#this is a collection of pretty random facts im sorry haha
writerfae · 10 months
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The Alderking
If you know my story, you know about the Alderking.
The bad guy that once upon a time turned against his siblings to become the only ruler of the fair fae and was only stopped through a trick and a curse. The king that my main antagonist wants to reawaken so he can start a new order.
But that's pretty much all you know, except for one or two details and cryptic posts about him. So, of course, he doesn't really make a good impression. In this post, though, I want to tell you more about him. Just so you get to know him a little better. Because while yes, he did horrible things, there's still more to him than just that. And wasn't really all bad, either.
Anyways, here's some Alderking facts to better get to know the man behind the legend of his betrayal:
"Alderking" is technically just his title. His real name is Rook, but it is almost forgotten nowadays. People just know him as the Alderking since he was the very first - and the last - to bear this title
out of the first six fair fae regents, he was the first to be "born", so eldest of the six siblings (though technically they weren't really siblings but it's close enough)
he founded the Alder Court, and over the hundreds of years of his reign, it grew and improved a lot, until it turned into quite the impressive kingdom. Rook worked very hard on it, he loved his kingdom
Rook was actually in a poly relationship. He had a wife, Kyndra, and the two had a lover, too, a wild fae named Nia. He loved them both a lot
he also had a daughter, Runa, that (almost) no one knew about. He only saw her once, tough, because he had sent Nia and the baby away once things got tricky, also he was cursed shortly after her birth (Nia was her biological mother, btw, Kyndra sadly couldn't have children)
his royal guard was actually one of the best. He put a lot of work in his guard and is actually the one who "invented" the guard system the other courts still use to this day (together with his brother, Cathan)
while we're already talking about the guard, Rook was an excellent fighter and hunter. He loved tournaments and going on hunts with his "inner circle"
he also adored reading and participating in religious practices and playing around with magic
our dear king was actually a very charming and charismatic person, with quite some humor and good looks. But he was also stubborn and could be quite grumpy. He was a bit of an idealist, too, and an overthinker
Rook had a personal guard who also happened to be one of his best generals and most trusted confidants (he even knew of Runa). His name was Cyprian (yes, it's the guy I never shut up about - and Talon’s ancestor). The two also happened to be best friends. They were really close
I know, it sounds strange when you know how he betrayed his siblings, but he genuinely loved them all. Before he betrayed them, he was a good big brother
His favorites were his brother Cathan (the Ashking) and his sister Caitria (the Willowqueen). He was very fond of the two and helped them out a lot. Especially with Cathan he spent lots of time and he influenced him a lot (you can still see this influence in some places at the Ash Court)
out of his brothers, Rook was the most mature one, but he was also the proudest and the one with the biggest ego, which is one reason why he fell for darkness so easily
Rook was known to be a pretty strict and kind of dominant king, but also hardworking and benevolent. And he was very beloved by his people
he was also pretty powerful. As child of one of the mighty trees, he was capable of magic, like all his siblings. His special magic field was soul magic, which included spirit connection and dream magic)
each of the first regents and their courts had one "special task" (beside protecting their tree), and as the Alderking, it was Rook's task to manage "foreign affairs" and protect all courts from outer threats
because of his task, he had pretty good connections to the wild fae. Most of them respected him because of his power, his courage (something he was known for) and because he hunted down dangerous creatures like forest demons, which were also a threat to the wild fae clans. He was also a member of the Wild Hunt
his sword, Minha’criahn, was a gift from the goddesses and able to cut through everything if he wanted it to. It was made specifically to fit him and it was pretty much holy to him
at his core, Rook was also a bit of a dreamer. Even his betrayal started out with good intentions. He wanted the courts to focus on their main task (protecting the trees) more and to bring them closer together again. But his pride got in his way, and that led to him getting corrupted by the shadow, which is a true shame
one thing is for sure, if his siblings hadn't lured him into a trap back after he got the mighty Alder's power, their courts probably wouldn't have had a chance in the war he had started. Not just because of his new might. Rook was clever, had the better army, and, due to him being corrupted by shadow, had become very ruthless
a fun fact about him taking some of the mighty Alder's power is that now their life forces are woven together, so he can't die or else the tree will decay too (that's the reason he was "only" cursed after all). BUT the problem (that no one knows about) is that his life force gets weaker over the decades, and one day, his mind and soul might die after all, and you all know what that would mean... not me already collecting sequel material
Anyway, i think thats enough on the Alderking for now. Is now a good time to admit that I'm actually quite the Alderking fan? I do adore him despite him ending up being a tyrant. And I hope you do too after this post xD
@bunnymermaidsblog here's my ramble post about the Alderking, I hope you'll enjoy learning more about him
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san-shui · 3 years
I'm sorry if you thought that aralyn's hate flirting was bad, wait for parrward's pinning.
The whole law firm is just watching these two awkwardly blush trying to talk to each other. Everyone is waiting for them to get together already, but much to everyone's surprise they're already dating! They got together pretty quickly actually, but decided not to tell anyone in case stuff didn't work out for some reason so it wouldn't be a whole thing in the office. And then after a while they'd figured they made it obvious so why bother telling anyone if they already knew?
The way they found out was kit coming in to Cathy office while her and one of their coworkers were talking about a case and kit gave cathy flowers and chocolates telling her "Happy one year, Babe!" The entire law firm collectively lost their minds after hearing about that.
Meanwhile Jane's laughing cause she knew what was going on this whole time.
Same thing with aralyn too actually. Since Catherine's family is kind of a big deal and her and Anne by themselves are pretty well known in the world of law, mixed with the fact that they didn't get along to well at first they just decided "Right, nether of us wanna deal with all the drama that comes with us going out and this is no one's business but ours so we really don't need to tell anyone" something that was very difficult to keep up later on in the relationship, because these two work together in the same building, are always getting assigned important cases together cause they make a good team. There have been many close calls. Anne calling Catherine pet names, that time they almost kissed infont of all their coworkers after winning a case, etc.
How the prosecutors office found out about these two was some random reporter taking a picture of them on a date at some fancy restaurant and publishing it with an article basically makeing a big deal out of them possibly dating.
And afterwards neither of them wanted to deal with whole thing so they basically just went "Well, cats out the bag. Yeah we're dating." And ended it there. Catherine got a lot of pissed off calls from some of her family that day, meanwhile Anne got calls from anyone and everyone she knew in high school basically going "YOU'RE dating a semi-celebrity lawyer??" "Yes, leave me alone."
-bat anon
ooh u a parrward shipper? cool
this is good. honestly u should write these ideas on ur own blog lol. they're cool and idk why u're telling me them haha /g /lh. im honored though and enjoy reading ur asks
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
Our Princess
Ok so like I don't know if ya’ll have seen the interview or whe=atever where BTS dresses up as Princes and then proceed to like kiss each other on the cheek and stuff but imagine like you're there and they dress you up as a princess and like.... yeah. (Heres the interview if you haven't seen it)
BTS x reader (OT7 x reader)
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fluff, low-key smut/lemon, mentions of smut, cuteness, nicknames, eventual shy reader use of the word daddy/daddies (like once)
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Images not mine just found them on the internet but I did make the collage.
As I sneak into the back of the building I have to stifle a gleeful giggle at the sound of my boyfriends laughter. I can tell at this moment its Namjoon and Taehyng laughing and my heart swells at the thought of them. 
I truly am blessed to have such seven amazing boyfriends. And im blessed to have a friend who's willing to sneak me into this interview, of course I could have just told them the truth and come with them but this would be better. 
I just got back from my world tour and while most of it they where with me the last month (give or take) they had to return home. They called me to ask when I would be home and when I heard they where having an interview at the place my friend works I quickly lied so I could surprise them. 
They’ve done it to me tons of times before, it’s only fair I get to do the same. And hey if this happens to be how we officially tell the fans we’re together then I’m okay with that. Sadly im not actually sure what this interview is and y/f/n wouldn't tell me. 
“y/f/n!” I groan as she drags me away from where my feet were already carrying me. 
“Sorry y/n/n but I gotta get you in the proper attire first.” She says winking. 
I look at her suspiciously “you’re not sending me out in lingerie or some shit right?” She sputters before quickly yelling at me in a hushed whisper how they don't do that here and I couldn't help but chuckle, “just checking.” 
She rolls her eyes pushing me into a room and locking the door behind us, sometimes the boys need to leave an interview during break just to be alone and it would ruin the surprise of me being here if one barged in. 
As I finally look around I gape at the big ball gown right in the center. “Woah! What lucky duck gets to where that?!” I gasp admiring the beautiful dark blue dress. 
“You” She states like its a simple fact like humans need to breathe. 
“M-me- What?!” I look at her dumb founded and she just smiles. 
“Mmmhmmm!” She hum happily pulling it off the mannequin. I waste no time undressing and quickly putting the dress on before she changes her mind or something. 
I feel giddy as the dress slides on my body. “y-y/f/n” I stutter out staring at myself in the mirror as she quickly applies some makeup and puts my hair up in an elegant updo. 
“Hmm?” she hums.
“I look-” You pause truly speechless. 
“Absolutely amazing?” You nod silently, “of course you do! With me as your stylist where could you go wrong?!” She chirps happily as she looks at her watch. 
“Are we to late? Did this take to long?!” I ask worried trying to ignore my growing disappointment. 
“What?! No! Just trying to see if they’re all dressed and ready. You’re going to be the last one to go as our surprise guest.... and it looks like its time!” She says as her phone chimes. 
I stand up hands sweaty so I wipe them on a towel. “Wont they see me as I enter?” 
She shakes her head, “no they’ll be turned around and blindfolded incase someone tries to peak.” She says winking, “oh and you will be too!”
“What?!” I exclaim shocked.
“Yep... haha kinda for the whole beginning half.” she says scratching the back of her neck. 
“W-wha -why?!” I asked in a hush voice as she leads me out of the room. 
“You’ll see.” She whispers placing a silky blindfold carefully on my face, not tight enough to ruin my makeup. I sigh as we continue walking.
“Alright boys! Are you guys excited?!” y/f/n asks excitedly. she whispers for you to sit back and you do so carefully. 
“Yes!” Jungkook says excitedly. “I want to see this mysterious beautiful princess!” I can hear the smile in his voice and ignore the slight ache. ‘He’s doin it for the fans, they dint know about us yet.’ I remind myself. 
“May I ask a question?” I hear Namjoon ask. 
“Of course!” y/f/n says. 
“How old is this princess?” He asks I assume I’m supposed to answer but a hand is slapped over my mouth before I can do so. 
“She’s around all of your age!” she says quickly as Namjoon hums thoughtfully. You nod remebering they don't know its you yet. 
“Can I please please please take the blindfold off now?!” I hear Hoseok asks and I almost ‘aww’ at him but I refrain. 
“No.” y/f/n, states simply. “-First” she says cutting of there groans of frustration. “I want you to guess who it is.” She says, “Or who you hope for it to be.” 
“Papa Mochi!” I hear Jimin cheer happily and I almost bust out laughing but I quickly cover my mouth. 
“That’s a guy!” y/f/n says exasperated like she's heard this all day. 
“fine!” he groans, “ummm Kumiko!” Jimin says.
“Is that just a random person?” She asks and when I don't hear anything but a sigh from her I  assume he just shrugged. I shake my head smiling as I listen to a bunch of random names leave there lips. 
“Kaede” I hear Namjoon next.  
“Iva” Jungkook says
“Koge” Jin spoke next. 
Now it was Hobis turn “Rai”
Taehyng waited a second before also replying, “Risako”
“Ishi” Yoongi speaks calmly. 
“What do you all just have a random store of names in your head?!” Y/f/n asks exasperated. I can hear the smirk in her voice when she speaks next, “Surprised none you said your best friends name.”
“She’s still on tour.” Tae says rather roughly. 
“Calm,” Namjoon whispers but I still caught it, ‘just how close to them am I?’ I wonder reaching my hand out only to meet the fabric of someones shirt. 
“Wah!” He exclaims and I recognize it as Taehyung. ‘So I’m very close.’ I think  to myself. “Uh thanks...” he mutters moving his shoulder away. ‘cute.’ I think. 
“Jeez sore subject haha sorry folks,” she pauses and clears her throat before continuing. “Anywho go ahead and take off the blindfolds!” She says and as I go to reach for my own a hand on my wrists stops me. 
“Not you m-lady.” She says in a fake accent. I hit her hand away pouting. 
‘Lame.’ I think to myself bitterly. 
“If she can't see us why is it fair we get to see her?” Yoongi questioned. ‘Thank you!’ I thought exasperated. She groans. 
“ugh! fine! Party pooper, you can keep your mask on too!” She chirps and my shoulders sag, ‘so much for that.’ 
“Fine” he says and I can hear him sit back down. I hear the others collectively gasp as I assume they remove there masks. 
“What? Who is it?” Namjoon speaks this time, ‘so he kept his blindfold on too.’
“You two are gonna wanna see this!” I hear Jungkook say and I can hear the grin in his voice. It makes me smile and I wave shyly biting my lip. 
“Y-Y/n?!” I hear them both exclaim. My grin widens. 
“Y/f/n get this damn blindfold off me I want to see my bo-” I cut myself off, “My boys!” I say in a rush. She groans
“Okay but you'll have to wear it again for one of our games.” She states matter-o-factly. I Quickly rip it off and my smile gets impossibly larger as I see them all standing there. 
“Look at all of you!” I say grinning as I stare at all of them in there prince outfits. A noticeable warmth spreading to my cheeks, ‘shit they look really good.’ 
Before I can think more on how amazing they look I am quickly picked up and spun around by Namjoon. I laugh gleefully as he does so, me and him spent the least amount of time together on FaceTime over the past few weeks sadly, both busy at the wrong times. But that doesn't mean we didnt catch each other eventually. 
“Why didnt you tell us you where coming?” Jimin asks swiping in as soon as joon set me down to hug me and the rest of the boys followed. 
“To surprise you of course!” I say grabbing Yoongis cold hand as he pulls away. 
“Well it worked!” kook exclaimed.
“Yeah this is almost as good as papa mocha right jimin-ah?” Hobbi says nudging him. 
“Hey don't be like that!” He says as he stares at me helplessly. I laugh at this. 
“No, no I think chim would have preferred Papa Mocha right Jin?” I say looking at the handsome man. 
He smirks, “I dunno... maybe” I laugh bending over slightly as I do so missing the way all there yes where trained on me. 
“Alrght alright, enough of the gooey best-friend stuff!” y/f/n says. “We’re gonna take a break to give you seven time to prepare and poor y/n here time to enjoy herself before our next game.” she says about to walk away. 
“Wait! Whats the next game?!” I ask. 
“You’ll see.” As the cameras are turned off we are all sent away, the boys walk with my to ‘my room’ but we all know cameras where there to catch what would be said and whatnot so we stopped in the middle of both and I turned to all of them smiling widely. 
“You should have told us!” Taehyng grumbles as he clings onto you from behind nuzzling his head into your neck. 
“If I did that I wouldn't have been able to see you get all angry at the thought of me being away any longer.” I said bopping his nose and his own cheeks reddened. 
“Oh yeah, guess you heard that huh?” I make a mhm sound and he hides further in my neck as I giggle. 
“So kookie was I pretty enough to be worth it? Was I a good enough mysetery beauty princess?” I ask, he bends down cupping my cheek, “The only one who fits the bill,” he whispers placing a kiss on my lips. 
“Hey knock it off!” I say as a blush creeps its way onto my cheeks. They all laugh at that. 
We go to our own rooms and I sit waiting impatiently. Ten or so minutes later y/f/n comes back and pulls me into the room again and sits me back in the chair. 
“Okay so our next game is called... drumroll please!” All the boys smack there hands on there thighs, “Blush-rush!” She declares. 
“What?! Oh no!” I say exasperated “grrr curse you y/f/n!” I say shaking my fist at her as the boys laugh. 
“Yeah yeah thats the witches job not yours m-lady.” I scoff. “Ok! theres two rounds! One action round and one verbal round! y/n sets the boundaries, and you boys follow them but otherwise your good. Your goal? Make y/n blush as long and as deeply as possible.” She says looking to you to set the rules. 
“Ok obviously you boys know the no-no squares.” You say simply and they all chuckle nodding. “Okay, uhhhh I guess..Oh! No yelling in my ear!” You glare at Jungkook then remembering when you where still best friends and he screamed in your ear to wake you up, while acting out how he would wake his future girlfriend. 
