#this is a cringe question but im curious
veveisveryuncool · 1 year
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boatemboys · 5 months
i have a burning question
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littlefang666 · 1 year
This is throwing a dart at a wasp nest probably but is there anyone willing to infodump/ answer questions about the dream smp? Im sO so curious. I love researching fandoms and i am starting to become attached, like a beast being infected.
Also homestuck is the same way but im on a different train for now
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totentnz · 6 months
also once more unrelated to the previous post: i thought about v and mu yesterday while falling asleep and ;-;
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agirlwithglam · 6 months
conversation tips + how to be funny
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talk about the other person. i know, this is said basically everywhere so im not gonna go too deep into it. everybody likes talking about themselves, where they've been, experiences they've had, etc. so just keep asking questions about themselves!
another thing id like to mention is don't just let them talk the whole time, thats not how a conversation works. instead add in your own opinions, and experiences! make them laugh!
literally just find out things about the other person- linking back to the first point- be genuinely curious about the other person. be curious about them! how they think, how they are, find out stuff about them that you can use later- ex: if they mention they like star neckless, maybe one day you can buy a star neckless for them to show that you care!
absurd analogies.
share funny & embarrassing stories from your past! this makes you look more confident and people feel more comfortable around you bc you're able to laugh about a cringe moment in your past. but its best to do this when the laugh is at your expense, and not at others.
make people feel good about themselves. make them feel special.
watch how other people do it. take inspo from others! you can even look at celebrities interviews and see how they've made people laugh and have an interesting conversation. some rly good interviews that i'd recommend are: ryan gosling / the tv show percy jackson / Zendaya & Tom Holland /
finish other people's sentences with something funny and ridiculous. when someone's trying to remember what they were about to say, you can fill in with a ridiculously funny idea to end their sentence! dont overuse this tho, otherwise it can get pretty annoying.
EXPRESSIONNNN!!!! laugh at their jokes, nod along, be sympathetic. just express and overreact in a way that makes them feel heard and special!!
playful teasing.
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mrfoox · 2 years
Me sharing sappy shit to others:
Them: um???? Ok....
Me: 🥺 (I'm so cringe now)
Others sharing sappy shit with me:
Them: ☺️
Me: 😳 (oh my God be normal about this come on)
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fitzells · 1 year
im just thinking about conrad defending his girlfriend. like imagine conrad is with you and he overhears someone say something rude or insulting towards you?? i feel like his head would just snap up immediately and he’d be pulling you close and being all protective and extremely sassy/sarcastic to get the person to back the fuck off
really cranking out this conrad material. gimme more x this one kinda cringe it’s not my best work. enjoy regardless x KEEP REQUESTING ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
There’s a hand palming at your ass. One that definitely does not belong to your boyfriend, who’s using both of his to overly annunciate the story he’s recounting to Steven just a few steps away. You emit a little squeak, taking a step away from the wandering hand; feeling slightly embarrassed, for some reason.
“Uh. That’s my ass.” The guy laughs loudly, taking a swig from his cup. He shoots you this creepy, perverted little smirk; and you feel your face screw up in disgust.
“Trust me, princess. I know that’s your ass; kinda why I put my hand there.” Taylor sneers beside you, Belly meeting Steven’s curious eyes as she gestures over at the guy in question. “Look, don’t go all prude on me just because of your little boyfriend, ok? You wouldn’t be the first girl I’ve hooked up who belongs to someone else, you know.”
You scoff incredulously, as your fingers wrap around his wrist and remove his grip from your body. The nerve of this guy. “Okay, the reason I don’t want your filthy, perverted paws on me is not just because I have a boyfriend— who does not own me, by the way. It’s because it’s creepy and downright disgusting of you to just think you have the right to put your hands on me when I’ve given you no indication that it was okay.”
He looks around the room for one of his friends, although you’d be surprised if he has any. He seems a little uncomfortable now, probably not expecting you to berate him in front of all of his peers. Less sure of himself, he makes a pathetic attempt to stand his ground. “Ooh.. Indication.”
“Yeah, try spelling it.” A breath of relief tugs at your lips. You know that voice. And you definitely know this hand, rubbing soothingly at that spot between your shoulder blades. “You like feeling up girls who don’t want you? Because there’s a name for that, you know. It’s called perversion.”
The boy raises his hands in surrender, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly; although you can see him shrink in on himself. “Hey man, she was the one giving me those ‘fuck me eyes’ across the room. I’m sure you’re familiar—“
Your boyfriend’s comforting hand leaves your back, and he takes a step in front of you. A crowd is forming behind you, all of your peers waiting for the first fight to really kick off summer. Why do these always have to involve Conrad? “Alright, that’s it—“
You grab at his arm before he has a chance to swing at the shorter boy in front of him. You tug at it, and he turns around to face you. Your gaze melts his demeanour, and you exhale serenely. “Can we just go, please?”
He nods slowly, and you grin up at him. He takes one look at the boy, and then, meets your gaze once again; and he’s made his decision. His fingers squeeze at the flesh of your hip, huffing out a laugh at the faint ‘boo’ the teenagers in front of him yell out in annoyance.
“You okay?” The words are hushed into your ear, a kiss pressed to your temple. You nod, squeezing at his wrist, where it lays on your hip bone. You’re just about to speak when you hear that damn voice again.
“Yeah, take him home. Maybe after that you can come back here for a round two? You know you want—“
You pull Conrad’s hands off of you and after breathing out a quick, give me one second; your hand comes up and slaps that other asshole in the face. Hard. Hard enough that he stumbles back into Belly, who pushes him off of her with a grimace. You sigh, triumphantly. Turning back to your boyfriend, you pat at his chest and laugh at the grin on his face.
“Now, can we go?” You query, with a smile on your face. He nods speechlessly, and pulls you in for a kiss the minute you get outside, in front of everybody; despite his hatred for PDA. Your arms wrap around his neck, and his hands cup at your face delicately.
