’m not afraid of the dark, I love the dark, it’s the people that misuse the dark that I pity and loathe. The dark is comforting, and natural– I love the dark.
3. The person you would never want to meet? Let’s be honest, Mr. Cheeto-Fingers #notmypresident guy is the most distateful man I’ve had the pleasure of never meeting. I’d like to keep it that way.
4. What is your favorite word? Settlement. Someone asked what my favorite word was in oh 8th grade? and my mind scrambled and said settlement and I stand by that brain scramble lol.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? There’s a Celtic thing that says Hazel and there’s an astrology thing that says Pine mm however, I’d want to be a Peach tree v:
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? Can I brush my teeth later :“)
7. What shirt are you wearing? A pale pink tee that says “Nevermore” in antique lettering and has a Raven opening it’s beak to caw.
8. What do you label yourself as? THE Boring Princess. San THE Bore. I own my dullness, I enjoy my royal duties in the Boring kingdom.
9. Bright room or dark room? D a r k but with a pink antique garden quilt covered in flowers and blackout/ lace curtains and dark wood furniture and glass end tables and ceramic vases in olive and navy filled with dahlias and white silk flowers.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Reading. Messaging @barnsburntdownnow @silver9mm (I adore you ma'am)
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? 16 was a good age, graduating high school and being District Spelling Champion has been the highlight of my life so far ;)
12. Who told you they loved you last? @unluckymess and I love you as well 😇
13. Your worst enemy? Evita Perón said Time, but I don’t want to plagiarize. I have to say, energy then?
14. What is your current desktop picture? My pup, he’s turning seven on December 11th!
15. Do you like someone? Sure I like a lot of people :) but I’m not attracted? to anyone really, since I’m abstinent until marriage and real commitment-phobic so 😅
16. The last song you listened to? The Most Peculiar Day of Your Life by the Hoosiers. (my third favorite band)
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? myself, probably
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? Also myself le mao.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? I’d choose Kim Jong Un and I’d have him sign over the dictatorship of North Korea over to me and get those people some gotdamn internet and H-E-Bs.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) my eyes are pretty expressive, I’ve been told.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? I’d probably be really scruffy, with curly hair, tortoiseshell glasses, and be real sweet. I’d go to several bookstores, chew on my pen cap, mope about looking artsy, I’d cry a lot, and probably blog about toxic masculinity. I’d try out the whole masturbation as a guy thing and also the whole prostate thing, and then get drunk at a bar.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? Nope. Everyone knows everything about me at this point le mao.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Getting exactly what I want? Is that unique? Mm dying and the headstone people misspelling my name so my gravesite/cremation urn says Sam Hernandez. Ugh.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. !!! My go-to, is whole grain bread, egg white, spinach, mozzarella, parmesan, green bell pepper, tomato, cucumber, mushroom, and ground black pepper.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? I’m going to give it to my mum, so she can gas up her car ^^
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Australia, to get bitten by the elusive taipan
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? PINA COLADAS. um rum? Uhhhhhhhhhhh premixed Pina coladas???
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Always be humble and kind.  
29. What is your favorite expletive? Bless Your Heart
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? The smiley face zipper case I keep my photograph print outs in.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Mmm I feel like saying my birth is a bit too gallows, so I’m going to say, agreeing to marry my ex-fiancé.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Tibet?
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? I’m going to ask for a business card à la Fairy Godmother (Shrek 2), be proactive, because when my mother passes, I can bring her back. I told her that she has to outlive me and I meant that.
34. What was your last dream about? Falling
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? My buddy, I’ve never been good at anything in my life. I’m an excellent speller, a reading prodigy, and average in every other aspect.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? Yes, thrice during manic episodes. Twice for when a dog bit me.
37. Have you ever built a snowman? Nope. I have yet to see snow
38. What is the color of your socks? I’m not wearing socks but I only like grey socks and beige liners
39. What type of music do you like? Alternative/Country/UK Pop/Rock
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets, please and thank you.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Coconut cream pie, from Sonic (after dark)
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) TEXAS. T E X A S
43. Do you have any scars? Oh yeah, plenty ^^ on my face, my arms, my foot. I’m kind of clumsy and I don’t mind scars so I never applied the vitamin E.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? A graduate lol all joking aside, a librarian? A kept girl? A strong, independent bookworm? Something alright.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I’d like to have been born in the 33rd century. (mm if not possible, then I would like to be indestructible) (if not feasible, then I guess I’d like to have perfect night vision)
46. Are you reliable? No
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? “What is the most profound thing we have said thus far?”
48. Do you hold grudges? Nope
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? A dragon (uh a scary bone eating bird with a nice, sweet snake)
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? The first time I discussed anything with my conscience? Mm really, any conversation I’ve had with myself has gotten pretty unusual.
51. Are you a good liar? HA maybe over text but irl I begin to giggle and avert my eyes and it’s awful no one let’s me get away with anything
52. How long could you go without talking? I went a whole day once for the GLSEN Day of Silence in April 2012. Maybe I could go longer? Mm I’d like to be mute. That would be interesting.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? They’ve all been great, particularly the ones I cut by myself from 2008-2012 I don’t know what you are trying to imply c:
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? Is this a euphemism?
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? Sort of an English accent, and sort of an Australian accent. Oh but I have a natural accent when speaking Spanish and a Texas accent pops up with some words in English.
56. What do you like on your toast? Fr e sh avo cado (free Sha vacadoo) obviously (if unavailable, I’ll take honey, cinnamon, butter, sugar, beans, eggs, strawberry jam, peach preserves etc.)
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? A lady, for @silver9mm@barnsburntdownnow for LETTER #6
58. What would be you dream car? An Aston Martin is what I liked in 2008—actually my dream car would be an indestructible flying bathosphere that could also teleport and drive itself. I’m waiting, 2020.
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. I do sing, mm well ahem, I don’t like showers I like baths. Sometimes I’ll turn off the lights and bathe in the dark, when I’m feeling overwhelmed or hopeless or I just don’t know who I’m fooling etc. Sometimes I’ll play music and place my phone facedown on the tub, let my head sink beneath the water, and the sound vibrates/echoes throughout and it is so settling. Ahem, sometimes bathing is my me time, where I’ll let my mind wander to something racy, and with the steam fogging up my mind I’ll get helplessly turned on, and just lounge in the hot water fluttering my inner muscles until I either orgasm or cry lol.
60. Do you believe in aliens? Yes. But do aliens believe in me? Lol.
61. Do you often read your horoscope? No but I do like those moodboards/aesthetics/text posts concerning my signs 😇
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? R in middle school, X in high school and now, probably S.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Dinosaurs are neat but I’m a Dragon! kinda gal.
64. What do you think about babies? Cute and scary and gross and wonderful and delicate and perfect and miniature and I want none and ten
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. Message me 👻 I’ll answer anything y'all.
If y'all would like to send me any other asks (anonymous or public) I tag them as Ask Thing and I’ll answer literally everything. Thanks y'all!
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