He holds his hand up defensively and I shake my head at him smiling. “I don't know! You guys know me, so you know whats to far!” I said shrugging. They all nodded smiling, they know old boundaries of when we where trying to hide it from the fans are off the table, we’ve seen the theories and there isn't any negativity towards them so we figured why not.
If it comes out it comes out, if not then thats okay to. We’re happy ether way, it was a group decision. 
“Alrighty then lets get going!” She says smiling. “Boys pick which one you do first-” she gets cut off by an enthusiastic Namjoon. 
“Words!” He says quickly and all the boys quickly nod in agreement. I can't help but laugh. 
“Alrighty then y/n back on with the blindfold.” I groan but put it on anyways. 
it’s a long moment of silence before I hear anything at all, quickly thoughts of being alone flood into my mind but are quickly washed away by someones breathe hot on my ear. 
“Baby girl,” Instantly I recognize Jin, “you should have told us you where coming, we could have welcomed you home properly.” my eyes widen beneath my mask knowing full well what usually happens when we reunite. 
I clear my throat trying to avoid the blush on my cheeks. “Don't try to hide it princess,” Namjoon says his voice deep and on my other side, I can feel the warmth from the two bodies next to me. “You always react so well, such a beautiful blush.” 
This time I can't stop my cheeks from turning pink. “Little one~” It’s Jungkook, completely different from the excited adorable one who just minutes ago was excited to see a mysterious princess “doing so good, you’ve barely blushed so far.” He purrs but then chuckles deeply “Or you weren't blushing.” I groan slightly as I shift in my seat. 
‘Damnit only three of them have-’ “Hello Kitten,” ‘Yoongi, shit’. “Look at you, don't you look so pretty?” He says and I know if he could he would run his hands threw my hair right now. 
“Hello my little flower,” I hear another voice right next to my ear, ‘hello hobi’ I chuckle. “Something funny? Or you just like the way we’re making you feel?” I don't answer and he just chuckles at that. 
“Hello my little angel~” Jimin practically purrs into my ear just like Yoongi. “I love your dress, it would look better on my bedroom floor though, don't you think?” I try to shake off his words but of course the blush continues to grow.
I know who has to be coming next and I’m not surprised when I hear his deep voice, “Hi baby, are you happy to be surrounded by your daddies?” He whispers in my ear and by now the blush has moved down my necks and up to my ears. 
“Yes how are-” Jin gets cut off by y/f/n. 
“Alright alright!” She cuts in, “jeez guys I said make her blush, not kill her... you seven jeesh.” She pulls the blindfold off and I look up to see all seven of them around me smirks on there faces. 
‘uh-oh’ I look down not able to stare at them any longer, its to much I’m already warm enough. I didnt think they would be so.... suggestive. 
They chuckle as they see my cheeks warming up again. “I have to go cool off in the bathroom!” I say quickly standing up and moving to the hallway. I lean against a wall breathing deeply. 
“Damn you.” I sigh as I cover my face, even the after thought makes me blush.
“y/n?” I hear y/f/n, I look up at her smiling softly. “We can't make it a silent part, no one would no what they said and we all sign privacy policy contracts.” She said seriously. 
“Oh it’s fine I just was shocked really,” I huff out a laugh, “but lets make it silent, I want to see what our fans come up with.” She grins nodding. 
I go back out smiling reassuringly at the boys who all relax visibly. I sit back in the seat preparing myself for the next round. I breathe deeply as y/f/n gives the all clear as I watch Hobi approach. 
Truth be told I don't know what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting him to just sand in-front of me forcing eye contact, thats for sure. So when it got to be to much I quickly looked away, and thats how I knew I fell into the trap. His finger making its way under my chin to turn my face towards him as he leans in closer. 
And just when I think he might kiss me he pulls way smirking and I purse my lips to prevent a smile. So caught up in the moment I didn't realize Yoongi slipped behind me until I felt his hands move down my exposed shoulders only to go back up and move towards my collar bones. Goosebumps forming on my heated flesh. 
He drew his hands away drawing them close to my throat. Jimin also comes up not hesitating to move his hand from my cheek to my neck where he hovers placing slight pressure from his finger tips almost like from one of the first few videos he took of my where instead of doing the face smooshy thing he went and choked me. 
I know my face is beat red by now but there is still four more to go. I smile as Jungkook comes up to me, he wouldn't do anything to bad- I’m instantly proven wrong as his arms go around my middle, feather light touches moving over my sides the same way he does when I’m blindfolded and- ‘nope! don't go there then you WILL blush more!’ He smirks triumphantly knowing that was enough. 
Taehyung is much more.... pg I suppose as he peppers my face with kisses repeatedly, but I realize that that he was just to prepare me for when Namjoon sneaks up behind my sticking his face in my neck. He is sure to hide what exactly he’s doing by his position but I feel his lips moving up and down my neck going to the spot by my ear. 
Jin is the last, and what he does is simple but effective. He simply takes me off the chair and places me right onto his lap, and of course once again by now my face is beet red and they’ve surely beaten me since Hobi, but it was more fun to let them all go. 
After that the interview was basically done we stayed for about an hour more before we all decided to drive home. I was in my car with just Jungkook and Namjoon while the others went in there car. Im sitting in the back in Namjoon’s lap, yes there was a perfectly good seat beside him but honestly neither one of them cared and I loved the contact. 
We where stopped at a stop light the conversation at a comfortable silence when I spoke up. “You guys where very... open.” I say as I hide my face in Joons neck. he chuckles his hands moving up and down my back. 
“What can we say, not seeing you for, what a month? Add onto that the opportunity to publicly do anything we want with you, well we have to do everything we can.” he said smirking squeezing my hips. 
“Well not everything.” Jungkook says winking in the rear view mirror and once again I blush as a giggle leaves my lips. 
It’s a week later when I go onto youtube and find the latest conspiracy video for the eight of us shockingly. It’s videos of us over the whole time we had been dating, proof of the long time relationship. I smile as I show the boys and we reminisce on the old videos. 
I decide to post a picture on my instagram from the interview, one of the seven of them in there costumes and then one of me with each of them alone, namjoons was one of my favorites, not that I didnt love them all of them but one of the camera men caught the moment he picked me up and spun me around and I knew I would always treasure it. I put the caption, “My princes.” 
Seeing this they put a picture on there official insta saying “Our princess.” No one truly asked any questions, they all just knew. The comments where filled with friends saying finally, and fans agreeing saying how happy they where. And we where too. We truly would have a happily ever after. 
Hey guys my request an taglist’s are always open! Thank you!
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herakosmos · 4 years
@dreamyjaems: “hi babycakes!! i loved your “target headcannons” and it was so enjoyable to read! i was having a rough night, so reading it brought a huge smile on my face 🥰 so if you don’t mind, could you do the “target” headcannons but with goshiki and atsumu! thank you very much and i hope you have a lovely day! i look forward to reading more things from you and good luck on your blog! 💓”
hi bb! ty for the kind words🥺 im glad it made your night <33 you’re my first request, so im kinda nervous😭
im not too familiar w/ goshiki and atsumu, so i’m sorry if they’re ooc :((( i really hope you like it tho!
going to target w/ their s/o
{hcs for goshiki and atsumu}
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“BABE!!! i’ll go get your favorite cereal brand for you!”
✰ would run all the way across the store just for your favorite type of cereal LMAO
✰ when he comes back PLS praise him 🥺
“goshiki you’re so sweet how did you know?”
✰ stands proudly, chest out and smiles ear to ear
“well..i always see you eating this type of cereal in the morning!”
✰ he would probably get really flustered from pda, so don’t do it unless you’re ready for an overheated baby
✰ pushes the cart for you the moment you guys enter target and would insist to push it until the very end of the trip
✰ IF you’re feeling a little mean today, your hand would “accidentally” intertwine with his on the handle bar
✰ goshiki.exe has stopped working
“u-um y/n what are you doing?”
“nothing, i just want to push the cart with you” :)
✰ tries to loosen up a bit, but his heart would be pounding so much that it’s the only thing he could hear <\3
✰ still tries to suck it up and look like it’s not making him sweat at all (even though it is)
✰ he’ll get anything and everything for you
✰ no matter what height you are, goshiki would still want to grab the items on the highest shelf just to impress you. he’ll put it in the cart so proudly knowing how cool that was of him
✰ sometimes it’ll either leave him with a proud smirk or a face of defeat when you aren’t looking HABQAHBSAHS
“did you see that y/n!?”
“huh? what do you mean baby?”
✰ you’ll leave him stunned and kinda hurt tbh
✰ this won’t stop him from trying though!!!
✰ i feel like goshiki would also want to check out the sports section. his eyes would automatically land on the children sports gear and turn soft. he would get MAJOR baby fever from the sight of it and immediately turn to you about it
“i know what you’re thinking goshiki and nows not the right time to talk about it” 
“goshiki -.-”
“yes ma’am!”
✰ salutes you cutely and that leaves you in a giggling mess. he loves to do dorky actions just to make you laugh and he succeeds every time🙈
✰ probably thinks about what ushijima gets from each aisle you guys pass through. even though you always remind him he doesn’t need to BE like him in order to beat him lmao
✰ 100% pays for everything. he flexed his money and bought $100+ worth of junk food
✰ practically broke afterwards, but doesn’t really care because it was spent on you🥺🥺
✰ going back to the car, he’ll put you in the cart too with the grocery bags like kuroo, but would do it to only show off how strong he is haha
“baby are you sure this is fine?!”
✰ he of course would start to load the car for you. maybe roll up his sleeves just a tad for you to see his ya’know 👉💪😼
✰ you’d be so grateful to have this little bean like??? he’s so sweet :(
✰ you of course had to do something in return. before goshiki could even say a word out of his mouth, you connected his lips with yours for a light peck. his eyes would be WIDE open while receiving it omg
✰ goshiki: 👁💋👁
“thank you for everything today goshiki….i love you”
✰ the kiss made him blush 10x more than from inside the store and starts to muster up a sentence to try and say how he wants another one
“m-maybe we c-could do that a-again?”
✰ of couse you would give another one for the cutie. this time he actually lets it last for at least 5 secs before letting you go
“i love you too baby...always!!”
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✰ you being his first ever long term s/o, going out to target with his partner was a first for him. atsumu honestly just came because he had nothing else to do...or at least that’s what he told you
✰ atsumu is a man of physical contact, so expect A LOT of pda. he honestly doesn’t give a fuck😭 he’s THAT ballsy to try anything in public
✰ he would be the type to put his arm around your waist while in the midst of choosing between two snacks. this little punk would slowly start to trail his hand lower...and lower....and low-
✰ you smacked his hand off before he could do anything perverted😭 boy would be sorta pissed at either the fact you didn’t let him do what he wanted to do or because you slapped his hand wayy too hard and its turning red now JANXNC
✰ although atsumu can be protective, you can’t be protected from his jabs of teases and pranks lmao
✰ he would purposely take an item out of the cart and put it on a random shelf until you’ll notice something is missing 
✰ when he sees you getting all riled up or show some sort of irritation he can’t help but admire how cute you look all mad. doesn’t try to show any expression though and hides it with a smirk
✰ 100% only does it to get a reaction outta you😭
✰ drags guides the cart to the toy section and checks to see if they have any cool action figures (idk why but i feel like he would collect those kinda stuff)
✰ turns out there’s only those science toys
✰ (kuroo?👀)
“why is there only fucking science shit”
“HUN there’s children next to us don’t say that”
✰ looks at the children and then back at you with a lazy smirk
“ffffffuuckkk” says it in slow-motion 
✰ omg you would just roll your eyes at his immaturity and leave him there with the clueless children 😭😭
“awww come on princess don’t be like that, i'm just teasing”
✰ another eye roll came from your face at how stupid he is, but can’t hold back a small giggle as well
✰ ah how he loves that adorable giggle of yours
✰ the sole reason for this target trip was to look for furniture and it was the LAST stop you guys took from this whole time
✰ atsumu would straight up lounge on a couch even though it would say do not sit on it’s only for display
✰ AGAIN mans does not give a flying fuck he does what he wants😎
✰ if an employee tries to tell him to get off his reply would be:
“if i wanna buy it, my ass needs to approve”
“babe! i don’t think there’s anything here that’s nice we should look somewhere else”
“ahh seems like my princess and my ass doesn’t seem to approve this leather couch of yours we’ll be writing reviews on yelp”
✰ hey, his baby didn’t find what they wanted 🤷‍♀️
✰ rumor has it the employee’s jaw is dropped to the ground till this day lmao
✰ once you reach the check-out area and pay for the junks you got, you put the groceries into the cart and atsumu squishes your face to stop you 
“babe, we’ll find you a pretty couch in no time”
✰ not gonna lie you were kinda bummed from not finding anything
“i know just what to do to make you happy again”
✰ debby ryan smirks 🌚🌚
✰ he immediately lets go of your face and starts jogging towards the lines of carts to get one for himself.
“lets race!”
✰ your face immediately lit up from the request of a pisshead (who wouldn’t want to wipe that smirk off of that handsome face🙃)
✰ you two both started to race each other on carts towards the car and you won. he probably would say he made you win on purpose just because you were a bit pouty
✰ laughter filled the air from how THIS was his way of cheering you up. it was so cute for him to “lose” for you 
“babe you’re such a loser” 
✰ your lips suddenly met his cheek for a light peck
✰ you thought it didn’t really faze him until he asked you to slap both of his cheeks till they turned red
✰ the only reason he told you to do that was to hide the fact his cheeks were burning from that tiny peck LMAO
taglist: (i’ll add more in the future!🥺)
@deadontheinsidebut @kat-writes-haikyuu @lovetsuki
want to request hcs or a matchup? here are the rules!
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joongzone-blog · 5 years
ateez reaction to you playing a viagra prank on them (m)
anon: omg love your writing. can i please request an ateez reaction to you playing a viagra prank on them and if you could please make it a little long. i just think that’ll be hilarious.
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he’d be in the hotel room next door to yours, sharing a room with yunho when he starts to feel it getting hard
he doesn’t know why it’s getting hard, he wasn’t thinking of anything besides wanting to go to sleep but it jolts him awake
luckily yunho left the room to go join san and wooyoung
u, on the other hand, are wondering if it had set in yet so u look it up and when u realise it should kick in by now
u facetime him just to mock him
he immediately picks up
u put on a smirk and ur suddenly more annoying than usual according to hongjoong
“hi joong. how’s it going?”
he tried to hide it but u know whats going on...he just...doesn’t know it was u
“nothing much” he says “just y’know...making beats on my laptop...haha!”
“oh? that must be hard to do huh?”
“not really, it comes naturally to me now. why are u still awake?”
“it’s just...so...hard...to fall asleep and it’s so frustrating...my temper just...keeps growing...because of it...”
“stop that...why are u talking like that u weirdo” 
ur laugh suddenly can’t be contained and u just burst out in cackles, throwing the phone on the bed 
“ya! why are u laughing at me!”
once u managed to get urself together u grabbed ur phone and told him the prank u pulled on him while u and the members went out to eat earlier
his face fumes!!!
“ya! was this u?” he angrily scoffs “why would u pick me as ur victim?!”
“ur easily deceived joong. plus i saw it at the pharmacy counter yesterday and thought it’d be funny”
“im gonna beat ur ass when i see u tomorrow”
“come to my room we’ll figure out what to do with it”
“it would get flaccid seeing u, no thanks”
and u start bickering back and forth for a good three mins before joong groans into his pillow
“ya! i hate u so much!!!”
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omg this baby would be so shy about it
u gave it to him it in replace of headache relief pill...but he doesn’t know that bc seonghwa doesn’t check
he’ll be on a vlive with yeosang later on when it starts getting hard
ur watching their vlive from the other room and ur just waiting...for something to happen...
when it gets hard all of a sudden his face contorts
and he’d look down but then immediately look up bcos he’s realising on live broadcasting
yeosang b like “what? what’s wrong?”
and seonghwa would be so speechless he’d look back and forth from yeosang to the camera 
nobody can see it bc of the filter but he is blushing like crazy
“hyung, stop fooling around, what’s wrong?”
and u watch as seonghwa whispers something into his ear, u in ur room quietly laughing to urself but also thinking of how to apologise to seonghwa bc u know he doesn’t handle pranks like these well
yeosang then does the same as seonghwa and looks back and forth from him and the camera
yeosang be like “ok everyone we have to go! it’s getting late goodnight!”
but the time is only 8pm and u just laugh as u turn ur phone off
from ur room u can hear them panicking about what to do, and seonghwa yelling and yeosang yelling back
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big baby would also be so shy!!!
this prank would be urs and wooyoung’s idea
u would be accompanying him and the members on the set of an mv filming
u would be watching yunho and wooyoung being goofy behind the scenes in front of the cameras
and then yunho’s face suddenly changes...like in the gif...god
and wooyoung is smirking and being touchy feely with him bc he knows whats up
“yunho, is everything ok? ur not feeling sick are u?” he teases
“get y/n...i need her...like now...wooyoung please...”
wooyoung laughs at him as he goes over to u and tell u that ur boyfriend wants u
“baby what’s wrong?” u say, acting like u dont know whats wrong
he looks around, his face blushing bright red, to make sure nobody is looking at him
“yunho...tell me what’s wrong”
“babe i-i have a...b-boner...”
u cant help but laugh and he quickly covers up ur mouth while backing u up into somewhere secluded
“shhh!!! please!!!”
