#this is a such a stupid and transmisogynistic take
menstits · 1 year
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Also I'm gonna be honest being like oh I'm trans now because i did x as a child is very much not the same thing as making jokes about a specific individual? Like that's the only issue i have with that kind of joke like speculating about a real person's life feels invasive (which i feel strongly about literally because i have been on the other end of thst kind of joke for my entire teenage years and it sucked ass severely) but it literally doesn't matter if you make jokes about yourself and your own experiences that's literally fine and people who are up in arms about THAT are being purposely dumb as hell and obtuse. But this kind of response and finger pointing about something that has nothing to do with the initial criticism is literally also being kind of obtuse if I'm being honest
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nyancrimew · 7 months
im sorry but you can stop trying to explain to me in anon asks how exactly you think the puritan and transmisogynist harrassment campaign against a large group of people including predstrogen is somehow actually justified which apparently makes it "not harrassment", even if i agreed with your stupid puritan takes and with painting random transfems as evil deviants or whatever it'd still be a harrassment campaign for christs sake
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autolenaphilia · 18 days
God I think I actually prefer explicit fascist transmisogyny in comparison to the disguised dogwhistly liberal transmisogyny.
Like the people who openly call me an autogynephile and other various slurs and tell me to kill myself are at least being honest. They don't bullshit me about hating my very existence and wanting me to die.
It's all the faux-loving forms of transmisogyny that really make me angry. Like it makes my skin crawl in its dishonesty and hypocrisy. And it takes so many forms. Like the transmisogynist christian "hate the sin, not the sinner" approach where they claim to love me and just want me to accept Jesus in my heart. The necessary condition for accepting their version of Jesus however is me detransitioning, and that would kill me.
There is the terfy "people with gender dysphoria are suffering and they need help but we can't endanger women's sex-based rights for them." i've even seen in arguments about legal gender changes the following: "of course trans women deserve to use women's spaces, but if we allow legal gender self-id evil cis men will take advantage of that. So trans women will have to have their rights restricted." Even J.K. Rowling used it in her terf manifesto.
It makes one yearn for the days of the ur-terf book "The Transsexual Empire" which had the "shemale" slur in its subtitle and in which the author Janice Raymond argued trans women rape real women by the fact of their very existence. That kind of brazen transmisogyny at least had some kind of honesty about it.
There is also the transmisogynist callout culture fandom, or as the japanese fittingly call them: the american feelings yakuza. They callout transfems for problematic kinks like at least once a week but deny transmisogyny. "oh we don't believe all transfems are evil predatory sex perverts, it's just that this particular transfem is."
Their evidence for her being sexual predatory is that she ships two fictional siblings. Or in meatspace meetings, things like her having "bad vibes" ("bad vibes" or "gut instinct" are polite words for what more sensible people call "ingrained bias") .
And they suspiciously keep on making callouts for transfem after transfem in a neverending series, trying to ruin her reputation and socially exile her, but of course they are not transmsiogynists.
There is also the sofboi transandrobro type of transmisogyny. They spread the vilest transmisogyny but always falls back on a terfy bioessentialism to claim ontological innocence and perpetual victimhood in all situations. I've literally seen someone say "how can i be a misogynist, i'm literally afab." These people will not say directly "shut up about your oppression, stupid tranny", but say it in coded form. I had one guy traumadump to me about his rape in vivid detail to make the point that (trans)men suffer more and imply that transfems don't suffer from sexual violence.
And that's the crux of the issue. Open hate barely fazes me anymore, unless there is an immediate threat of physical violence. But being condescended to, being emotionally manipulated, being faced with people veiling their hatred of transfems behind a veil of superficially loving rhetoric, that does make me angry. And these people always use my anger against me. "Why are you so angry when these people are being so polite and nice to you?" And that's because the point of these rhetorical approaches is to have plausible deniability for your bigotry and make transfems look crazy when they point it out.
Yet it's the same bigotry as the explicit version, it's just more dishonest about it. Like if had the They Live glasses and looked at the rhetoric, it would just read "exterminate all transfems." All those polite liberals believe the same thing about transfems as the neo-nazis openly calling for us to be hanged, they just lack the virtue of being honest about it.
