#this is also on ao3 but since tumblr doesnt like links in posts im posting it as is
sunbun-fnaf · 11 months
HEY!!!!! IM SUNBUN!!!!!
I use he/they/it pronouns! I'm here to talk about FNAF and draw the silly guys too!!
I'm mostly just an artist, but I do some writing from time to time. I also make some cosplays and fursuits!
I've been in the fandom pretty much since FNAF first game out- its really my one and only special interest. If it has anything to do with FNAF, I'll probably lose my mind over it.
my FAVS are all the bunnies, but I specifically hold spring bonnie very close like a small critter <333
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Pizza Party is my CHILD. It's pretty much just me doodling some slice of life stuff based in FNaF. The silly guys remain silly!!!!! There isn't much to do with the actual lore outside of relationships that people have to each other.
All updates can be found on this tumblr.
1987 is a podcast I host with @toki-woki-fnaf! We share all of our thoughts, theories, and ideas revolving around FNAF along with retrospectives on each of the games and all of the content that is based in FNAF. We really just stay silly with it there :] Feel free to check us out!
SUNSHINE, LOLLIPOPS AND RAINBOWS is my DCA fic! It's still a major WIP and will undergo a serious re-write before I publish it on AO3. For now though, here's the link to the Quotev version! It's very, VERY outdated though :[
More will be posted! I have a lot of fic ideas that'll be up here soon >:D
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@sunbun-fnaf> My main!!! This is where all the Cool Shit happens >:] I don't post much outside of here unfortunately!
@thestaticfoxx > This is for my general art! While I don't post here too often, this is for all my stuff that doesn't really relate to FNAF.
@staticfox > This is my furry account! It's where I'll put all my furry art and fursuit wips.
@cypher05 > valorant art/silly shenanigans account @kani-cove > This is where all my silly animal jam content is! that. doesnt include fnaf. there will be overlap with aj fnaf content
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Talking tags!! > #bunny buzz, #sunbun binky!!, #rambles :]
Art tags > #myart, #my art, #sunbuns scrap box
Ask tags > #ask, #anonask, #askreq
AU TAGS/WORK TAGS!! > #pizza party, #slr fnaf, #fnaf 1987
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tbhs by @freddyfazbearsmegapizzaplex
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the-francakes · 2 years
Welcome to tumblr now what...
Hi, I wrote this up for my cousin because she’s never used any platform, but since a lot of twitter users are coming to tumblr, I thought I would share as someone that has been here... way too long. This blog might only be a year old, but i lived through tumblarity. both times. ugh. 
cause i will use this interchangeably and forget to clarify, tumblr dash (short for dashboard) is more or less the same as twitter feed. 
likes - these are a thumbs up. A nice little ‘hey this post is cool!’ or ‘i agree with this post.’ users can elect in settings to have their likes visibly on their page, meaning when you go to their actual tumblr, theres a link to liked posts. however, i have always disabled this in the same vein that none of you will ever see my ao3 history. if you get a like, you’ll get notified, but that’s all it really does in the grand scheme of things. 
reblogs - if theres a post you want to share, reblog it.  reblogging it puts it on the dash (feed) of anyone that follows you. tumblr does have a setting to see popular posts, ‘in your orbit,’ or ‘for you’ as in things it thinks you may like.  it has a setting for recommended posts into your feed. i, and mostly everyone i know, disable these features and rely solely on their dash.  so assume if you’re reblogging this post, you’re sharing it to make sure the people that follow you also see it. if no one reblogs this post, then only the 150 people that follow me will see it and it will die. which is totally cool. im rambling all over this shit and forgot what capital letters are. its probably half wrong anyways. 
some people will say always reblog instead of like. i think its give or take. it depends on what you like, what you want to share, you’re weird taste in shit you want people to know about and not know. if you reblog, you will make sure more people see something wonderful and its a really lovely and free way to help writers, artists, etc. spread their art.
commenting on a reblog - its not necessary.  I probably do it once in a blue moon these days.  adding a comment in your reblog is like jumping into the conversation. usually i reserve this for things that are important and want others to build on as well. or continue the shitpost cause i like to think im funny sometimes. if its something like my bullshit commentary that really does not apply to anything in the post or i dont want spread on everyone’s dash as they go on to reblog it, i write it in the tags. for example, please reblog this and add anything i missed that helps you navigate tumblr. write in the tag if you think its bullshit and i should delete. 
replies - replies were made because when they didn’t exist, people would have ‘dash conversations’ by reblogging one post over and over and over and over again.  it would be a post of 50+ posts of two people having a conversation and about things like is it red or blood orange.  this was especially awful in rp when sometimes posts would only be a few sentences asking ‘hey whats up how are you.’ so use a reply if you want to tell the original poster something, but youre not adding onto the post.  a good reply to this post would be a ‘thanks for posting this’ but a good reblog with a comment would be ‘i agree, but also you forgot this important bit!’ 
something different than twitter (i think???) - your replies do not just show up on someone’s dash. they have to click the little word bubble on the post to read them. 
tagging - tagging someone with an @ will give them a notification that you mentioned them in your post.  you can also tag in replies.  you don’t need to tag the original poster in a reply because they will get a notif that says ‘___ replied to your post.’ my brain is fuzzy here, but i believe if you put a reply on a post that is a reblog, both the current poster/reblogger and the original poster will get notifs. i only say this cause some people get annoyed by too much tagging, but as someone that doesnt give a shit, just always tag me. tumblr eats shit or doesnt work sometimes, so just blow up my notifs. 
asks/submit - some people enable you to ask or submit posts.  when they answer the ask or approve the submission, it will end up as a post on their dash.  if the ask is not anon, they can also reply privately. a lot of people do not allow anons these days because while tumblr is one of the better social medias ive encountered, there are still some assholes that like to send hate anons. and i will say this for the people skimming this - ASKS GET EATEN. aka they disappear from asks boxes or don’t even show up. if someone says they didn’t get it, there’s probably like an 80% chance they are not lying. there’s a 20% chance they are and don’t want to answer it but like that’s their choice too. 
messaging - for the new kids, this is DMing. for the cool kids in back, this feature was enabled cause aol took aim away from us. this caused a huge panic of how do we privately talk to our friends since while replies are okay for convos, anyone can see them and tbh can get cumbersome for longer communication.  i use this feature a lot to send my friends posts that i need to make sure they see.  maybe its not my sort of content id reblog, but i know for a sure thing they will love it, so im passing it along for them to reblog, laugh at, tell me im an asshole cause its a meme making fun of them, etc. 
ask games - sometimes people reblog posts that say SEND ME A NUMBER and theres a list of numbered questions.  as i grew up here in roleplay, i was taught it was good tumblr etiquette to always send numbers to the person you reblogged from. I was also taught just to send numbers if you see them cause you’re cultivating friendships here and maybe you don’t know the person, but TRUST ME, they will love and appreciate you took the time to get to know them just a little. its not hard to send 1-5 and then fuck off but it will give them something fun to do and maybe make their entire day so.. send the numbers. 
