#this is a redraw of a thing from like a year ago lol
barrel-head · 1 year
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this is mag47 right
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buncha stuff i forgot 2 post =P
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reyryz · 1 year
the stageplay actors for bokuto and hiroo posted a selfie together like last month and its pulling me back into my redrawing stageplay selfie era
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az-roser · 3 months
“Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?”
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A redraw of one of my drawings from like 2 months ago… that I actually hated but posted anyways🫠
(Long sappy artist rant/speech below the cut LOL)
I was actually contemplating deleting the old artwork, bc I felt so embarrassed and insecure that it “wasn’t good enough.” But like.. progress is normal ? And should be celebrated ?
My art process has changed over the last few months as I’ve been making so much more art than I have in years past !! I wanted to redo this one bc I felt like it could be improved bc I’ve improved.
I feel like sometimes as an artist it’s easy to feel stagnant or like you’re not improving. But it’s okay to revisit things you may not have originally been proud of, to see how you’d approach it differently !!! And it helps beat that pesky lil voice saying you’re NOT improving, when you can actually SEE the difference.
I’m just learning to give myself grace and not give in to the perfectionist tendencies I have. I’m trying to remind myself to… just make the art !! Make all the mistakes !! And have fun !!
Idk if others can relate, but… that’s where I’m at lol. Thanks for coming to my TED talk 😂🖤
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spider-jaysart · 1 year
A really old Damijon comic that I have never posted before
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What it says:
1st panel (description): Damian and Jon just chilling on a rooftop together during patrol
2nd panel:
Damian: Ow! I flippin cut my finger!
3rd panel:
Jon: Let me kiss it to make it better!
4th panel:
Damian: How the heck does that help?!
5th panel:
Jon: Whenever I would get hurt, my Mom would always kiss it to make it better. It always worked!
6th panel:
Damian: I see
7th panel:
(The next day)
Damian: Todd, I need you to punch me in the face
Jason: ????
(Idek how old this mini comic is, probably from like two or three years ago maybe????😅 But I wanted to post it since I thought that it was funny lol. Also, fun fact: this was actually based on an old Damijon text post that I had seen on Tumblr a long time ago before I even had an account here at all, but I can't find it anymore, so all of the credit for this funny idea goes to them. All I own here is just the drawing for it. I'll try to redraw this whole thing digitally in my more improved artstyle when I get a chance and once I get my pen working again😭)
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cornpapers · 1 month
Hello I saw one of your posts and I wanted to know how long you've liked the gravity falls series and what was your very first drawing from the show I hope you can answer my question Thank you and I also love your art it's super funny and cute
This ask made me go ask my mom to rampage through my old drawings and try to find something lol. The thing is, Gravity Falls is basically what made, uh, me myself? I saw the cartoon and went "well, I'm going to become a 2D Animator!" so there's not many drawings, however I still got some!
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I drew this 8 years ago (wow... time flies) and I hanged it in my room for a while before my family moved houses.
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And these are so funny and #edgy but I like looking at them and going "Wow! 8 years later and I'm back. Still drawing that old man with a triangle. Wow. Impressive character un-development." Also Dipper looking badass.
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Also I find it silly that my artstyle for Ford barely changed. Guess it has to do with the fact that I don't lock in when I make comics. If I had more time and motivation I'd properly polish that dude.
I also kept one drawing of Stan and Ford, but will show it later bc I want to redraw it :) wanna see how much I improved after all these years
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #19
Riddle's Extremely Specific FOP Problems
Just came from looking at screenshots I'd saved of Dev, like these ones from "A New Dev-elopment":
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I don't think I've said this yet, but the funny thing about Dev is that his hair reminds me of how I draw Happy Peppy Gary, who's been one of my main doodle muses since 2016. They both have ginger spikes:
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This week I actually redesigned Gary's hair by letting it grow longer and more curly in the back, so I'll keep Dev's short in the back and only spiky in the front.
They have different skin and eye colors, etc., but it is funny that like, 6(?) years ago, I put Gary in a zipper hoodie.