“Jesus, Con. Everybody knows you guys are together, you don’t have to eat her.” Steven slaps at Conrad’s back. You pull away reluctantly, and follow the rest of your friends out of the house. Steven wraps an arm around your neck, smiling down at you as he ruffles your hair. “Great work in there, by the way. Extremely satisfying to see a powerful woman take down a creep.”
You roll your eyes, and Taylor and Belly’s faces screw up in annoyance in front of you. You jog over to the red jeep you’re a little overly familiar with, opening the passenger door and watching as Steven stomps his foot like a child. “Wow, Steven Conklin the feminist! I’m still calling shotgun though, but nice try.”
Everyone piles into the car, Belly uncomfortably perches on Taylor’s lap to make room for them all. Conrad leans over and presses a kiss to the top of your head, flipping off Jeremiah as he gags from the seat behind you. You grin, cheekily. Conrad grins back.
“We are so getting this girl some ice cream.”
Everybody cheers.
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lovers-rck · 3 months
curious about you
OKAY so, this was *originally* for a request that i got sent about friends to lovers with abby, but i think i could (and i want to) write something better for that request so here is this.
to all those who sent requests, thank you, there are a couple that caught my attention and i will be dedicating some time as soon as i can, bear with me......
okay i'm done. enjoy!!
"ugh, definitely not"
"why not?" abby says "it's a good movie"
she playfully nudges you with her shoulder, a smirk comes to her lips. you look at her.
"what?" she says
"you think fifty shades of grey is a good movie?" your hand grabs the remote from abby's hands, changing the channel.
"maybe i didn't choose my words wisely. it's.... interesting" abby steals the remote from your hands and flips back to the previous channel; your eyes see christian and anastasia kissing very noisily.
you stir in your seat. it's a saturday night, a greasy pizza box rests on the coffee table and the light coming from the television is the only thing illuminating the room. you turn to look at abby, the high points of her face are illuminated by the cool lighting of the movie.
"what's the point, anyway?" you ask, your teeth chewing on the edge of the pizza that abby doesn't eat.
"what do you mean?" abby replies, her brow furrows but her eyes don't leave the television.
"about the movie; like, is just that?" you point at the tv; a sex scene in the works.
"that?" abby smiles "you can say the word sex, you know?"
you roll your eyes and swallow the crunchy dough.
"say it" abby murmurs
you look at her; she looks at you
"say the word"
you push her "fuck off"
abby laughs and moves closer again, her knee brushes the side of your bare thigh. the air feels heavy.
"i'm not going to move until you say it"
you let out a snort "what are you, christian grey?"
she lets out a mischievous grin "maybe i am"
you try to dodge her gaze. the fabric of the couch looks surprisingly interesting from one moment to the next.
"cringe" you say
"c'mon" abby murmurs, her proximity causing your heart to skype a beat.
abby's overpowering confidence shrinks you, molds and controls you to her liking. abby knows how to inhibit you and you know she does; over time you've learned that sometimes it's best to surrender to her.
so you sigh, and you say it "sex, okay? i said it. sex."
abby smiles and settles back in her seat. you can breathe again.
"see? it wasn't that hard. you're a pussy."
"i never said it was hard, you idiot. i just chose not use the word"
"yeah, whatever"
the minutes go by and you don't try to take the remote from abby again. there's (another?) sex scene in the tv, this one is a bit more explicit, more louder. you squirm; abby has a smirk planted in her face.
"you like that?"
you almost choke with your saliva "what?"
abby points at the tv with her chin "that. you like being tied?"
your eyes are fixed on the tv, but they're not paying attention to the scene unfolding. you can see out of the corner of your eye how abby waits for your answer.
you're afraid you're not going to be able to get away with this one.
"what's up with you and your questions today?" you try to play it cool
"i guess i woke up a little bit curious about you"
you hear a noise from the outside. you think that maybe today is your lucky day and someone will come into the house and will kill you and will end this torture.
but that doesn't happen.
"so, you are telling me you woke up thinking if i like being tied up?" you try to make abby uncomfortable, surprise her so that she finally shuts her mouth and leaves this round of questions that make your heart participate in a marathon that has no opponent.
but abby is abby, and you can't make her uncomfortable.
"yeah, i guess i wonder that"
you swallow your breath and hope she hasn't noticed. your head thinks of a thousand ways to dodge the question; something to say that's more convincing than "oh, im sorry abby, my mom just got hit by a car so i gotta go".
is this what friendship should feel like?
"so?" abby inquires
"um" suddenly the couch is too uncomfortable "i don't know"
"you don't know? what a shitty answer"
she is insufferable, you think "what do you want me to say?"
"i don't know, something more interesting maybe?"
you rolled your eyes "well, im sorry for not being interesting enough for you abby"
abby smiles slightly and continues to watch the movie. you almost thought you were safe, when her voice echoes again in the dark room.
"you didn't try it, right?" abby says. she is looking at you.
you reciprocate her gaze, a look of confusion plants itself on your face "what do you mean?"
the light from the television gives away as abby licks her lips "you said you didn't know if you like it, so that means you haven't tried it, right?"
her gaze on you is softer. you can tell that she is tired, more sleepy, less cocky.
"yes. you are correct" you say. you shiver, and so abby pass you a blanket "thank you"
"would you like to?"
her braid is a mess. blonde hairs are dancing around her face, framing her face and escaping the stiffness of the hairstyle.
you like this side of her. more vulnerable.
"i don't know. i would feel kinda dumb."
you whisper and abby smiles "im not anastasia steele, you know"
abby laughs softly and nods. she doesn't say anything back, so you take advantage
"have you tried?" you murmur
"being tied?" she asks, and you nod "let's just say thats not for me"
you chuckle. she yawns.
"and tie someone?" you ask, again.
"now you're the one asking questions, huh?"
you shrug "what can I say? i learn from the best"
abby laughs and settles back in her seat, her eyes watch the film intently.
