#this is a pom blog for the week
thecrowslullaby · 2 years
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They both get so excited about their passions, so i think they deserve the talk at each other
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kuratm · 9 months
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you know you've done a good job on writing an essay when your professor comments how pessimistic my perspective on life is.
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thundertide · 3 months
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Just a quick note that I've got a new theme up! <3 Was kindda time for a refresh, among other reasons, so @yoroiis and I spent a couple days working out a new look! Everything is still how it was for links, and in the next day or two I should have Ayaka's temp about up, too - Some things came up, including the loss of our other dog, so being productive lately has been... Kind of difficult and made this the first real project I've been able to focus on in days that wasn't simple edits over on @sakurarisen and my multi-blog-wide lore. If there's any issues with the theme, feel free to hit up my inbox and let me know so I can get them fixed! <3
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wingrisen · 2 years
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Just a heads up with the release of Crisis Core Reunion: I’m a gamer who likes to take games slow, and given I just got my hands on the game, I don’t really have opinions I can share yet! I know I love Kunsel (And Cissnei! <3) still, and while my activity has been slow for numerous offline reasons, I want to experience Reunion on my own time.
The plot itself isn’t really a spoiler for me given the fact I’ve played the original and was in the midst of a playthrough when CCR was announced, but for the time being, all asks and messages about CCR will be either ignored or deleted. It’s not that I don’t want to answer them - I thank y’all for sending them, I just don’t have a solid opinion on anything yet and want to make that myself, first! So for the next week or two, please refrain from any kinds of messages on the game, please - Just until I get a chance to fully experience it and form my opinion and feelings on my own. I’ll make mention of when I’m up for asks and messages myself, when I feel ready to share them!
Thank you, and happy gaming and holidays, everyone! <3
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sakurarisen · 4 months
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So I'm gonna lighten my semi-hiatus just a bit; while my net is absolute trash, as long as I take things slowly and deal with the random blips and not overloading posts with graphics (A large gif can make my net cut out? Stupidly enough?), it's not as terrible as it has been! I've been slowly testing things over on @thundertide to see what it can and can't handle, as well as doing some blogwork in the background, so I think it's safe to say I'm back in almost full!
However, I've also managed to catch a virus that's had me flat on my back for the last month, and for the last week or so, also rendered me largely bedridden with how horrible I feel. Blogwork has been pretty much all I can do besides sleeping and waiting for this virus to work its way through my system, which it's taking it's sweet bloody time to do. For this alone it might be a little longer before I'm actually fully on top of things, but I'm tired of being on a semi-hiatus, so. XD
In the meantime, I've updated a few things:
Sera's divergences page has had an update! I've rewritten the FF7 and GI sections entirely for (hopefully) easier reading, and I've added a few things to it overall - Namely how the phoenix lore fits in with the different verses and how it plays in the overall backstory, like Sera's ties to Shiva in 7, and the ancient phoenix gods in GI, as well as a note towards the top of the page on how the lore fits in in general right now. Sera should still be seen as human - Because she is human, the phoenix Aria is her core but asleep deep within her. I just like having my info right there and available, especially for something like this that's still being grown and figured out little by little, and would probably leave people with questions. XD Further updates are coming within a couple months due to still playing Rebirth when I can (gaming time is restricted because of the net issues), and because of plotting going on behind the scenes.
Rules have been updated to follow in the same footsteps as the above! It's minor stuff; just reitterating Sera and the kids are inherently fandomless/multifandom OCs with primary verses, and that Sera shouldn't be recognized as a phoenix/elemental being from hello, considering she nor her brother, Thoma ( @yoroiis ) are even aware they're Aria and Aelius, respectively, at this point in time. It might come up in threads eventually, it might not, but right now, she's just Sera, and always will be. <3
I've also been doing some work on a few sideblogs, both to here and @thundertide, that should be popping up soon - And then I do really plan on getting my FF multimuse and Cody and Lia back up and running, too - Just as soon as I can work out some issues I've been having there behind the scenes.
There's more I planned to note here but I'm drawing a blank, so... Time to go chill and hopefully remember it later. XD
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itsbeeble · 2 months
Cheerleaders and Stereotypes
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SUMMARY: Choi San isn't an idiot. He's also very patient. How long will it take for you to let him admit that he bagged the hottest cheerleader in the world?
GENRE: fluff, angst, smut
PAIRING: Choi San x afab!reader
WC: ~4.7k
PERM TAGLIST: @winterchimez @juyeonszn @flwoie
WARNINGS: reader is dumb, relationship is actually a little toxic I won't even lie, san tries to make reader jealous and it works, p in v sex, fingering, size kink, SIZE. KINK., softdom!san, big dick!san, um reader struggles to ride san idk, bulge kink, san lowkey mocks the reader a bit, insecurities, arguing, san lowkey is way too patient for reader, idk i think that's it
A/N: h-heyyyyy *chuckles nervously* Everyone say welcome back tumblr user itsbeeble! Everyone say thank you @from-izzy and @sanaxo-o for distracting me while I was writing and to ally for supporting me through a very very very very long writers block hahahahhahahhahhahha....haha...ha
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Choi San, despite popular belief, was not an idiot. Not really at least. Unfortunately for him, he seemed to fit most of the stereotypes of a college athlete.
He was fit, that was without a doubt and he would not deny it. Six days a week in the gym after football practice did him good. Toned arms that hardly fit any of his shirts, the fabric stretching and nearly tearing every time he got dressed. Thick thighs that bulged against every pair of jeans or sweatpants, noticeable from the stands on game day and having girls swooning as he walked. Not to mention his ass. Had he not built up a brick wall called “confidence” the comments made about his ass would have had him blushing and covering his cheeks rather than smirking. 
God, that smirk. He flashed it casually to anyone who looked at him— students, professors, the crowd, the opposing team, the cheerleaders. It was a near unfortunate bonus that he was just as hot as he was fit. That stupid chiselled jaw, the dimples, and his tall frame. It’s irritating. 
At least, it’s irritating for you. 
See, being the supposedly stupid captain of the football team came with many stereotypes. 
Dating the captain of the cheerleading squad was just one more, even if no one knew. 
No one important, that is.
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“Sannie,” Yewon was practically hanging off San’s arm, her manicured nails lightly scratching the tan skin. The sing-song tone of her voice made you cringe, the noise scraping at your eardrums and creating a dull throb in your already aching skull. Your back was turned to the pair, but San could tell you were likely trying to grow eyes in the back of your skull to watch the interaction. That stupid, casual smirk of his was trained on the newer cheerleader, her eyes big and filled with faux innocence. “How did you get so big?”
A poorly stifled snort from another girl on the squad, Sihyeon. A good friend of yours who knows exactly what goes on between you and San behind closed doors, and knows exactly what he’s planning. That little snort has you turning the daggers you call eyes onto her, the girls around her shifting uncomfortably at the now tense energy around you. 
Jealousy. That’s what San’s goal is and you know it. He’s pulled this trick several times before, trying to egg you on and expose the relationship that you’d chosen to hide. So he’d play stupid, that same act that everyone believes is a poor reality. The dumb, hot captain of the football team who can’t seem to get a girlfriend despite the girls falling at his feet for a moment of his attention. All he wants is for you to finally get jealous enough to rip that girl off his arm and finally stake your claim publicly. 
Unfortunately, you’re patient. 
Fortunately, so is he.
He smirks down at her, his arm grazing the skin of her lower back that her top doesn’t cover. You can practically hear her breathing stutter, and your grip on your pom poms tightens.
“Never skip a day at the gym, never skip practice, throw a good party on the weekends.” His answer is…lackluster at best. Your nose wrinkles, knowing he did it on purpose. The idiotic responses are for you, in hopes that you’ll turn around and yell at him for pretending to be a moron even though he’s one of the best students in the Kinesiology department. 
“You’ll have to coach me through a workout one day,” Yewon grabs San’s arm tighter when she sees you turn to face the pair. 
“Maybe I should take you up on that.” San isn’t looking at her, not even a brief glance down to acknowledge that she’s there. No, his eyes are trained on you. Daring you to say something, anything. 
Do it.
You know you want to.
Stake the claim.
You know I’m yours. Why not let everyone else know?
You open your mouth to speak, and he quirks an eyebrow at you. Do it, do it, do it.
