nicole-lynne · 4 years
A Pair of Dummies
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Hi there! This was a request from a lovely nonnie and I hope it finds its way back to them.  “I was wondering if I could request a fic where you have eyes for Steve and Bucky tells you to go flirt with him, but Steve’s being an oblivious little butt and doesn’t get what you’re doing. So later you just tell him that you like him.”
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader Warnings: Some minor cussing
It was three in the afternoon and the only sounds in the gym was the sound of Steve’s weights slamming together after each rep and Bucky shouting commands as he paced around you on the mat. However, your gaze was focused on Steve’s back muscles tensing each time he pulled the weights back and the tiny little grunt he would make.
“Hello?! Anyone in there?” Bucky’s punching mitt slapped against the side of your head, knocking you sideways. 
“Ow, what the hell, Barnes?” You snapped as you tried to shove the super-soldier but he didn’t move an inch. 
He chuckled smugly at your failed attempt, “maybe if you’d been paying attention to me instead of Steve’s ass, then I wouldn’t have hit you.” 
Your mouth gaped open and closed like a fish, trying to think of some comeback. “I-I wasn’t- you don’t- just shut up and put your hands back up, buddy boy.” You wiped off a bead of sweat with the back of your hands and got back into the stance. 
Bucky worked around you in a circle while you worked through the combo he’d showed you. You shot your leg out and kicked against the mitt roughly and he shook his hand. 
“Okay, that one actually had a little bite to it, kid. Ya know, you don’t have to be so defensive about crushing on a certain Avenger.” 
You swung your fist hard toward Bucky’s head but he ducked just in time. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.” Your breath was starting to get heavier as he moved quicker. 
“Hey, I totally get it. He is literally America’s wet dream. The perfect man. He embodies everything about the apple pie and the white picket fence.” 
Annoyance was bubbling up in your stomach so you hit a two punch combo, hitting the mitt with a loud smack. “Barnes, you are so insufferable.” 
“There’s no need to be so elusive. I’m just saying, I think I saw a little bit of drool coming out of the side of your mouth.” He pointed to the corner of his mouth for a moment, giving you the very opening you needed. With lightning reflexes, you threw your fist out and were centimeters away from connecting with his jaw when Bucky grabbed your hand and flung you onto the mat. 
A little puff of air escaped your lungs as your back connected, Bucky’s body sitting on top of you, holding your arms pinned back. Dropping your head, you growled with frustration. Both of you were drenched in sweat and it was making your back stick to the mat uncomfortably. 
“You didn’t really think I’d let you get me, didcha?” He mocked. 
“I’ll admit, I thought I might have a small chance.” 
Bucky rolled off you and held his hand out, hefting you off the mat in one swift motion. Dropping a heavy hand on your shoulder, he steered you toward the locker rooms. Steve was still in his own world, ignoring the two of you leaving the area. 
Rounding the corner out of his sight, Bucky spun you around and rested his hands on your shoulders. 
“Be honest, kid, you into Steve?”
Your eyes widened comically as Bucky stooped down to your level, making extremely pointed eye contact with you. An unease settled in you and you shifted your eyes down to look at your sneakers.
This wasn’t really the type of thing you wanted to talk to your friends about, let alone his very best friend. You had cleverly avoided discussing your embarrassing crush on Steve Rogers for two years, opting for admiring him from afar.
“I’m not judging you, I just want to know if I’m wrong because if I am, I’ll shut up right now. But I’m telling you right now, I think you’d be good for him.” 
“Uh,” wait, did you hear that right? “Wait, what?” 
“Steve is a dummy, always has been and getting the serum didn’t help him any. I see him perk up when you’re around, though. I think you’d be a good fit with him. You’re ballsy, intelligent, albeit a smart ass, and you don’t push...that much” 
When Steve had first started helping Bucky reintegrate into modern society, you had casually taken him under your wing. First it had started with tiny things like getting him to participate in small talk, then it was going out in public so he could realize that civilians didn’t worry about him. Gradually, you started hanging out all the time. Bucky quickly became one of your best friends at the compound. 
It was clear that he still struggled with PTSD from his time as the Winter Soldier. You never acted like it was something he should be over already and you tried not to push him into talking about it for the most part. 
The longer your friendship went on, you assumed that Steve would hang out with the both of you more, but he always kept his distance.  He’d have small conversations with you, but more often than not, he wouldn’t move any further than ‘how’s the weather’ or ‘Tony called a meeting’. 
Hesitantly, you shrugged Bucky’s hand off and took a step back. “But...Steve doesn’t even like me. Why would I be into him?” 
“What the hell are you talking about, you doo-doo bird?” 
Offended at the implication, you scowled. “I mean, Steve doesn’t even talk to me for longer than five minutes, so why would I be crushing on him, ass-hat?” 
“Boy, you two are dumber than I thought.” Bucky mumbled to himself. 
“Excuse me?” You squint your eyes and took a menacing step toward him. 
He looked back at you and held his hands up, stopping you in your tracks. “Calm down, killer. What I meant is, you are both missing the obvious. Steve is just too stubborn so he thinks he doesn’t deserve happiness, which comes in the form of you. And you, well I’m not sure why you haven’t pursued him, but I just don’t think you’d be staring at him as much as you do if you didn’t like him.” 
Your shoulders sagged in defeat. Why, oh why, did you have to be best friends with a sniper? Of course he saw right through you from a mile away. 
“He doesn’t like me, Buck. How am I supposed to get anywhere with him if he won’t talk to me about anything but the weather or how many cookies Thor ate last time he was on Earth.” 
“You’ve got to flirt with him, knucklehead.” Bucky smacked your shoulder. “He’s not gonna get the hint unless you actually act like you’re into him. Ya know, maybe ask him out to a meal or something. And talking about Thor isn’t gonna help the situation so cut that shit out right now.” 
“No buts, just go out there and flirt with him like the woman I know, love, and wish would get a life.” Then he was shoving you back towards the weight room with a huge shit-eating grin on, ignoring your shouts of offense. Hesitating for a moment, you glanced back to see Bucky shoo-ing you forward. 
Letting out a huge sigh, you walked around the corner and slammed right into a large wall of muscle. Steve’s hands shot out and steadied you, the contact making your skin break out in goosebumps. He’d put his shirt back on and the blue was making his bright eyes even more hypnotizing than normal. 
“Whoa there, sorry doll, I didn’t see you there.” Steve chuckled bashfully. “I thought you and Buck left a while ago.” 
“We did. But we didn’t really, we were just talking. I-I came back to talk to you, actually.” It felt like you were sweating more than you had been during your workout. His hand was still on your arm and you couldn’t focus on anything but that sensation. 
There was no reason for you to be so irrational right now, he’s just a man. Just a man who had saved the country and the entire world numerous times and was America’s Adonis. A man who also just happened to always have the most flawless hair that you always wanted to run your fingers through. Lord almighty. 
“What did you want to talk about?” 
“Ope, um,” crap, you hadn’t thought that far ahead. Here goes nothing, “I...just wanted to tell you that you looked really great during your workout today.” 
He gave you a puzzled look, “Oh thanks, yeah I was really burning steel in there.” 
“I could totally tell.” You reached forward and felt his bicep, “it looks like it’s really paying off for you.” 
Steve’s gaze fell to your hand on his arm before giving you a small smile and you promptly let go again. “I think that might be more thanks to the serum than the workout.” He teased. 
You chewed on your bottom lip, wracking your brain for what to say next. You weren’t good at flirting, it’s why you never did it in the first place. Bucky said to ask him out for lunch. “I guess you’re probably right about that. Well, I bet you worked up a huge appetite after that, huh? All that hard work.” 
“For sure, I could eat a buffet out of business after a workout.” 
Here was your chance. 
“Would you want to-” 
“But I’ve got a meeting with Tony in like twenty minutes so I’ve got to get a move on.” Steve kept talking and you grimaced slightly. “Did you have anything else you wanted to talk about?” He tilted his head, a little half smile on his lips. You wanted to leap forward and press your lips to his but that probably wouldn’t go over well, so instead you just shook your head confidently. 
“Nope. I’m all good. Enjoy your meeting with Tony!” You called in a sing-song voice as he made his way to the door. He rolled his eyes at the mention of Tony and waved back at you before letting the door swing shut. 
The air deflated out of you and you fell back onto the wall behind you, sinking to the floor and curling your knees up to your chest. If someone were to look up “embarrassing” in the dictionary, that interaction would be found. And you still hadn’t even made it past five minutes. 
“Oof, that was painful.” 
You lifted your gaze to find Bucky leaning on his shoulder above you, still in his workout clothes. Great, he’d heard the whole thing too. 
“Why did you make me do that, you ass-hat?” You yanked on his leg hair harshly, making him jump further away from you. “I’m not good at flirting!” 
“Wait, is that what you call flirting?” He exclaimed baffled. 
You scowled up at him, “I’m not friends with you anymore.” Dropping your head back against the wall, you closed your eyes in hopes of going to your happy place - without Bucky around. 
“It wasn’t that bad, kid, it just wasn’t much of anything. You started off strong but...” He crouched down so he was at eye level with you.
“But nothing. I’m an embarrassment and I will never be talking to Steve ever again.”
“No, no, no, stop being ridiculous. You just have to...flirt better. Maybe you could ask Tasha if she’d help you.” 
You flung out your hand and pushed Bucky hard in the chest, making him tip backwards onto his butt. “Not happening, Barnes. I’m not asking the Black Widow,” you emphasized, “for help flirting with Captain America. You can just forget this ever happened and I will resume being friends with you in one to two weeks - you will be notified.” 
Bucky was chortling and yelling at you to stop, but you’d already stood up and were booking it to the hallway, letting the door slam loudly on the way. 
Life had been perfectly fine when you were admiring Steve Rogers from afar. You were content with pining for him but knowing that nothing would ever happen, resigned to the fact that you would find a good man someday and that would be the end of it. 
What you hadn’t expected was Bucky butting his nose into your business and telling you that you’d be great with Steve. Or the fact that you couldn’t get the feeling of his hand lingering on your skin or his rippling bicep out of your head. 
It had been a full week and you were living in a continuous loop of ocean blue eyes and trying to put the lid back on the feelings you’d successfully ignored for years. 
You hadn’t talked to Bucky since you’d walked out of the gym, regardless of how many times he’d tried to trick you into speaking to him. And now you were being called for a meeting where Bucky and Steve would both be in the same room as you.
The sound of Steve Roger’s laugh made you look up instantly from the snack table and your stomach flipped at the sound. He was talking animatedly with Wanda, one hand flailing around in the air while the other hand was gripped tight to a stack of paperwork.
“You should talk to him, ya know.” Bucky’s voice was right in your ear and you elbowed him in response before walking to your seat across the room from him. You didn’t want to think that Bucky might be right so you’d rather take him out of the equation all together. 
From his chair near the front, Steve glanced over and raised his lips in a timid smile at you. It felt like you could melt into a puddle of goo right there in your chair. You returned his smile cheerfully just as you felt a small nudge on your ribs. You swiveled your chair around to see Wanda grinning like the Cheshire cat. “What?” You asked innocently. 
“I think you know what.” She giggled. “And Barnes is not wrong, you should ask him out.” 
“Hey! You promised you wouldn’t look in my head anymore.” You pouted and turned back to the front room where Bruce had just started talking about the numbers from the previous quarter - how many civilians had been saved, how much structural damage had been done, ways to stop wasting so much on utilities.
The meeting could have been only fifteen minutes but it seemed like it’d been two hours. The entire time, your mind had been on one thing, well one person. This was getting out of hand, you couldn’t even focus on a simple meeting now.
Before you knew it, Bruce was dismissing the team and everyone was stampeding to the doors. Steve, on the other hand, was casually gathering his paperwork back up with his back to you. It was just you and him alone now in the conference room. 
Sheepishly, you shuffled your shoe against the floor, praying for any smidgen of bravery to come. Steve peeked over his shoulder, surprised to see you still hanging around. 
“Hey, you. Figured you’d be headed down for lunch, I heard Tony ordered in sushi from that fancy-pants place everyone loves.” 
You shrugged loosely, “eh, thought I might stick around here for a little bit. I’m not really hungry anyways.” 
“Oh yeah?” He leaned against the table and folded his arms across his chest with a look of concern on his face. “Is everything alright? I noticed you and Bucky haven’t been hanging out much lately.” 
“Yeah, we haven’t... It’s kind of because of you...” 
It was dead silent as you both exchanged looks. 
“Me?” He asked, stunned.
Gradually, you moved to stand side-by-side with him. Maybe if he wasn’t looking directly at you, rejection would be easier. “Do you remember the day in the gym last week?” He nodded once. "The reason that I came in to talk to you was because... well, Bucky told me that I needed to flirt with you if I wanted you to realize that I liked you. But then I’m shit at flirting, and you didn’t really seem to notice or care, so I got mad at him for giving me the idea in the first place.” 
“Wait- Did you say you like me?” 
You glimpsed over at him and slowly nodded. Steve angled his body so he could see you better and you were just waiting for the moment where he starts laughing and mocking you for ever thinking he could want you. But it hadn’t happened yet. 
“You were flirting with me?” His face was scrunched up like he was trying to think back on the whole interaction. 
“Well I was trying to flirt with you. I figured you thought I’d had an aneurysm or something.” You joked, trying to lift the mood of the room but he didn’t crack a smile.
“I didn’t even realize...” Like lightning, he stood up straight and faced you, his blue eyes focused only on your face. “I’m sorry, doll, I didn’t even realize.” 
“Steve, you don’t have to be sorry. I know you don’t feel that way about me, and I was just mad at Barnes for letting me get my hopes up.” 
He lifted his hand and cupped your face delicately, his touch making your heart rate skyrocket. “Who said I don’t have feelings for you?” 
“U-um yo-you never, well you never wa-want to talk to, ya know, me...” You stammered out clumsily. 
“I thought you liked Bucky, doll.” He said without hesitation. “You guys are always spending time together and I didn’t want to get in the way of either of your happiness.” 
“Are you serious?” You couldn’t help the loud laugh that passed your lips. “I wanted to be friends with Bucky in the first place because you thought he was worth being friends with... and I thought you might hang out with us.” 
Steve shut his eyes and let his head fall forward, his forehead bumping against yours softly from how close he was to you. His hand was still against your cheek and you allowed yourself to relax into his touch more. 
Finally, he lifted his head, “so last week when you asked if I was hungry, that’s because you were-”
“Trying to ask you out, yes.” 
“Boy am I dumb.” 
You snorted at that, “that’s the same thing Bucky said.” 
Steve let out a breathy laugh before moving a bit closer to you. “I hope I haven’t lost the chance to take you up on that offer.” 
The smell of his minty breath fanned in your face causing your mind to go blank and the only thing you could do was smile up at him like an idiot. As if your body was moving on its own, you shifted closer and his arm wrapped around your waist as if he’d done it a million times. 
At the same time you both leaned together and connected your lips in an innocent kiss. The entire world stopped turning at that moment. It was so soft and pure as he held you tightly against his body, a good thing because your knees had buckled at the contact.  Draping a hand over his shoulder, you twisted your fingers into his hair, letting your other hand curl up on his muscular chest. 
After the most blissful moment of your life, Steve pulled back and was beaming. This beautiful man had just kissed you and was happy about it. Damn, life couldn’t get any better. 
“Would you allow me to take you out to lunch, doll?” He asked, his voice a little husky. 
“Absolutely, Captain. Lead the way.” You said, laughing when he blushed from you using his title. 
Setting you back down firmly on the floor, he intertwined his fingers with yours and led you out to the elevator. The whole time, you were so enamored with Steve that you barely noticed Bucky waiting at the end of the hall with the most arrogant, smug look on his face.
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
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Cold Houses Cause Confessions
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
White Chocolate Glaze
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This was a request from the lovely @starshinekiszka​ for some smutty valentine’s day fun. It’s not very long but I still hope you enjoy it! 
Please like and reblog! Also, please follow my blog for some fun :) 
Warnings: NSFW 18+
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
You squeezed your eyes shut trying to block out the sun that was streaming through the windows. Lazily, you reached your hand out to search for the body laying next to you but your hand fell on cold sheets. You peeked an eye open to find the bedroom empty with crumple sheets on Jake’s side. 