"no, but i guess I'd like to give it a try."
you nod, even though she can't see you "good" you say.
"good" she replies
she fall asleep on the couch a few minutes later.
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snipersfucker · 1 year
As someone new to transformer fics, I'd love a fic where Mirage and the reader learn what the others name for body parts are (hand/servo, etc.) And obviously Mirage uses it as an opportunity to put the moves on the reader.
yall are so creative with these i legit opened my mouth when i read that...... such a good idea omg lets go (im so deep in that shit i legit remember most robot names for these body parts without having to look em up lmao)
"That's a chassis."
You let out a sigh as Mirage pointed at another part of his metal body. You knew you wouldn't be able to remember all these ridiculously strange names, but still wanted to be a good student, especially because you asked him to teach you.
"Mine's a bit bigger than the ones your little boys have."
And there it was. His constant bragging, showing-off, comments that indicated he was damn aware he was better than humans.
You raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him, not having to look up that much because he was sitting on his... aft. Or something.
"Helm, face plate, optics, pedes, tank..." He kept pointing at random body parts of his, naming them as fast as he could just to get to the most interesting ones he could use to finally rizz you up.
"'m surprised you don't have a diploma for being the best teacher ever, Mirage," you muttered under your breath shamelessly, sarcasm dripping from your tongue as you stood there with your arms crossed on your chest.
He liked the way you said his name, even if it wasn't in a particularly nice tone.
"No speaking unless you're being spoken to, miss," he reprimanded you like a strict teacher would, using his best Optimus Prime voice. Then, before you could talk back, he extended his left arm, putting it right in front of your face. He made a fist but allowed his middle finger to stay up, "What's this called?" he asked you, even though you haven't gone through this particular body part yet.
"Flipping someone off, sir," you answered in an overly eager, sweet tone, as if you were trying to sound like the teacher's pet.
You calling him sir made his spark skip a beat or two.
"Wrong." He lowered his hand and placed it on his metal thigh with a soft clang. He shook his helm in fake disappointment, letting out a long sigh. "It's a digit. And what do we do with digits?" he continued in a teacher's voice, making a specific motion with his servo to encourage you to answer his question, even though he automatically did so in his mind.
We put them inside disobedient girls.
"We flip people off, sir," you responded in a fake innocent, childish tone, straightening your back and smiling widely as if waiting for praise for giving him a good answer. It made you cringe internally but you also thought it was funny so the choice whether to continue talking like that or just leave was easy to make.
He snorted at your words, shaking his head in amusement once more as he brought his servo to your body and flicked your arm gently with his two digits.
"That's what we do with 'em."
"Oh, fuck off." You smacked his servo before he could pull it away from you. Even though you could barely feel the flick of his robot fingers, you still massaged your arm, hoping it'd make him feel at least a little bit bad, and he'd stop bullying you.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" He raised his optical ridge at your words, not being able to fight back a teasing smirk forming on his lips.
You could kiss me with that mouth.
As soon as the thought appeared in his mind, he immediately got rid of it, not letting it distract him.
"Tibulen, cadulen..." he began naming other body parts, and there was no way in hell you'd be able to remember those. "Glossa..." He stuck his metal tongue out, pointing at it lazily with his index digit.
A question popped up in your head, "You got saliva?"
For the first time, you were actually curious about something, expecting an actual, truthful response, but instead you got what Mirage was best at. Sarcasm.
"Oh, yeah, our saliva's made out of corrosive acid actually. Cool stuff." He shrugged nonchalantly as if what he just said was nothing. "Want me to spit on you so you can get the drill?" he asked overly casually, already slightly leaning in your direction.
He was having so much fun...
You grimaced at his question, even though you knew he was most likely joking. Most likely.
"Pass," you murmured under your breath.
"...But there are other ways you could... feel it."
His time to shine has come which he was very much aware of.
His unnecessarily mysterious tone made you snort quietly, an eyebrow involuntarily raised as you asked him with amusement dancing on your tongue, "Care to share?"
He tilted his head with a very, very sly smirk on his lips, which partly gave you an answer to your question. The realisation almost made your face drop but you contained yourself, and just rolled your eyes at his silent offer, pretending not to notice the heat spreading across your own cheeks.
"I didn't say anything," he responded in an amused, innocent tone, raising his servos in a defensive gesture.
"Yeah, but your eyes said a lot," you argued, the sudden shift in your confidence making you unable to find the situation as funny as before.
He made an unbelievable amount of butterflies awaken and fly around in your stomach, and as pleasant as it felt, you couldn't show him that.
"Optics," he corrected you immediately, playful superiority in his tone coming back just in time to crush you once more. He leaned in, making the gap between your faces a lot smaller than before. "And I'm pretty sure you're just imaginin' things," he added teasingly, the smirk almost challenging you.
His plan was working.
"Am I?" You tilted your head slightly to the left, your gaze never leaving his blue optics.
The intensity of your eye contact made him back off just a bit, before he shook his head in both amusement and surprise at the sudden comeback of your confidence.
"We're not done yet," he just said, which may have sounded like a warning but you felt like he was talking about something else than this game you were both playing. "I didn't show you everything," he explained, even though this lesson about his anatomy was the smallest thing occupying his mind at the moment.
You refrained yourself from frowning, feeling pretty sure that he'd already named every single body part of his possible, but you didn't want him to notice how little attention you were actually paying. So you just nodded, getting ready to hear more of that very interesting stuff.
"...Ever seen a metal dick?"
Your jaw almost dropped when your brain registered his shameless question. You couldn't even say anything to that, just unsurely shaking your head to show him that you, in fact, have never seen a metal dick.
And you thought he was about to offer to present one to you just now, but he just let out an amused noise. "Too bad."
