#this is also my first time doing a proper backround—
x3n0-has-moved · 2 years
Happy Friday the 13th everyone! Remember to not have sex near lakes, or just don’t have sex in general
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hansoeii · 5 months
Hello! Hope you're having a great day/night! I absolutely adore your art, you are one of my favourite artists. I love the way you shade and do backrounds. Also everytime I get into a new show I immediately see your art for it??
I was wondering if you had any advice on drawing more realistically (backrounds, anatomy etc) but still keeping a style?
Hey hey!
Thank you so much!
I have a pretty good understanding of facial structures, because before I got into drawing more semi-realisticly, I heavily focused on realistic portraits. Here are some example, these are from around 2019!
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(yes, I was really into danmei and kpop back then, haha)
I just always loved drawing/painting faces and it was all I did. But at some point I realized that I wanted to do more than that because just portraits felt super restricting. So it took me around 2-3 years to somewhat find my style. Thought it would be fun to show a little timeline! Advice will follow afterwards :)
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I began working on my OCs in 2020 and since I didn't have an exact reference to work off of, I struggled a lot. My art from this year is super wonky.
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Still wonky, but the Lokius obsession was the jumpstart into finding my style! My work from this year is all over the place haha, I was experimenting a lot.
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This first ofmd piece is pretty much the first drawing where you can see where my style is gonna go, which I think is pretty cool! This is the year I made the biggest progress cos I was drawing SO much. These two pieces are only six months apart. The one on the right was the first time I gave drawing a background a proper go, too! It was a good year.
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And this is where I am now! I'm still constantly learning and improving, but I'd say I have a style you can recognize now!
Now here comes some actual advice, haha:
What I highly recommend you to do is to study your favorite artists as much as you can! I have like 5 A4 sketchbooks all from 2020 that I filled with sooooo many studies, where basically all I did was look at artists I like and copy how they draw stuff, to try and figure out how to stylize certain things. Some of my favorite artists are Ami Thompson, Velinxi and TB Choi. But I also liked to just scroll through pinterest and study all the art I came across that I liked! For example, if I saw a really great drawing of a pair of pants I would copy it many times in my sketchbook and try to learn how they stylized the folds. Doing this for a prolongued period of time will naturally improve your own work! It'll be difficult at first, but you gotta push through, it's gonna be worth it!
I also highly recommend studying unique faces to try and avoid the same-face syndrome. Find some cool looking people and try to draw them as simple as you can! Maybe even draw a little timeline where you first draw them as cartoon-y as you can, and keep going until you end up with a more detailed, realistic drawing. Maybe in the middle of it you find a step that feels the most fun to you, so you can try to build on that! It's a great way to figure out what kind of style might be the best for you.
Here are some cool faces I found on pinterest!
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I have a pinterest board with many more!
One REALLY important part of learning how to draw all kinds of things is to understand forms and shapes and how to manipulate them. I have so many pages in my sketchbook filled with just shapes that I drew from all kinds of angles without any references.
This is a great video on it:
6 Ways to Draw Anything by Proko
Learning how to do this is so crucial! Young artists often think they first have to learn all kinds of detailed anatomy before doing anything else, but all that's gonna do is make you tired and hate drawing. Shapes are where it's at! Once you understand how shapes work and which ones to use for certain parts of bodies or objects, drawing is gonna get so much easier! Once you understand them, you can get into details such as muscles and bones!
And honestly the most important point is to just absolutely love what you're doing! I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for the fact that I get extreme hyperfixations on certain media that turn me into some kind of beast where I can suddenly draw 10 detailed illustrations a week, haha. Just be passionate about what you do, find something you REALLY love and go crazy!
I really hope this was somewhat helpful! My inbox is always open if there's any more questions :)
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luvskywalker · 3 years
a long time: bucky barnes x reader
word count- 1.5k
warnings- described grief/depression, emotional hurt/sort of comfort, post endgame
a/n- HI EVERYONE!! so after this i am probably going to try and resume prideful piloting, i love the series so much and i want to see it go somewhere, i’ve just been really coming up empty when trying to write it. now, i have some more ideas for the series so hopefully ill have a new part out soon. also, i am so so soft for bucky and i just want to see him happy so i wrote this while i was crying last night LMAO
healing hearts always took time, anyone knew that. you never thought you would hurt this bad, you never thought that one day you wouldn’t be an avenger anymore. things change, though, especially after losing three of your closest friends. in just a year you had gone from having everything to losing it all, and in 2023, after saving the universe, you decided you couldn’t do it anymore- not now. with a little help from pepper you found a work at stark industries, and with that, bought yourself a small apartment. you had grown sick of the painful memories the compound brought, sick of the anguish brought on by seeing your suit tony made, or the dress natasha let you borrow, or steve’s old jacket you stole from him. you tried to erase it, to leave and go back to the city, to try to retire from hero work, but it was like you could never have peace. no matter what you did, it was still so hard, especially living alone, because sometimes it was like all you could do was grieve for what you’d lost. on those days, you’d barely move around your apartment and if you had to work, pepper noticed. your mind wasn’t as sharp and your shoulders were droopy so she would just send you home with a pat on your shoulder and a look of understanding. she knew. then, you’d spend the night with thoughts eating you alive, why did steve leave us, why couldn’t it have been me instead of nat, why didn’t tony let someone else snap, why can’t i be as strong as everyone else? how come they’re not hurting still?
it just hurt, so damn much, but you had to tell yourself it was okay. it was okay to hurt, okay to grieve. you got to be human now, not having to save the world, and you could focus on saving yourself.
and now, well, it was long past 2 am and you were still wide awake.
the city outside your window never slept, and it seemed that you didn’t either because each night, when you let yourself rest, all you saw was nat letting go of your hand and falling into the rocky floor of vormir.
so when someone knocked on your door, you weren’t startled awake, you just shuffled over to open it. this time, bucky was at your door.
“cant sleep?” you asked him, worry in your eyes.
he had taken to showing up at your apartment, and though you truly didn’t know why, you appreciated the company. loved it, even.
“didn’t bother to try.”
bucky was not a man of many words.
“wanna talk about it?” you asked, testing the waters, because sometimes he would but sometimes it would get too much for him and he would break down.
he just shook his head and sat down on your couch.
when he did that, you tried to change the subject.
“you know,” you started,
“i heard that you really liked to dance back in the day.” you said with a small grin.
he looked up at you, a glisten in his eyes you couldn’t quite decipher- nostalgia? excitement? sadness?
“i was the best dancer in brooklyn, doll.”
he gave you a look that put the ache in your heart on pause briefly.
“teach me.” you spoke softly, and held your hand out to him.
“i don’t know how much has changed,” he said while taking your hand and rising from the couch, “but we used to dance to music.”
he wore a sarcastic smirk as his eyes looked into your own.
“really? i had no idea.” you replied with a roll of your eyes, before pulling your hand out of his.
“give me a second then.”
you turned and walked to the corner of the room, where an old fashioned record player lie.
you put the first record you saw in and dropped the needle, the sound of a trumpet resounding softly from the speaker.
he held his hand out to you this time, and your stomach gave a little flip at the contact.
kitty kallen’s voice emerged as you danced hand in hand with bucky in your kitchen, and when you looked at him you swore there were tears in his eyes.
“this song..” he began, voice thick with emotion.
“it reminds me so much of him, caught him listening to it a lot.”
he spun you around, and you listened to bucky as the music swelled in the backround.
you risked another glance to his face, and noticed a tear trickle down his face as his jaw clenched.
“i miss him a lot,” he choked out, “he was all i had.”
you looked into his blue eyes full of hurt and you wished you could take both his and your pain and throw it out the window.
“you’ve got me now, buck.” you whispered, a sad smile present on your face.
“yeah, i guess i do.”
you lay a hand on his cheek, and brushed away a tear.
the song continued, haven’t felt like this my dear, since can’t remember when.
you kept your hand on his cheek, now barely swaying to the song.
“you know, i bought this record for him,” you explained, “i read it was one they used at the end of the war, to welcome someone home,” your voice started to waver, and your eyes welled up with tears. but, they weren’t the tears of pain. it was odd, because usually you wanted to keep the memories locked away- keep the grief hidden- but now the memories didn’t cause misery, and you looked back at this one with a bit of joy.
bucky nodded for you to continue, looking so deeply at you, making your heart pick up a little in speed.
“it seemed like he was always fighting some war, and when i played this song for him, he had peace just for a moment.”
a teardrop leaked from your eye, but a smile graced your face.
“neither of us knew how to dance, we stepped on each other’s feet so much”
bucky laughed then, unshed tears making his eyes glisten in the moonlight shining through your window.
“sounds just like steve.”
you laughed too, and continued.
“he was my best friend, yours too. why did he go?”
bucky just shook his head. you both really knew why he went back for her, but it didn’t mean it made sense. your tears stopped falling and so did his, in time with kitty kallen singing out the final line of the song.
“you said they played this when the soldiers came home?” bucky asked you, brows slightly furrowed.
“yeah, why?” you gave a tilt of your head in question.
