#this is a goof. by the way. i feel like i should clarify
awearywritersworld · 10 months
there can be no covenants between men and lions
ryomen sukuna x reader summary: sukuna would rather contemplate your murder than come to terms with his feelings for you, but you call him out on his bullshit. w/c: 3k tags/warnings: enemies to lovers. angst to fluff. aged up!yuuji. heavy kissing. features yuuji x reader and he is, of course, best boy. cursing. sukuna decides he wants to kill you (so obviously there are mentions of murder and such) but cant even stand the sight of you upset, what a goof. i'd once again like to think sukuna's not too ooc in this but im still more than likely delusional. not canon compliant. fem!reader. no use of y/n. no manga spoilers. a/n: i was so touched by all of the love that part one received, i wanted to try my hand at part two. i hope i've done it justice! just as part one references homer's the odyssey, this references homer's the illiad because sukuna is very hot and well read. achilles, the protagonist of the novel, is discussed. i'm definitely open to writing a part three, because this one is much heavier on the angst and i miss soft sukuna from part one. series masterlist // masterlist
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you and yuuji rarely argue, but when you do, it's often over his aversion toward seriousness, even when a situation calls for it. though you really should have kept your mouth shut, because in this moment, you'd give anything to see his typical carefree expression.
his eyes are regarding you intently, taking in your flustered appearance with knitted brows.
"yuuji..." you trail off, wracking your brain for an explanation of your current predicament.
despite the fact he regained control of his body only moments ago, one of his hands is curled around the back of your neck, while the other is resting on your hip.
"baby, what happened?" he presses, the tone of his voice entirely unreadable.
"s-sukuna," is all you can manage to choke out.
his eyes darken immediately, his jaw tensing in a way that intimidates you. "he hurt you."
you really can't tell if it's a question or a statement, and your response comes a little too quickly. "no! that's not... no."
the next few seconds tick by in a slow sort of agony, heat creeping up your cheeks.
he notices for the first time that his head is eerily quiet. no snide remarks, no scathing commentary. just his own thoughts as he pieces together the situation.
his gaze drops to the angry, red marks littering your neck and you watch in helpless horror as understanding passes his features.
the word hangs in the air as you await his reaction, fully anticipating disgust and betrayal. you're positive it's only a matter of time before he throws you out of the apartment and tells you to never come back.
what you don't expect, however, is the way his shoulders relax as the tension leaves his face.
he straightens himself, arms falling to his sides, but he doesn't put any distance between your bodies.
"how long have you...?" he's not quite sure how to phrase the question.
"a few months. this was the first time anything... um... happened. we usually just talk."
he tilts his head to the side, so you clarify. "after you've fallen asleep."
mulling over the information, he hums in response, looking thoughtful for a few more seconds. then, his usual demeanor is back and he grabs your hand. "wanna get dinner? i'm starving!"
he tugs you a few feet toward the door before you come to your senses. "woah, woah. wait a second, yu."
when he looks back at you expectantly, you find that his face holds not one hint of bitterness or judgement. "aren't you angry?"
you're amazed to find that he's the one looking sheepish.
"how could i be? it's not exactly easy to be with me when i have a thousand year old curse rattling around in my body, but you stay anyway," he expresses, making your heart soften. "i just want you to be safe, so i'll take whatever relationship the two of have now over him being a threat to you."
as your hands reach up to cradle his face and your eyes sparkle with adoration, you briefly wonder how you ever found such a sweet man. he places a quick kiss to your lips, the smile on his face easy going as ever. "sooooo, i'm thinking takoyaki or maybe udon—"
"we can get whatever you want," you glance at the spatters of blood across his chest left there from the mission, no doubt from sukuna's careless slaughter. "as long as you go wash up first."
"right!" he agrees quickly, bounding off to the bathroom.
you stand alone in the middle of your living room, left with the ghost of both yuuji and sukuna's lips against yours and a sense of bewildered excitement.
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back in his prison, however, sukuna is furious with himself. he should have let you die that day he kept you from being run over. better yet, he should have killed you with his own hands before the brat won back control of his body.
he is a terrible being that delights in carnage, a fact that's well known even centuries later. so why, when he could have done anything in the world, did he go to you? you even asked that same question before you—
he rejects the memory of you pressing your lips to his disdainfully.
your foolishness and your naivete are revolting. your softness and your pliancy are nauseating.
he shouldn't have been anywhere near you, if not to rip your obnoxious heart from your chest like he'd always planned. it was a situation he'd dreamt about and now it's slipped through his fingers, even though those same fingers had graced your fragile little neck.
you were nothing more than a clueless mouse in the jaws of a snake, and though the pains of hunger have been tearing at its stomach for years now, the serpent let itself starve.
sukuna retreats to his domain, fingers prodding at his temples irritably. he allows himself to wallow for a few hours, shutting out both you and the brat.
then, steeling his resolve, he begins to watch and wait like the predator he knows himself to be.
lulled into a false sense of security regarding your safety, it's clear that yuuji has let his guard down. just barely so, but enough that sukuna can see a few weaknesses in his chains. ironic seeing that, now more than ever, the king of curses wants you dead.
it goes without saying that he promptly ceases his nightly interactions with you. it's beneath him, wasting his time with a human. he knows that now.
but while he may not speak to you, he cannot refrain from stealing glances as the days stretch on. you're usually reading, completely oblivious to his watchful eye. he convinces himself it's simply to keep tabs on you, as he's deemed you his foremost enemy.
he's not sure how much time has passed when you begin calling out for him in hushed whispers after yuuji falls asleep, the hurt and confusion in your voice plain to him. it's irksome, and evidently, you're incapable of taking a hint.
his silence becomes more painful with each turn of the moon. you're a bit mortified to find that you genuinely miss him, so you just want answers. did he finally realize that you're nothing special, not worth bothering with?
eventually, growing restless, you all but beg him. "sukuna, please. talk to me. what happened? what'd i do wrong?" his chest tightens with what he believes is vexation. "you can't just make me like you and then disappear. you can't kiss me like that and then—"
"you insolent, maddening little creature!" his eye flies open just in time to see you gasp, your body jerking away from him. "shut up already! can't you see i want nothing to do with you? don't you tire of being pathetic?"
you don't dignify him with a response, swallowing thickly and turning away from him.
finally, he thinks, some fucking quiet. though if he's gotten what he wanted, why does his chest still ache?
he stares at the back of your form until the sun rises.
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sukuna is no simpleton. he can be patient when he is sure of a reward, but he's thrilled that the perfect opportunity arises just two days after your encounter.
yuuji is exhausted. gojo kept him out all last night, despite the grueling mission he had today, and when he all but stumbles through your apartment door, the moon is already high in the sky.
you never mention the change in your relationship with sukuna to yuuji. even though he was so understanding, you still feel a touch awkward discussing it further. and maybe in the back of your mind, you're holding out hope that it might go back to the way it was.
sukuna watches through yuuji's eyes when you greet him, your expression half concern and half 'i told you so'. nights out with gojo usually lead to this very situation.
he showers while you finish cooking dinner and once you both eat, he helps you clean up despite his exhaustion. after whispering his thanks and pressing a kiss to your temple, he retires to bed.
you promise you'll join him soon, but sukuna knows it probably isn't true. following his outburst, you've taken to staying in the living room until you're ready to sleep.
yuuji's out before his head hits the pillow and nearly two hours later, you're still not in bed. sukuna's eager, but waits until he's sure the brat's deep in his slumber before he tries to take over. it's relatively easy, and he pushes down yuuji's unconscious mind as far as he can before rising to his feet.
this is finally it. he stretches his limbs lazily, a dangerous smirk settling on his lips. the floor creaks with each step he takes, but he pays no mind to stealth. you're no match for him.
tonight, you'll be his first victim of many and the thought of making up for his past misjudgement has him giddy with excitement.
but the sight that greets him upon exiting the bedroom— you curled into yourself on the couch, your shoulders shaking with quiet sobs— it stops him in his tracks.
he wants to move, more than anything, so what the fuck is wrong with him? is the brat taking over already?
and why is that uncomfortable sensation making it's home in the center of his chest once more?
when you notice his presence, your face shifts to him and reveals your wide, teary eyes. it's clear you're surprised by his appearance, but you quickly bury your face in your knees.
you just want him to leave you alone. you hate him for what he said, for what he did. he forced his way into your life, made you care about him, and then he just vanished. he's cruel and you feel like an idiot because you should have known that from the beginning. or maybe you did and he just made you forget.
"go away. i.. i don't want to see you."
he's disbelieving, for a brief moment, that here you are giving him orders while he stands in the doorway with the intention of taking your life.
he moves toward you, invading your space in a way that is meant to be intimidating, but when you look up at him, every emotion ranging from sadness to rejection to indignation is etched into your features. though the terror he hoped to inspire is noticeably absent.
"i said go away!" you swiftly stand up, your hands meeting squarely with his chest as you push him with every ounce of power you have.
you may as well have shoved a brick wall, as he doesn't move even a fraction of an inch. he seizes one of your wrists anyway.
"what is it you think you're doing, exactly?" he spits.
"let go of me!" you beat against his chest with the hand he left free until his fingers wrap around that wrist too.
he's certain there isn't a being that has attacked him (if he can even call that an attack) and lived to speak of it, not once in an entire millennia.
so just end the insolent brat and be done with it, he urges himself.
but he can't and he doesn't understand why, so he just stares down at you.
"what the fuck do you want?" you mean for it to come out forcefully and full of spite, but your voice cracks before you can finish.
an excellent question, indeed. what does he want?
he doesn't answer you and it's so goddamn frustrating that you begin to cry again, rambling to fill the discomforting silence. "you've already told me i'm pitiful and annoying. it's clear you think my company is insufferable, that i'm undesirable—"
that ache in his chest is unbearable now. it claws at his ribcage and shreds the flesh of his heart. it makes his stomach twist uncomfortably and rings shrilly in his ears. he can't even hear you anymore, but he can still see the tears sliding down your cheeks and the way you gasp between words.
the truth of the matter crashes down on him and the devastating weight of it is so crushing it squeezes the air from his lungs.
that feeling in his chest isn't annoyance or repugnance. its anguish— the kind that rattles his bones and leaves him sick with regret.
it's because you're in pain, and worse yet, he is the cause of it.
sukuna pushes you back against the wall before you can comprehend what's happening. his hands find either side of your face and you're alarmed to find that he looks... frightened.
"what are you doing to me?" he pleads for an explanation, because he sure as hell doesn't have one.
how can one little human hold such power over him? it's unnatural. it defies all logic and reason.
you stare at him, open mouthed. his face is so close that his breath fans across your skin and it makes you feel dizzy.
"what are you talking about?" you finally ask.
"you should be dead right now," he frets, despair seeping into every word. "it should be easy."
it dawns on you that you should probably feel afraid, but you just don't. his touch is firm, but careful. and there's no malice to be found behind his eyes. "you're not making any sense."
he thinks back on the time you've spent together, trying to figure out how the hell he ended up here— him at your mercy, rather than you at his. he remembers the first time he made you laugh and considers that it may have been the beginning of his unraveling. for the following two weeks, you both discussed homer at length as you made your way through his poetry.
"there can be no covenants between men and lions. wolves and lambs can never be of one mind, but hate each other through and through." you blink at him, recognizing at once that he's quoting the illiad. his voice is low and unsteady in a way that suggests desperation. it makes you shiver. "therefore there can be no understanding between you and me, nor may there be any covenants between us, till one or other shall fall."
your eyes narrow as you begin to understand his his internal struggle, though you're unsure if he's attempting to reason with you or with himself.
"you quote achilles, and rightfully so i suppose, given your common qualities— exasperating pride and a penchant for meaningless violence." he looks relieved, like your seeming agreement eases his mind. it's short lived. "but you forget his passion."
his gaze shifts away from you, his hands withdrawing from your face.
"his passion?" he repeats as if it's the most incredulous thing he's ever heard.
"by the end of the story, is he not acquainted with regret, sympathy, and respect? he doesn't remain blind to the error of his ways forever."
"only a foolish human could make such fanciful deductions," he chides through gritted teeth, still refusing to meet your eye.
you actually laugh at him. "perhaps you shouldn't call upon achilles to make your point after all. at least he grows out of his utterly childish view of the world."
