#this is aroace sans symbolism
marshberri · 8 months
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cobrastrikes421 · 3 months
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Bisexual fact:
Overall, 4% of U.S. adults say they identify as bisexual, according to an August 2023 survey by the Center. Younger adults are more likely than older Americans to describe themselves as bisexual. the term bisexual was used in Dutch for the first time in 1877, to refer to a hermaphrodite who had their sexual career as both a heterosexual woman and a heterosexual man. Later, the term bisexuality is used to represent both the double sexual-object choice and androgyny.
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Aromantic fact:
Aromantic people can also form non-romantic relationships of all types, as well as being able to enjoy sexual relationships. They may also choose to have children, and studies indicate that aromantic individuals are no less likely to have children than alloromantic individuals. One of the earliest uses of the modern term "aromantic" dates back to 2005. The early online community around aromanticism formed on the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN), an online community around asexuality, and social media platforms such as tumblr.
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Progress fact:
a reinterpretation of multiple iterations of the pride flag. The original 'rainbow flag' was created by Gilbert Baker in 1978 to celebrate members of the gay and lesbian political movement. It comprised eight coloured stripes stacked on top of each other to evoke a rainbow, a symbol of hope. Daniel Quasar (xe/xyr pronouns) is the creator of the Progress Pride flag, a combination of the original Pride flag by Gilbert Baker, the Trans Pride flag by Monica Helms in 1999, the More Color, More Pride flag introduced by Amber Hikes in 2017, and a black stripe from the Victory Over AIDS flag, inspired by Sergeant Leonard Matlovich, to represent those lost during the AIDS crisis. This flag design “forces the viewer to confront
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Aro/ace fact:
Aromantic asexual people are colloquially known as "aro-ace" or "aroace". Aromantic individuals are also able to experience platonic love and may have committed friendships, and some form intimate non-romantic partnerships called "queerplatonic relationships". the early 2000s as a way for individuals to explore and understand their experiences of limited or absent sexual and romantic attractions.
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Agender fact:
agender" was actually on the Internet! It was born in the year 2000, on an Internet forum called UseNet. In a chat room discussion entitled alt. messianic, a user posted the following: “God is amorphous, agender, so image can't be a physical or gender or sexual thing.” Agender is a term used by individuals who do not identify with any specific gender or who experience a lack of gender altogether. Agender people have a sense that their gender identity is completely neutral, or does not exist at all. They may use words like "genderless" and "gender free" to describe themselves.
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Trigender fact:
In Ancient Greece, Phrygia, and the Roman Republic and Empire, Cybele and Attis were worshiped by galli priests (documented from around 200 BCE to around 300 CE) who wore feminine clothes, referred to themselves as women, and often castrated themselves, and have therefore been seen as early transgender figures. The exact origin of the term "trigender" is unknown, but it has been mentioned as early as 1998. The prefix tri- means three, so "trigender" literally means "three gender".
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Gay fact:
2400 BCE, are speculated to have been gay based on a representation of them embracing nose-to-nose in their shared tomb, though critics say that they were likely brothers. In 1978 Harvey Milk became the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States, and the first openly gay or lesbian person to be elected to public office in California, when he won a seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. "The green (Community) and teal (Joy) in the flag represent Nature. I thought this was important because love between men is often seen as “unnatural” in the eyes of society and in religion. Furthermore, gay men have historically used green flowers and plants (Carnations, hyacinths, etc.) to symbolize our love, reinforcing our connection with Nature. The white stripe is adopted from the Trans Pride flag because trans, nb, and GNC men are often erased or talked over and need explicit representation.
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Pansexual fact:
the hybrid words pansexual and pansexualism were first attested in 1914 (spelled pan-sexualism), coined by opponents of Sigmund Freud to denote the idea "that the sex instinct plays the primary part in all human activity, mental and physical". created to differentiate between the bisexuality flag, which also has three horizontal bars. It was created on the internet sometime around 2010, and has gained popularity since then. The Pansexual symbol combines the male, female, and transgender symbols into one, new, P-shaped symbol representing pansexuality.
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Demigirl fact:
The earliest demigirl flag was created on April 15th, 2014 by Tumblr user kyriefortune. The second demigirl flag was created on August 24th, 2015 by pride-flags based on Willow's demiguy flag. Another flag was posted on the same day by pride-flags also based on Willow's demiguy flag. A gender identity term for someone who was assigned female at birth but does not fully identify with being a woman, socially or mentally. transgender pride-flag, retaining the central white & pink stripes representing enbies & women, but with 4 added horizontal stripes of different shades of grey to signify a disconnect and/or uncertainty associated with this gender-identity.