And with these words, he transformed into a silver Porsche and drove past you towards the exit of the garage, leaving you confused, breathless, and wanting something more...
might make a part 2 for this with smut if you want
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Hi there, if you dont have time to answer this question, its fine, I am Waffles/or Betty, but my question is: If you and your friends, Sam and Jade, eat, how would you ever eat the food without no mouth? Do you just eat it with no mouth? Or do you not eat? Sorry if you can not answer this, im just curious.
<(sorry for late answer, :P)>
<wHy tHat’s simple friend!
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<just like tHiS-
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Hehe, silly mouth, I saw some art of me with a pure black mouth and decided to try it out! Of course my ‘actual’ mouth is just like my friends :)
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Transfem Stevie who figures it out when she goes to a gay bar with Robin (post s3?) and meets another transwoman and has a Huh, you can do that? moment.
i sort of Went Off on this one lmaoo. bc im incapable of not steddifying everything this is now T4T Steddie 2: This Time They're Lesbians- with trans girl eddie cracking stevie's egg
PLEASE NOTE: this is set in the 80s, so they use kind of outdated terminology for trans people. also there's a d slur used in a positive, self-ID way. overall the vibes are good but the language is questionable. do with that what you will lol
When Robin asks Steve to be her ‘emotional support heterosexual’ (her words) for her first visit to an Indianapolis gay club, Steve prepares himself for a night of ‘hey, have you met my friend Robin’, pointedly not hitting on any girls, and politely declining offers of drinks and dances from guys until he’s buzzed enough to admit he’s curious. And so far, that’s exactly what he’s been doing. Robin’s off dancing with a girl after Steve assured her about ten times that he’d be fine on his own. He’s just debating whether or not his inhibitions are lowered enough to go dancing when his thoughts are interrupted by a voice to his right.
“Steeeeeeeve Harrington.”
Steve turns, already cringing. Anyone who says his name with a tone like that is someone who is not going to be thrilled with seeing him in a gay club. The thing is, Steve has no idea who this person is. Can’t even really tell if they’re a guy or a girl. Their features are fairly masculine, all lean muscles and square chin, but they’ve got long, wild hair and heavy eye makeup. The cropped muscle tank with ‘Massive Dyke’ printed in lurid red muddies the waters even further.
“Oh, hey… uh…” Yeah, Steve’s pulling a complete blank. They look kind of familiar? He’s definitely seen them around. Somewhere. 
They roll their eyes. “Not surprised King Steve doesn’t recognise me. Especially looking like this. What are you doing here?”
Steve sighs a little. “I’m here with a friend. She was nervous to come alone so I’m here for moral support and wingmanning.”
“Yeah, sure,” they scoff, and Steve frowns even more.
“Look, I know I was a dick in high school. And I’m genuinely sorry if I was a dick to you. But that was four years ago. I’ve grown up, and I’m here to be a good friend. Can you let me do that?”
The person blinks, and then looks a little sheepish. “Okay, yeah, that’s fair,” they say, before extending a hand. “And it’s Eddie. Eddie Munson.”
Steve smiles and shakes the offered hand. “Oh, yeah! You ran that club my kids went to- dungeons and dragons, right? Cool to see you again, dude!”
Eddie’s face does a complicated little wiggle before- “Uh, not a dude, man.”
“Wait, what?”
“I’m a girl, now. Still Eddie, though, it’s just short for Edith now. Have you heard of transsexuals?”
Steve shakes his head. “I’m pretty new to this. I know, like. Five words.”
“Well, easiest way to put it is that I was born a guy, but I feel more like a girl, so now I’m, like, switching.”
“Switching…” Steve says, trying his best to look genuinely interested and confused. He generally doesn’t struggle too hard to look confused, but he’s a little worried Eddie will think he’s being a dick about it. “You can do that?”
Eddie snorts, gesturing down to herself. “Clearly.”
“Huh,” Steve says. Frankly, this is blowing his mind. “Why doesn’t everyone do that, then? Like, no one likes being a guy.”
“Ye- wait, what?”
“Like, the sexism of being a girl would suck, obviously. But everything else sounds great! Like, you get prettier clothes and you can wear makeup- and girls are so nice to other girls, I've always been kind of jealous of that.”
Eddie looks shocked, but Steve's on a roll now, almost forgetting she's there as he continues thinking aloud. “And like. Girls’ bodies are just. Better, y'know? Like what do guys have, muscles? Girls can have muscles too, but girls are just so… like, everyone wants boobs, right?”
Eddie has a strange look on her face. “I mean, I do. Because I’m transsexual.”
“When you’re transsexual, do you get boobs? Like, do you- wait, is that rude? I feel like I wouldn’t ask another girl about her boobs.”
Eddie’s silent for a moment, looking at Steve in bewilderment, before she seems to collect herself. She takes a swig of her beer and then smiles at him. It looks both welcoming and like she’s in on a secret, and puts Steve at ease. He can see why the kids were so obsessed with her in high school.
“You know what, ordinarily it would be kind of rude, but I have a feeling this conversation is… not what I thought it was gonna be,” she says, and Steve tilts his head a bit in confusion. “So yeah, I do have boobs. You can take estrogen as a little pill, and it basically does puberty for you again. You get boobs, a little extra fat on your hips and thighs, and your skin gets softer. Here, feel.”
And then Eddie takes Steve’s hand and slides it up her shirt. His brain immediately turns off. And yeah, there’s definitely a gentle swell there. They’re small, but Steve can feel the squish of them. Her nipples are pierced. Steve thinks he might die.
“Wow,” he squeaks, about five embarrassing octaves higher than his normal tone. “Cool!”
Eddie grins as she removes his hand from her tit. “Yeah, cool. I’d let you fondle them a little more, sweetheart, but they’re still growing. Kind of sore.”
Steve blushes, rubbing his hand on his thigh and desperately trying to will his boner down. “Man, I wish I could grow boobs,” he sighs, a little wistfully.
“You can, y’know,” Eddie says, with a little chuckle and a soft smile. “What’s stopping you?”