"how dare you?" he demands, his features growing wild as one hand finds your throat (his touch not nearly harsh enough to cause you any discomfort), the other colliding with the wall beside your head. his display doesn't fool you though. "you witless, wretched brat! you're nothing more than a blip in a universe you cannot even begin to understand. you sicken me."
you throw achilles' words in his face just as easily as he did to you. "hateful to me as the gates of hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another."
his gaze hardens, and for a split second, you think you may have been mistaken in your fearlessness, but then his fingers thread themselves through your hair and he pulls your lips to his.
it's rough and commanding, and he tells himself it's only to get you to shut up. to wipe that expression of smug pity from your face.
it's not because, despite the fact you know how awful he is, you're convinced there's something salvageable in him too. nor is it because you tyrannize his every passing thought. and it's certainly not because the feeling of you pressed against him brings him more satisfaction than ripping the hearts from the chests of a hundred men.
ultimately, his denial is overshadowed by his desire. your touch is nothing short of needy as you tug at his shirt, an attempt to bring him even closer, and god does he hope that means you feel just as desperate as he does. he deserves at least a little consolation.
as his hands roam every valley and curve of your body, he deems it unfair that a being whose very existence spells hell on earth should be so taken with such a devastatingly divine creature.
"i've wanted you so terribly," he mumbles against your mouth before he can stop himself.
"then fuck you for making us both wait," you breath out.
his fingers dig into the flesh of your hips in response and his lips shift to your neck. "watch that pretty little mouth of yours, brat."
he nips at the spot just below your ear hard enough that it makes you gasp, doubtless a punishment for your impudence. you recover quickly though, wasting no time with your flippant reply. "or what? you'll go back to plotting my murder?"
he pulls away from you abruptly, sighing deeply and pinching the bridge of his nose. "you truly have zero sense of self preservation, don't you?"
"guess so," you shrug, smiling at him bashfully. "can we watch a movie? i'll even let you pick."
you ask as if it's the most normal request in the world. as if he isn't a thousand year old curse that would be off turning the city to ash were he not here with you instead.
he rolls his eyes, scoffing at the ridiculousness of it all. "fine."
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
its intrusive thoughts anon!
here to give you 11-15 yr old advice
basically, number one PLEASSSEE allow them to eat.
like if theyre hungry because most students dont have breakfast since theyre running late for school and they wait hours until break/recess to eat, which obv hinders with their learning. so like small things like a chocolate or some candies, allow them that.
next, keep an eye out for the students which take sometime to understand and dont make thme feel dumb. which ig you probably wont do and teachers arent supposed to but ive seen way too many teachers do that for it to be normal.
dont separate students from their friends even if theyre talking but are still completing their work on time.
if a student is repeatedly finishing their work early, have some kind of separate more intense activity for them or let them goof around.
the more you try to confine them, the more likely they are to act out (coming from a kid who uses to cut erasers and have eraser fights with their 4 friends after finishing work)
let the children either group themselves lr if you're going to do it, group them togetehr based on how they perform. dont create diverse groups because then youd be going back and forth alot instead of dividing your time between just a few groups of chiodren who need help.
ALWAYS BE VIGILANT!!! you turn around and theyre throwing shoes at eachother i kid you not.
also keep an eye out for children who dont have friends/are getting bullied. more often than not, you cant stop it, but just ig kinda be there for them.
last but not least give like extensions to children who need it. dont do it so often as to where they start to expect it, but do it for those who may be struggling mentally, or having trouble.
they'll appreciate you sm more
ACTUAL LASTLY, i wish i was taught by you lol but even if i could id be over the age limit🤸🤸
Hi!!! <3 I hope you're doing well!
Okay, I actually have a clarifying question about this one :D You say don't create diverse groups, right? But I feel like if I create groups based on ability, wouldn't that cause bullying if students realize they're grouped according to need? AND Wouldn't it be more fun to work with a classmate who could help you, rather than taking help from the teacher? Obviously, I don't mind doing my job (it's why I chose it lol) but I've always been under the impression that some kids prefer to ask their friends for help, rather than the teacher, because it's less...like it takes less of their independence? It's less embarrassing? Not that it should be, but I remember being in school and feeling embarrassed to ask the teacher for help.
Genuinely asking, what do you think is the better way to group as far as social ramifications? I try to be very aware about making sure kids don't feel dumb, even of they're struggling (nobody should ever feel dumb for needing help!) and I know middle school has more bullying and peer pressure than elementary school, so I don't want to add to any low self confidence.
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cheolsfae · 5 months
Hi ! Hope you’re doing well, could you please do a personality reading on IN ? Have a good day <3
Hi! You too! I think you mean what he's really like? Please clarify if I'm wrong!
*Disclaimer: just for goofing around!*
Past: 5 of pentacles, 6 of wands
He might have been a little bit depressed at some point. He might of been feeling like he was just completely alone in things when he was younger. He's overcome it but it definitely feels like it's something that still kind of clings on to him. More like a cringe-y memory he'd rather forget than having to keep remembering that it happened. But I mean, he should embrace it a little bit. Keep track of how far he's come since then. Something to be proud of!
Present: page of wands, 6 of cups
Again, he's happy about where he is in life. He wants to keep expanding as an artist. He wants to keep feeding his inner child's dream! He's already doing a good job of it but he might feel like he can do a whole hell of a lot better. If childhood him could see him now, he'd be extremely proud of him. He doesn't need to keep pushing himself so hard.
Future: page of pentacles, ace of pentacles (reversed)
He might be faced with some kind of weak proposition. At the time, he might think that it's a stepping stone for him, but I don't think it's going to pan out the way that he may want it to. It's going to lead him down a completely different path than what he's anticipating it to be. It's not going to be something that is going to help in a big way. It's just a little tiny step forward in the right direction. He might be a little bit disappointed by it but it's a small step in the bigger scheme of things.
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catcorsair · 5 months
I actually think you should finish your story the way you had it outlined! I would rather see the vision you originally had for it than something that was crowdsourced from other readers. Just my opinion though! Either way I will read it I just think you should focus on what you want and the people who will be there will be there.
Hello! Thank you for the very sweet words of encouragement! I should clarify that I never planned to change anything about the overall plot of the story based on the poll results - it was more of a goof for fun and to learn what it is about the story that its readers gravitate towards. I hear a lot of positive feedback about Sophia in the comments of chapters focused on her, but of course I do wonder if the pacing and temporary focus of the story being on an OC makes those who are mainly reading for Christine lose patience. Although I will say that Sophia's storyline is inexorably tied to Christine's, for reasons that (I hope will blow folks minds 😁) will become clearer as the story progresses - there's a reason why Sophia entered the narrative when she does. (I hope y'all stick around!)
All that being said, there are certain benefits to publishing a story in parts rather than in book form (I do plan on publishing a print version eventually btw - I won't be removing it from AO3 when I do though) just as there are drawbacks, and readership is far more likely to be lost in a serially published format than a traditional novel. And I don't want to lose the readership the story appeals to most, the E/C folks, before the plot payoffs that they're reading for. I've mentioned before in asks that the story is finished to the end in its first draft, but there is always wiggle room for certain aspects, especially having to do with the flux between Sophia and Christine's narratives. So the poll is really helpful for me in determining when, in this serial format, I focus on who, if that makes sense. Additionally, this is fic and isn't limited by publishing standards of word count etc, so I can go into more detail with a character than what the plot technically requires - for example, Sophia's first main chapter (part four) was so well received by my readership that it did influence my writing - I've really gotten to dig into the details of her narrative rather than moving through it in the same way as I might have were she poorly received. But that's the beauty of serial publishing, and of course, it's why commenting and interacting with the story as a reader is great for everyone! 😁❤️
ANYWAY. Rest assured that the story itself will not change based on the poll. Your faith in me to tell this story (one that I love and am very excited to tell) is so motivating and meaningful to me! Sorry for my delayed response, my box is overflowing atm (thanks loves! 😭) and Mercury retrograde is kicking my ass in the communication and writing departments as it does...
Fans of Teeth, y'all are the best and I feel blessed to have you, so trust me that I won't do you dirty just because of a poll 😁❤️ And if you haven't read it yet, I hope you'll give it a chance!
**OH and editing to add for those who are curious that the next chapter (part 6) is currently about ~45K (😅🤭) and mainly focused on Sophia, though Christine does feature in it (and not just as a child! 😂)
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cak31ssuperi04 · 6 months
Ask game! If it's not too many: Willa, Carlos, Mariposa, Catania pairs against each other :D
Not too many. Would never turn down an opportunity to talk about them <3
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Stating the obvious but I hold in my heart that Fairy Princess is the Barbie spin on Romeo and Juliet. Confession when I first watched the movie I was wholeheartedly expecting them to dance together at the end(though obviously mattel wouldn't have painted it in a romantic light) as a callback to the earlier ball scene? With the whole ball setting it just felt like that was what they were building up to Imsorry. I was genuinely surprised at the time when it didn't happen but in hindsight that's probably more on me that the movie itself.
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Chewing on drywall eating gravel letting the earth consume me. They're a fun pair. They're opposites in a number of ways, they bicker and drive each other up a wall at times but they do like and care about each other and work well as a duo when it comes down to it. They complement each other. Goofs.
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Okay look I know I'm the only one who ships them but someone has to. Imo I think it gets overstated sometimes exactly how shy Catania is. She's introverted, she struggles with being away from immediate safety and (re. the crystal ball dance scene which I feel like is the biggest point towards her being shy)worries about standing out too much but she's also shown to be very outwardly friendly and enjoy parties and handle social situations well. I think what I'm getting at is that Willa has more immediately in common with her personality-wise than she does with the other two but they're still different enough that it would be interesting to me. They'd be a little silly. They'd get into shenannigins
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Not my favorite pair for either character but they're sweet, I like them, I don't mind them being endgame. As a sidenote it annoys me when people talk about how their relationship was forced but Specifically reference the first movie when their interactions are actually very easy to interpret as platonic in that one(like as in no more romantic than other Barbie/Male-Lead pairs that are commonly seen as friends i.e. Linden/Elina or Barbie/Leo), it's Fairy Princess that actually leans into the idea of a romance. If you're going to be a hater at least get it right
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I should clarify that I'm graphing these all as Romantic pairs. I really love their friendship! lots! I think it's sweet how Willa looks out for Mariposa and tries to be supportive of her even if she doesn't always understand. Their interactions are cute! I just don't realllyyy care that much about the idea of them as a couple? Which feels hypocritical since they hit a few similar beats as other ships I do like but you know, much love to anyone who does ship them xoxo
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Despite not once directly interacting with each other I think they'd get along well! They have a lot in common. Love the idea of them as friends more than as a couple.
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critterpdf · 2 years
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this has been on my mind since the reveal tbh. smh @ shiver
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s1ater · 2 years
now or never.
pairings. conrad fisher x fem!reader
about. conrad likes things simple, but you want more—turning things complicated.
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warnings. foul language, underage drinking
ricky rocks. i kinda have a friend that looks like conrad AND has the same nickname, W.
“save me some, connie.”
your soft teasing voice fills his ears before your finger tip pokes him in the cheek from where you stood behind him. it causes him to dip his head backwards to look at you, his soft brown curls falling back from his face as he smirks to you.
“thought you weren’t coming.”
“changed my mind,” you took a seat next to him from where he sat in a low beach chair. you could tell it was probably a good thing that you did come due to the beer bottles and heavy liquor stacking up by his side. it probably would have been a real lonely night without you, one he’d most likely regret in the morning.
“well i’m glad,” his hand reached to you, touching the bare skin exposed beneath the cropped top you wore. his finger tips were cold making you shiver slightly as they grazed your hip bone to all the way up your shirt. “you’re so far.”
his head leaned against the back of his chair, focused so closely on you that it made you so nervous for no particular reason. the flames from the fire that you were both sat around gave a soft glow to his face that made your stomach twist in a jittery feeling.
he looked so pretty. and so calm.
“c’mere, baby,” his finger hooks within your waistband, tugging you lightly to get you up from your seat and come closer. you feel your body strike up in heat as you were now sitting on his lap and his arms were tightly pulled around you. “now i can see you better.”
“you’re a big goof, connie,” you push his hair from his eyes, shaking your head with a smile. “sometimes i actually think you like me.”
he laughs quietly, “why wouldn’t i like you?”
“you tell me,” you press your nose against his, closing your eyes, regretting the fact that you even said anything. you knew if the conversation exceeded those two sentences, it could ruin the balance.
what you and conrad had, was something you weren’t going to take for granted. everyone knew he was very picky with girls, so the fact that he chose you was something you took honor in. the only thing, this relationship, was hanging on by threads and could be easily rocked into the sea with lack of caution. there was no label, that’s what it was. no label to tie you two together, making it easy for prying eyes to capsize the relationship if they tried so hard.