Faintly, you could hear the sound of clinking dishes in the kitchen and the smell of syrup was wafting to your nose. You could only imagine the mess that was getting made in the kitchen but you didn’t really care today. 
Today was Valentine’s Day. Your first Valentine’s together as a couple. A huge smile started to grow on your face thinking about these past few months together. 
It still felt unreal that you were lucky enough to be dating Jake after all this time. After years of secretly crushing on the guitarist, he’d surprised you by asking you out on a date, and it had been one of the best nights of your life. Months later, you two were head over heels for each other, still in that honeymoon phase of love and it felt amazing.
With a content sigh, you dragged yourself out of bed reluctantly and stretched your body, trying to push the sleepiness away. You grabbed one of Jake’s discarded shirts off of the floor and pulled it over your head, the edge falling just over your underwear. You pulled the shirt over your nose and inhaled the faint scent of smoke and cologne - your favorite smell - before going off in search of your guy. 
You could see Jake in the small kitchen as you turned the corner, mixing up something with his back to you. You leaned against the door frame, enjoying the view of his bare back, the muscles tensing and untensing, and only a pair of red boxer briefs hugging his ass perfectly. 
“It’s not very polite to stare, ya know.” His voice snapped you back to reality and you couldn’t hide your embarrassed smile.
“Well it’s not very polite to look so good first thing in the morning, so I guess we’re even.” You quipped. 
Jake glanced over his shoulder at you and shot you a quick wink. “I think my view is even better. You look so sexy in my shirt, your hair all messed up from last night, and those marks on your neck peeking out.” 
You rubbed your thighs together at the thought of the three intense orgasms he’d given you during the movie last night. It had started out as an innocent night in but had turned into you begging and pleading for him to let you cum. 
“Come here, baby.” His voice was enchanting. You peeled yourself off of the door frame and walked towards him. Jake pulled you in close to him and wrapped his arms around your waist, your back against his chest, his warmth radiating through your body. 
“What are you making me? It smells absolutely divine.” 
“Red velvet pancakes with a white chocolate glaze.” Jake reached forward, dipped his finger into the melted chocolate and lifted it to your lips. 
You wrapped your lips around his finger and your tongue licked around it to clean the chocolate off. Your eyes closed and you kept on sucking lightly, the feeling of Jake’s hardness on your lower back urging you on.
Slowly, he pulled his finger out of your mouth and dragged it down your bottom lip. 
“You look so pretty when you do that, baby,” his lips brushing against your ear, “I’ll never get enough of you.” 
“I know something you’ll like even more then.” You said huskily. 
You turned around in his arms, your eyes finally connecting with his brown ones, darkened with lust. A pulse of excitement went through you and you dropped to your knees in front of him. Immediately, Jake’s hand tangled into your hair and pulled it back out of your face. He loved being able to see your whole face while you were doing this. 
You leaned forward and placed small kisses across his lean stomach, taking this moment to tease him. Your nose dipped down at the hem of his underwear, your lips brushing against his bulge through the fabric. Then you started the whole process again.  
“Stop being such a little tease, baby.” He grunted. You paused to look up at him, an eyebrow raised. “Please, you’re driving me crazy.” 
You trailed your hands up his thighs at a ridiculous pace, finally hooking your fingers into his underwear and pulled them down agonizingly slow, his erection springing forward proudly. Jake tightened his grip on your hair instinctually and tugged your head forward.
Softly, you kissed at the base over and over, avoiding his dick the whole time. 
“This is payback for last night, isn’t it?” He sighed pathetically. 
At the same moment, you licked along his slit, tasting the precum that was there. Jake let out a half-relieved moan. You licked again and again, swirling your tongue around the head until you sufficiently worked him up.
You looked up and met Jake’s eyes, giving him a devilish grin, you took his dick into your mouth as far as you could. A deep moan escaped his lips and he leaned back against the counter, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Oh god, baby,” you pressed your tongue against the thick vein that ran under his shaft, “that feels so fucking good.” 
Reaching up, you wrapped your fingers around the part of his dick that couldn’t fit in your mouth and started pumping him in sync with your mouth, using your saliva as lubricant. You bobbed your head up and down, dragging gutted groans from him. With your other hand, you cupped his balls and moved them around in your hand. 
You watched him joyfully as you sucked, loving that he was already this wrecked for you. His lips were parted in pleasure, tiny moans slipping out with every move of your mouth and tongue. 
The sounds that were coming from him were the sexiest things you’d ever heard and they were shooting through you with pure desire. You shifted on your knees, trying to get even a little bit of friction but nothing was satisfying you. 
You dropped a hand down to your underwear, needing so desperately to relieve the pressure between your legs. 
“Don’t touch yourself baby, I’m the only one allowed to touch you there.” 
You moaned around his dick at the tenor of his voice, sending vibrations through him and you felt his knees wobble. You moved your tongue against the ridge of his head and pushed forward, relaxing your jaw as his dick moved down your throat. 
Jake’s breath was heavy and he began to unconsciously thrust into your mouth. “Baby you feel so good around my cock, your pretty mouth takes me so good.” 
God he was intoxicating to you. The dirty words he was saying were like drugs to you. 
“Shit, you gonna make me cum, sweetheart.” You pulled backwards, your lips popping off the head and continued to stroke him with your hand. “You should stop if you want me to last.” 
Jake tucked his hands under your arms and pulled you up off the floor. You slipped your arms over his shoulders and tangled your hands in his long hair. You smiled at him sweetly, his eyes shining as he looked down into your face. The feeling of love for this gorgeous man was overwhelming to you. 
He lifted his hand and cupped your cheek, and stroked his thumb across your bottom lip. “How did I get so lucky to have you? I promise, I will cherish you forever.” 
You tilted your head and pressed your lips to his gently. A soft kiss in the middle of all the heat to show that you wanted him every day until the end of time. That you would stay in this moment with him forever, the two of you standing in your tiny kitchen, showing how much you loved each other. 
Stepping back, Jake tugged your shirt over your head and dropped it onto the floor, his eyes glued to your chest. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful.” His fingers ghosted over your nipples and they hardened instantly, ready for his attention. 
He snaked his arms around your waist and tugged you closer to him, your chest pressed to his and you could feel his heart beating hard against you. Slowly, he turned you both around so your back was firmly against the counter. You watched him with anticipation for what he was going to do next. 
He bent down so his eyes were level with yours, a cocky gleam in his eye. Suddenly, he was kissing you with a feverish passion, his tongue swiping your lip and you opened your mouth to him, letting his tongue mesh against yours. 
His hands traveled down your body, taking small moments to grope at your breasts, twisting your nipples playfully, before he gripped the back of your thighs and raised you onto the counter. Your thighs automatically fell open and he moved in between your legs. 
You whimpered as he pushed his rock hard dick against your clit through your underwear. “Jake, you feel so good, I want you in me.” 
“I’m gonna make you feel so good, baby.” He moved his hand in between your bodies and pulled your underwear to the side, running his fingers through your folds. “You’re so wet for me already like a good little girl.” 
You nodded frantically, the feeling of being touched where you’d needed it was breathtaking. Jake pressed a kiss your the side of your neck, then moved down and started sucking on the sensitive spot at the base of your throat. His fingers were circling your clit and teasing at your entrance. 
“You want my cock, baby girl?” He asked, his voice laced with craving. 
“Yes, please, Jake.” 
He hooked his fingers into your underwear and yanked them down, letting you kick them off and you wrapped your legs around his body. Jake guided his dick up and down against you, teasing your clit with the head. You buried your head into his neck, kissing his skin over and over again. 
With one more move, he pushed inside of you and you let out a moan of delight. Each ridge was rubbing against your walls and it was the most euphoric thing you’d ever felt. Jake was grunting as he finally bottomed out, the head bumping against your cervix.
You clung onto him as he took his time thrusting into you, dragging his dick out slowly and then thrusting into you again. The pace was agonizing and delicious at the same time. Sweat was covering your bodies, making you both slide together with each little touch. 
“Oh fuck, you’re so tight.” Jake grabbed your ass and pulled you closer, making his thrusts deeper each time. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby?” You nipped his earlobe playfully and started tightening yourself around him. You laughed a little as he groaned at the intensity. All that could be heard was the wanton moans and skin slapping against skin. 
Jake positioned himself backwards and dropped his hand back down to your clit, rubbing it with his thumb and gently pinching it occasionally. “I want you to cum with me, sweetheart.” Pleasure was shooting through you like little pin pricks as he touched you and the head repeatedly bumped against your g-spot.
You shot your hands out backwards, one of your hands landing in the melted chocolate but you didn’t care. Nothing could distract you from the mind-blowing satisfaction you were chasing now. An orgasm was so close, you could fill it building in your stomach. 
“I’m so close, Jake, I’m gonna cum. Please, please, let me cum.” 
Jake bent forward in determination and started licking your nipple, his hair tickling your skin. “Yes, baby, I want to feel that sweet pussy cum all over my dick.” 
You closed your eyes and focused on every pump into your pussy, every flick against your nub. His dick was throbbing inside you and when he stopped sucking, you knew he was close. 
There was one more twist around your clit at the same time that he hit your g-spot and the coil in your stomach released. You screamed his name as you pulsed around his cock as he kept driving into you, helping you ride your high. You lifted your body up and hugged him close to you, encouraging him to focus on himself. 
Your pussy tightened around him and his thrusts began to stagger. “Come on baby, let go for me. You feel so fucking good in me, Jake.” 
At the sound of your voice in his ear, he gave one final pump and he tensed up, shooting his cum into you, each throb of his dick giving you a tiny wave of pleasure. 
Jake relaxed his body against yours as he tried to catch his breath. You gently pushed his hair back out of his face with one hand, trying to avoid getting more chocolate all over the place. 
After a few moments, he looked between you and the chocolate with a cheeky grin. “You know, we do have spoons if you wanted to taste that.” 
“Shush, I was a little distracted.” 
“Yeah, by my huge dick.” He chuckled. You reached up and plopped some chocolate onto his nose. He stared back at you in surprise and you could help but giggle at the fact that you’d rendered him speechless. 
“You want it that way, you little troublemaker?” Jake growled mischievously. That could only mean one thing. With a little squeal, you jumped off the counter and made a break for the door just as a huge glob of chocolate smacked you in the side of the neck. 
You whirled around and grabbed the closest thing you could find, a bottle of syrup, and squirted it straight at Jake. Clearly the new tradition would be sex and breakfast food wars on every Valentine’s day.
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
Beach Daze
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This was a request for the lovely @starshinekiszka​ and I hope you love it dear! I had so much fun with a little Boyfriend Jake at the Beach!
Please like, comment, and reblog if you liked this story! I really appreciate the love. 
Warnings: NSFW 18+ 
The room was dead silent except for the little scratches of writing on the desks, furrowed brows of kids trying to magically remember the answers from the beginning of the semester. You carefully dropped your pencil onto the desk and did one last scan of your test. All the answers looked as right as they could be at this point, so you shrugged your shoulders and headed toward the front of the room. 
Mr. Turner, your music professor, gave you a reassuring smile as you handed him the paper. He’d been your favorite part of the class, as a musical genius he was always in the mood for debating different artists and techniques. This class was going to be something you missed now that it was done. You nodded at him, mouthing a ‘happy summer’ and started for the door. 
Finally. You had tackled your junior year of university and summer was here. It couldn’t have come any sooner. Even though it had been your own decision, you’d pushed yourself to get a 4.0 this year and man, it had made a few things tough. 
As a result, you’d given up more weekend visits with your boyfriend, Jake, and forced yourself to study during every free moment. But in the long run, it would pay off when you got a great job...hopefully. 
You flung the heavy wooden door open and skipped out into the warm sunlight, your arms spread out to your sides to bring your limbs back to life. It was officially time to relax. 
You turned to head for your dorm but you froze in place and a grin came to your face as your eyes landed on Jake, perched on the end of the stairs, clunking his boots against the concrete column lazily. He was watching you with a cute little smirk on his lips. God how was he so attractive all the damn time. 
“Jake, you’re here!” You jogged down the stairs and he jumped down just in time to catch you as hurled yourself at him. He had his long brown hair up in a bun and you played with the baby hair at the nape of his neck. It was rare that he put his hair up but it was a look that he pulled off so well. 
“Hey mama.” He laughed as he stumbled to hold you both up. “I figured I’d surprise my special girl on her last day of junior year.” 
��You didn’t have to do that babe, you shouldn’t have driven all this way. I know you were supposed to be having band practice tonight.” You untangled your body from his, opting for intertwining your fingers. 
“Eh fuck it. Sam and Danny have both been ditching all week to hang out with Joy and Mckenzi. I think I’ve earned the right to skip out and come see my favorite girlfriend on the first day of summer.” 
“I better be your only girlfriend, Jacob Thomas.” 
Jake twisted a strand of your hair around his finger and gave you a cheeky little smile. “Trust me, one of you is all I can handle. You are a handful, missy.” 
Playfull you slapped his arm pretending to take offense to that and he grabbed your hand out of the air, holding it tightly to his chest. It was impossible to hide how excited you were though. Somehow, he always managed to surprise you even after all the years you’d been together. He always did the exact opposite of what you expected and it still swept you off your feet. 
“Well I guess I’m pretty lucky that the boys are completely irresponsible, aren’t I?” Lifting up on your tiptoes, you popped a sweet kiss on his cheek. “So how do you want to spend your day playing hookie, bubba?” 
“I was thinking you might want to take me to that beach you’ve talked about. We’ve never had a chance when I’ve visited before and it’s a perfect day to spend outside.” 
Excited at the idea, you jumped up and down like a little puppy. “Yes, Deerlick Creek Beach, that sounds perfect. I’ve been dying to take you there since I first found it. It’s this park that backs right up to the beach and it’s just so beautiful. I kind of wish the guys could come too, it’s just the kind of place they would love too.” 
“You’ll just have to settle for me this time, mama.” Jake jested as you two fell into step, heading for your dorm. 
“Ahh, I guess you’ll have to do today. But I definitely won’t put up with this again.” You winked at him, squealing when he locked his arm around your neck and gave you a gentle noogie on your head. 
An hour later, you and Jake were trekking through the parking lot in more comfortable clothes, your swimsuit peeking out from the Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt you’d stolen from Jake years ago and him in shorts and a button up shirt with barely any buttons done. 
You glanced back to watch Jake battle to hold the cooler, the towels, and keep his sunglasses from falling off his head. Instead of going to help, you keeled over and burst out laughing harder than you had in weeks. 
“Yes, ha ha, I look ridiculous. Now can you please help me, I’m struggling.” He deadpanned. 
“Yeah, but it’ll cost you.” You giggled and took the towels out of his hand. 
He glared at you for a second before his face cracked a smile and he readjusted his glasses. “You just better be glad that you’re cute or else I wouldn’t take this abuse.” 
“Aw poor baby,” You squished his cheeks in between your fingers and he puckered up his lips into a pout at you, “life must be rough for the poor little rockstar. You really should be thanking me for keeping you grounded or all the fame would give you a big head.” 
“Oh trust me, babe, I’ve definitely got a big head.” Jake wiggled his eyebrows at you arrogantly and strode off in the direction of the beach. You stared in his direction, your mouth gaped open wide in shock, unable to follow after him. He could come off so innocent, that when he said something dirty, it could completely catch you off guard. “You’ll catch flies that way, dear.” He smugly called over his shoulder.
Popping your mouth closed, you chased after him, your flip flops clapping loudly and echoing in the tree-surrounded parking lot. Jake smiled as you caught up to him and held his elbow out for you.
You two walked, arm-in-arm, through the cool, shaded park. He listened intently, a slight smile on his face, as you pointed out places you’d sat to study or things you’d thought the guys might like to do if they came to visit. No matter what it was, he adored listening to all the random thoughts that popped into your head. He’d missed you so much this year, the phone calls and facetimes never seemed to be enough to fill the hole in his heart for you. 
After two or three laps around the path, Jake led you out to a spot on the beach. The beach was almost completely empty except for a couple that was miles away, only small specks on the horizon. 
“Do you think this will be good? Should we move?” Jake was scratching his head, looking up and down the beach and mumbling uncertainties to himself. “I can find us a different spot, mama.” 
“Jake,” You tugged lightly on his shirt and he , “as long as I’m with you, I really couldn’t care where we sit.” Deciding for the two of you, you unrolled your towel with a satisfying ‘thwap’ sound and laid it out on the ground. 
