#this is about stiles ‘see that’s the problem lydia— you don’t care if you get hurt but other people do- i do.
skywitchmaja · 2 years
this stiles and lydia conversation aaaghrbrghr now THIS is good television writing!!!!!!!
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader Series
Omega Part 1
Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Party Guessed | Fury
A/n: This mini-ish series will take place from season 2-3. Also just a disclaimer I’m not POC and when i write i always imagine myself in the situation I’m writing and then describe it accordingly of course i will do my absolute best to keep this inclusive for everyone however if i make a mistake please feel free to let me know! This is also my first ever x reader story, I’ve always done OCs when writing on other platforms so be patient with me please! Thank you and love you guys! <3
Prompt: after everything that happened with Peter had finally been resolved it was time to watch over Lydia, unfortunately not everything goes to plan.
You were sitting in the hospital waiting room with Stiles, who was unfortunately snoring and very clearly dreaming about Lydia. Stiles rolled over in the chair, mumbling some nonsense you could care less about. However, it still made you chuckle, he’s been in love with her since you could remember and while you wished he would just leave it alone you knew he couldn’t.
Melissa walked through the door with Lydia’s father, he glanced at you and Stiles before pointing to you guys, “He’s been here all morning.” Melissa’s eyes met where the man was looking, “He’s been here all weekend.”
You chuckled and looked over to Stiles just in time to see him unknowingly freak out a poor staff lady with his sleep talking, “Sorry, he’s little… well as you can see, an odd sleeper.” She rolled her eyes before walking away, clearly not wanting to be bothered. You bumped Stiles in the stomach with your elbow and he shook awake making the balloon that was tied to the chair swish in his face.
“I’m going to get going, I’m exhausted and these chairs were not made for sleeping, even though you seem to have figured it out.” He glared at you before sitting up completely, “Did you want me to drive you home?”
You shook your head slightly, “No, don’t worry about it, Melissa’s house isn’t too far from here and I could use the fresh air after everything that’s happened.” He nodded understanding what you meant, from Scott’s werewolf problems, to Peter being an absolute menace to our grade point averages, and to top it all off your new abilities that awoke when Scott was bitten (you guys still have no idea what it is), it seemed that you guys didn’t even have time to breathe for a while.
“I’m just going to let Melissa know that I’m heading home and then I’ll be on my way,” You smiled and with a wave exchange between the both of you, you turned and made your way to the front door, where Melissa was standing behind the desk. You gave your parting words and she gave the motherly warning of “be careful” that you’re beyond used to at this point.
You see you are Y/N L/N, no relation to Melissa McCall or her son that you’ve known since you learned to talk, but your parents were in some accident when you were little and from then on Melissa and Sheriff Stilinksi took care of you. At first it was just them switching off every few weeks, then after Scott’s dad left you stayed exclusively with the Sheriff and when Melissa was able to move on from that event she took you in completely. You’ve been with her ever since, Stiles and Scott were like your brothers, always there for you when you needed it. Never made you feel like you were the odd one out, even though you were. That didn’t matter though, because you had all you needed, the perfect family in your eyes.
Your thoughts got interrupted by the sound of a machine, you turned your head in the direction of the sound only to realize you had reached the cemetery without realizing and it was Isaac Lahey working the machine. ‘His dad must’ve made him work a night shift, again.’
You actually knew the boy pretty well, you were in Chemistry together, even had a project you two were paired together for. He was such a sweet guy, insanely cute too although that you would never admit to anyone but yourself.
You knew to a slight degree of what his dad has done to him, you wanted to tell someone but the tall boy had a panic attack at just the thought of the idea. He said it was because if things were to go wrong he couldn’t bare the thought of his dad trying to hurt you.
You decided you were gonna stop by and keep him company for a while before making your way back home. You walked into the dark graveyard, making your way towards the rig that Isaac sat on so clearly focused on his work. He only noticed you when you raised your hand in the air and let your voice ring out.
“You seem quite focused over there, you wouldn’t mind some company, right?” You questioned with a slight smile on your face.
You could see his eyes just so slightly light up to the point where you could’ve probably made yourself believe you imagined it. “No, no, I wouldn’t mind, so long as you don’t mind being slightly uncomfortable in this one person seat.” He smiled so softly and you have to admit it made your heart flutter ever so slightly.
You put your hand over your heart and with a sarcastic look and tone you gasped, “Oh no, stuck in a one person seat with the ever so charming, Isaac Lahey? How ever will I cope?” He chuckled at your response and reached a hand out for you to take.
“Thank you my dear Prince Charming.” You said with a fake accent.
“Prince Charming, huh?” He inquired while holding onto your hand. You smiled and gave him a proud nod, “Yep, only a prince would allow a peasant like me to sit in this amazing contraption.” You gestured to the yellow machinery. He huffed amusedly before silently going back to his work and for the next ten minutes you both just basked in each other’s presence. You looked down and saw your hands still interlocked, you could almost feel your heart stop in that moment. Without even thinking more about it, you gave Isaac’s hand a small squeeze and right away you felt him squeeze your hand back.
You looked up at him, “Hey Isaac?”
“Yes, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing! I just was wondering if maybe you-”
Your phone rang before you even got a chance to finish, you sighed and gave him an apologetic look to which he shrugged it off in a light hearted manner. You looked down at your phone, which was still ringing, only to see a name that instantly made you worry.
Why would he be calling right now?
You answered the phone, only to hear the stuttering and chaotic mess that is the young Stilinksi boy, “Y/N!” You pulled the phone away from your ear, it caused Isaac’s head to snap to you, his eyebrow raised.
“Stiles, what could you possibly need right now, I’m kind of busy,” You huffed.
“Lydia? What about Lydia?”
“She just left out the hospital window!” Your eyes widened, “She WHAT?”
“Yeah you heard me, look I’m gonna come get you, Scott already knows so we’ll regroup and find her.”
“There’s no need to come get me, I’m not that far right now, I’ll be there soon and then we can get Scott,” you glanced at Isaac hoping he wouldn’t be upset at the situation but he just gave you a look that said ‘it’s alright, I understand’ and you knew it would be okay.
“How are you not home yet?”
You sighed, “Now’s not the time, okay I’ll explain to you later.” You said your goodbyes and hung up the phone.
“Isaac, I’m really sorry but I have to go it’s an emergency,” you looked at him as he gave you a slight wave off, “It’s alright, I’ll see you at school.” You gave him a smile and without a second thought you kissed him on the cheek and hopped off the rig, starting your jog back to the hospital. “I’ll see you at school!”
Little did you know, you left the tall boy slightly red with his hand on his cheek.
a/n: andddd that’s part one, i thought about doing the full episode in one part but i feel like that’s a lot to read over. Tbh none of this has been read over either lol ANYWAYS let me know what you think and if you see any mistakes let me know!
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Hellhound Mate
Summary: “A new Hellhound moves into Beacon Hills. And Jordan can’t seem to take his eyes off of her. Something about her, just makes him go wild.
Warnings: Smut, 18+, Breeding kink, Mating, Lots of sex, Biting, Scratching, Car sex, public sex, Woods sex.
A/N: I thought this last night and can’t get it out of my head.
It was summer and the sun was out. Jordan Parrish woke up from the hottest dream he’s ever had. In the dream was a girl with long Firey head hair. And no, not Lydia. She is happily dating Stiles.
He groaned as he sat up and looked down at the boner that he had. He’s been having these dreams for the last month or so, and he doesn’t understand why. He quickly went to the bathroom, hoping int the shower, did his business...took care of his problem, and then got dressed for work.
He left his apartment, and when he pulled up to the station, he walked in, but froze when a smell hit him like a train. It smelled like coal, and fire. He loved the smell though.
He looked around, and his eyes landed on the same girl he had dreams about. She was standing at the front desk. Noah saw him and waved him over.
He walked over and the girl looked over at him. He froze once again, at the color of her eyes. They were Firey red.
Noah: “Parrish this is L/N. She’s new around here and is our next front desk. Can you show her around?”
Jordan looked at Noah shocked but nodded his head. He left the two alone, and the girl smirked up at him. 
L/N: “Hey, I’m Y/N L/N. But you can just call me Y/N.”
She held out her hand for Jordan to shake. He smiled and took her head, but instead of shaking it, like a normal person. He instead kissed it. She blushed at that, and Jordan looked shocked. He let go of her hand.
Jordan: “I-I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me!”
Y/N smirked and took Jordan’s hand and did the same thing to his. Jordan blushed and looked shocked.
Y/N: “It’s okay, hot stuff. I don’t mind.”
She then winked at him. Jordan felt like he was going to explode any minute. He showed Y/N around the station and what to do. All while flirting with her, and she flited back at him. After the tour was over, he decided to shoot his chance with her.
Jordan: “So hey...I can always show you around Beacon Hills if you like?”
Y/N smirked and leaned on the front desk, which caused her shirt to show Jordan the sight of her breasts a little bit. He blushed at the sight and didn't’ look away.
Y/N: “Are you asking me out, deputy?”
Jordan nearly melted at the way she called him that. He grinned and nodded his head. She smirked at that.
Y/N: “Well, I would love to have you show me around, Deputy.”
Jordan blushed and got super excited. They both went back to work but would glance at each other a lot. Flirting the whole time. Teh other deputies grew annoyed by it.
(Time skip)
At the end of their shift, Jordan got up ready to leave, when Scott and his pack ran in. This annoyed him a little bit, since that always means there is a supernatural problem that needs to be solved, and he most always needs to help.
They went to Noah’s office, and Jordan took this has his chance to leave, but he’s never that lucky.
Noah: “Parrish.”
Jordan groaned and he went to Noah’s office. The others were around the office. 
Jordan: “Yes, sir?”
Noah: “You tell him.”
Jordan looked confused.
Lydia: “There is another Hellhound in Beacon Hills.”
Jordan froze and looked shocked. I mean, shouldn’t that be a good thing? Now he’s not alone.
Jordan: “Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”
Scott: “Yes, but it also means this Hellhound is either protecting something...or hunting something.”
Jordan nodded his head and glanced out the window to see Y/N packing some of her things. This worried him.
Stiles: “So what we need you to do, is find this other Hellhound. Ask what he wants and kick him out.”
Jordan was bouncing in his spot, glancing out the window so he didn’t hear what Stiles just said.
Jordan: “Yeah, okay.”
They looked at him shocked, and worried.
Lydia: “Are you okay?”
Jordan: “Yep, am I done here?”
They looked shocked since Jordan is never like this. Noah just sighed.
Noah: “Yes, you are.”
Jordan quickly ripped open the door.
Noah: “And Parrish.”
Jordan looked over at Noah.
Noah: “You just met her...do not have sex with her after one date.”
Jordan looked offended by that while the others looked shocked.
Jordan: “I am NOT going to have sex with her, sir!”
(Time skip)
Jordan was sitting in his squad car, all the windows were rolled up, they were fogged over. The car shook a little bit, as a hand pressed against the glass.
Inside the car, Jordan was sitting in the driver side while Y/N was in his lap. Her shirt and pants were burned away from Jordan’s flames. 
Jordan’s shirt was opened, and Y/N dug her nails into his chest, leaving a trail of soot. His pants were undone, and down a little bit.
Y/N was ridding him, as one arm was on the roof of the car, and the other was wrapped around the seat. She pushed her body up and down on Jordan’s cock.
Jordan’s arm was pressed against the window, his hand pressing against it. His other hand wrapped around the streeling wheel, as he sucked on Y/N’s neck, shoulders, chest, any skin that he could find.
Though he felt to crowded, to tight. He didn’t like it. He moved his hand to Y/N’s back and tapped it. She looked down at him confused.
Jordan: “Do you feel stuck in here?”
Y/N: “*Moans* A-A little. Why, do you?”
Jordan groaned and nodded his head. He wanted to do this somewhere different. His...his Hellhound wanted to do this somewhere different.
Y/N: “*Moans* W-Well, we can always go inside your *Moans* a-apartment.”
Jordan groaned and shook his head. He needed something different. She looked down at him confused.
Y/N: “T-Then where?”
Jordan thought about some place to have sex, and while thinking he didn’t notice how his eyes glowed. Cerberus came out. He turned on the car and drove off away from the apartment...with Y/N still sitting on his lap.
Y/N’s eyes glowed as well, and she smirked, almost knowing here he was taking her. She started bouncing again, almost as if she HAD to do it.
They finally pulled up to the woods, and Jordan parked the car. He opened the door, and carried Y/N into the woods, with him still inside of her. They walked for a bit, until they came up to the Nemption.
Jordan growled and laid Y/N on the stump. She laid on her back, spreading her legs open for him. As if accepting him.
He growled, got between her legs, and shoved his cock back into her. She let out howl of a moan, and Jordan’s Hellhound clawed came out. He dug them into the stump, as it let up.
He started thrusting in and out of her at a slow pace, feeling this place much better than the car. 
Y/N wrapped her arms around Jordan’s neck, digging her nails into his back. The lights on the stump grew bright and brighter. 
Jordan’s leans his head down and stuffed it in her neck, he started sucking on her neck, shoulders, chest, arms, any skin that he could find. Y/N did the same thing to Jordan.
Jordan picked up his pace, slamming into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her.
Jordan was huffing and growling the whole time. Y/N would move her head up, exposing her neck any time that he did. Submission to him.
Then some flames broke out around them, all around the stump. Jordan’s Hellhound flames formed on him, and her. But it didn’t hurt her at all. In fact, it pushed out her hellhound flames as well. Their eyes glowed and their teeth came out. 
Jordan: “*Groans* Y-Y/N I love you!”
Y/N: “*Moans* I-I love you too Jordan!”
Jordan: “*Groans* I-I want you so bad~! I-I want you to *Groans* to carry m-my puppies~!”
Y/N moaned at that thought and dug her nails down Jordan’s back. This was what he needed to know that Y/N felt the same way that he did. He picked up his paces, digging his nails into the stump deeper.
A huge fire broke out around them, so if anyone tried to stop them, they couldn't’ get through, unless it was someone immune to fire, or another Hellhound.
Y/N: “*Moans* P-Please Jordan! P-Please Cerberus~! I-I want to carry your *Groans* your puppies~!”
That was all Jordan and his Hellhound needed to know. He picked up his pace, and Y/N raised her back up. Jordan moved his head to her neck and stuffed it there. He inhaled her scent and rubbed his scent all over her. Marking her as his.
Jordan felt his cock twitch, and he picked up his pace. Causing Y/N’s body to shake pleasurer. Jordan opened his mouth, and when he felt like he was going cum, he latched his mouth and teeth on her neck.
Y/N moaned out loud as the flames got brighter. Jordan huffed as he came down from his high. He moved his head away from Y/N’s neck, and looked down at her, blissed out expression. He felt pleased with himself.
He then suddenly hears someone clear their throat, and he spun around and covers Y/N’s body with his own. Growling at whoever was near them.
The pack, Noah, Melissa, and Deaton looked at Jordan shocked. They never seen him. act like that.
Noah: “I thought I told you not to have sex with her on the first date? Why did you two even come here?”
Jordan didn’t answer him and kept growling at him. Y/N huffed and slowly got a little bit of her energy back.
Lydia: “Why is he acting like that?”
Deaton: “Because that’s a female. Hellhound.”
They looked at him shocked.
Stiles: “Wait...SHE’S the Hellhound?”
Deaton nodded his head and they all looked over at Y/N... or well they TRIED to. Jordan blocks their sight with his body and growled at them.
Scott: “Why is he acting like that?”
Deaton: “Because he’s protecting her. Female Hellhound and male Hellhounds, if they meet each other, they mate. They try to make more Hellhounds. He’s going to be like that with her...well forever.”
They looked shocked by that.
Lydia: “What...so that’s why she came here?”
Deaton: “No, she probably was drawn in by the Nemption. She didn’t know there was a male Hellhound here. When they saw each other, their insticts kicked in.”
Noah: “That’s why he was so eager to leave today?”
Deaton nodded his head. Jordan growled at them all, and they backed away from him and the girl.
Deaton: “It’s best to leave for now. They’re going to stay out here for a while, until she gives birth. His hellhound basically claimed this area as his nest.”
They looked shocked but nodded their heads. They left Jordan alone for now.
Malia: “So, like me with my den?”
Deaton: “Yes, in fact it is like your den. Sheriff, best keep runner from coming near here. Don’t want Jordan to see.  them as a threat and kill them.”
Noah sighed and nodded his head. They left, and Jordan laid down next to Y/N, he snuggled close to her, and covered her body with his, using it as a banket to warm her up. She wrapped her arms around him, and they both fell asleep.
A/N: Not REALLY want I wanted to write. But I’ll make one later on one of my Wattpad's.
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marie-swriting · 2 years
My Little Girl - Stiles Stilinski
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Romance Masterlist
Summary : You're dating Stiles Stilinski and you want him to meet your father but there's one problem. You're Coach's daughter so Stiles is afraid, your dad will hate him.
Warnings : Coach Finstock!daughter reader, Protective father, fluff, there may be some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language, tell me if you see any. You can also tell me if I missed any warnings !
Word Count : 1.2K
French version on Wattpad
French version on Tumblr
Song Inspiration : First Man by Camila Cabello
Saying that Stiles is afraid to meet your father is an understatement. You've never seen him that freaked out. Still, he knows your dad so you don’t know why he’s so scared. For him, the fact that your father is the Coach of Beacon Hills High School is a good reason to panic. He’s afraid he won’t like him, yet you still want your dad to meet Stiles as your boyfriend and not as your classmate. Stiles and you have been together for six months and your dad still ignores it. You hate lying to him, especially because it’s harder to hide as he works in your high school.
But you’re still hiding. You're tired of this. You know your dad, all he ever wanted is your happiness, that's why you're sure he'll like Stiles. Of course, he’s a little protective, but aren’t all dads ?
Someone knocks on your door so you turn your head, discovering your dad. He’s still in his sports outfit and you know what he’s about to ask you. He always asks you the same question everyday after school. 
“Do you want to go on a run with me ? 'No, dad, I don’t want to, I need to do my maths homework.'” He says, ironically, pretending to have a conversation with you. “Well I don’t care so you-”
“I’m coming.” You cut him off in his fake argument.
“I knew you-” he starts but he pauses, realising what you just said. “You’re coming with me ?”
“Yeah, it’s been a long time since we did something together.”
“Yes because you’re always busy doing your homework with Martin.” Your dad retorts, referring to your best friend, Lydia. 
“When do we leave ?”
“In ten minutes, so get ready !”
After that, he leaves your room, closing the door behind him. You close your maths book and walk to your closet and get your gym outfit. 
The real reason you want to run with him this afternoon is to tell him you have a boyfriend. You won’t say it’s Stiles. Not yet. You have to tell him though. And you know that when he runs, it’s the best moment to confess.
Once you're downstairs, your dad is already outside, waiting for you. You come next to him and you start running.
Everytime you try to talk to him, he cuts you off because 'It’s not good for your breathwork', like he always says. It makes it impossible to tell him, but you know if you don’t do it now, you’ll never do it so you stop running. He also stops when he notices you're not next to him anymore.
“Why are you stopping ? We’ll be home in five minutes.” He informs you, still making running movements. “I’m sure you can do it, sweetheart.”
“Dad, I need to tell you something and it’s serious.” You start and you can see his eyes widening.
“Don’t tell me you’re pregnant ! Who is the father ? Why did you do that ?”
“What ? No ! I’m not pregnant !” You correct him, shocked that it’s the first thing he thinks of.
“Thank God ! I almost had a heart attack. What is it then ?”
“I'm dating someone, dad.” You confess suddenly. 
“You what ? My little girl.” He exclaims putting his hand on his heart as if he was hurt. “Who is that boy ? Or maybe it’s a girl ? I wouldn’t mind. I only want your happiness.” My dad reassures you.
“It's a boy.” You inform him.
“Do I know him ?”