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catgirlforeskin · 3 months
those annoying women, i mean, ftms are being transmisogynistic by having kinks related to their desires and calling themselves catboys - lmfao fucking get a life and get your head out of your ass and please PLEASE block me from this ask so i can stop scrolling through your stupidity for entertainment
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I’m guessing this is what you’re mad about since it was circulating again today and it got an angry transmasc comment on it.
I do think it’s very telling that you’re falling back on accusing me of misgendering trans men when what’s upsetting you and others is me saying “trans men are men, and men benefit from misogyny.”
This sort of “have your cake and eat it too” argument comes out very often by trans men who simultaneously accuse opponents of transphobia and not taking their manhood seriously while also claiming they’re the arbiters of misogyny because of being “female socialized” or “biologically female” in a way trans women cannot be.
I think my favorite part is your “god forbid men have desires…” attitude because like. Literally all of society is built for men’s desires, sexual or otherwise, go enjoy it man, how and why are you letting me spoil that for you?
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youlookkindadead · 28 days
why are people so fucking mad about the usage of TME/TMA as terms. i mean i know why (its transmisogyny) but im yet to see a single good excuse for not liking them as terms. i saw a post just now that was like "if you see a stranger with boobs and a beard in a t shirt and jeans you wont be able to fit them into TME/TMA terms without being weird about their genitals" and thats just...completely false? like, first of all, nobody who uses the terms TME/TMA is going around pointing out random strangers on the street and trying to decide whether theyre affected by transmisogyny or not. literally nobody in the history of anything has ever done that. second of all, if you really wanted to know you could just like...ask somebody if they're transfem. that's not particularly invasive nor are you trying to pressure the person into telling you their genitals. that person doesn't even have to answer you.
the people equating being TMA to having a dick are not only intersexist but also transmisogynist in assuming all transfem people have, kept, or are in possession of a penis. its just a really stupid take to have
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0w0tsuki · 6 months
It's always telling that the only time when transandro bros even dain to recognize intracommunity transmisogyny, it's only when they're forced to distance themselves from the rampant transmisogynists in their community whose transmisogyny is so cartoonish it becomes undeniable. And it's only to preserve image and position themselves as the non-reactionary alternative.
They did it when one of their own sent out rapey sexual harassment copypasta anons to trans lesbians. They did this when already infamous "transmisogyny group chat"/"The TMRA Radfems warned you about" faggotwithopinions/transmascpeterwenz treated becoming mutuals with the CEO who permabanned a trans woman for no reason and followed her off-site to violate privacy data protections in order to paint her as a sex pest as Huge Get. They did this when TERFs felt comfortable with their communities transmisogyny to openly talk about how they plan to use transandro bros specifically to drive a wedge in the trans community, something trans andro bros accuse transfeminists of all the time.
And when I say it's only in these cases it is ONLY in these wildly cartoonish scenarios. Back when the "transmisogyny group chat" was still fresh news, something that usually happens when a queer transmisogynist shows their full ass happened. A bunch of TERFs who stalk these discourses because they're obsessed with trans women went into his anons to send the most vile hate they could summon while pretending to be trans women so our abusers have something they can point to to play victim. And all the transandro bros took these ANONYMOUS HATE MESSAGES sending gendered slurs/sexual harassment at FACE VALUE when they said they were coming from trans women. It got so bad that prominent transandro bro GenderKoolaid when "dissecting and analyzing" a cropped screenshot of a post by Predstrogen (you know the trans woman who was later outsted by the CEO himself) made some wild speculation about how an offhand comment about "transfems taking the piss" was a direct joke reveling in this harassment.
And there are still plenty of blatant transmisogynists that are propped up as prominent members of the transandro community because they haven't had their own "Me and CarExplosionsHammer Photomatt are besties!" moment. There's the aforementioned GenderKoolaid who routinely engaged with "critiquing" transfeminists posts out of context behind their back and alongside spacelazarwolf has promoted the kiwifarms style blog transandrophobia-archive.
They harbor loads of ex TERFs. ftmtftm who left a 31 paragraph college dissertation with proper citations carefully explaining why I'm either purposely unintellectual or actually stupid and what I was saying was radfeminism aktually when I was looking through his blog before blocking him I saw 1) him lamenting about feeling abandoned by the radfem community he was apparently raised by and 2) him sighing with fucking "transmisoginy group chat" faggotwithopinions of all people about how "these Actual Transmisogynists™ make it so hard for us Actually Nice TMRAs and we need to put an effort to come across as considerate to their experiences with them when we engage with transfems" acting like they they aren't the very problem they are complaining about.