That. Steve hasn’t considered that. A hundred things come to his lips- he’s not like that, he’s not one of those- a hundred things that he knows are absolutely terrible reasons. If Robin were here she’d either be whacking him upside the head or giving him that really sad look she does whenever he’s mean to himself.
“Hey,” Eddie says, speaking softly and laying a gentle hand on Steve’s knee. It shocks him out of his spiral as he looks up into her big brown eyes. “Y’know, I’ve got some makeup in my van. If you wanted to try some things out. No one here will judge you.”
“I- yeah,” Steve is breathless. “I’d like that. Uh- my friend-”
“Oh, is she real? I’ll be honest, I kinda thought you were doing the ‘oh I’m not gay I’m just here for a friend’ thing.”
Laughing, Steve looks out over the crowd. “No, she’s real. Let me just let her know I’ll be gone for a moment- honestly she’s probably halfway to third base with some girl anyway-”
And sure enough, Robin is more than ready to let Steve wander off once he peels her off a pretty girl on the opposite side of the club. He rejoins Eddie, who leads him down the street towards her van and helps him into the back. She takes out her makeup bag, cracking jokes about their wildly different styles while she delicately brushes powder over his face. She generously refrains from threatening to take his eye out with the eyeliner pencil (more than once at least), and apologises for not having anything more ‘babygirl’ than her bright red lipstick. Steve can definitely say this is the most fun he’s ever had in the back of a van.
Finally, masterpiece done, Eddie rummages in her bag for a little compact, presenting it to Steve with a dumb little bow. Steve takes it with a roll of his eyes, and prepares himself with a deep breath.
The person in the mirror is beautiful. Glowing skin, huge doe eyes lined with smokey eyeliner and lashes a mile long, practically sinful lips. Steve almost doesn’t recognise himself, except that he does. He really, really does, in a way he now realises he never really has before. It’s the first time he’s ever looked at his face in the mirror and not wanted to change anything.
“You’re a really pretty girl, Stevie,” Eddie says with a gentle smile.
Steve can’t look away from the mirror. “Yeah,” she says, a red-lipped grin stretching across her face. “I really am.”
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
oooo can I request angst w keith? Maybe unrequited love ? Like reader and keith are childhood friends or sthm.
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I ACTUALLY HATE WRITING ANGST. but it has to be done. i'm finishing writing a smut for him so 🙏I'LL TAKE THIS ONE. hint of klance?? really implied klance??. tbh i might make a second part if enough people want it
not proofread/really short because im ass at anything other than romance and smut
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today was the day.
you straightened up from where you were sitting on your bed, holding a little letter in your hand. a letter you would give to keith if you were too scared to even say it straight to his face.
"i like you." it read. you slightly cringed at how it sounded like a middle schooler's confession letter.
but it was straightforward and got the point across. if it backfired, you could always make up some crazy backstory to the note, but you were sure it wasn't going to get to that point.
you were hoping it wouldn't.
you and keith have been basically tied together for as long as you could remember. you went through elementary school, middle school, and even the garrison academy, until he eventually dropped out.
somehow you had managed to follow him into space. a chance of fate, that one night you managed to follow lance and hunk and pidge.
now basically a medic, since you weren't meant to be a paladin and this was the best job you could fit into. and so far, you've been having the time of your life for the past few months.
of course, that didn't mean you were entirely relaxed all the time. it seemed way too often that one of the paladins have to come to you to fix up an injury they had received, either on a mission or even just practicing. keith was your most normal visitor, and you definitely weren't complaining. (but you were always worried for him.)
letting out a huge sigh, you stand up from your bed and make your way to the door, it sliding open once you were in close proximity. you began sweating as thoughts raced through your mind.
what if he genuinely doesn't like you like that?
what if this ruins what you guys have been building up for years?
what if this disgusts him and he never talks to you again?
what if he does something worse than him saying "no"?
you shook your head. you weren't too confident, but you also weren't going to dampen your mood. all you have to do is go up to him, hand him the note, and wait.
you were about to go search for keith, when it turns out you didn't have to move at all. he was making it down the hallway, and he perked up a little when he saw you standing there.
"hey, i have a question," he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck when he had finished jogging towards you.
he noticed the envelope in your hands, but paid no mind to it as you gestured for him to come inside your room.
"so, what do you want to talk about?" you held off on confessing, opting to hear him out first since he did come looking for you, and you were curious. you placed the envelope on the drawer, right next to a picture of you and keith as kids that you had always kept on you.
he slumped onto your bed, letting out a big sigh as you could see he was struggling to find words for what he wanted to say.
"i don't know what to tell lance."
"tell lance?" you questioned. maybe he needed your advice to just talk to lance about something important.
"well. . ." he hesitated.
"you can tell me anything, keith," you made your way over to him and sat next to him.
"i don't know how to tell lance i like him."
you sure as fuck weren't expecting that.
your jaw dropped, and keith watched as you turned away from, not wanting him to see your glossy eyes.
"w-well." your voice cracked, you quickly covering it up with a cough. "sorry, allergies."
when you finally faced him again, you saw him looking at you questioningly. "you alright?"
"yeah, yeah." you rubbed your eyes as if they were itchy, playing into the 'allergies' cover-up. at least he won't ask why your eyes were red and teary.
(but you knew he was smarter than that.)
"hm, well." you tried not to think about it too hard, lest you start tearing up again. "just be bold and do it. you miss all the shots you don't take."
very ironic.
he grunted as he sat up. "as if i haven't been telling myself that for months.
you've been pinning for a man who's liked someone else for months. all those years of childish infatuation down the drain. all the years of thinking about a future with him.
you wished you never met him.
quickly standing up so he wouldn't see the tears threatening to fall, you excused yourself.
"i have to use the bathroom. sorry keith, i'll see you later." right before you left, you turned your head at an angle so you could see him from the corner of your eyes.