WHAT YOU SHOULD PAY ATTENTION TO: who interacts with your posts a lot. do you see the same username liking your things? does the person reply a lot. FOLLOW THEM! reply to their posts! fangirl from afar and send a shy ask saying hi i love you. propose on the dash.  answer their questions. become FRIENDS. we’re all the weird kids here so don’t worry, we love you already. 
WHAT NOT TO DO: NEVER STEAL POSTS OR CONTENT. this means, you see a pretty piece of art- reblog it. do not right click, copy link to image, and make your own post.  love a passage someone wrote? see a HILARIOUS joke? do not copy and paste it into your own post.  If you feel in someway you NEED to do this, contact the original poster, ask permission and how they want to be credited.  you might have to link to their tumblr, you might have to link to their tumblr, ig, ao3, website, mom’s best friends snapchat, whatever... you listen to how they want to be credited and respect it. and if they say no? go reblog it and sit down. this is the same how you would never copy and paste someone’s tweet and say it as your own. or would you???? is that a thing??? maybe i shouldn’t be helping you come here... 
ALSO, JUST LIKE AO3, NOTES MEAN NOTHING. a lot of notes does not mean its a great post. Something can have 500 notes and its two friends shitposting ‘hi’ back and forth in the replies 250 times each.  and yes, this has happened before and will happen again because this is a hellscape. 
crabs/april fools/tumblarity/fonts and colors/xkit - you know how in YOU they have those like seven totems of living in LA? same concept except when you understand it all, you’re cursed to live here forever. you’re welcome. 
--- --- --- 
please expand, add to this, tell me im wrong, tell me to get off tiktok cause i need to stop yelling at children to let me love my favorite ships idc what canon says.  
the good news is, if you think you’re doing it wrong, then youre using tumblr right.  people might say don’t use it like a diary, but you bet ill write a long ass post venting about my depression and/or that my sock has a hole in the toe.  people say posts have to have content and length... brevity is the soul of wit or whatever and i love a good shitpost and i will reblog a post that is legit ‘wish i could pet a dog today.’ 
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💭 ⛪️✨️
For ask game!
💭 Some character headcanons
ok so rufus is like 100% gay like ik hes mlm thats canon bc vincent but i dont think his sexuality is ever mentioned lmaoo so like + he would be a fan of like dua lipa n shit but like hide it so much and act like he listens to acdc and like clive is the only one who doesnt realise his music taste tbh
farah is defos like omni/pan romantic and greysexual + she defos checked ao3 n tumblr to see if there was rpf about her. she definitley wasnt going to read it. why do u ask
gary is transfem bc i said so rn (im bsing these hcs on the spot based on vibes ima be real) and defos experimented w dudes in like pallamistus equivelent to collage/uni and still fucks em sometimes so hes like hetroromantic/bisexual w preference for women also he learnt how to make coloured metal and then made pride flag swords (i dont think pallamistus would have many pride flags but i think there would maybe be a rainbow pride one + jason showed ppl pride flags from earth and started making it a bit of a thing by accident
⛪ Favorite deity
knowledge or healer r my faves bc like knowledge as a deity their domain speaks to me like yesssss facts n shit and then healer as a fuckin person is so cool like they use i belive its he/they or he/it since jason refers to them w they/them or it/its at some point idk which but like i just find em v v interesting i love em also death is such a cool goddess bc like theyre not a bad deity like other similar ones like pain and trickery n stuff which i just like symbolically like "death is not unnatural it is a force of good just like life"
i do have a bit of beef w the whole evil gods being purged out bc like mortals doing that like sure ig (but also like yall r piss scared of a god but u wanna kill em and yall have the balls to do that damn) but like the fact that ALL OTHER GODS ACTIVLEY HUNT THEM is a bit like why? yall r litteralyl forces of nature personified why are these ones bad dumbass why is pain exterminated why is trickery frowned upon WHY IS DISGUISE A BAD GOD????? and then FUCKING PURITY WHO IS TRYING TO DESTORY THE WHOLE WORLD TO BE TAKEN OVER JUST IS NEVER FLAGGED AS AN EVIL GOD??? like yes the gods know its decipt and cant say shit but like surley theres a god who that is within their purview to speak about??? like truth or some shit can reveal lies or smthn
damn thats another rant abt some worldbuildy thinks (im working up the post rn idk y)
✨ Coolest power (essence or otherwise)
ok so i think skill books r super super cool and also masivley underused like wdym theres fucking skill books and noone uses them like sure u need a whole new power to use em but like just make a ritual like cmon theres prolly a ritual for every cool ass essence ability and like jasons power that absorbs essences n awakening stones also gives him the skill book one like they r absolutley linked JUST FUCKIN RITUAL THIS SHIT UP
oh also on the topic: knowledge prolly has a shit ton of skill books on like everything why dont they make skill books for basic skills like reading and writing and simple maths and do free rituals for kids to bypass the whole years long education system that fucks up kids mental states later on (the mental health but is more high school but still) like yes theres prolly a min age like essences n shit but like. just wait?? cmon its like fifteen years CMON oh also speaking of the min age is that like a last minute puberty thing or is it like a second magic puberty also surley it would be like "ur defos gettin fucked up" -> "prolly gettin fucked up" -> "maybe gettin fucked up" -> "no fuckedupedness now :3" (like normal)
soz that last one was a worldbuilding rant abt skill books goddamn i didnt know i had that in me wow
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blackrainboes · 7 years
(im)perfect | erik killmonger/reader
words: 2k even
notes: this idea came to me post watching the movie while trying and failing to fix the straps on my bra and being jealous of the dora milaje's armor, knowing that they're designed for maximum support and comfort. it was supposed to be joking and then it wasn't because thinking of erik gives me mixed emotions that are hard to articulate except maybe in reader insert fic
notes 2f2f: this is a black!reader to be clear, like read it how you want but she’s black
Despite the very warm, hands-on (and they’re all over, all over), distraction flexing beneath you, you stare at the clothes scattered on the carpeted floor. But Erik’s hands keep moving and you keep having to catch your breath, so eventually, your deep consideration gives up the ghost, and you ask, “Do you think Wakanda has perfected the bra?”