“no,” he shifts slightly underneath you, pulling his face a bit from yours so he can look at you, to see your eyes and what was flooding through them. “what do you mean?”
conrad was more unbalanced when drunk, not unbalanced but empathetic. you should have known he would question. he surprisingly thought more deeper on things, didn’t let it go as easily; opposed to when he was sober and wanted no problems. he wanted to know why, when, who, details, whatever. he wanted to clarify, otherwise while in clear mind, he didn’t care for fogginess and vague statements.
“talk to me.”
“i didn’t mean it,” you tried to smile, leaning closer to him in hopes he’d just let it go. “i’m joking, kiss me.”
he scoffed, “you mistake me for a fool,” his voice is highly amused but you can tell he’s not joking, and he wants to hear your truth. “you don’t think i like you?”
you pursed your lips, carefully conveying his face, trying to decide how you’re going to go about this because you can’t lie; he’ll know, he always knows, he can read you like the back of his hand.
“conrad,” your tone is hard and he can hear
the hesitation, he knows you don’t want to talk about it, don’t want to disturb the peace.
“be honest,” his fingers press against your cheek, almost pinching it teasingly before speaking again, “why do you think that?”
“you’re drunk,” you say, “maybe we should talk about this later.”
“if we don’t talk about it now, we’re never going to talk about it.”
right, exactly.
“i think… i really like you, connie, but you don’t really like me—like the way i like you,” you have your arms looped around his neck now as if holding him so he won’t get away. making the moment last. “i mean i should know better, but i can’t help but…” you stop pressing your lips against his.
“i think you think too much, y/n,” he taps your chin lightly, teasing, “i like you. i think you’re great, why are you so worried?”
“connie… i don’t know how to say this without seeming like a bitch, but everyone knows you don’t have the best track record.”
“and you’re everyone?”
“no,” you say fast. “no, but-“
“but what?”
“but why does it seem like we’re nothing? like we sleep in the same bed, but we’re still nothing to everyone.”
“why does it matter who we are to these people, y/n?” his eyes crinkle in the corners as he asks you this, his head tipping back in motion to the rest of the people on the beach. “you are so much better than that.”
“because maybe i want you all to myself and i want everyone to know that,” you mumble, almost feeling shameful, but he grins at the clinging nature that has suddenly came over you.
“then show them,” he chews on his bottom lip, looking up at you with smug look. “show them i’m yours.”
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arminsumi · 2 years
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🧺 ꒱ PICNIC DATE
Chapter two: Eve
Short fic | Armin
It's evening; after the sun sunk below the vast hills, you and Armin wandered to the lake nearby for a playful swim in the tepid waters. And now that the night was approaching, a silent intimacy formed between the two of you.
⚠️Cws; fluff, light angst
Notes; crush!gn!reader
Prev. chapter
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♫ Futile Devices
The lilac sky hushed the energetic daytime away. Now the evening settled in and brought a feeling of intimacy between you and Armin. A feeling of closeness paraded the air while the two of you walked down the hill to the lake.
The grand oak tree where you left the picnic setup was in distant view now. On the other side of the lake dwelled a firefly-filled bramble forest that was too thick to penetrate even if you were adventurous enough to do so.
Armin had been wondering how to break the serene silence, but he was scared that if he did then something awful would happen.
You couldn't tell in the fuzziness of the dying lighting, but his irises swam with overwhelming doubts and worries.
He just wanted to tell you. To rip the band-aid off. To finally make his move. But even stealing glances of your beauty felt like a crime, how could he attempt to steal your heart without feeling like he was an undeserving thief?
Armin's mind was rampant with doubts now, but you diffused them at once when you caught sight of that worried look in his irises.
"Let's go for a swim." You said.
"But we don't have our swimsuits..." Armin smiled confusedly. It was a lopsided sort of smile; a characteristic of Armin.
"We don't need 'em." You waved your hand dismissively.
He blushed up to his ears, so you clarified, "We'll just swim in our clothes."
"But then they'll get wet!" Armin giggles when you began pulling him into the shallow waters.
"So!" You said, then let go of the sleeve of his blue shirt and waded alone into the waters.
The brief contact shook him up delightfully. He immediately missed the absence of your warmth on the fabric.
Armin shook his head at you with a smile while watching you carelessly wading through the shallow murk of water.
It felt like he was observing you through a dream lens. Every movement you made seemed ethereal and graceful, even when you stumbled over your own two feet while wading deeper.
He was sure there wasn't a creature in the world as wonderful as you.
Now the moon glowed amongst the stars that flickered in the darkened sky like they were painted into it by a renaissance brush.
His mind read like poetry; you were busy goofing around, he was busy comparing your manner to the angelic tides of the sea, your feeling to the saccharine midnight dreams he sees you in, and your voice to the soothing lullabies he plays on the piano back home for you every Sunday.
"Are you just gonna let me get eaten by a shark out here?" You joked and kicked your leg to splash him.
"No." He smiled, "I'm coming."
Armin was graceful and composed most of the time, so it humored you to see him clumsily wading through the shallow waters to meet you.
You'd already ventured far out into the lake. By now your clothes were soaked and scented by that summer-night-lakeside-soil smell, which you and Armin grew more fond of every time you visited this dwelling.
When his waist was engulfed by the rippling waters, you were distractedly looking up at the moon and stars. Your ears were filled with serene silence. The only things to raise that feeling of serenity inside your chest were Armin's vocals.
"What are you thinking about?" He asked, and strained his neck up at the sky with you curiously.
You admired how his voice sounded like angels plucking harp strings, almost forgetting to answer his question.
"You think the stars care about us?" You asked. It was a silly question, but you asked it in such a dreamy way that Armin thought he should take it seriously.
He hesitated, then spoke delicately, "I like to think so, but probably not... they're not sentient."
"Oh, really? I had no idea." You rolled your eyes at his rhetorical revelation.
Then you looked at him tenderly. It was the first time he didn't notice you staring at him; he was enraptured by the stars flickering above, pondering their sentience.
"But..." He spoke slowly, "If I were a star, I'd still care about you."
Now his stargazing eyes drifted away from the renaissance-painted sky and caught your tender gaze.
A rush of emotions flooded through his chest all at once. He opened his mouth as if to confess, but then his eyes flickered with insecurities. Before his fears could begin to manifest and plague his chest, you playfully tackled him into the waters.
Now the lake smell was all over you, endearing your senses. For some reason, after his submergence in the waters, Armin's dreamy scent became more apparent.
The both of you resurfaced after clumsily kicking your feet underwater.
"That was uncalled for..." Armin spat out lake water, his chin dipping into the water.
You smiled mischievously at him, "You deserved it."
A more intimate silence dared to engulf the two of you, a feeling reminiscent of flirting danced across the ripples of water, but then you distorted it with a remark.
"I can feel the fish nibbling..." You said squeamishly.
Armin nodded, "Yeah, me too."
You mimicked his compliment earlier, "If I were a fish, I'd nibble you."
"Thanks." He smiled, "I'd nibble you, too." He said.
You'd gotten his heart beating loudly in his ears. He swore it started rattling his ribcage again, but you were still oblivious.
His irises seemed dampened with this resolute look after realizing that you might not like him in that way at all. Sometimes he thought the idea was plausible, but now it seemed as impossible as the stars caring about us.
Endless what ifs bounced around in his mind, even though to you it seemed like the both of you were just contently bantering in the lake.
When the night darkened even more, that's when both of you decided to retreat to the dwelling under to oak tree to retrieve your picnic things... and go home.
But Armin didn't know how he could live with himself if he went home tonight without telling you that he loves you.
He mulled over the potential side-effects of confessing to someone who wouldn't love him back, all the while you two climbed back up the hill to the oak tree.
Unlike during the chaotic daytime winds, the breeze was tranquilly running its fingers through yours and Armin's wettened hairs. Even the fireflies seemed to be floating around peacefully.
Armin didn't care for the fireflies, or the still beauty of the oak tree, or the adoring moon above... he only concerned over you and his confession.
He seemed to be a little quiet and introverted while packing things into the wicker basket, so you nudged him.
But he gave you a meek sort of smile and said he was just tired.
He was anything but tired. In fact, being with you erased the concept of exhaustion from his mind. You induced so much exhilaration and excitement in him that he'd often express it through cute physical mannerisms, like knocking his knees around or awkwardly shifting his shoulders or tucking and untucking his hands behind his back or scratching his neck even though it wasn't itching.
Both of you descended the hill while keeping close proximity. You ambled along the pathway that two pairs of shoes had indented into the soft grass over time. Armin was attempting to quell his heightening anxieties, but they got so loud that even you could hear them now.
"Hey." You kicked his shoe and stopped your steps, "What is it?" You asked gently.
Armin gave you a mixed expression, something in between forced calmness and distress.
His words seemed to be plucked out of his throat in a shaky melody.
"I need to tell you something." He said, avoiding your gaze and thumping his hands against the sides of his legs nervously.
"Yeah?" You looked up at him soothingly, hoping your tone would indicate that it was okay for him to confide in you.
He swallowed and nearly choked, then inaudibly stuttered out words you didn't quite catch. Something reminiscent of "love" and "you".
His wettened golden strands of hair nearly poked at his eyes, which were fixed on his worn-out sneakers. He looked at the daisy you embroidered years ago on one of them.
For some reason, that memory surfaced now, as he recalled you telling him that you hadn't had your first kiss. It was in his grandfather's living room, some summertime, and his ribcage rattled with his heartbeat similarly to now. The first thing he thought when you admitted that was how he wishes he could be your first kiss...
In this present moment, though, he was dissolving from the anticipatory silence between the two of you.
"What?" You asked in a way to urge him to repeat himself.
"I — well — it's — it's not really — actually — um — it's — yeah — nothing really..." He stammered terribly, then laughed it off nervously.
He didn't realize that you didn't hear his inaudibly expressed confession, so he thought you'd asked what in response. That alone killed him.
He was sure he made a mistake, and a very stupid one. He needed to get away, far away, to brood and cry and reside in rejection.
"It's nothing." He said dismissively, and feigned his composure and nonchalance.
You were slightly confused, unsure what to make of such a seemingly vague situation, so you didn't ask what again.
The two of you wandered home, and just before you left to go to your home down the road, you gave Armin a hug that plucked at his heartstrings.
You turned away, unknowing of the now flowing tears that streaked down his cheeks. He was confused, you were confused, and misunderstanding now riddled his chest...
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everydayoblivion · 3 years
The Duwang Gang's Reaction to Valentine's Day Chocolates
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A/N: I'm stressed and thought it would be cute to imagine how the Duwang gang (plus Kira) would react to you giving them chocolate on Valentine's Day. Up to you what the intentions of those chocolates are... Also, I know that traditionally girls are supposed to give guys chocolates on Valentine's Day (at least in Japan?), but just to clarify the reader is meant to be gender-neutral and can be interpreted however you want.
Josuke Higashikata
"Sweet, Valentine's Day chocolates from [y/n]! Thank you!"
Tbh, Josuke probably gets quite a few chocolates on Valentine's Day. He's quite popular, especially among the girls, at school.
But I also get the impression that while he's well-known and well-liked at school, he doesn't actually have that many close friends.
Of course, he's flattered and grateful every Valentine's Day to receive so many chocolates, but to get chocolates from you- a close friend who he's spent a lot of personal time with (and who he might have a tiny crush on...) It hits different, even though he won't let it show.
He'll try to play it off as completely normal. Gives you a big smile, thanks you, and then goes home and spends the night eating your chocolate while trying to figure out whether these were friend-chocolates or more-than-friends-chocolates. He doesn't really get anywhere with it and probably loses quite a bit of sleep in the process.
The next morning, he mentions it to Okuyasu and Koichi. He tries to keep it lowkey and act like it isn't a big deal, but Koichi notices pretty quickly that he won't stop talking about it until he receives confirmation that it means you have feelings for him.
(He can't help but be a little disappointed if it turns out you gave the same chocolates to the rest of the gang as well. Alternatively, if it turns out he was the only one who got something then he'll be really smug about it).
Okuyasu Nijimura
"What?! F-For me?! Uh, um-"
This is probably the most he can say before he dissolves into a stuttering mess.
I'd bet that this is Okuyasu's first time receiving Valentine's Day chocolates from anyone. Let's not forget that while we all know Okuyasu as a lovable goof that to most people he probably comes off as really intimidating.