"and remember, what could go wrong?" everything went wrong for you.
but you couldn't be mad at him. you were mad you didn't see the signs. it's not his fault he wasn't in love with you, and there was nothing you could do to change that. the most you could do out of love for him is hope that him and lance get together.
the door shut behind you, leaving a very confused keith on your bed.
he also made his way to the door, trying to build up confidence to ask lance out. his eyes trailed to the picture of you and him, and he smiled. he loved you like a sister, and couldn't imagine losing you, although you did seem a bit more distant after he. . .
he realized.
looking at the letter you left on the drawer, he saw that it was addressed to him.
he didn't bother opening it, because he already knew what was in it.
"fuck," he ran a hand through his hair. you were the last person he should've asked for advice. rushing, he went looking for you.
you on the other hand were in a random hallway, rubbing your wet face to make it look as presentable as possible before you went to the training deck to work out all your feelings. is it a healthy coping mechanism? probably not. but you didn't care.
how did you not see the way the two of them interacted? they were obviously a lot closer than with the other paladins. you were stupid.
never would you ever be blinded by hopeless love ever agai-
"something wrong?" you lifted your head to see shiro gazing at you worriedly.
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part 2 with shiro!?!?!?
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wickjump · 2 months
okay question. i want to know this. do utmv pros—who i dont support—like blogthegreatrouge. like do they view her as cringe. do they hate her content. do they blame her for why the utmv community is so hated by everyone. or do they like her because what she got called out for is the content they make on a daily basis. i want to know so bad but im a ‘the dni goes both ways’ kind of person and wouldn’t want to reach out to any of em to ask because that would violate my own comfort and i don’t think what they do is morally ok. but man am i curious
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cupidjyu · 1 year
a bit too shy pt 2
(hyung line) when you're shy and don't give affection easily !!
genre: kisses, hugging, shy reader, flirty and in-love boyz, guitar-player jacob notes: i am back :) im still tired but eventually, i will get there...😣💞 word count: 1.1k
your boyfriend had gotten home after a few days of being away for work. you missed him dearly and felt hopeless being all alone. even though he video-called every night, you so badly missed the sight of him right in front of you, his charming and sweet smile beaming at you.
you already knew that he was home currently. just before, you had greeted him happily. he even swooped in, pressing a long kiss to your lips, making you giggle, your face growing hot all over.
now, he was sitting on the couch, using his computer. you stood near the kitchen counter, currently trying to work up the courage to hug him. you not only missed seeing him, but you also missed his touch. and look, you were planning to before! but you chickened out last minute.
so, with a deep breath, you approached him. he looked at you and he could immediately tell that you wanted something.
he smiled, almost encouragingly. you simply stood there, fidgeting nervously.
“sangyeon,” you mumbled.
“hm?” he hummed, smiling at you sweetly, his eyes turning into crescents.
you cringed slightly, feeling your cheeks flush, “can i…?
and he gazed at you endearingly, finding you incredibly cute. he nodded without a reply, opening his arms as if he could read your mind. you let out a quiet breath of relief.
you were now sitting next to him. slowly but surely, you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his torso and then hiding your face in his shoulder, feeling shy all over again.
“this is nice,” he spoke into the silence as he smiled giddily to himself. he felt like his heart was soaring.
“i agree,” you mumbled, snuggling closer. 
“you don’t have to ask, you know?” he replied.
“i’m not the best at these things,” you pulled away, pouting.
he winked before pecking your cheek softly, “then allow me to teach you.”
“want to watch me play?” 
jacob had once come up to you, asking you this question. you were always curious about how well he played guitar since he always talked about practicing and making songs. he just never showed you until he was ready.
“really?” you looked at him excitedly. he nodded with a wide smile.
the next day, he led you into his room as he sat on the bed, holding the guitar in one hand. he beckoned you to sit next to him and watch. and so you did, in awe, as he began to play, his pretty hands handling the strings gracefully.
and what surprised you even more, was that he started singing.
he was smiling while singing the most romantic words, to the point you even felt your face start to grow warm. what if he was singing about you…?
when he was done, he set the guitar down and glanced at you.
“so?” he laughed, bashfully. “what do you think?”
“that was amazing,” you replied in honesty. “you should have shown me earlier!” he simply giggled.
“i was thinking about you while singing,” he teased, smirking slightly. you felt yourself blush as you rushed to shove him away with a huff. “hey, don’t be like that…” he glared playfully. he leaned in closer, peering up at you through his eyelashes. “don’t you think i deserve a kiss as a reward?”
you eyed him, “for what?”
he shrugged. you gulped. and quickly, you leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“you did great jacob,” you muttered. he scrunched his nose, smiling fondly at you.
“thank you, my dear.”
“no pet names.”
“you love them.”
younghoon has a strange addiction to watching cute baby animal videos. you’ve discovered that a while ago, but never really said much about it. one day, you decided to watch with him as the two of you were relaxing on a bench at the park.
one of the clips was of two adorable bunnies, cuddling together. younghoon immediately cooed, turning the screen so you can see clearer. you smiled, watching.
and much to your surprise, the bunnies simultaneously turned their heads. they kissed!
he gasped, making even more incoherent noises. “this is so cute,” he pouted, his cheeks puffing out as he turned to you.
you shrugged, merely finding him funny. “it’s okay.”
“hm…” he thought for a second. and visibly, an idea popped up in his head. he quickly faced you with an excited expression.
“should we recreate it?”
you sputtered, your ears turning red, “wh-what? i never said-”
“aw but,” he pulled off his best puppy dog expression. you paused.. and then you groaned. curse him and his wide eyes.
“i guess so… but just this once,” you warned him. he nodded eagerly, waiting patiently. you fidgeted anxiously before finally, you closed your eyes and kissed him. he quickly pulled you closer, making you feel fireworks go off in your stomach. when he distanced himself, he smiled.
“you should do that more.”
“i’m trying…”
“then recreate every cute animal video with me,” he proposed. “please?”
“on second thought, maybe i shouldn’t try anymore,” you got up to start walking away from him, jokingly.