Hope you all had a great pride month. Can’t wait to do more of them.
What pride art should I do next year?
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sidecharactersdomatter · 11 months
“Disenchanted symbolizes that Disney’s still stuck in their old ways and are in desperate need of change such as Non white protagonists, LGBT+ and disability acceptance,”
Do you think Disenchanted would be better with Non-white protagonists, or with LGBT+/disability acceptance? If yes, then how?
Woah this is a really good question and thanks so much for asking it.
I definitely think that Disenchanted would’ve been better with having at least a one POC main character to ease Disney into the new era of the late 2010s- early 2020s. I’ve already created an Asian character and you’ll see them appear in Chapter 3. The whole plot of Tftoml is not going to have the story be blatant Caucasian Conservative propaganda.
I also think Disenchanted would’ve worked with having some good LGBT+ rep that’s represented in a respectful way. Hence I made Morgan AroAce since I’m one of the few people that did not care at all for her poorly developed and unnecessary romantic relationship with Tyson. If Disney wasn’t so painfully Anti LGBT+ (as it is right now) and kept up their theme of having a female protagonist sans a required love interest, Morgan would’ve had a really platonic relationship with Tyson. If Disenchanted kept their whole trope subversion strategy from the first film, Tyson could’ve subverted the ‘Prince Charming’ trope, by slowly revealing that his nice guy act is a facade and he’s been coming down with burn out from his Mother’s huge expectations and would like to be out of the spotlight. Morgan and him being friends would’ve made them grow closer from having to adhere to their mother’s expectations for them, they would’ve spent the movie hyping each other up, so that way in the final battle they could’ve stood up to their controlling mothers as a way to lift the curse. If Disenchanted had Sofie be older than infant and at least in an age range closer to Morgan’s she could’ve subverted the ‘Mean Stepsister’ trope.
This is why I got rid of unnecessary characters like Ruby, Rosaleen, Edgar, Tyson, Malvina entirely to adhere to my ‘less is more’ strategy with developing the main cast. I’ve also mentioned in the first paragraph that you will get an asian agender supporting protagonist.
I’ve even given the whole Philip family one trope to subvert each:
Morgan: Moody teenager, obviously that’s why I’ve changed her personality
Giselle: Evil stepmother, for her whole arc as the deuteragonist
Robert: Physically absent father trope, since most European fairytales don’t have fathers that take action and have the kid protagonist deal with their obstacles on their own.
Sofie: Mean stepsister trope, I’m trying hard to make her feel like an authentic 6 year old.
Here’s hoping that once Disney’s Wish movie comes out, it’ll manage to avoid the pitfalls Disenchanted ended up getting in.
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faislittlewhiteraven · 8 months
Fai's Fic Ramble: The GorseTale AU (bare basics)
Ever since roughly... 2017 I think, there been a single Undertale fanfic I've been tapping away at and though it's nowhere near done or even organised enough for me to think about posting chapter 1 on A03, I recently posted a spinoff fic related to it called Eight Coloured Picture about the deaths of all the fallen humans and how some monsters each time were effected by their passing, and well.
I wanna ramble about the main story that fic comes from for a bit!
Working Title: 'Gorse, Blackthorn and Buttercups' I also call it GorseTale in my head for short since Gaijin Goombah's rather fun video on why Undertale's Golden Flowers are most likely Gorse was a HUGE inspiration for the fic back when I started out (it's er changed quiet a bit since then but I'm keeping the flower vibes because Chara likes them and I did way too much research into both practical and symbolic uses for plants in the Underground for this fic not to use at least some of it at some point XD).
Core premise: Story is a Slice of Life/Drama AU set around Frisk being born in the Underground and taken in by Toriel right around the time of 'Undertale canon' (for Undertale Yellow fans, roughly a year or so after Clover's death), and through a series of domino effects stemming from that, various monsters of the Underground are confronted with the flaws of both themselves and their kingdom, and as a result start putting in effort to try fixing things so the little human child they've become so attached to can actually live their life to the fullest without fear of being murdered just for being born a non monster.