“Kim Yewon,” the words are laced with venom and she goes rigid. “Break ended ten minutes ago.”
“I was talking to Sannie!” She glared at you, and you almost laughed. 
“Sannie,” you mocked, watching a pout form on your boyfriend’s lips, “has his own practice to get to.”
“Our practice ended half an hour ago.” He argued, toeing the limits of how far he can push you before you finally break. 
“Then leave.” 
“I don’t want to. I wanna stay and talk with Yewon.” He challenged. Sihyeon grimaces behind you, watching as San digs himself a grave not even he can climb out of. 
The two of you stare each other down for a few moments, a mix of emotions running through you. You know that he’s challenging you and trying to get a rise out of you, but you know better. You know you can’t challenge him like that without exposing your relationship— the one thing in your life that you want to keep to yourself for just a little while longer. 
You’re the first to cave, your shoulders slumping just enough to be noticed by San, and his eyebrows knit together. 
“Do what you want. Practice is done for the day.”
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The two-story rental house you share with Sihyeon and a few other girls from the squad is eerily silent. The air conditioning and the sound of you quietly walking around your room are the only things keeping you from the thoughts in your head. 
Did San take Yewon up on the ‘offer’?
Did you take it too far?
Should you have just caved for him?
What if he’s sick of this? Of the secret meet-ups and the acting?
Something hits the window as you’re walking past it, and a loud squeak escapes you. You whip your head around just as, what you now realize is, a rock hits the window. Not a large rock. Small, just enough to be noticeable and visible to the naked eye as it tumbles back down to the front lawn. Another rock as you take the two steps you need in order to peer down and see San with a pile of rocks on the ground next to him, a fourth in his hand ready to be thrown if needed. He grins when he sees you, tossing the rock up and down a couple of times before taking aim.
You fling your window open, scowling down at him before he winds his hand back. 
“Don’t you fucking dare, Choi San.” He pouts up at you, but all you do is glare. 
“How else was I supposed to get your attention?”
“Ring the doorbell, dumbass. Like a normal person.” 
Much to your annoyance, San just grins and drops the rock. “Where’s the fun in that?”
You lean against the window frame, arms folded as you run your tongue over your lip in thought. “Shouldn’t you be with Yewon?” 
You can see San’s nose wrinkle at the thought, but he doesn’t respond. Instead, he makes his way to the tree he’d been using as a sort of ladder to get into your room. He’d been doing that since you met, since the first time you ever slept together. He’d never been a fan of the whole…front door tactic. Your father would probably hate him. He’d think San was no good, a troublemaker if anything. You would disagree. 
Maybe your relationship was more stereotypical than you were willing to believe. 
San’s shoes are louder than either of you had expected as he jumps down from the tree, grimacing at the noise he makes.
“If my neighbors didn’t know any better, the police would’ve been here by now.” You shuffle back as your boyfriend tucks awkwardly through your window. His large frame pushes against the frame, the vinyl creaking against him as it struggles to stay in one piece. His neck cranes to look up at you, his feet hitting the ground with another loud thump.
“Glad they know better then.” He pushes a hand through his hair, the silky black strands falling loosely over his forehead in spite of his best efforts. 
A moment of silence falls between you, and you take this time to sit at your dresser. Makeup wipes and cleansers are scattered in front of you from when you’d made a weak attempt at distracting yourself from, well, the problem you’d created. 
San sits on your bed behind you, watching every move you make. He sits quietly, like a child in a timeout chair. He waits, letting you make the calls. You never knew why he started doing that— started letting you take the lead in every argument, even the petty nonsensical ones.
“You never answered my question,” your eyes are trained on him through the mirror. He presses his lips together, loosely folding his legs.
“Are you really that upset?” The question is innocent enough, but it brings back the previous irritation from the field. 
“Why wouldn’t I be? My boyfriend is openly flirting with other people knowing that I’ll get pissed off. You flaunt that knowledge like it’s your fucking birthright or whatever. Do you really think I’m not gonna get upset about it?” You put your moisteurizer down with more force than you’d wanted to, shaking your dresser a bit. San flinches at the sudden noise, gnawing at his lip in thought. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Are you, though?” Your eyes are narrowed as you turn around in your chair. A momentary pause as San lets the words sink in. He’s patient. So patient with you, even when you feel you don’t deserve it. “You act like you don’t give two shits about our relationship, and then show up at my fucking window acting like nothing is wrong and that the world is all sunshine and fucking rainbows. You go out of your way to piss me off, make me angry at my own squad, just for what? So you can get a good fuck at the end of the day?” 
Sometimes you forget that, while Choi San is patient, that patience runs thin. 
He isn’t stupid. He knows that this outburst, this frustration, isn’t just at him, but the more you spit your venom at him, taking your anger and misdirecting it, the more his patience begins to run out. You can see it in the clenching of his fists, the ticking of his jaw, and the glare in his eyes. 
Unfortunately, you’re far too lost in your mind that you can’t see the way San rises from his seat on your bed and takes a step toward you. Then another, and another, and suddenly he’s right in front of you. 
“Sometimes I think that the idiotic front that you put on isn’t exactly a front at all—” You spin around, expecting him to still be on your bed. A loud yelp escapes you when you come face-to-face with his well-built frame. “Jesus Christ, San! Why the fuck are you right behi—”
“Shut up,” he says it so simply, so calmly that you almost think he’s not being serious. 
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do!” You snarl, and San scoffs. 
“Do you even realize why we’re in this situation to begin with?”
“Yeah, you were flirting with my fucking—”
“Don’t blame me for your fucking problems,” San spits out. Your eyes widen and you take a step back. “I’ve been going along with this stupid fucking secret relationship for who knows how long, and all I’ve gotten in return is you bitching about me wanting you to just come out with it!” 
“You know I want to keep—”
“You want to keep your love life private,” San interrupts and flings his hands into the air. “I get it. I understand, Y/N. That doesn’t make it suck any less.” 
“It isn’t just—” you huff, pressing your hand to your forehead in a poor attempt at calming yourself down. “It isn’t just the fact that I want to keep us private, Sannie. I just— I don’t—” 
Your eyes are welling up with tears, and you blink a few times to force them back. San pulls you toward him, his hand practically engulfing yours as he tugs you onto his lap. Your legs are on either side of his, and he laces his fingers with yours, resting them between the two of you. 
“I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s wrong, sweetheart.” He murmurs, rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. “Let me help you.”
You shake your head, and his chest rises and falls with a quiet sigh. “I’m just— I’m just so sick of— of everything.” 
San presses a little kiss to your forehead, tugging one of his hands free from yours and lacing it through the strand of hair on the back of your head. He doesn’t move for a few moments, placing another kiss on your forehead and then another. He waits for you to calm yourself and gather your thoughts. 
“Can—” your voice is quieter, a bit more shaky than it was just moments ago. “Can you kiss me?” San smiles, his lips still just millimeters from your forehead.
“Tell me what’s wrong first.” Your hips shift against his, and you drop your head against the column of his neck. Your breath is warm against his skin, and the scent of your shampoo begins to flood his senses. His hand tugs at your hair, drawing your attention back to him. “You’re absolutely insatiable, you know that? Tell me what’s wrong or I’m leaving.”
You can’t fight the little whine that’s pulled out of you. Not that you wanted to. You wanted him. You wanted Choi San so badly that it hurt.
“I was— I was mad because I didn’t want…” You can hardly form a sentence, too distracted by the gentle tugs at your hair and the way San’s other hand has drifted to your hip, drawing circles underneath the fabric of your sleep shorts. 
“What didn’t you want, sweetheart? Tell me.” San pulls your head away from his neck, holding back a grin at the near-glazed look in your eyes. 
“I didn’t want to be part of anymore…stereotypes. We already fit so many, I just—I just wanted to hold that one back for a bit longer.” You whine, your lips falling into a pout that San just wants to kiss away. Instead, he smiles. 
“Was that so hard, pretty girl? So much fighting just for a silly little reason like that?” Your pout deepens, and he sighs. “You know I love you, right?”
“And nothing is gonna change that, no matter how many stereotypes we fall under. You understand?”
“Yes,” San smiles, stroking your hip and squeezing it.
“‘Yes’ what, baby?” Your eyes are glossy now, your lips parted slightly in your daze.