You finally look at him then - unwilling to have risked it before. His thick brow is scrunched in confusion, but his lips are upturned in faint amusement.
You shrug a shoulder, your whole body following the motion against him so he answers with a soft grunt.
“You know -” You pause a fraction, trying to hold in the anger of this train of thought but failure comes just a little too often. “Do you know how difficult it is even to find a decent bra? You end up having to choose between comfort, coverage, and style because of course all three is too much to ask for - I swear to God they do it purposefully so you have to buy more just to have something that might work for any situation.”
“The fashion industry hates women, I know.”
“And then if you can’t afford anything decent - which is like everyone I know, we’re all broke, and everyone I don’t but I can tell when I’m waiting on the bus, and there’s this lady who’s always pulling at her side, trying to fix the underwire. But she can’t buy another, she’s stuck. You’re stuck in pain and wearing a bra until it’s falling apart. I’ve had some bras since I was sixteen.”
He looks at your chest, and then at you, a smile teasing mischief in his face.
In a huff, you say, “They stopped growing then, thank God.”
Erik lifts a brow, still with that same “But titties!” smile on his face.
You insist between grit teeth, “Thank. God.”
“Praise the Lord. Amen.”
You almost reach forward to smack him - he plays too much, which is why your bra is lying broken on the floor - but his hands leave your waist to skirt up your sides. A shiver rakes up your spine. You press back on him with a gasp, his caresses deepening, more pressure, more pleasure. His hands finally cup your breasts, and you’re unable to keep your eyes open; they flutter shut to the gentle way he runs his thumb on the underside of your breast.
You’re halfway (more than, really) to making a really (really) pathetic sound, when he murmurs something, drawing your eyes open. There’s plain lust in his gaze as he follows the motions of his hands, but he has a serious edge in his teasing words.
“Why do you need the perfect bra when you have these perfect hands?”
He grins but it’s flat behind his eyes - and maybe your question was a little too pointed.
A perfect land, where there is only beauty and none of the pain heard in the angry words hurled beneath the window in the dimly lit street circling the apartment complex and the sharper pain in the long silence that follows, a breath bated, hoping to hold until day, until the argument is just an argument and not agonized cries and an ambulance that comes too late or not at all.
Wakanda - is it quiet in its peace or is it loud, happiness bursting at the seams of the land they keep hidden away?
You don’t mean the reminder, to be thoughtless of the thought that weighs on him - heavy is the crown, heavy is the crown - but still you wondered, and you asked, and he is smiling beneath you, heavily though.
His smile could be light.
With a quick glance to your torn undergarments, you say, “You’re up to two bras now. One more and I’m taking you shopping.” You try to be aggressive, direct, but failure again as you near smile the words, “Your treat.”
He grins, wide and goofy, acting the child and pouting. He knows what he’s doing - his lips so damn kissable, and he has the puppy eyes that your weak ass always gives in to.
“What about another form of payment?”
“Certified check?”
You try not to smile at your own response, but damn, it was good, especially for you, when Erik can make you stumble over your words just by actually listening to them.
Your bar isn’t that low, to be clear. But he gets you with that one.
He shakes his head, scoffing at you with a smile.
You place your hands metaphorically on your hips as you say, “If you think your no chin having ass is getting out of this -”
Your argument is lost to a gasp, a long moan, and an instinctual roll of your hips as he grinds his erection into the apex of your thighs, where you’re still so sensitive, and pinches the nipple he just spent so long sucking on.
“This is a coordinated a-”
You grab his arm, fingers digging crescents into the lean muscle, but he doesn’t let up, rolling your nipple between his finger and thumb, just the way you like it, the way you hate it, the way he has your words breaking to pieces in your mouth.
“Coordinated assault, Erik!”
“It is,” he confirms.
It isn’t really payback, not at all, more a coordinated motion of you gliding your hand down his chest, over his collarbone and the raised bumps of skin, almost on a third line spiraling down to his bicep. It’s a dance really. In the fire in his brown eyes, a predator bares his sharp teeth, and you ready yourself for the kill - he releases your abused nipple to lift you like you’re nothing, like you’re something he’s so desperate for that he can’t wait to sink his teeth into your skin.
He nips along your collarbone with a whispered, “no chin having ass”, with painful bruises sucked into the delicate skin of your neck, soothing licks of his tongue followed by open-mouthed kisses from your collar to your ear. It’s a dance, all the while, your hips circling and grinding to the pulsing of his blood.
The friction is good, it’s too much, the dance can’t last, was never meant to. You’ve been spinning forth and now he’s reeling you back in.
With both hands you grab his face and draw his head up to yours. It’s a moment for a look, for an emotion, for more than lust. And as a cat allows a mouse a moment to feel terror, Erik allows a smile, a promise in the crinkles of his eyes.
“You don’t need perfect, do you?” he asks.
You don’t look away.
“I want it.”
He’s looking at you, but he’s looking far off, too.
“I want it,” you say again.
He looks the cat then, but not one who’s found a mouse, but another cat, just like him.
There’s a fire in you too, try to ignore it often because it’s usually useless, but now you let it spring free, burn its mark into your words.
Erik echoes it with his eyes of fire.
“I want it, too.”
You pull him to you, but he’s already moving in. Your foreheads touch, his nose brushes yours. Erik breathes into you and you capture that breath in a kiss. You love his kiss, love it enough to feel your heart burst at the pressure, at the insistence and resistance. The taste of him is like pure, sweet water, and a thirst that can never be quenched so long as those waters run free.