“Yes, but the truth is that he’s too scared to meet you. He thinks you’re gonna hate him.”
“If he’s nice then no. I know I can seem mean, but you know me Y/N, I only want your happiness and if it’s with that guy then I’m okay with it.” He says with a tender smile, one of his hands on your cheek. “As long as it’s not Bilinski.” Your father laughs, mispronouncing Stiles’ name.
“He’s only a friend, you know it, dad.” You chuckle nervously.
‘Only a friend’, are you being serious ? You wanted to tell him the truth and here you are, lying again. Well done...
The next day, when you see Stiles, you take his hand and bring him into an empty room, which is the boys locker room. When you’re finally alone, he kisses you softly before tucking some of your hair behind your ear.
“I told my dad that I’m with someone.” You admit. “I didn’t say it’s you, but Stiles, you know I hate lying to him.”
“I know and I’ve been thinking about it last night and I’m ready to meet your dad as your boyfriend, even though I’m terrified.” Stiles says with a smile.
“I love you so much, Stiles” You tell him, looking at his beautiful brown eyes.
“I love you more.” He states before kissing you passionately.
The bell rings so you stop kissing before leaving the room to go to your classes.
During lunch break, you told your father that you’ll introduce him to your boyfriend after school. He says he’ll be home by 5 pm before adding that he can’t wait to meet him but you can see sadness in his eyes. After all, he has the impression that he’s losing his little girl because he’s not the only man in your life anymore, but your father will always be your father. At the end of the day, he’s the very first man who really loved you.
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When you hear someone knock on your front door, you know it’s Stiles. You open the door and find him standing nervously. He looks at you like he could die at any second. You take his hand and bring him to the living room where your dad is waiting.
“Dad, this is my boyfriend. Stiles.” You inform him.
“Wait, you’re with him ?” He exclaims, pointing at Stiles.
“I know what you must be thinking I’m not good enough for her, but I love her, Coach.” Stiles says. “I’ve always loved her and I’m so happy to be able to call her my girlfriend. Like you, I only want her happiness.” He adds, confident.
“You’re not in a relationship with her because I’m your teacher, right ? Because if you think you’re gonna get better grades, you’re wrong.”
“No. Like I said, I’m in love with her.”
“Hold your horses, Bilinski.” Your father stops him. “You’re not gonna marry her tomorrow so stop with the romantic speech. Even though it's hard to see my little baby grow up, I accept your relationship.” He affirms, making you the happiest.
“So, does that mean I can call you ‘dad’ ?” Stiles asks as a joke but your dad looks at him unamused.
“Hell no ! You’ll still be calling me Coach, Bilinski.” He answers before turning his attention to you. “You like his sarcasm, seriously ?”
“That’s the thing I love the most, I think.”
“I’m glad you met someone you really like, Y/N.” Your dad smiles before looking back at Stiles harshly. “Break her heart, I’ll break your bones.”
“Got it.” Stiles says and you laugh softly.
You're happy your father accepts your relationship with Stiles. You knew he’d be okay with it. You're his little girl but he wants what’s best for you and Stiles is the best person for you. You know it.
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
Romance Masterlist
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teen-wolf-quotes · 7 months
Lydia: I don’t care. I can help him.
Stiles: See, that’s the problem. You- you don’t care about getting hurt. But you know how I’ll feel? I’ll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freaking mind. You see, death doesn’t happen to you, Lydia. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they’re gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it.
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Stackson Week Day 5
The Bleeding Hearts Club
Rating: mature
Other tags: trans lydia, Derek Hale/ Lydia Martin, Isaac Lahey/Scott Mccall/Allson Argent , Peter Hale/Chris Argent, Minor Character Death
triggers: fighting, drug use
Please let me know if I need to add any more tags.
Archive of Our Own
Chapter 5: Self and Groups
Stiles leaned against the railing, smoking a cigarette and looking up at the sky. He had just finished his first session with the school psychiatrist and he could not understand why he felt so exhausted. He felt a hand on his shoulder and smiled. “Hey, Levi.” He sighed, looking back across campus. “How are you doing?” 
Levi stood beside him and sighed. “I’m fine. I was just coming out to see how you were doing. You’ve already been standing out here for about an hour. Are you doing alright?” 
“Yeah, just thinking about my session with the shrink.” He smiled over at his friend. “I guess I missed classical literature.” He chuckled softly. “Have I really turned into such an asshole? I used to be the person that everyone could come to if you had a problem. Now I am the problem.” 
Levi smiled, wrapping him in a hug. “”You have a few problems. That does not mean you are the problem.” He kissed his forehead. “We all have problems, Stiles. You can’t expect to solve all of our problems if you don’t take care of yourself first.” 
Stiles nodded, looking down out the ground as he stamped his cigarette under his foot. “I notice you did not deny that I’ve turned into an asshole.” He chuckled softly and wiped the sweat from his forehead. 
“Yeah, that is a hard issue to get over.” Levi smirked at him. “I know you are trying to get better, but you have made some pretty asshole moves lately.” He shrugged, pushing Stiles’s hair from his face. “But, honestly, asshole moves do not an asshole make.” He grinned, shaking his head. “Stiles, all of us are just glad that you are seeking the help that you need.” 
Stiles nodded, letting out a soft laugh. He knew that Levi was right but he did not know if he was really strong enough to get through all of this. “Right now, I don’t want to fix myself. I want to crawl into a bottle of tequila.” He chuckled softly. “I’m really fucked up.”
Levi shrugged, stealing his cigarettes. He was beginning to become a bit exasperated. “We’re all a little fucked up, Stiles. You’re not unique. Get over yourself.” He chuckled and shook his head. “I’m trying to be supportive here but I am not going to throw you a pity party. We’re all tired of your self destructive behavior.” He lit a cigarette and turned to lean back against the railing. “You’re no longer grounded, right?” 
Stiles nodded. “As long as I continue to go see the psychiatrist, I’m free.” He bumped his shoulder against Levi’s and let out a long groan. “You’re going to make me go to the Saturday dinner.” 
Levi shook his head, grinning. “Nope. Jackson is going to ask you to go to dinner with his family.” He laughed, softly. “I suppose you are getting pretty serious.” 
Stiles rolled his eyes. “He asked me that this morning. You are nothing but a huge gossip. Did you know that?” He shook his head, playfully glaring at his friend. “It’s not like I’ve never met the headmaster before.” 
“Yeah, but you’ll be meeting him as his son’s boyfriend.” Levi sighed. “And you’ll have to make a good impression on his mother.” He licked his lips and stared around the campus. People were starting to leave for lunch and he could use something to eat as well. “Want to go to the diner?” 
Stiles shook his head and sighed. “I’m not hungry and I have to go pick up my make-up work for English. I also have to do some work for Peter’s research. I kind of owe him.” He nodded and kissed his cheek. “I’ll call you later.” 
Levi nodded as he watched him walk away. He took a deep breath as he walked back into the school to get his car keys. 
Stiles groaned as Jackson sucked on his neck. He tangled his fingers in his boyfriend’s hair and ground his hips into Jackson’s thigh. “Fuck, babe. That feels so amazing.” 
Jackson chuckled and licked the bruise he had just left. “That’s kind of the idea.” He kissed Stiles passionately. They had studied for about an hour before moving to Jackson’s bed, where they had spent the last two hours making out. “You’re so hot.” Jackson panted, grinding his hips back against Stiles. He heard Stiles’s phone ring and groaned, sitting up. “Bloody hell.” 
Stiles cursed and rolled over to grab his phone. He raised his brow and answered. “Derek? What’s going on?” He breathed deeply, trying to calm down.
Derek sighed. “Sorry to call. Sounds like you have been working out, but Isaac is missing. Have you seen him.” 
Stiles shook his head and sighed. “No, I have been with Jackson for the last three hours and I was at school before that.” He chewed his lip. “I’ll see if I can get ahold of him and then get back to you.” 
“Yeah, do that. Mum is really worried about him. He was supposed to be home a couple hours ago. I called Scott and Allison, but neither of them have seen him all day.” Derek groaned, shaking his head. “He’s not one to run off like this.” 
Stiles nodded as he got up to grab his jacket. “I will meet you at your house. I’m sure he is alright, but I’ll call him on the way there.” 
“Thank you.” Derek sighed as he hung up the phone. 
Stiles looked over to Jackson. “I’m so sorry. Isaac is missing. I have to go.” He bent over and kissed Jackson. 
Jackson shook his head. “I’m coming with you love. Isaac is important to you and I want to help look for him.” He grabbed his jacket and wallet. 
Stiles wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him hard. He grinned as he pulled away. “You are amazing.” 
Jackson chuckled, shaking his head. “Let’s just go find your brother.” He blushed, trying to think, but his mind was still on what they were doing on the bed. “We should get going…” He coughed. 
Stiles nodded as he grabbed his hand and led him down to the jeep. 
Stiles pulled up to Derek’s house and he and Jackson ran up to the door knocking. Derek opened the door and he pushed himself inside. “Have you heard anything? I couldn’t get through on the phone.” 
Derek nodded. “Scott found him on the cliffs and is bringing him home now.” He sighed, running a hand over his face. He handed them both a soda and gestured to the couch. “I’m sorry to worry you, but you know how worried we all get over Isaac.” 
Jackson sat on the couch, shrugging. He was just glad that they had found the other man. He was also glad that Derek had called when he had. He was not sure how far he and Stiles would have gone if they had not been interrupted. “Is he alright?” 
Derek shrugged. “I don’t know. Scott said he’s a bit drunk but otherwise he is alright.” He sat in a leather lounger as he watched Stiles sit next to Jackson. “Isaac never acts like this. I’m not sure what has gotten into his head.” 
Stiles groaned, leaning back as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. “It’s probably my fault. I haven’t been the best friend for the last few weeks. Usually Isaac and I go drinking together, but I’ve been trying to abstain. He’s probably feeling abandoned.” 
Jackson took his hand and sighed. “No, you can’t think like that. You cannot make Isaac’s decisions for him.” He kissed the back of his hand and smiled. “You’re doing really well, and Isaac just made a small mistake. There is no need for all of us to get upset.” 
Derek looked up at him and sighed. This kid was new to their group and he made more sense than anyone. “Yeah, but I don’t want him to think it’s okay to do this again. It may have been a small mistake but it was stupid.” 
Stiles frowned at Derek. “That’s a bit harsh, Derek. Jackson was just trying to put everything in perspective. Why are you freaking out? Scott found him.” 
Derek growled at him. “The last time one of us disappeared, you were gone for 10 days. Fuck, Stiles. Do you ever think about how your actions affect the rest of us?” 
Stiles jumped up glaring at him. “Hey, I’m still trying to reconcile with that bender. 
I know I screwed up, Derek. I don’t know how many times I can apologize.” He could not believe that Derek was bringing this up now. “Why are you doing this? I’m trying.” 
Derek got up in I his face. “Because Isaac has always looked up to you. I have tried my hardest to keep him out of trouble and you just kept leading him straight into it, for the last year and a half.” He pushed him. “Then you decided to clean up, and forgot all about Isaac.” 
Stiles stepped back, shaking his head. His hands clenched into fists as he shook his head. “Derek… you know I… what am I supposed to say here? I’m trying.” 
Derek sighed, rubbing his face. “I want you to think about how your actions affect people. You say you apologized, but you never said sorry to me. Not once. You started cleaning your life weeks ago, but never once came to see me or Isaac.” He began pacing back and forth. “Don’t you think we deserved to see you?” 
Jackson watched them both unsure of what to say. He felt like an intruder at this moment. He got up and looked at them both. “I think I should go wait outside for Scott and Isaac.” 
Stiles shook his head. “I think we both should go.” 
Jackson kissed him softly. “No, you need to talk to Derek. He’s right.” Stiles nodded as Jackson stepped out of the house. 
Stiles looked back at the floor, letting out a long breath. “Derek. I’m sorry. I love you and Isaac like brothers and I disappeared. I have not been the friend that you needed for a year and a half.” He looked up at him with tears in his eyes. “I’m so sorry.” 
Derek nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. “I… You’re forgiven. I guess that has been building up for a while now. I was worried about Isaac and I should not have taken it out on you. Isaac has always been a weak spot in the group. We all want to treat him with kid gloves when he really should learn to stand on his own,”
Stiles nodded, chewing on his lip ring. “I didn’t really help with the drugs and the alcohol. He was my drinking buddy and when I stopped drinking I stopped taking him to hang out.” He chuckled. “I still have no idea what happened in those 10 days I was missing, and that scares me. I’m sorry I scared you by disappearing.” 
Derek nodded and pulled him into a hug. “Let’s not fight anymore. I was being a complete ass.” 
Stiles cried softly into his shoulder. “I needed to hear it. You were right.” He hugged him tight and chuckled through his tears. “I’m such a bloody idiot.” 
Derek chuckled and kissed his head. “No, you’re not. You’ve just made some stupid mistakes.” He let out a long breath. “Now, should I threaten your boyfriend for leaving that hickey on your neck.” 
Stiles laughed and pushed him away. “Don’t you dare. Jackson is the best thing to happen to me this year. He’s so fucking amazing.” He blushed, shaking his head. “I don’t know what I’ll do without him when he moves at the end of summer.” 
Derek frowned and shook his head. “It’s getting kind of serious, isn’t it. It’s kind of quick, don’t you think?”
Stiles groaned. ”Fuck, I don’t know. I’ve never had a serious relationship, but he’s all I think about.” 
Derek shrugged. “It’s not my place to lecture you about who to date. But it is my place to give him the big brother talk.” He grinned. 
Stiles cursed. “I hate you.” 
Derek laughed loudly. “No, you don’t. You love me.”
Stiles glared at him. “You know you are only a year and a half older than me.” 
Derek smirked. “Still older. I’m just going to make sure he is treating you right and not taking advantage of your virtues.”
”What virtues, Derek.” Stiles snorted. “I’m not exactly a blushing virgin, Sweetheart.” 
Derek rolled his eyes. “Do you have to refer to yourself like that?” 
“I supposed not.” Stiles sighed and smiled as Isaac and Scott walked into the house, followed by Jackson. “Hey, Isaac. Long time no see.” He walked over and pulled him into a hug. “Don’t you dare fucking do anything like that again. What have I always told you about drinking alone?” 
Isaac hugged him tight, like he would never let him go. “Never drink alone. It could get me hurt.” He cried into his chest. “I’m so sorry. I never meant to scare anyone. I just wanted to have a little fun tonight, but everyone was busy.” 
Stiles kissed his cheek and sighed. “No, you should have called me. I would have dropped everything and gone out with you. We did not have to drink.” 
Derek grabbed Jackson’s shoulder and gestured to the kitchen. “Let’s give them a few minutes. I would like to talk to you alone for a moment.” 
Jackson’s eyes grew wide, but he nodded. “Of course.” He looked back at Stiles and Isaac before following the bigger man into the kitchen. “Are you and Stiles doing better now?” 
Derek nodded. “Yeah, I guess I just had a lot of negative feelings that I had to let go. That is not what I wanted to talk to you about.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Look, I know you and Stiles are becoming really close.” 
Jackson nodded, blushing. “Yes. I really enjoy his company.” He chewed his lip, looking around the room. “And I am… why do you want to know?” 
Derek chuckled. “Think of me as Stiles’s big brother. I am here to warn you that if you hurt him, you have an entire pack of siblings that will not hesitate to hurt you in kind.” He grinned, gripping Jackson’s shoulder. “This is your one and only warning.” 
Jackson laughed, nervously. “I understand. I can promise that I have no intentions of hurting him.” He had expected this talk from the sheriff but he was kind of blind sided by Derek. “Stiles is a pretty great guy and I’m starting to have real feelings for him.” 
Derek sighed and nodded. “I just want to make sure that you aren’t toying with him.” He patted his shoulder. “You seem like a great guy, but I have to do the brotherly thing.” 
Jackson grinned at him. “Noted.” He laughed softly. “Can I be frank with you?” 
”Yeah, of course.” Derek nodded as he walked over to pull a cake out of the fridge. He began cutting pieces and putting them on plates. “Help me here. I need to make sure that everyone has something to eat.” 
Jackson nodded as he started organizing the plates. “Stiles and I have already had a talk about this. I’m leaving at the end of the summer and I don’t know what is going to happen after that. We are seeing how things go.” 
Derek nodded, leaning on the counter. “Sounds logical. As long as you are both on the same page. Levi and I have been going out for four years and we are having the same problem. It’s kind of hard to reconcile. It’ll be hard to navigate a long distance relationship, but Levi is worth the trouble.” He shrugged, smiling at Jackson. “I hope that in the end, you and Stiles will figure out a way to make it work.” 
Jackson nodded blushing as he picked up some plates. “I hope so too.” He sighed as he took the plates into the living room. “Anyone want cake?” 
Stiles, Scott, and Isaac were sitting on the couch, talking in whispers. Stiles grinned up at him. “Hey, babe. Did your talk go alright?” He smirked, winking.
Jackson frowned at him. He had a feeling knew exactly what the talk was about. “Yeah, it was fine.” He handed a plate of cake to him and Isaac. “Eat something.” He chuckled and kissed Stiles softly. “We don’t have a lot of time before curfew.” 
Stiles nodded, staring at him lovingly. “Yeah, I should get you back. But am I crazy to say I don’t want to?”  
Jackson shrugged as he sat beside him. He looked around the group and smiled. They had all been so tense only 30 minutes ago, but now they were all sitting in the room laughing. He had only been a part of this group for a month, but he felt like he had slid in so easily. He was happy to be there. “No, it’s not crazy at all.” 
Jackson grinned, nipping at Stile’s ear. “We’re supposed to be in class in a few minutes, and you have not been able to get a single question right.” He moaned as Stiles kissed him. He pulled away and laughed. “Stop distracting me.” 
Stiles grinned, straddling his lap. “But it is so much fun.” He kissed over his neck as he began unbuttoning his shirt. “Do you really have to go to class? I have the next period off.” 
Jackson sighed, stopping his hands. “As much as I love where this is going, I’m not sure I can just skip classes.” He kissed Stiles softly. “Why don’t we pick this back up after my last class?” 
Stiles groaned, laying his head on his shoulder. “That's a whole three hours not kissing you.” He sighed as he climbed off his lap, sitting next to him on the bed. “I guess I should actually do some studying while you’re in class.” 
Jackson chuckled as he stood and began putting his uniform back in order. “You actually know this information. You are just telling me wrong answers so we can make out instead.” He kissed his boyfriend and grabbed his glasses from the side table. “I will meet you at the jeep, later?” 
Stiles pouted and nodded. “Yeah, I have a meeting with Peter after my last class, but It should not take very long.” He stood wrapping his arms around his shoulders. “Why don’t we go to dinner?” 
Jackson hummed and nodded. “Sounds like an amazing idea.” He wrapped his hands around his waist, kissing him lovingly. “Do you want to spend the night?” He blushed, looking into his eyes. He knew that this was a major step forward, but he was starting to think that they might be ready to take this step. 
Stiles smirked and nodded. “I think I would like that.” He played with his hair for a moment. “You know, nothing has to happen?” 
Jackson nodded. “Yes, I know that. We’ll just see how we both feel.” He pecked his lips. “I really have to go.” He groaned. “I’ll walk you to the library, luv.”  He sighed and stepped back offering his hand. 
Stiles nodded as he took his hand and they walked down to the library. Stiles sighed, as they reached the ornate doors. “I’ll miss you.” 
Jackson chuckled. “I’ll miss you too.” He sighed and kissed him softly. “It’s only a few hours, luv.” He saw Harris headed their way and stepped back. “I should go before I get you in trouble.” 
Stiles growled and nodded as he looked over at the teacher. “Yeah, I’ll handle him. Go and enjoy your class.” He waved his boyfriend away and chuckled as Jackson slit their mouths again before he ran toward his class. Harris huffed stepping into his bubble. “May I help you sir?” 