“how’d u manage that huh? what were u thinking of huh?”
“literally nothing! idk why i just got it...god it hurts...what do i do?”
u put ur hand between his thighs knowing u two are alone and u squeeze one of his thighs lightly
“we could help it a bit? there’s an unused room down the hall-”
but before u can even finish it yunho grabs ur arm and dashes through the hall with u
“please, i just want it gone, i cant be having a boner on an mv, i’d get clowned by atiny”
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i think he’d either be the most calm about it or be the complete opposite and freak out 
but let’s stick to the most calm since that’s more his personality
u would pull the same prank on him like u did with seonghwa, making him think it was a headache relief pill
he’ll be in the middle of dancing with the members when all of a sudden...
he’d be like: and i...OOP!
he’d try to get through a few minutes dancing with it bc he thinks he’s gotten a random hard-on and thinks if he focuses on something else then it will go away
but not with viagra
when he realises its not going down he’d excuse himself to the toilets 
he’ll sit in a cubicle and wait for someone in there to leave before taking off the lower half clothes and touching himself
he wants it to go away because he has no time to be embarrassed
he just wants it to go away and he’s panicking because he’s been touching himself for god knows how long and he cant feel himself getting close
so he texts you as a last resort
yeosang: babe
you: yes?
yeosang: i really need a big favor from you
you: hm...depends what it is...
yeosang: baby can you touch yourself and let me hear you?
you: oh? you’re horny?
yeosang: i wasn’t but i just got this hard-on and i went to touch myself but nothing...
yeosang: i know it’s late but i panicked, im sorry...oh god, you really don’t need to, it’s okay don’t worry
YOU are calling...
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cute baby boy would so laugh the fact that you and yunho had plotted to pull this prank off so san wouldn’t sleep tonight
he’d just laugh at himself as he watches it get harder and harder in the shower
“oh my god! what is this!”
cackles and cackles, his cute laughs everywhere
yunho is sitting in their shared room on his phone and all he can hear is san yelling and cackling at himself in the shower
he knows what’s up
“yunho! i got a boner!”
yunho laughs so hard at how easy it is for san to just tell him these things
“pretty sure a little birdie and i slipped something in your americano this morning to get back at u for the shampoo prank but that’s none of my business!”
san laughs so hard he nearly slips but thankfully he’s okay
he’s just . looking down at himself . laughing
he isn;t surprised that yunho pulled this off but you? his own girlfriend? would betray him like this?
he peeks out from the shower curtain and grabs his phone thats sitting closeby and he starts to call you
when u pick up u are welcomed to the sound of san’s high pitched screaming
“ya! i can’t believe how much of a snake you are! do you know what you did to me? cause im staring at it right now and it hurts! it’s funny but what if this never comes down in the morning! how am i supposed to sleep on my stomach when this...thing...wants to sleep with me! ya! you’re dead tomorrow!”
san doesn’t talk about anything else for the rest of the night except for ways to get rid of his hard-on while yunho is fast asleep
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omg another big baby that would both be shy and be dramatic about it
u pranked him earlier and now u and mingi are baking something together for yeosang’s birthday that’s coming soon
he’s whirring mixture when it starts to get hard and he immediately shuts the machine off
he takes a big deep breath because he’s not sure just how on earth he has managed to get a boner in the middle of baking
he tries to push it down but that!!! hurts!!!
he shrieks and u ask him whats wrong
he ushers you away, telling u nothing is wrong
but u have a faint idea that maybe it’s the little viagra pill u slipped into his drink earlier
mingi can’t take it no more bc it gets harder and harder the more he tries to ignore it
he’s quiet, silently inching behind you before you feel it pressing against your back
hm, you think
“babe. i’m not sure what’s going on but it’s stressing me out.”
“but we’re baking”
“i know but if i keep going the others are bound to see it and i, for sure, know they’re going to clown me”
“the cupcakes are gonna burn baby, you’ll just have to wait”
but he’s a big baby and he just whines over and over, whimpering as it gets even harder and warms his stomach
it makes you laugh so hard but you enjoy toying with mingi 
you love seeing him be so helpless and under your control
“baby can’t we just pause the oven and resume it when we’re done?”
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i see him having the same reaction as san but more exaggerated except because of the situation, he’s more collected about it:
u thought it was funny to drop one in his coke while u were eating out with the members
on the drive home the members are all fast asleep in the van except for you and wooyoung
you because you were reading a really cool book and wooyoung...well because he’s been trying to hide his hard-on since it started getting hard
you’ve been noticing how often he’s been changing positions with his legs and it started to irk you a little now because you just want him to tell you that he’s hard without getting shy
“babe, if you’re going to keep hiding your hard-on from me you might aswell just sit with the driver so i can’t see”
“how...how did you know?”
you laugh to yourself putting your hand between his thighs and rubbing it 
wooyoung is hot and absolutely not collected but he stays quiet because he’s with his members and they’re all asleep
you unbutton his jeans and wooyoung gets even more hotter bc ur hand presses against his throbbing hard-on
you rub it, just to see his reaction and the way he closes his eyes pleases you
but then he opens them quickly, realising where he is
you laugh at him and punch him jokingly, “relax, i’m not going to jack you off while the others are here”
and wooyoung groans but he knows ur right and besides, it’s much more fun when u two are alone
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omg what a sweet boy!
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Golden Hues | Bokuto Koutaro x F!reader [GreekMyth!AU]
That was incredibly hard to write thank you very much🤡 figuring out how to write a certain character is quite the challenge so today i offer you, offbrand Bokuto in an Ancient Greece setting !
[Songs] : • Towards the sun by Rihanna
              • All good people by Delta Rae
[Tags] : @raevaioli @hqxreader
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- your whole life has been revolving around the same things, not that you minded them
- you were the oldest daughter of a noble in Greece, and your family was known by the people as being descendants of gods and godesses
- throughout the years you've been taught how to act like someone your rank, how to uphold a position of power even in situations where a woman should't be
- you were grateful for that
- you were taught manners, litterature and arts as well as the art of fighting and that was pretty much it
- war, was not inherantly seen as a bad thing, it was almost like those plays that you often watched when you were a kid
- vast sceneries of warriors blessed by the gods to fight alongside them, defending their beliefs or properties
- at least that's what you thought back then, the reality of war was a whole other thing, and yet the necessity of knowing how to defend yourself against any ennemy was not one to ignore
- fighting wasn't pretty. But it had to be done.
- another reality was the one of the gods, you had witnessed it yourself one faithful day of training with your servants
- a young man carrying a lyre had approached you, seemingly coming out of nowhere
- you were pretty sure that it was Apollo, god of the sun, healing, arts and oracles; patron deity of your family for centuries now
- at the time, he had whispered words that you still managed to remember clearly :
        On the horizon of a sacred dawn,
    When the sword and arrow cross paths  
A union that will make the earth shake all the way to the farthest parthenon, shall rise
          And with it the fall of an order.
- a prophecy
- that sounded ominous to say the least but at that moment you had felt something in you that you could only describe as being some sort of repressed euphoria brewing deep somewhere in your mind
- sadly, the prophecy reached the ears of your parents and soon you found yourself trapped in your quarters for the majority of your days
- only going out for classes and eating, your parents having cut down most of your sparring sessions anyways
- your once fullfilling life now reduced to a scheduled routine, the only fun part of it being when you got to hear the stories of your litterature instructor paired with the occasionnal sneaking out during the afternoon or at night
- he felt as if in order to understand the "outside world" better you had to get actual informations on it
- and so he started talking to you about random things he heard during the day
- some days it was just about how the flower merchants closest to the royal grounds had gotten engaged and made a joined business
- other days like today it was about how the people have been effervescent about a certain talented warrior from a neighbouring city
- allegedly, he mained the bow and arrow with an unmatched deadly grace, making his way through entire battlefields in no time, some spread the rumor that he did so while smiling, unbothered and untouched by ennemy attacks
- some speculated that he was a demigod, son of some powerful deity or the reincarnation of Achilles, however one thing was sure is that he took the spotlight everywhere he went
- it would be an understatement to say that you were intrigued
- how was that possible ? Was he really unbeatable ? How was he the same age as you ?
- "well not like you would ever find out", you thought, returning to your room after class
- with the absence of servants on your way your next thought was easy : sneaking out
- it was a habit you picked up
- you went outside from the window for a few hours and came back in as if nothing happened
- and today was one of these days
- so here you were, strutting through the woods trying to find some cool rocks to add to your collection back in your room
- when you heard some kind of rustling sound
- at first you were scared cause what if it was a brown bear ??
 - well at least it would make an interesting story if you came out of it alive
- but then you saw a head of white hair peaking out from behind some bushes and a voice saying something close to
- "pspspsps" yep. Definitely not a bear
- "Excuse me ?" you said, trying to get the attention of whoever that was
- the person jumped and judging by the "thud" following, you could only assume that they fell
- going round the bushes, you were meant by a well built looking man with spikey white hair and piercing imperial gold colored eyes looking up at you from the ground
- that....was not something you were used to
- "are you alright ?" you said, helping him up
- " yeah don't worry im fine ! I was just trying to catch this squirrel" he was smiling so bright that it almost blinded you in addition to the sound of your own heart pounding that was making you deaf
- "oh im sorry....did i make it run away ?"
- "well- yes but at least now i get to talk to a pretty girl !"
- oh :0
- and that's how the conversation began
- you learned that his name was Bokuto and that he was a royal guard of a close city, one that was as powerful as your own
- "oh so do you know the rumors about that demigod archer ?"
- "you mean the ones people spread about me ?? You know, im pretty good with a bow and arrow but not to that level haha"
- you never suspected that you had all those questions for him until you started spewing them out one after another but luckily he seemed to never come short with answers
- you talked for hours until night had fallen and you had to go back to royal grounds before anyone noticed you were gone
- he walked you the whole way back to your bedroom window because he "wanted to protect you" even tho you did this like every other day
- he just wanted to talk to you more
- "goodnight princes-"
- "you can call me Y/N you know ?
- "no princess is cuter ≧◡≦" he was really thankful for the late hour because he really didn't want you to see the blush on his face right now
- "hey Bokuto !" your voice made him turn back faster than light
- "do you want to meet again tomorrow ?"
- of course he wanted to
- and the pattern went on for about a month or so
- you would meet him in the woods outside of royal grounds and you would just talk and have fun with him until night when he would insist on walking you home
- tonight was no different aside from the fact that you stayed a few hours later than usual with him
- at this point you guys were very much in love with each other but also too much of a mess to confess already and you were kind of fed up
- so he was walking you home as per usual and you were leaning against the window frame bidding him your goodbyes as the sun began to rise in the distance
- "goodnight prin-" you cut him off by grabbing his face and kissing him, the shock of your lips against his had caused both of your minds to focus on each other, and there it was
- the same euphoric feeling from that time you heard the prophecy
- so that was it....love
- "goodnight Y/N" he had said when you finally pulled away, not needing to add anything more to it as you already knew how you felt about one another
- that day you fell asleep with dreams about spending your future with Bokuto, the dorky demigod warrior who had stolen your heart
- except all dreams must come to an end
- the next day your parents had informed you about an incoming war with another city....his city
- after all those years of peace and unity why now of all times ?
- "the fall of an order" this line of the prophecy echoed in your head as you sat on the floor of your room
- you couldn't help but ask yourself if somehow this was one of the gods' jokes
- if this was your fault
- would that mean that now Bokuto would resent you ?
- you heard a soft knock on your window, you already knew who it was and you went to open it, hesitant and scared of what was next to come for the both of you
- " Y/N you're here !" he beamed, staying true to himself even now
- "Bokuto have you no knowledge of what is happening ? Our cities are-"
- "on the edge of war ? I know that and that's why i came"
- "to say goodbye" you thought, already bracing yourself for the heartbreak
- "to ask you to run away with me !"
- you looked at him in shock and he just responded by smiling as if nothing about that statement scared him, as if nothing in this world could make his golden eyes loose their oh so familiar shine
- in this moment you understood that he really was something else, a sun amongst mortals, and a song in the darkest times of your own life, a light in the battlefield.
- not hearing any response from you, he held your hands together between his warm ones, confidence unwavering as he locked eyes with you and spoke,
- "We don't have to ever be appart, must the skies and gods themselves threathen us as much as they want, i'll never let it happen. We shall stay together and brave the odds and Fate herself. With Apollo's blessing, we'll make even Aphrodite and Ares jealous."
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 2 episode 9
🚨trigger warning: mentions of rape in my notes🚨
Notes by me
- the chief from abydos! Also daniels father in law :)
- no glasses!Daniel in this scene
- I love how dedicated Daniel is to his space family and their culture😌 like this random Egyptian planet was like I'm gonna keep you! And he said okie dokie
- "I couldnt possibly be safer than in the company of tealc" AKDEOSNDJSJSSKA
- Jack wants to go back too lol
- Daniel back in his robes 💕
- back home for daniel! To abydos!
- Bodyguard!tealc
- apologizing to sha'res dad for not being able to find her yet 😟 its not your fault babe!
- tealc:
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- shes pregnant and that is....really bad. If its one of the goaulds that raped her. This got dark real quick
- he doesnt want to bring his hopes up that its actually her 😭
- hes shocked but like.....i would be too
- I was right its apophis kid :\ this so fucked up
- Host Baby??? Big Yikes
- okay I'm gonna say this right fucking now before i watch any more. If Daniel blames her and gets mad at her for being raped and getting pregnant WITHOUT her consent than i will personally come thru this screen and slap the fuck out of him
- meanwhile! Jack and Sam bonding time!
- sha're thinking Daniel wont love her anymore :( she better be wrong or I'm throwing hands
- she said the goauld is Amunet? Is that the dog goddess? Or the crocodile? I'm getting my Egyptian gods mixed up
- Daniel sitting outside to Process™
- "hasnt she gone thru enough?" My brain stopped working I'm so happy hes not not blaming her. Writers for once youre doing something right
- man hes really emotional about this
- tealcs right they need to take her anyway for her own safety.
- do u think he sympathizes with her bc hes been raped too? Its not said but I feel like thats what it is. He knows it wasnt her fault. And that also means they can comfort each other about what happened to them😟bc they understand
- okay why is sams dad being a total dill hole
- "Ive heard nothing about you, sir." Jack youre not off to a great first impression
- Jack making sam smile with sly jokes
- her dad knows she be lyin about her job
- he wants her to go to space HAHA if only he knew. His tiny brain would explode
- Daniel said he loves her no matter what and then gave her a big hug im LOSING MY MIND
- are we keeping the baby??? Am I gonna see Dad!Daniel and mom!sha're ??? 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
- micheal shanks eyes are super blue in this episode for my viewing pleasure only
- protective!Daniel 😍
- I'm just remembering how they met and when she showed him the forbidden drawings in the caves and they spent days together just sharing knowledge. When he found out they were married(in her culture) and just completely accepted it. When he saved her bc he realised he was in love. When he stayed on abydos so that he could live a full life with her and her people because he felt like he belonged. I'm fine
- parents need to ask before they set up things like job interviews. I have personal experience with this and im full of rage
- this reporter literally having a recording of Jack talking about the stargate and Jack flatly denying it. Zero fucks given
- Daniel saying he wont force sha're into anything. Bc up to this point shes been forced into so much!! He knows he needs to let her make her own choices!!! He gets it!!!
- im sorry both Daniel and sha're are so pretty in his episode. My bisexual brain is just having a real good time looking👀
- I REALLY really love it when she calls him "my dan-yel" ❤❤❤
- the SGC has a mole???
