#this hasnt happened a whole lot
rainbowgaez · 2 years
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canonkiller · 8 months
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do you consider your self made?
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beautifully-lumpy · 1 year
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words cannot even begin to express how much i adore this man
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jtbb · 1 year
google am i on the aro spectrum or am i just a teenager
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fermentedrice · 8 months
ooo i should remain mysterious and not talk about myself so much BUT i cannot shut up so. holy sheet the amount of engagement and comments on my bg3 art!! I’m truly flattered… I’ve never been in such an active community before… love you all and i hope i get to make new friends here too!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
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mewharley · 1 year
I think I enjoyed Season 2 of Good Omens way more than Season 1
Might be because I love drama and tragedy haha 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
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rocaillefox · 1 year
if you are writing fanfic about a story that has Themes and you say something in the exposition thats Directly Against These Themes, well. depending on what youre saying i may keep reading BUT the point is you are on some Thin Ice. (about if i will keep reading)
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lynkolnevans · 2 years
Getting Isekai'd to Another Dimension Kinda Looks Like You've Been Kicked Out of an Abusive Household 
Tired Dimensional Traveler Accidently Gets Adopted by Grumpy Old Man Due to Funny Misunderstanding, More at 9!
Stan Pines had seen quite a few strange customers since he started up the Mystery Shack. From slack-jawed idiot tourists, all but drooling on themselves as they handed over their money, to sweaty know-it-all basement dwellers who claimed that their 1am deep dives made them the Number One Premiere Expert in cryptozoology. The former he welcomed with enthusiasm, a half-sincere grin plastered on his face as he fleeced flocks of rubes and their spawn. The latter, although very rare, he tolerated until they started spouting some half assed science talk about how his 'Sascrotch was an outdated representation of the genus' or 'that jackalope is clearly a fake', it was then those nerds would have the honor of being kicked out by the one and only Man of Mystery. Either way, everyone who visited the Mystery Shack had their pockets emptied, whether through buying overpriced items from the Gift Shop or a little sleight of hand when they got thrown out.
When the gift shop bell rang, Stan expected to see another easily tricked tourist, and to be fair, they looked the part. Wide-eyed and mouth breathing, a young adult entered the shop, their head spinning from object to object, seemingly entranced by the items on display. But that's where any resemblance to a tourist went. As Stan looked over the visitor he noticed some things that were out of place.
First of which were their clothes. Not only were they wearing a hoodie and sweatpants during the middle of summer, but they had many twigs and leaves stuck on them, not to mention the areas smudged with dirt.
Second of all was the half destroyed laptop held tightly in their hands (it was called a laptop right? Stan honestly couldn't remember). It had some kind of sticker attached to the front, maybe a logo from a movie or something?
Third of which, and probably the most alarming, was the specks of blood almost rubbed away on their face, and the heavy bags under their eyes.
Separately these things could probably be explained. Maybe they got lost in the forest and they were one of those people who preferred to roast in the summer heat than wear anything but a hoodie and sweatpants. Maybe they forgot their laptop case or were rich(!) enough to afford buying a new one whenever they destroyed the last one. Maybe they're one of those people who just get bloody noses randomly and don't sleep as much as they should. But together… It honestly wasn't enough for alarm bells to be ringing in his head, but Stan trusted his instincts enough that there was something weird going on.
Grabbing the strange customer's attention with one of his charming greetings, he seemed to startle them enough to actually jump. The ensuing staring contest was probably one of the most awkward moments of his life. The kid was staring at him like he was some sort of cartoon character, seeming transfixed that he even existed, mouth even further agape. Stan expected them to let up on the staring after a few seconds, because that's how long it usually took those with too few brain cells to get used to his loud charming personality, but they didn't. Maybe it was the extreme staring, but something about the kid's eyes made him nervous, like they knew something he didn't.
Although a little unnerved by the stranger, that didn't dissuade him from making a move for their money. Maybe a bit more snappy than what was socially acceptable, Stan all but ordered the young adult to buy something.
Nervous was an understatement. The kid stammered out an affirmative and began looking through the shop, barely hiding a few twitches and handling each item like it was glass. Stan, now free from their uncomfortable stare, deemed it safe to observe his peculiar customer. The back of their clothes was dirtier and messier than the front, as if they fell on their back or fell asleep on the forest floor. The laptop, which they left on the counter for some reason, had some kind of golden bird holding an arrow in its beak. It was also on fire, for some reason? The computer seemed to be cracked in the casing.