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I do a lot of traditional art, and I'm really gonna have to do a sketchpage nailing their designs down so they look different in pencil.
My current Gary design does have a spiral in his hair since I do that for all my witches, and I don't think that'll ever come up for Dev, especially if Dale Dimm really is Dev's ancestor - the one person who's extremely UNlikely to be a witch - so... there's that.
Some old Gary sketches where he IS in his Learnatorium clothes:
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I feel like I could redraw any of these poses with Dev, lol. The freckles do a ton of heavy lifting here.
....... I've been writing Ed Leadly and Gary as rivals for YEARS and this is once again adding a cruel layer of irony to my "Ed Leadly as Dev's grandpa" situation.
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Every time I see this kid, I see My Boy in him.
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They are the same person to me...
The Haunting of Wells House
I like how Marcus keeps calling his daughter Hazelnut. It's cute. I'm glad to see him ready to hunt the "apartment ghost" he's been after since Episode 1.
Hooray for Cosmo and Wanda acting like neighbors!
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I feel like they shouldn't be giving a horror movie to a child if they haven't seen it themselves and then walk back to their room, especially since their line of work is about trauma recovery (or at least... helping kids avoid hurt). They should know better than that.
I'm so glad you can see into their apartment from the hall. Literally nothing stops you or hides their magic stuff. You can just do it...
Marcus sniffing the video while fancy dinner music plays is my everything. They're BOTH silly.
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I like how Cosmo and Wanda poofed up a TV for the apartment and included cobwebs and spiders on it. I guess that makes sense; they were giving Hazel a horror movie.
Ooh, ghostly lightning spirit of the actress trapped in the video?
Hazel has learned nothing from her last experience of wishing to be part of a TV show. She's 10.
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Wait, so... Cosmo and Wanda can hear Hazel's casual wish from across the hall? And poof over?
Uh, maybe we don't tell that to Dev, who just flipped out last episode when Peri didn't show up despite Dev whisper-calling for him when Vicky was putting him to work...
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She... Also, I can't believe Marcus left his daughter under a heavy machine for 4 hours.
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So far, our only canon fairy death fits the OG series' implied canon that only non-magical items can kill Fairies [i.e. "magic doesn't affect magic" from "Abra-catastrophe"], so I like that.
I don't have much to say. Pepper seems interesting I suppose, and I can probably have her be a friend of Blonda's in 'fic.
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I enjoy Jorgen grumpily cleaning up magic messes. That feels right.
... Unclear if Jorgen is keeping a bunch of fairies locked in the basement or if he just has a shelf full of similar-looking items.
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grodybrat · 3 months
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Redraw of one of my first Danganronpa fanarts from back in 2021.
I liked DRV3 for a while untill realizing it wasn’t my thing and moving on to DR2 lol. I interpret Kokichi kinda different from his canon version but he’s still not really my fav anymore, but his design is fun, and I really like how this came out.
The improvement is pretty clear lol I even remember thinking the original pose was stiff 3 years ago.
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I found these from- like- FOREVER ago (by forever I mean last year) and totally forgot they existed until now since their on my old Amazon iPad that was like $50 😭
I think I even wrote part of a fanfic explaining n stuff about this AU but since that shits cringy and I don’t feel like going to dig that up here a brief on what happens:
This takes place a little after the end of the Mugen Train movie while Tanjiro and the others are still healing. They decided to take a one day break and walk around a forest near the butterfly mansion. After hanging out all day and deciding to head back so they don’t run into any demons they find a small little injured turtle by a pond they come across. Of course Tanjiro doesn’t wanna just leave the poor thing there so, in hopes that one of the Kocho’s will know what to do he picks it up and brings it with them on the rest of they’re walk.of course cuz of plot n shit *POOF* a demon appears and teleports Tanjiro to the ROTTMNT universe with Nezuko (cuz of plot) and yadayada he gets stung by an oozsquito blah blah blah Leo, Mikey, Raph, and Donnie find him and Nezuko andddd que the family bonding n stuff
Lol if this post gets more than 10 likes the maybe I’ll try redrawing this AU n stufff
Also this AU DOES have a name and I’ll be creating a tag for it: Mutant not Demon
Additional tags include: Mutant not Demon! Tanjiro, Mutant not Demon! Nezuko, mutant Tanjiro, Mutant not Demon art, Mutant not Demon tmnt au
There will most definitely be more tags soon I just need to get the AU situated lollll
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yellowchap · 4 months
Hi I’m not deaddddd🌝 went away for 2 weeks to visit family and then couldn’t draw anything till now
Plus idk what to say here lol but here’s a cringe redraw of a cringe thing from years ago!