“it’s nothing.”
you shook your head with a smile, knowing it wasn’t nothing like he had said.
your hand had since moved from his cheek to lay back on his shoulder, and he shifted a little, moving his from your hips to around your neck. the cold vibranium sent a chill through your bones, but you didn’t mind it.
“never got that welcome home like everyone else did.” he said, a solemn smile gracing his face.
“consider this your welcome home then.” you responded, and the band crescendoed, meaning the song would end soon.
you both resumed dancing, bucky giving you one more twirl, and just as the song started to end, you pulled him in toward you more.
“gotta give you a proper welcoming, sargeant.” you breathed out, and bucky caught on, leaning in toward you.
the song began to fade out, just as your lips met his, but a symphony roared in your mind.
his lips were soft against yours, and it seemed to be a perfect fit.
you felt bucky smile into the kiss, and when the song finished, he reluctantly pulled away.
your forehead rested against his, and you couldn’t stop smiling for the first time in five years.
and bucky, he felt like he might actually be happy for the first time since 1945, if he got to dance with you around your apartment and kiss you like he just did.
he pulled away more, so he could look at you, and look at you he did. he looked at you like you had hung the moon and the stars in the sky.
“i think we should dance again, doll.” he mused, eyes lingering on your own.
you agreed, and went to replay the record.
the trumpet echoed in the room, and you spun around the room, no tears, just soft smiles and breathy laughs as he guided you through simple steps.
it’s been a long, long time, the voice sang, and bucky dipped you as you laughed airily.
“can i kiss you again?” bucky asked, as the song continued, kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again.
you took the initiative once again, bringing his lips to meet your own for another time.
you both were wrapped up in eachother, relishing in the joy of being able to really live again, for the first time in.. a long, long time.
so yeah, everyone knew healing hearts took a long time, but they do always end up healing, especially when you have someone to help patch the wounds.
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kae-karo · 3 years
For the character ask, Kazu (or Thoma just in case someone already asked for Kazu) ❤️
hello epi!!!!! 💜 i actually have not had anyone ask for kazoo yet!!
How I feel about this character:
from a gameplay perspective, he is honestly kinda op lmao i'm so glad i decided to pull for him. he's my main travel character like when i'm walking around, mostly cause his E is so good for...literally every kind of travel? like i used to have kaeya or childe even out most of the time but kazoo is just perfect for the first attack like gathering all the enemies together n stuff??? he's super great paired with bennett since his primary elemental absorption is pyro, but since benny doesn't have huge pyro application most of the time, i can steal kazoo's burst or E to get some solid pyro application. once i got that down from a mechanics perspective, it's like. supremely badass. kazoo also pairs well with childe since i can drag all the enemies together and then bap them with childe's Q?
from a design perspective, he is babie. i adore his hair and the maple leaf theme, he's very flowy and fits well with the anemo vibe even if he isn't blue/green (understandably lmao). i actually like the red tho it's a nice color scheme for him
from a character perspective, i adore him. i wish we'd gotten a proper story quest for him instead of just the pre-inazuma thing? he's such a fun balance between peaceful and lowkey a little unhinged lmao like YES give me haikus and then threaten to burn someone's face off or whatever u did ily bb. i also find his backstory super interesting with lots of places to expand on it either in canon or just in fanon lmao
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
TOMO 🥺🥺 that's definitely my primary (only?) kazoo ship
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
i realize now that this says 'otp' but i will continue to ignore it in favor of listing off all the chars i want to see them be friends with lmao. i think i said on the kaeya one that he and kaeya would be a fun friendship lmao. i also do adore kazoo beidou friendship!! i also think canon gorou's lil 'KAZUHA!' when he saw kazoo again was cute i'm here for their friendship for sure. i think he could get along well with xiao since they both sort of do the silent anemo wanderer thing lmao. good travel companions i think, if kazoo ever stayed in liyue. oh! i think he xingqiu and hu tao could be a riot in terms of their poetry too lmao
My unpopular opinion about this character:
hmm...again, i feel like i have very little in the way of unpopular opinions. maybe this is a stretch but i think (?) it's popular to view kazoo as the subby, delicate wifey type? and i really don't vibe writing him that way at least. don't mind reading it, but not really my thing to write it?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
TOMO INTERACTIONS i would've loved/would love a story quest that further explores what happened to tomo, where he came from, etc in the sense of like. maybe kazoo grieving? or smth? if i were writing it personally, i'm not sure how i'd go about it, but 1. i simply can't imagine kazoo really just. setting that vision there and leaving it (knowing that ppl want to steal it?) and 2. just fully letting tomo go (and the CAT the cAT) idk it feels like there could've been a bigger emotional impact if we'd had some more backround beyond just 'they were friends and then he DIED' like a full story quest centered around kazoo coming to terms with him truly being gone? idk that whole bit felt insufficient to me lmao. i would also like to see him...do some more wandering? like...not just on inazuma and in the crux fleet? he makes a big deal out of being a wanderer, i feel like it'd be fun to have him show up in other countries and stuff
my OTP:
tomo, without question lmao
my cross over ship:
hmm. is it cheating if i say todoroki again? (not as a romantic ship) lmao i think their senses of humor would align surprisingly well. plus red/white matchy matchy lmao. and a burn? it's all coming together....does this make dabi = tomo? i'll take a 'tomo didn't actually die but got kidnapped by the fatui on the brink of death and they turned him into a harbinger' 👀👀
a headcanon fact:
hmm....i mean aside from his past which is purportedly rather straightforward, i really don't know if i have much in the way of creative thoughts here lmao. is it a hc to say he and tomo were more than just besties?
send me genshin ships/chars to talk abt or rank!
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sick-in-luv · 4 years
Yandere!Alien (Atlas) Pt1
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A/n:Got this idea and just had to write it👽
Warnings⚠️: gore?
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'So this is what they meant when they said humans are made of stars' Altas thought,scoffing as his hands dug deeper into the open chest cavity of the man laying in front of him. The smell of iron was heavy in the air as blood pooled around them,staining the overalls Atlas had taken from him
"ꉓꂦꎭꍟ ꂦꈤ! ꀤ ꀭꀎꌗ꓄ ꈤꍟꍟꀸ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ...ꍏꃅ ꃅꍏ!" The man was still alive,his quick breaths coming out gargled as blood gathered in his mouth. Atlas moved his hand up into the man's throat, his fingers wrapping around his larynx.
He pressed his pointed nail into the soft tissue,a glowing green liquid flowing into the mans veins,spreading across his face and neck. Atlas sighed as he watched the man squirm,his strength slowly fading.
"ᖘ꒒ꍟꍏꌗꍟ ꌗ꓄ꂦᖘ ꎭꂦᐯꀤꈤꁅ ꃅꀎꎭꍏꈤ. ꀤ ꂦꈤ꒒ꌩ ꈤꍟꍟꀸ ꓄ꂦ ꓄ꍏꀘꍟ ꀤꈤ ꌩꂦꀎꋪ ꒒ꍏꈤꁅꀎꍏꁅꍟ ꍏꈤꀸ ꌗᖘꍟꍏꀘꀤꈤꁅ ᖘꍏ꓄ꍟꋪꈤꌗ. ꅏꂦꈤ'꓄ ꌃꍟ ꒒ꂦꈤꁅ." True to his word,Atlas moved his hand out of the man only a few seconds later,a satisfied smile on his face.
"There! Ain't that much better?" He said gleefully,testing out his new voice,the slight southern drawl making him pause. "Weird,not what i expected it would sound like after i heard you scream."
Atlas shook his head " well I guess it doesn't matter. Now,lets close you up shall we?" He smiled,moving to stand up and walk back to his landing area to find the tool he needed.
He froze however when he heard a click,followed by something cold and hard pressing against the back of his head.
"M-make one move and I'll blow y-yer goddam brains out!" Atlas sighed and stood up,hearing the person behind him gasp and stumble backwards, falling over and dropping his gun in the process.
Atlas turned around and looked down at the terrified man,blinking in surprise as he saw the striking resemblance between him and the other man who was barely clinging to life behind him.
"D-demon" Atlas heard the man mumble as he picked up his shotgun,pointing it at the 7ft tall blood coved figure in front of him. "Y-you killed my brother"
Atlas frowned,trying to find the right words to tell the man that his brother wasn't dead. He moved forward only to stop when he heard a loud bang,followed by a seering pain in his side as the man pulled the trigger.
You always loved coming to visit your uncle. His small cabin in the woods was so peaceful,a huge change from the city life that you were used to.
There was nothing but farmlands and forests for miles, so apart from the occasional sound of an animal,it was quiet.
You were alone in the cabin. Your uncle left earlier to go to work,leaving you to do what you wanted until he came back.
Of course, there wasn't much to do,so you opted for sitting in front of the old box tv in the livingroom,eating microwave pizza and trying to solve crossword puzzles
It wasn't much,but it kept you entertained. The TV was only on for backround noise,but occasionally something interesting caught your eye,like when the news broadcaster started talking about a foreign object entering orbit.
It didn't hold your attention for long though,because soon after she said that the signal cut out,leaving nothing but static on the tv. You sighed but didn't bother to try and fix it, only shrugging before going back to your puzzle.