Jake watched you lovingly, admiring the way you were sticking your tongue out of the corner of your mouth, complete concentration on getting all the corners to lay flat. Dropping the cooler, he unrolled his towel next to yours and plopped down on the ground. 
The sky was the perfect shade of blue and the sounds of the lake lapping at the edge of the sand were like a soft melody that they could fall asleep to. But Jake could only look at you. He couldn’t tear his eyes off as you removed your shirt, exposing your bare midriff. 
You twisted around to dig out your book and settled back into the sand. “You want me to read out loud for you, baby? We haven’t had the chance to read together in a while.” You asked as you flipped through the pages trying to find the last spot. 
Jake gently grabbed the book from your hands and you looked up at him confused. “I was thinking we could maybe focus on something else...” He pressed his lips against your bare shoulder, keeping his eyes locked with yours. 
A shiver ran down your spine with excitement, the feeling of his lips ghosting over your skin made the rest of the world dull around you, while Jake was crisp and clear in front of you. 
“Jake, we’re in public...” You mumbled. 
“No one is around, baby.” He lightly kissed the base of your neck. His fingers were rubbing tiny circles on your hip. All your objections were starting to float away as his scent of cigarettes and clove started to haze your thinking. 
“What if someone sees us? We could get in trouble, Ja-” You couldn’t stop the gasp when he pulled your earlobe between his teeth and delicately bite down. 
You wanted to be worried that someone might see you guys but, instead, your eyes fluttered shut as the sensations started to overwhelm you. It had been so long since you’d been able to touch him and it would be a lie to say you hadn’t missed it. Jake knew exactly which spots to touch to get a reaction out of you and he was using it to his advantage now. 
You ran your hand against his chest and up around his neck, pulling him closer to you. You needed him against you so badly now. 
“Someone’s a little feisty, have you been missing me like I’ve been missing you?” 
“Always, now shut up and kiss me.” 
Jake brought his mouth to yours and locked you into a heated kiss, his tongue swept past your lips and brushed against yours. Little moans and sighs were escaping you and he was swallowing each one happily. You could feel his boner pressed against your thigh and you had to force yourself not to rip off his clothes and take him right there.  
He detached himself from you and leaned down to pepper kisses against the hollow of your neck and chest, nibbling little love bites as he went. 
“I’ve missed the taste of your sweet skin so much. God, you’re so sexy, baby. I want you so badly.” 
Jakes fingers trailed smoothly back and forth across your stomach, the rough calluses created a sensation that only he could give you. Once in a while, his fingertips would barely dip below your shorts and then back out, teasing you over and over again. You laid your cheek against his neck and whimpered, hoping he’d be done teasing you soon. 
“You want something, little one?” He asked smugly. 
Barely nodding, you said, “I want you to touch me, Jakey. I want you to make me feel good.” 
Giving you a small grin, he skillfully popped the button on your shorts and pulled the edges back to give himself space. You glanced around to make sure that you were still alone before spreading your legs open a little more. 
Hooking his leg over yours, he bent down and kissed you, softer this time. The kiss grounded you to the moment and it felt like you both were floating high on euphoria. 
Jake slipped his hand past your shorts and swimsuit bottom and you moaned as he finally ran a finger through your folds. 
Pulling his hand back out, he sucked his finger into his mouth and cleaned it. “You taste so fucking good, baby. I can’t wait to take you home and devour you for hours.” You whimpered at his words, unable to tear your eyes away from him hovering above you. 
In one movement, his hand was back collecting your wetness. He moved his fingers up and around, avoiding your clit every time. The last time, he circled his middle finger against your clit and a jolt of electricity shot through your body making Jake chuckle at your reaction. 
“Shh, baby,” He added his index finger to start rubbing from side to side, dipping down to brush against your entrance and then back again, “you’ve been such a good girl lately. I’m gonna make you feel so good.” 
As the words left his lips, he pushed his finger deep into your pussy pulling a groan of satisfaction from you. He dragged his finger from you, hooking it a little to brush against your g-spot. 
“Why are you so damn good at this?” 
“Because I love hearing all those pretty noises you make for me, baby.” Jake whispered into your ear and added a second finger.
You leaned into him, his arm cradling your head close to his body, your breathing getting heavier with every pump of his fingers. You could faintly hear how wet you were and that was just making you even more turned on to know that he could still do this to you. 
Jakes fingers were snapping into you and the ridges of his knuckles dragging against your walls felt phenomenal. Every time, you wanted to close your eyes from the pleasure but you wanted to catalog every thing that was around you. The way Jakes lips were parted in concentration, small tendrils of hair falling out of his bun down into his face, the bright blue sky above you, the sound of the water lapping against the shore.
Then he started tapping his thumb against your clit and your vision blurred with pure bliss. Everything was overwhelming you. His sweet scent, the rush of being in public, each time he bumped against your g-spot, and you could feel the pressure in your stomach building. 
Jake started moving quicker, simultaneously sucking of the sensitive spot under your ear making your moans louder and more needy. 
“Are you gonna cum for me, sweet girl?” All you could do was whine in response. “Be a good girl and cum on my fingers.” 
His dirty words were the final straw. The pressure erupted and you shuddered as your orgasm hit every inch of your body. “That’s it, baby, you look so pretty like this.” 
Your pussy was contracting around his fingers, trying to pull him in deeper, and he kept pumping slowly to work you through your high and his thumb was rubbing back and forth against your clit. Finally, you gripped his wrist to stop his motions, your core starting to be oversensitive from such intense pleasure. 
Jake removed his fingers from you and you sighed at the sudden loss. He kissed the top of your head and hugged you closer. You rested your forehead against his chest, taking a moment to just enjoy being with him. These were the moments you lived for.
“I definitely wasn’t expecting that to happen at the beach.” You giggled. 
“I was.” Jake stated matter-of-factually. You leaned back to look at him, eyebrow raised with intrigue. “Babe, I haven’t seen you in months and you have needs. Plus, it turns you on thinking that we might get caught.” 
You opened your mouth to refute that but he cut you off with a kiss. “Don’t worry, I think it’s hot. Now, why don’t you get that book back out, I’ve been missing your reading.” 
“You want me to read...now? I thought you’d want to go back to the room.” 
Jake rolled onto his back, pulling you with him. “I just want to enjoy as much of this beautiful day with you as possible. I want to listen to you reading Emily Brontë out loud and play around in the water.” He kissed the tip of your nose. “Besides, we have all weekend to do whatever we want.” 
You laughed at him waggling his eyebrows at you and pecked a kiss on his lips. Then you grabbed the discarded book and opened it to the last place you’d been and snuggled into his arms. Jake ran his fingers through your hair absentmindedly as you read the first sentence.
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
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Mrs. Captain America
A Pair of Dummies
A Secret Rendezvous
Pool Party Disaster
41 notes · View notes
nicole-lynne · 5 years
Who Makes You Happy
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Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Description: Stiles realizes (more like told) who he truly should be with. 
You slapped your case study onto the table in front of your partner with enthusiasm, a bright red 99/100 circled at the top. 
“Hah! Eat it, Stilinksi.” Stiles groaned in defeat as he looked down at his 98/100. “I believe you now owe me pizza and a movie of my choice, sucker.” 
Stiles grinned up at you as you started bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet and shaking his shoulders with excitement. Nodding his head in acceptance, he shoved his case study into his bag hastily and gestured for you to lead the way out of the classroom. 
“You better pick something good. I don’t think I can handle another night of romantic comedies.” He teased and nudged your shoulder a couple times. You glanced up at him for a fraction of a second and your cheeks started to heat up. 
“I was kind of thinking A Walk to Remember,” Stiles puffed up slightly at the pick before you continued, “but then I decided on Return of the Jedi.” You smiled widely as the irritation disappeared and his face brightened.
“You are a saint!” He exclaimed and threw his arm over your shoulder lazily as you walked out of the FBI building into the blazing afternoon.
You let yourself lean into him for a moment, enjoying how intoxicating he smelled and how good his body felt against yours. Just as fast as it had happened, he had pulled away from you and started to walk backwards to look at you. 
“I just want to know how you cheated to get that score. There’s no way you could have beat me.” Stiles joked, loving to see how worked up you got. You opened your mouth to protest when he winked at you. You rolled your eyes at him, an annoyed smirk playing at the edge of your lips. 
Your eyes flickered over to him, “you’re gonna fall on your ass if you keep walking like that.” The moment the words left your lips, Stiles’ feet tangled together and he was falling backwards, limbs flailing everywhere. 
You giggled as you watched him lay on the ground, his eyes closed, contemplating if that had really just happened. 
“Well, I’m not one to say I told you so but...” 
“Oh please, your catchphrase is ‘I told you so’.” Stiles couldn’t help but chuckle at the look of amusement on your face. “What can I say, I guess I fell for you.” 
Your heart fluttered and your eyes connected with his golden eyes for a fraction of a second too long. Butterflies were swarming your stomach from the way he was watching you, but the reminder of his girlfriend itched at the back of your mind and you cleared your throat awkwardly. Reaching a hand out, you pulled Stiles to his feet and promptly dropped the hold. He sidestepped and you could feel the tension in the noticeable space between your bodies. 
“Um, so I was thinking pizza for dinner. Does that sound good or were you wanting something different?” You asked in an attempt to get back to normal. 
“Yes, I’ve been craving pizza all week. I need that sweet melty cheese to relieve my stress of this hell week.” Stiles rubbed the back of his neck, squeezing the tight muscles that were growing. 
Thrilled at the choice, you fist pumped the air, “I was hoping you’d say that. I had this dream last night that I got turned into a chicken dumpling and a bunch of giants were trying to dunk me in soy sauce. I just don’t think I could eat one in good conscious tonight.” You shivered at the memory of your dream. 
Stiles threw his head back and started cracking up, “I can see how that might be slightly terrifying, but I can picture you as a dumpling and I think you’d be totally adorable.” You scrunched your face at him, pretending to be embarrassed at his sentiment instead of dwelling on the fact that the guy you had a massive crush on just called you adorable.
Thankfully, you spotted your dorm building in the distance and could put all your focus on that, instead of the handsome man babbling about something he’d read next to you. As you reached the building, you both flashed your badges at the front door guard and waved at a few other friends in the common room. 
“Let me just change out of the monkey suit and we can head to your room.” Stiles said over his shoulder to you as he loosened his necktie. 
You nodded in response as you watched his back muscles tense and release through his shirt. He glanced back at you over his shoulder and you jumped slightly realizing you hadn’t answered out loud. 
“Uh yea-yes,” you cleared your throat again, “yes that would be magnificent.” 
Stiles raised his eyebrow with confusion but laughed it off before pulling his key out and opening his room. You shook your head trying to get your mind back in the right space. 
You kept your eyes focused on the swirl pattern of the carpet, following in behind him, when you slammed face first into his back. You looked up at him standing frozen in his spot and then you peaked around his body to see a gorgeous redhead lounging on his bed. 
“Lyds? What are you doing here?” Stiles burst into a flurry of movement, stepping forward and tugging the girl into a tight hug. Your chest filled with melancholy and you averted your stare to the window. “Wow, hey, Y/N this is Lydia, my-my girlfriend. And Lydia, this is Y/N, she’s uh my partner in class.” Stiles chuckled nervously. 
Immediately, you put on a happy face and smiled at the girl. “It’s really great to meet you, Stiles talks about you all the time.” 
Lydia flashed a small smile and Stiles let out another nervous snicker. “Well thanks, it’s nice to meet you too. Stiles said you’re the best partner he could have hoped for and a good friend too.” Your tummy flipped. 
“So what are you doing here, Lyds?” Stiles interrupted, slinking an arm around her waist. 
“I just thought I’d surprise you since it was the weekend and I was already going to be in town for a Math Theory Workshop. Besides, it’s been a while since we’ve really had a chance to talk since you’ve been so busy.” 
Slowly, you took step after step backwards towards the door. It had been a long week and you weren’t planning on spending the whole evening watching Stiles cuddle with his supermodel girlfriend. You weren’t even sure you could handle ten more minutes of being in the same room as her without bursting into an embarrassing amount of tears.
When the door was just a step out of reach, you said, “I’d better let you two have some alone time, but it was really nice to meet you officially, Lydia.” You waved your hand once in their direction as they both snapped their attention to you. “I guess I’ll just see you on Monday, Stilinksi. I’ve got to rest up for another full week of kicking your ass.” You taunted before shooting out the door and down the hallway like a bullet. 
A hush fell over the room as Lydia and Stiles both stared at the spot you had stood previously. 
“Well she seems nice.” Lydia quipped before slipping out of Stiles’ hold and starting to dig through her bag. 
Stiles’ eyes darted to his girlfriend standing in his dorm room. He should be ecstatic but instead he was feeling a little discontent that he wouldn’t be spending the night watching Star Wars with you like he’d been looking forward to all week. 
“Yeah, uh she’s awesome...” He trailed off as Lydia kept rummaging through her things, pulling things-his things-out and setting them to the side. “Are you looking for something specific there, Lyds?” 
Lydia hooked a loose strand of hair that kept falling in her face behind her ear with frustration before standing up and looking at her boyfriend. She took a second to appreciate the man before her. He still looked exactly like the same boy who had fallen in love with her all those years ago. But now, he had this air of maturity to him. She could see how much more sure of himself that he was. It was also impossible for her to ignore that he just didn’t look at her the same way anymore. 
They had both known that you were lying through your teeth when you said Stiles talked about Lydia all the time. When the truth was, he barely mentioned her when he was with all of his classmates, especially you, and he just didn’t make the time to call her like he used to. 
She sighed, “I’m giving you back your stuff, Sti.” 
Stiles’ face blanched and his eyes went wide. “Um can I ask why? Did I do something wrong?” 
“Not wrong, per say...” Lydia trailed off. She wanted to be heartbroken or devastated but it just felt like the end of a chapter. She took a step towards him and slipped her hand into his. 
“So what is it?” Stiles looked a little defeated and she wanted to caress his mole-speckled cheek. But that wouldn’t do either of them any good, so she just squeezed his hand reassuringly. 
“You know you’re in love with her, right?” 
Stiles didn’t even have to ask to know exactly who she was talking about. “Since when?” 
“Since forever. It’s why I’m breaking up with you.” 
He knew he should be devastated, but truthfully, he just felt relief. Lydia watched the emotions pass over his face and she knew it had been the right decision. She truly loved Stiles but it wasn’t the same as when they had first started this. She knew she would also support him in everything, but he was her best friend, not her boyfriend. 
“I’m sorry that it happened this way, Lyds. You know, I never meant for this to happen. Hell, I’ve been planning on marrying you since third grade.” 
Lydia gave him a sad smile at the thought of what may have been in another life. “Sti, I want you to marry someone you’re actually in love with.” 
Stiles tugged her hand lightly and engulfed her in a hug. “You’ve always been one of the good ones. I have no doubt you’re gonna go far in life, kid.” He said into her curly red hair. 
“Yeah yeah, now stop talking and go get the girl.” Lydia pushed him away graciously and Stiles gracelessly stumbled toward door. “Uh Sti, I think you’re forgetting something.” She hollered before he could leave. 
He whirled around and looked at her, rolling his eyes when he remembered, he leapt forward and pecked a kiss on her cheek, “thanks, Lyds.” 
“No, you spaz, you need to change into something better than you regular uniform. She sees you in that all the time.” 
Stiles snapped his fingers in agreeance before yanking off his white button up and digging through his drawers, random pieces of clothing flying in every direction. Finally, he found his lucky flannel and flung his arms through the arm holes. He spun around and vanished out into the hallway. Lydia let out another heavy sigh before turning to start gathering the rest of his things for when he returned. 
Heavy footsteps thudded against the floor as he raced to your door. He had been to your room a handful of times for movie nights or study sessions and he had the location burned into his brain. 
Your door shone like a beacon at the end of the hallway and he slowed to a stop in front of it. Praying for courage to show up, he rapped his knuckles on your door softly. There were faint sounds of you shuffling around and he thought he could barely make out sniffling. He was so nervous and it felt like a swarm of snakes was slithering around in his stomach.
After what seemed like an eternity, the door creaked open and your tear-stained face peaked out from the dark.Stiles watched shock pass over your face while you hurried to wipe away a few stray tears that were left. 