“Yes sir.”
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Despite San’s patience running thin, he always recovers it with ease. Patience is what he’s known for in class, on the field, in your relationship, and in your bedroom. 
He can edge you for hours, cooing at the way you beg for him, beg for that sweet release, for just one more finger, please just one more.
“Pretty girl,” he strokes your cheek, letting his hand slide down your spine to rest against the small of your back. You’re writhing beneath him, trying desperately to bring your hips up just enough for him to hit that sweet spot inside of you but failing miserably. “I don’t think you can handle anymore.” 
Only two of his fingers sit inside you, but it’s more than enough to stretch you out, to provide you with the stimulation you need to go right over the edge—
“San—sir, please.” Your hands grip the pillow beneath your head tightly, nails digging into the fabric so tight you’re afraid it might tear. “Pl—Please lemme cum, I prom—promise I’ll b—be good. Please,” You’re nearly hysterical, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as he plunges his fingers in and out of you, his thumb dancing over your clit but not quite giving you that extra stimulation. Not that you need it with the way he grinds the tips of his fingers into the spongy spot just within his reach. 
“You wanna cum that bad?” San leans down, his chest pressed against your back and his lips right up against your ear. “You’re gonna have to work harder than that. Beg for it. Scream. I want everyone to know that you’re mine.” 
Patience is a virtue you haven’t quite learned yet. What you have learned? You’re extraordinarily good at making Choi San cave for you. 
“Sir,” you plead, pushing your hips back against his hand just enough. There’s a burning feeling in your stomach, the knot winding tighter and tighter until you almost can’t take it. “Please. I’m so so—sorry for yelling. Please I’ve been so good for you. I can take it. Please let me take it. Want you s—so bad. Want you to ma—make me cum. Want you, Sannie! Please, please make me cum. Want you to fuck me so bad, ple—please!” 
For a moment, San’s hand stills inside you. For a moment all you can hear is your desperate whining and your boyfriend attempting to steady his breathing. 
Then he’s ripping his fingers out of your sopping cunt and rolling you onto your back. His frame looms over you in a way that has your body quivering with anticipation, eyes searching yours for…something that you can’t figure out in your lust-filled haze. 
“Such a pretty girl,” San murmurs, pressing his palm at the base of your stomach, one hand nearly covering the expanse of it. “So small, so good for me. So good for Sannie, hm?”
“Yes!” You grab his wrist, nails digging so tightly you’re afraid you might draw blood. “Please, wanna be so good for you Sannie!” 
He sighs, prying your hand away from his wrist and pinning it to the mattress. “You say that, but I don’t know if I believe you.” 
A sob pushes out of you, your back arching into him. He catches you before you can lower back down to the bed, his arm looping around you to keep you pressed against his chest while he sits back. You’re right where you started— on the bed, straddling him with tears running down your cheeks— but this time you’re both completely undressed. You can feel his cock pressing against your thigh, little twitches being the only indication of any impatience. You try to roll your hips against him, trying anything to get that friction back. San clicks his tongue and shakes his head. 
“Naughty girl,” he murmurs, stilling your hips with one hand. “Thought you said you’d be good for me.”
“I—I will!” You grab his shoulders, leaning your face up to his, trying desperately to kiss him— to do anything that might sway his decision. “I’m sorry, sir! I promise I just— I just wanted—”
“I know,” he kisses you gently, smiling softly, deceptively. “I know you just wanted to cum all over your Sannie’s lap. Been edgin’ you for so long, haven’t I? You deserve to cum for being so…patient.” You let out a relieved sob as San releases your hip and grabs his cock. He guides it through your folds briefly, soaking it in your arousal and pumping his hand up and down his shaft to thoroughly lubricate it. “You’re gonna prove to me that you can be good, baby. Okay?”
“Yes, yes Sannie!” You lift your hips just enough for him to align his tip with your entrance, almost starting to cry again at the feeling. He helps you sink, knowing that two fingers weren’t enough for you. It never is. No matter how much he fucks you, it’s always a tight fit for you, not that you ever complain. You never complain about how big San is compared to you. He’s caught you drooling over this size of his dick more times than he can count, usually trying to talk you out of riding him out of fear of hurting you. But not today. No, today he’s giving you exactly what you wanted. 
“Go ahead, sweetheart.” He encourages. “Fuck yourself dumb on Sannie’s cock.”
The look in your eyes becomes almost animalistic. You shift your body a bit, steadying your hands on his shoulders, and lift your hips until just his tip remains inside of you. San can feel the way you’re clenching around his tip, knows you’re doing it intentionally, and he lets his head fall back. 
When you sink intohim for the first time, you emit a strangled gasp, your eyes rolling into the back of your head and your nails digging into your lover’s shoulders.
“F—Fuck Sannie!” You bite down on your lip, lifting your hips again and dropping back down. “Mmph—fuck you’re too big!”
“You wanted this, sweetheart,” San tells you, rolling his head to the side and groaning as you continue to struggle with riding him. You try so, so hard to build a steady rhythm, but your legs are shaking and your breath is already gone. “I thought cheerleaders were supposed to have good stamina.”
“No—Not when their boyfriend has a f—fucking huge dick!” You cry out, giving up and grinding your hips against his. The steady rolling of your hips relieves the burn just a bit, and you moan as the tip of his cock grinds into that spot with more strength than his fingers did just minutes ago. “Fuck, I can fe—feel you in my stomach!” 
San lifts his head at that, a new hunger in his eyes and he leans you back. You slow your hips at the sudden movement, furrowing your brows while you watch him. He kisses his teeth and places a firm slap on the side of your hip. 
“I didn’t tell you to stop, did I?” He grips your hip tightly in both hands, forcing you to keep riding him. “Keep going, sweetheart. Keep going until I tell you to stop.” 
You do, your hips picking up a steady pace with the help of one of his hands to guide you along. His other hand presses against your stomach, and you hear his breathing hitch.
“Baby,” he takes your hand from his shoulder, squeezing it gently as he guides it to where his hand was previously. “Feel right here.” 
You hesitate just a moment, and he looks down at you, smiling encouragingly. 
Then you feel it. 
The bulge in your stomach where the tip of his cock reaches as far as it can possibly go. 
“You feel that, baby?” San presses your hand down and you both let out a simultaneous moan at the feeling. The white-hot pleasure builds back up in the pit of your stomach, the loosened knot returning with renewed fervor and you know San can tell. You know that he’s close too, his hips thrusting up to meet yours halfway. “God, you feel so good. How did I get so fucking lucky, huh?”
You don’t respond. You can’t respond. The pleasure is blinding. All you can feel, see, hear, and smell is San. He clouds your thoughts, your senses, your very being. The pleasure is winding up, drawing that knot tighter and tighter and tighter—
“C—Cumming, San!” You arch into him, and he holds your hip to keep you moving. “Fuck, fuck I’m cumming!”
“I know, pretty girl,” he grunts, his thrusts stuttering. “Fuck, I’m close. Keep going baby, wanna cum with you.”
Your hips are moving slower, your muscles burning and you can’t stop yourself from forcing San back until he’s laying against the bed. Your hands find purchase on his chest, sweat beading on your forehead with the effort to keep moving, to keep riding him until you’re both forced over the edge you’d been begging for. 
San’s thumb drifts across your hip, finding purchase on your swollen clit and rubbing sloppy circles into it until you’re sobbing again, sobbing his name and begging for that sweet release. 
When it hits you, it’s blinding. Stars spark behind your eyes, your head tossed back and sweet cries pulled from the depths of your chest. His hips thrust into yours one more time, his eyes trained on how you arch your back and twitch with your release, and then he’s cumming. Thick globs of cum fill you up to the brim, seeping out from the seams of your cunt and mixing with your release. You let yourself collapse against his chest, practically gasping for air and shaking from the effort of riding him.
“You finally got what you wanted,” San murmurs, resting one of his hands on the small of your back as his cock softens in you. “You finally got to ride me.”
“Never…never doing that again,” you mutter back, placing a kiss on the base of his neck. “Absolutely…not.”
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“I can’t believe you’re actually letting this happen.” San is grinning ear to ear as he drives you to campus, his free hand holding yours tightly. You purse your lips, refusing to admit defeat.