About half an hour and 3 puzzles later you decided to go to bed,seeing as your primary source of entertainment was down and you already finished the last slice of pizza.
After a short shower,you threw on a oversized t shirt and went to brush your teeth,moving sluggishly through your suitcase to find your toothbrush.
After finally finding it along with your mouthwash and hairbrush,you moved back to the bathroom. You desperately tried to keep your eyes open as you moved the toothbrush through your mouth,nearly falling asleep at the sink before a loud bang sounded out outside.
You let out a short scream,your toothbrush slipping through your fingers as you jumped. You scrambled to try and catch it only to loose your footing and fall over backwards,hitting your head on the side of the tub.
You sat there for a second,toes curling in pain as your hands shot up to where your head was throbbing.
The pain subsided after a few seconds,and you cursed your neighbors for thinking it was okay to start shooting at this hour of the night,slowly standing up and making your way back to your room.
"Stupid Clive and his stupid guns. It's 2 am for god sakes. I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind when i see him again that no good little-" you stopped abruptly as you heard something shuffling outside.
"Whaaaatt the fuck" you whispered to yourself,slowly moving towards the front of the cabin to peek out the window. You grabbed a phone on the way,getting ready to call your uncle if it was something serious.
Pulling back the plaid curtain,you scanned the dimly lit porch,holding your breath in anticipation.
Once you were certain that there was nothing there,you let out a relieved sigh,moving to close the curtain and finally go to bed,when a very large blood covered hand slammed against the window.
You let out a scream,your knees going weak, once again sending you towards the ground. You grabbed the phone,filled with adrenaline as you started dialing your uncles number until-
"H-help. Puh-please! I-I need help" you paused putting the phone down and listening. You heard a pained groan followed by a weird chittering noise.
You slowly got onto your knees,peeking out the window,passed the bloody handprint,to see a person laying on the wooden porch,covered in blood.
"Oh shit!" You ran towards the door,not even hesitating as you threw it open,rushing towards the person.
"Oh shit oh fuck a-are you okay? Oh damnit! come on lets get you inside." The man groaned and sat up slowly,and you had to keep yourself from gasping at not only his height,but also the mess of unnaturall, almost glowing neon green hair on his head,almost completely covering his eyes.
"Holy shit." You heard the man let out a pained chuckle "wow your teaching me all sorts of new words"
You raised your eyebrow,wanting to ask him what he meant when he let out another groan. "Ah,lets get you to the bathroom yeah? We got a first aid kit in there i think." You quickly stood up,throwing his large arm over your shoulders and trying to help him up. He must've noticed your struggle, because he let out another chuckle and supported more of his own weight, only occasionally leaning on you as you led him to the bathroom.
It was only when you saw him under the florescent light when you noticed that his skin had a strange greenish hue to it,and he was wearing clothes that didn't really seem to fit him properly. You paid no mind to it as you helped him sit down on the toilet,frantically scrambling to find the first aid kit.
"What happened to you? You look like you were run over." You cringed at yourself. You really didnt mean to sound so blunt but you were still filled with adrenaline from the big ass scare he gave you.
"A silly human shot me with his primative weapon. Unfortunately i couldn't reach my ship in time to grab any of my healing supplies or any proper covering so i opted for finding the nearest form of civilization."
You paused at his words,slowly turning to look at him,first aid kit clutched in your shaking hands. You looked up at his tall form sitting calmly with his hand pressed against the wound in his side,his jet black eyes looking straight into yours.
Wait a minute
Black eyes.
"H-human? Ship? What the fuck are you on about my guy?" He smiled sweetly,showing off his razor sharp teeth. Al three rows of them.
Your eyes widened as you slowly backed away,causing his smile to fade. "Oh! Oh nono no human don't look so afraid! Im not here to hurt anyone! And I'm certainly not going to hurt you after you let me into your home"
You shook you head and stood still,not letting your gaurd down just yet. "How do i know your telling the truth? What are you?"
He made a little chittering noise,moving a bit of neon green hair out of his eyes. "Ah yes. I forgot your species hasn't had any public outside contact yet. My name is Atlas. I am what your kind know as an 'extra terrestrial' or an 'alien' or whatever" he stood up,slowly moving towards you.
He stopped just inches away and bent down to look you in the eye,his own black orbs glistening in the light. "As for the whole truth thing,well I really don't have any reason to lie to you pet."
He placed his large hand over the first aid kit,gently pulling it from your grip and moving closer towards your face,his nose brushing yours. You felt heat rise to your cheeks as he sighed softly.
"Your a good little human right? So i really have no desire to hurt you." He suddenly stood up straight, making you squeal softly. "But i do really need you to help me repair my injuries."
You let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding,before looking up at Atlas,who was struggling to open the box,turning it over in his hands multiple times.
After taking a few more deep breaths,trying to process everything,you giggled softly making him stop and look at you.
"What are you doing?" Atlas huffed and felt around the box again. "Where is the scanning device?? How do you open this stupid thing??" Your giggles turned into full blown laughter as you took the box from him,pressing the small latch and opening the box.
He looked at you in awe for a second before crossing his arms. "Primitive human devices" you snorted as you laughed harder ,bringing your hand up to your mouth to try and stop the noises.
Atlas gave you a deadpan look scoffing and sitting back down on the toilet. Once you calmed yourself down enough,you moved over to him. "Wow i can't belive i was terrified of you a second ago" you smiled pulling down the straps of his overalls.
He scoffed again and bared his teeth. "Oh you should be terrified now little human. Lauging at my struggles. How dare you" you laughed again,before lifting his shirt amd kneeling between his legs to be eyelevel with his wound. "My name is (Y/n) by the way. Not "little human" you stared in slight surprise at the odd dark blueish color of his blood before grabbing a rag from the box and covering it in rubbing alcohol.
Atlas made a noise as you pressed the alcohol covered rag onto his wound,leaning back to grant you more access.
He hummed as you continued to clean the wound,a small smile on his face. "I'll call you whatever i want little human" you looked up at him,confused at his happy tone.
"Doesn't this hurt? Why do you look so happy?" Atlas chittered again and looked down at you "I like the burning."
You blushed a bit and opened your mouth to say something before a loud knock came from the front door.
"Damnit what now?" You stood up slowly,throwing the rag in the sink. "Just be quiet,they'll think no ones home." You grabbed a bandage from the box and went to bend down again and finish fixing his wound before a familiar voice stated yelling at the door as the banging continued.
"(Y/n)! You in there? It's Clive! Ya gotta get out here i think that thing made its way into your house!" You raised your eyebrow and looked back at Atlas.
"Thats the human who shot me. He must've followed my blood the cretin." You sighed and put down the bandage "I'll be right back okay? Just lemme go take care of this."
You only got so far as the bathroom door before you felt arms wrap around you,pulling you back. "No! Your MY human. I wont allow that disgusting cretin anywhere near you."
You looked up at Atlas,who had his teeth bared. He was starting intensely in the direction of the front door,where the banging now turned frantic,along with the voices.
"Atlas just let me get him to leave. I won't be long i promise."
He looked down at you,his eyes gleaming dangerously. You squimed a bit,feeling his grip falter as you pulled out of his arms. "I-ill be right back okay?"
You pushed him back into the bathroom,closing the door behind you and making your way over to the front of the house.
"I'm coming Clive calm down." You sighed as you opened the door,putting on your best 'just woke up' look. "What do you want? Its really late."
Clive looked panicked. His flannel shirt was covered in a mix of dark blue and crimson and he had a shotgun in his hand.
"(,Y/n)! Thank God your okay! I was bouta break down the door cause i thought somethin' happened to ya. Theres somethin'out here. A demon or somethin'. It killed Marcus. It killed my brother" you stared at Clive as he sobbed,not sure what to do.
He couldn't be talking about Atlas right? He said it himself,he didn't come here to kill humans. You looked back at the bathroom and saw Atlas standing there,a feral look on his face. "Fuck" you whispered moving outside and closing the front door.
Clive calmed down and looked at you confused. "S-sorry Clive. I haven't seen anything. But if you want I'll call the cops for you okay? Or the ranger?" Clive ignored your frantic words and tried to move passed you to the door
"Are ya hidin' it in there? You are arent ya? Let me in there (Y/n). I'm going to kill that fucking thing!" You moved in front of him
Trying desperately to stop him from going in.
"Wait Clive you can't just-" you squeaked as he grabbed your arms trying,throwing you to the side and opening the door,his gun ready.
He moved into the house and you scrambled to get up and stop him,only to be pulled back down,a hand covering your mouth.
You looked behind you and saw Atlas glaring at the door,his sharp teeth bared. He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder,you groaned a bit as his shoulder knocked the wind out of you,and Clives frantic footsteps could be heard rushing back towards the porch.
Before he made it out the door,Atlas had already started running across the open field in front of the house.
You heard Clive yell something before running out after you,but at this point it wasnt likely for him to catch up.
"A-Atlas where are we going?" He let out a grunt and stoped,putting you down but not letting go of your arm. "We're going to my ship. That stupid human ruined everything. And he has the gull to blame me for his brothers death? Honestly."