Anyway, because this is his first time and he's surprisingly sentimental about things, he would probably take those chocolates really seriously and think that they were a confession of some sort regardless of your actual intentions. And since you're such a close friend, he also takes your feelings very seriously.
He would probably go on a very flustered and embarrassed monologue about how he really likes you, but that he isn't ready and doesn't know if he can accept your chocolates until he can prove himself to be a man worthy of your affection.
One way or another, you end up convincing him that it isn't a big deal ("they're just chocolates Okuyasu, not a marriage proposal") and he bashfully keeps your chocolates and eats them in front of you. (And even if you do have feelings for him, you decide to hold off on confirming them in this moment since it seems to be a bit too much for him to handle).
Koichi Hirose
"Wow, for me? Thank you! These look so good..."
Like Okuyasu, Koichi probably isn't used to receiving Valentine's Day chocolates (save for the leftover ones his older sister would give him).
He would be really excited. While he would immediately accept them in hopes that they were confession chocolates, he would also be too scared to ask and would just continuously thank you for them and talk about how good they looked in hopes that you would eventually say something that would confirm/deny his expectations.
Walks home and looks at the open box while deciding whether he should eat them or not. He obviously wants to because they're your chocolates, but then he thinks that he should eat them slowly so that they'll last longer or save them for a particularly bad day.
I think he'd do his best to keep it a secret from Josuke and Okuyasu. Partly because he's embarrassed, but also because he thinks that it's more special if he keeps them to himself (and he definitely doesn't want to share any).
That night, he immediately worries himself into a panicked frenzy as he thinks about what to get you for White Day.
Yukako Yamagishi
"Oh! Chocolates? Well to be honest, this was quite unexpected..."
As I mentioned in the a/n, I think it's usually men who receive chocolates on Valentine's Day, so Yukako wouldn't necessarily be expecting anything on that day from anyone.
It would be a surprise, but not an unwelcome one! She typically turns down most of the confessions she gets at school because she's not really that much of a people-person. But you are a close friend and someone she cares about, so anything from you is precious.
She doesn't even really care if they're confession chocolates or platonic chocolates when she takes them. She's been harboring some feelings for you anyway and is only waiting for the right time to make them known.
Yukako is usually the assertive one though, so I think she would be a bit flustered (internally of course) that you had prepared something for her and she had nothing to offer in return.
As soon as she gets home, she gets to work on finding the perfect hand-made chocolate recipe for you. Even if it's still a month until White Day, she needs to make sure that she gets this recipe perfect. The whole time she thinks (maybe a little obsessively) to herself about what a nice person you are, how considerate you are that you thought to give her something for Valentine's Day, and also how attractive it was of you to break Valentine's Day norms by giving her chocolate instead of "some random, worthless guy."
Rohan Kishibe
"Hm, Valentine's Day chocolate for the great Kishibe Rohan? I accept, even if this is such a juvenile tradition."
Alright, we all know Rohan can be a bit of a jerk, so his response to your chocolates won't be the most warm and fuzzy. He would probably play it off and go on a tangent about how the Valentine's Day tradition of giving chocolates is old-fashioned and out-dated, how it doesn't mean anything and is just a ploy for corporations to make extra money.
I would not be surprised if these were the first chocolates he's received. Even though he's an attractive guy, his personality was probably a bit of a deterrent.
So yes. Secretly, he would be very flattered.
So flattered, that he will bring these chocolates up forever because it secretly makes him very happy that you thought to give him something for Valentine's Day. Even if they were platonic chocolates, he will bring them up to everyone as proof that you are just hopelessly in love with him (which you know... may or may not be true).
I imagine that he eats them while he's working on his manga. Trust me, it really means a lot to him even if he refuses to admit it to himself.
Bonus: Yoshikage Kira
"What a surprise, chocolates from [y/n]. Now, how should I be interpreting these? This could be quite troublesome... it would be very unprofessional to have personal relations in the workplace, don't you think?"
Again, I am not very well-versed in the Valentine's Day traditions in Japan, but I read that it's actually kind of an obligation to give chocolates to higher-ups and male coworkers on Valentine's Day.
Thus, he's probably just teasing you by insinuating that they're anything other than obligatory work chocolates.
He's had his eye on you for a while, but Kira won't make a move until he is absolutely sure that the outcome will be a 100% success. Regardless of what your intentions are, he will keep things strictly professional between you two until he feels like the time is right. That vaguely flirtatious banter is the most you're going to get.
However sometimes when no one else can hear but you, he'll bring it up.
"Packed lunch from home again? Poor [y/n], always working so hard to save money, even though I'm sure you must get tired of having to make your own lunch everyday. Maybe you'd like me to buy something for you? You know, to repay you for those chocolates you gave me."
And then he'll turn away and act like nothing happened (somehow, you can't help but feel that this is a good thing).
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fruggo · 3 years
Hi hi can I req Danny, Leon and Steve with a male s/o who's a real goofy guy? Cracks jokes during chases, just can't take things too seriously, laid back and chill guy who prioritizes having fun
absolutely, thanks for requesting!! :D this is cute haha. i hope you like it!
danny, leon, and steve with goofy m!s/o
danny would consider himself a pretty fun guy, though perhaps his idea of fun would not be the same as a normal person's. so i wouldn't take his word for it if i were you.
honestly? he thinks you're the shit. he genuinely likes your bad dad jokes great puns, will banter back and forth with you, and he might even give you the hatch instead of a mori. although he would love to have your picture, it can wait until the next trial. or the next if he still doesn't feel like it. who knows?
he likes that you're not too serious about everything. since danny is the entity's golden boy, he never has to worry about anything! he likes it here! and it's cool that someone else has a similar mindset about things. although he might have misunderstood "making the best of the situation and just being a goofy person" for "liking it here". you never really clarified which one it was, and why should he ask?
when danny finds out that you act basically the same way with all the killers, cracking jokes and laughing things off in chases, he gets all pouty. he thought he was special. well, looks like you're getting that mori now.
he still likes you though, and he gives you even more special attention now in the form of tunneling and camping! he means well <3 (no he doesn't he is a little bitch and a loser)
but then he hears stories from the other killers about you, and is pleased to find that you are significantly more fun with him, and, dare i say, flirty!
but he still wants to tunnel and camp you.
when you realize what he's doing, you don't get mad about it. what's the point? in fact you think it's really funny.
the first time danny proximity-camped you, you found it rewarding to just talk and talk and talk until he finally talked back. it took a while, but he did finally respond.
you would just say dumb shit, and then you would say more dumb shit, and then it got annoying and danny had to tell you to shut up. and then you would just dramatically whisper something like "okay, pissbaby."
and danny thought maybe he should be angry with you, but he just wasn't. he couldn't be mad at you, because even if he was, you wouldn't care. you weren't scared of him.
so when he finally left and you got unhooked, he tunneled you obviously. it makes sense, okay?
"wow, am i that handsome and gorgeous and attractive?" you monologued while smashing a pallet onto danny's head. "i'm really just so irresistible that you want to tunnel me? honestly, danny, i'm flattered. i'm touched."
danny couldn't remember since when you were on a first name basis, but he let it slide. just because maybe he thinks you are that handsome and gorgeous and attractive.
dude danny is kinda fucked up but like. he's funny. and charming. and he also let you take off his mask once, and so now you know he's also hot. he has a few things going for him as long as you ignore the part where he chases you with a knife.
leon, our favorite rookie :D he's so cute!!! sorry im gushing i just cant resist i love him !!
and you love him too, so much. that's why you accidentally distract him during trials by goofing off and almost getting him killed
it's out of love. leon knows that. you don't really mean to.
while leon's doing a generator, you are probably somewhere nearby trying to find something even remotely interesting to do. and that might involve climbing a tree, then falling out of the tree. but it wasnt your fault! you swore the crows were attacking you, they didn't want you up in that tree because they knew you were just so cool up there and the Entity couldn't have somebody being better and hotter and funnier than itself so high in the sky.
leon could only smile and shake his head, inspecting you for the wounds you inevitably had. when you said you were fine, he was very skeptical, because your version of fine was never the same as his.
the killer knew where you were now because of your very loud "FUCK!" as the crows supposedly attacked you and forced you out of the tree, so you immediately put on your game face and got ready to command some attention.
leon said no, you were not in the right headspace to get chased. you only shrugged at him, slapped his ass, and ran towards the killer yelling, "HEY YOU WANNA HEAR AN AGGIE JOKE?"
leon was used to this by now, and he found it rather endearing. you were an enigma to him, really. how you could be so laid back about this whole murder-die-sacrifice thing was beyond him, but it was refreshing. he liked your enthusiasm.
since he had just come from raccoon city, he was still in his "i have to do the right thing and save everybody because it's my duty" kind of mood. you made sure to lighten up that burden and remind him that it's okay to chill sometimes, and he can't save everybody, especially not here. if you were in a particularly bad trial, you always made sure to get him to crack a smile.
likewise, leon wasn't always too jazzed about your "funny guy gets killed so the team can live" complex. he knew you didn't care, or at least you said you didn't, but he still hated that you constantly sacrificed yourself and acted like it was no big deal. to him, it was. he hated going back to the campfire alone and waiting forever for you to show up again; he cared about you and it hurt to see you sacrifice yourself so much even if he knew you would return.
leon didn't have a stick up his ass or anything--he had his fair share of humorous moments (i mean have you seen infinite darkness ashdjshdf that man just wants love and food). he just wants to save everybody, you included. it's frustrating to come to terms with the fact that he can't.
he loves it when he can hear you yelling at the killer mid-chase from afar, be it a pun or a swear or both. you've even influenced him to crack his own jokes while being chased sometimes--it comes out more often if he's being tunneled. if you ever happened to see him do it, you would wipe a fake tear from your face and start clapping. you were very proud of your rookie.
the killers hated you and steve, and i mean like despised you
you were so chill. and for what???? why do you have chill???? nobody else has chill, what makes you think you deserve to have chill????
they could never make you angry and that made them super angry
you and steve would quip back and forth between chases, sometimes going so far as to pretend the killer is not there and talk about something like what kind of cheese you missed eating the most. let me tell you, that did not make the trickster happy.
he was a star!! a star, and here you two little shits were, ignoring him to talk about cheese. honestly, the audacity.
you and steve ran to the killer shack with the trickster on your heels, still talking about cheese. how the conversation had gone on this long was a mystery, and it continued to be a mystery while the two of you shared a chase in the shack.
steve was very happy to have found someone to share his sentiments with. everybody was so serious all the time, and while he was similar to leon with his altruistic streaks, he was slightly less responsible and occasionally enjoyed doing dumb stunts just for shits and giggles.
you can bet that whenever you are in a trial together, it's a competition to see who can hold the killer's attention longer. your teammates don't mind--all they have to do is complete gens, so their job is fairly easy. and it's always entertaining to catch sight of one of you sprinting with a new flashlight in your hand to go annoy the crap out of the killer.
there's no question that steve would die for you a hundred times over, and you would do the same for him. you didn't see it as a very big deal--you didn't see anything here as a very big deal. steve was the only important thing you had, really, and you cared for him a lot. saving him? kapeesh. no sweat.
scenario: steve is being chased, you throw yourself in front of him, the killer has noed, you are hooked, you give him a thumbs up as you die, he flips you off because why the fuck would you die for him what is wrong with you he's supposed to die for you and you know that?? why would you do that???? great, now steve gets to escape and it's all your fault.
you would simply smile. he was so cute sometimes.
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thebookreader12345 · 4 years
Closer Than Most
Pairing: Jesse Lee Soffer x reader
Summary: Y/N and Jesse have been getting close off set, and when the writers create a storyline where you and Adam hook up, Jesse gets a little jealous
Requested: Yes, by anonymous
Warnings: mentions of death and a light make out session
Word Count: 1,472 Words
Note: Y/CN means your characters name
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Jesse and I were lounging around in my apartment, eating pizza while the TV played in the background. It was one of those nights where we got off early, so we decided to hang out after work. My back was resting against the arm rest of the couch, and I had my knees pulled up to my chest.
“How was your day? Any interesting scenes?” Jesse questioned as I reached for a piece of pizza. 
“Uh, not really. Paddy and I were just finishing up some scenes we had to film,” I answer. “It was weird though, not being able to film anything with you.”
Jesse smiled. “Well, we’ve got a table read tomorrow, so I’ll see you then, and I’m sure we’ll have plenty of scenes together to shoot for the next episode.”
“Hopefully. Don’t get me wrong, I love working with Paddy. We always goof off and have a good time. But working with you just feels different. In a good way of course,” I clarify, a light blush creeping up my cheeks.