“This doesn’t mean I want everyone knowing—”
“Bullshit,” San interrupts with a grin. “You want everyone to know that I bagged the hottest cheerleader in the world.”
“You didn’t bag shit, Choi San. And if you say that you ‘bagged’ me to anyone on the football team,” your eyes turn to daggers as you jab a finger into his shoulder, “I will end your bloodline where it stands. Your mom can say ‘bye’ to any chances of a grandchild from us.”
San grimaces, but it’s replaced by a radiant smile as he pulls into the parking garage closest to your building. “You can make as many threats as you want, sweetheart, but you and I both know you won’t risk that. You love getting fucked after dealing with Yewon every day.” 
He opens your door for you, beaming as he helps you out of his car. 
“I’ll make you a deal, sweetheart.”
“Will you now?” Your response is sarcastic but San ignores it.
“You let me show you off as much as I want, and I bitch out Yewon today.”
You don’t even have to think about your response, a grin replacing your scowl.
“That sounds like a damn good deal, Choi San.”
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Yewon’s grating voice has never sounded so fucking heavenly in your ears, knowing exactly what’s going to happen next. San is already at your side, rifling through your bag for the extra granola bar he knows you have. He grimaces at the sound, his eyes almost begging you to help him, but you shake your head.
“You dug your own grave, Sannie.” A quick pat on his shoulder and his fate is decided for him.
“Yewon,” he greets the girl, continuing to rifle through the bag. “Can I help you?” 
The disinterest in his voice didn’t deter her, not that anyone was surprised. The cheer squad watched the younger, newer, dumber member as she stumbled through her flirtations, complimenting him on things he didn’t need nor want to be complimented on while searching for a fucking granola bar. 
“Yewon,” San finally interrupts the girl, rising with the snack in his hand and glaring down at her. “I don’t know if you can tell, but I’m not interested.” 
The shock on her face made you smile. Maybe it was cruel. Maybe it was a bitch named Karma. Or, maybe, you were sick of the shitty stereotypes that you always seemed to fall victim to. 
“But you—you always—”
“I was trying to make my girlfriend jealous of me, as shitty as that is,” San pinches the bridge of his nose and scoffs. “But I’ve already got myself a cheerleader, Kim Yewon. And she’s the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. Plus, she’s hot as fuck,” San grins at you, but you can only roll your eyes.
“I said no—”
“You said I couldn’t tell people I bagged you,” it takes him three steps to reach your side and grab your chin. “Not that I couldn’t call you the hottest cheerleader in the world. No offense, Sihyeon.”
“None taken,” your best friend waves her hand dismissively. “I’m just glad you two finally got your heads out of your asses.” 
“Shut up, Sihyeon.” You scowl, but San is quick to bend down, hunching at the shoulders to reach your height and kiss you firmly on the mouth. It’s a searing kiss, more than he said he would do in front of the squad, but you let him have his moment. 
You’d made him wait long enough.
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© itsbeeble. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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pomshine · 2 years
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So as things slowly inch back into ‘normal’ life again, I’ve gone and gotten to all the threads I owed here! <3 If I’ve missed anything, totally feel free to hit me up and ping me a link to your reply - It’s likely I lost it in the craziness that’s been the last week unintentionally and I’d love to get a reply out to you! <3
But this is also something of a blog update post too-
-Plans are currently to check in here two-three times a week - Once on the weekend, and once around the middle of the week at minimum. I’m trying to get back on top of things, and hoping this’ll help in that. My laptop still has issues with Tumblr, so that’s definitely not helping me any. <3
-Saiki has been moved to the tert tier!
-I’m bringing in four new muses - Or rather, two new ones and moving two from another blog to here: Emi and Rei will be moving here from @spellrisen, while Astra and Cettra are new faces overall!
-Going along with my desire to do more original verses and settings, all four muses will be fandomless-based, but open to crossovers. Emi and Rei are a part of Spellbound, which is very much still open to anyone who wants to explore that world as well, but Astra and Cettra are much like Saiki - They have one closed verse and one open, but no set fandom ties, and will remain as such. 
-Due to the fact they’re already established muses, Emi and Rei will be going on the Secondary tier, while Astra and Cettra will be on testing.
-New icons are in the works. Or rather, make that new icon borders - I’m still in the progress of redoing icons, and while several muses have new FCs that have yet to be debuted, I’m trying to hold off until I have their borders set and ready to go. Any icons lacking a border is simply because @honorisen​, who has been a blessing in helping me with graphical updates across all my blogs, and I have yet to have a chance to get to them! <3
-Sera’s primary amine/manga FC has shifted away from Winry, and is now more of Mahiru Shiina, who I’ve been using more often lately. Anything regarding Final Fantasy or with graphics similarly to it will use either Lyse Hext or Lunafreya Nox Fleuret as an FC, and more high fantasy will see Yoimiya or Kokomi (yes, of Genshin Impact) as her FC, though the later two are going to be incredibly rarely seen and only on a very select basis. For the most part, however, it’s more likely to see Sera using Mahiru as an FC on this blog with Winry second to her, and Lunafreya/Lyse less so.
Tag posts and the like for the new muses are coming in a few! <3
0 notes
eggyrocks · 2 months
step 0: lose her
thenexttinygiant (20:31:43): im packing now, i can meet you in like 30 lore_biblio (20:34:03): okay thenexttinygiant (20:35:12): what songs should i download to listen to on the plane? lore_biblio (20:42:01): make sure tessellate by alt-j is on there
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On the night that he left her, he held her in his arms and made promises.
“It’s only two years,” he had whispered in her ear, thumb drawing circles on the bare skin of her bicep. She can hear the cicadas. She can hear his heartbeat through his chest. It is steady, even, unbothered. “Two years will be over before you know it.”
They’re in the spot that’s always been theirs. A grassy knoll, secluded. One where she wiped melted ice cream off the corner of his lip. Where he braided her hair and topped it off with freshly picked flowers. Where he kissed her for the first time, and it was the first time she had ever been kissed.
The night is wet and sticky. It feels heavy, settled against her skin. Her eyes prick, and she breaths in slow and even, desperate not to cry any more than she already has.
“I’ll be waiting for you the whole time,” Shoyo says, and places a kiss on the crook of her neck, where her head meets her shoulder. “I’ll always wait for you.”
Indominable Shoyo, not fazed by anything. Not fazed by the looming two years and not fazed by being apart from her. She had begged and pleaded and cried and all she was met with was his grating, unbearable optimism. Everything will be okay. We can overcome the distance. We love each other enough to make it work.  
She doesn’t have anything to say to him. There’s nothing left for her to say. She’s voiced her concerns (calmly and collectedly), she’s begged (voice wavering and tone urgent), and nothing’s seemed to hit him. Nothing’s gotten through to him.
So she’s resigned to giving up.
She has a hard time not blaming him. Maybe a more supportive girlfriend wouldn’t. She would wave her pom poms and jump for joy at the revelation that Shoyo would be spending two entire years (twenty-four months, one-hundred and four weeks, seven-hundred and thirty days), halfway across the world. She would kiss him goodbye and promise to visit and she wouldn’t be bitter that he loves volleyball more than her.
But she’s not that girlfriend. She never was that girlfriend.
So when he rakes a hand through her hair and says, “I love you. I love you so much,” she doesn’t say anything at all.
There’s nothing left to say. Nothing left to do. Tomorrow, he will get on a plane. Tomorrow, he will leave her without looking back. Tomorrow, she won’t be his anymore.  
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note: the song rec is supposed to be in the format of the old aol iming. i wish i couldve used it so bad lol. i dont care if it doesnt exist anymore. LOOK AT IT!!!
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taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @bedeater @deluluforcarlos55 @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @causenessus @kawaii-angelanne @thatonecroc @lonesomedrive @guitarstringed-scars @ahdbodhr @nbcvs @garfieldissocool @shoyobub @iheartpinky @choerry-picking @mollyrolls @stoopidbruh @yogurtkags @yuminako @rockleeisbaeeee @Lisoozi @michivrse @19calicos @sawyersloanie @bailey-reeds @staileykout @kitskasoboring @iluvaquaphor @lllaw @enervante-cochon @loveelylacey @atsumuenthusiast @qualitygiantshoepsychic @alpha-mommy69 @acowboykisser @milesmoralesluvs @Himbo_joestar @kinsies-blog @3lectraheart @1lovestrawberrymilk (if i could not tag you, please check your user & make sure it is correct, if i can’t tag you for two chapters in a row i will remove you to make room for more people)
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nburkhardt · 1 year
Whooooo wants another silly with Steve as a little shit fic?