You don’t mean to hold him so close that he can’t pull away, but your fingers curl around a loc and tug. He draws back, pecks a kiss to your bottom lip, swollen and inviting more - always inviting. He answers a different invitation, releasing you and falling back against the pillows.
Your hands crawl up the jut of his hip, the sparse dark hair leading to the defined planes of his abdomen to meet his. The foil wrapper passes between your fingers.
You both like to watch as you slide the rubber over him, and watch as you rise above and slowly sink down, taking him in slow - the initial burn gives way to a warmth spreading you, spreading you open and you’re so full, and he’s gripping your waist like he wants to guide you. His eyes ask, “Do you know the way?” and you can only answer by starting an easy rhythm along the path you’ve walked before, will walk again, following behind until he takes your hand, threads your fingers with his, clasping your joined hands tightly to his chest before he tugs you forward so you’re right by his side.
Astride him, chest to chest, you can kiss him, but it isn’t easy to move now so he lifts up, plants his feet to the bed so he can thrust into you, hard and deep while you rock against him.
“Erik,” falls from your lips.
He takes his name back with a hard, swift kiss, and the whisper of a name he keeps closer than the way he’s holding you to him. But maybe he wants your name as well, to hold it close to his own as he groans it, reaching between your bodies to draw circles with his thumb on your swollen clit. He brings you with him into that bliss where you see no color, no white lights, just black. You see Erik, and you reach out for him, blinking the orgasmic haze away to see him as he really is.
His brown eyes smolder.
It isn’t perfect. Nothing so messy, so good at ruining the hair you just spent six hours in a salon getting done, and leaving you in desperate need of water, not the sweet kind but the purified tap in the fridge can be so.
Nothing like this can be perfect, but he reaches up and cups your cheek. You smile at him, leaning into the touch and he has a way of stealing your words, he really does, but what is given cannot be stolen and he gave you that name so you say it, quiet but not like a secret hidden away from those deemed unworthy but like the peace of it that you want to share with him.
You take the hand stroking your face and kiss his scarred knuckles. Erik breathes your name as he’s never said it before, and you both look away at the same time. You aren’t ready. You aren’t.
Neither is he.
But perfect - you both want it, so there’s time enough to become ready.
Before your deflected gaze, you can see your bra again, the poor thing still lying broken on the floor.
“You still owe me two bras.”
When you look at him, his expression is schooled into normal Erik, or maybe he doesn’t wear that Erik and the Erik whose name you’ll hold close isn’t the Erik he truly is. For how can he truly have an identity he wasn’t allowed?
It tears you. You know it tears him.
You try to school yourself into other thoughts, but he replies, “I’m off on another tour Thursday so spend the night. We’ll go tomorrow. You can borrow my ‘bra’ until then.”
You offer him a won over smile, knowing full well he’s just going to give you one of his old Jerseys, cut in half specifically for ease of access when he cuddles up beside you tonight. Tomorrow.
And then Thursday.
“Tomorrow works.”
He grins wide and scrambles to get you off him so he can get himself back from fucked out to decent, something you need to do, too. You don’t move though, just stare at his back. The bumps there are more than you can count through hazy eyes that don’t yet understand.
But you want to, because you want perfect after all.
(You want him.)
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actualbird · 3 years
Hello, Zak. I just want to say thank you for your content, it makes me super happy and your analyses have become a solid part of how I perceive the NXX.
Non-ToT related ask: what do you recommend for beginner fanfic writers and content creators (for ToT and fics in general)? I'm thinking of posting more on my blog but I'm not experienced in using Tumblr or writing. (please do not misinterpret this as self-promotion!!! i just need advice owo.)
hullo!! thank u so much for the kind words, waaahhh, im glad u enjoyed my works :DDD
and no worries, i dont see this as a self-promo and also oooohhh!!
i'll cut ur main ask up into parts, hehe!!!
the only writing advice i'll ever give: read a BUNCH
i think this is important for all kinds of writing, fanfic or not. the bedrock for writing is reading.
go to fics other ppl have written that you personally really love and enjoy. go through it again, this time taking note of the bits that struck you in any way.
like, if theres a line that hit hard or a fic thats structured in a way that you found interesting or a certain kind of characterization that you cant get enough or anything that piques your interest, take note of it
and then look deeper and pick it apart. try and figure out how the author pulled that off in the writing. look at the things you yourself enjoy reading and study how they managed to do the things that impressed you
to word it differently: study, HAHAJKJADBFKSD but it's a fun kind of studying, since ur sources are texts you like!!
the "pick it apart" method is a more active kind of way to "study" but in general, even reading without that active mindset still enriches the writer brain. subconsciously, you'll gravitate towards doing things in writing that you enjoyed reading from other stories. reading is fuel for a writer
like, in my opinion, no writer at all can grow by just staying inside our own head. we grow by looking around and learning from things that resonate with us
in terms of what u wanna write, just go wild, write what you want
idk if this is something that resonates with you, but when i was starting out writing for tot i was HELLA ANXIOUS cuz the stuff i wanted to write (found fam shenanigans, shipping uncommon ships, several thousands of words of character analyses) wassssnnnttt exactly the stuff i saw everybody else in the fandom writing. if this is something u arent worried/anxious about then hell yea! skip to next part! but if it is, then i tell u this:
write it anyway. even if it feels like something nobody else wants. if you want it, write it anyway
because fandom surprises you. it surprised me! turns out theres a whole lotta people who like the stuff i thought nobody would be interested in
additionally, write what makes you happy and what youre interested in cuz it really shows in the writing itself. i cant rlly explain it in words, haha, but like...i can tell when somebody is super passionate about their piece in the words of the piece. enthusiasm brings life into writing and enjoyment in general is, in my opinion, the whole point of fandom anyway :D
tumblr is a mess tbh, do you want an ao3 invite?
tumblr. is a mess. however, among the social media websites right now, it's actually the best for written fanworks thanks to the lack of word limits and the blog focused structure of the whole site. that being said, it's a niGHTMARE keeping things organized on tumblr. my masterlist of totworks doesnt work anymore on desktop cuz i broke thru the link limit kjbkHBSKF IT ONLY WORKS ON MOBILE NOW and i had to move the whole masterlist to a gdoc for desktop accessibility kabfskafa.