You stumbled after him,desperately trying to keep up. ""S-so you didn't kill his brother?" Atlas scoffed. "Of course not. That idiot just got on the way before i could
Heal him."
You raised your eyebrow as he finally came to a stop,letting go of your arm and dashing towards the green and blue pod that stood on a scorched plot of grass. "What do you mean heal..."
Your question died in your throat as your eyes landed on what you recognized to be Clive's younger brother Markus,laying on the blood stained grass with a blank look in his glassy eyes. His chest was ripped wide open,displaying all of his organs.
"He got in the way of my ship before i could grab the device i needed to heal him. I never meant for him to-" Atlas looked up from his pod,having already found what he was looking for to heal his wound,only to see you backing away,tears slowly dripping down your face.
"Hey. Whats the matter? Huma-" Atlas was cut off when you turned around and started running back towards your cabin. He let out a low growl before sprinting after you,catching up in a matter of seconds and grabbing your arm.
You struggled as he turned you around,trying to get you to stop squirming. "Listen! I didn't kill him!" You struggled more as you heard Clive's voice in the distance,screaming for you.
Atlas growled again and pushed you to the ground,pinning your arms to your sides. "I didn't kill the human,but if you don't stop struggling right now I AM going to kill that one."
You instantly stopped,looking up at him with tearly eyes. "Wonderfull" Atlas said,picking you up once again and carrying you towatds his ship as Clive came into veiw.
"I didn't lie to you human." He started,gently placing your shivering form in his ship. "I didn't come to this dirt planet to harm any humans." He got in next to you and you could only watch as the ship fired up,flashing bright blues and greens before slowly starting to hover,just as Clive showed up.
"I came here to find a pet."
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The expariments behind closed doors (A WKTC story)
amazing artwork done by @mechanicalanakal go cheek them out!
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this story takes place during volume 6 of rwby this story is rather long and extremely dark you have been warned
mark was in his office he had just finished some reports for salem he soon began to tap his fingers as he sent them away to dr. walts he now had nothing todo at the current moment he had some time off and he wasn’t needed for any missions besides watching over emerald and mercury
he had camaras all around his mantion he watched from a tablet in his office though he’s able to take it with him anywhere he just mainly keeps it in his office 
he watched them they didn’t seem to be doing much besides training sparing and watching tv it was quite boring for him to watch he felt appalled seeing the outfit worn by emearld sure showing less skin was good on the battle field but to him it just made her look like a slut he laughed at his own joke he also happened to have speakers around so he can speak to anyone he was watching soon enough he was altered to the front door camara he turned his head 
he soon saw the front door open and benjermin his loyal butler/body guard bring in a large box about the size of a human with air holes mark began to smirk oh ben was back with his little pet project he soon made his way downstairs opening his secert room just beside the left stairway in his manor 
“ah i see you were able to-do as you were asked good job benjermin!”
benjermin blushed and smiled happily as he gave mark the crate
“all in a days work sir oh and before i forget it’s a dog faunus this time sir!”
mark began to rub his chin gently soon emearld and mecury walked out to see what was happening by the time they saw this they soon saw a door close the secert door and walked up to benjermin 
emearld was the first one to ask something “uh hey whats with that door? whats behind there?”
benjermin soon began to dust the place after he closed the front door he then turned to face emearld “why it’s masters private room only he knows how to get in and thankfully it’s sound and smell proof from the outside” 
mercury walked infront of him interupting his work as he groaned 
“...why the hell would it be important for that room to be sound and smell proof ben?”
benjermin shivered and looked away before sighing and standing up stright and began to work once again after pushing him out of the way much to mercurys anger ben was still twiching as he worked away and soon finally answered
“you’ve heard a scream before the same day your friend made my master mad lets just say what he dose behind closed doors isn’t very saninatry”
both gulped as they looked at where the room would be they can only guess what sort of horrors mark dose inside that room they both then said “point taken” then left to just talk about what was happening with eachother and benjermin began to clean around outside 
mark then soon opened the create relasing a dog faunus girl the girl had light brown dog ears but her hair was a much darker brown along with that she was dark skinned and even had brown eyes she was in perfect condition besides being a bit underdressed only wearing a yellow tank top and blue shorts that were ripped up 
mark soon chained her neck to the wall of a cage with in the right side of the room after that he hand cuffed each of her arms to the bars of the cell which were very far apart causing her pain since her arms were being streched out slightly more then they should be but not enough to break anything
after this mark soon put chains on her ankles that were attached to the wall he then backed up as he looked at her up and down 
“benjermin went all out on this one... good... she will be a perfect little expariment”
the girl looked up at him in shock and horror she was about to scream out calling for help when mark stabbed her in the lip with a sowing needle she looked suprised and started crying asking him to stop the best she could before her lips were fully sown shut all she could do is cry 
“why am i doing this?... simple your a filthy animal horrible a waste of space and recorces i am gonna make people hate you alot more then they already do by making you a real animal...  A GRIMM!”
he laughed loudly she looked at him with fear soon he injected himself with a needle his eyes glowed red and bright as he soon slit his wrist and allowed his veins to cover his fingers to make deadly needle like claws soon using two fingers and stabbed her in the back of the neck 
this wound was two deep side ways holes simalar to the marks that would be left by a vampire she then would feel some sort of black sludge being injected into her neck causing her to wiggle and squirm like crazy 
but he wasn’t done injecting her yet after this he carefully grabbed her hand turning it backwards and very softly like a scaple cut into her arm where her veins would be injecting her arm with more of the odd black sluge he then did the same to her other arm finally he used one finger aimed it inbetween her breasts and stabbed her carefully with one of his claws injecting the last of the black sluge before carefully patching up her wounds 
after this he attached a feeding tube thru a hole in the front of her neck along with a water tube just to keep her alive he had skill to-do this so he wouldn’t need to feed her he had never stiched someones mouth closed before so he wanted to see what effect it would have after the transformation was complete but that would take at least 4 weeks and he had all the time in the world 
after that he soon left and came back each and every day making sure she got the food she needed after that he tortured her leaving brusies cuts marks all over burning her making her bleed at the end of the week he came in and the transformation had begun 
the bones from her legs started to stab thru her skin as black fur started to grow on them she was crying in pain more then ever trying to scream out but only leading to mummering sounds she was in so much pain as she felt her own bones twist and squirm inside her own body slowly breaking out to cover some parts of her mark wrote this down and recorded the whole process 
the second week came by her legs and arms were fully covered in black hair as she seemed to have grown to 10 foot tall her back was also showing signs of change as her spine and other back bones have started to leave her body and place themselfs on the outside they seemed to be growing and changing into rather large spikes mark smirked at this as she also seemed to be losing her own mind fighting much more violently and beganing to try and growl and free her mouth from the stiches he removed them but replaced them with much stronger ones very fast metal stiches covered in little bits of dimoand making them extremely tough while he was replacing them she almost bit his finger off and growled extremely loud he jotted this down as a sign of good progress 
the third week came and she was almost fully changed her rips left her body covering her chest her finger nails growing and changing to much longer and sharper her back spikes had fully grown in and black hair almost fully covered her her mind was almost completely gone she still showed to be scared but she also tried to injure herself because of this not to kill herself but her form beganing to understand what it’s gonna become grimm do hunt people who show great fear and since she was showing great fear she tried to hunt her ownself but because of her bindings she was unable mark soon removed the food tubes from her neck she grunted in pain one of her eyes had fully changed and a mask was almost fully formed at this point made from her skull 
the final and forth week came mark came in and she had broken her own chains she had fully transformed the only things remaining of her were her brown faunus ears they had changed to more of an alpha ear type but they remained brown for whatever reason that might be she was a bit shorter then most alpha beowolf but still quite strong mark then called dr. walts who arrived with a ship he was already heading away on a mission given to him by salem so he would pass by marks location so it was perfect for the both of them 
the new beowolf alpha was loaded onto the ship mark gave him full reports and recordings which he gladly took 
“another expariment gone sucessful hmm... still can’t completely perfect the change they still seem to show some of their oldself by the fact she is shorter then most alphas and the color of her ears... but besides that she is fully changed”
dr. walts nodded and rubbed his chin 
“hmm well even so you have done a fantastic job i am sure one day these remainers of the past won’t remain but prehaps this will give them an edge”
mark smiked and laughed “right you are dr. walts right you are!”
dr. walts soon left and after a bit of traveling when they just finished refuling in the forest while staying hidden dr. walts pressed a button opening the grimms cage who jumped out of the ship in hunt mode of a little forest home near by the grimms mouth had grown in a way where it had no working mouth it’s mouth was completely grown seeled shut but with teeth sticking out of it’s seeled mouth none the less 
and because it could not make any growling or howling noises it could not be a proper alpha however it would be more stealthy then most all that remained of the girl was gone and now she was just a killing machine 
hope you guys all enjoyed the story i worked hard and it’s my longest who killed team cordium based story in a long time 
please send me your thoughts after reading! it would mean the world to me and for information on who the faunus girl click below! 
for thoes who are curious the dog faunus in question is this lovely little backround chararter from volume 3 of rwby why you may ask? welp we know nothing about her and she’s a chararter i could kill off without hearing people complain about it 
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Born Into the Wilds - Around the Fire
Since I can use my fingers normally again, have the new chapter! AO3 link here.