“Wh-what,” your voice cracked, “what are you doing here, Stiles?” 
“We had a movie night planned...”
“Yeah, that sort of got canceled when your girlfriend showed up.” You snapped, a little harsher than intended. 
Stiles hovered a little closer to the door, “can I just come in? Please, Y/N?” He begged when you crossed your arms over your chest. 
You searched his eyes, the urge to give in to him overtaking your need to be left alone and cry in peace. Stiles’ determination wavered and he was beginning to think you really wouldn’t let him in when you nodded and stepped back to give him room. 
You sniffed again and dragged yourself to sit on the edge of your bed. Stiles took a minute to take in your form. You’d already changed into your gray Federal Bureau of Investigation tshirt and your ratty navy pajama shorts. He was amazed at how beautiful and cozy you looked to him, but his heart squeezed at your puffy eyes that were avoiding looking at him. 
He plopped down next to you, “why are you crying? What happened? I just saw you a little while ago.” 
“It’s nothing, Stiles,” You croaked, “just...why are you here? You should be spending as much time with Lydia as possible.”  
Stiles twiddled his thumbs for a second, “We broke up.” 
“You what?” You sat up straight, completely forgetting your own pain. “Oh my god, are you okay? What happened? You guys seemed so excited to see each other.” 
“We were, are, glad to see each other. Look, I really love Lydia, but not the way that I should love my girlfriend.” Your brows furrowed in confusion. 
Stiles cautiously picked up your hand that had been resting between your bodies. 
“Lydia knew that I...liked someone else the way that I should like her. And she thought that I deserved to be with the person who makes me happy.” 
Blood rushed behind your ears. The sensation of Stiles hand in yours was causing your breath to catch but you were trying to focus on the words he was saying to you.
“Do you like someone in our class?” You all but shouted at him, interrupting his sentence. 
Stiles’ head bowed as he chuckled to himself. “Yeah, you might even know her.” He winked cheekily and you gulped heavy with nerves. 
“Why were you crying?” Stiles softly interrupted you. 
You looked down to your clasped hands, the words felt heavy on your tongue. “Because the guy that I like has...had a girlfriend.” 
You kept your eyes trained on your bedspread, the possibility of dying from embarrassment crossed your mind the longer he stayed silent. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath trying to gain the courage to look at him. 
You mustered up all the bravery you could and opened your eyes to glance up at Stiles, just to find him grinning at you like he’d won the lottery. Heat flushed your cheeks and you lost the battle at suppressing a smile. 
“You like me?” Stiles asked timidly. 
“How could I not?” You blurted out, tired of holding back the truth. “You’re hilarious and intelligent, you always know what to say or do to make my day better, you challenge me to be a better agent and person. And you’re extremely attractive without even trying.” 
It was Stiles’ turn to flush at the compliments you were doting on him. The words suddenly registered in your mind and you fell back on your pillows in exasperation, fear that you might have just freaked him out. But your heart leapt into your throat as you felt Stiles lean over your body, his chest pressed against yours. You gripped his biceps firmly, secretly admiring how wonderful they felt, all while trying to ground yourself as the room started spinning around you.  
His face was inches away from yours and his minty breath was covering your face, fogging every one of your intelligent thoughts. You were desperate to hear what he was going to say next. 
“So you think I’m attractive?” He purred out, trying to be cute. 
You huffed grumpily and pushed his chest, but he slipped his arms underneath your body so that you couldn’t move him off of you. In reality, you didn’t really want him to get off you but you couldn’t let him know that. 
“Did you just come here to mock me, Stilinksi?” Your lips pursed into a pout. 
“Not at all.” He whispered, inching forward slow enough to give you time to pull away. You didn’t want to pull away, you never wanted this moment to end. 
Finally, he tilted his head and pressed his lips to yours timidly. The moment your lips connected, it lit a fire in the pit of your belly and you slipped your arms over his shoulders, all hesitation gone. 
Every time he pushed, you pulled. When you twisted, he turned. You two moved in sync with each other and you suddenly knew how it was supposed to feel with every other person you’d ever been with. 
The overwhelming need for air took over your senses and you broke apart from him. Stiles’ eyes were still closed with his lips puckered and you had to giggle at how wonderfully silly he looked. Slowly his eyelids lifted and he gave you a sheepish grin like he was completely dazed. Sweetly, you brushed your lips against his one more time. 
“Did you just come here to kiss me, Stilinski?” You asked playfully. 
Stiles grazed his nose against yours, enjoying every moment of having you in his arms. “No, I came here to watch Star Wars with the girl I like. Kissing you was just an added bonus.”
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
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Tense Muscles and Flying
My Hero, Peter Parker
Lockscreen Tells All
The Bus Ride ***
27 notes · View notes
nicole-lynne · 4 years
All The Love Songs - Chapter 2
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Summary: Thea has a few strange interactions with Jake and she goes to the Greta Van Fleet concert. 
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x OFC (eventually) and Thea x Mason (OMC) 
Notes: I changed Thea’s nickname to Teddy so there is one change!  I hope you guys all love the story! Please like, comment, reblog, and follow ^_^ 
If there was a higher power in the world, they would strike her down with a very contagious flu that would require her to stay in bed for an undetermined amount of time. They would cause a blackout, an alien invasion, or a zombie outbreak. Any possible thing that would make it impossible for her to go to this show. 
Instead, Thea was trying on her twelfth outfit of the night, which was actually the first outfit she’d tried on. Her favorite black leather skirt paired with a maroon shirt with an embroidered rose on it for the band, adding her thigh high boots to the outfit for good measure. With her dark hair curled loosely down her back and her smokey makeup, the look was absolutely killer. 
So why did she feel completely self-conscious and nervous? During the most difficult time of her life, New York had become her safe haven. Her friends had become a harbor in a dark night. That feeling had been washed away with a single ten minute conversation with her ex boyfriend and the fear of having him step into her new world. 
There was a quick rap at the door and Sam popped his head in. He had his black leather pants on with a bright teal button up hanging open revealing his muscular chest. 
“Hey squirt, I was thinking it was almost time to head out.” Looking you up and down, his eyes bugged out of his sockets. “Wow, you look stunning.” 
“Thanks, Sammy.” She looked down sheepishly. “Very classic look for a rockin’ show. It’s going to be a great night.” 
“I hope so. Josh said he thinks an agent might come so it would be great if something could come from that. I really want this to work...” 
Thea sank down onto her bed and pulled her feet under her, motioning for Sam to follow. It wasn’t very often that she had to give Sam a pep talk. Most days, he was a high-energy, optimistic person who could make her feel like nothing else in the world mattered. 
Today, she could see the doubt behind his brown eyes. 
“You’ve got amazing things in your future, Sammy. That agent would be an idiot if he passed you guys because Greta Van Fleet is the hot ticket. And just know that I’ll be there cheering you on every minute.” 
He patted her knee and shot her a thankful look, “I’m glad I’ve got you, squirt. Our shows wouldn’t be the same without your face in the front row.” 
Since the first show, Thea had always been front and center, cheering the loudest or being the only person in the crowd dancing. At first, people made fun of the spastic girl, but once Greta became a regular, more people started to see their potential. Pretty soon, the whole place was packed for their shows. But Sam still saved her a spot right at the front of the stage. 
“I would never miss a show, at least until you get rockstar famous and are playing like five shows a week. You might have to give me a break then.” 
“Nope, you have to be there. You’re my good luck charm.” 
“Sam!” Gina screeched from the kitchen. “Danny just called, we’re gonna be late!” 
Sam hissed through his teeth. “Oops, okay we better get down there before Danny shits a brick. That’s when you know it’s bad. You coming, tiny?” 
“I’m not sure if Gina is ready or not, can you wait for us?” 
“Uh, can you catch up to us? You know how particular Danny is about his pre-show meal.” Thea gave him an understanding smile and Sam jumped forward, kissing the top of her head before bounding out of the room like a golden retriever. The front door slammed and then it was dead quiet in the apartment. 
Gina appeared at the door, a dark purple tank top contrasting with her brown skin. In the darkness, she looked like a sunset on a winter day.
“Babe, you look fabulous! I love that purple color on you.” Thea gushed. “How did I manage to get such a snack for a bestie?” 
“Pure luck, I would guess.” Gina flipped her curls off shoulder theatrically then gestured for Thea to follow her to her room. “I need your help, I can’t decide on the black skinny jeans and boots or the matching purple skirt.” 
Thea circled Gina a few times, evaluating the options. “What about that black skirt you have with the zipper up the front? Then you add your grey booties and your crop leather jacket.” 
“This is why I keep you around.” Gina dropped to her knees and started digging through the bottom of her closet. “So are you ready for tonight?”
“You’re definitely going to turn some heads tonight, you little firecracker. I guess the question is, whose head do you want to turn?”
Thea fell backwards onto Gina’s bed and stared up at the ceiling. “Can we just skip tonight and order take out?” 
“No, you’re avoiding the question. And besides, I do not look this good just to sit on the couch with you.” She lifted her head somewhat to see Gina putting the finishing touches on her outfit. “Now, let’s go before you chicken out like a pussy. All your men are going to be waiting on you.” 
It was now or never. Run and hide from an uncomfortable situation or walk straight into it like the boss that she knew she was. 
The girls entered the hole-in-the-wall italian restaurant and looked around for the group, finally spotting them at a table in the corner. Jake and Danny were yelling over each other while McKenzi, Danny’s girlfriend, tried to play referee to their argument. No one had noticed them yet. 
“All I’m saying is that you don’t have to practice your set at 3 in the morning, it’s ridiculous.” Jake’s hands were flailing around while Danny was shaking his head furiously. 
“If you can blast your music when you’ve got a girl back, then I can play the damn drums. Fair is fair.” Danny retorted, crossing his arms firmly. 
Beside her, Gina nudged her in the ribs but Thea just pretended she hadn’t heard that last part and cleared her throat, all eyes falling on her. 
“My bodacious babes, you both look dazzling!” Josh pronounced, knocking his chair back and motioned to the empty chairs.
Her first instinct was to sit in the chair next to Jake, but his attention was diverted to the glass in front of him, avoiding making eye contact at all costs. Rolling her eyes, Thea slid into the seat between Josh and Sam, across from Danny and McKenzi, letting Gina across from Jake. 
“So are you guys pumped for tonight? Tyler said it’s supposed to be the biggest crowd you’ve ever had.” 
“When did you talk to Tyler?” Sam asked quietly, only so Thea could hear. 
She raised an eyebrow, “Hmm, on Wednesday I think it was. I went by the bar after work and he was there. Why?” 
“I don’t like that guy. He hits on every girl who walks in there, it’s annoying-”
McKenzi tapped on the table, stopping whatever Sam was going to say next. “And why shouldn’t he hit on her? She looks hot! You’ll have to beat the guys off with a stick tonight.” 
A few seats down, Gina choked back a laugh into her water. Thea shot her a murderous glare and smiled at the girl. “Thanks, Kenz, you look amazing too. That fringe jacket is to die for.” McKenzi excitedly ran her fingers through the strings, making them dance in the air. The rest of the comment vanished into thin air. 
“Can we please get back to the matter at hand?” Josh’s voice boomed over everyone else. Thea shrunk her seat, unprepared for them to go back to discussing Jake’s love life being interrupted by drums. “The setlist for tonight is still undecided.”
 Oh thank god. 
The boys all launched into a discussion about which songs would be best in which order. It gave her the chance for her mind to wander. To think about if Mason and Declan had gotten the apartment, why Jake was avoiding eye-contact, what Mason might wear tonight, how drunk she wanted to get. 
A light tap on her shoulder brought her back to reality. “Hey, are you alright, tiny?”
“Yeah, I’m great. Just have some stuff on my mind, I guess I spaced out.” Her eyes flashed over to Jake, who was in the middle of a passionate discussion with Gina on the effects of music on mental and emotional health, before looking back down to the table.   
“Anything I can help with?” 
She patted his knee appreciatively, “not really, Sammy, but thank you.”
The best thing and worst thing about Sam was that he was an observer. In an instant, he could zero in on the smallest dip in someone’s mood. Most times, it was the thing she looked forward to at the end of a long day. However, when she was trying to keep a secret, it made things a lot more difficult. 
Thea nervously picked at a loose thread on the table cloth, praying that something would grab Sam’s attention, and thanking the lord when the waitress walked up to the table. The girl moved out of the aisle and squeezed in the small space by Jake’s chair, flashing him a flirty smile. 
“Hi, I’m Sienna. Have you guys decided what you’re in the mood for today?” She asked enthusiastically. The group all nodded at each other, agreeing that they were ready to order. “Well let’s start with you cutie.” Her hand was a feather on Jake’s shoulder and she leaned in close to him.
A giant pile of jealousy slammed onto Thea’s chest as she watched Jake return the waitresses smile from across the table. A vision played in her mind of sweeping her hand off his shoulder and then pulling him in for a kiss, making it clear that he was hers. 
“Ahem, T, it’s your turn.” Sam jostled her shoulder, startingly her. 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” frantically, she grabbed for the menu and scanned it, ignoring the feeling of Jake’s dark eyes boring a hole in her skull. At this very moment, she wished that a hole would open up and swallow her for eternity. 
“She’ll have the chicken fettuccine with no mushrooms and mix in little marinara sauce please.” 
Thea’s head snapped up to see Jake ordering for her. The waitress looked back at her and Thea slowly nodded her head indicating that was really what she wanted. Sienna gathered the menus in her arms and trudged off to the kitchen. All eyes at the table moved to look at Jake in complete confusion. 
Jake sat still for a second before shifting in his seat uneasily. “What?” He croaked out.
“Uh how did you know her order, dude?” Danny’s forehead crinkled. 
Jake stared at him blankly, “because it’s her favorite dish here? Even though she acts like she’s gonna get something new, she orders it every time.” 
On the inside, butterflies were flying around in Thea’s stomach at the thought that Jake had noticed her. He had noticed her in a way that wasn’t only meant to be physical. There was something that made him remember the things she ordered and her behaviors. She wanted to squeal and dance and jump around like a crazy person. 
On the outside, she was cool as a cucumber, instead just giving him a thankful smile and putting her attention on Josh, who had already begun telling his next dramatic story. 
This didn’t change anything. They were still just two people in the same friend group, nothing more. Nothing more to the public eye. 
“I’m gonna need a round of shots to make it through tonight.” Gina chuckled at Thea’s whiny tone. “And gin. Lots of gin.” 
“Alright, this round’s on me.” 
Elbowing her way past groups of people to the bar, Gina already looked completely done with the crowd. The entire place was packed wall-to-wall with people, all mingling with each other, creating a single hum of mixed voices. It was dimly lit, the only light coming from the few fixtures scattered on the walls. 
She’d spotted a few Greta Van Fleet shirts floating around, and for a second, she wondered if it would be possible to spot the agent or if they would blend right in with the sea of faces. 
“I swear to god, I will murder someone by the end of the night. It took so long for Tyler to even get to me. All those stupid girls were flocking around him like seagulls.” Gina huffed as she slammed the tray of drinks down on the table. 
Thea snatched a shot and downed it in one swift motion. The alcohol burned the back of her throat and sat warmly in her stomach. She reached for one more and shot it down quickly too, grabbing the gin and tonic to chase it down. 
“Dude, I need you to slow your roll.” Gina looked baffled.
“Sorry, G, that was just a weird dinner.” Her throat was on fire from the alcohol.
Gina took a shot of her own. “Yeah, what the hell was up with that? First he acted like you didn’t even exist and then he’s quoting your food order like it was a sonnet. Aren’t you guys supposed to be acting normal or something?”
“I have no clue what’s going on. I’m not usually in this type of position. I don’t know how to be friends with benefits with someone that I like-like but that someone doesn’t like-like me back.”
 “No one does. Because you’re not supposed to get in these situations when you like someone. It only leads to heartbreak.”
Thea pouted, “I didn’t intend on getting in this situation, jerk-” 
“Teddy! Gina!” Mason’s voice called from behind them and they turned in their chairs to see Mason and Declan weaving between the bodies. Impulsively, Thea grabbed another shot and slammed it down. Gina grumbled under her breath and moved to stand up, pulling Thea out of her seat too. 