Harris glared at him. “Stilinski, you know the rules on public displays of affection. Can you go a day without breaking the rules.” 
Stiles sighed, crossing his arms. “Can you go one day without busting my ass? Jackson and I were not doing anything vulgar.” He looked around the halls, glad that they were empty for the moment. “I am doing the best I can, in my classes, and I’m in uniform. Can you just leave me alone, for once? I’ll be out of your hair in a month.” 
Harris shook his head, stepping closer to him. “You are nothing but trouble. You’ll always be trouble and I can’t wait for you to leave this school. I just hope you don’t drag the headmaster’s son down with you. I don’t know what he sees in a good for nothing punk like you.” 
Stiles glared at him. He knew that the chemistry professor was telling the truth, but he did not want to let the man get to him. He could not afford to get into more trouble with the headmaster. “I really could not tell you, but that is his decision to make. I’m sorry I want to be better for him.” He threw his hands in the air. “You have hated me from day one. What the fuck is your problem?” 
“Language, Stilinski.” Harris growled at him. “You’ve been a sarcastic little shit since the moment I met you.” He shook his head. “Do not let me catch you doing that again in the halls again.” 
Stiles huffed. “We did nothing wrong. It’s not like we were making out in the halls. It was one small kiss.” He shook his, looking around them. “I have studying to do, and do not want to deal with you anymore.” He gestured around Harris, making a disgusted face. “Have the day you deserve.” He sighed and tried to walk into the library. 
Harris grabbed his shoulder, pulling his pack. “I was not done talking to you.” 
Stiles growled, stepping back from the teacher. “I’ve told you before. Do not touch me.” He clenched his fist by his sides. “Either give me detention or let me go. We have nothing left to talk about, Harris. If you touch me again, I will report you.” 
Harris raised a brow at the student. “What are you going to report? That I touched your shoulder? You are full of it.” 
Stiles shook his head. “It doesn’t matter where you touched me. I asked you not to touch me, and you insist on putting your hands on me.” 
Harris growled and grabbed him by his jacket. “We are going to the head master’s office now. I am sick of your mouth.” 
Stiles growled, ripping himself away from Harris. “DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” He shook his head, storming toward the office. “I know where the headmaster’s is. I’ll go myself.” He rolled his eyes as Harris began storming after him. He reached the office and smiled at the secretary. “Hello, Mrs. Fowler. Harris is sending me to see the headmaster. Apparently I am behaving inappropriately.” 
The woman nodded. “Sit down and I will see if he is available.” 
Harris stormed into the office as Stiles was sitting in one of the office chairs. He glared at the student as they waited for the headmaster to call them into his office. Stiles crossed his legs and stared at his nails. He really had not done anything wrong and he was sick of Harris being on his case. 
David Whittemore stepped out of the office and sighed, looking at the two men in his office. “Both of you, get in here now.” He growled. 
Stiles grinned at the headmaster. “Hello sir. I have to say, dinner last Friday was quite pleasant.” He sat in front of the man’s desk, making himself comfortable. 
David sighed, rolling his eyes. “Harris, why are you bothering me, this time?” 
Harris smirked at Stiles. “I simply explained to Stiles it was inappropriate for him and Jackson to be making out in the hallways. He responded with foul language and threatened me.” 
Stiles glared up at him and shook his head. “Sir, if you please. Jackson and I were not making out. It was a single peck on the lips goodbye. I did not threaten him. I simply told him not to touch me. He repeatedly placed his hands on me and got into my space. I sold him if he touched me again, I would report him. If that is threatening him, I am sorry.” 
David nodded, rubbing his temples. “Adrien. It sounds to me that you are harassing a student You and Stilinski have never seen eye to eye, but if a student asks you not to touch him, you don’t touch him. If there is a problem, you bring him here. Do you understand me?” 
Harris huffed. “And the public displays of affections? It is revolting and they should keep it out of the halls.” 
David glared at him for a moment. “A simple kiss is not that big of a deal. We run a school filled with adolescent boys and it could have been much worse. There are trillions of out of control hormones in one building. Why is it so terrible that my son kissed his boyfriend? Did you get onto him, as you did Stiles or are you just upset that it was Stiles? Or is it because they are both male?” 
Stiles smiled at the headmaster as Harris sputtered indignation. “Your son had already run to class. I am not homophobic, sir. Stiles was the only person there for me to berate.” 
“There was no reason to berate them, Adrien. Stiles, go back to class, or wherever you were heading. Do you have a free period? Spend it in the library.” The headmaster took off his glasses and sighed. “Three weeks, Adrien. He graduates in three weeks and you won't have to deal with him anymore. I don’t know what you have against the kid, but it is a daily struggle with you. Do I like him dating my son? No, but that is not my decision.” He looked into the chemistry teacher’s eyes. “Unless he blatantly breaks a major rule, leave him alone. I don’t give a fuck about a kiss, or his long hair, or any other minor dress code violations. He is on campus for three fucking hours a day, leave him alone, And if I hear about you laying a hand on him, one more time, you’ll be under review, and your job will be at stake. Do you understand me?” 
Harris gaped at him. “All I did was put a hand on his shoulder. He is blowing this out of proportion.” 
David stood up and slammed his hands on the desk. “I don’t care if it was your pinky finger. A student told you not to touch him and you persisted. Get the hell out of my office and worry about your classes. Don’t worry about Stilinski, who is not in your class to begin with.” 
Harris cursed and left the office. Stiles was still in the secretary’s office talking to her about graduation. The chemistry teacher glared at him as he stormed out of the office. 
Stiles sighed, looking up at the ceiling of his boyfriend’s dorm. “So, yeah, that is what happened.” 
Jackson sat on the bed beside him and ran his fingers through Stiles’s hair. “I’m sorry about that, luv. I should have stayed with you and dealt with Harris. I was just worried about getting to class on time.” 
Stiles turned, laying his head on Jackson’s lap. “It’s not your fault. He was just itching for a reason to lay into me.” He closed his eyes, sighing. “Your father was really great. I never thought he would be on my side.” 
Jackson smiled down at him. “We did nothing wrong and you don’t like to be touched. Harris knows this. My father is a reasonable man.” 
“I don’t like to be touched without my express permission.” He hummed as he opened his eyes, looking up into Jackson’s eyes. “I like when you touch me.” He sat up and kissed Jackson, cupping his jaw. “I can’t wait until I never have to see Harris again.” 
Jackson frowned, nodding. He understood Stiles’s desire to graduate, but the closer they got to graduation, the closer he got to leaving Stiles in Beacon Hills. “Yeah… graduation. I can’t believe it’s coming so quickly.” He groaned, laying back on the bed. 
Stiles moved to straddle his boyfriend’s lap and sighed. “What’s wrong? We knew graduation was coming. And I’m finally in a place where I’m actually going to graduate.” 
Jackson sat up and wrapped his arms around Stiles’s waist. “I just don’t want to waste any time with you. I know Oxford is not far from here, but do you really—“ 
Stiles kissed him, cutting him off. “Jackson, we’ll see where our relationship is when we get there. Don’t worry. If Derek is willing to watch Levi go all the way to America, I can visit you in Oxford.” 
Jackson smiled, blushing. “You really want to visit me at college?” 
Stiles nodded, tracing his cheek with his thumb. He kissed him softly. “You may be the best thing to happen to me in the last two years. I’m not giving you up so easily.” He hummed, kissing over his neck. “Will you make love to me?” 
Jackson pulled back and gazed into his eyes. “Are you sure? I want to, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to prove anything… or rush yourself.” 
Stiles shook his head, grinning. “No, I want to. Do you want to? I know it’s a big step.” 
Jackson chewed his lip, and nodded. “I want to, but I was hoping that I could make it a bit more romantic.” He chuckled softly, running his hands over his sides. “You deserve to be swept off your feet.” 
“Babe, just being with you is romantic enough for me.” Stiles chuckled, pulling him into a long kiss. Jackson groaned and laid back in the bed, pulling Stiles on top of him. 
Stiles smiled, tracing his fingers over Jackson’s naked chest. He was finding some sort of pleasure just watching his boyfriend sleep. He was no stranger to sex, but he had never felt like this before. Every touch and movement was pure magic. He hummed and closed his eyes, laying his head on Jackson’s chest, and letting himself drift off. 
A few hours later he was woken by Jackson kissing his shoulder. He smiled over at him, blinking the sleep from his eyes. “Hmm, hello babe. I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight upon waking.” He sat up and kissed him softly. “What time is it?” 
Jackson hummed, running his hands over his chest. “Just a little after 6 am. I was thinking we could go out for breakfast. We have a couple hours before I have to go to class.” He smiled and kissed his shoulder. “As much as I would love to stay in bed with you all day, I am starving.” 
Stiles laughed, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. “I would love to get breakfast with you. Do we have time to shower first?” 
Jackson blushed and nodded. “It’s a communal shower, down the hall. Are you okay with that?”
Stiles hummed. “Yeah, I suppose if you have a towel I can wrap myself in.” He giggled, biting his lip. “You are the only one I want to see me naked.” 
Jackson’s blush only deepened. “Yeah, of course. I have towels in the closet.” He grinned and kissed his nose. “I’m very happy to hear that. You are beautiful, but I would hate for anyone but me to see you naked. You are a rare treasure that should only be viewed in reverence.” 
Stiles smiled, tracing his cheek. “You are too sweet. Come on. Let’s go shower and I will pay for breakfast.” He crawled out of bed and began searching for his clothes as Jackson grabbed the towels. He placed his clothes on the bed and took the towel offered to him. “Thanks, babe.” 
Jackson grinned. “You’re very welcome, luv.” He pulled him into a soft kiss. “Let’s get in the shower before too many people wake up.” He chuckled and took his hand once he had wrapped the towel around himself. 
Stiles grinned as he plopped himself down on Derek’s couch. “Where is everyone?” 
Talia smiled, handing him a bottle of water. “Derek is out with Levi, and Isaac is at the Hale-Argent home.” She sat beside him, patting his knee. “It’s good to see you Mischief. It’s been a while since the last time we just sat and talked. How are you?” 
Stiles sighed, sipping his water. “I’m good. I’ve been doing much better the last few weeks. I’m two weeks sober, and I’ve got this amazing boyfriend.” He chewed his lip, looking at his friend’s mother. “As much as I fought it, I think my sessions with the psychiatrist are helping.”
She nodded, grinning. “I’m so glad you are getting the help you need. Your father and I have been worried about you. I’ve only heard a few things about this Jackson, but he sounds good for you.”  She turned, putting her knee up on the couch. “I have not seen you this happy in a really long time. And in turn, Derek and the others are happy. I am so proud of you, Mischief.” 
Stiles blushed, looking at the floor. “ Thank you, Mama Hale. You know how much I value your opinion.” He fiddled with his fingers, and looked back into her eyes. “I’m sorry I caused you so much pain over the last couple years.” 
She shook her head and waved his apology off. “There is no need to apologize, Stiles. I am just happy you’re getting better. And that my stupid brother stopped feeding you drugs.” 
Stiles looked at her in shock. “You knew where I was getting my drugs?” 
Talia shrugged. “So did Chris, honestly. Peter thinks he is so sneaky, but he is not as mysterious as he thinks he is.” 
Stiles sighed, running his hands through his hair. “Why did you let him continue to do so? I would think you would have tried to stop him.” He finished his water and lit a cigarette. “Why didn’t you stop him?” 
She sat straighter and looked into his eyes. “Because at first it was just a joint here or there. I did not realize how bad it had gotten until your father caught you with the angel dust. I tore into Peter after that, and he promised that he would cut back on your drug intake. I feel like your melt down and bender was my fault. If he would have cut you off more gradually, maybe you would not have run off.” 
Stiles sighed, rubbing his eyes. “Have you told my father any of this?” He could not believe that the woman he had trusted so deeply had known who was supplying him all along. “You’re the reason he kept giving me less harmful pills.” 
Talia scrunched up her nose and nodded. “I never told your father, but yes. I’m the reason Peter stopped supplying you with the more harmful drugs.” She took his hand in hers and sighed. “When he gave you the sleeping pill and you disappeared…. I blamed myself. I’m sorry. for my part in your breakdown. I should have stopped him much sooner.” 
Stiles shook his head and sighed. “No, I would have found a way to find the drugs without Peter, and It would have been a more dangerous situation. Peter always looked out for me.” 
Talia nodded, pushing his hair from his face. “Peter doesn’t sell anything beyond pot. He bought the harder drugs so he knew you were doing them at his house. He did not want you going out to get them elsewhere. I wish he would have denied you all together but I am glad that you had somewhere safe to experiment.” 
Stiles closed his eyes and leaned into her hand. “Thank you for telling me. I never wanted to rat out Peter. He’s always been a good friend to me.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Can we talk about something else?” 
Talia nodded. “Tell me more about Jackson.” 
Stiles laughed softly. “I think I’m in love, Mama Hale.” 
Talia chuckled. “I’m happy for you. From what Derek has told me, Jackson seems like an amazing young man.” 
Stiles nodded, licking his lips. “I can’t believe I ever thought he was an asshole and I gave him a black eye.” He grinned, looking up at the ceiling. “Peter gave me such hell for that one.” 
Talia smiled. “Sometimes we don’t see the good things when they land right in front of us. We need someone to knock us upside the head and point out blessings for us.” She chuckled. ”It’s only been like a month and a half.”
Stiles had a stupid grin on his face. “Yeah, but he has been amazing through everything.” He sighed. “I’m going to hate it when he leaves at the end of the summer.” 
Talia nodded. “That will be hard. Derek is dealing with the same difficulty.” She patted his leg. “Why don’t I start on dinner and you invite Jackson over? I want to meet this man that has stolen your heart.” 
Stiles nodded and pulled his phone out. “I might have to go pick him up.” 
She nodded, heading to the kitchen. “Dinner will be served at 7pm sharp.” She hummed happily as she sent out a few texts and began gathering the ingredients for dinner. 
Stiles laughed as Isaac made a joke. They had finished the dinner Talia made about an hour ago, and the group was sitting around the living room, talking over each other. He was sitting on Jackson’s lap and he could not remember the last time his little group of friends had all been together enjoying themselves. “Remember that time that we refused to get out of the tree behind my house? We swore we were going to sleep out there all night.” 
Isaac giggled, shaking his head. “Your dad was so frustrated with us, and had to call Cameron to get me down.” 
Jackson smiled at the two friends and shook his head. “How old were you?”
Stiles hummed thinking. “I think we were 9.” He kissed the top of his head and sighed. “It took them hours to get us down.”
Isaac nodded. “And then I almost broke my arm climbing down.” He chuckled. “His dad was so frustrated, and worried.” 
Jackson laughed, shaking his head. “You two have always been a little mischievous?” 
Stiles nodded. “He is like the little brother I never had.” He reached out and took Isaac’s hand. 
Isaac scowled at him. “I’m two months older than you.” He sat up and took Stiles’s hand. “But he has been one of the biggest support systems in my life. I’m glad he has you now, Jackson.”
Jackson smiled, kissing Stiles’s neck. “I’m glad I have him too. I am glad that I got the chance to meet all of you.” He hummed, happily, looking up at the matriarch of the hale household. “Thank you for inviting me Mrs. Hale.” 
Talia grinned at him. “Call me Mama Hale. Everyone else does.” She walked around the room making sure everyone’s glasses were filled. “It’s getting late. Does everyone have a way home or do you need to stay here?” 
Stiles chewed his lip, looking at his phone. “Actually, I have to get Jackson back before curfew. Ready to go babe?” 
Jackson nodded, finishing his soda. “Yeah, it was great having dinner with everyone. Hopefully we can do it again soon.” 
Allison stood and hugged them both. “Well, you both are expected at my dads’ house Saturday. Peter is barbecuing.” 
Stiles nodded, kissing her cheek. “We’ll be there. Is that alright, babe?”
Jackson nodded, hugging Allison. “I would love to go.” 
Stiles grinned, leading him out to the jeep. “They all love you.” He leaned against the jeep, looking into his eyes. 
Jackson smiled, pressing his lips to Stiles’s. “They are a pretty amazing group of people. When I first met you, my dad said you were in a gang, but that is a wildly wrong judgment.” He chuckled, running his fingers through his hair. “You’re a family.” 
Stiles chuckled. “You’re father never liked me much, but I think he is beginning to come around.” 
Jackson shook his head. “No, he still hates you. He’s being nice because I love you.” 
Stiles blushed, grinning at him. “I love you too.” 
Jackson grinned, kissing him deeply. “I wish I did not have to go home.” 
Stiles hummed. “Me either, but I promised your father that I would follow all his rules.” 
Jackson groaned. “Want to stay over again?” 
Stiles shook his head. “I can’t. My father is kind of upset I did not come home last night.” 
Jackson nodded. “Alright. I guess we’ll see each other tomorrow at school.” 
Stiles nodded. “Get in the jeep, babe. I don't want to get you in trouble.” 
Jackson sighed and nodded as he climbed into the vehicle. 
Stiles shuffled on the balls of his feet as he knocked on Peter’s door. The professor opened the door and raised a brow at him. “Stiles. How can I help you?” 
Stiles let out a breath and punched the older man in the nose. “You’ve been lying to me, for a year and a half.” 
Peter chuckled, gripping his nose. “You’ve always been able to throw a great punch. Come on. Let’s go talk in my office.” 
Stiles stormed into the house and up to the familiar office. “I can’t believe I trusted you.” 
Peter sighed, as he grabbed a tissue off his desk and began cleaning the blood off his face. “Yes, I lied to you, but it was for your own protection. You are like a nephew to me, Stiles. Do you really think I would let you go out there and get drugs from some street dealer?” 
Stiles sat down and crossed his arms, glaring at the older man. “I kept your secret, and there was never a secret to keep, Peter. Chris and Talia already knew.” 
Peter raised a brow at him. “My husband knows? Well that is news to me.” He chuckled. “I think you broke my nose, Stiles.” 
Stiles rolled his eyes. “I’m sorry. I just… I was never in any danger, was I?” 
Peter shrugged. “I told you. Don’t trust what I give you. You were a danger to yourself, and you proved that every time you were on a bender. At least if you were here, I could keep an eye on you and you would not overdose.” He sighed, rolling his head back. “I was trying to protect you, and everyone around you. They would all be crushed, if something happened to you.” 
Stiles sighed, looking at the blood on his hand. “Talia told me that… She said that she thought you were just giving me pot until I got caught with the angel dust. Why’d you let me get so far gone.” 
Peter sighed. “Because I tried to talk you out of it and you wouldn’t listen. You were determined to try anything to hide your pain. I love you too much to let something happen to you, but I couldn’t talk to you out of anything.” He licked the blood from his lip. “Maybe we should go to the hospital.” 
Stiles smirked and nodded. “I really got a good one there.” He gestured to the door. “Come on, I’ll drive you there. Where is Chris?” 
Peter smiled following him out to the jeep. “He is at a symposium about German folklore. It’s at UCLA and he’ll be there all weekend.” 
Stiles chuckled. “How are you going to explain the broken nose?” 
Peter sighed. “I'll tell him the truth and he’ll say I deserved it. I really do.” 
Stiles laughed as he got in his jeep and waited for Peter to get in before he headed to the hospital. “I’m sorry that I broke your nose.” 
Peter smirked. “I’m just glad to see you sticking up for yourself. Even if it is against me.” He groaned and popped his nose back into place. “You never told anyone where you got the drugs, and I appreciate that too.” 
Stiles nodded. “Yeah, whatever.” 
To be continued…
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topazy · 2 years
In the shadows
Parings: Stiles Stilinski x reader
Warnings: Swearing, jackass boyfriends
Chapter: 1.05
“So, Y/N, are you still hanging with freaks?”
You scoffed, “Freaks or not, at least I have friends Jackson.”
“I’m the most popular guy in school,” he says, his voice laced with arrogance. “Unlike you, I’m actually somebody who people care about.”