This is a character named Charming Gold from a dumb show I watch a bit of back in 2019, named Animation Running Man. From memory the show was like.. not good at all but I watched it for this dude lmao
Do I still have a sick obsession with him and my own au? Yes. And I will not be discussing it-
Click for quality as u all know <3
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Where Evil Nests
Chapter 2: Saying Yes
so after i put a poll up the vote was overwhelmingly in favour of naming this AU “Where Evil Nests”. so yay!!! we have a name that doesn’t suck now :DDD
uhhhhhh, this is probably a good time to mention that will is an unreliable narrator. fair warning to the henry apologists/appreciators that this is not a pro-henry story. aha. :fuckboy_emoji: :fuckboy_emoji:
in case ur curious, or even if ur not: this AU takes place several years before canon starts. i went with the “4 years ago” date from the original montauk pitch for when joyce and lonnie divorced, which puts will at about age 8 and jonathan at like 12. anyway, that’s why ~12yo henry is so much bigger than will lol, i prommy i’m not just shit at scaling 🙏🙏
Ch1 Ch2 Ch3
@gay-stranger-things asked to be tagged in the continuation so there ya go. if anybody else wants to be tagged in future lmk i guess, tho i’m also gonna be tagging everything with #Where Evil Nests for mostly my own benefit
rambling below...
apologies for the serious inconsistency in the art, even within individual pages. you can literally see me putting progressively too much effort in with each page lmfao. a bitch been hella busy the past couple of weeks and i’ve only been able to work on this very sporadically. also doesn’t help that i had to redraw and redraw and redraw like half of this chapter. the 2nd page pains me particularly bc in my initial draft i had the door on an angle to show the rose window and spent H O U R S messing around with it to make the perspective work, before realizing the angle didn’t match the direction will was facing in and i didn’t want to redraw him. the worst part is that it looks better compositionally the way it is now ToT
hmmmm i put way too much text slanted to the left and like none slanted to the right... oh well i am not changing that i will scream if i have to touch any of these pages again
i can make no promises abt when chapter 3 will be up bc i start a formal art course soon and idk if i’ll have any motivation to draw outside of it lol
okie it’s almost 5am. again. i gotta get a better sleep schedule dude <///3
OH WAIT I JUST WANT TO CLARIFY THAT PANEL WITH LONNIE IS ***NOT*** IMPLYING C/S/A. I JUST REALIZED U COULD INTERPRET IT THAT WAY BUT THAT WAS NOT MY INTENTION. i reworded that line slightly to make it scan better but in retrospect perhaps i should have left it be bc Yikes
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kidovna · 1 year
Sorry if it's been asked already (I always ask this to people with really cool artstyles so I mightve asked you myself already and straight up forgot LOL) but I was wondering, do you have any advice/tips/tutorials for drawing full bodies?
I just think you have a really cool artstyle and ive always struggled making fanart (other than semi-realistic screencap redraws) because I still have to learn how to stylise full bodies😅 (faces too but those im a bit better at).
Anyway, ive also been following u since your scorbus era and it's been so cool to see all the growth and different fandoms youve gone through! (I myself am a big byler🫡).
Sorry this is long, have a nice day/night🥰 and feel free to ignore this if you want, no worries!