She hugged Declan casually and stepped towards Mason, gulping as she looked up at him. Instead of his usual jean jacket, Mason had a red sports jacket on over his black hoodie. Damn he looked good, like always. He held out his arms and she stepped into them on instinct, her heart fluttering as he wrapped her in a strong hug. She inhaled the sweet scent of bergamot and cedarwood, the smell of the cologne he’d worn since she’d bought it for him in freshman year, and a slight hint of his favorite gum, winter mint. It was invigorating.
“Well, I had gotten us all shots, but T took yours, I’m sorry.” 
Mason laughed at Gina’s sour face, “it’s all good, G, I’ll just grab a couple beers. You guys want anything while I’m up there?” 
They all shook their heads no and sat back down while Mason disappeared into the crowd. Declan started joking about why they’d been late and the girls both started cackling at them getting lost. 
“How do you get lost? It’s a grid system, Dec!” Thea exclaimed zealously. 
From the side of the stage, Sam watched as Gina and Thea greeted two random guys with hugs. One guy headed towards the bar, but the other one planted himself right in between them. 
“What the fuck?” He muttered to himself. 
“What’s wrong?” Sam jumped at Jake’s voice behind him.
Looking away, he tried to pretend he hadn’t just been staring at the girls. “Uh, it’s nothing...”
“Samuel, just fucking tell me.” 
“I just didn’t realize that Gina and Thea had invited some friends to the show. It’s not a big deal.” 
Jake peeked around the corner, his eyes instantly finding Thea at her usual table just as a guy walked up behind her and squeezed her shoulder. She beamed as he sat down in the chair beside her and laid his arm across the back of her chair. 
Keeping his face neutral, he looked back at Sam. “The more the merrier, huh?” 
“Yeah, I just don’t recognize them...” 
“They’re probably just friends from work.” 
Sam sulked. “Do you think they could have boyfriends? They haven’t mentioned any guys to me, but you know girls, they’re weird as hell. All four of them look pretty chummy.” 
“I doubt it, dude. You live with them, I think you’d know if they were hooking up with people.” Jake shook Sam’s shoulder roughly, “don’t focus on that. Focus on melting these people’s faces off.” 
“Gentleman, the time is now!” Josh flourished his arms into the air and stepped out onto the stage. 
The crowd roared loudly as the rest of the lights dimmed, only the stage lit up. One by one, the guys followed after Josh. They were all dressed to the nines. Josh lit up the stage in his paper white jumpsuit, a little white feather earring dangling on the side of his head. Danny was wearing his favorite leather vest without a shirt. And Jake, he looked like a god tonight. He had a black jacket with beautiful gold emblems open over his bare chest. 
Without hesitation, Thea jumped up from her seat and walked toward the stage. She glanced back and saw the rest of them still sitting. “Aren’t you guys coming?” 
“I’m gonna sit back here for a bit, babe. I like being able to see the whole stage.” Gina called, clapping loudly. Mason’s eyes darted between Gina and then Declan before following after Thea. 
“Somehow, you still have me chasing after you.” He joked, nuding her shoulder.
She looked back at him and winked, “this will be worth it, trust me.” 
She rushed up to the center stage and waved at Sam excitedly. He nodded back at her just as Jake ripped into the first riff of Highway Tune. They shredded through the song and immediately went right into Edge of Darkness. This was her favorite song because Jake had a remarkable solo for almost five minutes. 
Once in a while, she would make a silly face at Sam but he ignored her every time. Her heart sank at the thought that maybe Jake had told him their secret. Her eyes drifted to watch Jake, his head was thrown back and his eyes were scrunched closed while he played the notes. 
“These guys are awesome! How did you say you know them?” Mason’s voice was right in her ear causing goosebumps to prickle across her skin. 
She leaned in a little bit and tilted her chin so he could hear her over the music. “They’re my best friends. Sam, the bass player, is me and Gina’s roommate.” 
Mason moved his head back and blinked in surprise. “They’re really good, that guitar player is fantastic.” 
“Yeah, he’s on fire tonight!” Thea bounced up and down just as Josh stepped back in to finish up the song. 
After an hour, the band finished their set and disappeared off to the side of the stage. Thea let out a deep breath, the adrenaline making her heart pound, and grinned up at Mason. She had forgotten that he was there after a while, being so focused on Greta playing a flawless set. 
Her eyes had constantly been changing from Sam, who had barely glanced at her the whole time, and Jake, who had been so focused on the songs that he had barely even looked up. 
“Come on, let’s head back to the table.” She stepped backwards towards the back of the bar. “What did you think?” 
“They’re great, they all seem to have real talent with their instruments. The singer-” 
“Yeah, Josh, he’s amazing. His voice is so old school rock n’ roll. I love it.” 
They returned to the table just in time to hear Declan raving about how good the show had been. There was a small feeling of pride in Thea’s chest to know that her friends enjoyed the band. These were her guys and it felt good to see the reactions from newcomers. 
“Oh my gosh, they did amazing!” McKenzi shouted over the rest of the voices as she plopped down in an empty chair, looking completely dazed and her hair was flying all over the place. Gina leaned across the table and tried to tame some of her flyaways but it was a lost cause and they both started giggling. 
From across the room, Thea could see the boys breaking down their equipment. Every one of them was completely in sync, moving one way while someone else moved the other way. It was clear they were one unit and that’s why everything worked as well as it did. 
Danny finished putting away his bass drum and the group jumped down from the stage and crossed the room. Josh swept around the group and placed a kiss on top of Gina’s, McKenzi’s, and Thea’s heads lovingly - something he did after every show as part of his ritual as a way to thank all the positive spirits. 
Slipping into the chair next to McKenzi, Danny pulled her into a tight embrace, leaving splotches of sweat on her shirt. Behind them, Sam and Jake hovered back, both of them watching Mason and Declan with blank stares. Thea squirmed uncomfortably at the tension she felt was being directed right at her. 
“Ahem, guys, this is Declan and Mason, some friends from high school.” Gina finally spoke up. “Dec, Mas, this is Josh, Sam, Jake, Danny, and Danny’s girlfriend, McKenzi. Sam is mine and Thea’s other roommate.” 
Mason shook everyone’s hands as Gina introduced them and Thea cringed at the intensity that Sam squeezed his hand when it was his turn, but Mason just grinned like it hadn’t even phased him. He had never been one to back down from an awkward situation. 
Now that everyone had officially met, maybe the rest of the night could go off without a hitch, Thea prayed. She couldn’t keep herself from wondering what Jake might be thinking, he hadn’t looked at her once since the restaurant. 
“Are you guys gonna sit down?” Thea asked curiously. 
“I’ll be at the bar.” Jake replied tersely before bee-lining it away from the table. Thea’s lips parted in surprise before her eyes moved to look at Sam sadly. 
“Ya know, I think I’m gonna get a drink too.” He replied bluntly. 
Thea glimpsed over at Gina desperately who gave her a half-hearted shrug in response. Both boys stood side-by-side at the bar, their shoulders filled with tension, and she so badly wanted to follow after them but it was clear they wanted some space. 
Her heart dropped slightly as she saw a girl saunter up to Jake and start flirting with him. Instantly, he had his charming smile on and was leaning in so he could hear her better. Thea could feel the tears burn her eyes but she blinked them away as quick as possible. 
“So,” Josh clapped his hands together loudly, “Mason and Declan, you guys went to highschool with our girls?” 
“Yep, since sixth grade. We were attached at the hip for most of it.” Declan said before taking a sip of his beer. “Mason and Teddy dated for like four years too.” He said and everyone’s eyes went wide. 
“Who’s Teddy?” McKenzi asked, her brows crinkled deeply. 
“Um, Thea? Ya know, short for Theadora.” Mason sounded a bit baffled. 
Danny chortled, “T, your name is Theadora?” 
“What of it, Wagner?” Thea hissed and Danny’s face went pale as he shrunk behind McKenzi’s shoulder, but she pushed him away from her. “Anyways, can we please move on from my hideous name, please?” 
“So, Mason, what kind of job do you have?” McKenzi intervened, clearly seeing how embarrassed Thea was feeling at the whole situation. One reason that Thea hoped Danny would never let that amazing woman walk out of his life.
Mason gave her appreciative smile for trying to divert the conversation. “Oh, I just started working for Atlantic Records Group as a talent agent.”
25 notes · View notes
nicole-lynne · 4 years
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White Chocolate Glaze
Beach Daze
A Well-Deserved Break
All The Love Songs (on-going Series) - Chapter One
Chapter Two
26 notes · View notes
nicole-lynne · 4 years
All The Love Songs - Chapter One
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Pairings: Jake Kiszka (eventually) x OFC Thea, OFC Thea x OMC Mason (past) Warnings: Cuss words, implications and mild descriptions of sex
Thea sat up from the bed, pulling the duvet cover with her to cover her naked body. Her black hair was matted to her neck with sweat and she peeled it off in a minor attempt to cool herself down. The feeling of his eyes on her back was sending tingles across her skin but she ignored it. She didn’t want him to know how much he affected her, not yet. 
Bending down to grab her discarded ZZ Top shirt off the ground, she peeked up at him lounging sideways in her bed amongst the many pillows, his eyes closed peacefully. The milky glow of his skin blended in so well with her ivory sheets that he could almost be a fixture of her bedroom.
“Hey, Jake,” He hummed to acknowledge her, “do you want to maybe stay for a bit? I was about to order some chinese before you came over.” She asked, casually reorganizing a pile on her desk so she didn’t seem too interested. 
He was quiet for a long time before there was a deep sigh. She knew what that meant, she began to internally prepare herself for the letdown. 
“T, I think we need to talk...” 
Jake swung his legs off the side of the bed and placed his elbows on his knees, rubbing his eyes a few times, something he usually did when there was a headache coming. His long hair draped around his face like a curtain, shielding him from her eyes.  
Thea tossed his boxers in his direction, watching him reach out and catch them before they hit the floor. Her eyes lingered for a fraction of a second on his profile before she started to search the floor for the rest of her clothes. 
“It’s not a big deal, Kiszka. I was just trying not to make you feel like I’m using you for your body.” She was trying to sound sassy but there was a sharp edge to the teasing. 
He tilted his head to watch her as she paced around the room, standing the chair up that they had knocked over, straightening a picture frame on the wall, picking up the books that had tumbled to the floor. Methodically, she cleaned up any evidence that he had ever been there.
The vinyl record was crackling quietly, waiting for one of them to turn the record to the other side. Neither of them made the move to do it.
Jake cradled his head in his hand. “I know we haven’t really talked about this before, T. I’m just not looking for anything more serious right now.” 
“No, I get that, I do. You’re just wanting a hook-up,” She plastered a fake smile on, “and I am totally fine with that.” 
“Jake, it’s fine, really. I was offering you chinese food, not my dowry.” Jake frowned, he hated when she tried to make light of a serious conversation. But Thea ignored the frown and began to dig around her drawer for a new pair of underwear. 
He stood up and crossed the room in a few strides. His hand fell on her shoulder and he turned her around to face him. Tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear, his fingers lingering on her cheek. Heat radiated from his body and she dropped her gaze to the small space in between them. Jake’s other hand landed on her waist and her body shivered involuntarily. 
The minimal light was hitting the angle of his face and all she could think of was good and bad. The tiniest hint that he could protect her always, but the underlying pain that was just around the corner.
“I’m not trying to be a dick here, T. I’m just trying to be honest with you. I like you and I like what we’ve got going on, we’ve been friends for a while now. I just don’t have anything more to give right now.” Lightly, Jake tilted her chin up, compelling her gaze to meet his. There was little furrow in his brow as if he were begging her to understand. “Besides, you and I both know there are other factors in this...” 
Thea knew exactly what he meant. Her best friend and roommate, Sam, who just happened to also be Jake’s younger brother. They’d met on the first day she’d arrived in the city and had been inseparable ever since. If Sam had any inkling that she had hooked up with Jake, on numerous occasions, he would be devastated. 
But inside this room, within these four walls, the rest of the world faded away and it was just her and Jake. But at the end of the day, if it ever left the bedroom, she would lose one of her best friends, and Jake...well, he didn’t want it to leave the bedroom. 
Stifling a sigh, Thea mustered up a tiny smile. “It’s all good, Jake. We’re friends...and the bedroom stuff will stay exactly that, bedroom stuff.” 
Jake inched forward and pecked a simple kiss on her cheek, his hair tickling her skin. “Thanks for understanding, you’re the best. And hey, you and Gina are still coming to our show tomorrow night, right?” In an instant, he was distracted, plucking his shirt off the lamp where it had landed. “We’ve been working on some really great stuff and I think an agent is supposed to be coming.” 
“You know we never miss any of your shows. We’re, like, you’re biggest fans.” Thea said with a fake valley girl accent. Jake snorted and chucked her jeans straight at her head which she caught at the last second. 
“Show starts at nine, groupies usually get there early to smoke up and show us their tits. I’ll be waiting for ya.” 
“Shut up, you dick.” She shoved his shoulder in jest while he tugged his boot on and giggled at the mutter of obscenities coming from him when he tipped into the dresser. 
Jake turned to dig around for his flannel and Thea took the chance to admire the muscles in his back. He yanked it out from behind the beanbag chair and whipped around, and she cleared her throat, pretending like she hadn’t just been staring at him.
Slapping her hands against her thighs, she awkwardly inched toward the door. “Well, we better get you out of here before anyone gets home...” 
“Right, that’s probably a good idea. I think Sam’s shift gets done in like ten minutes.” Jake ran his fingers through his hair a few times for good measure and moved to the door. He looked gorgeous for someone who’d just had crazy sex. “I was serious, T. I like you and I like this thing we have going.”
Pausing for a moment, he looked down at Thea and gave her a weak smile. She wanted to be angry or hurt, but deep down, she knew that anything he was willing to give, she’d take happily..
No reassuring thoughts came to her so instead, Thea smiled and gave him a curt nod. She twisted the doorknob and let him slip out, following close behind him. 
Her heart jumped to a stop as she rounded the corner and spotted Gina, her other roommate, standing in the kitchen. She must have gotten home from her dance class earlier than expected because her usual springy curls were still pulled up into a bun and she was wearing her sweats and a crop top. From across the room, Thea could feel her annihlating glare. 
“Sup, Gi. See you at the gig tomorrow.” Jake said nonchalantly and bee-lined for the front door. 
“Bye Jake, see ya later.” Gina replied tersely, her harsh stare never leaving your face. 
The door slammed shut and it was deadly silent between the two friends. Thea fiddled with her thumbs, just waiting for the storm. She knew Gina better than anyone else in the world and she wasn’t going to be too happy that she hadn’t been the first one privy to the knowledge that Thea was sleeping with their friend. 
“When the hell did this happen?” Gina tossed her water bottle in the trash and jumped onto the counter, crossing her arms. Her tawny skin was lit with the simmering fire of her anger. 
Thea leaned against the counter next to her and buried her face into her arms, her voice muffled into the shirt sleeve. “Just a little while ago. You remember that day we were all supposed to meet at Mo’s but all of you guys ditched?” Gina nodded once. “Well, Jake ended up showing up and we just got to talking. For like a few hours. And one thing led to another and we were back here, tearing each other’s clothes off.” 
“So are you two dating now or something?” 
“No, we’re not dating.” The words tasted like bile. 
Gina fell back onto the heels of her hands. “Shit. So you’re just fuck buddies then?”
“You really don’t have to say it like that. We’re just friends...who have sex occasionally.” 
“So fuck buddies?” 
Thea’s face pinched up. “Do you have to be so crass about it? It’s not a big deal so stop making it out to be one.” 
Gina’s eyes narrowed at her, “T, you haven’t really been interested in sex with many people since-” Thea threw her hand up to stop her from uttering the next word. “Since you-know-who. This is a big deal and we both know it.” Thea just groaned and resumed her position of hiding in her arms. “Are you, like, into Jake? As more than a friend?” 
“I don’t want to answer that.” Thea paused. “I guess I don’t know the answer to that. I mean, yes? When he’s around, we just connect in a way I haven’t felt in a long time.  And when he’s not around...well, I wish he was.”
“It sounds like you like him.” 
“Yeah, but he doesn’t want anything serious. So it’s kind of a moot point at the moment.” 
Those words quieted Gina instantly which made Thea uneasy. It had never been said that Gina knew how to keep her opinion to herself. Once in middle school, she had told a teacher that she had the face of a man and the nose of a dog. It had landed her a week in detention. Nowadays, she had a little more tact but was more or less the same girl.