Aka: Toriel and Sans experience the joys and terror of co-parenting a child who only survives past the age of 3 because they have phenomenal cosmic power. Papyrus discovers the Royal Guard is NOT in fact something he wants to join (and accidentally becomes politically active in an effort to right by his new nibbling). Undyne takes some time to really rethink her career path and motives. Alphys somehow manages to turn former mistakes into miracles (oh and cures death maybe). Mettaton learns to take time off and share the spotlight, and finally King Asgore gets a surprising amount of hope in encouraging peaceful rebellion against his own accidental dictatorship.
Main cast: Rotates a bit since every major monster (and Flowey) matters in this and who's most in focus depends on the exact arc but Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Chara and Frisk are the ones who I have the most planned scenes for since well, they're where the 'domino effect' starts.
Ships: Fic is pretty gen for the most part but leaning Undyne/Alphys, Papyrus/Mettaton (who knew all Paps needed to become popular was to openly try convincing monster kind that killing all the humans is wrong in front of a very specific underground star XD), and some very very very slowburn Sans/Toriel (is teased throughout the story because Sans IS Frisk's other parent Sans just means 'Dad' in Frisk speak and I find various Monsters' "Wait Sans has a kid- Wait Sans is married?!" reactions hilarious (Paps giving 'context' to why he suddenly has a nibbling to Undyne especially) but actual, real Soriel doesn't happen until near the very end because Toriel is Not Ok, Sans leans AroAce/Demi and both agree that while the odd kiss, hug or 'real talk' is fine neither up for anything more than that right now. Also Toriel has yet to get a formal divorce and er, she can't even think of him for much of the fic without wanting to set him on fire so... Yeah). Also considering Mad Mewmew/Asgore (because funny but also oddly sweet), and Mettaton trying to get over a crush on Alphys at the start (due to Mettaton's Winter Alarmclock dialogue reframing all of Mettaton's actions in canon in a whole newlight for me), but for the most part romance really isn't a focus.
Things to set it apart from every other 'Frisk grows up in the Underground' fanfic:
A LOT of worldbuilding focus on stuff how monsters get food and materials.
Toriel teaching everyone how Monster society was before the War vs now (aka lots of cultural trauma themes here).
More emphasis on how little Monster society these days really knows about things they really should given their Kingdom's plans.
Sans 'timeline trauma' getting tossed out the window for joining Toriel in 'worried parent' stress (hard to be upset about LOADS when they're specifically stopping a toddler you love from getting murdered).
Papyrus accidentally making everything better just because for the sake of his nibblet he can't back down.
Undyne having a character growth arc triggered by Papyrus.
Mettaton having a character growth arc triggered by Papyrus (and a passing mention of Napstablook).
Alphys not being fired post Amalgamite reveal making her realize she has in fact actually kinda created the cure for death (by 'Falling Down') or at the very least is only maybe three steps away from that and actually works on that alongside a bunch of other stuff with other scientists because working alone sucked.
Lots of focus on the humans who fell before Frisk because their lives mattered! and also the Blue Soul was Kris because damn if I don't feel the need to really hammer in Toriel's trauma caused by Asgore here
NarraChara and Napstablook being ghost buddies =D they suck at it but Chara will take literally anyone who can hear them for company and Napstablook feels bad about that
Snowdin being secretly a hub of human sympathisers! (None of them knew they weren't the only ones).
Tems and the Riverperson mattering while still being true to their very weird selves!!!
Asgore learning that he DOES in fact have a lot of influence and that maybe, juuust maybe, that his screw ups were worse for his Kingdom than he already thought (don't worry Asgore fans, despite my having to write a lot of Asgore grr due to Toriel being a major character, saving him and showing how much he loves his people is a major goal of mine <3). He still f%cked up majorly though XD
Frisk dealing with, well, the stress of growing up in a place that says their death would make everyone (except their immediate loved ones) happy and constantly having to live in hiding/disguise...
Flowey being a murderous little shit but also not having reset power and both Frisk and Chara in his life again.
Undertale Yellow and Deltarune characters! Who probably won't be in focus a lot but they've helped me out a ton for fleshing the out my setting so I will 100% be giving them at least a little screen time to make up for that (like Amalgamate Kanako playing with Frisk, and Martlet and Noelle being VERY interesting in Papyrus's 'Lets not kill the humans' movement for reasons our main characters will eventually learn <3).
Oh and a huge amount of 'Unseen in game' areas I made for the Underground which include:
SnowDen: a 'town' of Dog and Rabbit made tunnels underneath the ENTIRE Snowdin region (connects to every dog sentry post, the 'Toby Fox secret area' and the 'very efficiently laid out' travel tunnels seen in canon Undertale). Generally requires those living there to get through given how winding and confusing the tunnels can get (all guideposts are puzzles made with scent markers...).