Where Nyx' friends are pltting little shits (he loves them anyway), a story is told and a secret is revealed that isn't really a secret anymore. Featuring: Crowe's hidden dream, Luche sulking in the backround, respectTM for the story tellers and some very strong alcohol.
Hadnissa words:
bamohna (dative singular of bamohn): hot spice native to Galahd, tastes a bit like curry kreitschi: very thin skewered meat mostly done with bamohn and chili, Galahd native dish galahkari (nomiative plural of galahkar): person of Galahdian origin/Galahdian sinehär: the Elder gisdrauht: story teller/keeper of history thuirs (genitive singular of thuir): Father fumir: Galahdian national drink, fermented garula milk with spices (exact recipes vary from region to region)
Nyx’ side pulled in a mildly painful way with each too sudden movement of his torso, as Libertus and Crowe herded him along, cheerfully chatting all the way. They walked through the streets of Little Galahd, air filled with lively chattering in a mix of accented Lucian and Hadnissa, and heavy with the smell of exhaust fumes, grilled meat and spicy bamohna.
It gave him that feeling of not-quite-home he had become familiar with.
“Seriously, guys, what’s this about? I’m out of that white prison for like half a second and then I get abducted by you two,” he complained, totally exasperated with his best female friend and his hunting brother.
“We’re going to see an expert,” asserted Crowe in a stern voice for the third time before she went back to bickering with Libertus about the ancestors knew what.
Well, that wasn’t at all unhelpful.
He huffed in exasperation and glared at the tattoo-shop on the side of the street between a butcher’s shop and one concentrating on traditional leatherworks that had opened not too long ago. The owner was one of those assholes who thought he could profit off of a foreign culture only to be surprised that no one would give him the time of day. They only stopped to get a kreitschi each for dinner from one of the street vendors with tattoos not unlike Nyx’ on his fingers.
Nyx relished in the sharp bite of the bamohn and sweet chili after two days of tasteless hospital mush. How the Lucians could eat their food tasting like nothing he would never know. Maybe that’s why they were always such dickheads.
He got herded up a flight of rickety metal stairs and when he saw the house they were heading towards, he abruptly stopped walking. Or he would have, if Libertus hadn’t walked into him. He coughed on the piece of meat he’d choked on. Tears sprang into his eyes as the hot spices went down the wrong pipe. All the spirits, was that painful.
“Man, Nyx your face!” laughed Libertus. “You alright?”
Nyx shot him a dark look after he got his breathing back under control. His throat still burned something fierce but that he could do nothing about right now.
“You’ve got to be shitting me,” he said.
Crowe heaved an exasperated sigh, hands on her hips, like his sister used to do when she was losing her patience with him. The thought made his heart twinge painfully and he unconsciously tugged at the mourning braid, he carefully maintained, even after all these years.
“Seriously, Nyx. Weren’t you listening? I told you a million times by now we would go see an expert for this!” she said.
“I didn’t think you meant that kind of expert!”
She shot him an are-you-dumb look, he didn’t bother dignify with an answer. It was kind of true he supposed. He should’ve known what they meant when they had picked him up at the hospital with shit-eating grins on their faces and a manic glint in Crowe’s eyes. She’d always had a talent and interest for magic.
“Up, up, you hero. We don’t want to be late,” grinned Libertus and proceeded to push him up the rest of the stairs until they reached the old concrete building with the surprisingly large inner courtyard where the stories were told once every five days and during every celebration.
Here the elders lived with the best things they could be afforded. Since governmental support amounted to basically nothing the Galahkari had started to pool resources, not only for the elders but also for the orphans and those who couldn’t earn money themselves. It worked, if only barely.
Pelna was waiting for them at the entrance of the courtyard with Luce standing next to him, his face a grimace of I-don’t-want-to-be-here. Tredd, Axis, Sonitus and a few other Glaives, most of them had been on his last assignment, loitered not too far away. Already Nyx could hear the telltale sounds of even more people behind the entrance. He would like to go home now, please. He had no desire for people to ogle him like he was some kind of attraction.
Before he could think of an effective escape plan however, Pelna saw them, grinned and waved like the cheeky bastard he was. “Damn. Didn’t think you would actually manage it,” he said.
“Did you doubt my power of persuasion?” asked Crowe with a playfully pointed look.
“Of course not,” laughed Pelna.
Nyx just rolled his eyes and wondered how these were his best friends. “Let’s just get this over with,” he grumbled and trudged past Luche who looked at him with a carefully blank face, into the courtyard.
“Oh come on, hero. You don’t need to act like you’re going towards your execution,” called Libertus and hurried after him, followed by the others.
The courtyard was already full of people standing in clusters, talking animatedly and clothed in colourful garments one didn’t normally see in drab and proper Insomnia. At the centre stood a barrel in which a fire burned merrily. The air smelled of smoke and old history.
He breathed in deep, soaked the atmosphere up like a drowning person needed air. Maybe, just maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea. Why hadn’t he come more often to gatherings like these? A spike of homesickness made him want to grimace. Ah, that’s why.
The voices floating around him hushed as Istoria Patientia stepped up to the fire. She was an old woman, closer to ninety than eighty, shrunken and marked by the war like so many of them were, but her eyes were sharp and clear. Her long white hair was twisted into a myriad of braids, the most prominent designating her as a sinehär gisdrauht. One of the five that still lived.
There were no seats or any other accommodation as the people stepped closer to the fire, Nyx included. When a gisdrauht wanted to tell a story you listened. They never did so without reason, there was always something to learn.
Istoria’s gaze swept over the crowd and hung a few seconds too long on Nyx for his liking. He felt the fine hairs on his neck stand on end and that animal-deep jungle-instinct spark again in anticipation. Whatever happened this evening would be important, he could feel it. She dipped her head into a slight nod and watched the crowds a few seconds longer before she took a deep breath and started to recite in that hypnotic rhythm all stories were told in.
Her voice was scratchy with age but loud and clear and carried well through the confines of the courtyard where no Lucian eye could see them.
 Come, come closer to the fire and let me tell you a story. Listen well, for this is a story told to me by my father and mother who were told by their father and mother back until the first people stepped into the arms of Galahd and the world was younger.
The day the last of the white coeurls, great guardians of Galahd, left his pack was one of joy and great sorrow. He roamed through the deep shadows driven by something he could not name. Dreams had plagued him, dreams of blood and pain and a knife forged by green mists, keeping him awake and restless.
Dreams are dreams his pack told him but he thought differently and so he went out more and more often for longer and longer amounts of time, always searching for anything that could help. After a new bout of restless nights he searched again, high and low for many circles of the sun and moon and yet didn’t find anything. Only trees and more shadows where secrets lay he couldn’t even begin to decipher.
But finally, many days after leaving, he came upon a hill where an old hollow tree stood, guarded by crows and Naga’s kin. He knew who lived here. The ever-young, she, who danced with the storms. The witch the humans called wise.
The last white coeurl came near and the crows laughed. He swiped his sharp claws at them but they only ruffled their feathers and laughed louder. It followed him over the threshold of the hollow tree.
“You’re finally here. Come in, the knife is finished,” said the Wise Witch.
She stepped up to him, her long black hair braided in the ways of the oldest traditions. In her hand she carried a knife he knew well, for it was the blade he saw in his dreams full of blood and pain. He hissed at her in warning, but she did not hesitate as she laid the knife down in front of him.
It was a short one edged blade with a hook at the backside and a sturdy grip made out of pale wood. Dark green runes adorned it, pulsing in time to the white coeurl’s heartbeat.
“Soon, there will come a day where you will need this. Take it. The payment will be the pains you will feel for the rest of your life should you decide to use it,” the Wise Witch said and went back to her glasses full of herbs and magic as if the last white coeurl was nothing but air to her and maybe he was, for she was as old as the lands themselves.
He stood there, bristling, but he knew what happened to those who didn’t heed the Wise Witches words. So he took the knife and turned to the way back home, the crows’ laughter echoing in his ears. It took him many days until he stepped back onto the cliff that was his pack’s home.
The smell of blood and death greeted him and his trot became a run. What he found was a woman with braids in her hair and who spoke the tongue of beasts burying the last of his pack.
Thus the last of the white coeurls, great guardians of Galahd, met Adrastea, she who speaks the tongue of beasts. His blood yet lives to continue the task he inherited from his pack and has been passed down until this day.
 Nyx stood there rooted to his spot next to Libertus, staring at the fire. He watched it flicker and dance as Istoria told a story he had first heard at his thuirs knee when he was too little to remember it. The words were the same but something was different.
A coeurl ran through the flames as the last words were spoken and silence settled upon the gathering. People blinked as if woken from a spell and a low murmuring started as children asked questions and parents answered.
The prickling sensation on the base of his neck made it clear that there were people watching him. He suppressed a shudder. “Well, that wasn’t helpful at all,” he muttered.
Crowe dug her elbow into his uninjured side. “Shut it. You know the sinehär gisdrauhti never tell-”
“Never tell a story without reason. Yes, I know.”