so if youre writing fanfic, i VERY MUCH recommend getting an ao3, if you dont already have one. and if you need an ao3 invite to register for an account, send me a DM! cuz ive still got three invites in my account, im very willing to send you one :DDD
buuuuuut, i do also make a lot of fanwork thats not technically a full fanfiction piece (hcs, analyses, minific rambles, etc.) and those do seem better just staying on tumblr. so for posting writing on tumblr, use tags!!!
some main tags for tot that i think would be useful to totwriters are:
#tears of themis
#tears of themis fanfic
#tears of themis headcanons
#[character's full ENG name]
#tot [character's ENG first name]
#[character's full CN name]
#[character's full ENG name] x rosa
#[character's full ENG name] x reader
tho if ur blog is new and has just be created recently, keep in mind that theres a tendency that your posts wont show up in these tags until tumblr has "ensured" that youre not a bot akjbfkjsfas. tumblr whack like that. how to make tumblr realize ur not a bot is by following a some other people and reblogging a bunch of posts. interacting with other blogs, basically. this is non-bot behavior and will pull ur posts out of the nether and into the tags eventually
other stuff that might be helpful would be adding a wordcount at the top of the post (apparently ppl like this? akbfkjfksa i had no idea until i joined this fandom) aaaand a title and/or short description of the post that gives an idea on what the post is about
i see other totwriters on tumb doing cool stuff with like, banners and formatting. those seem nice!! i dont do them personally because im not great at visual aesthetics KBAJSFKSAJFSA but if it interests u, go for it!!!
OH ALSO, if ur gonna be posting a lot of fanworks on tumblr, making a masterlist with links of every post is a great idea!!!
i think thats all ive got? kjKABKJFAS forgive me, i just clocked out of work, so my brain might be a little scrambled.
i hope this helps!! and i send best wishes to you and your writing :DDD
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gallaghersgal · 4 years
Fanfic asks: #1, #7, #13, #22, #24, #29, #35, #47, #48 :))) I love your writing
omg anon tysm 💕💞💖💕❤💗💗💞💕
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? Well the first fandomy things I read were Harry Potter and then pjo/hoo stuff, but then I didnt really get involved in a fandom until I became obsessed with Dear Evan Hansen and Newsies, and, well, now I'm here!
7. List your NOTPs from each fandom you've been in.
Harry Potter: Harry/Ron
Pjo/hoo/all that: Percy/literally anyone other than Annabeth. They're my babies and I love them. I'm sure there are others but its been so long since I read those lol
Hamilton: literally everything that isnt "canon" bc its history and I'm a history nerd, so I just can't ship that stuff
Dear Evan Hansen: I'm not super opposed to it, but I just dont really ship Alana with anyone, I hc that she's on the ace/aro spectrum
Newsies: I dont hate them, but I'm not a fan of Jack/Spot, Race/Jack and Race/Kath... Tbh I'm pretty plain and boring for newsies, I stick mostly with the more common pairings, with a few rarepairs (unrelated but hhhh do y'all remember when ralbert was a rarepair ahbsnaj my baby boys theyve grown so much
Supernatural: Sam/Dean. Its literally incest y'all are fucking insane. No apologies. Also Cas/Meg bc Twist and Shout traumatized me.
Marvel: STONY!!! Idk why y'all, i just do. not. ship it. But I can see where people are coming from so I guess its not exactly a NOTP... Anyway others are thor/loki, thor/valkyrie tony/rhodey, thats about it
Star wars: r*ylo. luke×leia. kylo×anyone. I'm pretty sure anything else is fair game tbh, its space and everyone is queer, let them have their fun
Psych: Shawn/Gus, Shawn/Lassiter, Lassiter/Juliet. Yes, I hc Shawn as bi, but that doesnt mean I ship him w/ any of the guys in the show... Shawn and Juliet are soulmates. Period.
13. Any NoTPs? Anon, sweet baby ily, you either picked random numbers or accidentally said both of these... Either way its the thought that counts babe <3
22. Is there anything you regret writing? Ugh yes I had this Stucky fic where Steve was a tiny asthmatic dude just living his life and Bucky was the strong one armed contractor that was fixing his deck and there was super weird sexual tension and it was badly written. I have since deleted it from ao3, my fic doc, and my memory. It lives on within the depths of the mind of my bestie/beta reader/editor/confidant/number one supporter @thelazyhero-ttums who read it and was the one who made me realize how terrible it was. It was a rude awakening but im glad I had it bc it made me the writer I am today lmao
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? Hshsjajs RIGHT AND RECONCILIATION!!! Right and Reconciliation are the first two newsies fics I ever wrote. The plot is solid and could be great if I just rewrote it... My aforementioned bestie is the leader (and sole member) of the Rewrite Right and Reconciliation crusade but tbh I don't think ill ever rewrite them unless theres a college assignment thats like Rewrite Something You Wrote In Middle School Even Though You Hate It
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? I don't have an official beta reader, but between running things by @natthemess, my bestie from before, my friend missa, usually about 80% of every fic I post has been read before I post it bc I thrive on,the validation of my friends
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? Okay so by technical definition a drabble is 100 words or less, but I consider everything under like 750 to be a drabble, so by those rules yes I write drabbles. I actually have a series of Assorted Newsies Drabbles on my ao3, and I mostly write them about fluffy stuff, a lot of soft cuddly morning fics, little projections of things I'm feeling if ive had a particularly bad day/strong emotion stuff like that
47. Archive, fanfic.net or Tumblr: which do you prefer to post and why? Archive and Tumblr. Archive bc its the Superior Fanfic Site, and tumblr bc I feel like it boosts my platform. Also yes, I shamelessly linked my ao3 up there in the question, check it out if you like :P
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why? Yes. Yes! YES!!! Why, you ask? Because I am an author and I know how it feels to have 600 hits, 100 odd kudos and 12 comments (including your own replies to comments.) It just hurts a lot knowing literally only 1% of people took the time to comment. Literally all it takes is a "I loved this! Great writing!!" Or a "HAHAJSHAJJSHS BABIE,BABIES BABIEST ILY" that shit makes my day.