- LABOR somebody boil water
- oh its my goauld mans with the sick earrings
- Daniel helping her give birth. Sitting behind her and helping her breathe. I'm love
- "this is where we hid from Ra remember?" Ajdjsisnana thats such a cool detail
- he'll never leave her again there goes my heart
- "It's O'Neill. With two L's. Theres another colonel O'Neil, but he has no sense of humor at all."
- dont you hate when youre about to uncover a huge government secret and then immediately get hit by a car
- shooting the zat gun into the camera was a cool directing choice 🔥
- sam: so I'm getting a medal for my service this week! Cool right?
Jacob Carter: I have cancer
- he could not have been any more blunt
- ok dude cant you just accept the fact that she cant tell you what her job? Dont you know what top secret means? Cant you just be proud of her for what she does already???? Dick
- "I will always love you!!"
- she is scared she will lose Daniel and the baby :(
- its a boy! 💙💙
- the goauld is back in control oh god Daniel run
- shes actually pretty scary as a goauld
- yeah ok shoot the woman who just gave birth tealc YEESH
- that was a good idea to frame Heru'hur tho
- Daniel hesitating to leave her again. My heart is breaking 😢
- they saved the baby at least
- poor sha're didnt even get to see her son 😔
- bringing the baby back to the grandfather was a good idea😊
- this baby is SO SO cute
- is Daniel a stepdad now. Is he gonna come back and play catch with the kid when hes older. Is he gonna fully adopt him. I want him to fully adopt him
- Jack blaming himself for the reporters death. You gotta stop doing this to yourself man
- black shirt Daniel 👀👀👀👀
- HAHA tealc shoving the jaffa into the vortex lmaooo
- "you dare challenge me?"
"I was thinking about it"
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- she definitely saw them and didnt say anything
- "are you alright?"
"No. No im not.........but I will be."
"She looked directly at us, Daniel jackson. And yet she did not reveal our position." YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS LADS. Theres still hope for my girl. She can fight this I believe in her ✊😤
- I will say it again tho. This storyline for her is very fucked up. No excuses, its just a bit over used in sci fi for the women characters to have surprise pregnancies.
Whump under the cut
Tealc whump: fought with jaffa
Daniel jackson whump: shocked, emotional, crying, forced kneeling, back handed
Sam carter whump: emotional , crying
🎶listening to You Are The Reason by Calum Scott and Leona Lewis 🎶 in honor of Daniel and sha're making me lose my collective mind
No glasses!Daniel for most of the episode
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Just Breathe, Peter
oohhh myyy im late im late i am so effing late hahahha. technically it’s still spideychelle month week 2 day 1 here in mah place but it’s nightime already so pheewww i am so effing late to the game hahaha.
ya ready for some angst/hurt/comfort, babes? this is directly after the ffh post credits scene, and i like to think the prequel to Safehouse which was my first entry for spideychelle month hihihi (even tho i actually wrote this one first haha)
hope you enjoy mj being such a calm collected rock in the midst of the eventual chaos that would ensue from the identity reveal, folks. 
hurrah for spideychelle comfort being the oasis in the dry desert of angst hahaha
The moment Peter’s secret identity was revealed to the world, the minds of every single person who knew beforehand started going into overdrive, no one more so than Peter. His first thoughts immediately landed on the safety of the people he cared about: Aunt May, MJ, Ned, and Happy. He’s taken down quite a few criminals who would be more than happy to threaten the lives of the ones he cares about just so the thorn on their sides would be gotten rid of.
Peter immediately does a rundown of the whereabouts of every single person he cared about, and MJ was right down below him just a few feet away. MJ was still staring at the screen when Peter jumps down from the post he was hanging onto and just grabs her with no warning, in case anyone got any ideas of trying to attack her.
“Whoa, Peter, what are you doing?”
“I’ve gotta get you somewhere safe, MJ, there’s too many eyes around here and people know you’re close to Spider-man now.”
“Wait, Peter!”
Peter consequently proceeded to web-swing away to the nearest safe place that he could; a well hidden alley that no one was currently occupying at the moment. One and two thwips away from the square, and Peter and MJ were gone.
They land at the alley, and Peter gives himself some space from MJ to make sure she’s okay.
“MJ, are you okay? I am so sorry I webs-winged you without your permission.”
Peter runs his eyes all over MJ and then to the alley’s openings to check if they were followed.
“I just couldn’t risk anyone trying to attack you and-”
Peter was still checking all the exits when MJ shakes him to get him to face her.
“Peter, it’s fine. I’m fine.”
The last bit of agency Peter had left had just been taken away from him by a villain they thought was out of their lives forever and he still manages to think of the people he cares about first. The kindness that radiates from this boy is one of a kind. MJ only wished she could offer the same comfort for him right now. She’ll just have to try her best, she guesses, it’s what Peter deserved.
“I should be asking how you’re doing. Are you okay?”
After Peter’s made sure MJ was safe, he still had to make sure the others were as well. And like a ball, it’s when everything suddenly drops, and the consequences of what just happened finally dawns on him.
“I- I- I can’t-” Peter says, prying himself away from MJ.
Peter suddenly finds himself breathless, his legs are all wonky, and he has to hold himself by his knees just so he can remain upright.
“Oh my God, Peter!”
MJ rushes to Peter’s side, holding him up by his arms, but he resists and steps away.
“I- I have to make sure Aunt May’s safe, MJ,” Peter is barely able to say.
Peter didn’t even know where May was yet and even though some rational part of his mind is saying that it’s unlikely anyone could have gotten to her this quick, the shock of it all just made it too hard to focus on anything other than the fact that he doesn’t know where his loved ones are right now, and he doesn’t know if they’re okay.
“Peter, you can’t save May in the condition you’re in right now. You could do more harm than good.”
MJ didn’t want to say it, but she had to tell Peter the harsh truth. And it worked; MJ’s blunt words stopped Peter in his tracks. MJ knew Peter’s heart was in the right place, it’s just his mind that wasn’t.
“I just- I can’t I can’t lose anyone again because of me.”
Peter turns around and MJ sees tears have started to form in his eyes.
“I thought- I thought Beck was gone, MJ. I thought-”
And Peter loses it. He drops down on his knees and the tears start flowing faster. He’s finding it even harder to breathe. MJ gets down on the ground right in front of him and just hugs him as tight as she can.
MJ knows it isn’t much but if she can provide a sense of comfort in the chaos that is his life now, shield him from the unbearable weight of his problems for even just a few minutes, MJ’s gonna fucking do it.
“I thought he was gone, MJ,” Peter mumbles onto her shoulder as he continues to cry.
“He did this just to hurt me.”
Peter doesn’t say it to MJ, maybe because he’s too busy trying to breathe and keep himself from falling apart, but Peter hated himself right now. He should have known better than to think he’d actually genuinely get a true win for once in his life.
“I- I don’t know what’s going to happen to my life now, MJ. He- he ruined it. I don’t think I can-”
Peter isn’t able to finish his sentence. He doesn’t think he can be with his family anymore, because it might be too dangerous for them. He doesn’t think he can lose any more of the people he loves. He just doesn’t think he can do… anything, anything to help himself right now. Beck stole from Peter the only thing he had left, the one thing he had that let him have some semblance of a normal life. So much was going thru his mind that he found himself unable to stop crying even just for a minute to explain why he was reacting the way he is.
As MJ hugs Peter, she’s finding herself in a state she only seems to find herself in when she’s with him, she’s out of words. She is in no way prepared to handle any of this. Peter losing his secret identity was like a bombshell that had dropped in on their Saturday morning date. But MJ knows, there was no point in having both of them freak out right now, so she summoned all the courage she had into trying to stay steady, calm, and collected. Peter had already lost so much, and now he lost his identity too. She had to be a rock; she had to be Peter’s rock.
“Peter,” MJ finally manages to say as she burrows her head onto his shoulder and caresses his back, his nape, and runs her hand thru his hair.
“I know you have a lot going through your mind right now. I’m still trying to process it all myself.”
MJ pulls away from the hug but only just so Peter can hear her words properly. She looks him in the eyes and says
“But right now, it’s just us, okay? Beck isn’t here, all the criminals of New York aren’t here; it’s just you and me in this alley right now.
“Peter and MJ and no one else,” says MJ as she goes back to hug him tight as she can once again.
“Just breathe, Peter.”
“Your world has just been shook to its core. You get to take a moment to process what just happened and grieve before you start dealing with it all.”
Little by little, the raggedness of Peter’s breathing starts to slow down. He’s still trembling but as he breathes in and out, in and out, it starts to get steadier. Peter nods and does exactly what MJ says. He closes his eyes and just focuses on getting his breathing back to normal.
MJ is still caressing him, and before he knows it, Peter’s beginning to get this feeling of warmth and comfort wash over him as more and more time passes in their tight embrace.
And Peter asks, desperate for reassurance, voice shaky from fear, mouth muffled by MJ’s shoulder, puffy red eyes still closed and his fisted hands currently covering the rest of his face.
“Just you and me?”
Their lives had just been changed forever. But none of that mattered in the moment. Right now, the rest of the world didn’t exist, and it was just Peter and MJ.
MJ replies with a smile as she wipes away the few tears that managed to escape.
“Yeah, Peter, just you and me.”
They weren’t even talking anymore, and they were still on the ground of some random New York alley but MJ wouldn’t dare move away from the hug. She would be more than happy to wait as long as it took for Peter to get a grip on himself, feel better, and get back to the optimistic, kind, and intelligent boy she fell in love with.
MJ suddenly feels Peter moving away from the hug, his breath isn’t as ragged anymore, and his voice is no longer shaky, but you can feel the sense that Peter is just so tired and worn out now.
Peter looks MJ in the eyes, his own still red and puffy and says “Thanks, MJ” with a sad smile.
MJ merely wipes off some of the tears left on Peter’s face and says “Anytime, Peter”
Peter stands up and so does MJ.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” asks MJ caressing Peter’s hand.
“I am now,” Peter looks MJ in the face, “really.”
“Okay, so what are we going to do, Peter?”
“I need to get to Aunt May.”
“Then let’s go already” says MJ already hanging onto Peter’s shoulders.
Just a few moments ago, MJ told him she was never going to web-swing again, but here she was now ready to propel herself across rooftops with him just to help him.
“Okay, let’s go,” Peter says with a smile, before putting his mask back on, holding onto MJ tight, and shooting a web onto the nearest roof as he and MJ propel up to the air and Peter thanks his lucky stars that he’s with MJ.
He truly doesn’t know what he would’ve done without her. Yeah, he’s pretty sure he doesn’t just “really like” MJ, he loves her and he’ll do anything to make sure that she and the other people he loves are safe, no matter what.
~ end ~
yaaayyyy only one more promised prompt left, folks hahaha. i actually do have other plans but i didn’t promise/mention those ones yet hahaha
i still have to write the follow up for safehouse hahaha but it’s fine. i’m hopeful i can keep up
i hope yalls liked this one. cus i really do as well :’) <3
shoutout to @tare8chan for being my first beta ever, and for being the beta for this one. i am always very thankful for ur notes n comments n suggestions n support, and i just appreciate you a lot so much thanks :’)
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 146
Honorable mentions:
I swear people just love to jump out at Blyke poor guy
Remi is way too chill for someone expecting to be drop-kicked into tomorrow
Isen’s face just gets funnier and funnier as this episode goes on i swear
Is it bad that I’m kind of sad that Blyke wasn’t noticing John for his muscles..?
I just remembered that Elaine existed ohmygod lmao what’s she been up to haha. She knows about John I feel like I haven’t seen her for some time (or I’m just forgetful lol)
I love how Remi doesn’t even act surprised when she finds out that Isen knew who joker was slkddjk
I’m really mad that Remi interrupted Isen when he was saying “you have no idea what you’re talking about.” Like, girl, if Isen had been able to warn Arlo what would happen, none of you would be in this situation right now. Let Isen explain it to someone damn it. I won’t be able to take a replay of the entire plot I’ve suffered too much.
Arlo’s so done with this shit that he doesn’t even react when Remi tells him she knows who Joker is
I swear to god, i don’t know if i’ll love Arlo using Sera against John or hate it.
I’ve realized very recently that these posts have strayed a bit from being analysis posts and have really turned into me freaking out about the new episode each week and I’m sorry, I’ll try to actually share some theories and more thoughts in the future ;-;
I should also probably reread these before posting… lol I’ve probably messed up somewhere in this. Eh idc im lazy
Also, uru-chan answered questions by the instagram account @unordinary.webtoon and said that UnOrdinary is going to have at least two seasons and will end up being over 300 episode so buckle in folks this train ain’t ending anywhere soon we in this for the long haul.
Smart Blyke:
    For the first time in my UnOrdinary history (around 1 ½ years), Blyke might have become my favorite character. I know I said last week how much I was loving Arlo and John, and that’s still true, but honestly, right now, Blyke is tied with like Arlo. I used to really dislike Blyke. Not because I didn’t like his character, but because he took up time that could be focused on like John or Arlo. He was always that ‘filler’ character for me, but damn.
    I’m really happy with how this small detective Blyke bit ended. Before, Isen really overshadowed Blyke in the smarts department because, well, smarts were what Isen’s storylines revolved around. His whole relevance to the plot is from when Arlo told him to dig up dirt on John, forcing him to get creative and think. Blyke’s storyline, however, has always been about power. He wants to be stronger and become that white knight type. He wants to prove himself through ability. I think because this part of Blyke was showcased since the beginning, everyone kind of wrote him off as that valient, but dumb type.
    Hehe, I love being proven wrong.
    Like I said already, I’m so impressed with Blyke and his deductive skills. Like dude. Blyke’s instinctive theories prove that he’s so much more than first presented. “Joker… Whoever this guy is, he’s well-versed in combat and he’s been exposed to countless abilities.” Pretty normal reasoning right? But then he hits us with the “He may have hidden himself all this time, but he’s been watching and analyzing all of us.” I feel like even more so than Isen, Blyke knows what he should be worrying about. Blyke can see the bigger picture. Not only such a great leadership quality, but I’ve been having issues since forever with the characters of UnOrdinary not seeing the bigger picture. Hell, a while back, I made this whole ass post explaining why Seraphina was such an annoying character to read and see because she only seemed to notice things revolving around herself (still true, but that’s for another day). 
    Back to Blyke: He thought to himself, “I wonder how long he can retain abilities for? It isn’t permanent otherwise he would’ve started our fight off with Isen’s ability. Does he keep an ability with him at all times? What’s he like when the abilities he collects wear off?”
    These quotes were all from last week’s episode (episode 145), and I wondered whether he had actually solved it. When he reacted to John, had it all clicked. And damn how excited I was when I found out that it did.
    I guess I technically can’t be too impressed with Blyke because he did say in this week’s episode that, “It’s just a strong feeling.” But like, he backs it up with reasoning and he was right so like. Good on you Blyke lmao.
    Even though snakes are like the best characters because the drama, the captain america type (like Blyke [you know what I mean right?]) really draws me in sometimes. I really feel like I’m looking at a “what if” version of Arlo. What if Rei hadn’t messed up the hierarchy? What if Arlo hadn’t been forced into leadership after only being at school for one year? I know that this probably isn’t true because uru-chan recently said that the characters were all created based off of anime stereotypes (already stated by her, but it really fits with Blyke) and after that, they evolved into different parts of her personality, but I genuinely feel like Blyke was created to be Arlo’s parallel, if you know what I’m saying. I’m probably talking nonsense lol, I just love the idea of parallels (I’ll try to tone that down haha).
    ((afterthought: Blyke can also be stupid sometimes. like , he figured it out, but he still doesn’t know what’s he’s talking about boy let Isen talk))
    Yessssss yes yes yes yes. God, I’ve been waiting for this since forever. Remi and Blyke finally know that he knew who Joker was (which, by the way, was something else that Blyke realized).
    I’m really excited purely for the fact that this has been set up since the beginning of the comic, when Arlo told Isen to learn stuff about John. Isen’s been a key character all along because he knows stuff. He’s the guy with all the secrets and I’m living. But the best part of a character knowing so much, is when everyone discovers exactly how much they know and the significance. I swear it’s one of my favorite tropes (? is that the right word to use?) like ever. When someone is revealed to have held the cards all along. And it’s so much more satisfying when everyone else isn’t aware at first, which is why I’m not freaking out over John. For Blyke and Remi, they’ve been with Isen since the beginning. Through every attack that John’s been involved in (when Arlo got defeated, when he freaked out because John was Blyke’s roommate, e.t.c. [I just realized that the examples I used are the exact same ones uru used in the new episode ksdjfhkshf]), Remi and Blyke have either tried to figure on what was going on or trying to figure out why Isen was acting weird. I know that was worded so badly, but I ain’t here to impress, I’m here to force my opinions on y’all.