She shot him a dark look, causing him to sigh and duck his head.
“You know, you would’ve been a great gisdrauht if your thuirs family had allowed you to take their name,” he said as way of an apology.
Her sharp gaze softened to something young and vulnerable, a slight smile curling at her lips. It lasted for only the fraction of a second before the sarcastic woman was back again.
“The very best,” chimed Libertus and got a thump on the upper arm for his trouble. He made a face and cursed.
“Nyx of Clan Ulric,” said Istoria causing all five to stop and look at her. She stood hunched over on her cane a smile on her wizened face. “Come to the fire. There we may talk.”
He nodded and with a muttered “Of course, sinehär” followed the old woman, after a few quick goodbyes, back to the barrel. His friends weren’t following, not having been invited and everybody still remaining kept a respectful distance.
For a while Istoria just looked at him, her brown eyes took on an eerie orange sheen in the fire light. Then she tapped an earthen pot that was half buried in hot coals at the base of the barrel and pulled out two earthen cups from her many layers of colourful patched skirts and said: “Be a dear, Nyx of Clan Ulric, and pour us a cup each. All that story telling makes me thirsty in my old age.”
Obediently Nyx bent down and picked up the pot that looked like a mix between a carafe and a Lucian teapot with a wavy pattern that reminded him of the sea, by the handle formed to look like a sea serpent. It was nicely lacquered in turquoise and shades deep sea blue. He filled the identical cups that matched the pot and set it back down.
The smell alone told him at once what it was. Fumir. Istoria gave him a cup and he took a careful sip after she did and nearly choked. Very strong and very spicy fumir. It burnt all the way down and settled like a warm ball of sunshine in his stomach. Thank the ancestors he had eaten something before coming here.
Istoria shot him a mischievous grin like she knew exactly what he was thinking, and then she grew serious again. “Did you know that until the days of Adrastea no Ulric has ever had blue eyes? Grey certainly, sometimes green and even Solheimr golden, but never blue.”
Nyx felt his eyebrows climb to his hairline. He had an inkling of where this was going and he wasn’t sure he liked it, but he kept his mouth shut. Not only was she the oldest member of their community still alive and a gisdrauht, but also because he knew she wouldn’t hesitate to whop him with her cane if he did and he really didn’t need that with so many people still around as potential witnesses.
“Blue came after and with it a spark, so to speak. What I’m about to tell you, Nyx of Clan Ulric, has been a secret of your Clan for as long as its members have had blue eyes. Your father entrusted me with it before his untimely death to tell you, should the time ever come, since he knew he wouldn’t live long enough for him to do it himself.”
That caused Nyx to stand up straight, eyes wide and mouth open. That was… of course it had to have been a Clan secret he had no clue about. His father had died of Creeping Vine’s disease when he had been five and Selena two and his father’s older brother had died just a year before and none of his children had taken his Clan Name. Two of his cousins were still alive and in Insomnia, even, but refused to talk to him since he had joined the Kingsglaive, despite the debt they owed the King.
“I thought I would have to ask Libertus for help,” he burst out before his brain could catch up and promptly drank another gulp of the warm and too strong fumir to keep him from humiliating himself any further. Ahtrii, he wished he was anywhere but here.
“A viable option, but unnecessary,” the old woman chuckled. “Even if it would have been interesting to see young Libertus of Clan Ostium try to find and convince a snake. They can be very unhelpful if they want to be. Especially here on the mainland.”
Nyx grinned at the mental image. That would have made a suitably embarrassing tale for Libertus’ wedding should he ever decide to marry someone.
“Now, according to Ilias, the Clan of Ulric belongs to those with a close connection to an animal, but that was already obvious. When he came to me a large part of his veins had already turned green and his hands shook so bad he couldn’t hold a cup anymore without spilling half of it. He looked me into the eyes and said: ‘Contrary to popular believe the Ulrics don’t change into coeurls, we never have. What we do have is the ability to copy what makes a coeurl a coeurl and use it ourselves. We can see like them, hear like them, even move like them, but we’re still human and that’s the important difference.’ I have heard many a tale of you doing exactly that but now you have come into a degree of power not seen in your Clan for many generations. The Lady of Beasts has blessed you.”
With a startling clarity he remembered what had happened during his First Hunt, when he had been all of nine years old. There, in the clearing full of flowers, he had met her. The Great Coeurl. She had treated him like an unruly cup of her pack. At least that made some amount of sense now.
“I… thank you for telling me, sinehär,” he managed to say, his mind strangely fuzzy. Damn, that drink was way too strong to be just a regular cup of fumir. No wonder Istoria kept living on and on if she used this to shock her heart back into pace again. He felt old, gnarly fingers taking the near empty cup from him, and blinked down at his empty hand.
“Go back to your hunting party, Nyx of Clan Ulric and, for once, let them take care of you. Sleep, eat and then you can keep running off into your adventures again,” said Istoria with an air of exasperated tenderness as she gently tapped his leg with her cane to make him turn around.
Nyx really, really wanted to protest, but he knew if he opened his mouth now, nothing coherent would come out. So he did the sensible thing and did as told.
“And tell my grandson I would like to see him for dinner tomorrow evening,” Istoria called after him.
His friends took one look at him before herding him out of the courtyard and towards his apartment building. He didn’t look that bad, did he? Somehow he managed to mumble the invitation to Luche, or at last he thought he did, if he remembered his friend’s grimace right. After that it was all a blur of different colours, shapes and sounds until he felt himself being wrapped into a blanket, then he was out like a light.
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sarakatika · 5 years
Swimming as my hobby, my job and my life
You probably don’t know me at all because this is the first time I post here anything. So my name is Sári. I’m from Hungary. I’m not a big fan of writing but let me tell you something about me.
In started swimming in Pécs at the age of three. I don’t really remember that period of my life but I do know that I didn’t fancy going there because of its atmosphere.You know there was this coach lady who was always shouting at me.  But years went by and a swimming school opened its gates in my hometown. I countinued this sport there and finally I got to love it.
As I acquired all the swimming strokes I started racing. I achieved success and I was proud of myself. I also made my strongest friendship at that time. I was 12 when I was diagnosed with a disease. My performance got worse but I found out I could still continue swimming as my hobby.
I was a junior at highschool when my coach asked me to help her teaching little kids swimming. It was obvious that I would accept this offer. Well, back then I didn’t know how hard it was going to be. It’s not only the safe feeling in the water and the strokes themselves we have to teach them but also the proper behaviour outside of the water. I’ve got to learn that so many kids have way worse backround that I could think of. And maybe that’s their only loophole where they can be cheerful and joyous.
The funny part is that me, myself also learnt new things and technics that I have probably forgotten throughout the years. And in the future if I have the opportunity, I will definitely continue this job. Maybe I will discover a new Milák Kristóf. Who knows.
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//Here’s the plotline explanation post I promised, everything is under the cut.
- So the main big thing about Timo in the current age is that he is really bored. That sounds like it wouldn’t be a big deal, but looking deeper it’s more like the guy lacks a purpose. I mean what’s a country’s personafication’s job anyways? He liked being part of fighting wars and being angry about independence, but now he’s just an old man sitting in a house with his dog.
- That’s where the alchoholic plot line appeared, which I feel like I never did much justice. The idea was that since he’s immortal he could literally poison himself to black out, with the plan to stop when he’s actually needed for something. I think he would’ve loved pointing out that it was all legal to boot.
Most people who knew him knew about it, and a lot of them actually understood him a little too well to intervene. Not to mention that the only one who can help an alchoholic is the alchoholic. The comic I made was actually the finale to a very long time of him just drowning himself from the world, which made the snap at the end more justified in my opinion. The fact I never explored the backround with these things is probaply why I felt like it wasn’t as well done as I was hoping it to be.
That all happened before 2010, I would say.
- After that he started the proper recovery, which he is still going through. He’s been mostly living for his dog, and everyone around him seems to respect that. They don’t care what he’s living for, as long as he is. Timo is also seeing a psycologist, and that’s fun.
- Speaking of Darra; in canon it has been shown that a Country’s presence can make things last longer. So Darra has for example aged slower, which makes Timo very happy. He wasn’t in the mental state to handle losing her in 15ish years.
- Bringing up that country presence thing too, that relates to his hat. It is infact a very old hat, and has been around since the continuation war. Timo has been keeping it in very close contact, in order to keep it around as long as possible.
- Like I’ve made clear, the hat belonged to a very dear person to Timo, but before I can explain that I have to give some context:
Most of us know the episode/comic of how France meets the reincarnated version of Jeanne d’Arc. It proposed the idea of a person coming back if they were a part of history, so they could live a peaceful life in the world they helped to shape.
Now since 2Ps often have the idea of turning things on their heads (even when that isn’t the main point), I decided to turn that around. In the version of 2P that Timo lives in, the idea is instead that a person who lived a full life of no pain or suffering, returns back to die tragically for the country. It sounds silly and it kind of is, but I like justifying it by saying that the world needs sacrifices and it might as well let them be happy first.
This brings us the to character of Nicolas, aka Timo’s childhood friend.