“Are you gonna say anything?” Thea stomped her foot inpatiently. 
Gina threw up one finger. “Give me one second to process the fact that my best friend and one of my good friends are bumping uglies.” Thea grimaced. “So...how was the sex?” 
“Gina! Seriously?” 
“It’s for research purposes!” Gina declared. “Besides, I’ve always wondered how Jake was in bed. I bet he’s an animal, am I right?” 
Thea pinched her lips together bitterly but Gina gave her a knowing smirk. “It’s mind-blowing, okay? Geez. He does this thing with his tongue and he’ll move me around in ways I never knew I could move and...oh god, he’s amazing. 
“I knew it. Jake’s a tough guy to pinpoint but, I’m telling you, the man is dripping with pure sex appeal.” 
Thea couldn’t even disagree because everything about Jake screamed sexy. Girls were always hitting on him, no matter where they went. At first she’d found it annoying because, geez, couldn’t they go anywhere without girls giggling hysterically when he looked at them. Now she was used to it, and a little part of her knew that she was the one he was hooking up with. She hoped she was the only one. 
“G, I need coffee, now.” 
“You mean a distraction?”
“Look, I can’t be talking about this when Sam gets home and I’m starting to get a headache. Can you please just lay off for five minutes and get coffee with me?” 
Gina cringed. “Oh shit, Sam, I forgot all about him. You know he’s going to be crushed when he finds out about this.”
“I know, I know. That’s why he can’t know.” Gina frowned. “Please, G? I can’t lose Sammy because of this.” 
“Okay, now I need coffee.” Gina grabbed her violet mesh jacket off the back of the chair and slipped it on. Thea bobbed her head in agreeance and shoved her converse on her feet. Remembering at the last second, she ran over and scrawled a messy note on the dry erase board telling Sam they’d be home in a little while. 
“So tell me more about this tongue thing that Jake does.” 
“Gina-” Thea glanced around at the packed coffee shop. No one was paying any attention to the two girls but she still felt like Gina’s voice was amplified. 
“Don’t Gina me, this is important information. I am now living vicariously through you and must know all the dirty little details of you and Jake doing the four-legged foxtrot.” 
Thea balked and turned back to the menu board. “You are seriously disturbed, you know that?”
“I do, and that’s why you love me.” She replied proudly, noticing that Thea was studying the menu diligently. “Why are you even looking at the menu, you get the same thing every day.” Gina asked, Thea just rolled her eyes. Maybe she would branch out this time. “At least tell me if he’s as big as I’m imagining, because I’ve seen him in those skinny jeans and...damn.” 
Her eyes darted to Gina for a fraction of a second, the tiniest of smiles on her lips. 
“I freakin knew it.” Gina gripped her arm and squealed loudly, actively disregarding Thea’s attempts to shush her. A few of the customers looked up at the commotion and Thea waved at them. “If you hadn’t opened up the biggest can of worms in our friend group, I would thoroughly applaud you for snatching that beast of a man.” 
Thea laughed ridiculously and started to say something when a voice interrupted her. 
No, it couldn’t be. Only one person ever called her that. 
Thea’s eyes widened comically and she shifted on her feet slightly, turning around coming face-to-face with her ex-boyfriend, Mason. He gave her a crooked grin - the one that used to always make her heart skip a beat. 
“Mason? What the heck!” Gina pronounced from behind her. 
“Hey, Gina! Oh man, it’s great to see you guys.”  He leaned forward and embraced Gina in a tight hug, his dark brown eyes never leaving Thea’s face over Gina’s head. “How are you, sunshine?” 
“Uh, I-I’m good.” She stuttered. “Wait, what are you doing here?” 
Mason angled his head slightly, a teasing sparkle in his eye. “Um, getting coffee?” 
Thea looked at him unamused. “I figured that one out, captain obvious. I mean here, in New York.” 
“I knew that, babe.” He winked and her stomach flipped nervously. “I’m here with Declan-”
“Declan’s here?” Gina piped up. “That punk didn’t tell me he was gonna be in town.” 
“He was with me here a minute ago...” 
Declan had been Mason’s best friend since diapers and it wasn’t very often that you found Mason without Declan a few steps behind. Mason glanced around just as a guy popped up at his side. 
When Thea had first met Declan in middle school, he had been a short, scrawny kid with bright red hair that was usually sticking up in all different directions. He could barely walk three steps without tripping or knocking something down. Mason had been the complete opposite. He was tall and his reflexes were always quick. He was comfortable in his skin and could make anyone else feel comfortable with themselves too. 
Thea and Gina had been partnered with Mason and Declan on a research project for english and after that, the group went everywhere together. Many nights and weekends spent at someone’s house or hanging out at the mall.
“Hey, Thea! Ah, Gina, how are you?” Declan jumped forward and gave both girls hugs. He had gone through a total growth spurt in sophmore year and now he towered over them both. 
“Dec, I’ve missed you. I meant to call you last week but I took a couple extra dance classes.” Thea’s eyes wrinkled, confused. “You didn’t mention that you were coming to New York. And you didn’t mention that you were bringing this troublemaker.” Gina patted Mason’s arm lightly and a dorky grin spread on his face. 
“I didn’t realize that you guys all still kept in touch so much.” Thea’s voice cracked slightly. 
“Well, it’s mostly just Gina and I lately. I know you’ve been so busy with your job lately.” Declan looked down bashfully. “Anyways, I meant to get in touch to let you know we were coming.” 
“Excuse me?” A voice snapped loudly. 
All four heads snapped up to see a disgruntled cashier and a few customers behind them were shooting them nasty looks. They’d completely forgotten that they were standing in line. 
Mason stepped forward and ordered his and Declan’s drinks, “and she’ll have an iced mocha latte, two extra pumps of mocha.” He still remembered her order. “Gina, you want your usual?” Gina nodded happily and went back to chatting animatedly with Declan. 
“Mas, you don’t have to get our drinks.” Thea tugged on his jacket sleeve.
“Hush, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you, just let me get your coffee.” He waved her away and handed his card to the lady with a genuine smile.
Thea’s mind was reeling. She hadn’t seen Mason in years and now he was standing right in front of her, remembering her coffee order and demanding that he be allowed to pay for it. He’d always been the kind of guy to put others before himself and remember the small details. In a flash, she was back in high school, completely head over heels for the kid. 
Mason moved to the end of the counter next to where Thea was standing and shoved his hands in his pockets. She took the chance to study him. He was still wearing his classic jean jacket and hoodie combo, only to be complimented with his wide array of colorful vans. Today’s color was orange. His curly brown hair was still a mop on his head but, somehow, it looked as cute as ever, just a little longer. Overall, he was still her Mason. 
“So you guys in town for very long?” 
“Um,” He shifted, “we’re actually here looking for apartments...” 
Thea’s jaw dropped. “Wait, you two are moving here? Like permanently?” 
“Yes, permanently. It’s always been the plan, and it’s just kind of working out for me now. Declan landed this great job and I figured, I might as well tag along. Best friends take on New York and all that jazz. It’s not like I had much going on back at home.” He let out a breathy chuckle, “Besides, I knew you and G were here so I figured we could get the band back together, so to speak.” 
“That’s so amazing!” She cringed internally. That was way too peppy of a reaction. This entire situation was anything but normal and she certainly wasn’t able to act normal around Mason. Not now that she knew he was going to be in the same city as her. Distantly, she could tell she kept playing with her hair too much but it was her nervous habit, and if there was a time for it, this was it.
The barista interrupted her string of panicked thoughts by calling out their name and set the cups on the counter. Gina and Declan scooped them up quickly and moved to where they were standing to pass them out. Gina shot her a reassuring look and Thea gave her a half smile in response.
“Well, I hate to break up the reunion, but we have a walkthrough scheduled in like twenty minutes. It probably won’t look very good if we show up late.” Declan said, pointing to his watch anxiously the way she’d seen him do a million times over the years. 
“Some things never change, huh?” Mason whispered to her and she hid a laugh behind her hand.
Gina and Declan walked towards the door, Mason and Thea trailing after them. Occasionally they would make eye contact and she’d instantly look away, a stupid smile on her face. 
They stopped outside and all huddled together. It was as if no time had passed them and they would be meeting up after Mr. Taylor’s history class to go to lunch. 
“Okay, so you’re going to text me and we’re going to get lunch or dinner soon, right? All of us.” Gina demanded, giving Mason and Thea a pointed look. “And don’t even try to give me a crap excuse because I know every one of your tells so I’ll know if you lie, Mason James Bowen.” 
Mason looked bewildered. “Okay, geez, I’m fine for dinner. I think Dec has a few more showings scheduled today but what about tomorrow night? ” 
“U-uh, umm.” Thea stuttered
“We actually have plans tomorrow with some friends-” Gina recovered smoothly.
“But you guys can come if you want!” Thea manically interjected. “Their band is playing at this bar around the corner, Owl Music Parlor. It’s gonna be a lot of fun.” 
Shocked, Gina’s jaw dropped. The last thing she’d expected was for Thea to so willingly invite her old group of friends to mingle with her new group of friends. 
“Uh yeah, you guys should come out. Cover is usually really cheap and the band will blow your minds. It starts at 10 but we usually get there a little early.”
Mason and Declan shared a look and shrugged, “Sure, that sounds great. We’ll meet you guys there. Hopefully, we’ll be celebrating our acquisition of a new apartment.” Thea and Mason locked eyes across the huddle and smiled at each other. 
Declan cleared his throat, “So, Mas, the showing? I don’t want to miss out on the place, it’s supposed to have two bathrooms.” 
Mason switched his attention back to Declan, “yeah, let’s hit it dude. Alright, ladies, we will see your beautiful faces tomorrow.” He gave them a small wave and ran to catch up with Declan, who was already speed walking halfway down the street.
Linking arms, the girls walked down the sidewalk. Silence fell over them as both of them considered the possibilities of tomorrow night. 
“Hey G?” Gina glanced at Thea. “Please tell me that I didn’t just invite Mason to hang out with the guys?” 
“Oh, baby, you sure did.” 
Thea slapped her forehead with an ugly growl. “Why didn’t you stop me?” 
“Girl, you got sucked into the Mason vortex and there was no getting you out.” She laughed. “It was like a car wreck, I couldn’t look away.” 
It was quiet again, the only sound being their footsteps on the concrete. Then Gina spoke up again, “ya know, it’s kind of strange that we were just talking about you getting over Mason. Now he’s back and you tripped right back into being mayor of Mason town.” 
Thea grimaced at the implication that she suddenly might not be over the man who had crushed her heart. Talk about comedic timing.
Tomorrow night her two worlds were going to collide. Two worlds that she never, in a million years, believed would be coming together. And she should be freaked out. But instead, her mind was stuck on how cute Mason looked in his orange hoodie and how hard her heart was pounding when his gorgeous smile was directed at her.
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
Could you possibly do a Dean Winchester x reader where they start a prank war with each other because they would rather do that than admit their feelings for each other?
First of all, thank you so so much for sending in a request and please send in more! Second of all, I totally loved this request so much! This piece was a labor of love but I was so in love with the concept. 
I hope I lived up to your imagination and you love the piece as much as I do!
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Alls Fair in Love and Prank War
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Minor cussing
Slam. Crash.
You slid into the library on socked feet and fell into the nearest chair across from Sam. With shaky hands, you calmed the flyaway hair from your face and then grabbed the closest book. Sam looked at you bewildered for a second. 
“What the hell is going on?” 
“Quick, act like you’re talking to me.” 
“I am talking to you?” Sam questioned.
You waved your hand at him absentmindedly as you watched the library door. “Shush, just act like you’re talking to me about something normal.” 
Sam scrunched his brow at you, his eyes darting to the door to follow your gaze. “What was that sound?” 
“Y/N! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?” Dean bellowed from down the hall. 
Immediately, you opened the book and flung your head down just in time for Dean to come stomping in the room. Slipping a calm and collected smile on, you glanced up at him.
“Oh hey, Dean, what’s up?” You said before looking back down at the ancient book.
Dean scowled at you and then over to Sam, who was trying to stifle a giggle. “What’s up?! What’s up is this!” He gestured at himself and you had to hold back a laugh at him in an undershirt and boxers, covered in white cream.
“Wow, did you decide to start shaving below the neck? I gotta say, I don’t think that’s gonna be the best look for you, Deano.” You quipped, feigning innocence. 
“Shaving below th-NO! You tricked me into thinking there was pie and then when I ran into the kitchen, I slipped on shaving cream and ran into the cabinet.” He growled. He was trying to wipe off the shaving cream but it kept puffing in the air and landing on his body again. 
“Wow, Dean, that is really...” Sam started but trailed off when Dean shot him a murderous glare. 
“I’m so sorry that happened to you, Dean, but I have no idea who could have spilled all that shaving cream. I would give them a piece of your mind when you find them.” You batted your eyelashes at him sweetly. 
Dean huffed and put his hands on his hips sternly. “I heard you calling for me and saying we had pie. I know it was you, Y/N.” 
“Purely speculation, there’s no proof.” You grinned like a cheshire cat. “Can you please go take a shower? I’ve got a lot of research to do and the smell is giving me a headache.” 
He pursed his lips in frustration and started to run his hand through his hair before realizing his hand was completely covered. He turned to walk out the door, but just before he left, he murmured over his shoulder, “you are so gonna regret starting this, kid.” Then the door slammed shut. 
It was silent in the room and you let out a deep breath you had been holding. You looked up and made eye contact with Sam, who was smirking at you. 
“What?!” You exclaimed.
Sam snorted slightly, “why do you do that to him?” 
“What are you talking about, Sammy?” You twisted your body so you were looking at him directly. 
“Why do you love getting him so worked up? He’s always in such a bad mood after you pull pranks on him.” 
You shrugged and avoided Sam’s eyes, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s just harmless pranks. It’s not my fault he’s wound up tighter than a two dollar watch.” 
Sam raised an eyebrow at you, his smirk growing. “You sure that’s all it is?” 
“What else would it be?” You flipped through the pages of the book, barely reading the words on the page. 
“Maybe the fact that you have feelings for him but you’re too chicken to say anything about it?” 
“You’re way off base there, Sammy.” You slammed the book closed and shot up out of the chair, frowning at him. “I’m just here to kill monsters and give you two a laugh every now and again because you’re both way too uptight. There’s nothing more to it. Now, I’ll be in my room if you need me.” 
You stormed out with your head held high, only pausing for a fraction of a second when Sam called out, “you know he’s gonna get you back for that, right?” 
“I’d like to see him try.” You scoffed casually before disappearing around the corner. 
It had been three days and the incident had been completely put out of your mind. Dean had been acting completely normal, well as normal as he could get. He had stayed out of the bunker for the most part but you hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. 
You had gone about your business and now you were gearing up for a fun night out with the boys at the bar down the street. The perfect outfit was laid out and you had taken a long shower with the works of shaving, moisturizing, and pampering. 
Just as you had slipped on your towel, there was a knock on the door and Sam’s head popped in the room, “hey, we’re all ready to go as soon as you are.” 
“Awesome, I just need to dry my hair and throw on a little makeup. Gimme 15 minutes and I’ll be all good.” 
You hustled over to the counter and slipped on your underwear and bra before snatching up your hair dryer. You flipped the switch on and there was a giant puff of white, and before you realized what happened, your entire head was covered in talcum powder. Panicking, you turned the dryer off and blinked hard, trying to keep it from falling into your eyes. 
A giant marshmallow was staring back at you in the mirror and rage was bubbling up inside your chest. A high pitch scream mixed with a growl of frustration came out of you as you tried to wipe the power out of your hair, but with each swipe, it turned into a slimy mess. 
“Dean, you’re such a jackass!” You screamed into the hall. 
Sly as a fox, Dean rounded the corner and leaned against the door frame, a devilishly grin on his face. “Whoa, Casper, I thought I ganked you a while ago.” 
You narrowed your eyes at Dean furiously and shot your fist out to hit his shoulder. The hit landed perfectly on his bicep and he jumped in surprise.
 “You are such an asshole for this.” 
“Hey, I told you that you were regret pranking me the other day. An eye for an eye, kiddo.” He chuckled as he rubbed where you’d hit him.