An out Ex-TERF nothorses is responsible for cultivating the current transandro echo chamber tried to use his influence in the community he helped create to try and redefine TERF to try to allow for the label to paradoxically include trans women. After that he wrote an anti-transfeminist manifesto that "defined" Beaddelism and cited open TERF sources. And this manifesto is still constantly linked by transandro bros whenever someone outside the discourse asks what a beaddel is.
The transmisogyny is so bad in their community but simultaneously is explicitly an outlier and not representative of them. Every prominent member is transmisogynists Georg and should not be counted but only when you can prove he is unequivocally, beyond the shadow of a doubt, transmisogynist. Up until then everything he does is fine until it's not.
To transandro bros "transmisogynistic trans men" is this Mystical Other problem that can only be solved with better PR and is completely unaddressable and says nothing about their community at all. Something that they've wholly separated from themselves that's only addressed in the theoretical until they're forced to confront it because they've fostered it so much it's become too big to ignore.
Like if your truly "one of the good ones" whose "only trying to talk about specific issues trans men face" then ask yourself why you've aligned with an ideology founded directly in opposition to transfeminis?. Why do you stand with a community whose mest well regarded members are also some of the most rampant transmisogynists on this site? Why you are constantly having to do PR work to not be instantly regarded as on the transmisogynists that you're community has become known for?Why you refuse to address the transmisogyny problem so much that out and proud TERFs feel comfortable enough to walk right in and start proposing "AMAB supremacy" theory?
Like I've said before. The disgusting actions and behaviors from the community alone are enough to not regard any "theory" they put forth to excuse it.
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psychotrenny · 29 days
can i ask- why use the word 'theyfab' in particular? since it draws such specific attention to their c-agab, and sounds so similar to terms and phrases used to demean cafab nonbinary people
Because when used appropriately* it doesn't draw any more attention to the target's AGAB than the target already has. TheyFAB is a term that arose in response to the unfortunately common tendency among AFAB non-binary people to socially weaponise their AGAB against transfems; embracing the common view of "Non-Binary= Women+" in order to take a position of innocence. People get called theyFAB when they imply or even outright state things along the lines of "There's no way I, as an AFAB, could commit violence against or hold privilege over any of those male-socialised trans women". Like hell, that sort of rhetoric already draws as much attention to any given tranfem's AGAB as it does to the "theyFAB" in question. If you don't want trans women to draw attention to your AGAB, then don't make anyone's AGAB their problem.
It also helps that the only people seriously offended by it are those ignorant and/or transmisogynist enough that they basically deserve it anyway. You don't have to like the word in order to appreciate the genuine frustrations behind it and realise that trans women do not as a class have enough power to make it meaningfully damaging. It's not as though trans women are, on a structural basis, big beneficiaries and defenders of patriarchal gender norms.
It's a bit like "cracker" in the way that it's a certainly not a nice word but you're stupid if you think it's a "slur" and an absolutely pathetic if you choose to make a big fuss over it. And once again if you don't wanna get called that word, the best thing to do is not be a bigot. It's surprisingly easy
*well as appropriate as a word like that can be
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h3adlessangel · 2 months
is longlegs transmisogynistic ? (no)
last thing i’m gonna say on this because the discourse is getting increasingly stupid—through your misinformed (or outright brain dead) takes on longlegs, it’s been all but proven that y’all don’t actually understand what legit transmisogyny is. nicolas cage playing a serial killer with a botched face and effeminate/androgynous traits to his personality is not inherently transmisogynistic. but equating that androgynous serial killer/child predator/overall creep to trans women IS transmisogyny. YOUR perception is skewed. YOUR head is in the gutter.
it’s worth mentioning that cage stated he played dale cobble as “neither male nor female”, to which i implore you consider the radical notion that trans women are (get ready for it) FEMALE ! i know people love their bioessentialism on here, but the fact that you equate androgyny to trans women is literally transmisogyny in action. (don’t bring up the thing about his mom/hermaphrodite thing, i already know. i did my research.)
considering that 60% of y’all who are critiquing the film haven’t actually *seen* it and are operating on word of mouth bullshit, longlegs is so separate from whatever y’all are calling trans/queerphobia, from its messaging to its performances. it’s seriously time for y’all to step outside of yourselves instead of doubling down on your bad faith arguments.