Their first meeting was around after the Kalmar union comic I made, with Timo trying to be more mature despite his child appearance, so he could be less of a weight on Sweden. The idea was that Timo would make a friend who was a child and who he could you know do kid things with? Play in a forest and climb big rocks. Stuff like that. Just kind of a person to let him realize that his brain hasn’t developed to be mature yet, and he’s still a little kid at heart. Timo also learnt Nicolas is from Finland!! Woah, what a concidence.
Timo never even had to face seeing him grow up or die, because Nicolas moved away.
After that a bunch of historical stuff happened, and BOOM the continuation war (the war after the Winter war) happens.
Timo’s very devoted to his country, because you know he is his country. And during the Winter war and such he kind of frogets that he is actually also a human being. This becomes very clear later to the weirdly Nicolas looking soldier who Timo meets in their new sqUAD. Nicolas finds it weird that Timo keeps staring at him, and finally asks “Are you a fan, or something?” and when Timo is very confused, he explains he is a really good soldier, aaw yeah. Timo replies “No, wonder I thought you looked familiar.” And they start hanging out.
It’s been a long time since Timo had talked to people who didn’t know he was the country, so it’s a very eye opening friendship. Things from “What did you do before the wars?” to stuff like “What are your plans after?” caught him especially off guard.
In the end Timo’s mood seems much better because of having a human friendship.
Then Nicolas tells Timo about how they’re pretty close to his childhood house in Karelia. It seems normal at first, until he suggest they sneak away and to it. Timo thinks it’s a horrible idea at first, but after a bit of convincing Timo agrees. (I mean he’s the country, he can get anyone out of trouble by just saying ‘nah.’ as long as it isn’t like a murderer or something.)
They spend a week on the run, having a good time climbing rocks and trees, and doing other silly things.
They do finally arrive to the old village, and Nicolas excitedlY RUSHES IN LIKE AN IDIOT and blows up. Mines are awful.
Timo is devastated, as there wasn’t even time to say good bye. He was just gone.
He did return back to the squad, who were worried and angry. Timo sunk deep back into his role as a country, and returned to fighting afterwards.
The hat is sort of a reminder to him of how he is still a human, and it means a lot to him. Especially now, that being a human is pretty much the only thing he has. He needs to remember that his mind is a good thing.
The hat is also the legacy of the guy, that history won’t remember. So he’ll make sure he will.
- Speaking of Timo’s mind; he struggles with that a bunch. Things from Depression to anxiety to who knows what else, are things he has to live with until he can work through them. But there’s also a diffrent issue, that being his own mind vs the mind of the country. He has trouble sometimes figuring out what’s his own thought and what’s the effects of his country. For example: Does he like Salmiakki because it’s good, or because everyone else does? Or was he really that excited about hockey or was it just because everyone else was? It leaves him question a lot of things, and have trouble just enjoying things for the sake of enjoying them.
- There’s a lot more but that’s all I feel like writing of it
Hope you guys had fun with that!
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Ghostman: The council calamity retrospective
Well christ, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I know literally nobody follows this blog, but as of this writing, i’m waiting on the steam direct fee i paid to be fully processed (Basically, in a week i’ll be able to publish the game)
I’d like to take a second and stroll down memory lane for a little bit, and why it took so fucking long to make this game, this is basically going to be a list of every time i tried and failed to make a game, so strap in, these aren’t in chronological order either, and i’ve kinda forgotten the proper order.
Bill’s excellent adventure:
There’s incredibly little to say on this one, after reading a 4chan thread on games development i downloaded GM:S, tried making a platformer, saw my art, didn’t see any progress after trying a little bit, and gave up.
Mugman was the first time i tried making an adventure game, other than the main character, i had no ideas for the game and dropped it like a rock.
Radiation Seat:
Radiation Seat, for the more dedicated gamers in the audience, is just a synonym for nuclear throne, i tried messing around with random generation in GM:S, realised i’m not very good at coding and gave up, the game actually kinda works though, so theoretically if i’m a moron/psychopath i could try working on it again.
First real game i ever made, it’s an asteroids clone, but with a bunch of the stuff i saw in Vlambeer’s game feel talks crammed in, it’s essentially idenitcal to a tutorial on youtube except shooting takes away points and there’s a limit to the number of bullets on screen.
Poltergeist (Aka: Ghostman when he was a person)
I posted a lot about Poltergeist (the version of ghostman with good art and a completely different setting), the secret to this was having a good artist, Robert Thomas helping me out, we never finished it, and Bobby got caught up in school work, but that’s almost over so if he’s willing to pick up the pen again, i’m willing to do the coding and fix the reall weird bugs (randomly the game would massively lag for a reason i never figured out, i assume it had something to do with the way AGS handles characters over non walkable areas)
Grall and Foegart goto whitecastle:
I’d had the idea of wanting to make a high fantasy adventure game after reading a couple of discworld novels, these games didn’t get far, but it did have an interesting character switching mechnic similar to DOTT, this also appeared in a couple of other half finished games i’d made, why i thought it’d be funny to make a game based on it when i’d never seen Harold and Kumar go to whitecastle? Iunno.
H.E.L.L (Hyper Energetive Love Lab) was a shot at making a VN, i’m probably going to still do this, so i don’t know if putting here’s sensible but eh, fuck it, i’d had the idea of a reality show crossed with a death game for ages, and tried writing a short story about it, which went nowhere.
Gender Girl:
Gender Girl was the first video game i ever made, it was a scratch program with the cat repainted to be pink, moving left killed you by a spike, moving right displayed a message that gender girl had liberated herself (Hohoho, very ludonarratively insync, 12 year old me), i uploaded it to the scratch website, and it, containing swear words(such a rebel was i) it was deleted 5 seconds after publication, truly, a light gone from the world, what did it have to do with gender? If i remember literally nothing, or you were supposed to cut your dick off with the spikes.
Pagan was a pokemon rip off i was making, i didn’t get far beyond changing sprites and types, world design is hard, as of writing it’s still on my site, i ought to take it down buti just don’t have the heart, poor Pagan.
BORB (Ghostman 1)
Borb, as it’s affectionatly called in the files, is ghostman 1, it’s the source of the Alien King sprite, and the Ghostman sprite used in Ghostman: The council calamity, and was distributed amongst my friends for like, 5 seconds, it’s 4 screens and one “Puzzle”, which doesn’t actually work because the last time i did work on it, it’s fun to see how my humour changed, in GM1 we’ve got the classic line “It’s locked up tighter than a jewish bank” and a character named Snil, whose ribbing snarky asshole persona was basically every persona i used to write until i started playing dnd with my friends, and had to make more than 1 character, i don’t really like anything about GM1, but i find it oddly charming, it’s terrible perspective and total lack of story or theme (You’re kidnapped by bandits and the game ends in leaving on a spaceship having never seen a single bandit.) just makes it like lenny from of mice and men, it probably should die, but i can’t help shooting a game that thought the way to add taste was to remove the words “Fuck off” from a wall.
Rebet’s the first time we see the actual character “Rebut” appear, in some weird tron like backround, i remember wanting to make something that looked like tron, and failing, other than that Rebet remains a total mystery, even to me, andi made the fucking thing, looking at the code, i remember a little bit more about the game, the main gimmick was having a variety of ray guns that could effect peoples emotion, the example in the tutorial was a “calming ray” to prevent a drill seargeant from screaming at you, this didn’t go anywhere.
Wing Wang:
This is literally an empty ags game, there’s nothing in it, i don’t know why i haven’t deleted it.
Ye Men of Valour:
Ye Men of Valour was a weird idea, i’d read a book called “The decline and fall of the British Empire” (Based upon the work, the decline and fall of the roman empire) and decided to make a game based upon a variety of British figures from across time entering into a house they must escape, only to be killed by Aliens, the goal of the game was to get players to reload the game with the knowledge that following the puzzles as they were laid out would kill them, and use a different method to escape, Ye Men of Valour really ended up going nowhere because i was in a pretty dark place and wasn’t motivated, like at all, i’m gonna put this in the “Might come back to it” pile.
Ghostman 2:
Ghostman 2, like Grall and Foegart, had a character switching thing, this ended up breaking the game, so i scrapped it, Ghostman 2 was when the idea of Ghostman being a space adventure comes from, following from Ghostman 1, where you leave on a ufo with an alien, it’s what i thought would happen next, if i remember there was literally no story, just the characters, and switching gimmick.
I.A.C.M was a project i worked on with Bobby very breifly, the idea was to make an adventure game set inside a mentally disturbed girls mind, this basically didn’t pan out due to AGS engine limitations, the sprites sent in were too big and ended up looking kind of lame squashed down.
You cannot name this file, insect.:
This wasn’t a game, this was shit poetry at a time in my life where i knew my poetry was godawful, there was no story here, just a Shodan like figure who’d insult me, like personally, i’d write insults about myself into a script and then play it.
Robot Initation:
Adventure game, starring “some random guy named mike”, drew the first character sprites, hated them, didn’t want to improve them, gave up.
Assault and Battery/BatteryMan:
This was a go at 3d platformers made in unity, fell apart because the models i’d made in blender weren’t done properly at all, breaking practically everything.
Sounds exactly like what it is, never got a single line down for this.