TooHot: basically a 'lethal lava land' housing district for fire monsters below general Hotland. Predates the Wat and is too hot for most non fire monsters to go anywhere near (the current name was given by Asgore though).
Cliffstop: a 'thin' vertical crevice monsters in New Home unearthed a while back that goes from from all the way to the very top of Mt Ebott down to the dark of the Abyss below (locals there call the top of the area Clifftop and the lowest safe for travel Cliffdrop). Gets a fair bit of sun and has flying room so it's popular with plant and flying monsters but the cliffs are very unstable so the bottom is covered in rope nets to prevent accidents. Most puzzles about the place are moving rope bridges, loading up vertical conveyer belts with the correct weights and 'light and mirror' puzzles.
Riverfolk Waterway and True Tem Village: settlements hidden deep within Waterfall's 'unreachable in canon' winding waterways. The former is a small inlet where 'Riverfolk' monsters like the Riverperson have a small collection of boathouses they dock at, and the later is exactly what is sounds like, with the 'Temmie Village' we see in canon being merely a Temmie trading outpost. Can accessed only by Riverperson boat or the Temmie's secret tunnels and is home to all sorts of cool things like the Temmie 'Colleg' and 'DEEP HISTORY mUSEEum'~ XD
WebbInn 'the Spider district': Mostly a giant communal spider web hanging Hotland's ceiling but also connected to a tunnel that goes up near Mt Ebbot's peak (the spiders have been digging upwards in hopes of getting a 'sunspot' they can use to advertise their 'sweet little town' to tourists). Has a... Very distinctive culture compared to the rest of the Underground and the 'puzzles' there tend towards being 'social' in nature (aka fey logic games where how you speak and act gets you directed every which way).
Starlite Strip: A little connecting area right underneath the path/cliff Monster Kid and Frisk see the castle while travelling through Waterfall in Undertale Canon. Not a big settlement on its own but something of a trading hub for monsters from New Home and the surrounding areas in Waterfall to buy and sell goods (also has a LOT of Royal Guard presence which is why absolutely no one in Undertale recommends it to the very human Frisk). Very sparkly but in a gentle 'crystals, glowing water and fire flies' kinda way.
And... Yeah. Wanna post a full script of what I've got planned so far but this post is already massive so will do that in a bit.
Will say though that the general ending plan for this fic arguably goes full fix fic with:
12-14 year old Frisk comes out as human publicly and goes through the entire Underground arguing their case (something the Underground has been publicly debating for the last 10 years or so thanks to a very motivated Papyrus and a wanting more ratings + genuinely interested Mettaton).
Undyne attempts to kill them but well, she's only going all out because she and Paps had a deal about this (he vowed that he'd defend any innocent human from her killing them so she could still go all out at her job) and Frisk knows that.
Mettaton gets to do THE biggest and most historically important interview in the Underground's history.
Asgore declares that the Underground will try out this whole 'everyone in the kingdom votes' thing on both the upcoming war and how they will treat humans living here because he wants to make sure he's doing what his people want (Mettaton asks what Asgore will vote but Asgore, finally realizing his own influence, refuses to say).
Asgore and Frisk spend a nice, if slightly nervously time together drinking tea and talking about the future while the votes are being counted. (Toriel and others may join them but mostly this is Asgore getting to know... the last of Toriel's adopted children she told him about the others when she asked for a divorce).
Monsters choose wisely because for all this fic is 'Monsters are flawed too!' they are good people and I want to make that clear <3
Cue Frisk publically trying to help break the barrier while being very alive...
Flowey pulling a 'God of Hyper Death' except well, he, Frisk and Chara maaay have discussed a bit of this beforehand (Flowey did want the souls and this would get him them), so er, the fight might be a touch more mixed with genuine anger and playfulness. Note: Still working out the exacts.
The human SOULs get brought back to life as monsters while Flowey gets a SOUL of his own and Chara gets enough magical matter to be visible to people other than Frisk (it required less waste of the accumulated magic, the soul of an additional human another girl falling into the Ruins was what got Frisk deciding to come out actually, the kids using a bunch of Alphys' furthered research on the interplay between Determination, matter and Dust, and breaking down the dead humans' bodies for enough 'compatible matter' to work with, and the destruction and repurposing of the Barrier but hey! Back to life! Or arguably Chara's case an upgrade to proper ghost-hood). Oh and the Amalgamates that want it are safely separated but not sure if that's a 'before no' thing or a 'here in this big finale' thing~ XD
And yeah. That's all of my 'extra happy ending just because I can' stuff the entire fic eventually builds towards. Will post all my planned scenes/'domino effect planning' some other time but for now I'm done.