i understand that buffalo bill instilled a collective anxiety around the “trans-coded serial killer” stereotype within the queer community. but nothing in longlegs insists, implies, nor indicates that the characterization of dale cobble is representative of transness. as a matter of fact, no other trans women i’ve spoken to take issue with it (they usually take more of an issue with the messy structure of the third act, which i agree with). but the opinions of trans women on this topic seem to matter the least to TME people, as fucking always.
you see a scary man with feminine characteristics and assume that it is a caricature of trans women and transfemmes. all that implication and underhanded messaging, all that “coding”, that’s all you guys. the call is coming from inside the fucking house. you clearly don’t understand what transmisogyny is, because you’re too wrapped up in your own white-knighting and hand-wringing to take a step back and acknowledge that the way you think about us is transmisogynistic.
xoxo, an actual irl trans woman.
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dykeulous · 6 days
alright so trans men don’t experience misogyny & aren’t uniquely marginalized for being trans men but it’s also a-okay to be vigorously misogynistic to us & then claim we aren’t affected by misogyny in the very same breath. it’s acceptable to claim we have “female privilege” & tell us we just need to shut up and listen to the people whose voices actually matter. it’s completely alright & totally not discriminatory to infantilize us & treat us like we’re incapable of having intellectual conservations, incapable of talking about our own oppression because we just need to let the smart people speak. but it’s also okay to then claim we are as powerful and as privileged as cis men, because we’re men. it’s understandable that people are wary around us & we should work on making everyone around us feel more comfortable, we are capable of oppressing both cis women & trans women & we are just as snide, just as violent, just as abusive and predatory as cis men are. we simultaneously hold this imaginary “female privilege”, while also having male privilege, whatever can be used against us at the given moment. we are both evil men who are capable of upholding the patriarchy on a systemic level, as well as stupid female theyfabs who cannot think for themselves. trans women are allowed to talk about the ways they’ve been victimized for being gender non-conforming during their childhoods, they are allowed to talk about the ways homophobia specifically affected them & they are allowed to share their solidarity with gnc men & gay men, they are allowed to express the ways that transmisogyny can also affect gnc & gay men– but we are never allowed to talk about the ways we have been victimized by gncphobia, homophobia & lesbophobia; we are never allowed to share our solidarity with gnc women & lesbians, nor are we allowed to express the ways that antitransmasculinity can affect gnc women & lesbians– otherwise we aren’t really trans & are just fakers. we are monstrous misogynists & transmisogynists, we take advantage of being female because it’s somehow a blessing & a privilege for us that we’re female– but female privilege only exists when it comes to trans men. otherwise, everyone else and their dog is affected by misogyny, but we never are, under any circumstances; which is very hilarious, because the people who claim all this are some of the most misogynistic scum i’ve encountered in my entire life. the more you learn, i guess.
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crippled-peeper · 1 year
if you call disabled people transmisogynists or transphobes or misogynists or racists for telling you to stop being an ableist fucking monster, I automatically don’t trust you and will disregard everything you say following that. not sorry
disability is a type of marginalization and just because you’re a trans woman doesn’t magically mean you can never be wrong or never be ableist towards disabled people (yes even the cis ones, omg, shocking)
take your Pokédex attitude about oppression and shove it all the way up your stupid ass. if you refuse to stop being ableist after half a dozen disabled ppl have told you what you’re saying is wrong, I will simply choose to not respect you or care about your hurt feelings
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rollerska8er · 1 month
On Imane Khelif
While we are right to feel joy at Imane Khelif's victory and to support her in her legal action against the people who libelled her, I fear that a lot of people are going to take the wrong lesson from the scandal.
The lesson is not "Imane Khelif is a Biological Woman™ who was mistaken for a trans woman by idiots on the internet".
There is no such thing as a "biological woman", as opposed to a "non-biological woman". all women are biologically women because women are, by necessity, alive. A cisgender woman is not a "biological woman", she is a type of woman.
The lesson is that "There exists no definite parameter which can differentiate all cisgender women from all transgender women, and attempts to assert any one indicator as a definite differentiator of the two will result in misogynist attacks on women, regardless of their assigned sex at birth."
If Imane Khelif was a trans woman, it would not make the indignity she suffered at the hands of commentators like J. K. Rowling and Logan Paul somehow right. The attacks on her were specifically transmisogynist in nature, including people looking at stills of her matches to see if they could spot her supposed external genitals, "proving" she was "really a man".