“This is not the same thing, Dean!” You spat bitterly, your cheeks hot with fury. “It’s gonna take me forever to get this out of my hair and I won’t be able to go out with you guys.” 
Dean bit his lip as he looked you up and down then smirked, “I think you should definitely go like this. Guys really go for the Snow White look.” He chortled, completely pleased with himself. 
You growled again, “you want a prank war, well it’s on, asshat. You better sleep with one eye open.” 
You thought for a second that he might be scared, but instead, he leaned forward and winked at you. “It’s so on, sweetheart.” He teased, “oh, by the way, you have something right here.” He gestured to a small space on his cheek.
“Ugh, just get out, you jerk!” You screamed and shoved him out the door before promptly slamming it in his face. 
Dean doubled over laughing, falling against the wall to hold himself up. Sam popped his head out of his bedroom across the hall and sighed heavily at his brothers antics. He already knew that the bunker would be in World War III for weeks after this.
“Why did you do that to her? She was really looking forward to going out tonight.” 
Dean wiped a stray tear out of the corner of his eye. Chuckles were still bubbling out of him every once in a while. “I just love when she gets angry and her face does that cute pinchy thing.” 
“It’s like you’re five years old, Dean, and you keep pulling on her pigtails. Just tell her that you like her already. It’s tiring for all of us.” Sam rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest, almost daring Dean to disagree with him. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, Sammy. I just think it’s funny to make such a tiny girl angry. Besides, she should have known better than pranking me, I’m the Prank King.” Dean beat his fists on his chest like a gorilla as he paced back and forth. 
“No, you’re an idiot, and she’s not gonna take this lying down.” Dean made a pfft sound and waved off Sam’s statement before sauntering down the hall like he was cock of the walk. “I’m just saying, leave me out of this!” Sam called out one final plea. 
It had been the longest week of Sam’s life. Every moment he had gone to relax, Dean and Y/N were pulling some type of elaborate prank of each other, and it was all giving him a headache. All of this pranking and teasing had transported him back to middle school where it was all the rage to be mean to your crush. 
Over the week, he had watched you put Baby’s keys in jello in retaliation for the talcum powder hair dryer. You had laughed for a full hour in Dean’s face while he berated you for getting his keys all sticky and ‘there was just no way they would ever be the same again’.
The next day, to counter your jello attack, he had watched from the sidelines as Dean had meticulously covered every single one of your belongings in tin foil. Sam was almost positive he had seen steam come out of your ears when you laid eyes on the silver wasteland. 
He was currently sitting at the kitchen table watching you make a cherry pie with lots of whipped cream. You were in your own little world but every once in a while, you would giggle to yourself before remembering you weren’t alone. 
“Hey, Y/N?” Sam finally forced himself to ask.
You hmmed in response, barely even glancing up at him, and continued to lather on the sugary substance. 
“I hate to assume anything, but would you mind telling me what you’re planning on doing with that pie?” 
Your head snapped up and you had a wicked smile on your face. “Oh this pie here? This pie is reserved for ol’ Deano’s snarky mug.” Sam grimaced at the answer. “What’s gonna happen is, I’m gonna have you call for him to come into the kitch-” 
“No, no, no, I’m not involved in this and never will be. You both are being ridiculous and I will not be a party to you ignoring your feelings for each other.” Sam was pacing around like a crazy person, nostrils flaring fiercely. “So ya know what, I’m outta here until you two can grow the hell up!” He stalked out of the kitchen, leaving you with your mouth hanging open like a fish. You could hear his boots stomping up the stairs and then the bunker door slammed shut. 
“What the hell was that all about?” You could hear Dean call from the library. 
Adrenaline shot through your veins and you snatched the pie up, racing over to hide by the edge of the door. The second Dean rounded the corner, you slammed the pie right in the middle of his face, smushing it in a little just for the satisfaction. 
You spun on your heel in attempts to get the hell out of Dean’s path of rage, but he grabbed your wrist at the last second to pull you back to him. The floor was covered in whipped cream and cherry filling and as you fell backwards onto him, your foot slipped and your momentum sent you both tumbling to the ground. 
You huffed as you landed hard on to Dean’s chest, slamming your elbow on the hard linoleum in the process. 
“Ow ow shit ow shit shit shit.” You muttered, tears pricking in your eyes. 
Dean quickly sat up and tried to wipe as much whipped cream off his face as possible before adjusting you on his lap. “Oh, Y/N, I’m so sorry. Shit, I did not mean for that to happen.” He tucked you in closer and cradled your elbow delicately.
You let yourself relax into him for a minute, willing the stubborn tears to disappear. “What are you even sorry for, Dean? This whole stupid thing was my fault, I’m the one who started with the pranks.” Your voice was shaky as a tear rolled down your cheek. 
He sighed before reaching up to remove the tear but instead leaving a trail of whipped cream. He closed his eyes in defeat at forgetting he was covered in dessert. You let out a croaky laugh at the look on his face. 
The feeling of his touch on your skin felt like sparks shooting through you. “This isn’t all your fault, ya know. I could have been an adult and not retaliate.” Your gaze cast down to the ground, trying to ignore the way he was causing your whole body to cover in goosebumps. “But I did have a lot of fun with you this week.” 
You looked back up at him in disbelief. “You did?” 
“Of course I did,” he grinned, causing his eyes to crinkle at the sides, “It was the most fun I’d had in awhile. I wasn’t thinking about monsters wanting to kill me or Sam’s mental health, I was just being a guy.” 
“I had a lot of fun with you too, D.” You said, laying your head against the pocket of his shoulder. 
The sound of his heart beating through his chest was comforting to you and you had almost completely forgotten about the ache in your elbow. 
“Besides,” His gruff voice sent vibrations into your ear, “all your attention was on me all week, so that was pretty great.” 
Your stomach flipped in exhilaration. “Why would that be a great thing?” You hoped you weren’t going in a wrong direction with this. It felt impossible that he could even remotely feel the same way as you.
Dean reached up and tilted your chin, forcing you to look at him. He was covered in a slimy layer of sugar but he had never looked more handsome to you.
“Because it felt great to not be competing with other guys when all I want is for you to spend time with me.” His voice was hesitant and unsteady because the anxious part of him was still telling him that you didn’t like him back. 
You swallowed thickly and powered through the jumbled nerves, “Honestly, Dean, you’re never competing with other guys. They would lose to you every time.” Dean let out a deep breath he’d been holding in and tightened his hold around you causing your body to mesh with his. His eyes were sparkling with happiness and the feeling of his eyes on you was making your heart soar. 
Dean brought his lips to yours, hardly a whisper away, and you could feel his breath heating up your face. The smell of whipped cream was mixing with his cologne and the scent was fogging your brain. You slipped your arm around his shoulder and pulled him to close the distance. 
He inhaled deeply and pulled you closer, his lips melding with yours in a tender kiss and the taste of him was making you forget your own name. Vaguely, you could feel his arms snaking around your waist but all you could think about was the heavenly feeling of his plump lips and his tongue sweeping into your mouth, your bodies pulsing together in harmony.
You and Dean broke the kiss and your gaze raised to find Sam with his hands on his hips, eyebrows raised up in exasperation. He looked down at you two in a pile of pie and whipped cream, you draped over Dean’s lap, and you both intensely making out. 
Dean let out an airy laugh as you let your forehead fall against his shoulder. 
“I guess you got your wish, Sammy.” Dean said as he casually caressed your back. Sam’s face pinched up with disgust and he ran a hand over his face. 
“I seriously did not think this through...” He muttered, frustration lacing his voice. 
You laughed and snuggled your face into Dean’s neck, mortified at being caught in such a compromising position in the first place. Dean tightened his hold on the backs of your legs and stood up, his strong arms holding you with no problem. 
“Now if you’ll excuse us, Sammy, I’ve got to clean up and I believe Y/N deserves a little payback for the pie in my face.” He growled lightly and whisked you down the hall to his room, your laugh bouncing off the walls.
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
You’ve Never Heard of Them?
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Hey y’all! Recently, I’ve been very obsessed with Greta Van Fleet. A lot of people compare them to Led Zeppelin and every time I listen to them, I get this idea in my head of listening to them with Dean. I hope you enjoy this little, teeny tiny story. Please like, comment, and reblog, I really appreciate the feedback! 
Summary: Dean gets introduce to Greta Van Fleet by an unexpected guest.
Pairing: Dean x Reader (kind of)
Dean was laid back in his bed, reading some gun magazine, his feet crossed lazily as he relaxed into his pillows. It had been a quiet few days at the bunker and he wasn’t minding the free time one bit. 
As he turned the pages, the sounds of rock music flowed down the hallway and into his room. Immediately his ears perked up at the familiar sounding music. It was close to Led Zeppelin, but he couldn’t place the song. 
He tossed the magazine down haphazardly and sat up, listening intently to the melody. He was utterly baffled. No one in the bunker listened to his kind of music willingly. Sam and Cas both had sticks up their ass and they just didn’t know when to appreciate talent. 
The next song flipped on, and again, he couldn’t name the song. What the hell was going on. He bolted off the bed and followed the direction of the music. 
Dean turned the corner into the library and froze in his spot as his eyes fell on a gorgeous woman. You were curled up on the reading chair, typing away on her laptop and nodding her head along to the beat. 
“Ahem,” Your eyes snapped up to meet his anxiously. “Who the hell are you?” 
Cautiously, you turned the music off and unfolded yourself from your position. His face was hard, waiting for a good explanation. This guy had scared the bejeezus out of you and you wouldn’t put it past him to break something if you gave the wrong answer. He was definitely not the charming guy Charlie had originally described. 
“Hello there, I’m Y/N, a friend of Charlie’s. You must be Dean?” 
“Charlie’s here?” He asked gruffly. 
You were taken aback at how direct he was. “Um no... I had some issues and Charlie said you and your brother would let me stay here for a few days. Sam got me set up and said I was welcome to the library.” 
The tension is Dean’s shoulders dissipated a bit at knowing that Sam was aware you were here. Surely he’d done all the tests to make sure you were who you said you were. 
“Okay, sure. Well, if Charlie vouches for you then I’m sure it’s fine.” He mumbled as he meandered into the room. You bit your bottom lip timidly, unsure of what would be safe to say next. “So...”
“So?” You nervously tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
The room fell silent between the two of you, the absence of your music making the whole thing all the more suspenseful. Dean was walking around the room, looking at the shelves attentively, as if he didn’t live here. 
It did pose the opportunity for you to unabashedly check out his ass, which was perfectly round and tight. Truthfully, it was impossible for you to notice how attractive he was in his entirety. His biceps were tight in his black t-shirt, his jeans hugged his thighs in just the right way, and god, what you wouldn’t give to run your fingers through that hair. 
“What was that you were listening to?” His voice interrupted your thoughts and you looked away sheepishly. 
“Hmm? I’m sorry, I missed that.” 
Dean’s brow shot into the air, completely aware that he’d just caught you checking him out. “I asked what you had been listening to. Ya know before, when you were alone.” 
“Oh,” your nose wrinkled in thought, and Dean thought it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, “oh, I was listening to Greta Van Fleet.”
“Who’s Greta Van Fleet?” 
Your jaw dropped, “you’ve never heard of Greta Van Fleet? They’re only the best new-age band.” Dean shook his head as you kept babbling on about the sound and influences of the band. “Come here, you’ve got to listen to them.” 
You patted the companion reading chair enthusiastically, beckoning him to sit next to you. Before he realized, his feet were carrying him towards you and plopping him down. You flipped your laptop back open and clicked play on the album. 
You rested the computer on the chair arm and settled back. Without delay, you were mouthing along to the words, your head bobbing up and down, your eyes closing instinctively.  
Dean couldn’t deny that the band was good. It was exactly his kind of music and the guy’s voice sounded just like-
“He sounds so much like Robert Plant, it’s crazy.” Dean couldn’t believe his ears. It was almost like you’d read his mind.
“Wait, you listen to Zeppelin?” 
You popped one eye open to look at him, “yeah of course, doesn’t everyone?” God where had this girl been all his life.
“Not the people I live with.” He snorted, thinking back to the bitch face Sam gave him the last time he’d turned on Physical Graffiti.
“You must live with some boring-ass people if they can’t even appreciate Zeppelin.” 
You had closed your eyes again so you couldn’t see the huge smile that had grown on Dean’s face. “You honestly have no idea. They never value the genius that is classic rock.” 
“Their loss then.” You said and turned up the volume on the next song. 
You and Dean sat together, listening to the entire playlist. Occasionally one of you would bring up a technique they were doing or an influence you recognized, but for the most part, the only sound was the music. When the playlist ended, you clicked pause and the entire room echoed in silence. 
“What did you think?” You questioned. He could feel your eyes on him as he thought about his answer. You held your breath as you waited and the longer he took, the more nervous you got. 
“If you want the truth...” He glanced at you from the corner of his eye, “I loved them.” 
You grinned up at him, pleased with his response. “You really had me going for a second. I thought you hated them or something.” 
“I definitely didn’t hate them. And if that’s your taste in music, then I’d love to show you some of my favorite stuff.” Dean stood up and held a hand out to you. “Come on, I’ve got a record player in my room.” 
After a hesitant moment, you let your hand fall into his and he pulled you up out of the seat. “Alright, but I swear if you play Africa by Toto, you’ll lose all credibility.” 
Dean rolled his eyes and gave you a smirk, “Do I look like the kind of guy who listens to Toto?”
You giggled at the question, loving that you were teasing him. “You definitely look like you have a soft spot for the song.” 
“Yeah right, I’m tougher than nails, baby.” Dean squeezed your hand and winked at you, before leading you to his room for another music appreciation session. 
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
Always Come Back to You - Chapter Two
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Hey there! I’m back y’all and it feels amazing. I’m sorry it took so long for this to come out, but I’ve been crazy busy this month. I will be trying to post more regularly again. This is an answer to a request by @witch-of-letters and it grew to an outrageous level. Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future posts! Please like, comment, and reblog as I love the feedback!
Summary: Kat and Steve get into the army and go to boot camp. They have a crazy set of adventures. Sorry there is no Bucky in this chapter (he’s gone, remember?)
Pairing: Bucky x OC (This is still in 2nd person perspective but I gave her a name to make it easier for me to write a full series)
Warnings: None so far
When the man burst into the room, you were a little astonished. He was a short-statured man with messy hair. His glasses rested askew on his nose, making it look like he’d just been woken up in a hurry and run all the way here. 
“My name is Dr. Abraham Erskine. I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve.” He held out his hand for you. You stared at it for a moment before reaching forward and shaking it. 
“Hello, my name is-” 
“Katherine Rogers. Yes, yes, I just came from meeting your brother, Steven.” 
You swallowed thickly. Great, Steve been caught and you were about to go down as an accessory. You were somewhat wishing you’d asked Bucky to stick around. He would’ve known exactly what to do. 
“You can relax, dear, we are not going to be sending him to prison any time soon.” Your shoulders slumped with relief. “Instead, we are going to give him a chance.” 
“You are?” This was the last thing you’d expected to hear. He’d been rejected five times and now they were just letting him in so casually, as if it wasn’t his entire life on the line.
Dr. Erskine looked up from the folder he was holding and studied you. The tension was building in the tiny room and you couldn’t help but fidget under his eye. 
“Why did you come here this evening, Ms. Rogers?” 
“You said you met my brother. He can be pretty convincing when he wants to be.” You said as if that was all the explanation he would need. 
He bobbed his head, chuckling. “That is very true. But what I asked is why are you here? I have a feeling it’s not just because Steven persuaded you. In fact, I believe you quite surprised him when you suggested it.” 
Your brow crinkled as you tried to pinpoint what exactly made you decide to enlist. “Dr. Erskine, have you ever had someone who you were so close to that you felt like they were a part of you? Someone who shared your thoughts, your pain, your happiness.” 
He shook his head thoughtfully, “I can’t say that I have.” 
“I’ve lived in this world for exactly 9 minutes without Steve. And for every minute after, he’s been there. He’s always known exactly what I’ve been thinking, he’s wiped my tears in every awful situation, he’s felt every emotion I felt. I know my brother can be a bit of an idiot sometimes, so I follow him around and keep him out of trouble. But I can tell you this, living in this world without him for 9 minutes is about all I can take. So if going across seas to join the fight is what he’s determined to do, then that’s where I’m going too.” 