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aicosu · 6 years
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Hey so, I’m making this post mostly for readers of Kismet or Ladylionhart. I knew both her and her story had a pretty hefty following, and despite it not being updated I know as a fic reader myself, I would be wondering what happened if I went looking.  SO! I got a tumblr message a few days ago saying that LadyLionhart’s reylo story “Kismet” was plagiarizing my solavellan story “Message Sent.”  It’s not the first time I’ve been linked stories claiming this. Message Sent is a Wrong Number texting slow burn. And those are way more common than you’d think. Anyway, I investigated, and this time it was pretty damning.  Feeling sorta deflated and honestly just… tired, at seeing the amount of praise in the amount of it clearly ‘heavily inspired’ if not just straight lifted, I didn’t take any screenshots or comparisons. Im not the kind of person to make call out posts. So I messaged Ladylionhart on tumblr, before even deciding to make a report or a post… or whatever. I was also worried maybe I myself was being paranoid about the similarities.  In the morning I got the above messages, and no opportunity to respond, because her entire ao3 account, the story, and her tumblr were all deleted.  So that’s that I guess. Sorry to the readers of Kismet. That sucks. I know it was well loved. Sorry I had to be the one to pull the plug on it.  As I said, I didn’t take any comparison screenshots. I didn’t think it was gonna be straight deleted. But here is my list of notes from what I found similar in the stories, so hopefully it doesnt seem I inadvertantly got it deleted just cause it was a text/wrong number fic.  And if you have read Kismet and want to compare yourself, here is my story Message Sent published in march, 2015  (TFA/reylo came out dec, 2015 and Kismet, from what I remember, was published early 2017) -wrong number au, texting based romance -Professor and younger romance interest, age gap -she calls him professor, he calls her troublemaker  -the first message is about a book, and a misidentify as the professors assistant -Her name is stated, His name is a pseudonym -his texting is super formal, hers is young and casual -scene where he texts her during a meeting  -scene where he shoes her his view from a balcony -scene where she mentions a bakery and he visits  -he leaves her a gift, visit a bookstore -scene where they go to the same party and pass by each other but dont notice -scenes where he shows her pictures of his apartment -text convos about how theyd rather be with each other (flirty pre-sexts) during the party they are at together but dont know it -text convos of her being a roomate/living alone, convos where she trie sto guess his taught subject -She loves his hands/picture of hands not face, he did not mean to take picture of his hands -guided masturbation scene  -scene where he leaves the dinner table because of sexts
Whole text conversations seem lifted straight out of my own fic at times. Which is a little strange to read, since me and my bf roleplayed the texts in my fic. (Reading my boyfriends texts in someone elses fic, even with a slight word or lore change, is just really weird. Sorry im not trying to make this personal, it just happens to be) Kylo/Ben seems to talk a ton like Solas, in tone, cadence, formality. Etc. She also seemed to go on hiatus right before they were to meet and I went on hiatus right after I wrote them meeting. That one could be a coincidence but ehhh I dunno. Maybe she ran out of ideas. 
As far as what my response would have been? I dont know. A simple dedication page would imply I consented and I really… didn’t and I dunno that I would have. I honestly dunno what my response would have been tbh. I’m still unsure. Lots of the lore and surrounding events were changed and word choices were, if not the topics. And I feel for her readers.  But did Kylo have to be a professor? Did they have to visit a bakery/coffeshop/bookstore? Does he have to also show her a picture of his balcony? You can tell this exact same story without these exact details I think. I don’t think I would have cared or messaged her if it was a wrong number and Kylo was a tattoo artist and Rey was a thief who’d stolen the phone, or something.  Anyway, Sorry to all the Kismet readers. Sorry, she decided to delete all her works and account, and not just this story. Hope that clears it up in case you go back to your favorite bookmark and get a 404. :/
EDIT: I do not condone or want anyone calling out Kismet readers for not knowing that it was stolen. Its not their responsibility to check for plagiarism, and uts not their fault at all. It is the fault of the author and even then I DO NOT CONDONE ANY HARASSMENT OR CALLING OUT OF HER EITHER. I speak for myself do not speak for me.
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ierogenvy · 5 years
Hello! This is 5 yet again and I know you’re going to kill it today just because you’re a wonderful human being and please don’t forget to send my way a fic rec of your favorite fics cause I would certainly love to read them too (or shout about them with you if I already know about them) have a good day you!!!
hello again 5 !!!!! thank u for ur well wishes, my orientation went great !!
many of my fav fics are in fact from the les mis fandom but im going to link them anyway bc for the most part theyre modern au’s and u dont really need to know anything abt les mis.
so this one is drarry (draco malfoy x harry potter) and its from dracos pov and its been a long while since ive read it but its like groundhog day but with magic
this one is also drarry but its different. harry runs the joke shop w george and runs into draco one day and accidentally does him a favor and draco returns this and the more favors w complicated gifts that harry has to figure out what they mean
this one is from the dead poets society fandom and its not too sad … its anderperry (todd anderson x neil perry) and they get together even tho at first it doesnt seem like they will (au)
ok so this one and the next one im gonna link are bandom and like … its kinda cringy i feel in 2019 to read/care abt bandom but theyre cute fics so like ,,, pls dont judge me too hard lol. so first up is the sad dads club and its an my chemical romance one w the parings being frank x gerard and mikey x ray. i found this one bc i got real back into that emo shit when tua came out and i searched freard on ao3 instead of on wattpad lol.
this one is pretty well known in bandom - its panic! at the disco w the main pairing being brendon x ryan, its also like ten years long so,,, beware. its the 1970s and ryan is the lead singer of a band and brendon is hired on as a crew member for their tour and they get up to things and drama ensues for roughly 500k words
ive reblogged the tumblr post for this one at least twice but it is so good im going to rec it again ! its a larry queer eye au and its so good !!!!!!!!!
so here starts the les mis fics …. :)
so first and foremost is my favorite fic of all time world aint ready (i abbreivate it as war a lot so if i ever post about war this is probably what im talking about). its an enjolras x grantaire high school au where they fake date so coufeyrac can take jehan to prom and get less abuse in their homophobic town. the thing is grantaire already likes enjolras anyway. other stuff happens but i dont wanna spoil this 185k masterpiece !!!!
next is another work by the same author but this time its a college au ! enjolras and combeferre are best friends (ferre wants more) that run their co-op and grantaire is a new kid that rubs enjolras the wrong way until they grow up and talk to each other. enjolras x grantaire x combeferre is end game and its beautiful
so this one is just mwah lovely ! its a coffeeshop au where grantaire is a rockstar that frequents enjolras’ coffeeshop except enj doesnt know who he is. they end up dating.
this one is also amazing, its about grantaire running a pine tree farm w his dad and lawyer! enjolras helping them out and falling in love w R
so those r my go to fics !!!! i reread war and in defiance all the time and would love 2 scream abt them w someone ! i dont read much hl and i like dont have an excuse except for some reason its hard ?? it feels easier 2 me to read abt enj and R and harry potter than real people that i blog abt all the time. but if u do want to read some hl stuff go to @suspendrs on a03 all their stuff that ive read is great !!!