“hey! you said-” he whined. “y/n! please!”
you quietly cheered to yourself as you closed the lid of the lunchbox that you had prepared for your boyfriend. it was early in the morning, the both of you incredibly exhausted, but you so badly wanted to prepare food for him before he left for work.
you saw him walk in and he looked very charming, all dressed up. he turned to you, tilting his head with a cute smile.
“what’s this?”
“ah-” you handed it to him. “i made it for you…”
he was speechless, his eyes wandering over the small box. “oh.”
“is it bad?” you panicked. “i could try again next ti-”
“no, no,” he shook his head. he looked at you with a tender smile. “thank you so much.”
you shyly smiled, batting him away. you then followed him to the door to wave him goodbye. but just before he stepped out of the apartment, he quickly turned back around to face you, raising an eyebrow.
“aren’t you forgetting something?”
you widened your eyes.
“no?” you tipped your head slightly. “did i?”
and then he tapped his cheek, staring at you expectedly. you sighed, glaring at him.
“so… im waiting…” he pouted. you huffed before hesitantly pressing your lips to his cheek. he smiled dearly, his eyes lighting up. “amazing,” he stated. “see you tonight! and next time, on the lips?” he giggled, puckering his lips before walking out the door.
you laughed fondly, watching him go, your heart still beating a mile a minute. 
“don’t skip down the hallway, hyunjae.”
“nope, i love you too much,” he called back.
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Connected ch3
pairing: chan x reader
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
word count: ~1.1k
warnings: feelings of depression
an: this is a repost from my recently deceased blog hyunjins-orange-slice. may she rest in peace.
masterlist * previous chapter * next chapter
you had finally slept through the night. no nightmares, no tears. and you only had chan to thank for that. his phone call from the day before left you feeling happy, downright giddy if you were honest. so sleep that night was a breeze.
now it’s the morning after and you wake up refreshed, and hungry for once. you find yourself in your kitchen to make some breakfast. the place is kind of trashed, cleaning isn’t at the top of your list when you’re depressed. but you actually had the energy to do something about it today. after a quick breakfast, you put on some music and got to work. a mixture of cleaning and dancing had you giggling and out a breath when your phone dinged.
“hey! how are you feeling today? did you get some rest? any nightmares?”
you pick up your phone, smiling at the screen.
“hey! i slept great actually. thanks to you. :)”
“i didn’t do anything though. ㅋㅋ”
“yes you did. your phone call was very comforting. i slept like a baby.”
“well my baby should sleep like a baby.”
“that was so cringe, im sorry. ㅋㅋㅋ”
you giggled. crizztopher at work again, but shy. he’s adorable.
“you’re so cute lol”
“am not.” he argues. “i’m about to go do a chans room. you gonna be there?”
you practically squealed with excitement.
“of course! opening youtube as we speak.”
it was so nice to see his face fill the screen. so nice to sit with him and listen to music. but it felt like it ended just as quickly as it started. but when you checked the time, it had been over an hour.
“stay, i’ve got to go now.” he said, and the chat immediately filled with different variations of ‘no don’t go!’
and you felt the same. no don’t go. but then you remembered that you had been talking to him outside of chans room. you felt you may need to pinch yourself to make sure it was real. a notification filled the top part of your screen. a message from chan. but he was still live..? why was he texting you during his live..? you opened the instagram app to check his message.
“are you still watching?”
what a strange message. i was watching, you thought. but i had to minimize the stream to read your message.
“yes~~” you quickly reply, then switch back to youtube.
“one last thing before i go,” he starts. and you sit up a little straighter. he’s peaked your interest. “i’m not supposed to say anything, so i’m not going to. buuuttttt…” he draws out and pauses for dramatic effect, giggling. “i may or may not be going to america soon..”
he then repeats his statement again in korean, but you couldn’t hear it. your jaw was on the floor. does he mean, like a tour? are all of the members coming? or just him? where exactly in america? you lived in the middle of nowhere, he definitely wasn’t coming anywhere close to you. the chat flooded with similar questions.
“that’s all i can say!” he laughs. “i’ll see you later.” his accent was so strong on the ‘later’ that your heart gave a squeeze. “thank you stays. thank you baby stays.” and the screen goes black. you immediately open instagram.
“oh no ㅋㅋㅋ”
“not in all caps. ㅠㅠ”
“could you please elaborate on your previous statement?”
“i’m afraid i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“unrelated question: what large city is the closest to where you live?”
“just curious.”
“chan are you going on tour?”
“that’s classified.”
“*sigh* chicago. that’s the closest large city to me.”
“chicago. got it. i hear it’s windy there. maybe i should bring a jacket.”
“quit teasing meeee.”
your phone suddenly started vibrating in your hand, another instagram call.
you pick up quickly. “hello?”
“ah that’s better.” you hear chans voice on the other end of the phone.
you smile. “what’s better?”
“better to hear you. instead of texting. i like the sound of your voice.”
you cheeks flame at his comment and you thank whatever god there is that this is a phone call and chan can’t actually see you.
“i.. i could say the same about you.” your voice is a little shaky, suddenly shy and still trying to recover after what he said.
“did you eat?” he asks suddenly.
“uh.. yeah. just had breakfast before your live stream.”
“good. you got a good nights sleep, and you had some food. pretty soon you won’t need me at all.” he says, chuckling.
you get the feeling that he’s kidding, but his comment makes you sad. is this his way of trying to get out of whatever relationship he has with you? is he tired of talking to you? does he feel obligated and this is the only way he sees out of that? ‘i will always need you’ you thought. but you were too scared to say that. did that sound pathetic? and even if it didn’t, would it make him feel like he had to continue to talk to you? of course you want to keep talking to him, but only if that’s what he wants too.
you could hear him typing on his keyboard, and the faint clicking of a mouse. “are you busy?” you ask him.
“i’m just getting ready to finish some things up before i head home.”
“oh okay.” you pause. “i.. i don’t want to keep you from your work. i should probably let you go.”