    I probably have more opinions on this, but thinking confuses me so we’re moving on.
Theories that look bad because i can’t be bothered to properly write them out:
Remi is going to demask Joker so everyone knows who he is, solving the problem of nobody believing when they would say that John is Joker
Arlo is going to use Seraphina by dragging her ass to his and John’s fight
Both of these happen at the same time
This is really random, but i might as well say (while I’m here) that if Claire never even makes an appearance over the course of this comic, i’m going to be actually upset.
also guys be prepared John is onto Blyke bitch did you see that death glare at the end of last episode whew
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when do you think magnus first started wearing makeup?
GREAT QUESTION ANON i hope you know that i would die for you
i think magnus developed most of his fashion sense (and use of it as a form of expression) when he went to England. I mean before that he was with asmodeus doing fuck knows what and i dont think he was encouraging magnus to do a lot of self expression lol. i mean he wanted to keep Magnus on a leash, so he would be close to him and obey him and asmodeus would become King of Edom and yada yada yada evil plan, you get it. so i think before england magnus wore, i dont fucking know, black robes or something.
but then!!!!! he yeeted asmodeus back into edom because hes a king and decided to live his own life, and fucked off to England because??? unclear. im gonna go ahead and headcanon it was because of ragnor, whom he met while he was still under asmodeus’ abuse and who helped him get away from his chains, because i do what i want. anyway. for a while, life was all about trying to unlearn whatever asmodeus had been telling him about his nature and his purpose in life and figuring out who he really was and what he really wanted, because it be like that post-abuse (also lets not forget there was the abuse from his stepfather and the traumatic relationship with his mother). so it makes sense that Magnus would experiment with clothing and makeup at that time, because that’s how you express yourself to the world, its part of identity-building and it also works as an armour of sorts - Magnus dresses to look elegant, powerful and put-together, approachable but never vulnerable. this use of clothing as armour is pretty much canon, too - when he was struggling after the whole bodyswap plotline, the first thing he did was change clothes and makeup, to look happier, whole-er. Fashion, to Magnus, is self-expression, while simultaneously being a way of protection (and to some extent, hiding); hes trying not to be ashamed of who he is, to own it, to allow himself to be and not be confined by anyone else’s expectations, but hes also trying to protect himself from others, because when he was at his lowest point, his vulnerability was weaponized to manipulate him, and he doesnt want that to happen again. and then he meets Camille and it does! haha! im fine
i think that interpretation that England was the defining point for Magnus’ fashion sense is also supported by, well, his style in general. while the asian influence in his clothing is present - with the abundance of silk and the longer shirts that resemble some of indonesian traditional clothing, not to mention the brocade patterns - i think its surprisingly western? with the pants, the vests (which are very english), a lot of the military-style clothing, the makeup itself which is 100% western style… i think his influence was mostly British. but, obviously, he would want to reflect his origins and cultural upbringing as an indonesian man into his clothing - there was quite an asian community in England at that time and also he had his memories from his time in indonesia. we also cant forget that asian fabrics and style were kind of hot in Europe at that time and also influenced their fashion as a whole, and also that when magnus was born the dutch were already settled in indonesia and therefore the clothing style was (forcibly) changing to conform to european beauty standarts, so theres all of that.
as for the makeup - yes i do remember the question was about makeup im sorry i get cARriED AwaY - it was actually pretty common for men to wear makeup in both Indonesia and England up to the 20th century, so this wasn’t really, like, scandalous or anything. men wore makeup, no biggie. although i do believe that Magnus got his products from Asia, because 1- theres no way Magnus would wear that white powder bullshit that the english did, that’s disgusting; 2- its more suited to his skin tone anyway; 3- to the surprise of absolutely no one, the english sucked, and their makeup was very bad for both the skin and health as a whole. literally when i looked up makeup in the 18th century for this ask the first thing that came up was an article on how europeans were dying left and right and going bald due to lead poisoning caused by their makeup????? and they knew it was the makeup but they just. didnt do anything about it, i guess. and then died. which sounds about right
so yeah anyway Magnus is not an idiot, knows his natural products (hes a warlock!), and was born in indonesia where he knew for a fact makeup wasnt killing ppl and making them bald so theres no way he was using the english stuff. he either made it himself - which is actually pretty likely, now that i think about it. he brews his own shampoo - or he got them from Asia, which was only a portal away anyway (im saying Asia but i know, obviously, that there are thousands of different cultures in Asia and just indonesia speaks over 700 different languages. however, from my research on this, the asians had been trading makeup, fabric and other beauty products amongst themselves for centuries before the europeans even knew they existed. so i think its safe to say that there are products from all over the continent in both magnus’ collection and in each culture’s traditional use of makeup). But i like the idea of Magnus making his own stuff because that is great, beautiful, i love Magnus creating stuff and mixing potions and making his shit, hes such a genius and hes so creative and this seems to me like a space where he can be as free and wild as he wants, not to mention its something he can use to help people, but when he brews his shampoo and makeup its something that he does for himself and Magnus doesnt do a lot of stuff for himself. so yeah, im gonna go ahead and say Magnus makes his makeup. god what a time to be alive im so thankful i got this ask
and then around the second half of the 18th century the english suddenly decided that makeup wasnt for men actually and that men shouldn’t wear colorful clothing, only boring ass suits and no corsets, and Magnus was like “lmao! sure jan” because, like i said, clothing and makeup are an important part of his identity, might even be some sort of foundantion that keeps him balanced - he gets to choose what he does and what he looks like and what he wants the world to think of him when they see him, instead of being defined by what other people are saying about himself. it helps him feel secure and free from his abuse and like he has a grip on himself. so he’ll be damned if the hottest random gender binary rule of the west is gonna stop him from wearing what he wants, fuck you. this is the one thing in magnus’ life that is about him, not about penitence, not about proving himself, not about helping others, but about him and who he is, and he cant give that up
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ofsoras · 5 years
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I’VE ARRIVED ! yes -  i’m totally late - but i went out right after acceptances & took forever to conjure this little intro up ! anyways, i’m jada, and this is my baby miss MOON SORA. she’s 23, a fashion youtuber, and veeery ( secretly ) messy !! right now i only have a PROFILE and PINTEREST for her, so i’m sorry but more options will be coming soon ! i intend to have tons of fun plotting with you all, and maybe even having her create some chaos ! but i’ll save that for under the cut, so . . . if you’re interested, click that little read more ! and, as expected, you can always LIKE THIS for me to come & plot with you, and i have a discord if it’s what you prefer ! without further ado, let's go !
yes a lot of this is from her app but look !! a girl is tired  🤧
she’s from gwangju, south korea ! she was so very eccentric, most definitely the weird kid in class who’s always doing things a little differently haha !!
people didn’t really appreciate it and while she wasn’t exactly bullied, she tended to be avoided by others because she wasn’t like them. 
her parents were not happy with this at all bc they’re super traditional and wanted her to marry into money since they were pretty poor so they were like ?? you’ll never find a man like this ! even though she’s like ... 6 lmao but that becomes more important later in the story !!
she liked fashion before, but wasn’t good at it AT ALL. similar to now she was always experimenting and creating new outfits, but none of it really … looked good lol !!
no one asked but it was almost this bad !
but time skip. she got accepted to a college in seoul and was ECSTATIC because she got to live in the city !! but her mom, blunt as she is, sat down sora and was basically like … sweetie. i’m not letting you go if this is going to be, bc you’re weird and you’re going to be bullied. try blending in ?
parent of the year, right ? anyway it hurt sora’s feelings reeeeally bad but it was kind of also her first “reality check” ? a twisted one at that, but for most her life she didn’t think much of how she lived but that’s when she became more conscious of how others saw her … and the start of the “ new ” sora !
so in college, everything changed. she actually made a conscious effort to upkeep her appearance, and began getting into fashion !! the only thing was, she didn’t have funds to go to high end stores or any of that like a lot of her friends did … so she got creative ! started shopping in thrift stores, seeing what she could find, then dolling it up to make it her own !
so then - boom ! after a bit of practice she started getting better, and it showed ! she still had that unique sense of style, but it was more “trendy” i guess sksks, and people really started paying notice ! because it was cute but included a lot of rare finds and just had that retro vibe ??
sidenote please do not follow this advice of changing for others sksk i DO NOT condone !!
anyway she grew to like the attention and wanted to do something with it ! her friend had suggested she start a youtube channel but she was a little iffy about it, until she realized her creations may be liked !
so in may of 2015, she started up her youtube channel which is now known as “sora styles” !! it’s mainly fashion, centering around her upcycling endeavors !!  
it’s a lot like youtuber bestdressed’s setup, but a little more small scale ! showing you how to make something out of nothing, styling ideas w / the occasional casual discussion video ! 
her fanbase is relatively small in the grand scheme of things, but she has a loyal bunch who primarily like her for her “relatable” content ! her channel is catered to those who might not be able to afford things retail, and she always comes across as very humble & sweet in her videos !
but behind the scenes ?? things have been falling apart. she always talks about her subscribers allowing her to live comfortably, but it’s not really the truth ! being a smaller youtuber isn’t a very profitable career, so she has to compensate by putting twice the effort on her two part-time jobs ! by the end of the day she’s usually burnt out & it’s a struggle just to even get her videos up.
recently she’s just been tired of struggling to get by, and envies the rich ! her mom seems to be pressuring her into marriage more & more as the days go by, and just wishes she didn’t have to go through such a hassle to look as fashionable as everyone around her ! she’s become less accepting of who she is and more angry with her situation, and in turn channeling her frustration out on others.
but !! just recently she’s been invited to the reality show and she’s just … in awe ?? she didn’t think she was big enough to be discovered, and plus - who really wants a thrift fashion vlogger on tv ?? to be honest she was going to decline the offer because she thought they were basically using her as a gag !
but she saw that cash prize ?? and her eyes lit up ! she’s pretty dead set on the fact that she needs it more than everyone else, whether true or not, and is more serious than ever to get it !
while she was pretty sweet in the past, the stakes are up and she is willing to do anything to get that cash prize. she hates having to live such a stressful workaholic life in private behind the cameras, and really wants to run away with the money to live comfortably on her own without a reason for her mom to pressure her to get married right now because she’s a free spirit !! she doesn’t want it !!
so she is the show’s illusory because in a way she’s perceiving herself as the underdog, the sweet girl who happened to land herself on the show ?? mainly to gain favor of the audience, especially since her persona on the internet makes it believable ! and instead of going straight for everyone’s throats like some may, she’s definitely going to be more of a behind the scenes girl ?? digging dirt on people, spreading rumors she’s created subtly, and all that !! all while smiling at everyone she’s trying to take down & making a big deal about how she’s some small youtuber who’s just excited to get a little exposure !! in short - a snake !
but deep deep inside, she’s really not that bad. she is really doing this bc she hates being dependent on her parents & needs the money, but she ony really becomes like this when she reeeally needs something !
but yes she’ll be very fake about it ... going around and watching all the tea behind her tea cup lmao !! someone come collect her & expose her !!
just some random facts below !! 
heir hair was short for the longest, but she literally only grew it out for the show !
she’s got a vlogging channel over at “sorasays”, which isn’t uploaded as frequently but includes all videos whenever she goes to fashion conventions or just out in her daily life !
as for where fashion takes her, she hopes to have her own brand for clothing that matches her aesthetic !
her dog, cheonsa ( angel ) is her . . . well, angel ! she looks like this and honestly looks a little weirder in the face wfwoih !! she is literally a diva and the worst behaved if she doesn’t want to listen but this is sora’s heart and soul everyone !
no one actually knows about her 2 part-time jobs because she finds it embarrassing !! at least from the outside, most youtubers she sees seem to be just working on videos, but she has to work a lot to afford her lifestyle.
naturally an introvert, who tends to force extroversion ?? she’s often lost in her own thoughts - one of the reasons she’s so conniving & good at plotting things - but because she wants to make a good impression, she tends to put herself more out there than she would otherwise !!
ok i’m running out of things to say ... i think you get the gist ! if you need more info i can assure you that i will scream about my kid in the ims !! but as for right now ... i am going to Sleep !! au revoir !
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yoosungs-hairclips · 6 years
heya!! i wanted to request hc’s for RFA with a methyphobic mc? i get rlly nauseous and terribly anxious (shaking, stuttering, sweating, tearing up, etc) when alcohol is around me or mentioned. my mom was a pretty horrible alcoholic, and that’s where it sprouted ^^;; my friends and family all think i’m weird for it, but i experienced a lot of trauma bc of alcohol, so it makes me feel rlly bad when they don’t try to understand. i was hoping for a bit of comfort through this!! thank you so much!!
yes of course!!! im so sorry that your friends and family say that, that is totally valid and it’s awful that you have to experience that! i’m super sorry if some of these sound repetitive or basic, i tried really hard to convey how much the RFA would care about you and respect your phobia, but i’m only human haha.
1,899 words, 10,051 characters
it comes out when you’re playing LOLOL together with some mutual friends of yours
one of them mentions how they just got back from buying beer from the nearby 7-eleven and how they’re gonna get wasted later that night
you want to say how uncomfortable you are, but out of fear of seeming “uncool” to yoosung’s friends, you stay silent even though you’ve been talkative all night
after around 10 minutes, the friend actually does bust out some of the beers and starts drinking
that’s when you start to really get nervous
as soon as the match is over, you start scrambling for any excuse to log off for the rest of the night
yoosung notices this, and since you two are literally in the same room, he spins in his chair and starts asking you what’s wrong
you remind him that he forgot to leave the match and it’s still going on,
but he doesn’t care about that dumb game right now.
he just wants to know what’s wrong and what he can do to help
after a lot of hugging, you finally tell him about your methyphobia
he’s a little taken aback, as he’s never heard of it.
but when he thinks about how much his friend was mentioning alcohol he gets
really irritated at his “friend”
you have to tell him that his friend didn’t know and that it’s okay but he still insists on telling him how uncomfortable he made you
after a long back and forth, you realize there’s no stopping him
as if he read your mind, he immediately shoots up to his computer and starts typing
then, when he’s taken care of that, he takes your hand and starts reassuring you again
he’ll never let any mention of alcohol touch your ears again, not if he can help it
and he means it.
he’s really glad that you told him so he can try preventing something like this ever happening again
he never, ever wants you to be uncomfortable.
that’s the last thing that you deserve.
you’re trying to catch up on social media and your favorite TV shows when you hear keys clicking outside the apartment and the door creaking open
as soon as you look over, you see zen stumbling in
from the look on his face and his posture, it’s easy to tell that he’s had a horrible day on set
you try to comfort him and make conversation, but he only mumbles in reply while getting a beer out of the fridge
moments after he pops it open, your palms start getting sweaty and you freeze
you try to tell him that that makes you uncomfortable, but your voice only comes out as murmurs
“did you say something, jagiya?”
you try again, stuttering out a more coherent statement on how mentions of or especially the presence of alcohol make you extremely anxious
right away, his eyes go wide and he sets his drink down
he sits down next to you on the couch and looks in your eyes, staying silent but you know what he’s asking
you gulp, take a deep breath, and tell him about your methyphobia and what it means
he has to ask a few questions, such as why this came to be and the like
when you tell him about your mom, he’s disgusted with her
he can’t believe it? how did such a wonderful person come out of such a bad family situation?
you really cannot believe he asked that when he came from a bad family too
after a lot of talking and venting from you, he promptly throws out all his alcohol and promises never to drink any or mention it to you again unless you’re okay with it
if you ever start panicking while eating out he’ll be by your side in a flash, rubbing your back and giving you breathing exercises or whatever you need
he’s 100% supportive of you, and he’ll give up any bad habit he needs to if it helps you at all
it’s a sunday, and a lot of families came to the café after church together
it was packed all day
when you get home, you try to unwind by binging jaehee’s bottomless collection of zen DVDs
she’s a little late, telling you she has to get something from the kitchen really fast and asks you if you want anything
you refuse, you’ve had dinner and you already have water
she understands, and dashes off
after about a minute of you setting up the DVD, she comes back with a cheese plate and a wine glass
as soon as you see the crimson liquid in the glass, your hands start to vibrate and shake furiously
you try to hide it by holding them tightly, but she notices before you tuck them away in your pockets
“is s-something wrong?? did i do something??”