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grovey · 6 years
tag shadowbanning
okay enough testing because my test image of maelle here stopped working consistently haha (she used to be a ‘safe’ image, now the filters hate her) Here are some observations. these were done on browser/web. i haven’t done mobile as much but it looks like it shadowbans less.
I’ve noticed a certain pain for many artists here where they post but their work doesn’t show in the tags, despite it being sfw and despite their post apparently not being flagged. I still think tumbo is filtering them in some way.
offsite links will pretty much always get your post filtered. In fact even normal links to links within the tumblr domain (username.tumbo/post)  will shadowban your posts.
Unless it’s literally just “tumblr.com” or, for some strange reason, AO3??? AO3 doesn’t get shadowbanned, which is strange.
Links seemed to be checked for all the time, so if you have a link and then remove it, your post probably will show up again if nothing else is tipping off the filter, while if you add a link to an existing post, it’ll vanish from the tag.
I think having too many tags might tip off the filter too sometimes? not sure
Now for photo posts being filtered... I often check just the text contents under my photo posts (and even tags) on their own to see if they get past filter. If they do, it’s usually safe text.
In that case, it’s the photos that get your otherwise okay post shadowbanned. Sometimes they just take forever to show up in the tag, but it’s better y’know if you can see them immediately and know if they actually made it past filters???
Single photo posts, if they get past filter, will always show up in the the tag immediately.
I thiiink that’s the case with 2-photo posts too, but I’m not sure since it isn’t really consistent with me, I think I usually have one picture that tips off the filter and thus the whole post goes kaput
The filters hate photosets with 3 or more photos. no question. They like, never show up in the tag immediately, if ever.
This might just be because of the higher chance for multiple photos to set off filter, but I really can’t remember having a success on pc
However, on mobile, you can make faux-photosets (text posts with embedded image sets) and these don’t tip off the tag shadowban. I think.
And posting just regular photosets on the mobile app also is similar, i think: doesn’t tip off the filter, but i’ve only tested this once.
The filter isn’t consistent, as mentioned. Sometimes a filtered picture will pass upon reposting the same thing, or vice versa.
I think the filter only works when you first post a picture. Note I didn’t test this with drafted posts, though.
Editing a post to add another picture, I thiiink, will never tip off the filter again.
But also editing a post to remove a picture after it’s tipped off the filter won’t save it. it’ll stay shadowbanned.
That said, here’s the workaround for browser:
Post a picture and check to see if it’s been filtered. If it got through, go ahead and edit in the actual photos lmao and it should all show up???
As in literally I posted a picture of one dragon that went through safe and was able to add in another nine when in the past, some of those dragons always tipped off the filter and just having 10 photos means the tag will hate you
Again, another way is just to use tumblr mobile’s lol (unfortunate if that means a lot of photo transferrin)
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sadrien · 8 years
wanna chat? pt. 14
on ao3 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14
i got my harry potter nerd on for this chapter, mostly because i wanted to write and didn't know what to write about
also, i'm glad you all liked the previous chapter <3
dipshit = adrien fergie = alya no = nino dancing queen = mari
fergie: its 2 quiet in here time for the #discourse
no: no
fergie: shit im blanking i need a topiC @the babs: someone pls
no: i refuse to support this
dipshit: Anything?
fergie: yes
dipshit: Ok give me a second
no: fuck dude i just wanted a day of chill
fergie: babe with friends like us thats just not possible
dancing queen: What are we doing??
dipshit: Hogwarts house discourse Go
no: i cant believe i have to break up with you
fergie renamed this conversation to “hogwarts house discourse”.
dancing queen: Oh no
fergie: alright alright alright adrien = puff mari = puff nino = puff
dipshit: How do you figure
no: uhhh
dancing queen: Sorry al that seems wrong
dancing queen: oh it is it definitely is but ur all sweet enough for hufflepuff and loyal and we all eat too much food hmmm realistic one… adrien = puff mari = snake nino = raven mayb
dipshit: Make Mari Gryffindor and I’ll agree with you
fergie: whaaaaaat our girl is ambitious aF theres no way
dipshit: But she’s also a really strong leader and incredibly brave
dancing queen: If were arguing over anyone Id say adrien should be a gryffindor Oh wait maybe ravneclaw???? Hes super smart Shit this is really hard? He could be in three???
no: the fuck i was thinking slytherin actually
fergie: ???
dancing queen: ???????
no: listen my dudes the hat takes what you want into consideration right? it does it for harry anyway
fergie: what does this have to do with marshmallow being a snake which is just not accurate
no: im getting there
dipshit: Are we going by stereotypes or nah
dancing queen: Nah The stereotypes suck
no: im just saying theres no fucking way if we were wizards teh agrestes wouldnt be pure bloods and gabriel would be classic fucking slytherin
dancing queen: Ok Ill agree with that
fergie: mhmmmm
dipshit: I wouldn’t say that
no: bro even if you arent going off stereotypes your old man is probably the mos t ambitious perosn ive ever met like scary mari is almost as scary
dancing queen: Hey!!!!!!
fergie: so sorting hat
no has changed their name to sorting hat.
sorting hat: sup
fergie: are u saying adrien would ASK 2 b slytherin
sorting hat: well yeah yeah i am 
fergie: …………… i did not consider
sorting hat: i know you didnt
dancing queen: First of all since we cant decide and Im getting mixed answers from online quizzes
dancing queen has changed their name to lion snake.
lion snake: Second of all doesnt the hat also base it off of what you value the most??
dipshit: Lion snake? Like a chimera?