You let out a shaky breath. It was dawning on you that you maybe should have given a better answer, something like ‘I love to support our troops’ or ‘it’s my duty to help’, but those all sounded like robotic crud. 
Dr. Erskine exhaled a breathy laugh. “You two are most certainly twins. Has anyone ever told you that you’ve got too much blind loyalty?” 
“I’m too stubborn to listen if they did.” You stood up a little taller and pushed your shoulders back. It was probably best to prepare yourself for him to tell you to go home. 
“If you ask me, blind loyalty isn’t always a bad thing.” He winked at you before whisking out of the room. You stumbled behind him, shocked he hadn’t told you to hit the road. “Have you got any nursing experience, Katherine?” 
“Uh, my mother was a nurse in the tuberculosis ward before she passed. She taught me everything she knew.” You strained to see over his shoulder what he was writing on the paperwork. 
“I will be assigning you to the same camp as Steven, in the nursing division. I have a feeling we will see some great things from you, Katherine Rogers.” 
He slammed the stamp onto the paper and handed it to you before heading toward the door. 
“Th-thank you, sir.” You read over the paper, flabbergasted. “Oh, Dr. Erksine?”
He turned on his heel, a raised brow in acknowledgement. “You, um, you said that you were with the Scientific division? Do you work with Howard Stark?” 
“Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. Why do you ask?” 
“I just read a journal of his discussing the new self-flying technology he’s been working on. His thinking on it is just...it’s fascinating. I bet it’s amazing getting to work alongside someone like him.” 
A grin jerked at the corner of his mouth, “Howard Stark is definitely his own individual.” Dr. Erskine took a few steps before pausing, “although, he does tend to think he’s wittier than he truly is.” You hid a giggle behind your papers as you watched the man retreat. 
Camp Lehigh was everything you’d expected and nothing like you’d imagined. The second you’d set foot off the bus, they’d whisked you off in another direction, away from Steve. You’d been handed a set of clothes and immediately put into training. 
The days were long to you. Even when you had worked at home, you had never felt the utter exhaustion that you were feeling from going through basic training. But the girls you were training with were nice enough and you can assume this is what it might have been like to have sisters. 
With every day that passed, you were gaining a variety of new skills. You were being put through a vigorous workout routine every morning and intense medical education in the afternoons. You could feel your body and your mind getting stronger and stronger.
Each workout gave you the opportunity to keep an eye on Steve and watch as he struggled to keep up with the rest of the soldiers, but you admired that he never gave up. Some things never changed.  You’d even caught a glimpse of Agent Carter sucker punch a guy right in the nose and it had truly been one of the best moments of your life. She was a goddess to you. She was smart, strong, witty, and gorgeous. And you were going to do everything to prove that you were on her level.
At the end of each day, you would crawl into your little cot and write out a letter to Bucky. You wrote about every detail you could remember. The new technique you’d learned that day, how you’d seen Steve riding into camp with Agent Carter, the way the blue sky made you think of his eyes, how much you wished he could see how well you were progressing. You had let to receive anything back, but you knew deep down that he was thinking about you too. You missed him more than you could ever put into words, but there was so much to fill your time that you didn’t have time to really think of missing him.
It took you two weeks to met Peggy Carter face-to-face. You were preparing for your first gas mask training sequence. The entire time, your mind was somewhere else, imagining ways that the gas mask could be improved. Although, you’d be way too chicken to tell anyone these improvements, it was nice to dream sometimes. 
You’d slipped to the back of the line, trying to buy yourself some time, when you clumsily bumped into someone. 
“Oh my lord, I am so incredibly sorry.” You turned wide-eyed, to find Agent Peggy Carter vaguely disoriented. Your heart slammed in your chest at the realization of who it was. 
“It’s quite alright...” 
“Rogers, ma’am, Katherine Rogers.” Immediately right-ing yourself into the correct stance. 
Peggy looked you up and down, pondering, “Rogers. Is there any relation to Private Steve Rogers?” 
“Yes, ma’am, that’s my twin brother.” 
“Ah,” Peggy bowed her head, a slight smile hidden, “and may I ask why you were moving to the back of the line?” 
You unintentionally cringed, “well, ma’am, my mind had been occupied with something else and I just didn’t want to lose my idea. Sometimes they can disappear as easily as they appear.” 
“And what idea would be more important than your training, may I ask?” Her face was stern now, her gaze scrutinizing. God, could you be more of a dingus in front of her?
You gulped, weighing your options of telling her, begging for forgiveness, or just shutting up all together. You wanted to clamp your mouth shut for the rest of the day, but for some reason, when you got nervous, you had what Steve would crudely call word vomit. 
“Well...you see...I was just thinking of ways to improve the operation of the gas mask to increase effectiveness, protection, and comfort...” You trailed off. The feel of several other eyes on you was starting to crawl on the back of your head like beetles. It was a feeling you wanted to shake off but you stayed still a statue. 
Agent Carter was motionless, considering what you had said. Your insides were cringing, waiting for the reprimand that was sure to come from your wasting valuable time. You wished the ground would open up and swallow you whole, effectively ending this conversation.
“And what improvements would those be, Rogers?” 
 Surely you’d misunderstood her. “Excuse me?” 
“I asked you what improvements you thought there should be?” 
You glanced around at the rest of the group, still praying that someone might step in and get you out of this, only to meet sympathetic faces. You knew better though, no one wanted to mess with Agent Carter when she was out to prove a point. 
“Yes, Agent Carter. I thought it would be beneficial to take away the hose that holds the filter canister, rather making the canister screw in directly. This would make the entire mask more compact and more convenient for carrying.” You paused, waiting for her to say something, but she was still quiet so you continued. “And if we use a durable plastic, rather than glass, then it would cut costs on replacement material and would be more lightweight for longwear.” 
It was dead silent in the room as you finished. No one even dared to move a muscle, they were all waiting for the outburst that was sure to come. You had no idea why you couldn’t just keep your mouth shut. The military was definitely the wrong place for your strong personality.
The longer Agent Carter stared at you, the more the tears threatened to spill out. You could feel your bottom lip quivering and you bit down on it hard.
“Those are some interesting observations, Rogers. I appreciate the ingenuity, however next time, please stay focused on your training.” 
“Ye-yes ma’am.” You stammered. 
Agent Carter gave a curt nod before striding out of the room, the click of her heels fading down the hallway. Shakily, you let out the breath you’d been holding in and marveled at the fact you hadn’t been sent to run laps for the rest of the afternoon. You smoothed down your uniform and turned back around to find everyone’s eyes on you. 
“Well, you heard the lady, let’s get back to training.” 
When Colonel Phillips had pulled you out of afternoon training the next day, your heart was pounding in your chest. Even though you’d had that little run in with Agent Carter, you had thought you’d been excelling. 
Your jaw dropped when he directed you to a room and Steve was sitting in a chair next to Agent Carter. 
“Oh no, this cannot be good.” You hissed. “What did you do to get us both in trouble?” 
“I jumped on a grenade during training...” 
“You what?!” You shrieked in disbelief and Agent Carter chuckled. “Look, Agent, I apologize profusely for my brother. He can be a real dummy sometimes but I promise he’ll be better-”
“Don’t apologize for me, Kat. You’re always talking about me like I’m not her-” Steve argued.
 “Shut up both of you!” Colonel Phillips hollered, silencing the entire room. He turned to look at Agent Carter. “Are you really sure about this?” 
Agent Carter ignored him and looked at you and Steve, her lips pursed. It almost seemed like she was trying to hide a smile but you weren’t sure. “Neither of you are in trouble. You’re actually here for something else. Please, sit down and please, call me Peggy.” 
You followed suit and sat down cautiously in the seat next to Steve. His leg was shaking, a sign that he was nervous, so you placed your hand on his forearm in hopes to calm him. 
“Now, let’s get to business, shall we?” Peggy’s eyes flickered between the two of you before continuing. “We have been observing you two since you’ve arrived. And we’re quite interested in what we’ve seen.” 
“What, exactly, have you seen? If you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Well, we’ve seen two people who are incredibly brave, determined to succeed despite...obvious obstacles, extreme intelligence, and fierce loyalty.” Colonel Phillips snorted in the corner of the room causing Peggy’s jaw to tense before continuing. “And in spite of some people’s disapproval, we have decided to ask you both to participate in a scientific program for the United States.” 
Your head tilted immediately in disbelief. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I understand. Scientific program? Like work in the science division?” 
Peggy cleared her throat, “well, you would both be entered into the Super-Soldier program. It is experimental but if it worked, you would both be great assets in the war and for the US.” 
“Experimental, as in they would use us as test subjects?” What the hell was happening. 
You glanced over at Steve, who had been silent this whole time. His gaze was focused on his hands in his lap. You wanted to reach over and shake his shoulders but Peggy started talking again. 
“Yes, you would technically be test subjects. Howard Stark and Dr. Erskine have been working on this for a very long time though and we would never ask this of you unless we believed we had a good chance.” 
“A good chance?” You stared at Peggy like she’d spoken in tongues. “Why are you asking us to do this? Isn’t there anyone else who could do this?” 
Peggy leaned forward, “Katherine, we believe that you and Steve are the best people for this program. You both have the qualities we think are important to qualify. We just need your consent and you will have agreed to help us win this war.” 
You wanted to refuse, to simply say ‘no thank you’ and go back to your regular training, but something in her voice made you hesitate. The look in her eyes told you that she believed in this program with all her heart. For a moment, you even wondered what Bucky would have to say. He’d surely be telling you to think this through before agreeing to anything.
You opened your mouth to speak when Steve interrupted you. “I’ll do it.” 
“Sign me up.” He disregarded you completely and looked straight at Peggy. “Just tell me what I have to do.” 
You bit your lip angrily, swallowing down all the hateful comments you had ready. Instead, you sat forward slowly. “Fine, you can count me in. But on one condition,” Peggy raised a brow curiously, “I get to talk to Howard Stark for ten minutes.” 
Peggy laughed heartily before nodding her head. “I think that is something I can arrange. He’s quite interested in meeting you as well. He really liked your gas mask ideas.” 
You were so shocked that your eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Howard Stark knows that I exist? And he thought my idea was good? Holy cow, I cannot believe that.” You looked over at Steve in excitement but he was still staring down at the table. He hadn’t made eye contact with you through this whole meeting. He couldn’t really be mad at you for apologizing for him, could he? 
“Yes, yes he does. Now let’s get you both in with the doctors for physicals and you’ll be taken to meet Howard and Dr. Erskine tomorrow.” Peggy stood up and gestured toward the door. 
Steve shot out of his chair and out the door like a rocket. You’d followed after him but he was halfway down the hall before a nurse grabbed your arm and led you in a different direction. But there was no question, you’d talk to him before the day was over. 
It was quite on the camp as you snuck through the shadows to your brothers barracks. He’d avoided you all evening but he wasn’t gonna get away from you that easily and he should know it. Once you wanted something, you were like a dog with a bone. 
Placing your ear against the door, it was quite so you hoped the rest of the men were out. As quiet as possible, you twisted the handle and slipped between the crack. You looked around and saw Steve sitting on his bed with his back to the door. He peered over his shoulder to see you and his eyes narrowed. 
“You’re not allowed to be in here.” He said brusquely. 
“You didn’t give me much of a choice. You refused to talk to me all day and I don’t know why.” In a few steps, you were standing next to his cot, staring down at your twin brother. 
Steve sighed and set his book down. “Kat, you really should leave.” 
You sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. “Please tell me what I did wrong, Stevie. I agreed to do the program and everything will be alright.” 
“That’s just it, Kat. You’re always doing things because you think you need to watch out for me or be with me. I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow but if it’s bad and you get hurt, it’ll be because of me.” 
“Oh Stevie, that’s not why I chose to do it-” 
A knock on the door pulled your focus away and turned to watch Dr. Erskine step in. 
“Ms. Rogers, how did I somehow know that I would find you here.” He sat down on the cot across from Steve’s. “Can’t sleep?” 
“Got the jitters, I guess.” Steve replied for you both. 
“Ah, me too. Tomorrow is a big day.” Dr. Erskine smiled at you kindly. 
Steve rubbed his hands on his thighs for a moment. “Can I ask you a question?” Dr. Erskine nodded for him to continue. “Why us?”
“I suppose that is the only question that matters...” He was fiddling with a bottle he’d brought, trying to come up with the best explanation.  He tilted it in your direction to show the label clearly. “This is from Augsburg, my city. So many people forget that the first country the Nazis invaded was their own. You know, after the last war there, my people struggled. They felt weak, they felt small.” Your stomach clenched at the thought and there was an underlying urge to comfort him. 
“And then Hitler comes along with the big show, and the flags... And he hears of me, and he finds me. He told me, ‘you, you will make us strong.’ but I am not interested. So he sent the head of Hydra, his research division, a brilliant scientist by the name of Johann Schmidt.” A chill ran through your body. Wherever this story was heading could not turn out good. 
“Now, Schmidt is a member of the inner circle, and he is ambitious. He and Hitler share a passion for occult power and Teutonic myth.” It’s hard to see the point but you’re immersed into the story. “Hitler uses his fantasies to inspire his followers. But for Schmidt, it is not fantasy. For him, it is real. He is convinced there is a great power hidden in the earth, left here by the gods, waiting to be seized by a superior man. So when he hears about my formula and what it can do...he cannot resist. Schmidt must become that superior man.” 
You nearly jump out of your skin when Steve speaks. “Did it make him stronger?” You had been so into the story, you’d forgotten that he was sitting next to you.
“Yes, but there were other...effects.” A lump formed in your throat. Dr. Erskine gave you a sympathetic look when he noticed your face had paled. “The serum was not ready. But more importantly...the man. The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so good becomes great. Bad becomes worse.” 
When you hear those words, panic rises to the forefront of your mind. You’re not ready for this type of responsibility. What if something happens and you turn into a monster. What if you’re not as good as they think you are. Bucky does call you a brat an awful lot. 
As if reading your thoughts, he continues, “this is why you both were chosen. Because a strong man who has known power all his life may lose respect for that power. But a weak man or women,” he winks at you, “knows the value of strength, and knows compassion. I’ve never met another pair who are more perfect for this responsibility.” 
“Thanks, I think.” Steve said for you both again. His brow furrowed as he slips into his own mind. 
Dr. Erskine gave you a reassuring smile before pointing to the glasses at the end of Steve’s cot. You hold them out for him to fill and hand one to Steve. 
“Whatever happens tomorrow, you two must promise me one thing. That you will stay who you are... Not perfect soldiers, but a good person.” 
Steve finally looks at you and you know that what Dr. Erskine has said made more of an impact that anything you could have said. You lean over and kiss his baby soft cheek. He raises his glass to you both. “To the little guys.” 
With a giddy clink of glasses, you lift the cup to your lips. Before it has a chance to even enter your mouth, Dr. Erskine is frantically pulling them out of yours and Steve’s grips. 
“No, no, wait, wait. What I am doing? No, you have procedure tomorrow. No fluids.” 
“Alright, we’ll drink it after.” You respond cheekily to him. 
He gives you a look like your crazy before pouring the two cups into his. “No, I don’t have procedure tomorrow. Drink it after? Drink it now.” And he shot back the liquid. “Now, I’m sorry, Ms. Rogers, but you must be returning to your own barracks. You will see Mr. Rogers tomorrow morning.” 
You nod solemnly and get up to head to the door. Softly, you place your hand on Steve’s shoulder so that he’ll look at you. 
“Just so you know, Stevie. I didn’t agree to go because I want to watch out for you. I agreed because you’re my brother and I’m not gonna let you get experimented on without me to be by your side. Besides, I can’t let you have all the fun.” 
The corners of Steve’s lips turned up before he nodded his head in concession to you. You squeezed his shoulder before moving to open the door. 
“You better try to get some sleep tonight, little brother. It sounds like we’re going to be in for a crazy day and you’ll keep me up all night with your worrying.” You called over your shoulder before disappearing after Dr. Erskine into the dark. 
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
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My Assassin Ex-Boyfriend ***
Your Baba Yaga ***
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
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Take Me To Church, Dean (Request)
Alls Fair In Love and Prank War (Request)
Normal is a Thing of the Past
You’ve Never Heard of Them?
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nicole-lynne · 4 years
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Who Makes You Happy
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