“Those people aren’t your friends. They’re just sheep who do whatever you say because they're scared one of your little minions will beat them up if they don’t.”
You and Milo had gone out for dinner, which was going fine until you ran into Jackson and Lydia. You are now currently arguing in Milo’s car in the parking lot of the video store. Lydia had insisted you go back to her house and watch the notebook with them.
“I’m just saying you took what he said the wrong way!”
“He insulted me and my friends,” you snapped. “Every time dickhead Whittemore arrives, you completely change. You do realise that, don’t you? And I don’t understand why you suddenly have a problem with my friends.”
“Because they are freaks, Mori! Being seen with them is social suicide. You're just the only one who doesn’t see it.” Milo pouted like a child and leaned his head against his window, “Jacks-some of the guys on my team think it’s weird that you spend so much time with your guy friends. They constantly joke around, saying you must be screwing one of them. Do you know how that makes me look? Most girls are fighting over what rom-com to watch and spending hours fixing their hair, but you… you spend hours painting and doing boyish stuff.”
His words felt like a dagger to your chest. “Is this why you're pushing for me to be friends with Lydia, so I can be more like them?”
You didn’t mind the redhead; in fact, you actually liked her when Jackson wasn’t around, but it didn’t make the situation any better. Milo shrugged, “Yeah, it is okay. But what’s so wrong with wanting you to get along with my friends' girlfriends.”
“Nothing would be wrong if it was for the right reasons. I don’t know why you’d even want me to be like those girls. Lydia, for example, is incredibly smart and beautiful but constantly dumbs herself down for the sake of Jackson, because all he wants is a pretty airhead girlfriend to show off. If that’s the type of relationship you want then, I don’t know if we should be together.”
“Don’t be so dramatic.”
You pinged the bobble around your wrist to hold back the tears that were welling up behind your eyes. Your relationship with Milo had been crumbling for some time, but you’d finally realised it would never get better. It hurt when he didn’t defend you when Jackson started on you in the restaurant, but you weren’t surprised. He never did.
You unbuckle your belt and grab your jacket from the back seat, getting ready to get out. Milo scoffed, “seriously? You are being such a-”
Milo was cut off when the glass of the store window was smashed and a large wolf ran out of the shop, causing you to let out a loud scream.
“Mori?” You turned too fast to see Stiles' dad walking towards you looking worried. “Are you hurt?”
“I'm fine,” you say as you scan the crowd that has gathered around the crime scene. “Mr. Stilinski, is-”
Stiles' dad smiled slightly before answering the question before you finished asking. “He’s in my car. Do you want a lift home?”
You nodded. You started to walk towards the sheriff's car when Stiles jumped out of it, and pointed towards two EMT’s carrying a stretcher, “Oh, whoa, is that a dead body?”
The sheriff gave his son a wanting look, silently telling him to get back inside the car. Stiles was about going into the passenger side until he noticed you. “Oh my god, Mori,” he said, opening the back door for you before getting in next to you. “What are you doing here? I thought you were on a date?”
“We were, but it didn’t go so well.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You leaned your head against his shoulder, “no, not really.”
The next day at school, you did your best to avoid listening to any gossip about what killed the worker in the video store. The main rumour was that a mountain lion killed him, but you knew that wasn’t true.
You tapped your pen impatiently as you clock watch, waiting for the bell to ring. Suddenly, you got goosebumps, and you felt as if you were being watched. Trying to be subtle, you looked around the class to see if anyone was looking in your direction. You had to hold in a cuss when your eyes landed on Derek Hale, who was staring at you through the classroom door.
“Bellisario, would you like to answer the question on the board?”
You look past it to see what the question was.
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝑸𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝑳𝒊𝒇𝒆 𝑰𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒙 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒃𝒚?
Shit. You had no idea what the answer to that question was. You had to guess the answer. “Morris D Morris?”
Coach points his finger in your face and mutters, “you got lucky, you got lucky.”
As soon as the bell rang, you noticed Stiles talking to someone on the phone. He sounded like he was freaking out. You link your arm with his and whisper, “we need to talk.”
“Why are you doing that? I don’t like it when you do that.”
You stare at him confused, “what? Like touch your arm?”
“Yes! You only do that when you're about to tell me something I’m not gonna like.”
You unlink your arm with his when you reach your lockers. You grabbed everything you needed and closed your locker to see Stiles standing impatiently waiting for you. The look on his face made you laugh. “I’m waiting for the bomb to drop.”
“Not here,” the smile on your face fades when you see Milo standing with a couple of his friends, all of them looking over at you. “I’ll tell you outside.”
Stiles noticed how uncomfortable you were and put his arm around your shoulder, “I think you’ve got plenty to tell me that I won’t like.”
You closed the door to Stiles' jeep and almost jumped when you noticed how close he was to you. “I saw Derek today. He was lurking outside my classroom.”
“Seriously?” He threw his head back against the headrest. “Dereks being his usually creepy self. Scott has ditched school with Allison, Lydia is M.I.A and Jackson looks like he’s a ticking time bomb ready to explode.”
“What’s our plan?”
Stiles smiled. He always liked that you trusted him to come up with one, no matter the situation. “We figure out who the alpha is, and why Derek freaking Hale is stalking you.”
“Sounds like a good plan. I don’t know how we can figure out who the alpha is without Scott, but I have an idea for finding out what Derek wants.”
“I ask him.”
Stiles rolls his eyes, “So you just walk up to him and ask him what he wants?”
Stiles shakes his head and leans forward, “That is a terrible idea, Mori. There is a killer on the loose, not to mention he is a huge creep. No, no, I’m not letting you go alone. It’s too dangerous.”
“Or…” you smiled at him sweetly, which made Stiles start to protest, knowing what you were going to say. “You can come with me.”
Stiles mouthed ‘no’ while you mouthed ‘yes.’ You continued doing this until you both started laughing. Stiles tried to keep a straight face, but a smile kept pulling at his lips. “Let’s focus on finding out who the alpha is… but if that doesn’t work, then we will ask Derek together.”
“Sounds like a good plan.”
“Jesus, Scott! You almost gave me a heart attack.”
“Sorry,” Scott apologised as he sat on the edge of the bed.
After spending a few hours painting in the attic, you came down to get changed for bed, but were startled when you saw Scott climbing in through your window. You sat down beside him, “I thought your mom would have grounded you for skipping school?”
“She did.”
You laughed lightly as Scott told you how he and Allison got caught by their parents at the school. Something was off, but you didn’t know what. “Did you find anything else out about the attack last night.”
“No, not really.”
“You're being weird, McCall,” you sighed as you flopped back onto your bed. “What's up?”
Scott hesitated before turning to look at you, “I was in the forest next to the video store last night with Derek looking for the alpha last night… I overheard you and Milo arguing.”
“Oh,” your face flushed with shame.
He moved and sat beside you. “He’s an ass and you deserve so much better.”
“I just don’t know anymore. What do you think I should do? And be honest.”
Scott was a considerate person, and you knew he was trying to spare your feelings. “Honestly, I think you're one of my best friends and you shouldn’t be with someone who wants to change you.”
“Thanks,” you yawned before sitting upwards again. “So, how was your day? Have fun bunking off with your girlfriend?”
Scott blushed, but quickly started to tell you about his day with Allison and how much fun they had.
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plus-size-reader · 3 years
Tumblr media
Void/Stiles Stilinski x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 2939 words
Warnings: none
Summary: The reader finally gets up the courage to tell Stiles about her feelings for him but Stiles isn’t really himself at the time. 
You should have seen this coming.
Of course Stiles was never going to go for a girl like you. All your lives he had been absolutely obsessed with Lydia Martin and lord knows you looked nothing like her. You were never going to look anything like her, but it was easy to ignore when it was just her.
Stiles had always liked her, drooling over her in math class and talking about her every chance he got but you both knew he had about as much of a chance with her as you did with him.
It wasn’t going to happen.
...but now he had Malia.
She was just as thin and gorgeous as Lydia was, but she was actually into him. She wanted to go out with him and there was nothing stopping them from going for it, why would there be?
It wasn’t like Stiles had any clue that you had been in love with him since middle school or that you were actively more and more in love with him as time went on.
He didn’t know you thought about him as much as he thought about them, or beat yourself up because you were never going to be a size three like Lydia was.
You adored him, but he was never going to see that.
It made you feel so empty, like the last seven years didn’t mean anything to him which wasn’t even close to true. You knew that both Scott and Stiles cared a lot for you, like they cared for each other but it wasn’t enough.
You wanted Stiles to daydream about you, to see you, because you were right in front of him. You would have done anything for him, and did, but for some reason, it was still like you didn’t exist.
It was getting old.
Really old, and the more you thought about it, the more the reality of the situation upset you. You had been there for Stiles all his life.
You were right by his side when his mom got sick, and beat up Jackson Whittemore once in the eighth grade for calling him a geek, but none of that seemed to matter to him.
Stiles still couldn’t see you.
“You’ve been staring at them for thirty minutes” Scott hummed, shaking you out of your thoughts with a bump to your shoulder with his own. You were searching for anything that could explain the strange occurrences around here as of late, but there was nothing.
It wasn’t your fault watching Stiles canoodle with his new girlfriend was more entertaining than looking through some dusty old book.
“I have not” you sighed, shooting him an almost defensive look as you glanced back down at the book in question. Had he been anyone else you may have pretended to have your shit together, but Scott knew better.
He knew the two of you better than anyone else in the world, and even if he wasn’t the true alpha, which he also happened to be, it wasn’t hard to see what was going on.
You clearly liked him, in a way that wasn’t just platonic like your relationship was. You had never gotten so shook up when Scott was seeing a girl, he would have noticed.
“It’s okay, I get it” he tried, hoping that you weren’t going to try and shut him out over this again. Scott had tried to have this conversation with you a few times already, and it never worked out the way he wanted.
You always got cagey and didn’t want to talk about it.
“No you don’t, Scott. You’ve dated every girl you ever had a crush on, because you’re you” you grumbled, poking him in the abs as aggressively as you could without hurting him to prove your point.
He didn’t ever have to worry about the things you did.
Not only was Scott one of the sweetest and most brave men you’d ever known, but he also couldn’t have been in better shape if he wanted to. He looked like one of those perfectly sculpted men in the movies, with six pack abs and chiseled muscles.
It wasn’t like he constantly had to live with the knowledge that the person he loved most in this world didn’t love him back because he wasn’t good enough. You knew that Stiles didn’t feel the same way about you because you weren’t as skinny as you could have been, or as pretty as the others were.
At this point, you doubted he even saw you as a girl at all because you were just his best friend, and that was it. That was what you’d always been and considering how oblivious he was to the feelings you had for him, it wasn’t surprising.
You weren’t even on his radar in that way.
“First of all, ow! Second of all, you’re super cute, why wouldn’t he be into you?” Scott wondered, that same supportive, loving tone that was always in his voice making itself known to you. He really did believe that, not that it made you feel better.
That was all you were ever going to be.
Puppies were cute, and everyone loved them but no one was actively dreaming of taking their favorite puppy out on a date or dreaming about a puppy out loud to their friends. You didn’t date someone just because they were cute, which was the whole problem.
You didn’t want to be cute.
You wanted to be beautiful, to be hot, to be drop dead gorgeous in the way that Lydia was, and it killed you every day that you weren’t.
“Thanks Scott, but I don’t think cute is gonna cut it” you decided, closing the book in front of you as a way of closing this conversation before getting up and heading out of the library.
It didn’t make any sense to Scott.
It was clear to him that you and Stiles had something that could very well be a great relationship but you kept getting in your own way and it wasn’t like Stiles knew what he was doing. 
Some days, Scott worried he’d leave his head at home if it wasn’t attached.
“Hey Y/N, think about it” he called, catching the way you turned around to look at him before heading out to the parking lot.
There was no way Stiles was going to come to the conclusion that you cared about him as anything more than a friend on his own, and until you got that push to do it yourself, it wasn’t going to happen.
He just had to wait for one or both of you to take that chance.
Scott had a point.
Of course he did, Scott usually had a point as much as you hated to admit it. You were super cute, and while it might not have been enough, there really weren’t that many reasons why Stiles wouldn’t be into you.
Now, all you had to do was figure out what you were going to do about it, before all desire to do so left your body completely if it hadn’t already. 
You had only been trying to sike yourself up about this for the past hour in the rear view mirror and it just wasn’t happening.
You felt like an idiot.
Here you were, sitting across the street from Stiles’ house like a creep, without a single idea of what you were actually going to say to him if you ever made it to his front door. It didn’t make any sense, this was a guy you’d known since you were a kid.
You had never had a problem saying anything to him or doing whatever you wanted, but now, the idea of even looking him in the face was enough to make you want to be sick. It was hardly fair but you had done this to yourself after all.
It was perfectly fine before, even if you were unhappy. No one else had to know that you had feelings for him and you could just suffer in silence but now that you had Scott in your corner, it was hard not to want to try.
Surely your shared best friend was the best authority on whether or not there was anything between you and Stiles. If anyone was going to know anything, it was the true alpha, after all. 
That was like, his whole thing.
“You can do this. You’ve fought monsters, this is just Stiles” you reminded yourself, before pushing the mirror away completely, getting out of the car before you could buckle back up and drive home. It was now or never, and whatever happens, happens.
You couldn’t worry about it now.
“Hey Stiles, are you feeling better?” you hummed, the words barely registering under your breath as you tried to figure out what you wanted to say. You’d had this nightmare a million times over but you’d never actually considered doing it on your own.
Now that you were, the words just weren’t coming to you like they should have been.
“I just had something I wanted to run by you” you tried, testing out how that would sound before immediately scrapping it. That sounded like you were making some kind of business proposal and you certainly weren’t.
It had to be perfect.
Not that you had time to actually nail down what you wanted to say before you found yourself at his front door, already having knocked out of habit. Again, you briefly considered sprinting back to your car before it opened but you couldn’t make your feet move.
You knew that you had to do this.
“Hey Stiles, I was hoping we could talk” the words left your lips before you could police them, as soon as the door opened. You knew that it was hardly the smoothest you could have been but at this point, there was nothing between the two of you to soften the blow.
You just had to get this over with. If he accepted your feelings, he accepted them but if he didn’t, there was nothing you could do to change that either.
Naturally, those words freaked Stiles out a little because he assumed something terrible had happened but you didn’t seem as panicked as you should have been if someone was dying. This was a little more than your usual high strung but not by much.
“Yeah for sure, are you okay?” he allowed, moving away from the doorframe to let you in before closing the door behind you both. His dad was working late again, so it would just be the two of you but that had never been a problem before.
Especially lately, you and Stiles had killed time on several nights when Scott was busy with the pack or on date night. It wasn’t strange for you to be alone together, normally but there was a strange air about it today.
You just couldn’t tell if it was coming from him or you.
You knew that Stiles had been having a little trouble sleeping lately, and the nightmares were driving him crazy but the pack was going to handle it. 
The pack always took care of those kinds of things and you both knew Scott wasn’t going to let anything happen to him.
All he had to do was wait it out and try to relax in the meantime.
…And of course, you were having a hard time being your calm and collected self as you tried to figure out the best way to go about this whole thing.
It wasn’t every day you confessed your feelings to your best friend after all.
“I’m alright, I just have something I want to talk to you about is all” you shrugged, sitting down on the couch. This was a lot harder to do than you could have ever thought, and it just seemed like it wasn’t going anywhere.
There was only so much stalling you could do before you had to tell him the truth.
“Okay, I guess I’m just gonna put it all out there,” you sighed, your hands falling on your thighs. This was your last chance to walk away and no one would ever have to know what it was you were hiding, and that almost seemed like the right thing to do.
Though, the way he was looking at you took that all away.
You knew that if you ever had a chance at being with him in the way you wanted, you had to be able to tell him how you felt, at the very least.
Here goes nothing.
“I’m in love-with you” you allowed, exhaling as if you’d been holding that in your lungs all this time, which you pretty much had. You had no idea how this was supposed to feel, but you were pretty confident it wasn’t like this.
He didn’t even say anything at first.
All you could see was Stiles rubbing his temple out of the corner of your eye, his eyes screwed shut. It was hardly the reaction you had been expecting but at that moment, it didn’t even matter. You knew what he’d been going through, and it worried you.
It always worried you, especially knowing about his mom and all the stress he’d been under lately. 
Needless to say, you were more than happy to forget about everything you’d just said in favor of making sure he was alright, especially if your words had upset him.
If he didn’t feel the same, you would have happily moved on as if this moment had never happened. It would be easier than having to swallow that rejection.
You didn’t know if you could handle that after all this.
You had been hiding your feelings for Stiles all this time, and now that you said it out loud, you hoped you’d feel better but you just didn’t. This whole thing was really starting to seem like a mistake, and you didn’t even know everything yet.
Neither did Stiles.
In reality, he was more than thrilled at your confession but something was wrong. He felt like he wasn’t in control, like he wasn’t even in his own body anymore. It didn’t make any sense but he had never had a feeling like this before.
Stiles was vulnerable.
Before this moment, the Nogitsune hadn’t been able to break through to the surface but you provided the crack in his armor that it needed to escape. It was perfect, at least for the void, it certainly wasn't going to be pleasant for you.
After all, it had been a long time since it had seen the light of day and it was hungry, hungry and wearing your little lover boy like a cheap Halloween costume. Of course it was going to use that against you, void would be an idiot not to.
Your love for the boy made you little more than an exposed nerve, one that the Nogitsune could poke and prod at all it pleased until it was satisfied.
...and it certainly intended to.
All at once, there was a huge change in the room between the two of you, and more specifically, in Stiles. 
There was a cold, darkness to him that you had never seen which you didn’t even realize was there until he started laughing, a deep chuckle leaving his throat.
You weren’t ready for it, but what you were less ready for was what happened when he spoke.
“Did you really think I could ever feel like that, for you? We both know that’s a little crazy” he scoffed, an almost mocking tone that didn’t sound like Stiles at all. It shocked you, in all honesty, but not for the reason you may have thought.
Deep down, you knew that Stiles wouldn’t be interested in you but you never could have imagined him being so aggressive and cruel in his rejection of you.
He’d never spoken to anyone like that before, especially not you.
“I just-” you tried, but he stopped you before you could even try to get through this whole thing with any dignity at all. For the Nogitsune, this was all fun and games, but for you, it was so much more than that.
This was quite possibly the worst moment of your life.
“You aren’t blind, you had to have known this wasn’t going to work out the way you wanted. I mean, look at you?”
Stiles was screaming, using everything he had to try and get through to you, to overpower whatever this thing in his head was, but he couldn’t make it happen. It was too much, too strong, and all he could do was sit back and let it happen.
He knew it was breaking your heart, he could see it in your face but no matter how hard he fought, there was nothing he could do to get back in control. He felt like he was locked in a cage in his own head, and someone else had the key.
He just didn't know who.
You sat there for a second more as you tried to process whatever it was that was happening right now before you felt tears pricking in the corner of your eyes, and decided that it was probably time to leave.
Staying here any longer was just going to make this worse. Besides, it wasn’t as if Stiles was in the mood to talk this out or even treat you like a person.
Clearly, Scott was wrong, being cute wasn’t enough to make someone care about you.
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asterekmess · 2 years
Do you think Peter is actually GLAD that he didn't bite Stiles or invite him into his growing pack? Could he sense how out-right dangerous Stiles was when he offered him the bite? Peter respects the hell out of Stiles, that's a fact, but if things had fallen differently, do you think he might have ended up fearing him more than any outside threat? Stiles not needing the Nogitsune to be Peter's personal Sword of Damocles.
Because if Peter had bitten Stiles, and as Stiles became wiser to the rules of everything going on around him, Peter would know that he was on ever shorter and shorter time limit before Stiles overthrew his little monarchy for himself - not because Stiles is greedy for power or anything, but because Stiles has a very... gray, loose sense of morality and sometimes Peter might get VERY CLOSE to stepping some invisible line, especially if it came to threatening or hurting people that Stiles felt protective of (including Derek).