“I feel the same when working with you,” Jesse admitted and looked down at his watch. “It’s getting late. I should get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“All right,” I mutter and stand up, giving my co-star a big hug. “See you tomorrow, Jess.” The next day, things were pretty chill. The table read was in the afternoon, and we weren’t filming until tomorrow, so I had a bit of relaxing time. Once it was time for me to get to work, I climbed into my car and headed to set. I always enjoyed table reads because we got to see what the next episode was about, and it was really fun trying to figure out how to play the role of your character at certain times. When I got to set, I took my seat next to Jesse at the table, and after the rest of our co-stars arrived, we began to read the script. 
This episode was going to be interesting because Y/CN was going through some tough times at the moment. She was also keeping her feelings in from the rest of the team. As we read through the script, I was getting really invested in the plot. It looked like this was going to be an amazing episode. And then we got to the last few pages of the script. The whole team was at Molly’s celebrating a case well done, and Y/CN was not in the mood to celebrate. Adam notices her mood is down, so he offers to take her home, to which she agrees. When they leave the bar, Y/CN breaks down and tells Adam everything she has been feeling. After she spills what she’s been feeling, Adam puts in his opinion to try to make her feel better, and it does, so she leans in and kisses him. However, she pulls away embarrassed and apologizes, but Adam ignores her and kisses her again. Adam then suggests they should take this elsewhere, and the screen flashes to Y/CN’s apartment, where Adam and Y/CN are making out in bed. That’s where the episode ends.
“Well, I did not expect that,” Adam announced. “But it sounds like it’ll be fun. I can’t wait to shoot that ending scene.”
“Yeah,” I agree. “Me too.” From beside me, Jesse was silent. Usually he’d be talking about everything he found interesting about the script, but not today. Something was up. The next few days, we began filming the episode, and things were good, except for the fact that Jesse and I were barely talking. It was really weird because him and I were the closest out of the whole cast.
“Hey. Is there something up with you and Jesse?” Tracy asked me. “You guys haven’t been talking lately.”
“I don’t know,” I confess. “He’s been like this ever since the table read.”
“Maybe it’s because of the scene you have to do with Paddy later,” Tracy suggested. 
“What are you talking about?” I question.
“I think he’s jealous, Y/N. I mean, you told me that you guys have been getting really close off set,” Tracy stated.
I sighed. “Maybe you’re right, but what am I supposed to do? Ask the writers to change the scene? It’s apart of the story. Look, I’ll shoot the scene, and right after that I’ll talk to Jesse. We’ll figure things out. We always do.” That night, the whole cast was gathered in Molly’s, and we were getting ready to perform the scene.
“Action!” someone shouted.
Script... (In this part, you will be your character)
The whole team and I were gathered in Molly’s to celebrate us solving a tough case. Everyone was having a great time except for me. My life was falling apart at the moment. My brother had just died overseas where he was fighting in Afghanistan, and he was everything to me. Growing up, we were really close. He was always there for me when I needed him. And now that he was gone, I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t tell the team because I didn’t want them to feel bad for me and drop everything to make sure that I was okay. I thought I could mask my feelings from everyone, but Adam caught onto my act.
“You feeling okay?” Adam questioned.
I shrugged. “I’m just a bit tired I guess.”
“All right, well, let me take you home. You look like you need some rest,” Adam spoke.
“Okay,” I mumble and stand up, swinging my jacket over my shoulders. “I’ll see you guys later.” Adam and I then walked out of the bar, and when we got outside, Adam stopped in his tracks.
“You gonna tell me what’s going on?” Adam questioned.
“Nothing’s going on. I’m fine,” I lie.
“Y/CN, this whole case, you haven’t been acting like yourself. Something is up. Tell me what’s going on,” Adam ordered lightly. That’s when I broke down, and tears started falling from my eyes. Adam pulled me to his chest and let me sob, rubbing his hand up and down my back to calm me down. As I cried, I told Adam what had happened, and he just listened. Once I finished my story, I looked up at Adam, and something inside me just clicked. So, I reached up and pressed my lips to his. But after a second, embarrassment took over, so I pulled away.
“I’m so sorry,” I say. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, it’s okay,” Adam assured me. “I’m kind of glad you did.” And with that, he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine again.”
End of Script...
The cameras shut off, and Paddy and I pulled apart. Smiles were found on both of our faces, and the crew standing around us clapped.
“I think that was our shot,” I exclaim.
“Me too. Great job,” Paddy told me.
“Thanks. You too. Uh, I’ll meet you at the next set. I’ve got to talk to Jesse for a moment,” I say.
“Right. I hope you guys fix whatever is going on between you two,” Paddy admitted. We then went our separate ways, and I headed back into Molly’s where I found Jesse and Tracy talking. When Tracy spotted me, she excused herself, leaving Jesse and I alone.
“Can we talk?” I ask Jesse.
“Sure,” Jesse replied. “What’s up?”
“I’ve noticed you’ve been ignoring me this week. I just wanted to know why. And don’t even say you haven’t been ignoring me because you have and everyone else knows it,” I state.
Jesse sighed. “I didn’t mean to ignore you. I just, after hearing that you were going to have to do a romance scene with Paddy, I got a little jealous. We’ve been getting so close off set, and I guess I just wanted you all to myself.”
I smiled. “I think there’s meant to be a question in there.”
Jesse laughed. “Y/N, would you want to go on a date with me sometime?”
“I would love to, Jess,” I respond and pull him in for a hug. “I’m glad you finally asked.”
“You filming any more scenes today?” Jesse asked me.
“Uh, yeah. I’ve got one more scene with Paddy tonight, but I don’t think it should take that long,” I note.
“Right. Another romance scene,” Jesse said, a hint of jealousy in his voice.
“Don’t worry, Jess. I don’t think I’m going to gain feelings for Paddy any time soon. At the moment, I’m focused on you. Look, I don’t think the next scene should take too long, which means if you want to hang out tonight, I’m down.” I confess.
“Just us two?” Jesse questioned.
“Just us two,” I clarify.
Jesse grinned. “I would love that. I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah. See you later,” I say.
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@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @dreamingmanip @campingmonkey @winterberryfox @nevertoofarfromivar @anotherfan07 @giagma @mrspeacem1nusone @i-like-sparkly-things
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Weird Secret Friends" *Chapter 2*
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Part 1
Part 3
Y'all IDK what it is about this story but I can just write and write and write. This one ended up being 11 pages [on a google doc] And I only stopped because it's 2:15 am.
I hope you guys like this, but I just want to clarify: This isn't a Barisi fic. I'm sorry, if you're looking for that, just...this isn't it. I mean they do interact and it'll be fun, but they will not be ending up together.
That being said, enjoy this new chapter! I'm debating on how pathetic enamored Sonny is, I don't think I'm gonna go that deep. No worries, people.
As always let me know if you want to be added/deleted off the tag list!! <3
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"Y/N, I'm so happy for you and Barba. You make the cutest couple," Sonny beamed at you while you were wrapped in Rafael's arms, huge smiles on all of your faces.
"Thank you Sonny, that means so much." You gave him a warm hug.
"Yeah….and you'll make the cutest couple in HELL!" All of a sudden Sonny pushed both you and Rafael off a cliff.
You were falling to your death when you woke up to your professor glaring at you.
"Have a nice nap, Miss Y/N?" He scowled at you.
"Um," You cleared your throat and straightened up at your desk. "Yes sir,"
"Good," he huffed as he headed to the front of the classroom once more. "Maybe now we can continue without your snoring,"
You heard the students around you snicker at his comments as You sunk lower into your desk and waited for class to end. It had been a long train ride home and then a drive to your apartment last night, you hadn't gotten home until around 2 am and had this 8 am class. As soon as the professor dismissed your class you booked it out of the class and out into the parking lot of your community college.
"Ugh, could this day get any--" before you could even finish your thought you got your answer. Your phone beeped with a text from Rafael:
RAFA: Hey killer, how's the bullshit county? 😉
That was the nice thing, then just as you were about to text him back your phone lit up.
"Shit!" You hissed to no one. "How does he know?!"
"Ahem….Heyyy, cuz," You answered it with your best nonchalant voice. That of course sounded totally chalant.
"Hey sunshine," His voice sounded relaxed, thank God.
"What's up?" You tried keeping your tone light as you neared your car.
"Well y'know I was just thinkin, I feel real bad about standing you up last night,"
"Oh, Son it's no big deal really," the fact that he felt guilty about anything made you feel even more guilty.
"No, I know you have a busy schedule and it takes a lot to get into the City and I just blew you off," He kept on with the guilt train.
"You didn't blow me off Son you had work. I get that--" You unlocked your car and got in, starting it so your windows would thaw. And your whole body.
"Well I wanna make it up to you," He cut you off.
"Oh?" your voice fell short. This couldn't be good.
"Yeah, my boss-- well he's not really My boss but Mr. Barba--"
Oh shit. Barba? Was Barba having a party? Why wouldn't He tell you that? Wait why WOULD he tell you that? Stupid. Wait, what was Sonny saying?
".... birthday, so you could be like my date," you caught the tail end of his invite.
"Birthday?" You repeated like a parrot. It was Barba's birthday? Oh god. You were really trying not to focus on how old he was. Don't ask. For the love of god don't say it Sonny.
"Yeah don't worry you don't need to get him anything, I got it covered," Sonny assured you.
Well, that was one way you could figure out just how much your cousin cared about his "idol". The more expensive the gift, the stronger the feelings were. You wondered whether you should ask him now or wait for the surprise. Maybe you should ask now, then his answer should tell you what you'd be getting into.
*So what did you get this 'non boss' of yours?" You asked slyly.
"Oh," now Sonny's voice dropped. "Well I, I don't wanna say,"
Don't panic. Do not panic.
"Oh come on Sonny," you did your best to keep a joking tone. "What am I gonna do, tell him?"
Should you joke about it? Hidden in plain sight, right?
"No I guess not, it's not like you know him,"
"It's just kinda embarrassing…."
Oh god.
"O-Oh?" You tried to stay calm. "Why's that? Is it a gag gift?"
Please be a gag gift.
"Actually it's a new briefcase," He replied.
"Oh why is that embarrassing you goof?” You gave him a hard time. What was that in the emotional baggage department? Pun intended.
"I mean, it's more expensive than the one I own," You could hear the shrug in his voice.
Fuck. Don't ask why. Don't ask. But if you don't ask, that will be even more suspicious wouldn't it?
"Oh Son," You asked softly. "Why would you do that?"
"Well the one he has is as old as dirt, I think it's probably the first one he ever bought. I wanted him to look snazzy in court." He replied with a super eager tone.
"That's sweet," you were pounding your steering wheel in frustration. Say it.
"Seems like a lot of work for a mentor though," You closed your eyes mentally killing yourself.
"Yeah well," he laughed uncomfortably.
Say it.
"Sonny…” You didn’t want to do this.
“Yeah?” He was oblivious.
“You know you can always talk to me,”
“Yeah of course,” He assured you.
“About anything,” You scrunched your nose.
“Yeah I know, sunshine,” He half laughed.
“ANYTHING,” You reiterated
There was a long awkward pause.
“...Sonny?” You made sure he hadn’t hung up on you.
“Yeah, I'm here,” He replied softly.
“So?” You waited for the bomb to drop.
So…. He sighed. "I just want him to like me,"
"....Yeah," You nodded, cursing yourself.
"Yeah, its stupid. I'm stupid." He laughed again.
“You're not stupid,” you laid your head on the steering wheel in shame.” I mean the heart wants what it wants right?”
“What?! Oh my god, Y/N,” He scoffed. “I'm not gay,”
“….Sonny it's 2021,” you shook your head. “Sexuality is a spectrum,”
Right well. He laughed defensively. "I'm on the p in the v scale,"
“Ugh, Sonny,” you made a face.
“Sorry sunshine,” He apologized. “I just...why would you even think that?!”
“Uh…” You paused.
Maybe he wasn't fully aware that he had romantic feelings for Rafael. If you started pointing out the signs, he might realize it. But then you'd have a cousin going through gay panic AND then finding out it doesn't matter anyway.
"No reason," You lied.
"I just want him to like him so he'll give me a good recommendation once I graduate Fordham Law,"
"Oh" you smacked your head. "Duh. Right. Of course,"
That was completely legitimate. Maybe you had been misreading this whole thing. Now you just had the whole overprotective Gotti side of Sonny to worry about.
"Well I guess I could spend the weekend in the city," You shrugged as you pulled out of the parking lot.