The idea comes when Eddie rushes out of his house to go to band practice. It makes him smile at the plan forming in his head and the excitement and gasps he’ll get tomorrow.
The next morning is spent making sure the bags are packed and that he’s wearing his basketball jacket to complete the look.
He’s giddy with excitement as he drives to school, putting one backpack on his shoulder and carrying the other once he’s parked. Walking towards the school with a smirk in place. There’s already gasps and whispers as he enters through the doors. He casually makes his way towards a row of lockers, the opposite side of his own and leans against one and knocking on the open one next to it.
“Man, it’s not even eig- Stevie!” Eddie slams his locker shut and beams at him.
His smirk fades into a smile, “Hi lovely” he whispers mostly due to the other students clearly spying on them, “You forgot this yesterday”
Eddie looks confused and he lifts up the bag, “your backpack?”
He hears more gasps and poor attempts at whispering, there’s even sounds of a book dropping. It brings him joy, making him wiggle the backpack again. “Don’t play dumb, Teddy-baby, you know this is yours”
That time he doesn’t whisper, he’s actually a little loud.
Eddie’s eyes widen and his eyes flicker around them before settling back on him, an unsaid question on his face.
It softens when it’s answered by a nod, “yeah, yeah you’re right. My backpack, you got yours?”
Steve so happy that they’re actually learning to communicate while silent, he smiles back and stands straighter to turn away. Showing off the backpack. He looked in the mirror before leaving the house, it is a big contrast to his letterman jacket. What makes it even better is, since the straps are loosen and long, his name is visible over the top.
“Ye-yep, looking perfect, Sunshine boy.” It comes out pitchy and Eddie clears his throat shaking his head before throwing his arms around him, “always, sweet boy”
Steve brightens and looping his arms around him, keeping him close and loving not only the warm of the hug but also the gasps and loud gossiping around them. That brings him joy at the chaos. Eddie seems to enjoy it too by the laughter coming from him.
“Of all the ways to reveal our relationship, honey”
It brings Steve to a blush, he tightens his arms around Eddie and turns his head to press a kiss to his cheek, enjoying the blush that creeps up.
“Thought it would be fun, let everyone know who belongs to me”
The edible I took is definitely hitting because this isn’t make much sense anymore but it’s SILLY AND SHORT.
Facts ya don’t need but I’m now thinking about: Steve and Eddie have only been dating for a few weeks when pulls this. It’s also a modern au because I don’t wanna think about the 80s. They still in high school and Steve is wearing Eddie’s backpack that he painted on. There’s the hellfire logo, because he’s obsessed with it. There’s also pins and patches all over it, even a ice cream cone and sailor hat, along with cheer pom-poms (am I spelling that correctly? Idk) ANYWAY. Steve’s backpack is a basic blue, with some doodles from Eddie and Robin. Because of course Robin is there, she’s Steve’s platonic soulmate.
It’s also inspired by my brand new loungefly I got 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Under the cut with the tag list 🫡
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @bookworm0690 @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @grimmfitzz @strangersteddierthings
THE BACKPACK! Clearly not what I’m talking about Steve wearing but it’s glorious and perfect.
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December 1st
Joel Miller x Reader
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Joel comes downstairs on December 1st to find you already feeling festive... he really should expect it by now.
Rating: General Warnings: no outbreak AU, Ellie and Sarah are the same age and Joel has them both, established relationship, fluff, reader loves Christmas, no use of y/n. 'baby' used as a petname. A healthy serving of playful sarcasm. Reader is gender neutral! Word count: 300-ish
I haven't written self insert fic since 2020 so uhm... yeah. I hope this doesnt suck! This is just a little drabble to get me back into the swing of things. First fic on this blog! Scary! I meant to post this on December 1st but life got in the way lol.
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"What are you wearin'?" Joel asks as soon as he enters the kitchen. His voice is thick, having just woken up, and his hair is mussled. 
"Good morning, honey." You say, smirking to yourself.
"Mornin', baby. What're you wearin'?"
"Pyjamas." You bite back a laugh when he crosses his arms, tilting his head slightly. Until you came around this action was reserved for Sarah and Ellie, and occasionally Tommy, but now you see it most days. It's fond annoyance with the way you're dancing around his question- he's never truly frustrated with you.
"On your head."
You give Joel an overly dramatic look of heartbroken sympathy, bringing a hand up to your chest.
"Oh, sweetheart, 38 years old and you've never seen a Santa hat? That's so sad!" The glare he gives you is as affectionate as the cheeky grin you return. Large hands come to rest on your sides, and Joel cocks an eyebrow.
"It's December 1st."
"I have access to a calendar, you know."
He flicks the pom-pom at the end of your hat. "'s too early for this."
"It's the weekend after Thanksgiving."
"It's Friday."
"Friday is at the end of the week." You protest. 
"You're insufferable."
"You asked me to move in." You watch as he fights a smile at that.
"That I did." He kisses you with a softness you wouldn't believe possible if you hadn't been dating him for 3 years. "What world do you live in where the weekend after Thanksgiving is the start of Christmas?"
"Lucky for me, the one where I'm dating you." You respond with a grin. 
"We ain't putting the tree up yet."
"Counterpoint: I already told the girls we'd do it tomorrow."
Joel sighs, dropping his head in defeat. You hand him a glass of orange juice and kiss his cheek. "You'll like it once it's up."
"I always do."
"You always do." And you know he does. He lets you put the tree up so early because he loves you. Because the way you smile when you're dancing around the living room with tinsel in hand, singing along to Christmas songs, is more than worth it.
Joel puts the orange juice down, glaring at it for good measure, and wraps both arms around you. He buries his face in the side of your neck, pressing a few soft kisses to your skin. "I love you, baby." He mumbles. 
"Mm, I love you too."
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sugawarassoulmate · 2 years
baby, you're a haunted house
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“do you always have to toy with him?” you ask once you’re sure the two of you are alone but akiteru keeps you close to his body, shrugging at your words. “you’re so mean, baby!” with a whine, you tug the mask down so you can look akiteru in the eye while you scold him.
your boyfriend wasn’t exactly high on the idea of going to a college party four years after he’s already graduated but it was hard to deny you when you kept begging him the past few weeks. but after he heard his brother was coming, he practically leaped at the opportunity. he’s able to openly be with you—as open as he can be with a mask on—and piss off kei? that’s a recipe for a great night.
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pairing: bad boy!akiteru x reader
words: 3.3k cw: fem!reader, halloween party, drunk sex, dubcon, knife play (it’s a fake knife), age gap (reader is 20/akiteru is 25), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, secret relationship, akiteru calls reader a “slut” once, minors dni
disclaimer: on this blog, we discuss and explore toxic relationships/situations/just because i write about these themes does not mean i condone/support these types of relationships nor do i do them in my own personal life.
these are fictional characters in fictional scenarios and nobody should be taking real-life advice or mirror the actions of the characters in these stories!
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“You seem comfortable,”
“And you seem very uncomfortable. Who’re you supposed to be again?” Kei sighs, annoyed that he has to explain his costume to you for the tenth time that night. He caught up to you as you went into the kitchen to grab another beer from the cooler. The two of you got separated after he started catching up with Yamaguchi, who was looking super adorable in his Spider-Man costume.
“I’m Clark Kent,” he says definitely, pointing to the red “S” on his chest. The look you give him tells Kei you need more context. Again. “Alter ego of Superman.” It’s a cute enough ensemble. Kei’s got a button-down shirt on with the buttons undone just enough to show off the t-shirt underneath with the Superman logo.
His blonde hair is parted to the side and he’s wearing glasses with a thicker frame than usual. It’s a simple look, Kei wasn’t really the extravagant type.
But you were such a cliche, living up to the slutty Halloween trope every year. This time you went with a cheerleader costume with a cropped top, the shortest tennis skirt you could find, and, of course, a pair of pom-poms which you had unfortunately lost while dancing.