I'm a Sterek-shipper, but I love the stories where there's a friendship or mutual respect between Stiles & Peter, mainly because I know how dangerous Peter is, and how utterly chaotic and mischievous Stiles is (and dangerous he could be).
I too love Peter and Stiles having a good understanding and respect for each other, since their characters are so similar. I'll admit though, I think that's where our perceptions diverge a lot. I've had to re-read this ask about five times, because I think your view of Stiles and Peter is just Incredibly different from mine, and it wasn't quite clicking. Lemme explain:
I don't see Stiles as dangerous? And I don't think he has a loose sense of morality. I just think it's anchored to things that aren’t Law and Altruism. His concept of morality Is grey, but it's built around a simple concept of protecting those he loves/cares about, which I think we both agree on. That’s honestly a very reasonable morality system to have in this world they live in, where laws and government can’t Help them with their problems. They can’t rely on Goodness to get them through things. Sometimes the choice is between something Terrible and something out of your Nightmares. Sometimes you can’t be good, and Stiles doesn’t try to. He focuses on keeping his people safe, because goodness comes second to family. I do think that if someone he cared about was threatened, Stiles could Become dangerous to do something about it. Hell, that's canon. He lit a man on fire in season 1, both because he knew it would protect countless citizens, and because it would protect Scott, Scott’s mom, and Lydia. But in general, he isn't dangerous. Not because he couldn't be, but because he has no need to? Stiles loves lacrosse and research and solving mysteries and videogames and reading and Star Wars. He likes mother-henning his dad's diet and bantering with people as sarcastic as him. He wouldn’t go darkside without Reason. He doesn't want to. I think what you see as danger, I just see as potential. Stiles has So much potential to do literally anything, if given the right push. But without that push...Basically what I’m saying is there’s no reason for anyone to fear him, unless they’re doing something to harm the circle of people he cares about. And that’s not likely to happen with Peter, because the one person that might be in danger there is Derek, whom I don’t think Peter would ever harm, since Derek is ALSO in Peter’s circle. And Peter, I also don't see as dangerous, at least, not the same way I think you see him. Like I said, their characters are Incredibly similar. We're talking Perfect Parallels, in some cases. Peter and Stiles both have morality systems built entirely around protecting their own. Peter Can be dangerous, and has been Shown to be dangerous, but only when he’s trying to protect himself and his people. The canon often, if not constantly, tries to tell us that Peter is evil, and he'd sell his nephew out in a heartbeat, but the actual things we see in canon do Not match that. - Peter kidnapped Stiles in season 1 because Derek was missing and he'd apparently been Unable to find him himself. He was desperate enough to find his nephew that he grabbed the smartest human he could (the son of the Sheriff) and shoved at his pressure point (lydia) without even Asking first, because he wasn't willing to waste time being polite. And because he had ulterior motives with biting Lydia (resurrection), but that wasn't even hinted at in canon, so I'm dismissing it for now. - He went to hunt his nephew down even though it would mean facing off with the hunters by himself, with Derek likely too injured to be of much help (and he was) and prevented Stiles from following him. One could argue that he knew Stiles would try to attack him after what happened to Lydia, and recognized him as a real danger worth neutralizing, but it also meant he Protected Stiles by stopping him from going to the show-down where hunters would inevitably be shooting anyone they saw head for Derek. And he knew Stiles would head for Derek. - Then there was the mere fact that he Stayed In town when he came back from the dead, even though he was weakened as hell and Derek had Already killed him once. He stayed, and he helped his nephew. And then he spent four months hanging around seemingly helping Derek find Erica and Boyd, without ever turning on Derek? - And his scenes with Cora, holding her hand as they run and staying with her in the hospital. Facing off with Ennis to protect her even though he knew he wasn't at full strength yet? There was no personal benefit to that. - Even what he did to convince Derek to give up his spark. It gets framed like this cheat or lie, but The Alphas were after Derek's SPARK. If Peter could convince Derek to give it up (only possibly, since he admitted he didn't know for sure) to help Cora, then they wouldn't have a REASON to go after Derek anymore. He was Protecting Both of his niblings. (niece and nephew) - He goes with Derek to South America and he is Strung up right fucking next to him when the Calaveras grab him, which implies he didn’t cut and run at the first sign of danger. The list goes on and On and ON. Derek's not in danger from Peter, in my opinion, no matter what the show claims. XD
And as to the starting point of Peter beating Derek to a pulp, yes, he did harm his nephew, but in this situation, Peter genuinely thought he was protecting Derek as well. He was trying to kill the people who set the fire. He Knew everyone who was involved, and he KNEW about KATE. In his mind, his behavior was unfortunate but it had to happen even if it meant hurting Derek a little now. IN the long run, he would be protecting him by killing the bitch who assaulted his nephew.
On the topic of Peter biting Stiles. This seems to actually be another example of him providing/helping Derek, even after death. Let’s go back to that resurrection thing. In order to set up what he did to Lydia, Peter would have to know he was going to die. or at least be relatively sure. If that shit were easy, people would be resurrected all the time, and Peter wouldn’t put in the effort if he didn’t think it was necessary. If he died by a hunter's hand, Derek would become Alpha, since it seems to run through the bloodlines to the nearest one. At least as far as he knew, since he didn’t know Malia existed and they never establish if werecoyotes even Have Alphas, so even THEN it might’ve gone to Derek. And if he died by Derek's hand, again, Derek would be Alpha. So why offer to bite Stiles in the first place? It's not like Stiles would be able to help him. Peter expected to die, and even if Stiles survived the bite, he wouldn't have shifted soon enough to be of any use, and he wouldn't have enough control to help either. Why bite Stiles, when Peter knew he was going to die soon and that Derek would be taking over? Could it have anything to do with the fact that he knew Stiles was already helping Derek before now? That Derek was protective of Stiles in the LTC facility? Werewolves people. Derek was wearing Stiles’ CLOTHES when they went to see Peter. Peter tells Stiles in the garage that wolves need pack, and by now he seems to have figured out that Scott is NOT that pack. But Stiles is. Did he pick Stiles for Derek? To give Derek a real pack member after he was gone? Hell, even if Peter Did bite Stiles, it wouldn’t have changed the outcome of that night. Peter would die, and Stiles Would have ended up Derek’s pack, if Scott couldn’t figure out how to make him stay packless until he became an Alpha himself. There’s no monarchy or Alpha Peter to overthrow. Derek was always going to be the Alpha, and Stiles was always going to be on Derek’s side.
It just so happens that Peter is Also on Derek’s side, which means that they make awesome allies, just like in S3. They have the same priorities, and they know each other and respect each other enough not to step on the others’ toes. But, your main question was whether I thought Peter would be glad that he didn’t give Stiles the bite. Honestly, I think he is, but not for any of those reasons. I think he’s glad because of Paige. At the time he offered the bite, and just after, teenagers were getting bites like it was candy, and thankfully they all survived, even if Jackson had a bad reaction to his. But when Peter comes back, he comes back seemingly...intact. He talks about his past, he has reason and control. And he tells Stiles the story of Paige, the human that challenged Derek, that stood toe-to-toe just like Stiles does. The show gives us a near Perfect Match to Stiles in physical features and wit and sarcasm and Curiosity and acceptance of the supernatural. Remember, Paige figures out Derek’s a werewolf, and she doesn’t even bother bringing it UP, she’s so okay with it. There’s no fucking way that Peter doesn’t see that parallel with Stiles. And while Paige and Stiles are in no way related, I don’t think he would be able to forget how she died. I think that he would be glad he didn’t bite Stiles, because now that he can Think Clearly, he’d never offer it to him in the first place, just in case Stiles was like Paige. He respects Stiles. He likes Stiles. He would not consider the bite worth the risk, when he knows Stiles is just as useful and integral to the Beacon Hills dynamic, while human. I think Peter’s just grateful that past him didn’t accidentally fuck all of that up by trying to give Stiles the bite anyway.
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slowpoke-fics · 3 years
Scent | Mate Series
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek x Y/N
Summary: Derek is getting suspicious of you, you're hiding something and he wants to know what
Warnings: not really I think but just in case, as always, read at your own risk
A/N: This is Part One | Next Part
This whole thing is a whole family pack au and mate au, OC stuff in later chapters but I really loved writing this and love the idea of a family pack <3
You walked into Scott’s house, happily smiling at everyone gathered around the table, noticing that even Derek had showed this time. The wolves seemed to carry on about their business as you muttered something about dinner and moved to the kitchen. “I don’t like that ya know?” You jumped a little, turning to Derek and smiling in confusion. He sniffed the air, “All I can smell is your strawberry shortcake lotion. You use too much.” You scoffed, turning to the food, “I don’t care, go smell someone else.” He shook his head, “Why? I don’t like not being able to smell you.” You looked at him, eyebrows raised, "Derek, I know what you wolves do, it's a violation of privacy, I like my emotions being mine." Derek huffed under his breath, "Just trying to care." He turned and walked out of the kitchen.
You couldn't help but wonder if you'd been excessively hateful, but you were right. You knew better than anyone, wolves violate your privacy whenever they can by just smelling you, let alone with serious practice what they can do. You could never keep a secret around a pack of wolves, and living in Beacon Hills with the extra wolf sense going around is no different. It's better to just hide your scent all together. You of course knew how to do this very well without the nifty supernatural trick; putting lotion over your scent glands regularly, wearing tight clothes, and lots of deodorant. You sighed to yourself as you thought of how different it could be if you could come clean.
Derek hung back after the meeting, watching as you waved everyone goodbye, claiming he was cleanup help since you cooked. "What's up Derek?" Scott said once the door shut. "Y/n," Derek started, turning to Scott, hand rubbing his scruff nervously, "has she always covered her scent like that?" Scott's eyebrows furrowed, "Now that I think about it, yeah, why?" Derek shrugged, acting like it was no big deal but wanted to put the fuze out before it went to far, "Dunno, she's just the only one that does it, even Lydia with the amount of crap she wears, I can smell her," he sighed, "it's like Y/n is hiding something man, I've just never once smelled her." Derek shook his head, "I mean, it's never bothered you? Not being able to smell her?"
Scott could sense something he hadn't ever before with Derek, a sense of need, like when Stiles called to him when he almost lit himself on fire. "She just wants her privacy, she knows we can smell fear, anxiety, joy, embarrassment," he slapped Dereks shoulder, "relax man, are you really worried Y/n is out to get you?" Dereks hands fell next to him, "Something like that." Derek said his goodbyes to Scott and happily Stiles, as over the years he's grown to love the wild man, and left wondering about you.
At the next pack meeting, this time in his loft, you were the last one in again. As everyone was catching up and cutting up, Derek found his way beside you, "I don't like that one, it smells sour, what is it?" You blushed just slightly, "I don't know some cucumber mix." Derek huffed, "If all I can smell is fake shit, at least something good, citrus, sweet or somethin'," he shrugged as he made his way to the table.
You'd all been discussing new training for the supernatural creatures drawn in by the Nemeton and handling the strays that don't fall in line with the help of the argents. Derek was next to you, something you knew was no coincidence as he'd swapped places with Scott at some point. He reached over to the map in front of you, trying to rub just your shirt, but you slyly moved your arm, muttering an apology, "Oh, sorry," but Derek didn't miss the extra heartbeat, even if just for a second. What is going on with you?
A few days later you find yourself climbing in the passenger of Stiles' jeep, just leaving your house after reapplying lotion, knowing that you were going to Dereks' for pack training. "Scott needed a ride today, that okay?" Stiles quizzed you, studying you as you answered with a hum. "Everything alright?" he reiterated, turning the music up. You shrugged, "I just have a feeling something is going on." Stiles gave you a sympathetic smile as he pulled up to Scott's.
Scott climbed in Stiles' back seat, glancing at you, consciously aware that you only smelled like mixed berry lotion, smiling, "Hey, Y/n, how was your day?" You shrugged, "The usual, excited for some pack time." Scott listened to your steady beat, kicking himself for even listening. The ride to Dereks normal while you intently listened to Stiles ramble. It was impossible not to notice that something was bothering Scott, you just hoped it wasn't you.
Scott was the first to knock on the door, Stiles following impatiently while you stood behind the two men. Derek slid the door open, looking over the two men and directly smiling at you, welcoming you all in. You followed closely in behind Stiles, narrowly missing Derek. You sense him reaching forward, out for the small of your back, you quickly stepped out of the way and to the kitchen, hoping your heartbeat was steady. "So what am I making?"
You worked on finishing up the tacos, careful to clean up any mess you made and wash the used pans. You had Liam lay out the table who was cooling off from a tough session with Isaac. He was really slinging the plates down, you put your hand just inches from his, stopping him from laying another plate down, "Liam," his eyes connected with yours, "listen to my heart, get yours to match it." Liam shook his head, starting to lay another plate down, clearly frustrated, but you spoke again, "Liam," you sighed, "it is okay to lose control and get angry, but get it back. Take a breath, control your heart rate, ground yourself." Liam took a deep breath in as you guided him, smiling at you before gently setting the plates down. You could feel the anger dissipating from him as he did.
"Thank you for helping," you muttered as you rubbed his shoulder comfortingly, making sure your sleeve covers your bare hand, smiling at him, "I'm gonna go get them." You walked into the training room, sweat and power smacking you in the face, "Dinner's ready!" Scott and Derek let go of each other, playfully draping their arms around each other, "You wanna spar, Y/n?" Derek asked and you laughed, a sound that blessed his ears, "Uh, no thank you, I'll leave that to the big bad wolves." Scott smiled, "Come on! Even Stiles trains!" Stiles jumps at this, pointing to Scott, "Hey!" Causing everyone to erupt into laughter, you smiled, "Who else is gonna cook?" At that Stiles interjected again, heading to the meal, "Not it!"
After you all ate you helped Liam collect and wash dishes, Derek watching you dodge every corner of the tablecloth, studied your moments as you put up pates, careful to not touch them with your bare hands. He thought to himself as he watched you that he was reading way too much into it. That you were just a private polite person, but something was rubbing him the wrong way, something he was missing. As you put away the last dish, Stiles stood up, smiling, "Bye, sour wolf." Derek glared at him but turned to you who was side by side with Stiles, your arm around his waist, also heading out, "See you later, sour wolf."
Scott trailed behind, making sure you and Stiles were out of earshot. "Man, what is your problem I can literally see the fury coming off of you." Derek glared at Scott, "Y/n, she just-" Scott rolled his eyes, "You can't be serious, not with this again." Derek rubbed his face, "Man, I'm telling you," he shook his head, clearly troubled, "She won't let me touch her! At all, I'm talking not even an accidental brush," Derek spoke lower, "She wouldn't train because that causes sweat, we could smell her, won't even touch the tablecloth. She washes every dish she uses, won't touch the plates with her bare hands? The plates?" Scott could tell Derek was genuinely upset by this, "Why does this bother you so much man?" Derek sighed, "I don't know," he drug broth his hands over his face, an attempt to rub the stress away, "I don't think she'd hurt us of course, but she's definitely- Scott, there's too many questions I need answered." Scott sighed, "Okay, if it means that much to you, I'll look into it." Scott started walking and that's when you snapped back into Stiles honking the horn of the car, you giggling with him as Scott came rushing out.
How much longer could you hide your secret?
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bonniebird · 3 years
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Brett x Reader
Requested by @misskaysposts
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“Oh… no.” Mason said as he looked down the hall and past you. When you turned you saw the bus pulling up outside.
“Oh! Is that the other Lacrosse team? Coach said that they’d be coming early!” You asked him. Mason didn’t answer for a moment as he started to look around, rather frantically. 
“Can you see Liam? He doesn't get on with some of the other team members… maybe you should go and find Scott… in case his problem flares up.” Mason said quickly. He was still looking around and went up onto his tiptoes to look over the heads of people passing by. “I’m going out this way to find him.”
“Why? What’s Liam going to do, werewolf out and attack one of them?” You asked. Mason gave you a look that made you wince and you nodded, hurrying off to find Scott. It took a lap of the school to find Stiles who seemed to be able to find Scott even if you were to blindfold him and spin him around several times.
“So what happened?” Stiles asked you as he thumped on the locker room food for Scott.
“Mason said that Liam doesn’t get on with one of the team members. He can’t find Liam and he wanted some help in case Liam loses his temper and… wolfs out. I guess.” You explained. Scott hurried out of the locker room, his bag half zipped with things falling out of it. Stiles helped shove the stuff back in and zip it up as they followed you to the bus, listening as you explained again, from the beginning. 
“They’re out this way.” You said as you pushed through the blue double doors that lead out to the side entrance of the school. There was a crowd gathered around the bus now. You could hear Mason trying to coax Liam away from the bus. Scot and Stiles paused, glanced at each other and hurried through the crowd.
“Liam!” Scott shouted as he barged through. You followed them, taking advantage of the small gap in the crowd Scott and Stiles had made as they barged through. Scott and Stiles grabbed Liam and stepped between him and the tall boy that was grinning at Liam.
“Can’t fight for yourself Liam?” The boy said antagonistically.
“Leave him alone! Or I’ll fight you.” You said sharply. The boy looked at you with amusement for a moment. Then he started to stare at you with a weird look on his face. While Scott and Mason lead Liam away, Stiles hurried to grab you, sharing a look with you as he went, both of you equally confused why he was looking at you like that.
“Wait! I’m Brett.” Brett called after you.
“I’m, don’t care and it’s none of your business.” You called back. Stiles laughed under his breath as he managed to get you inside and the crowd that had been around Liam and Brett started to dissipate. 
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“(Y/N)! Get down here and help run the water, Greenburg, get out of here I don’t need you making my team sick!” Coach yelled. You sighed and gave you stuff to Allison who neatly tucked it in between her and Lydia.
“Be right back.” You said. Lydia raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips.
“I doubt it. He might as well just make you an unofficial team member at this point.” Lydia muttered. Allison laughed but you hadn’t heard them, having hurried down the bleachers, hopping down the empty seats, you hurried over to grab the water bottles for the players.
“How’re you guys doing?” You asked. Stiles scrunched up his nose from the place he’d flopped down in the damp grass and held out a hand for the water. Scott, who was sitting with Liam on the bench, shrugged.
“We’re ok.” He muttered and took a bottle of water.
“But… like is it only one of them that is a werewolf or, more than one?” You asked Scott who shrugged again.
“Brett is a werewolf for sure. I haven’t been able to tell about anyone else.” Scott admitted as you handed Liam a water bottle and nodded.
“Well good luck in the second half!” You said as Coach came to move you along to the other players.
“McCall, pull yourself together and try to get the ball in the net.” He called as the team stood back up and got ready to go back out. When you hurried back up to Allison and Lydia you sighed, slumping in the seat.
“Are you ok?” Lydia asked as she leant forward.
“I feel weird. Just tired probably.” You muttered. The game started again and you felt like your body was covered in bruises. The pain ebbed as soon as it started and you started to wonder if you were just getting too cold. When someone rammed into Brett on the field you yelped, loud enough for Allison and Lydia to pay attention to you.
“(Y/N)!” Lydia gasped. She pointed at your face and Allison leaned over, eyes widening when she saw it.
“What. What’s happening. Oh… no. Is my face melting! Stiles said if you like mountain ash your face melts off but Liam dared me to do it and I wanted to see what would happen!” You blabbered.
“That is the stupidest… When Stiles says stuff like that don’t believe him… or at least run it by me? No, it looks like your face is swelling.” Lydia answered with a roll of her eyes. She looked around and managed to spot Mason who was cheering Liam on. She flagged him down and he hurried over. “Mason, will you come with me while I take (Y/N) to the nurse. She might be having an allergic reaction to something. Allison. In case it isn’t. You should stay here to protect the… well everyone.”