The stranger looked back at Stan, jumping when they noticed his staring and returned to browse for more items. Currently they had a few maps and were looking at the meager stock of blankets he had. Honestly, the kid was shifty, and if Stan wasn't already keeping an eye on them, he would be now just because of their jumpy behavior. The messy hoodie, baggy eyes, and general nervousness screamed shoplifter. But surprisingly they brought everything back to the cashier, Stan not seeing them make any suspicious moves to steal anything. They even grabbed the set of hand knitted fingerless gloves Mabel made as part of a bet. Smiling in triumph, Stan ran up the items, before frowning at the customer's wallet and their bandaged hand. 
While the lack of money to purchase the whole set of items was concerning, what was more concerning was the stranger's bandaged hand. It seemed they didn't mean to show it at all, quickly hiding it in their pocket as Stan noticed it when they grabbed the set of gloves. Before the hand was snatched back, Stan could have sworn he saw some type of symbol on the back of it, but why what kind of injury would result in something like that?
It was when Stan asked how long they were staying in town for that the pieces started to click. They said they would be staying for "the foreseeable future" and, while a valid response, their tone was odd. Originally Stan asked so he could set up some kind of debt collecting plan cause the kid seemed really put out when they found they didn't have enough money to buy everything. If they were staying for a bit, such as in a motel or a new residence, he'd just have them work off their debt and gently harass remind them until they payed it in full. But it seems Stan just found himself in a difficult situation.
The injuries, nervousness, ill-suited clothing, and lack of money painted a grim picture, a picture Stan was all too familiar with. You don't wear long clothing more suited to winter in 90 degree weather and hide seemingly innocuous injuries from random strangers for fun. You don't take just the essentials and wander around the woods until you're tired and your clothes are ruined for fun. You don't stare like a deer in headlights at loud, shouting old men for fun. You don't look defeated cause you can't buy a blanket, some maps, and something else to cover your injuries, just for fun.
And thus, Stan had a choice to make. He could turn them away, take their money and only give them a map and a blanket because that's all they could afford. As soon as they left he wouldn't be involved and he could continue his life in peace. Or he could be a better person. He could let them into his house, give them a place to stay, maybe a job. Maybe he could give them everything he wanted when he was kicked out: a warm place to stay, edible food, and someone to talk to…
Ha! As if! Stan was no bleeding heart and definitely didn't have any concern that this kid was probably running away from some horrible home life. He only let them keep the maps and blanket because he was gonna work them to the bone to pay him back for the money he should have gotten. He only let them keep the gloves because he was determined to win that bet with Mabel. He only hinted that maybe they could have a job at the Mystery Shack if they worked up to his standards, and only because he needed more competent employees. He had no concern for the kid and everything he did was rational and only for his benefit…
And even if he was a better man, who'd do anything to help the kid, he still wouldn't let some stranger stay in his house. Not when he was letting his great nephew and niece stay over the summer. It was his responsibility to watch over the kids and keep them out of danger. It was his responsibility to keep his family safe.
Even the one he already failed.
And no stranger was going to stand between him and getting his brother back.
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piplupod · 2 years
even if u get a diagnosis, u can still... live a good life. like there are options. idk. the tags on that last post (not previous post lol that's peaches or smth but the one before that abt diagnoses) feel very "if u get diagnosed, you're better off dead" which might just be me interpreting it badly but i worry ppl will see it and get terrified when they dont necessarily need to be.
depends on your goals in life. pros and cons. definitely there's cons, but there can also be many pros too
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Cannot wait to have today over with, getting through work and getting the yummy food I've been dying for
Uuhhh slight rant in tags? Kinda just butthurt complaining. I didn't know I was gonna have a whole rant but I'm just gonna leave it as is
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birbs-in-space · 11 months
as cute and fun as the few comments I've seen about how this site would actually be fine if the developers just let things be, it ignores the fact that we live in a capitalist society actually because
a) Tumblr gets most of its operating budget from private investors who are giving it that money because they expect Tumblr will eventually turn a profit in the multiples. You can't have private investors AND make just enough to meet operating costs. Investors' only motivation is profit.
a.1) At current, user-funding can't even begin to reach anything near those costs. I don't think advertising and whatever they're managing to get out of Tumblr Live is enough to make up that difference
b) The people making the decisions about this website are NOT the developers. It's people who are completely out of touch with the website and its userbase. People who handle the money and this make the decisions are notoriously bad at keeping things alive, but especially sites that don't "act the way they should".
b.1) The developers are actual site users most of the time. They actually understand the communities they're serving (or at least are significantly more in touch with it, relatively speaking). But they can't go rogue and do what would actually be better for the community because then they'd be fired and then they wouldn't be able to do anything at all.