If you liked any ideas in this feel free to use them please (I'm a slow ass writer and I write what I want to see more of in the world XD) and er, hope this was a fun ramble to read <3
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epiceneandroid · 1 year
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(note: before anyone starts any discourse, i only use the blue aroace flag as 1.) blue is generally a -rose color to me, 2.) although it was unintentional, the aroace flag commonly used DOES look a LITTLE too close to the apartheid south africa flag for comfort, like research your designs people, and 3.) mainly i use it because blue white and black is the sans colors, and sans is an aroace icon. so. yeah. i am not using it to be exclusionary towards mspec lesbians or gay people, i'm an mspec cenelian, though primarily being a nonbinary person who is mostly attracted to other nonbinary people with some exceptions is a discourse point for a lot of people for another day unfortunately.) as you can tell i have a lot of aspec headcanons, mainly from fighting games. i have a whopping FIVE fighting game aspec headcanons, four of them alone being from street fighter because Special Interest That Just Won't Quit. some of these though are new! quoisexual nagi is a headcanon i've had since i've had vague constel like feelings for nagi that MAY evolve into kin feelings, and quoiromantic tifa came from reading the novel about tifa and aerith about their respective pasts. so. yeah. look at all these aspecs.
image description under the cut:
[image description: 12 icon-sized aspec headcanon icons, each for various characters. the first character is of street fighter's blanka, a green skinned beastman with red hair. he is making a happy, confident expression. behind him is the ace flag, a four striped flag with a top black stripe, a first from the top gray stripe, a second from the top white stripe, and a bottom purple stripe. the next two images are of baiken from guilty gear. she is a pinkish skinned agender japanese person with pink hair, pink eyes, scars on her eyes, large breasts with a kimono that shows them, and a samurai sword. in both images, she is smiling. behind her in both images is the aromantic flag, a five striped flag with a green top stripe, a light green second stripe, a white middle stripe, a gray fourth stripe, and a black bottom stripe. in the next image is laura matsuda from street fighter. she is a light skinned, afro-brazilian travesti with black hair and red eyes. behind her is a tropical background. she is smiling widely. behind the icon is the sans undertale aroace flag, as i call it. it is a six striped flag with a black stripe on top, a second gray stripe, a third white stripe, a fourth light blue stripe, a fifth dark blue stripe, and a bottom navy blue stripe. the next image is of abel from street fighter. he is a white intersex trans man with blond hair and gray eyes. he is making a serious expression. behind him is the graysexual flag, a five striped flag with a top and bottom purple stripe, two gray stripes first and fourth from the top and bottom, and a middle white stripe. the next images are of seth from street fighter. they are a gray skinned, canonically nonbinary, gender ambiguous and gender unknown robot who canonically uses they/them pronouns. in the in the first image, they are muscular and bald and a light gray color on top, and are freckled with darker gray "tandem freckles" on the rest of their torso and bits of their arms and neck. they have glowing red eyes, a mark on their forehead, a tandem engine (an in universe power copying system shaped like a yin-yang symbol) in their belly, and is wearing white pants with three buttons on the front. they are smiling as if they have power. in the second image, seth is now in their "doll unit zero" form. they have dark black hair, yellow eyes, a silver body with yellow veins, and more "feminine" features. they are cackling madly. behind them in both images is the grayromantic flag, a five striped flag with a green stripe on top and on the bottom, a gray stripe first from the top and the bottom, and a white stripe in the middle. the next two images are of nagi rokuya from idolish7. he is a mixed japanese/northmarean genderfluid xenan with wavy blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. in the first image, he is smiling and holding an mp3 player and wearing headphones. he is wearing a white dress shirt. in the second image, he is wearing a yellow-white dress shirt with a golden tie and holding yellow tulips. behind him is the quoisexual flag, a four striped flag with a black first stripe, a white second stripe, a green third stripe, and a cyan fourth stripe. the last three images are of tifa lockhart, a bisexual quoiromantic trans woman. she is a woman of east asian descent with long brown and reddish brown eyes. in all the pictures, she is smiling. behind her is the quoiromantic flag, a four striped flag with a black first stripe, a green second stripe, a cyan third stripe, and a gray bottom stripe. end image description.]