“Absolutely!” He exclaimed. “My couch is always open,”
Not exactly where you were thinking of sleeping, but you weren't blowing your cover over the phone. Wait, maybe you should. Then he couldn't kill you over the phone. Wait, he's presumably at work right now. You didn't know how closely he worked with Barba, but you figured it would be a hell of a lot easier for Sonny to get to him before you could stop him from killing Rafael.
"Sure sounds good. I'll see you then cuz,” You smiled and hung up the phone.
Friday arrived, and you once again found yourself standing outside Forlini's. You debated heavily whether to go in or not, but you told yourself you were going to wait for Sonny outside this time, no more risking a sexy bar rendezvous.
You hadn’t really responded to Rafael’s texts the last few days, and you certainly didn’t tell him you were coming. Maybe you should have told him. You grabbed your phone to text him when you heard a familiar voice behind you:
You spun around to see Rafael dressed to the 9’s, smiling at you. He smelled delicious, mixed with the food aroma wafting out of the restaurant and the smell of freshly fallen snow in New York City.
“...Happy Birthday, Counselor,” You bit your lip nervously.
“W-What are you doing here?” He stared at you as if he thought he was dreaming.
“Sonny invited me,” You nervously smiled.
“Seriously?” He laughed.
“Seriously,” You nodded with a laugh as well.
“Did-- did you say anything to him?” He asked you worriedly.
“Are you insane?!” You hit him. “No!”
“So why did he invite you here?” He asked.
“He said it was to make up for ditching me the other night,” You shrugged.
“...The irony,” He smirked.
“Mmm,” You nodded with an amused smile.
“Well this is a very happy birthday indeed,” He smiled, pulling you closer into his coat similar to the night you had met.
“....Just don’t ask which one it is,” He warned you while staring at your lips deviously.
“Deal,” You nodded in agreement before he pulled you into a hungry kiss.
“DUDE!!” You snapped back before his lips were on yours for more than a millisecond. “Are you nuts?! Sonny’s gonna be here any second!”
“It’s my birthday, carino,” He made a pouty face. “Don’t yell at me,”
“Oh lord,” You rolled your eyes. “Alright, man child,”
He was about to go for another sneaky kiss when you both heard a voice from behind you.
“Oh!” You jumped ten feet away from Rafael when you turned to see Sonny standing there with a huge gift bag, staring slack jawed at the two of you. “Sonny! I um, we--”
“I was teaching your cousin a lesson in New York safety,” Rafael talked over you, his face completely stone. God he was a good liar.
“Excuse me, counselor?” Sonny raised an eyebrow, glancing between the two of you. You just stared in speechlessness.
“She was standing on this curb holding her bag out for any miscreant on these streets to just wrestle away from her, I was just demonstrating how,” He gestured to your open purse.
“Barba I really think this ain’t that kinda neighborhood,” Sonny half laughed.
“...You never know,” Rafael shrugged. “Now let’s all get inside, I’m sure everyone is anxious to start celebrating me,”
You and Sonny both rolled your eyes with smiles; too similar of smiles, you noticed. Thankfully, he did not. You both followed Rafael back to a private room where a bunch of fancy dressed people were mingling with drinks in their hands while two long empty tables stood in the middle of the room. They all stopped and clapped when Rafael walked in.
“Oh, for me?” He feigned surprise and humility.
“Yeah right Barba,” A woman laughed sarcastically. “You’re the one who invited us here,”
“Touche, Rita,” Rafael smirked as he began making the rounds around the table greeting everyone.
“So are we allowed to eat now, I’m starving,” An older man asked.
“And I’ve got a son waiting,” A red headed woman chimed in.
“Right, right,” Rafael nodded as people began to take seats. “Sorry everyone, you know I love to make a dramatic entrance,”
“Oh trust me we know, Barba,” Another man called. “Your catwalks into the courtroom prove that. I think we have a montage of them,”
“Ha Ha,” Rafael rolled his eyes, then turned to you and Sonny.
“Sonny,” He put a hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t you sit next to me?”
“R-Really, counselor?” You saw Sonny’s eyes light up like Christmas tree lights.
Fuck. You knew he was only asking him so that you would sit next to him as well. And while you loved the idea, you knew how much this was toying with Sonny’s feelings.
“A-Are you sure, about that Mr. Barba?” You gave him a look.
“Absolutely, Miss-- I didn’t catch your name?” He played it so cool.
“Y/N,” You held out your hand as you re-introduced yourself.
“Right, well--” He shook your hand then turned his attention to Sonny who was still beaming like a kid on Christmas. “I don’t know how much Carisi has told you, but he is quite the promising mentee of mine,”
“....R-Really, Rafael?” Sonny blinked in disbelief, causing Rafael’s smile to falter for a moment. Sonny had never called him “Rafael” before, it was always “Barba”. Shit, maybe he had given him too much praise.
“I mean, you know, for a lap dog,” He quickly added with a snarky tone and a smirk.
“Mr. Barba!” You tried not to raise your voice at the birthday boy. “That is my cousin you’re talking ab---”
“No, no it’s fine Y/N-- th-that’s how we work isn’t it, counselor? He just gives me jabs, I know he doesn’t mean it,” Sonny laughed nervously, staring at the floor. He knew not to get too comfortable with Barba, why did he even try it?
“Indeed,” Rafael nodded in agreement. “But, I still request you sit by me-- at least I know you don't poison my food. Which is more than I can say for many of my esteemed ‘guests’,” He eyed the tables of people before him.
“Then why invite them to your party?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“I get that Jersey doesn’t have the social classes of Manhattan, Miss Y/N,” He smirked. “But here, you’ve got to do things to keep up appearances,”
“Oh do you?” You practically growled.
“Yes,” He nodded while a waiter brought him a glass of scotch. “Even if you don’t like someone, if they serve a purpose for you than you do what you must to keep in their good graces,”
“Oh is that so? So you’re only kind to people who can ‘serve’ you?” You crossed your arms and narrowed your eyes at him.
What kind of Danny Zuko bullshit was this?! This was an entirely different Rafael Barba you had met the other night. He was kind, flirty, endearing. This new Barba was snarky and condescending, and you were not amused at all.
“Y/N, chill,” Sonny hissed at you. “This is just how Barba is, he’s harmless,”
“Yeah well you might not mind being his doormat Sonny, but I sure as hell won’t be,” You angrily stomped off.
“Oh my god,” Sonny muttered, wondering if he should run after you or not. “Barba, I am so so sorry about her,”
“It’s fine, Carisi,” He watched you stomping away, trying to hide the guilt in his voice. He was just trying his best to throw Sonny off the trail. He may have overcompensated just a tad.
“I-I should go check on her, She’s just a kid--”
“No, allow me,” Rafael put a hand to Sonny’s chest. “It was my faux paux, I should apologize to her myself. I was being a bit of an ass,”
“Yeah but that’s just you, Barba,” Sonny chuckled, trying not to blush at Rafael’s hand on his chest.
“True, but I forget not everyone knows me as well as you do, Carisi,” And now he was trying to be extra nice to Sonny to get on his good side, while cluelessly egging on his feelings.
“That is very true,” Sonny laughed even more nervously. “I’ll uh, I’ll take a seat and get our drinks ordered,”
“Excellent,” Rafael smiled at him, probably one of five times in the entire time they’d known each other. He gave Sonny one more pat on the back before walking after where you had stomped off to.
He found you right before you hit the front door, his hand catching yours before it could grab the handle. You turned and scoffed at him, your scowl still present after stomping off.
“Oh, come to appease me, counselor? How can I be of service to you?” You snapped.
“Please, Y/N,” He gave you apologetic eyes as he pulled you closer to him. “I’m sorry, I just-- I didn’t want Carisi to think anything was off. He already caught us being handsy, I had to make it look like we disliked each other,” He explained.
“Oh I think you’ve done that above and beyond, jackass,” You huffed. “First I’m too stupid to not get robbed in the city, and then I’m too uncultured to understand ‘high society’ manipulative bullshit?”
“I’m sorry, I may have gone a little over--” He started.
“But that wasn’t even an act, was it?” You interjected angrily.
“What do you mean?” He asked you curiously.
“Your line of you having ‘use’ of a person? I assume that is why you have a room full of powerful people you dislike as opposed to a room full of sycophants?” Yeah, you might just go to community college but you knew big words too.
“I mean, that is how it works--”
“Jesus Christ,” You shook your head with a laugh. “You know I understood for about half a second why my cousin is so infatuated by you, but I am losing that belief real quick,” You turned and started to walk away again.
“Y/N come on,” He grabbed both of your arms this time and pulled you close into him, your noses almost touching.
“Look I’m-- I’m sorry, that I’m---this,” He gestured to himself.
“But that’s just how I have to be in their world,” He gestured back towards the room. “I’m telling you, it’s a room full of sharks. If I show weakness or misstep in decorum, I’m nothing but chum to those people,”
“The guy you met the other night, that’s the real me,” He put a hand to your cheek. “I never get to be that guy, not in public. That’s why I was so attracted to you,” He put his other hand on your waist.
“I don’t have to be ‘Rafael Barba, the snarky ADA with a silver tongue,’ I can just be…’Rafa’,” He gave you an earnestly sad smile.
“I’m sorry,” You blinked in confusion. “I know I’m not helping myself but what exactly is the ‘ADA’?”
Your question brought that familiar amused grin and a laugh. “See, this is what I’m talking about,”
“Oh yeah I know, the ignorant girl you can placate--”
“No,” He put a finger on your lips. “The earnest, normal, gorgeous girl,” He kissed your forehead. “I’m sure if we took a poll in here right now the majority of the room would be with you, not knowing what an ADA is,”
“Which still doesn’t answer the question,” You pointed out.
“I…” He tried to think of a way to explain his role in the Manhattan judicial system. “Well, the DA of the county is like-- the King of Lawyers in that section. Or queen, as my boss is Rita,” He shook his head with a laugh. Oh Rita Calhoun, the stories he could tell about her.
“So, you’re her king?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Eh, I’d say Prince but she’d probably say Jester if she heard this metaphor to be honest with you,”
“Mmm I like that,” You finally let yourself smile at him.
“A Prince?” He grinned.
“The Jester,” You gave him a tongued smile, settling against his chest.
“Well, I’ll gladly take that title if it makes you happy,” He kissed your forehead. “I’d do anything to make you happy right now,”
You looked into his green eyes, they were now their usual sparkling green hue, and you remembered very quickly how you had gotten yourself in this mess in the first place. He really was a sweet, charming, gorgeous guy. And then you remembered those were probably all the reasons Sonny fell for him too.
“Ahem.” You straightened up and stepped out of his grasp. “Well, what would make me happy right now is getting back to my cousin,”
“Oh,” Rafael’s eyes softened into a sad gaze.
“Rafael, I think he really likes you,” You bit your lip with guilt. “And you toying with him just now isn’t helping!”
“Toying with him?” Rafael’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion? “I wasn’t toying with--”
“Sit by me, Carisi? You’re important to me, Carisi?” You imitated his questions in a mocking tone.
“I had to ask him that so you would--” He started to explain, but you already knew.
“I know!” You stopped him. “I know, that’s why it’s so fucked!” You put your hands over your face.
“Carino…” Rafael walked over and pulled your hands from your face and held them.
“I’m hurting him every second that I stand here with you, and I--” You bit your lip trying not to cry. “I’m still doing it! I can’t walk away!”
“So don’t,” He squeezed your hands with an even sadder look.
“This is just--” You broke free from his grasp once again and wiped your eyelids. “We need to get back before Sonny comes after you,”
“....So where does this conversation leave us, then?” He asked you cautiously.
“I don’t…” You gazed into his puppy dog emerald eyes. “I don’t know, I don’t want to think about it right now, okay?”
“Fair enough,” He put his hands down in concession. “...But we really need to--”
“Yeah, I know,” You nodded softly as you walked back to the private room, Rafael trailing behind you.
All you could think on the way back was how in God’s name were you going to make it through the rest of the night.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
I was missing sr!reader and was wondering what her favorite drinks are, if she drinks. If she's from the US i'm wondering how her drinking habits are and if she's more choosy with her wine since she is in Italy now.
(I SAW THIS AND IT REMINDED ME TO RESPOND TO ANOTHER SR ASK— thank you for popping up anon <33 i’ve been missing sr reader and her shenanigans with the gang too so this was perfect timing) 
At first, SR Reader would be very ?? HUH over the casual drinking culture in Italy. It wasn’t that big of an issue when it was just her, Bruno, and Fugo. However, when Abbacchio showed up, man was breaking out the entire bottle while she was still eating her breakfast. Was very much at a loss over the entire thing. She’d seen Bruno nursing a small glass of wine here and there, but after witnessing Abbacchio, was ready to sign him up for an alcohol anonymous meeting. 