“Wait, who will protect us… if it isn’t an allergic reaction?” Mason asked.
“Lydia can yell loud enough to rip a man’s head off. You’ll be fine.” Allison pointed out before heading down the bleachers.
Lydia started to lead you out of the field and down towards the changing rooms. The nurse usually stayed behind in case someone was injured during matches. “The one time Melissa can’t make it.” She grumbled.
As you reached the door Scott collided with Brett. A loud smack echoed over the field and everyone fell silent. Brett landed on his back and gasped.
You screamed. So loudly that everyone turned to look where you, Lydia and Mason had stopped by the door. The air had been knocked out of your chest like you’d rammed into something and your leg hurt so badly you felt dizzy. Lydia caught you and Mason helped. “Her leg is broken. How did that happen?” Mason asked Lydia who was looking over at Brett, still on the floor.
“Lydia! Lydia what happened!” Allison called as she and Scott, followed by Stiles who got his Lacrosse stick stuck in the bleachers as he passed under them.
“Her leg is broken.” Lydia said simply. Allison nodded and started to help. Scott yelled at Liam to get his phone and when Liam fumbled it into his hands, he called Melissa for help.
“How am I supposed to know? One minute she’s fine, then Brett gets knocked down and she starts screaming.” Lydia snapped. 
“What if it’s that soulmate thing that Deaton had been talking about. I don’t remember what he said though.” Stiles offered up. You yelped as Scott moved your leg a little and pulled your shoe off to poke at your foot.
“She still has feeling in it.” Scott explained. He nodded and then frowned. He poked your leg again and you gaged.
“Allison, if he does that again, punch him please.” You groaned as you flopped down against the floor. Allison, Lydia and Stiles looked at each other and laughed before agreeing.
“Mom says that she is on the way. I have to tie up your leg to stop the bleeding and it’s going to really hurt but Liam can take your pain.” Scott explained.
“Ah yes, werewolves, the giant walking painkillers.” Stiles muttered. He glanced over at Brett who was still getting to his feet with the help of sme of his team members. Brett seemed to be checking his face, the same place that the swelling on your face was slowly going down. Then he checked his leg and glanced your way. Melissa arrived with two paramedics. Everyone was pushed back and Stiles sidled up to Allison and Lydia.
“You see Brett when he got up?” Stiles muttered quietly.
“Yeah. He checked his leg too.” Allison muttered as she turned to face Stiles, so she could glance at Brett as she turned. Stiles gave her a look and she nodded, setting him off after Melissa.
“Hey, Um. Melissa?” Stiles called.
“Stiles, I’m sorry, can it wait, we need to get (Y/N) to the hospital.”
“Yeah, you’re going to need to call Deaton in… officially.” Stiles said with emphasis on the last word. Melissa paused and looked him over before nodding.
“Anything else?” She asked quickly.
“You might want to watch out for him.” Stiles pointed with his Lacrosse stick towards a group of boys in green lacrosse gear.
“The one staring up at us like he has super hearing?” She asked. When Brett turned abruptly and stared up at a floodlight Melissa winked and nodded. “Thank you Stiles. Will you ask Scott to call his mom. If she’s alright with you all coming to the hospital to wait for (Y/N) then I’ll try and pull a few strings on the visiting hours.”
“Yeah! We can do that!” Stiles yelled as she hurried after the paramedics who had started to load you into the ambulance.
“Alright! The game is delayed, we’ll finish it up another day, everyone get home or go wherever you want to go, I don’t care!” Coach called as Stiles hurried back to Scott. “You think it was Brett?” Scott asked him as they hurried into the changing rooms while Lydia called your mom.
“I think we need to talk to Deaton about that whole werewolf soulmate thing.” Stiles muttered as he glared over Scott’s shoulder at Brett.
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amatchinwater · 2 years
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When Trust is Earned
Warnings: blood, injury, canon-typical violence,
Ch 11/14 (Ch 10)
Amplification/Lie Ability (ao3)
“Why are we here again?” Stiles asks in annoyance, leaning against one of the library tables. He’d rather be anywhere else. His home. Theo’s. Hell, even the tunnels sound more appealing. Who fucking cares where, to be perfectly honest. Just not here. 
Theo closes the book he was flipping through, putting it back on the shelf with a chuckle, “you,” he pops his head around the stack, “aren’t the only one who wants to get Lydia out. Scott texted me saying he has a plan to save her. Asked us to meet him.”
Stiles sputters out a laugh, “Scott has a plan? Scott? I find that very hard to believe. And even if he does,” he crosses his arms, unable to prevent the eye roll, “I highly doubt it’s a very good one.” Okay, so maybe he’s still a little put out by the way Scott treated him about the whole Donovan scenario. 
“Probably not,” the Alpha laughs under his breath, closing the small space to put himself between Stiles’ thighs. “But maybe the guards will be distracted by whatever stupidity he’s half thought out long enough for us and the rest of the pack to slip through and get her out.” Theo grips his waist, kissing Stiles softly, “in a few hours, Lydia is going to be safe, okay?” 
The chimera squeezes his Alpha’s forearms, “yeah. Yeah, okay.” Stiles pulls a smiling Theo into another kiss, paying no mind to the scent of the wolf invading the library. Just maybe, Stiles curls his fingers into his mate’s jacket for a second longer than necessary. But it got Theo to kiss him longer and chuckle into his mouth. So, the chimera will take that as a win. 
“Good to see you’re here together,” Scott snips. Something tells Stiles it was supposed to be a friendly statement. But it oozes disdain. 
Stiles rolls his eyes, “you asked us to be here,” he reminds him with no less coldness in his tone than offered by the wolf. “We’re here. Talk.” Theo laughs through his nose, clearly proud with the chimera no longer taking shit from his ex-best friend. The Alpha moves back so that Stiles can stand up straight, Theo takes his place beside him, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Stiles-” Scott’s voice softens immediately and the chimera just laughs. 
“For fuck’s sake,” Theo cuts him off. “We’re here to talk about Lydia, not listen to whatever pisspoor excuse for an apology you’ve concocted in attempt to brainwash him into feeling guilty again.”
“He can talk for himself,” Scott growls.
“Yes, he can,” Theo agrees with a shrug. “He’s stronger than you give him credit for and is no longer blinded by your bullshit. But I have no problem helping him when someone like you can’t seem to take a hint. A firmer hand, if you will. So either tell us your plan or we’ll leave. It’s that simple.” 
The chimera laughs at the face Scott pulls. “You’re seriously going to let him speak for you like that?” 
The laugh and smile wipe clean off Stiles’ face, “nothing he said was wrong. I don’t mind my mate sticking up for me. It kind of comes with the territory.” 
“Mate?” The wolf’s eyes widen with shock. “That can’t be right.” 
Pulling his shirt away from the crook of his neck while Theo laughs to himself, Stiles glares at the Beta, “what do you call this then? This is the last time I’m going to say it. Talk to me about Lydia or I’m walking out.” 
Seeing he’s not going to get anywhere further in that conversation, Scott huffs. “Kira is going to cause a brown out at Eichen. It’ll be enough to unlock all of the doors without causing the place to go into lockdown.” 
That’s actually not awful. 
Stiles is almost impressed. 
“You still have the mountain ash to worry about,” Theo interjects, curling a hand around the small of Stiles’ back. He leans into the contact with a smile. That’s a very fair point. “We can get through it. You can’t.” Another perfect point. 
“What do you really want here?” Scott narrows his eyes at the Alpha. 
“Well for one, I know you saw the fresco when you and Stiles were looking through the tunnels together. A hellhound and the Beast fighting over a pile of bodies. I’d like for myself and my pack to not be part of that pile.” Theo looks at him with a soft smile, “plus, I can’t deny him anything.” He faces Scott with a smirk, “if Stiles wants Lydia out, then she’s getting out. Plain and simple.” 
“She’s the only one who can pull the teenager out of the Beast,” Scott takes a step towards them, making Theo fix his stance, grip around the chimera tightening. “We need her help.” 
Stiles growls, “see, that’s the difference between me and you.” The chimera scoffs, utterly pissed off, he gets in the wolf’s face. “Lydia’s being tortured and all you care about is what she can do for you. I just want her safe!” 
“If we can save whoever is trapped in the Beast with Lydia, then I’m getting her out,” Scott argues. Stiles snarls at him and the wolf has the gall to look hurt. 
Theo chuckles, grabbing Stiles’ wrist and pulling the chimera back into his arm, “then I guess we’ll just have to see who gets to her first.”
“So we’re really letting them do this?” Josh asks, bouncing on the balls of his feet outside the front door to Eichen. 
Theo, beautifully taking on his role as Alpha set his features soft, but stern, the epitome of proper leadership. “I know you’ve gotten better at controlling the amount of electricity you take from something, but you’re not perfect yet.” Stiles had intended to talk to him about how he presents himself as an Alpha, but from what he can see here, the chimera no longer feels the need to. 
They trust him.
“Kira isn’t either,” the raiju retorts. 
Which, fair point. But that probably has more to do with the fact that Scott’s made her afraid of her own shadow than her lacking actual control. She needs someone to teach her properly. Every step closer Noshiko gets with her, Scott pushes her at least another two back. It’s really fucking aggravating and Stiles hopes that he can help the kitsune to get away from him. Provided she’s not too blinded by her love for him. 
“Can you, with absolute certainty, cause only a brown out? Not send this place into lockdown?” Stiles asks.
The Beta curses under his breath, “no,” Josh mumbles. 
“And that’s okay,” Theo puts a reassuring hand on the raiju’s shoulder, “you’ll get there. I’ll keep working with you on it however long you need.” Keep working? What happens when Stiles isn’t there? Theo being a functioning Alpha, it seems. “But for now, we’ll follow through with the plan. Let Scott do whatever half assed attempt he has going for him and then we swoop in and get Lydia. Okay?” 
Josh nods, his scent losing some of its hurt from his Alpha’s kind words. “Yeah, okay.” 
“You ready?” Theo asks him. 
“Let’s do this,” Stiles pushes the front door open, finding the room empty save for Shrader behind the front desk. He smells Corey somewhere in the room too. He showed up about a half hour ago to make sure the door was unlocked for them. 
Shrader looks up from his paperwork, surprised that someone walked into the building. “Visiting hours are well past over,” he takes in the group of three walking towards him. 
“We’re not here to visit,” Stiles flashes his blue eyes at the man. The nurse’s own widen as Corey comes up beside him fully visible once again. 
“We’re here for Lydia Martin,” Theo smirks, yanking Shrader through the small glass window before he can say anything in argument. Slamming the nurse on the ground, the Alpha hits him in the back of the head, knocking him out and taking his key card. Tossing the thin plastic to Stiles, he says, “Go. We’ll take care of the guards.” 
Stiles debates for half a second. Clutching the key card in his hand until the edges dig into his palm, he rushes to give Theo a kiss. One last nod to the other Betas and the chimera takes off for the patient’s wing. Rounding the first corner, he smells two wolves and then hears Liam telling Scott to hit him. 
“I’ll get angry enough and then we’ll be able to break the door down,” the Beta tries to reason. 
They haven’t noticed his presence yet, so Stiles laughs, swiping the keycard through the slot and sauntering through the now open door, reveling in the fact that they can’t follow him with the mountain ash intact. “Maybe you should rethink who you’re loyal to, Liam,” he turns to face the blonde. “Theo did what Scott wasn’t willing to do,” the wolf in question growls. “He saved Hayden. Now watch me save Lydia because of him too.” 
Winking at the shocked wolves, Stiles runs towards Lydia’s scent. The thick smell of her blood burns his nose the closer he gets. Once in her room, she’s in even more restraints than before and there’s blood staining her pillow and she’s soaked. “What are they doing to you?” He asks, mostly to himself as he tries to undo her restraints. 
“He’s coming!” Lydia rushes out, grabbing the hand trying to unbuckle her wrist. “You’ll die if you stay here.” 
While it’s amazing to hear her voice again, Stiles wishes it wasn’t something so dark. “I’m not leaving you here!” He argues, though he can hear the footsteps getting closer. 
“You have to,” her green eyes dart towards the door, “Stiles, go! Please!” 
Snarling, the chimera flees from her room, ducking into the empty cell next to hers just as Valack rounds the corner. He’s going to get her out of this dammit. Stiles doesn’t care if it kills him. She shouldn’t be here. He’s half paying attention to Valack telling Lydia about how the hole he’d drilled into her head will amplify her abilities and that he hopes she survives it. 
Then, as if that wasn’t enough of a metaphorical kick to the balls, Valack adds another, “is Scott going to save you?” The man sneers. Stiles refuses to call this insane man, this monster, a doctor. He won’t. 
“Someone’s coming,” Lydia drones. “But it’s not Scott.” 
“I can’t believe this is a medical establishment,” Theo growls. 
Thank god. Stiles comes out from his hiding spot, clinging to the back of Theo’s shirt. If he’s here, the chimera doesn’t have to hide. They’re stronger together. 
Regarding them with clear distaste, but also sickening curiosity, Valack asks, “what does a pack of chimeras want with a banshee?” 
Theo smirks, wrapping his arm around the chimera’s shoulder, “what can I say? Stiles gets what he wants.” 
“Well, I hope he wants a hellhound too.” 
“Wha-” Stiles tries to ask, but then there’s a bright light, intense heat, and a loud roar. 
“We gotta move!” Theo slashes through Lydia’s bindings and tries to get her away, doing his best to carefully drag her weakened form out of the room. Stiles can hear fighting as he turns to help his Alpha with the banshee. 
“Sorry, Theo,” Valack says and then there’s a whirring noise. Theo yells, dropping Lydia as he crumbles to the ground in pain, holding his bleeding calf. “I’m not done with her yet.” 
Stiles is knocked off balance when the man jerks Lydia away and runs down the hall with her. Before he can chase after them, Corey, quite literally on fire, crashes into Stiles and they fall to the ground with a hard thud. The smoking chimera lands right on top of him. “Sorry, Corey,” he mutters, rolling the Beta off of him and getting to his feet. He rushes to catch up to Valack, only to have a door slam right in his face. “No!” Stiles shouts, pushing, pulling, banging on the door with all of his new supernatural strength, but the damn thing won’t budge. 
“Let me try,” Theo snarls from behind him, eyes blazing red. Pissed about being wounded and Lydia getting away. Proving his leg either doesn’t hurt or has already healed, Theo kicks the door open in one powerful motion.
That’s hot. 
Give him a break, they’ve had sex twice when both of them had blood on their hands. He’s allowed to be inappropriately turned on by Theo doing something like that at a time like this, okay? Stiles allows himself two seconds to amazed with his mate, “I fucking love you,” he says before darting through the door. 
He hears Theo right behind him, when they reach the base of the stairs, “I have her scent. Come on, this way,” the Alpha says, opening a door that leads to the men’s showers. 
Taking in the shaking, terrified men crouched in the room, Stiles gets nauseous. “Jesus, I don’t miss this place. At all.” 
Theo grabs his arm, pointing at him for emphasis, “I will kill literally anyone who tries to put you in here again. Do you understand me?” 
“I know.” 
The Alpha’s nostrils flare at someone huddled over a grate near the corner. The scared man moves out of their way when they take a step closer. Lifting the heavy mental, Theo regards it with a scowl, “this goes to the tunnels, doesn’t it?” 
“For fucking miles,” Stiles growls at himself, clenching his hands into tight fists. “Theo, they could be anywhere by now,” he doesn’t bother to stop the whine. Fear for the banshee growing to an all time high. Secondary locations and all of that. 
“We’ll find her,” Theo looks him dead in the eye, determination flooding the room. Then he hops down the hole.
Stiles doesn’t think twice, he climbs down the ladder and closes the grate before popping his head back up, startling the men again. “Sorry if we scared you. I’ve been here before and I know this place sucks. You are not the monsters they claim you are.” Some of their hollow eyes light up around a small smile, others just look less scared. He knows just how badly this place can fuck with your head and that most people here, don’t deserve to be. He’ll take that small win of making them feel like people even if for just a moment. 
Closing the gate once more, he catches up to Theo. 
They spend who knows how long in the maze of tunnels beneath Beacon Hills. Not feeling like they’re any closer to finding Lydia. There's no way they've covered it in its entirety either. 
“Dammit,” Theo growls, leaning against the pipes along the walls. “I lost her scent.” 
Stiles scrunches his own, “too many chemicals. Among other things,” he gags at the scent. It’s fucking awful and it kind of smells like death. Stiles doesn’t know how Theo held her scent for as long as he had. “Wha-” he’s cut off by a loud, shrill scream. Startling the Alpha to attention and making Stiles whip around wildly before facing Theo again, “which way did that come from?” He asks, not having honed all of his skills just yet. Self teachings and what little time Theo’s been able to teach him have been few and far between with everything going on. 
“It’s not you,” Theo looks absolutely shook. “It came from everywhere.” 
“Should we split up? Cover more ground?” 
“No,” Theo argues, smelling along the walls. “I’m not losing you, too. Let me try and find her scent again or see if I can hear her at all.”
The Alpha leans towards the pipes again, “wait. Break it,” Stiles says, finding an actually useful bit of information from school. Theo looks confused. “The sound will travel through the pipe and you’ll hear better,” the chimera explains. 
“Duh,” Theo groans. Stiles will chalk it up to the stressful situation they’re in. He knows the Alpha is smarter than that. He was raised by fucking scientists for crying out loud. He’s far from stupid. Theo punches a hole in the pipe and leans in to listen. Stiles tries his best to be quiet, though he desperately wants to ask if Theo can hear anything. “I hear her and Valack, but I can’t tell which way it’s coming from.”
“Okay,” Stiles punches a hole in the same pipe but next to himself. “Come here,” he instructs and Theo dutifully does as told. “Hang on a sec,” Stiles goes back to the hole Theo created and covers it with his hands. “Listen now. Does it sound louder or quieter?” 
“Quieter,” Theo confirms and before Stiles even has to explain, they both take off in the opposite direction they’d come. 
The two chimeras come up to double doors that they hadn’t seen before even being down here on a regular basis. But of course, they won’t budge. “Lydia!” Stiles shouts, hearing her’s and Valack’s muffled voices on the other side. They both bang on the doors, kick, yank, and nothing. Lydia screams again and both chimeras cover their ears, yelling at the piercing sound damn near cracking their skulls. Her screams always hurt his ears, but good god, on his supernatural hearing, it’s a killer. 
And then it stops. What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing and expecting a different result? They’ve never heard of the word and Theo tries the handle again. This time, however, it pops right off. Lydia’s scream must’ve broken whatever lock was in place. Bursting through the doors, Stiles sees her sitting in an operating chair with wires attached to her temples. Valack is dead on the floor with half of his face missing. 
He’s glad he was on the other side of the door now. 
“You came back,” she croaks. 
“Always will,” he assures her.
“We’re getting you out of here, Lydia,” Theo says, helping Stiles get the other cord off of her face.
The banshee startles, grabbing the Alpha’s wrist, “you can’t.” 
“Lydia,” he gently grabs her shoulder, “shut up and let me save your life.” 
Both Stiles and Theo put one of her arms around their necks to help get her out of the room. Turning the corner, Parrish pops up. Not quite on fire, but the cracks in his skin are a vibrant orange. That’s actually really fucking cool if he’s being honest. 
“Stiles,” Theo growls, no doubt worried about a fight. 
“Let him take her,” Stiles tells him quickly. “He won’t hurt her. He can’t.” The Alpha looks at him like he’s grown an extra head. “Banshees and Hellhounds are connected. He needs her. Jordan will help us get her out.” 
Begrudgingly, Theo lets Parrish scoop her up in his arms as she lets out a shrill scream, almost like an amplified whine. It’s no less painful than the last. The three set off in a jog, getting out of the tunnels much faster than had they tried to help her limp her way out. Josh and a very charred Corey are waiting from them by the jeep once they’re topside and Jordan puts Lydia in the backseat. Stiles climbs in after. “What the hell happened to you?” He asks the raiju who seems jittery. 