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Heya, I'm crescentmoonsandroses. I call myself Rose, but I don't really care what name you use for me. I mostly post my art on here, and I also write fanfiction. As you may have gathered, I mainly post about Undertale and its AUs.
AO3 Quotev Wattpad Another blog I share with my bestie/partner, where you can read our combined insanity about the UTMV YouTube (don't expect many videos, it's just there to dump whatever videos I do happen to randomly decide to make)
Random facts about me:
Loves coffee
Sleep schedule is non-existent
Likes reading, writing, art, fantasy, folklore and mythology, the moon and stars, cats, skateboarding, archery, and a bunch of other stuff
Mildly obsessed with Undertale
Collects art supplies, books, dice, cool rocks, neopronouns, knick-knacks, diaries, and basically anything else my brain decides is good
Loves puns
Space is cool
Will willingly and enthusiastically drink ketchup
Is it really any surprise that my favourite Undertale character is Sans
Uses neopronouns and probably has too many of them (you can ask for the list if you want)
Plays guitar, violin, and sings
Just here to have fun
That fairy-wings-and-stars Delta Rune-esque symbol on the locket in my pfp? That's supposed to be for an Undertale AU I'm making. Except I haven't really gotten around to actually making much for it yet, so I've kind of just started using it as 'my' symbol. I'll get around to making something proper for Underfae/Faerietale/whatever name I'm going with for it (leaning towards Underfae at the moment) someday. Eventually. Hopefully.
Art info: (Literally nobody has asked me about any of this, but I figured I'd include it anyway)
The program I currently use is Krita
I might do requests, but no guarantees
Yeah, sure, why not, as long as you credit me: fanart, fanfics, using as backgrounds/headers/profile pictures, comic dubs (when I get around to actually completing any comics lol)
Ask first: translations
ABSOLUTELY NOT: reposting to anywhere (even with credit), removing my watermark, not giving me credit, NFTs, anything to do with AI (literally anything. No training AIs, no using it as a picture or creating my characters on sites like character.ai, no coming into any sort of contact with any AI. I do not condone using anything I have made for anything related to AI.)
Writing info: (Again, nobody asked lol)
I write both fanfic and original stuff, but most of the stuff I actually post is fanfic
My main fic at the moment is To Kill A Killer (abbreviated to TKAK), a story featuring Nightmare's gang that was described by my brother as "Sans replaces a Sans within a group consisting of Sans, Sans, Sans, Sans, and don't forget Sans, and there's a subplot that's a Sans X Sans with Sans as the third wheel." We got angst, shenanigans, secrets, cats, and a group of murderers who don't know how to handle their friend's death. Beta-read by my aforementioned bestie/partner Tilly. Go check it out if you like the Noot Gang.
I also have a not-very-original book of incorrect quotes, and a one-shots book that's open for requests, although I can't guarantee when said requests will be completed, since my schedule for updating it kind of went out the window. Sorry about that.
If you do something like fanart or a fic reading or something of one of my fics, I will love you forever.
All the 'ABSOLUTELY NOT's for my art also apply to my fics. Putting emphasis on don't repost my fics (even with credit), and DO NOT use my writing for ANYTHING to do with AI. Seriously. Just don't. If it's even remotely related to AI, the answer is no.
Uhhh... yeah! That's me! Hope you like my blog and stuff!
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xmelic · 26 days
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welcome to our silly weirdo blog! This account is mainly for artwork and reblogs whenever I have the time to do things on here. I will be inactive for the most part due to starting of high school so I deeply apologies for being delayed or not posting as much as I would have.
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| Basic Introductions 💫
★ ⋮ name ⸝⸝ Melix / Ink Sans ★ ⋮ pronouns ⸝⸝ He / They / It / Xyr / Splat ★ ⋮ gender ⸝⸝ Transgender [FTM] ★ ⋮ body age ⸝⸝ 16yrs old [MINOR] ★ ⋮ flags ⸝⸝ Omnisexual, Bisexual, Demiromantic, Aroace, etc. ★ ⋮ fun fact[s] ⸝⸝ I'm secretly under your bed, fear me!/j/silly
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| System Intro ⭐
name;ㅤ ﹒ Celestial-Phantasmal-System ﹕☆ alter count;ㅤ ﹒ 200+ alters in our headspace﹕☆ coll. pronouns;ㅤ ﹒ He / They + Neo Prns + Mirror Prns ﹕☆ our system tag;ㅤ ﹒ [CPS] + [👻] <- both can be used lol ﹕☆ main fronter;ㅤ ﹒ Melix / Ink [me] + main host﹕☆ sys role;ㅤ ﹒ OSDD-1B SYSTEM ﹕☆ fun fact[s];ㅤ ﹒ none are active here.. just myself </3 ﹕☆
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before you interact with us, we judge people by their actions and what they post. If you do not follow our simply boundaries and or what I have written below here, please get off this page now. you will be heavily block and or reported by us if you do not listen. we also use tonetags [exp. I really like your artwork!/pos] as we do not understand emotions in text if not used! be also aware that I will tend to make dark humor jokes and sexual jokes but, I will not go far beyond those AT ALL unless, you have that humor.
  ◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡   ( ・┈ ✦﹕  DNI . .┇ [❌]   「★」 ⸝⸝ proshippers, comshippers, NSFW [18+], Errorink shippers, Drink Shippers, problematic people, anti-lgbtq+, anti-furry, transphobia, homophobia, undertale haters, endo-systems [tulpas/supporters], faking disabilities/disorders, etc.    ◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡
 ( ・┈ ✦﹕  INTR . .┇ [✔️]   「★」 ⸝⸝ lgbtq+, SFW, furries/therians, systems, hyperfixtations, etc. [basically don't do anything stupid and you'll be okay 🙏]    ◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡◡
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[extra notes]
" I don't have anything to write down other than just put this here because I don't know what the hell I'm doing LMAO. "
credits to all usages of dividers, symbols, intro inspo, etc.
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[ updated intro; 8/29/24 ] -- @xmelic
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eight-counter · 11 months
Hey take some stuff.
[There's a green LED mask, a police badge stating "grammar police", an off-colour AroAce flag, an astronaut's helmet, a bible, two signs off of a Pokemart, a pink flower, a trans flag with "Eric" written on it in flaming comic sans font, a sticker sheet with various oddly coloured punctuation and symbols, a white image which you can tell is a photo despite it not looking like one at all, a laser disc with "Tom Cardy Songs #1" written on it, a blushing emoji plushie, a sheet of paper in a rainbow pattern, an apple pie, a print out of a genius annotation, a solid gold 8, and finally a copy of House of Danger.]
that’s… a lot.
what am I gonna do with this…
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skeletalroses · 3 years
I was going to submit this anonymously to one of the bigger aspec blogs but it got so long that I’d feel like a pain in the ass. I’m posting this because I’ve recently landed in a bit of a difficult situation in the vein of Just Aroace Things, and I’m not sure what to do or even how to feel. I’m hoping to get some advice from the community re: a topic that comes up from time to time---navigating roommate/housing situations as an aroace, particularly when your potential roommate’s romance fucks you over.
I met my best friend, A, our sophomore year of college when we got paired up via roommate lottery. We clicked right away and had a blast living together. Unfortunately it only lasted a year, since the best option for my major was to transfer to another campus while for her it was best to stay put. We’ve known each other for nine years now and live in different states, but we visit regularly and had always talked about living together again once we both moved away from our parents.
I’m aroace, sex- and romance-repulsed. A is super considerate and supportive of this. She even discovered recently that she’s demisexual (which she learned about while researching the symbolism of the asexual flag! On her own, completely unprompted! Because she thought it would help her understand me more! See? Super supportive!). She is, however, very, very alloromantic. Up until now this has just been one more facet of our overall odd-couple dynamic (I’m an Addams and she’s a Disney fairy), which has always been something we’ve laughed at and reveled in.
A couple months ago, however, A moved out of her parents’ place and in with her boyfriend of a few years. I’m still with my parents, which suits me fine for the time being, but I eventually want to move out. Like I said, A and I have long talked about living together. We never made any specific plans, but I’ve asked her before to verify that yes, this is a thing we’re both Actually down to do when the time’s right. But that was a good while ago, before she moved in with Boyfriend. We visited last weekend and I brought up the subject again, because I’ve been unsure about it since that whole development.
“Feel free to say no; I won’t be offended; I just want to know how my options stand at this point. We’ve talked in the past about rooming together again. With Boyfriend in the picture now, is that still on the table?”
A’s answer: “Boyfriend has a lot of anxiety, so probably not. Sorry. He doesn’t even like having his family stay over. You’re welcome to stay a few days but not for like weeks on end.”