I'm trying to keep this concise so I won't say much more, but just know that behind every website/digital service enshittification is a company that was (sometimes intentionally) in the red gearing up to try to finally multiply the money the investors put in. I don't think Tumblr fell down this path on purpose (unlike for instance Amazon and Uber), but it is an unfortunate potential future casualty of the world we live in. Don't expect any private service that isn't strip-mining its users for parts to survive the upcoming decades* unless something on a society-wide level drastically changes.
*I'm trying to be optimistic.
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akalegos · 1 year
So many feelings at the rvb announcement at the summit
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socvincjpeg · 1 month
Okay so. Hirsch did an interview 4 months ago and a lot of stuff he said there REALLY puts into context things that happen in the book of bill—especially this one clip in particular. (Here’s the link if anyone who hasnt yet wants to watch the whole thing on their own)
ALEX HIRSCH: —and also, he’s so, y’know, bill’s a trillion years old, so its like Ford disappearing for 30 years is like somebody saying they’re ghosting you and then texting you the next weekend.
INTERVIEWER: (laughing) got it.
AlEX HIRSCH: [slight Bill impression] "Ford’s gonna be back. Oh, oh, oh, we had such a big fight, Ford’s so mad at me, Oh,—" [normal voice] y’know, [continuing impression] "Our will-they-won’t-they-take-over-the-universe relationship— he’s gonna march off and huff, but he’ll be back." Because where is Ford gonna find anyone else in the multiverse who strokes his ego as well as Bill does? Is there anyone else who’s going to make Ford feel as important as Bill? No, of course not. Ford needs validation. And so Bill knows Ford is going to be back eventually.
This is just like?? Insane?? Like holy shit, he directly quoted the relationship line that would end up being in the book but completely recontextualizes it from a perspective that isn’t Bills. It basically confirms almost every 2018 shipper’s headcanon, which is also really funny. This could also serve as potential setup for any future projects? Like, extremely extremely doubtful it will ever be a season 3, but the way Hirsch speaks about their dynamic is so interesting.
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psychiatricwarfare · 3 months
i havent seen anyone mention this so im gonna say it here-
staff is nuking a bunch of trans people's blogs, primarily run by trans fems, literally during PRIDE MONTH
i dont know about you guys, but this definitely feels like a directed attack that suddenly multiple blogs run by trans people have been shut down since the start of june. i know tumblr never stopped nuking trans blogs even after the hammer car explosion incident, but this is a whole other level of sickening when our trans siblings are being kicked out in droves during pride month on the 'queerest place on the internet'
the majority of the blogs being targeted are run by trans women and trans fems, the trans men & mascs ive personally seen disappear were also very vocal about their support for trans women & fems so its pretty clear that this is a transmisogynistic attack
this can no longer be ruled as an accident or an oversight or an issue with the software by the staff, this is a hate campaign to drive our sisters and those of us who stand with them off of tumblr, which, despite literally all of this, is still the safest place a lot of us have on the internet (due entirely to the userbase, staff hasnt exactly made this place a welcome and friendly place to trans women)
theyre nuking our blogs during pride month, they KNOW there's no way we wouldn't notice. this has to be calculated, i honestly can not believe that this spike in banning trans people happening at the start of pride month is a coincidence
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wszczebrzyszynie · 10 months
Hello everyone. Today i bring you the Space Mining au masterpost ... this is somehting i planned on doing for a while now, as space mining started becoming more and more fleshed out and my answers to your questions started getting more convoluted. Answered one question created 5 more kind of thing. So here is a timeline i made and a lot of links to different asks explaining even different-er things. Its a lot of loredumping but i tried to make it as clear as possible. Normally its the kind of thing youd learn by reading the story but im not planning on making a comic and i will never write a fic so this is how it has to work. average bartek story treatment
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Despite humanity spreading all over the universe in post-space colonisation era, the only other life form ever found was a fungi-like, small organism living in giant colonies, which by their appearance resemble earth minerals. it can be found deep below the surface of different, seemingly unrelated moons and planets, desperately hiding from all forms of light; most of it is long dead, found in its rock-like form. commonly known as sculk, it is the newest and most important discovery in recent human history, although very little is actually known about it. Tango is a former HASA engineer, one of the people who revolutionized space mining, renowned for his work on the nature of sculk, and currently a wanted terrorist on the run, after he blew up a chunk of callisto, one of Jupiters moons, durning an illegal sculk mining operation. Completly unfit for the criminal lifestyle, its a miracle he hasnt been caught yet, especially with many bounty hunters and criminals alike on his tail
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I tried to include the absolute most important parts. Doesnt look very well but i hope its at least readable
* Everything starts when Tango blows up a part of callisto. He worked there on a practically illegal sculk mining site; everything was meant to be kept secret, obviously, so when it turned out that the sculk is actually alive, parasitic and infecting everyone at a rapid pace, there was little help they could get. The outbreak was catastrophic but with HASA being a govermnent organisation that set up an illegal mining site not only outside of their controled area, but also in the solar system (which was and still is considered something like a buffer state... in space. At the time of the story lots of people from different places live there because its considered peaceful enough) there is no way they would get involved. So the few remaining survivors chose to blow up the mining site to save themselves. It both did and didnt work as intented, destroying a chunk of the moon and succesfully sealing the cave system, but also killing the remaining miners, with Tango being the sole survivor. Despite being a great asset to the company (he is, despite it all, considered the father of modern space mining), everything that happened was swifly pinned on him, with HASA claiming everything happened behind their back. Tango became a wanted terrorist in one day. An important note about the worldbuilding is that everything is corrupted and not good
More information to be found here. I havent linked every post ive ever made about it, just the ones i think are the most important! every space mining related thing can be found in the space mining au tag. This part will be updated with new information whenever i post it!