As for the drinks she’d like... it all depends at what point of the timeline it is. Towards the start, SR Reader is dead broke and has no extra funds for fancy drinks 😭 however, when she’s able to afford it (aka once Giorno expunges her debts), she’d probably favor light fruity drinks. Her and Narancia love the little umbrellas you can get with those special drinks. Fugo has to confiscate them because she keeps trying to bring them home. It’d be smth like,
“But it’s so cute!” 
“It serves no practical purpose. Hand it over.”
anon 2 asked: SR Ask: On one of the tags you said that everyone comforts reader in their own way, and it made me curious... how would the gang comfort reader? I could see some of them having trouble with having a heart to heart conversation either due to how closed off their personalities are, or how their carefree attitude might make their words not land that well. Also, you wouldn't mind if I make more SR asks in the future? Thanks in advance!
(please feel free, i always love SR asks!! i’m sorry for how late of a response this is htjegkrmw)
Bruno is an obvious go to candidate for all things. He’s earnest and listens well, just overall a nice and soothing presence. You can tell him anything and never feel judged. If it’s something he can help with, expect full well that he will, no matter how difficult it may be. That’s just Bruno’s nature, he wants to help those he cares about! If it’s something that can’t be “fixed” he’ll let you know in a very serious tone that you’re never alone, that it’s okay to rely on him, stuff like that. You’ll always leave conversations with Bruno feeling better. <33
Fugo is a bit of a hit or miss. He cares, he really does, but being in touch with emotions is not his thing. You’ll need to extend a little grace to him because he’s trying, and you’re basically one of the only people he’d try so hard for (he’s head over heels okay). He doesn’t coddle you — which might not be initially well-received depending on what the problem is — though you can appreciate it once you’re in a better state of mind. Fugo will probably make you laugh on accident with an awkward comment lmao. He also gives somewhat stiff hugs, but for some reason it’s super endearing. Pats your back like twice in this super deliberate way and it makes you giggle.
NARANCIA... you two vibe together okay. You’re his vibe girlfriend. He’s unexpectedly perceptive to any shifts in your mood, though he doesn’t have a lot of tact about it. If it’s a person bothering you, he WILL offer to beat them up, and not even in a joking way. You’d have to physically stop him. He’s really good at validating your feelings though. If you recount an annoying experience, he’ll be there nodding his head going YEAH that sounds so stupid what a pain. Can’t believe you had to deal with that. He’s so sweet UGH
Abbacchio... hm, well. He’s definitely more of the listening type. He might have a hard time reaching out — he’ll 100% notice something is wrong but might not say anything right away — but it’s a different story if you go directly to him. You can tell he’s experienced with a lot of things, so it’s comforting in a way, when he’s sitting there listening intently. Similar to Fugo, he won’t coddle you, but that’s just because he knows you’re mature enough to handle the truth. The respect he holds for you is not to be taken lightly. He won’t overwhelm you with advice unless you ask for some.
Mista is the person to go to if you want to be cheered up. Seriously, he’s fun to hang out with, you treasure every second. His way of cheering you up is taking your mind off of whatever is troubling you and goofing off together. It helps that Pistols have a natural ability to make you laugh with their antics. He’s grateful for once over his gremlin-like Stand if it means he gets to see your super cute smile again <333 if it’s something more serious, you’re still in good hands. He perfectly mixes in a tasteful amount of lighthearted humor and serious advice depending. (As a bonus, Pistols try cheering you up by bringing you snacks... SO CUTE... 😭)
Giorno is another person with a very calm presence. You can be relaying some heavy stuff onto him, and he’s unfazed, still engaging and following along patiently. He’s the type to listen without interruption, aside from a few questions to clarify things, but lets you get it off your chest for the most part first. Giorno will then help you work through why you feel that way, what could be done about it, stuff like that. It might seem almost borderline clinical, but he still cares very much!! It’s because he cares that he wants to get to the root of the problem so it never comes back. You can rest well knowing Giorno will do literally everything within his power to help. 
Trish will almost be... maybe not excited, but definitely very eager to help. You’ve been there for her in the past, now she gets to return the favor! She’d be the type to suggest easygoing activities to take your mind off things. Shopping trips, a spa at home day, watching your favorite movies/shows, etc. Trish is kind of like Narancia where she’ll actively empathize with a lot of your frustrations. You should know that if any person was bothering you, Trish is ready to hold a live improv roasting session. You’ll both be verbally destroying that person’s ego from afar. 
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
It's been a while since we last checked on Flippy, so let's see how he's doing!
We start with Cuddles this time, who's sitting upside down on a bench when Petunia and Flaky approach him, asking if he's seen Flippy anywhere.
He has not, because he thought Flippy was with Petunia.
Petunia folds her arms and asks why Flippy would be with her for about a half to a week and a half, and Cuddles shrugs; maybe they got REALLY intimate and just needed all of that time together.
Flaky squeals, because it's dirty, and Petunia tells him to get his mind out of the gutter because this is crazy serious.
Cuddles gets up and relentls and asks if they stopped by his house.
They did, and he wasn't there.
Did they check the woods?
Not there either.
The GYM?
He doesn't even BELIEVE in going to the Gym, most days; why GO to a place to workout when you have the equipment at your house or just outside in general?
Cuddles finally realizes that Flippy's MISSING missing, and gets up, joining the girls with finding their friend.
Flaky hopes that Flippy's okay, but Cuddles assures her that he's smart, he wouldn't do anything stupid like run away.
Funny he say that because Flippy IS doing something stupid, staring at a projector that's showing a bunch of war footage, like pictures that NO AVERAGE PERSON should see.
Splendid cringes as turns a small dial on an IV line and watches Flippy struggle to both handle the medicine that's being pumped into him and not flip out.
Thankfully, all that happens is that he vomits in a bucket.
Splenedid stops the medicine and hands Flippy some water, asking if he's really okay with continuing; they've been at this for a while and they're making very debatable progress.
Flippy washes his mouth out and nods. He can keep going.
Splendid hestitately changes the image to a collage of very familiar faces:
Tiger General, Sneaky, and Mouse Ka-Boom.
Flippy gasps at seeing them and asks how the hell Splendid got these pictures.
Splendid admits it was a simple internet search, because people spread information around like it's a puff puff pass, especially if said information is a tragedy and a victory. He can give Flippy a few minutes, if he needs it.
Flippy only takes a few seconds seeing the faces of his dead partners and nods.
Splendid gets the IV and medicine going again and Flippy takes a few deep breaths as what I call the "Make Me Sick" medicine(MMS for short)(if MMS is a real thing, I deeply and sincerely apologize. I know there's a name for the drug/"medicine" used for aversion therapy, but I forgot it🙏🙏🙏) runs through his system. TV perspective, his eyes dart between Mouse Ka-Boom and Sneaky and he sees old memories of the three in training, i.e. standing still while a drill sergeant yells in their faces and/or tries to make them laugh, having a meal together, goofing around before bed, and even comforting each other after getting tased and pepper sprayed as a part of training.
Flippy's eyes go 'killer instinct-y' and he fights a gag as he remembers how they all promised to meet again once they were out of the army, and how both looked at him with shock, sorrow, and betrayal because of how he accidentally killed them.
The memories change to taking on Tiger General 1v1, how he had to fend for himself, got his hands removed, and was almost strangled to death until he ultimately came out on top amd took down the rest of the enemy base.
When I say he vomits, I mean he VOMITS until there's nothing left to get out of his system and he's dry heaving.
Splendid quickly turns off the projector and gets Flippy off the IV, though the veteran tells him he can take more, he just needs a few minutes.
Splendid, however, tells him to call it a day; they've been at this for hours and he's already making phenomenal progress; of course Splendid is not going to TEST it right now because his friend just threw up all of his digestive system.
Flippy sighs and agrees, relinquishing for the day.
Splendid helps him up and asks if he's okay to walk home and Flippy states he's fine; he just wants to go shower and clean himself up after throwing up so much.
The two bid their farewells and Flippy begins a very uneasy walk home.
A bit of context: it's been a week or so since the last part and they've been doing this all day everyday since then, from dawn to dusk, and today they started around MAYBE 4 am in the morning and it is now 12 or 1 pm in the afternoon, so yeah it's time for the Flipster to go home and rest.
Back on track, Flippy's not exactly the best because he needs to get the vomit taste out of his mouth and just feels like crap, so he takes a shortcut home.
He gets there relatively fast and flops onto the couch and falls asleep, exhausted.
He dreams he's with Sneaky and Mouse Ka-Boom, all three playing a mix of Spades and Poker, Sneaky and Flippy speaking in english before translating for Mouse Ka-Boom to understand them; yes, Mouse Ka-Boom speaks french. He understands English well enough, but isn't the best at speaking it, aside from, 'Sir, yes, sir,' 'Sir, no, sir,' and a few insults he picked up from Flippy on accident; he may or may not have gotten the three in trouble because he repeated one of these insults in front of a commanding officer.
Regardless, the three are having a good time before Sneaky asks Flippy a question: How did it feel to throw that knife at him rather than the General? Did he enjoy it? Did he hate Sneaky that much he had to throw a KNIFE through his chest?
Flippy deflates and clarifies that he did not mean to miss the General; it was a heat of the moment thing and he's, admittedly, not good under stress.
Mouse Ka-Boom lowers his cards and asks if cutting him in half was another 'heat of the moment thing,' along with getting them both blown to smithereens.
They change before Flippy's eyes, both mangles and burnt, and Flippy leaves the table, backing away from them.
That is until a hand claps on his shoulder and his own voice tells him to admit that he actually did enjoy killing his friends; it's what he's been trained to do, so what better way to see the reward of all that effort?
Flippy turns and sees himself, who demands he admit it, admit that he's never going to change, that he won't let himself because not only does he like it, he also wants to go back to fighting and wants out of Splendid's Aversion therapy.
Flippy barely gets a word out because his other self tackles him to the ground and starts to choke him, calling him weak, a liar, and a coward, saying he should've died on that mission, not Sneaky or Mouse Ka-Boom.
Speaking of which, the two appear and grab both of Flippy's arms, holding him while he's practically being strangled again.
It gets worse when his other self turns into Tiger General, who laughs that he wouldn't be surprised by such an admission because it took Flippy how many tries to kill him. Might as well return the favor.
Flippy, breathless and trying to break free screams out and wakes up on the floor, though he gets up and runs to the kitchen sink, where he dry heaves and coughs up spit.
He stops after a while and sits against the cabinets, having regrets about the choice to go along with Splendid's idea.
These regrets linger as he walks outside the next day, catching a toy Cub dropeed while and Pop are on a stroll, though Cub is in a wagon.
They walk off, Pop thanking Flippy, and Flippy gets a surprise attack hug from Flaky, who's close to tears because he's been missing.
Cuddles, Giggles, and Petunia also approach, asking where the hell he disappeared to, because they've been looking all over for him.
Flippy apologizes for worrying them and straight up lies, saying he just left town for a little bit to enjoy some quiet time; and to restock on his medicine as soon as he could because he ran out.
Cuddles still lightly punches Flippy on the arm and tells him not to scare them like that again, or they'll put him on a harness or walk around with him in a wagon.
With Flaky now piggybacking him, Flippy muses that it sounds tempting, because he could see everyone getting some excerise because of it.
The group laugh it off and start toward a diner, because they all skipped breakfast and lunch on accident.
Flippy decides to join them, having NOT skipped breakfast, and they head to the diner.
On his back, Flaky asks Flippy if he's okay, because he looks pale and feels tense.
He nods, claiming he's fine, just a little sore from a workout he did while he was away.
Flaky is suspicious, but drops it. FOR NOW.
Cut to them at the diner, all talking and looking over the menu to see what they want, and a visual gag of Cuddles and Giggles having a contest of who can spin longer in their chairs(they're all sitting at the bar).
Flippy is a little uneasy because ANYTHING can trigger his instincts and he doesn't know how well this aversion procedure is going to qork because neither he nor Splendid went out and actually saw if it was working.
Petunia sees his unease and asks if he needs to step outside for a second.
He shakes his head and admits he's just trying to figure out what to eat.
Good thing he's having a hard time, too, because Petunia is not in the mood for grease.