This was a calm conversation had over cocktails in the mall. She asked to make sure my parents weren’t threatening to kick me out or anything; I assured her that they weren’t, and I wasn’t moving anytime soon, and it’s okay that my rooming with her is out.
Only I’m not that okay with it. I wasn’t confident she’d say yes, but I did kind of think it was likely, and moreover I’m realizing how much I was unconsciously banking on that plan. I’ve been sans income during the pandemic, and I have a fuckton of economic anxiety to begin with. A’s a STEM major in a big city who easily found a solidly-paying job right out of college. She gets promotions and raises and shit. I’m a humanities major in the middle of Bumfuck, Nowhere where all my impressive qualifications (which I do have) can’t get me anything with a living wage below management level, let alone something in my field. And I’m never going to have that built-in cohabitant in the form of a romantic or sexual partner that allos like A can take for granted. A was the person I could split costs with so as to maybe live semi-decently with someone compatible. Without her, my chances of having that have plummeted.
And it’s all because she got a romosexual partner. This guy who’s known her half as long as I have; who never worked her through the trials and eventual breakup of her previous long-term, engaged-to-be-engaged relationship; who has himself caused her massive amounts of grief, suffering, and sometimes outright danger through his inability to competently handle the drama in his personal life that should never have touched her, all while her mother would write letters to me asking me to come visit because, actual quote, A only smiles when I’m around. He was the reason she would be too depressed to function, and I had to long-distance therapize her through it even though she refused to take the basic step of leaving this grown-ass man at least until he got his shit together, because “he needs me.”
It’s like this dude calls the shots in A’s and my relationship now. I hadn’t seen her in seven months because every time we planned a weekend to hang out, it’d get canceled because Boyfriend wanted to go see his family or something (and he can’t do that without her, I fucking guess). Even this last visit got cut down to overnight when it was supposed to be the long weekend, because Boyfriend wanted to make other plans. And now my best option for future living arrangements is apparently down the shitter because of him. It’d have been one thing if A doesn’t want to live with me anymore because she and he need their allo space or whatever the fuck couples do (still amatonormative and lousy for me). But as far as I understand, it’s not even that. It’s not her. It’s Boyfriend. A and I can be planning something for the two of us for weeks, for months, for years, then it all goes away in a minute because ehh, it kinda cramps Boyfriend’s style. I’m, as A called me, her “best friend soulmate.” I Was Here First. I never fucking made her cry. But I can’t kiss her or fuck her, so I automatically take a backseat to the one who can. I don’t need to be her Number One, but I don’t appreciate being pushed aside at Boyfriend’s every whim.
A, I’m sure, doesn’t realize how it looks from my angle. I know she cares about me and doesn’t want me to feel devalued. She’s just an oblivious alloro. I’m not even sure Boyfriend’s intentionally hogging her. (To be clear, I don’t think he’s a bad person; I’ve only met him a handful of times but I reliably clock my friends’ truly shitty partners on less. I haven’t heard about any crises in the past year or so, so I guess he’s finally managing his baggage well enough that A’s life can go smoothly and not suck.) I’m not unsympathetic to anxiety either; I’m chronically mentally ill and I’ve had my share. And I get we’re little more than strangers at this point. But I hate that he can just singlehandedly veto me and A rooming together ever. It’s much more of a blow to my likely quality of life than he or A---or tbh even I did, before this point---realize.
I hate feeling like I’m being jealous and needy. Maybe A just genuinely likes him better and it’s not only an amatonormative thing. I know I’m not entitled to live with her; it’s not like we promised or anything. But the option getting shut down really made me realize how much I resent not having it, and how much I kind of resent Boyfriend in general.
Which brings me to the asking-for-advice part, to the maybe two people who’ve read this far. Aspecs on here have talked about how amatonormativity fucks over single people and especially aros in terms of housing and life in general. Has anyone dealt with a situation like mine? How do you manage the amatonormative behavior of people in your life snatching your prospects out from under you, or feeling like it has? Is my reaction even reasonable? If so, how should I bring it up to A? This would be the closest thing we’ve ever had to a conflict, and also I’m...not great at being vulnerable. I can’t even vagueblog about these topics because my social media presence is limited to Tumblr and hers to Facebook. Hell, maybe I should just forget it for now, since I’m not changing housing anytime soon anyway, and cross that bridge when I get to it. I wouldn’t ask her to leave him, since their relationship seems to be going a lot smoother than it had been. But goddamn, am I filled with aroace salt about this.
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