yellowchap · 2 days
Have some more path of titans cringe
My deinon in the Ancient Isles realism server 🪱
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I know I’m cringe… but I am free🕊️
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yellowchap · 3 months
I totally forgot I can repost my own work that I didn’t post here ages ago lol
But I feel like this one will do better here shjkkkhskjh
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This one was a late bday gift for a friend last year and it flopped where I posted it but ik I’m small here so the flop will feel less crappy XD (not that I’m big anywhere else :,3)
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yellowchap · 2 months
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Going away for 8 days, have two silly geese I sketched for a friend and I 🎨🐛
Love the Dracoviper mod rework, they did such a good job bro UoU first time playing it while testing on a friend’s upcoming fantasy realism server called Deception Isles, they r also working in a modded Dino realism server.
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yellowchap · 5 months
Anyone else out there like Garfield? My all time comfort character ngl
Both just tired, man
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yellowchap · 7 months
Just a little goofy doodle for myself of Semeru and my Farmer 🤡 I wear my cringe on my sleeve
I can’t focus enough to do proper sketches of them atm
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yellowchap · 4 months
Hi I’m not deaddddd🌝 went away for 2 weeks to visit family and then couldn’t draw anything till now
Plus idk what to say here lol but here’s a cringe redraw of a cringe thing from years ago!
This is a character named Charming Gold from a dumb show I watch a bit of back in 2019, named Animation Running Man. From memory the show was like.. not good at all but I watched it for this dude lmao
Do I still have a sick obsession with him and my own au? Yes. And I will not be discussing it-
Click for quality as u all know <3
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yellowchap · 8 months
Finally finished it! All up this only took 6 hours but the last hour took me like a week bc of procrastination XD
But I’ve pushed through and my friend is very happy with it so I’m sharing their favourite version <3
Hope y’all enjoy it as much as I did💥💥💥🐖
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yellowchap · 7 months
I be out here like “I’m a humanoid artist” and then whip out a massive furry-thing like it’s nothing 🤡
Doodle for my friend who wanted help designing an outfit and well… I went a little overkill cuz the concept was so good🌝👉👈
For u bbg @sychwolf
Can I link their other socials? Imma add her insta- she’s most active there go commission her!!
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She’ll never see what I did >:) YOU mightn’t either
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yellowchap · 10 days
Im so LAAZZYYYYYYY but here’s a dump of doodles cuz I never finish anything
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yellowchap · 7 months
Ok a mad coincidence to my last post, I’m about to play a fairy in my friend’s dnd campaign 💥 and since he has no lore for them he has given them to me to design and work with which is FREAKIN AWESOME!? And im having so much fun coming up with lore for them and the Faewild + working my character into that.
Literally the coolest guy and I’m so excited to have him as my dm yall plus everyone else playing I know so it’s so much less scary then the first time I tried to play with, basically, randos and it was just awkward and miserable for all of us
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The environment sketch isn’t really important since I didn’t draw the fairy village in the trees like intended but ah well, plus the Faewild is basically just the regular world but everything fecks w u.
My fairies r basically just expanded from og 5e fairies but I wanted to make them more communal since I didn’t want my character to come from a flower and just be vibing mostly by themself AND I’m a sucker and I didn’t want them to just look like little winged humans yknow? Leaned into the little freaky magical creature bit
I’ve also kinda removed the “roll for a unique trait” thing where fairies have a sorta base looks like the examples above and other stuff can be rollable traits or even combined at one’s own will bc that’s more fun to me
Is this homebrewing? I guess it kinda is osjhkjlslkha but at least y’all r getting more dnd content and plenty more in the future
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yellowchap · 1 month
Just arting in my own world ✨🐛
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Character concepts of a freaky ginger
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yellowchap · 8 months
She is my William Afton 💔
Y’all the Terrible Things fnaf cover by AXIE slaps so hard and I’m a big fan of the og song so that’s how much I vouch.