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answering both of this together because i feel like my answer is going to be similar to both of them:
keep live/quick sketching people and poses! it’s a fantastic way to practice anatomy and when you speed up your process, it helps you figure out how full bodies look in your style because it’s your immediate instinct to draw a certain way! you don’t even need a live model to pose for you. the internet is full of incredible images and stock photos that are always fun to sketch. If you’d like a place to start, Adorka Stock is a deviant art page full of stock references made for artists.
I’m always and forever an advocate for quick sketching because when I started doing live sketches about a year ago they looked like this:
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And these are my sketches from a couple of months ago:
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The difference may not be massive to most people but I feel like my grasp on anatomy AND my line weight has improved drastically since. I feel more confident going into a piece knowing what the poses are going to be like in my head.
Apart from that, it’s normally widely accepted to reference poses for your art as long as you’re not tracing over someone else’s work. my favourite thing to do is self reference with photos or a mirror because then i can get exactly the pose that i want.
I hope this helped!
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vikugnavikugna · 9 months
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I don't like this art at all but I'm so done redrawing Sub Rosa. This is, like, my third attempt at making a sketch for this arc! I want to move on to Fray! She's SO MUCH cooler!!!
ANYWAY, anyone remember how I said I ought to write down my thoughts immediately after reading rather than weeks later? Yeah, lol, lmao. I think that when I read this arc for the first time a year ago I *really* disliked it (oh, right, we are now officially out of the "i read this twice before" territory; my first attempt at reading Twig ended on arc 2 whilst the other did around arc 8? all my memories on plot points from this point on are quite fuzzy). I can definitely see why I didn't vibe with this, I suppose - I always was such a big Mauer fan that Sub Rosa just felt weak as an antagonist, comperatively. This read, however, I found myself enjoying the arc quite a bit. Absolute favorite scene was the moment where the Lambs were seperated and entered the labs with the experiments - it's funny how disappointed Sy was in Mary considering this is their second mission together. He came to like her so fast and accepted her as a Lamb so quickly he simply haven't considered she lacks so much experience in working as a group compared to everyone else. Like, come on Mary, even Lil did it! KEEP UP!!! Helen also had a lot of funny moments this arc because she's a funny gal like that (screaming at the experiments in the hallway and all). Gordon continues to be my favorite for no reason whatsoever - I genuinely don't remember a single thing he did. He's just cool. Just a dudely dude. A ladsome lad. A guyly guy.
Also, damn, that interlude. I remember it really fucked me up during my previous read. Fucked me up a little bit less this time, but I still loved the way it was written. I am a huge fan of horror and this struck a certain note with me that very few horror pieces of media do. Truly tailor written for me the same way Mauer was. Good arc, VERY GOOD interlude.
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Misha you’re such a great artist how are you so good?? :0
Thank you so much!! Ooo that's a long story, my art journey is as jumbled as anything about me.
I guess one of the reasons is just the fact that I've been into drawing and art ever since I can remember myself. I've never taken any classes, I just always liked to try different things, especially drawing made-up characters or people I know, and my style wasn't really influenced by anyone else's until I went onto the internet when I was about 11-12 years old. I think that was also the time when I started drawing regularly, as in getting myself new sketchbooks all the time.
When I was twelve I started posting my art on Pinterest (the first social media I ever had) and around that time I also got into the Warrior Cats fandom (revealing secrets about my past here lol), so I kind of found a community of artists from that fandom and focused on drawing cats. Before that, I was mostly drawing people and also any kind of fantasylife I could think of, the point is that it wasn't influenced by anyone. But here I started drawing in a sort of cartoonish style because I was inspired by the artists I saw on Pinterest and also animators from YouTube, first it was all cats, then I also got into drawing anthro felines by which I kind of developed a sense for human anatomy.