“i’m the one that called you.” he laughed. “you’re not keeping me from anything.”
you weren’t so sure if that was true. you felt like a burden again. like you were plaguing him with your presence. and suddenly, your bed was calling your name again.
“i think im going to go lay down actually..” you say.
“isn’t it like morning where you are?” he asks, confused.
“yeah, i’m just feeling tired again after doing some chores.” you come up with the excuse on the spot, and you feel like it’s a good one. but your tone of voice doesn’t sell the lie to him very well.
“okay..” you thought he sounded a little sad, but you were sure you imagined it. he has to be glad to be rid of you.
“bye chan.” you say quickly, and hang up before you could bother him any more.
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taglist: @thinkingaboutlana @tamlinsfiddle (red means it wouldnt let me tag you. to be added or removed, just let me know.)
🚨reminder: this blog is 18+ only. i’ve been getting a lot of new followers (which i greatly appreciate) but if there’s no age identifier on your blog, i’m blocking you no questions asked. (for my own sanity and peace of mind.) ik some people don’t actually go to my page to read the warnings, so im going to start attaching a warning at the bottom of all my posts. thanks for understanding. 💕
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pha5ed · 1 year
You Play a Sport || LifeSteal Headcannons
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
members :: clown, mapicc, parrot
note :: never played basketball or tennis but i have a lot of friends who do so im relying on what they told me TT
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Everyone has played basketball lightly growing up so when you said you play basketball he went “Oh cool”
But when you say you’re on your school’s varsity team and playing club he knows you’re deep in
Clown isn’t a huge sports guy but he knows clubs are expensive as fuck and far 99% of the time
He’s really curious and asks a lot of questions
When he hears you’re spending roughly $1,000 alone on the club he feels his wallet cry
Then you mention how expensive shoes, jerseys, and gas is and his wallet literally crumbles
He could never imagine spending that much on a sport
What’s even crazier was when you admitted you didn’t plan to play on a WBNA/NBA level
You said you just wanted to play during college and most likely go to open gyms every once in a while
Bro was so shocked and was about to doubt your spending habits
But when you mention how it’s not too different from buying skins, emotes, and games,,,, he gets really quiet
He’d love to try playing with you once or twice
He’ll probably make a gamble of some kind
“If I get 10 points you owe me $20”
And then you whoop his ass
“Double or nothing”
Now you doubt his spending habits…
He’s not really big into shoes and stuff but he likes looking at them with you
When you start sliding the shoes across the floor he’s so confused????
Why are you ruining shoes in the store???? Aren’t you embarrassed???
But then you explain it’s to test the grip of the shoes he goes “ohhhh”
He’s so clueless about shoes it’s so funny
“What about these?” And he holds up a pair of Jordans 1…
If you let him try on a pair of basketball shoes he instantly gets the hype
He might even buy himself a pair
But he’ll never use them for actual basketball, just going out
When he wears his new basketball shoes outside you can see allll of the sports player cringe
Literally 3 people come up to him and go “bro you forgot to take your court shoes off”
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When you said you play volleyball he always thought you were just joking
No way a loser who plays Minecraft all days and streams could be on the volleyball team
Especially since practices and games can last until 9pm sometimes
But when you send him clips of you playing, he’s shocked
He always thought volleyball kids were super cool, popular, outgoing, drinkers, smokers, etc
And Mapicc thinks you’re the exact opposite LOL
He actually admires the grind a lot
He likes going to gym and plays basketball every now and then
The football coaches at his school always asked him to join but he didn’t really like the sport that much
He def asks questions about your games and rules and stuff
Probs says cocky stuff like “I could do that”
If you ever meet in person and try to make him dive, spike, or even server he’ll definitely suck
Once he actually tries it, it appreciates the sport a lot more
If he goes to any of your games he’s definitely SCREAMINGGG
Shouting, whistling, clapping, stomping, everything
Probably provokes the opposing team
Definitely argues back with the ref even though he’s not a player and not from your school
He doesn’t understand the uniform difference between the girls and boys though
“If you dive in booty shorts wouldn’t it hurt your thighs???”
When you say it does hurt your thighs sometimes he’s even more confused
“Then don’t wear it????”
But he doesn’t understand that it’s just the culture of volleyball at this point
He lovesss looking at players volleyball shoes
He’s tempted to join volleyball just so he can get a new pair of shoes
But when he finds out most volleyball players don’t actually buy volleyball shoes but instead buy basketball shoes he’s a little confused
“Why not buy volleyball shoes???”
And then you have to explain how a majority of volleyball shoes kinda suck ass and how basketball shoes always have extreme grip
And he’s like “???Why don’t they make volleyball shoes with more grip???”
He helps you realize how dumb volleyball culture is sometimes…
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When he finds out you also play tennis he gets so competitive
He LOVES tennis with his whole heart man
Asks what your schools name is and what division you’re in and your rank and your average win rate and and and
You two bond over tennis constantly
He can finally send someone the tennis memes he gets on his feed
If you’re worse than him, he’s always giving you tips and and even offers to train you if ever meet irl
But if you’re better than him, oh boy, he’s gonna train so hard
He definitely sends you clips of him playing and asks you to rate it
He’ll ask for clips of you playing as well and he might or might not make fun of your form
Whenever he wins a match he’ll take a picture and send it to you ASAP
If he loses,,,, he pretends he never even went to the game
One time he broke his racket and he let you pick the color
You picked an ugly ahh puke color but he laughed it off and actually bought it
If you do meet irl, you guys are INSTANTLY playing tennis
No hugs no greeting, he comes to the airport with a tennis ball and racket in hand
If he wins, he will make fun of you every day and will constantly brag to you
But if he loses, he deflects and constantly blames random stuff
“The sun was in my eye” It was sunset and cloudy
“I’ve never been in this country so my racket’s not used to it” What?????
Definitely makes you redo your serve at least like 5 times just to make you angry
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