Theo helps Corey, who's nearly passed out, into the passenger seat before racing to the driver’s seat. Skirting the tires and leaving Parrish at Eichen so they can get Lydia to Deaton’s. 
“He’s working on healing himself for starters,” Josh’s eyes dart around. Like he’s high. But Stiles knows that’s impossible. “Kira was able to cause the brown out, but the amount of electricity overwhelmed her. I took what I could from her.” Now it makes sense. He’s literally hyped up on power right now. “It was a lot more than I thought. I’ll be fine in a few hours.” 
“I’ll take some of his pain when we get Lydia safe,” Theo says from the front seat. 
“How far?” Stiles asks, Lydia letting out another shrieking cry, causing wetness in his ears. 
“Hopefully not much,” Josh says, dabbing his finger. The digit comes back red when he shows Stiles.
The Alpha snarls, “fuck,” slamming his foot on the accelerator. Flying through the streets and pushing Roscoe to her limit. Her poor tires come to a screeching halt, Theo throws himself out of the car, rounding to the passenger side. “You two get Lydia, I’ll grab Corey. Maybe Deaton has something for him that’ll help.” He nods to the side, breathing a mumbled, “if he’ll help.” 
Josh and Stiles carefully carry the banshee into the building. Black veins run on the Alpha’s arms around the chimera he’s carrying. “Deaton,” Stiles calls, “we could use some help.” 
“Mr. Stilinski,” the man says dryly, “I don’t think-” his mouth clamps closed when he sees the state of the two teenagers. “To the back,” he’s already opening the counter for them to come through. “Put her on the table. Theo, I’ll be with you in a second.” 
The Alpha adjusts his stance, rolling his shoulders, “I’ve got him.” 
Placing the banshee on the metal, she writhes, trying to scream again. “You two might want to hold her down,” Deaton digs through his drawers. He comes back with a nasty looking goop and a wide syringe. “This isn’t going to be pretty,” he fills the vial and presses it into the hole in Lydia’s head. 
The reaction is immediate. A yell of pain and more small, high pitched cries. Stiles is getting lightheaded being this close every time. Deaton pushes it into the wound with his fingers and the two chimeras can no longer hold her. Lydia jolts up, screaming the loudest yet, exploding the windows before slumping back to the table. Stiles throws his body over her head, spreading his flannel to protect her from the broken glass. 
“Theo,” Deaton clips, brushing glass off himself. Not angrily, meant to get his attention more than anything. The vet’s hands are already holding a jar of something Stiles can’t see through. His Alpha shakes the glass from his hair and rushes to the man, holding Corey out a bit. “This isn’t a miracle cure by any means. But it should help speed up his healing. It will need to be applied everywhere he’s burned,” Deaton explains, starting to rub the cream into Corey’s face. “Twice a day over the next forty-eight hours.”
“Understood,” Theo nods. “Thank you.” 
“I’d say we’re even now, Mr. Raeken,” Deaton tells him without emotion. 
Theo nods again.
Stiles brushes the stray pieces of glass off the banshee’s cheeks, “Lyds?” 
Josh brushes at the back of Stiles' neck, more glass clatters to the ground. Nice to know someone is looking out for Stiles when he isn’t. Lydia’s heart is beating and she’s breathing, that’s a great sign. But Stiles would really appreciate it if she’d open those beautiful green eyes. Give him something to let him know she’s truly okay. The bells above the door chime and Mason and Natalie barrel into the back room.
“He’s going to be okay,” Theo tries to calm the human cupping the chimera’s face. “Deaton gave us a salve to help his healing. He’s probably going to need help applying it.”
Holding his hand out to Deaton, “I’ll do it,” Mason says without hesitation. 
The banshee’s eyes pinch farther closed and she groans, stirring on the table. Stiles could jump for joy, but he still kind of feels like his heart is going to fall out of his ass. “Mom?” Her voice is strained beyond belief. 
“I’m right here, honey,” Mrs. Martin rushes over to hold Lydia who’s trying to sit up.
Stiles backs off to give her space. 
“He saved me, mom,” Lydia whispers, finally opening her eyes. A soft smile on her lips when she looks at the chimera, “Stiles saved me.”
Ch 12
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader Series
Omega Part 2
Omega Part 1 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Party Guessed | Fury
A/n: hey guys! I hope part one was good, honestly i feel like I could’ve written more but idk i guess as i continue this series I’ll learn what’s a good length for each chapter. ALSO I’m trying to think of a name for this series so if anyone has any ideas, let me know!! Hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Prompt: After leaving Isaac and the cemetery, you made it to the hospital and you, Stiles, and Scott are ready to look for Lydia.
“Is this the one she was just wearing,” Scott questioned. At the moment you three were packed into Stiles’ Jeep trying to figure out your next step in the plan. Stiles glanced at you in the back seat with a look of desperation, you nodded back to try and reassure him the best you can but in a situation like this, is it really possible? He let his eyes meet Scott’s once more before giving a slight nod.
“I’m not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again,” Scott reassured, but to you it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself more than the worried boy in front of him and you couldn’t blame him. Lydia really had gone through the most horrific incident and knowing the fact that Peter, the alpha, had done it to her only means this was the least of her problems going forward.
You shifted in your seat, catching the boys attentions, “We’ll figure this out, we always do, okay?” You gave their shoulders both a squeeze, before they turned from you back to one another. “Alright, well shove the thing in your face and let’s find her,” Stiles sighed while starting up Roscoe, the lights reveal Allison making you three jump in surprise.
“What are you doing here? Someone’s gonna see us,” Scott stressed.
Allison shook her head before responding, “I don’t care, she’s my best friend, and we need to find her before they do.” You furrowed your eyebrows at that statement. It didn’t make sense, who was ‘they’? You noticed Scott also wearing a slightly confused face, “I can find her before the cops can.”
“How about before my father does?”
“He knows?” You and Stiles synced.
“Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs.”
You three quickly glanced at each other, “Search party,” you voiced.
“It’s more like a hunting party.” Allison glanced over at you. You moved from the middle of the seating to behind Stiles’ seat while Scott opened his door to let her in, “Get in.” With that, you were on the road and the long lists of questions started.
“Alright, but if she’s turning, would they actually kill her?” Stiles drove down the road as fast as he could. You turned towards Allison and she shook her head, “I don’t know they wont’t tell me anything. All they say is we’ll talk after Kate’s funeral when the others get here.” You grabbed her arm, “Others?”
“What others?” Stiles questioned.
“I don’t… they won’t tell me that either.”
“Okay, your family’s got some serious communication issues to work on. Scott, are we going the right way?” Scott had his head out the window trying to find Lydia’s scent, if this wasn’t such a stressful situation you might have actually laughed at how amusing the sight was. You called out to him the best you could with the wind in his ears, “Please tell me you picked up on something.” Scott sniffed the air, “Take the next right!”
Stiles turned fast making you and Allison slide into each other, once you had settled back into your seats you glanced at the window when you felt your thoughts become all fuzzy. It was like everything around you blurred and your senses lowered as well, but you felt something. Something so fainted it was hard to focus on but as you try your hardest to listen to it, you realized it felt more like a wave of energy. Suddenly your mind became clear again, everything around you came back from being almost rendered useless to completely heightened.
It was almost like you could feel, see, and touch her but she was no where near you. Almost like some kind of supernatural energy is allowing you to locate her by using some kind of connection. To what, you couldn’t possibly know, this hasn’t happened before. You knew some kind of strange phenomenon happened to you when Scott got bitten. You couldn’t even for sure say when it started but the first time something major happened was when you made your locker close by itself out of anger. After that it just felt like every situation brought on more strange occurrences.
However, you couldn’t think about all that right now. Whatever it was that was happening to you, it was allowing you to possibly find Lydia. You could handle the confusing feelings about everything after she was found and safe.
You finally made it to where Scott was picking up a scent but it didn’t feel right. You decided to keep that part of you quiet since you know to base it on just your ‘gut feeling’ is crazy and there’s no way they would go off that and you wouldn’t blame them. You had no time for uncertainty, you had to find Lydia… before they do.
“She came here? You’re sure?” You picked up your head to see Stiles turning around to look at Scott and Allison, considering they had been trailing behind you and Stiles the whole time, you figured they were discussing something important. Scott nodded his head, “Yeah, this is where the scent leads.” You both looked at each other before Stiles sighed lightly while you two kept up your lead. After barely taking two steps, Stiles turned around again.
“Alright, but has Lydia ever been here?”
“Not with me,” Allison replied.
“It’s possible, it’s not even in her control. If she is in fact turning that is,” you said.
Your suggestion seemed to peaked Allison attention as she turned to Scott, where you could barely hear them discussing about the idea of how packs work. “Is it an instinct to be part of a pack?” You finally heard her question. “Yeah, we’re stronger in packs.”
“Like strength in numbers?”
“No like literally stronger, faster, better in every way.”
“Same for an Alpha?”
You glanced over to see Scott hesitate, “Yeah, it’ll make Derek stronger too. It’s why Peter wanted Scott so bad, not to mention his insane ego problem with that sprinkle of absolute crazy he had,” you turned to them as they looked up ahead at you. “But to be honest, I don’t think she’s here, in fact something tells me, she barely had passed through.” Scott’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “What do you mean?” You shook your head, “I can’t explain it but something feels off, like I don’t think Lydia is anywhere near here anymore but I couldn’t tell you how I know that though.”
“Hey look at this. I think it’s a trip wire,” Stiles said messing with the wire line.
“Don’t touch it, you idiot,” You rushed over to smack his shoulder but it was already too late.
He had tripped the wire and had got his best friend got in it. “Stiles.”
“Yeah, buddy,” Stiles turned to see Scott hanging upside down and you with your hands covering your face. “Next time you see a trip wire, don’t trip it.” Stiles pointed to him, “Yeah, noted.”
Stiles walked over to start to try and release Scott, not before earning a smack on the head from you, which in turn earned you a giggle from Allison.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” Scott said in a rush. You three froze almost simultaneously. He continued, “Someone’s coming, hide.”
No one moved causing Scott to wave his arms chaotically.
Allison and Stiles scattered while you slipped behind a tree nearby in case anything happened. While you technically speaking, had no control over whatever power you gained you knew well enough that emotion triggered it. When it came to Allison’s father, anger was easy to feel. You finally heard his voice once he got close enough.
“Mr. Argent.”
“How are you doing,” Argent inquired.
Barely in your eye line, you could see Scott shrug his shoulders, “Good just hanging out, is this one of yours? It’s good. Nice design, very constricting.” You chuckled slightly, Scott always had a thing for being so socially awkward it almost physically hurt you.
Argent sighed, “What are you doing out here, Scott?”
“Looking for my friend.”
“Ah, that’s right. Lydia’s in your group now, isn’t she? Part of the clique, is that the word you use or is there another way to put, part of your pack?”
You could already feel your body start to shake from anger, he was so infuriating! You understood that his family had a way of doing things and that it had been like that for centuries but Lydia is just kid.. Scott is just a kid! Both were put into the situations they’re in now, so you couldn't even fathom how this grown man, this father, could just so blindly follow his so called ‘code.’
“Actually, clique sounds about right to me,” Scott rebutted.
“I hope so, cause I know she’s a friend of Allison’s, and one special circumstance, such as yourself… One I can handle. Not two.”
There was a moment of pause before he kept with his point. “Scott, do you know what a hemicorporectomy is?”
Scott’s breath shook slightly, “I have a feeling I don’t want to.”
“A medical term for amputating somebody at the waist. Cutting them in half, takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that. Let’s hope a demonstration never becomes necessary.”
All you could see was red, he was threatening Scott? What was this guy’s deal? You were glad that Allison and Stiles were out of ear shot because before you even could think you came out from behind the tree. “Really? Because I’m willing to bet that a certain someone would love to know about this conversation.” Argent glanced at your position next to the tree with a slightly surprised look.
“So unless you would like me to inform said person of this conversation,” you continued, “I suggest you walk away now and go about your night.”
Argent took one more moment to glanced at Scott before standing and turning around to go on his way. Before he could get too far away though you let your voice be heard once more, “And Mr. Argent?” He stopped and his head turned to look over his shoulder, acknowledging your presence again. “We will find Lydia and you will keep you and your men away from her, because if you don’t, I’ll make sure you end up that demonstration… and I won’t need claws and fangs to do it.”
You smiled once his eyes met yours, “Enjoy your night, Mr. Argent. Drive home safe, I’m sure Mrs. Argent is worried about you.”
With that, he left.
A few seconds went by and when they were finally out of sight, Allison and Stiles rushed back towards you, asking Scott if he was okay. To which Scott replied back, “Just another life threatening conversation with your dad.” Allison went to try and get Scott down from the wire asking you and Stiles for help as well. Only for Scott to take his claws and cut himself free when we weren’t paying attention. “Thanks, but I think I got it.” You three glanced at each other with sounds of amusement and agreement before you join Scott back towards the Hale house and back on your search until finally you had to all go home, especially since Allison definitely couldn’t get caught out and about with you guys.
The next morning, you decided you would just walk to school for some fresh air, you knew the route would take you passed the cemetery but what you didn’t know was that there would be a crowd occupying the space as well. Among them happened to be none other than Mr. Lahey, Isaac, and Sheriff Stilinski. You checked your watch and decided being even more late to a lacrosse practice wasn’t too awful, considering you were just the team manager and not a player.
“Sheriff, hi!” Sheriff turned to see your smile and wave, returning the gesture before his expression took on a confused front. “Shouldn’t you already be at school, for practice?” You glanced at the other members in the party as you reached the huddle, while one pair of eyes made you feel a soft and floaty feeling instantly, the other was so cold it made any content emotion you had dissipate. You had also taken notice to a black eye on said soft and floaty eyes, you gained your composure back as fast as you could and shrugged in response to the Sheriff’s question. “Well you know me sir, sleeping in is my middle name.” Sheriff huffed a small chuckle and nodded along.
“Plus, I saw Isaac here and figured he could use a second person to voice to Coach on why he’s running late for practice, he’s on the team, you know?” You gave a nod in Isaac’s direction, Sheriff turned back to the father and son, “You play for Beacon Hills? My son plays for the team. Well, I mean, he’s on the team, he doesn’t technically play. Not yet, anyways It’s-”
“We’re working on getting him to play now.. hasn’t been all that successful, as you know,” You responded, which earned you a raised eyebrow from Sheriff and a soft smile from Isaac. You raised your hands up, “What? It’s true!” Isaac’s glance was no longer on you but behind you, which both of you noticed and turned to see nothing but empty forest.
“Something wrong, Isaac?”
Isaac’s gaze snapped back to Sheriff and he quickly shook his head, “No. Oh, no, sorry. It’s just Y/N’s right, I have a morning practice to get to.”
“Just one more question.”
You readjusted your bag on your shoulder, “I’ll wait for you over there, while you finish up. Mr. Lahey, nice to see you again. See you later, Sheriff.” You received a stiff nod from one man and a slight pat on the shoulder from the other. You made your way back to the entrance of the cemetery and Isaac joined you a few minutes later.
You walked in silence for a while but you just couldn’t handle it anymore, “Where did you get the black eye?” You could feel his panic as he tried to glance at you nonchalantly, “Lacrosse”
“Lies,” You shook your head, “He did it, didn’t he?”
“Isaac please, why won’t you let me tell someone, Sheriff could help and I know he would listen.” He instantly rejected the idea, “It was nothing, just an accident, that’s all.”
“Okay, fine, even if I did believe what you’re telling me. I know for a fact he’s done something and probably stuff a lot worse than I could ever imagine.” You stopped and placed yourself in front of him, your head tilting up to meet his eyes, grabbing his hands, “Look, I know we’re not close, really we hardly know each other outside of chemistry and lacrosse but I do care about you and I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
You felt his whole body freeze for a split second and he took a jagged breath, “I know and I appreciate it, but I’m okay.” You couldn’t have hidden the slight look of disappointment even if you tried but you nodded anyways. The two of you continued your walk in silence until you reached the locker room.
By the time you both made it to the locker room, it seems that you ended up not really being late after all. Coach had started giving a speech that had to do with Lydia. To be honest, you zoned out so all you caught from the whole thing was to contact an adult about anything.. and something about losing a testicle to exposure..
Everyone scattered to head to the field, while you looked for Stiles and Scott, only to find them huddled in the corner with the one person who makes you wish your head would explode.
“If Lydia wants to take a naked hike in the woods, why should I care?”
You walked up to the trio, putting your arms around your boys’ shoulders, “Because, being an apathetic jackass is far from cute, and you’re low on the scale when it comes to that rating already.” You felt both Scott’s and Stiles’ arms wrap around your waist to support your position. “Because we think she might be.. you know, turning,” Scott redirected the conversation.
Jackson sent you a narrowed glance, which you gladly returned, “Into..?”
You three met each others eyes as if you had just been given the most ridiculous logic problem known to man. “A unicorn, what do you think, dumbass?” Stiles snarked. You let your head rest on Stiles’ shoulder before scoffing, “I can’t believe we share oxygen with this guy,” You remarked.
Stiles and Scott gave a slight breath of amusement, while Jackson continued to shoot daggers at your head. Jackson readjusted his feet before looking back at the boys, “Well if Lydia’s turning, I don’t think she’s the one that’s gonna need help.”
“What do you mean?” questioned Scott.
“When I was with Lydia, you should of seen the scratches she left on me,” smirked Jackson.
You huffed, “Yeah, probably out of desperation to escape.” Jackson’s head snapped towards you and you gave him the most sickly sweet/sarcastic smile you could muster. You felt both boys tighten their arms around your waist and squeeze your sides, to let you know to chill out. You just couldn’t help yourself around Jackson, his face alone made you want to give him a right hook to his jaw.
“What do you think she’s gonna do with a set of real claws,” Jackson pushed in between you and Stiles, making you lose your balance and start to fall, luckily Scott’s reflexes allowed him to balance you back on your feet. You scoffed, “God, I really hate that guy.”
Later on, you were at your locker still seething about Jackson from earlier this morning. You banged your fist on the closed locker next to yours and let out a slight yell of frustration while slamming your own locker shut. You turned to find the hallway no longer empty, now housing Isaac, who stood frozen probably due to your outburst.
“You okay?” You felt your face get hot from the embarrassment of your slight tantrum being caught. You let your back lean against the lockers and you shook your head keeping your eyes on the ground.
“Jackson’s such a dick.” Isaac let out a laugh and nod in agreement.
You felt pressure on your shoulder and looked to the side to see Isaac now standing side by side to you, leaning his head down to try and meet your eyes.
“Yeah I think the whole county could attest to that. What did he do?”
There was a moment of silence between you two before you took a breath and slid your back down the lockers, Isaac joining you moments later.
“He just pushes my buttons, this morning the boys were trying to talk to him and he was just being an arrogant ass like always. Just frustrating.”
“I thought you three hated him.”
“Oh trust me, we do.”
“Then why were they even talking to him.” You looked at him for a moment debating on what you should say and deciding on something close to but just not quite the truth was good enough. “They wanted to know if he had known anything about where Lydia could be.” Isaac nodded in understanding. He put his hand on yours, “Hey can I ask you something?”
Your hand turned so that way he was now holding it, “Of course.”
“How did you three become so close?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Me, Scott, and Stiles?” He nodded, you gave a breathy laugh.
“Honestly? We’ve known each other our whole lives basically, I guess our parents all knew each other some how but my parents ended up dying in an accident when I was little, I don’t remember it. Melissa and the Sheriff took me in after that, eventually Melissa took me in full time and I’ve been there ever since. Those two empty headed boys are truly like my brothers, we grew up together and they’ve always been pretty protective of me, I guess it was only natural for us to be so close.”