she’s, so worried,
you’re a little hesitant to tell her but you’ve been dating for a few months and you have to tell her eventually, right?
through shaky breaths, you explain your methyphobia and why it came to be,
she never interrupts you, purely focusing on listening to you until you’re done after about 3 and a half minutes
afterwards, she apologizes for never asking if you’re comfortable with her relying on drinking wine as a stress reliever
she says how she doesn’t blame you in the slightest for not telling her sooner, it’s hard to trust people with such sensitive information and she would have struggled with it too.
you have a really long conversation about your lives and everything you struggle with talking about to others
you both forget all about the DVD
after you tell her that you’re starting to get sleepy, she dumps out the wine, puts the cheese away, and gives you honest to god the tightest hug you’ve ever gotten from someone.
as well as a kiss on the cheek heehee
she gives you a lot more cuddles that night
and when you’re both awake, she delays the shop opening so she can do as much research on methyphobia as a woman could possibly do in one morning
she’s very sensitive about it afterwards, and always makes sure that you don’t get reminded of alcohol (when she can help it)
you’re playing with elizabeth the 3rd and waiting for jumin to come home when you get a call
speak of the devil!!
you pick up almost instantly, asking him how work is going and telling him what elizabeth has been doing all day
he lets out a small .. nose exhale? of a laugh before telling you that he actually called you to inform you of a sudden change of plans for the afternoon/evening
you’re really excited! you’re usually just stuck in the penthouse all day, without anything to do
so any chance to get out is a good thing, especially with jumin
right? eh
he continues, saying how he has to go to an event for work purposes
it turns out there’s a nearby wine tasting and there’s a lot of potential customers there
as he went, the smile on your face slowly fell until he said the word “wine” and any sign of joy was smacked out of you
your head started spinning, you were spluttering trying to think of an answer
“o-okay, i’ll s-s-see yo-you the-there”
fuck. shit what the fuck
he notices your panicking, but decides not to say anything and save it for later
“i’ll see you later, yes. have a good afternoon, my love. excuse me.”
and he hung up
and you sat down
and tried to gather your thoughts
fuckkrignnrjgts.df.g.t.gnntghntg/h.mgfnue3rnfnnsae943203t0reend what the, god damn,
you try to rationalize. you don’t have to be there for long. as C&R’s heir’s wife, you have to go to a lot of events
and all you had to was hold on to his arm and look pretty
if just most of the people there saw you with him, you could probably sneak off and go home early
so that’s what you decided on.
you picked out your dress, got one of the maids for advice on accessories, and you were ready to go
you were in the middle of psyching yourself up to leave when the door opened and your husband walked in
he commented on how nice you looked already, and excused himself to go change
it was about 10 minutes before he came back out and started to dial driver kim’s number
you had to say something
then it all came spilling out, the fact you couldn’t come to the wine tasting, your past alcoholic mother, and your horrible case of methyphobia
jumin stood there paralyzed for about 5 seconds straight before straightening up and
“okay. i’ll see you tonight then.”
??????????? WHAT
you really did not see that coming
he just… accepted the fact you couldn’t go
he could see the surprise in your face
you told him how you really expected him to be more dramatic about it, making a big show about how you had to be there.
“i’m hurt that you thought i would ever force you to do anything you would not like to. your comfort is more important than my image, MC.”
you basically imploded on the spot
jhhohOOOOOH  my god
you thanked him profusely, and told him to have a good time
he gave you a kiss
and then headed out
when he came back, he gave you a lot more affection than he did before
“affection” can mean whatever you want it to 👀👀👀
to be honest, i’ve been thinking for a while and i really just couldn’t think of a scenario about 707 drinking or bringing you into a situation where people are drinking? im sorry, i tried my best doing random HCs i thought of. it’s a lot less coherent than the other ones, but it’s better than nothing.
when he finds out, he’s shocked
because you don’t really take medication or anything for your phobia since… you don’t need any honestly, there was no way for him to know via background check
he’s very sweet about it
even though he’s constantly memeing and joking around, he’s extremely cautious making jokes about alcohol
if anyone DARES to make fun of you for it or degrades you
they’ve got a big storm coming
he’ll probably put a photo album of his cosplaying going on their phone for the next few months
this boy understands anxiety, so if you ever are uncomfortable because it’s been mentioned or someone around you is drinking, he’ll either try to distract you with jokes or if need be, ZOOP you out of there right away and calm you down
he’s so much more protective of you, especially in public
if you tell him to stop he’ll stop though
he just wants you to know he’s always there for you
because you’re always there for him
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alittleranting · 6 years
Yoonseok (Sope) Fanfic
So yeah hey see who had this on her laptop for almost a month and forgot to post it... So here you go, boo. @mysticalkpopper
You hear the rain pouring outside. Great.. really great, it's raining... What am I gonna do now? You'd planned to meet with your best friend Namjoon to have a BBQ. His little brother Jungkook and his best friend Taehyung also wanted to join you. But the guys were whining about the rain and cancelled it. Now you're just sitting in your living room, starring out of the window and whining yourself.. You let out a deep sigh and fall onto your sofa. You closed your eyes and think about that party you read about on a flyer. Initially you didn't wanted to go but it's your best option at this point. At least something you could look forward to. You decided to call your sister, maybe she has some time to come over. You dial her number: "Dawon?"
"Hey Hoseok, what's up?" "The guys cancelled and now I'm bored... Wanna come over?" "Sorry, but no I have to work the late shift today.. " "How come? You never have the late shift, unless..." "Bingo. My coworker bailed out because he wanted to go to a stupid party." "I actually thought of going to on myself..." "Mh ok, have fun then. Listen I have to go back to work but tomorrow I'll come over ok?" "Sure, see ya." "Bye." Dawon ended the call and you put your phone back on the coffee table. Another deep sigh leaves your mouth. You get up and drag yourself into the bathroom. A hot shower is probably the right thing with that unpleasant weather. After you finished you waddle to your bedroom. Still naked you stay in front of your closet. The hell should I wear? I have just too many clothes.. Yikes. Ripped jeans, a green button shirt and your new Balenciaga shoes probably will do it. It was still pretty early so you just put on your clothes and sat back down on your sofa. You scrolled through social media when you get a text from Namjoon.
"Hey Hobi what are you doing?" "Nothing really. I dressed up and think of going to that big party later. U?" "I went to a friend because he wanted my advice on his clothes. Guess he wants to go to the same party. But his type of clothes really aren't my style so I cant really say anything...." "Haha need my help?" "Technically yes but I can't just take pictures of him and send them to you.." "I mean TECHNICALLY you could." "Hobi you know I don't do stuff like that!" "Yeah yeah I get it. Then have fun playing dress up." "Thanks...."
Pfft.. Joon can play dress up with someone but won't grill a fucking steak with me. Guess I have to life with a fake ass bitch as my best friend. AND then he doesn't even send me pictures of that boy. Like come on maybe he has a cute ass.. I WANNA SEE!!!! Damn lucky noone can read your mind.. Your dramatic ass would be so embarrassed.
You take a look on your watch. In a while you could start walking to the location. You would still be one of the first there but then you can get a seat at the bar. You went into the bathroom to put on light make up and check yourself out for the last time. Grabbing your wallet, phone and keys you leave your apartment. You let google maps guide you too your destination and to your suprise there already is a queue. Nontheless you didn't have to wait long. You show your ID to the bouncer and get to enter the club. The room is huge and just a few people stand there in groups and are talking. The music isn't really loud yet so the atmosphere is rather relaxed. Just as planned you got a seat at the bar. You settled in and ordered a beer. After your third beer the club was pretty full, all those people were enjoying themselfs but you sat there alone. You started regretting coming on your own but after today you didn't wanted to mope anymore. Hesitantly you scoot down from the bar stool and make your way to the dance floor. As you start moving with the rhythm you feel you're in your element and lose yourself in the music. You don't even know for how long you danced when your bladder practicly screams at you. You drank six beer by now and your tolernace isn't high at all so you're pretty dizzy and waver to the restroom. Once you're there you look in the mirror. "Wow I look tousled." "Nah, you look pretty cute." A guy you didn't know showed up behind you and playfully slapped your ass while winking at you. He scared the shit out of you and you almost wet yourself. At the pissoir you bump into the guy next to you and murmer a 'Sorry' to him while making eye contact but your eyes didn't stay up there. They wander down to his dick. Mh not bad. Maybe a little small but definitly average.. I could make that work! The dude next to you eyes you. He's clearly uncomfortable with you checking him out BUT you couldn't care less right now. Finally relieved you go and wash your hand. You leave the restroom but not without checking yourself out a last time and fixing your hair. You decide it's better to take it slow so you return to the bar, take a seat again and order a glass of water to clear your mind. Moments later the barkeeper gives you your water and presents you 2 shots along side. "I DIDN'T ORDER SHOTS!" The bartender points to the other side of the bar. You follow his direction and see a young woman. Your eyes meet and she smiles gently at you. Not knowing what you should do you nod to her in appreciation and take a sip of your water. You listen to the music for a while but nothing they're playing at the moment sounds familiar to you. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, as you turn around it's the pretty girl. "Don't you like liquor?" "WHAT?" "DON'T YOU LIKE LIQUOR?" She pointed to the shots that still set next to your glass. "I DO BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET SUPER DRUNK." "YOU DON'T SEEM REALLY SOBER TO ME." She laughed and took both shots in her hand, handing you one. She clinks the glasses and downs her shot. You follow her. "I'M HOSEOK." "NICE TO MEET YOU. I'M YEEUN." She held out her hand and you shook it. "THANKS FOR THE DRINK. Do you wANNA DANCE?" "DANCE?" "YEAH. YOU WANNA?" You got up and looked at her curious. She shrugged her shoulders and followed you into the dancing crowd. You two had some fun dancing together but at some point she started grinding against you. You try backing up a bit but get shoved into her by the jumping people around you. Yeeun gets really touchy and you feel uneasy. "LISTEN YOU'RE CUTE BUT YOU'RE NOT QUITE... MY TYPE." "I'M CUTE?" Her eyes shimmer and it seems like she wanted to kiss you but you step back and push her gently aside. You rush away from the crowd into the restroom and lock yourself into a cabine. Damn that was weid.I never really attract women so how the hell did that happen!? You take a deep breath and left the room just to see Yeeun waiting in the doorframe for you. "Why you ran away? Wanted to lure me into the restroom? Naughty." "Listen! I don't like girls ok?" "Wait what?" "I'm gay!" "Eum..." Her face turned really red and she left without saying anything else. Puh.. that was awkward... Am I always that weird with people? No, that's not possible, right? I can't recall ever having such a problem with a guy. As you were cought up in your thoughts something else came to your mind. Yeeun spreed the idea in you to also look for someone. You already saw some cute boys and if it wasn't for your bladder you could have been the pray of the guy in the restroom, maybe you can find him again. Walking through the mass you scan the people for someone who seems like a nice match for tonight. After a while you felt like sobering up so you thought getting back to the bar was the best shot for now. You felt like wasting your time, sure you had had some fun but suddenly lying in bed and watching an episode of Adventure Time sounds very temping. You emtied your forth glass and decide that it's time for you to go home. Once again you move through the people heading for the door but before you could reach it a guy walks in. He's wearing  tight leather pants and a cute crop top revealing a belly button piercing which matches his earings. He's really cute and the first thing that comes to your mind is: "DIBS!" The guy you were reffering to looks at you with a mixture of suprise and pride. Just then you realized that you didn't thought but spoke it out loud. Your cheeks got flashing red. You wanted to leave the scenery so badly but the guy you dibsed still stood there blockig your way. You ran as fast as possible into the crowed aiming for the restroom to lock you up. You were panicking and the first person you thought of was Namjoon, you needed his help. You figet with your phone needing quite some time to unlock it and finding Namjoons chat. Guess I wasn't sobering up, just thirsty for more liquor. I'm drunk as hell. "Namjoon!!!!!!!!" "I fked up!1!!!!" "Im rlly druk n I yelled dibs at that hot guy that entrt the club.........." "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!" Namjoon didn't take long to reply. After seeing a dozend of cry-laughing smileys he actually send a text message. "Calm down, everything's alright. Yoongi just texted me literally the same, bragging about the fact that his outfit was hot and that some random dude yelled dibs at him." "YOU KNOW HIM!?!????!" "Yes I know him. I told you I helped a friend with his outfit for a night out. That was him. Just talk to him. You can even say that you know me or do you want me to text him for you?" "NO!! Pls dont! Ill tak to him." "OK, have fun, Hobi. And just so you know it: He's gay and on the hunt. ;D" You put your phone away and lean against the closed door. You close your eyes and try to foces. What should I say? How can.. Your thoughts got disturbed by a knocking on the door. "You in there?" "Wh-who's there?" "The guy you just dibsed. Wanna collect your price?" Not thinking twice you rip open the door and just look at the guy who's named Yoongi. "What?" "I mean you called dibs, you look good, so here I am." You still don't move and just look at him with wide eyes. Yoongi sighs and grabs your hand, you don't resist and move along with him to the bar. You refuse to drink more liquor but Yoongi downs 3 shots. "By the way I'm Yoongi." "I know, Namjoon told me about you." "Huh? You know him?" "He's my best friend." "Ahhh you're Hoseok." "He told you about me?" "Of course.  Although I'm hurt he never introduced us." "Mh maybe he had his resons. Do you dance?" "No." "But-" "I said no." "Why so stern?" "I- I can't dance." "Have you seen all those people? You really call that dancing? That's just body wiggling." You show him your bright, heart shaped smile and laugh about your own words. Yoongi just smiles at you with gentle eyes. "You know, you seem like a fun guy. Maybe it would be ok to try dancing with you." This time you're the one grabing Yoongi's hand and nevigate him to the dance floor. You start moving your body once again to the rhythm not taking your eyes of Yoongi who just stands there awkwardly. You grab his hand and spin him around until he's laughing. He sounds cute. You put your hands on Yoongis waist because he was dizzy and stumbling all over the place. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" "YES. Yes." He seemed to relax beause he started dancing again on his own and you joined him. After a while you grew confident and searched for more body contact. You scoot closer to him and lay your arms around him grinding against his ass. Suddenly you stopped your movement having a deja vu. Just as you wanted to make some space between you two you realize that he leaned into your embrace and moves along side with you. Probably wondering why you stopped moving Yoongi turned around and looked at you with a puzzled expression. You scan his facial features, the soft lips that form a pout, his dark eyes that search for an answer regarding your behavior, the cute nose, his heavy but decent looking make up. You didn't know what came over you but you cupped his face and pressed your lips against his. Yoongi widened his eyes but he didn't pull away. He slung his arms around your neck and traces his tounge over your lips searching for access. You part your lips and let your tounge play with his, due to the alcohol he tastes sweet and bitter at the same time. Lost in each other you just stand there kissing each other. Your hands wander down and grab his ass which feels squishy although he's wearing those tight pants. Yoongi suddenly breaks the kiss. "LET'S GO." With that he starts walking towards the exit and you trail behind him. Once you two are outside Yoongi reconnect your lips. In a short break he whispers into your ear: "Your place or mine?" "Ehm..." Fuck... fuck fuck FUCK. Should I go home with him? Or take him with me? Should I even at all!? I know I wanted to 'hunt' but know that it's at that point I'm not sure. Should I? Your head was spinning. All those thoughts rush through your head and the fresh air just makes everything spin even more. "Hey, are you alright?" "No, I don't feel so good." "Damn should I call you a cab?" "No no it's fine, I'll walk home." "Are you sure?" "Ye-" You couldn't finish your sentence because you vomited. "Sorry.. I can't take alcohol well." "I see..." Yoongi moved away some steps and pulled out his phone. "Hey Joon it's me. You think you could pick up Hobi? He's pretty drunk and I don't want to put him into a cab. - Yes? - OK. - Alright, I'll wait. - Yes, see ya." "OK, Namjoonie is gonna pick you up." "As I heared... Thank you." "No problem." Yoongi trudges around in a circle, repeatedly blowing air in and out of his right cheek. After what felt like eternity Namjoon arrived and put you into the car. "Thanks for looking after him, Yoongs. Should I take you home?" "Nah, I'm fine. I guess I just go back into the club." "OK, see ya." "Bye."