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” Kei asks, golden eyes staring at the can of White Claw in your hand that you just cracked open. “That’s what—your third one in an hour? I’m not giving you a piggyback ride when you’re too tired to walk home.”
You rolled your eyes and sipped on the seltzer anyway. Kei was always a buzzkill at parties, which is why you’re still surprised he even accompanied you to this one. Parties always seemed to crop up at the off-campus housing around Halloweekend and you were a frequent attendee, getting drunk and shaking ass with your friends. 
Kei usually stays home, only to get bombarded with texts and Snapchat videos of you getting sloppy with your girlfriends in the skimpiest costume you could find that year—a nurse, a witch, a cowgirl, and even a slutty Chucky from the Child’s Play movies.
And every other year, you’d drunkenly call Kei because you somehow lost your friends and needed someone to help you get home. “Keiiiiii can you come get me?”
But this time is different for several reasons. The most obvious was Kei deciding to join you—sending a simple text that read i’m coming to the party. It seems like a last-minute decision, evident by the makeshift costume he was able to put together with what he had accessible to him but you’re thankful to have a familiar face in the sea of nobodies that flood this dingy frat house.
“I’ll be fine, dad, you forget how great my tolerance is,” you quip, taking another swig. The disappointment in Kei’s eyes doesn’t falter but you’re quick to change the conversation before he can scold you again. “Are you gonna sulk the entire time? Go mingle! Have fun, go—”
“You want me to grind up on random people like you were doing?”
You’ll give him that, the sluttiness doesn’t just stop at your costume. There have been plenty of parties that ended in heated makeout sessions in the bathroom with the stranger that had been catching your eye the entire night. The worst of it was the one-night stand you had with the cute guy in the Michael Myer’s mask that turned out to be one of the student-workers at the library. (You have to avoid eye contact with him every time there’s an issue with the printer now.)
“Maybe you should, Kei, you might get lucky,” you tease, bumping your shoulder into his. Your antics finally get a smile out of him, albeit a small one.
It all disappears when someone barges into the kitchen you two are talking in. A goof wearing a Ghostface costume makes a beeline toward you, holding two flashy, red streamers in one hand and a fake knife in the other. “My pom-poms!” you gasped, wrapping your arms around the horror movie slasher as if it’s Christmas and he's brought you a gift. 
Kei watches with disdain as you tipsily flirt with the masked stranger, who holds your pom-poms over your head in an effort to keep you talking with him. The blonde is about to tell Ghostface off when the creep grabs your hand and pulls you out of the room without another word. “I’ll catch you later, Kei!” you giggle, allowing yourself to get pulled to the other side of the house, away from any prying eyes.
“Do you always have to toy with him?” you ask once you’re sure the two of you are alone but Ghostface keeps you close to his body, shrugging at your words. “You’re so mean, baby!” With a whine, you tug the mask down so you can look Akiteru in the eye while you scold him.
Your boyfriend wasn’t exactly high on the idea of going to a college party four years after he’s already graduated but it was hard to deny you when you kept begging him the past few weeks. But after he heard his brother was coming, he practically leaped at the opportunity. He’s able to openly be with you—as open as he can be with a mask on—and piss off Kei? That’s a recipe for a great night.
Plus, he couldn’t keep his hands off you with your spooky cheerleader outfit. You’re just so cute, he could eat you up. “You’re so pretty,” he mumbles, looking down at you in the dark hallway. He leans over to kiss you, the first one of the night now that he’s got you to himself.
“And you’re not listening to anything I say, huh?” you groaned, allowing Akiteru to keep pressing his lips against yours. With the way you’re soft for this boy, he could get away with murder. So what’s the damage if he tortures his little brother a bit? “Well, at least you found my pom-poms,” you said, cutely waving the metallic streamers.
“I think I deserve a reward for that,” Akiteru teases, hoping for another kiss but you grab his arm instead. His cute face starts to pout when you hand him back his mask, knowing that he won’t be getting any more kisses from you at the moment. 
“Don’t give me that look, Aki. Dance with me and maybe you’ll get a reward,” you said, giving him one last peck before making him put the mask back on. Once his identity was concealed, you pulled him back to the living room where the party carried on—completely unaware that there was someone that definitely didn’t belong in their midst.
As the party progressed, your inhibitions got increasingly lowered. You met up with some of your girlfriends from class, none of whom questioned the 6ft slasher you were grinding against, and downed some shots. After each shot you’d get loud and giggly, grabbing your girls to dance in the middle of the room.
With each song, you and your friends sang your hearts out and even dragged Kei in for a while. For a moment, he came out of his shell cracking jokes as you and Yamaguchi danced around him. However, you were completely unaware of the tension between your childhood friend and the horror movie killer that nearly matches his height.
Each time Kei tried to get a little closer to you or wrap his arm around your shoulder, he’d get accidentally get bumped into by the faux knife-wielding stranger, who seemed to not have any idea how it happened.  
But whenever he plucked the courage to call him out on it, your sweet face would sway him. “Aren’t you having fun, Kei?” Any anger that he had would disappear at that moment and he’d have no choice but to calm down.
As it got later into the night, though, Kei got a bit restless. “Hey, I think I’m gonna head home,” he yells over the music into your ear. His body feels exhausted and he wants nothing more than to collapse in bed.
You, on the other hand, don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. “What do you meeeean, it’s not even that late!” Your words were slurred at this point, anything and everything made you laugh and with each second it was getting harder for Kei to leave but his bones were telling him it was time to go home.
“You should be going home too,” Kei says, grabbing your hand but, even in your drunken state, you’re quick to free yourself from his grasp. 
“Nooo, I’m staying, I’ll be fine,” you said, retreating back to your equally inebriated friends. Kei’s ready to argue with you but stops when that irritating Ghostface asshole is back, wrapping his arms around your waist and dragging you in for another dance.
That’s when it finally clicks to Kei that you won’t be going home with him tonight.
You’re so engrossed with your mystery partner that you barely acknowledge Kei’s “be careful,” as he heads out of the house, a nervous Yamaguchi in tow. Unbeknownst to Kei though, is that he’s left you with the one person you’ve been wanting to spend the most time with.
Daringly, you lift up Ghostface’s mask just enough you expose his mouth and kiss Akiteru on the lips, breathing in the scent of his cologne. “Careful, baby,” he whispers.
“I think I’m ready to give you your reward,” you say, nodding your head over to the door in the hallway that leads to the basement.
“This is exactly the kind of scenario that you’d want to avoid in a horror movie,” he said, hovering over you on the small couch in the middle of the basement. The thumping sound of the party was heard above your heads but the both of you were too involved with each other to care. “Look at you, you’re even underneath the killer, baby.”
You hummed, untying the knot wrapped around the waist of Akiteru’s costume, wanting to get rid of all of the fabric coming to touch his body. “​​No, please don't kill me, Mr. Ghostface,” you joked, alcohol still heavy on your breath. “I want to be in the sequel.” You laugh, pulling Akiteru’s costume over his head for him, along with his shirt.
“You’re really pulling out the movie quotes right now?” he grimaces, most girls get flirty when they’re drunk but you become an even bigger dork. Maybe he’s the weird one though since he finds that odd part of you attractive. Akiteru’s cool, older guy exterior crumbles once he feels you tugging at the belt of his jeans, desperate to get him undressed. “Did you miss me, baby?”
“Mmhm…” you nod. Once Akiteru’s belt is unbuckled, you work hard to drag his pants down but he pins your hands back to the couch, attacking your lips with deep kisses.
“It’s not fair if I’m the only one getting undressed, hm?” He says, pulling off the top of your cheer uniform. With skillful fingers, Akiteru is able to remove your bra as well. He takes a second to take in your half-naked form—doe eyes staring up at him in a drunken haze. After another kiss, he flips up your skirt, thumb rubbing against the front of your panties. 
It wasn’t the ideal location—the basement was a mess and smelled like stale beer but it would have to do for now. With the current state of your relationship, it’s rare for the two of you to get any time together. You’re busy with school and Akiteru’s work schedule it’s always a bit of a struggle. Plus, neither of you is sure how to drop the news to Kei.
There have been a few moments where you’ve been found out and if Kei has caught on, he hasn’t made it known. But you’re certainly not in the mood to be upfront about it now at least. Akiteru takes it all in stride, never pressuring you to tell anyone until you’re ready. Besides, sneaking around is kind of fun sometimes and fucking with Kei’s head is only the icing on the cake.