Flaky fakes a gag or an "Eugh," and jokes, "Ew, flirting."
While Flippy laughs, Petunia DARES Flaky to repeat that, because it was her that helped the two get closer.
His laughter dies when a kitchen fire starts on accident right in front if them.
TV/anime perspective, we see the reflection of the fire in Flippy's eyes as they widen and he gasps/whimpers. We don't see his flashback, but we hear about a bomb going off and people screaming in pain. Flippy clenches a fist on the countertop, silent as the fire is put out and everyone relaxes.
While everyone talks about how crazy that just was, Flippy spontaneouly gets sick to his stomach and gags, excusing himself really quick to go to the bathroom.
The group watch and are now very confused, because usually flame triggers him, but he did not go off on them.
Cuddles, being the only boy, follows Flippy, saying that he'll try not to die in the process.
He does not die, but he does see Flippy vomiting into one of the sinks, very violently, I must say.
Cuddles asks if everything's okay, which scares the crap out of Flippy, but the ex-soldier claims he's fine; the fire just got him scared.
Cuddles doesn't really buy it, and asks another question: Has he been eating, AT ALL? Because he looks like he lost a little bit of weight and sick as hell.
While he waters away his mess, washes out, and wipes off his mouth, Flippy admits he has been, as much as he can, at least.
Cuddles still doesn't buy it, asking WHAT he's eating and when.
Flippy leans over the now clean sink and measures his options.
If he tells the truth, there's a chance his friends are not going to take it well.
If he keeps them in the dark, they will be fine, even though he'll feel even more like garbage.
Flippy turns and holds up his hands in surrender. He's been eating venison to build immunity, and because it, honestly, tastes really good.
Cuddles reels on him, asking why he'd do that when he's almost deathly allergic to the stuff.
Flippy apologizes and admits that, yes, he knows it's stupid, but he's just trying to make himself better, in case they have a cookout and someone accidentally brings venison instead of steak.
Cuddles points out that's BS because NO ONE eats venison(whatever it is)(Flippy corrects him that it's deer), but still drops it because Flippy clearly doesn't want to talk about it; guy code.
Flippy thanks him anyway and they rejoin the group, everyone keeping an eye on Flippy as he eats, Flaky especially, because, having known him the longest, she canntell he's both hiding something and isn't as good as he's pretending to be.
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the-royal-bat-snake · 3 years
He’s the 7th year of the September Relic, which basically just means he’s 17 and I’m over complicating this and failing to do math. He’s one of the kids from Steamport.
Full name: Charlie Smith
Slime features!
I say that but he’s literally just slime, he’s green and semi see-through
I like to imagine he puts a popsicle stick in his head and says it’s all that’s holding him together, and when someone inevitably takes it out he just sort of pretends he’s melting and goops onto the ground
Yeah, he has full control over how the mass of his body is shaped, and he mostly uses it for jokes. He has many punpportunities
Charlie: Slime you later!Charlie: *Turns into goop on the ground and slithers away*
That being said, Charlie can sort of hide his changes
His natural form, and the way he sleeps, is just a green mass that needs to be contained by something. Charlie is a liquid
So he obviously has to have some control over his form and how it’s shaped and such
He got most of it from picking up features and such from the people around him, and mixing it up a bit
His clothing is also formed from his slime. I should clarify: he can change the colour of his slime
So he usually gives himself an outfit to fit in, but it doesn’t move very naturally. He also keeps his skin as green, because he doesn’t really feel comfortable changing that
Also even though the clothes move with his mind he usually pretends he has to fiddle with it to change it. Like to unzip his hoodie he’ll mime his hand going down
It makes him look and feel more natural
Charlie learned from a very young age how to control his slime, so he can do it without thinking at this point
This partly means that sometimes his body does it for him
That can mean tiny, normal things like smiling not needing him to think about it anymore
But it also means he’s like a mood lava lamp, his body moves and changes different colors when he feels certain emotions
Whenever his friends see something new happening in this regard they usually take notes
Or at least Noah does, the rest are probably just goofing off
Also Charlie’s other friends! Because they are also an integral part of The Experience
We’ve got the whole cast of JRWI and Macro, and probably more I’ll think of later up in here. Because they are important, okay?
These are Charlie’s buddies!! Plus he and the gang definitely still play DnD but with 100% more visual gags
Charlie for sure makes himself look like Br’aad when he’s playing DnD, and also whenever he wants to annoy his friends with the Br’aad Experience (TM)
He also goes for the other characters, purely to make fun of them most of the time
Charlie keeps on doing this sort of thing during his campaigns, to the point where the DM just turns to him after especially poignant descriptions in anticipation
Honestly just in general I think he could do a lot of jokes with his move set, and he would take full advantage of it
Also I believe in all the recurring people in Charlie’s videos being his friends and being in this AU. Slime just has this Energy that makes it where any collab video he does shows everyone’s strengths and comedy
I just really appreciate Mr. Charlie Slimecicle, okay?
And his friends are all top notch, but I can’t just create a whole section of this AU that’s just Charlie Slimecicle and friends
Point is his friends are here and it’s Great
Anyway a fact about the original au
The big event that brought them all together
It was Schlatt and Charlie’s house burning down with their parents inside
This was an attempt to kill the children, it obviously failed. It was done either by speciesists or whatever the main villain was
Who knows? Certainly not me
Asks are open for him and anyone in Steamport/the September Relic
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korissideblog · 3 years
So! I decided I wanted to info dump about my bby, and I’m gonna do it here. Consider this a living document, cause ill be editing new questions and answers as they come in <3 if you have any more questions just comment them (or ask on anon if you want, I’ll answer both here and there)
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Question from: @bobittybob20276
while Aito tries to train like the rest of her classmates (though sparring) his quirk really isn’t a fighting quirk, so yeah, most of her training happens out in the wild. He mostly trains on his classmates and teachers, but will occasionally go out of the school and try to charm random people she bumps into ;) . she continues his training after graduation, and keeps getting better and better the longer she’s in the field.
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Question by: @zedthebuggy
kinda a tough question here, lemme try to explain how Aito’s quirk works; so pretty much it’s not really Aito’s gaze that makes it work, like his pupil doesn’t have to be trained on someone. His quirk works through her iris (the yellow bit). it looks normal most of the time, but when being used, it becomes wildly complicated, confusing the eye of her target and scrambling their brain a bit. pretty much, the brain normally simplifies everything so our eyes can kinda take shortcuts and let us quickly take in as much info as possible, but Aito’s irises are so overly complicated that the target’s brain is forced to focus excessively on them to keep up, making them very suggestible. that’s why Aito has to speak his commands, so that the target’s brain confuses Aito‘s voice for it’s own command (and also why the target won’t do anything too complicated or out of character. if the brain thinks too hard about what it’s doing, it could fall out of Aito’s control) his quirk would be better described as a sensory overload, but without the panic or any negative feelings. It actually feels rather nice to be charmed, like being a hot room with a cool fan blowing in your face, or drinking a warm drink in the snow. Very positive, yet opposity feelings at once if that makes sense
(side note, when Aito gets older, she can control when his quirk is “turned on” but while she’s in UA, it just constantly on all of the time, hence his choice in hairstyle)
so! To answer your question, if someone doesn’t know about Aito’s quirk, they have 0 clue that they’re being charmed, and will have 0 memory of whatever they do when charmed. If someone does know about her quirk though, their brain will recognize the feeling and will be able to combat it (she can still be pretty effective, but he still has to work harder for it) if someone knows about the quirk, their vision will get a bit darkend around the corners and may see quick flashes of darkness as their brain kicks off to focus on Aito’s irises. it takes a lot of willpower to fight Aito’s charms- or, just a very very simplified vision, like Aito’s mama has (if someone asks, I’ll talk later about Guadelupe’s vision, it’s actually pretty interesting) (side note again, if someone tires to fight her charm, it could leave them with a gentle headache <3)
and FINALLY Aito’s quirk doesn’t require her to physically see, as long as her target can see her, it works :)
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Question by: @gatortopia
Aito decided to become a hero because… he’s perfect! And he wants everyone to know how perfect she is!! And everyone thinks heros are perfect!!! And soon EVERYONE will see how PERFECT he is!!!!!!!
(side notie <3)
when Aito’s father left them, he was cemented in Aito’s brain as someone who couldn’t see how perfect he was. Aito just wants to be seen by her father, but because he doesn’t know who he is, he assumed that the only way to get the man’s attention was to prove how perfect she can really be, and the only way she could figure out how to do that is by becoming a hero.
after he gets her license, he immediately starts heroing like others do, with big fights and capturing villains and saving people… but… that really didn’t work for her. No matter how strong or fast or clever she was, he couldn’t match up to his peers in the heroing world.her quirk just wasn’t made for that kinda work. He took some time off to figure himself out, and after a bit of time (and a lot of conversations with Michi, both professional and personal) he finally figured out that his best place to work was behind the scenes, collecting information and going undercover in villain hangouts and social events. he wears her support hero badge with pride. (and uhhh still sometimes helps with big fights and capturing villains and saving people. Hey! She spent good money on his hero suit! He’s gonna use it!!)
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Question by: @ratty-memes
ooohhhh ok! This is the question I really wanna answer!!!
so! to clarify, Aito absolutely thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips, like even in the deep parts of her brain, she thinks he’s The Blueprint. I would almost describe her as narcissistic bordering on psychopathic. THE ONLY REASON I WOULDN’T DESCRIBE HER AS THIS THOUGH- is because of her reasoning
so- Aito was raised by his mama exclusively, and he thinks his mama hung the moon and painted the stars. Like she is a capital M capital B Mama’s Boy. He absolutely adores his mama and thinks she’s absolutely without flaw or defect. (She didn’t instill this in him, Guadelupe’s just a very nice lady and Aito was really messed up after his father left, so she clung to any semblance of a good parent she could find. (Even though he’s technically out of this stage already, and it’s much less pronounced, something similar happened when he met Sato. Guadelupe never dated after Aito’s father “because my mijo is the only person I’ll ever need” and because of that, Sato is the first positive male role model in his life. Most of his acting out actually is a product of wanting to keep Sato’s attention on him, and to subconsciously keep him from leaving like his father did))
Aito’s brain pretty much went “ok, my mama is Absolutely And Positively Perfect… and she really really loves me… she wouldn’t love a kid with flaws… so I must also be perfect!!” And that’s why she thinks she’s all that! She thinks his perfection is as obvious as the sky being blue, and his want for validation just his way of checking out the window and seeing the color or they sky. they sky is blue, and everyone knows that, and Aito is perfect, and everyone should know that!!
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Question by: @cosmic-goof
you only get repercussions if you’re caught ;)
but also she’s promised multiple people that she won’t steal from strangers. In the classroom setting, people know that when your wallet or your ID card or your phone go missing, you should talk to Aito before you do anything else, strangers don’t know that, so whatever she takes is for keeps. He really doesn’t like keeping things from people as much as he just likes the act of pick pocketing, so if someone asks for their item back, Aito will immediately return it and will probably explain how and when he took it if they let him. only problem is, you obviously can’t do this with strangers, so instead she does other things, like asks them for a harmless favor that someone would never do for a stranger (“hey there, can you help me move tomorrow?” “Hi! Do you mind if I take your picture?” “Hello sir! can I look through your phone for a sec?”)
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Question by: @cosmic-goof
at the moment, it’s usually an adult who knows about her quirk and tries very hard not to be charmed (think sato). she can still charm adults obviously, but it’s a bit harder to do bc she’s just a little baby. maybe when she trains more she’ll get stronger, but at the moment, that’s her limit (sorry if this is a weird answer, willpower doesn’t exactly come in like a points system irl, so I can’t be like “7 willpower!” yk?)
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Question by: @glitchviper
I talked about this before with Rin’s blind eye (something I’ll probably add here) but being blind in one eye wouldn’t stop Aito’s quirk (as long as you look at her with your non-blind eye, you can still be charmed, hence why when looking at Aito with only her blind eye, Rin wasn’t charmed)
the only was to not be charmed by Aito is to just not see her eyes, so total blindness or some kind of visual abnormality (like her mama has. somebody PLEASE ask me about Lup’s eyes. I have diagrams) but! if a person is seeing, but can’t hear Aito (be it because of deafness, or some issues in the environment like loud noises or earmuffs) a person can be charmed, but cannot be commanded <3
((p.s. I’ll be talking a lot about blindness or other disabilities while discussing Aito’s quirk, but if I say or display any ableist language or sympathies, please know it’s out of ignorance and not malice, and correct me when you can.))
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