You see Yoongi vanish into the building while you try to smile at Namjoon but it came of more as a sad grin. Namjoon took a deep breath and shook his head. "What were you thinking Hobi? You know you don't take alcohol well.." "I know..." "You're lucky Yoongi knows me, who knows what could have happend." "I know..." He sighs and manoveurs you onto the backseat. You plomp down and curl into a ball. Namjoon gets into the drivers seat and brings you home. Once at your doorstep he pulls your keys out of your backpocket and even brings you to your bedroom. "Can I leave you alone or should I stay with you?" "No it's fine. I'll just lay down and sleep." You let yourself fall face forward into the mattress. You feel how Namjoon takes off your shoes and throws a blanket over you. "I wait until you fall asleep." "Thanks Joonie." "Of course." The bed bunks down beside you and you feel his hand caressing your back and ruffling your hair. Immediately you drift into a deep slumber. When you wake up the next day you take a look at the clock. It's the middle of the day and you kind of want to turn around and sleep some more but you're grossed out by your own smell. Alcohol, sweat and smoke - the holy trinity of a clubs smell. You rise your heavy feeling body from the bed and undress, on your way to the bathroom you grab a fresh pair of boxers and a cozy sweater. Finally under the shower you start to relax. The warm water pouring over your body seems to wash away your sever headache. At least a little bit of it. Now that your head is somewhat clearer you start to think of the previous night. You face palm yourself and lean against the cool tiles behind you. Oh god what the fuck did I do last night... I have to ask Namjoon for Yoongis number so I can apologize or maybe I just should make sure to never see him again so I can't embarrass myself even more.. You finish your shower, quickly dress up and your first instict is to call your sister. "Dawon, where are you?" "I'm on my way to you. Why, do you need anything?" "No. I'm just... stressed." "Tell me, I can hear it in your voice. But I have to rumble some myself so prepare some tea, it's gonna be a long ted talk!" "Oh- ok." Before you knew it she already hung up. You made the tea and didn't have to wait any longer for her to knock. You ripped open the door and fall into her arms, hugging her tight. "Dawooooon... I messed up big times... It's so embarrassing." "Stop whining. When you're like this I almost forget I'm younger then you." "But -" "No but. Just sit on yours and drink your tea. I give you some time to calm down. In the meanwhile just listen to me because otherwise I'm going crazy because of my coworker! I mean yeah he's pretty funny when you know him and he sometimes is a real weirdo but boy.. oh boy you have no fucking clue how annoying he can be. If something happened to him he's going to talk about it FOREVER. If it was something bad he pouts all day and whines about it and if it was something positive he's going to brag about it. But the worst is if both happend. Like something good tuning bad. For example today he was just sitting in the corner not really working saying he was "too upset" because this really cute guy from yesterday messed up or some shit. I didn't even listen. If Yoongi continues like this I'm seriously going to kill him." "Yoongi!?" "Yeah Yoongi, my coworker. Do you know him?" "No. Nononono. NO! Just no." "Hobi what the hell is your problem?" "That's the guy from yesterday.." "What do you mean?" "I'm the one who messed up. I'm the dude he's talking about!" "Wait WHAT?" "I told you I wanted to go to that party and he -Damn it makes sense you even told me your coworker wanted to go to that party..." "Oh god what happened?" "I kinda made out with him, wanted to take him home and vomited in front of him..." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "Oh my fucking god." "Yup.." "But look at the bright side. You at least made enough of an impression to him so he whines about it to me." "I really don't see anything positive about that." "Didn't you listen to me earlier? He called you cute and was sad that that happened because he really wanted to go home with you." "You think so?" "Yes. Because, like I said, he wouldn't shut up about it." "And now?" "What do you mean 'and now'? You'll fucking talk to him and grab that ass." "Dawon! What the fuck?" "What? I'm maybe younger then you but I'm not an innocent child. Shocking news: I already had sex." "Dawoooon... I know that but I honestly don't wanna think about it." "God, I'll give you his number and you text him." "I don't want to." "Why? You just wanna handle it as a failed flirt? You know the chances of meeting him again aren't that small." "OK... Give me his number. I'll think about it." "Good." Dawon gave you Yoongis number, you drank your now cold tea and talked a little more. The day went by fast and it was already evening again. You texted Namjoon also asking him for advice how to handle the situation but he also just suggested you to talk it out or actually ignore it and hope to never meet him again. You spend the night thinking a lot before you go to sleep.
Almost a whole week past since the night you were out and you still hadn't texted Yoongi. Dawon as well as everyone else around you who by now knew about it teased you. You were almost sure at this point even Yoongi had heared about your stupid behavior. You just came home from work and sat infront of your food. You took your phone out, opened the still empty chat with Yoongi and started typing. "Hi here is Hoseok, the guy from the party last week." You paused and read the sentence again and again, the deleted it. No that sounds stupid... You start typing again. "Hello, I don't know if you remember me but I'm the dude who wanted to fuck you and RUINED IT BECAUSE I FUCKING VOMITED!!!!!!!!!" Yeah really subtile.. definitly perfect.. Damn what should I say.. You deleted it again and took a deep breath. "Hi here is Hoseok. I got your number from my sister, Dawon. Seems like you guys are working together. I wanted to apologize for fucking up. I really can't handle alcohol well. Would be awsome if we could meet up again. Sober this time." You hit send so you wouldn't overthink everything again although you regreted it instantly. OK, now we have to wait and hope for the best. Almost immeditaly your phone was vibrating. "Took you long enough to text me. If you want we can meet up. Mh Dawon.. now that I think about t you two do look very similar. Where do you wanna meet?" OK his text was kinda rude and all over the place but sure... I don't know where.. how about the when? "Yeah I guess we do. I don't have a special place in mind but let's start with the fact when we could meet up." "How about right now?" "OK?" "Good. Meet me in 2 hours at the new mall in the city center." OK.. ok.. okokok don't panic you can do that! Yes you can. I just need to change my clothes. You ran into your bedroom, throughing your working clothes into a corner and standing there once again with a puzzled look, not knowing what to wear. You look for almost 30 minutes before you go with shorts and an oversized white shirt that you tuck in in the front. Before you rush out you put tennis socks, a cap and some random shoes on and grab your essentials. oyu arrive just in time and see Yoongi already standing there at the front door. He seems even smaller then the last time because he's wearing a wide hoodie and skinny, ripped jeans. If he wouldn't have looked into your direction you almost wouldn't have recognized him because the bucket hat he's wearing covers almost his entire face. You approach him with a big smile but he doesn't react. he just sips from the coffee he's holding. "Hi?" "Hey." "I just wanted to say sorry again. I was gross." "It's fine. Shit happens." Yoongi waves his hand, symbolizing you should follow him, what you do. You goes inside the huge building. "My coffee is almost empty. Do you mind if we go grab a new one?" "No sure." You weren't familiar with the building therefore you just trailed behind Yoongi. Both of you didn't say anything. You got nervouse because you asked for this meet up but now it's just kinda awkward. Lost in your thoughts you bump into Yoongi who came to an holt. "Watch your step." "Oh yeah sorry." You look into his face and you think you see him smile a little while he shakes his head in disbeliefe. He orders an Iced Americano while you just grab a bottle of Sprite from the little fridge. Yoongie pays for both your drinks and trails off again. You murmer a thank you and follow him silently. Yoongi walked to a little bench and set down. You two just set there sipping from your beverage. Almost 20 minutes pass when you finally say something. "Soo... Why did you want to meet here if we're just sitting around? Wouldn't a café been more effective?" "Mh. I like the coffee here. I don't visit places I'm not familiar with." "But at some point this place also was unknown to you, wasn't it?" "Mh yeah." "See so you do had to try it first. Wanna be crazy and actually go around the mall?" "You mean strolling around and buying useless stuff? No thanks." "Oh come on." You stood up and held your hand out. When Yoongi wouldn't take it you took his hand yourself and interwind your fingers. "Come on grandpa. Let's have some fun." Yoongi didn't answer but he didn't seem to complain either. When you looked at him to find out what his mood was you saw him starring at the floor. He was trying to shield his face with his hat to hide the fact he was smiling. You thought it was so adorable that he's that shy. After searching for a while you found a little store that had decor and accessoires. You dragged Yoongi inside and let go of his hand to rummage through the shelves. On a little stand in one corner there was a little pink plastice crown, you grabed it and got back to Yoongi. You snatched his hat away and replaced it with the crown. He glared at you and made his infamous pout that Dawon told you about. You couldn't help it but melt. You cup his face and coe at him. "Oh my life you're sooo cute." At a loss of words Yoongi got all shy and blushed like furious. Not thinking about it you kissed him straight away. He melted into your embrance and slung his arms around you. You two got down from cloud 9 when you heared someone behind you. "Ew damn faggots, kissing where everyone can see it. Disgusting." Yoongi looked shocked and didn't seem to dare saying something. You on the other side grew brave when you're angry. "Your face is also disgusting and nontheless do you walk around in public were everyone can see you. So as long as you don't walk around with a paperbag on your head, I'm gonna kiss whoever wherever I want." Grabing Yoongis hand again you turn around and stumb away. You aimed for the exit when Yoongi suddenly stopped you. As you turnt around you  saw him pointing to the top of his head. Just then you realized he was still wearing the crown and neither of you payed for it. Luckily there seemed no price tag to be on it or something that could have activated the alarm of the store. You just stood there not knowing what to do when Yoongi started laughing. You hadn't heared him laugh so far and it was contagious. "Damn ok, I give up. You're right I should try new stuff more often. That was fun. I mean did you see the face of that dude? He didn't expect that comeback tho. Damn Hoseok you're cool." Now you're the blushing one and you just smile at him. Yoongi stepped unexpectedly close to you and almsot whispered to you. "Say, do you want to continue were we left off?" "Are you seriously asking that? Of course!" "Then let me ask again: Your place or mine?" "I live almost an hour away from here so probably your place." "I actually also live quite far away.." "Mh.. up to some more new things?" "What do you mean?" You looked around for your destination and quickly found it. "Just follow me." You didn't expect it but Yoongi willingly took your hand in his and interwind your fingers again. He was blushing a little bit and you wanted to kiss him so badly that you hurry to get to the area where the toilets are. You go in the one for disabled people because it's a single stall and further away from the main area then the normal ones. Once both of you were inside and the door was lockes you pin Yoongi against the wall and kis him passionatly. His lips are increadible soft and his body pressed against yours feels just too good. You put one of your legs between his to fixate him in that position but Yoongi uses the opportunity to grind himself on your leg. While your lips were still connected soft moans slip past his mouth. As he was stimulating hisself you feel your own lenght hardening. Seeing Yoongi enjoying himself turns you on. You let one hand wander down to cup his ass while you slide the other on up his hoodie andplay with his nipples. It takes only a few flicks to make him fully moan. He then drops down on the floor pulling your pants down with one swift move, revealing your throbing cock.  He pumps his hand up and down and licks over the tip of your dick. Soon enough he replaces his hands with his mouth, sucking you off. "Oh fuck, You're really good." You press his head down and rock your hips forth and back. Yoongi seemed to be encouraged because he bobbs his head even faster on your dick. You were lost in the feeling of his warm and wet mouth around you when Yoongi pulled away. He slid his own pants down. "Please fuck me!" He doesn't have to ask you twice for that. You lift him up and place him on the sink. You shove two fingers in his mouth. "Lube them." While Yoongi sucks on your fingers and lets his tounge play around your fingertips you stroke his little cock.Once your fingers were wet enough you glide both of them into his ass. He grabs onto your arms and inhales deeply. You scissor his ass open, you wanted to be rough with him but not too harsh. Soon Yoongis insides were clenching around your fingers in the hope for more. That's when you replace your fingers with your cock. Yoongi moaned loud and arched his back when you entered him. You placed a hand on his mouth and hold his other hand while you push your whole lenght in. Once you were fully burried inside him you slowly start moving. Fully out and back in. You want him to feel every inch of you filling him up. After a few more thrusts Yoongi closed his legs behind you pushing you deeper. "God dammit, stop teasing and fuck me already!" "As you wish, your majesty." Yoongi was flustered but didn't take down his crown. You kissed him to keep him muffled while your hips thrust into him fast and deep. Yoongi pulls at your hair to keep you as close as possible, enjoying your embrance. The small room fills with hot air and both of you start sweating. Longing for better excess you decide to put Yoongi down and shove him face forward into the wall; fucking him from behind. You play with his niplles and watch his small penis twitch with every delecate touch of yours. You feel the tention building up inside you, so you place your arm around his waist  pulling him closer and holding him by his throat pushing his head onto your shoulder while you increase your pace. You can see Yoongis eyes roling back into his head and nothing more then a pleasured whimmer escapes his mouth. You grunt into his ear. "Do you like being fucked like that little prince?" Because Yoongi didn't answer you stopped your movement. He's being needy and trys to move on his own but you hold im thight in place. "Answer me." You place a sweet kiss on his forhead. "Yes. Yes, I love how you fuck me. Please don't stop!" Satisfied with his words you pick up your speed and thrust relentlessly into Yoongi until you come inside him. His warm walls milk your cok and he himself came almost untouched. Yoongi made a mess on the tiles infront of him. He turns around kisses you eagerly. "Wow, we definitly need to do that again in the future." "We can repeat that as often as you want. I would glady fuck your fine ass again." Feeling playful you wink at him and show him a bright smile. Yoongi hits you soft and laughs himself. "You're an idiot." "If you agree  on seeing me more often, I may be your idiot someday." "Mh.. you know, I actually kinda like the idea of that."