Akiteru groans when he pulls down your panties and sees how wet you already are, probably just as pent up as he was the whole night. Maybe you’ve been hoping to have some time alone too. He doesn’t get enough time to appreciate the sight, though as you start whining for him to do something. “Let me have my fun,” he snaps, slapping your thigh to get you to behave. “It’s been a while, can you even take me anymore?” 
You’re so frustrated, so hungry for any kind of stimulation. With a locked door, Akiteru has all the time in the world to toy with you and he intends on taking advantage of it. He reaches over and grabs the knife from his costume and runs the rubber blade along your stomach. The sudden touch makes you jolt. “Sweetie, it’s fake, remember?” he coos, tickling your abdomen before venturing a bit lower. Flipping the knife over, Akiteru rubs the hilt against your slit, laughing when you gasp at the touch. 
With two of his fingers, Akiteru stretches you out while the blade handle keeps teasing your bud, bringing you to the brink of an orgasm. “That’s right, cum for me, dumb girl. You’re such a fucking horror slut cumming around a knife. Maybe I’ll use a real one next time, hm? Wanna see that cute lil fear in your eyes when I make you cum,” he rambles, pressing harder on your clit.
“Aki, I want your cock. Wanna cum from your cock, please,” you cried, clutching the fabric of the couch underneath you. Akiteru found it so precious to see you trying to stop yourself from cumming. He knows his fingers aren’t enough, you want his cock to pump you full until you can’t think anymore. Such a sweet girl you are but Akiteru wants to embarrass you.
He doesn’t let up, though. Instead, Akiteru pulls his fingers out and fucks you with the knife hilt, using his thumb to circle your clit this time. You’re shaking, unable to form a coherent sentence and Akiteru knows you’re going to cum. “You’re really gonna cum on my knife, huh? Don’t worry, baby, you’ll get my cock. I just wanted to make sure you could take it,” He says, keeping your legs spread while he continues punishing your pussy.
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, tongue drooling as you finally cum. Your hands reach for Akiteru’s wrist, trying to stop his movements before you get too sensitive but he keeps going, making you ride out your orgasm until your body stops twitching. “That’s my good girl. It was so much, right? You’ve earned my cock, sweetie, gonna give it all to you.”
Akiteru tugs his pants and boxers down just enough to free his cock. It’s already hard and leaking when he decides to give himself some attention. Akiteru swears he could cum just from your own pleasure. He gets off on it and he’s going to give you even more. He strokes himself, giving you a few moments to come down from your last orgasm. Your juices absolutely drenched the knife after he pulled it out, earning a few whimpers when he does it.
He slaps his cock against your cunt, nearly slipping in a few times from how wet you are at this point. A few choked sobs escape you and Akiteru shushes them away. “I know it’s a lot, baby, but you can cum for me again, right?”
You sniffle, wrapping your arms around Akiteru’s neck to pull him closer. “M’so sensitive, Aki…” you mumble, burying your head into the crook of his neck. “Go slow, okay?”
Akiteru nods, only pushing in the tip of his cock at first. You throw your head back, sighing when your walls constrict around him. Akiteru himself has to take a few seconds. Bless his resolve—if he were still the inexperienced virgin he was when he was in college, he would’ve cum right then, immediately blowing his load the second he got a crumb of pussy. But he’s mature now and knows a thing or two now. He can definitely fuck you better than any of those losers you had before him, that’s for sure.
He fucks you with just a tip before pushing in a bit more, letting you get accustomed to him before daring to go further. Akiteru wasn’t lying when he said it had been a while. You two have been making do with quickies before anyone came home, sending nudes, and even FaceTime sex but not the long, drawn-out fucking that the two of you have been aching for.
It takes a while but Akiteru eventually gets his length fully inside, stretching you out so sweetly. You tug on the hair at the back of his neck, when he starts moving. “Oh—oh, fuck, Aki!” you gasp. Akiteru pushes your legs back until your thighs touch your chest. You’re drooling again, tongue glistening with spit with each unintelligible babbling. He ducks his head under to take one of your nipples into his mouth, biting down on the soft skin just to hear you cry out more. “I’m gonna—m’gonna cum again, Aki. Can’t hold it, I can’t…” you whine, clenching around him with every thrust. 
“Look, baby, look,” Akiteru says, bringing your attention to where the two of you are connected. His cock sinks into your warm cunt over and over, rearranging your insides like an animal in heat.
The sight is too much. You still haven’t fully recovered from the effects of your first orgasm. “Aki, Aki, Aki—ah, it feels so good. Gonna make a mess. Gonna cum!” Akiteru takes that as his cue to go faster, wanting both of you to cum together. He ruts into you as if his life depends on it, each thrust forcing small “ahs!” to fall from your lips.
Try as he might, you still cum first and your nails drag down the length of his back when you do. Your climax leaves a vice grip around his cock and that’s what sends Akiteru over the edge. Chanting your name in between curses he fucks you until he goes silent and slack-jawed. His hot seed floods your cunt for the first time in weeks.
When the both of you come to after the hypothetical dust settles, you can hear the sounds of the still ongoing party. It’s gotten even louder since you went into the basement, everyone completely unaware of what’s happening underneath them. “I need to get you home,” Akiteru says, going into responsible mode after cumming.
“Stay over?” you ask, voice shot from all the crying you’ve been doing. “You can leave in the morning, nobody questions it when a grown man is out all night.” To sweeten the deal a bit, you pull Akiteru in for a kiss.
If you’re soft when it comes to him, it’s a million times worse on Akiteru’s end. He can’t argue with you. “Fine,” he leans in for another kiss and one more after that before taking charge. Akiteru cleans you up as best as he can and dresses the both of you. With your costumes back on, Akiteru leads you upstairs and through the massive crowd to disappear into the night.
“You’re just getting home?” Kei asks when his brother walks through the front door in the morning. “I didn’t know parties at stationary got crazy like that,” he teases over his bowl of cereal. 
Akiteru grimaces at the bright lights in the house. “Haha, I got hammered and stayed at a friend's place,” he says, dropping his bag near the couch and immediately going for the coffee maker in the kitchen.
Kei’s about to throw another joke at his brother’s disheveled appearance when he notices something out of the corner of his eye. It must have fallen out of Akiteru’s bag but Kei can see it clear as day when he turns his head. The unmistakable sight of a Ghostface mask laying on the floor.
He keeps his comments to himself.
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©sugawarassoulmate 2022 all rights reserved - please do not repost/translate my work on other platforms!
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thepupperino · 3 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday
Hello all!! Thank you to @mybrainismelted, @stocious, @gallapiech, @spookygingerr, @deedala,
@heymacy, @heymrspatel, and @pookiebearmick this week--thank you all so much!!
My excuse for being late because I know you're all so worried is I was at my favorite place (prison) and did not have electronics access.
Name: Keely
Age: 29
Location: Utah 🏔️
What is your DJ name? Okay my cute little husband actually has the cutest little DJ name and I can't think of a single clever thing
If you were a genre of music, what would it be? In my heart of hearts I know I'm bubblegum pom but also I loved that Julissa included a daylist screenshot so here are two of mine
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What would you title your biography? I had a blog back in the day called "Keely's Feelings" and I'd probably reuse that
What are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? Okay so first of all I would panic?? And then I would probably desperately try to get people to notice me (I'd try writing, for example). And then finally I would not wear a bra
What subject do you wish was taught in every school? Okay I was just talking to some older coworkers about equity?? What the fuck is equity? Why do I need to buy a townhome?
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? Ummmm I applied for my first ever promotion last night--does that count? (Send me good vibes please ✨)
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited? Oh gee I dunno. The only thing coming to mind is Belize City because Belize is so tiny? Do people like Belize?
What day in your life would you like to relive? I would like to reDO my wedding day because exmormon religious things...Relive? 🤨🤷🏼‍♀️
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? Cooking bye I hate it
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? Okay I don't understand why all these people in media have such an intense will to live? If there's an apocalypse (zombie or other), count me out. (Not that I don't want to live in general but like...ya know?)