fergie: nerd
dipshit: Actually the chimera also has a goat ignore me
sorting hat: what the fuck
dipshit: Greek mythology
fergie: u kno what i dont wanna kno
dipshit: Anyway back to this
sorting hat: oh yeah anywa yeah the hat does but adrien wanting to please his dad might overrule that idk my dude jk didnt exactly lay ou t the rules of this super great
fergie: jk needs to c h i l l and ye each of the golden trio couldve ended up in at least one other house
dipshit: That would’ve been cool Also I don’t think I try to please my dad that much
fergie: oh sweetheart
sorting hat: dude
lion snake: Adrien you really really do
dipshit: Really?
fergie has changed their name to adriens legal guardian.
adriens legal guardian: someone needs to take care of you
dipshit: I promise I’m fine I’ve got Nathalie
sorting hat: does nathalie give you hugs
dipshit: No? Why is that relevant?
adriens legal guardian has changed their name to i love adrien.
i love adrien: turn on ur location agreste
dipshit: Please know that’s actually kind of creepy I’m at home you don’t have to worry about location
i love adrien: hella
sorting hat: alya chill out with the name chagnes also now im gonna be confuse d
i love adrien: i love him too but truuuuu
dipshit: ????
i love adrien: can i change it
sorting hat: last time for today??
i love adrien: ilysm
i love adrien has changed their name to cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub
dipshit: I have a fanclub? Wait that wasn’t the smartest thing to say
lion snake: Its a good thing youre cute
dipshit: I try to ignore them
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: have u ever been on the official insta of the fanclub bc its hilarious and beautiful
dipshit: …. Alya why
sorting hat: oh we totally googled you
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: mhm
lion snake: ^^^^
dipshit: That’s…..nice of you?
lion snake: Sorry if that makes you uncomfortable omg
dipshit: It’s just? Kinda weird?? I don’t mind and I probably should’ve expected it I just forget sometimes that that’s a thing people can/will do
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: adri if it makes u feel any better i google everyone ive googled everyone in this chat in our class their parents ymself random strangers if im able to
sorting hat: that is not surprising at all
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ur not special i mean u r ur v special to me and ilysm but not here everyone gets googled and twitter stalked also tell whoevers running ur official accounts to be less lame idc about salad u eat
dipshit: What????
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: ur social media is B O R I N G i kno u dont run it but i still expected more memes
dipshit: Honestly I don’t look at it
sorting hat: its like the person we thought you were when we first met you except more boring
lion snake: Ok no thats not true Because I thought he was an asshole
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh shit tru
dipshit: Ahhhh yeah sorry about that
lion snake: Its fine I promise!!! Weve talked about this Its like Super perfect adn model-y and professional andnot  at all a teenage loser who stayed up until 2 watching sailor moon and eating doritos
sorting hat: fucking relatable
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: weebs
sorting hat: yo youre the one who decided to date some
lion snake: Hey Ive never asked Adrien do you have unofficial personal social media???
dipshit: ……………………. Shhhhhh
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: WHAAAAAAAT LINKS LINK S LINKS LINSK
dipshit: I have a tumblr but that’s it
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: oh my go d this weekend  we get 2gether adn make adrien all the social media and we revamp his tumblr bc ur theme sucks
dipshit: ???? You’ve never even seen it???
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: i know it does marsh !!!!!!!! can u imagine if lb and cn had social media!!!!! id c r y
PM between dipshit and lion snake
dipshit: P l e a s e
lion snake: Oh my og d
dipshit: Please please please please please please please plEASE
lion snake: HOld on!!! Im discussing with tikki
dipshit: Plagg says he doesn’t care what we do
lion snake: Yeah we arent trusting him
lion snake: No Just because of that No
dipshit: Pleaaaaaseeeeeeeee My lady it’ll be great I swear
lion snake: U gh Well talk on it on patrol tonight k??
dipshit: YES!!!!
19:05 in hogwarts house discourse
sorting hat: i know weve moved on but man. fuck snape
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: do u think if i track down lb and cn and ask them for their hogwarts houses theyll tell me
sorting hat: worth a shot?
cochairman of adrien agreste fanclub: update: chat says ladybg is a gryffindor and lb says shes iether that or slytherin so like mari and they cant agree on cn
sorting hat: damn you adrien i cant stop thinking about this what is mari?? what is adrien??? what am i?? al youre either gryffindor or ravenclaw ive decided
lion snake: Youre the sorting hat shouldnt you know all???
sorting hat: bruh we need the actual sorting hat for this
lion snake: Fair enough
sorting hat: lets say adrien is a hatstall and move on
PM between dipshit and lion snake
dipshit: Rise and shine bugaboo Akuma at 3 o’clock Literally 3 o’clock the time not the like If you’re using 12, 3, 6, and 9 as directions It’s not You know what My tracker on my baton is turned on so use that to find me
dipshit: Mari Mari Alright plan b I’m gonna call  you and if you don’t pick up I’m going to show up on your balcony Which sounds creepy but also this akuma is now stacking cars and I don’t really know what to do? They aren’t even trying to do anything else right now Am I missing something??? I’m confused
lion snake has changed their name to ahHHH
ahHHH: IM SO SORRY Tikki woke me up my phone was muted She says Waitw e dont hav etime for this Ive gotta transform so Ill talk to you when I get there??
dipshit: It’s fine just watching an akuma build a tower out of cars Remind me to show you how to sync Skype up to your yoyo
ahHHH: Youre on skype on your baton??
dipshit: Yeah it makes things easier
ahHHH: Huh Al and nino didnt wake up?
dipshit: I think the akumas too far away for them to hear, but also it’s not exactly being distructive When we actually start fighting people might start waking up but for now it’s being pretty quiet even with the car stacking
ahHHH: Well thats good they need their sleep Wait if the akuma was quiet how did you know??
dipshit: People started posting to the Ladyblog forums and I had that open in another tab
ahHHH: ???/ Why were you up????
dipshit: Bad night I couldn’t sleep so I put on Howl’s Moving Castle
ahHHH: Feeling any better?
dipshit: I’m sure I’ll feel better when I see you :3
ahHHH: Oh myg do Itst oo early for this Ill see you in fa few just stop that cat face
dipshit: ;3
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