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boysandsuicide · 7 years
1-100 😜
First of also sorry for my English. I know it’s bad 🙄 these are actually hella fucking cute y'all1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?Idk. Idon’t eat often cereal haha2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?Sometimes yes , but mostly not 3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?Starbucks Card , handkarechiefs, paper uns other stuff 4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I love black coffe, but also with milk and suggar. Same with tea . Like it depends in what mood I am and which kind of coffe/Tee it is.5: are you self-conscious of your smile?No 6: do you keep plants?Nope. I even made a cactus die😂7: do you name your plants?No 🤔8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?I think none. Just tumblr haha9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?Yes, but only when no one is around10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?I have like 1000 different sleep positions every night 11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?I don’t have really good friends, but the most ones are about people from school in Russian 12: what’s your favorite planet?Never thought about it 13: what’s something that made you smile today?A friend,whom I don’t know very long ,but I really like haha14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?I think like a ikea catalog 😂15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!Uranus is tilted on its side16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?I think Bolognese but this also depends on my mood . All in all I love food and eat nearly everything 🙄 17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?Platin blond ,but many said ,that it would look good and so i didn’t dare18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.I think there’s nothing 19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?I don’t habe one . I just draw or write something during school,when I’m bored af 20: what’s your favorite eye color?I depends on the person but I like grey-green 21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don’t have one 22: are you a morning person?Definitely not 23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?Netflix , sleeping or reading 24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?There’s somebody from tumblr whom I don’t know a very long time , but I think one day I could tell him everything 25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?None 26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?It changes like every ½ year , but now it are my black vans 27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?Purple airwaves 28: sunrise or sunset?Both but I like more sunsets. Sunrise it too early in the morning 29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?Idk haha30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?I get often scared ,but i remember , when I was small and I was flying somewhere and there was turbulence and I thought that we will all die haha31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.I like socks because they’re covering foot but I have only black and white ones and yes I do sleep with socks 32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.I don’t remember something happened while I was with friends after 3AM. This even didn’t happened often 33: what’s your fave pastry?I love cake but I’m working at bakery so I don’t really like pastry 🙄34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?It was called karkusha(Russian ) it was a bird puppet and I got it on a flight and my grandmother always played with me. It’s somewhere in our flat but idk where 35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?Nope 36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?Idk haha 37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?I like it when my room is clean but I’m a messy person 38: tell us about your pet peeves!I don’t have pet :((((39: what color do you wear the most? Black, than white and grey 40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?I got and gold chain from my grandmother , but I’m not wearing it because it breaks often and it doesn’t really having a meaning from me . Only that it’s from my grandmother 41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?Scythe and night school 42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!Starbucks 😍😍😍😍43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?I never did this but i want to :(44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?Idk. Last time I felt , that I can be who I am , was with a friend ( I hope is one , because ideally like him , we just don’t know eachother for a long time ) His name is Noel and he also has tumblr 🙄 45: do you trust your instincts a lot?I depends on the situation but often i do 46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. Idk hahaha47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?Oysters . I hate it and the smell 48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?Spiders , falling somewhere down from a high place - I’m still afraid of both today; dying - I’m not afraid anymore of dying 49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?Nope and it was a long time ago I bought one so idk 50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Different stuff but I collect flight tickets but I lose them in my room 😂 and I collect nearly everything 51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?There’s no52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?Too many 😂 53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I watched None of them 54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?I think some school-friends on Friday - we got our certificate 55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?Idk 56: what are some things you find endearing in people?It depends on if like Theo person or not . But I like when someone truly smiles a lot and cares about someone 57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? I like this song and it made me fell like sad or something like that but also happy haha🙄58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?And again no friends haha59: what’s your favorite myth?There’s no . But maybe aliens ?🤔🤔60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I like Russian poetry . Pushkin 61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?I got many stupid ones and gave many stupid ones , but I think the stupidest givt was a bottle opener which looked like a bottle cover haha but again I am/ wasn’t invited often to birthdays or something like that 62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?Nope . I’m allergic against fruits 63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?Nope I’m not . Just put like the first , second etc. Part of a book series together 64: what color is the sky where you are right now?It’s dark blue/ black . At home 65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? Yes a girl who I know a long time but we like drifted apart and a boy from tumblr whom I saw some days ago ( I know it’s not a long time, but I miss him)66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?Pollen allergy 😂67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?I like them when I’m st home with a hot drink and read book/ watch Netflix or a good friend is around me and you can talk about deep topics haha68: what’s winter like where you live? Like shit . It’s rainy and maybe there’s snow for 2 minutes but then it melts :(. But it’s typical german winter and it’s often „very called“69: what are your favorite board games? I like monopoly70: have you ever used a ouija board? Nope 71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?I love bubble tea , but also black , green tea or some with fruits . It’s depends on my mood. 72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?Sone things yes . Some I will still remember in 100 years 73: what are some of your worst habits?There to many . Some of them : I am very annoying and clinging 74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.I don’t have good friends (now)75: tell us about your pets!I wanna a cat since I’m 5 years old but allergy :( but it’s one of my biggest wish which will never come true 76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?Homework, learning 77: pink or yellow lemonade?Both 🤔78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?Definitely Fanclub 79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?Hugged me a long time , cared about me , wrote me a very long and cute birthday text me 80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?White and grey . I wanted something normal and I like the colours black , white and grey 81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.I don’t remember they’re eyes and eye colour😂82: are/were you good in school?Im good but not good Enough for me and my mom . My average is 1,8 but I wanna 1,5 or better 83: what’s some of your favorite album art?Idk 84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?I wanna a tattoo but Idk which one . Maybe something with rose(s)85: do you read comics? what are your faves?I don’t 86: do you like concept albums? which ones? Yes I do but idk which ones 87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?Idk. It depends on what kind of movies the person likes 88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?Idk Hahahaha89: are you close to your parents?I don’t know my father . I hate my stepfather and don’t talk to him but I’m also not close to my mom 90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.I love Moscow . It’s besutiful af and it’s big and it’s like full of live and not dead in the night and I just love it 91: where do you plan on traveling this year?Moscow92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?I drown my pasta into cheese . There’s never too much cheese 🤷🏻‍♂️93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?Idk how it’s called haha 94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?I think the brother of a school friend 95: what are your plans for this weekend?My plans were sleeping as long as I want ,Netflix and homework because I have to get better grades 96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?Mostly I procrastinate on them a lot 97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?Intp, Lion , idk haha but Irving the one Harry Potter was in 98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?I don’t remember it and I don’t want to and I hate it . So please never talk about it again 99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.Leer-KC Rebell Hold on -chord overstreet Take on the world -you me at sixMAD world - Riverdale cast Many from little peep , kizaru, troye Sivan and russ
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?I think the future one . Like I wanna know how my future will be. Will I be still alive ? Will I be happy ? Will I reach some of my goals ? But on the other hand I also wanna be surprised but life etc.
BTW I needed nearly an hour to answer so questions but I think no one will read everything haha. But I you did , maybe you can message me 🤔
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acrispyapple · 7 years
50 more interesting questions
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
Tagged by @incorrectmidc i had this open for days and i answered a few questions per night lol @o0w0o and @deathbymidnightcinderella  <3
1. What kind of food can’t you stand? spicy stuff and umm food loaded with exotic spices / herbs
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? my mouse ending up double clicking after a year or so
3. Have you got any useless talents? i have way too much trivia and animal facts. plus random skills with no practical use. oh and playing the piano is also a useless talent for me since i don’t really “use” it
4. If you were really really good at one thing, what would it be? my answer isn’t an “if” thing lol. i have a really good memory. it really helps with mostly anything i do + it makes studying easier. but sometimes people think it’s creepy that i remember little things about them, they think i keep notes about them or something lol-- but i really do just remember.
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking - umm neil caffrey (matt bomer) from white collar, nick burkhardt (david giuntoli) from grimm, daniel shaw (brandon routh) from chuck -- i seem to have a type haha. omg i forgot jo in-sung. i’ve always thought he was handsome! 
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? i was a pretty boring kid. i just read books, watched cartoons, and organized things. as a kid i’d look at my toys but never really play with them because i liked seeing them all set up nicely. i just kept collecting stuff i liked. the most i’d do that’s remotely active was play with my dogs
7. What is something you’re proud of? i do well academically and i learn fast. and somehow i’m proud of how i’ve remained the same over the years.
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? i don’t know if this is considered a character flaw but i really dislike poor manners haha. it drives me crazy when people open their mouth while chewing or if it’s too noisy. i die a bit inside. besides table manners and manners in general, i dislike people who are rowdy during inappropriate times.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? both but to avoid stress sometimes i just want to follow. i’m a bit of a perfectionist / rule follower so i get frustrated a lot. i know not everyone is like a machine but it’s hard with my ocd lol. and no this isn’t just me saying ocd like most people when referring to certain things, i actually do have it and i have medication for it
10. What kind of student are/were you? normal i guess. i got along well with people, i didn’t fail anything, and i never rebelled or did anything wild. it was uneventful lol. i’m still technically a student now, but i see it more as an adult thing.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? i’m sure everyone has one
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion well it’s not a fear per se, but i have an aversion to most asian food, sorta? the smell sets me off especially if it has a bunch of spices or herbs in it. my nose is just sensitive and i get affected easily by strong scents. but i’m fine with japanese food, maybe some korean and chinese stuff. for fears, iono, i don’t think it’s irrational to be afraid of spiders and big cockroaches ><
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? a bunch haha but it’s mostly people associating them with me first. i’m not tsundere..... how dare they
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? i don’t think i’ve ever gotten drunk the way people imagine people getting drunk to be like. i remain the same except i get a headache. i don’t really change at all. and in parties i guess i just stay close to my friends. stranger danger lmao
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? umm no i do not. i mean i can trust them fine but i don’t think i can believe their feelings until they can prove it isn’t just a short time attraction. i’m in for long term stuff so i don’t really wanna waste time if it’s not headed there. but yeah currently in a long term relationship
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? having fewer friends makes it easier for me to update all of them without getting tired of repeating the same story over and over haha
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? always organized and no one’s allowed to touch my things haha
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy i’ve always wanted a seating area near a huge window with a good view, bunch of pillows, earphones + music
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? nah i don’t think i can handle it. i’d probably go insane trying to control them and making them become my idea of what a person should be like
20. What was your favorite book as a child? the chronicles of narnia, still love it to this day because it’s really written well
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES A FIDGET SPINNER DO -- yeah i’m sorry, i think it’s stupid
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated i should have an answer for this but i totally forgot lol
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? since im in the midcin fandom i’ll just say byron
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? visit all the haunted places i’ve ever read about, and prolly explore old ruins. i was way into archaeological finds etc way back
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? i try to say it in the most courteous way possible. i can’t keep it to myself because it would bother me and my mind would just dwell on it forever but i also don’t like offending people haha
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? sTiCkY cApS in chat (but i stopped after a month okay, and i was 12)
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? typing in sTiCkY CaPs. kill 12 year old me pls
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? being kind and yet still firm when needed even when it comes to friends. i really admire people who don’t just blindly agree with their peers
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) people give me stuff with owls, bears, hedgehogs, or stars because i love them. i also love stationery and pens. i like getting different colors and i never use them. i just keep them forever haha
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? i know a bit of stuff from other languages but not enough to be proud of it. i don’t want to be a poser and claim yeaaaahh i speak this and that lol
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? city please. i hate the quiet countryside. it’s like if someone comes to kill you and there’s no one around and you’d be all “this is why i should’ve been in the city with people everywhere”
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? byron wagner from midcin. when i first started and i saw him i was all, ehh eyepatch dude. so edgy. lmao. i even purposely skipped him during certain events and i regret that now.
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? i don’t want to be the center of attention, i’d feel awkward
34. Favorite holiday? the usual, christmas and new years eve... but i miss having an actual christmas where it isn’t summer...
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? i always have a plan lol
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) hmm, i can watch something over and over with no problem. all good
37. What hobbies do you have? reading (but it’s mostly fantasy and sci-fi), watching crap, annoying my dogs, playing video games, making stories in my head. I WISH I COULD WRITE AND DO IMAGERY WELL. oh well
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? the ability to moisturize instantly, one click. that’ll save me time daily
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you that i like video games and anime lol. and that i’m happy to talk to them T_T
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out i still don’t know how to knife. how to knife~ i mean how to slice things or chop things or do anything in the kitchen
41. Worst injury you’ve had? is it considered an injury when you’ve had to get 4 major surgeries in a year? i mean i guess tending to / waiting for the surgery scars to get better can be considered an injury since it took a while and it was sorta a pain
42. Any morbid fascinations? umm, i can’t think of one
43. Describe your sense of humor i don’t really know lol. i make a lot of jokes and sometimes it breaks the mood for people lol
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? i really like princess stuff but the real medieval stuff would be dirty people who don’t take baths and really horrible stuff so maybe just the fantasy version of that + high speed internet
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at not rambling when i really like something. to the people who’ve ever had to listen to me whenever i got excited about something-- i’m sorry
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through going to a nature retreat thing 3 months ago or something. i had no internet and it made me cry inside but i guess it was fine
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) i don’t really want tattoos in general so i guess the ugly one.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? optimist
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? something that isn’t physical or shallow. i’d be really happy if people noticed my achievements or if they liked something about my personality-- or if they found me funny lol
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you that i’m not nice lol because i keep to myself unless spoken to irl + that unimpressed scowl i always have. it’s like my default facial expression!
not forcing anyone to do it since it’s very long, just tagging for the sake of tagging! and i think most of the people i know have already been tagged? i’ve seen this tagged post done by most of them lol
@ashnable @nimmywik @captiveotomeprincess @otometrashcan  @princessdiarymdc @arimii @madamemalfoy21 @kinkymint @oh-my-otome
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original-violence · 8 years
It took me 2 days to do this. Christ.
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. History’s Stranglers - The Bronx Sun/Rise/Light/Flies - Kasabian Promenade - Street Sweeper Social Club Fistful of Steel - Rage Against The Machine WW III - KMFDM Que No Te Hagas Bobo Jacobo - Molotov
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Probably flea or Anthony Kiedis
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. ‘As a creative thinker I think he’s brilliant and i feel very lucky to have got to meet him’
4) What do you think about most? Work/My anxiety/Food.. probably just a general mix of those things.
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you? Dont fink so. Unless stuff i has written about myself counts.
6) Do you have any strange phobias? Not anything strange, just like.. spiders n stuff.
7) What's your religion? Agnostic i guess.
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Going to/from work or to/from getting food somewhere. I have an exciting life.
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Red Hot Chili Peppers, always.
10) What was the last lie you told? ‘Nah im good’ (someone at work who is bad at making tea offered to make me a tea, i was appreciative but they’re real bad.)
11) Do you believe in karma? I mean, it would be nice for such a ‘force’ like that to exist, but it really doesn’t and it’s a shame.
12) What does your URL mean? It’s a lyric from a Slipknot song.
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Weakness: Probably my anxiety, it makes me unreasonably stressed at most times in my life and it makes everything very difficult. My strength is probably my desire to prove myself to literally everyone around me, it makes me work really really hard at everything i do.
14) Who is your celebrity crush? Hmmmmm Alison Brie at the moment.
15) How do you vent your anger? I don’t really get angry to be honest, when i do i just keep it at a level that i can deal with inside before acting on it.
16) Do you have a collection of anything? Mmmmmmmmnope, i have more than 100 video games, i guess that counts as a collection.
17) Are you happy with the person you've become? I will be. Im slowly getting there, there are just a couple more things left to sort out.
18) What's a sound you hate; sound you love? I hate most sounds that wake me up. Aaaand i love the sound of rain when against windows/umbrellas
19) What's your biggest "what if"? What if i would have stuck it out when i was at school? Would i have gotten any good grades? Would i have gone to uni? Would i have just become more overwhelmed than i was and have gone through with a suicide attempt like i was planning? (that got deep, sozza)
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Mmmmmm, lets go with.... No and Yes.
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Right arm, my computer and left arm, my mic stand.
22) Smell the air. What do you smell? Paella, i didn’t finish my dinner.
23) What's the worst place you have ever been to? Uhh, Nothing really springs to mind to be honest. There are places that would make me have anxiety but that doesnt make them bad places.
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? Literally no one is coming to mind. Sorry, im way too tired to be doing this haha. --AT THIS POINT I STARTED FALLING ASLEEP AND WENT TO BED, THE REST OF THIS WAS WRITTEN TODAY--
25) To you, what is the meaning of life? I think at some point in life, everyone at some single point (maybe multiple points) saves another life. Whether it be ER nurses or just having a meaningful conversation with someone and changing their outlook, i think the meaning of live is to help and support other lives.
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I do not.
27) What was the last movie you saw? Uhhhh American Ultra.
28) What's the worst injury you've ever had? Man i dont know, ive broken my nose and most of my fingers and toes but thats about as worse as i have had it.
29) Do you have any obsessions right now? I’ve started playing rocket league again and its the only game i have played for 3 days.
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Not that i know of! 
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yeahhhh, 100% yes, sometimes it’s important and those people deserve it man.
32) What is your astrological sign? Capricorn
33) What's the last thing you purchased? I bought some new glasses today. Im really hoping they arrive by the end of the week, otherwise im gonna get headaches all the damn time.
34) Love or lust? Obviously contextually dependent, but love is pretty damn cool.
35) In a relationship? N’aw
36) How many relationships have you had? Obviously some have been more serious than others but like... around 8 or so i guess
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? I mean, in a general sense, i like making people laugh, if someone likes me because of that, that’s their own damn problem.
38) Where is your best friend? Probably at home i would imagine.
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? I want to say sleeping but i was probably watching youtube videos.
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Probably not, but that’s  just because i hate myself..
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Fuck my job, i couldn’t let a dog die. Also ‘ if you are late one more time’ I am NEVER late for work.
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? Shit, one month?! I would tell all my friends and family, i would tell people how i really feel about them (literally tell so many people how much they mean to me) and hell yeah i would be afraid. ‘One month’ is pretty vague, months have different lengths!
43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Get up and jump - red hot chili peppers
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Love, trust, loyalty and happiness.
45) How can I win your heart? Make me laugh. I fucking love laughing.
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity? ‘Insanity’ is a VERY loose term. It’s difficult to answer that.
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? “ becoming friends w/ me HOLLAAAAAAA “ - @ufo-squad 
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? Something simple but nice i guess. OR something really dumb like ‘If you’re reading this, stop standing on me’
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "heart." Emotion, working hard, giving something everything you can.
50) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors? Anything similar to ‘1DF7D2′
51) What is your current desktop picture? I have a cycle of around 50 different backgrounds, despite the fact that i never really look at them.
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Hmm, I don’t think i would want anyone to just explode, that would suck.
53) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? God, probably something about my emotions or the way i feel about people.
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Shapeshifting would be awesome.
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? Hmmm, probably a really good gig that i had with my old bandmates, i really miss playing live music, so maybe one of the times we played at Jersey Live, they where fun.
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Nahhh, fuck that, im a firm believer that everything happens for a reason in life so i woudn’t want to.
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? I am legit not interested in just sleeping with random people that i don’t know, the idea of it is awful to me.
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Australia, maybe L.A.
59) Ever been on a plane? I have.
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities. Uhhhhhhhhh okay. Alison Brie Lauren Cohan Daisy Ridley Tom Hardy Kristen Stewart.
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