You let your eyes meet Isaac’s and what you were met with made your heart flutter. He just had the softest look in his eyes, a look that made your whole world seem like it was just you two. You couldn’t even explain it fully if you tried. “Why do you ask?”
Isaac shook his head with a slight smile, never breaking eye contact. “You’re always together so I figured talking about them would help relax you.” Your eyes widened and then as if out of a manic episode you started giggling. “You’re right, it did.”
“Okay then, tell me something else.”
You hummed in response. “Why are you always in the middle?” You chuckled, “You noticed?”
“Yeah, those two will always switch which side of you they stand on but you’re always in the middle, why?”
You adjusted your position on the floor to your shoulder being the part of you that's leaning on the lockers, “Well do you remember that one kid in the third grade, he almost always wore plaid and his parents were both realtors? They moved later on, when we reached middle school,” Isaac nodded, “Okay, well for some reason, that kid was obsessed with me, and I’m talking OBSESSED, but not in like a cute way. He would be nice to me some days and then others it was like his mission to make it the worse day of my life.”
“I went home crying almost every day that first semester, Melissa and Sheriff didn’t know what to do, the school didn’t know what to do either. Eventually, Scott and Stiles came up with this plan, since we were in the same home room, they would stay by my side all day, everyday. 24/7. When we were in the school, there wasn’t a moment they weren’t on either side of me. After that, the boy wouldn’t come near me anymore, I guess there always being an audience to his acts was enough to get him to leave me alone.”
Isaac chuckled, “I guess that’s one way to deter a stalker.”
“Yeah, and then it just became second nature to us, I guess.”
Your world was broken back into reality by a text tone. Stiles. Again.
Why was Stiles always the reason these moments of yours were broken up?
You opened the text to see something about a funeral, the Sheriff and a car disturbance in the woods. “I’m sorry, it’s Stiles, he wants me to meet them somewhere, I should go.” Isaac smiled at you, “Of course, not a big deal.” You didn’t even give yourself time to think, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug and his arms secured themselves around your waist
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Being you.”
A/n: AND THATS ALL FOLKS! I wanted to leave the first episode on a sweet note, especially since Isaac really doesn’t appear too much in the first few episodes. I hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know what you think! Btw this isnt edited so please forgive me for any mistakes lol
Taglist: @somiaw @pecxiebu
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Stiles- Let Me Help
I'm sat in my room with Stiles, we've been secretly dating for a few months now. I found out I was an empath fairy before Stiles and I started to date. I found out because some stupid Wolf, cough cough Peter, decided he was going to bite me and try to turn me into a Wolf. Unlike Lydia who basically went crazy, I just started to feel peoples emotions. I would cry one minute and then laugh the next… ok maybe I did go a little crazy, but at least I didn’t end up wondering round the woods naked. Anyway Stiles helped me to control my powers so I don’t get overwhelmed with everyone’s emotions. I had help from Derek and the others as well. I can now also see into peoples minds and dreams, but this I’m still very new too. Due to all of this I've learnt a fair bit about the supernatural. Wolves, banshees, kanimas, fairies, they’re all real!
I want to help out with the pack more, but Stiles won’t let me, he doesn’t think I’m ready so now we’re having an argument about this for the 3rd time this week
"How much do you know about this stuff?" he asks pacing up and down my room
"Pieces. Half of its like a dream" I sigh not really defending my case in helping
"Well guess what? the other half is a freaking nightmare" Stiles slightly yells
"I don't care. I can help. I can help keep everyone calm I can…” Stiles cuts me off
"You see that's the problem you don't care about getting hurt. Well you wanna know how I'll feel. I'll be devastated if you die I will literally go out of my freaking mind. You see that doesn't happen to you YN it happens to everyone around you ok? To all the people left standing at your funeral trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh? And look at my face huh?” I roll my eyes scoffing at Stiles “come on you actually think this was meant to hurt me? Um.... I'm so sorry" Stiles now says realising how stupid he sounds right now
"Look Stiles I love you and love that you want to keep me safe. But I'm still helping whether you like it or not”
“I hate this, I’m going to worry about you the whole time”
“I know you will, but Dereks been training me to fight. Stiles you know me. If I didn’t feel comfortable, or ready I wouldn’t be sat here arguing with you, but I swear to you I’m ready to help out. You help and your human”
“Thank YN” Stiles looks hurt by this
“No Stiles that’s not what I meant. I’m just saying that I can look after myself. Plus the rest of the pack will be there so if something goes wrong or I do get hurt then they will get me out of there. Even Peter will keep me safe”
"I know” Stiles sighs “ok fine come on, let's go" Stiles sighs in defeat and I smile
"I love you you know" I walk up to him
"I know. I love you too" I press my lips on his before we're interrupted by his phone ringing "come on let's help our friends"
“Time to test out my new powers” I rub my hands together mischievously
“Oh no what’s Derek been teaching you” Stiles whines
“Nothing bad, but I’ll be able to anticipate everyone’s moves, the right or wrong thing to do. My powers pretty cool isn’t it?”
“It’s very cool YN” I feel a rush of happiness run through me. I look at Stiles as we exit my house and enter his jeep. I know the emotion is from him. I take his hand in mine after we enter the jeep and we make our way to the vet clinic
“So do you think your gonna sprout wings next and start flying?” Stiles asks making me chuckle
“I don’t think that’s possible”
“A year ago I didn’t believe in werewolves, banshees, fairies, any of it. Boy was I wrong. Anything’s possible YN”
“I guess, but I’m still not convinced”
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voidsbabe · 3 years
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After we graduated (1)
Pairing: Stiles x female reader
Characters: Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Allison
Summary: Y/N is pregnant with Stiles’s child and they are all graduating. Stiles doesn’t know about Y/N’s pregnancy but he accidentally meets Y/N at the store 7 years later and finds out that she has a baby but no ring on her finger
Word count: 1,3k
Warnings: Please keep in mind that English isn’t my first language
Part 2
Graduation...it felt different. After everything that has happened, it made you feel like you were losing something very important. Your friends. They were everything to you and you were scared as much as Stiles that college is going to break your bond with everyone. You always knew this day would come and here we are. Standing next to each other. Graduating.
“So I guess this is it. We graduated.” says Scott smiling from ear to ear. Everyone nod and look at each other. “I’m gonna miss you guys” you say with eyes full of tears.
“Hey Y/N so when are you going to tell-” starts Allison, but you cover her mouth quickly.
You look about at other students standing near you to make sure Stiles isn’t there.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” says confused Scott looking at you and others.
“I’m going to tell you something but you can’t tell Stiles. You have to promise me that, otherwise I’m gonna haunt you and kill you without any hesitation.” you say deadly serious.
Everyone nod “promise”. You take a deep breath “I’m pregnant and it’s Stiles’s.”
All you can see on everyone's faces is a pure shock. Scott immediately spits his water. “YOU WHAT?” he almost yells in shock but you cover his mouth. “Shut up you idiot! Stiles can be here any minute.” you hiss into his ear. Turns out you were pretty close because Stiles shows up 2 minutes later smiling “Hey hey hey! We can’t be blue about graduating! We still have a long summer ahead of us.”
Indeed, you still had all summer, but you didn’t know how quickly it would end and before you could have even blinked…everything was gone.
7 years later
Living in New York City was always kinda your dream. After graduation, when summer came to an end, you went to Medical School in NYC and that was pretty much the last time you have seen everyone. As you feared, the pack kind of has fallen apart. I mean you still stayed in touch with Allison and Lydia but it wasn’t the same as in High School. You all were grown ups now, you had families and jobs. You really didn’t know how Stiles was doing. You haven’t officially broken up but after summer everything just finished. You were avoiding him due to your pregnancy. The whole pack was trying to convince you to tell Stiles that you are pregnant with his child but you knew that he would leave his internship in the FBI program to be with you and you just couldn’t do that to him. He always has dreamed of that and you felt like telling him would ruin everything so you kinda ghosted him.
After all these years you still remembered his smile and every touch.“Y/N?” You hear your name standing in front of the shelves with pastas. You blink absently.
“Stiles?” You say with a huge shock on your face. You smile a little. He changed. He doesn’t look like a teenager anymore. He’s grown up.
“Omg I haven’t seen you since our last summer as teenagers” says Stiles and rushes to hug you. You hug him tight while closing your eyes and suddenly you feel like everything’s back and you are a teenager again. You smell his cologne and realize that it hasn't changed. He still feels like home.
“Mommy, I couldn’t find my favorite cereal” you hear and immediately everything is gone. You look at your daughter who’s standing next to Stiles right now. She is just like you and him. All mixed up in that beautiful baby girl.
“It’s ok sweetie. I will help you in a minute”
You look at Stiles who looks like he got hit by a baseball bat.
“You have a child?” He asks surprised. You just nod. He turns to Claudia and smiles politely.
“Hi beautiful girl, I’m Stiles. I’m-“
“My mom’s best friend. I know. I’m familiar with you.” Says your daughter. You snicker a little. Yup, that’s definitely your child.
“Oh so you know me.” Says Stiles “let me help you to find your favorite cereal, ok?” Claudia nods and grabs Stiles’s hand just to drag him to the next alley with cereal. Stiles gives you the look which says we have to talk because I need to know everything. You go right behind them. Stiles finds Claudia’s favorite cereal and puts it in your cart.
“What would you say to grab a coffee and some ice cream for this beautiful lady? We could hang out just like we always did. Come on Y/N, I would like to know how’s your life going” says Stiles looking at you with those puppy eyes which unfortunately melts your heart right away. “Fine. One coffee for the old times.” Stiles smiles and grabs your daughter’s hand to take her for ice cream. You pay for your shopping and join Stiles and Claudia.
“So how’s the FBI?” you ask with a curiosity and twinkle in your eyes.
“Pretty good. I’m here in NYC , because I’m investigating the murder of Gianna Cortez but I’m pretty sure you are familliar with that case due to your job and curiosity so let’s move on and focus on you. Just you know, I can’t tell you much...otherwise my boss would kill me.” Stiles looks at you and winks “So who’s the lucky guy?”
You bite your lips “Well, the father is absent so It’s just me and Claudia”.
“I’m sorry to hear that Y/N, but Claudia is a really nice little girl and she seems so smart. I’m really proud of you because being a doctor and taking care of your child on your own has to be really hard and somehow you still manage to do this. That’s impressive.” says Stiles and hugs you. Luckily, Claudia jumps on his lap and distracts him. She also wants to be included in that conversation. Just like her Dad. Exactly like Stiles. You can’t notice how fast time flies with Stiles. Just like the old times. You smile a little and take Claudia from Stiles’s lap. “We have to go Stiles. Claudia’s bed time is soon and my shift is about to start in like 2 hours.” Stiles nods and pays for everything. You take sleepy Claudia to your arms and Stiles carries your shoppings to your car. You check your phone just to make sure that everything is ok and you won’t be late for your shift but something distracts your attention. “Shit” you murmur.
Stiles looks at you worried and confused. “Um, normally I don’t do this but my babysitter has just texted me that she can’t come and I can’t switch shifts. Would it be a problem if you took care of Claudia today? Please.” you ask him kindly. Stiles just smiles and nods his head “That won’t be a problem. Not at all.” You thank him and drive safely to your house.
“So I guess you know everything now. If anything would catch your attention just text me and I will try to get here as soon as possible.” You say and kiss Claudia’s forehead while talking to Stiles. “We will be fine. Don’t worry. I know how to take care of a child.” You nod and kiss Stiles on the cheek. Moments later, you leave them at home.
“So Claudia, where's your Daddy? Stiles asks curiously. Claudia looks at him with sadness in her eyes. “I don’t really know. Mommy told me that my dad was her first true love and that they knew each other from High School” says Claudia and shrugs.
“Wait so how old are you sweetie?” asks really confused Stiles.
“I’m six.”
Stiles’s jaw drops to the floor. This can’t be true. That can't be what I think...She cannot be my child, can she?
Hey guys! Thank you for reading ❤️ Hope you like it!! Ofc working on part 2.
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bluefirewrites · 3 years
‘A Flowery Back-And-Forth’- Juke Florist!AU
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Juke AU where Julie’s mom had owned the Petal Pushers Floral Company, now run by her Tía Victoria and she helps by delivering orders on her bike. 
Another riff from the Triad Chat Vault. Happy JATP Appreciation Month!
"Alright, I'm on it, Willie!" Julie calls out, slipping the arrangement in her basket, foot primed to pedal-
"Wait!" Willie sidles up to her with a conspiratorial smirk, "Can you do me a teensy weensy favor?"
Her eyes shut, already groaning, "No, no. Willie, no-"
The skater sticks out his bottom lip, pouting, "Please? I'm willing to pay for the 'Julie Molina Special'"
Julie points to the sign hanging in the Petal Pushers shop, "Do you see a 'Julie Molina Special’ or arrangement up there?"
Willie presents her a wad of cash.
She eyes it warily, "You're shelling out so much for this, aren't you?"
"It's Alex," he says, eyes twinkling, "He deserves the best," he elbows her playfully, "Right?"
Shit. Romance isn't dead after all.
And Julie does need the money.
"Okay, fine," she pockets the cash and mounts her bike "One 'Julie Molina' delivery special coming up."
"Yes!" he hugs her from behind, careful not to squash the flowers, "Thank you. He'll appreciate it for sure."
"I'm doing this for you," she rings the bell and starts rolling down the street, "And you better properly introduce me to your boyfriend next time!"
"Here you go, courtesy of your boyfriend,"
"Will do!"
Julie bikes over to the address, not too far from her house. 
“He’s in band practice right now, so take the flowers there,” Willie had told her. 
She could already hear the music flowing from the garage as she pulls up and parks her bike. Carefully scooping up the bouquet, she knocks on the double doors. 
It takes a moment for anyone inside to notice the knocking due to the loud music (which is pretty good from what Julie has heard so far. And she doesn’t really listen to much music anymore). 
The guitars and drums are put to a halt. Then a voice calls out. 
“Who is it?” 
“It’s Petal Pushers Floral Company. I have a delivery for an ‘Alex Mercer’?” 
“Cool. Come on in.” 
Heeding instruction, she pushes the doors open and walks inside. She spots Alex immediately, by the drums. The blonde raises his hand and Julie comes forward with the large bouquet Willie ordered for him.
"Um..." Julie e starts, rubbing her hands together nervously, "There's more."
"Thanks!" Alex blushes, admiring the rainbow of flowers collected.
“And the card,” 
Alex quickly swipes the card, eyeing his bandmates in case either of them would dare to steal it and read it outloud. He reads the note to himself and he blushes even more. 
“Happy One Month, Hot Dog,” he recites an excerpt for everyone, to which they all go ‘aww’. Then Alex nods at her, “And you’re Julie, right? Willie tells me all about you. Thanks for coming by.” 
“Really no problem. Just doing my job. As a delivery girl and his friend.” 
Speaking of friend duties...
Then she looks around the room and shrinks in on herself seeing that she does have an audience, one that she recognizes. 
There’s Reggie from her Home Ec class and the other boy, Luke, she thinks, the one she always spots with a guitar case in his hands.
"Um..." she starts, rubbing her hands together nervously, "There's more."
"Oh," Alex says, surprised, "Really?"
"I don't know what it is that makes me love you so...I only know I never want to let you go...'" she sings, snapping to the beat, trying hard not to look at anyone else but Alex.
I'm so gonna kill Willie for this...
She clears her throat. And goes for it. 
"'Cause you started something, can't you see...That ever since we met you've had a hold on me...”" she starts moving around the space, spinning and dancing like an old-timey singing-gram.
Coming back around, she catches eyes with Luke, and she immediately averts her eyes, turning red.
No, Julie... just keep singing. This would all be over soon. So you won't have to keep embarrassing yourself in front of cute boys...
“It happens to be true.... I only want to be with you!" she finishes on own knee, with jazz hands.
She's met with a round of applause as she stands up, feeling awkward.
"Wow!" Reggie claps, "Your boyfriend got you flowers and a pretty girl to sing you a song."
"That was great," Alex beams at her, "You're really good!"
She blushes, waving off the compliments, "Not really a thing we do at the shop, but Willie insisted."
"What a shame," Luke finally pipes up, his eyes never having left her ever since she walked in, "I bet a lot of people will buy flowers... if they're being delivered like that."
Julie swears she's glowing red like Rudolph at this point, with the way he stares. 
Julie walks her bike up to the garage, finding only Luke there playing away on his guitar.
"Thanks..." she mutters shyly, rushing out the door and towards her bike, “Have a good one guys. And you sounded great by the way.” 
“We’re Sunset Curve,” Luke shouts after her. 
“Tell your friends!” Reggie follows up. 
Julie politely waves at them and bikes away, all too keen to continue on with her route and try to put this whole embarrassing moment behind her. 
If only Luke Patterson was planning to do the same. 
Ever since she made the delivery, the guy would try to flag her attention at school. With a ‘Hey Flower Girl’ and striking up conversation, which throws her off balance. 
She tries not to associate with people in the music program as often, not since she left due to... personal reasons. (Flynn is a notable exception)
Julie would be friendly, to Alex and Reggie to an extent as well, (to Alex especially since he is Willie’s boyfriend), but she’s just trying to get by with her busy schedule of school and her job at the flower shop. 
She goes to work after school two weeks later and makes her rounds with the deliveries Tía sends her on. Tía only gives her the remaining orders that the trucks couldn’t take, last minute ones that are within riding distance.
(Julie can’t wait until she’s able to get her license and really make a contribution to her family’s business). 
She’s just about to call it a night when Tía surprises her with one last minute arrangement. A call made while she was out. 
It’s about 6 at this point, getting darker and so she packages the bundle of peonies quickly, puts it in her basket and looks at the address. She rolls her eyes when she reads where it’s going and who it’s for. 
She knocks against the door, bearing the small bouquet of peonies, "Ahem?"
It startles the boy and he fumbles with his instrument. He looks up to find her standing there and grins. Soon, the guitar is off his person and he's meeting her at the door.
"Hey," he greets.
"Hi," she smiles, although confused, "Delivery for 'Luke Patterson'?"
The boy glances around the empty space before feigning realization, "Oh! That must be me!"
"Looks like," Julie couldn't help but giggle. She gives him the flowers, their hands making brief contact during the exchange. 
"You like peonies?" Luke sniffs the flowers, playing with the paper wrap.
She pulls back, clearing her throat. She wants to ask that question at the forefront of her mind, but she really shouldn’t assume anything about their customers. But she couldn’t help but wonder who the flowers are for. 
So she just settles for: "Nice arrangement.”
"They're pretty, yeah,"
He tilts his head, "But are they your favorite?"
Julie purses her lips, "Nope. Not really."
"I swear you give me a peonies kinda vibes,"
"That's a thing?"
Setting down the flowers onto the table, Luke nods, "Oh yeah. Don't you try and guess what kind of flowers people would buy when they come in?"
"But still," he pinches a peony from the bunch and offers it to her and Julie's breath hitches.
"For you,"
She crosses her arms, despite the butterflies. Instead of accepting it, she raises an eyebrow at him.
"I'm not one to take a customer's flowers,"
He shrugs, "Consider it a tip?"
"Why? ‘Cuz you don't have any money?" she jests, making her way down the driveway.
"C'mon, Julie," he calls from the open garage, "Here." he holds out the flower again.
Rolling her eyes, she mounts her bike, "I'm not a peony-kind of girl, remember!"
"I'll figure out what kind of girl you are," he says, almost like a promise.
"Good luck with that!" she shouts back, racing down the driveway and onto the street.
The last thing she sees is him grinning like an idiot in the doorway, tossing aside the peony, and watching her ride off into the evening.
Little does she know that this is only the start of their little flowery back-and-forth...
Tagging: @blush-and-books​​ @lydias--stiles​​  @thedeathdeelers​​ @ruzek-halstead​​, @pink-flame​​, @ourstarscollided​​, @nottheleastbrave​​, @echocharm17618​​ @smolfangirl​​ 
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