I’ve begged my friend to let me kill her for ages bc they don’t know she can’t die haha, there’s a reason she seems to come back and stay safe so easily <3 I wonder if my friend will remember I have tumblr and read this tho XD
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yellowchap · 8 months
I’m a big dirty liar, I’m still not finished the dragon and instead I’m doing oc shite I’m sorry 😔
Bird man, anyone?
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yellowchap · 7 months
Anyone want some fae critters? You’re gonna have them anyway >:)
Friend and I found a pixie trend on instagram which has a moth/butterfly for every day of the year and u and ur friend draw each other as your birthday bug so that’s what we did lol
//I’ll link the post down the bottom\\
Here’s mine of him + his evil sausage dog
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And this is the one he did of me HGJHKGKJGGJK im still crying about it 😭 if I was like 2 inches tall, he was right, I’d be naked all the time
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This may look like an utter mess but idc how the formatting is lol, but he is a Vicaroy Butterfly which is a monarch MIMIC and I am an Atlas Moth which I wasn’t expecting 🎉 but pretty wicked
Link to the post, also I think it’s a contest? My friend and I just did ours for fun by ourselves and just took the pixie/fairy thing and didn’t pay much attention to anything else XD
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yellowchap · 6 months
Ok I finished it 🎉🦐
Possibly not what u were expecting from an angel? My universe they just have feathers of real world birds(only natural species) and the species isn’t hereditary.
I was gonna repost info to this post but that takes effort I don’t have so appreciate young Tristan till I draw him currently eventually.
Oh and his plumage is also that of a Green Junglefowl🐓
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yellowchap · 7 months
Not redesigning this character but I’m reworking his backstory which makes drawing some tasteful art of his youth necessary 🌝
Tristan is the very first angel I remember ever introducing to my world and the fact years later he’s still a prominent character makes him special to me and he deserves some work <3
He has been changed from a “hunter”, back to a “Guardian” like his first introduction(ik non of u know this stuff but I’m talking to myself ok) which r one of few exclusive born angel roles and treated somewhat like celebrities hence why I’ve made him a bit of an ex-model.
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This is an example of his current look, he is currently a demon which he chose willingly to be with his current wife
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A little about him:
-so I’ve explained he is a Guardian Angel ,which can only be born angels, but essentially they get assigned to guard a mortal from evil like demons and other spirits that heaven deems untrustworthy, which is actually how he met his current wife! He was assigned a mortal that the demon Laurentius(a powerful demon, the first son of Lilith) was hovering around but he didn’t see anything wrong with their relationship so he kinda just left and pretended he was trying to ward off Lars(Laurentius) but he met Lars’ daughter, Delta, and decided to hover around her instead and they became good friends before becoming an item
-wacky demon and angel mischief of those two before they become a couple and years later Tristan has Lars cut his wings out to become a demon, since angel souls r in their wings and need to be entirely carved out to remove their soul and turn them into a demon contract(like a 50/50 chance of this working), and woo that works and they have their first son and then get married. They have like…. 6 kids now over a 20 or so year period and will likely have more bc they love being parents and they love their kids.
-Delta and Tristan have been the most consistent, drama free couple of the characters and Delta is the damn puppet master and has helped blossom most of the pairings in our world lol, seriously tho I adore these two bc they just love each other and their kids so much.
-Tristan has an ex-wife but this was like 500 years before current events and since becoming a demon he doesn’t remember much anymore unless asked about it, they lived on earth to get some peace from heaven but she fell victim to angel harvesters(humans r aware of angels and demons but it’s kept secret by the magic world and human billionaires and stuff bc they harvest angel organs for, basically, immortality and the magic world can use demon bits for more powerful magic which is illegal) and so yeah she died pretty horrifically which left him scarred for a very long time until he picks up Guardian work again and meets his current wife.
Love that I said little and then infodumped woops XD it’s like right before work so I can’t think anymore but this is the basics of him I hope any of u enjoy my blurb.
If I finish that sketch I’ll probably repost this info attached to it 🎉
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