But in this era from the age of 12 to 14 I forgot how to draw in my own style, cats or humans or anyone really, and I was getting burned out from that, so around January 2023 I decided to start developing my own style again, drawing my human OCs that have existed for a long time more, that year I was basically mostly focusing on drawing people, one thing that helped me was redrawing photos of people I know or musicians. But I think I only started to feel satisfied with what I'm doing around late summer, so a bit less than a year ago. And since then I've just been moving forward I guess :)
Sorry for such a long response, there's just a lot to my art journey I guess. To sum it up, the most important things for me were: drawing things in the way I liked, using photos as references (that helps developing a sense for expressions especially! Many people talk about how helpful references are for anatomy, but I think they help you to learn drawing lively characters just as well), sketching as much as I can, being patient with myself and just looking at the whole process of learning as a journey, even if it's difficult sometimes.
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synthshenanigans · 9 months
woah hey a year has been passed wowie :0
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First two weren't posted here cos they were too long ago & not CJish related but love the way he took up 70% of the year lol
[ Full images + templates below :} ]
[TW for Bright Colors, maybe blood & very very vague themes of depression/suicide for like 2 drawings I believe]
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Long text about the arts if anyones actually curious!!
January: An old OC I completely forgot about until making this. He's based on old radio like things :}
February: Played Person 5 Royal last year & drew Joker cos idk he's neat. Fun fact, the same day I fully finished the game was the day Storm & a Spring came out. Also while grinding in the game, I had his Bidding & VoaC covers on repeat. Which was a bit annoying to do since they weren't on Spotify yet & YT on mobile didn't have looping then.
March: The Hawaii Part ii album cover :} I did post that eventually but that's the time I actually made it. Had listened to TME a couple of months before then which got me into the album, so months later I drew it cos why not? [Also the month Vol.1 fully released on everything. What's funny is my gallery for that day was a handful of memes I saved at 4am before I fell asleep. And then the next image saved is when I woke up which was a screenshot of the whiteboard in TfaR lol]
April: First main Jash art !!! And its not even with any of the songs from Vol. 1 lol. I had his Moss cover on repeat again & now that all of Vol. 1 was out, I drew Heart in some moss. Or really in the image from the video.
May: Lil animation I made of Heart with the song Don't Hit the Lights! Link to my post & the song can be found here :}. Still really like the song & even the drawings. Might remake em eventually idk
June: Sky/socialc1imb's Clue AU! I like murder mysteries & this one was real interesting so I drew it a lot lol. Might remake that one or one of the others I made at somepoint? It'll be a bit later if I do but ye
July: A redraw of a HMS piece I originally made back in May, based on the Three Wise Monkeys thing. I like the idea of it so I keep wanting to remake it.
August: I honestly can't remember if I posted that art or not. Actually yea I don't think I ever did PFFT. It's one of the few drawings I did of myself this year & its from CJs Not Perfect cover [as you can tell by the lyrics on it]. Also one of the very very few vent-ish arts I made. I like the background more than anything but its still neat ig?
September: Art for one of the best songs ever. I love Fine, I'm Fine its so good & I listened to it for like 70% of the 20+ hours it took me to make the drawing. Still proud of it so there's the sketch I drew on paper, the one on my tablet & then the final versions.
October: There was a lot from this month due to Jashtober. I still like this one lot & it wasn't insanely rushed so I picked this one to show lol.
November: I have no idea why I made a fun lil soul. I was having an identity crisis over my art style & ig decided to draw the guy who is a walking identity crisis/j
December: Same as September. One of my favorite songs ever was covered & released, so I made a drawing like everyone else lol.
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shadow---ninja · 10 months
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you can trust me
"….awww what's the matter, do you not trust me"
lets get this over with so i can go back to screaming in a corner about how much he looks so good lol, but anyways yea another redraw artwork done and its a redraw of an artwork i did from 2 year ago.
honestly i like how this one turned out even if i did struggle with his hand to the point i just changes the canvas size to avoid drawing most of it lol, but i am enjoying drawing nightmare with long fluffy hair as 1 it makes him look more hot and 2 its just fun to draw long hair on him, but im gonna be busy with a few artworks later and work so that'll be fun trying to balance things out.
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