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? Um first thought is intelligent extraterrestrial life. As an alien truther I don't know if it'd be the most surprising, per se, but I do think it would be pretty significant
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? God please just give me a window! Um I'd love a little forest or an ocean or a nice lake or a whole bunch of pretty flowers 🥰
I am skipping tags this week because I am late BUT--if you have not done this yet and you would like to, please consider yourself tagged :)
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pomniegranate · 4 months
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[ Will not be adding accounts that have been inactive for over +4 weeks. Will not be including *ask blogs. And will add as more consistent roleplayers are around. Urls and characters are listed in alphabetical order. And I will add new characters as they appear in new future episodes and roleplayers that join the fandom/rpc. 🎈 ]
NOTE: If you do see your url here and want to either have the url removed or want muses removed/added, just let me know and I'd be more than happy. Also if I have missed a url or a muse you portray, please also let me know. ❤️💙
* The only exception to ask blogs being added is if they follow the roleplaying format, actually roleplay, and aren't just an ask blog or have stated that they are a roleplay (RP) account.
* Free game: blog does not state regarding being selective and/or mutuals only.
* Are multimuse blogs / will be posted multiple times to who they all roleplay.
↳ Updated: 06.15.24
↳ @bubblc ; D; independent, private. Follows from @/l0str0yal.
↳ *@plasticsouled ; Sal; independent, selective, mutuals only.
↳ *@veneror ; Jack; independent, selective.
> 『𝑪𝑹𝑶𝑪 𝑩𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑰𝑻𝑺』 (Max and Chad)
↳ *@gummigator ; Shy; semi-selective, *free game. Follows back from @/ticklishjevil. SEE ALSO: tearfulribbons.
↳ @ganglymask ; Danzer; *free game. Follows back from @/heartlessdream.
↳ *@tearfulribbons ; Shy; semi-selective, *free game. Follows back from @/ticklishjevil.
↳ *@plasticsouled ; Sal; independent, selective, mutuals only.
↳ @gummiigoo ; Emerald; *free game.
↳ *@secr3trings ; Fink; semi-selective, *free game.
↳ *@plasticsouled ; Sal; independent, selective, mutuals only.
> 『𝑱𝑨𝑿』
↳ @bxdbunni ; Dia; independent, semi-selective, mutuals only. Moved Jax from @/diivineray.
↳ *@jaxasstm ; Hoshi; independent, mutuals only.
↳ @jaxt0y ; Mae; semi-selective, *free game.
↳ *@thcsevoices ; Leif; independent, selective, private.
↳ *@wonderfultheatre ; Greed; independent, selective, private.
↳ *@writesins ; Bunny; *free game, mutuals only.
↳ *@digicrw ; Ash; *free game. Prev was l00lilalu.
↳ @l0str0yal ; D; independent, private. SEE ALSO: bubblc.
↳ *@royal-chess-piece ; Lodger; independent, *free game. Follows back from @/discardedpawns.
↳ *@tcthinecwnself ; Peggy; independent, semi-selective, private. Follows back from @/sourgrapelaffytaffy.
↳ @pomniegranate ; Luci; independent, semi-selective. Follows back from @/xbalayage.
↳ @pmnis ; Fraise; independent, selective, private.
↳ *@digicrw ; Ash; *free game. Prev was l00lilalu.
↳ *@secr3trings ; Fink; semi-selective, *free game.
↳ @licorags ; Fae; independent, private.
↳ *@pompedia ; Pom; mutuals only.
↳ @ragathadolly ; Iggy; selective, mutuals only. Follows back from @/victorycola.
↳ *@veneror ; Jack; independent, selective.
↳ *@writesins ; Bunny; *free game, mutuals only.
↳ *@tcthinecwnself ; Peggy; independent, semi-selective, private. Follows back from @/sourgrapelaffytaffy.
↳ CHARACTER LOCKED, data unavailable.
↳ *@secr3trings ; Fink; semi-selective, *free game.
↳ *@writesins ; Bunny; *free game, mutuals only. Prev was @/zoobies.
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thundertide · 1 year
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Mini blog update: I’ve updated Kagota’s about page! This is the first of a muse list-wide update project I’m slowly working on in the background, with the aim to make them look neater, explain things more clearly, and look like less of a clustery mess. For the time being, other muses and any new ones that’re added will have the original way I had the pages set up (i.e. like Lumine’s and Aceline’s) because i already had them in progress before starting this project, but going forward, I’ll be working on updating them all, one by one, to match how I have Kagota’s set up now.
Changes of note:
There’s now a combat/constellation section! OCs like Kagota will see far more information in this section than canons because they don’t have anything to run off in game; this means she not only has a constellation breakdown, but actual attacks listed as well as a general fighting style, hopefully to make any fight threads that might happen in the future a little easier to work out, as well as sort out and trim down the other sections (misc, abilities, etc) a little. All OC based constellation artwork is made my @yoroiis and I will eternally love and thank her <3
Heraldic Tempest has been added to Kagota’s info. After doing a lot of talking and sorting things out with @yoroiis​, I’ve decided to add Kagota’s own abyssal abilities, Heraldic Tempest, to her info, especially given it’s started to make itself seen in her threads and explains why Kagota has memory and attitude issues until after the Sumeru arc. Whether or not Tempest is her own being within her or simply another aspect of Kagota is yet to be seen, and will be expanded on as we learn more of the abyss in canon. Tempest also has her own tag to reflect this.
I’ve added Starchasm Nyx/Veliona/”Seele” as the FC for when Tempest is making herself known. Additionally, Seele herself is now Kagota’s primary FC, specifically the Star Rail version of her with the HI3 version a younger Kagota; however, because there’s a lack of media to make icons from at the moment, her other two FCs in Ishtar and Rin Tohsaka will be seen more than Seele herself until I can find a means to make more.
With the combat points moved into their own section, I’ve fleshed out the misc, interests, and abilities tabs a bit more - And also given her bio a total rewrite to reflect the new info decided on! There are also mentions of her children post-Sumeru arc, as this ties in to Tempest and the previously mentioned attitude and memory issues.
The next up for this update is Cettra, so I’ll be making a note like this once I’ve got her rehauled page completed! <3
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ethoryweek · 11 months
Ethory Week 2024 Prompts!
How it works: Create a post for one or both of the prompts for each day, or skip a day if you feel like it! This blog will reblog every post made in the #ethoryweek and #ethoryweek2024 tags on the day of each prompts. Here are the prompts:
Day 1, January 14th - Comic Con or Concert
Where are Ethan and Rory going to hang out or on a date? Are they dressing up and going to panels? Or are they dressing up and seeing their favorite artists live?
Day 2, January 15th - Sleepover or Night Out
What do these two do when they're hanging out at night? Would they rather get comfortable in their PJs or dress up for a night on the town?
Day 3, January 16th - Pep Rally or After School Clubs
What would Ethory find more exciting at school? A pom flinging, devil costume wearing Pep Rally? Or a logical laser chess battle after school?
Day 4, January 17th - Free Day
Take this day to share any Ethory fan works that don't fit into any prompts! Go wild, skys the limit!
Day 5, January 18th - Vampire or Seer
Ethan and Rory aren't your typical teens, so how do their Vampirsm and Visions interfere or benefit their love lives?
Day 6, January 19th - Board Games or Movies
What would they enjoy doing together more? Some classic board games or classic action movies? What's their favorite games or board pieces?
Day 7, January 20th - Ghost Hunting or Pranks
What do Rory and Ethan enjoy watching/doing more? Hunting ghosts or pulling pranks? What are their favorite gadgets for catching the supernatural or pulling off the perfect practical joke?
Ask box is open if you have any questions!
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sakurarisen · 7 months
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Rebirth and Sera babbling under cut-
Me? Still in the grasslands? You're imagining i- Okay yeah no I'm still exploring. XD But I swear, the graphics and scenery are just gorgeous? And the lifesprings are giving me some serious brain brrrrr's regarding Sera and what and where she was prior to coming to Midgar and meeting Zack - Namely I'm willing to bet she found a couple of koi fish in the pond in the one just south of Kalm and that's where she stayed for a bit prior to getting her tattoo... I miiight have a ton of HCs just waiting to be written up and a really, REALLY good idea of Sera's time in Kalm and just how much she took to the place before she ended up in Midgar just before CC.
Also I can't be the only one who wants Chadley to shut up already, can I-
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