I have seen several well-meaning people talk about stupid transphobes not even knowing what Real Biological Woman™ is when they see one (implying that trans women are pretenders to womanhood, which they are not), and not the rather more salient point that it doesn't matter if you are "Born A Woman" (that is to say, assigned female at birth), because gendered perception of the sexed body has nothing to do with your birth sex or chromosomes, and everything to do with socially constructed ideas, especially around the inherent female inferiority to men in terms of strength and athletic ability, which is not at all reflected by observable reality.
The harassment inflicted upon Imane Khelif at this year's Olympics was not a case of mistaken identity so much as it was transmisogynist society working as it should. The purpose of a system is what it does.
Women of any gender assigned at birth can be victims of transmisogyny, if the way they present to others is perceived as too masculine. It is for that reason that trans liberation and bodily autonomy is, ipso facto, a feminist position.
Remember: The issue isn't that transphobes don't know a Real Woman™ when they see one. It's that the gender is not something you can determine with scientific testing. It's that many people assume their faulty observations of gender presentation and so-called "Biological Sex" can be extrapolated into a narrative of gender identity and duplicitous conduct on the part of cis female athletes whose bodies happen to produce more testosterone.
In short, transphobic culture can hurt anyone if they deviate from its precepts. This can and will happen again.
We have to be ready to counter it with better narratives than merely pointing out the fact that the target of a transmisogynist attack is a cis woman, as though it would somehow be okay if she was a trans woman.
The sustained attack on trans women is an attack on all women. What Imane Khelif has endured proves it.
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txttletale · 1 year
Is it not okay for a transmasc person to feel gender validated when accidentally clocked as transfem? Or transfem people to get validation from being clocked as transmasc? I thought that was a normal trans experience.
as i already said in a much cooler language, of coures it's fine, i'm not the Feeling Cops -- but the way that 'a transphobe mistook me for a trans woman and said some vile transmisogynistic shit to me' is often framed as like, a funny quirky encounter, where the obvious expected reaction is 'haha stupid transphobe accidentally validated this guy's gender loll what an epic bigotry fail'. and for trans women, for whom these anecdotes are both a story about someone saying some extremely hateful shit about us and a stark reminder of our hypervisibility as the poster child for the anti-trans moral panic -- it is v. difficult to treat these anecdotes as funny little Gender Wins and not deeply horrifying, and seeing them framed in such a way that we're supposed to take them as the former is pretty alienating
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catgirlforeskin · 7 months
Why are most baeddels/TIRFs literally the most pretentious, petty and obnoxious mfs on tumblr?
"Why is tumblr soo male dominated!?" >Has interests in shit that almost only incel gahmer 4channers have
"It's transmisogynist to say Tumblr trans people should fuck instead of arguing over stupid shit" >Username it's Doggylolihorsegirlcock or derivatives and regulary shares porn
No shit trans men are pissed y'all act like white cis bitches using their bleach tears to be racism and get teens murdered while fantasizing behind doors with ebony gangrape!
Btw gurls since for some reason this is also a common cliche? uhm red fascism and antisemitism is in fact, not very cute!
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Assuming these are both you, gonna ignore most of this because it’s very stupid and not worth acknowledging, but I do think it’s funny how blatant the reading comprehension errors of the posts you’re mad about are here
Like how you’re angry about the post saying “hey isn’t it kinda lame how this ostensibly women/queer dominated fandom site hates all women in media and focuses only on men” and misreading that as the post saying that it’s actually too many men in fandom? Just middle schooler ability to understand text, it’s kinda incredible. Do also appreciate you at the end taking a moment to declare support for Israel, really a cherry on top here.
Generally disappointing hate anons though, it’s just very bog standard lesbophobia and transmisogyny, all the classic baseless accusations of pedophilia, racism, inceldom, etc etc. Some new acronyms but same recycled ideas. You’ve got potential though!