Tango and Jimmy / Scar / Hotguy Scar / Grian / Pearl (+ info) / Joel / Martyn / Skizz / Impulse / Scott (+ info) / Bdubs and Cleo / pre-retirement Cleo, Lizzie and Gem / Ren / Doc
Character relationship chart (not everyone is included) Desert duo/Ranchers/Imp and Skizz relationships More about desert duo / more about the ranchers / more about Impulse and Skizz + space mining as a whole More about Scott and Jimmy + space stations Etho and Bdubs (and Cleo) / more about Etho Cub (and the burning of the ranch) More about Grian Pearl (+ design) Martyn Gem Doc
Zeds full reference/design isnt included because it isnt up to date.
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aces-and-angels · 2 months
Note : this post is a repost of @appsa update on Shahed's campaign with updated infos on the current amount of raised funds.
I am so grateful to everyone who shared and donated, i really do count it as a miracle that we were able to reach the goal at all, never mind that it happened within the deadline we set. Your support has felt like a blessing in a truly wretched time, especially after all those baseless accusations were made.
Unfortunately, as is the norm with these fundraisers, it seems that shahed has run into some problems with the bank while withdrawing the funds she raised from this campaign. Apart from the unexpected $3.5k cut gfm took from the total amount, it seems the american bank her campaign manager using to send the money will also take a tax of $2k.
This has left her short of $5,500 from getting the full amount she needs to evacuate her whole family.
And it seems because the amount the campaign initially raised is so large, the campaign manager cannot afford to officially increase the target on the gofundme campaign page itself without putting himself at risk of having his bank account and its funds frozen.
As you may know already, there are lots of roadblocks when it comes to transferring funds from western countries to countries of the global south but especially gaza right now. People having their accounts frozen for sending money to gaza and having to go through legal hassles for it is not anything new.
Shahed doesn't want to put the campaign manager, who is their family friend, at risk of legal troubles like that, especially given the hostile political climate towards palestinians in the USA right now.
So i want to make this clear:
Shahed is currently unable to increase the target on the fundraiser on the gofundme itself, but she still needs to raise another 5.5k to cover the tax cuts taken by both gfm and the banks.
The goal on the fundraiser may say $80,000 is the target but the new one we have to aim for is actually $85,500 now
She is currently at $81,525 / $85,500
Believe me when i say that no one is more disheartened by this development than shahed herself. The morning we had reached the goal of $80,000 she told me that she felt she was the happiest girl in the world, and had bought and distributed sweets to the kids at the camp she was at to celebrate despite how expensive it is in Gaza right now.
She had also begun plans to help boost other fundraisers of palestinians, so that no one would have to feel the hopelessness she felt during those months where her fundraiser had been stagnant and had already gotten started on that barely a day or two after she'd completed her campaign.
Shahed was very nervous to tell me about this, especially after this whole racist hate campaign that was led against her so recently. She does not want her and her family to be accused of lying about their torment a second time. Especially when the violence has begun to ramp up once again even after her recent displacement, she can't bear it. Frankly neither can i.
Please know that she would not increase amount again unless times were desperate.
Please do NOT punish her during this difficult time by ignoring this. We have seen time and time again how gfms from gazans have to increase their goals even after they have been reached because of various issues, so this is not unprecedented. I've said it before- the goalposts will always be changing because they are going through a genocide.
So i urge you to please be kind and show her your solidarity and urgency once again, because the deadline is still the same. The raffle still hasnt ended so please check out the link above, and partcipate.
current total: $81,530 USD
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