Shield Slide:
A rip off of free ski based on the idea of riding a shield i think i saw i a lotr movie? Never got to prototype.
AAAH (Aimless aeronautical adveture, huzzah!) was an experiment i wanted to make, an adventure game that was procedudrely generated, every game would involve a one minute timer, which upon reaching zero, would result in the player dying, the story was the player had just survived a plane colliding with another plane in midair, and had to find a way to live without a parachute just using debris, lessons learned: Random generation is hard, i also ripped off the title from AAAAAAAAAAAAh for the awesome.
Sweet Goodnight:
Sweet goodnight was an rpg i planned to make about dying alone in a spaceship, it never got far beyond idle doodles and some game design docs that i’ve since lost, may go back to this in future.
Spaceman and Woodboy:
A mario and luigi superstar saga ripoff, never got to properly playable state, GM:S is hard.
Quest of Halden:
Shit rpg.
Ghostman: CNC :
Ghostman: CNC (Caverns and creatures) was a weird idea, i wanted to make an Rpg based on my dnd campaign, but for some reason i felt the need to justify it with a weird ghostman shell, may go back to this one.
Legend of Negro:
I don’t know why the fuck this is on my computer, i tried pissing around with a legend of zelda game maker thing.
Generic Units:
Supposed to be an xcom like, fell apart.
Airman/Pacifist run:
Something i still want to do, an fps with non violent weapons and stage hazards that you have to use to defeat enemies, got as far as modeling a single gun.
Sepsis man:
A 3d platformer starring a drinks machine, modeled main character, gave up.
Slime Game (actual title, again.)
Slime game (Or Slime Quest) was going to be an incredibly clever subversive take on the Rpg genre by having the grand villain actually be a low level mook, think cave rats and dungeon bosses, that kind of thing, stopped making it because i thought “Woah, that’s dumb, and lame, and i really don’t like making art for ideas that are dumb and lame!”
Zug’s Glorious road trip for the glory of the party and wealth of the nation:
ZGRTFTGOTPAWOTN for short, this was a text adventure based on wormhole shenanigans and Soviet propaganda films, never really got that far, fun little fact, Zug’s the name of the alien in my twitter profile pic.
Ghostman: The council calamity:
I didn’t quit, i made the game.
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jemreboot · 6 years
Ok this is super long but this is something I came up with for the comic aka The Bombers
The Bombers
The Bombers who are referenced to have been in the battle of the bands from the beginning and ended up as a runner from it first appear as an opening act for the Stingers but it turns out oh noes! they have gotten really good in the time since then. Much like the Holograms are to the Misfits, they end up in a feud with the Stingers when their lead singer insults them over a minor issue. Thus beginning more drama for all three other major bands 
some more facts 
I made them Stingers rivals because I always wanted them to have a true blood rival .
They don’t have stage names like most of the Holograms.
They are the most co-ed band.
Their lead singer can sing higher notes than anyone else in the series (high C).
Also their bassist is the only charecter who is engaged or has a kid.
Only male drummer or guitarist.
Profiles (Main band I also have a groupie charecter but they will be done later)
Name: Amy Ibanez
Lead singer 
age 24
height 5′7
ethnicity:Bolivian and African American.
from Bakersfield California 
Amy today is known for her diva and sore loser antics but she was not always this way. Born to a Bolivian father and American mother as a child she was quite shy. However she had quite a evident talent for music at an early age. In high school she was a member of the schools singing group despite being a backround member to the favored member of the group who always sang lead (is  evantually she left the group becoming much more assertive probably a little too much so. In her early twenties, she began what became The Bombers.
Highest vocal range in the series.
More subdued than Pizzazz actually unless her ego with winning gets in the way,
Her and Minx hate each other so much they always have to be kept apart.
Did gymnastics when she was younger and still watches it professionally all the time .
Leon Kazuo
ethnicity: Japanese
from Cincinatti Ohio (I have to have at least one charecter from Ohio)
One of the more subdueded members of the band, and the second to join, Leon had always been playing guitar since he was younger  but only recently started playing it professionally. He is also insanely good at tennis to the point where no one else on the band will play him (it might also have to do with them accidentally getting hit in the face with the ball a few times, with at one point him hitting even Roxy with it, it didnt end well)
He is the second charecter to be transgender (FTM) but is not too open about it due to some negative backlash to it (including his best childhood friend rejecting him) he evantually does become good friends with Blaze.
I’ve changed his dealing with his being trans a few times since I was afraid it came across as too insensitive 
wasnt able to transition until after high school
The Cincinatti Reds can do no wrong according to him nope none.
Also has to watch all the major tennis finals every single year.
Peri Murray
age: 23
Height 5′10
from Hartford Connecticut
Peri is the resident eccentic of the band and suprisingly, the main songwriter. she is one of the more socially awkward charecters obsessed with Godzilla and telling people about her theories of aliens being real. She is also basically joined at the hip with Casey (the drummer ) and they are quite insufferable together.
Much like a few other charecters, Peri had a not so great childhood born into a ultra wealthy family, it was made clear from the beginning that her parents love was conditional in that she was expected to be a proper heiress. Unlike Pizzazzs parents who were never around Peris were always around to keep tabs on her to make sure she stayed in line. In elementry school she discovered the keyboard and wanted to play it but her family shunned this seeing this as an improper career. In middle school she met Casey, who lived there at the time and was the first person who unconditionally accepted her and encouraged her interest in the keyboard. She ended up forming a band in secret but her parents found out and kept an even tighter leash on her .
When she was 18 she ran away from home to California with only 140 dollars to her name and was reconnected with Casey they joined a band and were evantually discovered by Amy and Leon.
Her family has essentially written her off as dead to them but she doesnt care since her band is more of a family than they ever were to her
has to be some sort of urban legand monster every year for halloween and isnt allowed to hand out candy anymore after scaring the kids.
The aloofness was partially based off Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew as she wlll literally walk off mid conversation sometimes.
Is not meant to be read as Autistic (before you ask i’m autistic myself) but her eccentries are more due to her never having the oppertunity to have a normal childhood.
Casey Parsons 
age 24:
height 5′11
From Sacramento California 
Casey is notorious for being increadibly high energy people often remark that someone like him is born for the drums. Sadly he is also known for keeping people up super late within the band as well.
Even as a child, Casey was known for his high energy levels and was frequently bullied for it. He evantually met Peri who was his only friend for a while until he had to move back to Sacremento he started out as a singer but soon found out he was quite a prodigy with the drums and joined a band once reconnected with Peri.
Yes, he is indeed meant to have ADHD. (I have it too so its partially based on experience.)
Has to see every superhero movie and no one would ever go with him to one again after he insisted on giving Fantastic 4 (and he ended up getting kicked out for heckling the charecters.)
He and Peri are so close that multiple people ask if they are dating yet.
The big male drama king of the series. (Riot doesnt scream every other word)
Gina Ercolani
Age 26
height 5′5
ethnicity: Sicilian
from Washington DC
bass guitar
The mother bear of the group despite her intimidating apperence due to her many piercings and tattoos, is one of the nicest charecters in the series. This may be due to the fact she is the only charecter to have a child, she is also the only engaged charecter being so to their current manager.
Born into a Sicilian family in a meh neighborhood, Gina first started playing the guitar when she was in 7th grade. Out of highschool she ended up fronting a band and met her now fiance .
However one thing led to another and she ended up getting pregnant despite being only 22 at the time she decided to keep them with her leaving the band temporarly to do so. Unfourtuntatly, she leaves the band once she realizes they are treating her differently for having a child while not being married.
for a while her and her husband and child have to live in a one room apartment while raising money to move to LA. Leon ends up being the one to discover her while she is performing at a bar 
Is pretty much the only one who can get Amy to shut up.
One of the few charecters who just want the bands to get along and is nice to everyone.
However she is truly terrifying if you try to hurt her band or child .(ESPECIALLY her child)
Feodor Yefmin
Age 23
height 5′9
Ethnicity: Russian-American
Can play guitar but is really their graphic designer.
Originally from Yakutsk,  Sakha Republic, Russia but spent most of his life in Fairbanks, Alaska.
Feodor despite being able to sub in for guitar, and being in a band in the past his real talent lies in graphic design for the band.
Born in the SIberian city of Yakutsk (the coldest city in the world)he and his family emigrated to Fairbanks Alaska when he was two. Growing up he showed an interest in both art ,and music and showed promise in each. After graduating high school he went to LA to study graphic design and had a band on the side. He was then discovered yet it was the art ability which really convinced the Bombers to recruit him.
He is also increadibly annoyed by the fact Riot is apprentaly in love with him like your “charisma” is not impressing me, go away.
Is not a main part of the band but is such an important part I had to do a profile.
Is the first gay male in the series.
Very posessive of his laptop (thinks everyone is going to delete his stuff)
Also the first person that doesn’t fall for Riots flirting (although Jem is relieved he at least likes someone else)
May seem like Techrat but is much more socially open then him. (and he genuinally does care about the band quite deeply actually.)
Apologies for any grammer errors,I tried my best to look over and be as accurate as possible it's just hard for me to read and see them sometimes.
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