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velvetvexations · 1 month
Transfem terfs definitely exist, if in smaller numbers and often slightly differently than cis ones. The examples I'm aware of aren't as hateful as many cis terfs are, but they're along the lines of cis women who are casually transmisogynistic in a clearly have been hearing too many terf talking points kind of way. I haven't run into any personally but in research of trans history there have been plenty of trans women who have left their sisters behind to appeal to cis perspectives, the examples I'm aware of often dealing with lesbian feminists (as that is what I've researched). Some examples being trans women who agreed with the woman born woman/only trans women who have had bottom surgery etc being allowed into michfest (also overlaps with transmedicalism but that's nothing new) and one essay from a lesbian leather anthology I once read from the 80s-90s(iirc) where the author specifically talked about how trans women who haven't lived as women for a certain amount of time shouldn't be allowed in women's spaces cause they don't really get what it is to be a woman yet and some other stuff that even while most of her essay was about the struggles of being trans, clung to this idea of trans women at best having to earn a place in female separatist spaces
In these cases it's definitely not the hard core virulent terfism, but it's the same ideology. It's such a popular and pathos based branch of feminism it makes sense that even some trans women who's self/community it harms would end up agreeing with it. Trans women are still people. Humans aren't either stupid idiots or pure bastions of logic. There are full on white power style nazi people of colour, even those who know it's not in their best interests. Emotion and fear based ideologies are often popular because those pushing them are very convincing and they prey on people's fears. No one is immune to propoganda
the earnit types are hilarious
taking classes in Girl to earn my Girl License
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lesbiansanemi · 8 months
I hate self proclaimed “queer theorists” on this stupid fucking website because 90% of their posts are like “All lesbians are terfs because gender can change which makes sexuality obsolete so that means lesbians automatically hate trans ppl <3 What about gay men you ask? No, it’s different, don’t ask me to elaborate <3 Haha I love trans women so much *insert most insane transmisogynistic take three lines down* And this is all real and true because I am a boygirl fagdyke and I said it is !!!!! Btw if you argue or point out any flaws here it’s because you’re an awful evil gate keeping exclusionist >:( Peace and love go firebomb a Walmart” and then somehow the post has 563782922992737228 reblogs of ppl agreeing
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cl0ckworkqueerness · 29 days
honestly a lot of posts on tumblr fucking rot my brain especially in regards to transmisogyny and transandrophobia, not because either are stupid or not serious, but rather because many conversations are focused on pointing fingers at one or the other and saying "no no no, they're actually the ones who benefit from the patriarchy!".
i must also emphasize that not all conversations are like this.
but i'd like to remind both myself and the rest of you that most people who are vocal about one of them are usually okay with, if not in support of, discussion about the other. even if they primarily talk about one instead of the other, that's usually because that's the type of oppression they specifically face, and do not discredit any other types of oppression.
at the end of the day, the trans community is divided by nothing but itself. transphobes don't care about what "type" of trans person they're talking to, they want all trans people gone.
immediately, a person's first thought may be to go on the defensive when they see a post about a type of oppression they don't face. well, this post doesn't center me, so it must be dismissive of my oppression! is a thought that may cross your mind, but is not inherently true. specific types of discrimination are not exclusive to just one group-- any group can face a unique hostility depending on who they are, or what people think they are.
at the end of the day, i don't think transradfems genuinely hate trans men. i don't think they despise us with a passion and want us to leave the trans community. most of them, anyway. they, like us, just want to get their specific avenue of oppression to have more eyes on it, to have a solution to remove it from society, or at least to have some relief in talking about it. unfortunately, it seems like they are in a position where they feel like any discussion of trans-specific oppression is speaking over them, or silencing them, or treating their oppression like it is not as bad and horrific as it truly is. our intentions don't matter, it doesn't matter if we also talk about transmisogyny, because merely the act of implying there is any form of specific transphobia besides transmisogyny makes us transmisogynists.
the solution to this problem is not to stop talking.
the solution to this problem is not to minimize our own struggles.
the solution to this problem is not to harass transradfems, and tell them that they Must hate trans men, even if they do say horribly transandrophobic things.
the solution is to continue talking, to have respectful conversations with the trans people around us, to open up about the horrible things we face that have been silenced and erased for so long. i know "infighting is bad!" is a take that a lot of people roll their eyes at, but it needs to be said: if your biggest enemy is another trans person, or a group of other trans people, you are fighting the wrong person.
yes, call out transmisogyny in the queer community. yes, call out transandrophobia in the queer community. yes, call out exorsexism and intersexism in the queer community. but do not make these people your #1 enemy. because at the end of the day, it is not the tumblr user who is legislating us out of existence, it is a bunch of cis people who are uncomfortable with us living our lives in any way except miserable.
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